650 M200-MCR-G TAG 310-PPS-612-613-614
ISSUED MAY 2010INDICE I. Drawing List 1. General Arrangement Drawing 2. Curve 3. Component Diagram 4. Bearing Assembly 5. Part List II. Assembly and Maintenance Instructions - SUPPLEMENT “M1” General Instructions Aplicable to All Types of Warman Pumps III. Assembly and Maintenance Instructions - SUPPLEMENT “MDS18” Sizes “400-750” Slurry Pumps – Type “MCR” with B.A. Series “M” IV. Assembly and Maintenance Instructions - SUPPLEMENT “MDS14” Basic Bearing Assembly - Series “M” (Frame Sizes M100, M120, M150, M180, M200, M240) V. Assembly and Maintenance Instructions – SUPPLEMENT “M09” Gland Sealing VI. Operating Instructions – Model MCR & MCU 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 4 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 E F F I C I E N C Y N P S H r 1 5 0 r p m 1 7 5 r p m 2 0 0 r p m 2 2 5 r p m 2 5 0 r p m 2 7 5 r p m 3 0 0 r p m 3 2 5 r p m 3 5 0 r p m 5 0 % 6 0 % 7 0 % 8 0 % 8 5 % 8 6 % 8 6 % 8 5 % 8 0 % 8 7 % 3.05m 4.57m 6.1m 7.62m 9.14m D e s i g n D P 0 1 F l o w = 6 1 7 6 . 9 m ³ / h r H e a d = 3 4 . 4 m S p e e d = 2 6 3 r p m E f f = 8 3 . 6 % N P S H r = 4 m P o w e r = 6 9 2 . 6 k W a t S m = 1 . 0 D e s i g n c o r r e c t e d D P 0 2 F l o w = 6 1 7 6 . 9 m ³ / h r H e a d = 3 6 . 8 m S p e e d = 2 7 1 r p m E f f = 8 3 . 1 % N P S H r = 4 . 2 m P o w e r = 7 4 5 . 4 k W a t S m = 1 . 0 N o m i n a l D P 0 3 F l o w = 5 1 4 6 . 9 m ³ / h r H e a d = 3 3 . 4 m S p e e d = 2 5 5 r p m E f f = 8 1 % N P S H r = 3 . 6 m P o w e r = 5 7 8 . 3 k W a t S m = 1 . 0 N o m i n a l c o r r e c t e d D P 0 4 F l o w = 5 1 4 6 . 9 m ³ / h r H e a d = 3 5 . 7 m S p e e d = 2 6 3 r p m E f f = 8 0 . 6 % N P S H r = 3 . 7 m P o w e r = 6 2 1 . 2 k W a t S m = 1 . 0 N I : 5 1 5 3 ( s e g ú n d a t a s h e e t s A k e r r e v . C - c o n v a l o r e s a j u s t a d o s a E n e r o 2 0 1 0 ) A k e r - A n t a m i n a , A m p l i a c i ó n N ° I t e m : 1 B O M B A A L I M E N T A C I Ó N C I C L O N E S # 4 ( 3 1 0 - P P S - 6 1 1 ) B O M B A A L I M E N T A C I Ó N C I C L O N E S # 1 ( 3 1 0 - P P S - 6 1 2 ) B O M B A A L I M E N T A C I Ó N C I C L O N E S # 2 ( 3 1 0 - P P S - 6 1 3 ) B O M B A A L I M E N T A C I Ó N C I C L O N E S # 3 ( 3 1 0 - P P S - 6 1 4 ) % W s ó l i d o s : 6 0 . 3 S G s ó l i d o s : 3 . 1 D 5 0 : 2 5 5 m i c r o n s S G p u l p a : 1 . 6 9 H R : 0 . 9 3 6 E R : 0 . 9 1 9 B H P : 1 7 1 7 M O T O R : 2 1 0 0 : H P V e l o c . P e r i f : 2 4 . 8 3 m / s P . D e s c a r g a : 8 2 . 6 p s i H e a d , H ( m ) F l o w R a t e , Q ( m ³ / h r ) H o r i z o n t a l P u m p 6 5 0 M C R C U R V E S H O W S A P P R O X I M A T E P E R F O R M A N C E F O R C L E A R W A T E R ( A N S I / H I 1 . 6 - 2 0 0 0 C e n t i f u g a l P u m p T e s t S t a n d a r d u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e s p e c i f i e d ) . F o r m e d i a o t h e r t h a n w a t e r , c o r r e c t i o n s m u s t b e m a d e f o r d e n s i t y , v i s c o s i t y a n d / o r o t h e r e f f e c t s o f s o l i d s . W E I R M I N E R A L S r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o c h a n g e p u m p p e r f o r m a n c e a n d / o r d e l e t e i m p e l l e r s w i t h o u t n o t i c e . F r a m e s u i t a b i l i t y m u s t b e c h e c k e d f o r e a c h d u t y a n d d r i v e a r r a n g e m e n t . N o t a l l f r a m e a l t e r n a t i v e s a r e n e c e s s a r i l y a v a i l a b l e f r o m e a c h m a n u f a c t u r i n g c e n t r e . P u m p 6 6 0 m m D i s c h a r g e 7 6 2 m m S u c t i o n © 1 / 2 0 1 0 W e i r M i n e r a l s N o r t h A m e r i c a A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d T Y P I C A L P U M P P E R F O R M A N C E C U R V E T - 4 9 5 0 I m p e l l e r 5 V a n e s 1 7 5 0 m m V a n e ø C l o s e d T y p e M a t e r i a l P a r t N o M e t a l U M C 6 5 1 4 7 P B F © 1 / 2 0 1 0 W e i r M i n e r a l s N o r t h A m e r i c a A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d T Y P I C A L P U M P P E R F O R M A N C E C U R V E T - 4 9 5 0 F r a m e ( R a t i n g - K W ) 2 0 0 0 U © 1 / 2 0 1 0 W e i r M i n e r a l s N o r t h A m e r i c a A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d T Y P I C A L P U M P P E R F O R M A N C E C U R V E T - 4 9 5 0 S e a l H y d r o s e a l ® S e a l e d P u m p © 1 / 2 0 1 0 W e i r M i n e r a l s N o r t h A m e r i c a A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d T Y P I C A L P U M P P E R F O R M A N C E C U R V E T - 4 9 5 0 L i n e r ( N o r m M a x r / m i n ) 3 5 0 P o l y m e r © 1 / 2 0 1 0 W e i r M i n e r a l s N o r t h A m e r i c a A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d T Y P I C A L P U M P P E R F O R M A N C E C U R V E T - 4 9 5 0 M i n P a s s a g e S i z e 2 0 3 . 2 m m © 1 / 2 0 1 0 W e i r M i n e r a l s N o r t h A m e r i c a A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d T Y P I C A L P U M P P E R F O R M A N C E C U R V E T - 4 9 5 0 C u r v e 0 R e v i s i o n M a d i s o n T e s t 0 8 0 4 2 6 R e f e r e n c e M a y 0 8 I s s u e d © 1 / 2 0 1 0 W e i r M i n e r a l s N o r t h A m e r i c a A l l R i g h t s R e s e r v e d T Y P I C A L P U M P P E R F O R M A N C E C U R V E T - 4 9 5 0 P r in t e d b y S e le c t o r P r o L a u n c h e r . e x e o n 0 7 / 0 1 / 2 0 1 0 0 8 : 1 4 : 3 7 a . m . b y V U L C O \ S d ia z ©Weir Minerals Australia Ltd 2007. Weir Minerals Australia Ltd. is the owner of the Copyright in this document. The document and its text, images, diagrams, data and information it contains must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of Weir Minerals Australia Ltd. Office of origin : Pump Technology Centre, Artarmon Reference : Pump Manuals Date : 22 J anuary 2007 Last Issued: J uly 2005 Assembly & Maintenance Instructions Supplement ‘M1’ General Instruction Applicable to all types of Warman Pumps 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 2 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Warnings Personnel injury and / or equipment damage could result from not observing the following IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. • A pump is both a pressure vessel and a piece of rotating equipment. All standard safety precautions for such equipment should be followed before and during installation, operation and maintenance. • For auxiliary equipment (motors, belt drives, couplings, gear reducers, variable speed drives, mechanical seals, etc) all related safety precautions should be followed and appropriate instruction manuals consulted before and during installation, operation, adjustment and maintenance. • All guards for rotating equipment must be correctly fitted before operating the pump including guards temporarily removed for gland inspection and adjustment. Seal guards should not be removed or opened while the pump is running. Personal injury may result from contact with rotating parts, seal leakage or spray. • Driver rotation must be checked before belts or couplings are connected. • Pumps must not be operated at low or zero flow conditions for prolonged periods, or under any circumstances that could cause the pumping liquid to vaporise. Personnel injury and equipment damage could result from the high temperature and pressure created. • Pumps must be used only within their allowable limits of pressure, temperature and speed. These limits are dependent on the pump type, configuration and materials used. • Do not apply heat to the impeller boss or nose in an effort to loosen the impeller thread prior to impeller removal. Personnel injury and equipment damage could result from the impeller shattering or exploding when the heat is applied. • Do not feed very hot or very cold liquid into a pump which is at ambient temperature. Thermal shock may cause the pump casing to crack. • LIFTING of components • Tapped holes (for eye bolts) and lugs (for lifting shackles) on Warman pumps are for lifting Individual parts only. • Lifting devices of adequate capacity must be used wherever they are required to be used. • Safe workshop practices should be applied during all assembly and maintenance work. • Personnel must never work under suspended loads. • The pump must be fully isolated before any maintenance work, inspection or troubleshooting involving work on sections which are potentially pressurised (eg casing, gland, connected pipework) or involving work on the mechanical drive system (eg shaft, bearing assembly, coupling). Power to the electric motor must be isolated and tagged out. It must be proven that the intake and discharge openings are totally isolated from all potentially pressurised connections and that they are and can only be exposed to atmospheric pressure. • 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 3 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Castings made from materials listed are brittle and have low thermal shock resistance. Attempts to repair or rebuild by welding may cause catastrophic failure. Repairs of such castings using these methods must not be attempted - A03, A04, A05, A06, A07, A08, A09, A12, A14, A49, A51, A52, A53, A61, A210, A211, A217, A218, A509. • Impellers must be tight on the shaft before any start-up, ie all components on the shaft between the impeller and the pump end bearing must butt metal to metal against each other without any gap. Note that gaps may form when the pump experiences duty conditions conducive to unscrewing of the impeller, such as excessive runback, high intake pressure, motor braking etc. • Burning of elastomer pump components will cause emission of toxic fumes and result in air pollution which could lead to personnel injury. • Leakage from the pump shaft seals and/or leakage from worn pump components or seals may cause water and/or soil contamination. • Liquid waste disposal from servicing of pumps or stagnant water from pumps stored for long periods, may cause water and/or soil contamination. • Do not apply anti-seize compounds to the impeller or shaft threads or to elastomer seals during assembly. Anti-seize can greatly reduce the impeller thread friction and may cause the impeller to loosen during pump shut-down and run-back resulting in pump damage, or the elastomer seals to leak at reduced pressure. • This manual applies only to genuine Warman parts and Warman recommended parts. • Mixing of new and worn pump parts may increase the incidence of premature pump wear and leakage. • Large foreign objects or tramp entering a pump will increase the incidence of higher wear and / or damage to the pump. Routine inspection and maintenance of mill trommel screens will assist to reduce the danger of grinding balls entering a mill discharge pump. • Large variations in slurry properties may lead to accelerated rates of wear and corrosion of pump components eg • Wear increases exponentially with velocity and slurry particle size. • Corrosion rate doubles for every 10 degree Celsius increase in slurry temperature. • Corrosion rate increases exponentially as slurry pH decreases. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 4 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc ISSUED: JANUARY 2007 LAST ISSUE: JULY 2005 WARMAN PUMPS ASSEMBLY AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS SUPPLEMENT ‘M1’ General Instruction Applicable to all types of Warman Pumps CONTENTS WARNINGS 2 CONTENTS 4 1 INTRODUCTION 6 GENERAL 6 PUMP IDENTIFICATION 6 2 FOUNDATIONS 8 SHAFT ALIGNMENT 8 ALIGNMENT, TENSIONING AND ADJUSTMENT OF VEE-BELT DRIVES 8 ALIGNMENT OF DIRECT COUPLED PUMPS 11 PIPEWORK 13 Flanges 13 Intake Conditions 13 3 OPERATION 14 GENERAL 14 SHAFT SEAL 14 SHAFT UNLOCKING 15 MOTOR ROTATION CHECK 15 PRIMING 15 NORMAL PUMP START UP 16 ABNORMAL START UP 17 Blocked Intake Pipe 17 Air Entering Gland 17 OPERATING FAULTS 17 Low Pit Level 17 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 5 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Blocked Intake Pipe 18 Blocked Impeller 18 Blocked Discharge Pipe 18 SHUTTING DOWN PROCEDURE 18 4 MAINTENANCE 19 RUNNING MAINTENANCE 19 General 19 Shaft Seal Care 19 Repacking Gland 20 Impeller Adjustment 20 Tightening Down 21 Labyrinth Grease Purging 21 Bearing Lubrication 21 OVERHAUL MAINTENANCE 22 General 22 Pump Dismantling 22 Inspection & Removal of Bearings 23 Replacement of Wearing Parts 24 Reassembling Pump Overhaul 25 5 COMMISSIONING OF PUMPS 26 STORAGE OF PUMPS & STAND BY PUMPS 26 SPARE PARTS 26 6 APPENDIX A 31 SEAL TYPES, PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS 31 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 6 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc 1 INTRODUCTION General This Supplement sets out general instructions for the installation, operation and maintenance applicable to all TYPES of Warman Pumps. These instructions should be read in conjunction with the other separate Warman Supplements relating to the assembly and maintenance of the PUMP and BEARING ASSEMBLY pertaining to the particular TYPE of Warman Pump installed. A list of Warman Assembly and Maintenance Instruction Supplements pertaining to Warman pumps is given in Supplement 'M3'. Pump Identification Every Warman pump has a nameplate attached to the frame. The pump serial number and identification codes are stamped on the nameplate. The pump identification code is made up of digits and letters arranged as follows: DIGITS LETTERS LETTERS (a) (b) (c) PUMP SIZE FRAME SIZE WET END TYPE (a) The PUMP SIZE is expressed in one of the following two ways: 1. The pump size is taken as the discharge diameter. It is given in millimetres, it is expressed by a number such as 100, 150, 200 etc. 2. The pump size is given as two numbers separated by a slash viz.: DIGITS DIGITS (a1) / (a2) INTAKE DIAMETER DISCHARGE DIAMETER (i) The intake diameter is given in inches. It is expressed as a number such as 1, 1.5, 2, 10, etc. (ii) The discharge diameter is given in inches. It is expressed as a number such as 1, 1.5, 2, 10, etc. The discharge diameter is usually smaller than the intake diameter; however, in some pumps the two are equal. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 7 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc (b) The frame of the pump comprises the base and the bearing assembly. The FRAME SIZE of a horizontal pump is identified by either single or multiple letters viz: Basic frames A to H; Modified Basic frames CC to GG and Heavy Duty frames N to V. The first letter in the range denotes the smallest frame working through the alphabet to the largest frame. Frames with a vertical shaft the letter(s) are followed by a 'V' Frames that are oil filled the letter(s) are followed by a 'K' Frames that are oil lubricated the letter(s) are followed by a 'Y' (c) The WET END TYPE is identified by one or a multiple of letters. Some of these are: AH, SHD, M, L, SC, HH, and H: Slurry pumps with replaceable liners AHP, AHPP, HP, and HPP: Slurry pumps with high pressure casings and replaceable liners. D, G, and GH: Dredge and gravel pumps S, SH: Solution pumps TC: Cyklo pumps PC, PCH: Process chemical pumps SP, SPR, and GPS: Sump pumps AF, AHF, LF, and MF: Froth pumps GSL: Flue Gas Desulphurisation pumps High head pumps are generally denoted by an 'H' at the end of the wet end identification such as in the HH, GH, SH, PCH pump types. High pressure pumps are generally denoted by a 'P' at the end of the wet end identification such as in the AHP and HP pump types. EXAMPLES: 200 PG-PCH 200 mm discharge diameter PG frame PCH type wet end (high head PC pump) 10/8 FFK-AHP 10 inch intake and 8 inch discharge diameters FF frame (oil filled as denoted by 'K') AHP type wet end (high pressure AH pump) 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 8 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc 2 FOUNDATIONS Efficient pump service can be obtained only by installing the pump on adequate foundations. Steel foundations should be robust, concrete foundations heavy. Both should be designed to take all loads from the pump and motor and to absorb any vibrations. All holding down bolts should be fully tightened. The pump should be located such that the length of the intake pipe is as short as possible. Adequate space to provide access for installation and dismantling to replace worn components should be allowed. A suggested procedure for aligning and grouting Warman Base plates is given on Warman Drawing A3-100-0-19810 attached. Where a pump base is mounted directly onto a steel framework this should be designed with sufficient strength to withstand normal pumping operational stress and to ensure that there is no distortion to the base frame when the pump and pump base are installed. Shaft Alignment Whether direct coupled or vee-belt driven, the pump and motor shafts should be accurately aligned. In direct coupled drives, misalignment causes unnecessary vibration and wear of the coupling. In vee-belt drives, non-parallel shafts cause excessive belt wear. Rigid couplings must be avoided. It should be noted that pump sets which have been accurately aligned in the factory can become misaligned during transportation so alignment must be rechecked during installation. Vee-belt and flexible transmissions should be aligned (and tensioned) in accordance with the suggested recommendations below. Direct coupling large pumps to diesel prime movers must also be avoided as sudden stoppage of the diesel can cause unscrewing of the pump impeller and consequent pump damage. A clutch or fluid coupling fitted between the pump and diesel prime mover is recommended. Alignment, Tensioning and Adjustment of Vee-Belt Drives For optimum performance of Vee-Belts, only new matched sets of belts should be used (belts should lie within a range of 2 to 4 set numbers according to the belt length). Always place belts with the lowest code numbers closest to the bearings. Clean any oil or grease from the pulleys and remove any burrs and rust from the grooves before fitting belts. ALIGNMENT: Good alignment of pulleys is important; otherwise the belt flanks will wear quickly. Reduce the centre distance by jacking the motor towards the pump using the jacking bolts supplied, until the belts can be put onto the pulley grooves without forcing. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 9 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Use a good straight edge across both motor and pump pulley faces. It is important to align the two pulleys to a tolerance whereby daylight is non existent or at a minimum between the pulleys and the straight edge. WARNING AFTER PUMP IMPELLER ADJUSTMENTS RECHECK THE PULLEY ALIGNMENT AND ADJUST AS NECESSARY BEFORE RESTARTING THE PUMP TENSIONING: Proper tensioning of the belts ensures a longer life both for the belts and the roller bearings. The high performance required from modern belts cannot be achieved without correct tensioning. To check the belt for correct tensioning refer to figure below and proceed as follows: (a) Measure the length of span (b) Apply a force at right angles to the belt at the centre of the span sufficient to deflect one belt by 16 mm per metre of span (c) Compare the force required with the value stated in the table. If the measured force is within the values stated in the table the belt tensioning should be satisfactory. If the force measured is below or above the value stated, the belt should be tightened or slackened respectively. Provision should be made for periodic checking of belt wear during the life of a belt and adjusting the belts to correct tension as necessary. NOTE: New belts should be tensioned at the higher level stated (using a Vee-Belt Tension Indicator) to allow for a drop in tension during the normal running in period. New belts should be run under load for two hours, stopped, and the tension re-checked, re- setting the adjustment to achieve the correct tension as necessary. During the first 24 hours running, it is recommended that a further check is carried out and the belts adjusted as required. Under tensioning: Under tensioning of the drive can cause vibration resulting in damage to the bearing cartridge, as well as the loss of transmission efficiency. It can also cause the belts to slip and overheat, resulting in belt fatigue and subsequently a shortening of the belt life. Over tensioning: Over tensioning belts also shortens their life. Furthermore, bearings will tend to overheat due to excessive radial forces on the rolling elements and this will lead to premature bearing failure. ADJUSTMENT After new belts have been fitted or a new installation has been completed, when the drive has been running for approximately 2 hours the tension of the belts should be re-checked and re-adjusted. The drive should be subsequently checked at regular maintenance intervals. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 10 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Belt Section Small Pulley Diameter (mm) Force required to deflect belt 16mm per metre of span; Newton (N) SPZ 56 to 95 13 to 20 100 to 140 20 to 25 SPA 80 to 132 25 to 35 140 to 200 35 to 45 SPB 112 to 224 45 to 65 236 to 315 65 to 85 SPC 224 to 355 85 to 115 375 to 560 115 to 150 A 80 to 140 10 to 15 B 125 to 200 20 to 30 C 200 to 400 40 to 60 Figure 1: Alignment, Tensioning and adjustment of Vee-Belt 16mm deflection per metre of span span Force 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 11 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Alignment of Direct Coupled Pumps In a direct coupled drive, misalignment causes unnecessary vibration and wear on the bearings. Rigid couplings (ie couplings that bolt directly together without any flexible member in between) should be avoided and must not be used without consultation with Weir Minerals Division. The following procedures outline a suggested practice for checking shaft alignment. This method is independent of the truth of the coupling or shaft and is therefore not affected by canted coupling faces or eccentricity of the outside diameter of the coupling. CAUTION CHECK THAT NO DAMAGE CAN BE CAUSED WHEN THE SHAFT OF THE DRIVEN UNIT IS TURNED Before commencing alignment rotate each shaft independently to check that the shaft and bearings turn without undue friction and that the shaft is true to within 0.04 mm or better as measured on a Dial Indicator (DI). Couplings should be loosely coupled, each half must be free to move relative to the other or the resulting Dial Indicator readings can be incorrect. Where tightly fitting pins or springs prevent loose coupling, the pins or springs should be removed, a line scribed across both half couplings and the readings taken only when the two are aligned. On couplings with a serrated rim, ensure that as the couplings are rotated, the gauge plungers do not fall into a groove and become damaged. Angular shaft alignment: To ensure correct angular shaft alignment proceed as follows: (a) Isolate the driving unit from the power supply. (b) Refer to the left hand figure below and clamp two Dial Indicators (DI) at diametrically opposite points (180°) on one half coupling, with the plungers resting on the back of the other half coupling. (c) Rotate the couplings until the gauges are in line vertically, and set the gauges to read zero. (d) Rotate the couplings through half a revolution (180°) and record the reading on each DI. The readings should be identical though not necessarily zero because of possible end float. Either positive or negative readings are acceptable provided they are equally positive or equally negative. Refer to the paragraphs below headed "Tolerances" for the maximum allowable tolerance and adjust the position of one of the units if necessary. (e) Rotate the couplings until the gauges are in line horizontally and reset the gauges to read zero. (f) Repeat operation (d) and adjust the unit position until the correct tolerance is achieved and no further adjustment is necessary. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 12 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Radial shaft alignment: To ensure that radial shaft alignment is correct proceed as follows: (a) Clamp a DI to one half coupling or to the shaft, as shown in right hand portion of figure below, with the plunger resting on the rim of the other half coupling. (b) Set the gauge to read zero. (c) Rotate the couplings and note the reading at each quarter revolution (90°). Any variation in the readings indicates a deviation from alignment and the position of one of the units must be adjusted until the readings at each quarter revolution are identical or within the tolerances given. Refer to paragraphs below headed "Tolerances". NOTE: Provisional alignment can be carried out with the unit cold; however, where the working temperature of the pump has the effect of raising the centre line of one machine relative to the other allowances must be made. The units should then be realigned when each have attained their correct operating temperature. Tolerances: Follow the manufacturer’s recommendation. If no recommendation is available the limits of accuracy within which adjustments must be made cannot be specifically defined because of differences in the size of and speed of units. However, the following variations which can be tolerated when checking alignment and are suggested as a general guidance. 1. Angular Alignment: Couplings up to 300 mm diameter 0.05 mm Couplings more than 300 mm diameter 0.07 mm Figure 2: Alignment of Direct Coupled Pumps 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 13 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc 2. Radial Alignment: Not to exceed 0.1 mm on Dial Indicator (ie 0.05 mm eccentricity) Figure 2: Alignment of Direct Coupled Pumps Pipework Pipelines and valves should be properly aligned with pump flanges and they should be supported independently of the pump. All pipe design should be on the basis of zero pump flange loading - if this condition cannot be achieved then values for the maximum allowable external loads and moments on the pump flanges is available from Weir Minerals Division. APPROPRIATE WARMAN J OINT RINGS (when required) MUST BE USED AT THE PUMP FLANGES. THE J OINT RINGS FORM AN EFFECTIVE SEAL BETWEEN PIPEWORK AND PUMP CASING. In some pumps, the metal liner projects a short distance past the flange. Care should be taken in such instances not to over tighten the flange bolts so as not to damage the joint rings. A removable piece of pipe should be used on the intake side of the pump. This pipe should be of sufficient length to allow removal of the pump cover plate or casing and to enable access to pump wearing parts and impeller. Removal of the intake pipe is facilitated if a flexible joint is used in place of the flanged connection. All pipe joints must be airtight to ensure priming of the pump. Recommendations and procedures for inter-stage piping for multi-stage installations are available from Weir Minerals Division. Flanges Matching flanges on the pump intake and discharge must be flush as shown on attached drawing A4-111-1-121595. Keeping flanges flush is important in providing proper backup support and compression for intake and discharge joint rings to prevent leakage. Warman Intake and Discharge slip-on matching flanges can be supplied on request. Intake Conditions Suitable isolation should be fitted in the intake pipe as near to the pump as possible. The intake pipe should be as short as possible. An arrangement of intake pipework which is common to two or more pumps operating on suction lift is not recommended. If such an arrangement is unavoidable any points of possible air ingress, such as valve glands should be liquid sealed and isolating valves should be fitted at appropriate points. The diameter of the intake pipe required depends upon its length and bears no fixed relationship to the diameter of the intake branch of the pump. The size of the pipe must be such that the velocity is kept to a minimum, but above the solids particle critical settling velocity to reduce friction losses, i.e. a long intake pipe, (or one with numerous bends) which passes a given quantity or liquid must be of larger bore than a short straight one passing the same quantity of liquid. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 14 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc When the bore of the intake pipe is increased to a size larger than that of the pump intake branch, the form of taper pipe used must not allow the formation of air pockets. To avoid air pockets, the installation of intake pipework must be arranged with as few bends as possible and the pipework must be completely airtight. 3 OPERATION General The principle requirements for operation of Warman pumps are as follows: • Priming arrangements to raise water in the intake pipe and fill the pump. • Gland sealing water (on gland sealed pumps) provided at adequate pressure and flow. • Impellers adjusted to maintain minimum clearance with front liner. • Wearing parts replaced when performance falls below required operating pressure. • Volute liner seal and stuffing box seal maintained to prevent leakage. • Grease purged labyrinths (where used) lubricated regularly to prolong bearing life by excluding dust and dirt from the bearing assembly. WARNING ENSURE THAT ALL GUARDS ARE IN PLACE AND SECURE PRIOR TO OPERATING THE PUMP Shaft Seal For gland sealed pumps, check gland water is available and that it is of sufficient quantity and at the correct pressure. Gland water pressure should be approximately 35 kPa above the pump discharge pressure. Gland water pressure should generally not be higher than 200 kPa above the pump discharge pressure, otherwise reduced gland life could result. Slacken off gland and adjust it so that a small flow is obtained along the shaft. Note that pumps supplied directly from Weir Minerals factories usually have tight glands to minimise shaft vibration during transport. WARNING ANY ADJUSTMENT OF THE GLAND SHOULD ONLY BE CARRIED OUT WHILE THE PUMP IS STOPPED TO AVOID POTENTIAL INJURY FROM ROTATING PARTS For centrifugally sealed pumps, screw the grease cup down a few turns to charge the static seal chamber with grease. Supplement M8 contains further information on Centrifugally sealed pumps and supplement M9 contains further information on Gland sealed pumps. Technical Bulletin number 27 and Appendix A contains general information and application guidelines on the three main types of shaft seal – Gland, Centrifugal and Mechanical Seals. Appendix A in this manual contains some specific information pertaining to mechanical seals. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 15 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc WARNING REMOVE THE MECHANICAL SEAL SETTING TABS AND TORQUE THE LOCKING COLLAR FASTENERS TO THE SPECIFIED VALUES PRIOR TO STARTING THE PUMP, OTHERWISE SERIOUS SEAL AND PUMP DAMAGE COULD RESULT Shaft Unlocking For transport of Warman pumps the bearings can be locked to prevent vibration and consequent damage. Note that it is not absolutely critical to lock the bearings as small movements help to prevent false brinelling. Clamping is done by attaching the shaft clamp to the shaft. A set screw in the handle of the clamp is then screwed up hard against the pump base to lock the bearings. Alternatively, the pump is supplied with the vee-belts tensioned to reduce shaft movement. Before use of the pump, the set screw must be removed to free the bearings or alternatively the vee-belt tension must be checked and adjusted if necessary. The shaft should then be rotated by hand (clockwise) by means of the clamp to ensure that the impeller turns freely within the pump. At any sign of scraping noises from the pump, the impeller must be adjusted (see Assembly and Maintenance Instructions for the particular TYPE of Warman pump). The shaft clamp must then be removed. Motor Rotation Check Remove all vee-belts or completely disconnect shaft coupling, as the case may be. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Start motor, check rotation and correct it if necessary to produce pump shaft rotation indicated by arrow on the pump casing. Refit vee-belts or reconnect shaft coupling. When tensioning belts maintain shaft alignment and check belt tension. WARNING ROTATION IN DIRECTION OPPOSITE TO THE ARROW THE PUMP WILL UNSCREW THE IMPELLER FROM THE SHAFT CAUSING SERIOUS DAMAGE TO THE PUMP Priming Arrangements for raising water in the intake pipe and filling the pump (or first stage of a multi-stage installation) must be provided in preparation to starting up. Gland sealing water should then be turned on to the pump(s). To ensure trouble free operation of glands the gland sealing water pressures should be approximately 35 kPa higher then the pumps operating discharge pressure. IMPORTANT NOTE: Gland sealing water must be left on during all subsequent operations, namely, start up, running, shut down and run back. Gland water may be turned off only after shut down and then only after all the slurry in the pipeline has drained back to the pit. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 16 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Normal Pump Start Up Check once more that all bolts are tight and that the impeller turns freely. Ensure that shaft seal is in order and that pressure of gland water supply, where used, is correct. It is good practice whenever possible to start up pumps on water before introducing solids or slurry into the stream. On shutting down it is also desirable that pumps should be allowed to pump water only for a short period before shut down. Open intake valve (if any) and check that water is available at the inlet. Check drain valve (if any) is closed. If a discharge valve is installed it is common practice to close it for start up. This is however mandatory only in some special cases where the motor could overload. Start pump and run up to speed, if pump is on suction lift execute priming procedure for facilities provided. When the pump is primed, isolate prime facilities (if any). Open discharge valve. Check intake and discharge pressures (if gauges have been provided). Check flow rate by inspection of meters or pipe discharge. Check Gland leakage. If leakage is excessive tighten gland nuts until flow is reduced to the required level. If leakage is insufficient and gland shows signs of heating, then try loosening gland nuts. If this is ineffective and the gland continues to heat up, the pump should be stopped and the gland allowed to cool. Gland nuts should not be loosened to such an extent that the gland follower is allowed to disengage the stuffing box. WARNING ANY ADJUSTMENT OF THE GLAND SHOULD ONLY BE CARRIED OUT WHILE THE PUMP IS STOPPED TO AVOID POTENTIAL INJURY FROM ROTATING PARTS NOTE It is normal for gland leakage water to be hotter than the supply because it is conducting away the heat generated by friction in the gland. At low pressures (single stage operation) very little leakage is required and it is possible to operate with only a small amount of water issuing from the gland. It is not essential to stop a pump because of gland heating unless steam or smoke is produced. This difficulty is normally only experienced on initial start up on gland sealed pumps. When initial heat up of the gland is encountered, it is only necessary to start up -- stop -- cool and start the pump two or three times before the packing beds in correctly and the gland operates satisfactorily. It is preferable at start to have too much leakage than not enough. After the pump has run for 8-10 hours, gland bolts can be adjusted to give optimum leakage. If heating of gland persists, the packing should be removed and the gland repacked. Warman pumps are normally packed with non-asbestos packing, Warman material code Q05, for general duties and pressures up to 2000 kPa. Above 2000 kPa it is usually necessary to use an anti-extrusion ring between the gland follower and the last ring of packing. High pressure packing recommendations are available from Weir Minerals Division. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 17 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc For multi-stage installations it is usually necessary to time the starting of the second and subsequent stage pumps to prevent motor overload. Recommendations and procedures for start up are available from Weir Minerals Division. Abnormal Start Up If the pump fails to prime, one or more of the following faults may be the cause: Blocked Intake Pipe When the pump has not been operated for some time, it is possible for slurry to settle in the intake pipe or around it if operating from a pit and thereby prevent water rising to the pump impeller. The pressure gauge on the intake side of the pump may be used to check the level of water in the pump. Air Entering Gland If one of the following conditions applies, air may be induced into the pump through the gland. This may prevent the pump "picking up" its prime or cause it to loss its prime during operation. • Sealing water pressure too low • Packing is excessively worn • Shaft sleeve is excessively worn • Gland sealing water connection into stuffing box is blocked. Inspection of the gland will readily reveal if above faults are occurring and remedial action is self evident. Operating Faults Refer to the FAULT FINDING CHART at the back of this Supplement to determine the most likely cause of any problems. Some of the major faults that can occur are more fully detailed below. Overloading can occur when the pump is discharging into an empty system when the delivery head will be temporarily lower and the throughput in excess of that for which the pump is designed. Careful regulation of the delivery valve until the system is fully charged will prevent this. WARNING PUMPS THAT ARE NOT FITTED WITH A LEAK-OFF DEVICE MUST NOT BE RUN FOR A LONG PERIOD AGAINST A CLOSED DISCHARGE VALVE Low Pit Level Pumps (or first stage pumps in a multi-stage installation) may lose their prime if air is induced through the gland. Pumps may also lose their prime if the water level in the pit falls sufficiently low to allow air to be induced into the pump intake by vortex action. In order to obtain the best possible pump operation, sump (or hopper) makeup water controls should be arranged to maintain as high a level in the sump (or hopper) as 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 18 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc runback requirements will allow and should be arranged to maintain this level within as close limits as is practical. Blocked Intake Pipe It is possible during operation of pump for a piece of foreign material to be drawn across the bottom of the intake pipe and thereby cause a partial obstruction. Such an obstruction may not be sufficient to stop operation completely but will result in a reduced output from the pump. It will also cause a drop in discharge pressure and amps, and will increase the vacuum reading on the pump intake. Rough running and vibration of the pump may also occur due to the high induced suction causing cavitation within the pump. Blocked Impeller Impellers are capable of passing a certain size particle. If a particle larger in size enters the intake pipe it may become lodged in the eye of the impeller thereby restricting the output of the pump. Such an obstruction will usually result in a drop of amps and a drop in both discharge pressure and intake vacuum readings. Pump vibrations will also occur due to the out of balance effects. WARNING BEFORE APPLYING MANUAL TORQUE TO THE PUMP SHAFT ENSURE THAT THE INTAKE AND DISCHARGE LINES ARE ISOLATED AND THAT THE MOTOR IS DISCONNECTED Blocked Discharge Pipe Blocked discharge pipe may be caused by abnormally high concentration of coarse particles in the pump discharge pipe or by the velocity in the discharge pipe being too low to adequately transport the solids. Such a blockage will be shown up by a rise in discharge pressure and a drop in amps and intake vacuum readings. Shutting Down Procedure Whenever possible, the pump should be allowed to operate on water only for a short period to clear any slurry through the system before shut down. 1. Close the discharge valve (if fitted) to reduce load on driving unit 2. Shut down the pump 3. Shut intake valve (if any) 4. If possible flush pump with clean water and let it discharge through the drain valve. 5. Gland sealing water (if any) must be left on during all subsequent operations, namely: Start up, running, shut down and run back. Gland water may only then be turned off. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 19 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc 4 MAINTENANCE Running Maintenance General Warman pumps are of robust construction and when correctly assembled and installed, they will give long trouble-free service with a minimum amount of maintenance. The only maintenance required for pumps is as follows: • Gland adjustment • Gland re-packing • Impeller adjustment • Tightening down • Possible periodic greasing of Bearings Shaft Seal Care Gland The gland sealing water supply should be steady as pressure fluctuations will make gland adjustment for optimum performance difficult. Glands must be adjusted to provide reasonable leakage when seal water pressure is at a minimum and therefore when this pressure rises leakage will necessarily be excessive. If glands are adjusted to provide optimum leakage at the higher seal water pressures, insufficient lubrication will be obtained when this pressure falls. The gland sealing water should be as clean as possible as even small amounts of solids can quickly wear gland components. Refer to recommendations of gland water quality in the respective Gland Maintenance Manuals. Requirements for gland operation on the first stage of a multi-stage installation are different from the other stages. For the second and succeeding stages the gland water is only required to flush slurry away from the shaft sleeve and provide lubrication for the gland packing. Gland water for the first stage pumps as well as carrying out the above functions must also pressurise the gland to prevent ingress of air when the pressure at the shaft falls below atmospheric. Check periodically gland seal water supply and discharge. Always maintain a very small amount of clean water leakage along the shaft by regularly adjusting the gland. When gland adjustment is no longer possible replace all packings with new ones. Gland sealing water requirements can be reduced to a minimum using Warman Low Flow Lantern Restrictors (Warman basic part Nº 118-1). 