
March 28, 2018 | Author: Dhiva Mano | Category: Grape, Phenolic Content In Wine, Vitis, Wine, Crops Originating From Europe



Export Of Grapes From India To UK1. CONCEPTUAL FRAMWORK 1.1 INTRO DUCTION Today India is the second largest producer of the fruits (45.5 Million tons) and Vegetables (90.8 Million tons ) in the world ,contributing 10.23%and 14.45%of the total world production of fruits and vegetables respectively .India has made a fairly good progress on horticulture Map of world with total annual production of The horticulture crops touching over 149 million tons India has been bestowed with wide range of climate and physio-geographical conditions and as such is most suitable for growing various kinds of horticultural crops such as fruits, vegetables, flowers , nuts , spices and plantation crops. With the focused attention given to horticulture, there has been spectacular change in terms of adoption of new technologies, production and availability of horticulture products. Fruits and vegetables constitute around 10 per cent of the total agriculture production of the country. This sector offers enormous potential for export. According to FAO, the export of fruits from India in 2003-04 US $166 million and that of vegetables US $ 205 million .India’s export of fruits and vegetables is more concentrated towards Asian region. Asian region accounted for 75% of total fruits and vegetable export 2003-04.The export to European and American market is very less due to imposition of stringent quality measures. But in the last 3-4 year the export of fruits and vegetable Europe has been increasing with the adoption of Good Agriculture practices (GAP) by Indian farmer. Also the APEADA is taking active role in establishing many quality testing laboratories and adequate documentation protocol across the country to boost the export of perishables. Maharashtra is the one of the largest state in the production of fruits and vegetable contributing nineteen percent of the total fruit production in the country. The state produces around nine million tones of fruits having productivity of 16 MT per hectare of, which is fairly good when compared to country’s average Of 12 MT. it grows commodities like grapes, pomegranate, mango, sapota , oranges, lime, strawberry, jackfruits etc in large quantity .The state holds prestigious position in vegetable production contributing 5% of the production and stands 7 in the country. Total production of vegetables in Maharashtra is approximately 5 million tones. Because of close proximity to Mumbai port and metropolitan market .the state enjoys the comparative advantage in export as well as long distance INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.B. ROAD,PIGDAMBER,NEAR RAU,DISTRICT –INDORE,(M.P.) Tel- 0731- 4072636, Fax -0731- 4064557 -1- Export Of Grapes From India To UK In certain commodities the state has occupied unique and prestigious position , e.g. mango ,pomegranate, grapes , onion. Highly perishable nature of his fruits and vegetable make their marketing system more costly and complex. Timely and procurement of fruits and vegetable in bulk is of immense importance for exporters. Transportation plays an important role in fruits and vegetable marketing. The exporter has to meet the specific qualitative and quantitative requirements of the importer. The packaging, residue testing, documentation and phyto sanitary certification has to be met in order To export. So establishing an efficient backward linkage is must for exporting fruits and vegetables. 1.1.1 PROPOSED PLAN FOR MAHARASHTRA • • During very first season (2008-09) 350 Containers of Grapes were to European Nations from Nashik District alone. .Other exports from Nashik District are Pomegranate, Onion, and Banana etc. 1.1.2 History The domestication of purple grapes originated in what is now southern Turkey. Yeast, one of the earliest domesticated microorganisms, occurs naturally on the skins of grapes, leading to the innovation of alcoholic drinks such as wine. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics record the cultivation of purple grapes, and history attests to the ancient Greeks, Phoenicians and Romans growing purple grapes for both eating and wine production. Later, the growing of grapes spread to Europe, North Africa, and eventually North America. Native purple grapes belonging to the Vitis genus proliferated in the wild across North America, and were a part of the diet of many North American Native Americans, but were considered by European colonists to be unsuitable for wine. The first Old World Vitis vinifera purple grapes were cultivated in California where Spain had established a series of monasteries along the coasts to supply their navies with oranges to prevent scurvy and convert natives. Grapes have always had a part in history. There are old greek troughs and coffins in the Getty Villa, and they show cherubs in tubs of grapes, making wine. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.B. ROAD,PIGDAMBER,NEAR RAU,DISTRICT –INDORE,(M.P.) Tel- 0731- 4072636, Fax -0731- 4064557 -2- Export Of Grapes From India To UK Description Grapes grow in clusters of 6 to 300, and can be crimson, black, dark blue, yellow, green and pink. "White" grapes are actually green in color, and are evolutionarily derived from the purple grape. Mutations in two regulatory genes of white grapes turn off production of anthocyanins which are responsible for the color of purple grapes.Anthocyanins and other pigment chemicals of the larger family of polyphenols in purple grapes are responsible for the varying shades of purple in red wines. Market Scenario Nasik district is the largest producer and export of Grapes in Maharashtra. The main growing are Dindori , Nasik ,Niphad, Pimpalgaon –Basvant and Chandwad. Export of grapes from nasik stands at 7613.63 MT during 2003-04. Usually very little quantity of export quality grapes comes to APMCs. Export grapes are usually Procured at the fare gate. Traders and exports go directly to farms 20-25 days before harvest and they fix a procurement price based on the grade. Period of price fluctuation: Generally the price of grape depends on the production, harvesting period and demands in market of other part of India. Low price: Nov to Dec with the average price around Rs.7 to 9/kg Peak price: April-May with average price around Rs.12 to 15/kg In this market some variety always fetch good price. A general price for varieties can be given below: Sangli: It is second largest grapes growing and exporting district in Maharastra. Export quality grapes won’t come to here. So exporters and traders go directly to farmer’s orchard. The important growing regions are Malegaon, Miraj, Nimni, Savlaj and Tasgaon. Nearly 250-300 containers of grapes will be exported this year from Sangli district alone. During last year (200809) the farm gate procurement price of export quality grapes fluctuated with the time like this. February end’s 35-40 /kg March15-30: Rs 50 / kg March 30 onwards Rs 60-65/kg INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.B. ROAD,PIGDAMBER,NEAR RAU,DISTRICT –INDORE,(M.P.) Tel- 0731- 4072636, Fax -0731- 4064557 -3- juice. written during 1356-1220 BC. Grapes are also used in some kinds of confectionery. ‘Shonltu White’ and ‘Shonltu Red’ are grown in Himachal Pradesh even today. and Baramati and from regions of Kolhapur surrounding Sangli. grape cultivation spread to different parts of the country. botanically a true berry. ROAD. vinegar. and grape seed oil.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 1. There are many Bihar and Bengal traders operating in this market. Bengal. Rest is from other varieties.3 Grape A grape is the non-climacteric fruit. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.4072636. a Moorish traveller who visited Daulatabad in 1430 AD.Grapes arrival is from Solapur. Daulatabad.P. 1. From Delhi.2. Grape cultivation is one of the most remunerative farming enterprises in India. grape seed extracts. Cultivated grapes are believed to have been introduced into the north of India by the Persian invaders in 1300 AD. Distribution is mainly to Bihar.3. Sangli.1. reported to have seen flourishing vineyards in south India. resembling Vitis lanata and Vitis palmata grow wild in the northwestern Himalayan foothills. Grape was also introduced in the south into Salem and Madurai districts of Tamil Nadu by the Christian missionaries around 1832 AD.2 Solapur Market: Solapur is also very big market for grapes .0731. In this market grape price depends on variety of grape. jelly.NEAR RAU.) Tel.(M. Fax -0731. Nearly 80% of the production is Thompson seedless and 10-15% is Sharad and flame seedless. Native spp. Grapes can be eaten raw or used for making jam. the Nizam of Hyderabad in the early part of the 20th century. and into Hyderabad province by HEH. Famous Indian medicine scholars. Madurai. mentioned the medicinal properties of grapes.1. and Southern Indian states. Salem and Hyderabad.DISTRICT –INDORE. respectively.B.4064557 -4- . Kautilya in his ‘Arthashastra’ written in the fourth century BC mentioned the type of land suitable for grape cultivation. Indigenous varieties known as ‘Rangspay’. Sasruta and Charaka in their medical treatises entitled ‘Sasruta Samhita’ and ‘Charaka Samhita’. raisins. The prices of some important varieties are given below. Ibn Batuta. that grows on the perennial and deciduous woody vines of the genus Vitis.PIGDAMBER. from where they were introduced into the south (Daulatabad in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra) during the historic event of changing the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad by King Mohammed-bin-Tughlak. Orisa. wine. S. Vitis amurensis. ROAD. unseeded.P. Indian grapes are successfully grown at and above 250 mean sea level.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Grape (Vitis vinifera) is grown from temperate to warm regions. used for jams and wine.0731.NEAR RAU. Indian grapes come in varied characteristics namely coloured. the muscadines.4072636. sometimes used for wine.Extensive Residue Monitoring plan for monitoring the pesticide residues in grapes is implemented for consumer safety.1. Vitis rotundifolia. Native to the entire Eastern U. Native to the Southeastern United States from Delaware to the Gulf of Mexico. the North American table and grape juice grapevines (including the concord cultivar). the European grapevine native to the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Vitis riparia. the most important Asian species. 1. a wild vine of North America. • • • INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. Native to the Eastern United States and Canada.B. sometimes used for winemaking and for jam.1 Grapevines Most grapes come from cultivars of Vitis vinifera.DISTRICT –INDORE.) Tel. Fax -0731. however. Minor amounts of fruit and wine come from American and Asian species such as: • Vitis labrusca. seeded. hot and dry climate is ideal.4064557 -5- . white.Traceability system is maintained for the product tracking.3.PIGDAMBER. and north to Quebec. Modern packhouse facility with automatic forced air system for precooling is available in all the commercial production areas. large and small berries.(M. 2 Distribution and production Fig 1.org/wiki/Grape According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).) Tel.DISTRICT –INDORE.(M. A portion of grape production goes to producing grape juice to be reconstituted for fruits canned "with no added sugar" and "100% natural".P. and 2% as dried fruit.B.1. The area dedicated to vineyards is increasing by about 2% per year.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 1. Approximately 71% of world grape production is used for wine.1 Source: http://en. The following table of top wine-producers shows the corresponding areas dedicated to grapes for wine making: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.3.NEAR RAU. 27% as fresh fruit. Fax -0731.wikipedia.4072636.4064557 -6- . 75.PIGDAMBER. ROAD.0731.866 square kilometres of the world are dedicated to grapes. Export Of Grapes From India To UK Table 1.1 Country Spain France Italy Turkey United States Iran Romania Portugal Argentina Australia Lebanon Area dedicated 11,750 km2 8,640 km2 8,270 km2 8,120 km2 4,150 km2 2,860 km2 2,480 km2 2,160 km2 2,080 km2 1,642 km2 1,122 km2 Top Ten Grapes Producers – 8 October 2009 Country Italy People's Republic of China United States France Spain Table:1.2 Turkey Iran Argentina Chile India World Production (Tonnes) 8,519,418 6,787,081 6,384,090 6,044,900 5,995,300 3,612,781 3,000,000 2,900,000 2,350,000 1,667,700 67,221,000 Footnote F F F F F F F F F F A No symbol = official figure, P = official figure, F = FAOSTAT 2007, * = Unofficial/Semiofficial/mirror data, C = Calculated figure A = Aggregate (may include official, semi-official or estimates); INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.B. ROAD,PIGDAMBER,NEAR RAU,DISTRICT –INDORE,(M.P.) Tel- 0731- 4072636, Fax -0731- 4064557 - Source: Food And Agricultural Organization7of United Nations: Economic And Social Department: The Statistical Division Export Of Grapes From India To UK Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grape There's no reliable statistics that breaks down grape production by variety. It is, however, believed that the most widely planted variety is Sultana, also known as Thompson Seedless, with at least 3,600 sq.km. (880,000 acres) dedicated to it. The second most common variety is Airén. Other popular varieties include Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Grenache, Tempranillo, and Chardonnay. Table and wine grapes Commercially cultivated grapes can usually be classified as either table or wine grapes, based on their intended method of consumption: eaten raw (table grapes) or used to make wine (wine grapes). While almost all of them belong to the same species, Vitis vinifera, table and wine grapes have significant differences, brought about through selective breeding. Table grape cultivars tend to have large, seedless fruit (see below) with relatively thin skin. Wine grapes are smaller, usually seeded, and have relatively thick skins (a desirable characteristic in winemaking, since much of the aroma in wine comes from the skin). Wine grapes also tend to be very sweet: they are harvested at the time when their juice is approximately 24% sugar by weight. By comparison, commercially produced "100% grape juice", made from table grapes, is usually around 15% sugar by weight. Seedless grapes Seedlessness is a highly desirable subjective quality in table grape selection, and seedless cultivars now make up the overwhelming majority of table grape plantings. Because grapevines are vegetatively propagated by cuttings, the lack of seeds does not present a problem for reproduction. It is, however, an issue for breeders, who must either use a seeded variety as the female parent or rescue embryos early in development using tissue culture techniques. There are several sources of the seedlessness trait, and essentially all commercial cultivators get it from one of three sources: Thompson Seedless, Russian Seedless, and Black Monukka, all being cultivars of Vitis vinifera. There are currently more than a dozen varieties of seedless grapes. Several, such as Einset Seedless, Reliance and Venus, have been specifically cultivated for hardiness and quality in the relatively cold climates of north-eastern United States and southern Ontario. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.B. ROAD,PIGDAMBER,NEAR RAU,DISTRICT –INDORE,(M.P.) Tel- 0731- 4072636, Fax -0731- 4064557 -8- Export Of Grapes From India To UK An offset to the improved eating quality of seedlessness is the loss of potential health benefits provided by the enriched phytochemical content of grape seeds (see Health claims, below). Raisins, currants and sultanas In most of Europe, dried grapes are referred to as "raisins" or the local equivalent. In the UK, three different varieties are recognized, forcing the EU to use the term "Dried vine fruit" in official documents. A raisin is any dried grape. While raisin is a French loanword, the word in French refers to the fresh fruit; grappe (from which the English grape is derived) refers to the bunch (as in une grappe de raisins). A currant is a dried Zante Black Corinth grape, the name being a corruption of the French raisin de Corinthe (Corinth grape). Currant has also come to refer to the blackcurrant and redcurrant, two berries unrelated to grapes. A sultana was originally a raisin made from a specific type of grape of Turkish origin, but the word is now applied to raisins made from common grapes and chemically treated to resemble the traditional sultana. 1.1.4 PRESENT STATUS OF GRAPE CULTIVATION IN THE COUNTRY Grape is grown under a variety of soil and climatic conditions in three distinct agro-climatic zones, namely, sub-tropical, hot tropical and mild tropical climatic regions in India. Sub-tropical Region: This region covers the northwestern plains corresponding to 28° and 32° N latitude including Delhi; Meerut district of Uttar Pradesh; Hissar and Jind districts of Haryana; and Bhatinda, Ferozpur, Gurdaspur and Ludhiana districts of Punjab. Vines undergo dormancy and bud break starts in the first week of March while the rains arrive in the first week of June, and therefore, only 90-95 days are available from the initiation of growth to harvest. Consequently, ‘Perlette’ is the only early ripening variety grown in this region. Rain damage is a INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.B. ROAD,PIGDAMBER,NEAR RAU,DISTRICT –INDORE,(M.P.) Tel- 0731- 4072636, Fax -0731- 4064557 -9- 4. Anab-e-Shahi. Maximum and minimum temperature is 42°C and 8°C. ROAD. Bagalkot. while the minimum is about 12°C. and Madurai and Theni districts of Tamil Nadu fall in this region. Belgaum.0731.1. Gulberga districts of northern Karnataka lying between 15° and 20° N latitude. and Bhokri. The major problems in this region are soil and water salinity and drought. This is the major viticulture region accounting for 70 percent of the area under grapes in the country.2 Hot Tropical Region: This region covers Nashik. Muscat Hamburg). Vines do not undergo dormancy and double pruning and a single harvest is the general practice in this region. Maximum temperatures in a year seldom exceed 36°C.10 - . 1.4072636. Hyderabad.NEAR RAU.) Tel. Berry growth is impaired and in certain locations pink blush sometimes develops on green berries due to temperatures that drop to a low of 8°C. Sangli. respectively. Vinifera varieties susceptible to mildew suffer losses due to unprecedented rains during flowering and fruit set in both hot and mild tropical regions. Sonaka).Export Of Grapes From India To UK problem with Thompson Seedless in this region. Pune.PIGDAMBER. Mahbubnagar. Anab-e-Shahi. Principal varieties are Bangalore Blue (Syn.(M. Single pruning and a single harvest is the accepted practice here. Solapur. Thompson Seedless is grown only with limited success.3 Mild Tropical Region: An area covered by 10° and 15° N latitude including Bangalore and Kolar districts of Karnataka.1. Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh and Coimbatore. Isabella). 1. Satara. Fax -0731.P. Ranga Reddy. Gulabi (Syn. Area and production of different varieties of grapes in India is as follows: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. Thompson Seedless and its clones (Tas-A-Ganesh.B. Sharad Seedless and Flame Seedless are the varieties grown in this region.4.DISTRICT –INDORE. Latur and Osmanabad districts of Maharashtra. two crops are harvested in a year. Anantapur and Medak districts of Andhra Pradesh.4064557 . Except for Thompson Seedless. and Bijapur. ) Tel. 1.3 Variety Anab-e-Shahi (white.P.org/docrep/003/x6897e/x6897e06.000.500 1.0731.000 15.NEAR RAU.fao. Isabella (black. Sonaka and Manik Chaman are dried for raisins.htm Area (ha) 3.PIGDAMBER. seeded) Flame Seedless (red.000 10.5 PRODUCTION OF PLANTING MATERIAL Vines are raised on their own roots in India. irrespective of the variety.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Table 1. seedless) Thomson Seedless and its mutants (white. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.4072636.000 tonnes of Bangalore Blue are crushed to make juice.DISTRICT –INDORE. Due to the non-prevalence of Phylloxera or nematodes. Some 20. but in recent years.000 tonnes of Bangalore Blue. seeded) Bhokri (white. seedless) Total Source:http://www.000 34. Pinot Noir and Uni Blanc are crushed to process into wine.000 4. Tas-A-Ganesh.000 tonnes of Thompson Seedless and its mutants. seedless) Gulabi Syn.(M. is consumed fresh. Chenin Blanc.000 30.A mutant of Kishmish Chorni (black.000 1. seedless) Sharad Seedless . rootstocks are not employed. ROAD. Fax -0731. Merlot. namely. and 10.000 Approximately 85 percent of the total production. seeded) Bangalore Blue Syn.B.000 550. About 120.4064557 . Chardonnay. Muscat Hamburg (purple. seeded) Perlette (white.000 Production (t) 135.000 22.11 - .000 60.500 500 500 1. Cabernet Sauvignon. the ‘Dogridge’ rootstock is being employed to combat soil and water salinity problems.000 20.000 180.000 1.1. 1 Multiplication on Own Roots Grapes are multiplied exclusively by the rooting of hardwood cuttings.(M.NEAR RAU. 75 cm depth and 118 m length in a north-south direction with a gap of 3 m between trenches are opened with heavy machinery.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 1. No Government agency is involved in the multiplication and supply of rooted cuttings. 1. single superphosphate. preferably in polybags of 15 x 25 cm.1. Well matured canes obtained in September/October are selected.) Tel. Rooted cuttings of this rootstock are planted in the main field during February-March.4064557 .4072636. Wedge grafting is more common and the best time for the operation is September-October.PIGDAMBER. The fresh cuttings are soaked in running water for 24 hours to leach out the water-soluble rooting inhibitors. 1.12 - .3 Establishment Of Vineyards 1.B. while June-July is the suitable time for chip budding.1 percent is a practice to safeguard the cuttings against termite damage. Growers themselves obtain the hardwood cuttings from elite vineyards and raise their own nurseries. up to a height of 45 cm after 15 days exposure to sun.000 ppm strong IBA solution for five minutes before planting. Trenches of 75 cm width. sulphate of potash and micro-nutrients. cattle manure.5. Usually. They are closed with topsoil.1. The desired scion variety is then grafted/budded on the rootstocks in the field by wedge grafting/chip budding. Soil drenching with chlorophyriphos 0. The basal parts of cuttings are then dipped in a 2. 50 kg of cattle INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.5.5.P. Fax -0731. Cuttings of 4 nodes each with a thickness of 8 to 10 mm are made from the selected canes.DISTRICT –INDORE.0731. ROAD. Land within a plot is levelled perfectly to have a gradient of less than 1 percent in any direction to ensure uniform discharge of water through the emitters of drip irrigation systems. The remaining gap is filled with a mixture of soil.1.1 Land Preparation and Vine Establishment The land is tilled and laid into plots of 120 m x 180 m separated by 3 m wide roads.3.5. It is also a practice to plant the cuttings in situ when three to four cuttings prepared and treated as above are planted at each spot in the main field.2 Raising on Rootstocks Hardwood cuttings of the ‘Dogridge’ rootstock are subjected to rooting.1. ) Tel. Bangalore Blue and Gulabi. Bower System: Owing to the high productive potential.3. 1.DISTRICT –INDORE.1. Telephone System: T-trellis is used in this system of training.5.NEAR RAU. With three top wires and ‘T’ shaped supports.3 Spacing Spacing generally varies with the varieties and soil fertility. but the most popular are Bower.4064557 .2 Planting Season The best season for planting the rooted cuttings of cultivated varieties in the main field is September-October whereas for rootstocks it is February-March. Telephone and Flat Roof Gable systems. 0.(M.4.5. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. 1.1. ROAD. this system is not popular. the trellis looks like a telephone pole and wires and hence the name.4072636. It is highly suited for vigorous varieties like Anab-e-Shahi.1.5. 2. For vigorous varieties it is 6 m x 3 m or 4 m x 3 m and 3 m x 3 m or 3 m x 2 m for less vigorous varieties.B. This system is followed for moderately vigorous varieties like Thompson Seedless and other seedless cultivars in about 25-30 percent of the vineyard area in Maharashtra.Export Of Grapes From India To UK manure.4 CARE AND MANAGEMENT OF VINEYARDS 1. sunburn of the berries and of the arms are experienced in summer. Fax -0731. In very hot and dry places.5 kg of superphosphate. But in varieties like Thompson Seedless and Tas-A-Ganesh where vine vigour and excessive foliage density affects the productivity adversely.1.0731.5.PIGDAMBER.P. 1.1 Training of Vines Many training systems are in vogue in India.13 - . bower was a very popular system of training in the past.3.5 kg of sulphate of potash and 50 g each of ZnSO 4 and FeSO4 are added to the soil for every running meter length of the trench. Yields in this system are less than the bower. PIGDAMBER.5. Half of the canes are pruned to renewal spurs and the rest to fruiting canes (3-4 nodes for Perlette).NEAR RAU. The clusters hang within the reach of the worker of an average height.3 Application of Manure and Fertilizers As vineyard soils are either sandy loams or heavy clays.DISTRICT –INDORE. 1.) Tel. This system is particularly followed for vigorous vines (vines grafted on rootstocks). pruning is done at any time of the year.4072636.1. P2O5 and K2O per hectare is followed in light sandy soils. 1. this system is gaining popularity among the growers in Maharashtra. The bunches are protected from direct sunlight and well exposed to sprays of pesticides. While 40 percent of the annual dose is given through organic sources. Owing to these advantages.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Flat Roof Gable System: Combining the advantage of bower and the extended Y systems and eliminating their disadvantages. In the mild tropical region. In the sub-tropical region.14 - . while 660:880:660 kg are applied for heavy clay soils.0731. All canes in a vine are pruned back to single node spurs in March-May to develop canes and the canes are forward pruned in October-November for fruiting. vines are pruned only once in December and the crop is harvested once. 60 percent is given as inorganic INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. five crops are harvested every two years. ROAD.4064557 . an inter-connected Y trellis forming a flat roof gable is being adopted. There is no scope to prune earlier than October and later than November due to unfavourable weather conditions.B. which are fairly resistant to rain damage and in which fruit bud differentiation is not impaired by cloudy weather and rains. vines are pruned twice and the crop is harvested twice.5.P.4.1.2 Pruning of Vines Three distinct pruning practices are in vogue in relation to cropping in the three grape growing regions of the country. Fax -0731.(M.4. As a result. In varieties like Gulabi and Bangalore Blue. The annual dose is fixed based on the petiole analysis carried out at 45 days after spur pruning. In hot tropical regions. A standard dose of 500:500:1000 kg of N. The number of nodes retained on a cane varies with the variety and cane thickness. the usage of organic manure has assumed high importance in India. vines are pruned twice but only one crop is harvested. 5. Prophylactic sprays of insecticides against thrips are given once in five days from the initiation of bloom to berry set. Less than 10 percent of the vineyard areas are surface irrigated.05 percent. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.1.) Tel. Calcium ammonium nitrate is usually not used. Water requirement is calculated based on the pan evaporation using 0. Sometimes the post-emergent weedicides. Sulphate of potash is the only source of potash used in place of muriate. Fax -0731. carbaryl at 0.4072636.B.5.1.0731. 1.15 percent. Insecticides like carbaryl at 0. ROAD. Flea beetles: The adult beetles scrape the sprouting buds and eat them up completely after each pruning. quinolphos at 0.4.1. Such berries are not suitable for marketing. irrigation is essential. flea beetles. 