7. 9 April 2013 Pengecapan

March 26, 2018 | Author: Aditya Dana Iswara | Category: Taste, Human Digestive System, Animal Anatomy, Anatomy, Organ (Anatomy)



Physiology of TasteProf. Dr. Jenny Sunariani , drg., MS Oral Biology S1 FKG - UnAir 9 April 2013 Digestive System Major Parts of the Machine food, water intake oxygen intake Based on: Starr, C. Biology: Concepts and Applications, Brooks/Cole Digestive System nutrients, water, salts Respiratory System elimination of carbon dioxide oxygen carbon dioxide Circulatory System water solutes elimination of food residues rapid transport to and from all living cells Urinary System elimination of excess water salts, wastes Digestive System Mouth Salivary Glands amylase Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Gastric Glands HCl and pepsin Pancreas amylase. trypsin. lipase Liver bile Small Intestine Large Intestine maltase and peptidase . UnAir 9 April 2013 . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .Saliva Prof. Jenny Sunariani . drg. Dr.. drg.. Dr. Jenny Sunariani . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .Related: – Body Fluid – Ren – Ion (kation and anion) Prof.UnAir 9 April 2013 . The Salivary Glands Prof. drg. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .UnAir 9 April 2013 . Dr. Jenny Sunariani .. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .. .UnAir 9 April 2013 .Decreasing fluid intake . breathlessness. secretions • Mucosa / conjunctiva care Prof. caregivers – dehydration does not cause distress – dehydration may be protective • Parenteral fluids may be harmful – fluid overload. • Oral rehydrating fluids • Fears: dehydration. cough. . Jenny Sunariani . drg. Dr. thirst • Remind families. . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .Nervous control of salivary secretion • endpieces and ducts are innervated by parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves • the main agonists are ACh (parasympathetic) and noradrenaline (sympathetic) • main stimulus of secretion is from the parasympathetic pathway acting via signals from the salivary nuclei • excited by both taste and tactile areas of the tongue Prof. Dr. drg. Jenny Sunariani .UnAir 9 April 2013 . saliva serving to dilute the digesta Jenny Sunariani Kuliah Biologi Oral S1 FKG-Unair 4 May 2012 .• also excited via stimuli arriving at the salivary nuclei from higher centres of CNS .such as smell or thinking of food • salivation also occurs in response to reflexes from stomach and upper intestines following gastric irritability . Digestive Secretions: Ions and water – Ions: H+.antiporter . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .Facilitated diffusion – Ion channels • Na+. Cl. Na+.Active transport . K+. drg. Jenny Sunariani . K+. Cl– From interstitial fluid to the GIT lumen across epithelial basolateral and apical membranes – H2O follows osmotic gradient thus created – Transporters: • • • • Na+/K+ ATPase H+/K+ ATPase Na+/K+/2Cl.channels Prof. Dr. HCO3-. Cl-/HCO3.symporter..UnAir 9 April 2013 . Dr.UnAir 9 April 2013 ..special senses TASTE Prof. Jenny Sunariani . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . drg. UnAir 9 April 2013 . drg.Taste: Must be disolved in saliva Na channel open  Potensial action Correlation with body need: • Adrenalectomy animal : drink electrolit water • Hypogicemia : sweet Prof. Jenny Sunariani .. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . Dr. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . Dr. drg.Prof. Jenny Sunariani ..UnAir 9 April 2013 14 . Jenny Sunariani . drg.. Dr.Respons Test on Receptors Cells Prof. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .UnAir 9 April 2013 15 . Dr. Prof.The taste buds located in papillae on the tongue contain taste cells that communicate with sensory nerve fibers. or bitter tastes. salty. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . sour.. The brain determines the taste according to a “weighted average” of incoming impulses from taste buds sensitive to either sweet.UnAir 9 April 2013 . drg. Microvilli on taste cells contain receptor proteins that match chemicals in food. Jenny Sunariani . Most sensitive – d. Jenny Sunariani . Fungiform (mushroom shape) • Scattered irregularly – c. Vallate (surrounded by a wall) • Largest.Taste • Papillae (named according to shape) – a. Foliate (leaf shape) • Distributed in folds on the side of the tongue. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . Dr. drg. Filiform (filament shape) Embedded in epithelium of the tongue and mouth Prof. not many – b.UnAir 9 April 2013 .. proteins and amino acids . Taste types – Sour – H ion/acids – Salty – metal ions/inorganics salt – Sweet – carbohydrat.alkaloids such as quinine. and sugars) – Bitter . caffeine.Histology two types of specialized epithelial cells – Support cells (exterior support capsule) – Gustatory or taste cells (inside taste bud) •Microvilli called gustatory hairs extend from apex to the gustatory or taste pore. proteins (amino acids. nicotine – Umami – glutamate. • Function – Receptors on hairs detect dissolved substances • Taste sensation. Dr. drg.Prof.UnAir 9 April 2013 . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .. Jenny Sunariani . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . drg. taste pore. taste cells..Anterior tounge: sensitive to changes of:     Temperature Tactile Pain Pressure Taste bud: ephiteliun cells. Dr. Jenny Sunariani .UnAir 9 April 2013 . supporting cells. Prof. taste hair. Jenny Sunariani .Taste (Gustation) 1.UnAir 9 April 2013 21 .oral cavity (mostly in papillae of tongue) 2. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . Location . Dr.anterior 2/3 of tongue) • and glossopharyngeal (posterior 1/3) * lower pharynx and epiglottis: vagus Prof.. Structures/receptors chemoreceptors (respond to chemicals dissolved in saliva) 3. Nerve pathways from taste buds in: * mouth/tongue: • facial . drg. Dr. Jenny Sunariani . drg.UnAir 9 April 2013 22 . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG ..Taste Pathways Prof. Taste Synapses – facial. hypothalamus and cerebral limbic system • NOTE: – receptors for taste and smell complement each other and respond to many of the same stimuli – most (~80%) of what we call taste is really smell – mouth also contains: thermoreceptors.. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . mechanoreceptors. nociceptors (carried by trigeminal nerve) Prof. Jenny Sunariani . hypothalamus and cerebral limbic system • Final destinations: – gustatory area (parietal lobe). Dr. glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves carry impulses to medulla – some fibers from medulla synapse with parasympathetic fibers to initiate reflexes for saliva and gastric juice secretion (also gagging or vomiting) – other fibers from medulla carry impulses to thalamus – fibers from thalamus carry impulses to gustatory area (parietal lobe).UnAir 9 April 2013 23 . drg. Taste Bud • Integration centre: Brain stem Nuclei of Tr. Salivatorius N. I for tongue area Nucl.IX (glossopharyngeus) . VII (Facialis) Submaxillaris gland Inf. sup S A L I V A R E F L E X E S P a t h w a y s Submandibularis gland Saliva Scretion Parotis Gland: served by N. Solitarius Nucleus ventral posterior medial Thalamus Lower tip of the gyrus post centralis cortex parietalis near by SSA. .UnAir 9 April 2013 25 . Prof. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . Dr. Jenny Sunariani .Taste pathway: 1/3 posterior  IX aferent 2/3 anterior  VII aferent Pharynx/Glottis  X aferent Gustatory to contralateral ventro-postero-medialis talamus ( VPM) cortex of gustatory ( parietalis). drg. UnAir 9 April 2013 26 . drg.Prof. Jenny Sunariani .. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . Dr. • Ionotropic Receptor  Na channels sensitive  Na channels voltagegate.Mechanism of Salty Transduction • Prototip: cooking salt  ion of Na. Jenny Sunariani . Na depolarisasi ion influks of Ca Release of NT salty Prof. drg.. • Receptor sensitive toinsulator of amiloride. • Ion of Na (salty)  dif. Dr. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .UnAir 9 April 2013 . UnAir 9 April 2013 . Jenny Sunariani . depolarisasi ion canal of Ca open ion influks of Ca release of NT transmission of impul nerve of aferen.Mechanism of Acid Transduction • Receptor 2 way of : 1.. Ion of H/diffusion proton via canal of Na amiloride ion of H close ion canal of K 2. Prof. Dr. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . drg. Mechanism of Sweet Transduction Sweet Molecule: R metabotropik = NA G-protein. Jenny Sunariani . drg. Dr. and c-AMP of PKA ion channel fosforilisasi of K ion channel of K close Depolarisasi Sweet Prof..UnAir 9 April 2013 . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . 1. Compound of Ca2+ and quinine pass short band=feel BITTERLY closing ion canal of K depolarisasi Ca influks etc. Dr. drg. Prof.Mechanism of Transduction Feel Bitterly • 2 way transdution : 1.UnAir 9 April 2013 .. Band of Metabotropik : G-protein II system messenger cascade of phosphoinositol C phospholipase traphosphat inositol ion of Ca ER release of NT. Jenny Sunariani . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . arginin) Anticipated y there is 2 way of transduction: Ionotropik Receptor ion canal of Na open Ca influks 2.. drg. Dr. Prof. Metabotropik Receptor: system cAMP and phosphoinositol. Jenny Sunariani .Mechanism of Transduction Feel Deliciously Feel acid of amino (glutamat.UnAir 9 April 2013 . . Summary . drg. Jenny Sunariani . Dr. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG ..Innate and Learned Taste Preferences • Specific Hunger – An innate taste preference – Refers to ability of animals to compensate for deficiencies in diet by selecting foods with missing nutrients – Example: damage to adrenal cortex can impair sodium retention by kidney leading to seeking out of salty foods Prof.UnAir 9 April 2013 . . drg. Jenny Sunariani .UnAir 9 April 2013 . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .Genetika Taste receptors Prof. Dr. type 2. TRB5 T2R9. member 3 taste receptor. member 3 taste receptor. member 7 taste receptor. type 2. type 2. type 2. type 1. TRB6 T2R10. member 4 taste receptor. member 10 taste receptor. type 1. member 1 taste receptor. type 2. member 9 taste receptor. type 2. member 14 taste receptor. member 1 taste receptor. type 1.TAS1R1 TAS1R2 TAS1R3 TAS2R1 TAS2R3 TAS2R4 TAS2R5 TAS2R7 TAS2R8 TAS2R9 TAS2R10 TAS2R13 TAS2R14 TAS2R16 taste receptor. member 13 taste receptor. member 16 T1R1. member 8 taste receptor. TRB2 T2R13. type 2. TRB7 T2R3 T2R4 T2R5 T2R7. type 2. type 2. TRB1 T2R16 . type 2. member 2 taste receptor. TRB3 T2R14. type 2. member 5 taste receptor. TR2 T1R3 T2R1. TRB4 T2R8. TR1 T1R2. drg. Jenny Sunariani . Dr..Appetide • • • • • • • • • • Colour Smell Memori Tactile Temperatur Kinesthetica Gen Leptin Grehlin NPY Prof.UnAir 9 April 2013 . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . Wiener et al.2002. • Kurus-tidak suka makan panjang umur Centenarian: Prof. Dr. drg. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .UnAir 9 April 2013 orang-orang yang hidup 100 tahun lebih . helicin. • Gen TAS2R16 salah satu gen Famili yang paling banyak dipelajari dalam famili reseptor rasa pahit (Li et al... sinigrin. arbutin.. • Gen: deteksi salicin dan senyawa pahit alami lainnya: natrium benzoate.Zam Zam: 2013 • taste 2 receptors (TAS2R): Reseptor rasa pahit dikode oleh family gen (Behrens et al. 2007)..2011). amygdalin.. 2011). dsalicin. Jenny Sunariani . danfenil beta-D-glucopyranosid (Bufe et al. Lep for leptin) is located on chromosome 7 in humans. Dr.UnAir 9 April 2013 . • The Ob(Lep) gene (Ob for obese.. including appetite/hunger and metabolism. drg. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . • It functions by binding to the leptin receptor. Jenny Sunariani . Prof.• Leptin (Greek λεπτός (leptos) meaning thin) is a 16-kDa protein hormone • plays a key role in regulating energy intake and energy expenditure. • It is one of the most important adipose-derived hormones. • • • . the level of ghrelin is reduced in patients.Grehlin • hormone produced mainly by P/D1 cells lining the fundus of the human stomach and epsilon cells of the pancreas stimulates hunger. thus causing satiation before it would normally occur. which induces satiation when present at higher levels. increase before meals and decrease after meals. In some bariatric procedures. produced by adipose tissue. counterpart of the hormone leptin. [1][ • • . and is thought to have several functions. including: increasing food intake and storage of energy as fat. affecting the circadian rhythm.