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 20 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Centrifugal In centrifugally sealed pumps lubricate the static seal chamber sparingly but regularly by means of the grease cup. Two turns of the grease cup per 12 hours running time is recommended to form an adequate seal at the packing rings, to lubricate the gland packing and to enable them to run in a dry condition. Use only recommended clean lubricant. Repacking Gland When gland packing has deteriorated to such an extent that no further adjustment can be obtained by tightening down the gland follower, it is not good practice to attempt to correct this by inserting one new ring of packing on top of the old rings. When the gland follower has reached the limit of its travel all the old packing should be removed from the gland and the gland repacked with new packing. To repack a gland the gland bolts and gland clamp bolts should be taken out and the two halves of the gland follower removed from the pump. Old packing may then be removed and the stuffing box recess cleaned out. It is not necessary to remove the lantern restrictor during this operation. Rings of new packing should then be placed in position and tamped home one ring at a time, making sure that the ends of each ring come hard together and joints in successive rings are staggered around the stuffing box. Gland halves may then be replaced, secured with clamp bolts and nipped down with gland bolts. Nuts on gland bolts should then be slacked off and left finger tight until pump is started. After start-up glands maybe adjusted until leakage is at the required flow rate. These glands are designed for water lubrication and some leakage is necessary during operation to lubricate and cool the packing and shaft sleeve. Gland leakage at all times must be clean and free from solids. If there is any sign of slurry leaking from a gland then one of the following must be occurring:- • Gland sealing water pressure is too low • Gland packing and/or shaft sleeve requires replacement • Gland sealing water connection to stuffing box is blocked When a gland is being repacked during a complete pump overhaul it is easier to pack the stuffing box and assemble the gland while the stuffing box is out of the pump (refer to instructions in the particular Warman Instruction Supplement depending on the TYPE of pump). The lantern restrictor, packing and gland maybe assembled into the stuffing box with the shaft sleeve in position in the stuffing box. The stuffing box, assembled gland and shaft sleeve may then be fitted to the pump as one unit. Impeller Adjustment Warman pump performance changes with the clearance existing between an open Impeller and the intake side liner. This is less pronounced with closed Impellers. With wear, the clearance increases and the pump efficiency drops. For best performance it is necessary, therefore, to stop the pump occasionally and move the impeller forward (this applies to metal, rubber and high efficiency style impellers). This adjustment can be 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 21 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc carried out in a few minutes without any dismantling. The correct setting of the impeller is when the clearance between the impeller and the intake side liner is a minimum. WARNING PRIOR TO IMPELLER ADJUSTMENT, THE MECHANICAL SEAL LOCK TABS MUST BE INSTALLED AND THE LOCKING COLLAR RELEASED IN ORDER TO ALLOW THE FREE MOVEMENT OF THE BEARING ASSEMBLY. AFTER PUMP IMPELLER ADJUSTMENT, RECHECK THE PULLEY ALIGNMENT AND ADJUST AS NECESSARY AND RE-LOCK THE MECHANICAL SEAL LOCKING COLLAR AND REMOVE THE LOCK TABS. Tightening Down Although Warman pump impellers are balanced before they leave the works, precise balance cannot be achieved in operation because of uneven wear which can take place. Pumps are therefore subject to some vibration while running and this can result in loosening of some bolts. It is recommended therefore that a routine maintenance program be established whereby a check is made at regular intervals to ensure that all nuts are tight. To avoid any possible movement between the Bearing Assembly and the Base, the Bearing Housing Clamp Bolt must be maintained fully tightened. (See Table 1) A convenient time for this check to be carried out would be at the same time as impeller adjustment is made. If any location is found where bolts consistently loosen then 'Nylock' nuts or other suitable locking devices should be fitted. Labyrinth Grease Purging To improve the sealing properties of the labyrinths on the end covers of some types of Warman bearing assemblies, grease purging is utilised to purge out grit and moisture. Less contaminant entering the bearing assembly will result in longer bearing life and ultimately cost savings. Therefore careful attention paid to labyrinth purging is an essential maintenance requirement. Full details are given in the relevant Warman Bearing Assembly Instruction Supplement. Bearing Lubrication A correctly assembled and pre-greased bearing assembly will have a long trouble free life, provided it is protected against ingress of water or other foreign matter and that it is adequately maintained. Suggested regreasing intervals are tabulated in the relevant “BA” maintenance supplement depending on the type of bearing assembly in use. It must be left to the good judgement of maintenance personnel, to open bearing housings at regular intervals (not longer than twelve months) to inspect bearings and grease, to determine the effectiveness of the re-lubrication program and to make any adjustments to the program for the period up to the next inspection. In the case of infrequent bearing regreasing being required, the bearing assembly grease plug can be temporary replaced with grease nipples at the time of greasing. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 22 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc If a regular addition of grease is judged to be necessary, then the plugs on the bearing assembly should be replaced with grease nipples. It is preferable to lubricate often and sparingly, than to add large amounts at long intervals. Bearings must never be over greased. Use only recommended, clean grease. For oil lubricated bearings, it is recommended that a full oil change is carried out every 6 months or 4,000 hours. Additional information and recommendations on bearing lubrication intervals are contained in the relevant Warman Bearing Assembly Instruction Supplements and in the following sections 6.2.3 below. Overhaul Maintenance General When the pump has worn to such an extent that the performance obtained no longer is satisfactory then the pump(s) should be dismantled for inspection and/or replacement of wearing parts (impeller and liners). If the bearing assembly requires maintenance, then the pump wet end must be dismantled before the bearing assembly can be removed from the pump. NOTE: Bearing assemblies should only be reconditioned in a workshop preferably in a specific area set aside for the work. A clean environment is essential. Pump Dismantling Isolate the pump from the system and wash down as much as possible. Remove drive items as necessary after noting alignment of drive. Dismantling can be done in situ if suitable lifting facilities and working space are available otherwise the complete pump should be removed to a maintenance workshop. NOTE: (a) It is recommended that bearing assemblies should only be dismantled and overhauled in the workshop. (b) When bearing components are removed from a pump, they should be identified with suitable tags so that if they are reused they may be replaced in the same position in the pump with their correct mating parts. (c) Bearing components which are an interference fit on the shaft should be removed only if replacement is necessary. The procedure for removing the pump or bearing assembly is simply a reversal of the assembly procedure as set out in the relevant Instruction Supplements for the pump and bearing assembly. Note that the pump must be dismantled before the bearing assembly can be removed for reconditioning. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 23 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc All Warman pumps utilise a thread to fasten the impeller to the pump shaft. The larger pumps incorporate an impeller release collar to facilitate impeller removal. Full details can be found in Warman Supplement 'M2'. Inspection & Removal of Bearings Since greasing requirements vary with operating conditions and environment the following general recommendations should be used as a guide. When new bearings are fitted or re-assembled after overhaul they should be correctly packed with grease. It is then recommended that a systematic program of investigation be instituted in order to ascertain the following: • whether the grease addition is required between overhauls • how frequently grease addition is required • what quantity of grease addition is required. Proposals regarding the amount and frequency are given in the relevant manual Supplements depending on pump speed. A suggested program of investigation is briefly described below for the case of a number of the same pumps operating on similar or the same duties (i.e. the pumps have identical bearings). (a) Start with two pumps with bearings correctly packed with grease (b) After a set number of hours (depending on the duty and environment) dismantle the bearing assembly of one pump and inspect condition and disposition of the grease (c) From inspection assess whether grease addition is required at this interval and if grease addition is not required assess whether the second pump can safely run to twice the set number of hours without greasing (d) By repeating this procedure on the remaining pumps in turn, the maximum time interval before re-greasing may be determined and it may be found possible to run pumps for the life of the wearing parts without re-greasing bearings. If these conditions can be achieved then bearing contamination is avoided and an overall saving in labour effected. It is recommended that a spare bearing assembly unit should be carried in store so that the assembly may be changed over when wearing parts are being replaced. The assembly taken out may then be reconditioned in the workshop ready for installation in the next drive assembly overhaul. With correct care and maintenance, deterioration of bearings should be detected during routine overhauls before malfunctions become obvious in operation. The criteria for examination of a bearing is contained in the question "Will the bearing operate until the next overhaul?" Where there is any doubt regarding the condition of a bearing it is far more economical to replace it while the pump is dismantled for overhaul than to risk a failure in operation which may result in damage to other parts of the pump. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 24 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc When to Remove Bearings Bearings should be renewed when any of the following faults are observed: (a) Face of race is worn to such an extent that a detectable shoulder is evident at the edge of the rolling track (b) Cage is worn to such an extent that there is excessive slackness or burrs. (c) Any roughness or pitting of rollers or rolling track. The rolling track will often be slightly darker (stained) than the unused portion of the race. This does not mean that the bearing has reached the end of its useful life provided no other symptoms are present. Removing Bearings Care should be exercised during dismantling. When driving bearing cups out of the assembly with shaft and rollers, the shaft should be held hard in the direction of driving so that rollers are seated hard up against the face of the cup and the effects of impact on the bearing faces are thereby minimised. If inspection of bearings shows that they require replacement then a press or suitable puller should be set up to bear on the end of the shaft and on the bearings. When bearing components are removed from an assembly, they should be identified with suitable tags so that if they are reused they maybe replaced in the same position in the assembly with their correct mating parts. If any portion of a bearing required replacing then the bearing should be replaced in its entirety. Worn parts must not be mixed with new parts. A complete new bearing at one end of a bearing assembly may be installed with a used bearing at the other if required; however, if one bearing requires replacement, economics usually favour renewing the pair. Replacement of Wearing Parts The wear rate of a solids handling pump is a function of the severity of the pumping duty and of the abrasive properties of the material handled. Therefore, the life of wearing parts, such as impellers and liners, varies from pump to pump and from one installation to another. As pump impellers and liners become worn the head developed by the pump decreases. As the head decreases a consequent drop in rate of discharge will occur. When the rate of discharge has fallen to such a level that either the required quantity of slurry cannot be discharged or the line velocity is too low for satisfactory transportation of the slurry then the pump(s) should be dismantled for inspection of impeller and liners. Replacement of the impeller only, will result in the pump regaining almost new pump performance. Whether liners require replacement should be assessed by estimating whether the proportionate thickness remaining will provide reasonable further life before replacement is required. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 25 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Where a pump is used on a particular duty for the first time and especially where failure of a wearing part during service could have serious consequences, it is recommended that the pump be opened at regular intervals, parts be inspected and their wear rate estimated so that the remaining life of the parts may be established. For installation of new wearing parts refer to relevant Warman Pump Supplement. Reassembling Pump Overhaul When pumps have been dismantled for complete overhaul all parts should be closely inspected and new parts checked for correct identification. Used parts being replaced should be thoroughly cleaned and painted. Mating faces should be free from rust, dirt and burrs and given a coat of grease before they are fitted together. It is preferable to renew small bolts and set screws during overhaul and all threads should be coated with graphite grease before reassembly. It is recommended that all rubber seals should be replaced during major overhauls as rubber tends to harden and seals lose their effectiveness. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 26 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc 5 COMMISSIONING OF PUMPS In addition to the procedures and safety instructions necessary at start up the following checks should be performed at Commissioning:- • Impeller clearance is preset for give optimum efficiency but this should be checked and adjusted. Refer to the section on impeller adjustment in this supplement. • Grease the labyrinths until grease emerges at the outside. • Check bolts and nuts on motor and pump in case some have become loose during transport. • Check and adjust seal leakage. • All guards are fitted in place and secure. Storage of Pumps & Stand By Pumps Store only clean pumps. Pumps taken out of service should be flushed with water and dried before storage. Indoor storage is recommended especially for elastomer pumps. Too much heat can artificially age elastomer and render it unserviceable. For outside stored pumps it is recommended to cover the unit(s) with a tarpaulin rather than plastic so that air can circulate. It is best to cover flanges. Remove transport clamps and loosen gland to release pressure on the packing. Turn the shaft of the pump a quarter of a turn by hand once per week. In this way all the bearing rollers in turn are made to carry static loads and external vibrations. Ensure that the rust preventing coat of the shaft drive end is maintained. Specific recommendations can be obtained from Weir Minerals Division. Spare Parts Spare parts for Warman pumps consist in the main of liners, impellers, bearings, shaft sleeves, seals and shaft seal parts. Depending on the expected life of each part, a number of spares of each should be kept in stock to ensure maximum use of the pump. In major plants it is usual to stock an additional bearing assembly for every ten (or less) pumps of the same size. This enables a quick change of the bearing assembly in any one of the pumps. Often this operation is carried out when wearing parts are being replaced. The removed bearing assembly can then be inspected in a workshop, overhauled if required and kept ready for the next pump. In this way damage is prevented and all pumps are always kept in optimum condition with a minimum of down time. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 27 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc FRAME SIZE MAXIMUM TORQUE (Nm) FRAME SIZE MAXIMUM TORQUE (Nm) A 20 B 30 N 40 C 45 P 45 D 45 Q 45 E 185 R 185 F 185 S 185 G 325 T 525 H 1500 U 1500 Table 1: Bearing Housing Clamp Bolt Torque 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 28 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Fault Finding Chart H o p p e r O v e r f l o w s O v e r h e a t i n g o r s e i z u r e o f p u m p S h o r t L i f e o f b e a r i n g s V i b r a t i o n a n d n o i s e f r o m p u m p P a c k i n g h a s s h o r t l i f e L e a k a g e f r o m s t u f f i n g b o x E x c e s s i v e h o r s e p o w e r r e q u i r e d P u m p l o s e s p r i m e I n s u f f i c i e n t P r e s s u r e R e d u c e d d i s c h a r g e d e l i v e r y D i s c h a r g e f a i l u r e Pump not primed Pump or suction pipe not completely filled with liquid Suction lift too high Insufficient margin between suction pressure and vapour pressure Excessive amount of air or gas in liquid Air pocket in suction line Air leaks into suction line Air leaks into pump through stuffing box Foot valve too small Foot valve partially clogged Inlet of suction pipe insufficiently submerged Blocked suction line Inlet pipe diameter too small or length of inlet pipe too long Speed too low Speed too high Wrong direction of rotation Total head of system higher than design Total head of system lower than design Specific gravity of liquid different from design Viscosity of liquid differs from that for which designed Operation at very low capacity Entrained air in pump. Pump hopper requires baffles Badly installed pipe line or gaskets partly blocking pipe Misalignment Foundations not rigid Shaft bent Rotating part rubbing on stationary part Bearings worn Impeller damaged or worn Casing gasket defective, permitting internal leakage Shaft or shaft sleeves worn or scored at the packing Packing improperly installed Incorrect type of packing for operating conditions Shaft running off-centre because of worn bearings or misalignment Impeller out of balance, resulting in vibration Gland too tight, resulting in no flow of liquid to lubricate packing Foreign matter in impeller Dirt or grit in sealing liquid, leading to scoring shaft sleeve Excessive thrust caused by a mechanical failure inside the pump Excessive amount of lubricant in bearing housing causing high bearing temperature Lack of lubrication Improper installation of bearings Dirt getting into bearings Rusting of bearings due to water getting into housing Expeller worn or blocked Excessive clearance at bottom of stuffing box, forcing packing into pump Probable Faults I N T A K E F A U L T S S Y S T E M F A U L T S M E C H A N I C A L F A U L T S FAULTS S Y M P T O N S 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 29 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Warman Base plates: Drawing A3-100-0-19810 Suggested Procedure for Aligning and Grouting 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 30 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Warman Slip-on Matching Flanges: Drawing A4-111-1-121595 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 31 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc 6 APPENDIX A SEAL TYPES, PROBLEMS and SOLUTIONS Seal Type Centrifugal Packed Gland Mechanical Seal Application Guidelines Single Stage Light to Heavy Duties Single or Multi-Stage Light to Super Heavy Duties Single or Multi-Stage Light to Medium Duties Relative Cost Low to Medium Low Highest Ease of maintenance Easiest Difficult Difficult Relative seal life ranking Medium Shortest Longest Relative leakage losses Low Highest Lowest Dilution of Slurry No Yes No Typical causes of failure Worn components Worn components Seal face failure Table A1: Comparison of shaft sealing systems PACKED GLAND PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION • Short packing life • Short sleeve life • Slurry exists gland • Slurry wears packing • Slurry wears shaft sleeve • Packing over heating and burning due to low GSW pressure • Increase gland sealing water (GSW) pressure • Increase GSW flowrate • Loosen Gland to increase flow • Stop, cool down, repack and then restart with correct GSW pressure and flowrate • Flow from gland too low, in worst case steam exists from gland • Pressure too high causing packing extrusion and flow restriction • Gland too tight • Packing too soft for high pressure • Stop, cool down, repack and restart with correct GSW pressure and flow • Loosen gland • Review packing type • Use packing retainer ring • Reduce GSW pressure • GSW flows around outside of packing rings • Packing rings wrong size or fit-up wrong • Repack gland with correct packing • Review order of assembly • Too much flow from gland • Shaft sleeve worn • Wrong size of packing • Worn packing • Disassemble and refurbish gland with new parts Caution 1. On no account should the gland be loosened to such an extent that it disengages from the stuffing box. 2. Putting more rings into a stuffing box when problems occur will only be a short-term fix. Extra packing will exacerbate any general wear and eventually lead to excessive leakage. 