760 Design Guide

March 28, 2018 | Author: eng.yehiaelkady | Category: Power Supply, Light Emitting Diode, Electrical Wiring, Communications System, Electrical Components



Spectrum® 760 Message Light Communication SystemSystem Design Guide .. e multiple control ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Use the System Design Guide in conjunction with the price list (Exhibit B) .): Please list any special requirements or optional equipment (i. Distributor/Dealer: Name:______________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________ Fax/email:___________________________________ Installation For: Name:_____________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone:_____________________________________ Fax/email:___________________________________ Project Size Total Number of Control Annunciators Total Number of Pushbutton/Indicator Stations Total Number of Room Stations annunciators. © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc. etc.Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide System Design Guide Fill in information below before completing form. . Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc. . DL PUSHBUTTON/ INDICATOR STATION (7641. 7621. WIRES + P G 7690 POWER SUPPLY (NOTE 1) TITLE SPECTRUM 760 DETAILED WIRING FOR REMOTE FIELD EQUIPMENT: ONE POWER SUPPLY DFX/DFXDWG/766251. TWISTED PAIR WEST PENN #751 OR EQUIVALENT (NOTE 2) 6271 PLUG-IN MOUNTING CORD FACTORY FURNISHED 3' CABLE YL GR RD BK CONTROL ANNUNCIATOR (7662.E. 1743 W.C. IL. ROSEHILL DR. 4) MAXIMUM 22 GA. 7642. 7644) G R RD BK 2-22 GA.DWG DATE Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc. 7644) YL YL GR R D BK PUSHBUTTON/ INDICATOR STATION (7641.. 7606) DOME LIGHT (7604. 7606) YL GR R D B K 6270 JUNCTION BOX 6271 PLUG-IN MOUNTING CORD 2-18 GA. AND 22 GA. 60660 1) REFER TO POWER SUPPLY WORKSHEET TO DETERMINE NUMBER OF POWER SUPPLIES REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM. INC.DH YL . 3) WIRE IN ACCORDANCE WITH N. 7631) . 7621. TWISTED PAIR WEST PENN #651 OR EQUIVALENT (NOTE 2) 1 YL GR R D B K 6270 JUNCTION BOX DOME LIGHT (7604. 16 APR 97 BY C. 7664) 6269 WALL PLATE JACK NOTE 5 18 GA..760 Wiring for Remote Equipment: One Power Supply . WIRE INTO JUNCTION BOX. CHICAGO. 7642. ROOM #8 YL GR RD BK PATIENT STATION (7620. 5) USE 3M #558 T-TAP CONNECTORS OR EQUIVALENT TO JOIN 18 GA. 7643. (NOTE 2) NOTES: R JERON ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS.. 2) SIZE POWER BUS WIRE GAUGE TO ASSURE VOLTAGE DROP BETWEEN POWER SUPPLY AND LAST STATION DOES NOT EXCEED 10% OF SUPPLY TERMINAL VOLTAGE.. ROOM #1 . 7631) YL GR R D B K COLOR KEY RD .G GR .P (+28V) BK . PATIENT STATION (7620.P. . 7643. AND LOCAL CODES FOR CLASS 2 SIGNALS. 7631) YL GR RD BK ROOM #9 . WIRES. ..7621..7621.E.P (28V) BK .G. DATE DFX/DFXDWG/766252.7644) YL GR RD BK DOME LIGHT (7604. 60660 SPECTRUM 760 DETAILED WIRING FOR REMOTE FIELD EQUIPMENT: TWO POWER SUPPLIES DWG. 7643. ROSEHILL DR.. 4) WIRE IN ACCORDANCE WITH N. 7643.DWG 18 APR 97 BY Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc. TWISTED PAIR WEST PENN #651 OR EQUIVALENT 760 Wiring for Remote Equipment: Two Power Supplies 2 NOTE 5 18 GA.7642.. 7606) 6271 PLUG-IN MOUNTING CORD YL GR RD BK 6269 WALL PLATE JACK 2-22 GA. CHICAGO.. 7606) YL GR RD BK DOME LIGHT (7604..7621. NO. ROOM #16 PATIENT STATION (7620.7606) YL GR RD BK 6270 JUNCTION BOX DOME LIGHT (7604. 3) MAXIMUM 22 GA.. INC. IL..7642. (NOTE 2) + P YL GR RD BK FACTORY FURNISHED 3' CABLE NOTE 1 2-18 GA. NOTES: 1) REFER TO POWER SUPPLY WORKSHEET TO DETERMINE NUMBER OF POWER SUPPLIES REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM.7631) PUSHBUTTON/ INDICATOR STATION (7641. 