
March 21, 2018 | Author: Prasanta Jena | Category: Mechanical Engineering, Academic Degree, Engineering, Technology, Further Education



www.nijuktikhabar.net œÿç ¾ ë N ÿç Q¯ÿÀÿ xÿæLÿ{Àÿ {œÿ{àÿ 1¯ÿÌöLÿë s 312.00 6þæÓLÿë s.156.00 3þæÓLÿë s 78.00 sZÿæ þœÿçAÝöÀÿ/¯ÿ¿æZÿ xÿ÷æüÿu AæLÿæÀÿ{Àÿ ¨vÿæB ¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ > Manager, Nijukti Khabar, TS-3/193, Mancheswar I.E., Bhubaneswar - 10 NIJUKTI KHABAR RNI No. 52621/93 Employment & Education based leading weekly 22É ¯ÿÌö ÓóQ¿æ- 36 VOLL.XXII ISSUE - 36 µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´Àÿ BHUBANESWAR URGENT TECHNICAL NIJUKTI (BHUSAN, IOCL, BRG) HÝçÉæ{Àÿ ¯ÿçµÿçŸ PLANT{Àÿ Qæàÿç$¯# ÿæ ¨’ÿ¯ÿê ¨íÀÿ~ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ¨æBô ¨÷æ$öê/¨÷æ$#œö ÿê Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ> ¨÷æ$öêþæœÿZÿ ¨æBô ÀÿÜÿç¯ÿæ, QæB¯ÿæ, {¯ÿæœÿÓÀÿ Óë¯ÿç™æ Adç> PLANT{Àÿ Qæàÿç$¯# ÿæ ×æœÿ: ¨æÀÿæ’ÿê¨, µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´Àÿ, AœÿëSÁë ÿ, ¾æf¨ëÀÿ, læÀÿÓëSÝ ë æ, Óºàÿ¨ëÀÿ, †ÿæÁÿ{`ÿÀÿ > {¾æS¿†ÿæ: 10th, +2, +3, ITI(All Branch), Diploma(All Branch). B.Tech(All Branch), MBA, MCA. {¨æÎ: Worker45, Supervisor-85, Incharge-80, Engg-130, ITI(F/E)-130, Helper-80, Operator-40, Maintenance Officer-30, Dataentry-35, Security Guard-80. Aæß: 7,500/- Àÿë 24,800 + T.A., D.A., E.S.I., E.P.F. BbÿëLÿ ¨÷æ$öê Certificate Xerox copy, 2sæ Photo ÓÜÿç†ÿ œÿçþ§ vÿçLÿ~æ{Àÿ {¾æSæ{¾æS LÿÀÿ;ÿë> S.S.E.I Link Road, Surya Vihar (Near Nishamani Cenema Hall), Cuttack-753012. Mob: 7873330761, 8093784129, 0671-6555515 vÿçLÿ~æ Óë¯ÿ‚ÿö Óë{¾æS Óë¯ÿ‚ÿö Óë{¾æS ASÀÿ¯ÿ†ÿç H {¨¨Àÿ {¨âs †ÿçAæÀÿç {þÓçœÿ W{Àÿ ¯ÿÓæ;ÿë, œÿç{f ¯ÿæ Lÿ¸æœÿê ’ÿ´æÀÿæ ¯ÿçLÿ÷ç LÿÀÿç þæÓçLÿ 30,000 ¨¾ö¿;ÿ {ÀÿæfSæÀÿ LÿÀÿ;ÿë> Aæfç Üÿ] {¾æSæ{¾æS LÿÀÿ;ÿë> Adept Enterprises Plot No: M 55, Baramunda Housing Board Colony, BBSR, Odisha. Mob: 9861088103 JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA, NARLA, DISTKALAHANDI, ODISHA Walk in interview will be conducted on 10.02.2015 at 10.00 A.M. at Vidyalaya Premises for selection of one PGT (Hindi), One TGT (English) and One TGT (Hindi) posts on contract basis for the period upto 30.04.2015". Candidates with B.Ed. &.50% marks in PG (for PGT) and Graduation (for TGT) eligible. Upper age limit 40 years for PGT and 35 years for TGT. No TA / DA will be provided for attending interview. PRINCIPAL 7 - 13 {üÿ¯ÿõ A æÀÿê 2015 7 - 13 February 2015 6.00 6.00 AæoÁÿçLÿ Ó´æ׿ þçÉœÿ (Approved by the Govt. of Odisha) HÝçÉæ{Àÿ ¨÷{†ÿ¿Lÿ fçàÿâæþæœÿZÿ{Àÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ H Àÿæf¿ ÓÀÿLÿæÀÿZÿ AæoÁÿçLÿ Ó´æ׿ þçÉœÿ {¾æfœÿæ{Àÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ¨æBô 1647 ÉæÀÿêÀÿçLÿ Óäþ ¨ëÀÿëÌ/þÜÿçÁÿæ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ> Qualification-10th above, Salary-9500 Àÿë 28600, BbÿëLÿ ¨÷æ$öê/¨÷æ$#œö ÿê Document Xerox Copy, Photo 2sæ ÓÜÿ Mobile Number, 2sæ 5 sZÿçAæ xÿæLÿ sçLÿs àÿæSç$¯# ÿæ Self Addressed Envelope ÓÜÿç†ÿ œÿçþ§ vÿçLÿ~æ{Àÿ ¯ÿçj樜ÿ ¯ÿæÜÿæÀÿç¯ÿæÀÿ 15 ’ÿçœÿ þš{Àÿ xÿæLÿ {¾æ{S ’ÿÀÿQæÖ AæÜÿ´æœÿ LÿÀÿæ¾æDdç> fçàÿâæ: LÿÁÿæÜÿæƒç, þßíÀÿµÿq, Lÿ¤ÿþæÁÿ, {Lÿ¢ÿëlÀÿ, {ÞZÿæœÿæÁÿ, AœÿëSÁë ÿ, Sqæþ, {’ÿ¯ÿSÝ, Óºàÿ¨ëÀÿ, œÿßæSÝ, {LÿæÀÿæ¨ës, læÀÿÓëSÝ ë æ, Sf¨†ÿç, ¯ÿD’ÿ, œÿíAæ¨Ýæ, {Óæœÿ¨ëÀÿ, ÀÿæßSÝæ, œÿ¯ÿÀÿèÿ¨ëÀÿ, ¯ÿàÿæèÿêÀÿ, ¯ÿÀÿSÝ, þæàÿLÿæœÿSçÀÿç, Óë¢ÿÀÿSÝ> (D¨{ÀÿæNÿ fçàÿâæþæœÿZÿÀÿ ¨÷æ$öê/¨÷æ$#œö ÿêþæ{œÿ Apply LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ) vÿçLÿ~æ: Regional Health Mission Plot No: 1356, At: Arunodaya Nagar, Po: Arunodaya Market, Cuttack-12 URGENT REQUIREMENT Registered Under Service Tax Act (Govt. of India). Regd. No: 307111 HÝçÉæ{Àÿ ¨÷†ÿçÏç†ÿ ¯ÿçµÿçŸ Lÿ¸æœÿêþæœÿZÿ{Àÿ Qæàÿç$#¯ÿæ 347 ¨’ÿ¯ÿê ¨íÀÿ~ ¨æBô ¨÷æ$öê/ ¨÷ æ $# ö œ ÿê Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ> ¨÷ æ $ö ê þæœÿZÿ ¨æBô ÀÿÜÿç ¯ ÿæ, QæB¯ÿæ, {¯ÿæœÿÓ Óë ¯ ÿç ™ æ Adç > Qualification: 10th, +2, +3, MBA, MCA, ITI, Diploma. B.Tech(Any Trade). Post: Manager, Maintenance, B.M, HR, Supervisor, Accountant, Incharge, Sales Manager, Marketing. Age: 18 to above. Salary: 4,500/- to 23,750/- + T.A./D.A./E.S.I./E.P.F. Óí`ÿœÿæ F†ÿ”´æÀÿæ xÿæLÿ{¾æ{S œÿç¾ëNÿç Q¯ÿÀÿ þSæD$# ¯ ÿæ ÓþÖ S÷ æ ÜÿLÿþæœÿZÿë f~æB ’ÿçAæ¾æDAdç {¾ {Óþæ{œÿ Q¯ÿÀÿ LÿæSf Ó¸Lÿö{Àÿ {¾{Lÿò~Óç {¾æSæ{¾æS {¯ÿ{Áÿ S÷æÜÿLÿ œÿºÀÿ D{àÿÈQ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ fÀÿëÀÿê A{s > -¨÷ÓæÀÿ ¨Àÿç`ÿæÁÿLÿ Postal Regd.No-BN/43/15-17 Tel:0674- 2582532 / 533 / 534 Fax : 2582535 e - m a i l : n i j u k t i k h a b a r @gmail. c o m DIRECT APPOINTMENT Maximum Requirement for Technical Jobs OMM SAI CAREER & PLACEMENT SERVICES Company Lÿë HÝçÉæ ¨æBô Technical, Non Technical Candidate (Engineer, Supervisor, HR, Accountant, Storekeeper, Back Office, Data Entry, Nurshing, Peon) Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ> Candidate þæœÿZÿ ¨æBô ÀÿÜÿç¯ÿæ, QæB¯ÿæ, {¯ÿæœÿÓ Óë¯ÿç™æ Adç > (þæÓçLÿ Aæß 4,000/- Àÿë 30,000/- + TA,DA, ESI,PF)> {¾æS¿†ÿæ: 9TH, 10TH, +2, +3, MBA, MCA, ITI, Diploma, B.Tech. vÿçLÿ~æ: Surya Vihar, Near Nishamani Hall, Link Road, Cuttack Mob: 9238104437, 9668320070, 8908560791, Ph: 0671-6050007 (URGENGT REQUIREMENT) 100% JOB SURETY. SAI BINAYAK PLACEMENT & CALL CENTRE. The organization requires ITI (All trade), Diploma(All Branch), B. Tech(All branch) (MBA, MCA, +3, +2, 10th, 9th), For Steel & Power Plant Sector, Software, Banking, Call Center, Data Entry operator, Home Base & Driver = Candidated are Welcome= salary 3k to 30k. with accomodation + fooding + TA + DA + ESI + PF. Cont: 7536971542/7537908698/8594954344, (0671-6544425). Add- Bivekananda Lane, Near Govt. Bus Stand, Badambadi, Cuttack MH UNITECH Email: [email protected] Address: Link Road, Samrat Cinema Hall, Cuttack Mob: 9853583649, 9178546656, 9658519056 JOINT ENTRANCE EXAMINATION-2015 ODISHA(OJEE-2015) Students aspiring to take admission in B. Pharm / BHMS / BAMS / M.Tech / M.Tech (Part Time) / M. Arch / M-Arch(executive) / M.Pharm / MCA/ MBA / MAM and LATERAL ENTRY TO B.Tech / B.Pharm / B. Arch / MCA Courses in Universities, Government and Private Colleges in the state of Odisha are required to appear Entrance Test of OJEE- 2015,Odisha. Date of Examination: 10th May, 2015 (Sunday). Last date for fillup of Online Application form : 5th March, 2015. Last date of Print of Confirmation page: 10th March, 2015. CONTACT ADDRESS: Chairman, OJEE-2015, JEE Cell, Gandamunda, P.O.: Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar - 751030, Email: [email protected], Phone : 0674- 2352455, 2352456, 3242455, 3242456, 6552455, 6552456, Fax : 06742352457. For Online Application submission and detail information regarding OJEE-2015, please visit the website: www.ojee.nic.in/www.odishajee.com Chairman OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT JUDGE, MALKANGIRI Date, Malkangiri, this the 27th day of January, 2015 Applications in prescribed proforma are invited from the intending candidates for the post of 9 (nine) numbers of Peons in the contractual rate with minimum pay @ Rs.4,750/- and G.P. Rs.1,500/ - in the corresponding pay scale of Rs.4750-14860/- and G.P.Rs.1500/-. The last date of receipt of Application is 20.02.2015. (The number of posts may increase or decrease) The application & details are available in the office website www.ecourts.gov.in/odisha/malkangiri & district website www.malkangiri.nic.in. District Judge, Maikangiri ODISHA STATE SELECTION COMMISSION Barrack No.1, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar-751054 Pursuant to Advertisement N0.3637/OSSC dt. 11.12.2014 the main written examination for the post of Odia Translator will be held on 01.03.2015 (Sunday) in one sitting from 10A.M. to 12 Noon on English & Odia Language (Descriptive type) at Bhubaneswar. Venue of the examination will be intimated in the admission letter to be downloaded by the candidates before two weeks. By order of Commission, Secretary fç à ÿâ æ Lÿæ¾ö ¿ æÁÿß, Óë ¢ ÿÀÿSÝ(Óó×樜ÿæ D¨-¯ÿç µ ÿæS) Aœÿë Ó í ` ÿç † ÿ fæ†ÿç H fœÿfæ†ÿç Z ÿ œÿç þ {;ÿ ÓóÀÿäç † ÿ 4$ö {É÷ ~ ê Lÿþö ` ÿæÀÿê ¨’ÿ¯ÿê ¨í À ÿ~ Óº¤ÿ{Àÿ fçàÿâæ Lÿæ¾ö¿æÁÿß ¯ÿçj樜ÿ ÓóQ¿æ 3823, †ÿæ 18.10.2014 Aœÿë¾æßê AæÓ;ÿæ 8 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 ’ÿçœÿ 4$ö {É÷~ê Lÿþö`ÿæÀÿê ¨’ÿ¯ÿê œÿçþ{;ÿ ¨Àÿêäæ Óë¢ÿÀÿSÝ(3 {Sæsç ¨Àÿêäæ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷) H ÀÿæDÀÿ{Lÿàÿæ(2 {Sæsç ¨Àÿêäæ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷){Àÿ ¨í¯ÿöæÜÿ§ 10 W+æÀÿë A¨ÀÿæÜÿ§ 1.00 W+æ ¨¾ö¿;ÿ AœÿëÏç†ÿ {Üÿ¯ÿ> fçàÿâæ {H´¯ÿúÓæBsú (www.sundergarh.nic.in){Àÿ ¨Àÿêäæ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷Hæ´ Àÿê ¨÷æ$öêþæœÿZÿÀÿ Ó¯ÿç{ÉÌ †ÿæàÿçLÿæ D¨àÿ² LÿÀÿæ¾æBAdç> {¾Dô ¨÷æ$öêþæ{œÿ {ÓþæœÿZÿÀÿ ¨÷{¯ÿɨ†ÿ÷ (Admit Card) {Lÿò~Óç LÿæÀÿ~¯ÿɆÿ… ¨æB¨æÀÿçœÿæÜÿæ;ÿç, {Óþæ{œÿ fçàÿâæ Lÿæ¾ö¿æÁÿßÀÿ Óó×樜ÿ D¨¯ÿçµÿæS{Àÿ A¯ÿ×æ¨ç†ÿ Ó´†ÿ¦ ÓÜÿæ߆ÿæ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷(Special Help Desk)Àÿë ¨Àÿêäæ ’ÿç¯ÿÓ ¨í¯ÿöÀÿë {¾{Lÿò~Óç Lÿæ¾ö¿ ’ÿç¯ÿÓ{Àÿ ¨í¯ÿöæÜÿ§ 10 W+æÀÿë A¨ÀÿæÜÿ§ 5.00 W+æ þš{Àÿ ÓóS÷Üÿ LÿÀÿç ¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ H Mobile No. 9439553939{Àÿ AœÿëÓ¤ÿæœÿ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ> ¨Àÿêäæ œÿçþ{;ÿ œÿþíœÿæ ¨÷ɨ § †ÿ÷ þš fçàÿâæ {H´¯ÿúÓæBsú{Àÿ D¨àÿ² LÿÀÿæ¾æBAdç> fçàÿâæ¨æÁÿ, Óë¢ÿÀÿSÝ Mark Sheet...M.... Date & time of interview: 24....... 2...... OBC-1. degree and testimonials....... Accepted/Rejected.. (a) • Not below 18 years OR above 27 years on the closing date of the receipt of the applications..... (a)...... of Vacancies: 5 (General-3.......... 5.OR Principal..... If particulars mentioned by me are found false at any stage then I shall be liable to be terminated without any notice......... No TA/DA will be given to the candidates in Gen and OBC categories. ¨æBô Lÿ÷ ê Ýæ¯ÿç † ÿú þ{œÿæœÿßœÿ Lÿæ¾ö ¿ Lÿ÷ þ AæSæþê 2015-16 Éçäæ ¯ÿÌö ¨æBô µÿæÀÿ†ÿêß Lÿ÷êÝæ ¨÷æ™#LÿÀÿ~ "ÓæB fÁÿLÿ÷êÝæ' ¨÷Éä ç ~ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ fS†ÿ¨ëÀÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ œÿçþ{.Rs. 12.. Hindi typing @ 30 wpm (Time allowed 10 mts) (35 wpm and 30 wpm correspond to 10500 KDPH / 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word)...AICRPIFS ............ The application addressed to the Air Officer Commanding.in Air Force Station.......... Plot No....... Desirable: Working knowledge of computer.....04... will only be accepted...Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board Or University. (b) to (d) of 10th standard level... Consolidated pay: 9300/. Candidates may appear for Walk-in-lnterview with Bio-Data....... Please visit IMU's website www. Vacancies at: IMU HQ... 15...One year of Experience as watchman OR Lascar OR Gestetner Operator OR Mali from an Organization OR Institute........ Chennai ...... Branch Manager... interviews and trade proficiency tests will be conducted in Delhi only.. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following" posts in Indian Maritime University (IMU) on Direct Recruitment/ Deputation/ Promotion basis: Name of the Post: Deputy Registrar. Father's name.ICAR RCER. Race Course. 2017.. State.....: Bihar Veterinary College... Mumbai & Cochin ....... Qualification: Retired Sr.. N....... 6. REGISTRAR Employment Newspaper. P....... Essential:. original Certificates and attested photocopies of all certificates.. A certificate duly issued by the Competent Authority to this effect is to be submitted along with the application form...O. All the appointments are purely temporary in nature and can be terminated at any time without assigning any reason thereof... New Delhi regarding the selection of candidates shall be final...... Desirable:.15600-39100 with GP Rs.. Date of Birth..1995 ÀÿçQÀÿë †ÿæ 01.... Registered Post and By hand. Kolkata & Mumbai .. Keonjhar-1.... By order Additional Commissioner Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation þæsç÷Lÿú..2015 ..... in case the applicant intends to apply for more than one post. OBC-1.....Personal Interview while Recruitment of Assistant Registrar/Assistant Registrar (Finance) will be done through a Computer-based Test and Personal Interview... Race Course.Rs...... (Word... The candidate selected against the above posts is transferrable anywhere in India..Upto March................................10 2.... 9600/-.. Candidates are requested to submit the Application form duly filled in to: 'The Registrar... State....Matriculation pass OR equivalent qualification from a recognized Board Or University. Salary/ Month: Rs....... Pay Band/Grade Pay: PB 3 .. The candidates should attend the interview with their BIO-DATA along with all documents supporting to date or birth...... Excel. 10/..stamp affixed on it is to be enclosed along with the application....PB 3 ....ÿç> {ÀÿæBó H LÿæßæLÿçó Aæ¯ÿæÓçLÿ ¯ÿæÁÿLÿ H ¯ÿæÁÿçLÿæ ¨÷æ$öê œÿçþ{......... Interview and Trade Proficiency Test.. of India.........=13.. Name of the applicant (In block letters) 3.. AT/PO-Baniapat.. Any dispute with regard to the Recruitment published in this Advertisement shall be within the jurisdiction of Delhi area only.. The name of the post applied for must be clearly superscribed as "Application for the post of LDC/MTS/Safaiwala/Mess Staff (indicate the category)": one of them indicated on the top of the envelope.....Date of Test/Interview. The application should bear a recent self attested photograph.... Any other qualification/experience: 11..... If the number of applications received is too large in comparison to the number of posts.Rs. fS†ÿ¨ë À ÿ..04... Link Road. The application is liable to be rejected if it is not in conformity with prescribed for-mat/illegible/un-signed or without required certificates. Technical Training/Experience: 13.1560039100 with GP Rs. data handling tools) .6 (General-5.. The above position is purely Contractual.....Month.... Mumbai & Visakhapatnam.... Patna........ 7.. Post Office..ÿ `ÿßœÿ LÿÀÿæ¾ç¯ÿ> 14 ¯ÿÌöÀÿë 17 ¯ÿÌö þš{Àÿ $#¯ÿæ BbÿëLÿ Lÿ÷êÝæ¯ÿç†ÿú þæ{œÿ FÜÿç `ÿßœÿ ¨÷Lÿçß ÷ æ{Àÿ µÿæS {œÿB¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ> {¾DôþæœÿZÿÀÿ fœÿ½ †ÿæ 01.. Post Office...... No objection and experience certificate from the current employer in case he/she is in employment.... 5400/.. 37400-67000 with GP Rs. 16......PB 3 .02...Pin Code... Date: Signature of Candidate FOR OFFICIAL RECORD ONLY 1.... 7600/ ... Company HÝçÉæ{Àÿ 5sç œÿíAæ ÉæQæ {Qæàÿç¯ÿæ ¨æBô Asst................ Air Force Station.... Lÿ÷êÝæ ¨÷þæ~¨†ÿ÷ F¯ÿó œÿçfÀÿ ¯ÿßÓ ¨÷þæ~¨†ÿ÷ ÓÜÿ þæsçL÷ ÿú Óæs}üÿç{Lÿsú ’ÿæQàÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ¯ÿ暆ÿæþíÁÿLÿ H þæsçL÷ ÿú Óæs}üÿç{Lÿsú œÿ$#¯ÿæ ¨÷æ$öê fçàÿâæ {¨òÀÿÓó×æ Lÿæ¾ö¿æÁÿß Lÿçºæ ¨oæ߆ÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿æÁÿßÀÿë ¯ÿßÓÀÿ ¨÷þæ~¨†ÿ÷ ’ÿæQàÿ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ> þ{œÿæf Lÿë þ æÀÿ µÿ’ÿ÷ æ ..(attach certificate in case of SC/ST/OBC) 9..... No TA/DAwill be paid for attending the interview.. Chennai..........Upper age limit is relaxable as under for following categories: . & Semi Govt.: field allowance up to Rs............ Name of the project: All India Coordinated Project on Integrated Farming Systems (AICRP-IFS). from (b) to (d) • Not below 18 years OR above 25 years on the closing date of the receipt of the applications.. 2228882 Fax No..500.. Address for correspondence House No. New Delhi -110 003 Applications are invited from the eligible Indian Citizens as per the format given at Annexure-I to this advertisement for the following Gp 'C civilian posts in IAF: - Note: The vacancies shown above are liable to increase or decrease........ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ œÿç ¯ ÿö æ Üÿê A™# L ÿæÀÿê Air Force Station.. Co-terminus with the project/schenac and offered till March... his/her candidature will outrightly be rejected.... Education Qualifications: ..... Mob: 9090175608 Indian Maritime University (A Central University under the Ministry of Shipping. Power Point.... +3 ¨æÓú {¾Dôþæ{œÿ 10th.......Rs........ only shortlisted candidates will be called for written test... 6.... Near Odisha Gramya Bank. Qualification: Essentia): Graduation from Agriculture Sciences/Biological Sciences/Social Sciences/ Environment al Sciences.Pin Code.... The last date of receipt of application is within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in BHUBANESWAR MUNICIPAL CORPORATION Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation is going to fill up 1(one) No of post of Sr........... 8....)......... No.... A separate application will have to be submitted for each post................. +2 H †ÿ’ÿë–ÿö Aæß 6500/-15500/...ÿ Lÿ÷êÝæ¯ÿç†ÿú þ{œÿæœÿßœÿ `ÿÁÿç†ÿ {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê þæÓ 12 †ÿæÀÿçQ{Àÿ Aœÿëφç ÿ {Üÿ¯ÿ {¯ÿæàÿç fS†ÿ¨ëÀÿ ÓæB fÁÿLÿ÷êÝæ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷Àÿ œÿç¯ÿöæÜÿê A™#LÿæÀÿê É÷ê þ{œÿæf LÿëþæÀÿ µÿ’ÿ÷æ ¨÷LÿæÉ LÿÀÿçd. Patna-800 014 (Bihar).... the concerned individual will be initiated. Reason for rejection : Underage/Overage/incomplete documents/any other reason to be specified......... Patna .............. 4... (b) MTS. Government of India) East Coast Road................... Uthandi........ 3............ Baramunda Bus Stand Backside. DD College Road... Divisional Manager Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ> ¯ÿßÓ (26)Àÿë Lÿþú > {¾æS¿†ÿæ: 10th..... The candidate should also note that at any stage of recruitment if he/she is found to have tried to influence the recruitment authority from other sources../Street/Village...... who are appearing in Written Test........ SC-1).. 9. Skill test norms on Computer : English Typing @ 35 wpm.... Candidates may note that depending on whether they are applying on Direct Recruitment/Deputation/ Promotion basis........ 8700........PB 4......... 1... 5400 ...2500/-per month will be given to deserving candidate by corporation for taking up field duties... Manager. Draftsman for operation of planning cell under BMC. Place of Posting: ICAR RCER...... Field Assistant-cum-Data operator(1 no............ Race Course. Received on... :... 9600/......... the Deputy Registrar/ Assistant Registrar/ Assistant.. Assistant Registrar .. Chennai.. (2) Even if initially appointed to IMU Headquarters or a particular Campus.........One year of experience as Waiter OR Washer-up from an Organization or Institute............... +3 ¯ÿæÀÿºæÀÿ ¨Àÿêäæ {’ÿB ¨æÓú LÿÀÿç ¨ æÀÿë œ ÿæÜÿæ....... orders in force).........Days...B.02....... Regd. No. The eligible candidates may attend the walk in interview on Dt. STATUTORY WARNING:...... OBC-2... The decision of the Air Officer Commanding.....(attach self attested education certificate) 10... The details are as follows: Name of the post: Sr...Post: Field Assistant (2 no.. Permanent Address House No...imu... 03 years (Age relaxation for the other categories is admissible as per Govt. Administrative Officer ÓæB fÁÿLÿ÷ ê Ýæ ¨÷ É ç ä ~ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ ..... 2...... Those candidates..02......... his/her candidature will be cancelled immediately and he/she will be liable for criminal charges under IPC.. 3.......110 003 Paste a self attested 1.. +2...... {Óþæ{œÿ Aæ» AœÿëÏæœÿ{Àÿ Ó´†ÿ¦ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ×æ ’ÿ´æÀÿæ ¨æÓú LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ > Óæs}üÿç{Lÿs ÓþÖ ÓÀÿLÿæÀÿê {ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ S÷Üÿ~êß > Principal........ 2223956... 7....... Essential:Matriculation pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board Or University.. Age:... 2..... Index No........Draftsman from Govt........ Note: (1) The vacancies stated above are tentative and subject to change... Hence the eligible and desirous candidates fulfilling all the requirements are invited to appear before the Selection Committee for personal interview at ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region.. Cuttack-12 (Opp............... Chennai..... 4.... Desirable:. Regional Institute..2015......(attach self attested copy of Birth certificate) 5........ (ii) Other Backward Classes under Central Govt.01.com It is proposed to fill up following contractual and time bound position under AICRP-IFS project on the basis of Walkin-lnterview..in to download the relevant: Application Form. P... Courier....... Registrar (Finance) shall be liable for transfer to any other............ like BDA.265...2015 at 11 A.For the SI. (d) Mess Staff. if at any stage of recruitment it is found that the candidate has submitted any false/fabricated information/ document. A self-addressed envelope with Rs.Distt.... All written tests... To..µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 ........Essentia): Graduation from Agriculture Sciences/Biological Sciences/Social Sciences/Environment al Sciences/Computer Science/PGDCA/ BCA/DCA Desirable: Working knowledge of computer...8 (General-5....IDCO...... The Air Officer Commanding Air Force Station....(a) LDC. 4..College..... New Delhi ...... fair and merit based..... SC-1).... Qualification and experience.... Krutibandhu Complex. 6. Photograph 2.... Chennai-600119.... Campus/ IMU Headquarters. Age relaxation ..... 2017.......IMU HQ..... +2...com MAXWELL 604 Surya Vihar..... Applications incomplete in any manner OR dated prior to release of advertisement OR received after the due date shall summarily be rejected and no query in this regard will be entertained.......... Written examination: For SI No. East Coast Road..... 14. RIMS.. For the SI.Selection in the Indian Air Force is free...maxwell.....2001 ÀÿçQ þš{Àÿ {ÜÿæB$#¯ÿ H Ó´†ÿ¦ fÁÿLÿ÷êÝæ¯ÿç†ÿúZÿ ¨æBô Daÿ†ÿæ D¨{Àÿ µÿæS {œÿ¯ÿæLÿë {Üÿ{àÿ...2015... Uthandi.... Asstt..2015...35 years for men and 40 years for women.12th Class pass or equivalent qualification from recognized Board or University....(attach self attested copy) 14......... Race Course.... Whether registered with any Employment Exchange: Yes/No: If yes.....O-Bihar Veterinary. Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per norms Govt.....Rs... it may be presumed that his/her application has been rejected and his/her name is not placed among the shortlisted candidates and no query in this regard will be entertained. Air Force Station. E-mail: aorcer@rediffmail.... of post: 1(One).... Category for which applied: Gen(UR)/OBC/SC/ST............Distt................... Bhoisahi Lane.... Caste: Gen/OBC/SC/ST... For example: Application for the post of... Baramunda.......... mention registration number and name of Employment Exchange: 15. 10. Kolkata.....Drafts Man. BSNL Office) M: 8260963477 ICAR RESEARCH COMPLEX FOR EASTERN REGION ICAR Parisar.. New Delhi-110003 shall be sent only by Ordinary Post.... Friday. Any attempt to influence the Selection process detected at any stage is liable to lead to termination of candidature or service and legal action against...... 17. New Delhi-110 003 8......... Applications will not be accepted through Speed Post.. 9090951772 .... New Delhi The Air Officer Commanding Air Force Station... Application on plain paper of A4 size duly typed and filled in clearly in prescribed format along with self attested copies of testimonials for education qualification and experience/ age as per matriculation certificate only and caste certificate issued by Competent Authority etc.. No..............(i) Scheduled Tribes: 05 years.. 2017 ./Street/Village....... INDIA Phone No..... No......13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 2 NIJUKTI KHABAR 102 VACANCY Govt..Category......600 119'...... (attach self attested copy) 12... passport size photographs. Bihar on thedate and time mentioned as under:.................. Candidates should note that....... etc..... Age limit on the date of interview: 35 years for men and 40 years for women........... who have applied for more than one post as per the advertisement will be required to submit the call letters punched together on the date of written exam and their merit will be considered in corresponding posts. Post applied for. Domicile........... Educational Qualification....... Maximum Age Limit: The age of Applicant must Not be more than 63 years ason 01.. Nos......ÿç ........ Annexure-I APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF. Period: Upto March.....org......... so as to reach on or before 5 pm on........ BMC reserves right to cancel the engagement notice without assigning any reason thereof. the Application form and the mode of applying are slightly different...............IMU HQ...... Continuance in the post is subject to satisfactory performance..... 1860.... 27.... (c) Safaiwala.... 11. Bhubaneswar-3...... Candidate applying against the OBC category should note that the caste should be listed under the Central List of OBC category. 5... Indian Maritime University. .......... Patna-800 014.) ............ 13...edu. (3) Recruitment of Deputy Registrar will be done through a... Ph: 0674-2354914.....24.. If no letter is received by the candidates within 45 days from the closing date of application... ICAR Pariser.... the initial screening will be based on written examination of 12th standard level and for SI. I hereby certify that the above particulars mentioned in the application are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.... Essential:.15600-39100 with GP Rs..... Candidates reaching after specified timing may not ordinarily be entertained... 4........ 3.......> www.+ GP 4200/.......... Assistant Registrar (Finance) .. Essential:... Age as on last date prescribed for receipt of application Year. Additional qualification in Hindi stenography desirable. Bhoisahi Lane. Engineering Degree can be BE / B. SC/ST/ PwD candidates are exempted from payment of fees.org CONTRACTUAL ENGAGEMENT FOR THE POST OF OFFICE MANAGER OFSDS requires the services of one Office Manager to work at the Project Management Unit. Solar Thermal. Office of the Cantonment Board CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Ahmednagar . Mere issue of letter for Written Test (Stenography / Typing Test for Personal Assistant) or interview or for any stage of selection process will not imply that candidature has been accepted. English.2015 and 27. Candidates have to download the Admit Cards from the website www.2015 respectively.qov. Post / Grade & Pay Scale: Senior Engineer / E2 Rs. 1 and 3rd AC fare for the post at sr. In case of Written Test (Stenography / Typing Test for Personal Assistant). The applicant should have post qualification work experience of 01 year. NIT. Post. 7. He / she is also required to handle telephone calls and attend visitors / customers.Sc. 2. no. Project Planning & implementation for technical posts. The crucial date for determining cut-off for age. In case it is not available. Engg.plus ME / M. District Centre. 0674-2386085 E-mail: webmail@ofsdp. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.ofsdp.Sc.02. SFTRI Campus.02. No. Their admission at all stages is purely provisional. Journalism & Mass Communication.Tech. Whenever CGPA / OGPA or Letter Grade in a Degree is awarded.5 Posts.gov. The application format and all other details are available on website www.60028. All candidates will have to produce proper Relieving Orders from their last employer at the time of joining in case of selection.01. VDA.in and ALL THE APPLICANTS ARE REQUESTED TO VISIT THE WEBSITE FROM TIME TO TIME TO GET UPDATES. Application Fee of Rs.Tech.ac. Candidates employed in Central / State Government / Public Sector Enterprises / Autonomous bodies shall either forward their applications through Proper Channel or produce NOC from their present employer at the time of Interview. ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE POST OF CONSULTANT /JR.in and candidates are advised to visit the website from time to time. are applicable as per Rules of the Company.30 years . SC / ST candidates should possess valid Certificate in the prescribed format as per the Government guidelines.5200-20200+GP 1800 01(SC) 01(OBC) 05(UR). 1 to 4 and one post from Sr.seci. will be allowed as per the instructions issued by the Government of India from time to time. 2015.30 PM. Candidates from OBC . cancel recruitment process without assigning any reason.NC category should possess certificate in the prescribed format and validity as per Government guidelines.2015. JOB SPECIFICATION (Qualifications/Experience)" Essential: Full time Engineering Graduate / Post Graduate Engineering in Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics / Civil / Energy / Renewable Energy / Environment / Power System with 60% marks or equivalent CGPA or Master's degree in Physics with 60% marks or equivalent CGPA. Shortlisted candidates will be informed individually. Power System. 1. BHUBANESWAR The Institute invites applications for filling up the following Non-Teaching posts ON CONTRACT for two years. Candidates having Five Year BE / B. Bhubaneswar. . Allowances. Power Systems.in. maintenance of files and records. The candidates should have minimum adequate qualification as on closing date. 02/2015 ODISHA FORESTRY SECTOR DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY SFTRI Campus. 25. Minimum percentage of marks in the essential qualification as indicated above shall be aggregate of all semesters to be calculated taking average of all semesters / years.cbahmednagar. ST. No. 2. PWD.2015. ANR VACANCY/2014-15. Ahmednagar Cantonment Board invites applications from eligible candidates for the recruitment for following posts. Landiguda. 9. Saket. For details. Teacher Education and Biodiversity & Conservation of Natural Resources The honorarium would be decided based on experience ranging from Rs. New Delhi-110608 Corrigendum to Recruitment Notice No. 40. 