March 30, 2018 | Author: Achuthan Kannankutty | Category: Structural Steel, Rolling (Metalworking), Sheet Metal, Steel, Annealing (Metallurgy)



IS 8500:1991( Reaffirmed 1995 ) ( _FTT @%ml ) Indian Standard . / STRUCTURAL STEEL-MICROALLOYED (MEDIUM AND HIGH STRENGTH QUALITIES)-SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) UDC 669*14*018*29 &BIS l 1991 BU’REAU MANAK OF BHAVAN, 9 INDIAN BAHADUR DELHI NEW STANDARDS SHAH 110002 Price Group 4 ZAFAR MARG December 1991 The manufacturer appropriate. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard. IS 961 : 1975 would 4 Provisions of IS 961 : 1975 are being incorporated in this standard. These steels are generally intended for applications where saving in mass may be effected by reason of their greater yield strengths. be withdrawn subsequently. b) Steel Grade Fe 640HT has been deleted. cl Lower maximum limits for sulphur and phosphorous for flat product have been envisaged. . the final value. MTD 4 FOREWORD This standard is one of a series of standards being issued for implementation of BIS Steel Economy Programme. observed or calculated expressing the result of a test or analysis shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘. For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with. This standard -made: is allowed full freedom published in the selection of alloying elements he considers was originally in 1977.Wrought Steel Products Sectional Committee. In this revision the following changes have been a) The title of the standard Structural Steel ( Medium has been changed to “Microalloyed and High Strength Quality )” from “Weldable Structural Steel ( Medium and High Strength Quality )“. These steel are specific class of steel in which enhanced mechanical properties are obtained by the incorporation of low proportions of one or more alloying elements. grooves. 1 7. such as pits. 6 FREEDOM as given in Tables 1 4.2 Minor surface defects may be removed by the manufacturer by grinding provided the thickness is not reduced locally by more than 4 percent below the minimum specified thickness. 4 MANUFACTURE 4. revision ) 1852 : 1985 3803 Steel conversions of elongation ( Part 1 ) : 1989 values : Part 1 Carbon and low alloy steel ( second-revision ) 8910 : 1978 General technical delivery requirements for steel and steel products OF MATERIAL 7 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 3 SUPPLY General requirements relating to supply of micro-alloyed weldable structural steel shall conform to IS 8910 : 1978.1 Steel shall be manufactured by any process of steel making except Bessemer process. rolled in scaIes.1 Steel shall be supplied semikilled Methods of chemical analysis of steels ( issued in parts ) revision ) FROM DEFECTS 1599 : 1985 1608 : 1972 Method for bend test ( second Method for tensile testing of steel products (first revision ) Method for beam impact test ( V-notch ) on steel ( first Rolling and cutting tolerances for hot-rolled steel products ( third revision ) 1757 : 1988 6. and any other harmful defects. Reduction in thickness by grinding greater than 4 percent. rough jagged and imperfect edges. may be made subject to mutual agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. shall bc supplied in the killed condition only.SPECIFICATION ( First Revision ) 1 SCOPE This standard covers the requirements of microalloyed steels of different strength levels for use in structural work. laminations.IS 8500 : 1991 Indian Standard STRUCTURAL STEEL . 2 REFERENCES The Indian Standard listed below are necessary adjuncts to this standard: IS No.1 All finished stee1 shall be well and cIeanIy roIIed to the dimensions. but not exceeding 7 percent.MICROALLOYED ( MEDIUM AND HIGH STRENGTH QUALITIES ) . The steels may be suitable for other application also. In case of dispute the procedure given in IS 228 and its relevant parts shall be referee method. 5 GRADE There shall be ten grades and 2. the referee method shall be as agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer. However when the method is not given in IS 228 and its relevant parts. steels with impact guarantee. .2 The steel shall be supplied in the as-rolled or normalized condition. However.1. 228 Title or killed as mutually agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer. deep scratches. sections and masses specified. cracks. 