73 Amateur Radio September 1990 Issue 360

March 26, 2018 | Author: Marcelo Moraes | Category: Inductor, Antenna (Radio), Telecommunications, Broadcast Engineering, Electricity



SEPTEMBER 1990ISSUE #360 USA $2.95 lntemanonai Edition CAN$3.95 A WGE Publication ® 75mSlaper 10mBase 2mEndf8d PLUS 13rellews 1111 AEA IsaLao,,,· CoIIT• • field Strengtll Met. ASC Solution Reliable PC Boards DXDA UPDATE WORK 400 COUNT , 0 - P urR Fe * f t t . MFJ's Artificial RF Ground '79 85 MFJ·931 You can create an artificial RF ground and The MFJ-949D gives you lower eliminate MFJ.9B6 Tile IttW MFJ-986 Differential·JTIll MFJ·949D SWR than any tuner tnat uses RF "bites" . S289115 2·knob Tuner uses a differential s 1 49 it 5 two lapped inductors. Why? Because feedback. TVI and RFI when you let the MFJ-931 capacitor to make tunll1g fOOlproof you get two caminuously variable capacitors that resonate a random length of wire and turn It into a and easier than ever. II ends constant re-tooing with \I've you infinitely more positions than the limited tuned counterpoise. The MFJ-931 also lets you br~ coverage and gives you minimum SWR ele<:tncally place a ' ar away RF ground lIirectty at nOOlber on switChed COils. at only one best setting . Covers 1.8-30 MHz. This gives you the precise control you need to your rig .. no mailer how tar away it is .. by tuning The rOUer indoctor lets you tune you'" SWR down get your SWfI down to a mmmen Alter all, isn't out the reactance ot your ground COMeC1lOl1 lime. to absolute mioimOOl. 3-digitS turns cOtl"lter lets you that why you need a tuner? Covers 1_8-30 MHz. Barefoom,S KW Linear Tuner quickly return to VOO" favorite frequency. You get MFJ's new ligtl1ed 2·color peak <V\d Voo get MFJ's new peak and average reading average reading Cross·Needle SWIVWallmeter. Cross·Needle SWRlWattmeter wIth a new directional dummy load, antenna switch, and 4:1 bann . all in coupler lor more accurate readings over a wider a compact 10x3x7 inch cabinet. Meter lamp uses frequency range. It reads forward/reflected power in 12 VDC Of 11 0 VAC with MFJ·1312, $1 2.95. 200/50 and 2000/500 watt ranges. Meter lamp With MFJ's deluxe 300 walt PEP tuner you get uses 12 VDC or 110 VAC with MFJ·1 312. $12.95. an MFJ tuner that has earned a reputation for being A new current balun for balanced lines reduces able to match just about anything - one that is MFJ.962C For a few extra dollars, the MFJ- feed line radiation and forces equal currents into highly perfected and has years of proven reliability. '22985 962C lets you use your barefoot rig antenna halves that are not certecnv balanced for a more concentrated. stronger signal. Add $10 slh. MFJ's Mobile Tuner -- M"·"" sS9'· now and have the capacity to add a 1.5 KW PEP linear amplifier later. Covers 1.8-30 MHz. Voo get two husky continuously variable capacitors .'_.'•. .' - /fn " - - MFJ's Fastest Seiling Tuner Don't leave for maximum power and minimOOl SWR. And lots of . --_. -- . ' home withottt this mobile inductance gives you a wide matching range. You gel MFJ's new peak and average reading tlA'ler! Have an oomterrupted tnp as the MFJ-945C Cross-Needle SWRIWattmeter with a new directional extends your antenl'la bandwidth and eliminates the coupler for more accurate readings over a wider need to stop, go out and adlust your mobile whip. frequency range. It reads forward/reflected power in Yoo can operate anywhere in a band and get law 200150 and 20001500 watt ranges. Meter lamp uses The MFJ,941D ISMFJ'S lastest selling SWR. You 'll get maximum power ou1 01 your solid 12 VOC or 110 VAC with MFJ·1312. $12.95. MFJ·941D 300 watt PEP anlenna luner. Why? stale or tube rig and inl run cooler and last longer. Has 6-POSition antenna switch and a tencn wound '10985 Because it lias more lealUres than Small 8x2x6 inches uses little room. SWRI Watt· balun with ceramic 'eedthru insulators for balanced tuners cosling much more and it meter and convenient placement 01 controls make lines. 10J/.x4'h x1 4 718 inches. Add $10.00 Slh. matches everything continuously lrom 1.8·30 MHz. tuning last and easy while in motion. 300 watts It matches dipoles, vees. verticals. mobile wtsps, PEP output, effic ient airwouf1d if1ductOf, 1000 von MFJ's smallest Versa Tuner random wires, banlanced and coa x lines. MFJ·901B SWRIWaltmeter reads foward/reflected power in capacitors. Mobile mount, MFJ- 20, $3.00. 1441220 MHz VHF Tuners S59'· -'. 30 and 300 watt ranges. Antenna switch selects 2 coax lines. dire<:t or through tuner, random wire, balanced line or tuner bypass. Efficient airwound inductor giveSlower losses and more watts ool. MFJ.921 ' 6 9 85 r: MFJ', IttW VHF tuners cover bath 1#;" ,,·0 _0 __0 . . er- - • - • -1 The MFJ· 901 B is our smallest •. -- • 5x2x6 inches .' (and most affordable) 200 watt PEP Has 4:1 balun. 1000 V Capacitors. 10x3x7 inches. tuner ··when both space and yoor budget is limited. 2 Meters and the 220 MHz bands, They handle 300 MFJ's Ranaom Wire Tuner watts PEP and match a wide range ot impedances Good for matching solid state rigS 10 neeers. - tor coax led antennas. SWRIWattmeter. 8x2'! lx3 in. It matches whips. dipoles, vees. random wiles, MFJ.16010 '39 85 MFJ.9Z0. $49.95. No meter. 4'/zxZ'/v:3 inChes. vetoes. beams, balanced and coax lines from You tin operate a. 00 1.8-30 MHz. Efficient airwound indllClor. 4:1 balun. ~nd s anywhere with any • iransceiver when you let . !::l:::~::::-;;:;;:-;­ the MFJ·16010 tum any random wire into a transmitting antenna, Great tor apartment, motel. MFJ MFJ ENTERPRISES. INC. FOR YOUR NEAREST DEALER OR TO ORDER 800·647·1800 • 1 year lfnconditlonal guarantee . 30 day money camping operation. Install a wire anywhere' Tunes Box 494 , MISS. State, MS 39762 back guarantee (less Slh) 00 orders from MFJ • 1.8-30 MHz. 200 watts PEP. Ultra small 2)(3x4 in. (601) 323-5869; TELE X: 53 4590 MFJSTKV Free catalog . Add $5.00 slh (except as noted) MFJ ," making quality affordable CIRCLE 86 ON REAOER SERVICE CARO on a mercenary magazine , not on the Heck, /he code is 8101 easier than Ihe CO'Yer of 73 . Otherwise the issue was mandolin. You $hOUId have your GBn- LETTERS great, wilh Ofing as the mein artiCle. I juS! might try il OUI. eral in a few da'/S---dOiflg about tBfl minutes a da~f you do if my wa'" The mandolin ;s II great instru- mtmf-beats thB IfOa all to hell. Of From the Hamshack The July COW' was meant as a longue- in-dIeek Iook.t FOJrhunting. hence the t::OUfU,l'm. bluegrass fan, sol hBar a lot 01 good mandolin pick 'n. Once you Hembo theme. No, )'011 don 'l need a get good at it, try the ban;o too---8no1h- WR'W: I have been a g&fl8rally mac- and need to stay in buSineM? Chances gun to Ioca/B hidden transmitlers, tn fH great instrumfHlt. l ive ham lor 25 + years because hams are the answer to these Questions is a facI, we received a number Of positive The boat show sounds great. /'tt were .. . well, boring. With retirement 1 resounding " No!" comments aboul the cover at the re- pass your faJr on /0 BiN and see wflal he decided to become active . Now I lind Unless we dean up our ad and go cent Dallas HAMCOM show. GIVe OF· can muster,-Wayne that some hams are malicious, 100. out 01 our way to help the beginner ing a try, I think you'll find it to bB • Your editorials ere right on. Keep up learn the ropes and give him or her a grea t challenfl.e end a lot or run.-Bill the good work . chance to learn from us without having WB8ELK ... I m sure glad ELK season Dave Rust WAeLKF, Rogersville MO: to master "hamspeak" lirst, we may hasn 't started yeU I enjoyed reading your " Never SaX Kevin Thomas, Louisville KY: I hope someday soon be a very smell society Die' in the June issue, and couldn I I'm not the lasl 01 a dying breed, I' ve 01 ex·hems. agree with 'fOtJ more . recently begun taking a course to help Terry Co ke r AA6LG , Cucamonga It seems as though our hobby will me pass the lest lor my Novice ticket. Bob Kozt.,ak WA2SQQ, Elmwood CA : 1 recently read in a bulletin on a never be what it once was, due to the I've spent the las t 6 th weeks steeped Park NJ : We all have some talent or locat packet BBS about a ham not advances in technology and dillerent in the amateur radio world. Guess product 10 oller our lellow hams. I gol knowing how to deal with an operator interests for everyone 10 pursue. Ham the idea to compile every modIfication I he recently discovered was a bootleg- What! I am BlCCiled about What I see going on. I made the trip to Dayton lor the Hamvenlion. wowm The field is could find on the S8-22O and oller it al a modest coce. My wife laughed and ..'This brought to memory a bootleO- radio was at one bme a place where a newcomer couldn 't help but learn something , due 10 the very nature of WIde open_You are able 10 go tntc any seid , " Who would ever buy it?" I gar I found out about, named Jeff. He the testing . field 01 expertise you wish. At th is time placed ads in all three of the amateur was very active on an L.A. repeater . He While I agree code is like driving I'm actually elicited about code. h is publications and sat bacll . All 01 a sod- had great operating technique and was down the lour~ne highwey in a one- fun . With alittle patience and practice it derllhe leiters came---oozen& of them . very intelligent and a good converse- horse buggy, I still take pride in know· can be mastered. I'm less than two That was four years ago, and I'm still 1ionaIist. It never crossed my mind he ing altfH ell these years I can recognize weeks from lest l ime so I hope thaI I will ~ng strong-thanks to 73 's " Barter might be bogus. my own call on CW. Some of us re- soon be among the ranks of the hams. n' Buy" column. I have consistently Jeff made cla ims to us at coffee member when we improved ham radio receivee the bes.t response Irom meets that certain j.ammers and boot- around 1966 wilh the new idea called Rod Templeton, Coqultlam, B.C. Af· " BNB" as compared 10 other publica- leggers pleguing the repeater were out Incentive Licensing. It was then de- ter the recent Field Day Il:I'Slivilies were tions. Don't be alraid, sn up and give to get him. He was, alter all, the re- signed as I recall with the help of the over, I felt compelled to write and let your idea a try. Donna DiRusso and the peater's most active signal direction AARL to bring gigantic new numbers to stall at 73 make plac ing your "BNB" finder, and claimed to find several jem- you know that some hams still like to our ranks. Apparently they didn't show Introduce new people to the hobby. ed Child 's pley. mers. up in the numbers someone expected, I had been trying to l ind out hOw to Jeff threw a dinner at his place tor as we have been in a recruitment pro- get into ham classes without much suc- Ray KOhler W90BD, s ycam ore IL: users 01 the repeater that was well-at- gram ever since. cess. Then I drove over to the park We worry about the loss 0 our amateur tended . He went to repeater breakfasts Now here we go again with a new where the Burnaby ARC had set up for radio frequencies. Which signals the and meets for coffee in the early mom- codeless dass of license . I have no Field Day. I walked around, just having end 01 ham radio. This is probably the ing hours. He was considered one of the regulars and a " great guy." He obiection 10a codeless class; however, a look lot a while , then two gentlemen lurthestthing Irom the truth as lar as it the entry Ievet licensee can only have asked me if I was wilh the group . 1told used lots of the equipment at the re- the death knotl lot the hobby ... the voice on 220 MHz up , the newcomer is Ihem I had just come down lot a look . end will be caused by Ihe incoosider· peater's Field Day site. going to be mighty lonesome. He wi. One ham , John VE7JPW, actually sat ate appliance operators who have Ii- It was not until a lew months ago probably wish he ha<ltaken up besket down and asked me what I knew aJx)ut cense-s now. Let me give you an exam- when I ran across the real ham with the weaving. Field Day and hamming in general. ple, whiCh is not a Single instance. We callsign Jell was uSing thai I realized Our hobby has rapidly become, Then he invited me down 10 the dub to have been giving a 101 of publicity to Jell was a lake. What an eye-opener! A Ihanks to the memoriZIng of the see what the meetings _e like. and SAAEX , OOVE, and hams in the space check of the catlbook confirmed !he answers, a way to determine when told me about the classes (whiCh al- program. This is a very importent PA situation . the wile will be lhere with our lunch , ways filled up quiCkl)'!). tool as well as a rneanstc get the young Suddenly Jell dropped out 01 sight- tetl whether she still loves you, how I part icipated in the contest, helping people interested in our hobby. The I wonder why? Jeff lingered several good hams as her day wenl . . , . I am still taken log statiOns on 40m lor a couple of eecueoces for the shuttle audio have being jammers, He would drop their back when an operator asks an- hours, A 101 01 people asked me il l was been published in all the maguines other operator to " Come back and interested in becoming a ham. making and are general knowledge to any ec- callslgns at the coffee stops. His nerve give me your personel again , I mis, sure I knew about the meetings. Every- tive ham. still amazes me, He had the intelli- sed it" one I talked to was great. Nobody tried On Saturday April 28, 1990, I had a gence to easily get a license. I think he Now, I don't profess to be the pe rfect to daule anybody with jargon. I'll start group of people over to neten to shuttle got a rush knowing he had everyone fooled. operator. I have not stared current classes in October. I'd like to thank the audio, As we listened on 14.295 MHz with the state of the art. have been Burnaby Club, especially VE7JKJ , there was an offending carrier just in known to say damn or hell on occasion, VE7JPW , and VE7MIC lor pUlling up the pesebeno. Tuning up just slightly Marth. M, Lostrom KA1UUO, 511<:0 but I don't get on the air and ask some- with me while I logged the contest. See we could hear a CSC going on. About ME: P1eying the mandolin . .. and aim- one to come by anet help me turn you on the air someday. that time another station came on and ing lor the I'ech and Gel'l8fal ham li- my HF rig on,loon'l know how, make it asked the two hams having the OSC if censes. Do these two things to togeth- in the next thIrty minutes if you can, I Phillip Isenberg KB4CPB, Winston- !hey would mind moving up a couple of er? Wetl, I hope 50 . .. have to go teach a Novice class here S.1em HC: " Everybody" knows whal a kHz due to the shuttle audio interfer, I just pidled up the July issue. Read """"v. yag l is. We all understand what is eree . You can guess what happened the leIIers and your [Wayne 's] editori- It's easy to see that chasing down meant by ORT , OX, OSC, RTTY, and ".~ al. Then turned to the ads. I'm laxing every old tired CBer and trying to g;ve packet . But what aJx)utthe cuneus per- The gentleman (ham) who asked my order lor your lWper code tapes-if them a Novice license wasn't the an- son who has heard about " ham" radio lhem 10 move was very low key and KA1COJ can do it (July " Letters"), swer. n we are going to improve and and decides to pick up one of our mag- courteous, whiCh look a great deal of eeo I can too! Aher au. I just bought a preserve our luture, I think we need a azines at a newsstand? He or she patience on his part. The band was not mandolin wil h the belief that I can learn test that is a lest. neces very little good might as well piCk up a foreign newspa- even crowded , but that didn't seem to to play il. I am in the mood 10 be in- to memorize a few questions, pass an per matter to the two that _e in 050. I spired. Extra Class test, become the local ex- Whether the use of I'argon and ab- didn't gel any 01 the callSigns or I would Will it be easier 10 learn to play the pert, and tell the WOl1d how much you breviations is an act 0 snobbishness heve sent all concerned a letler, one of mandolin , or learn the 13 wpm code on know with a conversation like this: on our part or just an unconscious act , thanks, and two to the oilending Wayne's tapes? Who knows for sure. " Boy, Jake, you ~"a beautiful signal most of what we say concerning ham parties to try to wake them up to the But I'm belting that the code is going to in here, your'a lighti ng all my lillhts radio goes over the heads of a lot 01 fact that their types are killing ham ra- be easier. here in the old rig, end you're 50 miles people. We hear or read "hamspeak" dio wilh their seU-serving altitudes, Newport Yachting Center in Rhode away and I'm just receiving you on an and, like lemmings, we lollow along I'm one 01 the first to speak ou t Island was looking for some new at- 18-inch spike in the back of lhe old and encourage others to use our jar- against specificlrequency use, but this traction for the Newport International rig," All that time the full scale Signal is gon, too. (shullle frequency) IS an excepten and Powerboat Show September 20-23, coming lrom a repeater running 30 or " Hamspeak" annoys and confuses only heppens two or three times a year, and I said , hey, you want a ham booth 40 walls on a 200-1001 antenna only people who would like 10 learn some- and then only lor a lew days at a time. with amateurs showing off. They said, live miles away . thing about ham radIO bu1 are repulsed What happens to the young folks OK. We 'g give you a 10 x 10 booth I say let's have tests that are practi- at every juncture by our incomprehen- who hear this in the classroom? Do we (tent) with electnci!y and all the tables cal, one that tests ability , do some ~ sible and easily misunderstood Ian- want or need new blood to keep the and chairs you want, no charge . OK, I dering, how 10 set up a statiOn, cut an 9ua98 . Sure, they can learn the hard hobby alive???? Would you wanl to said, put " us" on the schedule . I'm on inverted-V, do some troubleshooting , way, the way we learned . Pay their join a hobby that shows this kind of the hunt lor " us," Wouldn't a foxhunt etc. We have Volunteer EJramil'l8f test- dues, earn their stnpes, and someday attitude? Aemembef , there is inlluence in Newport or. 2m demo be great? I'm ing practically on • one-on-one basis, be a ham , too. But lor everyone who end power in numbers. Without these still stuck on 10m-he0ce the need to so let il be Involved as 10 whalthe appli- achieves hamdom th is way, 100 or numbers we may not have. VOle in our d imb the higher mountain and become cant kOOW1l and can do . nwill certainly 1000 others listen to our j.argoo and run destiny ... a General, be no extra cost to the Fox Charlie the other way. Any hams you know 01 who would Cherlie. So who needs them , nght? Vernon Erie Ikeda , Pl anelond l , love to get a free pass to the boat show, We have discovered thet you don't Do you have all the club members Quebec: I was really disappointed with and turn on an electronics-receptive improve the quality by lowering the you want? Do you dealers have all the the cover oftheJuly issue, It jiVeS pee- audience, many of whom are keenly standards. We simply can no longer customers you need? Do you maga- pte the wrong impression 0 amateur interested in marine single-sideband, give away the store and hope it workS zines have all the subscribers you want radio, I thought that the cover belonged PLEASe give me a steer. out. 2 73 AmateurRadio • September, 1990 SEPTEMBER 1990 THETEAM Issue #360 PUBLISHER/EDITOR Wayne Green W2N S0l1 ASSOCIATE PUBUSHER AMATEUR David Cassidy N1G PH MANAGING EDITOR IW Brown WB8ELK RADIO PRODUCTION EDITOR Hope Currier TABLE OF CONTENTS SENIOR EDITOR Linda Reneau KA1U KM ASSOCI'"I EEDITOR Joyce Sawlelle FEATURES 48 The Coil Tester DEPARTMENTS CONSULTING EDITOR Measure inductance and M,ke Nugenl WB8GlO 9 Quick and Easy resonantfrequency. . . .. , ..... N4TMI 70 Abou ,ndBt" ond eotm!:lBllTlNG EDITORS Field-Strength Meter 72 .".d Indn M,ke Bryce WB8VGE 81 DXDA '90 56 "-... K,boom OavidCowhigWAl18P Home-brewing can be simple! . . . KM4KT MIchael Geier KBlU M The Dynasty grows..... WB2DIN , Slaff " AT" 84 8.a rlfl" ' n° Buy Jim Gray W1XU17 18 75 Meter 114-Wave Sloper Array 13 t>t.-, Ier Ilir l'ctory Chuck Houghton WB6IGP Arnie-Johnson N1BAC Confessions of a couester. . . . WA3EKL REVIEWS 59 DX Of, Man: Leavey WA3AJ R 17 Fftd beck I~\ Bnan l..byd WB6AQN 20 Alinco Service Survey 10 The lsoloop HF Antenna 14/30 37 HllIIllI.,l p AMy Mac.l.lIislllf WA5ZlB Alinco may be lhe best show in 17 Ham Protiln Joe MoeI KIOV Small, effICient and .0 H.....,. .. ilh CL- lown WB6NQA poflable KA7lDN, KG7GA 8 11 Pastemalc WA61Tf 66 IllU11-~h Carole PerryWB2MGP Arliss Thompson W7X U 22 Dummy loads for DC Supplies 45 Fluke Model 87 68 lIom i"lt l n BobWino W5KNE Don't nsk your riqt " . . . " " , VE1 GM n I ndu : 91911 The ned generation of digital 2 I.t'llfr. mumrreters. , , , , , , , , , . , , , , WB9RRT 4 )l;uu SlI, P i" ADV ERTISING SALES 24 Mobile Power Source Organizer REPRESENTATIVES 6l ~"" Pr" d UCIS Easy 12 volt hOOkups for your mobile 52 Ameritron Al-82 linear Amplifier P.-"'" gear. "", ... """ "". AH2ARl8 88 ~lli ion ""'"_ ACCOUNT SERVICES Donna DiRusso 26 End-Fed Copper Dipole T rouble-free power 55 The Welle' Cordless Pyropen WA4BLC 46 7 88 Q RP Q RX R,ndum O Ul pul Why buy when you can build? . .. N8KDD A soldering penCil/or bolh thebench 64 RTTV Loop 1-603-525-4201 and the field. . ", KA9KAF 74 73 1111frllll i iomd 1- 600-225-5083 28 More BTUs for the Buck 60 Spt'('i,1 Events Inexpensive eneroeuve to industrial Kt> UII("Ie W,~n ., 's PRODUCTION MANAGER heal guns , WA 1FHB Cove r by Alice $cofield Bt,,*-oJ>df Woliam He', dolp/l 29 10 Meter Base Station 61 l ·pdlll,." PRODUCTION COORDINATOR VICki Yat'l Valetl Antenna ART DIRECTOR FEI·:D8,\C ,", . . . Aliee Scofield Ready in twohours l .. . WA6ZO$ rEEDMC ,",! !l ', hlc being the,e- TYPESETTING/PAGt H" n ON 32 Solution: AGC ri~hr here in 00' offke, ~ Susan AHen Linda Drew A circuit wilh wide How'! JUM lake advanla~e of oor t'EEDBA CK ca rd Rvth Benedict applicalions. .., .. . . KA9NEH on p;tg<: 17. Yoo ' lt fk~ ice GRAPHIC SERVICES Dale Williams 36 Make Your Own Circuit a r.....h8ck nurnheT AI the beJi•• ",,* of eac!l Theresa VeMIe Boards arricleandrolumn , We'd GRAPH ICS PHOTOGRAPHER The reliable method. . .. lN6"NTU tike you '" rale ...hal y... DaIl Croteau Tr:ad .., llml ..., C2II pri nt 44 Bu ild a Portable Mast what typo. of thin~. you WGE PUBLISHING INC. Mount hie "".. And then we will dra".. one Feedhad, Ct!I EF FINANCIAL OFFICER A "spare" mount that's always card """h mOll1h for . TjmP ~k ey ready. , , , KC3YB A spare mount . . . see page 44 . f= ... .....,riprion '" 7). CIRCULI.l iON COORDINA TOR Harvey Chandler CIRCULI.TION ASSISTANT " .nuKriptS Contnbutions In lhe ronn of manuscripts WIth drawings and/or pholographs are W'IIIcome Janet laFounlllllle and WIll be consideted lOt pos,'bk' pubhcatoon . We can assume no responsibility lor loss or damage 10 Tosubscnbe: 1-800-289-0088 any material. Please enclose a stamped . seIl·addressed erwelopewith each SUbmIssion , Payment lor the useol any unsohciled material will be made upon publicahOIl. A premium will be paid lor accepled articles Editori al Off ices EdltOrl.I Ot!lces mat beve been .ubmillEtd electronically (CompuServe ppn 70310,775 or MCI Mail " WGEPUB" or GEnie WGECenter WGE Center add ress " MAG73"j or on disk as an IBM-eompahble ASC II file , You can also con tac t us at lhe 73 BBS al Forest Road, Hancock NH 03449 Han cock NH 03449 (603) 525-4436 , 3OO0r 1200 baud , e data bits, no parity, one stop bi t. All contributions sho uld be di rectEtd 603-525-4201 p hone : 603-525-4201 to the 73edilorialollices, " How to Write lor 73 " guidelines are avaitable upon requesl. US citizens must include their social secu,ity number with SUbmItted manuscripts. ,..,.,...,.. Subscription SetYiees ColoradoIf'or!tign Subsetk's 73 Anwtecu RMJkJ (ISSN 0889-S3(9) is published II'lOnthty by 'NGE Pubhs/'ling. Inc ., 'NGE Center, Forest Road , Hancock, New Hampshlre03449. Erllire con lents ~ 1990 by'NGE Publishing. Inc . No part call.J03.4&7,9330 A dvertising Offic•• 01 thIs publicatoon may be reproduced Wltl'lout written pe'Tl"lIssion lrom the publisher. For Subsctiption waeceow Services WrIte 73 Amareur RadIO. PO Bo~ 58866 , Boulder, CO 80322-8866, or ca'1 1-8OQ-289.0388. tn Wayne Green Enterprisesis adivision Hancock NH 03449 COca!l 1-303-447·9330. The SUbscription rate is: one yea r $2 4,97: two years $39.97 . Additional postage ot International Data Group, phone : e~225·50e3 IOf Ca nada is $7 .00 and lor o ther foreign coursnea. $1 9.00 surface and $37.00 airmail per year . Ali loreign orde rs must be accompa nied by payment is US lunds Second class postage pa id at Hancoc k, New Reprints: The first copy01 an article Hampshire and at additional mailing offices. Canadi an second class mail registration number 9566. $3,00 (eachadditional copy- 51 .50), MICrofilm Edition-Universlty Microfilm , Alln Arbof , M. 48 106. Postmaster : send addrssschanges 10 73 AmarfJUf Ramo, PO Bo. 58866 . Boulder, CO 80322-8866 , Write to 73 Amateur Radio Magazine, Cireulet ion Ot!ie. . WGECenler,Foresl Road, Haoc:odo:, WGECenter ConlrKl : By readIng ttliS, you have legally obligated yourself 10: , . Share thIS maganfl8 land the NH03449 Hancock NH 03449 SUl)SCrlptoon card) WIth a ham friend : 2. Show your radoo 10 a youngster and tel him/he< how g.eat phone - 603-525-4201 amateufradio is: 3. Fill OUllh. reeee- seMce cam and $lind it ill. Yo.,,-.... got thirty days . . ,get 10 VII'OrIr! 73 AmateurRadio • Seplember, 1990 3 Number 2 on your Feedback card mile caravan tour, a couple of new pub- lications, more record releases .. . and leI's see, whal was that abou t a possi- ble d iving ex ped ition 10 the Gala- pagos? But first t have to get my mail answered ... and tbere are editorials lo r around 20 publicalions to wri te. Sigh. The Ham Mat1let Maybe you 've notiCed thai the ham magazines are thinner today lhan they NEVER SA Y DIE used 10 be. Maybe you nOIiCed that Ham Radio magazine blew ewey re- cenlty. Maybe you 've heard fUmers Wayne Green W2NSOIl thai another ham rag may be in trouble . "you have noticed these things, may- be you 've wondered . Maybe not. Near's lean figure , today 's ham mer- ket is fUnning abou t 25% of what it was 25 years ago, when the ARRL dropped their Incentive Ucensing bomb o n their members. Wa had a rush erte when two Mortality Then the re's my ears. They're doing ... most of 'em involved my first wife meters gol repeateri zed twenty years When I started 73, thiny yea rs ago, l fai rly well. At least I' m not hard 0 1 hear- , .. and a few my second. I've ecccm- ago, build ing ham sales to about dou- gave l ittle t hought to the futu re . II ing like my father and his tath a r. But I plished a lot . . . more than mo st people ble today 's ham market for a short someone had asked it the magazine do have unrtus .. .a ringi ng on the do. But I've still got a lot 01 goals which while. But it cooled off again. would be around in thirty years , I'd earl; . . ,probably a reminder of stand- I' m uniquely equipped to tackle , Old-limers will re mem ber when we have probably said sure, il I'm still ing near the 12 " g uns on a heavy cruts- UkegeWngthe ARR L to get amateur had a dozen or SO large companies around . er during gunnery practice . , . or per- radio growing again so America will at making ham equipment. Like Swan, But with every passing year I' m more hap s of high deci bel demonstrating least have a chance at recovering our Go nset , B&W , Collins, Hallicratters, and more aware of how easy it is to be hi·l i speakers at audio shows back in electroniC industries . And revamping Hammanund, National, Central ztec- blown awey. Somehow I've managed the '50s . our lousy American educat ional sys- tronlcs. lakeshore, Harvey· We ll s, t o m iss gelling k illed in e eer- Tllen there 's that pain in my lell toot , tem . And writing a book on how the Galaxy, Clegg, and Drake. Heath is still dents . . . have not contracled any 0 1 a remInder 01 when I broke a sma ll mind 'III'OrIIs and how to fix it, And build- with us , but I've heard they may finally the almost unlimited number ol termi- bone wh ile I was in the Navy . . . whiCh ing sales for independent record c0m- be giving up on the ham mat1lel. n31 ~Inessas ... no brain tumors or fa- wasn 't set right . The Navy doctor was a peeee. And getting more people 10 en- So what's our Mura look like? Are tal heert a"acks. h·s like being on a ham, nalurally , so I've had a slighllimp joy more kinds of music:. Things like we going 10 see tewSf and fewer many. winning streak in gambling. with the and pains ever since. Tile bright side that. faeturers as we old-timers die and our dice coming up sevens every day. Yet I was that I got a lousy t OCMl disability It's fun . Sherry and I were recently in hobby shrinks? There is an alternative, know that one day they'n come up box payment lor a l ew years . Sedalia (MO) lor a ragtime music: fest i- but only if you swing into action . cars or snake eyes. More serious was a close call Wlth val. Sedalia is where Scott Joplin got Yes , of co urse everyone of us For 68 I'm weathering reasonably cancer 01 Ule c:oIon a couple yea rl; ago . ragtime music started . We were at a should take some responsibility tor our well. The doctors tell me I'm more like That was a near miss where my doctor Scott Joplin Club reception and si" ing hobby. We should be out there Elmer· someor'I8 ten years or more younger. claimed my lapto p computer saved at a table WIth two men. One turned out ing youngsters , starting radiO clubs in I'm still an ecwe skier and scuba d iver my lile. 10 be a Ian 01 CD Reviewand myedito- ou r schools, and sendIng PR releases and I walk a 101. A f_ years back I developed h igh ria ts in that magazine. The other was to our local ne wspapers , Bu t hey, But I'm well aware ol the OIher side blood pressure. My doctor prescribed an old Wayn e Green Ian Irom my c0m- that's a lot of wor1\ lor oId-limers like us . ol the ledger. My body may be doing Dyazide for it and my blood pressure puter magazine editorial days. Be qu i- " we had any youngslers we cou ld well , but ii 's wearing out in many ways . went down to norm al just l ine. The side et, my hungry ego. leave the job 10 them, but we cut offour I can 't read wilhout my glasses. Much effects are uncomlortable though , Like Other pains. My en hand has been youngster input 25 years ago, so we 01 my hair is gone. My teeth are gone, a constant post nasal drip which has givi ng me l ro u ble. It st arted a lew don 't got 'em any more. although that's more due to my poor given me a sore throat for the last eev- weeks ago with an occasional sharp What can we do? Throw the rascals choice of dentists than aging. eral years and made it so I can no shooting pain when I'd piCk something out of the ARRL who 've made or al- Glasses are a royal pain. It means longer sing. And a swollen gland be- up with it. Then one day il hurt terribly lowed this to happen . Take aim at the making sure any shirt I buy has a peck - hind my lell ear which makes it painful to pick up even a book or open a door, League fall elections and ecn'r re-elect et. It means going back to get 'em if I to wear my glasses. And a d izziness My middle two fing ers ache much 01 even one of the present director s. Ban start cu anyw her e w it ho ut 'em. It wh en I wake up . . ,I almost fall down the time now, bulthe sharp pains have Old L ea gue Di rectors ... a BO L D means having a glasses cloth in my now and then. And freque nt cramps in subsided , move. pocket to keep 'em clean. It means my toes and legs. And the darndest Then there 's an ache in my len leg . You 've gOl to move tesuc ouslthose snapping a lens back in when one failS bruising I've ever seen. W hen the den- Not a strong one, but enough 10 let me who come up for re-etectsen this tall. out. It means l aking 'em off lor pic- tis t d id my imptan ts my whole jaw know that something iSn'l working just You've got more time 10 round up some tures ... partly lor vanity, but more be- turned purple. He said he'd IlIwe r seen righl . hams who are more interested in our cause I use automatic darken ing glass- anyth ing like it. I banged t he call of my Look ing at it pragmatically I've got hobby and its survival than Ihey are in es and they u su all y look black in leg while d iving and my whole leg probably ten yea rs left to harangue the incredible prestige and perks 01 be- pictu res. l urned purple for weeks. you . , .twenty tops . Heck, I've already ing a director. "you start now with this My l ather and his father had plenty of Oh yes, Dyazide also see ms t o outlived most ot my CriIiC8. I'U be 68 on project in your rad io club, by next year hair, but nooo, I had to take anSf my cause gout . I experienced intense pain September 3rd, mat1ling my 52nd year we could have the first real election ol mother's father, who went mostly bald in both big toes aller being on my leet 01 hamm ing . directors in the hIstory 0 1 Ule League. when he was in hiS 205. Well , at least I lor tour days at a business show, so the I started 73 thirty yea rs ago because The platform I'd look lor in a d irector made it to my 50s oerore my hair len. doc put me on Benamid to stop it. I believed it was needed,It'Shere tooay would be a pledge to have the League Now I have more hair on my d'le$t than Heaven knows what side effects I'm lor the same reason, It's been fun help- set up two new departments, each with my head. My second wile wanted me to getting from the Benamid. ing make things happen , , . like NBfM, a staff and a budget. One would be wear a wig to look younger. I tried one II seems to me lhat this tendency to RTTY , SSB , SSTV, repea ters, cellular Oedicated to cleaning up our bands. l or a while, but it looked d umb. And bru ise easily is indicative 01 weakened rad io , c o m puters , c o mp act d iscs The OIher 10 rebuilding our ranks. Are besides, I've never bowed much to blood vessels and that probably means . .. stuff like that. I've pan icularly en- those goals out olline lor our only na- peer pressure. That's probably what I'm a good candidate lor a stroke. My joyed encouraging thousands 01 read- tional organization? Those should be kepi me lrom ever smoking, I didn'! mother's mother stroked . .. as d id her e rs 10 become e ntrepreneurs and their first responsibilil ies, not their rest. have a big need to have everyone think mother . make money. LOIsamoney. One of my business axioms is almost I wasoool . My lather d ied at 87 Iro m smok. It's been fun starting n_ publica· worth thinking about, I know it' s heresy The l eel h are a real serious nui- ing. , . emphysema and a weak heart. tons and other associated businesses. in America today and it hat1ls back 10 sance.last winter I had four posts im- My mo th er (a lso a t 87) f rom A lz· I've tr ied to make it possible l or young , kinder, gentler times , but hera it is: planted in my lower jaw. It's supposed heimer 's. You can bet I'm watching for untrained people 10 come to work lor " The customer may not always be to- to take about six months for the bone to any signs of short -teem me mo ry loss . If me and build the ir skills. Some have tally wrong." grow around them , so som elime soon I see any signs of fha t I'll apply for my gone on to be very successful. A few Are you , as a ham , satisfied with the me den tist will be cutti ng my g ums Silen t Key cert ificate, move rig ht along are still with me. Several fo r over ten League 's pertorrnenc e in resolving re- open and plugging a lower plate into to the next world and skip the years of years, peater problem s, the 14,31 3 mess, net Ihe posts. I'm sure looking l orward to misery. There 's always something new go- jamming, bad language, OX pileup s that. Mo re pain , My father's l ather died of suicide ing on , We've just started a 900 nu m- and such? Are you a com pletely happy The up side is tha t I won 'l be in wh en he got led up with his bitchy third ber so my CD Reviewreaders can call cus tomer as a League member? agony every time I eat. Rig ht I"lOW my wile and my Uncle George got him into in (at their expense) and let me know Are you satisf ied that millions of lower plate keeps my g ums raw lrom a stupid business deal wh ich wiped out what they think. They can also check America n kids have never even heard the abrasion ... and every t ime I eat his life's savings. It was probably a out the music we 've reviewed . And of our fantastic hobby? Has the loss of anything hard like nuts or Ch ips, the good decision . there 's my anti..Jongbox campaign, my some two million eng ineers, tectr m- sharp pieces migrate immedi ately un- I've had a pretty good liIe. on. I've recent discovery and mat1leMg 01ee- c ene and scientists which amateur ra- der the teeth and hun like hell. had so m e world class I r a u m a s Ionium, our Astounding Sounds 200(). d io would have contributed, had il con- oonMued COl p , 76 4 73 Amateur Radio • September,l990 • Bullt- TCXO for the h ~~ • Built· electroni key!; ·100 0 y chann Store ind e- pendent transm it and receive freq ue n- cies, mode, filter data. auto-tuner data s a er and CTesS frequency. The new TS-950SD Is the first Amateur Radio transceiver to utilize Digital Signal Processing (DSP) , 8 te • 0 gita bar meter: Atonal Features • Built-in inter- face for computer control - Program- high voltage final amplifier, dual m able tone e ncoder - Buitt-in heavy fluorescent tube digital display and digital meter with a peak-hold function. • ual Frequency Receive Function • d uty AC power su pply and speaker - Adjusta ble VFO tu ning torque • M ult ip le scanning fun ctions • M C-4 3 S hand micropho ne supplied The T5·9 5050 can receive two fre- Optional Acceaaorl. . quencies simultaneously. • DSP-lO Digital Signal Processor * ewl Di I I AF filter. Synchronized • SO-2 TCXO *• VS-2 Voice synthesizer with SSB IF slope tuning, t he digital AF . YK-88C-1500 Hz CW filter for 8,83 MHz IF- fitter provides sharp characteristics for - YG-455C-1500 Hz CWfitter for 455 kHz IF· optimum fitter response. • YK-88CN-l 270 Hz CWfitter tor 8.83 MHz IF • '9 v hoal ampl ' 8f · YG·4 55CN-1250 Hz CW filter for 455 kHz IF' 50 V power transistors in the ISO-watt • YK-88SN-11.8 kHz ssa filter for 8.83 MHz IF • YG'455S-1 2.4 kHz ssa fitter for 455 kHz IF" final section, resulting in minimum dis- . SP-950 External speaker w/AF filter tortion and higher efficiency. Full-power • SM-230 Station monitor w/pan display key-down time exceeds one hour. · SW-2100 SWR/power meter NewlBuitt-ln icroprecesecr • TL-922A Linear amplifie r (not for aSK) controlled automatIc antenna tuner. * Built-In for the TS-950S0 • Outstanding general coverage t Optional for the T5-950S receiver performance and sensitivity. KENWOOD U.S.A. CORPORATION K~n woo~r~ Dyne-Mix" hig h sensitivity COMMUNICATlONS& TEST EOUIPMENT GROUP direct mixi ng system provides incred - Po. BOX 22745, 2201 E. Dominguez Street ible performance from 100 kHz to • Hlgtl:perlormance IF fllters built-In i Loog Beach. CA 90801-5745 30 MHz. The Inte rm od ulat ion dynamic Select various filter combinations from KENWOOD ELECTRONICS CANADA INC range is 105 dB. the front panel. For CWO 250 and 500 Hz, P.O. BOX 1075, 959 .Gana Court . 2.4 kHz for SSe. and 6 kHz for AM.Filter M1SSlssauga, Ontario. canada L4T4C2 • Famous e wood I terference selections can be stored in mem ory ! red ction c · . SSB Slope Tuning, CW VBT (Variable Bandwidth Tuning), CW AF tune, IF notch filter, dual-mode noise blanker with level control, 4 -step • MultI-Drive Ebnd Pass Flit., {BP circUitry_Fifteen band pass filters are available in the front end to enhance KENWOOD ... pacesetter in Amateur Radio RF attenuator (10, 20, or 30 d B), switch- performance. able AGC c ircuit, and all-mode squelch. Complere service manuals are available for all Kenwood rranscei vers and mosr accessories, Speciflcm,on:;. fe,a rures and prices Subject to c~an{/e wllllOur nonce Of o bJI{/a l'On Number 3 Of! )'our FeedtMock card RX • • • EDITED B Y LINDA RENEAU KA fUKM Four Balloons Launched! t -wan. z-meter FM beacon on 144.34 MHz, sending down a tone sequence indicating alti- direct. In test February' s issue of the Soviet magazine ·RadiO·, as translated by Dexter On July 4 the Amateur Radio Ex peri. tude, in/out temperatures, and battery volt- Anderson W4KM , G. Chilyants UY5X E advis- menters group in Greenville, South Caroli- age. Unfortunately, a small hole developed in es Soviet hams on "how to make use of the na, launched a balloo n carrying several rad io the balloon just before liftoff which caused it to right to give one's personal add ress ove r the experiments from a site just east of Greenville. rip apa rt at 2600 fee t. After a brief five-mi nute air" : "Give your address only when asked to The group has been working with the Roper flight , the payload landed in woods 2.5 miles do so by the other station, or after he has give n Mountain SCience Center 10 involve the local away and was recovered by the chase team. you his; avoid giving you r address when work- school kids in amateur radio, and a number of At least now the chase team has a successful ing OX stations and expeditions. as your infor- the kids attended the launch. recovery to their credit. They plan another mation won't be noted in the log anyhow." In The K4SAO/N4lTA payload consisted of flight to 100,000 feet in about six weeks. addition: "It's not ethical to indiCate the need three transmitters: 144.34 MHz FM with a for IRCs, much less the number of IRCs need- voice ID (1 oo rnW), 145.935 MHz CW( 10 mW), and 50.086 MHz CW relaying temperature More on Spread Spectrum ed. These things will be dete rmined by the other station. If there are no enc losures in the telemetry. Al the lop altitude 01 94,000 feel , In 1940 Hedwig Kiesler pate nted an anti- envelope sent to you, send you r a SL via the the signals were heard over 350 miles away in jamming radio and gave it to the US govern- bureau; if one IRC is enclosed , send your aSL ment as her contribution to the war effort. by direct surface mail; if two IRCs are en- Ohio by WB8URI in Columbus and WB8YIF in little Hocking, Stations in North and South Three years earlier, in 1937, she had l1ed Aus- closed, send your aSL by direct airmail." TNX Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee also heard tria out 01 her dislike lor the Nazis and Hitler. The Parking Ticket and The ARRL Leffer. the transmissions. They believe the package She believed the frequency hopping tech- splashed down 35 miles to the west in Lake Toxaway . It was not recovered . nology she had thought up wou ld keep radio controlled torpedoes from being intercepted New trom Great Britain On July 7, two separate ba lloons went up or jammed. The technology was simple: A Now there ' s a m agazine f or fans of c las- in separat e locat ions. Mike Bogard KD0FW seemingly random series of radio signals, si c , old-time radio- Radio Byg ones . It launched an ATV transmitter wIth a live color hopping from frequency to frequency at split- caters to the many hams " who wish to pre- TV camera from east of Kansas City, Missouri. second intervals, would be piCked up by a serve and propagate the real glories of older In addition he had a 144.34 MHz FM transmi t- snychronized receiver. But the government wireless equipment" Rece ntly, many people ter with digitized voice ID and a 52.525 MHz didn't see the value of the technology and have realized that these older tube sets are FM beacon. Stations as far away as Cham- didn't use it in Wo rld War II. real pieces of furniture. They 're also extreme- paign, Illinois, received the signals (350 In 1957 Sylvania independently developed ly etnctent and reliable. Older tube transmit- miles). After attaining 85,000 leet, it parachut- the same concept, and in 1962 spread spec- ters and receivers are now collectables , get· ed back to land 18 miles northeast 01 the trum was used during the blockade of Cuba. ting high prices in private sales and antique launch site. The package was recovered in Now it 's the principal means of ensuring S&- shows . short order by the many participating toxnunt cure military communications. Kiesler's A few of the main featu res from the June/Ju- teams. patent expired without her ever receiving a ly issue include " Radio & TV Interference Bill WB8ELK launched a rn icroballoon from cent in royal ties. Work in the 1950s," " The First Airborne Rad io 73 headquarters that same morning from Hedwig Kiesler , whose stage as an act ress Telephony," " Wireless Set No . 38," "The Hancock, New Hampshire . The 1 muuwatt was Hedy Lamarr, developed spread spec- Vintage Wireless Museum," and "Coast Ra- transmitter on 145.947 MHz sent out altitude trum with George Antheil, an American com- dio Stations-the First Sixty Years". telemetry via a Morse code altimeter. Even poser. Antheil, who credits the idea solely to Last June Radio Bygonescelebrated its first with the extremely low power level, the signal Lamarr, refined the snychronizaticn scheme anniversary. For subscription information, was heard over most of New England with based on the operation of a player piano. The write Geoff Arnold G3GSR, Radio Bygones, reception as far away as Ottawa, Canada (280 number of freq ue ncies proposed in the 8A Corfe View Road , Corfe Murten, Wim- miles). A sma ll sounding-balloon was used to patent-cgg-c-rnatches the number of keys on borne, Dorset BH 21 3LZ, Eng land . T NX achieve a 30,000 feel altitude. After the bat- the piano, and specifies the use of slotted Richard O. Marris G2BZO. loon burst, the package parachuted down and piano rolls to synchronize the jumps in fre- d isappeared in the Boston area . Meanwhile, near the Boston Harbor lighthouse ... Mike quency in the transmitter and receiver. TNX Squelch Tales and Forbes. More Ham Astronauts Cox was very surprised to see a package at- Four ast ro na uts w ith ham tickets will be tached to a bright orange parachute descend from the sky and splash into the oce an just 30 Soviet OSOs and OSLing fly ing on STS-37, still scheduled for this November, Rich Ensign announced at the feet in front of his boat. Thinking that millions Due to a personal interest in improving Dallas HamCom 3 Conventio n last J une. Both of dollars had just fallen from the heavens, he the q ua lity of his a s o s with Soviet hams the mission commander and the YL astrona ut eagerty fished the balloon payload out of the and enhancing US-Soviet relations. W6HJK on board have jomeo the ranks of amateur water (the Catch of the Day). Although some- has compiled a 2O-page syllabus of Russian radio operators. The ham astronauts on STS- what concerned when lhe package started words and phrases lor asOs. He includes 37 are Ken Cameron KB5AWP (now a General beeping at him , he decided not to throw it back suggestions for addressing mail, and a 90- Class operator), Jay Apt NSQWL, Linda God- and instead gave us a can. Not quite a million minute audio cassette to help with pronuncia- win, and Steve Nagle . Congratulations to the bucks, but he did receive a $50 reward! tion . For more in formation, contact Russian crew of STS-37! The K4 BV Sky Beacon 1 flig ht occ urred Phrases lor Amateur Radio, Len rrauoman The hydrogen leak on the Columbia has o n July 15 from the Dayt ona Beach , Flori- W6HJK, 1448 Cedarwood Drive, San Mateo been fixed. The earliest possible launch date da, area. The well-attended HF net on 7.155 CA 94403. Tef. (4 15) 574-8303. FAX (415) for STS-3S could be in tate August or mid-Sep- MHz was run just like a NASA space launch 573-1217. tember, according to the information we have complete with updates Irom their Mission In late 1988 a new world opened for Soviet at the time of this writing in late July. TNX Con trol at the launch site. The payload con- amateur radio operators, when they received Nashua A R C Bulletin and Gil Carmen sisted of an ATV transmitter on 434 MHz and a permission to send and receive aSL cards WA 5NOM at JSC. 73 Amateur Radio • September, 1990 7 '5 IsoLooplM HF ANTENNA REVOWTIONARY COMPACT DESIGN nce aga in AEA has achieved a significa nt eng ineering O breakthrough with its high -performance , low profile Hf IsoLoop antenna. Performance isn 't com prom ised by its small size. Operate your favorite HF band ( 14 to 30 MH z frequency coverage) from areas with restrictive zoning ordinances or apartments and condos. Or take it with you on vacation. . . it's the ideal go-anywhere portable antenna. And it's the only antenna you need to cover 14 to 30 :\.1Hz. ONE antenna instead of numerous d ipo les and w itho ut any traps! 150 Watts. Rated up to 150 wa tts. the IsoLoop transmits and receive s on any frequency between 14 to 30 MH z. When mounted with the loop in the horizontal plane , the rad iation pattern is omni-direct ional and horizontally po larized. with the gain o f a d ipole. M aximum radi ation is at low a ngles whic h is ideal for OX operation. The IsoLo o p may also be moun ted with the loop in the vertical plane to provide a null in a desired d irect ion . T uning is prov ided by a precision stepper-moto r and a small remote control box. the LC-1. The IsoLoop does not need ground radials and its balanced, shielded feed-l oop isolates the feedline from the an tenna. The lsol.oop is well-isolated from the fecd line. Like AEA's Isopole antennas, yo ur signal is radiated by the ant en na and not the feedline. With end-fed antenna", the outside of the coax becomes part of the an tenna. result ing in noi se and compute r hash pickup and inc reased TVI problem s. Hi~h-Q Design, One of the un ique features of the IsoLoop is its inherent Hi gh-Q. The lsoLoop can be considered a very sharp tunable filter that radiates. The narrow bandwidth sup- presses harmonics from your transmitter reducing TVI problems. It also attenuates o ut-of-band signals from ne arby transmitters that could overlo ad your receiver. Compact. The IsoLoop is square. with rounded comers, and measures 32 inches on a side and we ighs only 12 pounds. Becausc o fthe Isol.oop's small size . it mak es a perfect att ic or balcony antenna. It's also excellent for portable operation , recreational vehicles or camp-site usc. A rotator is not necessary when used in the F'" - , omni-di rectional, hori zontally polari zed mode. Revolutionary. The AEA Iso Lo o p antenna represents years of research and development. Others may try to imitate the lsoLoop, but none can match the patent-pending design. AEA also provides technical support from the fac tory or through your personal com puter and tsoloop re-t control boM witt! modem on ComptrServe 's Hamlvet . If you are vorioble speed tuning already a CompuServe member, just type GO HAM NEr at any CompuServe prompt For a free introductory CompuServe membership, call 1-800 ..848 .. 8 199 and ask for representative # 48. AEA Brings You A Better Experience Advanced Electronic Applications. Inc. 2O)6-1961h St . SW/P.O. Box 2160 Lynnw ood. WA 98036 206-775 -7373 Specificotions !dIject 10 chcrIge without notice obigation. Dealer lnQ.Jiries Invrted. Copyright 1990. Of CIRCLE I ' ON READEJI Sf1InIICE CARD Stand oPtional. Number 4 on rout' FeedbK6r.C8l'd Quick and Easy Field-Strength Meter Home-brewing can be simple! by Ray Kent KM4KT I am one of a dying breed-someone who can be found in the wee hou rs of the morn- ing , hunkered down over the test bench, Jet- 02. which are configured as a voltage doubler . The developed voltage is seen across the resistors Rl and Rl . Rl is the ting out expletives when the smo ke test actu- sensitivity control. Simple? You bet . So let 's ally results in copious cloud s of acrid smoke . get stan ed. You may be part of this breed, or you may be one o f the new breed that spends those late Putting the FSM Together hou rs staring at a CRT, glued to a keyboard The most expensive pan of the whole whi le chasing that elusive bug in your latest project is the meter movement. I got mine program . Whatever you r chose n specialty , from Delta Electronics in Atlanta a few years sooner or later you are goi ng to want some back . Any value of meter from 50 ~ to I device or gadget that you' either can't find o r rnA will work . The diodes D1 and D2 are can' t afford. The latter is my biggest prob- general purpose germanium point contact lem. Prices these days are ridiculo us! diodes. IN34As or IN60s would bejust fine . The only thing that co ncerns me more than C) and C2 are 50-volt ceramic disc capaci- the high cost of radio today is the lack of tors. I got mine in a grab bag at a ham fest. Rl growt h of appliance operators. I'm amazed PhOlo A. 1he compM ed FSM. is 1.4 wan and Rl is a 10k ohm pot from my that there are n't mo re technical di scussions j unk box . I used a 2'" x 3" x 11,7 " plastic box among the you nge r operato rs. Doesn 't any- this exercise is to get you to build something from whereabouts unknown. The size of the one bui ld his o r her own antenna anymore? for yourself that you can use , and to demon- box will be determined by the size of the The smell of hot solder and rosin has an strate how easy home-brewing ca n be, Call it mete r that you use . almost hypnot ic effect on me, or so my XYL a confidence builder. if you want . I do n't I mounted all the components on a small says. Just thinking about taking some of the care. J want you to enjoy getting back to the piece of perfbcard , the n mounted the perf- contents ofone ofmy junk boxes and building basics and having fun. That's what a hobby is board to the three solder lugs on the poten- so me use ful piece of equipment get s my for . Right? tiometer R2 . Next , mount the potentio- blood to racin g. I can't seem to get nearly as The circuit in Figure I shows how simple meter in the hole cut for it in the box . Then exc ited about cutti ng the grass or taking out the FSM is to build . RF is coupled to D1 and connect the binding post to C I with a small the garbage . Crafting something with you r length o f hookup wire and connect the meter hands is a head trip all its own . I'm not ta lking to the boa rd. That' s about all there is to it. about a kit , I'm talking about rolling your Parts List Use your imagination to work out your own own proj ect. So dig out that soldering iron, 2 0 .001 ~ F 50 volt cer disc cap component mounting schemes. A word of fi nd out where you r XYL hid you r long- 2 1N34A germanium diodes caution: Don't forget to heat-sink the diodes' nosed pliers and get ready to have some fun 1 V.. -wett composition resistor, 4.7kO leads during solde ring. Excessive heat can like you d id before you got too busy with the 1 Potentiometer, 10k 0 ruin them . other th ings in life . 1 Binding post If you want to go to the extra trouble of Dig down in the bottom of you r closet and 1 100 ~A met er move ment mak ing a printed ci rcuit board, go ahead. find that old junk box . If you don't have one, Plastic box, perl board, hookup Personally , I thought it was too much trouble don 't worry . All the parts needed can be wire , etc. for this particular project. found at your local Radio Shack , or even at a local repair shop. Most repair shops will help Testi ng the Meter you out in a bind . Remember that a resistor is Testing is as simple as building the FSM . a resistor is a resistor . A lA -watt one is spec i- Just connect a short piece of stiff wire to the fi ed on the " Pans List ," but a Ih -watt, or bind ing post and rotate the se nsitivity control even a l -wan one will workj ust fi ne. The box as you apply a signal to you r antenna. It is a ca for the meter can be a new plastic one or al- most anything you have on hand . I once built . good idea to always start with the control all the way to the left to keep the needle from an FSM for a friend that was put in one of those plastic egg s that women's pantyhose . " .7 0 slamming into the stops. While the FSM only gives an indication of relative field strength. comes in. Use your imagination. "' •• (:J it will allow you to check for from-to-beck Before you say it, I al ready know that you ratio of beam antennas and to make a compar- can buy a commercially-built FSM for under at ive analysis of d ifferent antennas . Get back $20. Chicken feed, right? The whole point to Figure I . Circuit for the field-strength meter. into building and have fun . III 73AmaieurRadio • Septem ber, 1990 9 Number 5 on your FeedbKk CIIrd 73 Review by Joe Holman KA7LDN and Garth Hitchen s KG7GA The lsol.oop" Advanced Electronic Applications, Inc. HF Antenna PO Box 2 160 ~l96th Street Lynnwood WA 9803&0918 Te l. (206) n5-7373 Small, efficient and portable. Price Class: $350 I f you enjoy portable HF operation, need an antenna thai can be quickly set up for emer- gency situa tions, or just plain live in an apart- Becau se the Fiberglas covers a wood core, the structural integ rity o f the antenna is not affected. ment or light space that doesn't allow large antennas, AEA might have the answer for you. Theory of Operation Their IsoLoop antenna is a 32-inch-square A very popular myth of amateur radio anten- tuned loop antenna designed to operate from na theory states that "bigger is better," and 14 MHz to 30 MHz . It's compact enough 10 be that small antennas cannot ever hope to ap- placed in small areas. such as your attic or proach the performance 01 a lull-sized anten-- your outside deck. We operated with the an- na. Proponents of this myth sometimes cite tenna in an attic, bedroom, radio room, on lop reasoning such as " t he capture area is 01 a building , on a deck, and on the ground smaller," and therelore a smaller antenna (mounted on a 6-1001 mast). " captures " less signal. The flaws in this rea- You can mount the IsoLoop either vertically soning are not particularty obvious and are or horizontally. We had good results working well beyond the scope 01 this review. For now, OX from the Seattle area when the lsol oop in let it suHice to say that the efficiency 01 an the antenna was mounted in the horizontal antenna is not dependent upon its size. but plane. We worked New Zealand. Argentina. upon its losses. the USSR, and many other countries. When A full-sized resonant antenna (dipole or ver- the lsoloop was mounted in the vertical plane tical) has a " radiation resistance" of about we worked Japan, Australia, the UK. and other 50-75 ohms. Any po wer dissipated by this coun tries. The radiation characteristics 01 the resistance is rad iated as a signa1. Because the antenna are quite differen t be tween the two resistance of the anten na conductors (loss re- orientations. sista nce) is usually very low, often below 1 oh m, a full-sized anten na is very efficient. Documentation Most of the power is dissipated by the rad ia- AEA provides a 16-page manual wi th the tion re sistance (as signal) and very lillie is lost Iso loop. The manual begins with a descrip- to the resistance in the antenna conductors. tion 01 the featu res, theory of operation, and When an antenna is considerably short- the specifications of the antenna. ened. the radiation resistance drops dramati- Most 01 the manual is dedicated to assem- cally and the feed impedance becomes ca- bling, mounting, and tuning the antenna. It pacitive. To match such an antenna to a 50 includes three separate diagrams that are ohm transmitter, a series indUC10r (oommonly drawn very well and labeled so that any ama- known as a " loading coil") is required to tune Photo A. The IsoLoop. teur can identify the pans. out the capacitance of the shortened antenna. The manual also provides lour radiation The two sides 01 the rain shield are attached Because a significantly shortened antenna field patterns CO"esponding to how you have with 14 snap rivets . The snap rivets can be has a much lower radiation resistance, the the antenna mounted. One shows the radia- removed very easily in case you need to take losses of the loading coil become very signifi- tion pattern il the antenna is mounled vertical- the rain shield oH to examine the motor mech- cant and the antenna's eHiciency is reduced ly ; the tetter three show radiation patterns il anism. Also, the rain shield has a couple of dramatically. the antenna is mounted horizontally at half- small holes in the bottom to drain out any The rsotcoctakes a very different approach wave length, quarter-wave length. or close to accumulated moisture. to solving this problem. A shortened loop also the ground. Atthe end of the manual there is a The two separate sections of the antenna has a very low radiation resistance, but its schematic diagram and a parts pictorial of the are held in place by two couplers which tight- feed impedance is inductive. By forming a l C· ' . plus the wi re p inouts for the LC-1 l oop en down on the aluminum tubing. In between parallel reso- Con tro ller. the couplers, a bar is placed for mounting the n ant cir c u it antenna on a tripod . The bar is made of wood w i th a tun - Quality of Construction encased by Fiberglas"'. able low-loss The overall construction 01 the IsoLoop is The Fiberglas see ms to be the weake st ca pacito r, very good. The aluminum section 01 the anten- part of the const ruction of the ante nna. and minimiz- na consists of about ¥.I-inch aluminum tubing We noticed some minor cracking near the ing any and which is very strong and durable. The motor sec- couplers after we tigh tened them to the bar, all resis tive tion of the antenna is encased in a plastic shield even though we were retatively careful to 101- losses , it is that gives qreat protection from the rain. low the instructions against over-tightening. possible to PhotoB. The LC- l control box. 10 73AmateurRadio • September. 