6901265 FESTO Basic Pnuematics

March 27, 2018 | Author: choonhooi | Category: Relay, Switch, Valve, Piston, Cylinder (Engine)



FESTO DIDACTICAir is our medium Motion is our business Service is our mission August 28, University of Industrial Pneumatics August 28, University of Topic Outline: – – – – – – – – – – – – Physical principles of Pneumatic and Electrical system Functions and use of Electro-Pneumatic components Recognizing and drawing of pneumatic and ElectroPneumatic symbols and circuit diagrams Reprensentation of motion sequences and operating status Drawing of pneumatic and electrical circuits diagrams Direct and indirect manual controls Direct and indirect stroke-dependent controls Logical AND/OR function of switch-on signals Time dependent controls with Time-Delay Valves Pressure-dependent controls with PE converters Pre-select counters Trouble-shooting Electro-Pneumatic controls August 28, University of August 28.What is Pneumatics? • PNEUMA . its properties and application at pressure higher (compressed) or lower (vacuum) than atmospheric. University of . • Branch of science which deals with the study of gases especially air.Greek root term means “breath” •It is the industrial implementation and application of air powered actuators (cylinders and motors) and their control devices (valves) needed in their operation. Compressed Air as a Working Medium ADVANTAGES: – Air is available everywhere – Compressed air is easily conveyed in pipelines over large distances – Compressed air is insensitive to temperature fluctuations – Compressed air need not be returned – Compressed air is explosion proof – Compressed air is clean – Compressed air is fast – Straight line movement can be produced directly August 28. University of . University of .Compressed Air as a Working Medium DISADVANTAGES – Compressed air is a relatively expensive means of conveying energy – Compressed air requires good conditioning – It is only economical up to a certain force expenditure – Air is compressible – Exhaust air is loud (reduced by using silencers) – The oil mist mixed with air for lubricating purposes exhaust or escapes to the atmosphere August 28. University of .COMPRESSO R August 28. University of .August 28. Sample of Single Acting Cylinders Single Acting Cylinder Diameters Stroke Lengths August 28. 10mm to 32mm 5mm to 50mm University of . Bearing Rod Sprin g Vent Connectio n Piston August 28. Seal University of . compressing etc. When air is released. therefore they are ideal for tensioning. Single acting cylinders do work in one way. August 28. ejecting. the return spring moves the piston to its initial position. University of . air hits the piston surface and the piston rod moves out.Single Acting Cylinders If compressed air is supplied. Operation of Single Acting Cylinders August 28. University of . Operation of Single Acting Cylinders Force = Pressure x Area (piston) August 28. University of . Operation of Single Acting Cylinders Force = Pressure x Area (piston) August 28. University of . University of .Operation of Single Acting Cylinders Force = Pressure x Area (piston) August 28. University of .Operation of Single Acting Cylinders Force = Pressure x Area (piston) August 28. University of .Operation of Single Acting Cylinders Force = Pressure x Area (piston) August 28. Operation of Single Acting Cylinders Force = Pressure x Area (piston) August 28. University of . Operation of Single Acting Cylinders August 28. University of . Operation of Single Acting Cylinders August 28. University of . Operation of Single Acting Cylinders August 28. University of . Operation of Single Acting Cylinders August 28. University of . Operation of Single Acting Cylinders August 28, University of Operation of Single Acting Cylinders August 28, University of Operation of Single Acting Cylinders August 28, University of University of .August 28. DOUBLE-ACTING CYLINDERS Stroke Length August 28. 100mm (max) University of . Pisto n Rod Connectio ns University of Bearing Rod end .Seals Wiper Base end August 28. Excess pressure sets up an air-cushion in the remaining cylinder volume and kinetic energy is converted into pressure. At this stage. August 28. the damping piston shuts off the direct air-outlet. University of .Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning When the piston approaches its final position. air may only leave the cylinder through a controlled cross section of stream discharge. Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning Cushionin g sleeves Seal s Cushioning adjustment August 28. University of Non-return valve . University of .Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of . University of .Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of .Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of .Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of .Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of .Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of .Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of . Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of . Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of . University of .Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of . University of .Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of .Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of . Operation of Double Acting Cylinders with Air Cushioning August 28. University of . Magnetically coupled . Mechanically coupled August 28.Rodless Cylinders Rodless cylinders or Linear Drives are used when long strokes are required or little fitting space is available. University of .Conventional Double Acting Cylinders require space to house the cylinder. More effective use of the available space can be made by using Rodless Cylinders August 28. Plus space to carry out the work. PNEUMATIC VALVES FUNCTIONS :  open and close flow paths  regulate pressure  directs flow to various paths  adjust flow volume August 28. University of . August 28. University of . SWITCHING SYMBOLS FOR VALVES The valve switching position is shown by a square. The number of squares corresponds to the number of switching position. arrows indicate the direction of flow. Lines indicate the flow paths. The connecting lines for supply and exhaust air are drawn outside the square. August 28. University of . Closed ports are shown by two lines drawn at right angles to one another. Ports and Switching Position Number of ports Number of switching positions 2 1 2/2 – way valve. normally open position 2 3/2 – way valve. flow from 1-2 and from 4-5 August 28. normally closed position 3 1 2 3/2 – way valve. normally open position 1 4 2 5 1 3 5/2 – way valve. University of 3 . University of PNEUMATIC Pneumatic .Actuation methods ? MANUAL MECHANICAL General Spring Push Button Button Lever Roller Pedal Idle Roller ? ELECTRICAL Solenoid Detent August 28. University of .August 28. University of .August 28. contact University of Contact load---------------1A (max) Power consumption------0.48W .SWITCHES POSITONS : normally open normally closed CONTACT CONFIGURATIONS : normally open contact normally closed contact changeover August 28. University of .August 28. OPERATING PRINCIPLE: passing an electric current through a coil of copper wire generates an electromagnetic field adding turns to the coil strengthens the EMF while the lines of force are concentrated through the circular form of the coil and the EMF is greatly increased August 28.SOLENOIDS DEFINITION: a device which is primarily used as an electromagnet used to drive a plunger for the purpose of control actuation. University of . University of . Solenoid Actuated. an EMF is generated which lifts the lower sealing lips of the armature and opens the passage for pilot air. Pilot air then applies pressure on the diaphragm which then causes the valve to switch its position. the pilot air passage closes and a spring returns the valve to its normal switching position. Upon removal of the current. Spring Returned When an electric current is applied to the coil. August 28.3/2 .way Directional Control Valve. APPLIED TO SOLENOID Main Advantages : @ It reduced power consumption @ it reduced heat generation SOLENOID ACTUATES PILOT VALVE PILOT ACTUATES MAIN VALVE August 28.PILOT SIGNAL FLOW By using pilot control. the size of the solenoid ELECTRICAL SIGNAL Can be kept to a minimum. University of . University of .August 28. August 28. University of . This contact assembly can open or close a specific number of contacts by mechanical means. August 28. If the flow of current through the coil is interrupted. This results in attraction of the movable armature to the coil core. They consist of a housing with electromagnet and movable contacts. University of . a spring returns the armature to its original position. An electromagnetic field is created when a voltage is applied to the coil of the electromagnet.Relays Relays are electro-magnetically actuated switches. The armature actuates the contact assembly. Relays 1 A1 K A2 2 August 28. University of 4 . Advantages of Relays – – – – Easily adapted to various operating voltages Not much affected by the temperature of their surroundings Relatively high resistance between contacts in the off state Several independent circuits can be switched August 28. University of . Disadvantages of Relays – – – – – Working surface of contacts wear through oxidation Large space requirement compare to transistors Noise is created during the switching operation The contacts are affected by contamination Limited switching speed of 3ms . University of .17ms August 28. The pilot air applies pressure to the left side of the valve piston resulting to the valve switching its position. a spring returns the valve to its neutral switching position. Upon removal of the electrical signal. the armature moves and the pilot air passage opens.5/2 . Solenoid Actuated.way Directional Control Valve. August 28. Spring Returned When the solenoid is energized. Used for the control of double acting cylinders. University of . University of .way Directional Control Valve. this means that this valve has “memory characteristic”. They remain in their last switched position even with power removed from both solenoids. Double Solenoid Actuated Because of the absence of a return spring. Effectively. August 28. double solenoid actuated valves retain the last signal administered to them.5/2 . University of .August 28. August 28. University of . University of .August 28. resistance or frequency of oscillation. current. into a different value which is easier to evaluate. August 28. or distance. This is usually an electrical signal such as voltage. flow. University of . which converts a physical value such as temperature. pressure.What are sensors? A sensor is a technical converter. University of .Sensor Classifications S e n s o r C la s s if ic a t io n A c c o r d in g to P r i n c ip l e o f O p e r a t i o n S e n s o r C la s s if ic a t io n A c c o r d in g to W ir in g S e n s o r C la s s ific a t io n A c c o r d in g t o O u t p u t S ig n a l P o la r it y C o n ta c t S e n s o rs 2 .W ir e S e n s o rs M a g n e t ic I n d u c t iv e C a p a c it iv e O p t ic a l U l t r a s o n ic August 28.W ir e S e n s o rs N P N S e n s o rs E le c t r ic a l L im it S w it c h P re s s u re S e n s o rs C o n t a c t le s s S e n s o rs 4 .W ir e S e n s o rs P N P S e n s o rs 3 . Contactless Sensors – Proximity sensors (reed switch. University of . monitor or control a process. inductive. and