5 Year-Integrated Dual Degree (B.Tech.+%0d%0aM.Tech.) w.e.f Admitted%0d%0abatch(2012-13).pdf

March 23, 2018 | Author: RaviKiranAlluri | Category: Pointer (Computer Programming), Optics, Biodiversity, Control Flow, Series (Mathematics)



GANDHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT(GITAM) (Deemed to be University, Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956) VISAKHAPATNAM HYDERABAD BENGALURU Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade REGULATIONS & SYLLABUS of Five year Dual Degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering Programme Code : EIRME201001 (W.e.f 2012-13 admitted batch) Website: www.gitam.edu 1 Five year Dual Degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) in Mechanical Engineering Programme Code : EIREC201001 REGULATIONS (w.e.f. 2012-13 admitted batch) 1.0 ADMISSIONS 1.1 2.0 3.0 Admissions into Five year Dual Degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) programme in Mechanical Engineering of GITAM University are governed by GITAM University admission regulations. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 2.1 A minimum of 60% marks aggregate in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and First class or equivalent grade in 10+2 or equivalent examination approved by GITAM University in single attempt. 2.2 Admissions into Five year Dual Degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) programme will be based on an All India Entrance Test (GAT) conducted by GITAM University and the rule of reservation, wherever applicable. STRUCTURE OF PROGRAMME 3.1 FIVE YEAR DUAL DEGREE (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) The Programme of instruction for Five Year Dual Degree Program consists of: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) A general core programme comprising Basic Sciences, Basic Engineering, Humanities & Social Sciences and Mathematics. An engineering core programme imparting to the student the fundamentals of engineering in the branch concerned. The electives of the programme from VII Semester onwards enabling the students to take up a group of specialized courses. A specialization for M.Tech. can be opted by the students from the specialized groups offered by the Department. The M.Tech. specialization of the student shall be decided on the merit based choice. In addition, a student has to (i) (ii) 3.2 Carry out two technical projects in VIII and X semesters approved by the Department and submit a report. Undergo internship / industrial training in an industry for a period of 12 weeks and submit a report. Each academic year consists of two semesters. Five year Dual Degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech.) programme in Mechanical Engineering has a curriculum and course 2 content (syllabi) for the courses recommended by the Board of Studies concerned and approved by Academic Council. 4.0 THE STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAM FOR CANDIDATE WHO OPT TO EXIT WITH B.Tech. DEGREE ONLY  The candidate can opt to discontinue the five year degree dual degree program with a Bachelor of Technology degree after completion of four years of instruction  This option is to be exercised by the candidate before the end of his /her VI semester of study. 4.1 The Programme of instruction for Four Year B Tech Degree Program consists of: (ii) (vi) (vii) A general core programme comprising Basic Sciences, Basic Engineering, Humanities & Social Sciences and Mathematics. An engineering core programme imparting to the student the fundamentals of engineering in the branch concerned. The electives of the programme from VII Semester onwards enabling the students to take up a group of specialized courses. In addition, a student has to (iii) (viii) 4.2 5.0 Carry out technical project in VIII semester approved by the Department and submit a report. Undergo internship / industrial training in an industry for a period of 12 weeks and submit a report. Each academic year consists of two semesters. Four year B. Tech. Degree programme in Mechanical Engineering has a curriculum and course content (syllabi) for the courses recommended by the Board of Studies concerned and approved by Academic Council. CREDIT BASED SYSTEM 5.1 Each course is assigned certain number of credits which will depend upon the number of contact hours (lectures & tutorials) per week. 5.2 In general, credits are assigned to the courses based on the following contact hours per week per semester. One credit for each Lecture / Tutorial hour. One credit for two hours of Practicals. Two credits for three (or more) hours of Practicals. 5.3 The curriculum of Five year Dual Degree (B.Tech. + M.Tech) programme in Mechanical Engineering is designed to have a total of 235 credits for the award of both B.Tech & M.Tech. degrees. 3 Three mid examinations shall be conducted for 15 marks each. Submission of Project Completion Certificate from host organization is mandatory. No. ii) Ten (10) marks for case studies. performance in best two shall be taken into consideration.5.Tech degree for the candidate who exercised the exit option will be 197 credits. Sixty (60) marks for Semester-end examinations 100 i) 2 Practicals 100 Continuous Evaluation 3 Internship (VII Semester ) 100 Continuous Evaluation Fifty (50) marks for regularity and performance.0 CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT AND EXAMINATIONS 8. ii) Forty (40) marks for Report and Seminar presentation on the training.4 6. Component of Assessment Marks Allotted Type of Assessment Scheme of Examination/Evaluation i) 40 1 Theory ii) 60 Total Continuous Evaluation Semester-end Examination Thirty (30) marks for mid Semester examinations.0 REGISTRATION Every student has to register himself/herself for each semester individually at the time specified by the Institute / University. Ten (10) marks for Quizzes. Weightage for each component shall be announced at the beginning of the Semester. The marks for each component of assessment are as shown in the Table 1. iii) Thirty (30) marks for presentation on the 4 . i) Thirty (30) marks for Project performance. Assignments and Presentations.1 The assessment of the student‟s performance in each course shall be based on continuous evaluation and semester-end examination. 8. Table 1: Assessment Procedure S. 7. assessed by the Teacher Coordinator. MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION The medium of instruction (including examinations and project reports) shall be English. assessed by the Supervisor of the host Industry/Organization.0 The total credit requirements for the award of B. iii) Forty (40) marks for two tests of 20 marks each (one at the mid-term and the other towards the end of the Semester) conducted by the concerned lab Teacher. records and oral presentations in the laboratory. 9. by a panel of examiners* i) Twenty (20) for periodic evaluation on originality. which shall be conducted in the summer vacation at the end of the last academic year. innovation. 9. may be permitted to appear for the special examination.1 A student who has completed the stipulated period of study for the degree programme concerned and still having failure grade („F‟) in not more than 5 courses ( Theory / Practicals).4 A student who has secured „F‟ Grade in Project work / Industrial Training shall have to improve his report and reappear for viva – voce Examination of project work at the time of special examination to be conducted in the summer vacation after the last academic year. 9. *Panel of Examiners shall be appointed by the concerned Head of the Department. iii) Thirty (30) marks for final Report presentation and Viva-voce.1 Retotalling of the theory answer script of the end-semester examination is permitted on a request made by the student by paying the prescribed fee within ten days of the announcement of the result.3 A Student who has secured „F‟ Grade in any theory course / Practicals of any semester shall have to reappear for the semester end examination of that course / Practicals along with his / her juniors. ii) Fifteen (15) marks for mid-term evaluation for defending the Project. before a panel of examiners*. assessed by the Project Supervisor. before a panel of examiners*.0 SPECIAL EXAMINATION 10. innovation. sincerity and progress of the work. sincerity and progress of the work. ii) Thirty (30) marks for mid-term evaluation for defending the Project. i) 4 Project work (VIII semester) 5 Project work (X semester ) 100 Continuous Evaluation 50 Continuous Evaluation 50 Semester-end Examination Forty (40) marks for periodic evaluation on originality.2 Revaluation of the theory answer script of the end-semester examination is also permitted on a request made by the student by paying the prescribed fee within fifteen days of the announcement of the result. iii) Fifteen (15) marks for interim Report presentation and Viva-voce. REVALUATION & REAPPEARANCE 9. Fifty (50) marks for final Report presentation and Viva-voce assessed by external examiners. 10. 9. 5 .0 RETOTALLING.training. assessed by the Project Supervisor. before a panel of examiners*. 0 Grade points 10 9 8 7 6 5 Failed.1 Based on the student performance during a given semester.0 GRADING SYSTEM 12. ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS 11. G = grade points obtained by the student in the course.semester examination and he/she will not be allowed to register for subsequent semester of study. 0 Absolute Marks 90 and above 80 – 89 70 – 79 60 – 69 50 – 59 40 – 49 Less than 40 A student who earns a minimum of 5 grade points (C grade) in a course is declared to have successfully completed the course. a minimum of 24 marks is to be secured at the semester end examination of theory courses in order to pass in the theory course. 11. the Vice Chancellor on the recommendation of the Principal / Director of the University College / Institute may condone the shortage of attendance to the students whose attendance is between 66% and 74% on genuine medical grounds and on payment of prescribed fee. The letter grades and the corresponding grade points are as given in Table 2.2 However.2 13. However.2 11.1 A Grade Point Average (GPA) for the semester will be calculated according to the formula: Σ[Cx G] GPA = ---------------ΣC Where C = number of credits for the course.0 A student having „F‟ Grade in more than 5 courses (Theory/practicals) shall not be permitted to appear for the special examination. He /She has to repeat the semester along with his / her juniors. 12. and is deemed to have earned the credits assigned to that course. a final letter grade will be awarded at the end of the semester in each course.1 A student whose attendance is less than 75% in all the courses put together in any semester will not be permitted to attend the end . 6 . Table 2: Grades & Grade Points Grade O A+ A B+ B C F 12. GRADE POINT AVERAGE 13.10. 13.4 Two degrees will be awarded to students after successful completion of the Programme. and d) No disciplinary action is pending against him / her.0 ELIGIBILITY FOR AWARD OF THE B. 14.) programme in ten semesters of five years. The degrees shall be awarded after approval by the Academic Council.0 ≥ 5.Tech.Tech & M. the student must have necessarily passed all the courses of every semester in first attempt. NCC / NSS etc.13. 14. hostels. 13.Tech+M.1 Duration of the programme: A student is ordinarily expected to complete the Dual degree (B Tech. a similar formula is used considering the student‟s performance in all the courses taken in all the semesters completed up to the particular point of time. Table 3: CGPA required for award of Degree Class Distinction First Class Second Class Pass CGPA ≥ 8. c) Has no dues to the Institute. b) Successfully acquired the minimum required credits as specified in the curriculum corresponding to the branch of his/her study within the stipulated time.+ M.Tech.3 To arrive at Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).3 A student shall be eligible for award of the B. 7 .Tech.4 The requirement of CGPA for a student to be declared to have passed on successful completion of the 5 year dual degree (B.0* ≥ 7. 14.0 ≥ 6. 14. Libraries. However a student may complete the programme in not more than seven years including study period. a) Registered and successfully completed all the courses and projects.2 However the above regulation may be relaxed by the Vice Chancellor in individual cases for cogent and sufficient reasons.0 * In addition to the required CGPA of 8.Tech.B.Tech & M. programm by exercising exit option as shown in Table 3.Tech.Tech) programme or 4 year B. & M. degrees if he / she fulfils all the following conditions.0.2 Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) is awarded to those candidates who pass in all the courses of the semester.Tech. DEGREES 14. 3 A student shall be eligible for award of the B.Tech. DEGREE FOR THE CANDIDATE WHO EXERCISE EXIT OPTION 15. Tech.Tech. degree if he / she fulfils all the following conditions. and d) No disciplinary action is pending against him / her.2 However the above regulation may be relaxed by the Vice Chancellor in individual cases for cogent and sufficient reasons. c) Has no dues to the Institute. However a student may complete the programme in not more than six years including study period. Libraries.0 ELIGIBILITY FOR AWARD OF THE B. The degree shall be awarded after approval by the Academic Council. 8 . hostels. b) Successfully acquired the minimum required credits as specified in the curriculum corresponding to the branch of his/her study within the stipulated time.4 The candidate shall be issued with Grade cards. PCMG and OD for B. 15. 15. NCC / NSS etc. (Mechanical Engineering) degree at the end of 4 th year of the programme. degree programme in eight semesters of four years.15. a) Registered and successfully completed all the courses and projects. 15.Tech.1 Duration of the programme: A student is ordinarily expected to complete the B. 3. The theory papers of end-semester examinations will be evaluated by internal/external examiner. Project – II in VIII semester shall be evaluated by two examiners at the semester end examination. 6. 9 . the Head of the Department concerned shall appoint one examiner from the department not connected with the conduct of regular laboratory work. One examiner shall be internal and other examiner will be external. 4. Panel of examiners of evaluation for each course is to be prepared by the Board of Studies of the department concerned and approved by the Academic Council.RULES 1. The paper setters are to be appointed by the Vice Chancellor on the basis of recommendation of Director of Evaluation / Controller of Examinations. The appointment of examiners for evaluation of theory papers will be done by the Vice Chancellor on the basis of recommendation of Director of Evaluation / Controller of Examinations from a panel of examiners approved by the Academic Council. 5. With regard to the conduct of the end-semester examination in any of the practical courses of the programme. In respect of all theory examinations. The Vice-chancellor can permit appointment of second examiner to be internal when an external examiner is not available. the paper setting shall be done by an external paper setter having a minimum of three years of teaching experience. The panel of paper setters for each course is to be prepared by the Board of Studies of the department concerned and approved by the Academic Council. in addition to the teacher who handled the laboratory work during the semester. The examiner for evaluation should possess post graduate qualification and a minimum of three years teaching experience. 2. 7. CHEMISTRY MATERIAL SCIENCE ENGINEERING MECHANICS ENGINEERING ECONOMICS ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY LAB ENGLISH LANGUAGE LAB ENGINEERING GRAPHICS LAB 4 3 40 60 100 3 MT 4 4 40 60 100 4 BS 4 4 40 60 100 4 HS 3 3 40 60 100 3 BE 3 3 40 60 100 3 BE 1 3 4 40 60 100 3 BE - 3 3 100 -- 100 2 BS 3 3 100 -- 100 2 BE 3 3 100 -- 100 2 - C S T 26 II SEMESTER Instruction hours Maximum per week Marks Total L T P C S hours MT 3 1 4 40 60 Category Course Code HS Maximum Marks Credits Name of the Course Instruction hours per week Total L T P hours MT 3 BS BS BE 4 3 3 BE 3 BS - 100 3 1 4 40 60 100 3 1 4 3 4 40 40 40 60 60 60 100 100 100 4 3 4 3 40 60 100 3 -- 100 2 -- 100 2 3 3 HS 3 3 BE 3 3 TOTAL T Credits Course Code Category I SEMESTER - 100 100 100 -- 100 2 26 10 . MATHEMATICS EURMT 102 EIRPH103M ENGG.Five Year Dual degree (B. MATHEMATICS –I HIGHER ENGG. PHYSICS ENVIRONMENTAL EIRCH104 STUDIES EIRCS 105 PROGRAMMING WITH C GEOMETRICAL EIRME106 DRAWING PROGRAMMING WITH EIRCS 111 C LAB ENGINEERING PHYSICS EIRPH 112 LAB EIRME113 WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY LAB TOTAL EIRMT 201/ EURMT 202 EIRMT 202/ EURMT 203 EIRCH 203 EIRPH 204 EIRME 205 EIRME 206 EIRCH 211 EIREG212 EIRME 213 Name of the Course HIGHER ENGG.) COURSE STRUCTURE Programme Code: EIRME20101 EIREG 101 ENGLISH WRITING SKILLS EIRMT102/ ENGG. MATHEMATICS –II ENGG.Tech. Tech + M. –II LAB EIRME MECHANICS OF SOLIDS LAB EIRME 413 MACHINE DRAWING TOTAL Instruction hours per week Total L T P hours CE 3 3 40 60 100 3 CE 3 3 40 60 100 3 CE 2 1 3 40 60 100 3 CE 2 1 3 40 60 100 3 CE 2 1 3 40 60 100 3 CE 2 1 3 40 60 100 3 3 3 3 100 100 100 -. ENGG. –I LAB MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – I LAB ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LAB INDUSTRIAL TOUR BE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 3 CE 3 3 100 -- 100 2 CE 3 3 100 -- 100 2 BE 3 3 100 -- 100 2 -- -- IT NA 25 Name of the Course EIRME 401 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT EIRME402/ MANUFACTURING EURME402 TECHNOLOGY – II EIRME 403 APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS – II EIRME 404 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS -II EIRME 405/EURM THEORY OF MACHINES-I E501 EIRME406/ HYDRAULIC MACHINERY EURME406 AND SYSTEMS EIRME 411 MECH.100 -.100 2 2 2 24 CE CE CE 11 3 3 3 Maximum Marks C S T Credits Course Code Category IV SEMESTER .100 -.EIRME301/ EURME 302/ EURIE 303 EIRME302 EIRME303/ EURME302 EIRME304 EIRME305/ EURME305 EIREE306/ EURME405 EIRME 311 EIRME 312 EIREE 313 EIRME 314 TOTAL Name of the Course MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – I Instruction hours per week Total L T P hours Maximum Marks Credits Course Code Category III SEMESTER C S T 3 40 60 100 3 CE 3 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS – I CE APPLIED CE THERMODYNAMICS – I METALLURGY CE 2 1 3 40 60 100 3 2 1 3 40 60 100 3 3 40 60 100 3 FLUID MECHANICS CE 2 1 3 40 60 100 3 BASIC ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING MECH. ENGG. Name of the Course EIRME501/ THEORY OF MACHINES-II EURME601 EIRME 502 METROLOGY POWER PLANT EIRME 503 ENGINEERING EIRME 504 MACHINE DESIGN INSTRUMENTATION AND EIRME 505 CONTROL SYSTEMS EIRME 506 OPERATIONS RESEARCH FLUID MECHANICS & EIRME 511 HYDRAULIC MACHINERY LAB MANUFACTURING EIRME 512 TECHNOLOGY-II LAB ENGLISH EIREG 513 COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB TOTAL Instruction hours per week Total L T P hours CE 2 CE 3 CE 2 1 3 40 60 100 3 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 CE 2 1 3 40 60 100 3 CE 2 1 3 40 60 100 3 1 Maximum Marks Credits Course Code Category V SEMESTER C S T 3 40 60 100 3 3 40 60 100 3 CE 3 3 100 -- 100 2 CE 3 3 100 -- 100 2 HS 3 3 100 -- 100 2 25 Name of the Course EIRME601/ COMPUTATIONAL EURME401 METHODS IN ENGINEERING EIRME602/ HEAT AND MASS EURME603 TRANSFER EIRME 603 PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL EIRME 604 CAD/CAM EIRME 605 AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING EIRME 611 PRODUCTION DRAWING LAB EIRME 612 METROLOGY LAB EIRME 613 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING LAB EIRME 614 PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT TOTAL Instruction hours per week Total L T P hours CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 CE 2 1 3 40 60 100 3 CE 3 3 40 60 100 3 4 40 60 100 4 3 40 60 100 3 3 CE 1 3 Maximum Marks C S T Credits Course Code Category VI SEMESTER CE 3 3 100 -- 100 2 CE 3 3 100 -- 100 2 CE 3 3 100 -- 100 2 -- -- HS NA 23 12 . MT ELECTIVE – 1 852 to 8518 EIRME .MT 702 EIRME .MT METAL FORMING 801 TECHNIQUES EIRME . July) -- 100 TOTAL 24 Name of the Course EIRME .MT 811/ EIRME PROJECT 1 – TE811 TOTAL Instruction hours per week Total L T P hours CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 7 50 50 100 8 CE 7 Maximum Marks C S T Credits Course Code Category VIII SEMESTER 24 13 .MT ADVANCED 802 MANUFACTURING PROCESSES EIRME .MT 703 Name of the Course FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS CE ROBOTICS AND ROBOT CE APPLICATIONS FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS EIRME . June.MT 701/ EIRME – TE 701 EIRME .MT HEAT AND MASS 712/ EIRME – TRANSFER LAB TE 712 EIRME 713 INTERNSHIP Instruction hours per week Maximum Marks Credits Course Code Category MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIZATION VII SEMESTER Total hours C S T 1 4 40 60 100 4 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 -- 100 2 100 2 100 8 L T 3 P CE 3 3 100 CE 3 3 100 -- CE 3 months during (May.MT CNC MACHINES & 803 PART PROGRAMMING EIRME .EIRME .MT 711/ EIRME – CAD/CAM LAB TE 711 EIRME . MT 1001/ EIRME – TE1001 TOTAL Name of the Course PROJECT-2 Instruction hours per week Total L T P hours CE Maximum Marks C S T 50 50 100 Credits Course Code Category X SEMESTER 16 16 EIRME 804 Elective – 1 Inter Departmental (Common with B.MT 9051 to 9053 EIRME .Instruction hours per week Total L T P hours CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 ELECTIVE – 2 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 ELECTIVE – 3 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 ELECTIVE – 4 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 3 60 40 100 2 Name of the Course EIRME .MT 901 EIRME . Mechanical) Sno 1 2 3 4 Course Code EIRME-MT 852/ EIRME – TE852/ EURME 852 EIRME .MT 9041 to 9043 EIRME .MT 902 EIRME .MT 911 TOTAL ADVANCED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES COMPUTER AIDED INSPECTION FINITE ELEMENT METHODS LAB CE 3 Maximum Marks C S T Credits Course Code Category IX SEMESTER 22 EIRME .MT 8518/ EIRME – TE8518/ EURME 8518 Name of the Course DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MANUFACTURING WEB TECHNOLOGY DATA STRUCTURES 14 .MT 9031 to 9033 EIRME .MT 856 EIRME .Tech.MT 863/ EIRME – TE863/ EURME 863 EIRME . MT 9053 RAPID PROTOTYPING AND VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING JOINING PROCESSES ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PROCESSING PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING MACHINE TOOL DESIGN DESIGN OF MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEMS EIRME – TE 701/ EIRME – MT 701 EIRME – TE 702 EIRME – TE 703 EIRME – TE 711/ EIRME – MT 711 EIRME – TE 712/ EIRME – MT 712 EIRME 713 Name of the Course FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS ADVANCED FLUID MECHANICS CAD/CAM LAB Instruction hours per week Total hours C S T 1 4 40 60 100 4 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 3 10 0 -- 100 2 100 2 100 8 L T CE 3 CE CE Maximum Marks Credits Course Code Category THERMAL ENGINEERING SPECIALIZATION VII SEMESTER P 3 -HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER LAB CE INTERNSHIP CE TOTAL 3 10 0 3 months during (May. June.MT 9032 EIRME .MT 9051 EIRME . July) -- 3 100 24 15 .MT 9043 Elective-4 EIRME .MT 9033 Elective-3 EIRME .MT 9052 EIRME .LIST OF ELECTIVES IN MANUFACTURING STREAM Name of the course Code Elective-2 EIRME .MT 9041 EIRME .MT 9042 EIRME .MT 9031 EIRME . TE 801 EIRME.TE 811/ EIRME – MT 811 TOTAL Maximum Marks Credits Category Course Code Instruction hours per week Total hour s C S T 1 4 40 60 100 4 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 ELECTIVE – 1 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 PROJECT-1 CE 7 50 50 100 8 ADVANCED HEAT & MASS TRANSFER DESIGN OF THERMAL EQUIPMENTS MODERN ENERGY SYSTEMS L T CE 3 CE P 7 24 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 ELECTIVE – 2 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 ELECTIVE – 3 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 ELECTIVE – 4 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 3 60 40 100 2 Name of the Course EIRME.TE 902 EIRME9031 to 9033 EIRME9041 to 9043 EIRME9051 to 9053 EIRME911 TOTAL Instruction hours per week Total L T P hours ENERGY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT HEATING.VIII SEMESTER Name of the Course EIRME.TE 804 EIRME. VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING & CRYOGENICS Maximum Marks C S T Credits Course Code Category IX SEMESTER TE TE TE TE COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS LAB CE 3 22 16 .TE 901 EIRME.TE 802 EIRME.TE 803 EIRME. Tech Mechanical) List of Electives in Thermal Stream Code Elective-2 EIRME.TE 9032 EIRME.TE 9042 EIRME.EIRME.TE 1001/ EIRME – MT 1001 TOTAL Name of the Course PROJECT-2 Category Course Code Instruction hours per week Total L T P hours CE Maximum Marks C S T 50 50 100 Credits X SEMESTER 16 16 EIRME 804 Elective – 1 Inter Departmental (Common with B.TE 9031 EIRME.TE 9041 EIRME.TE 9051 EIRME.TE 9052 EIRME.TE 9033 Elective-3 EIRME.TE 9053 Name of the course FUEL CELL TECHNOLOGY FLUDIZED BED SYSTEMS ADVANCED THERMODYNAMICS NUCLEAR ENGINEERING SOLAR ENERGY TECHNOLOGY THERMAL MEASUREMENTS THERMAL TURBO MACHINERY MULTIPHASE FLOW ADVANCED IC ENGINES 17 .TE 9043 Elective-4 EIRME. 