826 MML Controlled Call Control Parameters.pdf

March 31, 2018 | Author: Sreeram Subramaniapillai | Category: Command Line Interface, Telecommunications, Technology, Computing, Communication



MSCDOCM14NEDFD MSC/HLR, Rel. M14.0, Feature Documentation, v.6 FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 1 (85) FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in the introduction of this documentation. This documentation is intended for the use of Nokia Siemens Networks customers only for the purposes of the agreement under which the document is submitted, and no part of it may be used, reproduced, modified or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia Siemens Networks. The documentation has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer assumes full responsibility when using it. Nokia Siemens Networks welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation. The information or statements given in this documentation concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products are given “as is” and all liability arising in connection with such hardware or software products shall be defined conclusively and finally in a separate agreement between Nokia Siemens Networks and the customer. However, Nokia Siemens Networks has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document are adequate and free of material errors and omissions. Nokia Siemens Networks will, if deemed necessary by Nokia Siemens Networks, explain issues which may not be covered by the document. Nokia Siemens Networks will correct errors in this documentation as soon as possible. IN NO EVENT WILL NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS BE LIABLE FOR ERRORS IN THIS DOCUMENTATION OR FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR ANY LOSSES, SUCH AS BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFIT, REVENUE, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OR DATA, THAT MAY ARISE FROM THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENT OR THE INFORMATION IN IT. This documentation and the product it describes are considered protected by copyrights and other intellectual property rights according to the applicable laws. The wave logo is a trademark of Nokia Siemens Networks Oy. Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Siemens is a registered trademark of Siemens AG. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective owners, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only. Copyright © Nokia Siemens Networks 2008. All rights reserved. 2 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en Contents Contents Contents 3 List of tables 4 List of figures 5 1 2 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.3 5 Introduction 7 Benefits for the operator 9 Description of the feature 11 Requirements for using the feature 11 Software 11 Hardware 11 Products 11 Functionality 11 General 11 Files 14 Parameters 14 Statistics 14 Charging 14 Capacity 14 Restrictions 14 Related and interworking features 14 Compliance 14 Interfaces 15 Operator interfaces 15 MMLs 15 Incoming call control parameters Outgoing call control parameters Alarms 78 Subscriber interfaces 78 External interfaces 78 Main changes in the feature 79 Glossary 81 References 84 15 49 DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 3 (85) FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters List of tables 4 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en Figure 3.List of figures List of figures Figure 1.and PBX-terminated call Mobile-terminated call 13 DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 5 (85) . Trunk. Figure 4.and PBX-originated call Mobile-originated call 12 12 12 Trunk. Figure 2. FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 6 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 7 (85) . The incoming call control parameter sets are stored to the Incoming Call Control Parameter File (IP0FIL). the outgoing parameter sets to the Outgoing Call Control Parameter File (OP0FIL). One outgoing parameter set and one incoming set must be defined per each route or circuit group.Introduction 1 Introduction In call control parameters. you can define circuit group and route-specific data used by the call control programs. FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 8 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . Benefits for the operator 2 Benefits for the operator This feature enables you to define circuit group and route-specific data used by the call control programs. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 9 (85) . FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 10 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . One outgoing parameter set and one incoming set must be defined per each route or circuit group.1.1 Functionality General In call control parameters.2.1 3. The incoming call control parameter sets are stored to the Incoming Call Control Parameter File (IP0FIL).1 Description of the feature Requirements for using the feature Software This feature has no special requirements for software. 3. The functionality is the same.2 3. 3.2 Hardware This feature has no special requirements for hardware. 3.3 Products This feature functions both in i-series products and the subrack products. you can define circuit group and route-specific data used by the call control programs.1. The effect of the parameters on the handling of the call is illustrated below: DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 11 (85) .1. the outgoing parameter sets to the Outgoing Call Control Parameter File (OP0FIL).Description of the feature 3 3. CGR No. CMECGR insign index INSIGN ccpar index IP0FIL parameters Figure 1.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters Inc. Trunk.and PBX-terminated call 12 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en .and PBX-originated call fixed fixed insign index INSIGN ccpar index IP0FIL parameters Figure 2. Mobile-originated call route index OUTROU ousign index OUSIGN parameters RTASEB ccpar index RBCSEB OP0FIL parameters Figure 3. Trunk. Description of the feature fixed fixed ousign index OUSIGN ccpar index OP0FIL parameters Figure 4. reads parameters from IP0FIL. . CP Command Group. The counter process. The counter process. . is also a onedimensional table with bitmap and it contains circuit group dependent parameters. writes the changed data to OP0FIL. Mobile-terminated call In special cases. The Incoming Call Control parameters file (IP0FIL) is a one-dimensional table with bitmap and it contains circuit group dependent parameters. The call control parameters are handled by the commands of the CP command group. . writes the changed data to IP0FIL. The call control. For more information. ZCPPRB. The incoming call control. ICxPRB. when there is no incoming circuit group or outgoing route for the call. inter-MSC handover terminating PAD call forwarded call external IP CCBS recall SSAP connection . You can change the values of these parameters through the Call Control Parameters Handling MML. You can change the values of these parameters through the Call Control Parameters Handling MML. see Call Control Parameters Handling. ZCPPRB. call control uses special incoming or outgoing parameter sets referenced by a fixed pointer: . The Outgoing Call Control parameters file (OP0FI). . ICxPRB and OCxPRB reads parameters from OP0FIL. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 13 (85) . CP Command Group. CP Command Group. 3.2.2 Files This feature does not affect any files that are directly visible to the operator. 3.2. 3.5 Charging This feature has no effects on charging.4 Restrictions There are no restrictions relevant to the functionality of this feature.5 Related and interworking features The related features are listed in the References chapter.2.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 3.3 Parameters The related parameters are discussed in the MMLs chapter of this document.4 Statistics This feature has no effects on statistics.2.3 Capacity This feature has no effects on capacity. 14 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . 3. 3. 3.6 Compliance This feature is Nokia-specific. 3. 1 Interfaces Operator interfaces MMLs Incoming call control parameters ACMF 1. Description ACM free ACMF This parameter determines whether the 'free call' indicator in the Address Complete Message (ACM) is supported by incoming signalling. Related parameters .1. Additional information DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 15 (85) . The possible values are: Y free call indicated by ACM acceptable N free call indicated by ACM not acceptable The default value is N. ACMF on the outgoing side. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::ACMF=Y. 3.Interfaces 4 4. 2.1.1 4. 4.1 4.1. FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters If the MSC defines a call to be free the ACMF parameter determines if the free call indication is sent in an ACM message to the preceding network element. 2. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 628: Connected Line Identification Services. Description Additional connected line identity <optional> ACOL This parameter indicates whether COL or additional COL is presented to the calling subscriber when additional COL is available and the calling subscriber is using the override capability (this is an originating-MSC function). ACOL 1. 3. Description ANSWER free ANMF This parameter determines whether the 'free call' indicator in the answer message is supported by incoming signalling. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::::ACOL=N. The possible values are: 16 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . Additional information The parameter is used in mobile-originated calls. ANMF 1. The possible values are: Y additional COL is presented N COL is presented The default value is Y. This parameter is optional. The MSC can define call to be free by ANSWER or/and ACM or/and from charging analysis. if the call control does not have it. 3. Related parameters . 4. Related parameters . MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::ASKCLI=Y. 2. 4. NOASK (incoming call control parameter set): call control can be prohibited from requesting the calling line identity. 2. CLI can still be required at a later point (terminating PBX or BSSAP). The possible values are: Y CLI is inquired N CLI is not inquired The default value is NO. ASKCLI 1.Interfaces Y free call indicated by ANM acceptable N free call indicated by ANM not acceptable The default value is N. Additional information If the MSC defines a call to be free the ANMF parameter determines if the free call indication is sent in an ANSWER message to the preceding network element. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 17 (85) . Additional information If the value is N. The MSC can define call to be free by ANSWER or/and ACM or/and from charging analysis. Description get calling line identity before routing ASKCLI This parameter determines whether Calling Line Identity (CLI) is inquired from the preceding exchange. 3. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::ANMF=Y. in the set-up phase of the call. NOASK overrides ASKCLI. ANMF on the outgoing side. FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters ASKCPC 1. Additional information 4. The possible values are: Y calling number is sent to charging and statistics N calling number is not sent to charging and statistics The default value is N. CLIS: the value of CLIS determines whether screening is carried out also for calling line identification and call-back purposes. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::ASKCPC=Y. screening is carried out only for charging and statistics. but the value of CLIS is N. CALLNS 1. The possible values are: Y category of subscriber A inquired before routing N category of subscriber A not inquired before routing The default value is NO. If the value of CALLNS is Y. Description get calling party category before routing ASKCPC This parameter determines whether call control inquires the category of subscriber A before routing. Description Calling number sending to charging and statistics <optional> CALLNS This parameter determines whether the CLI of PBX is sent to the charging and statistics. This parameter is optional. 2. 18 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . 3. Related parameters . MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::CALLNS=Y. define the call number and subnumber range. This parameter is optional. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1093: Advanced Call Drop Back for VMS Interface. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::::CDBTRIG=Y. CDBTRIG 1. The subnumber range is defined with the SAC command of the Digital Branch Exchange Supplementary Services MML. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 227: Primary Rate Access. incoming circuit group or PBX data) is allowed. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 19 (85) .Interfaces The parameter is used in PBX-originating calls. To ensure CLI screening to function properly. The call number is created with the SDC command of the Digital Branch Exchange Handling MML. Description Originating side trigger key <optional> CDBTRIG This parameter indicates whether triggering in a Call Drop Back call to IN services based on an originating-side trigger key (a trigger key obtained from the VLR. The possible values are: Y originating-side triggering in CDB is allowed N originating-side triggering in CDB is not allowed INTTON TON is used. 3. if the connected number is a national or international number The default value is N. if the connected number is an international number BOTHTON TON is used. Related parameters . MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::::CDR=Y. that is. 4. all charging data is collected in OWN counter files instead of call type-specific files (for example.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters CDR 1. Description CDR generation CDR This parameter indicates whether a Charging Record (CDR) is generated. 2. VPS (incoming call control parameters) Additional information Used in trunk and PBX-originated calls. If the CDR parameter has 'Y' the charging is counted into their own counters in question. Description Call forwarding override 20 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . if the CDR parameter has value 'N' all the charging is counted into the 'OWN …'-counters. The value of this parameter has an effect also on the mobile accounting part of the trunk circuit charging. CFO 1. VPSO / POC / PBXO). If the value is N. into 'VPS …'-counters in case of VPS-originated/terminated calls. 3. The possible values are: Y CDR is generated N CDR is not generated The default value is Y. into 'PSTN …'-counters in case PSTN-originated/terminated calls and into 'OWN …'-counters in case of PBX-originated/terminated calls. The parameter is relevant only if the call types in which CDRs are generated have been defined in the CDR generation parameter (defined by theGTM command of the Detailed Charging Handling MML). That is. Description Charge number indicator CHRNI This parameter indicates whether the charge number defined for a circuit group is used as the charge number for the call.Interfaces CFO For every incoming circuit. 2. CHRNI 1. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::CFO=Y. The possible values are: Y request for Call Forwarding Override is set N request for Call Forwarding Override is not set The default value is N. Related parameters . 2. OLI (Incoming call control parameters): The Originating Line Information parameter is relevant only if the value of CHRNI is Y. Additional information 4. 3. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::CHRNI=Y. it is possible to determine whether call forwarding on that circuit is allowed or not. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 21 (85) . The parameter is used in connection with Feature 306: Call Forwarding Override. 3. Additional information In case of MOC calls the parameter has no effect. The possible values are: Y circuit group-specific charge number used as a callspecific charge number N calling party number used as a call-specific charge number The default value is N. 4. 2. Has effect only when TSAL is allowed. CIPAL 1. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 840: Primary Rate Access (PBX: CLIP Charging) / 23B+D. CLIA 1. 3. Additional information If this value is used and the IAM includes an ANSI ISUP CIP. Description Carrier identification parameter is allowed <optional> CIPAL This parameter determines whether the ANSI ISUP Carrier Identification Parameter (CIP) is allowed in the Initial Address Message (IAM). The possible values are: 22 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . Description calling line identity asking CLIA The parameter determines whether or not calling line identity is inquired before the HLR enquiry if it has not been received in the call set-up. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::CIPAL=Y. This parameter is optional.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters The parameter is used in PBX-originating calls.CARRIER IDENTIFICATION NOT ALLOWED FROM INCOMING CIRCUIT. the call is cleared with clear code 0827 . Related parameters . The possible values are: Y ANSI ISUP carrier identification parameter allowed in IAM N ANSI ISUP carrier identification parameter not allowed in IAM The default value is N. 2. This parameter is optional.Interfaces Y CLI inquired before HLR enquiry N CLI not inquired before HLR enquiry The default value is N. CLI is enquired after an 'n' number of digits of the called number have been received. INQLOC: If the value of CLIA is Y. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1547: SN and subscription based CLI inquiry. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 23 (85) . 3. 3. Related parameters . The possible values are: Y CLIR indication is overriden for AON subscribers N CLIR indication is not overriden for AON subscribers The default value is N. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::CLIRAON=Y. 2. Description CLIR override for AON PSTN <optional> CLIRAON With the help of this optional parameter you can override the CLIR indication in PSTN-originated call if the called party subscriber has CLI-Inquiry-ServiceNode service (used to call 'AON service' as well). 'n' is defined in the INQLOC parameter. ASKCLI . NOASK . CLIRAON 1. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::CLIA=Y. The NOASK parameter overrides CLIA. If the value of CLIS is N. screening is carried out for charging and statistics. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::CLIS=N. The call number is created with the SDC command and the subnumber space is defined with the SAC command. To get the CLI screening functionality to work properly the call number and subnumber range must be defined.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters CLIS 1. but the value of CLIT is Y. CLIT determines whether or not the screening should be done for charging and statistics. Additional information This parameter is used in PBX-originated calls. 3. Description calling line identity screening CLIS This parameter defines whether the correctness of calling line identity is checked. The possible values are: Y screening is done N screening is not done The default value is Y. calling line identity screening for statistics CLIT This parameter determines whether the CLI screening is done for statistics. The possible values are: 24 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . Description 4. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 227: Primary Rate Access. Related parameters . CLIT 1. 2. 2. Additional information This parameter has an effect in PBX-originating calls. which is sent to the incoming signalling if it has been requested in IAM. CLIS: determines whether or not the screening should be done for identification and call back. Description 4. 3. 2. To get the CLI screening functionality to work properly the call number and subnumber range must be defined. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::::CONNF=INT.Interfaces Y CLI screening is done for statistics N CLI screening is not done for statistics The default value is N. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 25 (85) . The call number is created with the SDC command and the subnumber space is defined with the SAC command. connected party number format CONNF This parameter determines the format of the connected party number. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:CLIT=Y. CONNF 1. Related parameters . The possible values are: NO not specified INTL international PREFNAT preferred national FORCNAT forced national The default value is PREFNAT. no Connected Number is sent. If CONNF=NO. . Exceptions: . In case of ISUP-2 incoming signalling Connected Number is sent only in ANM message and only if it has been requested in IAM message. In case of ISUP incoming signalling the Connected Number is sent in an ACM or ANM message only if it has been requested in a IAM message. Related parameters . the value of the CONNPR parameter has no effect. Description connected party number presentation restriction CONNPR This parameter determines the indicator of the connected party number presentation for the incoming signalling. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::::CONNPR= RESTR. Related parameters . If the value of the CONNF parameter is 'NO'. 26 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . 3. If the value is 'NO' then the value of the CONNPR parameter has no effect. 