720 Kernel Upgrade

March 28, 2018 | Author: Mmusi Dithotse | Category: Oracle Database, Operating System, Linux, Kernel (Operating System), Microsoft Windows



SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.00/7.01/7.10/7.11 Note Language: English Version: 60 Validity: Valid Since 20.03.2013 Summary Symptom You want to use the 7.20 or 7.20 EXT kernel as a downward-compatible kernel in one of the following NetWeaver releases o o o o or in o o SAP NetWeaver CE 7.1 SAP EhP1 for NW CE 7.1 SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ("7.00") SAP EhP1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ("7.01") SAP NetWeaver 7.10 ("7.10") SAP EhP1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.10 ("7.11") Other terms 7.20, 7.20 EXT, 720_EXT, AKK, DCK, Downward-Compatible Kernel Reason and Prerequisites Attention o This note is valid for all systems with NetWeaver Release 7.00, 7.01 (7.0 Enhancement Package 1), 7.10 and 7.11 (7.1 Enhancement Package 1) as well as CE 7.10 and 7.11 that still run with the 7.00, 7.01, 7.10 or 7.11 kernel that was originally delivered. You can also use the 7.20 EXT kernel as a downward-compatible kernel for the NetWeaver releases mentioned above. If you want to use the 7.20 EXT kernel, you have to download all kernel archives from the link of the corresponding EXT branch on the SAP Service Marketplace (e.g., from link "SAP Kernel 7.20 EXT 64-BIT UC" if you look for 64-bit UC kernel ). Please notice that it is very important not to mix executables from kernel 7.20 and 7.20 EXT. It is explicitly mentioned in the text if the handling of the 7.20 EXT kernel differs from the handling of the 7.20 standard kernel. For the handling of SAP HostAgent, please refer to section 3 "Installing SAPHOSTAGENT". You may have to perform an operating system upgrade before you upgrade the kernel, or you may have to ensure additional database-specific prerequisites before the kernel upgrade (for example, the 7.20 kernel may be supported for certain operating system releases or database releases only). In particular, this applies to SAP kernel 7.20 EXT. Release information is available at: http://service.sap.com/pam Page 1 of 19 o o 22.03.2013 20 is designed for maximum coverage.00/7. also KBA 1738769).01: The tool JSPM must have at least SP 24 or o Release 7.03. Release 7.01. Short dumps of the type DDIC_TYPELENG_INCONSISTENT may occur.sap.1.10/7. o Release 7. If you want to use DCK for CE Developer Workplace systems. o SAP Kernel 7.01/7. This is described under "Preface" in section "Solution".20 (EXT) should have at least Patch Level 201. This has been eliminated with the following versions of the SAP Java Technology S Offline component (SAPTECHF.2013 Page 2 of 19 . Note 1652660 also lists the required patch levels for the higher support packages. SP 14.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7. when calling transaction SM66. For more detailed information about correcting these inconsistencies. but we recommend to implement it before the kernel switch.00 or 7. 7.074).SCA (cf.SCA ("SAP Java Technology Services") as well if you need to install a suitable SAPJTECHF.00 or 9.01: There was an incompatibility regarding jmon (SAP note 1652660). if you intend to use the SAP Kernel 7.20 kernel. for example. then check note 1709911. Please note: As described in note 1652660.10 or 7.11: When using the SAPJVM 5.20 as DCK you have to consider the following platform specific information: 22. must be installed in your system.00 OFFLINE.01: SAP TECH S OFFLINE 7.20 can basically be used as DCK without additional platform requirements.11 o The 7.00: SAP TECH S 7.1. you have to install the latest patch collection. SP 3. PL 24 Release 7. PL 13 This implies that at least support-package stack 14 or 3. you have to install the corresponding SAPJTECHS.01: Follow SAP note 1119735 regarding the relocation of the contents of the CCMS agents' working directories.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7. Platform-Specific Information The downward compatible SAP Kernel 7. at least PC 58 (Build 5. However. The PAM for your SAP product release can be accessed via the SAP Service Marketplace http://service. see Note 1610716. The actions described in this note can be performed anytime.20 kernel checks complex DDIC structures in more detail than the previous kernels.com/pam. respectively. respectively. o o The following four bullet points apply only to systems: o Dual-Stack or Java only Release 7.SCA) Release 7.00 or 7. As a result the SAP Kernel 7. Please verify for your SAP product release which database and operating system releases are supported with the 7. 04.20 as DCK with Microsoft SQL Server refer to SAP Note 1467086.03.2.01/7. IBM DB2 LUW IBM DB2/UDB 8 is not supported with the SAP Kernel 7.sap. You have to use at least Oracle 10. For details refer to SAP Note 1553465. The PAM for your SAP product release can be accessed via the SAP Service Marketplace http://service. 1.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7.com/pam.6. IBM z/OS IBM z/OS 1.11 o IBM AIX Please see SAP Note 1780629 for the minimal OS release and C/C++ runtime requirements.20.