8620.  The following changes are proposed in semesters 7 and 8. 856.853. EIRME 701 EIRME 702 EIRME 721726 /EURME 721-726 EIRME 731 to 734/ EURME 731 to 734 EIRME 711 EIRME 712 EIRME 713 Instruction hours per week Total L T P hours FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 Departmental Elective 1 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 --- 100 2 100 2 100 100 8 Name of the Course Departmental Elective 2 Maximum Marks C S T CAD/CAM LAB HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER LAB CE 3 3 100 CE 3 3 100 INTERNSHIP CE 3 months during (May.Syllabus for Students Exercising Exit Option  Course structure remains the same for semesters 1 to 6. 8511. 8518 EIRME 862.863. 8621 EIRME 804 EIRME 811 TOTAL L T P Maximum Marks Credits Name of the Course Category Course Code Instruction hours per week Total hour s C S T Departmental Elective 3 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 Inter Departmental Elective 1 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 Inter Departmental Elective 2 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 Departmental Elective 4 CE 3 1 4 40 60 100 4 PROJECT-1 CE 7 50 50 100 8 24 7 18 . June. July) -- TOTAL Credits Course Code Category VII SEMESTER 24 VIII SEMESTER EIRME 841 to 845 / EURME 841 to 845 EIRME 852. No 1 2 3 4 5 Course Code EIRME 841/ EURME 841 EIRME 842/ EURME 842 EIRME 843/ EURME 843 EIRME 844/ EURME 844 EIRME 845/ EURME 845 Name of the Course Mechatronics Renewable Energy Sources Total Quality Management Advances in Manufacturing Technology Engineering optimization 19 .No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Course Code EIRME 721/ EURME721 EIRME 722/ EURME722 EIRME 723/ EURME723 EIRME 724/ EURME724 EIRME 725/ EURME 725 EIRME 726/ EURME 726 Name of the Course Mechanical Vibrations Computational Fluid Dynamics Management Information Systems CNC & APT Applied Materials Science Statistical Quality Control DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE-II S.DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE-I S.No 1 2 3 4 Course Code EIRME 731/ EURME731 EIRME 723/ EURME732 EIRME 733/ EURME733 EIRME 734/ EURME734 Name of the Course Refrigeration and Air conditioning Inventory Control Modern Manufacturing Methods Supply Chain Management DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE-III S. No 1 2 3 4 Course Code EIRME 862/ EURME 862 EIRME 863/ EURME 863 EIRME 8620/ EURME 8620 EIRME 8621/ EURME 8621 Name of the Course Operating Systems Web Technologies Data Mining Micro Processors Application in Mechanical Engineering 20 .DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE-IV Any of the approved Elective courses already approved for B. Program INTER DEPARTMENTAL ELECTIVE – I S.Tech.No 1 2 3 4 5 Course Code EIRME 852/ EURME 852 EIRME 853/ EURME 853 EIRME 856/ EURME 856 EIRME 8511/ EURME 8511 EIRME 8518/ EURME 8518 Name of the Course Database Management Systems Software Engineering Artificial Intelligence Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic Data Structures INTER DEPARTMENTAL ELECTIVE –II S. Permission.SYLLABUS Five Year Dual degree (B. Regret. Complaint) 2 3 Drafting Curriculum vitae Resume and Covering Letter 2 2 Job Application 1 Total 36 21 .First Semester EIREG 101: ENGLISH WRITING SKILLS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Topics Periods Tenses Concord Error Analysis 3 3 2 Single Sentence Definitions Paragraph Writing Essay Writing Dialogue Writing 2 2 2 1 Reading Comprehension Note Making Precis Writing 2 2 2 Features of Abstract Characteristics of Technical Paper Notices 1 1 1 Memo 2 Minutes of the Meeting Letter Writing (Letter of Enquiry. Tech + M. Reconciliation.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. National Pub. Text Books: 1.Reduction of Quadratic form into canonical form – Nature of quadratic forms. 4. Co.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Erwin Kreyszig.Raabe‟s test . Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors – Properties of eigen values(without proofs) – Cayley – Hamilton theorem (Statement only without proof) – Finding inverse and powers of a square matrix using Cayley – Hamiton theorem – Reduction to diagonal form – Quadratic form . 2.Method of variation of parameters .Cauchy‟s and Legendre‟s linear equations . Higher Engineering Mathematics. law of natural growth and decay.First Semester EIRMT 102/EURMT102 : ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks The objective of the course is to impart knowledge in Basic concepts of Mathematics relevant to Engineering applications. divergence and oscillation of a series .Alternating series .Rules for finding particular integral . Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd.Applications of first order differential equations – Orthogonal Trajectories. Textbook of Engineering Mathematics.Electromechanical Analogy. 3. N. Logarithmic and binomial series (without proofs).P. 22 . Lagrange‟s and Cauchy‟s mean value theorems.D‟ Alembert‟s Ratio test .Venkata Raman. UNIT-V Linear Algebra: Rank of a Matrix – Elementary Transformations – Echelon form . Tech + M.Cauchy‟s root test .Applications of linear differential equations to Oscillatory Electrical circuits L-C. Calculus and Analytic Geometry. Wiley Eastern Pvt. non Homogeneous. Exact equations .Inverse operator . M.Bali.K. Taylor‟s and Maclaurin‟s theorems and applications (without proofs). UNIT-I First order Differential Equations: Formation – Variables seperable –Homogeneous. LCR – Circuits . Linear and Bernoulli equations. UNIT-II Higher order Differential Equations : Complete solutions Rules for finding complementary function .Series of positive terms .Power series Convergence of exponential.Leibnitz‟s rule . Khanna Publishers. B.S Grewal. UNIT-III Mean Value Theorems: Rolle‟s. References : 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics.Integral test . UNIT-IV Infinite Series: Definitions of convergence.Five Year Dual degree (B.General properties of series .Thomas / Finney Sixth edition -Narosa Publishing House. Newton‟s law of cooling. Higher Engineering Mathematics.Normal form (self study). Consistency of Linear system of equations A X = B and A X = 0. Ltd.Simultaneous linear equations with constant coefficients .Comparison tests . 23 .Hard and Soft Magnetic Materials.Dielectric Loss. Frequency.Traveling Waves and Maxwell‟s Equations .Weiss Theory of Ferromagnetism .Fundamental Definitions .Five Year Dual degree (B.Displacement Current .Differences between Interference and Diffraction . Time period. Tech + M. Root Mean Square (RMS) value.Wedge Shaped Film . UNIT – I ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCILLATIONS AND ALTERNATING CURRENTS: Energy Stored in a Capacitor and an Inductor .Different Types of Magnetic Materials .Maxwell‟s Equations.Population Inversion – Ruby Laser .Local Field .Semiconductor Laser . Average Value.Interference in Thin Films . Form Factor.ClaussiusMossotti Relation -Different Types of Electric Polarizations (electronic and ionic polarizations) Frequency and Temperature Effects on Polarization .Spontaneous and Stimulated Emissions .Quarter Wave Plate and Half Wave Plate .First Semester EIRPH 103M: ENGINEERING PHYSICS Hours per week: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Credits: 4 Sessionals: 40 Marks The aim of the course is to impart knowledge in Basic Concepts of Physics relevant to Engineering applications.Analogy to Mechanical Motion-Damped Oscillations . Phase. Amplitude.Fundamental Definitions .Domain Theory of Ferromagnetism Hysteresis . Quality Factor.Bragg‟s Law.The Series RLC Circuit.) Mechanical Engineering.Applications.Michelson‟s Interferometer and Applications.Acceptance Angle and Cone of a Fibre .Fibre Optics in Communications .Production of Ultrasonics by Magnetostriction and Piezo-electric Effects .Double Refraction .LC Oscillations (Qualitative and Quantitative) .Detection and Applications of Ultrasonics.Negative Crystals and Positive Crystals Nicol‟s Prism . ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES: Induced Magnetic Fields .Gratings and Spectra-Multiple Slits -Diffraction Grating -X-ray Diffraction .(Cycle.The Poynting Vector .Applications.Newton‟s Rings .Optical Fibre and Total Internal Reflection . MAGNETIC PROPERTIES: Introduction .Tech.Single Slit Diffraction (Qualitative and Quantitative Treatment) . Power in Alternating Current Circuits) . UNIT – III ULTRASONICS: Introduction .Differences between Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffractions .Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum.Production and Detection of Circularly and Elliptically Polarised UNIT-V LASERS: Introduction . Phase Difference. INTERFERENCE: Introduction .Lloyd‟s mirror .Damped Oscillations in an RLC Circuit-Alternating Current (Including Equations for Voltages and Currents) . UNIT-II DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES: Introduction . UNIT-IV DIFFRACTION: Introduction .He-Ne Laser .Optical Paths in Fibre . . POLARISATION: Introduction .Fundamental Definitions . FIBRE OPTICS: Introduction .Forced Oscillations and Resonance . Gupta. Chennai. Physics. Kumbhakonam. The Feynman Lectures on Physics Addison-Wesley. 3. Delhi.Gaur and S. M. O. Kshirsagar & Avadhanulu. Dhanpat Rai & Sons. John Wiley & Sons 2. Solid State Physics.Text Books: 1. Halliday. Solid State Physics. S. P. 2.Arumugam Anuradha Agencies. Reference Books: 1.K.L. S. 24 . Scitech Publications (India) Pvt.K.New Delhi. Physics Part I & II. A Text Book of Engg. Engineering Physics. Pillai. Krane. Ltd. 3. Chennai. Palanisamy. Resnick.Chand and Co. Scitech Publications (India) Pvt. Materials Science. R. Palanisamy. 4. P. Ltd.New Age International (P) Limited.K. Engineering Physics. Case studies. environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources. effects of modern agriculture. mining. Unit .Air Pollution. types.First Semester EIRCH 104: ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks The objective of the syllabus is to provide knowledge in the basic concepts of the Environmental Studies in Engineering subjects. soil erosion and desertification. Energy resources: Growing energy needs. Food chains. case studies. Noise pollution. case studies. India as a mega – diversity nation. structure and function of the following ecosystem:Forest ecosystem. Soil pollution. salinity. case studies.Five Year Dual degree (B. Water resources: Use and over – utilization of surface and ground water. Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. Ecological succession. scope and importance. conflicts over water. consumers and decomposers. changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing. Conservation of biodiversity: In – situ and Exsitu conservation of biodiversity. Structure and function of an ecosystem. Energy flow in the ecosystem. Timber extraction. need for public awareness. Nuclear hazards. Unit – I Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies & Natural Resources: Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies: Definition. causes. Marine pollution. effects and control measures of :. floods. estuaries). Water pollution.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Diaster Management: floods. earthquake. use of alternate energy sources. fertilizer-pesticide problems. Pollution case studies. man-wildlife conflicts. productive use. Land resources: Land as a resource. Value of biodiversity: consumptive use. Solid waste Management: Causes. Mineral resources: Use and exploitation. streams. food webs and ecological pyramids.II Ecosystems and Biodiversity and its conservation: Concept of an ecosystem. land degradation. Food resources: World food problems. cyclone and landslides. man induced landslides. Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources. Unit – III Environmental Pollution Environmental Pollution: Definition. Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss. Thermal pollution. Biodiversity at global. Biodiversity and its conservation Introduction – Definition: genetic. Effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes. Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation. natural resources and associated problems. deforestation. Hot-spots of biodiversity. Desert ecosystem. Grassland ecosystem. Producers. rivers. drought. Role of an individual in prevention of pollution. species and ecosystem diversity. Natural Resources: Renewable and non-renewable resources. Endangered and endemic species of India. ethical. renewable and non renewable energy sources. lakes. aesthetic and optional values. poaching of wildlife. characteristic features. Introduction. National and local levels. dams and their effects on forest and tribal people. oceans. Biogeographical classification of India. dams.benefits and problems. Aquatic ecosystems (ponds. 25 . Tech + M. water logging. social. nuclear accidents and holocaust. etc. published by – University Grants Commission.C. Study of simple ecosystems-pond. 2001 Environmental Biology. Hazardous Waste Incineration. insects. Visit to local polluted site – Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural.C. Case Studies. Resettlement and rehabilitation of people: its problems and concerns. rain water harvesting. 2. Environmental ethics: Issues and possible solutions. variation among nations. Environment Protection Act. Climate change. Wildlife Protection Act. 3. References: 1. Study of common plants. Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation. river. birds. acid rain. Mc Graw Hill Inc. 1989. Public awareness. Population explosion – Family Welfare programme. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. Water conservation. Women and Child Welfare. watershed management. Wasteland reclamation.. published by Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing company limited. Environment and human health. 2. Consumerism and waste products. Text Book: 1.480p. hill slopes. K. ozone layer depletion. Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health. Text book of environmental studies by Kaushik & Kaushik. Text book of environmental studies for undergraduates courses by Benny Joseph. 26 . Bikaner. Field Work: Visit to local area to document environmental assets river / forest / grassland / hill / mountain. Case Studies. Unit .. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. India. Nidi Publishing Ltd.Unit – IV Social Issues and the Environment: From Unsustainable to Sustainable development. Human rights. Universities Press. Value Education. Urban problems related to energy. Agarwal.V Human Populations and the Environment and Environment Production Act and Field Work: Population growth. Forest Conservation Act. Text book of environmental studies for undergraduates courses by Each Bharuchs. Brunner R. Case Studies. HIV/AIDS. global warming. Register. Basic Input-Output: Introduction. Pointer variables. Function Parameters. Passing arrays to Functions. the if statement. Break statement. Void Pointers. Return Values. Typedef statement. Multiway decision. Preprocessor. Tech + M. Definition and use of pointers. UNIT – III Functions: Introduction. While Loop. where are functions useful. UNIT – II Control Structures: Introduction. Variable Length Argument Lists. UNIT – I Variables. Operations on Structures. Switch statement. UNIT – V Structures. simple examples algorithms and flowcharts. Recursion. Linker. do-while Loop. Storage classes: Automatic. Declaring and Using Structures. Historical Development of C. Functions accepting more than one parameter. How arrays are useful. Pointers and Functions. Operators. Pointers: Introduction. Arrays of Strings and Standard Library String Functions. Structure within a Structure. Compilers. Pointers to Structures. Dereferencing Pointers. Search sets. Compound statements. Concepts Associated with Functions.Five Year Dual degree (B. Structure initialization. String Input-Output. Variables. Character Set. 27 . Features of C. Structures and Functions. Array of Structures. Static and external storage classes. Data Types and Keywords. Pointers to Pointers. Comparison of Iteration and Recursion. Types of Character in format String.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Single Character Input-Output. UNIT – IV Arrays And Strings: Introduction to Arrays. Multi dimensional Arrays. Loops-for Loop. Constants. Goto statement. Strings: What are Strings. Initialization of Array. Continue statement. Call by Value and Call by Reference. Typecasting. Array within Structure. User Defined and Library functions. Pointers Within Structures. Pointer Arithmetic.First Semester EIRCS 105: PROGRAMMING with C Hours per week: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Credits: 3 Sessionals: 40 Marks The Aim of the course is to acquaint the student with C and the applicatio ns of C. Function main. Expressions and Basic Input-Output: Introduction to C. Unions And Files: Introduction. if-else statement. Address operator. Pointers and Arrays. Operator – Precedence and Associativity. Unions:. Text Books: MASTERING C. Error Handling. S R Prasad published by Tata McGraw Hill. published by BPB Publications. File Structure. Bit fields. PEARSON Education Let us C by Yashwant Kanetkar. Operations on Unions. by K R Venugopal. 28 . Kamthane. Files: Introduction. File handling functions. Scope of a Unions. Reference Books: Programming with ANSI and Turbo C by Ashok N. Differences between Unions and Structures. Unbuffered and Buffered Files. File Types. Five Year Dual degree (B. Tech + M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering- First Semester EIRME106: GEOMETRICAL DRAWING Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 Unit I End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Orthographic projections and Projection of points Introduction to orthographic projections: First angle projection and third angle projection. Projection of points Projection of straight lines Projection of straight lines: line parallel to one or both planes, line perpendicular to one of the planes, line inclined to one plane, line inclined to both the planes. True length of straight line and true angles and its traces. Unit II Projections of planes Introduction, types of planes, perpendicular planes, perpendicular to one pane and parallel to other plane, perpendicular to one plane and inclined to other plane, oblique planes. Projections on auxiliary planes: types of auxiliary planes, perpendicular to one pane and parallel to other plane, perpendicular to one plane and inclined to other plane, oblique planes. Unit III Projections of solids Introduction, types of solids, polyhedral tetrahedron- prism, pyramid and solids of revolutioncylinder, cone. Projections of solids, simple positions, axis inclined to one plane and parallel to other, axis inclined to both the planes. Unit IV Developments of surfaces Developments of lateral surfaces of right solids- cube, prisms, cylinders, pyramids and cones. Sections of solids: Introduction, section planes, sections and true shape of a section. Sections and sectional views of solids- prism, pyramid, cylinder and cone. Unit V Isometric projections: Introduction, isometric axes, lines and planes. Isometric scale, isometric view and projections of solids in simple position- prism, pyramid, cylinder, cone and sphere. Text books: 1. “Engineering Drawing” by N.D. Bhatt and V. M .Panchal, Charotar publishing house Pvt. Ltd, 49th edition, 2008. 2. “Engineering Drawing” by M.B Shah and B.C Rana, Pearson Edn, 2 nd edition, 2009 29 Five Year Dual degree (B. Tech + M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering- First Semester EIRCS111: C-PROGRAMMING LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Sessionals: 100 Marks 1. Write a program to read the coordinates of a triangle and find the area. Check whether the given points form a triangle or a straight line. 2. Write a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation. 3. Write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not. 4. Write a program to print the Pascal triangle. 5. Write a program to print Fibonacci series up to a given number. 6. Write a function to find the value of nCr. 7. Write a program to implement binary search. 8. Write a function to swap to numbers by using call by reference. 9. Write a program to delete redundant elements in a given set of values. 10. Write a program to find maximum element of a given array 11. Write a program to arrange the elements in a ascending order. 12. Write a program for addition, multiplication of two given matrices of order M x N. 13. Write a program to check whether the given square matrix is symmetric or not. 14. Write a program to count the no. of words and no. of each vowel in a given sentence. 15. Write a function to sort the given list of names in dictionary order. (use string handling functions) 16. Write a program to read N student records having fields (sno, sname, sex, cgpa) and sort them by CGPA. 30 Five Year Dual degree (B. Tech + M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering- First Semester EIRPH112 ENGINEERING PHYSICS LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Sessionals: 100 Marks The main aim of the course is to acquaint the students with basic concepts in Engineering Physics using the following illustrative list of experiments. 1. J – by Callender and Barne‟s Method. 2. Thermal Conductivity of a Bad Conductor – Lee‟s Method. 3. Magnetic Field Along the Axis of a Circular Coil Carrying Current – Stewart and Gee‟s Galvanometer. 4. Hall Effect- Measurement of Hall Coefficient. 5. Carey Foster‟s Bridge – Laws of Resistance and Specific Resistance. 6. Calibration of Low Range Voltmeter – Potentiometer Bridge Circuit. 7. Thickness of a Paper Strip- Wedge Method. 8. Newton‟s Rings – Radius of Curvature of a Plano Convex Lens. 9. Diffraction Grating – Normal Incidence. 10. Determination of Refractive Indices (o and e) of a Bi-Refringent Material (Prism). 11. Cauchy‟s Constants – Using a Spectrometer. 12. Dispersive Power of a Prism – Using a Spectrometer. 13. Determination of Rydberg Constant. 14. LASER – Diffraction. 15. Determination of Band Gap in a Semiconductor. 16. Optical Fibres – Numerical Aperture and Loss of Signal. 17. VI Characteristics of a pn-junction diode 18. Response of a series RLC Circuit 31 An illustrative list of tasks to be performed by the student is given below: I.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.S. Sheet Metal Working. Tasks to be performed: 1) To make Half – Lap joint 2) To make Mortise and Tenon joint 3) To make Corner Dovetail joint 4) To make Briddle joint.. Sheet Metal Working – Familiarity with different types of tools used in sheet metal working. Tasks to be performed: 1) To make round M. Tasks to be performed: 1) To make “V” – fitting 2) To make Rectangular fitting 3) To make Dovetail fitting 4) To make Semi circular fitting 32 .Five Year Dual degree (B. Rod. Tech + M. The students should be able to work with these tools to prepare simple jobs in Wood Work Technology. 