4.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 3. . The possible values are: PASS passed ALLOW allowed RESTR restricted The default value is RESTR. Additional information Connected Number is sent back to the incoming signalling in ACM and ANM messages when a call terminates to a mobile subscriber or to PBX. CONNPR 1. Additional information If the MSC defines a call to be free. Related parameters . The MSC can define a call to be free by ANSWER or/and ACM or/and from charging analysis. CUGISUP 1. 3. The possible values are: Y free call indicated by CPG is acceptable N free call indicated by CPG not acceptable The default value is N. Description CUG ISUP indicator CUGISUP This parameter controls the handling of a call case-specific ISUP Preference Indicator (IPI) in mobile-originating and PBXoriginating CUG calls. Description CPG free allowed CPGF This parameter determines whether the 'free call' indicator in the Call Progress Message (CPG) is supported by incoming signalling. The possible values are: NO ISUP indicator not modified NOTREQ outgoing ISUP route not required DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 27 (85) . the CPGF parameter determines if the free call indication is sent in a CPG message to the preceding network element.Interfaces CPGF 1. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::CPGF=Y. CPGF on the outgoing side. 4. which does not have the CUG facility cannot transfer CUG information: a call made by a CUG subscriber can be directed to this kind of a route only if the subscriber has CUG with outgoing access. If the value is REQ and no outgoing ISUP routes are available. If several ISUP requirement conditions for IPI have been defined for the same call. the call is routed via another type of route (for example. TUP or R2. parameter value REQ has the highest priority and NO has the lowest. 3.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters PREFER outgoing ISUP route preferred REQ outgoing ISUP route required The default value is NO. A route to the BSC is always treated as an outgoing ISUP route. 2. 28 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . TUP or R2). MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::::: CUGISUP=PREFER. the type of the outgoing signalling can be. Related parameters . for example. ISUP64 parameter sets ISUP preference indicator to the given value in case of call with transmission medium requirement 64 kbit/s unrestricted. OVISUP Override ISUP indicator parameter sets ISUP preference indicator of all outgoing calls to the given value. A route. . the preference indicator used for an incoming CUG call with TMR = 64 kbit/s is REQ. parameter value 'REQ' has the highest priority and 'NO' has the lowest. Additional information If the value is NOTREQ. Note If several ISUP requirement conditions for IPI are valid during a call. the call is cleared. The transfer capability of CUG information for a route is defined by the RRM command of the Route Handling MML (FCL parameter ). If the value is PREFER and no outgoing ISUP routes are available. For example: if CUGISUP = PREFER and ISUP64 = REQ. 4. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::ECINFO=Y. FECHO 1. 3. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 29 (85) .Interfaces ECINFO 1. Description forced connection of echo canceller FECHO This parameter determines whether the outgoing echo canceller is forcibly connected. The possible values are: Y connect-echo-canceller information is allowed to be sent to the network N connect-echo-canceller information is not allowed to be sent to the network The default value is N. The possible values are: Y echo canceller forcibly connected N echo canceller not forcibly connected The default value is N. Related parameters . if an echo canceller has been equipped in the incoming circuit. 2. ECINFO parameter on the outgoing side. Description Echo canceller information ECINFO This parameter defines whether the sending of connect-echocanceller information to the network is allowed. 4. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1146: SSP Echo Cancelling and Conference Bridging Enhancements. 3. continuous retry allowed alternative routing barred. continuous retry barred alternative routing allowed once. Additional information Emergency calls use FIXRCI = 0. FIXRCI 1. continuous retry allowed alternative routing allowed once. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:FIXRCI=0. Related parameters . continuous retry allowed alternative routing allowed. Additional information This parameter has effects only if the echo canceller is equipped to the incoming circuit. Description override routing control indicator FIXRCI This parameter controls alternative routing and continuous retry of circuit hunting. 2. This parameter controls alternative routing depending on the incoming ciruit group The possible values are: 0 1 2 3 4 5 F alternative routing allowed. continuous retry barred alternative routing barred. In case of Data call this parameter does not have an effect. Description gsmc t bcsm allowed 30 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . FECHO in outgoing call control parameters. continuous retry barred unused Value 2 is used as routing control information.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::::FECHO=Y. 3. 4. GSMC 1. 2. or whether the returned number is the roaming number.Interfaces GSMC With this parameter. in one phase). the HLR checks whether the gateway MSC is acting as a service switching point. 3. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:GSMC=Y. and there is a trigger key defined for the subscriber. you can determine whether the trigger key for the gmsc t-bcsm is returned. in which case the HLR enquiry is performed in the normal way (that is. which means that the HLR enquiry is performed in two phases. The possible values are: Y trigger key for gmsc t-bcsm returned N roaming number returned The default value is N. Description Handover Ticket Generation HOCDR This parameter indicates whether CDR is generated in an MTC/PTC/POC handover. the HLR does not normally fetch the mobile subscriber roaming number but returns the trigger key to the gmsc for a possible Service Control Point (SCP) enquiry. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 31 (85) . 3. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::::::HOCDR=Y. HOCDR on the outgoing side. If it does. Additional information In a mobile-terminating call. Related parameters . The possible values are: Y HOCDR is generated N HOCDR is not generated The default value is N. HOCDR 1. 2. n is defined in the INQLOC parameter. 64kbit ISUP indicator ISUP64 Handling of the call case-specific ISUP Preference Indicator (IPI). the original ISUP preference indicator is modified to the given value. If this parameter is set and transmission medium requirement of an incoming call is 64 kbit/s unrestricted. Related parameters . If the value is Y. 32 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . NOASK (incoming call control parameters): overrides the functionality of these two parameters. Description inquiry location The parameter determines the number of received digits of the called party number after which calling line identity is enquired. Additional information The parameter is used only in R2 signalling. CLIA (incoming call control parameters): determines whether the calling line identity is inquired before the HLR enquiry. ASKCLI (incoming call control parameters): must be defined with value=Y to make this parameter relevant. . ISUP64 1. NO ISUP indicator not modified NOTREQ Outgoing ISUP-route is not required.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters INQLOC 1. it can be any type. . CLI is enquired after an n number of digits of the called number have been received. 3. It can have values between 0 and 31. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::INQLOC=5. if it has not been received in call set-up. Description 4. Related parameters . If there is no ISUP route. The MSC tries to route calls through outgoing ISUP route. ISUP64=REQ. with the highest priority. . call is routed through other type of route.and PBX-originated calls.Interfaces PREFER Outgoing ISUP-route is preferred. TUP or R2. OVISUP: Override ISUP indicator parameter sets ISUP preference indicator of all outgoing calls to the given value. the 'REQ'parameter value has the highest priority and 'NO' has the lowest. If outgoing ISUP route is not found. 2. CUGISUP: sets ISUP preference indicator to the given value in case of CUG call. an incoming CUG call with TMR=64 kbit/s and CUGSUP=PREFER. For example. for example. 'Outgoing ISUP-route preferred' is default for all mobile originated calls. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::::ISUP64=REQ. the call fails. REQ Outgoing ISUP-route is required. 3. Additional information The parameter is used in mobile. First the MSC tries to route calls through ISUP route. 4. If REQ ISVERS 1. Description in signalling reference to the SCF DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 33 (85) . If NOTREQ If PREFER Calls to TUP and R2 routes succeed. In this case the used ISUP preference indicator is REQ. Route to the BSC is always handled as an outgoing ISUP route. Note If several ISUP requirement conditions for IPI are valid during a call. DSS1. 2. 4. ISUP. The default value is 0. Description modify call forwarding counter MODCFC This parameter determines whether the call forwarding counter is modified. 34 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . The value can range from 0 to 255. Related parameters . MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:RESGR=1::::: MODCFC=Y. NUP. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 739: Core INAP CS-1 v3. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::::ISVERS=0. 2. DPNSS. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 319: Support for Multiple Call Forwardings. MODCFC 1. R2. The possible values are: Y call forwarding counter is modified N call forwarding counter isnot modified The default value is N.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters ISVERS This parameter indicates the version of the outgoing signalling. 3. Additional information It can be used only in BSSAP. TUP. and PAD connections. 3. The new counter value is given in the NEWCFC parameter. NOASK parameter in incoming call control parameters is activated. Additional information Situation where the actual CLI is not available: . The possible values are: DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 35 (85) .Interfaces NATCLI 1. CLI is not received (not available information) when inquired . Related parameters This parameter also requires the activation of NATCLI in outgoing call control parameters. Description no calling line identity conversion NCLIC This parameter determines whether or not the conversion of calling line identity is made. CLI is not received in the setup message (like in R2 signalling) AND . NOASK 4. Description use national default CLI NATCLI This parameter defines whether to use the national default calling line identity when the actual CLI is not available. The parameter has effect only on outgoing IAM. NCLIC 1. . The possible values are: Y N 2. 