
March 29, 2018 | Author: leroy2007 | Category: Galvanization, Paint, Corrosion, Specification (Technical Standard), Structural Steel



PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 2/28 REVISION HISTORY 00 2010-12-06 No. Date Issued for Use 1 Description SR Prep’d by AT Rev’d by AT App’d by App’d by BK App’d by App’d by Note 1: This document is developed from/ supersedes Phase 1 Document No. 017661-0000-45EG-0004. Environmental Category for Power Plant and Smelter changed from C5-M to C3 and C4. Grating and stair threads shall be only galvanized. Intermediate coat for S1a and S1b adapted to C3 and C4 respectively. Other minor corrections. Comments from client document 503406-AD0000-20CRS-0013 been included 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) ........................0 5....0 6.......................................................................................................................................................3 6............................................................................ 8 Code and Standards Conflicts ..................................................................................................................................6 6................................................................................................................................................................ 11 CLEANING AND PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS ....0 6...........3 4......................... 8 Warranty ....... 9 PAINT MATERIALS .............................................1 6............................................................................................................ 10 Storage of Materials.......................................................... 8 Quality Assurance... 14 General .......................................................................... 11 PAINTING APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS ........... 15 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) .............................................................. 5 General ..........................................................1 7.......................................................................... 6 Project Standard Specifications ...................................................................2 6...................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Dry Film Thickness .................................... 6 Definitions ................. 5 Purpose....................................................................................... 12 Climatic Conditions ................................................................ 8 Government Regulations .......................5 6..................................................................................................................................................................................6 1....................................................................2 3................................................................................................................ 5 Environmental Conditions ............ 12 Time between Coats of Paint.......... 12 Method of Application ...................2 7.....................................................................................................................7 6.................................................................................................................0 7............................ Date Page 00 2010-12-06 3/28 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.........................0 1......................10 2.............................2 3..1 2...............................................................................................................................................4 1....................................................................................PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No................................................................................4 6........ 11 General ............................................ 5 Durability ........................5 1...........................................................................................4 7...................7 1........ 15 Preparation for Transport................................. 5 Scope... 12 Coating Application ..............................................................................9 1............................................. 10 BRIGHT PARTS ..........................3 1............................... 14 Surface Preparation ....................... 13 TESTING AND INSPECTION............................ 11 Maximum Exposure of Blasted Surfaces ............................................1 1.. 13 Repairs to Welds and Damaged Areas.........................................................3 7.8 7........................................1 3.......0 2.................................................................................8 1................................................ 14 Visual Inspection.......................5 INTRODUCTION ......................................2 1..................................................................................................... 13 Surface Finish ....... 10 Paint Compatibility ...... 9 Mixing and Handling ..0 3. 8 WARRANTY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE............................................................................................................................... 6 International Codes and Standards ......................................................................................................................... .............. 16 Design for Galvanizing..................... 16 Preparation ................. 17 SITE PAINTING.6 9... 16 Fixings............................... 16 General ........................................................................5 9............................1 9................................................................................................................................. 17 Transportation and Erection............................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Repair to Galvanizing.................................................. 16 Galvanizing – Structural Steel. 17 APPENDIX A – APPENDIX B – APPENDIX C – APPENDIX D – APPENDIX E – PAINT SYSTEM APPLICATION SCHEDULE PAINT SYSTEM SCHEDULE STRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT COLOUR SCHEDULE OPERATING ENVIRONMENT SCHEDULE PAINT PREFERRED SUPPLIERS WITH EXAMPLES 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) ......................................7 10...............4 9........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 GALVANIZED COATING ...........................................................................0 PAINT SYSTEMS ....................PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No....3 9.......................2 8......................................................................................................................................................0 9......................................................................... 15 Operating Environment Conditions ..2 9....................................................................................................1 8................................. 16 Colour Schedule ....................... Date Page 00 2010-12-06 4/28 8..................................................................3 8........................0 8.................................4 9............. 15 Application Schedule . 16 Galvanizing – Nuts and Bolts................................................................................ This specification is confined to corrosion protection for metallic structures (local fabricated and bulk finished overseas). These guidelines are aimed at providing useful information to be incorporated during design.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. piping and equipment exposed to atmospheric. In general Paint System S1b shall be used for all onshore structural steel works and onshore equipment located outside and inside production facilities. aluminium and high-alloy materials exposed to the saline environment require special protection which needs to be specified and approved on a case by case basis. and marine environments. 