8 OptiX WDM Commissioning Guide 20080526 A

March 25, 2018 | Author: Hanh Le | Category: Optical Fiber, Laser, Wavelength Division Multiplexing, Amplifier, Decibel



2014/2/18Security Level: internal use only OptiX WDM Commissioning Guide Jiang Lvyong 120335 Lv Zhenhua 60476 www.huawei.com HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Forward Based on the WDM commission, we develop this course. The aim of this course is to help engineers grasp the deployment and commission of WDM products. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 2 Guideline  The content of this course is organized according to OptiX BWS 1600G Debugging and Commissioning Guide. Before study this course, recommend you to study OptiX BWS 1600G Debugging and Commissioning Guide. The emphases and difficulty of this course is the optical power Commissioning.   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 3 Huawei Confidential Page 4 . LTD..References  OptiX BWS 1600G Backbone DWDM Optical Transmission System Commissioning Guide OptiX BWS 1600G Backbone DWDM  Optical Transmission System Configuration Guide  OptiX BWS 1600G Commissioning Guide HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. . Huawei Confidential Page 5 .Objectives  Upon completion of this course. you will be able to:  Know the operation steps of WDM commission Understand the characteristic of WDM  commission  Master the methods to WDM commission HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. . Huawei Confidential Page 6 .Contents   Preparation for Commissioning Commissioning Requirement and Method   System Commissioning Check the Result of Commissioning HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. LTD.Contents  Preparation for Commission  Document Preparation  Tools Preparation Commission Precaution  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. Huawei Confidential Page 7 . . and NE IDs)    Cabinet fiber connection diagram (describing the fiber connections inside a cabinet and the fiber jumper connections outside the cabinet)  Project information: Consult with the project manager to understand what cooperation that the customer can offer. The Optical Power Adjustment Records Table should be produced based on the slot allocation and signal flow as well as the fiber connections before the commissioning so that you can keep records in the table accordingly during the power adjustment. and test scope). LTD. and orderwire data) OA configuration diagram (the configuration and attenuation of OAs) Slot allocation diagram of every cabinet (indicating the position of the upper subrack. the project progress.Preparation of Commissioning Documents  Documents that should be prepared before the commissioning:  Engineering design documents:  Wavelength allocation diagram (providing the wavelength IDs at every station. service relation between stations (add. drop. vehicle arrangement. and functions of the equipment involved in the project.  Test records tables: Including the Optical Power Adjustment Records Table and the Acceptance Test Report. NE names. test items. Huawei Confidential Page 8 . HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. or pass through). NE ID. and wavelength protection relation)  Network datasheet (NE name. test requirements (test equipment. and other meter with special service.  fixed attenuator (5dB. SDH analyzer. optical power meter.   As for important deployment or extension project. 10dB and 15dB). flange used for debugging Cassette cleaner or lens tissue used to clean the end faces of fibers. we must prepare Fiber microscope.. SmartBits meter. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. more information refer to Acceptance Guide to WDM Products   Accessories:  Fiber jumper used for debugging (two separately for FC/PC-FC/PC.Preparation for Commission  Tools Preparation  Instrument:  Optical spectrum analyzer( including Tesgine2500). LTD. 7dB. Huawei Confidential Page 9 . LC/PCLC/PC and LC/PC-FC/PC). The instruments involved in testing need to be calibrated.. LTD. Use the compressed air dedusting agent to clean the female connector. The instruments that need to be grounded must be well grounded. and use the fiber microscope to check whether the fiber interface is clean. you must use the special fiber cleaner. When you clean the fibers. In particular. All paths must be involved in the system commissioning. Huawei Confidential Page 10      HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. . input and output optical power of the OTU). Fibers must be cleaned during the system commissioning process. to ensure that all paths that are initially configured are in the optimum status. The installation engineer must ensure that the quality of the installation project does not affect later commissioning. Use lint-free wipes or (cassette cleaner) to clean the fiber jumper interface. the installation engineer must work out the hardware quality check report. pay attention to how the installation engineer test the installed fibers. You need to commission all wavelengths that transmit optical power.Preparation for Commission  Commissioning Precautions  Before commissioning. The error introduced by the accessories involved in testing (including fiber jumpers and flange) must be calculated in the test values. Record the commissioning data in details (optical amplifier unit. Huawei Confidential Page 11 . what is the most probable problem? 2. Do we need to clean fibers during the WDM system commissioning process?   Answer:   1. LTD. The instrument is faulty or is not calibrated. 2. If there are problems with the center wavelengths of multiple OTU boards that we test. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO..Question  Question:  1. Fibers must be cleaned. . LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 12 . we have learned:  Document Preparation Tools Preparation Commission Precaution   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.Summar y  In this chapter. Huawei Confidential Page 13 . LTD..Contents   Preparation for Commissioning Commissioning Requirement and Method   System Commissioning Check the Result of Commissioning HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Content  Commission Requirement and Method  System Limitations Optical amplifier unit Optical Transponder Unit    Other units HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD.. Huawei Confidential Page 14 . Hence. if other factors are normal but multiple wavelengths are abnormally running. OSNR: The OSNR directly affects the system performance. The power fluctuation of the system might happen. The main factors determining the OSNR are the input optical power of single wavelength and system level.System Limitations  Received optical power: The received optical power must be in the standard range. The fiber type.    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. fiber type.. Non-linearity: The non-linearity is related to the incident optical power of signals. the fast the OSNR decreases. Note whether the dispersion configuration on site is the same as that in the design. Huawei Confidential Page 15 . link dispersion configuration and transmission level. link dispersion configuration and transmission level are designated at the market design stage. the Marketing Department completes the optimal design according to the marketing design guide rules at the system design stage. Dispersion: Normally. Note that the dispersion module has a stringent requirement for non-linearity. The input optical power of the dispersion module should be less than -3 dBm. Generally. The higher the incident optical power of signals. The lower the input power of the optical amplifier. the stronger the linearity is. the configuration correctness of the DCM module needs to be checked. LTD. the received optical power should be set around the standard central value to ensure sufficient margin. Content  Commission Requirement and Method  System Limitations Optical amplifier unit Optical Transponder Unit    Other units HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD.. Huawei Confidential Page 16 . Huawei Confidential Page 17 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. If the optical power flatness meets the index requirement. The lower the input optical power. the smaller the non-linear impact.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  1. Adjust the flatness of each one-channel optical power. The one-channel standard optical power means that one channel should be adjusted to a value that guarantees the optimum performance.    Definition of one-channel standard optical power     The one-channel standard optical power can be calculated based on the maximum optical power index. This value is generated based on the OSNR and non-linear balance and is the maximum input and output one-channel optical power that an optical amplifier unit allows. Adjust the number of wavelengths that are greater than the average one-channel optical power to be equal to the number of wavelengths that are smaller than the average onechannel optical power. . The higher the optical power. Commissioning Requirement for Optical Amplifier Unit  Optical power  Adjust the average optical power level of input and output wavelengths to or close to the one-channel standard input and output optical power. LTD. the better the OSNR. Excessive optical power can result in non-linear impact. OSNR requires higher optical power.. the optical power flatness can be sacrificed to guarantee the signal noise ratio. so that the OSNR of the receive end is flat and meets the design requirement. then Total optical power 10lgNS=10lgS+10lgN=maximum input and output optical power The one-channel standard input and output optical power 10lgS =maximum input and output optical power . LTD.10lg40= -19dBm When the optical amplifier unit supports 40 wavelengths. For some WDM systems..10lgN. the one-channel standard input optical power is -3 . the number of wavelengths when the optical amplifier unit supports full wavelengths is not equal to the number of wavelengths when the system supports full wavelengths.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  1. the one-channel standard output optical power is 20-10lg40=4dBm Question: is the number of wavelengths when the system supports full wavelengths equals to the number of wavelengths when the optical amplifier unit supports full wavelengths? No. Suppose the maximum number of add or drop wavelengths is N for the optical amplifier unit and the optical power of each wavelength is the same. For example.        HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. the input optical power range of an optical amplifier unit is -32 to -3 dBm and the maximum output optical power is 20 dBm When the optical amplifier unit supports 40 wavelengths. Huawei Confidential Page 18 . For example. the C+L band 80-channel system and the C+L band 160-channel system. Commissioning Requirement for Optical Amplifier Unit  Calculation of one-channel standard optical power for optical amplifier unit   Suppose the one-channel standard optical power is S (mW). where N is the number of input wavelengths when the optical amplifier unit supports full wavelengths. 10lgS (dBm). which has a wider gain range. E3 and E4 series. The boards with suffix A and suffix C are interchangeable. andC05.. the boards with suffix C and suffix D can replace the boards with suffix A and suffix B. LTD. the boards with suffix B and suffix D are interchangeable. C01. B. Classification according to the suffix of the board name: There are six kinds of suffixes of the E3OAU board name: A. C indicates that the EDFA module uses high power pump board with the EVOA. and R. C. The gain range and maximum/minimum input/output optical power vary with the type. There is only the E3OAUC03E board identified by the suffix E. D indicates that the EDFA module uses high power pump board without the EVOA. The E4 series can amplify the optical signals of the normal C band and the extended C band at the same time. there are E2. compared with the original boards.OAU hardware version Introduction to the SSE3OAU Board  OAU type Example: SSE3OAUC01C Suffix of the board name There are several types of finished SSE3OAU board are available. Classification according to the OAU type: The E3OAU is classified into five types: C00. C03. D. . B indicates that the EDFA module uses low power pump board without the EVOA. The boards identified by the suffix R are added with the return loss detection function. E. The SSEOAU is classified into different types according to different classification criteria: Classification according to the OAU hardware version: In the case of LH WDM products. of which the E2 series for the C band is manufacture discontinued and replaced by the E3OAU and the E2 series for the L band contains only the E2OAU01 currently. They are mainly used in the OptiX BWS 1600A products. C02. The C6 series used in the Metro WDM products is developed based on the E3 series. A indicates that the EDFA module uses low power pump board with the EVOA. refer to the Hardware Description Optical Amplifier Boards. Huawei Confidential Page 19    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. For details on the specifications. 20 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. we are Huawei Confidential . ②we have to pay attention to the DCM insertion loss between the port 5( TDC) and port 3(RDC) when setting the gain of thePage amplifier. need to add MVOA 5 PIN Branch unit TDC DCM RDC MON E2 series ports from left to right:IN、 OUT、TDC、 RDC E3 series ports from left to right: IN、TDC、 RDC、OUT  Notes:①During commissioning. The total power should include the noise.OAU board interface VOA IN 1 PA 2 VOA EDFA 3 BA 4 OUT Some OAU don’t have EVOA here.. LTD. the difference between the power queried from NM and tested by meters should less than ±1dB. . Not supported Total optical power Optical power meter Short Low Low Affected. Huawei Confidential Page 21 . If earlier stage commissioning is not correctly performed. Supported Support for bidirectional commissioning on a per-station basis HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Not supported Improved method of total optical power Optical power meter Short Low Medium Not affected. If earlier stage commissioning is not correctly performed. LTD. re-commissioning should be performed on a per-station basis. re-commissioning should be performed on a per-station basis. Recommissioning is performed only for the stations where commissioning is not correctly performed.