40 percent of N.1 percent or phosalone at 0. 50 percent of P2O5 and 33 percent 1.(M.0 kg/ha or paraquat at about 7.DISTRICT –INDORE.4064557 .5 Supplementary Irrigation Since grapes are grown in areas where the evapotranspiration exceeds the precipitation.4 Weeding Weeds between the rows of vines are removed mechanically by tractor drawn implements. mealy bugs and leaf hoppers. Water is applied at different rates at different stages of vine growth and berry development. Within the rows. phosalone at 0. Scab formation on the berry surface is also due to thrip damage to the ovaries/young berries. thrips.5 kg/ha is sprayed in fully grown vineyards.4. Thrips are effectively controlled by spraying phosphamidon at 0. Recently application of soluble fertilizers through drip irrigation is picking up.5.05 percent are sprayed from the fourth day until the emergence of leaves.NEAR RAU. while the rest is irrigated by drip systems. dichlorvas at 0.Export Of Grapes From India To UK fertilizer.6 Pests and their Management The important pests of grapes in India are.15 - . mainly glyphosate at about 2.05 percent. 1.05 percent. weeds are manually hoed and removed. The affected berries develop a corky layer and become brown on maturity.P.125 percent. Damaged buds fail to sprout.PIGDAMBER.8 as the crop factor. particularly in heavy clay soils.05 percent or malathion at 0. Thrips: Thrips attack the ovaries of flowers and newly set berries and suck sap from them.4. 16 - .DISTRICT –INDORE. phosalone at 0.B.1 percent mixed with neem oil 0. Anthracnose is prevalent in all grape growing regions of the country. The disease is characterized by small light brown or greyish black lesions on tender shoots. Leaf hoppers: This pest has assumed serious proportions in all grape growing regions of India in recent years. copper oxychloride at 0.7 Diseases and their Management The important grape diseases are anthracnose.2 percent or tridemorph at 0.4. flowers and young berries.25 percent or carbendazim at 0.05 percent are sprayed to control this pest. downy mildew.0731. Nymphs and adults suck sap from the tender shoots resulting in crinkling and stunting of the new shoots. iii) Release cryptolaemus montrozieri beetles at 8.1.NEAR RAU.5. The adults and young nymphs of hoppers suck sap exclusively from the lower side of the leaves. Alternaria is also becoming a serious pathogen. Mealy bug infected bunches are unfit for marketing. ROAD.05 percent and phosalone at 0.04 percent.1 percent are used to control this disease. It is better to release a mixed population of grubs and adults rather than only adults.1 percent. They excrete honey on leaves and berries and sooty mold develops on the honey.P. Carbaryl at 0.8 percent. fenitrothion at 0.) Tel.4072636.000 per hectare when the berries start softening. In recent years. Yield losses can be up to 50 percent due to mealy bug damage. Mealy bugs are hard-to-kill insects and the package of practices for their control in India is as follows: i) Avoid spraying broad-spectrum insecticides particularly synthetic pyrethroids. powdery mildew and bacterial leaf spot. young leaves. ii) Spray only dichlorvas at 0. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.1 percent only is effective on the adults.PIGDAMBER. A mixture of quinalphos at 0.05 percent or quinalphos at 0.(M. Bordeaux mixture at 0.000-10.4064557 . Fax -0731.15 percent.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Mealy Bugs: Mealy bugs are the most serious and problematic pests of grapes in India. 1.05 percent is more effective on the nymphs while tridemorph at 0. 5.4072636.04 percent.5. A wide range of fungicides.) Tel. Properly neutralized Bordeaux mixture at 1 percent. The disease mainly appears on the leaves.025 percent) are used to control this disease.NEAR RAU. copper oxychloride at 0.0731.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Downy mildew is the most devastating disease of grapes in the tropical region of the country. Karathane EC at 0. shoots and berries. The disease is characterized by the presence of white powdery (ash like) coating in patches on both sides of the leaves. Mostly these spots coalesce and form larger patches. metalaxyl (Ridomil Mz at 0. Salinity injury is common in Maharashtra and north Karnataka. water berries.1. while Bordeaux mixture at 0.4. 1. namely. young shoots and immature berries. Streptocyclin at 500 ppm is used as a prophylactic spray. ROAD. but also attacks the flower clusters and young fruits. It is next in importance to downy mildew in its devastating severity.2 percent.1 percent) and Penconazol (Topas at 0. berry cracking and rotting. The eco-physiological disorders are ‘coulure’. The symptoms appear as minute water soaked spots on the lower surface of the leaves. Mancozeb at 0.P. Powdery mildew is controlled easily by wettable Sulphur formulations. Myclobutanil (Systhane at 0.8 Physiological Disorders Physiological disorders associated with high temperature and low atmospheric humidity in the hot tropical region are dead arm and trunk splitting.2 percent) or Phosethyl-Al (aliettle at 0. blossom-end rot.4. Severely infected leaves give a blighted appearance.(M. pink berry syndrome.1. uneven ripening and post-harvest berry drop. shot berries. Fax -0731.9 Quality Improvement INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.05 percent).07 percent.8 percent or copper oxychloride at 0. The losses are very high when it attacks the clusters before fruit set. Other physiological disorders are cane immaturity.DISTRICT –INDORE. Entire clusters decay. cluster tip wilting.B. Bacteria infects leaves. dry and drop down.2 percent) are used against this disease.15 percent is used to check its spread. Calaxin at 0. Triademifon (Bayleton at 0. especially along the main and lateral veins.17 - . Powdery mildew is prevalent in all the grape growing regions.PIGDAMBER. 1.2 percent.4064557 . P.0731. Period of harvest and yield of different varieties is given below. Rachides of the clusters are trimmed to retain 8-10.NEAR RAU. If not all the varieties. Clusters are dipped in GA solution of 30-40 ppm when 10-20 percent of the flowers open in each cluster for berry thinning. In addition to the treatment with growth regulators.5 mm.1. Increasing Berry Size: Manual means are used to supplement chemical thinning to ensure adequate berry thinning and improve the quality of grapes. individual shoot length is encouraged rather than the total canopy size for preventing sunburn of the berries. Approximately 90-120 berries are retained per cluster depending upon the number of leaves available to nourish it at 8-10 berries per every leaf depending on its size. Fax -0731.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Shoot and Cluster Thinning: Only one or two clusters are retained per cane depending upon the density of the latter. 1. In vines trained to the flat roof gable.PIGDAMBER. depending on the number of leaves available per cluster.) Tel.4064557 . ROAD. clusters are dipped in a mixture of 10 ppm BA + 25 ppm GA or 2 ppm CPPU + 25 ppm GA or 1 ppm brassinosteroid + 25 ppm GA instead of GA alone at these two stages. while girdling will ensure a TSS content of 20°B.4072636. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. Girdling is done at 4-5 mm diameter of the berries.(M. only the apical two or three shoots are retained. The width and depth of girdling are 1-1.6 HARVESTING AND YIELDS Approximately one million tonnes of grapes are harvested annually in India.B. one or more varieties are always available at any given time of the year.DISTRICT –INDORE. Grape is harvested almost all the year round.18 - . Clusters are dipped in GA solution of 40-50 ppm concentration once at 3-4 mm size of the berries and again at 7-8 mm size. When berry diameter is to be increased to more than 16 mm. Production of Loose Clusters: Pre-bloom GA sprays of 10 ppm and 15 ppm are given respectively on the 11th to 14th day after bud break for cluster elongation. Irrespective of the number of clusters. berry size and crispiness are increased by girdling.Increasing the TSS Content: Berry thinning and cluster thinning to maintain adequate leaf/fruit ratio (5 cm2). July.NEAR RAU. MARKETING More than 80 percent of the total production is consumed as table grapes in India.4 Variety Yield (t/ha) Period of Harvest Average Potential 45 90 60 50 50 50 50 February-May. June-December June January-April Source:http://www.1. Therefore. the major proportion of produce. November- Anab-e-Shahi Bangalore Blue 40 Bhokri 30 Gulabi 30 Perlette 40 Thompson Seedless and other seedless 25 varieties December January-March.P. quality of grapes is usually poor as a result of high yields. June-July January-March.7. Yields as high as 100 t/ha in Anab-e-Shahi and 75 t/ha in Thompson Seedless were recorded in this region.htm However.4064557 .4072636. and more than 70 percent of the total production is harvested in March-April. June-December November-December. However.) Tel. mainly of Anab-e-Shahi. The productivity of grapes in India is very high. which contributes more than 70 percent of the total harvest.B.(M. but the cold storage facilities are inadequate. Fax -0731.org/docrep/003/x6897e/x6897e06.0731.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Table 1. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. Thompson Seedless and its clones.fao.DISTRICT –INDORE.19 - . is harvested during March-April from the hot tropical region.PIGDAMBER. market gluts and fall of prices of grapes in March-April are common. 1. particularly in the Hyderabad region. ROAD. 000 t) of fresh grapes are exported to the Middle East and European countries. POTENTIAL FOR GRAPE PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT India has the distinction of achieving the highest productivity in grapes in the world.PIGDAMBER. Fax -0731.4064557 . raisin and wine grapes.NEAR RAU.1 CONSTRAINTS IN GRAPE PRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT Although grape cultivation is considered as highly remunerative. the area under grapes is confined to only 34.. Growers’ Cooperatives and the Trader exporters. 1. b) Technologies to achieve high productivity are currently available.B. The rest of the produce is marketed within the country. a) Sustaining productivity and minimizing risks in grape cultivation is possible because of the availability of a variety of agro-climatic regions suitable for grape cultivation for table.8.DISTRICT –INDORE. with an average yield of 30 t/ha. Grapes are exported through three different agencies viz.8. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.P.000 hectares due to the following constraints. b) High recurring costs in vineyard management.(M. d) Technologies to produce export quality grapes and quality raisins are available.0731. a) Heavy initial investment for establishing a vineyard. 2. 1.) Tel.1.20 - .4072636.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Approximately. c) Narrow variety base and lack of diversity in utilization of the germplasm available in grape growing countries.5 percent (22. Grower Exporters. These agencies have established their own facilities for pre-cooling and cold storage in the vicinity of major production sites.1. c) Scope for double cropping in certain regions and harvesting round the year in certain varieties is practically feasible. ROAD. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.Export Of Grapes From India To UK d) High risk of losing the crop due to unprecedented changes in weather.(M.4064557 . i) Marketing problems in table grapes.B. Fax -0731.21 - . Research on grapes is carried out by the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) Institutes and State Agricultural Universities at different centres under the All India Coordinated Research Project on Grapes.) Tel. Maharashtra is the focal point for conducting and coordinating the research activities on grapes throughout the country.P.1. 1.DISTRICT –INDORE.PIGDAMBER. g) Very low proportion of export quality grapes.4072636. f) Short period available for ripening in the north. c) Promote and support the export of fresh grapes by training the growers and providing soft loans and subsidies for pre-cooling and cold storage facilities. ROAD.NEAR RAU. e) Soil and water salinity in Maharashtra and drought in the hot tropical areas.0731. h) Wine is not a popular drink at present.9 GOVERNMENT POLICIES AND PLANS FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF GRAPES The Government of India is supporting the grape industry of the country in the following ways: a) Encourage and support the farmers for establishing the vineyards and installing drip irrigation systems by providing soft loans and subsidies. The National Research Centre for Grapes (ICAR) located at Pune. b) Provide research support to sustain the productivity of grapes under adverse situations. 1. a phenomenon named the French Paradox and thought to occur from protective benefits of regularly consuming red wine. nitric oxide (endothelium-derived relaxing factor) • • Although adoption of wine consumption is not recommended by some health authorities.2 Resveratrol Grape phytochemicals such as resveratrol (a polyphenol antioxidant).1 French Paradox Comparing diets among Western countries.. reducing susceptibility to vascular damage Decreased activity of angiotensin. resveratrol bears a significant transcriptional overlap with the beneficial effects INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.DISTRICT –INDORE. In laboratory studies.10.) Tel.4064557 . viral infections and mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease. heart disease.10.PIGDAMBER. ROAD. Emerging evidence is that wine polyphenols like resveratrol provide physiological benefit whereas alcohol itself may have protective effects on the cardiovascular system. may confer health benefits. Fax -0731. such as one glass of red wine a day for women and two for men.(M.22 - .NEAR RAU. such as: • Alteration of molecular mechanisms in blood vessels. a systemic hormone causing blood vessel constriction that would elevate blood pressure Increased production of the vasodilator hormone. Apart from potential benefits of alcohol itself.