2015 and closes: 8th March. Name of the post: Junior Engineer (Mechanical). Kurukshetra-136119 on or before 20. The Applications to be submitted ONLINE on the website www.for post at sr. Fax. 2.calling of candidates for any of the selection process or for non . 6260) alongwith a Self Addressed envelope (23x10 cm). The candidates applying should ensure that they fulfil all eligibility conditions. limit the number of applications to be called for a particular post and to decide about Written Test (Stenography and Typing Test for Personal Assistant) and / or Group Discussion / Interview or any other mode of screening thereof. Complete applications in all respect should reach to the Office of the Cantonment Board. Jammu and Kashmir Migrants. The decision of SECI in this regard will be final and binding on all the candidates. 10. 11.45 P.02. 16.414002 (Maharashtra) on or before 03-02-2015 up to 5. 22. Upper Age Limit: 28 years.ÿë æ xÿæLÿ {¾æ{S þš {s÷œÿçó {œÿB¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ Central University of Orissa (Established by an Act of Parliament.2014 and subsequently in Employment News on 03. 20. of Posts: (GEN-7 OBC-3 SC-2 ST-1) (PwD-1). The stages of selection process will be periodically displayed on the website www. Category: UR.900 . Post Reserved for Physically Handicap:-One post from Sr. 19. Fax. B) COMPENSATION PACKAGE: Besides Basic Pay. xÿ÷æüÿuÓþ¿æœÿú.in Registrar personnel.for post at sr.02. Any other related work.aiimsexams. NIT Kurukshetra (Code No. Bhubaneswar .000/-. 18/2014 As per the communication received from DGHS. / B. 8.Tech.seci. The Application form and instruction sheet can be had from the General Section of the Institute on payment of Rs. of Post: 01. 2009). 0674-2386016. Any legal proceedings in respect of any matter of claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement and or an application in response thereto can be instituted only in Delhi and Courts at Delhi only shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction to try any such cause/dispute.dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷ê Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ (Approved by the Govt. Only shortlisted candidates who are found apparently eligible based on the notified specifications and the candidature given in their application form will be called for Written Test (Stenography/Typing Test for Personal Assistant)/ GDI Interview. 5 years.Bachelor's Degree from a recognized University.) as an added qualification. No correspondence will be entertained for non .gov. 200/. OBC (Non-creamy layer). Should have done Stenography/Secretarial Practice Course / exam with a speed of 80 WPM in Shorthand and 40 WPM in typing. NO. * Persons with Disabilities (PwD's) of low vision / hearing impairment / locomotor disability.in only and follow the instructions specified in the Admit Cards. In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions language other than English. Desirable: 2 Years Full time / 3 years Part time recognised MBA / PGDBM (with specialisation in Marketing/ Material / Production Management / Finance / HR / HRD etc. No. Preparation of feasibility reports.selection.1 and Rs. Candidates will be required to register before applying. integrated dual degree in Engineering in relevant discipline shall be treated at par with BE / B. D) OTHER CONDITIONS: 1. Sociology. Knowledge in computers is essential.MH-J dated 09. The Email ID entered in the application form must remain valid for at least next one year. 24. The prescribed qualifications/experience constitute minimum standards and mere possession of the same will not entitle a candidate for being considered for selection process.600-46. Engineering (04 year course).org and the complete application should reach this office on or before 28. please visit Institute's website at http://www. wherever applicable. Permissible engineering branches in particular discipline are as mentioned below- 10. Krutibandhu Complex.org Website: www. 5 to 9 is reserved for Visually Handicap / Hearing Impairment. 26. For details please visit the website www.17. ALL NOTIFICATIONS TO THE CANDIDATES WILL BE DISPLAYED ON THE WEBSITE www.01(GEN) . NIT Kurukshetra payable at SBI.250/draw in favour of Director. 14. A bank draft of Rs.500.gov. 60. New Delhi vide letter No. SC/ST and PwD applicants are exempted from application fees irrespective of posts reserved for them.2015 the revised positions of vacancies to the post of Staff Nurse for Central Government Hospitals in Delhi would be as follows:- The other terms and conditions will reman same as mentioned in the Recruitment Notice published in all leading Newspapers on 24. HRA / Lease. 13. Ó{µÿö ß Àÿ. Plot No. etc. Last dates for receipt of completed On-line and hard copy of the applications in the Institute are 20.414002 AHMEDNAGAR CANTONMENT (VILAS PAWAR) Applications in the prescribed format are invited from the Indian Nationals for the recruitment of the following Non-Faculty Posts in the Institute. Verification of Original Certificates will be done only at the time of Interview. no. JOB DESCRIPTION (Nature of Duties in brief): Selected candidates will be required to work in any or one of or combination of areas of Contracts. Deputy Project Director (Admin) Age Limit :-The prescribed age limit for all the above posts is 18 to 25 years. At/PoGhatikia.265/266. All future correspondence would be sent via E-mail only. Persons with Disabilities (PwDs). qualification and experience will be as on the closing date of the advertisement. 200/. Medical. change the selection criteria. 12. Bhubaneswar751.01. Higher Start may be considered in deserving cases. 4. Regional Institute. equivalent percentage of marks unless not available should be indicated in the application as per norms adopted by the University/ Institute. OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS: A) AGE: 1. †ÿÜÿÓçàÿ H BÀÿç{SÓœÿ ¯ÿçµÿæSþæœÿZÿ{Àÿ ¯ÿÜÿë ÓóQ¿Lÿ AþçœÿÿRevenue Inspector.2015. The fare shall be 2nd AC fare for the post at sr. 23. 20.iitbbs. Unless specifically mentioned all qualifications must be full time qualifications from a recognised university / institute.751003Zÿë s 50/. The candidature of a candidate shall be cancelled at any point of time if the candidate is found not meeting the eligibility criteria.Zÿæ þœÿçAÝöÀÿ LÿÀÿ.A.The candidate will be required to handle daily office correspondence work like drafting of office documents.Top projects. Tel.seci. Dist.07 . 5. upper age limit and other conditions etc. 1/2015 Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) Invites ONLINE applications from professionals as specified below. It may be noted that Admit Cards for written test will not be sent by post. the same may be held at Delhi only.1st Floor. no. {¾æS¿†ÿæ$# ¯ ÿæ ¨÷ æ $ö ê Zÿë 45 ’ÿç œ ÿ þš{Àÿ {s÷ œ ÿç ó ’ÿç A æ¾ç ¯ ÿ æ SC/ ST Zÿë Óë ¯ ÿç ™ æ ’ÿç A æ¾ç ¯ ÿ > {s÷ œ ÿç ó ¨{Àÿ `ÿæLÿç À ÿç LÿÀÿç { ¯ÿ æ Bbÿë L ÿ dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷êþæ{œÿ 20 ’ÿçœÿ þš{Àÿÿ Principal. no. Assistant Controller of Examinations NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Under the Ministry of HRDS Govt. 06852 -288225. Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.ofsdp. irrespective of the weightage to any particular semester / year by the Institute / University. Gratuity. 21. 2. as the case may be. . Insurance.000/. New Delhi-110017 RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION NO. Subject Areas: Odia. PF. required for the above post (s) can be downloaded from Institute's website www.Tech. 600/. The above degrees should be from recognized University / Institute with one (01) year of Post Qualification Executive experience. REGISTRAR SOLAR ENERGY CORPORATION OF INDIA (A Government of India Enterprise) D-3. Ahmednagar. Candidate should upload photograph and signatures as per sizes specified.seci.towards application fee be sent along-with the downloaded application form (duly filled).003. Junior Superintendent . of india) KURUKSHETRA-136119 (Haryana) Advertisement No. A-12026/3/2013 .in. Please send theCV/ Bio-data to the Registrar on or before 16. Project implementation including data collection. 27.ÿ NALCO. Backside of Baramunda Bus Stand. Ahmednagar.5 Posts.12. Grid. Pay Band & Grade Pay: 9300-34800+GP 4200. Number of vacancies including those under reserved categories are provisional.to Rs. Economics. Odisha764020. The Management reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts or consider for lower posts / grades or not to fill up any of the posts or raise the minimum eligibility standards. analysis and preparation of feedback reports. C) SELECTION CRITERIA: Depending upon the number of applications SECI reserves the right to fix up the eligibility criteria. At/Po: Ghatikia. Junior Assistant . Indian Nationals only need to apply.M. Multi-Tasking Staff . SC / ST candidates called for Personal Interview shall be reimbursed single return train fare from the place of mailing address (in India) to place of interview upon production of PNR / ticket. MAHARASHTRA All India Institute of Medical Science Ansari Nagar. No. Interested candidates may obtain Terms of Reference and the Application Form from OFSDS. English version shall prevail.ac. The applications duly filled in all respects should reach the Registrar.201 5 by 3. Personal Assistant/S1Rs. Solar Photo Voltaic among others. for SC/ST and 10 years for handicapped candidates as per rule. of Orissa) {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ H Àÿæf¿ ÓÀÿLÿæÀÿZÿ ÎæsçÎçLÿæàÿú.retirement facilities etc. The upper age limit will be considered on the closing date of the advertisement. Koraput. Applications sent other than the prescribed method stands rejected. Mathematics.by cash or by sending a Crossed Bank Draft of Rs. Consultant. CONSULTANT Applications are invited in the following areas from the retired 3 NIJUKTI KHABAR µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 . Bhubaneswar-751 003 during office hours or may download'from OFSDP website : http://www. decision of SECI shall be treated as final. 2 is to be paid through online mode.org.ÿ Work Sarkar Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ {ÜÿD$#¯ÿæÀÿë 8þÀÿëÿ B. The Application form and Instruction sheet having qualifications & experience. Dist.org. 18. writing minutes of official meetings and dictations. Name of the Post: Consultant / Jr.in 3. Age relaxation is admissible in upper age limit of 3 years for OBC. Preference will be given to candidates having in line experience in Solar Power / Energy. {s÷ Ó Àÿ. Roof . Incomplete applications will not be entertained. 6.13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. On line registration opens: T February. Assist in designing and setting up of Solar projects including site assessment visits.nitkkr. 1000/. Anthropology.02. / B. Baramunda. Relaxation in age for candidates belonging to SC. AHMEDNAGAR. A -Wing (Religare Building). 15. Registrar AHMEDNAGAR CANTONMENT BOARD DIST. 4911.Age Limit: 30 years.Use of computer in Production/Planning. NB-TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Desirable: --. 500/. V. Berhampur-760 007 (Gm. 5 years experience in Electrical maintenance including maintenance of CNC machines and CAD/CAM equipment. CAD/CAM technology etc. 11 – Jr. If information provided is found false at any stage the candidates will be liable for the rejection.O. Desirable: Knowledge of working in Computer. MIS. Lower Division Clerk. 1 – Joint Director (Electrical / Electronics). QUALIFICATION & EXPERIENCE. Desirable: Post Graduate in Engineering from recognized University / Institution or M. should be enclosed with the application. Bhanja Bihar. in Tool & Die Making. relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC.m. Desirable: --. relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/ Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC. name & address of present & past organization. 7 – Librarian.Experience in use of modern teaching aids.000/.idemi. (www. The candidates belonging to OBC category must enclose the copy of the certificate from the competent authority certifying that he does not belong to creamy layer category. No. No. relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC.2015 for selection of Guest Faculty/Part-Time Teachers in the P. Jr. Senior scientists-6.400 022. Application forms are available on web site. qualification etc. No.org.Practical experience in Planning & HRD Programme. Candidates apply for more than 1 post should apply separately. Experience: Essential: One year experience in the related trade. Desirable: Post Graduate diploma in Engineering /Technology/Management from a recognized University/Institution. Mumbai invites application from dynamic.p. The candidate should have cleared NET in the relevant subject conducted by the UGC/. MIS. Degree) Regulation. Sr. If no such candidate is available in any particular subject. English.NABL Accreditation procedures including Laboratory Management. . Berhampur University and Lingaraj Law College.Sc. They will not be entitled to any other benefits extended to the regular teachers of the University.. MUMBAI Institute For Design Of Electrical Measuring Instruments.m. Desirable: . 1 – Joint Director: (Training) Qualification: Essential: Degree in Engineering in Electrical/Electronics/Electronics and Telecommunication/ Instrumentation/Mechanical or equivalent from a recognized University/Institution. Physics. Mumbai (Govt. Desirable: Practical experience in Electrical/Electronics/ Instrumentation/operating machines in tool production involving CAD/CAM/CNC. whether SC/ST/OBC. EASTERN EXPRESS HIGHWAY. Gratuity.G Department of Berhampur University/Lingaraj Law College. etc. Desirable: Working in a computerized Library. Age Limit: 30 years. 8 – Technician. Technician (only for General Category Candidates) should reach in the Institute within 15 days of release of this advertisement.p. Desirable: Knowledge of operation of Computers. Hindi Typist. postal address (Permanent & Present). Institute also undertakes Design & Manufacture of high quality tools and machining of precision components. 9 – Lower Division Clerk.Conducting Training courses. Degree in the concerned subject shall be considered. Sr. Qualification: Essential: ITI Certificate in Machinist/Turner/Fitter/Electrician/ Electronics/Miller Right Fitter/ Tool Room Certificate Course (2 years) from SIDO Tool room or from a recognized Institute or equivalent (exact trade shall be notified at the time of recruitment by the Appointing Authority). 6 – Stenographer.m. Qualification: Essential: Degree/Diploma in Electrical/ Electronics/Mechanical/Instrumentation/Communication Engineering/Computer Engineering/Tool Design or equivalent from a recognized University/Institution.) Odisha Walk-in interview will be held at 11. Age Limit: 45 years. No. relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC. relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/ Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC. The essential qualification for the Guest Faculty/PartTime Teacher is a good academic record with a minimum of 55% of marks (or an equivalent grade) at Masters level from an Indian University. MUNBAI – 400 022. MSME. Interested candidates with such qualification are required to report for the Walk-in-lnterview at concerned P. contingency grant of Rs. . Mumbai is a Government of India Society. cost accounting etc. LTC. Marine Science (Oceanography). 2015. Filled in prescribed application forms along with required DD of Rs. Desirable: Knowledge in computer working. Sr. To & fro rail / bus fare will be reimbursed on production of proof to candidates attending the interview as per rule.000/. Eligibility: • M. Sr.p. No. 2 – Assistant Director: (Mechanical) Qualification: Essential: Degree in Mechanical/ Production Engineering or equivalent from a recognized University/Institution. The University reserves the right to engage or not to engage and also to terminate the engagement of the Guest Faculty/PartTime Teacher at any time without assigning any reason thereof. Berhampur (Constituent College).O. 4 – Junior Technical Assistant. a renowned Institute to provide services to Micro. Experience: Essential: One year experience in the relevant trade. Mathematics.D.µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 .Experience: Essential: 4 years as Stenographer-typist in reputed organization. Marine Science (Marine Biology). Last date of receipt of applications: 10th March.13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 4 NIJUKTI KHABAR MSME -TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT CENTRE. for OBC candidates. STA & Rs. DD should be drawn in favour of IDEMI Mumbai. Duration: 3-6 months for young scientists and10-15 days for senior Scientists. relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC. Qualification: Essential: Degree in Arts/Commerce/Science from a recognized University/Institution or equivalent with English typing speed 30 w. (Electronics/Applied Physics) from a recognized university/Institution. No. Qualification: Essential: Degree in Arts / Commerce/Science or equivalent qualification from a recognized University/ Institution with knowledge of shorthand and typewriting at a speed of 100 and 40 w. . Law and History. Stenographer. rules. Legal disputes. Age Limit: 30 INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH ICMR INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIPS (2015-16) The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) invites applications from Indian biomedical scientists for the international fellowships for the year 2015-16. Qualification: Essential: ITI Certificate in Machinist/Turner/ Fitter/Electrician/Electronics/Miller Right Fitter/Tool Room Certificate Course (2 years) from SIDO Tool Room or from the recognized Institute or equivalent (exact trade shall be notified at the time of recruitment by the Appointing Authority). Desirable: . Ansari Nagar. . SION P. Desirable: ITI Draughtsmanship Course. Sion P. 500/. INSTITUTE FOR DESIGN OF ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS. shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Berhampur only. respectively. For details and format of application log on to ICMR website: http://www. No.D. Transport Allowance. Desirable: Training in CAD/CAM/CNC. No. seminars etc. Qualification: Essential: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering / Tool Design or equivalent from a recognized University/Institution. Small & Medium Enterprises in the field of Design & Development. IR & PM. relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC.Practical experience Tool Production/Tool Design . Sr. Chunabhatti. full name. relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC PERK & ALLOWANCES: These posts besides pay scale carry attractive fringe benefits such as Dearness Allowance facility. OR 5 years experience in maintenance in a Tool Room or precision engineering workshop preferably in maintenance of CNC machines. Eastern Express Highway. Assistant Director. Desirable: Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering/Technology/Management from recognized University / Institution. Post Box No.M. No. relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC Sr. cost accounting. Desirable: . Experience: Essential: 3 years experience in Accounts /Store/Administration in reputed organization. Desirable: Working experience of CAD. 1 – Joint Director: (Mechanical). 20. Incomplete application will be rejected. Experience: Essential: 3 years experience (in the Hindi Cell) in Hindi typing in reputed organization. Experience: Essential: 5 years experience in operation of machines and equipment of a Tool Room or fitting/assembly of tools / heat treatment. Age Limit: 30 years. 5 – Senior Draughtsman. result oriented persons in the respective fields for filling up the following posts. .for Sr. Desirable: --. Departments of Chemistry.icmr. Experience: Essential: 5 years experience in Production/ Planning Department of Tool Room in a reputed Engineering in Industry out of which 3 years should be in a responsible position. per lecture (of forty-five minutes duration) with a maximum ceiling of Rs. contingency grant of Rs. Qualification: Essential: Degree in Engineering in Mechanical/Production or equivalent from a recognized University/Institution. 2009. JTA.000/. Berhampur on the above date and one hour before the given interview time with the following documents: (1) The original certificates and mark sheets along with photocopies of those documents in support of their academic qualifications (2) Three copies of Biodata giving full particulars (3) Address for correspondence" with contact Telephone No. Qualification: Essential: Degree in Arts/Commerce/Science from a recognized University/Institution or equivalent with Hindi typing speed 30 w. Age Limit: 45 years. 10 – Hindi Typist. Jr.(Rupees twenty thousand per month). CHUNABHATTI. & Quasi Govt. with recent passport photograph. Desirable: Training in CAD/CAM/CNC.30 A. Electrical.Experience in tool Production using CNC machines. ALL ABOVE POST ARE PURELY ON CONTRACT BASIS. No. The Guest Faculty/ Part-Time Teacher will be paid an honorarium'of Rs. Experience: Essential: 5 years experience in production / Planning Department of Tool Room / Reputed Engineering Industry of which 3 years in a responsible position. Number of fellowships: Young scientists-12. Experience: Essential: 5 years experience in Calibration and Testing/Training Department/Tool Room in reputed engineering industry out of which 3 years should be in a responsible Technical/Management position. Mumbai. relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC.nic.02. etc. and email ID (4) A recent passport size photograph.and return economy class air ticket (excursion airfare) for young scientists.p. No.Age Limit: 30 years. HOW TO APPLY : Apply on plain paper neatly typed / written indicating post applied for. Experience: Essential: ‘Nil’ for Degree holders and 3 years for Diploma Holders in Tool Room/ recognized Technical Training Institution. Reservation in post for PH Candidates as per Govt.CSIR (or any other agency accredited by the UGC) or Ph.D. No. The engagement will confer no right to claim for the post on regular basis. Technology Development Centre (formerly IDEMI). Desirable: Knowledge of operation of computer. 3 – Senior Technical Assistant. MERE FULFILMENT OF THE ELIGIBLITY NORMS WILL NOT ENTITLE A CANDIDATE TO BE CALLED FOR INTERVIEW AND THE DECISION OF THE MANAGEMENT IN THIS REGARDS SHALL BE FINAL & BINDING. Qualification: Essential: Degree in Engineering in Electrical/Electronics/Electronics and Telecommunication/Instrumentation or equivalent from a recognized University/Institution. Age Limit: 45 years. Electronics Mechanical & Information Technology fields. relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC. Desirable: Practical experience in working with CNC machines and CAD/CAM equipment and their maintenance. House Rent Allowance. typing speed and knowledge of Computers. New Delhi-110029. Desirable: . 20. qualified and experienced candidates. or public sector undertaking should apply through proper channel with an advance copy.). Desirable: Master degree in Library with Computers knowledge. Person working in Govt.for Joint Director. Tool Design or equivalent . relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC. Sr. candidates having Ph. Sr. on 09. Age Limit: 35 years.ISO 9001 / 14001 systems Management of engineering projects.Age Limit: 30 years. the fellowship is to be availed before 28th February. salary drawn. experience details (in years & month). Age Limit: 30 years. Technology Development Centre (formerly IDEMI). Desirable: Training in CAD/CAM/CNC. Institute also conducts Training Programmes in Electrical. Registar . Technician.m. CAD/CAM technology etc. Ten copies of the application should be submitted to: International Health Division (IHD). relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/Internal Candidate & 3 years for OBC. Please write on envelop name of post applied for.Practical experience in Tool Production /Tool design. Desirable: --. However Advocates having at least 12 (twelve) years of experience at Bar may apply for the Guest Faculty/Part-Time Teachers in Law to teach specialised papers offered at UG and PG levels. MANAGEMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ALTER THE ELIGIBILITY STANDARDS. Qualification: Essential: Degree in Arts/Commerce/Science with Diploma in Library Science from a recognized University/Institution with 30 w. Electronic & Process Control Instruments / Equipments / Products / Appliances etc. Experience: Essential: 4 years experience in line in reputed organization & Computer working knowledge the relevant trade.Use of computers for Production Planning. educational. Ramalingaswami Bhawan. Hindi Translator. Desirable: Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering/Tool Design/Production/CAD/CAM or equivalent from recognized University/Institution.. post held. CPF. for SC/ST/ Internal candidates and 3yrs. Calibration & Testing of Mechanical. Journalism & Mass Communication. Higher star in salary can be considered for exceptionally meritorious. date of birth and age. Commerce. years. Age Limit: 30 years. Age Limit: Relaxable up-to 5 yrs. Sr. 2016. 300/. Computer Science. Experience: Essential: 4 years as Tool Design Draughtsman in a reputed firm/organization. Attested photocopies of relevant certificates in respect of date birth. Sr. Desirable: Post Graduate Diploma in Engineering/Technology/Management from recognized University/Institution. Sr. of India Society under Ministry of MSME) IDEMI. APPLICATION MUST REACH WITHIN 15 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF PUBLICATION OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT TO : THE PRINCIPAL DIRECTOR. Qualification: Essential: Diploma in Electrical/Electronics/communication Engineering/Instrumentation/ Mechanical Engineering/Tool Design or equivalent from a recognized University/ Institution. Sr. No. BERHAMPUR UNIVERSITY. Librarian.(Rupees five hundred only) . Electronic Science.Tool Production using CNC machines. 20. if any. Experience: Essential: 5 years Experience in Production/Training Department of Tool Room in a reputed engineering Industry out of which 3 years in a responsible position.and return economy class air ticket (excursion airfare) for young scientists • US$ 200 per day (including US$ 75 as per diem and US$ 125 is for accommodation).G. degree in accordance with UGC (Minimum Standard and Procedures for Award of Ph. MSME. Age Limit: 30 years. Medical Allowance etc. nature of duties. Indian Council of Medical Research. technical & professional qualifications (both essential and desirable). Draughsman. Sr.in. Note: • The applicant should submit a letter of acceptance from the foreign Institute where he/she proposes to work along with a concrete plan of training/ research work to be undertaken during the fellowship • Recommendation by the Head of the parent organization/ institute is essential • Incomplete applications will not be entertained • Decision of ICMR will be final • If selected.D/PhD degree with at least three years teaching/research experience for young scientists and at least fifteen years for senior scientists • Regular position in a recognized biomedical/research/ health institution in India • Below 45 years of age for young and 57 years for senior scientists Financial support: • US$ 3000 per month. Technician. 7.ac. Category:.in. within 2 days of publication of this advt. Also forward your CVS to sampurnafoundation@gmail. Unit-I. ESM (Ex-Servicemen). CT. Candidates may send their CV along with 2nos of recent photos and valid PAN /Adhar No.in ¯ÿ¿¯ÿÜÿæÀÿ LÿÀÿç On-line þæšþ{Àÿ Óç™æÓÁÿQ fþæ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ Lÿçºæ NIOS AæoÁÿçLÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷. Question paper cum answer sheet of written test will be available in both English and Hindi. A copy of Discharge Certificate should also be enclosed. fS†ÿ¨ëÀÿ .Gen(UR).edu. Polytechnic: Mech. Geography Teacher 5. Professors . Ó´êLÿõ†ÿç¨÷æ© Ašßœÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷.. Saheed Nagar.org" & "www.02. (j) Ex-Servicemen certificate should have been issued by the completent authorities. *** 1. Civil Engg. The above mentioned vacancies/posts are subject to All India Service Liability.5200-20200 + GPRs.mail: [email protected] lakhs to 2 lakhs per annum + incentives. Berhampur-760 004. Engg. Contact within 12 days. Primary School Coordinator (Classes 1 to 5) 3. Commandant. HRM. Cook .2014 for the post of Lab.in.2015 to 16-02-2015. (b) Must have knowledge of Indian Cooking and proficiency in trade.. The Application Form and guidelines are available in the website. Apply Resume within Ten days of the adv. & Tele com. www..nic. 2.ac. Power System Engg. Finance. 6. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/ESM/PH will be governed as per existing Govt. Odisha. 