6.1 The ladle analysis of the steel when analysed in accordance with appropriate parts of IS 228 or any other established instrumental/chemical method shall be as given in Table 1. The finished material shall be free from surface defects. 4.1. 040 .040 . 2 of by .040 .60 1.05 percent and total aluminium content shall not be less than 0. Ti and B shall be added singly or in combination.4h . 7.040 -45 . Total microalloying elements shall not be more than 0.040 .45 . 7. be treated with rare 4 When steel is required in copper bearing quality the copper content shall be between 0.42 . V.45 .050 m .311 Fe440 Fe440B Fe490 Fe49OB Fe540 -Fe540B Fe570 Fe570B Fe590 Fe59OB Carbon Equivalent ( CE ) =C ( based on ladle analysis) Mn.45 .040 .040 *050 -~~ -040 -045 -~ .30 1.045 __ .050 UO a050 -.10 percent silicon.045 .04.40 40 .5 .045 .050 --*040 .20 ?20 .045 . When the steel is killed with a combination of aluminiun: and silicon.20 .60 1.2) Grade** Ladle Analysis.050 .20 . When the steel is aluminium~killed.30 1.040 SO45 *040 a045 --040 .1 The test certificate showing analysis all the elements may be supplied.045 .45 . other than for the purpose of finishing the heat.20 .50 1. 2 When the steel is silicon-killed the product analysis shall show a minimum of 0. *Denotes the maximum limits for structurals at the top and flat products at the bottom.045 . **Code for designation of steel: Part 1 based on letter symbol [ Refer IS 1762 ( Part 1 ) : 1974 (first revision ) ] NOTES 1 Incidental Element-Elements not quoted in Table 1 shall not. Percentage r______--_---_--~_--__-________~-____-~ S* P* Si C Mn (MUX) (MUX) (MUX) (Max) (Max) . 3 The steel if required may earths for better formability.040 .45 c45 .1.01 percent.45 .80 1.045 -~ .45 . 2 Microalloying elements like Nb.22 -22 1.040 + *050 -040 .040 --a050 .22 .80 . 3 If required steel may be treated with rare earth elements.IS 8500:1991 Table 1 Chemical Composition ( Clauses 5.22 . Cr + MO + V + Ni + Cu X8 5 15 NOTES 1 Lower limit for carbon equivalent may be mutually agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.040 --.040 .045 .44 -44 .be intentionally added to the steel without the agreement of the purchaser.35 percent.20 .25 percent.1.02 percent.1 and 7.60 1. mechanical properties and applicability. if required the purchaser.50 I.46 *48 .20 and 0.42 . All reasonable precautions shall be taken to prevent the addition from scarp or other materials used in manufacture of such elements which effect the hardenability.45 CarbonEquivalent (CE) Max .60 1. the silicon content shall not be less ihan 0. the total aluminium content should not be less than 0. the samples may be taken from the web.65v’So cl2 mm mm mm >63 MPa Bend (Internal Diameter) Min*** mm 12-25 mm 2t 3t 2t 2t 2t 2t 2t 2t 2t 2t 2t 3t 3t 3t 3t 3t 3t 3t 3t 3t mm Charpy V-notch Impact Toughness. Should the two analysis satisfy the requirement.. ( Average of 3 Values ) Room Temp*-20% ** Fe440 Fe440B Fe490 Fe490B Fe540 Fe540B Fe570 Fe570B Fe590 Fe590B NOTES MPa 300 300 350 350 410 410 450 450 450 450 MPa 290 290 MPa 280 280 320 320 380 380 420 420 420 420 330 330 390 390 430 430 430 430 By agreement .) Grade Tensile Strength (Mill) MPa 440 440 490 490 540 540 570 570 590 590 Yield Strength ( Min ) C--__--h-__-_~ 16-40 41-63 <6 Elongation Percent @fin) 5. 9. sections and bars are indicated in Fig. Part revisio/l ) ] *** t is the thickness of the test piece. Joules. * Room Temperature = 25+2C. 8 SELECTION AND PREPARATION TEST SAMPLES OF 8. .005 0.. . 22 22 22 22 20 20 20 20 20 20 _ 50 50 50 45 45 30 25 25 20 20 1 IMPa= N/mms-1 Mn/ma=O.. The recommended locations for taking test samples for plates.. Mb-z.005 0. and the purchaser IS 1762 [ Part 1 ) : 1974 (first 7. . 1 based on letter symbol (Refer specified between average the value. the lot represented shall be accepted. material shall be taken are not complymg with this standard. . Over Specified Maximum Limit.05 0. bend test not required.cerent pieces from same cast. 2 Higher impact values will be subject to mutual agreement. the rolled surface of the steel shall be retained on the two opposite sides of the test samples. two samples shall be taken on di. 5 The requirements more stringent than those above may be agreed manufacturer. . Percent o-02 0. in case of sections.2 Product Analysis The product analysis shall be carried out on the finished product from the standard position. 