1990 SELECT 5 BOOKS nt AUf _ _ EL[('TI(I\lfS rtIWIm for only $4 95 (values to $119.70) 324' " "'.\1' and get a FREE Gift! Th~ B"p,nnu', ;,760 In ,95 lIaudbook of AMATEUR RADIO ,,:-g;." ~":JP $17.11' 122~ P S'S." BEGI~.NER'S I TV ~Ei?AIR " ,. m .M 29ti5P 11 ..95 '"11' $04.115 For over 25 years, your most complete source for electronics books. Membership Benefits. Big Sav in g s. In addition 10 this tntrocucto rv 2910P ' ".15 oHer, you kee p saving substantially with members ' prices 0' up to 50% olf th e publishers' prices. • Bonus Books. Starting immediately, you will be eligible tor OIJr Bonus Bool< Plan , with savings of up 10 80% oH publishers' prices , • Club News Bulletins. 1S nrres per year you wiI receive the Bool< Club News. desctib- ing an the CUffenl selecl:ions-malns. altematll'S. e~tras-plus bonus offers and special sales , wllh scores of tilles to choose from. • Aut omatic Order. 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De iIdcleCI 10 aI ordotr$ '»II' '''.M r -- --,- --, 1 1 Name - - - - -- - -- - - -- - ----------- --- : 1. 1 Fe '" - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 1 z. ------ 1 SqIat.... ... _._ ..._-- n il 1;'1.M ' U21' 114.15 I nJ,&P $ '$.15 ~ _ . v_""_".,_•....,. oo ...-...a_ e - _ _ I ------------------------------ 1-" - - . f __ 1990 ELECTRONICS BOOK CLU B .. u s ~ T... ..-- Wl>fKI '" ...... to, "'" ElM: ... .... _ CIob ST_ I · _ t o , · -p'· .... s • Blue Rodge Summit, PA 11;l'904-OO10 CIRCU: 128 ON RUD£R S£RVIC£ CARD get very high efficiencies. Small transmilli ng for any frequency in the 14-30 MHz range. artie relatively free of metal structures-wood loops have been around for qu ite a while, hav- AEA supplies a 50 loot shielded con trol ca- framed with cedar shingles-and on dry days ing been used by the army for portable opera- ble which connects between the remote tun- to minimize the effects of a damp rool . The AS tion in Southeast Asi a. Ted Hart WSOJR de- ing box and the lsoloop (a 100' control cable was present at Ihese tests as well, being scribes the more recent vers ions in The ARRL is available as an option). A small AC adapter ground-mounted outside the house. Antenna Book . (included , domeslic only) powers the Lc.1 . We also tested the lsoloop in various other What is new about the lsoLoop is that AEA The LC-1 has two controls : a dual-position locations, including a sun deck about 10 feet has used patented techniques to redu ce momentary contact toggle switch, wh ich se- off of the ground, on a mast on the ground. and loss without resorting to expensive tech- lects either forward or backward tun ing . and a on the rool of a house. The loop was also niques such as vacuum variable capacitors. dial which sets the tun ing speed. To tune to a tested in both the vertical and horizontal coo- Th is has made the lsoLoop remarkably cost particular portion of the band, lurn Ihe speed figurations in many 01 these locations. effective. control to fuU speed, and push the tuning The transceivers used for tesling included a switch in either direction , then wait for a noise Yaesu FT-767GX, an ICOM IC-741 , and a Mounting peak in the receive r. Aller hearing the noise 'ten-tee Omnl-v. Cabling for most tests was T he rsc Loo p is primarily designed to peak (up to about 15 seconds, depending on through Belden AG-213fU or Belden 9913. be mou nted in a ho rizonlal configu ra tion . where you were previously tuned), slow the T his provides a n omnidirectional raota- tuning speed down, and use the forward/re- Inltlal Results lion patt ern with maximu m radia tion aimed verse switch to man ipulate the noise peak un- We worked a number of stations on 10, 15 at relat ively low angles for goo d OX per- til it is the loudest. Aller maximizing the noise and 20 met ers on a vari ety of days, both DX formance . peak, you sometimes need to retune the an- and statesid e. On 20 and 10 met ers the When mo unted horizontally, the vertical tenna slightly in orde r to get SWR down to Isoloop was consistently 3-4 s-unns below radiation pattern of the Isol oop is affected 1.5:1 or less while trans mitting. the AS, and 2-3 S-unils below the attic dipole, by its height above ground . When it is Once tuned , the loop is usable over a fairly both on receive and transm it. Filleen meter very close to the ground , maxim um radia- small bandwidth (from about 15 to 75 kHz , comparisons showed slightly better perform- l io n is co ncen trated around 30 degrees. depending on the band) before the SWA gets ance, narrowing the gap between the anten- As the antenna is ra i sed , the lobe be- high enough (2:1) that retuning is necessary. nas one S-un it or so. comes lower, down to 20 degrees at a quarter- AI this point, retun ing is easier. Simply This didn't seem right so we contacted Mike wavelength above ground, and around 13 click the tuning sw itch in the appropriate lamb of AEA . He told us that we likely had a degrees at a half-wavelength . like a dipole, direction to move the stepper motor one or problem with the connection of the two halves the higher the antenna is mounted , the lower two steps while watching the SWR. Generally. 01 the anlenna. Followi ng his instructions, we the angle of rad iat ion and the better the it takes 20 to 30 seconds to tune the lsoloop to used emery cloth to clean lhe ends of the OX performance. Aadiation from the ncnzon- be usable on a different band , and 5 to 10 aluminum tUbing , then firmly tightened the lally mounted IsoLoop i s horizontally seconds to tune it to a different portion of the couplers wh ich connect them. polarized. same band. The difference was dramatic. The antenna The IsoLoopcan also be moun ted vertically. Tuning the Le-t Loop Controller can was now generally on a par with our reference Thi s provides a completely diflerenl charac- be tricky il you don't read the documenta- antennas. As it turned out , the poor connec- teristic, easily visuali zed as a vert ical dough- tion. The cccumentancn gives good instruc- ucn between the two antenna halves had in- nul oriented in the pl ane of the loop (radialion tions on how to con trol the speed of the con- troduced enough resistance to cause a lot 01 at all vertical angles in the plane of the loop). trolle r and how to get you r SWA as low as power loss in the con nection . AEA has updat- Nu lls in the pat ter n exist at low radiation possible. ed the manual to incl ude instructions on how angles perpendicul ar to t he plane of the to circumvent this problem. loop , correspon ding to t he " hole" in t he Performance Test Set-Up doughnut. We compa red the perf orm ance 01 the More Test Results Vertical orie ntation can be useful for two AEA Iso l o o p agains t a Cushc raft A S Once we had the lsoloop working correctly reasons. First , the " holes" in the pattern can half-wave vertical (all bands) and a full-sized we again performed a series of tests . With the be used 10 null-out interfering stations . Sec- attic dipole on 10 and 20 meters. The AS was lsoloop mounted horizontally, 34 feet above ond , at low heights above ground, better per- chosen as it covers the same set of bands as ground , the signal strengths (both rece ived forma nce at low radia tion angles m ay be the IsoLoo p, is in (ro ughly) the same price and reported) on average were approximately obtained . The rad iation is vertically polarized range, and has a sim ilar radiation pattern. equal to the attic dipole on 10 and 20 meters, in this position . AEA 's literature makes com parisons with with both antennas at similar heights. In some In either configuration , special attention a dipole, and suggests the attic as a possible cases one antenna or the other would have an must be paid to the " dressing" of the feed- mounting ptace lor their antenna , making edge, likely depending on the angle of rad ia- line and contrOl cable. These must be routed an attic dipole a natural comparison antenna uon required to make the contact . as directly as possible toward the ce nter as well . Comparing the antenna with the AS gave of the loop , where they are fed th rough Most of the tests aga inst the R5 were done similar results. In general, the ground·mount- the mast. II this is not done, antenna per- using tripods and temporary masts on the flat ed AS had a very slight edge i n signal formance will be affected, and large amounts roof of an ind ustrial bu ilding on a hill. We strength, but il was more susceptible to noise 01 A F can be induced onto the cabling, caus- performed tests aga inst the att ic dipole in an pickup. Signals from low angles were general- ing feed -line radiation and a " hot " radio ly with in 1 S-unit on the meter when compar- chassis. ing the two. When the tsotocc is correctly assembled Table 1, Spec if ications Under ideal conditions, with both antennas F.eque ncy cove.age '.to 30MH: and installed , closely follOWi ng the directions Nomina l imped anc e 500IIms a hall-wavelength above ground and no sur- and cautions in the manual, teeoune radiation Powe' . aling 150 ",atts roundi ng struct ures, the antenna appears to is basically nonexistent. V$WR < ,.:1 (no ne a rby obje<: I S ~ average within one sixth 01an S-unit (1 dB) of a Temperatu.e ranll" oto 50 deg,ees Celsius ope ,atlng - 50 to 60 deg.e~ Celsius storage dipole on 10 meters, and with in half an s-unrt Usage Oime nsions 32 inclles sq ua... (3 dB) or so on 20 meters. Neither of these Max . masl d,amete' 1V4'nch"" T he tu ning of th e Isoloop is remo tely Sh ipping ",e ight 12 pounds differences are easily readable on an a-meter. controlled by the lC-1 l oo p com ro ller . Coax connec1Of UHF (S().239) and the lsot.oop has less noise pickup. Ga,n ApproXlmale ly lhal 01 a d,pole (See Photo B.) The l C-1 controls a step- LC-1 power , 2 VCC (ad apt e . inctuOed, NorTh When mo un ted vertically, the tsctcop per motor which is co upled to the large .....-oc:.only) seemed much less dependent upon mounting "'nt , tur",...equ,red? air-dielectr ic tuning capacitor mounted in the antenna, allowing the loop to be tuned Warranty " 90 clays • •eqUltes re<;elpl height, and performed rather well even when mounted only severalleet above me ground . 12 73AmalaurRadio · September, 1990 When mounted at a hall-wavelength above PORTABILITY: The antenna is very easy ground, however, the OX performance was to set up and take down . It only took us oonceemv bette r in the nc nzontar orienta tion. 10 minutes or SO 10 install the antenna on a temporary mast and Iripod on a net rooftop. No ise Rejecti on NOISE REJECTION : The tight bandpass of On e i nteresti ng cha rac te ris tic 0 1 the the IsoLoop effectively improves the front-end IsoLoop is thai lor signals received equally on selectivity of the receiver. The loop design and the retererce antennas and the tsctcoc. the horizontal polarization seem 10 help filler cut background noise was generally lower on the local OA M under many conditions. N_ climb aga," .. Ih..,II, 10_."" elevator SYSI&n'l. M A R TIN TOWERS are mlde 0 1 alum- IsoLoop. inum and s pec,flully eng,neerll(l lo< uM ....'Ih On the rool 01the industrial building, a num- Things We Didn ', like TH E H AZ EA. ...11 boll..:! eonslruetlOtl. 110 w el ds , Easy 10 mstall rlln ge _ . ..... 1.. up etecliofl. ber of signals that were hard to copy on the R5 RETUNING: No matter how you cut it, hav- next plumb ....i \ h le.eling bolls in o.se. Moun t vertical because of industrial AFI were very ing to retune the ante nna frequ ently as you a n te n na> a nd ' a l a ' on HAZER in . e,lic al uprighl poSItio n. the n w,nch to lop ol tower lo r easil y copied on the IsoLoop. This was likely tune across a band is ted ious. If you tune while norma' ope ra l;ng POI'I'OO. Guy w,r. s taste n to d ue to th e hor izontal pola ri zation 0 1 th e transmitti ng to get a good SWR reading, you HAZ ER Or abOve HAZER at top oltowa' . Safely IsoLoop 's radiation pattern. co mbined with are wasting spect rum space and possnnv loc k I ys lem o p eral"" ....h ile raisi ng o r loweri n g. N" y" , Can ta ll . Pl'loto Sh ows HAZER and the tight bandpass which helps prevent re- causing OAM . I nfen... at top ceiver front-end overload by out 01 band ORM. POWER HAN DLING: This antenna only SPECIA L TOWER PACKAGE prOCH .ncl""'" Even when compared 10 a horizontal anten- handles 150 walls. Don 't expect to use it with .....-ryl1'l '"11 but rotor and .n'......... 50' '-1-18 na. the geometry of the loop seems less likely a linear-you woulcllry the air-dielectric vari- alu m. lOW"," j,,' lorm. hInged _ . cone. ele tOOlm ll se<;hon . H AZ ER .'l Ph,llyslr . n IlVY 10 be susceptible 10 at mc ep he nc noise pickup able capacitor. ..." ..... t urnbUCkles, Hrth sc....... ancl'lQrs. to' We believe you will be pleasantly surprised, m1l$l. th'ust bea rI ng , 1001 10.". ,ated al 15 SQ fl . Ihan a dipole. Although this results in a signal- a ~ l ll n ~1I loa <l @ 10 MPH. $1925.'5 F06 to-noise improve ment in receiving, it of course as we were, with the operating characteristics Boon., 11 1I has no effec t on the transmitted siqnal. 0 1 the IsoLoop. Overall, we found that the "' ·'1 .."'" '0 pIo9 .. ._ ." .31." Iso Loop performs q uite comp arably to a .,.. ·11 '" "'_ "'9 .. - ,on.. '_-2$ ft ._..ft ......... Things We liked XI "'· ' H "" owo< "'9 .. _ dipole or vertical. We definitely recommend it ....nA 2 _ ~ ·" y ' 2 ... 111.1• ..AZEA H .,. _2'S · _ znlS SIZE: The rsctccc is only about 32 inches to any amateur who needs a small or portable ..AZEA . .... _ 2'S - .... _ III " ' " 11_ " .... IS on a side, and square. This is the smallest HF antenna. DI antenna we've ever used , and it fits easily in $alislKtion ~ ...tNd. C. . t~1 _ ~ to Vlu, U . .len;.,d 01 mail chllck Of motWy mosl attics. allhough one must be careful to 0 ""'. ImlM'dilll. dtfl. .ry . keep it in the clear and out of the range 01 (two Joe Holma n KA nON and Garth Hitchens men M.rtin Enilineering, Inc. 10 three teet away from ) near by conductive KG7GA can be contacred al P.D. Box 37, Red- R 2, B322, Bo o nvillll, MO 65233 objects which will detune it . mond WA 980 73-003 7. 816-882-2734 FAX: 816-862·1200 CIACLE 72 ON READER SEAVICE CARD coaxial R. F. Simply The Finest In Battery Charqinq Equipment .antenna switches Quality . . . By Desiqn Ilub'rlalaIy erases ll1tfl"O"Y Heavy Duty switch for true • <nl13PlO etla'ges <If'! NlCiId banery I4l " 15 lOts. 1 Kw POWER - 2 Kw P.E.P. • (;oeall)" ",t*JofJS lJiIlttIy *- • • Ceramic with Coin Silver SWitch Contacts • • ...... 0iarQng rUos. ~ Ie- "'.....,.11 FrooI panel the OI<J'ger NM:r Rotrr s....1dI selects up to wee d,lIerent • • Single Pole, 3 sosaoo. user inser1ab1e socketed co- GMS403 Desk or wall mount g-Irll mcnJles. 13 ProQram SID,S) All unused posrtcos grounded . . #CS-JG -l,H' co.ec:IU. ! $40.50 ' • • FulITMIH Year W.-rilllly. "CS-3G-8NC - BNC co. oecton! $43.'5 ' ijJ. . .-.0- ° Prown 8 Year Old Desi\Jl- • fIunl panel StallISlrdicalI:J *1s ~m " Had ~ paoty is low '-' ~ . • Rapd tIIA aD eNrge C)de. Single Pole. 5 Position. • AuIl:fnab: SI1JIIII - rIl!YI!I" All unused positions grounded GM S 403 _deges banenes. (lop Qocle V_I #CS-6G *CS-QG - UHf corv>ecIcn ! $51 .50 ' #GS-6G-6NC- 6NC connactOl$! $5'.50 ' • N EW PRODUCT · •co °Shipplng and handling item add S2 each. tor any Sare aslU Irre~ GMS 403 excepl ncan«Wiii,lJdate 14l" 14 diIIeIenl "'.....,. It rn:dJIes ATTUTIU , • • 413 • • n ll ~- .• • • • • lOU own a GIoIS 403. It can ~ be user 1W"a:led to a ALL COR PRODlCTS MADE IN US'\. GUS 403'" by ClfdenllQ our ~ BARKER. WlLLIAllSON Module hteoSlOn !lilt ~ Qvality CommunicatiOn Products Since 1932 At your DiStribUtOlS write or coli 10 Conal Street. Bristol PA 19007 (ttl Cantor-al Producto. Unllmltoed.lnc. (215) 78&-5581 = 5 Somerset Or.• Coatesville. PA 19320 (21 5) 383·6395 CIAa.E 53 ON AU.DEA S£RVICE CARD 73 Amateur RadiO • September, 199O 13 DR-110T & DR-410T Tiny 2M Power From Alineo! DR· l 10T, this 2 M Ahnco, enters the ni net ies a proven w in ner with the "reput ation" of best value . The DR·' 10T packs a powerful 45W on 2M and sports all the features you expect in todays transceivers. Tuning is a snap with the multi-functioned easy-to-see keyboard . 14 memory channels , subtones. scan , multi-colored LCD readout , reverse , are a few of the many tee - tures of the OR-110T. The mobile of the future-today ! OR-410T available for 70 em . DR-590T(NEW) VHF/UHF Twin Band Mabile 144-147. 995Mhz(RX 137 -173. 995Mhz) 440·449. 995Mhz(AX410 -469 . 995Mhz) 45W Hi. lOW Mid. , 5W Low on VHF 35W Hi , BW Mid ., 5W low on UHF Cross Band Repeater Function Simultaneous Receiving and Scannmg o n both Band Front Control Panel is detachable . Remote Control will be ava ilable (Opt io n) MARS and CAP M odifiable (permi t te- quired ! DR-570T DJ-100T & DJ-120T & DJ-200T Best 2M Micro Value The Alinco DJ -1OOT/DJ - 120T is · M ag n ifice n t~ for its tiny size . but stands up to t he competition with power and capabili ty . 10 memory channels store ot- tsets and subtcnes . Has LCD readout with call channels and reverse at your fingertips . 500 man battery w ith direct DC to DC is. staQdard. 3W on standa rd battery, 6W on ptlona~ batte!?t: reeves ;1,h!i! c m tition In th ~fO ust' J~200li fo r 220 MH . Have you been trawling the bounding main for a new product? We have just netted it-the T P-38 microprocessor controlled community repeater pane l which ••""~_-==="",:,,=---'I":===-:-"'----'::: provides the co mplete interface between the :::I'"'!_!!!'!; repeater rece iver and tran smitter. Scuttle ... _:=-.:. . indi vidu al tone cards. a ll 38 EIA sta ndard - .- CTCSS tones are included as well as time and hit accu mulators, programmable timers. to ne translatio n. and AC power supply at o ne lo w price of $595.00. T he $595.00 each TP-38 is packed like a can of sardines with feat ures. as a matter of fact the o nly $59.95 DTMF module additional option is a DTMF modu le lor $59.95. This module allows complete $149.95 Digital CTCSS mOl offsite remote control of all TP-38 functions. including adding new customers or deleting poor paying ones. over the repeater receiver channel. with Other features include CMOS circuitry for low power co nsumption. non -volatile available memory to retai n prog ramming if po wer loss occu rs. immunity to fals ing. pro- NoW c1CSS grammable security code an d much mo re. The TP-38 is backed by o ur legenda ry • ital I yea r wa rranty and is sh ipped fresh dai ly. Why not set passage fo r the abu ndant waters Dtg o f Communicatio ns Specia lists and cast your nets for a TP-38 or other fine catch. ~COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALISTS, INC. ~_.'4 26 West Taft Aven.Je • Orange. CA 92665-4296 , . Local (714) 998-3021 • FAX (714) 974·3420 , ~ . ._ Entire U$.A. 1-800-854-0547 CIRCU 10 ON MADER SERVICE CARD NumtJeor 6 on ,our Fee-dbKk e.rd Class lice nse and eneeee Odessa and attends Soulhwestern College. HAM PROFILES College. MiChael Adams NeGEV 01 Chula Vis- ta. California , received the fifth sch0l- AppliCatiOnS for the 1991 program ....11 be available alter January 1, 1991 . Wrota DA RA Scholarship, 317 Ernst There are no "average" hams! arship. Ha holds an Extra Class liCense A IftlflUEI, Dayton OH 4540S. 1990 Scholarship Winners Five young amateurs are heading 011 to college this lall w;th a ssistance from The Dayton Amateur Rad io Assocta- lion, The l ive are winners of me associ- etten's 1990 scholarsh ips. Ea ch stu den t received $ 1,500 to- ward l heir tu ition at t he school 01 their choice. This program is open eanc n- wide to any FCC licensed am ateu r radio operator graduating from high school in the year the award ,s given. There ate no restrictions on class 01 Iicerlse Of course of study planned. Mary K. Beardslee N8HEY 01 King- MARY N8HEY MICHAEL NaGEV JENNIFER KA5WMJ wood. We st V irginia , rece ived th e Robert F. Z,mmerman Memorial SChol- arsh ip . She hold s a General Class license and atten ds POt om ac St al e DAYTON College. AMATEUR RADIO Th e C h arles G. Fry e Mem or ial Schola rsh ip was awarded to Mark ASSOCIATION Hendrixson N6WRL of Orange Co ve, Californ ia. Mark holds a Tech nician Cl ass license and att end s Brigham Young University. 1990 The third scholarship went to Martin Gruen KA2VLP of Barrington, New Jerse,. He holds an Advanced Class SCHOLARSHIP license and will attend Sletson Uni- VfIrs.t,. WINNERS JennIfer bceme KASWMJ of Book- MARKN6WRL MARTIN KA2VLP er . Texas , was awarded the fourt h scholarship. Sh e holds a General Winners of the 1990 Dayton Amateur Radio Association scholarship awards, FEEDBACK Feedback# Title Feedback# Title In our continui ng effort to present the best in ama- teur radio features and columns , we recognize the 1 Leiters 21 Aev;ew: Ameritron AL-82 need to go directly to the source-you , the reader. 2 Never Say Die 22 Review: Weller Cordless "'"""" 3 QAX Art icles and columns are assigned feedback .- Quick and Easy 23 ... Kaboom numbers, wh ich appear on each article/column and F,eld-$trength Meter 24 ox are also listed here , These numbers correspond to 5 Reviaw: AEA lsoloop 25 Special Events those on the feedback card opposite this page. O n 6 Ham Profiles 26 Updates the card , please check the box which honestly 7 75 Meter 114-Wave Sloper Array 27 New Products represents your opinion of each article or column . 8 Alinco Service Survey 28 Hamsats Do we really read the feedback cards? Yo u bet! 9 Dummies for 13 .8 Volt 29 Homing In DC Supplies 30 Above & Beyond The results are tabulat ed each month , and the edi- 10 Mobile Power Source Organizer 3 1 Ad Index 9/90 tors take a good , hard look at what you do and don't 11 End-Fed Copper Dipole 32 Keyword Index 9190 like. To show our appreciatio n, we draw one feed- 12 More BTUs for Itte Buck 33 Dealer Directory back card each month and award the lucky winner a 13 10 Meter Base Stal iOn Antenna 34 73 International free one-year subscription (or extension) to 73. 1'- Solution: AGe 35 ATV To save on postage. why not fill out the Product 15 Make Yoor Own Circuit Boards 36 RITYloop 16 Ham Help 37 OXOA '90 Report card and the Feedback card and put them in 17 Hams with Class 38 Barter 'n' Bu, an envelope? Toss in a damning or praising letter to 18 Review: Auke Model 87 39 ORP the editor wh ile you 're at it. You can also enter your 19 Build a Portable Mast Mount 40 Random OutpUt OSL in our.a.sL...a1..1ha contest. All for the low, 2Q The Coil Tester 41 Propagation low price of 25 cents! 73 Amateur Radio • September, 1990 17 Number 7 on y our Feedback ca rd 75 Meter 1/4-Wave Sloper Array Confessions of a contester. by Alan Hoffmaster WA 3EKL here comes a time in every ham's life Sloper Array for DX T when he 's got toown up, and I guess it's my turn to let the cat out of the bag . I will now exp lain my system in detail . First there are th ree IAlI.-slope rs ha nging A 75 meter quarterwave stoper falls into dow n from the top of a 65-foot tower, one off one oftwo categories. It either works great or of each leg, spaced 120 degrees apart. Each it doesn't work at ali. A number of hams I sloper makes a 3D-deg ree angle with the tow- have talked to over the ai r have fallen into the er. Each sloper is fed from a remotely co n- second category, but with a simple modifica- trolled coaxial relay box. thus requiring only tion , they 're now enjoy ing first-category one coax feed from the shack. A 24-inch status . OK , get the net ready, because here length of 50-ohm coax extends from the box comes the cat! to a homemade bracket on each leg of the towe r, very close to the top of each sloper. The bracket co nsists of a 3-inch length of lA -inch d iameter soft copper tubing . which 1 mashed flat with a ham mer. One end was rolled arou nd a ¥S-inch bolt in order to create a cy linder about the size of the outer braid of a piece of RG·2 13 coax . About half an inch from the other end, I drilled two holes for mounting the bracket to the tower TIE ~OPE: TO SlOPE: ~ HE ~E INSUl.ATOfI Figure J. Thiny degrees between the sloper and the tower seems to be the optimum anglefor DX contacts. .... . ,. wmETo .eWf'O<NT Of SlOPE~ " '0l<>E~ .....lO , TO &RACKeT o 0 Figure 2. Bracket andfeedline mounting de- Contact Alan Hoffmaster WA3EKL at 929 rails. Andrews Road, Glen Burnie MD 21060. 2 MTR & 220 BOOSTER AMP Here's il greal booster to' <IllY 2111lilef Of 220 MHz hand ·held "nil . Ttlest power boosters del,>,!, over J(l watts 01ootp"1 allo\l/ I"O you to hil lhe ,epeaters full QUlO!t,tIQ while ee low noose preamp ' ......' kllbly IIIlprlNeS retep- bons Ramsey EIlIctfOlllt$'" $Olll ll'lOu- PR·2 COUNTER lMIlls 012 nlIf _ a ;' MHz _ kots !lui _ " oil.- 1d, ."ed _ _ IIoIll ~ al lhI lN_ 2I1l1ras well220 ollhl ( • • • hoM.l._... .._ PREAMP _ _ • • llD1_ .. 54995 -- /IlQIl prICed tlooslers il iI trlCt>Oll 0111'II t;OSl. ZiolO . . . . .,.; . ._ .... .- ...."""",, lI' • _ _ Iff ·... 1'A-1D l MrRl'IlWfl lllOSTl I (10 x poMf 'J.1,n) • 30 WAns 0UTf'UT ..-.- o J .... • lOWItOlSE f'll£AlIlP FUlly w"eo & testeo .. , -$19 .i 5 PU11 22ll MtIll'OWEA BOOSTER 18X1'0*'" ga'"1 "'" • RUGGED CAST alUMINUM 1'fl.1 '" " , Fully w"ed " testtd .•....... ,$78.15 W, • DIU tEAl woUuwn -_.-- - PS-2AUOI0 MULTIPUER ""'frW._....._ __ .. ~, PERSONAL SPEED • I!!!!!: ~ '"::II 569 95 -- _u. .. ~. _. .... .... 1'1. - THE CUMMUNICATKlNS 589.95 No. ""' .." ""","" pla....., 11oo" ""' ~ '" RADAR etow't' 'Od•• k" "<10<>'- " " b...tIOII, _ .... ,,,,,",," " ,....... ilI>e'"'' - 1'$-1',, -..1 1J _. _"llII _._.... 'OI~ _1 II • • $279500 SERVICE MONITOR THAT WORKS HARDER FOR LESS. Introducing COM·3.. tne newservice mon,tOf des,gfled by service _PO' _ LEDdogo1oI''-''_''''-''' '''''''''y•• ,,, ,~ " 16 ott! ... ,m P5·1081.5GHz lechn,cl ans IGr service tecnrscens II work s harder for less,.. ,g,v· _._.__...... . 1._ "_'.._.A....,_,.... _" '_"''9< ~ - - _ ~-- _ . .. Vf\lC 1 O'-'JIO'_ ......... _ _ _ - .. _ -,-. PRESCALER .- ...-.. . . ., .- u..- '-"r.:- _ . I SIiHl · . . . _ ,og youad.anced resllng capabirrnes at a .ery al10rdable pnce FEATUFlfS • lluecl enlry keyboard w>ll'IprOQ,.mmabie memory • AudIO & lrlll$lll,ner keqllellCY countllf • LEO bar Graph Ire- .- - ClUt"Q'lerrOf deY'attOl'l d'sptil'f • 0 l·lll.OC(IjJV output It\IeIs • I ' t _ "' _ _ AClS_ _ 589 95 ......-.... -- _ l!O oov _ •• ~ .- ca' a tHl •• s_ .... HIllh retelYe Soen$,t,.,ty.less lh.an SjOY • tOO KHl to 999 99!lIIrlHl Conlinuous Irequency cOYerage • tra nsm't protecl'ClI1. up 10 100 watts • CTS loneenr.(l(ler. l KHl ioIld exremal mollulallon -- -_ --- _Soo_'-_J ... . ........ -..... -_..... - ~~_ _ s.... e-....,l•• _ _ _ "'UI_.S.~ $12.95 :::'ua ~L _. !gfff 2lI, 40 & BO METERS ....... _.... ...... ........ •• ....r . . _....m .. HAM RECEIVERS _~, ..... _.~.. CWo SS8 ,ott,..." "" l ~ Q", lo-r~ "'"' Dot<o<. "'I'OQ NtfJ02 or; .. I" '",ed on OSI 'no! A~~l no""booIo . l ... _ 1 M"''''''' . ",""'" <Ie'"1" ",n..,,,..., .,- ~­ """" .....»l'" """ 1I1 lLaU lJT Aoor.."'Y1Ii...... 2 ,._LEOs Use 'OI ....1lA5,tJ. "'_I.WO ... _ · ...'"11 ..... _ ; 0 0 N"l'"''<' upto'irUCl.. '1,;""'"" .., f l l _ , _ .......'''0001_. JUooon)IO '" lyooFI<l 2 "••_'"""0 .. _._ -' "'00'. ..... ~ . l>J!IORI C.., d_ ,".... III on" """ 0 OO'lI<J' Au",,,, ilVOC . II" Af ~'" """,'.. , kI' ~ ' ''1 ''" " l<h< Iuolo. l..I,,,,., "'",... OOuCa'_-_"'thO lIO..,._g'-. O_ " 0IIl _ 1". , .. opl _ .... 1C/WlII "'l· ' K,1$8.95 • " ""'Il ... oojO;~" __ n••, • • JUoo 01". 0<"""'P It• \no ... _ .... _-" JUooon,'ol!> ..... , ........ ,"'9IIO'l .llli ".- " :""CT,..' n on.'6VOC 55 95 -..,.._.""' ..--_..- S3 95 FI<!·,u -- -~ -- S4.95 .,1 " == == == $1~ Ill!l • • - ---- ---_... _ ..nl_ fIf-1 _ »"'" • "'" • "'" - 124.95 124.95 124~ := '12.95 _ - s-o:..c , __ 1. " 2 . .. -_ ........ _ c. a ... _ ""'" -_ . . ...PC _ _ .. " '_ _<i><l _ l(Oo._,_ -. _ <i><l . .. S'll QRP TRANSlI!mER KITS, 2lI, 40 & BO METERS ... '6 ""' S'll ~ ,, 5/1 '11 " " , _ . _ . _".", _ Opet... , .... _ ~. , _ ..... cw ,'\I. ... _ ..., OO .... lJl ....-. oil ,,", " ..... , ... .... u '.... "'"~ .. :l- '6 _ .... ~ Fool"'.' "'Cwo _ " • •,..bIt,,,,,,og . one ..,n ",,'M iItIIl ..<t , ' O\'''''l " ..' .~ '_ lC _. flu.. on '" VDC . ..... VSWll ",Ol.." d So. ""'" 'a< 100 " " '''''(11 IOU' ..........,'ii. ,,,,, ''11'" .. 'I ~ ."" .' l'I'I· l ,~'/Ip"..m• • " $21.95 \'5·' KII '''''If.' ",n. ,.. "",,1 Com , ,' Sid·) (lpI_.lIlS usoo.,...... bIt !~·UF_T~ ' Nj '" 6.95 S6.95 "00'"9_' ,.un OIl "'" .. w,_ c... UH K' SS.95 53.95 :::: '29.95 : : 1 29.95 =: 129.95 :" 1 12.95 NEW NEW ~_ _ AIRCRAFT RECEIVER KIT __." 011 ....., All ..' -..~ ,a< ~ _ _ '*olKIil. . . _U/l.. a _ _ .. IIe<eo... .. on /liiC. '"'~ ''''"' .... *.".... ~ ---... @)))) r . . .... ~., -, _ .. _ .- " ,II ~ on "' nor;' Ill... >1><110 ",,'lI<JI '''' ""''''' '' ' 0p1_ on' '''''''II.llli 1""" 1< 'ne .." jOU"" " """ --.... -.. - - - --- I.,,",••,,,_ 9 ,.~••Ad m.. llrl1td ,,"m"IUm , _ 'Ot • ' ... " ' . _ , _ Comp,><I-9'." ,., .""""". 01 '01 ....' "" ,. "'"9'"9""""" ,.. TIlI P" " 1 -_ l_ ow"",'_ ....- . TIIA. ' MITTI. --- ..,.,_ "'....feo- . ...--... _ .. _ - ' • •Clln_ fOl "",I,·on _1_ - . _l .011'''',..... • • • 00' ..... _.- JIo, ._ " A '"00' ""l~ FId,," to",..",. ,.. "r . ..._AlAUII ..,_ .·' ....n M1 _ _ UO""lI,OqUf<'Cy "'" fIuuo on • 10011 ,,,t<o ,_" ...._ -.-.-.,.- ........... -- ..,,- , ~ --- ~"'''''U''_''Il''' _, _ "''', ond .... . ........ . bOn "'" IIoll9o<l . ",..»l, -.."", A,uI "",,,ow... ~ ' . 011-, '24.95 --------- .. CAll-l '12.95 --- _1Ii. m .u --- --" --- -_.- .,_ ...... --- -- _.- - - - _.~ , ...._- ... .. -_ . -_ . - C W a r r O ' _ ~ _ __ .IJ ~_." ~ .~~~ , ~ ~:A~Eu~~~~~~ ~~u~_, _ .......- ....,_.,_It' .. _Ea, _ .......-- __ .. .... 1 ~· '1.1. _ _ lC _",· • or , a ... _........, ...... c... _ .. _ - . " ' - f 1U( f ll _ _ .. U _" ~F .. lIH, I" 2M", 001'<1•. • • ' ...... _ , ....00'.., rln+<jn ".11 I<GC. "01 """Ill 01" M ,o ""'lI<J' U... """ S'\I""'''' 01"" c.,,,"',,,,,,,. , 01"'0'1'"' "'''''1<' 1Ie<eo... ; ... c...- _ "' S.'611OC l ow"",_(2Soq1 Too.. ,,,,,,,,,, ",,"''', 'IHIK,' SS.50 N ,1~'1 $14.95 .... ....I>O PO'1_ "'""'1. lor Ou<j "',... .. flrl,J. " 516.95 f M.JW"t<l .nd 1o>10CI rvor<lOMf·.....• ~~. -~­ ' ,I. SS-1 ••. '.... on 10 .......... '".....".. ._ , ,_.01. ... ", '__' '''Il..."'"'" "",_"'''''''' .... 01 "tluD "'010<1 , .... ""' WIll ,..."'_....._ """" .... '''''''' '''''0''''' Fil-l ",1 $14 .95 Cno .", _,,_. .c e - '2495 • • .SlI- 1 • - - '12.95 , . CSlI-' lHA,,, $9.95 CT·7D 7 DIGIT 525 MHz CT·90 9 O...IT600 MHz CS~·, PACKflRADIO _.,.*"'., -----. . . III_..-..._ ~ -.._ ..,...., _ --- __...,_.. ~ --..,., I~ ....... *'\I.....I>tSl_. g_ .......... _ _...thO_ usa Co<r1lN"OPOC:"o:i1_ C<IU""" or.'" FM COMMUHICATIOHSI . '13995 . _- . s169.95 :::....m.... 00' ""llId''''' <lIp\It 0< """''' _ 1 gi,Io", _ "'M~ . II ... ...,.. 10 UHf. " ,," FE! ""l" lWd "" S/IIll'"'l ~"" , ......,,010 "'Il ~ .. 1IlI!JSA PC 80001"""'0_ Ai ....11 or. ._. 2 MfA. 10 MTR & 220 RECEIVERS CT-50 8 DIGIT 600 MHz CT·l25 90lGIT12GHz _ _... __.,s_......._..-._" ..... ,--_1"". • _ _ . . t.r . ••_. =._..._ ..._ ...... _--_.-........-- AlS ... . . . . £ _ .... _ . - . ....... S _ 00 0 - _...... _ -, - _- - low_ -- ACCESSORIES FOR COUNTERS --- .......... " __ . d 'd -,- ,.,. ,.,._.I~-..._' -..- a .... _ 'd 'd ,_ II "'" ......,.- ". ..... , T tf-lII.llI . 0 '" - -- ,--- ., _ 0·III.llII0 , ~, '29.95 ;:'", '29.95 =-1lI 129.95 ;::," 1 12.95 '189.95 ." ,-,- , .c:c:l.'C\' NEW MINIKITS-NEW MINIKITS n ·. lO "'·lrlll """ IIISI'mTf < Ill ... To $3lolHt ,- 1""','0<' _ n. • -- ..... .fIIl """ <_10 $3 _ 01"'. 100'" Ott. <_ To O ..... BROADBAND UGHTBEAM "_ .........- PREAMP - -- .- __ - HIGH POWER FM ._-_ COMMUNaTORS ....... WIKEl E55 MIKE n. n·~ ~ "'«IJ _ . ... · 'ZI~ LESS'..... Z, . . <_.UI_ ,- < _ _ 50_ < --~ ­ •• ~- ''' '.1'' , ... .,......, " ........ JOItel,,_ -. . _..... ,11_....., UO .. III _....... _u... n. " ' _•. ' V..... VHf JO '''' ,,"... _ •. Flllll_ 'oM _ .. ." ., "",too l,••,, • 01H'.I,,", Ott _ -._ , l.OlH'Il' """"",,. II< lor ""m ·~" """', "',..... "'1 ~ ., F.",," _ - -...,.. . . -. low ...... . o1Il "..,. "' ''''"'' ",,, "'Ad."•.10•IC -- _ _ ..... _.- •.,_I(;M,z _ ..... OIl" 1ll olO 9l'" lOO .. 9- \,I'OC'IlI .__ ..... ..... .. IIl. .1'"' "boq<' _ or' ."_ __OIl ......."'" 11oo III ."••."m _ ~ ~. ~ ,. pot' up ""' "''' II fwet ..... . ''''Il _ _ _c ,"'.,. - ~.~ ~ '14.95 =_... '12.95 ~. _ "t. '8.95 _o;a• • '9.95 '2.95 '" ""'""" NU~ ' on your Feedbeck card Alinco Service Survey Alinco may be the best show in town. by Gordon West WB6NOA O ur service surve y takes a close look at Alinco, an energetic and e nthusiastic provider of amateur radio VHF a nd UHF job q uickly . An inspection of his service log reveals o ne-day turnaround on all repa irs. Ahmed : "And if they come in here Blue eq uipment. Ali nco is fou rth place in d istri- Label , we send them out that way, too, recog- but ion vol ume, with Heathkit close, the lat- nizing that the amateur rad io operator wa nts ter importing Sta nda rd Radio eq uipme nt his equipment fixed quickly and professional- for U .S. d istribution. Alinco handheld and ly , a nd returned immediately ." mobile sets a re p rod uced in Japan , but they' re mar keted abroad unde r the C irfo lk Au toma tic Coverage label. Alinco equipme nt is serviced free of cha rge This September, Ali nco Electronics . Inc .. for the firs t six months after the dated sales is moving to a new location. See the la ble for recei pt . For a flat rate of $38, the equipment details. is covered for a n additional l 'h years . This rate covers a ny and all parts, plus any a mou nt T he Alinco Famil)' of labor to get it fixed . Howe ver, you don't Ali nco Elect ronics, lnc., is a member of have to pay the $38 coverage charge in ad- " The Al inco Group ." the parent compa ny van ce . which produces all Alinco eq uipme nt in Os- Mr. Shunsaku Inoue, Pres ident of Ali nco aka. Japan . in Japa n, happen ed to be vis iting Alinco .. All of ou r equipme nt is made in Japa n." U. S. A. on the sa me day as ou r service sur- says Mark Morisato J N3H SG. vice-preside nt ve y. He commented: " The amateur rad io of the Alinco U .S.A . faci lity . All Alinco ope rator doesn't need to spend a nickel to equipment is of Japanese origin, a poi nt un- obtain this extra I 'h-year flat-rate program- derscored to eliminate any confusion with Photo A . The Alinco c rew. It'ft to right: Viet'- it's fully automatic. All they need to do is to equipment possibly manufactured in Ko rea President Mark Mo risato . Service Engineer send in their equipment with a copy of the ir or C hina . Nor is any Alinco eq uipment con- Ahmt'd AK'ad. and Safes Mana gt'r Greg Pear- o rig inal sales slip, or have a warranty card on nccted to a ny eq uipment prod uced by Azden , son KC6LSY. file, and this automat ically qualifies them fo r Santee. o r N. D .1. Ali nco equ ipme nt is our $38 fix for any type of problem ." uniq ue. The Ser vice Facility After two yea rs, o ut-of-warranty equip- Greg Pearson KC6LSY . a new ly lice nsed Th e Alinco se rvice facility has j ust one ment is repaired at $40 pe r hour. Most o ut-of- Technician C lass operator, was recently ap- full-lime service enginee r. In fact, they have warranty repa irs are unde r $ 100. Most of thai pointed Ali nco's sales ma nager. He says, ne ver ha d mo re than o ne - M r. Ahmed cost may be for a 45-watt prea mpli fie r brick " We have been around he re five yea rs. a nd Awad . a good-looking man with a wall full of wh ich runs about $70, o r a handheld pream- we plan to stay . You can see that by ou r techn ical ce rti ficates, inc ludi ng a BSE E. plifier brick for $30. " Our PA amplifie rs are aggressive double-page advertising pro- Smiling, Awad says , '" helped design the extremely strong-they are usually the last grams-we want everyone to know abou t AI- products for the Japanese : I Quality Control thing to ever go wrong ." inco equipment , and we especially want 73 every single tra nsceive r coming in a nd going reade rs to know abou t the unique Alinco re- o ut, and I am the o nly one who will ever lay a Com mon Repatrs a nd Preventlcn o •• palr program . hand o n a unit ro gel it fixed ." What are the most commo n repair prob- And he doe s his lems with Alinco sets? Cracked boards from - Photo B. The service department at Alinco isfumished with Iht' latest in Photo C. A!inro has p!t'nt)' ofspare boards fo r pam, and boards for test equipment. swap-out in the t'~'f'nt ofa tough imrrmineru, 20 73 Amateur Radio • Septem ber, 1990 dropped un its and blown ca ps o n reve rse p0- whose equipme nt requ ired factory service . Ia rity hook-ups without a fuse . E very once in All the lette rs illu strated ho w surprised they a lo ng whi le. the service engineer says , they were to find the equi pme nt back within a find a fractu red c hip res istor that may not week of being s hipped out . hav e sea ted properly d uring robotic assembly Bec ause the Alinco service de partment re- in Japan. volves solely arou nd o ne se rvice engineer, Out-of-band modificatio ns are overlooked " the buck stops he re" co uld very we ll be for the repa ir problem. This means that if the their motto . The sa me could be said for the ocr-or-bard mod did not wreck the unit , it one-day service, with o nly one person re- ' Name Brands Only' won 't be replaced with normal c ircui try. sponsible for se nd ing the unit back [0 the Ho we ve r , Ali nco candidly admits that out-of- c ustomer . band modific ations are sometimes botched by A linco re c ommend s that all units be Home Satellite Store a ham unt rained to work o n surface-mo unt shipped d irectly to them for repair, bypassing technology . the dealers. " O ur valuable dealer network is Every piece of ne w eq uipme nt coming in in place for selli ng the fabu lou s AIinco line o f from Japa n is opened up and tested at the s ing le- band a nd du al-band equipme nt. We Alinco Southern California facility . And that will take care of all necessary repa irs." Tak- rJ CDarmel Master" t~~~ means eW!T)· piece is tested , not just o ne or ing a close look at the surface mount technol- two samples OUI of each shipme nt. The la rge r ogy insid e Ali nco sets, I can see why it's best 10ft. C1K U companies don' t have time, but at Alinco. it to let the e ng ineering professional work o n it. doesn't go to the de aler for d istribution until it And . o f course. Ali nco has a plethora o f the has been tested . latest test eq uipme nt at their di sposal. Co me On, G uys! How Ahout It ? Ready to Grow unillen U5T·90oo Alinco echoed the se ntime nts o f Kenwood , While you may call Alinco se rvic e a one- Yae su . and ICOM about sending in yo ur man show, it could very well be the best ac t equipment for repair service : PAC K IT BET- in town . Currently the #4 player o f U .S. TER AND G IVE US A BElTER DESCRIP- amate ur radio VHF and UH F equipment dis- TION OF WHAT CAUSED THE U NIT TO tribution , their vo lume is growing th rou gh FA ILOR WHAT T HE PROBLEM IS. their agg ress ive ad ve rt ising program a nd In other words. ifyoo ac cidentally ran your popular a cceptance by the hams o wning Complete System - $988 alternator with no bauery load into the 12- Alinco equipmen t. C hances are , more tech- volt DC inp ut to a ha ndhe ld , causing it to smo ke, tell them. Maybe you r unit fe ll into nic ian s will join the service c rew. But for now , Ahn cc's service e ngineer stands a lone only $25 fmo' the water, bUI yo u completely cleaned it OUI and ready for a ny incomi ng repai r- a repa ir Includ ing Rece iver, 10' Antenna. 40' with an a ir hose. Let them know a ny steps you that will receive his prompt and personal at- LNB. Pola rotor, 18- Ball Actuator, took to cor rect the problem . Describe esactty tent io n. Ne xt month well cove r the se rv ice depart- 100ft. Cable & Connectors and To ll· wha t happened, o r the circumstances under wh ich your un it stop ped working ! The more ments o f two com pa nies- La nd Air Commu- Free Installation Help. infonnation you g ive, preferrably in writing , nicatio ns , an independent serv ice age ncy in the eas ie r it will be for the e ng ineer to track New York, and General Electric-who may • 100% financing a va ila ble 10 all the problem down and the faste r he wi ll be be able to fix AN Y brand o f amateur radio c redit a pproved custo m e rs. Call for ab le to repa ir yo ur eq uipme nt. equipment , old or new . III Immediate cred it approval over The Al inco se rvice department has ple nty the phone. We ma ke it e a syl o f parts on hand fo r an y fix . They eve n have You may contact Gordon West WB6NOA at replacement boards o n hard -to-trace inter- 24/4 College Dr., Costa Mesa CA 92626. NBO is your source for all mittent problems . " If it's a n intermittent we FAX (714) 434-0666. Tel. (714) 549-5000. j ust can' t seem to find , we 'll swap our the the popular satellite board ." systems and components, Looking o ve r the ir parts bin s , they co uld Alinco Electronics. Inc, as well as programming. easily reb uild anyone of their seven diffe rent -Prestdent: $ hunsa ku Ino ue mobi le VHF and UH F units , .and anyone of - vlce-Presioent: Ma rk Morisato thei r s ix d ifferent VHF and /or UHF handheld «Service Engineer: Ahmed Awad Call For sets . -seies Manager: Greg Pearson KC6lSY O n average , Alinco receives seven un its each day in for repai r. These units usually go our the next day , bur it may ta ke a fe w ext ra Until September 10, Alinco 's address is 20705 S. Western Avenue. '104, Torrance FREE da ys to locale the sou rce of imermnte m prob- le ms. If [here is an y delay , Alinco ca lls the custo me r. This is why it's important [0 put CA90501 . On or aro und September 10, 1990, Alin- CATALOG co will move to a s pacious new office and your daytime a nd evening phone numbe rs on service facility a t: 438 Amapola Ave., the suggested 73 Magazine repair form (sec the March 1990 iss ue of 73) o r the le tte r yo u #130, Torrance CA 90501. 1-800-346-6466 send with yoo r equipme nt .T he e ng ineer may The phone and FAX numbers will re- need to ca ll you d irectly . ma in the same: Tel. (213) 618-8616; FAX Units o ut o f warranty are ship ped back (213) 618-8758. C .O.D. If you've sent any equipment to Alinco 's old address, don' t panic. All incoming gear NBD Dis tributors , Inc. C ustomer Response to the o ld add ress will be a utomatically 563 1-L Pa lmer Way, Carls bad. CA 92008 Alinco was quick to pull out the ir corre- forwar ded down the s treet to thei r new ta - spo nde nce file and show us seve ral leit ers cumes. ClflCl £ 9 1 ON I'IUO£II S(I'IVIC£ CAIIO with favorable co mme nts from Alinco users 73 Amateur Radio . September,l990 21 Number 9 on your Feedback c.rd Dummy Loads for DC Supplies Don't risk your rig! by David Vail VE1GM A nyone who builds regulated powe r sup- plies for today' s low voltage , high-c ur- rent eq uipment should co nsider having a suit- ou s operation, they may be safely used for long periods of testing . stand 16 volts. For brief periods, you can use them at 18 volts to c heck the voltage sag across low voltage secondary windings. At ab le du mmy load for thoroughl y testing the More Versatile Dummy Load 15 volts, the load' s current drawn will be po wer supply bef ore co nnecting it to an e x- Two of these sealed beam headlamps make about 8 % higher than at 13.8 volts; at 18 pe nsive piece of equipment . If the voltage a dummy load capable of drawing II differ- volts, it will be about 30 % higher . reg ulatio n should fail during development e nt values of current, namely : 1.5,2 ,2.5 ,3 , a nd testing, overvoltage could damage your 4 , 5, 6, 8, 9 , 10 and 18 a mps. You can test just Connecncns new supe r-d upe r transceiver or amplifier. about a ny 13.8 volt power supply that you 'd To minimize voltage drop across the When you ' re looking for a suitable trans- use in a ham shack, at a price that's hard to leads , make connections to and between former fo r your supply, you ca n also use a beat. the lamps with fairly heavy wire. Number dummy load to c heck the voltage sag on a With thi s dummy load , you ca n experiment 12 wire would be suitable for the maxi- seco ndary windi ng at various curre nts . with power supply design , construction, and mum load of 18 amps . Headlamps have adjustment . You ca n check such things as the provision for using push-on connectors, adequacy of pass transistor heat sinks, stabili- which makes it convenient to intercon- ty and reliability of voltage regulators at vari- nect the two lamps for different load values. 2 o us output currents, and the trip points of The illustration shows how to interconnect overvoltage protection circuits. You ca n do the lamp filament s for th e various load all this without putting your valuable radio values . III 50W equipme nt at risk . 1 Cha'king Power Transformers 3 Da vid Va il VEIGM , 50 Porter Street , L-LJ Automotive headlamps sho uld safely with- Yarmouth, N.S. B5A 2Y9. 60W Figure 1. Connections fo r one head/amp (see tab/e). , ~ , a Single Headlamp Connections 2.5 "" P$. Terminals 2 & 3 3 amps Terminals 1 & 2 4 amps = = Terminals 1 & 3 Terminals 1 & 2 +3 5 amps 9 amps 1 2 3 ~f-------10 I 2 3 ~1 2 3 -'- ~ ~ - - - n n f ~ ;;1, =a =a Simple Dummy Load 1 ' 30 1 2 3~ a My j unk box contai ned an unused sca led beam auto mot ive head lam p marked " 60f SOW 12 volts." At 13.8 volts, the 50 watt fila me nt draw s 4 amps, and the 60 watt fila- me nt dra ws 5 am ps. Both filaments in series dra w 3 am ps , a nd both filament s in parallel draw 9 a mps. Used as a dummy load , this p' 1 3 r-n ' 1 3 s imple device makes a dum my load capable 18 " " P$ . of drawing four different values of curre nt. Since these lamps a re desig ned for continu- Figure 2. Connections for two head/amps. 22 73 Amateur Radio • September, 1990 • *** Unlden CB R.dlo. * * * The Umd..n ~n-e 01 Crtlzen. Balld R.d,o tra"lC8Ove.. " • • • bl.nd.d •• II }'OOJ " ... "'ase • ":I" nll. pftOn8 " om .ny .10" '" I". "'e. ce. .. Conlr.el • • • cor_ d.I< dallCtl>f l>f U S. l>f C. clI ...Ih,n!he .." JO unl .tyled to eompllmenl otne, mQboIe ....dio eq""pme"l, clIyl, you eI" ""I .." 10 I.,.., 01 • • 11t1'fded .....oc;. Unlden CB r. dlOl .,. so ,e~'l>I. l ll alll'>ey nav• • !wo eO''''acllrom W nllCn n... se ce • • l_ on pI.n bIgon. y... r Iimlled ....rr.n ty, From til.. fe al...,e packed PRO . " ., tn. m.n...I.eI ,. .....,.nly . '01 '•• W.... ntlCh w,1I 8 10E 10 Ihe 31 0E na"dn..ld. Ill..,.. i. no be" .. , CIt,z.. ns Plrlo,m . 11 nOlC ')' 1.00' .nd ",,;1"Ot ena'lI" for ..I...." & nd ,.d,o on In.. ma,ket l oday sh'''01 ''11 E. l ..ndlld oc;.. contf'ct••'. "OI I't1I... n(l.otll•• ncl PII031 DE·A Un/d." 40 en Po""I:>.IMobO l. ce . $8395 a"" ly only 10 Ins onll,n.1 " ..ren....', W. ...nt""n does nor $12,000,000 PII0330E·... Un'd." 40 cn , R.. mOIl mount CB ., $ 1 04,95 EII1 00-" Un ,d." Em. rg.ney c e Mob'Ie . , $49,95 ORA NT·'" Uni(/4n 40 CIlann.1 SSB CB mObil• . . , $ 186,95 PC122·A Un/(/4" .a , n. nneI SSB CB mQb;l. , $ 11 99 5 h•• • • n "t..nd"" ..."flnly " len 10' h. ndh , l(J seann , Fo' mObIl. or base se.nn..., CB ..dio. or ye 10'" y .Id" detClCto I."ded ....".nly I. $ 19 99, two rn ... '. 539 911 .nd " 559 99 Ord., yOU' se... oc;. contract Iodly 1 Scanner Sale Uniden Corporation 01 Am eriCa has pur- PIIIQ510 XL· " UnfCllll.a el>a"neI CB MOOO.... .. 13895 PIII0510 Alll·... un,.,." CB Moboll w,ln anl _ PIII0520X l·.. UnfCllll.a ,I>a...... CB MOOoIl ., PIICS' OE·"' u _ n.a Cl>anneISSB CB MobtII . $ 131115 5411,95 $58 95 OTHER RADIO. AND ACCE••OR'E. BCS iULT·'" a.arc. t 10 e.... n.... _n.... AOlOO-" Pl..,g In ... 11 ' h. ' IiI'" tor BC!i5ltlT PSOOl '" CtgI,.I1.lfgnll, cablct tor BC5~ llLT .. . $ 14 9S $ 114 115 $ 14 95 PlllC810E· .. U",.,.n.a clllnnttl SSB CB Base $ 114 95 chased the consumer products line of Re- V(X)(ll ·" c."Y'ng ca.. lor B(;5S ltlT $14 95 gency Electronics Inc. for 512,000.000. To * * * Unlden e et Buy Ill.. lin A.d., Detecton* * * Umd." rada' d..teclors " om CEl today. 1!C70llLT·.. S. l re. r 20 ell. n....1SCI""" 8C1 72XL·A S••rear 20 ,Il.nnel _n..... $ 1 ~ 9 ~5 1134 95 celebrate t his purchase, we're having our 1I0311l '" Unl(J.n 3 bind ,.d.. d.llCtor .....• ' $ 159,95 BC1 ·.. 1 s . lfcar tnlormll"'" SCln" .. w,th CB 1119,11 5 largest scanner sale In histo ry! Use the lice·.. U"id." visor mo nl ,.dI. d.tlCtor .... , ... , $89 ,95 BC310A·" Salfeal Inlorm.l,on R.d,o $11195 "WOTl·A1 Unl(/4n·P porr . .....dI'dalOlClo' , . 5!*l,95 eC330..·.. Balfc. r lnlo,mllion R.dlo . " , ..... $ 104 ,9S co upon in thi s ad for big savings. Hurry...offe r " OIlXL·A1 U"id. n " ml"o" . in ,.d.. dete,tor , , $ 124,95 UC102·... Ileg .n e~ VHF 2 c rt 1 W. ll l r. nse..",,, 1 114,95 ends Jan uary 3 1, 199 1. R027·" Unl(/." vito' mo...nl ,.d.. dlllCto• . . . . . . . , $54,95 UC202·" Ileoaner VHF 2 en. 2 W.lll f1n_iv..' " , $149,115 1I0900T·... U"'d.,, •• mote mo " t ' acl.. daIOlClo', , , $ 119,95 '1M200Xl ·... Un,"'" Video monrtOMII . yll ..m. 11111 95 * ** IIO".Y SAVIIIO COUPON* * * CAIIl>A1 Un,da" e.ed,l ca.d ,acl.. dalICIO' , . , $ 159 95 8 P205-A ~~C.d ball- pack 'OO BC2OO18Cl ooXLT . $39 115 Fe E·" F'IQ....nq [),'1C10')' tl>f E. " ..m U S -'.,. .. I la 9~ Gfi ~.I ww"". 011 tn, su nil' ''' Bearcat" 200XLT·A Few-.. f .equency Ow..:IOI)' Il>f W...l.... U,S,-'. _ $ la II~ n". coupon "''''' • .,.0 in ,,,,, coupon. lilt price $50995 /C E p rl eeI2 3 111.111 5/SPE CI "'L IIF01 ·" Ml tL IN. KY. OH. WI f requI<"fCY 0""<:101)' $ 14 115 be ;~luded w i'" rour ~id 0Ide, f . ......,. ~ eN..,." • aoo .He. H."dtf8hl IIf02·A CT. ME. M-'. ~ H . RI. VT [),,1Ct0l)' $ 14 9~ Cr«/irc.tdI; personelc hKh .ndq.,.'" tl1 ~ (I,.eOutlU .r. .. clu ~ front I ll i. 011. " 0 11., v.lid OIlly 011 pr.".id oro.,. "-.:It • lImH • Hold • I*rfM1tr • a.-.out F.-.qUlIlq ""fJ' 20·54'. I Ill-! 14, 4011·51 2. 8011·~511 MHZ E~C"'(/4.123,"'5·' 41l,O I1~ a"d'8' " '5·894 0 125 III i'll IIF03·'" OE. DC. MO. NJ . NV. P-'. V-'. W'J 0., _ RfQl·AALAR. f L G-'. LA MS. »c Pft sc no, 'II . 114 115 "FD5-A .tJ<.. IO. I-'. MN. MT, NE. N O , ~ , SO, WA. WY . $'4 95 5 14 95 m,i,..,rj'rKlly 10COmmulll(:. f/Oll, EI.c- The Be8 ree' 200XLT sets a new slandard l or hand- AFoe·... C-'. ~V, Uf. AZ. . HI. GU f ' lQ 0,,1Ct0l)' .. , I 14 95 fron iell /fIt;.. p.a So,I 10.5 - Depl. UN/ I, held scanners in performance and dependability " f 0 1·"' CO, "' S , MO, NM. 0 11" 1M f 'lQ 0"1C10')' . . . , I 14 95 Ann Arbor, M'cl'li{/fH'I'81 O~· , I).j 5 U. S A. This lull fealured un it has 20 0 programmable 8 MH·A seenn" , MOd '''Clh on Handbool< ,." . , $14 115 COl/POll Ut'ires J.m,,,, 31, 199/. cnannets with 10 scanning banks and 12 band "SO- A "'i'pl.n.. se.""er Directory " " , $14,95 Coupon m'r not b. us.d in conjunction coverage. If you want a very simila, model w ithou t SRF·'" Su...i ••1Rld,o F,ItQ.....n<:y Di,.etory . $ 1495 with ,Ily Olh., 0" " Iro m eEl. Coupon Ihe 8 00 MHz, ba nd and 100 c hanne ls, ord e r tne 1$o-A "Top s OIC...r RIt\I'II')' 0' U, S, Govt f rlQ $ 14 95 INy be P"OIOCOp~d Add $1200 lor n C·A T...n.. '" 0" tal<>ollon.. el ilS $ 14 95 s/'l ippiflQ In ,,,, C:Ofll,,..rtt,, VSA Be 100XlT·... lor on ly $169 .9 5 . Includes antenna, carryil1(l ca se w llh be lt looP. ni-cad battery pack. CBI+", Bog CB H. Itdt>OOIIIAMlfMI F,_ blnd $ 14 115 RELM RHeOeB-A AELM RH 25lSB-A 2 $4.IIIS llUit5 w:; adapte r and earphone. Order your sca nner now, nc·ATIChn_ AA FoA RaIlroad ,,_.tIC)' tor ....IfOIPlonllCom.......-cat_ dorlClOl)' EEC·A EmblSsy " E_II/" CommunlClhorl., _ 5 14 95 514' 95 $ 14 115 ....' ut aoo XLT'A •••• •• • 22111.IIIS ....' ut 200 XLT-A •••• •• 122111.IIIS Bearcat" 800XLT-A CtE·A Cove<! ,,,tOllltot"C .. EIIC'I E. _ QPPIf>Q $14 liS List plice 5549,95/ C E p rice '239. 95/SPECIAL MFf ·" M_est F_..I F' lQuency d"lCtOl)' . _ $ 14 95 Be.,ut 100XLT· Be.re.t 7 0 X LT · 17i1 .IIIS '1 3 111 .IIIS Cit."".' f . . . .nd• .fa • NO'e",.'.'.e.""., I'rlorttr co"trol ••••rch/k." • AC/DC MOo" Mil/net mount mOOoI.. SClnner .nllnna "'70-" Bu... slal lon tcann.., .nl.n". 534' 95 .. 134 115 Be.re.t SS XLT· nlll.IIIS Bands: 29·54. 1 18· 114. 406·5 f 2. 806·912 MHz. US" MM·A M.g mo nl VHF .nl wi 12' ,.tlI.. .."" $39 115 B•• re.t 21 OXL T· '184 .11I 5 . ... ....r"l..../u,IIId14 '" , ,,. ~f • • ,,~. "a"d. USAI(·A ," " 1'101.. mo "1 VHF ant. 011 17' elbl. '" $34,95 Unld.n C... Ro- 1 •••••• • •'l44 .IIIS The umcen eOOXl T reeeives4 0 ehann e ls in tw o banks. .c.dd $4 00 It'Ilppong 1",.n . ce:eSSO"'' ' orl;ll,"" at tM sam.l.... Sca". 15 c h.nn.. l. per sec ond, Siz.. 9'lo"' _ 4'f1 " _ 1211: ' Add $1 2.00 snippIng PI' ..dlO . nd 54 00 PI' .nlenn. Unld.n RD3 XL- 1 •••• • • • 144 .IIIS Unld.n RDlI XL- 11 111 .IIIS With noln lng ..xClud..d In 1M 806·9 12 MHz, balll!. In is BUY WITH CONFIDENCE IC8nner is an e _C8l1ent c hoic. lor I.w enlorc ..m..nt To e" ~ ,_,_,_",....,_ C.' oI . ny _ " n••,..nd ****VALUA8L2' COUPO" **** eg.neies. " yoo do notoeed t t>e 800 MHI- bllnd. ... m~• • model Clllled I n.. BC 21 OXt. T·... is ..... II.l)Ielor S 118 ,9 5. or phon' you. ",de. d"lCtly 10 00J' sc."ne' OIIl"o...llOn OInI.r' Moc;llog.an ••_ 1 . pie_ Idd 4" ...Ie. ,.. or 1U0000)'O<lf I. . I, D, n mb'tf, w nn .,.."""'.. order• • f, Bearcart 760XLT-A NEWt Bearca~ 147XL-A ~I<I trom . pp' 1<1 lJO"itmm t 1olII"C_ . nd mosl List price S4Q9,95/ C E prlc• •2 54. II5/SPE CI...L _ '.11<1 ,,""••1. I 0'lI0 .... """'fQI tor nell 0 biI~ ng ""1_ List price $ 169.95/ C E p r i c e '94 .95/SPECIAL f"~ Ch-.-,. 100 C,.,.,.,••• • AC/DC F-.qu.nq"nf1<f. 211- 54. 18· ' 14. 406·512. 80&-8511 MHz f f~"ndf f. CIt."_' • Nrc,.,.'" ac.",,_ ... IUbrICI lo ,v" lcI bOlIIy, ece ..pranc• •ee ....-.tocal fOf\. On .U CfI<l,1carel or".... 11>4 .1"" 10 Idd.... m u .t.~. ,lt~ malell I'rhHttr co"frol • __ tlNr ••..-clt • AC/DC 111I c.I<I,1e..d Mill'll ..,"'. . . II In. btU'''II Iddr_ " • P,O h , ludu 1123U 1.s-11 400 1 2~ ' Mlllll11llll 75·"4 0 12$ MHz, B, nas: 29·54. I J6-' 74. 4 06· 512 MHz. 80. or • P, O. 80. Z,~ Cod• . UPS can "of dellv.' 10 In.t The Bearcat 160XLT has 100 programmable chan- Ttl.. B ..llrellf 147XL is S 16 c hannel. programmabl.. acid"", WIlen thll OCC ... ,•. Ilia ord" m... 11 b<l sll'll9ld by nets organi zed aslivl:I c hannel ban ks lor eaay use. tca nne, coveting len frequency bands, TIle u,,11 featu'e~ m.iI.l. hllln.., COIl 10 you, To ..o,d In" e.l'. enlfoa. YO'" and 12 bands 01coverage Includ ing the 600 MHz. a buill·ln delay t unctton tnsllldd' . tll'ee second delay m.y m.il ... s a en. cI< ""In yo.... o,d.." Prle.... lerm••nd band. The Burcat 160XLT mounts neatly under on . 11 c hann..l. 10 p revent mISled t'ansmi,sio". A &l)OICihCltlOna " .. . ... bIOlCI 10 en.ng. wlll10ut noflC' , All 1I''''. . . . . in U,S doll.fI, OoJtohtOC kll..m. ",,;1btl Plac. dOfl the cesn and con nects directly to luse b lock o r mobil.. version calltKl Ine 8C58OXt.T·A fe aflm ng pri- bliIttery. The u nit e l$O has a n AC adaptor.lIip down oril y. ""..al ner ' .a'ch. chanrtellockOUI and more . v"I.bIe l or $9-4.95. CEr. packag.. price ;ncl...lJe& f' blCllOfda< .... lom.llC8l1y or tlQulv. 1I<l1 OI"oct"'" s...blt,tullCl .." .... CEt,. In. l ' '''''1<1 "'". ......ty A$S 00 . 00111Otl. 1hind- sland and teleacopic antenna fo r desk l op use. 6- ."0 ,. . wl'l be e...."OICl 'or . 1 orela... wllh a ff\ltCl>and_ 5118 " W I 1.... ~ H", 1","" D. Mooel Be SIIOXL T· ...' is • aimilar vers ion w ithout the 800 MHz. band for • new low price 0 1 o nly $ 194.95. O rde r loday. mabie mounl,ng breckel and mObfle PO'*8r cord. NEWt Ranller" RC12950·A L ist price $549.95/~ E p rie. ' 2 4 111.1115/SPECI...L 10 "ef_ liD.".T,.".e."'.r • DI,,,., '''0 lotIl ... _ 1IfOduet Fr.. e_ $SO,OO , $h 'l"".nls ... F 0 8 CE, ,,,,,_ , n ....n .r.rt>or. MfC/'l'll. " , N O COO'. M OIl 11_ ma""'acl r ",rI."'" loItlCl ...... a 01 war,."I... on th• • ,v" lIbII by "'''' ''''' to CEt. "'~a<l lllIId C!'I8Ckl ,IQ ...... CI<I.r.ne.., Not , ... pansltllia lor typog,.phlCAl _"'. NEWt Unldeno Telephones '4111 . .nd CD••" '• • A'~"Dd. 0".,.110" M . U orders t o : Commu nications E lectronICS:" ......., 00-A UnK1. n . n. w.rlng m.en,n. 589 ,95 "olrm ""utd c,.,e'" dl.p/e, • AulD "'u.lelt 60_ 1045, Ann Arbor. Michigan 4 8 t 06 U.S.A. Add .......04·A U" id. " .n. .....' Ing m.,nlne, . . ... , , $49,95 RIT. 10 ~fI,.mm••'.II.m"", Po.ltlo"• $1 2 .00 per scanner lor U.P.S. gro undshipping and ........'1 U"i(J." .n.werlng m.enine . , , $49.95 f r. Qu,"CY Con 1lI1': 28.DOOD MHz. '0 29,611all MHI handling in the co nl i ne nt al U.S,A. For C an ada. .......flO. U", (J." .n.werlng m.en,ne " $49,95 The Ranger RC l2950 MObile 10 MeIer Transceive' Puerl o RiCo, Hawaii, Alaska. 0 ' APO/FPO delivery. ,,-.o-A Umd." .n nng m.en,ne, $89.95 by Ranger. has everyth ing y ou n ee d fo, amateu r sh ipping c ha rg es .,e two t imes c ontine nta l U.S. FP'3OD-'" Un_ I" I ~ phon• . • • . • • • . . . . • • . . • . . $3-495 rad IO com m unicatiol'll. The FlF Power cont rol Ie.. rales, II you have .Discover. Vi.... "'me,ican Express FP302·"' u n_IMI ,.phon4I _ _ $49,115 ture in the RC I2950 a llows you 10 adj...st Ihe RF or MaaterCard. you mayeall a nd piece. c redit card FP'3 205-" U..-n 1..1 ,. _.k.rp/>onI 549,95 out put power con ti nuously Irom 1 wa" th ro ugh a order. ~ surcharg e l or billing 10Amencan E..pre.... FP'3:n5-"' un"",n f" I '._'~ _ $59 95 1...11 25 wa"s OU l p ut 0 " USB. l SB a nd ON mode s. Order t olH,ee in th-e U.S. Di.1 800- US....SCAN. ltl!57o-" U,,""'n c:otd~ .. p/Ionec . . ••• . . . . . •• . . . .. IT4 95 lti!l n un"",n COtllIIe.. _ ,""..-pI>()ne 5 101l1l5 The RC12950 also features a noi se bla nke ,. roger beep. PA mode and more. The M ic Gain Cont rol In Canad a. d ia l 800- 22 1-341 5. FAX a nyt ime. dial 3 t3-91 1-6000. It you a re outside the U.S. or In J;Vl1 Un"",n COtllII... _.""~ , Sl 0995 adjusts the g.in in Iransm it and P... mode s t o M ichigan d ia l 3 13-97 3-6 68 8 . Orde r from e E l tod.y. BT1 00-" Unldl" Tnm.tyIe phon. , 111.115 KT2flO.... Unl(/4n F.mily pIIOfI. wlln 91 1 1"'1", " .. , 129 95 mallimize talk power. Dig ital VFO. Bu ilt-in SlR FI Scanner O,sl ribut ,on Cenle'· and CEI togOll lire t"d. "Fl » " Un/d." hlC...l iv.. phon• . , " .... $39 ,95 MOD/SWR meIer. FreQuel'lCY se lec ti o n s may be marks of Co mmUnle. 'IQf1S Elecl ' On lC8 'nc, made from a switch on Ihe microphone 0' the Iront SlI.d"e.711 5190-1/31/91 AO . 01 1511O-A panel. There is even a re pe al e r split switch for Copyright c 18eo Co m m unicati o n. EI.ctrol'li(;. Inc . RELMo RH256B-A f. List price '587.5O/ C E prlceI2 g lll.IIIS/SPEC I...L Ctt.wNI • • • W." Tr."eeeh., • """"1ft The REUI RH256B is a s lllleen-ehan....1VH F land mobile Iran&CeH8f designed 10 COYer any Irequency repealer offsets. The RCl2950 lets you o pe rat e AM , FM. USB. LSB or ON for full mode o perallon. The d Ig itally sy nt he si zed IreQuency conlro lgives you m . .imum .tability. There's e lso R IT (Fleceiver Incrementa l Tun ingl to g ive you perfectly tuned For credit card orders call 1·800·USA-SCAN betWeen 150 10 162 MHz. Since lh ~ rad IO is signals. With memory c han nel scanning. y ou c .., synthesized. no e_pe nsive cryst al s a 'e ne eded to scan te n pre I-8t I req ....ncies to keeptra ck ol.llthe ttore up to 18frequencie-s with out bliIttery backup. action. An o p ti onal CTe ss t o ne board is ava ilable All radios come with e TeSS to ne and sc anning (order " RTDN E) tor $59 .9 5 . Fo r t echnical Ques- cap.bi lities. A mon itor end nighVday sWllch is .I$O t io ns. ca ll Ranger at 7 14·85 8·4 4 19 O rde r y our .tandud. This tr.nsceiver even has a pr iority lunc- Ra nger RC12 950 Irom e E l today, tion. The RH258 makes an ideal radio l or anypolice or fi re d epartment vo lunteer because of its low cost and high performance. A 110 w.1t VHF 150- 162 aC760XLT MHz. version called Ihe RH8OeEl-A is av.ileble lor $429.95. A UHF 15 wetl16 c ha nnel versio n 01 800 MHz. Consumer Products Division mobUe te. n ner PO 80. 