594h Pipelayer _ Power Shift _ 96v00255-Up (Machine) Powered by d353 Engine(Sebp1164 - 00) - Documentación

March 30, 2018 | Author: Pizarro Andres | Category: Clutch, Transmission (Mechanics), Valve, Pump, Manufactured Goods



23/6/2015594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 - 00) - Documentación Pantalla anterior Bienvenido: cr050jxf1 Producto: PIPELAYER Mode lo: 594H PIPELAYER 96V C onfiguración: 594H PIPELAYER / PO W ER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MAC HINE) PO W ER ED BY D353 ENGINE Pruebas y Ajustes D9 TRACTOR POWER SHIFT TRANSMISSION Número de medio -SENR7047-03 Fecha de publicación -01/12/1981 Fecha de actualización -12/10/2001 Testing And Adjusting Power Shift Transmission NOTE: All tests and adjustments must be made with the oil in the hydraulic control system at normal operating temperature. Be sure the linkage adjustments are correct before making any tests. HYDRAULIC CONTROLS IN FIRST SPEED REVERSE (No. 2 and No. 5 Clutches Engaged) https://sis.cat.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/si… 1/14 19.cat. 8. 4. 17. Magnetic screen.00) . 26. Lubrication line to rear of transmission. 10. 5. 22. https://sis. Body for speed selector valve. 20. Body for priority valve. 23. 21. 15. 27. Converter inlet relief valve.Documentación 1. 25. 6. Priority valve. Speed selector valve. Load piston. Body for pressure control valve. Oil cooler. 14. Direction selector valve. Lubrication line for brake cooling.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset. Oil passage. 16. 7. 12. Lubrication line to front of transmission. Torque converter. 28. Scavenge section of oil pump. 18. Converter outlet relief valve. Oil reservoir. 13. 9. 3. Body for converter outlet relief valve. 29. Check valve. 2. Transmission oil pump. Oil reservoir. Body for direction selector valves. 24. Modulation relief valve. Oil filter.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/si… 2/14 . Circulating section of oil pump. Protective valve. Hydraulic controls for steering clutches and brakes. 11.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page. Pressure differential valve.23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 . No.00) . Pressure tap for direction clutch (P2). https://sis. C4. 5 clutch. activate the brakes and use blocks to prevent the machine from moving during the tests. 1 clutch. G.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page. H. Pressure tap for transmission oil pump. NOTICE Do not operate the machine with the universal joint removed.cat. Let only approved personnel on the machine. Pressure tap for lubrication. B. 2 clutch.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/si… 3/14 . Pressure tap for transmission oil pump. Pressure tap for transmission oil pump. 4 clutch. Pressure tap for speed clutch (P1). F. The force of hydraulic pressure on the output shaft will cause the shaft to move out of the torque divider. 3 clutch.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset. No. C2. Keep other personnel off the machine and in view of the operator. When tests must be done in a closed area. No. C3.23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 . C1. E. Pressure tap for converter outlet.Documentación A. No. C. Pressure tap for speed clutch (P1). D. C5. The result is a rapid loss of hydraulic oil. No. Spacers.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page. Body for pressure control valve.Documentación (EARLIER) (LATER) 1P4145 PRESSURE CONTROL VALVE 14. https://sis. Load piston. 20.23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 . Check valve.00) . Modulation relief valve. 15. Pressure differential valve.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/si… 4/14 . 30. 21. 16.cat. 3P7665 RELIEF VALVE FOR CONVERTER OUTLET 19. Spacers. Spacers. 23.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/si… 5/14 .com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset. Body for converter outlet relief valve. Priority valve. 31.00) . https://sis.23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 . 33.cat.Documentación 6P3554 PRIORITY VALVE 7. 8. Converter outlet relief valve. Body. 00) . Spacers. https://sis.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page. Converter inlet relief valve. 32.23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 . Body.cat. 11.Documentación 6P994 DIRECTION VALVE 1.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/si… 6/14 . B. Speed clutch.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page. https://sis.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/si… 7/14 . Transmission oil pump.23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 .00) .Documentación Location Of The Pressure Taps And Transmission Testing A.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset.cat. 23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 . Speed clutch.Documentación C.00) .jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset. F.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/si… 8/14 . https://sis. Lubrication. Direction clutch. Transmission oil pump. and G. E. D.