4. servants and Ex-servicemen candidates as per existing Govt. Applicants are advised to send application either in English or Hindi..2015ÀÿçQvÿæÀÿë †ÿæ 15. which may further be extended at the discretion of Appointing Authority i. & Engg. Comp.. Incomplete applications and necessary documents not found enclosed are liable to be rejected without any intimation to the candidate and applicants will have no claim whatsoever. MA.in þæšþ{Àÿ on-line fþæ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæÀÿ Óë¯ÿç™æ ¨÷`ÿÁÿç†ÿ LÿÀÿçdç> B†ÿç þš{Àÿ Lÿçdç F{f+/œÿLÿàÿç AœÿëÏæœÿþæœÿZÿÀÿ A{œÿð†ÿçLÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿ AæþÀÿ ’ÿõÎç{Sæ`ÿÀÿ {ÜÿæBdç> NIOS Éçäæ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷(Study Centre) ×樜ÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ F¯ÿóNIOS ¨Àÿêäæ ¨æBô Examination Centre ×çÀÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ œÿôæ{Àÿ {Óþæ{œÿ ¯ÿçµÿçŸ ¯ÿç’ÿ¿æÁÿßþæœÿZÿë ¨÷µÿæ¯ÿç†ÿ LÿÀÿëd.Tech. `ÿ¢ÿ÷{ÉQÀÿ¨ëÀÿ. Ph: 0674-2531550. Probation. fS†ÿ¨ëÀÿ ’ÿ´æÀÿæ ¨Àÿç`ÿæÁÿç†ÿ fçàÿâæ ÖÀÿêß Éç{Åÿæ{’ÿ¿æSê ¯ÿçLÿæÉ Lÿæ¾ö¿Lÿ÷þ A. Mechanical Engg. 2. (b) One year experience in the trade.560025..Pay Band & Grade Pay: 5200-20200 + GPRs.ÿ ¯ÿç j 樜ÿ œÿçþ§àÿçQ#†ÿ 10 {Sæsç LÿÖëÀÿ¯ÿæ Sæ¤ÿç ¯ÿæÁÿçLÿæ ¯ÿç’ÿ¿æÁÿß{Àÿ Qæàÿç ¨Ýç$#¯ÿæ ¨’ÿ¯ÿê œÿçþçˆÿ D¨¾ëNÿ {Lÿ¯ÿÁÿ þÜÿçÁÿæ ¨÷æ$#öœÿêþæœÿZÿvÿæÀÿë œÿç•öæÀÿç†ÿ üÿþö{Àÿ ’ÿÀÿQæÖ AæÜÿ´æœÿ LÿÀÿæ¾æDAdç> DNÿ œÿç{ßæfœÿ `ÿëNÿçµÿçˆÿçLÿ H Ó¸í‚ÿö A×æßê A{s> ¨÷æ$öê/¨÷æ$#œö ÿêþæœÿZÿÀÿ Ó{. LÿÁÿçèÿœÿSÀÿ. *** Invites applications from eligible candidates for the posts of Principal.kendujhar.ÿç> NIOS ÓÜÿ ÓóÉâçÎ ÓþÖZÿë †ÿ$æ Ó¯ÿöÓæ™æÀÿ~Zÿ Ó´æ$ö D”çÎ{Àÿ F†ÿ’ÿ´æÀÿæ f~æB ’ÿçAæ¾æDdç {¾ F$#¨æBô NIOS {Lÿò~Óç F{f+/A~Ó´êLÿõ†ÿç¨÷æ© AœÿëÏæœÿLÿë œÿç{ßæfç†ÿ LÿÀÿçœÿæÜÿ] Lÿçºæ FÓ¯ÿëÀÿ A™#LÿæÀÿ {’ÿBœÿæÜÿ]> NIOS {Àÿ œÿæþ{àÿQæ/¨Àÿêäæ {’ÿß B†ÿ¿æ’ÿç Éçäæ$öêþæ{œÿ Off-line mode{Àÿ þš NIOS AæoÁÿçLÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷.01 . {Lÿ¢ÿë l ÀÿZÿ œÿç { ”ö É Lÿ÷ { þ fç à ÿâ æ ¨÷ L ÿÅÿ Óó{¾æfLÿ.ac.5200-20200 + GPRs.Sc.. ™þöÉæÁÿæ 9861443988 {¾æS¿†ÿæ Óˆÿöæ¯ÿÁÿê: (Lÿ) ¨÷æ$öê/¨÷æ$#öœÿê HÝçÉæÀÿ ¾æf¨ëÀÿ fçàÿâæÀÿ ×æßê ¯ÿæÓç¢ÿæ {ÜÿæB$#{¯ÿ> (Q) ¨÷æ$öê/¨÷æ$#öœÿê Aœÿë¿œÿ AÎþ {É÷~ê Éçäæàÿæµÿ LÿÀÿç$#{¯ÿ> A™#Lÿ Éçäç†ÿ.11. SENIOR ACCOUNTANT.5200-20200 + GP Rs.S/8394 of. Puri. Ašßœÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷. BED 2 to 3 years in any educational field As per rule of sixth pay commission.Sc. Systems & Communicative English. {LÿDô ¨÷LÿÅÿ LÿÀÿçd. The person selected for appointment will be on probation for a period of two years. 1900. Preference will be given to the candidates with experience in advertised post. SC (Scheduled Caste).(a) Matriculation pass or equivalent from recognized Board with proficiency in Barber's trade job. {Lÿ¢ÿë l Àÿ NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OPEN SCHOOLING AæoÁÿçLÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´Àÿ.2015 ÀÿçQ Óë•æ ’ÿÀÿQæÖ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ> Óæ™æÀÿ~ ¨Àÿç`ÿæÁÿLÿ.2015ÀÿçQ> (Q) Aæ{¯ÿ’ÿœÿLÿæÀÿê Óæ’ÿæ LÿæSf{Àÿ œÿçfÀÿ œÿæþ. ¯ÿõˆÿçµÿçˆÿçLÿ Ašßœÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷vÿæ{Àÿ Off-line þæšþ{Àÿ fþæ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ> F$#¨æBô NIOSÀÿ Facilitation Centre Àÿ ÓÜÿæ߆ÿæ þš œÿçAæ¾æB¨æ{Àÿ> Facilitation Centre Ó¯ÿëÀÿ ¯ÿç¯ÿÀÿ~ê NIOSÀÿ {H´¯ÿúÓæBsúÀÿë þçÁÿç¨æÀÿç¯ÿ> NIOSÀÿ AæoÁÿçLÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷.Gen(UR) . Ó¯ÿöÉçäæ Aµÿç¾æœÿ. BANGALORE.nios. ¨÷LÿÅÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæLÿë AæS÷Üÿê H {¾æS¿ ¨÷æ$öê/¨÷æ$#öœÿêþæœÿZÿë AS÷æ™#LÿæÀÿ ’ÿçAæ¾ç¯ÿ> (S) ¯ÿßÓ 18 ¯ÿÌöÀÿë A™#Lÿ {ÜÿæB$#¯ÿ> Aæ{¯ÿ’ÿœÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ¨÷~æÁÿê: (Lÿ) Aæ{¯ÿ’ÿœÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæÀÿ {ÉÌ †ÿæÀÿçQ †ÿæ 12.nic. TGT-English. Elect. Teacher in Dance.. Must have 3-4 years of experience in students Marketing. Stewart Science College.ÿ fçàÿâæ ¨÷LÿÅÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿æÁÿß. in the school address: Mother's Public School. Medical College. Berhampur.ÿSö†ÿ ’ÿÉ ’ÿçœÿ ¯ÿ¿æ¨ê D{’ÿ¿æS ¯ÿçLÿæÉ †ÿæàÿçþ Lÿæ¾ö¿Lÿ÷þ{Àÿ µÿæS {œÿ¯ÿæ ¨æBô HÝçÉæÀÿ ¾æf¨ëÀÿ fçàÿâæÀÿ Éçäç†ÿ. Candidates are requested to superscribe the words "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF. Rules in this regard) as on 21 days from the publication of the advertisement. Assistants. of Post: 05. {Ó$#¨æBô NIOS FÜÿæÀÿ Web {¨æsöæàÿ www. For details. & Engg. Chemistry.B. Campus : CUTTACK (TANGI) 754022. (b) Industrial Training Institute certificate or National certificate Trade Vocational Training or Ex-trade apprentices. Mob7205035106/05/08 *** 1. ELTI Lÿ¿æ¸Ó. mobile no.. 5. (g) No correspondence/complaint in this regard shall be entertained. PGT-Physics. Bangalore. UNDER CIVILIAN DIRECT RECRUITMENT" on the top of the envelope and send through Registered Post.ac.ÿæÌfœÿLÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿LÿÁÿæ¨ Aæ™æÀÿ{Àÿ œÿç{ßæfœÿÀÿ `ÿëNÿç A¯ÿ™# ¨ëœÿ¯ÿöæÀÿ 1 ¯ÿÌö ¯ÿ•}†ÿ LÿÀÿæ¾æB¨æ{Àÿ> ¨÷{†ÿ¿Lÿ ¨’ÿ¯ÿê ¨æBô FLÿLÿ ’ÿÀÿQæÖ AæÜÿ´æœÿ LÿÀÿæ¾æDAdç> CLASSIFIED Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Senior Residents & Tutors of various specialties and higher specialties of M. VLSI & Embedded System Design. *** Teachers wanted for year 201516 Jahan Public School.in{Àÿ D¨àÿ²> FÜÿç ¯ÿçj樜ÿLÿë Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ þë†ÿæ¯ÿLÿ ¯ÿ’ÿÁÿ Lÿçºæ Àÿ” LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ’ÿä†ÿæ œÿçþ§ Ó´æäÀÿLÿæÀÿêZÿ Óˆÿ´æ™#LÿæÀÿ A{s> fç à ÿâ æ ¨æÁÿ †ÿ$æ Ašä Ó¯ÿö É ç ä æ Aµÿç ¾ æœÿ. Email jahanschool@gmail. Ó¯ÿö É ç ä æ Aµÿç ¾ æœÿ. {þð†ÿ÷ê ¯ÿçÜÿæÀÿ. Power Electronics. However. "www. (Honours in Botany) Candidates may apply with bio-data. Photo (must)...tipsgroup. Name of the Post: Carpenter. & PGDM: Marketing. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: (a) Age : Minimum 18 years & Maximum 25 years for General candidates. QualificationGraduate.. Physics. *** Eligibility : Demonstrator in Botany . (c) Application to be forwarded in A4 size paper only.e. Present & expected salary & benefits etc to chairman@giet. The candidates who have applied forthe post of Lab. Bangalore D¨{ÀÿæNÿ ÓþÖ ¨’ÿ¯ÿêþæœÿ fçàÿâæ¨æÁÿ {Lÿ¢ÿëlÀÿZÿ Óµÿ樆ÿç†ÿ´{Àÿ Svÿç†ÿ fçàÿâæ ¯ÿæÁÿçLÿæ Éçäæ Óó{¾æfœÿæ Lÿþçsç þæšþ{Àÿ ¨íÀÿ~ LÿÀÿæ¾ç¯ÿ> ¨÷æ$#öœÿêþæ{œÿ œÿç•öæÀÿç†ÿ ’ÿÀÿQæÖ üÿþö/œÿçßþæ¯ÿÁÿê œÿçþ{.com Call: 9238011022. Mathematics & Communicative English. Engg. Ministry of Defence Corps of Military Police Centre and School. Barber . Electrical Engg.ac. 06758-232993.00 WsçLÿæ ¨¾ö¿. (h) No TA/DA for test/interview will be paid.Tech. through e-mail / post.ÿ ¨ævÿ¿Lÿ÷þLÿë þëNÿ H ’ÿíÀÿÉçäæ þæšþ{Àÿ {¾æSæB$æF> ¯ÿç’ÿ¿æ$öêþæ{œÿ {¾¨Àÿç ÓÜÿf H Óë¯ÿç™æ{Àÿ œÿæþ{àÿQæ H ¨Àÿêäæ {’ÿß fþæ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ.. Teacher in Western Music. the question on the portion of English language will be in English only. Abbreviations : GEN (General).02. *** ACCOUNTS OFFICER. Engg. AE&I Engg. NIOSÀÿ Ó´êLÿõ†ÿç ¨æBœÿ$#¯ÿæ AœÿëÏæœÿ/F{fœÿÛêLÿë Ó¸Lÿö LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ.02. Visit www. Website: www. fS†ÿ¨ë À ÿ HÝçÉæÀÿ ¾æf¨ëÀÿ fçàÿâæÀÿ Éçä†ç ÿ. 2. {¯ÿLÿæÀÿ ¾ë¯ÿLÿ/¾ë¯ÿ†ÿêþæœÿZÿ ¨æBô D{’ÿ¿æS ¯ÿçLÿæÉ †ÿæàÿçþ AæoÁÿçLÿ ÉçÅÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷. ¯ÿßÓ. Ó´êLÿõ†ÿç¨÷æ© Ašßœÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷. (d) Applicants are advised to send two self addressed envelop duly pasted with Rs. 1900 . M. Comp.2015 ÀÿçQ A¨ÀÿæÜÿ§ 5. Electronics & Telecom. 3. Chemistry & Mathematics BBA & BCA: Reader/ Lecturer/Lab. (e) Call letters will be sent to the candidates in whom respect application found correct after screening of the same for written/practical test. 3.OBC: 01 .. Aµÿçµÿæ¯ÿLÿ H Ó¯ÿöÓæ™æÀÿ~Zÿë f~æB ’ÿçAæ¾æDdç {¾ œÿæþ{àÿQæ/œÿí†ÿœÿ Éçäæ{Lÿ¢ÿ÷ ¨÷†ÿçÏ ¨æBô NIOS {Lÿò~Óç AœÿëÏæœÿ/Coaching CentreLÿë œÿç{ßæfç†ÿ LÿÀÿçœÿæÜÿ]> Fvÿæ{Àÿ ØÎ LÿÀÿç ’ÿçAæ¾æBdç {¾. 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Minimum Education/Technical Qualification & Experience: (a) Matriculation or its equivalent from recognized Board. ¯ÿæÓç¢ÿæ ¨÷þæ~¨†ÿ÷SëÝçLÿÀÿ ÓÜÿçœÿLÿàÿ ÓóàÿS§ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ> xÿæLÿ ’ÿ´æÀÿæ¨÷æ©ç{Àÿ ¯ÿçÁÿº ¨æBô Lÿˆÿöõ¨ä ’ÿæßê ÀÿÜÿç{¯ÿ œÿæÜÿ] Lÿçºæ {ÀÿfçÎ÷ç xÿæLÿ ¯ÿ¿†ÿê†ÿ Aœÿ¿ þæšþ{Àÿ ’ÿÀÿQæÖ S÷Üÿ~{¾æS¿ œÿë{Üÿô> A™#Lÿ ¯ÿç¯ÿÀÿ~ê www.. {üÿæœÿ œÿó.02. 1800 . Secretary.5/-postage stamp.Total: 01 . Application forms.Gen(UR): 01. requisite documents required before applying/filling are available on "INDIAN ARMY" Website at http://indianarmy. OBC candidates .(a) Matriculation pass or equivalent from recognized Board. ACCOUNTANT. ER . Engg..G.driems. Electrical Engg.05 years. {¯ÿLÿæÀÿ ¾ë¯ÿLÿ H ¾ë¯ÿ†ÿêþæœÿZÿ vÿæÀÿë œÿçþ§àÿçQ#†ÿ ¯ÿç¯ÿÀÿ~ê Aœÿë¾æßê ’ÿÀÿQæÖ AæÜÿ´æœÿ LÿÀÿæ¾æDAdç> LÿÁÿçèÿœÿSÀÿ AæoÁÿçLÿ ÉçÅÿ{Lÿ¢ÿ÷ œÿç{þ§æNÿ ’ÿëBsç ×æœÿ{Àÿ FÜÿç †ÿæàÿçþ Lÿæ¾ö¿¨Àÿç`ÿæÁÿœÿæ LÿÀÿç { ¯ÿ> †ÿæàÿçþ Lÿæ¾ö¿Lÿ÷þ ¯ÿç¯ÿÀÿ~ê fç à ÿâ æ ×æœÿ {¾æSæ{¾æS œÿó ¾æf¨ëÀÿ ¨oæ߆ÿ Óþç†ÿç. *** 1..ÿç ¯ÿæ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæLÿë `ÿæÜÿëôd. Physics.com. Package-1.ganjam. (relaxation for ST/SC candidates . ¯ÿÝ`ÿ~æ (0671)2491573 ¨oæ߆ÿ Óþç†ÿç. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER. PRT English. within 30 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in News Paper. c) One year experience in the trade. Ó¯ÿö É ç ä æ Aµÿç ¾ æœÿ. Candidate will make their own boarding/lodging arrangement for test/interview. Bangalore .nios.. General instructions. textile and leather repair and replacement of equipment and boots. in Botany are advised to apply for Demonstrator in Botany as the earlier advertisement No. fS†ÿ¨ëÀÿ/ÉçÅÿ ¯ÿçLÿæÉ A™#LÿæÀÿê LÿþöÉæÁÿæ/¯ÿÝ`ÿ~æZÿë †ÿæ 12. MBA.ÿ ™æ¾ö¿ LÿÀÿæ¾æBAdç> ¨÷æ$#öœÿê {Lÿ¯ÿÁÿ {ÀÿfçÎç÷ xÿæLÿ þæšþ{Àÿ ’ÿÀÿQæÖ {¨÷Àÿ~ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ> ’ÿÀÿQæÖ ÓÜÿ Éçäæ Óº¤ÿêß ÓþÖ Óæs}üÿç{Lÿs. (f) CMP Centre and School will not be responsible for any postal delay.nios. Neelasandra Lines. Bhubaneswar751009. PGT-English. JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT.Tel. Post. Co mp. 2015 by Speed Post / Regd. üÿ{sæ.. Govt of India.in.Total: 01 .in same can be viewed and downloaded. Vacancies for CMP CENTRE AND SCHOOL. µÿë ¯ ÿ{œÿÉ´ À ÿ-751023 ’ÿíÀÿµÿæÌ: 0674-2302788. (c) One year experience in the trade from any recognized institution.µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 .in {Àÿ Adç> AæoÁÿç L ÿ œÿç { ”ö É Lÿ Applications are invited for the following posts Group 'C/Group 'C (Erstwhile Group 'D') from the Indian Nationals (MALE CANDIDATES ONLY) who are fulfilling the requisite qualifications/ specifications as a Defence Civilian Employee. OBC (Other Backward Class). ODISHA E. vÿçLÿ~æ.5 pm) at Sampurna School. Tatal: 01. Cuttack.ac. dated 28.Com.03 years and for Govt. Receptionist cum typist. LÿÁÿç è ÿœÿSÀÿ. Assistant Professors & Teaching Associates for different Wings. Interested candidates may send their resume to rhsbbsr@gmailcom *** 50 VACANCIES ALL OVER ODISHA.nios. PRINCIPAL. Apply with 3 days with CV.. 4. Chemistry and Mathematics.13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 5 NIJUKTI KHABAR fç à ÿâ æ ¨÷ L ÿÅÿ Lÿæ¾ö ¿ æÁÿß. & Engg.Civil Engg.. ÉçäæS†ÿ {¾æS¿†ÿæ. 5.02.. LÿÁÿçèÿœÿSÀÿ. CMP Centre & School.ÿ ¨ÀÿæþÉö ’ÿçAæSàÿæ> ’ÿÀÿQæÖ S÷Üÿ~Àÿ ÓþßÓêþæ †ÿæ 01. µÿæÀÿ†ÿ ÓÀÿLÿæÀÿZÿÀÿ þæœÿ¯ÿ ÓºÁÿ ¯ÿçLÿæÉ þ¦~æÁÿßÀÿ ¯ÿç’ÿ¿æÁÿß Éçäæ H ÓæäÀÿ†ÿæ A™êœÿ{Àÿ $#¯ÿæ FLÿ Ó´ßóÉæÓç†ÿ Óó×æ ¾æÜÿæ DaÿþæšþçLÿ {É÷~ê ¨¾ö¿.. {Lÿ¢ÿëlÀÿ Lÿçºæ Ó¸õNÿ {SæÏê Éçäæ A™#LÿæÀÿêZÿ ÓÜÿç†ÿ {¾æSæ{¾æS LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ œÿçþ{. EEE Engineering. Ó´êLÿõ†ÿç¨÷æ© Ašßœÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷/Ó´êLÿõ†ÿç¨÷æ© ¯ÿõˆÿçµÿçˆÿçLÿ Ašßœÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ Lÿçºæ NIOSÀÿ þëQ¿ Lÿæ¾ö¿æÁÿß{Àÿ fþæ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ> NIOSÀÿ AæoÁÿçLÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷. ¯ÿõˆÿçµÿçˆÿçLÿ Ašßœÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ H Aœÿ¿ Ó¯ÿë {Lÿ¢ÿ÷þæœÿZÿ †ÿæàÿçLÿæ NIOSÀÿ {H´¯ÿúÓæBsú www..(a) Matriculation or its equivalent from recognized Board. Applications completed in all respect along with necessary documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer or Self Attested to be addressed To The Commandant CMP Centre and School. Asst. & Elect. Kakatpur. Associate Professors. No. {Lÿ¢ÿë l Àÿ {Lÿ¢ÿë l Àÿ fç à ÿâ æ Àÿ LÿÖë À ÿ¯ÿæ Sæ¤ÿê ¯ÿæÁÿç L ÿæ ¯ÿç ’ ÿ¿æÁÿß{Àÿ `ÿë N ÿç µ ÿç ˆ ÿç L ÿ œÿç { ßæfœÿ œÿç þ {. AæoæÁÿçLÿ ÉçÅÿ{Lÿ¢ÿ÷. Interested candidates may come for an Walk-inlnterview on 1st Feb 2015 (from 11 am .mkcgmch. œÿæþ{àÿQæ/¨Àÿêäæ ¨æBô D”çÎ ÀÿæÉçvÿæÀÿë A™#Lÿ fþæ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ B†ÿ¿æ’ÿç {ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ NIOS DˆÿÀÿ’ÿæßê ÀÿÜÿç¯ÿ œÿæÜÿ]> Éçäæ$öêþæœÿZÿë FÜÿæ’ÿ´æÀÿæ ¨ÀÿæþÉö ’ÿçAæ¾æDdç {¾ œÿæþ{àÿQæ/¨Àÿêäæ {’ÿß B†ÿ¿æ’ÿç NIOSÀÿ {H´¯ÿúÓæBsú www. 6.ÿç †ÿæÜÿæÀÿ ¯ÿç¯ÿÀÿ~ê ÓÜÿç†ÿ Óæ™æÀÿ~ ¨Àÿç`ÿæÁÿLÿ. Fax: 0674-2536072. (b) Should be able to carry out all canvas.in ÀÿæÎ÷êß þëNÿ ¯ÿç’ÿ¿æÁÿß Éçäæ ¨÷†ÿçÏæœÿ(NIOS). Asst..in" from 04.. (b) Screening process to be followed such as applicability of written/practical test/ interview as applicable to the posts. (45 years for SCs/STs). Applications received will be scrutinized for checking the eligibility. (ac) PH or PWD(Person With Disability) Certificate. (c) OBC (Non Creamy Layer) Category.com for the post of Boats Crew – LASCAR. (v) Undertake first line maintenance of all equipments and system onboard. The upper age is relaxable by 10 years (Total 15 years for SCs/STs and 13 years for OBCs in respect of vacancies reserved for them.godiwadabhartee. entertained on the matter and or after the selection procedure.GEN–General. The upper age limit is relaxable by 03 years against vacancies reserved for them. OBC-Other Backward Class. (b) Written Examination and Syllabus. (e) Exserviceman – The upper age limit in case of Ex-Servicemen shall be relaxed by the extent of service rendered in defence forces (Army. Only matriculation / SSC certificates issued by the concerned education board will be considered as proof of date of birth. Guidelines for Filling Online Application. of India’s rules in force. (a) Category-wise number of vacancies mentioned above. The candidate would be considered as per the preference and in order of merit. General Knowledge. (a) Eligible applicants are required to apply only through 'On-line application Format' available on ND(MBI) recruitment website www. Essential Qualification: (i) 10th Standard pass from a recognized Board/Institution. with 50% reserved to fill up all vacancies against absenteeism. (iv) Watch keeping of all engineering equipment fitted onboard. Call letters will be issued on the email ID registered with Naval Dockyard.(i) Valid e-Mail ID. The responsibility of filing the applications and furnishing all details correctly is the sole responsibility of the candidate. time and venue for written examination. Eligibility Criteria (a) A candidate must be citizen of India.document verification and medicals will be intimated to the eligible candidates by issuing a Call letter/Admit card through e-mail/ on website www. Mumbai or any Naval Unit within Western Naval Command as per discretion of appointing authority and the decision of the Appointing Authority is final and binding. (iii) Watch keeping of Yard Craft in all three shifts duties on rotation basis. The age limit is further relaxable by 5 years in the case of SC/ST and 03 years for persons belonging to Other Backward Classes (OBC) in respect of the post reserved for them. Admiral Superintendent.µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 . subject to submission of certificates as per Govt of India rules which are as under:. (aa) Mark sheet / Result of 10th / High School ( Front and back for clarity of grade) (ab) Reserved Category Certificate with current validity / creamy layer wherever applicable as per format issued by Govt of India. 2. (g) Sportspersons. (viii) Other persons availing age relaxations are to produce certificate in prescribed profoma specified by the Government. Candidate has to be in the merit of written examination and also must qualify PET / swimming test. Any temporary disability or any other cause shall not be a reason to seek exemption or postponement for appearing in PET/ swimming test. (iii) Candidates may note that mere qualifying in written examination /PET / swimming test does not entitle them for appointment in the Naval Dockyard. The upper age limit can be relaxed up to a maximum of 05 years (10 years for SC/ST communities and 08 years for OBC in respect of post reserved for them) may be allowed to meritorious Sportsmen/sportswomen in the field of games/sports recognized by the government for such purpose. 4. Request for change of date/ venue of the examination will not be entertained in any circumstances. The information shall be provided to the short listed candidates for written test/PET/Swimming test etc by e-mail/post. (a) Scrutiny. (b) Before applying for the post.com or post. (d) PWD/PH Candidates. The appointment of provisionally selected candidates will be strictly based on the final merit list drawn after successful completion of Documents verification. ND(MBI). during verification of documents / as and when asked for.jpg or . disqualification in Swimming/ PET. Rejection of application. (f) Departmental Candidates. each less than 250 kb size) for uploading with application at indicated place/location. Reasoning etc.com or post. 6. No change in the e-mail ID will be allowed once entered.godiwadabhartee. Mumbai ND(MBI) invites applications from eligible Indian citizens to apply ON-LINE through ND(MBI) recruitment website www. (b) SC/ST Category . if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is not in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement. (d) Candidates are liable to serve in Naval Dockyard. (b) Reservations for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/Ex-Serviceman /Sportsperson etc will be governed as per existing Govt. This test is compulsory for all candidates on the day of its conduct.The vacancies are subject to variation and the Admiral Superintendent has the right to cancel the advertisement/ recruitment at any stage due to administrative reasons.The upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years against vacancies reserved for them. This concession is subject to the condition that the Direct Recruitment posts are in the same line or allied cadre and a relationship could be established that past service rendered in the department will be useful for efficient discharge of duties in the other categories of posts. The candidate has to indicate the preference for the post. THE SAME IS TO BE RETAINED FOR ALL FUTURE CORRESPONDENCE / REFERENCE. Mumbai. Naval Dockyard. 8. These persons should also furnish a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from their employer. from his / her employer.com. time. Candidates are requested to read all instructions carefully and thoroughly before applying on line. All correspondence to the candidates would be communicated through the valid e-mail ID entered in the online application form and the same should remain active until the recruitment process is completed. however the allotment of the posts would be on the extent of availability of the vacancy for that particular post. in the prescribed format when such certificates are sought by the appointing authority. Provisionally selected candidates would be called for final verification of documents and medical examination. Scanned/digital copy of their following documents (. (l) Canvassing in any form and/or bringing any influence. (e) ATTESTED COPIES OF AFORESAID DOCUMENTS ARE REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED AT THE WRITTEN EXAMINATION VENUE FOR VERIFICATION AND RECORD FAILING WHICH HIS/HER CANDIDATURE WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. The age relaxation available for departmental candidates with three years of continuous service. Mumbai. (h) Communication address in the application forms will be treated as final and all letters / correspondence would be mailed on the same address if required.I and FIREMAN at Naval Dockyard. ST-Scheduled Tribe. Horizontal reservations for Exservicemen. (g) All queries / issues regarding application submission etc. (ad) Experience certificate as per proforma (d) After successful applying online. Medical Examination and other requirement as specified by the Central Government and Appointing authority. to the effect that he / she is a regular appointed Central Government Servant and not on casual / adopted / daily basis / hourly paid / contract basis employee. (c) Before registering/submitting applications on the website the candidates should possess the following:. Note: (i) Candidates are requested to fill up only one application for both the posts. The date.with 40% and above relevant disability) are available. (vii) Any other duties as and when assigned by the officials of yard craft. Candidates in 6 accordance with performance in the written examination will be called separately via website www. (j) Candidates are advised to fill the application form at the first available opportunity to avoid the last minute rush. . A candidate claiming to belong to the category of ‘Central Government Servant’ and thus seeking age relaxation under this category would have a certificate .(i) Proof of Identity issued by any Govt agency or recognized school/college. Mumbai via website www. (e) Provisional Selection of Candidate. (c) Physical Efficiency Test. Sportspersons and Persons with disability (PwDs. shall be up to 40 yrs of age. (b) No application through any other mode will be accepted.(i) The above standards are applicable for all categories of candidates including Exserviceman. (iii) Documents. High speed internet may help to submit the application forms speedily.jpg or .(a) Incomplete / incorrectly filled application (b) Not possessing prescribed qualification for the post on the date of application. A final merit list will be drawn on completion of Medical examination and successful verification of documents. The certificates/documents submitted by the candidates shall be verified in original during the course of pre or post recruitment process Furnishing of wrong/false information will be a disqualification and render the candidates liable for rejection of his/her candidature and ASD(MBI) will not be held responsible for any consequences of furnishing of such wrong/false information/rejection of candidature. Non-Ministerial. splices etc.godiwadabhartee. and venue of the written examination will be fixed by Naval Dockyard and will be intimated to the eligible candidates in due course. ExS. 3. (ii) Should know swimming (iii) 03 Years Service on a ship / craft from a registered (b) FIREMAN vessel . (e) Candidature of any candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or post recruitment. are to be addressed to Naval Dockyard (Mumbai) only through e-mail: info@godiwadabhartee. Naval Dockyard Mumbai reserves the right to:. TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION DULY ATTESTED BY ANY GAZETTED OFFICER :. The details of the PET/swimming are as under:- Note:. Candidates who wish to be considered against vacancies reserved / or seek age relaxation must submit requisite certificate from the competent authority.(i) Cancel or modify this notification without assigning any reason thereof. (ii) Photograph. Mode of Selection. The question paper will be provided in English and Hindi language only. (f) The candidates who have applied for selective posts in the order of preference will be considered for any of the trades from their basic feeder trade to the extent of availability of vacancies. Navy. during verification of documents / as and when asked for). candidates who fulfill all eligibility criteria are to download the registration/application form generated by the system with unique registration number. Age Criteria / Relaxations: Candidate should be between 18 and 35 Years unless provided relaxation. The offer letter of selected candidates shall be sent through post in addition to e-mail. Mere possession of qualification(s) does not confer the right for issue of call letter to the applicants for participation in the recruitment process. (APPLICATIONS THROUGH ANY OTHER MODE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED) BOATS CREW (Group ‘C’ Non-Gazetted.jpeg file only. (d) Any other irregularities which are considered invalid by Naval Dockyard Mumbai (e) Details not matching with uploaded forms on website. (iii) Maintenance and operation of both Fixed and Portable Fire Fighting system onboard craft including Damage Control. of the craft during exploitation of craft for movement at sea. (ii) Marks sheet and certificate of High School/Matriculation /Equivalent issued by respective board towards proof of Date of Birth (iii) Mark sheet / Result of 10th / High School (iv) Reserved Category Certificate with current validity wherever applicable (v) PH or PWD(Person With Disability) Certificate (vi) Ex-serviceman / sportsperson / any other certificate.e. PET/Swimming . (ii) The vacancies upto the date of declaration of the final result will be considered at the discretion of Admiral Superintendent. Candidature of the candidates at all stages will be purely provisional. SC–Scheduled Caste. Eligible candidates in each post would be sent call letters for appearing in a common written examination consisting of 100 objective type questions prepared. the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills all the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in the advertisement. Note: The age limit will be calculated as on the closing date for submission of online recruitment applications on the web site. Intimation about date. (b) Educational and other Qualification: Post Applied for: (a) LASCAR –I.com / email or post along with attestation forms and other documents required. anchor work. (b) Fireman is responsible for following:.godiwadabhartee. The application may be rejected on any of the following reasons/ grounds without giving any reasons / notice:. each less than 50 kb size) for uploading with application at indicated place/location. Maths. before applying online on the office letter head.godiwadabhartee. in harbor and in voyages. (vi) Assist the engine room in-charge for smooth functioning of the yard craft. subject to the condition that on the closing date of receipt of application (i) the continuous service rendered in the Armed forces by an ex-serviceman is not less than six months after attestation and (ii) that the resultant age after deducting his period of service from his actual age does not exceed the prescribed age limit by more than 03 years.(i) To maintain the deck including chipping /painting of deck side of yard craft (iii) Handle the rope work.20200 (PB-I) Grade Pay 1800/- [Abbreviations Used: . (c) Multiple applications submitted for the same post. ASD(MBI) is not responsible for any technical failure. Candidates are requested to check their e-mail regularly till completion of recruitment. Candidates found fit would be provisionally selected and intimated through website www. Candidates falls under the PwDs categories suitable for the job needs only apply. General Instructions (a) The Admiral Superintendent .com. provided they satisfy all other condition prescribed by the government from time to time.Ex-servicemen ]. political or otherwise will be treated as disqualification for the post applied for. based on 10th standard syllabus comprising of General Science. (f) Appointment Letter. Correct filing of details in the online application is the sole responsibility of the candidates and ASD (MBI) would not be responsible for any false / incorrect details filled up by the individual.godiwadabhartee. (These persons should furnish a NOC from their employer. Naval Dockyard. throwing of lines. Scanned / digital copy of their latest passport size color photograph and signature (. The photograph should be clear and without headgear / goggles etc.do.(a) Government Servants The upper age limit is relaxable upto 40 years in accordance with instructions or orders issued by Central Government from time to time. Non-Industrial). (iv) Any other duties as and when assigned by the officials of yard craft. (ii) The responsibility/liability of any injury or causality during the test rests with the candidates attending the PET/Swimming test and the administration is not responsible / liable in any case. (e) ONE COPY OF REGISTRATION / APPLICATION FORM AND ADMIT CARD IS TO BE BROUGHT TO THE VENUE OF EXAMINATION ALONGWITH FOLLOWING CERTIFICATES / TESTIMONIALS IN SUPPORT OF AGE. 7. Ex-serviceman who have already joined the Govt Service on civil side after availing of other benefits given to them as Ex-serviceman for further employment cannot claim ex-serviceman status for the purpose of this recruitment and such person will be deemed to be civil employee. (c) The written exam / PET/Swimming test will be conducted at Mumbai only. if any. EDUCATION QUALIFICATION. (ii) Chipping /painting of Engine Room of all compartments of yard craft. MUMBAI RECRUITMENT OF BOATS CREWS 1. 5.com / email or post for PET/swimming test (approximately 396 candidates i. (vii) NOC for departmental / Government Servant candidates.