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 1.10 Health claims 1. including reduced platelet aggregation and vasodilation. have been positively linked to inhibiting any cancer.0731.g.1. a significant volume of research indicates moderate consumption.B.4072636. degenerative nerve disease. researchers have discovered that although the French tend to eat higher levels of animal fat. Protection of the genome through antioxidant actions may be a general function of resveratrol.1. polyphenols (e. resveratrol) mainly in the grape skin provide other suspected health benefits. 1.P. surprisingly the incidence of heart disease remains low in France. PIGDAMBER.1) Source: http://en. in muscadine grapes.3 Anthocyanins and other phenolics( fig 1.) Tel.4064557 . among which the most advanced is a one year dietary regimen in a Phase III study of elderly patients with Alzheimer's disease. Resveratrol is the subject of several human clinical trials.Fresh grape skin contains about 50 to 100 micrograms of resveratrol per gram. Synthesized by many plants. Both dietary interventions inhibit gene expression associated with heart and skeletal muscle aging.1.P. Resveratrol is found in wide amounts among grape varieties.NEAR RAU.10. 1.4072636. resveratrol apparently serves antifungal and other defensive properties. have about one hundred times higher concentration than pulp.wikipedia. ROAD. Dietary resveratrol has been shown to modulate the metabolism of lipids and to inhibit oxidation of low-density lipoproteins and aggregation of platelets.Export Of Grapes From India To UK of calorie restriction in heart.B.org/wiki/Grape INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. and prevent age-related heart failure. Fax -0731. skeletal muscle and brain.0731.23 - . primarily in their skins and seeds which.(M.DISTRICT –INDORE. Ordinary non-muscadine red wine contains between 0.4072636. Wines produced from muscadine grapes may contain more than 40 mg/L. and cultivation practices or exposure to diseases. biochemical and medical studies have demonstrated significant antioxidant properties of grape seed oligomeric proanthocyanidins.B. soil composition. these seed constituents display inhibitory activities against several experimental disease models..2 and 5. quercetin.P.DISTRICT –INDORE.4064557 . including cancer.PIGDAMBER.g.24 - . an exceptional phenolic content. The flavonols syringetin. depending on the grape variety. climate. Together with tannins.4 Seed constituents Since the 1980s. a white wine contains lower phenolic contents because it is fermented after removal of skins. syringetin 3-O-galactoside. and trans-resveratrol are major phenolics. laricitrin and laricitrin 3-O-galactoside are also found in purple grape but absent in white grape 1. an index of dietary antioxidant strength. geographic origin. such as fungal infections. and only red wine is fermented with skins. In muscadine skins. Fax -0731. allowing the wine to absorb the resveratrol. Total phenolic content. By contrast. myricetin. Red wine offers health benefits more so than white because many beneficial compounds are present in grape skin. catechins) are the more abundant phenolic in white varieties. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.) Tel.8 mg/L. is higher in purple varieties due almost entirely to anthocyanin density in purple grape skin compared to absence of anthocyanins in white grape skin. Contrary to previous results. The amount of fermentation time a wine spends in contact with grape skins is an important determinant of its resveratrol content.0731. It is these anthocyanins that are attracting the efforts of scientists to define their properties for human health. polyphenols and polyunsaturated fatty acids. ROAD.1. ellagic acid.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Anthocyanins tend to be the main polyphenolics in purple grapes whereas flavan-3-ols (e. ellagic acid and not resveratrol is the major phenolic in muscadine grapes. kaempferol. Phenolic content of grape skin varies with cultivar. heart failure and other disorders of oxidative stress.10.(M. because it is fermented with the skins.NEAR RAU. ROAD.) Tel.1. 1. flowering. Viticulturalists and vineyard managers monitor the effect of climate. the start of this cycle is signaled by a "bleeding" of the vine. beginning with bud break in the spring and culminating in leaf fall in autumn followed by winter dormancy. If the vine had been pruned during the winter. 1. and polyunsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Grape seed oil from crushed seeds is used in cosmeceuticals and skincare products for many perceived health benefits.5 Concord grape juice Commercial juice products from Concord grapes have been applied in medical research studies. This bleeding occurs when the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. fruit set.1 Bud break The grape starts its annual growth cycle in the spring with bud break. In the Northern Hemisphere.NEAR RAU. showing potential benefits against the onset stage of cancer. leaf fall and dormancyreacting if need be with the use of viticultural practices like canopy management.25 - . irrigation. platelet aggregation and other risk factors of atherosclerosis. The stages of the annual growth cycle usually become observable within the first year of a vine's life.0731. phytosterols.1.1. 1.4064557 .11 Annual growth cycle of grapevines The annual growth cycle of grapevines is the process that takes place in the vineyard each year. vine disease and pests in facilitating or impeding the vines progression from bud break.PIGDAMBER.10. Fax -0731.DISTRICT –INDORE. loss of physical performance and mental acuity during aging and hypertension in humans. Grape seed oil is notable for its high contents of tocopherols (vitamin E).P. each step in the process plays a vital role in the development of grapes with ideal characteristics for making wine. vine training and the use of agrochemicals. harvesting.11. this stage begins around March while in the Southern Hemisphere it begins around September when daily temperatures begin to surpass 10 °C (50 °F).(M.B. oleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. From a winemaking perspective. veraison. The amount of time spent at each stage of the growth cycle depends on a number of factors-most notably the type of climate (warm or cool) and the characteristics of the grape variety.4072636. after about 4 weeks the growth of the shoots starts to rapidly accelerate with the shoots growing in length an average of 3 cm (1 in) a day. These buds appear in the summer of previous growth cycle green and covered in scales.2 Flowering Depending on temperatures.) Tel.11. the flowers start to grow in size INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.(M.P. Fax -0731.DISTRICT –INDORE. Eventually the shoots sprout tiny leaves that can begin the process of photosynthesis. producing the energy to accelerate growth. During this period a single vine can "bleed" up to 5 litres (1. where temperatures can reach above 10 °C (50 °F) in mid-winter. The energy to facilitate this growth comes from reserves of carbohydrate stored in roots and wood of the vine from the last growth cycle. some early budding varieties (such as Chardonnay) can be at risk of premature bud break. the young shoots are very vulnerable to frost damage with vineyard managers going to great lengths protect the fragile shoots should temperature dramatically drop below freezing. This is a potential viticultural hazard in places like the Margaret River region of Western Australia where warm currents from the Indian Ocean can coax Chardonnay vines to prematurely bud in the midwinter month of July. minerals and sugars. Inside the buds contain usually three primordial shoots. up from the root system of the vine and it is expelled from the cuts (or "wounds") left over from pruning the vine.1.4072636.B.26 - .[ 1. ROAD. Flowering occurs when average daily temperatures stay between 15–20 °C (59–68 °F) which in the Northern Hemisphere wine regions is generally around May and for the Southern Hemisphere regions around November.PIGDAMBER. This can include setting up heaters or wind circulators in the vineyard to keep cold air from settling on the vines. Buds are the small part of the vine that rest between the vine's stem and the petiole (leaf stem). hormones.4064557 .3 gallons) of water. In temperate climates.0731. 40-80 days after bud break the process of flowering begins with small flower clusters appearing on the tips of the young shoots looking like buttons. In warm climates. After bud break. During winter dormancy they turn brown until the spring when the vine begins the process of bud break and the first sign of green in the vineyard emerges in the form of tiny shoots. containing a low concentration of organic acids. A few weeks after the initial clusters appears.Export Of Grapes From India To UK soil begins to warm and osmotic forces pushes water.NEAR RAU. Tiny buds on the vine start to swell and eventually shoots begin to grow from the buds. NEAR RAU. encapsulating the seed. with the unfertilized flowers eventually falling off the vine.(M. Coulure occurs when there is an imbalance of carbohydrate levels in the vine tissues and some berries fail to set or simply fall off the bunch. 1. Most Vitis vinifera grape vines are hermaphroditic. Climate and the health of the vine play an important role with low humidity.0731. when the fertilized flower begins to develop a seed and grape berry to protect the seed.3 Fruit set The stage of fruit set follows flowering almost immediately. containing 1-4 seeds. Grape berry size depends on the number of seeds so berries with no seeds will be significantly INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. liberating the pollen from the anthers of the stamen. causing many flowers not to be fertilize and produce a group.PIGDAMBER.27 - . with the process being mostly self contained within the vine. Wind and insects generally play only a small role in aiding pollination. Detrimental weather (cold. At the beginning of the flowering process the only part that is visible is the fused cap of petals known as the calyptra. Millerandage occurs when some fertilized flowers do not form seeds but only small berry clusters.4072636. this normally takes place in May and in the Southern Hemisphere in November. Varieties like Grenache and Malbec are prone to this abnormal fruit set. the pollen fertilizes the ovary which produces seeds as the flower begins the transformation into a grape berry. being able to self-pollinate.Export Of Grapes From India To UK with individual flowers becoming observable.) Tel.B. ROAD.11. Fax -0731.P. Shortly after the calyptra is shed.DISTRICT –INDORE. The percentage of fertilized flowers averages around 30 but can get as high as 60 or be much lower. [1] This stage is very critical for wine production since it determines the potential crop yield. with both male stamens and female ovaries. In the Northern Hemisphere. During the process of fertilization. high temperatures and water stress having the potential of severely reducing the amount flowers that get fertilized. But cross-pollination between vine species is possible as in the cases of the origins of several grape varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon (a cross pollination of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon blanc) and Petite Sirah (a cross of Syrah and Peloursin). Not every flower on the vine gets fertilized.4064557 .1.It is during this stage of flowering that the pollination and fertilization of the grapevine takes place with the resulting product being a grape berry. wind & rain) can severely affect the flowering process. It is during this time when the buds that will become next years crops begin to form. such as fanleaf.11.PIGDAMBER. very vigorous wines with lots of leaf shading for photosynthesis and water supply will delay the start of veraison due to the vines energies being directed towards continued shoot growth of new buds. This color changing is due to the chlorophyll in the berry skin being replaced by anthocyanins (red wine grapes) and carotenoids (white wine grapes). the grape berries are green and hard to the touch.1. undergo veraison first with the berries and clusters closer to the trunk and under the canopy shade undergoing it last. For the production of high quality wine.28 - . This stage signals the beginning of the ripening process and normally takes places around 40-50 days after fruit set.P.NEAR RAU.Export Of Grapes From India To UK smaller than berries containing seeds. The onset of veraison does not occur uniformly among all berries.B. so that they may have a better chance of survival. This can be caused by vine disease.(M. During this stage the colors of the grape take form-red/black or yellow/green depending on the grape varieties.4 Veraison Following fruit set.4072636. it is considered ideal to have an earlier veraison. They have very little sugar and are high in organic acids. the berries begin to grow dramatically as they accumulate glucose and fructose and acids begin to fall. or by a boron deficiency in the vine. In a process known as engustment. the berries start to soften as they build up sugars. In the Northern Hemisphere this will be around the end of July and into August and between the end of January into February for the Southern Hemisphere. This is because the vine is biologically programmed to channel all its energies and resources into the berries.DISTRICT –INDORE. During this period the cane of the vine starts to ripen as well changing from green and INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.4064557 . which houses its seedling offspring.) Tel. On one cluster there maybe berries of various sizes which can create problems during winemaking due to the varying "skin to pulp" ratio among the grapes. They begin to grow to about half their final size when they enter the stage of veraison. Gewürztraminer and the Chardonnay clones IA and Mendoza are both prone to millerandage. 