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.00/7. IBM i The SAP Kernel 7. Microsoft SQL Server The SAP Kernel 7. For more details refer to SAP Note 1487269.2013 .7 and 1. For additional information about the usage of the SAP Kernel 7. If you are still using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 refer to SAP Note 1341097.1 is not supported with the SAP Kernel 7.10/7. Please verify for your SAP product release which database and operating system releases are supported with the requires at least version 7.09 of the MaxDB Client software (SQLBC).20 EXT as DCK.20 EXT is designed for maximum supportability. o o o o - o Oracle Database Oracle 10.20 EXT as DCK you have to consider the following platform specific information: o AIX Please see SAP Note 1780629 for the minimal OS release and C/C++ runtime requirements. if you intend to use the SAP Kernel 7.20 EXT (but only non-Unicode) requires the locales of all languages you use within your SAP system to be installed on within PASE. Oracle Database Page 3 of 19 o o o o 22.20 EXT requires a specific Microsoft Windows C Runtime environment.20 is intended for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and higher. SAP MaxDB The SAP Kernel 7. Microsoft Windows The SAP Kernel 7. The downward compatible SAP Kernel 7.7. For details refer to SAP Note 1423600. However.20 EXT kernel. As a result you may need to update your database and operating system version to use the SAP Kernel 7. Linux For details on Linux requirements refer to SAP Note 1563102.8 are not supported with the SAP Kernel 7. 00/7. except IBM Power Linux. Oracle database client Install the Oracle 11g Instant Client on all application servers and the database server as described in SAP Note 1431794.20 kernel is still available for certain 32-bit platforms (Windows. Windows IA64 and on Linux IA64 (Intel Itanium). The 32-bit variant is not suitable for production operation. we recommend to use the 7. only Oracle 10g is supported. LD_LIBRARY_PATH) no longer contains any references to the old Oracle 10g Instant Client location.2 or higher. Oracle dababase server The Oracle database server has to be Oracle 11. Windows IA64 and Linux IA64 (Intel Itanium).01.2013 . Therefore. which is delivered by SAP for Release 7. For these three platforms you do not have to make any changes to your database client.11.01/7. The general SAP recommendation to keep up to date with the upgrades or updates remains unaffected by this downward-compatible kernel because it does not correct application errors. SHLIB_PATH. 7. the 7.11 On all operating system platforms. make sure that the library path for the <sid>adm user (LIBPATH. On IBM Power Linux. Windows IA64 and on Linux IA64 (Intel Itanium). and 7. only Oracle 11g is supported. The 7.20 EXT kernel is not available in a 32-bit variant. however.20 EXT kernel instead of the 7.20 kernel without having to install the Page 4 of 19 o o o 22. You can upgrade to the 7. - - If you use a DB/OS platform combination in your system environment where both the DB release and the OS release are supported by the 7. is downward-compatible to the kernels for releases 7. Important o You must exchange the kernels on all servers of the affected system. Linux). On IBM Power Linux.20 kernel. The Oracle client software can be downloaded from the SAP Service Marketplace at: https://service. only Oracle 10g is supported. 7.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a Enhancement Package 2). The latest SAP Bundle Patch needs to be applied on top of the existing patch set release.com/oracle-download Please note: After the installation of the Oracle 11g Instant Client.10/7.sap.20 kernel so that you do not have to perform an SAP upgrade.10.2.0. Solution The 7.02 (7.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7. we strongly recommend that you use the 64-bit variant. For compatibility reasons.20 standard kernel. you can eliminate errors by replacing the kernel with a 7.20 EXT kernel. On Oracle on Windows. you can immediately download the stack kernel for all of the required platforms.20 stack kernel from SAP Service Marketplace. see Note 19466.00/7.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7. not just the executable disp+work. when correcting the kernel using kernel patches. Download the latest 7.EXE from SAP Service Marketplace under the name SAPCAR (UNIX. only the short form <name>.SAR.SAR. If you use different platforms (for example. a differentiation is made between the platform and under this. a differentiation is made between database-independent archives and (for each database supported in the platform) database-dependent archives. you must: Continue to import the Support Packages available for your original SAP release when you use Support Packages to implement corrections of repository objects.2013 .exe (Windows) into your local <newkernel> directory. 1. If the Internet Graphics Server (IGS) is installed. As a further sub-option.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.10/7. You should download the following archives into the same directory <newkernel>: o Due to the digital signature of the archives (see Note 1598550).11 new GUI version on the front-end PCs. 