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit One-channel optical power Instrument Duration Cost Correctness Impact of earlier stage commissioning on later stage commissioning Optical spectrum Analyzer Long High High Affected. remove the VOA at the input end of the amplifier. adjust the variable optical attenuator (VOA) to enable the one-channel average input optical power to reach the standard. In this way. LTD. Part of the cabinet fiber connection diagram: Position of the VOA attached to the OAU at the receive end Position of the VOA attached to the OAU at the transmit end HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 22 Clockwise rotation: Increase attenuation. Counterclockwise rotation: Decrease attenuation. the onechannel average input optical power remains the maximum optical power. 2) If the one-channel average input optical power cannot reach the one-channel standard input optical power.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit One-channel input optical power 1) If the one-channel average input optical power before you add an attenuator is higher than the one-channel standard input optical power.. Position of the mechanical VOA on the subrack . Huawei Confidential Page 23 .Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit One-channel output optical power 1) Do not adjust the output optical power for optical amplifier units except the OAU.. For the E2OAU. adjust the VOA of TDC/RDC to enable the one-channel average output optical power to reach the standard. The one-channel optical power that is output based on fixed gain is the standard optical power. set an EVOA to enable the one-channel output optical power to reach the standard. set gain=one-channel standard output optical power -adjusted one-channel average input optical power For the OAU that does not have an EVOA. LTD. Are there any requirements for the configuration of the gain? HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. 2) If the E3OAU and the C6OAU has an EVOA. LTD. ..Commission Requirement and Method for Optical amplifier unit Board name Gain range Maximum gain Maximum output optical power E3OAUC01A/B/C/D 20~31dB 31dB 20dBm Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit C6OAUC01A/B E3OAUC02A/B/C/D 20~31dB C6OAUC01A/B 31dB 17dBm E3OAUC03A/B/C/D 26~32dB C6OAUC03A/B E3OAUC03E 24~36dB 38dB 20dBm 36dB 20dBm E3OAUC05 23~34dB 34dB Huawei Confidential 23dBm Page 24 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. 1. 7. According to the middle insertion loss. Check the middle insertion loss of the DCM between the TDC and the RDC.     4. LTD. calculate the range of configurable gain of this OAU.Procedure for Using OAUs of E3/C6 Series upon Deployment (General)   1. 5. Calculate the gain value.. Check whether the gain exceeds the range. 6. 2. Confirm the single-wave average input power Pin. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Check the board type and the adjustable range of the OAU gain.  3. Set the gain. Huawei Confidential Page 25 . Check the front panel. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. or confirm that the OAU is of E3 series according the software version. Software version of E3/C6 is 3. LTD.Using OAUs of E3/C6 Series-Step 1  1.   2.XX. Check the adjustable range of the gain. Huawei Confidential Page 26 .  1. Check the board type and the adjustable range of the OAU gain.. Use this command line: cfg-get-gainrange  Search the specification in the product manual. input optical power of No. According to the reported performance events. Definition of the OAU optical power is shown in the following figure. confirm the DCM insertion loss. LTD. Check the middle insertion loss of the DCM between the TDC and the RDC. Well connect the board. Command for performance report: per-get-curdata.Using OAUs of E3/C6 Series-Step 2  2. Connect a DCM between the TDC and the RDC.5 interface . Port IN inputs light after power-on. Huawei Confidential Page 27 .. DCM insertion loss = output optical power of No.3 interface     HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. According to the middle insertion loss. The maximum of configurable gain = 31 – 6=25dB Gain range: 20– 25dB Huawei Confidential Page 28 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Maximum configurable gain = Maximum gain – DCM insertion loss OAU01:31 OAU05:34 OAU02:31 OAU03A/B/C/D:38 OAU03E:36        The minimum of configurable gain value: minimum gain For example: For an OAU01 board. . calculate the range of configurable gain of this OAU. connected to a DCM whose insertion loss is 6 dB.. LTD.Using OAUs of E3/C6 Series-Step 3  3. use the following method to get the Pin: Total power method or Improved total power method as the followed introduced.)  1) An optical spectrum analyzer is recommended to test the optical power of input signals. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. please make it approach the standard value. we should adjust the single-wave power to the standard value. As the requirement of commissioning.. The average power of the single-wave power of all wavelength signals : Pin  2) With no optical spectrum analyzer. Huawei Confidential Page 29 .Using OAUs of E3/C6 Series-Step 4   4. Confirm the single-wave average input power Pin. (If it can’t reach the standard value. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. the single-wave Standard output power is +4dBm. such as OAU01 and OAU03. when it is applied in a 40-channel system. Calculate the gain value Stdgain value = Single-wave Standard output power – Pin  For an OAU with 20dBm maximum output. the single-wave output optical power is +1dBm.  An OAU2 with 17dBm maximum output is only applied in 40-channel systems and the output power is +1dBm.  Single-wave output power of an OAU5 with 23dBm maximum output is +7dBm/+4dBm..Using OAUs of E3/C6 Series-Step 5   5. Huawei Confidential Page 30 . when it is applied in a 80-channel system. LTD. then the Stdgain = 4 – (– 15) = 19dB while the minimum gain of the OAU01 is 20dB.  Handling procedure: Increase the attenuation of the attenuator before the OAU to decrease the single-wave average optical power. Huawei Confidential Page 31 .. Stdgain = 4 – (– 18) = 22dB.Using OAUs of E3/C6 Series-Step 6   6.   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. If the stdgain is lower than the minimum gain Cause: The optical power input to OAU is to high and causes excessively low gain. The calculated value of Stdgain should be in the range of the calculated gain in    1. if you increase the attenuation for 3dB. the input single-wave average optical power is – 18dBm. Example: In a 40-channel system. which is acceptable. whether the gain exceeds the range. For example. the single-wave optical power input to the OAU01 is – 15dBm. Check step 3. Use Steps of the E3/C6 Series OAU –STEP 6   2. The Stdgain value calculated exceeds the gain range obtained in step 3. Cause: The input per-channel optical power is excessively low, the DCM insertion loss is excessively high, or an improper OAU is used.  For example: In the 40-channel system, if the OAU01 board is used and the DCM insertion loss is 6 dB, the gain range must be 20–25 dB. If the input per-channel optical power is –22 dBm, the Stdgain = 4 – (–22) = 26 dB, which exceeds the range. (1) The attenuation of the VOA attached to the OAU is excessively high. Decrease the attenuation of the VOA to increase the per-channel optical power. (If step4 is properly performed, this problem will not occur) (2) If the attenuation of the OAU attached to the OAU cannot be further decreased, it indicates that the DCM insertion loss is excessively high, or an improper OAU board is used for long hop transmission. As long hop has been taken into account during the project design period, the possibility of the latter is small. (1) Adjust the VOA attached to the IN port on the OAU to ensure that the per-channel input optical power is consistent with the standard per-channel input optical power. (2) If the DCM insertion loss is excessively high or an improper OAU is used, adjust the position of the DCM, for example remove the DCM from the OAU, to eliminate the extra attenuation caused by the DCM, or replace the OAU by a proper OAU board or by a combination of the OA boards. For the configuration rule of the OAU, refer to the OptiX BWS 1600G Network Design Guide and the OptiX Metro 6100 Network Design Guide . During the commissioning, if it is found that the marketing design cannot meet the  Possible cause:    Solution:  system requirements, fill in the Contract Problem Feedback Sheet. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 32 Using OAUs of E3/C6 Series-Step 7   7. Set the gain Use the command: cfg-set-stdgain. If it fails, the configured gain might exceed the gain range. Recheck whether the calculated gain is in the gain range calculated in step 3.  Settings on the NMS: Directly set in the Moninal Gain. Setting gain Real gain The gain of the C-band wavelength channels oriented the E3OAU and E4OAU can be adjusted within ±2.5 dB of the gain boundary. It is used in the ALC function but not allowed to be used in commissioning. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 33 Using OAUs of E3/C6 Series-Step 8   8. Query the actual gain After you set the gain, query whether it is successfully issued. Use command line: cfg-get-gain On the NMS: Criterion: The command succeeds if the queried actual gain ―Gain‖ is within the range of the issued stdgain±0.5dB. If the command fails, recheck whether the Stdgain exceeds the gain range.      HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 34 Under special conditions (RAMAN/ROP/ULH has worse OSNR). LTD. ―adjust the transmit end based on the receive end‖―monitor the receive end and adjust the transmit end to ensure optical power flatness at the receive end. you can only check. 2. the index requirement also apply. . 1. Set the initial value according to tunable range. but cannot adjust the flatness of transmitted optical power.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Flatness Requirement in Commissioning One-Channel Optical Power  Flatness requirement of one-channel optical power   Adjust the optical power of each wavelength to fall inside the range (-2 dB to 2 dB) of average one-channel optical power. ensure that the attenuator of each wavelength has enough tunable range. If not in the case. the OSNR and flatness need to be further adjusted. Before an optical amplifier unit is adjusted. The purpose of adjusting the optical power flatness of each wavelength is to ensure that the OSNR of the receive end is flat and meets the design requirement. If the optical power flatness meet the index requirement. Currently.. If the designed OSNR is not met. the optical power flatness can be sacrificed to guarantee the flatness of OSNR (or BER). Huawei Confidential Page 35  Method of adjusting one-channel optical power flatness     Notes   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. you can adjust the optical power flatness of each wavelength only when each wavelength has a tunable attenuator. After you adjust the one-channel average optical power of an optical amplifier unit. consider to adjust the optical power flatness of each wavelength at the receive end. and the maximum output optical power is 20 dBm. You need to add an MVOA externally. how do you commission the system? VOA IN 1 PA 2 VOA EDFA 3 BA 4 OUT Note: Some OAUs do not have an EVOA.. the gain ranges from 24 to 36. PIN 5 splitter TDC RDC MON HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. The E3OAU is used in the OptiX 1600G III model system. how do you commission the system? If the value is-25 dBm.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Method of Commissioning One-Channel Optical Power  Sample E3OAU commissioning  The input optical power of the E3OAUC03E ranges from -32 dBm to -4 dBm. If the tested one-channel average input optical power before you add a VOA is -15 dBm. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 36 . the gain is =4-(-25)=29dB.  Method of commissioning an OAU without EVOA  adjust the VOA to enable the one-channel average input optical power to reach the standard. Huawei Confidential Page 37 .  adjust the VOA to enable the one-channel average input optical power to reach the standard.  remove the VOA to enable the one-channel average input optical power to reach the largest value.  If the one-channel average input optical power before you add a VOA is -25 dBm. the one-channel average input optical power =-25 dBm. LTD. The calculated one-channel standard input optical power is -20 dBm and the output optical power is +4 dBm. Adjust the MVOA to enable the one-channel average output optical power to reach the standard (+4 dBm). the gain is =4-(-20)=24dB. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Method of Commissioning One-Channel Optical Power  Sample E3OAU commissioning  The OptiX 1600G III model system is a 40x10G system. In this case.  If the one-channel average input optical power before you add a VOA is -15 dBm. In this case.. the one-channel average input optical power =-20 dBm. If the tested one-channel average input optical power before you add a VOA is-14dBm.. and the tested one-channel average output optical power is +4 dBm.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Method of Commissioning One-Channel Optical Power  Sample E3OBU commissioning    The input optical power of the E3OBUC03 ranges from -24 dBm to-3 dBm. how do you commission the system? The OptiX 1600G III model system is a 40x10G system. Adjust the VOA to enable the one-channel average input optical power to reach the standard. VOA IN OBU diagram 1 BA 2 OUT HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. The E3OBU is used in the 1600G III model system. and the maximum output optical power is 20 dBm. the one-channel average input optical power=-19dBm. the gain is 23 dB. In this case. Huawei Confidential Page 38 . The calculated one-channel standard input optical power -19 dBm and +4 dBm. set the gain to enable the total output optical power reach the standard. remove the VOA at the input end of the amplifier. adjust the VOA of TDC/RDC to enable the total output optical power to reach the standard..    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. The optical power that is output based on fixed gain is the standard optical power. adjust the VOA to enable the total input optical power to reach the standard. If the E3OAU and C6OAU has an EVOA.  If the total input optical power cannot reach the total standard input optical power. the one-channel average input optical power=one-channel standard input optical power. adjust the EVOA to enable the total output optical power to reach the standard. LTD. For the E2OAU.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Method of Commissioning Total Optical Power  Total input optical power  If the total input optical power before you add a VOA is higher than the total standard optical power.  Total output optical power  Do not adjust the output optical power for optical amplifier units except the OAU. to enable the total input optical power to remain the maximum optical power. In this case. For the OAU that does not have an EVOA. Huawei Confidential Page 39 . .  