5990 a Body Datasheet
www.Fisher.com Fisherr A ControI VaIves Contents Ìntroduction 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scope of Manual 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Specifications 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ìnstallation 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packing Lubrication 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packing Maintenance 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adding Packing Rings 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replacing Packing 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trim Maintenance 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Replacing Valve Plug, Seat Ring(s), and Guide Bushings 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lapping Metal Seats 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mounting Actuator and Adjusting Travel 12 . . . . . . Direct-Acting Valves (Push-Down-To-Close) 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reverse-Acting Valves (Push-Down-To-Open) 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changing Valve Action 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parts Ordering 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parts Kits 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parts List 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction Scope of ManuaI This manual provides installation and maintenance instructions for some sizes of the Fisherr A control valve that are no longer in production. For information on availability of complete assemblies and spare parts, contact your local Emerson Process Management sales office. Do not install, operate, or maintain an A valve without first D being fully trained and qualified in valve, actuator, and accessory installation, operation, and maintenance, and D carefully reading and understanding the contents of this manual. Ìf you have any questions about these instructions, Figure 1. Fisherr A Valve with Diaphragm Actuator W6003-1/ÌL contact your Emerson Process Management sales office before proceeding. Description These valves are either single-port (figures 12 and 13) or double-port (figures 1, 14 and 15) constructions and either direct- or reverse-acting. Direct-acting valves have push-down-to-close action. Ìf the valve is installed in a horizontal pipe run and the actuator is vertical above the valve, downward motion of the valve stem will close the valve. Reverse-acting valves have push-down-to-open action, so with the same installation as described above, downward motion of reverse-acting valve plug stems will open the valve. A direct- and reverse-acting valve are shown in figure 2. Instruction ManuaI D100381X012 October 2008 A Valve A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 2 Table 1. Specifications End Connection StyIes Cast Iron VaIves Flanged: CL125 flat-face or 250 raised-face flanges per ASME B16.1 Screwed: Consistent with ASME B16.4 SteeI and StainIess SteeI VaIves Flanged: CL150, 300, and 600 raised-face flanges per ASME B16.5 Screwed: Consistent with ASME B16.11 Pressure/Temperature Ratings (1) Pressure/temperature ratings for A valves are consistent with CL125B, 150, 250B, 300, or 600 ratings. Maximum allowable pressure drops for A valves are shown in table 3 FIow Characteristics EquaI Percentage: J V-Pup, J Micro-Form and J Micro-Flute Valve Plugs Modified ParaboIic: J Throttle Plug and J V-Port Valve Plugs Quick Opening: Quick Opening Valve Plug FIow Direction See flow arrows in figures 2, 13, 14, and 15 Approximate Weights See table 2 1. The pressure or temperature limits in this manual and any applicable standard limitations should not be exceeded. A valve plugs are either port-guided, top-and-bottom guided, top-guided, or top-and-port-guided. With port guiding, guiding surfaces on the valve plug guide the plug in the seat ring as shown in figures 13 and 15. With top-and-bottom guiding, a bushing in the bottom flange (key 14, figure 12) and in the bonnet (key 30, figure 19) guide the valve plug. For Micro-Form valve plugs, a bushing in the bonnet guides the valve plug (top guiding). For Micro-Flute valve plugs, guiding surfaces on the valve plug and a bushing in the bonnet guide the valve plug (top-and-port guiding). Valves with Micro-Form or Micro-Flute valve plugs use the same bonnet and bonnet guide bushing as are used for top-and-bottom-guided valve plugs. There are four types of valve stem connections in A valves: threaded-and-pinned, welded, flexaline, and threaded. Threaded-and-pinned, flexaline and threaded connections are shown in figures 3, 4, and 5. With welded connections, the valve plug and stem are welded to form an assembly. Maintenance procedures in this manual are valid for either single- or double-port valves, either direct- or reverse-acting valves, all types of valve guiding, and all types of valve stem connections except where indicated. Figure 2. Direct- and Reverse-Acting Double-Port Valves CL8704-A/DOC CL7660-A/DOC Specifications Typical specifications for these valves are shown in table 1. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 3 Table 2. Approximate Weights (1) VALVE SIZE, NPS SINGLE PORT DOUBLE PORT kg Ib kg Ib 1 21 47 21 47 1-1/2 40 88 40 88 2 43 95 46 101 2-1/2 57 126 70 155 3 72 159 89 196 4 132 290 143 316 6 233 513 266 587 8 382 843 412 908 10 646 1424 729 1608 12 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 933 2056 16 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2329 5134 1. Weights shown are for CL600 flanges steel valve bodies. Table 3. Maximum Allowable Pressure Drop (1)(2) VALVE SIZE, NPS STEM DIAMETER SINGLE-PORT VALVES DOUBLE-PORT VALVES mm Inches bar psi psi bar 1 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 103 103 1500 1500 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 1-1/4 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 81.7 103 1185 1500 1-1/2 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 55.2 103 800 1500 2 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 29.3 57.9 425 840 3 100% (3) 12.7 1/2 24.1 350 1500 103 40% (3) 12.7 1/2 103 1500 4 100% (3) 12.7 19.1 1/2 3/4 12.8 33.1 185 480 40% (3) 12.7 19.1 1/2 3/4 103 103 1500 1500 6 12.7 19.1 25.4 1/2 3/4 1 4.5 12.4 23.1 65 180 335 8 100% (3) 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 6.6 12.4 19.7 95 180 285 40% (3) 12.7 19.1 25.4 31.8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 6.9 19.3 32.1 52.7 100 280 465 765 10 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 4.1 7.6 12.4 60 110 180 12 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 2.8 6.2 9.3 40 90 135 16 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 1. Flowing pressure drop for all port-guided valves should not exceed 100 psi. 2. The pressure or temperature limits in this manual and any applicable standard limitations should not be exceeded. 3. Ìndicates capacity of valve. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 4 InstaIIation WARNING AIways wear protective gIoves, cIothing, and eyewear when performing any instaIIation operations to avoid personaI injury. Check with your process or safety engineer for any additionaI measures that must be taken to protect against process media. If instaIIing into an existing appIication, aIso refer to the WARNING at the beginning of the Maintenance section in this instruction manuaI. CAUTION When ordered, the vaIve configuration and construction materiaIs were seIected to meet particuIar pressure, temperature, pressure drop, and controIIed fIuid conditions. ResponsibiIity for the safety of process media and compatibiIity of vaIve materiaIs with process media rests soIeIy with the purchaser and end-user. Since some body/trim materiaI combinations are Iimited in their pressure drop and temperature ranges, do not appIy any other conditions to the vaIve without first contacting your Emerson Process Management saIes office. Before installing the valve, inspect it for shipping damage and be certain the valve cavity and adjacent pipelines are free of any foreign material that may damage the seating surfaces. Ìf continuous operation is required during maintenance, install a three-valve bypass around the valve. The direction of flow through the valve must be as shown in figures 12, 13, 14, and 15. Proper flow direction is also indicated by a flow direction arrow on the valve. A valves may be installed in any position, but the standard position is with the valve in a horizontal run of pipe with the actuator above the valve. When installing the valve, use accepted piping practices. For threaded end connections, coat the male pipe threads with a good-quality pipe compound. For flat-face and raised-face flanged end connections, provide suitable flange gaskets. Ìf the actuator was not attached to the valve before installation, or if valve plug travel has not been adjusted, refer to the Mounting Actuator and Adjusting Travel section in this manual. Maintenance Valve parts, such as the packing, valve plug, seat ring, and guiding bushings, are subject to normal wear and must be inspected and replaced as necessary. Ìnspection and maintenance frequency depends on the severity of service conditions. This section includes instructions for disassembly necessary for inspection or replacement of parts. All maintenance operations may be performed with the valve in the line. WARNING Avoid personaI injury or property damage from sudden reIease of process pressure or bursting of parts. Before performing any maintenance operations: D AIways wear protective gIoves, cIothing, and eyewear when performing any maintenance operations to avoid personaI injury. D Disconnect any operating Iines providing air pressure, eIectric power, or a controI signaI to the actuator. Be sure the actuator cannot suddenIy open or cIose the vaIve. D Use bypass vaIves or compIeteIy shut off the process to isoIate the vaIve from process pressure. ReIieve process pressure from both sides of the vaIve. Drain the process media from both sides of the vaIve. D Vent the pneumatic actuator Ioading pressure and reIieve any actuator spring precompression. D Use Iock-out procedures to be sure that the above measures stay in effect whiIe you work on the equipment. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 5 Figure 3. Threaded-and-Pinned Valve Stem Connection AJ8000-B A1614/ÌL Figure 4. Flexaline Valve Stem Connection AR6360-A BB7498 AR6359-A B0808/ÌL D The vaIve packing box may contain process fIuids that are pressurized, even when the valve has been removed from the pipeline. Process fIuids may spray out under pressure when removing the packing hardware or packing rings, or when Ioosening the packing box pipe pIug. D Check with your process or safety engineer for any additionaI measures that must be taken to protect against process media. Note For vaIves with ENVIRO-SEALr packing, see the Fisherr instruction manuaI, ENVIRO-SEAL Packing System for SIiding-Stem VaIves, D101642X012, for packing instructions. For vaIves with HIGH-SEAL packing, see the Fisher instruction manuaI, HIGH-SEAL Live-Loaded Packing System, D101453X012, for packing instructions. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 6 Figure 5. Threaded Valve Stem Connection 2C4018-C A1610/ÌL Packing Lubrication Ìf a lubricator or lubricator/isolating valve (figure 6) is provided for PTFE/composition or other packings that require lubrication, it will be installed in place of the pipe plug (key 31, figure 19, 20, or 21). Use a good quality silicon-base lubricant. Packing used in oxygen service or in processes with temperatures over 260_C (500_F) should not be lubricated. To operate the lubricator, simply turn the cap screw clockwise to force the lubricant into the packing box. The lubricator/isolating valve operates the same way except the isolating valve must first be opened and then closed after lubrication is completed. Packing Maintenance Ìnstallation of graphite ribbon packing requires special care to avoid trapping air between the rings. Start with only one ring at a time without forcing the top of the packing ring below the bottom of the entrance chamfer of the packing box. Thus, when a ring is added, the stack should not be pushed into the cavity more than the thickness of the added ring. Key numbers refer to figure 7 for PTFE V-ring packing and to figure 8 for PTFE/composition packing, unless otherwise indicated. LUBRICATOR LUBRICATOR/ISOLATING VALVE 10A9421-A AJ5428-D A0832-2/ÌL Figure 6. Lubricator and Lubricator/Isolating Valve For spring-loaded single PTFE V-ring packing, the spring (key 8) maintains a sealing force on the packing. Ìf leakage is noted around the packing follower (key 13), check to be sure the shoulder on the packing follower is touching the bonnet. Ìf the shoulder is not touching the bonnet, tighten the packing flange nuts (key 5, figure 19, 20, or 21) until the shoulder is against the bonnet. Ìf leakage cannot be stopped in this manner, proceed to the Replacing Packing procedure. Ìf there is undesirable packing leakage with other than spring-loaded packing, first try to limit the leakage and establish a stem seal by tightening the packing flange nuts. Ìf the packing is relatively new and tight on the stem, and if tightening the packing flange nuts does not stop the leakage, it is possible that the valve stem is worn or nicked so that a seal cannot be made. The surface finish of a new valve stem is critical for making a good packing seal. Ìf the leakage comes from the outside diameter of the packing, it is possible that the leakage is caused by nicks or scratches around the packing box wall. Ìf performing A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 7 Figure 7. PTFE V-Ring Packing Arrangements for Standard and Radiation Bonnets 12A7637-A B1429-4*/ÌL B1428-4*/ÌL 9.5 mm (3/8 INCH) STEM 12.7 mm (1.2 INCH) STEM 19.1, 25.4, OR 31.8 mm (3/4, 1, OR 1-1/4 INCH) STEM any of the following procedures, inspect the valve stem and packing box wall for nicks and scratches. Adding Packing Rings This section covers adding packing rings to PTFE V-ring and PTFE/composition packing as used in standard and radiation bonnets. PTFE V-ring packing is shown in figure 7, PTFE/composition packing is shown if figure 8. When using packing with a lantern ring (key 8, figure 7 or 8), it is possible to add packing rings above the lantern ring as a temporary measure without removing the actuator from the valve. 1. Ìsolate the control valve from the line pressure, release pressure from both sides of the valve, and drain the process media from both sides of the valve. Use lock-out procedures to be sure that the above measures stay in effect while you work on the equipment. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 8 UPPER WIPER (KEY 12) PACKING FOLLOWER (KEY 13) LANTERN RING (KEY 8) PACKING BOX RING (KEY 11) PACKING RING (KEY 7) 9.5 mm (3/8 INCH) STEM 12.7 mm (1/2 INCH) STEM 19.1, 25.4, OR 31.8 mm (3/4, 1, OR 1-1/4 INCH) STEM TYPICAL (DOUBLE) ARRANGEMENTS 12A8188-A 12A7815-A 12A8173-A A2619-1*/ ÌL Figure 8. Detail of PTFE/Composition Packing Arrangements for Standard and Radiation Bonnets 2. Remove the packing flange nuts (key 5, figure 19, 20, or 21) and lift the packing flange and follower (keys 3 and 13, figure 19, 20, or 21) away from the valve. 3. Avoid scratching the valve stem or packing box wall as the old packing rings are removed from on top of the lantern ring. Clean all metal parts to remove particles that would prevent the packing from sealing. 4. Ìnstall packing rings. Ìf split-ring packing is being added, spread the rings over the stem and slide the rings into the packing box. Alternate the positions of the splits to avoid creating a leak path. Ìf solid-ring packing is being added, remove the stem connector and slip the rings over the end of the valve stem. 5. Replace the packing flange and packing follower. Tighten the packing flange nuts (key 5, figure 19, 20, or 21) only far enough to stop leakage under operating conditions. 6. Ìf the valve-actuator stem connection was taken apart, reconnect according to the appropriate actuator instruction manual. 7. Check for leakage around the packing follower when the valve is being put into service. Retighten the packing flange nuts as required. Replacing Packing Key numbers used in this procedure are shown in figure 19 except where indicated. 1. Ìsolate the control valve from the line pressure, release pressure from both sides of the valve body, and drain the process media from both sides of the valve. Ìf using a power actuator, also shut-off all pressure lines to the power actuator, release all pressure from the actuator. Use lock-out procedures to be sure that the above measures stay in effect while you work on the equipment. 2. Disconnect the valve stem from the actuator by unscrewing the cap screws and removing the stem connector (see figure 10). 3. Unscrew the yoke locknut (key 32--valves with 3/8, 1/2, or 3/4-inch stems) or eight cap screws and nuts (valves with 1 or 1-1/2-inch stems). Remove the actuator from the valve. 4. To remove the bonnet (key 29), unscrew the bonnet bolts (key 22, figure 12--cast iron valves) or the bonnet nuts (key 9, figure 13--steel valves); then proceed as follows: For direct-acting vaIves, remove the bonnet, valve plug (key 19, figure 12), and stem (key 18, figure 12) as a unit. Unscrew the packing flange nuts (key 5) and remove the packing flange, upper wiper (if one is used) and packing follower (keys 3, 12, and 13). Slide the valve plug and stem out of the bonnet. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 9 Table 4. Body-to-Bonnet Bolt Torque Guidelines (1) VALVE SIZE, NPS BOLT TORQUES (2) SteeI and StainIess SteeI VaIves with Studs and Nuts Cast Iron VaIves with Cap Screws SA-193-B7 SA-193-B16 SA-193-B8M Strain Hardened SA-193-B8M AnneaIed SA-449 (Grade 5) NSm LbfSft NSm LbfSft NSm LbfSft NSm LbfSft 1 to 1-1/4 42 31 42 31 19 13.9 39 29 1-1/2 to 2 68 50 68 50 30 22 64 47 2-1/2 96 71 96 71 45 33 92 68 3 169 125 169 125 88 65 163 120 4 271 200 271 200 156 115 258 190 6 271 200 271 200 156 115 258 190 8 393 290 393 290 244 180 258 190 10 549 405 549 405 366 270 536 395 12 746 550 746 550 529 390 746 (3) 550 (3) 16 1329 980 1329 980 997 735 393 (3) 290 (3) 1. Contact your Emerson Process Management sales office for torques required for other bolting materials. 2. For field-lubricated bolting. 3. NPS 12 and 16 cast iron valves use SA-193-B7 studs and nuts. For reverse-acting vaIves, unscrew the packing flange nuts (key 5) and remove the packing flange, upper wiper (if one is used) and packing follower (keys 3, 12, and 13). Lift the bonnet off the stem and valve; the valve plug and stem (keys 19 and 18, figure 12) will remain in the valve. 5. Using care to avoid scratching the packing box wall, pull the old packing parts out of the bonnet with a hooked wire. The packing parts can also be pushed out with a rod inserted through the hole in the bottom of the bonnet. 6. Clean the packing box and all metal packing box parts. 7. Ìnstall a new bonnet gasket on the valve. With the valve plug and stem in the valve, slide the bonnet over the stem and onto the valve. Note The preIubricated stud boIt nuts (key 9, figure 13 or 14) referred to in step 8 can be identified by a bIack fiIm coating on the nut threads. The accepted boIting procedures in step 8 incIude--but are not Iimited to--ensuring that boIting threads are cIean, and evenIy tightening the cap screws, or the nuts onto the studs, in a crisscross pattern. Repeat the crisscross tightening pattern severaI times untiI each cap screw or nut is tight and the body-to-bonnet seaI is made. When the operating temperature has been reached, perform this torquing procedure once again. 8. Lubricate the bolting (not necessary if factory prelubricated stud bolt nuts are used) and install it, using accepted bolting procedures during tightening so that the body-to-bonnet joint will withstand test pressures and application service conditions. The bolt torques in table 4 may be used as guidelines. 