9584 Coal Plants Spreadsheet

March 23, 2018 | Author: Rochdi Bahiri | Category: Fossil Fuel Power Station, Power Station, Coal, Electric Power, Power (Physics)



Addendum to EDF Report: Disclaimer/Uses Important Notices Worksheet Overviews Power Plant Overview Public Financing Pending Pollution Control Finance Currencies Methodology/Sources Coal-Fired Plants Financed by International Public Investment Institutions Since 1994 Foreclosing the Future: Coal, Climate and International Public Finance This spreadsheet contains detailed information on the 88 power plants that form the basis of EDF's report on financing of coal-fired power plants in the developing world and economies in transition by international public financing institutions. This data is provided for informational purposes only. Please refer to the full report linked to above for all final calculations and information. Please direct any questions or comments about the information to report author Bruce Rich, senior counsel for international finance and development, at [email protected]. Please be aware that editing, reformatting or otherwise manipulating the data in this spreadsheet beyond the sorting and filtering functionality provided may alter calculations in the various spreadsheets. Content View coal-fired plant finance providers and recipients broken out by financing institution and country. View name, location, future annual CO2 emissions, megawatt hours, capacity and description of power plants. View project cost and financing information, including financing institution, for each power plant. In this worksheet each financial transaction is a separate entry, so the same power plant may have several entries if it has been financed by several financial institutions. View plant and prospective financing information for plants in our data base for which financing is pending but not formally approved This tab lists financing information for several plants in our data base that received financing only for pollution control measures. The emissions of these plants were not counted in the Power Plant Overview and Public Financing worksheets. View currency conversion tables used in spreadsheet calculations. Download a user guide for help using this spreadsheet Please refer to Appendix A in the full report linked to above for a discussion of methodology and sources. Public financial institution Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) World Bank Group (IBRD/IDA/IFC/MIGA) ** Asian Development Bank (ADB) US Export-Import Bank European Investment Bank (EIB) Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI) Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) China Development Bank Euler Hermes European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Servizi Assicurativi del Commercio Estero (SACE) Export-Import Bank of Korea (Kexim) Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) Export Credits Guarantee Department (ECGD) China Exim Bank Sinosure African Development Bank (AfDB) Compagnie Francaise d'Assurance pour le Commerce Exterieur (COFACE) Bank of China Korea Export Insurance Corporation (KEIC) Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) Garanti-instituttet for eksportkreditt (GIEK) CESCE Export Development Canada (EDC) Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) Geschäftsstelle für die Exportrisikogarantie (ERG) Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG) Inter-American Development Bank (IDB / IADB) Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) Origin Japan Multilateral Multilateral United States Multilateral Japan Germany China Germany Multilateral Italy Korea United States United Kingdom China China Multilateral France China Korea Multilateral Norway Spain Canada Multilateral Switzerland Netherlands Germany Multilateral United Kingdom Total financing (in mln US$) 8139 5315 3913 3479 2511 2089 1769 1681 1174 869 789 700 685 606 580 562 500 475 308 300 202 147 76 62 41 40 16 14 0 0 *It should be noted that “projects” means financing projects, referring specifically to each individual financial transaction made b financing recipients. Individual power plants or power plant operators sometimes receive multiple financing transactions from re the spreadsheet detailing the data for the report we identify 124 separate financing projects for 88 coal plants and coal plant ex Bank Group, for example, we list 29 financing projects which have gone to 22 separate coal plants. ** The World Bank Group includes financing from IFC ($ 2,467 mln, 17 projects), MIGA ($ 393 mln, 4 projects) and IBRD/IDA ($ Countries ranked in financing coal power plants, both in terms of capital provided and in terms of number of projects (i.e. adding up the data for the public financiers originating from the same country) Number of Total financing financing (in mln US$) projects Countries Multilateral 13,352 73 Japan 10,228 27 United States 4,164 23 China Germany Korea Italy United Kingdom France Norway Spain Canada Switzerland Netherlands 3,131 2,957 1,000 789 606 475 147 76 62 40 16 8 12 2 2 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 Countries ranked by the total amount of public capital received from abroad to finance coal-fired power plants Countries Indonesia Philippines China India Bulgaria Germany South Africa Vietnam Morocco Poland Chile Malaysia Thailand Turkey Mexico Slovenia Ukraine Slovakia Romania Kazakhstan Colombia Guatemala Czech Republic in mln US$ 10,264.06 6,041.17 4,712.84 4,325.68 1,892.68 1,586.33 1,128.62 1,039.13 849.70 813.08 740.00 736.96 681.00 659.93 611.00 479.76 113.00 87.69 86.40 70.00 62.40 32.00 30.40 Number of financing projects 21 29 21 17 9 6 6 4 5 9 2 1 6 3 1 1 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 2 to each individual financial transaction made by MDBs and ECAs to their receive multiple financing transactions from repeat or multiple sources. Thus, in g projects for 88 coal plants and coal plant expansions. In the case of the World parate coal plants. MIGA ($ 393 mln, 4 projects) and IBRD/IDA ($ 2,455 mln, 8 projects). ovided and in terms of number of projects financed d to finance coal-fired power plants . 700.000 25.000 27.800.000 17.300.500.100.700.000.000 20.600.000 .000 140 Dezhou (Hualu) China 17.000 43 44 Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega India Power Project Mundra Ultra Mega Power India Project Tuoketuo-1 China 0 0 25.000 17.000 Belchatow Waigaoqiao Poland China 15 Kusile (Formely Bravo) South Africa 0 32.100.000 18.300.000 0 25.000 49 97 Qinbei Barh China India 15.000 Annual CO2 emissions Future 2.861 107 121 Petacalco Sipat Mexico India 19.600.Power plants Future Rank 3 6 Power plant name Country Annual CO2 emissions Present 34.100.574.000 32 Ligang China 17.000 136 Manjung Malaysia 16.000 25.998 19.300.700.000 20.500.000 47 24.501 16 Medupi South Africa 0 32.500. 300.700.000 232 235 240 Bangko Tengah Qitaihe Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co Indonesia China China 0 6.000 12.000 6.444 15.919.000 14.044.900.916 16.600.300.900.000 163 Tanjung Jati B Indonesia 7.000 15.086.939.000 11.800.937 15.210 16.600.000 11.000 12.319 11.200.000 185 Paiton I Indonesia 8.000 170 182 Yangzhou-2 Kahalgaon China India 15.000.158 Simhadri India 7.591 255 295 307 Yangcheng Turow Jorf Lasfar China Poland Morocco 13.000 12.300.423.629 14.500.000 340 Arnot South Africa 11.400.000 14.000 13.700.300.000 316 332 Schwarze Pumpe Shiheng-2 Germany China 11.200.000 .000 12.500.000 11.327.692. 000 0 10.211.791 8.188.028 557 Map Ta Phut BLCP Thailand 7.137.776.624 538 550 Sual Afsin-Elbistan B Philippines Turkey 8.993.395.982 7.914 604 692 Masinloc Schkopau II Philippines Germany 3.809 3.663.265.600.836 8.180.831.841.928.786.094 8.548 488 RDK (Karlsruhe) Germany 3.765.655 8.588 492 Huaneng Dalian China 8.144 8.141 500 Paiton II Indonesia 8.786.103 493 Huangen Fuzhou China 8.494.094 8.913 8.216.790 7.763 8.500.435 .766.393 477 Afsin-Elbistan A Krishnapatnam Turkey India 10.427 7.273.988 8.770.414.841.937.937.260 7.103 494 Huaneng Nantong China 8.386.385 501 527 Yuzhou Šoštanj China Slovenia 4.933 8.605.030 713 Pagbilao Philippines 4.177 7.051.000 9. 739.676.209.859 3345822 3.262.841 4.254 6.636 1168 Huaneng Dandong China 4.149 5.413 4.850.728.020 801 Hai Phong Thermal Vietnam 0 6.515.477 1135 1136 Walsum Meizhou Wan Germany China 4.620.208 3.192.516.180 6.888 4.974 6.774.052 3.460 0 0 4.793.288.922.841 0 0 3.568.305 804 Patnow II Poland 6.955.500.548 .463 6.764 5.798 790 Pathadi India 0 6.648 1268 1471 1477 1499 Calaca Rembang Cam Pha Quezon Philippines Indonesia Vietnam Philippines 3.352.781 Maritza East 3 Bulgaria 3.794 6.575 4.469.667 4.496.355.910.365.667 823 828 843 863 989 991 1063 Long Phu-1 Mong Duong 2 Ib Valley Leiyang Mong Duong 1 Indramayu Starobeshev Vietnam Vietnam India China Vietnam Indonesia Ukraine 0 0 3.471.117.250.117 6568530 6. 246 1.331.681 958.387 1.803 3.149 1864 Baima China 2.825.215 871.500.294 2.620.188 3.922 1738 Green Energy China 725.1531 Kelvin South Africa 3.739 .646 1732 Kladno Czech Republic 1.165.337.209 1.480 2155 2553 2555 Tianjin Bhilai Works Mindanao Steag China India Philippines 1.480 2.351.334 872.602 1.796.561 1807 1850 Mao Khe-2 Karaganda Vietnam Kazakhstan 0 2.174 1.283 1565 1666 Vojany Pavlodar CCL Slovakia Kazakhstan 3.362.467.199.084.141 2.757 1.602 0 0 0 951.963 1.886.364.010 2.781.609.359 2572 2643 2649 2789 3017 3152 3154 Maritza East 1 Son Dong Mao Khe-1 Banjarsari Paroseni Tasajero Bengbu City Bulgaria Vietnam Vietnam Indonesia Romania Colombia China 1.606 861.265 2.361.377.352.280.285.352.928 1.866 860.200 1.553 2.176. 337 9.186 .341 202. Fuzhou.894 603.338.990 11.458 Total # of Entries 468.606 3653 Swiecie Pulp Mill Poland 654.894 0 0 104.421 224.414 13.275 603.748.213 88 Effective 791.936 659.462.573 14.3187 Central Termoelectrica Andino Chile 0 860.421 3788 5302 5474 5922 10649 11447 Plant in South Kalimantan An Hoa Nong Son Planta Arizona Tarahan Mumbai Jindal Indonesia Vietnam Vietnam Guatemala Indonesia India 573.847 3787 Purwakarta Indorama Indonesia 573. & Arnot): 217.470 88 826.217. Dailin.310 Annual CO2 Emmisions (Accounting for PETACALCO.362 152. 