6 - Geh-6126c_vol_ii Hmi Manual
GE EnergyHMI for SPEEDTRONIC™ Turbine Control Application Guide GEH-6126C Vol II GEH-6126B Vol II i g These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. The information is supplied for informational purposes only, and GE makes no warranty as to the accuracy of the information included herein. Changes, modifications and/or improvements to equipment and specifications are made periodically and these changes may or may not be reflected herein. It is understood that GE may make changes, modifications, or improvements to the equipment referenced herein or to the document itself at any time. This document is intended for trained personnel familiar with the GE products referenced herein. GE may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not provide any license whatsoever to any of these patents. This document contains proprietary information of General Electric Company, USA and is furnished to its customer solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, operation, and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document shall not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written approval of GE Energy. GE provides the following document and the information included therein as is and without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied statutory warranty of merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. If further assistance or technical information is desired, contact the nearest GE Sales or Service Office, or an authorized GE Sales Representative. © 2002 - 2011 General Electric Company, USA. All rights reserved. Issued: 2002-03-13 Revised: 2011-09-19 * Trademark of General Electric Company ARCNET is a registered trademark of Datapoint Corporation. CIMPLICITY and Genius are a registered trademarks of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc. Ethernet is a trademark of Xerox Corporation. Excel, Microsoft, NetMeeting, Windows, and Window NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Automation. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. PI-ProcessBook is a registered trademark of OSI Software Inc. SPEEDTRONIC is a trademark of General Electric Company g To: Reader Comments GE Energy Documentation Design, Rm. 293 1501 Roanoke Blvd. Salem, VA 24153-6492 USA Fax: 1-540-387-8651 (GE Internal DC 8-278-8651) We welcome comments and suggestions to make this publication more useful. Your Name Today’s Date Your Company’s Name and Address Job Site GE Requisition No. If needed, how can we contact you? 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Contents Chapter 1 Overview 1-1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................1-1 HMI Summary...........................................................................................................................................1-1 System Configuration.....................................................................................................................1-1 Text Conventions ...........................................................................................................................1-3 Related Documentation .............................................................................................................................1-4 Chapter 2 Installation 2-1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................2-1 Login and Startup ......................................................................................................................................2-1 Initial Power Up .............................................................................................................................2-1 CIMPLICITY Project.....................................................................................................................2-3 Check Usernames and Passwords ..................................................................................................2-3 Chapter 3 Mark IV 3-1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................3-1 Features, Utilities, and Tools.....................................................................................................................3-1 DDVAL - Data Dictionary Validation ...........................................................................................3-1 Chapter 4 Mark V 4-1 Mark V Controller .....................................................................................................................................4-1 HMI Unit-Specific Directory .........................................................................................................4-1 Compiling Unit-Specific Configuration Files ................................................................................4-5 Downloading Unit-Specific Configuration Files............................................................................4-6 Control Constants...........................................................................................................................4-6 Auto-Calibrate Display..............................................................................................................................4-7 Mark V Auto Calibration ...............................................................................................................4-7 Command Pushbutton ....................................................................................................................4-8 Command Line Arguments ..........................................................................................................4-10 Screen Description .......................................................................................................................4-10 Autocalibrate Display Dialog Boxes............................................................................................4-11 Control Constants Display - Mark V and Mark V LM............................................................................4-12 Changing a Control Constant .......................................................................................................4-13 Control Constants Adjust Display - Mark V and Mark V LM.....................................................4-13 CONSTCHK - Constants Check - Mark V and Mark V LM ..................................................................4-16 Operation......................................................................................................................................4-16 Diagnostic Counters Display - Mark V and Mark V LM ........................................................................4-17 File Type ......................................................................................................................................4-17 Using the Diagnostic Counters Display Program.........................................................................4-17 Logic Forcing Display - Mark V and Mark V LM..................................................................................4-21 File Structure................................................................................................................................4-22 Using the Logic Forcing Display Program...................................................................................4-23 PVOTE - Prevote Data Display - Mark V...............................................................................................4-30 Operation......................................................................................................................................4-30 Command Line Description .........................................................................................................4-31 Header Time tag...........................................................................................................................4-31 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Contents • i DABUILD - Diagnostic Alarm Build - Mark V......................................................................................4-32 DABUILD1 - Diagnostic Alarm Build - Mark V LM..................................................................4-33 DCBUILD1 - Diagnostic Counter Build - Mark V LM ...............................................................4-34 DIBUILD1 - IO_CFG Data File Build - Mark V LM..................................................................4-35 DPBUILD1 - PROM Sub-Directory Build..............................................................................................4-35 DDLOCATE - Data Dictionary Locate - Mark V and Mark V LM.............................................4-36 DDUTIL - Data Dictionary Utility...............................................................................................4-38 MK5MAKE - Mark V Make - Mark V and Mark V LM.............................................................4-39 FMVID - Fuel Metering Valve ID - Mark V LM.........................................................................4-41 LDB2RAM - Linearization Database to Memory - Mark V LM .................................................4-42 LDBCHK - Linearization Database Check - Mark V LM ..........................................................4-44 ALARM_L - Alarm List - Mark V ..............................................................................................4-45 CONSTSET - Constants Set - Mark V.........................................................................................4-46 EPA Log Configuration ...............................................................................................................4-48 SEQCOMPL - Sequencing Compiler - Mark V and Mark V LM................................................4-49 SEQDOCMT - Sequencing Documentor - Mark V and V LM....................................................4-54 SEQEDIT - Sequencing Editor - Mark V and Mark V LM ........................................................4-58 CSPPRINT - Control Sequence Program Printer - Mark V and Mark V LM ..............................4-66 TABLE_C - Table Compile - Mark V and Mark V LM ..............................................................4-68 EEPROM Downloader - Mark .....................................................................................................4-70 UDF - User Defined File - Mark V LM .......................................................................................4-72 Diagnostics ..............................................................................................................................................4-75 CARD_ID - Mark V and Mark V LM..........................................................................................4-75 Chapter 5 Mark VI 5-1 Mark VI Controller....................................................................................................................................5-1 Flash Downloader......................................................................................................................................5-1 EPA Log ....................................................................................................................................................5-1 Trend Recorder..........................................................................................................................................5-2 Auto Calibration ........................................................................................................................................5-2 Control Constants ......................................................................................................................................5-2 Forcing and Unforcing Logic Signals........................................................................................................5-2 Terminal Session Monitor .........................................................................................................................5-2 Chapter 6 HMI 6-1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................6-1 Directory Structure and Files .........................................................................................................6-1 CIMPLICITY Directories ..............................................................................................................6-1 TCI Directories...............................................................................................................................6-2 Drive F: Files..................................................................................................................................6-2 Drive F: Sub-directories .................................................................................................................6-3 Drive G: Sub-directories ................................................................................................................6-3 Features, Utilities, and Tools.....................................................................................................................6-3 Device Communications Links ......................................................................................................6-3 Mark IV..........................................................................................................................................6-4 Mark IV Modbus............................................................................................................................6-5 Mark IV MA/MSP (Manufacturing Associates / Message Service Protocol)................................6-6 Mark IV Predefined Data Dump ....................................................................................................6-7 Mark V and Mark V LM ................................................................................................................6-7 Mark VI..........................................................................................................................................6-7 DCS Communications Links..........................................................................................................6-7 TCI Modbus Slave/Master .............................................................................................................6-8 CIMPLICITY Modbus Master.......................................................................................................6-8 GSM ...............................................................................................................................................6-9 Predefined Data Dump Transmitter................................................................................................6-9 EPA Log.........................................................................................................................................6-9 Real Time Logger Control - LOGGER ........................................................................................6-10 Using the Alarm Logger Dialog Box ...........................................................................................6-11 ii • Contents GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Trip History..................................................................................................................................6-12 Trip History on the Mark V and Mark V LM (First Version).....................................................6-12 Trip History on the Mark V (New Version).................................................................................6-17 Trip History on the Mark VI ........................................................................................................6-23 DMD2SRC Demand to Source Conversion Program ..................................................................6-24 Starting the Demand Display to Source Conversion Program .....................................................6-29 Editing the Demand Display Source File .....................................................................................6-29 MODBUS List File Generators....................................................................................................6-30 MODBUS_L MODBUS List File Generator...............................................................................6-30 Cimmod_L Modbus List File Generator ......................................................................................6-31 Configuration ..........................................................................................................................................6-32 Introduction..................................................................................................................................6-32 TCI Control Panel Applet ............................................................................................................6-32 TCI Configuration........................................................................................................................6-36 TCI Configuration Files ...............................................................................................................6-37 TCI - Starting and Stopping .........................................................................................................6-39 TCI Modbus Configuration..........................................................................................................6-42 HMI Configuration Using HMI Device - Mark VI ......................................................................6-45 Configuration File (F:\AT_START.DAT And AT_STOP.DAT) ................................................6-54 Configuration File (F:\CONFIG.DAT) ........................................................................................6-56 Configuration File (F:\EGD_PUSH.DAT)...................................................................................6-59 Configuration File (F:\IO_PORTS.DAT) ....................................................................................6-60 Configuration File (F:\MODB_FWD.DAT) ................................................................................6-65 Configuration File (F:\PICONFIG.DIF) ......................................................................................6-67 Configuration File (F:\PI_PUSH.DAT) .......................................................................................6-69 Creating a Data Dictionary...........................................................................................................6-70 Configuration File (F:\TIMESYNC.DAT)...................................................................................6-77 Ethernet Alarm Protocol File (F:\ENATALM.DAT)...................................................................6-81 Exciter Configuration File (EX2000.DAT)..................................................................................6-82 EX2100 Data and Alarms - Mark VI ...........................................................................................6-82 Predefined Data Dump Configuration..........................................................................................6-83 Predefined Data Dump Transmitter (PDXMIT) Configuration ...................................................6-84 Time Synchronization Configuration...........................................................................................6-90 Time Zone Make - TZ_MAKE ....................................................................................................6-93 Time Zone Transition File (TIMEZONE.DAT) ..........................................................................6-96 Turbine Control Maintenance Icons.............................................................................................6-97 EM_ANA - Emissions Analysis ..................................................................................................6-99 Performance Monitor .................................................................................................................6-101 Using EMapView.......................................................................................................................6-102 Setup Procedure (Heavy Duty Gas Turbines, EMAP 7) ...........................................................6-103 Alarm Printing and Logging ......................................................................................................6-106 Alarm History ............................................................................................................................6-108 Disk Manager.............................................................................................................................6-109 Control Hierarchy (F:\CTRL_LOC.DAT) .................................................................................6-110 Setting the HMI Web Server Homepage....................................................................................6-116 Web Server Installation..............................................................................................................6-119 The EPA Logger ........................................................................................................................6-120 Diagnostics ............................................................................................................................................6-122 Diagnostic Tools ....................................................................................................................... 6-122 Basic Generic Questions ............................................................................................................6-122 Overview of Approach...............................................................................................................6-122 Alarm Dump 1 - ALMDUMP1 - Mark IV, Mark V, Mark V LM, and Mark VI ......................6-134 Alarm Dump 2 - ALMDUMP2..................................................................................................6-135 ARCWHO..................................................................................................................................6-135 CHECKCRC ..............................................................................................................................6-137 GBL2FILE - Global Section To File..........................................................................................6-138 MM_STAT - Modbus Master Statistics.....................................................................................6-139 M_STAT - Modbus Slave Statistics...........................................................................................6-140 PDD_STAT - Predefined Data Dump Status .............................................................................6-140 VIEWn Series ............................................................................................................................6-141 VIEWn Collection Programs .....................................................................................................6-141 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Contents • iii VIEW0 - View One Second Data...............................................................................................6-141 VIEW1 - View One Second Data...............................................................................................6-143 VIEW2 - View High-Speed Mark V Data .................................................................................6-144 VIEW2T - View High-Speed Mark V Data, Triggered .............................................................6-146 VIEWEGD - View Ethernet Global Data - Mark VI .................................................................6-149 VIEWPV - View High Speed Pre-Vote Turbine Data - Mark V................................................6-151 VIEWQ - View Multi-Processor High-Speed Turbine Data......................................................6-154 VIEWn Analysis Programs ........................................................................................................6-156 VIEW_LIM - View Data Analysis, Limits ................................................................................6-157 VIEW_SD - View Data Analysis, Standard Deviations.............................................................6-158 VIEW2ASC - Convert View Data to ASCII ..............................................................................6-159 Web-based Displays...................................................................................................................6-162 Accessing the Web displays .......................................................................................................6-163 WALMDUMP - Web Alarm Dump Display .............................................................................6-164 WANETC - Web ARCNET Counters........................................................................................6-166 WARCWHO - Web ARCWHO Display ...................................................................................6-167 WAUTHEN - Web Authentication of User ...............................................................................6-168 WCONST - Web Control Constants Display .............................................................................6-169 WDEMAND - Web Demand Display........................................................................................6-171 WGBL - Web Global Section Display .......................................................................................6-174 WHAERPT - Web Historical Alarm and Event Exception Report ............................................6-175 Historical Alarm and Event Summary Report............................................................................6-176 WHISTORY-Historical Alarm and Event Report by Day .........................................................6-178 WLFORCE - Web Logic Forcing Display.................................................................................6-180 WPBRO6 - Web Point Browser for Mark VI.............................................................................6-181 Mark VI Toolbox Browser Reports............................................................................................6-183 WPBROXD - TCI Data Dictionary Point Browser....................................................................6-187 XD Point Data Base Browser Report .........................................................................................6-188 WPROCESS - Web Process List................................................................................................6-190 WSUM_D03 - Web Summary of *.D03 Files ...........................................................................6-191 Chapter 7 Networks 7-1 Network Overview ....................................................................................................................................7-1 Mark IV System - Control System Freeway..............................................................................................7-1 CSF Characteristics ........................................................................................................................7-1 Mark V System - Stagelink .......................................................................................................................7-2 Terms of Reference ........................................................................................................................7-2 Stage Link Characteristics..............................................................................................................7-3 Cable Recommendations................................................................................................................7-4 Summary of Stage Link Topology Rules .......................................................................................7-4 Total Effective Distance Rules.......................................................................................................7-6 Redundant System Rules - Mark V................................................................................................7-7 Fiber-optics ....................................................................................................................................7-9 Review of Components ................................................................................................................7-10 System Considerations .................................................................................................................7-15 Mark VI Data Highway - Ethernet ..........................................................................................................7-16 Unit Data Highway.......................................................................................................................7-17 Plant Data Highway .....................................................................................................................7-17 Mark VI Network Rules...............................................................................................................7-18 Network Redundancy...................................................................................................................7-18 Ethernet Network Equipment.......................................................................................................7-20 Serial Link Network - Mark IV and DCS serial links ..................................................................7-20 HMI Network Configuration ...................................................................................................................7-21 Network Diagnostics ...............................................................................................................................7-22 Ping Network Diagnostic Utility..................................................................................................7-24 Firewall Settings...........................................................................................................................7-26 iv • Contents GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY 8-1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................................8-1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................8-1 Features, Utilities, and Tools.....................................................................................................................8-2 CIMPLICITY Optional Displays ...................................................................................................8-2 Manual Synchronizing Display - Mark V, Mark V LM.................................................................8-2 Manual Synchronizing Display - Mark VI.....................................................................................8-6 Triggered Plot - Mark V and Mark V LM......................................................................................8-6 Reactive Capability Display - Mark IV, V, V LM, VI...................................................................8-8 Configuration ............................................................................................................................................8-9 Introduction....................................................................................................................................8-9 Frame Containers and Single Screens ............................................................................................8-9 Using Workbench ..........................................................................................................................8-9 Opening a Project.........................................................................................................................8-10 CIMPLICITY - Starting and Stopping a Project..........................................................................8-11 Configuring Users ........................................................................................................................8-12 Configuring Ports.........................................................................................................................8-15 Adding Devices............................................................................................................................8-17 Configuring Resources.................................................................................................................8-18 Allowing Local System Account Access .....................................................................................8-20 Alarm Filtering in HMI Servers ...................................................................................................8-20 Configuring Alarm Filters............................................................................................................8-21 Alarm Screen in a Frame Container - Mark IV, V, and V LM ....................................................8-23 Examples of Screens for Filtered Alarms.....................................................................................8-30 Currently Implemented Filters .....................................................................................................8-32 Single Screen Features - Mark VI ................................................................................................8-32 Extended Alarm Commands ........................................................................................................8-39 External Alarm Manager..............................................................................................................8-40 Signal Manager - Mark V and Mark V LM .................................................................................8-40 Alarms..........................................................................................................................................8-42 Importing Signals.........................................................................................................................8-43 Toolbox HMI Device - Mark VI ..................................................................................................8-45 System Database ..........................................................................................................................8-45 TCI - CIMPLICITY Modbus Data Interface ...............................................................................8-46 OLE for Process Controls (OPC) .................................................................................................8-46 Diagnostics ..............................................................................................................................................8-47 System Status Logs ......................................................................................................................8-47 Viewing the Status Log................................................................................................................8-47 Viewing the System Log..............................................................................................................8-48 Viewing the Project and System Status Logs...............................................................................8-48 System Log Files..........................................................................................................................8-49 Project Log Files ..........................................................................................................................8-49 Gather File Utility ........................................................................................................................8-49 How to use the Gather File Utility ...............................................................................................8-49 Glossary of Terms Index GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide G-1 I-1 Contents • v Notes vi • Contents GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide CHAPTER 1 Chapter 1 Overview Introduction The Human-Machine Interface (HMI) for SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control Application Guide Vol. II describes the maintenance features for the HMI used with ™ GE's SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control Systems. It is written as a guide to help the engineer configure the HMI Turbine Control Interface. Volume 1 covers use of the HMI by the operator. Refer to GEH-6126, HMI for SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control, Operators Guide, Vol. I and GFK-1180, CIMPLICITY HMI Plant Edition Base System User Manual for information not covered here. HMI Summary The HMI is an operator interface system based on client-server technology, providing data collection, logging, and display of power island and auxiliary process data. The HMI also has the ability to issue operator commands to the control equipment. Depending on the requirements, the product can be configured for just turbine-related data, or for broader applications that include balance of plant process data. System Configuration The HMI provides operator display and control for the Mark IV, Mark V, Mark V LM, and Mark VI controller types. The controllers and supported networks are as follows: Controller Type Supported Controller Communication Network Mark IV Control System Freeway (CSF) ARCNET-based network, serial communication (Modbus and Serial MSP) Mark V, Mark V LM Stagelink (ARCNET-based network) Mark VI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Control Application Guide Unit Data Highway (UDH), Ethernet-based network, Chapter 1 Overview • 1-1 Plant Data Highway (Ethernet) Data Data HMI Server # 1 HMI Viewer HMI Server # 2 Historian TR Mark VI Unit Data Highway (Ethernet) Mark IV Control System Freeway (CSF) Mark V Stagelink Mark VI Turbine Control I/O Mark IV Turbine Control I/O Mark V Turbine Control I/O Data Paths to the HMI Servers and Viewers from Various Controllers In the Mark VI system, the controllers and other devices communicate with the HMI Server through the Ethernet-based Unit Data Highway and through RS-232C lines. The HMI Server uses the Plant Data Highway to communicate with the HMI Viewers. System Capability The HMI provides an online database for collecting and storing data from multiple controllers. For TCI version 1.6, points can be collected from as many as eight turbine controls. For later versions of TCI, the number of turbine controls has been increased; consult GE for advice on your system. Data Collection Data is collected by various methods, depending on the product. For the Mark IV, Mark V, Mark V LM, and Mark VI, the process is centered about the Control Signal Database (CSDB), which is the real-time database in the controller. The control scans the CSDB for alarm and event state changes. When a state change occurs, or a sequence of events occurs, these are sent to the HMI. These points are time tagged by the controller. 1-2 • Chapter 1 Overview GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide HMI Terminology Definitions of three important terms used in this manual are as follows: • The term unit is used in the HMI configuration and refers to the turbine control being configured. Unit has also been used to refer to the physical combination of the turbine, generator, and exciter. • The term controller refers to the Mark IV, Mark V, Mark VI, or PLC control equipment in the control panel. • The term panel refers to the cabinet containing the controllers and I/O boards. In prior manuals the term panel has been used to refer to the controller. Text Conventions Convention Meaning A procedure follows. Numbered list Procedural steps to be followed in order (for example, 1, 2, 3). Alphabetized list Procedural substeps (of numbered steps) to be followed in order (for example, a, b, c). Bulleted (•) list Related items or procedures, but order does not matter. A procedure with only one step. Bold Provides emphasis. Arial Bold When describing software, indicates the actual command or option that is chosen from a menu or dialog box. Italic Indicates a word used as a word, or a letter used as a letter. For example, the display should now read SDB has stopped. Italic also indicates new terms, margin notes, and the titles of figures and chapters in the guide. Monospace Represents examples of screen text or words and characters that are typed in a text box or at the command prompt. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 1 Overview • 1-3 Related Documentation The following documents apply to the HMI and SPEEDTRONIC turbine controllers and can help in understanding HMI operation: 1-4 • Chapter 1 Overview • GEH-6126, HMI for SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control, Operators Guide, Vol. I • GEI-100516, GSM for SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control • GEI-100517, Modbus for SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control • GEH-6421, System Guide for the SPEEDTRONIC Mark VI Turbine Control • GEH-6195, SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Turbine Control –Application Manual • GEH-6403, Toolbox for Configuring a Mark VI Turbine Controller • GEH-6422A, Turbine Historian System Guide • GEK-83886, MARK IV SPEEDTRONIC Gas Turbine Control Maintenance Manual • GEK-83885, Mark IV SPEEDTRONIC Gas Turbine Control Operator's Manual • GEH-5979, SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Turbine Control User's Manual • GEH-5980, SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Turbine Control Maintenance Manual • GEH-6354, SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control Panel Manual Overview GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide CHAPTER 2 Chapter 2 Installation Introduction A facility receives the HMI pre-loaded with all the programs and customized software required for the customer’s application. It is then configured during installation to automatically log on and open to the main operator screen when powered-up. This chapter covers the installation, setup, and checkout of the HMI. Login and Startup Initial Power Up To start up the HMI and open your application 1 Power up the computer if it is off. If Auto Log On is enabled the computer should start the CIMPLICITY application CimView and its associated main operation display automatically. If a Log On dialog box appears, type in Oper in the User Name field (User names are not case sensitive) and its associated password (default is no password) in the Password field. 2 If the computer is already running, press the three keys Ctrl+Alt+Delete all at once to bring up the Log On dialog box to change the User to Oper. 3 If the main operation display does not start automatically, double-click the desktop icon, typically Unit_Control.cim. When the computer starts up, it starts all CIMPLICITY programs (refer to the following screen Typical Services Starting Display) and displays the main operation display (refer to Example of a Typical HMI Display). Note GFK-1180 describes CimView in detail for the Mark V. Note The HMI displays for the user's system are CimView displays (*.cim files), which can open before CIMPLICITY finishes loading. If at first the display is not animated or setpoints fail, wait a few minutes for the startup to complete before beginning operation. During the startup process do not click any Cancel or Close buttons. Note To login to a different account such as Administrator or maint (abbreviation for maintenance), it is necessary to hold down the Shift key while the computer is booting. This will open a login box where the user name and password can be entered. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 2 Installation • 2-1 Do not click Close button as it may cancel the complete loading of essential services before the HMI starts. Click to manually start HMI if it does not start automatically. Typical Services Starting Display Example of a Typical HMI Display 2-2 • Chapter 2 Installation GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide CIMPLICITY Project Check that the CIMPLICITY® software is loaded, its shortcuts appear on the Start menu and the CIMPLICITY projectis located in directory C:\Site\Cimproj. Check Usernames and Passwords The user accounts and associated passwords need to be verified at initial unit checkout and later if there are problems logging into specific user accounts. ® ® Both Windows 2000 and Windows XP are covered in this section because there are differences in the procedures for checking for the existence of proper user accounts. Password text cannot be read directly because passwords are obscured by the operating system by displaying representative asterisks in place of the actual password. Passwords can only be verified by attempting to log on to an account with the associated password. If the logon procedure fails then the password may be incorrect and can be reset from the Administrator account. Typical GE systems have three (possibly more) accounts on the pc: • Administrator (with password) • Oper (typically with no password) • Maintenance (with password) If the ADMINISTRATOR password is changed and cannot be remembered then there is no way to retrieve it from the HMI. Store all passwords in a secure place. Note There should be a backup of the HMI hard drive or a Restore Disk (Refer to Microsoft Windows documentation). If this is not the case, a backup of the HMI hard drive or a Password Restore Disk should be made before making any changes. Refer to the Microsoft Windows documentation on how to create a Password Restore Disk. You may need to obtain a floppy drive for your system if one is not present. Note The client can add or remove additional user accounts as needed. Refer to Microsoft Windows documentation for further information. User accounts, other than those setup by GE, may not operate the HMI properly. Windows 2000 You must be logged in as administrator to perform procedure To check the Windows 2000 usernames and reset password 1 From the Start menu, select Settings, Control Panel. 2 The Control Panel opens. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 2 Installation • 2-3 2-4 • Chapter 2 Installation 3 Double-click Administrative Tools. A new window opens with a list of administrative tools. 4 Double-click Computer Management. A new window opens with a list of computer management tools. 5 Expand System Tools by clicking the + next to it. 6 Expand Local Users and Groups by clicking the + next to it. 7 Select User. A list of users on the computer displays in the left pane. Right click on a User name to open a drop-down box. 8 Click Set Password. The Set Password dialog box opens. Enter the new password in the New password and the Confirm password fields. Click OK. Close all open windows. The new password takes effect immediately. Confirm, by logging on as that user. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Windows XP You must be logged in as administrator to perform procedure To check the Windows XP usernames and reset password 1 From the Start menu, select Control Panel. 2 The Control Panel opens. 3 Double-click Administrative Tools. A new window opens with a list of administrative tools. 4 Double-click Computer Management. A new window opens with a list of computer management tools. 5 Expand System Tools by clicking the + next to it. 6 Expand Local Users and Groups by clicking the + next to it. 7 Select User. A list of users on the computer will display in the right pane. Right click on a User, which will open a drop-down menu window. Click Set Password. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 2 Installation • 2-5 8 A Warning dialog box opens. 9 Click Proceed to change the password. The Set Password dialog box opens. 10 Enter the desired Password in the New Passsword and Confirm password fields, then click OK to reset password. 11 Click OK. Close opened windows. 2-6 • Chapter 2 Installation GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide CHAPTER 3 Chapter 3 Mark IV Overview The Mark IV configuration is PROM-based, not downloaded from the HMI. There are no tools on the HMI to configure and download a Mark IV. All control changes are made directly either by using the Mark IV front panel display or a terminal connected to the Mark IV. Features, Utilities, and Tools DDVAL - Data Dictionary Validation DDVAL reads the signal definitions in the HMI data dictionary and the definitions in the controller. It then compares the two definitions to check that they are the same, and thereby validates the data dictionary. DDVAL requires the user add command line parameters. Help information is available by typing DDVAL with no parameters or DDVAL /? at the command prompt. See below for help information. When DDVAL scans the Mark IV controller and compares it against the HMI Data Dictionary it can generate the following messages: ERROR - Data Dictionary point number 0x1841 with name "L25TX_ALM" was an invalid name size from the Mark IV. This message is produced if the HMI cannot retrieve the point record from the Mark IV for the desired point due to an issue in the Mark IV. ERROR - Data Dictionary point number 0x2044 with name "TNH" and type "R4" is type "F2" in the Mark IV. This message is produced if the HMI finds that the point type differs between the HMI and the Mark IV. ERROR - Data Dictionary point number 0x1838 with name "L26GHXH" translates to a bad Mark IV point name. This message is produced if the Mark IV reports that it is unable to identify the requested point and therefore cannot return its point name. This sometimes means that the point number requested is outside the Mark IV point tables. ERROR - Data Dictionary point number 0x20E1 with name "DWATT" translates to Mark IV point name "DW". GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 3 Mark IV • 3-1 This message is produced if the HMI finds that the name of the point in the HMI is different than the name of the point reported by the Mark IV. In some cases this will be because the Mark IV considers it a spare (unused) point but the HMI believes that the point is used (or vice versa). Success- Data Dictionary point number 0x2A7A with name "TTXSPL" validated. This message is produced only if the /VERBOSE option is used and there are no errors validating this point. "ERROR - Unknown error in point "L4". This message is produced if there is an error outside of the normal errors shown above. It typically means that something has gone wrong in the process (such as the Mark IV was shut down in the middle of the scan). It is worth retrying the validation again to see if it clears the error. The on-line help message generated is: This program does Mark IV point validation. DDVal /unit=<unit> [/file=<file>] [/verbose] <unit> = Mark IV unit name or "ALL" to check all Mark IV units. <file> = Optional error file name. If this file is specified, all point errors will be put in it and not on the screen. /verbose = Option to display successfully validated points. 3-2 • Chapter 3 Mark IV GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide CHAPTER 4 Chapter 4 Mark V Mark V Controller HMI Unit-Specific Directory Each Mark V controller communicating with an HMI has a unit-specific directory and subdirectory on the HMI hard drive. These directories have names referring to the unit. They are located on the F: drive and are defined in F:\CONFIG.DAT. The unit-specific directory for the first unit is usually named F:\UNIT1, and its subdirectory is F:\UNIT1\PROM. Subsequent unit-specific directories and their subdirectories are F:\UNIT2 and F:\UNIT2\PROM, F:\UNIT3 and F:\UNIT3\PROM, and so on. Configuration files contained in a unit-specific directory can be broken up into five groups as follows: • Assignment files • Data Dictionary files • I/O Configuration Constant files • Table files • CSP segment files. These five groups of files are discussed in the following sections. Assignment Files Assignment files, while not downloaded to a Mark V controller, contain unit-specific control signal database pointnames and scale types for many of the control signals. The information in assignment files is used when creating the primary unit Data Dictionary file, UNITDATA.DAT. This file contains all of the unit-specific control signal database pointname information. For each unit, GE provides the following four assignment files in the HMI’s unitspecific directory: IO.ASG, FACTORY.ASG, ALLOCSSP.ASG, and SITE.ASG. These are ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) text files, sometimes called plain text files. They can be viewed or modified using any ASCII text editor. When I/O devices are connected to a Mark V controller, they must be assigned a control signal database pointname and a scale type. I/O devices are specified in the I/O assignment file, IO.ASG. In this file, a control signal database pointname and a scale type are assigned to the location, which is being used for a particular device. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-1 A Mark V controller has multiple spare control signal database memory locations (points) which are available for use or assignment. To make use of these spare points for new or additional control and protection functions it is necessary to define the type of point required, the control signal database pointname, and the scale code. These definitions are made in one of three assignment files. The file in which the assignment is made depends on the type of signal required as well as on who is making the assignment, that is, factory personnel or site personnel, customer or GEPS/Business Associate field personnel. The files are as follows: • FACTORY.ASG is used for control signal database pointnames and scale types. GE or GEPS’s business associates assign these to spare memory locations in FACTORY.ASG. This file can be altered to accommodate customization of the CSP for a particular application. • ALLOCSSP.ASG (ALLOCation of Structured Software Points) is used for additional I/O, spare double-word variables, and spare alarm logic points. Spare double-word variables and alarm logic points, which are required, are assigned pointnames and scale types in ALLOCSSP.ASG. Both factory (GE and GEPS Business Associates) and field/site personnel make assignments for these two types of points in ALLOCSSP.ASG. • SITE.ASG is used for points other than I/O, double-word variables, and alarm logic points. Customer and/or GEPS/Business Associate field personnel make assignments of signal pointnames and scale types to spare control signal database memory locations in SITE.ASG. Data Dictionary Files Data Dictionary files contain information about unit-specific control signal database pointnames, alarm text messages for both process and diagnostic alarms, and display information for signal pointnames, such as type, units, and messages. The primary unit Data Dictionary file, UNITDATA.DAT, can be created in the unit-specific directory. Assignment files and template files are used in the creation of UNITDATA.DAT. Many HMI configuration programs require information from UNITDATA.DAT when modifying or compiling unit configuration files for downloading. Some control signal database pointnames are common to applications (steam turbines or gas turbines) and must reside in memory at specific locations and must not be changed. These common, fixed pointnames are contained in template files. The fixed control-signal database pointnames, the I/O assignments, and spare memory locations being specified in the assignment files must be included in the UNITDATA.DAT file. If any new assignments are made, they must be included in a new UNITDATA.DAT file. The program DDLOCATE creates UNITDATA.DAT. This program uses the assignment files which are specified at the time DDLOCATE is run, in addition to three template files in the unit-specific PROM sub-directory: UNITDATA.TPL, UNITFREE.TPL, and UNITMAP.TPL. Information from both the assignment files and the .TPL files (TPL stands for template) in the PROM sub-directory are used to create the unit-specific UNITDATA.DAT file. The command-line format for executing DDLOCATE is as follows: DDLOCATE IO.ASG FACTORY.ASG ALLOCSSP.ASG SITE.ASG Although their order is unimportant, all assignment files for a particular unit must be specified on the command line each time DDLOCATE is run. If a modification is made to ALLOCSSP.ASG only, such as to use a spare alarm logic point, all the assignment files must be specified on the command line when DDLOCATE is run. Each time DDLOCATE is run, a new UNITDATA.DAT file is created; all the assignments must be included in this new file. DDLOCATE is run as part of MK5MAKE.BAT. For details refer to the section on MK5MAKE.BAT 4-2 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Other Data Dictionary files that must be present in the unit-specific directory for proper operation include: • ALARM.DAT containing process and diagnostic alarm messages (maximum case). • ENUMDATA.DAT containing display messages for Enumerated Data types. • ENGLISH.DAT containing scale code information. • METRIC.DAT containing scale code information. The following unit-specific Data Dictionary files are optional and not required for proper HMI operation: • LONGNAME.DAT containing CSDB pointname descriptions. • SYNONYM.DAT containing site-specific CSDB pointname synonyms. Unit-specific Data Dictionary files are not downloaded to a Mark V controller, but are loaded into the HMI’s RAM each time the HMI is turned on or reset. This information is used to scale and display control signal database pointname information on the HMI as well as for alarm and event logging. As discussed above, some HMI programs require information from UNITDATA.DAT. I/O Configuration Constants I/O configuration constants are used to scale or condition signals to and from I/O devices connected to the Mark V controller. IO configuration files are downloaded to the controller. I/O devices include pressure transducers, temperature switches, electro-hydraulic servo-valves, position transducers or reactors, thermocouples, and RTDs. Many of the same type of I/O devices can have differing outputs or require dissimilar inputs. For example, thermocouples produce a millivoltage proportional to temperature; however, a Type K thermocouple produces a different millivoltage than a Type T for the same temperature. An I/O configuration constant is used to appropriately scale the input signals from the various types of thermocouples. As another example, milliamp transducers come in several output ranges such as 4-20 mA, 0-1 mA, and 0-10 mA. More than one type of milliamp transducer can be used on a unit or its auxiliaries, so I/O configuration constants are used to scale the input for use in the controller. I/O configuration constants are initially contained in the I/O configuration files in the unit-specific directory. The three files are as follows: • IOCFG_Q.DAT • IOCFG_C.DAT • IOCFG_D.DAT All three files are present in the unit-specific directory for each Mark V controller that communicates with the HMI, even if the controller does not include a <D> backup communication processor. The information in these files is in hexadecimal format, and can be viewed using the I/O configurator program, IO_CFG, usually available from the HMI Main Menu. The screens presented in the I/O configurator depend on the configuration data files found in the unit PROM directory. PROM\IO_CFG.DAT contains the list of files required for the I/O configurator, such as TCCA_CFG.DAT. The I/O configuration files can be downloaded to a Mark V controller without any intermediate steps such as compiling. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-3 Table Files The majority of unit-specific configuration files are Table Files. These files contain tabular listings of CSDB pointnames and information about their type, use, and value. Table Files contain information in an ASCII text format which, when compiled and downloaded to the controller, is used by functions such as the Control Sequence Program and the loggers. Several of the source Table Files are dummy files containing no information, created for symmetry and possible future use. Modifications can be made to any of the ASCII text Table Files (known as source files) using any ASCII text editor. Prior to downloading the information in the source Table Files, it must be converted into binary format using the Table Compiler program, TABLE_C. The command line format for executing the Table Compiler to compile all the Table Files is as follows: TABLE_C ALL Using the Table Compiler, information in the source Table Files is converted into binary format in files with the same filename but with an .AP1 filename extension. For example, CONST_Q.SRC is compiled into CONST_Q.AP1. The Table Compiler uses information contained in UNITDATA.DAT and one of the scale code files (ENGLISH.SCA by default) when converting the source files into hex files. Since no CSDB pointnames are downloaded to the Mark V controller, the Table Compiler finds the software signal pointname in UNITDATA.DAT, and uses its memory location/address, scale code, and point type when creating the downloadable Table Files. Source Table Files 4-4 • Chapter 4 Mark V Table Files Description CONST_B.SRC Default file; blank CONST_Q.SRC All control constants and their (initial) values EPA_B.SRC A list of pointnames for emissions logging purposes EPA_Q.SRC Default file; blank MAOUT_B.SRC Default file; blank MAOUT_Q.SRC A list of pointnames and ranges for <C> mA outputs CHNG_B.SRC A list of <C> analog pointnames and ranges monitored for excursions and logged as events to the Historian CHNG_Q.SRC A list of <Q> analog pointnames and ranges monitored for excursions and logged as events to the Historian EVENT_B.SRC A list of <C> logic signal pointnames logged as events EVENT_Q.SRC A list of <Q> logic signal pointnames logged as events TOTT_B.SRC A list of pointnames to configure the Hold List TOTT_Q.SRC A list of pointnames for which data is totalized HIST_B.SRC A list of pointnames included in the Trip History log, for Mark V HIST_Q.SRC A list of pointnames included in the Trip History log, for Mark V LM CBLR_B.SRC A list of digital inputs to <C> which are associated with command pushbuttons in the CSP CBLR_Q.SRC A list of digital inputs to <Q> which are associated with command pushbuttons in the CSP GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide CSP Segment Files A Control Sequence Program (CSP) segment is an ASCII text file containing information such as control blocks, parameters, comments, and relay ladder diagram sequencing. The turbine control program is contained in the CSP. The CSP for a unit is made up of at least two segments, one for <Q> and one for <B>. CSP segments can be run at different frequencies, such as 4, 8, 16, or 32 Hz depending on the application, and at different skews, or offsets. Segments are subsets of the CSP containing sequencing functions, which are related and must be run at a certain frequency. There can be as many as eight CSP segments for <B> and eight CSP segments for <Q>. CSP segments can be viewed and modified using the Control Sequence Editor program, SEQEDIT.EXE, available in the HMI Turbine Control Maintenance section. In some cases, all of the unit's control and protection (other than emergency overspeed trip and servo regulator loops) can be accomplished in one CSP segment in <Q>. CSP segment files can have any valid DOS filename of eight characters maximum but must have an .SRC filename extension. Refer to the section Control Sequence Editor. Prior to downloading to a Mark V controller, the CSP must be converted to binary (AP1) format using the Control Sequence Compiler (CSP Compiler). The CSP Compiler uses information from UNITDATA.DAT, Big Block definition files in the unit-specific PROM subdirectory (PRIMITIV.DEF and BIGBLOCK.DEF), and the names of CSP segment files, which have been specified in a unit-specific control sequencing configuration file, MSTR_SEQ.CFG. The CSP Compiler creates binary format downloadable CSP files, SEQ_B.AP1 and SEQ_Q.AP1. For Mark V LM the file is SEQ.AP1. The CSP Compiler can be run from the HMI Turbine Control Maintenance section or at the command line of the unit-specific directory with the SEQCOMPL command. Text file MSTR_SEQ.CFG contains two sections defining the names of CSP segment files, which are compiled for <Q>’s CSP and <B>’s CSP. In addition, it defines the rates, offsets, and skews as well as the order in which CSP segments are compiled and run. The first segment file specified is run first, the second segment file specified is run next, the third segment file specified is run next, and so on. Refer to the section MSTR_SEQ.CFG. CSP segments are initially created using Big Block Library (BBL), relay ladder diagram rungs, and comment rungs. They are customized by GE or its Business Associates to match a particular application or customer’s requirements, and can be modified in the field using the Control Sequence Editor. New CSP segments can be created using the Control Sequence Editor. If a new segment is created, the name of a new segment must be added to MSTR_SEQ.CFG to be included in the downloaded CSP files. The maximum number of segments per <Q> and <B> that can be compiled is eight. For the Mark V LM it is 16. Compiling Unit-Specific Configuration Files The unit-specific Table and CSP files must be converted to binary format prior to downloading to the Mark V controllers. This is done using the Table Compiler program directly or the MK5MAKE.BAT batch file, which calls the Table Compiler program. Refer to the sections on the Table Compiler and MK5MAKE for more details. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-5 Downloading Unit-Specific Configuration Files When the unit-specific ASCII text Table and CSP files are compiled to binary format, they, along with the I/O Configuration Constants, can be downloaded to the Mark V controllers using the EEPROM Downloader program (EEPROM). EEPROM is available from the HMI command line. The EEPROM Downloader program transfers unit configuration file information, sometimes known as EEPROM partitions or sections, from the HMI's hard drive to the controller. Refer to the section on the EEPROM Downloader for more details. Control Constants Special care is needed when modifying control constants in the CONST_Q.SRC file. These constants are downloaded to non-volatile memory in the controller. They are copied to RAM memory when the control is initialized and are used during the CSP execution. The values of control constants in the processor’s RAM can be changed using the Control Constant Adjust Display program by selecting a constant on the HMI display. Control constants can be adjusted while the unit is running, although the rate of change of the control constant’s value is quite slow when the unit is running to prevent a rapid change from tripping the turbine. Refer to the section on the Control Constant Adjust Display. A feature of the Control Constants Adjust Display is to copy the control constant, whose value was changed in RAM, to the controller’s nonvolatile memory. Clicking on the target Storage Update and then clicking on the OK button in the Execute Dialog Box copy the current RAM value of every control constant to the processor’s non-volatile memory. However, there is no automatic method of updating the values of control constants in the configuration file CONST_Q.SRC. If a control constant in a Mark V controller is modified using the Control Constant Adjust Display, and the value of the control constant in CONST_Q.SRC is not subsequently changed to match the unit’s value, a re-compiling and downloading of control constants causes the controllers nonvolatile storage value of the control constant to revert to the old value in CONST_Q.SRC. Note Whenever a control constant is modified using the Control Constant Adjust Display, the control constant source Table File, CONST_Q.SRC, should be edited to reflect the new value and compiled. This assures the Control Constant Table hexadecimal file, CONST_Q.DAT, contains the new value and any subsequent downloads will be done with the correct value. It is possible to generate a list of the current values of control constants in the controller using the CONSTCHK program. Refer to the section on CONSTCHK program. 4-6 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Auto-Calibrate Display The Autocalibrate function in the controller allows a user to calibrate the feedback signals in the position control sections of the various Servo Valve Outputs (SVOs). This consists of establishing the relationship between the required position and the actual position. The servo board in the controller does the calibration process, with the required inputs downloaded to it from the HMI. The results of the calibration are then collected for display by the HMI. Mark V Auto Calibration In addition to the calibration function, two different verify functions are available. These verify functions provide high-speed data (128 Hz) taken while ramping from one end stop to the other. Verify under position control ramps the position at a constant rate and plots the current, while verify under current control holds the current constant and plots the position. A manual control mode is provided which allows the user to specify a desired position. This is useful for positioning a valve at a desired position when the normal regulator is an integrator. The HMI has a special display used to access the autocalibrate functions in the Mark V control. The autocalibrate Display uses a data file to define the calibration parameters and the format of the screen display for each SVO. File Type This section describes the format of the data file, ACALIB.DAT. The program AUTOCAL.EXE runs the Autocal function. ACALIB.DAT defines the calibration parameters and the format of the screen display for each SVO. ACALIB.DAT must be located in the unit configuration directory, F:\UNITn. The three main sections to this data file are Status Codes, Trace Information, and Display Definitions. • Status Codes converts I/O board status codes to text. These are used to decipher the hexadecimal I/O board state information to text for ease of understanding. • Trace Information defines how many position traces are to be displayed for each regulator type when displaying a Verify Under Current Control or Verify Under Position Control plot. • Display Definitions section defines all the different Autocal displays for each regulator. Each definition includes items such as the processor, I/O board, I/O processor number, regulator number, positions at current saturation, logic permissive for sending commands, and the data to be displayed. When Autocal is run, it displays a list of the regulators for user selection. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-7 Menu Selections Options Commands Description File Menu FILE:SAVE AS Saves the currently displayed text from the data window to a text file. FILE:PRINT Displays the standard Print dialog box. Use this menu selection to print the data window. FILE:PRINTER SETUP Displays the standard Printer Setup dialog box for selecting a printer and its characteristics. FILE:EXIT Closes the Auto Calibrate Display. Edit Menu EDIT:COPY EDIT:SELECT UNIT View Menu VIEW:TOOLBAR VIEW:STATUS BAR Help Menu HELP: HELP TOPICS HELP:ABOUT Copies Auto Calibrate Data Window to the Clipboard as a bitmap. Displays the Unit Select dialog box which lists all the unit controls defined in the turbine control interface. Doubleclicking the left mouse button on aunit name, or highlighting a unit name then selecting OK selects the unit. Toggles the toolbar on and off. Toggles the status bar on and off. Calls the Autocalibrate program help. Presents the Autocalibrate Display About dialog box. Command Pushbutton The command pushbuttons in the button-view window have the following standard colors: • Red - Immediate acting • Green - Arm/Run; this requires confirmation before sending the command • Gray - Setpoint: The user enters a desired setpoint Not all command pushbuttons are available at all times. Their visibility depends on the control state and permissive logic. Personnel should keep clear of the area during an automatic calibration sequence or when one of the automatic calibration options is run. The hydraulic actuator is moving the device from mechanical stop to mechanical stop as fast as four seconds using full hydraulic pressure. If no pushbuttons are visible, then either one of the following conditions is occurring: • The machine is not in its correct test state. • The test permissive, usually L3ADJ is not TRUE. • The Autocal function is being used by another Autocalibrate window, HMI, or <I>. • Communications to the controller have failed. The Enable Commands pushbutton must be activated to allow the user to issue further commands to the unit. Read and heed the warnings accompanying this command. 4-8 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Enable Commands. The datafile can define a logic Permissive signal that must be in a required state before calibration commands can be sent to the Mark V. If the permissive signal is found to be valid, the Enable Commands pushbutton is visible and a warning message is displayed. Read and heed the warnings accompanying this command. Start Calibrate. Start Calibrate sends the command to the Mark V to start Autocal. This runs the position calibrate function and reports the resulting information on the display. When all required permissives are met and hydraulic operation of the valve is possible, Autocal controls the servo-valve output current(s) to the servo-valve device to position the actuator or device. The Mark V then measures the feedback voltages and calculates I/O Configuration Constants. The currents determined during the Autocal procedure are stored in TCQA RAM. Verify Position. Verify Position starts the verify under position control function. This function ramps the actuator from actuator mechanical minimum travel to mechanical maximum travel then ramps back again at a constant rate (for example, constant inches per minute). While verifying under position control, Autocal causes the servo-valve output current to increase or decrease as necessary to maintain the fixed rate of travel as indicated by the LVDT/R feedback signal(s). Servo current data is collected at 128 Hz rate and placed in the Mark V's buffer. If the servo-valve, the actuator, or device is not mechanically binding or sticking, the amount of current required to maintain the fixed rate of travel should be constant. Such things as valve packing, a scored hydraulic actuator cylinder, or a damaged valve stem could cause such mechanical binding. The results of verifying under position control can be plotted on the HMI and stored or printed for further analysis. Verify Current. Verify Current starts the verify under current control function. This function causes Autocal to output a fixed servo-valve output current that causes the device to move at a constant rate of approximately 30% travel-per-second from actuator minimum mechanical to maximum mechanical travel and back. If the processor is re-booted or another valve calibrated, the current values from the most recent Autocal procedure are lost. If no values exist in TCQA RAM for moving the device, a message is displayed indicating that the device must be calibrated before the operation can occur. The current for each direction is different because of the null bias current required to overcome the fail-safe spring bias in the servo-valve. Enable Manual. Enables Manual Setpoint control from the Autocalibrate Display. Manual Setpoint. Manual Setpoint defines the position reference if manual control is enabled. Manual control is used to check the accuracy of calibration or to hold the device in some position for mechanical inspection or maintenance. The desired position is entered, Enable Manual is selected, and then the valve is driven to the setpoint position. Changing the Manual Setpoint when manual control is enabled ramps the device at a fixed 30% stroke-per-second rate to the new setpoint. Idle. Idle halts any calibration, verify, or manual control and clears any status or error condition from a previous command. View Verify. View Verify is used to collect and plot data in the capture buffer. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-9 Command Line Arguments The Autocalibrate display can be started from the command line, or the user can create screen icons using the following example: g:\exec\autocal.exe The Autocalibrate display can be launched with the following optional argument to quickly bring the display to a desired configuration: /UNIT: The following example specifies the unit name as T1: g:\exec\autocal.exe /UNIT:T1 Display actions are as follows: • Valid Unit: The Autocalibrate display is opened with the unit already selected. • Invalid Unit or None: A blank screen is displayed if an invalid unit is specified on the command line. • Single Unit Sites: The unit parameter is ignored on single unit sites. Screen Description The Autocalibrate screen consists of three windows as follows: • Tree-view window • Autocalibrate Data window • Button-view window The tree-view is on the left side of the display, the Autocalibrate data is in the center, and the Button-view is on the right. The three portions are separated by movable splitter bars. The program can display and update one set of Autocalibrate test data at a time. Tree-view. The Autocalibrate tree-view window is a graphical window that depicts the hierarchy of Unit and regulators available for calibration. The tree-view can hold and display one unit at a time; it cannot be printed. Autocalibrate Data. The Autocalibrate data window has three main regions, Header, Data Area, and Message Box. • The Header contains the Unit Name, Site Name, Program Name, and Time tag The Header time tag displays the operator interface time and updates whenever a valid new message is received. If no valid messages are received for five seconds, the Header time tag is highlighted. • The Data Area is below the Header. This displays the strings for the selected Autocalibrate regulator calibration such as important data from each processor, relevant test values, and test status messages. The Data Area is updated at 1 Hz. • The time tag displayed in the Header reflects operator interface time when the last update message was received. If the Header time tag field is highlighted, the data being displayed may not be valid. If the Mark V does not respond or another Autocalibrate window, HMI, or <I> is using the Autocal function, the data fields remain blank. 4-10 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Message Box. This area at the bottom of the data window displays warnings and information about the Autocalibrate function status. Please take note of all messages and warnings. Button-view The Button-view window contains the pushbuttons that interact with the unit control to conduct and verify Autocalibration functions. These buttons are visible only when the board permissives have been met and no other window, HMI, or <I> is conducting an autocalibrate function. The Enable Commands pushbutton must be activated to allow the user to issue further commands to the unit. Read and heed the warnings accompanying this command. The pushbuttons and their functions are discussed in the section on Autocalibrate Command Pushbutton Description. Autocalibrate Display Dialog Boxes Unit Select Dialog Box. Use the Unit Select dialog box to change which unit’s data is displayed. Only valid units are displayed. Highlight the unit in the list box and select OK to display data from that unit control. Cancel closes the dialog box and maintains the original unit data display. About Dialog Box. The About Dialog Box displays the program name and current revision level. Select OK to close this dialog box. Confirm Dialog Box. The confirm Dialog Box is called any time the user initiates a control action from an arm/run pushbutton within the Autocalibrate Display. The box displays an appropriate message to the user regarding the unit, regulator, control action, and OK and Cancel buttons. The default action of this dialog box is Cancel. Manual Setpoint Command Dialog Box. This dialog box is used to enter and confirm the user’s autocalibrate actuator set point command. The setpoint signal information appears in text. Enter the desired setpoint in the edit box. Select the OK button to sends the new actuator setpoint to the desired regulator. Cancel cancels the command execution. The default action for the Manual Setpoint dialog box is OK. Warning Dialog Box. The Warning Dialog Box is called any time the user selects Enable Commands. It displays a warning about the Autocalibrate procedure. The box displays OK and Cancel buttons; the default action of this dialog box is Cancel. Processor Selection Dialog Box. The Processor Selection Dialog Box is called any time the user selects View Verify and more than one processor has data. Only those processors that have verification data are displayed as choices. Highlight the processor in the list box and select OK to display data from that controller. Cancel closes the dialog box and maintains the original data display. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-11 Control Constants Display - Mark V and Mark V LM The HMI Control Constants Display displays the value of each of the control constants in the selected unit. All control constants in the selected unit’s data dictionary are displayed. From this display the user can call up the Control Constants Adjust Display to change any constants that are adjustable. Note Mark IV uses the local operator interface. Mark VI uses the toolbox. The Control Constants Display has a header above a list of control constants. The header includes the following: • The Site name • The Unit name • The current time being sent from the unit The list of points has three columns as follows: • The Point name • The Value • The Units There is an icon to the left of the Point Name to determine if the point is adjustable. The icon is a plus sign if the point is adjustable, and the icon is a question mark if the values from the three processors (R, S, and T) do not match. The question mark is also displayed if the value is outside the minimum and maximum value. Both the plus sign and the question mark can be displayed at the same time. Menu Structure Menu Menu Item Description File Print Send what is on the display to a printer Print Setup Select the desired printer and its setup Exit Exit the Control Constants display Select Unit Selects the unit (controller) with which the Control Constants display communicates Find Point Brings up the Find Point dialog box. From this the user can locate a point in the list Set Point This dialog box sets the font that both the header and the data list uses Set Default This sets the font and column widths back to the system default Tool Bar Toggles the tool bar on and off Status Bar Toggles the status bar on and off Edit View Help About Control This Dialog box displays the revision level of the Control Constants Constants Display The Control Constants Display can be invoked from the command line with a unit name. If a valid unit name is specified, the Control Constants Display starts with data from that unit. If no unit is specified on the command line and there is more than one unit in the system, the user is prompted to select a unit. For example, use the following: G:\EXEC\CONSTDSP /UNIT:T1 4-12 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The header time tag displays the time tag of the oldest piece of data being displayed in the data list. Before data has been received, the time tag reads No Valid Data. If the oldest piece of data on the screen is more than five seconds old, the time tag is highlighted. Changing a Control Constant Only Control Constants with a plus next to them can be adjusted. Double click the constant to be adjusted. Or use the arrow keys to move to the constant to be adjusted and press enter. Control Constants Display Control Constants Adjust Display - Mark V and Mark V LM The HMI Control Constants Adjust Display allows the user to adjust the value of any control constant that is adjustable. The display is a dialog application. The dialog application must not be closed until the ramping of the control constant is finished. If it is closed, the ramping stops at the current value. More than one Control Constant Adjust Display can be active at a time. The display can be minimized at any time (including while a point is being ramped). Note Mark VI uses the toolbox. The Control Constants Adjust Display can be invoked from the command line with a Pointname. If no pointname is specified, then a dialog box displays to enter a point. The format of the command line argument is: /POINT:<UNIT>:<POINT NAME> GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-13 The unit is required for multi unit sites, for example: G:\EXEC\CONSTADJ /POINT:T1:CSKATS The unit is optional if there is only one unit, for example: G:\EXEC\CONSTADJ /POINT:CSKATS Header Time tag The Control Constants Adjust Display has a header that includes: Site Name, Unit Name, and Current Time being sent from the unit. The header time tag displays the time tag of the oldest piece of data being displayed. Before data has been received, the time tag reads No Valid Data. If the oldest piece of data on the screen is more than five seconds old, the time tag is highlighted. Control Constants Adjust Display The following information is displayed in the dialog box: Point Name, Current Point Value (if the unit is a TMR, three values are displayed), Target Point Value, Ramp Rate Value, Minimum Value (if it exists), and Maximum Value (if it exists). The Display Pushbuttons Pushbutton Color Description Enter Target Gray with black text This button displays the Enter Target dialog box Start Ramp Green with black text The Start Ramp button displays a dialog box asking if you really want to start the ramp. The button is green with yellow text when the ramp is in action Stop Ramp Red with black text This button immediately stops the ramp Step Change Green with black text This button displays a dialog box asking if you really want to make the step change. A step change can only be made when the unit is off line Storage Update Green with black text This button displays a dialog box asking if you really want to save all constants in non-volatile memory 4-14 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Header Time tag The Control Constants Adjust Display has a header that includes: Site Name, Unit Name, and Current Time being sent from the unit. The header time tag displays the time tag of the oldest piece of data being displayed. Before data has been received, the time tag reads No Valid Data. If the oldest piece of data on the screen is more than five seconds old, the time tag is highlighted. Control Constants Adjust Display The following information is displayed in the dialog box: Point Name, Current Point Value (if the unit is a TMR, three values are displayed), Target Point Value, Ramp Rate Value, Minimum Value (if it exists), and Maximum Value (if it exists). The Display Pushbuttons Pushbutton Color Description Enter Target Gray with black text This button displays the Enter Target dialog box Start Ramp Green with black text The Start Ramp button displays a dialog box asking if you really want to start the ramp. The button is green with yellow text when the ramp is in action Stop Ramp Red with black text This button immediately stops the ramp Step Change Green with black text This button displays a dialog box asking if you really want to make the step change. A step change can only be made when the unit is off line Storage Update Green with black text This button displays a dialog box asking if you really want to save all constants in non-volatile memory GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-15 CONSTCHK - Constants Check - Mark V and Mark V LM When a turbine control is reset or powered up, it reads the control constant values out of non-volatile memory and loads them into RAM. The controller then runs using these RAM resident values. CONSTCHK is a command line configuration utility that displays control constants that have a different value in the controller's RAM and the controller's non-volatile storage. It is useful in determining which control constants in RAM have changed value since the controller was last reset or powered up. The Control Constant Adjust Display can dynamically change the contents of the RAM resident control constants. Use of the Control Constants Adjust Display results in the contents of the RAM and the contents of the non-volatile memory value being different. CONSTCHK outlines the differences, giving a list of the changes that were made. Operation CONSTCHK is a command line program that is usually run from a DOS prompt. It needs one command line parameter, the name of the unit to check. If run with no parameters or the /? parameter, it displays a help screen. Normally the program reports only the values of control constants that have different values between the RAM and the non-volatile memory. If the /ALL qualifier is used on the command line, all values are displayed. The following example displays a check of a Mark V unit. Two control constants were found where the value in RAM was different than in non-volatile storage. The Mark V uses an EEPROM for its non-volatile storage. F:\UNIT1>CONSTCHK T1 ...Site: HMI Development ...Unit: T1 ...Time: 03-DEC-1997 11:58:15 ... Name Units RAM (CSDB) EEPROM ...