The definition of the standard per-channel optical power is the same as the definition provided previously. . LTD.  The total standard optical power satisfies the following formula:  Total standard optical power = Standard per-channel optical power + 10lgn + offset. offset refers to the power offset that is added to compensate for the optical power during power commissioning performed by using the optical power meter to reduce the noise impact.   The theoretical OSNR value can be obtained by using the OptiX BWS 1600G OSNR calculation tool. The offset value varies indirectly with the number of wavelengths and OSNR.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Definition of total optical power  Total optical power refers to the total optical power of the obtained standard perchannel optical power after commissioning the board. Huawei Confidential Page 40 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.  n refers to the number of signal wavelengths accessed by the OAU contain. OSNR defines the noise as 0. N1=40 x 8 x N.  Total optical power = 10lg (S1 + N1) offset = 10lg (S1+N1)-10lgS1 = 10lg (1 + N1/S1). S1=nS offset=10lg (1 + (40 x 8/n) x N/S) Note: This method can be used to verify the total optical power that is calculated by using the previous method. Huawei Confidential Page 41 .. and S is the one-channel signal optical power. N is 0.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Method of Commissioning Total Optical Power  Theoretical calculation of total optical power  Noise optical power = 10lgN1 = 10lg (40 x 8 x N) = 10lgS (output/input average onechannel optical power of the optical amplifier unit) -10lgS/N (local OSNR) + 10 x lg8 + 10 x lg40. N1 is the total noise optical power. S1 is the total signal optical power. LTD.  Signal optical power = 10LgS1 = 10lgnS = 10lgS (output/input average one-channel optical power of the optical amplifier unit) + 10lgn.    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.1 nm. n is the current number of wavelengths.1 nm noise optical power. 0063 offset = 10lg (1 +(40 x 8/n) x N/S) = 10lg (1 + (40 x 8/2) x 0. LTD. the less offset.8 nm) and the number of current add/drop wavelengths. but is relevant to OSNR. Totally there are two wavelengths. 1529 nm-1561 nm. Huawei Confidential Page 42 . offset = 10lg (1+(40 x 8/n) x N/S) = 10lg (1+ (40 x 8/10) x 0. The higher OSNR. The more wavelengths.8 dB HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. 40 channel x 0.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Method of Commissioning Total Optical Power  Sample offset computation  For example. 320 nm. The OSNR is 22 dB. amplification range of an optical amplifier unit (for example.0063) = 0..0063) = 3 dB offset is irrelevant to the input and output optical power. What is the total standard output optical power that should be commissioned?  OSNR = 10lgS/N = 22 dB N/S = 0.  For 10 channels. the less offset. the one-channel standard output optical power of an optical amplifier unit is adjusted to +4 dBm.     The wavelength range is a fixed parameter for the optical amplifier unit. The E3OAUC03E is used in the OptiX 1600G III model system and has four wavelengths totally. how do you commission the system? VOA IN 1 PA 2 VOA EDFA 3 BA 4 OUT Note: Some OAUs do not have an EVOA. If the tested total input optical power before you add a VOA is -9 dBm.. Huawei Confidential Page 43 . The gain ranges from 24 to 36. The maximum output optical power is 20 dBm. LTD. how do you commission the system? If the value is-20 dBm.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Method of Commissioning Total Optical Power  Sample E3OAU commissioning  The input optical power of the E3OAUC03E ranges from -32 to -4 dBm. 5 PIN splitter TDC RDC MON HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. The Offset in the formula is related to the output OSNR.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Example: Commissioning the E3OAU board  The OptiX BWS 1600G III system is a 40 x 10G system. Then.  If the total input optical power is –9 dBm before attaching the VOA to the OAU:      Adjust the VOA to ensure that the input optical power reaches the standard level. –13 dBm. . Set value = 4 – (–20) = 24 dB (make sure that it is within the gain range). LTD. Theoretical calculated value: 11. The calculated standard per-channel input optical power and output optical power are –20dBm and +4dBm.2 dBm = 4 + 10lg4 + 1. In the system.2 dB. Use the offset calculation tool to calculate the input offset and the calculated value is about 1 dB. which is about 24. the OSNR before being input to the OAU at the receive end is about 25 dB. calculate the standard total input optical power and the calculated value is –13 dBm. –20 (standard per-channel input optical power) = –13 – 10lg4 – 1. the output offset is about 1. i.2 (offset).e. Query the total output optical power and it is approximately 11. Thus.2 dBm.. Huawei Confidential Page 44 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. and there are four channels in total.02 dB as obtained through calculation performed by using the OSNR calculation tool. which is consistent with the queried value. respectively. –20 dBm.e.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  If the total input optical power is –20 dBm before attaching the VOA to the OAU:  Remove the VOA to ensure that the input optical power reaches the maximum value..64 dBm = 4 + 10lg4 + 1. The Offset in the formula is related to the output OSNR. Thus. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Query the total output optical power and it is approximately 11.64 (offset). commissioning result may be inaccurate. when the OSNR of each wavelength is different.64 dBm. Huawei Confidential Page 45 .4 dB as obtained through the calculation performed by using the OSNR calculation tool.      Precautions:   In the case of the pass-through wavelengths. which is about 22. Theoretical calculated value: 11. If the offset (OSNR) value is improperly set. LTD. use the minimum OSNR. which is consistent with the queried value. Set value = 4 – (–27) = 31 dB (make sure that it is within the gain range). i. –27 (input per-channel optical power) = –20 – 10lg4 – 1.64 dB. the output offset is about 1. LTD. Actual total optical power at the transmit end Standard total optical power at point 3 = Queried total optical power at point 2 – (Standard perchannel optical power at point 2 – Standard per-channel optical power at point 3) Line attenuation value as designed OAU gain of station B = (Standard per-channel optical power at point 4 – Standard per-channel optical power at point 2) + (Queried total optical power at point 2 – Queried total optical power at point 3) Actual line attenuation value HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 46 .Improved Commissioning Method for Total Optical Power Total Pout – Loss = Standard per-channel Pout Total Pin Actual per-channel Pin 1 OA 2 3 OA 4 Station A (upstream) Station B (downstream) Determine the input optical power and the OAU gain according to the requirements of the OAUs in the downstream and upstream stations and the queried optical power value.. Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Improved Commissioning Method of Total Optical Power  Sample E3OAU commissioning as what is described in the previous page Query or test that the total output optical power in the upstream direction is 11 dBm.  You should adjust the total standard input optical power = 11-(4-(- 20)) =-13 dBm If the total input optical power before you add a VOA is -9 dBm,  you can adjust the VOA to enable the total input optical power to reach the standard. The total input optical power is -13 dBm.  the adjusted one-channel input optical power of the optical amplifier unit in the downstream direction = 4-(11-(-13)) =-20 dBm  you can set gain = 4-(-20) = 24 dB  you can use the total output optical power as a reference to adjust the optical power of the optical amplifier unit in the downstream direction.   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 47 Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Improved Commissioning Method of Total Optical Power   If the total input optical power before you add a VOA is -20 dBm,  you can remove the VOA. The total input optical power = -20 dBm  the adjusted one-channel input optical power of the optical amplifier unit in the downstream direction = 4-(11-(-20)) =-27 dBm  you can set gain = 4-(-27) = 31 dB. You can use the total output optical power as a reference to adjust the optical power of the optical amplifier unit in the downstream direction. Difference with the previous commissioning method of total optical power  The way of obtaining the standard total optical power is different.  The method of calculating the one-channel optical power is different. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 48 OAU05/OBU05/HBA Commissioning  Compared OAU05/OBU05 with OAU03/OBU03, the maximum transmitting optical power is 23 dBm. In the 40-wavelength system, the standard output single-wavelength optical power is + 7 dBm. Commissioning for other values is the same. The maximum output optical power of HBA can reach 26 dBm. For the 40wavelength system, the single-wavelength output optical power is + 10 dBm. Considering high optical power with full wavelengths configuration, the optical power from HBA to FIU is the APC. The optical power on the local HBA (0–20km) is higher, so ensure the quality of transmission fiber. A common fiber connector may burn the fiber surface, thus bringing on bad influences for the system security. The fiber splice mode is preferred between the HBA and local Raman amplifier (within 20km) and fiber connector is avoided. When fiber connector is mandatory, the fiber jumper and connector should be processed specially; namely, use APC jumper and flange. Huawei Confidential Page 49   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. The T2000 disables IPA. you need to enable IPA for the purpose of security.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  Commissioning Requirement on Optical Power of Raman Amplifier  Requirements  The switch gain of a Raman amplifier ≥10 dB The gain flatness of each channel should fall inside the 3 dB range. You must enable IPA to turn on the pump laser.    When the gain is guaranteed.653 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.0 dBm P2 (power of pump group 2) 24. The working current cannot exceeds the threshold.655 G.0 dBm 22.652/ G.. Fiber Type (by standard) P1 (power of pump group 1) 24.0 dBm 23. set the pump optical power to a lower value for security. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 50 . Amplification is the result of the functioning of all pump. RPC has two pump and RPA has three pump.  Before you turn on a pump laser.5 dBm G.   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD.  5.1 dB at a time. and calculate the switch gain.. you need to shut down the laser and check or replace fibers. Compare the optical power of the one-channel signal when the pump laser is on and that when the pump laser is off. when you have not turned on a pump laser. You need to set it for two pump groups. Huawei Confidential Page 51 . until the minimum channel switch gain is large than 10 dB. you cannot commission the optical power of the Raman amplifier.  Note: As you must enable IPA by using the T2000. The pump optical power that you set cannot generate this alarm. As a result.  3. Set the pump optical power to a recommended value.  4. Commissioning Requirement and Method on Optical Power of Raman Amplifier  Method of commissioning optical power of Raman amplifier – gain 1. a direct test on SYS enables IPA and shuts down the Raman pump. Notes:  The working current threshold crossing alarm indicates that you set a high value for the pump optical power and need to set it to a lower value.  2. If this alarm is generated and the gain cannot reach the value of 10 dB.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  6. use the optical spectrum analyzer to monitor the MON port on a Raman amplifier and test the optical power of a one-channel signal. Turn on the two groups of pump lasers and read the optical power of the one-channel signal by using the optical spectrum analyzer. If the switch gain is less than 10 dB. After you connect fibers. you can moderately increase the two groups of output pump optical power by 0. This method of adjusting gain flatness cannot be performed by using the T2000 because stopping signals at the transmit end turns off the pump of the Raman board. 4. After you adjust the switch gain to meet the value of 10 dB. you need not adjust the gain flatness. Huawei Confidential Page 52      HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Compare the two wave peaks of 1535 nm and 1560 nm wavelengths in ASE spectrum. you must use the T2000 to enable IPA before you can turn on the laser. you need not adjust the gain flatness.. LTD. Commissioning Requirement and Method on Optical Power of Raman Amplifier  Method of commissioning optical power of Raman amplifier – gain flatness  1. Use the optical spectrum analyzer to test the SYS port. you must set the IPA auxiliary detection of Raman. If the compared value falls inside this range. you need to use ASE spectrum to verify it. The test result is the ASE spectrum. . keep the same pump settings. If so. to ensure that IPA does not shut down the laser during testing.7 dB to 1. and turn on the pump laser. and you cannot correctly verify whether the gain spectrum is flat.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  6. Hence. After you stop the signals at the transmit end.7 dB ) higher than that of the 1560 nm wavelength. usually you need not adjust the gain flatness. 2. or wavelengths concentrate on a wavelength. See if the optical power of the wave peak of the 1535 nm wavelength is approximately 1. when you turn on the laser. Note 2: For the purpose of security. If the gain flatness of each channel exceeds 3 dB.2 dB (0. Note 1: Generally. 3. compare the gain flatness of each channel and check whether they fall inside the range of 3 dB. Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  6. Commissioning Requirement and Method on Optical Power of Raman Amplifier  Method of commissioning optical power of Raman amplifier – gain flatness 1 0.5 0 1525 -0.5 -1 -1.5 △1 1530 1535 1540 1545 1550 1555 1560 △2 1565 Zero at 1529.58nm 1529.58nm处归零 △2-△1=0.7dB -2 -2.5 Gain 增益谱形 spectrum ASE spectrum ASE谱形 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 53 Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  6. Commissioning Requirement and Method on Optical Power of Raman Amplifier  Method of commissioning optical power of Raman – gain flatness  5. If the optical power of the wave peak of the 1535 nm wavelength is 1.7 dB higher than that of the 1560 nm wavelength, decrease the pump optical power of pump laser group 1 by 0.1 dB and increase the pump optical power of pump laser group 2 by 0.1 dB, until the optical power difference meets the requirement. 