6. E-Governance.pdf



www.iasscore.in TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY CITIZEN CENTRIC GOVERNANCE NeGP - National E-Governance Program The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) has been formulated by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DEITY) and Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG). 2. The Union Government approved the NeGP, comprising of 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) and 10 components on May 18, 2006. 3. The NeGP aims at improving delivery of Government services to citizens and businesses with the following vision: "Make all Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through common service delivery outlets and ensure efficiency, transparency & reliability of such services at affordable costs to realize the basic needs of the common man." 4. Implementation Strategy, Approach and Methodology of NeGP - Implementation of e-Governance is a highly complex process requiring provisioning of hardware & software, networking, process re-engineering and change management. Based on lessons learnt from the past and the experience from successful eGovernance applications, the approach and methodology adopted for NeGP contains the following elements: SC OR E 1. Common Support Infrastructure: NeGP implementation involves setting up of common and support IT infrastructure such as: State Wide Area Networks (SWANs), State Data Centres (SDCs), Common Services Centres (CSCs) and Electronic Service Delivery Gateways. b. Centralized Initiative, Decentralized Implementation: e-Governance is being promoted through a centralized initiative to the extent necessary to ensure citizen-centric orientation, to realize the objective of inter-operability of various e-Governance applications and to ensure optimal utilization of ICT infrastructure and resources while allowing for a decentralized implementation model. It also aims at identifying successful projects and replicating them with required customization wherever needed. c. Public-Private Partnerships (PPP): PPP model is to be adopted wherever feasible to enlarge the resource pool without compromising on the security aspects. d. Integrative Elements: Adoption of unique identification codes for citizens, businesses and property is to be promoted to facilitate integration and avoid ambiguity. e. Program Approach at the National and State levels: For implementation of the NeGP, various Union Ministries/Departments and State Governments are involved. Considering the multiplicity of agencies involved and the need for overall aggregation and integration at the national level, NeGP is being implemented as a programme, with well-defined roles and responsibilities of each agency involved. For facilitating this, appropriate programme management structures have also been put in place. f. Facilitator Role of DEITY: DEITY is the facilitator and catalyst for the implementation of NeGP by various Ministries and State Governments and also provides technical assistance. It serves as a secretariat to the Apex Committee and assists it in managing the programme. In addition, DEITY Notes GS a. 1 2. simultaneously monitoring and reviewing important programmes and projects of the Government of India as well as projects flagged by State Governments. Project Monitoring Group (PMG) and the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.in is also implementing pilot/ infrastructure/ technical/ special projects and support components. and Chief Secretaries through Video-conferencing enabled by data and geo-informatics visuals. SC a. 3.Pro-Active Governance And Timely Implementation It was launched by PM in March 2015. 2015. 7. With this. the Prime Minister discussed issues relating to unseasonal rain and relief to farmers. and Chief Secretaries of the States). a.' The interaction lasted for two hours. public grievances. the Prime Minister is able to discuss the issues with the concerned Central and State officials with full information and latest visuals of the ground level situation. b. Prime Minister will hold a monthly programme where he will interact with the Government of India Secretaries.PRAGATI is a multi-purpose and multi-modal integrative and interactive ICT platform with an aim of starting a culture of Pro-Active Governance and Timely Implementation. It offers a unique combination in the direction of cooperative federalism since it brings on one stage the Secretaries of Government of India and the Chief Secretaries of the States. Aim of PRAGATI platform - 5. c. PRAGATI provides an interface and platform for all these three aspects. on-going Programmes and pending Projects. PRAGATI . The first such programme was launched on 25th March. To address common man's grievances. Rural Employment Guarantee Schemes. Ownership of Ministries: Under the NeGP. Other features - Notes a. States have been given the flexibility to identify a few additional state-specific projects. In case there are any ongoing projects which fall in the MMP category. 2 The system will ride on.key features It is a three-tier system (PMO. and b. How it works . The system has been designed in-house by the PMO team with the help of National Informatics Center (NIC). g. various MMPs are owned and spearheaded by the concerned line Ministries. the line ministries concerned are advised to make use of e-Governance as also automation techniques from the inception stage. . etc. Interactions GS 4. For major projects like Bharat Nirman. which are relevant for the economic development of the State. strengthen and re-engineer the data bases of the CPGRAMS for grievances. OR E 1. What is it .iasscore. project implementation. they would be suitably enhanced to align them with the objectives of NeGP. (3rd interaction was held in may 2015) 6. Swachh Bharat and 'ease of doing business. Issues to be flagged before the PM are picked up from the available database regarding Public Grievances. During the first PRAGATI interaction in March 2015. Union Government Secretaries. Afterwards it has been held once in every month on Fourth Wednesday of the month to be known as PRAGATI Day. a.www. b. availability of services in real time iii. ii. a. 3. Aim a. Digital India. Digital Empowerment of Citizens 3 . It will also take into consideration various correspondences to PM's office by the common people or from high dignitaries of States and/or c. cradle to grave digital identity that is unique. SC 2. OR E Digital India Digital Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen ' It includes i. Notes d. NDA Govt. This program was announced in budget speech and approved by cabinet in Aug 2014 b. ii. Digital literacy. and Job Creation. videoconferencing and geo-spatial technology.iasscore. Availability of digital resources / services in Indian languages. Focus is to realize that Indian Talent (IT) + Information Technology (IT) = India Tomorrow (IT). i. Girl Child Education. digitally transformed services for improving ease of doing business c. Facts to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. Clean India. lifelong.in to engage citizens in the task of "good governance" 2. mobile.www. Governance & Services on Demand i. which will be restructured and re-focused in terms of enhancing the scope. online and authenticable to every citizen. In July 2014. launched an online platform mygov. The Digital India Programme pulls together many existing schemes. "The platform has been divided into various groups namely Clean Ganga. Digital India programme is to be coordinated by DeitY and implemented by the entire Government. GS 1. mobile phone & bank account enabling citizen participation in digital & financial space. Vision: it centers on three key areas namely a.in 1. availability of high speed internet as a core utility for delivery of services to citizens. MyGov. ii. integration c. The PRAGATI platform uniquely bundles three latest technologies: Digital data management. b. integrated services across departments or jurisdictions. Skilled India. iii. leveraging emerging technologies like cloud.in b.nic. b. 1st meeting of the Apex Committee on Digital India Programme has been held on 26th November.www. EFC Note on National Information Infrastructure (NII) hasbeen circulated.0 (CSC 2. 4 . Mobile Seva It is a nationwide initiative conceptualized by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) 2.iasscore. apps) 3.0) has been finalized. e.partially completed a. it was awarded a UN public service award. A draft Cabinet Note on e-Kranti (NeGP 2. Notes GS SC OR E 1. 2014. d.in 4. Aim ' To enable delivery of public services electronically through the mobile platform (SMS. voice. Follow up action is being taken with respect to each component. Status of digital India as feb 2015 . EFC Note on Common Services Centre 2.0) is under finalization. c. In July 2014. Digital India Programme has been approved.
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