9. Godrej & Boyce, Appliance Division, Mohali.pdf

May 14, 2018 | Author: jaydeepsinh | Category: Life Cycle Assessment, Greenhouse Gas, Production And Manufacturing, Industries, Waste



Best Practices in ProductStewardship, Extended Producer Responsibility & LCA Godrej Appliances - Mohali ABOUT THE COMPANY Godrej in Every Home and Work Place India’s largest privately business house. Started operations in 1897 Annual turnover more than Rs.18000 Crores. Family of about 19000 employees. Product Spectrum Ranges from - Locks to Launchers Enriching Quality of Life Everyday Everywhere 2 PROCESS FLOW - REFRIGERATOR PLANT DOOR FOAMING VACCUM FORMING START PRESS SHOP POWDER COATING INJECTION MOULDING REFRIGERATOR FINAL ASSEMBLY START CABINET FOAMING REFRIGERATOR COMPONENT ASSEMBLY SUB ASSEMBLY SEALED SYSTEM ASSEMBLY LEAK CHECKING EVACUATION MASS FLOW TESTING LIGHT SWITCH DETECTION BRAZING AND LOKRING JOINTS ONLINE FUNCTIONAL TESTING AESTHETICS CHECK HV/LV TESTING OQI CHECK PACKAGING DESPATCH LnD STORAGE 3 By 2020 1) 30 % renewable resource 2) Zero waste 3) Water positive 4) Carbon neutrality 5)20% reduction in SEC Goal . Strategy & Targets Corporate Vision Good & Green Vision Good & Green Products Goal .By 2020 Having 1/3 rd portfolio of Good & green products Creating Greener India Ensuring Employability Goal .By 2020 Training 1 million rural & urban youth in skilled employment Mission on Sustainable Growth (Commandments) 4 .Code. Definition of Good & Green Product 5 . Profit: 7-8% PBT Service Brand Affinity Megatrends .000 Cr. 11.10 x 10 strategy for Appliance Division Megatrends Product Brand 2022 Core Categories Profitability • Refrigerator • Washing Machine • Air Conditioner • Microwave Channel NBD – Must Do • Visi-cooler • Deep Freezer Lean & Green Operation s Next Billion Customers NBD – New business development NBD – Option Play • • • • Cold storage VRF’s LCA Water Purifier Revenue: Rs. Current Trend.“Need for launch 2 years and major variant every •Major Variant •Major Variant •Major Variant year”•Major Variant every year introduction every 2 every 2 years every 2-3 years years •High presence in •Limited presence •Dual product •Major Variant in all segments across segments strategy for 2-3 years .“Two Tier•Aesthetics product strategy – Differentiated products for masspresence & •Mass GAD pricing & mass/premium •Limited strategy Technology arepremium” segments in High end primary focus in •Pricing premium segments product launches of 8-10% on •Premium pricing premium range. Competitor Strategy Header Launch Frequency Product Strategy Product Positioning Header Header Header •Platform every 2 •Platform every 2 •Platform every 3•Platform every 4 years years of new platform every 4 years years GAD . “HEALTH” “TECHNOLOGY” “FAST COOLING” “GREEN + EFFICIENCY” Best in Class GAD to sustain the Green –Efficiency Plank as it is strongly differentiated ... 15 53.81 Locks 5 10 521 2.75 1483.G&B – Good & Green Product Metrics/Targets Divisions GOOD Product Revenue GREEN Product Revenue Total Revenue for the division G&GP share ( %) 14.36 Prima 0.8 SSD 1 14 930 1.4 6053 25.5 1014 2053 50 Interio 20 200 1790 12 Construction 0 192 543 35.6 40.4 216 24.2 Appliances GGP Total 8 . Instructions on packing cartons Transport Work Instructions / SOP’s. Instructions on packing cartons. Instructions on packing cartons At Customer end User Manuals. Instructions on packing cartons. One Watt project. .Programs for Stakeholders Creating awareness amongst stakeholders Stakeholders Product handling Logistic Distribution Branch Awareness provided through Contact Programs / Tool Box Meetings. Work Instructions / SOP’s. Tour De India Service Godrej Vocational training school. Disposal E waste disposal detail printed on carton and manual. E waste policy. Green Think Diary. User Manuals. 