'kernel' means all executable programs located in /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/exe/run (UNIX. The stack kernel consists of the database-independent archive SAPEXE. IBM i) or \\$(SAPGLOBALHOST)\sapmnt\<SAPSID>\sys\exe\<nuc|uc>\<platform> (Windows). use 7. IBM i) or sapcar.SAR and the database-dependent archive SAPEXEDB. download the archive SAPCAR_<plevel>-<uid>.SAR is used in this note (for example. the character width. you require the latest SAPCAR. - Definition of terms Here. the platform and the database type of the relevant archive are included again. Here. you must also Page 5 of 19 o o 22. o After you have installed a 7. SAPEXE. There a differentiation is made between 32-bit and 64-bit kernels and also between the character width (Unicode or non-Unicode). For more information about the download.SAR). <name> is the actual name of the archive. Obtaining the Archives The elements that are required for importing the kernel are available as an SAR archive on SAP Service Marketplace under "SAP Kernel". In general. Therefore.01/7.20 (EXT) kernel. The name of the archive is made from a template of type <name>_<plevel>-<uid>.20 (EXT) patches only. you also still require the current Oracle Instant Client (see Note 998004). In future. followed by the patch level <plevel> and a unique ID <uid> in which the bit value.03. Windows Application Server with database DB2 on IBM i). sar. We recommend to apply the igshelper.sar is operating-system independent and release independent regarding SAP IGS releases newer than or equal to 7.01 ASCII based dual stack system you used to download only ASCII Packages. If you know that there are already patches on SAP Service Marketplace for the SAPEXE.20 needs kernel 7.20 EXT needs kernel 7.sar from http://service.SAR that is used (for example.00/7. igshelper.2013 Page 6 of 19 . o o For Oracle only: Download the package DBATL720O10_<plevel>-<uid>. optionally. o For IBM i only: Download the package ILE_<plevel>-<uid>. The igshelper. DW).. If you use SAPCRYPTOLIB.20.sap.sar and.03. 2.20 or kernel 7.SAR from http://service. -> <your platform> -> ORACLE.SAR with at least patch level 109 as ILE.00/7. When upgrading to kernel 7. Therefore you have to download the UNICODE SAPEXE package in addition. The 7. For a 7..20 SAP IGS 7.10/7.20 or 7.20.01/7.20 EXT. You can download igshelper. For detailed information see note 12741.20 EXT you also need to upgrade the IGS installation accordingly: o SAP IGS 7.SAR. download these into the directory.11 download the archives igsexe.sar contains an optional component (see SAP note 1028690). If you have already changed your SAP system to SAPJVM. which is only available as of SAP IGS 7. too. Preparations 22. you must also download the corresponding archive in accordance with SAP Note 397175.com/patches -> "Browse Our Download Catalog" -> "Additional Components" -> "SAP Kernel" -> SAP KERNEL (32|64)-BIT (UNICODE) -> SAP KERNEL 7. depending on which one you currently use.20 EXT The archive igshelper. - - - o For UNIX/Windows only: Download any additional programs (such as the RFCSDK) if you still want to install such programs after the kernel installation.20 (EXT) . The ASCII package contained the UNICODE part for the SCS Instance.sap.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7.sar to your installation as described in SAP note 1028690 when you are upgrading to kernel 7. you must also download one of the archives SAPJVM4 or SAPJVM5.com/patches -> "Browse Our Download Catalog" -> "SAP Frontend Components" -> "SAP IGS HELPER APPLICATIONS" -> "SAP IGS HELPER" -> "SAP IGS HELPER". So they are automatically applied with the kernel.20 Kernel does not contain UNICODE parts in the ASCII Packages.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7. SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7.11 After you have downloaded the required kernel components. o 4. To do this. sapccm4x). (You do not need to stop the database.2013 Page 7 of 19 .01): cd /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/exe/run .10 and 7. stop the Windows service SAPOsCol and delete it using the following commands: net stop saposcol sc delete saposcol On IBM i: CALL PGM(SAPOSCOL) PARM('-k') o o o 3.10/7. If present. unregister all standalone CCMS agents (sapccmsr [-j2ee].00/7. Stop saposcol. on Windows you can see them running as services <agent name>.01/7. you must stop all of the relevant processes on all instances for the system to be processed and release or delete the kernel-specific resources.03. Stop the SAP system. Remove any IPC objects that still exist (this is required on UNIX only): o cleanipc <instance no> remove 22.>./saposcol -k On UNIX (Web AS release 7.11): cd /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe . Stop sapstartsrv (this is required on UNIX and Windows only): o On UNIX: kill -2 <pid of sapstartsrv> On Windows: Stop and deactivate (Startup Type = Disabled) the services SAP<SID>_<INSTANCE no. On Unix you can see corresponding processes. o On UNIX (Web AS release 7. On IBM i: Stop the SAP system together with sapstartsrv: STOPSAP INSTANCE(*ALL) STARTUPSRV(*ALL) XDNLISTEN(*YES) WAIT(*YES) ENDSBS(*YES) o 2.