4) To perform heat treatment tests like annealing. Tasks to be performed: 1) To make Square Tray 2) To make Taper side Tray 3) To make Conical Funnel 4) To make Elbow Pipe.First Semester EIRME113: WORKSHOP TECHNOLOGY LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Sessionals: 100 Marks The main aim of Workshop Technology is to acquaint the student with the basic tools used in Workshop Technology and to develop skills in using these tools to perform simple tasks. Fitting Technology – Familiarity with different types of tools used in fitting technology. electrical furnaces etc. Forging Technology – Familiarity with different types of tools used in forging technology.. Forging Technology and Fitting Technology . Wood Working Technology . Knowledge of different types of furnaces like coal fired.Familiarity with different types of woods used and tools used in wood Working technology.S rod to square 2) To make L bend in given M. rod 3) To make S bend in given M. II. developments of sheet metal jobs from GI sheets. IV.S. knowledge of basic concepts of soldering. Rod.. normalizing etc. III. K. Part 1. S. Media Promoters and Publishers Pvt. Reference Book: Workshop Technology.5) To make Hexagon fitting  Student is required to work individually and complete at least three jobs in each technology.K. Half Sleeve Shirt (Tucked-in ). W. Chapman.A.J. 33 . Dress Code:  For Boys : Blue Colour Long Apron.  For Girls : Blue Colour Long Apron. Viva Low Priced Student Edition. Khaki Trousers. Volume 1.Bose. Ltd. Elements of Workshop Technology.Hajra Choudhury. Black Shoes. Salwar Suit.Hajra Choudhury and Nirjhar Roy. Black Leather Shoes. A. S.K. Wiley Eastern Pvt. Unit-I: Partial Differentiation-1 Introduction to Partial differentiation . Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd.Half range series and practical Harmonic Analysis.Differentiation of implicit functions Geometrical interpretation . Unit-V: Applications of Partial Differential Equations Method of separation of variables – partial differential equations – wave equation – one dimensional heat flow – two-dimensional heat flow-solution of Laplace equation –Laplace equation in polar co-ordinates.P.M. Higher Engineering Mathematics. Unit-III: Fourier Series Euler‟s formulae . References : Advanced Engineering Mathematics.Linear equations of the first order . Tech + M. Erwin Kreyszig. Dr. N.B. Total differential .I Hours per week: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Credits: 3 Sessionals: 40 Marks The objective of the course is to impart knowledge in Basic concepts of Mathematics relevant to Engineering applications.Differentiation under the integral sign.Equations solvable by direct integration . Dr.K. Higher Engineering Mathematics. Textbook of Engineering Mathematics. Leibnitz‟s Rule.Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients .Odd and even functions .Conditions for a Fourier expansion .Solutions of a partial differential equation .Venkata Raman.Rules for finding the complementary function .Tangent plane and normal to a surface .Total derivative . Text Books Prescribed: 1. Unit-IV: Partial differential equations Formation of partial differential equations . Unit-II: Partial differentiation-2 Taylor‟s theorem for functions of two variables.Change of variables Jacobians.S Grewal.Lagrange‟s method of undetermined multipliers . 34 .Functions having points of discontinuity Change of interval .Second Semester EIRMT 201/EURMT 202: Higher Engineering Mathematics .Rules for finding the particular integral. National Pub. Co.Bali.Non-linear equations of the first order . Ltd. Khanna Publishers.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.Five Year Dual degree (B.Maxima and minima of functions of two variables . Higher Engineering Mathematics.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Divergence and Curl .S Grewal.Second Semester EIRMT 202/EURMT203: Higher Engineering Mathematics . transforms .Volume of solids .Existence conditions Multiplication by tn .Transforms of derivatives and integrals Convolution theorem. Khanna Publishers.II Hours per week: 4 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks The objective of the course is to impart knowledge in Basic concepts of Mathematics relevant to Engineering applications.Change of variables .Periodic Text Books Prescribed: 1.Introduction of orthogonal curvilinear co-ordinates.B.Stoke‟s and Gauss divergence theorems (Without Proofs). National Pub. Wiley Eastern Pvt.Green‟s theorem in the plane . Double integrals in Polar coordinates. References: Advanced Engineering Mathematics.Bali. N.K.Unit impulse function .Gradient. Unit-I: Multiple Integrals-I Double integrals. Applications to ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients . Unit-IV: Vector Integration Line.Unit step function functions. Dr. Textbook of Engineering Mathematics. Co. Beta and Gamma functions – Properties . Unit-III: Vector Differentiation Scalar and vector fields . Surface and Volume integrals . Ltd.Change of order of integration. Tech + M. 35 .Areas enclosed by plane curves.Properties of Laplace Inverse transforms .Venkata Raman. Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. Dr. Cylindrical coordinates and Spherical polar co-ordinates (self study) Unit-V: Laplace transforms Transforms of elementary functions .Directional derivative – Identities Irrotational and Solenoidal fields.P. Higher Engineering Mathematics.Five Year Dual degree (B.Division by t equations and simultaneous linear . Erwin Kreyszig.M.Relation between beta and gamma functions – Dirichlet‟s integrals of type I and type II. Unit-II: Multiple Integrals-II Triple integrals .Area of a curved surface. Classification of Coal by RankAnalysis of Coal –Proximate and Ultimate Analysis. High speed and low speed Diesel oil.Nature of the Metal and Nature of the Environment. Prevention of Corrosion: Metallic Coatings –Galvanising and Tinning. Varnishes. Determination – BombCalorimetric Method.Dulong‟s formula. Preparation and properties of silica. specific gravity.LPG. Secondary Cell – Lead acid storage Cell – Definition of Corrosion..Power Alcohol: Manufacture. Theories of Corrosion –Dry Corrosion and Electro Chemical Corrosion Factors Affecting Corrosion.Points. Cloud and Pour . Advantages and Disadvantages . Electrochemical Series and its Applications. Emulsification number volatilities. neutralization number.Viscosity and Oiliness. Principles and Mechanism of Lubrication . precipitation number.Petroleum products used as Fuels .Inhibitors. Anodized Coatings.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Diesel . FUEL TECHNOLOGY: CALORIFIC VALUE AND SOLID FUELS: Classifications of Fuels – Characteristics of Fuels. Cathodic Protection.Calorific Value . Synthetic Petrol –Bergius and Fishcher Tropsch methods. Aniline point. silica nitride bond and self bond in silicon carbide. magnesite and silicon carbide refractories . Boundary and Extreme .clay bond. thermal and magnetic properties of materials Refractories:– Classification . Organic Coatings-Paints –Characteristics. UNIT-II.Cetane Number.Gasoline . Primary Cell–Dry or Leclanche Cell. Constituents and their functions.Five Year Dual degree (B.criteria of a good refractory.Points. Flash and Fire .Fluid Film.Pressure Lubrications 36 .Second Semester EIRCH 203 Engineering Chemistry Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT-I: ELECTROCHEMISTRY & CORROSION AND ITS CONTROL: Electrode Potential –Determination of Single Electrode Potential-Reference Electrodes – Hydrogen and Calomel Electrodes.structure sensitive materials-Elementary ideas about electrical. Tech + M. FUEL TECHNOLOGY: LIQUID FUELS: Refining of Petroleum . Saponification number – Carbon residue.Beehive oven and Otto Hoffmann‟s by product Oven processes. Solid Fuels–Coal. UNIT-III.Knocking and Octane Number of Gasoline.Units. Coke: Manufacture of Coke. UNIT-IV: ENGINERING MATERIAL SCIENCE: Introduction to nano materials. Lubricants: Classification-Properties. Chand & Co.Sharma.P. Material Science and Engineering. 3.Engineering applications of Plastics. 2. A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry.Dara. Delhi. Dhanapat Rai & Sons. Composite materials: Introduction –constituents of composites-types of composites-Processing of fibre reinforced composites. Physical chemistry by Laidler Reference Books : 1. Polycarbonates and Bakelite . 4.S. Jain. New Delhi. 2. 37 . Jain and M. Prentice-Hall India Ltd. Delhi.Meerut.K. S.C.Raghavan. Sashi Chawla. Krishna Prakashan. Polystyrene.UNIT-V: HIGHPOLYMERS & COMPOSITE MATERIALS: Types of Polymerization– Mechanism of addition polymerization-Moulding constituents. Dhanapath Rai & Sons. Polyamides (Nylon-6:6). B. Preparation and Properties of Polyethylene. S. Differences between Thermo Plastic and Thermosetting Resins. Engineering Chemistry. Chemistry of Engg materials by Jain &Jain Dhanapath Rai & Sons. V. PVC. Engineering Chemistry. Text Books : 1. A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry. Delhi. 5. CRYSTAL IMPERFECTIONS: Point Defects . Prescribed Books : 1.Plastic Deformation .Band Theory of Solids (qualitative) . 2. Binary Phase Diagrams -Some Typical Phase Diagrams (magnesia-alumina. Introduction to Nanotechnology Charles P.Applications Optoelectronics . Nanotechnology.Micro. 38 .Atomic Model of Elastic Behaviour – Inelastic Behaviour .Impurities . copper-zinc.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.Phase rule .O. Insulators and Semiconductors .Schrodinger‟s Time Independent Wave Equation .Pillai. Poole. Tech + M.Mechanisms of Creep – creep resistant materials UNIT IV MODERN PHYSICS (QUANTUM PHYSICS): Matter Waves .Chand & Company Ltd.Time scale of phase changes -nucleation and growth. New Delhi.and Nanomechanics. Frank J. New Age International (P) Limited. PHI Reference Books: 1.Bragg's Law and Lattice Parameter Determination. iron-iron carbide) . New Delhi. Owens Wiley 3.Strain Curve . Materials Science and Engineering: A First Course V. 3.Distinction between Metals.Application to a Particle in a one Dimensional Box (Infinite Potential Well) .Size Dependent Properties (Qualitative): Mechanical and Electrical – Growth Techniques: Top Down (Lithography) -Bottom Up (Sol-Gel and Co-Precipitation) -Characterization Techniques: SEM and TEM .Five Year Dual degree (B. Materials Science M. UNIT V NANOSCIENCE : Definition of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology .Energy Bands .Creep .Structure Determination using X‐ray Diffraction . UNIT III MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR: Elastic Behaviour of Materials .Dislocations: Edge and Screw Dislocation.Technology Revolution of 21st Century Rakesh Rathi. UNIT II PHASE DIAGRAMS AND PHASE TRANSFORMATIONS: Phase .Miller Indices .Physical Significance of Wave Function () .Unary.Band Structure in Nano – Surface Energy (Qualitative) .Free Electron Theory of Metals .The Shear Strength of Perfect and Real Crystals .Tensile Stress .Second Semester EIRPH 204 MATERIALS SCIENCE Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I CRYSTAL GEOMETRY AND STRUCTURE DETERMINATION: Space Lattices and Unit Cells – Crystal Systems . Kumbhakonam.Heisenberg‟s Uncertainty Principle . Solid State Physics S. Arumugam. Introduction to nanoscience and nanotechnology K K Chattopadhyay & A N Banerjee.Elementary Concepts of Maxwell Boltzmann. Bose Einstein and Fermi Dirac Statistics (No Derivation). Anuradha Agencies. Raghavan PHI 2.Representation of Directions and Planes .Plastic Deformation by Slip . S.overall transformation kinetics. Angular Motion of Rigid Body with Constant Angular Acceleration and Variable Angular Acceleration. Curvilinear Motion of a Particle using Rectangular Coordinates. Motion of Mass centre of a System of Particles. Mass and Acceleration: Introduction. Equilibrium of coplanar force systems involving Frictional Forces. UNIT. Laws of Dry Friction. UNIT .Mass moment of inertia – Derivation of mass moment of inertia for Masses like Disc.III Properties of Surfaces and Solids: First moment of area and the Centroid of sections.– Parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem – Polar moment of inertia – Principal moments of inertia of plane areas – Principal axes of inertia . 39 . Equations of Motion of a Rigid Body in Rotation and Plane Motion. Rotation and Plane Motion of a Rigid Body.IV Kinematics: Introduction to Translation. Moment of a Force and its applications.Centroid of Composite Areas. Rectilinear Motion of a Particle with Constant Acceleration and Variable Acceleration. UNIT – II Friction: Nature of Friction. Newton‟s Laws of Motion. Free Body Diagram. equilibrium of coplanar force systems. Equations of Motion of a Particle in Rectilinear and Curvilinear Motion. Centre of Gravity of a Body.Trusses:Analysis of Trusses by Method of Joints and Method of Sections. Tech + M.Five Year Dual degree (B. Angle of Friction. and Normal and Tangential Coordinates. Couples. Dynamic Friction and Rolling Friction. Centroid of an Area Bounded by two Curves.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Cylinder. Resultant of Force Systems. Sphere and Thin Rod.Second Semester EIRME 205 ENGINEERING MECHANICS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT – I Basic Concepts& Equilibrium: Introduction to Engineering Mechanics – Resolution of a Force. D‟ Alembert‟s Principle. Centre of Gravity of Composite Bodies – Moment of Inertia and Product of Moment Inertia of Plane Areas by Integration. Plane Motion of Rigid Body. Varignon‟s theorem. Static Friction. Coefficient of Friction. Instantaneous centre for Plane Motion Kinetics:Force. Harper International Edition 2. Timoshenko and D. Text Books: 1. Work done by a Varying force. Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics by Ferdinand L.H. Coefficient of Restitution. Principle of Linear Impulse and Linear Momentum. John Wiley and Sons 4.UNIT – V Kinetics:Work and Energy –Impulse and Momentum: Work Done by a Force and a System of Forces. Prentice Hall of India 3. Singer. Law of Conservation of Energy. Work and Energy Principle. Potential Energy. G.Linear Impulse. Kinetic Energy of a Rigid Body in Rotation and in Plane Motion. Conservation of Linear Momentum. L. Engineering Mechanics by S. 40 . Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics by Irving Shames. McGraw-Hill International Edition – SI Version Reference Books: 1.Young. Meriam and L. Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics by McLean and Nelson( Schaum‟s Outline Series). Kraige. Linear Momentum. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Direct Central Impact. Kinetic Energy of a Particle. Energy. Engineering Mechanics – Volume I Statics by J. 2 nd ed. Simple problems. Factors affecting Elasticity of Demand. Cost accounts by Shukla and Grewal. Break – Even Charts. Depreciation: Depreciation Methods. Engineering and Managerial Economics by Maheswari. UNIT-III: Break-Even Analysis: Assumptions. UNIT-IV: Accounts: Preparation of Profit and Loss account and Balance sheet (Outlines only).Second Semester EIRME 206: ENGINEERING ECONOMICS Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT-I: Economics: Utility. Wants – Necessaries.Five Year Dual degree (B. 2. a Profession – Functions of Management. Engineering Economics.M. Comforts and Luxuries. Industrial Engineering and Management by O.Management.Prasad. 3. Tech + M. Principles of Organization: Types of organization – Span of management – Authority Delegation and Decentralization . A Text book of Economic Theory by Dhingra and Garg. 13th ed. 14 th ed. Wealth. Elasticity of Demand – Price Elasticity of Demand. Partnership and Public Limited Company. Khanna publishers Ltd References: 1. 2. Nem Chand & Bros. Value. Unit Costing. Job Costing and Process Costing. Elements of Cost.Chand& company. a Science or Art.Difference between Authority and Power – Line and Staff Authority.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Sultan chand& sons. Consumption. 4. Tara Chand.Khanna. Sulltan Chand & Sons 41 . UNIT II: Forms of Business organization: Single Trader. Demand: Laws of Demand. . Text Books: 1. UNIT-V: Principles of Management: Importance of Management – Definition of Management – Management Process. Leadership – Difference between a leader and a Manager – Characteristics of Leadership – Functions of a Leader. S. Methods of Distribution of Overhead Costs. Vol – 1. Sultan chand& Co. Principles and Practice of Management by L.Source of Formal Authority.Management. Costing: Cost Concepts. 19 th ed.P.Roles of Manager. 6. Estimation of copper (II) present in a brass sample (iodometric method) a) Determination of Viscosity of a Liquid. 9. Determination of Mohr‟s Salt by potentiometric method. Estimation of Iron as Ferrous Iron in an Ore Sample. Tech + M. Determination of Strength of an acid by pH metric method. Determination of calcium hardness and magnesium hardness of water sample 10. Colorimetry a) Estimation of Manganese b) Estimation of Iron ( III) Five Year Dual degree (B.Five Year Dual degree (B. 4. Determination of sodium carbonate in soda ash. b) Determination of Surface Tension of a Liquid.Second Semester EIREG 212: English Language Lab Category: HS Hours: 3 per week Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks Credits: 2 Department: English Topics Introduction to Phonetics Accent / Stress Intonation Telephone Etiquette Synonyms Antonyms One Word substitutes Foreign Phrases Idiomatic Expressions Vocabulary & Grammar exercises Listening Comprehension E-mail Etiquette Report Writing 42 . Tech + M. 8. Calibration of Volumetric Apparatus.Second Semester EIRCH 211:ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Sessionals: 100 Marks The objective of the Laboratory Practical is to make the student to acquire the basic concepts in Engineering Chemistry. 1. 5. 7.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Conduct metric titration of mixture of weak and strong acid with sodium Hydroxide. 3. 2.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. hypocycloid. Introduction to draw commands – line. 4.prism to prism. 6. Introduction to dimensioning and object properties. Introduction to modify commands – extend. 9. chamfer. rotate. cone.Second Semester EIRME 213 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Sessionals: 100 Marks 1. trim. exploring and interacting with the drawing window. Sections and sectional views of solids – prism. Coordinate systems (Cartesian . cylinder to cylinder 43 . Engineering Curves – Conics –general method. rectangle. saving and opening a file.polar and relative co-ordinate system) 2. epicycloids. cylinder. etc. polygon etc. involutes. Projection of planes 7. Tech + M. cylinder.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. cone 8. Intersection of solids. Introduction to AutoCAD. pyramid. Developments of solids. cycloid. pyramid. circle.prism. 3. Beginning a new drawing. 5.Five Year Dual degree (B. Welding Related Terminology. Tungsten Inert Gas Welding (TIG). Submerged are Welding. Coining. Mode of Metal Transfer. 44 . Electrode Coatings. Color Coding. Blanking. Types. Cores. Adhesive Bonding. Types of Joints.Third Semester EIRME301/EURME 302/ EURIE 303: MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – I Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Foundry: Fundamentals: Introduction to Casting Process. Tolling. Gas Welding Procedure. types of Cores. Types – Green. Forming: Fundamentals. Hydrostatic Extrusion. Brazing. Embossing. Advantages. Oxygen – Hydrogen Welding. Skin Dried. Sprue Design. Braze Welding. Thermit Welding. Investment Casting. Forging. Types of Welds. Pattern Types and Pattern Allowances. Applications. Spinning. Shielded Metal are Welding. Remedies. Loam Sands. Elements of Gating System. Die Forging. CO 2 Moulding. Edge Preparation. Shell Moulding. Projection Welding. Runner Design. V-I Characteristics of Power Source. arc Furnace. Importance of Constituents. Core Prints. Charge Calculations. Punching. Impact Extrusion. UNIT III Joining :Fundamentals: Classification of Welding Processes. Other Welding Process: Friction Welding. Principle of Arc. Types of Dies. Welding Positions. Core making. Plasma arc Welding. Bending. MIC. Flash Butt Welding. Rolling Stand Arrangements. Gas Welding: Equipment. Additives. Melting & Casting: Melting Furnaces – Crucible Furnace. Tech + M. Spot Welding. Process Steps. Gating Ratio. Electrodes. Seam Welding. Centrifugal Casting. Risering System . Analysis of Rolling Process. UNIT V Extrusion Drawing: Extrusion Fundamentals. Drawing. Rolling Passes. Aspiration Effect. die Casting–Gravity & Pressure die Casting (hot chamber. Casting Defects. Forging: Fundamentals. Classification of Extrusion. Introduction to Metal Working Process. Design Considerations in Casting. Calculation of Gating System Dimensions for Simple Objects. Oxy – Acetylene Flame. Cold Working. Tube Drawing. Moulding Materials. Solidification of Casting. Weld Defects. Pattern Materials. Dry. Roll Forging. UNIT IV Resistance Welding: Principle.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Wire Drawing. Cupola. Soldering.Five Year Dual degree (B. Jolt-Squeeze.Riser Design. Arc Welding: Equipment. Metal Inert Gas (MIG) welding. Upset Forging Sheet Metal working: Principles of Sheet Metal Working – Spring Back & Shearing. cold chamber) UNIT II Gating & Risering: Gating System. Rolling: Rolling Fundamentals. Basic Ingredients. Moulding Tools and Equipment – Sand Slinger. Laser Beam Welding. Gas Cutting. Hot Working. Moulding & casting processes: Sand Moulding. Press Forging. References: 1.Rao.Lecon. K L Narayana. 2. V. Welding & welding Technology. 2 nd edition. Tata Mc. Principle of foundry technology. Manufacturing Technology.Graw hill. Principles of Casting. 5.N. Tata Mc. 2 nd edition. George H. S V Ramana.Text Books: 1. Manufacturing science. Production Technology. Vamsi Krishna. Tool Design. 45 . P L Jain. Nineteenth Report.C. Second edition 2004. Goold. 3. Third edition. 5 th edition. & P. Tata Mc Graw hill. 1999. 2. TMH – 2009. Rossenthol. Richard L Little. A Ghosh & A K Mallik. 4. Cyrll Donalson. Tata Mc Graw hill 2000. East-West Press. P. New Delhi. Graw Hill. IK book. Macaulay‟s Method and Moment Area Method for Cantilever. Diagrams for Cantilever. Combined Bending and Torsion. Poisson‟s Ratio. Simple Shear. comparison of Solid and Hollow Shafts. propped cantilever Beams 46 . Complementary Shear Stress.M. Tech + M. Hollow Circular Shafts. Stresses on an oblique plane under Biaxial Loading.F. Torsion equation. Slope and Deflection at a Section. Torsion of Circular Shafts: Shafts. General Relation between the Load. Biaxial stresses combined with Shear stresses. Simply Supported and Overhanging Beams for different types of Loadings. Variation of Shear Stress Distribution for Rectangular. Tie Bar of uniform strength. Stress and Elongation Produced in a Bar due to its self weight. Practical Application of Bending Equation. Stress. Torsion of Shafts. Power Transmitted by the Shaft. Pure Shear. Classification of Beams. Shafts in Parallel. Importance of Angle of Twist and Shear Stresses in Shafts. Shafts in Series. Shear Stresses in Beams. overhanging. Deflection and Radius of Curvature. S. Types of Loads. the Shearing Force and the Bending Moment-Problems. Strain. Simply Supported. and B. Types of Supports. UNIT IV Complex and Principal Stresses: Introduction.Five Year Dual degree (B.Third Semester EIRME302 MECHANICS OF SOLIDS-I Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Simple Stresses and Strains: Classification of Loads. Principal stresses and principal planes. Double Integration Method. The Point of Contraflexure. Position of Neutral Axis. Torsional Rigidity. Relation between Slope. Thermal Stress and Strain. Mohr‟s circle for Complex stresses. Elongation in case of a Taper Rod. Stresses on an oblique plane under Uniaxial loading.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Stresses Induced in Compound Bars . Relation Between the Elastic Modulii. UNIT III Bending and Shear Stresses in Beams: Theory of Simple Bending (Bending equation/ Flexural Formula). Section Modulus. UNIT V Deflection of Beams: Beam Deflection. Circular and ISections-Problems. UNIT II Shear Force and Bending Moment : Basic Definitions. 