1. Within six days of the start of veraison. Fax -0731. Typically the berries and clusters that are most exposed to warmth. Conversely. limited water stress and canopy management that creates a high "leaf to fruit" ratio can encourage veraison. on the outer extents of the canopy. There are some factors in the vineyards that can control the onset of veraison. ROAD.0731. Following the first frost the leaves begin to fall as the vine starts to enter its winter dormancy period.Export Of Grapes From India To UK springing to brown and hard.4064557 .5 After harvest In the vineyard.PIGDAMBER.) Tel.1. At that point the chlorophyll in the leaves begin to break down and the leaves change color from green to yellow. The vines begins to divert some of its energy production into its reserves in preparation for its next growth cycle. ROAD.12 List of grape varieties This is a list of varieties of cultivated grapes. Tannins and other phenolics also develop which can affect the flavors and aromas in the resulting wine. As the grape ripens on the vines. currant. The term "grape varieties" actually refers to cultivars rather than botanical varieties according to the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants.1. sultana).29 - . the antepenultimate event is the harvest in which the grapes are removed from the vine and transported to the winery to begin the wine making process. However. The time of harvest depends on a variety of factors-most notably the subjective determination of ripeness. sugars and pH increase as acids (such as malic acid) decrease. fresh or dried (raisin. because they are propagated by cuttings and may have unstable reproductive properties. the vines continues the process of photosynthesis.(M.P.NEAR RAU.11. The balance of all these factors contributes to when a winemaker or vineyard manager decides that it is time to harvest. 1. Varieties: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. The following spring. creating carbohydrate reserves to store in the vine's roots and trunks.0731. the term variety has become so entrenched in viticulture that any change to usage of the term cultivar is unlikely. or eating as a table grape. In the Northern Hemisphere this is generally between September and October while in the Southern Hemisphere it is generally between February and April. Fax -0731.4072636. Following the harvest. the cycle begins again. The threat of detrimental weather and vine diseases (such as grey rot) can also play a role in the time table.DISTRICT –INDORE. 1.B. whether used for wine. It will continue doing this until an appropriate level of reserves have been stored. Export Of Grapes From India To UK More than 20 varieties are under cultivation in India. 1. western Uttar Pradesh. Perlette (5%) and Gulabi and Bhokri together (5%). 1. Thompson Seedless. Spain.1. Fax -0731. France. Germany. Bangalore Blue. Sonaka and Manik Chaman INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.4064557 .30% of the total area.P.1. Dilkhush (clone of Anab-e-Shahi) Perlette. 1. Andhra Pradesh. However. and its clones Tas-A-Ganesh.PIGDAMBER. ROAD. Pusa Seedless.16 Major Competitor: Italy.0731. The total production of grapes in India is 1. UAE.1.15 Major Export Destinations (2007-08) : Netherlands.83 crores.NEAR RAU.1. The total grape export from India during the year 2007-08 season was 96963 MT worth Rs 317.org/wiki/Grape Currently.4072636. US. Maharashta ranks first in terms of production accounting for more than 75% of total production and highest productivity in the country. Thompson Seedless is the ruling grape variety occupying 55% of the area with its clones. only a dozen are commercially grown. Karnataka.30 - .(M.wikipedia.1. Bangladesh. Coloured seeded Coloured seedless White seeded White seedless Table. Gulabi (Muscat) Beauty Seedless and Sharad Seedless Anab-e-Shahi. UK.13 Areas of Cultivation : Major grape-growing states are Maharashtra. Tamil Nadu. China. and the north-western region covering Punjab.2 thousand hectares occupying 1. Sharad Seedless (5%).B. They can be grouped under following 4 categories based on colour and seeds.) Tel.546 thousand MT. Argentina etc. Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.5 Source: http://en. Haryana.14 India Facts and Figures : Grape is one of the important fruit covering an area of 60. 1. Bangalore Blue occupies approximately 15% of the total area while Anab-e-Shahi and Dilkhush (15%).DISTRICT –INDORE. PIGDAMBER.P.NEAR RAU.) Tel.DISTRICT –INDORE.4064557 . Fax -0731.31 - .B.0731.(M.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 1.1.17 COUNTRY PROFILE United Kingdom INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. ROAD.1.4072636. Climate: Generally mild and temperate.4%. partly common law and practice.1. Other cities--Birmingham. Bradford.17. Sheffield.5 yrs. Fax -0731. 19% other.DISTRICT –INDORE.wikipedia.)--4. females 81. Manchester. Population (2010 est. Scottish Gaelic.1. Work force (2009.1. 50% meadow and pasture.4%.4064557 . total 79. slightly smaller than Oregon.org/wiki/Grape PROFILE 1.17. Liverpool. Bristol. Glasgow. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. industry--18.): 0.17. Attendance--nearly 100%.1Geography Area: 243. Education: Years compulsory--12. Belfast. Major religions: Church of England (Anglican).1. mi. Terrain: 30% arable. weather is subject to frequent changes but to few extremes of temperature. Major languages: English.0731. Literacy--99%. Church of Scotland (Presbyterian).7%. 1% inland water.2%. Cities: Capital--London (metropolitan pop.1.).4072636.. partly statutes.85/1. 1. 10% forests and woodland. Irish Gaelic. Irish. Welsh.000 sq. South Asian.000.) Tel.2 million.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Fig.(M.)--males 76. ROAD.6 yrs. Roman Catholic.NEAR RAU.): 62.2 People Nationality: Noun--Briton(s).32 - . Edinburgh. Adjective--British.1. 7% forested.2 Source: http://en.B.56 million).PIGDAMBER. 12% waste or urban. Major ethnic groups: British.. Leeds.0 years.000 sq. km. about 7.P.25 million): Services--80. Land use: 25% arable. 46% meadows and pastures. 31. West Indian. Annual population growth rate (2010 est. – 1. Life expectancy (2009 est. Muslim. agriculture--1.3 Government Type: Constitutional monarchy. Health: Infant mortality rate (2009 est. 1. Constitution: Unwritten. (93. European Union. machinery. Imports of goods and services--$473. fuels. Democratic Unionist Party.DISTRICT –INDORE. Agriculture (1.) Tel. ROAD. Subdivisions: Scotland. House of Lords. silica.33 - . Natural resources: Coal. Green Party. Fax -0731. communication.184 trillion. cabinet. business. 1.PIGDAMBER. Legislative--bicameral Parliament: House of Commons. tobacco. and China.S. iron ore. Alliance Party. limestone. motor vehicles and aircraft. chalk. Northern Ireland--Ulster Unionist Party. Progressive Unionist Party.P.NEAR RAU. Trade (2009): Exports of goods and services--$351. heavy engineering and metal manufacturing. Wales. 1. 2009): $35. Supreme Court. natural gas. foodstuffs. hotels. construction (23. Industry: Types--steel. chemicals. European Union.3 billion: manufactured goods.17.1.0731. Social Democratic and Labour Party. Scottish Parliament. textiles.(M. fish. counties. 2009): $2. Liberal Democrats.5 HISTORY The Roman invasion of Britain in 55 BC and most of Britain's subsequent incorporation into the Roman Empire stimulated development and brought more active contacts with the rest of Europe. sheep. also. salt.4072636.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Branches: Executive--monarch (head of state).1. cattle. Sinn Fein.1.17. British National Party. poultry. fuels.. Annual growth rate (2009): -4. oilseed.8% of GDP). electronics.. Major markets--U. Suffrage: British subjects and citizens of other Commonwealth countries and the Irish Republic resident in the U. clay.4 Economy GDP (at current market prices. Major suppliers--U. potatoes. vegetables. distribution. county courts. Political parties: Conservative. chemicals. UK Independence Party. in Scotland--Scottish National Party. Wales--Plaid Cymru (Party of Wales).S. Services (75% of GDP): Types--financial. and parliamentary constituencies).2% of GDP): Products--cereals. beverages. gypsum. food. Per capita GDP (at current market prices.. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. at 18. Northern Ireland (municipalities.8%.1. lead. House of Lords. transport. high courts.4064557 .334.B. Judicial--magistrates' courts.6 billion: manufactured goods. Welsh Assembly. prime minister (head of government).K. and Northern Ireland Assembly. Labour. appellate courts. tin. oil. 0731. cultural. and economic center in London. a system of common law. The U. Cameron subsequently announced a formal coalition with the Liberal Democrats.6 POLITICAL CONDITIONS The Labour government that had been in power since 1997. and representative government. lost its majority in the House of Commons in the May 6. who placed third in number of seats won. ROAD.Export Of Grapes From India To UK As Rome's strength declined.B. however. and the Labour Party forms the opposition. when it became clear that Labour would be unable to form a government. Fax -0731. Gordon Brown resigned as Labour leader on May 11.NEAR RAU. and David Cameron became the new Prime Minister.1. and Jutes in the fifth and sixth centuries AD--up to the Norman conquest in 1066.17. 1.P. Norman rule effectively ensured Britain's safety from further intrusions.17. and the Liberal Democrats (Lib Dems). a separate but established church. administrative. In the United Nations. which would ensure Liberal Democrat support for a Conservative-led government in exchange for five Liberal Democrat cabinet seats and policy compromises. certain institutions. who is expected to be in place by September 2010. 2010 election. The Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition has a 78-seat majority in the House of Commons. The United Kingdom has been a member of the European Community (now European Union) since 1973. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. On May 11. and land powers. Prime Minister Gordon Brown resigned.PIGDAMBER. distinctive and distinguished university education. For the first time since 1974. no party was able to win a full majority in the Commons.1.34 - .4064557 .(M. which led to several days of intense negotiations between the Conservatives (Tories). could develop.K.7 DEFENSE AND FOREIGN RELATIONS The United Kingdom is a founding member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and is one of NATO's major European maritime. it held the EU Presidency from July to December 2005. Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg became the Deputy Prime Minister.4072636. the country again was exposed to invasion--including the pivotal incursions of the Angles.) Tel. As part of the coalition deal. held the Presidency of the G-8 during 2005. first under Prime Minister Tony Blair and then under his successor.1.1. it ranks third among NATO countries in total defense expenditure. 1. who won the most seats.DISTRICT –INDORE. air. which remain characteristic of Britain. Among these are a political. the United Kingdom is a permanent member of the Security Council. Saxons. Gordon Brown. prompting an election for a new Labour leader. 000 as of May 6.4064557 . U.S.B.35 - . 2001 terrorist attacks in the U. The U. forces are primarily based in the Helmand region.) Tel. and 4% of British forces represent ethnic minorities.K.S. and its military forces are. 2010.PIGDAMBER. The 37.200 personnel. the Royal Air Force. has contributed more than £510 million (approximately $723.DISTRICT –INDORE..0731. promoting Britain's wider security interests. In addition. The British Army. force in Afghanistan stood at 10. are active and regular participants in NATO and other coalition operations. ROAD.000 personnel.Export Of Grapes From India To UK The British Armed Forces are charged with protecting the United Kingdom and its overseas territories.4072636. Fax -0731.000 Royal Marine commandos. the U. and supporting international peacekeeping efforts. which consists of four Trident missile submarines.P.(M. consisting of approximately 99.K. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. The U. along with the Royal Navy and Royal Marines. where they are on the front line in the war against continued Taliban operations. its combat forces withdrew from Iraq in July 2009.4 million) to Afghan reconstruction--the second-largest donor after the United States. is in charge of the United Kingdom's independent strategic nuclear arm.K. the secondlargest contingent of the coalition force in Afghanistan.NEAR RAU.000-member Royal Navy. after U. with 42. which includes 6. Approximately 9% of the British Armed Forces is female.K. The United Kingdom stood shoulder to shoulder with the United States following the September 11. forces. was the United States' main coalition partner in Operation Iraqi Freedom. 720 Sq Mi) INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.(M.222.wikipedia.1.9 CAPITAL: New Delhi 1.36 - .B.166.PIGDAMBER.17.DISTRICT –INDORE.1.17.692 Sq Km (1.1.P.10 SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT: Multiparty Federal Republic 1.0731.1.4072636.1. ROAD.Export Of Grapes From India To UK COUNTRY PROFILE INDIA source: http://en.org/wiki/Grape 1.4064557 .) Tel. Fax -0731.11 AREA: OFFICIAL NAME: Republic of India 1.NEAR RAU. Cauvery.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 1. and the principal rivers include the Ganges with its tributaries.206.400.100. Kosi. Nicobar and the Lakshadweep Islands. Average temperature ranges in New Delhi are from 7 to 21 degrees Celsius (45 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit) in January to 26 to 41 degrees Celsius (79 to 106 degrees Fahrenheit) in May. Bhutan and Nepal to the north. It is the second largest country in Asia and the territory also includes the Andaman.) The northern mountains or Himalayan region which comprises three parallel ranges mixed with large plateaux and valleys.) a humid season. agriculturalcultivated 57%. Kanpur 1. (3. New Delhi 301. the Jumna.566. China. Tropical hurricanes and cyclones are common between April to June and September to December.925.000 1.) Tel.1. The mainland of India can be divided into four topographical regions. Major Cities (pop. It is bound by Pakistan to the northwest. Hyderabad 3.) A relatively cool winter monsoon season.4072636.800. (2.1.) The southern region which includes a narrow coastal plain along the Arabian Sea and a broader one along the Bay of Bengal.PIGDAMBER.300. est.841.879.624.1.800.) A hot and rainless transitional season.0731.17. (1. Nagpur 1. (3. the Bay of Bengal to the southeast and the Arabian Sea to the southwest. Chambi.700. Godavari.DISTRICT –INDORE.) The Indo-Gangetic Plain which is formed by the basins of the Ganges.1.15 PEOPLE: India's racial diversity is extremely complex.14 CLIMATE: India has a tropical climate that is dominated by the Asiatic monsoons with four fairly distinct seasons which are common to all six or seven climatic regions.500. pastures 4%. (4.17. Land Use.4064557 . Narbada and Tapti.12 ESTIMATED 2000 POPULATION 1. (2.