3 No individual impact value shall be less than 30 percent of the minimum 4 For thickness more than 25 mm. Permissible variation in case of such product analysis from the limits specified in Table 1 shall be as follows: Constituent Carbon Manganese Sulphur Phosphoraus Silicon 7.. unless otherwise agreed to between purchaser and manufacturer.2.1 The positions from which test samples are taken shall be so located in the product as to yield the clearest possible information regarding properties in the rolling and transverse to rolling direction..2 Wherever practical. ** Code for designation of steel.3. .1 Retest for Product Analysis If the results of the check analysis do not conform to the composition requirements given in Table 1 and Steel Grade with allowance of variation in case of check analysis from the 3 Variation. . Alternatively.* .03 specified limits. 8. should either of the samples faiI.IS 8500 : -1991 Table 2 Mechanical Properties ( Clause 8. 1..lOZ kgf/mma. 8 Test samples shall be cut in such a manner that the . sections or flats of more than one thickness are rolled from the same cast. provided the temperature does not exceed 65O’C. in case of materials to be delivered in the annealed or normalized condition. the number of plates in each cast shall also be given. 9. care shall be taken to avoid any cold-working or temperature rise which will alter the properties of these samples as compared with the finished product which they represent. flats and bars.1. 1972. where L. one additional tensile test shall be made from the material in each class of product for each variation in thickness of 6 mm.7 Before test samples are collected.4 In case of flats up to 16 mm thick. 9. flats.9 Test samples taken from rolled steel which have undergone deformation through bending or twisting shall in all cases be straightened cold. Channels.1. Round test samples are permitted.2 Where plates.3 Tensile Test Tensile strength. size and mass of plates. plates sections and flats ) rolled from a cast.2. For bars having diameters or thickness exceeding 71 mm.test samples which. 8. In case of sections.3 In case of Hat test samples for tensile test.. the test sample shall undergo.1 9. full particulars regarding cast number. flats and bars in each cast shall be furnished by the manufacturer to the purchaser. and Flats ) One tensile test shall be made from finished steel for every 40 tonnes or part thereof rolled continuously from each cast.1 Number of Tensile Test 9. When straightening test samples. Square and Hexagonal ) One tensile test shall be made from finished product for each 40 tonnes or part thereof.=5*651/S% should be used for the tensile test. the bars may be symmetricaIly reduced by machining. is the gauge length and So is the cross-sectional area of the test piece. 1. in which-case the test samples shall be similarly and simultaneously treated with the material before testing.2. it is permissible to remove metal from one side of the test sample before using it as a test piece.deformation is avoided as far as possible.6 In case of sections. 9 TENSILE TEST Tees. the test sample may be taken from the position shown in Fig. As a rule only proportional test pieces complying with the requirements L. 9. 4 8. 8.2 Tensile Test Pieces The tensile strength. should be of the full thickness of the product.1 The gauge lengths other than 5*651/S. The rolIed surface of the test piece shall be on the outer side of the bend during the test. but should only be adopted for thickness exceeding 27 mm. one additional tensile test shall be made for each variation of 3 mm above or below the diameter or thickness of the bar ordered. In case of bars having diameters or thickness between 28 mm and 71 mm. If more than one diameter or thickness of the bar is processed. it is permissible. if shearing or flame-cutting is employed adequate allowance shall be left for removal by machining. Beams. In case of plates. 8. Sections ( Angles. may also be used in which case the elongations shall be read from IS 3803 ( Part 1 ) : 1989. 8. and pIates bend tests shall be carried out on rectangular . yield strength and percentage elongation when determined in accordance with IS 1608 : 1972 shall be as given in Table 2. sections.1 Plates. prior to use as a test piece. etc. At least one rolled surface shall be left on rectangular test samples taken from plates exceeding 32 mm in thickness.5 Bars below 28 mm may be tested without machining. no machining whatsoever. both surfaces are normally to be left on the test samples for plates up to 32 mm thick.1. .1. Tf this is not possible. If the deformation is too severe to allow cold-straightening. the test samples shall undergo the minimum amount of machining. 