7664) ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS.7621.7631) YL GR RD BK YL GR RD BK PATIENT STATION (7620.DL + P G 7690 POWER SUPPLY (ROOMS #1 TO #8) G 7690 POWER SUPPLY (ROOMS #9 TO #16) JERON TITLE R CONTROL ANNUNCIATOR (7662.. TWISTED PAIR WEST PENN #751 OR EQUIVALENT COLOR KEY RD .7644) PUSHBUTTON/ INDICATOR STATION (7641.G G R .7644) YL GR RD BK YL GR RD BK PUSHBUTTON/ INDICATOR STATION (7641. J.7606) YL GR RD BK DOME LIGHT (7604.DH YL . . 5) USE 3M #558 T-TAP CONNECTORS OR EQUIVALENT TO JOIN 18 GA. WIRE INTO JUNCTION BOX. AND LOCAL CODES FOR CLASS 2 SIGNALS.7642.7642. AND 22 GA. 7643.7631) YL GR RD BK PATIENT STATION (7620.ROOM #1 . 2) SIZE POWER BUS WIRE GAUGE TO ASSURE VOLTAGE DROP BETWEEN POWER SUPPLY AND LAST STATION DOES NOT EXCEED 10% OF SUPPLY TERMINAL VOLTAGE. ROOM #8 . PATIENT STATION (7620.. 7644) YL GR RD BK PUSHBUTTON/ INDICATOR STATION (7641. 1743 W.C. 7643. 7606) YL GR RD BK 6270 JUNCTION BOX 7662 CONTROL ANNUNCIATOR YL GR RD BK 7662 CONTROL ANNUNCIATOR YL GR RD BK 7662 CONTROL ANNUNCIATOR YL GR RD BK 7662 CONTROL ANNUNCIATOR Y L G R RD B K YL GR RD BK 6269 WALL PLATE JACK FACTORY FURNISHED 3' CABLE DOME LIGHT (7604. AND 22 GA.7606) DOME LIGHT (7604. . 766253 DATE BY 21 APR 97 G. 5) USE 3M #558 T-TAP CONNECTORS OR EQUIVALENT TO JOIN 18 GA. DWG.7606) 7662 CONTROL ANNUNCIATOR 7662 CONTROL ANNUNCIATOR YL GR RD BK YL GR RD BK COLOR KEY RD . CHICAGO. TWISTED PAIR WEST PENN #651 OR EQUIVALENT YL GR RD BK 3 YL GR RD BK DOME LIGHT (7604. 60660 SPECTRUM 760 DETAILED WIRING :SIX CONTROL ANNUNCIATORS W/CORRIDOR DOME LIGHTS.7606) Y L G R RD B K DOME LIGHT (7604. WIRES. 4) WIRE IN ACCORDANCE WITH N.C. WIRE INTO JUNCTION BOX. ROSEHILL DR. ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS.7606) DOME LIGHT (7604. IL.J. AND LOCAL CODES FOR CLASS 2 SIGNALS.E. TWISTED PAIR WEST PENN #751 OR EQUIVALENT 6270 PLUG-IN MOUNTING CORD 2-22 GA. NOTES: 1) REFER TO POWER SUPPLY WORKSHEET TO DETERMINE NUMBER OF POWER SUPPLIES REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM.7606) YL GR RD BK DOME LIGHT (7604. 1743 W. 7690 POWER SUPPLY -G +P GP+ 7690 POWER SUPPLY 2-18 GA. INC.G G R .DL JERON TITLE R Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc.760 Wiring for Control Annunicators with Dome Lights .DH Y L . 2) SIZE POWER BUS WIRE GAUGE TO ASSURE VOLTAGE DROP BETWEEN POWER SUPPLY AND LAST STATION DOES NOT EXCEED 10% OF SUPPLY TERMINAL VOLTAGE. 3) MAXIMUM 22 GA. NO.P (28V) BK . Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide Overview The Spectrum® 760 Message Light Communication System is used in hospitals and clinics to provide: • Staff-Patient Sequencing System: multicolored light annunciators direct staff members by displaying the present location of the doctor as well as the location of the next patient and all other patients to be seen by that doctor. in a centralized location. The Corridor Dome/Zone Lights may be used above rooms or in hallways and call stations may be used in rooms. Pushbutton/ Indicator Stations. Pushbutton/ Indicator Stations and Call Stations 4 Rooms per Control Annunciator with Any Combination of Control Annunciators. • • The system is microprocessor-controlled with a basic capacity of 15 rooms and four color categories. System Capacity Total Per System of Any Combination of Control Annunicators. or both. and Call Stations 30 Zone Areas Per System 32 Corridor Dome/Zone Lights do not count against the maximum four stations per room or the maximum 128 stations per system. Call System: call system allows staff to alert control annunciator of a need for assistance. The system is expandable to eight color categories or 30room capacity. Control Annunciators indicate the status of every room and the location of all registered staff members. Pushbutton/ Indicator Stations and Call Stations 128 Total per Room of Any Combination of Control Annunicators. 