47 . New Delhi. New Delhi. 2003. 3. Strength of Materials by Dr.R. Dahl and Lardner. 2. Johnston. CBS Publishers & Distributors. E.P. Dewolf.Text Book: 1. 4.Rajput. New Delhi.Beer. S. Mechanics of Solids by Popov. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. 3rd edition.. Strength of Materials by Dr. 3 rd edition.R. References: 1. First multi colour Revised Edition 2006. Pearson Education. 5. Strength of Materials by Timoshenko.Sadhu Singh. Jr & John. New Delhi.T.K. Part-I & II . New Delhi.Chand & Company Limited. Mechanics of Materials by F. Mechanics of solids by Crandal. Khanna Publishers. 2nd Edition. Heat Engines and Heat PumpsCarnot Efficiency. Work. Diesel.Thermodynamic Systems.Pure Substance .First law of Thermodynamics. Comparison of SI and CI Engines. UNITII Second law of Thermodynamics: Kelvin Plank Statement and Clausius Statement and their Equivalence. 48 .Throttling and free Expansion-.Thermodynamic Variables Effecting Efficiency and output of Rankine Cycle-.Change in Internal Energy.Irreversibility and Change of Entropy. Application of First law of Thermodynamics for Flow and Non-Flow Processes. State Property. Corollaries. their Efficiencies and Analysis.. Micro & Macro Systems. Specific Heats at Constant Volume and Pressure. Availability and irreversibility: Definitions and Expression for Availability and Irreversibility.Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Systems Concept of Continuum. Helmholtz Function and Gibbs Function.Properties of end StatesHeat Transfer and Work Transfer.Limitations of First law of Thermodynamics. Air Cycles. First law of Thermodynamics: Joule's Experiments.Reversible and Irreversible Cycles.Perpetual Motion Machines of first kind and second kindReversibility and Irreversibility.Equation of State.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Theory Related to Re-heat cycle. Systems Undergoing a Cycle and Change of State .Otto.Steady Flow Energy Equation . Perfect Gas laws.CorollariesFirst law of Thermodynamics Applied to Various Non-Flow Processes.Clausius Inequality. UNIT III Properties of Steam and use of Steam Tables: Measurement of Dryness Fraction. Comparison of two Stroke and Four Stroke Engines. Entropy Equation for Flow Process.Concept of EntropyPrinciples of Increase of Entropy. Point Function.First law Applied to Steady Flow Processes.Valve Timing and Port Timing Diagrams.Carnot Cycle.Third Semester EIRME303/EURME 302: APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS – I Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction. Heat. Problems related to Rankine Cycle-.Universal Gas Constant Vander Waal‟s Equation of State. engines: Classification.Thermodynamic Equilibrium. Energy and Available Energy.C. Energy as a Property of the Systems. Path. Vapor Power Cycles: Vapor Power Cycle-Rankine Cycle. Path Function.Regenerative Cycle UNITIV I. Tech + M. First law Applied to Isolated Systems . Dual.Basic Concepts: Introduction. First law Applied to Flow Systems.Cause of Irreversibility.Basic Concepts .Five Year Dual degree (B. Thermodynamic Systems.Energy in state and Transition. Problems Related Various Thermodynamic Processes under gone by Steam.T-S and H-S Diagrams.Clausius Theorem. Process.-Availability in Steady Flow.and Non-Flow Processes. Thermal Engineering.Mehta. Engineering Thermodynamics.L. 3. Effect of InterCooling and Pressure Drop in Multi . by Spolding and Cole. Single Stage and Multi Stage Compressors. 4.K.Jones and G. S.S.Mathur and F.Chand & Co. Thermal Engineering by R. Introduction to thermodynamics – J. Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics-Van wylen and Sunntagg 49 . Centrifugal Compressor . Tata McGraw-Hill Publications company.Nag.L. Vane type Blower. Jain Brothers.A. Theory of Roots blower.Hawkins-John wiley &sons 5. by P. Rajput. References: 1.B. 2. Text Books: 1.UNIT V Reciprocating and Rotary Compressors: Classification of Reciprocating Compressors. Thermal Engineering by P.Axial Flow Compressors. by M. – Analysis of Reciprocating Compressors.K.Volumetric Efficiency.Stage Compressors. Effect of Clearance.Ballaney Khanna Publishers. 2. Types of Matrices and Reinforcements. Isothermal Transformations Curves. 2004 4. Hardening. 2005. 2009.Raghavan. Normalizing. 50 . Standard Publisher Distributors Sixth Edition.Avner. Jr. UNIT V Composite Materials: Classification. types of solid solutions. Fabrication Methods. Examples and Applications. John Wiley and Sons Inc. Engineering Metallurgy: Applied Physical Metallurgy by R. Nickel its alloys. 2003. Cast Irons. Nano Materials: Definition.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Engineering Physical Metallurgy by Y. Titanium and its alloys. properties and applications of alloy steels.Higgins. Tata McGraw-Hill Second edition 1997. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy by S. Callister.Hadfield steels. Structure. 3. Second edition. Cyaniding. 2. Tech + M. Properties and Applications. 1998. Binary phase diagrams: Gibbs Phase Rule. Principles of construction and interpretation of binary phase diagrams.. Material Science and Engineering – An Introduction by William D. Invariant reactions.Third Semester EIRME 304: METALLURGY End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Constitution of Alloys: Necessity of alloying. Vijendra Singh. Iron-Iron carbide phase diagram. Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction To The Next Big Idea By Ratner. Aluminium and its alloys. Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice by V. Lever rule. Metals for high temperature and low temperature applications. UNIT II Heat Treatment of Steels: Annealing. Austempering and Martempering of steels. University Press of the Pacific.Lakhtin. 5.. Physical Metallurgy by Prof.. Text Books: 1. Chawla. Hume-Rothery rules. 2. intermediate alloy phases and electron compounds. 3. 2nd ed. AISI & BIS classification of steels. Flame and Induction Hardening methods. Nitriding. References: 1. Prentice Hall of India.A. Classification of binary phase diagrams. Fifth Edition. stainless steels and tool steels. 2000.H. 2000. Pearson Education India. Surface hardening of Steels: Carburizing.Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 Five Year Dual degree (B. Uses and limitations of phase diagrams. UNIT IV Common Non-Ferrous alloys: Copper and its alloys. Composite Materials Science and Engineering by Kishan K. Standard Publisher Distributors. Wrought Iron. Tempering. UNIT III Common Ferrous alloys: Use and limitations of plain carbon steels. Springer. Two Dimensional Viscous Flow: Navier -Stokes Equations and Solutions. Momentum Thickness and Energy Thickness. Kinematic and Dynamic Similarities.Forces Due to Pipe Bends.Flow over a Flat Plate.Ltd.Laminar Sub-Layer. Pearson asia 51 Pvt. by A. Meta centre. Fluid Mechanics.Darcy's Weisbach Friction Factor. Momentum Equation.Area Velocity Relationship for Compressible Flow.Fully Developed Turbulent Flow Through a Pipe. Sudden Contraction.Geometric.Five Year Dual degree (B. . Flow Through Porous Media.pi-Theorem.Basic Principles of Hydrostatic Forces on Surfaces. Text Books: 1. UNIT III Laminar Boundary Layer: Momentum Integral Equation.Types of Similarity.Stream Tube. Buoyancy.Mohanty.Buckingham.Pressure Field Due to a moving Source of DisturbancePropagation of Pressure Waves in a Compressible Fluids.Stagnation Pressure.Compressible Flow Through a Venture MeterPitot Static Tube in a Compressible Flow.Stream Function.Displacement Thickness.Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate. Momentum and Energy Equations.Third Semester EIRME305/ EURME 305: FLUID MECHANICS Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Properties of fluids.Equation of Continuity. by Douglas and swasfield .Boundary Layer Separation and Control.Viscosity. Conservation of Momentum.Classification of Flows.Condition for Maximum Discharge Through NozzlesVariation of Mass Flow with Pressure Ratio.Rayleigh Method. UNIT IV Dimensional Analysis and Modeling Similitude: Fundamental and Derived DimensionsDimensionless Groups. Prentice Hall of India 2.Model Testing.Flow Through Branched Pipes. Temperature and Density.Darcy's Equation. Turbulent Boundary Layer: Laminar.Hagen Poiseulle Flow. Tech + M.Vortex Motion. UNIT II One Dimensional Viscous Flow: Flow Through Pipes.Pressure Measurement and Manometers.Loss of Head Due to Friction in Pipes. Fluid Kinematics & Fluid Dynamics: Stream line.Flow of Compressible Fluid Through Nozzles.Conservation of Mass.Continuity.Hydraulic Diameter.Momentum Equations and Reynold's Stresses.Turbulent Transition. Conservation of Energy.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.Mach number and its SignificanceLimits of Incompressibility.K.Fanning‟s Friction Factor. Sudden Enlargement.Euler's Equation.Bernoulli's Equation and its Applications.Free and Forced Vortices.Stagnation properties.Velocity of Sound in a Compressible Fluid.Potential Function. UNIT V Compressible Fluid Flow: Thermodynamic Relations. Fluid Mechanics . Fluid Mechanics and its Applications.K. 5. 4.Nag 52 . 6. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics by Modi and Seth. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines. Fluid Mechanics.K.Nagaratnam-Khanna Publishers.K. 2. Laxmi publications. New Delhi. Foundations of Fluid Mechanics. by R. Tata McGraw Hill. by S.Gupta. Prentice Hall of India.Gupta and A.References: 1.K.Bansal. Standard book house 3.S. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines-P. by Yuan. Hall of India Private Limited) 3. Principle of operation. UNIT III Transformers: Transformer working principle.types. Voltage regulation of transformer. Instruction set. Super position theorem. A First Course in Electrical Engineering by D.Fs. Tech + M.Poplaj. UNIT II D. V. Zenor diode. Transformer on load. Torque. The Intel-8085 microprocessor. Calculation of efficiency and regulation by open circuit and short circuit tests. (H. Fundamentals of digital electronics. M.Mehta (S. Architecture. UNIT V Introduction to Electronics and Microprocessors: Semiconductor diode. Engineering Electronics by Ryder-McGraw Hill. EMF equation of transformer. Arithmetic-logic units. E.K. Maximum Torque . 53 .P.Kothari. Motors. Mutual Inductance. load test.C Generator. Goankan.Five Year Dual degree (B.C. UNIT IV Three phase induction motor: Construction . T-S characteristics. Motor.C.M. Power stages . delta to star conversions. Rectifiers and SCR (Elementary treatment only).C. 3.C. Number system and codes. Machines: Types of Induced E. Self Inductance.S. WILEY ESTERN LTD) References: 1.Third Semester EIREE306/EURME 405: BASIC ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I D. Logic gates. Star to delta.C circuits: KCL&KVL.Generators and D. Degital logic & Computer Design . Principles of Electrical Engineering & Electronics. Swinburne‟s test.C.C. 2. Losses in a transformer. Principle of operation Generator and Motor. 2. Addressing modes. Micro Processor Architecture of Applications with 8085/8080A. Torque Equation of D. Power flow diagram. Types of D.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Boolean algebra. A. Circuits. Text Books: 1. Circuits: Introduction of Steady State Analysis of series A.Morris Mano (Prontice. Micro Processors by Leventhal.F Equation of D.Chand & Company LTD) first edition 1996.Losses and efficiency. Equivalent circuit of transformer. Transistor.M. load test on DC shunt motor and DC series motor. Single and balanced 3-phase Circuits. Five Year Dual degree (B. Tech + M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering- Third Semester EIRME311: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - I LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks 1. Study the variation of Kinematic viscosity of given sample of oil with temperature using Redwood viscometer-I 2. Study the variation of Kinematic viscosity of given sample of oil with temperature using Redwood viscometer-II 3. Study the variation of Kinematic viscosity of given sample of oil with temperature using Saybolt viscometer 4. Calibration of the given pressure gauge. 5. Valve timing diagram of four stroke diesel engine 6. Port timing diagram of two stroke diesel engine 7. Port timing diagram of two stroke petrol engine 8. Determine the flash point of given sample using Pensky-Martens apparatus 9. Determine of flash and fire point of a given sample using Cleavelands open cup tester. 10. Determine the moment of inertia of flywheel about its own axis of rotation. 11. Determine the moment of inertia of connecting rod and circular disc 12. Determination of Calorific value of the given Gas Fuel using Junker‟s Gas Calorimeter. 13. Determination of Calorific value of given solid fuel using Bomb Calorimeter. 14. Determination of Carbon percentage in given fuel sample using Canradson‟s Apparatus. 15. Determination of Cloud and Pour Point of given oil sample. 16. Study of boilers, various mountings and accessories 54 Five Year Dual degree (B. Tech + M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering- Third Semester EIRME 312: MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – I LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Molding Practice: 1. Preparation of a green 2. Preparation of a green 3. Preparation of a green 4. Preparation of a green Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks sand sand sand sand mould mould mould mould using using using using Single piece pattern. Split piece pattern. Split Piece Pattern with Core. Connecting rod pattern. Sand testing: 5. Determination of Grain fineness number for sand sample using sieve shaker. 6. Estimation of a).The clay content and b). The moisture content in a given sand sample. 7. Determination of Permeability of the given moulding sand specimen. 8. Determination of a).Compression strength and b). Shear strength of a given sand specimen. Welding practice: 9. Preparation of a Butt joint using electric arc welding. 10. Preparation of a Lap joint using arc welding. 11. Preparation of a T- joint using arc welding. 55 Five Year Dual degree (B. Tech + M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering- Third Semester EIREE 313: ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks 1. Study and Calibration of Wattmeter and Energy Meter. 2. Measurement of Armature Resistance, Field Resistance and Filament Resistance. 3. Verification of KCL and KVL. 4. Superposition Theorem. 5. Parameters of choke coil 6. Load test on D.C. Shunt Motor. 7. Load test on D.C. 8. Swinburne‟s Test.series Motor. 9. O.C. Test on D.C. separately Excited DC Generator 10. Load test on single phase transformer. 11. OC and SC Tests on Transformer. 12. 3-Phase Induction Motor load Test. Five Year Dual degree (B. Tech + M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering- Third Semester EIRME 314: INDUSTRIAL TOUR Hours per week: 7-10 Days Credits: NA Cont. Evaluation: NA 56 . Conflict management in organizations. UNIT V Industrial Relations: Industrial disputes. Forecasting. New Delhi. UNIT IV Industrial Management: Concepts. Functions of management.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Work Study. References: 1. Statistical quality control (SQC). Types of layouts. Types of productions. Quality Management: Definition of quality. 3 rd ed. Acceptance sampling. principles of organizations. Charts. UNIT III Production Planning and Control: Objectives.Fourth Semester EIRME401: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Definition of Industrial Engineering: Objectives. principles. Functions of production control. various approaches. selection of material handling equipment. Introduction to Work Study. UNIT II Materials Management: Strategic importance of materials in manufacturing industries. Principles of management. OC curve. International labour office publishers. Variables & Attributes. Types of organizations. 3. Industrial Engineering and Management by O P Khanna. Work measurement – various methods of Work measurements. THERBLIGS. Factors affecting productivity. Safety stock. Method Study. 4. Settlement of industrial disputes. 57 . product design and development. concept of unit load. Introduction to TQM & ISO-9000. Strategies for improving productivity. Trade unions. Inventory control systems. Growth of management thought. Industrial Engineering and Production Management by Telsay. process planning. Production and operations management by Evcret Adam and Ronald Ebert. Production cycle. Techniques of Method Study . FSN. S Chand & Co 5. Geneva. Production & Operations Management by Chary. Concepts of quality assurance systems. VED analysis. TMH. Industrial dispute act 1947 and factories act 1948. Tech + M. 2. Text Books: 1.Five Year Dual degree (B.various charts. Plant Layout & Material Handling: Plant layout and location. Operations management by John Mcclain & Joseph Thames. ILO. Inventory control models. selective Inventory control – ABC. Principles of management by Koontz & Donnel 2. Operations. Text Books: 1. Pearson education. Theory of Lee and Shaffer. AJM.Abrasive jet machining. Shaper. Measurement of Temperature on Tool Rake Face. Speeds. Specifications. Milling Machines. A Text book of Production Technology by P.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Friction and Temperature in Metal Cutting. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology by Kalpak Jian. EDM. Production of Gears. LBM-Laser beam machining . Jig-Boring. Broaching Machine.Manufacturing. Nomenclatures of Cutting Tools.Sharma. Operations. ECM-Electro Chemical machining. Honing. S. Cutting Fluids. 2nd edition.Chand & Company Ltd References: 1. Drill Press -Types. ORS.J Chapman 2. Indexing-Methods. Tool Materials.A. Lathe Accessories and Attachments. Theory of Ernest and Merchant. UNIT IV Abrasive Machining: Abrasive wheels. Manufacturing Technology. and Lapping.Mechanisms. limitations. UNIT II Machine Tools using Single Point Tools: Lathes Types-Specifications.Techniques. Specifications. EBM-Electron beam machining.Polishing.electric discharge machining. Tool life – Taylor's Equation.Methods. Chip Thickness. A. Machinability. Vertical and Horizontal Attachments. Buffing. Work Shop Technology by W. by Raghuvamsi. Workshop Technology. Forces Acting on the Cutting Tools and their Measurement. Different Operations. Chip Formations. Grinding MachinesClassification. Calculation of Metal Removal. Tool Designation Systems-ASA. Operations. Khanna Publishers 2. CHM-Chemical machining. Economics of Single Point Cutting Tool. Tool Angles. by Ghosh & Mallik 4. Planar Mechanisms. by Bhattacharya. 5.Types. Operations.Ultra sonic machining.Applications.Fourth Semester EIRME 402/ EURME 402: MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY – II Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Mechanics of Metal Cutting: Terms and Definitions.Five Year Dual degree (B. Mechanism of Tool Wear. Advantages. TMH 2001 58 . P N Rao. Metal Cutting Theory & Practice. UNIT III Machine Tools using Multi Point Tools: Drilling Machine.C. UNIT V Non Conventional Machining Processes: USM. Manufacturing Science. Tech + M. Calculation of Metal Removal. Boring Machines. Central book publishers 3. Operations. Precision Grinding Processes. Feeds. Work Ratio and Optimum Pressure Ratio for simple Gas Turbine Cycle.L. Addison Wesley – Long Man 5.Normal Combustion and Abnormal Combustion.Losses in Steam TurbinesReheat Factor.K.Problems . Fuel Requirements and Fuel Rating. constant volume cycle. Engines.Governing of Turbines.Degree of Reaction.I. Electrolux Refrigerator.P.Mathur and F. I.Delay Period and its Importance.Vasandani and D. by R. Metropolitan Co. Engines by V.Actual Cycle. Tata McGraw hill.Ballaney 3.Impulse Turbine and Reaction TurbineCompounding in Turbines. 2.S. 59 . I.C. Regeneration. C.C. Anti-Knock agents. Inter-Cooling and Reheating. 6. Refrigeration and Air. Laxmi Publications 2.Velocity Diagrams in Impulse and Reaction Turbines. Thermal Engineering. by Cohen . types of Abnormal Combustion Pre-ignition and Knock.Flow through Nozzles.Mehta. Parameters of Performance.Engines.conditioning by C.Fourth Semester EIRME403: APPLIED THERMODYNAMICS – II Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Steam Nozzles: Type of Nozzles. References: 1.Stages of Combustion.Pvt. UNIT V Refrigeration: Bell Coleman Cycle.L.C. Engines.Five Year Dual degree (B.Arora.. Tech + M. Thermal Engineering. Engines: Testing and Performances of I. Efficiency.Ltd. Properties of Common Refrigerants.Super Saturated Flow in Nozzles. by Mathur and Mehta 4.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Vapor Absorption System. UNIT II Steam Turbines: Classification of Steam Turbines. UNIT IV Gas Turbines: Simple Gas Turbine Plant.Condition for Maximum DischargeNozzle Efficiency. Constant pressure cycle. Closed Cycle and Open Cycle for Gas Turbines. by M.C. Gas Turbines. Ganesan. Diesel Knock. Treatise on heat engineering by P.Wilson‟s line -Relationship between Area Velocity and Pressure in Nozzle Flow. UNIT III Performance of I. Rogers and Sarvana Mutto.Effect of Engine Variables.Ideal Cycle.Steam Injectors. Thermal Engineering by P. Jain Brothers.Importance of Flame Speed and Effect of Engine Variables.. Vapor Compression Cycle – Effect of Suction and Condensing Temperature on Cycle Performance.Condition for Maximum Efficiency of Reaction Turbines. Comparison of various Refrigeration Methods Text Books: 1.S.Rajput.Kumar. One end fixed and other hinged.H. Macaulay‟s method and strain energy method. Strength of materials by Dr. Young. 1. Dahl and Lardner. rectangular and trapezoidal sections. Effect of sinking of supports. Laterally loaded columns. Column carrying eccentric load. 2. wire wound cylinders Thick cylinders: Thick cylinders Coursed to internal and external pressure and compound cylinders. Empirical formulae. UNIT II Continuous beams: Analysis. Vol. thin spherical shell. disc of uniform strength. Mechanics of solids by Crandal. by Vazirani and Ratwani. Column with initial curvature. slope and deflection.Five Year Dual degree (B. Tata McGraw-Hill References: 1. 1993 edition. Kanna Publications 2. Strength of materials by SS Rattan. Moment area method. Text Books: 1. shear stress. Limitation of Euler's formula. Both ends fixed. principal strain.Fourth Semester EIRME404: MECHANICS OF SOLIDS-II Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Fixed Beams: Fixing moments for a fixed beam of uniform section. 3. Sadhu Singh. Elements of Strength of materials by SP Timoshenko and D. shear strain and volumetric strain) in thin cylinders. Clapeyron‟s three moment equation and strain energy method. Reaction at the supports. UNIT V Bending of Curved Bars: Stresses in bars of circular. East-West press Pvt. Lames equation. McGraw-Hill 60 . UNIT III Columns and Struts: Columns with one end free and the other fixed. Analysis of Structures. UNIT IV Thin Cylinders and Spherical Shells: Stresses and strains (principal stress.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Ltd 3. disc of uniform thickness. Mechanics of Materials by Beer and Johnson. different stresses induced. Stresses due to rotation: Wheel rim. stresses due to shrink fit. Tech + M. Effect of sinking support. uniform velocity. and centre distance of helical gears. SHM uniform acceleration and retardation. helical and spiral gears. Design of Machinery by R.Fourth Semester EIRME405/EURME501: THEORY OF MACHINES – I Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Mechanisms and machines: Introduction. UNIT IV Gears and Gear trains: Introduction and classification of gears. helical gear forces and efficiency. UNIT V Computer aided analysis of mechanism: Introduction. mechanism and machine. References: 1. inversions of four bar mechanism. angular acceleration of links. sun and planet gear. kinematic pair. Hooke‟s joint. motion of a link.Norton. four bar mechanism. forms of teeth. crank and slotted lever mechanism. angular velocity by instantaneous center method. slider crank mechanism. law of gearing. arc of contact. Relative pole. absolute and relative motions. types of cams. Tata Mc Graw Hill Publications. interference between rack and pinion. Tech + M. UNIT III Cams: Introduction. Acceleration analysis: Acceleration of a link. kinematic chain. rigid and resistant bodies. instantaneous center method. straight line mechanism. and Coriolis acceleration component. slider crank mechanism.