65626516 Download Files Without Download Option From Scribd

April 4, 2018 | Author: Elle Merc | Category: Portable Document Format, You Tube, Computing, Technology, Software



CUTTING THE CHAIAds by Google PDF PDF Download Scribd Cutting the Chai has moved to a new domain: cuttingthechai.com. You can get in touch with Soumyadip at www.soumyadip.com. Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Download Files (Without Download Option) from Scribd Like PDF Books PDF to PDF A BOUT M E Soumyadip View my complete profile Email: chaiwallah@soumya dip.com Cutting the Chai 44 likes. Sign Up to see what your friends like. on Facebook Like 457 people like Cutting the Chai. Scribd is often referred to as the YouTube for documents. But unlike YouTube, Scribd does usually offer a direct option for users to download files. But in case you aren't registered with Scribd or the uploader has disabled the download options you might not be able to download the file for offline purposes. Shantanu Prabhakar Varun Priya Facebook social plugin I came across one such file (Best Magazine Covers of 2008) and tried to figure out how to download the PDF file from Scribd. Tried the tried and tested browser cache trick, but it gave me only a .scb file - which I think contains all the relevant data - but was unable to convert it to a friendlier format. So what do you do? Google. I did but that didn't help. Thought for a while and then Eureka! Tum Milo Toh Sahi You will only need to install and extra bit of software, that is if you don't already have it (any way such software are usually handy to have on your PC) - a PDF creator. There are quite a number of free PDF creators available online that do a decent job. Two of my preferred choices are: PDFCreator (Open Source) and PrimoPDF (it needs .Net The Great Indian Framework 2.0 to work). ON D OBM W .COM A D VE RTISE M E N T The Great Indian Butterfly Framework 2.0 to work). Pankh Once you have downloaded and installed a PDF creator, click on the dropdown arrow besides the iPaper text on the Flash Player, and click on the Print option. On the Print dialog box choose the PDF creator software instead of your default printer (in case you have one). Then click the Print button and your file in a PDF form will be ready in a while (depending on the size of the document). Road to Sangam Bhavnao Ko Samjho A RCHIVE ! 2010 (12) ! 2009 (76) " 2008 (106) ! December (4) ! November (8) ! October (13) " September (18) Download Files (Without Download Option) from Scri... Posts from the Past: Mahalaya Special Download Slacker Uprising Outside of USA, Canada G1 'The Google Phone' Videos New Google Adsense 'View Ads About' Unit Amar Chitra Katha in a Fresh Online Avatar This trick should always work for downloading PDF files from Scribd because there doesn't seem to be an option availabe to an uploaders to disable the print functionality. And this way you can also download files without registering with Scribd. An anonymous reader suggests: For those receiving blank pages when PDFing: Try changing the view mode to 'Book Mode' instead of 'List Mode'. I did that and it finally worked! Post Feed Ward Off Unwanted Callers (Without Sounding Rude) Comment Feed Video Feed rated 4.69 by 52 people [?] Deadly Attacks, Stupid Aftereffects The Advertising Express Blasts After Blasts After Blasts: How Do We React?... SUBSCRIBE Via SMS Posted by Soumyadip at 12:41 AM Permaink Email this Posts Via Twitter Via Email Categories: download, technology, tips-n-tricks Enter your Email 142 Comments: React?... Serial Blasts in Delhi, Yet Again Review: Asus Eee PC 1000H Parasite Websites Eating into Railways' Pie Whoa! Google Chrome has Crashed Akshay in Levis 501 Ad Donate for Kosi Flood Relief Google Chrome Identified as Safari The Google Chrome Comic Book ! August (13) ! July (11) ! June (6) 142 Comments: Pallavi said... Category Feed Came across this while searching for some document in google.. found it cool.. :) 12:05 PM, September 30, 2008 Select Category ' emzi said... this is kindof first time i thank someone. thank you very much 7:00 PM, October 04, 2008 santosh said... That was an awesome trick..Thanks a lot:) NOW CUTTING... Wills Filter cigarettes ad from 1969 http://cut.tc/7v about 2 hours ago Follow me on Twitter 10:18 AM, November 09, 2008 Anonymous said... This is one of the time, I think we can safely use the f'ing adjective, "You f'ing Smart".. 