Packet Tracer Lab 2



Packet Tracer - Subnet Scenario 2Topology © 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public. Page 1 of 6 31.31.255. Part 1: Design an IP Addressing Scheme Step 1: Subnet the 172. This document is Cisco Public.1. a.240 N/A S0/0/0 N/A S0/0/1 N/A G0/0 172.31.33 172. how many subnets are needed? ___7____ b. Based on the topology.1.0/24 network based on the maximum number of hosts required by the largest subnet. How many bits must be borrowed to support the number of subnets in the topology table? ___4____ © 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates.65 G0/0 172.Packet Tracer . you are given the network address of 172.31.2 S2 VLAN 1 172.49 R4 S0/0/0 S1 VLAN 1 N/A S0/0/0 172.31.33 N/A N/A 255.81 N/A G0/0 /24 to subnet and provide the IP addressing for the network shown in the Topology.62 Objectives Part 1: Design an IP Addressing Scheme Part 2: Assign IP Addresses to Network Devices and Verify Connectivity Scenario In this activity.1. All rights reserved.34 S4 VLAN 1 PC1 NIC PC2 NIC PC3 NIC PC4 NIC N/A N/A 172.255.Subnet Scenario 2 Addressing Table Device R1 R2 R3 Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway G0/0 Page 2 of 6 .78 N/A S0/0/1 S0/0/0 172.18 S3 VLAN 1 172.1.31. The required host addresses for each WAN and LAN link are labeled in the topology. 11111111. How many subnets does this create? ___16____ d.31. Note: You may not need to use all rows. 31 .48__________________________________________________________ Net 4: 172 . __1_ _1__ _1__ _1__ __0_ __0_ _0__ _0__ ____________________________________________________________ 255 . _0__ _0__ __1_ _1__ __0_ _0__ _0__ _0__ 172. and the broadcast address. 31 . then you borrowed too many bits. __240____ ___________________________________ g. 31 . All rights reserved.1. Net 0: 172 . 31 . 1 .16____________________________________________________________ Net 2: 172 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net 1: 172 . listing all available subnets.Subnet Scenario 2 c. _0__ _0__ _0__ _1__ _0__ _0__ _0__ _0_ 172. Calculate the binary and decimal value of the new subnet mask.11111111. Repeat until all addresses are listed. Page 3 of 6 . Subnet zero is already shown.1. 255 . The first subnet is done for you.32___________________________________________________________ Net 3: 172 . _0__ __1_ _0__ __0_ _0__ __0_ __0_ _0__ 172. © 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. Calculate the binary value for the first five subnets. How many usable host addresses does this create per subnet? __16_____ Note: If your answer is less than the 14 maximum hosts required for the R3 LAN.31. __0_ _0__ _1__ _0__ _0__ __0_ _0__ _0__ 172.1.31. 1 .64_________________________________________________________ f.Packet Tracer .31. 255 . 1 . e. 1 . 11111111. 31 . Complete the Subnet Table. the first and last usable host address. 1 .1. This document is Cisco Public. 1.1.1. Assign Subnet 2 to the R3 LAN: __127. Assign Subnet 3 to the R4 LAN: __127.81 172.1.79 5 172.174 172.1.46 172.1.65 172.144 172.143 9 172. keep in mind that routing is necessary to allow information to be sent throughout the network.1.176 172.1.1. Assign Subnet 0 to the R1 LAN: __127.30 172.Packet Tracer .1.0 f.1.31.224 172.1. All rights reserved.94 172.112 172.31.223 14 172.78 172. Use the following method to assign WAN link IP addresses: © 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates.206 172.1 172. Assign the first usable IP addresses to routers for each of the LAN links. 10 172.47 3 172.31. Page 4 of 6 .48 4 172.209 g. b.31.177 e. 7 172.1.1. This document is Cisco Public. 172.1.31. Assign Subnet 1 to the R2 LAN: __127. b.32/28_________________ d. 172.31.17 172.95 6 172.97 172.126 Assign Subnet 4 to the link between __127.1.1.16 172.1.32 172.64 172.31.33 172.31.80 172.161 172.1.31. When assigning the subnets. 2 172.1.175 11 172.238 172.96 172.207 13 172.31.191 12 172.31.1. Assign Subnet 5 to the link between __127.49 172.1.127 8 172.31.16/28_________________ c.128 172.31.158 172.225 172.145 1 172.31.190 172.31. Complete the Addressing Table using the following guidelines: a.31.31.1. Assign Subnet 6 to the link between __127. a.31.239 15 Step 2: Assign the subnets to the network shown in the topology.62 Step 3: Document the addressing scheme. Scenario 2 Subnet Table Subnet Number Subnet IP First Usable Host IP Last Usable Host IP Broadcast Address 0 172.1. You can only verify connectivity from R1. and PC4. Step 2: Configure IP addressing on S3.Subnet Scenario 2 c. This document is Cisco Public. assign the first usable IP address to R2 and last usable IP address R3. Part 2: Assign IP Addresses to Network Devices and Verify Connectivity Most of the IP addressing is already configured on this network. Assign the second usable IP addresses to the switches. you should be able to ping every IP address listed in the Addressing Table. All rights reserved. Assign the last usable IP addresses to the hosts.  For the WAN link between R2 and R3. assign the first usable IP address to R1 and last usable IP address R2. including the default gateway. Implement the following steps to complete the addressing configuration. Step 4: Verify connectivity.Packet Tracer . assign the first usable IP address to R3 and last usable IP address R4. S3. R2.  For the WAN link between R3 and R4. Page 5 of 6 . Suggested Scoring Rubric © 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates. Step 3: Configure IP addressing on PC4.  For the WAN link between R1 and R2. However. Step 1: Configure IP addressing on R1 and R2 LAN interfaces. including the default gateway. d. Earned Points Page 6 of 6 .Subnet Scenario 2 Question Location Possible Points Step 1a 1 Step 1b 1 Step 1c 1 Step 1d 1 Step 1e 4 Step 1f 2 Complete Subnet Table Step 1g 10 Assign Subnets Step 2 10 Document Addressing Step 3 40 Activity Section Part 1: Design an IP Addressing Scheme Part 1 Total 70 Packet Tracer Score 30 Total Score 100 © 2013 Cisco and/or its affiliates.Packet Tracer . This document is Cisco Public. All rights reserved.
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