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. acceleration of intermediate and offset points.slider crank mechanism. design of mechanisms by Relative pole method.L. Simple gear trains. classification of kinematic pairs.Green. mechanism and structure.Five Year Dual degree (B. involute profiles. classifications of mechanisms. epicyclic gear train. Theory of Machines by Thomas Bevan. Khurmi & J. cycloidal profiles. worm and worm gears. Lower pairs: Introduction. path of contact. computer aided synthesis of mechanisms. types of steering gear. Theory of machines. Kennedy‟s theorem. Theory of Machines by Dr. Four Bar mechanism. Theory of Machines by R. link. design of mechanisms by Inversion method. motion of the follower. analysis and torques in epicyclic gear trains. 2. Graphical and computer aided synthesis of mechanisms: Pole. reverted gear train. UNIT II Velocity Analysis: Introduction.K. crank and slotter lever mechanism. 61 . under cutting. numbers of pairs of teeth in contact interference in volute gears. gear terminology.Rattan. Inversion method. velocity ratios. differential gear. profile of cams. Jagadishlal 5.Gupta 4. bevel gears. angular velocity of links. Theory of Machines by W. automobile steering gears. engine indicators. four bar mechanism. double Hooke‟s joint. slider crank chain and double slider crank chain. number of instantaneous centers. coupler curves. equivalent mechanisms. types of followers. velocity of sliding. Theory of Machines by P. 3.Ballaney 6. Text Books: 1. degrees of freedom. compound gear trains. velocity of rubbing. pantograph. centroid.G.S.S.L. cams with specified contours–tangent cam with roller follower and Circular arc cam with Flat-Faced follower. minimum number of teeth.S. Governing of turbines.K.Five Year Dual degree (B.Priming of a centrifugal pumpCharacteristic curves. UNIT II Hydraulic Turbines: Classification.Specific speed of a centrifugal pump. jet striking centrally and at tip – velocity triangles at inlet and outlet – expressions for work done and efficiency – angular momentum principle.Axial flow reaction turbine. UNIT III Centrifugal Pumps: Main partsEfficiencyMinimum speed for starting.R. by R. inclined and curved waves.and efficiency of draft tube. Fluid Flow Machines.Francis turbine.Unit speed.Air vessels.Significance. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics by Modi and Seth.Hydraulic accumulator. Standard book House References: 1.Types.Effect of acceleration in suction and delivery pipes on indicator diagramEffect of friction.EffectsCavitations in Hydraulic machines. Laxmi publications. 62 .Theory.Constant head curves.Kaplan turbineDraft tube.Pelton wheel. Operational and constant efficiency curves.Classification.Velocity and acceleration variation in suction and delivery pipes due to piston acceleration. Performance of Turbines: Specific Speed: Determination.Cavitation. 2.Fourth Semester EIRME406/ EURME 406: HYDRAULIC MACHINES & SYSTEMS Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Impact of jets: Hydrodynamic force of jets on stationary and moving flat.Inward and outward radial flow reaction turbines. UNIT IV Reciprocating Pumps: Main parts.Hydraulic craneFluid couplingHydraulic torque converter.Reaction turbines.Unit discharge and unit power. by N.S.Govinda Rao. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by R. 2.Arora 3.Unit quantities.Maximum speed of reciprocating pump.Bansal.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.Hydraulic lift.Differential hydraulic accumulatorHydraulic intensifier. Hydraulic and Pneumatic systems.Main.Rajput 4.Constant speed curves and Iso-efficiency curves.Hydraulic ram. Elements of Hydraulic Machines & Fluidics by Jagadish Lal. Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd.Effect of variation of velocity on friction in suction and delivery pipes.Multi-stage centrifugal pumps.Characteristic curves of hydraulic turbines. Tech + M. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by K.K. Introduction to open and closed loop systems. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery. Text Books: 1. UNIT V Hydraulic Devices: Hydraulic press . 2.blends and draw various performance curves 3. 7. Conduct a load test on Research Engine with petro. 8. Conduct a load test on Four stroke Variable Compression Engine S.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.Five Year Dual degree (B.P and Mechanical efficiency.Fourth Semester EIRME411: MECHANICAL ENGINEERING-II LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks 1.O. Conduct Heat Balance sheet on high-speed four-stroke multi cylinder MARUTI SUZUKI make S.I MARUTI Engine to determine F. Conduct an experiment on vapor compression refrigerator to determine C. 6. Conduct a load test and Heat balance sheet on Four stroke Kirloskar diesel Engine draw various performance curves 10. Study of dynamic balancing machine 12. Conduct Morse test on high-speed four-stroke multi cylinder S.P 11. Conduct an experiment on two-stage reciprocating air compressor to determine various efficiencies.I Engine at ½ and ¾ loads. Conduct a load test on Research Engine with Petrol fuel and draw various performance curves. Conduct a load test on Research Engine with Bio fuel and draw various performance curves 4. Study of Automotive Components 63 . Tech + M.Engine and draw various performance curves 9.I. Conduct a load test on Research Engine with diesel and bio fuel blends and draw various performance curves 5. Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Determination of hardness using different hardness testing Machines.Brinnels. 8. Buckling of Sand 11.Fourth Semester EIRME412: MECHANICS OF SOLIDS LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks 1. 2. 9. Torsion Test on Circular Shafts. Vickers. Punch Shear Test . 5. Impact Test by using Izod and Charpy Methods. Hardness Test and Compression Test by using Hounsefield Tensometer. Determination of Compressive Strength of wood 4.Five Year Dual degree (B. 7. Tension Shear Test on MS Rods. 64 . 3. Deflection test on Beams using UTM. and Rockwell‟s. To study the Stress Strain Characteristics (Tension & Compression) of Metals by using UTM. Tech + M. To study the Stress Strain Characteristics of Metals by using Hounsefield Tensometer. To find Stiffness and Modulus of Rigidity by Conducting Compression Test on Springs. 6. 10. Lock Nut. Square Thread. Machine Drawing by R.Bhatt.Kannaiah and K. 2. Pearson Education 2003. Conventional Representation of Threads. Swivel Bearing. Rag Bolt Lewis Bolt and Spanner. Text Books: 1.Narayan. Ring Nut. Screw fastenings: Introduction. Round Key.L. Keys and Cotter Joints: Introduction.Five Year Dual degree (B. Washer. Woodruff Key. 2nd edition. Shaft Bearings: Solid Bearing. Eccentric of Steam Engine. Flanged. Tech + M. 2) Drawings as per IS. Connecting Rod of an IC Engine. Foot Step Bearing and Pedestal Bearing.M. Note: 1)The above Mechanical Components can be Drawn using Mechanical Drafting packages like AutoCAD/MDT/CATIA.Venkata Reddy. Splined Shaft. References: 1. New Delhi. S. Dome Nut. Machine Drawing by N.. Socket and Spigot Joint. Hexagonal Nut. Bushed Bearing. New Age publications 2003. Eye Foundation Bolt. 2. Right Hand and Left Hand Threads. Knuckle Joint. 3) All Drawings are in 2-D in which one chapter should be drawn in 3-D. Assembly Drawings: Stuffing Box of Steam Engine. Saddle Key.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. First Indian edition. Machine Drawing by K. Shaft Couplings: Box and Split Muff Coupling.Chand and Co Ltd. P. V-Threads. Screw Jack. Square Nut. Taper Key.Panchal. Sunk Taper Key. Charotar Publishing House 2007. Universal and Oldham‟s Coupling.D. Types of Bolts. Tool Post of Lathe Machine. V. Engineering Graphics with AutoCAD 2002 by James D Bethune. 65 . Castle Nut. 42 nd edition.Fourth Semester EIRME413: MACHINE DRAWING LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks Screw threads: Definitions. Flanged Nut.K Dhawan 2nd edition. Feather Key. Dynamic force Analysis: Introduction. UNIT IV Balancing: Introduction. balancing of locomotives. Balancing of Reciprocating masses. free body diagrams. controlling force. UNIT III Governors: Introduction. Inertia governors. piston effort. Hunting. Superposition. gyroscopic couple. Isochronism. angular velocity and angular acceleration of connecting rod.free torsional vibrations of a single rotor system.Fifth Semester EIRME501/EURME 601: THEORY OF MACHINES – II Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Static Force Analysis: Introduction. stability of a four wheel drive moving in a curved path. effect of gyroscopic couple on an aeroplane. Hartnell governor. Transverse and Torsional Vibrations: Natural frequency of free transverse vibrations due to point load and UDL acting over a simply supported shaft. Static balancing. stability of a two wheel vehicle taking a turn. balancing of inline engines. Equilibrium of Two-force and Three-force members. Tech + M.Five Year Dual degree (B. dynamic balancing.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.Natural frequencies of free longitudinal vibrations of systems having single degree of freedom. Klein‟s construction. balancing of V-engines.Equilibrium method-Energy method and Rayleigh‟s method. Inertia forces in reciprocating Engines(Graphical method). turning moment on crank shaft. velocity and acceleration of piston. Definitions. UNIT V Vibrations: Introduction. effect of gyroscopic couple on a naval ship during steering. two rotor and three rotor system and gear system. Equivalent Offset inertia force. Porter governor. power of governor. Sensitiveness of governor. Natural frequency of free torsional vibrations. Inertia of connecting rod. Member with Two force and a torque. gyroscopic couple on a naval ship during rolling. Static Equilibrium. Dynamic analysis of Four bar and Single slider mechanisms. Force convention.dunkerley‟s method.transverse vibration for a shaft Course ed to number of point loads-energy method. D‟Alemberts principle. types of governors. UNIT II Gyroscope: Introduction. Proell governor. 66 . balancing of several masses in same planes. Precessional angular motion. balancing of several masses in different planes. Types of vibrations. effort of governor. Stability. gyroscopic couple on a naval ship during pitching. critical speed of a shaft. Frequency of damped vibration with damping-magnification factor or dynamic magnifier. Spring controlled gravity governor. Watt governor. Wilson-Hartnell governor. Theory of Machines by W. Design of Machinery by R.Text Books: 1.Gupta 4. 3.S. Tata Mc Graw Hill publications. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms by PL Ballaney 6.Green.K. Theory of Machines by Dr.L.G. References: 1. 2. Khurmi & J. Theory of Machines and Mechanisms by Amitaba Ghosh and Ashok kumar Mallik(EWP) 7.Norton 67 . Theory of Machines by Thomas Bevan. Theory of Machines by R. Theory of machines by SS Rattan. Jagadishlal 5. Slip Gauges.Jain.P. Delhi 2. „A Text Book of Engineering Metrology‟. Feeler gauges. 4. minor diameter. N. effective diameter. 3. monochromatic light. Text Books: 1. Flatness . A. Types of comparators. Sinebar. Precission level.L. interference of light. Straightness. Flatness interferometer. Optical level and Electrical. selective assembly.Five Year Dual degree (B. References: 1. Depth Micrometer. Pneumatic. Khanna Publishers.P. Miscellaneous Gauges: Radius gauges. I. Angular Measuring Instruments: Universal Bevel Protector. Vernier depth gauge.S. Angle gauges. CAD/CAM by M. Screw.General description of Optical Flats.Tool Maker‟s Microscope UNIT III Limits. Roundness measurement. T. Ring gauges. Engineering Metrology by Mahajan. Fits. Optical Bevel Protector. Advantages and disadvantages of comparators. tooth thickness. Plug gauges. pitch gauges. Angle Dekkor. Gupta. Interferometry applied to flatness Testing. UNIT IV Metrology of Screws & Gears: Metrology for screw threads. Dhanpat Rai & sons. UNIT II Comparators: Characteristics of comparators.Mechanical. Tolerances & Limit Gauges: ISO system of limits. Dial Gauge. Hand Book of Industrial Metrology. backlash. UNIT V Measurement of surface finish: methods of measuring surface finish. Flatness and Roundness measurement: Introduction. pitch.M. Tech + M.Fifth Semester EIRME502: METROLOGY Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Linear Measuring Instruments: Vernier height gauge. surface texture Machine tool acceptance tests: Acceptance tests for lathe. Straightness Measurement. Jain „Engineering Metrology‟. Autocollimator. conditions for interference of light waves. Technology of the metal Trade. plain limit gauges. shaft base system. measurement of major diameter. Wiley Eastern Limited. gauges for external threads.K. New Delhi 2. Measurement of spur gear. drilling machines. interchangeability.E. R. Khanna Publishers. tolerances as per IS 919. fits.Groover 68 .C.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. hole base system. Prentice Hall of India. Fuel moderator and coolant. Run-off flow and fall. Draft systems. Low. High pressure and high duty forced circulation boilers and modern trends in Boiler design. Special properties of structural materials required. Future potential of fuel cells. storing. evaporation and transpiration.2/3 blades and teetering – coning . Operating characteristics of fuel cells. Operating and maintenance expenses.classification .Introduction – OTEC conversion – thermal electric power generation . preparation and supply. Ideal fuel cells. Wind Energy: Introduction . Cost of power plant. Factors governing capacity of plants. Cost of production. Cost of erection. chimney including calculations. Radiation hazards and shielding. Induced radio-activity. Gas cooled reactors. Fuels. Radioactive waste disposal. Storage and pondage. UNIT II Nuclear power plants: Classification of reactors. Efficiency and EMF of fuel cells. Control and safety rods. Power Plant Economics: Capacity factor.energy utilization – site selection – potential Impacts. horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) . Other types of fuel cells. Boiler performance.blade profile . 69 . UNIT IV Fuel cell: Principle of operation of an acidic fuel cell. General layout of the plant. angle of incidence on tilted surface. OTEC -Thermal Energy Sources: Introduction –Geo thermal sources – applications for thermal and electricity generation – ocean energy . Different types of plants. Coal-handling. Flue gas testing and indicators (mechanical. Various stokers. Peak load consideration. Advantages of fuel cell power plants.Yaw system . Hydrometric survey rainfall. Types of Spillways and Dams.inverters.upwind / downwind . Catchment. Hydrology. Flat plate collectors: liquid and air type. UNIT III Solar Energy: solar radiation.rotor design considerations .Fifth Semester EIRME503: POWER PLANT ENGINEERING Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Steam Power Plants: General layout. Diversity factor. Reusable cells.vertical axis wind turbine(VAWT) . Tech + M. Solar angles . Power plant cycles. Hydro Electric Plants: Selection of site.day length. Load factor. electrical and chemical). Boilers: Mountings and accessories. medium and high head plants and pump storage plants. UNIT V Geo.Five Year Dual degree (B. Losses due to percolation.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. its measurement and prediction. Comparison between acidic and alkaline hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells. Reservoir.power regulation . distribution of power and determination of rates. K. 7.S.. by Joel Weisman.P. S. Twidell. Heat Engineering. 2. 3. Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Co. Moscow. Renewable Energy Sources. MIR Publishers. Power plant engineering by G. EFN Spon Ltd.A.. 1986.. 1997. New Delhi. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. and Weir.K. Inc.T. Fundamentals of Nuclear Power Engineering.Ltd. Skrotzki. 5.W. Sukhatme. Power Station Engineering and Economy. by D. 70 . Prentice Hall. Rajput. 3. and Womack. Hart.D. Modern Power Plant Engineering.R. Solar Energy. William A. Power plant engineering by P. G. J. References: 1. McGraw-Hill Book Company. New Delhi. Khanna Publishers. Singhai.RAI. Roy Eckart. A Text Book of Power Plant Engineering by R. 4. Shvets et al. Vopat.Nagpal.Text Books: 1. 1984.. 6.Magal. A. 4. J. Fuel Cells: Theory & Applications. Tata McGraw Hill. Non-Conventional energy resources by G. A. 5. Solar Power Engineering by B. I. by Benhaedt G. Khanna publishers.NAG 2..K.B.. Delhi-6. Hekys theory. Machine Design by R. Helical. Classification of gears Standard tooth systems.Five Year Dual degree (B.Fifth Semester EIRME504: MACHINE DESIGN Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Mechanical engineering design. rectangular keys. Temperature effect on viscosity. Design of Rolling contact bearings . Text Book: 1. Jain. Band and block brake UNIT V Design of Gears. Design against static loads:Modes of failure.B. Factory of safety. Equivalent bearing load.K. Selection of bearings from manufacturers catalogue. S. Design of Machine Elements by V.Static and dynamic load capacity. Bevel and Worm gears. UNIT IV Design of clutches.Gupta. Soderberg. Design for dynamic and wear loads. flange coupling . Machine Design by Pandya and Shah. endurance limit.uniform pressure theory. Spur. flexible coupling. Charator publishing house. Design synthesis. BIS designation of steels. Goodman and modified Goodman diagrams. Design considerations and standards. 1st ed. 15 th ed. square keys . Universal coupling Design of shafts: Strength basis and rigidity bases. 4 th ed. Brakes– Block brakes.S. Force analysis of Bevel and Worm gears. internally expanded. TMH Co. Tooth failure.K. Load factor.bushed pin coupling. Bhandari. UNIT III Design of Sliding contact bearings: Lubrication modes. Load-life relationships. Machine Design by R. Theories of failures. Khurmi & J. Terminology of each. 3. Tech + M. Ltd. design of friction clutchessingle plate multi-plate clutches.external. Lewis equation. 71 . Thermal design considerations of worm gears.Traditional design methods. UNIT II Keys and Couplings: design of Keys.Engineering materials classification and selection. Axial.Vonmises theory Fluctuating and fatigue stresses -Stress concentration factors. fatigue design under combined loading. uniform wear theory. Equivalent bending and twisting. 2. Heating of bearings.Rigid couplings – muff couplings. Chand &Company Ltd . bending and torsional stresses. 1 st ed. References: 1. Trescas theory.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Bearing modulus. McKee equations. Journal bearing design.rankines theory. kenedy key and woodruff key Couplings.. Khanna publications. Band brakes. Face width an beam strength. notch sensitivity. feed back and its effects.stability characteristic equation and the state transition matrix. state transition equation. methods of determining stability of linear control systems. state transition matrix. relationship between state equations and transfer functions. Time-domain performance of control systems. Vibration measurement: velocity & acceleration measurement. Vibration transducers. State.Five Year Dual degree (B. Radiation methods. Dynamic performance characteristics. Characteristic equation. calibration. Transfer function. and Indicating and recording elements. Pneumatic load cell. UNIT V Time-domain analysis of control systems: Typical test signals for the response of control systems. 72 . block diagrams. Open loop and closed loop systems. Matrix representation of state equations. calibration of motion measuring devices. Motion measurement: Relative motion measurement.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.variable analysis of linear dynamic systems. Elastic force devices. Temperature measurement: Non-electrical methods. UNIT II Force measurement: Hydraulic load cell. Driving type dynamometers. Introduction to Frequency-domain analysis of control systems.Fifth Semester EIRME505: INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction to Instrumentation: Process of measurement. UNIT IV Mathematical modeling of Physical systems: Equations of electrical networks. Torque and power measurement: Transmission dynamometers. and eigen vectors.order differential equations. Intermediate elements. modeling of mechanical system elements. absolute motion measurement.stability of control systems. Tech + M. block diagram and signal flow graph: Impulse response and transfer functions of linear systems. Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Absorption dynamometers. Display and recording elements. Nyquist plots. Vibration meters and analyzers UNIT III Control systems: Introduction. signal conditioning elements. bodo plots. relationship between state equations and higher. equation of mechanical systems. Transducer elements. Static performance characteristics. electrical methods. eigen values. Control systems Engineering by Nagrath and Gopal 73 .Jain 4.C. 3.Text Books: 1. Mechanical Measurements by Sirohi and Radha Krishnan. 2.Nakra and K.Holman. Experimental Methods for Engineers.K. Instrumentation measurements and analysis by B. Chaudhry. by J. Modern Control systems by Benjamin . Automatic Control by Droff. Tata Mc Graw Hill 5. 2. 6. Mechanical and Industrial measurements by R. Instrumentation by Dobelion.K. kuo References: 1. McGraw-Hill.C.P. Terminology. by S. Duality. Tech + M. . Steps involved in the application of CPM and PERT.. Theory of games: Introduction. and Development of Operations Research.Formulation of Linear Programming Problems.Mixed strategies. Inventory models with shortages quantity discounts Project Management: Introduction. Text Books: 1. Optimal solution. graphic solution. Simplex Method.P.K. problems with n-jobs and three machines. problems with n-jobs and two machines. Artificial variable technique. The Minimax and Maximin principle.D.(John Wiely) 2. transportation problems. Two-person zero-sum games. Inventory costs.S.K. by M. Operations Research Methods and Problems. Economic order quantity (EOQ) EOQ Models.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Queuing systems. Different queuing models Sequencing: Introduction.Sharma.Reasearch.(Kedarnadh Ramnadh & Co. Operations.Hira. Graphical Method. Games without saddle points . by V. Operations Research.Fifth Semester EIRME506: OPERATIONS RESEARCH Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Development: History. Characteristics of Queing models.Sasiene.Friedman. 74 .. Traveling salesman problem. Replacement of items that fail completely. Unbalanced UNIT III Queuing Theory: Introduction. Dominance property UNIT V Inventory: Introduction.Kapoor References: 1. Project scheduling by CPM and PERT. A Text Book of Operation Research.Yespal and L.Five Year Dual degree (B.Graphical solutions. UNIT II Transportation: Formulation methods for finding Initial Solution. 2xn and mx2 Games . UNIT IV Replacement and Maintenance: Introduction. A. Production inventory model.Gupta 2. problems with n-jobs and m-machines. Assignment: Formulation optimal solution. by D. Replacement of items that deteriorate with time value of money unchanging and changing. Dual Simplex method. Linear Programming: Introduction to LP. OR Models. Calibration of flow nozzle. Conduct a load test on a Francis turbine and draw various characteristic curves. overall efficiency and coefficient of discharge of the pump working under constant speed. Performance characteristics of hydraulic ram 12. 75 . 11. To study the Calibration procedure of the given Triangular notch (V . Determine the coefficient of discharge of a mouth piece 9.Notch) 7. 14. Determine the overall efficiency of a centrifugal pump and draw various performance curves.Five Year Dual degree (B. To study the general behavior of reciprocating pump and to compute percentage of slip. Performance characteristics of Kaplan turbine 13. 