3. national default CLI used when actual CLI is not available national default CLI not used when actual CLI is not available MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:NATCLI=Y. so CLI cannot be inquired OR . NEWCFC 0. but CLI is formatted according to the instructions of the parameters in outgoing call control parameter set. Description new call forwarding counter NEWCFC This parameter determines a new value (0. 36 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en .FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters Y calling line identity is not converted N calling line identity is converted The default value is N. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:RESGR=1::::: NEWCFC=3. 2.. 3. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:NCLIC=Y. Note '0' value means that all call forwarding data is zero.5) for the call forwarding counter.5 The default value is 5. 2. Additional information If NCLIC = Y. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 827: CLI Handling Improvement. no CLI conversion is done. CLI is converted according to the instructions of the CLI conversion.... The call control sets this value only if the MODCFC parameter has been set. NEWCFC 1. If NCLIC = N. Interfaces 3. Related parameters . The parameter has meaning only when the value of MODCFC is Y. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 319: Support for Multiple Call Forwardings. 4. NOANM 1. Description no answer message NOANM This parameter determines whether an answer message is sent after a prompt and collect information operation has been received from the Service Control Point (SCP). The possible values are: Y no answer message sent after prompt and collect operation N answer message sent after prompt and collect operation The default value is N. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::NOANM=Y; 3. Additional information This parameter defines if 'prompt and collect information operation' is chargeable or not. The parameter is relevant only in BSSAP and ANSI ISUP signalling. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 739: Core INAP CS-1 v3. NOASK 1. Description calling line identity request prohibited DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 37 (85) FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters NOASK With this parameter, the call control can be prohibited from requesting the Calling Line Identity (CLI). The possible values are: Y requesting of CLI prohibited N requesting of CLI not prohibited The default value is N. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::NOASK=Y; 3. Related parameters . ASKCLI . CLIA . ASKCPC . INQLOC If it is set, this parameter overwrites ASKCLI and CLIA. OLI 1. Description Originating line information OLI This parameter defines the originating line information. The possible values are: POTS plain old telephone service MULTIPARTY multiparty line ANIFAIL ANI failure STATLEVEL station level rating OPERREQ special operator handling required AIOD automatic identified outward dialing listed DN sent DBACCESS coin or non-coin on calls using database access 38 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en Interfaces SERV800 800 service call COIN coin BLANK intercept blank TROUBLE intercept trouble REGULAR intercept regular TELCOOPER telco-operator-handled call CELLTYPE1 cellular service (type 1)-cellular carrier identified CELLTYPE2 cellular service (type 2)-mobile DN identified CELLROAM cellular service (roaming) PRIVPAY private paystations VIRTUALNW access to private virtual network types of service The default value is POTS. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::OLI=PRIVPAY; 3. Related parameters . CHRNI (Incoming call control parameters): the parameter OLI is relevant only if the value of CHRNI is Y. Additional information The parameter is used in PBX-originating calls. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 234: Completion of Calls to Busy Subscribers (CCBS) and Feature 840: Primary Rate Access (PBX: CLIP Charging) / 23B+D. OMITCOL 1. Description 4. Omitting connected line identity <optional> DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 39 (85) FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters OMITCOL This parameter indicates whether COL is sent to the originating exchange. The possible values are: Y COL is not sent to the originating exchange N COL is sent to the originating exchange IFPIRE COL is not sent, if the connected subscriber has activated COLR (the PI is restricted) The default value is N. This parameter is optional. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::::: OMITCOL=IFPIRE; 3. Additional information The parameter is relevant only in trunk-originating calls. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 628: Connected Line Identification Services. OVISUP 1. Description Override ISUP Indicator OVISUP This parameter controls the handling of a call case-specific ISUP Preference Indicator (IPI) in mobile-originating and PBXoriginating calls. The possible values are: NO ISUP indicator not modified NOTREQ outgoing ISUP route not required PREFER outgoing ISUP route preferred REQ outgoing ISUP route required The default value is NO. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter 40 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en Note If several ISUP requirement conditions for IPI are valid during a call. CUGISUP parameter sets ISUP preference indicator to the given value in case of a CUG call. A route to the BSC is always treated as an outgoing ISUP route. TUP or R2). DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 41 (85) . 3.Interfaces ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::::: OVISUP=NOTREQ. If the value is REQ and no outgoing ISUP routes are available. the preference indicator used for an incoming call with TMR = 64 kbit/s is REQ. If the value is PREFER and no outgoing ISUP routes are available. Additional information If the value is NOTREQ. the type of the outgoing signalling can be. Description Premature (that is. Related parameters . For example: If OVISUP = PREFER and ISUP64 = REQ. PREACM 1. for example. The possible values are: Y premature ACM sent by call control N premature ACM not sent by call control The default value is N. If several ISUP requirement conditions for IPI have been defined for the same call. TUP or R2. . parameter value REQ has the highest priority and NO has the lowest. early) ACM PREACM This parameter determines whether the call control sends a premature Address Complete Message (ACM) when the call setup lasts too long. parameter value 'REQ' has the highest priority and 'NO' has the lowest. the call is cleared. 4. the call is routed through another type of route (for example. ISUP64 parameter sets ISUP preference indicator to the given value in case of a call with transmission medium requirement 64 kbit/s unrestricted. Description Long paging preventive timer PREVTMR This parameter determines the value of the long paging guard timer. The default value is 10. Additional information Timer value is set with the ZCT command. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:PREACM=Y. To support the possibility of continuing call set-up after a successful long paging. a new guard timer is introduced in the terminating MSC server. Additional information 42 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . If the bearer establishment is delayed in terminating MSC server until paging response is received from the mobile. the network side bearer establishment is started in the terminating MSC server. there is a likelihood that the intermediate (G)MSC server can release the call. 3.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 2. PAT parameter Premature ACM is sent when PAT timer expires. 2. If the guard timer expires. this way the expiry of COT timers in the preceding servers can be avoided. 4. The value can be 1-14 (in seconds). PREVTMR 1. Related parameters This parameter also requires the activation of NATCLI in outgoing call control parameters. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::PREVTMR=13. 3. This is because the COT timer expires before the paging response is received in the case of long paging. RABER 1. Description send progress message backward (M11. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 43 (85) . in a free call to the emergency centre). Description Late RAB assignment in emergency call RABER This parameter determines whether the RAB assignment is late in anemergency call. The possible values are: Y backward progress message is sent N backward progress message is not sent The default value is N. which defines the limit to alerting or connecting time. M12) CLIA This parameter indicates whether the backward progress message is used. 3.Interfaces The parameter has meaning only if the call control signalling used towards the preceding server is BICC or SIP. that is. It is relevant in mobile-originating calls in which the network cannot send the answer message (for example. The possible values are: Y late RAB assignment in emergency call N no late RAB assignment in emergency call The default value is N. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=BSSAP::::PROG=Y. 2. Additional information A backward progress message can be used to reset the mobile timer T310. PROG 1. assignment goes on separately from call proceeding. that is. Description Early RAB assignment in IU call RABIU This parameter determines whether RAB assignment is early in IU call. The possible values are: Y late RAB assignment in service (group) call N no late RAB assignment in service (group) call The default value is N. The possible values are: Y early RAB assignment in IU call N no early RAB assignment in IU call The default value is N. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::RABER=Y. 3. 2. Additional information The parameter is used only in the MSC server. 44 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . assignment is done right after the call proceeding phase. 3.