000 20.000 2.Annual Megawatt Hours (MWH) Present 32.000 0 4788 16.000 1.000 0 26.194 41.100 1.440 3.400.000 15.000 2.000 0 0 4000 4000 3.000 2.100.945 18.000 18.800.000 27.700 NA 0 0 27.600 NA 15.101 2748 NA 15.000 Capacity (MW) Present 4.800.000 28.300.431 0 4818 0 35.000 24.900.371.100.200.600.500.520 NA .722.600.000 22.000 15.000 2.600 Capacity (MW) Future 5736 NA 0 0 NA 3300 17.500.000 1.900.000 Annual Megawatt Hours (MWH) Future 42.100 NA 15.600. 100 NA .800.000 2.000 NA 1.700.700.000 12.000 12.031.200 NA NA 10.400.000 2.800.000 15.300.000 10.650.000 10.000 15.900.400 3.948.000 15.278 0 700 1.209.500.000 10.230 NA 0 5.601 13.000 2.811.342.800.600.379 NA NA 7.000 1.000.100 2.000 12.575 2400 NA NA 11.000 1.700.000 6.7.000 NA 5.000 10.100.000 14.177 12.000 10.200.900.200.000 10.404 10.000 10.000 1.320 2640 15.620.855 14.700.000 660 NA NA 1356 065 7.277.935.666.137 7.625 6.137 7.732 7.145 NA NA 7.129 7.576.400 NA 7.629 1.316 5.152.367.574.924.355 0 NA 1600 3.273 600 900 NA NA 3.525.015 6.979.692 1.666.313 7.459 6.692 1.400 NA 2.400 NA 7.480.806 7.916.094 6.993.200 1.355.568.106 7.939 1.658.399 700 600 NA NA 6.013.440 NA NA 6.805 7.9.585.608 0 9.560 3.433 1.545.525.301 1.293 700 NA .960.515.992 9.152.220 NA 3.989 9.400 NA 7.510. 213 840 NA 0 5.253 464 NA 0 5.011 700 NA 3.787 3.416 6.493.568.052.104.816 0 0 4.956 0 0 2.617.809.468 0 1920 5.620.565 3.401.906 600 0 0 440 NA 630 260 NA .927 4.088 750 720 NA NA 3.266 4.789.144.521.623.502.620.254 3.501.593.196.2.000 0 0 NA 1200 545 NA NA 2200 990 NA 3.761 0 NA 0 0 2.848.217 5.064.466 2.582 3.671 5474626 5.111.017 5.386.049.184 3.901 2617876 2.550 5.486.533 4.662.522.522.879 0 0 410 1.419 5. 520.740 2.2.290 919.518 960.591 2.344 600 0 0 0 300 150 NA NA 92 91 200 NA 450 NA .982 915.690.123 906.817.408 NA NA 0 1.109 979.929 1.744 600 NA 2.492.000 300 NA 1.876.047 592.091.194 1.747 440 550 NA NA 1.207 2.985 0 470 186 NA 2.774.950 593.749 0 0 0 662.000 2.028.370 729.636 21 343 626.000 980.138.151.828.296 666.132 170 580 210 250 NA NA 955.132.738.264 2.703 601.100 1.473.028.969 601.580 2.909 826.776 971. 950 0 150 439.280 121.088 25.937 88 782.849 443.748 323.139.478 15.457 NA NA 380.542 19.040 60 0 0 120 200 260 NA 14 12 NA NA NA 422.355 82 46919 28 .155 136.109 402.0 592.683 0 0 213.155 60 NA 380.390 22.327.511 88 68.683 402. Construction of Ph . respectively.300 MW of coal-generated power is being added at Barh near Patna in Bihar. China. Installed Capacity: 2 x 350MW. incorporating supercritical technology The Tuoketuo Power Plant Phase I. the electricity company owned by the South African government.320MW Barh II extension is expected to be completed in 2010.Brief description of power plant Type of plant and technology used Largest lignite-fired power plant in Poland and in Europe Two 900-1. total of 2. installation of flue-gas desulfurisation equipment (to offset anticipated SO2 emissions) at Shanghai's Shidongkou Power Plant.700MW generating capacity. Coal fired power station. 2 x 370MV and 2 x 630MW A supercritical coal-fired power generation facility Coal-fired power plant (5 units of 800 MW each) on a buildown-operate basis. such as the new Medupi and Kusile plants and the upgrading of the Arnot plant. such as the new Medupi and Kusile plants and the upgrading of the Arnot plant. This project utilizes supercritical technology. NTPC will implement supercritical steam technology at the Sipat plant. the electricity company owned by the South African government. About 60% of the new construction projects of Eskom consist of coal-fired plants. consisting of two 600 MW coal-fired generation units two 600-MW coal-fired thermal power units Around 3. Chhattisgarh state.980MW Barh I is planned to start operation in 2009. The two-unit 1. Jiangsu Province. The Sipat Super Thermal Power Plant in Bilaspur. The three-unit 1. India. and the Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Plant Stage II Project in Bhagalpur. Phase I and Phase II of the Dezhou Power Plant commenced commercial operation in 1991 and 1994. About 60% of the new construction projects of Eskom consist of coal-fired plants. Loan to Eskom.000 megawatt coal-fired supercritical thermal power units. and (c) the construction two 500 Kilovolt power lines to co Loan to Eskom. Has a seawater scrubbing process for flue gas desulphurization The Dezhou Power Plant is located in the city of Dezhou and had originally been wholly-owned and operated by Shandong Huaneng. Together these two projects 3 x 700-MW coal-fired power plant at Manjung in Malaysia. Located in Wuxi. Bihar state. the electricity company owned by the South African government. About 60% of the new construction projects of Eskom consist of coal-fired plants. Bihar state. southern India The 2x660 MW Thermal Power Station is located at Tanjung Jati. Chhattisgarh state. GDIH has a total installed capacity of 2100 MW. such as the new Medupi and Kusile plants and the upgrading of the Arnot plant.2 x 500 MW power plant in the suburbs of Vishakhapatnam. Together these two projects 1. Indonesia. two Toshiba tandem compound steam turbines . The thermal station consists of two B&W pulverized coal-fired boilers. NTPC will implement supercritical steam technology at the Sipat plant. . of which about 75% consists of coal-fired plants 6 x 350MW coal-fired plant Coal-fired power plant active since 1962 Expansion of the Jorf Lasfar power plant. in the state of Andhra Pradesh. two coal-fired boilers. the largest load center of South China Grid. the control system and a number of other pieces of equipment. Lignite-fired power plant to replace obsolete unit at Schwarze Pumpe (Bradenburg) 4x300 MW coal-fired power plant Loan to Eskom. Central Java. The project involved the installation of two 348MW steam turbine generator sets.each with a 795. and a 500 kV sub 4x600 MW coal-fired power plant The Sipat Super Thermal Power Plant in Bilaspur. and the Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Plant Stage II Project in Bhagalpur.230 MW coal fired power unit 4x600 MW coal-fired power plant in South Sumatra Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co (GDIH) is the largest electric power producer in the City of Guangzhou.000 MVA generator. north of Leipzig. Two units of Phase I use equipment produced by the Mitsubishi Consortium which commenced commercial operations in S The Nantong Power Plant is located in the city of Nantong. in eastern Turkey 2x700MW coal-fired plants Coal-fired thermal power plant Lignite-fired power plant (900 MWe) to replace obsolete units at Schkopau.400MW and consists of four 350MW coal-fired units. in Karlsruhe The Dalian Power Plant is located on the outskirts of Dalian. Scrubber equipment will be installed to remove sulfur dioxide from stack emissions Lignite-fired thermal power plant with a capacity of 4 360MW at Afsin-Elbistan in Kahramanmaras. in eastern Turkey 2x800MW coal-fired power plant (not to be confused with the Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega Power Project) Construction of new. in one of eastern Germany's two lignite mining centres Coal-fired thermal power plant .220 MW coal fired power unit Construction of 2 x 350 MW Yuzhou Thermal Power Plants. Use of BAT technology. It has an installed capacity of 1. respectively. clean-coal steam-cycle power plant designed for co-generation of heat and power using hard coal.400MW and consists of four 350MW coal-fired units which commenced commercial operations in September 1989 and March 1990. Two units of the Dalian Power Plant Phase I use equipment produced by the Mitsubi The Fuzhou Power Plant is located on southeast Fuzhou. It has an installed capacity of 1.400MW and consists of four 350MW coal-fired units. Construction of a new 600 MW unit to replace obsolete facilities near Velenje in north-east Slovenia. New coal-fired plant. The units of Phase I use e 1. It has an installed capacity of 1. on the coast of Bohai Bay.Lignite-fired thermal power plant at Afsin-Elbistan in Kahramanmaras. northern Vietnam Coal-fired thermal power plant with use of super critical boiler technology One of seven new coal-fuelled plants with a total capacity of 1200 MW by 2010. Coal-fired power plant . Coal-fired thermal power plant in Hai Phong City. 1994.920 MW. Coal-fired power plant 2 X 200 MW. a group of three lignite-fired power plants. The project will use a supercritical boiler technology and is going to be implemented through a turn-key EPC contract. India. Being developed in four phases. 2 X 300 MW anthracite-fired power plant Coal-fired thermal power plant 3x330 MW coal-fired power plant Supply and installation of a 210 MW fluidised bed boiler with ancillary equipment at Unit 4 of the Starobeshevo Power Station in eastern Ukraine Construction of a new block 10 with capacacity of 750 MW in the Federal State of North-Rhine Westphalia The Dandong Power Plant had originally been developed and constructed by HIPDC which transferred all its rights and interests therein to the Company effective 31st December. Korba district of the state of Chhatisgarh. New single 464 MW unit at the ZE Patnow Adamow Konin S.A. the plant will have a total capacity of 1. (PAK). The Dandong Power Plant is located on the outskirts of the city of Dandong Coal-fired thermal power plant 2x315MW coal-fired power plant in Central Java One of seven new coal-fuelled plants with a total capacity of 1200 MW by 2010.Existing power plant A 600 MW (2*300 MW units) coal based thermal power plant in Pathadi village. Anhui Province and to finance investments in other CHP projects in China. One of seven new coal-fuelled plants with a total capacity of 1200 MW by 2010. a privately owned limited liability Kazakh company operating two coalfired CHP plants (totalling 470 MW installed electric capacity and 1500 MW heating capacity) and the associated district heating network for Anthracite-fired power plant. and distribution network located in Pavlodar in North East Kazakhstan Coal-fired power plant in Kladno. near Prague in the Czech Republic. Construction of the new plant consists of installing two 125 coal-burning fluidized bed boilers and associated ste Financing of a company called China Green Energy that will invest in power plants in China. The borrower was TOO Karaganda Power (KPC). . One of seven new coal-fuelled plants with a total capacity of 1200 MW by 2010. About 75% of these plants will be coal-fired. 