1045 0 Ann"rbO" MlCnoglln48 106·104 5 us A thit radio ca lled the RU1S8E1-A is a l$O .v.ilable and coyers 45lr482 MHz. but the cosl is $454,95. SPECIAU Fo, 0 ' ''. ' ' call 3 13·873·8888 0' FAll 3 13·81t ·$OOO CIRClE 121 OH READER Sf:RYtCE CARD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1 Number 10 on your Feedback c.rd Mobile Power Source Organizer Easy 12 volt hookups for your mobile gear. by David K. Pelaez AH2AR/8 strand) in all of the point-to- point co nnec- The World Wa r II era po sts that ca me out W hen operating a mobile or portable statio n from my car I always wi nd up as king mysclfthe same question; "Where am tions. This insures that your organizer ca n handl e the desig ned 20 amp load. The run of of my junk box we re nOI designed this way so I have resorted to pulling a plastic cap on the I going to get additional 12 volt lines fo r the cabling fro m the 12 volt battery to the enclo- positive te rmi nal when my organizer is IKM transceiver and the amplifier?" Aside from sure should also be 12 gauge . I opted to run being used. I don't recommend putting more the obvious safety considerations, this is one this line directly to the battery so the addition- than a 5 amp load on the phoootypejack. bur of the universal problems with running an al load would not overload the automobile I have found that these jacks make very con- amateur T V transceiver as a temporary ci rcuits. venient low-current power supply jacks. portable mobile station. You may also need to Seve ral types of noise filte rs are suitable run othe r ham radio gear in your vehicle on a for th is project. I used a Rad io Shack design. T he Re~iUl ts tem po rary basi s. For example, the addition The heavy-duty noise filter from Rad io Shack It took about two hours 10 build the orga- of a provisio nal packet stat ion may need di f- helps lessen the chance of ignition noise get- nizer . The hardest part of the project was ferent po wer connection schemes than what ting into the ha m gea r hooked up to the orga- determining where to pass the 12 volt cable is already ava ilable. Using various patch nize r. This filter will also alleviate alternator through the fire wall of the automobile. cords to connect up throug h a cigarette lighter whine whi le tra nsmitting. It has two mount- After feed ing the cabling through and plac- jack or 10 the fuse block under the dash can be ing lugs to attach it to the bottom of the ing the organizer in the auto. it was time to adequate . but the final outcome in interfacing chassis, making it easy to place inside the give the organizer the acid lest. lbe follow - more than one " temporary" 12 volt coneec- enclosure . The filter is embedded in epoxy ing day I look the car up to Bellefontaine. tion to se veral pieces of gear starts to ta ke on and uses some heavy-duty chokes and a ca- Ohio. (highest elevation in Oh io) and worked the appearance of an artfu lly-prepared multi- pacitor. It becomes a " passive" pa rt of the ATV DX from the pa rk ing area at High colored bow l of spaghetti . circu it, placed in series with the + 12 volt line Point. As a side note. when not hooked up To help tame the tangled d isorder ofa te m- after the line passes through the fuse and the and in use. the mysteriou s-look ing box in the porary transce iver and amplifier setup within switch on the organizer . The black wi re co m- auto ca n be used to dissuade back seat drivers the fam ily wagon , look no furthe r than the ing out of the filter is then connected to one of from attem pting to verbally take over the j unk box or the local Radio Shack sto re. It is the mounting lugs attac hed to the enclosure steering wheel. Right below the power-on possible to run a 12 volt lead d irectly from the chassis ground. togg le switch and the indicator light you automobile bauery and terminate this run to Depending on the type of termi nal posts could place red DATAK lette ring stating : an enclosure that organizes the va riou s 12 thai you use , make certain that the + 12 volt "FJECTION SEAT AR MED." III 'loll connection schemes. This will give you a post doesn 't come in means to readily obtain power 10 supply 12 volt DC 10 d ifferent types of ham gea r. contact with the automo- bile chassis as you move Parts Ust AS ' seo., SPST switch (25 a mp) 275-708 1.99 the organize r inside of Fuse holder 270.739 .99 T he Sa\'in2 C ircuit the automobile . Most of Fuse (25 amp) Bus type .99 You ca n custom design the features in this the term inal posts that Terminal posts 274-662 1.59 mobile power source organi zer to suit your are current ly ava ilable Heavy-duty noise filter 270-055 17.95 own needs . In the des ign described in this arc prope rly insulated LED 12 volt chassis mount 276-011 1.99 article I used features that I found indispens- (the o nes from Radi o Chassis able for my particular applications, includ- Shack arc) so this situa- 12 gauge insulated wire 109: tion may not be a prob- Phano jack (RCA type) 274-346 4 for $1 .99 I . Capabilily to run up to 20 amps . lem for you . 2 . A means o f filtering the DC prior to the power entering the equipment. . . ,~ 3. A main power switch and a power indica- n . .., ITO AVTO 8AlTl"' l . ,~ to r light. S .'TC~ , 2!l .... ~ ~ I Tf~""'" '" T!""".... l ~ ~ 4 . Seve ral co nnect ion schemes that include 'lV LE~ wIT H f- ter mina l pos ts and an RCA type chassis- Bu,LT ·'" dTO ~ ~. (\I0 SH"CK 'n mou nted phone jack to supply po wer to the temporary gear. Any type of metal chassis will make a suit- ,J, ... '00151 •,R, '+Ln~ ..,R, k • !~, ... able enclosure . I used an aluminum box thai I -" Ll _"0' 10 CH"SS " · !tUCo ... It( ,J, picked up at a hamfest . Be sure 10 usc heavy . . gauge insulated wire (J used 12 gauge multi- Figure J. Circuit layout. 24 73Amaleur Radio • September, 1990 For the best buys in town call: 212·925·7000 Los prectcs Mas 8alos en Nueva York WE SHIP WORLDWIDE! K ITTY SAYS :WE ARE N OW O P EN 7 DA YS A WEE K . Saturday & Sunday 10 to S P.M. Monday,Friday 910 6:30 PM Thurs. to 8 PM C o m e to Barry ' S lor th e b e st b u y s in t own . T O F=! S I o I ICOM M. y w. I+-Ip You Wotn lhe 8ft1in eom......cl.l.nd "'tn. ONY Safety IC-R71A , 751A , 78 1, 229H , R·7000 , IC-765 , 275A/H , 3220A, 475A/H , 735, t.u' R&dlo. ? Lew W2BIE , Ton i, Kilty WA2BAP , lind belt s-in st ock Ja... KB2RV . UMARC. ar-"... NY I s...e 'f'OU S<rptemb..- 161h See you S<rptember U n:! HO$ ARC, F1u."I"lI NY IC·90I , IC-229H. IC72S, IC-2400AJ2500A FT·767GX. FT·757GXII. FT·747G X. FRG-8aOO . FT· 736R. FT·1000D. KENWOOD FT·4700RH. FT 212n1 2RH. FT·470 VAESU ICOM ANTENNAS l ondtnoOd. HT·. CES A'S '''fs. cusnc'"~,Hy~' j FT.23A 1C2I3IISAT I lCOM,u,e,HUI'V'OO.v.oo S,mple ' Autopll1C:n SOl·SO WoIl Pa lch _ !(lIll I,l£TZ.l.IosIey. FTIII -811-91 1 ICXl2ATI32AT ~:~~ Flo! Trlof'OlOllolYer To Vou. Telephone G_ For • UrI>In IIIOOUIIlOX T~ FTC-190311 1:>3 IC2lIGATI2I AT lINIDE N.REG£>ICY.K»iG . hiephollll C8Is F""", Mobile To Base SImple TS440S/A T, A-5000, TS-94:7:T~ FTH-2008f7'008!tC-A2OIUI 6 ~~~~TIII~ To lise SOl-50 TM 23 1A / 4 3 1A , TM · 2570Al50A , ·· U 11 1<, "'m' ,> TR·751A. Kenwoo d Service Repair. TM· 731 A , TS-7 l l /8 11A . T H205AT, :, 0u : :-;~, \ TH225A, TM-631A, TM·331A, TS140S, Connect Systems (CSI) TS680S , RZ·l , TS-709A , TS950S0, PRIVA TE PA TCH V. Duplex 8200. TH-75A, TH26I46AT, TM-941A csroo TUNERS STOCKED: AMPLIFt£RS STOCK£D: MARINERADIOS NYE MBV·A 3 Kilowatt Tuner RF COOCIIplS ICOM M5, M56. M700TY. M800 M.. age AVIATION PORTABLE ICOM A,20 """"" ..... KING KX·99 TE SY"I_ . 8ulhrigANT.P!oduels IC-32AT 1C-H16lU16 allilllEl 1'l llIllIlS TK-75A Pa nasonlC NEL-Tm1 OW·lao 0igitIl Voice K.,..r -:::---:---:-::::-:----:-.,,---:---:_..!FLUKE n.D. 1S,.7.. iIl :tee. ALi NCO I Wanted: HF Radio Technician I DJ-500T, DR-ll0T DR·570T, DJ·l60T Co vercratllCou u el Stoc~ed V o ComlMi r a g e /Al inc o coo.o" EIM:O"'l Klntronic, .H.. . Tok y o H y -Power fTE SY ST EMS Amplif iers & SI 8 )... H T G a i n Com putet" lnlet1ac.s A nl e n n a s I N S TOC K Stocked: MFJ·1270B, FREOUEHCY COUfI1"ERS: REPEATERS S TOCllE '~ . -~ KAM . KPC II. ,-, ..... KPC IV, Dati Eng&ne. DVR2 2 SHORTWAVE RECEIVERS STOCKED OUOTE' JRC MFJ·1274, MFJ·1224, AEA NRO-525, G&G ELECTRONICS ARll , PK-88. MFJ·1278T, PK·232 MBXMOTOROLA AUTHORIZED DEALER JST135 Air Disk, SWL, Morslit Coach W/FAX. DRSI PRODUCTS KACHINA COMMUNICATIONS DEALER All 900 Hand Held scamer 100 AUTHORIZED Prof~ ch eo.e-rs 27 - 51 . 108- 17• . Sokleo ing Sialion MEfRON KWH FMobi" AO&-512.800-9'!lOMHl SONY Rad ios for Busln.... Gov 't, 2-way. e tc. Amplifier DEALER Sto c ke d & . . r v lc ed, HElL 48 Wilts Stoe ked DIGITAL FREQUENCV COUNTERS ca n for grellt prlcesl EQUIPMENT .19 OPTOELECTRONICS model 1300 HIA, 0·13OOMHz 2210 H. 0-2200 MHz IN STOCK M <;>d ." M <;>n l or s - Long-renga Wifeless Tel8phone lor e.port onllOd< A""' ll"Uf R<K!oO COuI'Sl" Alphll Delt. I_~ BENCHER PADDLES. Hy-Gaan Towers Products ~ BALUNS. LOW PASS FILT ERS • • _• • '. : _ be Illipped Stoc ked , • • di.ect 10 you - IN STOCK ~" - . • FREEol AEA Isopo tes 11: ' M IRA GE AMPLIFIERS •• '.,;. ~ • _ , hipping COOl. (1 44. 220 , 440 ,. ~ A ST RON POW ER SU PPLI ES NewTEN.TEC IlX To-eri. ~lerona:s ' '';=9 MHz). lsoloop. , ' Beld e n Wire & Cable. Inl'l W ire eorsa" u, PARAGON . ~ocI< ITICU> ",. • OPTO KEYEAS STOCKED QMNf V AMERITRON AUTHORIZED DEALER MAILALL ORDERS TO: BARRY ElECTRONI CS CORP., SI2 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. NY 10012 (f OURBLOCKS NORTH Of CANAL ST.) We Siock: AEA, ARRL, Alinco, Amero. Ameritron, Antenna Specialists, N ew Yor k Cit 'I ' • L A RGEST STOCKI NG HAM DEALER COM PL ETE REPAIR LAB O N PREM ISES AstatIC, Astron. B&K. B&W, Beocner, Bird, Butternut. CDE, CES, Cusheraft, Oaiwa, Eimac, Henry . Heil. Hustler. Hy.Qain,Icom, KLM, Kantronics, Lars&n , "AQul S. Habla Espanol" MFJ, J.W. Mililitr. M,rage, Nylit, Palomar. AF Produc ts. sanee. Shure, CO MMERC IAL RADIOS Tempo. Ten-Tee. TUBES, veeeu. Vibrople•. Duplexers, Repeaters, Scan- BARRY IN TE RNAT I ONA L T ELEX 12·7670 S TOCKED: ICOM. Mow o- ners. Radio Publications, u ntoen. Ken.....coc. Maxon. RFC. MERCHANDISE TAKEN O N CONSIGN M ENT II . MA XO N , Standl...l . YHSU, Wa _ rnuno WE NOW STOCK COMMERCIAL. COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS FOR TOP PRICES pel~_, DuIonlt$Sft, CMl I1AM DEALER INQUIRES INVITED Pl1QNE IN YOUR OADER & BE REIMBURSE D M0<>0»1- 1'f10.>1 9 '" M 106 JO P M Tnu' S<U1 10 8 P M o.fens.e, . IC Porte blft . ", ob ,le , . b IlS •• , 'a - CO• •ERCIAL RAOIOS stocked ...on-Icod on pro,"l_s. s..t ur0.>1 " Sunda1 10 '" M 10 5 P M l F r~ P, r. ,"lI) jlHl&fS ,.. Amateur Radio Courses Given On Our Premises. Call IRTILEX-"Spring SI . Station " , Subway s: BMT - " Prince SI. Station". IND-"F" Train-Bwy Station" ALL EII:Dort Ordors Shipped Immodlotoly. TI!LEX 12.7870 Bus: Broadway 11'6 10 Sprin9 51. Path-9th Sl./6th Ave. SALES sietco. FINAL FAX: 212-925-7001 CIIl(:U I I Oft REAotA SERVICE CARD I Number 11 on your FM'dlHlcll celli End-Fed Copper Dipole Why buy when you can build? by Mike Gray N8KDD I needed a good 2 mete r antenna which wo uld be suita ble for bot h stat io na ry mounting and re mote-site usc . I could have twist it together to fo nn a conductor equal in length to the center conductor. Tin the center conductor and the twisted braid no more than tube to a suitable support, keeping the copper as far as possible from any objects which might reflect. Measure the SWR above and purcha sed an an ten na which would meet the lA-inch from the end . (The braid needs 10 below the target frequency. requirements. but that wouldn't sat isfy the remain flexibl e fo r this to work). Using a tube cutter, remove about \4 -inc h burning desire to build something, and I can Bend the braid into a " J" shape and solder from the top element, then check the SWR. build eight antennas fo r the price o f o ne com- it to the inside of the tinned end of the copper More copper will probably have to be re- merc ia l ve rtical. tube. Heat the outside of the tube-don 't bum moved. If so. it should be removed from the This project is eas ily constructed from the cable. lower element this time. pan s found in any plu mbing supply store. It Once the braid is Gently pull the lower tube from the coupler can be tuned to any frequency. but the overall soldered 10 the lower and cut the same amount from the lower tube d istance from the lower couple r 10 the top o f tube , pull the co ax that you removed from the upper tube. If the upper element should be less than 40 through the tube as far there is a connector on the feed line, the waste inches. Wind may cause problems with a as the bra id will allow copper ring will not slide off, so cut the ring longe r a nte nna . il to go. Slide a cou- of copper with a pair of diagonal cutters. See the "Components List" for this pro- pler over the coax and Reassemble the antenna and check the SWR. ject. Most of us have some scrap plumbing in onto the copper tube. the garage . The pieces are too soon to use but Solder the center con- too good to throwaway. Drag it out- you ductor to the inside of saved it for a project just like this! You will the upper tube in the " _ .~ also need a propane torch, a tube CUller, and a same way that you sol- , , boule of PVC pipe cement . dered the braid to the lower tube. I--- """" R fLE lOE"T ICOO'f'(" l Tubes Slide the upper ele- Start by cutting two copper tubes to the ment into the coupler pro per length fo r the frequency at which you intend to operate. Make them a lillie longer if you like, and shorten them during the tuning phase. and seat il gently. If il won 't slide all the way in, polish the copper tube with sandpaper . •" /".""'". ".,~'" " SOLOEREO TO ''' S'llt' ElE"E" T or ~ PPER ~\ Measure the rests- ~·waye element (inches) '" 2808Ilrequency(MHz) lance between the UP"' pe r an d lo we r el e- , , PVC COUP\.ER .. File the inevitable burrs from both ends of ment s . If the meter each lube and polish them bri ght with sandpa- per. While you have the sandpaper in hand , indicates that the ele- mems are connected " , , " " , polish Ihe inside of one end of each tube to prepare it for solder. electrically. pu ll the as sembly apart and :11: CAIlU .R A. O 'S T. I$TEO AJOO SOUIEItt O TO '''510( (l' LllWl! R ELE"E " T Heating the outside of the copper tube with a torch. tin the inside of one end of each track down the short. Do not attempt to tunc ,,, ,,, 1lfO - ~ cuu copper tube with rosin-core solder. Cut the the antenna unless the : L. PVC pipe 10 length. Make it a minimum 12 meie r indicates in- / f, ,, f---LOOOE" ELE"E" T l coPO'E'" inches. but not longer than 30 inches. If the finite resistance be- ,, ,I PVC pipe is much longer the force imparted tween the copper ele- ,, ,I, 10 the lower cou pler during a wind sto rm may ments . , , , be more than the coupler can lake. I Tu ning V Cement a coupler 10 o ne end of the PVC PVC COUPI.ER lube. and slide one of the copper tubes into You originally CUI the coupler. Don't cement the copper lube to the copper to approxi- . ! 1. COI< " ECTOIl the coupler yet. mat e lengths . Now ..l :. ' 12 ... PV<: PIPE you need to cut them !~ Cahle 10 resonate at the fre- ~ Feed the coaxial cable through the PVC qucncy you intend to ,,I pipe, and through the copper pipe. The cable should come through the tinned end of the use most often. C la mp the PV C \1-,, A/''' v copper pipe . ./ Strip %-inc h of jacket from the cable. Scp- Photo A. The complet- a ratc the braid from the center d ielectric . then ed ulllenna. Figure I . The end-fed dipole. " 26 73 Ama'eur Radio • Se plember, 199O cap will fit tightly. and can be adjusted vern- of scrap two-by -four. 1be clamp is screwed cally for the lowest SWR . toa fascia board on the backside of the house. To make this clamp, CUI a piece of two-by- Prell)' Work fou r abou t fi ve inches long (length isn't criti- Once the antenna is working properly. sol- cal). Bore a %·inch diameter hole through the der the copper cap to the upper element. Pull middle with a paddle bit. Cut the board the copper tubes apart and apply a liberal through the center line of the ¥a-inch hole. amount of cement to the couplers. Reassem- Drill and countersink two screw holes in each ble the components, making sure the tubes piece of wood 10 fit your installation. Make are sealed j ust as they were during tuning . sure that the holes are offset because two of Place the assembly o n a flat surface and roll them hold the fixture and IwO hold the clamp. it to reveal any misalignment . If it isn 't (See Figure 2.) straight, bend it gently until it rolls smoothly. then allow the cement to dry for at least fou r Holy Toledo! It Works! hours . Fill the bottom lube with caulk or You will notice an improvement in per- similar material to relieve strain on the coax fo rmance over a quarter-wave ground plane and keep the spiders out of your new project . antenna while transmitting, and a huge im- When the cement has dried . install a ONC or provement in reception. The reason for bene r PL259 connector on the coax (if it has 001 reception may be due to the greater " capture already been done) . Sand the antenna lightly area" afforded by the tubing . and paint it with enamel. Paint is necessary Build a few more of these . The second one because the copper will corrode in lime with- takes much less lime than the first. liD OUI protection. Components List Mounting Figure 2. Detail ofthe clamp 2 Quarter-wavelengths of w-incn You probably won't be able to conv ince the hard-copper pipe Repeal this process as many limes as neces- spouse 10 hold you r new antenna at arms 146 MHz:: 19.23 inches sary 10 obtain the lo.....est SWR. If you are length while you engage in a long conversa- 222MHz:: 12.65 inches working inside a building you may not get tion, so you will need to mount it somehow . 440MHz:: 6.38 inches lower than 1.5: J until the antenna is moumed The PVC pipe can be clamped 10 an upright 2 PVC couplers (the type used to join pipe encj..to-end) outside. member of nearly any material without af- 1 1f.I-inch PVC pipe, at least 12 inches long If you cut too much copper from the amen- fecting the performance. but keep metal ob- 1 lI:z-inch copper pipe cap na (this almost always happens) install the jects at least eight inches from the elements. 1 length of AG/58 coax copper pipe cap on the upper element. The I built a clamp fo r my antenna from a piece TE RF POWER AMPLIFIERS SYSTEMS NEW! WATTS (144-148 MHz) =- SPECIFICATIONS F.-q . -Po_r - _Preamp _ DC Powe. RF TE SYSTEMS new HPA Series of high power Model MHz Inp u t Out put NF odB Ga"'od B + Vdc A Con n . amplifiers now available th rough select national ... distributors. 05500 50-54 10 400 .6 15 13.6 6. UHF .'520 ,. ... All ampli fiers are linear (all-mode). automatic 50-54 25 6 15 13.6 55 UHF T/R switc hi ng, and incorporate optional GaAs FET preamp. A mps are usable with a w ide in- put drive level range. Therm al shutdown protec- "500 ,452G 144-148 144·148 25 ... 6 6 15 15 13.6 13.6 54 50 UHF UHF tion and remote control capability included . All units are designed to ICAS ratings and meet FCC part 97 regulations. Approx . size is 2.8 x 2252G 44500 220-225 420-450 ,. 17' 25 220 .7 t.t "12 13.6 13 .6 36 " UHF N 10 x 11 .5" and weight is Bibs. 44520 420·450 25 17' t .r 12 13 .6 29 N Consult your local dealer or send directly for Models also available wilhou1 GaAs FEr praamp (delete 0 suffix on model 'l. All units further prod uct inform ation . COIle( full ama1eur band - specify 10 MHz bandwidth for 420-450 M Hz amplifl8l". Con- noooce duty repealer amps also available. Amplifier capabilities: 1()().2Ol) MHz. 2250400 MHz, 1·2 OHz, Military (28V), Commercial, TE TE SYSTEMS etc. also ava ilable - consulllactory. SYSTEMS P.O. 80~ 25845 Loa Angeles. CA 90025 (21 3)478..Q591 C1I1CU 232 Of\l READER SERVICE CAflO 73AmaieurRadio • September, 1990 27 Number 12 on your Feedback card More BTUs for the Buck Inexpensive alternative to industrial heat guns. by David McLanahan WAIFHB A heat gun is a va luabl e addition to any electronikker's tool box . lis primary use is to form heat-sh rink tubing over wire but there are two caveats. First , common (unprotected) rolled steel may rust afte r the protective o il coating is burned away; sec- In Closin2 Just remember , please, that heal gun tem- connections 10 today's minia ture sockets and ond , galvanized sheet metal may be haz- peratures are capable of caus ing serious (and plugs, and fo r in-line wire connectio ns. A ardous , since it liberates zinc vapo r at high pa inful) burns as well as starting fires . Do not closely related use involves the melti ng of temperatures. Even if I do manage to get the co nfuse a heat gun with the normal hair drye r solder ' ' preforms' for coaxial co nnector ter- B&D shield kit, I'm sure they will have 10 be it closely resembles. It MUST be used with mi nations and similar connections. Carefully be nt a bit for electronic use, but that is proba- great care! used and properly baffled, a heat gu n ca n bly easier than starting from scratch . Going No matter how you solve the heat-guidance even be used to remove solde red-i n compo- to the local metal wo rks shop, however, can problem, the paint stripper gun is a good , ne nts, This is one of the recomme nded ways be an inexpensive route, and allows you to get inexpensive alternative to a costly bUI useful of deali ng with the new " flat pack" integ rat- heat guides custom- made. electronic tool.l11 ed ci rcuits raging through electronic products these days . The problem for amateu rs is that we really need a prod uct that is available only through indust rial channels and at industrial prices- in the neighborhood of $100 . The more fru- gal of us have pl ayed wi th electric hair dryers , only to find that their tempe ratures are too low, and that they are co mposed of materials and safety featu res (per the Unde r- writers Labo ratory specifications) that make high er temperatures d ifficult to atta in. Hot Enough For You Ente r the consumer-o rie nted "paint strip- ping gun, " a cheap ($20~30) discount sto re device capable of generating the tempera- tures we need . For example, th e Black & Decker 975 1 paint stripping gu n is said (by the man ufactu rer) 10 give temperatures of 730~830 degrees Fa hrenheit. It is available for as little as $19 at your loc al d iscount store. T his price, howe ver, does NOT inclu de the necessary heat-gu idance accessories that arc sold separately. I' ve been tryi ng to buy these guides for several months without success . A number of discount stores in my area sell the guns almost by the cord (a measure usually applied to firewood), but the frie ndly nei gh- borhood discounters gave me blank looks when I asked about the little formed sheet meta l heat gu ides that the box represents as " optional accesso ries . " Finally , I journeyed over to one of the primary heat gu n sources-a Black & Decker Company store in Maine . Amazingly, they not only d idn 't carry the recommended acces- sories, bUI they weren't even able to furn ish prices and orderi ng information! They did give me, however, a list of "Company- Owned Service Centers" and told me to write (or call) one of them to find out how to get the little stamped metal parts we needed. Get 'em Locally l\lade Photo A. The B&W paint stripper gun. Have your own heat guide made at a local metal shop These heat guides can be local ly fab ricated, and voilaf-a cheap alternative to the industrial heat gun. 28 73 Amateur Radio • Septe mber, 1990 Numbet" 13 on rour f.-clDM:lt card 10 Meter Base Station Antenna Ready in two hours! by Russ Stein WA6Z0S R ece ntly I conve ned a Hy -Gain CB board to to meters FM . I had heard about the growing activity o n 10 meters. and I o n the c hance I might make a contact . The results we re a mazing . In a few hou rs I had worked stations in Te xas . Mississ ippi. wanted to inves tigate it for myself. After the Illinois , Mi nnesota . New York. Florida. and low-cost conve rs ion. I need ed an a nte nna to W isconsin , as well as a couple of local Cali- give my ne w to mete r FM eq uipment a fair forn ia stations. one 30 miles distant. Signal c ha nce. I was interested not only in work ing re ports were ve ry good. a nd I was pleased di stant stations on s kip. but also in local with how well the an tenna worked. ground-wave communications. A ve rtical an- Te n meter FM was so much fun . I left the te nna with a low radiat ion angle wo uld be ante nna as it was for seve ral weeks and just ideal. e njoyed myself. It was clear that thi s antenna design worked well . but I wanted to correct Antenna Deslgn the impedance mismatch so I could run more I had read that antennas manufactured for power . Th is proved to be relativel y easy redo the CB ma rket could easily be tuned for to by adding a s imple LC matching network. me ters . Unfo rtunately, I found no local After the c hange, the antenna had a n SWR of so urce for ne w or used C B a nte nnas. I knew I 1.2: I at 29 .6 MHz. where I tuned it for low- had to bu ild one. but I needed to come up with est SWR . a nd it increased to only 1.5: 1 at a mechanically s imple design. My first ideas 29 .0 MHz. revolved around the regular ground-plane an- tenna, with radials a t the base . This proved to Construct jon Detens be too mechani call y involved, so I examined First. o btain a In-foot metal mast . Using a a coaxial d ipole. which promised to be more Photo A . Wrap the wire around the pipe. hacksaw. cutir to S' ji" in length . Use sa nd pa- mechanically convenient. extending upwardabout an inchfrom the hole pe r to roug hen and clean the inside, whe re The feedpoint impedance of this type of whue the center conductor ex its. Note the you made the c ut. Starti ng at the bottom. antenna is closer to 75 than 50 ohms . but o n position ofthe 4 7 p F disc capacitor. The P VC s na ke you r feedli ne, RG-58/U or RG -8X , 10 meters the losses due to thi s mis match pipe fits sn ugly inside the TV mast. through the mast section. Cut s ix inches of would be negli gible . insulation off of the coax and separate the braid from the ce nte r conductor. Cut the cen- ter conductor I - If: " long. and remove 1,4" of insulation. ~~~7 Next. obtain a IO-foot section of Pv'C pipe . 0 () Measure 8'6 '" fro m one end of the PVC pipe, a nd drill three holes with a •.4 '" drill . (See L ..L,.--'--_ _ ." ••_~I Figure I.) Snake the prepared e nd of the ca ble up from the end of the PVC pipe closest Figure I. Snake the prepared end of the cable up through the TV mast section. Pull the braid to the holes. with the bra id comi ng out the through thefi rst hole and the cemer conductor through the second. firs t hole . and the ce nter conductor coming o ut the seco nd hole . I found it helpful to insert The coa xial d ipole seemed the best c hoice . so I set out to bu ild one . I calcula ted the TV ....ST ~:~:( ) cIT< (\ \mC-------~~~=-----------8_ dipol e. at 29 M Hz . to be about 17 feet long . I found e nou gh materials on hand to construct the anten na . For the coaxial part of th e dipole. I used a n old tu-toor TV mast section. Leftover Sch . 40 PVC sprinkle r pipe provid- ed support for the antenna' s vertical radiator. Figure 2. Connecting the]V mast to the PVC pipe. For the latter. I used # 14 solid insulated wire . To keep wate r out. I used a PVC end ca p. system performance , but would my solid a piece of small-gauge solid hook-up wire state transmitter be able to handle the m is- th rough each of the two lower hol es and out Read y for Testing in Two Hours match? of the ma st e nd. the n so lde r on e to the braid The antenna was very easy to build , and in The tra ns mitter tolerated the high SW R. a nd o ne to the ce nte r conductor. This allows about two hours I had it mounted o n the roof but it put less power into the fcedl ine than you to pull the cable up ins ide the mast with of my single-story house . Th e SWR was i nto a 50 ohm load. I decided to use the two pa rts of the cable coming ou t the about 2 :1 at 29.6 MHz a nd increased to over the antenna to see how it would perform . correct holes. Use the sa me method to pull 2.5 : 1 at 29.0 MHz . At 29 MHz, the fccdltnc The band was open and acti ve. so I began the # 14 solid wire from the far e nd of the pipe losses would not make a sizable diffe rence in calling CQ with my 3 watt " peanut whistle , " and o ut through the last hol e . 73AmateurRadiO • September,1990 29 • I Remove the insu lation from the end of the #14 wire. solder the wire to the coax center conductor, and tape the connection. Wind tape over the four coil turns to hold them in place , bur don't cover the exposed bare wire secuon near the hole. Prepare the Figure 3. Position ofth~ capacitor. end of the PVC pipe nearest 10 the holes by wrappi ng it with fou r or five thic knesses of electric al tape one tape -width. Use ju st enoug h to fit it snugly inside the metal mast section. Next , w rap one tape-width every six inches or so , up to six inches below whe re the coax braid comes out. Just below this . '; wrap three turns of electrical tape, one tape- " "" width. '". " :I 'iE., I1; .... eo.o..'''l Insert the end of the PVC pipe into the " O' PO\.[ metal mast section until you get 10 me last '",., " wrap of tape nea r the braid. Now, wrap the " braid around the pipe and sandwich it in be- u " '.'. tween the tape and the inside of the mast. " Make sure the braid is in tigh t co ntact with the mast. then securely tape the j unction of mast and PVC pipe. Drill a hole in the center of the PVC end cap just large enough for the 114 Figure 4. The vemcal , coaxial dipole. wire radiator. AI the end of the PVC pipe where the #14 wire comes out , push it through me hole in the cap, then seal the cap on the end of the pipe. Pull on the #1 4 wire to be sure it • is stra ig ht ins ide the pipe, an d bend it back down ove r the cap. Cut the wire so only about an inch ex tends dow n the side of the e nd cap. Tape the entire end cap to secure the wire a nd 10 seal against • moisture . The antenna is now complete . except for the addition of the 47 pF disc capacitor. (You could also use a 100 pF mica trimmer instead, 10 tune precisely for lowest SWR.) You will need 10 solder the capacitor from the ba re sectio n of wire rad iator where it comes out of the pipe to the braid of the coax (see Figure 3). Wrap the PVC pipe with tape fro m where it joins the mast section to an inch or so 10 the other side of the last hole. You may want 10 use a weather seale r . such as Scotchkotev over the tape for bener weather protection . You can mount the antenna with regular TV mast hardware . Since the mast is pan of the dipole. mouming should be on non-metal surfaces, or you can use insula- tors, if needed . The ante nna performs best with the feed point 16 feel or more above ground . I've been using this antenna at 100 watts with absolutely no problems. lis performance Yes, ple ase send infer- has been impressive. Considering the low- I mation on your line of amateur 1 cost and easy construction , this hot performer Phoro B. A trim, inconspicuous. but hot per- I antennas to: 1 for 10 meter FM is is hard to beat. Why noI 1 1 ~" - I I former. Notice tne connectors between th,. pieces ojPVCpipe. put one together and enjoy? See you on 29.6! III Leave about six inches of extra wi re at I = ~ D' 1 the end of the pipe, where the # 14 wi re ex its Russ Stein WA 6Z0S. 7593 Frederiksen Ct., 1 1 the hole. Remo ve a section of insu lat ion ~~'BB) Dublin CA 94568, has been a licensed ham about 1,4 ff lon g, and tin the bare section . since 1966. He is currently the Communica- 1 1 Then wrap the wire arou nd the pipe for {ions Technician Supervisor with the City of 1 Doe NewtroniCS Place I four turns, evenly spacing it over the l " Berkeley, and is responsible for the design of of pipe to the middle hole. where the coax radio, telephone, alarm, and computer sys- I Mineral Wells. T _ 76067 (817) 325-1386 I center c o nd ucto r exits the pipe . (See tems. as well as their installation and maime- i; -------- - _I ClACU 2e , OH RUDlR SOI'YICI CAItO Photo A .) nance. INTRODUCING OUR NEW GaAs FET COMPUTER-CONTROLLED PREAMPS at a fraction of the cost REP-200 REPEATER If you prefer a plain-vanilla or k it repeater, you couldn't find a of comparable units! If you always thought a computer-controlled better value than our orig inal repeal er had to be expensive, LOOK AGAIN ! You REP-l00 REPEATER LNG-(*) could easily spend this much just for a controller. Same fine rt modi 'es as REP-200 boA ONLY $59 wiltl COR-JI Corlbolet, can add wltotel._... As always, Hamtron lcs strives to give superb performance at autopatch, dtmf decoder, CTCSS, either modesl ecsu In th is case, a premrum repeater with versallle now or later. KIt only $675, w/l $975. FEATURES: computer control, autopatch, and many dtml control features at • V.ry low noll8: 0.7d B vhf, O.Bd B uhf lass ° High gain: 13-2OdB. oepend, on Ireq fh~n many charge for .. bare-bones repeater! We don't skimp on rf modules, eltherl Check the features on ACCESSORIES • Wide dynamic range · resist ovenoad CO R-3 REPEATER CO NTROLLER kit. ° Stabla: low-teeoback dual-gate FET R144 Receiver, for Instance. GaAs FET Iront-end, helical 0SplJ<;iIy tuning rtNI(Je: 26.30, 4$.56, 131- 15Q. Features adjustable tiUI & time-out resonators, sharp crystal filters , hysteresis squelch . timers, soIid·slate relay. courtesy beep. 15Q. 112. 210-230, .wo-~ 70, or 800-900 MHz. We completely fe -thought the whole Idea of what a repeater and local speaklll" amplifier $49 should be, to give the best 'aalures at the lowe s! cost. CWIO krt Diode programmed arTf time LNW-(*) ONLY $1295! in the field. adjvstabIe tone. speed. and 00Ier. to go wiltl COA'3 $59 ~.... MINIATURE ~ GaAsFET PREAMP ONLy $ 2 4 ... $39 ~N_ • GaM FET Pr~ . , . , 10 LNG. exoepc d 'g1llld tor low eo.t .. " " '• • izt. Onlr 5/8"W x 1. 5{8'\. x 314'H Easiy mQO.rIlS in rra1Y racioe. -LNS-(*) NEW CO R.... kiI . Complete COA and 0Spealy a.n;"g 1WIlIt', 2$-.J5, ~, 55-90. CWI0 aI on one board lor easy c0n- IiIO-J20. .20- 750. 15Q.~ 100-210, or.fOO.SOO • A.vailable lot the 10M. 6 M, 2 M, 22OMHz. 44OMHl. 902MHl ham bands. FCC type I ccep ted model' al$O available for IIfII and uhf commercial bands. struction. CMOS logic for low power , Rugg ed exener end PA. designed for continuous dut)'. COflSU:T1ption. Many new leature•. , Power outpul15-1aw (25W option) on 2M Of hj'bllnd; 15W on 22OMHl; 1(JoN on EPROM programmed; specify call .. $99 ~ PREAMP ~ uhl Of 902MHz. • Accessory add-on PA's available with power level. up 10 lOOW. • Five courte.y beep typ.., including a pleasant mum-to-e seqcence. , AUTOPATCH: esner open or cloted access, loll-eall r..trlct, auto-disconnect, Q " , , IN-LINE ONLY $79!u. $99 wlr*'11H11td • Rever.. Aulopalch, two types : auto-answer Of ring lone on the air. ° GaM FET Preamp with features similar • DTMF CONTROL: 0Vllf 451l..nc1ions can be conlTOlled by touc:h-tone. Separllle to LNG series , e~oept l utomatiell l1y 4-digd control code for each function, plus extra 4·dlglt owner password NEW TD·3 SUBAUDIBLE TONE OECODEA/ENCOD ER kJl. Adjustable I wllche. out 01 line during Irllnemlt • Owner cen inhibit autopalch or repeater. enable either open- or ctos.ed-acoess LIM with base or mobile lrllnllC8Mlrs t,.:J for repeater or eutopa!Ch. "'" enlltlle toll cat.. r _ patch, kercht.ric filler , 10' any tone. Designed npecianr l ot Ide alBrm, iIUX rcvr, and Olhllf opliollS, including two adery exlamal circuits. repeale.... wiltl remote control to'l!lN. Tower rT1000tinCI brlCllelS ro. • The cwid message, dtmf cornrn.ld codes, a"ld owner-spK:ltoed detaull: par_ aaivate/deBClilrale prtMsions $24 0Specltr UIing ~. lro.'15, '100--1«1. or ters lor 00f and cwid timer'lI "'" tones are t:u'Md inlo h eprom at the tactory. TD-2 TOUCH-TONE DECODE AiCO N· -~- · c..-speed and tone. co.r1efy bMp aod tail tmers. "'" cco.r1e$y beep type can TROLLER kit- Ful 18 digits. wiltl toI-ceI restlic1Ul . progrillT"n>lll*i. Can Il.m 5 HELICAL RESONATOR In be chl nged lit any time by owner-password-proleaed dtmf commands. · "'-'Y buoilt-in diag no. tic & lesting lui ICIioo is usiI'Ig ••Iio opoocesSOl". IuilCtiollS onioft. Gr_1o' selec:tive cal- , Color coded led'. Indlcale lbitu. r:A iii majof lui ICIioo II. ing. tool ..__ H _~ __$79 PREAMPS ~ with 3 Of 4 section helical , Weldtod pertltlon. for e~ClIer, pa, receiiIW, and eartroler. PEM nuts for COYerIi , resonll!l:n reduce Intermod & erou- • 3-112 Inch aIurrW'um tack J*'I'I. fI"IistlOO in eggshell ~. "'" black. b.nd Inl.rt.,ence in crilieelllPPii aOOns. , AUllmery receiver input for ilClepelldenl control or crose nnklng " p'ele..., MODEL HRA-l-), $49 vhf, $94 uhf, ".,.. ... "*'I' _ /of,..,,-. ,. ." . .. .. 100 ".,.,..,...,. IO"",,OlIoo. " ' - " c« eIojr 0Spedy I Q · 17~. UWIg 213-233. Ja'llI'I.' I Q · 15O, ~ 2Q-.fso, ~ 5Q..lilO. 15Q.IQ, AP·3 AUTOPATCH krt. Use w ith above for repea ter autopateh. Reverse patd1 FM E XC ITE R S : kits & phone line remote oontrol are sid. $79 $99. w/l $169. 'NI CQfltin. AP-2 SIMPLEX AUTOPATCH TIlTing UCUlI duty. TCXO & xtal (l¥8II1 optK:w is available. Board kit , l.JS4i wiltl above 10' $WTlpIex opel alJOn uslng I trlWlSCo8iver ....._ ••. $39 RECEIVING FCC ~ eccepIoo lor com 'l uhf & hi b8nds. CONVERTERS • TA51 1o' 10M. ElM. 2M. Low noise convertere 10 ree...... vtIf end 15().174.22OMHz. uhf bend. on • 10M recelvtr. QlOice • TA4S1 fof..rot. r:A kit wilh case & BNC ;.d<s., kit with pcb • TA901 10' 9Q2·928MHz, ody, or wll unit in a case. OCher modets O,~ out rw/l """". $1691 avflilable lor Olhllf i'l/OuI r.-.ges & lIlY. ° VHF & UHF AMPUFIERS. Reque$/ r;araJog lor ~ hsDngs. For 1m. eso. atv. Outout VHF Input ring.. . v. ll: 136-138. from 10W 10 100N $evet-a1 models. kits starting at $79. 144--1"6. 145-147. 146-148, 220-222, MD-202 FSK DATA MODULATOR k~ 222·224; kd less case $39. krt wlCOOfJ FM RECEIVER S: krts $ 139, .... /1 $ 189. $59. ..../1 in case $89 , • R 144/R220 FM RECEI VERS 10' 2M. Run up to 1200 baud digital signals through any 1m Iransmftter ....dh full UHF input rang.. .vall: 432-434. 15().174, or 22OMHz. GlIA. FET frorrl 435-437; kd less case $49, krt ..../case end, 0.1SUV sensitivity! Bolh cryslal & handshak es. Radio link ccenputers, telemetry gear, etc $39 $89, w/l in case $99, ceram ic if filters plus hellelll 902·928 MH;;c: converts down to 422-448 r..c natcr front end lor e~ceptional DE-202 fS K DEMO DULATOR krt, fOf or 430-450 range. Same price as uhf. selectivity; >1 00dB at 112kHz: (best receive end 01 ink 539 available anywherel) Fluner-proof 9600 BAUD DIGI TAL RF UNKS. Lo...... hysleresis squelch; ale track. drdl, COl t packet netwOrKll'lQ system. TRANSMITTING • R4S1 UH F FM RCVR, simiar to oonsisting of new MO-96 Modem and -. • R901 902-928MHz FM RCVR. special V8l"IionI 01 OU" 220 or 450 mHl FM Transmitters and AGeei.eo.. Wer· CONVERTERS XV2 tor Yhl lnd xv,," lot uhf. Uodels 10 T,ij:1l OOi"",siorl. GaAs FET Ironl end. lace direaty with nlCJ'l INC·s. Fast. c:onver1 1OM ssb, CW, fm, etc. 10 tiM. 2M. • R7ll ECONOMY FM RCVR lor 10M. 6M. 2M, 2:2OMHz. w/o helical res. or diod&-swtched PA', output 15 or 5IJN. 220,432, -435. and lor atv. lWoutplL ale. KIIs $I29. (;aI/lor mote into on Ihe right system lor Ktl only S79. PA'I ~ to 4~ avaiabIe. · w..1her Nlellite & AM . ite,." t eYnl atso available . your ~tiofI! Request eatelog lor complete Iistmgs. OUI'nH YEAR _ '_ _ . . ._ _ - For complete info, call or write for FREE 40-page catalog. S<onol u tar _ _ . . - . , . ~ - - . _ . - Mn'Ice: _ - Order by mail, fax, or phone (answering machine off hrs). :J.4 ___ ~am TonICS, Inc. Mlno$3 S&H charge for first pound plus add'i weight & Ins. Use VISA. Mastercard. check. or UPS C.O.D. ($3 fee). 65 MOUl RD. • HilTON NY 74468-9535 Phone: _ 716·392·9430 •• FAX: 716·392·9420 .. . _ . _ 0 -'"", ' ., _,,," U_._ CIRCLE 51 ON READER SERVICE CARO Number 14on your Feedback card Solution: AGe A circuit with wide applications, by Fred Baumgartner KA9NEH O ne of the neatest things to come along in ha m gear is hands-free o peration. I like to wo rk while I operate , which means r have a Potentiometers There are four pots on the AGC boa rd . The nasty tendency to back too far away from the first controls the input le vel . It allows you to mike . My other operating habit involves 2 set the input in the middle of the act ive AGC mete rs and a noisy old ca r. Drives me nut s range. having to adj ust the vo lume as di fferent sta- Two pots control the ch aracteristics of the tions with di ffe re nt dev iat ions a nd mike AGe. The pot in series with the CdS cell sets habits chec k in. the minim um ga in of the device . At minimum The solution is an automat ic gain control resistance , it has minimum ga in under full (AGe). This ge neric building block answe rs input and ma ximum AGC control. The pot a millio n need s. Photo. The AGe circuit is simple and useful. pa ralle l to the CdS cell restricts the ma ximu m gain of the stage . AI minimum resistance, the AGC is at minimum ga in a nd there is no AGC , 1" \.t02 L{O' ' O.. ~ action. At maximu m resistance , the AGC has " ,r" ;=( 2"2222 ~ .~ . '" , '" the most control. The three pots ca n be set to control the cha racte ristics of the AGC amps . With the AGC working hard, any input from + 20 dB '" """' ,/, to - 30 dB comes out at about 0 dB. See '''91. ~E AA' TE BEA D "''00. 8 · 2. Figure 4. In most communicatio ns circuits , th is will also bring noise up to average le vels. ..'. , ,"' ~~H , "' ' 0O• , "' ~~H This ab ility is a bit muc h, so the controls " , • , /, • H OII 1°00039 /, '" 00' Parts List 4.T. " '" o.y Description 2 100k potentiometer, R1 & R2 0 2 Sk potenliomeler r ,o_r '" 2 red Light Emilling Diode. LED1 & LED 2 :roo 1 1 1N914diOde 2 N2222 tra nsisto r 2 10 IlF electrolytic capacitor Figure J. Clrcul1fonheAGC. 0 2 0.1 IlF capacitor 1 Q,000391lF capacitor 1 B.2k V. W resistor What is an AGC ? that I use two amplifiers. The firs t is the gain 1 S.6k wwresstor A n AGC is an amplifie r with control over co ntrol elemen t itself and the second is an 3 4.7k V.Wresistor 1 2.2k VAW resistor its gain . T he gai n is varied as t he input output buffer. If you want to take a mic ro- 1 1.0k V. W resislor changes. If it is very ra pid (fast as a cycle of phone level input, you need a micropho ne-to- 1 330 ohm VAWresistor the input), the de vice becomes a compressor. line level amplifie r ahead of the AGe. If a 1 Ferrite Bead Compressors se rve useful functions ; they mic rophone le vel output is required , you 2 NE5534opampIC,U1 & U2 1 CdS photo resistor, LOR control noise a nd increase mod ulatio n de nsi- need a dropp ing pad on the output . ty, which allo ws maximum modulatio n a nd The gain control ampli- lowest noise floor . This is important whe n fier is a sim ple op amp commun icat ing in a very noisy cha nnel . with a variable resistance If the input is slower, the AGC o nly a ve r- in the feedback loop. This ages out the audio level 10 make it more or resistance is keyed to the less the same. If a n actual compressor is used , o utp ut of the a mpl ifier. a n AGC would go before it . Th e AGC is the n The control ele me nt is a used 10 contro l the audio level before major CdS cell , availab le fo r " process ing " is applied . pe nnies from your local Radio Shack . This is tied Operational Amplifiers 10 an LED; as the output Op am ps make it easy 10 design all sorts of from the ampl ifier rises, a mps and sig nal proc essing units without the LED tights and red uces ha ving 10 worry about the internal dynamics the resistance in the feed- of the amplifier itself This is why I ha ve back loop , which co nse- c hose n to use them . In Figu re I ., you can see quently reduces the gai n. Figure 2. Foil diagram. 32 73 Amateur Radio • Septe mber, 1990 OUR -FLEX· shock m unts silence spring-gen rated RF noise. • DURA-FLEX neopnm e elaslomer significantly advances antenna shock ab sorption technology. • Ellmln.t" RF n~.. in duplex rad io systems Irom metar-to-metat contac t in convention al steel springs. • Dr••tlcally c uts whip vibration whic h can ~ ~~~~ damage or break an tennas with steel lexcoop. UHFTV 600-8Y.» springs on h igh-vibration vehicles. • AU I'M and w>de ~ I'Ll <ut1"'9 ......... • Solid bra•• ada ptors molded into neoprene: 010 Soon Banks, 10 Search 8ank:I braid totally isolated through cen ter cavity. .~ Pn onty O>oonr><!! 'Se ~bIe sea,cll lllClemen... , • Field-proven aga inSI heat, cold . humidity Aft 1000 5-!*l~1(1" and abrasion ex tremes. • rotal P..~ r ,.",", p,~ .,... Pe, ma",m, memory bac kup • Model. l or roof , t run k or magnetic $499 w...._ S.""""" 0I>I00fI0i> • 2!> Cloy Sou.slactlOll Guaramee • No FuQ ,OIfund d"", Sooush..d r,*"""",_ cu, OUt mounting . 2 meter, 220 MHz or UHF, • AI nell m.oI • • _ If>duoHd •s... 61/l1"H . 1 314'0 . 2112"W W, 12"", the antenna specialists CD. ~ CO M MU I\lIC,lTIO ,,",S a memberof Thli Allen Group Inc:. 10701 .E . 1000th 8 1- l"d p ll ., IN 46256 30500 &uce IrWsIriaI Plmway CleYeIan:i. OH 44139-3996 .... ... T oDFlee 800-445-7717 V_ _ M.leccard lCODsbghtlyfu<Jhe<) EJ 216/349-8400. Telex: 4332133. Fax: 2161349-8407 elping the \NOrld communicateu - FAX (311}lWHfl94 CIR CLE 3 5 5 ON REAOER SEAVICE CARD CIRCLE 6 ON READER SERVICE CARD Digital Voice Recorder Features: Specifications: • Use for any repeat message, Can be operated with ANY equipment, AN Yaudio signal. Operates • Send your CO, OTH. NET, Contest OSL, ID info, etc., in your from 12 volt DC, with AC adaptor su pplied . Front panel controls. own voice without saying a word! Cabinet is RFI shielded and measures 6 1I4'W x 2 1I4"H x z-n. Includes built-in monitor speaker with volumecontrol. Battery • Create messages by talking into your Station Mic, then backup keeps messages lor 8-12 hours without external power. replay them instantly at the touch 01a bunon. state-or-me-Art 32KBPS Sampling Rate • Up to 5 varied-length switch-selectable messages. for natural sounding audio. • "Soft Sector" pushbutton enables instant reprogram of message lengths - up to 1 minute (up to 2 minutes with additional memory chips ordered below). "- --- -- • ., - ' "7' :;;- ; ~ ..\' ~ _ I • "No Key" switch enables Record or Replay message "oft ~. air". Messages heard thru built-in monitor speaker. Prices In Kit Form with Digital Voice Board $189.95 • "Mix" switch allows recorded message with Mic override. Assembled and Tested Complete Unit Assembled and Tested $259.95 • Microphone functions work normally (Up/Down, etc.) (1 Year warranty. allow 30 days delivery) Additional 1 Meg x 1 Dram (30 seconds per Dram) $9.95 ea . Manual with Schematic and Parts list $5. 95 GenWest Engineering (credit applied upon purchase) 1217 W. Hatcher Rd .• Ste. 11 A Phoenix. AZ.. 85021 • (602) 943-5255 CIRClE 1 0 ON READ£R S£AYfCl CARD 73AmateurRadio • 5eplember,1990 33 • - -------------------------1 C..w fiou. s.rwu· Di,count Prlu•• ""1 Shippil'lQ uromti~ P.D. Box 567. Van Nuys. CA 91408 STEPPING MOTORS Airpu. C821 1,-MI 17 Vdc 23. 25 rom d\131 eoiI. permanerf DAN KBeXC - KIRBY KAezrs -lOUIS KAtlPN RON N0KMA _ DENISE Yl - MALINE XYl magnet Itepper fTIOIIcr . 7.5lleg_ per I1tIP. 225" dli.. )(.lW IhidL 025' dia. IhIl'I" D.$" long. T'/100 tloIe mounting nanv-. 2.625"cenIetIo. 6 .......... .- , , CAT' $ WT.. 16.00 each - 10 Icll' . 50.00 1-800-426-2891 AJIpilX' C 82710 - 12 Vdc. 36 otwndual QOil~ magnel lllllll* m;IIor, 1.5 deoIl- per It'll. 2.2'5" dia. body X O.ll3" high. MounlS on 2.1115· ........ 8 W1" lead&. CAT. 511fT_1 $1.00 uctl . 10 lor $65.00 Figure 3. Pan s placement diag ram. PIEZO BUZZER ., , ~ St3t1I' "'1.1 8-06 ()pefal. from H i Vd!;. , . m~ble.Of _20 mAO c • -/ ' !.I 6 Vdc. Ernt$ hi&h ptd'led ."11...... 0..62 diamlllw. D.SS" high. PC pQ. CAT,PBZ-4I SU.ONdl ." 1~/--'" I PHOTO RESISTOR • !-20 " / 100 oIIrra tghl. 16K aoo. dark.O.l82'" cia. X .0B"T"gh.. '1? • -~ I ,( :; . ' - . ,. 0000<. 111' 0 . 2- .,-0000<, .1"10_ 0.18" klng 1Nck. C"'T'~E.1 2tor Sl .00 100 10r ..5.00 · 1000 lor So4OO.00 -ec it . , -. ' "_ .•2 · 10. V i 2'0 MFD 330 VOLT PHOTOFLASH CAPACITOR Rubic:oIl CE p/'loIolla5h ~Of. -eo -eo ec . ~ ~ ec ,......' . - c •• .~ 0.19" dlil. X 1.1" high. n-e •• ~ c:apactols INll ~ b8efl Figure 4. Three pots comrol the characteris- propped .... 11 1...• blac k and red tics of the AGC amps. wire 18acI. 50ldered 10 the 1etlninaI5. CAT' PPC-210 S2.50 each 10 tor $22.50 • 100 lor S2OO.00 L • uanlbM availabllo. Call 101 12 VDC GEARHEAD MOT OR allo w you 10 reduce the range of the AGC. ~ GBL 3S-DI-l·2108().I OY The fourth pot controls the output level. P owerful UlI lt -{( ~ earhead rrolOl. This co nve nie nce makes matching the next 40 RPM @ 12 vee. lI :;;;;;p .. . stage easie r. 0.5 aITll5 (no load). '"'"-_~_ CaliS 32 RPM with load. Call s Operales allowervolag... with ,eduoed IP"d and Versatile Applications CaliS lorq ue. 6.3 pound inches torque. Slall: 27 pound InCfl.... Call S 3.1"1oog X 1.375' dia. Shall: 0.187" dia. X 0.75' 'ong. The s mall PC board fits easily in most ,,~><>..~ Call S C AT, MO TG- 1. $1l .50eac h units. Any san e construction method. howev- Call S 10 101 $100.00 ceas e r. will work. The two 5534 o p amps are put CaliS in o ne 16-pin soc ket. The CdS cel l is super- ail S CaliS glued to a sta ndard red LED with the to p CaliS po rtio n filed flat . almost to the LED junct ion . Cali S Optical coupling is pretty tight. The CdS cellI Cali S CaliS LED needs to be light-tight. I dip it in black caas paint then wrap it in black electrical tape. If CaliS Cali S light gets into the CdS ce ll. it will reduce the a mplifier gai n the sa me as if a strong audio s ignal had been applied. II' s best if the power supply is ± 15 volts, but even at ±5 volts. the device performs rvws, oUt,.."...., 0IrJM J ' O00 ~ .lind handing rathe r well . When the series LED (identical Alinco larsen b rliw.-e .... ""..." ... USA JJ 5CPM _ r Al rxha.. to the o ne on the CdS cell) is visible. sign ifi- i'II:tLdIlQ AJ<. H{ PR orCAnOdlI_rn11tJ1~ cant gai n reductio n is occurri ng. Astron Hustle r Nor-.. _ •• .,qin CALIFORNIA _1IICI\Oda at. . Butt e rn ut ARRl lakeview A EA u1a lax (is 114 '" ll.1.'C '" " t 4 HOC 00, PMoH ~.Ill ~ ""0..-_ ~ _16""'"" A setup using the regular aud io is most o ften ideal. OrK: ofthe results ofthe low parts count a nd Kantronics Sony Bencher MFJ Cushcraft Vibroplell ------------------ Call Toll Free, or clip this coupon FREE 60 Page Catalog easy to obtain parts is a certai n amou nt of distortion. At about I % it w ould just begin to Containing over 4 ,000 ITEMS be heard in a good stereo system, but not e ven Plus mo.,~e:..;,.~.~ Tha nks for you r support. . .;;,;;;;,;.;;;;.,;,;;;;;.;;;;:;:;;;~ ALL ELECTRONICS CORP. close to noticeable in a communications cir- P.D. Box 567· Van Nuys, CA • 9 ' 408 CUIt. 1·800·426·2891 The uses for the circuit a rc endless-phone METRO : (612) 786-4475 lines. phone patches. reco rde rs. an d so forth , iii 2663 County Rd . I Mounds View, MN 55112 - Super Minnesota Watts 1-800-279-1503 CIRCLE JJ:t 0f0I READER SERVICE CARD - CIRCU 1940f01 RE"'OER SERVICE C...1lO You may reach Frederick M . Baumgartner KA9/I/EH at 3815 5. Olathe 51 .• Au rora CO 80013. 34 73 AmaleurRJidio • September. 1990 First in Communications COM M1enca, Jnc, 2300-116lh AWl NE., BeIlMJe. WA 9EOO4 CIIIIOlnllf Service Ho~lne (206) 454-7619 3150 P!8TlIlJ 0rrIe. Suile 126. ilvlng. TX 75063 1m PI'O!I\Il: f'ar':WiIY. Sufe 201, AIWU. GA »349 M~ . . . . . . . ~.~wt'Ql_"'~1I.:x:w _"""'taIll l.XlI.IU,NAQI"A ~d ~ Mlerca. rc..:J)71 -151OM11.hl9 Rch'O'lC!, a.c V6X2T4c... F<:t .. ' .~~_ 72!Ill8i Numbef" 15 on )'OYf FeedbacIF: card Make Your Own Circuit Boards The reliable method. by Hugh Wells W6WTU T he increasing complexity of electronic circuits requires construction on printed circu it board material. Over the years, many Preparing a Mask Begin by photocopying the circuit pattern Remember that during layout. all parts must be viewed from the bottom (trace side). Also, during trace layout. consider leaving techniques have been developed for making 0010 white paper. The I: I size ratio is impor- as much copper on the board as possible. boards quickly and efficiently. Unfortunate- tam. but white-to-black contrast is not. Make Wide copper traces exhibit low resistance. ly , the new ways have left the project-orient- two or three copies as a backup for goofs. and are easily inspected. and will save the life of ed ham way behind because not all of the in case you want to use one later for another the etchant. One philosophy is that copper. processes are readily available. project. The process is also suitable fo r an once removed from the board. cannot easily To answer the ham's need to be able to original design which has not previously been be replaced. Therefore. take off only the make neat. functional and reliable boards. I traced. Make a rough layout of the parts and amount required to make the circuit function- present the following process. In some re- wiring while working out a suitable parts al. The final layout of the trace pattern is specrs. me process is archaic and slow. but it placements diagram and trace routings . made on white bond paper. Preserve the orig- inal and make a I :I ratio photocopy. since the mask is destroyed during the board-making process. Following the layout of the trace. you should make a parts placement (or stuffing) diagram . Parts placement is viewed from the top of the board (opposite of the trace side) . PreparinK the Board Select the board material and cut it close to the fi nished size. The first time you use this process. I advise that you make the boardover-large by 1/ 16to 14 inch. The extra size will accommodate errors in mask align- ment. After cutting the board to size. smooth the edges with a file or stone. Ncxt . polish the copper with fine steel wool to removedirt and oxides. Rinsing the board with alcohol or lacquer thinner will remove oil and finger- PholO A. Materials used in tht' board-making process. prints. Hold the cleaned board by its edges. is effective. repeatable and rel iable . It sup- • ports both single- and double-sided boards. Most of all, the process is easily within the .. .... ~ • • • • - reach of all project builders. and materials are available from local distributors. All of • the materials you need arc shown in Photo A. • except for chemicals and drill bits. • ••• • • •• ~• Caveat <• t -• • • Speaking of chemicals, copper erchants, o •• c:< • •• • newor used . are bad actors ! If you have kids. pets, or evenjust an absent-minded nature, be , • careful how you store , use, and dispose of • • ,- + • etchant or etchant-contaminared materials! •• 0 0 In this process. you si mply use white bond ,. • • paper as a mask while you apply an etch resist. The mask is removed after the etch • • • '. •• • • • 0 0 resist has dried . You complete the board with normal etchi ng and drilling . Photo B. Trace ' )Quem rubber-cemented to the board. 36 73 Ama teurRadio • September, 1990 "NEW" DUAL & TRI BAND SUPER "LINEAR" ANTENNAS Your Bulletin Board IIOllEI. fREQUENCY GAIN POWER LfNGTH USE We are happy to provide Ham Help listings free on II 146 MHz8.2dB M ~lER space available baSis. To mak6 our job fHlsief and /0 ensure thaI you, lisling is correct. please type Of print )'OUr request clearly. double speced. ana full {8 ~· .­ CA-2X4l "'MH.< 146 MHz 11.5dB 4.5d6 2CXNI 15'4 " oJsheelof paper. You maya/so upload II listing as CA·2X4FX 2CXNI 5'W ~EPEATER 446 MHz 72d6 E·mail lo Sysop /0 the 73 BBS I Hamflelp 51G. (2400 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, , Slop bil. (603) 525- 140-155 MHz 4.5d8 4438). USB upper. and Iowar-ease leIters where ap- CA·2X4M 440-460 MHz 7.adB 1SOW 5' MOBILE propria/e. Also. print numtH1rs C8reful/y-a I, lex 81(- ample, can be misread as the I6trfNS I or i. Of even 146 MHz JJldB >4" """'-E CA-2X4SR 8.2dB 1SOW the number 7. Thank you for YfXJf cooperation . "'"H.< 146 MHz 3.OdB 446 MHz 6.Od6 1SOW 3'6M I am in need of schematics and service info for the CX·902 BASEft<EPEAlER Allied A-25 16 ham band receiver . Also, sche matic for 12 GHz 8,4<16 nco 715 powerf5WA checker. Will pay any copy- 146 MHz ing costs , etc. Jon Danford KAISOV, 2115 Joplin aCdB 100w Ave., Joplin MO 64804 . I would like to hear from anyone who has success- CX-aD1 "'"H.< 12GHz MdB 9.'" ,"" MOBtE fully applied amsleYr reoo. cellular telephone or 146 MHz 2.15d6 1SOW satellile relay equipmel'll for reliable phone patch CA-63OTN 446 MHz l'SM """'-E 2.15dB communications from kayaks or small boats in re- mo te waters, e.q., Baja Calilornia or Tierra del Fue- 12 GHz 5.5d6 SOW go, South America . Keith R . Higgins WA6I YL. PO BoJC306, LBkewoodCA 90714 . NEWl ULTRA COMPACT CAL1. YOUR DEALER Need service manual and schematiCS diagram tor the SWANICIR Astra 200A PLl. all solid state trans- SWR/POWER METERS eever. W~' pay copy and postage charge . Call (606) CM·2OQ 144-150 MHz 573-7844 aher 2100Z. 0( send OSL with qUO/e to Patrick Benesch N4MSQ. Gen, cer.. Loyall I< Y CM-:nl 200-250 MHz 40854. CM-400 420-460 MHz I need schematiCs and/or manuals for a Dana CM-420 140-460 MHz Model 4 700 dig ital voI/me/er and for II Dana Model CM-900 850-950 MHz 1275 N. GrOI'e a 8020B (with optiOn 200) frequency COUIlter. I wiN ~CA92OOB CM-l200 1250-1350 MHz purchase 0( copy. Please send a pos tcard first. (114) 63)-4541 ThankS. Brian Gillam N4KOF, RT 3 eo_ 607, Appo- DEALERS INQUIRIES WELCOME fAX (1141630-7024 mertcx VA 24522, CI RCLE 54 ON READER SERVICE c...1tO YOUR H AM D OLLAR GOE S F URTH ER A T ... CALL OR WRITE FOR SPEC IAL QUOTE AMATEUR CENTER Wnen 'I comes 10 .....MiRICA·S MOST IntAlll AMAnUR .... DID DIAlER " FAST DELIVERY HONEST DEALING anc:! CALL US NOW! PRO MPT DEPENDABLE ~:::a~'~:: \.'Ie "::<:>",' .51 ac:!."'r: <e·' _ :. E G"Jf T' SELL·TRADE ~U rwr 9""\ New & Reconditioned HAM EQUIPMENT In 1937, Stan Burg hardl (Wr;2) tT), because of his intense Interest in Call or ..... ri l" Us Tod ay f o r a Quol('! amateur radio , began selling and servicing amateur radio equ ipment You 'll Find U, 10 h<' Courl""u" Kn" ", l" dg" a hk in conjunc tion with his radio parts business. We stand pro ud of t his and 1I0n" ' 1 10ng-laSll ng trao.non 01 Honest Dealing, Quality Produ cts and Dependab le " S-E-R-V·' -C·E"! PHONE (605) 886-7314 Above all, we fU lly intend to carry on this proud tradition With even FAX (60S) 886-3444 more new product lines plus th e same "teir" treatment you' ve come to rely on , Our reconditioned equipment is of the fine st quality with 30 , 60 and even 90-day parts and labor warranties on selected pieces. STORE HOURS: And al way s remember: _'1,' _ · . 10" .....u _U_INri AEA WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL - B&W Daiwa Palomar .... _ " ' .•. 10 11 -", " ~. Get the most of HF Mobiling Alinco Belden Hustler Radio Callbaok Amerltron Bencher Kantronles Rltron Yaesu FT·747GX Amphenol Bird Kenwood Rohn Amplre Butternut larsen Tele xlHygaln SPECIAL OFFERI Antenna Centurion MFJ Ten-Tee Specialists CES Mirage/KlM Unadilla/Reyeo Astron Cusheran Mosley Yaesu CALL TODAY 182 N, Maple P.O Box 73 FOR SPECIAL QUOTE Write today for our latest Bulletin fUsed Equipment List. Wa tertown, SO 57201 .... -' 73 Amateur Radio • September. 