(M.900.145.) The desert region which is divided into the Great and Little Deserts. Yamuna. forested 23%. Ahmadabad 2. Calcutta 4. The rivers of India are generally divided into the Himalayan and peninsula rivers.400. ROAD. but generally can be divided into the following ethnic groups. Gandak. Pune 1. other 16% (1993).096. Son. Lucknow 1. which are flanked by the Western and Eastern Ghats. Madras 3.37 - .P. 1.17.700. (1.695. Betwa.).399. Mahanadi.B.300 (1991). Bangalore 3. The Indo-Aryan who represent 72% of the population while the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.NEAR RAU.17. Mumbai (Bombay) 9.954. Fax -0731. Indus and Brahmaputra Rivers. Myanmar and Bangladesh to the east.900. The southern region is separated from the IndoGangetic Plain by a mass of mountain ranges and plateaux on the Indian or Deccan Peninsula.619.) A rainy monsoon season and (4. Ghaghra.302. 1.13 LOCATION & GEOGRAPHY: India is located on the Indian sub-continent in South Asia. Delhi 7. Krishna. 1 years male. 18% 30 to 44. Life Expectancy at Birth. Over 1. became India's first woman Prime Minister. Increase Rate. 1.18 LANGUAGES: The official languages are Hindi and English. 11.17. Age Breakdown.1. higher 2.1%. 48.2%.000 (1991). In 1962 a border dispute erupted with China.1.600 languages and dialects are spoken throughout India with over 15 constitutionally recognized.16 DEMOGRAPHIC/VITAL STATISTICS: Density. In Dec.000 or 48. 37% under 15.0731.) Tel.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Dravidian account for 25% and the Mongoloid with others account for 3%.7% urban.4072636.200. with Hindi including its associated languages and dialects accounting for 84% of the population while English is used for national. 11% 45 to 59.20 MODERN HISTORY . 1.000 (1991). 1971 India assisted East Pakistan in a war against West Pakistan which resulted in East Pakistan becoming the independent nation of Bangladesh. 6% 60 to 74. 1.000 live births (1990). 80. 2% are Sikh while just under 1% are Buddhist and .NEAR RAU. 275 persons per sq km (712 persons per sq mi) (1991).5% are Jain.4064557 . 1971 Indira Gandhi. 51.1%. 32.4 per 1. primary 10. 1. incomplete primary 7.1. In 1965 a second war broke out between India and Pakistan over Kashmir which resulted in Soviet mediation and a peace agreement in Jan.PIGDAMBER.17. Literacy. Fax -0731. 1.DISTRICT –INDORE. Death Rate.1 years female (1986-90). In 1977 Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and her party were defeated in INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.17. 58. In Mar.5 per 1. 11. 3% are Christian. In May 1964 Prime Minister Nehru died after being at the forefront of Indian politics since its independence. 27% 15 to 29. literate population aged 15 or over 261. Sex Distribution.17.1.1% female (1991).P.(M.17.0 per 1. Infant Mortality Rate.WWII TO 1993: On Aug. Urban-Rural.4% are Muslim. 25.9% male.19 EDUCATION: Aged 25 or over and having attained: no formal schooling 65. Jews and the Anglo-Indians of mixed European and Indian descent. There are also three alien ethnic groups which include the Parsis. political and commerce purposes. 21.9% (1981). 1% 75 and over (1990). 74.1 per 1. in which China invaded the northeastern border section of India. 1966. In 1948 Mohandas Gandhi who led India to independence was assassinated. ROAD.B. 59. 15.000 (1991).3% rural (1991). secondary 7. From 1948 to 1949 India and Pakistan fought over Kashmir which ended when the UN divided the Kashmir between the two countries.38 - .2% (1990).9%. Birth Rate.17 RELIGIONS: Around 83% of the population are Hindu. incomplete secondary 6.8%. 1947 India gained independence from Britain and the next day Pakistan was created while Jawaharlal Nehru became India's first Prime Minister.1. In 1950 India adopted a new constitution which made it a republic. 1992 some 47 people died as a result of a stampede during the ritual bathing in Kumbakonam. 6. 23 and 26. 1984 two Sikh bodyguards assassinated Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi her son. Jammu and Kashmir. 31.) Tel. On Sept. 1992 some 91 Bombay slum dwellers lost their lives after drinking impurely mixed alcohol during New Years celebrations while in May 1992 some 210 also lost their lives in Orissa through similar circumstances. Elections due for May 23 and 26 were postponed until June 12 and 15.4064557 . and resulted in the Congress (I) forming another government and Pamulaparti Venkata Narasihma Rao being sworn in as Prime Minister on June 21. 1991 Prime Minister Chandra Shekar resigned and Pres. The elections were set for May 20. R.DISTRICT –INDORE. In Jan. 1991 a massive earthquake in the Himalayan region of Uttar Pradesh killed some 1. 1991. Additionally. 13.P. however. In 1983 serious unrest developed with the Sikhs wanting more regional autonomy for Punjab state and in 1984 the Indian Army launched a massive offensive and as many as 1. and were a three way contest between the Indian National Congress (I).0731. On Oct.Export Of Grapes From India To UK parliamentary elections. In Feb. 26. ROAD. succeeded her as Prime Minister in December after parliamentary elections. the violence continued and in May 1987 the Punjab state government was dismissed and the state was placed under central control. Fax -0731.B. In July 1985 Rajiv Gandhi signed a peace accord with the Sikh leader. 1991 Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by the Tamil "Tiger" guerrilla group in a human bomb attack that also killed 14 others while he was preparing to give a campaign address in Sriperumbudur. Ramaswamy Venkataraman dissolved the lower house of Parliament on Mar.000 people were killed in the two day battle.(M. since 1983 there has been a Sri Lankan Tamil separatist insurgence and in 1987 under an agreement with the Sri Lankan government India occupied the northern regions of the island.NEAR RAU. 24. On May 21. 1992 Pres. 1991. 1991 the government announced its intention to adopt the Mandal Commission's recommendation that 27% of public jobs be reserved for "socially and educationally backward classes". 1991 with Sikh separatists killing 49 Hindu passengers and wounding a further 20 on a train in Punjab. 20. In April 1992 a massive stock swindle known as the scam where a group of bankers and brokers collaborated to manipulate stock market operations resulted in the arrest of prominent brokers and the executives of several foreign and Indian banks and institutions. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.600 people while during 1991 there was an insurgence in violence and assassinations from militant groups in Punjab. 1991. On July 25.4072636.PIGDAMBER.39 - . the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and a National Front and leftist parties combination. On Oct. and Assam that climaxed on Dec. however. in 1980 she won the elections and became Prime Minister again. On Mar. 10. USD $1. In March and April. Re 38.1. 1993 Pres. although unofficial reports claimed the death toll to be as high as 35.P. 6. On Dec.5% of total population (1991).060. which had allegedly lost Rs 40.4072636.000 (1994).000 with some 140. 1992 the BJP leaders were arrested and on Dec. Fax -0731. 15.487. On Jan. Public Debt. On Jan.000. Unemployed.0731. 1992 the death toll from the religious clashes had climbed to 1.810. ECONOMY: Gross National Product.4 hectares) around the temple site and the intention to construct two temples on the site.000 (1993).000. 12.7 acres (27.000.1% (1990).NEAR RAU.17.370 or 37.000. The Hindus had claimed the site was the birthplace of Lord Rama and that they were going to build their own temple.131. Re 728. On Dec.000.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Venkataraman was succeeded by Shankar Dayal Sharma after presidential elections. 7.B. ROAD. During 1993 the government established a human rights commission to investigate claims of violations and abuse at the hands of police and security forces while clashes between the government forces and the various militant separatists continued throughout the year. that was later ratified by the Parliament. to acquire 67. 13.000 rendered homeless. 8. On the same day and in response the government dismissed the BJP-run state government of Uttar Pradesh and imposed direct Presidential rule on the state while on Dec.4064557 .985. 20.40 - .) Tel. Re 695. one for the Muslims and the other for the Hindus. By Dec.000 (1993). 1993 Hindu-Muslim riots broke out in Bombay claiming some 560 lives in the first week. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. Tourism Receipts. Exports. USD $262. 1992 Hindu-Muslim riots erupted throughout the country after the demolition of the Muslim Babri Mosque in Ayodhya by Hindu militants and thousands of supporters. 1993 the BJP leaders arrested in Dec.470. Also in 1993 the government appointed a joint parliamentary committee to investigate the 1992 stock market scandal. 1993 there were politically motivated bombings in Calcutta and Bombay with 60 and 33 people respectively losing their lives.134. USD $80. 1. 6. During 1992 separatist militant activities continued in the regions of Punjab.000.DISTRICT –INDORE.150. 7.000 (1994).000 (1994). Jammu and Kashmir and Telingana region. 1992 Hindu and Muslim fundamentalist parties were outlawed. 1993 with some 10.(M. Economically Active Population.000. Balance of Trade. Sharma issued a ordinance. 1992 other BJP-run state governments were dismissed. 1992 were released.000 and the country also experienced its worst earthquake in 50 years in the Maharashtra state on Sept. Imports.000 (1993).000 people officially losing their lives.242. On Jan. 314.PIGDAMBER.21 CURRENCY: The official currency is the Rupee (Re) divided into 100 Paisa. Manganese. Coal.742 mi) (1989). vessels 855 (1990). Tea. Beverages. Fax -0731. Iron and Steel.000. Jute.0731.1. Machinery.000 (1994).497. Transport Equipment. Japan.000 (160.805 with a total circulation of 18.26 TRANSPORT: Railroads. route length 61. Fruit. Limestone.28 MILITARY: 1.037.264. cars 2.) Tel. Fertilizers. Chemicals. Copper.NEAR RAU. Coke. Gemstones.6% air force while military expenditure accounts for 3.27 COMMUNICATIONS: Daily Newspapers. 1.900. Oil and Gas.000 short ton-mi) (1990). receivers 20. Machinery.000 (1993).1.000.000 (176. Chromium.800. Handicrafts.000.198. Leather.145. the former USSR.000.974.6% army. Food. 1.1. Sorghum. length 2.17.000. ROAD. Television.191 (1990).17.000 (453.17. Textiles.000. Iron Ore.000 short ton-mi) (1990).DISTRICT –INDORE. Gemstones. 4. Oil Refining. Vegetables. Potatoes. deadweight tonnage 10.966.1.41 - . receivers 65. Wheat.(M. 1.000 passenger-mi) (1990).509 mi) (1990).518. cargo ton-km 662. Iran and Iraq.1. trucks and buses 1. Ground Nuts. Pulses. Mica.000. Sugar Cane.975 km (38.4072636. passenger-km 16. Merchant Marine.PIGDAMBER.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 1. Software Development. cargo ton-km 233. Textiles.25 MAIN EXPORTS: Fish.284. 1.23 MAIN PRIMARY PRODUCTS: Barley. 1. Rice.24 MAJOR INDUSTRIES: Agriculture.000 (10. Radio. units 8. Telephones. Cement. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.17.1.P.000 (1992) total active duty personnel with 85.B.17.242. Bauxite.1.4064557 . Cotton. Roads.000.17. passenger-km 284. Tea.800. Millet. total of 3.000.400 (1993).3% (1993) of the Gross National Product (GNP).433.22 MAIN TRADING PARTNERS: Its main trading partners are the USA. Software. 1. Air Transport. Iron Ore.832.000 (1989). the UK. Food Processing.8% navy and 9.000 (1989).000 km (1.17. Vehicles.000 (1994).000 passenger-mi) (1990). 4072636.B.  Most of the Grapes produced is consumed locally and about 1 per cent is exported.) Tel. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.P. there is preference among the consumers in the domestic and international markets.4064557 . Merro Don Thomas had done the research on Analysis of Export Procedures for Grapes in the month of June 2010 from Institute of Management and Development.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 1. ROAD.PIGDAMBER.  Owing to the nutritional and medicinal values of the fruits. Delhi and he get the following conclusion:  The advent of new varieties having high consumer preference and technical advancement in cultivation has made this crop more popular.2 Literature Review Mr.42 - .(M.  Thomson seedless and sharad seedless variety is best suited for cultivation in the tropical areas. This variety is one of the best varieties suitable for export purpose and it is gaining popularity among consumers. The exports have not been substantial since the international standards were not known.NEAR RAU.DISTRICT –INDORE. Fax -0731.0731. Downy Mildew. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. India can prove to be competitive. Indian grapes have penetrated into the European Union since suitable varieties conforming to international standards are being produced. 1. Fax -0731. etc.(M.NEAR RAU. so a number of taste options are available.000 – 30. have created problems in obtaining economic yields.. infrastructure such as cold chain.PIGDAMBER.DISTRICT –INDORE.) Tel.  Proper varietal selection. crop and post harvest management. Diseases such as Powdary mildew. will augment the cultivation of quality grapes and will help in increasing the exports to a tune of about 20. The migrants can prove to be good promoters for the fruits. facilities for marketing etc. Most of the Indians migrate to other country and thus they demand for Indian fruits.0731.Export Of Grapes From India To UK  Of late.  