8209-Models D, DA, DAB and DB Retainer Production Packers Fo

March 26, 2018 | Author: danonnino | Category: Screw, Casing (Borehole), Nut (Hardware), Tools, Machines



Unit No.8209 Baker Oil Tools PACKER SYSTEMS TECHNICAL UNIT Index: 410.10 Replaces 2681, 2717 Date: December 1996 Page:1 of 12 Models “D”, “DA”, “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers For Use WIth Model “B” Wireline Adapter Kit Product Nos. 415-01, 415-03, 415-05, 415-08 and 438-09 Description Optional Equipment The Model “B” Wireline Adapter Kit, Product No. 438-09, is used to set the Models “D”, “DA”, “DAB” and “DB” Retainer Production Packers. These Packers are fully described in other Units filed under this same Index. An optional Stinger Sub for holding open the Flapper Valve on the Models “D” and “DA” Packers is available upon request. For assembly and disassembly instructions and setting procedure on the Wireline Pressure Setting Assembly, refer to Units filed under Index 305.00. This document contains Confidential Information of Baker Hughes Incorporated (Baker) and is furnished to the customer for information purposes only. It is requested that this document not be reproduced in any way whatsoever, in part or in whole, or distributed outside the customer organization without first obtaining the express written authorization of Baker. This document is the property of Baker and returnable on request of Baker.  March, 1999, Baker Hughes “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers 12-96 Page 2 of 12 WARNING Use of Baker equipment contrary to manufacturer’s specification may result in property damage.Unit No. ♦ Either a Size 10 or Size 20 Wire Line Feeler and Junk Catcher may be run in this range. should be run at a slower rate. Product No. 439-01 .000 lbs) 10 ** 10 ** 24DA-25 24DA-25 32-19 30-19 Size 20♦ 32-25 30-25 30-19 34-19 30-25 34-25 20 42-19 40-19 1" 42-26 40-26 01-34152-00 20 20 42DA-32 40DA-32 (55.Size Model "B" "E-4" Pressure Packer Firing Head Power Charge Release Adapter Kit Setting Assy Size Product No. Stud Product No. serious injury or fatality.000 lbs.10 “D”. “DAB” and “DB” Retainer Production Packers Specification Guide Wire Line Setting Tools . 437-20 437-64 438-09 437-02 22-19 22-19 10 10 7/8" 22DA-25 22DA-25 Size 10 01-35672-00 24-19 24-19 (33.000 lbs) Size 20 44-19 40-19 44-26 40-26 44DA-32 40DA-32 64-30 60-30 64DA-36 60DA-36 82-26 80-26 82-32 Size 20 80-32 82DA-40 80DA-40 84-26 80-26 84-32 80-32 84DA-40 80DA-40 88-26 80-26 88-32 80-32 88DA-40 80DA-40 1” 01-34152-00 20 20 20 92-26 80-26 (55. Use with larger sizes will result in improper setting. A different Size 32 Gage Ring is required with the Size 10 from that required with the Size 20. however. Product No. The assembled tools. “DA”. 8209 Index: 410. Wireline Setting Tools* Used With Models “D”. ** If a Size 10 Pressure Setting Assembly and Firing Head are not available.) 