2x100 MW coal-fired power plant in South Sumatra Coal-fired thermal power plant 150-megawatt coal-fired thermal plant near Cucuta city. It is a demonstration plant for large capacity CFB boilers and a transfer of technology for the Chinese domestic use. Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant Coal-fired power plant Construction of a 210-MW coal-fired power plant in the PHIVIDEC Industrial Estate in Villanueva Replacement of the old plant and construction of a new 2 x 300 MW net lignite-fired power plant One of seven new coal-fuelled plants with a total capacity of 1200 MW by 2010. in Colombia Expansion of an existing CHP plant in Bengbu City. The project involves the expansion of the complex from 21 MW to 343 MW.a 600 MW coal-fired power station located near Johannesburg Coal-fired power station Power and heat generation with 550 MW total installed capacity. Coal-fired captive cogeneration power plant mainly for Indorama's internal use at its main production site in the district of Purwakarta.The new power station will use circulating fluidised bed technology that can burn biomass and other fuels. about 100 km east of Jakarta. Coal-fired power plant Coal-fired thermal power plant Coal-fired power plant . Poland's second largest pulp and paper producer. 60MW (2x30MW) mine-mouth coal-fired power plant in South Kalimantan One of seven new coal-fuelled plants with a total capacity of 1200 MW by 2010. One of seven new coal-fuelled plants with a total capacity of 1200 MW by 2010. combined heat and power plant supplying steam and electricity to Frantschach Swiecie SA. and will be the first coal unit to begin operations in Chile’s Sistema Interconectado del Norte Grande (SING) starting in 2010. Sipat & Kahalgaon India NTPC Limited Sipat & Kahalgaon India NTPC Limited Medupi South Africa Eskom .Power plants Power plant name Country Operator Sponsor(s) Arnot. Kusile (Formerly Bravo) & Medupi South Africa Eskom Belchatow Poland BOT ELEKTROWNIA BELCHATOW SA BOT Belchatow Poland BOT ELEKTROWNIA BELCHATOW SA BOT Waigaoqiao China Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company (SMEPC) Shenergy Company Ltd. LIGANG China CITIC PACIFIC LTD Mundra Ultra Mega Power India Project Coastal Gujarat Power Limited Tata Power Company Limited Mundra Ultra Mega Power India Project Coastal Gujarat Power Limited Tata Power Company Limited Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega Power India Project Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega Power India Project Tuoketuo-1 China Coastal Andhra Power Company (CAPL) Coastal Andhra Power Company (CAPL) Inner Mongolia Datang Tuoketuo Power Generation Co. Reliance Power Limited Reliance Power Limited DATANG INTL POWER GEN CO Qinbei China Electric Power of Henan Barh India NTPC Limited . Petacalco Mexico COMISION FEDERAL DE ELEC Petacalco Mexico COMISION FEDERAL DE ELEC MANJUNG Malaysia TENAGA JANAMANJUNG SDN BHD DEZHOU (HUALU) China HUANENG POWER INTERNATIONAL Simhadri India NTPC Limited Simhadri India NTPC Limited Simhadri India NTPC Limited Masinloc and Sual Philippines MASINLOC POWER PARTNERS CO LTD and TEAM ENERGY CORP National Power Corporation (NPC) . Masinloc and Sual Philippines MASINLOC POWER PARTNERS CO LTD and TEAM ENERGY CORP National Power Corporation (NPC) Masinloc and Sual Philippines MASINLOC POWER PARTNERS CO LTD and TEAM ENERGY CORP National Power Corporation (NPC) Tanjung Jati B Indonesia PT Central Java Power Sumitomo (CJP) Tanjung Jati B Indonesia PT Central Java Power Sumitomo (CJP) Tanjung Jati B Indonesia PT Central Java Power Sumitomo (CJP) Tanjung Jati B Indonesia PT Central Java Power Sumitomo (CJP) YANGZHOU-2 China CHINA RESOURCES POWER HOLDINGS . The Tokyo Electric Power Company. Inc. (14%) and PT BHP (5%) Paiton 1 Indonesia Paiton Energy Company Mitsui (share 36%). The Tokyo Electric Power Company. IPM Eagle LLP (45%. The Tokyo Electric Power Company.Paiton 1 Indonesia Paiton Energy Company Mitsui (share 36%). a partnership consisting of International Power plc and Mitsui). Nong Son and Son Dong. Mao Khe-2. IPM Eagle LLP (45%. IPM Eagle LLP (45%. (14%) and PT BHP (5%) An Hoa. Cam Pha. a partnership consisting of International Power plc and Mitsui). a partnership consisting of International Power plc and Mitsui). (14%) and PT BHP (5%) Paiton 1 Indonesia Paiton Energy Company Mitsui (share 36%). Inc. (14%) and PT BHP (5%) Paiton 1 Indonesia Paiton Energy Company Mitsui (share 36%). IPM Eagle LLP (45%. Inc. The Tokyo Electric Power Company. Mong Duong-2. a partnership consisting of International Power plc and Mitsui). Mao Khe-1. Inc. Vietnam Vietnam Coal Corporation (Vinacoal) . Bangko Tengah Indonesia Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (PTBA) China Huadian Corporation Qitaihe China Hunan Electric Power Co (HEPC) Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co China Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co YANGCHENG China AES CHINA YANGCHENG China AES CHINA Turow Poland BOT ELEKTROWNIA TUROW SA . 6%). Shandong Electric Power Group (36. Shandong International Trust and Investment 14.4%.Jorf Lasfar Morocco Jorf Lasfar Energy Company (JLEC) Jorf Lasfar Morocco Jorf Lasfar Energy Company (JLEC) Schwarze Pumpe Shiheng Germany China Vattenfall Europe AG Shangong Zhonghua Power C CLP (29. and EDF International (19.4%).6%) Afsin-Elbistan A Turkey Elektrik Uretim AS (EUAS) KRISHNAPATNAM India Andhra Pradesh Power Development Company (APGENCO) RDK (KARLSRUHE) Germany ENBW ENERGIE BADENWURTTEMBERG . HUANENG DALIAN China HUANENG POWER INTERNATIONAL HUANENG FUZHOU China HUANENG POWER INTERNATIONAL Huaneng Nantong China HUANENG POWER INTERNATIONAL Paiton 2 Indonesia Jawa Power Siemens (50%). and PT Bumipertiwi Tatapradipta (15%) . YTL (35%). and PT Bumipertiwi Tatapradipta (15%) Yuzhou-2 China CHINA RESOURCES POWER HOLDINGS Šoštanj Slovenia Slovenské elektrárne ENEL Sual Philippines Pangasinan Electric Corporation (PEC) Southern company Sual Philippines Pangasinan Electric Corporation (PEC) Southern company Sual Philippines Pangasinan Electric Corporation (PEC) Southern company . YTL (35%).Paiton II Indonesia Jawa Power Siemens (50%). Ltd CLP Holdings. a power utility in Hong Kong. a Thai resource and energy company AES Masinloc Philippines Masinloc Power Partners Co. a Thai resource and energy company Map Ta Phut BLCP Thailand BLCP Power Ltd Map Ta Phut BLCP Thailand BLCP Power Ltd Masinloc Philippines Masinloc Power Partners Co. Ltd AES . and Banpu Public Company. and Banpu Public Company. a Thai resource and energy company CLP Holdings. a power utility in Hong Kong.Sual Philippines Pangasinan Electric Corporation (PEC) Southern company Afsin-Elbistan B Turkey Elektrik Uretim AS (EUAS) Map Ta Phut BLCP Thailand BLCP Power Ltd CLP Holdings. a power utility in Hong Kong. and Banpu Public Company. Enel and Entergy. Since 2006. Enel and Entergy.Masinloc Philippines Masinloc Power Partners Co. Ltd AES Schkopau Germany Pagbilao Philippines Crimson Power 50/50 joint venture between Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and Marubeni Corporation 50/50 joint venture between Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and Marubeni Corporation Joint venture of NEK. Since 2006. only Enel (73%) en NEK (27%) Joint venture of NEK. Enel and Entergy. only Enel (73%) en NEK (27%) Joint venture of NEK. Since 2006. only Enel (73%) en NEK (27%) Joint venture of NEK. only Enel (73%) en NEK (27%) Pagbilao Philippines Crimson Power Maritza East 3 Bulgaria Maritza East III Power Company AD Maritza East 3 Bulgaria Maritza East III Power Company AD Maritza East 3 Bulgaria Maritza East III Power Company AD Maritza East 3 Bulgaria Maritza East III Power Company AD . Since 2006. Enel and Entergy. A.Pathadi India Lanco Amarkantak Lanco Group Patnow II Poland Patnow Adamov Konin S. (PAK) Hai Phong Thermal Vietnam HAI PHONG THERMAL POWER JSC Vietnam Electricity (EVN) Long Phu-1 Vietnam Ib Valley India AES Leiyang China Hunan Electric Power Co (HEPC) Mong Duong 1 Mong Duong 1 Vietnam Vietnam Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) Electricity of Vietnam (EVN) Indramayu Indonesia PLN Persero Indramayu Indonesia PLN Persero Starobeshev Ukraine Donbasenergo Walsum Germany Evonik Industries Joint venture of STEAG and EVN . Meizhou Wan China Fujian Pacific Electric Company InterGen and Lippo China Resources Limited Meizhou Wan China Fujian Pacific Electric Company InterGen and Lippo China Resources Limited Meizhou Wan China Fujian Pacific Electric Company InterGen and Lippo China Resources Limited Huaneng Dandong China HUANENG POWER INTERNATIONAL Calaca Philippines Emerald Energy Corporation GDF Suez Calaca Philippines Emerald Energy Corporation GDF Suez Calaca Philippines Emerald Energy Corporation GDF Suez Rembang Indonesia PLN Persero Quezon Philippines Quezon Power Limited Intergen (United States). (Philippines) . Inc. Ogden Energy (United States) and PMR Power. Aldwych International. its partner the Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) and J&J Infrastructure Holdings ENEL Pavlodar CCL Kazakhstan Pavlodar Energo Joint Stock Company Kladno Czech Republic El Paso Energy Green Energy China HANGZHOU JINJIANG China Green GROUP CO LTD Energy Limited TOO Karaganda Power (KPC) Karaganda Kazakhstan Karaganda Kazakhstan TOO Karaganda Power (KPC) . Old Mutual Investment Group. Kagiso Trust Investment.Kelvin South Africa Kelvin Holdings Vojany Slovakia Slovenské elektrárne A consortium of Macquarie. Baima China Sichuan Baima CFB Power Plant Co Tianjin Bhilai Works China India Greengen Bhilai Power Supply Co mpany Ltd China Huaneng Group Mindanao Steag Philippines State Power Development Corporation (SPDC) Mindanao Steag Philippines State Power Development Corporation (SPDC) Maritza East 1 Bulgaria AES-3C Maritza East 1 AES EOOD Maritza East 1 Bulgaria AES-3C Maritza East 1 AES EOOD . Maritza East 1 Bulgaria AES-3C Maritza East 1 AES EOOD Banjarsari Indonesia Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (PTBA) Paroseni Romania TASAJERO Colombia Dunriding Company N.V Bengbu City China Peak Pacific Alliant Energy Investment Corporation International Central Termoelectrica Andino Chile Central Termoeléctrica GDF Suez Andino Central Termoelectrica Andino Chile Central Termoeléctrica GDF Suez Andino Swiecie Pelp Mill Poland Purwakarta Indorama Indonesia Frantschach Swiecie SA and Polish Energy Partners SA PT Indorama Synthetic Tbk . Dailin. Fuzhou. & Arnot): .Plant in South Kalimantan Plant in South Kalimantan Planta Arizona Indonesia Indonesia Guatemala PT Makmur Sejahtera PT Adaro Energy Wisesa PT Makmur Sejahtera PT Adaro Energy Wisesa Termoelectrica Arizona Tarahan Indonesia PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) MUMBAI JINDAL India Jindal Tractebel Power Company Unspecified China Unspecified South Africa Total financing (in mln US$) Number of financing projects Effective Annual CO2 Emmisions (Accounting for PETACALCO. 