9. Using care to avoid damaging packing on the valve stem thread, install packing and associated parts in the appropriate sequence shown in figure 7 or 8. Replace the packing flange and packing flange nuts. 10. Tighten the packing flange nuts as follows: For spring-Ioaded PTFE V-ring packing, tighten the packing flange nuts until the shoulder on the packing follower contacts the bonnet. For graphite packing, tighten the packing flange nuts to the maximum recommended torque shown in table 5. Then, loosen the packing flange nuts, and retighten them to the recommended minimum torque shown in table 5. For other packing types, tighten the packing flange nuts alternately in small equal increments until one of the nuts reaches the minimum recommended torque shown in table 5. Then, tighten the remaining flange nuts until the packing flange is level and at a 90-degree angle to the valve stem. For ENVIRO-SEAL or HIGH-SEAL Iive-Ioaded packing, refer to the note at the beginning of the Maintenance section. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 10 Table 5. Recommended Torque for Packing Flange Nuts VALVE STEM DIAMETER PRESSURE RATING GRAPHITE TYPE PACKING PTFE TYPE PACKING Minimum Torque Maximum Torque Minimum Torque Maximum Torque mm Inches NSm LbfSin NSm LbfSin NSm LbfSin NSm LbfSin 9.5 3/8 CL125, 150 3 24 5 48 1 12 3 24 CL250, 300 4 36 7 60 2 18 3 30 CL600 5 48 8 72 3 24 4 36 12.7 1/2 CL125, 150 5 48 8 72 3 24 4 36 CL250, 300 7 60 10 84 3 30 5 42 CL600 10 84 14 120 5 42 7 60 19.1 3/4 CL125, 150 11 96 16 144 5 48 8 72 CL250, 300 14 120 20 180 7 60 10 90 CL600 20 180 30 264 10 90 15 132 25.4 1 CL300 24 216 37 324 12 108 16 144 CL600 34 300 50 444 16 144 24 216 31.8 1-1/4 CL300 33 288 49 432 16 144 24 216 CL600 45 396 66 588 22 192 33 288 11. Mount the actuator and adjust the stem connector per the Mounting Actuator and Adjusting Travel section. Trim Maintenance Replacing Valve Plug, Seat Ring(s), and Guide Bushings 1. Disconnect the valve stem from the actuator by unscrewing the cap screws and removing the stem connector (see figure 10). 2. To remove the valve plug, use the appropriate procedure below. For direct-acting vaIves: a. Disconnect all pressure lines from the actuator. Unscrew the yoke locknut (key 32, figure 19--valves with 3/8, 1/2, or 3/4-inch stems) or eight cap screws and nuts (valves with 1 or 1-1/4 inch stems). Remove the actuator from the valve. b. Unscrew the bonnet bolts (key 22, figure 12--cast iron valves) or bonnet nuts (key 9, figure 13--steel valves). Remove the bonnet (key 29, figure 19), valve plug (key 19, figure 12), and stem (key 18, figure 12) as a unit. c. Loosen the packing flange nuts (key 5, figure 19) and carefully slide the valve plug and stem out of the bonnet. For reverse-acting vaIves: WARNING Once the actuator/vaIve connection has been disassembIed and the bottom fIange (key 20, figure 12) has been removed, the vaIve pIug and stem may faII out through the bottom fIange opening. Provide some means of supporting the vaIve pIug so that it wiII not faII and cause personaI injury or damage to the vaIve pIug. a. Unscrew the bottom flange cap screws (cast iron valves) or bottom flange nuts (steel valves) and remove the bottom flange (key 20, figure 12). b. Loosen the packing flange nuts (key 5, figure 19). Using care to avoid damaging the packing with the valve stem thread, slide the valve plug and stem out of the valve. Note Omit the foIIowing three steps if it is not necessary to repIace the upper guide bushing (key 30, figure 19-- top-and-bottom guided vaIve pIugs with standard bonnet and aII vaIves with radiation bonnet) or to grind the seating surfaces. c. Disconnect all pressure lines from the actuator. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 11 d. Unscrew the yoke locknut (key 32, figure 19-- valves with 3/8, 1/2, or 3/4-inch stems) or eight cap screws and nuts (valves with 1 or 1-1/4 inch stems). Remove the actuator from the valve. e. Unscrew the bonnet bolts (key 22, figure 12-- cast iron valves) or bonnet nuts (key 9, figure 13-- steel valves). Remove the bonnet (key 29, figure 19) from the valve. 3. The different types of valve stem connections (except welded) are shown in figures 3, 4, and 5. Follow the appropriate procedure below for replacing the valve plug. For weIded connections, replace the valve plug and stem as an assembly. For threaded-and-pinned connections, drive out the old groove pin (figure 3) and unscrew the plug from the stem. CAUTION Never use an oId stem with a new vaIve pIug. The use of an oId stem requires driIIing a new groove pin hoIe through the stem, thereby weakening the stem. The weakened stem may faiI in service. Screw the stem into the valve plug until it wedges tightly at the end of the valve stem thread. Determine drill size and location from figure 3. Drill the groove pin hole through the plug and stem. Remove any burrs caused by drilling and drive in the groove pin to complete the assembly. For fIexaIine connections, remove the cap nut or ferrule retainer (figure 4). Remove valve plug parts from the stem. Reassemble the new valve plug parts. After tightening the cap nut or ferrule retainer, be certain there is a small amount of lateral play between the plug and stem. Disassemble and file the bottom end (threaded end) of the retainer or cap nut, if necessary, to obtain this lateral play. Ìf there is too much lateral play, such that the plug seems loose on the stem, file the threaded end of the valve plug. For threaded stem connections, on all but the NPS 16, unscrew the locknut (figure 5) and remove the valve plug. When reassembling, tighten the locknut securely. Threaded valve stem connections on the NPS 16 use two tack welds instead of a locknut to secure the valve plug to the stem. Cut away the tack welds before unscrewing the plug. Figure 9. Use of Seat Ring Puller AD5222-B A1615/ÌL After installing the new valve plug, tack weld the plug to the stem to prevent it from loosening. 4. To replace the guide bushings (key 14, figure 12; key 30, figure 19), pull them from the bonnet and bottom flange using a hook inserted into the recess behind each bushing. Ìf the bushings cannot be removed in this manner, machine out the old bushings. Press the new bushings into place. 5. Before removing the seat ring(s) (keys 2 and 16, figure 14) check to see if the seat rings have been welded in place. Ìf so, cut away the weld before proceeding. Apply penetrating oil to the seat ring threads before attempting to remove the ring(s). The following seat ring removal instructions are presented assuming a seat ring puller, as shown in figure 9, is being used. Ìf a puller is not available, a lathe or boring mill may be used to remove the seat rings. a. Place the proper size seat lug bar across the seat ring so that the bar contacts the seat lugs as shown in figure 9. b. Ìnsert a drive wrench and place enough spacer rings over the wrench so that the hold-down clamp will rest about 1/4 inch above the valve flange. Slip a hold-down clamp onto the drive wrench and secure the clamp to the valve with two cap screws (or hex nuts for steel valves) from the bonnet. Do not tighten the cap screws or nuts. c. Use the turning bar to unscrew the seat ring. Stuck seat rings may require additional force on the turning bar. Slip a 3- to 5-foot length of pipe over one end of the turning bar, and while applying a steady force, hit the other end of the bar with a heavy hammer to break the ring loose. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 12 Ìn addition, a large pipe wrench can be used on the drive wrench near the hold-down clamp. d. After the seat ring is loose, alternately unscrew the flange bolts (or nuts) on the hold-down clamp and continue to unscrew the seat ring. e. Before installing new ring(s), thoroughly clean the threads in the valve port(s). Apply pipe compound to the threads of the new seat ring(s). Note On doubIe-port vaIves, one of the seat rings is smaIIer than the other. On direct-acting vaIves (push-down-to-cIose action), instaII the smaIIer ring in the vaIve body port farther from the bonnet before instaIIing the Iarger ring. On reverse-acting vaIves (push-down-to-open action), instaII the smaIIer ring in the vaIve body port cIoser to the bonnet before instaIIing the Iarger ring. Screw the ring(s) into the valve. Use the seat ring puller, lathe, or boring mill to tighten the seat rings in the valve. Remove all excess pipe compound after tightening. The seat ring can be spot welded in place to ensure that it does not loosen. 6. Reassemble the valve in the reverse order of the procedure used to disassemble. Use new bonnet and bottom flange gaskets (key 7, figure 12) when reassembling. 7. Mount the actuator and adjust the stem connector per the Mounting Actuator and Adjusting Travel section. Lapping Metal Seats A certain amount of leakage should be expected with metal-to-metal seating in any valve body. Ìf the leakage becomes excessive, however, the condition of the seating surfaces of the valve plug and seat ring(s) can be improved by lapping. (Deep nicks should be machined out rather than ground out.) Use a good quality lapping compound of a mixture of 280 to 600-grit. Apply the compound to the bottom of the valve plug. To ensure correct alignment of the valve plug, bolt the bonnet in place during the lapping process. Removal of the packing facilitates the lapping. A simple handle can be made from a piece of strap iron locked to the valve plug stem with nuts. Rotate the handle alternately in each direction to lap the seats. On double-port valves, the top ring normally grinds faster than the bottom ring. Under these conditions, continue to use lapping compound and white lead on the bottom ring, but use only a polishing compound (rottenstone and oil) on the top ring. Ìf either of the ports continues to leak, use more lapping compound on the seat ring that is not leaking and polishing compound on the other ring. This procedure grinds down the seat ring that is not leaking until both seats touch at the same time. Never leave one seat ring dry while grinding the other. After lapping, remove the bonnet, clean the seating surfaces, reassemble, and test the valve for shutoff. Repeat the lapping procedure if leakage is still excessive. Mounting Actuator and Adjusting TraveI Direct-Acting VaIves (Push-Down-to-CIose) 1. Ìf the actuator and valve have been separated, mount the actuator and secure with the yoke locknut (key 32, figure 19--valves with 3/8, 1/2, or 3/4-inch stems) or eight cap screws and nuts (valves with 1 or 1-1/4 inch stems). 2. Move the valve plug to the closed position. 