92-32 80-32 Size 25 92DA-40 80DA-40 126-38 120-38 126DA-47 120DA-47 128-38 120-38 128DA-47 120DA-47 194-32 190-32 194-47 190-47 194DA-60 190DA-60 * Use the Size 10 Wire Line Pressure Setting Assembly only with the size packers indicated in this Specification Guide. a Size 20 may be run. Wire Line Feeler And Junk Catcher Product No. “DA”. 875 6.000 4.500 20-25 5 11.500 3.875 2.968 40-19◊◊ 2.625 4.375 3.250 (80) 2.688 2.937 2.968 1.875 2.937 2.250 4.5 . ♦♦The Flapper Valve should be removed from the Model “DA” Packers when the intended installation does not require tubing to extend through and below the packer.375 or 80-32 or D 84-32 6.250 5-1/2 23 . The Flapper Valve on the Model “D” Packers need not be removed as it is held open while running in by the Seal Assembly.937 2.500 7.968 1.375 or 7 17-20 3.Special Clearance OD” in the Tubing Dimensional Data Chart shown in the current Baker Catalog.968 1.456 6.000 81-32 D 84-26 1.16.000 1.000 3.500 20DA-25 1.375 3.21 4.688 40-26 1.000 81-32 D 92-26 1.500 120-38 8-5/8 3.000 1.765 6.” Refer to dimensional data on accessories in other units filed under this same index.875 120-38 DA•• 194DA-60 4.436 3.001 8.6 .750 36-49 7.26 1.” Refer to dimensional data on accessories in other units filed under this same index.025 6.688 5-1/2 20 .250 4.593 .250 40DA-32 2.000 2.675 6. 415-03 Specification Guide Packer ◊ Casing• OD Wt.812 5. ♦Includes some Drill Pipe and Line Pipe weights.10 12-96 Page 3 of 12 “D” And “DA” Retainer Production Packers. in Lbs.811 4.687 3.3-53.187 81-32 (81) 2. Bore Thru Seal Nipple Packer∆.250 7 23-32 (81) 2.044 4. Tubing Seal and Spacer Nipples.968 20-19 1.000 80DA-40 3. Refer to this chart for other pertinent tubing data.11.000 4.688 80-26∗∗ DA•• 84DA-40 3. “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers Unit No.7 D 92-32 6.000 190DA-60 4. Size 40-19 has smaller OD “head.750 9-5/8 32. ••Tubing Seal Assemblies.124 3.000 1.250 6-5/8 17-20 (80) 2.688 2. 8209 Index: 410.000 1.688 2.937 3.875 DA•• 128DA-47 4.375 3.135 5.968 40-19◊◊ 2.750 190-47 D 194-32 2.688 80-26 ∗∗ DA•• 126DA-47 4.437 4. but in all cases will be sufficiently larger than the Packer OD.23 4.688 2.500 20-25 5 15 . Min.875 D 126-38 2.812 1.750 120DA-47 24-36 7.000 120DA-47 4.375 or 80-32 or 7-5/8 24-33.7-39 D 88-26 1.000 3.140 5.250 80-32 • For complete selection of packers available for a specific casing OD and weight.5 .825 7.366 5.781 4.968 1.000 80DA-40 3.688 5-1/2 13-17 4.250 6-5/8 17-32 (80) 2.250 4.552 4.500 3.500 2.250 (81) 2.328 1.968 20-19 1. 11.6 4-1/2 3. Size 80-26 has smaller OD “head.500 2.250 D 88-32 6.250 3.125 4. 415-01.250 7 32-38 (81) 2.000 7-5/8 33.500 1.625 60DA-36 6 14-26 5. ◊◊Size 20-19 should be used if OD of “locator head” is not critical. ⊗The maximum OD (including tolerances) of any part run through a Baker Retainer Production Packer should be at least 1/16" smaller than the minimum bore through the Packer Body.000 80DA-40 3.688 80-26∗∗ DA•• 92DA-40 3.000 60-30 3.468 3.250 80-32 or (80) 2.500 D 128-38 2.875 2.968 20-19 1.937 2.688 80-26∗∗ DA•• 88DA-40 3.250 4.968 1.812 8.670 4.438 9. “DA”.000 1.000 81-32 D 82-26 1. ∆The ID through the upset in Internal Upset Casing may be smaller than the minimum ID listed.000 4. Product Nos. ⊕Minimum lower bore of all “DA” Packers can also be used as sealing bore.250 40DA-32 2.6 4. ∗∗Size 40-26 should be used if OD of “locator head” is not critical.000 1.968 1.125 3.937 2.968 20-19 2.150 7.706 7.