3. Corrosion by saline GSW may be minimised by the use of appropriate alloys. The leakage of saline GSW from the gland must be trapped and conveyed to waste to avoid corrosion of the pump base and other components. Table A2: Typical packed gland problems and solutions 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 32 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc Runout (TIR) (mm) {TIR =MAX – MIN reading on the Dial Gauge} Frame Plate Spigot Frame Shaft Sleeve Diameter (1) Bore Face A 0.10 0.15 0.15 B 0.10 0.16 0.16 C 0.12 0.18 0.18 D 0.12 0.24 0.21 E 0.15 0.38 (2) 0.28 F 0.15 0.43 (2) 0.33 G 0.17 0.52 (2) 0.38 N 0.10 0.17 0.17 P, PQ, CC 0.12 0.19 0.19 Q, QR, DD 0.12 0.25 0.23 R, RS, EE 0.15 0.30 (2) 0.26 S, ST, FF 0.15 0.31 (2) 0.31 T, TU, GG 0.17 0.35 (2) 0.35 H 0.17 0.37 (2) 0.37 U 0.20 0.39 (2) 0.39 (1) Halve these values for shaft without the shaft sleeve (2) Flowserve (Durametallic) seal: 0.25 mm Application: 1. All Warman pumps up to normal maximum speed 2. single stage pumps 3. New and old pumps – dimensions to be checked and adjusted to be within the tolerances provided 4. Majority of mechanical seal types 5. Bearing assemblies with Fitted End Play within the normal Warman recommended range Table A3: Typical maximum allowable misalignment values for mechanical seals 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 33 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc MECHANICAL SEAL PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION • Infant or catastrophic failure • Seal faces cracked, chipped or broken • Dry running – faces cracked or scored • Misalignment of sealing faces • Pressure x velocity too high • Spring failure • Seal springs clogged and inoperative • Seal faces over-compressed • Review and revise installation and/or operating conditions • Recondition seal by replacing failed parts • Change seal specification or materials • Add flush or throttling bush to reduce contaminants reaching the seal • Seal leakage • Seal faces cracked • Seal faces worn, scored or misaligned • O-ring leaking • Secondary seal worn or cracked • Review and revise installation and/or operating conditions • Replace worn seal faces, O-ring or secondary seals • Relap seal faces • Contaminated barrier fluid • Seal faces cracked or worn • Review and revise installation and/or operating conditions • Reduce TDS of barrier fluid • Short seal Life • Operating pressure or temperature above seal rating • Wear of seal body • Failure or seal face drive pins • Worn seal faces • Reduce variations in operating conditions • Change to harder face material Caution 1. Mechanical seals require a controlled and stable environment to ensure long and reliable operation. 2. The seal manufacturers operating and maintenance instructions / procedures must be strictly adhered too. Note that these instructions may include torque settings for the mechanical seal locking collar. 3. The mechanical seal warranty will most likely be voided if a failed seal has been subjected to dry running, water hammer, low suction pressures or high suction lifts, cavitation, excess vibration, thermal shock, reverse rotation or dead-heading / low-flow conditions that are linked to its failure. 4. Prior to operating for the first time, the mechanical seal setting tabs must be removed and any flush or quench liquid connections checked that they will supply the required flow and pressure. Access to the mechanical seal is obtained by first removing the seal guard. 5. It is normally recommended that impellers without backvanes are used for mechanical seals to reduce the flow and turbulence wear in the seal chamber. Table A4: Typical mechanical seal problems and solutions 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 34 of 34 Wei r Mi ner al s | M01 General Instructions for All Pumps J an 07.doc © Weir Minerals North America 2010. Weir Minerals North America is the owner of the Copyright in this document. The document and its text, images, diagrams, data and information it contains must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of Weir Minerals North America. Centrifugal Slurry Pumps 2701 S Stoughton Rd PO Box 7610 Madison WI 53716 USA Tel: +1 608 221 2261 Fax: +1 608 221 5810 www.weirminerals.com Office of origin : Weir Minerals North America Reference : Manual Supplement - MDS18 Date : 4/01/2010 Last Issued: Initial Release WARMAN ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS (SIZES 400 - 750) WITH “M” STYLE BEARING ASSEMBLIES Ron Bourgeois / Mike Viken Product Development Manager / Senior Designer 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 2 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) CONTENTS 1. Introduction and Safety 2. Assembly Instructions / Required Documents Bearing Assembly – Maintenance & Assembly Instructions Parts Identification Frame Assembly Sizes 400 thru 750 Page Fitting Shaft Sleeve and Frame Plate Adaptor to Bearing Assembly Figure 1 & 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6-7 Gland Assembly Sizes 400 thru 750 Fitting Impeller O-Ring, Lantern Restrictor and Stuffing Box to Shaft Figure 3 & 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-9 Pump Assembly Sizes 400 thru 650 Installing Frame Plate Liner Insert and Frame Plate Liner Figure 5 --------------- 10 Fitting Frame Plate to Frame Plate Adaptor Figure 6 --------------------------------- 11 Size 750 Installing Frame Plate Liner Insert and Frame Plate Liner Figure 7 --------------- 12 Fitting Adaptor Plate to Frame Plate Figure 8 ------------------------------------------- 13 Fitting Frame Plate to Frame Plate Adaptor Figure 9 ---------------------------------- 14 Common to all sizes 400 thru 750 Fitting Impeller to Shaft and checking Back Gap Figure 10 -------------------------- 15 Installing Throatbush and Cover Plate Liner Figure 11 -------------------------------- 16 Fitting Suction Cover to Cover Plate Figure 12 ------------------------------------------ 17 Fitting Cover Plate to Frame Plate Figure 13 --------------------------------------------- 18 Setting Impeller to Throatbush clearance Figure 14 ------------------------------------ 19 Centering Stuffing Box Figure 15 ------------------------------------------------------------ 20 Stuffing Box Assembly Figure 16 ------------------------------------------------------------ 21 Warman Basic Part Number & Part List-------------------------------------------------- 22 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 3 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) 1. Introduction and Safety Warman® centrifugal slurry pumps, when properly installed and operated, and when given reasonable care and maintenance, will operate satisfactorily for a long period of time. The following paragraphs outline the general principles that should be considered to ensure trouble- free pump operation. Warman® slurry pumps are built in a variety of designs and materials and for many different slurry services. The manufacturer’s instruction book should be studied carefully and followed, as there may be specific requirements for a particular machine or application that cannot be covered in a general discussion. The installation and service manual and/or special instructions included in the shipment should be read thoroughly before installing or operating the pump. All instructions regarding maintenance should be retained for reference. Marking and approvals It is a legal requirement that machinery and equipment put into service within certain regions of the world shall conform to the applicable CE (European conformity) marking directives covering machinery and, where applicable, low-voltage equipment, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), and equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres (ATEX). Where applicable, the directives and any additional approvals cover important safety aspects relating to machinery and equipment and the satisfactory provision of technical documents and safety instructions. Where applicable, this document incorporates information relevant to these directives and approvals. To confirm the approvals applying and if the product is CE marked, check the serial number plate markings and the certification. Safety Legal requirements and local regulations may differ substantially with regard to particular safety requirements and may be regularly modified by relevant authorities without notice. As a consequence, applicable laws and regulations should be consulted to ensure compliance. The following cannot be guaranteed as to its completeness or continuing accuracy. Explanation of safety terminology and symbols These User Instructions contain specific safety markings where non-observance of an instruction would cause hazards. The specific safety markings are: This symbol indicates electrical safety instructions where non-compliance will involve a high risk to personal safety or the loss of life. This symbol indicates safety instructions where non-compliance will involve a high risk to personal safety or the loss of life. This symbol indicates safety instructions where non-compliance would affect personal safety and could result in the loss of life. This symbol indicates safety instructions where non-compliance would affect personal safety and could result in the loss of life. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 4 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) This is a general safety alert symbol to indicate the potential risk of personal injury and/or damage to the equipment or property. This symbol indicates “hazardous and toxic fluid” safety instructions where non- compliance would affect personal safety and could result in loss of life. This symbol indicates explosive atmosphere zone marking according to ATEX. It is used in safety instructions where non-compliance in the hazardous area would cause the risk of an explosion. This sign is not a safety symbol but indicates an important instruction in the assembly and/or operation process. General guidelines These Instructions must always be kept close to the pump’s operating location or directly with the pump. Warman® slurry pumps are designed, developed and manufactured with state of the art technologies in modern facilities. The unit is produced with great care and commitment to continuous quality control, utilizing sophisticated quality techniques, and safety requirements. Weir Minerals is committed to continuous quality improvements and being at service for any further information about the product in its installation and operation or about its support products, repair and diagnostic services. These instructions are intended to facilitate familiarization with the product and its permitted use. Operating the product in compliance with these instructions is important to help ensure reliability in service and avoid risks. The instructions may not take into account local regulations; ensure such regulations are observed by all, including those installing the product. Always coordinate repair activity with operations personnel, and follow all plant safety requirements, applicable safety and health laws/regulations. These Instructions should be read prior to installing, operating, using and maintaining the equipment in any region worldwide. The equipment must not be put into service until all the conditions relating to safety noted in the instructions have been met. Information in these User Instructions is believed to be reliable. In spite of all the efforts to provide sound and all necessary information, the content of this manual may appear insufficient and is not guaranteed as to its completeness or accuracy. For the safety of operating personnel, please note that the information supplied in this manual only applies to the fitting of genuine Warman parts and Warman recommended bearings to Warman® slurry pumps. Weir Minerals manufactures products to exacting International Quality Management system Standards as certified and audited by external Quality Assurance organizations. Genuine parts and accessories have been designed, tested and incorporated into the products to help ensure their continued product quality and performance in use. As Weir Minerals cannot test parts and 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 5 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) accessories sourced from other vendors, the incorrect incorporation of such parts and accessories may adversely affect the performance and safety features of the products. The failure to properly select, install or use authorized parts and accessories is considered misuse. Damage or failure caused by misuse is not covered by our warranty. In addition, and modification of Weir Minerals products or removal of original components may impair the safety of these products in their use. The pumps must not be operated beyond the allowable limits of pressure, temperature and speed specified for the application. These limits are dependent on the pump type, configuration and materials used. If there is any doubt as to the suitability of the product for the application intended, contact Weir Minerals for advice, quoting the serial number. If the conditions of service on your purchase order are going to be changed (for example liquid pumped, temperature or duty), it is requested that the user seek the manufacturer’s written agreement before start up. Personnel qualification and training All personnel involved in the operation, installation, inspection, and maintenance of the unit must be qualified to carry out the work involved. If the personnel in question do not already possess the necessary knowledge and skill, appropriate training and instruction must be provided. If required, the operator may commission the manufacturer/supplier to provide applicable training. Always coordinate repair activity with operations and health and safety personnel, and follow all plant safety requirements and applicable safety and health laws and regulations. Safety action This is a summary of conditions and actions to prevent injury to personnel and damage to the environment and to equipment. WEIR MINERALS WOULD LIKE TO BRING TO YOUR ATTENTION THE POTENTIAL HAZARD CAUSED BY THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS WHEN THE INTAKE AND DISCHARGE ARE BLOCKED. EXTREME HEAT IS GENERATED AND RESULTS IN VAPORIZATION OF THE ENTRAPPED LIQUID. THIS CAN RESULT IN A LIFE THREATENING EXPLOSION. The operation of centrifugal pumps on slurry applications can increase this potential hazard due to the nature of the material being pumped. The additional hazard believed to be presented by slurry applications stem from the possibility of solids blocking the pump discharge and remaining undetected. This situation has been known in some instances to lead to the intake side of the pump also becoming blocked with solids. The continued operation of the pump under these circumstances can be extremely dangerous. If you have an installation that may be prone to this occurrence, we suggest you adopt measures to prevent this blockage situation The WARMAN® CENTRIFUGAL SLURRY PUMP is a piece of ROTATING EQUIPMENT which CONTAINS PRESSURE under service conditions. All standard safety 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 6 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) precautions for such equipment should be followed before and during installation, operation, and maintenance. For AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT (motors, belt drives, couplings, gear reducers, variable speed drives, etc.), standard safety precautions should be followed and appropriate instruction manuals consulted before and during installation, operation, adjustment and maintenance. For pumps fitted with MECHANICAL SEALS always follow the appropriate instruction manuals and ALWAYS REMOVE THE MECHANICAL SEAL SETTING TABS PRIOR TO STARTING THE PUMP. Failure to remove the setting tabs will result in damage to both the pump and the seal. DO NOT OPERATE THE PUMP AT LOW OR ZERO FLOW CONDITIONS for prolonged periods (three minutes is considered maximum), OR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES THAT COULD CAUSE THE PUMPING LIQUID TO VAPORIZE. Personal injury and equipment damage could result from the high temperature and pressure created. DO NOT APPLY HEAT TO THE IMPELLER BOSS OR NOSE IN AN EFFORT TO LOOSEN THE IMPELLER THREAD PRIOR TO IMPELLER REMOVAL. Personal injury and damage to equipment could occur as a result of an explosion. A shaft wrench has been provided to assist impeller removal. In some cases, a release collar has also been provided to assist impeller removal. DO NOT OPERATE THE PUMP without properly installed stuffing box, v-belt and coupling guards in place. All guards for rotating equipment must be correctly fitted before operating the pump including guards temporarily removed for gland inspection and adjustment. Seal guards must not be removed or opened while the pump is running. DO NOT OPERATE THE PUMP if solids have settled and the rotating element can not be turned by hand. THERMAL SHOCK Do not feed very hot liquid into a cold pump or very cold liquid into a hot pump. Thermal shock may cause damage to the internal components and rupture the pump casing. DRIVER ROTATION MUST BE CHECKED to match correct pump rotation direction as marked on the pump casing before belts or couplings are connected. Do not touch rotating members with your hand to establish the direction of rotation. Always check the direction of the pump shaft and not the gearbox input shaft which is in the opposite direction and will be in the wrong direction for the pump. DO NOT START A PUMP that is rotating in reverse, such as the backward rotation caused by slurry runback. Personal injury and damage to equipment could result. ENSURE THAT THE IMPELLER IS TIGHT ON THE SHAFT before any start-up, i.e. all components on the shaft between the impeller and the pump end bearing butt metal to metal against each other without any gap. Note that gaps may form when the pump 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 7 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) experiences duty conditions conducive to unscrewing of the impeller, such as excessive runback, high intake pressure, motor braking, etc. ENSURE CORRECT LUBRICATION Some equipment such as gear reducers, motors, and oil lubricated pump bearing assemblies are shipped without lubricating oil. Be certain that oil of the proper grade is filled to the proper level in each piece of equipment before start-up. NEVER DO MAINTENANCE WORK WHEN THE UNIT IS CONNECTED TO POWER. Power to the electric motor must be isolated and tagged out. THE PUMP MUST BE FULLY ISOLATED before any maintenance work, inspection or troubleshooting involving work on sections which are potentially pressurized (e.g. casing, gland, connected pipe work) or involving work on the mechanical drive system (e.g. shaft, bearing assembly, coupling). It must be proven that the intake and discharge openings are totally isolated from all potentially pressurized connections and that they are, and can only be exposed to atmospheric pressure. DRAIN THE PUMP AND ISOLATE PIPEWORK BEFORE DISMANTLING THE PUMP The appropriate safety precautions should be taken where the pumped liquids are hazardous. HANDLING COMPONENTS • Tapped holes (for eye bolts) and lugs (for lifting shackles) on pumps are for lifting INDIVIDUAL PARTS ONLY. Exception is the lifting lug on the cover plate which can be used to lift the cover plate with the throatbush, volute and / or the elastomer liner fitted. • Worn pump components can have sharp or jagged edges. Caution must be taken in handling worn parts to prevent damage to slings or personal injury. • Lifting devices of adequate capacity must be used whenever they are required. • Safe workshop practices must be applied during all assembly and maintenance work. • Personnel must never work under suspended loads. DO NOT APPLY HEAT OR HARD-FACE HIGH CHROME COMPONENTS. This can cause cracks, residual stresses, and changes the fracture toughness of the parent material. This may lead to catastrophic failure and could result in personal injury and equipment damage even when operating within recommended speed and pressure limits. CASTINGS made from materials listed are brittle and have low thermal shock resistance. Attempts to repair or rebuild by welding may cause catastrophic failure. Repairs of such castings using these methods must not be attempted. Examples include, but are not limited to the following - A03, A04, A05, A06, A07, A701, A08, A09, A12, A14, A49, A51, A52, A53, A61, A210, A211, A217, A218, A509. AVOID CONTAMINATION • BURNING of elastomeric pump components will cause emission of toxic fumes and result in air pollution which could lead to personal injury. • LEAKAGE exceeding the specified packing lubrication requirements from the pump shaft seals and/or leakage from worn pump components or seals may cause water and/or soil contamination. • LIQUID WASTE DISPOSAL from servicing of pumps or stagnant water from pumps stored for long periods, may cause water and/or soil contamination. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 8 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) Mixing of NEW AND WORN PUMP PARTS may increase the incidence of premature pump wear and leakage. All METAL MATING FACES MUST BE CLEANED of dirt, rust, paint and other adhering substances prior to pump assembly. Failure to clean parts can affect pump assembly and running clearances and could lead to catastrophic failure of parts. Large FOREIGN OBJECTS OR TRAMP entering a pump will increase the incidence of higher wear and / or damage to the pump. Routine inspection and maintenance of mill trommel screens will assist to reduce the danger of grinding balls entering a mill discharge pump. Large VARIATIONS IN SLURRY PROPERTIES may lead to accelerated rates of wear and corrosion of pump components, e.g. • Wear increases exponentially with velocity and slurry particle size. • Corrosion rate doubles for every 10 degrees Celsius (18 degrees Fahrenheit) increase in slurry temperature. • Corrosion rate increases exponentially as slurry pH decreases. 