<instance number>: o sapccm4x -u pf=<profile the agent started with> sapccmsr -u pf=<profile the agent started with> [-j2ee] 5.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.0 and 7. carry out the following actions as the user <sapsid>adm on all instances: 1./saposcol -k On Windows: If it exists.) o On UNIX or Windows: Stop the SAP system as usual. root chown <sapsid>adm /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/exe/run/* 22.0 Enhancement Package 1).00 and 7.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.03.01. For NetWeaver 7.1 On UNIX 1.sec if they exist d) the icu libraries (libicu*30. 4. you must also update SAP HostAgent to the latest 7. On IBM i.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7. Installing SAPHOSTAGENT For releases 7. sapjvm_5) if it exists b) the file protect.00/7.<a sh.<a sh.20 kernel from the directory <newkernel> on the host of the central instance and then on all of the application servers with local executables. Save the old kernel by creating a tar archive of the complete kernel directory using the following command: SAPCAR -cvf ./sapexe. Afterwards. you must delete the call of the program SAPOSCOL from all the start profiles.11 (7.20 EXT version of SAP HostAgent. Log on as user <sapsid>adm and switch to the directory /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/exe/run..sap.10 Enhancement Package 1).01/7. when you use SAP systems based on NetWeaver 7. Switch to the user root and change the owner of all files to <SAPSID>adm using the following commands: su . 4.10 or 7./* 3.SAR in the latest 7. you must also install the package SAPHOSTAGENT.g.01 (7. sapjvm. .lst if it exists c) the files rfcexec.11 you must not use the 7.10 and 7.lst only exist in the case of a Java or Dual-Stack implementation.tar . Save the following files and directories a) the directory jvm or sapjvm* (e. 7. so> or libicu*34.20 version.10/7. rfcexec. We recommend saving the old kernel before deploying the new kernel. sapjvm_4. (not Windows) SAP HostAgent is available on the SAP Service Marketplace (http://service.. Importing the new kernel Import the 7.00.2013 Page 8 of 19 2. SYBASE ASE: minimum PL is 115. 7. so> if they exist The directories jvm or sapjvm* and the file protect. 4.11 3.20 version available (in accordance with Note 1031096).com/swdc) under following menu path: "Support Packages and Patches" -> "Browse our Download Catalog" -> "SAP Technology Components" -> "SAP HOST AGENT". 00/7.SAR 7. switch to the relevant local executable directory /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/<INSTANCE>/exe and execute rm -rf * 13.SAR 10. Switch to the user root and run the shell script saproot.root (or su <user with UID 0> on OS/390) cd /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/exe/run .10/7. including the subdirectories. Since executables from the local executable directories may already be executed for the start before sapcpe runs. To do this. Unpack the new kernel with the following commands: <newkernel>/SAPCAR -xvf <newkernel>/SAPEXE./saproot.sar 9.SAR <newkernel>/SAPCAR -xvf <newkernel>/SAPEXEDB. a) All application server instances (primary application server/central instance. If you use IGS. 5. rm -rf * 6.01/7. restore them into the current directory To deploy the optional IGSHELPER archive switch to the relevant local directory /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/<INSTANCE> on every instance and execute the command: <newkernel>/SAPCAR -xvf <newkernel>/IGSHELPER. start an initial copy of the executables. 8.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.2013 Page 9 of 19 . su . where <user> must have the UID 0. Oracle only: Unpack the DBATools with the following command: <newkernel>/SAPCAR -xvf <newkernel>/DBATL720O10.SAR Install the Oracle instant client as described in note 819829. which have a different name in Release 7. you must use the command "su <user>" instead of "su . Delete all of the files from the kernel directory. Delete all of the local executables on the individual instances. If there are files or directories that were saved in step 3. additional application servers/dialog 22. which is available in the kernel directory.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7.11 exit Important: On the operating system OS/390.sh <SAPSID> exit 12.03.sh. This ensures that there are no remaining files from the earlier release. you must unpack the IGS archive using the following command: <newkernel>/SAPCAR -xvf <newkernel>/igsexe.20 or are in a different place in a subdirectory. 11.root". lst b) For additional instances such as ASCS.00/7.2013 Page 10 of 19 . Log on as user <sapsid>adm and switch to the global host in your kernel directory.