--------- -------- ------------ -----------LK90PSEL "MW" 24.0 22.6 LK90SPIN "MW" 3.0 4.0 ...There were 2 Control Constants with different values. F:\UNIT1> The following example displays a check of a Mark V LM unit. Seven control constants were found where the value in RAM was different than that in non-volatile storage. The Mark V LM uses an AP1 file on its internal hard drive for its nonvolatile storage. F:\UNIT2>CONSTCHK T2 ...Site: HMI Development ...Unit: T2 ...Time: 03-DEC-1997 11:59:28 ... Name Units RAM (CSDB) ...--------------------------K39VTT_TD "sectd" 0.015 KOTRDITH_M "%" 3.09 KOTRR_LAG "secrt" 10.00 KOTRR_LEAD "secrt" 5.38 KPLTR_LEAD "secrt" 5.88 KPLTR_NLMT "%" 3.19 KPLT_BIAS "%" 3.19 ...There were 7 Control Constants with F:\UNIT2> 4-16 • Chapter 4 Mark V AP1 -----------0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 different values. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Diagnostic Counters Display - Mark V and Mark V LM The Diagnostic Counters Display (DIAGC) provides information on internal control and I/O board functions used for troubleshooting or statistical data gathering. This display permits I/O board data not defined in the unit CSDB to be viewed. Not all data is defined in the CSDB because either the data must be processed or scaled before it can be used by the Turbine Control programs, or it is data created by the operating or communication systems of the I/O boards for troubleshooting purposes. This information is intended for debugging by experienced field and factory personnel. This program is not intended for use by plant operators. No unit control functions are available on this display. The display features a split window with a tree-view of the unit on the left and the Diagnostic Counter data on the right. The tree-view can hold and display one unit at a time. Selecting a valid sub-type from the list under a unit/core/card in the tree-view causes that sub-type Diagnostic Counter data to be displayed. That data is displayed until the user selects a different sub-type or changes the unit. File Type The program reads the F:\CONFIG.DAT file to obtain the site information. The program also reads the DIAGC.DAT file for each unit. This file can be located in the F:\UNITN directory or in the F:\UNITN\PROM directory. For the Mark V LM, the DIAGC.DAT file is a text file that is produced by the tool program G:\EXEC\DCBUILD1.EXE. Note For Mark V LM, DIAGC.DAT should always be built from the card library by the tool program. While DIAGC.DAT is a text file, it should never be edited by hand. DIAGC.DAT files should never be copied from one unit to another. For the Mark V, the DIAGC.DAT file is completed by the requisition engineer. Note For Mark V, the DIAGC.DAT file should not be edited except by qualified field personnel as part of hardware or software modifications to the unit control. DIAGC.DAT files should never be copied from one unit to another. The program can save the current DIAGC output to a text file. This text file can be opened and viewed with notepad or other text-viewing program. DIAGC cannot be used to open the text file. Using the Diagnostic Counters Display Program This section provides information concerning the use of the following functions: • Starting the Diagnostic Counters Display program • The Diagnostic Counters Display window • Selecting a DIAGC display screen • Interpreting the data Executing Diagnostic Counters Display (DIAGC) The Diagnostic Counters Display, DIAGC, can be run from a menu pick on the Main Menu or from the DOS prompt using the command: DIAGC GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-17 DIAGC.EXE is located within the product code in the G:\EXEC subdirectory. The Diagnostic Counters Display can be launched from the command line with the following argument to quickly bring the display to a desired configuration: /UNIT:T1 The following example specifies the unit name as T1: G:\EXEC\DIAGC.EXE /UNIT:T1 The DIAGC Display can be launched from the Windows Start Menu Run dialog box by entering the command as displayed on the command line above, or by selecting the DIAGC icon from the appropriate program group. Tree view Diagnostic subtypes Selected sub-type Diagnostic data area DIAGC - Tree View and Splitter Bar The Diagnostic Counters Display Window The tree-view is on the left side of the display and the Diagnostic Counter data is on the right. A movable splitter bar separates the two portions. The program can display and update one set of Diagnostic Counter data at a time. The Diagnostic Counters tree view is a graphical window that depicts the hierarchy of panel/core/card/sub-type in a tree structure. The tree view can hold and display one unit at a time. The tree-view window cannot be printed. 4-18 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Navigation in the tree-view is accomplished with the keyboard or mouse. The panel/core/card levels can be expanded or collapsed to reveal the Diagnostic subtypes available to the user. Selection of a sub-type causes that sub-type Diagnostic Counter data to be displayed in the Diagnostic Counter window. That data is displayed in the data area until the user selects a different sub-type or changes the unit selection. Unit name Site name Program name Board, core and socket name Timetag Number of replies received from the Unit. Legend with title of diagnostic sub-type Data area with value field Diagnostic Counter Data Window and Splitter Bar The Diagnostic Counter data window on the right hand side has three main regions, the Header, the Legend, and the Data Area The Header is a non-scrolling region and therefore cannot be scrolled out of the window. Although this region can be turned off using the View menu, it is recommended that users leave the Header visible at all times because of the process information displayed. The Header program name, card, core and socket names all appear on the same line and serve to uniquely identify the board being examined. The legend contains the sub-type currently being viewed. The Header time tag displays the operator interface time and updates whenever a valid new message is received. If no valid messages are received for five seconds, the Header time tag is highlighted. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-19 As new data is received from the unit, the replies received counter is updated and displayed. If there is an error in the number of bytes returned in a message from the unit, the replies received field in the Header is highlighted to indicate the mismatch and possible corruption of Diagnostic Counter data on the display. The Legend displays the title of the current Diagnostic Counter sub-type. The Legend is in a non-scrolling region and cannot be scrolled out of the window. Although this region can be turned off using the View menu, it is recommended that users leave the Legend visible at all times. The Data Area is below the Header and Legend. The Data Area displays the strings for the selected Diagnostic Counters sub-type. The value field in the Data Area is updated at either 1 Hz or 4 Hz. The time tag displayed in the Header reflects operator interface time when the last update message was received. Unlike the Header and Legend, the information in the Data Area can be scrolled with the vertical scroll bar. If the Header replies received field is highlighted, the Diagnostic Counter data being displayed may not be valid. Selecting a Diagnostic Counters Display Selecting a particular display establishes a communication link to the board in question and asks for the PROM data associated with this display. The tree view on the left gives an exploded diagram of all the cores within the panel. Each core can be expanded into its component boards and each board expanded into its diagnostics displays. Use the cursor and keyboard to expand the desired core and board, then select the appropriate diagnostic display for the board. The selection is highlighted with a check mark on the tree view portion of the screen. Interpreting Data DIAGC is a diagnostic tool for firmware designers and field personnel only. Its purpose is to assist firmware designers in the performance evaluation of the EPROM based programming and to assist field personnel in problem diagnosis. While the program is a display only program that poses no threat to the operation of the turbine control, it does not provide Turbine Operation information and should be run by authorized personnel only. Information for Board Designers The following data types are supported for the Diagnostic Counters Display. Board designers should refrain from using data types other than those listed here because they are not supported. Type Hn converts signed to unsigned; type Sn converts unsigned to signed. 4-20 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Data Types for Diagnostic Counter Display Data Code Ctypes Conversion-Algorithm ASCII A0 %s char* =&raw_data Binary B1 %8s char* =itoa((char)raw_data,str,2) B2 %16s char* =itoa( (int)raw_data,str,2) C1 %f double= (char) (raw_data) *gain +offset C2 %f double= (int) (raw_data) *gain +offset C4 %lf double= (long) (raw_data) *gain +offset Fixed F2 %f double= (int) (raw_data) /32768*gain+offset Sign/un H1 %2X %u %c uchar = (char) (raw_data) *gain +offset H2 %4X %u uint = (int) (raw_data) *gain +offset H4 %1X 1u ulong = (long) (raw_data) *gain +offset Logical L1 %d int = (char) (raw_data)? 1 : 0 Real R4 %f double= (float) (raw_data) *gain +offset Un/sign S1 %f double= (uchar) (raw_data) *gain +offset S2 %f double= (uint) (raw_data) *gain +offset S4 %lf DOUBLE= (ULONG) (RAW_DATA) *GAIN+OFFSET Integer Logic Forcing Display - Mark V and Mark V LM Forcing a point from the Logic Forcing Display program changes or maintains the logic state of the point (0 or 1) regardless of the permissives driving the point. For example, during maintenance or troubleshooting it may be necessary to make the controller believe that a certain valve is in a particular position, as indicated by a limit switch. A simple approach is to use the controller Logic Forcing capability. Only qualified personnel knowledgeable about turbine control and protection should use the Logic Forcing functions. Improper use can adversely affect the control and protective features of the control system. Note Mark IV uses the local control panel for forcing, not the HMI. Mark VI uses the toolbox. The Logic Forcing Display program always displays the currently forced points in the controller. The list of forced points appears on the display at the top of the Data Area when the program is displaying a blank Logic Forcing Display file. For existing files, the Logic Forcing Display program displays the forced points at the end of the pointname list in the Data Area. Forced Logic signals already appearing on the Logic Forcing Display screen are not duplicated. If the list of points is larger than the Logic Forcing Display window, scroll bars are enabled. Forced points reappear if deleted. Unforced points do not disappear; their updated values appear on the next scan of data. The Logic Forcing Display program allows forcing of logic data points for the currently selected controller only. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-21 A delay occurs before forced Logic signals appear on the Logic Forcing Display screen. When opening a file, wait a few moments for all of the forced signals to appear prior to taking any action. File Structure The Logic Forcing Display program is located in the executable directory, G:\EXEC\LFORCE.EXE. Never tamper with this file. The Logic Forcing Display program stores its data in a special text format file with a .TXT extension. Never edit the Logic Forcing Display files directly, use the Logic Forcing Display program to open, modify, and save these files. Each unit has its own point list in the data file. It can be useful to set up several different logic forcing files. These files are typically located in the unit specific directory on the F:\ drive, but may reside in any directory such as F:\RUNTIME. Logic Forcing Display files use Data Dictionary files for the point list available for use in the display. Logic Forcing Displays obtain their values for these points directly from the Data Dictionary. Header PC time Current value Command target area Engineering units List view Logic Forcing Display 4-22 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Using the Logic Forcing Display Program Creating and editing Logic Forcing Displays requires unique operations including loading, creating, editing, and saving a Logic Forcing Display file. Performing these operations requires using the drop-down menu options from the menu bar selections. Some of the operations are available on the toolbar. Note Only qualified personnel knowledgeable about turbine control and protection should force logic signals. Improper use can adversely affect the control and protective features of the control system. This section provides information concerning the use of the following functions: • Forcing and Unforcing Logic Signals • Starting the Logic Forcing Display program and loading a Logic Forcing Display file • The Logic Forcing Display window • Navigating within a Logic Forcing Display screen • Modifying a pointname • Adding/deleting a pointname line • Using the Command targets • Printing the Logic Forcing Display screen • Other options available • Saving a Logic Forcing Display file • Exiting the Logic Forcing Display program Forcing and Unforcing Logic Signals (Mark V) To force a logic signal 1 From the Logic Forcing Display program, position the cursor on the line corresponding to the desired logic signal. Click on the pointname field to select it and the pointname highlights. 2 Select one of the Forcing Command targets on the right side of the screen to arm the action, either Force To One or Force To Zero. The Logic Forcing Command dialog box displays. 3 Select OK to force the signal. The force command is sent to the controller forcing the logic signal. Signals remain forced until either an Unforce command comes from the Logic Forcing Display program or until the controller powers off. Selecting Cancel from the Logic Forcing Command dialog box cancels the forcing command. The default is Cancel. This procedure for confirming a forcing action helps prevent a false command from executing. Signals remain forced until an unforce command comes from the Logic Forcing Display program or until the controller powers off. Forced signals can cause the controller to function improperly if forgotten. Take care to unforce all unnecessary signals prior to running the turbine. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-23 Return the logic signals to their normal state by either unforcing all of the forced logic signals at once or by individually unforcing them. To unforce a single logic signal 1 From the Logic Forcing Display, select the desired logic signal by double clicking on it. The line highlights. 2 Select the Unforce Single command target. The Execute Command dialog box displays. 3 Select OK to unforce the signal, or Cancel to leave the signal forced. The default action is Cancel. To unforce all of the forced logic signals 1 From the Logic Forcing Display, select the Unforce All command target. The Execute Command dialog box displays. 2 Select OK to unforce all forced logic signals in the controller, or Cancel to cancel the unforcing command. The default action is Cancel. Selecting UNFORCE ALL unforces all of the logic signals forced in the controller, including any signals forced from OTHER Logic Forcing Display screens. Starting the Logic Forcing Display To start the Logic Forcing Display 1 From the desktop, select the Logic Forcing Display icon, or 2 From the Command prompt, type LFORCE, then enter, or Select Start, Run, then type LFORCE, then enter 3 The Logic Forcing Display displays. The Logic Forcing Display program is configurable from the command prompt, however, configuration arguments are not necessary. Typing LFORCE by itself at the prompt accesses the display program. The configuration arguments are: /UNIT: /FILE: The /UNIT: argument opens the Logic Forcing Display for the unit requested. For example: F:\RUNTIME>LFORCE /UNIT:T1 where the unit number must be a valid unit. Selecting an invalid unit or no unit displays the Unit Selection dialog box. Single unit sites ignore this argument and default to the single unit. The Logic Forcing Display program allows files to be passed directly to it from the command prompt using the argument /FILE:. The /FILE: argument opens the Logic Forcing Display program and loads the requested Logic Forcing Display file. For example: F:\RUNTIME>LFORCE /FILE:LFORCE2.TXT 4-24 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide or for files located in other directories: F:\UNIT1>LFORCE /FILE:F:\RUNTIME\LFORCE2.TXT This argument requires permission to read the file or directory. Entering an invalid filename, invalid path or no filename causes an error dialog box to display. Upon acknowledgment, a blank Logic Forcing Display file displays. The Logic Forcing Display program automatically opens an untitled blank Logic Forcing Display text file unless a filename is passed to it from the command prompt. Selecting the menu bar option File and the Open command from the drop-down menu causes the Open dialog box to display. All the *.TXT files located in the directory from which the program was run display, along with the directory and drive. Selecting the file and then OK displays the requested Logic Forcing Display file. Opening *.TXT files in other directories is possible using the Open dialog box and selecting the drive, directory, and filename of the desired file and the OK button. Selecting Cancel in the Open dialog box cancels the opening of a Logic Forcing Display file. Loading a Logic Forcing Display File There are three ways to load an existing Logic Forcing Display file. If the Logic Forcing Display program is started from the command prompt, add the name of the file after the Logic Forcing Display program execution command, LFORCE, using the /FILE: argument. The extension .TXT must be included with the filename. For example, F:\UNIT1\LFORCE /FILE:{FILENAME}.TXT where {filename}.TXT would be a Logic Forcing Display filename such as LFORCE2.TXT. To load an existing Logic Forcing Display file after starting the Logic Forcing Display program, select the menu bar option File and the Open command from the drop-down menu. The Open dialog box displays allowing for selection of the file to load. Selecting the toolbar button with the picture of the open file also displays the Open dialog box. Selecting a previously viewed file listed at the bottom of the File menu bar option opens the file directly. If the specified file does not appear to be a Logic Forcing data file, the user is prompted as to whether to continue loading the file or to abort the operation. If no existing file is specified when executing the Logic Forcing Display program, a default blank file loads. To create a new Logic Forcing Display file, select the menu bar option File and the New command from the drop-down menu, or select the toolbar button with the blank sheet of paper to display a blank Logic Forcing Display screen. The blank Logic Forcing Display screen displays with the Logic Forcing Display file title UNTITLED.TXT. This file opens blank each time, but only allows saving once per directory. Saving subsequent copies of UNTITLED.TXT overwrites the existing UNTITLED.TXT in the same directory. A new Logic Forcing Display file name should be given to this file when saving using the File menu bar option and the Save As command from the drop-down menu. Any logic point forced in the specific unit is displayed even if there is no specific file chosen. Note Saving a Logic Forcing Display file without renaming it overwrites the old Logic Forcing Display file data with the new file data. Exiting the Logic Forcing Display program without saving loses changes to the file. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-25 Logic Forcing Display Window The Logic Forcing Display operates in a Windows environment. The Logic Forcing Display program performs functions selected from drop-down menu options from the menu bar or buttons on the toolbar. The titlebar displays the filename currently in the Logic Forcing Display program. The horizontal scroll bar allows viewing of display screens that exceed the window’s boundaries. The menu bar at the top of the screen incorporates several items common to Windows applications along with special items associated with the Logic Forcing Display. A summary of these items and their corresponding functionality is displayed in the following table: Logic Forcing Display Menu Items and their Functions Menu Items Drop Down List Function Description File New, Open, Close, Save, Save As, Selects new or existing files, recently Print, Print Preview, Print Setup, edited files, saves edited files, prints files, {Filenames}.TXT, Exit exits the Logic Forcing Display program. Edit Insert Blank Line, Modify Line, Inserts, deletes and modifies display lines. Delete Line, Set Font, Select Unit, Set fonts and selects units. Find View Toolbar, Status Bar Help Index, Using Help, About Demand Accesses Help screens. Display Edits window display to show or remove toolbar and status bar. The toolbar immediately beneath the menu bar corresponds to particular drop-down menu options. The toolbar buttons allow shortcuts to common menu commands. Placing the cursor over any of these buttons causes a pop-up explanatory text window (Tooltip) to appear. Selecting the Help Cursor (arrow with a question mark) changes the cursor to an arrow with a question mark. Selecting a subsequent item calls up Help information for that item. Logic Forcing Display Screen Window The Logic Forcing Display permits viewing and forcing of Logic signals. Opening a window displaying a Demand Display screen allows for viewing analog signals and monitoring system reactions to forcing Logic signals. The Logic Forcing Display screen is made up of three main regions, the Header, the List View, and the Command Target area The Header contains the unit name, site name, program title, and time tag. The Header is in a non-scrolling region and cannot scroll off the window. The menu bar option View and the Header command toggles the header on or off. The Header contains valuable process information and it is recommended that it remain visible at all times. The Header time tag displays the COMPUTER time. If the Data Area is empty, contains no valid points, or the Data Area contains valid points but no data has been received from the controller, then the time tag displays No Valid Data. A highlighted Header time tag indicates the oldest piece of data in the Data Area has not been updated for five seconds. 4-26 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The List View is composed of three columns, the Point Name, the Current Value from each processor, and the Engineering Units. The List View scrolls and each of the columns is adjustable in width. If the column becomes too narrow to display all of the data, an ellipsis (…) appears on the right side of the column. The Current Value field is updated once per second from each controller processor. The time tag displayed in the Header reflects the time tag of the oldest piece of data displayed. Only the points visible on the screen are updated. There is no limit to the number of points that can be added to the point list. Unlike the Header, the information in the Data Area scrolls with the scroll bars. The Logic Forcing Display updates only the visible points in the List View. The Pointname field holds the Control Signal pointname (or synonym) of valid unit database points. Entering the pointname causes the Logic Forcing Display program to use the currently selected unit’s data, which is the unit listed in the Header. Entering the unit number with a colon prior to the pointname, as in T2:{pointname}, displays the data from the requested controller. The Logic Forcing Display program allows entering other text into this field for commenting and separating sections of points. The Processor Value field displays the Logic signal pointname values taken from the <R> processor. If the pointname is invalid or there is no data for the point in the Data Dictionary, this field remains blank. Forced points appear with a > character preceding the value. The Units field displays the Engineering units for valid pointnames. The text appears exactly as entered in the scale code table file. This field is blank for invalid pointnames, but indicates the units for valid points without data in the Data Dictionary. The Command Target area appears on the right side of the Logic Forcing Display window. There are four Arm/Run targets available for the Logic Forcing function. These targets are for forcing Logic signals to a state of 1 or 0, to unforce a single Logic signal, or to unforce all forced Logic signals. Arm/Run targets appear green with black text and require a confirmation prior to sending the force or unforce signal to the controller. Navigating within a Logic Forcing Display Screen There are several ways to navigate within the Logic Forcing Display program. Viewing pointnames that are off the bottom or top of the screen is done with either the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard, the page up and page down keys on the keyboard, or the scroll up/down bar on the window. Modifying a Pointname or Line To modify a Pointname or Line 1 From the Logic Forcing Display, highlight the desired line. 2 Select the menu bar option Edit, and from the drop-down menu, select the Modify Line command , or Select the Modify Line toolbar button. 3 Type the new pointname or line in the highlighted pointname field. The Logic Forcing Display program allows the entry of invalid pointnames to accommodate adding textual information to the Logic Forcing Display screen. The Processor Value and Unit fields remain blank if an invalid pointname is entered. Selecting File:Save makes the changes permanent. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-27 Adding and Deleting a Pointname Line The Logic Forcing Display program allows adding lines at any point in the display screen. To add or delete a Pointname line 1 From the Logic Forcing Display, highlight the line above the desired insertion point. 2 Select the menu bar option Edit and from the drop-down menu, select the Insert Blank Line, or Select the Insert Blank Line toolbar button. 3 The Logic Forcing Display program inserts a blank line below the highlighted line. If the display is empty, Insert Blank Line can be applied without first highlighting a location. To modify the line, refer to the Modifying a Line section. Saving the Logic Forcing Display file makes the addition permanent. The Logic Forcing Display program allows deleting lines. Highlight the pointname field in the line to be deleted. Select the menu bar option Edit and the Delete Line command from the drop-down menu, or select the Delete Line toolbar button. The line is deleted. Saving the Logic Forcing Display file makes the changes permanent. Note Deleting lines removes lines permanently. Exiting without saving the file is the only way to undo the line deletion. Using the Command Targets The Logic Forcing Display command targets are Arm/Run targets requiring confirmation of their action prior to performing the command. This procedure for confirming a forcing action helps prevent a false command from executing. To use the Command Targets 1 Select the Command Target. The Execute Command dialog box displays. 2 Select OK. The command runs. To cancel the command execution, select Cancel. The default action is Cancel. Printing from the Logic Forcing Display File The Print command prints the Logic Forcing Display screen. Only the data currently displayed on the screen can be printed. To print the Logic Forcing Display screen 1 From the Logic Forcing Display screen, select the menu bar option File and either the Print or the Print Setup commands from the drop-down menu, or Select the toolbar button with the picture of the printer. 2 The Print dialog box displays. 3 Select OK. The data prints Selecting Cancel cancels the print command. The Print Preview command previews the page and allows accessing the Print dialog box. 4-28 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Other Options There are other options available in the Logic Forcing Display program. Selecting the menu bar option Edit and the Set Font command from the drop-down menu presents the Windows Font dialog box. The Font dialog box allows for selecting the font used for the Logic Forcing Display screen. The selection applies to the entire display screen including the text defined in the Command Targets. Selecting the menu bar option Edit and the Select Unit command from the dropdown menu allows for unit selections. In multiple unit sites, any unit can be monitored from one Logic Forcing Display screen. Select Unit causes the Unit Selection dialog box to appear. The currently selected unit is highlighted. The available units are displayed in alphabetical order. Select the desired unit. This option is not available in single unit sites. Saving a Logic Forcing Display File To save a file 1 Select the menu bar option File and from the drop-down menu, select Save, or Select the toolbar button with the picture of a disk 2 The Logic Forcing Display files are saved in the directory of the original file. If the file is new, the Save As dialog box appears requesting a filename. If a new directory is not selected, the Logic Forcing Display program saves the file in the directory from which the program was run. Selecting the OK button after typing in a name saves the file using the filename. Saving a file overwrites the previous file and all old information is lost. To save new Logic Forcing Display files or to copy old files to new files with different names, select the menu bar option File and the Save As command from the drop-down menu. The Save As dialog box displays requesting a new filename for the file. The Save As dialog box also allows entering different directories. If a new directory is not entered, the Logic Forcing Display program saves the new filename in the directory from which the program was run. Using an already existing filename overwrites the data in the old file with the data from the new file. Exiting the Logic Forcing Display Program Selecting the menu bar option File and the Exit command from the drop-down menu exits the Logic Forcing Display program. The Logic Forcing Display program requests whether to save changes to any Logic Forcing Display file prior to exiting. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-29 PVOTE - Prevote Data Display - Mark V The HMI Prevote Data Display allows a technician to view logic and analog I/O values before the three independent processors have selected a value through voting. This display is useful for troubleshooting voting mismatches or control I/O discrepancies. This display only displays data. It has no control actions. Note Mark VI uses TSM or the toolbox, see later in this chapter. Operation The Prevote Data Display has a header above a list of voted points. The header includes: Site Name, Unit Name, and Current time being sent from the unit. The list of points has six columns: Point Name, Voted value, R value, S value, T value, and the Units. This list of points can be scrolled to display the desired point. All points in the data dictionary that are marked as voted are displayed in the list. The points are ordered in the list according to their assigned offsets. A dash is displayed in the column heading on each side of the processor name, for example -R, if the data from that processor is no longer valid. Menu Structure Button Menu Item Description File Print Send what is on the display to a printer. Print Setup Select and setup the desired printer. Exit Exit the Prevote display. Select Unit Selects the unit (controller) with which the Prevote display communicates. Find Point Brings up the Find Point dialog box. From this, the user can locate a point in the list. Set Font This dialog box sets the font for both the header and the data list. Set Default This sets the font and column widths back to the system default. Tool Bar Toggles the tool bar on and off. Status Bar Toggles the status bar on and off. Freeze Data This function stops the update of the data on the screen. If the list is scrolled, the new entries are not updated until the data is unfrozen. About Prevote Dialog box that displays the revision level of the Prevote Data display. Edit View Help 4-30 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Command Line Description The Prevote Data Display can be invoked from the command line with a unit name. If a valid unit name is specified, the Prevote Display starts with data from that unit. If no unit is specified on the command line and there is more than one unit in the system, the user is prompted to select a unit. For example: G:\EXEC\PVOTE /UNIT:T1 Header Time tag The Header Time tag displays the time tag of the oldest piece of data being displayed in the data list. Before data has been received, the time tag displays No Valid Data. If the oldest piece of data on the screen is more than five seconds old, the time tag is highlighted. Prevote Data Display GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-31 DABUILD - Diagnostic Alarm Build - Mark V DABUILD is a Mark V specific program that configures the alarm text string for the Diagnostic Alarms. It is not part of the normal configuration process, it is used only after special PROM updates. This program builds the template file, ALARMD.TPL, that is used to create the master list of alarms, ALARM.DAT. When the Mark V controller indicates a diagnostic alarm, it reports it with a diagnostic alarm number. The HMI must be able to match that number to the diagnostic alarm text to be displayed. This text information is read from the unit configuration directory ALARM.DAT file, which contains the drop number and alarm text for each alarm. In order to ensure that the drop numbers and alarm text match, the same file (DIAG.H) is used to create the drops in the unit as is used by the HMI to create the template alarm text file. DABUILD translates this file from the unit form to the HMI form. DABUILD is a command line utility program. It reads the file that defines the diagnostic alarms in the unit and creates the template diagnostic alarm text file for the HMI. The file used is typically the DIAG.H file in the unit configuration directory, but you can specify a different file as a command line parameter. If run with the parameter /? it provides a help screen. The output from this program is a new version of the ALARMD.TPL file. Note DABUILD should only be run when directed as part of a PROM upgrade. The following demonstrates the on-line help available: F:\UNIT1>dabuild /? DABUILD - Diagnostic Alarm Text Builder for Mark V This program is used to build the list of diagnostic alarm text strings for a Mark V after a major upgrade. It uses the Diagnostic Alarm header file (DIAG.H) as the source of the text strings. This file is typically not required on-site, but some major prom updates may require that DABUILD be run on-site to redefine the Diagnostic Alarm Text strings. This program will create the ALARMD.TPL template file with the results. COMMAND FORMAT: DABUILD [filename] [filename] is the name of the file containing the diagnostic alarm information, typically DIAG.H. If not supplied on the command line, the user will be prompted for the name of this file. This program should only be used when directed as part of a Mark V prom update procedure. F:\UNIT1> 4-32 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide DABUILD1 - Diagnostic Alarm Build - Mark V LM DABUILD1 is a Mark V LM specific program that is used to configure the diagnostic alarms in the Mark V LM based upon the information in the Card Library. It is run from the unit configuration directory when updates to the PROMS in the turbine controller change the diagnostic alarms that the controller produces. Many of the processor and I/O boards in the Mark V LM controller produce diagnostic alarms. The number and meaning of the diagnostic alarms can change from PROM revision to PROM revision. The Card Library defines which diagnostic alarms are generated by each PROM revision, and the PANEL.CFG file defines which boards and PROM revisions are currently installed in the controller. DABUILD1 uses the list of boards from the Panel Configuration File, PANEL.CFG, in the unit configuration directory, and the Card Library definition files to create the master list of controller diagnostic alarms. The resulting diagnostic alarm configuration information is downloaded to the controller and used by the HMI to decode the diagnostic alarm messages. This program produces three output files: • The DALARM.AP1 file is downloaded to the controller to tell it what boards to poll for diagnostic alarms, and how many diagnostic alarms each board can produce. • The ALARMD.DAT file maps the diagnostic alarm numbers to the diagnostic alarm text. The TCI System Service reads this file to find the text message to use for each diagnostic alarm. • The HELP_QD.DAT file supports the HMI Alarm Help feature. When a user requests additional information about the diagnostic alarm, the Alarm Help program uses this file as the additional help text. The following display displays the on-line help available: F:\UNIT1>dabuild1 /? DABUILD1 - Diagnostic Alarm Data File Build This program reads the PANEL.CFG file in the current directory to obtain a list of cards used in the panel. It then reads the card definitions out of the CARD LIBRARY and creates the files to program the panel and the operator interface. COMMAND LINE: DABUILD1 [/LIB:<directory>] [/CFG:<filename>] [/NOCORE] [/GO] /LIB:<directory> Directory for the card library. /CFG:<filename> Override default configuration file. /NOCORE Do not prefix alarm text with core identification. /GO Don't ask for permission to run. If /LIB:<directory> is not found it defaults to the current directory. INPUTS: - PANEL.CFG Defines the panel configuration. - <board Files that define the contents of each card. library> OUTPUTS: - DALARM.AP1 The AP1 file to download to the unit. - ALARMD.DAT The diagnostic alarm text definitions. - HELP_QD.DAT The diagnostic alarm help text. F:\UNIT1> GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-33 DCBUILD1 - Diagnostic Counter Build - Mark V LM DCBUILD1 is a command line configuration program that builds the list of available Diagnostic Counter Displays for a unit. It places the results in the DIAGC.DAT file in the unit configuration directory, where the Diagnostic Counter Display (DIAGC) expects to find it. Note This program is usually used only for Mark V LM units. Mark V units usually distribute the DIAGC.DAT file as part of the distribution instead of building it on site from the Card Library. Many of the boards in the Mark V and Mark V LM panel provide advanced diagnostic information upon request. The Diagnostic Counter Display (DIAGC) program polls the boards for this diagnostic information, and then formats it for display. The DIAGC program reads the list of diagnostic displays from a file called DIAGC.DAT in the unit configuration directory. When PROMS are changed in the controller, the list of available diagnostic displays can change, as the new PROMS can change the diagnostic information available from the board. DCBUILD1 uses the information in the PANEL.CFG file to determine the set of boards that exist in the controller, including the revision level of each board. It then reads the Card Library for the list of diagnostic displays available from each board in the panel, then builds the new DIAGC.DAT file. DCBUILD1 is a command line utility that is run from the unit configuration directory. It uses command line parameters to indicate the location of the Card Library. If run with the parameter /? it provides a help screen. The following screen demonstrates the on-line help available: F:\UNIT2>dcbuild1 /? DCBUILD1 - DIAGC Data File Build This program reads the PANEL.CFG file in the current directory to obtain a list of cards used in the panel. It then reads the cards definitions out of the CARD LIBRARY and creates the file that DIAGC reads as the list of available displays. COMMAND LINE: DCBUILD1 [/LIB:<directory>] [/CFG:<filename>] [/GO] /LIB:<directory> Directory for the board library. /CFG:<filename> Override default configuration file. /GO Don't ask for permission to run. If /LIB:<directory> is not found it defaults to the current directory. INPUTS: - PANEL.CFG Defines the panel configuration. - <card library> Files that define the contents of each card. OUTPUTS: - DIAGC.DAT The data file DIAGC will read. F:\UNIT2> 4-34 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide DIBUILD1 - IO_CFG Data File Build - Mark V LM DIBUILD1 is a command line configuration program that builds the IO_CFG.DAT file which the IO_CFG file reads. It also builds the agent definition file AGENT.DAT. This program reads the PANEL.CFG file in the current directory to obtain a list of boards used in the controller, including the revision level of each board. It then reads the board definitions out of the CARD LIBRARY and creates the IO_CFG.DAT file that IO_CFG reads as the list of boards to configure. DIBUILD1 is a command line utility that is run from the unit configuration directory. If run with the parameter /? it provides a help screen. The following screen demonstrates the on-line help available: F:\>dibuild1 /? DIBUILD1 - IO_CFG Data File Build This program reads the PANEL.CFG file in the current directory to obtain a list of cards used in the panel. It then reads the card definitions out of the CARD LIBRARY and creates the file that IO_CFG reads as the list of cards to configure. COMMAND LINE: DIBUILD1 [/LIB:<directory>] [/CFG:<filename>] [/GO] /LIB:<directory> Directory for the card library. /CFG:<filename> Override default configuration file. /GO Don't ask for permission to run. If /LIB:<directory> is not found it defaults to the current directory. INPUTS: - PANEL.CFG Defines the panel configuration. - <card library> Files that define the contents of each card. OUTPUTS: - IO_CFG.DAT The data file IO_CFG will read. - AGENT.DAT The agent definition file. F:\> DPBUILD1 - PROM Sub-Directory Build DPBUILD1 updates the Unit Configuration Directory and its PROM sub-directory using files from the Card Library matching the software revisions in the panel configuration file. DPBUILD1 is a command line utility that is run from the unit configuration directory. If run with the parameter /? it provides a help screen. The following screen demonstrates the on-line help available: F:\>dpbuild1 /? DPBUILD1 - Update a Unit Configuration Directory (and its \PROM subdirectory) with files from the Card Library that match the software revisions found in the Panel Configuration (PANEL.CFG) file. COMMAND LINE: DPBUILD1 [/?] [/GO] [/LIB=<card library path>] /? - prints this help message /GO performs all operations needed without prompting user. Useful for batch or spawned operations. /LIB=<card library path> Causes DPBUILD to go to a specific directory to retrieve card library information, instead of the default card library directory. This program reads the PANEL.CFG file in the current directory to determine the type and revision level of the product being updated. It then updates the Unit Configuration directory (including \PROM) with the files contained in the compressed library file included in the card library distribution. The library file contains current versions of the *.pic, *.def, *.tpl, and *.txt files needed to support the product. F:\> GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-35 DDLOCATE - Data Dictionary Locate - Mark V and Mark V LM DDLOCATE is a command line configuration program that decides the location of signals in the Mark V or Mark V LM CSDB. This program takes a list of the signals that are needed and locates them in the proper section of the CSDB. It handles assignments for both fixed locations, used for hardwired I/O points, and for floating locations, such as software generated signals. Each turbine controller has a CSDB which is the real-time database used in the controller. All I/O signals are read and written from the CSDB, and all sequencing runs by reading and writing CSDB signals. When the controller is first created there are some fixed or permanent signals located in the CSDB. These signals always exist, and cannot be renamed or moved. In addition, blocks of signals are set aside for certain functions, such as Pushbuttons, Analog Setpoints, and Control Constants. The set of signals that are voted is also determined, and regions are set aside for spare logical and real numbers. Note The size of each region is determined by the PROMS in the controller, and cannot be changed in the field. If DDLOCATE indicates there are no more of a certain type of signal (such as Pushbuttons or Control Constants) there is no way to add more without a PROM change. DDLOCATE uses this information, which is obtained from the PROM subdirectory, to determine how to layout the rest of the signals in the CSDB. It does this by reading a set of assignment files (*.ASG) that indicates the signals to be added to the CSDB. For each signal to be added, the type of signal required determines which region of the CSDB is used to store that signal. Hardwired I/O signals use the name of the input or output to land the signal on an exact termination point on an I/O board. Software signals simply indicate the type of signal and let DDLOCATE determine the exact location in memory. When done, DDLOCATE writes out the final configuration of the CSDB, which is stored in the UNITDATA.DAT file. DDLOCATE is a command line utility, but is typically run using the MK5MAKE batch file. It accepts as its command line parameters the list of assignment files (*.ASG) that contain the signals for it to assign. Each time it runs it creates a new CSDB layout from scratch; it is not used incrementally. Note To incrementally add a signal, edit the *.ASG file to include the new signal and rerun MK5MAKE. If run with the parameter /? a help screen is provided as follows: F:\UNIT1>DDLOCATE IO.ASG FACTORY.ASG ALLOCSSP.ASG SITE.ASG ------------ Opened PROM\UNITMAP.TPL file. ------------ Closed PROM\UNITMAP.TPL file. ------------ Opened file IO.ASG ------------ Closed file IO.ASG ------------ Opened file FACTORY.ASG ------------ Closed file FACTORY.ASG ------------ Opened file ALLOCSSP.ASG ------------ Closed file ALLOCSSP.ASG ------------ Opened file SITE.ASG ------------ Closed file SITE.ASG ------------ There were 1047 hardware and 478 software assign items found. ------------ Reading PROM\UNITDATA.TPL file. ------------ Reading PROM\UNITFREE.TPL file. F:\UNIT1> 4-36 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The typical system uses four assignment files for the list of signals used, as follows: • IO.ASG contains the assignments for hardwired I/O points • FACTORY.ASG contains assignments for factory supplied options • ALLOCSSP.ASG contains structured software points, or points used for standard options • SITE.ASG contains site specific assignments, typically for customer use The format of the assignment files is documented in the header of the SITE.ASG file, since this is where field customization is done. Refer to this for specific information. The basic format for the assignment files is as follows: ;HARDWARE ASSIGNMENTS <hardware_name> <software_name> <scale_name> ;SOFTWARE ASSIGNMENTS ?<software_type> <software_name> <scale_name> There is no required order in the *.ASG files, they are processed in the order that they are read. Any line that starts with a semi-colon is treated as a comment line and ignored. Hardware assignments land specific software signal names on specific I/O signals. To do this a hardware_name is used to indicate the specific location to map the software signal. The scale_name parameter defines how the signal should be scaled for display, and must match one of the scale code names in the scale code files, either ENGLISH.DAT, METRIC.DAT, HARDWARE.DAT, or CUSTOM.DAT. Software assignments assign a spare signal in a specific region of the CSDB to the given signal name. The software_type is used to indicate the region of the CSDB where the signal should be stored. A list of the region types is included in the header of the SITE.ASG file. The software types are of the format ?TCsss, where the letters are as follows: • The first letter is always a question mark (?) to indicate that this is a software assignment. • The second letter is either an L for a logic signal, or a V for a variable. • The third character defines the controller in which to store the signal. The Mark V uses a B for a signal that must be in the <C> (and optional <D>) controller, and a Q for a signal in the <R> (and optional <S> and <T>) controller. The Mark V LM only uses Q. • The sss indicates a sub-class of signal. These subclasses include the following: GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide – <none> is a local, non-voted signal – LS is a logic state command, only valid for logic signals – PB is a Pushbutton command, only valid for logic signals – PUB is a private (local) unsigned byte, only valid for logic signals – AS is an analog setpoint, only valid for variable signals – CC is a control constant, only valid for variable signals Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-37 In some cases an array of signals is needed. Each signal in the array has its own name, but the entire array must be in continuous memory locations. This is done using an array assignment in the form as follows: ;ARRAY ASSIGNMENT EXAMPLES ?<software_type> * Name1,Name2,Name3,Name4 <scale_name> ?<software_type> *4 Name1,Name2,Name3,Name4 <scale_name> ;Multi-line example ?<software_type> * Name1,Name2,Name3,Name4,Name5,Name6, Name7,Name8,Name9 <scale_name> An asterisk as the second word on the line indicates array assignments. This asterisk can have an optional count of the number of signals to follow immediately after the asterisk. The asterisk and the count should be one word. If the count is included, a warning is issued if the required number of signals is not found. If no count is given, the number of signals found is used as the number of signals in the array. The list of signal names must be one word, with no white space between signal names. A comma is used to separate each signal name. The list of signal names can be split over multiple lines by ending the line with the comma, indicating that another signal name follows. DDUTIL - Data Dictionary Utility DDUTIL is a command line utility program that checks a unit's CSDB layout for obvious errors. It does this by checking the UNITDATA.DAT file in the unit configuration directory for cases where multiple signals share the same memory location, or two different signals have the same name. It can also sort the UNITDATA.DAT file to put the signal names in alphabetic order, making it easy to find signals when viewing or printing the file. The UNITDATA.DAT file in the unit configuration directory defines the layout of the signals in the unit's memory. However, The HMI does not consider the order of the signals in the UNITDATA.DAT file. There are a few isolated conditions where a mistake in the configuration can cause a signal to be defined multiple times. This can cause problems since the name of a signal must uniquely define the signal's memory location in the unit. DDUTIL scans the UNITDATA.DAT file looking for cases where multiple signals share the same memory location, or separate memory locations share the same signal name. If either of these cases is found, a warning message is displayed. Also if any invalid characters are found in any of the file's numeric fields, a warning is issued. If the SORT command line option is used, the original file is copied to the file UNITDATA.BAK, and a new signal name sorted version of UNITDATA.DAT is written. The sort is not performed if any invalid entries are found, but sorting can be done if duplicates are found. DDUTIL is a command line utility run from the unit configuration directory, as part of the standard MK5MAKE procedure. If run with the /? command line parameter, a help screen is provided. 4-38 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide If no errors are found then no messages are generated during the scanning process. If the SORT option was used, a message indicating that the file was sorted is printed. In the following example, no errors were found: F:\UNIT1>DDUTIL F:\UNIT1> In the next example, no errors were found, and the file was sorted in signal name order: F:\UNIT1>DDUTIL SORT SORTING COMPLETE: UNITDATA.DAT IS NEW FILE, UNITDATA.BAK IS OLD. F:\UNIT1> MK5MAKE - Mark V Make - Mark V and Mark V LM MK5MAKE is a batch file that contains the commands typically used when rebuilding the CSDB layout for a Mark V or Mark V LM unit. This batch file can be used to rebuild the CSDB layout, recompile the unit's configuration tables, validate the unit's alarm list, and recompile sequencing. These are the steps that are typically taken when adding or modifying signals in the unit; MK5MAKE performs these steps in one command. MK5MAKE is typically run when signals are added to the unit, or signal parameters have been changed, such as the scale code. The MK5MAKE batch file simplifies the configuration steps by running the various tools in the correct order. When run, MK5MAKE performs the following steps: • DDLOCATE is run to lay out the CSDB with the new signal definitions. It is run using the following assignment files: – IO.ASG, FACTORY.ASG, ALLOCSSP.ASG, SITE.ASG • DDUTIL is run to validate the new layout, and sorts the resulting UNITDATA.DAT file • The Table Compiler (TABLE_C) is run to recompile all tables downloaded to the unit • The Alarm List program (ALARM_L) is run to validate the process alarm tables The user is asked whether the sequencing should be recompiled. If the user replies Yes or does not answer within 30 seconds, the sequencing is recompiled using the Sequence Compiler (SEQCOMPL). MK5MAKE is a command line utility that runs from the unit configuration directory, and can take one optional command line parameter. This parameter is passed directly to the Table Compiler (TABLE_C) and is used to change the scale code set from the default of ENGLISH to a user specified scale code set. For example, to build using the METRIC scale code set, the following would be used: MK5MAKE /SCALE:METRIC.SCA MK5MAKE creates a log file that is basically a list of the outputs from running each individual tool. This file is stored as the MK5MAKE.LOG file in the unit configuration directory. The following example demonstrates this batch file in operation: GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-39 F:\UNIT1>MK5MAKE Point assignments are now being made using IO.ASG, FACTORY.ASG, ALLOCSSP.ASG, and SITE.ASG ------------ Opened PROM\UNITMAP.TPL file. ------------ Closed PROM\UNITMAP.TPL file. ------------ Opened file IO.ASG ------------ Closed file IO.ASG ------------ Opened file FACTORY.ASG ------------ Closed file FACTORY.ASG ------------ Opened file ALLOCSSP.ASG ------------ Closed file ALLOCSSP.ASG ------------ Opened file SITE.ASG ------------ Closed file SITE.ASG ------------ There were 1047 hardware and 478 software assign items found. ------------ Reading PROM\UNITDATA.TPL file. ------------ Reading PROM\UNITFREE.TPL file. The new UNITDATA.DAT file is now being validity-checked and sorted. SORTING COMPLETE: UNITDATA.DAT is new file, UNITDATA.BAK is old. The Table Files are now being re-compiled. TABLE_C: Table compiler for Mark V AP1 files. (Version 4.9) Loading data dictionary.....5920 points loaded. TABLE_C processing complete. The Alarm Listing File (ALARM.LST) is now being created. Loading data dictionary alarm.....467 alarm points loaded. Would you like to re-compile the Control Sequence Program at this time? (You have 30 seconds to answer Yes or No; a failure to respond will cause the Control Sequence Program to be re-compiled by default.) Please enter Y[es] or N[o]: Y Mark V - Control Sequence Program Compiler Revision Date: Aug 20 1997 at 11:12:38 Compiled on: Tue Dec 02 11:35:57 1997 ---> Loading the signal data base ---> Loading the BBL and PRIM block definitions ... BBL revision Major := 7 Minor : 1 ---> <Q> segment: F:\UNIT1\SEQ_TRN1.src ... 177 rungs processed ---> <B> segment: F:\UNIT1\SEQ_B.src ... 5 rungs processed ---> Creating the <Q> AP1 sequencing file: F:\UNIT1\SEQ_Q.AP1 ---> Creating the <B> AP1 sequencing file: F:\UNIT1\SEQ_B.AP1 -------- CSP Compiler Finished -------The results of making point assignments, validity-checking and sorting the new UNITDATA.DAT file, re-compiling the Table Files, rebuilding the alarm listing file, and re-compiling the Control Sequence Program have been stored in MK5MAKE.LOG. F:\UNIT1> 4-40 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide FMVID - Fuel Metering Valve ID - Mark V LM This program is only used for Mark V LM units with Dry Low Emissions (DLE) systems. FMVID is a command line configuration program that configures the Fuel Metering Valve (FMV) ID table in the controller. The FMV ID table is used to prevent the unit from running if the required Fuel Metering Valve linearization table matching the valve in use has not been downloaded into the controller. Each FMV must use the linearization table that matches that particular valve. These linearization tables are valve specific, with each serial numbered valve having its own table. Attempting to run the Mark V LM with a linearization table that does not match the actual valve can cause unexpected variations in the fuel flow rate. To prevent these mismatches, each linearization table ID field has the serial number of the calibrated valve. Using FMVID, the controller matches this ID to the actual valve. FMVID displays and configures the actual FMV information that is stored in a special section of the controller non-volatile memory. This program reads and optionally writes this non-volatile memory. When the Mark V LM is restarted, it compares the part number and serial number information in the non-volatile memory with the tables downloaded in the Linearization Data Base (LDB). If the part number and serial number in the FMV ID table does not match the part number and serial number in the LDB table, the controller will not start the turbine. Operation FMVID is a command line configuration program. It requires the name of the unit as a command line parameter. If no additional parameters are given, it displays the FMV IDs stored in the unit. If run with the /SET option, it changes the FMV ID in the unit to match the serial number information in the /SET command. The format of the /SET option is: FMVID /SET=<num>:<part_num>:<serial_num> The parameters are as follows: • <num> is the FMV number, starting with 1 for the first valve • The <part_num> is the field for the valve part number. • The <serial_num> field is the serial number as defined in the linearization table for that particular valve. Multiple /SET commands can be given in the FMVID command line. These commands are processed from left to right. If a valve number is repeated, the last entry is the one used. After all /SET commands have been processed, the nonvolatile memory in the unit is read and displays the results of the changes. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-41 If FMVID is run with no parameters, or the parameter of /?, it displays a help screen, as displayed in the following example: F:\UNIT1>fmvid /? FMVID - FMV IDENTIFICATION UTILITY This program will show the user which FMVs are listed in the unit's NonVolatile RAM (NVRAM) as being installed on the unit. The FMV identification can be changed by using the /SET option. COMMAND LINE: FMVID <UnitName> [/SET=<num>:<part>:<serial>] The unit name must be supplied. If no /SET commands are supplied then no changes will be made, and the current settings will be shown. If one or more /SET commands are supplied, the values will be changed in the unit's NVRAM, and the resulting configuration will be shown. /SET=<num>:<part_num>:<serial_num> This option will set the given FMV number to expect the given part number and serial number. The FMV number is an integer (1..n), the part number and serial number are treated as strings. More than one /SET can be given on the command line. Example: FMVID T1 /SET=1:C329465-B2:11 This registers unit T1's FMV number one (1) as expecting part number C32465B2, serial number 11. After the change is made the new configuration is shown. F:\UNIT1> LDB2RAM - Linearization Database to Memory Mark V LM LDB2RAM is a dynamic configuration tool that downloads an individual Linearization DataBase (LDB) table to the RAM of a Mark V LM controller. This allows for adjustment of the linearization factors for the run time system without changing the permanent configuration. Only LDB tables that have the Adjustable attribute set can be dynamically downloaded into RAM. When a Mark V LM panel is reset or powered-up, it reads the LDB tables from the LDB.AP1 unit configuration file and loads these tables into RAM. The unit then uses these tables for control. Each table has an attribute indicating if the table is Adjustable or not. If a table is not adjustable, then the only way to change it is to recompile and download it to the controller. On the next restart or power-up the new table is used. If the table is adjustable, it can be downloaded directly into RAM. LDB2RAM allows a user to make changes to these RAM resident LDB tables. This is accomplished by editing the LDB table definition in the HMI and then using the LDB2RAM utility to download that table directly into RAM, where the changes take effect immediately. Since this process does not change the LDB.AP1 file in the controller, restarting the unit reloads the original table into RAM. Note If it is required to undo the changes, the HMI file changes have to be undone. This prevents the changes from being downloaded during the next compile and download. 4-42 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide In order to download an LDB table to RAM, the following conditions must be met: • The table must be marked as Adjustable in the HMI LDB table file • The table must be marked as Adjustable in the unit's RAM • The table ID must be the same the HMI file and the unit's RAM • The [X] table dimension in the HMI file and the unit's RAM must be the same • The [Y] table dimension in the HMI file and the unit's RAM must be the same • The [X] data values in the HMI file and the unit's RAM must be the same • The [Y] data values in the HMI file and the unit's RAM must be the same Operation To change an LDB table in the unit RAM, first make the changes to the appropriate LDB table in the HMI unit configuration directory, and then download it using the LDB2RAM utility. Note Save a backup copy of the HMI file to undo changes if required later. LDB2RAM needs to know which unit to download, and which table to download. The unit is specified using the /UNIT=<unit_name> qualifier. The table can be specified using either the file name or the table number, by using either the /FILE=<file_name> qualifier or the /TABLE=<table_number> qualifier. The associated file is compiled and downloaded directly to the controller. If LDB2RAM is run with no command line values or with a command line parameter of /? , a help screen is displayed, as in the following example: F:\UNIT1>ldb2ram /? LDB2RAM - Download an LDB TABLE to a Mark V LM's RAM This program will read an LDB table and transmit it to the RAM in the specified unit. It does not alter the value in the LDB.AP1 file, that is done using the TABLE COMPILER (TABLE_C). COMMAND LINE: LDB2RAM /UNIT=<unitname> [/TABLE=<number>] [/FILE=<filename>] <unitname> is the name of the unit <number> is the number (decimal) of the table to download <filename> is the name of the file to be downloaded F:\UNIT1> GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-43 LDBCHK - Linearization Database Check Mark V LM LDBCHK is a command line configuration utility that is used on a Mark V LM to determine if any of the Linearization DataBase (LDB) tables are different in the unit's RAM versus the unit's LDB.AP1 configuration file. This indicates if any changes were made using the LDB2RAM utility since the last controller reset or power-up. When a Mark V LM controller is reset or powered up, it reads the LDB.AP1 configuration file and loads the LDB tables it finds into RAM. The controller then runs using these RAM resident tables. LDB2RAM is a utility program that can dynamically change the contents of the RAM resident LDB tables. Use of the LDB2RAM program results in the contents of the RAM and the contents of the configuration file being different. LDBCHK outlines the differences between the contents of the RAM and the LDB.AP1 file, and gives a list of the changes that were made. Operation LDBCHK is a command line utility program that is typically run from a command prompt. It needs one command line parameter, the name of the unit to check. If run with no parameters or the /? parameter, it displays a help screen, as displayed in the following example: F:\UNIT1>LDBCHK /? LDBCHK - LDB Table Check Utility This program will check the LDB Table definitions in the given unit and report on Tables that have different values in the RAM than in the LDB.AP1 file. This indicates which values have been changed in RAM since the unit was restarted. COMMAND LINE: LDBCHK <UnitName> - The name of the unit to be checked. <UnitName> F:\UNIT1> 4-44 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ALARM_L - Alarm List - Mark V ALARM_L is a command line utility program that generates a printable list of all of the process alarms that a controller can generate, complete with all the signal names and alarm text. The resulting alarm list file, ALARM.LST, includes a warning section if there are any alarms that do not have any associated alarm text strings defined. ALARM_L is used with the Backup Operator Interface (BOI) because the BOI only indicates a process alarm's drop number. The ALARM.LST file listing created by ALARM_L is printed and hung on the door of the Mark V control. This provides a way to look at the process alarm number and see the alarm text, as well as the name of the signal that created that alarm. This alarm listing is also useful when connecting the HMI to a Distributed Control System (DCS), since it provides a list of all of the process alarms generated by each turbine control. The last section of the alarm list, if needed, defines all of the alarms that have been defined, but do not have any alarm text strings defined. This is useful during unit configuration to check for alarms without text strings. Operation ALARM_L is a command line utility that is run from the unit configuration directory. It takes no command line parameters, and generates the ALARM.LST file containing the output from the program, as displayed in the following example: F:\UNIT1>alarm_l Loading data dictionary alarm.....576 alarm points loaded. F:\UNIT1> SAMPLE OUTPUT (ALARM.LST) DROP# SIGNAL NAME ALARM TEXT ------ -------------- -------------------------------------0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide L30DIAG L30FORCED L4ETR_FLT L86MP L48 L83HOST L83LOST L12H_P_ALM L12L_P_ALM L86MAN_SYNC L86S DIAGNOSTIC ALARM FORCED LOGIC SIGNAL DETECTED PROTECTIVE MODULE ETR RELAY TROUBLE MASTER PROTECTIVE STARTUP LOCKOUT TURBINE INCOMPLETE SEQUENCE OVERSPEED TEST MODE SELECTED - HP OVERSPEED TEST MODE SELECTED - LP PROTECTIVE MODULE HP OVERSPEED - SD PROTECTIVE MODULE LP OVERSPEED - SD MANUAL SYNCHRONIZING LOCKOUT AUTO SYNCHRONIZING LOCKOUT Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-45 CONSTSET - Constants Set - Mark V CONSTSET is a Mark V configuration utility to make all control constants adjustable, and to set the default ramp rate for each control constant. CONSTSET is not used with the Mark V LM. In previous generations of Operator Interfaces, all control constants were adjustable through the Control Constants Display. The HMI now supports a user-controlled list of the control constants considered adjustable, and the ones that are not. In addition, the ramp rate can be defined for each control constant that is adjustable. This concept is frequently used in Mark V LM applications, but not in Mark V applications. CONSTSET creates a default control constant configuration where all control constants are defined as being adjustable, and the default ramp rate is the same rate as used in the IDP Operator Interface. It is used in Mark V HMI applications to emulate the previous generation of operator interface, without having to configure each control constant by hand. Note As of TCI Version 1.2, the CONSTSET.DAT file is still required, but an option to automatically generate the default values at Data Dictionary load time has been added. Using this new option eliminates the need for running the CONSTSET program. Refer to the application information at the end of this section for more details. Operation CONSTSET is a command line configuration utility. It requires one command line qualifier, the name of the Mark V unit, supplied using the /UNIT=<unit_name> qualifier. If run with no parameters or the /? parameter, a help screen is displayed as shown in the following example. F:\UNIT1>constset This program creates a CONSTSET.DAT file for a Mark V unit. The CONSTSET.DAT file defines which control constants are adjustable, and defines the ramp rate for each adjustable constant. The file created defines all control constants as adjustable. The ramp rate is set to approximately one display unit per second, where the display unit is defined by the control constant's scale code. COMMAND FORMAT: CONSTSET /UNIT:<unitname> F:\UNIT1> A sample of the CONSTSET.DAT file, the output of the CONSTSET program, is displayed in the following example: ; CONSTSET.DAT -- Control Constants Adjustment Settings File ; ; ; This file contains the adjustable constants for the unit. ; ; ; Point Name Engr Units Ramp Rate Min Value Max Value AFKQG "CNT09" 0.1 AFKQPC "CNT05" 0.001 AQK0_B "#/sec" 0.01 AQK0_E "#/sec" 0.01 <…and so on…> 4-46 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Application Information With TCI Version 1.2 and above, the unit can generate the Mark V default ramp rates without using the CONSTSET program. A new option in the CONSTSET.DAT file causes the Data Dictionary loader to recalculate the default ramp rates and set each control constant to be adjustable while loading the points into the Data Dictionary. This program has the advantage that any additions to the control constants, or new control constants, are automatically picked up when TCI is restarted, with no additional configuration work. To use this new option, create a CONSTSET.DAT file that contains as its first data line a line with the option name *MARK V_DEFAULT. This special line triggers the Dictionary Loader to set every control constant as adjustable, and set the ramp rate according to the default scale code table. The results are the same as the results of running CONSTSET. If desired, additional lines can be added to the CONSTSET.DAT file to override these defaults. This allows a user to make some control constants non-adjustable or to change the default ramp rate. Note Make sure that any lines changing the defaults are after the *MARK V_DEFAULT line, otherwise the lines are overridden when the defaults are computed. The following example displays a CONSTSET.DAT file where the default values were computed when TCI started: ; ;CONSTSET.DAT - CONTROL CONSTANT ADJUSTMENT SETTINGS ; ;This will set all control constants to be adjustable ;with a ramp rate of one display digit per second. ; *MARK V_DEFAULT ; ;Add any overrides desired here ; GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-47 EPA Log Configuration To define Mark V Control Data Points for the EPA screen, the user must modify the F:\UNITN\EPA_Q.SRC source file. With the use of the notepad editor, control data points can be added or removed from the file. The following is a sample EPA_Q.SRC source file: ; ----------------------------EPA_Q.SRC------------------------; Note that the TIME column header does not have to be defined in this file. : The header is automatically created when the program is run. ; ;SIGNAL NAME ; ----------------DWATT CTIM TTXM WXJ WXC FQG FQL CMHUM ;END OF FILE Although any valid Mark V data point can be defined for the EPA Display, it is required that both WXJ (ACTUAL FUEL/WATER-STEAM RATIO) and WXC (required FUEL/WATER-STEAM RATIO) control data points be included in all EPA displays. In addition, it is required that the points WXJ and WXC be defined for the fourth and fifth positions (from the left) of the display respectively. Therefore, they must be in the fourth and fifth positions from the top in EPA_Q.SRC. Once the correct points have been added to the EPA_B.SRC file, the file must be compiled and downloaded to the <C> processor. 4-48 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide SEQCOMPL - Sequencing Compiler - Mark V and Mark V LM The Control Sequence Compiler is a separate command line program that compiles Control Sequence Program (CSP) segments into one CSP for use in the controller. The Sequence Compiler compiles only the sequencing source segments (*.SRC) listed in MSTR_SEQ.CFG, the compiler configuration file. The Sequence Compiler is a command line program, not a Windows program. Only qualified personnel knowledgeable about turbine control and protection should use the Sequence Compiler. Improper use can adversely affect the control and protective features of the control system. Note Mark VI uses the toolbox. File Structure The output of the Sequence Compiler is an *.AP1 file (or files) that can be downloaded to the controller. The downloadable sequencing filename is SEQ.AP1 for Mark V LM, and for Mark V there are two, SEQ_B.AP1 and SEQ_Q.AP1. The program always writes a text log file, MSTR_SEQ.LOG in the unit configuration directory. Along with the segment source files, the Sequence Compiler uses several unit specific files that contain signal name database definitions and definitions of the available application building blocks. PRIMITIVE.DEF and BIGBLOCK.DEF files are ASCII files that detail the programming blocks available for the particular unit control. UNITDATA.DAT is a data dictionary file the Sequence Compiler uses to check the validity of pointnames used in the segment source files. MSTR_SEQ.CFG SEQ.AP1 (Mark VLM) UNITDATA.DAT PROM\PRIMITIVE.DEF PROM\BIGBLOCK.DEF SEQCOMPL.EXE Control Sequence Compiler {Segment1 {Segment2 SEQ_B.AP1 (Mark V) SEQ_Q.AP1 (Mark V) {Segment name}.SRC Sequence Compiler Block Diagram GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-49 Executing the Sequence Compiler Selecting the Sequence Compiler icon, or typing SEQCOMPL, or hitting enter while at a command prompt in the unit specific directory initiates the compiling program. The Sequence Compiler creates a listing, MSTR_SEQ.LOG, of the errors found in the segments. These errors must be resolved by using the Sequence Editor program to make appropriate changes to the sequencing source files (*.SRC). The *.AP1 output files are not produced until the Sequence Compiler runs error free. A sample Sequence Compiler execution is as follows: F:\UNIT1>SEQCOMPL Mark V – Control Sequence Program Compiler Revision Aug 20 1997 at 11 : 12 : 38 Date: Compiled on: Mon Nov 17 11:36:06 1997 ---> Loading the signal data base ---> Loading the BBL and PRIM block definitions ...BBL revision Major := 7 Minor : 1 ---> <Q> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_TRN1.src ... 176 rungs processed ---> <Q> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_TRN2.src ... 110 rungs processed ---> <Q> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_TRN3.src ... 95 rungs processed ---> <Q> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_TRN4.src ... 81 rungs processed ---> <Q> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_TRB1.src ... 158 rungs processed ---> <Q> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_TRB2.src Frequency := 2 Skew 0 ... 140 rungs processed ---> <Q> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_TRB3.src Frequency := 2 Skew 1 ... 151 rungs processed ---> <B> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_TRN1.src ... 176 rungs processed ---> <B> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_TRN2.src ... 110 rungs processed ---> <B> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_TRN3.src ... 95 rungs processed ---> <B> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_TRN4.src ... 81 rungs processed ---> <B> segment: F:\UNIT\SEQ_B.src ... 5 rungs processed ---> Creating the <Q> AP1 sequencing file: F:\UNIT\SEQ_Q.AP1 ---> Creating the <B> AP1 sequencing file: F:\UNIT\SEQ_B.AP1 --------CSP Compiler Finished ---------- 4-50 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Master Sequencing Configuration File The Master Sequencing Configuration File, MSTR_SEQ.CFG, governs the sequencing source files that are compiled for each controller in the unit, and at what rate the segments are run within the controller. MSTR_SEQ.CFG is a text file that can be modified by any word processor. Only qualified personnel knowledgeable about turbine control and protection should modify the Master Sequencing Configuration File, MSTR_SEQ.CFG. Improper use can adversely affect the control and protective features of the control system. The file is located in the unit configuration directory, typically F:\UNITn. The file features are as follows: • A # character denotes a field to be processed. • The #LIST directive causes the compiler to produce a listing file MSTR_SEQ.LST. This is a text file, which can be viewed with any word processor. It is a text representation of the AP1 file to be downloaded to the controller. Typically, this directive is preceded by a ‘.’ to convert it to a comment. • The #BBL_REVISION contains the revision of the \PROM\BIGBLOCK.DEF file. This number must match the proms in the unit control. If not, the new AP1 file is not able to run after it is downloaded. The BIGBLOCK.DEF file revision must match the prom revision in the controller. The following is a sample MSTR_SEQ.CFG Sequence Compiler Configuration File for Mark V: ------------------------------------------------------------------MSTR_SEQ.CFG: Configuration file for sequencing compiler ------------------------------------------------------------------.#LIST ------------------------------------------------------------------Major Minor UBL Major UBL Minor rev rev rev rev #BBL_REVISION 7 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------<R>, <S>, and <T> Segments ------------------------------------------------------------------#<Q>_SEGMENTS Segment Frequency Skew within Frequency name power of 2 (>0) (units of 1/16 sec) #SEGMENT SEQ_TRN1 1 0 #SEGMENT SEQ_TRN2 1 0 #SEGMENT SEQ_TRN3 1 0 #SEGMENT SEQ_TRN4 1 0 #SEGMENT SEQ_TRB1 1 0 #SEGMENT SEQ_TRB2 2 0 #SEGMENT SEQ_TRB3 2 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------<C> and <D> Segments ------------------------------------------------------------------#<B>_SEGMENTS Frequency Skew within Frequency power of 2 (>0) (units of 1/16 sec) #SEGMENT SEQ_TRN1 1 0 #SEGMENT SEQ_TRN2 1 0 #SEGMENT SEQ_TRN3 1 0 #SEGMENT SEQ_TRN4 1 0 #SEGMENT SEQ_B 1 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------#END GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-51 In the sample listing the sequencing information is grouped as follows: • The #Q_SEGMENTS tag indicates sequencing for the <R>, <S>, and <T> processors. • The #B_SEGMENTS tag indicates sequencing for the <C> and <D> processors, (Mark V only) • The #END tag indicates the end of the document information. The following example demonstrates the Frequency and Skew features: Segment Frequency n Skew within scan rate name power of 2 (>0) (units of 1/16 sec) W 1 0 X 2 0 Y 2 1 Z 8 3 The Frame Rate of the Mark V is 16, and the frequency parameter denotes the period in frames for the segment. To calculate the execution rate use the following formula: Execution rate in Hz for a segment = Frame Rate / Frequency 16 / 2 = 8 Hz Using the above configuration yields segment execution at the following Mark V frequencies and skews, where each occurrence of a letter represents the execution time: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.| 0123456789ABCDEF 0.0sec 0.5sec 1.0sec 1.5sec 2.0sec 2.5sec 3.0sec 3.5sec 4.0s The frame rate is 16 Hz so a maximum of 16 segment executions per second are possible. The execution rates are as follows: 4-52 • Chapter 4 Mark V • Segment W is run every frame, for a 16 Hz execution. • Segment X is run every two frames, for an 8 Hz execution. • Segment Y is run every two frames, for an 8 Hz execution, and is skewed by one frame. • Segment Z is run every eight frames, for a 2 Hz execution, and is skewed by three frames. • At Frame #0, the segments W and X run. • At Frame #1, the segments W, and Y run. • At Frame #3, the segments W, Y, and Z run. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide For Mark V LM, the Sequencing Configuration File, MSTR_SEQ.CFG, is similar to the one for Mark V, except scan rate and offset replace frequency and skew. The following sample MSTR_SEQ.CFG file is for a Mark V LM. The scan rate governs how often the segment runs and the offset controls on which frame the execution begins. ; ; MSTR_SEQ.CFG for MKV LM ; --------------------------------------------------------------------Configuration file for sequencing compiler --------------------------------------------------------------------;#LIST Major Minor rev rev #BBL_REVISION 1 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------R, S, T Segments --------------------------------------------------------------------; Frame Rate (base)10 20 40 80 160 320 640 1280 Frame Time(period) Hz ; Scan Rate n = 1 = = msec iteration interval 100 ; Scan Rate n = 2 = = msec iteration interval 50 ; Scan Rate n = 4 = = msec iteration interval 25 ; Scan Rate n = 8 = = msec iteration interval 12.5 ; Scan Rate n = 16 = = msec iteration interval 6.25 ; Scan Rate n = 32 = = msec iteration interval 3.125 ; Scan Rate n = 64 = = msec iteration interval 1.5625 ; Scan Rate n = 128 = = msec iteration interval 0.78125 ; ; For Mark VLM the reference rate is 100 Hz, 10 msec #<Q>_SEGMENTS ; Scan rate, n Offset within scan rate #SEGMENT SEQ_10GE 1 0 ;GENIUS COMM ;CHECK #SEGMENT #SEGMENT #SEGMENT #SEGMENT #SEGMENT SQ_BLK SQ40_2 SQ40_1 SQ640 SQ160_5T 1 4 4 64 16 0 2 1 11 5 #SEGMENT #END SQ160_3T 16 3 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ; ;PD ;PD ;13 ; DRAIN / PURGE ;VALVE DEMAND AND FEEDBACK ; DRAIN / PURGE Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-53 SEQDOCMT - Sequencing Documentor - Mark V and V LM The Control Sequence Documentor is a separate command line program that produces a CSP control document. The CSP document is a text file that contains a representation of the CSP control program, and is used by field service and maintenance personnel to check out and debug the controller. It is also used as a hard copy to document the CSP. The Control Sequence Documentor uses only the sequencing source segments (*.SRC) listed in MSTR_SEQ.CFG, the compiler configuration file. The Sequence Documentor is a command line program, not a Windows program. Note Mark VI uses the toolbox. File Structure The CSP Documentor program produces two files. The first, CSP.PRN, is a complete representation of the control. The second, CSP_XREF.PRN, is a signal name cross-referencing document. Both of these files are located in the unit configuration directory. CSP.PRN The CSP.PRN document is a text file pre-formatted with page breaks to form a complete document. The CSP.PRN is a complete representation of the unit CSP. It can be viewed with any word processor with a fixed pitch font with line drawing characters. It is best to print this document with the CSP Printer program as it adapts the format of the document to the selected printer. Each page of the document begins with a header displaying the segment name, date, and page number. Each rung starts with a rung number followed by a graphic representation of the rung and finishing with signal and cross-referencing information. More than one rung can appear on any page. The page number represents the page number within the segment. The following is a sample CSP print output: Control Sequence Document for Segment F:\UNIT_EA\SEQ20_1.SRC Tue Nov 18 13:55:02 1997 Page - 34 << Rung Number 50 >>> 4-54 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide GP2SEL -- SELECTED GP2* VALUE USED IN SEQUENCING psi SEQ20_1 39 SEQ20_1 40 SEQ20_1 42 SEQ20_1 49 SEQ20_1 50 SEQ20_1 52 SEQ20_1 59 SEQ20_1 60 SEQ20_1 62 SEQ_10GG 52 SEQ_10GG -60 SEQ_10GG 64 GP3PFF -- PILOT TRIM VALVE P3 FEED FORWARD psi SEQ20_1 -49 SEQ20_1 50 N/D GP3T2_PFFX -- PILOT TRIM VALVE P3/P2 RATIO FEED FORWARD AUX SEQ20_1 -50 SEQ20_1 51 <<< Rung Number 51 >>> GP3T2_PFF -- PILOT TRIM VALVE P3/P2 RATIO FEED FORWARD N/D SEQ20_1 -51 SEQ20_1 52 GP3T2_PFFX -- PILOT TRIM VALVE P3/P2 RATIO FEED FORWARD AUX N/D SEQ20_1 -50 SEQ20_1 51 RZERO -- FLOATING POINT CONSTANT N/D <0.0 N/D> SEQ20_1 18 SEQ20_1 31 SEQ20_1 38 SEQ20_1 41 SEQ20_1 48 SEQ20_1 51 SEQ20_1 58 SEQ20_1 61 SEQ_80 18 SEQ_80 43 SEQ_40 32 SEQ_10GG 66 CSP_XREF.PRN The CSP_XREF.PRN document is a text file pre-formatted with page breaks to form a complete document. It is a cross-reference document containing a list of signal names with the segment and rung number where the signal is used. It can be viewed with any word processor having a fixed pitch font. To print this document it is best to use the CSP Printer program as it adapts the format of the document to the selected printer. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-55 Along with the segment source files, the Control Sequence Documentor uses several unit specific files that contain signal name database definitions and definitions of the available application building blocks. PRIMITIVE.DEF and BIGBLOCK.DEF files are ASCII files that detail the programming blocks available for the particular controller. UNITDATA.DAT is a data dictionary file that contains the pointnames and types used in the segment source files. *.PIC files are used for the primitive and BBL block graphics. *.SCA files contain the engineering units. The LONGNAME.DAT file contains the corresponding signal long names. A CSP_XREF.PRN Sequence Documentor output example is as follows: Unit Master Cross Reference CDPSUMAVGA CDPSUMAVGB CDP_CUR CDP_CUR_REF CDP_ERR CDP_ERRABS CDP_NBIAS CDP_NSC CDP_POS_DMD CHIP_AGB CHIP_BSUMP CHIP_CSUMP CHIP_DSUMP CHIP_TGB CPCVAVG CPCVMAN_PV CPCVRATEVAL CPCV_MAN CPCV_PVGOOD CPCV_PVINP CP_CV CP_CV_SEL CS3 D30T2A D30T2B D30T2DIFF - Page 4 Fri Jan 31 10:53:51 1997 -- CDP VALVE LVDT A SECONDARY SUM AVERAGE V RMS SEQ_CAL -3 -- CDP VALVE LVDT B SECONDARY SUM AVERAGE V RMS SEQ_CAL -3 -- CDP BLEED VALVE SERVO DRIVER FEEDBACK <R2> QTBA-033 SEQ_640 63 -- CDP BLEED VALVE SERVO DRIVER OUTPUT % SEQ_640 63 SEQ_10GG -57 -- CDP BLEED VALVE DEMAND POSITION ERROR % SEQ_640 63 SEQ_10GG -57 -- ABSOLUTE VALUE OF CDP_ERR % SEQ_640 -63 -- CDP BLEED VALVE NULL BIAS BASED ON CDPSEL % SEQ_10GG -57 -- CDP BLEED VALVE SERVO CURRENT NULL COMPENSATION % SEQ_10GG 57 -- CDP BLEED VAVLE POSITION DEMAND % SEQ20_1 -23 SEQ_10GG 57 -ohms SEQ_640 76 -ohms SEQ_640 76 -ohms SEQ_640 76 -ohms SEQ_640 76 -ohms SEQ_640 76 -- BACKUP RATIO OF SPECIFIC HEATS (CP/CV) SEQ_0 -14 SEQ_640 8 -- PREVIOUS VALUE OF MANUAL SELECT CP/CV RATIO SEQ_640 -8 -SEQ_0 -14 SEQ_640 -8 -- RATIO OF SPECIFIC HEATS (CP/CV) FOR MANUAL SELECTION SEQ_640 8 -- RATIO OF SPECIFIC HEATS (CP/CV) FAULT TIME DELAY SEQ_640 -8 -- PREVIOUS VALUE OF CP/CV RATIO INPUT SEQ_640 -8 -- GAS FUEL RATIO OF SPECIFIC HEATS SEQ_0 -14 SEQ_0 -15 SEQ_640 8 -- SELECTED VALUE OF CP_CV USED IN SEQUENCIN SEQ_0 -14 SEQ20_1 42 SEQ20_1 52 SEQ20_1 62 SEQ_640 -8 SEQ_10GG 68 -- INTERMEDIATE HEAT SOAK GAIN SEQ_20 -4 -- ALMTXT:'COMPRSR INLET TEMP(T2A) SENSOR FAILED' AL 37 SEQ_40 -2 -- ALMTXT:'COMPRSR INLET TEMP(T2B) SENSOR FAILED' AL 38 SEQ_40 -2 -- ALMTXT:'T2A & T2B SENSOR DIFFERENTIAL' AL 42 SEQ_40 -2 4-56 • Chapter 4 Mark V % N/D LOGIC N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D N/D LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide To initiate the compiling program, either select the Control Sequence Documentor icon, or type SEQDOCMT, or press enter while at a command prompt in the unit specific directory. The Sequence Documentor has four possible parameters. They must be listed in order after the SEQDOCMT.EXE command. For example, a valid command line with all possible parameters is as follows: F:\UNIT1>SEQDOCMT.EXE METRIC.SCA N -LOG F:\UNIT1 • The first parameter is the scale code file name; the default is ENGLISH.SCA. • The second parameter is Y or N where: – N causes the documentor to skip cross-referencing – Y is the default to do cross-referencing • The third parameter is -LOG or -N. -LOG tells the documentor to produce a log file SEQDOCMT.LOG. The default is -N for no log file. • The fourth parameter is the path to the unitn directory. The default is to use the current default or working directory. The Sequence Documentor can display error messages during operation. These errors must be resolved using the Sequence Editor program to make appropriate changes to the sequencing source files, *.SRC, or other unit configuration files as needed. Note Run the Sequence Compiler any time changes are made to the files in the unit configuration directory. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-57 SEQEDIT - Sequencing Editor - Mark V and Mark V LM CSP, the Turbine Control's application software, uses a programming language known as Big Block Language (BBL). BBL is a relay ladder logic based software structure that defines data flow and function execution. A series of rungs containing combinations of comments, relay ladder diagrams, Primitives, and Big Blocks makes up the software structure. The Sequence Editor is the application tool for making control changes by modifying the CSP. The Sequence Editor does not directly modify the control code running in the controller. It is an off-line tool, so its changes are made to a source file only. After saving the changes made with the Sequence Editor, the CSP must be compiled by the Sequence Compiler and downloaded to the controller. The Sequence Compiler and download functions are described later in this document. A segment consists of a set of sequential rungs. The Control Sequence Editor allows four different types of rungs as follows: • RLD rungs, which are relay ladder diagram rungs. • PRIMITIVE rungs, which combine RLD operations with a primitive function block call. • BBL rungs, which are rungs without RLD operations, but with a Big Block call. Big Blocks are application modules that perform standardized control functions. • COMMENT rungs, which are rungs containing only text, usually identifying important information about the sequencing or segment. The Sequence Editor creates new CSP segments or edits existing ones. Once the Sequence Editor creates the segment source files, the Control Sequence Compiler compiles them into the CSP for downloading to the controller. The compiler configuration file, MSTR_SEQ.CFG, selects the segments to compile and defines a unique scan rate and execution offset for each segment. The downloaded CSP segments provide the controller with the parameters and instructions on how to control the process. File Structure The Sequence Editor operates on segment source files within the unit configuration directory, typically F:\UNITn. These files have a *.SRC extension. The CSP segment source files have a text format. Never edit the segment source files directly, use the Sequence Editor program to open, modify, and save them. Note Other source files in the unit configuration directory have a *.SRC extension that are not CSP segment source files. While it is possible to open these files, they are not sequencing files and their contents could be overwritten if the user attempts to modify and save them from the Sequence Editor. Along with the segment source files, the Sequence Editor uses several unit specific files that contain signal name database definitions, and definitions of the available software building blocks. PRIMITIVE.DEF and BIGBLOCK.DEF are ASCII files that detail the programming blocks available for the particular unit control. UNITDATA.DAT is a data dictionary file used by the Sequence Editor to check the validity of pointnames used in the segment source files. It is usually a good idea to restrict the editing of sequencing source files to a single unit at a time. This is because different units may have different functions defined in their associated BIGBLOCK.DEF and PRIMITIV.DEF files and different signals defined in their UNITDATA.DAT files. 4-58 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Modifications of these files is not necessary, and not recommended, as their contents correlate directly to the contents of the unit control’s block library. If a block is added, modified, or removed from the unit control, the factory provides new definition files along with new files for the controller’s block library. PROM\ PRIMITIVE.DEF UNITDATA.DAT PROM\ BIGBLOCK.DEF SEQEDIT.EXE Control {Segment name}.SRC Sequencing Original or New source Editor file Control Sequence Editor File Structure Using the Control Sequence Editor Editing a segment requires several standard operations. These operations include loading a segment from the disk, creating a new segment, finding an existing rung, creating a new rung, and saving a modified segment to a disk. Using either the dropdown menu options from the menu bar selections or the buttons on the toolbar performs the following operations: • Starting the Control Sequence Editor and Loading segments • Opening the Control Sequence Editor window • Navigating within segments • Editing rungs • Selecting rungs • Copying rungs • Moving rungs • Adding or deleting rungs • Creating rungs • Viewing multiple segments • Saving a segment • Exiting the Control Sequence Editor The following sections provide information about using these functions. Starting The Control Sequence Editor To start the Control Sequence Editor 1 Select the Control Sequence Editor icon, or from the Command Prompt, enter: SEQEDIT 2 The Control Sequence Editor starts. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-59 Loading An Existing Segment The Sequence Editor loads existing segments in three ways. If the Sequence Editor starts from the command prompt, type the name of the segment after the Sequence Editor execution command, SEQEDIT. Include the source extension, .SRC with the segment name. For example, enter: F:\UNIT1>SEQEDIT {Segment name}.SRC where {Segment name}.SRC is a sequencing segment filename such as SEQ_160.SRC. To load an existing segment after starting the Sequence Editor, select the menu option File:Open command from the drop-down menu. The Sequence Editor provides a list of files with .SRC extensions. Select the desired file and press enter to load the segment. Selecting the toolbar button with the picture of an open file also provides a list of existing files. To load a recently edited segment, select the menu bar option File, and then the segment name from the drop-down menu. Note Not all the .SRC files are sequencing segment source files. Loading A New Segment If no existing file is specified when the Sequence Editor starts, a blank screen displays. To start a new segment window, select the menu bar option File:New command from the drop-down menu. Note Exiting a new segment file without saving it loses the file. 4-60 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The Control Sequence Editor Window The Sequence Editor operates in a Windows environment. The Editor performs functions selected from drop-down menu options from the menu bar or buttons on the toolbar: • The titlebar displays the filename currently in the Sequence Editor. • The Sequence Editor opens each segment in a separate segment window that displays the segment one rung at a time. • RLD rungs display on an 8x8 matrix. • Primitive rungs display using a 4x8 permissive matrix and a tile representation of the primitive. • Big Blocks display as a tile representation of the Big Block. • The horizontal and vertical scroll bars allow viewing portions of rungs and blocks that exceed the segment window boundaries. The Sequence Editor Window Displaying an RLD Rung The menus and toolbar at the top of the screen incorporate items common to Windows applications along with special items associated with the Editor. The toolbar immediately beneath the menu bar corresponds to particular drop-down menu options. The toolbar buttons allow short cuts to common menu commands. Navigating Within a Segment Window Individual rungs make up the sequencing segments. The top right hand corner of the segment window displays the rung number. Navigate between the rungs using either the drop-down menu options from the menu bar, the toolbar buttons, or the page up and down keys on the keyboard. The Edit:Find menu selection locates a signal name or block name within a given segment. No tools are provided to search all sequencing segment source files. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-61 Editing an Existing Rung The Editor allows for editing existing rungs as follows: • Double clicking on an RLD component or name within a BBL or Primitive block accesses the signal name point list dialog box for changing the associated control signal name. • Selecting a component from the Component menu bar option or from the toolbar and doubling clicking on the addition location adds a component or changes an existing component. • Selecting a new control signal name from the signal name point list dialog box. • Selecting Edit:Comment from the menu displays the text window with the existing comment text. The text window allows modifying text or adding text to the comment rung. • Changing BBL blocks and Primitive blocks deletes the components on the rung. Changing the rung type also deletes the rung components. • Selecting the Delete Element from the Component menu, and double clicking on the component deletes the component. Adding components to the resulting gap in the rung is necessary for proper function of the rung. Selecting Rungs Selecting rungs allows access for copying, editing, or deleting. Navigating to the rung and selecting the menu bar option Edit and the Select command from the drop-down menu highlights the rung to indicate its selection. Repeating the selection process for other rungs selects multiple rungs. Selecting the menu option Edit:Deselect deselects the rungs. Copying Rungs The Sequence Editor allows for copying rungs within a segment window or to another segment window. To copy rungs 1 Navigate to the rung and select it using the menu option Edit:Select. The rung highlights. 2 Select the Edit:Copy menu item. Navigate to the insertion point and select the menu bar option Edit:Paste. The Editor inserts the copied rung and re-numbers the following rungs. 3 Selecting Paste in other locations inserts the copied rung again. Copying multiple selected rungs and pasting them copies the selected rungs and inserts them to the new location. Toolbar buttons also perform copy and paste functions. Once a rung is selected and copied, the Editor permits copying to another segment window. Exiting the existing segment window and opening the new segment window, or opening a new segment window both allow for copying the rung from one segment to another. Copying the rung to another segment follows the above procedure. 4-62 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Moving Rungs The Sequence Editor allows for moving one rung or multiple rungs. The procedure is similar to copying rungs except the menu option Edit:Cut is used to remove the rung and re-number the following rungs. Navigating to the new rung location and selecting Edit:Paste inserts the rung to the new location and renumbers the following rungs. Cutting and pasting multiple selected rungs removes all selected rungs and inserts them in the new location. Note Toolbar buttons also perform the cut and paste functions. Adding a Rung The Editor allows adding new rungs at any point in the segment. Navigate to the insertion point for the new rung. At the location, select the menu option Rung:Add. The Editor displays a dialog box to select adding the rung before or after the current rung. The selection adds a blank RLD rung and re-numbers the following rungs. Deleting a Rung The Editor allows deleting rungs. Navigate to the desired rung and select the menu option Rung:Delete. A dialog box requesting confirmation of the deletion displays. Deleting a rung is permanent. Only exiting the Editor without saving restores a deleted rung since there is no undelete selection. To cancel a delete, select the Cancel button in the confirmation window. Selecting the Rung Type New rungs are one of four different types. Selecting the Rung:Type menu item displays the Modify Rung Type dialog box that allows the choice of one of the four rung types as follows: • RLD (relay ladder logic alone) displays a blank grid for adding components • Primitive (a basic block made up of relay ladder logic) displays another dialog box to choose the Primitive to add. Primitives display both a tile and an RLD grid and require signal names. • BBL (one large block alone) displays another dialog box to choose the BBL or Primitive to add. BBLs display as tiles, and often require signal names. • COMMENT (text only) rung type displays a blank screen without the RLD grid. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-63 Adding RLD Rungs Selecting the RLD rung type displays a blank RLD grid on the screen. Selecting the Components menu option displays a drop-down menu of the different possible components. Selecting a component from this menu allows it to be added to the grid. The new rung must begin at the top left grid line and end at the top right grid line. Double clicking on the grid line adds the component to that location. A Signal Name dialog box displays if the component is a normally open contact, normally closed contact, or coil or inverted coil. This dialog box allows for typing the control signal name or for browsing the control signal name database to select the control signal. If the control signal name or the type of signal is invalid for the component, the Editor displays a warning. Selecting cancel at the warning removes the use of that control signal name. Selecting OK allows for the use of the control signal name. RLD rungs must follow standard relay ladder logic format. Selecting Component:Delete Component from the menu and double clicking on the component deletes a component. Note The toolbar component buttons allow for quick component addition and deletion. The menu bar option Component has six commands available for editing RLD rungs and the RLD section of Primitive rungs as follows: • The drop-down menu command NOC represents a Normally Open Contact component selection. • The NCC command represents a Normally Closed Contact selection. • The HOR drop-down menu command represents a Horizontal connector. This selection creates both horizontal and vertical connections. Selecting HOR and double clicking on a horizontal or vertical grid line adds the connector. • The Coil and ICoil commands from the drop-down menu select normal coils and inverted coils respectively. • The Delete Element command deletes any components as described above. Adding Primitive Rungs Selecting the PRIMITIVE rung type displays a Select Primitive Function dialog box displaying a list of the available Primitives blocks. After selecting one of the Primitive blocks from the list, the Primitive block tile appears on the right side of the segment window. The left side of the segment window displays the RLD grid for adding components. Primitive blocks automatically include their associated coil. Double clicking on locations requiring control signal names displays the Signal Name dialog box. Primitive blocks typically require signal names on the coils and any locations indicated inside the primitive tile. Double clicking on a name inside the primitive tile displays the Signal Name dialog box for selecting the associated control signal name. Typically, a primitive block requires a contact or contacts to enable it. Follow the Adding RLD rungs rules to add the enabling contacts. Normally open contacts, normally closed contacts, connectors, or combinations are allowed. Adding BBL Rungs Selecting the BBL rung type displays a Select Block Function dialog box. This dialog box displays the list of the available Big Blocks. After selecting one of the Big Blocks from the list, the BBL tile for that Big Block displays across the entire segment window because BBL blocks do not include any RLD rung components. Double clicking on a name within the block displays the Signal Name dialog box for selecting the associated control signal name. 4-64 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Adding Comment Rungs Selecting the COMMENT rung type displays a blank segment window. Adding text involves either selecting the menu option and Edit:Comment, or double clicking anywhere in the comment rung. The Edit Comment dialog box displays for typing the text comment. Selecting the OK button on the bottom of the text window adds the text to the comment rung. Selecting the Cancel button cancels the text addition and reverts to the blank comment rung. Note Comments of 40 characters wide and 20 lines long are allowed. Viewing Multiple Segments Windows The Editor allows displaying any number of segments at one time. Multiple selection of the menu option File:Open from the drop-down menu opens multiple segment windows. The Window menu option provides a choice for displaying the multiple segment windows. Cascade displays the windows one after the other, down the screen in an overlapping fashion. Tile displays the windows in a non-overlapping tile fashion across the screen, dependent on the number of windows open. The Window menu option offers other commands for multiple segment windows. To open another window of a segment, select the menu bar option Window and the New command from the drop-down menu. The Editor allows multiple windows of the same segment, and all windows of the same segment reflect changes to one of the segment windows. The List 1,2, ... command displays a list of currently open segment windows at the bottom of the Window drop-down menu. A check mark appears in front of the segment name of the active window. A segment window chosen from this list becomes the active window. Note The latest segment window displays on top of the others unless Tile or Cascade are selected. Minimizing a window by clicking on its top left bar button and selecting Minimize removes the segment window from the presentation window and iconizes it. Double clicking on the icon loads the segment window back onto the Editor window. Selecting Maximize enlarges the segment window to fit the size of the Editor window. Using the cursor to select and drag the side bar of a segment window adjusts the size of the window. A highlighted title bar on a segment window indicates the segment window currently selected. Saving a Segment Selecting the menu option File:Save or clicking on the toolbar Save button saves segments. Saving a file overwrites the previous file and all old information is lost. To save new segments, select the menu option File:Save As command from the drop-down menu. A Save As dialog box prompts for a new file name and directory location. The Save As dialog box appears if the Save command or Save toolbar button are selected and the segment was not given a name previously. Saving a segment overwrites the segment losing the data in the initial (unedited) file. It is recommended that, prior to editing a segment, the segment is copied to a separate location. After verifying the saved segment’s functionality, delete the old copy of the segment. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-65 Selecting the menu option File:Close closes a segment. A Save As dialog box displays when closing with new or not-yet saved segments, and asks whether to save the segment if the segment was changed and not saved prior to closing. Selecting Yes saves an existing segment or prompts for a file name for a new segment. Exiting the Control Sequence Editor Selecting the menu option File:Exit exits the Editor program. The Save As dialog box asks whether to save the segment if the current file has not been saved. Selecting No exits the Editor without saving the segment, losing all changes. Selecting Yes saves the segment. CSPPRINT - Control Sequence Program Printer Mark V and Mark V LM CSPPRINT is a command line utility for printing Control Sequence Program (CSP) documents using the standard Windows printing support. CSP documents represent the control sequencing used by the Mark V and Mark V LM. Note CSPPRINT is not designed for printing document types other than CSP. There are two options for printing a CSP document: • Print a complete document at once to a default printer, or • Open the CSP Printer window for more control CSPPRINT functions with other programs, as follows: • CSP file, which is a pre-formatted file containing all the necessary information for pagination. CSPPRINT uses this information to display and print the CSP document. • Sequence Editor, used to modify the CSP source code (CSPPRINT is not an editor). • Sequence Documentor, which produces the CSP document (refer to Sequence Documentor in this chapter). Note During the printing process, CSPPRINT runs at a lower priority to make CPU resources available to other processes. File Structure CSPPRINT operates on two CSP documents produced by the Sequence Documentor utility: CSP.PRN and CSP_XREF.PRN. These files are located in the unit configuration directory. The CSP output document is pre-formatted containing all the necessary information for pagination. These files can also be viewed with any word processor that has access to a fixed pitch font with the line drawing characters. However, because the CSP documents are pre-formatted, they may not print correctly from the word processor. Note CSP.PRN, is a complete representation of the control. CSP_XREF.PRN, is a signal name cross-reference. 4-66 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Operation CSPPRINT is run from a DOS window at a command prompt, as follows: G:\EXEC\CSPPRINT.EXE F:\UNIT1\CSP.PRN/p The file name is F:\UNIT\CSP.PRN/p; and only one file name is permitted on the command line. Without /p, the command launches the CSP Printer window. The optional parameter /p (case sensitive) when entered on the command line along with a file name causes the entire CSP document to be printed to the default windows printer. No program window displays when using the /p parameter, however a dialog box displays the status of the print job formatting and gives the user the option to cancel the print job. Using the CSP Printer The CSP Printer is a single document interface launched by the CSPPRINT utility. Use the menu selections at the top of the CSP Printer program screen to adjust the page appearance, select a printer, and print a CSP document. It allows only one CSP document to be displayed by the program at any time. More than one copy of the CSP Printer program can be run to view and print multiple CSP documents at the same time. CSP Printer Window GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-67 Only one page of the CSP document is displayed at time. Use the Page menu or toolbar buttons to navigate through the pages of the document. The window title bar displays the CSP document name including the full path, current page number, and total number of pages in the CSP document. In print preview mode, the main window is replaced with a print preview window in which one or two pages are displayed in their printed format. To print the CSP document 1 Select File then Open. The *.PRN document in the unit configuration directory opens. 2 Select File then Page Setup to adjust the appearance of the page: • If desired, select a header to be printed on each page. • Set the page margins in either metric or English units. • Select OK to accept the setup changes (or Cancel to cancel them) and return to the CSP display. 3 Select File then Print. The Print Dialog Box opens. 4 Select the printer and paper options, then select OK. A dialog box displays the print progress. To cancel CSP printing in progressw Select Cancel from the dialog box. While printing, the CSP Printer program runs at a lower priority to make the CPU resources available to other processes. Therefore, if a CPU-intensive application is running, the CSP Printer Program stops until there is enough free CPU time to resume processing. Note Refer to your Microsoft Windows documentation for instructions on selecting printer and paper options. TABLE_C - Table Compile - Mark V and Mark V LM TABLE_C is a configuration tool that compiles the configuration tables for Mark V and Mark V LM units. It takes the configuration information out of the ASCII configuration source files (*.SRC) and converts it to the binary images that the controller needs. The results are placed in a set of *.AP1 files. Editing a set of tables containing configuration information creates some of the configuration information. These tables contain the signals to be totalized, the signals to be treated as events, and the values of the control constants. The tables are edited in ASCII source files and stored as *.SRC files in the unit configuration directory. These *.SRC files refer to signals using the signal name. TABLE_C reads the *.SRC files and converts the contents from ASCII to binary format. It stores the binary files as *.AP1 files in the unit configuration directory. These binary *.AP1 files are downloaded to the controller to provide the table driven configuration information. Mark V and Mark V LM have different tables, and the binary format used is different in some cases. TABLE_C looks for the existence of the VXFR.AP1 file in the unit configuration directory as the indication of the unit type. If VXFR.AP1 is found, the unit is assumed to be a Mark V LM, if not it is assumed to be a Mark V. 4-68 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Operation TABLE_C is a command line configuration program run from the unit configuration directory. It looks to see if it is configuring a Mark V or a Mark V LM and processes the tables accordingly. If run with no parameters or with the /? parameter, a help screen displays. This help screen includes the list of tables supported by the unit type. A few of the table files contain values, such as the control constant values. These values must be translated from ASCII to binary values, using a scale code table. By default the ENGLISH.SCA file is used. This can be overridden by using the /SCALE=<filename> qualifier in the TABLE_C command line. TABLE_C requires a list of the tables to compile, supplied as parameters to TABLE_C. There is a special parameter ALL that compiles all the table files, as displayed in the following example: F:\UNIT1>TABLE_C ALL TABLE_C: Table compiler for Mark V AP1 files. Loading data dictionary.....5920 points loaded. TABLE_C processing complete. F:\UNIT1> In the preceding example, all the table files were compiled. In this case TABLE_C determined that the unit was a Mark V. F:\UNIT1>TABLE_C CONST TABLE_C: Table compiler for Mark V AP1 files. Loading data dictionary.....5920 points loaded. CONST WARNING: constant "COMMHTHY" not found, set to zero. TABLE_C processing complete. F:\UNIT1> In the preceding example, only the Control Constant table was compiled. TABLE_C found that the Control Constant named COMMHTHY was defined in the unit, but no value was given for it in the configuration table. It warns that this constant is being given the value of zero. Note The ALL parameter is also used by MK5MAKE to compile all tables. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-69 EEPROM Downloader - Mark EEPROM is a Mark V configuration utility that downloads binary configuration information from the HMI into the non-volatile memory in the Mark V controller. Mark V LM uses the UDF program to do this. Note Mark VI uses the toolbox. Various configuration tools create the *.AP1 files that define the Mark V controller configuration. These include the Sequence Compiler, the Table Compiler, and the I/O Configurator. These files are stored in the unit configuration directory for each unit, and must be downloaded from the HMI to the non-volatile memory in the controller for them to take effect. The non-volatile memory in the Mark V is EEPROM (Electronically Erasable PROM). The EEPROM program does the download, provides a directory command to view the contents of the Mark V EEPROM, and does a simple check to verify the unit's EEPROM has not been corrupted. Note The EEPROM program transfers the configuration from the HMI to the controller Operation EEPROM is a command line utility program that is typically run from a DOS prompt. If run with no parameters or the /? parameter, help is provided, as displayed in the following example: F:\UNIT1>EEPROM /? Mark V EEPROM downloader. EEPROM <option> <unit_name> <proc> <sections> Where: <option> is one of { UP | DOWN | DIR | CHECK | NOCHECK | HELP | EXIT } <unit_name> is the name of the desired unit. <proc> is the processor to talk to, one of { R | S | T | C | D } <sections> is ALL, USER, or a list of EEPROM partition names, including: FORMAT - Formats (reinitializes) the EEPROM. [Not in USER category] SEQ - Contains the Control Sequence Program. CONST - Contains control constants. IOCFG - Contains IO configuration. UBBL - Contains User BBL library. HIST - Contains point list for history log. EPA - Contains point list for EPA log. MAOUT - Contains point list for 4-20 mA outputs. EVENT - Contains point list for events. CHNG - Contains point list for change detection. BOI - Contains point list for backup operator interface. TOTT - Contains point list for totalized data. TOTD - Contains totalized data. [Not in USER category] CBLR - Contains point list for cable remote. F:\UNIT1> 4-70 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide EEPROM options Options Description UP Uploads the binary from the Mark V to the HMI. It is used when the contents in the unit are to be preserved as disk files on the HMI. This option requires one or more section names. DOWN Downloads a binary file from the HMI to the Mark V when configuring the controller. This option requires one or more section names. DIR Provides a directory of the current contents of the Mark V. This option does not require a section name; all sections are displayed. CHECK Checks the nonvolatile memory for possible corruption. This is done by looking at the checksum field in the EEPROM header and comparing the expected checksum with the actual checksum. Some sections (such as the totalizer data) do not use a checksum so these sections are skipped in this check. This option does not require a section name. NOCHECK Marks a particular section as NOT using a checksum. Currently the totalizer data (TOTD) section is the only section that is marked to not use a checksum due to constantly changing values. This option requires a section name, which is typically only the TOTD section. HELP Provides a help screen. EXIT Exits the EEPROM program. This is typically used as the command in the last line in a batch file driven download. In addition to the individual sections (or partitions) in the EEPROM, two special pseudo section names are provided which act as a collection of the other sections. EEPROM Pseudo Sections Sections Description ALL This pseudo section means all of the sections, including the Format section. This is a dangerous section when used with the Down option since it reformats the entire EEPROM and downloads all the sections. It erases all information (including totalizer data) already in the EEPROM. This option is seldom used with a download, and the program requests a confirmation if this pseudo section name is included. This pseudo section is most commonly used with the Up option to upload all sections prior to a unit upgrade. USER This pseudo section means all of the sections except the FORMAT and TOTD sections. It is commonly used to download all of the user-configured sections after rebuilding the controller configuration. A directory example is as follows: F:\UNIT1>EEPROM DIR T1 R DIRECTORY OF UNIT T1 PROCESSOR R: 03-DEC-1997 10:28:53 Partition offset size --------date-------SEQ 5000 243A 03-MAY-1997 12:36:48 CONST 2000 1000 03-MAY-1997 12:36:26 IOCFG 4000 00CB 24-MAY-1995 13:10:56 UBBL 4800 0117 24-NOV-1993 13:54:34 HIST 0000 0000 03-MAY-1997 12:36:26 EPA MAOUT EVENT CHNG BOI TOTT TOTD CBLR F:\UNIT1> 0000 0DD0 0E60 0F60 12E0 0C00 0200 1160 0000 003C 007A 0100 02B6 00A9 0910 0006 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide 03-MAY-1997 03-MAY-1997 03-MAY-1997 03-MAY-1997 03-MAY-1997 03-MAY-1997 11-MAR-1992 03-MAY-1997 12:36:26 12:36:26 12:36:26 12:36:28 12:36:28 12:36:28 16:40:48 12:36:28 cksum 4E28 0936 2C8F 6B5A 0000 -idSEQ CNST IO UBL HIST 0000 0FCD 2570 38BD 847A 1EAF 0000 CAFE EPA 4-20 EVNT CHNG BOI TOTT TOTD CBLR Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-71 Application Information The date and time in the EEPROM header is a copy of the date and time from the file in the HMI used to download the controller. This means that the date in the controller is the date the file was prepared in the HMI, not the date that the information was downloaded to the controller. Doing this helps to correlate the information in the unit to the HMI disk files that were used to configure the panel. If a file is uploaded from the unit, the date and time on the HMI is set to the date and time from the EEPROM header. There is a default layout for the EEPROM built into the EEPROM program. The default layout defines what EEPROM partitions exist, where each one starts in the EEPROM, and how large each partition is. Most sites use this default layout with no problems. Some sites and some product lines redefine the layout to resize the partitions or to allow for a larger EEPROM supplied on some jobs. This is done using the EEPROM.DAT file in the unit configuration directory. If no EEPROM.DAT file exists, the program assumes the default layout. If EEPROM.DAT exists, it uses the partition layout defined in that file. If the partition layout is changed, the EEPROM needs to be completely reformatted and downloaded for the change to take effect. If a different EEPROM layout is required in the <B> controllers and <Q> controllers, separate EEPROM_B.DAT and EEPROM_Q.DAT files can be used. The header of the EEPROM contains some unit specific information including this unit's ARCNET address, whether the unit is a Simplex or a TMR, and the base frame rate. This information, along with the EEPROM directory and partition layout, is stored in a special partition known as FORMAT. Downloading the FORMAT partition to the controller re-formats the EEPROM, losing all the contents. Because of the unit specific information in the FORMAT section, extra care needs to be taken if the FORMAT section is copied from one unit configuration to another. Note The FORMAT partition is not included in the USER pseudo section. UDF - User Defined File - Mark V LM UDF (User Defined File) is a Mark V LM configuration utility that downloads the binary configuration information from the HMI into the non-volatile memory in the Mark V LM controller. Various configuration tools create the *.AP1 files that define the configuration of the Mark V LM controller. These include the Sequence Compiler, the Table Compiler, and the I/O Configurator. These files are stored in the unit configuration directory for each unit, and must be downloaded from the HMI to the controller for them to take effect. In addition to transferring the files, UDF also provides a directory command to view the contents of the Mark V LM, and does a simple check to verify the unit's files have not been corrupted. 4-72 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Operation UDF is a command line utility program that is typically run from a DOS prompt. When the program is run it prompts the user for the desired unit. This must be a Mark V LM unit. Entering a question mark when prompted for the unit name provides a list of valid Mark V LM unit names. The user is then prompted for the controller to talk to, with the default being the <R> controller. UDF then prompts the user with its UDF> prompt. The Help command providing the list of commands is displayed in the following example: UDF> HELP COMMAND FORMAT: UDF [/NODE=\\nodename] AVAILABLE COMMANDS: AP1 [filespec...] - Remote AP1 file check CD [dir] - Remote change directory CRC [filespec...] - Remote CRC command DELETE [filespec*...] - Remote delete command DIR [filespec*...] - Remote directory command EXEC [filespec*...] - Mark file(s) as executable FLASH [filespec*...] - Send files to remote FLASH FREE [dir] - Get free space in directory GET [filespec...] - Get files from remote LCD [dir] - Local change directory LCRC [filespec*...] - Local CRC command LDIR [filespec*...] - Local directory command MD [dir] - Remote make directory RD [dir] - Remote remove directory SEND [filespec*...] - Send files to remote STAT*US - Show status of settings AVAILABLE OPTIONS: AUTOEXEC { ON | OFF } - Marks no-extension files as Execs CASE { NONE | UPPER | LOWER - Forces case of remote names } SEP*ARATOR { "/" | "\" } - Defines remote directory specifier TRACE { ON | OFF } - Enable/Disable trace buffer RESTART - Restart with new connection EXIT, BYE, QUIT - Leave the program [parameter] parameters are optional "filespec*" parameters can include the wildcards "*" and "?" "filespec..." parameters can be a list, separated by spaces Attached to <88:R> via <R>. UDF> A special condition exists when a brand new turbine controller is downloaded for the first time. The controller comes with enough software to be able to talk on the ARCNET, but not enough software to perform as a controller. In this condition, the controller cannot understand if its address is specified as a unit name. For UDF to contact the controller, the ARCNET address of the controller must be used instead of the unit name. To do this, when asked for the unit name, enter instead 0x followed by the ARCNET address. This allows the UDF program to talk to a particular address, even before the unit software has been downloaded to it. When the ARCNET address is used, the core the address maps to must be known. This is typically the <R> core, which is the default. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-73 The UDF program has the ability to run from a remote node by using the /NODE=<nodename> option on the command line. This is intended for cases where the unit must be contacted from a remote location through the HMI. The nodename is the name of the HMI that is going to act as a pass-through node for the UDF messages. When run from a remote location, the unit name cannot be used to specify the unit, so the ARCNET address must be used instead. Refer to the following example: F:\UNIT1>UDF Enter the Unit Name: T1 Enter the target core (R, S, T) [R]: Attached to <88:R> via <R>. UDF> F:\UNIT1>UDF Enter the Unit Name: 0x88 Enter the Control Engine the LUN is for (R,S,T) [R]: Enter the target core (R, S, T) [R]: Attached to <88:R> via <R>. UDF> The date and time in the controller's non-volatile memory is a copy of the date and time from the file used to download the panel. This means that the date in the controller is the date the file was configured in the HMI, not the date that the information was downloaded to the controller. This helps correlate the information in the controller to the HMI disk files that were used to configure the unit. If a file is uploaded from the controller, the date and time on the HMI is set to the date and time from the controller's non-volatile memory. 4-74 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Diagnostics CARD_ID - Mark V and Mark V LM CARD_ID is a Command Line utility program that scans a Mark V or Mark V LM controller and reports on the versions of the PROMS that are found. It is useful when the version of the controller's PROMs is required, such as during upgrades, field replacements, or advanced troubleshooting. Note The term firmware means software in an integrated circuit form. In this case, changing the PROM on the controller board varies the firmware. Mark VI uses the toolbox. Background The Mark V and Mark V LM controllers consist of individual processor boards. Each processor board has a PROM containing the firmware that drives the board. Revising the firmware by changing the PROM is often required. The PROM revision level determines the available board options. This information is often needed during board replacement and during controller upgrades, and can be read from the sticker on the PROM, but it is sometimes easier to use the CARD_ID utility. There are some differences in the information that is available for the Mark V and the Mark V LM controllers. The Mark V controller is polled for each possible PROM, and it responds with the version of the PROM. The version consists of two fields, the board name (such as TCDA) and the version number (such as 1.2). Note Because the Mark V poll is for any possible board, a controller that does not have every possible board generates a diagnostic alarm when a non-existent board is polled. These diagnostic alarms can be safely ignored. The alarms generated are as follows: • DCC DPM indicates an invalid destination address. • DCC indicates there is no queue server for the destination. The Mark V front panel messages that correspond to these alarms are: • QST DPM NO DEST • NO QST AVAILABLE The Mark V LM controller uses a slightly different approach due to the flexibility in the board sets that can be configured. The Mark V LM uses the PANEL.CFG file in the unit configuration directory as a list of boards to poll in the panel. For each board it finds in the PANEL.CFG file, it polls the controller for that board. The board responds with the hardware version, firmware version, and current board state. Comparing the board return with what is configured in the PANEL.CFG file flags any differences. The flag field uses letters to indicate what differences were found using the following letters: • H indicates the hardware version needs to be checked. • F indicates the firmware version needs to be checked. • S indicates the board is not ready for operation. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-75 After the Mark V LM revision report, it prints out a list of physical locations for boards of interest. A board is included in this list if there are any flags indicated. A command line parameter /ALL can be used to include all boards in this list instead of only the flagged boards. Operation CARD_ID is normally run from the command prompt. If it is run with no parameters or with a /? parameter, it presents a summary of the command line options. CARD_ID requires the name of the unit (controller) to check as a command line parameter. If CARD_ID is being run on a Mark V LM, the following command line options can be used: • /ALL - This option includes every board in the summary instead of only the flagged boards. • /FULLID - Normally the information returned by the board is a string that ends with a null character. Some early boards included information after the null terminator that is useful during advanced debugging. If this option is used the full field, including the information after the null terminator, is displayed. Mark V Example In the following example, a Mark V Simplex controller is queried and the PROM revisions of the boards that are present are reported. F:\UNIT1> CARD_ID T1 Card identification for SALEM PLANT unit T1: C-TCCA:(TCCA 4.2 ) C-TCCB:(TCCB 4.1 ) C-SLCC:(LCCB 4.4 ) C-SDCC:(DCCB 6.6 ) C-IOMA:(IOMA 4.5 ) R-TCXX:(TCQA 2.5 ) R-TCXX:(TCQB 1.4 ) R-SLCC:(LCCQ 4.4 ) R-SDCC:(DCCQ 6.6 ) R-IOMA:(IOMA 4.5 ) R-TCPA:( ) R-TCD1:(TCD1 3.5 ) R-TCD2:( ) R-TCE1:(TCE1 5.2 ) R-TCE2:(TCE2 5.2 ) No response from <S> No response from <T> Enter any key to exit program: F:\UNIT1> 4-76 • Chapter 4 Mark V System is type 'B' C-320B:(TCCB 4.1 ) C-TCDA:( ) R-320B:(TCQB R-320P:( R-TCE3:(TCE3 1.1 ) ) 5.2 ) GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Mark V LM Example In this example, a Mark V LM is queried and the PROM revisions of the boards that are present are reported. Notice that a board that does not support the CARD_ID message type (R:25 processor 1) is not displayed in the list of Items of Interest. Boards that respond but are unable to determine their own revisions (R:25 processor 0) do appear in the Items of Interest. F:\UNIT2> CARD_ID T2 SYSTEM IS MARK V LM |----------EXPECTED-----------|------------ACTUAL------------BMS |PR HARDWARE FIRMWARE |PR HARDWARE FIRMWARE ST ----- |-- ------------ ------------ |-- ------------ ------------ -R:13 | 0 UCIAG2AC* UCIAP1AAC | R:25 | 0 UCPBG7AF* DS206TMCAED | 0 DS206TMCAED A7 R:25 | 1 UCPBG7AF* DS206TMQAEF | R1:01 | 0 TCQAG1BF* TCQAP1BBB | 0 TCQAG**** TCQAP1BBB A7 R1:02 | 0 TCQEG1AE* TCQEP1ABB | 0 TCQEG**** TCQEP1ABB A7 R1:02 | 1 TCQEG1AE* TCQEP2AAB | 1 TCQEG**** TCQEP2AAB A7 R1:04 | 0 TCDAG1BF* TCDAP1BCG | 0 TCDAG1BG* TCDAP1BCG-1 A7 R1:12 | 0 UCPBG6AF* UCPBP1ACE | 0 UCPBG**** UCPBP1ACE A7 R1:13 | 0 STCAG1AA* STCAP1AAB | 0 STCAG1AA* STCAP1AAB A7 R1:13 | 1 STCAG1AA* STCAP2AAB | 1 STCAG1AA* STCAP2AAB A7 R1:15 | 0 TCEAG1BA* TCEAP1BBC | 0 TCEAG**** TCEAP1BBC A7 R1:16 | 0 TCEAG1BA* TCEAP1BBC | 0 TCEAG**** TCEAP1BBC A7 R1:17 | 0 TCEAG1BA* TCEAP1BBC | 0 TCEAG**** TCEAP1BBB-1 A7 R2:01 | 0 TCQAG1BF* TCQAP1BBB | 0 TCQAG**** TCQAP1BBC A7 R2:12 | 0 UCPBG6AF* UCPBP1ACE | 0 UCPBG**** UCPBP1ACE A7 R2:13 | 0 STCAG1AA* STCAP1AAB | 0 STCAG1AA* STCAP1AAB A7 R2:13 | 1 STCAG1AA* STCAP2AAB | 1 STCAG1AA* STCAP2AAB A7 R3:01 | 0 TCQAG1BF* TCQAP1BBB | 0 TCQAG**** TCQAP1BBB A7 R3:12 | 0 UCPBG6AF* UCPBP1ACE | 0 UCPBG**** UCPBP1ACE A7 R3:13 | 0 STCAG1AA* STCAP1AAB | 0 STCAG1AA* STCAP1AAB A7 R3:13 | 1 STCAG1AA* STCAP2AAB | 1 STCAG1AA* STCAP2AAB A7 R5:01 | 0 TCCAG1BA* TCCAP1BAD | 0 TCCAG**** TCCAP1BAD A7 R5:02 | 0 TCCBG1BE* TCCBP1BAC | 0 TCCBG**** TCCBP1BAC A7 R5:02 | 1 TCCBG1BE* TCCBP2BAB | 1 TCCBG**** TCCBP2BAB A7 R5:04 | 0 TCDAG1BF* TCDAP1BCG | 0 TCDAG1BG* TCDAP1BCG A7 R5:12 | 0 UCPBG6AF* UCPBP1ACE | 0 UCPBG**** UCPBP1ACE A7 R5:13 | 0 STCAG1AA* STCAP1AAB | 0 STCAG1AA* STCAP1AAB A7 R5:13 | 1 STCAG1AA* STCAP2AAB | 1 STCAG1AA* STCAP2AAB A7 ----- |-- ------------ ------------| --- -------- ---- ---------- LIST OF ITEMS OF INTEREST ----BMS |PR HARDWARE FIRMWARE | HFS PHYSICAL SLOT (DHTR) ----- |-- ------------ ------------| --- -------- ---- -----R:25 | 0 UCPBG7AF* DS206TMCAED | H R 1 ( 1H1) R1:04 | 0 TCDAG1BA* TCDAP1BCG | HF Q11 1 ( ) R1:17 | 0 TCEAG1BA* TCEAP1BAD | F P1 3 ( ) R2:01 | 0 TCQAG1BF* TCQAP1BBB | F R2 2 ( ) R5:04 | 0 TCDAG1BF* TCDAP1BCG | H R51 1 ( ) GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide --HFS --H HF F F H Chapter 4 Mark V • 4-77 Notes 4-78 • Chapter 4 Mark V GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide CHAPTER 5 Chapter 5 Mark VI Mark VI Controller The Mark VI controller is configured using the control system toolbox. The toolbox is a Windows-based software package used for hardware module selection, configuring, downloading, and monitoring the Mark VI controller. Refer to GEH6403 Control System Toolbox for Configuring a Mark VI Turbine Controller for more information. The toolbox provides the following main functions: • Graphic-based editor for configuring application code • Control block macros and module library support • Live data flow diagrams • Online code change • Online Help files • I/O board selection, configuration, and monitoring • Signal management and signal trending displays • Multi-user file management • Report generation • Target firmware upgrades The toolbox can run in the HMI PC or in a separate workstation on the data highway. Note The HMI is not used to configure the Mark VI. Flash Downloader The Mark VI controller is configured from the toolbox. The toolbox software can be run in the HMI PC or in a separate workstation on the data highway. If the controller is being setup for the first time, the first step in the configuration procedure is to load the flash memory, called CompactFlash, using the Flash Downloader software. For details, refer to GEH-6403 Control System Toolbox for Configuring a Mark VI Controller. EPA Log When the emissions are not in compliance, data is stored in capture blocks in the Mark VI controller. The controller determines compliance with the EPA regulations based on hourly averages, and when not in compliance, the controller sets an alarm and starts injection of water. It then uses capture blocks to store the data in the form of four-minute averages and hourly averages. This data is uploaded to the HMI where the EPA log is printed out. If the optional Data Historian is present, it can upload the data and store it in a collection file. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 5 Mark VI • 5-1 Trend Recorder In the Mark VI, real time process data can be collected and trended by the toolbox. Process data is sampled in the controller as fast as every 32 ms. The sample set is then transmitted over the Unit Data Highway to the toolbox where it is trended. Multiple process points can be color trended on a white background to give a highresolution display. Refer to GEH-6126 HMI for Turbine Control Operators Guide and 6408 Control System Toolbox for Configuring a Trend Recorder. Auto Calibration Mark VI uses the toolbox for valve auto calibration. A series of commands are made from the LVDT/R Calibration dialog box, which is found in the Outline View under the appropriate VSVO board. These force the actuator to the end positions and store the data. The plots of stroke (position) against current (amps) and can be used to check linearity. For more information, refer to GEH-6421 SPEEDTRONIC Mark VI Turbine Control System Guide, and the toolbox manual, GEH-6403 Control System Toolbox for a Mark VI Turbine Controller. Control Constants Mark VI uses the toolbox to view and work with control constants. The toolbox control constants display is called the Control Constant View. This display provides the Signal name, live Value, Initial Value, Type, Scale, and Note information for all control constants. Control constants can be edited and live values modified from this display. For more information, refer to GEH-6403 Control System Toolbox for Configuring a Mark VI Controller. Forcing and Unforcing Logic Signals Mark VI uses the toolbox for forcing signals. For basic operations, refer to GEH6126 Volume I. For details, refer to GEI-6403 Control System Toolbox for Configuring a Mark VI Turbine Controller. Terminal Session Monitor Mark VI can use Terminal Session Monitor (TSM), which is a program providing diagnostics on the controllers and microprocessor-based I/O boards. In addition, the toolbox can gather extensive diagnostic information over the Unit Data Highway. For Mark VI, diagnostic data is in the toolbox. For more information, refer to GEH6421 SPEEDTRONIC Mark VI Turbine Control. 5-2 • Chapter 5 Mark VI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide CHAPTER 6 Chapter 6 HMI Overview Directory Structure and Files The HMI software is stored in multiple directories on the hard drive; the first is ® CIMPLICITY , and the other two are TCI specific. CIMPLICITY Directories The CIMPLICITY software packages are stored in directory locations. Typical CIMPLICITY directories are shown below, but the actual directories will vary based upon the options installed. C: CIMPLICITY HMI api arc Bsm_data cimpole classes data docs ETC (Version 5.5) exe extras help log pager projects report scripts Setup symbols GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-1 The CIMPLICITY site-specific configuration, also called the CIMPLICITY project, is typically stored in the F:\Cimproj directory (refer to next section for details). TCI Directories The two TCI directory groups are product-specific software and site-specific software, and are divided on pseudo or substitute drives. • The F: drive and its subdirectories contain site-specific configuration files. • The G: drive and its subdirectories contain the software common to all turbine control panels. The hard drive for a typical factory-configured HMI is partitioned to be two drives, C: and E:. The following diagram displays the TCI directory trees for C: and E: of a typical HMI. As displayed in the directory trees, drives F: and G: point to directories on the C: and E: drives. The pseudo drives are established by TCI when it starts up. Programs running under TCI require the above pseudo drive and directory structure for proper operation. Drive F: Files The top level of the pseudo drive F: contains files that configure the HMI. 6-2 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Drive F: Sub-directories • \CIMPROJ contains the CIMPLICITY project files including the device and screen definitions. • \RUNTIME contains the user-defined Display Menu definitions, which are stored in the DEMANDnn.DM2 files. It also contains the last ten trip history files from Mark V units in text format. • \UNITn is created for each unit being controlled by a TCI, where n is equal to the unit designator. This directory holds the files that define and configure a specific unit. • \UNITn\PROM, used for a Mark V, contains control processor PROM-related files. Programs such as the I/O Configurator, the CSP Documenter, the Control Sequence Editor, the Control Sequence Compiler, and others use these files. These files must match the Big Block Library (BBL) and memory location information stored in the processor PROMs for proper configuration and operation of the controller. Drive G: Sub-directories Sub-directories on drive G: contain the following information files: • \EXEC contains all the executable files and programs that form TCI, and any batch files used during start-up or execution. • \DATA contains any data files required by programs that are not site-specific. It also contains template data files that can be used as a reference to configure the site-specific files located on the F: drive. • \LOG contains the output from various programs, which is important for debugging or troubleshooting purposes. Error log files and normal start-up files are stored here. Features, Utilities, and Tools Device Communications Links • Mark IV • Mark IV Modbus • Mark IV MA/MSP (Manufacturing Associates / Message Service Protocol) • Mark IV Predefined data dump • Mark V and Mark V LM • Mark VI • Other controllers using Modbus GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-3 Mark IV This displays how to set up the addresses for the Mark IV, Historian, and HMI when communicating using the CSF or serial media. The following Mark IV address conventions must be followed to communicate successfully between HMI and Mark IV. Note the differences between serial and CSF interfaces. The following table displays the CSF address and LUN assignments that are assigned to the Mark IV controllers. Routing tables in the communications layers expect these Address/LUN bindings, they cannot be chosen at random. Mark IV CSF addressing Unit CSF Address LUN 1 FE 0401 2 FC 0402 3 FA 0403 4 F8 0404 5 F6 0405 6 F4 0406 7 F2 0407 8 F0 0408 The following table displays the CSF addresses and LUN assignments for an HMI or Historian. Routing tables in the communications layers expect these Address/LUN bindings, they cannot be chosen at random. HMI/Historian CSF Addressing HMI CSF Address LUN 1 1F 0A01 2 1E 0A02 3 1D 0A03 When using a serial MSP link from an HMI (or Historian) to the Mark IV a special address must be used on the HMI end depending upon which port (top or bottom) is used in the Mark IV. • If connecting to the top port on the Mark IV, the LUN of the HMI must be 0B01. (This is specified in the My LUN field of the F:\CONFIG.DAT file.) • If connecting to the bottom port on the Mark IV, the LUN of the HMI must be 0B02. • Note If you are connecting to multiple Mark IV computers there will be duplicates in the My LUN fields (namely 0B01 and 0B02). This is OK, serial links do not need unique addresses because the links are point-to-point to the Mark IV. It is important that the HMI My LUN match what is needed for the Mark IV point you are using. HMI/Historian Serial Addressing 6-4 • Chapter 6 HMI HMI CSF Address LUN 1 0F 0D01 2 0E 0D02 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Mark IV Serial addressing Unit Serial Address PC LUN Mark IV Port 1 FE 0B01 Top 2 FC 0B02 Bottom Mark IV Port LUN Assignment Mark IV Mark IV Card (HCMx) Port HMI LUN 1 Top 0B01 1 Bottom 0B02 2 Top 0B03 2 Bottom 0B04 Mark IV Modbus The HMI can act as a Modbus Master to the Modbus Slave option in the Mark IV controller. To configure HMI as a Modbus Master: 1 Modify F:\IO_PORTS.DAT to create a [MODBUS_MASTER_PORT] section to define a communication channel to the processor. Refer to Configuration File (F:\IO_PORTS.DAT) for more information. 2 Create F:\UNITn\MMbus<n>.DAT file to define the points exchanged with the Mark IV. 3 Create a Data Dictionary in F:\UNITn to hold the point values in the HMI. Refer to the Creating a Data Dictionary section for more information. 4 Restart TCI for the changes to take effect. The Modbus list defined in F:\UNITn\MMbus<n>.DAT must match the list in the Mark IV controller as defined on the Data List 17 screen. Use the MM_STAT program to verify communications, refer to the MM_STAT Modbus Master Statistics section for more information. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-5 Mark IV MA/MSP (Manufacturing Associates / Message Service Protocol) The HMI can communicate with a Mark IV controller using the MA/MSP protocol. Either a serial link or a CSF link can be used as the communications channel. To configure a MA/MSP link: 6-6 • Chapter 6 HMI 1 Modify F:\CONFIG.DAT to define the MSP interface. Refer to Configuration File (F:\CONFIG.DAT) for more information. 2 If using serial MA/MSP modify F:\IO_PORTS.DAT to create a [MSP_n] section to define a communication channel to the processor. Refer to Configuration File (F:\IO_PORTS.DAT) for more information. 3 If using ARCNET/CSF then the TCI Control Panel Applet is used to configure the CSF card in the computer. Refer to the TCI Control Panel Applet, ARCNET (ISA) section for more information. 4 Create a Data Dictionary in F:\UNITn to hold the point values in the HMI. Refer to the Creating a Data Dictionary section for more information. 5 Restart TCI for the changes to take effect. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Mark IV Predefined Data Dump The HMI can receive an optional predefined data dump from the Mark IV controller. The data list is in PROM in the Mark IV and typically the standard list is modified during the requisition process if necessary. To configure the HMI to receive a predefined data dump: 1 Modify F:\IO_PORTS.DAT to create a [PDDump_SETUP] section to define a communication channel to the processor. Refer to Configuration File (F:\IO_PORTS.DAT) for more information. 2 Create PDDump.dat to define the points received from the Mark IV. Refer to Predefined Data Dump Configuration for more information. 3 Create a Data Dictionary in F:\UNITn to hold the point values in the HMI. Refer to the Creating a Data Dictionary section for more information. 4 Restart TCI for the changes to take effect. The Mark IV PROM list and the HMI PDDump.dat list should match so the correct data is displayed on the HMI. Use the PDD_STAT program to verify communications. Refer to the PDD_STAT – Predefined Data Dump Status section for more information. Mark V and Mark V LM The TCI Control Panel Applet is used to configure the Stagelink communications. In the applet, the ARCNET section informs TCI how to communicate with an installed ARCNET card, which is the interface to Stagelink. Refer to the section on TCI Control Panel Applet. Mark VI The UDH network is used to communication between the HMI and the Mark VI controller. The network interface is configured using the toolbox. From the Network Interface window, in the Outline View, click on the interface name, and then select Modify from the Edit menu. Refer to GEH-6403 Control System Toolbox for a Mark VI Turbine Controller. DCS Communications Links • TCI Modbus Slave/Master • CIMPLICITY Modbus Master • GSM • Predefined Data Dump Transmitter (PDxmit) GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-7 TCI Modbus Slave/Master A serial Modbus communication link can be used to communicate between the turbine control and other systems such as the plant distributed control system (DCS). Mark IV, Mark V, and Mark VI all support Modbus communication. The serial link allows an operator at the DCS in the central control room to send a logical command or an analog setpoint to the controller. Logical commands are used to initiate automatic sequences in the controller. Analog setpoints are used to set a target such as turbine load, and initiate a ramp to the target value at a predetermined ramp rate. The HMI Server supports serial Modbus as a standard interface. In Modbus Slave mode, the DCS can send a request for status information to the HMI, or a command to the turbine control. The HMI is a slave responding to requests from the Modbus Master, and there can only be one master. In Modbus Master mode, the HMI Server sends requests for information to other intelligent devices such as computers and RTUs. CIMPLICITY Modbus Master CIMPLICITY Modbus Master is a third mode used to communicate with PLCs controlling balance of plant (BOP) equipment, including GE Fanuc PLCs and other manufacturers PLCs. Refer to GEI-100517 Modbus for SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control. PLCs from other manufacturers can be interfaced to the turbine control system using CIMPLICITY Modbus Master mode. The HMI can be configured as a Modbus Slave to provide PLC data to an Historian or DCS. The diagram below displays the data flow through the HMI from the PLC to the Historian or DCS, and the flow of commands from the DCS to the PLC. In addition to PLCs, other devices including meters and relays can be interfaced. HMI SERVER Modbus Slave Device CIMPLICITY Modbus Master Communications CIMPLICITY CIMMOD TCI Modbus Slave Historian or DCS (Modbus Master) (Modbus Slave device includes Meters and Relays) Data Flow from a Modbus Device CIMPLICITY Modbus master software provides Ethernet communications to most Modbus devices. This brings the desired data into CIMPLICITY as requested by TCI. The Historian is located on the PDH and receives the data over Ethernet. 6-8 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide GSM The GSM (GE Energy Standard Messages) protocol provides real time information as well as alarm and event information to a DCS over an Ethernet link. GSM is a client/server protocol where the GSM Client issues requests to the GSM Server running on the HMI. The GSM protocol uses signal names to define each signal, and as such there is no configuration required on the HMI to support a GSM Client. The GSM Server will return whatever information is requested by the GSM Client, resolving signal names inside the HMI as needed. The GSM messages allow the GSM client to: • Request periodic data • Sign up for alarm and event information • Send Process commands (such as pushbutton and analog setpoint commands) • Send alarm commands (such as Acknowledge and Reset) The GSM protocol is defined in GEI-100516 GE Energy Standard Messages (GSM), including the format of each message exchanged. Predefined Data Dump Transmitter When a Mark IV is upgraded to a Mark VI the client’s DCS system will lose its RS232C serial communications link for the predefined data dump. The HMI can mimic the previous Mark IV link by retrieving information from the Mark VI and transmitting it over a RS-232C link to the DCS. Refer to the Predefined Data Dump Transmitter (PDXMIT) Configuration section for details. EPA Log The EPA log is used on dual fuel-gas turbines with water injection for reducing the emission of oxides of nitrogen. The EPA data is used to determine compliance with government environmental regulations. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-9 Real Time Logger Control - LOGGER Several classes of turbine control actions may be automatically logged to a hard copy printer. The Alarm Logger program allows the user to select the types of alarms and events to output to the printer. The user must select from four categories of information to be printed and select the unit to provide the information. The four categories of information that may be printed are as follows: • Process Alarms • Diagnostic Alarms • Events • SOEs - Sequence of Events The definition and configuration of these point categories and the setup of the Alarm Printer is covered later in this manual. The Alarm Logger Control Dialog Box 6-10 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Using the Alarm Logger Dialog Box The Alarm Logger Control dialog box controls the output of the Alarm Logger. Make the following selections: • Select the information to be printed • Select the unit from which information is gathered • All the units selection • Flush button selection • Save changed settings Select Information to be Printed The four categories of information that may be printed are Process alarms, Diagnostic alarms, Events, and SOEs. A checkbox that is checked tells the Alarm Logger Program to enable printing for that information type for that unit. Configuration of the individual points is not a function of the Alarm Logger Control. Select Unit Each of the categories of information may be selected on a unit basis. The unit may be changed by selecting a unit name from the Select Unit box. Unit names are listed in alphabetical order. The categories are as follows: • All Units. The All Units button applies the settings for the current unit to all units. • Flush Button. The Flush button deletes all pending alarm print jobs from the Alarm Printer for all units. The Flush button takes immediate action and does not require the OK button to be activated. • Save Settings. Any changes made to the Alarm Logger settings are saved only if the user selects OK when leaving the Alarm Logger Control dialog box. • File Type. The Alarm Logger Control does not access any files when making its changes. Instead, it writes its output to a special section of global memory that is then read by the Alarm Log program, which writes the alarms and events to the alarm printer. Executing the Alarm Logger Control The Alarm Logger Control may be launched from the command line with the following optional argument to quickly bring the display to a desired configuration. The user may use this command line parameter to customize the startup of the program, or may enter logger.exe in the Run dialog box in the Start menu, or simply double click on the program icon. The following example specifies the unit name (/UNIT:) as T1: G:\EXEC\LOGGER.EXE /UNIT:T1 FTP Interface The FTP Interface allows the transfer of files to and from the HMI. The only directories accessible are the ones below the ftp-root directory. Virtual directories can be used to make any directory appear in the ftp-root directory. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-11 Trip History In a Mark V system, the logged trip history data can be viewed on the HMI. In a Mark VI it can be viewed on the HMI or on the toolbox using the Data Historian software. The Mark V and Mark V LM Trip History file collection and report format were changed under TCI 1.6 to be more compatible with the OSM. The new file format is much easier for loading into Microsoft Excel for processing. (Excel is not included with the HMI. It can be purchased as an option.) Refer to Volume I for description of Trip History features. Trip History on the Mark V and Mark V LM (First Version) For TCI versions 1.5 and earlier, Trip History files were collected and stored as text files in the F:\RUNTIME directory. Users can use Notepad to open and view these files, which have names like TRIP01T1.txt, TRIP02T1.txt, where T1 is the unit name. The function of the Trip History program is to assist in the evaluation of turbine trip events. This is accomplished by providing a chronological record of relevant data gathered by the unit control. The data is organized according to post-trip, pre-trip, and alarm categories. The Trip History Program allows the user to retrieve data from the unit control and view it on the operator interface. To view the data, the user must select a valid unit and select the type of historical data to be collected. When the data retrieval completes successfully, the results are displayed in a separate viewer window. Control Signal Database Points (CSDBs) can be defined for collection. These definitions (64 max.) are made in a single file (HIST_B.SRC). All data in the display is chronologically indexed according to the Mark V controller time and a separate panel counter (HIS_AGE). File Type Viewing. The Trip History Program stores the results of the data retrieval in a readonly temporary text file. This file is displays using Notepad and then may be saved to another permanent file by using the File:Save As menu option in Notepad. 6-12 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Trip History Dialog Box Description Trip History Dialog Box The Trip History dialog box controls the collection of Trip History data and Historical log from the unit control. The user must select a valid unit in the Select Unit list box and select the type of historical data to be collected from the radio buttons in the Select Log section. Only one type of data may be collected at a time. There are three categories of information that may be collected: • Trip History • Saved Data • New Data Trip History Data. Trip History Data is saved when the turbine trips. For Mark V LM unit controls, the data is saved in the control even after the control is reset. Saved Data. Saved Data is saved into the control memory when the user collects New Data. It remains in memory until it is overwritten by New Data or until the control is reset. New Data. New Data is saved to the control memory when the user collects New Data. The data reflects the most recent control data. The data remains in the control memory as Saved Data until it is overwritten or until the control is reset. Note Collecting New Data overwrites the Saved Data in the controller. On Mark V units, New Data overwrites the Trip History Data in the controller. Data Retrieval. Begin data retrieval by selecting the Collect button in the Trip History dialog box. Selecting the Stop button may halt data retrieval. A message box displays if the data retrieval fails or is stopped by a user command. When the data retrieval completes successfully, the results are displayed in a separate viewer window. Select the Close button to exit the Trip History dialog box. Any results currently being viewed remain in their respective windows. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-13 Viewing Results. When the data retrieval completes successfully, the results are displayed using Notepad in a separate viewer window. The data is designed to be viewed using a fixed pitch font (all characters have the same width). Any word wrapping features should be disabled. The results displayed are stored in a read-only temporary file. To save the information being displayed, the file must be copied to a permanent file location using the File:Save As menu option. The results saved are in the following format: • Post Trip List: three 1-second post trip records. These three records are filled with data only when there has been an actual trip. Otherwise, these records are blank. • 10 Second List: ten 1-second records. • 1-Minute List: five 10-second records. • 10-Minute List: nine 1-minute records. • 1-Hour List: five 10-minute records. • Last 60 Process Alarms. Each record consists of the following fields: • Timetag • Value of from 1 to 64 points from the Control Signal Database. Up to 64 points may be viewed. HIS_AGE is always reserved as the first point. Enumerated state variable data are displayed as numbers, not as text strings. The Trip History Data Viewer Executing the Trip History Program. The Trip History Program may be launched from the command line with the following optional argument to quickly bring the display to a desired configuration. The user can use this command line parameter to customize the startup of the program, or enter TRIPDLOG.EXE in the Run dialog box in the Start menu, or simply double click on the program icon. 6-14 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The following example specifies the unit name (/UNIT:) as T1: G:\EXEC\TRIPDLOG.EXE /UNIT:T1 Trip History Log List Viewer For Mark V control systems, the trip history data stored in the controller is lost if the controller is reset or rebooted making the data unavailable for later review and analysis. In Mark V LM units, the trip history data is preserved in the controller memory over a controller reset or reboot, however, this only reflects data from the last trip. To preserve data from multiple trips in both Mark V and Mark V LM controlled units, a special program is included as part of the TCI system so that the trip history data is automatically collected and stored on the HMI if it is running when the trip occurs. The last n trips are stored on the HMI by the Trip Log Collection Utility, where n is determined by configuration (10 by default). The Mark V Trip Log Viewer program is provided to access this data. To view the data 1 Run the Mark V Trip Log Viewer and select a valid unit. 2 Select the file from the list presented. The trips are displayed by their date and time stamps. The latest trips are listed at the top of the list. After selecting the trip to be viewed, the results are displayed in a separate viewer window. File Type. The Mark V Trip Log List Viewer Program determines the trip times associated with each file from the name of the file, which is encoded with the time of the trip. The selected file is displayed using Notepad and then may be saved to another permanent file by using the File: Save As menu option in Notepad. The files are stored in the C:\HMIDATA directory. The files are managed by the automatic collection program where the file name format is YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_UU-TR?.CSV, where: • Where YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS is the date and time of the trip. • UU is the unit name. • TRP or TRQ is used to indicate that the file contains trip information (TRP) or user requested data (TRQ). • The file is given a *.CSV extension to facilitate viewing and data analysis from Excel. After the maximum number of trip log files is created, the oldest trip log is overwritten by any new data. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-15 Trip Log Viewer Dialog Box Trip Log Viewer Dialog Box The Trip Log List Viewer dialog box controls the selection of Trip History data stored on the disk. Select a valid Mark V or Mark V LM unit in the Select Unit list dialog box. The list of past trips for that unit is listed below for selection. The files are displayed in the Trip Log List Viewer dialog box by the trip date and time. Highlighting a selection and use the Go To button to display that file. Select the Close button to exit the Trip Log List Viewer dialog box. Data Retrieval. Trip History data for Mark V and Mark V LM controllers is automatically retrieved and stored on the HMI disk by the Trip Log Collection utility, if the HMI is running and communicating with the controller. The last n trips are stored where n can be user-specified with a default of 10. After that, the oldest trip log is overwritten by any new trip data. Viewing Results. Please refer to the Viewing Results section on the Trip Log Collection utility for a detailed description of the data format and viewer program. Executing the Trip Log Viewer. The Trip Log Viewer may be launched from the command line with the following optional argument to quickly bring the display to a desired configuration. Use this command line parameter to customize the startup of the program, or enter tripvwr.exe in the Run dialog box in the Start Menu, or simply double click on the program icon. The following example specifies the unit name (/UNIT:) as T1: G:\EXEC\TRIPVWR.EXE /UNIT:T1 6-16 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Trip History on the Mark V (New Version) TRPFIL is a software product that runs on the HMI (TCI version 1.6 and above) to collect, format, and store the contents of the Mark V and Mark V LM Trip Log buffer. The program is launched as a background task when the TCI System Service is started, and runs continuously in the background collecting the trip information. The program scans all Mark V and Mark V LM units when the program starts, then rescans the site every five minutes. The Trip Log collection program scans all Mark V and Mark V LM units configured on the HMI for trip information in the unit's trip log buffer. On finding a trip condition, it collects the trip information from the unit, formats the data as a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file, and stores the file in the C:\HMIDATA directory for later analysis or forwarding. Both the data and alarm portions of the trip log are provided in the one CSV file. Two different formats of CSV output files are supported. The default is to provide the information in an expanded format that adds spaces to visually align the data in the columns, making the data easier to analyze without external programs. The second format writes the information in as compact a form as possible. This saves disk space on the HMI and transmission time when forwarding the file for analysis. This is ideal when programs such as Microsoft Excel are available for presentation. A configuration file is used to determine which output format is to be created. A simple emergency trip filter is included in the program to assist in identifying the conditions of the trip. By default, trip filtering is enabled, but it can be disabled using a program option. The trip filtering controls the file ID and in no case is the information discarded. To assist in disk maintenance, the program purges each type of data file back to the last ten reports. The purge depth is controllable using a program option. Operation This section defines some of the technical details of the TRPFIL program, including configuration and format of the data files that this program generates. The TCI System Service launches the TRPFIL program when the HMI is started, and runs in the background until the TCI Service is stopped. During each site scan unhealthy units are skipped, but are checked again on the next site scan. Healthy units are polled for the contents of the trip log buffer. This buffer is analyzed to see if there is valid trip information in the buffer. If there is, the contents of the Trip Log Buffer are uploaded and the date and time of the trip is obtained. For the purposes of this program, the date and time of the trip is taken to be the date and time of the first record in the post trip queue. Note Scanning of all units is retriggered in five-minute intervals. This interval is configurable in TRPFIL.DAT that resides in the TCI Historical data directory. The date and time of the trip, along with the unit number and a flag identifying this as a trip, are used to create a filename to store the data. If this file already exists, then it is not overwritten. If this file does not already exist, then the information uploaded from the unit's trip log buffer is reformatted into a CSV file format and the file is created. All trip log data files are stored in the TCI Historical data directory using the TRP or TRQ file identification strings. Prior to each site scan the program reads the TRPFIL.DAT file for any program options specified. If this file does not exist, all program options assume their default value. Options in this file override the default behavior. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-17 There is nothing to preclude or prevent running the Trip Log Collection program on multiple HMI processors. The program only creates message traffic to the controller during its unit poll, which occurs every five minutes. There are no buffer interlock problems created by trip buffer scanning, and message traffic rates are low enough that no problems are expected even if multiple HMI processors scan a controller at the same time. Trip Log Filtering The contents of the trip log buffer are retrieved, and then examined. If the buffer was filled by a user request, the information is not saved. If the buffer contains a trip, the contents of the first post-trip record are examined. The time of the first post trip record becomes the time used to record the trip. This is the time used to determine the file name. If trip log filtering is enabled (the default) then the first post-trip record is examined to determine if it was an emergency trip. If the data passes this filter, it is stored with the file ID associated with a trip, or TRP. If the data does not pass this filter, then it is stored with the file ID associated with a trip queue, or TRQ. In no case is the data discarded, it is saved as either a TRP or TRQ file. If any of the points required in the trip filter equation are not present in the post trip data then the file is saved with the file ID associated with a trip, or TRP. The trip log filter equation is: TRIP = ((Not L94X) OR (TNH > 95%)) AND (TNH > 20%) Trip log filtering can be disabled by including the option FILTER_TRIPS = No in the option file. Trip Log File Names The Trip Log Collection program reformats the trip log information into CSV format and store the results in the C:\HMIDATA directory. The file names are created in a format that allows for easy identification of the file information. In addition, the file names are specified in a format so that the files will be subjected to the normal Disk Manager scan for stale files. Trip Log Files will be removed from this directory according to the same rules as the removal of the digital exception files in this directory. The file names are generated as a function of the date and time of the trip, the unit name, and the file type (trip report or trip queue report). All of this is encoded in the filename such that a directory sorted by name gives the trips sorted by time. The File Name Format is YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_UU_TR?.CSV, where the configuration is as follows: 6-18 • Chapter 6 HMI • YYYYMMDD - The year, month, and day, zero padded if required. • HHMMSS - The hour, minute, and second, zero padded if required, using a 24hour format. • UU - The unit name as defined on the HMI. • TRP -or-TRQ - The trip file type. • .CSV - The file extension, always .CSV for Comma Separated Value files. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Trip Log File Format The CSV files are formatted into three basic sections for easy import into a spreadsheet or database application program. Each section is separated from the previous section by a blank line and a Section,Title line, where the Title defines the section contents. Automatic analysis routines can trigger from the blank line as the end of one section and the beginning of the next. The name of the section indicates the type and format of data that follows. This section information can be used by automated analysis routines to parse the different types of data that exist within one file. For example, The Trip Log Collection files contain both data and alarm sections that must be formatted differently. The section headers allow an automated routine (or macro) to format each section correctly. The three sections of the Trip Log Collection CSV files are as follows: IDENTIFICATION. The first section is an unnamed section starting at the beginning of the file (line 1) that provides the report type, site name, and unit name information. Each piece of information is presented as an information type field and a value field. Three information type fields are currently provided: • Report - For the Trip Log Collection files the value is always TRIP LOG. • Site - The value is the site name as defined on the HMI. • Unit - The value is the unit name as defined on the HMI. DATA. The second section is titled Data and includes the time stamped data samples from the unit's trip log buffer. The first line in this section is the name of each column. The name of the column containing the time tags is DATETIME, and the name of all the other columns is the name of the point in the column. The second line in this section is the engineering units for the value in the column. For the DATETIME column this is given as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000. All other columns use the engineering units string assigned to the point in that column. The remaining lines in this section are the values from the unit's Trip Log buffer. The data is presented in the order that it was collected from the controller. This should appear in chronological order, but if the controller underwent a jump in time the values displayed can appear uneven or possibly even out of order. The order of the data collection has been preserved in the file for analysis, and the actual time references can be reconstructed from the HIS_AGE variable, which should always be in column two, right after the time in column one. By default the data is written to the file one field right after another. This provides for the most compact file at the expense of being able to scan the file unaided (the Trip Log Display program provides a user readable version of the trip log data). If desired, the program options file can be used to inject extra spaces into the file to align the fields so that the values can be easily read by inspection. This option increases the size of the file (often dramatically) so it is not enabled by default. Refer to the Options File section for information on how to request the expanded format. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-19 ALARMS. The third section includes the alarm information collected from the controller's trip log buffer. The first line in this section is the name of each column as follows: • DATETIME - The time tag for the alarm, with the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.000, where .000 indicates the subseconds. (milliseconds) • S - The state of the alarm. • P - The processor generating the alarm. For process alarms this is always Q. • DROP/NAME - For process alarms, this is the drop number in decimal. • DESCRIPTION - This is the alarm text associated with the alarm. The alarm text is obtained from the HMI configuration, not the unit. The remaining lines in the section are the alarms as recorded by the unit. The data is presented in the order that it was collected from the controller. This should appear in chronological order, but if the controller underwent a jump in time, the values displayed can appear uneven or possibly even out of order. Program Options Prior to each site scan, the Trip Log Collection program reads an options file (C:\HMIDATA\TRPFIL.DAT) for any options that override the default actions. This is an ASCII file that contains a list of options and option values separated by an equals sign. Lines that start with a semi-colon are taken to be comment lines. The currently supported options are listed here. • CSV_EXPAND_DATA = {Yes | No} [Default = Yes] This option directs the program to add additional spaces to the data section to expand the columns to their full width. This aligns data in an easily readable column format so that no tools are required to format the file for simple viewing. This increases the size of the file (often dramatically) from the compressed format, which increases the disk space consumption and transmission size of the file. Possible values are Yes and No, with Yes being the default value if this option is not specified or the option file does not exist. The file size can differ dramatically due to field widths used on the HMI. In the worst-case expansion, an unexpanded digital signal recorded as 0 or 1 is expanded up to the width of the signal name used as the header, which can be 12 characters. Thus, each one character digital may be expanded up to a 12-character field. The effects of this depend upon the number of digital signals and the lengths of their point names. Analog signals also have some expansion, but not as dramatic. Due to the formatting rules on the HMI, no column is reduced to less than seven characters when running in the expanded mode. • PURGE = <integer> [Default = 10] After a trip log data file is written, the number of trip log data files from that controller is purged back to prevent the files from taking up too much hard disk space. By default the last ten files are saved, but this can be controlled by the PURGE option. The PURGE option is an integer that specifies how many files to keep for each unit with the TRP identification. If not supplied, this defaults to ten. If this value is set to zero the Trip Log Collection program will not purge its data files. Note The Disk Manager deletes the files as part of its normal disk purging operation. Refer to the Disk Manager section for more details. 