In this background. India has clean transaction terms with other countries. India can definitely make a dent in grapes trade in the world market. Export qualities of grapes are grown in India. There is potential for export to the United State of America also.000 MT tons.B.43 - .4064557 .3 Rationale • • • • • • • India is the largest producer of agricultural product and has a lot of export potential. More than four-five varieties are grown in India. Karnataka has exported about 2000 MT to other countries during the last few years.P. it facilitates long-term and healthy business dealings.4072636. ROAD. 4064557 .DISTRICT –INDORE.44 - . Fax -0731.NEAR RAU.P.4 Objectives Of Research • • • To find out the potential.PIGDAMBER.0731. ROAD.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 1. market for Indian grapes. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. To find out the major potential markets for export.(M.B.) Tel. To find out the measures to increase the growth of grapes export from India.4072636. P.6 per cent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2009-10. Furthermore.DISTRICT –INDORE.B. 1.PIGDAMBER.5 Methodology Agriculture is one of the strongholds of the Indian economy and accounts for 14.) Tel.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 1.NEAR RAU.1 Type of study • Research of the exports of grapes from India to UK.23 per cent (provisional) of the total exports.(M.2 per cent of the work force. 1.3 Data Collection And Sources INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. the sector provided employment to 58.5. ROAD.2 Countries involved • India and UK 1. Fax -0731.4072636.5.5.0731.45 - .4064557 . and 10. journals and news paper articles.4072636. magazines.46 - . 1. The domestic consumption of grapes is higher. so there was a problem in showing the extensive growth in its exports. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.B.4064557 .(M. Websites and search engines. Fax -0731.0731. ROAD.6 Limitations • • • • The time period provided for the research was not sufficient to undergo an analytical research work. thus the authentication of the data is questionable.NEAR RAU.Export Of Grapes From India To UK • I have used the secondary data for the preparation of this project. Direct face to face interaction for collecting the primary data was not possible.) Tel. The secondary data has been collected on the basis of various trade portals.DISTRICT –INDORE.PIGDAMBER.P. Sources of secondary data being the books. 4072636.) Tel. Fax -0731.0731.NEAR RAU.(M.P.Export Of Grapes From India To UK INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. ROAD.B.4064557 .PIGDAMBER.DISTRICT –INDORE.47 - . 91 0 0 196.98 12.597. lacs Qty in Mt.137.28 3.78 314.48 - .90 1.62 120.379.5 410.70 11.63 10.641.210.79 451.10 313.4064557 .522.39 2. Fax -0731.87 1.64 354.45 164.91 4.40 6.488.64 92.020.29 13. Product: FRESH GRAPES Country NETHERLAND UK BANGLADESH U ARAB EMTS BELGIUM SAUDI ARABIA NORWAY GERMANY NEPAL SRI LANKA OMAN MOROCCO MALAYSIA ALGERIA 2006-2007 Qty Value 19.193.639.340.45 563.DISTRICT –INDORE.01 314.36 13.1 EXPORT OF GRAPES Table 2.18 0 0 2007-2008 Qty Value 24.398.667.1 Product Group Report/Country Wise Value in Rs.19 2.54 Source: http://tradejunction.14 9.43 292.04 5.aspx?gcode=0205 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.19 520.97 4.448.552.686.89 407.09 37.17 452.P.61 745.46 361.586.242.59 441.303.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 2.379.59 570.67 7.15 1.15 784.79 8.22 472.402.03 595.apeda.656.26 Value 13.966.00 3.013.86 3.33 890 228. ROAD.627.761.09 0 0 390.140.115.NEAR RAU.7 578.72 298.66 1.509.31 1.081.994.62 2.19 3.440.97 1.4072636.650.84 743.368.76 343.62 3.064.B.650.50 529.55 6.47 2.61 54.com/indexp/product_description_32head.32 1.0731.657.06 226.) Tel.66 3.68 6.26 242.PIGDAMBER.162.1.13 208.757.75 6.107.35 3.39 458.22 13. EXPORT PERFORMANCE 2.94 25.(M.37 0 0 2008-2009 Qty 24.5 338.274. ) Tel.49 - .4 650.65 1.48 128792. Fax -0731.01 119.592.64 6.370.5 1916.2 Port Report / Product Group Wise Qty in Mt.951.P. lacs Port: KANDLA SEA Product BASMATI RICE OTHER CEREALS NON BASMATI RICE JAGGERY AND CONFECTIONERY GUARGUM CEREAL PREPRATIONS PULSES OTHER PROCESSED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES MISCELLANEOUS PREPARATIONS GROUND NUTS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES DRIED AND PRESERVED VEGETABLES DAIRY PRODUCTS MILLED PRODUCTS OTHER FRESH FRUITS COCOA PRODUCTS OTHER FRESH VEGETABLES FRESH MANGOES FRESH ONIONS FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS MANGO PULP PROCESSED MEAT NATURAL HONEY FLORICULTURE Total 2006-2007 Qty Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7621.58 15579.47 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.0731.75 313.09 0 157.PIGDAMBER.NEAR RAU.89 55689.4072636.13 0 585.28 489619.81 0 221.13 2548.6 1.62 260.2 27.8 0.21 3.16 8.941.(M.2 1.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Table 2.4064557 .17 0.02 38.58 1078.1 0.38 7463.01 1 0. Value in Rs.37 3064.84 985.08 3047.9 24151.97 726.2 62.25 1340.43 0 17.83 2474.35 931.1 4722.5 132.12 9.85 727357.349.64 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5.23 0 0 0 0 0 468.85 32.15 0.43 65.48 28.86 4929.22 75.82 3968.69 107286.48 25539.07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.58 12.B.04 1182.48 34.67 6245.78 839.15 56.52 1470.998.58 133654.21 Value 269968.41 76427.4 47.39 21.2 23.13 0 1.97 2007-2008 Qty 743264.54 233.36 2008-2009 Qty 754671. ROAD.78 47.47 0.12 2269.78 14.73 2 0 59 299 0 0 0 0 0 1.27 Value 459278.79 5598 3654.95 2552.63 17 117.09 2823.02 19.1 879.DISTRICT –INDORE.88 514979.81 1702.12 5248.08 42.684.765.2 497.02 220240.75 10.41 3317. 64 1.09 9.01 0. Value in Rs.11 1649.3 Port Report / Product Group Wise Qty in Mt.15 1210.50 - .8 0 0 0.39 2008-2009 Qty Value 7355.09 64. lacs Port: MUMBAI AIR Product SHEEP / GOAT MEAT OTHER FRESH VEGETABLES FLORICULTURE FRESH MANGOES OTHER FRESH FRUITS FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS POULTRY PRODUCTS MISCELLANEOUS PREPARATIONS ANIMAL CASINGS BUFFALO MEAT DAIRY PRODUCTS OTHER PROCESSED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CEREAL PREPRATIONS FRESH ONIONS JAGGERY AND CONFECTIONERY COCOA PRODUCTS MANGO PULP FRESH GRAPES ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHEAT SWINE MEAT NATURAL HONEY DRIED AND PRESERVED VEGETABLES 2006-2007 Qty Value 238.21 7.53 1310.4072636.64 70.91 277.78 89.98 15602.48 40.3 0.37 934.65 36.34 0 0 0 0 9.18 4.21 5.58 68.73 1676.08 105.03 100.02 103.67 136.49 437.82 0 0 0 0 1.34 45.69 0.1 11.94 200.07 87.81 0.02 10097.62 40.93 9.75 82.4 6546.aspx?pcode=515 Table 2.NEAR RAU.26 1.58 965.49 74.97 4.com/indexp/portreport_prdgrp.17 0 0 49.49 3073.46 788.21 698.5 1.15 122. Fax -0731.41 188.24 5.84 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.78 93.0731.49 164.47 0 0 0.13 55.18 43.02 8.15 2.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Source: http://tradejunction.P.32 43.34 189.27 0.27 30.21 5637.28 55.) Tel.28 473.32 15.06 15.73 0 0 0 0 2007-2008 Qty Value 5515.3 172.45 2.99 57.18 6812 4040.68 33435.25 4095.33 59.53 49.99 2266.79 36.65 0 0 1.39 3360.02 41.22 234.33 12.05 13548.07 30.02 1507.26 0 0 61.9 6.67 9.48 105.DISTRICT –INDORE.42 116. ROAD.51 57.PIGDAMBER.88 8901.B.46 128.39 130.3 1.4064557 .06 34873.6 17.94 1736.59 88.07 13630.24 1016 554.51 27.6 118.66 8697.5 11.3 132.(M.49 10.57 16439.72 53.31 37.16 46536.apeda. DISTRICT –INDORE.aspx?pcode=483 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. ROAD.4064557 .4072636.0731.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Source:http://tradejunction.PIGDAMBER. Fax -0731.) Tel.(M.51 - .com/indexp/PortReport_prdgrp.apeda.NEAR RAU.B.P. 283.388.60 8.473.32 374. fruits.08 936.633.89 7.129.68 1.Value(2007.013.579.505.Value(20082007) 2007) 2008) 2008) 2009) 2009) Qty Value Qty Value Qty Value 71.63 1.48 2.34 62.627.354.575.17 12.42 2.20 2.aspx?ctry=13421 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.36 1.743.67 11.34 3.07 5.411.4072636.02 5.95 3.26 2.030.12 2.26 705.196.61 1.92 1.377.103.DISTRICT –INDORE.095.63 1.20 1.82 2. nuts and other edible parts of plants prepd.36 3.77 13.07 7.85 655.84 1.362.60 816.59 71.777.Value(2006.47 2. fresh Other vegetalbes.061.61 2.19 1.55 6.595.072.71 6.04 4.com/indexp/country_description.382.apeda.343.419.08 12. branches and other parts of plants without flowers or flower buds and grasses for bouquets or for ornamental purpose OTHER BAKERY PRODUCTS Onions.NEAR RAU.67 19.563./presvd Mixed Vegetables fresh/chilled Ground-nuts HPS Kernels Mango pulp Not Fresh foliage.137.44 8.862.10 43.025.57 11.566.379.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 2.582.743.69 4.204.08 3.751.57 29.40 2.376.960.59 2.28 1.622.410.537.32 2.527.478.87 7.68 1.66 804.952.920.43 7. Fax -0731.02 2.20 8.42 2.81 10.131.42 6.535.883. ROAD.68 3.B. fresh/dried.559.285.P.13 10.17 1.74 803.56 249.343.06 1.141.56 1. dried.974.088.144.10 4.59 3.) Tel.PIGDAMBER.009.108.403.QTY(2008.010.40 7.91 9.4064557 .78 3.92 2.37 1.981.932.125.527.608.19 2.39 1.888.190.00 1. whole/cut/sliced/broken/in powder but not further prepared Guargum treated and pulverised Mangoes .042.044.19 3.0731.89 1.64 6.101.895.87 12.80 3.328. Pomegranates Fresh other food preparation not elsewhere specified Natural honey QTY(2006.73 Source: http://tradejunction.56 3.QTY(2007.52 - .2 Country Report / Product Wise Country: UK Table 2.05 8.202.(M.197.66 2.12 540.953.672.4 Product Basmati Rice Papad Grapes.206.17 2.034.98 3. 09 8 11639.9 Qty in mt Value in lakhs 2004-2005 Country UK Qty Value 5888.DISTRICT –INDORE.) Tel. ROAD.P.7 3290.53 - .94 7 13657.5 5914.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 2.(M.8 Country UK Total ProductGroup: FRESH GRAPES Table2.4072636.7 ProductGroup: FRESH GRAPES Table 2.40 1 12757.6 6368.6 7656.0731.75 1 ProductGroup: FRESH GRAPES Table 2.4064557 .PIGDAMBER. Fax -0731.B.5 Qty in mt Value in lakhs 2008-2009 Country UK Total Qty Value ProductGroup: FRESH GRAPES Table 2.3 INDIA EXPORT STATISTICS ProductGroup: FRESH GRAPES Table2.6 7656.09 8 Qty in mt Value in lakhs Qty in mt Value in lakhs 2006-2007 Country UK Total Qty Value 13657.6 Qty in mt Value in lakhs 2007-2008 Qty Value 12757.75 1 11318.6 6368.6 1 6597.NEAR RAU.5 5914.4 11639.6 6597.94 7 2005-2006 Country UK Total Qty Value 11318.09 6 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. B.4072636.apeda.09 6 Total Source: http://tradejunction.DISTRICT –INDORE.com/indexp/genReport.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 5888.NEAR RAU. Fax -0731.0731. ROAD.(M.aspx INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.4064557 .) Tel.P.54 - .7 3290.PIGDAMBER. 23 2360.7 4756 .P.PIGDAMBER.) Tel. 39 Source: http://tradejunction.1 Value 2347. 2363 96 . 01 2347.apeda. 79 Value 2360. 23 April-June Qty 4756 .6 April-October Qty 4777. 46 2348.UK Quantity in mt. 46 April-May Qty 4756 .10 Year 2009-2010 Country . 87 AprilDecember Valu Qty e 4780. 99 Value 2361. 23 2360. 48 5025. 46 Value 2346. 46 4755. 48 Value 2519.4 Country report for grapes Table 2.NEAR RAU. 01 April-April Qty 4755. Fax -0731. 23 April-August Qty 4776.com/indexp/genReport.4064557 . Value in lakhs April-January Product FRESH GRAPES Total Qty 5025. 19 AprilSeptember Qty 4776. 39 2346.4072636.B. 99 4777.6 4780. 19 2361.1 4756 . 2363 96 .0731. 79 4776.55 - . 87 2519.DISTRICT –INDORE. 79 Value 2360.aspx#content INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 2.7 Value 2348. ROAD. 79 4776.(M. 94 42205.4072636.85 87346.19 1710.76 31782.9 6831.84 1008606.P.6 243711.91 483970.42 136880.9 206928.4 14896.47 6716.55 86656.11 123900.68 1245.56 2408129.28 166752.97 256768.47 13409.47 865.PIGDAMBER.67 31817.6 SHEEP / GOAT MEAT 5777.45 33687.5 316351.47 12231.57 281068.NEAR RAU.2 59172.47 70146.32 1014.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 2.4 Total 849257.17 MANGO PULP 156835.06 884.29 170614.57 207700.79 FRESH MANGOES 79060.09 48880.21 4011.51 50582.79 OTHER PROCESSED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 318067.82 1646790.17 116330.71 103577.65 PROCESSED MEAT 860.5 54254.18 124627.38 WALNUTS 5062.39 Total 2002857.72 857.3 Total 1267857.2 JAGGERY AND CONFECTIONERY 455935.56 - .44 619.69 712. ROAD.53 2646267.89 48949.23 POULTRY PRODUCTS 711245.94 105407.53 125726.05 59880.07 411856.59 Value 34014.31 49641.83 112574.4064557 .6 43314.51 96281.57 95550.64 2463.01 16207.21 68020.36 112579.61 147861.56 1467904.65 CEREAL PREPRATIONS 111123.77 2008-09 Value 36881.87 1670186.42 14212.45 OTHER FRESH FRUITS 177638.64 211166.62 NATURAL HONEY 8135.17 311756.84 67735.28 43086.73 FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SEEDS 8104.21 173013.95 Total 50649.65 79846.53 PROCESSED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DRIED AND PRESERVED VEGETABLES 119270.31 69415.72 1355246.29 505285.2 4225.36 684.77 1823.84 43457.48 350235.33 130760.53 39333.53 817.84 365915.13 46397.34 8535.5 Three year description of APEDA product Table 2.8 98086.09 12158.63 17071.01 GUARGUM 189304.51 30452.6 6091.79 22194.27 135962.29 48226.9 139637.2 47446.65 54900.47 78999.72 2007-08 Qty 36240.3 321374.37 917.41 11999.69 512926.37 258567.B.49 56152.34 83703.08 DAIRY PRODUCTS 45371.89 1932855.93 133898.2 297890.82 PULSES 255084.81 50968.53 200482.25 40861.9 137179 54232.6 246832.28 65269.85 245144.43 42754.14 1296.13 483478.46 5696.3 30997.) Tel.68 FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES FRESH ONIONS 1378373.08 844881.86 11803.22 MISCELLANEOUS PREPARATIONS 77426.0731.52 6587.11 COCOA PRODUCTS 3412.11 2006-07 PRODUCT Qty Value FLORICULTURE FLORICULTURE 42545.8 96963.29 8908.99 269587.36 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES 50771.09 8403.32 14123.57 OTHER FRESH VEGETABLES 276824.7 4979.6 387126.63 15587.13 9329.31 462749.28 42993.98 267887.57 Qty 30798.8 12741.49 54350.71 10157.79 30192.8 ANIMAL CASINGS 435.37 77428.82 354978.64 1057016.DISTRICT –INDORE.91 OTHER PROCESSED FOODS GROUND NUTS 251428.18 ANIMAL PRODUCTS BUFFALO MEAT 494506.39 774849.62 37790.63 SWINE MEAT 1523.51 75298.78 1724573.23 691312.85 59614.98 950.88 14193.5 182752.48 33856.91 110092. Fax -0731.63 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.95 FRESH GRAPES 85897.99 49336.