1:23 PM, November 27, 2008 GRA B BA G Blogs that link here Translate this blog Anonymous said... Thanks a lot.I tried to download the scribd doc in the link below using pdfcreator, but it only downloads up to 134 pages. How does one get the balance? Can you advise please. ! May (5) http://www.scribd.com/doc/6104393/Electric-Power-Sys ! April (1) 4:49 PM, December 04, 2008 ! March (3) ! February (15) ! January (9) ! 2007 (149) ! 2006 (263) ! 2005 (152) CA TE GORIE S Select Category Anonymous said... thanks Sir nice share! 5:29 AM, December 05, 2008 prakash said... Hi this is Prakash, Thanks for u'r help bro..... U r great, Carry on. 3:57 PM, December 17, 2008 SE L E CT SIPS From 2008 From 2007 RE CE NT COM M E NTS Anonymous said... Great :)! Thanks for your help! 10:58 AM, December 24, 2008 From 2006 Anonymous said... From 2005 HEY..THANX A TON..FOR THE FIRST TIME SOME ONE HELPED ME THRU THE NET..NO ASKING FOR CREDIT CARDS DETAILS OR EMAILS ETC..DUDE THNX.. M OST POPUL A R This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. 1. Download Old Hindi Songs (for 5:01 PM, January 25, 2009 Free) Dhananjay said... On January 05 Suresh Bose commented on why iipm story needs to be told over: Rajat - If you are reading this then did your friend graduate during 2005 and was without a job duri... On December 11 Anonymous Free) 2. The Best Bollywood Love Songs Ever 3. Vande Mataram The Various Versions 4. Sexy Indian Ads 5. Rubbers of India 6. Review: LG KG300 (Dynamite) 7. Indian Cigarette Ads from 1800s to 2000s 8. Mile Sur Mera Tumhara (with Subtitles and Credits) 9. Pictures on the Wall 10. Top Indian Internet Scandals [Last updated February 23, 2009] CRE D ITSE S Dhananjay said... This trick doesn't work anymore. All you get is a blank pdf document. 2:11 AM, January 27, 2009 Anonymous said... This trick not work for all documents because the "script timeout" is set to 60 seconds and after this period ScribdViewer stop the work (print). If you try to print directly to printer, the result is 20-25 pages or more(depending from internet connection speed) - with PDFprint drivers just 10-15 pages. I don't see other solution, just to convert SCB files from cache, but HOW??? 3:36 PM, January 29, 2009 yirfan said... great..it works well.. 3:54 PM, February 19, 2009 tangytrisha said... Thanku...!!!its really cool.... :) 1:39 PM, March 01, 2009 Anonymous said... Thanks dude, you're genious 3:38 PM, March 03, 2009 Suhel said... PrimoPDF works only........... PDFcreater not working........ Thanks for this trick 6:41 PM, March 28, 2009 ad said... sexy idea man 8:30 PM, April 01, 2009 Anonymous said... cutePDF and primoPDF both works, but only up to 15 pages or so, and i'm using dsl. at times, they print all 90 pages of blank sheets. any other solutions for long long documents? A glass of steaming milky syrupy tea is best served cut. One by two or two by three, it embodies the spirit of sharing and camaraderie (and more significantly a resource crunch). Come, have a sip. 7:48 PM, April 10, 2009 Anonymous said... This doesn't work with longer documents. Any workarounds? 6:45 PM, April 16, 2009 Anonymous said... thank you very much for sharing the idea. it helps me a lot. thank you! Anonymous commented on why iipm story needs to be told over: its all bullshit... i just got placed in iipm.. they really work hard for u.. its more of practical ... On November 20 Unic-Web commented on so long blogger here comes wordpress: Do you think that was a good decision. I guess, yes :)I hope everything went well with the migration... On September 05 nithesh commented on download files without download option: Hi.. Please please please.. Any1 please mail me this document after converting it.:http://www.scri bd... On September 03 gautam commented on download files without download option: hey buddy cant download anything from scribd .. they ask all that credit card no. ... so can you tel... .. I E ND ORSE lot. thank you! 1:58 PM, April 20, 2009 Alirican said... Dude this is bad ass, it worked for me on april 20, 2009. I used Primo pdf, and used mozilla firefox browser. I downloaded the document of 51 pages without a problem. Internet explorer browser may not work. 2:40 PM, April 20, 2009 Anonymous said... Need help. I need to get http://www.scribd.com/doc/10097958/Starting-Out-With-CEarly-Objects-5ed Firefox and PrimoPdf.. didnt work. Help appreciated. 