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::RABIU=Y. RABSERV 1. Description Late RAB assignment in service (group) call RABSERV This parameter determines whether RAB assignment is late in service/service group call. that is. assignment goes on separately from call proceeding. Additional information The parameter is used only in the MSC server. RABIU 1. Description special announcement handling SANN This parameter indicates whether an announcement is given when announcement ability or inability information is received from the preceding exchange. The possible values are: DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 45 (85) . REROU 1. Additional information The parameter is used only in the MSC server. The possible values are: Y N 2.Interfaces 2. call is rerouted if call drop back received call is not rerouted if call drop back received MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:REROU=Y. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::RABSERV=Y. SANN 1. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 401: Call Drop Back and Feature 1093: Advanced Call Drop Back for VMS Interface. Description call rerouting point REROU This parameter determines whether the call is rerouted when a call drop back indication is received from the outgoing network. 3. 3. which indicates whether the preceding MSC-SSP is able to handle announcements. When an announcement ability indication is received. it has to pass the information to the visited MSC.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters NOANN announcement is not given even if the announcement inability of the preceding exchange has been indicated in signalling ANN announcement is given even if the announcement ability of the preceding exchange has been indicated in signalling NORM announcement is given according to the announcement ability of the preceding exchange information given in signalling The default value is NORM. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::SANN=NOANN. SATIND 1. 3. Description satellite indicator SATIND This parameter indicates whether satellite connection is used if other routing alternatives are available. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with the trunk signalling parameter announcement ability. and the announcement responsibility remains in the preceding exchange. The possible values are: NO no preference over route with satellite connection SAT avoid outgoing route with satellite connection The default value is NO. 46 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . the receiving MSC does not give an announcement even if the call fails. 2. If the MSC is acting as a gateway-MSC or as transit exchange. 4. 2. This parameter is optional. 3. The parameter is used only in mobile-originating calls. the call is directed to the first free subsdestination that meets the other routing requirements defined for the call. TNSAL 1. a subdestination without a satellite connection is searched. Additional information If this value is used. It has effect only when CIPAL is allowed. if no such route is available. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::TNSAL=Y. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::::SATIND=NO. Related parameters .Interfaces 2. and the IAM includes a TNS. 3. The possible values are: Y transit network selection parameter allowed in IAM N transit network selection parameter not allowed in IAM The default value is N. Additional information The parameter affects the satellite indicator sent in an outgoing IAM. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 47 (85) . If the value is SAT. Description Transit network selection parameter is allowed <optional> TNSAL This parameter determines whether the transit network selection parameter is allowed in the Initial Address Message (IAM). the call is cleared with clear code 0827 .CARRIER IDENTIFICATION NOT ALLOWED FROM INCOMING CIRCUIT. if the connected number is national number INTTON TON is used. 3. This parameter is optional. Description call is from voice processing system 48 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . if the connected number is national or international number The default value is BOTHTON. 2. VPS 1. The possible values are: NOTON TON is not used with national or international connected number NATTON TON is used. OMITCOL Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 628: Connected Line Identification Services.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters TONSUP 1. Description Connected party number type of number support <optional> TONSUP This parameter indicates whether TON is used with the connected party number. if the connected number is international number BOTHTON TON is used. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::::: TONSUP=NOTON. 4. If TON is not supported. Related parameters . the COL number is sent in an unknown form with national or international prefixes. 3. 2. This parameter is usually set (Y) when the call comes from the Voice Mail System (VMS).2 Outgoing call control parameters ACMF 1. 4. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::ACMF=Y. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 49 (85) . CDR Additional information This parameter also restricts inband information to voice processing system. The possible values are: Y VPSO tickets are generated N POC tickets are generated The default value is N.1.1. 4. If the parameter is cleared (N). PSTN-Originating Call (POC) tickets are generated. Related parameters . 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::VPS=Y.Interfaces VPS This parameter determines what kind of CDR is used for charging if the incoming call is from voice processing system. Description ACM free allowed ACMF This parameter controls the handling of free-of-charge information in transit exchange. thus VPSO tickets are generated. The possible values are: Y the received free charge indication in ACM from outgoing signalling is accepted N reject free call indication received in ACM The default value is N. but the value of ACMF of the incoming circuit is 'N'. The possible values are: BOTHREST Both of them are restricted NBEFORETR Send Called Number Before Translation LOCINFO Send Location Information SENDBOTH Send both of them The default value is BOTHREST. Called Number Before Translation. 50 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . Related parameters . if several free call indications are received in different messages and analyses. If ACMF=N Charging is determined by charging information obtained as a result of the routing and charging analysis for the called party number. 2. Description Additional ID supported ADDID This parameter determines which information element is carried in IAM.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 3. These can be Location Information. ACMF parameter in the incoming call control parameter file Additional information This is a transit MSC functionality. Also. sending both. a free call indication is rejected. ADDID 1. Even if the value of ACMF of the outgoing route is 'Y'. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1445: Support for Additional Identity. 3. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>::: ADDID=LOCINFO. the MSC acts according to the latest one. or restricting both. 4. Interfaces ANICLI 1. The possible values are: NOTEX no CN / ANI defined DENIED CN / ANI not sent SUBS subscriber format preferred NAT DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 51 (85) . Description ANI mode <optional> ANIMODE This parameter defines the format of Charge Number (CN) / Automatic Number Identification (ANI). The possible values are: NOTEX no ANI / CN defined CLI send CLI ANI send ANI BOTH send both CLI and ANI The default value is NOTEX. This parameter is optional. 2. ANIMODE 1. which determines whether the CN / ANI is sent to the next exchange in the ISUP IAM or in MF. Description ANI-CLI relation <optional> ANICLI This parameter determines which number is sent to the next exchange in a call set-up when the format of CLI and ANI / CN is the same. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::ANICLI= BOTH:. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::ANIMODE= INT:. Related parameters . 2. Description answer free allowed ANMF This parameter controls the handling of free-of-charge information in transit exchange. SENDCIP: sending of CIP NOTEX cannot be given if the value of SENDCIP is ALWAYS or IFDIFF. Related parameters . CIPAL: CIP parameter is allowed .FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters national format preferred INT international format preferred DEF send a default value (HRNFIL default CLI) The default value is NOTEX. 3. 2. ANMF 1. ANMF parameter in the incoming call control parameter file Additional information This is a transit MSC functionality. 52 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . The possible values are: Y the received free charge indication in ANM from outgoing signalling is accepted N reject free call indication received in ANM The default value is N. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::ANMF=Y. 4. This parameter is optional. 3. the MSC always acts according to the most recent one. a free call indication is rejected. Free information is not supported on R2. This parameter is optional. Even if the value of ANMF of the outgoing route is 'Y'. if no charged number is received from the VMS/SN. if several free call indications are received in different messages and analyses. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 53 (85) . The possible values are: ASUB subscriber A is charged in CDB call BSUB subscriber B is charged in CDB call CSUB subscriber C is charged in CDB call NONE subscriber is not defined The default value is NONE. 3. Also. Description Charged Subscribers in CDB <optional> CDBSUB This parameter indicates the charged subscriber. 2. but the value of ANMF of the incoming circuit is 'N'.Interfaces If ANMF=N Charging is determined by charging information obtained as a result of the routing and charging analysis for the called party number. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::::CDBSUB=CSUB. CDBSUB 1. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1093: Advanced Call Drop Back for VMS Interface. The value of this parameter has an effect also on the mobile accounting part of the trunk circuit charging. Description CDR generation CDR This parameter indicates whether a CDR is generated in a specific call case.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters CDR 1. 2. The parameter is relevant only if the call types in which CDRs are generated have been defined in the CDR generation parameter (defined by the GTM command of the Detailed Charging Handling MML). into 'VPS …'counters in case of VPS originated/terminated calls. 