8. Fish Processing Technology

April 2, 2018 | Author: Yassine El Ouadi | Category: Foodborne Illness, Freezing, Food Preservation, Chromatography, Packaging And Labeling



M.F.Sc & PhD Programs in Fish Processing Technology - Syllabus Indian Council of Agricultural Research New Delhi MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 1 COURSES M.F.Sc. (Fish Processing Technology) CODE COURSE TITLE CREDITS MAJOR - CORE COURSES 1. FPT 501 Technology of Freezing and Storage 2+1 2. FPT 502 Thermal Processing of Fishery Products 2+1 3. FPT 503 Quality Assurance, Management and Certification 2+1 4. FPT 504 Applied Fish Biochemistry 2+1 MAJOR - OPTIONAL COURSES 1. FPT 505 Techniques in Microbiology 1+1 2. FPT 506 Cured, Dehydrated and Smoked Fishery Products 1+1 3. FPT 507 Handling, Storage and Transport of Fresh Fish 1+1 4. FPT 508 Technology of Mince-based Fish Products 1+1 5. FPT 509 Additives in Fish Processing 1+1 6. FPT 510 Fish By-products and Waste Utilization 1+1 7. FPT 511 Microorganisms of Public Health Significance 1+1 FPT 512 Design, Maintenance of Fish Processing Plants and Instrumentation 8. 9. FPT 513 Packaging of Fish and Fishery Products MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 1+1 1+1 2 PhD (Fish Processing Technology) CODE COURSE TITLE CREDITS MAJOR - CORE COURSES 1. FPT 601 Biochemical Techniques in Fish Analysis 2+1 2. FPT 602 Functional Properties of Proteins from Fish and Shellfish 2+1 3. FPT 603 Quality Management Systems 2+1 MAJOR - OPTIONAL COURSES 1. FPT 704 Lipids of Aquatic Origin 2+1 2. FPT 705 Microbial Hazards in Fish Processing 2+1 3. FPT 706 Vitamins, minerals and flavour components in aquatic organisms 4. FPT 707 Toxins and Contaminants 2+1 5. FPT 708 Nutritional Aspects and Nutrition Labeling 2+1 6. FPT 709 Environmental Impact of Fishery Industries 2+1 7. FPT 710 By-products, Specialty products and Value Added products 2+1 MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology bearing 2+1 3 handling and stacking systems. eutectic point. phase equlibria and freezing curves of pure water and binary solutions. To provide understanding on chemical. lobster. advantages and disadvantages. homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation. Unit V Frozen storage: Physical and chemical changes . To give detailed insight on various aspects of freezing of fish 2+1 2. texture. Processing of prawns. freezing curve for fish. super cooling. for freezing. product processing. changes in pH.temperature plots. cuttle fish. different types of recrystallisation. Unit IV Chemical treatment prior to freezing: antioxidants. Unit II Crystallization.freezer burn and recrystallisation. glazing. precautions to reduce temperature increase in a cold storage. effect of post-mortem condition on sensory qualities. bacterial changes.Sc. crystal growth. bacterial and sensory changes during freezing. Unit X Different methods of thawing frozen fish. Determination of freezing points from time. crab etc. Unit III Technological aspects of freezing: Slow and rapid freezing. selection of a freezing method. packaging and freezing. Influence of solutes on the structure of water and ice. Methods of freezing.CORE COURSES FPT 501 TECHNOLOGY OF FISH FREEZING AND FROZEN STORAGE Objective 1. location of ice crystals in tissue. theories of cryopreservation. Unit VI Chemical changes in lipids. comparison of various freezing methods. cryoprotectants and other additives. time temperature tolerance. sensory changes. calculation of freezing time. taste. temperature and duration of storage on quality and shelf life. (Fish Processing Technology) SYLLABUS MAJOR . packaging and different types of freezers.M. Unit IX Filleting of fish. proteins and nucleotides. freeze denaturation and theories on denaturation.F. squid. Unit VIII Arrangements within a cold storage. physical changes during freezing. odour. Unit VII Water holding capacity. Theory Unit I Freezing: Structure of water and ice. glazing. Recent advances in fish thawing. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 4 . treatments. space requirement. I. P. FAO. and Marth. Preservation and Processing in the Tropics: Part I. NewYark 7. M. Van : Nostrand Reinhold. Crab etc. Advances in Fish Processing Technology.J. Elsevier Applied Sciences. Freezing and irradiation of fish. Pub. (editor). Journal of Food Processing and Preservation Broad Research Areas 1. Ltd. Daya Publishing House. New York 10. and Regenssein. Fishing News (Books) Ltd.. Delhi. Development of method to improve shelf life 5. 2002. 1981. 1991. Lobster. Rudolf. Freezing curve. Preservation and Processing in the Tropics: Part II. O. Post-harvest Technology of fish and fish products. Gopakumar K. Macro and micromoelcular changes in muscle during freezing 2. J. Studies on physical. London 3. Interaction of food protein with other food constituents during freezing and frozen storage 3. I. K. Squid. Clucas. E.K. Balachandran. chemical and sensory changes.Practical IFilleting of fish. Cuttle Fish. Processing of Prawns. Journal of Food Science and Technology 2. packaging.. Powrie W.. freezing. Packaging and Freezing. 1990. Fish Processing Technology (1992). Fennema. Regenssein. Cleland C Andrew.Low Temperature Preservation of Foods and Living Matter. Fennema. determination of freezing point. K (2001). Freezing and frozen storage of novel product MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 5 . Publ. treatments.FAO 5.. Text Book of Fish Processing Technology. 4. Allied Publishers Pvt. 1981. Food Refrigeration Processes. Blackie Academic and Professional. Fish Handling. New Delhi .J. C. in different styles. (editor) Principle of Food Science. London 9. K. Sen D. Fishery Technology 3. 2005. 6. Suggested Readings 1. 11. M. (Ed). Clucas.D. Marcel Dekker Inc. R. London Journals 1.. New Delhi. 2.” Marcel Dekker . Structural and functional changes of fat and protein 4. 8.. New York . glazing. Fish Handling. 1969. Introduction to fish technology. EH 1973.. Hall G. ICAR. Unit V Spoilage of canned food. low aw and adjuncts like Nisin to reduce severity of heat processing. cook value. absolute sterility. radicidation. radappertization. shape. process flow. graphical. irradiation and NaCI. effects of irradiation on protein. canning process for fish/shellfish. radurization. 12D concept. Mechanism of heat transfer: conduction. unsteady state of transfer. HTST processing and aseptic canning. D value. heat and NaCI and nitrite. To provide information on various aspects of thermal / heat processing 2+1 2. combination with ionising radiation. autosterilisation bacteriology of canned/heat processed fishery products. Significance of thermal death curve. cold point. Unit III Canning process. Unit II Classification of foods: low acid. physical properties. integrated F value and their inter-relationship. determination of process time. statistical sterility. Heating equipment. heat and irradiation. Unit VIII Hurdle technology: Combination with heat. low pH and specific acids. thermal death time. can size. "Z" and "F" values. Thermobacteriology. steps involved. principles and process details. To impart knowledge on various types of packaging techniques and materials used in thermal processing. Unit VI Canning plant location: Practical considerations. canning plant facilities. lipids. medium acid and acidic foods. Unit IX Irradiation: Radiation sources. irradiation and low temperature. decimal reduction time. Unit VII Flexible packing. contents etc. nomogram methods – F0 value. radiation and dielectric and microwave heating. physical. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 6 . Theory Unit I Principles of thermal processing. death of bacteria. heat penetration.FPT 502 THERMAL PROCESSING OF FISHERY PRODUCTS Objective 1. dose levels. commercial sterility. additives. Unit IV HACCP and Safety of canned foods and unreliability of post process sampling of canned foods to ensure sterilization. pasteurisation and sterilisation. shelf life and irradiated fish products. units. chemical and microbial. heat and low pH. bacteriological aspects. Combination and synergistic effects. heat and hydrostatic pressure. convection. To compare cold sterilization with thermal processing 3. examination of cans and seams. irradiation and other adjuncts. heat resistance of bacteria and spores. vitamins. irradiation and hydrostatic pressure. value added and ready to use canned products. Status of a batch of canned foods identifying CCPs and their monitoring by specially trained personnel. canning machinery and equipment. retort pouch processing of fish and fishery products principles and techniques. layout design. on heat penetration. formula. Larousse. Company. 2006. Crustaceans in different containers. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation Broad Research Areas 1. isolation of Bacillus and Clostridium Spp. Operation of over pressure autoclave. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 3. spore staining. F0 Value. D. Zeathen. Willey VCH New York 6. Micromolecular interactions during thermal processing 2..K. London. London. Canned culinary preparations. Canned Foods. D. Food Irradiation. 1992. Journals 1. Suggested Readings 1. 2002. 3. ICAR. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 7 . 9. 1997. London. Study of combination effect of irradiation and thermal processing. Inc. Stumbo. Elsevier Applied Science Publishers. Venugopal. A. 1988. 8. CIFT. canning operations for different fish/shellfish products. Text Book of Fish Processing Technology. Elsevier Applied Science. C. B. Blackie Academic and Professional. determination of TDT and F value Examination of canned foods. Balachandran.Academic Press... 1980.. Journal of Food Science and Technology 4. Double seam profile.Manual on Fish Canning. Canning of novel products 3. 6. J and Brown. Fish Canning Principles and Practices. New York Chemical Publishing 5. Bivavles. Hall.. K. Hersom. C and Hulland. E. Food Canning Technology. Gopakumar K. 1973. testing sterility. 10. Heat Penetration Curve. Fish Processing Technology (Ed). heat penetration curve and cooling curve. Seafood Processing.. can seams. Warne. 4. E. Z value. Study of hurdle effect in canned preservation. Thorne. 2. Fishery Technology 5. Thermal processing in novel packaging materials.M. Cochin. G. FAO Fisheries Technical paper 285. New Delhi .RC . 4. S. Thermal processing and quality of foods. New York 7. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 2. 1991. P. Canning of table fishes.Thermo Bacteriology in Food Processing.Practical Evaluation of pasteurisation and sterilisation. London. Process time. 1984. Study of nutrient losses during thermal processing and/or storage 5. Taylor & Francis Group. Examination of canned fishery products. V. chemical. Evaluation of sanitary conditions in fish processing units. basic aspects. SSOP. process control. Theory Unit I Quality management. sampling by attributes single and double sampling plants. Unit VIII Factory sanitation and hygiene: National and international requirements. Knowledge about various aspects of quality assurance system. Analysis of typical hazards. HACCP principles. quality management and national / international certification system 2. Unit II Quality assessment of fish and fishery products . different methods of evaluation. variable and attribute control charts. water quality and standards 3. IDP and SAT formations in certification of export worthiness of fish processing units. Codex alimentarius. regulations for fishing vessels. statistical analysis. Unit III Inspection and quality assurance: Fish inspection in India. SQC: Introduction. Unit V Sensory evaluation of fish and fish products. Evaluation of fish / fishery products for organoleptic. practical aspects of planning and implementation. ISO 22000:2006. verification. Unit IX Practical Food laws in India. validation and audit. Unit IV Water quality and standards. chemical parameters and filth. organoleptic and microbiological quality standards. Methods for analysis for bacterial quality parameters. integrated food law. pre-processing and processing plants. Unit VI HACCP and Good manufacturing practices. total quality concept and application in fish trade. EU regulations. To deal with parameters affecting quality. Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures. control charts. process water quality in fishery industry. Familiarization with water quality analysis. Study of correction and corrective action.FPT 503 QUALITY ASSURANCES. statistical principles involved. Basic concepts of decision making. product quality. MANAGEMENT AND CERTIFICATION 2+1 Objective 1. basic ideas. Information regarding factory sanitation and hygiene. chemical and microbial quality. taste panel selection and constitution. Acceptance sampling. Unit VII National and International standards: ISO 9000: 2000 series of quality assurance system. USFDA and EU regulations for fish export trade.physical. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 8 . Tokyo. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 9 ..K. 2002. and Liston. Fishing News Ltd. London. Balachandran. E.H.Handbook of Natural toxins. John.... Post Harvest Technology of fish and fish products. 3. Journals 1. London. Seafood science and technology .Suggested Readings 1. Krenzer. Journal of Food Science and Technology 2. New Delhi. Evaluation of quality standards of processing plants FPT 504 APPLIED FISH BIOCHEMISTRY Objective 1.H. Gopakumar K. 1985.K. Tu. J. Anthony T.. G. V. Delhi. 10. R. M. 2001. Fennema. Food borne Disease Handbook. Ross.D and Marth. Daya Publishing House. 2005. Powrie. Marcel Dekker Inc. London. Vol. Joel E. 12. H. H. Connell. (eds). K. Text Book of Fish Processing Technology. Merle D. 1995. Control of fish quality. D. J.BLISH.. Allied Publishers Pvt. New York. 1973.. Marine Toxins and Venom. Jakobsen. 6. Fish Processing Technology (Ed). J. Quality assurance in the fish industry.4. 3.. 1988 . E. (editor).. 1991.Principles of Total Quality. Fish inspection and quality control.” Marcel Dekker .. Hall. To give a detailed insight of various experimental techniques used in food analysis. 9. Food safety and toxicity . Vincent K. 1971. 5. Huss. Seafood and Environmental Toxins. New York. Fishery Technology Broad Research Areas 1. New Delhi . Marcel Dekker Inc New York 8. To impart knowledge about macro and trace constituents and nutritive value of fish 2. New York . To create basic understanding about toxins and toxic substances and their toxic effects 3. New York 2..M. Vol.2001. Fishing news books. Sen D.. Blackie Academic and Professional.Y. Advances in Fish Processing Technology. P. Pierson. Ltd. Establishment of critical limits for novel hazards and development of corrective action in HACCP protocol 2+1 2. 7. London. CRC Press. Low Temperature Preservation of Foods and Living Matter. Hui. Baca Raton.CRC Press. USA. 1992. 11. W. 2004. ICAR. J Richard Gorham. 4. Omachonu. Elsevier Publishing. enzymes. peptides. Unit VIII Seafood lipids: Composition and nutritive value. lipid-protein interactions. Hemocyanins. Unit X Macro and trace elements in fish and shellfish. antifreeze proteins. stability. tropomyosin. Myoglobin. carotenoids. pro. guanidins. texture profile analysis.beneficial effects on human health. significance to processing and quality. Lipids –Fractionation by TLC and other chromatographic techniques. TMAO and its decomposition products. Hydrolysis and hydrolysates: Process and applications. amines. viscosity. redox titration. troponins. sub-unit composition. rancidity. Unit VI Post mortem biochemical changes. Unit V Changes in proteins during processing: Denaturation. disc & slab electrophoresis.and anti-oxidants. colorimetry. Unit XI Flavour and pigments. Aflatoxins in cured fish.hydrolases. lipasas and phospholipases. quarternary ammonium compounds etc. triglycerides. Amino acid analysis MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 10 . emulsification. normality. oxidoreductases. flame photometry. auto-oxidation of fatty acids. isoprenoids in fish. Polyunsaturated fatty acids & prostaglandins. Practical Molarity. Unit VII Non-protein nitrogenous compounds: Free amino acids. toxic metals and their harmful effects and metallothionines. nucleotides. demethylase. oxidation indices. gaping. paramyosin. pigments. lipid types and their variations. paper. and other enzymes. Unit XII Biogenic amines. lipid fractionation. nonsaponifiables includinding sterols and vitamins. K-value. urea. parvalbumins. phospholipids. buffers. Fatty acid composition by GLC. carbonyls. proteinases. reversibility. collagen in fish muscle and skin: location.Theory Unit I Seafood proteins: Classification. actin. oxidized lipids-protein interactions and their impact on quality. connectin. spectrophotometry. sulphur containing compounds. water holding. estimation of lipid fractions. Sarcoplasmic proteins: Heme proteins. Unit XIII Principles and methods involved in the separation and analysis of fish muscle constituents: thin layer.At high and low temperatures and kinetics. Unit IX Fatty acid composition of fish liver and body oils. gelation. atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Unit III Stroma proteins: Connective tissue in the muscle. volatile fatty acids. characteristics of seafood collagen. allergins. Vitamins and Minerals of nutritional significance. Unit IV Functional properties of seafood proteins: Solubility. Unit II Myofibrillar proteins: Myosin – isolation. collagen on the quality of seafoods. rigor mortis. acid-base. dissociation / aggregation / coagulation. paper & column chromatography. 11. Applied Science Publisher. Modern Methods of Food Analysis. 17. M. and Donn. 1984. E. and Regenstein C. New York. Seafood Nutrition. 1983. Suzuki. 