[ In the brain it is produced in various locations including the hypothalamus. reducing pain perception.NPY = Neuropeptide Y • 36-amino acid neuropeptide that acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain and in the autonomic nervous system In the ANS is mainly produced by neurons of the sympathetic nervous system and serves as a strong vasoconstrictor and also causes growth of fat tissue. reducing anxiety and stress. lowering blood pressure and controlling epileptic seizures. reducing voluntary alcohol intake. drg. Jenny Sunariani . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . Dr..UnAir 9 April 2013 .Pain in Taste Prof. . Jenny Sunariani .UnAir 9 April 2013 . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .Substance: From: • Capsaicin: Chili • Khavaisin: Pepper Prof. drg. Dr. 2005) .Hot Taste: Nociceptor in Taste (N.V) (modification by Jenny Sunariani. Prof. drg. neuralgia. Rubefacient and counter-irritant • Used for local pain. Jenny Sunariani .UnAir 9 April 2013 .Stimulant: Capsicum or Cayenne CAPSICUM ANNUUM External: • topical stimulant. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . pleurodynia. chronic rheumatic pains. Dr. intercostals neuralgia. • Can be used to promote circulation and tissue repair in gum disease. toothache. lumbago. pharyngitis and hoarseness (gargle).. chilblains. Prof. after an initial stimulation..Capsicum • Capsaicin inhibits release of neurotransmitter substance P. Jenny Sunariani . MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . Dr. drg. increases duodenal motility. • Increases mucosal blood flow and vascular permeability.UnAir 9 April 2013 . which afford protection against ulcers (also when stimulated by acid). • It stimulates adrenal secretion from the medulla (adrenaline) and cortex (cortisol). Inhibits gastric motility. • Stimulates sensitive areas in stomach and duodenum. • It reduces serum triglycerides. Gastric flatulence Prof.UnAir 9 April 2013 . Raynaud's.. Stimulant and tonic to the gastro-intestinal tract. Membranes pale. Chronic gastric catarrh in absence of inflammation. drg. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG . Impaired secretion. Dr.Capsicum or Cayenne Internal: stimulant to heart and circulation. Peripheral circulatory insufficiency. intermittent claudication. relaxed. Jenny Sunariani . Atonic dyspepsia. or flabby. Capsicum Interaction • Ace inhibitors: capsicum has the ability to normalize both low and high blood pressure and is often used to equalize blood pressure; Hence capsaicin may interfere with the blood-pressure regulating functions of ACE inhibitors. Capsaicin may also aggravate cough due to ace-inhibitor drugs. Prof. Dr. Jenny Sunariani , drg., MS Oral Biology S1 FKG - UnAir 9 April 2013 Capsicum Interaction • Anticoagulants & Antiplatelet drugs • Increases coagulants effect and also has a additive effect so monitor pt/inr • Barbiturates : Increased or decreased effect, depending on the length of time capsaicin is administered Prof. Dr. Jenny Sunariani , drg., MS Oral Biology S1 FKG - UnAir 9 April 2013 TASTE PATHWAY • Primary afferents parts of cranial nerves VII, IX and X which go to brainstem • 2nd order neurons project to ipsilateral thalamus • 3rd order neurons --> taste cortex MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .Also Find in Gut: Prof. Jenny Sunariani .. drg.UnAir 9 April 2013 . Dr. Taste 2. pancreas) 1. insulin) . Endocrine gland responds (eg. glucose) 3. Hormone secreted (eg. Change in ion or nutrient levels in blood (eg. . 56/Dikti/Kep/2005 Unair 3 Jenny Sunariani . Majalah Ilmu Faal Indonesia Vol.1995 Akreditasi Dirjen Dikti No. Juni ISSN 0215. 2 Perubahan Konsentrasi IL-1 dan Gustducin Terhadap Rasa Pengecap Pahit pada Demam Bitter Taste In Inflammation Jenny Sunariani. Mutia Rochmawati.1995 Akreditasi Dirjen Dikti No. No. Abstract e journal-Folia Sunarko Setyawan Medica Fakultas Kedokteran 2005 Majalah Ilmu Faal Indonesia Vol. Anis Irmawati dan Jenny Sunariani.2005 1 Perbedaan Derajat Keasaman (pH) Saliva akibat Pemakaian Jangka Panjang Pasta Gigi Berdeterjen Sodium Lauryl Sulphate 5% dengan pasta gigi Non Deterjen. 