6. If the optical power of the wave peak of the 1535 nm wavelength is less than 0.7 dB higher than that of the 1560 nm wavelength, increase the pump optical power of pump laser group 1 by 0.1 dB and decrease the pump optical power of pump laser group 2 by 0.1 dB, until the optical power difference meets the requirement. 7. After you adjust the gain flatness, you need to re-test the switch gain. If the switch gain of all channels cannot be large than 10 dB, you need to re-adjust the switch gain in the way as described previously. Note: Adjusting the pump optical power of pump laser group 1 changes the optical power of the 1535 nm wavelength. Adjusting the pump optical power of pump laser group 2 changes the optical power of the 1560 nm wavelength. Huawei Confidential Page 54    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  6. Commissioning Requirement on Optical Power of Raman Amplifier  Raman line requirements  The Raman amplifier has a high requirement on the near-end line fiber loss. There should be no connector in the circumference of 0 km to 20 km except at one end of the ODF. The two ends of fibers at all connection points must be fusion spliced. Before you use a Raman amplifier, you must use OTDR to test the fibers on the line. It is recommended that the additional loss of the single-point loss event of fibers and cables in the line should meet the following criteria: the single-point additional loss is less than 0.1 dB (G652) or 0.2 dB (G655) in the circumference of 0 km to 10 km; the single-point additional loss is less than 0.2 dB (G652) or 0.4 dB (G655) in the circumference of 10 km to 20 km; the single-point additional loss is less than 0.4 dB in the circumference of 20 km to 30 km; the single-point additional loss is less than 1 dB in the circumference of 30 km to 40 km; the single-point additional loss is less than 2 dB in the circumference of more than 40 km. In addition, the single-point return loss cannot be less than 40 dB. The fiber connector must be clean. If a spot appears on the fiber connector, the connector may easily be blown out. The bending radius of a fiber jumper should be more than 4 cm. A large bending radius can blow out the fiber jump.    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 55 Huawei Confidential Page 56 . great reflection can blow out the fiber connector. Commissioning Requirement on Optical Power of Raman Amplifier  Commissioning precautions  The negative output optical power of a Raman amplifier can be 27 dBm. Do not add non-fiber equipment and units.     HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. When you insert and remove a fiber end. LTD. you must set IPA by using the latest version of the T2000 before you can turn on the Raman pump lights. For the purpose of security. If you use the PC fiber connector. Currently. Raman amplifiers use backward pump structure. such as an attenuator and fiber jumper. at the input end of SSE1RPA/C. Strong pump lights are accessed to fibers through the input end (line) instead of the output end (SYS). Use the special APC fiber connector.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  6. ensure that the laser is off as the laser exposure can cause permanent eye damage. .g. you need to adjust the flatness of launched optical power of each wavelength to a high value as much as possible. and need not ensure the optical power flatness of each wavelength in the line. LTD.  CWDM has no amplifier as CWDM has wide wavelength frequency that results in a high cost to install an amplifier. CWDM)  You need not commission the optical power in the line for the wavelengths that do not pass the amplifier. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.  If an amplifier is not installed at the local transmit end but one is installed at the opposite receive end.g.  If an amplifier is not installed at the local receive end. Commissioning Requirement on Optical Power In the Event of No Amplifier (e. you need not use a VOA to adjust the optical power of the dropped wavelengths in the line. Huawei Confidential Page 57 . CWDM)  Commissioning Requirement on Optical Power In the Event of No Amplification (e.Commission Requirement and Method for Optical Amplifier Unit  7. In the methods of commissioning one-channel optical power. Is it correct? Set gain = average actual gain of the optical power of current one-channel signal = average one-channel output optical power - average one-channel input optical power.. . For a 40-channel system. is the one-channel optical power method refers to the method of testing the optical power of an optical amplifier unit by using the optical power meter in the case of one channel? Is the method refers to the method of querying the optical power of an optical amplifier unit in the case of one channel? 4. What are the main operations for commissioning an amplifier? 3.Questions  Questions  1. The maximum output optical power of an amplifier is 23 dBm. what is the one-channel standard output optical power? 2. Is it correct? Huawei Confidential Page 58    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Set gain = actual gain of the optical amplifier unit = output optical power of the optical amplifier unit-input optical power of the optical amplifier unit. LTD. LTD.Summary  In this chapter. Huawei Confidential Page 59 . we have learned:  The commission requirement of OA  Three commission methods for OA Example for OA Commission  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. LTD.Contents  Commission Requirement and Method  Optical amplifier unit Optical Transponder Unit Other units   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 60 .. LTD. Though the optical power that the OTDR tests is small. If the optical power that exceeds the overload point is accessed into the local equipment by mistake or the fiber on the opposite ODF is not disconnected. The value that is less than -11 is better.. Notes  During commissioning.  Multiple types of OTU boards should be normalized whenever possible for easy management. Exercise caution when you use the OTDR. and add. Otherwise.Commission Requirement and Method for OTU  1. it is forbidden that the optical power that exceeds the overload point is accessed into the receive interface on the OTU. Method  Test the received optical power of the OTU. the optical module may be blown out. change or remove a fixed optical attenuator according to the requirements on the optical power. the optical module is easily blown out. the optical power of a pulse signal can transiently be up to 20 dBm.  The bit error rate before error correction of an OTU should be less than -7. Huawei Confidential Page 61 .  The received optical power of the OTU should be in the level of the middle value between the overload point and the sensitivity. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Commissioning Requirement for OTU    Basic commissioning requirements  The input optical power of the OTU must meet the requirement of ―receiver sensitivity+3 to overload point-5‖.  When you use the OTDR. you should disconnect the fiber on the opposite ODF. Be aware that the OTU boards without FEC cannot be interconnected with the OTU boards with FEC/AFEC.Commission Requirement and Method for OTU  1. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 62  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. When you use an optical spectrum analyzer to test the optical power. The designed OSNR tolerance for the OTU boards without FEC and that for the OTU boards with FEC/AFEC are better. Commissioning Requirement for OTU  Commissioning requirements on special OTU  The boards (the last letter of a board name is s) that support Super WDM and the same type of boards that do not support Super WDM have inconsistent transmitted waveform due to inconsistent transmitting modules and coding methods. The way of commissioning the optical power for the boards that support Super WDM is the same as the way of commissioning the optical power of other OTU boards.. The way of commissioning the optical power for the OTU boards with FEC/AFEC is the same as the way of commissioning the optical power for the OTU boards without FEC. such as Aglint86145B. use the special instrument. The signal peak bandwidth that you need to set is 0. .5 nm and the noise RES bandwidth is 0.1 nm. The boards that support Super WDM has a better OSNR tolerance and can be interconnected with the same type of boards that do not support Super WDM. Hence. You need to use smartbits to test bit errors.5G OTU boards.  The way of commissioning the optical power for the OTU boards with the optical tunable transponder is the same as the way of commissioning the optical power for other OTU boards. You can use the T2000 to set wavelengths. you need to add DCM for dispersion compensation. Commissioning Requirement for OTU  Commissioning requirements on special OTU  There is no difference in the commissioning requirements and methods for 10G OTU and 2.5G OTU boards. LTD. the dispersion tolerance that you configure for 10G OTU boards is smaller than that you configure for 2. Only the integral test method can be used. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. In addition. The 50G CRZ signal cannot be directly tested by using the optical spectrum analyzer.Commission Requirement and Method for OTU  1.  The way of commissioning the optical power for the OTU board at the 50 GHz spacing is the same as the way of commissioning the optical power for the OTU board at the 100 GHz spacing. Huawei Confidential Page 63 .. But.  The way of commissioning the optical power for the OTU boards that support GE services is the same as the way of commissioning the optical power for the OTU boards that support SDH services. set the same auto-negotiation mode for both ends. 5GAPD:15dB CLIENT 15 OTU M40&MB2/MR2 10GAPD:10dB CLIENT Multi-mode: CLIENT 10 OTU M40&MB2/MR2 OTU M40&MB2/MR2 The configuration rules of the optical attenuators on the client-side optical interfaces on the OTU refer to the notes of this slide. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. Huawei Confidential Page 64 .5GPIN:7dB 7 OTU M40&MB2/MR2 10GPIN:7dB CLIENT 7 OTU M40&MB2/MR2 2.Commission Requirement and Method for OTU Single-mode: CLIENT RX OUT 2. LTD. Commission Requirement and Method for OTU IN APD:15dB TX 15 OTU PIN:7dB 7 OTU D 4 O A U 0 RX CLIENT OTU OUT CLIENT OTU APD:15dB 15 OTU PIN:7dB 7 OTU IN OUT 2 2 M 4 0 As for WDM side in 1600G OTM. As for WDM side in 6100 OTM.. LTD. while they are required on receiving port of OTU at WDM side: 15 dB is added for APD and 7 dB is for PIN. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 65 .. the configuration rules of the optical attenuators are as follows: An Optical Amplifier Unit is required for pass-through wavelengths added currently or in the future. Fixed attenuators are not needed between OA and D40. a tunable attenuator is needed on each pass-through wavelength as well as on added wavelength. However. Huawei Confidential Page 66 . and the coding of the boards are different. the OTUs with FEC. if the local OTU works under the auto negotiation mode. Of the three types of OTU board. Note that the OTUs without FEC.5G OTUs. the working mode of the local 10G OTU must be consistent with the working mode of the opposite OTU. Configuration of tunable wavelengths  The wavelength tunable OTUs are commissioned in the same way as the other OTUs. the 10G OTUs have lower dispersion tolerance than the 2. however. the OTUs with AFEC have better OSNR tolerance than the OTUs with FEC. the wave forms that the boards transmitted are different. In addition. and the OTUs with AFEC cannot be connected to each other.5G OTUs share the same commissioning requirements. For details.Commissioning Requirements for Special OTUs Super WDM boards Comparison of the Super WDM boards (the board name of every Super WDM board contains an "s") and the boards of the same type but without the Super WDM function: They have different transmit modules. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. you need to set the service rate and type of every port according to the relevant engineering design. the OTUs with FEC. The Super WDM boards have better OSNR tolerance and can be connected to the boards without the Super WDM function. there are special requirements for the optical spectrum analyzer. AFEC The commissioning requirements for the OTUs with FEC/AFEC and the OTUs without the FEC are similar. wavelengths of the wavelength tunable OTUs can be configured on the NMS. the opposite OTU also must work under the auto negotiation mode. Thus. LQM. during configuration. Note that the dispersion tolerance requirements is different when you use the Super WDM boards to replace the boards without the Super WDM function. the DCM modules must be used for the 10G OTUs for dispersion compensation. When detecting the optical power and OSNR. Thus. LTD. and LBF multi-service integrated boards. refer to the Special Topic on OptiX WDM  Products FEC Function . However. you need to GE service boards Multi-service integrated boards use the smartbits test equipment to test the BER of the OTUs for GE services. which must  provide the functions to set the signal bandwidth and noise equivalent bandwidth. have better OSNR tolerance than the OTUs without FEC. However. For example. refer to the Guide to Testing the DRZ_CRZ Signal OSNR for Super DWDM System FEC.  The OTUs for GE services and the OTUs for SDH services are similar in power commissioning. LWM. Dispersion tolerance  The 10G OTUs and 2. For details.  When configuring the LWX. as shown in the following figure: In addition. LQM. you need to set the service rate and type of every port according to the engineering design as shown in the following two figures: Service type setting Service rate setting • When configuring a wavelength tunable OTU. LTD. refer to the corresponding deployment guides. Wavelength setting HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.Precautions for Configuring Special OTUs • When configuring the LWX. and the WXCP boards (the ETMX and LOG) must be configured with intraboard cross-connections. LWM.. For details. you need to set the wavelength according to the engineering design. Huawei Confidential Page 67 . the working mode of the GE boards must be set to auto negotiation. and LBF multi-service integrated boards. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 68 ..Contents  Commission Requirement and Method  Optical amplifier unit Optical Transponder Unit Other units   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. The OSC processing board inside the site should be connected with 15dBm attenuation.. The communication between the OSC/OTC and the SCC of other NEs must be synchronous with the clock.  