1990.P. Michael Eskin N. Blakie Academic and Professional. M. Regenstein.. and White. Robert. Seafood effects of Technology and Nutrition. E. J.. Processing Technology and Quality. and George. Lehninger. Netherlands. Meat Science 2. F. E.. Fish and krill protein processing Technology. Avi Publishing co. 2nd ED. P. F. Academic Press INC. 7. New York.. Owen. Marcel Dekker Inc.. G. II CRC Press Inc. Worth Publisher. Whitaker.. J.R.. W. R. Hill.Food Protein Chemistry. Marine polysaccharides for food use. New York. Roy.R.S. London. AVI Publishing Company INC.R. Smith. 10. London. Suggested Readings 1. The sea food industry . W. 1980. 1990. Geroge. gel filtration.. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Biogenic Lipids Fats and oils Vol. S.M. and Carrie. Marcel Dekker. Ltd.T. Inc..Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1982. and Belanger J. 1989. Lefkowitz. R.A. R. A. and Meloan. M. George.. Van Nojhand Reinhold.J. and topical subjects.L. 1997. Aukland. M. Handler. Principal of Biochemistry. 3. 1994. The principles of Biochemistry.. 1981. and Botta. Lehman. Biochemistry of foods.. Food chemistry. New York. PAGE and SDS-PAGE. Boca Raton 12. New Delhi.R. 1984. 1984. Westport. Stewart K. Shahidi. 1990.Food Analysis Theory and Practice. Connecticut.L. Avi Publishing Co. 2. 9. U.. R.R. New York.. Journals 1.Chemistry. Food protein chemistry. 13. Joe.K. Food Proteins. Analysis. R. electrophoresis. Westport.. 16. Connectict. 15. E. 5. C. 1982.Elsevier. and Barbec. Academic Press Inc. J. 1996. New york. and Tannenbaum. Y.L. Ranganatha Rao.by HPLC. A. 1977. F. 1985.R. Chemistry and Biochemistry of marine food 14. A..Instrumental Methods in Food 8. 6.. Academic press Inc. (Ed). 18. Ultracentrifugaion. Protein purification methods: (NH4)2SO4/solvent precipitation.. E. dialysis & ultrafiltration. 1994. molecular biology techniques in fish and bacterial identification. Textbook of Biochemistry. Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 11 . Pare J. Marine. J. M. McGraw-Hill International Book co.. Joyce Nettleton. Seafoods. Roy.. Pomeranz. 4. E. J. R.A.J. I. West port. F. Interactions between protein and lipid 3. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation Broad Research Areas 1. Unit VI Isolation. different types. disinfection and evaluation of disinfectants. population estimation techniques. cultural. enumeration. Unit II Microscopy – bright-field.Sc. aerosol sampling. Fishery Technology 7. dark ground and electron microscope. Development of sensors for quality detection M.morphological. isolation.F. Practical Microscopic techniques. Introduction to molecular techniques in Microbiology.3. Journal of Food Science and Technology 6.methods of anerobiosis.growth curve. requirement of fastidious organisms alternate nutritions. enumeration and identification of microorganisms. Unit III Staining techniques – Types of stains and chemistry of staining. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 4. (Fish Processing Technology) OPTIONAL COURSES FPT 505 Techniques in Microbiology Objective Knowing basic techniques in microbiology 1+1 Theory Unit I Safety in microbiology laboratory – Prevention of contamination. Anaerobic bacteria . Functionality of proteins 2. different types of cultures. Unit VII Routine tests for identification of bacteria . MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 12 . Unit V Nutritional requirements of microorganisms – constituents of growth media. biochemical and serological. preservation and maintenance of cultures . Molecular markers development for identification of products 4. Unit IV Sterilisation – Principles of various physical and chemical methods of sterilisation. Basics of mycological and virological techniques. fluorescence. phase-contrast. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 5. 9. H. and Dunn C.R. techniques. Van Nostrand Company. Microbes in action. C.. Tata McGraw Publishing Company.P. New York.. Suggested Readings virological and molecular 1. Michael. Harry W. S. anaerobic bacteria. MC Grow Hill Book Company 10. 2000. Microbial ecology of foods. A text book of microbiology. 1959. J. J.J. J.. mycological. Food microbiology. Antimicrobial agents in fish and fishery products.1986. Microbial spoilage of fish 2. R. 1980. Modern Food microbiology. Methods in Microbiology. Chakraborthy.L. Academic press. Paul. E. 2000. Journal of Food Science and Technology 5. Pelizar. and Boyan. Microbiology. 2001. Fishery Technology 6. J. Baired A. C. James. 7. 11.II (ICMSF). 8. Westhoff. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation Broad Research Areas 1. Vol 30. Elliof. William. II (ICMSF).J. Marine Microbiology. Industrial microbiology. Academic Press.R. Academic press. Samuel. J. V..Methods in Microbiology. P.New York. F. Effects of processing methods on micro-organisms MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 13 . G.S. Vol. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd. J. 3. D. 3.C. Frazier and Dennis C.. Publishing Company Ltd.2nd edition. C. and John. 2. Silliker. M. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 4. Paul. 1978. L. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 3.Y. 5. 6.. Tata Mc Graw Hill Journals 1. 1995.serological techniques. 1998.H. New Delhi.. Freeman and Company. N. P... New york. Academic Press. Criusted.. London. Meat Science 2. 4. Chan. Biological preservation of seafoods 4. methods of smoke generation. To impart knowledge on changes during storage of products Theory Unit I Free and bound water in foods. preparation and its nutritive value. moisture in dried / cured products. shelf life. To create understanding on various scientific preservation techniques of fish. examination of spoilage of dried / cured fish products. smoking methods: cold and hot method. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 14 . cooked and fried marinades. Unit VII Fermented products: different methods of fermentation. SMOKED FISHERY PRODUCTS 1+1 Objective 1. Unit V Cured fish. ICAR. Unit VI Spoilage of dried / cured fish. control of micro-organisms. factors affecting salt uptake by fish. lipid oxidation. physical. sauce. precautions to be taken in fish drying. indigenious products and their principles of preservation.FPT 506 CURED. Different types of dryers: tunnel drier. protein. cured and fermented fish products. smoke kilns. methods to prevent / control spoilage. non-enzymatic browning. solar drier etc. processing of cold. constant rate and falling rate. extension of shelf life. Unit XI Packaging requirements for dry. lean and fatty fish. examination of salt. whole. denaturation of fish protein. pickles. water activity and sorption behaviours of foods. Unit III Freeze drying. type and size of salt crystals. chemical and microbiological changes. 2. marinades. drying time in air. shelf life and spoilage. gutted or split open. 2002. source of salts and impurities in salts. Gopakumar K. microbial spoilage. New Delhi . production of smoke. storage characteristics. dry fish. Unit II Principles of drying and dehydration: Psychometrics. types of salt curing. Unit IX Marinades: Principles. DEHYDRATED. drum drier. vacuum drier. Unit X Fish and shellfish pickles: production. Unit IV Dehydration of fish products: dehydration ratio. Text Book of Fish Processing Technology. drying calculation. solar drying and mechanical drying. natural drying. reaction between lipids and proteins. Practical Preparation of dried. carcinogens in smoke. type of wood used. Unit VIII Smoke curing. composition and properties. Suggested 1. chemistry of smoke. enzymatic reaction. effects of water activity on chemical deterioration. effect of impurities on salt penetration. moisture transport mechanism. use of salt. use of smoke liquids. temperature of salting. cured and fermented products. .Structural and chemical. J Richard Gorham . Unit VII Handling of fish in landing centres. cold shock. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 3. Use of combination additives in cured product for better shelf life FPT 507 HANDLING. weight composition. Vol. Journal of Food Science and Technology 2. iced storage shelf life. specific weight.2001. New Delhi.H. Unit V Unloading fish. defects and modifications needed. Unit III Factors affecting quality of fresh fish: intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Seafood and Environmental Toxins. London. To teach scientific techniques of handling. Fishery Technology Broad Research Areas 1. Journals 1. Unit II Fish as raw material for processing: Body structure. Postmortem changes . Hui. G. Sen D. Establishing scientific basis for traditionally cured fish products. physical. insulated boxes and insulation thickness. George-Wilhelm. Wiley.M. Unit operations. Unit VI Post-harvest Fishery losses. 6.4.Y. Advances in Fish Processing Technology. Ltd. 1992. angle of slip. Methods to reduce losses. Oefjen. physical properties. shape...Readings 2. 2. Pierson. STORAGE AND TRANSPORT OF FRESH FISH 1+1 Objective 1. Wheaton and Lawson. Allied Publishers Pvt. physical. 2004. Processing Aquatic Food Products. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 15 . Marcel Dekker Inc New York 4. 