(M.96 44108. Sharad seedless. RougeRibier.4064557 .5 1484735.22 72515.aspx 2.73 5285916.61 399545. U.4072636.93 14141299.23 10907355.41 145.89 424307.83 MTs (2003-04) 70 – 80% (Approx.DISTRICT –INDORE.77 2180594.K.69 8133.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Total CEREALS BASMATI RICE NON BASMATI RICE WHEAT OTHER CEREALS MILLED PRODUCTS Total Grand Total 1139402.98 168737.88.PIGDAMBER.73 434458. Crimson seedless.722 MTs(2002-03) Availability December to April Major exports to Middle East.33 237.77 1516777.(M.42 Source: http://tradejunction.5 Kg /9kg 0-1 °C International Standards of Pesticide Residue Levels nbsp.apeda.99 46633. Berry Size: 18mm white Berry Size: 18mm black Berry Size: 18mm pink 4.5 6530112.12 Thompson Seedless Flame Seedless 26783.86 5597331.95 9041.5 Kg /9 kg 0-1 °C 0-1 °C Variety Thompson Seedless Sharad Seedless Flame Seedless Packing Storage Temp.57 - . Fax -0731.) Thompson seedless. ROAD.8 1120.51 690204. Holland.34 3220200. nbsp. UK.P.73 392057.09 59925.06 931879. Fantasy seedless Sharad Seedless Total export from India Share of Maharashtra Export Specifications Countries Middle East Holland/Germany Berry Size: 15mm Colour:Berry Size: 16mm Colour: amber white/amber Berry Size: 15mm black Berry Size: 16mm black ----Berry Size: 16mm pink 1 Kg 4.94 300232.27 279280.05 41053. Tas-a-Ganesh.B. Flame seedless. Emperor.14 9994.43 23.84 3535.NEAR RAU.21 730275. Calmeria.58 17451122. Sonaka Area under crop in Maharashtra (35236 ha) Maharashtra’s Production (9.52 9752245.) Tel.36 1045714. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. Ruby seedless.com/indexp/exportstatement.12 740979.73 54684.6 EXPORT SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRAPES Table 2.52 3999648.71 2433913. Christmas Varieties in demand internationally rose.79 947702.81 777043.63 1183355. Red globe.58 3629442.27 3228051.95 3702191.Germany Thompson seedless. Varieties grown in Maharashtra Manek chaman.76 652314.43 1556411.94 3187060.0731. Exotic. DISTRICT –INDORE.02 1. Fax -0731.50 0.00 ND 0.10 Insecticide/Pesticide Organochlorine Pesticides Aldrin Chlordane (cis & trans) Chlorothalonil DDT (all isomers) Dichlofluanid Dicofol Dieldrin Endosulfan (all isomers) Endrin Lindane HCH (alpha & beta) Heptachlor Organophosphorus Pesticides Acephate Azinphos-methl Chlorfenvinphos Chlorpyriphos methyl Drazinon Dichlorvos Dimerthoate Ehion Etrimphos Fenchlorphos Fenitrothion Malathion Profenophos 2-chlorophenol(metabolite) Methamidophos Methidathion Mevinphos Source : http://www.PIGDAMBER.00 2.(M.01 0.05 0.01 0.5 ND 0.com/english/export/promotion/grapes.58 - .00 0.4064557 .50 ND 0.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Max.50 0.10 0.Europe ND ND 1.4072636. ROAD.00 ND 10.50 0.00 0.02 0.10 1.P. Permissible Limits(mgm/kg).msamb.01 0.) Tel.0731.05 ND 0.htm INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.B.01 0.02 0.NEAR RAU. ATHARVA INTERNATIONAL CHAND FRUIT COMPANY PRIVATE LTD BOMBAY EXPORTS FRESHTROP FRUITS LTD. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. Pune. Ministry of Agriculture. Ministry of Food Processing Industries. of Maharashtra has put up a proposal for setting up of Agri Export Zone in encompassing districts of Nasik. The rest of the expenditure will be borne by the State Government. It is also proposed to set up Maharashtra Grape Board (MGB). The project in the first stage. an autonomous development agency which will work as a facilitator to ensure a smooth and orderly development of the grape industry in the state. Sangli. Satara and Ahmed Nagar. Fax -0731. National Horticulture Board.B.35 crore will come from various Central Govt.NEAR RAU.(M.50 crore out of which 2. LTD.0731. the Govt. 3. agencies like APEDA.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 2.4072636. entails a total cost of Rs.DISTRICT –INDORE.PIGDAMBER.P. 2. To export table variety of grapes as well as the value added products like wine in a coordinated manner. Solapur. STERLING EXPORTS INC OM SHREE INTERNATIONAL GNT EXPORTS RAIEN TRADING CORPORATION NHC INDUSTRIES PVT. 68 crores will take place.8 Top 10 Exporters (FRESH GRAPES) • • • • • • • • • • MAHINDRA SHUBHLABH SERVICES LTD. ROAD.) Tel.4064557 .7 Agri Export Zone of India with reference to grapes Maharashtra is the largest grape producing state in the country. It is expected that in the next Five years a total exports of more than Rs.59 - . (M.60 - . India has the ability to cater the continuous demand of grapes by the consumers.4072636. so Indian grapes will have to face a cut throat competition.NEAR RAU.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 3.0731. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths• • • India is the largest producer of agro-product in the world.PIGDAMBER. Opportunities• • India will be able to supply grapes to the neighboring countries.DISTRICT –INDORE.B. the water supply management is unsustainable. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. India produces many varieties of grapes.) Tel. Threats• So far the Indian grapes were not exported to the far countries.P. Income generation and employment support to more of the Indian population. Propagation is mandatory. Weakness• • • • There is low in technology inputs in horticulture production.4064557 . Poor post harvest facilities for warehousing. Fax -0731. ROAD. Due to variation in the monsoons. who are yet to clear grapes consignment from India because of safety concerns. ROAD. while Germany and The Netherlands prescribed the amended limits in March. Grapes are harvested during February-April while whatever pesticides are to be sprayed are used 60-100 days before harvest and therefore it is difficult to conform to amended MRL norms in the middle of the season.000 containers have been sent to Europe this year compared to 2. Argentina. the export to EU.Export Of Grapes From India To UK • • India has to cover the world market as a sunrise nation in grapes. China." said Mr S Dave.4064557 . – PTI. However. Fax -0731. Mr Dave said exports were not affected as APEDA also made changes in the MRL after some of the countries changed that. so it will require huge initial investment and so the Indian grape will be lacking in cost competitiveness.) Tel. UK changed the MRL in December 2007 and issued further clarification in February this year. a big hurdle still remains from Germany and Netherlands . a chemical residue.(M. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. which is the main destination for the Indian fruit. As each container carries 15 tons of grapes. The deadlock over India’s grapes export to the European Union.DISTRICT –INDORE. 4. Farmers in the grapes belt of Maharashtra are of the view that the changes to MRL in the mid-season are made by the developed countries to discourage imports and such changes act as non-tariff barriers. in 2007-08 season. But.61 - . India has tough competition from Italy. Director of Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA). "About 3. Spain. is estimated to be around 45. etc. an expert said. According to sources.500 tons last season.P. which had come under a cloud following the presence of chlormequat.B.500 containers last year. The European Union issued a separate MRL in its update in January.NEAR RAU.PIGDAMBER. FINDINGS India's grapes export to EU rises by 20% despite restrictions India's grapes export to Europe is estimated to have jumped by 20 per cent during this season even though countries like Germany and The Netherlands changed the prescribed minimum residues level (MRL) midseason.4072636. in some consignments has shown some signs of easing as UK and Sweden have started accepting Indian grapes by adhering to their own maximum residue level (MRL).000 tons compared to about 37. 2008.0731. 4064557 . most of the rejected containers are lying at Rotterdam ( Netherlands ) port. ROAD.” an Apeda official said. There are 140 farmers in Maharashtra registered for exports.” a grape exporter from Pune told FE. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A. India is aiming to increase its grapes exports to the EU to around 44. Trades sources said that there 98 types of pesticide residue whose presence in the grapes consignment need to be tested.05 gm per kg standard. According to trade sources. In the case of chlormequat.P.Export Of Grapes From India To UK Netherlands in one of the largest buyers of Indian grapes and officials feel that any loss of market could hurt overall fruit exports from the country. Fax -0731.” a grape exporter said Maximum amount of grapes in India is exported from Maharashtra followed by Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.0731.B. “We have already lost two weeks and any further delay would result in huge financial loss.62 - . due the absence of coherent norms in the EU. Indian exporters say it is difficult to follow food safety guidelines in European Union as all membernations have their own rules. The exporters are worried that time is running because of grape export period is only in the range of six to seven weeks.) Tel.DISTRICT –INDORE.000 tonne achieved last year because of poor supplies from Chile . exporters have been are yet to decide on whether any tests should be conducted on the grapes consignment.4072636. The European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) in its latest safety study report stated that no acute consumer health risk is expected if table grapes with a mean chlormequat residue concentration of 1. the 27-member European Union has not formulated any specific maximum residue level (MRL).06 gm per kg are consumed. Major findings of this research are as follows: • There are many other market for the export of grapes. However.PIGDAMBER.NEAR RAU. The maximum permissible level is 1 gm per kg in the country.(M. “In the absence of any specific norms we have been following the default level of 0. “We are constantly in touch with EU officials and hope to find a solution to this problem shortly.000 tonne from 37. (M. India improving its quality of export as well as export.P. Merro Don Thomas. 5. RELATED STUDIES Following are related studies: • • Export potential of India in agricultural product by Mr.PIGDAMBER. Delhi INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.4072636. ROAD.4064557 . Ajay Choudhary. Export procedure of grapes by Mr. Fax -0731.63 - . Institute of Management and Development.B. St Joseph college of commerce.DISTRICT –INDORE.Export Of Grapes From India To UK • • There is involvement of tough competition with other European countries.) Tel.0731.NEAR RAU. Fax -0731. Quality should improve which give positive result in the export performance. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.64 - .B.(M.NEAR RAU.4072636. productivity should increase.) Tel. SUGGESTIONS Following are the suggestions brought from my research: • • • • • Warehousing facility should be improved.0731. Due to increase demand of grapes in the global market.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 6.PIGDAMBER. ROAD.4064557 .DISTRICT –INDORE.P. There are many neighbour countries in which export can done. Price and quality meter should match. efforts are needed to extend grape cultivation to newer areas.B. ROAD. Fax -0731. the area under grapes is not expanding fast owing to the high initial cost of establishing the vineyards and high recurring cost of production.PIGDAMBER.4064557 . Diversification of uses as wine/juice and export of table grapes can ease the marketing problems. Currently more than 80 percent of the produce is used for table purposes. but as cold storage facilities are currently inadequate there are frequent market gluts. For the survival of the grape industry in India.000. There is a need to diversify the uses of grapes. Soil and water salinity and drought are the impediments in this direction. Since the highest productivity in grapes has been achieved. The major bulk of the produce is harvested in March-April.P. Although. The risk of losing a crop due to unprecedented changes in weather is also very high.) Tel.000 tonnes.65 - . the returns per unit area of land are very high with grape cultivation. CONCLUSION Grape is cultivated over an area of 34.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 7. for which suitable rootstocks are to be identified.DISTRICT –INDORE.0731.000 hectares with an annual production of 1. Future efforts are to be concentrated in this direction.(M. INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.NEAR RAU. the produce should be quality and cost competitive. Maintenance of quality of table grapes by crop regulation is the priority consideration to increase exports.4072636. com/indexp/product_description_32head.(M.org/wiki/Grape http://en.B.&top_r=50&yr=ALL&hscode1=GRAPE http://www.com/indexp/exportstatement.fao.cookeryonline.apeda.html http://www.PIGDAMBER.apeda.com/apedawebsite/ http://tradejunction.wikipedia.aspx http://tradejunction.org/docrep/003/x6897e/x6897e06.com/India%20Production/India_Production.4072636. ROAD.com/distribution/horticulture/DG1103.com/india/news/eu-halts-grape-importsindia/392628/ http://apeda.apeda.htm http://mn4h.P.NEAR RAU. Fax -0731.4064557 .htm http://www.com/hub/Health_Benefits_of_Grape Magazines: INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.) Tel.info/updates/grape-health.aspx?gcode=0205 http://tradejunction.DISTRICT –INDORE.wikipedia.apeda.aspx? hscode=08061000&mids=.business-standard.htm http://agricoop. REFERENCE Websites: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • http://en.0731.Export Of Grapes From India To UK 8.66 - .aspx http://tradejunction.vegetarian-nutrition.com/mealexperience/Grapes/Index.com/indexp/genReport.org/wiki/List_of_grape_varieties http://www.in/hort/hortrevo5.nic.php http://hubpages. 4072636..Export Of Grapes From India To UK • • • • Business Standard. Mumbai April 22 2010 Winemaker. 2009 INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE AND RESEARCH A.Nov.) Tel.Dec.4064557 ...PIGDAMBER. 2009 Conservation Magazine. Alison Crowe. Fax -0731.0731.NEAR RAU.DISTRICT –INDORE. Nov. 22 2009 Publix magazine.67 - .(M. ROAD.B..P..
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