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7. for example: <drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\sys\exe\<uc|nuc> Rename the <platform> directory.01/7. "list".20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.save.lst If your system is running with the SAPJVM: sapcpe pf=/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/profile/<instance profile> source:<sapjvm directory> list:<sapjvm directory>/sapjvm_<version>. not by a newline character. for example <platform>.10/7. 2. "source") are separated by a white space.03.2 On Windows 1.lst NB: the arguments ("pf". see the step 9 above. 3. 22. Create a new directory <platform> and switch to this directory.11 instances): For ABAP-only systems: cd /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/<INSTANCE>/work sapcpe pf=/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/profile/<instance profile> For Dual-Stack systems: cd /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/<INSTANCE>/work sapcpe pf=/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/profile/<instance profile> If your system is running with the SAPJVM: sapcpe pf=/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/profile/<instance profile> source:<sapjvm directory> list:<sapjvm directory>/sapjvm_<version>. SCS and ERS (exist only in a cluster): cd /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/<INSTANCE>/work sapcpe pf=/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/profile/<instance profile> list:/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/exe/run/scs. Unpack the new kernel from the directory <newkernel> of the downloaded archive in the specified sequence. <sapjvm directory> means the location of the saved SAPJVM.lst For Java-only systems: cd /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/<INSTANCE>/work sapcpe pf=/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/profile/<instance profile> list:/usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/exe/run/j2eeinst. 4. To deploy the optional IGSHELPER archive.EXE -xvf <newkernel>\SAPEXEDB.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7.msi in the command box (or by double-clicking this file in the Windows Explorer).11 Important: Do not call SAPCAR.EXE directly without specifying a path.EXE -xvf <newkernel>\DBATL720O10.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7..sec d) the icu libraries icu*30. 6.2013 .01/7. Restore the following directories and files into the newly created directory if they exist in the <platform>.save directory a) the directory jvm or sapjvm* (e. Since executables from the local executable directories may already be executed for the start before sapcpe runs.EXE -xvf <newkernel>\IGSHELPER.SAR 4. <newkernel>\SAPCAR. delete all of the files (including the subdirectories). start an initial copy of Page 11 of 19 9.10/7.00/7.dll if they exist The directories jvm or sapjvm* and the file protect. instead. 22.SAR Install the Oracle instant client as described in note 998004. still logged in as <sapsid>adm. unpack the new IGS using the following command: <newkernel>\SAPCAR. use the specified directory structure. Before you start the system for the first time.lst c) the files rfcexec. Oracle only: Unpack the DBATools to the <platform> directory: <newkernel>\SAPCAR. and if you have a distributed system environment. switch to the relevant local directory on every instance. sapjvm_4) b) the file protect.EXE -xvf <newkernel>\igsexe. If you use IGS. On all instances in the directories <drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\<INSTANCE>\exe. Install the current C runtime library as per note 1553465 by executing vcredist_<platform>. rfcexec.dll or icu*34. 10.EXE -xvf <newkernel>\SAPEXE.SAR <newkernel>\SAPCAR. For example: primary application server instance: <drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\DVEBMGS<No> additional application server instance: <drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\D<No> - and execute the command <newkernel>\SAPCAR.sar 7. sapjvm.exe.SAR 8.lst only exist in the case of a Java or Dual-Stack implementation 5.g. perform this step manually on each node where a component of the system is configured to run.03. 11 the executables. "list".lst If your system is running with the SAPJVM: sapcpe pf=<drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\sys\profile\<instance profile> source:<sapjvm directory> list:<sapjvm directory>\sapjvm_<version>.> of primary application server instance and of every additional application server instance to active the new version Page 12 of 19 22. "source") are separated by a white space.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7. not by a line break. SCS and ERS (exist only in a cluster): <drive>: cd \usr\sap\<SAPSID>\<INSTANCE>\work sapcpe pf=<drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\sys\profile\<instance profile> list:<drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\sys\ exe\<uc|nuc>\<platform>\scs. a) For all application server instances (primary application server/central instance.00/7. Activate (Startup Type = Automatic) and start the Windows Services SAP<SID>_<INSTANCE no. 11. see the step 4 above. <sapjvm directory> means the location of the saved SAPJVM.lst b) For additional instances such as ASCS.