2. Assembly Instructions / Required Documents Warman Supplement MDS18 should be read in conjunction with the following Warman Assembly and Maintenance Instruction Supplements: M1 - General Instructions applicable to ALL TYPES of Warman Pumps NOTE: The recommended grease for grease lubricated assemblies is Mobil SHC 220 or equivalent. These lubricant requirements allow for higher temperature operation with reduced chance of viscosity breakdown. This supplement contains step by step illustrated instructions for complete and correct assembly of Warman Rubber Lined Mill Circuit pumps 400 thru 750 MCR on “M” style bearing frames. Bearing Assembly - Maintenance & Assembly Instructions The Bearing Assembly is assembled and maintained according to the instructions contained in Warman Supplement MDS14 according to the TYPE of Bearing Assembly utilized. Parts Identification The comment in Warman Bearing Assembly Supplements regarding Warman Basic Numbers incorporated in Warman Part Numbers applies in the same manner to Warman Pump component parts. For full description and part number identification, refer to the appropriate Warman Components Diagram. Names and Basic Numbers are used in assembly instructions in this manual. All relevant Warman Basic Numbers are listed at the end of this supplement. In all correspondence with Weir Minerals, or their representatives, and especially when ordering spare parts, it is advisable to use correct names as well as full part numbers to prevent misunderstandings or wrong deliveries. When in doubt, the pump serial number should be quoted as well. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 9 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) FITTING SHAFT SLEEVE & FRAME PLATE ADAPTOR TO BEARING ASSEMBLY (Sizes 400 thru 750) (Refer to Figures 1 & 2) IMPORTANT: Apply an anti-seize lubricant to threads of any bolts, studs or nuts. NOTE: Install studs with the shortest threaded end into the tapped body first always and fully tighten. 1. Make certain the Release Collar Cover O-ring is in place as shown in Figure 1 Detail A. Apply anti-seize to the Shaft surface extending from the Release Collar Cover and slide the pump Shaft Sleeve (076) on the Shaft, tapered edge first, until it slides past the Release Collar Cover O-Ring and seats against the wedges. NOTE: Make certain that the Shaft Sleeve is installed on the shaft with the tapered end facing towards the Release Collar or the wedges will not reset properly. TIP: If Shaft Sleeve will not slide easily under Release Collar Cover O-Ring, apply a small amount of vacuum grease to Shaft Sleeve O.D. and gently tap into place with a rubber mallet. DETAIL A 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 10 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) 2. Clean the machined surfaces on the Frame Plate Adaptor (380) and Bearing Housing (004) and apply light coat of anti-seize lubricant to these surfaces. IMPORTANT: Remove any paint that may be present on these machined surfaces. Liberally apply anti-seize lubricant to shaft threads to prevent moisture damage to shaft. 3. While lining up the mounting holes in the Frame Plate Adaptor with the tapped holes in the Bearing Housing, insert eight (8) Bearing Housing Adaptor Bolts as shown in Figure 2 and hand tighten. IMPORTANT: Fully tighten Bearing Housing Adaptor Bolts using a crossing pattern to the torque specified in Table 1. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 11 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) FITTING IMPELLER O-RING, LANTERN RESTRICTOR AND STUFFING BOX TO SHAFT (Sizes 400 thru 750) (Refer to Figure 3 & 4) NOTE: For installation of 750 Stuffing Box refer to Figure 4 on the next page. 1. Stretch Impeller O-Ring over shaft and slide it into the groove on the end of Shaft Sleeve (076). 2. Install Lantern Restrictor (118) over Shaft Sleeve as shown in Figure 3 Detail A. IMPORTANT: Install Lantern Restrictor with radial flush holes facing bearing assembly and slide it as far back on the shaft as possible. NOTE: Larger size models will have two (2) O-Rings on the O.D. of the Lantern Restrictor to assist with centering it inside the Stuffing Box as shown in Figure 3 Detail B. 3. Slide Stuffing Box (078) onto Shaft Sleeve and slide it back until the Lantern Restrictor is inside the Stuffing Box bore. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 12 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) INSTALLING STUFFING BOX TO SHAFT (Size 750 only) (Refer to Figure 4) 1. Assemble eye bolts into the lifting lugs on both halves of the Stuffing Box. Lift both halves with separate cranes until they hang vertical as shown in Figure 4 Detail A. Liberally apply a bead of silicon calking into the machined grooves on each half. Insert four (4) shoulder bolts into one half. Continue to move the two halves toward each other carefully lining up the shoulder bolts with the mating holes on the other half. Install a washer and nut to the bolts and tighten to 120 N-m (90 ft-lbs). Lower the assembled Stuffing Box to the floor. 2. Using a single crane and a two point pick slide Stuffing Box (078) onto Shaft Sleeve and slide it back until the Lantern Restrictor is inside the Stuffing Box bore. Remove the eye bolts from the Stuffing Box. IMPORTANT: Rotate the Stuffing Box 90 degrees until the tapped gland water connection is at the 12 O’clock position. 3. NOTE: As an option the Stuffing Box halves can be installed and removed through the openings in the side of the Frame Plate Adaptor (380). 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 13 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) INSTALLING FRAME PLATE LINER INSERT AND FRAME PLATE LINER (Sizes 400 thru 650) (Refer to Figure 5) 1. Place the Impeller hub side up on the floor. Set the Frame Plate Liner Insert (041) (FPLI) reinforcement side up centered on top of the Impeller as shown in Figure 5 Detail A. TIP: Use eye bolts in the tapped hole of the reinforcement for lifting. Install (4) FPLI Puller Studs into the tapped holes in the reinforcement and fully tighten. 2. Using a three point pick lift Frame Plate (032) as shown in Figure 5 Detail A and lower it onto the FPLI being careful to line up the studs with the untapped holes in the Frame Plate. Install a washer and nut to the Frame Plate Liner Studs and tighten to the torque specified in Table 2. 3. Place Frame Plate Liner (043) bowl down on the floor as shown in Figure 5 Detail B. TIP: Use blocks of wood inside the liner positioned under the reinforcement for support. Install Frame Plate Liner Studs into tapped holes in reinforcement and fully tighten. Using a three point pick lift Frame Plate as shown in Figure 5 Detail B and lower it onto the Frame Plate Liner. Install a washer and nut to the Frame Plate Liner Studs and tighten to the torque specified in Table 2. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 14 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) FITTING FRAME PLATE TO FRAME PLATE ADAPTOR (Sizes 400 thru 650) (Refer to Figure 6) 1. Using a two (2) point pick lift the Frame Plate (032) to the vertical position as shown in Figure 6. Install the FPLI Pusher Bolts into the tapped holes in the Frame Plate and tighten to 35 N-m (25 ft-lbs). 2. Thread the Frame Plate Adaptor Studs into the Frame Plate and fully tighten. NOTE: Model 650 has a hex on the end of the stud to assist with assembly. Slowly move the Frame Plate towards the base being careful to line up the studs with the holes in the Frame Plate Adaptor. Make certain that the pilot in the Frame Plate has engaged the pilot in the adaptor. Install a hex nut and washer to the studs. IMPORTANT: Fully tighten Frame Plate Adaptor Stud nuts using a crossing pattern to the specified torque in Table 3. 3. Insert Shaft key (070) and attach the Shaft Wrench (036) as shown in Figure 6. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 15 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) INSTALLING FRAME PLATE LINER INSERT AND FRAME PLATE LINER Size 750 only (Refer to Figure 7) 1. Begin with the Frame Plate Liner Insert (041) (FPLI) lying reinforcement side up as shown in Figure 7 Detail A. Install FPLI Puller Studs into tapped holes in the reinforcement and fully tighten. 2. Position the Adaptor Plate (M240MC75032) flat side down on the floor. Pick 4 equally spaced tapped holes and install eye bolts as shown in Detail A. Lift and lower the Adaptor Plate onto the FPLI being careful to line up the studs with untapped holes in the Adaptor Plate. Install a washer and nut to the FPLI puller studs and tighten to 1000 N-m (750 ft-lbs) Leave the eye bolts in the Adaptor Plate for now. IMPORTANT: Install (9) press fit Liner Locating Pins (374) into each the Frame Plate (032) and the Cover Plate (013) as shown in Detail C. 3. Place Frame Plate Liner (043) bowl down on the floor. TIP: Use blocks of wood inside the liner positioned under the reinforcement for support. Install Frame Plate Liner Studs into tapped holes in reinforcement and fully tighten. Using a three point pick lift Frame Plate as shown in Figure 7 Detail B and lower it onto the Frame Plate Liner. Install a washer and nut to the Frame Plate Liner Studs and tighten to 700 N-m (520 ft-lbs). LINER LOCATION PINS (374) DETAIL C 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 16 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) FITTING ADAPTOR PLATE TO FRAME PLATE Size 750 only (Refer to Figure 8) 1. Install (16) Casing Studs into the tapped holes in the Frame Plate (032) and fully tighten. Install (4) FPLI Pusher Bolts into the tapped holes in the Adaptor Plate (M240MC75032) and tighten to 35 N-m (25 ft-lbs). 2. NOTE: The (2) cast lifting lugs must be at the 12 O’clock position depending on your required discharge orientation. Top vertical discharge orientation is shown in Figure 8. This is required for the quick change out procedure detailed in MDS17. Lift and lower the Adaptor Plate onto the Frame Plate. IMPORTANT: Make certain the Liner Stud Nuts are inside the (8) clearance holes in the Adaptor Plate. Install a washer and nut to the Casing Studs and tighten using a crossing pattern to 2400 N-m (1700 ft-lbs). The eye bolts can now be removed from the Adaptor Plate. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 17 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) FITTING FRAME PLATE TO FRAME PLATE ADAPTOR Size 750 only (Refer to Figure 9) 1. Turn the Frame Plate (032) over using a two (2) point pick and stretch the liner hooks over the Liner Locating Pins (374) as shown in Figure 9 Detail A. Using the hex on the end of the Frame Plate Studs (039) thread the studs into the tapped holes in the Adaptor Plate (M240MC75032) and fully tighten. 2. Slowly move the Frame Plate sub-assembly towards the Frame Plate Adaptor (380) being careful to line up the studs with the holes in the adaptor. Make certain that the pilot in the Adaptor Plate has engaged the pilot in the Frame Plate Adaptor. Install a hex nut and washer to the studs. IMPORTANT: Fully tighten Frame Plate Stud nuts using a crossing pattern to 2400 N-m (1700 ft-lbs). 3. Insert Shaft key (070) and attach the Shaft Wrench (036) as shown in Figure 9. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 18 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) FITTING IMPELLER TO SHAFT AND CHECKING BACK GAP (Sizes 400 thru 750) (Refer to Figure 10) 1. Loosen the FPLI Puller Stud nuts about 10 mm. Using the Pusher Bolts adjust the FPLI so it is flush with the Frame Plate Liner (043) as shown in Detail A below. Now tighten the FPLI stud nuts and torque to the values specified in Table 4. 2. Place Impeller on a solid flat surface hub side down. Clamp Impeller Lifting Beam (313) to the impeller using the adjusting nut. NOTE: Max. Torque on adjusting nut is 70 N-m (50 ft-lbs.) Using the pick point shown in Figure 10, lift the impeller to vertical position and apply anti-seize lubricant to the threads. NOTE: Make certain that the Impeller O-ring is installed and still in place as described on Page 11 Figure 3 before proceeding. 3. Align impeller hub with shaft thread and turn shaft by means of the shaft wrench to screw into impeller. With the impeller lifting beam still in place, firmly strike the shaft wrench several times to seat the impeller against the shaft sleeve. Remove lifting beam from impeller by turning the adjusting nut and moving the lower wedge upward, lower the beam out of impeller eye. 4. Measure and confirm the “BACK GAP” at impeller O.D. from pump size in Table 5. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 19 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) INSTALLING THROATBUSH AND COVER PLATE LINER (Sizes 400 thru 750) (Refer to Figure 11) 1. Begin with the Throatbush (083) lying reinforcement side up as shown in Figure 11 Detail A. Install Throatbush Puller Studs into tapped holes in the reinforcement and fully tighten. 2. Install (3) clevises onto the lifting lugs of the Suction Cover (190). NOTE: For model size 400MCR pick 4 equally spaced tapped holes and install eye bolts for lifting. Lift and lower the Suction Cover onto the Throatbush being careful to line up the studs with untapped holes in the Suction Cover. Install a washer and nut to the Throatbush puller studs and tighten to the torque specified in Table 4 on Page 18. Leave clevises attached to Suction Cover at this time. IMPORTANT (750 only): Make certain the Liner Locating Pins (374) have been installed into Cover Plate (013) as shown in Figure 7 Detail C on Page 15. 3. Place Cover Plate Liner (018) bowl down on the floor. TIP: Use blocks of wood inside the liner positioned under the reinforcement for support on larger sizes. Install (8) Cover Plate Liner Studs into tapped holes in reinforcement and fully tighten. Using a three point pick lift Cover Plate as shown in Figure 11 Detail B and lower it onto the Cover Plate Liner. Install a washer and nut to the Cover Plate Liner Studs and tighten to the torque specified in Table 6. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 20 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) FITTING SUCTION COVER TO COVER PLATE (Sizes 400 thru 750) (Refer to Figure 12) 1. Install (16) Suction Cover Studs into the tapped holes in the Cover Plate (013) and fully tighten. Install (4) Throatbush Pusher Bolts into the tapped holes in the Suction Cover (190) and tighten to 35 N-m (25 ft-lbs). 2. Lift and lower the Suction Cover onto the Cover Plate. IMPORTANT: Make certain the Liner Stud Nuts are inside the (8) clearance holes in the Suction Cover. Install a washer and nut to the Suction Cover Studs and tighten using a crossing pattern to the torque specified in Table 7. The clevises can now be removed from the Suction Cover. 3. Apply a coating of liquid soap (or equivalent) to the Intake Joint Ring (060) (372) diameter with the seal beads. Push the Intake Joint Ring into the throatbush until it is seated against the Cover Plate counter bore. NOTE: Use a block of wood and rubber hammer to help install the Intake Joint Ring. Do not hammer directly on the Intake Joint Ring as it may distort the reinforcing plate of the seal. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 21 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) FITTING COVER PLATE TO FRAME PLATE (Sizes 400 thru 750) (Refer to Figure 13) 1. Turn the Cover Plate (013) over using a two (2) point pick. IMPORTANT: For model size 750 make certain to stretch the liner hooks over the Liner Locating Pins (374) as shown in Figure 9 Detail A on Page 17. Install two (2) Alignment Pins (489) in the Frame Plate based on your discharge position. NOTE: See component diagram drawing for the location of the Alignment Pins depending on discharge position. 2. Assemble Anti-Rotation Nuts (284) by hand fully onto Cover Plate Studs (015). 3. Using a two point pick lift the Cover Plate sub-assembly to the vertical position as shown. Slowly move the Cover Plate toward the Frame Plate carefully lining up the Casing Alignment Pins with the mating holes in the Cover Plate. 4. NOTE: Assemble the Anti Rotation Nuts onto the Cover Plate Studs by hand prior to installing in the Frame Plate. Insert the Cover Plate Stud with the Anti-Rotation nut assembled from the back of the Frame Plate as shown. Install a washer and nut to each Cover Plate Studs. Thread nuts on fully by hand before using impact wrench. NOTE: The Cut-Water Stud is larger than the Cover Plate Studs) Tighten the nuts using a crossing pattern to the torque specified in Table 8. Apply a thin coat of silicone to the Discharge Joint Ring (132) and press into place on top of the discharge flange. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 22 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) SETTING IMPELLER TO THROATBUSH CLEARANCE (Sizes 400 thru 750) (Refer to Figure 14) 1. Back the Throatbush Puller Stud Nuts off about 10mm to allow the Throatbush to move towards the Impeller. 2. Slowly rotate the Impeller in the direction of rotation during operation with the Shaft Wrench. Pick two Throatbush Pusher Bolts 180 degrees apart and alternate tightening one bolt at a time so the Throatbush does not tilt and become locked in Cover Plate pilot. IMPORTANT: Tighten each bolt no more than 1-1/2 turns at a time. TIP: Mark a reference line on the O.D. of the socket to assist with the number of turns. Continue tightening the Pusher Bolts until the Impeller just starts to rub the Throatbush. NOTE: It should still be possible to turn the Impeller completely by hand when it starts to rub on the Throatbush. Do not adjust the Throatbush any further against the Impeller. Check the clearance with feeler gauges to verify the gap uniform. 3. Back each of the Pusher Bolts off by one fourth of a turn (one and a half flats of nut). NOTE: It is recommended to put a mark on one flat of each bolt to keep track of its original position. 4. Lock the Throatbush in place by tightening the Throatbush Puller Stud Nuts to the torque specified in Table 4 in on Page 18. NOTE: Check the clearance with feeler gauges to verify the gap uniform. Check to make sure the Pusher Bolts are tight to 35 N-m (25 ft- lbs). NOTE: Before removing the Shaft Wrench make certain the Impeller turns freely. The Impeller to Throatbush clearance should now be set to 1 mm at front seal face. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 23 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) ***IMPORTANT*** CENTERING STUFFING BOX (Sizes 400 thru 750) (Refer to Figure 15) ***Centering of the Stuffing Box is an essential step in the assembly of the pump; it assures that the Stuffing Box and the Shaft Sleeve are concentric to each other, thus extending the life of all components contained within the Stuffing box. 1. Slide the Stuffing Box (078) forward lining up the tapped holes in Frame Plate Liner Insert (041) with holes in Stuffing Box. Place a washer and a bolt in Stuffing Box holes and hand tighten. NOTE: It may be necessary to lift the stuffing box up slightly to align holes. Slide the Lantern Restrictor (118) into the bottom of the Stuffing Box bore. 2. Position the Stuffing Box Centering Tool (331) over the Shaft Sleeve (076) and slide the tool in the Stuffing Box bore as shown in Figure 15. NOTE: The three alignment pins should be able to rotate and rattle. Fully tighten each of the Stuffing Box bolts to the torque specified in Table 9. IMPORTANT: Tighten the bolts at the bottom of the Stuffing Box first. 3. The Stuffing Box is now concentrically located about the Shaft Sleeve. Remove the Stuffing Box Centering Tool and store for a future re-build event. Jackscrew holes on centering tool may need to be used to help with removal. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 24 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) STUFFING BOX ASSEMBLY (Sizes 400 thru 750) (Refer to Figure 16) 1. Fit (1) Packing Ring (111) around Shaft Sleeve (076) and push into the bottom of the Stuffing Box (078). NOTE: Install packing rings with the red dots either against the shaft or on the outside as shown in Detail A. 2. Repeat step 1 with (3) additional Packing Rings. NOTE: Stagger packing joints 180 degrees. 3. Assemble the two piece Gland (044) around the Shaft Sleeve. Install the Gland Bolts and tighten only enough to assure Packing Rings are seated in the Stuffing Box bore. NOTE: The Gland Bolts should be backed off and hand tight for start-up. 4/01/2010 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2010 MDS18 Page 25 of 25 Weir Minerals North America | PUMP ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR MODEL MCR M STYLE (SIZES 400 THRU 750) WARMAN BASIC PART NUMBER AND PARTS LIST PUMP ASSEMBY TOOLS 306 Shaft Wrench 313 Impeller Lifting Beam 309 Suction Cover Lifting Beam 331 Stuffing Box Centering Tool BASIC PART NUMBER 004 Bearing Housing 005 Bearing Assembly 013 Cover Plate 018 Cover Plate Liner 032 Frame Plate 041 Frame Plate Liner Insert 043 Frame Plate Liner 044 Gland 045 Gland Bolt 060 Intake Joint Ring 070 Shaft Key 073 Shaft 076 Shaft Sleeve 078 Stuffing Box 083 Throatbush 109 Shaft Sleeve O-Ring 111 Packing 118 Lantern Restrictor 132 Discharge Joint Ring 145 Impeller – 4 Vane Closed 147 Impeller – 5 Vane Closed 190 Suction Cover 205 Bearing Assembly (Reverse Rotation) 221 Discharge Flange 239 Impeller Release Collar 257 Discharge Joint Ring 380 Frame Plate Adaptor 394 Cover Plate Reverse Rotation 395 Frame Plate Reverse Rotation 489 Alignment Pin Centrifugal Slurry Pumps © Weir Minerals North America 2009. Weir Minerals North America is the owner of the Copyright in this document. The document and its text, images, diagrams, data and information it contains must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of Weir Minerals North America. Office of origin : Weir Minerals North America Reference : Manual Supplement - MDS14 Date : 02/07/2009 Last Issued: Revision A 2701 S Stoughton Rd PO Box 7610 Madison WI 53716 USA Tel: +1 608 221 2261 Fax: +1 608 221 5810 www.weirminerals.com WARMAN ‘M’ STYLE BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS GREASE LUBRICATED (SIZES M100, M120, M150, M180, M200 & M240) Ron Bourgeois / Mike Viken Product Development Manager / Senior Designer 02/07/2009 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2009 MDS14 Page 2 of 12 Weir Minerals North America | BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ‘M’ STYLE (SIZES M100 THRU M240) BEARING ASSEMBLY-GREASE FOR ‘M’ STYLE BEARING ASSEMBLIES (SIZES M100 thru M240) NOTE: The recommended grease for grease lubricated assemblies is Mobil SHC 220 or equivalent. These lubricant requirements allow for higher temperature operation with reduced chance of viscosity breakdown. This section contains information for bearing assembly designs as indicated above. The pump bearing configuration consists of a double-tapered roller bearing on the drive end and a cylindrical roller bearing on the impeller end of the bearing assembly. IMPORTANT Read before beginning any bearing assembly work. GENERAL NOTES When you install new bearings, clean bearing housing, end covers, shaft, etc. so that no foreign material or old grease is present on the parts. Do not wash off factory applied bearing lubricant. The manufacturer uses a high grade non-acid lubrication, free from all chemicals and impurities that might cause corrosion. Any lubricant that you add must be absolutely clean. To assure this, the following procedures are recommended. 