2005. Merle D. By John Wiley and Sons New York. chemical. Haseky and Peter. Fish Processing Technology. KGaA 5. Development of novel freeze dried product 3. storage methods. different types of ice. chemical and sensory methods of analysis. 3. microbiological and sensory changes during chill storage. Blackie Academic and Professional. Unit VIII Chill storage of fish: Heat load calculation. 1985. storage and transport of fresh fish 2. Unit IV Handling of fish onboard fishing vessels. Hall. bulk weight. To teach various post harvest changes during chill storage of fish Theory Unit I Structure of fish myosystems. Food borne Disease Handbook. Fish pumps.Vch GmbH & Co. Freeze drying. P. P. Fish processing technology. 1992. Gopakumar K. Torry Research Station. H. J. 2002. Fishery Technology 4. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2. 2. evaluation of freshness of fish. Inc. M. J. Journal of Food Science and Technology 3. (editor). Allied Publishers Pvt. Mackie. 1980. Depuration. Unit XI Melanosis and its prevention. M. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 1.. treatment with chemicals. New Delhi. Farnhan Survey England. non-enzymatic browning. Post harvest technology of fish and fish products. Advances in Fish Processing Technology. physical and sensory analysis. 2005. A. Paris. Aitken.. Improvements needed in transportation. Handling of fish. K. 3. Development sensors for fresh fish quality analysis MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 16 . Ministry of Agriculture. Unit X Sous-vide technology. New York. Transportation of raw fish to local markets and processing centres.. bivalves. Fisheries and Food. New Delhi Journals Broad Research Areas 1. 1982.. mollusks. prawns. 2001. Daya Publishing. M. 6. Organisation for Economic co-operation & Development. George. Edinburgh. 2. 7. Sen D. Refrigerated transport systems. Suggested Readings 1. Balachandran.New Delhi. Hall. Advances in fish sciences and technology. Text Book of Fish Processing Technology. Effect of good handling practices and proper storage techniques and transportation on fish quality. VCH Publications. 5. Connell.Unit IX Different types of ice and their advantages. Anon.. discolouration in aquatic products... 1965. Establishment of fresh fish quality parameters 3. Fish handling and processing. Scheveningen. Unit XII Depuration of bivalves Unit XIII Transportation: Live fish/shell fish. Ltd. Classification of transport vehicles. and Windsor. L. 4. Practical Chill storage studies: Chemical. Fish Handling & Preservation. ICAR. Proceedings at meeting on fish technology. Merritt S. determination of shelf life. K. Cold chain. C. Inc. 4.. Fundamentals of controlled stress Rheometer. Daya Publishing House. Quality standards and recent developments. Unit IV Improvement of colour of meat using bleaching and certain additives. 1980. Studies on setting of fish meat. Chemical deterioration of proteins. Unit VII Use of emulsifiers. Fishing News Book. K. Bligh. Unit II Factors influencing denaturation of muscle proteins and their theories.Crab sticks analogs. Matsumato. antioxidants. Unit V Technology of processing and preservation of gel forming fish flour (AFPP). Unit operations in analog product preparation. Estimation of starch in the final paste product. Use of antidenaturants to prevent denaturation of proteins of fish mince during storage. Lanier. Methods to testing protein denaturation. nitrites and nitrates.J. Suggested Readings 1. Balachandran.G. 1992. seasonings. Preservatives. 3. Marcell Deckkar. Effect of two stage heating of fish sol on gel strength. New Delhi. spices. natural and artificial casings.K. E. Changes in meat during mincing and mixing operations and cooking and setting phenomena. Seafood Science and Technology. Washington. nutritional and economic significance of products. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 17 . Lee. Minced meat preparation from different varieties of fresh water and marine water fishes. Unit VI Battered and breaded products: different types and their preparation. Unit III Factors influencing elasticity formation and theories of gel formation. Fortification of fish products with vitamins and minerals. colour fixation of red colour meat and estimation of nitrite. American chem. T. its property and utilisation. binders. effect of water washing on the quality of meat. 1992. Surimi based product Technology. 2001. moulded lobsters and crabs. 2. New York. Post Harvest Technology of Fish and Fish Products. smoke extract. Practical Measurement of viscosity of fish proteins by Ostwald viscometer.. J. Society.FPT 508 TECHNOLOGY OF MINCE BASED FISH PRODUCTS 1+1 Objective To provide the necessary knowledge of basic principles and advanced technologies in processing of mince based fish products Theory Unit I Composition of muscle proteins in fish and their role in emulsification and elasticity formation.C. Unit V Antioxidants – Mechanism of antioxidants. Unit II Relationship of great revolutions in history to the development of food additives – Agricultural Revolution-Industrial revolutions – urbanization. Unit IV Policy considerations in the use of food additives. 2. their effects. Processing of different type of products using advanced technology. 6. Vitamins. Applied Science publisher. New Delhi. Ltd. Journal of Food Science and Technology 3. Advances in Fish Processing Technology. Practical Determination of food additives such as preservatives. 1981. fish & Krill Protein Proceesing Technology. antioxidants. Allied Publishers Pvt. commercial antioxidants and selections. levels and detection 1+1 Theory Unit I Introduction to food additives-definition-technical benefits of food additives-intentional and incidental additives. P. Suzuki. London Journals Broad Research Areas 1.. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 1. Unit VII Acidulants in food processing. Incidental additives. Unit VI Analytical methods for antioxidants. acidulants and phosphates in various food products. Fishery Technology 4. Development of new analog products FPT 509 ADDITIVES IN FISH PROCESSING Objective To familiarize use of different additives. Unit III Intentional additives – use of specific nutrients as food additives – Requirements and considerations – minerals.5. Sequestrants in food processing. chelating agents. Detection of certain intentional and unintentional food additives in foods. Sen D. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 18 . Flavours and colour as additives. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 2. Polyphosphates in fish processing. Utilisation of waste from mince preparation 3. curing agents. 2005. amino acids and nutrient concentrates as additives. Marcel Deckker. curing MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 19 . CRC Press . Marcel Deckker. machinery. New Delhi. 7. 2. 3. Unit II Fish body and liver oils: Extraction. Allied Publishers Pvt. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 3. Food Additives. Journals 1. S. purification. Handbook of Food Preservation. industrial and nutritional applications of fish oils. Unit IV Utilisation of shark: Processing of shark meat.M. Rahman. Inc. 1990. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation Broad Research Areas 1. Wheaton and Lawson. Sen. control of quality of products. International Food Regulation Handbook. Unit III Essential fatty acid functions of fish oils. By John Wiley and Sons New York. A. R. 2. 4. Vitamin A & D. Changes in additives during processing and storage. P. production of concentrates of polyunsaturated fatty acids.D & Shubik. Anmol Publications Pvt. packaging and storage. Journal of Food Science and Technology 4. Effect of additives on product quality 3. S. A. P. Fishery Technology 5. specifications. Davidson. removal of urea in meat. poly-unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). Ltd. 6. L. New Delhi.London 5. & Salmiven. preparation of fatty alcohol and amides. Branen. utilization of fishery wastes and its nutritional value Theory Unit I Fish meal: Production .Ltd. Vanisha. 2005. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 2.Suggested Readings 1. Inc. Second Editio. A Textbook on Food Contamination and Safety.dry and wet process. Advances in Fish Processing Technology. Processing Aquatic Food Products. D. filleting. preservation and storage. Efficacy of additives from natural sources FPT 510 FISH BY-PRODUCTS AND UTILIZATION OF FISHERY WASTE 1+1 Objective To provide information on various fish by-products.P. Newyork. 1989. 2007. Newyork.. Middle Kauff. M.1985. Blackie Academic and Professional. Practical Preparation of fish meal. Hall. Fishing News (Books) Ltd. and Barlow. K. Balachandran. Vitamin A. Ltd. By John Wiley and Sons New York. different types of FPC. M. Unit VI Fish protein concentrate: Different methods of production. 2001. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 4. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 20 . conversion to useful materials like chitin. chitin. Processing Aquatic Food Products. Allied Publishers Pvt. Text Book of Fish Processing Technology. 