3. Screw two locknuts (see figure 10) all the way onto the valve plug stem thread. Set the travel indicator disk on these nuts with the concave side of the disk facing the valve. On some larger actuator sizes, a pointer attached to the stem connector is used instead of the travel indicator disk. WARNING To avoid personaI injury, keep hands and tooIs away from the actuator stem when pressuring the actuator. 4. Ìf the actuator stem is not fully extended, pressure the actuator to move the stem to the fully extended position. Retract the actuator stem approximately 1/8 inch by reducing actuator pressure. (This requires pressuring the actuator for reverse-acting diaphragm actuators and piston actuators). 5. Clamp the actuator stem to the valve stem with the stem connector. Raise the indicator disk to the A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 13 Figure 10. Actuator Mounting (Fisherr 657 Actuator Shown) A1507/ÌL stem connector and tighten in position with the stem locknuts. 6. Cycle the actuator to be sure that full travel is being obtained and that the valve plug seats before the travel stop (if one is present) is contacted. CAUTION Do not use wrenches or other tooIs directIy on the vaIve pIug stem, or damage to the stem surface and subsequent damage to the vaIve packing may resuIt. Never rotate the vaIve pIug stem whiIe the vaIve pIug is in contact with the vaIve seat ring, or damage to the vaIve seating surfaces may resuIt. Be certain the pIug is off the seat before rotating the stem. Minor travel adjustments can be made by loosening the stem connector slightly, tightening the locknuts together, and screwing the stem into or out of the stem connector by using a wrench on the locknuts. Ìf an increase in travel is desired, the increase must be less than the 1/8 inch the actuator stem was retracted in step 4, or the valve will not shut off. 7. After adjustments are complete, tighten the stem connector securely, lock the travel indicator disk against the connector with the locknuts, and adjust the travel indicator scale to show valve plug position. 8. Final adjustments to establish the starting point of valve travel (zero) and to obtain full travel for the given signal range (span) can be made to the actuator spring or valve positioner. Refer to the appropriate actuator or valve positioner instruction manual for instructions. Reverse-Acting VaIves (Push-Down-To-Open) 1. Ìf the actuator and valve have been separated, mount the actuator and secure it with the yoke locknut (key 32, figure 19--valves with 3/8, 1/2, or 3/4-inch stems) or eight cap screws and nuts (valves with 1 or 1-1/4 inch stems). 2. Screw two stem locknuts (see figure 10) onto the valve plug stem. Leave enough stem thread exposed above the locknuts for the travel indicator disk and the stem connector. Set the travel indicator disk on the locknuts with the concave side of the disk facing the valve. On some larger actuator sizes, a pointer attached to the stem connector is used instead of the travel indicator disk. WARNING To avoid personaI injury, keep hands and tooIs away from the actuator stem when pressuring the actuator. 3. Ìf the actuator stem is not fully retracted, pressure the actuator to move the stem to the fully retracted position. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 14 Table 6. New Parts Required for Changing Valve Plug Action WELDED VALVE STEM CONNECTION THREADED-AND-PINNED VALVE STEM CONNECTION FLEXALINE VALVE STEM CONNECTION THREADED VALVE STEM CONNECTION Direct to Reverse Reverse to Direct SingIe Port DoubIe Port SingIe Port DoubIe Port Valve stem and plug assembly Valve stem and groove pin Valve stem, plug, and cap nut Valve stem Valve stem, plug, and ferrule retainer Valve stem Valve stem 4. Move the valve plug to the closed position. On larger sizes, this may require the use of a pry bar inserted through the flange opening in the end of the valve body. WARNING When the actuator/vaIve connection is disassembIed and the bottom fIange (key 20, figure 12) is removed, the vaIve pIug and stem may faII out through the bottom fIange opening. Provide some means of supporting the vaIve pIug so that it wiII not faII and cause personaI injury or damage to the vaIve pIug. Ìf the valve is installed in a pipeline, remove the bottom flange and push the plug to the closed position. 5. Vary the loading pressure to the actuator to extend the actuator stem approximately 1/8-inch. Clamp the actuator stem to the valve plug stem with the stem connector. 6. Remove the pry bar, if one was used, or replace the bottom flange, if it was removed. Cycle the actuator to be sure full travel is being obtained and that the valve plug seats before the travel stop is contacted. CAUTION Do not use wrenches or other tooIs directIy on the vaIve pIug stem, or damage to the stem surface and subsequent damage to the vaIve packing may resuIt. Never rotate the vaIve pIug stem whiIe the vaIve pIug is in contact with the seat ring, or damage to the vaIve seating surfaces may resuIt. Be certain the pIug is off the seat before rotating the stem. Minor travel adjustments can be made by loosening the stem connector slightly, tightening the locknuts together, and screwing the stem into or out of the stem connector by using a wrench on the locknuts. Ìf an increase in travel is desired, the increase must be less than the 1/8-inch the actuator stem was extended in step 5, or the valve will not shut off. 7. After adjustments are complete, tighten the stem connector with the stem locknuts, and adjust the indicator scale to show valve plug position. 8. Final adjustments to establish the starting point of valve travel (zero) and to obtain full travel for the given signal range (span) can be made to the actuator spring or valve positioner. Refer to the appropriate actuator or valve positioner instruction manual for instructions. Changing VaIve Action A valves (except those using Micro-Form or Micro-Flute valve plugs) can be changed from direct action to reverse action or vice-versa in the field. Some new parts will be required as shown in table 6. When converting from direct to reverse action, install travel stops in the actuator. When converting from reverse to direct action, remove travel stops from the actuator. WARNING To avoid personaI injury and equipment damage, isoIate the vaIve from aII pressure and reIease pressure from the vaIve and actuator before attempting disassembIy. Wherever needed in the following steps, refer to the Maintenance section for specific disassembly or reassembly information. The different types of valve stem connections are shown in figures 3, 4, and 5. 1. Disassemble the valve and remove the plug from the stem. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 15 Table 7. Actuator Groups (by Type Number) Group 1 54 mm (2-1/8 inches), 71 mm (2-13/16 inches), or 90 mm (3-9/16 inches) Yoke Boss Group 100 127 mm (5 inches) Yoke Boss 3 inches maximum traveI Group 401 90.5 mm (3-9/16 inches) Yoke Boss 3-1/4 to 4 inches maximum traveI Group 404 127 mm (5 inches) Yoke Boss 4 inches maximum traveI 472 & 473 585C 603 & 1B 644 & 645 655 657 & 667--76.2 mm (3 inches) maximum travel 1008--71.4 mm (2-13/16 inches) Yoke Boss 472 473 474 585C 657 1008 657 657MO 657-4 667 667 MO 667-4 667-4MO 667 667Ŧ4 Group 405 127 mm (5 inches) Yoke Boss 4 inches maximum traveI 657 MO 657-4 MO Group 402 90.5 mm (3-9/16 inches) Yoke Boss 4 inches maximum traveI Group 406 127 mm (5 inches) Yoke Boss 4 inches maximum traveI Group 101 127 mm (5 inches) Yoke Boss 3 inches maximum traveI 585C 585C 667 MO 667-4 MO 667 Group 403 90.5 mm (3-9/16 inches) Yoke Boss 4 inches maximum traveI Group 407 127 mm (5 inches) Yoke Boss 4 inches maximum traveI Group 400 71.4 mm (2-13/16 inches) Yoke Boss 4 inches maximum traveI 585C 1008 474 585C 657 585C Group 801 90.5 mm (3-9/16 inches) Yoke Boss 8 inches maximum traveI Group 802 127 mm (5 inches) Yoke Boss 8 inches maximum traveI 585C 585C 2. Remove the valve from the pipeline. Re-install the valve upside down in the line. (Ìnvert the valve by rotating it 180 degrees along the axis formed by the pipeline. Do not invert the valve by rotating it end-over-end unless direction of flow through the pipeline is to be reversed.) 3. Change valve plug parts as follows: For weIded stem connections, obtain a new valve plug and stem assembly. For threaded-and-pinned stem connections, assemble the new stem to the valve plug end opposite the end previously used. For fIexaIine stem connections, a new valve plug is required only for single-port valves. When changing to reverse action, insert the new stem through the plug from the threaded end of the plug. When changing to direct action, insert the ferrule end of the stem into the threaded end of the plug. Ìnsert the ferrule pins and install the ferrule retainer or cap nut (see figure 4). After the ferrule retainer or cap nut has been tightened, there should be a small amount of lateral play between the plug and stem. Disassemble and file the bottom end (threaded end) of the retainer or cap nut, if necessary, to obtain this lateral play. Ìf there is too much lateral play, such that the plug seems loose on the stem, file the threaded end of the valve plug. For threaded vaIve pIug stem connections, assemble the new stem to the valve plug end opposite the end previously used. 4. Reassemble valve parts as follows: When changing to reverse action, insert the valve plug, stem first, into the bottom flange opening. Replace the bottom flange, using a new bottom flange gasket (key 7, figure 12). When changing to direct action, replace the bottom flange, using a new bottom flange gasket (key 7, figure 12). Ìnsert the valve plug and stem assembly into the bonnet opening in the valve. 5. Replace the bonnet, using a new bonnet gasket. 6. Remove the travel indicator scale (see figure 10) from the actuator yoke, invert the scale, and replace it so that the arrow indicates the direction required to open the valve. 