The received optical power should not be close to the over loading point.  Orderwire settings  Orderwire settings. Huawei Confidential Page 69 .Commission Requirement and Method for Other Boards  1. Optical Supervisory Channel processing board (SC1/SC2/TC1/TC2)  Commission requirements  To meet the requirement of processing the supervisory information. LTD. you need to set the local clock of the SCC on an NE as the clock source of the entire network. conference call ring releasing. express orderwire Output Optical Central Receiver Overloaded Output Optical Power -7–0dBm Wavelength 1500nm–1520nm Sensitivity -48dBm Optical Power -3dBm HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 70 . and check whether the lines on the optical channels and whether the insertion loss and attenuations of the optical components are normal.Commission Requirement and Method for Other Boards  2.5dB D40 Fiber connector ITL <10dB <0.5dB <1.5dB <1.5dB <2. Check each channel to find the incorrectly connected fiber jumpers. optical component  Commission requirement  These boards do not have special requirements for the received optical power.5dB <3dB <3dB <1.5dB Board & Port MB2 : IN-DROP MB2 : ADD-OUT MB2 : IN-MRO,MRI-OUT MB2 : IN-BMO,BMI-OUT M40 Insertion Loss <3dB <3dB <2dB <1dB <10dB  MR2: IN-DROP MR2: ADD-OUT MR2: IN-MO MR2: MI-OUT FIU: IN-TM FIU: IN-TC FIU: RM-OUT FIU: RC-OUT <1. are affected. But in case of any problems. LTD..5dB/piece <3dB HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. OMU/ODU. other boards such as optical amplifier board. Board & Port Insertion Loss <2. If the value exceeds the planned attenuation. Huawei Confidential Page 71 . LTD.   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. request the customer to change the fiber core or rectify it. Line board  Commission method  The fiber connection from FIU-OUT to ODF. you need to use the optical power tester to test the following section by section: FIU insertion loss. and the one from downstream ODF to FIU-IN are connected by installers who are responsible for the quality of the connection. The optical power from FIU-RC through FIU-TC should be smaller than the planned attenuation. For a fiber/cable problem. and cable attenuation.Commission Requirement and Method for Other Boards  3.. connected ring flange attenuation. fiber-routing attenuation. which is provided based on the information provided by customers. Only in this case. the actual attenuation is smaller than the planned attenuation. Hence. in between is a optical fiber/cable TC F I U HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Usually. A RC B IN F OUT I U Ring flange of line-side ODF. LTD. you need to check the actual attenuation and the planned attenuation during the commissioning. can the planned SNR be ensured. Huawei Confidential Page 72 .Commission Requirement and Method for Other Boards  Notes: The planned attenuation is a reference value that allows for specific margins.. the optical power is -2 dBm. Huawei Confidential Page 73 . LTD. and the at the received end of the interconnected SDH equipment. how much dB should be the fixed attenuator?  Question 3: Which part of the attenuation does the attenuation planned by the market telecom refers to? HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.5G APD and 10G PIN?  Question 2: If the receive range of a board is 0 ~ -18 dBm..Questions  Questions  Question 1: How much optical power should be commissioned for WDMside 2. Optical Transponder Unit. and Other units HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO..we have learned:  Commission Requirement and Method for Optical amplifier unit. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 74 .Summar y  In this chapter . LTD.Contents   Preparation for Commissioning Commissioning Requirement and Method   System Commissioning Check the Result of Commissioning HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. Huawei Confidential Page 75 . . LTD.Contents  System Commissioning  System Commissioning process  OTM Commissioning OLA Commissioning OADM Commissioning    ROADM Commissioning Special Function Commissioning  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 76 .  During the commissioning. which services need be connected serially for testing. if the design need be modified. . which must contain the following information:  Station commissioning sequence  Arrange the station commissioning sequence according to the wavelength allocation diagram. and equipment resources. OAU configuration diagram. After the commissioning . release the loopback configured and restore the normal connections.   Station commissioning Precautions for commissioning  When performing the commissioning. human resources. if there are damaged components. deal with the problem according to engineering spare parts management system..System Commissioning Procedure  Before commissioning the system. you need to produce a commissioning plan. fill in the Contract Problem Feedback Sheet. Huawei Confidential Page 77 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. and how to perform a test on serial connections.   Arrangement of human resources of every station Arrangement of serial connection test  Determine which station need be attached with a test meter for 24-hour testing. on which station to perform a loopback test. LTD.Station Commissioning Sequence- Wavelength Allocation Table Service wavelength Station name Dotted line: Protection service The solid circles indicate the stations where services are added/dropped Solid line Working service Slot ID (3 as in this example)-board name-optical interface name Station name+cabinetsubrack SN For details of the wavelength allocation table. Huawei Confidential Page 78 . refer to the lower left part of the table.. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Station Commissioning Sequence – Network Amplifier type Transmission distance and loss DCM type REG transmission distance and designed OSNR HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 79 . we can select two commissioning procedures. There should be some cooperator in the upstream and downstream sites.  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. if one person debugs. When we do the commissioning. select procedure 1. forward direction: C—D—E—F—A and reverse direction: A—F—E—D—C. LTD. Procedure 2: forward direction: A—B—C--C—D—E—F—A and reverse direction: A—F—E—D—C--C—B—A.   Forward direction means received in the west and transmitted in the east.  Procedure 1: forward direction: A—B—C and reverse direction: C—B—A..Commissioning procedure-sites  Follow the above figure. select procedure 2. Huawei Confidential Page 80 . If many people debug at the same time. Reverse direction is opposite. BER test arrangement  Arrangement of BER test  Determine which station need be attached with a test meter for 24-hour testing. release the loopback configured and restore the normal connections. on which station to perform a loopback test.. and how to perform a test on serial connections.  Testing network-wide bit errors HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. After the commissioning . Huawei Confidential Page 81 . LTD. which services need be connected serially for testing. Querying the software versions. setting of NE ID/IP. Synchronizing NE time and enabling NE performance monitoring 2. querying or setting alarm suppression information. and ECC setting on the NMS). Configuring orderwire 4.       The commissioning covers the following aspects: 1. NE configurations (creation of NEs. LTD. Commissioning the Supervisory Channels 3. Commissioning the optical power of a station HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. and backing up data  6.Station Commissioning Sequence  The following tasks must be completed before you commission a station: Power-on check. Configuring the attributes of the WDM-side ports 5. Huawei Confidential Page 82 . and inspection of fiber connections and optical path connectivity between stations.. Click Close when the success prompt appears.  Setting the Performance Monitoring Time. Click Apply. T2000 can get the optical power management. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.        Select Configuration > NE Time Synchronization from the Main Menu.. the NE time can be synchronized with the T2000 server time automatically. Click OK when a confirmation dialog box is displayed. In the Set 24-Hour Monitoring group box. Set the Synchronous Mode parameter to NM and click Apply. Set the starting time which must be later then the current NM and NE time as needed.Synchronizing NE time and enabling NE performance monitoring  After proper settings. Set the Synchronize Starting Time and Synchronization Period (days) parameters in the lower pane.           Choose Performance > NE Performance Monitor Time from the Main Menu. Select the NEs in the left pane and click . In the Set 15-Minute Monitoring group box. You can also choose not to set the stopping time. You can also choose not to set the stopping time. Huawei Confidential Page 83 . In this way. the time of alarms and logs can be correctly recorded in the T2000. Select the desired NE in the Performance Monitor Time pane. Click Apply. and the Operation Result dialog box is displayed. Set the stopping time which must be later then the starting as needed. Set the starting time which must be later then the current NM and NE time as needed. click Enable. After setting this item. LTD. Click the double-right-arrow button (red). click Enable. All NEs are selected by default on the T2000. Set the stopping time which must be later then the starting as needed. Click Close in the Operation Result dialog box. Select NEs from the NE list. Click Close. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.  In the case of the OSC.Commissioning the Supervisory Channels-Power Commissioning  Supervisory channel commissioning involves optical supervisory channel (OSC) commissioning and electrical supervisory channel (ESC) commissioning. Huawei Confidential Page 84 . refer to the NE Commissioning of OptiX WDM Products).   On the power meter. LTD. the commissioning involves optical power commissioning and clock commissioning. The commissioning requirements for the OSC optical power are as follows:   The receive optical power of the supervisory signal processing board must be in the range from –45 dBm to –15 dBm after the commissioning. A fixed optical attenuator of 15 dB must be used when the OSC channels of a station are connected to each other.. Configure the wavelength range of the optical power meter: – In the case of C band. measure the transmit and receive optical power of the OSC board. Record the test result in the Optical Power Commissioning Record Table. – In the case of L band.   Operation procedure:  Check whether the fibers of the OSC board are properly connected (for details. set the wavelength to 1550 nm. set the wavelength to 1625 nm. Internal clock source Tracing the west clock Tracing the west clock Tracing the west clock  W  E W E W If the network is a ring network. (the internal clock has the lowest priority and cannot be configured) Regarding the clocks on the SC2/TC2 boards at other stations: The returned clock is the west clock (There are two types of clock can be returned: west clock and east clock.Commissioning the Supervisory Channels- Clock Commissioning  The commissioning requirements for the OSC clock are as follows:   On the entire network. For details. Otherwise. Right-click here to add/delete a clock source The TC1/TC2 and ST1/ST2 can transparently transmit clock signals. the local clock of the SCC board at one station must function as the clock source. and the second priority clock functions as the local clock. LTD. refer to Creating a Network HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. respectively.) For more clock-related information. refer to the Creating  a Network. The west clock is returned by default. which correspond to optical interfaces 1 and 2 on the SC2/TC2. a slip code will occur on the OSC/OTC board of every NE. Huawei Confidential Priority adjustment Page 85 . That is. the clock configuration is as follows:   Set the clock of the SCC at the master station to the local clock source. Regarding the clocks on the SCC boards at other stations: The first priority clock functions the clock of slot 6. the clock at optical interface 1. and the communication between the OSC/OTC boards and the SCC boards of other stations must be synchronous to this clock. The SC1/TC1 board can return only the west clock. FDG. LOG. ETMX. LTD. LWM. AP8S. LSG. all the OTU boards support the ESC function. FCES. EC8D.   Note: Some of the LWM and LWX boards support the ESC function and the others do not support the ESC function. LWMR. LDG. and L4G. FCED. Huawei Confidential Page 86 . LQS. AP8D. LBF. ELOG. EC8S. AS8S.Commissioning the Supervisory Channels- ESC Commissioning  Follow the operations below to enable the ESC function:       Right-click the NE icon. the typical boards are: AP4. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. AS8D. FCE. LOM. Select ―NE Explorer‖ Select ―WDM Interface‖ from the board function tree. LBE. LQM. FSG. Select ―ESC Assistant switch‖ Set it to ―Enabale‖ Click ―Apply‖  For LH and Metro WDM. LWXR. TMX. LQG.. LWF. For the NG WDM. LWX.  Arrangement the order wire number according to Global Data table as followed. LTD. NE Name Topology Name Equipment Type SubRack Type NE Extended ID 9 9 9 9 NE ID Order wire Conference Phone Remark 1 2 3 4 1-La 1-1 ENTEL LH-DWDM 10G BWS 1600G 2-La 1-2 ENTEL LH-DWDM 10G BWS 1600G 3-La 2-1 ENTEL LH-DWDM 10G BWS 1600G 4-La 2-2 ENTEL LH-DWDM 10G BWS 1600G 1 2 3 4 1001 9999 5 5-Pat 1-1 ENTEL LH-DWDM 10G BWS 1600G 9 9 5 6 1005 1006 Page 87 9999 9999 6 6-Cara 1-1 ENTEL LH-DWDM 10G BWS 1600G HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.Orderwire configuration  Enable the orderwire function of the NE can provide a private emergency call channel for the network maintenance personnel. Configuring Orderwire and Configuring Conference Calls No.  Refer to Creating a Network. Huawei Confidential ..  The SC1/SC2/ST1/ST2 board must be installed. For details. The GE boards must work under the auto negotiation mode. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. The boards connected to each other must work under the same FEC mode. LWM. follow the following instructions:  When configuring a wavelength tunable OTU. The WXCP series boards (ETMX and LOG) must be configured with intra-board crossconnections. complete the relevant configurations of the boards. LQM. if services cannot be added to the OTU board. refer to the corresponding deployment guide. you need to set the wavelength according to the engineering design. and LBF multi-service integrated boards. you need to forcibly enable the laser on the WDM side of the board. you need to set the service rate and type of every port according to the engineering design. The boards accessing multi-services must be configured with proper service types.Configuring the Attributes of the WDMSide Ports  During the commissioning. LTD. In addition.     