1 Godrej Eon Tour De India A green initiative from Godrej Appliances .Awareness Project . Spread awareness about the importance of conserving energy. Approach: Covering all the major cities of India.starting 18th April’2012 Seeking people’s contribution by taking a Pledge to save electricity Cover Corporate Parks in select cities to target participation of Key Corporate Objective: SAVE A BILLION WATTS.Awareness Project . in a duration of a Month.2 One Watt Project National Initiative to sensitize people about the grave situation of Power Deficiency. . Awareness Project .2 Taking it to the people Green Green Van Van 35 35 Cities Cities 10 10 lakhs lakhs ++ spectators spectators engaged engaged through through CCL CCL 300 300 ++ Schools Schools Reached Reached Tie Tieup upwith withKings KingsXI XI--IPL IPL2012 2012 Visibility of 5 Crore+ Visibility of 5 Crore+ In In store store promotions promotions . Green • Cross functional Supplier Improvement Team drives execution. Cross-functional working A systematic effort to develop supplier capabilities Roadmap • The roadmap for excellence Productivity Improvement • Sourcing head leads the project.Awareness Project . Quality • Manufacturing head acts as mentor. but TEI My Machine 5S 1m 8m 15m TEI to be at the core of the initiative. – Current quality performance (PPM level) Individual participation.3 SUPPLIER CLUSTER Context • Inspiration from CII’s hybrid cluster for OEMS • Godrej Appliances’ factories successfully deployed cluster learnings • Extending to suppliers – the next logical step considering the challenges faced due to external factors. • Choosing suppliers • Top management – Small scale suppliers reviews the progress on – Dependent on Godrej monthly basis. a collective experience 13 . Product Responsibility Management .Quality management system for reducing waste during dispatch. storage & usage . storage and transportation .Environment risk assessment for new and existing products Environmental Risk assessment of product RoHS compliance of products Refrigerators tested at ERTL labs ILC (Interlab comparison) test for refrigerators in India for energy consumption & performance test Environment Risk assessment of product during handling.Product Responsibility Management . Pune) to facilitate suppliers with special discounted rates for RoHS testing. With this efforts. we had hardly 20~25% items with RoHS compliance Current Status: We took 100% RoHS compliance target with deadline of March 2014 and achieved the same by making suppliers aware of RoHS requirements . had detailed discussions with each supplier for making step-by-step plan for implementation. tied up with testing lab (M/s SGS . Chakan.Reduction of toxic or hazardous substance in product RoHS compliance for products Initiative: To make all items used for manufacturing of appliances at Mohali Factory -100% RoHS compliant Status : Till year 2012. we are now 100% RoHS compliant Parameter (2012~13) (2013~14) (2014~15) RoHS compliant items 25% 84% 100% . Refrigerator Criteria Godrej (All Ref models) LG (GL-278 VE4) Samsung (RT-2534 SARJ-TL) Whirlpool (FF-2D25545) Refrigerant Isobutene R134a R134a R134a ODP 0 0 0 0 GWP 3 1600 1600 1600 *ODP – Ozone Depleting Potential *GWP – Global Warming Potential .Reduction of toxic or hazardous substance in product Initiative for CFC free product: Introduction of 100% CFC .HFC.HCFC free Refrigerators(2002) • Change over to HC refrigerant (zero ODP and GWP of 3) ahead of competition which went for R124a (ODP zero & GWP of 1600) • Helped to reduce the impact of refrigerants in terms of “Global Warming” & “Ozone Depletion” on environment. 