7. Mount the actuator and adjust valve plug travel per the Mounting Actuator and Adjusting Travel section. A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 16 Figure 11. Proper Orientation for the V-Pup Valve Plug Used with NPS 8, 10, and 12 Double-Port Fisherr A Valve 23A5967-A SEE VIEW A ETCH AFTER PINNING VSC LOCATE IN LINE WITH VEES IN PLUG VIEW A 9 0 _ T O F L O W FOR NPS 8, 10, AND 12 DOUBLE PORT A VALVES Table 8. Fisherr A Valve Plug Travel VALVE SIZE, NPS TOP-AND-BOTTOM GUIDED VALVES PORT-GUIDED VALVES mm Inches mm Inches SingIe-Port VaIves 1 15.9 5/8 11.1 15.9 Quick Opening VŦPort 7/16 5/8 1-1/4 15.9 5/8 19.1 15.9 Quick Opening V-Port 3/4 5/8 1-1/2 19.1 3/4 19.1 3/4 2 25.6 1-1/8 19.1 19.1 25.6 Quick Opening Low-Lift V-Port Standard V-Port 3/4 3/4 1-1/8 2-1/2 & 3 38.1 1-1/2 19.1 38.1 Quick Opening V-Port 3/4 1-1/2 4 38.1 1-1/2 25.6 38.1 Quick Opening V-Port 1-1/8 1-1/2 6 50.8 2 50.8 2 8 38.1 50.8 50.8 40% Capacity Quick-Opening Other 40% Capacity 100% Capacity 1-1/2 2 2 50.8 2 10 & 12 76.2 3 76.2 3 DoubIe-Port VaIves 2 & 2-1/2 25.6 1-1/8 19.1 19.1 25.6 Quick Opening Low-Lift V-Port High-Lift V-Port 3/4 3/4 1-1/8 3 38.1 1-1/2 19.1 19.1 38.1 Quick Opening Low-Lift V-Port High-Lift V-Port 3/4 3/4 1-1/2 4 38.1 1-1/2 25.6 19.1 38.1 Quick Opening Low-Lift V-Port High-Lift V-Port 1-1/8 3/4 1-1/2 6 50.8 2 38.1 25.6 50.8 Quick Opening Low-Lift V-Port High-Lift V-Port 1-1/2 1-1/8 2 8 25.6 50.8 Quick Opening 40% Capacity 100% Capacity 1-1/8 2 25.6 50.8 Quick Opening 40% Capacity 100% Capacity 1-1/8 2 50.8 Others 2 25.6 50.8 Low-Lift V-Port High-Lift V-Port 1-1/8 2 10 76.2 3 50.8 2 12 & 16 76.2 3 76.2 3 A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 17 Parts Ordering Each valve body-bonnet assembly is assigned a serial number which can be found on the valve. This same number also appears on the actuator nameplate when the valve is shipped from the factory as part of a control valve assembly. Refer to the serial number when contacting your Emerson Process Management representative for technical assistance. When ordering replacement parts, refer to the serial number and to the eleven-character part number for each part required from the following Parts Kit or Parts List information. WARNING Use onIy genuine Fisher repIacement parts. Components that are not suppIied by Emerson Process Management shouId not, under any circumstances, be used in any Fisher vaIve, because they may void your warranty, might adverseIy affect the performance of the vaIve, and couId cause personaI injury and property damage. Note Neither Emerson, Emerson Process Management, nor any of their affiIiated entities assumes responsibiIity for the seIection, use, or maintenance of any product. ResponsibiIity for the seIection, use, and maintenance of any product remains with the purchaser and end-user. Parts Kits Packing Kits (Non Live-Loaded) Stem Diameter, mm (Inches) Yoke Boss Diameter, mm (Inches) 9.5 (3/8) 54 (2-1/8) 12.7 (1/2) 71 (2-13/16) 19.1 (3/4) 90 (3-9/16) PTFE (Contains keys 6, 8,10, 11, and 12) RPACKX00012 RPACKX00022 RPACKX00032 Double PTFE (Contains keys 6, 8, 11, 12) RPACKX00042 RPACKX00052 RPACKX00062 PTFE/Composition (Contains keys 7, 8, 11, and 12) RPACKX00072 RPACKX00082 RPACKX00092 Single Graphite Ribbon/Filament (Contains keys 7 [ribbon ring], 7 [filament ring], 8, and 11) RPACKX00102 RPACKX00112 RPACKX00122 Single Graphite Ribbon/Filament (Contains keys 7 [ribbon ring], 7 [filament ring]) RPACKX00132 RPACKX00142 RPACKX00152 Double Graphite Ribbon/Filament (Contains keys 7 [ribbon ring], 7 [filament ring], 8, and 11) RPACKX00162 RPACKX00172 RPACKX00182 Packing Kits (ENVÌRO-SEALr) Stem Diameter, mm (Inches) Yoke Boss Diameter, mm (Inches) 9.5 (3/8) 54 (2-1/8) 12.7 (1/2) 71 (2-13/16) 19.1 (3/4) 90 (3-9/16) 25.4 (1) 127 (5) 31.8 (1-1/4) 127 (5, 5H) Double PTFE (contains keys 214, 215, & 218) RPACKX00192 RPACKX00202 RPACKX00212 RPACKX00222 RPACKX00232 Single Graphite (contains keys 207, 208, 209, 210, and 214) RPACKX00242 RPACKX00252 RPACKX00262 RPACKX00272 RPACKX00282 A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 18 Figure 12. Single-Port Cast Iron Valve with Top- and-Bottom Guided Valve Plug and Threaded-and-Pinned Valve Stem Connection Figure 13. Single-Port Steel Valve with Port-Guided Valve Plug and Threaded Valve Stem Connection 10A6051-B/DOC 10A6048-B/DOC Figure 14. Double-Port Steel Valve with Top-and- Bottom Guided Valve Plug and Threaded-and- Pinned Valve Stem Connection 10A9172-A/DOC Figure 15. Double-Port Cast Iron Valve with Port-Guided Valve Plug and Flexaline Valve Stem Connection 11A2473-A/DOC A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 19 Parts List The following list includes part numbers for the replacement parts most often ordered for A valves. Ìf a part is needed that is not shown in this list, specify the valve serial number, part name (and key number, if it can be identified), and desired material. Note Abbreviations used in this list are: DirōDirect-acting valve (push-down-to-close) FIexōFlexaline valve stem connection PortōPort valve plug guiding QOōQuick-opening valve plug RevōReverse-acting valve (push-down-to-open) T & BōTop-and-bottom valve plug guiding ThdōThreaded-and-pinned valve stem connection WeIdōWelded valve stem connection Note Part numbers are shown for recommended spares onIy. For part numbers not shown, contact your Emerson Process Management saIes office. Key Description Part Number 1 Valve Body Ìf you need a valve body as a replacement part, order by valve size, serial number, and desired material. 2* Seat Ring For Micro-Form & Micro-Flute valve plugs, S31600 (316 SST) (direct-acting single-port valves only) NPS 1 & 1-1/4 valves 1/4 inch port dia 1A510435072 3/8 inch port dia 1A510635072 1/2 inch port dia 1A510735072 3/4 inch port dia 1B747935072 1-inch port dia 1A514535072 NPS 1-1/2 valve 3/8 inch port dia 1B545435072 1/2 inch port dia 1N768633092 3/4 inch port dia 1B325535072 1-inch port dia 1B713235072 NPS 2 valve 3/8 inch port dia 1N783035072 1/2 inch port dia 1B352533092 3/4 inch port dia 1B906435072 1-inch port dia 1B353635072 For Throttle Plug, V-Port, V-Pup, & Quick-Opening valve plugs see following table 3 Packing Flange, steel 4 Packing Flange Stud, steel (2 reqŏd) 5 Packing Flange nut, steel (2 reqŏd) 6* Packing Ring or Packing Set see following table Key Description Part Number 7* Gasket, graphite/S31600 (2 reqŏd) Cast iron valves NPS 1-1/2 & 2 valves 0F0192X0042 NPS 2-1/2 valve 0H0644X0022 NPS 3 valve 0H0646X0032 NPS 4 valve 0H0639X0032 NPS 6 valve 1C2893X0032 NPS 8 valve 1C2515X0052 NPS 10 valve 1A2453X0072 NPS 12 valve 1D9451X0022 NPS 16 valve 0Z0403X0022 Steel valves NPS 1-1/2 & 2 valves 1F8305X0062 NPS 2-1/2 valve 1J9402X0022 NPS 3 valve 1J8771X0072 NPS 4 valve 1J5047X0062 NPS 6 valve 1C2893X0032 NPS 8 valve 1C2515X0052 NPS 10 valve 1A2453X0072 NPS 12 valve 1D9451X0022 NPS 16 valve 0Z0403X0022 8 Spring or Lantern Ring see following table 9 Hex Nut, steel 10 Special Washer (PTFE V-ring packing only) see following table 11* Packing Box Ring 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem, S31600 1J873135072 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) stem, S31600 1J873235072 3/4 inch (19.1 mm) stem, S31600 1J873335072 1-inch (25.4 mm) stem, S17400 (17-4PH) 1J873435072 1-1/4 inch (31.8 mm) stem, S17400 1J873535072 12* Upper Wiper, felt 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 1J872606332 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 1J872706332 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 1J872806332 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 1J872906332 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 1J873006332 13 Packing Follower, S31600 14* Guide Bushing, S17400 Top-and-bottom guiding only NPS 1, and 1-1/4 valve 1C985735012 NPS 1-1/2 & 2 valves 1C985835012 NPS 2-1/2 & 3 valves 1J843235012 NPS 4 valve 1B858935012 NPS 6 & 8 valves 1B858935012 NPS 10 valve 1B855035012 NPS 12 valve 1B856035012 NPS 16 valve 1D696846172 16* Lower Seat Ring Double-port valves only see following table 17 Ferrule Retainer, S31600 For flexaline connections on double-port valves and direct-acting single-port valves 18* Valve stem Single-port valves see following table Double-port valves see following table 19* Valve Plug Single-port valves Micro-Form valve plug see following table Micro-Flute valve plug see following table Other valve plugs see following table Double-port valves see following table 20 Bottom Flange 22 Cap Screw, pl steel *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 20 Key Description Part Number 25 Cap Screw, steel (8 reqŏd) (not shown) 5-inch yoke boss only 26 Hex Nut, steel (8 reqŏd) (not shown) 5-inch yoke boss only 28* Groove Pin Threaded-and-pinned connection see following table Flexaline connection see following table 28* Stem Locknut, S31600 Threaded connections only NPS 6 & 8 valves 0W052435072 NPS 10 valve 1E179535072 NPS 12 valve 1C385035072 29 Bonnet Ìf you need a bonnet as a replacement part, order by valve size and stem diameter, serial number, and desired material. 