1. These conditions require that steelwork be given a high degree of protection. Appendix ‘’D’’ provides a specific classification of the operating conditions of the facilities. Refer to Data Sheet 503406-0000-40ED-0022 (Basis of Design – Geotechnical Data) and 503406-000040EC-0003 (Site Conditions) for more details. The most common corrosion control methods. 1.1 INTRODUCTION General This specification sets out the minimum requirements and the standards for surface treatment and painting and galvanizing for EMAL project. with high salinity. selection of materials and corrosion control methods. Guidelines are provided in order to promote high level of design quality. 1. appropriate materials and application requirements are presented in this specification. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . as well as uniformity of practices. Its corresponding atmospheric corrosive category in compliance with EN-ISO-12944-2 is mainly C4 “Industrial and Coastal Environment” and C5-M “Offshore Environments”.0 1.3 Scope This specification provides guidance for selecting adequate preparation and coating system to minimize corrosion.2 Purpose The purpose of this specification is to provide guidelines for corrosion control measures in the design and operations of facilities under the jurisdiction of the EMAL facilities. and other related design aspects. This specification is applicable to all carbon steel and low allow (9% chrome or less) steels. Refer to Appendices A to E for specific applications.4 Environmental Conditions The EMAL plant is located on the coast of UAE. high temperatures and high humidity environment with wind borne salts and sands. Stainless steel. soil. groundwater. Also provided is the list of preferred paint manufacturers and products. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 5/28 1. PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. This can be clarified by Standard EN ISO 12944-1 which states “The durability range is not a ‘guarantee time’. the term and definitions given in BS-EN-ISO 12944 part 1 to 8 and the following terms and definitions apply: BS Client/ Owner Contractor CRSI EPCM Engineer EPCM Contractor ISO ITP Manufacturer SLII Vendor /Seller British Standards EMAL Aluminium Company Limited Contractor to EMAL that EPCM Contractor is managing on behalf of Client. There are no rules that link the two periods of time”.7 International Codes and Standards All materials.6 Definitions For the purposes of this document.5 Durability The required durability range for this project is > 15 years (high). A guarantee time is a consideration that is the legal subject of clauses in the administrative part of the contract. The guarantee time is usually shorter than the durability range. Codes. Standard Specifications and government regulations 1. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Engineer Representative of the EPCM Contractor managing on behalf of the Client Contractor managing on behalf of the Client International Standard Organization Inspection Test Plan Paint Manufacturer SNC Lavalin International Incorporated Supplier of equipment and or material 1. workmanship and practises shall be in accordance with the latest issue of the international codes and standards as of the 1 July. BS 1710: Identification of pipelines and services 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . The warranty is covered in Section 3 of this document. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 6/28 1. 2010. Durability is a technical consideration that can help the owner set up a maintenance programme. Cross cut test Specification for hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles Paint and varnishes. Examination and preparation of samples for testing Paints and varnishes -. Evaluation of degradation of coatings Paints and varnishes. Guidelines Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Determination of film thickness. Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates.Pull-off test for adhesion Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers SIS 05 59 00: ISO 20340: 2009 RAL: BS EN ISO 1513 ISO 4624 ASTM D4541 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paints systems. Paint and Varnishes.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. Zinc and aluminium coatings. Protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 7/28 BS 4800: BS EN ISO 2409 BS EN ISO 1461: BS EN ISO 2808. BS3900-C5 BS EN ISO 4826-2 BS EN ISO 4628-3 BS EN ISO 12944 -1 to 8: BS EN ISO 14713: BS EN ISO 8501-3: BS EN ISO 8503 Schedule of paint colours for building purposes Paints and Varnishes. Pictorial surface preparation standards for painting steel surfaces Paints and Varnishes – Performance Requirements or Protective Paint Systems for Offshore and related structures Colour shades Paints and varnishes. Evaluation of degradations of coatings Paint and varnishes. guaranteeing that the conditions of the painted surfaces shall be.9 Government Regulations All materials.0 2. 2. The guarantee shall contain an undertaking to carry out any treatment necessary to restore the paintwork as outlined in the standards BS EN ISO 4628-3. workmanship and practises shall be in accordance with the local agencies that have jurisdiction over the project and Abu Dhabi municipality. The Contractor shall not proceed with any such aspects of the work until he has received the necessary confirmation in writing from the Engineer.10 Code and Standards Conflicts Any conflicting requirement between the various referenced documents shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer for resolution. 503406-0000-42EG-0001 503406-0000-43EC-0001 503406-0000-43EG-0001 503406-0000-45EG-0010 503406-0000-46EG-0001 Concrete Works Design Criteria .8 Project Standard Specifications All materials. as defined in the European Standard of Rusting. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) .Structural Structural Steel Works Welded Steel Construction Piping Fabrication and Installation 1. BS EN ISO 4628-3. 1.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. BS EN ISO 12944 – 1 to 8 and BS EN ISO 14713 at no cost to the EPCM Contractor should the paint work condition be worse than specified at any time during the 7-year period. The Contractor shall at all stages inform in writing the Engineer immediately if there appears to be doubts as to the specified requirements.1 WARRANTY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE Warranty The Contractor / Vendor shall obtain a warranty in favour of both the EPCM Contractor and the Contractor / Vendor. after one year. on a joint basis from an authorized representative of either the paint Manufacturer or the painter who shall have been approved by the Manufacturer. workmanship and practises shall be in accordance with the current issue of the listed project standards specification. and no worse than “Re 1” as defined in the standards BS EN ISO 4628-3. no worse than the condition “Re 0”. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 8/28 1. BS EN ISO 12944 – 1 to 8 and BS EN ISO 14713 for a period of seven years from the date of issue of the last final certificate. shall be in unbroken. wherever the execution is performed. shall be supplied by the same manufacturer. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . in writing. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 9/28 2. All paint materials shall be lead and chromate free. top coat. The application shall be monitored at the site and approved. The Contractor / Vendor shall be responsible for the quality of Work and shall develop and propose programs and methods of construction and testing to achieve the specified quality to the approval of EPCM Engineer. 3. when furnished by the Seller / Contractor. and the differences and resolution shall be brought to the attention of the EPCM Contractor for review and clarification. the Contractor / Vendor shall submit a quality assurance program for approval. Paint materials.2 Quality Assurance Immediately following the delivery of the notice to proceed.