According to the commissioning requirements for the special OTUs. Huawei Confidential Page 88 .   When configuring the LWX.  More details refer to Commissioning Network Page 89 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. the operation is successful.  Click Query..Checking Network-Wide Software Version and Checking Power Alarm Suppression Status  After you query the software version. the T2000 can be used to suppress the POWERALM alarm.  Click the from the Navigator Tree in the left-hand pane to update the Navigator Tree.  Log in to the client side on the T2000.  Record the versions of the BIOS. and choose Report > Board Information Reportfrom the main menu. Then select the desired NE from the Navigator Tree. FPGA. This operation is performed to check the status of the alarm suppression. and click the double-right-arrow button.  Click Close. LTD. you obtain the state version information of each board on the NE. The status and version information of each board of the NE are displayed in the interface. software.  When the tributary power of the power box in the cabinet endures a power failure. If a message indicating a successful operation is displayed in the prompt Operation Result dialog box. Huawei Confidential . Right-click the NE and select Backup to Database from the drop-down menu. Click OK in the prompt box.. Click the double-right-arrow button. select Configuration > Configuration Data Management.  In the Main Topology.Backing Up NE Database  After the configuration data is delivered. it is required to backup the NE database. Select the NE to be backed up from the list on the right-hand pane. The NE database can ensure that the SCC board restores to normal operation automatically upon data loss or power failure. Huawei Confidential Page 90 . LTD. Select the NE with database to be backed up in the left-hand pane.     HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.  Log in to the T2000. Sites optical power commissioning The general commissioning procedure: follow the signal direction sequence to measure optical power at each point.. exclude abnormal attenuation of line and spare parts. Follow the requirements on optical power commissioning of optical amplifier board. gain. and monitor signal for commissioning. Depending on the spare part power. LTD. and insertion loss requirements. OTU. Huawei Confidential Page 91 . The signal flow of site can base on the Fiber Connection as followed: HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 92 . LTD.Contents  System Commissioning  System Commissioning process  OTM Commissioning OLA Commissioning OADM Commissioning    ROADM Commissioning Special Function Commissioning  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 93 ..System Commission  1.OTM Commission Rx LWF LWF OUT M01 M02 M OUT 4 0 M40 IN O B U RC OUT MON TM RM OUT Client ODF LWF 5dB Tx LWF LWF IN SC1/ TC1 D01 D02 F I U Out line ODF RM TM D 4 0 D40 IN OUT MON O A U IN TDC LWF RDC D C M TC IN Fiber VOA MON MCA FOA ODF HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. the commission for Metro 6100 is dedicated to each wavelength. Huawei Confidential Page 94 .OTM Commission  1.. LTD. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Optical power commission for OTM  The output optical power commission for OTM SC1 RX OUT M01 OUT 6 IN OUT SDH LWF 1 1 5 -9dBm 6 -2dBm -2dBm 1dB +3dBm RX OUT M40 2 6 6dB 3 6 OBU -19dBm FIU 3 +4dBm 4 SC1 M01 OUT 6 IN OUT SDH LWF 1 1 5 6 -2dBm -9dBm -2dBm 1dB +3dBm M40 2 6 6dB 3 6 OBU -19dBm FIU 3 +4dBm 4 Note: Different from the 1600G. test the optical power of LWF-OUT to see whether the optical power is normal. The typical insertion loss of M40 is about 6dB. Be informed that the client-side of the LWF is the PIN receive optical module. The tested optical power of the LWF-RX is -9dBm. The average single-wavelength optical power is about =4dBm. Test the optical power of OBU-IN. Huawei Confidential Page 95 . After the SDH signals are access or after the lights are forced to emit. Other operations are performed to ensure the normal test of the fiber and boards. Adjust the VOA to set the average single-wavelength optical power of OBU-IN to -19dBm (OBU-3 single-wavelength standard optical power). Test the optical power of OBU-OUT. Operations in this step can be performed during the service cutover.OTM Commission Step 1 Actions in commissioning OTM transmit optical power Test the optical power of the interconnected SDH equipment of the ODF. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. The optical power is 2dBm. 2 3 4 5 6 Note: Only the optical power described in step 1 and 4 can actually be adjusted. Test the optical power of M40-M0/M40-OUT. Test the optical power of FIU-RC/FIU-OUT/ SC1-TM/FIU-RM and ODF to set whether the FIU insertion loss and fiber jumper attenuation are normal. and the optical power should between -6 and -12dBm. Attentions are paid to the optical power commissioning of LWF-IN/LWF-OUT/OBU-IN/OBU-OUT.. LTD. Add 7dB fixed attenuation. OTM Commission  1. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 96 .5dBm -2dBm -23dBm -24dBm 1dB HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.Optical power commission for OTM  The input optical power commission for OTM SC1 TX IN LWF D40 D01 OAU IN 1 OUT FIU IN SDH 6 2 6 1 -9dBm IN LWF 5 1 6dB D01 D40 5 1 -9dBm 6dB 4 1 DCM +4dBm 1 SC1 IN OAU 4 1 DCM +4dBm 4 3 -2.5dBm -2dBm -15dBm TX SDH 6 2 -20dBm -16dBm 1dB OUT FIU 4 3 IN 6 1 -2.. Add 7dBm fixed attenuation. The value is smaller than the planned attenuation (30dB). The tested value is -24dBm. meeting the required value between -6--10dBm. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. The value is -2dBm. LTD. smaller than 20dBm (E3OAUC03E standard single-wavelength input optical power). If they are all normal. 3 and 5.OTM Commission Step 1 Actions of OTM receive optical power commission Test the optical power of the line ODF/FIU-IN/FIU-TC/FIU-TM/SC1-RM. and the fiber connected are all normal. which indicates that the line attenuation. Test the optical power of LWF-IN. Remove the VOA. Set the gain. (The gain=4-(-24)=28dB) Test the average single-wavelength optical power of OAU. use the short fiber jumper to directly connect FIU-TC/OAU-IN. fiber jumper and board are normal. so that the optical power is -9dBm. The value is +4dBm. The attenuation=upstream FIU-RC optical power-local FIU-TC optical power=28dB. FIU. the operations in other steps are performed to test whether the line. you can skip the corresponding operations. Note: Except in step 2. 3 4 5 6 Test the optical power of LWF-TX.. 2 Test the single-wavelength optical power of FIU-TC. Test the optical power of the D40-IN/D40-D0 optical ports. Huawei Confidential Page 97 . Test the optical power of the client-side ODF (The received optical attenuation at the client equipment is provided and added by the customer). 2OTM in 1600G D O RDC C M IN TC IN TDC O IN Tx D01 LWF Rx A U OUT IN F I TM MON D 4 0 TM2 LWF OUT M01 LWF M02 LWF LWC LWC D12 RM1 M13 M OUT 4 0 M40 M02 RM1 15dB TM1 IN B U D01 OUT RC OUT MON F I TM2 RM TC2 RM TM1 15dB RM2 TC2 D06 RM2 TM D06 U D05 OUT U D05 O RC OUT M01 OUT Rx LWF IN OUT Tx LWF LWF IN O D01 B U D01 M 4 0 LWF D02 LWC LWC MON M02 D 4 0 D40 IN OUT A U IN TDC TC IN M13 MON D12 RDC D C M VOA FOA ODF HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 98 .OTM Commission  1.. . Huawei Confidential Page 99 . LTD.OTM Commission  1. 2OTM in 6100 TDC O IN TC IN RDC D C M IN O D01 IN Tx LWF Rx OUT LWF LRF M01 M02 A U OUT F MON D12 TM RM1 M13 D D02 4 0 D40 TM2 M OUT 4 0 M02 RM1 15dB TM1 IN B U D01 OUT RC OUT MON M40 F I U D05 OUT TM2 RM SC2 RM TM1 15dB RM2 SC2 D06 RM2 TM I U D05 D06 O M01 RC OUT OUT Rx LWF LRF Tx LWF IN O D01 D02 B U D01 IN OUT MON M02 M M02 4 0 M40 D IN 4 0 OUT A U IN TDC TC IN D40 M13 MON D12 RDC D C M VOA FOA ODF HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Questions  Questions  1. how to adjust the optical power? 3. If the fiber/cable is normal and no fault occurs on the board. LTD.. In the previous example. If no spectrum analyzer is available. If the average single-wavelength optical power received at FIU-TC is 16dBm. the optical power commissioning is on a single wavelength basis. how to perform commissioning based on the total optical power? HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Are there any differences between the OTM commissioning for the Metro 6100 and for the Metro 1600G?   4. what operations should be performed to commission the OTM optical power?  2. Huawei Confidential Page 100 . Huawei Confidential Page 101 ..Contents  System Commissioning  System Commissioning process  OTM Commissioning OLA Commissioning OADM Commissioning    ROADM Commissioning Special Function Commissioning  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. .OLA Commission MON TDC IN TC IN O A U D01 RDC OUT D C M IN O B U D03 OUT RC OUT MON F I U OUT TM RM F RM RM1 TM2 I U SC2/TC2 TM1 MON RM2 TM D05 RC D C M OUT O A TDC U RDC D12 IN TC D09 IN HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 102 . LTD. 9 OBU +9. The output OSNR of the OUB at site A is 23.6dB.3 FIU HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. SC1 IN TM FIU -28 TC IN OUT OAU +4 DCM -19 IN OUT RC OBU +4 RM OUT FIU FIU -24.13dB. OLA optical power commission  OLA optical power commission  Site B (CBA direction) two wavelengths/32dB attenuation (including FIU insertion loss). The calculated OSNR is as follows: the output OSNR of the OBU at the upstream site C is 33dB. Huawei Confidential Page 103 .OLA Commission  1..7 OAU +9. LTD. The output OSNR of the local OAU is 24.1 DCM -13. . Set the gain as follows: 4. This fact indicates that the line attenuation. Test the single wavelength optical power at OAU. Test the single wavelength optical power of FIU-TC. 2 3 4 5 6 Note: The OLA optical power commissioning is the same as the commissioning for the OAU. the commissioning is mainly for the optical power of the OAU. and the connected fiber are all normal. FIU. FIU. This value is smaller than 33dB. In case the fiber jumper quality is ensured. The value is -28dBm. Remove the VOA and use the short fiber jumper to directly connect the FIU-TC/OAU-IN. Adjust the VOA in front of the DCM so that the average input single wavelength optical power of the OBU is -19dBm.OLA Commission Ste p 1 Actions of OLA Optical Power Commissioning-(Single Wavelength Optical Power Commissioning) Test the optical power of the line ODF/FIU-IN/FIU-TC/FIU-TM/SC2-RM1. Test the optical power of FIU-RC/FIU-OUT/ SC2-TM2/FIU-RM and ODF to see whether the FIU insertion loss and the fiber jumper attenuation are normal.5dBm.5 and 4. The tested output single wavelength optical power should be between 3. Test the average single wavelength optical power of OBU-OUT. The value is around =4dBm. smaller than 20dBm (E3OAUC03E standard single wavelength input optical power). the planned attenuation. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.(-28)=32dB. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 104 . and line of the OTM. The attenuation=upstream FIR-RC optical power-local FIU-TC optical power=32dB. The value is around =9.3dBm. compliant with the calculated offset.7dBm. The tested FIU-TC optical power is 24. The general standard optical power = -20+10lg2+0.7dBm. the planned attenuation. The evaluated offset = 0. and the connected fiber are all normal. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Test the average single wavelength optical power of OBU-OUT.1 = -13.3dB.1dBm. which is 2. Set the gain as follows: 4-(-28)=32dB. Adjust the VOA in front of the DCM so that the optical power of OBU-IN is -13. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. smaller than -16. Calculate the average single wavelength optical power of the OAU-IN.1dB.3 = -16. This value is smaller than 33dB. FIU. Remove the VOA in front of the OAU. Test the optical power of FIU-RC/FIU-OUT/SC2-TM2/FIU-RM and ODF to see whether the FIU insertion loss and the fiber jumper attenuation are normal.OLA Commission Step Actions of OLA Optical Power Commissioning-(General Wavelength Optical Power Commissioning) Test the optical power of the line ODF/FIU-IN/FIU-TC/FIU-TM/SC2-RM1. Then the tested output is 9. This fact indicates that the line attenuation. Calculate the single wavelength optical power of OAU-IN. LTD.7-10lg2- 0..3 = -28dBm. The value = 24.9dBm.9dBm. The attenuation=upstream FIR-RC optical power-local FIU-TC optical power=32dB. Calculate the standard general optical power of OBU-IN as follows: -19+10lg2+2.7dBm. Huawei Confidential Page 105 . 3-24. The value is around =9. and the connected fiber are all normal. Calculate the average single wavelength optical power of OAU-IN as follows: 4-(7.OLA Commission Step 1 Actions of OLA Optical Power Commissioning-(Improved General Wavelength Optical Power Commissioning) Test the optical power of the line ODF/FIU-IN/FIU-TC/FIU-TM/SC2-RM1. The tested output is 9.7dBm. the planned attenuation. Test the optical power of FIU-RC/FIU-OUT/SC2-TM2/FIU-RM and ODF to see whether the FIU insertion loss and the fiber jumper attenuation are normal. The attenuation=upstream FIR-RC optical power-local FIU-TC optical power=32dB. smaller than -16.3dBm.3dBm.. The local standard general optical power is 7. This value is smaller than 33dB.1-(4-(-19)=13. Set the gain as follows: 4-(-28)=32dB.9dBm. LTD.1dBm. Test the average single wavelength optical power of OBU-OUT. Adjust the VOA in front of the DCM to set the optical power of OBU-In to -13. This fact indicates that the line attenuation.7dBm. Calculate the standard general optical power of OBU-IN as follows: 9.3-(4-(-20)) = -16. 2 3 4 5 6 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. FIU.9dBm. The output optical power of the upstream is 7.7dBm. Huawei Confidential Page 106 . Remove the VOA in front of the OAU. and the tested FIU-TC optical power is -24.7) =-28dBm. Huawei Confidential Page 107 . LTD. Downstream OAU gain = standard single wavelength output optical power of downstream OAU- commissioned single wavelength input optical power of downstream OAU = (standard single wavelength output optical power of downstream OAU- standard single wavelength output optical power of upstream OAU) + (queried output general optical power of upstream OAU-queried input general optical power of downstream OAU)  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO..OLA Commission  The commissioned single wavelength input optical power of downstream OAU = upstream output standard single wavelength optical power - (queried general output optical power of upstream OAU - queried general input optical power of downstream OAU). Can the DCM position and the VOA position be exchanged between? Why? 2.. 