0 % Consumption reduce by 33.Reduction of toxic or hazardous substance in process Consumption reduce by 31.3% .5 % Consumption reduce by 36.8 % Consumption reduce by 13. Reduction of toxic or hazardous substance in process – Innovative Project Paint sludge recycling project . Extended Producer Responsibility .Product take back and recycling programs E waste storage and Disposal at Branches Objective: To enable safe disposal of E waste material generated / collected at branches Stakeholders Ware house keeper Stores Manager Commercial manager Commercial – order booking person Prerequisites : Separate Location for storing E waste material in our ware house as collection Point Separate warehouse code in Baan for proper tracking Applicability: The process is applicable for Field return material under exchange program Claim components recd from Dealer/ ASP / Customer E waste generated at branches and ware house Customer delivered machine as E-waste . Extended Producer Responsibility .Product take back and recycling programs . Design For Environment Program Green initiatives in product BEFORE EPS support on 3 sides of refrigerators for DC Edge models EPS support on top and bottom sides of service compressor AFTER EPS support replaced with pulp trays on 3 sides of refrigerators for DC Edge models EPS support replaced with pulp trays on top and bottom sides of service compressor .Extended Producer Responsibility . Design For Environment Program .Extended Producer Responsibility . Engagement to voluntary codes and standards and also directives for reducing environmental impact Compliance to CII commandments on MSG initiatives Sustainability Reporting System (SoFi) 24 . Godrej was first to implement in India.Started manufacturing the most energy efficient split AC with R290 as refrigerant.Engagement to voluntary codes and standards and also directives for reducing environmental impact Voluntary Initiatives In order to comply to Montreal protocol of discontinuing ozone depleting substances other manufacturers changed refrigerant from R12 to R134a which has GWP of 1600. But GAD moved one step ahead by changing over to HC which has zero ODP & GWP of 3. In year 2001.change over of blowing agent from Freon 11 to CPIP ( Blend of Cyclopentane & Iso pentane ) . In year 2012. Voluntary compliance to BEE energy Labeling Program for DC refrigerators & Godrej was first implement 5 Star model . First to make 6 star performance in DC Edge Pro refrigerator The data for sustainability reporting for last 3 years has be summarized and the sustainability reporting will be done by corporate in 2015~16 . LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT LCA: A method/tool for the estimation of the environmental and human health impacts that are connected with a product/service /process /technology over the whole life cycle from cradle to grave. 26 . STEPS IN LCA 27 . To provide users with the best in class refrigerators and compressors with most eco-friendly technology and approach. 