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. etc). the Seller/Contractor shall resolve these issues with the different coating manufacturers. All paints for the equipment and/or structure on the contract shall be provided by one Manufacturer and preferably shall be manufactured in one country to ensure compatibility. All painting shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the paint system Manufacturer's recommendations by a painter on the Manufacturer's approved list shown in Appendix ‘’E’’. In the event of conflicts. The Contractor / Vendor shall provide the necessary Quality Control organization to ensure he meets fully his responsibilities and obligations for quality control of surface preparation and application of protective coatings and paint systems. All components within a given system (primer. At all stages. Inspection reports shall contain the batch number and date of manufacture of materials used. Superimposed primers and coatings shall be compatible. original containers bearing the Manufacturer's brand name. Product Data Sheets and Product Labels shall be implicitly followed. by an authorized representative of either the paint Manufacturer or the painter who shall have been approved by the Manufacturer. The preferred list of paint manufacturers for the project is shown in Appendix ‘’E’’.0 PAINT MATERIALS All material supplied shall be from ISO 9001 / 9002 or equivalent accredited suppliers. the latest written instructions from the coatings Manufacturer including Protective Coating System. batch number and colour designation. If paints from different manufacturers are planned to be used. Pot life of multi-component systems. prior approval for compatibility must be obtained from the EPCM Contractor.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. quantities and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be developed and maintained.1 Mixing and Handling All mixing and handling shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations.3 Paint Compatibility The Contractor / Vendor shall: Verify that all paints in a painting system shall be supplied by the same paint manufacturer. adhesion. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . Notify the EPCM Contractor in writing of any anticipated problems using the coating systems specified on substrates pre-primed. 3. The Contractor / Vendor shall: Verify existing paint coating materials by site examination and testing. shall be strictly observed. Prior to beginning any painting work. Mixing shall only be permitted from pre-measured kits. For repainting of existing painted surfaces. and coverage of specified finish paints as a total system. 3. Commencement of painting shall be considered acceptance of the suitability of existing substrates. the Contractor / Vendor shall provide surface preparation and new primers and/or undercoats which will ensure the compatibility. review applicable painting systems with qualified representatives of the selected paint manufacturer. A register of all materials. Paints exceeding the stated pot and shelf life shall not be used.2 Storage of Materials All paint materials shall be stored in strict accordance with the Manufacturer's recommendations. Provide coats which are compatible with the coats already used or to be used. as recommended by the Manufacturer. Notify the EPCM Contractor for direction as to obtaining access and samples. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 10/28 3. Review other Sections of these Specifications in which coats are to be provided to ensure compatibility with the total coating system on the various substrates. if required. at no time must paint materials be stored or left exposed to direct sunlight. When on the construction site. All colouring of paint shall be by the Manufacturer in accordance with the project specification. Provide barrier coats over incompatible primers or remove and re-prime as required. which are intended to give a minimum life of 10 years in a coastal environment. Subsequent to the blasting operation and immediately prior to the application of the primer coat. loose rust. clean air to remove dust and any other loose particles. 5.1 PAINTING APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS General The painting of the works shall be carried out in accordance with the schedules in this specification. provided they offer the same standards of surface protection and service life as those intended by the schedules. Weld spatter and laminations shall be removed and sharp or rough welds rounded and contoured. the jointed surfaces shall be cleaned free from all scales. grease.0 BRIGHT PARTS All bright parts and non painted surfaces shall be coated with grease. and Under no circumstances should abrasive cleaning and painting be carried out simultaneously when there is a possibility particulate matter from the cleaning will contaminate the paint being applied. free of all salt. the blasted surface shall be blown down with dry. Oil and grease shall be removed by solvent cleaning methods. The schedules indicate standards of surface preparations and painting. Sharp edges shall be rounded or chamfered. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 11/28 4. Where lapped or butted joints form part of an assembly.0 CLEANING AND PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS The surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned and prepared in accordance with the more stringent of the paint system schedule in this specification or the Manufacturer’s requirements. oil. 6.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. which is assembled or part assembled prior to final painting. Surfaces to be coated shall be cleaned of dirt and dust.0 6. dirt and grease and given one brush applied coat of Zinc Phosphate Primer before assembly. oil or other approved rust preventative before dispatch and during erection. The EPCM Engineer may consider alternative paint schemes to meet the requirements of fabrication using modern automated material handling systems. and loose mill scale. Steel sections and plates shall be free from surface flaws and laminations prior to blast cleaning and shall not be in worse conditions than the pictorial standard B of the Swedish standard SIS 05 59 00. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . loose rust. This protective coating shall be cleaned off and the parts polished before being handed over. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) .3 Method of Application All paints shall be applied by brush. Paint shall not be applied to wet or damp surfaces. oil and grease) cannot be removed completely. 6. roller or spray in accordance with the schedule. during rain or fog or relative humidity above 90% or during sandstorms. Should any contamination occur. The maximum time period between abrasive blast cleaning and priming shall be four (4) hours. the Manufacturer’s and or EPCM Contractor’s direction should be sought.g. Seller/Contractors are reminded that curing time decreases as temperature increases and the time between coats needs to be adjusted to suit. however. When painting hot surfaces. 6.5 Time between Coats of Paint Manufacturer's recommendations for re-coating times should be strictly observed to ensure good adhesion. which are superficially or structurally damp and condensation must be absent before the application of each coat. the use of detergents or solvents will only be at the specific approval of the EPCM Engineer. 6. followed by scrubbing and washing as above. This time is dependent on prevailing conditions and may need to be reduced. it shall be scrubbed down with a 2% solution of Teepol and hosed with clean water. In these circumstances. a suitable solvent shall be obtained from the paint manufacturer and used. then the painted surfaces shall be cleaned by scrubbing with copious quantities of clean water or by using a high-pressure water blast.2 Maximum Exposure of Blasted Surfaces It is the Contractor / Vendor's responsibility to ensure that the prime coat is applied to the blast-cleaned surface before any surface deterioration occurs.