1. Always keep cover on grease can so that no dirt can enter. 2. Be assured the instrument with which you take grease from can is clean. Avoid using a wooden paddle. Use a steel blade or putty knife that can be wiped off smooth and clean. 3. In cases where a grease gun is used to introduce grease into bearing chamber, observe the same caution regarding cleanliness of the gun – especially nozzle and grease fittings. 4. Initial grease quantities shown in Table 1 on Page 6 may need to be revised based on observations made during normal operation. For reference purposes, one shot from a standard grease gun is approximately one gram. 5. Lubricate all O-rings with vacuum grease like Dow Corning 111 or equivalent. ROLLER BEARING CLEANLINESS More than 90% of all roller bearing failures are due to dirt that has found its way into the bearing, either due to carelessness before or during assembly or by the user after unit has been placed in operation. The critical period in bearing life occurs when it leaves the stockroom for the assembly bench, because it is going to be removed from its box and protective covering. When handling bearings it is very important to have clean hands and clean tools. Keep plenty of clean rags available and use them often. Don’t use waste paper, as the lint and short strands adhere readily to oily surfaces. Keep hands and work area wiped clean. 02/07/2009 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2009 MDS14 Page 3 of 12 Weir Minerals North America | BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ‘M’ STYLE (SIZES M100 THRU M240) INSTALLING TAPERED ROLLER BEARING and CYLINDRICAL ROLLER BEARING INNER RACE TO SHAFT (SIZES M100, M120, M150, M180 & M200) Refer to Figures 1-1, 1-2 & 1-3 ! CAUTION ! Tapered Roller Bearings are provided with spacers and as such are pre-set assemblies. Spacers are finished to size for each bearing assembly and are not interchangeable with a similar assembly. In some large bearing assemblies, to aid in correct identification, a “serial number” is marked on each cup, cone and spacer. Components with same “serial numbers” must be kept together. Small pre-set assemblies may not be marked as such but they are still not interchangeable. Bearing component parts should be assembled as received. Failure to comply may result in damage to equipment. It is advisable to preheat Bearing Cones before installation. It is suggested a bearing induction heater is used following the manufacturer’s recommendations. The induction heating method is simple, quick, safe and economical. Before assembly, all parts should be thoroughly cleaned, deburred and sharp edges removed. FITTING TAPERED ROLLER BEARING and CYLINDRICAL ROLLER BEARING INNER RACE TO SHAFTFOR SIZES M100 thru M200 1. Place Tapered Roller Bearing on induction heater and heat to 250°F (121°C). 2. Apply a light coat of oil to bearing lands on Shaft (073) RH (254) LH. With shaft on horizontal position, heated bearing can be slipped on and held against shoulder of shaft. 3. Install Tapered Roller Bearing Assembly onto Shaft : a. The first Cone is placed onto Shaft with taper pointing toward drive end of Shaft. Quickly slide Cone down Shaft until it seats against shoulder on Shaft. b. Next place Cone Spacer on Shaft and slide down until it contacts Cone. (It is not necessary to heat Cone Spacer as it has a slip fit on Shaft). The Cup can be one piece or two Cups and a Cup Spacer. c. Now place Cup on Shaft and slide down until it seats on Cone. d. Place second Cone on Shaft with taper pointing toward impeller end of Shaft. Quickly slide Cone down Shaft until it seats with Cup and Spacer(s). 02/07/2009 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2009 MDS14 Page 4 of 12 Weir Minerals North America | BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ‘M’ STYLE (SIZES M100 THRU M240) NOTE It is important that bearings are located hard against shaft shoulders and sleeves hard against bearings. This should be further checked after bearings have cooled. 4. For M100 thru M180 refer to Figure 1-2: Assemble bearing locking assembly components onto shaft and tighten Bearing Locknut with a spanner wrench. Allow Bearing to cool to the touch and retighten Bearing Locknut. Tighten Bearing Locknut until firmly seated and one of the tangs of Bearing Lockwasher can be bent into the slot on Bearing Locknut. Bend Bearing Lockwasher tang into slot. For M200 refer to Figure 1-3: Assemble Bearing Nut (090) onto shaft with tapped holes facing the drive end, tighten by striking the end of a flat bar inserted into the slots with a hammer. Allow Bearing to cool to the touch and retighten Bearing Nut. Tighten Bearing Nut until firmly seated and one of the Bearing Nut Lockplate (506) tabs can be inserted into the keyway and the two holes align with tapped holes in the Bearing Nut. Insert two hex head screws and tighten as shown in Figure 1-3 Detail A. NOTE: The Bearing Nut Lockplate (506) is designed to utilize either tang by flipping and rotating the Bearing Lockplate. ! CAUTION! Never loosen the Bearing Locknut or the Bearing Nut to align the tang or lockplate. Always continue to tighten the nuts to achieve alignment of the tang or lockplate. 5. Place Cylindrical Roller Bearing Inner Race on induction heater and heat to 250°F (121°C). 6. Slide Cylindrical Roller Bearing Inner Race against shaft shoulder. BEARING LOCKING ASSEMBLY FOR SIZE M100 thru M180 BEARING LOCKING ASSEMBLY FOR SIZE M200 and M240 02/07/2009 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2009 MDS14 Page 5 of 12 Weir Minerals North America | BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ‘M’ STYLE (SIZES M100 THRU M240) INSTALLING GREASE RETAINERS, TAPERED ROLLER BEARING and CYLINDRICAL ROLLER BEARING INNER RACE TO SHAFT (SIZE M240) Refer to Figures 1-3 & 1-4 Before assembly, all parts should be thoroughly cleaned, deburred and sharp edges removed. FITTING GREASE RETAINERS, TAPERED ROLLER BEARING and CYLINDRICAL ROLLER BEARING INNER RACE TO SHAFT FOR SIZE M240 1. Place shaft on assembly jig as shown in Detail B on Page 6. Apply a light coat of oil to bearing lands on Shaft (073) RH (254) LH. 2. Assemble Drive End Grease Retainer (046D). NOTE: Large diameter of flange goes onto the shaft first and must be facing the impeller end of the shaft as shown in Figure 1-4. 3. Place Tapered Roller Bearing on induction heater and heat to 250°F (121°C). With shaft on horizontal position, heated bearing can be slipped on and held against shoulder of Grease Retainer. 4. Install Tapered Roller Bearing Assembly onto Shaft : a. The first Cone is placed onto Shaft with taper pointing toward drive end of Shaft. Quickly slide Cone down Shaft until it seats against shoulder on Grease Retainer. b. Next place Cone Spacer on Shaft and slide down until it contacts Cone. (It is not necessary to heat Cone Spacer as it has a slip fit on Shaft). The Cup can be one piece or two Cups and a Cup Spacer. c. Now place Cup on Shaft and slide down until it seats on Cone. d. Place second Cone on Shaft with taper pointing toward impeller end of Shaft. Quickly slide Cone down Shaft until it seats with Cup and Spacer(s). NOTE It is important that bearings are located hard against shaft shoulders and sleeves hard against bearings. This should be further checked after bearings have cooled. 02/07/2009 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2009 MDS14 Page 6 of 12 Weir Minerals North America | BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ‘M’ STYLE (SIZES M100 THRU M240) 5. For M240 refer to Figure 1-3. Assemble Bearing Nut (090) onto shaft with tapped holes facing the drive end, tighten by striking the end of a flat bar inserted into the slots with a hammer. Allow Bearing to cool to the touch and retighten Bearing Nut. Tighten Bearing Nut until firmly seated and one of the Bearing Nut Lockplate (506) tabs can be inserted into the keyway and the two holes align with tapped holes in the Bearing Nut. Insert two hex head screws and tighten as shown in Figure 1-3 Detail A. NOTE: The Bearing Nut Lockplate (506) is designed to utilize either tang by flipping and rotating the Bearing Lockplate. ! CAUTION! Never loosen the Bearing Locknut or the Bearing Nut to align the tang or lockplate. Always continue to tighten the nuts to achieve alignment of the tang or lockplate. 6. Assemble Impeller End Grease Retainer (046). NOTE: Large diameter of flange goes onto the shaft first and must be facing the drive end of the shaft as shown in Figure 1-4. 7. Place Cylindrical Roller Bearing Inner Race on induction heater and heat to 250°F (121°C). 8. Slide Cylindrical Roller Bearing Inner Race against Grease Retainer shoulder. NOTE: ONE SHOT FROM A STANDARD GREASE GUN IS APPROXIMATELY ONE GRAM 02/07/2009 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2009 MDS14 Page 7 of 12 Weir Minerals North America | BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ‘M’ STYLE (SIZES M100 THRU M240) INSTALLING CYLINDRICAL ROLLER BEARING OUTER RACE and IMPELLER END COVER (SIZES M100 thru M240) Refer to Figure 1-5 1. Clean bearing land surfaces inside of Bearing Housing (004) and apply a light coat of oil. 2. Apply grease behind the bearing See Figure 1-5. Place Cylindrical Roller Bearing Outer Race and Roller Assembly into Bearing Housing. 3. Liberally pack Cylindrical Roller Bearing Outer Race and Roller Assembly with grease. See initial Bearing Grease Quantities in Table 1 on page 6. 4. Install End Cover O-Ring and End Cover (023) on Impeller end of Bearing Housing with eight End Cover Hex Bolts. Tighten bolts using criss cross method to values shown in Table 1 Figure 1-5 for specific bearing assembly size. FITTING CYLINDRICAL ROLLER BEARING OUTER RACE, and IMPELLER END COVER FOR SIZE M100 thru M240 02/07/2009 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2009 MDS14 Page 8 of 12 Weir Minerals North America | BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ‘M’ STYLE (SIZES M100 THRU M240) INSTALLING SHAFT ASSEMBLY, DRIVE END COVER and DRIVE END BEARING ISOLATOR (SIZES M100 thru M240) Figure 1-6 1. Rotate Bearing Housing (004) to vertical position with drive end facing up. Apply grease behind bearing into bearing housing. Liberally pack Tapered Roller Bearing with grease initially using the radial holes in the Cup Spacer and then between the rollers as shown in Figure 1-6. For M240 apply grease to small diameters of the both Grease Retainers as shown in Figure 1-4. See Initial Bearing Grease Quantities in Table 1 on page 6. 2. Using the tapped hole in the drive end of shaft slowly lower Shaft Assembly into Bearing Housing until the Tapered Roller Bearing engages housing. Continue to lower the assembly until Tapered Roller Bearing has become seated in Bearing Housing. 3. Install End Cover O-ring and End Cover (024) on Drive end of Bearing Housing with eight End Cover Bolts. Tighten bolts using criss cross method to values shown in Table 2 Figure 1-5 for specific bearing assembly size. 4. Depending on bearing assembly size install Bearing Isolator (482D) into End Cover (024) orientated as shown in Detail C or Detail D in Figure 1-6. NOTE: Models M200 and M240 Bearing Isolators are bolted into the end cover. IMPORTANT: Drain port of Bearing Isolator must be at the 6 O’clock bottom position. The colored dot should be at the 12 O’clock top position. *** Use this instruction for the Impeller End Bearing Isolator installation also. Rotate Bearing Assembly to horizontal position. 02/07/2009 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2009 MDS14 Page 9 of 12 Weir Minerals North America | BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ‘M’ STYLE (SIZES M100 THRU M240) INSTALLING RELEASE COLLAR ASSEMBLY and IMPELLER END BEARING ISOLATOR (SIZES M100 thru M240) Figure 1-6, 1-7 & 1-8 NOTE Before assembly, all parts should be thoroughly cleaned, deburred and sharp edges removed. NOTE: Refer to Figure 1-8 for detailed section view of the following procedure. 1. Apply anti-seize to bearing Shaft (073) RH (254) LH. 2. Install Impeller End Bearing Isolator (482) into End Cover (023). Refer to Figure 1-6 & 1-7. 3. Lubricate the outer surface of the Flinger sleeve with vacuum grease to allow it to slide under the Bearing Isolator O-rings. Install Flinger (184) over shaft and press into place under Bearing Isolator until it is tight against the bearing inner race. 4. Place Release Collar Segments around Shaft with matching letter faces touching as shown in Figure 1-7 Detail E. Stretch Release Collar Wedge O-Ring around segments. NOTE: By design this O-ring requires a large amount of stretch to fit around the segments. This is required to hold the segments together during assembly. 5. Liberally coat Release Collar Wedge Set (239A) with grease including between Segments. Coat the inside surface of the Release Collar Cover (239B) including the tapped holes. 6. Slide Release Collar Wedge Set against Flinger. Ensure tapered face of Release Collar Wedge Set matches tapered face of Flinger. 7. Install the Release Collar Cover O-Ring into Release Collar Cover. 8. Make sure that the set screws in the Release Collar Cover straddle each wedge equally. Depending on the bearing assembly size, two or three set screws are required for each wedge. This will ensure each wedge will receive a uniform load when the set screws are tightened. Refer to Figure 1-7 Detail F. 9. Slide the Release Collar Cover groove end first over the wedges making sure the O-Ring remains in place. Push the collar cover against the flinger until the cover slides under the rubber lip on the flinger and snaps into place. 10. Slide the pump Shaft Sleeve (076) on the Shaft, tapered edge first, until it slides past the Release Collar Cover O-Ring and seats against the wedges. Note: It is critical that the shaft sleeve be installed on the shaft with the smallest diameter or the end with a groove towards the release collar or the wedges will not reset properly. NOTE If Shaft Sleeve will not slide easily under Release Collar Cover O-Ring, apply a small amount of vacuum grease to end of Sleeve and gently tap into place with a rubber mallet. 11. Evenly tighten the Flat Point Set Screws one-half (1/2) turn at a time in sequence until they evenly contact Release Collar wedge segments. Tighten to 5-10 ft-lbs (7-14 N•m). 12. Cover each Set Screw with RTV silicone or other suitable sealant to protect threads during pump operation. 02/07/2009 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2009 MDS14 Page 10 of 12 Weir Minerals North America | BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ‘M’ STYLE (SIZES M100 THRU M240) FITTING RELEASE COLLAR ASSEMBLY and IMPELLER END BEARING ISOLATOR FOR SIZE M100 thru M240 02/07/2009 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2009 MDS14 Page 11 of 12 Weir Minerals North America | BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ‘M’ STYLE (SIZES M100 THRU M240) RELEASE COLLAR REMOVAL (SIZES M100 thru M240) ! CAUTION ! Do not apply heat to or attempt to cut segments from shaft. Heat may damage bearing or shaft. 1. Remove sealant and any other foreign material from Set Screws. Ensure full engagement of Allen wrench into socket heads. 2. Loosen each Set Screw in sequence one-quarter (1/4) turn at a time until segments “release” and screws rotate freely. Rotating shaft allows easier access while loosening Set Screws. DO NOT remove Set Screws. NOTE: Failure to gradually release Set Screws will result in damage to Release Collar wedge segments. If first Set Screw is loose on second pass, segments HAVE NOT been released. To release segments, remove loose Set Screw and replace with fully threaded machine screw, finger tight against segment. Strike machine screw with hammer, then remove it and install Set Screw. Do this one Set Screw at a time until all segments are “released”. 3. When all Set Screws are loose and segments have “released”, the Impeller is no longer “locked-up” and should be easily removed. 4. Clean and inspect all Release Collar parts. 02/07/2009 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2009 MDS14 Page 12 of 12 Weir Minerals North America | BEARING ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR ‘M’ STYLE (SIZES M100 THRU M240) WARMAN BASIC PART NUMBER AND PARTS LIST BASIC PART NUMBER 009 Bearing 009D Bearing 023 End Cover (Impeller End) 024 End Cover (Drive End) 046 Grease Retainer (Impeller End) 046D Grease Retainer (Impeller End) 070 Shaft Key 073 Shaft 076 Shaft Sleeve 090 Bearing Nut 184 Flinger 239 Impeller Release Collar 239A Release Collar Wedge Set 239B Release Collar Cover 482 Bearing Isolator 482D Bearing Isolator 506 Bearing Tongued Washer ©Weir Minerals Australia Ltd 2007. Weir Minerals Australia Ltd. is the owner of the Copyright in this document. The document and its text, images, diagrams, data and information it contains must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of Weir Minerals Australia Ltd. Office of origin : Pump Technology Centre, Artarmon Reference : Pump Manuals Date : 23 J anuary 2007 Last Issued: J uly 2005 Assembly & Maintenance Instructions Supplement ‘M9’ Gland Sealing 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 2 of 11 Wei r Mi ner al s | M09 Gland Sealing J an 07.doc Warnings Personnel injury and / or equipment damage could result from not observing the following IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. • A pump is both a pressure vessel and a piece of rotating equipment. All standard safety precautions for such equipment should be followed before and during installation, operation and maintenance. • For auxiliary equipment (motors, belt drives, couplings, gear reducers, variable speed drives, mechanical seals, etc) all related safety precautions should be followed and appropriate instruction manuals consulted before and during installation, operation, adjustment and maintenance. • All guards for rotating equipment must be correctly fitted before operating the pump including guards temporarily removed for gland inspection and adjustment. Seal guards should not be removed or opened while the pump is running. Personal injury may result from contact with rotating parts, seal leakage or spray. • Driver rotation must be checked before belts or couplings are connected. • Pumps must not be operated at low or zero flow conditions for prolonged periods, or under any circumstances that could cause the pumping liquid to vaporise. Personnel injury and equipment damage could result from the high temperature and pressure created. • Pumps must be used only within their allowable limits of pressure, temperature and speed. These limits are dependent on the pump type, configuration and materials used. • Do not apply heat to the impeller boss or nose in an effort to loosen the impeller thread prior to impeller removal. Personnel injury and equipment damage could result from the impeller shattering or exploding when the heat is applied. • Do not feed very hot or very cold liquid into a pump which is at ambient temperature. Thermal shock may cause the pump casing to crack. • LIFTING of components • Tapped holes (for eye bolts) and lugs (for lifting shackles) on Warman pumps are for lifting Individual parts only. • Lifting devices of adequate capacity must be used wherever they are required to be used. • Safe workshop practices should be applied during all assembly and maintenance work. • Personnel must never work under suspended loads. • The pump must be fully isolated before any maintenance work, inspection or troubleshooting involving work on sections which are potentially pressurised (eg casing, gland, connected pipework) or involving work on the mechanical drive system (eg shaft, bearing assembly, coupling). Power to the electric motor must be isolated and tagged out. It must be proven that the intake and discharge openings are totally isolated from all potentially pressurised connections and that they are and can only be exposed to atmospheric pressure. • 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 3 of 11 Wei r Mi ner al s | M09 Gland Sealing J an 07.doc Castings made from materials listed are brittle and have low thermal shock resistance. Attempts to repair or rebuild by welding may cause catastrophic failure. Repairs of such castings using these methods must not be attempted - A03, A04, A05, A06, A07, A08, A09, A12, A14, A49, A51, A52, A53, A61, A210, A211, A217, A218, A509. • Impellers must be tight on the shaft before any start-up, ie all components on the shaft between the impeller and the pump end bearing must butt metal to metal against each other without any gap. Note that gaps may form when the pump experiences duty conditions conducive to unscrewing of the impeller, such as excessive runback, high intake pressure, motor braking etc. • Burning of elastomer pump components will cause emission of toxic fumes and result in air pollution which could lead to personnel injury. • Leakage from the pump shaft seals and/or leakage from worn pump components or seals may cause water and/or soil contamination. • Liquid waste disposal from servicing of pumps or stagnant water from pumps stored for long periods, may cause water and/or soil contamination. • Do not apply anti-seize compounds to the impeller or shaft threads or to elastomer seals during assembly. Anti-seize can greatly reduce the impeller thread friction and may cause the impeller to loosen during pump shut-down and run-back resulting in pump damage, or the elastomer seals to leak at reduced pressure. • This manual applies only to genuine Warman parts and Warman recommended parts. • Mixing of new and worn pump parts may increase the incidence of premature pump wear and leakage. • Large foreign objects or tramp entering a pump will increase the incidence of higher wear and / or damage to the pump. Routine inspection and maintenance of mill trommel screens will assist to reduce the danger of grinding balls entering a mill discharge pump. • Large variations in slurry properties may lead to accelerated rates of wear and corrosion of pump components eg • Wear increases exponentially with velocity and slurry particle size. • Corrosion rate doubles for every 10 degree Celsius increase in slurry temperature. • Corrosion rate increases exponentially as slurry pH decreases. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 4 of 11 Wei r Mi ner al s | M09 Gland Sealing J an 07.doc ISSUED: JANUARY 2007 LAST ISSUE: JULY 2005 WARMAN PUMPS ASSEMBLY AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS SUPPLEMENT ‘M9’ GLAND SEALING CONTENTS WARNINGS 2 CONTENTS 4 1. INTRODUCTION 5 2. GLAND ARRANGEMENTS 5 3. PACKING TYPES AND THEIR APPLICATION 5 Fitment of Packing in a Stuffing Box 6 4. GLAND SEALING WATER FLOW AND PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS 6 Gland Sealing Water Controls 7 Troubleshooting 8 Requirements For The Gland Water Quality 10 Suspended and Dissolved Solids 10 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 5 of 11 Wei r Mi ner al s | M09 Gland Sealing J an 07.doc 1. INTRODUCTION All end suction centrifugal Slurry Pumps normally have a shaft passing through the pump casing on the bearing side of the pump. All such pumps hence require a seal to seal the shaft. Packed gland seals have been traditionally used for many years and with proper care and attention can lead to a low cost and reliable sealing solution. The packing is housed in a Stuffing Box at the back of the pump casing. The shaft is normally protected with a sleeve. The sleeve can be made from wear resistant materials to prolong life and also protect the shaft. With water pumps, the pumped fluid can be used to cool and lubricate the packing running on the shaft sleeve. Slurry pumps have particles which would wear out a gland and lead to very short life. It is normal practice to inject clean sealing liquid (generally water) into the gland to flush solid particles away and also to cool and lubricate the gland. 2. GLAND ARRANGEMENTS Drawing A4-110-7-115795 shows the two main types of Warman Gland Arrangements for Stuffing Boxes. Types 1 and 2 are basically the same and utilise a Lantern Restrictor on the pump (slurry) side of the gland. Gland water is injected in the Lantern Restrictor. Type 1 uses a Metallic Lantern Restrictor and requires a high flowrate for the gland water. It is suitable for both Low Lift and Positive Head applications. Type 2 is differs from Type 1 as it utilises a Non-Metallic Lantern Restrictor. The gap between the Shaft Sleeve and bore of the Lantern Restrictor is smaller than Type 1. This reduces the amount of gland water flowrate required. Type 3 utilises a Neck Ring for injection of Gland Sealing Water. Instead of a Lantern Restrictor, a single round of Packing is used at the bottom of the Stuffing Box. This ring of Packing acts like a Lantern Restrictor to control the flow of gland water into the pump. Type 3 arrangements are used for high lift applications and generally have lower gland water flowrate requirements than Type 2. One disadvantage with Type 3 glands is the difficulty of maintenance. 3. PACKING TYPES AND THEIR APPLICATION Warman has three types of Packing depending on the pump application. The Warman Material Codes are Q05, Q22 and Q23. Q05 - This is a glass fibre filament and PTFE packing. It is a general purpose packing and is applied for lower pressure applications of 2 or 3 stages maximum. Q05 replaces the old asbestos Q01 post May 1989. Q05 is the standard Warman packing unless otherwise specified. Q22 - This is a synthetic aramid fibre with PTFE packing. It is used for high pressure glands for three and more stages of pumps. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 6 of 11 Wei r Mi ner al s | M09 Gland Sealing J an 07.doc Q23 - This is a synthetic aramid fibre with PTFE packing. It is formulated to resist extrusion due to higher than normal gland water pressures and is the standard packing for the Warman Uniform Compression (type UC) gland. All three packing are used with Tungsten Carbide coated shaft sleeves - Warman material code J 21. All three packing types have scarf joints. For multistage applications, packing Q22 has been proven to give long life. To reduce the extrusion of packing from the gland a packing retainer is normally used at the gland end of the stuffing box. Fitment of Packing in a Stuffing Box The packing should be placed around the shaft sleeve and the scarf ends should be brought together. The joint should then be pushed into the annulus between the stuffing box and shaft sleeve. The rest of the packing should then be pushed into the annulus by starting near the joint and working around to the opposite side of the ring. Once the packing ring is started, push evenly all the way around the packing and gently push to the bottom keeping the packing as a ring. 4. GLAND SEALING WATER FLOW AND PRESSURE REQUIREMENTS Gland water must be supplied at the correct pressure and flow to achieve a long packing and sleeve life. Correct pressure is the most critical requirement to achieving satisfactory gland life. Flowrate is the next most important requirement. Flowrate is governed to some extent by the gland dimensions and also is adjustable within limits by means of the gland adjustment using the gland nuts. The gland water supply pressure must be controlled to acceptable limits. For normal gland operation, the gland water pressure should be set at +35 to +70 kPa above the pump discharge pressure. This ensures that water will enter the gland with sufficient pressure to flush solids away. If too low, the pump pressure can force slurry into the gland and even up the gland and even up the gland water pipe to the gland water pumps. This is too be avoid at all cost. Gland pressure that is too high will cause extrusion of the packing at the gland and pump ends of the stuffing box. Extrusion of packing causes both a degradation of the packing and less flowrate from the gland overtime. Both these things lead to packing failure. Up to +200 kPa above the pump discharge pressure should not cause too much degradation although the packing life is likely to be greatly reduced and high pressures are to be avoided. The recommended, minimum total gland sealing water (GSW) flowrates for standard applications are: 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 7 of 11 Wei r Mi ner al s | M09 Gland Sealing J an 07.doc MINIMUM TOTAL GSW FLOWRATES (L/min) Frame Size TYPE 1 Metal Lantern Restrictor TYPE 2 Non-Metallic Ryton (P50) Lantern Restrictor TYPE 3 *Lantern Ring and Neck Ring A 9 4 0.8 B, N, NP 15 6 1.0 C, P 21 7 1.5 D, Q 33 9 2 E, R 42 12 4 F, SHH 60 16 6 FAM, G, ST, S, T 100 26 9 GAM, H, TU 120 34 11 U 185 - 17 * Lantern ring is either metal (C23), Ryton (P50) or PTFE (P05) Notes: • The metal lantern restrictor may be used when a larger GSW flowrate can be tolerated and where the type of pump duty requires high GSW flowrate e.g. mill discharge. • With the aging and deterioration of a pump gland the required GSW Flowrate can be up to three times (3x) higher than listed above. Any design of a GSW supply system should take this higher flowrate into account. Gland Sealing Water Controls There are a number of different gland water control devices that can be used viz. • Visual Flow Indicator • Throttle Valve • Constant Flow Orifice Valve • Combined Rotatmeter and • Flowrate regulator or selected length of capillary throttling tube. The most common type is a Constant Flow Orifice Valve. This type of valve is essentially a synthetic rubber O-ring housed in a socket. The O-ring shrinks in diameter as the 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 8 of 11 Wei r Mi ner al s | M09 Gland Sealing J an 07.doc supply pressure increases. This maintains a reasonably constant flowrate into a gland irrespective of the gland sealing water pressure. The Constant Flow Orifice is generally useful when there is considerable fluctuation in the gland water pressure. It can also assist when a group of pumps is fed by one gland supply line and one or more pumps are not operating or they have worn glands. In this instance, it can prevent starvation of gland water on the pumps which are operating. Troubleshooting Most gland problems can be traced to two reasons: (a) Inadequate or Excessive Gland Water Pressure Inadequate pressure results in contamination of the packing by the pumped slurry. Once solids are embedded in the packing, they cannot be flushed out and the packing must be replaced. Seal water pressure should be 35-70 kPa above the pump discharge pressure. Pressure in excess of this only results in more wear on the packing and shaft sleeve. (b) Inadequate Flow Like inadequate pressure, this results in contamination of the packing by the pumped slurry. Often this problem occurs with a seal water system which supplies several pumps, without flow control to each pump. In this case, the low pressure pump takes all the available seal water and starves the higher pressure pump. Flow to each gland should be controlled. To achieve the above limits, it may be necessary to filter the water to at least reduce any solids content to the lowest practical. The gland sealing water supply must be reliable, as slurry pumps must not be operated without gland water supply, otherwise major gland problems will be experienced due to the high pressure forcing slurry into the gland region and causing wear and leakage. 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 9 of 11 Wei r Mi ner al s | M09 Gland Sealing J an 07.doc PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION Short Packing Life Short Sleeve life Slurry exists gland • Slurry wears packing • Slurry wears shaft sleeve • Packing over heating and burning due to low GSW flow • Increase GSW pressure • Increase GSW flow • Loosen gland to increase flow • Stop, cool down, repack and than restart with correct GSW pressure and flow Flow from gland too low in worst case steam exits from gland • Pressure too high causing packing extrusion and flow restriction • Gland too tight • Packing too soft for high pressure • Stop, cool down, repack and than restart with correct GSW pressure and flow • Loosen gland • Review packing type • Use packing retainer ring • Reduce GSW pressure GSW flows around outside of packing rings • Packing rings wrong size or fit-up wrong • Repack gland with correct packing • Review order of assembly Too much flow from gland • Shaft sleeve worn • Wrong size packing • Worn packing • Disassemble and refurbish gland with new parts CAUTION 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 10 of 11 Wei r Mi ner al s | M09 Gland Sealing J an 07.doc 1. On no account should the gland be loosened to such an extent that it disengages from the stuffing box. 2. Make adjustment to gland slowly and over a few hours time period. This particularly applies to new glands. 3. Putting more rings into a stuffing box when problems occur will only be a short term fix. Extra packing will only exacerbate any problems. Repack and replace worn sleeve. 4. Corrosion by saline GSW may be minimised by the use of appropriate alloys e.g. stainless steel, for critical components. However, the leakage of saline GSW from the gland must be trapped and conveyed to waste to avoid corrosion of the pump base and other components and equipment in the vicinity. 5. Refer to further sealing instructions contained in Warman Supplement M1. Requirements For The Gland Water Quality Water used for gland sealing should be clean and generally have the following properties. Failure to observe these conditions will result in excess time and effort being spent on gland maintenance. Many gland seal problems are blamed on pump design, when in fact, the seal water system can be the major cause. Suspended and Dissolved Solids Water quality is an extremely important factor in gland seal operation. The following is a recommended water quality specification which is attainable with relatively inexpensive filtration treatment equipment:- pH 6.5 - 8.0 Solids content: Dissolved: 1,000 ppm (mg/L) Suspended: 100 ppm (mg/L) 100% of +250 mesh (60 µm) particles removed. Maximum Individual Dissolved Ions: Hardness (Ca + , Mg + ) 200 ppm (mg/L) as CaCO 3 Calcium Carbonate (CaCO 3 ) 10 ppm (mg/L) Sulphate (S 04- ) 50 ppm (mg/L) Chloride (Cl-) 1,000 ppm (mg/L) 23/01/2007 ©Copyright Weir Minerals Australia Ltd Page 11 of 11 Wei r Mi ner al s | M09 Gland Sealing J an 07.doc Office of origin : Weir Minerals North America Reference : Operating Instructions OP-MCR/MCU Date : 5/01/2007 Last Issued: Revision G Centrifugal Slurry Pumps © Weir Slurry Group Inc., 2007. Weir Slurry Group Inc. are the owners of the Copyright subsisting in this document and these designs, specifications and instructions. The document may not be reproduced or copied in whole or in part in any form or by any means without the prior consent in writing of Weir Slurry Group Inc. 2701 S Stoughton Rd PO Box 7610 Madison WI 53716 USA Tel: +1 608 221 2261 Fax: +1 608 221 5810 www.weirminerals.com WARMAN OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 2 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS SAFETY INFORMATION !!WARNING!! WARMAN WOULD LIKE TO BRING TO YOUR ATTENTION THE POTENTIAL HAZARD CAUSED BY THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS WHEN THE INTAKE AND DISCHARGE ARE BLOCKED. EXTREME HEAT IS GENERATED AND RESULTS IN VAPORIZATION OF THE ENTRAPPED LIQUID. THIS CAN RESULT IN A LIFE THREATENING EXPLOSION. The operation of centrifugal pumps on slurry applications can increase this potential hazard due to the nature of the material being pumped. The additional hazard believed to be presented by slurry applications stem from the possibility of solids blocking the pump discharge and remaining undetected. This situation has been known in some instances to lead to the intake side of the pump also becoming blocked with solids. The continued operation of the pump under these circumstances can be extremely dangerous. If you have an installation that may be prone to this occurrence, we suggest you adopt measures to prevent this blockage situation !!GENERAL WARNINGS!! 1. DO NOT OPERATE THE PUMP AT LOW OR ZERO FLOW CONDITIONS, OR UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES THAT COULD CAUSE THE PUMPING LIQUID TO VAPORIZE. Slurry pumps should not be operated at flow less than 25% of the best efficiency point for a given RPM. PERSONAL INJURY AND EQUIPMENT DAMAGE COULD RESULT. 2. The WARMAN PUMP is a piece of ROTATING EQUIPMENT which CONTAINS PRESSURE under service conditions. All standard safety precautions for such equipment should be followed before and during installation, operation, and maintenance. 3. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD HEAT BE USED TO EXPAND OR CUT AN IMPELLER FROM THE SHAFT. Personal injury and damage to equipment could occur as a result of an explosion. A shaft wrench has been provided to assist impeller removal. In some cases, a release collar has also been provided to assist impeller removal. 4. DRIVER ROTATION MUST BE CHECKED before belts or couplings are connected. Personal injury and damage to equipment could result from operating the pump in the wrong direction. Do not touch rotating members with your hand to establish the direction of rotation. 5. For AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT (motors, belt drives, couplings, gear reducers, variable speed drives, etc.), standard safety precautions should be followed and appropriate instruction manuals consulted before and during installation, operation, and maintenance. 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 3 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS 6. A PUMP SUBJECT TO VACUUM MUST BE ISOLATED during maintenance and non- pumping periods. Failure to isolate properly could allow impeller to “free-wheel”, resulting in equipment damage and personal injury. 7. DO NOT OPERATE THE PUMP without properly installed stuffing box, v-belt and coupling guards in place. 8. DO NOT OPERATE THE PUMP if solids have settled and the rotating element cannot be turned by hand. 9. Do not feed very hot liquid into a cold pump or very cold liquid into a hot pump. Thermal shock may cause damage to the internal components and rupture the pump casing. 10. Do not start a pump that is rotating in reverse, such as the backward rotation caused by slurry runback. Personal injury and damage to equipment could result. 11. Worn pump components can have sharp or jagged edges. Caution must be taken in handling worn parts to prevent damage to slings or personal injury. 12. For the safety of operating personnel, please note that the information supplied in this manual only applies to the fitting of genuine Warman parts and Warman recommended bearings to Warman pumps. On larger pump models equipped with anti-rotate nuts and cover plate studs it is essential these nuts be fully installed (threaded on) by hand prior to assembly. Personal injury and damage to equipment could result otherwise. 13. Tapped holes (for eyebolts) and lugs (for shackles) on Warman parts are for lifting individual parts only. 14. Some equipment such as gear reducers, motors, and oil lubricated pump bearing assemblies are shipped without lubricating oil. Be certain that oil of the proper grade is filled to the proper level in each piece of equipment before start-up. 15. Do not apply heat, including attempts on welding or hard face coating, to Warman metal wear resistant components. This can cause cracks, residual stresses, and changes the fracture toughness of the parent material. This may lead to catastrophic failure and could result in personal injury and equipment damage even when operating within recommended speed and pressure limits. 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 4 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS CONTENT Page Ł INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Ł STORAGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Ł ŁŁ Ł INSTALLATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 Ł ŁŁ Ł GLAND PACKING -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Ł ŁŁ Ł FLUSH WATER FLOW RATES --------------------------------------------------------- 9 Ł ŁŁ Ł START UP PROCEDURE ----------------------------------------------------------------- 9 Ł ŁŁ Ł SHUT DOWN PROCEDURE ------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Ł ŁŁ Ł PERIODIC SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE ----------------------------------------- 11 Ł ŁŁ Ł TROUBLESHOOTING ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 Ł ŁŁ Ł TROUBLE GUIDE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 5 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS INTRODUCTION Operating Instructions for Warman MCR and MCU Mill Circuit Pumps should be read in conjunction with the following Warman Assembly and Maintenance Instruction Supplements: M1 - General Instructions applicable to ALL TYPES of Warman Pumps M2 - Impeller Release Collar MDS11 – MCU pumps MDS12 – MCR pumps Plus one of the following depending on TYPE of Bearing Assembly used; BA1 - Heavy Duty (Frames N - U) BA3 – Modified Basic (Frames CC – GG) BA6 - Oil Filled Bearing Assemblies (Suffix ‘Y’). NOTE: The recommended grease for grease lubricated assemblies is Mobil SHC 220 or equivalent. For oil lubricated assemblies the recommended oil is Mobil gear SHC 220 or equivalent. These lubricant requirements supersede those called out in Supplement BA1, BA3 and BA6 and allow for higher temperature operation with reduced chance of viscosity breakdown. NOTE: MCR and MCU pump sizes 150 through 650 may be equipped with low profile integral “M” series non-adjustable mechanical ends, maintenance of which is covered by separate instructions. Refer to drawings furnished for your pump. INSPECTION: Your pump has been carefully assembled and inspected prior to shipment to assure that it meets your requirements. Please inspect the pump upon arrival for any damage which may have occurred during shipment by the carrier. Leave all shipping covers attached until ready for installation. If installation is to be delayed more than 30 days, the instructions provided in the "Storage" section should be followed. STORAGE The storage procedures listed below are to be followed by the purchaser. This is required in order to maintain Weir Minerals standard warranty while new or unused pumps are sitting idle for long periods. SHORT-TERM STORAGE PROCEDURE For Periods of 18 Months or Less 1. Indoor storage is recommended, especially for elastomer lined pumps. 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 6 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS 2. Protect the equipment from temperature and humidity extremes and exposure to excessive dust, moisture, and vibration. 3. Rotate the shaft several turns every three to five weeks. 4. Every six months purge the labyrinth with grease to prevent dirt and/or moisture contamination of the bearings. 5. Protect rubber-lined pumps from heat, light, and exposure to ozone. 6. The suction and discharge flange openings are to be covered unless connected to piping. 7. All external machined surfaces are factory coated with a rust preventative prior to shipment. Maintain the protective coating on these surfaces with a comparable product. 