50% allowance clarification

March 30, 2018 | Author: Humayoun Ahmad Farooqi | Category: Business



FromNo FD pC.Z_Z\ZA1A GOVERNIVIENT OF THE PUNJAB FINANCE DEPARTMENT Dated Lahore, the 2,,d May 20tS Mr. Tariq Bajwa, F;nance secretaiv. All Adr'inisrrative secretaries to Governnrent of the punjab. The Principal Secretary to Gover.nor, punjab, Lahore. :i) The Principai secretary io chief Mirristei-, punjab, Lahore 4) Tire Military secretary to Governoi', pu'jab, Lirrcre ,;\ ,{11 Distrrct Coordinatron Officers in the punrab u/ ,All Heads of Attached Departments Government ^i of the FLrnlab ./) The secreiary Punlar' pLiutic seryice ccmmission, l-ahore. "fhe R1 ,2| Secretary, Punjab pr-ovinciat Assembly. Lahore ql vj The Director Gerreral Audit &,_{ccounts (Works), Lahore n\ tv) The Provrncral Director, Local Fund Audii punjab, Lahore. 11) fhe Chief Prlot, Vtp Ftights. Lahore 1i a\ .1 SUBJECT, 9+4Fll,r,qfryN = ,tBoq ii oN/uPGRApAiloN 9N ?Eg!t!ofl 30.06.2010: i am directecl to refer to the sublect cjted above and to state that a questron'has arisen about admissibility of Adhoc Allowance - 2010 @ 50% of ihe existtng basic pay of Basic Pay Scales, 2008 and Adhoc Relief AJlowance 1 -20: @ 15% of the existing lrasic pay of Basic Pay Scales, 2008 to those who have been promoted/upgraded to higher scaies after 30.06.2010. Punjab Governnrent employees in BS-1 to BS-22 were altowed Adhoc Allowance @ 5A% of the existing i:asic pay of Basic Pay Scales 2008 2. Department's notification dated 15.07.2A1A Thereafter it was clanfred vide Para 2(ii) of thrs Department's cjrcular letter dated 12.01 zCI11 that on promotion from lower to higher scale after 306.2010 01.A7 w.e.f .2A1A vide thjs the sard Adhoc Allowance * 2010 (alongwith Medical Allowance) be allowed on exrsting basrc pay as on 30.06.20'10 2011 @ 15ok af the exrsting basic pay of Basic Pay Scales, 2008 was allowed w e.f 01.A7 .2011 vide Para T of this Departnrent's notrfication dated 11.07.2011 Both the allowances j.e Adhoc Allowance 3 Similariy, Adhoc Relief Allowance - - 2A10 & Adhoc Relief Allowanced - 2011 were also aliowed to new entrants, i.e those who were appointed after 01 .07.2011 @ sotyo & l'vo respective/y of tlre mintmum of relevant Basic Pay Scales - 2O0B vide paras 6(iii 11 .A7 & 7(ii) of the notification dated .2011 . 4 subsequently. new entrants appointed and service in already . An anoma,ous sllltl;:^"::^:iffff;:;-il::Thservants on one hand, the employeeswhowerea|readyinGovernmentserviceandwerepromoted/ upgradedafter3o.06,20l0continuedtodrawboththeal|owancesatthe|evetof pay in lower scale even on the basis admissibility as on 30i06.2010 9i*":1::'" ifitwaslow-eqthantheminimumofpayscalesagainstwhichtheemp|oyeeswere promotedtohigherpaysca|esorPldceointhehigherpaysca|esthrough upgradation.ontheotherhand,thenewentrantswhocameintoserviceafter 2008 vide 30'06.2010orevenafter0l.oT.2ollwereallowedboththeallowances@50% of Basic Pay Scales of relevant pay scales and 1 5o/o olthe mirtirnum 'AV '2011' notification dated Paras 6(ii) & 7(ii) of the f 5'|nviewoftheabove,theemp|oyeespromoted/upgradedto.higher sca|esafter30.05'2010areentitledtoAdhocA||owance-2010&AdhoiRelief A|lowanced.2011@50%&1fla/arespective,u::'.n",'basicpayofBasicPay have been Sca|es-2008ason30'06'2010subjectto50%/15%o|theminimumofpay which such emproyees against 200g pay scares scares of Basic they promotedlupgradedandtherateofboththea|lowanceswouldbefrozenatthat 01'07.2011 are concerned, entrants appointed after |evel' As far as the new at Paras wouldcontinuetodrawboththeallowances@50%and15%oftheminimumof