4 © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc. 7621 Call Stations in the non-locking mode do not count against the maximum four stations per room or the maximum 128 stations per system. Control Annunciators may be located in every room. . Room Status System: room status light annunciation display identifies available rooms and rooms requiring service. Pushbutton/Indicator Stations may be located in the corridor or in rooms to report to the central Control Annunciator. To determine the number of power supplies needed for the system. Job Name ________________ 1. Total # Dome Light Colors (subtotal) used for Room Status or ________ x 70 = ________ Sequencing (Subtotal)________ x (Total # Dome/Zone Stations)_______= ___________ Total # Dome Light Colors ________ x 0.Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide Determining the Type of Power Supply Fill out the worksheet. 2. 7. 5 © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc.2 x 70= used for Room Call (Subtotal)________ x (Total # Dome/Zone Stations)_______= Dome/Zones with Audible Total # Master Stations 15 Capacity ________ x 350 = 30 Capacity ________ x 620 = ___________ ___________ ___________ ________ x 10 = (subtotal) ________ ___________ ___________ 5. 7631 Stations Total # 7641 Room Stations Total # 7642 Room Stations Total # 7643 Room Stations Total # 7644 Room Stations Date____________ ________ x 7 = ________ x 14 = ________ x 14 = ________ x 21 = ________ x 28 = ________ x 35 = ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 4. Total # Dome/Zone Lights Total # 7621. 6. . 3. Total: #7680 2A Power Supply Total 0-2000 2001-4000 4001-6000 6001-8000 8001-10000 Minimum Required 1 2 3 4 5 #7690 3A Power Supply Total 0-3000 3001-6000 6001-9000 9001-12000 12001-15000 Minimum Required 1 2 3 4 5 . compare the number in Total against the tables below. Furnished with wall jack and three-foot plug-in cable. 7605/7607 Zone Lights. Maximum 4 stations per room (see “System Capacity” on page 4). For a system exceeding four color categories. and Power Supplies used. or maximum eight color category and 15 room capacity. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ 7664 Control Annunciator Maximum four color category and 30 room capacity.Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide Central Equipment Control Annunciators A minimum of one Control Annunciator is required. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ 7690. Refer to “Determining the Type of Power Supply” on page 5.0A UL Listed. . 7680. Pushbutton/Indicator Stations. 7662 Control Annunciator Displays the activity of 15 rooms and four color categories. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ Power Supplies A minimum of one Power Supply is required. Refer to “Determining the Type of Power Supply” on page 5. All stations mount in dual-gang device boxes with single-gang cover (Raco 232 2-gang with Raco 772 1-gang trim ring). except 7604/7606 Corridor Dome Lights and Cat. Power Supply 3A 28V@3. which may instead use a dual-gang. double the number of Corridor Dome/Zone Lights. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ Pushbutton/Indicator Stations (Addressable Bus Stations) Each bus station is furnished with a 6270 Modular Junction Box and 6271 Plug-In Mounting Cord. cover. Refer to “Determining the Type of Power Supply” on page 5. Furnished with wall jack and threefoot plug-in cable. Power Supply 2A [email protected] UL Listed. 