2 8 . Identify information and data gaps within the system boundary. Identify areas and opportunities for improvements.OBJECTIVE BEHIND CONDUCTING LCA To study the environmental impact of the various processes involved during complete life cycle of DC refrigerators and hermetic compressors. Mission on Sustainable Growth Commandments PRODUCT SELECTION & DECLARATION . Select high impact products (based on annual production quantity). the functional unit and the procedure.SPLIT AC -HERMETIC COMPRESSOR LCA INVENTORY COLLECTION INNOVATIVE GREEN INITIATIVES FROM R&D PRODUCT CERTIFICATION LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS OF 80 % OF WHOLE PRODUCT RANGE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REDUCTION >= 20 % (CARBON/MATERIAL/WASTE /TOXISITY) SUSTAINENCE EXTERNAL PARTNERSHIP CONTRIBUTING DATABASE AT COUNTRY LEVEL LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS OF FULL PRODUCT RANGE GREEN PRODUCTS ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCT DECLARATION APPROACH… • • • • Work with agency having expertise in this domain. For identified products to analyse the system.LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS ROADMAP Kick off Short Term Mid Term Long Term 2013-15 2015-17 2017-19 STRATEGY & ACTION PLAN SHORTLISTING OF EXTERNAL AGENCY (PE INTERNATIONAL) CORPORATE GOOD & GREEN VISION. 2 . Basic analysis to identify improvement opportunities.DC REFER . it’s boundaries. LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT ARCHITECTURE Data in Key area for LCA Data required BOM Details of material consumed Primary Respons ibility R&D Anil Sahu Inbound Logistics Manufacturing Ship to Consumer Usage Life Product Take back .Consumables for the processes.Mode & Distance of travel .Conversion processes. . . . .Transportation of finished good. .Mode & distance of travel.Energy consumption over entire life-cycle during the usage phase E-waste policy adherence Sourcing Manufacturing Logistics R&D QE & Service Rajiv Sharma Plant(s)Neeraj Mehra Rajkumar Plant(s)Pravin Sharma Anil Sahu Rajkumar Rohit K SUPPORT OF ALL CRITICAL FUNCTIONS IS ESSENTIAL FOR CONDUCTING LCA STUDY 30 .Transportation of material. Functional Unit: DC refrigerator with hermetic compressor. . System boundaries: Thorough study in both upstream (RM extraction to company) and downstream directions(Company to end user) throughout the product life cycle.5 MILLION COMPRESSORS PER YEAR TO CATER THE REQUIRMENTS OF PLANTS AT BOTH THE LOCATIONS AS WELL AS 31 FIELD REQUIREMENTS. GODREJ MOHALI LOCATON MANUFACTURES APPROX 1.FUNCTION. FUNCTIONAL UNIT & SYSTEM BOUNDARIES Function: Function taken in for conducting LCA is DC refrigerator with hermetic compressor that constitutes 100% of compressor production. WHAT COMPONENT OF COMP IN USE PHASE HAS THE MAXIMUM IMPACT .LIFE CYCLE INTERNAL STUDY (INTERNET SOURCES) WHAT COMPONENT OF REFER IN USE PHASE HAS THE MAXIMUM IMPACT .. INTERNAL STUDY REVEALS THAT MAXIMUM IMPACT OF REFR ON ENVIRONMENT IS IN 32 HYPERNLINK : INTERNAL STUDY USE PHASE (80-90%) THAT TOO DUE TO MOTOR. LCA MOTOR SHOWING MAX IMPACT IN USE PHASE .?? COMPRESSOR USES APPROX 90 % OF REFER POWER CONSUMPTION LCA OF COMPRESSOR LCA REFER SHOWING MAX IMPACT IN USE PHASE..?? MOTOR IS THE ONLY ELECTRICAL ENERGY CONSUMING COMPONENT IN COMPRESSOR LCA COMPRESSOR SHOWING MAX IMPACT IN USE PHASE. . UP APPROACH AND INITIATED LCA STUDY OF MOTOR FIRST AND COMPLETED IT WITH GODREJ LAWKM .OUR ACTON PLAN FOR CONDUCTING LCA LCA REFRIGERATOR LCA COMPRESSOR LCA MOTOR FOR THIS REASON WE ADOPTED BOTTOM .. 