“D”.049 6.125 3. This may occasionally require that the coupling OD’s be turned down to the dimensions shown in the column headed “Integral Joint or Coupling . T & C♦ Model Size DA•• D DA•• D D D D D DA•• D D DA•• D D DA•• D DA•• 22DA-25 22-19 24DA-25 24-19 32-25 32-19 34-25 34-19 42DA-32 42-26 42-19 44DA-32 44-26 44-19 64DA-36 64-30 82DA-40 Range of Casing ID in which Packer May Be Run Min∗ Max.937 2. ◊For specifications on those packers and their accessories that are not shown in this Specification Guide. ⊗ Diameter Sealing Bore For Seal Nipples Accessory Size ⊕ 1.13 4. refer to units filed under this same index.375 or 80-32 or D 82-32 5. and Flow Tubes. Tool OD Max. be sure to check all weight ranges listed.500 3.875 2.688 40-26 1.000 80DA-40 3.500 20DA-25 9.5 D 194-47 8. 166-710 . “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers “D” And “DA” Retainer Production Packers Dimensional Data Drawing No.Unit No. “DA”. 8209 Index: 410.10 12-96 Page 4 of 12 “D”. 468 5.468 5.250 6.031 20DA-25 -- -- 2.812 3.094 -- 5.031 3.000 23.062 23.812 9.188 2.10 12-96 Page 5 of 12 Dimensional Data Refer to Drawing No.062 80-26 5.688 3.968 4.500 4.250 4.896 4.438 2.772 5.500 29.018 2.593 3. 166-710.750 3.438 7.438 2.719 26.219 4.250 3.500 4.968 2.000 4.875 3.500 3.187 6.018 2.625 4.625 40DA-32 3.375 2.375 6.844 5.359 27.500 26.593 3.938 3.328 4.021 6.772 3.094 3.687 6.094 3.750 2.500 40-19 3.647 2.500 194DA-60 8.062 29.270 4.250 3.625 3.625 40-26 3.375 5. “DA”.500 7.“D”.016 2.375 3.203 -- 7.562 22.125 190DA-60 .000 4.938 60-30 60DA-36 3.937 4.328 4.125 2.250 -- -80-32 or 81-32 3.438 5.516 5.516 4.031 -- K L Accessory Equipment Sizes -- -- 20-19 7.968 -- -3.187 6.750 -- 3.250 3.188 4.453 26.141 24.312 194-32 194-47 J 3. Packer Size 22-19 24-19 22DA-25 24DA-25 32-19 34-19 32-25 34-25 42-19 44-19 42-26 44-26 42DA-32 44DA-32 64-30 64DA-36 82-26 84-26 88-26 92-26 82-32 84-32 88-32 92-32 82DA-40 84DA-40 88DA-40 92DA-40 126-38 128-38 126DA-47 128DA-47 A 3.250 3.000 3.375 2.968 2.270 3.625 3.000 2.687 6.000 5.875 --2.500 H 7.875 2.125 7.250 4.094 5.312 24.688 3.647 2.375 5.500 1. 8209 Index: 410.000 -24.375 3.531 24.687 6.000 -4.688 5.562 -- 7.438 3.217 1.062 7.000 3.109 5.125 4.500 4.500 4.500 27.772 4.750 3.438 2.875 20DA-25 20-19 3.625 120DA-47 80-32 or 8132 --190-47 or 191-47 9.328 4.719 22.250 2.250 3.260 3.375 -- 4.468 5.812 3.125 3.062 22.187 6.968 4.217 1.217 1.875 -- -- 3.500 B Sq Thd OD C Counter Bore D Sq Thd Bore E G 3.968 3.125 27.875 2.094 5.000 -8.750 6.125 4.125 -- -- 80DA-60 120-38 6.625 3.375 2.375 30.375 7.125 5. “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers Unit No.438 2.906 2.125 7. 142-008-1 Unit No. Product No. “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers . 8209 Index: 410.Assembly And Dimensional Data Drawing No. 438-09 12-96 Page 6 of 12 “D”.10 “B” Wireline Adapter Kit. “DA”. 