optical sensors). capacitive. roller switches. TYPES: Contact Sensors – mechanical in nature. August 28. subject to mechanical wear and with predictable failure rate. Contact sensors include limit switches. and pressure sensors.SENSORS Devices which convert physical variables into form of electrical signals to gather data. 24v DC PNP Type + 18 to 30 Volts DC. University of . Output Output is Positive Positive switching 0v August 28. University of . Output NPN Type Output switches through to 0v Negative switching 0v August 28.24v DC + 18 to 30 Volts DC. INDUCTIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS BN BK Note: BU For metallic materials only Switching Voltage --------------------------------- 10-30 V DC Nominal switching distance ---------------------- 4mm Switching frequency------------------------------- 800Hz (max) Output function ------------------------------------ NO contact, PNP switching Output current ------------------------------------- 400 mA (max) August 28, University of CAPACITIVE PROXIMITY SENSORS BN BK BU Switching Voltage -------------------------- 10-30V DC Nominal switching distance --------------- 4mm Switching frequency ------------------------ 100 Hz (max) Output function ------------------------------ NO contact, PNP switching Output current ------------------------------- 200mA (max) August 28, University of OPTICAL PROXIMITY SENSORS BN BK BU Switching Voltage -------------------------10-30 V DC Nominal Switching distance ------------- 0-100 mm (adjustable) Switching frequency ---------------------- 200 Hz (max) Output function ---------------------------- NO contact, PNP switching Output current ----------------------------- 100mA (max) August 28, University of University of .SENSORS Optical Sensor Inductive Sensor Optical Sensor Magnetic Sensor August 28. August 28. University of . University of .August 28. University of .August 28. August 28. University of . August 28. University of . August 28. University of . University of .August 28. University of .August 28. University of . August 28. Movement of the stem actuates a micro switch via a switching lever which results to switching of contacts.Pneumatic-Electric Converter When a pneumatic signal of sufficient pressure to overcome the spring force is applied to the diaphragm. the resultant force operates the stem. The force required to operate the stem is controlled by the adjusting screw. University of .August 28. University of .August 28. •Time relay with switch on delay •Time relay with switch off delay August 28. University of . does not permit the flow of current in this direction.Switch on Delay Timer When S1 is actuated. + S1 D1 R2 R1 C1 K1 August 28. University of . which is connected in parallel. After capacitor C1 has become charged to the switching voltage of the relay K1. the relay switches. Diode D1. current flows to capacitor C1 through adjustable resistance R1. The relay switches at once. the circuit is interrupted. which is connected in the free flow direction. Capacitor C1 can now discharge solely via adjustable resistor R1 and resistance R2. University of . After release of pushbutton S1.Switch off Delay Timer When S1 is actuated. the current flows through diode D1. + S1 D1 R2 R1 C1 K1 August 28. to capacitor C1 and the relay K1. August 28. University of . University of .August 28. University of .August 28. University of .August 28. In the control circuit. A NO contact of the step relay N is placed in series with the first step re 6. motors. which processes input signals. solenoid coils. A NC contact of the last step relay is placed in series with the first step August 28.SUGGESTED PATTERN IN DESIGNING SEQUENCE CONTROL USING RELAYS 1. lamps. University of . The POWER CIRCUIT is the part of the relay ladder. The CONTROL CIRCUIT is the part of the relay ladder. Each step relay. (ie. except the last step relay. buzzers 3. employs a self holding conta 5. which directly controls the electrical loads. 2.. each working step is assigned its own STEP RELAY 4. August 28. University of . Sequence Control System This is a control system using a mandatory step by step sequence. University of . August 28. in which the sequencing from one step to the next programmed step depends on certain conditions being satisfied. University of Motion of Cylinder 2.0 retracts – Tabular Form Work Step Motion of Cylinder 1.0 extends and pushes the box Cylinder 1.Representations Chronological Order Cylinder 1.0 1 out 2 3 in 4 – August 28.0 retracts. then Cylinder 2.0 out in .0 extends and lifts the box Cylinder 2. 0 2.Representations Vector Diagram Extension represented by Retraction represented by – 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2. University of 1.0 1.0 + + - .0 – Abbreviated Notation Extension represented by : + Retraction represented by : - August 28. Representations – Motion Step Diagram 1 2 3 1.0 August 28. University of 4 5=1 .0 2. August 28. University of . August 28. University of . PNEUMATIC APPLICATIONS August 28. University of . Pressing Welding Automobile manufacturing Assembling Powertrain lines August 28. University of Painting . Weldin g Pneumatics for Welding guns August 28. University of . University of .Food and Packaging Industry August 28. Electronic Industry August 28. University of . CONTACT US. C.. Cortes Ave. No. (02) 776-6888 E-mail: festo@festo. Mandaue City Tel. Parañaque City Tel.net August 28. Mercedes Commercial Center. (032) 345-1120 E-mail: [email protected] •Branch Office Festo. Inc. . West Service Road. . No. University of .festo.com.ph Website: http://www. A. Inc. FESTO PHILIPPINES: •Head Office Festo. . Sucat. Km 18. University of .Thank you for your attention August 28.
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