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.01/7.2013 .lst For Java-only systems: <drive>: cd \usr\sap\<SAPSID>\<INSTANCE>\work sapcpe pf=<drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\sys\profile\<instance profile> list:<drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\sys\ exe\<uc|nuc>\<platform>\j2eeinst.lst NB: the arguments ("pf".10/7.03. additional application servers/dialog instances): For ABAP-only systems: <drive>: cd \usr\sap\<SAPSID>\<INSTANCE>\work sapcpe pf=<drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\sys\profile\<instance profile> For Dual-Stack systems: <drive>: cd \usr\sap\<SAPSID>\<INSTANCE>\work sapcpe pf=<drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\sys\profile\<instance profile> If your system is running with the SAPJVM: sapcpe pf=<drive>:\usr\sap\<SAPSID>\sys\profile\<instance profile> source:<sapjvm directory> list:<sapjvm directory>\sapjvm_<version>. Search for REPSRV. Point the current directory explicitly to the downloaded archives: CHGCURDIR '<newkernel>' Cleanup the library SAP_TOOLS if it exists.10/7.11 of sapstartsrv.lst.2013 .How to install a standalone gateway in a Microsoft Failover Cluster for Oracle) it is <oracle shared disk>:\sap\<DB-SID>\dbtools.01/7. check with the WRKSPLF command for spool files with error messages.SAR by program iletools into SAP_TOOLS (*LIB) .SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7. 3. these also need to be updated with the corresponding files from the kernel staging directory \\$(SAPGLOBALHOST)\sapmnt\<SAPSID>\sys\exe\<nuc|uc>\<platform>. If not. 22. MSCS only: 1. 4. 4.00/7. check whether library SAP_TOOLS exists now and has some objects in it. 5. On Windows Server 2003 (see Note 657999) the standalone gateway is installed in the <Windows>\SAPCLUSTER directory. 3. 2. On Windows Server 2008 and higher (see Note 1764650 .exe. - 4. Be sure to check if your Enqueue Replication Service is replicating again after starting the ERS instances If you have standalone gateway instances installed on cluster nodes.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.SAR iletools ILE_TOOLS.iletools') Since this call to QP2SHELL does not produce any output. otherwise you need not care CLRLIB SAP_TOOLS Extract the required tools from *SAVF file ILE_TOOLS in ILE. You have to follow step 6-10 also for the ERS instances on your cluster nodes. Set the authorities of the objects in SAP_TOOLS by these commands: ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(CLASSICUSERCONCEPT) VALUE('Y') ADDLIBLE SAP_TOOLS FIXSAPOWN *NONE SAP_TOOLS Page 13 of 19 2.03. Start and Stop the clustered (A)SCS instances and the appropriate SAP services using the cluster admin tool.3 On IBM i: Log on as a QSECOFR-type user and execute the following commands or actions: 1. Also see SAP Note 1596496 on how to update the SAP Resource Type DLL.lst in all Start Profile of the ERS instances (line Start_Program_00 =)and if it exists replace it with SCS.use 'Copy & Paste' to transfer the following command to your session and execute it: CALL QP2SHELL PARM('/QOpenSys/usr/bin/csh' '-c' 'SAPCAR -xvf ILE. 20 kernel and can no longer be freely selected.) Log on as <SAPSID>ADM and execute the following commands for importing the new kernel: 1.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7. You are now in the new 7.2013 Page 14 of 19 .10/7. run command ADDENVVAR ENVVAR(CLASSICUSERCONCEPT) VALUE('Y') Check that all instance. errors were corrected at a later date.00/7..10.) If you change a system with a 7. For SAP systems with a release lower than 7. Log off and then log on again with <SAPSID>ADM. These are available in SAP Support Portal (http://service. 6./uc of the previous directory in future (/usr/sap/<sapsid>/SYS/exe/run/uc/sapstartsrv . 4.03. 5. use the opportunity and change it now in accordance with Note 1149318 because future upgrade or update paths require the new user concept and they can only use the faster storage management with SHM_SEGS after the changeover (see Note 808607). you must change the entry so that sapstartsrv is started from the subdirectory .10/7. 2. Apply all archives in <newkernel> simultaneously to the system: APYSIDKRN SID(<SAPSID>) ARCHIVES('<newkernel>/*') SAVSAR(*NONE) MODE(*FULLY) CHGENV(*NO) UPDAPAR(*NO) Remove the SQL packages left over from using the old kernel: DLTR3PKG SID(<SAPSID>) 3..20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.1 CAUTION: Retroactive kernel patches In some executables (in particular.11(7. For 7.sap. 22..11 6. disp+work).11 set it to: DIR_CT_RUN = $(DIR_EXE_ROOT)/$(OS_UNICODE)/as400_pase_64 (for Windows: DIR_CT_RUN = $(DIR_EXE_ROOT)\$(OS_UNICODE)\ntamd64 ) Please remove any DLTOLDPKG call from all start profiles.10 or 7.01 environment set it to: DIR_CT_RUN = $(DIR_EXE_ROOT)/run (for Windows instances: DIR_CT_RUN = $(DIR_EXE_ROOT)\run ).com/swdc). because with the 7. Additional steps 5. check the contents of the file /usr/sap/sapservices. You must apply these kernel patches in any case. If missing in a 7.00/7..01/7.20 environment with the kernel library SAP<sapsid>IND. 5.).and start-profiles of the system contain the parameter DIR_CT_RUN. if it is not set.. For further information please