(i) Clean and maintain the engine room and all associated compartments onboard the yard craft and the bilges.jpeg file only. Pay Band 5200 . (d) Medical Examination and Verification of documents. are purely provisional and subject to variation without notice by the Admiral Superintendent.13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 NIJUKTI KHABAR NAVAL DOCKYARD. & Air Force) increased by three years. Job Profile: (a) Lascar-I responsible for following:. free of cost. Outstanding sportsmen who have participated at International/ Junior or Senior National Championship/ Senior State Championship/ All India Inter University Championship in Athletics. (II) On completion of initial training.Educational Qualifications. as specified. Insurance cover. they will be placed in the Pay Band Rs. 2000/ . (c) List of Documents: The documents mentioned in the application form are to be punched and tied firmly with a strong thread to the application. issued Call Up Letter cum Admit Card by IHQ. (i) AII select listed candidates will also be forwarded Police Verification form alongwith the Offer of Enrolment and the candidates will be required to submit the same to INS Hamla at the time of enrolment after getting their antecedants verified on this form from the concerned district police authorities. Should have participated at International/National/State level tournament. MOD (Navy). vericose vein. Sports Profiency. INTEGRATED HEADQUARTERS. Candidates should have been bom between 01 Apr 1994 to 30 Mar 1998 (Both dates inclusive).in. Branch / Trade will be allocated as per the requirement of Service. reading material. Only one application form is to be forwarded. . In addition they will be paid Grade Pay @Rs.SPORTS QUOTA ENTRY . ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS: (a) Direct Entry Petty Officer. Squash. k)No enquiry will be entertained regarding recruitment / enrolment after a period of six months. and tartar removed from teeth prior to examination. Request for change of venue of selection trials will not be entertained. Candidates who send more than one application for the same entry will be disqualified. Sports Profiency. (h) The candidature of candidates selected is valid for the current batch only.Educational Qualifications. Initial Engagement: The initial engagement is subjected to successful completion of training. WE WOULD LIKE TO ASSERT THAT SUCH A THING IS NOT POSSIBLE. In case of any difficulty faced by potential candidates they may contact IHQ MoD on Tele: 011 . Shooting. Sailors also have the privilege to avail Annual and Casual Leave as per current regulations. (e) Medical standard should be as per the detailed guidelines issued by IHQ MoD (Navy) in NO (Spl) 01/2008.NATIONAL LEVEL. Candidates should have been born between 01 Apr 1994 to 31 Mar 1998 (Both dates inclusive). Applications are to be forwarded to: THE SECRETARY. Additionally. from inside of elbow to wrist and on the reverse side of palm/ back(dorsal) side of hand.13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 NIJUKTI KHABAR INDIAN NAVY INVITES APPLICATIONS FROM UNMARRIED MALE CANDIDATES FOR ENROLMENT AS SAILORS . (f) Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax. Example: Ag.vascular disease. TRAINING AND INITIAL ENGAGEMENT.plus DA. Sports Profiency. declaration of result. surgical deformities like knock knee. The offer of enrolment will be forwarded to the selected candidates only. (g) The select list will be prepared from the candidates who qualify in all respects depending upon the available vacancies in particular sports disciplines.2000/. Application received without photographs or not in the specified format will be rejected. (I) Team Games Should have participated at International/National/State level at junior /senior level or represented a University in the Inter Univerisity tournament.520020200. Candidates without the verified police (j) verification reports will not be eligible for enrolment.Educational Qualifications. (I) Candidates selected will be enrolled as SANITARY HYGIENISTS. less stipend already paid. Visual Standards: Tattoos: Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i. (II) Sailors are entitled to medical treatment and Leave Travel Concession for self and dependents. Kabaddi. The evaluation of answer sheet. Infection of ears. (Medical fitness certificate other than that of the specialist opinion in the designated Military Hospital will not be considered). Age: 17 to 21 years as on date of commencement of course. Post retirement benefits include pension. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be barred from recruitment. Weight and Chest should be proportionate. MOD (Navy). THE BACKGROUND OF THE PHOTOGRAPH SHOULD BE BLUE. Children education and house rent allowances are also admissible. (b) Envelops: The type of entry. The candidates qualifying trials will undergo medical examination at INS Hamla. Sports Proficiency. Weightlifting. are accepted for validation. Volleyball. which are received at the post boxes.gov. which will be strictly determined by requirement in particular sports disciplines and availability of vacancies. NEW DELH1110 021 Last date of receipt of application : 14 Feb 2015 For candidates from the states of North-East. (d) No Cardio. Sikkim. No further review/appeal is permissible. Should have participated at International/National/State level tournament. SELECTION PROCEDURE: The application format is given at the end of this advertisement. Kayaking/Canoeing. you are bound to lose! You are advised to conduct yourself as law abiding citizen of the country and refrain from using unfair means. Note. No further review/appeal is permissible. PROMOTION AND PERQUISITES. Candidates should have been born between 01 Feb 1993 to 31 Jan 1998 (Both dates inclusive) (b) Senior Secondary Recruitment (SSR):. PAY AND ALLOWANCES (I) During the initial training period. (I) Candidates selected will be enrolled as COOKS or STEWRDS. Should have attained a minimum of 6th positions in Nationals (seniors) or 3rd position in National (juniors) or 3rd position in the Inter Univerisity meets. Tennis and Best Physique. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Perquisites: (I) During the entire period of training and thereafter. (b) Short-listing criteria will be based on higher sports achivements. Chankya Bhavan. (b) Minimum height 157 cms.joinindiannavy. Colour perception: CP II. gratuity and Leave encashment.5700/pm will be admissible but on successful completion of initial training an amount equal to the minimum of scale as mentioned below.e. Handball. sports discipline with achivements is to be clearly written on top of the envelope containing the application. qualify the prescribed examinations/ selction process and meet the eligibility condition stipulated from time to time. Hockey. Discharge as Unsuitable: Sailors are liable to be discharged as UNSUITABLE due to unsatisfactory performance at any time during the training. Only those applications. All short-listed applicants are. (d) All original certificates and marie sheets are to be produced at the time of selection trial. Andman & Nicobar. Rowing. (e) Candidates declared Medically Temporary Unfit in the recruitment medical examination can avail specialist review from the specified Military Hospital within a maximum period of 21 days. Minimum Chest expansion of 5 cms. Aquatics. stipend of Rs. (II) Individual Events. The format for the police verification form can also be downloaded from the internet site www. Ag PO entry are liable to be discharged if sports performance does not improve to expected levels in the probationary period of three years. no history of fits or psychiatric ailment. flat feet etc. Boxing. Basketball. Forms can also be downloaded from Internet: www.26887485. Group Housing Benefits and other privileges. Age: 17 to 22 years as on date of commencement of course. Deserving candidates would be called to appear for trials at designated Naval Centres. Age: 17 to 21 years as on date of commencement of course. Should have participated at International/National/ State level or represented a University in the Inter Univerisity tournament. Yatching. Candidates should have been born between 01 Feb 1994 to 31 Jan 1998 (Both dates inclusive). Important Information. Applications submitted by hand of any person are rejected at IHQ. Passed VIth standard. HOW TO APPLY (a) Application Form: The application is to be submitted on A4 size paper only as per the given format. Mumbai. 10+2 qualified in any stream or equivalent examination. sailors are given books.PO/SSR/MR/NMR 01/2015 KABBADI . Training: The initial training for the course will be conducted at INS Chilka followed by Professional training in the allotted trade in various Naval Training Establishments. Physical Fitness Test and Medicals are conducted by various independent teams nominated by IHQ. (c) Good mental. (d) Non Matric Recruits(NMR):. Person claiming rapport with the officials of the Naval Recruitment Organisation may promise to get a candidate recruited and on the pretext may collect money.in. corrective surgery for eye sight etc. Lakshdweep & Minicopy Island : 21 Feb 2015.Computer generated/ digital photographs will not be accepted. Before succumbing to the promises of any agent think twice! If you think that you can get the things done unlawfully. food and accommodation etc.µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 . Note:Applicants declared Permanent medically unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital in previous recruitment for the same entry in Navy are advised not. medical and physical health free from any disease/ disability likely to interfere with efficient performance of duties. Forwarding of Applications. The terms & conditions given in this advertisement are subject to change and may therefore be treated as guidlines only. Cricket. shall be admissible with retrospective effect. (d) Photographs: Candidates are required to 7 submit one additional recent coloured passport size photograph along with the application with their name and signature on the reverse of the photograph. time and place for selection trial. (f) Candidates declared Medically Permanent Unfit in the recruitment medicals can appeal for specialist opinion in a Military Hospital within 21 days on payment of Rs. Medical Standards: (a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorised military doctors as per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to sailors on entry. J&K. 10+2 qualified in any stream or equivalent examination. Age: 17 to 21 years as on date of commencement of course. Envelopes should be of brown colour. Gymnastics. Promotion: Promotion prospects exists up to the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer-I (equivalent to Subedar Major). INDIAN NAVY SPORTS CONTROL BOARD. MoD (NAVY). MOD(Navy). The initial engagement is of 15 years. 7th Floor. Wrestling.Educational Qualifications. (c) Call up letters to eligible short listed candidates will be posted.joinindiannavy. Attesting Officer's name with office address / seal should be clear and legible. Golf.01/2015 BATCH Sports Disciplines. 40 /. 10th / equivalent qualified. The selection procedure is as follows: (a) Application will be received only through ORDINARY POST Application received through speed post/ registered post or couriers will be rejected. (c) Matric Recruits(MR):.by Military Receivable Order (MRO) on Government Treasury.plus MSP @Rs. SELECTION CRITERIA: Selection Criteria. Fencing.gov. indicating date. Opportunities for promotion to commissioned officer also exist for those who perform well. uniform. Football. thereafter. Chandigarh-160 030 Candidates who fulfill the under-mentioned age. VYASA VIHARNUAPADHI. Period of Training: One year. Interested candidates may obtain Terms of Reference and the Application Form from the office of OFSDS. Qualified Indian nationals are invited to apply by 23rd February. 5. For further details please visit NBT website www. µÿçŸ µÿçŸ {ÉðÁÿê.Sc resea rch experience & one publication in SCI Journal. Óç{ÀÿþçLÿú BqçœÿçßÀÿçó. the column of "No.ÿç> {†ÿ{¯ÿ FÜÿæÀÿ ¯ÿfæÀÿ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ×æ F¯ÿó {àÿæLÿ¨çß ÷ †ÿæ H Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ†ÿæLÿë D¨àÿ² LÿÀÿç F$#{Àÿ AæÜÿë À ÿç A{œÿLÿ œÿí † ÿœÿ {Éð Á ÿêÀÿ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ†ÿæ ÀÿÜÿçdç {†ÿ~ë AæfçÀÿ Óþß{Àÿ Fxÿç sæBàÿúÓú xÿçfæBœÿçó {àÿæLÿ¨ç ÷ ß Lÿ¿æÀÿç ß Àÿ µÿæ¯ÿ{Àÿ SÞçDvÿçdç> ¾æÜÿæ AæSæþê ’ÿçœÿ{Àÿ ¾ë¯ÿ¨çÞZç ÿ ¨æBô A{œÿLÿ {Ôÿæ¨ú ÀÿÜÿçd>ç xÿçfæBœÿçóÀÿ ™æÀÿ~æ f~Lÿ AæBxÿçAæ H †ÿæÜÿæÀÿ Lÿç ÷ F sç µ ÿç s ç D¨{Àÿ ¨¾ö ¿ {¯ÿÉç † ÿ {ÜÿæB$æF> sæBàÿú xÿçfæBœÿçó þš FÜÿç¨Àÿç {ÜÿæB$æF ¾æÜÿæ f~Zÿ AæBxÿçAæ Aœÿ¿ f~Zÿ vÿæÀÿë Óó¨í‚ÿö Àÿí{¨ µÿçŸ {ÜÿæB$æF> {†ÿ~ë {SæsçF xÿçfæBœÿÀÿLÿë ¨íÀÿæ xÿçfæBœÿúLÿë Óó¨í‚ÿö LÿÀÿç¯ÿæLÿë ¨Ýç$æF> f{~ sæBàÿú xÿçfæBœÿÀÿ Ó¯ÿë{¯ÿ{Áÿ FÜÿæLÿë šæœÿ{Àÿ ÀÿQ#¯ÿæ D`ÿç†ÿú {¾. please log on CSIR-CSIO website : www. {¾æS¿†ÿæ: +2 ¯ÿæ †ÿ’ÿë•´ö.ÿç †ÿ Lÿ¸æœÿêSëÝçLÿÀÿ LÿÌsç ¨$ÀÿLÿë A†ÿçLÿ÷þ LÿÀÿç D¨ÀÿLÿë Dvÿç¨æÀÿëd. or equivalent degree with minimum 55% marks with a valid UGCCSIR NET (JRF)/GATE score.2015 at 10.ÿç ¾’ÿç {ÓÜÿç Lÿ{àÿf ¯ÿæ Óó×æ{Àÿ ¨Óöœÿæàÿçsç Søþçó (¯ÿ¿NÿçS†ÿ ¯ÿçLÿæÉ) F¯ÿó Ôÿçàÿ {xÿµÿàÿ¨ú{þ+ (’ÿä†ÿæ ¯ÿçLÿæÉ) D¨{Àÿ Óó¨í‚ÿö šæœÿ {’ÿDœÿæÜÿ]> {†ÿ{¯ÿ dæ†ÿ÷ †ÿæ œÿçf †ÿÀÿüÿÀÿë {`ÿÎæ LÿÀÿç F ¨÷LÿæÀÿÀÿ {s÷œÿçó ÜÿæÓàÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæLÿë ¨Ýç¯ÿ> LÿæÀÿ~ ¯ÿˆÿöþæœÿ FÜÿç ¨÷†ÿçØ•öæ ¾ëS{Àÿ F Ó¯ÿë {s÷œÿçóÀÿ ¯ÿç{ÉÌ `ÿæÜÿç’ÿæ ÀÿÜÿçdç> ¾’ÿç {ÜÿæB¨æÀÿëœÿæÜÿ] {†ÿ{¯ÿ ¨÷æ$öê ¨d{Àÿ Üÿ] ÀÿÜÿç¾{ç ¯ÿ> œÿçÊÿç†ÿ œÿç¾ëNÿçÀÿ Óë¯ÿ‚ÿö Óë{¾æS FREE N.per IUAC rules to the trainee during the training./B. By Govt. The applicant must have secured 55% marks (or equivalent grade) in the concerned/relevant subject.16. Computer Art & Craft. Tenure: Upto March.ÿç œÿæÜÿ] ¯ÿæ ÉçQæ.ç {†ÿ{¯ÿ {Ó AÓüÿÁÿ {Üÿ¯ÿæÀÿ ¨÷ɧ DvÿëœÿæÜÿ]> Lÿæþ ¨æBô Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿêß jæœÿ.ÿë {¾Dô ¨÷æLÿuçLÿæàÿ jæœÿÀÿ A™#Lÿ `ÿæÜÿç’ÿæ þæ{Lÿös{Àÿ Adç {ÓÜÿç {sLÿúœÿçLÿæàÿ Ôÿçàÿ {s÷œÿçóSëÝçLÿ ¨÷†ÿç {Óþæ{œÿ A¯ÿ{ÜÿÁÿæ ¨÷’ÿÉöœÿ LÿÀÿç {’ÿDd. or equivalent degree with at least 55% marks and 2 years of post M. original certificates and mark sheets (with one set Xerox copy) along with other relevant document and testimonials. Reservation: SC/ST/OBC-As per GOI Rules. Whether SC/ST/OBC. Trade: Electronics. Tel 011-26707700.org CONTRACTUAL ENGAGEMENT FOR THE POSTS OF DEPUTY PROJECT DIRECTORS OFSDS requires the services of one Deputy Project Director (IME) and one Deputy Project Director (FT&T) to work at the Project Management Unit. Vasant Kunj.ÿ µÿæ¯ÿ{Àÿ fÀÿëÀÿê> FÜÿç dæ†ÿ÷þæ{œÿ {¾Dô ×æœÿ{Àÿ ¨ævÿ ¨Þëd. 2015. Sex. or equivalent degree in engineering/ technology with at least 60% marks.ÿç F¯ÿó `ÿæLÿçÀÿç {Qæfëd. ZILLA SWASTHYA SAMITI.res. {¾æS¿†ÿæ: Ó§æ†ÿLÿ ¯ÿæ †ÿ’ÿë–ÿö. Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India.30 PM. Lÿç./MTech.T. Electronics. Date of Birth.E. At/Po-Ghatikia.No. BALASORE. Óõfœÿ{ÉðÁÿêÀÿ Aœÿ¿ FLÿ {ä†ÿ÷ sæBàÿ xÿçfæBœÿçó ¨ævÿ¿Lÿ÷þ ¨÷{†ÿ¿Lÿ ¯ÿ¿Nÿç Aæfç œÿç{f F¯ÿó œÿçf WÀÿLÿë Aœÿ¿þæœÿZÿvÿæÀÿë Lÿçdç œÿçAæÀÿæ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæÀÿ {`ÿÎæ LÿÀÿç$æ. State of domicile. General Conditions: Panel of candidates will be made on the basis of performance in test and interview to be held in IUAC. Registrar NATIONAL BOOK TRUST INDIA. 18. Selected candidates will be required to join the Training on short notice. Aruna Asaf Ali Marg.ofsdp. 2 0 15.ÿç œÿæÜÿ]> Ôÿçàÿ ¯ÿÞæB{¯ÿ Lÿç¨Àÿç: F{¯ÿ ¨÷ɧ Dvÿëdç {¾ ¨÷Lÿõ†ÿ{Àÿ F¨Àÿç ¾ë¯ÿæ Lÿ'~ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ? {¾Dôþæ{œÿ {sLÿúœÿçLÿæàÿ ¨ævÿ ¨Þæ{Àÿ {Lÿ¯ÿÁÿ xÿçSê÷ Üÿ] ™Àÿçd. may step in for WALK-INlNTERVIEW on 23rd-24th February.ÿÀÿ ¯ÿõ•Lç ÿë {’ÿQ# F{¯ÿ þÜÿæœÿSÀÿêSëÝLç ÿë {œÿB {dæs {dæs ÓÜÿÀÿ ¨¾ö¿. Ph No.13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 8 NIJUKTI KHABAR ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Ó¸æ’ÿLÿêß ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ {Lÿ¯ÿÁÿ jæœÿ œÿë{Üÿô {LÿòÉÁÿ þš {àÿæÝæ AæfçLÿæàÿç ¾æÜÿæ àÿä¿ LÿÀÿæ¾æF dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷êþæœÿZÿÀÿ {¯ÿðÌßçLÿ ¨ævÿ¿Lÿ÷þ ¯ÿæ BqçœÿçßÀÿçó {ÜÿDdç AæLÿÌö~Àÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷¯ÿç¢ÿë> F$#{Àÿ þš ¯ÿçµÿçŸ ÉæQæ ÀÿÜÿçd>ç LÿæÜÿæÀÿ {LÿDô ÉæQæ ¯ÿæ ¯ÿçµÿæS ¨÷†ÿç AæLÿÌö~ †ÿ$æ {¾æS¿†ÿæ ÀÿÜÿçdç †ÿæÜÿæ {Ó AæSÀÿë ×çÀÿ LÿÀÿçœÿçF> AæfçLÿæàÿç †ÿ F Ó¯ÿëLÿë {œÿB ¨ævÿ ¨Þë$¯# ÿæ ÓþßÀÿë Üÿ] Lÿ¿æ¸Ó Óç{àÿOÿœÿ {ÜÿæB¾æDdç> Óþß Óþß{Àÿ ¨ævÿ¨Þæ œÿÓÀÿë~ë þš {Lÿ{†ÿLÿZÿë `ÿæLÿçÀÿç þš þçÁÿç¾æDdç> AæD {¾{†ÿ ¨çàÿæ ÀÿÜÿç{àÿ {ÓþæœÿZÿ þš B+Àÿµÿë¿ þæšþ{Àÿ `ÿæLÿçÀÿç þçÁÿç¾æDdç> †ÿæ'dÝæ Aœÿ¿ `ÿæLÿçÀÿç ¯ÿæ {ÀÿæfSæÀÿ ¨¡ÿæ þš ÀÿÜÿçd>ç LÿæÜÿæÀÿ Àÿë`ÿç {LÿDô$#{Àÿ Adç {Ó Ó¯ÿë fæ~çÜÿëF dæ†ÿ÷Àÿ {sLÿúœÿçLÿæàÿ ÎçàÿÀÿ Aæ™æÀÿ{Àÿ> Ôÿçàÿ Aµÿæ¯ÿ{Àÿ ¨÷æ$öêþæœÿZÿë `ÿæLÿçÀÿç þçÁÿç¯ÿæ{Àÿ ¯ÿçÁÿº {Üÿ¯ÿæÀÿ þš {’ÿQæ¾æF> {¾Dô ’ÿçS {Üÿ{àÿ þš ¾’ÿç {ÓÜÿç ’ÿçS{Àÿ ¨÷æ$öêÀÿ ¯ÿ¿NÿçS†ÿ Ôÿçàÿ ¨¾ö¿æ© ÀÿÜÿçd. Interested candidates are informed to appear the interview on 09.nic.µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 . / B.gov. No quarters/hostel will be provided. Chandigarh alongwith application downloadable from our website together with testimonials of all the qualifications (original & attested copies of certificates including SC/ST/OBC/PH).000/. Bhubaneswar. Production. CSIR-CSIO. Computer Science.org and the complete application should reach this office on or before 27. 10502.csio. Fakir Mohan University (Old Campus) located at Remuna Golei. CDMO-District Mission Director Jharsuguda. 2015. Deputy Project Director (Admin. 06645-273104. Maximum Age (As on date of interview): 28 years for PF and 32 years for SPF (Relaxable upfo 5 years for SC/ST/OBC and Women candidates). xÿçfæBœÿçó {ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ ÉçäæS†ÿ {¾æS¿†ÿæ A{¨äæ Bbÿæ ÉNÿç F¯ÿó ÓõfœÿÉêÁÿ†ÿæÀÿ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ†ÿæ A™#Lÿ> {†ÿ~ë FÜÿæ þš F¨Àÿç FLÿ {ä†ÿ÷ {¾Dô$#{Àÿ Éçäæ A{¨äæ Aæ¨~ LÿæÀÿçSÀÿê Së~ Lÿæþ{Àÿ AæÓç$æF> {¾Dô ¯ÿç’ÿ¿æ$öê FÜÿç {ä†ÿ÷Lÿë AæÓç¯ÿæLÿë `ÿæÜÿæ.ÿç A$¯ÿæ ¨Þç¯ÿæLÿë ¾ç{¯ÿ? AæBFþús. ’ÿçàÿâê×ç†ÿ Aæ{Ós ÀÿçÓaÿö BœÿúÎ`ç ÿë¿súÀÿ œÿç{”öÉLÿ D’ÿß LÿëþæÀÿ LÿÜÿ. The eligible candidate are to appear before the under signed with all required original document and a set of self attested Xerox set on the date of Interview mentioned against the post.per month for a temporary period. Biotechnology. Bhubaneswar-751 003 Teh 0674-2386016. Age. {LÿæÀÿæàÿú xÿ÷ µÿÁÿç Lÿ¸ë¿sÀÿ jæœÿ ÀÿÜÿç$¯# ÿæ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ> {ÓÜÿç¨Àÿç S÷æÜÿLÿZÿ þ†ÿæþ†ÿLÿë ¯ÿëlç¯ÿæÀÿ D‡õÎ Së~ ÀÿÜÿç¯ÿæ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ> ÓæþæfçLÿ S~þæšþSëÝçLÿÀÿ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿÜÿæÀÿ LÿÀÿç A æÓë $ # ¯ ÿæ ’ÿÀÿLÿæÀÿ> `ÿ¿æ{àÿqç {ä†ÿ÷: sæBàÿú xÿçfæBœÿçó FLÿ `ÿ¿æ{àÿqç f¯ÿú LÿæÀÿ~ F$#{Àÿ Aæ¨~Zÿë ¨÷{†ÿ¿Lÿ ’ÿçœÿ FLÿ œÿí†ÿœÿ ™æÀÿ~æLÿë {œÿB œÿí†ÿœÿ {¾æfœÿæ D¨{Àÿ Lÿæþ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæLÿë ¨Ýç$æF> FÜÿç {ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ {sLÿ§çLÿæàÿú A¨ú{xÿsú ÀÿÜÿç¯ÿæ œÿç†ÿ¿æ. The date of walk in interview mentioned against the post as follows.30 AM (M. Specializations: Physics. AÜÿ¼’ÿæ¯ÿæ’ÿ * É÷ê {f{f Ôÿëàÿú Aüÿú üÿ¿æÓœÿú {s{Lÿ§æ{àÿæfç. PHONE:06782-275787 Applications are invited for the post of One Lecturer each under Fakir Mohan University in M. Email.dpmujha@nic.ÿç ¯ÿæ {¾Dôþæ{œÿ {Óvÿæ{Àÿ ¨Þëd. At/Po: Ghatikia .000/-pm + 20% HRA (PF) and Rs. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL OFFICER JHARSUGUDA. 100/. Selected candidates will have to execute a contract (by guardian in case of minor) and Stipend will be paid as per rules.in Visit New Delhi i/Vgrlil Book Fair 14-22 February 2015.ÿç. Nano-Technology.2015 by 3. Qualification: ITI passed with NCVT with Matriculation.ÿ œÿçfÀÿ œÿê†ÿç.in. 02/2015 Inter University Accelerator Centre. Spoken English Hostel Facility for Ladies Candidates in nominal price Teacher's Training {ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ HÝçÉæÀÿ FLÿ A¨÷†ÿç’ÿ´£ÿê H œÿçµÿöÀÿ{¾æS¿ AœÿëÏæœÿ 1998 þÓçÜÿæÀÿë Lÿæ¾ö¿ LÿÀÿçAæÓëAdç > Ad m for i s s i La o n die o p BHUBANESWAR NURSERY s O en nly TEACHER'S TRAINING COLLEGE (Regd. Applied Optics. Father's Name. Educational Qualification: Project Fellow (PF): M. Only short listed candidates will be called for the test / interview. Óþß.ÿ BqçœÿçßÀÿçó {sLÿú{œÿæ{àÿæfç Lÿ{àÿfSëÝçLÿ{Àÿ ¯ÿœÿ¿æ AæÓç¾æBdç> FÜÿç Lÿ{àÿf Ó¯ÿë ’ÿõÞ µÿæ¯ÿ{Àÿ Ó´êLÿæÀÿ LÿÀÿ. Project Fellow (SPF). Nationality. Ph. Machinist. Óþß.ÿçLÿ jæœÿ Üÿ] ÜÿæÓàÿ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿëd.1 ¯ÿÌö Study Materials. Optics. an Inter-University Centre having Mechanical and Electronics Workshop facilities intends to offer Apprenticeship Training. Preference will be given to candidates having higher qualification and experience.Sc. Aerospace.ÿë {Lÿò~Óç {sLÿúœÿçLÿæàÿ ¨’ÿ¯ÿêÀÿ üÿæD{ƒÓœÿ Lÿ$æ {Lÿ{¯ÿ{Üÿ{àÿ LÿÜÿ. Contact No. {LÿDô ¯ÿfæÀÿ{Àÿ {LÿDô ™æÀÿæÀÿ ¨÷`ÿÁÿœÿ `ÿæàÿçdç F¯ÿó S÷æÜÿLÿ {LÿDô ¨÷LÿæÀÿ xÿçfæBœÿçóLÿë A™#Lÿ ¨Ó¢ÿ LÿÀÿë d . E-mail-Id.00PM (Integrated MBA) at the office of the Vice Chancellor. M. 15.ÿç {¾ ¾ë¯ÿ¨çÞZç ÿ þš{Àÿ {sLÿúœÿçLÿæàÿ ¨ævÿ¨ÞæÀÿ AæS÷Üÿ †ÿæZÿÀÿ œÿçÀÿ. Guardian\address (if minor). technical qualification along with attested copies of relevant certificates and two passport size photographs may be sent to:Administrative Officer (P). BBSR-14.. Optoelectronics.in Walk-in-lnterview will be held for filling-up of the following posts on contractual basis (as per the society norms with fixed remuneration and other negotiable incentive from RPDAC fund. Educational qualification.ÿç> {¾Dô$#¨æBô {Óþæ{œÿ ÎæBàÿçÓú sæBàÿÓúÀÿ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿÜÿæÀÿ LÿÀÿëd.ÿç F¯ÿó ¯ÿç { ’ÿÉ{Àÿ {LÿDô ¨÷LÿæÀÿÀÿ xÿçfæBœÿÀÿ xÿçþæƒ A™#Lÿ `ÿæàÿçdç> œÿçf xÿçfæBœÿçóLÿë ¯ÿfæÀÿLÿë ¨{vÿB¯ÿæ ¨í¯ÿöÀÿë †ÿæLÿë FOÿ¨söþæœÿZÿë {’ÿQæB¯ÿæ ÓÜÿ {ÓþæœÿZÿ þ†ÿæþ†ÿÀÿ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ†ÿæ ¨Ýç$æF> ¨÷{¯ÿÉ Lÿç¨Àÿç LÿÀÿç { ¯ÿ: FÜÿç {ä†ÿ÷ { Àÿ ¨÷ { ¯ÿÉ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæLÿë {Üÿ{àÿ ¨÷${þ ÓçœÿçßÀÿ {Ó{LÿƒæÀÿê {LÿæÓö LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ¨{Àÿ FÜÿæ ÓÜÿ fÝç † ÿ {LÿæÓö { Àÿ ¨÷ { ¯ÿÉ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ> üÿæBœÿú AæsöÓ{ú Àÿ Ó§æ†ÿLÿ. of Orissa) 23.jharsuguda.02. of Posts: Project Fellow/ Sr.-E. or by hand. Metallurgy & Mechatronics etc. Fax: 0674-2386085 E-mail: webmail@ofsdp.ÿç Óë¯ÿç™æ Óë{¾æSÀÿ.T. Nehru Bhawan. Lÿæ¾ö¿ ¨÷~æÁÿê F¯ÿó Lÿæ¾ö¿Lÿ÷þÀÿ ¨Àÿç{¯ÿÉ ÓÜÿç†ÿ ¨Àÿç`ÿç†ÿ LÿÀÿæB¯ÿæ ¨æBô œÿçÊÿç†ÿ µÿæ¯ÿ{Àÿ Lÿçdç ¯ÿç{ÉÌ Aæ{ßæfœÿ LÿÀÿ. Chemistry. Postal address. (On any one day as per candidate's convenience) for the various contractual positions of project Fellow/Sr.ofsdp.Com and Integrated MBA with a consolidated remuneration of Rs.Tech.ÿç.Tech. Instrumentation.) The details qualification/ vacancy/required document and application form may be downloaded from the website www.) ’ÿä†ÿæ: Aæ{þ AæSÀÿë fæ~ç{d {¾. of posts" for the post of Assistant at SI.000/-pm + 20% HRA (SPF). Filling up of various posts in National Book Trust.ÿç> FÜÿç œÿçAæÀÿæ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæÀÿ {`ÿÎæ Üÿ] Aæfç B+ÀÿçßÀÿ xÿçfæBœÿçó ™æÀÿ~æ{Àÿ Lÿçdç Óþß ¨{Àÿ œÿíAæ œÿíAæ ¨Àÿç¯ÿˆÿöœÿ Aæ~ç¯ÿæ{Àÿ àÿæSçd>ç FÜÿç Óþß{Àÿ {¾Dô ¨÷LÿæÀÿÀÿ ¨Àÿç¯ÿˆÿöœÿ {’ÿQæ{’ÿBdç †ÿæÜÿæ {ÜÿDdç {àÿæLÿþæ{œÿ œÿçf WÀÿLÿë A™#Lÿ Óë¢ÿÀÿ àÿëLÿú {’ÿ¯ÿæ ¨æBô {`ÿÎæ LÿÀÿëd. Name & Nos.Com) & 2.5 may be read as follows: ''4 posts (Un-reserved-1. {ÓþæœÿZÿ œÿçLÿs{Àÿ Àÿèÿ. Marital status. Welder. 9438183366 For Form & Prospectus send RS. 2015 at 8:30 a. Date of Interview: 23rd -24th February. M.in ODISHA FORESTRY SECTOR DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY SFTRI Campus. New Delhi . Pragati Maidan. Material Science. Control. extendable on yearly basis subject to availability of funds under the project). ' Sr. Fax: 011-26121883 Corrigendum. {Ó ¾æÜÿæLÿë ¨÷Öë†ÿ LÿÀÿëdç †ÿæÜÿæ Ó¯ÿö’ÿæ AæLÿÌö~êß F¯ÿó œÿí † ÿœÿ {Éð Á ÿêÀÿ {ÜÿæB$# ¯ ÿæ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ> ¾æÜÿæ ¨÷†ÿç{¾æSç†ÿæ ¯ÿfæÀÿ{Àÿ AæS{Àÿ ÀÿÜÿç¯ÿ> Aæß: f{~ FÜÿç sæBàÿú xÿçfæBœÿçó ¨ævÿ¿Lÿ÷þ{Àÿ Éçäæ {ÉÌ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæ ¨{Àÿ {¾{Lÿò~Óç œÿæþê üÿæþö ÓÜÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿ LÿÀÿç 15Àÿë 20 ÜÿfæÀÿ sZÿæ þæÓçLÿ {¯ÿ†ÿœÿ ¨æB¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ> {†ÿ{¯ÿ ¾’ÿç Aæ¨~Zÿ œÿçLÿs{Àÿ xÿçfæBœÿçóÀÿ ’ÿä†ÿæ ÀÿÜÿçdç F¯ÿó Óõfœÿæþ#Lÿ LÿæÀÿçSÀÿç D¨{Àÿ Aæ¨~Zÿ Àÿë`ÿç ÀÿÜÿçdç ¾æÜÿæLÿë Aæ¨~ sæBàÿú {’ÿÜÿ{Àÿ D†ÿæÀÿç ¨æÀÿç¯ÿæÀÿ ’ÿä†ÿæ þš ÀÿÜÿçdç F¨Àÿç×{Áÿ FÜÿç ’ÿçSsç Aæ¨~Zÿ ¨æBô œÿçÊÿç†ÿ Àÿí{¨ Lÿ¿æÀÿçßÀÿÀÿ D¨¾ëNÿ ’ÿçS {Üÿ¯ÿ F¯ÿó Lÿþö {ä†ÿ÷{Àÿ Aæ¨~Zÿ {¯ÿ†ÿœÿ Lÿçdç ’ÿçœÿ þš{Àÿ †ÿçœÿç Së~ {ÜÿæB$æF> Aœÿëµÿ¯ÿ ÓÜÿç†ÿ {¯ÿ†ÿœÿ þš ¯ÿõ•ç ¨æB$æF> CSIR-CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS ORGANISATION (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research) Sector 30-C.ÿ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ {ÜÿæB$æF> LÿæÀÿ~ FÜÿæÀÿ ¨÷ { †ÿ¿Lÿ Lÿæ¾ö ¿ Óüÿu{H´Àÿ þæšþ{Àÿ {ÜÿæB$æF F¯ÿó {¾{†ÿ{¯ÿ{Áÿ {Lÿò~Óç œÿí † ÿœÿ Óüÿu{H´Àÿ ¯ÿfæÀÿLÿë AæÓç$æF †ÿæÜÿæ {Üÿ{àÿ †ÿæ ÓÜÿ Lÿæ¾ö ¿ LÿÀÿç ¯ ÿæLÿë ¨Ýç$æF> f{~ sæBàÿú xÿçfæBœÿÀÿ ¨æBô ¨÷{†ÿ¿Lÿ ’ÿçœÿ œÿíAæ F¯ÿó µÿçŸ {ÜÿæB$æF> LÿæÀÿ~ Lÿç d ç ’ÿç œ ÿÀÿ ¯ÿ¿¯ÿ™æœÿ{Àÿ Üÿ] œÿí†ÿœÿ fçœÿçÌ Óæþ§æLÿë AæÓç ¾ æB$æF> {†ÿ~ë fæ~ç ¯ ÿæ Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ {¾. 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SC-2 &OBC-1)" The last date for receipt of applications for the above post is already over and no further applications will be accepted for the same. üÿ{sæÓ¨ú.ÿç {¾ AæfçÀÿ FÜÿç ¨÷†ÿçØ•öæ ¨Àÿç{¯ÿÉ{Àÿ ¨÷{†ÿ¿LÿZÿë ¾ë¯ÿæLÿë œÿçfÀÿ äþ†ÿæ ¯ÿÞæB¯ÿæ D¨{Àÿ ¨íÀÿæ šæœÿ {’ÿ¯ÿæLÿë ¨Ýç¯ÿ> FÜÿæ œÿç†ÿæ. For details.02.nbtindia.ç Sæfçßæ¯ÿæ’ÿÀÿ xÿæ FþúFþú {ÉÀÿê LÿÜÿ. Inter University Accelerator Centre Post Box No. or B.ÿç> Lÿç. Stipend (Per Month) [Consolidated]: Rs. Gautam Nagar.2434818.O. Free medical facility will be admissible as. Project Fellow (23 posts).T. Balasore along with a copy ' of their Bio Data. educational qualifications and experience etc.'Mechanical. {sOÿsæBàÿú BqçœÿçßÀÿçó Aæ’ÿçÀÿ ¨ævÿ¿Lÿ÷þ þš LÿÀÿæ¾æB{Üÿ¯ÿ> þëQ¿ Éçäæ{Lÿ¢ÿ÷: * Lÿ{àÿf Aüÿú AæsöÓú ’ÿçàÿâê * œÿ¿æÓúœÿæàÿú BœÿúÎ`ç ÿë¿sú Aüÿú xÿçfæBœÿçó.ÿç> A¨së{xÿsú {Üÿ¯ÿæ fÀÿëÀÿê: þàÿsç œÿæÓœÿæàÿ Lÿ¸æœÿê {ÜÿD ¯ÿæ œÿçf {’ÿÉÀÿ {¾{Lÿò~Óç {dæs¯ÿÝ Lÿ¸æœÿê {ÜÿD F Óþ{Ö F¨Àÿç Lÿþö`ÿæÀÿê ÀÿQ#¯ÿæLÿë `ÿæÜÿëd. New Delhi-110067 FAKIR MOHAN UNIVERSITY. Bio-engineering. To and fro II class train fare/ordinary bus fare will be reimbursed on production of tickets to outstation candidates.1 ¯ÿÌö S. Sector-30-C.T. þëºæB * œÿ¿æÓœÿæàÿú Bœÿú Î ç ` ÿë ¿ sú Aüÿú üÿ¿æÓœÿú {s{Lÿ§æ{àÿæfç INTER UNIVERSITY ACCELERATOR CENTRE New Delhi Advertisement No. It is the sole responsibility of the candidate to check his/her eligibility for admission before applying.1. Geology. Education For Online Application and downloading Information Bulletin visit www. Certificate Course .uuc. BONDAMUNDA Bondamunda.org.00. 2.2015 onwards between 9 am to 11 am on all working days. Last date of registration for class-l: 10/03/2015. Tech. Mathematics. Home Science. The forms can also be obtained from nine specified ICAR Institutions by depositing DD. Biotechnology.03. The last date for the issue and submission of forms is 10. 3. (10) 1 -year P.50/10. Agril. 3. Rs. OBC and UPS Category.75/5.3 Years . 2. Eligibility: 3.for General.. 2015. Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan-II.Sc in Hotel Management.ac. forms will be available from 01. Rs. 3. Candidates having 3 years Diploma in Electronics and allied subjects are requested to come prepared with original & one set of photocopy of all testimonials and two PP size recently drawn coloured photographs along with the filled in application form available in our website www. 600/.isical. However the last date. ICAR.kvsangathan.). the date of examination. offers the following Course in Tamil Language.ac. 2015 (Tuesday) 11. (for PG only) and the SHIATS. Unit .03.kvnuapada.in. should see their respective website.org.00. Cost of Information Bulletin with Application Form: AIEEA-UG-2015 : Rs. Math. Payment of Application Fee at SBI Branches Starts: 06 February 2015.in Candidates may also download the information bulletin from the ISM website. The in-service candidates.in.. Eligibility.60. for ICAR's 20th AIEEA-UG-2015 and AIEEA-PG-2015 to fill 15% seats (100% of UG at NDRI. GOPALPUR MILITARY STATION At/Po: GOLABANDHA. Eligibility : Graduate • Course No. Quality. Karnal and RLB CAU.Sc. For in-service candidates.in). 3.09.org ADMISSION NOTICE Registration for admission in class-l. Prospectus given in the website before filling in the application form. (3) 2-year M. February 24th. 2015 or the date of counseling.00 scale for SC/ST/PC candidates. SESSION 2015-2016 Invites applications for the following Courses / Fellowships (1) 3-year B. Quantitative Economics.Sc. For AIEEA-PG-2015: Bachelor's degree in Agriculture.1996). 4. Applications for AIEEA-UG and PG can be submitted both Online and Offline. Road. For further details parents may visit the Vidyalaya website www.icar.60. Basic and allied sciences. 1 & 2 . only certain priority have been laid down as per which children of different categories would receive priority in admission. B. Admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas are not restricted to Central Govt.M.D) or later. Dist: Ganjam.2015.04. The last date for submission of Registration forms is 10.19th Jan-2015. Tech programmes: February 13th. The upper age limit for candidates belonging to SC/ST/ Women/PC/OBC (Non-creamy layer as per the Central list of OBC) categories shall be relaxable by 5 years.6 Months . Agricultural Engineering. please visit websites: www.2. Reliability and Operations Research.ac. Last date of sale of application form and admission 10thFeb-2015. Application Fee : Rs. • Course No. 3. Hospital. the 11 April 2015 (10:00 AM to 12:30 PM) PG : Sunday. 