30* Guide Bushing, S17400 Standard bonnet Top, top-and-port, & top-and-bottom guiding only 30* Guide Bushing, S17400 NPS 1 to 1-1/4 valves 3/8 & 1/2 inch stem 1C985735012 NPS 1-1/2 & 2 valves 3/8 & 1/2 inch stem 1C985835012 NPS 2-1/2 & 3 valves 1/2 inch stem 1J843235012 NPS 4 valve 1/2 & 3/4 inch stem 1B861035012 NPS 6 & 8 valves 3/4, 1, or 1-1/4 inch stem 1B858935012 NPS 10 valve 3/4, 1, or 1-1/4 inch stem 1B855035012 NPS 12 valve 3/4, 1, or 1-1/4 inch stem 1B856035012 NPS 16 valve 1, 1-1/4 inch stem 1D696846172 Radiation bonnet Top-and-bottom guiding NPS 1 to 1-1/4 valves 3/8 & 1/2 inch stem 1F532235012 NPS 1-1/2 & 2 valves 3/8 inch stem 1F766935012 1/2 inch stem 1P718135012 NPS 2-1/2 & 3 valves 1/2 inch stem 1J843235012 NPS 4 valve 1/2 & 3/4 inch stem 1B861035012 NPS 6 valve 3/4, 1, or 1-1/4 inch stem 1B858935012 Port guiding NPS 1 to 2 valves 3/8 inch stem 1K886435012 1/2 inch stem 1L140935012 NPS 2-1/2 to 3 valves 1/2 inch stem 1K434835012 NPS 4 valve 1/2 inch stem 1K767635012 3/4 inch stem 1K767735012 NPS 6 valve 1/2 inch stem 1C4998X0082 3/4 inch stem 1C4998X0022 1 & 1-1/4 inch stem 1C4998X0052 31 Pipe Plug, steel 31 Lubricator (not shown) Figure 16. Typical HIGH-SEAL Graphite ULF Packing System 39B4153-A 1. FIND NUMBER 219 NOT REQUIRED WITH 3/8 INCH STEM Figure 17. Typical ENVIRO-SEALr Packing System with PTFE Packing A6297-1 / ÌL Key Description Part Number 31 Lubricator/Ìsolating Valve (not shown) 32 Yoke Locknut, steel 33 Nameplate 34 Wire 35 Drive screw (4 reqŏd) 200 Stud (2 reqŏd) 201 Packing Flange 202 Spring, (2 reqŏd) 203 Spring guide packing follower 204 Screw, 18-8 SST (4 reqŏd) *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 21 Figure 18. Typical ENVIRO-SEALr Packing System with Graphite ULF Packing PACKING RING (KEY 209) PACKING RING (KEY 210) PACKING BOX RING (KEY 211) STUD (KEY 200) SPRING PACK ASSEMBLY (KEY 217) HEX NUT (KEY 212) PACKING FLANGE (KEY 201) GUIDE BUSHING (KEY 207) PACKING WASHERS (KEY 214) GUIDE BUSHING (KEY 208) 39B4612/A Key Description Part Number 205 Load Scale, 18-8 SST (2 reqŏd) 206 Ìndicator Disk, 18-8 SST 207* Guide Bushing, white (2 reqŏd) For ENVÌRO-SEAL and HÌGH-SEAL packing Carbon-graphite for graphite packing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 12B5780 X012 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 12B5782 X012 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 12B5784 X012 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 12B5786 X012 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 12B5788 X012 208* Guide Bushing, no color For ENVÌRO-SEAL and HÌGH-SEAL packing Carbon-Graphite for graphite packing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 12B5781 X012 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 12B5783 X012 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 12B5785 X012 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 12B5787 X012 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 12B5789 X012 209* Packing Ring(2) (3 reqŏd) For ENVÌRO-SEAL and HÌGH-SEAL packing Graphite Composite for graphite packing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 12B5798 X012 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 12B5799 X012 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 12B5800 X012 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 12B5801 X012 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 12B5802 X012 210* Packing Ring (2 reqŏd) For ENVÌRO-SEAL and HÌGH-SEAL packing Graphite Ribbon for graphite packing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 1V3160 X0022 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 1V3802 X0022 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 1V2396 X0022 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 1U6768 X0022 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 1V5666 X0022 Figure 19. Standard Bonnet for Top, Top-and- Port, and Top-and-Bottom Guided Valve Plug 20A6209-B/DOC Key Description Part Number 211* Packing Box Ring For ENVÌRO-SEAL packing S31600 For PTFE Packing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 1J8731 35072 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 1J8732 35072 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 1J8733 35072 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 1J8734 35072 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 1J8735 35072 For ENVÌRO-SEAL and HÌGH-SEAL packing S31600 For Graphite packing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 12B5774 X012 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 12B5775 X012 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 12B5776 X012 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 12B5777 X012 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 12B5778 X012 212 Hex Nut (2 reqŏd) For ENVÌRO-SEAL and HÌGH-SEAL packing SA194 8M Strain Hardened S31600 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 1E9440 35252 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 1E9445 35252 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 1E9446 35252 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 1A3433 35252 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 1A3681 35252 213 Anti-Seize Lubricant *Recommended spare parts *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 22 Figure 20. Standard Bonnet for Port-Guided Valve Plug 20A6210-B/DOC Key Description Part Number 214* Anti-extrusion washer (4 reqŏd) For ENVÌRO-SEAL packing PTFE filled (off-white) For PTFE packing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 12B6336 X022 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 12B6335 X022 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 12B6660 X012 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 12B6661 X012 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 12B6662 X012 214* Packing washer (5 reqŏd) For ENVÌRO-SEAL packing PTFE For graphite packing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 12B6936 X012 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 12B6937 X012 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 12B6938 X012 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 12B6939 X012 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 12B6940 X012 215* Packing set (2 reqŏd) For ENVÌRO-SEAL packing PTFE-carbon/PTFE 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 12B6663 X012 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 12B6667 X012 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 12B6671 X012 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 12B6675 X012 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 12B6679 X012 Figure 21. Radiation Bonnet for Port-Guided Valve Plug 31A2457-A/DOC Key Description Part Number 216 Lantern ring 217 Spring pack assembly 218* Lower wiper For ENVÌRO-SEAL packing PTFE For PTFE packing 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 1J8721 06992 12.7 mm (1/2 inch) stem 1J8722 06992 19.1 mm (3/4 inch) stem 1J8723 06992 25.4 mm (1-inch) stem 1J8724 06992 31.8 mm (1-1/4 inch) stem 1J8725 06992 *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 23 Table 9. Keys 6*, 7*, 8, and 10 Packing Box Parts (for ENVIRO-SEALr or HIGH-SEAL packing box parts, see keys 200 to 218 in the Parts List) DESCRIPTION KEY NO. STEM DIAMETER, mm (INCHES) 9.5 (3/8) 12.7 (1/2) 19.1 (3/4) 25.4 (1) 31.8 (1-1/4) PTFE V-Ring Packing Packing Set, PTFE (1 reqŏd for single, 2 reqŏd for double) (1) 6 1R290001012 1R290201012 1R290410102 1R290601012 1R290801012 Spring, SST (for single only) 8 1F125437012 1F125537012 1F125637012 1D582937012 1D387437012 Lantern Ring, SST (for double only) 8 1F364135072 1J962335072 0N028435072 0U099735072 0W087135072 Quantity Required Double Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 1 2 1 1 1 Special Washer, SST (for single only) 10 1F125236042 1F125136042 1F125036042 1H982236042 1H995936042 PTFE/Composition Packing Packing Ring, PTFE composition 7 1F3370X0012 1E319001042 1E319101042 1D7518X0012 1D7520X0012 Quantity required Double Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 7 10 8 8 8 Lantern Ring, SST (1 required) 8 1F364135072 1J962335072 0N028435072 0U099735072 0W087135072 Graphite Ribbon/Filament Graphite Ribbon Ring 7 1V3160X0022 1V3802X0022 1V2396X0022 1U6768X022 1V5666X0022 Quantity Required Single Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2 2 2 2 w Double Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 3 3 3 3 e Graphite Filament Ring 7 1F3370X0322 1E31909X0222 1E3191X0282 1D7518X0132 1D7520X0162 Quantity Required Single Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2 2 3 3 3 Double Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 4 4 5 5 5 Lantern Ring 8 1F364135072 1962335072 0N028435072 0U099735072 0W087135072 Quantity Required Single Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2 3 2 2 2 Double Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 1 2 1 1 1 1. Key 6 for double construction contains one extra Packing Ring for the 9.5 mm (3/8-inch) stem and one extra Lower Wiper for all sizes. Discard upon assembly. Table 10. Keys 2* and 16* Seat Ring for All Valve Plugs Except Micro-Form and Micro-Flute, S31600 VaIve Size, NPS Use Port Diameter, Inches Key 2 Seat Ring VaIve Size, NPS VaIve Capacity Port (1) Diameter, Inches Key 2 (2) Seat Ring Key 16 (2) Seat Ring 1 Throttle Plug, Q.O., V-Port V-Pup 1 1-1/8 1A514530752 1B998435072 2 100% 2 1A525233092 1B270833092 1-1/4 All shown in table 15 1-1/4 1A516735072 2-1/2 100% 2-1/2 1A525333092 1B270633092 1-1/2 Throttle Plug, Q.O., V-Port V-Pup 1-1/2 1-5/8 1A516135072 1B755035332 3 100% 40% 3 2 1E663233092 1D405433092 1E663033092 1D405533092 2 All shown in table 15 2 1A525233092 4 100% 40% 4 2-1/2 1E656333092 1D457133092 1E656433092 1D457233092 2-1/2 All shown in table 15 2-1/2 1A525333092 3 100% Capacity 40% Capacity 3 2 1E663233092 1D405433092 6 100% 40% 6 4 1C291633092 2D399133092 1E674533092 1F637433092 4 100% Capacity 40% Capacity 4 2-1/2 1E656333092 1D457133092 8 100% 40% 8 4 2D245133092 2D158533092 2C245233092 2D158633092 6 All shown in table 15 6 1C291633092 10 100% 10 1B725533092 1B725433092 8 100% Capacity 40% Capacity 8 4 2C245133092 2D158533092 12 100% 13 0B062433092 0B062333092 10 All shown in table 15 10 1B725533092 16 100% 16 2D696633092 2D696733092 12 All shown in table 15 12 2C393533092 1. For direct-acting, double-port valves, the port diameter shown is that of the upper seat ring (the ring located nearer the bonnet); the lower seat ring is 1/16 to 1/8 inch smaller than the upper ring. For reverse-acting, double-port valves, the port diameter shown is that of the lower seat ring (the ring farther from the bonnet); the upper seat ring is 1/16 to 1/8-inch smaller than the lower ring. 2. Key 2 seat ring is the seat ring located nearer the bonnet for direct-acting valves and farther from the bonnet for reverse-acting valves. Key 16 seat ring is the seat ring located farther from the bonnet for direct-acting valves and nearer the bonnet for reverse-acting valves. *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 24 Table 11. Key 18* Single-Port Valve Plug Stem, S31600 VaIve Size, NPS VaIve Guiding Stem Connection StyIe VaIve Action STEM DIAMETER (1) Standard Bonnet Radiation Bonnet mm Inches 1 & 1-1/4 T & B Thd-Pin Either 9.5 3/8 1K585635162 1K586235162 Port Flex Dir 9.5 3/8 11A2967X022 11A2967X042 Rev 9.5 3/8 11A2967X032 11A2967X052 1-1/2 T & B Thd-Pin Either 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 1K585635162 1U389035162 1K586235162 1K587335162 Port Flex Dir 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 11A3856X032 10A9354X062 11A3856X072 10A9354X112 Rev 