13 . THE SAME IS ATTACHED HEREWITH. RESULTS MAXIMUM CO2 EMISSION OF MOTOR IS IN USE PHASE 16 .LCA OF MOTOR BY GODREJ LAWKIM . •Energy consumption values . most of refrigerators may be used for 10 years or longer. •This section will take two refrigerants ISOBUTANE and ISOBUTANE + PROPANE to accomplish life cycle assessment. OLD STUDY 35 . Therefore the calculations are evaluated for two time-spans: 10 and 15 years.LCA STUDY FOR GODREJ DC REFRIGERATORS LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT: Goal: Qualitatively compare environmental impact from the current refrigerant (ISOBUTANE v/s ISOBUTANE + PROPANE ) Scope: Godrej 180L EDGE refrigerator Comparison of Life Cycle Assessment of CO2 Emissions (energy-induced CO2) and Green House Gas for Refrigerator Conditions of Life Cycle Assessment of Refrigerator: Refrigerator type. Service life – In India.obtained from Energy Testing Laboratories. refrigerant and energy consumption – •The most commonly used refrigerators in India are Direct Cool Refrigerators which roughly contribute to 75% of volume. GWP values of both ISOBUTANE and ISOBUTANE + PROPANE are 3 (source CEEE. So the net greenhouse effect caused by the refrigerant in the whole life is equal to 1. University of Maryland).LCA STUDY FOR GODREJ DC REFRIGERATORS Green House effect resulted from refrigerant emission – There is unavoidable leakage of refrigerant during charging in the manufacturing stage. GHGcoal is greenhouse emission due to coal combustion having value of 820 gCO2eq/kWh (source IPCC). The amount of leakage during this stage is roughly 10%. Calculation method for Life-cycle assessment: The evaluation of life-cycle assessment for refrigerant mainly affects two values: (i) The energy consumption by refrigerator and (ii) The emission of Green House Gas (GHG) by the refrigerant itself If GHG emitted due to energy consumption be GHGEnergy and GHG emitted directly by the refrigerant be GHGRefrigerant.1 times the refrigerant charge. 36 . then GHGEnergy (kg) = [Annual energy consumption (kWh/yr) x Service life (yr) x GHGcoal (gCO2eq/kWh) / 1000] GHGRefrigerant (kg) = GWP (kg/kg) x Refrigerant charge (kg) GHGTotal (kg) = GHGEnergy (kg) + GHGRefrigerant (kg) Annual Energy Consumption values are obtained from energy testing laboratories. 55% BASED ON ABOVE STUDIES WE INITIATED VARIOUS ACTIONS TO REDUCE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IN DC REFRIGERATOR (REFER CREDIT 4) 37 .10 Influence of refrigerant type When the refrigerant changes from ISOBUTANE + PROPANE to ISOBUTANE .083 273 2238.LCA STUDY FOR GODREJ DC REFRIGERATORS Capacity Refrigerant (Ltr) Service Life (yr) 180 10 180 GHG Annual Energy GHG Energy GHG Total Refrigerant Consumption (kg) (kWh/ year) (kg) (kg) GWP Charge (kg/kg) (kg) ISOBUTANE 3 0.10 180 15 ISOBUTANE 3 0.90 3357.025 0.60 2238.00 2542.102 310 2542.031 0. the GHG emission of refrigerator falls by 13.68 10 ISOBUTANE + PROPANE 3 0.083 273 3357.025 0.98 180 15 ISOBUTANE + PROPANE 3 0.102 310 3813.00 3813.031 0. LCA CREDIT 4 Environment impact reduction at each stage LIFE CYCE ASSESSMENT 38 . MAXIMUM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AS PER LCA IS IN USE PHASE, SO WE ARE STARTING WITH INITIATIVES TAKEN FOR IMPACT REDUCTION IN USE PHASE 39 2014~15 (WAY FORWARD) 2013 2012 2011 2009 2008 INITIATIVES TO IMPROVE MOTOR EFFICIENCY OVER ALL 15 % EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT IN MOTOR, NOW AIMING FOR 20% THROUGH BLDC DESIGN 40 MORE THAN 100% IMPROVEMENT IN EER OF COMPRESSORS IN LAST 15 YRS 41 OVERALL REDUCTION OF ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN REFRIGERATOR REDUCTION BY 13 % REDUCTION BY 28 % REDUCTION BY 12 % REDUCTION BY 4 % IMPROVEMENT IN EFFECIENCY OF MOTOR & COMPRESSOR DIRECTLY AFFECTS ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN A REFRIGERATOR 42 42 . 43 . GHG EMISSION REDUCTION IN TRANSPORTATION Source : TEAM GHG REDUCTION REDUCTION BY 30 % IN GHG EMISSIONS IN TRANSPORTATION 44 . 