12:32 PM, April 21, 2009 Anonymous said... Man, I had never thought of that until today. Stumbled on it accidentally; I have all these tools, but never connected them. True A-ha moment! Nanri. Anbudan, Suresh. 3:22 PM, April 25, 2009 Anonymous said... Hi Good day I'm Evangeline and I'm really fascinated about your blog and you must be a truly a genius for thinking about that creative ways on how to download a undownloadable files from scribd.com you truly are amazing. Anyways I'm just wondering if you do know some other way on how to download a microsoft word documents from a scribd.com cause I keep trying the PDF Creator thing for so many times but it doesn't work it only shows one blank paper. Please help me with this problem. It would really be truly thankful with all my heart if you could help me with. Thank you and Have a nice day. Sincerely Yours. Evangeline Petterson 11:53 PM, April 25, 2009 aldis01 said... thanks alot, you saved my day. 6:36 AM, April 26, 2009 6:36 AM, April 26, 2009 Soumyadip said... @Evangeline: As far as I know, MS Word documents can be downloaded from Scribd only if the uploader allows it. Instead of using the PDF option to print choose the Microsoft XPF Document writer from the print option (if you don't have it, get it from here: http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/xps/viewxps.mspx). The .xpf file created can be opened in Internet Explorer (newer versions). You could then convert the .xpf file created into MS Word (.doc) via http://www.zamzar.com/ . 10:05 AM, April 26, 2009 saumi said... No trick is working only blank pages are there. 4:48 PM, April 28, 2009 Anonymous said... Soumyadip, that's good, only an idea. You could open the doc xpf and print to pdf to convert. I use PDFCreator with satisfactory results. 1:33 PM, April 29, 2009 Foo said... Works a charm for me - thanks a bundle for posting this tip. I had a rather large document I really wnated to have access to offline. Thanks again! :-) 1:17 AM, May 15, 2009 elizabeth said... freaking brilliant. thanks a bunch! 9:15 AM, May 15, 2009 Anonymous said... FOR THOSE RECEIVING BLANK PAGES WHEN PDF'ING: try changing the view mode to "book mode" instead of list mode. i did that and it finally worked! 10:27 AM, May 17, 2009 Anonymous said... Great tips you got there! _________ www.geekpolice.net 2:55 PM, May 23, 2009 Anonymous said... You roxor broski You roxor broski 6:23 AM, May 25, 2009 Rc said... I used Adobe Acrobat Pro 7. It works a real charm for the full 145 pages in Book Mode View. Thanks for the great trick Soumyadip! 5:53 PM, May 27, 2009 NeverEnding said... U deserve a noble prize in hacking. :) Thanks for sharing your idea! 11:25 PM, May 27, 2009 abhijit said... awesome work dude..keep it up. 2:38 PM, May 28, 2009 Anonymous said... I used the MacOS printer dialog to save the document as PDF. But first I also just got blank pages. I fixed it by first clicking through all pages of the document and finally start printing (Firefox). If you just get white pages, try clicking through all pages before printing. 12:31 PM, June 05, 2009 Anonymous said... brilliant.. thanks.. 8:44 AM, June 09, 2009 Anonymous said... i think im in love with you mate 6:51 AM, June 10, 2009 Anonymous said... 20 percent page is cut.I tried downloading slides using each view option available but no difference.Right side of page is cut. 11:52 AM, June 16, 2009 Anonymous said... dude, u rock. awesome trick 12:23 PM, June 16, 2009 Anonymous said... dude, god bless. true aha (and why didnt i think of it!) gasp and tons of thanks. go on stronger.. 