969 ---32-25 2.000 12.06 3.281 24-19 1.8 15.8 11.8 15.406 3.8 11.8 16.1 2.000 42-26 4.7 12.93 194-32 4 8 L M N 2.10 12-96 Page 7 of 12 Dimensional Data Refer to Drawing No.000 -8 92-32 4 5.8 11. 8209 Index: 410.12 3.031 4 8 64DA-36 2.6 10.12 3.469 5.7 9.4 Q R 16.06 3.7 3.516 3.6 10.93 4-1/2 82DA-40 8 5.9 1.62 3.38 2. 142-008-1.8 11.93 4-1/2 84DA-40 8 4 5.87 3.7 17.188 92-26 3-1/4 -5.469 5.4 11.4 11.8 13.87 2.87 2.12 1.000 3-1/2 4.09 3.3 .06 12.562 35.000 2-7/8 42DA-32 3-1/2 2.4 11.6 11.4 2.250 4.250 34-25 2.25 11.688 84-32 3-1/4 84-26 -2.500 3-1/4 4.000 3. “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers Unit No.81 5-1/8 128DA-47 2 6-1/2 4.“D”.12 3.4 11.87 2.06 2.938 4.000 1.125 2.594 3.188 3.5 2.1 1.66 2.328 3-1/4 4.06 2.93 92DA-40 4-1/2 5.7 12.969 2-3/8 3.12 2.938 4.4 16.12 3.188 2.938 44-19 2-3/8 64-30 3-1/2 2.562 2.031 44-26 4.19 P 10.9 3.094 5.000 2-7/8 24DA-25 -32-19 3.4 11.12 3.938 2-3/8 3.594 22DA-25 2-7/8 3.562 14.000 14.12 3.062 2.094 3.156 2.06 2. “DA”.93 4.250 1.12 1.328 42-19 3.000 3.469 4 82-32 3-1/4 82-26 -5.59 2.12 12.188 3.59 4.12 11.8 10.938 2-3/8 -44DA-32 2.594 3.000 3.9 3.12 1.3 3.9 11.938 2-3/8 34-19 4.68 194DA-60 8 5-1/4 194-47 -.500 1.12 13.125 126DA-47 3.8 11.8.7 10.031 4.81 4-1/2 2 128-38 7.000 2-7/8 3.6 10.9 15. Dimension Packer Size A B C D E F G H J K 22-19 2-3/8 3.9 11.328 4.3 9.8 11.750 1.8 11.8 11.812 3.50 3.562 3.500 126-38 3.000 2.12 --2.93 88DA-40 4-1/2 8 88-32 4 88-26 3-1/4 -6.12 2. 10 12-96 Page 8 of 12 “D”.Unit No. “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers Assembly Drawing No. 8209 Index: 410. “DA”. 132-608 . Set Screw (Supplied with Item K) K Body (Includes Screws.30-19 . Soc.01-35672-00 01-32623-00 01-32624-00 01-43806-00 01-33000-00 01-43806-00 01-33000-00 01-43806-00 01-37205-00 01-45430-00 ∆ 01-47293-00 -01-73704-00 01-43457-00 WW-G60B-060 (10 . 40 & 60. Includes Screws. Soc.20 x 3/8) WW-G518-080 (1 /4 . omit these parts. Includes Screws Item B) B Hex.19 -- WW-G518-0D0 (1/4 .19 24DA-25 01-45431-00 30 .18 x 1/2) 7/8" . ∗∗ When ordered only. And Size 24 . Sizes 22-19 . use items “A” through “X” and “BB”.19 22DA-25 Commodity No. Soc. 120 & 190. No. 8209 Index: 410. Item AA) 1 AA Hex Soc (Set Screw Supplied with Item Z) 1 Ref NOTE: For “DB” and “DAB” Adapter kits. Items J & M) L Stud Bushing M Hex. Item C) E Adjusting Nut Adapter ♦ Adapter Sleeve F (Series 20. Item B) G Hex. when a Size 20 is used.Refer to Drawing No. Set Screw (Supplied with Item K) N Release Stud P Split Ring Q Split Ring Retainer R Release Sleeve S Mandrel T Mandrel Adapter ♦ U Mandrel Guide V Lock Bushing (Includes Screw. ♦ When used with a Size 10 Pressure Setting Assembly only.20 x 1/4) WW-G518-080 (1/4 . Item No. Soc. Set Screw (Supplied with Item D) D Adjusting Nut (Includes Screw.10 Optional Parts For Holding Flapper Valve in Open Position for “D” & “DA” Packers 12-96 Page 9 of 12 Y Stinger 1 Z Stinger Bushing (Includes Screw.18 x 5/16) -01-25394-00 WW-G51B-0B0 (5/16-18 x 5/16) 01-31752-00 01-41352-00 WW-G51B-0H0 (5/16 . “D”. Set Screw (Supplied with Items A or F) C Hex.20 x 1/4) (Not used on Size 24) 01-45433-00 01-33001-00 01-37230-00 -01-47294-00 -32: 01-53831-00 01-58599-00 01-48795-00 01-33002-00 34: 01-58775-00 -WW-G51B-0B0 (5/16 . Soc. Req’d Description Adapter Sleeve Bushing A (Series 80. Set Screw (Supplied with Item H) H Adjusting Bushing (Includes Screw. 