9. Any slight straightening of test samples which may be required shall be done cold. 8. The test shall be carried out on the standard test pieces prepared in accordance with IS 1608 .3 Bars ( Round. yield strength and percentage elongation of steel shall be determined from standard test-pieces cut rolling or transverse to rolling direction from plates and lengthwise from sections. 9. as far as possible. 8. flats and plates exceeding 28 mm in thickness. a separate test being made for each class of steel product ( namely. if possible.10 Test samples shall not annealed or otherwise subjected to heat treatment unless the material from which they are cut is similarly treated. 9. to carry out straightening under the application of heat.IS 8500 : 1991 8. POSITION AND ORIENTATION OF SAMPLES 5 .IS 8500 : 1991 I 2 3 POSITION SAMPLES PIG. 1 OF 1 Ea : 1 3 STRUCTURAL STEEL SECTIONS. Provided this new average complies with the specified requirement.Bend test shall be conducted in accordance with IS 1599 : 1985. 6 The test pieces shall be cut transverse to rolling direction from plates.3. Aat or bar.3 The test samples shall be taken thickest product.3 Bend Test .1 A test sample shall be taken from each 40 tonnes or part thereof from the same cast.2. the material represented shall be deemed to comply with this standard.3. from the Sections Plates Plats and bars ( round.2 Should a tensile test piece break outside the middle half of the its gauge length ( see IS percentage elongation 1608 : 1972 ) and obtained is less than specified. impact test may be carried out on products having a thickness less than 12 mm. 11. 11 IMPACT TEST 11. If the manufacturer so desires. The test piece shall be so machined that the face closer to the rolling surface is not more than 1 mm from it. the value for consideration being the arithmetic mean of the results obtained on three test pieces taken side by side from the same product. the test may be discarded at the manufacturer’s option. the rough edge or aris resulting from shearing may be removed by filling or grinding or machining but the test pieces shall receive no other preparation. of Be&Tests 10. When sections permit. rolled continuously. etc ) 10. and in rolling direction from sections.1 Number of Bend Test .Bend test shall be made from finished steel from each cast. 13 DIMENSIONS Unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer the nominal dimensions of rolled products conforming to this specification shall be in accordance with the relevant Indian Standards. Class of Steel Product No. the dimensions of the test pieces shall be in conformity with IS 1757 : 1988.3. square. hexagonal and flat bars and structural sections shall be bent in the full section as-rolled.2 The test pieces shall not be annealed or otherwise subjected to heat treatments unless the material from which these are taken is similarly treated. 10. section. currently available Indian Standards are listed in Table 3. . 11. In such cases.Is 8500 : 1991 9.1 In all bend test pieces. the limits shall be applied according to the actual maximum thickness of the piece selected for testing. 10 BEND TEST 10. 9.2 Bend Test Piece in rolling direction for each type transverse direction in rolling to rolling direction 11. 11. 10. 12 OTHER TESTS The material may be subjected to non-destructive testing to determine soundness of material subject to mutual agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.2. hexagonal. the test pieces shall be similarly treated in the same furnace with the material before testing. shall be as given below.3. square. these shall be not less than 40 mm wide. 10. round. the notch axis shall be perpendicular to the rolled surface.1 The impact test shall normally be carried out on products having a thickness/diameter greater than or equal to 12 mm. 11.1 In case of sections the thickness of which is not uniform throughout the profile. One additional test shall be made for each class of product and for each variation in thickness. the test piece at room temperature shall withstand bending through 180” to an internal diameter not greater than that given in Table 2 without showing any crack on the outer surface.1 For bend test. flats and bars. The number of tests for every 20 tonnes of material or part thereof.1.4 If the average value of the three Charpy impact tests fails to comply by an amount not exceeding 15 percent of the specified minimum average value.1 If stated in the order. and another test made from the sample plate. three additional test pieces from the same sample shall be tested and the results added to those previously obtained and a new average calculated.2 This test is carried out using a V-notch test piece ( see IS 1757 : 1978 ). 