1990 37 ---------------------------- 1 ment. You may correct errors at this point. Remove paper burrs with the knife blade. Remove spots of rubber cement by rolling a ball of dried rubber cement over them, or by wiping them with a son rubber pencil eraser. You can correcl cutting errors, such as a lorn or lifted mask , during the application of resist malerial. Paint the adjacent copper trace with resist 10 hold the mask in place. Repair any resist running under the partially lifted mask after the mask is removed. Applying Resist Resist is any material that protects the cop- per during the etching process. The etch re- moves all exposed cop~r nor covered by the resist. Any material capable of rejecting wa- ter will work as a resist. Fingernail polish and lacquer-based paint have proven 10 be excel- lent resist materials. Fingernail polish is ap- plied with the brush from the bottle. and lacquer may be bru shed or sprayed on. Photo C. Cutting the trace pauemfrom the mask with the knife held at a low -angle. Spr aying. although faster than bru shing. Transterrlng the Pattern Apply rubber cement to the copper on the board and to the back side of the paper mask (opposite the trace side) . The rubbe r cement must be spread thin to elimi nate lumps . but the whole surface must be co vered to prevent voids . While the rubber cement is still slight- ly tacky . position the paper mask over the copper without touching. and align the paper to the board. Lower the paper and make con- tact, preferably at the center of the board . Press the paper down against the board. rub- bing from the center toward the edges to remove bubbles . If wrinkles occu r in the pape r, you will have \0 decide whether \0 use the trace as-Is I or start over from scratch. Sometimes it is possible to lift an edge of the pape r 10 remove a wrinkle . When lifted , you will have to add Photo D. App lying the etch resist on the copper with a brush. rubber cement to the exposed copper, then rub the paper down flat. Any paper hanging over the edge of the board should be cut flush using scissors or a sharp knife. Photo B shows the pa~r trace cemented to the board . Wail a few minutes for the cement to dry . then transfer the tr ace 10 th e copper . Mark the spots for drilling holes with a sharply pointed instrument such as a scribe or sharpe ned nail. Hold the pointed instrument vertical 10 the board and press hard enough to make a small dimple in the copper . Copper dimples easily, The purpose of the dimple is to identify each drilling location after the board is etched . Before you begin marking. practice d impling Photo E. Etch resist on the board with the mask removed. on a piece of scrap board so that you can determine the amount of pressure you reo paper burr. After the trace has been cut tends to cause small voids in the resist, quire . completely along all edges, lift one end of making it less desirable than brushing. Using a sharp knife , CUI the paper along the the pa ~ r trace and remove it from the board, Apply the resist material directly onto the edge of a circuit trace , as shown in Photo C, exposing the copper . Walch fo r uncut paper exposed cop~r where the paper trace was Hold the knife at a very low angle to prevent fibers , and cut them off during the paper removed (see Phol:o 0) . To facilitate paper pulling and tearing of the paper. Bear down trace lift-off 10 prevent lini ng of the adjacent mask removal. confine the resist to the trace lightly-you wam to cut only the paper. not mask. area and keep it off of the paper as much as the cop~r . Don't worry about some creasing The exposed copper is the circuit trace you possible. Allow the resist to dry completely , ofthe cop~ r . Try 10 cut along the entire trace want to save. Continue cutting and removing and then carefu lly remove all the remaining line back to the beginning point without lift- the paper trace pattern until all of the copper paper mask. Once all of the paper mask is ing the blade. Lifting the blade and starti ng trace is exposed. Inspect the copper trace for removed, inspect the bare copper for resist another cut along the same line may cause a cutting errors. paper burrs. and rubber ce- material between traces. 38 73AmafeurRadio · September, l990 o * Large Stocks * Fast SeNlce * Top Trades HHnd oeios IC-02ATlHigh Power IC-04AT 440(C' "II) Rtaular SALE 409.00 349" ICOM 449,00 329M IC-2SA 2m . .ff ,-tJ 419,(10 299" at ~=~ AES · IC·2SAT 2mflFi'$,JIIt) 439 00 359" IC-3SAT 220 HTtnP 449,00 369" ','Hl Url~ tld Recular SALE IC"-SAT 440 HTtnP 449.00 399' \ h~ I:OUII)( • lit Regula r SALE IC·765 Xc v r/ ps/ ~ e ~ e r /a uto ture. 3149,00 2699 IC-275A 2~w 2m FMlSSB/CWw/ ps 1299.00 1129 IC·2GAT zmHTln P 429.00 379' \ IC·275H lOOw 2m FM/ SSB/ Cw 1399.00 1199 IC·4GAT 440MHz. TIP 449.00 389' \ IC-475A 25w 440 FM/SSB/CWw/p s 1399.00 1199 IC·475H lOOw 440 fM/ SSB /CW (Spu) 1599.00 1269 IC·32AT 2m/440 HT 62900 549tl IC·575A 25w6110m xcw os ($,wM) 1399.00 1099 IC·24AT 2m/ 440 HT 62900 549' \ IC·575H 25w lOOw6/IOm xcvr.•.•• ••• 1699.00 a 69 li",",dOU,tI.. FREE BP-82 exlernaI7.2V@ 300m3. battery w/ IC-2SATorle-3UT puchase. IC·12AT 1.2Gtl fM HTITTP ... re· dnt) 473.00 349" IC·12GAT 1w l1GHz HTlbatLIcgrmp 52900 469" Aircraft band handheld s Rq ular SALE ,1,-2 5WPEP synlh. aircraft Hl 525.00 479 '~ ,1,·20 Synth. aircraft HT wIVOR. ........ 625.00 549" vHf UH~ GH 0 Regular SAl£ For HT Accessories _ CALL lor Prices IC·228A 25w2m FMITTP midC/ffffllt) 50900 319' S Receivers Relular SALE IC·228H 45w 2m FMITTP scan(Spuitl) 539 00 419 ' S R·7lA 100kHz to 30MHz receiver $999.00 869 t \ IC·448A 25w 440 FM/TTP rmc ... .•.... 599 00 519' S RC-ll Infrared remote controHel.... 70.99 IC-7SIA s-teoo lcvr!.l ·3DMHz rc v! 169900 1469 UT ·40 Pocket beep funcllOn.... 4500 FL·32A 500 Hz CW filler .••.••.••.••. 6900 IC·gooA Tra nsceiver controller 639 00 U9 lS FL·63,1, 250 Hz CWfiltef 1IsIIFI .... 59.00 $"'" ... PS·3S Intemal power sup pl ~ 21900 199tl FL·63A 250 HzCW hlter llsl IF) 59 00 FL-UA SSBhiler (2nd IF) 178.00 159' \ FL·52A 500 Hz CW riller {2nd IFI 115.00 1091S * C/Moouf EX-257 FM uniL...................... 49.00 EX-310 VOice smmeseer 59.00 FL·53A 250 Hz CW hiter (2nd If) 115.00 109" IC-900A l ranscever controller with UX·29H FL-70 2.8 kHz wide SSB lilter 59.00 2m125W and UX·39A 22O/25W band units. CR·64 High slabilily oscillatOl' d al 79.00 RC-IO Enemaltrequeocy cantreller 49.00 Package Price • $84905 SP·3 External spea ~er 65.00 CK-70 (U ·299) 12V DC opllon...... 12.99 UX·19A 10m. lOw band umt 299,00 269" UX·29A 2m, 25wband unit 299,00 269" UX·29H 2m, 45w band unit..; 349.00 319" UX·39A 220MHI, 25wunit (S1'titf) 349.00 219" UX·59A 6m, lOw band unit 349.00 319" UX·129A 1.2GHz lOw band unit 54900 499 ' \ \1 R·l 000 25MHz·2GHz receiver. 11 99.00 1029 IC·1J5 Hf lcvr/ SW rCyr/mic 1149.00 989" RC-12 Infrared remote controller. ... 10.99 PS-55 hlernal llOlIIIer supply 219.00 199 91 EX-3IO vece syn tllesuer 59.00 AT-I50 AutomatIC antenna tuner 445.00 389" TY·Rl000 "TV umt 139.00 129 1S FL-32A 5OOHzCWlilter...,..•. " 69.00 = AH·l ooo RadlalIOg antenna 99 00 U ·243 Electrcmc ~eyer emt ,.. 64.50 uno Tone encoder 18.SO . • -=-- - .- ... - ---- ---- ---- .._-- •••• IC·125 Hf ~ cyr/SW rcvl, (S,.a.IJ 94900 199" AH·3 Automalic ant tuner .. (r~ 489:00 319' 1 IC·901 2m/ 44DMHzlcvr IC-1200A lOw, 1.2GHz fM fI 1199.00 929" ~ 69900 S49n IC·2500A 35w, 44011.2GHz FM mo bile 999.00 869" " .) . -" .", .) .) .) 0_- • ,' ., . ". ---• L • ~ IC-126 lu-band lcvr/ 6m/ .5-3OMHz n 1299.00 11 29 IC·3210A 25w, 2m/ 440 FM .JCII.,.,) 739.00 499" •• .). ••••• ------ 0 - ~- - -- ..------ r, '= -- .) .) .) A\..(;e",,,,0n,,s Regular SALE IC·2400A 2m/440 FM/TTP ... (Sf"ilQ 899.00 699" «, IC·2KL Hf solid stale amp w/ps 1999.00 1699 AH·32 2m/440 Dua! Band mobile an t 39.00 lC·4KL HF IKW out sis amp wills 699!).00 599S AHB-32 Trunk·lip moun!..... ......... 35.00 U ·621 HFauto, ant selector ($/fdfI) 315,00 2691S Larsen PO·K Roof mount 23.00 R-9OOD lOOKHz·2GHz all·mode revr ... 5459.00 4699 PS·15 20Aenemalpoeer supply 115,00 159" Larsen po·n llll Trun k-lip mou n!.. ... 24.10 PS-30 Systems pi s w/ cord. 6-p1n plug )49,00 319" Iersen PO·1Il1l Magnetic mount ..... 28.15 Out 10 the size 01 the ICOII product hne. some ucenoryitems are not listed. If you hive a lIuestion. SP-3 Ederna! spea ke' ... ,............... 65,00 RP-1510 2m 251111 repealer , 1849.00 lU 9 please call. Pncn subject to cha nle wltllout notice SP·l Small elternal spea ~er ,........... 51.99 RP-.4tl20 44DMHz 25'11' repeater 229900 1999 CR-U Hlgll stab, ret. xtet 151A. etc ... 19 00 Top Trades! • We'll take your SIIII-6 Des ~ mcrupbone ,.. ,.. ,.. , 41,95 SIIII·8 Deskmit . two cables. scan 89,00 Clean Late Model gear in trade AT-IOO HXm 8·band auto, ant tuner 445.00 389" towards New ICOM Equipment. AT-sao 500W 9-band auto. aot tuner ... 589.00 519'1\ Write or Call for our Ouote Today! AH·2 a·band tuner w/ mount & whip ".. 758.00 689" AH·2A Ant tuner system. only.. (~.O 559 00 469' 1 GC-5 World cock.. ( pwtf) 9195 69" AES R .' * Oret 33 Yean inAmateur RadiD Accessories for IC-165. 181. 125 • CALL lor Plle&$ HOURS: Mon. Ihru Fri. 9·5:30; Sat 9·3 Finishi ng the Board You may etch the board afte r the resist is dry. about half an hour after it is applied. Trace smearing may occur dur ing handling if you rush too much. Many techn iques have been developed for etching prin ted circuit boards, anyone of whic h is satisfactory . However, a simple and easy techn ique is to pour ferric chloride into a plastic or glass tray to a depth of about IA inch. Float the board , copper side down. on Photo F. The completed board after etching , drilling. and solder coating. the surface ofthe etch. If you use green Fiber- glas" board material, you can observe the etc hing process through the board. You may have to lift one edge of the board occasionally to purge tra pped bubbles. When the process appears complete, re- move the board. wash it with tap water, dry it with a paper towel, and inspect it. If the etching is incomplete. float the board agai n. When you use a wide trace pattern . you don't have to worry about over-etching. The heat from a small incandescent lamp. close to the etch, will speed up the etching process. Anothe r suitable techn ique for etc hing uses a zipper top clear plastic bag as an etch con- ta iner. Place the board in the bag and pour about one inch of etch on top of it . After sealing the top, lay the bag flat, with the copper facing down . Ge ntly mov ing the bag will displace bubbles. You can inspect the board through the plastic any time during the etching process. Take care to preve nt lea ks in Photo G. The completed project after component stuffing . the bag . The exposed copper will be removed du r- Materials Needed for PC Board Etching ing etching. A bright light and magnifying Copy of the circ ui t trace (actual size). glass are great aids for inspection. Correct Fingernail polish or lacquer paint (any color other than clear). bridging by cutt ing the resist and scraping it X-acto knife or eq uivalent with a pointed blade. away . Because of the narrow spacing, ru n the Rubber cement for pa pe r use only. knife blade between IC pads as a precaution Printed circuit board material cut to size (single or double sided, as req uired). agai nst shorts . Make trace opens , add a trace, Sharp scribe or pointed nail. or co rrect an erro r by brushing resist onto the Fine steel wool(clean and oil free). copper as needed . After the resist has hard- Lacque r thinner or acetone. ened, cut and scrape the resist with the knife PC board drills 1/57 and 1/62. or as required. to obtain the final trace pattern and spacing . Copper etcna nt (ferric chloride or equivalent). Marking the Board Many times it is desirable to identify termi- nals and voltage points on the board. Before Procedure Summary etching , the marks may be scratched into the 1. Prepare a 1:1 ratio copy of the circuit trace . resist with the sc ribe afte r the resist has dried. 2. Clean the copper on the board. Any scribe marks placed on the bare copper 3. Coat bot h the paper mask and the copper with rubber cement. wi ll be lost during etchi ng. Whe re room is 4. Align the paper to the board, press down and rub from the center to the edges. available, a patch of resist may be placed on 5. Indent the hole locations with a scribe . the copper and the ma rks scribed into it. The 6. Cut along the trace lines with a knife he ld at a very shallow angle. copper must show th rough the scribe marks 7. Re move the paper in the area of the trace. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all the co pper trace is in the resist to be etc hed . Photo E shows the exposed. board ready for etching. a. lnspect the exposed copper. You may also use a black marking pe n. 9. Paint the copper with fingerna il polish or lacquer. Attempt to keep the paint inside the since the ink contains enough water-resistant trace area. material to restrict etching . Take ca re with 10. Allow the paint to dry. this. however, since the ink fro m many resist 11. Remove the remaining paper mask. pens tends to break down and become porous 12. Inspect and repair the trace pattern . during exposure to fer ric chloride etchant. 13. Etch the copper. ma king the ink unsuitable as a reliable trace 14. Remove the resist. resist . Of course , after the board has been 15. Drill and clean the board. etched, you can use the mark ing pen on the 16. Solder coat the trace . component side of the board to identify part 17. Install the components . polarity and location. 40 73 Amateur Radio • September. 1990 After the etching process is complete , re- mask to provide easy access for the pins . Coat s ide. Usi ng a pencil, ma rk the trace adjust- move the resist with a solve nt suc h as lacque r o nly the bac k s ide of the paper mask with ments corresponding to the hole positio ns th inner, ace tone, or na il po lish remover. A ru bbe r cement. Place the mask 0010 the pins, o nto the paper mask. Proceed with the trace small a mount of solve nt o n a paper tissue will but do not press it against the board . Hold the tra nsfe r and re sist application. Befo re you clean the board . With the resist re moved, the board by its edges and inspect the two sides etch the second s ide. you will have to re-coat board is ready fo r drilling . After drilling, for trace orientation . Lift the paper mas k off the fi rst side of the board with resist to cove r clean the board with steel wool and solvent the board as far as poss ible a nd coat the cop- scratches and exposed t race ed ges. Etch the be fo re stuffing and solde ring components. per with rubbe r cement. Starting in the mid- seco nd side, then remove the resist from both Hole s izes are a matter of personal c ho ice dle of the mask, press the mas k dow n against sides. and appl ication. I suggest the fo llowing d rill the boa rd a nd rub outward. Allow the ce me nt Doub le-sided boards usua lly req uire plated sizes as a g uide : #57 d rill for If.! watt resistor to d ry co mpletely , a nd again inspect fo r o ri- through-holes for maki ng circuit connections leads and j umpe r wires; #62 drill for IC pins. e ntatio n. from one side ofthe board to the othe r. In lieu trans istor leads , and IA- ~ watt resistor If in doubt about regist rat ion, drill two or of plating the holes , when room on the board leads. th ree component holes through the board permits, you ca n add registered pads to each from the first side . If the hole locations ha ve a side of the board to accommodate a j umper Solder Coetmg close match by landing o n the des ired solde r wi re . If the board was designed for pla ted Aft er e tching you may wish 10 add a solder pads, the n proceed with the trace transfe r on through -holes, and plating is not a vailable, finish to the copper trace . The advantages a re the second s ide. Ho we ve r, if second-s ide you will have to solder every compo nent lead better solde r-ab ility. un iform a ppearance. trace adjustments are req uired . drill all of on both the top a nd bottom s ide ofthe board to a nd reduced copper oxidation. To solder coat the holes through the boa rd from the first provide the through connection. III the board , you must first clea n it with fine steel wool a nd a solve nt . To solde r-coat the boa rd : I) Coal the cop- per with ros in flux ; 2) Place a small d rop o f solde r on the flat tip of a 25-30 watt solde ring iron; 3) Touch the solde r to the copper and d raw the iron across the copper , leaving a solde r trail and add ing small amounts o f sol- de r from time to time ; 4 ) Co ntinue d ra wing solde r over al l of the ex posed co ppe r uruil it is uniformly coated: 5) Clean the coated boa rd with solvent to re move the flu x. CAUT ION : Mo ve the iron rathe r rapidly to prevent burn- ing the board o r lifti ng the copper. Practice the coa ting process o n a sc ra p board to work out the tec hnique . Photo F shows the board afte r it has been e tched. d rilled, and solder-coated . Photo G shows the board after it has been stuffed with pam . Double-Sided Board.. Yo u ca n make do uble-sided boa rds using this same process. Ho we ver, you mu st take care to preserve registration of the two s ides. The trace patterns fo r both s ides must be registered to eac h othe r with keying targets o r marks be fore yo u sia n the process . Ot he r- wise , the seco nd side will need trace adj ust- ments. Prepare the fi rst side o f the board as you would for a si ngle-sided board . I suggest that the first side be the more complex trace pat- tern . You may ha ve to adj ust the second s ide to accommodate the reg istration . Rubbe r-ceme nt the first trace pattern o nto Excl usive Features: the board a nd allow the cement to dry . C ut the • Handles maximum power trace patte rn as fo r a si ngle sided board a nd limits from novice to extra add the resist material. When you 've fi nished • Computer designed for the first t race transfer, tum the board over optimum performance a nd cove r the second s ide with res ist. Next , • Stainless steel whip and base etc h the fi rst s ide. then re mo ve the resist from • Comes assembled and tuned the second s ide . The resist may re main on the first side if you want. but inspection of the with an adjustable trunk lip trace must not be inhibited by the presence of mount resist. • ALSO AVAILABLE: Drill small ho les thro ugh the registration Our heavy dUty Magnamounl ma rks to prov ide keying fo r the seco nd side K40 Electronics trace regist ration. Insert wire pins throu gh In illinois call the reg istration holes and stabil ize them with 1-800-323-6768 1·800-942·8175 res ist. Prepare the trace patte rn fo r the sec- CIRCU 92 ON IlEAOEIt SlIlVICI: CAItO ond s ide. Prick the registration ma rks in the 73 Ama leurRadio • Septem ber, 1990 41 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 YAESU ICOM TEN-TEC FT·10000 IC-735 OMNIV 160-10M, Generl' Cov .... g. R_IvI , DUll VfO FT·767GX; FT-757 cx-n. FT·747GX; FT·736R ; , 12 Memory CllanMla, QSK. Comped. OTHER TEN-TEC PROOUCTS: Handhelds lor 2M, 220, &440Mhz; Mobile rigs ; Model 561 Corsair II HF 'rraoecever Duelbanderl; Ind other Yaesu equlpmentl SPECIAL! Model 585 Paragon aee.ssor1es. Ca ll! ICOM 2 M.ter Mobll. FM Tranac.l,en Model 425 TItan LlOeaf Amplill9f CALL US I Model 420 Hercules Solid State HF Ampllf>ef Model 238 Antenna Tuner ANTENNAS & TOWERS ~\.. ACCESSORIES CUSHCRAFT A3S Tribander ROHN TOWERS: EL • IN s,?,,-C\ MFJ ~ A4$ Tribander A3W$ ta ano 24 104 Hz Beam (6 sq. ft. model) ---_. ,. RS(10,1 2,15,17,20) SPECIAL!! AP8 (80 -10 Vertical) A5O-5 5-eI6M , beam 617-tB 6 Ml r "Boomer " BX64 HBX 4Q 64 ft (10 sq. ft. models) 40 It. SCa li SCali •- .• . .-, -.....,.-- :~--;, ' .': '.'~'" -- .-. ~ . -- . • • PK·232 . '. . . . AA X·2B, ARX-45OB & AR·270 HBX48 48 ft SCali A1 47 · 1 1 1 1 ~1 146_ 1 48 M H z 989C TUNER Morse. B.. 'dol ASCII . At.A TOFl. 215WB 15-e1 w ide band 2M HBX56 56 It $Call Packet. F~ , & NaYte. 32·1919-91. 2M beam (18 sq. ft. models) Complete MFJ Invento ry! 4218XL 1fk!12M Boomer HDBX40 40 fl .scen 424B 24 et. 432 MHz AOP·1 OSCAA pack HDBX46 48 tt.. SCali HEATH Cell lor price, on the entlrelinel (Ratings based on 10 It. eccm.) SB-1000 Linear Kit KLM W SA-2060 Tuner Kit HTs 2513. 45G. SSG & accessories AT-300 TUNER KT34A _.........................•.•.••. $409,00 Packet Gear HW·9 ORP Rig KT34XA _.....•..... ._.._ HF Monoban<Sers, VHF, UHF, & OSCAR 59900 Call tor curren! coces. Twin Band Mobile Xcvrs SPECIAL! NeW! 7 ft. UPS shippable 25G anl,nNl' In sl ock. ISOPOLES & M2 ANTENNAS ALPHA-DELTA sections Call us to order HEATH "ea,,'::.'.L:"""-'''''=''-~=-=~~= DX·A Sloper $46.95 DX·CC 79.95 Call lor current prices. DX·OO 65.95 TELEXlhy-gain HUSTLER Crank-up towers : 37 -70 ' 68TV 80-10 mil" vemeal TH70XS: 7·el. trbander NYE Viking MB V·A AMERlTRON Al-82A SBTV 80-10 mIT vertcer G6--1 44B 2 mtr base antenna TH5Mk2: 5,81 triba ~ ASTRON POWER SUPPLIES G7'1 44 2 mtr base antenna Explofer·14: tr~f R$-4A.... . • .. $ 39.gs RS-7A $ 49.gs RS-12A .. .. • . . $ 69.95 Complete mobile .ystem• • D'=~~fo'M m\ R5-2OA . • . • . . . .. fl6.gs RS-35A . ..... •. 139.95 R5-5O 199.95 ~lii'\.l4 ·'i~~ . A5-2OM . • . • . . . l09.gs R5-3UI . ..•.•. 159.gs RS050M 219.95 BUITERNUT V5-20M 124.95 VS.36M .•.• .. • 17<1.95 V8-50M • . • . . . . 232.95 ~ HF6VX Vertical . 8O-10M o ~ ~;~ M.m HF2V Vertical. 80 & 401,1 HFSB Compact beam, 20--101,1 x;.;;rl 0 M vertoeal iW8S: 80-1 0 M. vertoeal WIRE & CABLE W, halle all Buttemut Kcessorles. Y2S: V3S ; & V4S 215-DX : 1581. 144 MHz beam BELDEN COAX: (Perlormance.•••.not problems) DIAMOND 7031 ·DX : 31 er. 432 MHz beam 9913 10w loss, 50 ohm RG-8X (92581. 50 o hm. Foam , Our best selling dual band antenna s. 64BS & 668S: 6 Meter beams RG·213U (8267), 50 ohm, mil spec. RQ·l1A/U (8261), 75 oh m Ant ennas l or 2 meters and 440 MHz. OSC AR Link Antennas RQ·8JU (8237), 50 ohm RG·58/U (8259). 50 ohm NEW! U·5OOQ: 2M, 440 MH z, 1.2GHz. RQ·8JU (8214), 50 oh m. Fo am. RG·59/U (8241). 75 oh m Complete Inllentory. Call tor price •• RQ·214IU (8268). 50 ohm. double Shield. ROTATORS Don't setllelor Ie•• than the bltIt. Call u.lor Belden. YAESU G-4OOIIC G«IOAC ~ .... duty _ ..... duty A_ TELEXJhY'98 ln CO"5. ~ .o 00<1." 0Cl- " . y' 111_ _ ~0Uty _ ..... lot lAIlG EVMf _ COPPERWELD ANTENNA WIRE: Solid . 12 ga...$O.12/T\. ; Solid: 14 ga... $O.09th.; StranDed 14 ;a...$O.lO.1t. G-«106O. _"""""""'0101,-. H_IV 1~ 0<1.". EMEa'T8J' ROTOR CABLE: G·l000s0X H• ..,-duly. T2X 2O,q. f1 Stand ard (6·22. 2·18) . .•• SO.23 Heavy Duty (6-18, 2·16) .. • •. SO.39/ft. -_.... E1...U.............Ion: 100 "'-300 :IS .q. h. ALLIANCE G-6OOA E at..... OfII, . U-l10 Ughl dUly .1....atIOfl. tAg VCi Cal l For Jumpers And Custom Cable Assemblies. G-6olOOll . ORION ~ ~. We stock Amphenol Connectors and Andrew Hellax. VISA Mastercard ORDER TOLL FREE rf enterprises Personal checks verified with Telecheck 1-800-233-2482 Shipping mto., Technical. Inside Minnesota , & DX HeR Box 43 Merrifield, MN 56465 Prces subject to change without roues. Shipping additional except as noted . 218-765-3254 Returns subject to 15% resloclo.ing fee. FAX: 218·765·3308 More than a source ......8 ~ CIItCL£ I 71 ~ RUDER S£RvtCE CAItO - HAMS WI',;;'CLASS Kids are Talking Carole Perry WB2MGP bands could really successfully teach P.O. Box 131646 Ihelf w ives how 10 drive ' t ere not Statefl lsland NY 1031:uJ006 leave ham rad io mot ivat Io n and m- stnsctson in their otherw ise very capa- Marketing Our Hobby ble bands , e Ither. Let 's send the ladles '0 , Amateur rad IO IS a dynamiC, mulli- taceted hobby and service. As su ch, it is co mprised 01 many fact ions and spe- cial inte rest groups, This is as it should to works hops conducted by prates- eceets. ters get weil-tralfled Instrec- tors who can best encourage tham and show them how much lun it ca n 00- : -. ••• •OJ ....:: ...•.. , ee . Any org aniza tion that wis he s to especia lly whe n they su rprise tha " o ld grow and expand its horizons must a l- ways pay attention to its componenl parts and to fT)()V9 lorward in a way that man, " Wa need some good marketing etto-ts here. Just think: II it's success- ful . we'll be doubling the number of Photo B. Carole WB2MGP hailing some fun With the students in her ham radio - best serves tne interests of the whole hamS in the lamily-not to mention cuss. en tity . e!,m'flaling the need to have " How to The one Issue that I l eel should be of C are for Your Petunias" to -urns al con- playa vrtal role in help,"g youngslers Dayton Ham of the Year Award. the concern to aU specia l interest groups 10 vennces. discover aumar is so terrific about am- 1987 ARRL Professioflal /nstructO# 01 amateur radio is that of growth and ex- ateu r race. the Year Award and the 1987 CONEX pansion. " G rowth" in the sense of in- Helping Peopl e Find Us All thoughl1ul aceetcns and ideas rQC WA Northeast Chapters) Teacher cre asing our membership, and " ex- I can let my lingers do the wa lking are welcomed, Let's use this column of tha Yaar A ward, NASA Educallon panSIon" in the sense 01 all of us being through the Yellow Pag es to l ind most as a resource to help each Olher. iii Department selecled her to eneoa a recepuve to new ideas a nd approach- th ings I'm looking for . Why can't some- special Educator's Conference and a one l ind out where the nearest ham Ca rola Perry WB2MGP has been VIP viewing 01 Ihe Space Shut/Ie At- " Wa have so much to off er people rad IO club is located bydoiflg tha same teaching " Introduction to Amateur Ra- lantis in Apri/I989 . ,f only they knew ri' l have o lten sat thIng? dio" al Intermediate School 72 in Carole is also an ARRL Assistant Di- 10 a Burger King or a McDonald 'S and I feel that all the dIalogue accct ine S taten Island. New York , tor nm e rect(X in the HlJdson Dillision and is wondered why local ham clubs weren't no-code ucense and the ucense re- yea" , She is the creat(X Of/he curriCu- Chairperson of the Hudson DillisiOn adverlising (lor 'ree in most ca ses) structuring is addressing the cart lirst lum currently being taught to som-, Educational Tas~ Force . She i s t heIr willingne ss to go into a loc a l rather than the horse, I'd love to see seventh- and aighth-graders. She is presently serving on the National Edu - school lor a demo, or the fact that they the '90s be the decade 01 a huge mar- Ihe president and founder of Media cation Committee of QC WA. In 1988 were conduct ing license classes, keti ng and enlightenment elforl on ali Mentors. Inc. , the company that mar- she was selected to be an EducallOnal I have never gone to a ham conven- our parts, We already know that what kets the curriculum package Advisor 10 the A RRL Education Depart- tlOl'l where I d idn 't make a mental note we 've got here is pretty terrll iC: fl OW Ca role receIVed the prestigious 1987 ment. to myself to scream at scmeooe roe not leI's lell the rest 01 the work! about it, tapping the very obvious segment 0 1 Good sound marketH'lg tech niques are the poputauon 01 anencee s c alled what we need " spouses." There' s probably not a My own best ef!or1s and 9xperlise male ham recc operator readIng ttss ere 10 the area 01 ecucetc o. ThIS is a who at one lime o r another hasn 't wce-cceo. wonderfully ferllie area jfl MI .'OU _ '",...n ,"" r~n k. " .... 1.... ro d", """.~l Obl"in >our , ," i.... Ii<·..... o' U PKr~ "" ,,, a h i~"". cln. ,.... ... · '" forced . begged, cajo led Of bribed his wile to "just get a license " Wouldn 't it wh ich to incorporate amateur radio . Having taught " Introd uct ion 10 Ama- " 'y. ... a~· .... y"ur I'<'"""al romp",.r ... i'h R=" j ,lI ~ r. ~ '3C @ be nice il at a convention we could otte r leur Rad io " in a New York C ity school I'rogra m Features: \\\~ a weekend jntro d uc to ry COu rse on lOr fl ine years, t can tel l you Ihat the • R uns un 111 \1 Persenat Cenrputcrs lin d . 'labl< _S"";w "" " How to Surprise Your Spouse and poSSIbIlitIes are a s limItless as your cumpal iblf'S .. il h m inimum 1~1\ RA\I or ,,""'" ~-:~wK\c~~~ Gat a Tjcket"? Perhaps we'd see large Im a gI n a ti on . We hope to use th i s \lacint osN-s .. ith minimum 5 11 K. C~w.,,~ c~':'l~ numbers of women attending a ccnve- colu mn as a forum to encourage !et- o 1'rVJ: rams art a,ailable for :"'0' in', T«hnkian. ( ;t nt. a1. Ad ,a~ and F.'\tra T ~~~~~~;~~._ n18nt workshop wh ICh could offer prac- tars , requests and Questions about us- a ma teur ria.... t\a ms a v.. t il a-< Co mmtrtial t ICal help o n how to get started and 109 amateur raeo on the cl assroom , Kadio T el...ph"m- and Cum n"'rcial Radar what to do next in a non-mreetemnq about how 10 motivate young people, .: nd "r~n1('n'_ Each pregram "old separal d .l . (tran s la tion : no husband ba ing or perhaps 10 keep the general ham o Work .. ilh Ih~ ...nl i. .. '1"(',I i"n l"H,I , "'t.........d present) environment. How many hus- ar ('a" or add ilio"al '1u .....1ion, aul"m,,' itall ~· population aware 0 1 how they can all wl eclcd h.I' H,c pro!:ram frum ~·o u r ",·ak"', 1 ar e as. o lndud c, f uU ....'r('t'n R.aphic... H plana tion. un apprope tare q uesnons and a pop up calculator un l ilt 18 \ 1 ,("r'>ion. ol -ot:!< mul l iplr .tud~ ~""'n... and allo.. ~ r uminR at iii talrr l imt_Rr1ur n<'o rr''''''' mi wd q u.....l ion. if dt-Sirtd. o C rea tes ra ndoml~ R~"",ral<'Cl ... mple t..,.h un-li ne or ..r ill... n on F.p." n/I II \1 or \lacin'o,h Krap hics pr inter s. $29.95 perc/ass rA«>ool<M.odol6'l. Ph« .... - - . ..., _ -...-_ __ Mol ~adl kif J lr. - la" o,-a., '"" _ .'.._ .H...._ . _ _.-n. ( ·...... 1J .... Cil .......... H.QSO HTII• . C.II '" ... n', 10 onjo. QSO Software 20K Partridge Way • t:.".,. d." IK,"'" I":"'''·'' ,cq"""' p""n~ , ....".,. ,,,m " ""'f< ~ ,n Ill" PNt:".m """ "~,,,nl """'" <ud< .. l " 00' I'" Kenn ell Square, PA 19348 ......" Kt· ,""K·"." r.wm, .., ...."""'... """"~. t,,,, ,iI Photo A. Dawn, Kevin KB2JNP, Carole WB2MGP and Mary KB21GG 215 ·)47- 2109 'Iu<c< T...... ", _,n,~1>,- h .. - . ."" ......... 4<".,', CIRCLE u s O~ IlEADEA SEIIVK:E CARD Number 19 on your Feedbeck ce rd Build a Portable Mast Mount A " spare" mount that's always ready. by John R. Somers KC3YB f you've eve r tried to erect a temporary anything . When I need to use the mast, I can I antenna on a mast unde r emergency or even Field Day conditions, oron a parking 101 assemble it in a couple of minutes. I have found thai the unit is more stable if I assemble at a country fair. or in a roadside picn ic area it with the brake drum side (concave side) of during a UHF opening, you will realize the the wheel up. which lowers the center of need for this little mour n. It's d irt chea p and gravity, small enough to keep in the car for whate ver situations may arise . and it makes life so A Starting Point much eas ier! As I expected. how well the mast stands unguyed depend s on which antenna is on top. T he Need Exi..ts I can generally attach a 2 meter collinear at The problem with any antenna mast is that the top of 20 feet of masl. Likewise for a il won 't just stand there by itself; it has 10 small UHF array. while about fifteen feet is have something 10 hold it up . Nonnally this is lops for a portable 2 meter beam . Obviou sly. accomplished by guy wires and anchors. but wind has an effect as well . A guy ring at- this solut ion isn't always convenient . or per- Photo. Onc~ constructed . you can assemble tached near the top. with wires or ropes, will missible. such as in the aforementioned park - this mobile mou.nt f or ),our antenna in about increase usable mast height and stability. two minutes! Not e that th~ Kllet"f is pasitioned Wire antennas. particularly inverted-v's. ing 101 . Besides. it seems that one of the main functions of guy wires, in most cases . is 10 brake drum side up. work well for this purpose. Irip people . What we need is something that For Field Day. you can interconnect sever- will support an antenna mast unaided . Some- al of these mounts with dipoles in between thi ng that will always be close at hand . angle iron. I welded them together imo a "T" and slopers or guys on the ends. You can even While rearrang ing the trunk of my car one shape positioned so that they would cover use a small beam antenna, though it will dcfi- day, I realized ju sl how heavy a spare tire and bolt holes in three places on the wheel . Then I nhely requ ire guying . The advantage in this wheel are . The thought occurred to me that welded an 18 ~ piece of galvanized mast verti- case . though. is the ease with which you can some type of mast support co nnected to the cally to the tee. After align ing the assembly, I raise the mast assembly. wheel would be easy to erect and more or less marked the location of the holes I needed . and Allhoug h the mast suppo rt desc ribed above self-supporting. As the wheel already had and dri lled three . using a lfz" bit. can be pressed into serv ice in a number bolt holes. my support could merely bolt in To hold the assembly together. I use llfz ~ of ways, the important thi ng is that you place when needed . bolts and wing nuts so I don't have to worry can get your antenna up. and gel on the air. about carrying tools with me. When nor in quick ly and without a whole lot of fuss . The T wo-M inute Su ppor t usc , I keep the bolts. washers. and nuts at- Sometimes . a few seconds saved can be im- Using a couple of short lengths of IIA~ tached to the mast support so I don' t lose portant. fIJ Goluinized Most 18 '· long TOP UIEW / Most 1/2" 80lts IS· long Rngle Section • / Iron <, / 'fj"'fj" 1.25 " H 1.25 " • • I l Rngle Iron (Cut length to , , • • fit tire) Mounting holes - - - , I Spocing of holes to motch mounting holes on the tire Figure. All )'014 need are: two pieces of J" ~ .r J" .. angl, iron (f,ngth to fi t wheel); J ~ .. .r J ~ ,. hex head bolts: J ~ It washers and wing nuts; and one piece ofgalvanizrd steel ant,nna mast. 44 73AmateurRadio • September, 1990 Number 1a on your Feedbadl card Digital Signal 73 Review by Larry R. Antonuk WB9RRT Processing Fluke Model 87 JOhn Auke Mfg. Co., Inc. P.O. BoKC9090 Everett WA 98206 (206)347-6100 LL Grace Introduces o ur lat est product . the DSP -12 Multi-Mode Communications Controller,The DSP -12 IS a user-programmable, A new digital multimeter from the 80 Series. PriceClass: $290 O,g ltal S ,gnal Pr ocess ing (DSP) ba sed com m unications controller _ OSP? I n late 1983, the Fluke Manufacturing Com- pany rocked the electronics world with the introduction of the 70 Series of digital mulli- D rglta l SIgnal Processing offers • Idea l m ode m tut er s • Superb Signal recovery abilities meters. The top-ot-the line , Model 77, was the • Flexrbihtv o n e ha rdware platform first handheld to have both digital and analog does a ll modems readout s. • N ew m odems can be added Wit hout It was lough, easy-to-use . small, and even hardware changes had a " memory. " It would remembe r the last • W,de dynam,c range reading it took -handy if you were using il in a • Exce llent we ak -srqnal performance hard-to-reach spot. Pretty neat stull. It wasn 't • Room to grow Into the f ut ure long before Fluke 77s were as abundant as D SP·12 Feat:ul'M Include •• • Simpson 2605 . • O ver 40 modems are avail able ,n The New Generation t he basic un it. Incl u d mg Pa ck e t. AnY. M orse. WEFAX, FSK, and PSK Not being a com pany to rest on its laurels , mode m s for h,gh -speed pa cket and Fluke ha s recently come out with the next sat ell it e work! Speeds range up to generation of DMMs, the 80 Series. The 80 9600 bps! 56001 OSP! Series truly represent s the next generation of • Mu lt'·tasklng operatmg system built instruments, not just a new color case and a in! different ad agency. The features that made • Pc -compenbre (V401 arc h it ect ure the Model 77 stand out were enhancements to PhotoA. The Model 87 digital muttimeter. s upports all BIOS & DOS calls and the basic DMM operation- range hold, bar al lows development uSing normal PC graph, diode testing . The fea tures that make An " Input Alert" circui t tells you if you plug the development tool s! the Model 87 stand out are the inclusion of leads into the wrong jacks for the function you • V4Q Operatmq System and termin al completely d ifferent te st instruments along have selected. A REl mode lets you take program software source code i s with the meter-a frequency counter and ca- read ings relative to a set veice-ccr to zero out public domain & re ad ily avai lable! pacitor checker. test lead effects when mak ing sensitive mea- • AAM expandable t o 1 megabyte! • EPROM expandable to 384 k,lobytes! All the basic DMM feat ures of the 77 are surements. Diode test. Continuity tone. The • Thr ee analog radro co n nectors, AX & included and made easier to use . In addition , list of standa rd features goe s on. In addition, TX can be split m any combmanon the Model 87 provides true RMS voltage read- various powe r-up featu res let yo u define Tu m n g o ut p ut s ava i lable o n each ings . And the unit will report minimum, maxi· parameters for specific measuring jobs-high co n nect or! mum , and average readings , on the various input imped ance on the low vonage range, • Bot h DSP and termma t programs can ranges, over a period of up to 36 hours. MIN·MAX recording speed , 4 1,'z digit display, be down-l ine-loaded f ro m bu ll etin It is tempting to place the 80 Series in the disable beeper or auto-power off. boards. You can participate In new Fluke line right between the 70 Series and the development as It occu rs! 8000 Series of professional handhelds, but The Only Drawback • Upgradable to a dual-port urut! th is ser ies refuses to be pigeonholed. The The Fluke Model 87 is truly a splendid in- • Fr ee software upgrades! Model 87 has a bu in-in freq uency coun ter and strument, and is destined to become the next • l ow cost unit! it's not a second-though t feature . The coun ter "one on every bench" multimeter. It does ha s 200 Hz to 200 kHz ranges, with excellent have one small drawback, however. Call Of wrue for accuracy and resolution . (While the accuracy The un it does so many different things that it our free 4 -page brochure on over 200 kHz isn' t speci fied, my test un it mea- may be difficult to remember some of the coer- Digital S ignal Pr ocessing sured a 455 kHz local oscillator with no prob- ations unless they are used often. Keep the and t he DSP-12. lem .) manual handy. We can't group the Model 87 with other If Fluke can produce a meier like this only a Commerc ral mcumes are welco m ed! We offe r rapid prototvpmq of cust o m aud io frequency counters, though. It's also a few short years aller developing the Model 77, co m m e rc ial, m ,litary, and government capaci tor checker. It measu res from 5.0 nF to what will they have if I wait a year or two? 5.0 IlF, with 1% accuracy. (If we need to mea- Maybe a bu ilt-in o'eccpe. log ic analyzer, sig- eooncanoos Including secu re com m u m - cation s systems sure a cap greater than 5,0 IlF, the folks at nal generator, with a soldering iron that pops Fluke incl ude a section in the manual that tell s out the back ... Hmmm .. .111 L.L. GlaCe CommUDicationl5 Products. Inc . us how to estimate these values.) 41 Acad!. ~ If we decide to simply ceu the Fluke 87 a test Larry Antonuk WB9RRT has wriNen numer- Voorbeca. NJ 08043 USA instrument, taking the frequency counter and ous reviews on test equipment and electronics (6091 7 5 1-1 0 18 cap checker for granted, we stilt get a great DMM . tis display is back -tit for those dark books. He currently works as a project man- ager for a land mobile service shop in Keene, '"" nights. lt calculates minimu m, maximum, and Ne w Hampshire . He enjoys home-brew L.l. G r ace al so produ ces the Kansa s average values , The user can defi ne the projects, experimentation, 800 instrumenta- Cuv Tracker satellite tracking syste m , amount of change that will allow a value to be tiOn. Contact him at P.O. Box 452, Marlbor- Ca ll Ot w nte lor m fo' recognized as a ch ange- 1 ms or 1 second. ough NH 03455. CIRCU 13 ON RUDER sartlCl C4R'D 73 Amat6ur Radio • September, 1990 45 • I Numbe r 39 on ~o ur Feed back card the le ad-outs are d ifferent from the only high-quality capacitors in this cir- 2N3819s. Someone may also point O\It cuit , such as NPO cererruc. polysty- th at the MPF1Q2 is a bit noisy for a rene , an d e...en sillier mica capacitors, FET. I haven't had a problem using lI the VFO does not work . move back loward the oscillator and 01 . A good Low Power Opera tio n them WIth this circuit. Toroid coils are used l or l1 . Be sure place to pick up a signal is from Ihe Mike Bryce WBBVGE Ttle VFO I use in most of my PfOlBClS 10 use the core as specilied. Others gale of 02. Avoid loading down the 222S Ma}'1/Ower NW comes Irom a old issue of Ham RadIO may not gille you the cleSlred results . oscillator. Massdlon 01-1 44640 magazine. December 1971 , to be ex- 01 course, you don't neve 10 use a The VFO works, and works quite act Ttle VFO was designed by Donald torood corerveusec slug-t uned ind uc- well . I know you' lt find a good home lor VFO Design Nescm K4BG F.I'..-e used thIS VFO lor tors and even m ini-coils. If you use a 1\ in on e of your projecIS. Alter you're Last month we talked about the ,ns both d,red conllBl"Sion receivers and slug-tuned inductor, be sure 10 mount happy with the results, apply some Q- and oulS ot VFO construction , Th iS $land-alone transmsters. It is stable, the inductor ..-ery ca relully. You don't dope to tne coils. II you can't gel your month we' ll look at build ing a sma ll easy 10 build. and quite compact . You want 1\ moving about and causing in- hands on O-dope, ATV sea ler works VFQ and some more details on good can build a clrcuil board lor this VFO; I stability in the VFO . quite well. II is messy to wor1< WIth , VFQ construct ion . In ORP operat ion, <ion't know Of a source l or boards at The various RF c holles with values smells, and is hard to remove, but It the most common practice is to run the this ume. as low as a few m icrohenries have works really great for VFOs. VFO at the same frequency as the been tried at AFC t with success. Oon 'l Don't forget to place the VFO in a transmtner . For this re ason, we must E"y Circuit be afraid to try your hand at subs titu- Shielded box. This is most inportant for have a stable VFQ. Of course. you The circuit is of a Seiler oscillator . tions. stable operation . need a stable VFO at any frequency. See the li gure lor cereus . The circon I placed the toroid core in boiting wa· II you would like a reprin t 01th e origi· If you use some 01 th e lips in last uses common parts No one should ter lor ten minutes to anneal the wire , nal article, drop me a buck for postage mont h's colu mn, you should be on have trouble gelling this VFO to work . Which imp roves stab ility, For those of an d copying costs, and I'll send you YOUf wa y 10 a good roc k-solid VFO, B ut Looking at the schemat ic, 01 is the us who di et, there are only 35 calories on e. I don 't have the space this month ilyou don't have a weu-tmerec , regulat- oscillator with 0 2 an d 03 butfersrarn- in a boiled toroid They' re ersc lat and to reprint the artwo rk . ed supply voll age . your ef forts may be pl iliers, Notice the use of two separate cholesterol tree One more thing before I go, Don'l ' in vain . In most VFO circuits a simple capacitors for C3. This spnts the AF forget to gille those antennas a good fix zener diode regulator has become currents. reducmq Internal healing of Testing the VFO before the frost gets too thic k on Ihe standard design It you plan to use a the componen ts, C1 is th e main tuning Atter you neve assembled the VFO, pumpkins . Clean the connectors and VFO lor a simple direct ccnvers.cn capacitor. Try 10 get a good q uality tesl it by first applying 1I00tage to the install new coax if needed , Remember. trenscewer . throw out the eeoee dIOde umt. 01 course. the old double-bearing cec un and confirm ing 10 voll s at the coax does no( laSI a rrtenme. Th is is and replace It WIth a three-term inal reg- )OOs would be great, bul leI's lace It: COllector 01 03. Using a I requency especially true if you've been USIng ulator. Why? Some zener diodes are You just can'tllnd them l A cheap ca . counter, couple the O\Il put of the VFO cheap coax to begIn WIth . When run- II9fy Mlsy when they conduct (reglr pac ltor WIlt turn around and bit e you. to the cou nter . You can also use a gen- fling OAP, USIng cheap coax WIll al- late). ThIS MIse can be pocked up by Construetoon should begin WIth a cir· era l coverage receiver 10 lind the out- ways come back 10 bite you . too ! Use a the h'9h-galn audIO cha in 01 the eece-v- CUlt board or perfboard. II you use a PC put 01 the VFO. Take it trom me, ttle coax sealer to keep water ou t of the er and passed along 10 you , as while board, be sure you <ion'1 use double- counter is m uch taster . Place C2 about connecto r. When replacing 50-239 norse wh ,ch can somet imes mask SIded board, As I men tiOned ebcve. mid-range. Read the Irequency of ttle connectors, don 't use cheap Impor1ed weak SIgnals. you can remove the zenee ecce and VFO. lf you used a to roid for Lt , spread jobs, they' re too lossy Because current requrrernents are use a three-terminal regutator. Th is is or compress the turns unt il the deSired As alw ays, th is ts your co l u m n. low. you can use a 78L09 regulator. what l'lIe done in the past, an d I' ...e had freque ncy is ob ta ined. C2 sets Ihe OuesliOns, comments and your lallOl"' The 78L09 is in a ro-sacase. the same no problem wilh stability. Mount ttle band edges of th e VfO. lf you can 't ge t rte circ uits and/or photos are masl wet- size as most 01 the newer plashc tran- regulator away from Ihe VFO, You sure the VFO to tune the desired Irequency, come . If Ihe bands are dead, and you srstors. cIon'l want the heat fro m the reg ula tor you may have to add or remove turns halle a modem and computer . chec k Wh ile you're at It, requtate the VFO's to in!luence the VFO's ci rcui try, from the core The more turns , the low· ou t the O AP 51Gon the 73 BBS at (603) bu ller stages, too , The 78L09 can han- Although 2N281 9s are called lor in er the frequency. If the frequency is too 525-4438, (300·2400 bps) 8 data bits, d ie up to 200 milliamperes, Th is will th e VFO, I've used MPF102s and lind high, you can add more capacitance to no parity, one stop bit, You can also keep th e VFO fro m being pulled by th e they work quite wel l. You must ramem- the tuned circ uits by paralleling a small re ach me Ilia Co mpuSerlle at 101 buller stages, exactly the oppos ite of ber to swncn the lead s on the MPF102 value capac itor ac ross C3 This will 73357,222 . Until ne xt month, when you their Intended d uty . if you decide to use a PC board, since lower the frequ ency. Remember to use turn it on, turn it down, fiJ ., cc .. "" 0' O~ eR< C4 ~ " 2. . .,. !~ t~ •• ". RO e'2 ,,' " I r; ,ev 'w ,,... U if ~ CJB~ •. .,, => ~r; OJ 02 " cr 2R "" ,'" or :c; ZN)8/ j '"" lHIflZ. tf) cu 20 "'" 1\ ~ o.mvr ,(---=0 ~ ::::;:" ,., OFCI R2 .,. ; :::~ R7 •• """ ". "" r; Cl 25-pF variable (Millen MK21 025) C3 200 pF sliver mica (total of C3A and C2 2.4-24.5 pF (Johnson 189·509-5) C3B) Ll 1.7 J,LH. 18 turns no. 20 enameled evenly spaced on Amidon T-68·2 toroid cor. Seileroscilialor cirCUlI. Component valu es shown lune from 7.0 to 7.3 MHz, (From Ham aac c . Oet:ember 1971-J 46 73 Amafeur Radio • sepremoer.asso Ameritron Linear loafs at full legal limit • • • m assive power supply capable of 2500 watts for half hour! What makes the Ameritron AL-1200 stand out from other legal limit amplifiers? The answer: a super heavy duty power s u p p l y that loafs at full legal power . it c a n deliver power for more than 2500 watts PEP two tone output for a half hour! The hear! of t he AL-1200 power supply 2045 is a highly cffk-ent Peter Da hl ta pe wo u nd S URi:,,,;lrd Rrlall hypcrstl" t ransformer weighi ng 3 2 pounds. - it's equivale nt to a 4 5 pound transform- t-r using standard E-! Iamtnauons. High cu r re n t com p u t e r grade ca p a cit o r s Yo u gel gen ui ne high current. full h e tglu computer grude capacnora w it h screw-on terminals - rio t short stubby. lig ht duty soldered in "capacitors" t hat rant d tsst- pun- ttu- heal p;enerated by high current. to ug hes t c e ramic transmtujng tubes - the h igh gain 3CX 120 0A 7. It has th e d urability of glass t u bes a nd t he po we r dissipation of ceramic tubes. 3CX1200A7 : 12 times tougher than the 3 CX8QOA7 A 3CX l200A7 h a s a 50 watt c o n trol grid d is s ipation - tha t' s m o re t h an 12 limes toughe r th an th e d elica te 4 wa tts g ri d d ts s tpa tfon of a 3CX8 0 0A7 . If yo u accid e n tally d rive a 3 C X 120 0 A7 wit h yo ur 100 wa n exciter whe n yo u r a m plifier is o ff, yo u won 't fry yo u r con t ro l grid. But do n't m ake t hat mista ke if yo u have a pair of 3CX800A7s - u n les s Call your d ealer for your best price yo u're re a d y to bu y a no t her pair. E ve n at $ 2045 list it's a bargai n. Fo r Full legal power at half the price your best price, call you r Iavorttc deale r A s ing le 3CX l 20 0A7 In t he AL·1200 a nd orde r today! Legal limit antenna tuner Ameritron's most powerful Compact 600 Watt Linear amplifier AL·1SOO ATR·15 $2625 AL·84 Suggested Retail $399 1$5 49 Suggested Retail !Suggesled F!€tail Ameritron - the h ig h po wer specia list 600 wa tts for only $ 549! 5x lO x l i inch - b rings yo u t he ATR· 15 a nte nna tune r power house gives 600 watts PEP . 400 that's d es igned for le gal limit a m p lifie rs . It wa tt s CW output. Fo ur 6MJ6/6LQ6 t ubes. han d les fu ll legal po we r wit h ease. Lo w S W R in put fo r so lid state exciters. Heavy d u t y silver plated band s witch virtually elimi nates switc h fall ure. Hig h Ameritron s upe r power arn pltfler us es the h e rculean 8877 c e ra m ic t u be. _ A~I: III I I' • •" _ power t ransmitting c apacitors. 1.8·30 MHz. Peak reading S WRIwa tt m e te r. 6 It's s o po we rful t ha t a m e re 6 5 walls , . . the high power specialist pos ition a nte n na swi tc h. Selectable I: I o r dr ive g ives yo u fu ll legal o u t p u t - 1500 2 37 5 DOff SI .. Suite f" • T oled o. O il 4 360 7 4 :1 balun . 5 1A, x 131,4 x 13 \12 inc hes. Mete r wa tts - a nd It's Just loafin g be cause the e ete e . teen 323-9715 • FAX , 160 1) 323-6 55 1 lamps u ses 12 VDC. power su p ply is capable of 2500 wa us PEP . -reen.. (419 ) 531 ·3024 . FAX: (419)53 1-0042 1990 Amort,,,, ,, CIRCLE 3 14 ON RUDER SERVICE CARD Number 20 on your Feedback c. rd Measure inductance and resonant frequency. by Michael A. Covington N4TMI H Ow do you lest a coil'! Usuall y. you want 10 know IWO things: the induc- tance and Ihe frequ ency at which it will res- Understand ing the Circuit Thinkof QI as a source follower and Q2 as onate with a part icular ca pacitor . This handy a common-gate amplifier. The two stages tester helps you find both . Connect it to any communicate by sharing source resistor R2 . LC tuned circu it, and it oscillates at the reso- Positive feedback goes through C2. and the nant freque ncy , from below 20 kHz to above tuned circuit ensures that the feedback is only 20 MHz . What 's more, at the flip of a switch, effective at the resonant frequency . you can use the built -in 150 pF capacitor to The high supply voltage (18 volts) helps make a tuned circuit out of any coil and de- extend the frequency range and improves the duce the inductance from the frequency at performance with 10w-Q tuned circuits. The which it resonates. Photo A. 11Ii' output ....-aveform COtUists of oscillator won', work with a crystal, but it You can read the frequency o n a frequency half-sine-waves and is rich in harmonics. will sometimes oscillate with a resisto r in counter. calibrated oscilloscope. grid dip me- place of the coil. te r. or communications receiver. From the The ou tput . rich in harmonics. is taken frequ ency. you can find the inductance with across R2 (Photo A). R3 provides some out- the accompanying nomograph or co mputer put isolation; without it, a capacitive load - program . The tester works with co ils ov er a such as the internal capacitance of a long million-to-one inductance range- from 0 .2 cable-eou1d so metimes stop the oscillation. ~ H to O . 2 H or more . Constr uction The Search fo r the C ircuit I bui lt the oscillato r on pe rfboa rd and For years I had been looking for an oscilla- housed it in a Radio Shack instrume nt case to r controlled by a single parallel tuned cir- (Photos B and C). The layout is not critical as cuit. The Hartley and Colpitts circuits won't long as all leads are kept short . Even the test do because they req uire . respectively , a Photo B. nit, oscillator is housed in an in- leads should be shon -just long enough to tapped coil and a " tapped" (double) capaci- reach out of the enclos ure- because their in- strumellT case. Labeling is done with dry tor. The C lapp circuit uses a single co il and ductance is pan of the tuned circu it. transfer lettering on Contact"' self-adhesive capacitor , but they 're in series. That' s nOI Switch 5 1 is also part of the tuned ci rcuit; plastic. A fre quency m UIlt"r provides the good en ough . I wanted an osc illator that most convenient readout, but you can also use would take aparafleltuned circuit so I could an oscilloscope. dip meter, or communica- measure the resona nt freque ncies of IF tra ns- tions receiver. formers and othe r ready-made tuned circuits. Also , every coil has a self- resonant frequency at which it is parallel-resonant with its own ed that the oscillato r would really take abuse: internal capacitance : only a parallel-tuned he found it would still osci llate at 10 MHz oscillator will test th is directly . with a 6J6 tube with four volts on the filament The circuit in Figure 1 doe s the job. It's and a mere 3 volts (instead of the usual 300) adapted from a cathode-coupled oscillator for the plate supply. The FET version was described by F .C . Alexande r, Jr. in the Sep- first desc ribed by L.F. Heller in Wireless tember 1946 issue of Q5T, pages 69 -70, who World . Septembe r 1969, page 409, but he cred its it to F. Buller. Mr. Alexander report- used an RF choke instead of my resisto r R I . Photo C. Circuit is built on perfboard, Keep oll teods shan. ee ,, ~ "•• • ..=o il r-- ~~ ,,","fL 01 .02 rl::~' 1I CUlC"" -"'0 - cooo-.:..:r ..- 2" 'H' . SlOt t~ ~ " O~ OlJTOV' " l-" •• er ,~~ I " ~ u =~ "' .~ II • . Figure 1. Cl and Lx control thefrequencyof this source-coupled FETosClJlmor. 51 removes CI Figure 2. To keep leads shon, 51 mounts in a from the circuit to enable testing of tuned circuits or self-resonant coifs. hair in thr circuit board. 48 73 Amateur RadiO • September, 1990 EVERY ISSUE of 73 on microfiche! The entire run of 13 from October, 1960 through last year is available. Manufacturers of Quality Communications ~ You can have access to the treasures 01 13 without several hundred pounds 01 eHepeaters -Standard and bulky back issues. Our 24x fic he have 98 pages eac h and will fit in a card file on your desk . :~~~~te Base -VHF . UHF It l; ":' - g~:::~~I::~~ed -steneere and We offer a battery operated hand held -necefvers Computerized viewer for $75 , and a desk model l or e'Transmltters Auto Patches $220 . Libraries have these readers . -Antennas ·Ouplexers The collection of Oller 600 mic rofiche , is . " NEW CONCEPT IN REPEATER DESIGN. THE I-!-' Pro " [" IS AN EXPANDABLE REPEATER WITH THE available as an entire set, rno partial set s) FOLLOWING FEA. TURES A BASIC REPEATER WHICH WOULD INClUDE A COMPLETE RECE IVER. for $ 250 plus $ 5 for shi pping (USA) . TRANSMITTER. COR. FRONT PANEL CON TROlS AND INDICATORS. LOCAL SPEAKER AND MIC JACK Annual updates available for $ 1O. AND CAPABLE OF fUTURE EXPANSION 4ll HOUSED IN AN EXTREMELY RUGGED. ENClOSED. 19·INCH RACK MOUNTABLE CABINET. Your lull sati sfaction is gua ran teed or - THIS SYSTEM CAN BE EXPANDED AT TIME Of PURCHASE OR CAN BE AN AFTER-PURCHASE ADD ON your money back . VisaJ MC accep ted . THE ADD ONS ARE-HIGHER POWER. 111220 VAC POWER SUPPlY. IDENTIFIER. AUTO PATCH. OR COMPUTER CONTROLLERS. IN ADDI TION TO THESE ADD ONS AN ADDITIONAL RECEIVER AN D BUCKMASTER TRANSMITTER CAN BE MOUNTED INT ERNALLY FOR USE AS CONTROL LINKS. REMOTE BASE OR PUBLISHING DUAL B AND OPERA TION, ETC. - AN EXTENSION PANEL IS AVAILAB LE FOR LOCAL MONITORING OF THE REPEATER AND CONTAINS " Whitehall" ALL NECESSARY METE RING, S TAJU S LIGHTS AND INDICATORS, ALL ADD ONS ARE AVAILABLE FROM Route 3 , Route 56 THE COMPAN Y AND ARE COM PLETE INCLUDING INSTRUCTIONS, Mi neral , Virgin ia 2311 7 MAGGIORE ELECTRONIC LAB. I . I :Zl 703-894-5777 600 Westtown Rd. West Chester, PA 19382 Phone 1215) 436-&151 FAX(215) 436-6268 Ttlel 499 0141 MELCO 800-282-5628 WRITE OR CALL FOR OUR COMPLETE CATALOG CIACU 345 ON RUD£R SlRVlCE CARD BATTERIES "R" US•.• You've bought our replacement batteries before... .' 8 Cells-Alkaline or NICAD Holdef Complete with (II) Alkaline Batteries $26.00 ICOM BP·' CUSTOM MADE SAITERY CM2, BP2 7,2" @SOOMAH 13 ,2v . SOOMAIi PACK" INSERTS CMS, BPS 10,8'1 @ 500 MAH sa l .IS Made to yo ur specihcation s , 13 2v 0 600MAH SUPER KENWOOD INSERTS 7S 13.2v @1200MAH $63 .95 ,., sa• .1S PB-21-$13,75, PB-25-$20 .00 PB·28- $20.00 85 9,6v @1200MAH $59.95 8 4v @800MAH Sll .I S ICOM INSERTS (base charge only-l " longer) 8.4v 0 HlOOMAH BP·5-$23.00. BP-3- $1 7,45 ICOMCHARGERS AVAILABLE SOON sa• .95 BP·7, BP-8 SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR COMMUNICATION MADE IN MastefCard and Visa BATTERY REPLACEMENT NEEDS. THE U.S.A. cards accepted. NYS res;dents add av.lMI sales tax . Add $3.SO W & W ASSOCIATES SENDFOA FREE CATALQGANO lor postage and 29·11 Parsons Boulevard, Flushing, N.Y. 11354 PRICE UST handling. WORL.D WIDE DISTRIBUTORStllPS AVAILABLE. PLEASE INQUIRE . In U.S. & Canada Call Toll Free (800) 221·0732 • IN NYS (718) 961-2103· Telex : 51060 16795 • FAX: (718) 461-1978 CIRCLE 191 ON RUDER SERVICE CARD 73 Ama feurRadio • September, 1990 49 - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 " ... ec - -.' .. receiver. No physical connection is needed; j ust place the receiver close to the coil and look for an unmodulated carrier. W hen you I I \ I.... " .., .' find it, also try one-half. one-third, and one- r-- •"• , fifth of that freque nc y to determine whether you initially heard a harmonic . •, , Or yo u can use the ham's tradinonaltool, a , , g rid d ip mete r. T o do th is , start up the test s oscillator, then use the di p mete r as a fic ld • • strengt h indicator. That is, set its ga in so that " " e ec it does not oscillate . and place its coil right Rf _"~ T sc =~ next to the coil under test . Tune across the ~R(OU(toC· , ~ "'DuCr~ band until you get a slight but sharp peak in l'~"" the meter reading . This is more accurate and " ~ more sensitive than testing a tuned circuit Figure 7. Pans piacemeru, ", with the dip meter by itself. ' .. == ~- ~- ' 00 sec sec What's the Inductance ? To find the inductance of a small RF coil , ~O measure the fr equ ency of oscillatio n w ith C I '00 ,., in the circuit. You can then fi nd the ind uc - tance with the nomograph in F igure 3. ln fact , Figure 3. Nomograph 10 find inductan ce ofa yo u ma y want to s t ick a copy of the small coil from a single frequency reading. oomograph to the top of the test oscillator. Inductances up to O. J H ron be measured by The nomograph works as lo ng as you're taking two readings (with and without the J50 d ealing with a co il whose inte rnally di stribut- pF capacitor} and doing calculation, ed capacitance is small. Any coil with more than 50 turns is likely to have appreciable . distributed ca pacita nce . Fortunately, yo u Photo D. Batteries are held by clips on the , .~ ,, '0 ,,0 . """'so' _ POJ ," ...... ''' __ " e-,.., ,_,_ .,,,, ..., . , . ,,,.... ,,0 ' , have a n easy way of measuring this , too-just back panel. Line dips with vinyllape to keep ,,.,, ., ,.j., If" " ...." • • " ' 0' , •• o . t . . . . , , . ' . " "000 read the resonant freq ue ncy with C lout o f batteries from slipping out. " . co , , , . r , " b owo 0 , . , CT • , . ., . " ' ' ' '''' " " " " ._ ' ..." . . .. 10 . .. .0 . . . . . I. . .r HI" . ..... ,..., ,_ •••• ••• the circuit as well as in it. T he n use the .....,., '- ' .". «-,.... ,-, mak e a re so na nt c irc uit for a particular _ BASIC computer program in F igure 4 to do 10 ", ,,,n "" '_... _ .. ........, ."".,. .. _. . " . I lIrVT . . n ,n ' '''_ ' . ,. - , _ .• " ..... , ' . the calculations , o r work th rough the fo rmu- fre quency . . "'",....,,- _ft'OT las from the program on your calculato r. If you test an IF transformer. you 'll get an ". •• "n",,. _. - .• _,, · n __ dI _CS . . .... ."" ''"' 'n' · . " ,<o_<I',,, The program was written o n an IBM PC inductance and a distributed capacitance that '....._., ....,n"'Of,. ....._.,.., ...-. Y - UI _ ...,... , ,• • , L . ,• ... tf"" '-'''' but should run in practically any version of includes the built-in capacitor. For instance. ... _ Of ....... _ - --- •..- ' ..' '''-''' . cs, · ,.." ,0» BASIC . It find s the inductance and distribut· a 10.7 M Hz IF transformer that I tested came ...... _< "",,, >00 ..."n . "" , , .....,, < ,", _ • ,_, "_,,, .,,. ,." _ . ed capac itance, then prints a table of resonant fr equencies a nd the capacitances needed to out as 3.6 ~H in parallel with 60 pF, and according to the table displayed by the p ro- .'" '.,m."",.,1. _ ,. ' 0" o bta in them (Figure 5). That' s helpful be- gram , it will tune 40 meters if I add slightly '" OW" , cause usu ally , hams do n't really wa nt to mo re than 128 pF . Figure 4. This program finds inductance ami kno w ind ucta nce for its own sake; they want distributed capacitance from frequency mea- Improvlng Accuracy surements. it was developed on an IBM PC You 'll not ice that the program has vari- but should run in practically any version of BASIC. '- -, ,_ ' .,.-. ,-- .... - ... ... .,,. _ ...., ,-, ' . " - - ,., ,, - ables fo r the stray inductance (LS) and stray ca pacita nce (LC) of your setup, in henries to save lead length. I mounted it throu gh a hole in the c irc uit board. a nd the sw itch itself _._,.. . ......._. ..... ··.. . 