500.442 34.945 33.00 9606.200.440 5736 34.000 0 35.194 4.371.800.267.300.000 7.000 0.600 NA NA 9.800.000 44.800.000 4.600.00 34.264.194 4.000 42.800.480 NA 0 32.431 2100.945 33.Annual CO2 emissions Present Annual CO2 emissions Future Annual Megawatt Hours (MWH) Present Annual Capacity Capacity Megawatt (MW) (MW) Future Hours (MWH) Present Future 11.00 4800.501 10.442 34.000 75.996.000 41.300.100.500.000 81.000 4.000 7.440 5736 20.861 32.000.422.000 3.371.00 .000 37.996.000 42.861 32.000 20.000.600.000 44.100. 000 25.700.000 1200.700.000 0.000 27.000 0.600.900.900.00 4.000 25.600.00 0.00 4.00 3.000 27.900.100.700.000 16.000 15.300 .700.100.00 3600.500.000 0 25.900.000 NA NA 0 25.00 NA 0 20700000 0 22000000 0.300.000 28.100.000 0 27.000 27.000 24.000 4.000 26.000 0 0 23.17.000 2.000 25.000 0.700.00 4.300.000 25.000 0 27.000 0 0 24.100. 620.900.748 7.939.939.939.000 2100.000 15.600.000 15.00 NA .100 NA 17000000 17300000 15500000 15800000 2.000 NA 11.00 2.000 1.726.600.700.000 1.210 16.000 1.152.400.000 17.620.000 19.00 2.900.748 16.100.000 NA 7.000 17.000 2.300.967 16.939.000 17.000 19.300.210 16.946.419 1800.000 15.300.000 NA 7.620.500.248 9.000 15.000 7.300.800.000 18.000 15.640 13.300.000 7.700.000 18.210 16.000 2100.800.700.520 NA 7. 967 16.600.726.419 1800.000 1.916 16.320 2.152.939.100.946.320 NA 7.500.948.000.086.00 NA 11.000 2.600.00 NA 7.726.855 14.916 16.640 15.000 15.100.855 14.640 7.948.600.948.000 5.640 13.900.11.000 1.500.939.855 14.000 5.086.948.419 1800.000 5.000 15.916 9.000 1.320 2.000 1.000 15.855 14.946.248 9.640 13.916 16.600.967 16.400 NA .320 NA 7.000 5. 919.00 0.000 7.375.00 1.00 0.900.937 15.000 1.601 13.400.000 1230.069 0 12.900.937 15.650.650.00 8.937 15.400.230 NA 8.000 7.900.601 13.650.000 1.000 7.400.8.615 0.00 0 15.919.400.230 NA 8.000 7.900.650.200 .000 1230.062.937 15.919.601 13.919.601 13. 000 11.811.100 NA 12.900.177 15.800.000 2.000 13.700.000 12.900.319 14.000 NA 13.200.000 NA .000 13.629 14.700.200.278 1.700.591 10.342.423.000 10.000 12.100 NA 13.404 12.000 0 12.200.300.300.000 2.300.000 2.000 11.800.327.000 12.000 0.00 2.300.000 700 NA 9.400 6.800.044.0 14.000 10. 763 8.137.515.000 12.000.000 10.356 11.000 NA 1200.900.800.000 9.000 12.000 10.588 3.700.395.00 NA NA 10.300.000 660 1.560 0 10.000 12.989 9.270.356 11.600.000 10.800.000 660 1.500.548 0 9.992 1.700.000 12.000 10.200.600.355 NA 0 9.000 11.400.100.608 9.993.400.11.000 10.000 11.935.600 3.145 NA NA .000 12.700.000. 137 7.806 7.770.094 8.525.510.576.937.400 NA 8.692 1.141 7.841.786.220 NA .692 1.385 7.928.144 8.605.791 8.137 7.301 1.400 NA 8.103 7.8.805 7.666.400 NA 8.937.786.355.939 1.658.525.094 8.666.103 7. 180.152.015 7.277.806 7.655 8.913 NA 8.355.8.790 8.960.200 NA .790 8.386.841.399 600 NA 8.220 NA 4.988 6.568.200 NA 8.065 700 NA 3.960.057.790 1.605.960.624 3.385 7.841.939 1.015 7.576.732 7.988 6.988 6.015 7.494.144 8.272 7.211.367.106 1.386.831.809 8.106 1. 914 6.993.993.663.629 1.200 NA 7.180.574.480.979.766.400 NA 7.988 6.914 6.933 8.790 8.106 1.836 8.993.625 6.177 7.177 7.574.629 1.216.625 6.585.015 7.400 NA 3.765.028 6.265.313 600 NA 3.433 1.216.260 2.386.313 600 NA .776.960.440 NA 7.216.459 6.400 NA 7.459 6.480.765.914 6.836 8.766.459 6.038.260 2.480.979.129 7.629 1.663.663.152.836 8.8. 030 6.049.974 6.00 NA 7.979.974 6.798 2.545.273.416 6.213 840 NA .766.416 6.273 900 NA 4.765.416 6.293 0 1.924.793.316 5.798 2.177 7.049.260 2.793.916.320 4.320 3.545.974 6.982 7.051.574.793.213 700 NA 3.414.435 3.188.974 6.568.049.568.213 700 NA 3.316 5.049.916.793.416 6.013.427 7.982 7.094 7.051.568.568.809.313 600.3.798 2.809.809.809.798 2.625 6.213 840 NA 3.414.435 3.293 0 1. 922.149 0 0 4.477 4.0 6.841 3.955.533 1.787 750 NA .471.522.667 0 5.413 0 4.522.739.262.879 NA NA 4.468 840 NA 6.117 0 5.460 6.149 5.111.469.180 4.620.463 6.064.413 0 4.266 0 990 0 5.209.761 0.676.728.386.927 0 0 2.144.020 5.000 NA 0 0 5.305 0 5.516.253 840 NA 0 6.266 0 990 4.671 0 1.764 5.662.501.522.200 3.522.00 600.794 6.521.620.927 4.774.888 4.593.848.254 2.515.789.515.516.117.419 5.816 5.200 0 5.550 4.620.200 2.565 3.500.196.217 5.00 0 6.017 410 NA 6. 496.011 700 NA 3.910.502.184 3.850.956 3.667 4.667 4.250.910.088 720 NA 4.910.636 3.352.052 3.617.493.466 600 NA 3.582 2.208 3.401.355.466 600 NA 0 3.850.906 440 NA .956 3.648 3.667 4.208 3.466 600 NA 3.841 3.493.859 0 2.636 3.636 3.493.568.088 720 NA 4.052.841 3.575 4.623.496.841 3.254 3.088 720 NA 4.850.901 0 630 3.4.617.052.617.104.486.192.956 3.548 2.288.208 3.254 3.496.365.355. 744 600 NA 3.473.781.138.3.886.561 626.377.199.364.265 2.132.591 2.141 2.738.928 3.151.929 1.054.264 440 NA 2.828.985 470 NA .364.985 470 NA 2.010 2.747 550 NA 1.609.803 3.553 2.636 21 343 725.817.520.646 2.408 NA NA 2.740 2.084.620.370 729.176.188 2.492.796.828.774.149 1.929 1.922 1.283 2.817.580 2.377.207 2.149 1.010 2. 825.209 1.028.123 1.174 1.361.500.331.359 906.351.290 600 NA 1.132 210 NA 1.749 960.690.246 1.337.352.359 906.200 1.000 300 NA 1.209 1.100 979.387 955.2.331.268.000 2.480 2.337.109 170 580 250 NA 1.290 600 NA .028.602 1.132 210 NA 1.362.268.091.776 971.361.749 960.480 2.602 1.000 980.387 955.602 1.352.100 979. 331.606 0 592.165.290 600 NA 0 1.421 380.602 1.518 601.606 0 592.847 439.894 603.849 443.296 0 200 951.337.703 150 450 861.950 0 150 654.215 592.739 593.681 0 826.683 402.936 659.969 300 NA 860.950 0 150 0 860.457 NA NA 573.155 60 NA .606 872.1.950 601.360 871.334 662.344 NA NA 0 860.749 960.047 666.866 958.387 955. 421 152.275 11.310 Total of WBG+ADB: 312.894 104.542 200 NA 9.040 260 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 791.109 19.524 .155 323.573.894 573.088 60 60 120 NA NA NA 13.579.458 15.990 22.390 402.421 603.478 25.337 14.414 603.573 380.683 213.748.155 402.683 380. signed on Wednesday.Total project costs Brief description of power plant Full amount of project costs (if known) Type of plant and technology used currency original currency (in mln) in million US$ Loan to Eskom. the electricity company owned by the South African government. Chhattisgarh state. NTPC will implement supercritical steam technology at the Sipat plant. and (c) the construction two 500 Kilovolt power lines to connect electricity users to the Shanghai power grid The Sipat Super Thermal Power Plant in Bilaspur.480 MW of electricity to the national grid between 2006 and 2009. The Sipat Super Thermal Power Plant in Bilaspur. NTPC will implement supercritical steam technology at the Sipat plant. Eskom will use the loan. and the Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Plant Stage II Project in Bhagalpur. to help fund the construction of the new Medupi coal-fired power station. Together these two projects will add 4. US$ 1. in Limpopo province. Together these two projects will add 4.480 MW of electricity to the national grid between 2006 and 2009.900 1.000 megawatt coal-fired supercritical thermal power units. to partly finance six boilers for the plant.600 80 largest lignite-fired power plant in Poland and in Europe EUR 1. Export credit financing loan agreement with Germany's KfWIPEX Bank. Bihar state. Chhattisgarh state. such as the new Medupi and Kusile plants and the upgrading of the Arnot plant.900 . and the Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Plant Stage II Project in Bhagalpur. installation of flue-gas desulfurisation equipment (to offset anticipated SO2 emissions) at Shanghai's Shidongkou Power Plant. largest lignite-fired power plant in Poland and in Europe EUR 1. Bihar state. About 60% of the new construction projects of Eskom consist of coal-fired plants.600 0 Two 900-1. Installed Capacity: 2 x 350MW.160 Around 3. consisting of two 600 MW coal-fired generation units US$ 1.140 4. incorporating supercritical technology US$ 4. incorporating supercritical technology US$ 4.980MW Barh I is planned to start operation in 2009. 2 x 370MV and 2 x 630MW Coal-fired power plant (5 units of 800 MW each) on a buildown-operate basis.700MW generating capacity.Coal fired power station.140 Coal-fired power plant (5 units of 800 MW each) on a buildown-operate basis. India. The three-unit 1.387 .300 MW of coal-generated power is being added at Barh near Patna in Bihar.100 two 600-MW coal-fired thermal power units US$ 1. The two-unit 1.140 4. China. Rs 190. total of 2.000 4. Jiangsu Province.320MW Barh II extension is expected to be completed in 2010.160 1.140 A supercritical coal-fired power generation facility A supercritical coal-fired power generation facility The Tuoketuo Power Plant Phase I. Located in Wuxi.100 1. This project utilizes supercritical technology. Phase I and Phase II of the Dezhou Power Plant commenced commercial operation in 1991 and 1994. respectively. in the state of Andhra Pradesh. southern India 2 x 500 MW power plant in the suburbs of Vishakhapatnam. the installed capacity of the Dezhou Power Plant was increased to 2.520MW. southern India Northern Luzon Transmission and Generation Project. southern India 2 x 500 MW power plant in the suburbs of Vishakhapatnam. 