refer to note 1657890. ADDLIBLE SAP_TOOLS Check whether the environment variable CLASSICUSERCONCEPT is set by the login process (use WRKENVVAR).1 Enhancement Package 1) kernel to the 7. If sapstartsrv is started under the name sapstartsrvu (/usr/sap/<sapsid>/SYS/exe/run/sapstartsrvu .20 Kernel DLTOLDPKG will be started by STARTSAP automatically. (Caution: The name of the kernel library is predefined after you import the 7.20 kernel and have not yet changed the user concept.. To do this. proceed as follows: On UNIX: Execute the following commands as user <sapsid>adm: 1. Search Documentation for o o "Installing the SAP Cryptographic Library on the AS ABAP" "Installing the SAP Cryptographic Library on the AS Java" (enter the search string with quotation marks).PFL: system/type = DS In all (Dnn.2 Additional manual changes in Dual-Stack and Java-only systems This step applies only to releases 7. http://help.4. o Only necessary in case of a Dual-Stack system: you must set the following parameter in the default system profile DEFAULT.2013 Page 15 of 19 .SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7. Release "7. 2.com. you have to install them again.3 Reinstalling SAPCRYPTOLIB If you use SAPCRYPTOLIB.SAR On IBM i: On IBM i. The 720 versions of the kernel do not contain the program rfcexec (UNIX and 22. CD \USR\SAP\<SAPSID>\SYS\EXE\RUN <newkernel>\SAPCAR. 2. Product Type "SAP NetWeaver". you must set the following parameter: FN_JSTART = jcontrol$(FT_EXE) o 5. JCnn. Jnn.0 EHP2". you do not have to install any further programs.sap.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7. step 1. etc.EXE -xvf <newkernel>\<additional package>. The installation procedure is also described in the SAP Help Portal.1 Copying executable files from NetWeaver RFC SDK 720. 5. 5.) instance profiles.00 and 7.03.4 Reinstalling additional programs If you had installed additional programs such as the RFC Library.10/7. DVEBMGSnn.00/7.SAR On Windows: Execute the following commands as user <SAPSID>ADM: 1. reinstall it according to SAP Note 510007. 5.01/7.11 Read Note 19466 (Downloading SAP kernel patches) or Note 1097751 for IBM i. cd /usr/sap/<SAPSID>/SYS/exe/run <newkernel>/SAPCAR -xvf <newkernel>/<additional package>.01. 0 (7.00 and NW 7.00) and lower: You have to disable the integrated CCMS agents in sapstartsrv of the upgraded system and use standalone CCMS agents instead.11 IBM i) or rfcexec.03.10/7.to move to a new version of these files.00 and NW 7. it is necessary to check the following scenarios: o You upgraded the monitored system: CEN system is based on SAP_BASIS 7. sapccm4x for the central monitoring of pure ABAP and Dual-Stack systems. To prevent errors from occurring.5 Special features for the syslog (ABAP-only and Dual-Stack systems) Due to the situation described in note 1517379.01. 5.01 systems only) The 7.01): The registration of the integrated CCMS agents from the central system needs to be repeated. Please proceed as outlined in note 1368389.0 EhP 1 (7.01/7. by following the steps described above for UNIX or Windows.exe (Windows) any longer. section "Solution". Please refer to SAP Notes 1581595 and 1025361for detailed instructions and further information.6 Dynamic work processes (NW 7. If a syslog file already exists in the new format because this parameter has not been set from the very beginning.2013 .00/7.20 kernel supports the dynamic increase of the number of work processes at runtime. the existing syslog files have to be deleted. Please follow the instructions given in SAP Help Page 16 of 19 - 22.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7. the syslog will still be written in the new format even if the parameter has been set in the meantime. you have to set the profile parameter rslg/new_layout = 9. contained in the NW RFC SDK 720. However.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7. For various reasons. In that case. the old versions of these programs are kept (for IBM i these steps are ignored). As this might break some application scenarios. it is highly recommended . sapccmsr -j2ee for the central monitoring of pure Java systems. 5. this function is not fully compatible with NW 7.7 Configuration of the CCMS central monitoring Depending on the SAP kernel release of the monitored system you upgraded from and depending on the release of the central monitoring system (CEN). CEN system is based on SAP_BASIS 7.and for IBM i it is mandatory . deactivate it by setting the following parameters: rdisp/wp_no_restricted = 0 rdisp/configurable_wp_no = 0 rdisp/dynamic_wp_check = FALSE 5. 4 CCMS Monitoring issues In case of any issues with the CCMS monitoring after the kernel upgrade. "On Unix". 6.10/7. 22.' You can ignore this message because the load is automatically regenerated.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.check Note 1825259.3 Load format of ABAP programs After you start the SAP system with the new kernel. while the original kernel was still running.2.1 AS Java or Dual-Stack systems with release 7. 