3:34 PM, June 19, 2009 UTAN said... UTAN said... Just waitting until all pages are loaded then print them to pdf. UTAN 8:45 AM, June 23, 2009 Anonymous said... ah, disappointing... it seems that for some, printing has been disabled! eg... (sister request): http://www.scribd.com/doc/15002271/Second-Glance-ANovel any way round this? 5:08 PM, June 23, 2009 Anonymous said... I am sorry to say,but all the pages are blank.. Any ideas? Email: [email protected] Thanks 9:44 PM, June 29, 2009 Vorakwadh said... It doesnt work. I tried to used that trick..The pages are blank See this one http://www.scribd.com/doc/11972090/Challenges-inGeometry-for-Mathematical-Olympians-Past-and-Present [email protected] thanks 9:54 PM, June 29, 2009 Partha P. Chakraborty said... What the hullabu all about...just drop down the "MORE" on the top and select "SAVE DOCUMENT"...of course u need to have adobe acrobat installed in your system...hope this is much simpler ;) 12:56 PM, July 05, 2009 Soumyadip said... @Partha: All this hullaballoo is for documents where this option isn't available. 1:03 PM, July 05, 2009 aie said... Thanks dude.. Its awesome and genius! Thanks a lot.. ;) 11:03 AM, July 06, 2009 Anonymous said... Hi this is Hafiz, Thanks for u'r help bro. good job =) 1:43 PM, July 07, 2009 MacMacken said... Awesome trick – if it worked … printing can be disabled for Scribd documents, it's up to the publisher. 10:14 PM, July 07, 2009 Anonymous said... Hey dude... Thanks a lot it's working 100%. You're genius. You're helping so much. and changing the view mode instead of list mode does solve the blank problem. Thank you. 3:03 AM, July 11, 2009 Anonymous said... Awesome... I have PrimoPDF installed and I got the blank output too, so I changed it to book mode view and it worked. 2:00 PM, July 11, 2009 Anonymous said... YOU SAVED MY ASS MEAN TNX WERY MUCH 9:10 PM, July 12, 2009 Kumar said... Ur Hero ........... 12:08 PM, July 17, 2009 Anonymous said... It was really helpful. Thanks a lot.. DT. 4:25 AM, July 20, 2009 Anonymous said... Did not work.. I tried primo pdf + view as book, but the pages came out half in blank. Anyone knows another way???? 8:47 PM, July 21, 2009 Anonymous said... great idea , thanks 11:43 AM, July 23, 2009 Anonymous said... Anonymous said... Hi Good day. I am trying to print or save a scribd topic but the problem is, the printing options is disabled. Do you have other ways on how to solve this problem. Thank you very much in advanced and hoping that you can help me in solving this problem. 2:52 PM, July 24, 2009 Soumyadip said... Looks like the guys at Scribd have also read this post and have activated the disable printing option. I'll try to look for a solution. 6:57 PM, July 24, 2009 Anonymous said... Thank you very much for giving time to my post. Hoping to hear from you soon. 8:30 PM, July 24, 2009 Anonymous said... how about right click, and from the dropdown box, select print. :D 4:56 AM, July 25, 2009 Anonymous said... Hi good day. Printing using the right click is also disabled. By the way here is the link http://www.scribd.com/doc/15186041/Nursing-Review thank you very much. 9:45 AM, July 25, 2009 Santavan Guntavos said... I have been thinking of a way how to do this for sometimes now and I have the necessary software on my computer but never been able to figure it out... until I have read your tips! Thanks a lot bro :) 9:49 AM, July 30, 2009 Anonymous said... it really works 100%... tnx.. 10:47 PM, July 30, 2009 gugu said... didn't work for me... does any one know where to download free NCERT textbooks... i tried nikhilam.com but it takes me back to scribdt and i'm trying to download using a pdf creator.. but it doesn't seem to work... PLEASE HELP... 7:04 AM, August 02, 2009 Anonymous said... what if printing is disable too?? what if printing is disable too?? 2:53 PM, August 04, 2009 gugu said... Hey try this converter: http://www.cutepdf.com/Products/CutePDF/writer.asp worked for me... downloaded more than half of that book(3/4th actually). Better than just getting blank pages... Anything new... please post...thanx!!! 