6-20 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide • SHOW_FORCING = {Yes | No} [Default = No] The SHOW_FORCING option defines whether forced logic values should indicate the forcing. If set to No all logic points are displayed as 0 or 1, with no indication that they are forced. If set to Yes the values 2 and 3 generate for forced to zero and forced to one respectively. If not defined, logic points are displayed as 0 or 1. • FILTER_TRIPS = {Yes | No} [Default = Yes] The FILTER_TRIPS option defines whether the trip should be examined and a determination made of whether this is an emergency trip or not. If the filtering is not done, then all trips are assumed to be emergency trips and stored with a file ID of TRP. If the filtering is enabled, trips that do not pass the filter are stored as Trip Queue files using a file ID of TRQ. In no case is the information discarded. • SCAN_RATE = <integer> [Default = 5] The SCAN_RATE option specifies the frequency at which the controllers are scanned for new trip data. The scan rate is specified as the number of minutes between scans, with a default scan rate of one scan every five minutes. The maximum scan rate allowed is one scan per minute. An entry of 0 for the scan rate is interpreted as a request to scan at the maximum allowed rate of one scan per minute. Importing the results into Microsoft Excel One of the reasons the CSV file format is used is for ease of import into Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel can open the CSV file directly and provide a reasonable display with the exception of the time fields. To fix the formatting of the time fields, select the first column and change the format to the following custom format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000 This can be accomplished by the following EXCEL macro: Columns(1).NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000" The section separations and section names can be used by macros to split each section of the file off to its own worksheet and do any column formatting desired. It is recommended that the name of the section be used as the name of the worksheet in the workbook for compatibility with future tools. This allows the following macro commands to handle the custom time formats: Worksheet("Data").Columns(1).NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" Worksheet("Alarms").Columns(1).NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000" When graphing the data it is highly recommended an X-Y or scatter plot be used with the DATETIME column for the X-axis and the data point(s) of interest on the Yaxis. This optically corrects for the non-linear collection times in the Mark V trip log. With this, the format of the time axis can usually be shortened to the HH:MM or HH:MM:SS format to save space on the graph axis labels. If the SHOW_FORCING option was enabled, then the state of the logic signal can be extracted from the least significant bit of the value. This can be done by taking the value mod 2, which in Excel is accomplished using MOD (value,2). GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-21 Diagnostic Display There is a special diagnostic mode in this version of the TRIFIL program that allows it to be run interactively to report on the state of the background data collection. If the program is run from a command line prompt with no parameters it reports one of the following conditions: • If the TRIFIL program is not running in the background, it gives a message that indicates that the program cannot be run in interactive mode, but must be launched from the system service. • If the TRPFIL program is already running in the background, it provides a simple report of the collection state for each unit. Included in the state is a report on the contents of the unit's Trip Log Buffer, and if it contained a valid trip, and the name of the file on the HMI that contains the information about that trip. Those familiar with the <I> version of the Trip Log Collection program recognize this status report as its <I> user interface display.) The report includes a state for the unit collection. Because this report is generated at the completion of a site scan, not all interim collection states are visible in this report. The In Progress, Decoding, or Saving states are not present since the diagnostic report is not generated until after the collection scan is complete. The states that the unit goes through in the Trip Log Collection process include: • Disabled. Scanning of this controller has been disabled. (This state is currently not used). • Unsupported. The unit is not a Mark V or Mark V LM and will not be scanned. • No License. The program license (for the TRPFIL software product on the HMI) is missing or invalid, the controller will not be scanned. • Pending. The controller will be scanned as soon as the controllers before it have been scanned. • In Progress. Messages are being exchanged with the controller to collect the trip log data. • Timeout. The controller did not respond to multiple requests for the data. The controller will be scanned again in the next scan. • Decoding. All data has been received from the controller and is being decoded to determine if the data needs to be saved. • Saving. The data is being converted to CSV format and is being written to disk. • Done. All data has been collected and saved for this scan. The controller will be rescanned in the next scan. The diagnostic information is also available as a trace global section under the name trpfil_trace. This global section can be viewed using the same mechanisms as all other trace global sections. The following is a sample display for a single unit site: Trip Log Collection Status Report 03-SEP-1999 11:03:56 6-22 • Chapter 6 HMI TCI Development UNIT Collection Unit Trip Buffer ---- ---------- ------------------ ------------ T1 Done 01-SEP-1999 17:10:28 Filename 19990901_171028_T1_TRP GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Trip History on the Mark VI Mark VI uses the toolbox to collect and view Trip History data. Analog and discrete data is collected including alarms, events, and SOEs. The toolbox has software called the Data Historian to collect trip log data. The trip log is a combination of historical analog and discrete data collected at a rate of one second, and multiple capture buffers collected at high speed. EGD data is available for 24 hours and the capture buffers in the controller hold 60 seconds of data. The data is viewed using the toolbox Trender. Multiple analog signals are trended on a full-page screen, which also contains information on the configured discrete variables. High-speed discrete data including all events, alarms and SOEs can also be viewed in a list format displaying the logic state and time of the event. For SOEs the time resolution is one ms. To view the event list, from the Trender screen, click on View and select Event List. Note Refer to GEI-100278 Control System Toolbox for more information on the toolbox Trender. Refer to Volume I for more information how to view Mark VI trip logs. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-23 DMD2SRC Demand to Source Conversion Program Mark V and Mark V LM The Demand to Source Conversion Program, DM22SRC.EXE, converts the Demand Display binary storage file to a text format for easy editing by hand. The program has a reverse option, which converts the text source file back to a binary storage file. It is a command line program, not a Windows program, and run from the HMI. The conversion program converts the binary file to a text file. The text file has the same name as the binary file, but with a *.SRC extension. An explanation of the file contents is included in this sample file and all *.SRC files produced by this program. The following is a sample DM22SRC.EXE source file output. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; The name of Demand Display file being read is DEMO.DM2. The Demand Display file is being read on Thu Nov 20 11:31:00 1997 +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |UNIT_NUMBER <num> TITLE "<title>" TYPE "<display type>" | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ DISPLAY RECORD: One of the displays defined. start in the first column. These must <num> is the decimal unit number. This must match the description in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file. <title> is the title of the display. (Limited to 25 characters.) <display type > is the type of the display. Only two types are allowed: Dictionary and Point +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | P "unit" "pointname" +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | POINT RECORD: One of the points shown on the display. These lines must be indented under the DISPLAY RECORD. Point records are valid only for Point type displays. (see DISPLAY RECORD) <unit> is the NAME of the unit. If an empty string is supplied, the currently selected unit is used. The name must match the list in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file. <pointname> is the control signal name, as described in the F:\UNITDATA.DAT file. The synonym can NOT be used, but will be displayed if synonyms are enabled. +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |T "Text line1" "Text line2" btype "bunit" "command" "funit" "fname"| | fsense vtype value | +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ 6-24 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ; TARGET RECORD: One of the targets shown on the display. ; These lines must be indented under the DISPLAY RECORD. (It must ; also be one line, it was broken into two lines here for explanation ; only. A target record is associated with the point record immediately ; preceding it. The top line of the button text will line up with the ; point name text on the display. A target record is permitted every ; three point records so they will not overlap when displayed. Target ; records are valid only for Point type displays. (see DISPLAY RECORD) ; ; If both are blank, the rest of the line is ignored. ; ; <btype> is a single character button type: ; - - <not used> ; ? - ARM/EXECUTE ; ! - IMMEDIATE ACTION ; # - ANALOG SETPOINT ; ; <bunit> is the name of the unit to send the command to. If an empty ; string is supplied, the command will be sent to the currently ; selected unit. ; ; <command> is the name of the command signal. ; ; <funit> is the name of the unit to get the feedback signal from. If ; an empty string is supplied, the currently selected unit is used. ; ; <fname> is the name of the feedback signal. If an empty string is ; supplied, no feedback signal is used. ; ; <fsense> is a feedback signal state that highlights the target: ; 0 - Highlight when the feedback signal is FALSE (0). ; 1 - Highlight when the feedback signal is TRUE (1). ; ; <vtype> is a single character value type: ; + - The value is added to the current value and sent. ; - - The value is subtracted from the current value and sent. ; = - The value is sent to the unit. ; ; <value> is the HEX value for the command. ; ; ; +------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; | S "search class" | ; +------------------------------------------------------------------+ ; ; SEARCH RECORD: One of the point classes to be shown on the display. ; These lines must be indented under the DISPLAY RECORD. The entries ; in the search record are used to search the data dictionary and ; points matching at least one of the criteria are displayed. ; Search records are valid only for Dictionary type displays. (see ; DISPLAY RECORD) ; ; <search class> is the data dictionary search criteria. All ; valid XDTYPEs are allowed (for logics, XDTYPEL1, use L1 and so on. ; Also allowed are special classes - Command Pushbuttons, Logic State, ; Analog Setpoints, Control Constants, and All. ; ; ; +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ ;------------------------------------------------------------------- GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-25 UNIT_NUMBER 1 TITLE "Demand Display" TYPE "Point" ; ; This is a point list based display. ; ; ; There are 0 lines in this display. ; ; ;P unit-pointname ;- ---- -------------;-------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT_NUMBER 1 TITLE "Logics" TYPE "Dictionary" ; ; This is a dictionary-based display. ; ; ;S Point Type ;- ---------S "L1" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------UNIT_NUMBER 1 TITLE "Demonstration" TYPE "Point" ; ; This is a point list based display. ; ; ; There are 11 lines in this display. ; ; ;P unit-pointname ;- ---- -------------P "" "L4" ; ;T Text line1 Text line2 BT unit-command-name unit-feedback-name F ;- ---------- ---------- -- ---- -------------- ---- -------------- T "LOAD" "SETPOINT" # "" "L90PSEL_CMD" "" "" 0 ; ;P unit-pointname ;- ---- -------------P "" "L52GX" P "" "L90PSEL_CMD" P "" "DWATT" P "" "TTXM" P "" "" P "" "L1X" ; ;T Text line1 Text line2 BT unit-command-name unit-feedback-name F ;- ---------- ---------- -- ---- -------------- ---- -------------- T "START" "" ? "" "L1START_CPB" "" "L1X" 1 ; ;P unit-pointname ;- ---- -------------P "" "L2TV" P "" "L14HM" P "" "L14HS" P "" "L3" ; 6-26 • Chapter 6 HMI T value - -----= 0x00 T value - -----= 0x04 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The following four examples show the Demand Display screens from DEMO.DM2 corresponding to the DEMO.SRC source file. • Demand Display Menu File • Demand Display screen, empty of data • Demand Display Screen Logics, a dictionary based display. This can display logics given the types of points and classes of points. • Demand Display Screen Demonstration, a point based display. This is populated by user-selected points and user defined commands. Demand Display Menu Screen Example Demand Display Screen (empty) Example GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-27 Demand Display Points Base Display, User Defined, Example Demand Display Points Base Display, User Defined 6-28 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Starting the Demand Display to Source Conversion Program The Demand-to-Source Conversion Program, DM22SRC.EXE, is a command line program, not a Windows program. The program has a reverse option, which converts the text source file back to a binary storage file. To convert a Demand Display binary file (*.DM2) to text source file (*.SRC) Change directories to the location of the *.DM2 file, typically F:\RUNTIME, then enter: DM22SRC.EXE filename It is not necessary to enter the file extension as the program appends the appropriate extension. The output file will have the same name with a *.SRC extension. This procedure overwrites any existing source text file with the same name without displaying a warning dialog box. To convert a text source file (*.SRC) to Demand Display binary file (*.DM2) Change directories to the location of the *.SRC file, then enter: DM22SRC.EXE filename /R It is not necessary to enter the file extension as the program appends the appropriate extension. The output file will have the same name with a *.DM2 extension. The program displays an error message and halts execution if it encounters an error in the *.SRC file. This procedure overwrites any existing source text file with the same name without displaying a warning dialog box. Editing the Demand Display Source File The Demand Display source file may be edited by any word processor that can use a fixed pitch font and save to a text format. The rules for formatting the text file are described in the source file example displayed earlier. Each demand display must have a title, which: • Defines the unit number to which the screen is applied • Defines the screen title • Defines the display type There are two types of displays as follows: • Dictionary based displays, which can contain only specific point types, or point classes, and which do not contain commands. • Point based displays, which contain user-defined points, and may have userdefined commands. The command spacing is no closer than every fourth line to prevent overlap. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-29 MODBUS List File Generators The Modbus List File Generator is a utility program that produces a list of the points that are available over the Modbus link along with the scaling for each point. The DCS vendor uses this list to determine what points to ask for and how to interpret the data. The list indicates which signals are read only (normal data) and which signals are writeable (commands). Refer to GEI-100517 MODBUS for SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control for more information. There are two versions of this utility: • If the data comes through the TCI Data Dictionary then the Modbus register layout is defined in the MODBUS.DAT file in the unit configuration directory, and MODBUS_L is used to provide a formatted list of the signals available. • If the data is supplied by CIMPLICITY then the Modbus register layout is defined in the CIMMOD.DAT or CIMMOD_N.DAT file in the CIMPLICITY SITE_ROOT directory, and CIMMOD_L is used to provide a formatted list of the signals available. The Mark V can use either of the above two versions to obtain Modbus data, the Mark IV and the Mark VI always get data through CIMPLICITY. When the TCI MODBUS Master retrieves data from a device it forwards the data to CIMPLICITY, therefore CIMMOD is used to retrieve the data. MODBUS_L MODBUS List File Generator Mark V and Mark V LM MODBUS_L is a command line utility program run from the unit configuration directory. It does not require any command line parameters, but a few are available to change the default format or scale codes generated. If run with the /? parameter, it produces a help screen. Sample MODBUS_L HelpFile MODBUS_L is used to generate a formatted list of the Modbus register numbers, turbine signal names, and scaling information for each signal defined. This information is stored in the MODBUS.LST file. The MODBUS.LST file is then used to configure the Master side of the Modbus link. 6-30 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide MODBUS_ L is run from the unit configuration directory for the desired unit, typically F:\UNITn. A sample F:\UNITn\MODBUS.LST file is displayed below: +HR0001 | +HR0002 | +HR0003 | HR0004 | HR0005 | +HR0006 | +HR0009 | HR00010 | HR0200.00| HR0200.01| HR0200.02| HR0200.03| +HC0001 | +HC0002 | +HC0003 | +HC0004 | SWREF_CMD DRVAR_CMD SC43LOAD @SPARE @SPARE L90PSEL_CMD SC43 SS43 L52GX L94X L30D_SD L30D_SU L1FAST_CPB L1START_CPB L70R4R_CPB L70R4L_CPB | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SIGN16 SIGN16 UNS16 spare spare SIGN16 UNS16 UNS16 PACKED PACKED PACKED PACKED LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC LOGIC | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 512 | 0 | MW | 512 | 0 | MVAR | 65536 | 0 | STATE | 512 | 0 | MW | PRESELECTED LOAD ANALOG SETPOINT 65536 | 0 | STATE | TURBINE CONTROL SELECTION 65536 | 0 | STATE | TURBINE COMMAND STATE SELECTION GENERATOR BREAKER CLOSURE NORMAL SHUTDOWN NORMAL DISPLAY MESSAGE “SHUTDOWN STATUS” NORMAL DISPLAY MESSAGE “STARTUP STATUS” FAST LOAD START SIGNAL START SIGNAL SPEED SETPOINT RAISE COMMAND PUSHBUTTON SPEED SETPOINT LOWER COMMAND PUSHBUTTON Refer to GEI-100517A, Modbus for HMI Applications for further information. Cimmod_L Modbus List File Generator Mark IV and Mark VI and All Other CIMPLICITY Data CimMod_L is a command line utility (CIMMOD_L.EXE) that reads the necessary configuration files to create a Modbus list for CIMPLICITY (CIMMOD.LST). The list defines the format and scaling of each mapped coil and register. It also indicates which signals are controller commands. The CIMMOD.LST file is then used to configure the Master side of the Modbus link. To run CimMod_L commands ♦ Select the Command Prompt from CIMPLICITY Workbench Tools Menu. This opens a Command Prompt window with the correct project directory. CimMod_L commands can only be issued from this window. Change the directory to the data directory. Enter: cd data.Help information is available. Enter: CimMod_L /? CIMPLICITY Workbench Command Prompt. CimMod_L Help Information GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-31 To run CimMod_L. 1 From the Workbench Command Prompt window, enter: CimMod_L 2 When finished the message Modbus list processing complete displays. A sample F:\Cimproj\Data\CimMod.LST file (typically used as a reference to configure a DCS) is displayed below: -------------+---------------+--------+----------------------------------------------------------Reg/Coil | Signal name |Convert | LOGIC signal description (Mode=RS16) -------------+---------------+--------+--------+--------+---------+------------------------------Register | Signal name |Convert | Gain | Offset | Units | ANALOG signal description -------------+---------------+--------+--------+--------+---------+------------------------------HR 0001 | G1\TNH | SIGN16 | 128 | 0 | % |Turbine HP shaft speed in % HR 0002 | G1\DWATT | SIGN16 | 512 | 0 | MW |Generator Watts Max Selected +HR 0003 | G1\L90PSEL_CMD| SIGN16 | 512 | 0 | MW |Preselect Load Setpoint Command HR 0004.00 | G1\L94T | PACKED |Fired Shutdown HR 0004.01 | G1\L94X | PACKED |Normal shutdown +HR 0004.02 | G1\L52GT_TRIP | PACKED |Manual Synch 52G Breaker Trip PB Configuration Introduction This chapter discusses the HMI architecture, TCI configuration, device communications configuration, diagnostic tools, alarm logging, and remote access. Special functions such as emissions analysis, the EPA log, and the performance monitor are covered. TCI Control Panel Applet The TCI Control Panel Applet is used to adjust parameters used by the turbine applications. Modify any incorrect values. Most of the changes do not take affect until the system is rebooted or the associated services are stopped and restarted. Auto Login TCI Auto Login Tab 6-32 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide This tab configures the login procedure. Auto Login causes the computer to login as the defined user when it is rebooted or when the current user logs off. To override the auto login when it is enabled, reboot and hold the shift key down after the desktop background displays. Disabled/Enabled - If Disabled is selected, the computer will not try to auto login the user. If Enabled is selected, the computer will try to automatically login the user defined in the Username, Domain and Password sections below. Username - This is the user name used to login if auto login is enabled. Domain - This is the domain used if auto login is enabled. It is usually the assigned computer name. Password - This is the password used by the login if auto login is enabled. Password Verify - This entry must match the entry in Password. If they do not match, a warning is displayed with a request to enter it again. TCI Site This tab sets the default site parameters for the TCI, and the scale. Site Directory - This is the directory in which all the site information is located. The F: drive is mapped to this location. Default Scale - This is the default scale used to display information. It can be set to any scale defined in the data dictionary (for example, English or Metric). Disable Text Translation - This option is available only if the F:\phrase.dat file is present. Signal text descriptors will appear in the language defined in the phrase.dat file. Select this option to disable text translation and return to the original language. Select to return to original alarm text. TCI Site tab GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-33 Time Hardware TCI Time Hardware Tab This tab sets the type of time synchronization hardware used with this TCI. Time Card - This selects the type of time synchronization hardware to use. IO Address – This is the IO address of the Time Card. Not all cards require this field, it will be grayed out if not required. Time Code – This sets the type of time code used (for example IRIG-B). Time Base – This sets the time base used (for example UTC). Time Sync (Stagelink) TCI Timesync (Stagelink) Tab This tab sets the time synchronization modes for this TCI. 6-34 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Disable Time Sync - This disables the time synchronization function. Time Client (Slave) - This sets this HMI as a time client, using time data from another source. Low Resolution Time Master - This sets the computer to be a time master using the internal computer clock. High Resolution Time Master (Time Card) - This sets the computer to be a time master using a high-resolution time card. This option is only available if a highresolution time card was installed when the Turbine Product was setup. Advanced Settings - This allows Time Sync to adjust the local computer clock to track the Stagelink time, which is the default setting. Alternatively this function can be disabled so no adjustments are made. Time Card Loading Major Time Element – This provides a choice of either Local (default), Network, or Manual. ARCNET (ISA) This tab sets the parameters the ARCNET driver uses to talk to the ARCNET card. The jumpers on the card must be set to match these parameters for the ARCNET driver to work. TCI Applet – ARCNET Tab GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-35 The ARCNET Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) card does not require setup in the TCI Control Panel Applet it is a plug-and-play card and no additional configuration is required. The TCI control Panel Applet will have all fields grayed out. This tab configures the parameters the ARCNET driver uses to talk to the ARCNET card. The jumpers on the card must be set to match these parameters for the ARCNET driver to work. An ARCNET tab is displayed on the Turbine Control Interface Control Panel applet for each ARCNET card on the HMI. • Network Type is the type of network to which this ARCNET card is communicating, Stagelink or CSF. Stagelink is used to communicate with Mark V and Mark V LM panels. • Base IO Address is the IO Address set on the ARCNET card. • Base Memory Address is the memory address set on the ARCNET card. • Interrupt Number is the interrupt number set on the ARCNET card. • ARCNET Link Address is the address of the ARCNET card on the ARCNET network. All card on the network must have a unique address. Note Press the Apply button to save changes already made to fields on any of the tabs before using the Add New or Remove This buttons. • Add New adds an ARCNET card to the registry. Zero, one, or two ARCNET cards are permitted. Pressing this button causes the immediate addition of a new card. This is an instant action button and does not require the Apply button. • Remove This removes the currently selected ARCNET card from the registry, reducing the total number of ARCNET links by one. The current ARCNET page will disappear unless this is the last ARCNET page; existing ARCNET cards with higher card numbers will shift down to fill the gap. TCI Configuration TCI runs the processes that allow communication with unit controllers. TCI contains the following: 6-36 • Chapter 6 HMI • The tools for building and downloading Mark V unit configuration. • A set of Mark V unit control, data display, and diagnostic screens. • The TCI Service that uses the unit configuration on the HMI to communicate with unit controllers. • Programs for communications with a DCS controller using protocols such as MODBUS and GSM. • There is no TCI configuration required to support the TCI-CIMPLICITY bridge. The bridge is enabled and configured inside the CIMPLICITY project. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide TCI Configuration Files The configuration files for TCI are stored on the pseudo drive F:. The top level of the F: drive contains the files that configure the TCI System Service for a particular site. The following files are used for the different turbine controller types: Files by Controller Type File Name Internal Mark IV Mark V Mark V LM Mark VI DCS AT_START.DAT Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional AT_STOP.DAT Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional CONFIG.DAT Required Required Required Required Required Required ENETALM.DAT NA NA NA NA Required NA EGD_PUSH.DAT NA NA NA NA TCI to PI option NA IO_PORTS.DAT MODBUS, Em_Ana MODBUS, PDD, Serial MSP NA NA NA MODBUS MDB_FWD.DAT Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional PICONFIG.DIF TCI to PI option TCI to PI option TCI to PI option TCI to PI option TCI to PI option TCI to PI option PI_PUSH.DAT TCI to PI option TCI to PI option TCI to PI option TCI to PI option NA TCI to PI option TIMESYNC.DAT Recommended Recommended Recommended Recommended Mark V NA TIMEZONE.DAT Required Required Required Required Required Required Internal Unit – For storage of computed values and data from a DCS, for example. A number of optional configuration files are only required if the option they control is in use at this site. F:\AT_START.DAT is used to define a set of commands that are run after TCI is started. It is used to start any site-specific programs that need to be started after TCI is started. F:\AT_STOP.DAT is used to define a set of commands that are run before TCI is shut down. It is normally used to stop any site-specific programs that need to be stopped before TCI is stopped. F:\CONFIG.DAT is the primary configuration file for the TCI System Service. This file informs the TCI System Service of the following: • The site name included on TCI displays and reports. • The list of turbines with the internal unit number (1..n), unit name, configuration directory, and controller type (Mark IV, Mark V, Mark V LM, Mark VI). • The number and type of Arcnet interfaces • The addresses of each node on the Stagelink • The TCI options that are in use at this site F:\EGD_PUSH.DAT is used at sites with controllers that use the EGD protocol over Ethernet, such as the Mark VI controller. This file defines the list of signals that are to be read from EGD and pushed into PI for the TCI to PI option. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-37 F:\ENETALM.DAT is used to map Ethernet IP addresses to the associated unit controllers. The HMI requires this file when controllers use the ALM protocol over Ethernet (such as the Mark VI controller). F:\IO_PORTS.DAT is used if the TCI System Service uses any of the RS-232 ports on the computer. This file indicates which communication ports should be used, what the port settings are (baud rate, parity…), and what the port function is. TCI functions using RS-232 ports include Mark IV serial communications, Modbus Master, Modbus Slave, and Emission Analysis. F:\MODB_FWD.DAT is only used if the Modbus Slave over Ethernet function is being used and the Modbus master does not support sending a slave address as part of the Ethernet message. The file remaps the individual slave register sets into one large register set, allowing information from multiple slaves to be treated as information from one large slave. (This function is only supported for the Modbus over Ethernet link, not for RS-232C links.) F:\PICONFIG.DIF contains information to configure PI to receive the points from the HMI using the TCI to PI option. F:\PI_PUSH.DAT is used to define the points that are pushed from the HMI Data Dictionary into PI for the TCI to PI option. F:\TIMESYNC.DAT is used if the HMI is to be a time master or time slave on the Stagelink. F:\TIMEZONE.DAT is used to convert times from UTC to the local time format on the computer. The operating system keeps track of the current conversion; TCI uses this file to convert historical data correctly. TCI Font Loading There are two fonts that are distributed with the TCI product code. These are TrueType fonts that are installed by using Control Panel – Fonts. The font files are distributed in the G:\DATA directory, and include: 6-38 • Chapter 6 HMI • LINEDRAW.TTF. This TrueType font includes the special symbols used for drawing line and box graphics in a non-proportional spaced font. This is used for printing out CSP documents, and is used by the Dynamic Rung Display for presenting information. • GELOF___.TTF. This TrueType font includes GE logos used on various displays. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide TCI - Starting and Stopping The Turbine control Interface (TCI) often will need to be stopped during configuration updates and restarted for the modifications to take effect. This will require the user to have administrator-level privileges. TCI Service Stop and Start From the Command Prompt The TCI service can be stopped by typing NET STOP TCI (not case sensitive) from the Command Prompt. Refer to Stopping TCI Service from the Command Prompt. The TCI service can be started by typing NET START TCI (not case sensitive) from the Command Prompt. Refer to Starting TCI Service from the Command Prompt. Note When cycling TCI, wait 15 seconds after the Stop completes before issuing a Start command. This gives time for all background process to shut down. Stopping TCI Service from the Command Prompt Starting TCI Service from the Command Prompt TCI Service Stop and Start From The Services Window To control the TCI service from the Start menu click Start – Administrative Tools – Services to open the Services window. Click to highlight the TCI (Turbine Control Interface) in the Name field. Controlling the TCI Service From here there are three methods to control TCI: 1 From the Menu click Action – Stop or Action – Start. A Service Control confirmation window will open with a status progress bar. Upon completion the confirmation window closes and the Status field in the Services window will display the new status (Started or blank). 2 Double click the TCI (Turbine Control Interface) in the Name field. This will open a dialog window with the necessary Stop and Start buttons. Click the button and a Service Control confirmation window will open with a status progress bar. Upon completion the confirmation window closes and the Status field in the Services window will display the new status (Started or blank). GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-39 3 Click the Stop or Start icon from the toolbar to immediately change the running state of TCI. A Service Control confirmation window will open with a status progress bar and will close upon completion. Services window Stop icon TCI Status has been Started Click to Start TCI if it has been Stopped. Click to Stop TCI if it has been Started. TCI (Turbine Control Interface) Properties Dialog Window 6-40 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide TCI Service Stop and Start From The Desktop To stop the TCI service from the desktop right click the My Computer icon. Click Manage. If the icon is not on the desktop then click Start and right click My Computer from the system menu. Either procedure will open the Computer Management window. Right click to open context menu. Click to select Manage from the context menu. Right click to open context menu. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-41 Stop Refer to Controlling the TCI Service in the TCI Service Stop and Start From The Services Window section for information on how to control the service from here. TCI Modbus Configuration Mark IV, Mark V, Mark V LM, and Mark VI The Modbus interface for the TCI can be configured to act as either a slave to the DCS master or as a master to another slave device. When the TCI acts as a slave, the control is said to be in Modbus Slave mode; and when the TCI acts as a master, the control is said to be in Modbus Master mode. Either or both modes can be enabled. Modbus slave mode supports RS-232C serial communications and Ethernet. In Modbus slave mode the DCS can request information from each controller or CIMPLICITY project by sending a Modbus data request message over the Modbus link to a specific slave address. The DCS master can also issue Modbus command messages to initiate operator commands to each controller or CIMPLICITY. These command messages support both pushbutton commands (such as START, STOP) and analog setpoint commands (such as preselected load setpoint). A Modbus data file specifies the correspondence between Modbus coil and register numbers and the Unit’s data. Refer to GEI 100517 Modbus for SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control for more information. TCI Modbus Master The HMI Modbus interface can act as a master to another device (slave). Modbus master mode supports RS-232C serial communications and Ethernet. In Modbus master mode, the HMI gathers data from attached Modbus slaves using user specified points and update rates. The rate at which the data can be collected is limited by the transmission rate on the RS-232C link or Ethernet, by the turn-around times of the computers on each end of the link, and by the specified periodic rate. An HMI can communicate with multiple slave addresses over various communication ports. A maximum of eight communication ports may be used to communicate with up to 48 separate slave addresses. 6-42 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide For each Modbus slave, the data communicated is specified by the contents of a data file found in the unit directory. This file specifies what data is read from the slave and stored in the Data Dictionary, and also what data is sent (written) to the slave. The Modbus slave can be located anywhere within the restrictions of the RS-232C serial communication link, or anywhere on the Ethernet link. The RS-232C link transmission rate makes it satisfactory for one or two units on a single communication link, depending on the amount of data that is requested for transmission. It has a maximum 19,200-baud (bit/s) transmission rate, but lacks individual time tags for alarms and events. An evaluation of the link load for a specific application requires a review of the amount and frequency of the data transmissions, the specified baud rate, and verification that all is within the desired sampling rate. Refer to the Configuration File (F:\IO_PORTS.DAT) section in this chapter for details on how to configure a TCI Modbus Master. TCI Modbus Slave Modbus slave mode is often used for a link with the plant distributed control system (DCS). Data can be supplied from controllers to the DCS when running Modbus Slave mode. Refer to Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY, TCI-CIMPLICITY Modbus Data Interface for more information. The Modbus Slave program uses three sections as follows (Refer to the Configuration File (F:\IO_PORTS.DAT) section in this chapter for more information): • The [MODBUS_SLAVE_PORT] sections are repeated once for each I/O port to be used as a Modbus slave link. Both serial and Ethernet ports are defined here. Serial links can use the COM1 or COM2 port, or a port from a serial expansion board. The Ethernet link, if used, can also be specified here, but is only needed once (not once per Modbus master using this link). • The [MODBUS_ASSIGNMENT] section is used to bind Modbus slave addresses to internal unit numbers, and indicates what Modbus addresses the TCI Modbus slave should answer as. It also controls the data format (mode) used over the Modbus link. • The [MODBUS_SLAVE_TIMEOUT] section controls the message level timeouts, and the NAKs that are returned when a timeout occurs. The diagram below displays the data flow paths through CIMPLICITY to the TCI Modbus Slave to the DCS. Mark V data flows directly to the TCI Modbus Slave, whereas Mark IV and VI data passes through CIMMOD first. HMI SERVER Mark VI Mark IV TCI CIMPLICITY CIMMOD TCI Modbus Slave DCS Mark V and Mark V LM Data Flow from Controllers in Modbus Slave Mode GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-43 The rate at which the data can be collected from a serial Modbus slave is limited by the transmission rate on the RS-232C link, and by the turn-around times of the computers on each end of the link. The rate at which the data can be collected from an Ethernet Modbus slave is limited by the Ethernet traffic and by the turn-around times of the computers on each end of the connection. The DCS can issue no more than ten command messages per second. A maximum of eight serial links can be configured for a single TCI. The number of Ethernet connections an Ethernet Modbus slave will accept is configurable. Ethernet and serial links can both be used at the same time. All data to and from a controller is serialized and operated on one at a time. The TCI Modbus slave, configured with the appropriate address, replies with the requested data. A single TCI can respond to multiple slave addresses. Up to a maximum of 16 slave addresses can be configured for a single TCI. Normally each separate slave address would be assigned to gather data from a separate unit control. PLC data can also be supplied to the DCS or Historian through the TCI Modbus Slave. For a Mark VI based system with the GE Fanuc 90-70™Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), the Series 90™ Ethernet driver is used, and for other manufacturer's PLCs, the TCI Modbus Master is used. Modbus Forward The Modbus Forward is used if the Modbus Slave over Ethernet function is being used and the Modbus master does not support sending a slave address as part of the Ethernet message. The file remaps the individual slave register sets into one large register set, allowing information from multiple slaves to be treated as information from one large slave. Refer to the section on Configuration File (F:\MODB_FWD.DAT) for more information. 6-44 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide HMI Configuration Using HMI Device - Mark VI HMI Device is a tool within Toolbox used to configure CIMPLICITY by populating a CIMPLICITY Project with Devices and Points. There are two procedures based on the eTCSS version installed on the computer: • If the existing Toolbox version is older than version eTCSS V01.02.03 build an HMI Device by following the directions below. • If the existing Toolbox version is version eTCSS V01.02.03 or newer locate and open the .hmb file. Configure the project by following the directions beginning with item 8. An HMI Device is required for each HMI Server. Prerequisite The HMI Device build adds Mark VI devices to the CIMPLICITY project. Mark VI devices must be added to an already existing Port in the CIMPLICITY project. Refer to CIMPLICITY Configuring Ports – Mark VI in Chapter 8 for details on how to create the port used for Mark VI devices. Build an HMI Device Note Execute the build for each HMI Device only on the target HMI. For example: Only build the CRM1 HMI device on the CRM1 HMI. Normally changes are made by opening an existing Toolbox HMI Device (*.HMB file) and applying changes. Double click on the *.HMB file to open Toolbox with the HMI Device opened in the initial window. • If you need to add new exchanges (such as new exchanges in an existing device or a new device) proceed to step 6. • If you are not adding any exchanges, you simply need to update existing exchanges, proceed to step 7. • If you need to create a brand new HMI Device, start at step 1. Build an HMI Device 1 Open toolbox by selecting Start, Programs, GE Control Systems Solutions, Control System Toolbox. Note If Toolbox is running in Expert Mode it will not update the hosts file, it will only report differences. If you want it to update (fix) the hosts file make sure Expert Mode is turned off in the Toolbox Options – Settings General tab. 2 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Select New by selecting the New icon or by selecting File -- New which will open the New dialog box. Select the System Configuration tab, then select Turbine HMI Configuration, and click OK. Chapter 6 HMI • 6-45 Select Turbine HMI Configuration. 6-46 • Chapter 6 HMI 3 The hmdv1 Window opens. Hmdv1 is the default HMI Device Name. Additional HMI devices default to hmdv<n>, where n is one higher than the last existing device. 4 Select Options - Privilege, which will open the Select Privilege Level dialog box. Select Level 2 and click OK. Enter Password (if required) and click OK. 5 Double click on hmdv1 in the left pane. This will open the HMI Configuration Properties dialog box with default values. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Enter the required information using the 4108 drawing to obtain the correct computer names and IP addresses. • Configuration Name is usually the first part of the HMI Name, such as CRM1, CRM2, GT1, GT2, and so on. • PDH Computer Name is the HMI name – CRM1_SVR, GT1_SVR, so on. • PDH IP Address is the assigned IP Address. This is obtained from the 4108 documentation. • Network Name is typically EGD1. • UDH Name is the PDH Name prefixed with a U such as UCRM_SVR, and so on. • UDH IP Address is the assigned IP Address. This is obtained from the 4108 drawing. • HMI Project File is the Project Name preceded by the path. This is typically E:\SITE\Cimproj\xxxx.gef GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-47 HMI Configuration Properties Dialog Box Click OK – The HMI Device Name is now CRM2. HMI Device Name Changed to CRM2 6 6-48 • Chapter 6 HMI Right click on Hardware and I/O Definitions and select Insert First from the context menu. This opens the Enter or Select a Network dialog box. The Network Name is typically EGD1. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Enter or Select a Network Dialog Box Click OK. The network should now appear under the Hardware and I/O Definitions section. Updated Hardware and I/O Definitions Right click on EGD1 :EGD Network and select Insert First from the context menu. This opens the Select EGD Exchange(s) for network EGD1 dialog box. Select EGD Exchange(s) for network EGD1 dialog box with list of available Exchanges Select the desired Exchanges from the list to add to the HMI Device and click OK. Usually all the Exchanges are selected except those for EX2000. Selected Exchanges will be added to device. List of Available Exchanges to Add to the HMI Device GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-49 Observe the selected Exchanges were added to the Network. The Exchange Name field will be populated with the desired exchange, but the rest of the fields will have illegal or default values. This is not a problem – the remaining fields will be updated during the Get From Database. Exchanges added to the HMI device. List of Exchanges Added to the HMI Device Each Exchange will need to be configured. Right click on an Exchange and select Modify from the context menu. This opens the Edit EGD Exchange dialog window. • Update Mode: This field defines when the point value is sent to CIMPLICITY. The recommended setting (Unsolicited on Change) will send values when it detects a change in the value. The other setting (Unsolicited on Scan) will send value each time it is scanned whether or not the value changed. • Point Scan Multiplier: This determines whether each time an EGD page is received the value is scanned for sending to CIMPLICITY. EGD pages that are transmitted at a high rate sometimes use a multiplier other than one (1) to slow down the data flow into CIMPLICITY. Select Unsolicited on Change for the Update Mode. Leave the default value of one (1) for the Point Scan Multiplier. Click OK. Configure the remaining Exchanges. Edit EGD Exchange Dialog Box 6-50 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Note Point scan rates will be multiples of the base rate. 7 Select the Put In Database icon or select Device then Put to Database. Select Yes from the confirmation dialog box to begin populating the database (SDB). Put In Database icon Resolve errors before continuing. Results of Put In Database 8 Select the Get From Database icon or select Device then Get From Database. Select Yes from the confirmation dialog box to begin reading the database (SDB). The Get From Database can take several minutes. During the procedure dialog boxes are presented to display the progress, and error messages are logged to the main error window. When the Get Scales from Database dialog box opens, select Yes. Select Yes Dialog Box to Get Scales from Database GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-51 Get from Database icon Resolve errors before continuing. Results of Get From Database 9 Select the HMI Device name at the top level of the tree in the left hand panel, then select the Validate icon or select Device then Validate. If the top level is not selected before selecting Validate the validation will fail with errors. Validation icon Resolve any logged errors. Results of Validate 6-52 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide 10 Select the Build icon or select Device then Build. Select Yes to begin the Build. During the procedure dialog boxes are presented to display the progress, and error messages are logged to the main error window. Build icon Resolve any logged errors. Results of Build 11 Save the HMI Device by using the toolbox Save icon or File - Save. 12 Stop TCI. Refer to TCI – Starting and Stopping in this chapter. 13 Stop the CIMPLICITY project if it is not already stopped. Refer to Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY – Starting and Stopping a Project. Perform a CIMPLICITY Configuration Update. Refer to Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY – Configuration Update. 14 Check for error messages in the C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file (open with Notepad) and the C:\CIMPLICITY\HMI\ETC\Cimhosts.txt file before continuing. 15 Start TCI. Refer to TCI – Starting and Stopping in this chapter. 16 When TCI has completed starting it should start the CIMPLICITY Project verify that data is being received. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-53 Configuration File (F:\AT_START.DAT And F:/AT_STOP.DAT) The F:\AT_START.DAT file is used to define a set of commands that are run after TCI is started. It is used to start any site-specific programs that need to be started after TCI is started. The following is a sample F:\AT_START.DAT file: ; ; F:\AT_START.DAT ; ; This file is run by the Turbine Interface after it has started up the ; basic core routines. This allows a site dependant set of application ; programs to be started up after the core systems are running. ; ; A companion file (AT_STOP.DAT) is used to shut down any additional ; application programs prior to shutting down the Turbine Interface. ; ; Available commands include: ; ; INCLUDE <filename> ; ; This includes the given filename as if the file were contained in ; this file. There is no limit to the level of includes, but please ; don't make them circular. ; ; CDP <priority> <program> [<parameters>] ; ; CreateDetachedProcess creates a detached process at the given ; priority running the given program with the given (optional) ; parameters. The program and parameters will be environment string ; expanded prior to being run. The priority is an ASCII string that ; must be one of (REALTIME, HIGH, NORMAL, or IDLE). ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;INCLUDE %SystemDrive%\<your_product>\STARTUP.DAT ; ; [End of File] 6-54 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The F:\AT_STOP.DAT file is used to define a set of commands that are run before TCI is shut down. It is normally used to stop any site-specific programs that need to be stopped before TCI is stopped. The following is a sample F:\AT_STOP.DAT file: ; ; F:\AT_STOP.DAT ; ; This file is run by the Turbine Interface before it shuts down the ; basic core routines. This allows a site dependant set of application ; programs to be stopped before the core systems are stopped. ; ; A companion file (AT_START.DAT) is used to start any additional ; application programs after starting the Turbine Interface. ; ; Available commands include: ; ; INCLUDE <filename> ; ; This includes the given filename as if the file were contained in ; this file. There is no limit to the level of includes, but please ; don't make them circular. ; ; CDP <priority> <program> [<parameters>] ; ; CreateDetachedProcess creates a detached process at the given ; priority running the given program with the given (optional) ; parameters. The program and parameters will be environment string ; expanded prior to being run. The priority is an ASCII string that ; must be one of (REALTIME, HIGH, NORMAL, or IDLE). ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ;INCLUDE %SystemDrive%\<your_product>\SHUTDOWN.DAT ; ; [End of File] GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-55 Configuration File (F:\CONFIG.DAT) The F:\CONFIG.DAT file is the main TCI configuration file that defines the site name, communications links, turbine controllers, and TCI options in use at this site. The following is a sample F:\CONFIG.DAT file: ; ; F:\CONFIG.DAT - HMI CONFIGURATION FILE ; ; CONFIG.DAT - This file defines the overall configuration of the system. ; After making any changes, you will have to reboot the PC in order for ; the change to take effect. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; This section defines the site name (16 char max) ; SITENAME Power Station ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; NETWORK TYPE - A definition of the networks this PC is on. ; Network Number...... Decimal number 1-n ; Network Type........ (STAGELINK, CSF, SERIAL) ; Device Driver....... Name of the network driver used ; MY LUN.............. This PC's assigned HEX MSP LUN (CSF, SERIAL only) ; ; NETWORK NETWORK DEVICE MY NETWORK_TYPE ; NUMBER TYPE DRIVER LUN ; ------- -----------------------1 CSF AnetDev0 0A02 2 STAGELINK AnetDev1 **** ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; UNIT DATA - A definition of the units ; Unit Number......... Decimal number from 1-n ; Unit Name........... 1 or 2 character unit name ; Path to Config...... Directory path of unit configuration directory ; Unit Type........... (MARKIV, MARKV, MARKVLM, MARKVI, HMI ; ; UNIT UNIT PATH TO UNIT UNIT_DATA ; NUMBER NAME CONFIG DATA TYPE ; ------------------------ --------; 1 T1 F:\UNIT01 MARKIV 2 T2 F:\UNIT02 MARKV 3 T3 F:\UNIT03 MARKVI 4 T4 F:\UNIT04 MARKVLM 5 T5 F:\UNIT05 HMI ; 6-56 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; NETWORK DATA - A list of the network nodes we need to talk to. ; Unit Number......... The unit number associated with this node ; Processor........... The identity of the processor at this node address ; Network Number...... The network this node is on ; Network Address..... The HEX address of the node on this network ; MSP LUN............. The node's assigned HEX MSP LUN (CSF, SERIAL only) ; ; UNIT NETWORK NET MSP NETWORK_DATA ; NUMBER PROC NUMBER ADDR LUN ; --------- ------------- -----------1 C 1 FE 0401 2 C 2 FC *** 4 R 2 F8 *** ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------OPTIONS ; ; Specialized settings The F:\CONFIG.DAT file displayed above is configured with unit T1 as a Mark IV with communication over CSF. The NETWORK_DATA section for CSF and SERIAL communication must contain the LUN number used with the corresponding unit control. Refer to the NETWORK_TYPE settings, which define the CSF, Serial, and Stagelink Networks that are used. The LUN for the HMI must appear in the NETWORK_TYPE section for CSF and SERIAL Mark IV communication. • Unit T2 is a Mark V communicating over Stagelink. • Unit T3 is a Mark VI, and requires no network information in the NETWORK_DATA section. • Unit T4 is a Mark V LM communicating over Stagelink. • Unit T5 is a Modbus Unit. Its Unit type is defined as HMI. For Serial MSP (MAMSP) communications to Mark IV units, a separate network and device driver must be configured for each Mark IV in the NETWORK_TYPE section of the F:CONFIG.DAT file. Consider the following example of a NETWORK_TYPE section set up to communicate with a Mark V, a Mark IV over CSF, and three Serial MSP (MAMSP) Mark IVs: ; NETWORK TYPE - A definition of the networks this PC is on. ; Network Number...... Decimal number 1-n ; Network Type........ (STAGELINK, CSF, SERIAL) ; Device Driver....... Name of the network driver used ; MY LUN.............. This PC's assigned HEX MSP LUN (CSF, SERIAL only) ; ; NETWORK NETWORK DEVICE MY NETWORK_TYPE ; NUMBER TYPE DRIVER LUN ; ------- ---------------------------1 STAGELINK AnetDev0 **** 2 CSF AnetDev1 0A02 3 SERIAL MSP_3 0B01 ;0B01 = top RS-232C port on unit 4 SERIAL MSP_4 0B02 ;0B02 = bottom RS-232C port on unit 5 SERIAL MSP_5 0B01 ;0B01 = top RS-232C port on unit ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-57 Stagelink needs to be defined only once if there are Mark V units, as it can communicate with multiple Mark V and Mark V LM units. CSF needs to be defined only once if there are Mark IV units, as it can communicate with multiple units over CSF. Each Serial network defined must have a corresponding section in the IO_PORTS.DAT file. Using PCI ARCNET cards The HMI supports PCI ARCNET cards for communicating with a Mark V over Stagelink. There is also a special version of the ARCNET cards for communicating over CSF with the Mark IV. A typical NETWORK_TYPE section for a single PCI ARCNET cards follows: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; This section defines the network interfaces owned by TCI. If not present the system defaults to a single ISA ARCNET Card as network 1. Supported network types are STAGELINK and CSF. If a CSF is defined, the LUN must also be defined, typically as 0A01 - 0A08. NETWORK NUMBER ------1 NETWORK TYPE ------STAGELINK DEVICE DRIVER ------CCSI20020Dev1 MY LUN ----**** NETWORK_TYPE ------------ Note The LUN file entry is used only for Mark IV CSF communications. A typical NETWORK_TYPE section for two PCI ARCNET cards on a single computer follows: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; This section defines the network interfaces owned by TCI. If not present the system defaults to a single ISA ARCNET Card as network 1. Supported network types are STAGELINK and CSF. If a CSF is defined, the LUN must also be defined, typically as 0A01 - 0A08. NETWORK NUMBER ------1 2 NETWORK TYPE ------STAGELINK STAGELINK DEVICE DRIVER -------CCSI20020Dev1 CCSI20020Dev2 MY LUN ---**** **** NETWORK_TYPE -------------- Note The first PCI ARCNET card must use device driver CCSI20020Dev1, otherwise the computer can lock up. 6-58 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Configuration File (F:\EGD_PUSH.DAT) The F:\EGD_PUSH.DAT file defines the list of signals that are to be read from EGD and forwarded to PI for the TCI to PI option. A gain and offset is available for analog signals in case the engineering units in the EGD page are not the same as are required in PI. This file is created as a result of running the Historian configuration tools. The file should not be edited by hand since changes will be overwritten the next time the Historian configuration tools are run. The following is a sample F:\EGD_PUSH.DAT file: ; ; F:\EGD_PUSH.DAT ; ; This file defines the points that are "pushed" from the <EGD> into the PI ; snapshot database. ; ; This file is a list of the points to be pushed. There should be a unit ; definition before any list of point definitions. The format is @UNIT name. ; The format for a point definition is as follows: ; ; exchange# Offset Rev SDB Type PI name Gain Offset Quality min,max ; ; A prefix can be added to the PI pointnames. Prefixes are usually used to ; indicate unit names, so that the list of point names can be cloned from ; unit to unit very easily - changing only the prefix for the unit name. ; ; To use a prefix on all following pointnames use a special line starting ; with the command "@PI_PREFIX". These commands take one [optional] ; parameter, the prefix to use. If no parameter is given then no prefix ; will be used. Examples: ; @PI_PREFIX T1: ; 1 0 1 FLOAT DWATT ; @PI_PREFIX ; 1 0 1 FLOAT T1:L4 ; ; @UNIT T1: ; @PI_PREFIX T1: 1 0 1 FLOAT TNH_RPM 1.0 0.0 (*,*) ;1 4 1 FLOAT TNR 1.0 0.0 (*,*) ;1 8 1 FLOAT TNRI 1.0 0.0 (*,*) ;1 12 1 FLOAT TTRX 1.0 0.0 (500,1000) ; @UNIT T2: ; @PI_PREFIX T2: ;1 16 1 FLOAT TNH_RPM 1.0 0.0 (*,*) ;1 20 1 FLOAT TNR 1.0 0.0 (*,*) ;1 24 1 FLOAT TNRI 1.0 0.0 (*,*) ;1 28 1 FLOAT TTRX 1.0 0.0 (500,1000) GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-59 Configuration File (F:\IO_PORTS.DAT) Mark IV, Mark V, and Mark VI This file is used to configure all of the I/O channels owned by the TCI product. The Modbus Master program (MModbus.exe) and the Modbus Slave program (Modbus.exe) use this file to specify important site variable data such as the port, baud rate, and Modbus slave id. Other programs also use this file, including Predefined Data Dump, Predefined Data Dump Transmitter, Emissions Analysis, and Serial Message Service Protocol (Serial MSP) to a Mark IV. The configuration file is an ASCII-based text file that may be modified with any standard text editor. Lines are not case sensitive. The configuration file is divided into sections and each section begins with a title enclosed in brackets [ ]. Refer to GEI-100517 Modbus for SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control for more information. Note breaks are inserted with references to other portions of this document. The following sample F:\IO_PORTS.DAT file illustrates how ports are set up: ;-------------------------------------------------------------;-------------------------------------------------------------; ; <HMI> PORT DEFINITION FILE - F:\IO_PORTS.DAT ; ; ; This file defines the serial ports that exist on this PC ; and that are to be controlled by TCI services. ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------- Note The following section is used to configure a Modbus Slave application. Refer to the TCI Modbus Slave section for more details. 6-60 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; This section defines MODBUS SLAVE port and hardware characteristics. ; This section can be duplicated up to 8 times (Ethernet plus serial ports). ; [MODBUS_SLAVE_PORT] ;port com2 port none baud 9600 parity 0 ;0-4 (none,odd,even,mark,space) databits 8 ;5-8 stopbits 0 ;0-2 (1, 1.5, 2 stop bits) (1.5 stop bits currently unsupported) xonxoff 0 ;0-1 port_it 40 ;Timeout interval between characters, msec. Default=40 port_tt 200 ;Timeout for total message, msec. Default=200 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; This section defines that the MODBUS can receive requests over the ; ethernet. There can only be one of these sections. ; [MODBUS_SLAVE_PORT] ;port ethernet port none timeout 60 ; no activity disconnect time in minutes (0 = disable) socket 502 ; default ethernet port for modbus slave Max_Connections 10 ; Maximum number of socket connections allowed ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; This section defines MODBUS slave address and software characteristics ; [MODBUS_ASSIGNMENT] ; ;format1: SLAVE nnn UNIT uu MODE keyword ;format2: SLAVE nnn CIMPLICITY project MODE keyword ; where: nnn is the SLAVE address (in decimal) to recognize when sent ; a message from a modbus master. ; uu is the two character unit name (defined in F:\CONFIG.DAT) ; project is the name of a CIMPLICITY project on this computer. ; keyword is either RS16, RU16, UN12, HW12, or NATIVE for Signed 16, ; Unsigned 16, Unsigned 12, Honeywell 12, and Native data ; respectively. ; ; SLAVE and MODE are required entries. UNIT or CIMPLICITY must also be ; on a valid line. ; A new line should appear for each definition. Normally this is one ; or two lines for typical data patterns. A maximum of 16 ; definition lines may appear. ; ;SLAVE 1 UNIT <unit_name> MODE RS16 ;SLAVE 2 CIMPLICITY <project_name> MODE RU16 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; This section defines MODBUS slave timeout and Nak characteristics ; [MODBUS_SLAVE_TIMEOUT] modbus_timeout 4000 ;Time (milliseconds) before we give up and send nak modbus_timeout_nak 6 ;Nak code used if unit timeout occurs. ;To use timeout, specify 4 or 6 only. ;To disable timeout, specify 0. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note This section configures a Modbus Master application. Refer to the TCI Modbus Master section for further information. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-61 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; This section defines MODBUS MASTER port and hardware characteristics. ; This section can be duplicated up to 8 times. ; Communication can be established with up to 48 modbus slaves. ; [MODBUS_MASTER_PORT] ;1 port none ;port ethernet ;port com1 baud 9600 parity 0 ;0-4 (none,odd,even,mark,space) databits 8 ;5-8 stopbits 0 ;0-2 (1, 1.5, 2 stop bits) (1.5 stop bits currently unsupported) xonxoff 0 ;0-1 port_it 4 ;Timeout interval between characters, msec. Default=40 ;Normally, port_it should specify 3.5 character times as ;defined by the Modbus Gould specification. At 9600 baud, ;and 8 data bits, 1 start, and 1 stop bit, this yields ;a character time of 1.04 msec. 3.5 character times would ;therefore be 3.125 msec. port_tt 200 ;Timeout for total message, msec. Default=200 ;This is time to receive message only, not process it. modbus_timeout 2000 ;Time (milliseconds) before we give up ;waiting for a response from a slave. ;Default timeout is 2000 milliseconds. ;Minimum timeout is 100 milliseconds. ;Maximum timeout is 60000 milliseconds. modbus_loop 5000 ;Time (milliseconds) before we restart ;the request loop. This is the period of ;between asking the slave(s) for all the ;data specified and the time we start ;over and reask. ;Default loop is 5000 milliseconds. ;Minimum loop is 100 milliseconds. ;Maximum loop is 86400000 milliseconds. tcp_port 502 ;Specify tcp port to use. ;range 1-65000, default 502 tcp_addr ;Specify the tcp port address using ;dotted number format (example: ;or name format (example: division.company.com) ;default is tcp_timeout 20 ;tcp timeout in seconds when using ethernet ;If no reply in this period, close connection ;range 10-120, default 20 seconds ;format: MASTER mmm UNIT uu MODE keyword ; where: mmm is the SLAVE address (in decimal) to use when ; communicating with unit uu. ; uu is the two character unit name (defined in F:\CONFIG.DAT) ; keyword is either RS16 or RU16 for Signed & Unsigned data ; respectively. ; ; UNIT, MODE, and MASTER are required entries. ; A new line should appear for each unit. Normally this is one ; or two lines for typical data patterns. A maximum of 48 ; MASTER-UNIT-MODE lines may appear. ; MASTER 5 UNIT MM MODE RS16 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------[MODBUS_MASTER_PORT] ;2 port none ;port com1 baud 9600 parity 0 ;0-4 (none,odd,even,mark,space) databits 8 ;5-8 6-62 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide stopbits 0 ;0-2 (1, 1.5, 2 stop bits) (1.5 stop bits currently unsupported) xonxoff 0 ;0-1 port_it 4 ;Timeout interval between characters, msec. Default=40 ;Normally, port_it should specify 3.5 character times as ;defined by the Modbus Gould specification. At 9600 baud, ;and 8 data bits, 1 start, and 1 stop bit, this yields ;a character time of 1.04 msec. 3.5 character times would ;therefore be 3.125 msec. port_tt 200 ;Timeout for total message, msec. Default=200 ;This is time to receive message only, not process it. modbus_timeout 2000 ;Time (milliseconds) before we give up ;waiting for a response from a slave. ;Default timeout is 2000 milliseconds. ;Minimum timeout is 100 milliseconds. ;Maximum timeout is 60000 milliseconds. modbus_loop 5000 ;Time (milliseconds) before we restart ;the request loop. This is the period of ;between asking the slave(s) for all the ;data specified and the time we start ;over and reask. ;Default loop is 5000 milliseconds. ;Minimum loop is 100 milliseconds. ;Maximum loop is 86400000 milliseconds. ; format: MASTER mmm UNIT uu MODE keyword ; where: mmm is the SLAVE address (in decimal) to use when ; communicating with unit uu. ; uu is the two character unit name (defined in F:\CONFIG.DAT) ; keyword is either RS16 or RU16 for Signed & Unsigned data ; respectively. ; ; UNIT, MODE, and MASTER are required entries. ; A new line should appear for each unit. Normally this is one ; or two lines for typical data patterns. A maximum of 48 ; MASTER-UNIT-MODE lines may appear. ;MASTER 3 UNIT MM MODE RS16 ;MASTER 4 UNIT MM MODE RU16 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note The following section configures reception of the Mark IV Predefined Data Dump messages. Refer to the Predefined Data Dump Configuration section for further information. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Mark IV Predefined Data Dump Interface ; ;The Mark IV Predefined Data Dump Program, PDDump, is a program that receives ;ASCII data over an RS232-C input port on a GE HMI processor, checks the ;received data, and then stores the data into the data dictionary. ; [PDDump_SETUP] ;port com2 port none unit T1 ;unit name as specified in f:\config.dat baud 9600 parity 2 ;0-4 (none,odd,even,mark,space) databits 8 ;5-8 stopbits 0 ;0-2 (1, 1.5, 2 stop bits) (1.5 stop bits currently unsupported) xonxoff 0 ;0-1 ic_timeout 500 ;intercharacter timeout, character times. Default=500 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note The following section configures the transmission of a Predefined Data Dump. Refer to the Predefined Data Dump Transmitter Configuration(PDXMIT.EXE) section for further information. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-63 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Mark IV Predefined Data Dump Transmit - PDXMIT ; ; This defines the interface that looks like a Mark IV. PDXMIT is a program ; that sends ASCII data over an RS232-C output port on a GE HMI processor. ; ; One of these sections exists per defined port. For each port in use, only ; one Unit can be used. However, the same unit can be used as the source of ; Mark IV style data dump messages from different physical ports. In this ; case, the optional line "Filename <pdxmit datafilename>" can be used to ; override the default filename, which is PDXMIT.DAT in the F:\UNITx directory. ; ; Defaults values are: ;BAUD 9600 ;PARITY 2 ;DATABITS 8 ;STOPBITS 0 ; FILENAME PDXMIT.DAT ; unit <No default - NULL> ; ; Section that have header lines of the form: ; [PSXMIT_SETUP none] ; are ignored. Change "none" to physical port name (ie. COM2, COM3 etc) to ; activate. ; [PDXMIT_SETUP none] ; Change none to COM2 - Repeat for COM3, COM4 etc. as needed. unit T1 ;unit name as specified in f:\config.dat filename pdxmit.dat ; Used if unit is used as data source on more than 1 port. baud 9600 parity 2 ;0-4 (none,odd,even,mark,space) databits 8 ;5-8 stopbits 0 ;0-2 (1, 1.5, 2 stop bits) (1.5 stop bits currently unsupported) [PDXMIT_SETUP none] ; Change none to COM3 etc. as appropriate unit T1 ;unit name as specified in f:\config.dat filename ; Used if unit is used as data source on more than 1 port. pdxmit_1.dat baud 9600 parity 2 ;0-4 (none,odd,even,mark,space) databits 8 ;5-8 stopbits 0 ;0-2 (1, 1.5, 2 stop bits) (1.5 stop bits currently unsupported) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note The following section configures reception of the Emissions Analysis data. Refer to the EM_ANA - Emissions Analysis section for further information. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Mark V LM Emissions Analysis Interface ; ; This is the setup definition file for the RS232-c link ; between the HMI and the Emissions Analysis System. ; Remove ";" from beginning of each line to enable ; ;[em_ana_setup] ;unit T1 ;Unit name ;port com2 ;baud 9600 ;parity 0 ;0-4 (none,odd,even,mark,space) ;databits 8 ;5-8 ;stopbits 0 ;0-2 (1, 1.5, 2 stop bits) (1.5 stop bits currently unsupported) ;xonxoff 0 ;0-1 ;trailer 1 ;1=Linefeed termination. 2=Carriage return,linefeed term. ;port_it 40 ;Timeout interval between characters, msec. Default=40 ;port_tt 200 ;Timeout for total message, msec. Default=200 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-64 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Note The following section configures a Mark IV serial MSP link. Refer to the section MSP Over RS-232C for further information. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Setup for serial MSP (MA/MSP) ; ; This section of IO_PORTS.DAT is tendered as an example setup for serial ; MSP based on a NETWORK_TYPE section in the file F:\CONFIG.DAT that ; contains the line: ; ;NETWORK NETWORK DEVICE MY ;NUMBER TYPE DRIVER LUN ;------------------------;3 SERIAL MSP_3 0B01 ; ; The entry above, MSP_3, must match the section header below, [MSP_3]. ; The "3" that appears as the first entry on the line above to represent ; the network number does not have to match, but it may be less confusing ; if they do match. The "0B01" is a hexadecimal representation of the ; LUN desired for MSP to use when communicating over the serial link. ; This will usually be 0B01 or 0B02 when communicating with a Mark IV. ; Set as appropriate. ; [MSP_3] ;port com2 port none baud 9600 parity 2 ;0-4 (none,odd,even,mark,space) stopbits 0 ;0-2 (1, 1.5, 2 stop bits) (1.5 stop bits currently unsupported) port_it 1000 ;intercharacter timeout, 10-60000ms. Default=1000ms. Configuration File (F:\MODB_FWD.DAT) The F:\MODB_FWD.DAT file is only used if the Modbus Slave over Ethernet function is being used and the Modbus master does not support sending a slave address as part of the Ethernet message. The file remaps the individual slave register sets into one large register set, allowing information from multiple slaves to be treated as information from one large slave. (This function is only supported for the Modbus over Ethernet link, not for RS-232C links.) GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-65 The following is a sample F:\MODB_FWD.DAT file: ; ; Modb_fwd.dat ; ; This file contains the configuration for the Modb_fwd program. ; The Modb_fwd program will translate the Master Register number ; into a Slave address and Slave register. On the way back to ; the Master it will do the conversion in reverse. ; ; The Master Reg Numbers must be in ascending order. The Slave ; addresses must not be duplicated. ; ; This program will support MODBUS functions 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,15,16. ; Function 7 is not supported because it can not specify a ; register number and thus can not be translated. ; ; For Modb_fwd to work, the line "SOCKET xxx" must be added to the ; Ethernet MODBUS definition in the io_ports.dat file. xxx must ; be something other than 502 which is the standard port and will ; be used by Modb_fwd. Port 503 is usually available. ; ;Master Slave Slave ;Reg. Number Address Reg. Number ;----------- ----------- ----------1 1 1 1001 2 1 2001 3 1 3001 4 1 4001 5 1 5001 6 1 6001 7 1 7001 8 1 6-66 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Configuration File (F:\PICONFIG.DIF) The F:\PICONFIG.DIF file is an output file of the Historian Database Configuration Tool, HSTDBS.EXE. The PI Configuration Utility, PICONFIG.EXE, imports the PICONFIG.DIF file to create/edit points in the PI Database when using the TCI to PI option. Note In this file, an asterisk * denotes a comment. The following is a sample F:\PICONFIG.DIF file: * * File: PICONFIG.DIF * * Created: 04-MAR-1999 17:39:49.500 * * Site: Your Site * * This file is used to create/edit the PI Point Database which defines * the points that are imported from the Data Dictionary. * *------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Make sure that the definition of our Logic Forced points is available * @tabl pids @mode create,t @stype delimited @istr set, state, ... LogicF, 0, 1, >0, >1 @ends * *------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Switch to the Point Definitions and describe our input format * @tabl pipoint @ptclas classic @mode create,t @modi ptclass=classic *------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * Defining the disk manager PI point. * The point is used by the Disk Manager: DSKMGR.EXE * @istr pointtype,pointsource,tag * *Ptype S TagName *----- ------------String 1 DS:DSKMGR * @endsection * * * * Points for unit T1 * * @istr pointtype,pointsource,tag,engunits,displaydigits,zero,span,archiving, step,excdev,compdev,descriptor GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-67 * float32,1,T1:BB_MAX ,IN/S ,2, 0.00, 8.00, 1,0, 0.0320, 0.0800,Max Vibration float32,1,T1:BB1 ,IN/S ,2, 0.00, 8.00, 1,0, 0.0320, 0.0800,Vibration sensor float32,1,T1:BB2 ,IN/S ,2, 0.00, 8.00, 1,0, 0.0320, 0.0800,Vibration sensor * @endsection * * @istr pointtype,pointsource,tag,exdesc * float32,1,T1:BB_MAX ,Max Vibration float32,1,T1:BB1 ,Q -TBQB-051 Vibration sensor float32,1,T1:BB2 ,Q -TBQB-053 Vibration sensor * @endsection * * @istr pointtype,digitalset,pointsource,tag,descriptor * Digital,LogicF,1,T1:L14HA ,HP Speed - Accelerating speed Digital,LogicF,1,T1:L14HM ,HP Speed - Minimum Firing Spd Digital,LogicF,1,T1:L14HR ,HP Speed - Zero Speed * @endsection * * @istr pointtype,digitalset,pointsource,tag,exdesc * Digital,LogicF,1,T1:L14HA ,HP Speed - Accelerating speed Digital,LogicF,1,T1:L14HM ,HP Speed - Minimum Firing Spd Digital,LogicF,1,T1:L14HR ,HP Speed - Zero Speed * @endsection 6-68 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Configuration File (F:\PI_PUSH.DAT) The F:\PI_PUSH.DAT file defines the list of signals that are to be read from the TCI Data Dictionary and forwarded to PI for the TCI to PI option. A gain and offset is available for analog signals in case the engineering units in the Data Dictionary are not the same as are required in PI. This file is created as a result of running the Historian configuration tools. The file should not be edited by hand since changes will be overwritten the next time the Historian configuration tools are run. The following is a sample F:\PI_PUSH.DAT file: ; File: PI_PUSH.DAT ; ; Created :25-AUG-1997 13:08:30.300 ; ; Site: Your Site ; ; This file defines the points that are "pushed" from the ; Data Dictionary into the PI snapshot database ; for a given unit. ; This file is a list of the points to be pushed. ; Each line should have the following format: ; ; I_name PI_name [gain [offset]] [(min,max)] ; ; I_name - Text string, one of two formats: ; 1) A standard data dictionary name ; 2) (MSW, LSW) This is two data dictionary signals that are ; combined into a single 32 bit value to ; put into one PI signal. ; ; PI_name - Text string ; name to be used in the PI database ; ; gain - [optional] float ; gain to be applied to the data dictionary value ;before it is put into PI. ; ; offset - [optional but must have gain if used] float ; offset to be applied to the data dictionary value ; after the gain is applied and before value is put into PI. ; ; (min,max) - [optional] float or "*" ; The PI value is compared to the min and max value and a flag ; is set in PI when the value is less ; than the min value or greater than themax value. ; An "*" can be use to show that the ; min or max value is not used. ; Examples: ; DWATT DWATT 1.0 0.0 (*,*) ; (ACCUM_01_MSW, ACCUM_01_LSW) ACCUM_01 0.1 0.0 (*,*) ; ; To use a prefix on all following pointnames use a special ; line starting with the command "@I_PREFIX" or "@PI_PREFIX". ; These commands take one [optional] parameter, the prefix to use. ; If no parameter is given then no prefix will be used. ; Examples: ; @I_PREFIX T1: ; @PI_PREFIX T1: ; DWATT DWATT 1.0 0.0 (*,*) ; DVAR DVAR ; (ACCUM_01_MSW, ACCUM_01_LSW) ACCUM_01 0.1 0.0 (*,*) ; @I_PREFIX ; @PI_PREFIX ; T1:L4 L4 ; T1:L1X L1X ; GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-69 Creating a Data Dictionary The Data Dictionary is both a point configuration database and a real time database. Each point has a point type that defines the binary format of the data, along with a scale code that defines how to convert the binary value to engineering units for display. When data is stored in the controller native format it typically needs to be scaled prior to display. Each Data Dictionary point has a point type that defines how to interpret the raw binary data, and a scale code that defines the conversion parameters needed to convert the value to a specific set of engineering units. By providing multiple scale code tables (such as ENGLISH, METRIC, and CUSTOM) the engineering units for conversion can be switched without having to change the configuration of each point. The Data Dictionary is also the heart of the Historian database. For each unit there is a Data Dictionary containing all alarms, events, digitial inputs, critical analog and logic points, and information points of interest. For each point there is a Data Dictionary entry containing all the information about the point, including the point type, scaling information, engineering units, how and when the point data is to be collected and how the data is to be stored. For more details on how the Historian uses the Data Dictionary refer to the Turbine Historian System Guide, GEH-6403. The Data Dictionary is created in the HMI unit directory, (e.g., F:\UnitN) to hold the point values in the HMI. Files used to create the data dictionary are: • • • UNITDATA.DAT LONGNAME.DAT Scale Code File (ENGLISH.SCA or METRIC.SCA) UNITDATA.DAT Data dictionary files contain information about unit-specific control signal database pointnames, alarm text messages (for both process and diagnostic alarms), and display information for signal pointnames (type/units, messages, so on). The primary unit Data Dictionary file, UNITDATA.DAT, can be created in the unitspecific directory, F:\Unitn. Assignment files and template files are used in the creation of UNITDATA.DAT. Many of the configuration programs require information from UNITDATA.DAT when modifying or compiling unit configuration files for downloading. Some control signal database pointnames are common to applications (steam turbines or gas turbines) and must reside in memory at specific locations and must not be changed. The common, fixed pointnames are contained in template files. The fixed control signal database points, the I/O assignments, and spare memory locations being specified in the assignment files must be included in the UNITDATA.DAT file. If any new assignments are made, they must be included in a new UNITDATA.DAT file. UNITDATA.DAT is created by the program DDLOCATE. This program uses the assignments files which are specified at the time DDLOCATE is executed in addition to three template files in the unit-specific HMI PROM sub-directory; UNITDATA.TPL, UNITFREE.TPL, and UNITMAP.TPL. Information from both the assignment files and the .TPL files (TPL stands for template) in the PROM subdirectory are used to create the unit-specific UNITDATA.DAT file. The commandline format for executing DDLOCATE is: 6-70 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide DDLOCATE IO.ASG FACTORY.ASG ALLOCSSP.ASG SITE.ASG Although their order is unimportant, all assignment files for a particular unit must be specified on the command line each time DDLOCATE is executed. If a modification is made to ALLOCSSP.AG only (such as to use a spare alarm logic point), all the assignment files must be specified on the command line when DDLOCATE is executed. Each time DDLOCATE is executed, a new UNITDATA.DAT file is created. All the assignments must be included in this new file. For more details refer to the MK5MAKE.BAT file description in Chapter 4 of the SPEEDTRONIC Mark V Turbine Control Maintenance Manual, GEH-5980. Other Data Dictionary files that must be present in the unit-specific directory for proper operation include: • ALARM.DAT Process and Diagnostic Alarm messages (This file can be defined as generic Max-cased) • ENUMDATA.DAT Display messages for Enumerated Data Types. Enumerated data is used to describe the operational state of the unit such as OFF, SYNCHRONIZING, LOADING, and COOLDOWN ON. • SCLEDATA.DAT Scale code information (English, Metric, so on) to convert signal data from raw binary units to engineering units for display The following unit-specific Data Dictionary files are optional and not required for proper operation of a HMI: • SYNONYM.DAT Site-specific CDB Pointname Synonyms The following rules should help in creating the UNITDATA.DAT file: • If you need point names that are compatible with all Mark V tools, limit the point name to 12 characters. If you don't have that restriction they can be up to 31 characters. All subsystems can handle point names that begin with a letter and contain only numbers, letters, and underscores. Some subsystems have problems if you get fancier than that - verify your requirments before proceeding too far. • The offset for each point must not overlap the previous point. Logic points take up one byte, so their offsets can be one higher than the previous entry. Other point types must have offsets that increase by the byte size of the data. For example: If you add a REAL point at offset 0x0004 the next point's offset must be 0x0008 or higher. No two points can have the same offset, and offsets can not overlap. • By convention, logic points are given offsets of from 0x0000 to 0x0FFF, and all other points start at offset 0x1000 and go up from there. This is a convention, not a requirement. Gaps in memory offsets do not cause problems, but do not allow any overlaps. The fields in the UNITDATA.DAT file are: • Unit name: The Unit name shown in the UNITDATA.DAT file is ignored, but should be present to pass the syntax and validity checks. All unit names are now obtained from the F:\CONFIG.DAT file, allowing the cloning of UNITDATA.DAT files across identical units with no modifications required. • Name: This is the point name, and must be unique for each point. Point names are not case sensitive, but typically are entered in upper case for readability. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-71 • Point Number: This is a unique number for each point, typically assigned starting at one (1) and going up by one for each point. It should be unique for each point, but it is not used in the HMI. (The point number field should be unique for each point, but is currently not used by any subsystem. (The original purpose of this field was to allow a point to change any of its attributes, including the point name and memory location, but preserve this point number so that it can be identified in long term collections, such as historical databases. This feature is not used with the OSI PI or GE FANUC iHistorian products.) • Point Type: This must define the binary representation of the point value in the Data Dictionary. It should be a value as defined in the Point Type table. • Scale Code Type: This is the index into the Scale Code file to define the conversion of the raw value to one or more sets of engineering units. Note Be aware that the scale code used for a value (such as temperature) must be separate from the scale code used for a difference in values (such as a delta temperature). This is required to support the ability to switch scale code sets. Using temperature as an example, when switching from English to Metric, the absolute temperatures will need a gain and an offset, but the difference in temperatures will only require the gain, not an offset. 6-72 • Chapter 6 HMI • Plotting Limits Type: The default Plotting Limits and High/low limits values should be zero. These are indexes into files similar to the Scale Code file that define the default plotting limits and alarm (control of presentation color) limits for points. Since moving to CIMPLICITY and PI for displays these fields have been unused. • High/low Limits Type: This field is no longer used and should be set to zero (0). • Flags (Hex): The flags field is used to indicate items such as whether this came from a <Q> or <B> processor, whether this is an alarm, whether this is a command signal, and whether this is a voted signal. For non-turbine control units (such as external sources of data) this field is set to zero (0). • Memory Segment (Hex): This is the memory segment in the controller. It is usually set to "0060" to follow the Mark V convention of where the real time data is, but this is not required. • Memory Offset (Hex): This is the memory offset for this particular point. This must be unique and non-overlapping any other signal. By convention logic points are assigned individual addresses from 0x0000 to 0x0FFF, and other signals are started at 0x1000 and go up from there. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide LONGNAME.DAT The LONGNAME.DAT file defines optional descriptions for each signal. There is no problem if the file is set up as “max-case” to include long names for signals that are not used or defined. When TCI is loading the Data Dictionary it will lookup the long names for points found in UNITDATA.DAT file, ignoring entries that are not used. This file uses a simple format with two columns: • Point Name: This is the name of the point, as defined in the UNITDATA.DAT file. • Description: This it the text description for the point. Most applications can handle up to 50 characters for this description, the field can actually handle up to 80. Scale Code File The Scale Code file (such as ENGLISH.SCA or METRIC.SCA) defines how to convert the raw (or native) data into a specific engineering units set. Each signal is defined with a Scale Code which identifies the gain and offset used to convert to engineering units, the precision to display (number of places after the decimal point) and the engineering units string associated with the converted value. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-73 The Scale Code files include the following fields: • #scale_data: This is a constant string that indicates that this line contains a scale code definition. • Scale Code Number: This is an integer that defines the scale code number. This number must match the Scale Code nubmer defined in the UNITDATA.DAT file for a point. By convention scale code number zero (0) is used for logic points, with the rest of the scale codes starting at one (1) and incrementing by one. • Parameter 1 - Gain: This is typically the gain used in the raw value to engineering units conversion. • Parameter 2 - Offset: This is typically the offset used in the raw value to engineering units conversion. • Precision: This defines the number of places after the decimal point to show for points using this scale code. • Engineering Units String: This is a string of up to six (6) characters that define the resulting engineering units. This can include imbedded spaces, but their use is discouraged as it can cause issues with application programs that use these strings. • Scale Code Name: This is a single word of up to five (5) characters that is used by some tools as a method to specify the scale code using something other than its scale code number. This has the advantage that from site-to-site these names can be made standard even if the scale code numbers change. Data Dictionary File The HMI has a Data Dictionary for each unit (T1.DD, T2.DD,… *DD) at the site. The Data Dictionary is not a text file and cannot be modified in a useful manner by a text editor. The Data Dictionary Editor is a tool provided for checking, modifying, adding, and deleting entries. Data Dictionary Entries A brief description of the data dictionary fields follows. Not all fields apply to all Point types. Selection of the Point type reveals the fields available for modification. All Point types have the first six fields. Data Dictionary Field Explanation The Data Dictionary can hold data in many different data formats. Most high speed interfaces, such as Mark IV, Mark V and Mark V LM turbine controls, save the data in the Data Dictionary in the native format of the control system. This prevents loss of precision or range, and can save CPU loading since many signals are collected but then not used prior to the next collection. When data is stored in the controller native format it typically needs to be scaled prior to display. Each Data Dictionary point has a point type that defines how to interpret the raw binary data, and a scale code that defines the conversion parameters needed to convert the value to a specific set of engineering units. By providing multiple scale code tables (such as ENGLISH, METRIC, and CUSTOM) the engineering units for conversion can be switched without having to change the configuration of each point. 6-74 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The following table defines the point type, the point type value used in the UNITDATA.DAT file, the binary format, and the algorithm to convert the binary into an engineering units value. The Gain and Offset used are the Gain and Offset from the scale code file for the scale code number assigned to the point. Name L1 Type 1 F2 2 R4 3 C1 4 C2 5 C3 6 C4 7 S1 8 S2 9 T1 T2 T3 T4 H1 10 11 12 13 14 H2 15 H3 16 H4 17 X2 18 F4 19 Description Logic Point Format: 1 byte value, bit 0 is the current state, bit 1 is true if forced Conversion: Value is the value of bit 0, some applications show forcing Fixed Point Format: 2 byte signed integer Conversion: Engineering = (Raw / 32768) * Gain + Offset IEEE Floating Point Real Format: 4 byte IEEE Floating Point (23 bit fraction, 8 bit exponent) Conversion: Engineering = Raw * Gain + Offset Counter Format: 1 byte unsigned integer Conversion: Engineering = Raw * Gain Counter Format: 2 byte unsigned integer Conversion: Engineering = Raw * Gain Counter Format: 3 byte unsigned integer Conversion: Engineering = Raw * Gain Counter Format: 4 byte unsigned integer Conversion: Engineering = Raw * Gain Enumerated State Format: 1 byte unsigned integer Conversion: Used as index into array of enumerated strings Enumerated State Format: 2 byte unsigned integer Conversion: Used as index into array of enumerated strings Timer Format: 1,2,3,4 byte timer Conversion: <No generic conversion, special Mark IV applications only> HEX Format: 1 byte unsigned value Conversion: None, always displayed in HEX HEX Format: 2 byte unsigned value Conversion: None, always displayed in HEX HEX Format: 3 byte unsigned value Conversion: None, always displayed in HEX HEX Format: 4 byte unsigned value Conversion: None, always displayed in HEX Extended Value Format: 2 byte unsigned integer, the LSW of a 32 bit counter Always paired with an F2 used as the MSW of a 32 bit counter Fixed Point Format: 4 byte signed integer Conversion: Engineering = (Raw / 2147483648) * Gain + Offset GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-75 Note In the IDP and OSM 2.x software, Counters (C1-C4) were presented with no conversion. The conversion according to the GAIN was added in TCI and OSM 3.x for Mark V LM which stored 1/10 of an hour counters as native C4 points requiring a gain of 0.1 for display. TCI Error Message The TCI.LOG Error Message …Unable to create system data dictionary file is written to the the TCI error log file G:\LOG\TCI.LOG when running into problems with the Data Dictionary. This usually means that a Demand Display, Dynamic Rung, Logic Forcing or other TCI application program was open while TCI was stopped and restarted. The F:\SYSTEM.DD file, the Data Dictionary, was locked into memory and could not be overridden by the TCI startup. To correct this, try closing all application windows the doing a NET STOP TCI followed by a NET START TCI. Recheck the TCI.LOG file for errors. A second, less frequent cause is if the F:\SYSTEM.DD has its Read Only attribute set. If so, uncheck this box and click OK. This is most often caused when the F Drive is copied over from another HMI by using the CDRW F Drive backup option. When the files from the CD are copied onto the new HMI the Read Only attribute was set. To remove the Read Only attribute, select all of the files in a folder on the F drive, go to File and select Properties. Find the Read Only attribute. Uncheck this box and click OK. 6-76 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Configuration File (F:\TIMESYNC.DAT) The Timesync.dat file configures the Mark V time synch program to exchange time over the Stagelink. This file configures the time synch option. This file is normally maintained by the TCI control panel applet, you should not need to make changes to this file. MSP_TSET, the time sync program for MSP communications links, uses F:\TIMESYNC.DAT to determine how the program will function. All lines are ignored unless they begin with keyword MSP_TSET. Both the Mark IV and Mark V timesync programs use the configuration data file F:\TIMESYNC.DAT so that their time sync settings reside in a single file. A template file for timesync is in G:\DATA\TIMESYNC.DAT. Copy this template file to F:\TIMESYNC.DAT and edit as required. An example of the template file TIMESYNC.DAT is as follows: ;------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Windows NT Style TIMESYNC Parameters. Last Update: 24-JUN-1999 ; ; For use on: <I+>, HMI, Historian, and OSM. ; ; Any line beginning with a semicolon (;) is treated as a comment. All ; keywords are case-insensitive. ; ; The line beginning with "TIMESYNC" indicates the type of time ; synchronization in use. Acceptable syntax is one of the following: ; 1) TIMESYNC HIGHRES ; 2) TIMESYNC LOWRES ; 3) TIMESYNC SLAVE ; ; Example (1) indicates high accuracy time acquisition ; hardware is in use. ; Hardware parameters such as I/O addresses are stored in the Windows ; Registry. Node-to-node time errors of +/- 1 millisecond are possible ; using this type of time synchronization. ; ; Example (2) indicates low resolution time ; synchronization will be used. ; In this case, the Windows NT system clock is used as ; the time reference. ; Node-to-node time errors of +/- 10 milliseconds ; are typical using this ; type of time synchronization. ; ; Example (3) indicates that this computer will ; not act as a time master, ; but may set its' local time to that of other ; time masters on the stagelink. ; TIMESYNC SLAVE ; ; "LOCAL_TIMESET [ENABLED | DISABLED]" is used to allow this computer's ; time to be set to the same time as the Stagelink Time Master. ; Note that ; this computer does not require a time/frequency ; board in order to be a time slave. ; LOCAL_TIMESET ENABLED ; ; "I_TIME", "MARKV_TIME" and "TIME_SOURCE" identify what ; timebase is used in <I>/<G> computers, Mark V control panels, ; and the externally supplied ; Global Time Source. Choices are UTC and LOCAL. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-77 ; ; NOTE: MARK V LM control panels always have UTC as their timebase. ; This is not changeable. <I> computers typically use LOCAL time ; as their time base. <I+>, HMI, Historian, and OSM computers use ; UTC as their internal timebase. ; I_TIME LOCAL MARKV_TIME LOCAL TIME_SOURCE UTC ; ; "TIME_LOAD [MANUAL | LOCAL | NETWORK]" defines ; whether major time elements ; (year, day-of-year etc.) are derived from the ; PC automatically (i.e. LOCAL) ; or obtained from other Stagelink Time Masters (i.e. NETWORK), ; or whether TIMESYNC functions are disabled until ; major time is entered manually via TIMEUTIL (i.e. MANUAL). ; ; This parameter is only needed for Example (1) above. ; TIME_LOAD LOCAL ; ; "TIMESET <node-address>" is used when Mark V panels ; with older versions of firmware exist on the stagelink that do not ; support the timesync protocol. In this case, this computer can ; act as a "repeating timeset" ; computer, transmitting time every hour. <node-address> is the Arcnet ; address in HEX and must be in the range 01-FF. There may be up to ; 32 "TIMESET <node-address>" lines specified in this data file. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; MSP_TSET <NetworkNumber> <mode> <delay n> <period n> ; ; defines time synchronization on MSP enabled networks ; including CSF and Serial MA/MSP networks) ; where <NetworkNumber> ranges from 1 to the number ; of networks supported ; where <mode> is"MASTER" to indicate that MSP_TSET will ; become the timeset ; master of network number <NetworkNumber> and will send messages ; every four seconds (or as specified) via broadcast. MSP_TSET ; will delay initial operation by dd seconds if dd is specified ; with a "DELAY dd" entry. No check will be made to see if other ; timeset masters are active. No more than one HMI or Historian ; should use "MASTER" mode! ; ; "BACKUP" to indicate that MSP_TSET will become the timeset master ; of network number <NetworkNumber> whenever it detects no other ; timeset messages on network <NetworkNumber> for a period of ; dd seconds where dd is specified in the "DELAY dd" entry later ; on the same line. In this case, it will begin ; timeset operations as ; in the "MASTER" case until such time as messages from another ; time source are detected. "BACKUP" mode is not used for serial ; links. ; ; "NONE" to indicate that MSP_TSET will never become timeset ; master of network number <NetworkNumber>. This option applies ; to any unspecified network. Using mode none is equivalent to ; no MSP_TSET entry at all. ; ; "" to default to the mode. If the mode entry is blank or left ; out, MSP_TSET will assume: ; i. "MASTER" in the case of a serial network, or ; ii. "BACKUP", in the case of a CSF network. ; Defaulting the mode IS recommended and allows several GE HMIs or ; Historians to have identical configuration files (F:\TIMESYNC.DAT) 6-78 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ; while still maintaining a system whereby timeset operation will be ; deterministic. There is no problem having multiple machines in ; "BACKUP" mode on a CSF. ; ; where <delay> is ; ; "DELAY dd" to indicate that messages will not be ; sent until after an ; initial delay of dd seconds. The default is four seconds for serial ; networks. The default is 0 for CSF networks in mode MASTER. For ; other CSF networks, "dd" will be an appropriate delay as a ; function of CSF network id. This allows several GE HMIs or ; Historians to have identical configuration files (F:\TIMESYNC.DAT) ; while still maintaining a system whereby timeset operation will be ; deterministic while avoiding simultaneous timeset operation by ; multiple HMIs or Historians. This entry may be skipped if the ; default is desired. "dd" should always be greater than zero. ; ; where <period> is ; ; "PERIOD pp" to indicate that messages are sent every nn ; seconds. The default is four seconds. This entry may be ; skipped if the default is desired. ; ; ; Example entries: ; ; MSP_TSET 1 MASTER ; Force master mode ; MSP_TSET 2 BACKUP DELAY 30 ; Force backup mode, 30 sec. delay ; MSP_TSET 3 BACKUP DELAY 30 PERIOD 4 ; Specify everything ; MSP_TSET 4 ; Recommended method to specify mode ; ; WARNING: TIME MASTERSHIP CONTENTION BETWEEN ; MSP_TSET AND CSF_TSET ; ; Prior to the release of the MSP_TSET program, ; the CSF_TSET program was used to broadcast time on the CSF. ; The two programs (MSP_TSET and CSF_TSET) can not be ; used at the same time. When you enable MSP_TSET in ; this file you must verify that the CSF_TSET program ; is not being started ; in the F:\AT_START.DAT file. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; In versions of TCI prior to version 1.07.00 the timesync program accessed the timecard directly. In these versions you define the interface to the timecard using the following: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------; ; ; The line beginning with "TIMESYNC" indicates ; time acquisition hardware ; exists in the system. The syntax of this line is: ; ; TIMESYNC <controller> MODE <mode> [LEVEL_SHIFT] ; ; where <controller> is one of the following: ; BC620AT (from Bancomm, Division of Datum Inc.) ; PC-SG2 (from TrueTime Inc.) ; ISA-SYNCCLOCK16 (from JXI2 Inc.) ; TPRO-PC (from KSI, Division of Odetics Inc.) ; ; <mode> defines the external time reference and ; is one of the following: ; IRIG-A IRIG-A Timecode. ; IRIG-B IRIG-B Timecode. ; NASA-36 Nasa 36 bit timecode. ; 2137 2137 Timecode. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-79 ; 1PPS 1 pulse per second. ; 1PPM 1 pulse per minute. ; 1PPH 1 pulse per hour. ; FLYWHEEL Free Running Clock. ; "LEVEL_SHIFT" is specified if the timecode is DC Level Shifted ; rather than modulated. ; ; Different timeboards do not support all <mode> selections. The ; following table defines available combinations of timeboards and ; mode combinations: ; ; ; TimeBoard External Time References Supported -----------------------------------------; BC620AT IRIG-A (Modulated and DC Level Shifted) ; IRIG-B (Modulated and DC Level Shifted) ; NASA-36 (Modulated and DC Level Shifted) ; 2137 (Modulated only) ; 1PPS, 1PPM, and 1PPH ; FLYWHEEL ; TPRO-PC IRIG-B (Modulated only) ; NASA-36 (Modulated only) ; 1PPS (Requires -m option on board) ; 1PPM and 1PPH ; FLYWHEEL ; PC-SG2 IRIG-A (Modulated and DC Level Shifted) ; IRIG-B (Modulated and DC Level Shifted) ; 1PPM and 1PPH ; FLYWHEEL ; ISA-SYNCCLOCK16 IRIG-A (Modulated only) ; IRIG-B (Modulated only) ; NASA-36 (Modulated only) ; 1PPS, 1PPM, and 1PPH ; FLYWHEEL ; TIMESYNC BC620AT MODE IRIG-B ; ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-80 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Ethernet Alarm Protocol File (F:\ENATALM.DAT) The F:\ENETALM.DAT file maps Ethernet IP addresses to the associated unit controllers. The HMI requires this file when controllers use the ALM protocol over Ethernet (such as the Mark VI controller). ALM (alarm) protocol is used for delivering digital exception messages, including alarms, events, and Sequence of Events (SOE) messages. When a controller broadcasts a digital exception message, it identifies itself by including its Ethernet IP address. When the HMI receives such a message, it reads ENETALM.DAT to determine the unit that sent it. The data file text (see below) describes the specific details. Each Mark VI unit defined in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file must have one Ethernet IP address assigned for each of its controllers. A simplex control requires one Ethernet IP address, and a Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) control requires three. When the Alarm Receiver program (ALMRCV.EXE) receives a digital exception message from an IP address, it tries to match it with the associated unit. If the F:\ENETALM.DAT file does not associate the IP address with a unit then the message is ignored. ENETALM.DAT includes a device ID assigned by the System Database (SDB) Utility during site configuration. The device ID allows configuration tools to verify that each unit receives the correct unit configuration. The device ID is not currently required, which allows the unit configuration to be completed before the site configuration (SDB) is ready. Typical F:\ENETALM.DAT file: ; ; ENETALM.DAT - This file is used by the ; Ethernet ALARM RECEIVER program ; to define how to interpret the data received. ; ; There should be one line per ; Ethernet Alarm Generator node that this ; computer is supposed to monitor. Simplex ; turbine controls will have one ; node per unit, TMR turbine controls will have ; three nodes per unit. ; ; ; UNIT: ; This is the Data Dictionary unit number for the ; turbine, and must agree with ; the unit number assignments in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file. ; ; PROC: ; This is the processor specification, ( R | S | T ). ; ; IP_ADDRESS: ; This is the IP address assigned to this Ethernet Alarm Generator. ; ; DEVICE: (optional, unused at the current time) ; This is the device number assigned to this node. ; ;Unit Proc IP_Address Device ;-------------------------1 R 46 2 R 47 2 S 47 2 T 47 ; GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-81 Exciter Configuration File (EX2000.DAT) Mark V and Mark V LM The EX2000 exciters generate fault codes to indicate conditions that may need to be investigated. Exciter fault codes can be configured to display as alarms on the HMI by using the Mark V Signal Manager tool. The EX2000 fault codes are defined in the F:\EX2000.DAT data file, mapping the fault code to associated alarm help, alarm codes, and alarm text messages. This information is then imported by the Signal Manager to make the alarm information available to CIMPLICITY for display. (Refer to Importing Signals from the Signal Manager section.) Typical F:\EX2000.DAT file: ; ; This file is used by CSDBUtil.exe to configure CIMPLICITY ; alarms for the EX2000 fault codes ; ; ;fault code|help file|alarm id|alarm msg ; 0 |1|CLEAR|Clear = No Faults present 1 |2|IOC_TRIP|Instantaneous over-current 2 |3|OVER_SPD|Tach Overspeed (Filtered fault) 4 |4|FIELDLOS|Field loss 5 |5|SFB_POL|SFB/Tach Polarity reversed (trip state) 7 |6|RESETRUN|Run command asserted during reset (trip state) 8 |7|TOC_TRIP|Timed Overcurrent (trip fault) 9 |8|SERLTRIP|Trip generated by serial or LAN command 3Fh (trip state) 10 |9|NO_CTS|Serial link lost transmit capability due to CTS handshake (Trip fault) 13 |10|EECKSM0|Bad page 0 EE checksum, EE.0 - EE.255 (latched annunciation) 14 |11|IREG_SAT|CFB too low at fully advanced firing EX2100 Data and Alarms - Mark VI The EX2100 can be used with the Mark VI system. EX2100 data and alarms can be brought into the HMI over the UDH using an EGD exchange, which is configured in the EX2100 using the toolbox. Refer to GEH-6414 Control System Toolbox for EX2100 Excitation Control for more information. There is no separate configuration file associated with this function, but the EX2100 has to be defined in the F:\CONFIG.DAT and F:\ENETALM.DAT files. 6-82 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Predefined Data Dump Configuration The HMI can receive an optional predefined data dump from the Mark IV controller. The data list is in PROM in the Mark IV and typically the standard list is modified during the requisition process if necessary. There are no tools on the HMI to configure and download a predefined data dump list to a Mark IV To configure the HMI to receive a predefined data dump: • Modify F:\IO_PORTS.DAT to create a [PDDump_SETUP] section to define a communication channel to the processor. Refer to Configuration File (F:\IO_PORTS.DAT) for more information. • Create F:\UNITn\PDDump.dat to define the points received from the Mark IV. • Create a data dictionary in F:\UNITn to hold the point values in the HMI. Refer to the Creating a Data Dictionary section for more information. • Restart TCI for the changes to take effect The Mark IV PROM list and the HMI PDDump.dat list should match so the correct data is displayed on the HMI. Sample F:\UNITn\PDDump.dat file: ; GE Software ; Mark IV Predefined Data Dump Interface ; ; The Mark IV Predefined Data Dump Program, PDDump, is a program that receives ; ASCII data over an RS232-C input port on a GE HMI processor, checks the ; received data, and then stores the data into the data dictionary. ; channel number_of_bytes DDname ;MDATA 1 6 TIME ;time ; 4 1 4 TIMR_01 ;Total fired hours ; 10 1 4 TIMR_02 ;Peak fired hours ; 14 1 4 TIMR_03 ;Gas fuel fired hours ; 18 1 4 TIMR_04 ;Liquid fuel fired hours ; 22 1 4 CNTR_01 ;Manual initiated starts ; 26 1 4 CNTR_02 ;Total starts ; 30 1 4 CNTR_03 ;Fast load starts ; 34 1 4 CNTR_04 ;Fired starts ; 38 1 4 CNTR_05 ;Trips ; 42 ; IDATA 1 2 TTXD1_1 ; 46 1 2 TTXD1_2 ; 48 : : : : : : 1 2 DDUMP9 ; 210 1 2 DDUMP10 ; 212 ; LDATA points 1 BIT L30D_SD ; 214/0 1 BIT L30D_SU ; 214/1 : : : : : : 1 BIT LDDUMP25 ; 224/6 1 BIT LDDUMP26 ; 224/7 ; Alarms 1 BIT L30A0 ; 225/0 1 BIT L30A1 ; 225/1 : : : : : : 1 BIT L30A254 ; 256/6 1 BIT L30A255 ; 256/7 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-83 Predefined Data Dump Transmitter (PDXMIT) Configuration When a Mark IV is upgraded to a Mark VI the client’s DCS system will lose its RS232C serial communications link for the predefined data dump. The HMI can mimic the previous Mark IV link by retrieving the same list of information from the Mark VI and transmitting it over a RS-232C link to the DCS. PDXMIT will mimic a Mark IV turbine controller predefined data-dump originating from one or both ports of an HCMB card. Each port can send up to 8 channels of up to 253 bytes of data. The Mark IV also supported multiple HCMB cards – therefore, more than 2 ports / unit could be used for predefined data dumps. Each port can be assigned standard baud rates, stop bits and parity. Typical port setup is 9600 Baud, 1 stop bit, even parity. Each port in the HMI will be assigned to a single unit. Therefore, each of the up to 8 channels from a given port will be data relating to that unit only. Multiple ports can be defined. A given unit can be defined for use on more than 1 port. Data point definitions can be duplicated across ports (assuming the unit designation is the same), and across channels. In fact, a data point definition could be duplicated within a channel. The layout of a predefined data dump packet (channel of information) has 3 parts: • A 4-byte header. * • Up to 253 bytes of data ** • A 2-byte checksum*** All data within the packet is byte-stuffed, if necessary, to maintain data transparency. The purpose of byte-stuffing data bytes is to ensure that the message header is always a recognizable entity. Byte stuffing is used whenever a byte within the packet is equal to the FLAG character (0xAA). Any occurrence of 0xAA within the packet is transmitted as a double occurrence (that is byte stuffed): This is 0xAA followed by 0xAA. The header is nominally 3 bytes: • A FLAG character (0xAA) • A CHANNEL character (0x01 – 0x08) • A SEQUENCE Number (rotates from 0x00 – 0x7F) • A BYTECOUNT character (0x00 – 0xFD) * * - If the BYTECOUNT is 0xAA, then the BYTECOUNT is actually transmitted as 0xAA followed by 0xAA. The header is 5 transmitted bytes in this case. 6-84 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ** - The data bytes are transmitted as-is (binary) except that any occurrence of 0xAA within the data stream is transmitted as 0xAA followed by 0xAA. This increases the actual number of transmitted bytes, but the logical number of data bytes is still equal to the BYTECOUNT specified in the header. *** - The 2-byte checksum is the 16-bit sum of all non-stuffed bytes from CHANNEL, SEQUENCE, BYTECOUNT values and all data bytes. It excludes the initial FLAG character. The packet trailer (checksum) is the least significant byte of the checksum followed by the most significant byte. If the least significant byte of the checksum is 0xAA, then it will be transmitted as 0xAA followed by 0xAA. Note that it is neither necessary nor done to byte-stuff the most significant byte of the checksum. After the most significant byte of the checksum is transmitted, the receiver will search for a new header. Any number of 0xAA (FLAG) characters could be transmitted between data packets with no confusion on the part of the data receiver, although this is not done in practice. Each channel is normally transmitted once per second. PDXMIT will allow slower rates to be optionally specified. Program Operation The PDXMIT program is part of TCI and automatically starts and stops with TCI. PDXMIT logs configuration errors into an output file (G:\LOG\PDXMIT.LOG). If any configuration or hardware errors are encountered, one or more entries are made into the log file, and then PDXMIT terminates. To configure the HMI to transmit a predefined data dump: 1 Modify F:\IO_PORTS.DAT to create a [PDDump_SETUP] section to define a communication channel to the DCS. Refer to Configuration File (F:\IO_PORTS.DAT) for more information. 2 Create F:\UNITn\PDxmit.dat to define the points transmitted. All points to be transmitted must be available on a Mark VI EGD page. There can be more than one data file if more than one port is used for data dump transmissions, and the definition used for each port is different. The default filename is PDXMIT.DAT, but this can be overridden by the port definitions in F:\IO_PORTS.DAT. 3 Restart TCI for the changes to take effect The Mark IV PROM list and the HMI PDxmit.dat list must match if you require the exact same message from the HMI as was transmitted by the Mark IV. PDXMIT will also flag with errors any lines with the following problems: • Point definition before @LENGTH = x parameter line. • <Offset> with a value greater than x above. • Undefined <Point Name> • Bit number not in the range 0 – 7. • Boolean Min/Max values that are not 1 0 or 0 1. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-85 Sample F:\UNITn\PDxmit.dat file ; ; F:\UNITn\PDXMIT.DAT - This is the default filename. ; This filename may have another filename if referenced in IO_PORTS.DAT. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; This data file defines the Mark VI version of a Mark VI Predefined ; Data Dump definition. ; ; Each unit can define up to 8 "channels" (1-8) of data. Each defined ; "channel" can contain from 1 to 253 bytes of data. This data file has ; one section per "channel" defined as: ; [Channel n] ; n = 1 to 8. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; All lines in this data file are case insensitive. ; Comments begin with a semicolon which can exist ; anywhere on a line. That character and the rest ; of the line will be ignored. ; ; This file defines all entries for each "channel" of information. ; Data entry order is not important, but it is customary ; to enter lines in channel offset order. Undefined sections ; within a channel definition will be ; transmitted as zero's. ; ; Each line defines a channel number (1-8); ; the offset (byte offset, zero-based) of the data within the message; ; the data type definition; ; source point name; minimum and maximum values for the data. ; ; Bit-packed logics also use a bit offset (0-7) within the byte offset to ; define its location with the data message. ; ; Certain special data definitions begin with ; an "@" symbol and are defined below: ; ; @TIME - 6 bytes of local time sent as Year MOD 100, Month (1-12), ; Day (1-31), Hour (0-23), Minute (0-59) and Second (0-59). ; ; @TIME_UTC - As above, except time is sent as UTC instead of local time. ; ; @TIME1 - Same as @TIME, except Year is sent as (Current Year - 1900). ; ; @TIME_UTC1 - Same as @TIME_UTC, except Year is sent as ; Current Year - 1900). ; one of the Keywords above is customarily used for offset 0 in a channel's ; definition. ; ; @LENGTH = <#bytes> - Defines the pre-padded size of this channel's ; data bytes. Any data definition for this channel must fit at ; byte offsets less than the size defined by this line. Valid ; values are 1 to 253 bytes. ; ; @PERIOD = <#seconds> - Defines the number of seconds between channel ; transmissions. This line is optional. It defaults to 1 ; second between transmissions. Only integer values > 0 are ; valid. ; ; ; A limited number of data type definitions are supported. ; These are mainly defined for use in mimicking ; Mark IV turbine controllers. ; ; Data type definitions: 6-86 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ; L1 ; ; ; ; A 1 bit wide logic (Boolean) variable. Minimum and maximum values do not need to be specified - they default to 0 and 1. Use 1 and 0 respectively to invert the sense of transmitted data. Data lines define both the offset byte and bit offset of the value. ; ; F2 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; A Mark IV fixed point, 2 byte wide variable. Minimum and maximum values are used to defined the scaling and range of the values transmitted. Actual data values that are below the minimum or are above the maximum values will be truncated to the F2 style minimum and maximum values respectively. [This is -32768 to +32767] ; ; C4 - A 32 bit integer counter. ; No scaling (minimum or maximum) values ; are used for these definitions. ; ; T4 ; ; ; ; A 32 bit timer value. An implicit scale factor of 0.1 is used. i.e. The value transmitted is a 32 bit integer using implied units of 0.1 hours. An integer value of 100 means 10.0 hours. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Conflicts in message definitions (overlapping of data) ; or definitions beyond ; the @END definition will be flagged as errors. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; ================================================ ; CHANNEL #1 DEFINTIONS ; ================================================ [Channel 1] ; Channel 1 of 2 @LENGTH = 252 @PERIOD = 1 ; -----------------------------------------------; MISCELLANEOUS POINTS ; -----------------------------------------------0 @TIME 6 T4 TFT_T ; "Total fired time" - TIMR-01 10 T4 TFT_L ; "Total fired time on Liquid" - TIMR-02 14 C4 TCMIS ; "Manually initiated starts - CNTR-01 count" 18 C4 TCTS ; "Total starts count" - CNTR-02 22 C4 TCFLS ; "Fast load starts count" - CNTR-03 26 C4 TCFS ; "Fired starts count" - CNTR-04 30 C4 TCES ; "Emergency trips count" - CNTR-05 ; -----------------------------------------------; INTEGER POINTS ; -----------------------------------------------34 F2 TTXD1_1 -2048 +2048 ; "Exhaust Thermocouple 1-Compensated" 36 F2 TTXD1_2 -2048 +2048 ; "Exhaust Thermocouple 2- Compensated" : : : : : : 78 F2 TTXD1_23 -2048 +2048 ; "Exhaust Thermocouple 23 - Compensated" 80 F2 TTXD1_24 -2048 +2048 ; "Exhaust Thermocouple 24 - Compensated" 82 F2 TTXM -2048 +2048 ; "Exhaust Temp Median Corrected By Average" 84 F2 CTIF1A -2048 +2048 ; "Compressor Inlet Thermocouple 1A" : : : : : : 122 F2 TTXSPL -2048 +2048 ; "Combustion Monitor Allowable Spread" 124 F2 TTXSP1 -2048 +2048 ; "Combustion Monitor Actual Spread 1" GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-87 : : 206 208 ; ; ; ; ; 210.0 ; 210.1 : : 212.6 212.7 : : ; 219.7 ; ; ; ; ;220 ;220.1 : : : : F2 SFL1 -62.50 +62.50 ; "Bus PT Frequency" F2 DVAR -204.8 +204.8 ; "Generator VARS" -----------------------------------------------LOGIC POINTS -----------------------------------------------L1 L1 : : L1 L1 : : L1 L30D_SD L30D_SU : : L30D_CD L30D_CDC : : L20WN1X ;"Normal Display Message 'SHUTDOWN STATUS'" ;"Normal Display Message 'STARTUP STATUS'" ;"Normal Display Message 'ON COOLDOWN'" ;"Normal Display Message 'OFF COOLDOWN'" ; "Water Injection Stop Valve" -----------------------------------------------ANNUNCIATOR ALARMS -----------------------------------------------L1 L30A0 ; TURBINE BEARING DRAIN TEMPERATURE HIGH L1 L52QA1_ALM ; AUX LUBE OIL PUMP MOTOR RUNNING ;251.5 L1 LCPD_SENSR ; COMPRESSOR DISCH XDUCER DIFF FAULT HIGH L1 ; SPARE ;*SPARE* 251.6 ;*SPARE* 251.7 L1 ; SPARE ; ; ================================================ ; CHANNEL #2 DEFINTIONS ; ================================================ [Channel 2] ; Channel 2 of 2 @LENGTH = 146 @PERIOD = 1 ; -----------------------------------------------; MISCELLANEOUS POINTS ; -----------------------------------------------0 ; ; ; ; 6 ; 8 : : ; 74 ; 76 @TIME -----------------------------------------------INTEGER POINTS -----------------------------------------------F2 WXJ -4 +4 ; "Ratio of Actual Fuel to NOx Water Flow" F2 WXC -4 +4 ; "Ratio of Required Fuel to NOx Water Flow" : : : : F2 FPRG -2048 +2048 ;*"Gas Ratio Valve Control Pressure Ref" [oldname: FPRG1, newname: FPRG] F2 SVLX -18 +18 ;*"System Bus Voltage - Scaled to KV" [oldname: VOLTS, newname: SVLX] -----------------------------------------------INTEGER POINTS - DDUMP1 through DDUMP30 ------------------------------------------------ ; ; ; ; ; Space left for spare points. ; Offsets 84 [DDUMP4] through 136 [DDUMP30]. ; [Offsets 84 - 137 inclusive] ; 78 F2 H2GP -2048 +2048 ; "Hydrogen Gas Pressure" ; 80 F2 TBCT -2048 +2048 ; "Turbine Compartment Temperature" ; 82 F2 LDCT -2048 +2048 ; "Load Compartment Temperature" 6-88 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ; -----------------------------------------------; LOGIC POINTS ; -----------------------------------------------138.0 L1 L52QS ; "Generator Auxiliary Seal Oil Pump Motor Running" ;138.1 L1 L4FDLD ; "Master Relay for 88FD1&2" : : : : : : ;142.6 L1 L41AUX ; "Generator Field Breaker ON" ;142.7 L1 L43SR ; "Local Select Manual Voltage Regulator" ; -----------------------------------------------; LOGIC POINTS - LDUMP4 through LDUMP11 ; -----------------------------------------------; ; ; Space Left for spare logics. Offsets 143.0 - 143.7 ; ; -----------------------------------------------; LOGIC POINTS - LDUMP12 through LDUMP19 ; -----------------------------------------------; ; Space Left for spare logics. Offsets 144.0 - 144.7 ; ; -----------------------------------------------; LOGIC POINTS - LDUMP20 through LDUMP27 ; -----------------------------------------------; ; Space Left for spare logics. Offsets 145.0 - 145.7 ; GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-89 Time Synchronization Configuration To synchronize time among the controllers and devices connected to a network, a single source such as a HMI is selected as the primary time reference. The source can receive its time from either an internal system clock or a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) satellite transmission. Refer to GEI-100513 HMI Time Synchronization manual for more information. Plant Data Highway (Ethernet) NTP Server Time Sync Master HMI Server No.1 NTP Client HMI Server No. 2 NTP Client HMI/Historian Viewer(Client) Time Server Satellite Receiver UTC (IRIG-B) or GPS Unit Data Highway (Ethernet) Control System Freeway (CSF) or Serial Network Stagelink (ARCNET) EX2100 Excitation Control Mark VI Turbine Control Mark IV Turbine Control Mark V Turbine Control I/O I/O I/O I/O NTP Client NTP Client Time Sync Client Turbine Control System Time Synchronization Network A turbine control system generally consists of a collection of devices. The types of devices determine the communications systems used, as follows: • Mark IV controllers communicate over CSF or RS-232C serial networks. • Mark V and Mark V LM controllers communicate over Stagelink. • Mark VI controllers communicate over Ethernet. Ethernet based controllers (such as the Mark VI) are typically configured to get their time directly from the Time Server (if present) and from an HMI if there is no Time Server. The Mark IV and Mark V controllers get their time from an HMI, which typically has its time set from the Time Server as well. An option for connecting an IRIG-B or GPS time source directly to the HMI is available when high precision is required for Mark V systems. HMIs get their time either from the installed highresolution time card, the Time Server, or they use one HMI’s low-resolution system time to feed the other HMIs. 6-90 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Time Synchronization Configuration – Mark IV CSF and Serial Network Synchronization using MSP_TSET Time synchronization between devices on CSF or RS-232C serial networks is achieved using the MSP_TSET program. MSP_TSET is part of the TCI product. One HMI is configured to be the Time Master on the CSF network, broadcasting the time to the other devices on the network. Refer to GEI-100513 HMI Time Synchronization manual for coordination of time synchronization throughout the system. The MSP_TSET program uses the configuration data file F:\TIMESYNC.DAT to determine how the program will function. Both the Mark IV and Mark V timesync programs use the configuration data file F:\TIMESYNC.DAT so that their time sync settings reside in a single file. MSP_TSET only reads the lines that begin with the keyword MSP_TSET. The key line in F:\TIMESYNC.DAT is displayed below: MSP_TSET <NetworkNumber> <mode> <delay n> <period n> ; Example entries: MSP_TSET 1 MASTER ; Force master mode MSP_TSET 2 BACKUP DELAY 30 ; Force backup mode, 30 sec. delay MSP_TSET 3 BACKUP DELAY 30 PERIOD 4 ; Specify everything MSP_TSET 4 ; Recommended method to specify mode Timesync Configuration – Mark V and Mark V LM (TIMESYNC.DAT) Time synchronization between devices on Stagelink networks is achieved using the Timesync program. Timesync is installed on the HMI as part of the Turbine Control Interface (TCI) product. One or more HMIs act as Stagelink Time Masters, to which the other HMIs and controllers on the Stagelink network synchronize. Refer to GEI100513 HMI Time Synchronization manual for more information. The TIMESYNC.DAT file configures the options for the Mark V timesync program to exchange time over the Stagelink. This file is normally maintained by the TCI Control Panel applet, you should not need to make changes to this file. The key lines in F:\TIMESYNC.DAT are displayed below: TIMESYNC [HIGHRES | LOWRES | SLAVE] LOCAL_TIMESET [ENABLED | DISABLED] I_TIME [LOCAL | UTC] MARKV_TIME [LOCAL | UTC] TIME_SOURCE [LOCAL | UTC] TIME_LOAD [MANUAL | LOCAL |NETWORK] GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-91 Time Synchronization Configuration – Mark VI Ethernet Synchronization using NTP and NTP Server Time synchronization between turbine system devices on the Ethernet is achieved using the Network Time Protocol product (NTP). This product is a standalone software program that can be installed on the HMI computer. It is used to synchronize the computer to other Ethernet time sources (such as the optional Time Server), and to allow the computer to act as a time source on the Ethernet. Refer to • GEH-6421 System Guide for SPEEDTRONIC Mark VI Turbine Control • GEI-100505 Network Time Protocol (NTP) • GEI-100507 Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server • GEI-100513 HMI Time Synchronization manuals for more information. The NTP Server is another standalone product that can be installed on the HMI computer. It interfaces to a time card installed in the computer to allow it to act as a high accuracy time source supplying UTC time references on the Ethernet. Configuration The NTP configuration utility is located under the Control Panel and is used to view or change the configuration of the NTP service. A configuration wizard uses configuration details to update the ntp.ini file, sets the NTP service startup to Automatic, and then restarts the NTP service after the user commits the changes. Note HMIs should use the Control Panel applet whenever possible. When using a high-resolution time card in the HMI use the TCI Control Panel Applet to define the interface to the card. Refer to the TCI Control Panel Applet section for more information. 6-92 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Time Zone Make - TZ_MAKE Many applications need to convert times between local time and Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). Information on the relationship between local time and UTC is stored in the F:\TIMEZONE.DAT file. TZ_MAKE is a utility program that builds TIMEZONE.DAT. It is a rule-based program that calculates past and future dates and times for transitions between Standard Time from/to Daylight Time. It generates entries starting five years before the year in which it is run, and generates 100 entries. For example, if TZ_MAKE is run in 1996, it generates entries spanning from 1991 through 2040 inclusive. By default, TZ_MAKE uses the COMPUTER site local timezone information. This is the preferred method. To create F:\TIMEZONE.DAT using TZ_MAKE and the COMPUTER site local timezone information. From the Command Prompt, run the TZ_Make utility as follows. Type: cd /d f:\ Press Enter. TZ_MAKE timezone.dat Press Enter. The f:\timezone.dat file is created. (refer to the sample file) Optionally, the user can define a TZ parameter to define the rules used to calculate Standard/Daylight transition date, as described below. To Create a F:\TIMEZONE.DAT using TZ_MAKE and the TZ parameter to define the time zone. From the Command Prompt, run the TZ_Make utility as follows. Type: cd /d f:\ Press Enter. TZ_MAKE timezone.dat "TZ=<timezone definition>" Press Enter. The f:\timezone.dat file is created (refer to the sample file) The TZ parameter is defined as follows: • TZ= is used to define the rules on daylight savings to standard time transitions. • If TZ=<timezone definition> is specified, it must be enclosed in double quotes. • If TZ= argument is omitted, local Windows NT timezone rules are used. <timezone definition> takes the following form (spaces are for clarity only): std offset dst offset, rule std, dst are strings containing three or more characters and spaces as follows: std is the name to use for Standard Time. dst is the name to use for Daylight Savings Time. offset takes the form HH[:MM[:SS]], optionally preceded by "+" or "-". These indicate the values to add to LOCAL time to arrive at UTC. "-" indicates the local area is East of the Prime Meridian. "+" indicates the local area is West of the Prime Meridian. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-93 rule std, dst takes the form of date/time, date/time, where the first date/time defines the transition from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time, and the second date/time defines the transition from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time. date is specified in the form Mm.n.d, where: m = month (1= January, 2 = February, .....12 = December) n = week of the month (1 = 1st week, 2 = 2nd week, 3 = 3rd week, 4 = 4th week, 5 = last d day of the month) d = day of the week (0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, .....6 = Saturday) time takes the form HH[:MM[:SS]] as above, but may not have "+" or "-" specified in front of HH. The following is a sample definition for Central Timezone of the U.S.A: TZ_MAKE timezone.dat "TZ=Central Standard Time6Central Daylight Time5,M4.1.0/2,M10.5.0/2" This example used the "TZ=" construct to define the transitions for Central Time USA. It displays that Central Standard Time is 6 hours earlier than UTC, and that Central Daylight Time is 5 hours earlier than UTC. Daylight Savings Time begins on the first Sunday in April at 02:00:00. Standard Time begins on the last Sunday in October at 02:00:00. An abbreviated sample output is as follows: ; ; TZ_MAKE Generated File. ; ; This file was created on: 20-NOV-1996 20:06:32 (UTC) ; ; NOTE: This file was created using a day-of-week and week-of-month algorithm. ; This file may require editing if local laws caused changes in actual ; standard/daylight transition dates. ; ; The TZ argument used to create this text file was: ; ; "TZ=Central Standard Time6Central ; Daylight Time5,M4.1.0/2,M10.5.0/2" ; ; Standard Time Name: Central Standard Time ; Standard Time is entered on the last ; Sunday in October ; at 02:00:00 (Local Time) ; ; ; Daylight Time Name: Central Daylight Time ; Daylight Time is entered on the first Sunday in April ; at 02:00:00 (Local Time) ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------; ; Time Offset Definition Table. Each entry ; defines number of minutes ; correction to use when Universal Time ; Coordinated (UTC) crosses: ; 6-94 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ; TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET TIME_OFFSET -----------UTC---------07-APR-1991 08:00:00.000 27-OCT-1991 07:00:00.000 05-APR-1992 08:00:00.000 25-OCT-1992 07:00:00.000 04-APR-1993 08:00:00.000 31-OCT-1993 07:00:00.000 03-APR-1994 08:00:00.000 30-OCT-1994 07:00:00.000 02-APR-1995 08:00:00.000 29-OCT-1995 07:00:00.000 07-APR-1996 08:00:00.000 27-OCT-1996 07:00:00.000 06-APR-1997 08:00:00.000 26-OCT-1997 07:00:00.000 05-APR-1998 08:00:00.000 25-OCT-1998 07:00:00.000 04-APR-1999 08:00:00.000 31-OCT-1999 07:00:00.000 02-APR-2000 08:00:00.000 Minutes Correction to LOCAL Time -300 -360 -300 -360 -300 -360 -300 -360 -300 -360 -300 -360 -300 -360 -300 -360 -300 -360 -300 TIME_OFFSET 29-OCT-2000 07:00:00.000 -360 TIME_OFFSET 01-APR-2001 08:00:00.000 -300 TIME_OFFSET 28-OCT-2001 07:00:00.000 -360 [Full file not shown] Note The resulting TIMEZONE.DAT file can require editing if local laws change the actual transition times normally used by a given locale. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-95 Time Zone Transition File (TIMEZONE.DAT) This section describes F:\TIMEZONE.DAT, and using the TZ_MAKE.EXE utility program. TIMEZONE.DAT is used to define the UTC based times of transition between Standard Time and Daylight Time. Each transition definition also contains an entry containing the number of minutes to add to a UTC based time tag to arrive at LOCAL time. TIMEZONE.DAT can contain up to 100 entries. A minimum of three entries is required. This allows a span of 50 years to be used for UTC/LOCAL time conversion lookup. The applications use the UTC based transition records to create internal LOCAL-based lookup records. These records allow applications to determine whether an input local time is Normal, or Non-existent (Springtime), or Ambiguous (Fall). The UTC based transition records are used as straight lookup entries. UTC Local Time translation is always exact. No UTC time later than or equal to the last transition record can be used. TZ_MAKE.EXE is a utility program that can make TIMEZONE.DAT (or a file by any other name). It is a rule-based program that calculates past and future date/times for transition to/from Standard Time from/to Daylight Time. It generates entries starting 5 years in front of the year in which it is run, and generates 100 entries. For example, if TZ_MAKE was run in 1996, it generated entries spanning from 1991 through 2040 inclusive. By default, TZ_MAKE uses the Windows operating system GetTimeZoneInformation routine to obtain the computer site local time zone information. Optionally, the user can define a TZ variable to define the rules used to calculate Standard/Daylight transition date. The form of this TZ definition is based on QNX/UNIX timezone rules. (Julian date formats are not supported.) Note The resulting TIMEZONE.DAT file can require editing if local laws change the actual transition times normally used by a given locale. 6-96 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Turbine Control Maintenance Icons The User Icon Program, UICON.EXE, automatically creates the Desktop and Start menu icons needed for the major tasks required for both HMI and unit configuration and control. Users can customize the menu selections by adding or deleting items through use of the user interface. For a Mark V the menu is filled out with many maintenance options, for a Mark VI it launches toolbox to display the configuration of the unit. Mark V This command will run UICON.EXE to rebuild the Desktop and the Start menu icons. The Mark V Turbine Control Maintenance Start Menu Selections GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-97 This program may be run from the command line: G:\EXEC\UICON.EXE or from the Start Menu-Turbine Control Maintenance section as displayed above. The program can rebuild the entire Turbine Control Maintenance section, and build desktop Icons. Refer to the Rebuild Start Menu section below. Mark VI The Mark VI Start menu is rebuilt by clicking on the menu icon. Rebuild Start Menu Rebuild Start Menu The Rebuild Start Menu dialog box displays when the program is started. There is an option to remove the existing definitions then rebuild. This option deletes all icons and folders in the Turbine Control Maintenance section, including any user created custom selections, then replaces them with the TCI standard set. Do not use this option if you wish to keep any customization. The default option is not to remove the existing definitions. The second option adds the unit configuration icons to the desktop. The default is not to create desktop icons. Rebuild Start Menu Dialog Box 6-98 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide EM_ANA - Emissions Analysis The emissions analysis receive program, EM_ANA, receives ASCII data over an HMI RS-232C input port, checks and scales the data, and then outputs it to the specified Mark V LM controller. The data sent to the controller uses BMS (Basic Message Service) analog setpoint command messages. Refer to Configuration File (F:\IO_PORTS.DAT) section in this chapter. The EM_ANA program was originally written to support only the Mark V LM, but with TCI V02.05.00 it learned how to deal with a Mark VI. It does not handle a Mark V, only Mark V LM and Mark VI. Configuration file format The F:\IO_PORTS.DAT data file is created or modified to specify the port and data information. Other programs can use this file so section headers determine which information is appropriate for each program. The data file interprets a semicolon as a comment character for the remainder of each line. Port data consists of zero or one-port section headings entitled [em_ana_setup]. If no file is found, or if no correct port section headings are detected, the program terminates and no emissions analysis function is supported until restart. If one port section heading is found, then the program runs and supports the specified port. A maximum of one section heading may be specified; section headers are not casesensitive. In the [em_ana_setup] section, several port and unit characteristics are specified by including a keyword and a corresponding data value on a separate line. The available keywords are: PORT, UNIT, BAUD, PARITY, DATABITS, STOPBITS, XONXOFF, TRAILER, PORT_IT, PORT_TT Keywords are not case-sensitive. Each keyword must appear on its own line followed by one or more spaces and a corresponding data value. Extra spaces and comments may be added as desired. The following defines the key words in the F:\IO_PORTS.DAT file: • port specifies the name of the RS-232C port where data is received. Do not follow the port name with a colon. This entry is required. • unit specifies the unit name where data is to be written using analog setpoints. The unit name is a maximum length of two characters. Specify the unit desired for the possible units supported. File F:\CONFIG.DAT specifies the unit names; Refer to the UNIT_DATA section. This entry is required. • baud specifies the baud rate desired. Specify this as a whole number, using any of the standard computer baud rates supported. Do not use the letter K to denote a thousand. This entry is required. • parity specifies the parity used. Specify 0 when no parity bit is used, specify 1 when odd parity is used, specify 2 when even parity is used, specify 3 when mark (always 1) parity is used, and specify 4 when space (always 0) parity is used. This entry is required. • databits specifies the number of bits per character. Specify a number between 5 and 8 inclusive. This entry is required. • stopbits specifies the number of stop bits used. Specify 0 to use 1 stop bit, specify 1 to use 1.5 stop bits, and specify 2 to use 2 stop bits. This entry is required. • xonxoff enables or disables the control-S, control-Q flow control. Specify 1 to enable flow control. This entry is required. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-99 • trailer specifies the number of characters to follow the ASCII data stream. Specify 1 if just a linefeed terminates. Specify 2 if a carriage return linefeed pair terminate. • port_it specifies a timeout interval between characters. This number represents the maximum time in ms between characters before a message receive in progress times out and is ignored. Port_it defaults to 40. This does not affect timing before the first character. • port_tt specifies a total record timeout. This number represents the maximum time in ms between the first character and the final end of record character (linefeed). If this time is exceeded, a message in progress times out and is ignored. Port_tt defaults to 200. This does not affect timing before the first character. Data file format Each Em_Ana section in the F:\io_ports.dat file points to a Corresponding EM_ANA.DAT in the appropriate unit directory. For example, if F:\IO_PORTS.DAT has a [em_ana_setup] section that refers to unit T1 and unit T1 is assigned to the directory F:\UNIT1 in F:\CONFIG.DAT, the EM_ANA program reads the file F:\UNIT1\EM_ANA.DAT for a list of emissions analysis points to be received for the Mark V LM unit. The following is an example portion of an EM_ANA.DAT file: ; ; This is the ; between the ; ;point gain COPPM 2 EQUIVR_1 1 setup definition file for the RS232-c link HMI and the Emissions Analysis System. offset 4 ; PPM 0 ; N_D EFF_2 1 0 ; PCT HCPPM CO2DRY O2DRY NOXRAW UHCRAW NOPPM NOXPPM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PPM PCT PCT PPM PPM PPM PPM ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;EMISSION DATA FOR ;EMISSION DATA FOR EQUIVALENCE RATIO ;EMISSION DATA FOR EFFICIENCY ;EMISSION DATA FOR ;EMISSION DATA FOR ;EMISSION DATA FOR ;EMISSION DATA FOR ;EMISSION DATA FOR ;EMISSION DATA FOR ;EMISSION DATA FOR CO @ 15%O2 COMBUSTOR COMBUSTOR UHC @15%O2 CO2 O2 NOX UHC NO @15%O2 NOX @15%O2 In the EM_ANA.DAT file, a list of points follows, one per line, with each pointname optionally followed by a gain and offset. The gain and offset, if omitted, default to 1.0 and 0.0 respectively. Up to 15 points may be listed. Each point is set to the proper value using an analog setpoint command; therefore each point specified must be enabled for analog setpoint control. 6-100 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Data stream format For the example above, with 10 data points (see comments below), the EM_ANA program verifies data is in a 91-character burst containing 10 data values with each value in 8.3 format followed by a colon. The last data value is followed by a colon and then line feed. 8.3 format is 8 characters with 3 places after the decimal point. 0000.000:1111.111:2222.222:33... 8888.888:9999.999:Lf Communication integrity is monitored as follows: • If the 91-character burst (see note 5) is received without error, data is copied to the 10 data points. • If bad data is received, the entire 91-character burst is ignored. • If no good data is received within seven seconds, data with value -9999.9 is copied to the 10 data points. • If other than 10 points are configured, then the burst of ASCII characters received from the EM_ANA program is other than 92 characters. The exact count is calculated as n*9 + trailer where n is the number of points configured and trailer is specified in the data file. Program considerations The program normally resides at G:\EXEC\EM_ANA.EXE. The program is automatically run when the HMI software is started. As a debugging tool, a global section trace buffer can be viewed with the command: gbl2file em_ana_trace <some_file_name> This creates a file with a snapshot of the operating condition of the program and error conditions. Error message and time stamped data streams are placed in this global section trace. If the program encounters an error or terminates early due to a serious error in the data file, an error message is placed in the global section. In addition, a log file describing the problem is placed in the G:\LOG\Em_Ana.log file. Performance Monitor The EfficiencyMap™ v. 7.0 Performance Monitoring Software is an HMI option to calculate and display turbine power and efficiency. Efficiency is defined as fuel consumption per unit power production. Power plant performance monitoring is defined here as a process to continuously evaluate the power generation capacity and efficiency of plant equipment. EfficiencyMap™ continuously calculates a gas turbine’s performance defined by its current capacity and efficiency. It then calculates the performance change relative to a defined reference point or benchmark that defines good performance. The performance monitor can take its input from Mark V or Mark VI controllers. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-101 Using EMapView EMapView provides an interface to the EfficiencyMap™ inputs and calculated results. The plant’s current performance can be evaluated using the report screens. EMapView Main Window The main EmapView display shows three reports configured for this application (Performance Report, Status Report and Equipment Status Indicators). On the left is an explorer window similar to the Microsoft Windows’ Explorer, used to open various reports. This is the same design as used within. Reports are loaded by double clicking on the name on the explorer window. Reports can be dragged-and-dropped into new locations in the tree structure and can be renamed by highlighting the report name first, then single clicking on the name. 6-102 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Setup Procedure (Heavy Duty Gas Turbines, EMAP 7) This section outlines the steps necessary to install the Performance Monitor software on an HMI. GE requisition engineers and site-field engineers must edit the associated data files to ensure system coordination. On an HMI, the Performance Monitor is run automatically by the TCI service. TCI supports this function for Mark V and Mark VI Turbine Controls. The TCI program EMAPRUN.EXE checks to see that the Efficiency Map (EMap) executable files are installed, and that the unit has a set of EMap data files in each unit configuration directory. It then runs EMap for that unit automatically every ten minutes. The results of the last successful Performance Monitor run can be viewed with the EmapView program. The results are explained in the Efficiency Map documentation. Note There is no historical storage of performance results data on the GE Simple Cycle Performance Monitor. Efficiency Map Executable Files The Efficiency Map (EMap) executable files are provided by GE Enter Software, and are available on a CDROM distribution disk from GE Salem. The software should be installed on one HMI Server at the customer site. This HMI Server must have TCI software version 1.6 or greater installed for Emap 7 to function correctly. The EMap executable images should be installed on the same hard drive as Windows (called the system drive) and in the \EMAP7 directory, typically C:\EMAP7. The GE requisition engineer is responsible for placing the UNITn data files created by GE Enter Software to multiple units. The GE requisition engineer must then perform all the steps described in the following sections to complete the installation. The F:\UNITn\EMAP\Model\EMAP.CFG file is unique for each individual unit and should never be copied from unit to unit. This file contains specific references to the individual UNITn directory, and must be checked to insure that it references the correct UNITn directory. In particular, the error log file line in the [common] section must be checked so that it references the proper unit, such as the following, for the unit2 directory: [common] error log file=F:\Unit2\emap\history\status.log Check to ensure that the line hmi=true exists in the [INTERFACE] section as displayed in the following example. If this line does not exist, then add it. This line is used to give the EMapView interface the appropriate configuration for the HMI installation. [INTERFACE] hmi=true Do not modify any other lines in the CFG file. Any other paths you see are either specifically set or are not used on this installation. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-103 The GE requisition engineer must create the F:\UNITn\EMAP\EMAPRUN.DAT file to match the individual EMap inputs and their scaling for each particular unit. It is necessary to restart TCI after making changes to this file. Standard files for both the Mark V and Mark VI are available on request. The following is an example of the standard Mark V emaprun.dat file: ; ; ; EMAPRUN.DAT for EMAP 7 ; ; This file contains a mapping of the points in the Mark V ; Data Dictionary to the points required ; by EMAP. A Gain and Offset are supported here so that it will be ; independent of the ; engineering units selected for ; display. By not using a reference to the display scale code set, this ; user is even free to change the units in the ENGLISH or METRIC set, and ; not effect this program mapping into the specified EMAP units. ; ; For Mark VI, the controller is typically in English units so the gain ; and offset will usually be 1 and 0 respectively. ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; INPUTS ; ; The input section defines the EMAP signal name and the parameters ; required to manufacture that signal. The basic format is: ; ; EMAPName = DictionaryName, Gain, Offset, "Units", "Description" ; ; where ; ; EMAPName is the name that EMAP gives the signal. This must match the ; name used in the EMAP model. This typically does not change from ; site to site. ; ; DictionaryName is the name of the point in the Mark V Data Dictionary. ; If no UNIT name is supplied (which is the typical case) the point is ; collected from the UNIT that the analysis is being done for. Typically ; the only time a UNIT name is given here is in the case where there may ; be one sensor at the site that all UNITs must use. (This is often the ; case with the Ambient Pressure or Ambient Humidity sensor.) ; ; Gain and Offset define the translation from the raw native units in ; the controller to what EMAP requires. This seldom needs to be changed ; unless the native scaling in the UNIT is changed, or the EMAP model ; has been changed to work in different engineering units. ; ; Units is an optional text string that defines the engineering units ; that result from the given gain and offset. This is NOT used by the ; calculations, but is included here as an optional parameter to help ; document the configuration. The units shown are the units expected ; by EMAP. The gain and offset should be adjusted to produce these units. ; ; Description is an optional text string that defines the function of ; the point being passed. This is NOT used by the calculations, but is ; included here as an optional parameter to help document the ; configuration. ; ; Note: ; ; Include all DictionaryNames that are available. If a DictionaryName ; is not available a constant value may be substituted by a placing the ; value within quotes. This is not a necessary action, EMap uses ; default values for all non critical inputs which are not provided. ; 6-104 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ; Example: ; OILFUEL_GT1_TEMP = "59", 2048, 0, "deg F", "Oil fuel temperature" ; Extra white space can be included between parameters to aid in the ; reading of this file. The programs that read this file ignore any ; whitespace within a line that is not inside quotation marks. ; ; Example: ; ; GT1_CPD=CPD,2048,0,"psi (gage),"Compressor discharge pressure" ; GT1_CDT=CTDA1,2048,0,"deg F","Compressor discharge temperature" ; ; or ; ; GT1_CPD = CPD, 2048, 0, "psi", "Compressor discharge pressure" ; GT1_CDT = CTDA1, 2048, 0, "deg F", "Compressor discharge temperature" ; ; ; ***** NOTE: This section starts the data definition area ***** ; ***** Required 'Critical' Inputs ***** ; [Inputs] PLANT_PAMB =AFPAP, 512,0, "In Hga", "Ambient pressure" GT1_CDP =CPD, 2048,0, "psig", "Compressor discharge pressure" GT1_IGV =CSGV, 128,0, "DGA", "Inlet Guide vane angle" GT1_CDT1 =CTDA1, 2048,0, "deg F", "Compressor discharge temperature" INLET1_GT1_TEMP1 =CTIF1A, 2048,0, "deg F", "Compressor inlet temperature" GT1_PWRGRS =DWATT1, 512,0, "MW", "Gas Turbine gross power" GT1_OUTLET1_TEMP =TTXM, 2048,0, "deg F", "Gas turbine exhaust temperature" GT1_OUTLET1_TEMP_REF =TTRXP, 2048,0, "deg F", "Primary exhaust temperature control reference" ; ; Select fuel to be used ; NGFUEL_GT1_FLOW =FQG1, 64,0, "#/sec", "Natural gas fuel flow" ;OILFUEL_GT1_FLOW =FQLM1, 64,0, "#/sec", "Oil fuel flow" ; ; ***** Select 'Optional' Inputs ***** ; PLANT_SHAMB =CMHUM, 128,0, "%", "Inlet specific humidity" GT1_INDP =AFPCS, 512,0, "In H2Og", "Inlet pressure drop" GT1_OUTDP =AFPEP, 512,0, "In H2Og", "Outlet pressure drop" GT1_CDT2 =CTDA2, 2048,0, "deg F", "Compressor discharge temperature" GT1_CDT3 =CTD, 2048,0, "deg F", "Max compressor discharge temperature" INLET1_GT1_TEMP2 =CTIF1B, 2048,0, "deg F", "Compressor inlet temperature" INLET1_GT1_TEMP3 =CTIM, 2048,0, "deg F", "Max compressor inlet temperature" NGFUEL_GT1_TEMP =FTG, 2048,0, "deg F", "Natural gas fuel temperature" NGFUEL_GT1_LHV =KFG_LHV, 2048,0, "MBtu/klb","Natural gas Lower Heating Value" ;OILFUEL_GT1_TEMP =????, 2048,0, "deg F", "Oil fuel temperature" ;OILFUEL_GT1_LHV =????, 2048,0, "MBtu/klb","Oil fuel Lower Heating Value" ;H2ONOX_GT1_FLOW =WQJ, 2048,0, "#/sec", "Water/steam injection ;flow for Nox control" ;H2ONOX_GT1_TEMP =STSJ, 2048,0, "deg F", "Water/steam injection ;temperature for Nox control" ;H2ONOX_GT1_PRES =SPSJ, 2048,0, "psig", "Water/steam injection ;pressure for Nox control" ;H2OAUG_GT1_FLOW =WQJA, 2048,0, "#/sec", "Water/steam injection ;flow for power augmentation" ;H2OAUG_GT1_TEMP =STAJ, 2048,0, "deg F", "Water/steam injection ;temperature for power augmentation" ;H2OAUG_GT1_PRES =SPAJ, 2048,0, "psig", "Water/steam injection ;pressure for power augmentation" ; GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-105 EmapView icons created on the desktop by the installation of EMAP7 cannot be used, so new ones should be created. After configuring the EMAP files and loading them on the HMI, menu picks need to be created for viewing the performance results with EmapView. Follow-up Emap7 Tuning. Once the system has been operational for at least one month and the engines have operated at base load at least 5 % of that time, EMap7 will need tuning. The GE Field Engineer should zip the 31 *.CSV files from the F:\Unitn\EMAP\Data\ASCII directory and send them to the GE Field Support Engineer for review. Diagnosing problems. Any time GE is to be contacted regarding diagnosing problems with the EMap system, zip the entire F:\UNITn directory and send it to GE along with background information. It may be necessary for GE personnel to dial in to the system to tune-up the constants in the EMap data files and monitor the program functions. NetMeeting is provided on the HMI for this purpose. It is not necessary (or desirable) to have this program running continuously, nor to have a phone line connected to the HMI continuously. Special arrangements can be made with GE to coordinate their phone access to the HMI. Alarm Printing and Logging The Alarm and Event Logger program prints incoming alarm and event messages from the controllers on a predefined printer. This program is part of the TCI software in the HMI. The Alarm Logger program runs automatically and requires very little system setup. Once the Alarm Logger is running, the logger control dialog box (logger.exe) can be used to control the logging of specific items from the various units attached to the system. Note Do not use the CIMPLICITY Alarm Printing to print turbine alarms, use the TCI Alarm and Event Logger. The Alarm and Event Logger program requires that the following items be set up as part of the TCI software configuration: • A Windows printer must be named Alarm Printer using the Print Manager. This printer receives all the alarm and event log messages. The printer should generally be associated with a line-printing device such as a dot matrix printer rather than a page printing device such as a laser printer. This allows the alarm and event records to be examined as they are received and printed out. • The alarm and event logging printer must be configured with a small font to allow printing alarm and event messages on a single line. Alarm messages can be up to 90 characters wide, event messages up to 140 characters wide. A font pitch of 15 characters per inch on 8.5 inch wide paper allows all alarm messages to be printed on a single line, and all but the widest event messages to be printed on a single line. This should be configured as the default font size on the printer. Once these two items are done, the Alarm and Event Logger logs alarm and event messages to the Alarm Printer as they are received, as filtered by the Logger Control dialog box. 6-106 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide TCI and CIMPLICITY Alarm Printer Sharing Some sites contain devices (such as PLCs) that interface directly into CIMPLICITY and can generate alarms. Sometimes it is desired to merge the alarm information from these devices with the TCI based controller alarms onto one printer. This can be accomplished by sharing the printer used by TCI and having CIMPLICITY write to the shared printer. This provides a single output page containing alarms from both systems merged and printed as they occur. TCI Turbine controls Alarm Printer Alarms from TCI and CIMPLICITY merged into print queue CIMPLICITY System dot-martix printer Share Name: alarmpri BOP, PLC TCI and CIMPLICITY Alarm Printer Sharing To setup the printer to merge alarm signals from two sources: 1 Open the Printers folder on the HMI. 2 Right click on the printer named Alarm Printer and select Properties. 3 Select the Sharing Tab. 4 Select Share this printer. 5 Verify Share name is Alarm Printer and select OK. It is necessary to share an Alarm Printer between CIMPLICITY and TCI. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-107 Alarm History Mark IV, Mark V, Mark V LM, and Mark VI The TCI Historical Alarm subsystem has the ability to save alarms to the TCI Historical data directory as they are received. A Web-based query can be used to retrieve the information. The alarms display in the Web browser, which should have a Print option. The Print option is the standard Windows Print; it can print to any print queue on any computer connected to the network. Often a site has one laser printer connected to a single HMI, and all other printouts are directed to this printer. The Web-based reports all ask the user for the units desired, then print the alarms in order of occurrence for the list of units selected. If all plant alarms are wanted, select all units, and if only one unit's alarms are wanted, select and print one unit at a time. Use the Back button in the browser to select a different unit or set of units. Alarm Collection. Alarm collection is a new function under TCI 1.5. To enable alarm history, add the following entry to the F:\CONFIG.DAT file under the Options section: ALARM_HISTORY=YES To specify the location of the TCI Historical data directory location for the history files, add the following entry to the F:\CONFIG.DAT file under the Options section: HST_DIR=C:\HMIDATA If this entry is not present, the default of C:\HMIDATA is used. Make sure that the specified directory exists otherwise data will not be saved. Alarms, Events, and SOEs are collected by default. The following displays how to modify the options section of F:\CONFIG.DAT to change the default configuration: • To disable the collection of process alarms, modify as follows: HST_ALM=NO • To disable the collection of events, modify as follows: HST_EVT=NO • To disable the collection of SOEs, modify as follows: HST_SOE=NO 6-108 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Disk Manager This disk space used for historical storage is limited to prevent filling up the hard drive. There are two criteria used to remove files, age and space. The age is always limited to the last 30 days; files older than this will automatically be removed. Prior to TCI V03.04.02 the space used was limited to no more than 10 MB. TCI V03.04.02 added the ability to change the amount of space used to allow for storing either more or less information as desired. This will only trim files in the TCI Historical Data directory. Other subsystems, such as the Mark VI Trip Logs from Data Historian, have their own methods for purging their historical files. The settings are made in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file’s OPTIONS section. The settings are: • Trim files to provide this much free disk space (MB). Default value displayed: DSKMGR_FreeSpaceMB = 250 • Do not use more than this amount of disk space (MB). Default value displayed: DSKMGR_MaxUsedMB • = 150 Do not trim files to below this amount of disk space (MB). Default value displayed: DSKMGR_MinUsedMB = 10 To handle error conditions: • If only MinUsed is supplied but it is larger than the default MaxUsed then increase MaxUsed to match the user supplied MinUsed. • If only MaxUsed is supplied but it is smaller than the default MinUsed then decrease MinUsed to match the user supplied MaxUsed. • If both MinUsed and MaxUsed are supplied but MinUsed is larger than MaxUsed then increase MaxUsed to match MinUsed. (In case of conflicting information opt to save the data instead of throw it away.) GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-109 Control Hierarchy (F:\CTRL_LOC.DAT) Control Hierarchy is an optional scheme to define for Mark V controllers different control locations and pass control between these locations. Control locations are defined, and then different elements in the system are configured to only send commands if the current control location allows it. Note The control location is an identifying number in the controller indicating the network elements that are allowed to send commands to the controller. The HMI implements the commands that are forwarded to the Mark V controller through Control Hierarchy. This is a cooperative function between the HMI and the controller. The controller maintains a CONTROL LEVEL variable, and each HMI processor looks at the controller's current control level to decide if that HMI is allowed to send commands to it. Any element of the system that can initiate a command is called a CONTROL PORT. The database of an HMI server is an example of a control port, as is the Modbus link and the Ethernet link. Control Hierarchy is implemented by specifying which control ports are allowed to send commands to a controller based upon the unit's current control location. Each unit has its own current control location, which is stored in the unit control. When a CIMPLICITY Viewer is attached to a CIMPLICITY Server the commands entered at the Viewer act as if they were entered at the Server. If there are Viewers in different Control Hierarchy regions then each Viewer should be attached to a Server in the same region. For example: Local Viewers should connect to a Local Server, Remote Viewers should connect to a Remote Server. Defining a Control Hierarchy This summarizes how to define a Control Hierarchy. Details of each of the steps are provided in the following sections. 6-110 • Chapter 6 HMI 1 Decide how many control locations should exist. 2 Decide which control ports can send commands to the unit while it is in each control location. 3 Decide which ports are allowed to change the control location, based on the current control location. 4 Create the HMI file F:\CTRL_LOC.DAT according to the decisions made in steps 1, 2, and 3. 5 (Optional) Modify the HMI configuration to define an enumerated state table, which defines the control locations. 6 Create the HMI displays for changing the control locations. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Step 1: Decide how many control locations should exist. The Control Location is held by the Mark V controller, and is always set to zero (0) when the control panel is reset. For that reason, Control Location 0 is usually defined as being UNASSIGNED. Control Location 1 is often used to indicate control is isolated to the Backup Operator Interface (BOI). No control ports can send commands to the controller when the control location is in BOI. This form of control is often used by maintenance. The higher numbered control locations are typically used for control locations such as: HMI, MODBUS, and ETHERNET. At the very extreme is the case where a different control location is defined for each HMI Server, and only that HMI Server is allowed to send commands. There is a limit of 16 control locations, numbered from 0 to 15, allowed at any site. Step 2 - Decide which control ports can send commands to the unit while it is in each control location. These decisions are easy once the number of control levels is defined. Some sites select the ability for all control ports to send commands to units that are UNASSIGNED, while other sites can decide that no commands can be sent to UNASSIGNED units, the control location must be changed to assign the unit to a control location first. If you define a control location of BOI, do not let any control ports send commands to the unit while it is in BOI control. An additional (optional) feature of the Control Hierarchy is the ability to block commands based on a logic signal in the controller. If a LOCKOUT signal is defined for the unit, when the lockout signal is true only one specified command is sent to the controller. That one command must have the ability to set the LOCKOUT signal to false. This LOCKOUT signal is sometimes used to block commands when the controller has been selected for CABLE REMOTE operation. If the logic is true in the controller that indicates that the unit is in CABLE REMOTE operation (usually L43CA), it blocks all commands except the SC43 command, which is used to change from CABLE REMOTE back to AUTO. Note It is usually not necessary to block HMI commands while operating the unit in CABLE REMOTE selection, but this can be done if desired. If commands are not disabled, the HMI is simply a peer with the cable remote commands. Normal control hierarchy can take care of multiple HMI processors. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-111 Step 3 - Decide which ports are allowed to change the control location, based on the current control location. The next major decision is what control ports are allowed to change the control location from one value to another. This is done dependent upon the current control location. A useful philosophy is that any control port that is closer to the turbine can take control if desired. This means that an HMI can take control away from a Modbus link, or an Ethernet link, and the BOI can take control away from any location. When changing control, control is taken, not given away. This prevents the control being turned over to another location that is unaware that it is expected to take control. Step 4 - Create the HMI file F:\CTRL_LOC.DAT according to the decisions made in steps 1, 2, and 3. Once the decisions are made on how the Control Hierarchy is to be implemented, the actual implementation is done by creating a file on each HMI. The file is the F:\CTRL_LOC.DAT file that is an ASCII text file that can be edited using the standard text editor. This data file defines a COMMAND table that indicates what control ports are allowed to forward commands and alarm commands to the unit based upon the unit's current control location. This table will be different for HMI processors at different levels. For example, the local HMI has the table filled in differently than the remote HMI. The data file also defines a TRANSFER table that indicates what control ports are allowed to change the current control location based upon the unit's current control location. This table is also different for HMI processors at different levels. If desired, the LOCKOUT signal and the one command that can be passed when the lockout signal is TRUE can be defined. Step 5 - (Optional) Modify the HMI configuration to define an enumerated state table, which defines the control locations. The HMI processor uses a special signal in the Mark V control panel to hold the control location. The point used has the pointname of I_C_CTRL_1. This signal defaults to an analog signal scaled with a scale type of CNT15. When displayed, it is shown as an integer. Many sites prefer to change this point from an integer to an enumerated state point. This allows the displays to show the control locations as: "UNASSIGNED" - "BOI" - "LOCAL" - "DCS" - “REMOTE" instead of simply 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4. This can be done by editing the ENUMDATA.DAT file for the unit to define a new enumerated type that contains the strings for the control locations. Once this table has been defined the I_C_CTRL_1 signal can have its scale type changed from CNT15 to ENMnn, where nn is the number of the newly created control locations enumerated table. Once this is done, the displays show the control location using the enumerated string, not the integer value. If your site is using synonyms, you can also edit the SYNONYM.DAT file to include a synonym for the I_C_CTRL_1 point. 6-112 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Step 6 - Create the HMI displays for changing the control locations. Any display that can send a command to the controller can have a command added to change the control locations. Add control targets to send the I_C_CTRL_1 point the value of the desired control location. The HMI checks the command against the TRANSFER table before sending the command to the controller. The following is a sample CTRL_LOC.DAT file: ; ; CTRL_LOC.DAT ; ; This file defines the parameters required to ; implement Control Hierarchy ; for the Mark V. ; ; *********************************************************************** ; The default CTRL_LOC.DAT file is defined by GE Energy Standards, it ; may be necessary to modify this file for a ; specific site or customer ; application. Please feel free to do so. However, if the file is ; altered from this standard it may be necessary ; to investigate changing ; the sequencing to correspond. ; *********************************************************************** ; ;--------UNIT Definition Section--------------------------------------; ; The UNIT section defines which units the tables ; are being defined for. ; At some sites all units will share the same tables, ; and at other sites ; there may be different tables for each unit. ; ; The unit section is the keyword UNIT followed ; by the unit NAMES of the ; units that the following tables are valid for. ; All units that the <I> ; will control must be listed in this file. ; For multi-unit <I>'s where ; all units are to have the same COMMAND and ; TRANSFER tables list the units ; as follows: ; ;UNIT T1 T2 S1 ... etc ; ; If the units are to have different COMMAND and TRANSFER tables they ; must be listed separately: ; ;UNIT T1 ;COMMAND ... ;TRANSFER ... ; ;UNIT T2 ;COMMAND ... ;TRANSFER ... ;... etc ; ; UNIT T1 ; List of units that use the following tables. ; ;--------LOCKOUT Section---------------------------------------------; ; The (optional) LOCKOUT section is used to ; block commands if the given ; logic signal is TRUE, passing only the given command. ; Needless to say, ; the one command that is passed needs to be able GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-113 ; to change the state of ; the lockout logic. ; ; The header line is simply the word "LOCKOUT". ; The data line is the name of the logic signal, ; followed by the name of ; the one command allowed when that logic signal is TRUE. ; No unit names ; can be specified in the point name fields. ; ;LOCKOUT ; If logic is true, only this one command is allowed ; L43CA SC43 ; Allow only SC43 (mode select) if on cable remote ; ;--------COMMAND Table Section----------------------------------------; ; The command table indicates which control ports are ; allowed to forward ; commands to the unit based upon the unit's current control location. ; There can be at most 16 control locations, numbered 0 to 15. ; The panel will boot up in control location zero (0), ; which is usually "unassigned". ; ; The lines must be three "words", ; where the first is the current control ; location, the second is the list of which ; control ports can send commands, ; and the third is the list of which control ports can send ; alarm commands. ; A period "." can be used as a place holder to ; give a column oriented table. ; ; The control ports are: ; I - The Interactive Session, commands from CIMPLICITY ; M - The MODBUS port ; E - The ETHERNET port (GSM) ; COMMAND ; This defines the command table ; ; CONTROL CONTROL ALARM ;Control Location Description ; LOCATION COMMANDS COMMANDS ; --------------------------------------------------0 I.. I.. ; Unassigned 1 ... ... ; Backup Operator Interface Only 2 I.. I.. ; Local HMI Control 3 ... ... ;General Remote (MODBUS/Ethernet/Cable) 4 ... ... ; Remote HMI Control ; ;--------TRANSFER Table Section---------------------------------------; ; The transfer table indicates which control ports ; are allowed to set a new ; control location based upon the unit's current control location. ; The control port descriptions follow the same format ; (one word per location) ; as the command table above. Regardless of the COMMAND table entries ; the Control Location Command Word will always be accepted. Whether or ; not it is obeyed is determined by the TRANSFER table. ; TRANSFER ; This table shows what transfers of control location are allowed ; ; CURRENT <---- DESIRED LOCATION -----> ; Location 0 1 2 3 4 ; -----------------0 ... ... I.. ... ... 1 ... ... ... ... ... 2 I.. I.. ... I.. I.. 3 ... ... I.. ... ... 4 ... ... I.. ... ... 6-114 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; The above tables show the settings used for a typical local HMI. ; For the Remote HMI the following COMMAND and TRANSFER ; tables are suggested. ; This implies that the Remote HMI must take control (when a unit is ; unassigned) or be given control prior to sending commands. ; The Remote can ; set the unit to Unassigned, but can not hand control to ; the local HMI (the local HMI must take control from the remote HMI). ; ; The Remote can turn ; control over to the DCS, or take control back from the DCS. ; ; COMMAND ; This defines the command table ; ; CONTROL CONTROL ALARM ;Control Location Description ; LOCATION COMMANDS COMMANDS ; --------------------------------------------------0 ... ... ; Unassigned 1 ... ... ; Backup Operator Interface Only 2 ... ... ; Local HMI Control 3 ... ... ;General Remote (MODBUS/Ethernet/Cable) 4 I.. I.. ; Remote HMI Control ; ;TRANSFER ; This table shows what transfers of control ;location are allowed ; ; CURRENT <---- DESIRED LOCATION -----> ; Location 0 1 2 3 4 ; -----------------0 ... ... ... I.. I.. 1 ... ... ... ... ... 2 ... ... ... ... ... 3 ... ... ... ... I.. 4 I.. ... ... I.. ... ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-115 Setting the HMI Web Server Homepage The user has the option of using the TCI web page as the computer’s homepage. The TCI web page contains a clickable list of utilities for viewing unit information as new displays. These displays cannot perform control functions of a unit. The name of TCI web page file is tci.htm and it is located in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\geds\ as part of the installation process. To use this file as the computer’s home page it must be copied to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ and renamed to default.htm. The following procedure does this with one command. To set the TCI page as the computer’s home page • Log into an account with Administrator privileges. • Open a Command Prompt window and enter the following command: COPY c:\inetpub\wwwroot\geds\tci.htm c:\inetpub\wwwroot\default.htm Copy and Rename TCI Home Page If the TCI web page is made the computer’s home page then requesting the home page of the computer (or localhost if running on the HMI) will result in the TCI web page being presented. TCI Home Page If the TCI web page is not used as the computer’s home page, a link to the TCI web page should be added to the computer’s home page. Use the sample below as a model. <a href=”/GEDS/TCI.htm”>TCI Home Page</a> 6-116 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide HMI Web Server Configuration To configure the HMI Web Server 1 Open the Internet Information Services Manager while logged in as Administrator by clicking Start - All Programs – Administrative Tools – Internet Information Services. 