1992. Wheaton and Lawson. processing of snail meat and jelly fish. 4. agar. fish sauce. Unit V Shrimp waste. curing and tanning of shark skin. Daya Publishing House. 3. shark cartilage. Unit VII Fish silage: Acid silage and fermented silage. ICAR. Journal of Food Science and Technology 5. squalene. (editor). Delhi. Post Harvest Technology of fish and fish products. Sen D. 6. New Delhi.M.and dehydration. biochemical composition and importance in food and nutrition. chitosan. fertilizer.K. isinglass. Introduction to Fishery Byproducts. 5. commercial production. conventional uses. London. P. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 3.1985. pearl essence. 2002.. shrimp extract. feeds and manure. Unit VIII Fish hydrolysates: Production and utilisation.. alginic acid. glucosamine hydrochloride. glucosamine hydrochloride. Advances in Fish Processing Technology. Suggested Readings 1. chitosan. . fish oils. production and use of protein isolates from squilla and shrimp waste. Meat Science 2. advantages over fish meal. fish maws. Fish Processing Technology (Ed). FPC. pearl essence.1981. texturised products and comparison of FPC to fish meal. extraction of shark liver oil. functional properties. Windsor. glue. New Delhi . Unit IX Miscellaneous by-products: Fish maws and isinglass. 2. London. 2005. nutritional value of silage. beche-demer. D.. crab shell and squilla utilisation: Resources and composition. Journals 1. Fishery Technology 6. G. Gopakumar K. ambergris. Vibrio parabaemolyticus. Utilization of processing waste and trash fishes 2. Vibrio parahaemoliticus. virus and parasites. foods involved. Marcel Dekker Inc New York 2. H. Clostridia. nature of toxins. Food Borne Disease Handbook. Salmonella. Anon. toxicity and significance in foods. vulnificus. Clostridium perfringens. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 21 . ochratoxin and other fungal toxins found in food. Streptococus faecalis. Vibrio cholera. Practical Laboratory techniques to detect and identify pathogens in fish . N. Unit III Food-borne bacterial infections. Staphylococcus aureus. D. Unit VI Virus and Parasites found in foods. IInd Edn.E.Broad Research Areas 1. Staphylococcus. host resistance. Laboratory techniques for detection and identification of food poisoning bacteria. spreading and contamination. Development of PUFA enriched foods product 3. incidence of poisoning. Utilization of non-fish aquatic products FPT 511 MICROORGANISMS OF PUBLIC HEALTH SIGNIFICANCE 1+1 Objective To acquaint regarding bacteria. Aeromonas. Clostridium perfrigens.4: Seafood and Environmental Toxins. source. Enteropathogenic E. Vibrio. organism responsible and their origin. E. the diseases. coli. R.. Yersinia. 1980.S. Streptococcus. conditions for outbreak and prevention. toxin producer. Herman. V. Dulbecco. Vol. the nature of causative agent. coli. incidence. Unit V Food borne non-bacterial infections and intoxications: Aflatoxins. Listeria. 2001. nature of toxin. growth and toxin production. Unit II Bacteria of public health significance in fish/fishery products/environments Salmonella. foods involved. food-borne diseases and their prevention Theory Unit I Infection and immunity. Unit IV Botulism and staphylococcal food poisoning. Animal bioassay of bacterial toxins. patulin. Singapore. diseases and their classification. Food infections by Salmonella. Davis. & Ginsberg. B. The etiology of diseases: Conditions for outbreak & prevention. Suggested Readings 1.coli. E. Clostridium botulinum. Listeria. Bacillus. Harpar & Row Publishers. Aeromonas hydrophila etc. its source. Development of Molecular methods to detect pathogens in food. Annual Review of Microbiology 3. Beuchat. Microbes in action. C. canning plant.H.Fundamentals and Frontiers. C.R. Development of toxin identification methods 4. 2. 4. 1998. Food microbiology. William..C. Harry W. Paul. Elliof. International Journal of Food Microbiology Broad Research Areas 1.. Samuel.S.J. Academic Press. Silliker. and Dunn C. L. Food Microbiology. T.. 1959. S.. 3.P. Publishing Company Ltd. Tata McGraw Publishing Company. New Delhi.. Doyle. MAINTENANCE OF FISH PROCESSING PLANTS AND INSTRUMENTATION 1+1 Objective To expose the students about design. Baired A. Journals 1. Microbiology. C. 2000.II (ICMSF). Frazier and Dennis C.freezing plant. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 22 .R & Montville. Tata Mc Graw Hill. 8. dryers etc. E. Food Microbiology 5. P. M. J. design and preparation of layout of processing plants . II (ICMSF). 1997. 2000.New York. 5. J. and John. and Boyan. Advances in Applied Microbiology 2. Freeman and Company. J. Letters in Applied Microbiology 6. New york. Indian Journal of Microbiology 7. Academic press. cold storage. maintenance of fish processing plant. 10. Westhoff. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 4. R.L. Survival strategy of pathogens in processed food.J. Michael.J. L. Chan. machinery and also the instruments used in fish processing plants Theory Unit I Plant design: Fundamentals of processing plant design: Site selection.3. 1980. Pelizar. Isolation of Viruses occurring in seafoods FPT 512 DESIGN. F.. J.. G. Vol. Industrial microbiology. Microbial ecology of foods. 6. American Society for Mirobiogy.. V.R. New York. MC Grow Hill Book Company 9.. 7. P. sausage plant. freezing plant. Assembly of a refrigeration unit and charging refrigerant. canning plant. London. active and passive sensors.Application of P-H diagram. size and required power of compressor. Food processing operations. freshness. temperature. Unit III Preventive maintenance of machinery and equipment of fish processing plants. Fish processing equipments. conductivity. Suggested Readings 1. safety controls for freezing and canning plant. Instrumentation. Operation and handling. waste water treatment process. Canning plant. 2. 3. dryers. smoking chambers etc. boilers etc.Classification and selection of boilers. specific heat. fish during freezing and thawing. Leonard Hill Books. Operation and maintenance of machinery and equipment for cold storage plant. Sensors. 4. P-H diagram and basic calculation . thermal diffusivity. latent heat. 1985. Slade. IQF. troubles and causes. salinity. characteristic of sensors for the measurement of temperature. air velocity.. Heid and Joslyn. pH. thermal conductors. brine concentration. relative humidity. freshness. Measurement of solar radiation. INC. John Wiley and Sons New York MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 23 . New York. pH. Unit IV Effluent treatment: Legislation and standards of effluent discharge. Measurement of salinity. DO. Estimation of water activity. gel strength. aeration. characteristics and application Unit VII Instrumentation techniques: General configuration of instrumentation system. dissolved air floatation. Unit VI Thermometers: Different types of thermometers. Estimation of Gel strength. air temperature. heat transfer. Wheaton and Lawson. 1985. Newton's laws of cooling. laws of fusion. solar energy and brine concentration. Unit V Measurement techniques. pH. Processing Aquatic Food Products. Chupakhim and Dormenko. carbon adsorption. chemical treatment. gel strength. redox potential. biological treatment. 1980. Boiler mounting and accessories. air velocity. Boilers . granular media filtration and sludge handling. 1997. sedimentation. moisture. aw value.. sausage making. Practical Design and Maintenance of Fish Processing Plants. maintenance of refrigerating machine. heat loss. Food processing plants.Unit II Functions and construction of refrigeration system: Tests and inspection. heat gain. Instrumentation for measurement of aw value. Unit VIII Thermal properties of foods: Calorie. water pollution control measures in the food industry. conductivity. AVI Publishing Co. salinity. Measurement of temperature inside cold storage / freezer. MIR Publishers. artificial dryers. K. containers and their testing and evaluation. Biological and chemical treatment of fish processing wastes FPT 513 PACKAGING OF FISH AND FISHERY PRODUCTS 1+1 Objective To acquaint with different packaging materials. Balachandran. Unit II Packaging materials. Food Microbiology Broad Research Areas 1. Post Harvest Technology of Fish and Fish Products. their appropriate use and benefits Theory Unit I Food packaging. Concept publishing Co. Unit IV Modified atmosphere packaging. resistance of packages to hazards in handling. grease resistance. Suggested Readings 1. New Delhi MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 24 . New Delhi. transport and storage. transportation and storage. 1993. Quality assessment of paper and board and the products prepared from them. packaging standards for domestic and international trade. Unit V Labelling and printing of packaging materials. 2001. resistance of packaging materials. its purposes and procedures. technological aspects of packaging fishery products. controlled packaging and aseptic packaging. packaging for transport. Unit III Methods of testing for packaging materials for their physical properties. their manufacture and identification. Fishery Technology 2. packing of fresh and frozen fish for consumers. 