6. Kolom 30 x 30 Cm

March 19, 2018 | Author: Lulus Prasetiyo | Category: Building Engineering, Classical Mechanics, Engineering, Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering



Job NoCompany Name Sheet No Rev 1 Part Job Title KOLOM 30 x 30 CM Ref By Client Date 24-Mar-15 File Chd Date/Time Job Information Engineer Name: Date: Checked Approved 24-Mar-15 Structure Type SPACE FRAME Number of Nodes Number of Elements Number of Plates 58 102 27 Highest Node Highest Element Highest Plate Number of Design Groups Number of Design Slabs Number of Load Cases Number of Design Briefs 2 0 6 2 Included in this printout are data for: Design Group Design Brief G2: Design Group 2 Print Time/Date: 01/04/2015 11:47 58 137 147 B2: Kolom Design Code Members ACI 318M-05 Column M29, M30, M39 STAAD.Pro - RC ACI 318-05 Version 1.0 Print Run 1 of 7 Job No Company Name Sheet No Rev 2 Part Job Title KOLOM 30 x 30 CM Ref By Client Date 24-Mar-15 File Chd Date/Time Member 29 .6.0 OK for biaxial resistance Max distance between bars Largest actual space between bars Min distance between bars = hagg 4/3 Smallest actual space between bars = 300 mm = 143 mm = 53 mm 3. = 474. min Only one of these moments should be considered for design  M2y.24 = 0. min Minimum Moments from eccentricity M 2z.Detailed ACI Main Reinforcement Axial N Major M.3 = 143 mm OK for spacing Min area of reinforcement Max area of reinforcement (even at laps) Actual area of main reinforcement (4#19)  area by which steel can increase at laps Starter bar area = 900 mm 2 = 7200 mm 2 = 1146 mm 2 = 6054 mm 2 = 1136 mm 2 OK Print Time/Date: 01/04/2015 11:47 STAAD.65 Biaxial Interaction Result  1.12. Minor M.38 kNm Additional longitudinal reinforcement area required for torsion Strength Reduction factor  Axial Capacity Pn Axial capacity ratio Pu / Pn Axial Capacity  Axial Major Axis Capacity Mny Major Axis Capacity Ratio Muy / Mny Major Axis Capacity  Major Axis Moment Minor Axis Capacity Mnz Minor Axis Capacity Ratio Muz / Mnz Minor Axis Capacity  Minor Axis Moment = 0 mm 2 = 0.36 kN = 1.25 kNm end 1.53 kNm = 29.48 kNm = -1.38  = 51.24 29.1 Print Run 2 of 7 .2(c)&7.00 OK for axial resistance a Biaxial Interaction Equation = 51.3.9. end 2.57 OK for moment resistance = 51.86 1. end 1.0 = 11.0 10.86 1.0 = Mnz Mny Where exponent a Biaxial Interaction Equation 10.67 kNm = 0.RC ACI 318-05 Version 1.36 kN = -13.67  + 51.65 = 474.500 m Rectangular section: Width Cover = 300 mm = 50 mm Depth = 300 mm Member 29 .86 kNm = 0.3.2 = 1.38 kNm = 11. end 2.22 OK for moment resistance a  Muz   Muy   +  1. min set as 0.24 11. Minimum Moments from eccentricity M 2y.Detailed ACI Design Requirements Section Property: 300 x 300 Storey height = 3.86 kNm = 0.Pro . 083fc'  = 4.33Agfc'  pcp   Tu < Threshold Torsion  torsion effects do not need to be considered Shear force. s = 300 mm = 300 mm 7. T u = 0.17 1 + 14 Ag  only nominal ties required Vu Vc = 70.46 kNm 0.0 7.03 kNm 2 0.083fc'  = 4. Av Minor axis: Design torsion moment.5 Nu Acp    1 +  Threshold Torsion = 0.Pro .6.34 kN Nu   fc' bw d Vc = 0.1 Print Run 3 of 7 .5.2&11.06 kN 11. Vu Minimum size of link bars Actual size of link bars Print Time/Date: 01/04/2015 11:47 11.10.1 = 142 mm 2 = #22 = #10  OK STAAD.2 Major axis: Design torsion moment.10.06 kN 11.46 kNm 0. T u = 0.5.1 = 142 mm 2 Area of ties provided (2#10). Vu 11.RC ACI 318-05 Version 1. Av 11.3 11.1 = 0.1 (c) 11.17 1 + 14 Ag  only nominal ties required Vu Vc Area of ties provided (2#10).6.33Agfc'  pcp   Tu < Threshold Torsion  torsion effects do not need to be considered Shear force.1.Detailed ACI Shear Reinforcement Maximum spacing of ties Actual spacing of ties.6.6.3 11.2&11.5 Nu Acp    1 +  Threshold Torsion = 0.03 kNm 2 0.Job No Company Name Sheet No Rev 3 Part Job Title KOLOM 30 x 30 CM Ref By Client Date 24-Mar-15 File Chd Date/Time Member 29 .1.1 = 12.49 kN Nu   fc' bw d Vc = 0.1 (c) = 70. 97 1.1 Print Run 4 of 7 .0 = 6.0 OK for biaxial resistance Max distance between bars Largest actual space between bars Min distance between bars = hagg 4/3 Smallest actual space between bars = 300 mm = 143 mm = 53 mm 3.24 = 0.Detailed ACI Main Reinforcement Axial N Major M.21 kN = 1.37   = 55.00 OK for axial resistance a Biaxial Interaction Equation = 55.18 kNm = -3.12.97 kNm = 0. end 2. min Minimum Moments from eccentricity M 2z.24 39.RC ACI 318-05 Version 1.71 Biaxial Interaction Result  1.00  + 55.00 kNm = 1.Job No Company Name Sheet No Rev 4 Part Job Title KOLOM 30 x 30 CM Ref By Client Date 24-Mar-15 File Chd Date/Time Member 30 .6.11 OK for moment resistance a  Muz   Muy   +  1.0 10.24  6. min Only one of these moments should be considered for design  M2y.0 = Mnz Mny Where exponent a Biaxial Interaction Equation 10.23 kN = -38.08 kNm end 1.97 kNm = 0.Detailed ACI Design Requirements Section Property: 300 x 300 Storey height = 3.70 OK for moment resistance = 55. end 2.Pro .3 = 143 mm OK for spacing Min area of reinforcement Max area of reinforcement (even at laps) Actual area of main reinforcement (4#19)  area by which steel can increase at laps Starter bar area = 900 mm 2 = 7200 mm 2 = 1146 mm 2 = 6054 mm 2 = 1136 mm 2 OK Print Time/Date: 01/04/2015 11:47 STAAD. Minimum Moments from eccentricity M 2y.97 1.2 = 1. = 265.3. end 1. min set as 0.37 kNm = 6. Minor M.500 m Rectangular section: Width Cover = 300 mm = 50 mm Depth = 300 mm Member 30 .74 = 265.37 kNm Additional longitudinal reinforcement area required for torsion Strength Reduction factor  Axial Capacity Pn Axial capacity ratio Pu / Pn Axial Capacity  Axial Major Axis Capacity Mny Major Axis Capacity Ratio Muy / Mny Major Axis Capacity  Major Axis Moment Minor Axis Capacity Mnz Minor Axis Capacity Ratio Muz / Mnz Minor Axis Capacity  Minor Axis Moment = 0 mm 2 = 0.64 kNm = 39.2(c)&7.9.3. 6.1 (c) = 61.083fc'  = 3.17 1 + 14 Ag  only nominal ties required Vu Vc Area of ties provided (2#10). T u =fc'  = 3.17 1 + 14 Ag  only nominal ties required Vu Vc = 61.0 7.6. Av 11.Job No Company Name Sheet No Rev 5 Part Job Title KOLOM 30 x 30 CM Ref By Client Date 24-Mar-15 File Chd Date/Time Member 30 .5 Nu Acp    1 +  Threshold Torsion = 0.RC ACI 318-05 Version 1.33Agfc'  pcp   Tu < Threshold Torsion  torsion effects do not need to be considered Shear force. Av Minor axis: Design torsion moment.1 = 22.18 kN Nu   fc' bw d Vc = 0.3 11.5 Nu Acp    1 +  Threshold Torsion = 0.6.5. T u = 0.60 kNm 0.61 kN 11. Vu 11.60 kNm 0.1 = 1.Pro . kN Nu   fc' bw d Vc = 0.6.2 Major axis: Design torsion moment.2&11.07 kNm 2 0. s = 300 mm = 300 mm 7.07 kNm 2 0.1 (c) 11.1 = 142 mm 2 = #22 = #10  OK STAAD.61 kN 11.33Agfc'  pcp   Tu < Threshold Torsion  torsion effects do not need to be considered Shear force.Detailed ACI Shear Reinforcement Maximum spacing of ties Actual spacing of ties.3 11.1 Print Run 5 of 7 .1 = 142 mm 2 Area of ties provided (2#10). Vu Minimum size of link bars Actual size of link bars Print Time/Date: 01/04/2015 11:47 11. 