1. 56/Dikti/Kep/2005. 8.7 No. 1 Oktober 2007 ISSN 0215. 2 April–Juni 2008 ISSN. 0303-7932 Accredited No. 3 July-September 2008 Issn. 44 No. 48/Dikti/Kep/2006 1 Change Of IL-1 Concentration And Intracellular Calcium (Ca2+Ic) As An Indicator Of Increased Bitter Taste In Thypoid Fever Jenny Sunariani Folia Medica Indonesiana Vol.2006/2007 1 Effect Of IL-1 and Gustducin Expression Change On Bitter Taste During Fever Jenny Sunariani Majalah Kedokteran Gigi (Dental Journal) Vol. 41 No. 167/DIKTI/Kep/2007 . 0852-9027 Terakreditasi No. 1995 Akreditasi Dirjen Dikti No.6 No. Pengecapan Rasa Asin Antara Yuliati. 3 July-September 2008 Issn. 3 Juni 2007 ISSN 0215. 44 No. 56/Dikti/Kep/2005 2007 Folia Medica Indonesiana Vol.2007 2 Perbedaan Persepsi Jenny Sunariani. 167/DIKTI/Kep/2007 3 Change Of IL-1 Concentration Jenny Sunariani And Intracellular Calcium (Ca2+Ic) As An Indicator Of Increased Bitter Taste In Thypoid Fever . Bestari Aflah Usia Subur dan Usia Lanjut Majalah Ilmu Faal Indonesia Vol. 0303-7932 Accredited No. Anis Irmawati 4 Comparision of sour taste Upayati Ifarum.2008 1 Efek Perubahan Warna Minuman Terhadap Persepsi Rasa Pengecapan Sandra. Jenny Sunariani. Yuliati. Medan 06-08 Agustus 2008 Kongres Nasional XIII IAIFI Seminar Nasional XVII IAIFI Hotel Garuda Plaza. Jenny tooth paste and detergen tooth Sunariani . Anis Irmawati 3 Olivia Ekaputra Winata. Jenny Sunariani. Maret 2008 Kongres Nasional XIII IAIFI Seminar Nasional XVII IAIFI Hotel Garuda Plaza. 0024 – 9548. Jenny Sunariani Jurnal PDGI ISSN. September 2 Mekanisme Peningkatan Sensitivitas Indera Pengecap Umami Akibat Pemberian Monosodium Glutamat (MSG) pada Usia Lanjut Korelasi Antara Massa Tubuh Dengan Sensitivitas Indera Pengecap Rasa Manis Khoirun Nisa. Edisi Khusus Kongres PDGI XXIII. Medan 06-08 Agustus 2008 Dimuat dalam e-jurnal Biology Oral FKG UNAIR Vol 1 No 1. Anis sensitivity between detergen Irmawati. Lidah dengan Usus. Yuliati. . 2009sional tahun Change During Fever. 2009 2 3 Effect Of Gustducin and Calcium Jenny Sunariani. Hibah Penulisan Interna Intracelluler (Ca2+Ic) Expression Sunarko Setyawan. Hubungan Fisiologis Neuroepitel Jenny Sunariani.2009 1 Ekspresi Gustducin pada saluran Jenny Sunariani. Pencernaan. Disajikan dalam Seminar Rutin Biologi Oral -FKG 2009 Disajikan dalam Seminar Ilmiah Rutin IAIFI cabang Surabaya. W.W Di sajikan dalam Seminar di IAIFI di Palembang. Anis Irmawati.2010 1 Perubahan Sensitivitas Indera Pengecap Rasa Manis Akibat Latihan Fisik Aerobik. Anis Irmawati. Sophia E. Jenny Sunariani. 14 s/d 17 Oktober 2010. 2010 Di sajikan dalam Seminar di IAIFI di Palembang. 14 s/d 17 Oktober 2010. Jenny Sunariani Bella Novalina. Perbandingan persepsi Rasa Manis antara pemberian chlorhexidine Gluconate dan Povidonelodine Ni Luh Putu A. Jenny Sunariani Ni Luh Putu A. 2010 2010 2 3 .W. Perubahan Sensitivitas Indera Pengecap Rasa Manis Akibat Latihan Fisik Aerobik. Jenny Sunariani. Ester Arijani 2011 . Agung Sosiawan 2011 Duo Denum 2 Efek Leptin terhadap perubahan tinggi epitel papilla fungiformis pada tikus wistar dengan kondisi Diabetes Melitus (DM)Tipe 2 Perubahan morfologik Chief Cells pada tikus diabetes Melitus (DM) tipe 2 2011 3 2011 4 Perbedaan sensitivitas indera pengecap rasa asin pada wanita menopause dan Postmenopause Elfa Rushdah Ekandini. Jenny Sunariani. An’nisa Chusida Lia Betsyba N. Sophia Eleonora Hermin Sulistyorini. Jenny Sunariani. Jenny Sunariani.2011 1 Efek sodium Lauryl Sulphate terhadap perubahan Vili Intestinal Nino Mayangsari. 2012 Jenny Sunariani . Jenny model Diabetes Melitus tipe 2 Sunariani.2012 1 Perubahan morfologik sel Hepatosit Fika Ariesta akibat pemberian Leptin pada tikus Agustine. Edhi Jularso 2011 2 Perbedaan sensitivitas pengecap rasa asin antara kebiasaan mengkonsumsi makanan pedas dan mengkonsumsi makanan tidak pedas Raindika Putri A. .2013 1-8 Sedang berjalan Penelitian Leptin –diabet dalam rongga mulut (8 komponen) Neurobiology and Neurochemistry of the taste Irham. Aflah. Diesta. Sari. Donny.... ... Diesta. Bowo Marriot... 30 April 2013 9 . Jenny Sunariani . Dr.Prof.. drg. MS Oral Biology S1 FKG .UnAir 9 April 2013 .
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