0' ''' . - '." ,,- ,", , .,, "_, " ...... . ,_ , ,,~- and farads respectively . In the program as shown. they are set to zero. but you can gain additional accuracy by measuring or est imat· ' attache s the circuit board to the front panel (Figure 2). The batteries are held by clips ....." • '"~ ...... .....,.,'""'... I . ing them and pulling them into the p rogram . Stray capacitance is hard to measu re and is mounted on the bac k pancl (Photo D): the •" "".0> fairl y unimpo rta nt, since the 150 pF capaci- clips are lined with v iny l tape to keep the tor completely swam ps it. As a ballpark est i- batteries from s lipping o ut. Figure 5. Sample output from the computer mate , try 1 pF, which you would e nte r into program. These data are from a coil labeled the prog ra m as CS = lE - 12 (i.e. , I x 10-11 M~asurinK R e!ooommt Frequency 470 IJH. 5 '10 . farads) . The sim plest wa y to read out the frequency Stray induc tance is more important . It 's o f oscillation h. to use a frequency counte r likely to be about 0.2 ~H . To measure it, ( Photo B). Make sure the read ing is stab le wind three o r four turns o f solid hookup wire a nd is the same with the counter set on more than one range. You ca n also measure fr e- quency with a c alib rated oscillo scope: -.. into a small coil, then measure the resonant frequency with C I in the circuit. You'll prob- ably get something like 20 M Hz . Now sp read out or unwi nd the coil to make the frequency Frequency (M Hz) = I I Length of one cycle o rise. You 'll get a maximum freque ncy arou nd (microseconds] 25 MHz before oscillation stops. Put th is fre q ue ncy into the computer program, a nd Don 't str ive for g reat accuracy ; because o f you'll get back a fair approximation to the stray ca pac ita nces and inductances , your reo stray inductance of your setup. Now modify sults are bound to be o ff by a few percent . the computer program to make this number You can also determine the frequency by the value o f LS (fo r example, if it's 0.2 ~ H . tuning in the oscillator on a com mu nica tio ns Figure 6. Foil diagram . make LS = 0.2E -6). 50 7J Amdfeur RadiO • S e pte mber, l 990 By the way, this is nOI the highest frequen- cy at wh ich you 'll ever sec oscillation. A high o tuned c ircuit can override the low 0 stray IRON POWDER and FERRI TE PRODUCTS inductance and make the oscillator run a.\ high as 120 M Hz . An Essen tia l Tool AMI~~OOn1U T wo wee ks ago I didn't know an oscillator Fa st , Re li ab l e Servi ce Sin ce 1963 like th is could be bui lt. Now I don't know how I'd gel alo ng without it. The ability 10 Small Orders Welc ome Free ' T ech- Da ta ' F l yer measure inductance and resonant frequency is so fu ndamental to RF circuit design that an T oroi da l Cores, Sh ie ld ing Bead s. Shi el ded Coi l For m s instrum ent like this belongs in every ham F err- i te Rods. Pot (ores, Ba lun s. E tc. shack. III P.O. BOX 956, TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA 90508 Michat"l Covington N4 TM I does research in phone: (213) 763-5770 lax: (21 3 ) 763-2250 computatiUflal linguistic's. In his spare time C1RCLE .. ON RUOlR SERVICE CARO ht' works 4() and J5 meter ORP CW, builds gadgets , programs IBM p e s . looks at the stars, and writes. He is the author of As - MOTOROLA RADIUS tropbotography for the Amateur, and ClH1 U - • For the discriminating amateur involved in thor of Prolog Programming in Depth and commercia l co mmunications as well. Moot Dictionary of Computer Terms. You may • sign ificantly tighter commercial specs! reach him at A rtificial Intellig ence Pro- • Up to 40% discount. grams . University of Georgia , Athens GA · 3 year warranty by Motorola , an added year 3O<XJ2. provided by Procomm . • Mob ilesfhandhelds and accessories 10 meet Parts li st your amateur/commercial needs 8 1.82 9-voII radoo ~n ery RS f23..464 simul taneously. C, l!1O pF . !lOy Sill> poIysl\'f_ preter<ed PROCOMM C2 33 pF.2O'llt.!IOV ce<amicdec 1WI*l....,g ~ ShacO. parU.lluy ho<l _ 100 pF _ ~ 7 1948 Coventry Ct. pF FOf 150 pi' use lOll..., n pF -.par8IeI For 33 pF 10M 100 Thousand Oaks , CA 91362 _ . 7 pFl'l_1 Phone: 805497-2397 C3 c 001 . 0 00I1. Of OOS IJF . Catalog $lG-refundable with purchase_ - 2O'lW +llO'lIl. !IOV RStZ72· 1:M 01 , ~ 2N5245 Of 2N3ll1 9 FET es ",."'" "''" 10 kO.iII_"'·W RSm1-1335 " S I.S2 H OO.iII _ 1k. al leasl ...·W "' -W suDn'lIntalure sPST Of RSf271-1311 RS f271·1321 Sell your product in 73 Magazine SPOT SWlId'l RSI27 5-62~ 2 ban..,. eeeeeecrs 2 Dips to hold bane''''" RCA·type phone Jack RS 1271).32!; RS 1270-326 RS n7~-346 Call Dan Har per Today Te91 clips PerltlOl"d, .. ~e. misc_hardwafe ..., 1.beI,"'l RS#270-336 800-225-5083 Noe. -A bIanIc PC Ilt>a«l os . vWble lot '" ppd_and . kd 01 ... P'''' e.oept !he enc:lDSure and tIoItler-.s is lveilBbIlt lot 51S ppd from ems Hell'lOm K!MX II SmII Pll/tI Cenler. 68 18 tHew Or , l--.g. "'14$911, PI'Ione (511) 882-6«7_ SUPER PERFORMANCE BATTERIES UPDATED SUPER ICDM SUPER YAESU SUPER ICOM 8N S. 132 vets. SUPER YlESU fN8-4SH. 12 volts, l200ma triple the caoacts of rre lCOOma_ d~b1e the capaCIty olltte lcom BP-7. 5w outpu t Yaesu FNB--4 5 watt output Rapid SUPER ICtlM lIP-lIS. 96 vcns. charge only S71 00 1200ma 5O"t. more capacity tha n SUl'tR YAESU FMB-3S. 96 verts. OPTO Iambic Keyer me Icom BP.8 12fX)ma, tnpte the capacity of the Both are rapu base charge onl y, Of Yaesu FNB·3. 35 watt output slide in wall charger, 4 Inches high Rapid or wall charge S65 00 Bp.7S or Bp.as $6500 Both are pertect for me 03. 09 and 727 series radios and are 4 Inches SUPER KENWOOD Exact replacement FNB·2 Nicad pack high SUPERKE NWOOD P8-Z5S /PB·26S. 8 4 for vaesc FT -404R 1207RI208R/708R Inserts lur: volts, !nlma, double the capacity S22 ~ Kenwood PB-25. 25H. 26 rnilXl ot me PB·25 /PB-26 for the 2500/ 26OCI/3500 fl3OO cnerce With ei ther SPEAKER / MICS lcom BP-3 lcom BP -5 (5OOm~ 1 Sllll5 $24.\15 • UhfacompactS- • 5\10' • 1.... • • OPTO iaoIa led outpul • Bluery 0< DC poMl"'d • Full Iu"chOf'llambic ~, • AdJ"S1_ speed and weoghI • One vel' N:e Syslems Wal-.anly the stand ard walt ch arger or drop In charger 3 Inches high 56500 Full hne IOf tcom HM-Q hau MIII 2'A28 veesc S35.00 loom BP·l lSOOmJl 131.00 loom BP-B 411/811 /470. FN8-10/11112/14 avaIlable """ ""'" Add $.I 00 sh~ & II¥dItng tor fltSl p.1Cl< C1 rf'SOdenlS.tdd If la_ • See Your Ace Dealer· Complete !toe 01 NICAD packs lor loom. Ktrlwood. vaesc. Iempo. Santee. Azden. CordleSs Telephones. • Amateur Electronics Supply Aic:aIifI.o. NlCad& GeI-CelIs All MeAD packs Indude 1 year guarantee Commercial RadiO PackS available • Barry Electronics For all your ballery reees. wne or calltooay lor a complete cataloq Dealer InqUIries IflVlted • KJI Electronics MADe By HAMS FOfl HAMS • • • Madison Electronics Oklahoma Comm . Center R. F, Enterprises ,III1U~ IJK-. 149 Palmef Road . SouthbUry, CT 06488 [iii'" . ....., • R & L Electronics 1800] 634-8132 '" CT 12031260<3985 fAX , 12031262-6943 • Rlvendell Electronics CtRe LE 6 8 ON AU DER SERVIC E CARO Ace Systems . RD 1 • 80.83 . W,ICO' , PA 15870 81~ 965·5937 CIRCLE 83 ON AEAOER SERVICE CARO 73A maieurRadio • Septe mber , 1990 51 Number 21 on your FHdbloek elr<d 73 Review by Bill Clarke WMBLC Ameritron AL-82 Linear Amplifier Ameritron 2375 Dorr si., Suite F Toledo OH 43607 (419) 531-3024 Trouble-free power. Price Class: $2000 he amateur radio market of today offers 12 VDC at 100 mA is available on the rear T many high-power HF linear amplifiers. Some are capable 01 lull power (1500 watts pa nel. As an optional feature Ameritron provides a out) and others offer about half that. Some 01 very fast pin diode RF switch for its lull line 01 lhese amplifiers offer features such as auto- large amplifiers . Called the P IN-5 a SK matic tuning, exotic (read: expensive) tubes, Switch , it is perfect for AMTOR and aSK. You anc'cr complex operation mon itoring and p ro- can have the lactory install it belore shipping tecucn circuits. the amplifier, or you can bUy and install it later. When dealing with linear amplifiers 1 am impressed with simplici ty, ruggedness, and Operation ease of operation . Amplifiers that use mi- First and loremost, you must have adequate croprocessing and exotic lube. hold little in- PhOto A Front panelof the AL-82, showing the AC power to operate this or any other full teresttor me, as 1am always in fe ar of possible dual meters and controls . power amplifier. I use #10 copper wire from tater problems from the complexities involved the breaker box to a single outlet, and the and the expense 01 service. amplifier is the 0fI1y appliance using the ci r- Ameritron 's AL-82 has given me what I acute operator anxiety and frustration, parte- cuit. This provides adequate amperage and want . The AF deck consists of two Eimac ularty when sparks fly and smoke comes out o f prevents voltage drops. 3-500Z tubes and the associated components the u nit. I placed the amplifier in a position to provide to get the power safely out on the proper fre- I was impressed by the Quality of the compo- adequate cooling and hOOked it up to my sta- quency. Nothing more! nents and the mecnamcat installation of the tion ground . I used my trusty ICO M 751-Aas a various parts. Nothing was loose and all the driver during the tests, providing more than The Bo xes Arriv e sold er work looked good. The cooling fan is in enough excitation. I also placed a monitor There were three boxes in all. Am eritron a cast metal ca se and the tubes have chim- scope in line to ensure that I was not over-ortv- ships the amplifier in a box without the HV neys over them. No overheating should occur. ing the amplifie r or flat-toppi ng , and to view pla te transformer or tubes installed (to prevent Interestingly, a check with the Ameritron mecwwevercrm. possible damage from rough handling during factory in Toledo, Ohio, revealed that the pow- Using all new RG-2131or interc onnections, I shipment). The latter items are shipped sepa- er supply and RF deck of the AL-82 is the brought the AL-82 on line and tuned it up on 75 rately in o ther boxes . Everything is very well sa me as th at o f the AL -1200 (usin g the meters. Everything went well and there wasn 't packed and not likely to be damaged in transit. 3CX 1200A7 tube) and AL-1SOO (using the any smoke. I was amazed at the qu iet ope ra- I removed the amplifier from its box, then 3CXl500/88n tube) amplifiers. tion of the amplifier and experienced noobjec- got the tubes and transformer out of their box- tionable fan noise-the computer I am using es Out of curiosity, I weighed the transformer. General Features to produce this text is far noisier than the amp. A full 32 pounds of Peter W . Dahl Hypersil The AL-82 has two large meters: one for grid No doubt this is due to that fine import ed Quality! Weight is hOw Quality is measured in curren t; t he other a multtmeter for plate German fan . transformers and power supplies, isn't it? voltage, plate current, peak RF output walls I followed the tu ne-up directions and every· and ALC . The grid current meter gives the thing went smoothly . All meter read ings cam e Inside the Case qu ickest indication that all is OK when moni- up as described in the manual. Using a Bird Carefully following the AL-82's instruction toring amplifier operation. Having this meter wanmeter, I watched the power output and manual, I installed the transforme r, tube s and co nstantly available for monitoring is an excel- compared it to that of the AL-82 's power me- chimneys. All wen t we ll except fo r an incorrec t lent idea. ter. There we re some slight variations, but in connector on one of the transfo rmer's primary The plate tun e and plate load controls both general the panel meter was quite accurate. leads. I replaced this, then continued making have very smooth-o perating 6:1 redu ction Remember, the meter is peak reading, so the necessary connections. I would have ap- drive s. you will see a good indication of your output preciated an extra half inch of secondary The Eimac 3-SOOZ tubes are fast to start up, power. leads-what was there was barely adequate, req uiri ng 0fI1y a few seconds fOf warm-up (no I connected to the ALC line and made the While the case was open I closely examined timer or delay ci rcuits). They are also compar- necessary ad justment to maintain full legal each component and the power supply circuit atively inexpensive when it comes time for power output . The amplifier is capable of boards . The boards are Fiberglas'" with very replacement (which should be a long time slightly more than 1500 watts. But, as you wi ll accurate and smooth circuit traces. This is an away). learn in the discussion of the law 01 decibels Important point, as HV power supply PCBs are Two bias settings are provided to allow opti- later in this article, you will really gain nothing a weak point on some amplifiers I have used mum performa nce on CW and SSB. from runn ing over the legal limit , and you and serviced in the past. Sloppy circuit boards An operate/standby switch allows barefoot could damage the amplifier! cause shorts and/or arc-over points, which in ope ration without turning the amplifier olf. Whi le using the AL-82 I monitored the me- turn cause the amplifier to fai l, tr ig gering A red LED indicate s on-the-air (key~own). ters and noted no discrepa ncies , The HV me- 52 73 Amateur Radio • September, 1990 SERVICING RF Measure Up With Coaxial Dynamics Model PRODUCTS Signals picked up by the low capacity input of 83000A RF Peak Reading Wattmeter the Spectrum Probe allow rapid evaluation 01 Take a PEA K with Coaxi al Dynamics " N EW" M o d el 83000A, designed problems. Simply placing the probe near a t o measure bOth FWD/RFL power in CW component allows judgment of whether it is and FM sys t ems si m p ly and qu ickl y _ active . RF failures are easily established. Then with a " F LI P" o f a s wt t c h. measure " P EA K POWER " in m o st lOdB A M , SS B or pul se s ys t ems. Our 00' M odel83000A features a com p le te se- OIV lection of plug -in-elements plus a 2 ye ar warrant y. Th is makes the Model 83000A an i nv es tm e nt worth look i ng at. So go ahead. take a " PEA K" , you'll l ike " W An " yo u see! 100 Con t act u s for you r nearest autho - "v ri zed Coax ial Dynam ics representa- tive or d istri b utor i n o ur world -wide frequency 100 MHz sates network. A coroteee phone (base station) is probed near COAXIAL its 38.970 crystal in fig . 4. Both 39 MHz and its second harmonic are obvious. The lowest line DYNAMICS, at 10.245 is also obvious and can be estab- lished by probing the adjacent 10.2 crystal , INC. which then shows 10MHz as higher level than 38MHz . We have established receiver RF oscillator/system operation in seconds with no 15210 Industrial Pal1lway connection. information, schematic, etc.1 Cleveland, Ohio 441 35 216-267-2233 1-800-COA XIA L IOdB Telex 98-0630 ~~ Service and Depen dability ... a Part of Every Product CIRCLE 186 ON RUDER S ERVICE CAIlO 100 ~-­ • Advanced Technology "v frequency 100 MHz -~ PacComm " al • Enduring Value tOdB per Current Software Today and Tomorrow D1V Only 1 .3 ~ X 2.6 ~ X 4.S ~ 100 All Metal Case User Serviceable Parts "v frequency 100 MHz Open Squelch DCD ~ Large 0.5 AH Battery Builtin When the transmitter is activated (by pressing CALL), probing near the 15.537 crystal pro- NOW YOU CAN HAVE YOUR PACKET•.. AND TRAVEL TOOl * "Open SQuelch ~ vides fig . 5. Fundamental operation and many narrrorucs are shown. As the probe is placed near the following stages , the fundamental is f ormance * oeD circu it ry Com pact size ta lkie or handheld c om pu te r * * for flsler. more rel ilble per- A!laches t o your bett, handre- Rugged const ruct iOn with superb NOW ONLY $2199 5 decreased. and the third accentuated until the RF shielding (n o birdies i n your radio) * Standard blttety pack relatively clean output of fig. 6 is obtained near provides Oller 12 hours o f o peration * Advanced Personal Mail Fa< complele ""0 '" spec,I..:eloons the antenna lead. The transmitter RF is visible Box & KISS mode incl ud ed * 32 k-byles 01 RAM * Complete Cell/ a U} 8]4 ·2980 To 0,,,, C.II in seoonds! w ith bet! clip. cables, battery pack & charger. comprehensive Ton F..... 1.800-223·3511 * ""./Of C'e<1Ir C.,ds Acc epl..,' 107 SPECTRUM PROBE ------------------------------------ manual 30 day money-back I Orle year w8"anty parts & labor PacComm • 365 2 West Cy press Street . Tampa. Florida 33607 converts any scope into a Please send 0 HandiPacket 0 More Information 0 FREE Catalog 100MHz spectrum analyzer $1 99 ""ad Smllh Design 1324 Harris Rd. Dresher, PA 19025 (215) 643-6340 CII'CU" ON RUDER SfRI/ICIi CARD 73AmateurRadio • September. 1990 53 heavy and expensive . Consider this before purchasing one . Also, remember that you may have to do some electrical work in order to provide the necessary 240 VAC a full-power amplifier requires lor operation. You must use heavy coax, such as RG-8 or AG·213, when operating at high power. No more RG-8X or RG·58. The Law of Decibels In understanding what a linear amplifier can Photo 8. No te the Peter Dahl Hypersil trans- Photo C. The RF deck has silver plated com- do for you, consider the following: It is qeneral- former, the heart of this beefy amplifier. ponents. To the right of the tubes you can see Iy recognized that there is a 3 dB increase in the cast metal case fan that forces air through received signal strength for every doubling of ter showed 3700 volts during idle and 3500 the tube Chimneys. transmitted power. This equates to the signal volts during key-down . That indicates a hetty of a 100 watt exciter being raised approxi· and well-regulated power supply. some amplifiers require as much as three min- mately 12 dB when amplified to the 1500 watt Contacts were made on 160 through 15 me- utes warm-up time. level. ters , providing me with an opportunity to see The vernier l uning controls are very smooth Once again, it's not necessary to run this what the amplifier could do on each bane!. turning and let you make precise settings. amplifier at lull power for reliable communica· TYpical changes in Svmeter readings at re- 3-5OOZ tubes are very economical (when nons. The difference between 800 watts and ceiv ing stations varied from 10 to 20 dB in- the need arises). 1500 watts is about 3 dB , a small difference at crease in signal strength over my barefoot The cooing Ian is very quiet . the receiving end. However, it' s good to know signal. On several occasions I was told I was The separate grid meter is great. that the AL-82 can give you that extra boost not heard when I switched the AL·82 to stand- Inrush filament current limiting is provided whenever you need it. III by and went barefoot. to protect the tubes at turn-on. No complaints were heard about net-too- The Ameritron warran- ping, but I did get a few comments from sta- ty covers the amplifier for tions operating on adjacent frequencies. They on e yea r (ex cept the Manufacturer's Specifications were sometimes less than courteous in reter- tubes, which are warrant- Input ring to aRM. This is why you should only use ed by Eimac). Circuit type: Pi-network, slug tuned coils the minimum power necessary to main tain Maximum VSWR at resonance: 1.2:1 contact, keep the input signal as clean as pes- Recommendations Minimum 2:1 VSWR bandwidth : 20% sible . and have regard for your fellow hams. I think the band serec- Maximum drive power permissible: 130 watts There were no reports of objectionable fan tor switch should be re- TypiCal drive for full power output: 100 watts noise. This point is important, as many amplifi· beled with all the WARC Output ers are noisy in operation to the point of fan bands (only 17 meters is Circuit type: Pi-L. Pi sounds gening into the mike . included as in 1511 7) and Hall-hour continuous carrier: 1500 watts (below 18 MHz) CW operation went as expected, although I 10 meters should be ta- 3O-second continuous carrier: 1800 watts plus wasn't able to lest the optional PIN·S a SK beled as such, not as AUX. Hatt-nour PEP two-tone test: 1800 watts switch (not installed on this unit). The scope Most hams will make the ao-seccnc PEP two-tone test 1800 watts plus patterns were a mirror of the exciter running modification anyway. Power Supply barefoot and the power output was typically It is unfortunate thai Ii· Circuit type: full wave bridge, capacitor input 1400 watts. For the CW operator using full censeo amateurs must No load voltage: 3600 V break-in, I think the aSK option would really make modifications to an Full load voltage: 3300 V be nice . amplifier to allow use on Full ceo current 0.8 amp When using an amplifier such as the AL-82 10 meters. Such is the Regulation: 10% or better you must recognize tne potential of us full stat e o f affair s in this Transformer: Hypersil power-the 1500 wens output. This is a signlf· cou ntry - p u nis h the Capacitors: 26IJF total, computer grade 'cant point, as some amplifiers using the same masses fo r t he tntr ac- Maximum draw at rated output: 13 amps at 240 VAC tube complement are unable to provide this ncns ot the few. Tubes level of output due to weak power supplies. The lillie red LED that 2 3-5OOZ Opening the unit for periodic maintenance indicates key-down is in- Continuous dissipation : 1000 warts (cleaning out accumulated dust) will be quick, significant. It should have Warm-up time: 5 seconds easy , and safe-"safe" providing you read been larger. Metering and heed the instructions about high Vol tage Multimeter: HV, IP, RF Out. ALC shock potential. Remember, at the voltages Is It For You? Grid: grid curren t found in the AL·82 (and all similar amplifiers) Would I recommend ALC: negative going. Q..20 V (adjustable) one wrong move and you will be remembered the AL·82? An emphatic Efficiency (typical) on the bands as: " Too bad about old what's- "yes" to those requiring CW:65% his-name . Got tneo . ya know." a rugged and trouble-free SSB (envelope crest): 62% full power amplifier. This Frequency Coverage Consideration amplifier is const ructed All ham bands (WARC uses nearest standard band) Part 97 of the rules requires us to make our like the typiCal battleship 10 meters available upon request to licensed amateurs contacts using the least power that will and should provide thou- Keying : 12 VDC circuit requires external relay switching 10 provide reliable communications. You don't sands of carefree hours ground need to run a full 1500 watts out to tatk into the of operation . However, I RF Connectors: 50-239s next county. Be considerate of other hams. want to point out that all AC Line Connector. NEMA 6--1SP 240V style amplifiers of this type do Dimensions: 18.5 x 17 x 10 inches (DWH) Good Points have drawbacks and are Weight : nIbs . (with transformer installed) I like being able to turn the amplifier on and not for everyone. Third Order IMD: - 34 dB at 1500 W output have instant power. The exotic tubes used in They are ve ry large , 54 73 Amateur Radio • September, 1990 Number 22 on your FNdbac k eard LooM . SU R FREE· DeMO I - SAVE TIME- Ihe ALERT INDICATOR lets you 73Review by Phil Nowak KA9KAF work a new country . stal e. CO zone,lTU zone. or prefi~ and qualifies all at the above by frequency ..'" modo 3 - On line DUPE CHECKING on call sign, counlry. The Cooper G roup The Weller P .O . 8o11 728 Ape)( NC 27502 (9 19) 362-7510 CO zooe.rru zone or prefi~ · STATISTICAL ANALYSIS lor exec. WAS, WAZ, and your enure log book for all 9 hi band compiled and displayed - Easy 10 ul e-many more featur. sl Cordless Pyropen' - 30 day money back satsifaction guarantee REOUIRES ~12 K THE WB20PA R" ~ . IiARO DRIVE, 011 LOG MASTER ou.... n opp lEs A soldering pencil for Price Class : sell-igniting model (WPA-2), $85 ; Non-setl-igntling model (W5TA-3), $78; ------------- SENSIBLE SOLUTIONS PC both the bench and the field. Pyropen J unior (WST·2), $62 P ,OBox.7. Mddlelown . New.Je<-r on.a Compatible (20 1, . 95---SQ66 I wish IOOtdef· FREE DEMO· W hen I first saw the Weller Cordless Py. ropen , I became Iascmated by this sm all soIdenng pencil. Its attracnve design remi nded can be coo lig ured to produce an open flame . A device called a torch ejector replaces the solder- ing ejector (the device which holds the catalysl ~ "t. WB2QPA loGIhsTER PRICE EACH $59 .95 TOTAl. Pwogram HF me of an oversized drafting pen . It's the kind 01 and burns the gas) and allows the N51 model to _ _ WB20PA loGMAsnR FREE item that has impulse appeal. I could almost hear lunction as a brazing torch. This featu re is not D$rno HF it saying. " Buy me! Buy me!" lound on the Jumcr c r 5 1models. There are lots of When the Pyropen arrived. I carefully read the interc hangeable tips for the 51 and N51 models, .. Plus $2 ,00 Sh,pp,1'lg a nd handling $ 200 instructio n sheet supplied with it. The instructio ns including hot air nozzles for heal shrink fubing . I loutsodeol U S _ c....,. $5. 001 IN<!w ....... y R_ _ nl l, pIO'" 00<1 ....,....... lOA) were clear and straightforward. liked lhal feature . The brochure suggests other One al tha attractive qualities ol lhi s product is uses for the hot air such as drying glues and TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ _ that It doesn' t need a power cord. It runs on bu- solvent. Media Sile ' [ 5 """ Of 0 3 Yt " Floppl8s tane gas. justnke a cigarette ligh ter. Unlike my Caution : Not only does the ti p get hot while the NAME CALL _ cordless recha rgeable soldering iron ,this unit will Pyropen is on , all the up-front metal parts get hot run mree to lour hours on a gas charge. Recharge as well. There is little mass invol ved so lhe unit lime IS In seconds instead of hours. It is also does cool rapidly once it's turned off . Anothe r ADDRESS CITY, ST. Zl! ~~::;~;::::;::;;;;::;::;;:;::: electrically neutral; it will nOI int roduce an electri- caveat: The small ignitiOn wire on the 51 model is l_ _ CAll SIGN Ior.-eft I'R(lGI\NoI _ _ ) cal charge to me item you 're soldering. somewhat cefcate. I suggest leaving it alone. CIRCLE 9 S ~ READlR SERVICE C,\RO The UM arrived charged With mtrcqen gas. For Another nice fe ature is the temperature adjust- safety reasons, the manufactu rer does not ship me nt. The brochure says it ranges from 200 to 7 TIl? -,. The No-Tune !J ~ \J J them fill ed with butane gas . You can buy butane gas at you r local supermarket or dr ugstore . I bought some gas, c harged the unit, ope ned the SOO degrees C. This lets you solder delicate c0m- pooents without cooking them. If you need some- thing hotter , just lum up the heal. . . So ...... &- n.'T .. s.>-1O «I,:lO A Io. "",m + Windom AnttmnBS So ..... &- 110.,., «I, !O. 11. I~ A 10. l:'T ~ , . . . . w · ...... OX II 0 so_ • ••.- ,;,. .. ""1_"1. "" II ma in gas valve, and pushed the ignition button . ~ . o... ],,,,104eo a.._ .._ \ t.:i.k· P_ w~-S.ol.<.l 'h,.. .. R.<....... l .. ol.1<.l .. )(lOCI \' There was a rus h of air, a wh istli ng sound, a three- It Works! 100 ft. RO-8x I. N I,.. ~ -.;.,;,., iUl<4 m ilo', ... second countdown, then ignition. When the six This revie w wouldn 't be ccmcrete without ceu '" 004« T"h...,. wt . . . .. Ill' T'lIL (.t'''lR 9";' ~ .• ~.~ small round wi ndows in the housing that holds the putting th e unit to work. I had a few projects silting S6.95 rr4 us.>. ~ .,. I.f~: .., ·...·.. u TN T/2 $ .z~! ·S' soldering tip start to glow o range the Pyropen is o n the shelf just wailing 10 be dusted off. One of AlJtl!'lJlJ lISU ~SI ~' f<" ~ •• · l~ on and hot. It heats up in a hu rry . tnese involved some oencete soldering in small tI.>-< 5o:U2, """'.~ t:r ~1(6 ,'if::: 800-926·7373 spaces . Does th is sound fam iliar? The heat con- CIRCLE 5 ON READER S.E RVICE CARD Three steee Models tro uet me get the job done without cook ing every- , _ _TH 5 GOODIE f _ 'Ht CAtoOT S1()f1E The Pyrc pe n has nice balance in th e hand thing.1 didn't use ailihewires on one of the cables when soldering , and looks like a precision tool. I made up. I folded these back along the cable and (RD.C[ !COM !C-13S The factory lold me this unu was designed in covered them With heat-shrink tubing. I removed • _ ' UN OE R 1990.00 Germany. It has that 1o‫ס‬i< and solid feel olTeuton- the soldering tip and replaced it with the hot air s...- ....."".o... ~ .. _ ......,.,. c englneerlOg.like a Mercedes Be nz. The factory tip. Even on low heat . the Pyrooen did its job. I y ...... H, Goo," " Icom to< "" l ' 0 1e-290H ' ' '9 90 told me Ihey looked at hundreds of products be- shut lhe unit oll during lulls in my soIder"ing act ivi- 0-. W3" tt _ " _ . '" 50 00 '" ..."'. . Coo" foe ..._ fore selecting tms one. ty to conserve luel. That's also a safety feature. " " - SQo<:.., OSloo"""'" eo_.,. w" ... _""'9"'" l!$tO<P I had noticed three different versions of me Don 't leave a hot soldering iron just lying around ~Q$$0I$f~ ..... ' _ Ce -U Y cordless Pyropen at Radio Ex po. I got the self-ig- on the workbench! "S .S ' ,"$~_ . __,". """ '· ' . ... ,_, •• ~..... ....... T ~. -f " H -I-2_... C_ s.., . S... niting model (51). The second model (N51) is al- Whether you have a soldering iron or not, the most identical except th at it is not self-ig niting. Cord less Pyropen makes a handy addition to any CIRCLE 2 U ON READER S£l'lV!CE CAIID You ligh t it w ith matche s. The third model is workbench or toolbox. You can buy Pyropens in smaller. slightly larger than an old-fashioned hardware stores, at larger hamlests or directly founta in pen , and also require s matches to get if Irom The Cooper Group , DJ going . This sm aller Pyropen is call ed the Pyropen Junior. The 51 model is designed for outdoor use. The Con/act Phil Nowak KA9KAF % Cogito Corpora - tion. 3835 West 56th Place. Chicago IL 60629. Research igMlon area is shielded and the Pyrope n can be fired up Without matches. even while the wi nd is blowing The NSI mooer IS deSigned for indoor saves lives. use where Wind is not a problem . Its market is pr imarily for the test be nch . The Juniol" model is more of a traveling tecnnsoan's tool. It, too, has a prctectwe cap . but it is m uch smaller and fits in a shirt poc ket. " America n Heart There are functional di fferences as well. The Junior mode l has a thirty-minute gas capacity. V Assoc iation Wh ile all th e Pyropens use a catalyst to burn the b utane gas with no open uame. the N51 model Photo A. The Weller Pyropen Jr. 73 Amateur Radio • September, 1990 55 bled but the rig still works, don't Detectors: In AM rigs, these waste your time in the IF stages! can be no more than a diode. For OK, so you know all that But FM, an IC Of several diodes con- hOw do you tell the IF from the nected to an IF-type can are c0m- The Tech Answer Man front end from the transmit amp? mon. For SSB, anything from lour The kinds of parts used are olten a glass diodes in a bridge recnner- dead giveaway. Here's a brief run- type arrangement to an IC may be Michael Geier KB 1UM cuns are l hose invOlving CRTs. down of what you're likely to lind: found . In any event,the detector is 7 Simpson Court Computer monitors, TVs and cs- Power supply regulator: Big always at the output of the IF strip, S, Burlington VT 05403 cilloscopes fall into this category. transistor or IC mounted on a heat so it should be easy to find. If all The volt ages on CRT anodes are sink or screwed to the cha ssis. else fails, trace the wire coming Working Without A Net ex tremely high . ran g ing Irom Usually round . Look for big filter from the high side (not the center) If yo u've been following my maybe 2,500 volts for a sma ll os- caps. of the volume control. In multi- column, you know that I always ci lloscope 10 more than 30,000 VFO: If it's analog, it'll probably mode rigs, of course, there may insist that you get the schematic volts for a color TV. And there' s be in a big shield. look under- be several detectors, with the ep- lor an ythi ng you need to fix. Wo rk- enou gh cu rrent to kill you in short neath the shield for an air-gap tun- propriate one typically selected ing without one is like painti ng order. So don', mess with this ing capacit or. It should be right via some diodes coming from the blindlolded. It can be done. but it sluft unless you really know what behind the main tuning knob. If it's mode eeiectce switch, or from the ain' t easy. Un fortunately , there you're doing. digital (a frequency synthesizer), digital system, if there is one . are t imes when you have no The most dangerous solid state follow the output of whatever's Low-level audio amps: Follow choice. circuits are switching power SUI> connected to the tuning knob . It'll the center lead of the volume coo- You've just picked up that un- plies. Many of their components probably lead you to a bunch of trot. h should lead directly to the usual rig or piece 01test gear with are lied to the AC line, and can do lCs. Synthesizers are extremely first stage of the audio amp . The the " unique" name on it l rom your you in. Although they are not com- hard to fix without schematics amp may be an IC, but it is more loca l nemtest (" O f cou rse it mon in radio gear, they ere used in (and not so easy with them, ei- likely to be made from cecrete works," they said) , only to find it nearty all desktop computers and ther) . Fortunately, the technology transistors. dead on arrival or, at best, gasl> many monitors. If you absolutely is new enough that you can nearty Squelch circuits: These are ing its last breath . Naturally, the must lry to fix one, do all your test- always get the diagram for a syn- usually near the first audio stage, manufacturer is either out of busi· ing with the AC line disconnected thes ized rig. That may not be the and can be hard to separate from ness or no longer stocks anything, and th e capacitors discharged. case ten years from now . it. Just follow the wires from the including the manual. for your ob- Never poke around in on e of Ihe se Local oscillators: Look for squelch control. Most squelch cir- solete find . And if you think this while lt's plugged in-il could be crystals and variable inductors. It cuits consi st of one or two transis- kind 01thing only happe ns with old your last poke. may be hard to tell these from IF tors and a few diodes. A dead one tube boat ancho rs, think ag ain. stages. II there are several in a can mute the audio amp, making Solid state has been arou nd long GettIng Started row, that' s probably the IF, not the the rig appear more broken than it enough now that there are plenty The sequence of tile repair job local oscillator. Also, crystals are actually is. 01 transistorized boat anchors out is the same as it is when you have always in small, flat, metal cans, Audio power amps: There is there, too. (Of course, they anchor the diagram . Tile big difference is while thei r cousins, the IF filters, often no clear dividing line be- your boat just as well , even in recognizing tile various circuit are usually plastic, or very large. tween the low4evel amp and the thOugh they' re smaller and run stages on sight, and coming up Receiver trent ends: Follow power amp, because the audio coolert) with some good guesses regard- the antenna. II there 's a TXlRX amp chai n typically has a number ing the input and output connec- relay, it can be hard to follow , but of stages to bu ild the signal up Grab Your Brushes . . . tions for each stage. try to trace through the coetects in gradually . Of cours e, t he f inal So, let's embark upon a discus- Let's assume that the device their resting position. Virtually all stage which d rives the speaker sian regardi ng repa irs without dia- to be repaired is a solid state relay rigs pull the relay in lor TX, can be considered the power grams . Got those blindfolds on? radio with a linear power supply. and release it for RX . (While amp, and it is usually a push-pull Grab your brushes! As always, chec k first to see if the you're there, give the relay a good arrangem ent of some kind . In As I've mentioned many time s, un it lights up at all. If not, go right clean ing. In seconds, Cleaning some rigs , it is a power IC, and al l e lect ro nic d evices are de- toth e power supply and check the can solve many problems in old er may be mounted to the chassis for signed and bu ilt in stages . They fuse , if there is one . Naturally, relay rigs.) heat sinking. a ll have som e k ind of power Change it if it's blown . If it blows When there' s no relay , you will Mike amps: Follow the mike supply, input , si g nal p roc ess again , you've got a short some- probably find a series of diodes lead . There may be several and output . When you approach where. and capacitors splitti ng the anten- stages, with some AGC-like cir- one with no road map, the first, Follow the transformer output na and sendi ng it to both the re- cuits for compression Oflevel con- second and third considerations leads to the rectifiers. These will ceiver front end and the transmit- trot. Basically, they are much the are : SA FE TY , SAFETY , AN D feed the fiher caps (which will be ter finals. You'll have 10 follow it same as any other Iow-level audio SAFETY. Look at your machine, large electrolytic types). Next, you both wa ys to see which is which . amps. rig, Of whatever, and ask yourself: should come to a reg ulator tran- Wh ichever path leads to smaller Modulators: This is tricky be- Can I get hurt on this thing? sistor or IC. Most likely, it will be components is the receiver! Front cause it depends on the mode II it' s a solid state receiver, mounted on a cecent-srzec heat end parts are small , with tiny coi ls, (FM, SSB, etc.j. and may have probably not . Just stay away from sink . II it is getting very hot, too and someti mes dual-gate (fou r- many variations even within a anything connect ed to the AC much curr ent is be ing d rawn legged) transistors. given mode. Generally , wnen the line, and you should be fine . The through it. Also , it may be dam- Mixers and IFs : Mixers can be output of the mike amp stops look- rest of the circui try is likely to be at aged. hard to find on sight, but should be ing like audio ci rc uit ry, you've low voltage (but see note below). II Follow its output to the end of easy to locate if you have found lound the modulatorl It may be it's a t ransmi tt er , th ough , yo u the supply, and you should wind the front end. Just follow its out- four diodes In a mixer-like ar- could get quite a jolt Irom the out- up at a wire or PC board trace put , and you're there. Mixers have rangement, an IC or even a coilf pu t stages, should you actua lly which feeds the rest of the rig. two inputs, one from the front end capacitor (UC) setup. Like a mix- get it to transmit. Under the right Disconnect it and turn the rig on. and one from the local oscillator or er, it will have two inputs and one circumstances, tOO watts or even If the voltage at the sup ply's out- frequency synthesizer. The out- output. One input, of course, will to watts 01RF is enough to inju re put is now OK, the short is some- put leads right to the IFs. These be from the mike amp, and the or kill you. And remember: Any· where else in the rig . If it' s still are easy to spot-just look IOf sev- other will be the carrie r to be m0d- thing with tubes is guaranteed to dead, or still blows the fuse, some- eral can-type adjustable coi ls in a utated. The output should feed have dangerous voltages. (Note: thing's gone in tile supply. It may rcw. som e transmit a mps or ot her This can include the fluorescent still have been blow n, hOwever, by AGe amps: These are really mixers. and neon readout tubes used for a shOrt in the rig. In lact, that's feed back loops. They are usually Well, t seem to be running out of Irequency displays in receivers. If likely. made from transistors, and take space, so what doyou say we c0n- the readout is orange or blue- If the rig lights up but behaves their inputs from somewhere near unue th is ne xt m onth? Mean- green, it is tUbe-type , and proba- wrong, try to eliminate as many the last IF stage . The output goes while, good luck and be careful! A bly driven by semi-dangerous stages as you can, right from the back to the front end or first IF hint: It always takes much longer voltages, perhaps in the 40 to 200 start. Obviously, ilthere's audio of stage, con trolling the receiver' s to work without a schematic than it renqe. un's redor qreen.n's proo- a ny kind , eve n j ust hiss , th e overall gain . A bad AGC amp can does with one. I guess that' s just ably LED , and sale .) spea ker and audio amp are OK . If make the entire receiver seem part of the price you pay for get- The most dangerous tube cir- the freq uency readout is scram- weak or broken . ting a bargain. III 56 73AmateurRadio • September, 1990 PRESENTING THE K1FO 15 ELEMENT SPECIAL! 144 MHz VAGI LIMITED AVAILABILITY! .. VE CT OR f i N DER EleCTRICAL SPEClFCATIOHS, A limited supply of Uniden 2600's with All .." _ ron·l« .........fed lIO,n E·PIlI.....tlMmwodlh H ·PIlI....._"....od1n S--. 13 1dBd It.."""""" 1 _1 E·PIlI..... ~ - 11 5"8 .. ,,,., ONfOFF. Repeater splits, sub audible tone, mike and power cable, 1 year manufacturer's parts and labor warranty. ZERO- I N T HE S IG NAL l HAN D-H ELD PHA SE S ENSE ANTENNA.s FOR VHF DI RECT ION ,- l .. H ·Pl...... , we FI8 fMcl '5 ee 1 13 11y_ 1,,,e ca=S- i F~~~I~~ . X~~~~ COMP ASS GIVES I ~~m OIRECT ION . WECH......1CAl. SPEClFICATlOICS - '- ,- • 5' _ ". , T-1l _ Om ....... .... ...-....rn<l ARM S FOLD FOR STORAGE . TYPE VF-14 2 COVERS 1k1 $ 18 4 .95 - -~ E_ S1_S-_... UJl I0 1 ' _ I_ _ _ '-. ..... U __1ll DeInn 90. UPH BOTH 2 - MT RS , 220 MHZ . OTHE R MOD ELS AVU LABLE . WRIT E OR CALL F O R ee..cow_.... -ow- MORE INFO . Al.8O . V-U.A8U $3 .50 SHIPP I NG ~ TYPE VF - I 42 Aot-2VW8. fO'2·' .... . fOlIl·no. 1'02?-Q:2, ......... I'OWEIl0000RS 3/'6' _ _ _,"l,lPSS""""",_ --"'...,_....._- ~.~,fO ,,-4.o(l i fOZ!·4:!2 ATV 5'6 ~IOO. _ _ - . " I ~'OO P.,..,....!!l!!lI) 51'2 ' " r-AAloIES .'2_ d.., , C.......00 TAX ) $129 .95 RADIO ENGINEERS 5 65 -13 19 3941 MT. BRUNDAGE AVE. 6 19 - nt:l IU SAN DIEGO CA.9 21 1 1 flUTUIOIO AAt'tAYS 1703W_ St. • ...... ~ .PA17070 CSRCU 76 OJl REAOER Sl:1tYICE ColII'D -' 17 111 774--5 29. 7_ IO P .M.EST 1. . . . - . CIRClE 711* Il'EAD£R Sl:RYICE CARD I S?" TNR The Battery Store If You're Serious About Radios Advance Your Packet Radio " • You Want The Best Batteries! wtth l\lultisession power for Sanyo Battery Inserts your PKSS or :\Iultimode ICOM Kenwood PK232 and 181\1 Com atihle BP-2 $14,00 PB2500 $18.00 Continuous " Net Vi ew" monitor BP-3 15.00 PB2600 18.00 screen , 10 session screens with BP-5 21.00 PB 2400 (Tabs) . 15.00 huge scroll back buffers. binary BP-7 23,00 PB2100 12.00 uproad/download. point & shoot to BP-8 21 ,00 regular "quick connects" and multi- Sanyo Nicad Cells ple tn c setup flies (that you can edit) . We specialize in CB radio modification N600 "AA" $1 .SO Ea. one line muttt-hop net/rom conned. plans and hardware, Frequency and FM N270 "2J3AA" 3.00 Ea. qso log, standard or custom com conversion kits, repair books, plans, high- NSOOA " 213A" 3.oo Ea. port set ups 25/43/50 line modes, performance accessories. Thousands of NSOOAA " "A" 4.oo Ea. maildrop support, multi-mode sup- satisfied customers since 19761 Catal $2. N 1200 " "SubC" " .4.00 Ea. port for 232, user manual & more" . oSpeclfy So lde r hIM MUletC.rd V ISA F~Sh/pping IJ C. '. 'og Our users tell us " it' s the bestl" We 1-800-346-0601 agree! Take 5 minutes and order n _ A d d 6.. _ r.. your copy of Packet·PLUS today: TNR Technical , Inc. Please send Check or Money Order 279 Douglas Ave " Suite 1112 for $34.95 (CA res add 6.25%) to InterFlex Systems Design, PO Box ~MA)CCOM ' Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 (407) 682·4311 6418, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677. We ~ . lITOM. TIC ,oPlTl NN,o M ATC HEII CIReLE 6 2 ON READER SERVICE CARD accept telephone C.O.D. orders for Th e u lt i m a te ad v a nc ed lec hnolog y - an added $5, (714) 496-6639 when you need II mos t CIRCLE 77 ON REAOER SERVICE CA RO P.o. Bo lt 502 F1. L.ud.rd•••, FL 33302 C.II So"nJ' Subscription L_-,1~3~..~ ).~!y~.~~..~ ~ ... u ~_'_""u., __...J Problems? CIRCLE 101 0Jl RU OER Sl:ItVICE CARD For Faster Ser vice THE NEW TUBE COfTNT lha -l.ONG K~ FOIl OOAl.ITY A.lJ. DlO TuBE S-lS HOW YOUR H 0 FOIl Our tcu-free number Is: naCO 2 W. V,IIFPQWEA T\l8ES, fHANSIS- TOIlS. FE,oTURI'fG R £Pl.A.Ct: M E ~ T PARTS FOIl EIIot.\C. VARLAN . I'f~ T A, 1-800-289-0388 lUbcz &,_ • " ' G E MOTOROlA fT C _. .,r- THIS _ TH'$ SPli.Clill,.: r.. OC1t2508. 510 Colorado/Foreign Subscribers: TNTITHE HEW TU8E 0" .0. " 2 01. ' I l'()!lOll. 2Il2 MIOOl.-( VIL.l.AGE. NV ' U N 11___..213' 1-303-447-9330 CIRClf 94 0Jl READER SERVICE CAII'D QU ICK, EASY, & CO MPACT FIMh C¥ds 'NOVICE ''''''' EXTRA· I'-Y.K ,,~ undediMd_o.-.r 1000 _ . in .....1 FOf Iiegi , 0 ... . XYL. & k• . "IOYICf. ~ "0." 1 11 ." O~. Tod.,.l GE_ IDYMff:£D I'" In," E1<f1\oO. 'U U ~ '_ I t .so 2 ... _ _ I I SO ~~- CJACl.£ 90 1* READER SERV ICE CAJl1) CIRCLE 150 0Jl RU DER SERYICE CARD CIRCLE 104 OJlREAOER Sl:ItVICE CA RO Number 24 on your Feedback card halt of the 15 co nt raeling governments , ing the first World War. For a period ;n Ox Following a recent review. most sig- natory Governments to the Ag reement corK:tuded Ihat lhe lighls a re no longer th e 1930s Germany, /la ly a nd the Netherla nds contributed to the COS IS of mana ging the lights, but th is ended Hams Around the World needed tor /heir international shipping. with the second World War. The British Governm en t shares this The pas f wa r i n te rna tio n a l cos t Bob Wino W5KNE Their application is based on several view and accordingly has resigned its sharing agreemen t was reach ed in of(,ORZDX lactors : separat ion by loraign land. un- positl(}fl as Ma naging Government to 1962. Wllh Bnte in taking the role of P.O. Box 832205 der the contrOV1:M"sial Point 3(b) 01 the take eff8CI 3 1 March 1990. Its w,tlY- Ma naging Governmenf. and is /:Ja$ed RichlJrdson TX 75083 DXec Count ries list Criteria; and an dra wal from /he Agreement as " partlC' on participating countnes' share 0 1lhe implied relation ship with the DXCC ip a t,ng Government will ta ke ef fec r shipping tonnage rhrough the Suez New oxec Countries? eotm tnes of Sable Island a nd St. Paul from 3 1 Ma rch 1991 . II flO successor Canal. In recent years the men age- The OX AdYisoryComminee (DXAC) Island. because all three are under the mana gtng Government is appointed by men' o f the lights has Oaen underlaken has received lwO more applications tor jurisdiction 01 Ihe Canadi an Federal the c on tracting Governments. Ih e by the Red Sea Lights Company. The separalecounlry status. The DXACwil1 govtlrnmenl and fIOl admin istered by AgrHment wiD lapse before that da te. contracting Governments un der the consider these applications. then rec- any province. You may recall thaI the The p o s il io n l ocally ha s no w Agreement are De nma rk , C h i na . ommend whelher lhey are worthy of recently denied application for country changed unexpectedly in that the Egypt, West Germany. Greece, Italy, being added to lhe DXeC Countries status for Tatoo sh and Guemes rs- lights administered by the Red Sea Kuwait, Liberia, Netherlands . Norway, list . The ARRl Award Commi ttee lands was based on this same Point Lights Company, which acts as the Pak istan, Sweden, USA, USSR and makes Iha final decision. 3(b) an d that the DXAC is considering a UK 's managing agent, are no longer Ihe UK. The Yemen Arab RepUblic is rewrite . operating, Other lights are nowoperat- not a party to the Internalional Agree - Pen guin Illa nd 8, South Afric a ing a t Ihe same locations. and these ment. This ecpuceucn was submitted by 7Kl ·7N1 : New J ap an e se Prel ixe s are understood to have been Pllt up by Sovereignty over Abu Ail (and Jabal Bill KC1AG (who submitted the suc- W ith the availabili ly of "J " prel ix the Yemen Arab Republic. According· al Tair) is sli/I not determined and is not cessful Walvis Bay application), Hans callsign s rapidly diminishing in the pre- Iy, the UK has advised other signatory directly affected by th e cessation Ofthe DK9KX and Ian ZS9A. lectures of Ch iba, Gumma, l bara ki, Governments that the lights now oper- UK inter-eM in the lighthouS6S. The new Accord ing to the applicat ion, Ihe Kenagawa , Sa itama, Tochigi. Tokyo ating ara not the responsibility of tha lights mentioned in Ihe press releaS6 P8fI9um Islands are a group of 13 tiny and Ya manashi, new callsign prehxes UK and other s ignatory Governm ents as having been erected by the YAR South A/rica n guano islands, located have been aut horized. The new call- of the Red Sea Ughts Agreement. s trengthen any YAR clai m to SQVBr· along the coast 01 Namibia. north and sign prefixes IOf applicants wi" be 7Kl . The lights af J abal at Tair and Abu Ail elgnty, bur ir is nol clear whal court or south 01 Luderitz. The islands are kr 7ll , 71.4 1 and 7Nl (the 7J callsign pre- were among four built by the Ottoman body wo ul d va lidale such a claim cared oH lhe resUded diamond area of I,x has been designated for l oreign re- Empire a nd firs t exhibited in 1903. (apa rt Irom the signa tories o f fhe Nam ibia. The preferred names lor ciprocal eceoeeeet. The authorltlElS are Turkey renounced her rights and Wes Treaty of Lausanne , who have proba. these islands are: Albatross Rocks , already isslJing callsigns in the 7Kl sa- to /he isla nds in the Treaty of Lausan- bIy Iosl interest). Halifax Islam:!, HoUandSbird Isl and, rIElS and the other prefixes WIll follow as ne. and their sovereign ty has s,nce re- The bottom line is that the islands Ichaboe Island . Mercury Island . North use ectetee. Tha nks to JARL News , mai ned undetermined. The ~ lights should continue to coo nt IOf DXec un· Lo ng Island , Peng uin Island , Plum The Totem Tab loid (bu lle lin 01 lhe have been man aged by Britain since III YAR , or one of the other nearby Pudding Island, Pomona Island, Pes- Western Wash ington OX Club) and 1915. when /he lormer Turk ish islands states, makes acla im that is supported session Island, Seal Isla nd, Sinclair Is-- Bob KE7Gl. were occupied by the Royat Navy duro intern atio nally." fII land and South l ong Island. Ol the th ir· teen islands only H otla nd sbird (Ihe The Red Sea Island s northernmost island in the group) and As I am writing this month 's column , Possession tstanos are shown on the Na tio n a l Geographic A tla s of th e Ihe question 01 whether or not the Abu Ail tere nc e wilt be deleted tro m the it SG-230 World. These islands are ad minister ed by the Cape Province. This application for separate country countries list remains unresolved, or al least no action has been taken . The popular opinion is that Ihe islands SMARTUNER HF ANTENNA CO U P LER -SS 8. AM . CW & DATA status is based on the etancs being ceased to be valid lor separate country FAST-INT E LLI G E NT-A CCURATE OPERATES WITH A N Y HF TRANSCEIVER more than 75 m iles from me closest status on March 31 , when Yemen took T ..... ."""'''''''''''' ~ ;W> rc.... ~no>k>gy ,..... 1'1<" Inte U; ~I1 "Y 'ur-.> any "'ngl~ ;on,~n "" (II , ,, "0 poinl in South Africa (and Walvis Bay). control 01 the lig hthouse, but the OX n l In , t>< HI" band Th.. un" WIll ' 'J'<'I" .. , ~ ...,,~ ""y ' w ,,""-o;re;..... wl' ~ ; " ,,,, ' 0f'C'l,1\<".' '1On.~ . T..... ""............. $wl...· ",,,,,,;on<! 32 outpul c~'ancr com""""k>ru; pi'" The appliCalion is Ye1'Y well done and News Sheellhlnks ol he rwise. The foI· 2~ inductanc<" comboina,io<\s ;" ,PO " ...... _k <=oIllng;" 0V<"f .. Iwlf ·...,ll"", .s.rln<'fl' looks very convincing . lowing paragraphs. adapted trom OX ...,.,. ' " n-..-c a pnf«1 mat<h fo< ,t><'.a"",ri\>n . And . ltr...---nJb<¥s r"""~_ ,"" ,un/"8 , ..01....., """ WIll , ~ ._, r....... ,,;01<1<'5 in i=o ,han 10 '"" ....x, u..... you Following im mediatel y after the ap- News Sheet. provide an interesting ar- Iransm" on U... fr<'QUCnCY plication IOf separate country status. gumentlor retaining the islands on the SPECIAL DK9KX anl10lJnced a DXpedltion to the DXCC cocomes list and give back- HAM PRICE, Penguin Islands, wh ich was scheduled ground information about the Red Sea 5555.00 to begin July 1" The hst 01operators Islands: inclUded: DF9KH. DK9KX. Dl8CM , The re have been many rumors circu- V51DM and lS9A. The announced larmg the OX bands about the status of calls igns were DLSCMIZSl on CW, Abu Ail and Jabal at Tair following the DK9toUZS1 on SSBand lS9A1 1 on SO recent OXprJdlliOn by /he DL operators. MH z. Th is op e ra ti o n probably l ook Even suggestions that they have al- place from Seel lsland. which is locat- read y Oaen deleted from the DXCC ed justl'1()rth e t Ludentz. The first an- lis t!! Here are some excerpts from the nouncement mentioned a lSIll prefix, official press releaS6 scout the maner, bUI later i nfo rm at io n received from issued by the United Kingdom Depart· DK9KX said they would be operating men t of Tra n sp or t on October 16, =dofI w<St. W/I6MB. ",iI<' ." """II6><'t .. ,II< /o.",,~ r"''''''IC"N "'" 0R0l" portable ZSl instead . 1989. wh ich make il clear that such ·MICROPROCESSOR CONTROLl. m · 1.8 TO 30 MHZ RANG E action would be premature: ·NON-VOLATILE MEMORY 'I O TO 150 WAlTS INPUT POWfR Gro sse lie , Canada ' WATERP ROOf , ,0 MS RL'TUNIN(; TIME The UK 's resignalion as Managing ·SI T E. IN[lICATOR ' 8 T080 rr. ANTENNA (AU TYPtsj Martin VE2EOK and Dany VE2EBK Government o f and as a party to ' fOR MARlNE, AVIATION. HAM AND PARA-MJUTARY APPUCAnONS submilled an applicat ion for Grosse the Red Sea Lights Agreement was The SG-230 Smartuner is available from : lie, Canada. Grosse lie is located in th e a nnoun ced today . The Ag ree · as .1 ...r<V 11aJlJ, 1Z ,~'S ·5_'-<-OJOJ G..-..m li N 11aJlJ. C-4 ;J ~"'''N5<W 51. lawrence R,ver near Mon lmagny, ment cover s the op era tion of two ~ Sob, .\1:-1<.'2·.'-10-4:.'" "" H1t'l7rM/U. C1 2/.;·.'Sl.-...;tUJ ~. fIJIJt.l. C-4 21.~ iIN I}.~ SCG 1...-.• sa:; Iluildlrtg, I 3 7J 7 S .E 2bl h St . 1ltilt\'Ut. WA 98005 . USA 29 miles downstream Irom Quebec. n a vig a tion lig hts in the Southern P .O.1Io><352 b. 98OO\1 Trit-x . J 28834 f;u; 20t>- H b - oJlH T ~" 2Oto - H tH.3 1 0 The island is shown on road maps. Red Sea . managed by the UK on be- CIltCl£ 381 Clf'I REAOER Sl:IIVICE CAItO Listings are free of charge as space permits, Please send us your Special Event two months in advance of the issue you want it rc appear in. Forexample. if you want it to appear in the June issue, we should receive it by March 31. Provide a clear, concise summary of the essential details abouf your Special Event. Ham Doings Around the World SEP 1_2 IICNE TT. 110 The OZarks ARS hold lIS K82IYS, 2 DlCk_ Lana, M,. Laurel NJ 1illns 10 MARC. PO &>' 9315. MOOrIe AL KELOWNA , BRITIS H COLO MB IA Th e annual Club Coog ress & S.. ap, 1 at tM 01!1054 (JII (609J 866..o69Oalrerll PM EDT, 36691-4)315. Okanagan Valley Ham F... Soc:""Y ,1 hold. Monett (Missouri) City P.,k beginning at 9 Ham·Fair alc."",DuI'llop(1SO m N W 01 AM B"'90at l OAM. Pol-luck Dinner at 12:30 OLD WESTBURY. NY TM l\'lnO;l bland Mo- GAAYSUKE.IL TheChagoFMCIub ... Spokane WA) Tal k_on : 148 .92 PenllClon, PM. The park is bcaleo:j .. \lie juncOOn of bole ARC .... IooId a HarnlNl aI the New YOO sponsor IWlIO EllP(l1O at II'le W , County Illi- 146 82 KeIown.I. 146 88 Vernon Contac;t Or- S tale Hwy37 and US Hwy60. Talk";": 146.371 lnal. 01 Tech. !rom i AM--4 PM. AdmIaion SS nois Fairgrounds. VE batnlo . Indoot Au m ~ VE78EE. Boz 477, PrInlICfOtl B C. 97 . Contact T1w Ozaru ARS. PO Box 327, alII'le98l'l Exhlbrlcn SS. T""" , 14625185. Market tabIeIo & electAcily avllilable. o-n.te V2A 61<6. e-. or DDug~ VETIlPS A<Ng,a MO 6560S, (4 17) 678-3375 Contact Neil Hat1man WE2V, (5 16}462-5649 (II' U8tlr Nadel NK2T, (516J 7'9&--2386, S8C1Jnly. c.np.ng. Admiaion: ,.. adYanoa, SS aI \lie _ . Talk";" , 146.161.76 ConIkl III 764--S63'. JOLIET . It The BoIuogblook AAS _ hold I,I;k.BtOIIWAWTS. POBox 1532. E..-II;lrl AL ..... OGORDO . NY T~ Alam_gordO oIS ..,,'" annual HarnIComputeo Fest at nw NMrCONCORO .NH.CJl'IInl_alaI9 The Il 6tl2ll4. ARC . . hold _ Soxll'l ......... H...,,... at Inwood Rac....non CoMtH". OeM< Setup ' CoICOOCOOO 'lilly FlC ia ..ponoSOl ing i1a Fal 1tle o-ro Counly Faitgtounds Sal !rom 8 Sal3-8PM , Sun , S AM. Gatesopenat6 AM . Ham Pado'E1acI<onic FIN Mari<al 14 ....... SEP 23 e._ AM- SPM. MIl Sun !rom 8 """'- 2 PM. VE FlV patb'lg F,.. ~ .. on. T.tlIes 55 per day Pr6-NIgls!rabon tor door P"Zn $5 ondOOI' SIadlum opens aI 8 AM Advance 1iCI<. eta $3. P liNed ee. . tables incIoln SID, ~ _ mowt<eI tables indoors 15 . VE fnlm CCJnootd NH. ~ aeklP .. II AM, CCJaI is S5 . Bu.,.•• a mv" anyt',"" , cost Sl . CCJntact Dew KIOFO at· WAJWOl'C-.?I QUEENS. NY The Hal of Sr;ianr;a ARC HamIesI ... be held allI'le New V",," Hall CJl SQence par!<'"!l 1lll:-AuIhing Ua ' . Park. (belen Aug 3 11. $6 III IIW dOOr hilt...· IeStng. T......;.,: 147.33 +0.6. 224 54 - 1.6. BBSWOK. (X(603) 1'8 5090. bI9"."og at 9 AM , Set-..p aIlar 7:30 AM VE 1~ ,82 ~0. 6 MHz. F... info <:-' II'le 6AflS 146 20180 tell Ii'" FOI'" e.Il (SOlS! 431- EnmsalIO:30AM _ 12:30 PM. 0MaII0n' 029l! 01 (51)5} 431-«192 For 11'110 call Hodine 1OB} 75'J.r005. Ft>r aot.anoe IiCI<eI CANFl ELO . Oti The2CWARC ............. Bu'f"'$ 13. seIIa<$ IS pel' spKe . Talk";": -oe- WASIPS. (505) 431-S896 ...... • _ _ majl checll lO Bo6iI>gD<~ ARS, a Flea Mark. allI'le ""'ooo.og CCJunty JCJinl U4300 s imple. hnk . 223600 '"paal... UII_ 10 Jutw IC58HE. PO Boz 278. A/am. "9£l"<I<' NM tJ8J, I PO Box 1429. 8OIIo '!P'~ It. 60439-1429. foo' table reservations contact Ed .... W09AYR. 75 " Wi1I'lul' A.e.• W<M:1dl>dJa It. "I$l.., V\'lCllI1OnaI School !rom 9 AM--4 PM. Saktp .. 6 ,30 AM . $11* $p8OI . DMItH" tabIeIo $61* e'."""0 -, S2 .. II'le gale . H-'icapped 445.225 repeattH", cal (81 nogr.tl sr... a.- boIum W82KDG. (l18} B98-5S99 Of PrIll Ktr be<TN2HYE, (212)777......... SEP 2 6OS17. (7fJ8} 985--0527, . ; I t• . ve E.......... I PM. T......;.,' Mo- bole check ItI uM. 1 PM on U 7 3 15 and DANBURY. CT The CII ldIa. , ARA_ IHOIAHAPOUS. IN Cent•• Indoana Ham- WEST HARTFORD. CT The ~ 01' 145 .270. P I I I .. in adYanoa by c:ontac::IWlg IoPCJ"SCI'" a Flea Ma<l<et .. \lie E'" s Club fnlm I 1eslICompuIerIe. twougl'll to you _ II !he Har1Io<d ~e< Fait _ be held !rom 10 Paul R' .Ch. (216) 193-8352 CI' Oavid AM-3 PM. Set-up at 7 AM . Ad"" _I"', kllllo help 0I1tle Ivy TKh ARC . " be held a11lW AM-4 PM at Sport Cerner. Admission 15 Spetw»r, (216} 5U-3123 undel' 12 tree , Tables SS. TUg.atlng S6 (in- F-voundslrom8 AM -4 PM ",_a.-. ""Ii East Pa-..on Buolclong 1II1tle Indoana $1_ 11 _ 13 S41111tledoor AcconlpanIllCl(hl. Conlact Ccg.a<l, One AAagnoIoa H" . W. .t Harfford C T 061 17. (203J 233-9922. VERlfOl\l. CT The Iia<TIo<d HamIwt _ be dudes 1 adn' ionl. Talk";": I~TI12 ·1 2 . F... IntCI cal (203J 190-796'7; (203) 715--8138: held ~ mila fnlm l84 , ••• &7 , Tablaa. (tWJng (203} 426--1652. Send Chec k payabla ICI Orenundefl2lr. . FfMpatl<"'ll Bootr>s wrlll SEP 1£ _16 )'OUl' Cl*nJ $8 in ad\Ianca, S10 at II'le door. C.A.R.A, cICJ Bob EIIOn. 60 Padanaram Rd tables S10 NCh 6ooI1'l$ _houl UbIn 55 VIRGINIA BEACtl . VA The Assoc. 01' No<th R,nl·a·latlla. ........ tlOfl. only , S15 Tail liS. OanburyCT06BIO eac;h Stnd --..aliona befora Aug 15th 10 American Radio Clubs ' <;OIMIntion _ be gate. _ a . - SS. $1 at II'le doCIr. General L.o ~ KE9 rs. PO 80.0: 20 '58, 1nda¥Y. held aI \lie Virginia Beach PIYilIon. in con- adnl_ $3 06all • I AM; publoc 9 AM. SEP 2'1 pohslN<f6220 For tnfo e.ll n (3171 251 -9833 Of (3 1 3S2.n. 'VI jundlQl1 ""'" lhe Tlde*ale< RadOo Cooven- ConIact PtttII o...is WFIO, 45 Ma<sI'IaI Rd.. Manr;".,r., CT O6O~O. /203} 649-1624 HORSEHEADS. NY The EI,",", ARA ... tlQl1'S 15"' .......... HamIestICornput Sho..- hold tM 151h annual Elmira Intematoonal (""I'IOI'IQSJ. AARLNEC ........ aI g AM. CCJn. SEP e WNIS.AM. News.-adi(l 850. is \lie conventlOfl tact .k» FIfTIICi WDIU. 190 Rit;hrrl(Jjod Rd.• Ha '" ' e s IJCo mpul"rl"s l at Ihl Ch"mung sponsor. The Old DomInion OX A$$oc:. is co- County Failgrounds from 6 AM--4 PM. Free LAPORTE . IN The Laporte ARC and 1tle <)td,n aling the convention. foo' iflfCI contaet CCl ve "" y CT 08238 , (2 0 3} 142*7625 Moch9M C~y ARC ...... hold. HI"" " ' Sat ., parking Camping hookup $8 {Coo nly ... ANARCON '90, Box 9645, NorIoII< VA23S05- (-"'!P) Irte l apone COUnly F."lIround, Talk-'" qUiremen1l· Admission SJ ad\Iance, $4 81 the 1)6015, Telephone ANARC al (f/()4) ~99-1 '9' doCIr. Children 10 ra"" (II' younge. tree , Talk· 146 !>2s,mple. Forums include rhe Midwest <)t (8f:H) 871-4969, SEP2, MlCfOW.... Soc:oely" conSlruehon •• 1I1b11 al'ld in: Pookies ' .. peate. 147.361.96: 444 .20 VERONA, NY TM MadiloOlH)nieda ARC To;kats C(If'Itacl: Dave L~ ROIl Box 191, S&I1l>nar (boog your SHF PfOI'l'Clsl. OonatlOfl is 1350 Table charge .. 1350 Aeser.to ,n 5fP 15 holds VE Eu _ the third Friday (If month at tM MadUK>n..()neoda BOCES on """I)' VanEtlenNY 14869. De...,,.: Jay/601j 733- advaoce by SASE to LPARC , PO Box 30, CALGARY. ALBERTA CANADA Tile Si"h 0761 VE Exams: Bill. (601j 962-1 134 a nnual Calgary Ham Padio Flea Market ..ill Spting R.d Ta ke 190 10 bIt 33, RT 365 NI'lrth L~(lI N ~6350 be spI'lflSl'lred by the NOVATEL ARC at the ll¥(llra llie light... turning right altM secCJnd SEP30 Parkhill Community Cent re T. om 0900-1300, light. Time is 7 PM. Talk·jn lln 145 ,37 , Contact FORT WAYNE . IN Tha Summ,t City Ham- BENSON . He Johnston ARS ..ill hold tM Adm,ssion $2, Tables $2, Talk·in: VE6NRC Laonard Popyack WF2 V. (31$) 853-891~, or test, spooso.