9300. Seat: 60. Cost of application form . the 12 April 2015 (10:00 AM to 12:30 PM) Ph.60/10. Diploma in Hotel Management . Pusa. Principal Indian Council of Agricultural Research Krishi Anusandhan Bhavan II. Eligibility: Matriculation or equivalent. For details. where needed. Admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas is not restricted to Central Govt.iihmkolkata. Registrar UTKAL UNIVERSITY OF CULTURE Sardar Patel Hall Complex.04. Principal KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA.for General.H. the candidate must have secured at least 60% marks for General. Admission Test: 10 May 2015. the minimum percentage of marks will be 50%. For detail Information. Math (Hons.Tech/M. respectively. (Odisha) ADMISSION NOTICE-2015-16 Registration form for admission to Class-i to IX during the Session 2015-16 will be available in the vidyalaya office from 09.Tech. prospectus. 3 -Age : 18 to 25 yrs.60.120. The last day of issue and submission of Registration Form is 10th March 2015 up to 5.org.µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 . For AIEEA-UG-2015 (Other than Veterinary Sciences): Must have passed and obtained not less than 50% marks in aggregate for admission under General. For Ph.in. in Quality Management Science. For AICE-SRF (PGS)-2015 (Ph.04. 2. For SC/ST/PC candidates. where grade-points are not awarded and only marks are awarded. VII & VIII for the academic year 2015-16 will start from 9th February to 10th March 2015 (up to 13th April 2015 in case of Class-ll onward) for all categories subject to certain priorities for different categories and reservation norms. visit ICAR website www. All disputes relating to the conduct of these examinations or any matter connected with this advertisement shall be in the jurisdiction of DELHI COURT only. parents may log into KVS website www. REGISTRAR KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA.01. IVRI. 2.ac. SUIIT. Dairy Technology. the 12th April 2015 (10:00 AM to 1:00 PM) Single paper 2. Nagaland University.2. Candidates from outside India may send an e-mail to dean@isical. SESSION 2015-16) Registration Forms for admission in class-l to IX** for session 2015-16 would be available in the Vidyalaya office from 09/02/ 2015 to 10/03/ 2015 between 11:00AM to 01:00PM in all working days. Reservation as per RTE Act 2009 will be provided to the candidates belong to the disadvantage group for admission to Class-I.Tech.in.: Sunday. Duration: 2 Years.U. 2015. (9) 2-year M. an e-mail account. Procedure of Selection Admission on the spot (First come first serve basis subject to fulfilment of eligibility criteria). 300/for SC. Interested parents can get registration form Free of cost from K V Nuapada during 10. and Ph. As on date. No.00 for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Challenged candidates for all programmes excluding JRF programmes.ac. Marketing and Cooperation. X and XII Science will begin from 09. J&K.icar. PRINCIPAL INDIAN SCHOOL OF MINES.per Bulletin would be charged in case of UG and PG as handling charges plus service tax./M. Horticulture.2015 (Sunday).D.in. The above condition will also apply to in-service candidates.2015 to 13. Food Science.3.50/10.4. Further details please contact Mr. Education). (Hons. A&N Island and Lakshadweep.00 scale.ac. parents may visit www. Reliability and Operations Research. (M.kvsangathan.ismdhanbad. /3 Yr M.T.suiit. in Computer Science. Qualifying Examination: 3. For details.com KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA. UPS (Under Privileged State) and OBC categories or 40% marks in aggregate for admission under SC. Candidates may apply online through ISM website:www. the counseling shall be held in the second half of July. Stipend / Fellowship etc. ST and PC categories.nic.D should not have completed two years as on the date of examination. Computer Science. Principal . failing which they will not be considered for admission and the award of fellowship. Only certain priorities have been laid down and as per which children of different categories would receive priority in admission. ADMISSION NOTICE The issue of Forms and Registration for CLASS-I. In addition..nic.M. Candidates in India can apply only ON-LINE through the official website http://www. Stat. Website: www. (4) 2-year M. Last date for filling of applications of 2 Yr M. in Quantitative [email protected] PM on all working days. programmes.2015 subjected to availability of vacancies in a particular class as per KVS Admission Guidelines.00 pm.D admissions and SRF (PGS). Registration is upon to all priorities of parents and admission will be given strictly as per KVS guidelines. Candidates must complete the postgraduate degree in all respects and produce the degree-completion certificate from the Registrar to this effect on/before 30th June.00 NOON on all working days. Fisheries. Agnihotri) Controller of Examinations (COE). Online Application Starts: 03 February 2015. Sericulture. OBC and UPS Categories and 5. Last date of registration for class-II to IX: 13/ 04/2015.1992 to 01. Forfurther queries. Salt Lake. 500/. 5 & 6 -Age : 18 to 26 yrs. Courses: M. AN ADVERTISEMENT (WITH MORE DETAILS) WAS PUBLISHED IN THIS PAPER ON 25. both through offline and online mode (hard copy of the computer generated confirmation pages of application) will be 27rd February.in/www/kvgopalpurms.2015.Sc.G Diploma in Statistical Methods and Analytics.org.09. Employees and is open to all.02. 2. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT CB -135. IV. 2.ac.isical.in/~ admission.in and vidyalaya website www.org.2015 (must not have been born after 01. Reservation for SC/ ST and PH will be provided as per Rule.Sc. All fees are to be remitted in form of challan/bank draft in favour of Utkal University of Culture payable at Bhubaneswar on any Nationalised Bank. Normally.2015 for C!ass1 & for other Classes 13.Rs 500. Applications received after the last date shall be rejected and Agril. where grade-points are not awarded and only marks are awarded.G.00 A. The last date for the receipt of Applications in the office of “Controller of Examinations (Agril. Examination): The upper age limit shall be 30 years for General and UPS category candidates as on 12 April.00 Midnight. there is no vancancy in other classes except ClassX and Xll Science.0674-2530213 E-mail: uuculture@dataone. contact at 8280243448. Incomplete /Improper Application Forms will be rejected. For details of notification. Website : www. Psychology.kvbondamunda. Forestry. degree programme in the field of Agriculture and Allied Sciences will also be conducted along with AIEEA-PG-2015. The upper age limit for candidates belonging to SC/ST/PC (Physically Challenged) categories would be relaxable by 5 years. Lahaul & Spiti district and Pangi Sub-division of Chamba district of H. An applicant must have access to the Internet.in/~admission. (Online only): 1st February 2015 to 23rd February 2015 3. Jhansi) for Bachelor degrees and 25% seats (100% seats for IARI. 2015. MALKANGIRI (ADMISSION NOTICE.00). In other cases. P. OBC and UPS categories and Rs. OBC and UPS categories and Rs. Admission in class II onwards would be done subject to availability of vacancies in particular class. Biological Anthropology. Stat. Tech. is available in the prospectus. (subject to availability of vacancies).1998).00 am to 12 noon on all working days. admin. A.Tech/M. Airlines. registration does not confer right to admission. ST and PC categories. sample questions etc.in/~admission. of India (HRD) under UGC recognized University approved Hotel Management .U. Agriculture and Ecology. Eligibility : 10th 8% Concession for ST / SC / OBC students Placement: Hotel.in) and a fee of Rs. The Admission will be done as per KVS Admission guidelines.25/5..II.700 108 ADMISSION NOTICE 2. MBA in Hotel Management .M. To get the details regarding Information Bulletin with Application form and On Line Application.nic. Room No. Mere registration does not confer the right to admission.20/4. Ship & Tourism Industries Collect Form & Prospectus Monday to Saturday by Rs. in Library and information Science. visit ICAR website (www. whichever is later. (Few seats are also available for candidates having Bachelor degree with 10+2+3 year degree programme) with required OGPA of 6.D. The post is purely temporary with a consolidated remuneration of Rs. Dates of Examination UG : Saturday. 1.04.icar. April 6th 2015 (Monday) 12.D examinations is 23rd February. Odisha ADMISSION NOTICE.kvmalkangiri. Important Dates: Opening date & time for applications of 2 Yr M.D. of seats .in. Mere.S..kvsangathan.S. in Quality.00 A.nic.00 for all applicants in the general category and all applicants for the JRF programmes (irrespective of reservation category). ICAR will not be responsible for non-receipt of application within the time schedule due to postal delay or any other reasons. For AICE-SRF (PGS)-2015: The candidates must have passed Master's Degree programme in the concerned discipline securing Overall Grade Point Average of at least 6. the applications will be submitted ONLINE only.in with subject Admission 2015-2016 for the application procedure. For Class-II onwards.04.for SC.D. Caste Certificate of your child and Residential proof in original for verification at the time of registration.icar. the candidate must have secured at least 60% marks for General. All India Competitive Examination for centralized admission to 25% seats in AUs and the award of Senior Research Fellowship (SRF-PGS) to pursue Ph. Come with Birth certificate. visit http://www. Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology Walk-in-interview is going to be held on 13/02/2015 from 11.2015 (for ClassI) and 13. seeking admission in ICAR Deemed-to-be-Universities. The candidates who have already joined Ph.2. (Equivalence between OGPA and % marks will not be acceptable). Diploma in Computer Applications.02. 4.3 Years .D. Online Application Ends: 03 March 2015.. The bank will accept only in cash the application fee as given above and bank charges (Rs. in case of purchase against cash (from the Registrars of Agricultural Universities/ specified branches of Syndicate Bank at specified places as given on ICAR website). Complete information on Scope. (6) 2-year M. All India Entrance Examination for the admission in the above programmes will be held on May 10.org & kvsangathan. Allahabad for the academic session 2015-16 (This examination does not include admission to Bachelor degree programmes in Veterinary Sciences). Kolkata . the said requirement is 5. 2015.isical.in.13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 9 NIJUKTI KHABAR INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE. programmes of Indian School of Mines.02. 2. of issue and Registration of forms for other classes (except ClassXl) is 13. 600. (5) 2-year M.2015. 300/-. Tech and Ph.08. An updated version of the Admission Notice is also available in our official website http://www.Age : 18 to 28 yrs.for SC/ST and PC categories shall have to be deposited while submitting the application Online. Sociology. 066312113254 KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA. DHANBAD-826004 (Under direct administrative control of MHRD.).ac.00 scale. OBC and UPS categories whereas for SC/ST/PC. Imphal. Viswa Bharati. Contact: administrative Officer. For submitting application Online. Admission Fee . New Delhi–110012" for UG. under 10+2+5 or 10+2+4 or 10+6 years degree programmes.2015 between 09. Mobile : 9051475838.ac.2015. Mode of payment: The challan generated by the on-line system must be taken to any branch of State Bank of India. Dist Sundargarh. Confirmation of attending interview by email (director@suiit. PG & Ph. Notification will be given if vacancy arises before 13. Bachelor in Hotel Management .09. III. Admission Schedule Commencement of sale of application form and admission . 216.in. (7) 2-year M. for UG and PG candidates belonging to certain remote areas like NE Region. Note: 1. Central Agricultural University. GOI) Admission Announcement 2015-16 Applications are invited for admission in M.D candidates from remote areas will also be 27rd February. and (12) Junior Research Fellowship in. Library & Information Science and Development Studies. Age: For AIEEA-UG-2015 (UG Examination): Between 17 and 23 years for general category candidates as on 31August 2015 (must have been born between 01. Agri.kvbargarh. For details. 1200/. 2015 (Friday) 11. and Ph. Employees and are open to all. 25/. Pusa. (2) 3-year B. PG and Ph.D degree in an Agricultural University (AU) other than the AU from where the candidate has completed Bachelor's and /or Master's degree. Sale of Information Bulletin/Application Forms UG & PG (Online/Offline): 1st February 2015 to 23rd February 2015 Ph. (8) 2-year M.1.75/5. In other cases.00. Opening date & time for applications of M.for General. Education Division. II. OBC & UPS and Rs.00.D. the upper age limit shall be 45 years in all cases as per the extant norms and guidelines.2. AIEEA-PG-2015: Rs. DHO in Hotel Management1Year .00 per month. Applicants should read carefully the instructions.32.60/10. For any query. 2015.00 AM to 12.30 AM onwards for one post of Laboratory Assistant in SUIIT. New Delhi 110012 ALL INDIA ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR UG. will not be acceptable.25/5. The last date to receive the hard copy of the computer generated confirmation pages of application form from Ph. 60. Pritesh Chatterjee. www.2015 between 10.20/4. OBC and UPS categories whereas for SC/ST/PC categories.2 Years .Statistics.60/4./ 3 Yr M. ADMISSIONS AND SRF (PGS) NOTICE The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) invites applications from Indian Nationals. The equivalence between OGPA and percent marks.60. NDRI & CIFE) for Master degrees at State Agricultural Universities. For AIEEA-PG-2015 (PG Examination): Not less than 19 years as on 31. Physics and Applied Mathematics. Eligibility :10+2 • Course No.00 AM to 12. 250/. Ph: 033 4004 3004. Kolkata . Central Universities with Agricultural Faculty (B. AICE-SRF: The Information Bulletin along with Application Form and other details will (PGS)-2015 be available only on ICAR website (www. 300. Payment of Application Fee at SBI Branches Ends: 10 March 2015. Bhubaneswar-751 009.700064 Govt. Duration. However.00 scale for General.nic. respectively. the last date for receipt of applications. Six Months Certificate Course. Course: 1. etc.in ADMISSION NOTIFICATION Utkal University of Culture. Veterinary. The fellowship would be granted only when the candidate seeks admission through counseling conducted by ICAR and pursues Ph. the requirement is 50% marks. in the prescribed format. 600/. ST and PC categories in 10+2 examination or equivalent/Inter (Agriculture) with PCM/ PCB/ PCMB/ PCA/ PCH subject combinations.2. acrobat reader and need to have a digital copy of his/her photo and signature in appropriate format and size (see Prospectus).60/4 for General. NUAPADA PIN-766105 Website: kvnuapada.S.org. PG and Ph. KENDRIYAVIDYALAYA BARGARH. ICAR will not be held responsible for refusing admission to any non-eligible candidate at the time of Counseling (UG.D.in) shall be appreciated. (11)1 -year P. programmes.org and Vidyalaya Notice Board.Sc. Phone .Rs 200.2015(For other classes) up to 5 pm. SESSION 2015-16 Registration forms for admission to Class-I for the session 201516 will be available in Vidyalaya office from 09. The procedure for online application has been described in the Information Bulletin. K. as applicable. 203. parents may visit to the websites www. a provision has been kept to deposit the application fee either through (i) Bank challan of Syndicate Bank or (ii) Credit/debit card using Payment Gateway of the Canara Bank or (iii) NEFT. Dhanbad.D. 4. They must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties. At the time of final selection when scrutiny is undertaken and if any claim made in application is not found substantiated then the candidature will be cancelled and the decision of CISF in this regard shall be final. Categories eligible for relaxation in Age limit: (i) Schedule Caste/Tribe.Constable (GD). from time to time and they will be allowed to deduct the period of actual military service from his actual age as on 07. DEFINITIONS/ RELAXATIONS AND SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR EXSERVICEMEN. Havildar/Naik or equivalent rank in the Army/Air Force/Navy may also compete in this recruitment for lower post provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria and also they furnish their willingness in writing that in the event of their selection they will not claim the post equivalent to the rank they were holding in the Defense Forces.i) The selected candidates are liable to be posted any where in the country as per the transfer policy of the Force. The candidate.m. or discharge on account of misconduct of inefficiency and has been given a gratuity. Hindi corresponding to 10500 KDPH in English /9000 KDPH in Hindi with average of 5 key depressions for each word on computer ).3 Years in upper age limit. 1989. No person: (a) Who has entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having spouse living OR (b) Who having a spouse living.Final scrutiny of eligibility criteria with regards to age.03. Skill test norms on computer – English Typing with minimum speed of 35 WPM on computer. vi) 10% of the vacancies will be preferably filled by the female candidate failing which the same will be filled by male candidates.2400/. b) Age (Direct open market candidates): Between 18 to 25 years as on 07.Appendages pertains to the problems of upper or lower limbs.through demand draft. In order to be eligible for upper age relaxation in this category. if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and the other party to the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing. Break in Service: Should not be more than 03 years from the date of discharge from Army/Navy/Air Force as on 07. or iii) Personnel of Army Postal Service who are part of Regular Army and retired from the Army Postal Service without reversion to their parent service with pension. FEE: RUPEES FIFTY ONLY (Rs. Ex-Servicemen who are Havildar. Andaman & Nicobar island and lakswadweep by 14. age. Written Examination: Objective type question paper to be answered on OMR sheet of 100 marks of 02 hours duration containing 100 questions on General Intelligence. iii) Weight: . Failure to qualify in any stage will result in elimination of the candidate from the recruitment process.50/. he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age limit. VIII. General .2004. Applications. V. Children means (a) son (including adopted son) or (b) daughter (including adopted daughter) Dependent family member means (a) spouse or (b) children or (c) brother or sister in the case of unmarried victim who was wholly dependent on that victim at the time of his getting killed in the riots would be eligible.33%. H . (iv) Candidates of Jammu & Kashmir who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of J&K during the period from 1st Jan 1980 to 31st Dec. Women and Ex-servicemen eligible for reservation. DISQUALIFICATION. Sikkim. Obesity (being Fat . Re-evaluation of OMR sheets will not be considered. SCHEME OF RECRUITMENT FOR THE POST OF HC/MIN: Candidates whose applications are found to be in order shall be called for further stages of recruitment. Ex-servicemen holding the rank of Subedar.in the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF):- Note:. (iii) Department candidates (Central Government) with three year continuous service including serving CISF personnel who are not eligible against the LDCE vacancies. Better eye . Character on discharge: Exemplary/Very Good. (ii) Other Backward Class Upto . Head Constable(GD) and Constable (Tradesman) with five year’s regular service in respective grade as on 07. IV. (vi) Ex-Servicemen: Age concession will be allowed in accordance with the orders issued by the Govt.Next Page.overweight). 7.Hearing (Ear diseases). CLOSING DATE: 07. Uncorrected visual acuity (distant vision). In view of the large number of applicants. 8. otherwise than at his own request or by way of dismissal. Better eye-6/6. (vii) For CISF personnel who intend to compete against the vacancies for Limited departmental candidates examination only:. Relaxation: Upto 5 Years in upper age limit. i) a person who has served in any rank (whether as a combatant or as a noncombatant) in the Regular Army.NIJUKTI KHABAR 10 Directorate General.Factor is related to other disease like Hypertension (High Blood Pressure). µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 .Skill test norms on computer – English Typing with minimum speed of 35 WPM on computer. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Note: Ex-Servicemen candidates are eligible for total relaxation in physical standards. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA REQUIRED FOR THE POSTS. Refraction: Visual correction of any kind is not permitted even by glasses. II. his candidature will be cancelled. e) MEDICAL STANDARDS: i) The person who seeks appointment for the above post shall fulfill the SHAPE-1 medical standard. etc.03. 2. Nb-Subedar.2015 (closing date for receipt of the application from candidates in India) including for the candidates of North East region.Candidates selected in order of merit (equal to the number of vacancies notified) will be put through a detailed Medical examination to ascertain their fitness. Candidates seeking reservation benefits for SC/ST/OBC must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed in the Notice. educational qualification. CISF will conduct the recruitment to the post of HC(Min). that is arms and legs. and includes personnel of the Territorial Army. Upto 40 years for Gen/ OBC. 2. iv) 10 % Vacancies in open market male candidates are reserved for Ex-servicemen. . if not satisfied with the findings of the Medical Officer. can submit an appeal for Review Medical Examination within a period of 15 days with a proof of his/her fitness in the prescribed form to the appellate authority.03. Scheduled Tribe. III. Verification of eligibility standard will be qualifying in nature i.p.Corresponding to height and age as per medical standards (for males and females). General Studies/Elementary science.Psychiatric problems. in respect of the length of continuous service which should be not less than three years as on 07. Candidates are advised to go through the requirements of educational qualification. Applications are invited from Male and Female Indian citizens for filling up vacancies as noted below in the rank of Head Constable (Ministerial) in the pay scale of Rs. 2. Cancer. General English or Hindi and Arithmetic. exempt any person from the operation of this rule. flat foot. in English and 30 w. (the details of authority to whom the appeal should be submitted and DDO concerned and payable branch etc will be mentioned in the Rejection Slip itself to be issued by the Examining Medical Officer/Chairman of the Recruitment Board).Qualifying marks in written examination. Shall be eligible for appointment to the said posts.N6. or ii) Who has been released from such service after completing the specific period of engagement. Central Industrial Security Force (Ministry of Home Affairs) Closing Date :. ii) For this purpose “SHAPE-I” shall mean the medical category as specified by the Ministry of Home Affairs or the Force. or are released from the Army Postal service on medical grounds attributable to or aggravated by military service or circumstance beyond their control and awarded medical or other disability pension or iv) Personnel who are on deputation in Army Postal Service for more than six months prior to 14th April 1987 or v) Gallantry award winners of the Armed forces including personnel of Territorial Army or vi) Ex-recruits board out or relieve on medical ground and granted medical disability pension. For the Post of HC(Min) a) Educational qualification Intermediate or Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2) examination from recognized Board or University or equivalent. Cardiac disease (Heart Diseases). The medical certificate will not be taken into consideration unless it contains a note by the medical practitioner concerned to the effect that it has been given in full knowledge of the fact that the candidates has already been declared unfit for appointment in the CISF by a Medical Officer. .13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 1.(Rupees fifty only) in the form of Postal Order drawn in favour of the officer mentioned under column 2 below and payable at the post office as mentioned under column 3.m. but candidates must qualify each stage to proceed further in the recruitment.2015 and if the resultant age does not exceed the maximum age limit prescribed for the post for which he is seeking appointment by more than three years.2015 including for the candidates of North East region. no marks will be awarded for these tests. in English and 30 w. Colour vision: CP III by ISIHARA. P . Verification of Eligibility Standards (Physical Standard test): Eligibility standard will be verified as enumerated in Para-III of this Notification. 6.50/-) Fee is exempted for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste. 3.2015 and possessing qualification prescribed for direct recruits under Para III(a) & (c) . They should also possess the same medical standards prescribed for direct recruits for the post of HC/Min in CISF. iv) Visual Standard. Ladhakh division of J&K State. from time to time is S . caste.1. If a candidate is absent from any stage/event for which he has qualified.03.Eye sight or Eye diseases. Note: In right handed person.2015 In case of residents of North East region. CANDIDATES IN THEIR OWN INTEREST ARE ADVISED TO GO THROUGH THE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS CONTAINED IN THIS NOTICE AND ALSO AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE OF THE CISF http://www. They should also be in possession of the certificates in the prescribed format in support of their claim at the time of application failing which application will be rejected at initial stage.01. detailed scrutiny of the eligibility and other aspects will not be possible before the Written Examination and therefore. The other eligibility conditions will be the same as applicable to direct candidates as mentioned under eligibility criteria. Therefore. Upto 45 years for SC/ST.2015. v) On appointment they shall be entitled for the pension benefits as per the “ New Restructured Defined Contributory Pension Scheme” applicable for the new entrants to the Central Government services wef 01. candidature will be accepted provisionally till the final selection. 4. Hindi corresponding to 10500 KDPH in Englisth /9000 KDPH in Hindi with average of 5 key depressions for each word on computer).p.07.Up to 5 years in upper age limit. 3. which are not filled up as per instruction or partly filled up applications will not be entertained. An ”Ex-servicemen” means. Application received after closing date will not be entertained. Medical Examination:. 9. MOBILES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC GADGETS ARE BANNED WITHIN THE PREMISES OF THE EXAMINATION CENTRES. 3. 4. namely. Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union. Worse Eye-6/9.03. c) Other Essential qualifications.e.35%.03. Hindi Typing with minimum speed of 30 WPM on computer ( Time allowed -10 mts) (35 w. Medical Category: “A”(AYE)/ “SHAPE-I” at the time of discharge. 1). VII HOW TO APPLY: Application on the proforma as per Annexure I should be sent to the authorities prescribed below for the candidate belonging to the States/UTs mentioned against each along with requisite application fees of Rs. the right eye is better eye and vice versa. banker cheque will not be accepted and the application which accompanied with the application fee in any other form (other than the postal order) will summarily be rejected.m. ) . Varicose vein or squint in eyes.2015 Recruitment of Head Constable/Ministerial in CISF-2015 for direct candidate and HC/Min(LDCE) -2015 for departmental candidates of CISF I. SC/ST/OBC/Exservicemen . physical standard will be undertaken at the time of final selection/ medical examination.Upto 35 years of age.: Upto 5 years in upper age limit. Central Government civilian employees/servants claiming age relaxation should be in possession of a certificate in the prescribed format from their office. Candidates have to appear in all stages of Recruitment for which they have qualified. They should continue to have the status of Central Government civilian servants/employees from the date of application till the time of appointment in the event of their selection. the candidature will be accepted only provisionally. Visual Acuity unaided (near vision). will be communicated the grounds for such rejection by indicating “Parameters measures” and “Standard normal parameter” in legible language by the Medical Board. CLOSING DATE: Application should be sent so as to reach the concerned DIG of CISF as shown (Contd. has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person.in CAREFULLY BEFORE APPLYING. 