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. Where the contamination (e.4 Climatic Conditions Paint shall not be applied to surfaces. Contamination between coats shall be avoided by minimizing time between coats. such as low temperature (below 4°C) or when the surfaces are less then 3°C above dew point. galleries and stairways where dipping is permitted. Where paint is to be applied by spray. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 12/28 6. particularly in marine environments. Detergents may be required depending on the nature of the contamination. after taking account of the existing climatic conditions. the painter shall demonstrate that the spray technique employed does not produce paint films containing vacuoles. except for priming coats for steel floors. Where the surface has become dirty (as opposed to contaminated) or has been exposed in the open air for more than two days. Painting shall not be carried out under adverse weather conditions. abrasive blast cleaned in accordance with this paint system schedule. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 13/28 Contamination by solid particles shall be removed by rubbing down with emery paper or in severe cases. more protection is needed and to achieve this. Areas damaged in handling or transport shall be locally repaired by blasting and painting in accordance with this specification (re-instated to full coating system – primer to topcoat). It is the Vendor's responsibility to take precautions to prevent contamination during the application of paint.8 Repairs to Welds and Damaged Areas Areas affected by welding and the weld itself shall be.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. The Contractor / Vendor shall generally provide finished colors. flux. All adjoining paint films shall be "feathered" carefully to ensure maximum adhesion. 6. Any damage made to other’s equipment. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . Thinners may only be used when following the manufacturer’s recommendations. as near as is practical. All paint film thicknesses given are minimum values and refer to the dry film condition. by "whip" blasting. Paint coats found to contain contaminants distributed through the film shall be blasted back and re-coated to this specification. oxides and other residues shall be removed prior to painting. an additional top coat of paint shall be applied. Local grinding of unsatisfactory profiles may be required. If either method is unsuccessful. Painting must not proceed until these impurities are removed. pinholes. 6. where possible. which match. or other imperfections likely to result in premature failure of the protective coating. the colors of similar items in the existing installation.7 Surface Finish All coated surfaces shall be uniform in colour. It is expected that weld profiles be smooth and present a reasonable surface for painting. piping or steelwork during any part of delivery or installation shall be rectified by the Contractor / Vendor who made the damage. 6. drippings. then blasting back to bare metal will be required. All traces of spatter. sags. free from missed areas. On sheltered or unventilated horizontal surfaces on which dew may linger.6 Coating Application Coating application shall comply with the paint manufacturer’s recommendation and specification. runs. subject to the EPCM Contractor’s approval. See appendix “B” for required profile amplitudes. determinations and number of readings. acceptable to the EPCM Contractor.1 TESTING AND INSPECTION General Complete inspection and test records shall be maintained for all work carried out. compliance certificates. Dry film thickness measurements shall be made in accordance with BS EN ISO 2808.2 Surface Preparation Priming coats of paint shall not be applied until the surfaces have been inspected and preparatory work has been approved. or others not noted.0 7. None of the EPCM’s inspections. or in the case of accredited quality systems. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . this does not imply acceptance in the event of subsequent defective work being found. then power tool cleaning may be employed. 7. It is the Contractor / Vendor's responsibility to ensure that all the requirements of this specification are achieved and the quality control is in compliance with the approved ITP of the package. 7.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. The Contractor / Vendor shall be responsible for ensuring that detailed inspection and tests are performed in accordance with the relevant Codes and Standards. Clemtec Anchor Profile Chips. Profile measurements for abrasive blast cleaned surface shall be made with a Keane Tator Profile Comparator. shall produce a finish equivalent to that of abrasive blast cleaning. however.3 Dry Film Thickness Dry film thickness shall be measured and recorded after each coat. shall be provided to the EPCM Contractor at the completion of work. The EPCM Contractor reserves the right to carry out on-going inspections throughout the course of the work. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 14/28 Should abrasive blast cleaning not be possible. will relieve the Contractor / Vendor of responsibility for Contractor / Vendor’s own required inspection activity and acceptance program. the Contractor / Vendor shall rectify any such sub-standard work. Where preparation and application are outside the approved quality system. Inspection certificates and reports. Should the EPCM Contractor’s inspection identify defects in the work. This is a non-preferred method and if applied. For thickness 250 μm and above pull off testing shall be performed. 7. third party supervision shall be implemented by the Contractor / Vendor. for methods. Testex Press-O-Film or other method suitable for the abrasive being used and approved. Its corresponding atmospheric corrosive categories in compliance with EN-ISO-12944-2 are listed in Appendix ‘’D’’. high temperatures and high humidity environment. used for holding items down during transport. supports in contact with coated steel during transport and storage shall be covered with a soft material such as rubber or cloth to minimise damage to the coating. Particular care shall be taken to avoid damage to coatings in handling and transport. depending of the thickness) shall be performed in accordance to BS EN 2409 or ISO 4624. Equipment and components shall not be handled until the coating has completely cured and dried hard. Hessian sacks and bags may be used during transportation between coated items and holding down chains to prevent damage to the coating.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. loss of adhesion is suspected or found. BS EN ISO 12944 – 1 to 8 and BS EN ISO 14713.1 PAINT SYSTEMS Operating Environment Conditions The EMAL plant is located on the coast of UAE. Similar measures shall be taken with ropes etc. The Contractor / Vendor shall specify any recommended protection procedures for equipment that is to be stored on site for long periods of time.4 Visual Inspection All painting shall be checked prior to issue of the final certificate and no visible corrosion or spotting shall be present. Wherever possible. 7. with high salinity. suitable arrangements shall be made to ensure that damage is not sustained to the coating during handling and transport. rubber coated or softly padded slings shall be used and soft pads placed beneath and between items when they are stacked and transported. A copy of the Manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be with the shipment as well as issued with the packing list. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . The surface shall be no worse than those defined under surface condition of the standards BS EN ISO 4628-3. 8. an adhesion test (cross cut and pull off. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 15/28 7. If upon visual inspection.5 Preparation for Transport Packing instructions shall be in accordance with the requirements detailed in the Commercial Notes of the Material Requisition. To this end.0 8. The entire part/equipment coating exhibiting less than 15 kg/cm2 adhesion shall be rejected and repaired. Contractor / Vendors shall provide an adequate quantity of touch-up paint to effect minor repairs on site. Where items are required to be painted prior to delivery. 