as per policy envisaged pay scales - 2008 relevant pay scares of Basic 'A7 '2011' dated 6(ii) & 7(ii) of the notification f 'n ^ r1 \/tA",.,K tn"aaA $tlRzA) tranro nltiHar'apaP (Pc) oePirlil sEcREYARY . NO. & DATE EVEN: 1) 2) 3) Acopyisforuvardedforinformationandnecessaryactionto: Punjab' Lahore' The Accountant General' ih tne Punjab' nribistrict nccounis otti""o rii" rtl""ury officer' Lahore' se-cnou ( GHULAM JILANI ) oFFlcER (PC) D:\Faheem\PC Documents Similar To 50% allowance clarificationSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextCivil Service Rules (Punjab) Pakistan, CSRAffidavitPay Fixation punjabRecruitment Policy 2004Punjab Delegation of Financial Rules Updated 2012The Punjab Civil Servant (Appointment & Conditions (1)Finance Department Notifications 2007 550 706Joint Pay & Pension Increase Notification for the F.Y. 2012-13Pension Increases table punjabCivil Servants Seniority) Rules,1993Regularization of Contract Employees grade 1-15 punjab govtPunjab Civil Servants Recruitment RulesThe Punjab Government Employees Welfare Fund RulesDAJJAL Kaun Kaab Kaaha by Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah MansoorFinal Seniority List of DDAO/DTO/DOARevised Pay Scale 2011Tanbeeh ul-Ghafileen By Shaykh Abu Laith Samarqandi r.a Urdu TranslationBenevolent FundPUNJAB Pay Revision Rules(U)Pay Structure of Public Employees in PakistanEfficiency and diciplinary rulse punjab Guide 1999 (U)DDO Handbook punjab pakAccount Code Complete)PUNJAB Minimum Length of Service for PromotionGOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN-ESTA CODE-CHAPTER-8A29319 Salary Notification 2011Delegation of Financial Rules 2006 AmendedColonization of Government Lands (Punjab) Act, 1912Govt of Punjab, Finance Department, Pay Revision, 2005Finance department notifications-2006 (323-549)More From Humayoun Ahmad FarooqiSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel next44089776 Islami Maheenon Ke Fazail O Ahkaam by Shaykh Roohullah Naqshbandimardon-ke-libas-aur-balon-ke-shari-ahkam-by-sheikh-kamaluddin-ahmad-rashdiBermuda Tikon Aur Dajjal by Sheikh Umar AsimAqeeda Zahoor E Mehdi Ahadith Ki Roshni May Descriptions by Doc Mufti Nizam UDin ShamzaiPension Increases table punjabTambeehulGhafileenByShaykhAbuLaithSamarqandir.aUrduTranslationByShaykhAbdulGhafoorAmeeniRegularization of Contract Employees grade 1-15 punjab govtBlack WaterDAJJAL Kaun Kaab Kaaha by Mufti Abu Lubaba Shah MansoorBachonKeLiayIbtidaiDeeniTaleemaatBySheikhMuftiEhsanullahShaiqList of Sahaba R a UpdatedFinal Seniority List of DDAO/DTO/DOAThe Punjab Motor Vehicles Taxation ActThe Punjab Land Revenue ActPunjab Medical Attendance RulesConstitution UrduThe Punjab Employees EfficiencyThe Punjab Government Servants Housing Foundation Act 2004The Punjab Court FeesElectronic Crimes Act 2004Final Manual of DaosIntergovernmental TransfersBuilding and road B&R code, DFRThe Punjab Urban Immovable Property Tax ActElectronic Transactions Ordinance 2002District Budget RulesBest Books About BusinessStartup Your Life: Hustle and Hack Your Way to Happinessby Anna AkbariSummary of Crushing It By Gary Vaynerchukby SpeedyReadsVisual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can Transform Group Productivityby David SibbetThe Laptop Millionaire: How Anyone Can Escape the 9 to 5 and Make Money Onlineby Mark AnastasiA Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)–Sixth Editionby Project Management InstituteInvesting in Real Estateby Gary W. 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