2.Fifth Semester EIRME511: FLUID MECHANICS AND MACHINERY LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks 1. To study the general method of calibration of venturimeter. Tech + M. Pressure distribution and drag characteristics of a cylinder and aerofoil in a wind tunnel. Resistance characteristics of pipes.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Calibration of Orifice meter 5. 10. 4. Determine the coefficient of discharge of a small orifice 8. To study the procedure for conducting load test on Pelton wheel 3. 6. Planning practice and slotting practice. Semi hexagonal cutting.Round to square cutting. Lathe-Eccentric turning. 76 . Milling.Round to square cutting.Five Year Dual degree (B. drilling. Milling. 6. 11. Chamfering. 5. Force measurement using dynamometers on milling. 9. 15 . Lathe-Step turning. Knurling. Lathe-Taper turning. 10. lathe machines. Milling.Round to Hexagonal nut cutting using Direct indexing method. 12. Knurling. 13.Spur gear cutting using Differential indexing method. 2. Tech + M. Shaping. Lathe-Off set turning. 8. Shaping. Lathe-Thread cutting. Chamfering. Grinding: Grinding a single point cutting tool as per given signature.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Chamfering. Measurement of cutting tool temperature in turning using thermocouple. Parting off. 7. 3. 14. 4. V-groove cutting. Knurling.Fifth Semester EIRME512: MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY -II LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks 1.Spur gear cutting using Simple indexing method.Effect of speed and feed on surface grinding. Five Year Dual degree (B. Conducting a meeting. Developing Communicative abilities. Courland L. Irwin – McGraw Hill. Tenth Edition. Excellence in Business Communication. Group Discussion. Hurta A etal. The McGraWHill companies Inc. A Guide to effective writing. John V. Telephone Etiquette. Murphy.Maxwell. speaking and listening. Bove‟e. 77 . 1996. Oral Presentation: a. 4. 1999. Text Books: 1. Lesitar & Pettit. Mary Jean Onorato.. Paper Presentation – Planning. California 1982. Technical report writing today. 2. Gerald w.Fifth Semester EIREG513: ENGLISH COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks Concept and importance of communication.. Houghton Mifflin company. Proposals and Research Reports. 5. Report writing for Business. William C. 1995. McGraw Hill Inc. Business Communications. Tech + M. Gelencoe publishing company.5th edition. Thill. Himstreet. preparation and Presentation using Audio-Visual aids. b. 3. Effective Business communications. Interviews c. 1997. Paulery and Riordan.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Reprint. d. The Crank-Nicolson Method. 2. UNIT V Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference: Elliptic Equations – The Laplace Equation. Newton-Raphson Method. Gauss-Jordan. Solution Techniques. UNIT II Linear Algebraic Equations: Gauss Elimination – Solving Small Numbers of Equations.Newton-Cotes Algorithms for Equations. Smith. UNIT III Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Newton-Cotes Integration Formulas – Trapezoidal Rule. References: 1. UNIT IV Ordinary Differential Equations: Runge-Kutta Methods – Euler‟s Method. Adaptive Runge-Kutta Methods. Canale. Spring Mass Systems. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists. Systems of Equations. Application to practical problems – The Swinging Pendulum. Runge-Kutta Methods. Boundary-Value and Eigenvalue Problems. Improper Integrals. Application to practical problems – Integration to Determine the Total Quantity of Heat. False Position Method. Gauss Quadrature. Truncation Errors and the Taylor Series.Five Year Dual degree (B. Integration with Unequal Segments. Wolford. Bairstow‟s method. Harper & Row Publishers 78 . Roots of Polynomials – Muller‟s Method. Simpson‟s Rules. Application to practical problems .Sixth Semester EIRME601/EURME401: COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Modeling. Boundary Conditions. Improvement of Euler‟s Method. J. L. Computation of Work. Numerical Differentiation – High Accuracy Differentiation Formulas.Finite-Element Solution of a Series of Springs. Pitfalls. Multiple Integrals. Romberg Integration. Incremental searches and Determining Initial Guesses. James. Richardson Extrapolation. Roots of Equations: Bracketing Methods – Bisection Method. P. M. Text Book: 1. Chapra. Application to practical problems – Analysis of a Statically Determinate Truss. Stiffness and Multistep Methods. and Error Analysis: Mathematical Modeling and Engineering Problem Solving. Integration of Equations . S. TMH Ltd. ExplicitMethods. Open Integration Formulas. Techniques for improving Solutions. S. Naïve Gauss Elimination. G. C. Numerical Methods for Engineers.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Applied Numerical Methods for Digital Computation. Approximations and Round-Off Errors. Secant Method. Tech + M. Chapra and R. McGraw-Hill Company Ltd. Derivatives of Unequally spaced Data. C. C. Vibration Analysis. The Control Volume Approach. a Simple Implicit Method. Nonlinear Systems of Equations. LU Decomposition and Matrix Inversion. Application to practical problems – Ideal and Nonideal gas laws. Finite Difference: Parabolic Equations – The Heat Conduction Equation. Open Methods – Fixed Point Iteration. Computers. Special Matrices and Gauss-Seidel. M. Parallel flow.shape factor. Tech + M. Long 4.Condensation on vertical flat plate and horizontal tubes. radiation field. Heat Transfer.Application of dimensional analysis to free and forced convection problems.Incropera and Dewitt References: 1. and use of Heisler charts. Unsteady state Heat Transfer conduction: Transient heat conduction. UNIT III Radiation: Black body radiationBoltzman equationRadiant heat shields.Continuity.Sixth Semester EIRME602/EURME603: HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction: Basic modes of heat transfer.Generalized heat conduction equation in Cartesian. Condensation: Laminar film condensation. Cylindrical and Spherical coordinate systems. parallel and perpendicular surfaces.Five Year Dual degree (B.Laminar and turbulent heat transfer correlation. Heat and Mass Transfer. Intl student edition Mcgraw hill.Student edition. Heat transfer by Sukhatme 5.Critical thickness of insulation.Lumped system analysis. Essential of Heat Transfer by Christopher A. cylinders and spheres. Heat transfer by Yunus A Cengel 79 .Nusselt's theory. by J.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.Arora and Domkundwar 2.Counter flow. McGraw Hill Book Company.Empirical correlation. Steady state heat conduction solution for plain and composite slabs.Drop wise condensation.Nucleate. Transition and Film boiling. UNIT II Convection: Free and Forced convection.P.Radiation UNIT IV Heat Exchangers: Types of heat exchangers.Stefan exchange. Text Books: 1. UNIT V Boiling and Condensation: Different regimes of boiling.LMTD and NTU methods.Momentum equation and velocity profiles in turbulent boundary layers.Dimensional analysis-Approximate solution of the boundary layer equations.Heat exchangers with phase change. Mass Transfer: Conservation laws and constitutive equations.Heat conduction through fins of uniform and variable cross section. momentum equations.Fick's law of diffusion-Equimolal counter diffusion. Kirchoff's laws.Cross flow heat exchangers.shell & tube heat exchangers .Overall heat transfer coefficient. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2.Rate equations. 3. Int. Boundary layer theory concepts-energy equations.Mass transfer coefficient.Holman.Fouling in heat exchangers.Fin effectiveness and efficiency. Analysis of Heat Transfer by Eckert and Drake. elements of costs. seasonal and non-seasonal demand. other costs to the firm. demand analysis. safety stock. Setting the production rate. scope of the problem. limitations of inventory control. UNIT V Production control: Control objectives. controlling production. materials requirements planning. 4. master production scheduling. Forecasting: Forecasting models. 80 .John E Biegal.make and buy decisions. demand and supply. functions of production planning and control. 5. planning and control . Text Book: 1. 3. demand and production characteristics. problems in production control. product design and process selection. Production planning and inventory control . Systematic control of inventory: Fixed order quantity systems. McLeavey. Elements of production planning and control . Dennis W. organization of production planning and control department. Measures of inventory performance. role of forecasting in production and inventory control. Industrial Engineering and Management – O P Khanna. Economic quantities of manufacture or purchase: Lot size problems. finite production rates in manufacturing. quantity discounts. References: 1.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. classification of items in inventory. Short term and long term planning . internal organization of department. Lay out of the physical system. 2. Tech + M. types of production planning. fixed interval systems. control systems approach. S) systems. Planning procedures. scheduling and dispatching. Aggregate production planning. routing. Uncertainty: Effects of uncertainty. manufacturing planning. economic and social complications of inventory management.Five Year Dual degree (B. uncertainty in production cycling UNIT IV Production planning: Scope of planning. types of production and production control systems. UNIT II Inventory Control: Objectives.Samuel Eilon.Sixth Semester EIRME603: PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction: Objectives of production planning and control. Peter J Billington. Production forecasting. definitions. Computer based inventory control systems. principles of cost determination and accounting systems.Magee and Boodman. Functions of inventory. UNIT III Cost factor: The importance of costs. Application of computers in production planning and control. Production control . design of a production planning and control systems.EH Mac Niece. (s. production and inventory cost factors. Production Planning and Inventory Control – Seetharama L Narasimhan. MPS. Tata McGraw hill publishers. Mappings of geometric models. UNIT IV Introduction to Robotics: Types of robots. methods. Database. NC Part Programming: Introduction to NC part programming. Automation. CAPP. Computer control system. UNIT V Computer integrated planning system: CIM.N. planning the FMS. advantages and limitations. CNC & DNC machines. production flow analysis. FMS workstations. machine cell design. 81 . Planning and control. specifications and applications. NC tooling and Automatic Tool Changers. Tech + M. Surface models . Reference: 1. Production systems & Computer integrated manufacturing by M. Introduction to Boundary representation and Constructive solid geometry. Applications of computers in manufacturing.Sixth Semester EIRME604: CAD/CAM End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Overview of CAD systems: Fundamentals of CAD-Introduction –Types of systems. Solid models – solid entities. Khanna Publishers. Graphics standards. solid representation. Material handling and storage system.Types and Mathematical parametric representation of analytic and synthetic surfaces. CAD/CAM Principles and Integration by P.manual part programming. Text Book: 1. user interface. modes of graphic operation.Groover PHI publications. advantages and limitations of programming methods. computer assisted part programming. fundamentals of solid modeling. MRP-I. Problems with conventional production system.Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 Five Year Dual degree (B. software modules. Application & benefits of Group technology and FMS.Types and Mathematical parametric representation of analytic and synthetic curves. UNIT III Two and Three dimensional Graphics concepts: Geometric Transformations – Transformations of geometric models.P. analysis methods for flexible manufacturing system. CAD Software – Graphic terminal. parts classification and coding. UNIT II Geometric Modeling: Wire frame models . working and screen coordinate systems. modeling and viewing. 2. Data Base Management Systems. Group technology and flexible manufacturing system: Part families.Rao.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Inverse transformations and mapping. Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing by Sadhu Singh. shop floor control. basic definitions of Data structure. database. Input devices. Capacity planning. projections of geometric models. MRP-II. NC. Output devices. magneto. types of combustion chambers for petrol and diesel engines. East-West student edition References: 1. electronic ignition.fly wheel. front axle and wheel alignment. axles .Mechanical and electrical diaphragm pumps. Scitech publications.K. piston design basis.W. air and fuel filters. clutch actuating mechanisms. piston rings. Standard publisher distributors 2.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. distributor. transmission and arrangements. various systems of engine lubrication. cylinders.Theory.C. study of clutch components. UNIT IV Chassis systems: Introduction of chassis. Automobile Engineering. mufflers. types.Five Year Dual degree (B. Lubrication systems:. torque converter. 2. starting motor. conventional construction. UNIT II Fuel supply systems for petrol and diesel engines. D. overdrive. and Angling. UNIT III Cooling system for I. UNIT V Suspension and steering system: Suspension: Systems.Gear box .front and rear. springs.Sixth Semester EIRME 605: AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction: Classification of vehicles options of prime movers. different methods of floating rear axle. components of water cooling systems.Necessity. valves. Steering mechanisms. types of rims and tyres. Text Books: 1. classification.-1 & 2 by Kripal Singh.H. air cooling. A. Automobile Electrical System by Judge. fluid fly wheel. frameless construction. selector mechanism. constant mesh and synchromesh type. Tech + M. propeller shaft.Objective of lubrication. Automobile engineering by K.number of strokes. types of lubricant. alternator. transfer box four wheel drive. introduction to various accessories. Electrical systems:. 3.Ignition system.L. introduction to vehicle dimensions. Automobile Mechanics by Crouse. fuel pumps . W. typical wiring diagram.Ramalingam. 82 . requirements of lubricant. shock absorbers. carburetors. Automotive Mechanics by Joseph Heitner. firing order. Engine: Engine classifications . super chargers. dynamo. Vol. methods of cooling. fuel injection systems for diesel and petrol engines. electronic fuel injection. Transmission systems: Introduction to single plate clutch. automatic transmission. valve arrangements and operating mechanisms. engines:. regulator. water cooling. wet and dry type. types of brakes and brake actuation mechanisms. four speed and five speed sliding mesh. types of jigs and fixtures. 3. Production Technology Hand Book.Khanna Publishers – 2002.Rao. 2. Stock strip layouts in sheet metal drawings. 2002. forging dies. Press Tool Design by Joshi. Location theory 3-2-1 principle.Narayana. 5.L. Tool Engineering & Design by G. Kundra. surface roughness & Geometric tolerance on production drawing as per IS 8000. TMH 4. Tech + M. Production Drawing by K. production drawing of jigs and fixtures 4. Publishing house.K.R. Part drawings and assembly drawings. Production drawings of single point cutting tool.Five Year Dual degree (B. fits.HMT. MI. IS 696 2. New age publishers 2. Khanna Publishers 3.Tewari. press tool. milling cutter. Metal Cutting by Arsinov. 83 .Tech) Mechanical Engineering.N. N.Sixth Semester EIRME611: PRODUCTION DRAWING LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks 1. CAD packages like AutoCAD/CATIA can be used for drawing practice Text Books: 1. tolerances. Representation of limits. NC & CAM by T. broaching tool and adopters (CNC Tooling) 6. Jigs & Fixtures by Joshi. Khanna Publishers References: 1. Nagpal . 3.R. P.K. 5. Measurement of central distance between two holes by using vernier height gauge. Study of flatness of slip gauges by using monochromatic check light. Tool maker‟s microscope-To study screw thread profile (Major dia. 9. pitch circle diameter. 6. pressure angle of a given spur gear.Five Year Dual degree (B. addendum. minor dia. 10. Calibration of micrometer and dial gauge by using slip gauges. dedendum. To check roundness and concentricity of spigot 7. pitch. thread angle) and tool angles. Measurement of Surface roughness by using Stylus method. 3. To check straightness of surface plate by using spirit level and autocollimeter. 4. Gear metrology-to find module. Measurement of angle gauges by using bevel protractor and sine bar.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. 2. Tech + M.Sixth Semester EIRME612: METROLOGY LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks 1. Measurement of taper angle of V-groove by using vernier height gauge. tooth width. 84 . 8. To Conduct stop watch time study for the assembly of electric plug and determine observed time. Tech + M. 12.Sixth Semester EIRME 613: INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous Evaluation: 100 Marks 1.Five Year Dual degree (B. To determine the cycle time using PMTS. oxygen consumption rate during working and recovery method 7.Chart for number of defects. 5. 3. oxygen consumption rate and energies expenditure during working and recovery method 8. normal time and standard time. Washer and nut assembly 2.C curve with theoretical O.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. 10. To draw the control chart for fraction defective for a given lot of Plastic Balls. To conduct physiological test on bicycle tread mill and to identify the changes in heart beat rate. 9. To draw two handed process charts for Bolt. Time study using pin board apparatus 6.Sixth Semester EIRME614: PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Hours per week: 3 Credits: NA Cont. Tech + M. To draw Multiple activity chart using an electric toaster. To draw C.C curve Five Year Dual degree (B.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. To show that the sample means from a normal universe follow a normal distribution. 4. To plot operating characteristic curves for a single sample attributes plan of a given lot of plastic balls sand to compare the actual O. To draw X & R Chart to determine the process capability for the measurement of smaller diameter of a given set of stepped pins. 11. Evaluation: NA 85 . To conduct physiological test on bicycle ergometer and to identify the changes in heart beat rate. Third edition.. Assembly of global stiffness matrix for the Banded and Skyline solutions. by Tirupathi R.mass matrix and load vector. Finite element method in engineering by S. Finite element modeling. Axisymmetric formulation. formulation. by Abel & Desai. 2.C. John Wiley & Sons. Chandrupatla. The Raleigh-Ritz method. The fournode quadrilateral. UNIT IV Two-dimensional Isoparametric Elements and Numerical Inte gration: Introduction. Finite Element Method. Plane strain problems..Five Year Dual degree (B. Numerical integration.Seshu. Tech + M. Plane trusses. The Galerkin approach. coordinates and Shape functions.. Temperature effects. Introduction to Finite Element Method. Quadratic shape functions. Assembly of the global stiffness matrix. Load vector. element mass matrices. Plane frames. Stresses and Equilibrium. 4. Ltd. Beams and Frames: Introduction. Temperature effects. Beams on elastic supports.Rao. Triangular element. Plane stress. evaluation of Eigen values and Eigen vectors. Saint Venant‟s principle. Three-dimensional trusses. Pearson education. Potential energy and Equilibrium. Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering.Seventh Semester EIRME-MT 701/ EIRME TE 701: FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS (Common to both Manufacturing and Thermal streams) Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Fundamental Concepts: Introduction. Problem modeling and boundary conditions. in plane and Bending. Mc/Graw-Hil 6. Finite element modeling. Boundary conditions. Constant strain triangle. Axisymmetric Solids Subjected to Axisymmetric Loading: Introduction. Butterworth-Heinemann publishers 5. Finite element modeling. Strain-Displacement relations. NISA-II Text Book: 1. References: 1. Finite element formulation. Finite element method by JN Reddy. PHI Learning Pvt. UNIT V Dynamic considerations: Introduction. Shear force and bending moment. Finite element method by P. Cook. MS –NASTRAN. Introduction to FEA packages: ANSYS.S. Treatment of boundary conditions. Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis. 86 . Galerkin's method. UNIT II One-dimensional Problems: Introduction. McGraw-Hills Publishers 3. Higher-order elements. Trusses: Introduction. Hamilton's principle. CBS Publishers. UNIT III Two-dimensional Problems Using Constant Strain Triangles: Introduction.Belegundu. The potential energy approach. by O. Stress-Strain relations. problem modeling and boundary conditions. Zienkiewicz. by Robert D.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Historical background. Boundary considerations. Ashok D. A. P.Five Year Dual degree (B. Sensing. Deb. Int. R. Nagel. 3. 1984. Programming and Applications”. Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Vision and Intelligence”. UNIT V Robot Programming. 1987. Artificial intelligence – Basics – Goals of artificial intelligence – AI techniques – problem representation in AI – Problem reduction and solution techniques . Gonzalez and C. Kozyrey.C.Application of AI and KBES in Robots.Seventh Semester EIRME – MT 702: ROBOTICS AND ROBOT APPLICATIONS Hours per week: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Credits: 4 Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Introduction and Robot Kinematics: Definition need and scope of Industrial robots – Robot anatomy – Work volume – Precision movement – End effectors – Sensors.G. Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation by S.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Sankha DebTata McGraw Hill Company Ltd. 1987 2. UNIT III Robot sensors: Transducers and Sensors – Sensors in Robot – Tactile sensor – Proximity and range sensors – Sensing joint forces – Robotic vision system – Image Gribbing – Image processing and analysis – Image segmentation – Pattern recognition – Training of vision system. Text Book: 1. Klafter. MIR Publishers Moscow. Thomas. Industrial application of robots..R.S. Ltd. N. Lee. Chmielewski. References: 1. Robot Kinematics – Direct and inverse kinematics – Robot trajectories – Control of robot manipulators – Robot dynamics – Methods for orientation and location of objects. Michael Negin. “Robotics Control. Richard. Mikell. 4. “Industrial Robots”. “Robotics for Engineers” Mc Graw-Hill. Mc Graw-Hill. K. 87 . Mc Graw Hill. Odrey. Roger.Fu. Yoram Koren. Mitchell Weis. “Robotics Engineering – An Integrated Approach”. Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems : Methods of Robot Programming – Characteristics of task level languages lead through programming methods – Motion interpolation. D. Nicholas G. Tech + M. Yu. 5. UNIT IV Robot Cell Design and Application: Robot work cell design and control – Safety in Robotics – Robot cell layouts – Multiple Robots and machine interference – Robot cycle time analysis. Groover. 1986. 2009.S.” Industrial Robotics Technology. UNIT II Robot Drives and Control: Controlling the Robot motion – Position and velocity sensing devices – Design of drive systems – Hydraulic and Pneumatic drives – Linear and rotary actuators and control valves – Electro hydraulic servo valves. magnetic and air operated grippers. electric drives – Motors – Designing of end effectors – Vacuum. 1985. W.K . Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics. Computation Fluid Dynamics. Muralidhar. Patankar.K. H. Addison Wesley – Longman. Tannehill. Standard and High and Low Reynolds number models. 1995. Pletcher. 