1:30 AM, August 07, 2009 srikanth said... great job also very helpfull 4:04 PM, August 11, 2009 gaston said... Thanks, very thanks! I already have PdfCreator installed, but I do not think in this solution before read your post. I don't know if you are a genius or I'm so much stupid... Thanks again 5:33 AM, August 15, 2009 subhadip said... hi ..i searched and came across this and i must say you deserve a thank you ..i did it with PDF creator and all 70 pages were there ..coooool 8:51 PM, August 31, 2009 Anonymous said... Hi can any body help how can i download it with out purchasing http://www.scribd.com/doc/15490644/The-Art-of-CapacityPlanning-by-OReilly-Media 8:34 PM, September 08, 2009 gugu said... You could try printing it using the print option and then using a PDF creater to convert the files to pdf format. You will need a pdf creater installed in your system for this.Try http://www.cutepdf.com/Products/CutePDF/writer.asp You will not be able to download the whole book though... the user has hidden the last few pages... Cheers! 7:40 PM, September 09, 2009 Anonymous said... thanks a lot for this helpful article! the changing list mode to book mode was very helpful :) 7:57 PM, September 19, 2009 Icon said... Nice post! Very useful, thanks. 12:16 PM, October 02, 2009 SAMU said... Hi, Nice Idea friend! I appreciate your tip. I would also like to share my opinion. I was trying to download scribd in Firefox using DoPDF and Nitro PDFcreator. I could not get success. I tried two to three times. It resulted in downloading first 2 to 5 pages. I tried to download same think in the Internet Explorer. IT WORKED! Thanks man for your wonderful Idea. Sanjay Maurya (Mumbai, India) 4:59 PM, October 04, 2009 Anonymous said... i am not able to print to pdf full document.it starts but finished with only 25 pages and the rest of pages 108 is left out.Anyway out fix to get the full file. 5:45 PM, October 07, 2009 Anonymous said... thanks a million tonnes man!! really helpful....continue the good work 12:49 AM, October 12, 2009 STOP overclocking said... how does one change to bookmode? that suggestion is USELESS otherwise 12:38 PM, October 20, 2009 STOP overclocking, loudly said... @scribd faggots (developers) There will always be a way to save content. You will have to "disable viewing" d'oh 12:40 PM, October 20, 2009 BOOBY said... Come on!!! Use your mind fools...it dosent take a genius to figure that out...!!!If it dosent work that way you can also use the windows one note available in the print option for those having Microsoft office in their comp..... 11:17 PM, November 02, 2009 dreamer said... freaking brilliant dude... wow..:) freaking brilliant dude... wow..:) 8:26 PM, November 08, 2009 Anonymous said... If you receive blank pages, just Sign-In! 3:58 AM, November 15, 2009 Anonymous said... hey guys plz help me out!!!!!!!! i wanna download a report with this link... http://www.scribd.com/doc/19001888/Report-Final i hav installed pdf creater but printing and downloading is disabled by the user... :-( PLZZZZZZZZ HELP BUDDIES!!!! WAT TO DO!!!! 1:27 PM, November 17, 2009 Anonymous said... wORKED for me !!! Many thanks. From Ash. 11:13 AM, November 24, 2009 Anonymous said... THANK YOU!!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!! 12:40 PM, December 07, 2009 Munna said... jeeyo jaan...excellent post...I was searching for the option to download scribd file as some thing so can be used offline...after the 3 days search..finally got it though u...do help like this...dont give up...thanks a lot.. 12:34 AM, December 08, 2009 Anonymous said... Thanks - It works! I had already thought about printing to PDF, but it came out blank. The change view mode trick was the last piece of the puzzle that I needed. 8:56 PM, December 11, 2009 Sonal said... Hi.. Please please please.. Any1 please mail me this document after converting it.: http://www.scribd.com/doc/12070058/Johnny-Jokes Thanks in advance.... My id is : [email protected] 4:01 PM, December 21, 2009 Soumyadip said... @Sonal I've emailed you the converted PDF file. 11:56 PM, December 21, 2009 GAK said... Thank you so much!!!!! Excellent work... 2:11 AM, December 22, 2009 Anonymous said... Thank you! It works great :D 12:09 AM, December 23, 2009 John.Ortodox said... Hi, someone please email me this document if u can convert it http://www.scribd.com/doc/9629654/A-History-ofByzantine-Music-and-Hymnography Thanks email: [email protected] 9:16 AM, December 23, 2009 ankit said... you r a lifesaver man keep up the great work dude...... 9:02 PM, January 02, 2010 Abel Silva said... Hi, someone please email me this document if u can convert it http://www.scribd.com/doc/2362375/Estagio-AveiroEsquizofrenia Thanks email: [email protected] PLEASE I NEED HELP 10:41 PM, January 14, 2010 Anonymous said... man... YOU KICK ASS!!! TOU ARE A GENIOUS!!! THANKS A LOT. DIDNT KNOW WHAT I WOULD DO WITHOUT YOU. THANKS AGAIN!!! 