45 . Total Diesel saved is 450481 L CO2 saved annually (in tons) Corresponding Co2 emissions is reduced by 1203 Tons Source : PURCHASE MORE THAN 80 % REDUCTION IN CO2 EMMISONS IN TRANSPORTATION OF MATERIAL FOR ABOVE MENTIONED 11 SUPPLIERS.G IMPACT REDUCTION TROUGH FEW INITIATIVES TO SAVE CARBON FOOTPRINTS MENTIONED ABOVE Parameter Earlier New Savings TRANSPORTATION DISTANCE IN A YEAR (11 Suppliers) 2234956 Kms 433032 Kms 1801924 Kms Distance saved annually Assuming diesel consumption as 4 Km/ltr. 6mm 8 6 Oil cup thickness reduced from 1mm-0.8 9 SPE 45 CC motor replaced by SPE 45AA motor in I-10 Model 630 10 SPE 45 CC motor replaced by SPE 45AA motor in SPE-61R134a Model 630 11 Freezol (22 CST) 250 ml to Freezol (10 CST) 180ml 112 66 72 REDUCTION IN TOTAL WEIGHT BY ~ 1.INITIATIVES TO REDUCE RAW MATERIAL WEIGHT (LAST 3 YRS) S NO.8-2.8 to 2.8mm 1 7 Oil tube reduced from 50mm-48mm 2 8 Savsyn Oil qty reduced from 250 ml to 210 ml 38.6mm 4 Cover thickness reduced from 2.6 KILOGRAMS (15%) THROUGH THESE INITIATIVES Source : PMO INTIATVES 46 . slots provided in web.8 to 2. (Effective weight reduction through all 4 initiatives) 60 3 Shell thickness reduced from 2. slot provided under boss and crank case bottom web. Crank case edges rounded. WEIGHT REDUCTION (IN GRAMS) DETAILS OF ACTIONS TAKEN 1 Cover stopper design changed.5 2 Reduction in crankcase casting through 4 different initiatives. 1 stopper eliminated 4.6mm 5 Shell mounting bracket thickness reduced from 2. 47 . 5% in last 3 years (excluding Additional 0.41 SPC) Reduction is 23.6% in last 4 years.41 Source : TEAM ENERGY EFFICIENCY 21 % REDUCTION IN SPECIFIC POWER CONSUMPTION IN LAST 3 YEARS TILL 2014 48 . 0.SPECIFIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION (ELECTRICAL) KWH/PRODUCT Reduction is 20. SPECIFIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION (THERMAL) KWH/PRODUCT EQU.75% in last 4 years Source : TEAM ENERGY EFFICIENCY EQU.9% in last 3 years Reduction is 43. HSD (LTRS)/PRODUCT REDUCED BY 23 % IN LAST 3 YEARS TILL 2014 49 . HSD Lit/Product Reduction is 22. 61 % IN LAST 3 YEARS .SWC (Year 2013-14)]/SWC (Year 2006-07)]*100 % reduction in SWC = 51.06 % Source : TEAM WATER CONSERVATION WATER CONSUMPTION REDUCED BY 18.REDUCTION IN WATER CONSUMPTION Calculation of % reduction in SWC = [[SWC (2010-11) .61 % Calculation of % reduction in SWC = [[SWC (2006-07) . 50 .SWC (Year 2013-14)]/SWC (Year 2010-11)]*100 % reduction in SWC = 18. Optimized the chemical dosing by installing the new dosing pumps and ON Line pH indicators at different stages. 51 .02 % Source : TEAM WASTE MANAGEMENT HAZARDOUS WASTE REDUCED BY 25. Idle Sludge filter press of P/C dept to be installed at ETP for early completely drying the ETP sludge.02 % IN LAST 3 YEARS . Which leads to reduction in sludge generation. Reduction in generation of ETP sludge by reusing of process water from leak testing tank to cooling towers. New Sludge drying beds installed for drying the sludge completely and improving the treated water quality.SHW(Year 2013-14)]/SHW (Year 2011-12)] * 100 % reduction in SHW = 25. Calculation of % reduction in SHW = [[SHW(2011-12) .HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT Projects implemented in reduction of Hazardous waste in last three years. Change of paper carton packing into recyclable plastic cartons.10 % Source : TEAM WASTE MANAGEMENT NON HAZARDOUS WASTE REDUCED BY 51.NON. Reduction of polythene packing due to introduction of recyclable plastic cartons. Change of Plastic Bags packing into recyclable plastic cartons.SNHW(Year 2013-14)]/SNHW (Year 2011-12)] * 100 % reduction in SNHW = 51. Introduction of recyclable (assembled) box. 52 . wooden Calculation of % reduction in SNHW = [[SNHW(2011-12) .HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT Projects implemented in reduction of Non Hazardous waste in last three years.10 % IN LAST 3 YEARS . OVERALL GHG EMISSION REDUCTION Source : TEAM GHG REDUCTION OVERALL 22 % REDUCTION IN GHG EMISSIONS 53 . 