4. In all cases. etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible before applying. VI. iii) Selected candidates will be governed by CISF Act and Rules. SC/ST/Women and Ex-Servicemen candidates are exempted from application fee. Worse eye – N9. Lance Naik or Sepoy in the Army or equivalent rank in the Air Force or Navy are eligible to apply for the post of Head Constable/Min. Application fee remitted in any other form viz money order.m.25/. (v) Children and dependent family members of victims KILLED in the 1984 riots and communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat.03.gov. 3.cisf.520020200 with Grade pay of Rs. Binocular vision is required v) The candidates must not have knock knees. Category . lahaul & Spiti district and Pangi sub-division of Chamba district of HP. Provided that the Central Government may. Final selection: Final selection of the candidates will be made from the candidates those found fit in the medical examination strictly according to merit and availability of vacancies 2.p. Note:. The person claiming relaxation under this category should produce the certificate to the effect that he/she had been domiciled in the State of J&K during the period from 1st Jan 1980 to 31st Dec 1989 from either the District Magistrate within whose jurisdiction he/she had ordinarily resided or from any other authority designated on his behalf by the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.2015. A . d) PHYSICAL STANDARDS. Diabetes (High Sugar). bank draft. the applicant should produce a certificate to that effect from the concerned District Collector/District Magistrate where the victim was killed. a candidate declared UNFIT in Detailed Medical Examination. Vacancies reserved for Ex-servicemen and departmental candidates will be filled up by other candidates in case the sufficient candidates are not available in this category. and a) who either has been retired or relieved or discharged from such service whether at his own request or being relieved by the employer after earning his or her pension or b) Who has been relieved form such service on medical grounds attributable to military service or circumstances beyond his control and awarded medical or other disability pension or c) Who has been released from such service as a result of reduction in establishment. Hindi Typing with minimum speed of 30 WPM on computer ( Time allowed -10 mts) (35 w. pension holders for continuous embodied service or broken spells of qualifying service. 5.p. The appeal will also not be taken into consideration unless it contains medical re-examination fee of Rs.03. and E . ii) The recruitment will be done on All India Basis.. .. complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.... iii) Documents to be submitted along with the Application Form: a) A crossed non-refundable Indian Postal Order of Rs... c) Trade in the Army/ Navy/ Air Force : ... Certificate having mentioned only a Constitutional authority under which the caste of the candidate has been recognized as SC.. ii) Application form and Admit card duly filled in the prescribed proforma as per Annexure-I and affixed with recent passport size photograph duly self attested may be sent to the concerned DIG as mentioned in Para -VII above.. (j) Any other irregularity like mutilated or damaged application/ documents etc (k) Application must be filled-up in black/blue ball pen....... Place : Signature of the Candidate Date : (Application not signed by the candidate will not be entertained) (TO BE FILLED BY RECEIVING OFFICE) Observation/Remarks Name.(Rupees fifty only) except SC/ST. If the above certificate are in regional language ( {ks+=h. Place: Date: Signature of the candidate Candidate left thumb impression DECLARATION TO BE SIGNED BY OBC CANDIDATES ONLY I. the same will be published in CISF website.22/-each........................36012/22/93-Estt. I have enclosed photocopies of certificates in support of claim for Educational Qualifications. Candidates are advised to check the same from CISF website from time to time.. (l) Application should be furnished in original no photocopy of the application will be accepted.so that call up letter may be sent through registered post. No application will be entertained which is received after the due date.. 22/. xix) Selected candidates are required to undergo basic training in our RTCs for which they will be informed separately through offer of appointment letter.. ST or OBC (as the case may be).... ) in the para-VII above by 07.Next Page... xxii) Any sort of canvassing or recommendation will debar the candidate from selection....... if the candidate is not satisfied with the ground of rejection.. During the period of probation if found unfit for any reason the services are liable to be terminated.. otherwise candidature will be rejected... Out of these three self addressed envelopes... xxiv) The Director General.. x) During the course of recruitment.. the candidature will be rejected... lahaul & Spiti district and Pangi sub-division of Chamba district of HP......gov... INSTRUCTIONS IN GENERAL: i) Only eligible Candidates may apply in the prescribed proforma.. should be legible and attested by the candidate. be accepted... a translated copy of the same either in Hindi or English duly attested by Notary to be furnished. g) Certificate for relaxation in height and/or chest measurement as per format in Annexure-IV (if seeking to avail relaxation in Physical Standards). xxvi) This advertisement is also available on our website i. Sikkim.. vi) No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the test.36033/3/2004-Estt..... Ladhakh division of J&K Stata................... two envelop must be affixed with postal stamp of Rs. j) Govt Servant including CISF personnel will have to submit a certificate as per Annexure – VII from his/her Head of office/Controlling officer/Unit Commander at the time of applying k) Other certificates in support of various relaxations as mentioned in para-III. viii) Medical standard for departmental candidates is same as for direct candidate as per para III(e) above... DECLARATION: (TO BE SIGNED BY ALL THE CANDIDATES COMPULSORILY) i) I hereby certify and declare that all the statements made in the application are true.cisf.3.... h) Medical category on retirement : .... xiv) Signature of the candidate through out the recruitment process should be the same as signed in the application form. (d) Unsigned/Undated/without photograph (e) Not enclosing Questionnaire form (Appendix-“VI”) (f) Under aged/Over aged candidates (g) Not possessing the requisite educational qualification at the time of submitting application............ xxv) If there is any change/amendment in the eligibility condition... xxi) The certificates must be on the prescribed format as published in the advertisement. e) Date of retirement from Army/ Navy/ Air Force: ...2015. In the event of information or part thereof being found false or detected incorrect during the process of recruitment or at any stage thereafter and that I am not satisfying the eligibility criteria prescribed in this notice..... ix) The departmental candidates will submit their application through their Department.. v) The envelop should be super-scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF HEAD CONSTABLE (MINISTERIAL) & HC(MIN) (LDCE) 2015.... Page........... Applications may be rejected due to reasons such as (a) Incomplete or illegible and not submitted in prescribed format... f) Last Unit from where retired : .. In Army/ Navy/ Air Force : ... otherwise the application will be summarily rejected. xi) The candidates must fill Questionnaire form as per Annexure-VI.... from prev...03... Women and Ex-servicemen candidates. However....50/-(Rupees fifty only) on account of application fee if applicable for the candidates as mentioned in Para VII above. (i) Applications received after the closing date as mentioned in this notification..... Hence. (b) Without postal order of Rs.. For Ex-servicemen only:a) Army No :. xvi) Unsigned applications...... ____________________ Son/Daughter of Shri _______________________ resident of village/ town/city _______________ district _______________ State ________________ hereby declare that I belong to the ________________ community which is recognized as a backward class by the Govt..2004..e. age... Decision regarding the suitability for recruitment in CISF will be decided as per policy guidelines in vogue....µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 ........... g) Character on retirement : .. CISF reserves the right to make changes or cancel or postpone the recruitment without assigning any reason. In case of change the same must be supported by necessary documents otherwise the candidature will be rejected.. my candidature/appointment is liable to be cancelled/terminated automatically without any notice to me and action can be taken against me by the CISF.... xx) The certificates like Caste.... vii) Departmental candidates of CISF must have good service record....... educational qualification.. www........ d) Date of Apptt....... Candidates should minutely go through all the provisions in the notice to ensure that he is eligible for the post for which he is applying in terms of requirement of Age. iv) Applications.. iii) I further declare that I fulfill all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limits educational qualifications etc.. ANNEXURE-I CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL SECURITY FORCE APPLICATION FORM FOR RECRUITMENT OF HEAD CONSTABLE(MINISTERIAL)) FOR DIRECT CANDIDATE AND HC(MIN) (LDCE) FOR DEPARTMENTAL CANDIDATES IN CISF -2015 21... c) Photostat copies of certificates/testimonials in support of age and educational qualification issued by a recognized board/University duly self attested.(SCT) dated 8-9-1993 and modified vide Government of India DOP&T OM No.. xii) Name & Father’s Name should be exactly as mentioned in the Matriculation certificate.13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 NIJUKTI KHABAR 11 (Contd... xvii) The Department reserves the right to delete/change any examination /skill test centre and date of examination at its discretion... iv) I also declare that I do not stand debarred from Government Service as on date and have never been convicted by any court of law..03.... if any. In case at any time the signature of the candidate does not match with the signature in the application form... prescribed for admission to the examination..36012/22/93-SCT) dated 8-9-1993..... applications containing incomplete information and documents as mentioned above will be summarily rejected and no correspondence or enquiries from the applicants will be entertained.. ii) I have read the provisions in the Notice of the examination carefully and I hereby undertake to abide by them.... then he may prefer appeal in writing to the Appellate authority on the same day... IX. Hkk’kk ).. of India for the purpose of reservation in service as per orders contained the Department Of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No...... f) Candidates belonging to OBC category will have to sign declaration with regard to “non-creamy layer status certificate” as mentioned in application form.......... xv) Application may be filled up either in English or Hindi only....(Res. Age should be in Hindi or English.... No claim for refund of application fee will be entertained on the ground of rejection of application...in....... ) ...... Address on the envelopes must be written clearly. d) Photostat copy of SC or ST certificate which should be on the format as prescribed in Annexure-II (if belonging to SC/ST category)..... xiii) The application form must be filled by the candidate in his own handwriting Correction. They will be on probation for a period of two years which can be extended. it does not mean that a SC/ST/OBC certificate shall contain all the notification/ resolution numbers as indicated in the proforma. (h) Applications not filled in English or Hindi or not filled by candidate in his own handwriting..) dated 9. which are not filled up as per instruction or partly filled up applications will not be entertained and no correspondence will be made.. Educational qualification etc. h) Undertaking as per Annexure-V for the candidates applying against Ex-Servicemen vacancies i) Questionnaire as per Annexure-VI duly filled in and signed by the candidates should invariably be send along with the application form. xviii) Success in the examination confers no right for appointment unless the Department is satisfied after such enquiry as may be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respect for appointment to the post. Andaman & Nicobar island and lakswadweep by 14.... Stages of the recruitment process will also be uploaded in the CISF website from time to time.... b) Three self addressed envelopes of 12 x 27 cms size... b) Army Rank at the time of discharge : ... it is in the interest of the candidate to ensure that his application form has been filled up correctly by him and enclosures as mentioned above have been self attested and are on the prescribed format wherever applicable... (c) Without two self addressed envelope duly affixing postal stamps of Rs.50/.2015 and in case of residents of North East region. For CISF personnel who intend to compete against the vacancies meant for departmental candidates only: a) CISF Number _________________________________________ b) Rank _________________________________________ c) Date of birth _________________________________________ d) Date of appointment _________________________________________ e) Present Unit _________________________________________ f) Details of punishment Major Minor g) Whether annual grading during entire service has been above average or otherwise Yes No h) Signature of Departmental officer competent to forward the application his official stamp as token of verification of data furnished at Para 19 (a ) to (g ) 22... xxiii) The Department will not be responsible for Postal delays... e) Photostat copy of OBC certificate which should be on the format as prescribed in Annexure –III (if belonging to OBC category). category (SC/ST/OBC) and age relaxation etc....... It is also declared that I do not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) mentioned in Column 3 of OM No.. Designation & Signature of the scrutinizing Officer (To be printed/typed/written in separate paper) ADMIT CARD For examination of HC (Min) & HC(Min) (LDCE) 2015 (Candidate will not be allowed to appear in the recruitment without production of this admit card) Post applied for HC(Min) (Contd... 36012/22/93-Estt(SCT) dated 8-9-93.. Manipur... Signature of the candidate TO BE FILLED BY THE APPLICATION RECEIVING AUTHORITY Roll No..12011/ 68/93-BCC dated 8-7-97 and No...13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 NIJUKTI KHABAR 12 (Contd. 12011/13/97-BCC dated 3-12-97 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I Section 1 No.... Whether Male or Female candidate : Whether Direct /Departmental/ Ex-Servicemen candidate Whether Gen/SC/ST/OBC: Note: (i) Only pen. (2) He/She belongs to Sikkim... Date of examination : .... Meghalaya... 1966. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate. Please delete the words which are not applicable.......... the North Eastern Areas (Reorganisation) Act... Collector/1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate/Extra-Assistant Commissioner/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate. case No... ) To be filled by the candidate Name (in block letters) (Should be exactly same as in Matriculation Certificate) :.... Reporting time at Examination centre : ___________ hrs.... secured and employment on the civil side (including Public Sector Undertakings. 2000..µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 .. 1950. 1950. Use of Mobile phones........ 1970 *The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Caste Order.. passport size : ... 1956... 12011/44/99-BCC dated 21st... Place: Signature of Candidate Date: Name: ANNEXURE-VI QUESTIONNAIRE FORM 1 Have you ever been convicted by any court of law or any other judicial Institution? YES/NO 2 Is there any case pending against you in any court of law? YES/NO 3 Has any FIR been lodged and case is pending against you? YES/NO 4 Was any FIR ever lodged against you in the past ? YES/NO a) If yes. Page. . 1999 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I Section 1 No... Note: ST candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu State should submit caste certificate ONLY FROM THE REVENUE DIVISION OFFICER. Father’s/Husband Name :. This is also to certify that he does not belong to the persons/Sections (Creamy layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the Govt of India....... Kumaoni.............. I understand that in case the information is found to be false or incorrect my candidature is liable to be cancelled apart from any departmental or legal proceedings that may be initiated against me.... 1991 *The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders Second amendment Act........ 246 dated 6th Sep... *Resolution No. eraser etc... 210 dated 21st Sept. *Resolution No. Daman and Diu) Scheduled Castes Order.... UNDERTAKING I ______________________________ declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. please specify 4 Have you ever been dismissed from any service under the Central or State Govt.. Daman and Diu) Scheduled Tribes Order. It is further certified that: (1) Residents of entire area mentioned above are considered as (Garhwalis. *Resolution No.. *2. No............ District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/Dy........ 1996 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I Section 1 dated 11-12-1996.... the State of Himachal Pradesh Act....... 1962 *The Constitution (Pondicherry) Scheduled Castes Order....12011/99/94-BCC dated 11th Dec 97 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I Section 1 No.. ______________ dated ____________ Or • Shri/Smt/Kumari ____________________________ and or his/her family ordinarily reside(s) in Village/Town__________________ of _____________________ District/Division of the State/ Union Territory of ______________________.... Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies.. what was the outcome in court ? i) Convicted ii) Acquitted iii) Compromised iv) Compounded v) Any other.** This certificate is issued on the basis of the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes Certificate issued to Shri/Smt __________________ Father/Mother of Shri/Smt. Time of examination : From_________hrs to ________hrs.. 1978 *The Constitution (Sikkim) Scheduled Tribes Order...? YES/NO 5 Have your services ever been terminated while on probation? YES/NO If the answer to any of the above is YES then please provide complete details on a separate sheet. 2. .. ** Applicable in the case of SCs. my appointment will be subject to my producing documentary evidence to the satisfaction of the Appointing Authority that I have been duly released/retired/discharged from the Armed Forces and that I am entitled to the benefits admissible to ex-servicemen in terms of the Exservicemen (Reemployment in Central Civil Services and Posts) Rules....... I also understand that I shall not be eligible to be appointed to a vacancy reserved for Exservicemen in regard to the recruitment covered by this examination.. ANNEXURE-IV FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE CANDIDATES THOSE WHO INTEND TO AVAIL RELAXATION IN HEIGHT OR CHEST MEASUREMENT Certified that Shri/Kumari ___________________________ S/O. Signature of the application receiving authority FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED BY A CANDIDATE BELONGING TO SCHEDULED CASTE OR SCHEDULED TRIBE This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati/Kumari_______________________________ son/daughter of Shri ______________________ of village/Town______________ in District/Division ____________ of the State/Union Territory________________________ belongs to the _________________________ caste/Tribe which is recognised as a Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe under.......... 4.. published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section 1 No. Signature _______________ Place: Name _______________ Date: Designation _______________ (Head of office/Controlling officer/ Unit commander) ......... Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidence Magistrate.. District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/Dy... Affix your recent :....Sept........... *The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) order... 12011/2/96-BCC dated 27-1-1996... 2. 3..... and the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act 1976.... STs persons who have migrated from one State/UT... Gorkhas......1993.... 1960............. is permitted for the written examination......... *Resolution No.... 2...... Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.. Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and/ or his family normally resides. Collector/1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate/Extra-Assistant Commissioner/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate.... by availing of the concession of reservation of vacancies admissible to Ex-servicemen... *Resolution No...... Assam.12011/68/93-BCC dated 6-8-98... *Resolution No. *Resolution No... *The Constitution(Scheduled Tribes) (Union Territories) order.... Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar. *Resolution No... 1989 *The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order Amendment Act.. 1976 *The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Castes Order...... 1995 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section1 No. self attested Date of Birth : (DD-MM-YYYY) Telephone number & Email ID ... if I have at any time prior to such appointment.. 83 dated 16-5-1995../Kumari ___________________ of village/Town _______________ in District/ Division ______________________ of the State/UT __________________________ who belongs to the ________________________ Caste/Tribes which is recognised as a SC/ST in the State/Union Territory ________________ issued by the ___________ ________________ (name of the prescribed issuing authority) vide their No.. 1990 *The Constituion (Scheduled Tribes) Orders Amendment Ordinance..... Typewriting test and Verification of eligibility standards will be purely provisional.. *Resolution No........ Postal Address : ... *Resolution No.. Signature of the Candidate Name ___________________ Place : ____________ Fathers Name ___________________ Dated : ____________ Address ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ANNEXURE-VII FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE SUBMITTED BY EMPLOYEES OF GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS/UNDERTAKING INCLUDING CISF PERSONNEL Certified that the Department/office has no objection in permitting Shri _________________ for applying to the post of ___________ in CISF...... 1991 *The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Orders amendment Ordinance. 12011/44/96-BCC dated 6th Dec.. 1971.. from prev.... pencil.... 2.. it is found that candidates does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions.. 2000..... ANNEXURE-III FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED BY A CANDIDATE BELONGING TO OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES This is to certify that Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ____________________________ son/ daughter of Shri _________________________________ of village/Town _________________________ in District/Division _______________________ of the State/Union Territory __________________ belongs to the __________________ Community which is recognised as backward class under : *Resolution No...) *The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes order.....1996 published in The Gazette of India extraordinary Part I Section1 No....... 2000 published in the Gazette of India Extra ordinary Part I Section 1 No. photograph duly Identification Marks : 1.. *Resolution No...D/O Shri ________________________ is permanent resident of village __________________ Tehsil/Taluka_____________________ District ______________________ of ___________________ State.. 12011/1/2001-BCC dated 19-6-2003...186 dated 13th Sep.. 236 dated 12-12-97 *Resolution No. 1999 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I Section 1 No. 12011/7/95-BCC dated 24th May. his/her candidature will be cancelled... 3... 12011/44/96-BCC dated 6th Sep 2001 published in the Gazette of India Extra Ordinary Part I Section 1 No...... 163 dated 20-10-94.. if selected on the basis of the recruitment/examination to which this application relates. It is further certified that Shri ________________ has not been awarded with any punishment (major/minor) till date and that his performance throughout his service in this Department/Office has been above AVERAGE..... 71 dated 4th April..... 1950.... 1995Published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section1dated 25th May. 1996 2. Department of Personnel & Training OM No.. ____________________ dated________________ Shri/Shrimati/Kumari ____________________________ and or his/her family ordinarily reside(s) in Village/Town__________________ of _____________________ District/Division of the State/ Union Territory of ______________________ Signature ______________ Place_______________ Designation_____________ Date______________ (With seal of Office) NOTE : The terms ‘ordinarily’ reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the People Act.. (ii) Admission at all stages of Examination (Written Examination. Date :______________________ ANNEXURE-V FORM OF UNDERTAKING TO BE GIVEN BY CANDIDATES APPLYING FOR CIVIL POSTS UNDER EX-SERVICEMEN CATEGORY I understand that... 60 dated 11-3-1996.......... List of authorities empowered to issue Caste/Tribes Certificate 1.1951..... Signature ______________ Place_______________ Designation_____________ Date______________ (With seal of Office) *Please delete which is not applicable.... 2......... 239 dated 17-12-97. *Resolution No. 270 dated 6th Dec.. : ... 3.. 2000 published in the Gazette of India extraordinary Part I Section 1 No... 12011/9/94BCC dated 19-10-94 published in the Gazette of India Extraordinary Part I Section 1 No. 1959 as amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Act.. This certificate is issued on the basis of the Backward class certificate issued to Shri/ Smt ___________________ Father/Mother of Shri/Shrimati/Kumari___________________ of village/ Town _______________ in District/Division ______________________ of the State/ UT_________________ who belongs to _________________caste which is recognised as other backward class in the State/Union Territory ______________ issued by the ______________ (name of the prescribed issuing authority) vide their No. 1968 *The Constitution (Goa. *The Constitution (Scheduled Castes)(Union Territories) order... 1995 as amended vide Resolution No.. and sections under which FIR was lodged ? b) Name of Police Station where FIR was lodged ? c) Was the case charge sheeted or returned in FR ? d) If case was charge sheeted.. If at any stage..... the Bombay Reorganisation Act. 1968 *The Constitution (Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes Order. Sub-Divisional Officers of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides..... the Punjab Reorganisation Act...... etc)... 241 dated 27-10-1999.. *The Constitution (Andaman & Nicobar Islands) Scheduled Tribes Order.... 1978 *The Constitution (Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order..... 1993 as amended vide resolution Nos..... Dated: Signature Place: District Magistrate/Sub Divisional Magistrate/Tehsildar *Delete whichever is not applicable....... as amended from time to time.. 12011/21/95-BCC dated 15th May. Arunachal Pradesh.. 12011/96/94-BCC dated 9th March.. 12011/ 12/96-BCC dated 3-8-98 ..... 1950. 12011/36/99-BCC dated 4th April.. 12011/88/98-BCC dated 6th Dec.......... 12011/68/93-BCC ( C) dated the 10th Sep.. Dogras and Marathas) for relaxation in height and chest measurement for recruitment in the Para Military Forces of Union of India..... *The Constitution (Scheduled Caste) order.1970. Calculators is banned in the Examination.. NOTE : The terms ‘ordinarily’ reside(s) used here will have the same meaning as in Section 20 of the Representation of the People Act. Nagaland..... 12011/68/98-BCC dated 27th Oct. List of authorities empowered to issue Caste/Tribes Certificate 1.. Nationalized Banks......... Tripura... 1967 *The Constitution (Goa.. 1962 *The Constitution (Dadra and Nagar Haveli) Scheduled Tribes Order...... 1999... 1951 (As amended by the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes lists (Modification Order) 1956.. 2001. 1964 *The Constitution (Uttar Pradesh) Scheduled Tribes Order. Name of the centre with complete address : ...... Mizoram. 12011/68/93-BCC dated 1-9-97..... 1979. 4... Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir and is considered for relaxation in height and chest measurement for recruitment in the Para Military Forces of Union of India. 