7:42 PM, January 17, 2010 markllego ([email protected]) said... please help me to download this file.. author disable the download and print option.. really need it,, please email the file to me.. [email protected] http://www.scribd.com/doc/19491249/HandoutPharmacology-in-Nursing-by-Roderick-c-Suminta-Rn-Ptrp 2:43 PM, January 21, 2010 YUI said... can anyone help me to download and email the whole document to me at [email protected] ---http://www.scribd.com/doc/8604311/handbook-ofstructural-steel-connection-design-detailsakbarr i will be very appreciable for your help. thank you 8:30 PM, January 24, 2010 lara said... hi, i've tried every way here but nothing seems to work:( the first 98 pages downloaded then it just stopped. when i tried it again it started over and i only ended up with empty pages. if anyone can pls download this document for me and email it to me at [email protected] the link is: http://www.scribd.com/doc/89026/AP-Biology-CompleteNotes thank you!:) 9:15 PM, January 27, 2010 joe_joe said... to Soumyadip can you please covert this link : http://www.scribd.com/doc/13049926/Etude-de-lequilibreFinancier-Du-Portefeuille-dassurance-Maladie my e.mail [email protected] thanks 4:20 AM, January 29, 2010 joe_joe said... I had already thought about printing to PDF, but it came out blank. The change view mode trick was the last piece of the puzzle that I needed. the view mode is in the pdf printer or the scribd site? if it is in the site can anyone tell me where?!! 4:24 AM, January 29, 2010 Anonymous said... again me ,,, it worked but what if the file is 100 pages ..what is the solution??!! ( maximum that i got 60 pages .. 6:46 AM, January 29, 2010 Vikram said... to Soumyadip can you please covert this link : http://www.scribd.com/doc/24131251/Math-Made-a-BitEasier-Basic-Math-Explained-in-Plain-English my email: [email protected] Thanks! 10:19 AM, February 02, 2010 Anonymous said... Or, you could just subscibe to Scrib. It's free and only takes a minute. I'm not sure if you have to pay for some content, but you some if definitely free. The book I was looking for was. It's worth a try. 9:18 PM, February 07, 2010 Anonymous said... But what to do when the printing option is disabled too? An idea, anybody? 10:48 PM, February 09, 2010 raja said... its coollllll.........thanks very much by using this i was able to download the books i want from scribd.com.............. 10:48 PM, February 10, 2010 widnows 7 tips and tricks said... Thnx a lot .works pretty nicwely ,I have tried some add ons for firefox and they do not download without dl links ,,,,,,but your method works nice 1:43 PM, February 11, 2010 Anonymous said... Yeah this defn works! Remember to change view to "Book View" first before trying this method. Dude you rock!! Thanks!! 11:34 PM, February 17, 2010 Mahesh said... Really a cool trick buddy.. i've already used PDF printer, but haven't thought of dis idea... really Bravo..... 9:40 PM, February 22, 2010 Anonymous said... Thanks 6:19 PM, March 01, 2010 dia said... hey what if they have disabled th print option too? 4:03 PM, March 14, 2010 torque said... i also experience the time-out and printing stops after that. using cutepdf, prints only about 7-9 pages. in slide or book view, prints about 70% in the upper part of the page in landscape. using primopdf, prints only about 20-25 pages, prints a very small page when in book view. using dopdf, prints about 30-35 pages. same as cutepdf, printouts are big. any other solution? 