3 Colour Schedule The colour of finish coats shall be in accordance with the schedule shown in Appendix ‘’C’’.2 Application Schedule Surface preparation. bolt heads. unless alternative products are approved in writing by the EPCM Contractor. The minimum average coatings weight on steel sections 5 mm thick and over shall be 925 g/m² (130 microns). Structural steel items shall be initially grit blasted to the standard BS EN ISO 8501-3. whichever is greater. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . grease and similar contaminants. Adequate provisions for filling.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. All galvanized bolts and hardware will be touched-up with a galvanized coating. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 16/28 8.0 9. All drilling. oil. 9.3 Preparation All surface defects in the steel. Connections between galvanized surfaces and copper. paint. 9. Vent holes shall be suitably plugged after galvanizing. forming and final fabrications of unit members and assemblies shall be completed before the structures are galvanized. surface laminations. including cracks. Only the products listed shall be used. priming and finish coating shall be in accordance with the schedule shown in Appendix ‘’A’’. 9. copper alloy or aluminium surfaces shall be protected by suitable tape wrapping to the EPCM Engineer's approval. ‘‘B’’ and ‘’B Alt ‘’. 8. laps and folds shall be removed. 8. washers and nuts shall receive two coats of zinc rich paint. The surface of the steelwork to be galvanized shall be free from welding slag. second quality (SA 2.2 Design for Galvanizing The detail design of members shall be in accordance with standard BS EN ISO 14713.5). 9.4 Galvanizing – Structural Steel The minimum average coating weight shall be as specified in the standard BS EN ISO 1461 or as stated below. welding. The minimum average coating for hand railing and open grid flooring shall be 610 g/m² (85 microns).1 GALVANIZED COATING General All items shown on the drawings as galvanized are to be hot-dip galvanized and unless otherwise specified shall conform in all respects with standard BS EN ISO 1461.4 Fixings After fixing. cutting. venting and draining shall be made for assemblies fabricated from hollow sections. continuous. blisters. nuts and washers. the resultant coating shall be smooth. Galvanized work. 10. or the application of a low melting point Zinc Alloy repair rod or powder to the damaged area. shall come into contact with the adjoining surfaces.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. 9. Large damaged areas shall be cleaned and regalvanized in galvanizing shop.5 Galvanizing – Nuts and Bolts Structural bolts. and inclusions of flux. applied to the projecting threads of a galvanized high strength friction grip bolt after the bolt has been inserted through the steelwork. ash or dross. the use of nylon slings shall be employed.4 mm oversize after galvanizing and the threads oiled to permit the nuts to be finger-turned on the bolt for the full depth of the nut. 9. 9. Nuts shall be tapped up to 0. No lubricant. free from gross surface imperfections. which is heated to 300°C after.7 Repair to Galvanizing Small areas up to one square meter of the galvanized coating damaged in any way shall be restored by: Cleaning the area of any weld slag and thoroughly wire brushing to give a clean surface. such as bare spots. When painting is required over galvanized surfaces. including general grade high strength friction grip bolts shall be hot-dip galvanized and subsequently centrifuged in accordance with the standard BS EN ISO 1461. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 17/28 On removal from the galvanizing bath.0 SITE PAINTING In addition to the requirements listed in this specification. The roughening shall be confined to the net area of the adjoining surface. Galvanized contact surfaces to be joined by high strength friction grip bolts shall be roughened before assembly so that the required slip factor is achieved. the following requirements apply to Site Painting: 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . anchor bolts. lumps. The application of two coats of zinc rich paint. which is to be stored in the shop or on the site. the galvanized surface shall be roughened by sweep blasting or chemical treatment prior to painting.6 Transportation and Erection During off-loading and erection. shall be stacked so as to provide adequate ventilation to all surfaces and to avoid wet storage staining (white rust). However. unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's name. Prior to coating. first out basis. equipment piping and structural steel shall be cleaned. product designation. Coatings and primers delivered to the job site shall be in the original. Operating mechanisms. Sands shall not be used in any blast cleaning operations. for equipment. Containers of paint. Copper slag and nickel slag are an acceptable abrasive. Masking. free from excessive heat. piping and structural steel that has received a shop primer coat only. Paints stored for short times on the job site shall be protected from direct sunlight. once commissioning of smelter operations have commenced. During construction. They shall then be tightly resealed after inspection. including removal of dirt and dust which normally accumulates during storage and construction. sparks. Before application.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. catalysts and thinners shall not be opened prior to use. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . flames and direct sunlight. for lack of efficiency. all pressure pack containers shall be registered and logged in and out of the site and all empty packs shall be accounted for. glasses on temperature indicators. pressure gauges. The Contractor shall ensure compatibility between shop and field applied paint systems. such as valve stems and valve positioners must also be protected. they shall be stirred or agitated until the ingredients are completely mixed. Precautionary measures shall be taken to protect nameplates. nametags. date of manufacture quantities and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) shall be developed and maintained. batch number and date of manufacture. the Contractor shall touch up the shop primer coat where damaged and apply additional coats in accordance with the coating schedule. and submitted for approval before start of painting work. Although it is preferred that all equipment. protective coverings and lubricant shall be removed after completion of all work. batch number. Materials which have exceeded the manufacturer's recommended shelf life shall not be used and shall be removed from the site. except for spot inspection. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 18/28 Paints. etc. A register of all materials. Precautionary measures (use of drop sheets and shields) shall be taken to prevent damage caused by wind-blown overspray or spatter on adjacent equipment/structures. and dust generation. catalysts and thinners shall be stored in well ventilated buildings. by masking or applying a heavy coat of lubricant.. Materials shall be used on a first in. Any material that arrives on site in opened or damaged containers shall be immediately quarantined and removed from the site to prevent its use. level instruments. either on site or off site. economic. piping and structural steel be fully painted prior to arrival on site. pressure pack containers will be permitted for some applications. gearboxes etc. The underside of steel tank bottoms shall be coated as per painting schedule S7. such as mass produced pumps. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 19/28 Appendix “A” – PAINT SYSTEM APPLICATION SCHEDULE Item 1 Application Mechanical.1 shall continue to be in effect. hoppers (all for dry materials) Marine Piles S1b for external and internal surfaces S7 for silos underside S1c 1.S1b. 2 Steel tank (water only) S1a. S1a. 3 Storage silos. Drives.g. the Contractor shall take specific note whether catholic protection is to be applied and ensure that the appropriate form of coating is selected and used. chutes. However. Notes Some Proprietary equipment components. 2. electrical and instrumentation equipment and component Painting System (per Appendix ‘’B’’ 1.S1b. 3. The Coal Tar Epoxy specified is for non-cathodically protected tanks only The underside of steel silo bottoms shall be coated as per painting schedule S7. Vendors shall ensure the specifications are fit for the intended service and environment and shall advise the EPCM Contractor of the details of the proposed system to be used. An alternate coating using Coal Tar Epoxy may be used unless otherwise strictly specified on drawings. Instruments and associated Valves may be finish coated with manufacturer’s standard coating systems. Prior to application.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. shall generally be painted to the Manufacturer’s standard paint specifications.or S1c 2. An alternate coating using Coal Tar Epoxy may be used unless otherwise strictly specified on drawings. The warranty period as specified in Section 3. 4 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . The Contractor shall comply and be in strict accordance with all the safety requirements specified by the manufacturer in the handling and application of this product.or S1c for External & Roof top S7 for tank underside S8 for internal surface 1. Machinery components e. 3. spatter and flux residues by chipping. 8 1. Plated bolts and nuts shall be primed with an etch primer suitable for use on the particular type of surface unless galvanised. Hand railings. subject to EPCM Contractor approval.valves & fittings) S4b unless specified otherwise on drawings S1a. kick plates and purlins Pipe work general – Above ground.S2c for high temperature non-insulated S2d. S1b Alt for finished 0versea steel structure (refer to Appendix B Alt).S2b. 8. 1. Cleaning of Jointing Bolts: Bolted joints shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove all oil and grease. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 20/28 Appendix “A” – PAINT SYSTEM APPLICATION SCHEDULE Item 5 Application Structural steel work Painting System (per Appendix ‘’B’’ 1. 7 Hand railing. Only after the full permanent connections have been made and inspected shall the joint be protected in accordance with the specification. S1a. (Piping. Flooring. 9 Fire hydrants and fire equipments Same as Pipe works 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . Contact surfaces of connections to be assembled with black bolts shall each receive one coat of inorganic zinc rich primer immediately before being assembled. Inaccessible Areas: areas of steel inaccessible after erection shall be treated during fabrication. before painting. The painting system for “off the shelf” valves may be manufacturer’s standards. so that they receive the full treatment specified. 7. The system must be capable of withstanding the environmental conditions for a period of 7 years (min) to ‘Re 1’ on the European Scale of degree of rusting.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. Site Welds: Site welds and adjacent areas shall be cleaned to remove all welding slag. Stripe coats shall be used.S1b.S1c for non-insulated S2a. 5. All weld slag and spatter shall be removed. High Strength Friction Grip Bolted Connections: No paint or contaminants shall be allowed on the contact surfaces of high strength friction grip bolted joints. 4. 6 Flooring. 2. 2. grating and stair treads. 3. a non skid powder or coarse silica sand may be applied after application of the mid coat and prior to applying the final top coat (must be specified on the drawings). ladders.or S1c or S1a Alt .S2e for high temperature insulated or fireproofed S4c for Galvanized 1. blast cleaning and washing. grating and stair treads S4a for flooring. particularly to seal all edges of steel and gaps between adjacent steel surfaces. Site connections: Joints shall be painted with the specified materials to give the standard of protection achieved on adjacent steel. 6. Notes Shop Connections: all shop weld areas and shop bolted or riveted connections shall be blast cleaned to the same standard as adjacent steel. before painting commences.S1b. If additional slip protection is required. grating and stair treads shall be galvanized to paint system S4a and shall not be painted. kick plates and purlins shall be galvanized and painted as per paint system S4b. ladders. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 21/28 Appendix “A” – PAINT SYSTEM APPLICATION SCHEDULE Item 10 Application High temperature equipment such as: Pot room Superstructures. Hot bath processing equipment. Heat exchangers. etc. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . Painting System (per Appendix ‘’B’’ S2a for (>400 C up to 0 600 C) S2b for (>240 C up to 0 400 C) S2c for (>120 C up to 0 240 C) S3 up to 120°C continuous temperature and peak to 135°C S5 for internal surfaces S6 for external surfaces 0 0 0 Notes 11 Pot room gas treatment plant and ducting 12 Baking furnace waste gas main ducts Note: Where particular items are not specifically referred to in the application schedule.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. the Contractor / Vendor shall propose a system or submit data sheets and procedures to EPCM Contractor’s Engineer for review and approval. Furnaces and associated structure. Profile amplitude: 35-45 µm Two Pack Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 75µm (Note 7) Two Pack Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 75µm (Note 7) High Temperature Silicone Aluminium 25µm High Temperature Silicone Aluminium 25µm 125µm Hot surfaces S2c (>120 C up to 0 240 C) (uninsulated) 0 Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. Profile amplitude: 35-45 µm Per System S2a High Temperature Silicone Acrylic 25µm High Temperature Silicone Acrylic 25µm 125µm 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . Profile amplitude: 40-60 µm Prefabrication primer 6 & 7 Weldable holding Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm Primer Coat (min. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 22/28 Appendix ‘’B’’ – PAINT SYSTEM SCHEDULE System Application 2 Minimum Surface preparation Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. DFT) 1 Finish Coat (min. High Build Micaceous Iron Oxide Epoxy 150 µm Two Pack Polyurethane Finish 50µm S1b Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. Profile amplitude: 40-60 µm Weldable holding Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm Two Pack Polyurethane Finish 50µm 275µm Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. High Build Micaceous Iron Oxide Epoxy 100 µm Two Pack High Solids. DFT) 1 Overall Minimum 1 DFT 200µm S1a Steel – C3 Mildly Corrosive 2 Condition (not concrete encased) 0 (below 120 Cun-insulated) Steel – C4 High Corrosive 2 Condition (not concrete encased) 0 (below 120 Cun-insulated) Steel – C5-M Severely Corrosive 2 Condition (not concrete encased) 0 (below 120 Cun-insulated) Submerged CS and CS in splash zone Hot surfaces (>400 C up to 0 600 C) 0 Two Pack Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 50µm (Note 7) Two Pack Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 75µm (Note 7) Two Pack High Build Glass Flake Epoxy 225 µm or Polyester Glass Flake 750 µm Two Pack High Solids. Profile amplitude: 40-60 µm Weldable holding Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm S1c Two Pack High Build Glass Flake Epoxy 225 µm or Polyester Glass Flake 750 µm 450 µm or 1500 µm S2a un-insulated or insulated Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. Profile amplitude: 20-30 µm Apply primer coat within 4 hours or Weldable holding inorganic Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm Per System S2a High Temperature Silicone Aluminium 20µm High Temperature Silicone Aluminium 20µm 40µm 5 Hot surfaces (>240 C up to 0 400 C) (uninsulated) 0 S2b Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. DFT) 