-ed by tt>a F<)tt Wayne Rad io second a nnual JARsFEST , _ ar lhe Am" riean Club ..ill be hekl et the ~· H Fa irgrounds on 146.76; s imple . 1~ .52, To 'eserva a labla, on 146, 79, 145,3 7, WF2V 0 WA2TVE. or POPYACKq;TOPS20 RADCAF. MIL Legion CI'lmpla., Advaoce a<lmi!lSoon $4. SS Ca rroll Rd. from 6 AM _3 PM free paoi<;ng send you. name, cails,gn . nd $2to NOVA TEL at ue door. Flea M.rkel spac" and indoor Set·up 6 PM f nday . Advance adm'ssion 13, ARC, '020 64rh Ave, N E.. Calgary A~r1a iee-ee. Contact: JCJfInslClrl ARS, RI. , Box T2E 7VS, Canada. SEP21 _23 $5 at tile door. Ta,lgetong $7. TabllllJcha,,' "JARS". BflrlSCln He 27504. Or call (g,g) open a or buHding $ to (by reservatlon l. Ta ble l GAYLORD, MI The C ha in 01 Clutn ..ill be 894--5479, 7 PM_9PM c h . irle lec tlk: ~ yl e nclosed AJC bldg $ 15 (by CAMBRIOGE. MA T~ llG~1EElEC 1AON IC$J hotlting the 1990 ARRL State Con""nlion at reserva tion) Talk ·in , 146.16/ ,76, 222 .681 eo...Pu TERI..... ~TEUA RAooo Tle a mar ket spon- lh.. Coufl ty Fa irg round' , White Fish f l)'. 224 46. 449 8751444875 Contact Frank Ja· SOled by the MIT Radio Society .nd the MIT WooTT Hong , F.i,: Fin Mar k&I, Ba nqu&t, S a t.; SPECIAL EVENT STATIONS wors ki KIFJ , 3923 Oa kleaf Or, Fori Wa~ ElectronICS Research Soci "ty, w,1I be held Church services. VE E..ms Sun . Adm;ssion, IN 468 15 (2 19) 485- 2634 If(lm 9 1."1_2 PM at Albany and Main St. Ad· $3 advanca, $5 allhe doCJr. Comm"rcial ven· mis slOfl S ISO. Free 011 street parkiog Tai~ deJrs: S15 li, st table, $10 S8COf'Id lable Non- PARADtSE. AZ The Cochise ARlo ..ill ope'. UNIONTOWN. PI. The W3PtE Unil'lntown gate loom , Sellers $5 per 5paCtI in advanc9, commllcial: $5, Ta ilgal .. , n . Tal k·in : ale WA7KYT 'f(lfTl GhCJst Town. around the ARC , Inc . .. ,II hllId ,ts ~t st a nn ua l Gabtest $8 a llh" gate. Includes 1 adml"lion . Set·up 7 147 12 + Reservatoons t<)t VE E..ms, c0n- ck>ck " Clm Sat.-Mlln. Frequencies: CW- On th" old P' tts burgh Rd . Free pa 'k ing AM. F<)t leseN,llions cail (617) 253-3776 tact Jim Toter WMST, 30Jtl Van TyIe, Gaylord 7.040: Phone--3.885 , 1.285. 14.288. 18.150 , Free S.. ap & Shop set·up " ,th r~ ..tratlOfl. Ma ,1 advance res"Narions be'<)tB the Slh to MI ~9735. (517) 732-"48 F<)t turlt\ef' inlo: 21,288, 28.385. 6 M. For speciel cert,hcal.. Pr.r8\llstratoon $~ e ach or 21$5 Talk· ,n ' W IGSL , PO Bo. 82 MIT SR, Cambtidge MA C",.", 01 CIuIn. PO Box 4C73, G.yfon:I MI send 9 .1 2 SASE 10 COf;trI$e ARA, PO Bo. 147.0451.645 and U41571t~5 17 Cllntact 02139 Talk·in: 1~.S2, 449.7251444 .725-pl 49735, 1655, Sierra Vista lIZ 65636 John 7. c.nnak WBJDOO, PO Bo~ ~33, R. 2A_W1XMlP. pubIK: PA 154 75 (4 12) 246-2870 (X (~12) SEP 22 WATERFOftO.CT The Tfi.City AAC .. ~I CIP­ 2<6-0= SEPIS -'6 Bal..... POlk • FRANKLIN. PI. The Fl. ",ate Stalion KA1BB !.om Sal. .t 17OOl- PEORIA, IL ""mlestlCornpu". Fair, APRL Venango M, k' & Key ClUb" Ham 1wct1Ql1_ 2300Z Mlln. al\lle WaterlOfd CT 1-95 W"lIh SEP'I 1.,n\'lIS S tate Corwenlion. spooso.-ed by p_ be held at lIIe Ven"'90 County "H F....· Statoon 10 promoI" 1.111, Latoor Day holiday BUTLER. PI. The Butle< Counly ARA. Inc na Area ARC at the E.posiIion GardMs. Flea grounds (Roul" 621 begI'WlI"O a l 9 AM. Free auto travel. This ewnt IS in CCInfU'II;loon ""'" ..... sponsor t,," 13t h ann....1H....,aal at "'" Ma.ket "om 6 AM-6 PM. Catnpong and 'ree pari<ong F\egoII1a11Q11 01 auet..... ItemS at 8 \lie seven'" annual Slay.A...." CCJllee S IOCl Butle< County Farm SIlo..- Grounds al RI'>e I)al' k"'ll Banquet OIl 7 PM Sat noghl by ,"",_ AM. Iwcton begItIIo at lO AM. Ad............ $2. CJIIerfid by BSA T1'IICJCl2~ CJl Noanuc CT. F.. A"pot! l rom 9 1.1,1 _" PM . F•.., OUI _ FIN vabCln AdmOSSlDn bcket lI'X'd boC!l da~ , ,.. Sl lew' pr8-f'egistal'ad ....... Conlact Jim quencies: The ITIiddIe 01' II'le 80. .c. 20 and 15 """,;once. $5 at the gale. AlNano;or NIH cIoee ~ N38AT. (814) .01*178/ (JII BrunCJ 1,1 General Class phone and CW bands Talie· Ma<l<el ""dOO, _ '5 spKtl I tO pel' 8 ' ~. l3Ih. Encklse SASE. and mak" CheCk Woblyn K3MHB, /8 14) 871-8694 O<..-ril" in 10 Coffee SlOCllln FM 1~S2 ckar;t lAd C8 t..... Ad"""*'llll S I , ~ u..... 12 It.., Mobole CheCk..., I. noon 146 52 fW3UOX) payable tCJ PeorIa Are.a ARC, PO 80~ ~I. Peona1L 6 '6 1 ~ Talk';": 1 ~, 76J.l 6. nwcluIl 81 Fl. V8tIang(J lM, & Key OW. RO II , POBox 591 , CranbetryPA 163 19 dIannel19. OSL ""'" ""'er liZ' SASE via Tfi.Cdy ARC. PO Box 666. G.- C T C/f634() SImple' O"KtIOftS I ~ 7 9613$ (W3UOX). ~Campng . Handocappan.tfIQ Ay-tn (Butlet·RotAlrpo<t) 1227 MHz FOI' onlocon- VIRGI NIA BEACtl . VA The TideWalef Ra- BERUN .VT T.... C8nJralVannontARC_ 5EP 1 9 lacl Chairman. PO 8o;c ' 781, Bu,ler PA dIO Con......,I_. IfIC. . . IooId lhe AARL hold ita lI800tId annual F" F " , HamIesU ROl.UNQ MEADOWS. IL Oparatcn fnlm 16003-'781 To ' u " " ondOOI'''''' ~ Roatool<a 0ivisiCJn CCJnvent..... and the AN- Flaamar\el 111M Naloonal Guard Annc;wy \lie RCJIing '''' ,. .... AAC ancl llS ...... r;ey . contacl JoHph Slah/mall WA38VO. 80. ARC 1990 SWL CCJn>e ntio" al ee V"9'fIIII fnlm9AM-3 PM. VEExamlo8l1 PM,....-ins ....... Be........", _ c:alebtate nw 35IIl .... ,..-- 8815. R 0 5, So\AloIoty RoQo: PA 160S1, (4 121 8Nch Pav*ln fnlm 9 AM--5 PM. Adm l ion SS In a dvance. $6 at lIIe doot' . Ta lk·in ' 146 9701-300 Contact Man ny Sr.",., aloool. H-'ic1ClPad • bIa Admis- SQ'l $2, TlIoIgabng'" Tablaa (pI(Jvided) S6 adYanoa. sa • nw doCJr Talk..., : 146625 .....-sat)' of nw FCJUf>ding 01' Poling ~ OWl. Frequenaes : Phoo.. up 15 kHz ltlGen- .,., bands; CW-up 015 kHz !rom tooncwn 01' fiNDLAY . Oti The FlI"ldlay RC ... hold .. laDOR. 35 1201ympia Larw, V"?""II BNdr Co n lar; 1 Todd a '9.'CI " , PO Bo~ 52~ , band . NoW::a aetrvity ia aIao pIatInecl ltw_ 48lh .........Ham'" • F~begtnninQal8A M NhlnQt lo;k· II'le Hancock Cou<wy VA23452. {B04} 30-6I 05. w• • _ VT~19 . (tI021 433-5561 modes. Slal_ PI'oone S1alions usa pa.SCJna! ca lli atIflCIUI'laI. and CW _ elS ,.., IS aI nw gat, SM-up al 630 AM SEP '6 t_'" .011', Mlh " P MI" tag . 10 lI'ln:lugfl T - . .., I ' • 32- Forst tarlla SI2 (ondudas """Ilion Itw llfMl) . """'1IOnal1abial SS FIe- _ baIoo'a Sept I Sf . PII., oa<ll8lbles held uf\Ill 9 AM \han r-*l" undaomad T......., ' 147 751 15 S&nd PI'(fTIanII and SASE 10 FRC PENNSAUK EN, NJ The SCJuth Jetsey RIo .. ,II h o ld ir. a n n ua l Ha,"le sl at Ih . " - " - 'I<en HIgh School . Gat... open . 1 8 AM . ve ba," regisl.allCIn is al9 30 TOM .... $3.50 .. ad'vance. '" aI \lledoor. V_ II08ILE . AI. The MARC Hamfeat.o'Comput· .. ShCJw _ be held at Abba Tem(Ila Faw PM Sun Sell cotIl....., Groundio fnlm 9AM-S PM Sal . and 9 AM--4 PYI ••1 _0. vee e.atnlo 81 10 AM Sal , Talk";" 22182 _ 341 .... 80 meters , aSL . ,Ih SASE 10 Bob L)'II" W51PYA. 3802 J ay Larw. RQjlng ' ..,. 00-1 Il SEP J ·ll T. . . . 80~ 587, F/II'JtIlrf OH 4583$/. Mak" to ats SS per table plus II'le cost 01' admJs. "" . Ad- li on SJ XYLa and dIilO<arl It.., ATLANTJC CITY. NJ SCJuthem CClunt_ checks payable 10 FIAlby Radoo Club F... ...10 <:-' (4 19} 423- I ' 90 $iCJn. T ..;.,: 145,2'911 ..... 69 K2AA _'tH". F<)t Into and tICkets C(If'Itaet .hm MeGrallr Tables sa .... llfMl day. SI O boC!l da~ . Hospi- 1aI1ly roon> 81 the Famoly Inn. Mail regostr. AHA'" opeIale K28P fnlm \lie Moll ArMfI. r;a Pageant fnlm 9 AM EST. PI'oone 25 kHz 60 73 Amareur Radio • sectemcer. tssc inside lowe< G&neral Class bandedge . C Wo BftAI'tCHV ILlE . SC The Edisto AAS wiM 65 kHZ.,.;cje lowe< Gene<a1 Class blIlldedge. operale A[)4U "om 10:00-22:00 EOST Sat Now;e : 28 1(10..28500 101HZ OSt: SASE" 0 ..... SCARA. PO So" 121. LinwoodNJ08221 and 13:(11)..18:00 EOST Sun. FreqUMlC*: 28.aD, 14285. and 21 .375 (:t). Se<ld OSt HIGH PERFORMANCE DAVENPORT , IA The Paimet CoIege of CIwoptK1OC: AAC . in cooperaloon "MIh !he and SASE lor ~ 8"., x 11 eendocale to : Al>W. POBo>r fl7, ~SC294:J2­ 0117. PRESELECTOR-PREAMP Oa~.nl)O<l RAe , wilt Sponaol • Spec,al SEP 30 The solution to most interference , intermod , an d desense e..."ts Day. comme<notll'ng Choroptaet>c Foun<:\Itrw. o.y at P _ ~. and !he KINGWOOD, wv P ......... CounIy ....... problems in repeater syste ms. 0ti0gIiMI SOle of DmN1casl stalOOll woe. ""'ictI radIO O(lMalora w,lI operale W".8E Irom - 40 to 1000 Mhz tuned to your frequency " as Ham Aadio-9f!Y in !he tIlIrty 19OOf;. pi>. or to ObIaln lng the p.lt5fI'I>! e.P woe ""'«$ of OPoJ<allQl'l wili be lrom 13l1OZ10 0100z , 1400Z Sept. 28-02OOZ Sept. 30, in c.ietl<. .n......, tion of the 49'11'1 Prestan County BucI< . w"""1 Fflhv.1 Operalion modes w,lI be -- - 5 large helical resonators - Very high rejection Fr~uene," : 10 kC up ' rom the bollom 01 phoneorcwon40. 20. 15 and 10 ". , Conlact - t .ow noise-high overload resistance a_.al PO,,,ool 01 each band. For certil'cale '. may be made approximalely 25 kHz up from - 8 db gain- ultimat e rejection )80 db send aSL and. No. 10 SASE, tor a SL car d lhe toollom ol Ge""ral phone t>andll or Novic. oond std SAS E to Dr. Wayne Henry Zemeika CW bands , For certlficale , send OSL end - G aAs fet option (above 200 Mhz) ,,,., KB~CIO, 1000 Brady SI. Oawmpor/ ' ''' SASE 10 John W,11s KE81110 , J04 Sw,ulz Rd , KIngwood WV 26537 Typical refection : -c eet alumin um enclosure - N, BN C, and 5 0239 connecter options SEP 22 _2 3 SEP 30_ 0 CT I ±600 Khz @ 145 M hz : 28db BUTl.ER. P" The But1e< County ARA _ ± 1.6 Mhz @ 22OMhz :4Odb (44db G aAs) ± 2O Mhz @ 800Mhz : 65db SANDlA PARK . NM FaIl Class ic .nd ~ operal' W3UDX lrom approX'.... leIy 13OOl- b<_ RadIO Exchange. _ be sponsored by ± 5 Mhz @4 5OM hz : SOdb (6Odb GaAs) ± 2O Mhz @ 95OM hz: 7Odb 0400l on s.t ;u>d from 18OllZ-oooo,z Sun.• the C'u si<: R..,;o Newsleller, Irom 2000Z- 10 coo••i _ a.ethe 50Itl ~ of the 040QZ , Our oo,ect . to restore, optorlle and Firs! Gener.. Purpose vehicle (Jeep) F, . en,oy t>omebrew aqu.pmenl and ItqLIIIl'n*It queonc;.-: Iclw&r portoonol eo. 40. 20 lind 15 M aI!pst 10 ~ (It(! (not required lor envy). Gener.r pI'aOtlol baI'Ids and Now;e 10 M phone The may tie worked mo,oIl.pe andCW AlIoon ' ·C7.961.36 and 146.$2 For ~ _ dlfla4 .. ~ ...... r... on eacllllandl - u p to 8 EPROM programmed messages un"*"'d otfloflo;ate -.d OSL and 9 • 12 SASe toButletCoutltyARA, 8<»t 1787, Bunt1r mode Frequ&nC_-Phone: 3880. 7m, - Adjusl able audio. speed & interval timer NEW 14280, 21380. 28320: CW-60 kHz up I!OlOl - " 10 o ver voice inhibil " Model PA 16Oll3 lo wer bandedll e : Nov ice ITecll -372 0 , 21 120,28320. (Masl 01 the ac!Ion It on 7080 - LO¥i power optiOn 10-28 SEP 28-30 and l56O.) Add ....mber oIailransmmers and - Modular desi9n PEA PATCH ISLAND Historical FI. Del&- receive~ worI<ed pl us """ dill«ent al • ..., - Message selecllOn via binary inpl.lt- .. a, . DXped, hon on P e a Pat c h laland provicenceslc ounlliea wor ked pe' b.nd! (10,T ,,,,", , Pend ing). The T ristate IARC hold a _end DXpedihon ooling coollesy w,. mode. Mult,pIy by lola! age 01 all YOU' ".ns- mi ll e~ and rtlCe,vtlfll used (minimum thl" ITl levels - stee : 2 .7 x 2.6 x 0 .7" 01lhe Del.ware St.'e Park Commission. SSB a SOs per unit), For I,anseeiver!! , multiply.ge ope,allon on Ihe Ge ne,al por ncn 0140, 20, 15 by 2. For homebrew, counl as 25 yea.. un le., The ID-2B provides required st ation ide nt ific ation without troublesome .nd Novic. 10 M . Also, 2 and 6 M Oper.tors older. Sporadic awarlls . Ma il log s, com · diode programming . The " ID over voice inhi bi t" ci rcui try allows for cour- wi" be KAJPVT, KAJP FH , N3EMV, KA2AAK me nlS, plus SASE lor News lllll",r 10 Jim Hall- teous operation by not allowing an ID unti l the next sq uelch closing. .nd W28N . CSl d irect 10 the appr<lClri.,e OJ)- Ior1 WBKGI. PO Box 58/. Sand.. Parlf 111M e r.lor by SASE . 87047 10-28 WiredlTested $99"9~5!"!1'! ID-2B-LP Low Power $109,95 Number 26 on your Feedbllek eard UPDATES T.0. Systems ' Address going to use a seven-digit counter , 'IOU mig ht as well adjust the oscilla- T he co r re c t addres s for T .D. tor to the correct frequency." "; .. . Syste ms is 2420 Superior Drive, al"!01<"~ _' " nctucee: rme rtace, Suite B, Pantego TX 7601 3. The . di sk, cables, Manual street number, 242C Superior Drive , New Kenwood : as given on page 49 01 th e August Service Number Add duplex le I. R, mol e Base con- 11'01 3 _ y pelCh_nCN.. S150.es 1990 issue, is incorrect. Ke nwood has a ne w l o ll-free CfHIUg/lw F. . . - Au/Dplltdl ... lIrIwN ~ ...,.. 3 CPOT rela~ . 5 "C1wnge 1eIy- ·1000 (18d1jll) ... , att_ CoL T- - . Sw ._.CS ' ..$89.9S service n umbel" for amat eu rs re- IrOm touchl _ or Packel 'Quick d llll quk:k _ _ "Rotor control DC , ID G9lII dI$pIIy ·Unl lmiled voice 'I_'"~WJI "OncIell, geo. ." pege V~ : tor .. 1'0lO<I _.tQl'1-$50.9S q uesting pal1s : (800) 637-0388. •........ Ck>cIl, autoe .acute -Salacled '"11Ic-.:t pelch · 2 Valee _ _ ... 2 ....... lnpulS. e-64 & 1541 National Service Mana ge r Joel _ u e l .. d Igit .... codee OY' lephor _ r:ontrollnpul FIelay 0'w0ll eor.rol PK8.S150.!l5 "'DIsk ... _ .. logging 01 Duel CDI.I/Mlild Remain "Reprogr_ I; eonllol .... Packel; Drive Conversion Berger says that the new number _ 1eI , ... . . . - tfrne · 18 .-.ero.'Scen rnernorIe1I Pacl<M IO VGClI e e s Pl(1....set," Now a te tte r f ro m John M . Fran k e W A 4W DL o f Yorkt o w n , ..... is designed to make the pur- chase of parts as easy as possible ·1. Rohlting PoIl1e IU a · 16 &IetnaiI relaY conlrola • 2, 5 I; CTCSS 1. -cw Pr.etiCS wII~alee -sc- UIpo'down; l 00ttr. · EPROM ...u10b001 C"R T .SlOll." "Monifor I; IOc:k modes hglng"Opeqhl spilt.. combine HF 'C'" l Ul l ZV ' " N •. _ .... . c "9_. ' \/HF radios; . . Duel V'FO'a • ",lei C4/'1lroIled _.OCPS...$l 29 .!l5 "Security mode. T. I _ ......'" • u1_c mode _Ion Dogltel Voice RKJPe 32 or 64 sac. Virgi nia : " 1 enjoyed K6Y DW's arti- for our customers." "Valee annou~...,11 u ser OYell<ing S WIt..; VOll_ I... MaJIbo. a 10 T. I.DVM S179.es cle, 'C-64 & 1541 Drive 12-Volt Con- The toll-free service will be avail- It n w n i na on "Vol Cf!!e o n ,at ling m "'-.....-I (REfUH~[)) MN1_-* 20.00 able from 9 a.m . to 6:30 p .m. EST , •. a. ver sio n,' in t he Ju ly 1990 issue , There is one small mistake that is not Mo nday throug h Frida y. FAX ser- overly important but is repeated by vice is availa ble at (5 16) 483- 5904. many amateurs. Mr. Neeley uses a Local custome rs should call th e lo- frequency counte r ha ving 'at least cal number. seven digits ' to set me MM5369 os- cillator to 3 .579545 MHz . W hile that Variac Danger is the color burst frequency . the c hip does a divide by 59 ,659. w hi c h In t h e Ju n e 1990 ·' A s k Ka- would ind icate that t he oscillato r boom , " It "' stat eet that a variac: should be tri mmed to 3 .759540 can be used in lieu of an Isolation MHz . transformer , A variac is an auto- "ReI;ofds 32 Of 64 sec. aludlo quality audio ' · By the way , the instruction sheet transformer and does NOT provide "\lie f« auto co, 10 tel l, lAIlbOX, l ocal or fOf the Ramsey T8-6 atso states that any isolation or protection to the op- logic COM.oI; Up 10 16 the correct frequency is 3.579540 , erator. The danger of shock is not _ . s· --.- Mlec:l.l)Ie meSNO"SI !ncl_: 1 W. 'I MIdIO amp;1 "-9 RAM; not 3.579545 MHz. The output fre- eliminated with a variac. Thanks to MIC'" Spier JaCQ. vol . COtllfol; "-'3. 0 10 12'0': Inl_ ce . fO Ullra Com Sl'lBc k 64 quency if you use the wrong frequen- Ted Heuer WA2RGB of Roseda/e. Ver a.o: Provldea 01111111 Voice c a, 10 cy is 60.000084 Hz. But if you are New York, for this informa/ion. la ll, Maill>Ox. bu llellns DVM $179.95 73 A ma teu r Radio - Septe mber, 1990 61 SOMERSET ELECTRONICS The MICROOEC- mufti- Compiled by Hope Currier mode decoder from Som- erset Electronics decodes Morse Code, Radiotetetype (all and yellow displays available as standard shills) and ASCII . It optional features . Display intensi- comes with these standard fea- ty controls provide exceptional t ures: an intelligent. B-segment readability and clarity under vari- LED dot matrix display with inten- ous light conditions. A 120 VACI sity controls; an ASCII serial com- 12 VDC power adaptor is stan- puter/printer interface; an internal dard. There is also an optional code practice oscillator; an inter- battery pack/charging circuit. nal speaker with volume control ; The list price for the standard and simplified push-button opera- unit is $230. with an introductory tion . II operates on DC voltages sale price of $200, plus $8.50 for from 9 VDC to 15 VDC. It can be domestic ground sh ipping and powered by a car . boat or any type handling . Contact Somerset Elec- PRODUCT OF THE MONTH of negat ive ground DC power tronics. Inc., '290 Highway AlA, source . $8te/fite Beach FL 32937. (407) ICOM The standard display color is 773-8097. Or circle Reader ser- high-efficiency green, with red vice No. 205. The new IC-3220AIH from ICOM is a small dual-band FM mobile transceiver. The 1G-3220H offers 45 watts output on 144 MHz and 3S watts on 44{l M Hz: the IC·3220A gives 25 watts on both bands. These compact tra nsceivers measure 5.5- x 1.6" x SPI-RO CONTACT 7.7". tIIuminat ed controls give yo u complete operating versatility EAST Spi-RO Manufacturing, Inc. is at night. There ere 36 memory channels (18 for each band), two now offering a high performance 2 The new supplement to the call channels and two scan edge channels. The HM·56 hand meter base station antenna that Contact East General Catalog is microphone is an added bonus, wi th 14 OTM F memory channels has 4.5 dB gain with an omnidirec- a reference guide for engineers, convenient for autopatching. In addition 10 full duplex telephone- tional cenem. This 4.5 dB gain managers and techn icians . It style qsos. these transceivers receive both main and subband feature more than doubles the offers a wide range of rel iable signals simuhaneously. A built-in dupiexer provides easy dual- transmitter output power (effec- brand-name products for testing. band antenna ccnrecucn. tive radiating power) and the re- repa iring and assembling elec- The suggested retail price for the te-3220A is $660; $700 for ceiver sensitivity. tronic equipment. This update in- the Ie-3220H. Contact 100M America. Inc., 2380 , '6th Ave. The VHf-45 covers 144-174 cludes many new products: lin- N.E., P.D. Box C-90029, Bellevue WA 98009-9029. Phone: (206) MHz and needs no ground plane ear power suppl ies , analog / 454-8155 or (BOO) 999-9877. Or circle Reader Service No. 201. or rad ials. Its heavy-duty con- digital oscilloscopes, inspection struction , with 6061 -T6 seamless products , soldering /desolder- aluminum and all-stain less-steel ing equipment, temperature/hu- an excellent choice for mobile hardware, provides years of midity chart recorders, static pro- and/or base operation. It also fea- mai ntenance-free service. The tection products, and many other tures SO-239 input and output VHf-45 will handle 250 watts. It items. All products are described connectors and a wing nut post for has 50 ohm impedance and is DC in detail with specifications , ground . The SWR/watimeter grounded for lightning protection. full color photos. and discounted shows power on 30 or 300 watt The VHF-45 is priced at $90and pricing. MFJ scales and SWR. is available from Spi-Ro Manufac- This supplement is free from MFJ has released a new 440 The MfJ-924 is priced at $70. turing, Inc., P.O. Box 5500. Dept. Contact Easl. 335 Willow Street, MHz antenna tuner, the MFJ-924, Contact MFJ Enterprises , Inc., 105. Lakeland FL 33807. (8'3) North Andover MA 01845. (SOB) with a bu ilt-in SWR/watlmeter. P.O. Box 494, Mississippi Stare 646-7925. Or ci rcle Reader ser- 682-9844. Or ci rcle Reader ser- The MFJ-924 handles power up MS 39762. PhOne: (GO') 323- vice No. 204. vice No. 206. to 200 watts. Its compact size 5869; FAX (601) 323-6551; Telex (S· x 21/2 · x 3 -) and wide im- 53 4598 MFJSTKV. Or circle pedance matching range make it Reader Service No. 202. regulated and wilt provide 11 amps of current at 50% duty cycle. The power sup- four multiple choice answers from ply has foldback current VIS STUDY CARDS the VEC question pool (to be used • limiting to protect the pow- VIS Study Cards for Amateur during the learning process as a er supply from overload Rad io provide a simple way to self-test). This study system helps and short circuits. II also study for the written tests at all the ham-to-be or upgrade candi- has an overvoltage protec- levels , Novice through Extra. This date overcome the fear of tests t ion feature in case the system provides a complete set of and gain confidence and knowf. voltage exceeds a safe level. The flash cards for each examination ASTRON edge quickly and easily. and with- Sl-l1A is available in black or element. Each question, along out using a computer! Astron Corporation has intro- gray. with its correct answer, appears For prices and more informa- duced a low profile power supply. Contact an Astron dealer for the on one side of a caret, with the key t ion contact VIS Study Cards. model SL-11A. The Sl-11A has pr ice . Astron Corpo ration , 9 words in both the question and the P.O. Box 16646, Hattiesburg MS been specifically designed as a Autry, Irvine CA 927'8. (714) 458- answer underlined. The reverse 39402. (60t) 261-2601. Or circle base station power supply for 7277. Or circ le Reader Service side contains the question and all Reader Service No. 207. two-way radi os . It is very well No. 203. 62 73 Amateur Radio • September. 1990 THE RF CONNECTION " SPECIALIST IN AF CONNECTORS AND COAX" CABLE TV CONVERTERS Part No . On e.lptlon .~. Why Pay A High Monthly Fee ? Pl-259/USA UHF Male PheooI IC. US.... m ade S .70 as Save $100 '5 A Year TEN-TEe 8HSP·IOSO PL-259 Prlenoli<;, ,o,mpOOnol 83-822 pt·2 59 Tenoo, Am.,t>enol 1.75 f'L·259IST UHF Male S<lve< Telton. USA 1.50 UQ.11 5 Reducer lor RG-58 ao • All Jerro ld, Oak , Haml in, Zenith, LtG-H6 Reduce,lor RG·59 & MINI 8 ao Scien tif ic Atlanta, and more. UG-21BitJ N Male !lG·8, 2 13. 214,largeboOy '.00 991 31?IN N Male Pin l or 99 13, 9086. 821 4 ',ts $21 ON & UG-21!l1tJ N's 1.50 • 60 Day Money Back Guarantee A n your TEN-TEe needs! UG.2 1D19913 N Male l <>r RG-B ..,!tl9913 pm 3.95 LtG-2 HII9 9 13 NMale for RG-8 ...,ltI9913 P,n 5.75 • Shipment within 24 hours UG- t 46Ait1 N Male 10 50-239, Tefioo USA '00 UG·83BA1 N Female 10 PI.-259. Tefioo LISA '.00 • Visa/Me and C.O.D, "THIS LIST REPRESENTS ONLY A FRACTI ON OF OUR HUGe INVENTOR Y" WE WILL BEAT ANYONE'S PRICE ( M & N Electronics) THE R.F. CONNECTIO N No Illinois Orders Accepted RON l , Box 66 - O rangeville, PA 17859 213 North Frederick Ave. #1 1 Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Electronic Engineering 717-458-6243 ORDERS 1-800-783-2666 p.o . Box 337. Barrington . IL 6001 1 SASE for free broc hure INFO 301-840-5477 FAX 301-869- 3680 FREE CATALOG W ill be closed for September. PRICE S DO NOT INCLUDE SHIPPING 1·800-542·9425 please leave me",age on an,wcri n~ machine. PRICES SUBJE CT TO CHANGE INFORMATION VISA. MASTERCARD, AD O 4% (your phor>e call re·imhu ,-yd with Radio Ord....) UPS C.O.D , ADO $3.SO PER ORDER 1·708·540·1106 CIR<: LE 115 ON READER SERVICE CARD CIRCLE 388 OH READER SERVICE CARD ••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••• 465 PF 5 KV : FREE CATALOG! : PC SSTV V2.0 $149.95 Jennings USLS-46S-S or equal VACUUM VARIABLE CAPAC- : Features Precision Tools. : Turn your IBM PC Of compat ible Into a comp lete ITOR, 7-465 pI 5 KV max. Gears slow scan TV system You don't need anothe r • Tool Kits, Test Equipment • computer to send and receive Im ag es in up to 64 remove for W 'L x V. " dia sllaft; • • shades at gray Wo rks WIth most -poputa r graphICS ola 5.5"L x 2.3" dia. 31bs sh. •• •• card's and prtntecs Used , 1109.50 Includ e s: • • Demodulator Mod ulator 75 Page Manual VACUUM RELAYS witll 26 vue • • Soft ware Tutorial Cas sette coils; Jennings Of equal mig. 2 • • Req ui res : es sh wt. Used: • • Ham transceiver PC with 640K Parekel Port • • Graphics Card Tepe Recorder Selial port #11I3-28, OPOT 120 ohm 12 KV • • Slow SCan Form at s : 8 ,12 ,17,24 .36.48 ,72 sec peak; 30 amps AC-DC. Tllreaded •• • • dla 1, 1" eu base; OI a3.3' 'H x 1.3" , $52.00 • • #RE-tI, SPDT 120 ohm 25 KV peak; 25 amps AC-OC, • • 2.3" dia mount flange; Oi a 3.3"H x 3" dia .. S50.1IO •• Jensen's new catalog features hard- to- lind •• • precisio n tools, tool k its, to o l cases, test • DOORKNOB CAPACITORI, Gentralab ase-senes or • equipm ent and c omputer accessories used • equal: 500 pl5 KV , NEW SI.15 • by so phisticated hobbyists, scientists, engl• - • 1000 pI 5 KV , used , 18.00 •• nears. laboratori es and govern me nt aqen - •• · JA . • ctes. Call or wr ite lor your fre e copy today. • ,""eN f. D.I. Uml , D. • VISA, MASTERCARD Acc,,'ed. • JENSEN TOOls INC. • Allow fill" Shipping - Wl1 tl IIll" ll lu! CeIlIOll Sou""lement AlkI,... Dept. 13 • PIIon I41'1221·6S13 •• Dept. 158, 78 15 S, 46th SI. •• • Phoenix, AZ 85044- 5399 (602) 968- 6231 • FAIR RADIO SALES 10 16 E EU RE K A ' 10. 110 5' LI MA, O HIO ' 4 5802 ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• CIRCLE 2 45 ON READER SERVICE CARD CIRCLE 2 S0 ON READER SERVICE CARD CIRCLE 7S ON REAOER SERVICE CA RD North Olmsted Amateur Radio AUTOMATIC 29462 Lorain Road A Great Idea !--, We packaged the ARRL H<¥1dbook's North Olmsted, OH 44070 IDENTIFIER CW ground plane in a rugged. W9al iler-prool', 216-777-9460 ONLY $59.95 integrated mounling system. Using stainless steel. siMlf soIdef and quality MFJ Handi-Finder wired and tested programed with your call Double sided plated thru PCB L I"f~", USA components, we creaed the high performance MAX System. Only $29.95 R .. shi~ing(conL USA Fully assembled. 1 year limited warranty T ORSI Daiwa Money bad!. gu...euee. Specify MAX146, (Jr., Heath Company ORDER TOLL FREE MAX220, or MAX440 IT GAP Diamond 1-800-292-6611 FAX 1-800-522-1542 MAX System'M GROUND PlANE A NTE NNAS VISA- MC-AMEX-COD _ A MER. i'ROIl'':' CK-MO-t.C-VISA A~ ( MIl. add 5% sales tax) Sand paymen t to Cellular Security Group many other items Desert Electronics EI Paso TX 4 Gomng Rd , Gloucester, MA 0 1930 CIRCLE 78 ON READER SERVICE CARD CI RCLE 6 40N REAOER SERVICE CARtl Or charge by phone (508) 281 8892 CIRCLE 80 ON READER SERVICE CARO 73 Amateur Radio e Septe mber, 1990 63 Now lor a look at some of the latest . For more details, contact MFJ Enter- Let's turn 10 good old MFJ Enterprises, prises, Inc ., PO Bolt 494, Mississippi tnc . A few months ago , I discussed State MS 39762 . Or cail ihem at (601) Amateur Radio Teletype their MFJ- 1292 video digitizer, which 323-5869. 00 I have to remind you to enables you to use a video source as drop " RTTY Loop's " name when you Marc I. Leavey, M.D. WA3A./R end of the seale. He wonders n the FM all input eevce lor digolized pictures. calf? 6 Jenny Lane Signal , modulated by AM, is just too Now they haV1l come up with the MFJ.. Ba/t,mors MD 21208 much to ask the compoter to copy. 1289 Mu ltiCom" soft ware l or their TIme to Tightero Up Lisle has no problem using the WEFAX MFJ.1278 Munf.Mode con lroller. This I kind 01 omined my usual monthly ROBOT Research Still Alive program on HF and the like, copying PC compatible software allows the introduction at the top 01 this month's Sometomes Ihis column works al· hurricane pictures, but tie would really transm ission and receplion of mull;' column, as I wanted 10 get right into the most loowell! A few months ago, I pub- like 10 try to make a go of it on the gray level weather maps, wire photos, inlormation on ROBOT Research . But lished the plea 01 Robert Dick K6YON satellite. Any help from any of yOtJ arwl SSTV pictures. as we look towa rds autumn, I want to who wonied about the long-term health would be appreciated . I'll print what I Other leatures 01 thiS program which say that this is an ideal time 01 year to 01 hiS ROBOT 800 RnY unit. Now, just l ind oul here. enhance the controller incl ude single go through the shack tidying up loose as tha t req uest is being published, Going lrom high tech to low , my re- key macros , quick set up of command ends and l ightening up atl the outside along comes the answer and, as Bob gards to Domenic Mallou i N1DM 01 parameters, an integral word proces- connections l or winter. And as you do tells ii , you'll never believe the source. Watertown, Massachusetts, who pass- sor, and eve n an alarm that tets you all that, keep us in mind. Send along n seems that Bob mention ed to his es along the description of hiS stancn. know wh en a sp eci fied ca ll or se- that idea , tip, question, or trick SO that wife that it was too bad that the ROBOT Dam is running an old Model 15 page quen ce shows up. lt' s all wrapped up in we can share the wealth with the mull i- people had gone out of business. Bob prinler with a HAL ST-5 terminal unit a menu Wh ich allows access to e ster- tude, Reach me, as always , by mail, at says that "being a typ ical XY L {?- and a home-brew AFSK. A Heath HW- nal pic ture files , text files , and the like . the above address, or via CompuServe Eo, .} , she pic ked up the telephone, 101,Irom the vin tageyearsol Heathkit, Supplied on either 5V." or 3 '''' " inch (ppn 75036,250 1) or Delphi (username asked in form a tion for t he ROBOT handles the RF end o f the station, disks, Ihis copy-protected (Yech h MARCWA3AJ A). And re ad about it phone number in San Diego ... and whiCh is physically located in Rhode ... why?) software can be installed on right here, in next month 's " RnY got il! " ROBOT Research is slill very tsland. I am sure t he pile-ups multiply a hard drive. Loop." . much in business. While they no longer manulacture the ROBOT 800 , nor any RTTY units, they assured Bob lhat they conlinue 10 eervce and repa ,r them . Readers who may need the infonna- lion should contae1 ROBOT Research, 5636 Rull in Road , San Diego CA 92123 , Their telephone number is (619)27'9-9430. Be S41re to get in louch wilh them BEFORE you send them any equipmenl. Request a Return Autho- rization (RAJ number lor your equ ip- ment, and then relax . An ecnve ATTYer , Bob also passes along the inl ormat ion (accomplish - men") thai he has worked Luxem- bo u rg, Ilaly , Germ any , England , Fra nc e, Swede n, J ap an, and the USS R with 5 watts on 10 and 20 meter RTTYI Must have one hell of an anten- na, Bob ! ASR-3 5, COCO WEFAX, Tand ys 111 a 4, Heath and HAL This month's illustration 01 RTTY commitment comes from Ron Johnson Ron Johnson at work on his RTTY stafiOn. WA5RON 01 Auston , texas. Ron de- scr,bes his setup as a classic Teletype Cotpotallon ASR-35 in a current!oop when N 1OM hits the bands. Thanks lor to a Lenkurt commercial TU. He built a the info, Oom , and hope to see you on remale transceiver control into the ac- the air. cessory panel , with a speaker, YOIume W'th old teleprinters ollen come old control , and transrmt lock button, so compul8l'$, and Tom Bligh! W2OH1 01 that he can run the rig over a lour_Ire Bergenlield, New Jersey , has a lew 01 phone line . He does most 01 his com- them . Tom was using Tandy Model III • Repeater Control • Autopatch • IllIelligent CW 10 municatong on 2 meter FM . As you can and Model 4 computers in his ollice, • Remote BaselTape Complete RX-TX-Phone line Interface see , the teleprinter hardly ever neees and he has converted the office over 10 w/Freq. Programming service. Don 't you just love action PC systems, freeing up the older c0m- • Intelligent ON ID • Auxiliary Output a Easy • Tailbeeps · DTMF shots? puters lor ham use . He wonders it any- to interrace - Remote BaseITape · Reverse Decoder with Muting Now that we've solved a problem one is st itl using these on the ham Patch · Tailbeeps · 12 V AGlDC Operation a Auxiliary Output and had some tun. let's look at another bands. a OTMF Decoder with Muting a Telemetry • ProgrammableCOS ham's concern . Lisle T. Hines K20LA Response tones - Programmable COS • Detailed Application Of Homer, New York, relat es buying a Communications Software Polarities · Detailed Application Manual Manual with NOAA receiver. It workS well enough II you use any of the latest and great- schematics for him to copy near overhead passes est smart terminal units, a simple com- with schematcs - 90-Day Warranty • Telemetry Response with no noise lor at least 15 minutes on munications package may be enough Wi red & Tested w/manual .... $239,95 W&T .... $129.95 e a c h p a ss . Th e rec eiv e r, I r o m to ge t eith er of these systems onto r V~: "1 M icro C omputer Concepts Hamtronics. is on 137,62 MHz , and it has a 30 kHz bandwidth, RTTY . While there were some pack , ages a~ ailable years ago tor running l J 7869 Rustlc Wood Drive AP-100 His problem is that the CoCo WE· Rny with these computers , I don'l be- [(=;~II Dayton, OH45424 Autopatch l or RC-1 00 FAX program will not copy a picture , but it witl copy the picture borders, The neve afly 01 them are still marketed Of course, as always, yoor input is we" ,, >-7 513-233-9675 ...... $99.95 signal seems 10 hang up at the 2300 Hz oome ClACl.E 348 0f'lI AEADf.A Sl AVIC( ColAO 64 73 AmateurRadio . September, 1990 OSCAR MODE-J FILTERS ~~",'!t NO RESISTO RS' :'I ",~:'It: N O CO MPROMISEl PREVENT DESENSE OF YOUR DOWN-LINK RECEIVER CO,\+"i"'C FOUR EXCELLENT REVIEWS JU ST DON 'T HAPPEN BV CHAN CE CALL USFORA FREE CATALOG UE. 's.. ........ lft O<:~". ... 'Soopl. " • • N S CO. OK. . ... BILAl COMPANY "' 0fC~ • fI.'_ 1 rxH2~~~I-J/ 2M PSI 432 70cm 70 cm PreAm.r.., Rx 131 U . nc:hM lef Ori.. MMf2OQ- 7 $55.00 PSf432 $95.00 FIoI1.....1. Colorado lOll & (119) N 1-otsel (usually suffiCient) (f or extra protectIOn) I.l. @ 145 MHz O.5dB I.l. @ 435 MHz O. t dB CIRCLE 42 OH RUDER SERVICE CARD l oss @ 435 MHz 40 dB min l oss @ 145 MHz 70 dB typ Sen d 75c (3 stam ps) for det ailed spec. on all VHF 30 UHF produ C:ls . Shipping FOB Concord . MA • PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE HamCall / CD-ROM SPECTRUM INTERNATIONAL INC. (508) 263-2145 500,000 HAM S plul •.-·.01 __ _0... S1 P.O. Box 10845, Concord, MA 01742, USA B ale _. _ _10........... -- --- _... -- - -. - _. •• ClRCU 113 ON IIEAD£A SEAVlClCAAO ~ Put>IlShtng Rt."'_ M . "-'~ 11>3"_51'77 _.....'. .'·.82. n,n ELENCO & HITACHI PRODUCTS CIRCLE 156 ON READER SERYICE CARD AT DISCOUNT PRICES IIS01 (1I1tQ1·Tlm. ' Sto ,og. olc:mOIC:O~" F,o m HITACHI I\': Compact Series SCopes 11'1 . I!$O · .IO I~. ft• • K>I"''''ft ~"'I Of i eater Sola, rPO' W ers;s;; ;;;' _ .1....._ _ C o c ; _ y ..... ......_ ..---......,- v ......... _ TO -...._ ._ _ 1'-' 12-year WarranlY iI _DOEA'P1. - RdilboIiIy Ttotc.l , . . , . . . ta.ut. pow <C ~. ':lC , , ' <-' ;•• • "'" .. t.., ..p....... _oco-- ze..s-•. _ _ d11'P""ten, a_ le" n.o_~...., . CRT - . M<odlllar _ . 110_ ",. C..........._ (v.lIltSl'~_J. , __ ,Dd..<til)' _ II .j.... l<l_,. 1'0 _, "" l1l'O,. •. yC-tGl' S 1.1l<' (JQ fr~ Q, (Y· 'OISj, ~ _119"II r<l ...... I""W .. <eq1ll..4. lC "~. 2!l ' . l • • , 1" VC-tG11 S 1.7" (JQ T,WI' l.ocI< _ " " _ CRT. va. ....,1 ' III .... _ _, ., ,""", oIl1O",,,manco ono oporllon Soiof lof~ 52.00 ~2 P",,"'o U 6-Wl ~ RSOo '"", """ out."""'......."" _, ...."iI"II _, ' _ "11,_ ._""....._ "11 "" _ . ." ' 0<0. • no "5·2:17<: _ w """"'" "'""OI09.no ...- '" . ~ ••, V·660 60M Hz DualT,ace $1 ,1 95 CIRCLE 236 OH READER S-ERYICE CARD •":_;:O~~ D:".' : .." ~ . · · . .. 00:. Y·m $435 tunclloft. A_. vsn __ _ Hit.chi PDrt.ble Scopes OC IoSOM IU.2· C_..... OC_ ""'9"'_lunc:tiOtl _ _ V-U'OCl'If _ _ e - _ , ,_ V-665 6Ol.l Hz O..aIT,ace..OJrSOf V·t06O lClCiMHz lluilT,ace V·l065 lClCiMIV OuIl T,ace.. Clno< Y·l08S l ClCiMHz Outd T.ac:lI "~ U,D4S $1,345 11,. 25 11.695 PCSWL $99.00 w -ln .~ _O'Ol T~ 20M Hz £Ienco OSCilloscope Sl'1S y·m__ '"" V·llO(1A lIXlMHlOutdT'ac:lI..c.nar V·n50 l S01.tHz Outd TI'IClI ..-e- $2,175 U.295 FREE DMM Elenco 35MHz Dual rreee Goocllo SOIolHz $495 A Complete Digital $375 ..I!II pu,c : _ 01 11I0 · 1252 Reception System ._,. - ,0:--'_ MO · 12SI ••· t ~ , AN Y SCOPE SCO PE PROBES . .... _ . · C l l " "' - ' . "'. _ . ,... """ ,_ _ ,..... . . . 0\00<"", ~. 165M"'. h. 10> 1199!> • , .y Opoo,,,,,, . lA•• PC SWL co ntain s the hardware, software , in, . .. .,.., !>·2 ,ocr.<",. I. 1(1) SlJ9!> , -", , _ _ structions and freq uency lists needed to allow " 0·' - ._ " .,_ you to receive a vast variety of d igital broad- ""1<09K """"","...-s. lCI'Ie"'Ola. opor-. ........, '00 3 ,... 12 f ,"""" _ I _ ,'1 "" . "'" . ...... '1' 011 ~~ I _ ~ _ _ ... _ .... II _ SCDOOS COl <II . .... lot COOI_ t' S"" _ _ ...... <II' " tOIl 1 ~ . ",,-.-::-.--._-.-.-,",,-.--.~-.-_. casts transmitted over shortw ave rad io with coooc......,. _ any IBM PC or Compatible computer. The product coosists of : CAN'< ~NOW COMI'UTE UHE - -~ '_nos l ,n y."""'''''' - ,. · - t·_. 10 F.-.c:1Ion 00glI0I ..........1., .n C "· )65 . ,_.- C IIHISO .... DigII'QIlCll _ .. LC--' " -"" _.- $SUS Demodulator Dlgltal Signal Proceulng Software 80 Page Tutorial Reference Manual World Pres. Frequency U.t FLUKE ...." MUlTlMETEIlS 21F '" 83 _....,...._ --....... ·,'.f.' SU S ... 00: ........, • • .-- 0<; .(11;_'_ '_ 0 - o-...... I c , f'__ ,,--- - -- c..oo'...._ t . . ..._ ~ .~ Tutorial Audio Cas.ette with Samples 23F 8Ii fu nc:tlo~ ~n.,glo' WIth> Bgnr;l Slgnol ~n .'ot on '0. ". .... '" " 5<0; ·9'000 PC SWl automatically decodes Morse code, Radio Teletype, FEC (forward Error Correcting m - ----- no . _ .... 0.; - S28.95 _ - _ .lIIt""'__,_ _._- $129 .."". .... ,. . ... '... -....-"". . -. .... Code). SElCAl (Selective ca ll ing t ransmis- c.u ~ sions), and NAVTEX. , ' --- SI'liCl"l _ ONl; ( _ 1M ADVANCED FEATURES: ~ -­ LE AIIN TO IUIUl AND PROGfIA" Tuning Oscilloscope ST·'''' "" 0 0< CO"1'IJlI1lS WITH ntiS em ".e"...... "' -",' .., _ Digital Waveform Presentation Auto Calibration and Code Recog nition Continously Tunable Filter Frequencies . _- ... ,."_ S6US ,~ ­ 00.. . ..... .... oo.... eo.. . " -...",c_ SIUS "'''. '001<s... ..- , ' ~ I, ,."._ ,,., ......_."". • >0. .. " ,ro .. " y~. .. M·«IOO $129.00 Variable Shift " '''''0 . ... ..1 . ,_ , ..., n tis Adjustable ON Filter Sensitivity DlgIIoI T~ 'ow.. Supply 1l'·76) Gf ·6016 Func:1Ion G • .,.f<JIor _ _ ___ ---- Fatnsworth Code Compatibility .... ~ il>oq. touM", __ _ _ _,...,, _ ,... _ . _ 00:0- _ _0.- - ......... ~_:;: ' ''::;:. 52"9 _, Unattended Capture and Printing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oc_ .. _ ... ..... 0-,..",,' n".', -_.- $249 --_..... _-_ ... _- ----------- _---- . ......'''-'-- ..-. .1lOIO'-0CI .1f_. -_. . _--- ~ ~ ._f· T _ Software Systems Consuhing 150 Avendia Cabrillo "C" San Clemente, CA 92672 '-_..' --........ ". .... .-_"- WE WILL NOT BE UND ERSOLD ! C & S SALES INC ~- - ''''.11 " 1 O\'I , .... ·. . 15 DI Y' Mon.Y' Back G....r.nl•• (714) 498·5784 UPS Shipping 41 Sl.l'.' S.. ~ 1145 Ro....ood. Dftrlj..ld. I L 6001; 2 V••r Wlrr. ntY' ""K ••..."." -'""9" lS10 Maxj lL R. s., 1% h x C=1liiii (800) 191-'7'711 I70BI ~" I..o7 10 WRITE FOR . REE CAT AIAX; CIRCLE 2 .... OH READER SERVICE CARD CIRCLE 356 ON READER SERVICE CA RD 73AmateurRadio • september. t 990 65 • .,«: Amateur Radio Via Satellite Andy MacAllister WASZIB that could be inconspicuously taken 14714 Knigillsway D rive anywhere (a good idea in capitol rotun- Houston TX l7083 das), S&I up in a hurry and still make good quality contacts . RS cr.... ng-Any Tl~, Any Place On a recent trip out 01 town I heard The experiment in Austlfl proved that lor consistent operation, more • R$-10 telemetry a nd transpoflder ac- power and eenee antennas would be tivity 00 a simple mag-mount 10 meter needed on the uplink. The receive an- antenna with my mobile HF trans- tenna was adequate but a preamp ceiver, Signals ware Quite good. Out of would have helped, And, since a com- curiosity. I hooked up a 2 meter rig to plete station consists of several com- another mag-mount and triad to ac- ponents, I needed something that cess the ROBOT autotransponder. I would keep everything together and roulcl hear my signals genlllg through still be portable the satellite, with ooly 2 warts . to the SImple quarter- ..... ave mag-mount . The Porub le Solution PtIoIo B. A "mpie dipole worlIs well fat. pottabHJ " RS" stalion, MK1 it is 8BSY to Heather WB5RMA was not impre$$d I gave an old briefcase new life , us- install or store. since we were supposed to be louring ing it as the station, with a ureoen HR· the low end of 10 meters, activity is tures. I also included another power the state capitol in Austin and I was 2510 mounted on an aluminum plata spaced more eyenly in the Rs-10 cord with clips for connecting to a large more e~cited about CW Irom space. that just tit in the case, A Santee LS· gel cell or motorcycla battery when downlink. The only problem is the loud Using the push-to-talk switch as a 2Q2A HT anda small hamil-brew ampli- signals from FM eteuone making ter- ayailable. code key, I tried lor a contact with the uer lilled out tne space wilh just restrial contacts without regard to the ROBOT. The ROBOT could hear the enough room lor a small terminal slrip, Conf iguring You r Own sYltem satellite subband. Experiments with signals but coulOn', understand the im- some RadiO Shack snap-together I'lome-brew 10 meter direct--conversion My Earth station in a broefcsse used perfect ha~sel'lt CW. SIgnals were toroid choI<e cores and a Janeil 10 ma- equipment I had on hand . Theampllfoer receroers would be inleresling, since also good through the transponder duro ter preamp. A coda key was lriction-fit was originally fex FM operation. but I only a small portion 0110 meters need ing overhead passes. bul the system on lop 01 the HT be~n the Uniden be received . used a lew resistors and diOdeS 10 " lin- was not easy to use . and the 2 meter amplifier. A speakerl earize" it. The power transistors were A preamp is not always necessary, However, here were most 01 the microphone was included lor voice ac- bu t it can help when the satellite output biased slightly on, to respond properly components lor a good portable RS·10 tiyity. From the terminal strip, a power is down or you are using a very smalt to the ssB excitation. For CW work, Earth station, I had discovered that a cable was attached with a standard this wouldn't have been necessary. receiving antenna. Advanced Receiyer simple re ceiver , handre-talkte and cigarene tighter plug lor mobile opera- Some FM rigs have excessive chirp, Research and Hamtronics have some mag-mount antennas are all thaI's tion. In itial tests without Ihe toroid but try a normal FM 2 meter rig fex CW inexpensive preamps. Building one needed to make marginal contacts via croees caused excessive eesense in satell ite . For h igher quality OsOs. the 10 meter rig when uSlflg the amplili- some ctlal"lQ8S were necessary. er and transmitting on 2 meters. Power The pmnary transponcler on RS-l0 outpul was near 25 to SOwans. Instead has a 2 meter uplink passband from of the simple quarter-wave whip used 145,860 MHz to 145.900 MHz. The on 2 meters during the Austin experi- downlink can be heard Irom 29.360 ment, I incorporated a Larsen ~-wave MHz to 29.400 MHz. The telemetry Whip and got beller results, The mobile beacon sends CW on 29357 MHz and Earth station was now complete. the ROBOT downlink is on 29 .402 Stationary activity lrom hotel rooms. MHz. Sigl"lalS are quileloudon most 10 campsites ex roadside parkS allows the meter figS , even WIth SImple antennas. use 01 a more effective 10 meter anten- Smce the days 01 AMSAT.QSCAR 7 N.I rolled up a SImple dipole with teeo- and 8 , I have conlogured several sys· line attached and placed it in one of lhe terns tOf mobile and portable work via briefcase pockets and used I,shlng line satellite. This lime I wanted a system to hang the dipole from available struc- Photo C. Mike WASTWT ch«ks lUI " RS" pass using IMportable sr.tiotl whiieon • fishing trip to centrat Tex.,. upilOking. tf yours works, use It. Any from The ARRL Handbooll is another power Ievellrom 25 to 50 wailS output alternative. will do very well when used in conjunc- Almost anything will work for trans- tion with a ~·wave whip. Ten walt rigs mit antennas. During mobile operation will work but they will not provide con- the w-wave mag-mount is preferred, sistent signals on low-horizon passes. but a collinear or quarter-wave whip Multimode rigs are best. They h.aye will also do . On the downlink, a modi- the advantage 01 SsB lor IIOice opera- fied CB mag-mount is an excellent tlOO . A Kenwood TA-751A or a Yaesu choice. Usually the only alteration nec- FT29OR-1l will do extremely well. essary is to refT10Ye one ex two turns of For the 10 meter dOlli'nhnk , the the upper COil in the anlenna base to Uniden HR·2510 or 2600 will provMje change the antenna's resonance from satisfactory results even though there 11 meters to the upper portcn of 10 is only adequate selectivity on these meters. Another good downlink anten- units, Sensitivity is good since the ra- na is the quarter-wave whip . A 102" CB dios are designed lor 10 meier opera- antenna can be cut back a lew inches Photo A A complete "R S" station in a briefcase just add power and antennas. tion . Unlike the crowded conditions on very quickly. Commercial h.am anteR- 66 73AmateurRadio • Seplemoor,1990 Photo D. For mobile " RS" work , a modified "CB" mag·moun/ placed away from the 2 meter uplink antenna does an excellent job, • TVC·4G nas, like the Hust ler, would lunctiOn in September or October 01th is year . equally well, The OSP·1232 provide s two switch- only $89 The uplin k and downlink antannas lor satellite work should be separated able ports while the OSP-2232 has two simultaneous ports. Anticipated prices SEE THE SPACE SHUTTLE VIDEO as much as possible to keep the Irans- are $700 10 $900 , rescecnveiy. Many ATV repeaters and indiv iduals are retransm itting mIller trom interfering wil h recephon OSP translates an analog input inlO Space Shutt le Video & Audio from their TVRO's tuned to since operation is lull duple x. You lis- a digital form , h then provides digital Satcom F2·R transponder 13. If it is being done in your ten 10 your own signal as it is being l ilteri ng and proc essin g based on area on 70 CM, all you need is one of our TVC-4G ATV retr ansmitted by the satellite . It may be sotlw are control. The result is that necessary to loca te t he teeonees modem$ are not built from hardware 420-450 MHz dcwnccnveters. add any TV set to ch 3 through diffe rent windows on a car, components but instead are written as and 70 CM antenna. Others may be retransmitting placing the antennas at opposite ends software programs that are execu ted weather radar during s ignificant sto rms. Once you get 01 the vehicle . Note that it is never a by a generic OSP unit. For the AEA bitten by the ATV bug - and you will after seeing your good idea to attempt satellite contacts dev ices, a Motorola 56001 Chip pro- while in motion , unless someone else vides the neen o t the system . The units fi rst plcture - show your shack with the TX70·1A com- is doing the driving. will be able to generate and rece ive panion ATV transmitter for o nly $279. It enables you to The power to the radios may also any mode thaI can be programmed , send back video fro m yo ur camcord er. VC R or TV need separation . The temte cores including RTTY, FAX, SSTV and all camera. ATV repeaters are springing up all over - check wrapped around the power lines to Ihe packet formats. For the Microsal and page 411 in the 90-91 ARRL Repeater Directory. Call transmrtter and receiver are not always Fu ji·OSCAR 20 ch as er. me unus completely effective. One radio can be promise to allow PS K downlin k WIth for a copy of our complete 70, 33 & 23 CM ATV catalog . connected through the cigarene lighter Manchesler~ AFSK uplinking . (818) 447·4565 m-f 8am-5:30pm psl . Visa . MC, COD while the other can be hooked directly The y WIll also provide operation via the 10 the ban ery. Radios that run l ram in- 9600 baud UoSAT-oSCAR-1. d'9ltal P.C. ELECTRONICS Tom (W60RGI Maryann (W B6YSS) lernal batterieS may also help elimi- communicatl()f\S expenrnent. 2522 S . P u san In Arcadia CA 91 007 nate Bny desense probrems Once Like the l irst calCUlators or the early again, ellperiment 10 find the best ceo- digItal watches. OSP units are expen- f!9uralion . sive. On the positive side. as more For more ideas on mobile satellil e work, check the "Hamsats" col umn in communicatlQl'ls modes are devised . appropriate sollware for the units will ~ $ 4 ~R,., OISII $ 3 ~R OISI\ IOOR"'ORE the Oc tober 1987 issue 0' 73 . Further details on portable ccereucn can be lound in " Black Bag Portable: ' by Tom likely be proc ucec . AEA excecrs to have ROM upgrades available lor about $30 when new software is writ · HAM SO FTWARE PUBLIC DOMAI N ANO S HAREWARE FOR COMPUTERS N6DGK, in the July 1989 issue 01 73. ten. ., ..---. - . -_ .. -- " Poor Boy Satellite sreuco." by Allan N5LKJ . in the December 1989 73 sup- plies further data on simp....to-u se and Afte r a satellit e pass is over, the box can do o ther chores since it is not tied to just one mode. The use 01 OSP in " - --- , ----- .. ---- ,---- ... _.- --- ..,....... - ... ----- -' .--- •- , --- - • :::r..:.=:.::- .. ----- - , --'-.-- --- .. --_.~- ' ~ ... --_... ~... easy-lo-conSlruct satellite stations. amateur gear promises to prOVide ex- _ - "' ""-"' • .. _¥_---- - -- "'---. _-_. -...,-¥-- e_¥.._. _ .-... ---"", -.-.. --_ citing posslblldles lor future ham ec- -'- - _~ Mlcroutl .net OSP OSP, or digital si9nal processIng. t ivity. Other manul acturers (ORSI and l.l. Grace CommumcatlQl'lS Prod uCIs. • -~ -. ... - - --- --- . _-, -- -- --- - < - ¥ _ ... _ - . ------ has been ar()IJ nd lor many years but is Inc .) are working on stand-alone OSP now becoming more commonplace in amat eur rediO equ ipme nt, than ks to boxes and OSP plug-in boards for pc. compahble comPlJters . They will be • - ..._-- m --~"" -~-_ - ~ ---- .. :=..-¥_-- --~ ... dedicated chips desig ned sptteilieally lor Ihis purpose. The Advanced zrec- mentioned in future colu mns as the in- lonnallon becomes ava ilable. • -_.. ._-- ,. --- -~¥._, "'0< _ .._-- ... _ _ -- - - --- -.,-- - ~-----­ . . _---- t romc Appl icat ions OSP·1 232 and For more in'orma tiOn on the OSP- ,-, OSP·2232 mult imooa data co ntecners 1232 and DP·2232, contact Advanced Elec,ron ic Applications, P. O. Box • .",._--. _',",' .....-- " " - - ""_._C. • are some 01 the first stand-elcoe un its to become available to the ham radio markat. Both are scheduled l or release 2 /60, Lynnwood WA 98036, (206) 775- 7373. • --.y;.=-,:' '" -...-'"'--- ....." -"' "',-- --- .... _ ..._ _ ~_c .. --.. -_..._-- -- ----- ;;, ~s." ;:::= .. _ _ - --- -'.'- --_."- ... - _.- ----- ~-~-"'­ ..,,,, - "'-"" '- '- ~ .. -_.... ' ' ' --'- ...... _- - _._-- -~ , • _ ------ .. .. _.. _---- --,- - ---- ----_ .- - _ _ _ c. ~ ~ -, • -- ::.--~ - - - - lIllI, ~- --- - '---- .' .-----_.- • coo ~ -._.' ~- ~ .- ~-= r _ -- ,'. . "* ~ Photo E. The new AEA DSP·2232 promises to be a great addition /0 stations operating via/he Microsats. CIRCLE 12e ON RUDER S EIIVICE CARD 73 Amaleur Radio • September, 1990 67 HOMIN G I ;i""'"00,0o,",,,,,,,,,, (±90 degrees) was only 9 dB dow n, going to 21 dB down at ± 135 degrees. By com parison, my home-brew 4·ele· many times on som e hunts, so I wish there were a faster way. For us tcxhunt- ing an tenn as, I recommend that M E ment q uad has a 3dB beamwidth 62 0' d B, and is down 17 dB at - 90 deg rees. go to a circu lar boom with a slip joint at the mast junction so the ent ire boom Radio Direction Finding The a- ele me nt quad also h a d 2 can be rotated to quickly change peter- dB more gain fhan the 0 _144·2, as ex- taeuon. This would give the added ao- pected. vantage 01 allowing "m-betwean" po- Joe Moel/, PE. K00V urst time ; now I c an do it in half this The front-to-track ratio of t he 0-144·2 tari za tions, suc h a s 45 an d 135 PO Box 2508 lime. One minor annoyance is that the is specified as g reater than 24 dB, I degrees, which help on some hunts Fullerton CA 92633 litlle plast ic for ks are not secured to the found that the rear null was very sharp and can't be achieved with the Q·144-2 rod tips . They can get lost i! you take and much deeper, Depending on feed- as is. Quads with Class the antenna apart frequently . ME sup- line routing, the null was 30 to 40 d B For sensit ivity, simpl icity, and low plies a few extra forks and hitch pins, do wn, No dou bt you could use the null The Acid Test cost. you can't beat a quad antenna lor figuring that you 'll lose some. to help get bearings in some situations. My first competit ive test of the 0- radio d irection finding (ADF) on 144 Feedline ro uting makes lillie di'fer· 144-2 was on the monthly "Pathfind- MHz and up. Home-brew quads give Head f or the Hill e nce to the pattern but it greatly affects er" hunt. (It ge ts its name f ro m excellent performance but they take The first stop on my evaluation lo ur dr ive impedance , AAE reco mmends Pat hfinder Road, which runs past the some time and effort \0 build and, let's with the Q-144-2 was a local hilltop routing similar to Photo A, which gives starting point in Diamond Bar, Cal ifor· lace it , somet imes their " p rimitive" which gave an unobstructed view to feed point impedance of 100 ohms. nia.) T h i s nig httime outing has look is not particularly pleasing on several local and distan t repeaters. T he 13% " l engt h of RG·59 sho wn bound aries that permit the hidden T to aear. be over 'orty air miles away in some Before a lIedgling hunter can assem- directions. ble his new pride and joy, he has to All of the ten other teams at the start- scrounge all the parts, measure and cui everything 10 sue, drill all the van- I ing point were using q uads or yagis s with 3, 4, or erements. WA60PS and I ous holes. and figure out how to con- had no trouble detecti ng the weak, ver- nect the coax at the feed point. I'm sure tically polari zed hidden·T signal, but I more hams would be out on VHF T- we were using an inline GaA sFET hunts if they knew how to avoid mese preamp. Several other teams could not quad-building chores. and could be as- h e a r the hid ers ( K B6MA H and sured of a good-looking end product. KB6NYWj so they raised transmit pow- I have searched for a long fime 'or er a bit. roexceneive commercial VHF/UHF I The initial bearing was 57 degrees, quad kits that are Suitable for mobile stra ight to wa rd Crestline in the San T·hunting and look good. Until now, all Bernardino mountains. Wh enever this the designs have been either too t1imsy happens on a hunt from Los Angeles or fo r mobile use or much too expensive Orange counties the hiders are alert to (Would you believe $125 for 4 ere- the likelihood of a " Baldy bounce," mente on 2 meters from one manutac- Cont'"Ued 011 p. 73 turer?) A Classy An swer / Bil! Levey WA4FAT , who heads up Amateur App lied Electronics (AAE) of Birmingham, Alabama , is an avid T· hunter, Thus, it was natural that his I company , which makes the classy- looking Bandmaster line of quads for VHF DXers, also develop antennas / that can be used for RDF . AAE is en- couraging the growth of lo~hunting by selling a simple z-element quad lor en- Iy $30 . You may not find it in the AAE ads, but it's "on the sheU" : the " T. Hunt System ," MOdel Q·144·2 {see Photo A}. These 2·e lement quads are popular lor lo~hunting in Bi rmingham because they are more sensitive than Ocppiers. and they fit into the back end of a cas- senger ca r before and after the hunt, without disassembly. WA4FAT ercour- aged me to try one on some Southern California T·hunts. ME took care to select high quality materials, These quads wil l take puo- Ishment, whether on a high·speed mo- b ile or on a house in an inhospitab le cl imate, The boom is 1 <square exten- or grade Fiberglas", '4" thick, Spread- ers are '14 "·round Fiberglas, tapered to a point at the ends to mate with the special plastic forks that hold the ere- mente firmly in place (see Photo B), Photo A. The AAE Q. 144-2 is ins'alled on a P VC mount. ready for hunting. The Elements are N14 AWG type THHN quarter-wavelength malching line and coax rouling give optimum transmiftlng stranded wire , with ultravlotet-resistant SWR, insulation. The loops are spliced with end connectors and covered with heat- With no nearby reflecting objects, I got matches the quad to RG·58 reecnoes. I shrink tubing, Hitch pins hold the a good idea of the quality of the pattern achieved exceuent transmill ing SWR spreaders in place on the boom. and compared it to my regula r 4·e le· this way using a nonmetallic (PVC The T·Hunt System is a very light men! hunting quad using a precision pipe) mast. antenna (it we ighs less than a pound) RF attenuator. For receiving only, I found I cou ld run but the Fiberglas construction makes it very rugged, Yet, I suspect that in an A 2·element quad is not a "super sharp" antenna. If you plotted it on po- RG·58 from the teed poi nt to the top the mast, then down the inside (no RG- 0' encounter with a particularly vicious lar paper,the azimuth pal/ern would be 59 matching line) with no degradation tree, an element might come off com- shaped more like a heart (cardioid) in RDF perfor mance. pletely and rema in snagged on a high than a c igar or torpedo. The 3 dB On many hunts, you must select limb! Fortunateiy, lhe 'r-Hunt System, beamw idth with ventcar polarization horizo ntal or vertical pola rization to like the other antennas in the Band- turned out to be 1 01 deg rees In practi- match the pola rization used by the master line, carries a one-year 'ull·re- cal terms, this means that turn ing the hider, The tastest way to change polar- placement warranty . antenna 50 degrees to the lell or right ization on the AAE VHF quads is to pop Photo B. This aosooo of the F'berglas You don't need tools to put the quad of the pea k ma kes the Svmeter go the driven element oH the spreade rs, rod tips shows one o f the plastic forks together , The ME ads claim that it can down only about one-tenth scale. rot ate it90 degrees, and pop it bac k on that hotd'he elements in place, and the be assembled in 10 minutes or less. I Response with this antenna turned again . weatherproof coax connection for Ihe did it in ntne-anc-a-hatt minutes the at right angles to the signal sou rce I have needed to check polarizat ion driven element, 68 73 AmateurRadio • September,1990 BEST SIMPLEX PATCH AVAILABLE CIRCLIE 100 ON READ£R SERV1Cf CARD -HI·PERFORMANCE DIPOLES- _. G5RV ' "'' All-Band QuicKits ' _-- . _- _._- --- _- I -, ---'- - _ . ,--, ... k .j - - .... -- _ ._ ... - ------'... ... .. NEW ONLINE CAll DIRECTORY · 41''''' " ... N > h" .. f~ ·~,. ....(.0.,- ,I _0.. hll. . _ II-"Y:oI~ "','" ltT..- .. ........ _." ~ _ . ...... ,__ --'''' ...... ,_..,.__ .._ . _"r__ p l. OJ . -""' .- "- ~ .:..~ , - ., .... . ." _ .." _ _ ,""' .. C OO ' _, ... .. ~M. .... O ur new HA M CA LL service gives you 494,11 4 + H ams, vta your compu ter. • No -"" J" • 110•.,...... ,....""' • f;";.a. _ •• 0 io .. Qull " i._ c pooI. . .. ......... . ..__.""_u _ ." . . . . ... . . . $29.95 per year - unlimited use! __ ~. D- . . I. • "'-'4• ..-4 Si fi"; 0r . "_ ;;..~ I~-.-;;.~~r·, .-' _--; __. _.' .--§~;-;.~'~.~'~".~.~.~'.~- ; ..: T_":J\~"C","~ " - BUCKMASTER PUBLISHING Mineral. Virginia 23117 • Kio~o.;.f'Io ...,.. • f . 11y ... . 1..04 . . , om;I•. "'" To•• All Bod' I 1lo;14'... _ _ " ,1>4, 4",ip AAC ~.CWo.- 703: 894-5717 800: 282-5628 TodoS-'I ]-u: SS . ~ ... 1PO , .~u- •• ,. USA to< _ _... CIRCLE 3 8 ON READER Sl:RVICE CARD CIRCLIE 1 70 ON READIER SEAYICE CARD CIRCLE: 107 ON READIER SERI/ICI CARD IIT""l L...J Macintosh So ft wa r e HUGE NEW 1990 CATALOG SRC-10 REPEATER/LINK CONTROLLER We have the largest collection of ~ Big 88 page ay, x 11" Fonnat commercia l (non PD ) ham rad io • software in the world. Luck ily. it • Communications Receivers is for the friendliest com puter in • Portable Receivers the world: MACINTOSH . • Scanners • Amateur HF Transceivers Programs for packe t, lITT Y, fax. • VHF·UHF Transceivers sate ll ite. Morse, theory training. • HTs and Mobiles 0 7MF muIlng gray -line, M UF maps, logging. • Amateur and SWL Antennas .....· g. .. 'O·. AlIXIl'-<y ou1pulo • Accessories and Parts e..,loln-" con test, cw kcye r, etc. Check us AIamI mol IItoI Inpul Ouf, before yO ll buy your next • RnYand FAX EqUipment 7 ., .... ponM Ionft Low po w CMOS. 22 @ 12'w computer. Simply the best! • Books and Manuals 000IJI_ ."""".1Ion n.... ProgfOmmable cos poI.rttle& R.pao link C<Mlrl_ y _ ZCo Corporation Send Universal Radio Synlt..t d Mnk/ _ bII.. c.pRlllly P. O. Box 3720, Nashua, NH 03061 $110 1280 A ida Drive Dept 73 $149.00 AU;::' :/ " (603) 888-7200 Fax (603) 888-8452 W Reynoldsburg,OH 43068 CREATIVE CONTROL PRODUCTS ~1 " llunIlng A _ cmcu: 69 ON READIER SERYICIE CARD • Gt _ J_ CO O1_ 1_) 43-1 · _ CIRCLE 306 ON READIER SfJMCI: ColAO 73 Amateur RadiO .. September, 1990 69 ..