3. that is. Description 4. . If the CDR parameter has value 'Y'. Related parameters . into 'PSTN …'counters in case PSTN originated/terminated calls and into 'OWN …'-counters in case of PBX originated/terminated calls. calling line identity sending 54 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . CLI 1. If the value is N. all charging data is collected in OWN counter files instead of call type-specific files (for example. The possible values are: Y CDR is generated N CDR is not generated The default value is Y. PBXT). Additional information All the relevant CDRs have to be 'activated' with the GTM command to get their generation controlled by the CDR parameter in OP0FIL. That is. all charging is counted into the 'OWN …'counters. the charging is counted into their own counters in question. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::::CDR=Y. if the CDR parameter has value 'N'. VPSO. PTC / PBXO. VPST / POC. Additional information If CLI presentation is restricted CLI is not sent to the network. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:CLI=Y. CPGF 1.Interfaces CLI This parameter indicates whether calling line identity is sent in the set-up message. The possible values are: Y include CLI in IAM N CLI not included in IAM The default value is Y. 2. 4. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPM:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::CPGF=Y. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 827: CLI Handling Improvement. Description CPG free allowed CPGF This parameter controls the handling of free-of-charge information in transit exchange. 3. CPGF parameter in the incoming call control parameter file Additional information This is a transit MSC functionality. 2. 3. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 55 (85) . If CPGF=N Charging is determined by charging information obtained as a result of the routing and charging analysis for the called party number. The possible values are: Y accept free call indication received in CPG N reject free call indication received in CPG The default value is N. Related parameters . and CLI presentation status is changed into 'cli not available'. Description Echo canceller information ECINFO This parameter defines whether the sending of connect-echocanceller information to the network is allowed. but the value of CPGF of the incoming circuit is N. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>::::ECINFO=Y. 4. the MSC acts according to the latest one. if several free call indications are received in different messages and analyses. ECINFO parameter on the incoming side Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1146: SSP Echo cancelling and conference bridging enhancements. Related parameters . a free call indication is rejected. Description Emergency indication EMER This parameter defines whether emergency indication is forwarded to signalling. The possible values are: Y N emergency indication is sent no emergency indication is sent 56 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . Also. ECINFO 1. 3. 2. The possible values are: Y connect-echo-canceller information is allowed to be sent to the network N connect-echo-canceller information is not allowed to be sent to the network The default value is N.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters Even if the value of CPGF of the outgoing route is Y. EMER 1. Interfaces The default value is N. 3. continuous retry barred DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 57 (85) . FIXRCI 1. The possible values are: 0 1 2 alternative routing allowed. continuous retry allowed alternative routing allowed. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>:::EMER=Y. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 820: Enhanced Emergency Service (E911). The possible values are: Y echo canceller is forcibly connected N echo canceller is not forcibly connected The default value is N. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:FECHO=Y. if an echo canceller has been equipped in the outgoing circuit. continuous retry allowed alternative routing barred. 2. FECHO 1. 3. Description identify forced connection of ECHO canceller FECHO This parameter indicates whether the incoming echo canceller is forcibly connected. Description override routing control indicator FIXRCI This parameter controls alternative routing and continuous retry of circuit hunting. 2. Additional information The parameter does not affect data calls. Additional information 4. continuous retry allowed 5 alternative routing allowed once. continuous retry barred F unused The default value is F. Related parameters . 3. 58 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . 2. continuous retry barred alternative routing allowed once. This parameter is optional. 3. FORCIP 1. CIPAL: CIP parameter is allowed .FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 3 4 alternative routing barred. Description format of CIP <optional> FORCIP This parameter indicates the format of the Carrier Identification Parameter (CIP). The possible values are: NOTEX format of CIP not defined THREE send three-digit CIP FOUR send four-digit CIP The default value is NOTEX. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::FORCIP= FOUR:. SENDCIP: sending of CIP NOTEX cannot be given if the value of SENDCIP is ALWAYS or IFDIFF. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>::::FIXRCI=F. 2. Additional information The parameter is used only in NUP signalling. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::FORTNS=FOUR:. FORTNS 1. Related parameters . The possible values are: NOTEX format of TNS not defined THREE send three-digit TNS FOUR send four-digit TNS The default value is NOTEX. Forward through-connection indicator FTCIND DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 59 (85) . Description format of TNS <optional> FORTNS This parameter indicates whether the transit network selection indicator is sent to the next exchange in a call set-up.Interfaces The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1296: Carrier Selection. 3. 2. TNSAL: TNS parameter is allowed . This parameter is optional. Description 4. FTCIND 1. SENDTNS: sending of TNS NOTEX: cannot be given if the value of SENDTNS is ALWAYS or INT Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1296: Carrier Selection. which is packed into the ISUP v3 'UID capability' parameter in the IAM message. Description Forward T9 timer indicator FT9IND This parameter controls the content of 'T9 timer' indicator.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters This parameter controls the content of the 'through-connection' indicator. it allows the receiving exchange to stop 'waiting for answer' timer in the sender exchange by issuing CPG or ACM message with the 'UID action' parameter. 2. If this parameter is sent to the next exchange. 3. FT9IND 1. The possible values are: Y value 'through-connection modification possible' given in IAM. and the T9 timer is not allowed in the sender exchange The default value is Y. 3. a through-connection cannot be made The default value is Y. 2. which is packed into the ISUP v3 'UID capability' parameter in the IAM message. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 739: Core INAP CS-1 v3. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>::::FTCIND=N. Additional information 60 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . and the T9 timer stops as instructed by the next exchange N value 'no indication' given in IAM. The possible values are: Y value 'stopping of timer possible' given in IAM. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>::::FT9IND=N. so a through-connection can be established at ACM/CPG according to the instructions given by the next exchange N value 'no indication' given in IAM. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:IIDCLI=Y.Interfaces The parameter is used in connection with Feature 739: Core INAP CS-1 v3. if default CLI is used as CLI. 2. 3. 2. Description set incomplete indicator with default CLI IDDCLI This parameter indicates the IC indicator status of the default CLI. HOCDR parameter on the incoming side IDDCLI 1. The possible values are: Y N HOCDR is generated HOCDR is not generated The default value is N. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 61 (85) . Description Handover Ticket Generation HOCDR This parameter indicates whether CDR is generated in an MTC/PTC/POC handover. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::HOCDR=Y. The possible values are: Y set incomplete indicator to default CLI N incomplete indicator not set to default CLI The default value is Y. HOCDR 1. Related parameters . CLI: calling line identity sending . that is.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 3. 4. NOCLI: calling line identity restriction . CFI parameter in CLI-conversion If CFI parameter in CLI-conversion is set either as 'NATDEF' or 'INTDEF'. the default CLI is removed. RICLI parameter in outgoing call control parameters If IIDCLI=Y and also RICLI=Y in the same call control parameter set and the default CLI is to be used the CLI is completely removed. If IIDCLI=N and RICLI=Y and the default CLI is to be used then the default CLI is passed forward. . The parameter determines the maximum number of contiguous ISUP interexchange circuits that are allowed to complete the call. If the CLI format instruction (defined in the CFI parameter of the Calling Line Identity Handling MML) is NATDEF or INTDEF. and the value of RICLI is Y. Description ISUP HOP Counter <optional> IHOPC This parameter is used to minimise the impact of looping. If the value of IIDCLI is N and the value of RICLI is Y. assuming that all the subsequent intermediate exchanges decrement the hop counter. MSCCLI: the MSC default CLI presentation Additional information If the default value is used. IC parameter in CLI-conversion . NATCLI: use national default CLI . the value of IC indicator is determined by the value of IIDCLI. the default CLI is sent to the network. LONGCLI: too long CLI handling . no calling line identity is sent to the network. the incomplete indicator of the CLI to be used is set according to the value of IIDCLI parameter. MAXCLI: maximum length of calling line identity . the call is released and the 62 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . If the hop counter reaches '0'. IHOPC 1. Related parameters . . Interfaces management system is notified. 2. Using of ICK makes it possible to route the mobile-originating call towards an external SSP with modified B-number. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>::IHOPC=1.31. it is stored into the MOC CDR. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::INEMO=Y.. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1267: Hop Counter. 2. INEMO 1. This parameter is optional. The ISUP hop counter parameter can have values between 0. In the Billing System the DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 63 (85) . The default value is 0. If the ICK is allocated for the subscriber. Description add EMO IN category key <optional> INEMO This parameter indicates whether EMO IN category key is added to the called number. The possible values are: Y category key is added to called number N category key is not added to called number The default value is N. Value '0' indicates that the parameter is not in use. This parameter is optional. 