54 . 5 2.96 13.8 11.3 9 22.TOTAL % RECYCLED RM CONTENT CONSIDERING ALL CATEGORIES Category Refrigerator Compressors Total Total Units Produced BOM Content Per ( Annualised) Unit (Kg) Recycled Content per Unit (Kg) Recycled Content % 6 Lacs 39.5 25.5 28.5 Lacs 8.5 Source :Material Conservation & Recycling RECYCLED CONTENT IN RAW MATERIALS – 25.5 Lacs 47.93 19.5% 55 . With this efforts. Pune) to facilitate suppliers with special discounted rates for RoHS testing. we are now 100% RoHS compliant Parameter (2012~13) (2013~14) (2014~15) RoHS compliant items 25% 84% 100% WE ARE 100% RoHS COMPLIANT 56 . tied up with testing lab (M/s SGS . Chakan. had detailed discussions with each supplier for making step-by-step plan for implementation.ROHS COMPLIANCE Initiative: To make all items used for manufacturing of appliances at Mohali Factory -100% RoHS compliant Status : Till year 2012. we had 20~25% items with RoHS compliance Current Status: We took 100% RoHS compliance target with deadline of March 2014 and achieved the same by making suppliers aware of RoHS requirements . STP ALSO INSTALLED. 57 .PROCESS EFFLUENT ( ETP ) KL / M³ YEAR Generated Recycled Discharged Specific KL / M³ M³ % M³ % Effluent disposal 2011-12 13779 13779 100 0 0 Gardening 2012-13 18452 18452 100 0 0 Gardening 2013-14 14130 14130 100 0 0 Gardening 2014-15 8694 8694 100 0 0 Gardening WE ARE AT ZERO DISCHARGE. 02 % 51 % 21% 22% • Material Conservation & Recycling • Water Conservation • Product stewardship • Electrical Energy •GHG 15~20 % 100 % • Product Stewardship • Lawkim 15 % 100 % 25. 25. • Reduction in GHG emissons Product Usage •Improvement in over all energy reduction in refrigerators.SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENT IMPACT REDUCTION Stages Raw Material ACTION •Reduction in total weight of compressor through recent initiatives •Reduction in GHG emissions during transportation • Reduction in water consumption • Reduction in hazardous substances Manufactu • Reduction in non hazardous substance ring • Reduction in specific power consumption.5 % • Material Conservation & Recycling • GSC 58 . •Improvement in EER of compressors in last 15 yrs • Overall Improvement in motor efficiency •RoHS compliance for products End of life •Recycled content in refrigerator and compressor BENEFIT Reference Parameters 15 % • PMO Initiatives 30 % • GHG Reduction 18.61 % . 2008 NATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION AWARD .2014 NATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION AWARD FOR MOST ENERGY EFFICIENT REFER 2014 59 .RECOGNITION TO OUR GREEN INITIATIVES URJAVARAN.2009 CII National Award for Excellence in Energy management-2013 AWARDS ‘The Emvies’ -2012 (One watt project) FIRST PRIZE AT NATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION AWARDS. . Mohali has attained the distinction of being the 2nd company to be certified Platinum in GreenCo assessment and the 1st unit on all India basis to go through “platinum category” in the first attempt.GREEN CO PLATINUM RATING -Godrej Appliances Division. 61 . LET’S GO GREEN Thanks…….. all the figures mentioned are of high certainty to the best of our knowledge. The data provided is reliable.TOWARDS GREENER FUTURE.
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