17. 16 CALCULATION OF MASS The mass of steel pIates section. the top plate of each pile ( which may consist of approximately 16 plates ) shah be marked with cast number and the remaining plates have suitable identification marking.1 Each product. 15 RETEST Should any one of the test pieces first selected fail to pass any of the tests specified in this standard..3 The materia1 may also be marked the Standard Mark. column channel and angle sections ( revised ) IS 1173 : 1978 Hot rolled slit tee bars ( second revision ) steel bars Bulb angles Plates.r. In case of plates below 10 mm thickness. square and hexagonal bars and flats. flats and bars shalI be calculated on the basis that stee1 weighs 7. with with Relevant Indian Standard and IS 808 : 1989 Dimensions for hot rolled steel beam.85 g/cm3. round. Flats III ) : 1974 IS 1731 : 1971 Dimensions for steel flats for structural and general engineering purposes (first revisiort ) &nyd and square IS 1732 : 1971 Dimensions for round and square steel bars for structural and general engineering purposes (first revision ) IS 1863 : 1979 Rolled flats (first revision ) IS 2314 Bulb flats Sheet. DetaiIs are available the Bureau of Indian Standards.Is 8500 : 1991 Table 3 Indian Standards Which Give Nominal Dimensions of Rolled Steel Products Product Beam channel angle section Tee 14 TOLERANCES Unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer the rolling and cutting tolerances for steel products conforming to this standard shall be those specified in IS 1852 : 1985. strip sheets and IS 1252 : 1958 Rolled steel sections Ibulb angles IS 1730 Dimensions sheet and strip for general engineering IS for steel plate structural and purposes Plates Sheet Strip (first revision ) revision ) 1730 (Part I) : 1974 II) IS 1730 (first ( Part : 1974 yfi.2 Every heav~y and medium structural mill product and each plate of thickness 10 mm and over shall be marked with the cast number. 17. Designation of steel should also be similarIy marked on the product or tag. shall carry a tag or be marked with the manufacturer’s name or trade-mark. the material represented by the test samples shall be considered as not having complied with this standard. 17 MARKING with the ~exception of 17.pieces from either of these additiona samples fail.3. the material represented by the test sampIes shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of that particular test. ShouId the test . the test pieces from both these additional samples pass. piling section Channel sections steel bulb piling steel engi- : 1986 Steel sections sheet ( jirst revision ) IS 3954 : 1966 Hot rolled channel sections for general neering purposes Track shoe sections IS 10182 (Part 1 ) : 1982 Dimensions and tolerances for hot-rolled track shoe sections: Part 1 Section TS-Ll IS 10182 ( Part 2 ) : 1985 Dimensions and tolerances for hot-rolled track shoe sections: Part~2~Section TS-Hl .evAiz. two further samples shall be selected Should for testing in respect of each failure. I986 and the Rules and Regulations by the provisions of the Bureau qf Indian made thereunder. Details of conditions under BIS for conformity to that standard as a further safeguard. The Standard Mark on products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection. Title 226 : 1975 1977 : 1975 2062 : 1984 2830 : 1975 2831 : 1975 3039 : 1988 6914 : 1978 6915 : 1978 Structural Structural Structural steel ( standard steel ( ordinary quality ) ( jfth revision ) quality ) ( second revision ) ) ( second revision ) re-rolling re-rolling into structural steel steel steel ( fusion welding quality Carbon steel billets. which a licence for the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian Standards. blooms and slabs ( ordinary quality ) ( second revision ) Structural steel ( shipbuilding into structural quality~) (first revision ) billets for billets for rolling into rolling into Carbon steel cast billet