2 x 500 MW power plant in the suburbs of Vishakhapatnam.579 The Dezhou Power Plant is located in the city of Dezhou and had originally been wholly-owned and operated by Shandong Huaneng. This project was aimed at the installation of the transmission network necessary to feed output from the Masinloc and Sual Power Stations into the Luzon Grid. After all the units started operations. two 660MW coal-fired units were build. in the state of Andhra Pradesh.US$ 611 611 US$ 611 611 3 x 700-MW coal-fired power plant at Manjung in Malaysia. Has a seawater scrubbing process for flue gas desulphurization M$ 6. Construction of Phase III of the Dezhou Power Plant started in September 1999.000 1. in the state of Andhra Pradesh. US$ 896 896 . Using equipment from General Electric. Babcock Borsig Power and Siemens Aktiengesellschaft. and a 500 kV substation.Northern Luzon Transmission and Generation Project. The 2x660 MW Thermal Power Station is located at Tanjung US$ Jati. Indonesia. and a 500 kV substation. The thermal station consists of two B&W pulverized coal-fired boilers. Central Java. US$ 896 896 Northern Luzon Transmission and Generation Project.208 2.000 MVA generator.each with a 795. This project was aimed at the installation of the transmission network necessary to feed output from the Masinloc and Sual Power Stations into the Luzon Grid.each with a 795. US$ 896 896 The 2x660 MW Thermal Power Station is located at Tanjung Jati. Central Java.000 MVA generator. The thermal station consists of two B&W pulverized coal-fired boilers. two Toshiba tandem compound steam turbines . Central Java. two Toshiba tandem compound steam turbines .208 2. Indonesia. and a 500 kV substation.302 . two Toshiba tandem compound steam turbines . This project was aimed at the installation of the transmission network necessary to feed output from the Masinloc and Sual Power Stations into the Luzon Grid. Indonesia. two Toshiba tandem compound steam turbines . The 2x660 MW Thermal Power Station is located at Tanjung Jati.208 2.208 1.000 MVA generator.each with a 795. The thermal station consists of two B&W pulverized coal-fired boilers. and a 500 kV substation.000 MVA generator. The thermal station consists of two B&W pulverized coal-fired boilers. The 2x660 MW Thermal Power Station is located at Tanjung US$ Jati.302 1. 4x600 MW coal-fired power plant US$ 2. Indonesia.each with a 795. Central Java. Mao Khe-1. Mong Duong-2. According to the CARMA-database.230 MW coal fired power unit 1.230 MW coal fired power unit Seven new coal-fuelled plants with a total capacity of 1200 MW by 2010.230 MW coal fired power unit 1. Cam Pha. . Vinacoal is planning to build the following 7 plants in Vietnam: An Hoa. Nong Son and Son Dong.230 MW coal fired power unit 1.1. Mao Khe-2. 900 6 x 350MW coal-fired plant US$ 1.180 2. of which about 75% consists of coal-fired plants.900 1.180 US$ 487 Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co (GDIH) is the largest electric power producer in the City of Guangzhou. 6 x 350MW coal-fired plant US$ 1.900 1.900 Coal-fired power plant active since 1962 US$ 369 369 . the largest load center of South China Grid. GDIH has a total installed capacity of 2100 MW.4x600 MW coal-fired power plant in South Sumatra US$ 2. in eastern Turkey 2x800MW coal-fired power plant (not to be confused with the Rs Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega Power Project) 79.490 1. two coal-fired boilers.200 Lignite-fired thermal power plant at Afsin-Elbistan in Kahramanmaras.Expansion of the Jorf Lasfar power plant. clean-coal steam-cycle power plant designed for co-generation of heat and power using hard coal. Expansion of the Jorf Lasfar power plant. Lignite-fired power plant to replace obsolete unit at Schwarze Pumpe (Bradenburg) 4x300 MW coal-fired power plant US$ 2. the control system and a number of other pieces of equipment. The project involved the installation of two 348MW steam turbine generator sets.892 Construction of new. The project involved the installation of two 348MW steam turbine generator sets. the control system and a number of other pieces of equipment.200 2. in Karlsruhe . two coal-fired boilers. respectively. Two units of the Dalian Power Plant Phase I use equipment produced by the Mitsubishi Consortium and commenced commercial operations in September and December 1988. It has an installed capacity of 1.. Another two units of Phase II were supplied by an international consortium consisting of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft. respectively. It has an installed capacity of 1.K. Mitsui Babcock Energy Ltd. etc. U. Construction commenced in March 1996 and the coal-fired units commenced operations successively in December 1998. Two units of Phase I use equipment produced by the Mitsubishi Consortium which commenced commercial operations in September and December 1988.. respectively.220 MW coal fired power unit . It has an installed capacity of 1. Germany and Mitsui Babcock Energy Ltd.400MW and consists of four 350MW coal-fired units.The Dalian Power Plant is located on the outskirts of Dalian.400MW and consists of four 350MW coal-fired units. The equipment used in the Dalian Phase II expansion was supplied by an international consortium consisting of Westinghouse Electric Corporation. on the coast of Bohai Bay. U. 1. Another two 350MW units of Phase II were supplied by an international consortium consisting of General Electric and The Babcock & Wilcox Company and commenced operations in April and July 1999.400MW and consists of four 350MW coal-fired units which commenced commercial operations in September 1989 and March 1990. and commenced operations in September 1999.K. The units of Phase I use equipment produced by General Electric and The Babcock & Wilcox Company. respectively. The Fuzhou Power Plant is located on southeast Fuzhou.. The Nantong Power Plant is located in the city of Nantong. 360 1.360 New coal-fired plant.360 . Scrubber equipment will be installed to US$ remove sulfur dioxide from stack emissions 1. Scrubber equipment will be installed to US$ remove sulfur dioxide from stack emissions 1.1. Scrubber equipment will be installed to US$ remove sulfur dioxide from stack emissions 1. New coal-fired plant.360 1.220 MW coal fired power unit Construction of 2 x 350 MW Yuzhou Thermal Power Plants.360 1. Construction of a new 600 MW unit to replace obsolete facilities near Velenje in north-east Slovenia. Use of BAT technology.360 New coal-fired plant. 360 Lignite-fired thermal power plant with a capacity of 4 360MW at Afsin-Elbistan in Kahramanmaras.360 1.100 1.300 1.300 Coal-fired thermal power plant US$ 1. in eastern Turkey 2x700MW coal-fired plants US$ 1.New coal-fired plant.300 2x700MW coal-fired plants US$ 1.300 1. Scrubber equipment will be installed to US$ remove sulfur dioxide from stack emissions 1.100 1.100 .300 2x700MW coal-fired plants US$ 1.300 1.100 Coal-fired thermal power plant US$ 1. Coal-fired thermal power plant Lignite-fired power plant (900 MWe) to replace obsolete units at Schkopau. north of Leipzig. in one of eastern Germany's two lignite mining centres Coal-fired thermal power plant US$ 990 990 Coal-fired thermal power plant US$ 1.440 Existing power plant EUR 648 613 Existing power plant Existing power plant EUR 648 613 Existing power plant EUR 648 613 .440 1. 124 . northern Vietnam Coal-fired thermal power plant with use of super critical boiler technology Coal-fired power plant 2 X 200 MW. the plant will have a total capacity of 1.A. 630 785 Coal-fired thermal power plant in Hai Phong City. (PAK). Korba district of the state of Chhatisgarh. 578 578 New single 464 MW unit at the ZE Patnow Adamow Konin EUR S. The project will use a supercritical boiler technology and is going to be implemented through a turn-key EPC contract. 2 X 300 MW anthracite-fired power plant US$ 679 679 Coal-fired thermal power plant Coal-fired thermal power plant 3x330 MW coal-fired power plant 3x330 MW coal-fired power plant Supply and installation of a 210 MW fluidised bed boiler with US$ ancillary equipment at Unit 4 of the Starobeshevo Power Station in eastern Ukraine Construction of a new block 10 with capacacity of 750 MW in EUR the Federal State of North-Rhine Westphalia 163 163 820 1.A 600 MW (2*300 MW units) coal based thermal power plant US$ in Pathadi village.920 MW. India. Being developed in four phases. a group of three lignite-fired power plants. It has an installed capacity of 700MW and consists of two 350MW coal-fired units supplied by Westinghouse Electric Corporation and Mitsui Babcock Energy Ltd. 1994.. and commenced commercial operations in January 1999.US$ 755 US$ 755 US$ 755 The Dandong Power Plant had originally been developed and constructed by HIPDC which transferred all its rights and interests therein to the Company effective 31st December.. Coal-fired thermal power plant US$ 900 900 Coal-fired thermal power plant US$ 900 900 Coal-fired thermal power plant US$ 900 900 2x315MW coal-fired power plant in Central Java Coal-fired power plant US$ 800 800 .K. The Dandong Power Plant is located on the outskirts of the city of Dandong. U. and distribution network located in Pavlodar in North East Kazakhstan US$ 64 64 Coal-fired power plant in Kladno. About 75% of these plants will be coal-fired. The borrower was TOO Karaganda Power (KPC). near Prague in the Czech Republic.a 600 MW coal-fired power station located near Johannesburg Coal-fired power station Power and heat generation with 550 MW total installed capacity. Financing of a company called China Green Energy that will invest in power plants in China. and a 6backpressure turbine. The project involves the expansion of the complex from 21 MW to 343 MW. Construction of the new plant consists of installing two 125 coal-burning fluidized bed boilers and associated steam turbines. a privately US$ owned limited liability Kazakh company operating two coalfired CHP plants (totalling 470 MW installed electric capacity and 1500 MW heating capacity) and the associated district heating network for Karaganda The borrower was TOO Karaganda Power (KPC). a 68peaking gas turbine. a privately US$ owned limited liability Kazakh company operating two coalfired CHP plants (totalling 470 MW installed electric capacity and 1500 MW heating capacity) and the associated district heating network for Karaganda 62 62 62 62 . Anthracite-fired power plant.100 1. It is a demonstration plant for large capacity CFB boilers and a transfer of technology for the Chinese domestic use.370 Replacement of the old plant and construction of a new 2 x 300 MW net lignite-fired power plant EUR 1. Integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant Coal-fired power plant US$ 0 Construction of a 210-MW coal-fired power plant in the PHIVIDEC Industrial Estate in Villanueva US$ 305 Construction of a 210-MW coal-fired power plant in the PHIVIDEC Industrial Estate in Villanueva US$ 305 Replacement of the old plant and construction of a new 2 x 300 MW net lignite-fired power plant EUR 1.100 1.370 . The new power station will use circulating fluidised bed technology that can burn biomass and other fuels.000 1.000 1. Anhui Province and to finance investments in other CHP projects in China.000 combined heat and power plant supplying steam and electricity to Frantschach Swiecie SA. US$ 60 60 . Poland's second largest pulp and paper producer. in Colombia Expansion of an existing CHP plant in Bengbu City. and will be the first coal unit to begin operations in Chile’s Sistema Interconectado del Norte Grande (SING) starting in 2010. about 100 km east of Jakarta.100 1. US$ 1.Replacement of the old plant and construction of a new 2 x 300 MW net lignite-fired power plant EUR 1.000 The new power station will use circulating fluidised bed technology that can burn biomass and other fuels. Coal-fired captive cogeneration power plant mainly for Indorama's internal use at its main production site in the district of Purwakarta.370 2x100 MW coal-fired power plant in South Sumatra Coal-fired thermal power plant 150-megawatt coal-fired thermal plant near Cucuta city. and will be the first coal unit to begin operations in Chile’s Sistema Interconectado del Norte Grande (SING) starting in 2010. US$ 1. 60MW (2x30MW) mine-mouth coal-fired power plant in South Kalimantan 60MW (2x30MW) mine-mouth coal-fired power plant in South Kalimantan Coal-fired power plant US$ US$ 162 162 162 162 Coal-fired thermal power plant Coal-fired power plant . . To partly finance six boilers for the plant.the private banks Sipat Super Thermal Power Plant in Bilaspur. Bihar state Sep-08 Export credit financing loan agreement. Chhattisgarh state. Chhattisgarh state.the Sipat Super Thermal Power Plant in Bilaspur. and the Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Plant Stage II Project in Bhagalpur. Bihar state Jul-06 Loan to be syndicated to Capital expenditure for two projects . and the Kahalgaon Super Thermal Power Plant Stage II Project in Bhagalpur.Financing information Date Type Purpose If known Nov-08 Loan Nov-05 Loan construction of a new 833 MW lignite fired unit Nov-05 Guarantees construction of a new 833 MW lignite fired unit Jun-97 Loan Construction Jul-06 Loan Capital expenditure for two projects . maintenance private banks Loan Construction of Phase 1 of the Tuoketuo thermal power project Feb-96 Loan Construction Dec-07 Guarantees Guarantee for a syndicated loan with four private banks .1994 Guarantees Apr-08 Loan Construction of a new plant Apr-08 Guarantees Export credit for delivery of Korean equipment to the Mundra project and a guarantee for ADB Mar-09 Mar-09 May-97 Loan Construction. operation. maintenance Loan to be syndicated to Construction. operation. Sep-06 Loan Loan for Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) to procure from Mitsubishi as contractor for the expansion of the 2. Oct-06 Guarantees NEXI has underwritten Buyer’s Credit Insurance for the portion of the loan extended by the syndicate of Japanese banks Jun-99 Guarantees Underwriting of loan arranged by HSBC Dec-98 Guarantees Export credit for Phase III Feb-97 ODA loan Phase I of the project Mar-01 ODA loan Phase II of the project Dec-01 ODA loan Phase III of the project Mar-97 ODA loan ODA loan to Japanese firms .100MW capacity power plant at Petacalco with 648 MW. and to provide NPC with institutional support to assist with its restructuring and privatization program. Guarantees for a bond issue by NPC 2003 Loan Jul-03 Guarantees Jan-09 Loan Jan-09 Guarantees Mar-94 Loan Restructuring of existing debt facilities for coal-fired plants Tanjung Jati B1 and B2 (TJB1&2) and new senior and sub debt for two additional 660MW plants (TJB3&4) Restructuring of existing debt facilities for coal-fired plants Tanjung Jati B1 and B2 (TJB1&2) and new senior and sub debt for two additional 660MW plants (TJB3&4) Construction of the first two 600 MW units .Nov-95 Loan Nov-95 Guarantees Installation of the transmission network necessary to feed output from the Masinloc and Sual Power Stations into the Luzon Grid. to support NPC's leastcost generation program for Luzon by installing an additional 300 MW of generation capacity at Masinloc. OPIC provided an investment guarantee. . NEXI insured the financing by the commercial banks in Japan.1995 Loan 1995 Guarantees Ex-Im Bank provided guarantee covering political risk. 1995 Loan to be syndicated to private banks 2000 Loan Aug-04 Loan To modernise Vinacoal's coalmining and boost its output capacity. Jul-05 Loan Construction Apr-95 Loan Construction Oct-05 Loan To support the company’s on-going capital expenditure program Jun-97 Loan Jun-97 Guarantees 1995 Guarantees To finance the sale of circulating fluidized bed boilers by Pyropower Ahlstrom to Elektrownia Turow . power output and to improve plant efficiency Aug-08 Loan Construction Jan-08 Loan Construction of new. in Karlsruhe . availability. clean-coal steamcycle power plant designed for cogeneration of heat and power using hard coal.Sep-97 Guarantees Sep-97 Loan Jun-01 May-98 Loan Guarantees Construction Construction Sep-06 Loan Repair and upgrading of the power plant systems to restore reliability. 1995 Guarantees Export credit for Phase II 1996 Guarantees Export credit for Phase II 1996 Guarantees Export credit for Phase II 1996 Loan . 1996 Guarantees Nov-95 Loan Construction Sep-07 Loan Construction of new unit (nr. 6) Jul-95 Loan Construction Jul-95 Equity investment Construction Jul-95 Loan to be syndicated to Construction private banks . Jan-08 Loan Privatization of the Masinloc power plant Jan-08 Combination of loan and Privatization of the Masinloc power plant equity . Mar-04 Loan Construction Mar-04 Loan to be syndicated to Construction private banks Apr-04 Guarantees Insurance for the portion financed by commercial banks.Jul-95 Guarantees Construction Dec-99 Loan Buyer's credit to be used for the purchase of Japanese equipment and services. consisting of 2 coal-fired plants and 1 gasfired plant Aug-07 Loan Acquisition of Mirant's Philippine assets. construction of unit 2. and another public sector loan of $162 million and a partial credit guarantee of Y12 billion approved on 2 November 1995 to cover additional costs of unit 1.nov-95 Loan and partial credit guarantee ADB provided a public sector loan to NPC of $197 million approved on 13 October 1990 for the construction of unit 1. Construction Nov-97 Loan Aug-07 Guarantees Acquisition of Mirant's Philippine assets. and associated transmission facilities and activities. consisting of 2 coal-fired plants (90%) and 1 gas-fired plant (10%) 2000 Guarantees Rehabilitation and reducing SO2 emissions 2006 Guarantees Refinancing and modernization of the plant Jul-02 Loan Rehabilitation and reducing SO2 emissions Jul-02 Guarantees Rehabilitation and reducing SO2 emissions . Technical. financial. social. operation and maintenance Oct-05 Loan Construction of new unit Mar-07 Buyer's Credit May-09 Grant 1994 Guarantees Will finance another thermal power project with a capacity of 600MW (Hai Phong 2) in the lot adjacent to Hai Phong 1. economic. grant provided by Japan Special Fund Export credit to CBS Corp Jun-98 Loan Construction of two additional anthracitefired generating units and reinforcement of the transmission network Dec-05 Oct-07 Grant Loan Technical assistance Construction Jun-08 Loan Jun-08 Guarantees Dec-96 Loan New unit Dec-07 Loan Development. construction and operation .Jun-07 Equity investment Construction. and environmental study. May-98 Loan Construction May-98 Guarantees Construction May-98 Equity investment Construction 1995 Guarantees Jun-08 Loan Acquisition and rehabilitation of plant by Suez Tractabel Jun-08 Guarantees Acquisition and rehabilitation of plant by Suez Tractabel Jun-08 Loan to be syndicated to Acquisition and rehabilitation of plant by private banks Suez Tractabel Dec-08 Bond issue Bond issue by Persero to back the development of the Rembang power plant Nov-96 Guarantees Financing for the sale of U. goods and services to Quezon Power Limited .S. as well as instrumentation and environmental monitoring equipment) Upgrade of the CHP-3 coal fired combined heat and power plant. Capital expenditure and working capital programme for the repair and upgrading of the power generation and heat distribution facilities in Karaganda Oct-98 Loan to be syndicated to Capital expenditure and working capital private banks programme for the repair and upgrading of the power generation and heat distribution facilities in Karaganda .Aug-07 Equity investment Nov-96 Loan Rehabilitation (new boilers. a new cooling system. of which EBRD would finance the purchase and installation of the turbo generator #1 Guarantees for El Paso Energy's equity investments in Kladno Nov-07 Loan 1998 Guarantees Jun-04 Loan Oct-98 Loan To be used by China Green for the acquisition of and investments in the power generating assets in China. steam turbines and transformers. Aug-99 Guarantees Export credit to Foster Wheeler Corp Sep-98 Jan-98 Grant Guarantees Construction and operation Export credit provided to General Electric Dec-03 Guarantees Construction Dec-03 Loan Construction Jul-05 Loan Construction Jul-05 Loan to be syndicated to Construction private banks . and Toshiba Corp. expansion. Hitachi. 