78 kNm = 0.95 kN = 8. min set as 0. min Minimum Moments from eccentricity M 2z.19 OK for moment resistance a  Muz   Muy   +  1.78 1.24 = 0.08 kNm = -1.24  9.89 kNm = -16.2(c)&7.95 kN = 1. Minimum Moments from eccentricity M 2y.68 kNm end 1.00 OK for axial resistance a Biaxial Interaction Equation = 52.0 10.65 = 411.3. end 2.89 kNm = 9. end 2.RC ACI 318-05 Version 1.500 m Rectangular section: Width Cover = 300 mm = 50 mm Depth = 300 mm Member 39 .0 = Mnz Mny Where exponent a Biaxial Interaction Equation 10.12.0 = 9. = 411.24 16.Detailed ACI Main Reinforcement Axial N Major M.30 OK for moment resistance = 52.Pro . end 1.89 kNm Additional longitudinal reinforcement area required for torsion Strength Reduction factor  Axial Capacity Pn Axial capacity ratio Pu / Pn Axial Capacity  Axial Major Axis Capacity Mny Major Axis Capacity Ratio Muy / Mny Major Axis Capacity  Major Axis Moment Minor Axis Capacity Mnz Minor Axis Capacity Ratio Muz / Mnz Minor Axis Capacity  Minor Axis Moment = 0 mm 2 = 0.9.3 = 143 mm OK for spacing Min area of reinforcement Max area of reinforcement (even at laps) Actual area of main reinforcement (4#19)  area by which steel can increase at laps Starter bar area = 900 mm 2 = 7200 mm 2 = 1146 mm 2 = 6054 mm 2 = 1136 mm 2 OK Print Time/Date: 01/04/2015 11:47 STAAD.1 Print Run 6 of 7 .2 = 1.61 kNm = 2. min Only one of these moments should be considered for design  M2y.78 1.6.35 Biaxial Interaction Result  1.78 kNm = 0.Detailed ACI Design Requirements Section Property: 300 x 300 Storey height = 3.0 OK for biaxial resistance Max distance between bars Largest actual space between bars Min distance between bars = hagg 4/3 Smallest actual space between bars = 300 mm = 143 mm = 53 mm 3.89   = 52. Minor M.Job No Company Name Sheet No Rev 6 Part Job Title KOLOM 30 x 30 CM Ref By Client Date 24-Mar-15 File Chd Date/Time Member 39 .3.08  + 52. Detailed ACI Shear Reinforcement Maximum spacing of ties Actual spacing of ties.54 kN 11.2&11.23 kN Nu   fc' bw d Vc = 0.2 Major axis: Design torsion moment. kNm 2 0.5.083fc'  = 4.0 7.10.RC ACI 318-05 Version 1.33Agfc'  pcp   Tu < Threshold Torsion  torsion effects do not need to be considered Shear force. s = 300 mm = 300 mm 7.1 (c) = 67.6.17 1 + 14 Ag  only nominal ties required Vu Vc Area of ties provided (2#10).Pro .3 11.1.01 kNm 2 0.3 11.1 = 7.1.22 kNm 0.54 kN 11. Av 11.13 kN Nu   fc' bw d Vc = 0. T u = 0. Vu 11.1 = 142 mm 2 Area of ties provided (2#10). T u = 0.1 = 142 mm 2 = #22 = #10  OK STAAD.1 = 1.Job No Company Name Sheet No Rev 7 Part Job Title KOLOM 30 x 30 CM Ref By Client Date 24-Mar-15 File Chd Date/Time Member 39 .10.5 Nu Acp    1 +  Threshold Torsion = 0.1 (c) 11.083fc'  = 4.33Agfc'  pcp   Tu < Threshold Torsion  torsion effects do not need to be considered Shear force. Vu Minimum size of link bars Actual size of link bars Print Time/Date: 01/04/2015 11:47 11. Av Minor axis: Design torsion moment.1 Print Run 7 of 7 .2&11.5 Nu Acp    1 +  Threshold Torsion = 0.17 1 + 14 Ag  only nominal ties required Vu Vc = 67.6.22 kNm 0.
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