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 11A3856X042 10A9354X072 11A3856X082 10A9354X112 2 T & B Thd-Pin Either 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 1K585635162 1U389035162 1K586235162 1K587335162 Port Flex Dir 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 11A3856X032 10A9354X132 11A3856X072 10A9354X112 Rev 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 11A3856X042 10A9354X072 11A3856X082 10A9354X112 2-1/2 T & B Thd-Pin Either 12.7 1/2 1K586935162 1K587335162 Port Flex Dir 12.7 1/2 10A9354X062 10A9354X172 Rev 12.7 1/2 10A9354X162 10A9354X182 3 T & B Thd-Pin Either 12.7 1/2 1K586935162 1K587335162 Port Flex Dir 12.7 1/2 10A9354X062 10A9354X172 Rev 12.7 1/2 10A9354X162 10A9354X222 4 T & B Thd-Pin Either 12.7 19.1 1/2 3/4 1K586935162 1U230835162 1K587535162 1U44635162 Port Flex Dir 12.7 19.1 1/2 3/4 11A1805X022 11A4663X022 11A8105X072 11A4663X042 Rev 12.7 1/2 11A1805X042 11A1805X082 6 T & B Thd-Pin Either 19.1 25.4 (2) 25.4 (3) 3/4 1 (2) 1 (3) 1K587735162 1N704735162 1N704735162 1U444635162 1K7891X0012 1N212535162 Port Thd Dir 12.7 19.1 25.4 (2) 1/2 3/4 1 (2) 2C4072X0022 2C4073X0012 2C4614X0052 2C4072X0042 2C4073X0102 2C4614X0092 Rev 12.7 19.1 25.4 (3) 1/2 3/4 1 (3) 2C4072X0032 2C4073X0092 2C4614X0082 2C4072X0052 2C4073X0112 2C4614X0122 8 T & B Thd-Pin Either 19.1 3/4 1K587735162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 25.4 (2) 1 (2) 1K734735162 (4) 1K734735162 (5,6) 1K929135162 (5,7) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 25.4 (3) 1 (3) 1K759135162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 31.8 (2) 1-1/4 (2) 1K415435162 (4) 1K415435162 (5,6) 1N6838X0012 (5,7) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 31.8 (3) 1-1/4 (3) 1K775335162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Thd Dir 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 2C4073X0032 2C4614X0022 2C8184X0022 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Rev 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 2C4073X0042 2C4614X0032 2C8184X0032 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Continued Ŧ *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 25 Table 11. Key 18* Single-Port Valve Plug Stem, S31600 (Continued) VaIve Size, NPS VaIve Guiding Stem Connection StyIe VaIve Action STEM DIAMETER (1) Standard Bonnet Radiation Bonnet mm Inches 10 T & B Thd-Pin Either 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1U341635162 1N704735162 1N920935162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Thd Dir 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 2E9468X0012 2E1798X0012 2E6267X0012 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Rev 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 2E9468X0022 2E1798X0022 2E6267X0022 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 12 T & B Thd-Pin Either 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1U341635162 1N704735162 1N920935162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Thd Dir 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 2C4918X0012 2C4019X0012 2C6305X0012 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Rev 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 2C4018X0022 2C4019X0022 2C6305X0022 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 1. All 3/8, 1/2, and 3/4-inch valve stems are for use with group 1 actuators. All 1 and 1-1/4 inch stems are for use with either group 100 or 101 actuators except where indicated. See table 7 for explanations of actuator groups. 2. Use with group 100 actuators only. 3. Use with group 101 actuators only. 4. Use with 100% capacity valve plugs only. 5. Use with 40% capacity valve plugs only. 6. Use with throttle plug and V-pup valve plugs. 7. Use with quick-opening valve plugs. Table 12. Key 18* Double-Port Valve Plug Stem, S31600 VaIve Size, NPS VaIve Guiding Stem Connection StyIe VaIve Action STEM DIAMETER (1) Standard Bonnet Radiation Bonnet mm Inches 2 T & B Thd-Pin Either 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 1K585635162 1U389035162 1K586235162 1K587335162 Port Flex Dir 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 11A3856X012 10A9354X042 11A3856X052 10A9354X082 Rev 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 11A3856X012 10A9354X042 11A3856X062 10A9354X152 2-1/2 T & B Thd-Pin Either 12.7 1/2 1K586935162 1K587335162 Port Flex Dir 12.7 1/2 10A9354X042 10A9354X082 Rev 12.7 1/2 10A9354X142 10A9354X152 3 T & B Thd-Pin Either 12.7 1/2 1K586935162 1K587335162 Port Flex Dir 12.7 1/2 10A9354X062 10A9354X202 Rev 12.7 1/2 10A9354X142 10A9354X212 4 T & B Thd-Pin Either 12.7 19.1 1/2 3/4 1K586935162 1U230835162 1K587535162 1U444635162 Port Flex Dir 12.7 19.1 1/2 3/4 11A1805X022 11A4663X022 11A1805X052 11A4663X042 Rev 12.7 1/2 11A1805X032 11A1805X062 6 T & B Thd-Pin Either 19.1 25.4 25.4 3/4 1 (2) 1 (3) 1K587735162 1K734735162 1N704735162 1U444635162 1K7891X0012 1N212535162 Port Flex Dir 12.7 19.1 1/2 3/4 11A1805X142 11A4663X032 11A1805X132 11A4663X052 Rev 12.7 1/2 11A1805X152 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Continued Ŧ *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 26 Table 12. Key 18* Double-Port Valve Plug Stem, S31600 (Continued) VaIve Size, NPS VaIve Guiding Stem Connection StyIe VaIve Action STEM DIAMETER (1) Standard Bonnet Radiation Bonnet mm Inches 8 T & B Thd-Pin Either 19.1 3/4 1K587735162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 25.4 (2) 1 (2) 1N704735162 (4) 1N704735162 (5) 1K929135162 (5,6) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 25.4 (3) 1 (3) 1K759135162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 31.8 (2) 1-1/4 (2) 1K415435162 (4) 1N6838X0012 (5,6) 1K415435162 (5) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 31.8 (3) 1-1/4 (3) 1K775335162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Flex Dir 19.1 3/4 10A6087X012 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Rev 12.7 1/2 10A6077X012 (6) 10A6078X012 (8) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Thd-Pin Dir 19.1 3/4 1V142235162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 25.4 (2) 1 (2) 1K783135162 (6,8) 1J323635162 (7) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 25.4 (3) 1 (3) 1K779635162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 31.8 (2) 1-1/4 (2) 1K882735162 (6,8) 1K897635162 (7) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 31.8 (3) 1-1/4 (3) 1K735135162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Rev 19.1 3/4 1V6035X0012 (6) 1V142235162 (7,8) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 25.4 1 1P516435162 (6,7) 1J323635162 (8) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 31.8 1-1/4 1L459035162 (6) 1L221735162 (8) 1V2786X0012 (7) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 10 T & B Thd-Pin Either 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1U341635162 1N704735162 1N920935162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Thd-Pin Dir 19.1 25.4 (2) 25.4 (3) 31.8 (2) 31.8 (3) 3/4 1 (2) 1 (3) 1-1/4 (2) 1-1/4 (3) 1U29385162 1J323635162 1N704735162 1L221735162 1K415435162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Rev 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1U928235162 1U627735162 1R5701315162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 12 T & B Thd-Pin Either 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1U341635162 1N704735162 1N920935162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Thd-Pin Dir 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1U341635162 1K744735162 1K897635162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Rev 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1U3412X0012 1L2273X00A2 1N1083X022 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 16 T & B Thd-Pin Either 25.4 31.8 1 1-1/4 1K783135162 1K882735162 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Thd Dir 25.4 31.8 1 1-1/4 10A5982X012 10A5984X012 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Rev 25.4 31.8 1 1-1/4 10A5983X012 10A5985X012 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 1. All 3/8, 1/2, and 3/4-inch valve stems are for use with group 1 actuators. All 1 and 1-1/4 inch valve stems are for use with either group 100 or 101 actuators except where indicated. See table 7 for explanation of actuator groups. 2. Use with group 100 actuators only. 3. Use with group 101 actuators only. 4. Use with 100% capacity valve plugs only. 5. Use with 40% capacity valve plugs only. 6. Use with quick-opening valve plug. 7. Use with low-lift V-port valve plugs (also see table 5). 8. Use with high-lift V-port valve plugs (also see table 5). *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 27 Table 13. Key 19* Micro-Form Valve Plug and Stem (For Direct-Acting, Single-Port Valves with Standard Bonnet--Welded Stem Connection Except Where Indicated) VALVE SIZE, NPS STEM DIAMETER PORT DIAMETER S31600 S31600 WITH COCR-A ON SEAT mm Inches mm Inches 1 & 1-1/4 9.5 3/8 6.4 1/4 2N5530000A2 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 9.5 3/8 2N5534000A2 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 12.7 1/2 2M5532000A2 1N3530X00A2 (1) 19.1 3/4 2N5536000A2 1N3531X00D2 (1) 25.4 1 2N5538000A2 1N3532X00A2 (1) 1-1/2 & 2 12.7 1/2 12.7 1/2 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2N5575000A2 19.1 3/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2H5577000A2 25.4 1 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2N5579000A2 Table 14. Key 19* Micro-Flute Valve Plug and Stem (For Direct-Acting, Single-Port Valves with Standard BonnetōWelded Stem Connection) VALVE SIZE, NPS STEM DIAMETER PORT DIAMETER NUMBER OF FLUTES S31600 WITH COCR-A ON SEAT mm Inches mm Inches 1 & 1-1/4 9.5 3/8 6.4 1/4 1 2N7346000A2 2 2N7458000A2 3 2N7410000A2 9.5 3/8 3 2N7592000A2 12.7 1/2 3 2N7593000A2 12.7 1/2 12.7 1/2 3 22B3120X012 9.5 3/8 19.1 3/4 3 2N7594000A2 25.4 1 3 2N6296000A2 1-1/2 & 2 9.5 3/8 9.5 3/8 3 2N7595000A2 12.7 1/2 9.5 3/8 3 2N759646422 9.5 3/8 12.7 1/2 3 2N7597000A2 12.7 1/2 12.7 1/2 3 2N7598000A2 9.5 3/8 19.1 3/4 3 2N7599000A2 12.7 1/2 19.1 3/4 3 2N7600000A2 9.5 3/8 25.4 1 3 2N6294000A2 12.7 1/2 25.4 1 3 2N6295000A2 *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 28 Table 15. Key 19* Single-Port Valve Plugs (100% Capacity Except Where Indicated), S31600 