1999 Guarantees Covering the investment by Dunriding Company N. and modernization of a 150-megawatt coal-fired thermal plant near Cucuta city. operation and maintainance. ...Jul-05 Guarantees Construction Jul-05 Loan Construction Sep-02 Loan Buyer's credit to finance the export of boilers and turbines by Itochu Corp.V. of the Netherlands in the acquisition. to the Paroseni coal-fired power plant. which will use biomass and coal as a fuel Construction. in Colombia To help fund the company’s investments in combined heat and power (CHP) plants in China Aug-01 Loan Dec-08 Loan Construction Dec-08 Loan Construction Nov-02 Loan Oct-04 Loan The construction of a new fluidised bed boiler. Ltd. a turn-key supply of boiler and ancillary plant for 6 (alternatively: 4-5) coal-fired power station units with a capacity of 794 MW each .Jun-08 Jun-08 1997 Loan Construction and operation Loan to be syndicated to Construction and operation private banks Guarantees Jan-98 ODA loan 1996 Guarantees Export credit to Washington Group International 2003 Guarantees 2008 Guarantees Export credit to Alstom to export a steam generator for a coal-fired power station to China Export credit to Hitachi Power. Website EIB (www. Viewed in February 2009.org). ADB Non-Sovereign Loan to Help Bridge India's Power Deficit.00 ADB Non-Sovereign Loan to Help Bridge India's Power Deficit. Sustaining Economic Development in Shanghai. Project Finance Magazine. Viewed in January 2009.com).ebrd.pdf Website EBRD (www. Viewed in January 2009.eib. European Power Deal of the Year 2006. Viewed in January 2009. 25 June 1997. Project Finance Magazine. 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Website Agaportal (www. government agencies (OPIC and ExIm) since the 1992 Earth Summit. Black Sea Trade CESCE and Development Bank (BSTDB) Multilateral Spain China Development Bank China China Exim Bank China Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) United Kingdom Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ . . . . . 520.1.00 580.00 .00 0. . . 0.00 0.00 . . 92 .18. 60 .29. 00 131.00 .76. . 22.42 . . 41.00 1 1.60 4 580.680.34 2 76.00 1 0.00 2 . Compagnie Francaise d'Assurance pour le Commerce Exterieur (COFACE) France Amount in mln US$ Deutsche Investitions.Euler Hermes und Entwicklungsgesellsc haft (DEG) Germany Germany Amount in mln US$ European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Multilateral Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 98.39 . . 294.78 . . . . . . 00 .494. 00 .0. 106.04 . 13.59 78.00 .46 113. 53.00 30.00 22.00 18.00 100.00 119.56 283.95 127.03 249.08 36.79 294.27 474.81 4 13.59 1 1,174.14 5 869.39 9 80 .European Export Credits Investment Bank Guarantee (EIB) Department (ECGD) Multilateral United Kingdom Export Development Canada (EDC) Canada Export-Import Bank of Korea (Kexim) Korea Garantiinstituttet for eksportkreditt (GIEK) Norway Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 273.99 54. 00 .700. 39 .78 147.294. . . . 67 .160.49 311.00 735. . 479.76 . 00 .0. 99 .145. 62.27 544.18 . . 69 .87. . 28.38 . 00 1 147.2.27 1 700.39 1 .510.94 9 605.78 3 62. Geschäftsstelle für die Exportrisikogara ntie (ERG) Switzerland Inter-American Development Bank (IDB / IADB) Multilateral International Finance Corporation (IFC) Multilateral Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Japan Korea Export Insurance Corporation (KEIC) Korea Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ . 455.00 300.00 .00 380. 75 164.38 54.08 100.48 226.152.57 . 244.00 749.80 .09 931.20 620. 00 342.00 .513. 50 .37. 90 .39. . 30.50 200.00 17.00 . 00 275.200.00 309.00 .93 408. 00 1.990.440.00 . 00 63.8.43 . 150.00 150.00 . 15.00 . 60 101.60.00 . 00 150.86.00 42.00 .40 25.00 590. 80 17 8.25.65 21 300.00 96.90 1 0.466.138.94 39.00 1 .80 200.00 0 2. Kreditanstalt für Multilateral Wiederaufbau Investment (KfW) Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Germany Multilateral Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) Netherlands Nippon Export Nordic and Investment Investment Bank Insurance (NEXI) (NIB) Japan Multilateral Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 186.81 317.90 . . 458.25 . 17 560.66 .27.80 507. 360.00 15.00 . 400.00 . 413.45 540.00 163.00 177.10 16.45 30.40 40.40 70.00 . 40 .123.29 62. 769.19 4 16.48 6 201.81 2 .45 1 6 393. 00 .Overseas Private Servizi Investment Assicurativi del Corporation (OPIC) Commercio Estero (SACE) United States Italy Amount in mln US$ Sinosure US ExportImport Bank World Bank (IBRD/IDA) China United States Multilateral Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 400. 00 440.30 330.148.00 . 00 .76. 50 350.00 .109. 00 53.00 507.00 .200. 80 30.408.00 . 223.00 .00 350.00 176.00 200.80 210. 80 47.200.00 .10 231. 00 .390. 00 .164. 100.00 565.30 . 40 .00 562.70 300.218. 10 100.237.00 .00 444. . 00 81.20.10 . . 90 685.00 6 789.478.00 64.80 17 2.455.32.10 2 562.50 8 .40 1 3. 18 54.90 .80 400.00 225.00 559.00 317.Total Amount in mln US$ 500.00 75. 00 380.00 .00 330.00 200.00 250.30 905.00 1000.00 440.148. 00 164.25 736.48 226.08 100.75 458.96 76.38 54.152.57 . 17 931.00 .20 1181.09 507.625.40 749.46 350.30 128. 00 15.00 1067.00 342.00 .513.00 53. 00 165.2100.00 408.00 37.80 30.50 400.00 . 649.49 311.00 350.00 160.70 200.45 735.67 .00 413. 00 540.10 231.80 47.00 .200. 00 17.50 200.76 30.884.00 .00 200.00 479. 00 200.00 70.00 275.00 .93 448.00 163.00 309.364. 10 .290.00 565.99 990.00 100.30 124.95 177.40 145.00 1440. 21.00 148.00 562.00 544.70 300.00 0.50 959.20 218.40 113.73 63.43 1.59 140.18 . 00 544.00 9.45 237.190.00 90.00 150.00 129.00 .10 270.00 131. 00 30.00 22.00 18.45 87.00 .16.69 30.40 15. 00 171.00 5.95 .10 201.00 141.97 283.00 81.20. 40 62.40 25.00 .40 190.00 150.499.38 42.00 28.00 86.00 590. 79 294.27 37.00 96.00 200.83 .25.94 64.043.90 36.80 32. Complexul Energetic Turceni S.A TermoMaranhao Brazil MPX Energia S.A.C.A.A Paiton 3 Indonesia Paiton Energy Company Mitsui (share 36%).Power plants Power plant name Country Operator Sponsor(s) Karnataka Coal-Fired Power Plant India Vung Ang power plant Vietnam Turceni Energy Complex Romania S. Turceni Energy Complex Romania S. (14%) and PT BHP (5%) . The Tokyo Electric Power Company.C. Inc. a partnership consisting of International Power plc and Mitsui). IPM Eagle LLP (45%. Jhajjar India Jhajjar Power Limited CLP Group Jhajjar India Jhajjar Power Limited CLP Group TermoMaranhao Brazil MPX Energia S. Complexul Energetic Turceni S. ) Pecem Brazil MPX Pecem Geração de Energia S.) 50:50 joint venture of MPX Energia S.Pecem Brazil MPX Pecem Geração de Energia S.A.A.A 50:50 joint venture of MPX Energia S.A Bandel India West Bengal Power Development Corporation (WBPDCL) Arnot.A. and EDP (Energias do Brasil S.A. Kusile (Formerly Bravo) & Medupi South Africa Eskom Kalimantan Indonesia Total financing (in mln US$) Number of financing projects . and EDP (Energias do Brasil S. 916 0 5.00 0 7.Annual CO2 Annual CO2 Annual emissions emissions Megawatt Present Future Hours (MWH) Present Annual Capacity Capacity Megawatt (MW) (MW) Future Hours (MWH) Present Future 0 6.193 7.961.000 0 1200.074.916 0 5.906.786 2310.552.466.399.00 7.226 8.193 7.948.948.463 0 1.058 0 360 0 2.466.086.786 2310.320 0 2.263.552.896 6.557.896 6.399.690 NA 1015.800.335 0 6.086.00 7.074.00 0 14.226 8.463 0 1.058 0 360 0 5.320 0 7.263.000 0 12.743 0 7.068.694.490 0 815 .855 0 1.200.855 0 1.694. 00 660.995 2.360 0.626 0 720 0 3.683 402.979.0 3.164.380.044 0 4.811 530 573.164.979.783.319 2.894 603.922 1.436 0 3.421 380.626 0 720 2.632.155 0.00 NA 0 4.033.436 0 3.00 .714.914. 450 .Total project costs Brief description of power plant Full amount of project costs (if known) Type of plant and technology used currency original currency (in mln) in million US$ Coal Fired Power Plant Project in the State of Karnataka in India Coal Fired Power Plant Project in the Ha Tinh province in Vietnam Largest power plant in Romania with an installed capacity of 2310 MW (7x330 MW installed power).450 1. 815 MW coal fired power unit US$ 912 912 912 912 1. A desulphurization system will be installed to reduce sulfur and particle emissions by the project. India. operation and maintenance of a coal-fired thermal generation plant in the state of Maranhão. Main fuel is lignite. 2 x 660 MW domestic coal fired power plant using supercritical technology at Matenhail in Jhajjar. India. US$ construction. 2 x 660 MW domestic coal fired power plant using supercritical technology at Matenhail in Jhajjar. Main fuel is lignite. US$ construction. A desulphurization system will be installed to reduce sulfur and particle emissions by the project. Haryana. The project consists of the design. development. The project consists of the design. operation and maintenance of a coal-fired thermal generation plant in the state of Maranhão. development. Haryana. Largest power plant in Romania with an installed capacity of 2310 MW (7x330 MW installed power). US$ construction. development. Coal Fired Power Plant Project in the State of Karnataka in Indonesia . operation and maintenance of a 720-Megawatt (“MW”) coal-fired thermal generation plant in the state of Ceará. US$ construction.The project consists of the design. The project consists of the design. 1.500 1. Bandel Thermal Power Station was started with a capacity of US$ 82. such as the new Medupi and Kusile plants and the upgrading of the Arnot plant. development.5 MW in 1965. About 60% of the new construction projects of Eskom consist of coal-fired plants. the electricity company owned by the South African government. It has since been expanded and currently has a rated capacity of 530 MW. operation and maintenance of a 720-Megawatt (“MW”) coal-fired thermal generation plant in the state of Ceará.500 208 208 Loan to Eskom. 5 and 6. construction. operation and maintenance pending pending Loan to be syndicated to Design. development. 