1:19 PM, March 16, 2010 Anonymous said... Now this method does not work 2:44 PM, March 22, 2010 Anonymous said... It will works Download something like doPDF Print as doPDF (but display MUST be in book or slideshow format and the webpage MUST be fully downloaded before you print The main problem is cropping the printout but if you have Acrobat or some Openoffice pdf program do can do it Soumyadip great work Cheers 7:30 AM, March 24, 2010 Vikas Garg said... Just put the procedure to convert the file into forum so that every can see and apply that. Any idea how to convert extension scb to pdf or doc I want http://www.scribd.com/doc/24860694/OperationalManagment-Project 3:43 PM, March 30, 2010 Sai said... I simply choose fullscreen. Then click on print(in windows os). Then in print options I select send to onenote & click on print. Then I save the onenote document. That's it. on print. Then I save the onenote document. That's it. Or else u can use firefox addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5103 11:00 PM, April 06, 2010 Anonymous said... Now it doesnt work because the print functionality is disabled. I tried using PDFprinter and it could only print the first page, even though the document is fully opened. Anyone has any idea? 11:05 AM, April 09, 2010 narendra said... http://www.ezinemart.com/successmirroreng/01042010/ho me.aspx plz help me how to download this.. 9:31 AM, April 10, 2010 Blue Angel said... Hi Narendra, I have downloaded the files you wanted. You can download them from here http://www.mediafire.com/? zynjmkiinek They are jpeg files in a zipped folder. 9:09 AM, April 12, 2010 narendra said... hi blue angel thnks. plz could u let me know how u have done this.. 10:47 AM, April 12, 2010 Soumyadip said... @Narendra You can find the instructions on how to download from ezinemart.com here: http://soumyadipc.blogspot.com/2008/05/downloadfiles-from-esnips-easy-way.html (The process would be similar). 10:08 PM, April 12, 2010 narendra said... hi i have tried that way..bt its show invalid image for http://pdeng.pdgroup.in/index.aspx first i opened this link in firefox and clear private data ctrl+shift+del load the web completely at address i have typed about:cache under disk cache copied the path: under disk cache copied the path: file:///C:/Users/fuel/AppData/Local/Mozilla/Firefox/Profile s/x0sbvwxr.default/Cache/ and paste in address and located the file which is 2.5mb and save link as a.jpg bt when i opened it shows invalid image plz tell me where i m wrong. 10:07 AM, April 13, 2010 narendra said... in which format i have to save this so i can zoom it also like the 1 which u have send me..?? thnks 10:26 AM, April 13, 2010 Soumyadip said... @Narendra Pratiyogita Darpan uses Pressmart's digital publishing application which actually makes a separate SWF file for each page. What you need to do is save the files with a .swf extension. You will be able to view it on any Flash viewer (such as Adobe Flash Player). In case you find the SWF files unwieldy, you can print the file as a PDF (the process is described in this post). 3:19 PM, April 13, 2010 narendra said... soumyadip@ thnks its working.bt its arnd 200 pages doc and only 100 files are coming in cache... 2:19 PM, April 14, 2010 Soumyadip said... @Narendra There are 163 pages in the issue. The filenames follow a logical sequence. You can just change the filename to get the page that you want. To make things simpler for you, I've put up all the links to the SWF files for all the 163 pages here: http://bit.ly/9wqDyP 2:45 PM, April 14, 2010 Anonymous said... thanks, it works perfectly 1:16 AM, April 18, 2010 tahir said... Dear friends i try but can't print or save this http://www.scribd.com/doc/18793545/Kymco-Downtown300i-EN any one knows a way to download or print this my email is [email protected] 11:29 PM, May 01, 2010 tahir said... I'm still on it and still cant solve this :(( 3:40 AM, May 02, 2010 ASHU said... u r d best.................thanxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1:25 PM, May 03, 2010 Anonymous said... I try to print this file http://www.scribd.com/doc/23769167/8816-w08-qp I get white text over the original image. How do I fix it? 6:18 PM, May 16, 2010 Nikhar said... Hi.. Please please please.. Any1 please mail me this document after converting it.: http://www.scribd.com/doc/9130227/A-Report-on-VentureCapital-Industry-in-India Thanks in advance.... My id is : [email protected] 2:39 AM, June 17, 2010 Carl said... Tried this in chrome. Right click on the web page but not on the document you're veiwing. Select 'view page source'. Click on the link which begins "http://www.scribd.com/services/oembed..." ending in "...format=json" on the new page look for the line (around half way down) starting "http://d1.scribdassets.com/ScribdViewer.swf? document_id=..." its