•• ABOVE ANDiEYON;' • VHF and Above Operation C.L. Ho;"ghton WB6/GP San Otego MIcrowave Gf04jP ThaI's the subject of th is mon th 's column : temperature con trol and the -- - • .-, 6345 Badg6r Lake microwave Circuit I plan to build on this San DIego CA 921'9 circui t and in the next lew months go into the crystal oscillator mu ltiplier sys- Brick Oscillators tem, WInding up pulling a 5,6 GHz sys- and Crystal Multipliers Figura 2. Tempera/ura con/rol Circui t. positive 12 volts. Z .. Zener diode ('.5 to 5 tem together. V). R2 set fOf 3 rnA current through zener regulator. Some of you have sent in comments and Questions aboYt microwave brick Temparlture Cont rol Circ uit oscillators (see the Oecembef 1989 is- sue) and m icrowave oscillator rnun,pa;. The crystal normally used in muhlpli- er oscillator Circuits is not temperature '. - -- er st rings _ You want 10 know which type 01 oseiUator. the commerCIal brick con trol led. and as such it will change Irequency with a change in tempera- , '. ~:=.- :0:.... ~ or the crystal multiplier. is bene'. Now. ture. The crystal call be set 10 an exaCl . •• ,• - I am a poor person to aSk because I am freq uency, bu1 itwill wander as soonas about equa lly biased in both eeec- a change in temperature alleets it. I • ~~ .- toons . bke 10buIld ; no. actually ,' prob- One problem is that when you use a • ably go out 01my way to build just about a nything that perks my interest. How- ever, we don " haye an infinite amount 01time to bt.1l1d everything we'd like, so surplu s crysta l. you ca n't be sure whether it's an oven type or nol o To prevent temperature changes lrom ar- 'ecting the crystallrequency , f"IOfl-<lVen M • - - - • we muSl lake shor1culs whel"l8Yet p0s- crystals are heated slightly above lhe sible. ambient or outside temperature. while FlgCH63. Thtil temperatur6 control Circuit modified for negative 19l1011 operatiorl for The answer really depends on your oven crystals are heated to a higher compat,tJjl lty With commtHC'a/ brick IypB microwave osCJlla/ors. needs and how i/lvolved you wanl to temperature. gel in a projecl. Some of you may want The circu it used lor temperature to put oH constructIOn until you eeve all control is sell-adjusting lor any desireel tance Wife, whiCh r&quirM far fewer control circuit. The osc~lator used in the components . while o thefs may be- temperature. Select a bridge resistor turns than regular wire. these experiments will operate Irom 90 gin as soce as lhey locale a key c0m- equal to the thermistor equivalent re- As the coil heats up, the thermistor. to l OB MHz and can be used to control ponent al a flea markel. The deciding sistance at the temperature needed. whiCh is in contact with the metal sur- a brick type phase lacted oscillator, or teeter will probably depend on whiCh Oven type crystals normally are heated lace 0' the case. detects it. This heat- serve as the beginning 01 a multiplier component you find first. Availability, up 10 about 65 or 70 degrees Celsius ing causes the thermistor to decrease string. I have the circuit all prototypad cost. ease 01 use. reliability. and stabIli- (150 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit). Non- il s internal resistance accordingly . out and wor\l:ing, and I sho!.lld have a ty all enter into the picture . OIIen controlled crystals are heated to This process ccntmues until the ther- PC board designed by then that covers As 10 availabilily lor amateur use, the aboYt 100 degrees Fahrenheit. mistor resistance equals the Al resis- both the temperature con trolled circuit crystal oscillator rates number one Calibration or verilicalion of circuit tance , or the voltage on the bridge legs and OSCillator. By the way , the linished since it' S home-constructed . The only operation is simple. You need two 10k at both pins 2 and 3 are equal, which oscilla tor ci rC ui t is postage-stamp diNiculty is that il yaY want an exact thermistors. One is used in the control then turns 011 the op amp. As the circuit sized. injection Irequency , you have 10 order ci rcu it and the other is used in the test removes heat and the metal cools . the I used the oscillator I constructed as the crystal. This is true whether you circuit with an ohmmeter to verify that thermistor changes value . The op amp a relerence feed for a 6 GHz briCk cscn- make your own multiplier chain or use the circuit is working correctly. The 10k will l urn on again, starting the cycle lator. Normally these brick oscillators a brick. II you can tolerate opereuon on therrnieter, similar to Ihe electronic over . incorporate the oscill ator interna lly , some obscure or lortuitous Irequency thermometer used in hosp itals , is quite but lately su rplus briCk types require an such as you'd get with a junk box crys- accurate, and it's readable to ten ths 01 Nichrome Wire external oscill ator. Atlirst I thought this tal , so much the better. However, most a degree with careful ohmmeter cali- Kerry N61ZW designed this circui t. was a a bad deal. However, alter close operators went an even MH z t-equen- bration. For our purpose a degree or He has placed an unusual component inspection I found them to be in brand cy lor local cecneto- injection so an two is not very important, but this sim- in the feedback path , tying the output new co ndition and very high perform- exact ' ractional value crystal is a must. ple setup will inform us about what is of the transistor to con trol pin 3 of the ers. I am in the process 0' obtaining a Location 01 a surplus briCk oscillator going on , All that is needed is a good op amp . This capacitor and the 10 quantity 01 the bricks and will make makes the project a lot easier Irom the thermal con tact between the thermis- megohm resistor change the nature of them available to Ihose interested in standpoint 01construction and reliabili· tor and the oscillator circuit. preferably the beast during initial turn-on , allow- them. ty, n's a mailer 01 what you desire in a the in ner surface of a metal box hous- ing the circuit to play " catch up." This cir cuit and what you are willing 10 ing the oscillator. See Figure 1 for ther- helps bring the compartmen t up to The Gunn Warmer spend 10 accomplish that goal. III can mistor pcsncrunq. temperature witho!.lt large overshoot Recently I ran into the Gunn heater. ' ind a brick in the I requency range The temperature control circuit in When at tempe rature . the time con- a Guno temperature control circui l needed I will use it. For example. in a these experimen ts was constructed stants of these components have little made by Alan Butz, SHF MiCrowave 10 GHz system ( 10.368 MHz) the L.O . Irom a single CA-3130 zero ollset op ettect. See Figures 2 and 3. Supply, 7102 W. 500. S. La Porte IN is 10,223 MHz (2 meter IF). and the amp . This useful device allows opera- The therm istor is avaitable at AadiO 46350. Alan deals in Gunn oscillators crystal required is 100225-4902 MHz. lion from just under ground potential to Shack, AS' 271-110, lor $1.99 each . and is making this kit to imp rove fre- A multipliCatio n 'aclor 01 102 is used vee voltage swing, The temjlefature Nichrome wire is a little dilliCult to ob- Quency stability. Alan maintains 120 WIth a brIck oscillator. It's ret too likely control circuit is a balanced bridge. one tam, especially in small Quantities. I degrees inside his Gunn enclosure you·lIlind thIS exaCllrequency crystal leg 01 wh ich sets a re ference DC purchased two rolts of the wire tor this even when the outside temperature is In your jun k box . An exceptl()(l to this voltage to pin 2. The other leg, c0m- elj)eriment and will make the wire Conti/W6d Of! pagtI 77 would be a more commonly available prisi ng a fixed resistor and the thermis- available. AfIy wIre can be used il the 108 MHz crystal; limes 12 gives you tor, is the variable con trol arm 01 the t()(al reSIstance is lhe same. The wire 1296 MHz and tImes 96 puts you on clfcui!. The temjlefature is sal by se- that I have measurM 2.34 and 7.479 Temperature vs_Resistance 10368 MHz . This is great lor a band lecting a value tor the relerence resis- ohms par foot. NiChrome wire ca n be Degleu (C.) (F.) RnIstIneI edge marker but nol uselul when you tor R 1 to equal the thermistor resis- ordered in variou s resistances per fool. o 32 27.28k figure in the IF Irequency. tance at the temperature desired. For It can have as IInle as 0.005 ohms per 10 50 17.96k Wha teve r fre quency yo u u se, it example. at 50 degrees Celsius, the fool to 30 ohms per loot . The finer the should be tem perat u re contrOll ed. 20 rt 12.0911 thermistor resistance should be 4.161 wire. the hogher the resistance . 30 95 8.313k oh ms. See the table for resistance vs. Nichrome wi re has another use . temjlefature calibrations. Shape a small piece 01wire taunt be- 40 104 5.828k Af>pIying power to the Circuit lor the tween two nalls , then run low YOItage 50 122 4.161k hrsl time. the op amp turns on due to through it, heating it up to reel hot . You 60 140 3.021k th e rererence voltage (pi n 2) being can neatly cut clean slabs 01 styro foam 70 158 2.229k higher than the thermistor control lag out 01 scrap packing material. The en- 80 176 1.669k (pin 3). The thermistor at this tIme is at trre oscillator and heater CirCUIt used as 90 194 1.2$11 room temperature , The op amp and the examples in the column were enclosed 100 212 0.9735k TlP-12Otransistor both rom eo . and the in such I conta iner made with this Figura 1. Th e I~m,stor 'nserttKI In heater coil begIns to heat up due to ..electriC kni'e." Aesistance values lor several tem - copper or brass tube with hint-Sink current IIowing through it. By the way, I Next month I will get into the crystal perature control points of rete r- grease f(x /)est thermal contad. ence. (Aadio Shack themllstor) wound my coil with N iChrorne~ rests- OSCIllator porl iOn 01 the temperature 70 73 Amateur Radio • September. 1990 PRESENTING THE RAS-2UWB THEY'LL THINK THEY'RE AAIA EIGHHLEMENTS. TWO METERS, ULTR.... WIDE 8ANDWIDTH TH EP£Rf ECT MATE FOIl YOUR AU MOOE TRAN5C(IIIER J T HAVING FUN SIDEKICK "'ocIol RAI·2UWB ELECTR ICAL SP€ClflCATlOOS: Ga, n 13. 3 d 8O + I ~ 25 ANTENNAS E-~a n .. ooamwodth H ·~a"" t>eamwodtn . . . . 40deg , 4 5 d eg Bandwodtn , ) 4 MHz • 144 - 220 - 440 Mhz. Models Sod<!loI:>e . " ,muahon 1 E·Plan.. 1 st H ·~a"" ,. S' - 20 d 8 - 14 5 d 8 • Dual Extended Collinear Elements ,we ,,( 1.5" 144 10 14B MH z • Stainless Elements and Hardware FIB ,nlio . , • .. n d S MECHANICAL SPEClflCA TlQH$ • SidefTop Mount Tower or Mast l .. 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F~ II Lcl\31 Power IIIiilIIW 11191 lAara St. Fas tcsl ]OSlall Coax f «d Toul\b Fle.\ible ~o Loss y Traps Low x c ee Gar de" Grove, CA 92640-2321 Use your Reader Service Card Wnl 171 7 1m !e " t 3000 V losu] Kink-Proof Never Corrode CIRCLE 2 43 ON READER SERI/ ICE C....RD q§. fi $1?ft~j?n~ \qlt!;o $ ~?ft: J~ ~ Fu~ , .... ..."'.1.<1 " i t llTedl "too",, 1S; '>1a=ni ....J. r ..' _<\J~ S5 P., ,,& H,nJ"og Ordoc " ., .Ll n~, f~r T<"h lof,'pack .. "~ S l \ 'CFSOO·926·7373 CIRCLE 30 3 ON RE.... DER SERVICE C....RD AMATEUR RADIO EQUIPMENT CALL 800-942-8873 SPY ON THE EARTH See on your computer screen what 6 US, 6 For Your Best Price mB Inc. Russian, and Japanese environmental Authorized dealer for Icom, Kenwood, Yaesu, satellites see. Learn data acquisition and ASTRON, Belden, Bencher, AEA, Cushcraft, MFJ, RF computer imaging. Make money selling acquired data. Makes terrific science Concepts. Hustler, Kantrontcs, Wilson, Diamond. project. We manufacture and sell all the Ham-I 0, Larsen, Wm. M. 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Virginia 231 17 703: 894-5117 800:282-5628 CIRCLE 21 ON READER SERVICE C....RD CIRCLE 1 ON RE....DER SERVICE CARO 73AmateurRadio • September, 1990 71 CIRCL E 89 ON READER SERI/ICE C....RD Number 31 on your Feedback card ADVERTISERS R.S.# page R.S .# page R.S.# page R.S.# page 355 Ace Communications 33 356 C & S Sales, Inc. . 65 100 Interconnect Specialists 69 34 Ramsey Electron ics 19" 83 Ace Systems . . . . . . 51 o CB City International . . 57 77 Interllex Systems 57 14 Renaissance Development . 58 65 Advanced Electronic Applications 80 Cellular Security Group . 63 42 lsotron .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. 65 11 5RFConnection .. . .. . .. 63 .. ,. . . . . . 8" 186 Coaxial Dynamics...... 53 245 Jensen Tools & Alloys 63 171 RF Enterprises 42 126 Aero Data Systems _ 67 343 Commpute Corporation . ... 71 92K-40 41 254 Ross Distributing 55 67 Alinco Electronics ... , 14' 99 Communication Concepts, o K-Comm . . . 83 71 Rutland Arrays 57,71 194 All Electronics Corporation . 34 Inc. . . . 80 o Kenwood U.S.A. o San Diego Braille Tran scribers o Amateur Electronics Supply 121 Commu nications Electronics 23 Corporation 5.6.CV4· Guild, Inc•.. • •. • • •. • • •.. • 80 . . , ,. ... 39 · 10 Communications Specialists 16' 73 L.L. Grace 45 332 Satellite City 34" 314 Ameritron 47 40 Computer Automat ion o M & N Electronics 63 95 Sensible Solutions 55 4 Amidon Associ ates . . . . . . . 51 Technology . . . . . . . . 58 25 Madison Electronic Supply . 77 387 SGC, Inc 59 37 Ampire. Inc, ... , . .. . . . . .. 83 o Cont rol Products . . . . . . 13 o Ma99iore Electronics Lab .. 49 65 Smith Design 53 6 Antenna Specialist , 33 306 Creative Control Products . , 69 101 Maxccm, Inc 57" 250 Software Systems 63,80 303 An tennas We st ., , 71 64 Desert Communications 63 55 Meadowlake Corporation .. 83 244 Software Systems. . 65 5 An tennas West , 55 114 E. H. Yost 83 241 Media Mentors 71' 51 Spectrum Communications . 65 89 Antennas West , ,. 71 386 Electronic Engineering. 63 44 Metro Printing 80 183 Spectrum International 65 236 Antennas West . , . . . . .. 65 128 Electronics Book Club 11 86 MFJ Enterprises 1 232 TE Systems 27 302 Antennas West , , 57 6 Elktronics . 56 348 Micro Computer Concepts .. 64 62 TNR , •. . . . . . . . . .•• . . . 57 10 7 Antennas west .. , 69 o Engineering Consulting 61 295 Micro Control Specialities . . 77 o Uncle Wayne's Bookshelf 86.87 90 Antennas West 57 268 Etched Call Sign Cups . . 80 114 Mr. Nicad 83 o Universal Amateur Radio ... 69" 271 Antique Radio ctessmeo ... 80 75 Fair Radio Sales 63 91 NBC Distributors 21 104 Van Iderstlne & Sons, Inc•. 57 o Associated Radio . . 58 373 Gap Antenna Products . 73 54 NCG 37 79 Vanguard l abs . . , , 71 16 Astron Corporation. 78 46 Gauthier' s Covers Plus 83 94 The New Tube , 57 o VHF Communications 58 243 AXM, Inc. . , _.80,71 70 Genwesl . . . 33 78 North Olmsted Amateur Radio 191 W&W Associates 49 o AX M, Inc 21 e s e.toc. ,... . . . . 57 71 392 GGTE 17 GLB Electronics . . 61 ". ............. ..... . o P.C.Electronics 63 67,79· 38 W91NN Antennas . . 20 Wolle Communications .... 80 69 53 Barker & Williamson . 13 72 Glen Martin Engineering 13 152 Pac-Gomm 53 o veesu Electronics 41 Barry Electronics Corporation25 390 Grapevine Group 83 178 Pacific Cable Company, Inc. 80 Corporation CV3 42 Bilal Company. 65 97 Greate r Louisville Hamfest o Paul Washa WOTOK 83 69 ZCO Corportauon . 69 84 Broadcast Technical Service 71 .... ......... ......... ... 58 68 Penphex 51 365 Buckmaster Publishing 49 ' o Ham Center 83 o Procomm 51 Bold l istings are 73', new advertis- 170 Buckmaster Publishing 69 ' 57 Hamtronics.lnc 31 145 aSOSoftware 43 ers this month. 56 Buckmaster Publishing 65 ' 110 Horizon Manufactur ing 63 31 Radio Amateur Cellbook 85 7 Buckmaster Publishing 71 269 Hustler, Inc 30 76 Radio Engineers . . . 57 " Advertisers who have contributed to o Burghardt Amateu r Radio .. 37 o ICOM America 35,CV2' 150 Radio Works . . . ... . . ... . 57 the National Industry Advisory Com- millee (NIAC). Number32 on your Feedback card KEYWORD INDEX ISSUE #360 1N34A diode 9 circuit, coil tester 48 Lenkurl terminal 64 satellite operation 66 lN60diode 9 ci rcuit. controrte mp . . 70 meter, field strength 9 soldering pencil 55 2N2619 46 circuit, VFO . . . . . .. . . . .. 46 MfJ-1276 controller 64 solder removal 26 5534 op amps . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 coax lor linear amp ..... 54 MFJ·1292 video digiti zer . . . 64 Spain " . 75 78L09 regulator 46 CoCo WEFAX ....... 64 MFJ communications software 64 spread spectrum 7 AEA DSP-123212232 67 Cooper Group, address . 55 MFJ Enterprises, address 64 station, portable 66 AEA, Ioc., address . . . . . . . ... 10,67 OX sloper array . . . 18 Motorola 56001 , . . .. • . . . . . . . . 67 STS-35,37 7,79 AH2AAl8, David K. Pelaez. 24 Eimac 3-500Z tubes . 52 Mozambique 75 Swaziland . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . 74 Alinco Electronics. Inc 20 Greece . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 74 MPF102 ., .. 46 Tandys III, 4 . 64 Amateur Applied Electronics, Grosse lie . . . .. . . . . . 59 multimeter .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . ... 45 T.D. Systems, address 61 address 66,73 Gunn heale r kit . . 70,77 N1BAC, Arnie Johnson . . . . . . . . . 74 Telelype ASR·35 64 amateur radio education .... . 43 HAL ST-5 terminal . 64 N1GPH, David Cassidy 88 U .S S.R. 7 Ameritron . . . 52 Heath HW-l 01 64 N4TMI, Michael Covington 46 variac warning 61 amplifier, linear 52 haat-shnn kmq . 28 N6WRL, Mark Hendrixson . . . . . .. 17 VE1GM, David Vail .. . . . . . . . .. 22 antenna, 10m ....... 29 inductance. measuring 48 N8GEV, Michael Adams .... .... • 17 W1XU,JimGray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 antenna, 2m . 26 Israel . . . . . . 75 N6HEY, Mary K. Beardslee 17 W5KNE, Bob Winn. 59 antenna. 75m . 18 Japan 59, 74 N8KDD. Mike Gray . . . . . . . . . 26 W6WTU, Hugh Wells . 36 antenna mount, portable . 44 John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc. 45 New Zealand 75 WA1FHB, David McLanahan 28 antenna. portable . 10, 66 K00V . Joe Moel, P.E. 66 Nlchroma wire , . ... •.. . . ..... 70 WAJAJR, Marc I. Leavey, M.D 64 antenna, quad .... ....... 68 KA2VLP, Marli n Gruen .. 17 oscillators; brick, crystal 70 WA3EKL, Alan Ho!lmaster .. . . . 18 antennas, T·hunting 68 KA5WMJ, Jennifer Doerrie . . . 17 Paraguay . . . .. . . . . . . 74 WA4BLC, Bill Clarke 52 astronaut hams. .. 7 KA7l0N,J oeHolman . .. 10 Penguin Islands . . 59 WA5ZIB, Andy MacAllister 66 ATV groups 79 KA9KAF. Phil Nowak . . 55 power supply, mobile. 24 WA6Z0 S, Russ Stein . . . . . . 29 Austra lia . 74 KA9NEH, Fred Baumgarlner . . 32 power supply testing . .. . 22 WB2MGP, Carole Perry 43 balloon launches .7 KB1UM. Michael Geier. . 56 Radio Bygones . . . . . .. 7 WB6IGP, C.l. Houghton 70 C-64/1541 drive update . 61 KC3YB, John R. Somers. 44 Red Sea Islands. 59 W86 NOA, Gordon West 20 CA-3130opamp . 7. Kenwood service number . 61 repairs wlo schematics 56 WB6ELK, Bill Brown 79 car headlamp dummy. 22 Kenwood TR·751A . 66 resonance, measuring 48 WB8VGE, Mike Bryce . 46 circuit. AGC . 32 KG7GA, Garth Hitchens . . 10 ROBOT address . . . .. . . . . 64 W69RRT, Larry A. Antonuk 45 ci rcuit board construction .... 36 KM4KT, Ray Kent. . . .... 9 RS-l0 66 vaesu FT-290R 66 72 73A mateurRadio • Sept ember, 1990 HOMING IN conrtni-:l lromp. 68 Number 33 on ,our Fe-edbKk eaord where ire hiders are in some spot in won th is one with about 34 m iles. western Riverside or San Bernardino Ou r m ileage would have been very County. shielded lrom the start poinl by close 10 winning il we had nol missed DlEAl lER DIRlECTORY the Sanla Ana moontalns. The signal reflects baek 10 me starting point 011 the face 01 Mounl Bald , or some other mountain in the San Gabriel or San the correct freeway ex ,l , lorcing us 10 90 an exira two miles «uc th e mounl ain pass and the n back again. (I suppose I coul d b l a m e t he qua d's w i de Bernardino ranges. beamwi dlh lor our m issing the e xit. II the hider is pulling 011 a Baldy Nah , nobody would buy that excuee .) ....... CALIFORNIA Hard to ""d patU, surplus electronocs. at.an- ll¥llione 4ems ~ . hobb~lSt$. onllustnal "'OII.· Sal. 1G-5. ThurSCIa, I G-7. Closed Sun.lHolldays. RIVEHOELL ELECTRON_ ICS, • Lo-r idoll<»fTy Ro.d, De<ry Hit 03031: (1503)434-5311. bounce. lollowing Ihe ini tial bearing northeast toward the loothills is the worst Ihing to do because the best Baldy bounee hiding spots on the Mosl ot the other teams ligured oot the no-Baldy-bounce ruse. But two went soulheast on a hunch, figuring 10 OUI·Iox the toxes . One team put 100 Pathfinder hunt are at least 25 miles 10 m iles on the odometer before finding proleuoonal$-Irom n"" " bo/ft to t _ the southeast. We carelully checked the T . The other group gave up aller doolln . EIee1~ 'P""~"'9. (i;llewa,'$ NEW YORK toward the SOlffheast for any direct 8ig- lour hours ollrustrahon. IJOl 'I' "'·F 9-5:30 Sal 9-5 GATEWAY ELEC- nalleakage. bul heard nothing. J. ....Slown The Bottom Lin e TRONICS, 9222 Ct>eupeake Drive, San As ....e left th e start. we decided to Weslern New York's ',neSI amateur radio play it sale by going east on a rreeway The Q·144-2 is a g reattiltle 'r-hunt DlelJO CA 92123; (li19) 279_6802. deal e' reatur ing ICO M _Larsen_AEA~ through the Chino Hill s. Then we could antenna , mechanica lly and el ect ric al- Hsmlronic8- ASTrOll , New and U$1Id gea" 6 aim to the north or south to see il tha ly. It's rugged, e asy-to-buud, and it COLORADO am 10 5:30. Sal. and Sun, by appoon'....nt initial bea,ing was direct or a bounce, looks great . If you hunt mostly in the VHF CO UNICATIONS, 280 T." any The 0-1 44-2 is much lighter than our ftatlands. and signal8 always have rea- Do..o HatllIO hnd patU. $Uf'pIu$ electronocs. $1_ Ave., J lown NY 14101, (7161 66-1- usual quad. It .....as very easy to spin it sonable strength and one polarization, dard lone _ 1oQmI.. hobb. _. Ifldu$lnaI li345. Ctn;Ie ~ Set .ice n " - 129 lor by hand. even at the speed limIt on the it ma, be all you will ever need. more ontormaloon. Ireeway. But " you hunt in southern Calilomie protM$ioNJIa- lrom nul$ & boII$ 10 IaMr _ Elee1ronocallv $peakIng. ~a'''$ go!~' "'-I" 9-S30 Sar 9-5, GATEWAY ELEC- ........ ~ loI.nrwllf.n·slargesl and 0II1y ham and bus>- After driving about 20 m iles through Pomona . Ch ino. and Ontario . and carelully looking bolh north and soulh. or anywhere else where there are very weak signals. muhipath orcunn ing sig- nal bounces. you should get th e M E TRONICS, 5115 N. F-.:leral Blvd.•32.B, ness RadIO Slore, Fealurlng MOTOROLA. .....e eon eluded that the hiders reali, e - e t e m en t model (0·1 4 4 . 4) Denver CO 80221 ; (303) 458_5444 . ICOM, KE NWOOD. YAESU, AEA . SONY. were near th e northern mountains The instead, For a reasonable price (abou t BIRD, TEN·TEC, ere . Full stock 01radlOll and oece'cn to go north instead 01 south at $50), you get muc h na rrower bea m- DELAWARE acCllSSOnes, Repa,r lab on premi-ses , Open 7 that poi nt was agonizing , because the widl h and more gain . ....Hh the same da,. M---F, 9-630 pm; Sal & Sun. 10-5 pm. wide beam .....idth o f the two element line mechanical design , N.w CUlle We a h o p _ 8AARY ELECTRONICS. quad left us unsure aboulthe possibili· 01 course , the 4-i:11ement version i8 Faclory aUIl'lOrlled daalotr ' YHSu, ICO"'. 512 8 roadw.y, New Vorl< NY 100n: (212) ty 01m issing a weak signal source trom heavier (le s s than 4 pounds) and T....Tee: . KDK. K.nwood, AEA. K_ ronocs. 925-1000. FAX (2121 925-7001 . the south in th e presence cure strong longer (4 1 inches). so you will want to s-ee Ful lone 01 acc I !$orOll$, NoNift 10 northerly signal. Besides. signals lrom mOlmt iI in me center 01 the vehicle rool II'l Delaware One ...... ott J.95 D.ELA,WARE the north in that area had always been to a\lOid a ticket lor excessive 0VfIf- bounces in Ihe past! A"'ATEU R SUPPL Y, 71 .... adow Road, H.w C.slle DE 19720; 1302) 321- n 2'. CGlurnbus Cltnl,al OhiO'S rull·lone authotil&d dlta!er lor As luck would have il. Mart in and Wayne re ally ware h id d e n i n "'''' II you hunt on 220 MHz or 440 M HZ, A AE Ca n supply Quads l o r I h e se Ihe loot hill s at 2.200 feet ele vation , banos. 100. For mora mtcrmancn on all IDAHO KlInwood , ICmll. Yallsu, Alinco, Inlo-Tech . very close to t he northe ast co rn er the AAE an te nnas, write the eom pan, Pr. aton Japan RadiO. AEA . Cusocrall. Husller. and of t he hunt boundaries. (Wh a l) at 3 164 Cahaba Heights Road. arrm- Ross WB7BYZ has Ilia largest stOCk or ama- Bunernut New and used equipmenl on d,s· O n the Pathlinder hunt. the 10 · ingham AL 35243, or phone (205) 967- 1_ gear ... lhe Inle<mountilln W8$l andlhe play and ope<'atlOllill lll our 4000 sq, 't Slore. est elapsed m ileage wins . N6FBH 6122. OJ _ I pnces Over 9.000 ham 'elaled ......... Noek Cal U$ tor ,..... 'f'OU' ham .-dt 1000, large SWL department '00. UNIVERS AL RADIO. 1280 Aid. OrIn. Reynoldsbu'9 f-------------------------------- ROSS ClISTRtBUTING Co.• , . S. 51"'• . P.... (C4IumtMlalOH 43061; (lil a) 866-4267. ston ID13263; (201) 152- 0130. PENNSYLVANIA KANSAS TrevOK W.lllngl on AulM"led facTory Sal" and servlCa KEN- We ha~ il' AEA. ASTRON, BUTTERNUT, WOOD . ICOM, YAESU, featUring AMER- CALLBOOK. CO"'ET. DIAMOND. HEATHK· lTR ON . 6& W. "'FJ . H YGAI N, KL M. IT, HUSTLER. KANTRON!CS . LASER COM- CUSHCRAFT. HUSTLER. KANTRONICS, PUTERS. MFJ. RAOIO SHACK. SMtLEY AN- AEA, VIBROPLEX. HEl L. CALL BOOK, TENNAS. TEfoHEC. VALOR ANTENNAS & ARRL Pub ll eal lons. &nd muc h mo'e . mot. Small I_ n servICe w,11I d,acoun' HA...TRONICS. tHC.• 8033 Browna. me P" CaJ, DAHDYS. 120 H. Wu hi ngl on . Road. T....ose PA 19081; 1215) 357-1400. W. lllng1 on, KS. &1152 . (31&) 32$· 6314. FA X (215) 3554951. sa... 000er 1-100- CIrcle Reader ServIce 263 lor mora ontorma- 826-2120. Cltcl" Raader Service 379 lor ,~ more Inrormahon MISSOURI TEXAS 51. LOUiS Oall.. Hard 10 find pans. aurplu$ elee1ronocs. SIan- In Dallas SInce 1960, We t"a'urlt Kenwood. dan! . ne .ems Hama. hotlb'ftaIS, IO'IdUSlnal ICOM. Yaesu. AEA. BuT1~nul. RolIn. ama- prolessoonal$-Irom .....,$ " bOIlS 10 laser leur publle alion s. and a l ull line 0' ac- _ Elecl~ apeal< IIIQ , Galew ay's eesso"es FaCl or, ."Ihorlzed "'enwood 901 '"~ 101 _1" 9-5 30 Sat 9- 5 GATEWAY sarvlCe C"nl er ELECTRONIC CENTER. ELE CTRONICS. liI23 Page 81...:1.• 51. Louis INC.. 2109 Ross Ava.• Dallas TX 15201; "'0 63130; (314) 42 1~ 1 16. (2141 989-1 936. Cwetl' Reader ser- 7a lot more Intormahon NEW HAMPSHIRE Houafon Darry Hard 10 fln<l parts, surplus eiececnc s. sun- ~ ,,",ng Ihe ham eommunoly wlln new and da'd fine nems Hams, IIObbyislS. InduS!fial uN'll "q",pment we SIOCI< and servICe mosl 1l'0reU lOIIal$-lroAl nulS & bolls 10 las,,' ....,. 1'1\8$: AEA . "'Iron, B&W, 8enche<. dIodes Elecl ronlC. II, spe. k,ng. Gal e· Cusracrall. Husllet . ICOM. K" "wOOd. KL.... wai s lJO' ifl M-F 9-5 30 Sal 9-5 GATEWAY Larsen. IoIFJ. M..~ . Vlbropl.... tlOOks. ro- ELECTRONICS. litO Wealp. rk Dri.,e , ltOrS. eallIe and coo woeclOl S. a . - hOurs HouSlon TX 17063: (113)1 78-6515. DEALERS: Your c o m pan y nama Ind messag e can c o nt ai n up 10 50 word s l or as lillie I S $420 ya arly (prepa id), or $2 10 l or al x month s (p rep aid ). No menti on o f mail-order bus iness please . D lreeto ry text and pa,ment must reach us 60 da,8 In adv anc e 0 1 publ ieatio n . For e xample , adverti8i ng f or the April '90 Illuit mu sl be in o u r hand s b, February 1st. Mail to 73 Amateur Radio , Bo x CIA(:U 313 ON RU DER SERVICECAItI) 278, For" " RO«!, Hancoc k , NH 03449 . 73 Amateur Radio • September. 1990 73 Number 34 on ,our Feedback ca rd K1BV.ln lheJul'\fl199Oissueol 73, we petition in Hyogo Prefecture cooer the published the report that Ken VK5QW sponsorship 01 the Japan Amateur ae- 73,NTERNATIONAL would be the new- WlA Awards Man- ager. The repon should have read lhat diO Industrie$ Association. This sport. whiCh is notiCeably gain- edited by C.C.C. Ken was acting as a forward or eeeec- ing in populanty, saw 270 participants lion point until a new manager was se- last year, among whom were Chinese, lected. The new WIA Awards Manager Koreans and one American. However, Arnie JoIInson NTBAC mate and friend from my high school is Phil Herdstall VK3JFE, PO 60_ 300, Since 180 appIieanls have sent in their IOJ Old Homeslead Hwy. Class of 1958 had been the City Man- Caulfield South, Australia 3162. lOur applications [as of May 1990}, the E_- N. Swanzey. NH03431 ager in Newton for a few years, but he apologies, Ken, tor any inconvenience ecouve ccmmmee can well expect a had moiled severa/ years ago . I men- IhlS may have caused you.] number far surpassing this. Notes from FN42 tioned his name to the operator and Greece From Ihe Greek Mou n- Paragu ay Fro m Iha Radi o Club Time sure flies when you're having received a very happy reply from the taineers' ClUb, The following describes Paraguayan Award Manager. A com' fun! This issue is my one-year anniver. operator Ihal he and his fellow ope ralor a aso in the 144 MHz band. using a plete listi ng 01awards given by the club sary wn'ling Ihe column. It sure doesn't both had known my friend very we/l. As large vertical umesrcoe cliff as a re- was sent for publ ication. The list is too seem like a year has gone by. we Solly, il's a small world. Ilecting surface. length, 10 be printed here so you can The job becomes easy when the 73 Was it j ust luck men happened to be The transmitting station, manned b, find i1 on me 73 BBS in the "73 mn Hambassadors from around lhe world the operalor of lhe slalion when lhose Zaleiril Trompakas SV2 AHT and SIG" called Paraguay Awards. The provide malerial lhal i$ l,meIy and in- contacts were made. or what? Was " Giann,s FIoros SV2AGY, was located BBS information is located on l he lerestmg. I just pur ,t inro some sem- luck that those contacts wer. even near lhe lOP of Mount Olympus ·'Table oIContenlS " page. blance o f order and 1 8 ~. I certain- made? Was it luck lhat ljust hlJPP6ned (Greece) al an altitude 01 appro_imale- Sw8:.t'ilanct From NewsJetter No. , ly have en;oyed tt16 PBSt )"tar and look to ger Involved wilh a F;elcj DByopera- ty 2700 mel8f$. They used an ICOM (May 13, 1990) from 1h6 Radio Society forwa rd 10 many more. tion over 1.500 miles away from my lC-02E wllh a 3-elemenl beam and of Swaziland. Following some gentle Well, I didn 'l make ,t 10 Ireland rh,s homfI? Or is if a small world after al/, a 1oII-wave vertiCaL The receIVing sta- prompting from OM Peter ZS6ET (73 year, bul I did lake a vacaliOn to the and ham radio jus / makes ,t even l io n was rccatee in Thessaloniki, Hambassador from Soulh Africa] tale stales of Kansas and CokNado to visir sma /leT? I lend 10 think the ta/ler, Greece, al sea level appro_imately 80 last year, OM Robin 3DAeAJ eeet out a wilh relalives and fflflnds I was very I would like 10 Ihank Ken WAITOJ, km from the olher station. Nikos Kos- circular leller to all known ama teur ra- excited about the Inp because I had no/ his lovely XYL, and a/llhe o/her hams maras SV2AHJ manned the stauce, dio oper ators in Swaziland inquiring as bettn 10 Gunnison, Colorado, and Ihe and families who made my 1990 sum- using a Yaesu FT-227 and a w- weve to wn etner or nOl there was any sup- family cabins along tha Gunnison Riv- mer vacation in Gunnison memorable. vertical. port for a possible re-birth 01 a Swazi- er for 18 years. When you pass through, be Sure /0 Line Of sighl was not possible, just land radio sociely. Astonishi ngly, there I was veryglad thaI I took my 2meler tune infO the 147.12 GVARC repeater noise when lhe beam was pointed di- was! radio wilh me because I heard several I plan to return to Gunnison next rectly at lhe receiving station. When And so, on Sunda, 11 March 1990, of Ihe local hams making plans for summer. I wonder if the dales wil/ coin- the beam antenna was poinled at the ten pioneers gathered at the home Field Day for lhe following weekend. cide wllh Field Day again. Time toslart Stetam (Headband) Ctill near me lop 01 QTH 01 OM Willie 3DAeBD and estab- Since I wanted to metH some of lhe COfIsun,ng my calendar. Mt. Olympus, a 4-unit signal on Ihe re- lished an lnlerim Commillee 01 Man- locals, I voIunleered my services as For the rest of you hams a round lhe ceiver 's meter was observed The aqement. tasked wilh the re--birth of '·gofer" (one who does whatever tasks wortd. gel in vofved, have fun , and transmitting stallOf1 was appro_lmalely the RSS. An Interim Committee ot need 10 be done}. My lIme with Uncle make lhe world a li/lle smaller and a lot 0 .5 km awa, from the c1ilf.[See Photo Management was elected: aM Willie Sam taught me never to voIunleer. but I tnendlltff. Good things are hlJPP6ning A. What .... hams don'l do for fun ! 3D AflBD as Chairman; OM James did anyway, and r m certainly glad I oa. and tet's keep them happening -Aml8}Greek Mountaineers' Club. 5. 3DA' AW as ViCe Chairman; OM Paul I met some of Ihe mosl wonderful -AmieNlBAC Ar is lolelous Square, T he ssalo ni ki G4MSP13OA, as Treasur er; and OM hams and families, and had a greal 54624.Greece . Robin 3DAIllAJ as secretary. The Inter. lime, 100. bolh behind the mike of Roundup Japan From Ihe JARL Naws. Com· im Commillee has proposed an en· W"GYV (Whiskey Zero Gorgeous AUltrall a From a let/er by Ken mencing OCtober 14, 1990. the JARL trance fee of E5 and an annu al sub- Young Virgin} and at the keyboard of Stevens VKSDW via Ted Melinosky will hold a nat ional FOX·teering com- scription 01 El 0. Application and foe the computer. logging and duping, The Field Day site was on a ridge at aboul 10,000 feet elevalion with higher ter- rain to the north. The closest power line was probably five miles or more away, which made for a very quiel RF site . With two secliofIs of tower to hold a tribalJd beam, several secftOfls of ex· lefl$tOflladder 10 hang the 80140meIer d'pole, a 5-band WHf/CaI, and two gen- eralors (one for backup}, the world was al our hngert'ps. I 'm not going 10 say hoW wetl we did. other Ihan thaI all were happy WIth the results, Dunng my two shINS of opera· tson, I had the fortune to make many contscts. and took the lime 10 cnet a litlle, even though it may have been brief, Three stand out in my mind. two in New Hampshire and one in Kansas. The first contact in New Hampshire was WIth Ihe cfub slalion of the Great Bay Radio Association , the clUb I te- IorIg8d to when I became a Novice, alJd the second was lhe club operaling in the Mason, NewHampstllre. area. One of lhe operators. NXIG . Crall} Clark . and I usually talk da'ly on the Keene , New Hampshire, repeater when the wealher is bad enough tor him not to ricJe his molorcycle 10 work. /I was sure nice to Chal with him for a few mannes. The Ihird contact was w"h a club sts- tion in Newton, Kansas, A former ctees- POOto A The operallng position on Mt, Olympus with the Stefani Cliff in Ihe background , 74 73 AmafeurRadio • September. 1990 payment can be sent to Robin 3DAIIlAJ, be disappointed , as he hadn't heard 01 1'0 RADIO .• .. -.4('. . . . . . . . IDeo' O ~ " ,. ...,.IlA.. NZ OTC r <19 o<r .... ( O~ .0"0 ~1 . eox 23, B,g Bend. anyone broad casti ng from C9 fo r ...."11. A 2 meter repeater on 145,6 is in the years . When I got here in January ZL 2VR DXCC Kio """.", j _ _ works {if no t already opera ting] and there is a Tuesday Swazi Net on 3.675 1987, il lurned out he was only too right. - -- =- .ow , .."," -_. - Hollo "."" No", Z _ •• MHz al7 pm. The OSL Bureau, run by O M James 3DAIIlAW at PO Box 64. ManZini, is operating. For lhe first few months I was so busy setting up the computer system for the logistics Support Unrt of the -- government agency in charge 01 emer- gency supplies that I had little time to think of anything else. A radio system e xisted, however, which tied our office in l he capital w it h each of l he 10 provinces, SO by mid-1987 1had anofti. Cial occasion to go to the Departmenl Ron Gang 4XIMK KiblxItz Urim ISRAEL of Telecommunications. There I mel with Mr. Joao Jorge \litho was in charge of frequency allocatlOO for lhe nation. _Ow_ • With him was Mr. Aavio, his technical Negev MPO 85530 Photo B. 73 Hambassadot DBs Chapman ZL2VR and shack. assistant. During the course 01 the Israel meeting I l ound an opportunily to in· Packet: 4X IMK@4Z4$V quire about amate ur radio. They e x- you read thia , wewill hava conferred at 525, UPPER HUn, Wellington NZ. In th is country of about 1.000 li· plained how the internal hoslili\ies that our Annual ConvenliOn and NZART And finally, congratulations to the censec radio amateurs. and maybe e xisted in nearly every province AnnlNll General Meeling . Only two r. Napier Branch on winning the NZART half that number operating an aclive worked against any hope of rad io mils for discussion W81"etumad in prior FI8kl Day wealIend operating tontest. stalion, 150 callSigns are reg istered transmissions not of official Of military 10 lhe meeting, one requesting that the Napier had been close in past years, users 01 the two ceceet radio Bess nature, Bad news but underslanOable. AGM direct NZART Council to develop but had never managed to beat the here . Since il was firsl inlrodu<:ed in (Actually , Sudan was and remains in a policy on the desirability or otherwise " Big Gun" branches of the Aukland Israel only l ive years ago. this mode the same situation.) A few weeks later I 01 Morse code being a test req uirement area. It' s a bitlike David and Gol ialh- has grown in leaps and bounds. was able to speak with Joec's boss, to qualify lor operalion on frequencies Aukland has a poputeucn in excess of A handful of dedicated cecseteers. Rui Femandes in his position of Direc- below 30 MHz, es is presenlly the case. 500,000 and 8 NZART branches, while mainly in the Haifa area, had then start- lor General. Ha was sympathetic and Should this regulation be challenged? Napier has a population 01 50,000 and ed a BBS and digipeating. but as this fully expected amatNr service to be- The other rem it takes the opposi te one NZART branch . So you can see computer-age mode caught on, the gin again one day, but not soon. vie",point-il urges our council to take why Napier Branch is so pleased at lARC look sponsorship o f the packel In June 01 that year, the Dutch gov. steps to ensure that the present stan- last, winning this annual two-da y week- network. ernment informed us they had about dards be maintained . eod opera tion on 80 and 40 mel res. Today the two BBSs, 4Z4 SV and $250,000 for acommunications project 01 the consti lutional remits, cceeo- 4X4HF. serve the north and center of if we were interested . Mozambique's versy is prese nt regardi ng member- the co unlry respectively, one VHF-HF tete com mumcancn sysl em i s ver y Ship and nonmembership in NZART , galeway staliOn 4X1RU-1, and eight shaky now but was nearly impossible some arguing that nonmembers derive Net-Rom nodes, giving COVf!fag& from at tha t time , With Iimiled means 01 oe- the beoetrts 01 representation without the northern border all the way clown fo livery, we needed to know when and paying their share of the costs. Others the southern N89E'V desert highlands_ where assistance was required so time argue tha t the membership, whiCh is With the excepliOn of one amateur in and resources were not wester . HF ra- about 50% 01 all licenced amateurs, SPAIN Eilat, at Israel's southern tip. oobody is dio was lhe only way. are the voice lor 100% 01 the lice~ Woodson Ganna way N5KVBlEA out of range Of the networ!<. I wrote up a proposa l to put 50 radios amaleurs.5O% is a very high represen- ApBrfado 11 in the most accessible cismcrs on the tation for a co mpletely voluntary mem- 35450 Sanla Maria de Guia 10 provinces nationwide. I also includ- bership, considering lhat the interna· (Las Palmas de G.C.) ed a section for ten packet radio sta- l ional average of 1,799.000 licenced Islas CanariBs, Espana tions-one for each provincial capi- hams belonging 10 national SOCieties is tal-to connect with our offiCeS here in on ly 31%. What is very interesting My first visit to the Union of Spanish M",""" statistically is that some 01 the largest Amateur Radio Operators (Union de On my way out lor home leave in coun tries have some of the lowest per- RadioafiCianados de Espana, U.R.E.) MOZAMBIQUE February 1988, 1Slopped in Johannes- cen reces of licenced hams belonging clubhouse in Las Palmas was an eye- burg 10 allend the Networking Confer- 10 lheir National Society. Why? opener. Firsllhing I heard was a theory PhilGray KAnwo ence presented by tha Southern Africa Just think 01 how much slronger our class in progress with about 15 stu- c/o CARE, C.P. 4657 AM SAT Chapter. It was chaired by the voice would be internationally if we had dents. Nearby at the bar, several pea- Maputo, MiUambique presidenl and attended by amateurs a greater percentage of licenced ama· pie were reading the latest issue of the Hello from Charlie Nil'Mt land! Th is is from South Africa and the reg ion. teure represented byour national ama· U.R.E. magazil'Mt. In the ne xt room, a the first news letter from Mozambique Ther. I mel 73'$ Hambassador to t8lJr organisations_Membership is vital packet S1ation was shaping up . Lots and I hope they will continue on a fairly Soulh Alrica, Peter Strauss, as wel l as whenourfuture is soon to be deliberat- going on . regular basis. For a little background, many Olher hams most anxious to as- ed at an interna tional co nf erenc e The U. R,E. was able to get a special amateur radio existed in this former sist Mozambiqu e in anyway necessary (WARC) where, withoul proper repre- call for the Canary Islands Day (May Portu guese Colon y unlil lndep en- to get on the air once more. { This is the sen lation, ama te ur radio mi9ht be 3Oj this year,an AMkal1. They broad- eence in 1974. But when the new gov- end of Phil's first submissiOn, and I'm 'stepped on' heavily by those with vest- cast lrom the same building that hous- ernment took over, armed resistance C6f1ainly looking lorNard to more in the ed ccmmerciet interests in using the es El Corte Ingles with the ED8S0R groups formed and foug ht a destruc- coming months and years. -Amie{ radio frequencies. during the " Seman a del Radioafi- tive campaign that continues to this Eno ug h of thaI. .• the Hastin gs eionado" (Amateur Radio Operator's day. Excepllor one case. no amaleur Branch of NZART is sponsoring a Week) May 21-27. And each yeardUI- activity has been permitted, 160m activity weekend , where the in- ing the International Fair (held April In October 1986, I wes in Sudan tenlion is to fire up l he 160m band 23-29 this year) they set up a station at when I learned my next assignment nationally and internationally to see the fair and oHer a diploma . They plan was to be Mozambique , I told my good whal can be accomplished . The fr. to operate during a co mmemoration in fr iend and Sudanese ham, Dr. Sid quencies and dal es are: 1840 and the month 01 November. Details will be ST2SA, abou1 my hopes 01 setting up a NEW ZEALAND 1940kHz ± on 20121/22 Qc'Iober 1990, reported as I recei\oe them. station in Mapyto. As one of only two Of 08OO-16OOZ. NO spec ial rul es, no l'mstiU planning logo to Rumania in Des Chapman ZL2VR three amateurs in Sudan allowed to aSLs unless reqU8S1ed; just fire up 8ep(ember so I am keeping up ......th the .f59 K8flfIfK1y Road tsoeeceer. and an ardent DXer , Sid your rig and see how good conditions news with great interest. I am hoping to Napier, New Zea land knew more abou t the in ternational are on the band. Submit in qui ries meet many hams rneee and bring you scene l han I did. He suspected I mig hl Kia Ora from z t-ranc. By the time 10 ZL3DK. % NZART HO, PO Box 40- the retest news on the ham front. III 73AmateurRadio • September, 199O 75 Never Say Die COIlIIIIU9d from ~ 4 cheap 10 use . that the habit is as hard oped 10 help keep military commcmce- trait wires around the stage , With these 10 break lor them as mm08 is lor me . tions secure, is now beginning to creep there is none of the occasional drcc- tinued its growlh, hure ou r country? Are Which is great for me cell ular busi- inlo everyday products. It's an easy out experienced with the older FM yO u eve n sl ighlly eri l ical of I he M" way to have several wireless controlled analog technology . League's monumentally poor PR et- The nell1 step is obvious: personal things going on without them interfer- They're already using the technob- tort? The League's score on Ih is is phones . They're already trying 'em out ing with each other. gy to send prices 10 grocery shelves lor Mar zero . in London, so they'U be along here For instance. by building an encoder automated pricing. By nell1 year WII' " I am amused that the ham industry 01 soon . We'll be seeing' cellular prices chip into a WIreless light SWItch and a have digllal audio quality, completely the '60s w as the m ajor funder of its own come doWn if the FCC ever permits decoder chip into the li ght socket, private wireless phones. demise. Now _ 're seeing the same compel ltion . And that brings me to my you 'N be able to control your light from p8Uern all over again 8Sthe ham indus- favorite gloom and doom subject: Ire- almost anywhere, with any number of In terested? try of the '90s is enthusiastically and quencies . switches . The same technology WIll al- " we publish some articles on spread bl indly paying l or its eeetructen . I see in EDN magazine projeClions low your garage door opener to open spectrum in 73. will you bother to that today's $9 billion cel lular business your eccr and not your neighbor·s. It'll read 'em? Or should ..... e be looking for The Alternativ e is expected 10 get up to around $150 let you send several digital stereo sig- stuff on narrow-band spark rigs? Are BUI what choice does the industry billion within ten years. Think they'll do nals around your house to speak ers you ready 10 put together some kits hava? If they don ', advert ise in QST, thaI with out more trequenctee? And without interference. It'll give you pri- or do we have to get commercial com- how can they reacn the ham market? who do you think is going to gel the vacy wit h your cordless phone , We panies to put il all together for you SO OS T has the largest circul ation, so prime RF real estate and who'll be in should soon be seeing computer net- you can wy it and plug it in? Please most advertisers Bfe convinced they the slums? working systems using spread spec- advise. f1all9 10 advertise there. If they have The FCC is run by Congress. And trum, Most n_ spread spectrum c-eo- Is It Realty Hopele..? anything left in their ad budgel lhey put who runs Congress? You? Me? You vets are using our shared 902 MHz it in 73otCO . know as well as I do who runs C0n- band, by the way . 01 course nolo The gloom and doom They could reach the ecwe (boying) gress . . whoever has the money. We'. be seeing wireless computer scenario will only kictl in if the AARL part 01 Ihe market just through 73 We 've seen how muetl clout l irms who nodes and 'Nireless netwcrts. complete members rema,n as paralyzed as they and CO , reaching the conlest~nled invest $10,000 in a senalor or c0n- with repeaters 10 ell1end their rangoe . have for the last few- years . If they re- readers I h r oug h one and Ihose gressman get; imagine what kind 01 Medical applications will be along fuse to re-elect any d,reclors for two in terested in n_ technologies and action lhe cellular radio industry might soon tOO .. , such as a rnondoring und years we'. have a whole new deal. We building Ihrough the ottler. You know, command il they set aside 2% of thelf for cardiac patients If the monItor might even get the League to lurch into if the industry even cut their ads in half revenues lor five years to buy more erects anyth ing am iss it w ill dial action and save our bacon. in CS T and put them inlo CO and 73, frequencies . That's $15 billion they'd the local phone and send the inlor· "you pull the old lem ming act. blind- you'd see some fasl action at HQ 10 gel have to invest. Let's be cheap and only mation automatically to the local hos· ly rtH:llecting the same old ec-nmee. started with the needed member ser- invesl one third .....ith the Senale . Thai 'S pitat to bring help tas t. This cou ld we' re probably goners. I think even my vces. $5 billion splil 100 ..... ays. or about $50 help save hundreds 01 thousands ot tnrterest enemies, like Bill Orr W6SAI, Of cou rse it all comes down to mon- million per senator. lives. who is still angry with me for oppos ing ey. If you do all you r b uying l ro m O$T Heck, that'd only leave about $20 MLlsicians are already usi ng digital Incentive Licansi n~5 years ago, will advertisers, you 're going to force them million for e ach congressman . Still. spread spectrum so they don't have to agree on nus one, III to continue to pay for thair own suicide, tha t might be enough to counter sever- It you make il Clear to the industry al hundred tearful moneyless tenere that you are shopping in 73 and CO, ' rom hams . ROBIN p , HOOD you'll bring aboul changes almosl as lasl as elecling n_ directors. You mighl also help save CO, which I'd Hey, there's an idea lor a good busi- ness tor hams to get into ... making pockel-sized code OSCillators so we N4PQK 118 Broad Street Marton, HC 28752 McDowell Co, hale to see 90· can send Morse Code over our cellular Some added advertising revenue phones to each other on our old ham won 't hurt 73 , but all it' ll do is help bands. bring you a larger magazine. My music: magazines are paying the freight quite Other Technologin well, so WII aren 't in any bind. CD Reo Things are going wireless, We 're ~ was one of the lastesl growing seeing wireless TV and audio dIstribu- magazines in the counlry last year and tion systems for homes . We 're seeing should be again this year, It's tastest wireless security systems. Computers growing nOI only in circulation (up are going wireless. Dala links. Toys . 40%), wt also in advertising sales (up There are community TV sta tions. 34%). HOTV is eccrrunq. Loca l area radio in- There, YQu have something to talk formalion systems tor traff iCand shop- about ever the air other than the weath- p ing guidance. Wireless light switches er. Something to talk about at the ne xt and other remo te controls lor homes cl ub meeting . Remem ber, about two- are on the way. The 1990s are going to thirds of all hams don't read any ham bring us the biggest changes in etec- magazines at all , so unless YQu tell Ironies yet. and a bunch of it is going to them what' s happoening, they won 't need spectrum space. have a due . We'll be able to do a lot with satel- Now get busy gettIng your Ifiends lites . , . Iike keeping track 0 1 cars and and tello w clUb members to oust trucks. We may even be ab/EI to use th e en tr enched directors and start satellde links lor coenmuoceteos . but I p u shi ng th e ham industry 10 stop suspect thai fIber optics .-ill eventually shooting itsell in the loot. And don 't provide lower cost service and phase worry aboul AA A L Pres idenl Larry QUI most 01 this. This '. give us more Price , the newdireclors will make short speclrum space lor direcl satellite di- wort<. 01 him . g ilal T V and radio broadcasting . Ooops, there go our microw-ave bands! Ooops' Oh .....ell, .....e're not using 'em anyway. Well, while we hams can claim credit right? Big deal. l or invenli ng cellular radio, which is a result 01 the cellul ar repeate r system Th e Brigh t Side sel up in Chicago back around 1970. Those of us who keep up with tec h- it's onl y log ical t hai som e service nology .....ill be in a great posi tion to take like this wou ld have been developed advantage of these new lechnologies even if we hadn 't done the ground- as they come along. The equ ipment work . It jusl makes sense that people will be designed in Japan and built in would want to make phone calls !rom Asia sam_here, but they're going to their cars. need us 10 sell, install and serviCe it. Back when I ..... as young . long dis- They'. need lechnicians to operate the tance phone calls .....ere e~pensive , As com municat ions centers wh ich .....ill a result I tended to avoid using the make all this stuff wort<.. phone and used my typewriler instead. Cheaper. I stin tend to avoid the phone, SprHd S pect rum prelernng my laptop computer, today's Though we hams are allowed to ex- version 01 my old typewriler . Old habits perimanl with spread speclrum com- don 't die eaSIly. municall()l"ls, we're still moslly hung up Phones in cars are normal now . even on CW and other old communications though they're far Irom inexpensive modes. I'm surprised I haven't seen aSL olthe Month To enter YQur OSL, mail it in an envelope to 73. WG E Cenler, to use . I suspect this is because people any petitions sent to the FCC request- Forest Road, Hancock, NH 03449. AlIn : QSL of the Month . Winners receive a in busi ness today are so used to grab- ing the return of sparll.. one-year Subscription (or extension) to 73. Entries not in envelopes cannot be b ing the ph one, it normally being Spread spectru m, which was cever- accepted. 76 73 Amateur Radio • Se pt em b e r, 1990 ABOVE AND BEYOND ~tromp .1O " ZERO." Stability of about 10 kHzover kind 01 like being in twelve places al 24 hours was reported in one e~peri­ once, or wearing many differen l hals. ment . The kil Alan oHers comes set lor II's COSI effective to do me work your- aboul 120 deqreee F, but iI can be self, Needless to say. th;s SChool of changed or remotely set. Instead of us- hard knocks was wcrm it. Vern on ing a coil of wire as I did. Alan used a N4UL is plann ing to estaonsn a full du- power TQ..220 mounted reseror in his plex repeater link using 10 GHz as me circuit. The unit bollS to most sources backbone. He is going 10 try wideband using the e_isling UG-39 nange horn FM atld see if it will do Ihe job. He mounting screw , Complet e kit with all knows it will work. bul woukllike more parts . PC board and instructions is S20 information on systems ClJrrent ly in postpaid from Alan Rutz. use Wllh AFC conlrol for dnlt·free eeer- ation. Mlilbox Comment, Scoll V E7 FYC of V ancouve r , Richard K9RLS says he enjoys our Canada. has a 10 GHz slation in lhe articles, as they inspire newcomers 10 construction mill. He slates that the microwave to give il a try. He states Northwesl ARRL convention is not be- Ihal many articles are either too com- ing held Ihis year and he mighl come to ple_. e_pensive. or pie in the sky. bul th e San Diego Convenlion , That' s Ihal mme was greal' That kind 01 jetter quite a trip. If you make II. Scott. I have will make)'OUr hal size increase every 10 give you a lOur of the surplus con- ume. I try 10 keep everything ease and flICliOl'ls here in San Diego. easy to replicale_ David WA4SNY in lynchburg. Vir- J hope that I am providing you with ginia, is also puning a 10 GH z wide- a varied and useful source of inlorma- band sysl em logether. He says. " I ncn and will conuoue 10 do so till I haven't played around with amateur run dry. I can't lake credit for all the microwave since my 2K25 system in items that appear in this colu mn (I the tete '60s:' Well, David, I hope you am oot thaI crever). I m ust rety o n many have as much run with the ne wer others for their contributions and ideas equipment as you did wilh the tube sys· whiCh are used in a pass-the-informa- terns. Newcomers should be aware hon-along spint. Withoul canlribullOflS thal lhe lube syslems ol lha Si dies re- from readers and members of our quired klystron power supplies. whiCh mierowave group. IhlS column would are like hauling two car batteries run nat So keep lhe letters atld qees- around . The newer solid slate mi. te ns flowing . I aisc want to publish any crowave equipment is so light in c0n- in leresling photos you would li ke trast thai going mounlain topping now to share covering microwave or VHF is no longer a chore. tepee. As always I will beglad 10 answer any I have the resource s 10 make P C quesl ions on microwave or related boards and a small darkroom to help subjeclS. Please include an SASE for a wilh artworll atld photo copying. II's prompl reply. Chuck WB6IGP. III CIRCLE 2 9 S ON READER Sl:RYICE CAItO MADISON * * * SHOPPER CALL FOR ORDERS: 1 (800) 231·3057 1 (713) 729·7300 or 729·8800 FAX 1 (713) 358·0051 All ITEMS ARE GUARANTEED OR SALE PRICE REFUNDED New BNC Female Chassis UG-290 AJU $2.00 UG·201 AJU Adapter N Male/BNC Female ...... • . . . . . .4.00 3 Amp RF Meier 2.5 ~ New Boxed Other Sizes Available Eac h 30.00 .001 pF 10 KV Axial ... . ....•.. .. .. 1.95 New Kenwood TS·950SD, .0015,..F 10 KV Axial. 1.95 All Mode, HF •.........•. . . . . ... Call 455 kHz IF Xfo rm er. . . . . .• .••... . . .50 Ameco Books, Hi-Pass Filte rs Call New Kenwood TM ·941A Ameco PT -3 PreAmp .. . . . . • •... $99.00 loo's 01 Meters , Transformers, etc .. Call 'rn-aenc FM . ... __ .... Trades W anted Anteco 2M , 5/8 Mag. Mo unt, Relay, 12 VOC, Double Pole, Com plete .... _. _.... . • . • __ .... 25.00 Double Throw, lOA .. . . . .....• _. _5.00 Kenwood 731A Dual Band Mobi le Call Van Gorden G5AV . . . .•....... . _.44.00 ICOM IC·24AT._ _ Cal l Copper Clad Epoxy Boards, Bird 43, Elem ents/Stoc k _.. Call 17 · x 12 · 4.00 Penta 6146B $12.00 Penta 572B 69.00 Receiving Tu bes ... ... ... . •. $1.00·5.00 POLICIES Penta 3-500Z 99.00 6CL6 . . . . .. ... . .. . . . . ...•• . . . . . . 9.00 Minimum order $10.00 . Mastercard , VISA, o r Penta 811A 12.00 4CX1 000A 3SO.OO C.O.D. All prices FOB Houston, except as noted. Prices subjec t to ch ange without notice . CSI Pri vat e Pat ch V •••.. ... ..••. 489.00 4CX15OOB . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 3SO.oo Items subject to prior sale. Call anytime to 831SP-PL259 Silver Plate (AmpheOOI) .1 .SO Ei mac 3C X25OOA3 .•.......••. . 3SO.OO c heck the slatus of you r order. 'tesee resid ents 82061 N Male (Amphenol) . .....•.•. 3.SO Ei mac 4CX1 0000 ..•••......•••• 500.00 add sales tax. All ilems full lactory warran t y 82·202·1006 N Male (9913) _.3.SO 807 __ .. 5.00 plus Madi son warranty . Yaesu FT·757 GX 11. ...••......... Call We stinghou se 89 1A, 892R .. Each 500.00 Bird I nd Belden produc t s in st oc k. C.lltod.y. Number 250n your FHdback card 73 Amaleur Radio • September,l990 n I Jj! A S T R O N 9 Autry Irvine. CA 927 18 CORPORATION (714J 458 - 72 77 ASTRON POWER SUPPLIES • HEAVY DUTY. HIGH QUALITY· RUGGED. RELIABLE· SPECiAl FEATURES PEIFOR...CE SPECIFICATIONS • SOLID STATE ELECTRONICAllY REGULATED • INPUT VOLTAGE: 105-125 VN:. • FQl.D-8ACK CURRENT LIMITING Protects Power SUpply • OUTPUT VOLTAGE: 13.8 VOC:!: 0.05 volts from excessive current & continuous shor1ed output (Internally Adjustable: 11·15 VOC) • CROWBAR OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTION on all Models • RI PPLE l ess lt1an Smv peak 10 peak (lull load & mepl RS-3A, RS-4A. AS·SA. RS4L 1l$-5l low line) • MAINTAIN REGULATION & LOW RI PPLE at low line input • All units available in 220 VN:, input voltage Voltage (excep t for Sl-11AI • HEAVV DUTY HEAT SINK . CHASSIS MOUNT FUSE • THREE CONDUCTORPOWER CORD except for RS -3A MODEL VS-SOM • ONE YEAR WARRANTY . MADE IN U.S.A. SL SE Calors ConlinlllUi ItS' Silt UMI Shipping MODEL Gray 81act Duly IAmpsl [b lpsl N· W' 0 wt 1Ibl.1 • lOW PROFILE POWER SUPPLY SL-llA • • 7 11 2'4 x AI, x 9lIo 11 ~P8:' RS-L SERIES CtnUnueui ItS ' Sin [IN] MODEL Duly [AlIlpsl IAllps) II. W. 0 • POWER S UPPLIES WtTH BUILT IN CIGARETTE LIGHTER RECEPTACLE RS-4 L 3 4 3'h Il 6Va Il 1'/. 6 RS-5L 4 5 3'h x 6Va x 7'1. 7 • 19" RACK MO UNT POWE R SUPPLIES Continuous es- Sin [IN] "i'~'"j MODEL Duly [Am ps] (Amps] II x Wx D Wl bs. RM·1 2A 9 12 5'1. x 19 x 8'1. 16 RM-35A 15 35 5'4 x 19 x 12 'h 36 RM -511A 37 50 5'4 x 19 x 12 'h 50 RM -611A 50 55 7 x 19x 12'h 60 • separate Volt and Amp Meters RM- 12M 9 12 5'f" x 19 x 8'10 16 RM -35M 15 35 5'4 x 19 x 12'h 36 RM -50M 37 50 5'1. x 19 x 12'h 50 RM SERIES MOOEl "M-35o RM- 60M 50 55 7 x 19x 12 Y1 60 RS-A SERIES MODEl RS-JA 6n, - "". C,.I1...11 IIt,lb,11 • 2.5 ICS" IA_,sl 3 Sil ' 1111 R xW x l 3x 4"," x 5"" ni"i'l WI. Ilh.1 • RS-4A RS-5A • • • 3 • • 5 3","x6Yrx9 3Yt x 6'1a x 7'10 5 7 RS-7A • • 5 7 3","x6Yrx9 9 RS-7B • • 5 7 4 x 7'1l X 10'10 10 RS-10A • • 7.5 10 4 x 7'1l x 10lf. 11 RS-12A • • 9 12 4'1l x 8 x 9 13 RS-12B • 9 12 4 x 7'h x 10lf. 13 RS-20A • • 16 20 5x9x10'/i 16 RS-35A • • 15 35 sx u xn 27 MODEL RS-7A RS-50A • e x 13'1. x 11 RS-M SERIES MODEL 37 C.. I1 ....s 1,1, Ib,s] lCS" 50 (A_,sl Sil'llll I xW x l " S'i" i, . WI. (th.) • Sw*:hallle '0'0II and .ftn9 metf:I" RS-12M 9 12 4'l'ix8x9 13 • $epafale volt and Amp meters RS-20M 16 20 5 x9x10 Yr 16 RS-35M 25 35 s x tt xn 27 RS-50M 37 6x13lJ(,x11 50 " VS-M AND VRM-M SERIES • Separate Volt and Amp MeIers . OUlput Voltage adjustable from 2-15 wlls . Current Iimil adjustable from 1.5 amps to Full Load C..l1.... s ICS" Sin liN] ni"i'l MODEL O,t, Ib,ll [A_,sl II xW xD WI·llh·1 @13,8VDC @10VOC @5WC @13,8V V$-12M 9 5 2 12 aw x e x e 13 VS-"'" VS-"" 16 15 9 15 7 • 20 35 s x s xmw 5xl1x11 20 29 VS-SOM 37 22 10 50 6 X 13'1. x 11 • Yariablt! racll moun! power supplies " VIlM-35M 25 15 7 35 5'1< x 19 x 12Y! 36 MODEL VS-35M _SOM 37 22 10 50 5% x 19 x 12V, 50 • Buin in speaker RS-S SERIES MOOEL RS-7S - "" ''''' • • C..II.If.. 0111 (A_,sl 5 ICS" A_,s 7 lill(ll! I x. xl 4 x 7V, x 10lJ. U I"i,. WI. (Ih.l 10 RS-1OS • • 7.5 10 4 x 71; x 1014 12 RS-12S • • 9 12 4'/i x 8 x 9 13 RS-20S • • 16 20 s x s x 10'h 16 "1C5-lntermitttf1l Communication Service (50'\ Duty Cycle 5min. on 5 min. off) CIRCU: 16 O'l READER SERVICE CARD Number 35 Oft your Feedbkk urd ATV """ ocoroo ~ - ~ ..