8. For outdoor or excessively unfavorable environment, cover the equipment with some type of protective tarpaulin that will allow proper air circulation. 9. Prior to start-up, inspect the packing to insure that it is satisfactory. 10. Maintain written documentation of labyrinth purging and shaft rotation intervals to be made available to Weir Minerals upon request. LONG-TERM STORAGE PROCEDURE For Periods Greater Than 18 Months, but Less Than 36 Months PUMPS 1. Indoor storage is required. 2. Protect the equipment from temperature and humidity extremes and exposure to excessive dust, moisture, and vibration. 3. Rotate the shaft several turns every three to five weeks. 4. Every six months purge the labyrinth with grease to prevent dirt and/or moisture contamination of the bearings. 5. Protect rubber-lined pumps from heat, light, and exposure to ozone. 6. The suction and discharge flange openings are to be covered unless connected to piping. 7. All external machined surfaces are factory coated with a rust preventative prior to shipment. Maintain the protective coating on these surfaces with a comparable product. 8. Prior to start-up, replacing the packing is required at customer expense. 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 7 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS 9. Maintain written documentation of labyrinth purging and shaft rotation intervals to be made available to Weir Minerals upon request. ACCESSORIES Consult the original manufacturer for specific recommendations on gear drives, electric motors, mechanical seals, etc. Depending on length of storage period, addition of rust inhibitors to oil, connections of space heaters or other requirements may exist to ensure the factory warranty remains valid. NOTE: For storage periods greater than 36 months, please contact Weir Minerals. SPECIAL FEATURES The MCR (Mill Circuit Rubbe lined) and MCU (Mill Circuit Unlined) pumps were developed to provide longer wear life, ease of maintenance, greater reliability and higher hydraulic efficiency. All designs utilize base supported, easily removable bearing assemblies for quick change out during major overhauls. All pump sizes may be equipped with either fixed or adjustable bearing assemblies. Grease or oil lubrication is optional. INSTALLATION SUCTION PIPING: Servicing of the pump requires removal of the adjacent suction piping. This piping . should be designed so that it can be removed and replaced easily. In a pump operating with suction lift or a low suction pressure, it is very importance that the suction line be air tight and free from high spots that could form air pockets. Pump sump, whether for positive or negative suction, should be of sufficient size and design to eliminate admission of air into the pump. Entrance to the suction piping should be designed to permit uniform flow of solids and liquid without avalanching. Our engineers are available for consultation regarding your installation and our technical data brochure provides helpful design information. DISCHARGE PIPING: The discharge piping should be supported so that its weight will not be carried by the pump and the piping will not interfere when the pump casing is removed for servicing. Refer to published “Maximum allowable flange loads” document. GLAND PACKING Pumps are normally shipped from the factory with the packing installed in the stuffing box. The two piece lantern ring and cut-to-length rings of gland packing if shipped separately are usually in a small bag attached close to the stuffing box. If the lantern ring is not included with the packing in the separate bag, it will be located in the stuffing box. These items must be properly installed by the user before operation. Refer to assembly and maintenance supplement instructions MDS11 or MDS12 for correct orientation of packing rings. 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 8 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS GLAND PACKING SET-UP WET GLAND - MCR and MCU: The stuffing box is typically packed as shown in FIGURE 1. Refer to your pump assembly drawing for the proper sequence of packing and the lantern ring. Packing should be tightened such that there is a small stream of flush water dripping from the gland. This leakage indicates that sufficient amount of liquid is passing between the shaft sleeve and packing to provide lubrication and prevent overheating. Clear flush water should be supplied to the stuffing box at 35 kPa (5 psi) higher pressure than the pump discharge pressure. The recommended flush water flow rates are tabulated below. MODEL MCR AND MCU TYPICAL STUFFING BOX PACKING ARRANGEMENT FIGURE 1 WATER FLUSH CONNECTION GLAND FOLLOWER SHAFT SLEEVE PACKING RINGS LANTERN RING IMPELLER 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 9 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS FLUSH WATER FLOW RATES Flow or pressure regulating equipment should be used to insure proper flush flow rates are obtained. It is recommended that an automatic flow or pressure switch starting mechanism be installed to insure flush water flow before pump operations. The following tabulated seal flush water flow requirements are for packing and shaft sleeve components that have been maintained in good condition. Flush Water Flow (with Flow Control and Pressure Regulating Instrumentation) Pump: Litres/min GPM 150 MCR/MCU 19 - 38 5 - 10 200 MCR/MCU 23 - 45 6 -12 250 MCR/MCU 27 - 47 7 -15 300 MCR/MCU 38 - 68 10 - 18 350 MCR/MCU 38 - 68 10 - 18 400 MCR/MCU 57 - 95 15 - 25 450 MCR/MCU 57 - 95 15 - 25 550 MCR/MCU 68 - 113 18 - 30 650 MCR/MCU 68 - 113 18 - 30 SHAFT SEALS / BEARING LUBRICATION Instructions for Warman heavy duty bearing assemblies are found in manual supplement “BA1” which should be read in conjunction with the appropriate Assembly and Maintenance Instruction Manual Supplement for the particular Mill Circuit Pump. Specific instructions for oil lubricated bearing assemblies identified with a “Y” part number suffix are found in manual supplement “BA6”. MCR and MCU pump sizes 150 through 650 may be equipped with low profile integral “M” series non-adjustable mechanical ends, maintenance of which is covered by separate instructions. Refer to drawings furnished for your pump. PUMP ROTATION W A R N I N G - PRIOR TO STARING PUMP FOR FIRST TIME After the motor is permanently wired, but before installing the V -belts or connecting a flexible coupling, "bump" the motor to check rotation. Shaft rotation must be in the direction indicated by arrows located on the pump. Pump rotation in the wrong direction while being driven by the motor will unscrew the impeller from the shaft and damage the pump. START UP PROCEDURE 1. Check once more that all bolts are tight and that the impeller turns freely. Ensure that shaft seal is in order and that pressure of gland water supply, where used, is correct. 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 10 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS 2. It is good practice whenever possible to start up pumps on water before introducing solids or slurry into the stream. On shutting down it is also desirable that pumps should be allowed to pump water only for a short period before shut down. 3. Open intake valve (if any) and check that water is available at the inlet. Check drain valve (if any) is closed. 4. If a discharge valve is installed it is common practice to close it for start up. This is however mandatory only in some special cases where the motor could overload. 5. Start pump and run up to speed, if pump is on suction lift execute priming procedure for facilities provided. When the pump is primed, isolate prime facilities (if any). 6. Open discharge valve. Check intake and discharge pressures (if gauges have been provided). Check flow rate by inspection of meters or pipe discharge. 7. Check Gland leakage. If leakage is excessive tighten gland nuts until flow is reduced to the required level. If leakage is insufficient and gland shows signs of heating, then try loosening gland nuts. If this is ineffective and the gland continues to heat up, the pump should be stopped and the gland allowed to cool and the repack the pump. Gland nuts should not be loosened to such an extent that the gland follower is allowed to disengage the stuffing box. SHUT DOWN PROCEDURE Whenever possible, the pump should be allowed to operate on water only for a short period to clear any slurry through the system before shut down. 1. Close the discharge valve (if fitted) to reduce load on driving unit 2. Shut down the pump 3. Shut intake valve (if any) 4. If possible flush pump with clean water through discharge drain valve and let it flow through the suction drain valve. 5. Gland water (if any) must be left on during all subsequent operations, namely: Start up, running, shut down and run back. 6. Gland water may only then be turned off. 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 11 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS PERIODIC SERVICE & MAINTENANCE GLAND MAINTENANCE Gland leakage on MCR and MCU units should be checked periodically to insure that adequate flush water is being provided to the packing. If leakage becomes excessive, the gland follower should be tightened slightly until the leakage is acceptable. NEVER SHUT OFF LEAKAGE FLOW COMPLETELY AS THE PACKING AND SHAFT SLEEVE WILL BE DAMAGED BY EXCESSIVE HEAT. If the gland follower is touching (seated against) the stuffing box housing, shut the pump down, loosen the nuts holding the gland follower and move it away from the stuffing box. Then install one ring of packing and re-seat the gland follower. If either excessive flush flow or no flow is experienced, the lantern ring should be inspected for excessive wear or breakage. This may be accomplished by backing off the follower and removing the packing rings and lantern ring with two corkscrew packing removal tools. With all the packing and the lantern ring removed, inspect the surface of the shaft sleeve with a light and a mirror, or by feel, to determine if the shaft sleeve needs replacement. If so, please refer to appropriate Maintenance Instructions. If the shaft sleeve is in satisfactory condition, insert a new lantern ring into the stuffing box followed by the required number of packing rings. Place the cut ends of the packing rings with red dots either against the shaft or on the outside as shown in detail A. NOTE: Stagger the packing joints by 180 degrees. TROUBLESHOOTING NO FLOW Solids Handling Applications Suction line plugged. Symptoms: low amperage to the motor, no discharge pressure. Discharge line plugged. Symptoms: high discharge pressure and lower amperage along with casing heat build up. NOTE: Dips and low spots in discharge lines when handling solids that settle rapidly should be avoided Impeller or casing plugged (can occur with solid particles larger than can be padded through the impeller vanes or the case cutwater). Symptoms: low discharge pressure with high motor amperage. Severe vibrations may also be observed. DETAIL A 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 12 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS NOTE: It may be difficult to determine where initial plugging occurred since when the discharge line plugs first, the suction line, sump, impeller and casing usually plug also. However, if the sump or suction line plugs first, normally the impeller, case and discharge line will remain free from plugging. SUCTION LIFT (Vacuum) APPLICATIONS Pump not primed. If priming tank is being used, check the tank size calculations. Make sure the priming tank is full on start-up and that sufficient volume of liquid is available in the discharge line to assure automatic filling of the tank when the pump is shut down. Air leaks in the suction line resulting in loss of prime. NPSH available is insufficient for the speed and flow requirements of the pump. TRAMP MATERAL At plant start-up, foreign material such as welding rod, bolts, bricks, etc. can cause impeller or case plugging or a plugged pipe fitting such as elbows. Under normal operation, plugging can occur from such things as broken strainer, valve liner, broken spray nozzles, debris, etc. INSUFFICIENT FLOW Check Total Head calculations. May need to increase pump speed. Insufficient NPSH available. Check suction line for unnecessary restrictions, or possibly increase suction line diameter. Frothy slurry. Use of a good defoaming agent may be required. Valves not completely open on the suction or discharge lines. Suction strainers partially plugged. Air leaks in the suction line if on suction lift (vacuum) service. NOT ENOUGH DISCHARGE PRESSURE Pump handling too high a capacity. Check discharge valve positioning and flow calculations. Pump speed too low. Air or gases in the liquid (froth). Damaged or worn impeller. Disassemble and inspect. 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 13 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS SHAFT BREAKAGE Wrong direction of rotation. This will unscrew the impeller and cause internal mechanical damage. Starting the pump with the impeller and case plugged. When a pump is stopped and liquid flows down the discharge pipe back into the pump, the pump will be forced to rotate in the reverse direction. If the pump is restarted while still rotating in the wrong direction, shaft breakage can occur. Coupling misalignment Omission of gaskets along the shaft allowing the liquid to wet the shaft, which if corrosive, damages the shaft. MOTOR RUNS HOT OR KICKS OUT Worn motor bearings. Defective motor fan. Specific gravity of the liquid being pumped higher than specified. Casing plugged with slurry or tramp. Excessive flow through the pump and system. Low voltage supply at the motor terminals. 03/05/2007 © Copyright Weir Slurry Group Inc. OP-MCR/MCU Page 14 of 14 Weir Minerals North America | OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS MODEL MCR AND MCU MILL CIRCUIT PUMPS TROUBLE GUIDE THE PROBLEM 1 Motor / Driver Overloaded 2 Premature Bearing Failures 3 High Bearing Temperatures 4 Cavitation (also noise) 5 Vibration 6 Loss of flow after starting 7 Rated Discharge Pressure 8 Rated Flow 9 Failure To Deliver Flow THE CAUSE 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 A Pump rotor assembly does not turn freely X X X X B Shaft bent X X X C Wrong rotation X X X D Pump not primed X E System head higher than standard X X F Impeller worn or damaged X X X X G Impeller plugged X X X X X X X H Impeller unbalanced X X X I Pump speed too low X X X J Pump speed too high X X X K Air or gas entrained in slurry X X L Slurry SG higher than specified X M Slurry viscosity higher than specified X X X N Air leakage into suction line X X X O Air / vapor pocket in suction line X X P Suction line not completely filled X Q Suction and /or discharge line plugged X X R Suction not fully submerged X X S Available net positive suction head too low X X X X X T Excess bearing lubrication X U Lack of bearing lubrication X X X C E R T I F I E D GE ENERGY - DATA SHEET - Custom 8000 (R) SQUIRREL CAGE MOTOR CUSTOMER : Weir Minerals Antamina CUSTOMER ORDER : GE MODEL : 291R679 DESIGN : KC842R040A SO : 2880070 RI : 3214581 QTY : 4 SERIAL # : 288000087/90 TYPE : KAF POWER : 2100 HP FRAME : 8811S POLES : 24 ENCLOSURE : TEWAC VOLTAGE : 4160 V (4160 V max ) SERVICE FACTOR : 1.15 (SINE WAVE) FREQUENCY : 60 Hz SERVICE FACTOR : 1.00 (ASD) PHASES : 3 INSULATION CLASS : F (POLYSEAL) TEMPERATURE RISE : 85ºC / RTD @ SF TEMPERATURE CLASS : B DRIVEN LOAD : Pump MAX. ALTITUDE : 14190 ft LOAD WK2 REF.TO MOTOR SHAFT : 51700 Lbft² AMB. TEMP. (MIN/MAX) : -18/40 ºC Calculated Performance RATED RPM : 300 RPM RPM TOP : 300 RATED CURRENT : 359 A COUPLING TYPE : FLEXIBLE RATED TORQUE : 37087 Lbft ARRANGEMENT : F1 RATED KVA : 2587 STATOR CONNECTION : Y MIN. STG .VOLTAGE : BY INVERTER TIME RATING : CONTINUOUS ROTATION : DUAL TOTAL WEIGHT (calculated) : 63800 Lb ROTOR WK2 (calculated) : 49350 Lbft² MAX. BRG.VIBR. [pk] : 0.12 in/sec BEARING TYPE : SLEEVE NOISE PRESSURE LEVEL(dBA) : 85 @ 3.3 ft BEARING LUBRICATION : OIL END PLAY : 0.5 in STATOR RESIST. @ 25C : 0.0891 ohm L-L EFF.( %) : 93.3 (SINE WAVE) P.F. (pu) : 0.650 (SINE WAVE) X / R RATIO : 22.837 OPEN CIRC. TIME CONSTANT : 0.4551 s OUTLINE NUMBER : M88C100214 INSTRUCTION BOOK : GEEP-182I STATOR / ROTOR (SLOTS) : 144 / 204 NOTES (SEE ATTACHMENT) VIBRATION LIMITS BASED ON MOTOR RUNNING UNCOUPLED AND WITH BEARING TEMPERATURE STABILIZED IN STIFF BASE. MAXIMUM 3% THD (DRIVE TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION) PREPARED BY : MARILA DIAS ARAUJO APPROVED : 04-22-2010 REV : 0 SH 1 OF 3 DS2880070 GE ENERGY - DATA SHEET - Custom 8000 (R) SQUIRREL CAGE MOTOR MODEL : 291R679 SO : 2880070 RI : 3214581 Operation GUARANTEED EFFICIENCY: 93% SUITABLE FOR OPERATION FROM 150 TO 300 RPM AT VARIABLE TORQUE CONSTANT VOLTS/HERTZ T0 300 RPM ACCESSORIES TESTS 6 STATOR RTD-PT 100 Ohms AT 0C 4 - AC HIGH-POTENTIAL TEST Alarm = 150 ºC Trip = 155 ºC 4 - AIR GAP MEASUREMENT 2 BRG RTD-PT 100 Ohms AT 0C 4 - BEARING TEMPERATURE RISE TEST Alarm = 90 ºC Trip = 100 ºC 1 - DETERMINATION OF BREACKDOWN TORQUE 1 AMBIENT RTD-PT 100 Ohms AT 0C 1 - DETERMINATION OF EFFICIENCY AND P.F. AT 100/75/50 % LOAD 3 CT GE - 50:5 - WINDOW JCB-0 1 - DETERMINATION OF FULL LOAD CURRENT AND SPEED 1 HEATER - 2600W - 240V 1PH 1 - DETERMINATION OF LOCKED ROTOR TORQUE 4 - DETERMINATION OF NO-LOAD LOSSES 1 - DETERMINATION OF ROTATION AT 100/75/50 % LOAD 1 - HEAT RUN TEST 4 - MEASUREMENT OF INSULATION RESISTANCE 4 - MEASUREMENT OF NO-LOAD CURRENT IN EACH PHASE 4 - MEASUREMENT OF NO-LOAD SPEED 4 - MEASUREMENT OF WINDING RESISTANCE 4 - MECHANICAL VIBRATION 4 - PHASE SEQUENCY VERIFICATION NOTES CUSTOMER TESTS SPECS : REVISIONS PREPARED BY : MARILA DIAS ARAUJO APPROVED : REV : 0 04-22-2010 SH 2 OF 3 DS2880070 GE ENERGY - DATA SHEET - Custom 8000 (R) SQUIRREL CAGE MOTOR MODEL : 291R679 SO : 2880070 RI : 3214581 INDUCTION MOTOR DATA FOR ADJUSTABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INDUCTION MOTOR RATING TYPE KAF ENCL TEWAC MARILA 04/22/10 REV 0 DSGN KC842R040A ML 291R679 SO 2880070 CUST WEIR MENERALS / ANTAMINA FRAME 8811 POLE 24 HP 2100. RPM 300.00 EL 4160.00 PH 3 CYC 60.0 TEMP 85. IL 359.0 SF 1.00 CONN Y SUITABLE FOR OPERATION FROM 150.- 300. RPM AT VARIABLE TORQUE CONSTANT VOLTS/HERTZ TO 300.00 RPM ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALCULATED OPERATING DATA (@ 2100. HP, 60.0 HZ) HP 2100. RPM 300. PH 3 R-TQ 37087. %VNL VNL INL FLA 359.0 TEMP 125. XST 1.561 M-TQ 60254. 120 4992. 293.8 FLS 297.4 R1 0.0608 X0 2.274 I-MT 810. 110 4576. 251.3 E-LN 4160. R2 0.0722 X1 1.087 C-MT 70887. 100 4160. 216.7 E-PH 2401.8 IM(NL) 216.7 X2 1.186 90 3744. 188.8 FREQ 60.0 XM 11.203 SLIP 0.0087 80 3328. 165.8 70 2912. 144.7 EFF 0.9330 60 2496. 123.9 PF 0.6500 50 2080. 103.2 WK2M 49350.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HARMONIC ANALYSIS 6-STEP SQUARE WAVE MAXIMUM VOLTAGE 4160.0 TOTAL HARMONIC LOSSES 10.716 PREPARED BY : MARILA DIAS ARAUJO APPROVED : REV : 0 SH 3 OF 3 DS2880070 04-22-2010 I N D U C T I O N M O T O R R U N N I N G P E R F O R M A N C E 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 0 . 0 0 0 . 2 5 0 . 5 0 0 . 7 5 1 . 0 0 1 . 2 5 L O A D ( P U O F R A T E D V A L U E ) EFFICIENCY POWER FACTOR 0.0000 0.0050 0.0100 0.0150 0.0200 0.0250 0.0300 0.0350 0.0400 SLIP E f f i c i e n c y P o w e r F a c t o r S l i p C U S T . : W E I R M E N E R A L S / A N T A M I N A P R O J . : K C 8 4 2 R 0 4 0 A A P P L . : P u m p M O D E L : 2 9 1 R 6 7 9 S E R # : 2 8 8 0 0 0 0 8 7 / 9 0 R I : 3 2 1 4 5 8 1 / 1 R a t e d L o a d - E f f i c i e n c y : 0 . 9 3 3 P o w e r F a c t o r : 0 . 6 5 0 S l i p : 0 . 0 0 8 8 K A F 8 8 1 1 S 2 4 P O L E S 2 1 0 0 H P 3 0 0 R P M 4 1 6 0 V O L T S 3 5 9 A M P S 1 . 1 5 S F 6 0 H z ( C a l c u l a t e d V a l u e s ) Programa Curva: Rev.05 01-04-2002 Masaaki Miyoshi D w g . : R P 2 8 8 0 0 7 0 R e s p : M A R I L A R e v . : 0 0 A p r . 2 2 , 2 0 1 0 I N D U C T I O N M O T O R T H E R M A L L I M I T C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 0 . 1 1 . 0 1 0 . 0 1 0 0 . 0 1 0 0 0 . 0 T I M E - S E C O N D S CURRENT - PU L o c k e d R o t o r - H o t L o c k e d R o t o r - C o l d R u n n i n g A c c e l . C u r r e n t 1 . 0 0 V n A c c e l . C u r r e n t 0 . 9 0 V n C U S T . : W E I R M E N E R A L S / A N T A M I N A P R O J . : K C 8 4 2 R 0 4 0 A A P P L . : P u m p M O D E L : 2 9 1 R 6 7 9 S E R # : 2 8 8 0 0 0 0 8 7 / 9 0 R I : 3 2 1 4 5 8 1 / 1 W K ² / G D ² ( T o t a l ) = 1 0 1 0 5 0 L b f t ² / 1 7 0 2 7 k g f m ² I E E E S t d . 6 2 0 K A F 8 8 1 1 S 2 4 P O L E S 2 1 0 0 H P 3 0 0 R P M 4 1 6 0 V O L T S 3 5 9 A M P S 1 . 1 5 S F 6 0 H z ( C a l c u l a t e d V a l u e s ) N o t e : M o t o r i n i t i a l l y a t o p e r a t i n g t e m p e r a t u r e Programa Curva: Rev.05 01-04-2002 Masaaki Miyoshi D w g . : T L 2 8 8 0 0 7 0 R e s p : M A R I L A R e v . : 0 0 A p r . 2 2 , 2 0 1 0 I N D U C T I O N M O T O R S T A R T I N G C H A R A C T E R I S T I C S 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 0 . 0 0 0 . 1 0 0 . 2 0 0 . 3 0 0 . 4 0 0 . 5 0 0 . 6 0 0 . 7 0 0 . 8 0 0 . 9 0 1 . 0 0 S P E E D - P U CURRENT - PU 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 TORQUE -PU POWER FACTOR I L 1 . 0 0 V n I L 0 . 9 0 V n P F T L o a d T 1 . 0 0 V n T 0 . 9 0 V n C U S T . : W E I R M E N E R A L S / A N T A M I N A P R O J . : K C 8 4 2 R 0 4 0 A A P P L . : P u m p M O D E L : 2 9 1 R 6 7 9 S E R # : 2 8 8 0 0 0 0 8 7 / 9 0 R I : 3 2 1 4 5 8 1 / 1 T o r q u e ( N o m i n a l ) = 3 7 0 8 7 L b f t / 5 0 3 0 1 N m K A F 8 8 1 1 S 2 4 P O L E S 2 1 0 0 H P 3 0 0 R P M 4 1 6 0 V O L T S 3 5 9 A M P S 1 . 1 5 S F 6 0 H z ( C a l c u l a t e d V a l u e s ) Programa Curva: Rev.05 01-04-2002 Masaaki Miyoshi D w g . : S C 2 8 8 0 0 7 0 R e s p : M A R I L A R e v . : 0 0 A p r . 2 2 , 2 0 1 0
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