2 Expand <computer name>(local computer) and Web Sites to get to the Default Web Site entry. Right click on Default Web Site and chose Properties. 3 Select the Home Directory tab and verify that 4 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide • The directory is c:\inetpub\wwwroot • The Read checkbox is selected • The Write checkbox is not checked (for security reasons) Select the Documents tab and verify Chapter 6 HMI • 6-117 5 • The Enable Default Document box is checked • Default.htm appears in the list of documents, usually at the top of the list TCI uses three virtual directories for its displays and log files. These virtual directories should already exist, but if they do not they need to be created. • If the virtual directory already exists, check its settings by right clicking on the virtual directory name and choosing Properties. Verify that the properties are as displayed in Property Setting column of the table Virtual Directory Settings. • If the virtual directory does not already exist it must be created by right clicking on the Default Web Site and choosing New – Virtual Directory. Use the items in the Wizard Settings column to answer the wizard’s questions. After the virtual directory has been created you can check the settings by using the procedure above for when it already exists. Virtual Directory Settings Virtual Directory Physical Directory Wizard Settings Property Settings Scripts C:\InetPub\scripts Execute Scripts and Executables ~tcilogs G:\log Read, Browse Read, Directory Browsing ~pclogs C:\pclogs Read, Browse Read, Directory Browsing 6-118 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Web Server Installation Any computer (including other HMIs) can view the web pages of an HMI as long as the HMI has a Web Server installed. The HMI comes equipped with a web server and web displays to make information available to web browsers running on this computer or other computers networked to the HMI. Note The Microsoft web server (Internet Information Services or IIS) must be installed before installing the CIMPLICITY product. If CIMPLICITY was installed prior to the Microsoft web server installation then additional steps are needed prior to installing the Microsoft web server - contact the factory for assistance. In case the Web Server was not installed then it can be installed as follows. To Install the Web Server 1 From the Start menu select Control Panel, Add or Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windows Components. The Windows Components Wizard window opens. 2 Select Internet Information Services (IIS), and then click the Details button. 3 The Internet Information Services (IIS) window opens. 4 Check Internet Information Services Snap-In. 5 Select World Wide Web Service, and then click the Details button. 6 The World Wide Web Service window opens. 7 Check both the Scripts virtual directory and World Wide Web Service checkboxes. 8 Click OK to close window and return to the Internet Information Services (IIS) window. 9 Click OK to close window and return to the Windows Components Wizard. 10 Click Next button on the Windows Components Wizard window. 11 Windows will install the selected components. Upon completion click the Finish button from the window. 12 If asked then reboot the computer. To verify that the web server is installed and operating, attempt to open the HMI’s home page. The following example shows accessing the home page of the CRM2_SVR computer from a web browser running on a different computer. Viewing CRM2_SVR Home Page GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-119 The EPA Logger The EPA Logger provides access to the EPA data that has been configured in the controller. To enable the EPA Logger on the HMI, configure a printer in Windows, name it EPA Printer, and add the following entry to F:\CONFIG.DAT in the Options section: Options EPA_LOG=Yes The EPA logger periodically polls any controllers that have EPA logging enabled; reports determined by the controller are printed and used on CIMPLICITY displays. As this capability is not present in Mark VI or Mark V LM controllers, the EPA Logger only polls Mark V controllers. The printer configured as EPA Printer should be different from the printer configured for alarm logging. A properly configured demand display should provide enough information to verify the operation of the EPA logger. A description of the inputs, outputs and operation of the EPA function in the controller can be found in the EPALOG.PIC file in the unit directory on the F: drive. This feature for the Mark V is displayed in the following two figures. EPALOG -- Wet Low NOx EPA Logger L3WQIN clear <C> DCC SS List of inputs from EPA_B.SRC L83WQL3N Calculate average of each input every minute based on once per second sampling enable time clear time clear Minute Averages: Stored in 60 point circular file clear data Hourly Average: Calculated after each 60 points have been stored. clear data Four Minute Alarm: If WXC>WXJ for four consecutive minute avg. then set LWLX4MIN=1 LWLX4MIN enable Hourly Alarm: If WXC>WXJ for hourly average then set LWLXHR=1 LWLXHR enable EPALOG, Mark V Controller Portion 6-120 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide EPALOG -- Wet Low NOx EPA Logger Processor Output to display: CONFIG.DAT If hourly and minute averages EPA_LOG=YES collect data from <C> and enable outputs Output to printer: minute average All minute averages from hourly average calculation hourly average enable enable LWLXHR AND IO_PORTS.DAT Enable output to printer assigned to EPA$PRINT variable Output to printer once an hour: hourly average enable enable EPALOG, the HMI Processor Portion GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-121 Diagnostics The HMI provides diagnostic tools for basic troubleshooting. The following basic questions can often help in determining where to start the troubleshooting process. Sometimes the most productive approach in debugging tells you where not to spend your time. Did the configuration stop functioning? Yes: If this configuration has worked in the past, then concentrate on communications links or device specific problems first. Do not alter the configuration unless you know that something in the plant has changed, forcing a change to the configuration. No: If this configuration has never functioned, check the communications paths first, and then start looking at the configuration settings to see if there is a mismatch causing the problem. Has anything been changed? Yes: If possible, undo the change and see if the problem disappears. No: If it is certain that nothing has changed, look outside the computer for the source of the problem, typically communications or device errors. Are other computers functioning correctly? Yes: If the problem is loss of data from this computer, and all other computers are still getting the data OK, then the problem is probably related to this computer configuration or communication. No: If the loss of data is across all computers, then the problem is probably in the device itself, or in a communication link to the computer. Overview of Approach The Architecture overview section of this chapter provides a roadmap for following the data flow through the system. By watching the data flow through the system, the point at which the problem appears can be located. From this, the subsystem that needs to be addressed to solve the problem is known. There are essentially three major data flow operations taking place in the HMI: • The data is collected from the device by the TCI and placed in the Data Dictionary. (Note that Mark VI data does not go through the Data Dictionary). • Data and alarms are passed from TCI to the CIMPLICITY software by CIMB. • CIMPLICITY presents the data and alarms through its own screens and sends the data to the viewer's screens. It is possible to debug using either a start-to-end or end-to-start data path Once the subsystem experiencing the problem has been identified, the root cause can usually be tracked down to the subsystem not receiving its input data, or to a configuration error causing it to mishandle or ignore the data that it does receive. 6-122 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Troubleshooting This section defines troubleshooting details and how to use various diagnostic tools to observe the data flow through the HMI. Most of the debugging tools are run from a command prompt window, and are distributed in the G:\EXEC directory. That directory should be included in the PATH statement, so simply typing the name of the program should start the debugging program. Error Logs One of the first steps is to check for error log files generated by the HMI. Often these error logs indicate the source of the problem without any further investigation. This is typically true for configuration errors, but can also apply to communication errors. The HMI creates its internal error logs as a set of files in the G:\LOG directory. This should always be the first stop in troubleshooting any problem. Most programs do not create an error log file unless they have something to report. The primary exception to this is the TCI System Service itself, which always generates a TCI.LOG file. To allow for getting the system running again quickly and troubleshooting the problem afterwards, the TCI System Service generates a new TCI.LOG when it starts, but preserves the previous version as TCI1.LOG. This means that if the TCI System Service is restarted after a problem, the TCI.LOG file is from the restart, and the TCI1.LOG is the one to use when troubleshooting the problem that required the restart. If your site uses an ARCNET (for a Stagelink interface to a Mark V or Mark V LM, or for a CSF interface to a Mark IV) then the ARCNET device driver is used. Device drivers log errors into the Windows error log. If an ARCNET communication problem is suspected of causing the loss of all data from an ARCNET, make sure to check the Windows error log for any messages from the ARCNET driver. To access the error log, click on Start, Programs, Administrative Tools, then Event Viewer. These messages are under the System error log. This is also the case with the Ethernet Global Data EGD System Service used when there are Mark VI or PLC devices that support the EGD protocol. Trace Global Sections Many of the programs that move data or messages around the system keep a log of the messages or data in a global section in memory. Normally this information is not required, but during diagnostics and debugging it can be valuable. A global section is so called because it can be accessed by more than one program. Obviously the program that is making the entries is accessing this global section, but various diagnostic tools can also access this memory to print out or display the information. Two tools are available for taking a snapshot of the global memory contents. When the procedures here indicate that a global section is available, it gives the name of the global section. With the name of the global section, use either tool to access the data inside. The first utility to take a snapshot of the global section runs as a command line utility program. The Global Section To File program (GBL2FILE.EXE) reads a global section of memory and writes it to a disk file. This file can then be viewed, printed, Faxed, or E-mailed when diagnosing the problem. The contents of all global sections listed here are ASCII text, so the resulting file can be easily viewed with Notepad, or printed. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-123 The basic format for running GBL2FILE is as follows: GBL2FILE <global_section_name> <filename> Where: • <global_section_name> is the name of the global section given in the instructions. The global section name is case specific, so be careful of which letters are upper case and which are lower case. • <filename> is the name of the file selected to store the results. By convention, usually a *.DMP extension is used to indicate that this is the dump of a global section, but this is not a requirement. Some people use a *.TXT extension so that double clicking on the file brings up Notepad. A Web interface has been added to the global sections. This is a smart Web interface that scans for global sections and presents a menu of the global sections found. Clicking on the desired global section displays its contents. The results can then be saved to a file using the normal Web browser interface, typically by clicking File, then Save As. To access the Web Global Section Form 1 From the preferred Web browser, access the Web HMI main menu. 2 Add to the end of the URL: /scripts/GEDS/wgblf.exe The Web Global Section Form starts, providing the list of global sections found, for example: HMI Menu: Global Section Form: Product Code Validation and Version Check The HMI Product Code distribution contains many files spread out over a number of different directories. While it is unlikely, the HMI Product Code can become corrupted by a hard drive error, or possibly even infected by a computer virus. If this happens, all kinds of symptoms can occur and the troubleshooting of these symptoms would be very difficult. The HMI Product Code includes a utility program for checking the validity of the Product Code files on the disk. This check only takes a few seconds to run, and verifies that the programs on the disk are as distributed. When the Product Code distribution was made, a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) file was created and included in the distribution. The CHECKCRC utility reads this CRC file and reports on any files that are missing or corrupted. Refer to the CHECKCRC utility section for details on running the program and interpreting the results. 6-124 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Communication Layer The communication layer is responsible for communicating with the device in its native format, retrieving the required data, and entering it into either the Data Dictionary or the EGD Global Section. To verify that this layer is working, check the Data Dictionary or EGD Global Section for periodic updates of the point values. (Check the EGD Global Section if the information is from an EGD based controller, and the Data Dictionary for all others). The diagnostic tool VIEW0 is used to watch the Data Dictionary for point updates and report them to the screen. It is run from a command prompt window, and watches and reports on a single point. It shows the point's timetag, value, and engineering units. Under normal conditions, it displays the history of point reports scrolling up through the window. The diagnostic tool VIEWEGD is used to watch the EGD Global Section for point updates and report them to the screen. It is run from a command prompt window, and watches and reports on a single point. It displays the point's timetag, value, and engineering units. Under normal conditions, it displays the history of point reports scrolling up through the window. VIEW0 and VIEWEGD are usually the first diagnostic tools run when tracking down a problem because of the amount of information that they present. If the point is not being updated, it indicates that the front-end communication system is the source of the problem. If the point is being updated, they provide information on the point's timetag and scaling, either of which could be causing problems in the other subsystems. If the data is being updated in the Data Dictionary or EGD Global Section correctly, proper communication with the device and proper configuration of the point is verified. Do not spend any more time looking at the communications layer. VIEW0 and VIEWEGD display information as it enters the Data Dictionary or EGD Global Section. Two other tools exist for watching information in the Digital Exception Message side of the front-end programs. These programs can verify whether alarm, event, and SOE messages are being received from the device. Verifying that the messages are being received limits debugging to the configuration if the messages are not making it all the way to the operator interface screens. • The first program is the Alarm Dump #1 program (ALMDUMP1.EXE). This program watches for messages as they enter the Digital Exception Message side of the Data Layer. As each message is received, it is formatted and displayed. This program can also be used to generate commands back to the unit to test the ability to send commands. ALMDUMP1 can be run with the /? qualifier for a list of commands, and entering the ? command while it is running produces a screen with the list of commands that it accept. • The second program is the Alarm Dump #2 program (ALMDUMP2.EXE). This program displays a formatted copy of the current alarm queue entries in the computer. The output can be sorted by time, or by unit and drop number. ALMDUMP2 can be run with the /? qualifier for a list of command line options. This can be used to verify the set of alarms that the HMI has received from the unit. (Once again, if this list is correct but the operator interface screen is not, then the problem is probably configuration - not communication.) GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-125 If the device is reporting data to many different computers, such as an Historian or <I>, first check to verify that they are getting data OK. If not, the device or its communication link would be the next place to look. If they are, then check to see if anything has changed on the HMI. If someone has changed the configuration of the communication front end (or this is a new installation) then debugging the communication and its configuration is next. If there were no changes to a system that worked, skip the configuration and check the communication link to see why there is no longer communication with the device. Different communication front ends have different tools for monitoring the communication link status and health. After a quick check to make sure that the communication links are still plugged into the computer, look into the communication front end to try to isolate the problem. Predefined Data Dump The PDD front end receives messages over an RS-232C port, decodes the data within the message, and places the results in the Data Dictionary. If the device sent a time tag with the data, it is used; otherwise the HMI computer time is used. The most common errors with new installations are with the configuration settings in the F:\IO_PORTS.DAT file. These specify the Baud rate, parity, and number of stop bits used for the RS-232C interface. If these values don't match those the device is using, then no messages are received. The PDD front end keeps a set of counters indicating the number of messages that have been processed, and the number of errors encountered. The PDD Status program (PDD_STAT.EXE) displays these counters. Running this program provides an overview of the number of messages received, and error count information about failed messages. Note that it is normal to generate an error or two during the startup process, or if the link is unplugged and plugged back in. (Messages are in progress; complaints about incomplete messages or messages that start in the middle are logged). Running this utility multiple times and looking at the change in the counter values is a good way to verify that the messages are or are not being received. If the messages are being received but the data in the Data Dictionary does not match the data in the device, then it is either a configuration error in the layout of the message, or a problem with the scaling of the signal. The layout of the message must be obtained from the people who did the device configuration, and this must match the F:\UNITn\PDDUMP.DAT file. The PDD front end receives messages over an RS-232C port, decodes the data within the message, and places the results in the Data Dictionary. If the device sent a time tag with the data, it is used; otherwise the HMI computer time is used. The most common errors with new installations are with the configuration settings in the F:\IO_PORTS.DAT file. These specify the Baud rate, parity, and number of stop bits used for the RS-232C interface. If these values don't match those the device is using, then no messages are received. The PDD front end keeps a set of counters indicating the number of messages that have been processed, and the number of errors encountered. The PDD Status program (PDD_STAT.EXE) displays these counters. Running this program provides an overview of the number of messages received, and error count information about failed messages. Note that it is normal to generate an error or two during the startup process, or if the link is unplugged and plugged back in. (Messages are in progress; complaints about incomplete messages or messages that start in the middle are logged). Running this utility multiple times and looking at the change in the counter values is a good way to verify that the messages are or are not being received. 6-126 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide If the messages are being received but the data in the Data Dictionary does not match the data in the device, then it is either a configuration error in the layout of the message, or a problem with the scaling of the signal. The layout of the message must be obtained from the people who did the device configuration, and this must match the F:\UNITn\PDDUMP.DAT file. The scaling used for each signal is determined by matching the scale code from the unit's UNITDATA.DAT file to the unit's ENGLISH.SCA file. Sometimes you can verify message layout problems by varying one point and making sure that the correct point (and only that one point) changed in the Data Dictionary. Make sure to check the signal before and after the signal of interest to make sure that there is not a single byte offset while looking at two byte values. If the correct signal is changing then there can be a scaling issue instead of a data message layout issue. The Predefined Data Dump keeps a log of the messages it receives and errors it encounters in a global section of memory. This global section can be viewed to see the message flow by looking at the pddump_trace<n> global section. Modbus Over RS-232C The Modbus over RS-232C front-end exchanges messages over an RS-232C port, decodes the data within the message, and places the results in the Data Dictionary. The time tag is always the time in the HMI computer. The most common errors with new installations are with the configuration settings in the F:\IO_PORTS.DAT file, which specify the Baud rate, parity, and number of stop bits used in the interface. This file also defines the link and slave address to be used. If these values don't match what the device is using, then no messages are exchanged. The arithmetic mode (signed 16 bit, unsigned 16 bit…) in which the link is running is also defined here. A mismatch in the link mode causes the data to be misinterpreted. The Modbus front end keeps a set of counters indicating the number of messages that have been processed, and the number of errors encountered. The Modbus Master Status program (MM_STAT.EXE) displays these counters. Running this program gives an overview of the number of messages exchanged, and any error information available about overall failed messages. Running this utility multiple times and looking at the change in the counter values is a good way to verify that the messages are or are not being exchanged. The Modbus Slave Status program (M_STAT.EXE) displays these counters for Modbus slave operation. If the messages are being received but the data in the Data Dictionary does not match the data in the device, then it is either a configuration error in the layout of the Modbus registers or a problem with the scaling of the signal. The layout of the Modbus registers must be obtained from the people who did the device configuration, and this must match the F:\UNITn\MMbus<n>.DAT file. The scaling used for each signal is determined by matching the scale code from the unit's UNITDATA.DAT file to the unit's ENGLISH.SCA file. Sometimes you can verify that it is a register assignment problem by varying one point and checking that the correct point (and only that one point) changed in the Data Dictionary. If the correct signal is changing then there can be a scaling issue instead of a register layout issue. The Modbus front end keeps a log of the messages it exchanges and errors it encounters in a global section of memory. This global section can be viewed to see the message flow by looking at the MModbus_trace<n> global section. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-127 MSP Over CSF Mark IV The MSP over CSF front end exchanges messages over the CSF with the device. The list of CSF networks and devices on that network is defined in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file. Both periodic data and Digital Exception Messages are supported. To verify that the computer sees a stable CSF network, the ARCWHO utility is used. ARCWHO reports on the networks being used, and the nodes that are present on each network. If the node that supplies the data being debugged does not appear on the ARCWHO list, then the device is either powered off, disconnected from the network, or there is a problem with the network stability. ARCWHO reports on the number of reconfigurations of the network. If this number is increasing then there is a problem with the network stability. Reconfigurations should occur when a device joins or leaves the network, which happens when it is restarted. (A one-node network is never stable, as this is a token passing network and there is no other node to participate in the token exchange). Note Network stability issues can usually be traced to improper termination and/or shield grounding on the network. The Twinax portion of the network needs to have the end of each run terminated (through hardware jumper on the MAUx). Also for each cable run, one and only one end of the cable run's shield should be grounded (through hardware jumper on the MAUx). If HUB repeaters are used, the HUB acts as a terminator. By convention, GE typically grounds the shield at the HUB repeater. (The convention is to ground the end of each cable run closest to the HUB repeater, but this is not a requirement). Note The coax portion of the CSF should use RG-62/U cable, and include a 93ohmtermination resistor at the end of the cable run. If ARCWHO displays an unstable network or a missing node, then communications is the problem. If ARCWHO displays that the node is present and the network is stable, then next verify that the configuration settings in F:\CONFIG.DAT match that node to the correct unit. 6-128 • Chapter 6 HMI • For new installations, if ARCWHO does not show any information about the network, or does not show any nodes at all, then it is possible that the configuration information that tells the computer how to talk to the ARCNET card is incorrect. The ARCNET card used for the CSF needs to be an 18.432 MHz card (not a 20 MHz card). If in doubt, look at the markings on the crystal on the ARCNET card to verify the crystal frequency. • The computer interfaces to the ARCNET card using a section of dual ported memory, a set of I/O registers, and an interrupt request line (IRQ). The TCI Control Panel Applet is used to inform the ARCNET driver how to communicate with the card, and which type of card it is. If the card settings and the Control Panel Applet settings disagree, the card will not function correctly. Usually the ARCNET driver detects the problem (when it can't contact the ARCNET card using the settings given) and logs that fact to the System section of the Windows operating system Event Log. Look there for any ARCNET driver error messages. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide If network or node stability is in question, there is another resource that can help find the extent of the problem, or at least when the problem occurred. The Beacon Monitor program exchanges heartbeats with each node that is assigned to a unit, and keeps a log of the birth and death of each node. This log of the birth and death of each node is kept in a global section of memory, and can be viewed as the beacon_trace global section. Each entry indicates the time, network, node, and transition (birth, death, restart) of the node. High transition rates indicate either a node that is restarting often, or a communication link problem. MSP over RS-232C The MSP over RS-232C front end exchanges messages over an RS-232C link with the device. The list of RS-232C based networks and devices on that network are defined in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file. The settings to be used with the RS-232C link (baud rate, parity…) are defined in the F:\IO_PORTS.DAT file. Both periodic data and Digital Exception Messages are supported. The most common errors with new installations are with the configuration settings in the F:\IO_PORTS.DAT file that specify the Baud rate, parity, and number of stop bits used in the interface. If these values don't match what the device is using, then no messages are received. Next check the network and LUN assignments in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file. If these do not match what the device expects, then messages could be exchanged, but the messages are rejected as coming from a unit not required for communication. It is important to note that the RS-232C link to the turbine control must be plugged into the correct RS-232C port on the device. Most devices support two ports for serial MSP communication, but each port has its own unique address. The F:\CONFIG.DAT file includes a MY LUN field that is used as the return address for message exchanges with the controller. If the wrong port is used on the device, the replies from the device are sent over the wrong RS-232C port, thereby preventing communications. Do not switch the two RS-232C links on the device in an attempt to determine if the problem is a failed port on the device, it will not work due to the port addressing. (Typically the network MY LUN field must be 0B01 when using the first port on the device, and 0B02 when using the second port on the device). The MSP over RS-232C front end keeps a global section trace of the traffic across the RS-232C link. To see this message trace, look at the serial_trace_<n> global section. The format of this global section is complicated, but look for whether there are messages being received from the device or not. (In other words, forget about the content of the messages, and simply look to see that the controller is exchanging messages with this computer). GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-129 BMS Over Stagelink The BMS front end exchanges messages over the Stagelink with the device. The list of Stagelink networks and devices on that network is defined in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file. Both periodic data and Digital Exception Messages are supported. To verify that the computer sees a stable network, the ARCWHO utility is used. ARCWHO reports on the networks being used and the nodes that are present on each network. If the node that supplies the data that is being debugged does not appear on the ARCWHO list, then the device is either powered off, disconnected from the network, or there is a problem with the network stability. ARCWHO reports on the number of reconfigurations of the network. If this number is increasing then there is a problem with the network stability. Reconfigurations should occur when a device joins or leaves the network, which will happen when it is restarted. (A one-node network is never stable, as this is a token passing network and there is no other node to participate in the token exchange). Note Network stability issues can usually be traced to improper termination or improper cable used. The coax network needs to have the end of each run terminated with a 93-ohm termination resister. The cabling should be RG-62/U coax cable. (A common error in new installations is to use RG-58C/U Ethernet cables, or 50ohm Ethernet terminators on the ARCNET. This often works on a two-node network, but causes instabilities when additional nodes are added). If ARCWHO displays an unstable network or a missing node, then communication is the problem. If ARCWHO displays that the node is present and the network is stable, then next verify that the configuration settings in F:\CONFIG.DAT match that node to the correct unit. • For new installations, if ARCWHO does not show any information about the network, or does not display any nodes at all, then it is possible that the configuration information that tells the computer how to talk to the ARCNET card is incorrect. The ARCNET card used for the Stagelink needs to be a 20 MHz ARCNET card (not an 18.432 MHz card). If in doubt, you can look at the markings on the crystal on the ARCNET card to verify the crystal frequency. • The computer interfaces to the ARCNET card using a section of dual ported memory, a set of I/O registers, and an interrupt request line (IRQ). A PCI based ARCNET card obtains these settings directly from the Operating System, an ISA based ARCNET card requires use of the TCI Control Panel Applet to specify how to communicate with the card. If the card settings and the Control Panel Applet settings disagree, the card does not function correctly. Usually the ARCNET driver detects the problem (when it can't contact the ARCNET card using the settings given) and logs that fact to the Windows System Event Log. Look there for any ARCNET driver error messages. If network or node stability is in question, there is another resource that can find the extent of the problem, or at least when the problem occurred. The Beacon Monitor program exchanges heartbeats with each node that is assigned to a unit, and keeps a log of the birth and death of each node. This log of the birth and death of each node is kept in a global section of memory, and can be viewed as the beacon_trace global section. Each entry indicates the time, network, node, and transition (birth, death, restart) of the node. High transition rates indicate that a node that is restarting often or there is a communication link stability problem. 6-130 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide PCI ARCNET HMI’s with PCI ARCNET cards using ARCNET Driver Version 4.0 or earlier should be updated with a later version. To identify the HMI’s ARCNET Driver Version 1 Log in as Administrator and click Start–Settings–Administrative Tools – Computer Management. 2 Select Device Manager. Expand CCSI. Click on PCI20-CXB PCI COM20020 ARCNET card. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-131 3 From the Driver tab, verify the Driver Version. EGD Over Ethernet The EGD over Ethernet front end receives global broadcasts for periodic data, and exchanges messages with the device for Digital Exception Report link. Configuration of the EGD message exchanges includes indicating what devices to listen for, and what points from that device to save. The ICN.INI file indicates the devices and EGD exchanges to receive. The ICN.INI file is located in the system's Windows Directory (typically C:\WINNT). It defines the EGD exchanges that this box is to receive and place in the EGD global memory section. The ICN.INI file is created by the HMI System Configuration tool. The ICN.INI file is read by the EGD Service, which logs any errors that it finds in the Windows System Event Log. If there is an Historian that is receiving the information correctly while the HMI is not, a comparison of the EGD.INI files may lead to the cause of the problem. This usually means that the HMI Database Configuration Tools need to be run against a new controller definition, because the Historian was updated but the HMI was not. If no data is being received from a unit, basic communication can be verified by using the PING command, such as PING PING should report that it was able to communicate with the device; a timeout indicates that the communication link from the computer to the device has problems. If communication is OK, check the Ethernet addresses and exchange information in the ICN.INI file to verify that they are correct. (Verify this against an Historian that is receiving the data). Often you will find that the definition of the EGD exchange was changed without updating the HMI. 6-132 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The Digital Exception Message subsystem can sometimes be used to track down configuration problems. The Alarm Receiver program (ALMRCV.EXE) keeps track of all Digital Exception Messages that it receives over the Ethernet. This message history can be obtained from the global section named almrcv_enet. If this displays reception of messages from the correct IP address, but the alarms do not display up in the ALMDUMP1 program, then the mapping of the Ethernet IP address to the unit number is probably incorrect. This mapping is done in the F:\ENETALM.DAT file. Make sure that the unit number is the correct unit number, and that the F:\CONFIG.DAT file indicates that the unit with that unit number is a Mark VI turbine control. (If it was configured with the wrong unit type, it does not expect messages from the Ethernet and does not forward them if they are received). Modbus over Ethernet The Modbus over Ethernet front-end exchanges messages over an Ethernet link, decodes the data within the message, and places the results in the Data Dictionary. The time tag is always the time in the HMI. The most common errors with new installations are with the configuration settings in the F:\IO_PORTS.DAT file that specify the Ethernet address and port for the Modbus slave device. If these values don't match what the device is using, then no messages are exchanged. The arithmetic mode (signed 16-bit, unsigned 16-bit…) in which the link is running is also defined here. A mismatch in the link mode causes the data to be misinterpreted. The Modbus front end keeps a set of counters indicating the number of messages that have been processed, and the number of errors encountered. The Modbus Master Status program (MM_STAT.EXE) displays these counters. Running this program gives an overview of the number of messages exchanged, and any error information available about overall failed messages. Running this utility multiple times and looking at the change in the counter values is a good way to verify that the messages are or are not being exchanged. The Modbus Slave Status program (M_STAT.EXE) displays these counters for operation in slave mode. If the messages are being received but the data in the Data Dictionary does not match the data in the device, then it is either a configuration error in the layout of the Modbus registers, or a problem with the scaling of the signal. The layout of the Modbus registers must be obtained from the people who did the device configuration, and this must match the F:\UNITn\MMbus<n>.DAT file. The scaling used for each signal is determined by matching the scale code from the unit's UNITDATA.DAT file to the unit's ENGLISH.SCA file. Sometimes it can be verified that it is a register assignment problem by varying one point and making sure that the correct point (and only that one point) changed in the Data Dictionary. If the correct signal is changing then there can be a scaling issue instead of a register layout issue. The Modbus front end keeps a log of the messages it exchanges and errors it encounters in a global section of memory. This global section can be viewed to see the message flow by looking at the MModbus_trace<n> global section. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-133 Alarm Dump 1 - ALMDUMP1 - Mark IV, Mark V, Mark V LM, and Mark VI The Alarm Dump 1 program (ALMDUMP1) displays each alarm message received from the turbine controllers as it is received. It also has the ability to send alarm commands (acknowledge, reset…) to the controllers. This is useful in debugging alarm information flow between the HMI and the controller. The Alarm Dump 1 program can be used to watch alarms, events, or SOEs. The Alarm Dump 1 program (ALMDUMP1.EXE) watches for messages received by the HMI from the turbine controllers. As each message is received, it is formatted and displayed in the command prompt window. This program can also be used to generate commands back to the controller to test the ability to send commands. ALMDUMP1 is run with the /? qualifier to display a list of commands, and entering the ? command while it is running produces a screen with the list of runtime commands that it accepts. (Runtime commands are always a single keystroke, but some commands will prompt for a parameter such as a unit number or drop number.) While the program is running you can hit the question mark (?) to see what runtime commands are available. Runtime commands include switching the default unit and sending alarm commands. (Sending commands is not supported for events and SOEs since they do not accept commands.) The following is a sample display: G:\EXEC>almdump1 /? ALMDUMP1 - Alarm Dump of exception messages. This program will display the exception messages received from each unit as they arrive. By default it will show the Process Alarm exceptions, but this can be changed by supplying a command line parameter indicating the exception list to display. Commands can be sent back to the unit to silence, acknowledge, or reset alarms. Enter "?" while running for a list of valid commands. COMMAND FORMAT: ALMDUMP1 [list] [/EX] [/NODE=\Nodename] [list] indicates the exception list to display, which can be: PALARM or PROCESS...... Displays the Process Alarm exceptions DALARM or DIAG.........Displays the Diagnostic Alarm exceptions HOLD...................Displays the Hold List exceptions (if used) EVENT..................Displays the Event List exceptions SOE................... Displays the Sequence of Events exceptions /EX indicates to use the Extended interface to provide a formatted dump of the data records. /NODE=<nodename> can be used to obtain records from another computer. 6-134 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Alarm Dump 2 - ALMDUMP2 The Alarm Dump 2 program, ALMDUMP2.EXE, displays a formatted copy of the current alarm queue entries in the computer. The output can be sorted by time, or by unit and drop number. When run, this command prompt window program displays the current contents of the queue and then exits – it is not a real time display that displays updates as they occur. ALMDUMP2 is run with the /? qualifier to display a list of command line options. This program can be used to verify the set of alarms that the HMI has received from the unit, and also displays the set of alarms that are being passed into CIMPLICITY for operator display. Alarm Dump 2 displays the entries in alarm queues, which include process alarms and Mark VI diagnostic alarms – it does not display events or SOEs. ARCWHO Mark IV CSF, Mark V and Mark V LM ® ARCWHO is a Command Line utility program that provides a list of the ARCNET nodes present on any of the ARCNET networks. Both Stagelink and CSF networks are ARCNET based and are included in the networks listed. This program is used to verify that the network drivers are installed, the configuration is correct, and network connectivity exists to all network nodes. Each device on an ARCNET network is given a unique address. This address is used in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file to match units with ARCNET addresses. The ARCWHO program uses the ARCNET driver to poll for nodes. All nodes found are listed regardless of what type of node it is, for example, turbine control, HMI, or Historian. ARCWHO ARCWHO is run from a Command Prompt window. If run with the /? parameter a help page is displayed. If the TCI System Service is running then ARCWHO can determine the network number and network type for each network and include that in its report. If TCI is not running it is not able to report on the network numbers and network types, but it can still produce a list of the nodes found. All node addresses are displayed in HEX, which is how they are specified in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-135 The following example displays the ARCWHO help page: ARCWHO - Map of ARCNET (and CSF) networks. ARCWHO is a utility program that will generate a list of nodes that are found on an ARCNET or CSF. It does this by attempting to send a message to each node and then looks at the status of the message send. If the send was successful it adds the address to the list of valid addresses. If ARCWHO is run while a Turbine Control Interface is running, such as TCI or HST, then the list of networks to scan is already defined. If no such list is available, ARCWHO will scan for the networks to process. While scanning, the network number and network type is not known. If no networks are reported, it probably means that the ARCNET device driver has not been started. The network reconfiguration count indicates the number of times that the network has undergone reconfiguration. Networks will reconfigure when a node is added or removed from the network, or when power is cycled on a node. Extra reconfigurations are a sign of communications problems. The following example displays the results of running ARCWHO on an HMI connected to a system with a single Stagelink: F:\>arcwho Network #1: A Stagelink using device CCSI20020Dev1 MY ADDRESS: 1F NODES FOUND: FE FC FA 1E F:\> In this example, the HMI was assigned the ARCNET address 1F, which is typical for the first HMI. There are four ARCNET nodes visible, at addresses FE, FC, FA, and 1E. This is typical of a site with three Mark V controllers (addresses FE, FC, and FA) and one other HMI (1E). 6-136 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide CHECKCRC The HMI Product Code distribution contains many files spread out over a number of different directories. While it is unlikely, the HMI Product Code can become corrupted by a hard drive error, or possibly even infected by a computer virus. If this happens, all kinds of symptoms can occur and troubleshooting these symptoms would be very difficult. The HMI Product Code includes a utility program for checking the validity of the Product Code files on the disk. This check only takes a few seconds to run, and verifies that the programs on the disk are as distributed. When the Product Code distribution was made, a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) file was created and included in the distribution. The CHECKCRC utility reads this CRC file and reports on any files that are missing or have been corrupted. To run CHECKCRC From a Command Prompt window, type: CHECKCRC Press Enter. The resulting report displays and a copy of the report is deposited in the G:\LOG directory. If a file is reported as missing or is a mismatch from the original distributed file, then consider reinstalling the HMI Product Code distribution to repair the problem. Note Sites that are running beta copies of the HMI Product Code should not expect any missing or mismatched files reported, as all distributions (including beta distributions) have valid CRC files when they ship. If code has been updated in the field as a result of the beta test program, the updated files displays up as a mismatch. This indicates that the system cannot be recreated by reinstalling the last beta Product Code release. Under the beta tester software agreements, all beta code users must update to the next official Product Code release when available. If all files are reported to be in place and intact, then the particular version of the HMI Product Code that is running can be found in the file G:\DATA\VERSION.DAT. This file is included in the CRC check, so if the CRC checks pass, this defines the version of the product code being used. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-137 GBL2FILE - Global Section To File The Global Section To File utility retrieves trace information from programs running in the background as part of the TCI System Service. It copies the information into a disk file that can then be printed and analyzed for advanced debugging purposes, or forwarded to the factory for analysis. Many of the programs that run in the background as part of the TCI system service keep some trace information in global sections of memory. These traces often contain a list of the most recent messages or actions handled by the program, and this information is often valuable. The Global Section To File program (GBL2FILE.EXE) is a command line utility program that reads a global section of memory and writes it to a disk file. The contents of the global sections are usually ASCII text, so the resulting file can be easily viewed with Notepad, printed, or forwarded to the factory. The basic format for running GBL2FILE is as follows: GBL2FILE <global_section_name> <filename> The names are as follows: • <global_section_name> is the name of the global section. The global section name is case sensitive, so be careful of which letters are upper case and which are lower case. • <filename> is the name of the file selected to store the results. Usually a *.DMP extension is used to indicate that this is a global section dump, but this is not a requirement. Sometimes a *.TXT extension is used so that double-clicking on the file brings up an ASCII file viewer. Decoding the information contained in these trace global sections usually requires knowledge of the internal workings of the program that created it. This information is for advanced debugging, and typically the reports obtained are either obtained directly by the factory, or are forwarded to the factory for analysis. 6-138 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide MM_STAT - Modbus Master Statistics When TCI is acting as a Modbus Master to exchange information with other systems, the Modbus Master Status utility (MM_STAT) can be used to view the overall message exchange status. The Modbus Master program gathers statistics and makes counters available for diagnostic purposes. The program MM_stat.exe is designed as a console program to communicate with the Modbus Master program and retrieve and control these diagnostic counters. Running MM_stat displays these counters as displayed: F:\USER>mm_stat Modbus Master statistical summary: Modbus Master 1. 4815 = Count of messages sent by Modbus Master. 0 = Count of bad messages sent by Modbus Master. 4815 = Count of successful replies. 0 = Count of exception replies. 0 = Count of message timeouts. 0 = Count of buffer full, read error, so on. 0 = Count of CRC errors. 0 = Count of bad received messages. Modbus Master 2. 4815 = Count of messages sent by Modbus Master. 0 = Count of bad messages sent by Modbus Master. 4745 = Count of successful replies. 0 = Count of exception replies. 45 = Count of message timeouts. 0 = Count of buffer full, read error, so on. 0 = Count of CRC errors. 25 = Count of bad received messages. When multiple Modbus Masters appear, each group corresponds to a separate port as specified in the F:\IO_PORTS.DAT file. The counters can be reset by passing reset as a parameter to the MM_STAT program. Reset is case insensitive. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-139 M_STAT - Modbus Slave Statistics A similar program, M_STAT, is available for operation in Modbus slave mode. This gathers statistics on communication between the HMI Server and, for example, a DCS. The display is similar to the MM_STAT display. PDD_STAT - Predefined Data Dump Status Mark IV (some systems) When connected to a Mark IV using the Predefined Data Dump interface, the Predefine Data Dump Status utility (PDD_STAT) can be used to view the overall message status. It provides summary data for messages received from each port connected to a Mark IV PDD interface. Refer to Configuration File (F:\IO_PORTS.DAT) section in this chapter. The following is an example of a statistical summary: Mark IV Predefined Data Dump statistical summary: PDDump 1. 0 = Number of bytes we tossed while waiting for start of new message. 0 = Number of times we got a new message with a channel # above 8. 1 = Number of times we started a new message without finishing previous. 0 = Number of complete message received with a bad checksum. 0 = Number of messages stopped due to intercharacter timeout. 0 = Number of messages stopped due to buffer full. 217 = Number of good messages received. 0 = Number of good messages ignored due to mismatched message size. 217 = Number of good messages processed. PDDump 2. 0 = Number of bytes we tossed while waiting for start of new message. 0 = Number of times we got a new message with a channel # above 8. 0 = Number of times we started a new message without finishing previous. 0 = Number of complete message received with a bad checksum. 0 = Number of messages stopped due to intercharacter timeout. 0 = Number of messages stopped due to buffer full. 220 = Number of good messages received. 0 = Number of good messages ignored due to mismatched message size. 220 = Number of good messages processed. This example displays two statistical sections. Up to eight sections can be displayed, one for each of the possible eight communication ports. Each section corresponds in number to the [PDDUMP_SETUP] section number as configured in the F:\IO_PORTS.DAT file. 6-140 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide VIEWn Series VIEW* utility programs are used in troubleshooting and debugging. They display data flowing through the system, and collects specialized data, often at very high speeds. A few analysis tools are provided to do simple analysis of the data retrieved or to convert the data into a format compatible with most spreadsheet programs. There are two basic classes of VIEW* program, collection programs and analysis programs. VIEWn Collection Programs Many of the VIEWn utility programs collect and display data from either controllers or subsystems in the HMI. These are useful both for collecting specialized data (High Speed, Prevote…) and for verifying correct data flow through the HMI. • VIEW0 - View One Second Data, Single Data Dictionary Point. This program displays a single point value and time tag out of the Data Dictionary, and updates it whenever it changes. This is often used to verify unit communications, unit time settings, or to study a single point. • VIEW1 - View One Second Data, Set of Dictionary Points. This program displays a set of points out of the Data Dictionary, updated once per second. One common time tag is applied to all signals. The output is sometimes directed to a disk file to create a simple one-second logging of a set of points for further analysis. • VIEW2 - View High-Speed Mark V Data. This program collects a set of points directly from a Mark V or Mark V LM controller. It can collect high-speed data at, or even above, the controller's frame rate, time-tagged by the controller. The results are stored in a disk file. It is often used for high-speed data analysis. • VIEW2T - View High-Speed Mark V Data, Triggered. This program is similar to the VIEW2 program, but includes the ability to remain running and watch a trigger signal from the unit. When the trigger signal transitions in the specified direction, the data is stored in a disk file. This is useful for collecting high speed data around some event, where the occurrence of the event is unpredictable. • VIEWEGD - View EGD Point. This program displays a single point value and time tag out of the EGD global section. This is often used to verify unit communications, unit time settings, or to study a single point. • VIEWPV - View High Speed Mark V PreVote Data. This program collects high-speed Mark V prevote data at a rate up to or above the controller's frame rate. The results are written to a disk file for analysis. • VIEWQ - View High Speed Mark V <Q> Data. This program collects highspeed Mark V data directly from the <R>, <S>, and <T> processors. It can collect high-speed data from the unit, at or even above the controller's frame rate, time tagged by the unit. VIEW0 - View One Second Data VIEW0 is a command line utility that collects one point from the Data Dictionary and writes it to the screen every second. VIEW0 displays a point's time and value in a scrolling DOS window. The data continues until the user exits the program by hitting any key on the keyboard. The data is time tagged with the time from the unit. This is a useful program for verifying that the configuration information is correct, communications is established with the controller, and the controller's time is set. It is also a fast way to watch a single point and see a short history of its values. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-141 Operation VIEW0 is run from a Command Prompt window. If run with the /? parameter, a help screen is provided. If run with no parameters, it asks for the name of the point to monitor. The following example displays a sample VIEW0 help screen: F:\UNIT1>VIEW0 /? VIEW0 is a simple console utility program to watch a point in the Data Dictionary. If you enter a unit name and point name on the command line it will look for that point, otherwise it will prompt for the unit and point name. COMMAND FORMAT: VIEW0 [/SHOW] [un:pointname] The /SHOW option causes the program to use the 7 character XdShow() value instead of the default display value. F:\UNIT1> In the following example, the point BB1, a vibration measurement, was collected from unit T1. It was stopped by pressing a key on the keyboard. F:\UNIT1>VIEW0 T1:BB1 06-FEB-1998 13:55:12.187 0.28 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:13.187 0.28 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:14.187 0.29 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:15.187 0.31 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:16.187 0.32 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:17.187 0.34 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:18.187 0.28 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:19.187 0.29 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:20.187 0.31 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:21.187 0.32 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:22.187 0.34 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:23.187 0.28 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:24.187 0.29 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:25.187 0.31 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:26.187 0.32 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:27.187 0.34 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:28.187 0.29 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:29.187 0.31 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:30.187 0.32 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:31.187 0.34 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:32.187 0.28 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:33.187 0.29 in/s 06-FEB-1998 13:55:34.187 0.31 in/s F:\UNIT1> 6-142 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide VIEW1 - View One Second Data VIEW1 is a command line utility that collects one or more points from the Data Dictionary and writes it to the screen every second. The requested points can come from different units, and the result is the last value received in the Data Dictionary. Because the points can span multiple units, the time displayed is the computer time, not the unit time. The data continues until the user exits the program by hitting any key on the keyboard. This program is useful for watching several points at once, since its scrolling window displays a short history of the requested points. The output can be viewed on the screen and can also be stored in a disk file. This file can then be analyzed using tools such as VIEW_LIM or VIEW_SD, or imported into spreadsheet programs for further analysis or graphing. The VIEW2ASC (VIEW to ASCII) conversion program can be used to convert the file to a different format that can be easier to import into some spreadsheet programs. The list of points to watch can be placed in a file and VIEW1 can be directed to read the list from the file. This saves a lot of user entry work and reduces errors when the same set of points is collected over multiple runs. Operation VIEW1 is run from a Command Prompt window. If run with the /? parameter, a help screen is provided. If run with no parameters, it asks for the name of the point to monitor. The following example displays a sample VIEW1 help screen: F:\UNIT1>VIEW1 /? VIEW1 - View a set of points from the Data Dictionary. Command: VIEW1 [/UNIT=unitname] [@pointlist] [output] where /UNIT=unitname allows you to supply a default unit name, so that only the point name must be given from the file or from the user prompts. If UnitName:PointName is given, it will override the default unit. @pointlist is the name of a file that defines the list of points to be displayed, one pointname per line. output is the name of a file to write the results to. Hitting any key will exit the program. F:\UNIT1> In the following example, the vibration measurement point BB1 was collected from unit T1. It was stopped by pressing a key on the keyboard. F:\UNIT1> VIEW1 /UNIT:T1 To also send output to a file, enter filename as a program parameter.Eight points can print on the screen, up to 50 points go into the file. Note: Do not send more than 29 points to the file if your analysis program : can not handle lines longer than 256 characters. To read point list from a file, enter @filename as a program parameter. Default unit is T1. Enter pointname[1]: BB1 Enter pointname[2]: BB2 Enter pointname[3]: BB3 Enter pointname[4]: BB4 Enter pointname[5]: BB5 Enter pointname[6]: BB_MAX Enter pointname[7]: GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-143 ## Unit Pointname Scale -------------- ----1 T1 BB1 in/s 2 T1 BB2 in/s 3 T1 BB3 in/s 4 T1 BB4 in/s 5 T1 BB5 in/s 6 T1 BB_MAX in/s The TIME shown is the local PC time, not the unit time. 26-OCT 09:29:43 0.28 0.31 0.29 0.29 0.31 26-OCT 09:29:44 0.28 0.29 0.28 0.29 0.28 26-OCT 09:29:45 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.27 26-OCT 09:29:46 0.31 0.31 0.29 0.30 0.29 26-OCT 09:29:47 0.32 0.30 0.31 0.29 0.28 26-OCT 09:29:48 0.29 0.28 0.32 0.29 0.30 26-OCT 09:29:49 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.31 0.29 26-OCT 09:29:50 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 F:\UNIT1> 0.31 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 VIEW2 - View High-Speed Mark V Data VIEW2 is a command line utility that collects high-speed turbine data from a Mark V or Mark V LM controller into a memory buffer. When the buffer fills or the collection is stopped by the user, the data is formatted into ASCII and saved in a disk file. The data contains a unit-defined time tag, and the values for each of the points requested. It is commonly used for conducting high-speed data collection during a specific test, where the duration of the test (or its conclusion) is known. All points collected must be from the same turbine control. Up to 50 points can be collected. A Mark V controller can support data at up to 32 Hz; a Mark V LM controller can support data at up to 100 Hz. When performing advanced diagnostics, it is often handy to be able to collect data at or even above the frame rate of the controller. It allows for the collection of data as fast as the controller supports it, and saves that data into a disk file for later analysis. All data is time tagged by the unit when the data was sent. Because many of these tests are repetitive in nature, the list of points to be collected can be stored in a Point List file. The name of the Point List file is then passed to the program, preventing having to type in each point name every time the test is run. The point list file is an ASCII file containing a list of point names, one point name per line. 6-144 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Operation VIEW2 is a command line utility program that is run from a DOS window. If run with no parameters or the /? parameter, a help screen is provided. Note At the current time, the Mark V LM accepts its scan parameter in units of 5ms intervals, although its internal task schedule rate is at 10ms. For that reason, non-zero even values for the /SCAN are recommended for Mark V LM units. The following is a sample help screen: F:\UNIT1>VIEW2 /? VIEW2 - VIEW HIGH SPEED TURBINE DATA THIS PROGRAM WILL COLLECT HIGH SPEED DATA FROM THE TURBINE AND SAVE IT IN A MEMORY DATA BUFFER. WHEN THE BUFFER FILLS (OR A USER SPECIFIED NUMBER OF SAMPLES IS REACHED) THE DATA IS WRITTEN INTO A FILE FOR ANALYSIS. IT CAN COLLECT DATA AS FAST AS THE PROCESSOR CAN SUPPLY IT. UP TO 50 POINTS CAN BE COLLECTED, BUT DO NOT ASK FOR MORE THAN 29 IF YOUR ANALYSIS ROUTINES CAN NOT HANDLE LINES LONGER THAN 256 CHARACTERS. COMMAND FORMAT: VIEW2 [OPTIONS] [@POINTLIST_FILE] OUTPUT_FILE OPTIONS ARE: /UNIT=<UNIT> WHERE <UNIT> IS THE UNIT NAME /PROC=<PROC> WHERE <PROC> IS THE NAME OF THE PROCESSOR (OR CORE) /SCAN=<INT> WHERE N IS MULTIPLIER OF PROCESSOR SCAN RATE (1=EVERY) /SAMPLES=<INT> WHERE N IS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SAMPLES DEFAULTS: /UNIT IS REQUIRED AND DOES NOT HAVE A DEFAULT VALUE /PROC DEFAULTS TO "C" FOR A MARK V, AND "R" FOR A MARK V LM /SCAN (1=EVERY SCAN, 2 = EVERY OTHER SCAN...) - MARK V: BASIC SCAN RATE = 1/32 SECOND, DEFAULT IS 1 FOR 32 HZ - MARK V LM: BASIC SCAN RATE = 5 MSEC, DEFAULT IS 8 FOR 25 HZ - .........: SCAN SHOULD BE A NON-ZERO EVEN NUMBER FOR THE MARK V LM /SAMPLES DEFAULTS TO AS MANY AS WILL FIT IN A 1 MB MEMORY BUFFER F:\UNIT1> In the following example, two points were collected from a Mark V at the default rate. The user hit a key after 2210 samples had been collected when the test was done. F:\UNIT1>VIEW2 /UNIT=T1 /PROC=R VIEW2.OUT OUTPUT WILL BE WRITTEN TO THE FILE VIEW2.OUT TO READ A POINT LIST FROM A FILE, ENTER @FILENAME AS A PROGRAM PARAMETER. CURRENT UNIT IS: T1 ENTER POINTNAME[1]: FSR ENTER POINTNAME[2]: CPD ENTER POINTNAME[3]: ## UNIT POINTNAME SCALE -- ---- ------------ ----1 T1 FSR % 2 T1 CPD PSI MEMORY FOR DATA SAMPLES: 1048570 BYTES SIZE OF EACH DATA SAMPLE: 10 BYTES MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SAMPLES: 104857 SAMPLES NUMBER OF SAMPLES PER SECOND: 32 SAMPLES/SEC DURATION OF SAMPLES: 3276 SECONDS 2 % - PERCENT OF SAMPLE BUFFER FILLED. << HIT ANY KEY TO STOP. >> 2210 SAMPLES TO BE WRITTEN TO THE OUTPUT FILE. 0 SAMPLES LEFT TO WRITE. THE MAXIMUM PENDING MESSAGE QUEUE DEPTH WAS 2. OUTPUT HAS BEEN WRITTEN TO FILE VIEW2.OUT. F:\UNIT1> GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-145 The results can be found in the VIEW2.OUT file. The following is a sample of the output file. F:\UNIT1>TYPE VIEW2.OUT ## UNIT POINTNAME SCALE -- ---- ------------ ----1 T1 FSR % 2 T1 CPD PSI 08-DEC 11:23:10.937 16.02 08-DEC 11:23:10.968 16.02 08-DEC 11:23:11.000 16.02 08-DEC 11:23:11.031 16.02 08-DEC 11:23:11.062 16.02 08-DEC 11:23:11.093 16.02 08-DEC 11:23:11.125 16.02 08-DEC 11:23:11.156 16.02 08-DEC 11:23:11.187 16.02 08-DEC 11:23:11.218 16.02 08-DEC 11:23:11.250 16.02 08-DEC 11:23:11.281 16.02 <<< AND SO ON >>> 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 VIEW2T - View High-Speed Mark V Data, Triggered VIEW2T is a command line utility that collects high-speed turbine data from a Mark V or Mark V LM controller into a circular memory buffer. The first point collected is a logical point used to trigger the saving of the data to a disk file. When the trigger point transitions in the user defined direction, the contents of the memory buffer are written to a disk file for analysis. The program can be configured to collect samples before and after the trigger signal transitions, so the trigger signal can be used to indicate the start, end, or any point within the test. The data contains a unit-defined time tag and the values for each of the points requested. VIEW2T is commonly used for conducting high-speed data collection during a specific test, where a logic signal can be used to trigger the saving of the data. It is also useful when a particular condition does not occur very often, since it can be left running continuously watching for the trigger signal. When the trigger signal transitions it saves the data then exits. All points collected must be from the same turbine control. Up to 50 points can be collected. A Mark V controller can support data at up to 32 Hz; a Mark V LM controller can support data at up to 100 Hz. When performing advanced diagnostics, it is often useful to collect data at, or even above, the frame rate of the controller, but only trigger the saving of data when a specified logic signal makes a specified transition. This allows the program to collect data for long periods of time, but only save it for analysis when a certain condition occurs. All data collected is time tagged by the controller when the data was sent. Because many of these tests are repetitive in nature, the list of points to be collected can be stored in a Point List file. The name of the Point List file is then passed to the program, avoiding having to type in each point name every time the test is run. The point list file is an ASCII file containing a list of point names, one point name per line. 6-146 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Operation VIEW2T is a command line utility that collects high-speed turbine data from a Mark V or Mark V LM controller into a circular memory buffer. The first point collected is a logical point used to trigger the saving of the data to a disk file. When the trigger point transitions in the user defined direction, the contents of the memory buffer are written to a disk file for analysis. The program can be configured to collect samples before and after the trigger signal transitions, so the trigger signal can be used to indicate the start, end, or any point within the test. The data contains a unit-defined time tag and the values for each of the points requested. VIEW2T is commonly used for conducting high-speed data collection during a specific test, where a logic signal can be used to trigger the saving of the data. It is also useful when a particular condition does not occur very often, since it can be left running continuously watching for the trigger signal. When the trigger signal transitions it saves the data then exits. VIEW2T is a command line utility program that is run from the command prompt. If run with no parameters or the /? parameter, a help screen is provided. Note At the current time, the Mark V LM accepts its scan parameter in units of 5 ms intervals, although its internal task schedule rate is at 10 ms. For this reason, nonzero even values for the /SCAN are recommended for Mark V LM units. The following displays a sample help screen: F:\UNIT1>VIEW2T /? VIEW2T - VIEW TRIGGERED HIGH SPEED TURBINE DATA THIS PROGRAM WILL COLLECT HIGH SPEED DATA FROM THE TURBINE AND SAVE IT IN A CIRCULAR MEMORY BUFFER. WHEN THE FIRST POINT SPECIFIED (A LOGIC POINT) TRANSITIONS IT WILL COLLECT A USER DEFINED NUMBER OF POST-TRIGGER RECORDS AND THEN WRITE THE DATA INTO A FILE FOR ANALYSIS. IT CAN COLLECT DATA AS FAST AS THE PROCESSOR CAN SUPPLY IT. UP TO 50 POINTS CAN BE COLLECTED, BUT DO NOT ASK FOR MORE THAN 29 IF YOUR ANALYSIS ROUTINES CAN NOT HANDLE LINES LONGER THAN 256 CHARACTERS. COMMAND FORMAT: VIEW2T [OPTIONS] [@POINTLIST_FILE] OUTPUT_FILE OPTIONS ARE: /UNIT=<UNIT> WHERE <UNIT> IS THE UNIT NAME /PROC=<PROC> WHERE <PROC> IS THE NAME OF THE PROCESSOR (OR CORE) /SCAN=<INT> WHERE N IS MULTIPLIER OF PROCESSOR SCAN RATE (1=EVERY) /SAMPLES=<INT> WHERE N IS MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SAMPLES /POST=N WHERE N IS NUMBER OF SAMPLES AFTER TRIGGER /TRIG=0 TRIGGER UPON DROPOUT OF THE FIRST SIGNAL. /TRIG=1 TRIGGER UPON PICKUP OF THE FIRST SIGNAL. DEFAULTS: /UNIT IS REQUIRED AND DOES NOT HAVE A DEFAULT VALUE /PROC DEFAULTS TO "C" FOR A MARK V, AND "R" FOR A MARK V LM /SCAN (1=EVERY SCAN, 2 = EVERY OTHER SCAN...) - MARK V: BASIC SCAN RATE = 1/32 SECOND, DEFAULT IS 1 FOR 32 HZ - MARK V LM: BASIC SCAN RATE = 5 MSEC, DEFAULT IS 8 FOR 25 HZ - .........: SCAN SHOULD BE A NON-ZERO EVEN NUMBER FOR THE MARK V LM /SAMPLES DEFAULTS TO AS MANY AS WILL FIT IN A 1 MB MEMORY BUFFER /POST DEFAULTS TO ONE, IT SHOWS THE TRIGGER RECORD BUT NO MORE /TRIG DEFAULTS TO 1, TRIGGER ON THE PICKUP OF THE SIGNAL F:\UNIT1> In the following example, six vibration-related signals were captured, triggered by a high vibration alarm. There were 3200 samples defined in the collection with 100 of them coming after the trigger. The points were collected from a Mark V at its default rate of 32 Hz. The results were written to a file in the current default directory called TRIP_VIB.TXT. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-147 F:\UNIT1> VIEW2T /UNIT=T1 /PROC=R /SAMPLES=3200 /POST=100 TRIP_VIB.TXT OUTPUT WILL BE WRITTEN TO THE FILE TRIP_VIB.TXT TO READ A POINT LIST FROM A FILE, ENTER @FILENAME AS A PROGRAM PARAMETER CURRENT UNIT IS: T1 ENTER POINTNAME[1]: L63STX_ALM ENTER POINTNAME[2]: BB1 ENTER POINTNAME[3]: BB2 ENTER POINTNAME[4]: BB3 ENTER POINTNAME[5]: BB4 ENTER POINTNAME[6]: BB5 ENTER POINTNAME[7]: BB_MAX ENTER POINTNAME[8]: ## UNIT POINTNAME SCALE -- ---- ------------ ----1 T1 L63STX_ALM LOGIC 2 T1 BB1 IN/S 3 T1 BB2 IN/S 4 T1 BB3 IN/S 5 T1 BB4 IN/S 6 T1 BB5 IN/S 7 T1 BB_MAX IN/S MEMORY FOR DATA SAMPLES: 64000 BYTES SIZE OF EACH DATA SAMPLE: 20 BYTES MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SAMPLES: 3200 SAMPLES NUMBER OF SAMPLES PER 32 SAMPLES/SEC SECOND: DURATION OF SAMPLES: 100 SECONDS SAMPLES AFTER TRIGGER: 100 SAMPLES 12 % - LOCATION IN CIRCULAR SAMPLE BUFFER. << HIT ANY KEY TO STOP. >> 3200 SAMPLES TO BE WRITTEN TO THE OUTPUT FILE. THE MAXIMUM PENDING MESSAGE QUEUE DEPTH WAS 3. OUTPUT HAS BEEN WRITTEN TO FILE TRIP_VIB.TXT. F:\UNIT1> The results can be found in the TRIP_VIB.TXT file. The following is a sample of the output file: F:\UNIT1> TYPE TRIP_VIB.TXT ## UNIT POINTNAME SCALE -- ---- ------------ ----1 T1 L63STX_ALM LOGIC 2 T1 BB1 IN/S 3 T1 BB2 IN/S 4 T1 BB3 IN/S 5 T1 BB4 IN/S 6 T1 BB5 IN/S 7 T1 BB_MAX IN/S 26-OCT 10:30:05.687 0 0.28 26-OCT 10:30:05.718 0 0.28 26-OCT 10:30:05.750 0 0.28 26-OCT 10:30:05.781 0 0.29 26-OCT 10:30:05.812 0 0.29 << and so on >> 6-148 • Chapter 6 HMI 0.30 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.31 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.31 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide VIEWEGD - View Ethernet Global Data - Mark VI VIEWEGD is a command line utility that collects one point from the EGD Global Section and writes it to the screen every time it sees a change. VIEWEGD displays a point's time and value in a scrolling DOS window. The data continues until the user exits the program by pressing any key on the keyboard. The data is time tagged with the time from the unit. This program can be used to verify that the configuration information is correct, communications is established with the controller, and the controller's time is set. It is also a fast way to watch a single point and see a short history of its values. Operation VIEWEGD is run from a Command Prompt window. If run with the /? parameter, a help screen is provided. If run with no parameters, it asks for the name of the point to monitor. The point to watch can be specified by name if the name-to-address information can be found in either the F:\EGD_PUSH.DAT file or the UNIT_EGD.DAT file in the unit configuration directory. (The EGD_PUSH.DAT file is created by running the UNIT_EGD utility.) If no name-to-address translation file is present, the point can be viewed by specifying the EGD address and point type instead of the point name. The VIEWEGD program scans the EGD Global Section about 10 times per second, printing a new line on the screen when it detects a change in the point's value or time tag in the EGD Global Section. This can be faster or slower than the rate that the controller is configured to send the updates. The following example displays a sample VIEWEGD help screen: F:\UNIT1>VIEWEGD /? VIEWEGD - View EGD Point Data VIEWEGD is a console mode utility program to watch a single point in the EGD Global section and report whenever it is updated. It scans for the data ten times per second. The time tag reported is the time sent with the EGD data, not the time of the local PC. There are two methods available to specify what point to watch, DIRECT and INDIRECT. INDIRECT: The INDIRECT method allows specifying the unit name and point name desired. The program looks for F:\EGD_PUSH.DAT and then for the UNIT_EGD.DAT file in the unit configuration directory to resolve the point name to the location of the data in the EGD Global Section. The command format is: VIEWEGD Unit:Pointname DIRECT: The DIRECT method specifies the actual EGD Producer ID,Exchange ID, Offset, and Point Type. An optional Display Gain and Display Offset are supported if you wish to rescale the point for display. The command format is: VIEWEGD PID:ExchID:Offset:Type:Dgain:Doffset where: PID: The Producer ID, this can be the node name or an IP address. ExchID: This is the integer Exchange ID. (This can not be zero.) Offset: This is the byte offset within the exchange, starting at zero. If a bit packed logic signal is specified, this is specified as "int.int", where the number after the decimal point is the bit location in the byte. Zero (0) is the least significant bit, seven (7) is the most significant bit. Type: This is the keyword BOOL, WORD, DWORD, or REAL. Direct mode also supports HEX1, HEX2, and HEX4 types, which ignore the Dgain and Doffset fields. Dgain: This is an optional Display Gain applied to the signal. Doffset: This is an optional Display Offset applied to the signal. COMMAND FORMAT SUMMARY: VIEWEGD Unit:Pointname VIEWEGD PID:ExchID:Offset:Type:Dgain:Doffset VIEWEGD /? F:\UNIT1> GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-149 In the following example, the vibration measurement point BB1 was collected from unit G1. Collection was stopped by pressing a key on the keyboard. F:\UNIT1>VIEWEGD G1:BB1 24-APR-2000 12:14:03.485 24-APR-2000 12:14:03.588 24-APR-2000 12:14:03.697 24-APR-2000 12:14:03.748 24-APR-2000 12:14:03.857 24-APR-2000 12:14:03.965 24-APR-2000 12:14:04.069 24-APR-2000 12:14:04.176 24-APR-2000 12:14:04.285 24-APR-2000 12:14:04.388 24-APR-2000 12:14:04.496 24-APR-2000 12:14:04.548 24-APR-2000 12:14:04.657 24-APR-2000 12:14:04.765 24-APR-2000 12:14:04.868 24-APR-2000 12:14:04.976 24-APR-2000 12:14:05.085 24-APR-2000 12:14:05.188 24-APR-2000 12:14:05.296 24-APR-2000 12:14:05.405 24-APR-2000 12:14:05.456 24-APR-2000 12:14:05.565 24-APR-2000 12:14:05.668 24-APR-2000 12:14:05.776 24-APR-2000 12:14:05.885 24-APR-2000 12:14:05.988 F:\UNIT1> 6-150 • Chapter 6 HMI Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: Raw: 0.231447 0.239975 0.239975 0.239975 0.236861 0.236861 0.236861 0.236352 0.236352 0.236352 0.234684 0.234684 0.234684 0.234684 0.234300 0.234300 0.234300 0.231716 0.231716 0.231716 0.240573 0.240573 0.240573 0.239612 0.239612 0.239612 Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: Converted: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.231447 0.239975 0.239975 0.239975 0.236861 0.236861 0.236861 0.236352 0.236352 0.236352 0.234684 0.234684 0.234684 0.234684 0.234300 0.234300 0.234300 0.231716 0.231716 0.231716 0.240573 0.240573 0.240573 0.239612 0.239612 0.239612 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide VIEWPV - View High Speed Pre-Vote Turbine Data Mark V VIEWPV is a command line utility that collects high-speed pre-vote turbine data from a Mark V controller into a memory buffer. When the buffer fills or the collection is stopped by the user, the data is formatted into ASCII and saved in a disk file. The data contains a unit defined time tag, and the <R>, <S>, and <T> values for each of the points requested. VIEWPV is sometimes used to diagnose intermittent problems with sensors associated with voted points. It is more common to use the Pre Vote Data Display to investigate most issues relating to voted data. This program is only used when a log of the results is required, or data is required at high-speeds. All points collected must be from the same turbine control. Only points that are fast voted can be collected using this program. Up to 16 points with three values per point can be collected, which results in 48 values. For advanced diagnostics, it is sometimes useful to be able to collect pre-vote data at or even above the frame rate of the controller. VIEWPV allows collection of pre-vote data as fast as the controller supports it, and saves that data into a disk file for later analysis. All data is time tagged by the unit when the data was scanned. The pre-vote data all comes from the <C> or <D> controller, which keeps copies of the pre-vote data packets from each controller. This utility fetches the contents of these pre-vote data packets to provide its information. This program does not query the individual processors. Because many of these tests are repetitive, the list of points to be collected can be stored in a Point List file. The name of the Point List file is then passed to the program, preventing having to type in each point name every time the test is run. The point list file is an ASCII file containing a list of point names, one point name per line. Note When the data must be fetched from each processor, VIEWQ is used GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-151 VIEWPV - View High Speed Pre-Vote Turbine Data - Mark V VIEWPV is a command line utility that collects high-speed pre-vote turbine data from a Mark V controller into a memory buffer. When the buffer fills or the collection is stopped by the user, the data is formatted into ASCII and saved in a disk file. The data contains a unit defined time tag, and the <R>, <S>, and <T> values for each of the points requested. VIEWPV is sometimes used to diagnose intermittent problems with sensors associated with voted points. It is more common to use the Pre Vote Data Display to investigate most issues relating to voted data. This program is only used when a log of the results is required, or data is required at high-speeds. All points collected must be from the same turbine control. Only points that are fast voted can be collected using this program. Up to 16 points with three values per point can be VIEWPV is a command line utility program that is run from a Command Prompt window. If run with no parameters or the /? parameter, a help screen is provided. The following is a sample help screen: F:\UNIT1>VIEWPV /? VIEWPV - VIEW HIGH SPEED TURBINE PREVOTE DATA This program will collect high speed PreVote data from the Turbine and save it in a memory data buffer. When the buffer fills (or a user specified number of samples is reached) the data is written into a file for analysis. It can collect data as fast as the processor can supply it. Up to 16 points can be collected, but do not ask for more than 9 if your analysis routines can not handle lines longer than 256 characters. COMMAND FORMAT: VIEWPV [options] [@pointlist_file] output_file Options are: /UNIT=<unit> where <unit> is the unit name /PROC=<proc> where <proc> is the name of the processor (or core) /SCAN=<int> where n is multiplier of processor scan rate (1=every) /SAMPLES=<int> where n is maximum number of samples /[NO]SEP show separators in output file Defaults: /UNIT is required, and must be a Mark V unit /PROC defaults to "C" /SCAN (1=every scan, 2 = every other scan...) - Mark V: Basic scan rate = 1/32 second, default is 1 for 32 Hz /SAMPLES defaults to as many as will fit in a 1 MB memory buffer /SEP defaults to show data separators in output file F:\UNIT1> 6-152 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide In the following example, two points were collected from a Mark V at the default rate. The test concluded when the memory buffer was full, and 100 samples were taken. The results can be found in the VIEWPV.OUT file. F:\UNIT1>VIEWPV /unit=T1 /samples=100 viewpv.out Output will be written to the file VIEWPV.OUT To read a point list from a file, enter @filename as a program parameter. Current unit is: T1 Enter pointname[1]: bb1 Enter pointname[2]: bb2 Enter pointname[3]: ## Unit Pointname Scale -- ---- ------------ ----1 T1 BB1 in/s 2 T1 BB2 in/s Memory for data samples: 1800 Bytes Size of each data sample: 18 Bytes Maximum number of 100 Samples samples: Number of samples per 32 Samples/sec second: Duration of samples: 3 Seconds 100% - Percent of sample buffer filled. << Hit any key to stop. >> 100 Samples to be written to the output file. 0 Samples left to write. The maximum pending message queue depth was 1. Output has been written to file VIEWPV.OUT. F:\UNIT1> The following output file displays the <R>, <S>, and <T> values for each of the points requested. All three values for the first point are displayed, then the three values for the next point, and so on. Unless the /NOSEP option is used, a visual separator is displayed between each point. Within each separated section, the <R> value is displayed first, followed by the <S> value, and the <T> value. F:\UNIT1>type viewpv.out ## Unit Pointname Scale -- ---- ------------ ----1 T1 BB1 in/s 2 T1 BB2 in/s 05-FEB 10:10:52.156 0.32 0.32 05-FEB 10:10:52.187 0.32 0.32 05-FEB 10:10:52.218 0.34 0.34 05-FEB 10:10:52.250 0.34 0.34 05-FEB 10:10:52.281 0.28 0.28 05-FEB 10:10:52.312 0.28 0.28 05-FEB 10:10:52.343 0.29 0.29 05-FEB 10:10:52.375 0.29 0.29 05-FEB 10:10:52.406 0.31 0.31 05-FEB 10:10:52.468 0.32 0.32 05-FEB 10:10:52.500 0.32 0.32 05-FEB 10:10:52.531 0.34 0.34 05-FEB 10:10:52.562 0.34 0.34 <<< and so on >>> GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide 0.32 0.32 0.34 0.34 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.34 0.34 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 Chapter 6 HMI • 6-153 VIEWQ - View Multi-Processor High-Speed Turbine Data VIEWQ is a command line utility that collects high-speed turbine data from each of the <R>, <S>, and <T> processors in a Mark V controller into a memory buffer. When the buffer fills, or the user stops the collection, the data is formatted into ASCII and saved in a disk file. The data contains a record from each processor containing a unit defined time tag and the data values for each of the points requested. This program is sometimes used to track down problems with CSDB values that differ from processor to processor. Unlike the pre-vote data collected using VIEWPV, any point in the database can be collected with this program, not just voted signals. All points collected must be from the same turbine control. Up to 16 points can be collected with three values per point, which results in 48 values. When performing advanced diagnostics, it is sometimes useful to collect CSDB data from each controller at or even above the frame rate of the controller. VIEWQ allows data collection as fast as the controller supports it, and saves the data into a disk file for later analysis. All data is time tagged by the unit when the data was scanned. The data comes from each controller processor, meaning that it takes three individual messages to collect the data from the <R>, <S>, and <T> processors. The time tags from the three processors are not guaranteed to match, but all of the data is time tagged by the scanning processor so that it can be analyzed correctly. At high speeds, the data may arrive out of time sequence order, but the program sorts the data by time and processor before placing it into the data file. This can be overridden if desired. Because many of these tests are repetitive in nature, the list of points to be collected can be stored in a Point List file. The name of the Point List file is then passed to the program, preventing having to type in each point name every time the test is run. The point list file is an ASCII file containing a list of point names, one point name per line. 6-154 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Operation VIEWQ is a command line utility program that is run from a Command Prompt window. If run with no parameters or the /? parameter, a help screen is provided. The following example displays a help screen: F:\UNIT1>VIEWQ /? VIEWQ - VIEW HIGH SPEED TURBINE CONTROLLER DATA This program will collect high speed data from each controller and save it in a memory data buffer. When the buffer fills (or a user specified number of samples is reached) the data is written into a file for analysis. It can collect data as fast as the processor can supply it. Up to 16 points can be collected, but do not ask for more than 9 if your analysis routines can not handle lines longer than 256 characters. Because the data can arrive out of order, the program will sort the output according to time and processor instead of displaying it in the order received. If you do not want the data sorted, use the /NOSORT option. COMMAND FORMAT: VIEWQ [options] [@pointlist_file] output_file Options are: /UNIT=<unit> where <unit> is the unit name /SCAN=<int> where n is multiplier of processor scan rate (1=every) /SAMPLES=<int> where n is maximum number of samples /[NO]SEP show separators in output file /[NO]SORT defines if output is time sorted Defaults: /UNIT is required, and must be a Mark V unit /SCAN (1=every scan, 2 = every other scan...) - Mark V: Basic scan rate = 1/32 second, default is 1 for 32 Hz /SAMPLES defaults to as many as will fit in a 1 MB memory buffer /SEP defaults to show data separators in output file /SORT defaults to time sorting the data F:\UNIT1> In the following example, two points were collected from a Mark V at the default rate. The test concluded when the memory buffer was full, and 200 samples were taken. The results can be found in the VIEWQ.OUT file. F:\UNIT1>VIEWQ /unit=T1 /samples=200 viewq.out Output will be written to the file VIEWQ.OUT To read a point list from a file, enter @filename as a program parameter. Current unit is: T1 Enter pointname[1]: bb1 Enter pointname[2]: bb2 Enter pointname[3]: ## Unit Pointname Scale -- ---- ------------ ----1 T1 BB1 in/s 2 T1 BB2 in/s Memory for data samples: 2200 Bytes Size of each data sample: 11 Bytes Maximum number of samples: 200 Samples Number of samples per second: 96 Samples/sec Duration of samples: 2 Seconds 100% - Percent of sample buffer filled. << Hit any key to stop. >> Sorting 200 Samples to be written to the output file. 0 Samples left to write. The maximum pending message queue depth was 1. Output has been written to file VIEWQ.OUT. F:\UNIT1> GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-155 The output file displays the records received from the <R>, <S>, and <T> processors. Each record has one value for each point. The points are displayed similar to VIEWPV with the points collected into sections. Unless the /NOSEP option is used, a visual separator is displayed between each point. Within each separated section, the <R> value is the first column, followed by the <S> value, and the <T> value. During times of high communication traffic loading, it is possible to miss a record. In this case there will simply be a line missing in the data file. ## Unit Pointname -- ---- -----------1 T1 BB1 2 T1 BB2 05-FEB 16:01:46.968 05-FEB 16:01:46.968 05-FEB 16:01:46.968 05-FEB 16:01:47.000 05-FEB 16:01:47.000 05-FEB 16:01:47.000 05-FEB 16:01:47.031 05-FEB 16:01:47.031 05-FEB 16:01:47.031 05-FEB 16:01:47.062 05-FEB 16:01:47.062 05-FEB 16:01:47.062 05-FEB 16:01:47.093 05-FEB 16:01:47.093 05-FEB 16:01:47.093 05-FEB 16:01:47.125 05-FEB 16:01:47.125 05-FEB 16:01:47.125 05-FEB 16:01:47.156 05-FEB 16:01:47.156 05-FEB 16:01:47.156 <<< and so on >>> Scale ----in/s in/s 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.34 0.34 0.34 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.33 VIEWn Analysis Programs Some of the VIEWn routines do not collect data, but instead analyze or prepare data collected by the other programs for analysis. This includes statistical analysis (Max, Min, Standard Deviations…) and putting the information into a format that can be imported into spreadsheet programs (such as Microsoft Excel). 