- _.- -_. .......... ...... -- .""._... - -, ,~. .... c.ou. COOT..,. _.. _. '." -- - _ - wo. .- _. ' . . ' . .. 'IN7W. Ham Television ~ -,- .. ...... -- _ u,,. wo. . . ' , ,.,'-- -- " _ .--- • '0 ''''>:I VV , ,.. - . . 0 _ .- """ - -- - ~ .- --- .... ,.- ''''*_ ....... .. _ - _ ..... -- _..,.... --- """"' -- --, ... .. _ m.' _ . .. _- _0. ,"'.. v mo. "s._ .. Bill Brown WB8ELK % 73 Magazine Iy and never know it . You can try luning around randomly with your ~ _.. ,-- - -- ,""'.. v -- ._--- 'U_ ...v _.- .. -- . - ". ~ -. --_.- -- _0- , - - wo' - -- - - ~ Forest Road TV receive r. but if you gel lucky and -~ . Hancock NH 03449 Return of $huttleVision actually receive a picture, you may nOI know where to co ntac t the ---- -- -- -- -- - _0' _ .. ,. - - -- ,,,- - ....._-_.- - .. - _ - . ._, Apparen tly Ihe hydrogen leak has senders on voic e . In this column I plan to periodically ,.- -- --" --. - - . ... . , " ~ bean fixed on the Columbia Shuttle. II all goes well we may see liftoff of tist ATV groups and their operating frequen cies for various parts of the ~ u_ - ,m .. v . ... . -- ... - _ '00 .- "" ., -- -_ -- - •" ... v .- mission 5 T5·35 so metime betwee n country and even the world . This ~. ,- tne last 01August or m id-september. This should coi ncide nicely wilh the travel guide to ATV sho uld hel p you make some very enjoyable contacts -'- - ...- " '." 11 w o. --- -- -- _.- .-. _.", ,.,- ",,"N_" .'. ~- "", beginning of school. Here' s your chance to bring fhestlunle video into the classroom . Live television from the shuttle. NA SA Mission Control while roaming about. If your group would like to be included in this se- ries, please send me your informa- tion at the above address. Please in- ---- -- --- - .- ~ ~- .... .. 0 -- --_.. - .- . .. . O M , . , _ ,m.. v - -""'" - -~_I> activities, and continuous coverage clude you r 2 meter (or whatever) talk c..- .. ,_ ..- ....... _._., -. PACI ....-rTI.1 . ....." 1El.£CT YIOI O IIfl'U-'fllS · __ . . . ._ a.-, _ ollhe liftoff and landing are re layed frequency. list any activity nights or via Ihe NASA select channel on the ATV c lub meetings. AT V frequen- n_ - --'. _0. -- -- - . ...11" ,,- "'I UlCA""" ~- RPTC",-,- c<:wl-OCT SAleOM F-2 satellite, tran sponder 13 . cies (70cm, aacm. 23cm, 13cm, 10 GHz, laser beam , etc.], polarization ._- e- ", ' _ -"' ...... ...... ,. - - -- .., . . M ,,. ,.. 'O w ' -- ' . .- ,.,or;_ • 0- ' ".. - -. ..' .. v ' "",o.. _ ... _ Thanks 10 an agreem ent w ith NASA a lew years ago, hams can receive meee transmissions on a and any ATV repea ter information. Also please send in photographs of members of your group and any ac- • - - -- " ' -' .... ,-, A TV rfiTansmission Sifes ftx NA$A SeIecf shuttle lrideo (compiJed by Tom O 'Hara WBORGJ. " As more groups adopt a they may not know about each other many possibilities and get these standard calling frequency, we 'll due to different talk frequen cies . groups talking to (and watching) Hopefully we can ferret out all the each otherl llJ see more interaction between nearby groups that may currently be unaware of each other. " home satellite system and legally re- tivmes usi ng ATV. I promise to make SMILE! YOU'RE ON TV transmit both the audio and video. In the May '90 " ATV" column in 73, I you internationally famous! Talk Frequenc ies ~ On~ ment i oned t h a t Tom O' H ar a $329 W60RG wa s com piling a list of those groups or repe aters planning Tw o frequen c ies , 144 .34 and 146 .43 MHz, have been finding wide ~ ,~ ,. . .. Designed a nd bunt in the USA .. '. 'I. . ~."() to retransmit shuttle video from th e acceptance as natiOnal ATV coordi- N ASA select satelli te feed . This list nation frequencies. As lTlOfe groups Value + Quality is be ing distributed as part of a adopt a standard calli ng frequen- from over 25years SAREX information package so that cy, we' ll see more inte ractioo ee- in ATV..W 60RG inte rest ed schools can tune in. It's tween nearby grou ps that may cur- With our all in one box TC70·1 70cm ATV Trans- not too late to be added to this list rent ly be unaware of each other. It'll (keep in mind that the next SAREX also help Ihe traveling ATVer find ceiver you can easily transmit and receive live action mission, STS·37 . is sti ll tent atively the locals. color and sound video just like broadcast TV . Use scheduled for November). Th ese freq uencie s have been any home TV camera or VCR by plugging the com- see th e table for a c URent list c0m- chosen in order to minimize the af- posite video and audio into the front VHS 10 pin or piled as of July 15 (included are a fects of the third harmonic to your local 2 meter coordination frequency ATV receiver when you ' re talking on rearphono jacks . Add 70cm antenna , coax, 13.6 Vdc and a contact address). Send new 2 melers (144 .34 MHz m inim izes in- and TV set and you are on the air...it's that easy ! entries or updates to Tom O' Hara terference to 439.25 MHz receive , W60RG, 2522 Paxson Ln., Arcadia and 146.43 is use ful in areas with TGl O-' has > 1 watt p.e.p. with one xtal o n 439.25, 434 .0 CA91007. 434 MHz rece ive). The 146.43 MHz or 426. 25 MHz, runs o n 12-14 Vdc@. SA, and hot GaAs f et frequency is most popular in South- ATV Travel T Ips downco nve rle r tunes whole 420-450 MHz band down to ern Californ ia, Oregon and Wash- Whenever I go on a trip to a ne w ington State . 144.34 MHz seems to ch3 . Shielded cabine t o nly 7x7x2S. Transm itters sold part 0 1 the country I try 10 lind out if be most popular in the following re- only to licensed amateurs, for leg alpu rpose s, verified mth e the re is any ATV activity in the re- gions of t he M i dwest an d E ast lat e s t Ca llbook o r with copy of license s ent with ord er. gion. Whether you 're just travel ing Coast: !owa, Missouri, parts of Mich- through, camping out or st aying in a igan, pans of Florida, Wisconsin, illi- Call or write now for our complete ATV catalog motel, you can have a whale of a Iol noi s, India na, Ohio (1 47.45 MHz al- includinq downconverters, transceivers, linear of fun making new contacts on ATV. so u s ed ) ; Eri e , Penn syl vania ; amps, and antennas for the 70 , 33 , & 23cm bands , They're out there; you just have to Buffalo, New York : and the Spring- find them! ATVers are not easy to field , Massachusetts/Hartford , Con- (616) 447-4565 m-1 8am·S:30p m pst. V isa, MG, COD find: unless you know where they nect icut, area. P.C. ELECTRONICS meet on 2 meters (or 220 MHz, etc], A number of groups may be in lo- 252 2 Pa x so n Ln Ar c ad i a CA 91006 you may be in a real hotbed of aclivi- cal working range of each other, but 73 A mateur RadiO • September,l990 79 ATV CONVERTERS· HF LINEAR AMPLIFIERS o<s<;ov.. THI w OfI ~o Of .... T K-&" TU IVlSOOfI '. S:-J!zr""~ ' = = 0 ~fIIQVI!ICJ'If\iiU _... . ..... _ . . - • • ' ....... .__ ....... •... ,_ ''',M -- ......... .... 1'12 11.... .... " " " _ ...... IIIfA _ ... _ _ ' . UI ' "lilT JIM!. .... U .., ' H_ _ ~ l& U ....I _ .• n .. A.,,, _ _UII CH e - •• ' 11_ ,'.1 _ .. ""W'I I" TT l_ H ....... tlO$!UIIlU1UYIIIO.. COfl VlU . .. .DW._ 'TT COM., n "TV' • • ;6:;:0011.__. " "_tl I ..Tvl . ,.- -nT _.. I.. _...., .I U,H " T _ . • It,H" _ _ ••• •_ _ ••1'2_ 1_ _ • _ .._ _ . .•"." 11" n ' '"1' ._ 1' 1 11,.. t~OIO ' !lUILCH CONU Ol ( _ _1Tv "II MW~-~ -PUbb P NIM nM.i.U 2 . . . NHUf'UI . .~ j , ,"n, , """ , n .. 15 _ _ 1111 ," " _""'_ I .. .._ .. ldO .. _ "".... f _ ..' • '_1_ _ _" , , , _1000 .. , ..•• • 1," .... _ - - . Communication A com p lete r llC!ilmi le rec:ep.tioD system for t h e IB ~1 PC or Compahble. R«r1vflI up to 16 inten..ity .... vets, Indudes: ~modulator 8O"'~M.m ..1 I " ...._ Concepts Inc. Ooftoo · X_, 00.0. Uln · j l l il FAl[11~11 u.-_ Softwan Tutorial Caswtk CIRCt.IE " ON RUDIER SEIMCE CARD . 'reqWrKY l ..i.«t Inlerprrtalion Gu • •'eat u n'S: - PrInt 00 Epsoa, Of" HP Laser Jet D~ SIIve, 7.....minc. I~ ~ n . VDIIltftIdeG lma~ C.ptu~ aod ..udl. ~ Budget QSL 'Ca r d s PC GOES/WEFAX $250 $38/1000 p'"'''OO '',,,,,, /llfW YORK • B2G.......-x lk"i~ned to rw:.. lve Imagll".s dirtd ly from U .S. a nd Soylll"l mll"leorologica l sot""lIt~_ ...... e- Incl ud"s .. II of the .. hove fe..t u .... ph.... Thoughl you couldn't aHord really good QS l s1 These cards 4 II co m plete orhlhll tr...;king sytem IIlld w ill change your mind l High Quality RAISED PR INTED QSl ",!<Olullon o f up 10 256 gray leve l... CARDS can be in your hands 101 only 4c EACH I Beautiful JAV A, COHlN Glossy Ink on I~ory. Blue. Glay 01 Yellow 671b. Vellum Bri stol. ' ,,,'..., ~v "!o/II Software Systems Consulting W e print in blue ink in th e format shown. II you don't want the 150 Avenida Cabrillo,"C',San Clemente, CA 926n (7"14)-498-5784 slate outline. w e can remove it and enlarge the cellsign to balance out me ca,d, NO EXJRA CHARGE for AR Rl , QCWe, AM SAT logos Of addition al WOfd ,ng ,I we haVfl me room. ~ •• 0 - " 0- O,der with confidence; e ese cards Ire me best ~alue in H. m C1ltCll250 ON RUDER SEAVlCl CARO Radio lOday! Yoor satISfaction is gu.r.nteed' Q.u estions about our otIlef cards Of to discuss a custom QSl.re handled 011 Network QSL Cards our Rag-Chew kne (318) '"3-1261. M . stert" d Of VISA DIllelS P.O. Box 13200. Alexandria. LA 71315 only,,~ TOll FREE 1-80~256-21 04 FAX: (318) 445-9940 FREE ----....;,;,;;,;.;,;;.~- cmcu .. ON READER SEIMCE CARO SAMPLE n ,X "l r o u n d the World COPY! Now ATYOO RF ING E R TI PS r> . MUG FACTORY' · CustomEtched-Call Sign Mugs A Braille reference manual entitled OX Around the ANTIQUE RADIO CLASSIFIED World is now available lor the blind U.S. h am . The boo k is edited by La rry Cox. W A6 AI L and made Antique Radlo 's Largest-Circulation available throogh the San Diego Braille Transcribers Guild Inc .. 1807 Upas Street, San Diego. CA 92 103. Monthly Magazine The 55 ·page manual contains the 32 4 counlries Artic les · Classified.· Ads lor Parts & S.rvlces on the ARRL <:\IITen! countries list, alphabetically list· Also: Early TV, Ham EqUiP.. Book., ed by both prefix and counlJy ; also tIw! beam head· Te{egraph, 40's & 50's Radios & mo,. _ ings in T~ ~~ and mWeq in st<llule miles FIN 2O-word" HCIJ month. Don" miss out! from tIw! geograph ical centers of the West Coast. $9 .95 Eac!lhoo Sl-tslldil bSllopporlg . . ttnaIg Free S8mple. 6-Month Trial- $13 . Mid_. and Usc Coast of the Un~ed Stales. Then C1ltr;o<t,..,..To p-., SptoIy 1-Year: $24 ($36 by 'SI Class). Foreign· Write. the appl'Oximate time plus or minus~Coordi· TODOSKOGEN 13D> Gllsslllullcr nat ed Torne end the counlJy's zooe .lire listed. TMre is POBOX 302!> 10 o.z IIIut cr lllat* C-Cup A.R.C., P.O. Box 802·E6, Carlisle, MA 01741 also a brirf discussion of the SoI.ar Index and Sunspot FOX V.c.uEY SUTtON Adr:l$2SOb AR R L logo Cydeand how thtyaflect the DX~. "l.R)R.\ IL Ii05O( AdIl $3 SO b A.R£ .S.l.ogD CIItCLE 2 1 1 ON READER S(RYICE CARD This book lI'I8y be obtained lor the cost of 1I'I81eri· (3 1 2) 805 - 5 9 7 2 als. $4, 15 on paper lind $7 .40 on plastic pages. W... 1or QWi. on custoITI9fdIfIl (If CQmpIIfI)' 199'Js. Two METER SPECIAL ...... _ I add 6.75'1'0 tAo. AIoot 2~ _ I deIiYefy . CIRCLE 288 ON RU DER SERVICE CARO MOI<ftIlo MiCOfS: 45 wan. 8 freel, 132-150 MHz. [)am lJnd CJoI:t, sm eacll, will1 a1accer.sories 4rJ 2fScanAct::essory Group;S1251laCh THE SUN IS STILL SHINING ON TEN ! GEt.", 0: 138-155 MHz.40 wan. CqWll( lInjto"ly S70Ndl; wtII1 2F DOOXON 10 WITHTHE RCI·29SO FROM AXM INC. The RCI-29SO II all you'd expect in a lop--ol-I!>e.l ine ama· SQ1 Aa:essl:n!s, SI25 each leUf fad;o lra nsee '",,' and more! ............... PRESENTING ... ... ... ... ... .F'" CABLE TV I. GEEuc: 1I: 42-50 Iol~ 50 "'1. llrill!f !lnC tm $65eactJ. WIlllICOlS' Band ClMIrage lIOI'Y 1l'WIl: S125..::t1 · All Uodt (lperaloon- GEc.r., I: 1. 2.tr 6fteQ. 25 .... 1~1 48-174, SIlO.,. ~F'" · BuiII .. 0IJAt. VFO DESCRAMBLERS ............... STARRING ............. s-bd SUlpow II 1"1" WHl. S99e.d1. . 10 Propra.......... ...."'0"., "'110'0, HAMliN, OAK -., . ..."'""""..• ·· .,...._ nTtL ..,., on1Iilf f ~ _ _1OCn.IIf.-s e.w.OI..-n:roa~ oCAPlUARS cae- "'--'- SoOLU l;ASI< OIl a:~f\Nl5 SHPPED8l'lP.; o8f9lI. tIDld fMdoul- ~ C. W. WOLf'[ COMMUllICAlJOHS. ntC. _II'IUCII. rnueII """ • LOMS'~ o,.,...to<. ow::n" u' _IO>OC:UIS I 13C1l1hl " - _ fft. CAT""'-OG OfIaY ,.-oo-J41.. .U:1' 8IIIlgI. 11bD115liIllX! _ AU. _ _ -".1'09-99J1' *FAX.FAX.FAX* (406) 25 2-9617 * TElEPH ONE TElEPHONE (406) 252- 9 2 20 * * EJ PACIFIC CABLE CO.• INC. 7325 '1:1 RESEOAB LVO , OEPT 1843 ~ ~ RESEDA , CA 91 33!> CIRCLE 20 ON READER SERVICE CARD CIRCLE 118 ON READER SERVICE CIoRO 80 73 Amateur Radio - S e p te m b e r. 1990 CIRCLE 243 ON READER SERVICE CARD N",mber37 on your FlNdbidl e.n:l BASIC AWARD-l00 COUNTRIES WORKED 1. W1AFW 51.N1EIU 101.l<5A06 151 . KB6lUA 201.905NW 251. N20AO 301 .KB8ICO 2. W820IN 52. K10AN 102.1<W2O 152. W90KH 202.KW20 252. WF8E 302.JA1CKE 3 KT1A 53.W08AEC l03.PV3ARZ 153. WBSFXT 203. VE1HA 253. VBtHZl. 303.N3GEE 'W3FOU 54.ZL2BLC 104. WS4ETO 154. NB3E 204. HPSBSZ 254. N5MBO 5. KA9JOl 55. VE3EFX 105. N2fPB 155. N2ESP 205.IK8JJO 255. N4SN S 6, WB1BVQ 56.W9MCJ 106, KD3CO 156, VU2EJU 206. VC3Dt<N 256. KA3TGV 1.NW70 57. N61V 107, K4NNK 157.0Z1DXX 201. 13VKW 257. JN3XLV 8.AK4H 58. KN8D 108. VU2DNR 158. IK51lU 208. K2EWA 258. N4DUV 9.W3HCW 59. KC5VO 109, AA5BE 159. KAl10N 209. KD3CR 259. KA9MRU 10. KZ2W 6O.WB6ITM 110. PV300 160, KD3A1 210. N9GDG 260. KA40TB 11. K9FD 61 . KA2AOT 111. VE4ACF 16 1.OKIAEH 211. KF8K 261. N4JED 12,W05N 62 , K"LHH 112. VE45l 162. W9LCA 2 12. FDIBEG 262. AB4KA 13.KA9TNZ 63 , VE200 113. PJ2KI 163.8P6SH 213. OU1DZA 263. WA70ET 14. K9GBN 64. KESAT 114. WB4CKY 164 , KA6SPO 214. N8IMZ ,.. KA3FIV>l rs. N5GAP 65. W9SU 115. W6EOB 165.ZF2KH 215. KK4VA 265.CE7ZX 16.W83FUA 66W3OOU 116. KK"IV 166.W6MVV 216. LU1JDl 266. NI9J 17. NN6C 87. NR2E 117.IKllVU 161.JA8CAO 217. KA8VYZ 267.W89PTN 18 Al.1HG 68. KFSPE 118. N6GCN 168. KI6WF 218.KMTMJ 26$. KBSOAE 19 , N6CGB 69 , N3fBN 119. KB1AF 169 , K2MAB 219.WMDOC 269.wecL 20 , Kl6AN 70. KB4SJD 120. KBSBHE 170.""601.1I 220. vncs 21O.W87VUB 2 1. K9JPl 7 1. N3EZX 121. KE2CG 11 1.JA'SU 221. VC3FNL 271 .JF6TUU 22. N4WF 72.IK8GCS 122. VS6CT 172. NU8Z 222.GIIIFWG 272.ZV31O 23. K6PKO 73. WB41 123. G31ZQIW 173.GIIIGRK 223. KV4 8 273. KB4 VIR 24, KW7J 74, NG 1S 124. W B6FNI 174, VB8VM 224 N51ET 274,OE6CLD 25, VE6JO 75 , WB7UUE 125, KAIIIIAR 175.0V1BRM 225. WA9WIG 275. N7JJOIOU3 26 , W..... 'UV 16. HK4E8 128. K9SM 178. WtTU 226. NacDA 276. KK4 FB 27.W4ZFE n. KIBFA 121. W6BCO 1n. N7CNH 227. KE6KT 2n.OU1AW 28. N4KMV 78.N7GMT 128. KASMSl 178. PV310 228. 11<7068 278.K2EW8 29.wtH8H 79.M4VN 129. WB4FLB 179. V8tZCA 229. JVSEC 279. NI50 3O .I<8KJN 8O .KA1LMA 130. N7GLT 180. VBIAF 230 .N1ETI 280 . NUXC 31 KG1V 81.N8AXA 131. WA'X 181 . VE3PQ6 231. PV20BU 281.NtIWT 32. K1K08 82. NM2t 132. KF.tGW 182. W2SV 232.I8lYW 282.W838OH 33 , KV3F 83. K09VB 133. N40GH 183. N1ADE 233. NtISl 283.K1CVF ~ .PV2JV 84.HC2CG 134. VE1CBK 184. WP4AFA 234. KC4BE8 284. KA3CXG 35. VB58EE 8S. VE1BXI 135.7J1ML 165. KS7V 23$.WA7001 285. KA1SPO 36, VB58EH 86. VC20K 136.K61CS 186. W2QfB 236. KAl RJG 286. WA4N WT 37, W89SBO 87, N4GNL 137. NZJIN 187. G4ASL 237.0Z98 X 287. KJ401 38, NIIIAFW 88, GM3UBF 138. W8111 N 188. NSJUW 238. KB4 H8 H 288. KA 3UNO 39,KA9MOM 89,5Z48P 139. WC7F 189. KA8WAS 239. KA3 RWP 289. WB2VMV 40. N31t 9O.I'AOF 140. F61FE 190. SNIIIWRE 240. NJ1T 290. K04 MM 41. W6DPD 91. VE1BN 141. KL7N 19 1. ""41P 241. W4DCG 291.0E3DHS "2.KE8GG 92 .KA2NRR 142. KE8LM 192,JRSKDR 242. VeaRX 292.K09HT .(3 . VE6VK 93 ,5Z4DU 1.(3. WA6VOO 193, K02WQ 2.(3.VE7QJ 293.DUlOBC .... K09RD 94. KB8ZM 1..... VE2MFD 194, KA3NIL 2..... M4W 294. G3KVA 45.W"WJJ 95. HK.-ccw 1.t5. N3APO 195.WASYWK 2"5.N9GMM 295.WMNEL 46. KtHSC 96W2JQ 146. HK1DBO 196. VE1ACK 246. KB4HBH 296.KMVZO 47 .KI6GI 97.HC2AGT 147. NM3V 197. HP2XVB 2"1. KU4HF 297. NtIDT .-e ,IK1APP 96. WD5NIM l.-e.IK6GFY 196,WB5KYK 2.-e. CE1Y1 298 .KA1FUE "9, KJ"RR 99 , VE1BHA 149. WB6UANJM 199, NSJUJ 249, KA1FVY 299. KD7EO 5O ,K8MDU 100, VE1AGZ 150. NK6Z 200 , N40BJ 250. N2GVB 3OO.JH8MWW 150 COUNTRIES ENDORSEMENT 200 COUNTRIES ENDORSEMENT 1. W82DI N 23, W BSFXT 45,13VKW 1. N311 14, F61FE 2, N"WF 2", VU2EJU 46, KD3CR 2, WB2DIN 15, 5N'WRE 3 ,N6OCB 25 , IK5liU 47. N81MZ 3, K9FD 16,KE2CG .. , K9FD 28 , KE8LM 48. GeFWG 4 , IK8GCS 17.13Vl<W 5 ,NtAFW 21.KA1ION 49. N2fPB 5.NtAFW 18, CE1VI 6. N3lt 28.KA6SPO SO. KE6KT 6.W81BVO 19, W68CQ 7.WB1BVO 29 WGMVV 51 .0Z9BX 7. VE...-.cF 2O .CE7ZK. 8 .I<A2AOT 30. JA8CAO 52. NJ1T 8 KI6GI 21.KB8DAE 9 KI6GI 31. KI6WF 53 CE1VI 9N<GC8 22.K2FMl 10 , N7GMT 32.J....SU 54. YBeHZI.. 10. K8MDU 23.K03CO 11.IK8GCS 33.WD5N 55.JN3XLV 11. VU2EJU 24 , K04MM 12.IKIAPP ~ .W2SV 56.KA9MAU 12.KE8LM 25. K09HT 13 VE6JO 35 , W6SCO 57.CEnK 13. WD5N 14. VE4ACF 36. F61FE 58. KB80AE 15. WB41 37. VE2MFD 59. K2EWB 250 COUNTRIES ENDORSEMENT 16.IKlIVU 38. WP4AFA 60. NI50 1. WB2DIN 6. CE1VI 17, KE2CG 39,5 NIIIWR E 81. KD3CO 2.1l<8GCS 7. CE7ZK 18.G3LZOIWI 40. KD2WO 62. KA40TB 3.WD5N 8.K2EWB 19 W86FNI " , . VE1ACK 63.WB2VMV ",K8MDU 9, K09HT 2OK8MDU "2. NSJUJ 64 . K04MM 5KE2CG 21 . VE6VK 43.905NW 65 , K09HT 22. KB6lUA .... . KB88HE 66.KA3NIL 300 COUNTRIES ENDORSEMENT 61.N'IDT 1. WB20IN 3 .K2FMl 2.IK8GCS " ,K8MDU 73 Amateur Radio • September, 1990 81 , Official DX Dynasty Countries List: 9/1/90 ...aUAIl .. _ __. _......•.• AI5 ANlANO _ _ OH MARIANA ISLAND " . • . .. . . . . . . . . . .. KH2 SENEGAl _ tNi AFGHANISTAN . .•. .••... . .• VA FRANCE F MARION ISLAN D ZS2 SERRANA BANK . . . . . . .. . . .. . • •. HKI AGALEGA ISLAND .........•....... 366 FRANZ.JOSEFlAN D ". ,, _.. UAl MAFlKET REEF .. OJI SEYCHELLES S7'9 ALAN D ISLANDS " •. CH' FRENCH GUIA NA. "." " . " FY MAROUESAS ISlAND .. , . . . FOB SICILy., .. , .. , lT9 ALASKA , .. " , , .. , KL7 FUTU NA ISLAND , . " , FW MARSHAll ISLAND .. , .. , KX8 SIERRA LEONE " . . 9L ALBANIA . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ZA GABON , , TR MARTIM VAS ISLAND PV' SiNGAPORE " 9V ALDABRA ISLAND , V09 GALAPAGOS ISLAND . , HCa MARTINIQUE FM SINT EUSTATIUS . .. PJ ALGERIA _ 7X GAMBIA . " . " ". " . " .. " cs MAURITANIA ... sT SINT MMRTEN ISLAND . . .. .........• PJ AMERICAN SAMOA ,........... , KS6 GEORGIA " UF MAURITIUS ISLAND 3BlI SMOM lA AMSTERDAM ISlAND , FTIZ GHANA , ...•..••.••..•..••..•..•..• . 9G MAYOTTE . .. FH SOCIETY ISlAND . ............. •..•. F06 ANDAMAN ISlANO , . VU4 GIBRAI.TAFl Z82 MEXICO . .. .. , XE SOCOTIlLISLAND ' 70 ANOOARA _• . . • • . . • • . _C3 GLORIOSO ISlAND _ , •. " .. _. FRIO MIO'NAY ISLAND KH4 SOlOMON ISLAHDS •. _ _ H44 ANGClL' . , 02 GOUGH ISLAND __ . " ZD9 M I ~1 TORI SHIMA .••.•... ....... _..en SOUAU REPUBUC 15 ANGUILLA VP2E GOZO ISlAND 9H4 MINEf'lVA R1:EF . _ .•..•...... _ A3 SOUTH AFRICA ZS ANTARCTlCA , Kc. GRAHAJr.llAND VP8 MIOUELDN lSlANO FP SOUTH GeORGIA IStANO VP8 ANTIGUA .. '12 GREECE _. . __ .. _. . _.. . • . .••. . .. SV MOLDAVIA .•..•..•..••.••..• . •• •.•• UO SOUTH ORKNEY ISLAND .. __ , ••.• VP8 ANTIPODES IS LAND ••..••..• ZL GREENlAND " OX t,M)NACO __ . __ 3" SOUTH SANDWICH ISlAND VP8 "RAN ISlAND . . . . . . . . . . .. .. EJ. GRENADA J3 MONGOUA. . .. ••.••.•• . . • . . • . . •. JT SOUTH SHETLAND ISLAND VP8 ARGENnNA , ..... ..... _.. LU GUADELOUPE. . . " . " .. " . " . FG MONTSERRAT . . .. . ... •..•..•.. • . VP2M SOUTH YEMEN . . .. .. 70 ARMENIA ...........••... , ...•.... UG GUAM " .., KH2 MOflOCCO . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. CN SPAIN ,........ . , EA ARUBA . , PJ4 GUANTANAMOBAY KG4 MOUNTATHOS " . . " .... .. .. SY SPRA,"-Y ISLAN D . .. . .. .. IS ASCE NSION ISLAND . . . . " .. ,. _206 GUATEMALA " .". . TG MOZAMBIOUE , C9 SRl lANKA . " . " 4S AUCKLAND ISLAND . , ... , ..... ZL9 GUERNSEy . " . . , .. , , .. ". GU NAMIBIA , ". ... . . ZS3 ST BRANDON ISlAND , 381 AUSTRALIA .....•...... , .. VK GUtNEA " , .. , " , ]X NAURU " C2 ST HELENA ISlAND , Z07 AUSTRIA .•..•. _Of GU INEA·BISSAU J5 NAVASSA IStAND .•......... . . . . . . . I(P l ST KITTS , V44 AVES ISlAND , .. Y'II. GUYANA 6Rl NEPAl , &N1 ST LUCIA JlI AZERBALJAN . __ .. __ ..•• ,. UD HAITI , __.. _ HH NETHERlANDS ., PA ST MARTIN ISLAND FS o\ZORES ISlANDS CtJ2 HAWAII _.. _ , ••..... _. KH6 NETHERlANDS ANT1Ll.ES ••..•••••.• PJ ST PAULISLANO FT8 BAHAMA ISLANDS . C6 HEARD ISlAND VK' NEVIS ISLAND V47 ST PETER AND PAUL RlXl<S ... . • • . . PV' BAHRAIN A9 HONDURAS HR NEWCAlEOONIA _.. _. _. . Fl( ST PIERRE ISlAND ... ... . . . ....••.• FPtI BAKER ISLAN D KH I HONGKONG . __ _. VS6 NEWHERBRIDES YJ ST VINCENT JlI BAl..EAR1C ISlANDS ... . . , EM HOWlAND ISlAND _ , KHl NEW ZEAlAND n SUDAN ST BANGlADESH 52 HUNGARY , HA N£WFOUt-JOl..AND •..•.••. . • . . •• . • . VO l SUMATRA .. . . . . •. .. .. _........ . •. .. . ve BAR8AOQS . . . __ . . 8P ICELAND . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. TF NICARAGUA . YN SURINAM _ PZ BEAR ISLAND JW IFNI ,,,., " " .•... . . EA9 NICOB AR ISLAND VU4 SVALBARD ISlAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. , JW BELGUIM . .. ON INDIA " ..... "..... ... . .. . . NU NIGER ".. .. .. . .. . .. SU SWAN ISlAND " " HR' BEUZE .... ".. "." V3 INDONESIA . . VB NIGER!A .. .. 5N SWAZILAND 3D6 BENIN ." . . . . . . ., , , TV IRAN .. , ... , ... , .. " .. , .. , . .. , .. , .. ,. EP NIUE ISLAND . , .. , .. , , ZK2 SW EDEN , SM BER MUDA , , , .. , VP9 IRAQ . " .. " .. " .. .. YI NORFOlK ISLAND , VK9N Sw iTZERLAND HB BHUTAN .. A5 IRELAND ,. . .. ,EI NOR TH KOF!EA , P5 SyRIA VK BOliVIA '" _..... .. CP ISCHIA IC NOFlTH yEMEN 4W TADZHI K _ UJ BONAIRE .. PJ9 ISlEOFMAN .. __ ,,_ .. GO NOFlTHERN IRElAND . • .. . .. .. .. . . 01 TAIWAN BV BON IN JD I ISRAeL .. " .. __ . __.. _.. " . " _. 4X NORWAY LA TANZANIA . . . . . . . . 5H3 BOPHlITHATSWANA H5 ITAlY 1 QGASAWAFlAISlANO JD1 TASMAN IA VK1 BOTSWANA A2 !VOFlY COAST ...•..••..•..••.••.•• TU DKlNOTORISHIMA 1J THAIl.ANO , HS BOUNTY ISLAND _.. ... lL JABAl ATTAlR JAMAICA BY OMAN M TINIAN . • • •. • • . . • • . • • . • • . . • . . • •• • •. ~ BOVET ISLAND 3Y JAN MAYEN ISlAND . .. _.••..•.. . _.. _ JX PAJ(ISTAA . . _ AP TOGO _ 5V BRAZIL pp..py JAPAA . . . . ... . .." .••. " .. _ JA PAlMYRA ISlAND KH!> TOKELAU ZM7 BRITISH VIRGIN ISlANDS VP2V JAR VIS ISLAND . . . . . . . . . . . .. KH5 PANAMA HP TONGA ISLAND A3 BRUNE I . . V8 JAVA YB PANTElLERIA ISlAND 1H TRANSKEI 58 BULGARIA . .. . .. LZ JERSEY , , .. " GJ PAPUA NEW GUi NEA P2 TRANSVAAl .. , .. " T4 BURKINAFASQ XT JOHN STON ISLAND .. .. . . .. . .. . KH3 PARACELISLANDS . BY TRINIDAD£ ISlAN D , ....•.. PY' BURMA " .. " " XZLL JORDAN . .. .. "... .. JY PARAGU AV , .. " ZP TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO. . , .. ,. 9Y BURUNDI .. , " " , .. 9U JUANDE NOVAISLAND .. , . " . . , . FRlJ PERU , " .. ".. DA TRISTAN DA CUNHA ZOII BYELORUSSIA . " . . " uc JUAN FERNANDEZ ISLAN D . . " CE' PETER lSTI SLAND 3Y TROMELIN ISLAND , ". FRfT CAMEROON .. . TJ KALiNINGRAD .. , .. " . . , UA2 PHILtPPINES DU TUAMOTU ARCH iPELAGO FOe CAMPBELL ISLAND , . . ZL9 KAMARAN ISLAND , VS9 PHOENIX . _ T32 TUBU AI , FOe CANADA . .. VE KAMPUCHEA , .. ,,, .. __ . XU PITCAIRN ISLAND , .. , _ VRe TU NISIA _. . _ 3V C ANAR Y ISLANDS . . . . . . . . . EA8 KAZAl<H ..• . ..•..••..••.••..•..•. UL POlAND SP TURKEY TA CAPE VERDE ISlANDS 04 KENYA .. . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 5Z PONZlANIISlAND .. .. 181 TURKMEN UH CAPRl lSLAND IC KERGUE LEN ISlAND Fl.w PORTUGAl CT TURKS ANO CAlICOS ISLANDS vP5 CA YMANISLANOS .. ZF KERMAOEC ISlAND .....•........ . zu PRINCE EOWAROISLANO _. . _. VEl TUSCANAACHlPELAGO _. .......•... I A CEOAOS ISlAND XFl KIRGHLZ _. . UM PRINCE EOWAROISLAND ZS2 T1JT1)ILA ISLAND __ . • • . KH8 CELEBES , YB KOREA i'lL PRINCIPE 59 TUVAlU , ••.• T2 CENTRAl. AFRICAN REPU BlIC . n KUR1: ISlAND " . " .. KH1 PRIBILOI' , .. , KL1 UGANDA . . • . • • •• • • . • • . • • . • • . . . 5X CENTRAl KIRIBATI _ 13 KUWAIT , .••.••...•..••.••..•..••.•• 9K PAOVIOENC1A ISLANO , •..•...•.••.. HK' UKRAINE , _. . _.. _ U B.UT.UY CEUTA AND MELlUA EA9 KWAJAlE IN KX6 PUERTO RICO .. • . . • . .. • . . .. KP4 UNlTED AFlAB EM IRATES __ M COUNCIL OF EUROPE .. . TP2 LABRADOR _. . ........... V02 DATAR ... . . _. ... . .. . .. . .. . A7 UN ITED NATlON s-NEW YOF!K 4U1UN CROZET ISLAND , Fl ,W LACCADIVE ISLANDS . . . .... VU1 RAPA ISLAND. . .. . ... " Foe UNITED NATION S-OENEVA 4UlTU CURACAO . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . " PJ LAMPEDUSA ISLAND . . " .. ". " .. IG REPUBLIC Of CISKEI . , .. . , . . .. . 56 UNITEDNATIONSNIENNA 4U1VIC CYPRUS , , ... , ... , ... , , .. , .... , .. , . 5B4 LAOS " " " XW REUNION ISLAN D .. . .. . . " . FR UNITED STATES . ,.. . ,. W.K,N.A CZECHOSLOVAKIA , . .OK LATVIA , , UO REVILLA GIGEDO ISLAND , XF4 URUGUAY , ,., C X DENMARK " .. "... . . OZ LEBANON . . DO RIO DE OF!O EA9 USTIC A ISlAND . . .. IE9 DESECHEO ISLAND , KP5 LESOTHO . ." ". ' _ 1P ROCKAlL ISlAND . .. . .. . .. . GM UZBE K _ UI OESAQCHES V09 LESSER ANTIlLES ,, PJ ROORIGUEZ ISlAND 389 VANUATU .. , YJ DIEGO GARCIA V09 LEVANZO ISLAND IF9 ROMANIA YO VAT!CANClTV HV DJIBOUTI J2 IBERIA EL RONACOORCAY . HK' VENEZUELA . • • . , __ . __ . . • .. . . . . YV OOOECAN E SE ISlANDS SVS LIBY A SA FlOTAISlAND KHI VIETNAM . . , m IX)t"IINICA J1 LIECHTENSTE IN . . . . . . HSI FlOTUMA ISlAND 302 VIRGIN ISLANDS KP2 DOMINICAN REPUBlIC HI LINE ISLANDS . 132 RUSSlA-SIBERIA UA9-I WAKE ISLAND KH9 EAST CAROLINE ISlANDS _ • KC6 UTHUAAIA . .. . . . . . . . . . " UP RUSSIANS F.S R _ UA wAlES ow EAST GERMANY _ Y2_Y4 LORD HOWE ISLA ND . _. VK2 RUSSIAN-ORAI. MY ." UA9-t WAlUS ISlAND FW EAST KIRIBA TI T32 LUXEMBOURG . " . .. lJ( RWANDA IIX WAlVlSBAY _.. _... • . . • ZS6 EASTER ISLAN D .. .. CE' MAC AO XX RYUKYU ISLAND JR6 WAYNE GREEN . . W2NSO ECUADOR HC MACOUARIE ISLAND ., , ,VK' SABA ISLAND PJ WEST CAROli NE ISLAN D , KC& EGYPT " .. " ,. . , .. ,. SU M ADAGASC AR . .., , .SR SABAH . . " .. . !JM6 WEST GERMANY DL ELSALVADOR .. " VS MADDALENA ISLAND . " . . " .. .. .. 1M SABLE ISLAND "... ... " VEl WESTKIR I8ATI .. , .. , , , T3 ENGLAND .. " . . . ".,,,.,, .. G MADERA ISLAND " " .. " ." .. . CT3 SAIPAN . ..". ... .. KH' WESTERN SAMOA , . 5W I EOUATORIAL GUINEA . .. 3C MALAWI ".. . . 7D SAKHALI N ISlAND . .. UA9-I WESTERN SAHA.RA st ESTONIA . . UR MAlAYSIA ."." " . .. 9M2 SAN ANDRES ISLAND . • • . . HK' W1WS ISLAND . . .. .. . . . . . . VK9Z ETHIOPIA ET MALDIVE ISlANDS .. _ " . 80 SAN FEUX ISlAND . , •. , •..... _.. _. CElX WORLD BANK .•....... . 4U 2 EURQPAISLAN D FRIE MALI " ." .. , TZ SAN MARINO .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . T7 YEMEN _ __ 4W FALKLAN D ISLANDS VPe MAlYJ.VYSTQSKU tM-V)ISlANO ... SAQTOME "." S9 yUGOSLAVIA . . . . . .. . .. . ._ YU FAROE ISLANDS OV MAlPELO _.... HK' SARAWAK _ __ ._ 9M8 YUKON . . . . . • • . . • . . . .. _ VYI FAAOUHAFl vag MAlTA . .. 9H SARDINIA , IS ZAlRE _.. _ 90 FERNANDO DE t«)A()N HA PYIF MAN IHIKI ZKl SAUOIA AAA8lA .. . HZ ZAMBIA 9J FUI ISlANDS 302 MAACUS ISLAND __ .. _. JD SCOTlAND.. . . . . . . GM ZANZIBAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5tH ZIMBABWE .....•.................. ,221 82 73 Amat6ur Radio • Seplember, 1990 INDUSTRIAL PRINTER SALE ,----Alnpire------, MAKE CIRCUIT BOARDS Mastmounted RF or Coax switched YICTOR 5080 IDEAL FOR INVOICING, BUSINESS f ORMS, PACKET RADIO, THE NEW, EASY WAY GaAsFET Preamplifiers. TELETYPE, 00 ANY KEAIIY PRINTING APPi.lCATION WHY Helicalliltere-d p reamps lor oul o f b a nd rejection USE A GOOD LEn ER OU ...lI TYDOT MATRIX OR DAISY WHEEL 2 mele.-l9dB gain ' .7 5d B noise fig ur e ' h andles 160 FOR F'RINTING I NV~CES AND FORMS, MON ITORING PACKET watts traremrnec power & artv WHEN A HEAVY DUTY 001 MATRIX PRINTER IS ALL Mode l 146 cove.sent ire 2 meter b and ' R F sw;lched THAT IS NECESSA RY? " 13-20VOC • \11.01' FO" • 8OCOU.. .. ~ _ 1 00 CPS Model 1460S covers a 3dB bw 01 l .4MHl CON'll<llOUS 001> • fA NfOLO (lfl1IOU Pi\Pl'R Model 146CP. 1460SC P and 160CP pow".ed w il h • .,N1tAFACES • R['NM8U Rl860N 12VDC Ihru coax sn'(IAFID PA.lli.EL RS-232, • Hi\NDUS 6 P..,.-r '0""'" • OOIoI\lEOlCIAll l SOlD WITH TEC-200 FILM Model 160cov".s 149--174MHl " no hel ic al l ilt". Tl't',IHI" 811 AT'l1~OO JUST 3 EASY ST EPS: 7OCm-16d B gain " .75 dB no ise figu'e " hand les 100 • 8I-ll"'KTIONAL wans transm itted power • Copy ci r c u it pattern o n TEC-200 fil m M od " I 44 0 tunable lrom 4 20-450 MHl " 10MH l band - NEW- ALLACCE S $109.00 using any p lain paper copier paSS " AF swilched " 13-20VDC FOR MORE IN FOR MATION, OR TO QADER. PLEASE CALL- • Iro n fil m o n to copper dad bo ard M od e144OCP powered With 12VDC lh ru coax • Peel off fil m and etc h HORIZON MANUFACTURING convenient 8 ~ x II size 1500 MIDWAY COURT WIA With Complete Instruct ions M od els t ae's a no 160 $179 ELK GROYE, tL 80007 SA TlSFAcnON GUARANTEED Models 440' s $1 89 PHONE: 708-439-&800 FAX:78S-.43g.3799 5 Sheets for $3.95 10 Sheets only $5.95 Sh,pping for 1 uniF--$5,00 add $ 1.25 poslage NY Res_ add sales Fax Each additional uniF-$3, 00 LIMITED QUA NTITY The MEADOWLAKE Corp. Ampire Inc. All ORDERS SH IPPED BYUPS Dept. A. P.O , Bo x 49 7Z 10240 Nathan Lane . M a p l e G .ove , MN 55369 IL AND l XRESIDENTS INCLUDE APPliCABLE SA LES TAX Northport. New York 11768 (6 12) 42S-n 09 CIRCLE 110 ON READER SERVICE CARD CIRCLE 55 ON READER SERVICE CARO CIRCLE 37 ON READER SERVICE CARD PROLONG THE LIFE OF YOUR EQUIPEMENT! AMATEUR RADIO Need Batteries? Cover Craft anti-static covers prot"ct your gear STAMP SHIRTS Call the Experts from th e dama lllnil effects of dust a nd moisture. A lampl e of .. hat w e st o c k: Authentic Color Reproduction of 1964-1965 ~~ ---- - , E.H . Yost & Co . Make ICOM-Al- 150. PS-55 Pa'U 70035 Mr. NICAD ICOM- IC·76 I. 76 5. 78 1 _. 100 32 Commemorative Stamp ICOM _ IC·27S. 47S. 725. 730. 735 ___ 100 39 on a Quality Shirt MR. 7344 Tetiva Rd . Sau k City , W I 53583 KenwOO6~ R-5000, TS-4 30 5, 4405 . Ke nwOO6~Ar- 250, P5-50. 430 , ._ 100 12 , 1009 3 PaulWasha, WOTOK 4916 Three Points Boulevard NICRO (608) 6 43 -3194 KenwOO6-Tl-922A KenwOO6 _ T$ -940S Y~e.u _fT·141GX V..esu_ fT·75 1GX _ 10106 10061 10204 ., . . 10200 Mound, MN 55364-1 245 FAX (608J 643-4439 Pri ce $8.95 e ac h To ",oeo _ 5&H I ""'"' $ 2 _ 7 ~, 2 CO"" . $3 .2 ~ , 3 e<MOf. $3.50 'r-stnrts . S • XXL $10.00 Delivered s weatsmrte - S, M, L , XL NEW ~l ,"'_ " """ 1'" ...." la' . Enelos. th~ a<l ",th 10<1 ""'.' 'or • 3'" o<so"",,!. cao '" ",·t.· , en KB 7Klt GAUTHIERS' COVERS PLUS P.O, Box 49 5 $23.00 Delivered SUPER BATTERY PACKS Pre sc olt . AZ 86302 602 - 7 7 6 _ 97 11 Sweatshirts - XXL $26.00 Delivered for ICOM , KENWOOD, YAESU A GREAT GIFT I:::iliC Call tod ay for pric es! I -~~-~"l CIRCLE 114 ON REAOER SERVICE CARO CIRCLE 4 6 ON READER SERVICE CA RD TM AMIGA commodor e TM C: CHIPS-PARTS-UPGRADES C: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SCARED DF THE CODE? &'>2O-Cll $ \7.95 ~ISIO $ ' 1~ •• •• rr-s A SNAP WITH GGTE am~Don<M lll62Doriso{112601 1 $ CAU. $ ~95 0;1;26{», lo< MEGilIO I.uJOO1 $'1.25 $ c,o,,, •• •• MORSE 'nrtoa, THE CHOICE 2.0Kc"""'Florn $ Oil 256.4I10IHIS 1 9.50 •• •• OF THOUSANDS OF HAMS e ~StOO 6!IIlVI.O 1 11 95 1 15.95 A>O I~I 2l( Ull!1"'" ~500HIO_Supply AN:/J HID _ s.WY I 7l.9!i $ 6'J95 $..1 so ••I Fa ctory Autho rized Dealer & Service For ••I PROSPECTIVE HAMS. PRAISED IN QST. 73 AND WORLD RADIOI F<£w 1MB ~ MIGA f.r n:~ >.G~US ~ Ko,I>OiI'd $,OO.5() LEARN IN JUST 12 EASY LESSONSI ""cI><p Ie< ..... _ lO m.. AN:/J K...-", 1" <95 :• KENWOOD :• O.'" """ ,,"",<>"'0 l $9'950 """,,",~""AIOCO "29.95 : YAESU : QQ1 AIOOO5oo»;. 1,l. ..... 1 29.95 'til'U'G t COIIlMOOORE l)I.O,G ~llCI A ~ 1$ ~500 500»;. M"""" $ 36 50 ·'1 .. ~ "" $ ~.9!i :• ICOM :• e "" ....,poIIOi.. /.2OOOSe<voCt M.....-I _C~1f)" """"""" 16.95 I UEG,,!l000NS s g4(l REPAIRABLE •• •• sq,ow.& COMMODORE POWER S U PPL Y : Call Us For : Heal')' duty e.acl 'eplacement for Commodo<e &4 com· I Great Prices & Great Service I pUlers E .~lIent fo, "Pachl Radio" 1 1"'"' warranty. external fuse , ' .8 amp output. UL approv O'd. ,uns cool , hogh quahly , EU'<>pean c,aft. ma n. ft,p , ,ncl udtts schemat- •• I •• T OLL FRIEIt ORllltR L1NIt 1-l1()0-34 4 _J 1. . I FEATURES OF THIS UN IQUE PACK...GE INCLUDE : . C Ode speeds l ;om 1 '0 o....r 100 WP M . S".nd a ' d or Fa rn sworth modes .e' I us &1".. 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P.lce s a vaila b le . ~ '==.l OUR 107H CIRCLE 392 ON RUDltR SERvICE C"'RD Pr lc n sub jec t to c h an ge . . . . . L"'::J YEAR CIRCLE 390 ON READER SERVICE CARD 73 Ama ieurRadio • Septe mber, 1990 83 • • hance the educat>on Of young people na· YIDEQCIPHER II MANUALS. Volume 1_ tlonwide. You< property (\onation Of fman- HardwarE! , Volume 2-Softwafe, either- ciel support would be greatly appreciated $34 95. Volu ne 3-ProjeclslSof!warll, BARTER 'N' BUY an<! acknowledgOO with a receipt lor )'OUr tax deductible conmbuncn . Me et WB2JKJ and the " 22 0_" on lhe eese- room net, daily, 1100-1230 UTC. 7.238 Volume S-OOCumenlation 01 Volume 6- Experimen tation , $«,95 each, Volume _Repair, $9995. Volume 7-Cl32JHack. ing S54. 95. Cable HaCker' s Bi ble - MHz. Then from 1230 to 1900 on 21.395. $304.95. Clone Hac" er's BlbIe-$304 95. Turn your old ham and COITlPUIlIf gear ,"to cash now . Sur". you can Walt tor. This is the teoth yeaar of edUClltion thru Cataloq-$3,OO. COOs (602) 782-2318. I'Iamlesl lOtryand dump II. bul you know you '. get a Jar more realisllC price if you he". communocatoon at It'Ie core of the bog ap- TELECOOE, PO BOX 6of26-8B, Yuma AI. ,1out~. 100.000 ac:1Jve ham poIentl8l buyer5 can see II than the lew hUndred local ple , Come toclassand ple.aMOSL. Wnte 8S3l)6.6426. BNB938 ha.... lIWt1o come by a flea markellable. Check your ,moe, gar age. eeIIar and cloeel us at PO 80~ 1052, New YorI< NY lClOO2 , ShINes and gel cash for your /\am ancl computer gear belore d"s too old ' 0 $ell , You Round the dock HoIhnes: VOICE (516) GROUNDING THE AMATEUR RADIO know you'r. nol goong 10 use ,t aga.n , IOwI'ty IN... It tor your wtdow IOltwow out? That 6744072, FAX (516) 67"'9600, BNB762 ST ATION. Step.by-slep, 12-page ill us- stult isn't getting any younger' trated guide. Down 10 Earth instructionsH HAMLOG COMPUTER PROGRAM Full ONLV$ 7 ppdl K84UGWs SHACK SOLU- The 73 FletJ Marice ' . Barter ' n' Buy . eostS)OII peanuts (.lmosl)---o)mes 10 35C. leatures. 18 modules, Auto-logs , 7-b8nd TIONS, PO Bo~ 58\0$. Leeds AL 35O!M- .-o«l tor individual (noncommercial) ads and $1 .00 a WOtd Jar commercial adS. Don" WAS /DXCC . App le , IB M , CP / M , 0581. BNB940 plan on telling a long story, Use abbreviatIOnS. cram " in. But be honesl . Thera ••• KAY PRO . T AN DV. C R8 $2 4.95. 73- p1enly of hams who love \0 h th ingS, so if It doesn' t worI\. say so . KA lAWH, PB 2015. Peabody MA 01960 Maka your Iisl, COtl nl l he words. incll,ld,ng your call. address and phone number. HOME-BREW-PROJECTS LIST SASE BNBH5 WB2EUF, Bo~ 108, East Hampton NY Include a check or yQu r credit Cl fd number and expiration. It you're plaCing a 11937. BNB943 co mmercial ad . include an additio nal p hone number, separate trom your ad. LAMBDA AMATEUR RADIO CLUB In- This is a monthly mag azine, not a daily newspaper, so figure a co uple monthS tern at'onal amateur radio club lor gay and WANTED IBM-PC/CLONE AND PACKET balm,lhe acucn ste rte: Ihen beprepered , If you get too many calls. you priced it low leSbi an hams On-air , ke d', monthl y equipment lor Russian emereu- emerqen- If you don't get man y calls, too high , newslener, and annual gathering at Oay· ton. (215) 978- LA RC PO B o~ 24810, cy radio service - tax deductible. Dave So get busy, Blow the dust oll, check evarything OUt, make sure it sWI works right Larsen KK4WW, PO Box 341, Floyd VA and maybe you can help make a ham ne_omer or relirlld old ume r happy WIth that Philadelphia PA 19130. BNB8 12 24091 . (703) 163-3311/382-4458 fig you're no. using now. Or you might get busyon your computer and put together a BNB945 ',st o. , mall gear/p arts to send to those intOfeSted? HAM RADIO REPAIR CENTER , quahty work manship . Solid state or tube. all Send your ads an<! payrrH:lf1t to ttle Bafltff 'n' Buy, Donna DiRusso. Forest Road , RAOIO SHACK COLOR COMPUTER makes and models, Also fepa" HF amplifi. Hancock NH 034 49 and get set tor 1116 phone calls Ham software and hardwale, Free cata- ers. A·Z Electronic Repair, 3638 East , tn- dian School Rd .• Phoeni~ AI. 85018. (602) log. Dynamic Electronicl. POB 896, Harl- HAM RADIO KITS 8. ASSEMBLIES lor $499 .90, SP.23Q $48.90 : ICOM 1C-251 A 956-3024. BNB814 selle AL 35640. (205) 773-2758. BNB946 vanous OS T & 13 conslrUCbon artICles, S395.9O, 900 $29990. 1C451A $469.90. We also otftff books and alectronoc c0m- P5-15 $122 .90. 761 $1749.90; AOeOT INEX P ENSI YE HAM RAD IO EQ U IP - YOUR CAUSIGN-3· VINYL, One piece ponent • . For catalog, send legal ,oze 400 $249.90. 800H $299.90: DRAKE TA-5 MENT. Send postage $lamp for 1isI. J,m peel and slICk. any ~llCe. $3.50 ppd . SASE w/45C postage or $1.00 to A & A $489 .90, P$-75 $149.90. LOOKING FOR Brady-WA4DSO. 3037 Audrey Dr.• Gas- ~ns, PO Box 123, Valley Spnngs E"9..-ing, 2521 W. laPalma 1'1( , An&< SOMETHING NOT LISTED?? CALL OR tOf\lll He 28054 , BNB890 CA 95252. BNB950 heim CA 92801 . BNB2S9 SENO S.A.S.E.• HAVE OVER 190 USED ITEMS In $lock MENTION AD PRICES WANTED: BUY 8. SELL AIllypeSoI EIec· HAM RADIOS DON 'T DIEl They just gel OSL. TO ORDER. Vanety of styles , ~ CASH, FOB PRESTON . HOURS TUE5- DAY_FRIOAY 9:00 TO 6:00. 900-2:00 "IH! tron Tubes. Call toll 1 (800) 421-9391 repa ired by K-Gor Electronoc Repair. Inc.. ors ,cardslOCk. W4BPO OSU, PO Dr_ 01 1 (612) "29--9397. C & N ElectrofllCS, 6154 Circle V_ Onve , Kansas City t.tO OX, Cordov. SC 29039 BNB260 PM. MONDAYS. CLOseD SATUROAY & Harold Bramstedt. 61Q.4 Egg Lake Road , 64118 . (81 6)454-8700. BNB952 SUNDAY. ROSS DISTRIBUTING COM· Hugo MN S5038. BNB900 THE OX 'ERS MAGAZINE Up.to-date,.n- PANY , 78 SOUTH STATE, PRESTON to BANDMA STER QUADS. You've . een lormattve, interestIng. Compiled and ed,l- 83263 ,(208)852....Q830. BNB654 ELECTRON TUBES: All 1'(PltS & sizes. them ;n OS T, CO. and WorIdradio. Find ed by Gu. Browning W4BPD, DXCC H0n- Transmitt ing . receIving , mICrowave out why. UHf, VHF, HF. Free catalog. or Roll CertIficate 2- 4 Send to r 'ree WRITTEN EXAMS SUPEREASY• Memo- Large inventory '" same day shIpPIng, ME, 3 164 Cahaba. Heoghts Ad .. Birming- sample and subscription information to- ry aIds from psychologisllengmeer CUI Ask about our J.500Z special. Dally Elec- ham AL 35243, (205)967-6122. BNB955 day , PO Drawer OX, Cordova SC 29039 , Sl udytime 50%. Novice, Tech, Gen : $7 tronics, PO B o ~ 5029, Comp ton CA BNBZ61 each. Advan<:ad, Extra: $12each. Money- 90224,(800)346-6007. BNB913 WANTED: Pre-1980 mic rocomputer, an<! back guarantee. Bahr, Depl 73-3. 1196 publications for museum. KK4 WW, Dave AlDEN SERVICE by ic rmee lactory tech. Cit/us , Palmbay FL 32905. BNB6!ll COMMODORE 64 HAM PROGRAM S- Larsen , Blacksbu rg Group , PO Bo~ 1, nician . Fast turnaround , PCS-3OQ NiCads 8 d is~ sides over 200 Ham programs Blacksburg VA 24083, (703) 763--331 1. $36 ,95, Southern Technolog ies Amateur ROSS ' $U$ NEW (SOME OPEN BOX $16.95. 25c slamp gets unusual eottwa re BNB9S6 Radio, Inc.. 10715 SW 190 SI. .1'9, Miami AND 1 OF A KIND) Septem ber (ONLY) catalog of Utiliti es, Game" Adult and FL 33 157, (305) 238-3327. BNB262 S P E C I A L S: K ENW O O O T M·701 A British Disks. Home-Spun Software, Box WANTED : Your heip dona ting IBM·PC $459 ,90, TH·75A $339,90, TM·231 A 1064·BB, Estero FL 33928. BNB917 clone, tecnmcer and callboO"S lor IARN DRAKE TR1 w/au~ e ~1fa xtars MS1 spk. $389 90, TM·941A $1009.90, T5-95OS0 emergency radio service in USSR I WIll All mint PS 1 $900.00. AMP supply $3629 ,90, T5-68OS $930 .00, T5-4 4051 BATTERY PACK REBUILDING: SEND personally deliver equipment to UB 5WE. LK 500Z C used tittle: MIR AG E Mp · l WAT $ 1199.90, TR-8400 $36999. TM· YOUR PACK J 48HR SERVICE . ICOM' Oavid Larsen KK"WW. (703) 763-3311. $99 ,00 : frequency coonter mInt $150.00' 41 1A $339,99, T5-811A $1000 ,00: ICOM BP2IBP3/BP22 $19.95, BP5 $2595. BP7/ BNB957 Collins 32·$3C S650 , Howard (711) 458- 1e..t71 H $939 9O.1C-47A $384 ,9O.IC-4AT BPS $32,95, BP70 $2995 KENWOOO' 6243alter5 PM EDT . BNB263 $249 ,90, IC·32AT $53490, IC·04 AT PB2 1 S15.95 . PB21H $21 ,95, PB2512fi $299 .90. IC·490A S509 .90. IC' 245 $2495. VAESU fNB9 $19 .95, FNBIO 25---t20 MHZ MIUTARY AVIATION FRE- $23,95, FNBll $27,95, FN84I4A $36.95. QUENCY DIRE CTORIES lor NORTH OSL CARDS- LooI<. good WIth lOP q....hty S28999: YAESU FT-747GX $67990, FV· printIng Choose standard desogns 01 fully 10lOM $229 ,90, YR -901 $219 ,90; " U-()().IT INSEFlTS"ICQM: BP2 SI7.5O. AM ER IC A- o v e r 20 .000 ne wly re- cu.tomlzed cards Bener cards mea n HEATHKIT HW·24·HT S349 90. NYE BPJ $16.95. BPS $2295. BP718 $2750. searched ~sllngS. Send SASE inlo to: more returns-to)'OU. Fr ee broChure. sam- VIKING MBIl $22990, MB-V·A $579 .90, BP22 $17.95, BP70 S25.95 KENW(X)Q for·HAP3 . 80~ 754, F\emIngtotI NJ 06822· ples. Stamps appreciated. Chester OSU. RFM.oos S209.90; HENRY RAOtO SlT PB21 S12.95, PB2IH $18.95. PB24/2512fi 0754 , (201) 806-7134 BNB958 0epI A, 310 ComlTl(trCial . EmporIa KS S20990, 55 $219.90, 54 S23999. 54T $19.95. TEMPO: Sl l214115 $22 ,95. YAE· 66801 , or FAX request 10 (316) 342~ 705. $24990. ALL LTO. (LIMITED TIME OF· SU e fNB4 /4A 132 .95. FNB9 $1695, IC3AT, ~ ke ' -. tone pad. BP3 ~ 2, need BN8434 FER) LOOK ING FOR SOMETHING NOT FNB10 $18 ,95. AZOEN ' $1995. " NEW new NiCd$, leather cue. ac.os· , $1 25 . LISTED?? CALL OR WRITE, Over 9OG4 PACKS" , ICOM, BP5 $43.95. BPS (BASE PPO. Lin Hamilton NJ6V, 11 5O Capilol Dr_ SUPERFA ST MOR SE CO O E SU - half1-fe!ated items In Sloe" for ,mmed,ate C HG ONLY) S39 95 VAESU : fNB2 84. San PedroCA 90732. BNB9S9 PEREA SY . Subliminal cassette . $10. shIpmen!. Me nt ion ad Price ' cash . $19.95 , f NB12 $44.95. SANTEC : 1421 LEAR N MOR SE CODE IN 1 HO U R . F.OS. PRESTON HOURS TUESDAY- 1200 S22.95. FREE CATALOG . $3 ShIp. FREE Ham Gospe! Tracts, SASE, N3FTT, Ama,rlng new sceereasv technique, $10. FRIDAY 9:00 TO 6:00. 900-200 PM ping/order. PA "61lt1. VISA-MIC .. $2. 5133Gramercy. Chiton Hts , PA I 9018 , Bol h $ 17, Moneyback guaranlee . Free MONDAYS. CLOS ED S ATURO AY & CUNARO, RO. 6 Box lQ.4. Bedlord PA BNB960 calalog: SASE. Bahr, Dept 73-3. 1196 CIt- SUNDAY. ROSS DISTRIBUTING COM· t5522.(81 4)623--7000 BNB931 rus, Palmbay FL 32905. BNB5-31 PANY, 78 SOUTH STATE, PRESTO N 10 WANTED : Ten·Tec 544 tran sceiver with 83263 . (208) 852-0630. BNB709 LONG WAVE 1750 METER products and 262m power suppiy, N1GOV Geoff Burns, S9-2201221 OWNERS : 20 detailed mod' kIts by Curr y Communical ion,. Please 101 Ranloul st. Apt 211, Beverly MA w hich include 160- 6 meter operat ion , HAM RADIO REPAIR all makes, models, send SASE to 852 North Lima St., Bur· 019 15,(508) 927- 4120. BNB961 OSK, t enhan<:ad p.s. 50% rebate lor new E ~perie nced, reliable service, Robert Hall bank CA 9 1505, BNB932 mod s , ubmittad 9 pag es of 3·5OOZ tech Electronics, Box 280363. San F/anci sco MACSAMUEL MORSE CODE TUTORI- ' info. $11 postpaid._Inlo. SASE, BOB K(). CA 94128--0363. (408) 729-8200 BNB75 \ VOX ACTUATED TRAN SMITTER AL SOFTWARE for lhe Maclnto.h ~ , ZLA REK WA2S00, 69 Memorial Place. 49 MHz, cryslal controned 6-15 VDC, 1 Speeds to 9 0 w p m . Slan d ar d o r Elmwood Park NJ 07407. BNB58 1 WANTED , Ha m Equipmenl and other mA . Standby CirCUIt Board Kit Only SUo f arnswon h mode. RandomCharacter and propeny. The Rad>o Club 01 Junior HIgh PER OUA LI TY $3995 ppd . Cat alog word generation, Rafldom OSO Sl mula- ROSS ' $$$$ USED September (ONLY) School 22 NYC , Inc.• IS a nonprof,torgani. $3.00, refundable. Advanced Electronic tion . Also. send code from your own telCl SPECIALS ' K ENWO O D TS·530SW/ zahon , granted 501(CK3) $latus by the Tech , ste. 173, SBOl).A. N , Sharon. Amity roles, Send $22.00plus$2,00 shipping and YK88 SN .C $ 639 .9 0 . TS·930S /W AT IRS. incorporated with the goal 0 1 ullng Rd., Charlorte NC 28215,(704) 545-2681 . handling to: Avant System• • P ,O . Box $ 1345 ,90 , VFC-230 S3099O, T5- 180S the lheme of ham radio 10 lun'- and en- BNB933 5437, Pittsburgh, PA 15206, BNB962 84 73 Amateur Radio • September. 1990 GORDON WEST RADIO SCHOOL For the Latest in Repeater Technology Go with the Leader- • 11 2 ,p .l ge tele tDOOk " I wo stere o code 'ea r nl ng ta pes " , ample 5 wpm No vice code t 8'$t • ow, $ 5 0 In , . d lo m.n u lletu ren ' discou nt cou pons. BaslcSCR77 'I .;RJ1 2COMPLETE NOVICE • • • $62.95 theory t.pes. 2 te xt boo ks , F CC Rule Book, 4 code UlP8S . code osctua tor • set , exami ne . test ~cket. ,nd ove, S50 i " rad io discount C:OUOorlS . I #02 NOVICE CODE COURSE $32.95 6 e.ssette Upe s m .ke It easy t o I learn the code from se'OItch . #filA 2·WEEK TECH •. • • • $22.95 • Tnls Technician c o u rH Includes 2 • 10-40 Watt Units the ory taPes and 1 IUust.lled ' . " t boo k. I #OS COMPLETE GENERAL•• $62.95 6 UIPin. 4 theory I.- pes , a nd 2 • 2M, 220, 440 MHz • Super senernvezsereenve R.c.iv.r. • Unusually Good Repeat Audio I C:GOe textbOOks . Ide... for uPgUI08 from For that new Machine-Spectrum Novice t o Gene.al , • Pro....n P.rformanc. throughout the World! makes 2 lines of Repeaters-the • #06 GEN . CODE COURSE • • $32.95 world famous Deluxe SCR1000A·VHF I This aeneral cou rse tapes fo r speed buil d ing h o m 5 to 13 • wpm . Incl u des 6 or SCR4000·UHF, and the basic low cost line of SCR77s. #lISR COMPLETE ADVANCED $62.95 I This A dvance(J c ou rse Incl udes 4 theory ta pes , 1 texttlook , an d 6 code t apes (13 t o 22 wpm) . The SCR77 Rep eaters mainta in the quality of design , co mponents and #09 AD V, THEORY COURSE $32.95 construction which have made Spec- ,1 4 laPe s and 1 lIlu st ,a t ed t extbo ok , trum gea r f am o us th r oug h o ut t he #10 COMPLETE EXTRA• •• • $62. 95 1 world for years. However, all of the I 4 theory ta pes, 1 textecck , and 6 code ta pe s (1 3 t o 22 w p m ) . 0 " bells & whistles" have been ettmlnat- ed-at a larg e cost savings to you! The I #12 EXTRA THEORY COURSE $32.95 4 the o r y tapes and 1 Illustrated • tex tbo ok f o , E x t r a c l ass tne o r v , 1 SCR77 is a rear "work-horse " basic machine designed for those who want #11 EXTRA CODE COURSE $32.95 1 excellent, super-reliable performance 1to , 6 ta pes f o , speed bu ildi ng fro m 13 22 w p m f a , t h e E xt ra c ode exa m . 0 year afte r year- but no frills! #13 BRASS KEY & OSC .. • • $25.95 1 Of course, If you do want a Full Fea- 1#15 PLASTIC KEY & OSC • •. $21 .95 turedlSuper Deluxe Repeater with SINGLE CDOE TAPES 1 Full panel metering and controls, and I $1 0.95 each Inclu ding shiPpi ng a complete list of 'butlt-ln' options, o # 19 5 w p m N o v ice QS 0 t ests ' then you want our SCR1000A or # 20 5 wpm Ran d om Code 1 SCR4000. I # 21 5 ·7 wpm speed Buil de, I # 22 # 23 # 24 1 · 10 w pm speed Buil der 10 w p m Pl ate au B reake , 10·1 2 w pm Speed Bullde, I • All allaifable wIth AutopatchlRellerse PatchlL.andline Control; TouchTonfl • # 25 # 26 12 ·15 w p m Calls & N u m bers 13 wp m R and o m COde I Control of lIarlous repeater functions ; I • # 21 # 28 # 29 13 wpm Test Pr e pll,atl o n 1 3 w l)m Ca, COde 13 -1 5 w pm Speed Builder • SCR·IOOOA 2M Of 220 ·PL. ' ; " Em erg ency Pwr.hO; HighlL.ow TX Power; Tone & Timer Units; Sharp # 30 1 5 -1 1 w l)m Speed B u i l oe, 1 REPEATERWI 150 WT. 2M Amp RX Filters ; Power Amps, etc. I # 31 # 3:? 1 1 ·1 9w p m Speed B u l l de, 20 wpm Random COde & 30A POWER SUPPLY. (All items available separately) • # 33 # 34 2 0 wpm Test Prep","Uon :?O w p m ClI ' Code 1 I #4 3 3 ·15 w p m C ode Review Shown in optional cabinet. Complete Line of VHFIUHF Revr. & Xmtr. link Boards & Assemblies 01:;;;:;d~;~~,::m, Cod' R~'~H ,i IL <e$lcMnts a44 6_ call or write today f or details and prices! Get your order in A.S.A.P. Sold Factory Direct or through Export Sales also available. Plus 10, COR, DTMF Control Bds., Antennas, Duplexers, Cabinets, etc. Inquire. Reps. only. RADIO A MAT EUR CALLBOOK INC. 925 Sherwood Dr.• Lake Bluff,ll60044 Mon.·Fri.8·4pm (708)234·6600 'lfsCj SPECTRUM COMMUNICATIONS CORP, CIRCLl :ll ON READ(R Y RVIC( CARD 1055 W. Gennantown PII:. 510. Norristown, PA 19403. (215) 631·1710· TElEX: 846-211 FAX: (215) 631 -5017 CSIICLE 51 ON READ€R 5(1IV1Cl: CAIIO , > Uncle Wayne s v OIP22 ' The P.chlR.dio O.lC09 • Shortwa v e 16542 • ShorIw.ve 01 029 • The lI1u,trat.cl ll2C30 ' The Commodore Handbook Clande stln, Co nfid e " li, 1 Propagallon Handbook Dictionary 01 Eledronlc. Ham'.Companlon AMATEUR .. by Jo~o lhan L. Moyo KRJ T 1>, Grrry L. D",u r -'- by Gro'7l t larob. WJA SJ( (4th Ed. 1988) by J im (;",hb, K9Ef RADIO an ."",lIem p,ett of """k. h'cinaling reading _ co_. .. al l aNi TtJ CohM N4XX 160 page< of ""'lui inform all"" on Wel l worth readins ror boIh tile clarl<k.lin< broadc."ing. « ..mIry New , •• i>ed editi"" . Conta,n . up- '" RaJa a P. Tum" ,,- ft iQ ond .stan Gibilisc" selecting a Commodor. computer e' p<rie",-'ed .no.! tile '""'... pad.• - by . ou ntry: ,<I I, frequencie" Ol h<r ',, _the min",. inform at;"n and Over 450 <iota; led drawing. and d i- rOf tl>< ham . hal:., who'" 10 find Ie"" (he dcfin i'ive guide to ama" unpubli ,hed ,nfo,.,.",,,;o,, : .py. in_ cha", ...... guide. yOlllhroogh pro- Ic. t packet <>pe,.tion ... agram•. Oyer 27.000 ",rm, are ad- 'ptciali'ed program,. the C"", · . - .u ,~e nt>. f' eedom flgh"''' . rebel. ducing y''''' owo p'opogali"" dald, dre,sed in 650 page., I'roYide, tt'IOdofO-pacle, coo nectioo. ,", -Gwyn Rc..dy WlBFl. anarchi,' ' adio. """,e t , oJio. Cur- l ~ I"'g.'. I"'perbock. 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Hancock, NH 03449 'W' ---------------------- ------ I RANDOM OUTPUT"'" David Cassidy N 1GPH Jim Gray W1XU rve been ""riting the /:lack page plann ing a whole year of spec ial Jim Gray W1XU column the lasl couple of months since events. Thirty years of anything is rea- Jim Morrissett K6MH moved back to son enough to celebrate, bul we DO 2 10 Chateau Circle California. Now it's my grear pleasure have an ult erior motive. We here at 73 Payson AZ 85541 10 introduce our new Associate PutJ- are going 10 take a leadership role in fisher, David Cassidy NIGPH, who'll revitalizing a mateur radiO. The Best of the '90s be writing this column from now on. Sure, we 're still going 10 scream long David has some great ideas to revlfa l· and loud abou t the prob lems (and try to Probably the next-best condi- each hour for the most recent Ize amateur radio. With David's guid- get you of! your bulls, eway from your ance and enthusiasm you can expect TV. and DOING something about it), tion s of 19 90 wi ll occur this update s on so la rlt er re st r ial 10 see oven more of the Ie/est and but we also have a responsibility 10 month , in September. When events. Full moon occurs on the greatest in/he upcoming issues of73 . lead the charge. If the ARRl is too busy Septembe r is over, co mpare 5th, and no eclipse of either sun Take it away. David . . de WBBELK palling themselves on tne back , spending our money on trips to Arizona it with March , as March may or mo on are happening this D. vid Who? and 'orcing the FCC one step closer prove to ha ve been the best month. III Let's get the issueol my neme aut of to dumping me whole Amateur Radio the way righ. at the start, shalt _? Yes . Service , then we-that 's me and month 01 all. my name really is David Cassidy. No. I you-are going to have to do it , let's The equinox occurs on , EASTERN UNITED STATES TO: did not star in a TV sitcom in the 19105 . remember how much tun amatEliJr re- September 22. OX ought VEtS. I have heard every jol<e you could diocan be. possibly think of. 'Nuff said . This column will never be the same to las t o n the h ighe r from monlh to month. I m'9ht report b ands, 10- 20 meters, Not J u s t 8 Job ... on some hams doing great public I have been a ham for about 17 relations work or f1.lnning a successful until after dark on most years. I recently joined the learn hereal hcensing ctaes. or I migh t ran i and days. You can also ex- ~ , Wayne Green Enterprises to WOr'/:; on rave about some jerk who walked all pect grayline OXing along l'(l , - ----- --- 15---- - - '5" some of the other projects Wayne has over my 40 meter COO (see below). I the path of the terminator ,. ',. ',. "to ~" ' 5 ' '0'0 '0 l'(l , cooked up. He and I got 10 talking hope that at least I will be able to get __ ,~ ~- ;>o"i,, ' o -- , abo ut a mateur rad io , 73 Magazine some o! you to start Ihin king ... and at the appropriate times " ',. "i•.',. , '5 1.° ,~ '0 20 ' 0 (which I' ve read for most of the last 17 acting. ... - - - - ' 0 '0"5 years) and the current state of the in- If you have anything happening in of sunset and sunrise. ... ... "i,,"),,_ dustry. I guess I stated my opinion a your neck of the woods, let me know, Th e worst condit ions ',_ ',_"i_ .., .... ' _ _ "" ~." ,~."i, lillie too strenuouSly, because the end Wrote to me here, or use the 73BBS, or o f th e month will most result of that conversation is that I'm send some packet mail to me (N1GPH CENTRAL UNITED STATES TO: sitting in my bed on a Sunday night, @ WA1WOKNH). Whatever you've likely be centered around - :10;10 - - - with a very expensive lap(op computer gal 10 say , say it. Someth,ng going on the weekend of the 15th in front 01 me, wntlng this column-in- that you don't l,ke? Tell me. Even more stead of sleeping 10 bl issful igl"lOfal'lCe import anl, let me know aboul the Iii- and 16th, but oth erwise of Such things as deadlines, page umphs, big and sman . you can expect fai r to yields , bI.Iclgets and the m illion and one other things Wayne pays me to worry e.ck 10 School good conditions on most about (I was never in lhe army, so n0- As the summer vacanon season days. During these times body ever warned me about volunteer- winds down, we lind the beginning of of very high solar activity, ing). the school year approachi ng . Most Still, this job IS as much fun as you kids are grumbling about having to possible flares and solar Ihink il is. Just this week I have tested lrudge back 10 the classroom, but the upset s c a n o cc u r at two new antennas. assisted WB8ElK stUdents 0' Intermediate School 72 in in launching a balloon carrying 2 meter Staten Island , New York, usually can' t almost any lime, so the voice a nd 70 cm ATV beacons (kee p an wait 'or classes to start. As lo ng as it's chart on ly gives th ose eye on Bill's column for a report on Carole Perry's "In troduction to Ham days during which this- about 70 hams all over the East Radio" class, that is. Coast had a ball tracking this thing!), It's with great preescre that we wel- d is t u rb e d magne ti c made reservations 10 travel 10 a West come Carole Perry WB2MGP ("Mighty field conditions are most Coast hamfesl. read countless inter- Good Professor") to our lineup Of 73 likely. esting articles subm,ned tor publica- columnislS. II more teachers had her - - ;10--' tion, had numerous packet OSOS with enthusiasm and willingness 10 pro- Old Sol is at his least - - ' 0 ' 0 '01 my Dad (WB1DSl) and my brother mote amateur radio in the dassroorn, predictable right now , so - "" 5"'-- (N1HLR), played WIth more computer we'd have ttle largest increase of new stuff than most folks see in a year , hams in amateur radio histOl'y1 carole keep a sharp ear tuned to II OI'ACA '" ;10 - - - - - - "" - - ;1020 , ... _- .........- _............ helped the 73 ad reps get five new WWV at1 8 minutes after -----_ hopes to use the new column-" Hams ......... ~T _ _ ......... ., pages of advert'sing, sal around afld l istened to Wayne ' s great stories, picked out all the neat stull we're go'ng with Class"-to help educate the pub- uc about amateur radiO and promote it in a b ig way . Welcome , Carole ... ::"'''':';;'-:-''=::::.J_=:::.a::. ~= --- "_ . to review from tne slacks of new we 're glad (and lucky) to have you on product announcements the manufac- the team! SEPTEMBER turers send us, arranged to have a new '0' ww HF rig shipped to us, talked wilh my b uddies N 1 G V A , N 1GOJ a nd A Per.onal Message to W1 AW On July 9, 0130 UTC (tha t's 9:30 '"" M '"" '" 1 '" KA1UNWon 40 meter CW , blew up my p.m. EDST on July 6, in case you c an' t old HW-101 (again), got myoid Dra ke remember how to convert U TC), your F TR-4C working (again) and made some aulomatic bulletin on 40 meters came exciting plans for our 30th anniversary in on the exact frequency where I was 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 year. All this, in addilion to the actual in OSO with another New England eta- F·G G G G G G G·F " work" partot my job. Thanks , Wayne' tlQrl. I wa r utc remind you thattr8nsmit· Now, about that new mobile rig we talked about .. _. ling without first checking to see il tha frequency is in use is a violation of FCC 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 regulalions (97.10t , SYbpart B), and re- F-G G G G·F F F· P P Wh at's Happ'nin '? peated offenses could re-sY1l in SYS- With the recent juggl,ng of personnel pension or revocation 01 operat ing priv. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 here, you're probably askIng yourself. ileges and confis cai ion of all ·'What's going to happen to 731"' Well, transmining equipment. P P P·F F-G G G G·F nothing ... and e\lerything , We start our 30th year of publication with the I left a message on your answering machine, bull guess you guys are too 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 October issue. To celebrate . we're re- busy, planning all those trips and new F F-G G G G-F F F-G designing the togo a bit, changing the ollices and everything, to give me the name slighlly (does anyone know how many d ille rent names this magaline courtesy of a reply (don't bother with an explenatlcn-c-itt ere is none) . 30 has had in the last 30 years?), and Just a fri endl y reminder. Ell G 88 73 Amateur Radio • September, 1990 .41 memories. All channels Optional ecceeecrtee: store receive and transmit • Bc.14: Wall charger for PB-13 . BC-15 : separately for "odd split" Rapid charger for PB-13. 14 . BC~1B : Wall charger for PB-14 . BH~e : Swivel mount 2 m and 70 em Super • DC direct in operation. • BT-8 : Six cell AAAlkaline battery case CompaetHTs Allows external DC to be • HMC·2 : Headset with VOX and PTT used (7.2 - 16 volts). • PB-13 : 7.2 V,700 mAh NiCd pack . PB-14 : Here Is a great new addition to When external power is 12 V,300 mAh NiCd pack . PG-3F: DC Kenwood's HT family - the all new used, the batteries are cable with filter and cigarette lighter plug TH-27A for 2 meters andTH-47A for being charged. • PG·2W: DC cable . Sc.31: Soh case 70 eml Super compact and beau- (PB-13 only.) • 5MC-31: Standardspeaker tifully designed, these pocket- mic . SMc.32 : Compact sized twins give you full-size speaker mic . SMC-33 : performance. Compact speaker me with controls • Large capacity Hied battery • WR~2 : Water pack 8uppUed. The standard resistant battery pack is 7.2 volts, 700 mAh. bag. providing extended transmit time with 2.5 watts. (TH-47A: 1.5 W.) • Extended receive coverage. TH-27A: 118-165 MHz;TH-47A: 438-449.995 MHz. TX on Amateur bands only, (TH-27A modifiable for MARs/CAP. Permits required. Spec- ifications guaranteed for Amateur bands only.) • Multi-function scanning . Band and memory channels can be scanned, with time operated or carrier operated scan stop. • Frequency step selectable for quick aSY. Choose from 5. 10. 12.5. 15. 20. or 25 kHz steps. • Built-In digital clock with programmable timer. • Dual Tone Squelch System (DTSS). Compatible with the TH-26AT Series and the TM-941A Triple bander, as well as other Kenwood series transceivers. this selective calling system --- uses standard DTMF to open squelch. • Five watts output when operated , with PB-14 battery pack or 13.8 volts. • Automatic offset selection • T·Alert for quiet monitoring. (TH-27A). Tone Alert beeps when squelch • Direct keyboard frequency entry. KENWOOD U.S.A CORPORATION is opened. The rotary dial can also be used COMM UNICATIONS & TEST EOU IPMENT GROUP • Auto battery saver, auto power to select memory. frequency. P.o. BOX 22745. 2201E_Dominguez Street off function, and economy power frequency step, CTess, and long Beach. CA 90801-5745 mode extends battery life. scan direction. KENWOOD ELECTRONICS CANADA INC • OTMF memory. The DTMF P.O. BOX 1075. 959 Gana Court memory function can be used as • CTCSS encode/decode bullt·ln. Mississauga. Ontario. Canada L4T 4C2 an auto-dialer. All characters from • Supplied acceseorlee: the 16-key pad can be stored. allowing repeater control codes to be stored! Rubber flex antenna, battery pack, wall charger. belt hook. wrist strap, dust caps. KENWOOD .. .pacesetter in Amateur Radio SpecificallCllS and IIHrures iIIe subject fO change wllflOur noece f¥ OOiIgall()ll. ~ .. service ~s are.w~ leW all /f$JwOO(J /l"3nSCefVefS.tlld mo.st eccesscees,
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