23.6dB. Suppose four wavelengths are available.13dB. and 23. How to use the three ways of commissioning to practice the optical power commissioning from ABC. 30dB. LTD. Can the DCM configured for OAU+OBU be placed between the TDC and RDC of the OAU?   3. and the output OSNRs of the four OAU are respectively 33dB. Huawei Confidential Page 108 .Questions  Questions  1. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. . LTD.Contents  System Commissioning  System Commissioning process  OTM Commissioning OLA Commissioning OADM Commissioning    ROADM Commissioning Special Function Commissioning  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 109 . .OADM Commission TM RM IN RM1 TM2 RM TC2 TM1 RM2 TM F I TC D C IN M O B U MON O IN F OUT RC OUT OUT M R 2 MO M MO M MI M OUT IN OUT B U I IN U R 2 MI R 2 R 2 MON U OUT OUT RC MON O B U IN OUT MI OUT MO MO IN IN OUT MON O A U IN TDC TC D C M IN RDC L W X L W X L W X L W X L W X L W X L W X L W X Fiber VOA 5dB FOA ODF HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 110 . 86dB. Huawei Confidential Page 111 . but not the Metro 6100. OUT MI IN OUT MO IN IN MO MI OUT OAU MR2 MR2 MR2 MR2 -19dBm OBU -6 dBm LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. but not the Metro 1600G. The output OSNR of the receive OAU is 25. You need to add fixed attenuation for the drop wavelength of the PIN of the Metro 6100G. LTD. four wavelengths are added/dropped. Other parts are illustrated in the following figure.  Note: 1. OADM optical power commission  On station E (FED direction). The optical power commissioning for FIU/ODF and SC2 is the same as that for the OLA. and four are passed through..The VOA between the OAU and OADM is available for the Metro 1600G. 2.OADM Commission  1. The optical power commissioning for the OUT to ODF direction is the same as the OTM optical power commissioning. A spectrum analyzer is required. Huawei Confidential Page 112 2 3 4 Merit Defect HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Adjust the VOA between the MR2 and each LWF-OUT with wavelengths added so that the single wavelength optical power of each added wavelength is -19dBm on the OBU-IN. and -8. You do not need to calculate the Offset.OADM Commission Step 1 Actions of OADM Optical Power Commissioning-(Single Wavelength Optical Power Commissioning) Adjust the VOA of the receive OAU and OADM so that for the OADM. the optical power of the drop wavelength that has the smallest insertion loss is -6dBm. -8dBm. . If the wavelength dropped from the OUT is received by APD. You can use the MON port of the OAU to perform the commission without interrupting the signals of the wavelengths dropped.. The input optical power of LWF is about -8dBm.) Use the spectrum analyzer to test the single wavelength optical power of the OBU-IN. added and passing through the local NE.) Test the optical power of the drop wavelength from LWF-IN. and add a 10dBm attenuator for LWF. and needs not to be adjusted. Adjust the VOA between the west and east OADMs so that the average single wavelength optical power of the pass-through wavelengths is -19dBm (standard OBU single wavelength optical power) at the transmit OBU-IN. you need to add 10dBm attenuation. (For the Metro 6100. (Metro 6100 does not have the attenuator. The largest optical power is -6dBm and others are about -6. LTD. you need to add the fixed attenuation.5dBm.5dBm. The final average single wavelength optical power is -19dBm. LTD. Why?   To equalize the OSNR. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. you can elevate the OSNR because the optical power of pass-through wavelengths are comparatively low.OADM Commission Note: The single wavelength optical power of the pass-through wavelengths can be a bit higher than the added wavelength. Huawei Confidential Page 113 .. 3dBm -6 dBm LW F OUT MI LW F LW F MO IN LW F IN LW F LW F MO LW F LW F MI OUT OAU IN OUT MR2 MR2 MR2 MR2 -19dBm OBU -6 dBm LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F Adjust this VOA HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. Huawei Confidential Page 114 . LTD.OADM Commission Adjust this VOA OUT MI IN OUT MO IN IN MO MI OUT OAU MR2 MR2 MR2 MR2 OBU -12. 7= -12.3dBm. The largest optical power is -6dBm and others are about -6.) Test the optical power of the drop wavelength from LWF-IN. Each time only enable the WDM-side laser of the LWF of one wavelength. .3dBm. LTD.5dBm. you need the OSNR value. (For the Metro 6100.. If the wavelength dropped from the OUT is received by APD. (Metro 6100 does not have the attenuator. -8dBm. Huawei Confidential Page 115 2 3 4 Merit Defect The Offset may not be precise. To calculate the Offset. No spectrum analyzer is required. Adjust the VOA between the add-wavelength LWF-OUT and the MR2 so that the optical power of OBU-IN is -19dBm. shut down the add-wavelength laser and the pass-through wavelength at the local station. which is calculated as follows: -19+10lg4+0. Adjust the VOA between the east and west OADMs so that the optical power of the pass-through wavelength at the transmit OBU-IN is -12. you need to add the fixed attenuation. you need to add 10dBm attenuation.5dBm. the optical power of the drop wavelength that has the smallest insertion loss is -6dBm.OADM Commission Step 1 Actions of OADM Optical Power Commissioning-(General Optical Power Commissioning) Adjust the VOA of the receive OAU and OADM so that for the OADM. Disconnect the fiber between the east and west MR2s. Add a 10dBm attenuator for LWF. and needs not to be adjusted. The input optical power of LWF is about -8dBm. and -8.) Disconnect the add-wavelength fiber or shut down the add-wavelength LWF laser. and need to HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. OADM Commission Step 1 Actions of OADM Optical Power Commissioning-(Improved General Optical Power Commissioning) Adjust the VOA of the receive OAU and OADM so that for the OADM. which is calculated as follows: . -8dBm.10. (For the Metro 6100. you neither need the OSNR nor the spectrum analyzer.7 - (4 - (-19))= -12. you need to add 10dBm attenuation.. Adjust the VOA between the add-wavelength LWF-OUT and the MR2 so that the optical power of OBU-IN is -19dBm Merit Defec t To calculate the Offset. and shut down the add-wavelength laser and the pass-through wavelength at the local station. and -8.) 2 Test the optical power of the drop wavelength from LWF-IN. Add a 10dBm attenuator for LWF.) 3 Shut down the local laser used for wavelength drop from the upstream station. LTD. Each time only enable the WDM-side laser of the LWF of one wavelength. and needs not to be adjusted. If the wavelength dropped from the OUT is received by APD. you need to add the fixed attenuation. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.3dBm. which is 10.3dBm. 4 Disconnect the fiber between the east and west MR2s. Huawei Confidential Page 116 . The largest optical power is -6dBm and others are about -6.7dBm. and test the OAU output optical power.5dBm. the optical power of the drop wavelength that has the smallest insertion loss is -6dBm. (Metro 6100 does not have the attenuator.5dBm. You need to shut down laser used to drop the wavelength from the upstream. Disconnect the add-wavelength fiber or shut down the add-wavelength LWF laser. The input optical power of LWF is about -8dBm. Adjust the VOA between the east and west OADMs so that the optical power of the pass-through wavelength at the transmit OBU-IN is -12. Questions  Question  1. but four wavelengths are tested at the east MO. If there are two channels of add/drop wavelengths and two channels of pass-through wavelengths. LTD. Why does this happen considering there should only be two wavelengths passing through? HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. or can it be directly connected with a fiber?  2. Huawei Confidential Page 117 .. If there is temporarily no pass-through wavelength on an OADM. can the pass-through VOA of the east and west MR2s not be adjusted. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 118 ..Contents  System Commissioning  System Commissioning process  OTM Commissioning OLA Commissioning OADM Commissioning    ROADM Commissioning Special Function Commissioning  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 119 . LTD..ROADM Commission Site E TM IN RM RM1 TM2 RM TM OUT SC2 TM1 RM2 West F OBU I TC IN OUT To D U MO IN MI OBU OUT IN DWC MI DWC F I OUT RC U To F East OBU RC OUT OUT MO IN OUT ADD DROP OAU TC IN OUT DROP ADD D40 M40 M40 D40 DCM TDC RDC IN L W F L W F L W F L W F ROADM in OptiX BWS 1600G HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 120 .ROADM Commission Site E TM IN RM RM1 TM2 RM TM OUT SC2 TM1 RM2 F OBU1 I TC IN OUT West To D U EXPO IN EXPI OBU1 OUT IN ROAM EXPI ROAM F I OUT RC U To F East OBU1 RC OUT OUT EXPO OAU1 IN OUT DM M01 M01 DM IN OUT TC IN DCM TDC RDC D40 D40 L Q M L 4 G L Q M L 4 G ROADM in OptiX OSN 6800 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD.. … IN ROAM DM DWC board of 1600G . The VOA in the PLC ROADM component equalizes the optical power. The PLC ROADM in the ROAM board has the power detection function. Huawei Confidential Page 121   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. and the other channel is transmitted to the opposite ROAM.ROAM Commission 40 Mn … EXPI … Coupler OUT EXPO ROAM board of OSN 6800  Inside a ROAM board is actually a PLC ROADM plus a coupler that is used to implement the optical power division. One channel is dropped at the local site. LTD. So the optical power detection and MON port are not configured.. The embedded optical power detection function detects the optical power of each channel at the in port and the out port. The PLC ROADM in the ROAM controls the pass-through optical signals. The parts using different ways of commissioning are shown in the following figure.. only the 1600G supports the DWC.5dB <8dB D40 M40 L WF HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.5dB OAU DWC DWC <4dB OBU 4dBm 6. The commissioning for the receive OAU is the same as that for the OLA. OUT MI IN OUT MO IN <12dB <4dB -19dBm 6. The optical power commissioning for the FIU/ODF and for SC2 is the same as that for the OLA. LW F L WF LW F Page 122 Huawei Confidential .  Note: Currently. The optical power commissioning for the OTU to ODF is the same as that for the OTM.ROADM Commission  1. LTD. ROADM optical power commission-DWC+DWC  Two added or dropped wavelengths/two pass-through wavelengths. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.) 2 Connect the optical power to the fiber jumper of the IN port of the west LWF and do not add optical attenuation to the PIN. In this case the WDM-side input optical power of the OTU is 4-6-6 = -8dBm. LTD. 4 Test the optical power of the IN port of the OBU and adjust the VOA between the M40 and DWC so that the tested optical power of an added single wavelength is -19dBm. 3 Test the optical power of the IN port of the OBU and set attenuation for the wavelengths passing through the DWC so that the tested single-wavelength optical power is -19dBm.ROADM Commission Step 1 Actions of ROADM Optical Power Commission-DWC+DWC Dispatch wavelengths.. (Note: Set these attributes at the receiving direction of the DWC. Set congestion for the wavelength to be dropped. Add 10dBm optical attenuation for the ADP and the WDM-side input optical power of the OTU is 4-6-6-10 = -18dBm. Huawei Confidential Page 123 . and set pass-through for the pass-through wavelengths. which meets the requirement for the optical power.  Note: Currently only the NG WDM supports ROAM. The optical power commissioning for the OTU to ODF is the same as that for the OTM. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 124 . ROADM optical power commission-ROAM+ROAM  Two added or dropped wavelengths/two pass-through wavelengths. The commissioning for the receive OAU is the same as that for OLA.ROADM Commission  1.. The parts using different ways of commissioning are shown in the following figure.5dB <7dB D40 L 4G LQ M L 4G LQ M HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. The optical power commissioning for the FIU/ODF and for SC2 is the same as that for the OLA. OUT EXPI IN EXPO OBU1 ROAM OUT <3dB IN <14dB -19dBm ROAM OBU1 4dBm <6. which meets the requirement for the optical power. In this case the WDM-side input optical power of the OTU is 4-6-6 = -8dBm. On the T2000.ROADM Commission Step 1 2 Actions of ROADM Optical Power Commission-ROAM+ROAM Create fiber connections on the T2000. The system automatically sets the pass-through wavelength and the add wavelength at the ROAM-OTU to -19dBm. 3 Set the rated optical power at the IN port of the east transmit end of OBU to 19dBm (typical input single-wavelength optical power of OBU1).. Add 10dBm optical attenuation for the ADP and the WDM-side input optical power of the OTU is 4-6-6-10 = 18dBm. 4 Connect the optical power to the fiber jumper of the IN port of the west OTU and do not add optical attenuation to the PIN. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 125 . create optical cross-connections from the west FIU to the east FIU and optical cross-connections from the east transmit end of OTU to the east FIU. LTD. .ROADM Commission Site E West East HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 126 . LTD. ROADM optical power commission-WSM9+WSD9/ WSMD4+WSMD4  Two added or dropped wavelengths/two pass-through wavelengths. Huawei Confidential Page 127 . The commissioning for the receive OAU is the same as that for OLA. The optical power commissioning for the FIU/ODF and for SC2 is the same as that for the OLA.. The optical power commissioning for the OTU to ODF is the same as that for the OTM. LTD. OBU1 OUT EXPI IN OUT <8dB IN WSD9 <8dB EXPO WSM9 M40 -19dBm OBU1 4dBm <8dB <8dB D40 L 4G L SR L 4G LQ M L 4G LQ M L 4G LQ M HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. The parts using different ways of commissioning are shown in the following figure.ROADM Commission  1. Set the rated optical power at the IN port of the east transmit end of the OBU1 to -19dBm (standard single-wavelength input optical power). added to the east OTU and passing through from the east. and optical crossconnections from the east transmit end of OTU to the east FIU. 3 WSD9 and WSM9 automatically adjust the optical power of the wavelengths dropped from the east OTU. create optical cross-connections from the west FIU to the west FIU. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. In this way the average input optical power at the IN port of the east transmit end of OBU1 and the receive optical power of the drop-wavelength OTU meet the requirement. 