3.. Additional information The ICK (IN category key) is added to the B-number if the instructions in the outgoing call control parameter file require. An ICK can be allocated for a mobile subscriber in the HLR. 3. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:ISVERS=0. The possible values are: 64 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . The value ranges from 0 to 255. 2. ISUP. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 498: Mobile IN Categories. DSS1. DPNSS. The default value is 0. R2 and PAD connections. The ICK is not included in the FW or MTC CDR. Description Incoming call control parameter concerning ITC modification <optional> ITCMOD This parameter is used to change the Information Transfer Capability (ITC) of modem services into Unrestricted Digital (UDI). ISVERS 1. the calling mobile subscriber is not charged based on the MOC CDR at all but the chargeable CDR is generated in the external SSP. for example.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters ICK value may have influence on the billing of the subscriber. NUP. It can be used only on BSSAP. 3. The definition and usage of this parameter is operator-specific. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 739: Core INAP CS-1 v3. TUP. Description IN signalling version to the SCF ISVERS This parameter indicates the version of the outgoing signalling. ITCMOD 1. Additional information This value is sent beside the signalling code extension to IN platform in InitialDP operation. Related parameters . The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1295: 3. This parameter is optional. 2. 2. MAXCLI parameter in outgoing call control parameter file must be defined if LONGCLI parameter is used Additional information The national default CLI is defined with the WVS command of the GSM Network and MSC/HLR Specific Number Handling (MSC) MML. LONGCLI 1. The possible values are: Y use national default CLI N national default CLI not used The default value is N. 3. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 65 (85) . Additional information If value 1 is used. also the Transmission Medium Requirement (TMR) has to be changed. Description too long CLI handling LONGCLI This parameter indicates whether the national default calling line identity is used as CLI.Interfaces 0 ITC is not changed 1 ITC is changed into UDI The default value is 0. 4. the program stores the value to the GSM Network and Network-Element-Specific Number File (HRNFIL). MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>:ITCMOD=1. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:LONGCLI=Y. 3.1kHz to UDI Call Change Capability. if the CLI to be sent to the network is longer than what has been defined in MAXCLI. The value of LONGCLI parameter determines whether the national default CLI is used as CLI if the length of CLI exceeds the limit value defined in this parameter. 2. The default value is 32 digits. The possible values are: NONE no subscribers ROC roamer from other country RHC roamer from home country RHO roamer from home and other country OWN home subscriber HRO home subscriber and roamer from other country 66 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . Related parameters . MCU 1. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:MAXCLI=32. Description MAP CLI usage <optional> MCU This parameter indicates which kind of subscribers the CLI received from the MAP is used instead of the CLI received from the signalling. 3. The value ranges from 1 to 32. MAXCLI 1. Description maximum length of calling line identity MAXCLI This parameter indicates the maximum length of calling line identity.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters Too long CLI is replaced with NATDEF CLI from HRNFIL. both OCD and REDIR are translated into the public format. MMLINMCF 1. If REDIR is unavailable. no LI is used. The possible values are: MCFFS DPNSS1 In PNP calls. This parameter is optional. In non-PNP calls. Description Multiple Call Forwarding MMLINMCF This parameter indicates whether Redirected Party number (REDIR) or Original Called Party (OCD) number is used to forward the call.Interfaces HRH home subscriber and roamer from home country ALL all subscribers The default value is ROC. DSS1 In PNP calls. both OCD and REDIR are translated into the private format. REDIR is used. MCFLAST <optional> DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 67 (85) . In non-PNP calls. if it is available. 2. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1125: CLI support for roaming subscriber. OCD is used as the first choice when it is available. no LI is used. 3. REDIR is used. If OCD is unavailable or it is inapplicable but REDIR is available. Trunk Both OCD and REDIR are used. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>:MCU=OWN. If REDIR and OCD are both unavailable or inapplicable. MCFFIRST <optional> DPNSS1 OCD is used as the first choice in PNP calls. Description the MSC default CLI presentation MSCCLI This parameter indicates the presentation status of the default calling line identity defined in the HRNFIL. This value can be used in DPNSS1. In non-PNP calls. This parameter is optional. no LI is used. This value can be used in DPNSS1. DPNSS1 and trunk signalling. The possible values are: 68 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . OCD is used. no LI is used. If REDIR and OCD are both unavailable or inapplicable. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>::: MMLINMCF=MCFLAST. if it is available.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters DPNSS1 REDIR is used as the first choice in PNP calls. In non-PNP calls. MCFREM Both REDIR and OCD are removed. but if it is unavailable or inapplicable. no LI is used if OCD is not available. but if it is unavailable or inapplicable. MSCCLI 1. The default value is MCFFS. DPNSS1 and trunk signalling. 2. REDIR is used. This value can be used only in DPNSS1. no LI is used if REDIR is not available. MCFOCD REDIR is copied to OCD. if it is available. This value can be used only in DPNSS1. If REDIR and OCD are both unavailable or inapplicable. Interfaces Y presentation of MSC default CLI restricted N presentation of MSC default CLI not restricted The default value is N. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:MSCCLI=Y. 3. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:NATCLI=Y. CLI conversion fails and CLI handling instruction (defined in the HCI parameter of the Calling Line Identity Handling MML) is NATDEF or INTDEF . it has not been received from the incoming signalling) and the value of NATCLI both in IP0FIL and OP0FIL is Y The default CLI numbers are stored in the HRNFIL file. Additional information Normally. NATCLI 1. the original CLI is not available (that is. Description use national default CLI NATCLI This parameter indicates whether the national default calling line identity is used. CLI formatting instruction (defined in the CFI parameter of the Calling Line Identity Handling MML) is NATDEF or INTDEF . 2. the default CLI is used when: . 2. if CLI is not available. The possible values are: Y use national default CLI if CLI not available N national default CLI not used if CLI not available The default value is N. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 69 (85) . . If the value is Y. Related parameters . The possible values are: Y CLI inquiry prevented N CLI inquiry allowed The default value is N. the national default CLI is sent. In these cases. CLI: calling line identity sending If the value of NOCLI is Y. 4. The parameter has effect only on outgoing IAM. this parameter (CLI) has no effect. Related parameters . 3. 70 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . the national default CLI is always sent if NATCLI=Y. 2. Description calling line identity sending restriction NOCLI This parameter indicates whether the CLI can be inquired in the call set-up. If the NOASK parameter in incoming call control parameters in the corresponding incoming side is activated and CLI is not sent in a setup message.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 3. NOCLI 1. CLI presentation status is changed into restricted. Additional information Situation where the actual CLI is not available: . CLI is not received in the setup message (like in R2 signalling) AND . MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:NOCLI=Y. CLI is not received (not available information) when inquired . This parameters also requires the activation of the NATCLI parameter in incoming call control parameters in corresponding incoming side. Additional information 4. NOASK parameter in incoming call control parameters is activated. so CLI cannot be inquired OR . MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::OPCX=Y. If the value is Y. to determine that CLI is sent to the PBX although the presentation indicator shows that presentation is prevented. MML command example on how to modify the parameter DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 71 (85) . The possible values are: Y send CLI to network N handle CLI according to PI The default value is N. 3. the VPS parameter cannot be given RIAMPAR 1.The possible values are: ATP restrict the sending of Access Transport Parameter (ATP) NONE do not restrict any parameters This parameter is optional.Interfaces The parameter is used in connection with Feature 827: CLI Handling Improvement. Description restricted IAM parameter <optional> RIAMPAR This parameter controls the sending of some parameters in ISUP IAM message. 2. OPCX 1. Related parameters . that is. Description route is to operator centrex OPCX This parameter is used to execute the CLIR override function. 2. Related parameters .FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::RIAMPAR=ATP:. Description restriction of unidentified calls <optional> CLI This parameter indicates whether an emergency call is released if it has been made without the SIM card and CLI presentation status is restricted. 3. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:RUC=Y. 3. RICLI 1. This parameter is optional. Description remove incomplete calling line identity RICLI This parameter indicates whether calling line identity is removed if its IC status is incomplete. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:RICLI=Y. 2. The possible values are: Y remove incomplete calling line identity N incomplete calling line identity not removed The default value is N. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 820: Enhanced Emergency Service (E911). 