2. K. development of protective packaging for fishery products.. Fish Packaging Technology – Materials and Methods. Gopakumar. Evaluation of packages with regard to the resistance to handling. Designing of instruments used in fish processing plants 2. thickness/guage of basic plastic films and laminates. package designs. Practical Assessment of quality parameters such as moisture permeability. Daya Publishing House.Journals 1.K. shipping and institutional supplies. basic films and laminates. Development of suitable packaging for fish products 4.Journals Broad Research Areas 1. Effects of gas composition on shelf life 3. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 1. Processing tolerance of packaging material MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 25 . International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2. Journal of Food Science and Technology 3. Effect of different packaging materials on quality and shelf-life of fish and fish products 2. Fishery Technology 4. Extraction and estimation of lipids: Measurement of oxidation and hydrolysis of lipids.CORE COURSES FPT 601 BIOCHEMICAL TECHNIQUES IN FISH ANALYSIS 2+1 Objective To provide knowledge in detail about various biochemical techniques in fish analysis. LC MS-MS: Theory and instrumentation.N. spectrofluorimetry. Unit VIII High performance Liquid chromatography. Unit III Filtration technique: different types of filtration. Suggested Readings 1. Fatty acid profile. thin layer chromatography. Theory Unit I General principles of separation of micro and macro molecules. capillary electrophoresis. concept of Svedberg unit. partition. (Fish Processing Technology) SYLLABUS MAJOR . Unit IV Spectroscopic techniques: Principles. Native and reduced PAGE.Larsen & C. and stromal. analytical ultracentrifuge. Unit II Centrifugation techniques: types of centrifugation. ion-exchange. Amino acid analysis. B. (1997). (1988). non-protein nitrogen. types of filters and means of using them. Visible and IR spectroscopy. types of chromatography adsorption. Analytical Instrumentation Handbook. Estimation of proteins: Biuret. HPLC. Practical Isolation of proteins: sarcoplasmic. Separation of protein by electrophoresis. 2D Gel electrophoresis. myofibrillar.AES. Minerals and heavy metals: Estimation by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and flame photometer. Marcel Dekker Inc. Outlines of common techniques involved in biochemical analysis. flame photometry. Unit VI Chromatographic Techniques: General principles.S. Unit V Electrophoretic techniques: General principles.Ewing.W. G. mass spectrometer. ICP. Unit VII Gas chromatography: Theory and instrumentation. Classification. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 26 . molecular sieve. affinity. McEwen. UV. IEF. atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Mass Spectrometry of Biological materials Marcel Dekker Inc 2. Paper electrophoresis.D. selection of appropriate tools for analysis of fish samples. gas chromatography.determination of histamine Demonstration of GC-MS-MS.Ph. Lowry and Dye binding technique. M. (1995). 9. (1981).3. Pavia Lampman. Typical functional properties of proteins in food system.J. Ikim . Instrumental Methods In Food Analysis. 5. & Belanger. J. Wilson. Elsvier. Unit II Protein structure and function: Protein folding and non-covalent forces stabilizing protein structure with special reference to hydrophobic interactions. & White. VCH publishers. Biochemical Techniques Theory & practice. J. 7. Journal of Food Science and Technology 6. F. 2+1 Theory Unit I Definition of functional properties and their importance in proteins from fish. College 8. J. 1990. 1994. Pare. I. Kriz Saunder. Publishers Introductive Spectroscopy. J. Surface hydrophobicity and its MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 27 . J.Principles & Techniques Cambridge University Press 6. Free energy and entropy concept in relation to hydrophobic interaction. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation Broad Research Areas 1. J. Fishery Technology 7. inc. Waveland Press. Jean & W. R. Meat Science 3. Marcel Dekker Inc 4. Introduction to Analytical Gas Chromatography.R.J.A. Peary. R H. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 5. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 4. Robyt. Inc. Marcel Dekker Inc. 1997. (1979). Journals 1. B. Analysis of Food for nutrition labeling & Hazard contaminants. Indian Journal of Agricultural Biochemistry 2. Spectroscopic Techniques for Food Analysis. Biochemical characterization of macro molecules with respect to processing requirements FPT 602 FUNCTIONAL PROPERTIES OF PROTEINS FROM FISH AND SHELLFISH Objective To provide knowledge on biochemical properties those are known to affect product properties. (2000) Practical Biochemistry . Keith Wilson &John Walker. gelling. Methods for estimation of emulsion capacity and stability. P. sedimentation. Foaming ability of different protein systems with case studies. Venugopal. 1991. E. Foam stability in relation to proteins structure. Taylor & Francis Group. & Kinsella. Viscosity in relation to protein hydration: Methods of estimating viscosity. Unit VI Emulsion instability: Creaming. D. Food Proteins & Their Applications. Estimation of surface hydrophobicity and total Unit III Solubulity and water sorption of proteins: Factors affecting protein hydration. J. J. microemulsions. salting and heating. 4. Unit VIII Denaturation and functionality: Changes in functional properties of proteins as affected by icing. Journals 1. Inc. London. whitehead. M. Applied Science Publisher. Evaluation of gelling capacity. Practical Evaluation of different functional properties like water absorption. emulsification capacity and stability of fish/shell fish proteins. Modification of proteins for improving functionality. Ledward.thermal. D. J. New York. C. Maryland. Damodaran. Inc. R. American Chemical Society. & Mitchell. VCH Publishers. 2006. 2. S. Phillips. Marcel Deckkar. V. 6. Theoretical concept of emulsion capacity and stability. 5. D. 1981. Cherry. Unit V Surfactant properties: emulsifying and foaming. & Paraf. DLVO theory.relation to functional properties. S. Fish and krill protein processing Technology. Aspen Publishers. mechanism of formation of gel. Seafood Processing. W. Protein Functionality in Foods. Second Edition. 1996. Methods of estimating surface tension. 3. drying. S. Academic Press. Structure-Function properties of Food Proteins. & Modler. aggregation vs Brownian aggregation. L. A. Prediction of functional properties using model compounds. 1994. Interfacial properties. San Diego. fat absorption. Unit VII Macromoleculear absorption and different stages of foaming. 7. Hill. Meat Science 2. hydrophobicity. Washington. Importance of emulsifying properties of proteins. 1997. Effect of pH. H.. factors affecting the gel formation.G. temperature and ionic strength on various functional properties. Suggested Readings 1. Unit IV Gelation : Definition of gel. freezing. rheological and microscopy. Funtional Properties of Food Macromolecules. adsorption from solution. Food proteins properties and Characterisation.Succinylation and acetylation procedures. Suzuki. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 28 . Nakai. A. 1998. Inc. London. Codex guidelines. Primary standards. Quality circle. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 29 . Sensory evaluation. chemical. Unit VI Sample Accountability: Sampling plan -probability sampling and non. inter-lab comparision. The principles of TQM. To teach Seafood Quality Assurance and Quality Assurance Systems. Certified Reference Material (CRM) and Standard Reference Material (SRM). Unit IV Seafood Quality Assurance and Quality Assurance Systems: Good Manufacturing (GMP) and Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) . Use of chemicals and biochemicals for modifying functional properties 4.Method selection. Uncertainty and Calculation of Uncertainty of Measurements. Unit III Quality standards: National and International – Codex. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 1. Modification of proteins for processing needs 5. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 4.probability sampling. To familiarize students with different aspects of quality management system and evaluation techniques for seafood 2. Structural and functional changes of fat and protein during processing 3. proficiency testing. BIS etc. processing and storage. bacteriological and Instrumental methods of quality evaluation. Statistical Quality Control. Fishery Technology 6. ISO. Unit II Quality evaluation techniques for seafood: Physical. Reference material (RM). Quality check. Theory Unit I Quality Management Systems: The concept of total quality management. Micromolecular interactions 2.Broad Research Areas 3. The concept of HACCP in seafood safety. Quality culture. Journal of Food Science and Technology 5. standards for fish and fishery products. HACCP team Management role and CCPs and implementation procedure for HACCP. Quality link.ISO 22000 FSMS. transportation. Reference standards. Unit V Validation of methods for quality assurance. Quality as related to preprocess handling. Rheology of fish and shellfish proteins FPT 603 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 2+1 Objective 1. USFDA. Cold schedule and hotschedule for handling perishable commodities. Zero defect planning. EU norms. ISO 9000 series of standards. Anon. 8.. New York 2. Establishment of critical limits for novel hazards and development of corrective action in HACCP protocol Ph. 1994.D. Total Quality Management.. London. J. Kanduri. St. Arnold (Hodder Headline Group). Phospholipids. 1997. Leuie Press. H. L. 2006.preparation of hazard analysis worksheet. Essentials of Food Microbiology. Theory Unit I Lipid classification: Triglycerides. Lipid micelles and bilayer. Assessment and Management of Seafood Safety and Quality. Principles of Total Quality. Practicing Manager. 2003. A. 4. Introduction of Total Quality. study of correction and corrective action. Anon. USA 3. quality defects. Kreuzer. Prentice Hall Inc. K.in New Product Manufacturing. Detection and estimation of important toxic chemicals in food. R. 2002. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 3. steroids and other lipids.. their metabolic activities and biological significance.Practical Developing flow charts and exercises in identification of hazards. Luknow Journals Broad Research Areas 1. Suggested Readings 1. Journal of Food Science and Technology 4. 1992. Fishing News (Books) Ltd. FAO Technical Paper No. Anon. Fish Inspection and Quality Control. Fishing News (Books). 444 6. 5. Gorbutt. New Royal Book. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 30 . Fishery Technology 1. 1994. 7. Evaluation of quality standards of processing plants 2. Shukla. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 2. H. plan form and corrective action procedures in processing of fish. 1971. Food safety in shrimp processing. USA. R. R. Co. and Eckhartt. Huss. (Fish Processing Technology) OPTIONAL COURSES FPT 604 LIPIDS OF AQUATIC ORIGIN 2+1 Objective To give knowledge on aquatic originated lipids. Analysis of typical hazards. An Imprint of Blackwell Science.TQM . McGraw Hill Inc. Risk assessment of high priced products 3. Lipid Biochemistry. Fatty acid composition of different lipid fractions. D. Voet. B. Voet. C. lipid biosynthesis. N. Gurr. Turna R. Microbial alterations of lipid during fermentation 4. I. K. C. 4. Akoh.. Frayn.protein interaction 2. Unit VI Modern analytical techniques employed in lipid chemistry. Blackwell Publishing Company. stereochemistry. & Praff. Changes in lipid during processing and storage 3. Marcel Dekker Inc 2. Lipid as fish species identification tool FPT 605 MICROBIAL HAZARDS IN FISH PROCESSING Objective To provide theoretical and practical knowledge on various microbiological related hazards in fish processing. Jones & Bartlet Publishers. lipoproteins..Unit II Fatty acids: Classification. nutritional significance of fatty acids. Ether lipids and Eicosanoids. D. Nutrition. D. Unit III Source of lipids: Biosynthesis of lipids. J. regulation of cholesterol metabolism. & Ross D. Fishery Technology 1. D.their significance. J. Biological significance of marine lipids. 1998. Food Biochemistry & Nutritional Value Longman Scientific & Technical 5. Practical Extraction and fractionation of lipids. L. Unit V Lipid metabolism: fatty acid oxidation. John Weily Intersicence. Evaluation of oxidation product of fish lipid during processing and storage. & Min. ketone bodies. Harwood. transport across membranes. Journal of Food Science and Technology 2. 1998. Jnsel. M. Lipid. P. C.. Fundamentals of Biochemistry.. E. 1987. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 2+1 31 . Food Lipids. 3.2001. Methods of extracting polyunsaturated fatty acids. S. Journals Broad Research Areas 1. Unit IV Lipids in Biological membranes: Membrane proteins. Simpson. lipid metabolism including that of phospholipids. G. Suggested Readings 1. 2002. typical properties of marine lipids. 5th edition. J. and Montville. Technomic Publishing Co. Air-borne and food-borne diseases. E. Advances in Applied Microbiology 2. Practical Antibiotic assay. Food Safety. Indian Journal of Microbiology 6. evaluation of antibacterial properties. Doyle. D.infectious diseases. sensitivity tests. Risk analysis. Shigella. Bhatnagar. coli. P. V. Enteropathogenic E. MIC. MCC. Processing survival of pathogens 4. W. Virulence. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 4.Food borne pathogens: Salmonella. American Society for Microbiology. 1997.Theory Unit I Public health microbiology. Analysis of fish product constituents. Annual Review of Microbiology 3. Unit V Antimicrobial systems and food preservation: ecological concepts: Lactoperoxidase. Unit II Microbial virulence. Staph aureus and Vibrio cholerae. 2. Listeria monocytogenes.borne.. parahemolyticus. Lancaster. T. Emerging food-borne pathogens. Water. Suggested Readings 1. M. Unit III Microbial toxin production-opportunists and true pathogens. Linz. Beuchat. International Journal of Food Microbiology Broad Research Areas 1. Food MicrobiologyFundamentals and Frontiers. Lysozyme. Unit VII Packaging and modified atmosphere on the microbiology and shelf life of fishery products.. J. Letters in Applied Microbiology 5. Efficacy of antimicrobial agents MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 32 . Microbial Food Borne Diseases. Unit VI Norms for using antimicrobial systems in food processing and preservation. Risk analysis of seafood. Nisin. Journals 1. Method validation. 2000. Inc. Incidences of pathogens in sea food 3. Clostridium botulinum.. R. L. Basel. Unit VIII Predictive modeling in quality and safety assurance of fishery products. Bacteriocins. J. Risk analysis of sea food 2. Cary. Potential health hazards and risks associated with fish products. Unit IV Methods for Detection: Rapid detection and indirect detection methods of pathogens and parasites. 4. P.trends and developments. minerals and nucleic acids. Aspen Publication. Buttery. 2nd edition. water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. biochemical role. Food Flavourings. 3rd edition. B. R. Suggested Readings 1. W. Springer. trace elements of seafood. Maryland. Aspen Publication. and Shahidi. Food chemistry. 2. nucleosides. chemistry. 1999. 1999. American Chemical Society. toxic heavy metals in seafood. Fishery Technology Broad Research Areas 1. Teranishi. D. F. nucleic acids. R. Flavour chemistry. Extractable flavouring components in fish and shellfish waste MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 33 . Unit V Metabolic functions of hormones. nucleotides. Berlin. Flavour bearing constituents and other Components in Aquatic Organisms. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 3. D. Unit VI Nucleoprotein.FPT 606 VITAMINS. 2nd Edition. Journals 1. Washington. Maryland. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 2. Changes in vitamin and mineral during processing 3. Unit III Minerals: Role of trace elements in metabolism. Minerals. Unit II Vitamins: Metabolic functions of vitamins. Pigments. Food colour and appearance. Belitz. Journal of Food Science and Technology 4. Organoleptic evaluation of flavours and pigments. Unit IV Pigments and flavour bearing compounds of aquatic origin. Vitamins from sea food. R. C. 3. changes during processing of seafood. 1999. Practical Modern methods for analysis of vitamins. Extraction of flavours and pigments and evaluation. and Grosch. G. Theory Unit I Vitamins. Distribution of vitamins and minerals in commercially important tropical fishes. MINERALS AND FLAVOUR BEARING CONSTITUENTS OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS 2+1 Objective To give knowledge on compounds responsible for flavor and colour of fish and shellfish. Hutching J.. 2. H. Ashrust. 1989. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 2. Washington. Bacterial Toxins and Virulence Factors in Disease. Instrumental methods. IInd Edn. Scientific Society Press. New York 2. organochlorine etc. magnification and toxicity. Persistent pollutants. Inc. Unit V Analytical methods for different types of marine toxins and its tolerance limits: Stability. Biogenic amines and its significance to human health. treatment. Unit III Aflatoxins in fishery products.8. Cr. 6. Japan.. International Journal of Food Science and Technology MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 34 . Journals 1. Marcel Dekker Inc. Moss. Handbook of Natural toxins .4: Seafood and Environmental Toxins. Seafood toxins 1984. Symptoms.Vol 3.. their source. Brevitoxins. Marcel Dekker. Unit VII Pesticide contaminants : PCB. Anon. Bacterial Toxins. Bioassays. As etc. Vol. Practical Analysis of bacterial and fungal toxins. New York. 1995. Analysis of heavy metals and common pesticides.). Iglewski. Vaughan. Y. Biogenic amine estimation. 