ingots and continuously cast structural steel ( standard quality ) (first revision ) Carbon steel cast billet ingots and continuously cast structural steel ( ordinary quality ) (first revision ) Standard Mark Standards Act.INDIAN STANDARDS ON STRUCTURAL STEELS IS No. blooms and ( standard quality ) (first revision ) slabs for for Cabon steel billets. The use of the Standard Mark is governed . testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and Standard marked products are also continuously checked by operated by the producer. COIMBATORE. IV Cross Road. BANGALORE. Publications ). Road. FARIDABAD. if any. T. are issued from time to time. Printed at Printwell Printerr. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg NEW DELHI 110002 I 311 01 31 331 13 75 37 86 62 53 38 43 235 02 16 6 32 92 95 Eastern : l/14 C. 1986 to promote harmonious development of the activities of standardization. E9 MIDC. P. of necessary details. BIS. I. India . 331 13 75 New Delhi 110002 Telegrams ! Manaksanstha ( Common to all Offices ) Telephone Regional Offices : Central : Manak Bhavan. CHANDIGARH 160036 600113 : C. Campus. such as symbols and sizes. GHAZIABAD. MTD 4 ( 3692 ) Amendments Issued Since Publication Amend No. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM. V. T. Scheme VII M. Revision of Indian Standards Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in may be possession of the latest amendments or edition. KANPUR. Telephones : 331 01 31. Andheri BOMBAY 400093 ( East ) : AHMADABAD. PATNA. GUWAHATI. Maniktola I CALCUTTA 700054 Northern Southern Western Branches : SC0 445-446. I. Sector 35-C. in the course of implementing the standard. Marol. Date of Issue Text Affected BUREAU OF INDIAN Headquarters Man& ! STANDARDS Bhavan. BHOPAL. 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg. HYDERABAD. BHUBANESHWAR. when necessary and ~amendments. Aligarh. marking and quality certification of goods and attending to connected matters in the country. Comments on this Indian Standard sent to BIS giving the following reference: Dot : No. Copyright BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. I. type Director Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the or grade designations. JAIPUR. This does not preclude the free use.Bureau of Indian Standards BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act. MADRAS : Manakalaya. . . 10..1 nnd 11. ( Page 3. fines 7 and 8 ) 1608 : 1972’.NO. cltr~rse 2 ) . ( Pngc 4.3’. line 3 ) 1972’.Substitute ‘1608 : 1995 Mechanical testing of nlc~als . (Page 6.3.2.’ (MTD4) . clarm 11. 3 OCTOBER 1997 TO IS 8500 : 1991 STRUCTURAL STEEL MICROALLOYED ( MEDIUM AND HIGH STRENGTH QUALITIES ) . clcrrrsc 9.Tcnsilc tcstiug (second revision)’ for ‘1608 : 1972 Method for tensile testing of steel products (firsl revision )‘. lilO/e 2.4 ) Properties ) - AMENDMENT Substitute Substitute ‘IS 1608 : 1995’ jbr ‘IS Substitute ‘IS 1608 : 1995’ for ‘IS 1608 : at the beginning of para: Insert the following ‘The material reprcsenkd shall be deemed to comply average value of 3 lest spccimcns meet the requirements with the standard if the given in Table 2. Cnpion ‘Mechanical ‘Clirrrses 9.3.4’for ‘Clnrrse 8.SPECIFICATION (First Revision) ( Pogc~ 1. ( Page 4.3. cltrrrse 9. 4 MARCH 2002 TO IS 8500:1991 STRUCTURAL STEEL — MICROALLOYED (MEDIUM AND HIGH STRENGTH QUALITIES) — SPECIFICATION (FbstRevkwn) ( Page 3. clause 9.1 Plates. (namely.1.’ (MTD4) Repmgmphy Unit.1) — Substitute the following for the existing 69. Table 2.1. Tees Beams. BE.NO. Sections (Angles. New DeIhi.’ ( Page 4. plate sections and flats) shall be as follows: a) for castfheat size upto 100 Tonnes — 2 srtrnples b) for cast size between 100-200 Tonnes — 3 samples c) for cast size over 200 Tonnes — 4 samples. Note 2 ) — Substitute the following for the existing ‘Higher impact values and tempemmre AMENDMENT of impact tougbnesa testis sobject to mutual agreement. India . etc and Flats) Number of samples to be tested from a casthat and a class of steel product . Channels. Table 3 ) — Insert the reference to ‘1S 12778: 1989 at appropriate place. Hot rolled steel AMENDMENT parallel flange beam and column seetiom — IMnensions’ (MTD4) Reprography Unit. India . BIS.NO. 5 DECEMBER 2003 TO IS 8500:1991 STRUCTURAL STEEL — MICROALLOYED (MEDIUM AND HIGH STRENGTH QUALITIES) – SPECIFICATION ( First Reviswn ) ( Page 7. New Delhi.
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