72 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . IIDCLI parameter in outgoing call control parameters RUC 1. The possible values are: Y unidentified emergency calls are released N unidentified emergency calls are not released The default value is N. Interfaces SART 1. Description use of forwarding number roaming status in convert SART This parameter indicates whether the roaming status used in CLI conversion is that of the forwarding subscriber or the normal (A-subscriber) roaming status. If the value is Y. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:SART=Y. SBRN 1. Related parameters . if the value of the parameter UNU of the Calling Line Identity Handling MML is FORWPTY. 3. The possible values are: DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 73 (85) . . the number used as CLI is the forwarding party number and the calling party roaming status is determined accordingly. Also. Description set subscriber B number to CLI when B roaming abroad SBRN This parameter indicates whether the number presented as CLI is the B-number when the called subscriber is roaming abroad. Normal roaming status usually means the roaming status from subscriber A The default value is N. The possible values are: Y forwarding number roaming status is used in CLI conversion N normal roaming status is used in CLI conversion. calling party roaming status (defined in the CGRSTAT parameter of the Calling Line Identity Handling MML) is set according to the forwarding party number. This means that also the number sent to charging as a calling party number is the B-number. 2. 2. Optionally the SBRN parameter can have an effect to the original called party number and to the redirecting party number as well. 2. Related parameters . Description 4. In this case the UNU parameter has no influence on CLI. The possible values are: Y subscriber profile is sent N subscriber profile is not sent The default value is N. 3. Send Subscriber Profile SENDSP This parameter indicates whether the subscriber profile is sent to the outgoing route. 74 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . The called party number (or the forwarded-to party number) is set to CLI if SBRN=Y and the called party (or the forwarded-to party) is roaming abroad. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>::::SENDSP=Y. trunk-terminating calls. Additional information The parameter is used only in mobile-originating. The parameter does not affect call forwarding. 3. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:SBRN=Y.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters Y subscriber B-number presented as CLI N subscriber B-number not presented as CLI The default value is N. SENDSP 1. Additional information The called party number (or the forwarded-to party number) is also set to the presentation number and to the generic number if SBRN=Y and the called party (or the forwarded-to party) is roaming abroad. if the called subscriber is using the CLIR override function. The possible values are: Y CLIR indication is used N CLIR indication is not used The default value is Y. Additional information The parameter has effect in MOC calls. 2. # character is added to the beginning and end of the calling number when the calling subscriber has CLIR active. Description CLIR Indication <optional> SEECLIR This parameter determines whether the calling subscriber's 'CLIR active' status is indicated to the called subscriber. The possible values are: NOTEX no CIP defined NO remove CIP from the set-up message DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 75 (85) . MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>:::SEECLIR=N. The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1235: CLIR override indication. 3. If the SEECLIR parameter is Y. and the called subscriber is using the CLIR override function. This parameter is optional.Interfaces SEECLIR 1. Description sending of CIP <optional> SENDCIP This parameter indicates whether the Carrier Identification Parameter (CIP) is sent to the next exchange in call set-up. SENDCIP 1. FORCIP: format of CIP If the value is ALWAYS or IFDIFF. 3. MML command example on how to modify the parameter 76 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . 2. sending of TNS <optional> SENDTNS This parameter indicates whether the transit network selection indicator is sent to the next exchange in a call set-up. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1296: Carrier Selection. the value of FORCIP cannot be NOTEX. This parameter is optional. CIPAL: CIP parameter is allowed . This parameter is optional. 2.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters ALWAYS send CIP in every call set-up IFDIFF send CIP only if CIP differs from TNS The default value is NOTEX. Description 4. SENDTNS 1. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>::::: SENDCIP=IFDIFF:. Related parameters . The possible values are: NOTEX no TNS defined NO remove TNS from set-up message ALWAYS send TNS in every call set-up INT send TNS only in international calls The default value is NOTEX. (INEMO=Y) Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1428: Routing Based on IN Categories and Feature 498: Mobile IN Categories. FORTNS: format of TNS If the value of SENDTNS is ALWAYS or INT. SPICK=2. 3. SPICK 1. INEMO (Outgoing call control parameter) Insertion of EMO IN category key is allowed by the INEMO parameter.Interfaces ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::::SENDTNS=INT:. 4. Starting point of ICK <optional> SPICK This parameter indicates the starting point where EMO IN category key is added to the called number. The default value is 1. This parameter is optional. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 77 (85) . The starting point of ICK can have values between 1 and 32. the FORTNS parameter must be other than NOTEX. Description 4. 2. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of used parameter set>:::INEMO=Y. Related parameters . TNSAL: TNS parameter is allowed . Related parameters . so the SPICK parameter is meaningless without setting INEMO first. Additional information The parameter is used in connection with Feature 1296: Carrier Selection. 3. 2 Subscriber interfaces The feature has no subscriber interfaces. CDRs are generated only if it is indicated in the CDR parameter. .FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters VPS 1. Related parameters . 4. the OPCX parameter cannot be given. 3. 4.3 External interfaces The feature has no effects on the external interfaces of the MSC/HLR. MML command example on how to modify the parameter ZCPF:NCCP=<name of parameter set>:::VPS=Y. and the calling subscriber is given a tone or an announcement telling that the call was directed to the voice mail. 4.2 Alarms There are no alarms related to this feature. 78 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . Additional information Value Y is normally used in VMS-terminating calls. 4. When the value of VPS is Y. Description route is to voice processing system VPS This parameter indicates whether the type of CDR used for the charging of an outgoing call is VPST. The possible values are: Y the type of CDR is VPST N the type of CDR is PTC The default value is N.1. 2. 1 and M12 The following changes have been made between M13. Changes between M13.1 and M12: The RIAMPAR parameter has been introduced into outgoing call control parameters to control the sending of parameters in ISUP IAM message.Main changes in the feature 5 Main changes in the feature This feature is implemented in M13. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 79 (85) .1. FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters 80 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . Glossary Glossary Abbreviations ACM ALI ANI ANM CCBS CDR CF COL COLP COLR CPC CPG CUG HO IAM LDLI LI OCD number OCN PAD PBX Address Complete Message Additional Line Identity Automatic Number Identification Answer Message Call Completion to Busy Subscriber Charging Record Call Forwarding Connected Line Identity Connected Line Identification Presentation Connected Line Identification Restriction Calling Party Category Call Progress message Closed User Group Handover Initial Address Message Last Diverting Line Identity Line Identity Original Called Party Number Original Called Number Packet Assembler Disassembler Private Branch Exchange DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 81 (85) . 82 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en .FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters POC PI RN SCP TON PSTN-Originated Call Presentation Indicator Redirecting Number Service Control Point Type of Number Terms Circuit group Route Group of circuits which are traffic-engineered as a unit. A group of hunted circuit groups which have the same direction and use the same register signalling. Glossary DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 83 (85) . Feature 401: Call Drop Back. Feature description. Feature description. Feature 827: CLI Handling Improvement. Feature 628: Connected Line Identification Services. 5. Feature 319: Support for Multiple Call Forwardings. RX Command Group. 8. Feature 1093: Advanced Call Drop Back for VMS Interface. 10. Feature description. 14. 9. 11. Route Handling MML. RR Command Group. 13. Feature 56: Satellite connections. 7. Feature 739: Core INAP CS-1 v3. End-of-Selection and Function Analysis Handling MML. 4. Feature 306: Call Forwarding Override. 15. Feature description. 6. Feature 840: Primary Rate Access (PBX: CLIP Charging) / 23B+D. 84 (85) # Nokia Siemens Networks DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en . Feature 234: Completion of Calls to Busy Subscribers (CCBS). Feature 498: Mobile IN Categories. Feature description. Feature 1125: CLI support for roaming subscriber. Feature description. 2. 17. 3. Feature 227: Primary Rate Access. Feature 820: Enhanced Emergency Service (E911). 12. Feature description. Circuit Group Handling MML. Feature description. Feature description. CP Command Group. Feature description. Feature description. Feature description.FEATURE 826: MML Controlled Call Control Parameters References 1. 18. Feature description. 16. Feature description. RC Command Group. Call Control Parameters Handling MML. Feature description. Feature 1235: CLIR override indication. Feature 1296: Carrier Selection. 21. Feature description. Feature 1267: Hop Counter. Feature description. Feature description. Feature 1547: SN and subscription based CLI inquiry. 25. 20. Feature description. Feature 1428: Routing Based on IN Categories. Feature 1146: SSP Echo Cancelling and Conference Bridging Enhancements. 22. Feature description. Feature description. 23. Feature description. Feature 1295: 3. 26.1kHz to UDI Call Change Capability.References 19. DN03303769 Issue 3-0 en # Nokia Siemens Networks 85 (85) . Feature 1445: Support for Additional Identity. 24.
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