5. A. Animal tissue Analysis.C. Hashimoto. Paralytic shellfish toxins Diarrhetic shell fish toxins. Unit II Factors contributing to outbreaks of food poisoning.. Food borne Disease Handbook. 3. Unit VI Contaminants of the Aquatic Environment .FPT 607 TOXINS AND CONTAMINANTS 2+1 Objective 1. Marcel Dekker Inc. 1979. Tokyo. Suggested Readings 1. Different types of marine bio-toxins such as Ciguatoxin.Heavy metals (Hg. Ni. Anon. Unit IV Overview of toxicity of marine animals. Marine Toxins and Venom. American Chemical Society. Estimation of LC 50. etc. Theory Unit I Public health problems due to food borne contaminants. Pb. PAH in smoked fish. Immunoassays. Cd. J. (2001) Vol. 1988. bioaccumulation. New York.Vol 4. DSP toxins. 1988. To teach various analytical methods to estimate toxins and contaminants. To teach about various types of toxins and contaminants and their tolerance limit 2. D. Pharmacology assays. Scomberotoxins. Toxicity Evaluation. detection. pharmacology. Marcel Dekker Inc New York 4. Marine Toxins & Other Bioactive Marine Metabolites. Handbook of Natural toxins . T. and Ju. M. Measurement of LC50 and factors affecting LC50. B. calorific value of fats. (Energy value of foods). NPU analysis of different products. Antinutritional factors. protein and carbohydrates.national and international. lipids. food meant for specific age groups and convalescing people. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 1. specific foods like organic foods. legislation on labeling. Effect of food processing on nutritive values of foods. guidelines and enforcement. Development of methods for detection of toxins and cotaminants 4. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 35 . PER. Nutrition labeling. Practical Analysis of major and minor nutrients. vitamins and free minerals Functional foods/ Neutraceuticals for health. Theory Unit I Labeling requirements . calculation of nutrition facts based on nutrient composition and serving size. Conditions affecting toxin production FPT 608 NUTRITIONAL ASPECTS AND NUTRITION LABELING 2+1 Objective To create basic understanding about labeling of different products. Function (or note) of nutrients (providing energy.Nutritional aspects of fish proteins. Essential nutrients. Unit V Type of labeling for organic foods. BV. Unit II Labeling for product traceability. GM foods. Pharmocology of marine toxins 3. fungal and biological toxin 5. Fishery Technology 5. irradiated foods. Unit VII Major nutrients Minor nutrients. preparation of labels for typical food items. vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods. colour. Unit III Components of traceability code – nutrition facts and nutrition labeling.Broad Research Areas 3. tissue building) Nutritional research . Unit IV Serving size. calculation of nutrition facts. Anthropogenic contaminants in fish and their residence time 2. Analysis for total calorie. Risk assessment of seafood with respect to algal. specific requirements of nutrition labeling. Journal of Food Science and Technology 4. Unit VI Label design specification – size. Practical Composition analysis of fish processing waste. Jnsel. Implementation. E. V. Development of functional foods FPT 609 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF FISHERIES INDUSTRIES Objective To provide theoretical and practical exposure on environmental Management Systems in fisheries industry 2.Suggested Readings 1.) pollution. temperature. Food Biochemistry & Nutritional Value Longman Scientific & Technical.. Unit II Environmental impact assessment studies of fisheries industry and control measures. International and European Laws for Environmental Protection. 3. Chemical and Microbiological). IS/ISO 14000 and its relevance to Environmental Management System in fisheries industry: Background. P. pH. TDS. Journal of Food Science and Technology 5. Nutrition Jones & Bartlet Publishers 2. Modern methods for nutritional evaluation of foods 2+1 Theory Unit I Environmental Management Systems: Environmental issues. 1987. Fishery Technology Broad Research Areas 1. Introduction to Clinical Nutrition & Nutritional Labelling. Simpson. long term ecosystem degradation etc in aquaculture and processing industries. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 36 . Sources of environmental concerns (Physical. S. (Ozone depletion. Unit III Techniques for the identification of environmental aspects. & Ross.. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 4. D. analysis of pollution aspects of solid and liquid wastes – bacterial load. Marcel Dekker Inc. global warming etc. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 3. oil and grease . Turna. Checking and Review. 1998. Policy and Planning. Seshadri. R. BOD. (2001). D. Resident time analysis for processing waste at the site of disposal. National Environmental Laws. Meat Science 2. COD. Journals 1. fish peptones. Anon. Application of chitin and chitosan. quality standards and applications. Cesceri. 3. Wise. fish hydrolysates. Environmental impact assessment 2. Conversion of chitin and chitosan to high value products – glucosamine hydrochloride. Unit IV Different methods of production of FPC. MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 37 . Process Engineering for Pollution Control and Waste Minimization . 2002. 2. D. 1994. New methods of waste treatment from processing industries FPT 610 FISHERY BY-PRODUCTS. SPECIALTY PRODUCTS AND VALUE ADDED PRODUCTS Objective To explain the possibilities of preparation of products from low cost fish 2+1 Theory Unit I Nutritional importance of fish meal and quality requirements -Raw material quality and changes during processing and storage.Suggested Readings 1. Second Edition . Bureau of Indian Standards: IS/ISO 14000:1996 on Environmental Management System US-EPA. Hurst. C. Unit VII Formulation of pet food Unit VIII Chitin. Marcel Dekker Journals Broad Research Areas 1. Chitosan and protein extract from shrimp and crab shell and squilla. hydrolysates enriched food beverages. Unit V Enzyme hydrolysis of fish. Different types of FPC. Manual of Environmental Microbiology. and their specifications. APHA. Standard methods for Examination of water and waste water. ASM Press 4. Fishery Technology 2. Journal of Food Science and Technology 1. Manual of Chemical Methods . 1998. 2000. Effect of pollutants on pre-harvest fish quality 4. Unit III Production of fish flour. L. J. Quality requirements and assessment of chitin and chitosan. Unsaponifiables in fish liver oils. Unit VI Food flavour from tiny prawns and non-penaeid prawns.S. Unit II Nutritional importance of fish oil and methods to impart stability to fish oils on storage.. Resident time of industrial pollutant 3.Second Edition. L. 1985. Windsor. 2005. Suggested Readings 1. (eds). New Delhi. Development of novel products MFSc & PhD Syllabus : Fish Processing Technology 38 . 4. By John Wiley and Sons New York. London. 1981. Hui. Advances in Fish Processing Technology. Development of PUFA enriched foods product 3. Seafood and Environmental Toxins. Daya Publishing House. Mechanical properties of batter. Preparation of fish wafers. Vol. in gradients. fish fingers. Practical Preparation of glucosamine hydrochloride and glucosamine sulphate. Fishing News (Books) Ltd. Flavorings.. M. Processing Aquatic Food Products. Journal of Food Science and Technology 3. Introduction to Fishery Byproducts..K. Post Harvest Technology of fish and fish products. Journals Broad Research Areas 1. Merle D. Blackie Academic and Professional. Bread crumbs. J Richard Gorham. Indian Journal of Meat Science and Technology 2. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 1. 2001. Wheaton and Lawson. G. (editor). Text Book of Fish Processing Technology. Hall.4. Ltd. Sen D.M. 2002. P. cutlets etc.. Delhi. Seasonings and Hydrocolloids in coatings. Unit IX Extraction of collagen from fish processing wastes. Pierson. collagen powder and collagen and chitosan. 7. Gopakumar K.H. 3. Fat and oils in Coated food and their chemistry. Types of value addition.Y.. 1992. 6. Important value added products. Marcel Dekker Inc New York 5. properties and application. Allied Publishers Pvt. Unit XI Coated products – Principles and type of coating. Application of batters and breading to seafood. Preparation of biological membranes using collagen and chitosan for biomedical applications. New Delhi. Unit X Value Added Products: Present market trends. scope of value addition. ICAR. and Barlow. K. Fish Processing Technology (Ed). Batter classification. Trouble shooting techniques for batter and breading systems. Utilization of processing waste and trash fishes 2.glucosamine sulphate and their use.2001. 2. Food borne Disease Handbook. Balachandran. Coating functions. London. Preparation of isinglass.
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