6-156 • Chapter 6 HMI • VIEW_LIM - View Limits. This program scans the output from VIEW1, VIEW2 or VIEW2T and reports each signal's minimum and maximum value along with the time of that value. • VIEW_SD - View Standard Deviation. This program scans the output from VIEW1, VIEW2, or VIEW2T and reports each signal's mean value and standard deviation. • VIEW2ASC - View File to ASCII File Conversion. This program reads the output from VIEW1, VIEW2, or VIEW2T and generates a comma-separated value (CSV) file suitable for import by most spreadsheet and database application programs. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide VIEW_LIM - View Data Analysis, Limits VIEW_LIM is a command line utility that reads the output of VIEW1, VIEW2, or VIEW2T and provides a summary analysis of the range limits of each individual point. For each point collected, it indicates the maximum value found, the minimum value found, and the times each was recorded. This is often useful when looking at large (multi-megabyte) data files containing lots of data. Data collection programs such as VIEW1 or VIEW2 can collect large amounts of data. This is often done during steady state plant operation, and the data is later analyzed for variability or disturbances found during this steady state operation. VIEW_LIM scans through this data and notes the minimum value, maximum value, and the times associated with each for every point in the file. This can be used to target further investigation, or eliminate further investigation if the values all lie within an acceptable range. Operation VIEW_LIM is a command line utility program that is run from a Command Prompt window. If run with no parameters or the /? parameter, a help screen is provided. If the same maximum or minimum value is found multiple times in the data file, the time tag displayed indicates the first occurrence of the value. The following example displays a help screen. F:\UNIT1>VIEW_LIM /? VIEW_LIM - VIEW FILE LIMITS ANALYSIS This program will sift through the output of VIEW1 or VIEW2 and report on the minimum and maximum values found for each point. COMMAND FORMAT: VIEW_LIM filename where "filename" is the name of the file to be read. The resulting report is written to standard output, so you can vector the report to a file using the normal DOS redirection commands, ie: VIEW_LIM filename >report_filename F:\UNIT1> The following example is a data analysis by VIEW_LIM: F:\UNIT1>VIEW_LIM view1.out VIEW_LIMITS ANALYSIS OF FILE view1.out ## Unit Pointname Scale -- ---- ------------ ----1 T1 BB1 in/s 2 T1 BB2 in/s 3 T1 BB3 in/s 4 T1 BB4 in/s 5 T1 BB5 in/s 6 T1 BB_MAX in/s Point Min Max Time of Min Time of Max ----------- ------- ------------------ ----------------0.28 0.34 05-FEB 17:07:39 05-FEB 17:07:43 1 2 0.27 0.33 05-FEB 17:07:39 05-FEB 17:07:43 3 0.27 0.33 05-FEB 17:07:43 05-FEB 17:07:42 4 0.27 0.33 05-FEB 17:07:43 05-FEB 17:07:42 5 0.28 0.34 05-FEB 17:07:39 05-FEB 17:07:43 6 0.28 0.34 05-FEB 17:07:39 05-FEB 17:07:45 F:\UNIT1> In the preceding example, six vibration points were captured using VIEW1 into the file VIEW1.OUT. This file was then analyzed by VIEW_LIM, to display the range of values found for each point in the file. The same type of information is available from VIEW2 output, but that also displays subseconds on the time tags. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-157 VIEW_SD - View Data Analysis, Standard Deviations VIEW_SD is a command line utility that reads the output of VIEW1, VIEW2, or VIEW2T and provides a summary analysis of the standard deviations of each individual point. For each point collected, it calculates the point's minimum value, maximum value, mean value, and standard deviation. This is often useful when looking at large (multi-megabyte) data files containing lots of data. If further analysis is indicated, VIEW_LIM is useful for finding the times of the disturbances. Data collection programs such as VIEW1 or VIEW2 can collect large amounts of data. This is often done during steady state plant operation, and the data is later analyzed for the variability or disturbances found during this steady state operation. VIEW_SD scans through this data and notes the minimum value and maximum value. It then calculates each point's mean value and sample (n-1) standard deviation. This can be used to target further investigation, or eliminate further investigation if the results lie within an acceptable range. Operation VIEW_SD is a command line utility program that is run from a Command Prompt window. If run with no parameters or the /? parameter, a help screen is provided. The mean value displayed is the sum of the values divided by the number of points. The standard deviation is the sample standard deviation. The following is a sample help screen: F:\UNIT1>VIEW_SD /? VIEW_SD - VIEW FILE STANDARD DEVIATION This program will sift through the output of VIEW1 or VIEW2 and report on the mean and standard deviation found for each point. COMMAND FORMAT: VIEW_SD filename where "filename" is the name of the file to be read. The resulting report is written to standard output, so you can vector the report to a file using the normal DOS redirection commands, ie: VIEW_SD filename >report_filename F:\UNIT1> The following example shows a statistical analysis by VIEW_SD: F:\UNIT1>VIEW_SD view1.out VIEW_SD ANALYSIS OF FILE view1.out ## Unit Pointname Scale -- ---- ------------ ----1 T1 BB1 in/s 2 T1 BB2 in/s 3 T1 BB3 in/s 4 T1 BB4 in/s 5 T1 BB5 in/s 6 T1 BB_MAX in/s Point Min Max Mean Std Deviation ----- ------ ------ ---------- --------------1 0.28 2 0.27 3 0.27 4 0.27 5 0.28 6 0.28 F:\UNIT1> 0.34 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.308000 0.302000 0.298000 0.298000 0.308000 0.308400 0.021794 0.021794 0.021794 0.021794 0.021794 0.021541 In this example, six vibration points were captured using VIEW1 into the file VIEW1.OUT. This file was then analyzed by VIEW_SD, to display the range of values found for each point in the file, and the calculated mean and standard deviation. 6-158 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide VIEW2ASC - Convert View Data to ASCII VIEW2ASC is a command line utility that reads the output files from VIEW1, VIEW2, or VIEW2T and convert them to an ASCII format that can be imported into most spreadsheet programs. It can be used to export only some of the points in the file, thereby reducing the size of the data imported into the spreadsheet program. It also converts the time tags from absolute calendar time tags to a file relative time tag that is suitable for use in a spreadsheet X-Y plot. Data collection programs such as VIEW1 and VIEW2 collect lots of data and can write that data into a disk file. Once this data has been collected, it is often useful to transfer that data into a spreadsheet program for further analysis or charting. Two problems are often encountered during this process: 1 The time tags used by the VIEW programs use an absolute calendar format that is not understood by many spreadsheet programs. This is especially true of VIEW2 data, which contains subsecond data. Many spreadsheet programs refuse to understand time tags with fractional seconds. 2 Some spreadsheet programs do not handle the large amounts of data supplied by the VIEW programs very well. VIEW files can contain data for up to 50 points, which may be more than the program can accept. This can be due to the large memory requirements, or the fact that the program cannot import from lines containing more than 256 characters. VIEW2ASC creates its output file with the time converted from a calendar format to a real number format. This real number is the number of seconds into the test, where the first time tag in the file (with the subsecond field zeroed) indicates the time of the start of the test. This new time into test value can be used with the spreadsheet X-Y plot to provide an accurate plot of the value versus time. VIEW2ASC also removes the header indicating the point sources, leaving only the actual data lines. VIEW2ASC allows the user to indicate which points in the data file should be included in the ASCII file that will be passed into the spread sheet program. By selecting only the points desired, the total memory requirements or line length requirements of the spreadsheet program can be met. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-159 Operation VIEW2ASC is a command line utility that reads the output files from VIEW1, VIEW2, or VIEW2T and convert them to an ASCII format that can be imported into most spreadsheet programs. It can be used to export only some of the points in the file, thereby reducing VIEW2ASC is a command line utility program that is run from a DOS window. If run with no parameters or the /? parameter, a help screen is provided. The following example is a help screen: F:\UNIT1>VIEW2ASC /? VIEW2ASC - VIEW TO ASCII FILE CONVERSION This program will take the output from VIEW1 or VIEW2 and reformat it so that it can be input into most spreadsheet and database programs. The time is converted to a raw number of seconds and the data is left as is. Because many spreadsheets can not accept as many numbers as are in the VIEWx file (memory limitations) the user must specify which points are to be included in the output file. This is done as a list of the point numbers in the VIEWx file. COMMAND FORMAT: VIEW2ASC pt#,pt#,pt#...pt# infile outfile The list of point numbers must be one WORD. No spaces are allowed, only numbers separated by commas. F:\UNIT1> In the following example, six vibration points were captured using VIEW1 into the file VIEW1.OUT. This file was then converted keeping all points. F:\UNIT1>type view1.out ## Unit Pointname Scale -- ---- ------------ ----1 T1 BB1 in/s 2 T1 BB2 in/s 3 T1 BB3 in/s 4 T1 BB4 in/s 5 T1 BB5 in/s 6 T1 BB_MAX in/s 05-FEB 17:07:39 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 05-FEB 17:07:40 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.33 05-FEB 17:07:41 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.33 05-FEB 17:07:42 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.30 05-FEB 17:07:43 0.34 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.34 0.30 05-FEB 17:07:44 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.30 05-FEB 17:07:45 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.34 05-FEB 17:07:46 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.34 05-FEB 17:07:47 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.31 05-FEB 17:07:48 0.34 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.34 0.31 05-FEB 17:07:49 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.31 05-FEB 17:07:50 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.28 F:\UNIT1>VIEW2ASC 1,2,3,4,5,6 view1.out view1a.out 12 data points have been written to the file "view1a.out" F:\UNIT1>TYPE view1a.out 0 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 1 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.33 2 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.33 3 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.30 4 0.34 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.34 0.30 5 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.30 6 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.34 7 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.34 8 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.31 9 0.34 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.34 0.31 10 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.31 11 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.28 F:\UNIT1> 6-160 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide In the following example, six vibration points were captured using VIEW2 into the file VIEW2.OUT. This file was then converted keeping all points. With VIEW2 data, the times include subseconds. F:\UNIT1>TYPE view2.out ## Unit Pointname Scale -- ---- ------------ ----1 T1 BB1 in/s 2 T1 BB2 in/s 3 T1 BB3 in/s 4 T1 BB4 in/s 5 T1 BB5 in/s 7 T1 BB_MAX in/s 05-FEB 17:15:53.500 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.30 05-FEB 17:15:53.750 0.34 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.34 0.30 05-FEB 17:15:54.000 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.30 05-FEB 17:15:54.250 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.34 05-FEB 17:15:54.500 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.34 05-FEB 17:15:54.750 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.34 05-FEB 17:15:55.000 0.34 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.34 0.34 05-FEB 17:15:55.250 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.34 05-FEB 17:15:55.500 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.34 05-FEB 17:15:55.750 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.34 05-FEB 17:15:56.000 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.34 05-FEB 17:15:56.250 0.34 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.34 0.34 F:\UNIT1>VIEW2ASC 1,2,3,4,5,6 view2.out view2a.out 12 data points have been written to the file "view2a.out" F:\UNIT1>TYPE view2a.out 0.500 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.30 0.750 0.34 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.34 0.30 1.000 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.30 1.250 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.34 1.500 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.34 1.750 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.34 2.000 0.34 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.34 0.34 2.250 0.32 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.34 2.500 0.31 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.34 2.750 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.34 3.000 0.28 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.34 3.250 0.34 0.33 0.27 0.27 0.34 0.34 F:\UNIT1> In the preceding example, six vibration points were captured using VIEW2 into the file VIEW2.OUT. This file was then converted keeping all points. With VIEW2 data, the times include subseconds. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-161 Web-based Displays WEB programs are available from the HMI as a Web-based display. These Web displays can be viewed locally, or from other computers connected to the HMI through a network. These displays are listed below and discussed in the following sections. 6-162 • Chapter 6 HMI • WALMDUMP - WEB Alarm Dump Display. This program displays the contents of the TCI alarm queues. The current contents of the alarm queue for Process Alarms, Diagnostic Alarms, or Hold Lists can be displayed, with the results sorted by either time or alarm identification. • WANETC - WEB ARCNET Counter Display. This is an advanced diagnostic program that displays counters and state information for ARCNET interfaces. • WARCWHO - WEB ARCNET Status Display. This program displays the list of ARCNET nodes that are visible to the HMI. It is useful in debugging ARCNET communication problems. • WAUTHEN - WEB Authentication. This program triggers WEB Authentication, which verifies a client's WEB identity. It is typically used at the beginning of automated procedures so that the steps are not interrupted by login requests. • WCONST - WEB Control Constants Display. This program provides a list of the current value of the control constants in a Mark V or Mark V LM. • WDEMAND - WEB Demand Display from Data Dictionary. This program provides the current value of a set of signals for Data Dictionary based units. The list of signals included in the report is either predefined or defined at the time the request is made. • WGBL - WEB Global Section Display. This program provides a list of the advanced debugging trace global sections that are available, and the ability to retrieve the contents of any trace global section. • WHAERPT - WEB Historical Alarm and Event Report. This program provides either a detailed list of alarms or a summary report of alarm for a given set of units over a given time range. This is the primary interface to the HMI Historical Alarms and Events. • WHISTORY - WEB Historical Alarm and Event Report by Day. This utility program provides either a detailed list of alarms or a summary report of alarms for any particular digital exception message day file. • WLFORCE - WEB Logic Forcing Display. This program provides a list of the logic signals that are currently forced in a Mark V or Mark V LM controller. • WPBRO6 - WEB Point Browser for Mark VI. This program provides a list of signals that are available from a Mark VI. A list of only the published signals or a list of all signals in the unit can be returned. • WPBROXD - WEB Point Browser for Data Dictionary. This program provides a list of signals that are available from any Data Dictionary based unit, which includes the Mark V and Mark V LM. • WPROCESS - WEB Process List. This diagnostic program provides a list of the processes that are running on the HMI. • WSUM_D03 - WEB Summary of D03 Files. This utility program provides reports from digital exception message day files. It can also be used in a command line mode to produce reports directly from the digital exception *.D03 files. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Accessing the Web displays The HMI provides Web displays to view certain types of information. These Web displays can be viewed locally, or from other computers connected to the HMI through a network. Web-based displays include: • Demand Display - This displays the values of a selected list of points from the TCI Data Dictionary. Any point in the data dictionary can be displayed by typing in the point name. New Point Lists can be added, or the points in a Point List can be modified, by editing the F:\WDEMAND.DAT file. • Process Alarms – This displays a list of the current process alarms. • Diagnostic Alarms – This Mark V display displays a list of the current diagnostic alarms. • Logic Forcing – This Mark V display displays a list of all the forced points in the unit. It does not allow the forcing or unforcing of points. • Control Constants – This Mark V display displays each of the control constants and its current value. • HMI Startup log – This displays the last startup log file for this HMI. • (Browse) – This allows the desired log file to be picked and displayed. • Point Browser – This displays all the points in the data dictionary for the selected unit. • ARCWHO – This displays all the nodes that are active on the ARCNET. To access the Web displays from the HMI 1 From the Desktop, select Start, Programs, then the Web browser (usually Internet Explorer) 2 The Web browser displays. 3 If the page is not already configured as the Home page, in the address area, type: http://localhost 4 Click displays. or press the Enter key. The TCI Information Web Home page If you are not at the HMI, but some other computer connected to the HMI by a network, the Web displays can be accessed from your Web browser by typing: http://<HMI computer name>. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-163 Home page Click on item to open the Web display. TCI Information Web Home Page WALMDUMP - Web Alarm Dump Display This program displays the current contents of the TCI alarm queue for Process Alarms, Diagnostic Alarms, or Hold Lists, with the results sorted by either time or alarm identification. The WALMDUMP program provides the display for the TCI Home Page's Current Process Alarms and Current Diagnostic Alarms displays by reading the alarm queues from the TCI subsystem and returning them as Web pages. Current Diagnostic Alarms displays are only applicable for sites with Mark V systems. All alarms from all units are included in the output. The standard WALMDUMP Web page address is as follows: http://<computer>/scripts/GEDS/WALMDUMP.EXE? This program can also be run as a command line program for advanced debugging. If run with no parameters it yields a Process Alarm display sorted by time. Command line parameters displayed below can be used to indicate which alarms queue should be presented and how it should be sorted. Parameters can be added to the Web page address by using the format as follows: http://<computer>/scripts/GEDS/WALMDUMP.EXE?<param>+<param>+<param>… 6-164 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Alarm Dump Display For example, the address for a display with Process Alarms sorted by the unit and alarm drop number would be as follows: http://<computer>/scripts/GEDS/WALMDUMP.EXE?PALARM+DROP Users can add the ability to get HOLD alarms for Steam Turbine sites with Mark V and Mark VI systems by adding the following entry to the Web menu: <A HREF="/scripts/GEDS/walmdump.exe/HOLDS.TXT?HOLD"> Current Hold List</A> The list of supported parameters is as follows: PALARM DALARM DIAG HOLD TIME DROP GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide - (default) Show the Process Alarm Queue Show the Diagnostic Alarm Queue Show the Diagnostic Alarm Queue Show the HOLD queue (if present) (default) Show the records sorted by TIME Show the records sorted by UNIT NUMBER and DROP NUMBER Chapter 6 HMI • 6-165 WANETC - Web ARCNET Counters The Web ARCNET counter information is considered advanced debugging information and is not used unless requested by GE service while trying to resolve a problem with an ISA based ARCNET card. This diagnostic display is typically not included on the TCI Web Page, it must be requested from a browser’s address bar. The information contained in this display is the same as returned by the command line ANETC (ARCNET Counters) program - the only difference is that this program provides the information over the Web to support remote diagnostics. To view this display from a Web page, enter the following URL: http://<computer>/scripts/GEDS/WANETC.EXE? To add this to the TCI Home Page, add the following entry in the Debugging Information section: <A HREF="/scripts/geds/wanetc.exe">ARCNET Driver Counters</A> Parameters can alter the default data returned. The parameters supported are as follows: /D /P /S /R /I - show diag counters (default) show protocol info show state info reset diag counters diag counter information To add a parameter to the web-based request, add a question mark to the end of the URL followed by the command line parameter. If multiple command line parameters are desired, separate them with the plus sign +. For example, to display the ARCNET protocols that have been allocated, use the following: <A HREF="/scripts/geds/wanetc.exe?/p">ARCNET Driver Protocols</A> 6-166 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide WARCWHO - Web ARCWHO Display WARCWHO is a Web-based utility program that provides a list of the ARCNET nodes present on any of the ARCNET networks. Both Stagelink and CSF nodes are ARCNET based and are included in the networks listed. This program is useful when locating communication problems, and during initial installation to verify that the unit configuration information is correct and the network drivers are installed and configured correctly. The counters provided by this program can also be used as an indication of an unstable or improperly configured network. Each device on an ARCNET network is given a unique address. This address is used in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file to match units with ARCNET addresses. The WARCWHO program uses the ARCNET driver to poll for nodes. All nodes found are listed regardless of what type of node it is, for example, turbine control, HMI, or Historian. If no networks are reported, it probably means that the ARCNET device driver has not been started or is configured improperly. If run with the /? parameter a help page is displayed. If the TCI System Service is running then WARCWHO can determine the network number and network type for each network and include that in its report. If TCI is not running it is not able to report on the network numbers and network types, but it can still produce a list of the nodes found. All node addresses are displayed in HEX, which is how they are specified in the F:\CONFIG.DAT file. The following example displays the WARCWHO help page: Web-Based ARCWHO Display GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-167 WAUTHEN - Web Authentication of User Computers that provide Web-based displays can be configured to provide displays to any user, or to limit the visibility of the displays to certain users. If displays are limited, each user must authenticate themselves prior to being displayed the protected displays. Authentication requires supplying a valid username and password to establish identity. Once the Web server knows your identity it can control the displays that are returned and those that are blocked. When a particular Web display requires Authentication and the user has not authenticated yet, the program triggers a username and password dialog box. In this way authentication is automatically triggered when the first protected display is requested. Once the user has been authenticated, the Web browser holds the user's identity so that if additional displays require authentication the user will not be prompted again. Web browsers typically remember the user's identity until the browser is exited. The Web authentication program WAUTHEN is a program that checks to see if the user is already authenticated. If so it reports back to the user the user's authenticated identity. If the user is not authenticated, it initiates the username and password prompt, then reports back on the identity after the user is authenticated. Normally this program is not required for interactive users. A username and password window prompts the user when the first protected display is requested. This program is provided to trigger the authentication process on demand. It is used to establish an identity prior to running automated procedures that typically should not stop in the middle to prompt for Authentication. 6-168 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide WCONST - Web Control Constants Display The WEB Control Constants Display presents a list of the current control constant values for selected Mark V controller unit. The user selects the unit from a list of units, and selects the sort order of the returned values. The values can be returned sorted by either point name or by memory offset in the controller. The values returned are the values that the turbine controller is currently using, also known as the RAM values. Select Control Constants Display After selecting the unit number and the sorting method, click on Submit and the control constants are displayed. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-169 Control Constants Display 6-170 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide WDEMAND - Web Demand Display The Web Demand Display reports the current values of a user-defined list of points from the TCI Data Dictionary. As an option it can return the time tags associated with the point values. Up to 512 points can be included in any one display. Points can be defined by entering the point name on the query form, or by using a predefined point list. Two formats are supported for the results, a table format and a list format. The Table format returns the data in a Web table format and the List format returns the data in a flat ASCII format that is easier to use in automation routines. The data is returned once to the user; to see an update use the REFRESH or RELOAD button on the Web browser. Select Demand Display Options GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-171 If the Table Format is selected then the following display is obtained: Demand Display Table Format If the List Format is selected then the following display is obtained: Demand Display List Format Predefined Point Lists To create a set of predefined point lists, enter the name of the list and the points to be included in the F:\WDEMAND.DAT file. The demand display cannot have more than 512 points, but there are no limits on the number of predefined lists that can be created. Once these predefined point lists are created, the user can select one of them from the form. 6-172 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The predefined point lists are defined in the F:\WDEMAND.DAT file. Each point list is defined by enclosing the name of the point list in square brackets starting in the first column. Under each list definition are the names of the points in the list, one point name per line. If a unit name is not included with the point name then the unit that the user selected is used. If the unit name is included with the point name then the selected unit is ignored. If every point in the list has a unit name and point name, then no unit needs to be selected. This is often used for plant summary displays where status points from all units are used to make a plant overview display. Any line that starts with a semi-colon in the first column is taken to be a comment line and is ignored. Blank lines are also ignored. The following is a sample F:\WDEMAND.DAT file: [Plant Overview] T1:STATUS_FLD T1:DWATT T1:DVAR T2:STATUS_FLD T2:DWATT T2:DVAR [Turbine Vibration] BB_MAX BB1 BB2 BB3 BB4 BB5 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-173 WGBL - Web Global Section Display The Web Global Section program is used to obtain trace information from programs running in the background for advanced debugging purposes, as part of the TCI System Service. It presents information from the global sections as a Web page that can be viewed and saved from any Web browser. Many of the programs that run in the background as part of the TCI system service keep some trace information in global sections of memory. These traces often contain a list of the most recent messages or actions handled by the program; this information is valuable for debugging. The Web Global Section display builds a list of the trace global sections that it finds on the computer and presents this as a list of options. The user then clicks on the trace information desired and it is retrieved and displayed. The information is presented once, to update the information use the REFRESH or RELOAD button on the browser. Decoding the information contained in these trace global sections usually requires knowledge of the internal workings of the program that created it. This information is for advanced debugging, and typically the reports obtained are either obtained directly by the factory, or are forwarded to the factory for analysis. Web Global Section Display 6-174 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide WHAERPT - Web Historical Alarm and Event Exception Report The Historical Alarm and Event Exception Report is the most useful report for analyzing the discrete data stored on the HMI. An Exception occurs when one of the Process Alarm, Event, or SOE points scanned by the controller changes state. A change in state is a point pickup or drop out and for Process Alarms only, a change in the lockout state. This data is communicated to the HMI when the change occurs. Historical Alarm and Event Exception Report The report contains a header, which displays the user’s form input selections: • The Site name and the Unit names selected • The Data types selected • The Time format • The Report’s Start time and End time The Report type output page contains the following data on each line: • The Time tag of the exception; this time comes from the controller • The Unit name • The Status of the alarm or discrete event, indicated as follows: – 1 indicates Pickup, and 0 indicates Dropout – L indicates Lock, and U indicates Unlock • The Point name for SOEs and Events, or processor and drop number for alarms. • The Data type indicated as follows: – GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide ALM for Alarms Chapter 6 HMI • 6-175 • – EVT for Events – SOE for Sequence of Events Descriptive text The report begins with the oldest data and has the newest data at the end. It may be printed or saved as a text file from the browser window. To return to the query form, use the Back button on the web browser toolbar. Historical Alarm and Event Summary Report The Historical Alarm and Event Summary Report is useful for analyzing the frequency of digital data, especially nuisance alarms and edge conditions. It is important to eliminate frequently occurring nuisance alarms and edge conditions, since they crowd up the exception report, without adding much information, making it difficult to interpret the relevant data. Historical Alarm and Event Summary Report The report contains a header that displays the user’s form input selections: 6-176 • Chapter 6 HMI • The Site name and the Unit names selected • The Data types selected • The Time format • The report’s Start time and End time • The Report type GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The report data is listed separately for each unit, and each data type within that unit. Data is listed in the order of drop number for alarms and events, and in point number order for events and SOEs. The output page contains the following data on each line for process alarms: • The number of pickups and the number of dropouts • The number of locks and the number of unlocks • The Unit name • The processor • The drop number • Descriptive text The output page contains the following data on each line for Events and SOEs: • The number of pickups and the number of dropouts • The Unit name • The point name for SOEs and Events • Descriptive text It can be printed or saved as a text file from the browser window. To return to the query form, use the Back button on the web browser toolbar. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-177 WHISTORY-Historical Alarm and Event Report by Day When the Historical Alarm and Event recording option is enabled in TCI, a 30-day history of alarms, events, and SOEs is maintained on the HMI hard drive. The normal way of viewing this data is through the Web-based Historical Alarm and Event report, which provides both summary and detailed reports. Internally these data records are stored in files on the HMI using one file per day per data type. The Historical Alarm and Event Report by Day is a maintenance and diagnostic utility that typically is not included on the TCI Web Page. It works directly with the day files to: • Provide a list of the files that exist on the hard drive • Display a summary or detailed report of a file's contents • Allow retrieval of these files off-site The day is based upon UTC time, not site local time. If no records for a particular type are received during a day, no file is created. The files are stored in a historical data directory and are named YYYYMMDD_***.D03 as follows: • YYYY is the four digit year • MM is the two digit month • DD is the two digit day of month • *** indicates the type of records in the file: • – ALM = Process Alarms – EVT = Events – SOE = Sequence of Events D03 is the internal format of the exception messages, digital, format 03 The historical data directory is typically C:\HMIDATA. This location can be changed by the option HST_DIR = <path> in the Options section of the F:\CONFIG.DAT file. Historical files are only saved if the Options section includes the Alarm_History = Yes option. The Historical Alarm and Event Remote by Day is a Web display that displays a list of the files. This list can be presented in two formats, a table view or a list view. The table view is a more compact display using the HTML table construct, but that does not start to appear until all entries have been received. The list view is not as compact, but each line appears on the display as it is received. Both views present the same information, so you can use either. Each display includes a method to switch to the other display format. Since the HMI is limited to 30 days, the delays associated with using the table view are probably minimal, making the table view the preferred choice. 6-178 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Along with the name of each file found, the display includes links to View the detailed records in the file, Summarize the contents of the file, or Download the file. If you are trying to download the file to your local COMPUTER, the easiest way is to right click on the Download link and choose Save target as or Save link as. The View report is similar to the Historical Alarm and Event report, and the Summarize report is similar to the Historical Alarm and Event Report's summary. The main difference in content is that all data in the file is included, instead of being able to select the time range and units. The main difference in format is that the native UTC time tag is displayed, not site local time. (This is one reason why this utility is typically not exposed to end users on the Web menu). If you wish to add the WHISTORY program to the TCI WEB menu, the following entries can be used. To add the program and give the user the choice of list or table modes, add two entries such as the following to either the Alarm Displays section of the menu or the Debugging Information section of the menu: <LI> <A HREF="/scripts/GEDS/whistory.exe">Alarm, Event, and SOE files (List mode)</A> </LI> <LI> <A HREF="/scripts/GEDS/whistory.exe?Table">Alarm, Event, and SOE files (Table mode)</A> </LI> GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-179 WLFORCE - Web Logic Forcing Display The Web Logic Forcing Display (WLFORCE) displays which Mark V logic points are currently forced in the selected unit. The list of points can be sorted in either point name order or by the location in the controller's memory. This program cannot be used to force or unforce a point, only display which points are forced. To force points use the Logic Forcing Display on the HMI itself, not the Web-based display. Selecting the Unit and Sorting Method The Unit and Sorting methods are selected, and the resulting forced points display is as follows: Forced Points Display 6-180 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide WPBRO6 - Web Point Browser for Mark VI The Mark VI Database Point Browser allows the user to view a brief summary of the points configured on EGD pages, signals configured for the Mark VI, or EGD Exchange information. Users can customize the report to search for specific points or all points. Accessing the Mark VI Toolbox Point Browser form 1 From the Desktop, double click the TCI Menu icon. The TCI Information web browser screen displays presenting choices. 2 From HMI Information, click the Point Browser (Mark VI Toolbox) text. The Mark VI Toolbox Browser - Select Options form displays. The default form is set up to display the list of all points defined on EGD pages. The file location is partially filled with F:\UNIT. The user must fill out the remaining information to identify the desired Mark VI Toolbox file, for example, F:\UNIT1\G1.M6B. Mark VI Browser Form To view the Mark VI Toolbox Report • From the Mark VI Toolbox Select Options display, modify the default form fields as needed. This is described in the sections below. • When the form is complete, click the Submit button. The requested Mark VI Toolbox Report displays. The following sections describe the entries in the Mark VI Toolbox Browser – Select Options display. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-181 Selecting the Points. All points or specific points based on the pointname can be chosen. A wildcard string such as G1:TN* is allowed. Selecting the List Type. The default list is EGD, which produces a report starting with the first point on the first EGD exchange and ending with the last point on the last EGD exchange produced by the Mark VI. Selecting Signal list produces a report in alphabetic order of the signal name for all signals defined for this Mark VI. Selecting the EGD Exchange list produces a report with information about each EGD exchange. Selecting the Display Type. The default report type is Text. By checking the CSV radio button, the output format will be a Comma Separated Variable format used for loading in Spreadsheet and Database applications. Selecting the File Location. The specific Mark VI Toolbox file name, with full path, is entered here. 6-182 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Mark VI Toolbox Browser Reports There are three types of reports: EGD, Signal, and EGD Exchange. Each report lists the Site name, the Unit name, the List type and the time of the report in the header. Also, any error messages appear in the header. EGD Report The EGD report displays data in column format with the point name in the first column, the Producer ID for the EGD Exchange, the exchange number, the point’s offset within the exchange, the exchanges revision number (Configuration Signature), and the EGD type for the point. If the GE Control System Toolbox 6.2 is installed on the HMI, the defined engineering units are displayed next. For GE Control System Toolbox 6.1, N/A is displayed. The point’s description appears last. EGD Report The CSV format display is used for loading the data into Spreadsheets and Database applications. To load the EGD Report CSV file into a spreadsheet • From the CSV format EGD Report, select the menu item File. • From the File drop-down menu, select Save As. Save the file with a *.csv extension. • From the Spreadsheet application, open the saved file. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-183 The following example displays a part of a report displayed in a CSV format: ...Site: HSTLAB1 ...Unit: GT8 ...List: EGD -- Signals available over EGD ...Time: 16-MAR-2000 14:46:32 PointName,ProducerID,Xchg#,Offset,Rev,EGDType,EngUnit,Description TH1,GT8_EGD,14,0,0.2,WORD,"N/A","GT8\OPSYS\TH1" TH2,GT8_EGD,14,2,0.2,WORD,"N/A","GT8\OPSYS\TH2" : : : : SC43GEN,GT8_EGD,16,16,0.2,DWORD,"N/A","Generator Control Selection" L90PSEL_CMD,GT8_EGD,16,20,0.2,REAL,"N/A","Preselect Load Setpoint Command" DRVAR_CMD,GT8_EGD,16,24,0.2,REAL,"N/A","VAR Control Manual Reference" Signal Report. The Signal report displays data in column format with the signal name in the first column, followed by the Mark VI data type for the point. If the GE Control System Toolbox 6.2 is installed on the HMI, the defined engineering units are displayed next. For GE Control System Toolbox 6.1, N/A is displayed. The point’s description appears last. Signal Report The CSV format display is used for loading the data into Spreadsheets and Database applications. To load the Signal Report CSV file into a spreadsheet 6-184 • Chapter 6 HMI 1 From the CSV format Signal Report, select the menu item File. 2 From the File drop-down menu, select Save As. Save the file with a *.csv extension. 3 From the Spreadsheet application, open the saved file. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The following example displays a part of a report displayed in CSV format: ...Site: HSTLAB1 ...Unit: GT8 ...List: Signal -- Signals defined for this unit ...Time: 16-MAR-2000 14:49:11 Signal,DataType,EngUnit,Description AATCD,Float,"N/A","Atomizing Air Temperature Degrees F" ACC1_TRENAB,Bool,"N/A", ACC1_TRIP,Bool,"N/A", ACC2_TRENAB,Bool,"N/A", ACC2_TRIP,Bool,"N/A", ACC3_TRENAB,Bool,"N/A", ACC3_TRIP,Bool,"N/A", BUSFREQ,Float,"N/A", CMHUM2,Float,"N/A","Specific Humidity" CMHUM3,Float,"N/A","Specific Humidity" COMPOSTRIP1,Bool,"N/A", : : : : CONT7_TRENAB,Bool,"N/A", CPD1,Float,"N/A", CPD1_ARLIST,Float,"N/A","Array list for CPD rolling average calculation." CPD_AVERAGE,Float,"N/A","Average CPD pressure for display." : : : : DTGGC11,Float,"N/A","Generator Temp - Cold Gas Collector End" DTGGH19,Float,"N/A","Generator Temp - Hot Air Collector End" EGD Exchange Report. The EGD Exchange report displays data in column format with the exchange (or page) number in the first column, followed by the exchange length, the exchange period (or update rate in milliseconds), the exchange producer (or source), and then the exchange destination. EGD Exchange Report GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-185 The CSV format display is used for loading the data into Spreadsheets and Database applications. To load the EGD Exchange Report CSV file into a spreadsheet 1 From the CSV format EGD Exchange Report, select the menu item File. 2 From the File drop-down menu, select Save As. Save the file with a *.csv extension. 3 From the Spreadsheet application, open the saved file. The following example displays the report displayed in a CSV format: ...Site: HSTLAB1 ...Unit: GT8 ...List: EGD Exchange Information ...Time: 16-MAR-2000 14:49:38 Page,Length,Period,Source,Destination 14,4,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 15,4,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 16,64,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 17,64,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 18,64,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 19,60,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 20,4,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 21,3,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 22,60,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 23,44,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 24,3,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 25,64,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 26,2,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 27,6,320,GT8_EGD,BROADCAST 6-186 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide WPBROXD - TCI Data Dictionary Point Browser The TCI Data Dictionary Point Browser allows the user to view a brief summary of the points configured in a unit’s data dictionary. Users can customize the report to search for specific points or all points. The points can be sorted by name or offset. The engineering units and long name associated with the points in the report can be displayed. To access the TCI Data Dictionary Point Browser form 1 From the Desktop, double click the TCI Menu icon. The TCI Information web browser screen displays presenting choices. 2 From TCI Information, click the Point Browser (Data Dictionary) text. The XD Point Data Base Browser – Select Options form displays. The form is automatically filled in and is set up to display the list of all points for the first defined unit, sorted by name, with their associated engineering units and long name. XD Point Data Base Browser Form To view the Data Dictionary Report 1 From the XD Point Data Base Select Options display, modify the default form fields as needed. This is described in the sections below. 2 When the form is complete, click the Submit button. The requested Data Dictionary Report displays. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-187 The following sections describe the entries in the XD Point Data Base Browser – Select Options display. Selecting the Points. All points or specific points based on the pointname can be chosen. A wildcard string such as G1:TN* is allowed. Selecting the Unit. Any defined unit can be selected. Selecting the Sort. The default sort is by Name, which produces a report in alphabetic order of the pointname. By checking the Offset radio button, the report is sorted in increasing order of the point’s address. Selecting the Data Types. Users can wish to reduce the amount of information on the output report. The Engineering Units and Long Names are selected by default. The user can uncheck these boxes to delete them from the output. Selecting the Display Type. The default report type is Text. By checking the CSV radio button, the output format is a Comma Separated Variable format used for loading in Spreadsheet and Database applications. XD Point Data Base Browser Report The report lists the Site Name, the Unit Name and the time of the report in the header. Also, any error messages appear in the header. The data is displayed in column format with the Data Dictionary point name in the first column. If the engineering units field was specified, this is next. If the long name format was requested, it appears last. Data Dictionary Report 6-188 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The CSV format display is used for loading the data into Spreadsheets and Database applications. To load the Data Dictionary Report CSV file into a spreadsheet 1 From the CSV format Data Dictionary Report, select the menu item File. 2 From the File drop-down menu, select Save As. Save the file with a *.csv extension. 3 From the Spreadsheet application, open the saved file. The file displays correctly in the spreadsheet. The following example displays a part of a report displayed in a CSV format: ...Site: HSTLAB1 ...Unit: T1 ...Time: 16-MAR-2000 14:36:41 Name,Units,Long Name A7,HEX,"Simulated status for TCQA cards" ACCEL_MPU1,%/sec,"Acceleration magnetic pickup" ACCEL_MPU2,%/sec,"Acceleration magnetic pickup" ACCEL_MPU3,%/sec,"Acceleration magnetic pickup" ACCEL_MPU4,%/sec,"Acceleration magnetic pickup" ACCEL_MPU5,%/sec,"Acceleration magnetic pickup" ACCEL_MPU6,%/sec,"Acceleration magnetic pickup" ACCEL_MPU7Q,%/sec,"Acceleration magnetic pickup" ACCUM_01_LSW,CNTS ,"Accumulator #1 Least Significant Word" ACCUM_01_MSW,CNT15,"Accumulator #1 Most Significant Word" : : : : ACCUM_16_LSW,CNTS ,"Accumulator #16 Least Significant Word" ACCUM_16_MSW,CNT15,"Accumulator #16 Most Significant Word" GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 6 HMI • 6-189 WPROCESS - Web Process List The Web Process List (WPROCESS) display shows a list of the processes that are running on the computer. It includes the elapsed time the process has been running and its total CPU time. This is often useful in advanced debugging sessions to verify that the correct processes are running and to be able to calculate some basic performance results. Returning the list of processes that are running on a computer can be considered a security risk, so this program demands Web Authentication before returning the results. The user is prompted for a valid Username and Password on the computer if the user has not already Authenticated their identity during this Web browser session. Depending on the privilege level of the account used, some information may not be available in the display. For example, a non-Administrator account may not be able to see some of the elapsed and CPU times of system processes. Refer to the section on WAUTHEN – Web Authentication of User for information on authentication. Because this is only used for advanced debugging it is typically not included on the TCI Home Page. To add this to the TCI Home Page add the following entry under the Debugging Information section: <LI><A HREF="scripts/GEDS/wprocess.exe">Process List</A></LI> The following is a sample Web Process List display: Web Process List Display 6-190 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide WSUM_D03 - Web Summary of *.D03 Files When the Historical Alarm and Event recording option is enabled in TCI, a 30-day history of alarms, events, and SOEs is maintained on the HMI hard drive. These files are typically read by the Web-based Historical Alarm and Event Report or the Webbased Historical Alarm and Event Report by Day. A utility program has been created to display the contents of these files or produce a summary report of their contents. This utility program serves two functions: the Web-based Historical Alarm and Event Report by Day use it, but it can also serve as a command line utility. This is useful if any of the *.D03 files were shipped off-site, this utility program allows the contents of the binary *.D03 file to be read and analyzed. Internally these data records are stored in files on the HMI using one file per day per data type. The day is based upon UTC time, not site local time. If no records for a particular type are received during a day, no file is created. The files are stored in a historical data directory and are named YYYYMMDD_***.D03 where: • YYYY is the four digit year • MM is the two digit month • DD is the two digit day of month • *** indicates the type of records in the file: • – ALM = Process Alarms – EVT = Events – SOE = Sequence of Events D03 is the internal format of the exception messages (digital, format 03) The files are stored in the historical data directory, which is typically C:\HMIDATA. Historical files are only saved if the Options section includes the Alarm_History = Yes option.To extract information from the desired file, the WSUM_D03 program is run. It needs to be told using command line parameters the type of report desired and the file that it should process. The program can be run with HELP as its only command line parameter to provide a simple help screen. The available command line parameters are as follows: • HELP - Provides a simple help screen. • RPT - Indicates that an exception report is desired, displaying each transition. • SUM - Indicates that a summary report is desired, displaying a count of occurrences of each alarm, event, or SOE. • DIRECTORY=<path> - Tells the program where to find the *.D03 files. It is very common to use the path of "." to mean the current directory when using this in command line mode. • <filename> provides the name of the file to be analyzed. For example, to create a detailed report displaying each alarm transition from a file that contains all the process alarms for March 15, 2001 located in the current default directory, and write the results to a file called alarms.txt, the following command would be used: WSUM_D03 DIRECTORY=. RPT 20010315_ALM.D03 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide >alarms.txt Chapter 6 HMI • 6-191 For example, to create a summary report displaying the number of occurrences of each alarm from a file that contains all the process alarms for March 15,2001 located in the current default directory, and write the results to a file called summary.txt, the following command would be used: WSUM_D03 DIRECTORY=. SUM 20010315_ALM.D03 >summary.txt The resulting files are similar to the Historical Alarm and Event report and summary, but with a few minor differences. The date and time of each alarm is in the file's native UTC format, not site local time. As the files are moved from computer to computer the knowledge of how to do the time zone conversion is no longer available. In addition, the site name is not available in the summary report header, as that is not saved in the raw binary file. 6-192 • Chapter 6 HMI GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide CHAPTER 7 Chapter 7 Networks Network Overview This chapter discusses the communication networks connecting the HMI to the Mark IV, Mark V, Mark VI controllers, and to the distributed control system. The Control System Freeway, Stagelink, Unit Data Highway, Plant Data Highway, and Serial link are covered. Mark IV System - Control System Freeway In a Mark IV system, communication between the HMIs and the Mark IV panels is by means of the Control System Freeway (CSF). CSF supports up to 100 stations, where a station is either an HMI, controller, or control computer, and it runs at a communication rate of 2.3 MHz. Control of the communication is by means of token passing, which provides peer-to-peer communication between all stations. CSF supports downloading and uploading software between the HMI and controllers, monitoring the turbine control, and issuing operator commands. CSF Characteristics CSF consists of a 2.3-MHz system that uses either fiber-optic or twinax copper cabling. Fiber-optic cabling prevents electromagnetic interference and is often a better alternative for long outdoor segments (refer to the section on Fiber-optics in this chapter). Mark IV Control System Freeway CSF Feature Description Communication type Baseband Frequency or speed 2.3 MHz Cable type Twinax (upgrades use coax) Maximum network length without repeaters 2,000 feet (609 m) Maximum network length with repeaters 10,000 feet (3048 m) Topology Bus or Star topology Number of stations (nodes) 100 System size in terms of inputs 380,000 discrete inputs, or 10,000 analog values CSF uses Global memory, which is a section of memory in each station transmitted to every other station on a regular basis. The message from each station is 256 bytes in length. For communication integrity, 16-bit CRC is used on every message. Note Many early Mark IV systems have been upgraded by replacing the twinax cables with coax, and by adding Mark V communication equipment, Ethernet communications, HMIs, and the Historian. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-1 Mark V System - Stagelink Communication between the HMI and the Mark V panels is by means of Stage Link. In its simplest configuration, Stage Link connects one Mark V turbine control panel to a single HMI (or node) across a single segment (refer to segment definition below). This communication topology may be expanded to accommodate multiple HMIs and multiple panels. For example, a single operator interface can be configured to issue commands to, and receive turbine data from, multiple Mark V turbine controls. In addition, multiple HMIs may be attached to the Stage Link with each HMI communicating with multiple control panels. In this way, Stage Link provides communications flexibility for different site needs. The Stage Link was designed specifically to address turbine control needs such as downloading or uploading software between the Mark V and the HMI, issuing commands, alarm management, and monitoring. Distributed control systems (DCS) interface to the Mark V over a separate serial communication link routed to the HMI, typically using a Modbus protocol. This section provides guidance and rules for successfully designing Stage Links to maximize communication link availability and network distances. Terms of Reference Terminology used in this Mark V section is as follows. Node – Any device connected to the Stage Link system that has a valid address: • A TCP core, which for a Mark V is a <C> core communications processor • A <D> core backup communications processor • A <R> core communications processor for a Mark V LM • An HMI Where a specific core (communications processor) is meant, like <C>, it is explicitly written <C> instead of TCP. Repeater – An electronic device that receives, amplifies, and re-transmits Stage Link signals. The TCP cores and a hub are considered repeaters, HMIs are not. Hub – For the Stage Link, the hub is a 4-port repeater, with two coax ports and two fiber-optic ports. The fiber-optic port converts the electrical signals to or from light pulses for fiber-optic transmission or reception. The hub can also be used as a repeater to amplify coax signals. It is not considered a node because it does not have an address. Segment – Any Stage Link section that joins two repeaters or connects one repeater to one or more high impedance devices, and ends with a terminating resistor. A segment may have multiple taps for high impedance connections to HMIs. 7-2 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Stage Link Characteristics ® The Stage Link consists of a 2.5-MHz (2.5-Mps) ARCNET system that uses either fiber-optic or standard RG-62 A/U copper cabling. Either type can be purchased with a variety of insulation systems such as flame retardant Teflon or high-density polyethylene. In applications that must meet IEC codes, GE recommends using armored co-axial cable. These cable types have a metal sheath outer layer that functions as both a mechanical shield and as an electrical conductor that can alleviate lightning induced disturbances on short outdoor runs. This outer layer must be grounded at each building's entrance and exit. Fiber-optic cabling prevents electromagnetic interference and is often a better alternative for long outdoor segments. Mark V ARCNET Local Area Network ARCNET Feature Specification Communication Type Baseband Frequency or Speed 2.5 MHz or 2.5 Mbps Propagation Delay (Maximum) 31 micro seconds Maximum Network Length, based on Propagation Delay 6,000 meters (19,690 ft) Repeater Nodes TCP or <C> core Other Repeaters Fiber-optic hubs High Impedance Nodes HMI Within the Mark V panels, the ARCNET cable is connected to the CTBA board, and with the Mark V LM it is connected to the AAHA board. These are located in the TCP communication processor. The CTBA or AAHA board communicates directly with the TCP communication processor. This data exchange is carried out through the one internal port of a three-port repeater; the remaining two ports are for external customer use. Signals entering any one of these three legs are amplified and sent out through the other two. Therefore, a signal entering the first external port is sent to TCP and re-transmitted on the second external port. Signals entering the internal port are sent out on both external ports. Should the CTBA or AAHA board lose control power, a relay de-energizes and connects the two external ports. In this manner, all the other nodes on the Stage Link can continue to function as long as the topology is designed in accordance with the distance rules provided later in this Chapter. Note Repeaters have a fail-safe design to maintain communication. The HMI utilizes a single high impedance port that distributes signals in both directions on the Stage Link through a T type connector. The ARCNET board within the HMI receives data by tapping off a portion of signal transmitted on the Stage Link. It does not repeat the signal. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-3 Cable Recommendations If the turbine control application requires a segment too long for a co-axial cable, a fiber-optic cable should be used. For more on fiber-optic installation, refer to the section on Fiber-optics. Stage Link Cable Recommendations Cable Type Recommendation Copper Cable Indoor Cable RG-62 A/U Co-axial Cable Outdoor Cable Armored Co-axial or Tri-axial Cable Connector Type BNC Male (both ends) Fiber-optic Cable Cable Multi-mode with 62.5-micron core and 120-micron cladding Connector Type ST bayonet Hub Power 120 Vac/60 Hz or 240 Vac/50 Hz (Customer supplied) Hub Configuration 2 Co-axial ports and 2 Fiber-optic ports (4 ST type connectors) Summary of Stage Link Topology Rules A segment refers to the cable and nodes between two repeaters. The topology rules are as follows: • No loops are allowed. • The maximum number of nodes allowed is 100. • The maximum number of HMIs in one network is 16. • The maximum time delay between any two nodes is 31 microseconds. • Both ends of the Stage Link must have a 93-ohm terminating impedance. • Every node must have a unique network address. Maximum Cable Segment Length Rules Cable Segments Cable Lengths Coax repeater to repeater 609.6 m (2000 ft) Coax repeater to single HMI 609.6 m (2000 ft) Coax repeater to more than one HMI 304.8 m (1000 ft) HMI between two repeaters 304.8 m (1000 ft) Maximum HMIs per segment 8 Fiber-optic cable hub-to-hub (62.5/120 1825 m (5988 ft) micron fiber) Minimum cable length between HMIs 1.5 m (4.9 ft) The network diagrams in figure Stagelink Cable Segment Rules illustrate the segment rules. The following apply to these diagrams: 7-4 • Chapter 7 Networks • TCP is either a Mark V LM <R> core, or a Mark V <C> or <D> core • The TCP cores and active hubs are considered repeaters • HMIs are not considered repeaters GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The segment distance cannot exceed 609.6 meters for a coax connection. Fiber optic segments can go farther as described below. The segment between fiber-optic repeaters can be as much as 1825 meters. The typical fiber-optic hub is a 4 port repeater that contains two coax and two fiber-optic ports. A two-node segment with one repeater and one high impedance node forming the end of the link may be 609.6 meters long. The HMI must have a cable-terminating resistor, shown as R No more than 8 HMI's can be used in one segment. Each node must use a proper T connector in the cable to minimize reflections. In the HMI, the T connector is located on the card . High impedance nodes must be separated by a minimum of 1.5 meters of cable between the T's. On a segment that has one TCP and two or more high impedance nodes, the maximum segment cable distance must be less than 304.8 meters . The length of a segment with two TCP's, and one to eight HMI's, must be less than 304.8 meters . 609.6 meters, coax TCP If a TCP loses power, the total length becomes the sum of the two adjacent segments (see rule below). coax coax 1825 meters fiber-optic cable Active hub Active hub coax coax 609.6 meters, coax TCP R 93 ohms HMI 8 High Impedance Nodes Maximum TCP HMI HMI HMI HMI R HMI HMI Less than 304.8 meters TCP HMI HMI HMI HMI R HMI HMI Less than 304.8 meters TCP HMI Relay drop out complicates the distance allowed between nodes because the segment formed by any single failure still must not exceed 609.6 meters. For segments containing HMIs, this distance drops to 304.8 meters. TCP HMI HMI HMI TCP HMI Less than 304.8 meters and no more than eight HMIs R TCP TCP HMI HMI HMI HMI HMI HMI Each TCP repeater has a relay that drops out when the power is off, connecting the two ports in order to maintain communication. Stagelink Cable Segment Rules GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-5 Total Effective Distance Rules Always calculate the total effective cable distance between the two network nodes that have the longest effective distance. These are not always the nodes that are farthest apart physically. Each repeater has a delay equal to the delay in 25 meters of cable. The effective distance is calculated as follows: Copper (coax) cable length in meters + (Fiber-optic cable length in meters* 1.25) + (number of repeaters* 25 meters) The total effective cable distance may not exceed 6000 meters. The maximum 31-microsecond propagation delay is approximately equal to the delay in 6000 meters of cable. Because it is easier to calculate effective cable distance than it is to measure propagation delay, this approximation is used. The deciding factor is propagation delay, not total length. If questions arise about a particular application, it may be necessary to measure the propagation delay. Note Propagation delay decides the maximum cable length. 3m R S1 HMI 2 267m R HMI 1 HMI 4 S3 S2 30m TCP1 30m HMI 3 Segments TCP3 Totals and Comments Segment S1 S2 S3 S4 Cable length, meters 270 30 55 270 Effective Cable length 270m 25m TCP2 S4 3 TCPs @ 25 = 75 625 75+625 = 700, well below the 6000 meter limit Calculation of Maximum segment with one node failure. Failure of node: Results in a combined segment of: TCP1 TCP2 TCP3 HMI1 to TCP2 TCP1 to TCP3 TCP2 to HMI4 300 85 325* Total number of nodes * All combined segments have HMIs, so the maximum length is 304.8 meters. TCP2 to HMI4 exceeds the limit. TCP1 to TCP3 is OK. HMI1 to TCP2 is close to the limit but should work if TCP1 fails, depending on the conditions. 7 nodes, well below the 100 maximum Simple Plant Example 7-6 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Redundant System Rules - Mark V The Mark V system displayed in figure Redundant Stage Link has redundant communication processors. The two Stage Link systems, <C> and <D>, are not interconnected. Interconnections are not allowed as they lower the communication interface reliability, since both networks could be brought down by a common failure such as a shorted coax or one node continuously transmitting. The <C> and <D> cables can be routed independently to minimize opportunities for a common failure. Typically unit control nodes are connected in a daisy-chain configuration. A cable from the <C> Stage Link is routed from one physical end of the daisy chain to the central control room. The <D> cable to the central control room is attached to the opposite side of the unit control string. In this way, a break in the cable or loss of power to a <C> and/or <D> leaves all other nodes accessible from some HMI in the central control room. On a system with a fiber-optic link, the fiber-optic repeater pair does not have bridging relays. Some customers may therefore prefer to use two links to the central control room, one from each end of the chain of unit controls as displayed figure Redundant Stage Link. In this example, one set of HMIs in the central control room is operational if any one of the four fiber-optic active hubs fails. R FOH HMI R HMI FOH HMI HMI FOH FOH HMI R <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <C> <D> <D> <D> <D> <D> <D> <D> <D> R HMI <C> - Communications Processor <D> - Backup Communications Processor FOH - Fiber Optic Hub HMI - Operator Interface R - Terminating Resistor (93 ohms) Redundant Stage Link GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-7 S1 FOH1 R HMI S11 R HMI HMI FOH3 HMI S10 760m Fiber-optic S2 600m Fiber-optic FOH2 FOH4 S3 3m S9 3m S4 S5 TCP1 TCP2 S6 TCP3 S7 HMI TCP4 S8 TCP5 TCP6 TCP - Communications Processor FOH - Fiber-optic Hub HMI - Operator Interface R - Terminating Resistor (93 ohms) Segments Segment Coax Cable length Fiber-optic Cable Maximum Effective Cable length S1 S2 6 Totals S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 3 30 30 180 30 150 S9 S10 S11 3 6 760 600 (16TCPs @ 25) + (4 FOH @25) + 1.25* (600 + 760) + 438 438 1360 2388, well below the 6000 meter limit Calculation of Maximum segment with one node failure. Failure of node: Results in a combined segment of: TCP1 TCP2 TCP3 TCP4 TCP5 TCP6 FOH2 to TCP2 TCP1 to TCP3 TCP2 to TCP4 TCP3 to TCP5 TCP4 to TCP6 TCP5 to FOH4 210 210 180 153 33 30 Total number of nodes All are less than 609 or 304 meter maximum 7 nodes, much less than the 100 maximum Complex Plant Application 7-8 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Fiber-optics Fiber optics can be an effective substitute for copper-coax cabling, especially in cases where longer distances are required, or electrical disturbances are a serious problem. Advantages The main advantages of fiber-optic cabling are as follows: • If the plant is in a high lightning area, fiber-optic segments can reduce control outages caused by lightning. • Grounding problems are avoided with optical cable. The ground potential can rise when there is a ground fault on transmission lines, caused by currents coming back to the generator neutral grounding point. • Optical cable can be routed through switchyards and other electrically noisy areas and not pickup interference. This can shorten the required runs and simplify the installation. • With proper cable jacket materials, fiber-optic cable can be run direct buried, in trays, or in conduit, with care not to install below the specified bend radius. • High quality fiber-optic cable is light, tough, and easily pulled. • The total cost of installation and maintenance of a fiber-optic segment may be less than a coax segment. • Larger diameter fiber extends this to 9000 feet (2,740 m) because the light transmitter can insert more light into the fiber. Disadvantages The main disadvantages of fiber-optic cabling are as follows: • Fiber-optic links require powered hubs at each end, with a reliable source of ac power. Failure of power to either hub causes a link failure. • The effective distance of a fiber segment is 1.25 times the actual cable routing distance. The rule for Stage Link is that the total effective distance between devices the farthest apart must not exceed 20,000 feet. • The extra equipment required for fiber links can increase maintenance. • The cost a fiber-optic Stage Link segment, particularly for short runs, may be more than for coax. • Inexpensive fiber-optic cable is easily broken during installation and more prone to mechanical and performance degradation over time. The highest quality cable is recommended. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-9 Review of Components This section reviews the basic components of a fiber-optic system, including cable, hubs, and connectors. Basics The recommended fiber-optic hub accepts two copper coax connections and two fiber-optic links. A message coming in on any one of the four ports is repeated from the other three ports. Each fiber port consists of an outgoing fiber and an incoming fiber. The incoming signal is picked up with a phototransistor and converted to an electrical signal. The outgoing signal is converted from a train of electrical pulses to infrared light using a light emitting diode. On the fiber segment the optical output of one hub is connected through the fiber cable to the optical input of the other hub. Two fibers are needed for each segment. Multimode fiber, with a graded index of refraction core and an outer cladding, is recommended for the Stage Link. The amount of light that enters the fiber depends on the brightness of the light source and the area of the light-carrying portion of the fiber. The amount of light that comes out of the other end depends on the clarity of the glass, the distribution of the index of refraction, the condition of the fiber, and the attenuation of the connectors. The strength of electrical signal generated depends on the light coming out of the fiber and the area and sensitivity of the phototransistor. Tracking all this is done using a power budget. Note The Power Budget predicts the optical signal strength at the receiver. The fiber is protected with buffering, which is the equivalent of insulation on metallic wires and protects the cable from excessive bends. Mechanical stress can damage fibers. One way to protect the fiber is to spiral it on the inside of a tube filled with gel, but there are problems with this. A more reliable system uses tight buffering with precision tensioned Kevlar fibers, which carry the stress of pulling and the stress of vertical runs. Never look directly into a fiber. Although most fiber links use light emitting diodes that cannot damage the eyes, some longer fiber links use lasers that can cause permanent damage to the eyes. Fiber-optic Cable High quality, 62.5/125-micron optical cable is recommended, especially for long distance links. The cable attenuation should be between 3.0 and 3.3 dB/km at 850 nm and around 1 to 1.2 dB/km at 1300 nm. The acrylate protective layer of the fiber should be specified with a 100-kpsi proof test and a 500-micrometer coating, rather than the 50-kpsi and 250-micrometer coating. Gel filled, or loose tube cables should not be used because of the special care required during installation, the difficulty of making terminations, and problems of maintaining the gel seal, particularly in vertical runs where hydrostatic pressure can cause gel leakage. Use a high quality break out cable, in which each fiber is a sturdy cable that helps prevent sharp bends. Combine the sub-cables with more strength and filler members to build up the cable for resisting mechanical stress and the outside environment. 7-10 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Fiber-optic Cable Specifications The following sections provide specification information for four-fiber cable with/without armor, the fiber-optic hub, and fiber-optic connectors. Four-Fiber Cable Without Armor Optical Cable Corporation Part (or its equivalent): RK920929-A Fiber and buffering: Fiber Type: Multimode Core diameter: 62.5 microns Cladding Diameter: 125 microns Fiber proof test: 100 kpsi Coating Diameter: 500 microns Tight buffer diameter: 900 microns Tight buffer material: Hard elastomeric; plastic not acceptable. Numerical aperture: 0.275 Attenuation & Bandwidth Bandwidth Attenuation 850 nm 160 MhzKm 3.5 dB/km 1300 nm 500 MhzKm 1.3 dB/km Stripping ability: All layers can be easily removed with commercially available tools. Sub Cables: Four sub cables each with one fiber. Fiber strength member: Aramid yarn Sub-cable diameter: 2.5 + - 0.125 mm Sub-cable jacket: Elastomeric Color-coded: Standard -- blue, orange, green, and brown GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-11 Cable construction: Sub-cables with filler/strength member Jacket: Tight bound pressure extruded Flame retardant polyurethane Color: Black Cable weight: 65 kg/km Cable diameter: 8.0 mm Strength members: Aramid yarn with individual precise tensioning Conductivity: No electrical conductors may be used. Installation: Min bend radius: 16 cm (when pulling) Max tensile load: 2200 N Location: Aerial, direct burial, or duct Pulling: Ordinary cable grips Operating: Min bend radius: 8 cm Max tensile load: 550 N Temperature: -40°C to +85°C Immersion: No damage Storage: -55°C to +85°C Test specification: EIA-STD-RS-455 (or equivalent) Impact resistance: 1500 impacts Crush resistance: 2200 N/cm Cyclic flexing: 2000 cycles Four-Fiber Cable With Armor Optical Cable Corporation Part (or equivalent): RK920929-A-CST Comprised of the same cable as described above, but surrounded with steel tape and polyethylene over jacket. 7-12 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Fiber and buffering: Fiber Type: Multimode Core diameter: 62.5 microns Cladding Diameter: 125 microns Fiber proof test: 100 kpsi Coating Diameter: 500 microns Tight buffer diameter: 900 microns Tight buffer material: Hard elastomeric; plastic not acceptable. Numerical aperture: 0.275 Attenuation & Bandwidth Attenuation Bandwidth 850 nm 3.5 dB/km 160 MhzKm 1300 nm 1.3 dB/km 500 MhzKm Stripping ability: All layers easily removed with commercially available tools. Sub Cables: Four sub cables each with one fiber. Fiber strength member: Aramid yarn Sub-cable diameter: 2.5 ± 0.125 mm Sub-cable jacket: Elastomeric Color-coded: Standard -- blue, orange, green, and brown Cable construction: Sub-cables with filler/strength member Jacket: Tight bound pressure extruded and flame retardant polyurethane Color: Black Armor: Steel tape nominal 0.155 mm Armor overlap: 2 mm, Bonded, corrugations in register. Over jacket: Polyethylene 1 to 1.5 mm thick Cable weight: 174 kg/km Cable diameter: 13.0 mm Strength members: Aramid yarn with individual precise tensioning GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-13 Installation: Min bend radius: 26 cm (when pulling) Max tensile load: 2660 N Location: Aerial, direct burial, or duct Pulling: Ordinary cable grips Operating: Min bend radius: 13 cm Max tensile load: 532 N Temperature: -40°C to +65°C Immersion: No damage Storage: -55°C to +70°C Test specification: EIA-STD-RS-455:(or equivalent) Impact resistance: 50 impacts Crush resistance: 440 N/cm Rodent damage is one of the major causes of failure of optical cable. If there is a possibility of wire insulation damage from rodents, the armored cable should be chosen. Otherwise, the armor is not recommended because it is heavier, has a larger bend radius, is more expensive, attracts lightning currents, and has lower impact and crush resistance. Particularly for underground runs, a direct lightning strike through the earth to the cable shield can cause explosive formation of steam in damp earth. The explosion can mechanically damage the cable. Test the optical characteristics of the cable with either an optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR), which can be provided by the manufacturer, or with a simpler device that compares light levels at both ends of the cable. Four-fiber cables can be used to bring redundant communications to a central control room, or the extra fibers can be retained as spares. A less expensive option is to get the same cable with only two fibers. Hubs The type of hub described here is built particularly for ARCNET communications and has the correct impedance to match the ARCNET line (93 ohms). For this reason, a fiber hub intended for Ethernet, for example, will not function properly on the Stage Link. The hub contains a power supply that runs from 120 or 220 V ac, 50 or 60 Hz. One model can be converted to the other by moving an internal jumper to accept the other voltage in case an error was made in ordering. 7-14 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide The rack contains a power supply with sufficient power for four expansion boards. Each board has two copper coax ports and two fiber-optic ports. A signal coming in on any port is amplified and transmitted on the other three ports. Ordinarily only one board is used. If the system uses two fiber segments, a second hub is recommended to improve the communications availability. On the board, normally only one copper port and one fiber port are used for the same reason. The fiber-optic ports in the hub's board have bayonet-type ST connectors. The light gray one is the transmit port, the dark gray one is the receive port. In service a light gray connector always attaches to a dark gray one in the other device. Connectors Two types of connectors are used, SMA and ST. The ST connectors give fewer problems in the field because they are bayonet type and not subject to over tightening. Over tightening the SMA connector can chip the glass fiber surface causing problems with reflections and loss of transmission. The bayonet type uses a spring to push the two connecting fibers together with the proper force. Note ST type fiber-optic connectors are preferred. Ceramic, glass-filled plastic, or stainless steel is used to make the connectors. They come in three standard sizes to fit the different diameter fibers. Connectors for the 62.5/125-micron fiber are relatively easy to procure. The ceramic connectors can be precisely made, and the ceramic matches the coefficient of expansion of glass. System Considerations Having two HMIs in the central control room allows one to be down for maintenance while control of the turbines continues using the remaining HMI. Similarly, having two fiber segments also allows for failure of one of the hubs, or the power to it. A failure of any one of the copper segments still allows control of all machines. Often only HMIs and possibly an Historian are in or near the central control room. The control room must have reliable ac power, since if that ac fails, control from that location stops. Therefore, the reliable ac power in the control room is satisfactory for the hubs as well. Another system consideration is the optical power budget for the Stage Link. The total power budget refers to the brightness of the light source divided by the sensitivity of the light receiver. These power ratios are measured in dB to simplify calculations. The difference between the dB power of the source and the dB power of the receiver represents the total power budget. This must be compared to the link loss budget, which is made up of the loss in the connectors and optical cable. Installation of the fiber can decrease its performance over the new cable condition. The LED light source can get dimmer over time, the connections can get dirty, the cable loss increases with aging, and the receiver can become less sensitive. For all these reasons there must be a minimum margin of 3 dB between the available power budget and the link loss budget. A good installation results from using correct parts and cabling, preparing connectors properly, and laying the cable so as to avoid sharp bends and hot locations. This will maintain availability. The hub manufacturer specifies one fiber segment to operate as far as 6,000 feet with 62.5/125-microns fiber, and 9,000 feet with the 100/140-microns fiber. These distance limitations have been incorporated into the Stage Link layout rules. It is recommended that the Stage Link fiber-optic sections be shorter than the specified 6,000 and 9,000 feet for the two fiber diameter types. If the application significantly exceeds these distances another hub must be added to amplify the optical signals. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-15 Mark VI Data Highway - Ethernet Communication between the HMI Servers and the Mark VI panels is by means of the Unit Data Highway (UDH). This is an Ethernet network typically in a redundant configuration that uses fast Ethernet switches displayed as Unit Data Highway A and B in figure Mark VI Control and HMI Servers and Viewers with redundant networks. The Ethernet switches accept both fiber-optic cables for longer runs, and unshielded twisted pair cables for the shorter runs. Communication between the HMI Servers and the HMI Viewers is by means of the Plant Data Highway (PDH). This is an Ethernet network typically in a redundant configuration that uses fast Ethernet switches displayed as Plant Data A and B in figure Mark VI Control and HMI Servers and Viewers with redundant networks. The Ethernet switches accept both fiber-optic cables for longer runs, and unshielded twisted pair cables for the shorter runs. To Optional Customer Network HMI Viewer HMI Viewer HMI Viewer Field Support Enterprise Layer Router Supervisory Layer PLANT DATA B P LANT DATA A Router HMI Servers OSM Historian Control Layer U NIT DATA HIGHWAY B U NIT D ATA HIGHWAY A Simplex Unit Controls Mark VI TMR Unit Controls Mark VI Mark VI Generator Protection Gen. Protect (Future) Misc . Controls Exciter GEF PLC Static Starter EXCITER LCI EXCITER GEF PLC Mark VI IONet IONet I/O Boards I/O Boards Genius Bus I/O Boards Genius Bus I/O Boards Mark VI Control and HMI Servers and Viewers with Redundant Networks 7-16 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Unit Data Highway The UDH is an Ethernet based network that provides direct or broadcast peer-to-peer communications between controllers and one or more local HMI servers and maintenance interfaces. Redundancy of cables and switches provides high reliability. The UDH uses Ethernet Global Data (EGD), a message-based protocol for sharing information with multiple nodes based on the UDP/IP standard. Refer to table UDH Network Features. UDH Network Features UDH Feature Description Type of Network Ethernet CSMA/CD using Ethernet Global Data (EGD) protocol; in single or redundant network configuration Speed 100-Mbps data rate capable. Media and Distance Ethernet 100Base-TX for switch to device connections. The cable is 22-26 AWG unshielded twisted pair category 5 EIA /TIA 568 A/B. Distance is up to 100 meters. Ethernet 100Base-FX with fiber-optic cable optional for network backbone; distance is two km. Number of Nodes With 10 nodes, system provides a 25-Hz data rate. For other configurations contact the factory. Protocol EGD protocol based on the UDP/IP standard (RFC 768) SRTP (Serial Request Transfer Protocol) protocol Time Synch. Methods Network Time Protocol (NTP) Plant Data Highway The PDH uses similar hardware to the UDH and has the same data rates. The PDH supports a larger number of nodes since it does not have the control scan rate requirements of the UDH. Refer to table PDH Network Features. PDH Network Features PDH Feature Description Type of Network Ethernet CSMA/CD in a single or redundant star configuration. Speed 100-Mbps data rate Media and Distance Ethernet 100Base-TX for switch to device connections. The cable is unshielded twisted pair; the distance is up to 100 m. Ethernet 100Base-FX with fiber-optic cable for network backbone; the distance is up to 2 km. Number of Nodes Up to 1024 nodes supported. Protocols Ethernet compatible routable protocol, typically TCP/IP based. External Interfaces Various third-party interfaces are available; GSM and Modbus are the most common. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-17 Mark VI Network Rules Rules for designing the Mark VI UDH and PDH networks are given in following table Network Rules, and also in the referenced Mark VI System Guide. Network Rules Network Rule Description Local HMI server The local HMI would normally be a server to its local turbine control. As a multi-unit option, the HMI server may be a server to other units also. Data collection is accomplished over the UDH. For multi-unit configurations, create a single project that contains all units and copy the project to the other multi-unit HMIs Control Room HMI server The control room HMI may be a server for multiple Mark VI controllers. This can be accomplished by creating a single project covering all desired units Remote HMI Viewer Remote CIMPLICITY viewer is available for remote monitoring and control. Consult the Turbine Control System factory for its availability Historian A single Historian can handle multiple Mark VI controllers on the UDH Unit Data Highway Only GE devices, Mark VI, HMI Servers, Engineering workstations, Historians, and GE PLCs are allowed on the UDH Plant Data Highway HMI viewers, HMI servers, Engineering workstations, Historians, printers, DCSs, third party PLCs, and interfaces to customers corporate LANs are allowed Interface links The HMI server can provide Modbus Serial, Modbus TCP/IP, GSM, or OPC links to devices such as a DCS system Mark VI also has capability of Modbus from the controller References Mark VI Control System Guide GEH-6421 Network Redundancy Both the PDH and the UDH typically use redundant Ethernet networks for increased reliability. Refer to figure Mark VI Non-Redundant Network Overview for an example of a non-redundant system and figure Mark VI Redundant Network Overview for an example of a redundant network. The redundant network systems HMIs can include software that monitors the health of the networks and will report on loss of communication links, which may not be visible due to the redundant network. A failure will appear in the alarm screens on the HMI. The HMI can contain diagnostic screens to assist in locating the point of failure for repair. Refer to the section Network Diagnostics for more information. Note Refer to GEH-6421 Mark VI Control System Guide for more information. The abbreviations used in figure Mark VI Non-Redundant Network Overview and figure Mark VI Redundant Network Overview are as follows: • OSM stands for On Site Monitor, used for monitoring mechanical turbine variables • EWS stands for Engineering Work Station, used for system configuration. • R, S, and T are the three redundant Mark VI controllers in the triple modular redundant control system. • Ex stands for Exciter. LCI stands for Load Commutated Inverter (Static Starter) 7-18 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Mark VI Non-Redundant Network Overview Mark VI Redundant Network Overview GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-19 Ethernet Network Equipment For short distances between the Mark VI controller and the Ethernet switches, unshielded twisted pair (UTP) wiring with standard RJ-45 connectors is used. For longer distances such as from the Ethernet switches to the central control room, fiber-optic cables are used. This provides the best signal quality, completely free of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI). Large point-to-point distances are possible, and since the cable does not carry electrical charges, ground potential problems are eliminated. Fiber-optic cable is to be used anytime the cable run leaves a building to go to another building. It is also to be used between separate ground grids, and provides for lightning protection. Note The fiber-optic cable uses SC type connectors. The following table displays the PDH network cable and Ethernet switch information. PDH Network Hardware PDH Hardware Description Twisted-pair cable Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable, 22-26 AWG, 4 pair, Category 5 EIA/TIA 568 A/B or better, including RJ-45 connectors Maximum distance for UTP cable is 100 m (328 ft) A one-to-one UTP cable is used to connect a device, HMI, or printer to a switch A one-to-one UTP cable is used to connect a switch to a router. A cross-over UTP cable is used to connect a switch to a switch Fiber-optic cable Optical fiber cable, Ethernet 100Base-FX type, 62.5/125 micron, dual window, graded index profile, multimode glass-on-glass construction, thermoplastic jacket, including SC type connectors Maximum distance for fiber-optic cable is 2000 m (6562 ft) When connecting fiber-optic cable using SC type connectors, the connections have to be crossed, that is the transmit at one end is connected to the receive at the other end, and vice-versa Redundant Network Fault Tolerance is accomplished by using cross-connected redundant VLAN switches configured as a single logical network Serial Link Network - Mark IV and DCS serial links The HMI can use serial links for • Mark IV controllers (through Predefined Data Dump, Serial MSP, or MODBUS) • DCS systems (MODBUS Slave) • Other MODBUS devices (MODBUS Master) If only one RS-232 link is required the port on the main computer is used, a serial extender is used if more RS-232 ports are required. If the required cable distance is more than 50 ft (15.2 m), a serial line driver is needed. Serial line drivers can support distances up to a mile and baud rates up to 19,200. The following table describes the features. Serial Link Features Feature Description Media RS-232C cable; without line drivers the distance is 50 ft (15.2 m); with line drivers the distance is over a mile Speed Typical one second data update (9600 or 19,200 baud is standard) 7-20 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide HMI Network Configuration The HMI and other network devices should be configured according to the 4108network drawing provided with the project. Site conditions during installation can require changing the IP addresses of the equipment. These changes should be saved for future reference and diagnostics. The following information is for reference only so that the installation can be verified if needed. Each HMI will have multiple network interface cards. The IP addresses should be noted in case diagnostics need to be performed on the network. The condition of a network can be verified by pinging the IP address of a device from the network. Refer to the Diagnostics section for more information. Note Refer to the 4108 Network Drawing for more information. Also, refer to GEH-6421 Mark VI Control System Guide for more information. Redundant Network Connections When the redundant network option is purchased the HMI will contain multiple Network Interface Cards (NICs) for each network. The act of combining the multiple NICs into a single network is called teaming. When multiple NICs are teamed onto a redundant network the IP address is assigned at the teaming level (virtual adapter) not the individual NIC level. There are multiple teaming software suites available, and the teaming software works with multiple different Network Interface Cards. The following section displays an example of a particular pair of teaming software and NICs, which are representative of what will be on most HMIs. The following section displays how to access the teaming software. To access the network connections for the network cards: • From the Start menu select Control panel – Network Connections. • The Network Connections window opens with a list of network connections. Refer to figure Typical List of Network Connections for an HMI Server. • Double clicking on a network connection opens a configuration window for that network device. Typical List of Network Connections for an HMI Server GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-21 To access the configuration utilities for the Broadcom network cards: • From the Start menu access the teaming software by selecting Control panel – Broadcom Advanced Control Suite 2. • The Broadcom configuration utilities window opens with a list of network cards. Refer to figure Typical List of Network Cards for an HMI Server. • Double clicking on a network connection opens a configuration window. Typical List of Network Cards for an HMI Server Network Diagnostics There are two levels of diagnostic support. • Alarms only • Alarms and pictorials A link failure creates an alarm message that indicates the link that failed. If a switch fails then all used ports on that switch are reported as link failures. Failures should be investigated and corrected because if a second failure occurs before the first failure is corrected then there can be communications loss. If the optional network diagnostic screens are present they will graphically assist in locating the point of failure. Refer to figures Typical System Switches Diagnostics Screen, Port Status Diagnostic Screen and Typical Network Devices Diagnostic Screen for examples of these diagnostic screens. Note PDH and UDH are typically redundant so a single failure will not prevent communication. 7-22 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide An alarm message will typically announce the failure of a network system or device. To identify the failed device: • Note the alarm messages. • Open network diagnostic screens to identify any failed devices. • Once the failed device or hardware is identified then it can be replaced. Failed switch Alarm message Typical System Switches Diagnostic Screen Port Status Diagnostic Screen GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-23 Clicking on a switch icon from the System Switches diagnostic screen opens a window with a graphical representation of the ports associated with that switch. This assists in determining the cause for the failure of that communications link. The ports are color coded as follows: • No color represents an unused port. • Green color represents a connected and healthy port. • Red color represents a failed port. Failed device and network Alarm messages Typical Network Devices Diagnostic Screen Ping Network Diagnostic Utility Ping is a command line utility to diagnose and troubleshoot connectivity to network devices, such as computers, switches, Mark VI controllers, and other network devices. Ping issues a series of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo messages to a device and watches for a reply. It displays • If a reply is received from the device • The delay time for a round trip of its message • Number of packets lost Note A computer cannot respond to a ping request from another computer if its firewall blocks the ICMP Echo request. Refer to the section on Firewall Settings later in this section to check this feature. 7-24 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide A ping command is issued from a command prompt. The command is ping <IP address> Typing ping/? will display the options that are available. Refer to figure Ping Options for more information. Ping Options Refer to figure Successful Ping Command for a typical ping request. The round trip time should be typically less than 10 milliseconds and no lost packets for a local network. Successful Ping Command Refer to figure Unsuccessful Ping Command for a typical ping request. By default the ping command will try four times before it exits. In this example the four requests timed out and all four packets were lost. Unsuccessful Ping Command GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 7 Networks • 7-25 Firewall Settings Different firewalls on a computer will have different procedures for allowing ICMP Echo requests. Windows XP firewall configuration is accessed from Start – Control Panel – Windows Firewall – Advanced – ICMP Settings. Refer to figure ICMP Settings. Enable this option. ICMP Settings 7-26 • Chapter 7 Networks GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide CHAPTER 8 Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY Overview Introduction The CIMPLICITY HMI collects data from plant sensors and devices, and then transforms the data into dynamic text, alarm, and graphic displays. Operators can access real-time information when monitoring and making control decisions. The turbine control HMI supports many CIMPLICITY applications for operation. CIMPLICITY is used primarily to display turbine status screens, which enable an operator to monitor the unit(s). Refresh rate is typically 1 second. CIMPLICITY cannot configure the turbine control. CIMPLICITY supports OLE and ActiveX applications for automation displays. CIMB (CIMPLICITY Bridge) enables CIMPLICITY to collect data and alarms from a turbine unit with Mark V. (Mark VI uses EGD) TCIMB provides the following software functions: • MARKV_RP collects data from a turbine using TCI and forwards the information to the CIMPLICITY Point Manager. • EXTMGR collects alarms and forwards them to the CIMPLICITY Alarm Manager. (Refer to Chapter 6.) • LOCKOUT sends a lockout command to a unit using TCI. (Refer to Extended Alarm Commands below.) • SILENCE sends a silence command to a unit using TCI. (Refer to Extended Alarm Commands below.) Note The CIMPLICITY HMI product must be installed before these applications can be used. Refer to the Online Documentation for CIMPLICITY display and CimEdit features. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-1 Features, Utilities, and Tools CIMPLICITY Optional Displays ActiveX controls allow different types of software objects to communicate if the software supports ActiveX. The controls are interactive within an application. They can be gauges, charts, displays, graphs, or any other object that allows a user to access the particular functionality of the object. For operator control, the HMI includes two CIMPLICITY add-ons and identified as ActiveX objects: Manual Synchronizing Display and Triggered Plot. These are described below. Note Microsoft Corporation developed ActiveX controls originally to support the creation of Internet-enabled applications. Manual Synchronizing Display - Mark V, Mark V LM To bring a generator online with a power grid, the speed (frequency) and phase angle of the generator’s ac waveform must match that of the power grid. The preferred method is to use the turbine controller’s auto-synchronizing function. For Mark V and V LM, a Manual Sync Object (an OLE object) is provided in CIMPLICITY HMI to allow the user to see a display representing this synchronization process. The object contains all the fields that need to be updated at a fast rate. For Mark V and V LM, all data in the object is updated at 16 Hz. For Mark VI, this operation is at 10 Hz. The Manual Synchronizing Display must be run from a CIMPLICITY server for the desired controller. This is because the object uses the messaging services of TCI. The object consists of five parts, which you can set using tabs on the CIMPLICITY HMI Properties dialog box for that object. These tabs are described below. Synchroscope -Configure using Scope tab. Resets green dots at end of pointer. Breaker close times – Configure using Breaker tab. Breaker Trip and Breaker Close buttons – Configure using Buttons tab (refer to Note below). Values that need updating quickly – Configure using Values tab. Permissives needed to close The breaker – Configure using Permissives tab. Manual Sync Object (Used in CIMPLICITY HMI) 8-2 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Note When you push the Breaker Close or Breaker Trip button, a dialog box displays with two buttons for command confirmation: Command sends the breaker close or trip command when selected and released. Done exits the dialog box and cancels the breaker close or trip command. Configuring the Synchroscope To configure the Synchroscope part of the object, enter parameters into the Scope tab. Name of ActiveX control Signal that drives synchroscope pointer. Pointer is positioned at this angle as long as slip frequency is less than the Maximum slip frequency. Select unit from drop-down list. Signal used to determine current slip frequency. If greater than maximum slip frequency, pointer is positioned at bottom of scope. Maximum slip frequency. Locations marks on scope. Entered in degrees separated by spaces. (Optional.) Signal used to change pointer color. If signal is not defined, pointer is white. If true, pointer is green. If false, pointer is red. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide (Optional.) Signal indicating state of Sync relay. Each time signal is true and pointer is updated, a green dot is drawn at end of pointer. Scope’s R button (located top right;) is used to reset dots. Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-3 Configuring Breaker Close Times To configure the object’s breaker close times, enter values into the Breaker tab. BMS Socket (usually 15) used to obtain TCEA diagnostic message. (Message is how object gets breaker close times.) I/O Processor (usually 2F hex) used to obtain TCEA diagnostic message. Diagnostic Message type (usually 5). Offset (usually 40) into the Diagnostic Message to the Nominal Close Time value. Offset (usually 42) into the diagnostic message to the Learned Close Time value. Offset (usually 48) into the diagnostic message to the Actual Close Time value. Configuring Permissives To configure the Permissives part of the object, add or edit the list entries in the Permissives tab. Logic signal used. Determines color of box displayed by variable. If variable value equals Sense value, box is green. If not equal, box is red with a dash next to it. Add entries to list. Delete currently selected entry. String displayed next to box. Permissives display in object in the same order as in list box. Move currently selected entry up one row in the list. Move currently selected entry down one row in list. Edit currently selected entry. 8-4 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Configuring Breaker Close and Trip Buttons To configure the object’s Breaker Close and Breaker Trip buttons, enter parameters into the Buttons tab. (Optional.) Signal to send Breaker Close pushbutton command to. If not filled in, button is not displayed. Set length of pushbutton command in duration box. (Optional.) Signal to send the Breaker Trip pushbutton command to. If not filled in, button is not displayed. Set length of pushbutton command in duration box. Configuring Values To configure the object’s Values, enter data into the Value tab. Values in display in the object in the same order as in the list box. Sets number of digits for displaying the value. Uses number of decimal places and units string specified in the scale code. Signal used for the value. String that displays to the left of the value. Add entries to end of list. Apply to the currently selected entry. Up moves currently selected entry up one row; Down moves it down one row. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-5 Configuring Object Colors The change colors in the object, edit the Colors tab. Click down arrow to select area to change – Background or Foreground (text) color. Box displays current color of selection (Background or Foreground). Click to Change Color of selection. Manual Synchronizing Display - Mark VI The Mark VI Manual Synch Display uses high speed EGD information and therefore does not require a special Active X object. Triggered Plot - Mark V and Mark V LM The Triggered Plot function is an ActiveX object that provides a graph of high-speed turbine data. The graph can be triggered by the change in state of a logic signal in the unit. Turbine commands can be sent from here, making it useful for initiating turbine tests such as valve travel tests. Refer to GEH-6126, volume I for more information. Like the Manual Synchronizing Display, Triggered Plot is run from a CIMPLICITY server for the desired controller. You configure the object by setting configuration information on the Triggered Plot Control Properties tabs, which is a CIMPLICITY HMI Properties dialog box 8-6 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Plotted data displays within graph box, up to two data points versus time. Data (status points) collected at a sample rate of 8 times per second for an elapsed time of 1 to 120 seconds, as selected by user. Plot is triggered by a user-specified logic signal. Inactive Triggered Plot Screen Configuring Object Properties There are six tabs for configuring Triggered Plot Control Properties. Specify up to 2 pushbuttons for sending commands to unit. Set status points (up to 8) and position on the display. Select object colors. Elapsed time for data collection (1 to 120 sec.) Select unit from drop-down list. State of trigger to begin the plot. Name of variable that determines beginning of test. Plot points for left and right axis. Range for low and high plot (in raw counts). Select color for each plot line. Selected plot points are plotted from the time the trigger first reaches the specified state until the end of the entered elapsed time. Triggered Plot Control Properties, Plot Tab GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-7 Reactive Capability Display - Mark IV, V, V LM, VI The Reactive Capability Display is a real-time graphic that displays the turbine generator's current MW and MVAR operating point. You can use this display to check how close the generator is operating to its thermal limits. Three static curves represent the thermal limits of the generator at three discrete operating points. The curves are plotted at constant generator hydrogen pressure or constant ambient temperature, depending on the application. Red dot represents the current generator operating point. It moves as the operating point changes. Example of Reactive Capability Display 8-8 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Configuration Introduction This chapter provides information about configuring CIMPLICITY projects for use with the turbine control HMI product. To understand and implement the information in this chapter, you should have a working knowledge of CIMPLICITY projects as covered in the CIMPLICITY online documentation. CIMPLICITY HMI should be configured with the following project properties: Project Name – Appropriate name (for example, SVR1) Sub Directory – Must be Cimproj Path – F:\Cimproj General options – Basic control, external alarm manager Protocols – Refer to CIMPLICITY Project Properties in Chapter 2. Note The CIMPLICITY HMI product must be installed before these applications can be used. Frame Containers and Single Screens CIMPLICITY projects may use Single Screens, Frame Containers or both. • Mark IV and Mark V HMIs typically use Frame Containers. • Mark VI HMIs typically uses Single Screen. • Frame Containers can be used in a Single Screens. Previously a typical turbine control CIMPLICITY HMI used set of screens that were contained in a Frame Container within the Unit_Control.cim screen. CIMPLICITY projects may now use single screens for each of the previous frames contained in a Frame Container. The objects of Single Screens are programmed and configured much the same way as their counterparts in Frame Containers. See CIMPLICITY online documentation for more information. If your project uses Single Screens refer to New_Single_Screeen_Features.PDF located in the F:\Cimproj\Screens directory for more information. A new tool easily configures the menu buttons that control screen navigation. This allows for easier screen additions and corrections. Using Workbench The CIMPLICITY HMI Workbench is an application used to view, configure, organize, and manage projects. It is similar to the Microsoft Windows Explorer in its display of the file structure and menu options across the top of the window. Document GFK-1180 provides detail about using Workbench. Refer to Alarm Filtering in HMI Servers (Chapter 5) for examples of the Workbench window. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-9 To open Workbench 1 Click Start on the Windows task bar. 2 Select Programs, then CIMPLICITY, HMI, and Workbench. -OrSelect the .gef file in the f:\Cimproj directory. Workbench Menu Showing Selections for Starting a New Project Workbench Menu Showing Selections for Examining Project Properties Opening a Project Using the CIMPLICITY HMI, there are two ways to open a project, as described below. To open a CIMPLICITY project through the Windows Start menu 1 Click Start on the Windows task bar. 2 Select Programs, then CIMPLICITY, HMI, and Workbench. A blank CIMPLICITY Workbench now opens. 8-10 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY 3 From the Workbench window, select Open from the File menu. 4 Select the project you want to open. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide To open a CIMPLICITY project from the Windows File Explorer 1 Open File Explorer. 2 Open the f:\cimproj directory. 3 Double-click the .gef file. CIMPLICITY - Starting and Stopping a Project Starting and Stopping a Project 1 Stop TCI. Refer to TCI – Starting and Stopping in this chapter. Open the Project in CIMPLICITY and verify the project is stopped. Stop Project icon Start Project icon Configuration Update icon Project running or stopped field 2 Select the Configuration Update icon (refer to CIMPLICITY Project stopped) or select Project then Configuration Update. Click OK to start the Configuration Update. Note There is no confirmation message for a successful Configuration Update. Click OK CIMPLICITY Project Configuration Confirmation Dialog Window 3 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Check and correct errors in the C:\WINNT\System32\drivers\etc\hosts file and the C:\CIMPLICITY\HMI\etc\Cimhosts.txt file before continuing. Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-11 4 Start TCI. Refer to TCI – Starting and Stopping in this chapter. 5 Start the CIMPLICITY Project has completed startup verify that data is being received. 6 Save the HMI Device by using the Save icon or File - Save. Configuring Users A user is an individual person working with a CIMPLICITY HMI project. Each CIMPLICITY HMI user has the following attributes, which must be configured: Security – A user can be assigned a Password. If a Password is configured and enabled, then a user cannot access CIMPLICITY HMI project functions without entering both the User ID and Password. Roles and Privileges – A user is assigned a role. Each role in the CIMPLICITY HMI project has certain privileges assigned to it. The privileges define the functions the user can access. If a user lacks the privilege to access a secure function, an error message is displayed and access is denied. View of Resources – A user’s view determines the accessible resource data. Alarms for resources outside a user’s view do not display on the user’s Alarm Viewer window. To configure Users for the CIMPLICITY HMI project 8-12 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY 1 Open the project in the CIMPLICITY Workbench (refer to Chapter 6 for an overview). 2 In the Workbench left pane under the Security folder, select displayed below. Users, as GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Left pane displays CIMPLICITY application folders. Select Users Right pane displays files or records of selected object. 3 Open the New User dialog box and add a new user called OPERATOR. Type in the new name (User ID) then click OK. 4 Open the User Properties dialog box for the user OPERATOR and enter Operator as the User name. Select tab. Type in the new User Name then click OK. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-13 5 Select the Resources tab and add all resources T1 through T8. Select tab. Displays resources currently assigned to user. To add resources, select from Available box then click Add. Note The Resources properties let you define the resources for which the user can view alarms. Resources can be added or removed based on the User’s rights. For example if you want to have a User name as User1 who is supposed to operate only Gas Turbine T1 (GT1), then add only T1 as the Resource for the User1. 6 Select options 8-14 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY Define the Role Properties for the user OPERATOR, as displayed below. Click boxes to select GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Configuring Ports Note All of the necessary ports should be setup before the unit leaves the factory. In CIMPLICITY a Port defines the program and protocol used to communicate with a device. The programs required for each port are usually included as CIMPLICITY Project Options, such as the Mark V+ Communications option to include the Mark V port driver (Markv_RP), and the GEDS EGD option to include the Mark VI EGD port driver (ICN_Devcom). Before any devices can be defined that use a port, the port must be created. Follow the procedure displayed below to create the port before running any automation routines that attempt to create or define devices that use the port: • Mark IV, Mark V, Mark V LM: Add a port using the MARKV protocol using the default port name of MARKV. The description should indicate that it is for TCI Data Dictionary devices. This will create the port Master_MarkV in the CIMPLICITY Project. • Mark VI: Add a port using the GEDS_EGD protocol using the default port name of ENET0. The description should indicate that it is for EGD based devices. This will create the port Master_Enet0 in the CIMPLICITY Project. Once the port(s) have been created the Mark V and Mark VI automation tools can be used to add devices that use the port along with the signals from those devices. Refer to the Add Devices section. Note Do not create multiple instances of a port. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-15 To configure Mark V Ports 1 In the Tree View of the CIMPLICITY Workbench expand the Equipment folder. Right click on Ports, select New. The New Ports dialog box will display. Right Click to add port. CIMPLICITY Workbench Port List Select the required protocol. Accept the default port. 2 Select MARKV from the Protocol drop down list and select OK. The Port Properties dialog box will display. Accept Default parameters. Provide Description Accept Default parameters Click to Apply. 3 Enter a description if desired and select the OK Button. Note Create any additional ports if needed. You do not have to create MARKV resources or devices but you will have to create resources and devices for any other communication such as BOP. 4 8-16 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY Perform a Configuration Update. Select Project – Configuration Update from the Workbench toolbar. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide To configure Mark VI Ports Port configuration for a Mark VI is similar to that of the Mark V described previously. 1 In the Tree View of the CIMPLICITY Workbench expand the Equipment folder. Right click on Ports, select New. The New Ports dialog box will display. 2 Select GEDS EGD from the Protocol drop down list. Select Protocol Accept default Port. 3 Perform a Configuration Update. Select Project – Configuration Update from the Workbench toolbar. Adding Devices GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-17 Configuring Resources For most turbine applications, a CIMPLICITY resource is synonymous with a unit name. The Mark V and Mark VI automation tools add one resource for each turbine controller, and then add the points from the unit under the resource with that unit's name. You should not need to create resources for turbine controls; the automation tools should do that for you. To configure Resources for the CIMPLICITY HMI project 1 In the Workbench Tree View under the Security folder, select 2 Add a New Resource T1 and click OK. Resources. Select Resources Type in the new name (Resource ID) then click OK. 8-18 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide 3 Add the Resource Definition for T1. Displays Users currently assigned to Resource. To add Users for this Resource, select from Available Users box, then click Add. Type in Description. Displays Users available for this Resource. 4 GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Using the procedures in steps 2 and 3, add resources from T1 to T8 for GT1 to GT8. Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-19 Allowing Local System Account Access Add User SYSTEM role SYMGR. Add trust of local computer. Alarm Filtering in HMI Servers Normally, all alarms for the roles assigned to your CIMPLICITY User ID are displayed in the separate Alarm Viewer window (an OCX control). You can also filter alarms to display subsets using the Alarm Setups dialog box. Refer to GFK1180 for a detailed description of the CIMPLICITY display features. The Alarm Filter feature allows specific displays for alarms. These can be based on: • Various Resources or Types. An example of a resource would be each single Gas or Steam Turbine, the Exciter, BOP, or the system itself. • Alarm type or function (for example, Diagnostic, Process, Low, Medium, High). To configure alarms for filtering in HMI servers, you need to do the following: 1 Configure users 2 Configure resources 3 Configure the alarm filters All procedures must be followed and completed in the order presented. It is good practice to check off each procedure when you complete it. Note The procedures in this section require that you have a working knowledge of CIMPLICITY, including its Workbench application, User Configuration, Resource Configuration, and various aspects of Alarms. 8-20 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Configuring Alarm Filters To configure Alarm Filters for the CIMPLICITY HMI project 1 In the Workbench left pane under the Advanced folder, select Classes, as displayed below. 2 Add an Alarm Class named DIAG, as displayed below. Alarm Select Alarm Classes. Type in Select The Order value is the priority for the Alarms that fall under that particular class. The lower the Order number, the higher the priority. Select options Click to apply inputs. Click to exit. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-21 3 Using the procedures in step 2, add the classes and descriptions. Enter values as displayed here into Alarm Class dialog box (as displayed in step 2). 8-22 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY Colors selected in Alarm Class dialog box are displayed as a numerical equivalent here. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Alarm Screen in a Frame Container - Mark IV, V, and V LM Frames can be a time saving configuration choice if you have a section of a screen that will change considerably during runtime, based on a configured set of conditions. Refer to CIMPLICITY online documentation for more information • You can place and configure anything in a frame that you place on a screen. The key is to create a logical rationale for causing one frame to replace another. • A small section of the screen can be used for animation in a Frame Container. 4 Right click Alarms.cim in CimEdit, and then select Edit to open the following Alarms screen. Open Frame Container from the menu, as displayed below. 2. Select 1. Select GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-23 5 Right click in CimEdit, and then select Edit to open the following Alarms screen. Open Frame Container from the menu, as displayed below. Select Open Frame Container. Note CIMPLICITY HMI uses frame animation (frame containers) to navigate between individual screens. This enables you to access all control and monitoring features needed. Clicking buttons or other frames can change the displayed frame. 8-24 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide 6 Right click in CimEdit, and then select CIMPLICITY AMV Control Object and Properties from the menu, as displayed below. This displays the CIMPLICITY AMV Control Properties dialog box. 1. Select 2. Select GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-25 7 Add the project, by clicking Add Project, as displayed below. Select (the Select Project dialog box displays). Projects are listed here after being added. For servers, select. (Connect to the remote project only when the alarm is not available locally. Select the project from the drop-down list. Click OK. The project displays in the Projects tab. 8 Type in In Projects tab, double-click the newly added project ALARM_FILTER. This displays the Project Settings dialog box, as displayed below. Add the Alarm setup as displayed below. Click to select Alarm setup and exit back to the previous Projects dialog box. Project and Setup listed. Select to apply changes, thus adding new project. 8-26 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide 9 Open the Alarm.cim file in CimVview and click Setup, as displayed below. The Alarm Setup dialog box displays. Click Setup 10 Add a Setup called $DIAG_GT1, as displayed below. Type in Setup name Click The Modify Setup box then displays (see below). Note Be sure to include the $ symbol at the beginning of the Setup name. This makes it accessible to all users. Without the symbol, it can be accessed only by the user account that created it. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-27 11 Select the Classes tab, and then select DIAG from the list box. Click Classes tab. Click (Do not click OK) 12 Select the Resources tab. Then select T1 from the list box and OK to return to the Alarm Setups dialog box, as displayed below. Click Resources tab. Select T1 Click OK 8-28 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide 13 Click Save to save this setup. 14 Follow the same procedure (steps 10 to 13) to create other setup. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-29 Examples of Screens for Filtered Alarms After configuring filtered alarms, triggered alarms display according to the filter setup for that particular screen. Screen for Gas Turbine T1, Displaying Alarm Only for T1 Note Typically the top alarm window is for process alarms and the bottom one for diagnostic alarms. 8-30 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Screen for Gas Turbine T2, Displaying Alarm Only for T2 Screen for All, Displaying Alarms for All GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-31 Currently Implemented Filters Available setups: • $DIAG_GT1 (TO GT8) • $PROC_GT1 (TO GT8) • $EX200_GT1 (TO GT8) or $EX2K_GT1 (TO GT8) • $ALL • $SYSTEM • $BOP Single Screen Features - Mark VI The Unit_Control screen, with its associated frame containers, has been broken apart into a set of multiple screens. As a general rule, each of the original frame containers has been replaced with a corresponding screen. However a Single Screen can still contain a Frame Container used, for example, as process animation. Refer to CIMPLICITY online documentation for more information. Single Screen Overview In general, the following differences will be noted within the turbine single screens compared to the Unit_Control screen: 1 Only two (2) screen level variables are defined an all screens. a) UNIT Same as Unit_Control.cim, used as prefix on all point names in screen. b) TITLE Used to display screen Title in the banner at the top of each screen. 2 There are no longer any procedures defined at the screen level. All procedures have been moved to the associated button / object. 3 On most screens, the OnScreenOpen event and script have been eliminated. This function is now part of the navigation template object, tp_screen. 4 Most screens contain only two scripts, SetUnit and SetUnit1. In most cases, the scripts are not used, unless there is a specific need to transfer to another screen from within the existing screen, without having a button defined on the navigation menu (for example trend screens). Screen Names A screen naming convention has been developed for the screens. The screen name will contain a prefix indicating a particular class of screen, followed by the remainder of the name indicating the primary screen function (for example gt7f_startup.cim). The following prefixes have been used for this release: 8-32 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY 1 gt7f_ xxxxxx.cim These screens are the new 7F turbine single screens, each representing the corresponding frame container in the old Unit_Control screen. 2 tp_xxxxxx.cim These screens are template screens that contain standard objects to be used on multiple screens. The objects on these screens are defined once, and then inserted as a linked object into multiple screens. 3 so_xxxxx.cim These screens contain samples of Smart Objects which can be used for screen customization. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide 4 trend_xxxxx.cim These are basically the same captive pop-up trend screens used with Unit_Control.cim. 5 alarms.cim This is the same captive pop-up alarm screen used with Unit_Control.cim. Smart Objects Smart Objects have been used for many of the pushbuttons and indicators (motor, lead/lag, start checks, trips) on the screens. Smart Objects are similar to the grouped objects, with one important difference – you don’t have to navigate down into the grouped object to modify the text and points used for descriptions, commands and feedbacks. A Smart Object presents the user with a pop-up dialog box when the user double clicks on the object, or pastes the object into the screen. The user then specifies the descriptive text and point names to be used in the object. This makes editing the object significantly faster and easier, with less chance for errors. Note For standard grouped objects, one of the features is the ability to edit grouped objects without having to ungroup them (and thereby losing all the top level configuration settings). Refer to tp_screen.cim for the Navigation Buttons and other documentation. Banner Information Navigation Buttons Alarm Window tp_screen.cim Navigation Template GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-33 Linked Objects Any single object, multiple objects, or even an entire screen can be used as linked objects. The only restriction for using an object as a linked object is that the object must have a name defined in its Properties (General, Object name). The object is then copied to the Clipboard, and pasted into the screen using Edit, Paste Special, and Paste Link. Paste Special to perform a Paste Link option window. 8-34 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Properties window opened after Paste Special. Link Container Tab Link Source information Note: Remove any path information. Link Container Tab Note If a normal paste is performed, the object is inserted with NO link. The object now appears on the screen in CimEdit, and can be positioned as desired on the current screen. However, the user cannot edit any of the linked object properties in the current screen, just the variables. When you access the properties of the linked object, there will be a new Tab defining the Link Container. This tab defines the location of the object (screen containing the master copy) and the name of the object. Any changes needed are made at the master copy, and these changes are then propagated to all screens on which the object was linked. For a typical gas turbine Single Screen package, all objects used as linked objects have been defined in the following screens (with name tp_xxxxx.cim): 1 tp_screen This is the navigation template, and includes the navigation pushbuttons, alarm window, and banner information. Every screen will be linked to this screen. Set the link container location (geometry property) to: – Top : 608 Width: 800 – Left: 0 Height: 608 This will keep Navigation pushbuttons from moving around when changing screens. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-35 2 tp_7fa_overview This is the turbine overview, containing two templates – dual fuel and single fuel. Used with about half the turbine screens. Set the link container location (geometry property) to: – Top : 575 Width: 685 – Left: 10 Height: 200 This will keep Turbine Overview from moving around when changing screens. 3 tp_mk6_reset Small template containing two reset pushbuttons. Used on nearly all the screens. Set the link container location (geometry property) to: – Top : 71 Width: 100 – Left: 585 Height: 51.25 This will keep Reset pushbuttons at same place on screen when changing screens. 4 tp_timers Contains different timer / totalizer objects. On the screen with the linked object, set the link container object name based on turbine options. 5 tp_buttons Contains various pushbutton combinations. On the screen with the linked object, set the link container object name based on turbine options. Note When a different linked object needs to be selected in place of an existing one, DO NOT delete the existing linked object. Just access the Link Container property of the object, and select the new name. Excel Navigation Tool A new tool, using Microsoft Excel worksheets (navigation_template.xls), has been developed to allow quick configuration of the menu buttons used to navigate between screens. A CIMPLICITY master template file (tp_screen.cim) is used as a base to begin the configuration. This screen is inserted as a linked object into all screens. The screen contains the banner information, the alarm window, navigation buttons / procedures, and scripts that run on screen open and close to change the menu button visibility. Scripts also pass unit variable, title variable, and project information between screen overlays. Note DO NOT attempt to edit this screen manually! It is integrally linked with the VBA code in the Excel spreadsheet. Some of the critical things that must NOT be changed are the grouped object names (ScreenTemplate, AlarmViewer, and Navigation). The Excel VBA code actually opens and edits this screen, deleting the button group and rebuilding it and the scripts during the Make Navigation Object process. About the only properties that can be edited manually on this screen are the default button colors defined in the center of the screen, and the properties of the alarm viewer and banner (do not ungroup with CIMPLICITY 4.01 because it will lose top object configuration which then must be restored by hand). CIMPLICITY 5.5 or higher is recommended if it is necessary to do this. 8-36 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Nav_Layout Worksheet This is the main worksheet in Excel where the menu hierarchy is configured. All configuration is done on this sheet (the others should be protected, preventing changes). There are sample template worksheets which can be copied / renamed to use as a guide. Note that the Excel VBA code will always use data from the worksheet named Nav_Layout to produce the new tp_screen.cim file (new navigation template). navigation_template.xls There are notes / comments in the worksheet, but the main items are the following: • Columns A-D represent the navigation levels 1-4 respectively, with Level 1 being the topmost level. • Outline view can be used to graphically display the menu levels collapsing / opening. • Column E is used to specify the screen name to Overlay when the button is pressed. • Column F is used to specify the screen title that is displayed at the top of the screen. • Column G can be used to specify a particular CIMPLICITY Project to be used for points on that screen. • Column H is used to specify the UNIT variable value to be used with that screen. • Column I can be used to designate a keyboard shortcut (Hot Key) to take you to that screen. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-37 Make_Nav Worksheet This worksheet is used to select a few options before the build. To rebuild / change navigation buttons on tp_screen: 1 Make sure CimEdit is closed. 2 Enter desired menu changes on Nav_Layout worksheet 3 Enter correct path to tp_screen.cim 4 Click the Make Navigation Object pushbutton. (If you get pop-up dialog box with error messages, check for open CimEdit sessions) 5 Any Nav_Layout errors will be reported in Column H. 6 When complete, CimEdit will open with tp_screen loaded for review. 7 Save tp_screen.cim from CimEdit to save the new navigation. EM_INIT.BCL script A CIMPLICITY script file named new_em_init.bcl is included with the screen files. This file should be copied to the script directory of the CIMPLICITY project to be used with the new screens. The existing em_init.bcl file should be renamed to em_init_orig.bcl. This file should then be renamed to em_init.bcl. The em_init.bcl file is run whenever CIMPLICITY starts up. This new script will run at project start, and create a few CIMPLICITY points automatically if they do not exist in the project. The script will then read the existing f:\config.dat file, and populate these points with the configured Site name, Unit names, Unit numbers, Exciter names, and Unit file locations. These items will then be available for use with certain items on various screens. EM_INIT.BCL Script 8-38 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Extended Alarm Commands Custom TCI commands are used to enhance the CIMPLICITY Alarm Viewer for turbine applications. These include the Silence and Lockout (Lock and Unlock), which are configured as buttons in the CIMPLICITY Alarm Viewer. To display alarms, a stand-alone Alarm Viewer is embedded into a CIMPLICITY screen. Silence, Lock, and Unlock buttons are usually configured so that you must highlight and select an alarm before pressing the buttons. To edit custom alarm features for the Silence, Lock, and Unlock buttons 1 Right-click on the white background of the Alarm window. A menu displays, as displayed below. 2 Select CIMPLICITY AMV Control Object, then Properties. The properties window displays. Make the Buttons tab selections. Select tab to display Button properties options. Select to move highlighted button up or down. Button list. Highlight button name to select for modifying. Select to Modify highlighted button’s properties. Select to display the Lock, Unlock, and Silence button list. (A different list displays for each selection.) 3 In the Button Caption window, modify the button properties. Enter button name Enter button function Enter configuration properties command. Use the following command strings to configure the buttons: • LOCKOUT uses the syntax: LOCKOUT: <action><unitname><Encoded_drop><RefID>[(nodename)] LOCK lockout 1 %res %id %refid [(nodename)] UNLOCK: lockout 0 %res %id %refid [(nodename)] • SILENCE uses the syntax: SILENCE %res [(node)]. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-39 Note Required data and data format can be viewed from the DOS command line by typing SILENCE and LOCKOUT. External Alarm Manager The External Alarm Manager is a software component of the CIMPLICITY Bridge (CIMB). It functions as an interface that collects turbine controller alarms and forwards them to the CIMPLICITY Alarm Manager, where they are displayed. For Mark IV and VI controllers, only process alarms can be displayed. For Mark V controllers, both process and diagnostic alarms can be displayed. Mark VI controllers use the toolbox to display diagnostic alarms (refer to Control System Toolbox for a Mark VI Turbine Controller documentation). Signal Manager - Mark V and Mark V LM In Mark IV, V, and V LM, the Signal Manager is a program for configuring CIMPLICITY points and alarms for the turbine controllers. The TCI service must be running before using this utility, since it accesses data from each unit’s Data Dictionary, which is built and maintained by the TCI service. Note The program can be found on the HMI in G:\EXEC\CSDBUtil.EXE. For Mark IV, Mark V, and Mark V LM controllers, the Signal Manager is used to configure both points and alarms. Point information is retrieved from the Control Signal Database (CSDB) and used to populate the CIMPLICITY Point Manager Database. Alarm information is configured for run-time retrieval of the alarm text from the TCI. For the Mark VI, signal management is through an HMI device. Setup To enable alarms for CIMPLICITY 1 Create a new project. 2 Select options in the New Project dialog box, displayed below. Click Cancel when completed. Enter new Project Name. Create New Subdirectory in the selected Directory. Select directory Select applicable 8-40 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide After creating a new CIMPLICITY project, you must configure a CIMPLICITY Port for the communications protocol. This enables signals to be imported into the project. Refer to the CIMPLICITY Base System User’s Manual for more information on creating projects and configuring ports. When the Signal Manager imports controller signals into CIMPLICITY, it configures any needed CIMPLICITY devices and resources, if they are not already present. For example, when importing signals for unit T1, the utility configures a CIMPLICITY device and a CIMPLICITY resource, both called T1. For each device that Signal Manager configures, it also configures three virtual points needed by the MARKV_RP program. For example, for a device called T1, the utility produces the following virtual points: • T1_TIME, which contains the unit’s current time. • T1_DATE, which contains the unit’s current date. • T1_VALID, a Boolean value that indicates if the HMI is currently communicating with the unit. Note MARKV_RP is TCIMB function that collects data from a turbine using TCI and forwards the information to the CIMPLICITY Point Manager. Signals Signal Manager displays data from the Data Dictionary, which describes the unit’s Control System Database (CSDB). Each row of the display displays information about a signal, divided into columns that display the following signal attributes: List of Signal Attributes Signal attribute Description Name Name of the signal Access Read / Write Cim Type CIMPLICITY point type that corresponds to this signal Description Description of the signal Eng. Units Engineering Units Flags Signal attributes (for example, alarm, command, permanent) High Limit High limit for the value of the signal Low Limit Low limit for the value of the signal Offset Offset into the CSDB where this signal is located Precision Numeric precision for display of the value of the signal Scale Code Scale code for engineering unit conversion Synonym Optionally specified synonym for this signal Type Data type for this signal Value Current value of the signal You can configure the items that are listed in the above table. The display is a standard Windows List Control, which supports the expected user-interface commands for selecting items, sorting rows, and sizing columns. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-41 Alarms CIMPLICITY alarms are only placeholders that are given the appropriate parameters at run-time when they occur. The Signal Manager can be used to configure the alarms for Mark V, Mark V LM, and Mark VI turbine controllers, as well and other events. The Signal Manager can also be used to configure alarms for EX2000 and EX2100 exciters. It uses the following configuration IDs: List of Alarm Types Alarm use Alarm ID for configuration Process alarms for turbine P<n>* Diagnostic alarms for turbine D<n>* (Mark V only) Hold list points** HOLD (Steam only) Sequence of events** SOE Digital events** EVENT * n is the drop number reported by the controller. ** These CIMPLICITY alarms are generated multiple times at run-time with different parameters for each instance. When the Signal Manager configures alarms, it also configures alarm classes, as follows: • If a needed alarm class is not configured, it is added to the CIMPLICITY configuration. • If the alarm class is already configured, the existing alarm class definition is used. • The following alarm classes apply: List of Alarm Classes Class Definition PRC Process alarms DIAG Diagnostic alarms HOLD Hold list entries SOE Sequence of events EVENT Digital events EX2K Exciter alarms (see below) To configure alarms for controllers Select Alarms from the Action menu. Signal Manager then configures process and diagnostic alarms, as well as alarms for Hold List, SOEs, and digital events. Configuring Exciter Alarms Exciter alarms are configured from information contained in the file F:\EX2000.DAT. This information is specific to the EX2000 exciter and represents interpretations of the fault codes generated by the EX2000 exciter. The exciter alarms are not placeholders and are configured with all parameters fully defined. 8-42 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide To configure alarms for EX2000 exciters 1 Select EX2000 Alarms from the Action menu. Signal Manager then configures exciter alarms as defined in F:\EX2000.DAT and displays the Exciter Fault Code dialog box. 2 Make the signal selections. Signal Manager then runs command line utilities and displays their output in a scrolling text box. In CIMPLICITY, these utilities configure events and actions that generate alarms when the value of the fault code CIMPLICITY point changes value. Type in signal name (Point ID). Select exciter core that generates the fault. Click when selections for the signal are completed in this box. The box remains open. Click when no more signal selections are to be made. This closes the dialog box. 3 When completed, click Done. 4 After these events and actions are configured, specify additional exciter fault code points using the Exciter Fault Code box as in step 2. Importing Signals When the Signal Manager is started, an empty list displays. To add signals to the Signal Manager list 1 Select New from the File menu. 2 A dialog box displays, allowing you to specify which signals to get from the Data Dictionary. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-43 Type in name with wildcards to filter signals retrieved from the Data Dictionary. Supported are: Asterisk (*), which matches zero or more occurrences of any character. Question mark (?), which matches zero or one occurrence of any character. Select box(es) to filter the signals by type. (A check mark in a box allow signals of the corresponding type to pass through the filter). Select Unit from list of available units. Click when completed, adding signals to Signal Manager. Signal Selection To individually import signals individually into CIMPLICITY In Signal Manager, select the desired signals from the displayed list. To import all signals at once into CIMPLICITY 1 In Signal Manager, select Select All from the Edit menu. 2 Select Import from the Action menu. This displays a dialog box that allows you to select the .gef file for the desired CIMPLICITY project. You can sometimes want to populate the CIMPLICITY point database with points from a set of screens. 8-44 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide To populate the Signal Manager’s displayed list of signals with the signals referenced in a set of screens 1 Select Match from the Action menu. Signal Manager then scans all the screens and displays any points not found in the Data Dictionary. 2 Select the signals as desired and import them into the CIMPLICITY point database using the procedures described previously. Toolbox HMI Device - Mark VI This chapter defines signals and their sources. It also defines the topological information in the database. The database is a collection of signals, scales, and other topological information, which all devices in a system share for communication. Refer to GEH-6403 Control System Toolbox for a Mark VI Controller document for more information. Mention HMI is getting info from mki 6 Devices place information into the database with the command Put Into Database and obtain information with the command Get From Database. There are two databases: System and Unified System. System Database (SDB) is a Windows-based client/server database, which uses .dbf files for storing data. System Database The System Database (SDB) is a client/server Windows-based database that uses .dbf files for storing data. Only the device that owns the topology and signal data can put that information into the SDB. There is no separate import program. Select the database from the Options menu, Settings option, and Database tab. The SDB: • Can be created from the toolbox as long as the SDB server is running. • Is specified by a path-qualified sub-directory where the database is stored. The SDB name must include a drive letter. I/O points and internal signals that can be put into the database are stored in the signal table. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-45 TCI - CIMPLICITY Modbus Data Interface The TCI Modbus slave can access CIMPLICITY data and send commands through CIMPLICITY using the CimMod option. This option is enabled by selecting the CIMPLICITY project option TCI MODBUS. CimMod, a program supplied as part of the TCI-CIMPLICITY Bridge product, communicates between the CIMPLICITY point database and the TCI Modbus slave. This allows transfer of CIMPLICITY data through the TCI Modbus slave to the Modbus master. HMI Server Mark VI Mark IV TCI CIMPLICITY CIMMOD TCI Modbus Slave DCS Mark V & Mark V LM Data Flow from Controllers in Modbus Slave Mode CimMod_L is a command line utility (CIMMOD_L.EXE) that reads the necessary configuration files in the TCI to create a Modbus list for CIMPLICITY (CIMMOD.LST). The list defines the format and scaling of each mapped coil and register. It also indicates which signals are controller commands. Refer to document GEI-100517 for more information about using CimMod and CimMod_L. OLE for Process Controls (OPC) OPC is a standard communications mechanism for moving data between HMIs and I/O Servers. It is based on Microsoft OLE technology. CIMPLICITY OPC Client software provides CIMPLICITY users with access to process data from OPC servers. The OPC Client supports all CIMPLICITY data types and the following CIMPLICITY features: • Collection of unsolicited data from an OPC Server. • Poll after setpoint • Triggered reads • Analog deadband through CIMPLICITY filtering. Refer to GE Fanuc document GFK-1181 for OPC Client information. OPC Servers provide real time data by firing events whenever the value of an item added by the OPC client changes. The CIMPLICITY HMI OPC Server provides a standards-based way to access run-time information from a CIMPLICITY HMI project. Refer to GE Fanuc document GFK-1675 for OPC Server information. 8-46 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Diagnostics System Status Logs CIMPLICITY HMI software consists of a large number of interrelated programs; many of them run in the background as part of the CIMPLICITY project. Background programs do not have any user interface, so they report errors and messages to a log file. CIMPLICITY keeps two log files, the System Log File for programs and errors that are not associated with any specific project, and a Project Log File for programs launched by starting a CIMPLICITY project. Refer to document GFK-1180 for more information. Viewing the Status Log To display the CIMPLICTY Project Status log, open the project using CIMPLICITY Workbench and choose Tools – STATUS LOG. This will open the CIMPLICITY Status Log Viewer displaying the project status log. Refer to CIMPLICITY Status Log Viewer window. Views the project’s Status Log. CIMPLICITY Status Log Viewer from Workbench CIMPLICITY Log Viewer Window GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-47 Viewing the System Log To switch to the CIMPLICITY System Log, use LOG – View System Log from the CIMPLICITY Log Viewer window opened previously. View System Log Opening CIMPLICITY System Log Viewer System Log Viewer Window Viewing the Project and System Status Logs To display lists of the Project and System Status Logs, open the project using CIMPLICITY Workbench and select Status Logs from the Workbench left pane. Project and System Status Logs. Double click file to open. Project and System Status Logs Window. 8-48 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide System Log Files If GE requests copies of the CIMPLICITY System Log files, they can be found in the log directory under the main CIMPLICITY HMI directory (typically C:\CIMPLICITY\HMI\LOG). All system messages are logged to these files. These files include: • The system Status Log file (COR_RECSTAT.CLG) • The w32rtr.out and w32rtr.err files for the Router. Project Log Files If GE requests copies of the CIMPLICITY Project Log files, they can be found in the project's log directory (typically F:\Cimproj\LOG). All messages related to a project are logged to these files. These files include: • The Status Log file (COR_RECSTAT.CLG) • .OUT and .ERR files for all CIMPLICITY HMI processes other than user processes. • .OUT_<n> and .ERR_<n> backup files for all CIMPLICITY HMI processes other than user. Gather File Utility In diagnosing a problem it is often required to gather a large amount of CIMPLICITY configuration and runtime information for analysis. CIMPLICITY provides a Gather File Utility that collects the information and compresses it into a single file to relay (such as E-mail) back to GE. Collecting all the information at once often speeds analysis of the issue and leads to a more rapid solution. How to use the Gather File Utility The Gather File Utility is not included as part of CIMPLICITY. If needed, GE will provide this utility and instructions on its use. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY • 8-49 Notes 8-50 • Chapter 8 CIMPLICITY GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Glossary of Terms ActiveX ActiveX, developed by Microsoft, is a set of rules for how applications should share information. With ActiveX, users can ask or answer questions, use pushbuttons, and interact in other ways with the web page or compatible program. It is not a programming language, but rather a model for writing programs so that other programs and the operating system can call them. ActiveX technology is used with ® Microsoft Internet Explorer to make interactive web pages that look and behave like computer programs, rather than static pages. ActiveX control A control (object) using ActiveX technologies to enable animation. An ActiveX control can be automatically downloaded and executed by a web browser. Programmers can develop ActiveX controls in a variety of languages, including C, C++, Visual Basic, and Java. ActiveX controls have full access to the Windows operating system. Atlanta Data Highway (ADH) Ethernet communication network that connects an OSM to the GE remote services network. alarm A message notifying an operator or administrator of equipment, network, or process problems. Alarm Viewer A standalone window within CIMPLICITY (an OCX control) for monitoring and responding to alarms. AMV Alarm Viewer. application A complete, self-contained program that performs a specific function directly for the user. Application programs are different than system programs, which control the computer and run application programs and utilities. ARCNET Attached Resource Computer Network, a LAN communications protocol developed by Datapoint Corporation. ARCNET defines the physical (coax and chip) and datalink (token ring and board interface) layer of a 2.5 MHz communication network. Balance of Plant (BOP) Plant equipment other than the turbine that needs to be controlled. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Glossary of Terms • G-1 board Printed wiring board, or circuit board, used for electronic circuits. Boolean Digital statement that expresses a condition that is either True or False, also called a discrete, or logical signal. breaker (circuit breaker) A switching device, capable of making, carrying, and breaking currents under normal circuit conditions and also making, carrying for a specified time, and breaking currents under specified abnormal conditions, such as those of short circuit. <C> The turbine controller’s Communicator core (processor). CimEdit An object-oriented graphics editor tool of CIMPLICITY HMI that functions with its runtime viewer CimView. It can create graphical screens with animation, scripting, colors, and a variety of graphical elements that represent power plant operation. CIMPLICITY HMI Computer-based operator interface software from GE Fanuc Automation, configurable to work with a wide variety of control and data acquisition equipment. Cimproj The required subdirectory name for a CIMPLICITY HMI project (F:\Cimproj). The project configuration Workbench (.gef) is located in this subdirectory. CimView An interactive graphical user interface of CIMPLICITY HMI used to monitor and control power plant equipment, displaying data as text or a variety of graphic objects. Its screens were created with CimEdit. They include a variety of interactive control functions for setting point values, displaying other graphic screens, and initiating custom software routines and other Windows applications. client-server Software architecture where one software product makes requests on another software product. For example, an arrangement of computers with software making one a data acquisition device and the other a data using device. command line The line on a computer display where the user types commands to be carried out by a program. This is a feature of a text-based interface such as MS-DOS, as opposed to a graphical user interface (GUI) such as Windows. configure Select specific options, either by editing disk files, or by setting the location of hardware jumpers, or by loading software parameters into memory. G-2 • Glossary of Terms GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide control system Equipment that automatically adjusts the output voltage, frequency, MW, or reactive power, as the case can be, of an asset in response to certain aspects of common quality such as voltage, frequency, MW, or reactive power. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to, speed governors and exciters. Control System Toolbox Refer to toolbox. CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check, which is used to detect errors in data such as transmissions or files on a disk. CSDB Control Signal Database, used in the turbine controller to store real time process data used in the control calculations. CSF Control System Freeway, a token passing communication network, typically using TWINAX cabling, running at 2.3 MHz. <D> The turbine controller’s backup Communicator core (processor). (Also refer to <C>.) data dictionary A system file that contains the information needed to operate a database in a database management system. This file includes basic operating information about the records and fields of a certain database, the limits on acceptable data values, and accessauthorization information. For the HMI, the data dictionary files contain information about unit-specific control signal database pointnames, alarm text messages (for both process and diagnostic alarms), and display information for signal pointnames (type/units, messages, and such). The primary unit Data Dictionary file, UNITDATA.DAT, can be created on an HMI in the unit-specific directory. DCS Distributed Control System, used for process control applications including control of boilers and other power plant equipment. deadband Range of values inside of which the incoming signal can be altered without changing the output response. The Historian uses a sophisticated deadband algorithm to decide whether to save or discard incoming data, as part of its data compression function. Demand Display An HMI function that allows you to monitor several turbine data points at a time and issue simple commands. It supports multiple units. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Glossary of Terms • G-3 Devcom Application program that serves as a communications bridge between the CIMPLICITY HMI Point Manager and a device being monitored. device A configurable component of a process control system. dynamic An attribute emphasizing motion, change, and process as opposed to static. EGD Ethernet Global Data, a network protocol used by some controllers. Devices share data through periodic EGD exchanges (pages of data). Ethernet LAN with a 10 or 100 megabaud data rate, used to link one or more computers and/or controllers together. It features a collision avoidance/collision detection system. It uses TCP/IP and I/O services layers that conform to the IEEE 802.3 standard, developed by Xerox, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), and Intel. event Discrete signal generated by a change in a status of a logic signal in a controller. EX2000 GE generator exciter control. It regulates the generator field current to control the generator output voltage. fault code A message from the controller to the HMI indicating a controller warning or failure. firmware Set of executable software, stored in memory chips that hold their content without electrical power, such as EPROM or Flash memory. filter A program that separates data or signals in accordance with specified criteria. forcing Setting a signal to a particular value, regardless of the value the blockware or I/O is writing to that signal. frame rate Basic scheduling rate of the controller. It encompasses one complete input-computeoutput cycle for the controller. G-4 • Glossary of Terms GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide GSM GE Industrial Systems Standard Messages. Application-level messages processed in gateway to the DCS. The gateway serves as a protocol translator and can communicate directly with several process controllers. No data is emitted from the gateway unless previously requested by the DCS equipment. graphical user interface (GUI) An operating system interface between the user and the computer, based on graphics. GUIs typically use a mouse or other tracking device and icons. First developed by Xerox as an easier to learn interface than text-based ones, it was adopted by Apple for the Macintosh, Microsoft for Windows, and even for UNIX systems as XWindows. header Textual information, such as a title, date, name, or other applicable identifying information, positioned at the top of a screen, column, or page, and usually repeated at every occurrence. Historian A client/server-based data archival system for data collection, storage, and display of power island and auxiliary process data.. It combines high-resolution digital event data from the turbine controller with process analog data to create a sophisticated tool for investigating cause-effect relationships. HMI Human-Machine Interface. The GE HMI is a Windows NT-based operator interface to the turbine controllers and auxiliary power plant equipment. The HMI uses CIMPLICITY as the operator interface, and supports the Historian Client Toolset for viewing Historian data. icon A small picture intended to represent something (a file, directory, or action) in a graphical user interface. When an icon is clicked on, some action is performed, such as opening a directory or aborting a file transfer. ICS Integrated Control System. The GE ICS combines various power plant controls into a single distributed control system. initialize Set values (addresses, counters, registers, and such) to a beginning value prior to the rest of processing. IONet The Mark VI I/O Ethernet communication network. LAN Local area network (communications). A typical LAN consists of peripheral devices and controllers contained in the same building, and often on the same floor. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Glossary of Terms • G-5 logical Statement of a true/false sense, such as a Boolean. Mark IV SPEEDTRONIC gas turbine controller, introduced in 1983. The first GE triple modular redundant (TMR) control for fault-tolerant operation. Mark V All-digital SPEEDTRONIC gas and steam turbine controller, introduced in 1991, available in Simplex and TMR control versions. At first equipped with a DOS-based computer operator interface, later upgraded to use the NT-based CIMPLICITY HMI. Mark V LM SPEEDTRONIC gas turbine controller, introduced in 1995, designed specifically to support the aeroderivative Dry Low Emissions (DLE) technology developed by GE Aircraft Engines. Equipped to use the NT-based CIMPLICITY HMI. Mark VI VME-based SPEEDTRONIC gas and steam turbine controller, available in Simplex and TMR control versions. Equipped to use the NT-based CIMPLICITY HMI and Control System Toolbox. menu (Software.) A list from which the user can select an operation to be performed. Modbus Serial communication protocol, initially developed by Gould Modicon for use between PLCs and other computers. network A data communication system that links two or more computers and peripheral devices. object (Software.) Generally, any item that can be individually selected and manipulated. This can include shapes and pictures that appear on a display screen, as well as less tangible software entities. In object-oriented programming, for example, an object is a self-contained entity that consists of both data and procedures to manipulate the data. OCX OLE custom control. An independent program module that can be accessed by other programs in a Windows environment. ActiveX (Microsoft’s next generation of controls) is backward compatible OCX. G-6 • Glossary of Terms GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide OLE (Pronounced as separate letters.) Object linking and embedding. A compound document standard developed by Microsoft Corporation. It enables you to create objects with one application and then link or embed them in a second application. Embedded objects retain their original format and links to the application that created them. Support for OLE is built into the Windows. OPC OLE for Process Controls. The OPC Specification is a non-proprietary technical specification that defines a set of standard interfaces based upon Microsoft’s OLE/COM technology. The application of the OPC standard interface makes possible interoperability between automation/control applications, field systems/devices, and business/office applications. OSM Refer to On Site Monitor. panel The side or front of a piece of equipment on which terminations and termination assemblies are mounted. pc Abbreviation for personal computer. PDH Refer to Plant Data Highway. permissives Conditions that allow advancement from one state to another. ping The ping utility command uses a series of Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) Echo messages to troubleshoot network connectivity. Plant Data Highway (PDH) Ethernet communication network that connects the Historian, HMI Servers, HMI Viewers, workstation, and printers. PLC Programmable logic controller. These are designed for discrete (logic) control of machinery, and they also compute math (analog) functions and perform regulatory control. plot To draw an image by connecting a series of precisely placed points on a screen or paper, using a series of lines. point Basic unit for variable information in the controller, also referred to as signal. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Glossary of Terms • G-7 product code (runtime) Software stored in the controller’s Flash memory that converts application code (pcode) to executable code. reactive capability The reactive power injection or absorption capability of generating sets and other reactive power resources such as Static Var Compensators, capacitors, and synchronous condensers. This includes reactive power capability of a generating set during the normal course of the generating set operations. reboot Restart the controller or computer after a controlled shutdown. relay ladder diagram (RLD) A ladder diagram represents a relay circuit. Power is considered to flow from the left rail through contacts to the coil connected at the right. resources Also known as groups. Resources are systems (devices, machines, or work stations where work is performed) or areas where several tasks are carried out. Resource configuration plays an important role in the CIMPLICITY system by routing alarms to specific users and filtering the data users receive. runtime Refer to product code. Sequence of Events (SOE) A high-speed record of contact closures taken during a plant upset to allow detailed analysis of the event. Most turbine controllers support a data resolution of 1 millisecond. server A computer that gathers data over Ethernet from plant devices, and makes the data available to computer-based operator interfaces known as Viewers. setpoint Value of a controlled variable, departure from which causes a controller to operate to reduce the error and restore the intended steady state. signal Basic unit for variable information in the controller, also referred to as point. Simplex Operation that requires only one set of control and I/O, and generally uses only one channel. SOE Refer to Sequence of Events. G-8 • Glossary of Terms GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide SRTP Service Request Transfer Protocol. An Ethernet communications protocol for communications between the turbine controller and the HMI. Stagelink ARCNET-based communication link used by many controllers. synchroscope Instrument for detecting whether two moving parts are synchronized. tag Identifying name given to a process measurement point. TCEA DS200TCEA Emergency Overspeed Board (TCEA), located in the controller’s Protective Core <P1>, is used for the high-speed protection circuitry. It is often referred to as the Protective Processor. The three TCEA boards used in the <P1> core are referred to as the <X>, <Y>, and <Z> processors. These boards scale and condition input for high and low shaft speed, flame detection, and automatic synchronization. They then output the signals via the TCEA (location 1) board over the IONET to the <R1> core’s DS200STCA board. The TCEAs send emergency trip signals to the Turbine Trip Board (DS200TCTG). Each TCEA has its own power supply and power supply diagnostics. TCI Turbine Control Interface. The GE-supplied software package on the HMI that interfaces to the turbine control. TCP/IP Communications protocols developed to inter-network dissimilar systems. It is a de facto UNIX standard, but is supported on almost all systems. TCP controls data transfer and IP provides the routing for functions, such as file transfer and e-mail. timetag Information added to data to indicate the time at which it was collected. Also called a time stamp. TMR Triple Modular Redundancy. This is an architecture that uses three identical sets of control and I/O, and votes the results to obtain highly reliable output signals. toolbox (Control System Toolbox) Windows-based software package used to configure the Mark VI controllers, exciters, and drives. trend Time-based screen plot showing the history of process values, available in the Historian, HMI, and the Control System Toolbox. GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Glossary of Terms • G-9 trigger Transition in a discrete signal from 0 to 1, or from 1 to 0, initiating an action or sequence. Unit Data Highway (UDH) Ethernet communication network that connects the Mark VI controllers, LCI, EX2000, PLCs, and other GE provided equipment to the HMI servers. UTC Coordinated Universal Time, an international time-reference standard. utility A small helper program that performs a specific task, usually related to managing system resources. Utilities differ from applications mostly in terms of size, complexity, and function. VLAN Virtual Local Area Network. A scheme whereby a single network switch can support multiple separate networks (such as UDH, PDH, and ADH). All networks configured on the switch share a single switch-to-switch trunk port connection. web browser Computer software, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator, allowing screens and data to be viewed over a network from a server. Windows NT Advanced 32-bit operating system from Microsoft Corporation for 386-based PCs and above. Workbench A CIMPLICITY HMI program used to view, configure, organize, and manage every component of a CIMPLICITY project through a single window. G-10 • Glossary of Terms GEH-6126C Vol II HMI Application Guide Index A ActiveX, G-1 applications, 8-1 control, 8-1, 8-3, G-1 objects, 8-1, 8-6 alarms, 4-2, 4-31, 6-81, 8-30, 8-42 Alarm Logger Control, 6-10 Alarm Viewer, 8-12, 8-20, 8-36, 8-39, G-1 AMV, 8-25, 8-39, G-1 diagnostic,6-158, 6-170, display, 6-158, 6-170 Extended Alarm Commands, 8-1, 8-39, Lock, 6-167, 8-39 Lockout, 4-45, 6-107, 6-108, 6-109, 6-110, 6-166, 8-1, 8-39, Silence, 6-130, 8-1, 8-39 Unlock, 6-167, 8-39 External Alarm Manager, 8-9, 8-40 filtered alarms, 8-30 filtering, 8-9, 8-20, 8-21 Hold List,4-4, 6-130, 6-156, 8-42, process, 4-39, 4-44, 6-9, animation, 8-23, 8-40, G-1 B Balance of Plant (BOP), 1-1, 6-8, G-1 Boolean, 6-84, 8-41, G-2 breaker (see circuit breaker) C CimEdit, 8-1, 8-23, G-2 CIMPLICITY, configuration, 8-9 diagnostics, 8-47 directories, 6-1 Modbus Master, 6-8 overview, 8-1 project, 2-3 Cimproj, 2-3, 6-2, 6-3, 6-31, 6-46, 8-9, 8-49, G-2 CimView, 2-1, G-2 .cim files, 2-1, 8-23, 8-27, 8-32, circuit breaker, G-2 client-server, 1-1, G-2 GEH-6126C Volume II Application Guide command line arguments, 4-10 Control Constant, 4-12 CONSTCHK, 4-15 DABUILD, 4-31 description, 4-30 DIAGC, 4-17 Invalid Unit, 4-10 EEPROM, 4-6 format, 4-2, 4-4 parameters, 3-1 SEQCOMPL command, 4-5 communications Mark IV, 6-4 Ethernet, 7-16, 7-20 Modbus, 6-6, 6-8 TCI, 6-35 Control Signal Database (CSDB), 1-2,4-1 Control System Freeway (CSF), 7-1 control system toolbox, 4-77, 5-1, 5-3, 6-7, 6-22, 6-44, 6-81, 6-173, 8-40, 8-45 Trend Recorder, 5-2 controllers Mark IV, 3-1,6-4, 6-81 Mark V, 4-1, 4-31, 4-67, 6-11, 6-89, 6-106, 6-115 Mark V LM, 4-32, 4-42, 4-70, 4-73, 6-15, 6-89, 6-96 Mark VI, 1-1, 5-1, 6-37, 6-79, 6-89, 6-98, 7-1, 7-18 D Data Dictionary creating, 6-69 DDVAL, 3-1 DDLOCATE, 4-35 DDUTIL, 4-38 WPBROXD, 6-176 Demand Display editing, 4-5 starting, 6-27 WDEMAND, 6-163 Display Manual Synchronizing, 4-45, 8-2, 8-6 Reactive Capability, 8-8 Distributed Control System (DCS), 4-44, 6-8, 6-42, 7-1 DOS commands (see command line) Dynamic Rung Display,6-37, E Ethernet, 7-16, 7-20 Ethernet Global Data (EGD), 6-119 VIEWEGD, 6-144 EX2000, 6-48 alarms, 8-42 Exciter Configuration File, 6-80 Index • 1 F S fault code, 6-80, 8-43 file structure, 4-22 filter, 6-16, 6-17, 8-20 security, 6-112, 6-179, 8-12, 8-17 Sequence of Events (SOE), 1-2, 6-9, 6-79, 6-130, 6-167 setpoint, 2-1, 4-8, 4-9, 4-11, 4-35, 6-8, 6-23 Signal Manager, 6-80, 8-40 signals importing, 8-44 specifications fiber-optic cable, 7-11 startup,2-1, 4-45, 6-11 G GE Standard Messages (GSM), 6-9 H Historian, 1-2, 4-4, 5-2, 6-4, 6-8 Human-Machine Interface (HMI), 1-1, G-5 I Integrated Control System (ICS), G-5 M Modbus, 6-6, 6-8, 6-28, 6-29, 6-30, 6-41, 6-134, 8-46 N network configuration, 7-21 diagnostics, 7-23 equipment, 7-20 overview, 7-1, redundancy, 7-18 rules, 7-18 serial link, 7-20 O OCX, 8-20, G-1, G-6 OLE, 8-1, 8-46, G-7 OPC, 8-46, G-7 P permissives, 4-9, 4-11, 4-21, 8-2, 8-4 Plant Data Highway (PDH), 1-1, 6-88, 7-17 points, 1-2, 3-2, 4-2 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), 6-43, G-7 projects, 8-9, 8-26 R Reactive Capability Display, 8-8 requisition, 4-17, 6-7, 6-81, 6-99 Resource Definition, 8-18 resources configuring, 8-17 Role Properties, 8-14 rungs, 4-5, 4-40, 4-49, 4-56 2 • Index T TCP/IP, 7-17, 7-18, G-4 timetag, 4-19, 6-13, 6-121, G-9 toolbox (see Control System Toolbox) trend, 5-1, 8-32, 8-33, G-9 Recorder, 5-2 Trip History, 6-22 Triggered Plot, 8-1, 8-6, 8-7 Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR), 4-14, 4-15, 4-70 Turbine Control Interface (TCI), 1-1, 4-8, 6-35, 6-38 U Unit Data Highway (UDH), 1-1, 1-2, 5-2, 5-3, 7-17 User configuring, 8-12 usernames and passwords, 2-3 UDF, 4-70 WAUTHEN, 6-161 V valve travel, 8-6 W web, 6-156 to 6-166 displays, 6-156 server homepage, 6-111 server installation, 6-114 WALMDUMP, 6-158 WANETC, 6-159 WARCWHO, 6-160 WAUTHEN, 6-161 WCONST, 6-161 WDEMAND, 6-163 WGBL, 6-165 WHAERPT, 6-166 Workbench, 6-30, 8-9 HMI for SPEEDTRONIC Turbine Control GEH-6126C Volume II g GE Energy 1501 Roanoke Blvd. Salem, VA 24153-6492 USA 1 540 387 7000 www.geenergy.com
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