4. pending Loan Rehabilitation and modernisation of units 3 and 6 pending Loan pending Loan to be syndicated to private banks Loan Design. development.Financing information Date Type Purpose If known pending pending pending Project for which JBIC has already acquired Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Project for which JBIC has already acquired Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Loan The installation of Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGDs) for units 3. private banks operation and maintenance pending Loan Expansion of the Paiton complex with the Paiton 3 coal-fired power plant with highly efficient super-critical technology . construction. development. 210 MW) pending Loan pending Project for which JBIC has already acquired Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) . construction. operation and maintenance pending Loan to be syndicated to Design. construction. private banks operation and maintenance pending Loan Coal Fired Generation Rehabilitation Project (Improvement Of Energy Efficiency. Unit 5. Upgrade Capacity And Residual Life On Bandel Thermal Power Project [Btps]. development.pending Loan Design. Viewed in January 2009. 75. Press release Turceni Energy.go. InterAmerican Development Bank. Website ADB (www. Website Turceni Energy Complex (http://eturceni.org).adb. 6 August 2008. Paiton 3 moves forward. Washington. Website ADB (www.ebrd. Viewed in January 2009. Viewed in February 2009 Website JBIC (www.adb. Website Turceni Energy Complex (http://eturceni. 15 May 2008. Viewed in February 2009.go.com).ro).jp). Viewed in January 2009. 5 August 2008. Website EBRD (www. Mitsui.jp). Project Abstract. 4 August 2008. Project Abstract.ro). 15 May 2008.jbic.org).0 200. Viewed in February 2009. Washington.Public financial institutions involved Information sources used African Development Bank (AfDB) Multilateral Amount in mln US$ Asian Development Bank (ADB) Multilateral Bank of China China Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Website JBIC (www. Tokyo. Project Finance Magazine. Viewed in February 2009 Press release Turceni Energy. Execution of Power Purchase Agreement for Paiton 3 Coal-fired Power Plant Expansion Project.jbic. Structured And Corporate Finance (SCF). Structured And Corporate Finance (SCF). InterAmerican Development Bank.0 . 5 August 2008. Website IADB (www.iadb.org), Viewed in January 2009; MPX' coalfired Pecém nears market, Project Finance Magazine, 30 April 2008. Website IADB (www.iadb.org), Viewed in January 2009; MPX' coalfired Pecém nears market, Project Finance Magazine, 30 April 2008. Website WorldBank (www.worldbank.org), Viewed in January 2009; Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandel), Viewed in January 2009. Power, Project Finance Magazine, December 2008/January 2009; Eskom willing to re-engage miners on rationing in interests of growth, Mining Weekly, 23 January 2009 Website JBIC (www.jbic.go.jp), Viewed in February 2009 0 0 275 2 0 0 Black Sea Trade CESCE and Development Bank (BSTDB) Multilateral Spain China Development Bank China China Exim Bank China Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) United Kingdom Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Compagnie Francaise d'Assurance pour le Commerce Exterieur (COFACE) France Amount in mln US$ Deutsche Investitions- Euler Hermes und Entwicklungsgesellsc haft (DEG) Germany Germany Amount in mln US$ European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Multilateral Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ PM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 European Export Credits Investment Bank Guarantee (EIB) Department (ECGD) Multilateral United Kingdom Export Development Canada (EDC) Canada Export-Import Bank of Korea (Kexim) Korea Garantiinstituttet for eksportkreditt (GIEK) Norway Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0.Geschäftsstelle für die Exportrisikogara ntie (ERG) Switzerland Inter-American Development Bank (IDB / IADB) Multilateral International Finance Corporation (IFC) Multilateral Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Japan Korea Export Insurance Corporation (KEIC) Korea Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 145.0 . 0 0.0 0 0 728 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 .0 293.190. Kreditanstalt für Multilateral Wiederaufbau Investment (KfW) Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Germany Multilateral Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) Netherlands Nippon Export Nordic and Investment Investment Bank Insurance (NEXI) (NIB) Japan Multilateral Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . Overseas Private SACE Investment Corporation (OPIC) United States Amount in mln US$ Sinosure US ExportImport Bank World Bank (IBRD/IDA) Italy China United States Multilateral Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ . 000.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.180.0 5.180 2 . Total Amount in mln US$ 0 0 0 0 75 200 100 145 0 . 000 0 6.190 293 180 5.183 . State-owned holding company State-owned holding company State-owned holding company Energias de Portugal (EDP) Turceni Energy Complex Romania Maritza East 2 Bulgaria Maritza East 2 Bulgaria Maritza East 2 Bulgaria Three coal-fired power plants in Sines (Portugal) and Aboño and Soto (Spain) Total financing (in mln US$) Spain/Portugal .A.Power plants Power plant name Country Operator Sponsor(s) Turceni Energy Complex Romania S.A. Complexul Energetic Turceni S.C. Complexul Energetic Turceni S. S.C. 961.263.399.003.226 4.281 6.599 37.131.521 5.694.00 7.263.648.016.Annual CO2 Annual CO2 Annual emissions emissions Megawatt Present Future Hours (MWH) Present Annual Capacity Capacity Megawatt (MW) (MW) Future Hours (MWH) Present Future 7.281 6.064.224 4.905 39.193 7.521 5.016.224 4.896 6.961.399.786 2310.193 7.632 1.00 6.466.003.786 2310.281 6.694.064.749 19.632 1.450 6.466.450 6.896 6.678 .226 8.632 1.450 23.548.961.268.016.521 5. Existing power plant EUR 80 100 Existing power plant EUR 80 100 Existing power plant EUR Erection of flue gas cleaning equipment to retrofit of three coal-fired thermal power plants in Sines (Portugal) and Abono and Soto (Spain) .Total project costs Brief description of power plant Full amount of project costs (if known) Type of plant and technology used currency original currency (in mln) in million US$ Largest power plant in Romania with an installed capacity of 2310 MW (7x330 MW installed power). Largest power plant in Romania with an installed capacity of 2310 MW (7x330 MW installed power). Main fuel is lignite. Main fuel is lignite. Financing information Date Type Purpose If known Mar-05 Consulting services Pollution abatement project Mar-05 ODA loan Pollution abatement project Nov-04 Loan Nov-04 late 2002 2006 Flue gas de-sulphurisation plants on units 5 and 6 to achieve a 94% reduction in SO2 emissions Loan to be syndicated to Flue gas de-sulphurisation plants on units private banks 5 and 6 to achieve a 94% reduction in SO2 emissions Loan Flue gas de-sulphurisation plants on units 7 and 8 to achieve a 94% reduction in SO2 emissions Loan Construction of flue gas abatement systems as retrofit of three coal-fired power plants . Viewed in January 2009. Annual report 2008. Website EBRD (www. JBIC.Public financial institutions involved Information sources used African Development Bank (AfDB) Multilateral Amount in mln US$ Asian Development Bank (ADB) Multilateral Bank of China China Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Annual report 2007. JBIC. 0 0 0 . October 2007.ebrd. Website EBRD (www. Tokyo. October 2008.ebrd.com). Tokyo. Tokyo. May 2007. Viewed in January 2009. October 2007. Kirchberg.ebrd. Annual report 2006. Viewed in January 2009. Tokyo. JBIC.com). Website EBRD (www. JBIC.com). Annual report 2007. October 2008. Annual report 2008. EIB. Black Sea Trade CESCE and Development Bank (BSTDB) Multilateral Spain China Development Bank China China Exim Bank China Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC) United Kingdom Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 0 0 0 0 0 . Euler Hermes und Entwicklungsgesellsc haft (DEG) Germany Germany Amount in mln US$ European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Multilateral Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 27.8 0 0 0 81 .9 38.Compagnie Francaise d'Assurance pour le Commerce Exterieur (COFACE) France Amount in mln US$ Deutsche Investitions.4 14. European Export Credits Investment Bank Guarantee (EIB) Department (ECGD) Multilateral United Kingdom Export Development Canada (EDC) Canada Export-Import Bank of Korea (Kexim) Korea Garantiinstituttet for eksportkreditt (GIEK) Norway Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 238.7 239 0 0 0 0 . Geschäftsstelle für die Exportrisikogara ntie (ERG) Switzerland Inter-American Development Bank (IDB / IADB) Multilateral International Finance Corporation (IFC) Multilateral Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Japan Korea Export Insurance Corporation (KEIC) Korea Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 5.4 0 0 0 330 0 .9 324. Kreditanstalt für Multilateral Wiederaufbau Investment (KfW) Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Germany Multilateral Netherlands Development Finance Company (FMO) Netherlands Nippon Export Nordic and Investment Investment Bank Insurance (NEXI) (NIB) Japan Multilateral Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 0 0 0 0 0 . Overseas Private SACE Investment Corporation (OPIC) United States Amount in mln US$ Sinosure US ExportImport Bank World Bank (IBRD/IDA) Italy China United States Multilateral Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ Amount in mln US$ 0 0 0 0 0 . Total Amount in mln US$ 6 324 27 15 39 239 650 . Conversion table of foreign currencies average per year Currencies Year US$ EUR JPY 1994 1 1.12331 0.00768 1999 1 1.00970 .00925 2005 1 1.00850 2008 1 1.13172 0.00864 2004 1 1.06677 0.00910 2006 1 1.25266 0.89658 0.13208 0.00828 1998 1 1.01070 1996 1 1.94590 0.00920 1997 1 1.47134 0.00824 2002 1 0.24539 0.29409 0.92492 0.00980 1995 1 1.00860 2007 1 1.18578 0.00800 2003 1 1.37074 0.00883 2000 1 0.25622 0.00928 2001 1 0.24386 0.
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