132-608. Item G) J Hex. ∆ Size 24 Adjusting Bushing (01-25394-00) and Mandrel Adapter(01-47293-00) may be used instead. “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers Parts List.32 x 3/16) 01-43809-00 01-24723-00 01-43809-00 01-24723-00 01-43809-00 01-35707-00 -- ---- Unit No. Item W) W Hex Soc Set Screw (Supplied with Item V) X Gage Ring BB Tension Mandrel Lock Spring 1 2 Ref 3 Ref 1 1 1 1 Ref 1 1 Ref 1 1 1 Ref 1 2 Segs 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ref 1 Ref 1 1 22 . “DA”. 40 & 60. Item AA) AA Hex Soc (Set Screw Supplied with Item Z) 1 1 1 Ref 01-41838-00 -- 01-41838-00 --- NOTE: For “DB” and “DAB” Adapter kits. Set Screw (Supplied with Item K) Body (Includes Screws.20 x 1/4) WW-G518-0D0 (1/4 . Req’d Description B Hex. Set Screw (Supplied with Item D) 3 Ref D E G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V Adjusting Nut (Includes Screw. And Size 40 .18 x 5/16) WW-G60B-080 (10 . Sizes 30-25 .18 x 5/16) 01-25394-00 01-45708-00 01-25394-00 WW-G51B-0B0 (5/16-18 x 5/16) 01-31752-00 01-41352-00 01-25393-00 WW-G51B-0H0 (5/16-18 x 1/2) 7/8" . use items “A” through “X” and “BB”. 120 & 190.19 1 1 1 1 1 Ref 1 1 Ref 1 1 1 Ref 1 2 Segs 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ref 1 Ref 1 1 60 . Set Screw (Supplied with Items A or F) 2 Ref C Hex. omit these parts.32X1/4) 01-38022-00 01-44587-00 -42: 01-53813-00 64: 01-59616-00 44: 01-53814-00 WW-G51B-0B0 (5/16 .25 12-96 Unit No. Includes Screws Item B) 30 . Soc. 8209 Index: 410. Soc. Items J & M) Stud Bushing Hex. ∆ Size 24 Adjusting Bushing (01-25394-00) and Mandrel Adapter(01-47293-00) may be used instead.30 60DA-36 01-53812-00 WW-G518-080 1 /4 . ♦ When used with a Size 10 Pressure Setting Assembly only. 01-41839-00 WW-G51B-0B0 (5/16 .18 x 5/16) “D”.18 1/4) WW-G51B-0B0 (5/16 .26 40DA-32 40 .20 x1/4) 01-37230-00 -32: 01-53831-00 34: 01-58775-00 WW-G51B-080 (5/16 . when a Size 20 is used. Item No. Item G) Hex. “DA”. Item B) Hex. Set Screw (Supplied with Item K) Release Stud Split Ring Split Ring Retainer Release Sleeve Mandrel Mandrel Adapter ♦ Mandrel Guide Lock Bushing (Includes Screw. Item W) W Hex Soc Set Screw (Supplied with Item V) F X Gage Ring BB Tension Mandrel Lock Spring Commodity No.60DA-36 . 132-608. No. Soc. “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers A Adapter Sleeve Bushing (Series 80. ** When ordered only.Refer to Drawing No. Soc. Includes Screws. Soc. Item C) Adjusting Nut Adapter ♦ Adapter Sleeve (Series 20.01-35672-00 1" 01-34152-00 01-32623-00 01-32624-00 01-33000-00 01-43806-00 01-32625-00 01-39582-00 01-25389-00 01-37205-00 01-25386-00 --01-32291-00 01-73704-00 01-32291-00 01-25387-00 01-43457-00 01-25387-00 WW-G51B-080 WW-G50B-060 WW-G51B-080 (5/16-18x1/4) (10-32x3/16) (5/16-18x1/4) 01-24723-00 01-43809-00 01-32628-00 01-39905-00 01-25396-00 ---- Optional Parts for Holding Flapper Valve in Open Position for “D” & “DA” Packers Y Z Stinger Stinger Bushing (Includes Screw.10 Page 10 of 12 Parts List. Set Screw (Supplied with Item H) Adjusting Bushing (Includes Screw. Item C) 1 Adjusting Nut Adapter ♦ 1 Adapter Sleeve (Series 20. Soc. 120 & 190.Refer to Drawing No.38 120DA-47 190 . Set Screw 2 Ref (Supplied with Items A or F) Hex. Item B) Hex. omit these parts. ** When ordered only.32 80DA-40 Adapter Sleeve Bushing (Series 80. Set Screw 3 Ref (Supplied with Item D) Adjusting Nut (Includes Screw. Sizes 80-26 . Item W) Hex Soc Set Screw (Supplied with Item V) Gage Ring Tension Mandrel Lock Spring 1 Commodity No. Soc. use items “A” through “X” and “BB”. A B C D E F 80 . 8209 Index: 410. Includes Screws.18 x 3/4) WW-G51B-0D0 (5/16 . Set Screw (Supplied with Item K) Release Stud Split Ring Split Ring Retainer Release Sleeve Mandrel Mandrel Adapter ♦ Mandrel Guide Lock Bushing (Includes Screw. And SIze 120 . Soc. ♦ When used with a Size 10 Pressure Setting Assembly only.18 x 5/16) 01-25394-00 WW-G51B-0B0 (5/16-18 x 5/16) 01-31752-00 01-25393-00 WW-G51B-0H0 (5/16-18 x 1/2) 1" 01-34152-00 01-32623-00 01-32624-00 01-35834-00 01-73660-00 01-25389-00 01-44586-00 01-44561-00 01-25386-00 -01-32291-00 01-25387-00 WW-G51B-080 (5/16-18X1/4) 01-37905-00 01-44437-00 01-25396-00 01-44895-00 01-44585-00 -- Optional Parts For Holding Flapper Valve In Open Position For “D” & “Da” Packers Y Stinger 1 01-41838-00 Z Stinger Bushing (Includes Screw.10 Page 11 of 12 G H J K L M N P Q R S T U V W X BB No.26 80 . Soc. “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers Parts List.32 190 . Item G) Hex. Set Screw (Supplied with Item H) Adjusting Bushing (Includes Screw.18 x 3/8) 01-36819 -82: 01-53821-00 84: 01-53822-00 86: 01-57640-00 88-92: 01-63304-00 1 Ref 1 1 Ref 1 1 1 Ref 1 2 Segs 1 1 01-32625-00 01-25389-00 1 1 1 1 Ref 1 Ref 1 01-32628-00 01-25396-00 1 126: 01-63753-00 128: 01-63753-00 194: 01-75638-00 WW-G51B-0B0 (5/16 . Req’d Description “D”. Items J & M) Stud Bushing Hex.47 190DA-60 01-53820-00 WW-G51B-0S0 (5/16 . 40 & 60. when a Size 20 is used. Item AA) 1 -01-41839-00 01-41840-00 01-44976-00 01-41839-00 AA Hex Soc (Set Screw Supplied with Item Z) 1 Ref -WW-G51B-0B0 (5/16 . Set Screw (Supplied with Item K) Body (Includes Screws. 01-44970-00 12-96 Unit No. “DA”. 132-608. 1 Includes Screws Item B) Hex.18 x 5/16) NOTE: For “DB” and “DAB” Adapter kits. Soc.190DA-60 . Item No. ∆ Size 24 Adjusting Bushing (01-25394-00) and Mandrel Adapter(01-47293-00) may be used instead. hand tight. “DAB” And “DB” Retainer Production Packers 11. and 30-25) onto Pressure Setting Assembly. 2. Sizes 24DA-25 and 24-19: Tighten Set Screw to lock Adjusting Nut and Adapter Sleeve threads.Remove Set Screws and slide Adapter Sleeve Bushing down and around until holes in Adapter Sleeve line up with holes in Adapter Sleeve Bushing.Screw Adjusting Bushing to Pressure Setting Assembly to shoulder. being sure pin in Body is positioned in notch in top of Release Sleeve.Proceed with operating and partial disassembly instructions as shown in Unit on Wire Line Pressure Setting Assembly. 