all in quotation marks so just highlight and ctrl c that one line between the quote marks. Paste in the web address field of your browser and it'll come up with a grey blue screen which will show the document with a handy print button at the top. A bit long winded but worked for me :) 10:45 PM, July 17, 2010 sumit arora said... you are good 12:03 PM, July 26, 2010 yazell said... Hey Carl... Thanks man... U r a genius... Thanks man... U r a genius... I was havin tis project... so i was havin difficulty in gettin a report so i cud hav a soft copy of the project... the pdf craetors were not working n ur idea did wonders for me... thanks 9:17 PM, August 17, 2010 jagat said... Hey i cant find any print option in this link :http://pdeng.pdgroup.in/index.aspx Plzz someone help . I want a pdf copy of it ..... and also the method of doing it. 4:29 PM, August 19, 2010 Anonymous said... thanks alot carl,i have spent 6 hours to find a way to download the pdf file from scribd... 2:10 AM, August 22, 2010 Anonymous said... http://www.scribd.com/doc/28431608/Portable-MagicTyson-D how can i download the above without logging in? If anyone can download an convert please send to [email protected] 4:15 AM, August 22, 2010 Anonymous said... Thank You! 4:05 AM, August 23, 2010 Anonymous said... Hello, Please help me how to download the following book. http://www.scribd.com/doc/20729044/Soft-ClayEngineering#open_download I really need to print out and read this book. I will be very grateful if someone can help me.if you can download it, and please send to my [email protected] I am waiting for your kind reply. 3:34 PM, August 23, 2010 Anonymous said... Carl, I would echo yazell's statement You are a genius.. thanks 2:52 AM, September 03, 2010 gautam said... hey buddy cant download anything from scribd .. they ask all that credit card no. ... so can you tell me step by step how to download a book from it ?? when I try print its just a blank document in book mode and sroll mode both .. 6:49 PM, September 03, 2010 nithesh said... Hi.. Please please please.. Any1 please mail me this document after converting it.: http://www.scribd.com/doc/8985855/Applications-of-thehomogenization-theory Thanks in advance.... My id is : [email protected] 10:57 AM, September 05, 2010 Post a Comment Links to this post Create a Link Newer Post Home Older Post Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) advertising animation audio automobiles bengalis bing birds blogging bollywood bombay dyeing book-reviews books business cars cartoons censorship chai chaiwali channel v chrome comics computers condoms consumer awareness controversies cricket education google announcements cutting-the-chai-calendar hack delhi desires cutting-the-chai-effect fantastic females festivals grumbles art happenings film-reviews helping hand bajaj auto disasters download firefox food football gadgets general hindustan times history html 5 humour icons ie8 iipm indian air force indian express information internet internet-explorer ipl isspecial cutting chai issues kaminey kids lifestyle lisa ray lists literature magazines mahabharat media media mentions men men n women microsoft mobiles motorcycles movies movies for mobiles music new features news newspapers no idea north east india nostalgia online ads outlook paintings pakistan people personal peta photo piracy places politics recession religion search engines software porn post-from-the-past reservation sex sexy-indian-ads special sports psa pulsar quick gun murugun quizzing reviews ringtones rubbers-of-india st-edmunds shahid kapur stuff sherlyn chopra stupid tagging saree shillong tata sky railways rankings savita bhabhi shopping tata sky plus school slideshows technology software special sports st-edmunds stuff stupid tagging tata sky tata sky plus technology television terrorism the-great-indian-ad-archive theatre thinking times of india tips-ntricks title image trailers travel trivia twenty20 video videos for mobiles vintageindian-ads vintage-non-indian-ads vishal bhardwaj wear web browsers widgets women Disclaimer & Privacy | Optimised for Firefox 1.5+ | 1024X768 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.
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