TOP-AND-BOTTOM GUIDING VaIve Size, NPS Stem Connection StyIe Stem Diameter ThrottIe-PIug VaIve PIug V-Pup VaIve PIug Quick-Opening VaIve PIug V-Port VaIve PIug mm Inches 1 Thd-Pin 9.5 3/8 1C618435072 2J110633092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 1-1/4 Thd-Pin 9.5 3/8 1C540435072 1F719233092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 1-1/2 Thd-Pin 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 1C5433000A2 1C5433X0052 2J326433092 2J3264000A2 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2 Thd-Pin 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 1C4312X0092 1C431233092 2F5909X0022 2F590933092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2-1/2 Thd-Pin 12.7 12 2K179035072 2K178433092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 3 Thd-Pin 12.7 1/2 2K2381000A2 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2K1783000A2 2K178633092 (1) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 4 Thd-Pin 12.7 19.1 12.7 19.1 1/2 3/4 1/2 3/4 2K4102000A2 2K4102000B2 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2F7495000A2 2F7495000B2 2H3491X0012 (1) 2H3491X0042 (1) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 6 Thd-Pin 19.1 25.4 3/4 1 1C346033092 1C3460X0102 2H490433092 3H4904X0052 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 8 Thd-Pin 19.1 25.4 31.8 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 3/4 1 1-1/4 2H1512X0012 2H1512X0042 2H1512X0072 2H3914X0012 (1) 2H3914X0042 (1) 2H3914X0072 (1) 2K1440X0012 2K1440X0042 2K1440X0072 3H4902X0012 (1) 3H4902X0042 (1) 3H4902X0072 (1) 2C248433092 2C2484X0032 2C2484X0062 1H3897x0012 (1) 1H3897X0042 (1) 1H3897X0072 (1) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 10 Thd-Pin 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2K4142X0012 2K4142X0042 2K4142X0072 2K4150X0012 2K4150X0042 2K4150X0072 12 Thd-Pin 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2R5556X0012 2R5556X0042 2R5556X0072 3H1505X0012 3H1505X0042 3H1505X0072 4K2667X0012 4K2667X0042 4K2667X0072 PORT GUIDING VaIve Size, NPS Stem Connection StyIe Stem Diameter Quick-Opening VaIve PIug V-Port VaIve PIug mm Inches Direct Acting (PDTC) Reverse Acting (PDTO) Direct Acting (PDTC) Reverse Acting (PDTO) 1 Flex 9.5 3/8 1C776633092 1K943133092 1C803633092 1K943033092 1-1/4 Flex 9.5 3/8 1H571033092 1K942733092 0L079633092 1K942833092 1-1/2 Flex 9.5 & 12.7 3/8 & 1/2 0K025933092 1K942433092 2H571233092 2K939033092 2 Flex 9.5 & 12.7 3/8 & 1/2 0K022133092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 1K941833092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 0K026633092 1C921333092 (2) 1K941933092 1K942133092 (2) 2-1/2 Flex 12.7 1/2 0K026833092 1K941133092 2H571433092 2K938533092 3 Flex 12.7 1/2 1H668633092 1K940833092 2J297933092 2K938433092 4 Flex 12.7 & 19.1 (3) 1/2 & 3/4 (3) 1H618033092 1K939533092 0J078833092 1K940033092 6 Thd 12.7, 19.1 & 25.4 1/2, 3/4, & 1 0J002533092 0J002533092 0H063633092 0H063633092 8 Thd 19.1, 25.4, & 31.8 3/4, 1, & 1-1/4 1C334833092 1C334833092 1C334933092 1C334933092 10 Thd 19.1, 25.4, & 31.8 3/4, 1, & 1-1/4 1E542333092 1E542333092 1J894433092 1J894433092 12 Thd 19.1, 25.4, & 31.8 3/4, 1, & 1-1/4 2C141433092 2C141433092 2B853833092 2B853833092 1. 40% capacity valve plug. 2. Low-lift V-port valve plug (also see table 8). 3. 1/2-inch stemōdirect- or reverse-acting valves; 3/4-inch stemōdirect-acting valves only. *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 29 Table 16. Key 19* Double-Port Valve Plugs (100% Capacity Except Where Indicated), S31600 TOP-AND-BOTTOM GUIDING VaIve Size, NPS VaIve Guiding Stem Connection StyIe Stem Diameter ThrottIe-PIug VaIve PIug V-Pup VaIve PIug Quick-Opening VaIve PIug V-Port VaIve PIug mm Inches 2 T & B Thd-Pin 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 2D2732X0072 2D273233092 2F6537X0022 2F653733092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Flex 9.5 or 12.7 3/8 or 1/2 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 0E075133092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 1K380033092 (1) 0E057933092 (2) 2-1/2 T & B Thd-Pin 12.7 1/2 2J992335072 2K123333092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Flex 12.7 1/2 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 0E075233092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2J729633092 (1) 0E076033092 (2) 3 T & B Thd-Pin 12.7 12.7 1/2 1/2 2K106333092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2K122833092 3K123033092 (3) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Flex 12.7 1/2 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 0E075333092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 0E076833092 (1) 0E076133092 (2) 4 T & B Thd-Pin 12.7 19.1 1/2 3/4 2F278233092 2F2782X0052 2F285633092 2F2856X0022 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 12.7 19.1 1/2 3/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 3K257033092 (3) 3K2570X0032 (3) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Flex 12.7 or 19.1 (4) 1/2 or 3/4 (4) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 0E075533092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2J651233092 (1) 0E076333092 (2) 6 T & B Thd-Pin 19.1 25.4 3/4 1 2F2598000B2 2F2598X0032 3F2601000B2 3F2601X0022 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Flex 12.7 or 19.1 (4) 1/2 or 3/4 (4) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2F58633092 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 1F258533092 (1) 2F258733092 (2) 8 T & B Thd-Pin 19.1 25.4 31.8 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 3/4 1 1-1/4 2C281433092 2C2814X0032 2C2814X0062 3H4654X0012 (3) 3H4654X0042 (3) 3H4654X0072 (3) 3F655933092 3F6559X0012 3F6559X0042 4H6202X0012 (3) 4H6202X0042 (3) 4H6202X0072 (3) 3C2929X0012 3C2929X0042 3C2929X0072 2H4645X0012 (3) 2H4645X0042 (3) 2H4645X0072 (3) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Thd-Pin 19.1 25.4 31.8 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 3/4 1 1-1/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 3C3079000B2 3C3079X0022 3C3079X0042 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 3C307033092 (1) 3C3070X0022 (1) 3C3070X0042 (1) 3C5055X0012 (2) 3C5055X0032 (2) 3C5055X0052 (2) Flex 12.7 or 19.1 (5) 1/2 & 3/4 (5) Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2R9020X0012 (3) 3R9070X0012 (1,3) 10 T & B Thd-Pin 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 3K5512X0092 3K551233092 3K5512X0062 30A9940X012 30A9940X042 30A9940X072 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Thd-Pin 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2E9128X0012 2E9128X0042 2E9128X0072 3F1315X0012 (1) 3F1315X0042 (1) 3F1315X0072 (1) 12 T & B Thd-Pin 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 3L9710X0012 3L971033092 3L9710X0062 3D6332X0012 3D6332X0042 3D6332X0062 3L5132X0012 (1) 3L5132X0042 (1) 3L5132X0072 (1) Port Thd-Pin 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 2E2624X0012 2E2624X0042 2E2624X0072 3R9003X00A2 (1) 3R9003X00B2 (1) 3R9003X0032 (1) 16 T & B Thd-Pin 25.4 31.8 1 1-1/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 3D6965X0012 3D6965X0022 3P4461X0012 3P4461X0022 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Port Thd 25.4 & 31.8 1 & 1-1/4 Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ Ŧ 3A5440X0012 3E4617X0012 (2) 1. High-lift V-port valve plug (see also table 8). 2. Low-lift V-port valve plug (see also table 8). 3. 40% capacity valve plug. 4. 1/2-inch stemōdirect-or reverse-acting valves; 3/4-inch stemōdirect-acting valves only. 5. 1/2-inch stemōreverse-acting valves only; 3/4-inch stemōdirect-acting valves only. *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 30 Table 17. Key 28* Groove Pin for Threaded-and-Pinned Valve Stem Connections, S31600 TOP-AND-BOTTOM GUIDING PORT GUIDING VaIve Size, NPS Stem Diameter Part Number VaIve Size, NPS Stem Diameter Part Number mm Inches mm Inches 1 & 1-1/4 9.5 3/8 1B599135072 8 19.1 25.4 & 31.8 3/4 1 & 1-1/4 1D269635072 1K249838992 1-1/2 & 2 9.5 12.7 3/8 1/2 1B599235072 1B627035072 2-1/2 & 3 12.7 1/2 1B599835072 10 19.1 25.4 & 31.8 3/4 1 & 1-1/4 1B600735072 1D269735072 4 12.7 19.1 1/2 3/4 1B599935072 1F723635072 6 19.1 25.4 3/4 1 1B600735072 1D269735072 12 Quick-Opening Valve Plugs 19.1 25.4 & 31.8 3/4 1 & 1-1/4 1B600735072 1D269735072 8 19.1 25.4 & 31.8 3/4 1 & 1-1/4 1B600735072 1D269735072 High-Lift V-Port Valve Plugs 19.1 25.4 & 31.8 3/4 1 & 1-1/4 1L302335072 1L302635072 10 19.1 25.4 31.8 3/4 1 1-1/4 1F723635072 1D269735072 1K249838992 12 19.1 25.4 & 31.8 3/4 1 & 1-1/4 1L302435072 1L302635072 16 25.4 & 31.8 1 & 1-1/4 1L302635072 Table 18. Key 28* Groove Pin for Flexaline Valve Stem Connections, S31600 VALVE SIZE, NPS STEM DIAMETER NUMBER REQUIRED PART NUMBER mm Inches 1 & 1-1/4 9.5 3/8 1 1B598535072 1-1/2 Ŧ 3 9.5 or 12.7 3/8 or 1/2 2 1B598635072 4 Ŧ 8 12.7 or 19.1 1/2 or 3/4 2 1B598735072 *Recommended spare parts A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 31 A Valve Instruction ManuaI October 2008 32 Emerson Process Management Marshalltown, Ìowa 50158 USA Sorocaba, 18087 Brazil Chatham, Kent ME4 4QZ UK Dubai, United Arab Emirates Singapore 128461 Singapore www.Fisher.com The contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only, and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees, express or implied, regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability. All sales are governed by our terms and conditions, which are available upon request. We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice. Neither Emerson, Emerson Process Management, nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection, use or maintenance of any product. Responsibility for proper selection, use, and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end-user. EFisher Controls Ìnternational LLC 1975, 2008; All Rights Reserved Fisher and ENVÌRO-SEAL are marks owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Process Management business division of Emerson Electric Co. Emerson Process Management, Emerson, and the Emerson logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. +PUVTWEVKQP /CPWCN # 8CNXG 6CDNG 5RGEKHKECVKQPU 1EVQDGT 'PF %QPPGEVKQP 5V[NGU %CUV +TQP 8CNXGU (NCPIGF %. 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