12011/7/95-BCC dated 17-7-95......... Attested copy of School leaving certificate or any other document as proof of age acceptable to the Bank. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after appointment. his/her candidature will stand cancelled.The candidates applying for the posts of Officer Scale I are required to possess proficiency in the local language of the State / UT. (ii) Candidates should ensure that their personal email ID (as specified in the online application form while applying for RRBs. etc. PROBATION PERIOD: Selected candidates will be on probation for Officer Scale-I Two Years. Qualification: B. The applicant should sign and affix his/her photograph on such printout of application and keep the same ready for submission if selected for Interview along with copies of required documents mentioned below: 1. (Gopal Jha) General Manager post. as applicable. Last Date for Online Registration: 12. It is for the candidate to ensure that he / she has met with the eligibility criteria and complied with the requirements and adhered to the instructions contained in this advertisement as well as in the application form.. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Eligibility Criteria is to be considered as per RRBs CWE-III Advertisement published in Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar Issue Dated 28th June.-9792203510. Ed. 10th standard / 12th standard / Graduation examination Mark sheet in support of local language for posts of Officer Scale I. Candidates belonging to Reserved Category. Banda-210001 Mobile No. augb_ho@rediffmail. The number of vacancies in UR category and also the number of reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to actual requirements of the Bank. unemployed eligible SC/ST outstation candidates attending the Interview will be reimbursed to and fro second class ordinary train/bus fare by the shortest route on production of evidence of travel. Photo identity proof. HINDI/SANSKRIT/URDU at any level upto graduation level. E-mail ID : [email protected]. P. E. HINDI/SANSKRIT/URDU at 10th Std level OR b. (vi) Candidates cannot edit their application after submission. Local language i. K. HRA at prevailing rate). THE COMPETENT AUTHORITY FOR ISSUE OF CERTIFICATE TO SC/ST/OBC/PWD CANDIDATES IS AS UNDER: (a) For SC/ST/OBC: District Magistrate/Additional Dist Magistrate/ Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Dy. for the post of Officer in Junior Management (Scale I) Cadre who have been declared qualified the Online CWE for RRBs conducted by IBPS during September/ October 2014. (b) Candidates belonging to OBCs but coming in the ¡°CREAMY LAYER¡± are not entitled to the benefits of OBC reservation. Fax-05192-221463 E-mail. PGT : Physical Education: 01 post.in. PO:GOLABANDHA.augb@gmail. Caste / PWD any other related certificate as applicable.M Colony. clause based on income issued recently (i. H. 3. No other mode of application or incomplete steps would be accepted and such applications would be rejected.e. administrative feasibility. using unfair means during the selection processor ii. even though they may have obtained the desired level of score in the Online CWE and have been called for interview. (m) A recent. urged to carefully read the advertisement and complete the application form and submit the same as per instructions given in this regard. shall not be permitted to participate in the Interview. whatsoever. HOW TO APPLY: (i) Candidates are required to apply online through Bank's website: www. Attested copies of Mark sheets / certificates in support of Educational Qualification.com. Native language i. ENT or Ophthalmology. If selected for interview. 2015 Date of Interview : 2nd March 2015. J. Candidates will also have to produce original caste certificate/relevant certificates at the time of Interview. At present the total starting emoluments of Officer Scale-I Rs. For Officer Scale-I G. C.e. The number of vacancies as also the number of reserved vacancies are provisional and may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank.13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 NIJUKTI KHABAR ALLAHABAD UP GRAMIN BANK (Sponsored by Allahabad Bank) Head Office-D. from any recruitment conducted by Bank. misbehaving in the interview venue or taking away any documents from the venue or iv. Qualification : B. Bank will call from among who have applied to bank. Failure to produce the same photograph at the time of the interview may lead to disqualification. the candidate should have. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/ Persons with Disabilities Category are required to submit an attested copy of their caste certificate/ certificate of handicap issued by the competent authority. New Delhi (Under the aegis of Army Welfare Education Society) Required 1. will be admissible as per the rule of the Bank. Candidates are. (f) Only candidate willing to serve anywhere in the operational area of the bank should apply. tampered. Printout of IBPS Scores for the stipulated examination. Action against candidates found guilty of misconduct : Candidates are advised in their own interest that they should not furnish any particulars that are false. resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his/her candidature by selection or v. etc of any nature during their travel time. Such appointment will also be subject to the Service & Conduct Rules of the Bank. ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL GOPALPUR. the stages at which scrutiny of such eligibility is to be undertaken. OBC Certificates in the format as prescribed by the Govt. In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfil the eligibility norms and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s). for any reason. Qualification: Graduate with B. 6. selection and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the candidate.s website one week before the dates for commencement of Interviews. failing which his/her candidature will be cancelled.ibps. (viii) The Application printout along and required copies of documents should be kept ready for submission if shortlisted for Interview.s website and intimate through SMS and email.allahabadgraminbank.s website: www. Apply immediately by Registered/Speed Post giving contact number and email ID to : The Principal.allahabadgraminbank. 9. specifically stating that the candidate does not belong to the Socially Advanced Sections excluded from the benefits of reservations for OBCs in Civil Posts and Services under Govt. The address of the venues will also be displayed in the Bank. 7. Com. if any will not receive an interview call from the Bank. in addition to other certificates as specified above.in Advertisement No. (d) Candidates serving in Government/Public Sector Undertakings (including banks) should produce a "No Objection Certificate" from their employer at the time of Interview.CREAMY LAYER. including Persons with Disabilities.e. A. 4. (j) The Bank may at its discretion hold a second stage/ conduct Supplementary process wherever necessary in respect of a centre/venue/specific post of a candidate(s). HINDI/SANSKRIT/URDU at 10th Std level OR c.CWE III conducted in September/October 2014) is kept active during the currency of a recruitment project. recognizable passport size photograph should be firmly pasted on the computer generated application form and should be signed across by the candidate. F. experience. However.A/M. in the absence of which their candidature will not be considered. LTC. The total marks for Interview will be 30. Note: It is clarified that Persons with Disabilities will have to work in Branches/Offices which have posts identified by the Bank as suitable for them. etc. No correspondence or personal enquiries shall be entertained by the bank on this behalf.01.2015. Attested copy of certificate of Computer Course.2015.. 3. Candidate has to affix his/her photograph on the call letter. Any other relevant document. & B. candidates serving in Government / Public Sector Undertakings (including Banks &Financial Institutions) will be required to submit their applications accompanied by a ¡°No Objection Certificate¡± from their employer. impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or iii. TGT: SST & English: 01 post each. I. Qualification . PGT . Bank may send call letters for Interview etc. Dist-Ganjam Odisha. Economics & Geography : 01 post each Qualification : M. issued on or after 01. (vii) Please note that the above procedure is the only valid procedure for applying. (iv) Thereafter.e. (k) Appointment of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as per the requirement of the Bank.µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 . in the absence of which their candidature may not be considered.e. Mere ARMY PUBLIC SCHOOL GOPALPUR (An English medium 10+2 Co-educational School) Affiliated to CBSE. Decision of the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the candidate.Selection will be made on the basis of performance in RRBsCWE-III conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 and Personal Interview. 5. Printout of the online application submitted. The Bank will not be responsible for any injury/ losses. Civil Lines. (h) Any resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Courts situated at BANDA.Collector/First Class Stipendary Magistrate/Sub-Division Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner/ Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate/ Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tahsildar/Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his/her family normally resides. F.s eligibility. PRE. D. Opening date for Online Registration: 28. of India and issued by the Competent Authority inter alia.com Website: www. com. 2. Principal . PERSONAL INTERVIEW: Depending on the number of vacancies. Commissioner/Dy. Candidates who do not satisfy the eligibility criteria and who do not produce the photocopies as well as the originals of all the documents required to be submitted and as advised in this notification as well as in the Interview call letter. which will be updated on Bank. TGT : ART & CRAFTS : 01 post.2014 should be submitted at the time of Interview. M. Last date of receiving Application : 23rd Feb. if a candidate is (or has been) found guilty of i. Gratuity.s website.4th July. Ed. A. Sub-Divisional Medical Officer in the District and a member who is a specialist in Orthopaedics. Bank also reserves the right to allot the candidate to any of the centres other than the one he/she has opted for. EMOLUMENTS: Medical Aid. (i) In case any dispute arises on account of interpretation of version other than English. For ensuring proficiency in local language. A.02. open the Recruitment Notification. DETAILS OF VACANCIES: *Backlog SC-05. his/her services are liable to be terminated.REQUISITE QUALIFICATIONS. (c) Persons with Disabilities claiming the benefit of reservations/age relaxation should possess Medical Certificate as specified in the Disabilities Act of 1995 in support of their disability. Three copies of the same photograph should be retained for use at the time of interview. (l) All Candidates must submit the photo copies of the prescribed certificates in support of their educational qualification. fabricated or should not suppress any material information while filling up the application form. CALL LETTERS FOR THE INTERVIEW: All eligible candidates will download their call letter from Bank. ST-02 & OBC-11.s website www. shall be liable to be debarred.in and click on the link ''Recruitment''. the documents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of interview. obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means. Abbreviations stand for: B. M. Such a candidate. 5. (e) The candidates will have to appear for interview at their own expense. At the time of interview. equivalent to three times the number of vacancies short-listed based on their Total Weighted Scores (TWS). Candidates who have been declared qualified in the RRBs-Online CWE conducted by IBPS in September/ October 2014 should have obtained the following scores as given below. a. therefore. Experience : In 10+2 CBSE affiliated school prefered. for which no reservation has been announced. 4. etc. They should indicate their category as ¡°UR¡± or ¡°UR Persons with Disabilities. the number. 31363/-per month (including DA.in.allahabadgraminbank. are free to apply for vacancies announced for Unreserved category provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria laid down for Unreserved category. 01/2015 Allahabad UP Gramin Bank invites applications from Indian citizens. 8. PIN-761052. caste. Remaining applicants. L. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: (a) Before applying for any of the mentioned post. as the case may be. PRT : 02 13 admission to the Online RRB CWE III and/ or passing the test and being invited by the Bank for the Interview shall not imply that the Bank has been satisfied beyond doubt about the candidate. Ed. (v) Carefully fill in the details in the Online Application Form. as applicable. (b) For Persons with Disabilities: Authorised Certifying Authority will be Medical Board at the District level. either permanently or for a specified period. SCALE OF PAY: 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700. SELECTION PROCEDURE: For Officer Scale-I:. INTERVIEW CENTRE: The Interview will be held at the BANDA (UP) centre and the complete address of the venue will be advised in the call letters. date of birth. depending upon the response. Ed. The Medical Board consists of Chief Medical Officer. Local language i. to the registered e-mail ID. Candidate has to bring this call letter and requisite enclosures while attending the Interview without which they will not be allowed to take up the Interview. Merit list of the candidates for final selection based on Total Weighted Scores (TWS) obtained by them in CWE of IBPS and Personal Interview will be prepared in descending order under each SC/ST/OBC/UR category. in addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution.04. 2. 2014 released by IBPS and posted on the IBPS. * Language Proficiency . (g) Any request for change of address will not be entertained. of India i. English version will prevail. carrying . Accomodation : Single accomodation Inside the campus may provide. NOTE: A. Note: Bank reserves the right to cancel the centre and/or add some other centres. (iii) Applicants are first required to go to the Bank. the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned in this advertisement. & B. Candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment process is complete. No other means/ mode of application will be accepted. nic. GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS: 01.e. For queries candidates may visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section on the website.Up to 35 years . b. candidates will have to undergo medical examination by the NTPC Medical Board and the decision of the board will be final and binding. 11.nic.13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 NIJUKTI KHABAR Recruitment of Engineering Executive Trainees through GATE-2015 NTPC Limited Is the largest power utility In the country with an Installed capacity of 43. is filled up correctly. 04.02. who have applied online for GATE 2015. The office will not be held responsible for any postal delay. from 05. Final year/semester students are also eligible however they have to obtain at least 65% marks in their engineering degree. No registration fee will be charged from SC/ST/PWD candidates during online registration in NTPC Ltd. issued by the competent authority.ac. Last date for online registration of application by candidates in NTPC: 03.. Upper age is relaxed by 5 years for the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir from 01.Rs. 13. In addition. A candidate with the prescribed degree identified for the discipline as given below can only apply for the post of EETs in the respective disciplines: AGE LIMIT: Upper Age limit is 27 years as on 03. OBC (NCL) candidates will have to give a self-undertaking indicating that they belong to OBC (Non creamy Layer) category also at the time of GD & Interview if called for. ST and PWD candidates with at least 55% marks in qualifying examination are eligible to apply forthe post. The upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST. Any Corrigendum/ supplementary information will be intimated through district NIC website. 10.. Institutional Area. After successful registration. on behalf of NTPC.900/-. Candidates need to secure minimum qualifying marks in GD & Interview.02.in/GATE2015/ or on the websites of other IITs and Indian Institute of Science (IISc).2015 (last date of online portal). 18.in and system generated Print copy of the application along with all requisite documents with self attested photo copy must be submitted to the undersigned in the above mentioned address in due time otherwise the candidature will be rejected. across the country. are required to bring their original GATE 2015 score card as received from the NT.143 MW and an additional 23. Category (SC / ST/OBC/ PWD) once filled in the online application form will not be changed and no benefit of other category will be admissible later on. 05. www. On receipt of the money. 03. 02.kendujhar. offers one of the best pay packages in the industry. candidates may log on to http://gate.KEONJHAR. taking average of all the Years.net.2015 till 19.for candidates belonging to SC. website i. To realize the vision of becoming a world class power major. ST categories and PWDs) to serve the company for at least 3 years after successful completion of one year training. The E-mail ID entered in the online application form must remain valid for at least next one year. Detailed medical norms are available on the website www. SDH Accountant . GATE-2015 online examination dates: From 31.) through Regd. if any information provided by the candidate is false or is not found to be in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement..gov. 02.Keonjhar . Performance Incentive & other benefits are also admissible for all post as per norms from time to time. 24900-3%-50500 at the basic pay of Rs. at the time of Interview. Post / Speed Post / Courier only and the envelope containing the application should be superscribed on the top of the envelope clearly. Candidate has to approach the nearby SBI branch with a printout of the "pay-in-slip" which is available on the application registration portal. 06.2015 (Monday) 1100 Hours. 25. Lodi Road.800/-. before being considered in the merit list. Visit us at www.iitk. SCOPE Complex. Please ensure that the GATE registration number. Bangalore. There will not be any other mode of payment of registration fee.Up to 35 years .2015 (by 5. The payin-slip printed from the portal should only be used for depositing the fee for proper crediting of amount in the allocated account. DHH. 3 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates.. NHM. IMPORTANT DATES: a. and District NIC Website. Candidates.. once entered.e.02. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances..2015. 24900/during one-year training. candidates will be short listed for Group Discussion and Personal Interview. 05. New Delhi . The total number of projected vacancies indicated above may increase/ decrease at the discretion of NTPC management.): Rs.2 (Two) . 150/ -.03.. GATE scores of 2015 will only be valid. 06. NTPC Limited (A Government of India Enterprise) A Maharatna Company.80 to 31. Based on the GATE-2015 MARKS and requirement. Candidates employed with Government Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies have to produce NOC at the time of Interview essentially without which they would not be allowed to appear forthe same. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the registration fee. Canvassing in any form will render the candidate disqualified for the position. 1. HOW TO APPLY: 01. Candidate belonging to General/OBC category is required to pay a nonrefundable registration fee of Rs.02.ntpccareers.kendujhar. KEONJHAR (ZILLA SWASTHYA SAMITI.03. NTPC plans to become a 1.ntpccareers. HH (Hearing Handicapped). the candidates need to apply on-line for NTPC ET-2015 on the website www.839 MW capacity under construction.NHM.28. Candidates are required to keep the printout of the Registration slip which will be generated by the system aftersuccessful registration.01.. have to submit No objection Certificate from competent authority. Keonjhar (www.00 P. Core-7. if shortlisted for Group Discussion and Personal Interview. The OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates are required to submit requisite certificate in prescribed format of Government of India. NTPC Bhawan. The vacancy is provisional and may be changed depending upon requirement at the time of actual engagement.in) only. Please note that for ET-2015 recruitment.(Rs. Benefits such as leave. RESERVATIONS AND RELAXATIONS: 01. the bank will issue a unique Journal Number and a Branch Code of the bank collecting the money. For detailed information on GATE-2015.ntpccareers. 04.ntpccareers. 24900-3%-50500 at a basic pay of Rs. who are already working in Health Department either on regular or on contractual basis.kendujhar." The candidate must apply application through online mode only (clicking vacancies Apply online/ Online Recruitment Management System) in the Mission Directorate..Candidates. The company has been conferred with coveted Maharatna status by Govt. Base Remuneration (In Rs. Details of vacancy.in. On receipt of GATE registration number. will receive their GATE-2015 Registration Number printed on their admit card. NTPC reserves the right to cancel / restrict / enlarge/ modify / alter the recruitment process. 04.2015 (Tuesday) Midnight. in a specially opened account (No. Read the instructions carefully and fill-in the On-line application form giving accurate information including the GATE-2015 registration number and payment details. The OBC candidates who belong to "Creamy Layer" are not entitled for concession admissible to OBC category and such candidates have to indicate their category as General. Besides basic pay candidates will also be paid Dearness Allowance and will also be entitled for other perquisites & allowances under cafeteria approach.in.02.Up to 35 years . medical treatment.25. if need so arises. It is relaxed by 10 years for PWD-General.Odisha. of India for its outstanding achievements overthe years.net System Generated Application (Hard copy) duly signed by the candidate along with self attested copies of all( supportive documents shall be sent to the "Chief District Medical Officer-cumDMD. 09. Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria are to apply through online mode only (clicking vacancies Apply online/ Online Recruitment Management System) in the Mission Directorate. HEALTH: The candidate should have sound health. State Bank of India has been authorized to collect the registration fee. COMPENSATION PACKAGE: NTPC Ltd. All information relating to the said recruitment/ selection process will be intimated through District NIC website (www.NHM.NHM.Rs.00 P. 13 years for PWD-OBC and 15 years for PWDSC/ST candidates.2015 till 08. The final place of posting will be decided after completion of training. Legal jurisdiction will be of NCT of Delhi in case of any cause/dispute. No change in the E-mail ID will be allowed.Odisha website i.Keonjhar on contractual basis for a term of 11 months with monthly remuneration as noted against each and subject to renewal as per the norms basing on the performance and subsistence of the programme. Before joining. Candidates can be placed.net from 02. from a competent authority issued in the current year only. qualifications and eligibility criteria of above post can be downloaded from the official website of Mission Directorate. No request with respect to the change in any data entered by the candidate will be entertained once the application is submitted successfully. The SC/ST / PWD category candidate need not pay the registration fee. 07.2015 by12. 02. KEONJHAR) Applications are invited from the interested eligible candidates for filling up the following post under National Health Mission (NHM). Lower age limit for all the posts is 21 years and Upper age limit is mentioned below as against each.110003. Candidature of a registered candidate is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment process or after recruitment or joining.net.nic. All qualifications should be from an Indian University / Institute recognized by AlCTE/appropriate statutory authority. The candidates. NTPC will not be responsible in case the candidate deposits the fee in a wrong account.nrhmorissa. Provident Fund.e.ln). Relaxations will be extended in vacancies identified for SC / ST / OBC (non-creamy layer). To fuel its ambitious growth plan NTPC is looking for promising. without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason whatsoever. The candidate should ensure that he / she fulfills the eligibility criteria and other norms mentioned in this advertisement as well as on the web site www. Name should also be filled up as appearing in GATE Admit card.000/. "NAME OF THE POST APPLIED FOR UNDER NHM. 08. The reserved category candidates are required to submit requisite certificate in the prescribed format of Government of India. 2. 05.2015 to 03. Gratuity. Commencement of Online Registration of application by candidates in NTPC: 02.Rs.gov. Block Programme Manager (BPM) .50. c.12.. 07. 07. if called for. PIN-758001" so as to reach to the undersigned on or before 20. in any of the functions at projects/ stations or offices including joint ventures & subsidiary companies of NTPC. the age relaxation for Ex-servicemen will be as per Government of India norms. The above post is purely temporary and also co-terminus with the scheme. Reservations and relaxations forSC/ ST/OBC (non-creamy layer) / XSM / PWD (degree of disability 40% or above) candidates will be provided as per Government guidelines.M. which is mentioned on your GATE Admit card. All future correspondence would be sent via E-mail only.µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 . Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs. No manual / paper application will be entertained. www. The undersigned reserves the right to select/ cancel/modify the selection without assigning any reason thereof. SC. Age as on 1st January2015: Up to 65 years. OA(OneArm).in) to the aspirants and public for information.. irrespective of the weightage given to any particular year by the Institute/University.89.nrhmorissa. etc will be admissible as per company rules in force from time to time during training / after absorption.Odisha i.000/ . No relaxation in health standards is allowed. SELECTION PROCESS: Eligible candidates will have to appear for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2015. Also.2015. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply. These candidates will be absorbed aftersuccessful completion of training as Assistant Manager in the pay scale of Rs. www.03.800/ -. SERVICE AGREEMENT BOND: The selected candidates who belong to General and OBC categories will be required to execute a service agreement bond of Rs. Area Hospital Accountant . 30987919993) at CAG branch.1 (One) . 14 training at various places. Keonjhar.02.01. Name of the Post: Work Consultant/Junior Engineer. CDMO-cum-DMD. Candidates are required to appearfor GATE-2015 paper as detailed below: PROJECTED VACANCIES: Category-wise projected vacancies in each discipline are given below: Legend: OL(One Leg).. system will generate a Unique Registration Number.000 MW company by the year 2032.NHM. Number of vacancy/remuneration under this advertisement may vary at the time of actual engagement. 06. energetic young Graduate Engineers with brilliant academic record to join the organization as: ENGINEERING EXECUTIVE TRAINEES in disciplines of * ELECTRICAL (40) * INSTRUMENTATION (10) * MECHANICAL (60) * ELECTRONICS (10) QUALIFICATION: Full time Bachelor's Degree in Engineering orTechnology/AMIE with not less than 65% marks. at the time of interview. 13. based on performance during the training and requirement. Vacancy: 2 (Two). ZSS. Keonjhar (www. PLACEMENT: The selected candidates shall undergo one year OFFICE OFTHE CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL OFFICER.1(One) . 03. New Delhi. all the candidates are requested to close contact with the said website from time to time for updating information for the aforesaid recruitment/selection process. 03.M. This journal number and the branch code are to be filled up by the candidate during online registration.200/-.nrhmorissa. 25650/-.gov. 4-ST. Educational Qualification & Experience: Essential: 1. 1-PH) . Dictation-10 minutes at the rate of 80 words per minutes. 2. of India. 3. 3. 22400 /.PB-1 Rs.800/. Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University.PB-2 Rs. Group ‘B’ posts Name of post(s): Security Officer.Not exceeding 35 years.2. Artist 1 (UR) .Grade Pay Rs. e-mail: [email protected]/.nic. Incomplete applications will not be considered.PB-1 Rs.