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page.cat. 00) .Documentación H. Left steering clutch. Right steering clutch.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/si… 9/14 . M.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page. Left brake control. K.23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 . N.cat. Converter outlet. Right brake control.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset. L. https://sis. Documentación Tests For Steering Clutch And Brake Controls https://sis.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/… 10/14 .23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 .com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset.00) .cat. 23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 .00) .cat.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page.Documentación Linkage Adjustment Do not make any adjustments to the linkage with the engine running.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset. https://sis.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/… 11/14 . Lever. If detent (1) is not fully engaged in the "R" notch of lever (2). Nut. Face of selector valve. make an adjustment to the linkage for speed selection. Make sure detent (8) is engaged in the NEUTRAL "N" notch of lever (5). 8. 9. R. Make sure detent (1) is engaged in the REVERSE "R" notch of lever (2). Turn protective selector valve (7) either clockwise or counterclockwise until the front face of the protective selector valve is even with face B of the direction valve body. Spool for direction selection. 7. (35 ± 7 N·m). Make reference to Outside Adjustment. Lever. make an adjustment to the linkage for direction selection.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/… 12/14 . 2.Documentación Inside Adjustment 1. 2.com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page. Detent. 8. 4. B. 10.cat. Nut. Tighten nut (4) to a torque of 25 ± 5 lb. Detent. 7. 5. N. 4. Turn spool for speed selection (3) either clockwise or counterclockwise until the front face of the spool is even with face A of the selector valve. Neutral notch of lever. 6. Loosen nut (4). Protective valve. INSIDE LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT 1. Faces of protective and direction valve.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset. Turn spool for the direction selection (10) until the front face of the spool is even with face C of https://sis. Reverse notch of lever. and C. Loosen nut (9).23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 . If detent (8) is not fully engaged in the "N" notch of lever (5). Move the selector lever to the NEUTRAL position. 3. ft. 9. Loosen nut (6). Tighten nut (6) to a torque of 25 ± 5 lb.00) . (35 ± 7 N·m). 6. ft. A. Move the selector lever to the REVERSE position. Make reference to Outside Adjustment. Nut. 5. Spool for speed selection. 3. 4. Lever. Selector lever. Lever. Tighten the bolt that holds the clamp. 6. Make an adjustment to the lever to get a .57 in. https://sis. Move lever (8) to the NEUTRAL "N" detent. 2. 7. Washer. (39.23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 . Move selector lever (1) to the center of the NEUTRAL opening of the shift guide. 8.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset. Loosen the clamp bolt in lever (5).030 ± .25 mm) dimension. ft. 4.010 in. Make an adjustment to the length of the short rod and connect it to levers (5) and (8). Move lever (7) to the FORWARD "F" detent.9 mm). 1. (0. (35 ± 7 N·m). Make an adjustment to the length of the long rod and connect the rod to levers (1) and (7). Tighten nut (9) to a torque of 25 ± 5 lb. 5. 7. Disconnect the linkage from lever (8).com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page. 3. Tighten the clamp bolt.76 ± 0. 8. Disconnect the linkage from lever (7).jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/… 13/14 .57 in. 10. OUTSIDE LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT (Top View) 1. Put a thickness gauge between washer (4) and lever (5). Clamp. Support. Loosen the bolt that holds clamp (2). 3. Lever. Shaft assembly. (39. Outside Adjustment 1. 6. Make an adjustment to support (3) until dimension A is 1.00) .Documentación the direction valve body. 9.cat.9 mm) dimension between centers of transmission control shafts and left face of lever (5). Move selector lever (1) to the FORWARD side of the NEUTRAL opening of the shift guide. 5. 2. A. com/sisweb/sisweb/techdoc/techdoc_print_page. Todos los de re chos re se rvados.2015 C ate rpillar Inc.jsp&calledpage=/sisweb/… 14/14 . R e d privada para lice nciados de l SIS. Tue Jun 23 2015 10:48:10 GMT-0300 (SA Easte rn Standard Tim e ) cr050jx f1 https://sis.jsp?returnurl=/sisweb/sisweb/mediasearch/mediaheaderinfoframeset.23/6/2015 594H PIPELAYER / POWER SHIFT / 96V00255-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY D353 ENGINE(SEBP1164 .00) . C opyright 1993 .Documentación NOTE: Install the nuts which hold the connecting links to the levers so that the chamfered side of the nuts are toward the ball section on the ends.cat.
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