1&7 Intermediate Coat(s) (min. sweep blast or etch using a T-wash. Profile amplitude: 40-60 µm Prefabrication primer 6 & 7 Per System S2a Primer Coat (min. sweep blast or etch using a T-wash. High Build Micaceous Iron Oxide Epoxy 100µm Two Pack Polyurethane Finish 50µm 150µm Galvanized 3 Hand railing Ladders. Galvanized Pipe work Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. After galvanizing. Profile amplitude: 50-75 µm Weldable holding Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm 300µm Galvanized 4 Flooring (Stair treads. High Build Micaceous Iron Oxide Epoxy 130µm Two Pack Polyurethane Finish 50µm 180µm 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . grating) S4a Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. degrease. S4c Two Pack High Solids. DFT) 1&7 Intermediate Coat(s) (min. Hot dip galvanized 610 g/m² minimum (85 microns) If Steel ≥5mm thick 925 g/m² minimum (130 microns) Hot dip galvanized 610 g/m² minimum (85 microns) If Steel ≥5mm thick 925 g/m² minimum (130 microns) Hot dip galvanized 610 g/m² minimum (85 microns) If Steel ≥5mm thick 925 g/m² minimum (130 microns) Two Pack High Solids. degrease. high build Epoxy. surface tolerant. sweep blast or etch using a T-wash. degrease. high build Epoxy. containing aluminium pigment 125µm Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. containing aluminium pigment 125µm Two-pack. surface tolerant.open grid. Profile amplitude: 40-60 µm Per System S2a 150µm S3 Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. DFT) 1 Finish Coat (min. kick plates and purlins S4b Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 23/28 Appendix ‘’B’’ – PAINT SYSTEM SCHEDULE System Application Hot surfaces S2d (>120 C up to 0 410 C) (insulated or fireproofed) Hot surfaces (up to 120 C) S2e (insulated or fireproofed) Hot surfaces up to 120°C continuous temperature and peak to 135°C 0 0 2 Minimum Surface preparation Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. After galvanizing. DFT) 1 Overall Minimum 1 DFT 75µm Two Pack Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 75µm (Note 7) Two Pack High Build High Solids Epoxy 150µm Two Pack Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer 50µm Two Pack. After galvanizing. the actual DFT shall not be less than the DFT stated in Appendix “B” for each location. handrails. DFT) 1 Finish Coat (min. 0 With High temperature Silicone Aluminium curing can be obtained when the coated surfaces are put into service at 150 C or higher to fully cure. Additionally the maximum DFT thicknesses should not exceed the specified total DFT or of each individual coat by more than 30% unless otherwise specified. Profile amplitude: 2535µm 105µm Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. Flooring. Profile amplitude: 50-70 µm 150µm S7 Alternate Coating System for noncathodically protected tanks & Silos only Water Tanks – Internal surfaces Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. DFT: Minimum Dry Film Thickness. 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . purlins shall be galvanized and painted to the required operating environment coating schedule. (S4b). coat and for the paint system. kick plates. Profile amplitude: 25-35 µm Prefabrication primer 6 & 7 Weldable holding Inorganic Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm Weldable holding Inorganic Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm Weldable holding Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm Primer Coat (min. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 24/28 Appendix ‘’B’’ – PAINT SYSTEM SCHEDULE System Application 2 Minimum Surface preparation Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. Refer to Appendix A for application and Appendix D for application of operating environment Ladders. (Include thorough high pressure fresh water washing to remove any zinc salts and other contamination. DFT) 1 Overall Minimum 1 DFT 75µm S5 Internal surfaces of baking furnace waste gas main ducts Two Pack Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 75µm (Note 7) Two Pack Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 75µm (Note 7) Two Pack High Build Epoxy Mastic 125µm or Two Pack Coal Tar Epoxy 200µm Two Pack Phenolic Epoxy 150µm High Temperature Silicon Acrylic 30µm Two Pack High Build Epoxy Mastic 125µm or Two Pack Coal Tar Epoxy 200µm Two Pack Phenolic Epoxy 150µm S6 External surfaces of baking furnace waste gas main ducts Tanks & Silos underside Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½. Profile amplitude: 50-70 µm Weldable holding Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm 300µm S8 Note 1: Note 2: Note 3: Note 4: Note 5: Note 6: Note 7: Min. Pre-fabrication primer applied by Airless spray (or any other method recommended by the Manufacturer) one full coat of Weldable holding inorganic zinc primer for short term protection of 10 ~ 12 months to a dry film thickness of 25 microns with no reading above 30 microns. After fabrication is completed. when the steel is taken for full coating system the following instruction shall be implemented as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. grating and stair treads shall be galvanized as per S4a.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. Inorganic Zinc Silicate is a quick drying paint system and does not penetrate deep within the previously dried film of Inorganic Zinc Silicate to establish an effective bonding.) This instruction is made as there would be no chemical or mechanical adhesion over densely packed Zinc dust of the previously applied Shop primer. DFT) 1&7 Intermediate Coat(s) (min. If the full paint system has a Primer which is Inorganic Zinc Silicate then the shop primers shall be completely removed and steel be cleaned to Sa 2 ½ standard. the actual DFT shall not be less than the DFT stated in Appendix “B-Alt” for each location. DFT: Minimum Dry Film Thickness. High Build Micaceous Iron Oxide Epoxy 100 µm Two Pack High Solids. The coating shall be applied in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations for the conditions in which the coating is being applied. Profile amplitude: 40-60 µm Prefabrication primer 3 & 4 Weldable holding Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm Primer Coat (min. Note 3: Note 4: 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . The steel shall be individually plastic wrapped and packed with appropriate dunage and strapping to minimize damage during transportation to site. (Include thorough high pressure fresh water washing to remove any zinc salts and other contamination. After fabrication is completed. In addition to the use of the following products. Pre-fabrication primer applied by Airless spray (or any other method recommended by the Manufacturer) one full coat of Weldable holding inorganic zinc primer for short term protection of 10 ~ 12 months to a dry film thickness of 25 microns with no reading above 30 microns. fabricated and coated for delivery by sea voyage in the finished state. DFT) 1 Intermediate Coat(s) (min.5.) This instruction is made as there would be no chemical or mechanical adhesion over densely packed Zinc dust of the previously applied Shop primer. The above alternate paint system schedule has been specified based on the criteria for application in climates where conditions may be cold. Profile amplitude: 40-60 µm Weldable holding Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm Two Pack Polyurethane Finish 50µm 275µm Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 Sa 2½.PAINT SYSTEM SCHEDULE FOR OVERSEAS FINISHED STRUCTURE Note 2 System Application 2 Minimum Surface preparation Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 SA 2. DFT) 1 Finish Coat (min. Manufacturer’s guidelines must be followed. the steel fabricator shall engage the presence of full time technical service representative at the application site to ensure quality is assured. Inorganic Zinc Silicate is a quick drying paint system and does not penetrate deep within the previously dried film of Inorganic Zinc Silicate to establish an effective bonding. Additionally the maximum DFT thicknesses should not exceed the specified total DFT or of each individual coat by more than 30% unless otherwise specified. DFT) 1 Overall Minimum 1 DFT 225µm S1a (Alt) Steel – C3 Mildly Corrosive 2 Condition (not concrete encased) 0 (below 120 Cun-insulated) Steel – C4 Very High Corrosive 2 Condition (not concrete encased) 0 (below 120 Cun-insulated) Steel – C5-M Severely Corrosive 2 Condition (not concrete encased) 0 (below 120 Cun-insulated) Submerged CS and CS in splash zone Two Pack Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 75µm (Note 4) Two Pack Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer 75µm (Note 4) Two Pack High Build Glass Flake Epoxy 225 µm or Polyester Glass Flake 750 µm Two Pack High Solids. Profile amplitude: 40-60 µm S1c (Alt) Weldable holding Zinc Primer for 12 months protection 25µm Two Pack High Build Glass Flake Epoxy 225 µm or Polyester Glass Flake 750 µm 450 µm or 1500 µm Note 1: Note 2: Min.5.