6.8.00 or 7.1. check the following points: o The minimum support packages and patch levels have been installed as described in section "Attention" under "Reason and Prerequisites". For more information see Note 185745.lst have been saved and restored as described in Section 4.00/7. you should now install Note 1610716. sapjvm: The directory jvm or sapjvm or the file protect. section "Attention".SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7.com/saphelp_nwpi71/helpdata/EN/44/893e933dc912 d3e10000000a422035/content. in particular the section "Local monitoring in the upgraded double-stack system". o You upgraded the central system: No reconfiguration is necessary. 6 System Start Start the SAP system with the new kernel and check the poins below if relevant. steps 3 and 9 Section 4. It is also possible to regenerate these ABAP loads directly using transaction SGEN.htm).2 DDIC_TYPELENG_INCONSISTENT short dumps If you did not handle the DDIC_TYPELENG_INCONSISTENT issue. check note 1667336.11 (http://help. Check your environment on Linux and UNIX platforms On all UNIX/Linux platforms with deactivated interactive user logon for <sidadm> user . the following message is displayed in the system log: 'Load format of PROGRAM not valid. "On Windows". SAP note 1667336 contains a detailed description for every case. step 4 o 6.01/7. 6.sap.01 If the Java instance or even the complete system does not start. 5. which is described in chapter "Reason and Prerequisites".2013 Page 17 of 19 .03. 03..NoClassDefFoundError: com/sap/tc/webdynpro/service Message server: crash during URL handler load SAP Kernel 721: General Information Islamic calendars: Initial dates not handled correctly Usage of the downward compatible kernel 721 (EXT) Installation of kernel 721 (EXT) Maintenance tools on request Diagnostics Agent .20 7.lang.20EXT 7.00/7.20EXT 7.20EXT 701 711 7.20EXT 7.How to upgrade SAP Kernel IBM i: Prepare Installation Kits for Usage with DCK Kernel IBM i: collectSystemInfo: sid DLT .20 7.11 Header Data Release Status: Released on: Master Language: Priority: Category: Primary Component: Released for Customer 20.10 7.10 7.10 7.00 and 720 DCK SAP Kernel 720 and 721: Versions and Kernel Patch Levels java.20 7..20 To Release 7.20 7.20 and Subsequent Related Notes Number 1825259 1785100 1781218 1780629 1760861 1744209 1738769 1737262 1728283 1722035 1716826 1713986 1709911 1707141 1707012 1702912 1687173 Short Text UNIX sapstartsrv: the system does not start with 720 kernel Internet Explorer 10 Release Notes Spontaneous code page conversion error after DB recoonect AIX: Minimal OS Requirements for SAP Kernel CCMS: DSR statistics with SAP_BASIS 7.20EXT 7.20EXT 7.03.01/7. does not match sid DLT IBM i: Collection of notes about the 7.20 7.2013 Page 18 of 19 .20 7.20EXT 700 710 7.20EXT 70 71 72 From Release 7.20EXT 7.20 7.20EXT 7.20EXT 7.20EXT 7.SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7.20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.10/7.2013 17:56:44 English Recommendations/additional info Upgrade information BC-CST Client/Server Technology Valid Releases Software Component KRNL32NUC KRNL32NUC KRNL32UC KRNL32UC KRNL64NUC KRNL64NUC KRNL64UC KRNL64UC SAP_BASIS SAP_BASIS KERNEL Release 7.20 kernel 22.10 7.20 7. 20 Kernel (DCK) on MS SQL Server Deadlock on table REPOSRC when importing into running system Oracle 11.10/7. 7.01/7.03.2013 Page 19 of 19 .20 kernel in SAP Web AS 7.Export control Mass generation due to incorrect load format Downloading SAP kernel patches 22.20 Downward-Compatible Kernel SAP Kernel 720 will replace older kernel versions Correcting runtime objects with incorrect alignment SAPCAR: Signed archive SAP HANA connection rfcexec and startrfc missing after upgrade Linux Requirements for 7.20 (DCK) IBM i: STARTSAP calling DLTOLDPKG via instance profile UnsatisfiedLinkError or InvocationTargetException in JMonAPI Usage of the 7.0 to 7.2.11 Number 1669684 1667336 1657890 1652660 1633731 1629598 1610716 1598550 1597627 1581595 1563102 1553465 1553301 1553300 1517379 1487269 1467086 1454536 1431794 1423600 1341097 1163719 1149318 1119735 1097751 1031096 1028690 998004 808607 684106 510007 447519 397175 185745 19466 Short Text SAP on Oracle Solaris 11 CCMS Monitoring with Kernel 7.20 EXT Kernel .Extended Kernel Maintenance Which system log format does the 720 kernel write? Installation of kernel 720 in SAP MaxDB-based SAP systems SAP 7.00/7.1 iSeries: Info & recommendations for kernel libraries Installing Package SAPHOSTAGENT True Type Fonts delivered with IGS Update the Oracle Instant Client on Windows iSeries: Memory management in a system based on PASE Microsoft runtime DLLs Setting up SSL on Web Application Server ABAP Kernel patches for code pages.dll CCMS: Incorrect version of the JMON library User concept conversion using tool CONVUSRCPT CCMS agents: Upgrade of monitored systems from 7.20 EXT Kernel .SAP Note 1636252 Installing a 7.Usage 7.0* on SQL 2000.0: Instant Client iSeries: Note in work process trace: "locale is missing" MSSQL: 720 DCK. languages and locales SAP Cryptographic Software . dbmssslib_oledb.20 EXT and higher kernel Prerequisites for running the 720/721 EXT kernel on Windows 7.
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