6 © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc. yellow. and green. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ 7605 Corridor Zone Light Provides visual call signals in corridors where Dome Lights are not visible. Indicates status of associated room. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ 7642 Pushbutton/Indicator Station Two color coded ABS buttons: red and yellow. 7604 Corridor Dome Light Provides visual call signals above rooms in corridors. green. Red/yellow/green/blue colored bulbs. The tone may be preprogrammed to pulse when any of the four color bulbs are active. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ Dome/Zone Lights Color and sequence of the bulbs match those of the Control Annunciator and Pushbutton/Indicator Station. each with a matching integral LED indicator. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ 7644 Pushbutton/Indicator Station Four color coded ABS buttons: red. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ 7643 Pushbutton/Indicator Station Three color coded ABS buttons: red. each with matching integral LED indicator. each with a matching integral LED indicator. Red pushbutton with integral matching LED indicator. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ 7606 Corridor Dome Light with Audible Similar to 7604 except produces a pulsed tone every three seconds. 7 © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc.Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide 7641 Pushbutton/Indicator Station Communicates with Control Annunciators and Dome/Zone Lights. Quantity Unit Price Total Price $ $ . . and blue. yellow. Red/yellow/green/blue colored bulbs. The tone may be preprogrammed to pulse when any of the four color bulbs are active. and Call placed LED indicator. RJ11 to Screw Terminal. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ 8 © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc. The Cat. Equipped with Pushbutton. Back box: Raco 232 2gang with Raco 772 1-gang trim ring. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ 6270 Modular Junction Box The Cat. and Call placed LED. 6270 Junction Box consists of a cover and block assembly which has four color-coded screw terminals. Quantity Unit Price Total Price $ $ Call/Room Stations 7621 Pullcord Call Station Used by staff to place calls from patient locations or bathrooms. Cancel pushbutton. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ 6269 Wall Plate Jack Used with Control Annunciator.Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide 7607 Corridor Zone Light with Audible Similar to 7605 except produces a pulsed tone every three seconds. . Supplied with all room stations and Dome/Zone Lights. Equipped with Pullcord. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ Accessories 6160 Wall Bracket Used to wall mount the Control Annunciator. Converts the modular cable to the screw terminal block for connection to the main bus. Supplied with each 6270. Back box: Raco 232 2-gang with Raco 772 1-gang trim ring. Quantity Unit Price Total Price $ $ 6271 Plug-In Mounting Cord Connects the room station or Dome/Zone Light to the Cat. 6270 Junction Box. converts a modular RJ11 jack to a twoplace screw terminal block. 6270 Junction Box. Quantity Unit Price $ Total Price $ 7631 Pushbutton Call Station Used by staff to place calls from patient locations or bathrooms. . 9 © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc.Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide Total Price Total Price $ . .Spectrum 760 Message Light Communication System System Design Guide 10 © 2007 Jeron Electronic Systems Inc.
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