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. High Build Micaceous Iron Oxide Epoxy 150 µm Two Pack Polyurethane Finish 50µm S1b (Alt) Blast clean to BS EN ISO 8501 SA 2. If the full paint system has a Primer which is Inorganic Zinc Silicate then the shop primers shall be completely removed and steel be cleaned to Sa 2 ½ standard. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 25/28 Appendix ‘’B – Alt ’’ . high humidity and where a reasonably fast recoat time and overall drying time is required as well as good impact and scratch resistance for transport and erection. when the steel is taken for full coating system the following instruction shall be implemented as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. coat and for the paint system. . The above alternate paint system schedule applies to bulk structural steel. stacks and components such as: Potroom superstructures. stair riser nosings and handrailing. Refer to Specification 503406-0000-46EG-0001 Appendix ‘’E’’ 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . Dust collectors and associated ductwork. All Main Steel Structures and Secondary Steel Structures including Miscellaneous Structural Steelwork. ducting. Heaters. Induction furnaces fume ducting. chutes. Hot bath processing. stacks. Valves and Fittings. hoppers. Note 1: In addition pipe shall be painted with bands to enable identification of contents. (Refer Note 1) “Refer to Equipment Specifications for specific colour details” Per piping specification 503406-0000-46EG-0001 Appendix ‘’E’’ Red Aluminium RAL 3020 or 04E53 RAL 9006 Grey Stone Grey Stone Grey (to match structural steel) Stone Grey Grey white Yellow 0 0 Colour Code per RAL and BS4800 RAL 7032 RAL 7032 RAL 9006 RAL 7005 RAL 7030 RAL 7030 RAL 7030 RAL 9002 RAL 1003 or 08E51 Fire hydrants and fire equipments High temperature equipments.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. Tapping & Miscellaneous Assemblies (TMA) Cathode Transport Assembly (CTA) Miscellaneous Transport Assemblies (MTA) Pot Tending Assemblies (PTA) Pipework general Piping. Fume and Gas Treatment Plant and associated ducting. Mid-grey Mid-grey for up to 120 C Aluminium for 120 C and above Storage silos. Heat Exchangers. Trolleys and Cranes and all miscellaneous lifting equipment. Airlifts. Air slides and related. Cold rolled purlins and side rail Flooring Cladding (roofing and siding) All machine guards kick plates. Pressure Vessels (associated with Dense Phase). General Hoists. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 26/28 Appendix ‘’C’’ – STRUCTURE AND EQUIPMENT COLOUR SCHEDULE Equipment Mechanical and electrical equipment. Pressure Vessels (Air) . for Equipment Platforms and Equipment Support Structures. Mildly Corrosive Environment Areas considered to be a mild corrosive environment are: • Interior of non process buildings. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 27/28 Appendix ‘’D’’ – OPERATING ENVIRONMENT CONDITION Note 1 A – Category C3 . away from ‘’Splash Zone’’ • Production area inside semi covered building (e. maintenance shops and electrical buildings sheltered from outside environment for which the corrosion stresses are generally insignificant.g. steel tank.g. etc. ropeway trestles etc. conveyor. Industrial Production shop) • Exposed element outside industrial shop and buildings (not covered or partially covered) e. However due to long exposure during the construction phase and entry of fresh air through the ventilation system the atmospheric corrosive category is considered as C3 ‘’medium’’. B.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. C – C5-M Severely Corrosive Marine Environment Areas considered to be a severely corrosive environment are: • • • • • • • Marine ‘Splash Zone’ Marine structures close to sea level Other immersed structures or those subject to constant or intermittent wetting and drying or damp conditions.) Structural steelwork below jetty/access roadway deck Launch landing platform Launch jetty Corrosion protection in ISO 12944 C5-M “Offshore Environments” is being addressed via new standard (ISO 20340) dedicated to this environment. dust collector. structural steelwork. pipe rack. Note 1: The Corrosive categories are in compliance with EN-ISO-12944-2 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . chillers.Category C4 – High Corrosive Marine Environment (coastal areas with moderate salinity) Areas considered to be a very high corrosive marine environment are: • Marine structures higher than sea level. dolphins. All marine piles (jetty. 7436 Sigmashield 460 Production Code 7952 ------Sigmaweld 199 redbrown . Sigmaguard 730 Sigma Phenguard System (alternate) Production Code 7459.Production Code 7564 Sigmacap Coaltar EP Production Code 7686 Sigmacover 620 .) .Production Code 7177 Intertherm 875 Solvalitt Interthem 50 (540 deg.Production Code 6823 Sigmadur Gloss Production Code 7528 Sigmatherm 350 Aluminium (max.PAINTING AND GALVANIZING 503406-0000-45EG-0004 Revision No. temp. temp: 350 deg C.11 Amercoat 68 Amercoat 385. Amerlock 400 Amerlock 400 MIO Amercoat 450SG Amershield HG Amercoat 891 Sigma Sigmacap Zinc Silicate greenish grey Production Code 7658 Sigmazinc 102 HS redbrown .9. Max) Use equiv – Interzone 954 (1x400) Amercoat 878 Coal Tar Epoxy 83 Amercoat 78 Two Pack High Build Epoxy Mastic (for submerged steel and tank bases) Primastic Universal Hempadur 45881 Interseal 670HS Amerlock 2/ 400 Two Pack Phenolic Epoxy (for internal of water tank) Two Pack High Build Glass Flake Epoxy (for marine piles) Polyester Glass Flake (for marine piles) Weld able holding zinc primer Tankguard Storage Hempadur Phenolic Epoxy 85671 Hempadur Glass Flake 35851 Hempels Polyester GF 35920 Hempel shop primer ZS 15890 Interline 850 Amercoat 90 Marathon Baltoflake MUKI Z 2001 Interzone 505 -------------------Interplate 937/997 Amerlock 2/400 GFK Permaclad VE504 GF EPL Amercoat 139 503406-AD0000-40AF-00103_R00 (2010-06-20) . High Build M.I.) Production Code 7565 Sigmatherm 540 Aluminium (max.light grey . (Micaceous Iron Oxyde) Epoxy Two Pack Polyurethane Finish Coat High Temperature Silicone Acrylic High Temperature Silicone Aluminium Two Pack Coal Tar Epoxy (for submerged steel and tank bases) Jotun Resist 78 Barrier 77 Penguard HB Penguard Midcoat MIO Hardtop Flexi or Hardtop AS Solvalitt Midtherm Hempel Galvosil 15780 Hempadur Zinc 15360 Hempadur Mastic 45880/45881 Hempadur Mastic 45880/45881 (MIO Version) Hempathane Topcoat 55210 Silicone Acrylic 56940 Silicone Aluminium 56910 Coal Tar epoxy 35670 International Interzinc 22 Interzinc 52 Interseal 670HS Interguard 475 HS (MIO Version) Interthane 990 Ameron Dimetcote 6. 7409.Production Code 7702 Sigmacover 435 Production Code 7465 Sigmacover 410 (MIO version) . C. 7430 Sigmacover 630 to be used for submerged steel. 540 deg. 7435.Production Code 6825 to be used for underside bottom plate with cathodic protection. Date Page 00 2010-12-06 28/28 Appendix ‘’E’’ – PAINT PREFERED SUPPLIER with examples Equivalent may be used with written approval from EPCM Contractor TYPE Two pack Inorganic Zinc Silicate Primer Two Pack Zinc Rich Epoxy Primer Two Pack High Build High Solids Epoxy Two Pack High Solids.O.
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