2 Set the optical power at the OUT port of the west receive end of the OAU1 to 4dBM (standard single-wavelength output optical power).ROADM Commission Step 1 Actions of ROADM Optical Power Commission-WSD9+WSM9 (NG WDM) On the T2000. Set the receive optical power of the OTU that drops wavelengths to -8dBm (The allowed margin is base on the optical power commissioning requirements). Huawei Confidential Page 128 . LTD. optical cross-connections from west FIU to east FIU. ROADM Commission Step Actions of ROADM Optical Power Commission-WSD9+WSM9 (1600G) 1 2 Refer to Configuring ROADM (WSS Mode).) If no spectrum analyzer is available. 3 Test the optical power at the IN port of the east transmit end of the OBU and adjust the attenuation of WSD9/WSM9 so that the tested optical power of the passthrough wavelengths is -19dBm.) If no spectrum analyzer is available. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. (Set the EVOA attenuation. congest the added wavelength to test the IN optical power of the OBU. Test the input optical power of the LWF-IN. finish the cross-connect configuration. (Set the EVOA attenuation. 4 Test the optical power at the IN port of the east transmit end of the OBU and adjust the attenuation of WSM9 so that the tested optical power of the added wavelengths is -19dBm. Meanwhile. Huawei Confidential Page 129 . Set the drop-wavelength EVOA of the WSD9 so that the tested value is about -8dBm.. congest the pass-through wavelength to test the IN optical power of the OBU. reduce or increase the attenuation of the added wavelengths of WSM9 so that the optical power is -19dBm. Restore the original configurations. reduce or increase the attenuation of the pass-through wavelengths of WSD9/WSM9 so that the optical power matches the calculated general optical power (the same as the OADM commission). Meanwhile. ROADM Commission -19dBm West East HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 130 . LTD.. Huawei Confidential Page 131 .ROADM Commission Site E West East HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. MON RMU Add  If the optical power budget for some adding signals is tight. When the RMU is used for inter-ring interconnection.. you can cascade an amplifier between MI and MO. the default pass-through port is no longer the IN port. The optical detection function and MON port are configured at the IN and MO ports of the RMU.ROADM Commission  EXPI MON OUT MI MO   RMU is mainly used together with WSS to realize the wavelength adding at the local site and the inter-ring connections from multiple directions. if the WSS+RMU is used in inter-ring interconnection. only the Add to MO section is involved. RMU also supports cascading multiple levels and adding/dropping more wavelengths. but one of the Add ports. you need to cascade an amplifier to solve the problem. Huawei Confidential Page 132   . the optical power budget is very tight. the optical power may be too low for an add wavelength. For example. But this way of configuration is not recommended because in this scenario. In this case. Hence. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. They are used to supervise the optical signals and detect the in signals and out signals by using the external meters or the MCA functional unit. Normally. LTD. you only need to cascade MI and MO to add or drop the local wavelength through the Add port. if the optical power becomes low after a 10G signal experiences the duel fed and selective receiving at the OLP. RMU enables any wavelengths to be added from any port. When it is used as an inter-ring ROADM. When it is used as an intra-ring ROADM. LTD.. Since the Add port is insensitive to the wavelengths. Only the 1*8 combiner is used to combine the signals from different directions. RMU includes a 1*2 combiner and a 1*8 combiner.ROADM Commission The RMU is used to play the part of the multiplexing function of WSS. Huawei Confidential Page 133 . and the 1*2 combiner is used to combine the local signals with the pass-through signals. the MI and MO can be directly connected. and an amplifier can be cascaded. the MI and OUT ports are not involved in the channel combination. The 1*8 combiner is used to combine the adding signals. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. OBU1 OUT EXPI IN EXPO OUT IN WSD9 RMU9 MR4 -19dBm OBU1 D40 LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F LW F HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. The optical power commissioning for the FIU/ODF and for SC2 is the same as that for the OLA. The parts using different ways of commissioning are shown in the following figure. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 134 ..ROADM Commission  1. The commissioning for the receive OAU is the same as that for OLA. ROADM optical power commission-RMU9+WSD9  Four added or dropped wavelengths/four pass-through wavelengths. The optical power commissioning for the OTU to ODF is the same as that for the OTM. 5 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Set the receive optical power of the OTU that drops wavelengths to -8dBm (The allowed margin is base on the optical power commissioning requirements). optical cross-connections from west FIU to east FIU. Set the VOA to the lowest and find out the wavelength that has the lowest optical power. 2 3 4 The east OTU adds wavelengths through OADM or M40. Set the optical power at the OUT port of the west receive end of the OAU1 to 4dBM (standard single-wavelength output optical power). You need to adjust the VOA of the OTU and M40 as follows. Set the rated optical power at the IN port of the east transmit end of the OBU1 to -19dBm (standard single-wavelength input optical power). directly added to the east OTU and passing through from the east. WSD9 and WSM9 automatically adjust the optical power of the wavelengths dropped from the west OTU. LTD. In this way the average input optical power at the IN port of the east transmit end of OBU1 and the receive optical power of the drop-wavelength OTU meet the requirement.. Huawei Confidential Page 135 .ROADM Commission Step 1 Actions of ROADM Optical Power Commission-WSD9+RMU9 (NG WDM) On the T2000. and optical cross-connections from the east transmit end of OTU to the east FIU. Set the channel insertion loss for the multiplexed wavelength of the OTU that is indirectly connected to the RMU so that the tested single-wavelength optical power of OBU-IN is -19dBm. Test the output optical power of M40. create optical cross-connections from the west FIU to the west receive end of the OTU. Adjust the VOA for all other wavelengths so that the single-wavelength optical power of each wavelength equals to the lowest optical power. Huawei Confidential Page 136 . LTD..Contents  System Commissioning  System Commissioning process  OTM Commissioning OLA Commissioning OADM Commissioning    ROADM Commissioning Special Function Commissioning  HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Protection commissioning Intelligent optical power management HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 137 .Special Function Commissioning      Optical power equilibrium commissioning Board Performance Optimization Fiber connection and wavelength end-to-end management. while the optical power of the subsequent optical amplifiers need not be adjusted. then adjust the VOA of the corresponding V40 channel to make the optical power (or signal-to-noise ratio) close to the average value. and measure the optical power and signal-to-noise ratio of each channel in WDM mode.. Step 1 Operation instruction Adjust the VOA attenuation of respective channels of V40 at the originating end to 5dB. 6 5 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. the VOA before the first-stage optical amplifier has to be readjusted to make its input optical power reach the standard.  Adjustment: Monitor the optical power of single wavelength and OSNR of the optical amplifier at 3 4 the receive end and adjust the attenuation of each wavelength of the V40/V32/DGE at the transmit end. 2 Adjust the optical power of this regenerator section following the instruction introduced Commissioning the optical power of combined signals Connect the spectrometer to the MON optical interface of the last-stage optical amplification board. LTD. usually the total input and output optical power of respective amplifier stages will not change obviously and the commissioning is completed. If the change is relatively obvious. When the above steps are done.Optical power equilibrium commissioning  The V40/V32 and DGE are used for optical power equilibrium commissioning. Huawei Confidential Page 138 . Repeat Step 4 until the biggest difference of the optical power (or signal-to-noise ratio) in all the channels is within 4dB (or 2dB). Find the channel with the maximum and minimum optical power (or signal-to-noise ratio) in the spectrogram measured. Reducing nonlinearity Non-linear effects are caused when the incident power is excessively high. "Reducing non-linearity" is a inverse operation of "improving OSNR". to ensure the best quality signals. In general. Thus. you can Operation Decrease the attenuation of the corresponding channel on the V40/DGE at the transmit end to improve the receive OSNR by increasing the per-channel power of the OAU. query the BER before correction of every OTU to check whether the BER before correction is flat. LTD. "improving OSNR" is used for per-channel performance optimization. Thus. Huawei Confidential Page 139 . optimize the channel performance through the following two methods: Method Improving OSNR Principle OSNR degrade varies indirectly with the input power of an OAU. If the BER before correction of a channel is greater than the average BER before correction..Board Performance Optimization  After adjusting the receive OSNR of the OTM. you need to make a balance between the non-linearity and OSNR when commissioning the per-channel power. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. improve the receive OSNR. Increase the attenuation of the corresponding channel on the V40 at the transmit end to reduce the input power of every OAU on the link. Fiber connection and wavelength end-to-end management.  The function of wavelength end-to-end management need the license to support.  The NM system provides fiber connection and end-to-end management at the user’s requirement.. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 140 . HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD.Protection commissioning and Intelligent optical power management  Protection commissioning please refer to Configuring Service Protection  Intelligent optical power management please refer to Configuring IPA Protection Configuring APE Pair Configuring EAPE Pair Configuring ALC HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO.. Huawei Confidential Page 141 . . In this chapter .we have learned:  System Commissioning process OTM Commissioning OLA Commissioning OADM Commissioning ROADM Commissioning Special Function Commissioning Summary      HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 142 . . LTD.Contents   Preparation for Commissioning Commissioning Requirement and Method   System Commissioning Check the Result of Commissioning HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 143 . .Requirements on Optical Power and OSNR  After the commissioning. the latter enjoys a higher priority provided that the optical power specifications meet the design requirement.  Fill in the Optical Power Commissioning Record Table. If the former conflicts with the latter. make sure that the system optical power and OSNR can meet the design requirements.  The requirements on the optical power flatness and the requirements on the OSNR flatness should be satisfied at the same time. which causes very low optical power and OSNR. Huawei Confidential Page 144 .  If it is confirmed that the line attenuation is excessively high. you need to consult with the customer on replacing the fiber core of the optical cable or rectifying the optical cable. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. LTD. Huawei Confidential Page 145 . and then solve the problem. refer to the Backbone DWDM Optical Transmission System Alarms and Performance Events Reference HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. and then solve the problem.Performance Alarm Acknowledgement  Alarms  Query alarms and determine the causes.  Performance events  Query the abnormal performance events and determine the causes. that is.. Shown below are some examples:       fec_cor_0bit_cnt fec_cor_1bit_cnt fec_cor_byte_cnt fec_bef_cor_er 395935 396557 792492 7 BER before FEC fec_aft_cor_er 0  For details. Acknowledgement of FEC performance values: The BER before FEC must be below 10-7. LTD. the performance value must be below 7. you can use the built-in PRBS function of the OTU board to perform the BER test. Then. If bit errors occur. The BER test on the system should be performed according to the Acceptance Guide to WDM  Products. LTD.  Precautions:  On the test equipment.. refer to the Special Topic on OptiX WDM Products PRBS Function. (Note: After performing the project commissioning.BER Test  The BER test is the final phase of system commissioning and the test results are the key indexes used to measure the quality of the DWDM system. Ensure that there is no bit errors during the current 24 hours. According to the arrangement of serial connection test. you should complete the loopback test and serial connection test. For details. use the NMS to monitor the entire system to facilitate the fault localization and performance analysis on the NMS.) Before performing the BER test. print out the test results. before the BER test. The BER test mainly verifies the system stability when no anomaly occurs. set the external clock as the reference clock and the test time period to 24 hours. Huawei Confidential Page 146 . After performing the test. perform the 24-hour BER test for a second or third time until no bit error occurs.   HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. determine the causes and solve the problem. The BER test must last for consecutive 24 hours and the test must be performed for every service channel. set the PRBS of the receive and transmit signals to 223-1. HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Huawei Confidential Page 147 . please finish the check according to Software Quality Inspection Standard for 1600G and 320GV3R4 and 6100V1R3  Pigeonhole the engineering documents. LTD..Software quality inspection standard  After commissioning. Huawei Confidential Page 148 .. LTD. Summary In this course. we have learned:  The commission requirement and method for WDM deployment The WDM deployment and commission of typical network   The optical power commission for WDM product HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO. Thank You www.huawei.com .
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