10. 6. Screw Adjusting Nut onto Pressure Setting Assembly.Size 40-19 through 190-32. 24-19. Slide Mandrel into top of Body so that Stud Bushing contacts Body. (Steps 1 through 10 are performed at warehouse.10 Page 12 of 12 Assembly Refer to Drawing No.) 1. 20-19 and 20-25. For these sizes. Steps 11 through 19 are performed at rig. Position Bushing over correct groove (Adapter Kit sizes stamped above each of three grooves). Tighten Set Screw.Screw Body (left-hand thread) onto Adjusting Bushing to shoulder. (Not used in Sizes 22-19 and 22DA-25.Slide Adapter Sleeve Bushing (not used in Sizes DA-25. insert the Stud Bushing into the top of the Body. Slide Gage Ring over threads of Release Sleeve for final check. wrench tight. Make up Split Ring Retainer on Body. “DA”. NOTE: Assembly of the four smaller size Adapter Kits differs from that shown in Steps 2 & 3.Unscrew Adapter Sleeve until it moves down and firmly shoulders on Setting Sleeve of Packer. Then screw Packer onto Release Sleeve. Screw Lock Bushing onto Mandrel until it contacts Mandrel Guide. to shoulder. 12. 9.Screw Stringer onto Lock Bushing. Slide Split Ring Retainer up as far as possible on Release Sleeve. Screw Stud Bushing onto Release Stud shoulder. 15. Slide Release Sleeve over bottom of Mandrel. Install and tighten Set Screw. screw Adapter Sleeve onto and beyond Adjusting Nut. Sizes 40-19 through 190-32: 18. 16. Screw Release Stud into Mandrel to shoulder. Sizes 22-19 and 22DA-25: Screw Body onto Mandrel Adapter and tighten Set Screw. wrench tight. Tighten Set Screw. being sure to take at least 12 full turns. 7. Tighten Mandrel Guide with wrench until threads on Release Sleeve are tight against Gage Ring. “D”. Sizes 20DA-25. 3. 8. 19. Safety Washer and Nut from Setting Sleeve of Packer. Grease left-hand threads of Release Sleeve.) 13.Remove Bolt. 14. again being sure to take at least 12 full turns. Tighten Set Screw in Adjusting Nut. Tighten Set Screw. then slide the Tension Mandrel into the lower end of the Body and screw the two parts together 4. Slide Gage Ring over threads on Release Sleeve. Tighten Set Release Sleeve and install Split Screw into slot of Stud Bushing. See step 10 above. Slide Split Ring Retainer over top Release Sleeve and install Split Ring.Makeup Stinger Bushing on Stinger (if required) only if Model “D” or “DA” Packer contains Flapper Valve. Continue unscrewing by hand until gap between Cylinder Head and Cross Link Sleeve of Pressure Setting Assembly closes. 132-608. Tighten Set Screw. 8209 12-96 Index: 410. Screw Mandrel Guide onto Mandrel until it contacts Release Sleeve. Back off on Mandrel Guide just far enough to slip Gage Ring off threads. screw Adapter Sleeve onto Adjusting Nut to shoulder. . 17.Unit No. Do not use wrench or make up tight enough to shear upper Slips of Packer. 30-19. 5.
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