(1) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized University/ Board. Persons working under Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous organization should submit their applications through proper channel.1 (UR) .. Qualifications:. Chowk..I. Candidates should note that mere fulfilling of the minimum requisite qualifications & experience bestows no right on them to be call for test/interview.Not exceeding 30 years.. .UR.. . Warden/Lady Warden ./Semi Govt. (2) ITI Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (3) Two year’s experience in Mechanical Laundry including practical experience of handling.1 (VH) . (2) Three years’ experience in Illustration and Modelling.2 .neigrihms.20. Four years’ experience as Assistant Warden or six years’ experience as Housekeeper or in a similar capacity in a Hostel of reputed Institution/Nursing College .(1) Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University. 2800/.Grade Pay Rs. Universities. taps. Complete applications may be sent in the prescribed proforma to the “Recruitment Cell. can attend the interview.Essential: Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent in Pharmacy from a recognized University. Candidates working in Govt.Grade Pay Rs.800/.600/-.Not exceeding 30 years.Essential :(1) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board/University. Bhubaneswar intends to fill up the posts of Junior Engineer (Civil) on contract basis on a consolidated emolument of Rs. .02.per month initially for a period of six months.2.2-ST) .At Balangir Circle Office. 9300-34.Not exceeding 35 years. For eligibility criteria. (4) Should possess the speed of not less than 8000 keys depression per hour for data entry work./ Arch.Grade Pay Rs. Degree of a recognized University preferably in Commerce.15 (10 AM) . General Information: 1. Public Private Mix Codinator . The decision of the Institute as to eligibility or otherwise of a candidate will be final. Desirable: Knowledge of Official Language Act of Government of India. . 5200-20200/.. A minimum of 1 years working experience in independently conducting cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) for open heart surgery in a reputed hospital/Institute after completion of Internship.000/. 1900/. 2. Receptionist .O.00 AM to 1. Store Keeper .+up to 25% P. Engineer (Civil) from Central/State government/ autonomous or reputed. 5200-20200/.1.PB-1 Rs. Phone No: 0674-2548426 & Fax: 0674-2547312.in. Bhadrak . 520020200/.Not exceeding 30 years. Mawdiangdiang. 2. One year practical experience as Social Worker with a Government Organization in a health related field or reputed Welfare or Health Agencies recognized by Government dealing with Medical/ Public Health Service. North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences. .Not exceeding 30 years. Last date of submission of applications is one month from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Newspapers.1. who do not have requisite qualifications up to the last date for submission of applications.Not exceeding 30 years.1 . 9300-34.( 1-UR & 1 .(1) Diploma/Certificate in Fine Arts/Commercial Arts/Modelling from a recognized Institution/University. Ph. MAWDIANGDIANG. 11. (MLT) Degree from a recognized University with one year experience in Medical Laboratory. In case response to the post is large in number.200/.5200-20200/. 30.Essential: (1) Matriculation with Science or equivalent from a recognized University/Board.+ up to 25% P.PB-1 Rs.No.. Jr.1-ST...2 Rs.PB-1 Rs.. 2800/. NEIGRIHMS.UR .Essential :(1) Matriculation with Science or equivalent from a recognized University/Board.(1) 12th Class pass or equivalent from a recognized Board/University.Grade Pay Rs.Not exceeding 30 years.Not exceeding 35 years.PB-2 Rs. .Not exceeding 30 years. Lab. Photographer 2 (UR) . Due to dearth of quarters.Grade Pay Rs. Regional Officer OFFICE OF THE CHIEF DISTRICT MEDICAL OFFICER.PH .3ST. maintaining and repairing of laundry equipment and knowledge of store accounting. 4.00 AM along with original documents and one set of photocopies (self-attested) of educational qualifications. 10. 2400/.. 2400/. 1-OBC..T.being the application fee in favour of the “Deputy Director (Admn). 15800/. BHADRAK Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for filling up of one no of DPC. Sound knowledge of Driving with valid Driving License. 5200-20200/. . Fax No.PB-1 Rs. . (ii) Experience in handling large number of factory works.Sc. (3) Three years working experience with Oil/Gas Generator or its repairs. / other Deptt. . (2) Skilled Test Norms.Essential: 1. Work involves both on-site project monitoring work as well as desk job at Regional Office. .Shillong CENTRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (An Autonomous Organization under Ministry of Human Resource Development.Grade Pay Rs. 9300-34.00 AM on 12. Certificate/Diploma in Hotel Management/House Keeping/Material Management/Public Relation/Estate Management. Pay Band & Grade Pay: PB . however. Technician 10 (4-UR. (4) Must be capable of Operating Oil/ Gas Generator plant and carry out work associate with the Medical Gas Management distribution line. Asst. 2400/. Reservation for ST/SC/OBC and Physically handicapped will be as per Govt. servants up to 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Govt. Shillong-793018 SUPERSCRIBING “Application for the post of ………………………… ……….15 (10 AM) & 24.6 (4-UR.1.L.Sc. Consolidated Salary: Rs.19.1 (UR) . send an advance copy of the application along with enclosures which should reach before the prescribed last date.15 (10 AM) & 23. preferably in a teaching Institute. B. of India norms. RO.Rs. taps. 15. Only Indian citizens need to apply.. (3) One Year’s experience in Computer Application. No. SHILLONG -793018 Advertisement No.1..Rs. private organization.01 .Essential. SENIOR STENOGRAPHER & JUNIOR CLERK Division wise as indicated below for 2015 K.01 . the institute is not in a position to provide quarters to selected candidates.T. Dental Hygienist 2 (1-UR. Establishment Section .. 5554 dated 16. Gas Mechanic .. Remuneration will be as per Finance Deptt. 3. Govt.2015 on the prescribed proforma available in the Office shall be allowed to appear for interview from 11.. 4. Record Clerk .At respective KL Division Office.e.Not exceeding 30 years. two copies of recent passport size photograph. . 2800/. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following Group ‘B’ & ‘C’ posts on direct recruitment.(1) Good Personality (2) Fluency in English and Hindi. . Email: rocbsebbsr@rediffmail. of Odisha & other guidelines.00 PM on the same day.5 (2-UR. Two years Postgraduate Course in Perfusion Technology from a recognized Institute. 2.Essential – (1) 12th Class pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University. (2) Experience.com WALK-lN-INTERVIEW FOR JUNIOR ENGINEER (CIVIL) CBSE.(No application fee for ST/SC and Handicapped candidates).Essential: (1) Qualification-BE/BTech in Civil Engg. . Jr. P. Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification. Crop year for maximum period of 8 months for field / office works. Shillong” payable at Shillong. . Mere fulfilling the minimum educational qualification and experience doesn’t bestow right to a candidate to be called for interview.Grade Pay Rs.(1) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized University/Board with sound knowledge of Hindi and English. 9438659962. Age Limit(as on closing date of applications): Not exceeding 35 years.PB-1 Rs. The qualifications and experience are as under:.1-VH) .13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 15 NIJUKTI KHABAR NORTH EASTERN INDIRA GANDHI REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH & MEDICAL SCIENCES../Public Sector Undertaking/ Autonomous Institutions are instructed to submit their applications through proper channel. RO.10 years in supervisory capacity in large civil project.The vacancies are tentative and subject to change.O. Candidates who register themselves from 10. The number of vacancies indicated against each category of posts is provisional and may increase or decrease depending on the actual needs of the Institute. incase of retired officials-Officials retired from the post of AE/ SE (3) Age Limit-62 years. 2400 .Not exceeding 35 years. Hindi Translator .PB-1 Rs.PB-1Rs. distribution lines. Desirable: Experience in Hospital/Institute including maintenance of store and accounting.1 (UR) . (ii) Special training /experience in crown and bridge chrome cobalt. Two years’ experience in imparting Physical Training in an educational Institute..Grade Pay Rs. 18800/ .Grade Pay Rs. (2) Diploma/Certificate in Mechanical Engineering. Desirable: One year certificate course in BCG Technology.M. The applicants. 8. 5. myofunctional orthodontics appliances.UR . experience.800/-Grade Pay ` 4.in Name of the post: District Programme Codinator.E in Civil Engineering from a recognized university. Alok Bharti Complex. Group ‘C’ posts Pharmacist .1 . Institute reserves the right to reject or accept any candidature without assigning any reason thereof. Chief Conservator of Forests. .+up to 25% P. 5200-20200/.III/15/2014/Pt. Regional Office. Desirable: (i) Experience in dry cleaning machine. . one no of STLS & One no of PPM Co-ordinator post under (RNTCP) of Bhadrak District on contractual basis for a period of one year renewable subject to very good performance. (2) Diploma in Photography from a recognized Institute. (2) Three year’s experience as Animal Keeper in Breeding and Keeping animals in Medical/Research Institute.PB-1 Rs.2.800/. where reservations of posts are meant for these categories only. 4.-1-PH) . Dy. (2) Trade Certificate or ITI Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. 5200-20200/-Grade Pay Rs. 1 year compulsory Internship after completion of postgraduate course in perfusion technology from a recognized Institute. Desirable – Certificate course in Computer of at least three months duration. Must possess good physique with five years’ experience in security service in supervisory level.Grade Pay Rs. If quarters are not provided the officer will be entitled to House Rent Allowances (HRA) as per prescribed rules. will not be considered. Transcription: 50 minutes (English) or 65 minutes (Hindi) on Computer.Not exceeding 30 years. Desirable: (i) Experience of two years as Dental Mechanic.Not exceeding 30 years. ..2-ST) PB-1 Rs. 2800/. 5200-20200/OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CONSERVATOR OF FORESTS. 2.Grade Pay Rs. 2. Bachelor’s degree in Physical Training/sports or allied disciplines from a recognized University/Institute.600/. 5200-20200/.PB-1 Rs. Desirable: Retd. (2) Dental Mechanic course of two years duration from an Institute recognized by Dental Council of India for that purpose. Grade Pay Rs.2. 2400/. cocks and outlets. DY. 3.BMLT or BSc with Chemistry or Zoology or Botany as subject from a recognized University with one year certificate course in Medical Laboratory Technician from a recognized University/Institution. imparting preferably Medical Education. Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university. (2) A typing speed of 35 words per minutes in English or 30 words per minutes in Hindi on Computer (35 words per minutes and 30 words per minutes correspond to 10500 KDPH or 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 Keys depressions for each word).Graduate from a recognized University. 2. application form and details can be downloaded from the official website i. Chief District Medical Officer. Indian Postal Order for ` 50/.OBC ) . Balangir (KL) Circle Grade Pay Rs. House Keeper 8 (4-UR. Research Institutions. The Institute will not be responsible for nonreceipt/late receipt of any communication send by the candidates due to postal delay/lost in transit. Laundry Supervisor .Not exceeding 35 years.Not exceeding 35 years. proof of date of birth & two passport size Photographs.Grade Pay Rs.. (2) One year Diploma/Certificate in Computer Application from a recognized Institute. Data Processing Assistant Grade-II 3 (1-UR. of post(s): 1 . 5200-20200/.PB-2 Rs. 06652-232238. Mo.”. Balangir-767001. 2 Two years’ experience in management of Estate of a reputed concern.200/. OR Bachelor’s Degree with Hindi and English as a main subject or either of the two as medium of examination and other as a main subject plus recognized Diploma/Certificate course in translation from Hindi to English and vice versa OR Two years’ experience of translation work from Hindi to English and vice versa in Central/State Autonomous Organizations.PB-2 Rs.PB-1 Rs. Upper age limit is relaxable for Govt. 2800/.1.200/ . Instructor . 2800/. 9300-34. Bhubaneswar. (2) Diploma/Certificate in Dental Hygienist of two years duration from an Institute recognized by Dental Council of India for that purpose.200/. JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT.Grade Pay Rs. Rules.(1) 12th with Science or equivalent from a recognized University/Board.ST.2 . Saheed Nagar.III”. Relaxation of upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-serviceman/Handicapped/disabled candidates will also be allowed as per Govt.Not exceeding 30 years. 7. Desirable. RO & Ministerial Staff .1-ST) .nic. 6.1. 4. HEAD CLERK. 9300-34. Certificate/Diploma in Hotel Management/House keeping/material Management/Public Relation/Estate Management. Jr. 4. 2.Not exceeding 30 years.. 1900/.Essential: B. BOLANGIR KENDU LEAVES CIRCLE Near R.I.1 (UR) . 4. 5200-20200/. 1900/. Desirable: Diploma in Sanitation or Public Hygiene .PB-1 Rs.. 2. (3) Two years working experience with Oil/Gas generator or its repairs.Grade Pay Rs. Gas Officer .PB-1 Rs.1-ST) . Animal Supervisor 1 (UR) PB-1 Rs. SENIOR CLERK. 9. (3) One year’s experience in Photography preferably in Medical Photography in a teaching Institute/ Hospital. They may. 5200-20200/. 2. B. 2015 at 10.µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 . Senior Laboratory Treatment Supervisor . 12. 5200-20200/-. Medical Social Worker . Estate Manager . . NEIGR-E.Grade Pay Rs. (3) Registered as Dental Hygienist in Dental Council of India. Desirable: Special skills/Training certificates from recognized Association/ Authority.Master’s Degree of a recognized University in Hindi/English with English/Hindi as a compulsory/elective subject or as medium of examination at Degree level. OR Master’s Degree of a recognized University in any subject with Hindi as medium of instruction and examination with English as compulsory subject at Degree level.UR . 2800/. Bhubaneswar-(Odisha).I. bhadrak. Candidates possessing the above qualifications & experience may appear for Walk-In-Interview on 12 February. 4. cocks and outlet . Junior Perfusionist .Grade Pay Rs.02. 13..800/.200/. (4) Must be capable of operating Oil/Gas Generator plant and carry out work associate with the Medical Gas Management. 2. For Foresters . 2800/.(1) Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized University/Board.15 (10 AM) . Statutory Bodies. Stenographer 4 (2-UR.UR PB-2 Rs.Grade Pay Rs. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the test/interview as the Institute deemed fit. 5200-20200/.PB-2 ..Not exceeding 30 years.Post: Junior Engineer (Civil) (On contract basis).. 5200-20200/.. No TA& DA will be paid. Desirable: 1. Four years’ experience in House Keeping or in a similar capacity in a Hostel of reputed Institution/Nursing College. Desirable: Should be registered Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act 1948.Not exceeding 30 years.. 9300-34.Not exceeding 30 years. 14.Grade Pay Rs.com WALK IN INTERVIEW FOR ENGAGEMENT OF RETIRED FOREST PERSONNEL Applications are invited from RETIRED FOREST PERSONNEL for deployment of ACF.Not exceeding 30 years.Grade Pay Rs.Rs.PB-1 Rs.Not exceeding 30 years. . Deputy Director (Admn) NEIGRIHMS. 5200-20200/. 2400/. screening will be restricted to those with higher percentage of marks.1VH) .2 . Dental Mechanic 3 (2-UR. Vacancy : 01. Retired persons of any wing of Forest Deptt. Trained personnel of Defence Service/Ex-Servicemen/Police/Home Guard who has held the post not below the rank of SubInspector of Police. R. Prescribed proforma of application form can be downloaded in PDF format from Institute’s website http://www. Eligible/suitable candidates are requested to submit their applications in the prescribed format alongwith attested copies of certificates & testimonials. Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University. Master degree in Social Work/Applied Sociology from a recognized University.2012 of Govt..00 AM to 11.800/.. WALK IN INTERVIEW For ACF. Five years’ experience in management of Store.1 . No. . 06652-230038. 4.1 (UR) . FORESTER. of India) 6th Floor. O. 5200-20200/. Degree from a recognized University.……………. 9300-34. BCG Technician . Odisha Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the post of Senior Residents & Tutors of various specialties and higher specialties of M. Ó¸õNÿ Ôÿëàÿ {ÓÜÿç †ÿæÀÿçQ vÿæÀÿë Admit Card ÓóS÷Üÿ LÿÀÿç ¨Àÿêäæ$öêZÿë ¯ÿç†ÿÀÿ~ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ> ¨†ÿ÷þæšþ ¨Àÿêäæ$öêþæ{œÿ {ÓþæœÿZÿ Intimation Leter {’ÿQæB {ÓþæœÿZÿ ¨Àÿêäæ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷Àÿë Admit Card ÓóS÷Üÿ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ> 2016 þÓçÜÿæ ÜÿæBÔÿëàÿ Óæs}üÿç{Lÿs ¨Àÿêäæ œÿçþ{. The applications in the prescribed format shall be enclosed in a sealed cover super scribed on the top the category of position applied for (in Capital Letter) and reach to the Office of the Project Director (Watersheds).15600 39100/-GP: 6600/-.02.00 -1200 hrs) and Mathematics (1400-15.The application forms issued. sports person of National level (Interstate and above) and wards of Coast Guard uniform personnel deceased while in service).e.PB 1: Rs. GKVK P. Tradesman "B" .2004. Brahmapur. Bangalore .org" & "www. Junior Engineer .ÿ f~æB ’ÿçAæ¾æDAdç {¾. 2582533. 9300-34800/-GP: Rs. Application sent by courier or personal drop shall not be entertained.(for Speed Post) for general candidates and Rs.12. they should not born earlier than 02. Special Secretary to Government INDIAN COAST GUARD.in and download the full advertisement.480/.Electronics / Instrumentation .M. At-Sagar Pada. 435/. The written examination in experience in deserving cases.gov.Estate.385/. Po/Dist-Bolangir. Dehradun.2015 (upto 5 P.Carpentry .G.2014 a list of rejected applications along with grounds of rejection for the Post of Odia Translator has been uploaded in the Commission's Website www. the District Collector & Magistrate.nic.2015. Published & Owned by SATYAJIT PANDA.2000/. Cuttack.ÿ Àÿæf¿Àÿ ÓþÖ œÿ¯ÿþ {É÷~ê dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷êZÿ On-Line Enrolment Àÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿Óí`ÿê ÓþÖ dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷êZÿ œÿçþ{. Ó¸õNÿ fçàÿâæ Éçäæ A™#LÿæÀÿêZÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿æÁÿßÀÿë ÓóS÷Üÿ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ> †ÿæÀÿçQ: †ÿæ 11.res. the date of joining.in The Recruitment Zone and State wise examination centres are listed below. 2582534 FAX: 2582535. but should not have /www.in.odishassc. 1.2015ÀÿçQ> LÿçF F¯ÿó Lÿ'~ ÓóS÷Üÿ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ:.02. national centre for biological sciences tata institute of fundamental research. Odisha. OPPORTUNITY FOR 10+2 PASSED WITH MATHS AND PHYSICS. followed by medical examination. LÿsLÿ 2015 þÓç Ü ÿæ ¯ÿæÌ} L ÿ ÜÿæBÔÿë à ÿ Óæs} ü ÿç { Lÿsú H þšþæ ¨Àÿêäæ œÿçþ{.13 {üÿ¯ÿõAæÀÿê 2015 þæšþçLÿ Éçäæ ¨ÀÿçÌ’ÿ.560 065.00 11. Important Instructions. It can also be obtained by payment through Challan/Credit Card/ Debit Card on RIMC website www.UR . Ph: 080-23666332/335 The detailed Terms of Reference.00 hrs) on 2nd June (Tuesday) at Cuttack Centre.02. Printed at Nijukti Khabar Prakashan . Watershed. Bhubaneswar-751010.ganjam. Age: Minimum 18 Years and maximum 22 years i.2003 and The Institute reserves the right to not later than 01. (Maximum 5% relaxation only in aggregate marks of the above percentage for SC/ ST candidates. The age of the candidates should not be less than 11 1/2 years in age. essential qualification.ÿ {ÉÌ$Àÿ ¨æBô 05. Candidates are to logon www. Forfurtherdetails please visit http:/ Dehradun. Bhubaneswar-751 010.30 hrs) shall be conducted on 1st June 2015 reject or accept any application. Phone No. (ii) Cut off percentage of a particular centre will be decided depending upon the number of applications with higher percentage received. MKCG Medical College. Bolangir invites application in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for engagement as Watershed Management Team (WMT) members on contractual basis against the vacancies under Integrated Watershed Management Programme in Balangir district.2016 i. For detailed eligibility criteria and other details visit www. Locally printed/ photocopied and without RIMC hologram (seal) forms shall not be accepted. Óºàÿ¨ëÀÿ.ncbs. of Post: 1. Brahmapur-760 004. The vacancies position is given below.Mancheswar Ind.rimc.gov.35307/-.ÿ ¯ÿÞæB ’ÿçAæ¾æBdç> {¾Dô dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷êþæœÿZÿÀÿ œÿæþ ¨qêLÿõ†ÿ {ÜÿæB¨æÀÿçœÿæÜÿ]> {Óþæ{œÿ FÜÿç Óþß þš{Àÿ {ÓþæœÿZÿ œÿæþLÿë ¨qêLÿõ†ÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæLÿë {Üÿ¯ÿ> Óó¨õNÿ ¨÷™æœÿ ÉçäLÿ/Éçäßç†ÿ÷êþæ{œÿ FÜÿç ¨qêLÿÀÿ~ Lÿæ¾ö¿Lÿ÷þLÿë ¾$æ Óþß{Àÿ Ó¸Ÿ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæLÿë {Üÿ¯ÿ> {¾Dô ÔÿëàÿÀÿ dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷êþæ{œÿ FÜÿç †ÿæÀÿçQ þš{Àÿ œÿæþ ¨qçLÿõ†ÿ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ œÿæÜÿ] {Óþæ{œÿ ¨†ÿ÷þæšþ Éçäæ þæšþ{Àÿ œÿæþ ¨qçLÿõ†ÿ LÿÀÿç¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ> Ó¸æ’ÿLÿ OFFICE OF THE DEAN & PRINCIPAL MAHARAJA KRISHNA CHANDRA GAJAPATI MEDICAL COLLEGE.The candidates who will be for test/interview. English (10."B" .02.. Dehradun (Bank Code-01576) Uttarakhand.07. "www. Government of India.in" from 0402-2015 to 16-02-2015. P1N-767001 on or before 15. Odisha. Mancheswar Industrial Estate. 2016 through. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained. can avail the opportunity of viva-voce test on 06.¨Àÿêäæ ¨Àÿç`ÿæÁÿLÿ ¯ÿæ Centre Supdt. dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷ê F¯ÿó ¨†ÿ÷þæšþ{Àÿ œÿæþ {àÿQæB$#¯ÿæ dæ†ÿ÷dæ†ÿ÷êþæœÿZÿÀÿ A¯ÿS†ÿç œÿçþ{.UR .joinindiancoastguard. BY ORDER OF COMMSSSION. attained the age of 13 years as on 01. call limited number of candidates The above examination can be answered either in Hindi or in English.balangir. Published at TS-3/193. For admission to RIMC in January.com Editor : SUDHIR KUMAR PANDA Ó¸æ’ÿLÿ : Óë™êÀÿ LÿëþæÀÿ ¨ƒæ .O.2015 (Monday) and 02. invites online applications for the following positions at Bangalore: Name of the Post: Scientific Officer "D". Candidates are advised to comply in person with candidate's copy of application (hard copy) and photograph & signature in soft copy in the Commission's office by 12.e between 01 Aug 1993 to 31 Jul 1997. Drawee Branch. Last date for 'Online' applications is 10 Feb 2015. The Coast Guard reserves the right to cancel any centre or change the centre of the candidates for administrative reasons. Printed.06.) by Registered Post / Speed Post only. Bolangir National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS). The prospectus-cum-application form and booklet of old question papers can be obtained by Registered Post / Speed Post by sending a written request with an account payee bank demand draft of Rs. experience and other conditions required for different WMT positions and prescribed application format can be obtained from the websites www.10. TS-3/193.1 . Project Director.mkcgmch. SBl. Selection procedure through written and physical efficiency tests. 2016 term.03.2015 ÀÿçQ vÿæÀÿë †ÿæ 20.in and www. BOLANGIR WATERSHED MANAGEMENT TEAM Pursuant to this Commission's Advertisement No.(0674) 2582532. Unit-V. þæ{œÿ {ÓþæœÿZÿÀÿ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷Àÿ Admit Card F¯ÿó Attendance Sheet ÓóS÷Üÿ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ> {LÿDôvÿë ÓóS÷Üÿ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ: LÿsLÿ.µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À 7 .2015 (Tuesday) for admission probation of one (1) year from into Rastriya Indian Military College. job responsibilities.430/(for registered post) or Rs. Brahmapur-760004.21292/. Ganjam 16 NIJUKTI KHABAR ODISHA STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION Barrack No. (Upper age relaxation of 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC) candidates. Applications will be accepted 'Online only' from 02 Feb to 10 Feb 2015. Dehradun for the term commencing from January. The appointment will be initially for a Government of Odisha.gov.(for registered post) or Rs.5200-20200/GP: Rs. No. Applications in duplicate on prescribed form accompanied by documents to be attached with application form.2015.ÿ Admit Card F¯ÿó Attendance Sheet œÿçþ§ Lÿæ¾ö¿Óí`ÿê Aœÿë¾æßê ¯ÿç†ÿÀÿ~ LÿÀÿæ¾ç¯ÿ> Lÿæ¾ö¿Óí`ÿê:†ÿæÀÿçQ: 09. state domicile certificate.06. Ganjam. TIME (Rs): 66704/-. Bhubaneswar-751054 DISTRICT WATERSHED MISSION.org. 4200/. hospital and only the candidates found Medically fit will be considered for selection and admission to Administration & Finance the RIMC. Home Department period of five (5) years with A Written Examination will be held on 01.11. Tata Institute for Fundamental Research (TIFR) a premier research centre under the aegis of Department of Atomic Energy.1 .2015 ÀÿçQ ¨¾ö¿.PB 2: Rs.2015 beyond which no case will be considered.01.2015ÀÿçQ> LÿçF F¯ÿó Lÿ'~ ÓóS÷Üÿ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ: Óó¨õNÿ Ôÿëàÿ F¯ÿó ¨†ÿ÷ þæšþ ¨Àÿêäæ$öê {ÓþæœÿZÿÀÿ Admit Card ÓóS÷Üÿ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ> {LÿDôvÿë ÓóS÷Üÿ LÿÀÿç{¯ÿ: Regular ¨Àÿêäæ {Lÿ¢ÿ÷Àÿë.orissawateshed. Only boys are eligible to apply for admission to the RIMC.02. Birth certificate (issued by Municipality / Municipal Corporation/ Gram Panchayat) SC/ST certificate and certificate from Principal of the School in Original with photograph on it attested stating date of birth and in which Class the student is studying should reach before the Collector. SECRETARY District Watershed Mission. the boys should either be relax the qualification and studying in Class VlI or passed Class-VII from any recognized School. JOIN AS NAVIK (GENERAL DUTY) FOR 02/2015 BATCH Indian Coast Guard offers opportunity for 10+2 passed candidates with 60% marks aggregate in total and minimum 60% in each subject of Maths and Physics from an education board recognised by Central/State Government for recruitment to the post of Navik (General Duty) for 02/2015 batch.joinindiancoastguard. two passport size photographs. 3637/ OSSC dtd. Discipline: Life Science Facility Manager.. Cuttack by 31. 2015 þÓçÜÿæ ¯ÿæÌ} ÜÿæBÔÿëàÿ Óæs}üÿç{Lÿsú H þšþæ ¨Àÿêäæ œÿçþ{. RIMC.02.(for Speed Post) for SC/ST candidates alongwith caste certificate in favour of the Commandant. Éçäßç†ÿ÷ê. The medical examination of the candidate from a part of the system of selection.K. Bellary Road.in/staff_positions.C. Medical College. offer lower post successful in written examination. DEAN & PRINCIPAL.Tel Bhawan.by RIMC only shall he valid.in. The Application Form and guidelines are available in the website. Only the or not fill up the post at its candidates finally selected after the viva-voce will undergo a medical examination at selected Military discretion.nic. HÝçÉæ. (i) The candidates are to choose choice of centre from the list mentioned against each state to which they belong to. Only Short listed candidates will be called for interview. (Monday) and General Knowledge Paper (10. e-mail: nijuktikhabar@gmail. Head. ¯ÿæ{àÿÉ´Àÿ fçàÿâæ ¨æBô þæšþçLÿ Éçäæ ¨ÀÿçÌ’ÿÀÿ AæoÁÿçLÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿æÁÿßÀÿë FSëÝçLÿ ÓóS÷Üÿ LÿÀÿæ¾ç¯ÿ F¯ÿó Aœÿ¿ ÓþÖ fçàÿâæ. All the applicants are advised to access the Commission's website to know the status of their applications. Pay Band + Grade Pay: PB 3: Rs.ÿ Admit Card ¯ÿç†ÿÀÿ~ LÿÀÿç¯ÿæÀÿ Lÿæ¾ö¿Lÿ÷þ F†ÿ’ÿ´æÀÿæ ÓþÖ Ó´êLÿõ†ÿç¨æ÷ © ÔÿëàÿÀÿ ¨÷™æœÿÉçäLÿ. Category: UR.01. Documents Similar To 7-13-February-20151Skip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextResumeFre Mum Ats 2013SCMS Engineeing College Brochure 2015Btec Nat Eng Extdips Spec 17-18366 CareerPDF1 NotificationBit RanchiRegulations lQe ScaleTamilnadu Government Recruitment for PWD ApprenticeADVT.pdfmsmebHaryana Staff Selection Commission Advt. No. 1 of 2013 nitmeghadvt1v2Advertisement RMT 0215Application Form for Industrial SafetyEngineering Manager JD sample resume.docxBergkamp-EquipmentInnovationsfromBergkampMtcDFMA-Dec'12.pdfquestionnaireProfessionaldfdfMechanicalFoundation Design SoftwareThe Degree Qualifications ProfileProspectus TeachingRepublic Act 6506ExMan BOI 27April2017Donesh Daily ReportWindBBV1.0 ThinhFooter MenuBack To TopAboutAbout ScribdPressOur blogJoin our team!Contact UsJoin todayInvite FriendsGiftsLegalTermsPrivacyCopyrightSupportHelp / FAQAccessibilityPurchase helpAdChoicesPublishersSocial MediaCopyright © 2018 Scribd Inc. .Browse Books.Site Directory.Site Language: English中文EspañolالعربيةPortuguês日本語DeutschFrançaisTurkceРусский языкTiếng việtJęzyk polskiBahasa indonesiaSign up to vote on this titleUsefulNot usefulYou're Reading a Free PreviewDownloadClose DialogAre you sure?This action might not be possible to undo. Are you sure you want to continue?CANCELOK
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