4.Extension of General Nodal Equation to 2D and 3D Steady heat conduction and unsteady heat conduction UNIT III Incompressible Fluid Flow: Governing Equations. S. Stream Function . K. J. Convection problems. C. An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method. Wiley Eastern Ltd. and R. 1988. Determination of pressure for viscous flow. New Delhi. Discretization Schemes and their assessment Treatment of Boundary Conditions.. 1992 5. and Sundararajan. Text Books: 1. McGraw Hill. Taylor & Francis. A. Bose. 1995 References: 1. cylindrical and spherical co-ordinate systems – boundary conditions – Un steady state heat conduction – Errors associated with FDE . H.. John Wiley. 1989.. A. Tech + M. Finite difference approach UNIT IV Convection Heat Transfer: Solution of one dimensional and two dimensional steady/unsteady convection – Diffusion. D. 1979. and W.A.Vorticity method. TwoEquation & Stress-Equation Turbulent Models. 88 .. Computation of Boundary layer flow.. Chow.. Malalasekera.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.. “Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer”. Second Edition.Seventh Semester EIRME – TE 702: COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Finite difference methods: Taylor‟s series – FDE formulation for 1D and 2D steady state heat transfer problems – Cartesian. SIMPLE Procedure of Patankar and Spalding. Convection-diffusion problems UNIT V Turbulence Models: Algebraic Models – Turbulence models . Anderson.ε Models.Five Year Dual degree (B. Versteeg. Hirsch. C. 1995 3. 2. Hemispher Publishing Corporation. Narosa Publishing House. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics. Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer.Diffusion problems. One-Equation. R. T.Zero-Equation. K. T.Y. 2.V. H. Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow...Explicit Method – Stability criteria – Implicit Method – Crank Nickolson method – 2-D FDE formulation – ADI – ADE UNIT II Finite Volume Method: Formation of Basic rules for control volume approach using 1D steady heat conduction equation – Interface Thermal Conductivity . Sankha DebTata McGraw Hill Company Ltd. Future prospects. cutting tools.. JIT and simulation -Installation. Implementation of the FMS tool data base. UNIT II Design and Planning of FMS: the role of associated technologies such as GT. quality control and inventories. Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation by S.Five Year Dual degree (B. Paul Ranky. Mating surface description methods for automated design and robotised assembly. New York.Seventh Semester EIRME-MT 703: FLEXIBLE MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Introduction: The economic justification of FMS. FMS project and software documentation. The analysis and calculation of pallet alignment and work mounting errors. UK. Hannam. Data processing design. Distributed systems in FMS. Application possibilities of the FMS tool data base.R. Distributed tool data bases in FMS: The distributed tool data structure with a general purpose tool description facility. UNIT IV FMS database for clamping devices and fixtures: The FMS clamping device and fixture data base. robots. UNIT III Distributed processing in FMS: Introduction to database management systems (DBMS) and their application in CAD/CAM and FMS. 89 .Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Control aspects of FMS-DNC of machine tools. The concept of the 'total system'. The application of automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems. structure. Marcel Dekker Inc. The Design and Operations of FMS by Dr. Text Books: 1. 1988 3. The basic components of FMS and their integration in the data processing system. Application of industrial robots in FMS. Operation and evaluation -Scheduling problems. Flexible Manufacturing Systems in Practice by Joseph Talavage and Roger G. Deb. 2.Flexible machining cells and islands -Flexible assembly Systems. design and implementation: Designing the FMS. 2009. IFS (Publications) Ltd. Tech + M.. control and applications -FMS in action: Typical case studies. The FMS relational: Economic and technological justification for FMS Management decisions during FMS project planning. UNIT V Inspection and Cleaning stations: Personnel and infrastructural aspects . 1983. Viscous Fluid Flow by F. „The dynamics and thermodynamics of compressible fluid flow‟. NewYork. Jowkowski transformation.Visco-elastic Models to Standard Flow and Application to Some Engineering Flow Problems-.Visco-elastic Fluids and Flow Linear and Nonlinear Visco-elastic Models.Development of lift –wing-Cavitation. aerofoil. doublet. The Ronald Press Co. velocity profile.Generalized Newtonian Fluid Flows.R.M. Munson. Schlitching 3. 1955 90 . flow over an ellipse. flow between rotating cylinders. Stokes stream function for axi-symmetric flows. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. Reynolds stresses.Seventh Semester EIRME – TE 703: ADVANCED FLUID MECHANICS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Inviscid Flows: Complex potentials for simple flows.H. Free turbulence – jets.Rheological Classifications.Five Year Dual degree (B. Advanced Fluid Mechanics by Muralidhar & Biswas References: 1. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. stagnation point flow.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. D. Magnus effect. fully developed flow through ducts. Oxford University Press 2. source. Vol.H.F.Shear free FlowOscillatory Rheometric Flow.John Wiley and Sons Inc. transition to turbulent flow. Irrotational flow equations. lift calculation. UNIT IV Boundary layer flow: Flows around a body – Forces acting on a body. A. Text Books: 1. Kutta condition.. hydrodynamic theory of lubrication UNIT III Concept of Turbulence: Concept of linearized stability of parallel viscous flow. Low Reynolds number flows. uniform flow. Young. flow near a rotating disk. I and II. Reynolds equation for turbulent flow. creeping flow past a sphere. B. Rankine oval. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. 1990 2.White 3.. Shaughnessy. turbulent flow in pipes. Shapin. wakes and mixing layer. Tech + M.Boundary Layers in Rotating Flows UNIT V Non-Newtonian Fluid flow: Non-Newtonian Fluids and Generalized Newtonian.The drag of a body-drag coefficient-drag for cylinder. Conformal transformation. calculation of lift. T. flow past a stream-lined body. Rankine half body.. use of vorticity and stream function. combination of simple flows. UNIT II Viscous flow : Exact solution of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations – Couette flow. Stokes problems. sink and vortex.Visco-metric Flow in Rheometry. and Okiisi.Simple Shear Flow. Prandtl‟s mixing length theory.. eddy viscosity. transformations of the circle. flow past cylinder.sphere-flat plate –friction torque acting on revolving discs-The lift of a body . flow past a flat plate. drilling.Five Year Dual degree (B. Continuous evaluation :100 Marks Introduction to Modeling packages . 2D-Modeling of simple objects 3D-Modeling of simple objects Preparation of manual part programme for turning. pocketing . grooving. Solid Works. To Generate NC programme using Master CAM / Edge CAM simulation software for a turning Job using Lathe Version. Gear cutting. Uni Graphics. Thread cutting. Ideas. Catia. 2.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Face milling. drilling and milling 5. 91 .ProEngineer. 8. 3. 4. 7. drilling b. Tech + M.Seventh Semester EIRME – MT 711/ EIRME – TE 711: CAD/CAM LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 1. Machining of one job on CNC Lathe. a. Step turning. a. 6. To Generate NC programme using Master CAM / Edge CAM simulation software for a 3axis machining Milling Version. taper turning. contouring b. Machining of one job on CNC Drilling. Determine the effectiveness of a counter flow heat exchanger. 7.Seventh Semester EIRME 713: INTERNSHIP Duration: 3 months Credits: 8 Continuous evaluation: 100 Marks 92 .Five Year Dual degree (B. Determine the efficiency of a pin fin in natural convection. Determine the Temperature Distribution and overall thermal conductance across the width of composite wall.Seventh Semester EIRME-MT 712/ EIRME – TE 712 : HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 Continuous evaluation: 100 Marks 1. 10. 2. Tech + M. 3. Tech + M. Determine the heat transfer rate and effectiveness of computer-controlled heat exchanger in parallel and counter flow. 6. 5. Determine the efficiency of a pin fin in forced convection. Five Year Dual degree (B. 8. Determine the effectiveness of a parallel flow heat exchanger.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Determine the heat transfer coefficients on Film and Drop wise condensation apparatus. Determine the heat transfer coefficient for a vertical cylinder in natural convection 4. 11. Determine the thermal conductivity of a metal rod. Determine the emissivity of the test plate surface.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. 9. Determine the heat transfer coefficient in forced convection of air in a horizontal tube. Deep drawing of sheet. Advantages of metal forming as a manufacturing process. Initiation and extent of plastic flow (microstructural point of view).Tech) Mechanical Engineering. R. coining. Flow rule. Flat rolling. spinning. rubber-pad forming. High Energy Rate Forming (HERF). Addision Wesley.M. slip line field. “Theory of Plasticity”. Other methods of analysis like FEM. Work hardening. Classifications of metal forming processes. “Manufacturing processes for Engineering Materials”. extrusion and tooling. Hydroforming. and its relation with other processes. piercing. heading. Hosford W.. wire and tube drawing.1983. UNIT III Analysis of forming processes. Forming limit diagrams. UNIT V Sheet forming: blanking. Yield criteria.Eighth Semester EIRME-MT 801: METAL FORMING TECHNIQUES Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction of metal forming as a manufacturing process. 1997. Process simulation for deep drawing and numerical approaches.. Prentice Hall. 2. explosive forming. Text Book: 1. Narayanasamy R. deep drawing. Rod. “Metal Forming Mechanics and Metallurgy”. UNIT II Theoretical analysis (theory of plasticity): Stress-strain relationship. upper bound. Presses (mechanical. Work of plastic deformation. Formability tests. open-die forging. References: 1. shape rolling and tooling. flat rolling. upsetting. Rolling. closed-die forging. Tech + M. Strain hardening. Ahuja Publications. Slab analysis : Open-die forging. Scrope Kalpakjian. electroforming. nosing. Forming equipments. UNIT IV Overview of various metal forming operations: Forging. stretch forming.F and Caddell. Formability of sheet. Material incompressibility. press bending. Hot and cold pressing (HIP. Metal Forming from systems point of view.. 2000.Five Year Dual degree (B. CIP). 93 . Plate drawing. Yield criterion and flow rule for Anisotropic material. hydraulic). mixing length concept.S.K. UNIT II Turbulent Forced Convective Heat Transfer: Von.Five Year Dual degree (B. by S. Finite Difference methods for Conduction: 1D & 2D steady state and simple transient heat conduction problems – implicit and explicit methods. 2.ablation. 2002 2. Chi.P. Prandtl analogies . Incropera F. Tata McGraw-Hill.Shear velocity and heat transfer for various boundary conditions. Engines. UNIT III Radiation Heat Transfer: Heat radiation through absorbing and transmitting media. 2002 References: 1. John 4. radiation from gases. Wiley & Sons.P... Oxford University Press. Ghoshdastidar. Holman. Heat and mass Transfer by N. Text Books: 1.Mass transfer coefficient. Heat Transfer by J.turbulent flow in a tube-. Ozisik 3. classification.Eighth Semester EIRME – TE 801: ADVANCED HEAT & MASS TRANSFER Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Conduction Heat Transfer: One dimensional steady state heat conduction with heat source extended surface heat transfer.C.Fins of non uniform cross section. W. Simplified relations for boiling heat transfer with water . D. Tata McGraw Hill Publication. Heat pipe theory application Springer link Publication. combined heat and mass transfer problems. Vaporization of droplets. 2004 3.unsteady state conduction with moving source. Tech + M. 1998 94 . Heat transfer at high velocities for constant and variable fluid property.P. 9th ed. Nag. Fundamentals of Heat & Mass Transfer. UNIT IV Heat Exchangers: Heat exchangers with phase change .transpiration cooling . Heat Transfer. 2002. UNIT V Mass Transfer: Diffusion of gases.Karman and Van Driest expressions for diffusivity . construction and applications of heat pipe-compact heat exchangers. Heat Transfer Correlations in I. Theories of Mass Transfer. Heat Transfer.turbulence model – k -Є model .Heat transfer coefficient during phase change on tube bank. Liquids.P. Colburn. friction factor . P.analogy between heat and momentum transfer– Reynolds. Gas radiation – radiative properties of gases.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Combined mode of heat transfer -Radiation with conduction and convection surfaces. and DeWitt. Some definitions for simulation.Eighth Semester EIRME – MT 802: ADVANCED MANUFACTURING PROCESSES Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Adaptive Control: Definition of Adaptive Control. Characteristics of Nano particles. 4th edition. history of nano technology. Benefits of JIT. JIT Approach. Automated Guided Vehicles. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology by Serope Kalpakjian.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Khanna Publishers. simulation methodology. CAD/CAM principles and applications by PN. Simulation structure and elements of simulation. Adaptive Controlled optimization for Machining Process. Steps in implementation of JIT. Industrial Robots. Adaptive Control Constraint.basic steps in rapid prototyping. Computer Integrated Manufacturing by Dr. Tech + M. Comparison of lean and agile. Rail Guided Vehicles.RAO-TMH 95 . cycle diagrams. Sadhu Singh. Adaptive Optimization . Tata Mc.various techniques in Rapid prototyping. Product Design for JIT. comparison lean and Agile manufacturing. Classification of Adaptive Control. approaches for synthesis of nano materials. Plant layout for JIT. How JIT works. Agile and JIT Manufacturing: Introduction to Lean manufacturing. 2. applications of Nano technology UNIT IV Production Support Machines and Systems: Introduction . applications of rapid prototyping. need for simulation. Text Books: 1. types of wastes in lean manufacturing. Introduction.working principle of various production systems like Automatic Conveyor systems. UNIT II Lean. Elements of JIT. Grawhill References: 1. Computer aided design and manufacturing by Betworth. 2.Five Year Dual degree (B. Effects of JIT production. Nano Manufacturing: Introduction. UNIT III Rapid Prototyping: Definition. Definition. Steven & Schmid. Pearson Education Publications. types of simulation. Definition. UNIT V Manufacturing system Simulation: Introduction. Heat Exchangers Selection. Information Flow Diagram. 3. UNIT IV Condensers and Cooling Towers: Direct contact heat transfer – Design of surface and evaporative condensers – cooling tower – performance Characteristics. Compact Heat Exchangers. Shah & D. rotation etc. CRC Press. 2002 4. P.Eighth Semester EIRME-TE -802: DESIGN OF THERMAL EQUIPMENTS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Mathematical Modelling: Equation Fitting .Longman Scientific & Technical Publ. Text Books: 1. Empirical Equation . Different Modes of Mathematical Models . evaluation and maintenance of HE UNIT V Heat Transfer Enhancement: Augmentation techniques – active techniques such as providing suction. Hewitt. Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design. UNIT III Compact and Plate Heat Exchangers: Types – merits and demerits – Heat transfer and pressure loss – flow configuration – effect of parameters and deviations from ideality – design. R. E. turbulent promoters. Arthur.limitations. cryogenic and chemical process plants. codes for mechanical design of HE. Design of heat exchangers for automotive. Solution Procedures. testing. E. Tech + M. 1986. Evaporators . rough surfaces etc. Boiler furnace and super heaters design: principles of boiler design. Elsevier. Selection. John Wiley & Sons. Heat Exchanger Design. fouling of HE. Robert Horton. 1988. Taborek.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Sekulic.G. M..T. Theory and Practice. Heat Exchangers. 2001.N.Five Year Dual degree (B. Stoecker W. Sadik Kakac and Hongtan Liu. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Simulation Studies . 2. rating and simulation of compact heat exchangers. Design of Thermal Systems . 96 . Hesselgreaves. Design Aspects: Heat transfer and pressure loss – flow configuration – effect of baffles – effect of deviations from ideality UNIT II Modelling Thermal Equipments: Modelling Heat Exchangers . Nomography . John Wiley. John Wiley.F and Afgan. And passive techniques such as providing fins. 2. Industrial Boilers . F. 2003. Advances in Thermal Design of Heat Exchangers. Rating and Thermal Design. Condensers . K. plate heat Exchangers – performance influencing parameters . P Frass. vibration. McGraw Hill Edition . David Gunn. 1989 References: 1. 1980 3. Regression Analysis . refrigeration. Smith. Computer Programmes for Models. 2005 4. circle. UNIT IV Computer aided part programming: NC languages: APT. CAD/CAM principles & applications by P. NC Machine tools: Nomenclature of NC machine axes. Viva Low Priced Student Edition 2. turning operations. Ist edition. Manufacturing systems Engineering by Katsundo Hitomi . post. patterns and matrices.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Computerized Numerical Control. Post-processor commands.Eighth Semester EIRME-MT 803: CNC MACHINES & PART PROGRAMMING Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Introduction: NC. preprocessor. Steven & Schmid.P. APT geometry: Definition of point. Programmed Automations. Rao. Types of NC machine tools. NELAPT. Tata McGraw Hill publications. parametric sub routines. Part program to command signal. Manual part programming for milling operations. NC tooling. UNIT II Machine Control Unit & Tooling: Functions of MCU. EXAPT. information codes: preparatory function. plane. point-to-point motion commands. Automation. Part program. Part programming preparation for typical examples. Transducers for NC machine tools. Macro sub routines. Tooling for NC machining centers and NC turning machines. Khanna publications. Second Edition. VNC. MCU Organization. Tool presetting. Numerical control of Machines Tools by Yoram Koren and Joseph BenUri. miscellaneous functions. References: 1. canned cycles.processor. N. UNIT III Manual Part Programming: Part program instruction formats. time. Tech + M.Groover. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology by Serope Kalpakjian.Five Year Dual degree (B. PHI Publications. APT motion commands: set-up commands. 4th edition-Pearson Education Publications 97 . interpolations. GNC. UNIT V APT programming: APT language structure. 2. Turning centers. complication and control commands. NC actuation systems(NCAS). Machine Control Unit. vector. Text Books: 1. DNC. Automatic tool changers(ATC). 3. continuous path motion commands. CNC. tool code and tool length offset. Production systems & Computer integrated manufacturing" by M. Machining centers. Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Kreith. Goswami..Aerodynamic Loads in Steady Operation – Wind Turbulence .Blade Profile -2/3 Blades and Teetering .ASME Press 3. UNIT III Tidal & Otec Energy Systems: power generation schemes-Wave Energy-Introduction-basic theory-wave power devices.D.A.Wind Turbine Aerodynamics -Momentum Theories . UNIT II Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS):Siting . G.Freris.Other Applications. Energy Conversion.Number of Blades .CRC Press. Tech + M. 2. Non Conventional Energy Sources.Inverters .Airfoils and their CharacteristicsHAWT–Blade Element Theory.Five Year Dual degree (B. D.Requirements and Strategies‟ . 1982 98 Turbine .Annual Energy Output Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT) Vertical Axis Wind Turbine . F. Dayal. performance and safety aspects UNIT V Geothermal & Biomass Energy: Geothermal energy: Origin and types of geothermal energy and utilization. 1990. Khanna Publishers. Wind Turbine Technology: Fundamental concepts of Wind Engineering.Measurements and Data Presentation .Spera. Y.Prandtl's Lifting Line Theory (prescribed wake analysis) –VAWT Aerodynamics .Tech) Mechanical Engineering.Coning .Open and Closed OTEC cycles-biophotolysis-Ocean Currents-Salinity Gradient Devices-Environmental Aspects UNIT IV Hydrogen: Hydrogen – Properties –generation-Storage and handling.Rotor Design Considerations .Upwind/Downwind Power Regulation .Testing of WECS WECS Control System .Rotor Selection . NewDelhi. L. D. 1999 5.Yaw System -Tower .Miscellaneous Topics .Yawed Operation and Tower Shadow. Rai.Eighth Semester EIRME-TE 803: MODERN ENERGY SYSTEMS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Wind Turbine: Structure .L. Prentice Hall.Basics Aerodynamics . "Energy today & tomorrow". M.Noise etc .Wind Turbine Loads . I & B Horishr India.Synchronous and Asynchronous Generators and Loads – Integration of Wind Energy Converters to Electrical Networks .Statistics . 2007 4.Biomass direct combustion – Biomass gasifier – Biogas plant – Ethanol production – Biodiesel – Cogeneration – Biomass applications Text Books: 1. lock – based concurrency control. interest.Korth and A. Fundamentals of Database System – R. concurrency control & crash recovery – Transaction concept. PL/SQL & Triggers) Text Books: 1. Triggers and Active database. Nested Queries.B.Eighth Semester EIRME-MT 852/EURME 852/ EIRME-TE 852: DATA BASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Introduction to DBMS.Five Year Dual degree (B. Features of ER model. Conceptual database design with ER model. Overview.Silberschatz McGraw-Hill Reference: 1. UNIT III Relational model – integrity constraints over relations and enforcement. Relational algebra and calculus UNIT IV SQL – Basic SQL. concurrent execution of transactions. Storage data. cursors. except. File system vs DBMS. destroying/altering tables and views. Case Study: Oracle0i (SQL.F. Embedded SQL.Navathe 99 . designing active databases UNIT V Transaction management. crash recovery. transactions and schedules. ODBC and JDBC. queries. views. Querying relation data. Null values. Logical database design. Data System Concepts – H. Transaction Management. Attributes and Entity sets. DBMS Structure UNIT II E-R model Entities. Masri and S. Database Management Systems – Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke McGraw-Hill 2.El. union. Advantages of DBMS. Query.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Relationship and Relationship sets. Aggregated Operation. Tech + M. MRP. Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. CAPP. 2/E. Robotics Technology and Flexible Automation by Deb. Linking Expert Systems to other software such as DBMS. 2009. M.Inference Strategies . Russell. Robotics. Text Books: 1. Failure Analysis. 2. 1994 100 .Components . UNIT III Expert Systems Software for Manufacturing applications in CAD. Process Planning etc. MIS.Knowledge Acquisition. Tech + M. Typical examples of shells. Part classification. Process Control and Office Automation. Tim Jones.Application Areas. Canada.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Expert System Languages ES Building Tools or Shells.Eighth Semester EIRME-MT 856: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MANUFACTURING Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Artificial Intelligence . 3. Process selection.Knowledge Base . 2009. Pearson Education Inc.Definition - Justification - Structure – UNIT II Knowledge Sources – Expert . Process Control.Forward and Backward Chaining.Five Year Dual degree (B. Inventory control. GT etc. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach.Scope . Fault Diagnosis. Goals of artificial intelligence – AI techniques – problem representation in AI – Problem reduction and solution techniques UNIT II Knowledge-Based Systems Characterization (Expert Systems) . S.Knowledge Representation .R. Tata Mc Graw-Hill.. Process Selection. MDB. UNIT V Case studies of typical applications in Tool selection. Adaptive Control.Definition . MY Sql. Deploying Web Application. Web Servers. Primitives.Five Year Dual degree (B. Forms.3 by John Bell Wrox Publical 3. Web Browsers.. Operator and Expression. Cascade Style Sheets. UNIT III The Basic of java Script. UNIT II Introduction to HTML & DHTML: Syntax. Introduction to Applet Programming. UNIT IV Introduction to Java Servelets Programming. Web Development. WWW. by Michael Glass Wrox. Tech + M. URL. Programming the World Wide Web by Robert W Sebesta 2. UNIT V Structure of Web Application. Apache. Dynamic Document with Java Script.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. 101 . Professional Java Servelets 2. Beginners PHP. Perl.Eighth Semester EIRME-MT 863/ EIRME –TE863/ EURME863: WEB TECHNOLOGY Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Introduction to Web Technology: Internet. Text Books: 1. Sahni. UNIT II Tree – Terminology. Programs by N. Galgotia Publishers. Addision Wesley. articulation point and bi connected components. Algorithms . Data Structures by V. Data Structures. Horowitz. Complexity analysis of algorithms. BST.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. PHI References: 1. traversal. Y and Augenstein. binary search. compaction. UNIT V: Issues in memory management. Data structures and abstract data type (ADT). Tech + M.1) 3. Bit vector and link list implementation of a set. Langsam. UNIT III Graph – Definition and representation. J. E. directed acyclic graph (DAG). Data structures using C/C++ by Tanenbaum. sets with MERGE and FIND operation. minimum cost spanning tree. Prentice Hall India Five Year Dual degree (B.Eighth Semester EIRME811: PROJECT -1 Hours per week: 8 Credits: 8 End Examination: 50 Marks Sessionals:50 Marks 102 .J. 2. A.Five Year Dual degree (B. hash table. Queue and Recursion. Tech + M. Implementation of dictionary. priority queue. B Trees. List. AVL trees. M. garbage collection. Binary tree. (Vol. merge sort... Text Books: 1. Narosa Publishers. storage allocation. Ullman. Insertion sort. 2. Quick sort. Wirth. heap sort.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. directed graph. all pair shortest path. UNIT IV Sorting and searching – Bubble sort.Eighth Semester EIRME-MT8518/ EIRME-TE 8518/ EURME 8518: DATA STRUCTURES (Common with EURME8518) Hours per week: 4 Credits : 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction to data types. S.S. Knuth. Aho. Fundamentals of Data Structures by E.. The art of Computer Programming by D.D. single source shortest path. tree as ADT and data structure. Stack. References: 1.P). Goldberg. John Wiely 2. Stochastic linear UNIT V Unconventional optimization techniques: Multi-objective optimization . Primal dual relationship and sufficiency conditions. Hiller and Lieberman. Phillips and Solberg.P): Solution of an unconstrained geometric programming. Genetic algorithms. Genetic Algorithms . Generalized penalty function method UNIT IV Stochastic Programming programming (S. Simulated Annealing. Operations Research.In Search. Gomory's cutting plane method. Sequential linear discrete programming.P): Basic Concepts of Probability Theory. Ignizio. Ltd 103 . Text Book: 1. Engineering Optimization . Addison-Wesley Longman (Singapore) Pvt. Lexigton Books.Principles and Practice. Goal programming method. computational procedure in dynamic programming calculus method and tabular methods. Mc Graw Hill 3.. Publishers.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.Lexicographic method.P): Graphical representation.Five Year Dual degree (B. Optimization and Machine Learning by David E. Ravindran. Linear programming as a case of D. Branch-and-bound method. Concepts of sub optimisation. Introduction to Operations Research. UNIT II Dynamic programming(D. Complementary Geometric Programming. Solution of a constrained geometric programming problem (G. Neural Networks based Optimization.P): Multistage decision processes.P. UNIT III Integer programming(I.S. 4. differential calculus method and arithmetic method. Tech + M.P and Continuous D. New Age International (P) Ltd. Goal Programming and Extensions by James P. Bala's algorithm for zero-one programming problem. S.P.Theory and Practice by Rao.Ninth Semester EIRME-MT901: ADVANCED OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Geometric programming (G. Five Year Dual degree (B. Tech + M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering- Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 901: ENERGY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMNET Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Introduction: Energy Scenario - Principles and Imperatives of Energy Conservation - Energy Consumption, Pattern – Resource Availability - Role of Energy Managers in Industries. UNIT II Thermal Energy Auditing: Energy Audit-Purpose, Methodology with respect to process Industries - Power plants, Boilers etc., - Characteristic method Employed in Certain Energy Intensive Industries - Various Energy Conservation Measures in Steam System - Losses in Boiler, Methodology of Upgrading Boiler Performance Energy conservation in pumps, Fans & Compressors, Air conditioning and Refrigeration systems, Steam Traps- Types, Function, Necessity UNIT III Instruments For Energy Auditing: Instrument characteristics – sensitivity, readability, accuracy, precision, hysteresis, error and calibration. Measurement of flow, velocity, pressure, temperature, speed, Lux, power and humidity. Analysis of stack, water quality, power and fuel quality. UNIT IV Energy Management: Principles of Energy Management – Managerial Organization – Functional Areas for Manufacturing Industry- Process Industry-Commerce- Government, Role of Energy Manager in each of these organization, Initiating, Organizing and Managing Energy Management Programs UNIT V Energy Economics: Importance of Energy Management, Energy Economics - Discount Rate, Payback Period, Internal Rate of Return, Life Cycle Costing Text Books: 1. Smith, CB Energy Management Principles, Pergamon Press, NewYork, 1981 2. Hamies, Energy Auditing and Conservation; Methods Measurements, Management and Case study, Hemisphere, Washington, 1980 References: 1. Trivedi, PR, Jolka KR, Energy Management, Commonwealth Publication, NewDelhi,1997 2. V. Kadambi, and M. Prasad, Introduction to energy conversion turbo machinery: Energy conversion cycle- Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1974, 3. R. Gold Stick and A. Thumann, Principles of Waste Heat Recovery, PHI, 1986. 4. Write, Larry C, Industrial Energy Management and Utilization, Hemisphere Publishers, Washington, 1988 104 Five Year Dual degree (B. Tech + M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering- Ninth Semester EIRME-MT 902: COMPUTER AIDED INSPECTION Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction: Computer aided testing (CAT) and computer aided inspection (CAI), computer aided quality control ( CAQC), on-line inspection and quality control, technology of automation Gauging, automatic inspection machines, in-process gauging, UNIT II Co-Ordinate Measuring Machines: Basic Types of Measuring Machines, probe types, operating modes, programming software's, accessories, measurement and inspection capabilities, flexible inspection systems, inspection problems. UNIT III Machine Vision: Functions of machine vision system, evaluating the performance of machine vision system, machine vision applications. UNIT IV Scanning Laser Beam Devices: Laser interferometer, laser, alignment devices, X-ray optics, CCD (Charge-coupled Devices) Array, ultrasonic system. Proximity Sensing: Photoelectric Transducers, Image processing for vision sensor, 3dimensional object recognition. UNIT V Machine Tool Sensing: Part measurement, Tool wear, Axial, motion, Sequence of functions, tool Identification. Computer aided surface roughness measuring systems, High accuracy profile measuring systems. Text Book: 1. Machine Vision- Nello Zueh and Richard K.Miller prentice hall,1987. References: 1. Robot Sensors -Pugh, IFS Publication, 1986 2. Transducers and Interfacing -Bannister and Whitehead~ Von Nostrand. 1986 3. Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems -Koren, McGraw Hill, 1983 105 Five Year Dual degree (B. Tech + M.Tech) Mechanical Engineering- Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 902: HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITIONING & CRYOGENICS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT-I Psychometric Air Conditioning Processes, Dehumidification Processes, Comfort Air Conditioning, Parameters Affecting Comfort Conditions, Cooling Load Calculations, Design Of Air Delivery System To Hospital, Auditorium, Hotels Etc., Noise And Vibration Control In Air Conditioning Hall. UNIT II Air Conditioning Equipments: Spray systems, chilled water and DE Coils, absorption and adsorption systems, Air filtration, ducts, Design and constructional details of Unitary air conditioning equipment. UNIT III Air Conditioning Component Selection (Component Matching), Designing Air Ducts, Window Air Conditioner / Split Air Conditioner Performance Testing, Energy calculations- Degree-Day procedure, Bin Method, Comprehensive Simulation methods method, Flow- Pump - and piping Design. UNIT-IV Cryogenic Systems: Introduction: Insight on Cryogenics, Properties of Cryogenic fluids, Material properties at Cryogenic Temperatures. Applications of Cryogenics in Space Programs, Superconductivity, Cryo Metallurgy, Medical applications. UNIT-V Liquefaction Cycles: Carnot Liquefaction Cycle, F.O.M. and Yield of Liquefaction Cycles. Inversion Curve - Joule Thomson Effect. Linde Hampson Cycle, Precooled Linde Hampson Cycle, Claude‟s Cycle Dual Cycle, Ortho-Para hydrogen conversion, Eollins cycle, Simpson cycle, Critical Components in Liquefaction Systems. Text Books: 1. W.F Stocker. and J.W. Jones, „Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Data‟, McGraw Hill, 1985. 2. Herald Weinstock, Cryogenic Technology, 1969. 3. Robert W. Vance, Cryogenic Technology, Johnwiley & Sons, Inc., New York,London References: 1. Klaus D. Timmerhaus and Thomas M. Flynn, Cryogenic Process Engineering, Plenum Press, New York, 1989. 2. Randall F. Barron, Cryogenic Systems, McGraw-Hill, 1985. 3. Scott R.B., Cryogenic Engineering, Van Nostrand and Co., 1962. 4. W.F. Stoecker, and J.W. Jones, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, II Ed, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 1982 5. W.R Haines and C.L Wilson, HVAC Systems Design Handbook, McGrawHill, 2nd Ed., New Delhi, 1994 106 Laminated Object Manufacturing – Principle – process parameters – process details – machine details. Tech + M. 3-Dimensional printers – Principle – process parameters – process details – machine details.effects. Classification of RP systems. Ballistic Particle Manufacturing (BPM): Principle. Rapid manufacturing. and other concept modelers like thermo jet printers. Stereo lithography systems – Principle – process parameters – process details – machine details.S. Mimics.Five Year Dual degree (B. 2000. Society of Manufacturing Engineering Dearborn.Ninth Semester EIRME-MT9031: RAPID PROTOTYPING AND VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction : Need for time compression in product development. Applications. UNIT III Solid Ground Curing: Principle – process parameters – process details – machine details.economics of virtual prototyping. Springer-Verlag. software for RP – STL files.components of virtual prototyping. 2010 107 . Magics. Object Quadra system UNIT IV Laser Engineering Net Shaping (LENS). Applications. UNIT V Introduction to Virtual prototyping: End to end prototyping-simulation. Applications.. Applications. Pham. JP system 5. Wohlers Associates. Wohlers Report 2000.S. 2.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. References: 1. Introduction to rapid tooling – direct and indirect method. Joe Cecil. Momentum Press. 2001. Applications. Applications. Rapid Prototyping and manufacturing – Fundamentals of Streolithography. Fusion Deposition Modeling – Principle – process parameters – process details – machine details. D. USA. London. Paul F Jacobs. USA 1992. Text Books: 1. Application of Rapid prototyping in Medical field. Sander‟s model maker.T. & Dimov. UNIT II Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) system: Principle – process parameters – process details – machine details. Terry wohlers. Virtual Engineering. Product development – conceptual design – development – detail design – prototype – tooling. 2. Tech + M. Tata Mc. Schwartz M. diffusion and ultrasonic welding.Five Year Dual degree (B. 2. 108 .Grawhill. Text Book: 1. applications UNIT V Brazing: Wetting and spreading characteristics. Nadkarni S. „Laser Welding . Christopher Davis. Materials and Applications . American society of welding. Welding Handbook. aluminium alloys. Oxford IBH Publishers. advantages and limitations. 1979. solders. powder cutting arc and plasma cutting.1994.Metal Joining Manual‟.. characteristics and applications friction stir and induction pressure welding. LBW: Physics of lasers. References: 1. electron beam welding in different degrees of vacuum. adhesive bonding.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. applications. Jaico Publishing House.Ninth Semester EIRME-MT9032: JOINING PROCESSES Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Weldability of plain carbon steels. role of flux and characteristics. equipment details in typical set up. principles of operation. Welding Engineering and Technology. 3. 4. 2007. process UNIT III Explosive. 2005. Welding technology by Little. atmospheres for brazing. UNIT II Fundamental principles of friction. oxygen cutting. Soldering: Techniques of soldering. operation of laser welding setup. „Modern Arc Welding Technology‟. phase diagram. brazing fillers. surface tension and contact angle concepts. 1997. Khanna Publishers. alloy steels.V. Pre and post welding treatments. cast irons. Parmar R S. types of lasers. composition. McGraw-Hill.A Practical Guide‟. 5. 1996. process characteristics and applications UNIT IV EBW: Heat generation and regulation. Vol..Tech) Mechanical Engineering. solids. Structure and properties of Materials by R.non ferrous alloys and their applications special alloys.Askeland.Guy.dislocations and plastic steels and cast irons.mechanical. R.Ninth Semester EIRME-MT9033: ADVANCED MATERIALS AND PROCESSING Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Atoms.carbon. fabrication methods- glass ceramics- metal matrix and ceramic UNIT V Processing of polymers.molecules. Fifth Edition.G.tribological applications. “Physical Metallurgy and advanced materials”.Wulff.crystallinity -defects in metallic deformations. The Science and Engineering Materials by D.E Small man and AHW Ngan. thermal behaviour- UNIT IV Ceramicsglassesmatrix composites..M. Elsevier. 2000.fracture. Essentials of Material Science by A.Van Vleck. 2. Callister. McGraw Hill(1976).H. Material Science and Engineering – An Introduction by William D.transformation.fabrication of composites.formation of alloys in steel and cast irons. 2007 109 .bonds in structure. 3.R.Rose.structure and engineering applications -property composites with polymer matrix properties of thermoplastics and thermosetsmodifications.equilibrium diagrams- UNIT II Hardening in steels-TTT diagrams-other heat treatment processes .A. UNIT III Polymers and polymerization. 7th edition.processing of ceramics-thermal spraying-ion beam machining-laser and electron beam processingsuperplastic forming. L. 5th edition. Addision Wealey(1985). References: 1. Chapman and Hall (1990). Textbooks: 1.iron. Tech + M. 2nd Edition.diamond coating techniques.Five Year Dual degree (B. 2.4 John Willey (1966) .1. 3. John Wiley and Sons Inc. Material Science and Engineering by L.Shepard and J. Jr.thin films and their deposition. Text Books: 1. Frano Barbir.Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 9031: FUEL CELL TECHNOLOGY Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction: Basic Principles – Classification – Alkaline. Tech + M. James Larminie and Andrew Dicks. electro-osmotic drag effect UNIT IV Design & Optimisation: Geometries of fuel cells and fuel cell stacks – Rate of Diffusion of reactants – Water flooding and water management – Gas delivery and current collection – Bipolar plates design – Flow uniformity consideration – Optimization of gas delivery and current collection/asymptotic power density-Heat Removal from Stack UNIT V Applications: Automotive applications & issues – Micro fuel cells & Portable power – Distributed & Stationary power. pressure effect. Direct Methanol. catalysts. 2. temperature effect – Stoichiometric coefficients and reactants utilization–Mass flow rate calculation–voltage and current in parallel and serial connection–Over-potentials and polarizations–Activation polarization–Tafel equation and exchange current density–lonic conductivity. heat due to entropy change. John Wiley & Sons Inc.. Temperature and humidification effect. 2nd Edition.Five Year Dual degree (B. Heat of reaction. 2005 110 . 2000. Proton Exchange Membrane. Phosphoric Acid & Molten Carbonate – Parts – Fuel cell poisoning UNIT II Thermodynamics: Basic Reactions. Fuel Cell Systems Explained. and internal ohmic heating UNIT III Electrochemistry: Nernst equation and open circuit potential. Elsevier Academic Press. Enthalpy of formation of substances – Enthalpy change of a reacting system – Gibbs free energy of substances – Gibbs free energy change of reacting system – Efficiency – Power.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. PEM Fuel Cells Theory and Practice. Yates. 1986. performance. 1975. Methods for improvement. J.. John Willey and Sons. Kunii. Fluidization Engineering. solid contacts. Sulphur retention and oxides of nitrogen emission Control. New York. New York. coating. O. stages of combustion of particles. Butterworths. 5. UNIT V Industrial Applications: Physical operations like transportation. regimes of fluidization.S.J. References: 1.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Pressurized fluidized beds. London.. Particle entrainment and elutriation. (Ed). 2.R.Five Year Dual degree (B. gas to solid heat Transfer. UNIT IV Design Considerations: Design of distributors.R. combustion and gasification. Botteril. D and Levespiel. New York.. Inc. Fluidized Beds: Combustion and Applications. 3. 1983 4. stoichiometric calculations. drying and sizing. 1969. 1983. external heat exchangers.M.G. Gas Fluidization Technology. mixing of fine powders. Text Books: 1. carbonization. Adam Hilger. design of heating surfaces. heat and mass balance. Academic Press. unique features of circulating fluidized beds. heat transfer to immersed surfaces. Applied Science Publishers. J. Two phase and well-mixed theory of fluidization. Howard. Howard. Fluid Bed Heat Transfer. to wall heat transfer. Fundamentals of Fluidized bed Chemical Processes. Fluidized Bed Technology: Principles and Applications. Fluidization phenomena. D. bed pressure drop curve. 111 . Cracking and reforming of hydrocarbons. Tech + M. radiant heat transfer.Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 9032: FLUIDIZED BED SYSTEMS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Fluidized Bed Behaviour: Characterization of bed particles. UNIT II Heat Transfer: Different modes of heat transfer in fluidized bed. comparison of different methods of gas. Geldart. furnace design. heat exchange. gas solid separators. UNIT III Combustion and Gasification: Fluidized bed combustion and gasification.. heat transfer and part load operations. start-up methods. 1983. J. John Wiley and Son 2. fugacity coefficient. Irreversibility and Second-Law Efficiency for a closed System and Steady-State Control Volume. Smith. Kinetic Theory and Statistical Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics. Generalised Relations for Cp and Cv Clausius Clayperon Equation . F. and Van Wylen.Y. Thermodynamic probability.V. Classical and Statistical..I. Real gas mixtures. Fundamental property relations for systems of variable Composition. R. UNIT III Chemical Thermodynamics and Equilibrium: Thermo chemistry. 1994. 1993.. Maxwell relations. Postulational and Statistical Thermodynamics. partial molar properties. formulations. Second Law analysis of reacting systems. Equilibrium constant statistical thermodynamic approach. Calculation of the Macroscopic properties From partition functions. Onsager's Reciprocity relations. Rao. Equilibrium in multi phase systems.E.and Salinger G. Generalized relations for changes in Entropy. and Van Ness. Sears. Allied Publisher Limited.C. Principle of Corresponding States. S Kenneth Wark Jr. 1987. 2.M. Criterion for reaction Equilibrium composition.T. Entropy Production. Fourth Edition..Five Year Dual degree (B. 3. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.. Gibbs phase rule for non-reactive components. Ideal solution of real gases and liquids. McGraw-Hill Inc. H. Compressibility. Lee-Kesler. Narosa Publishing House. Bridgman Tables for Thermodynamic relations. Power Generation. UNIT IV Statistical Thermodynamics: Microstates and Macro states. Activity. 3. Text Books: 1. Chemical availability. Third edition. Thermoelectric Phenomena. Joule-Thomson Coefficient.A. Availability.Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 9033: ADVANCED THERMODYNAMICS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Reversible work: Availability. Use of generalized charts for enthalpy and entropy departure. Bejan. Generalized three parameter tables. J.. John Wiley and Sons. 1995... Adiabatic Flame temperature. 5. Thermodynamic Potentials. 1991. Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics. McGraw-Hill Inc. Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein Statistics. 112 . Evaluation of entropy. Gibbs phase rule. UNIT II Real Gas Behaviour and Multi-Component Systems: Different Equations of State.1988 References: 1. Maxwell-Boltzmann. Internal Energy and Enthalpy. Partition function. Refrigeration.. UNIT V Irreversible Thermodynamics: Conjugate Fluxes and Forces.1993.New Delhi. Introduction to Thermodynamics. Degeneracy of energy levels..1988. Fugacity. J.Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers. Entropy Change of reacting systems. Sonntag. Holman. Kirchoff‟s equation. Tech + M. 4..Tech) Mechanical Engineering. NewDelhi.. John Wiley and Sons. Analysis of Simple Cycles. Fourth Edition.W. Availability of reacting systems.P. G.R. 2. First Law analysis of reacting systems. Third Edition. McGraw-Hill Inc. McGraw-Hill Inc.. Microscopic Interpretation of heat and work. Thermodynamics in Materials Science. DeHotf. Thermodynamics.C. V. Goel. New Delhi. 1993 2..Enterprise resource planning (ERP) UNIT V TQM: Total Quality Management . Meerut. Khanna publishers.Types of production processes. Production management.Planning (MRP) Manufacturing . Text Books: 1. Agarwal and Jain. Tata McGraw Hill publications.Forecasting Aggregate planning . Hajra Nirjhar Roy. Location planning . Methods study.Value analysis . New Delhi. 1984 References: 1. S.Quality management systems . New Delhi. Motion study and Work measurement . 1998 4.Ninth Semester EIRME-MT 9041: PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I INTRODUCTION: History and overview of production management . 1990 2. New Delhi.Maintenance management . B. S. Logistics and supply chain management. UNIT II INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: Deterministic and Probabilistic inventory management models Purchasing and warehousing. Production management.Productivity management. UNIT IV MRP: Project Management with PERT/CPM . Production Management. B.Scheduling: Gantt charts and Sequencing .Tech) Mechanical Engineering. 113 . Production management. K. Ahuja..Capacity planning. G. Production management..Material requirements .Wage incentive schemes .Resources planning (MRP II) .Reliability and maintenance.Simple problems. Narang. Production and operation management. UNIT III SCHEDULING: Job Evaluation .Simple problems. New Delhi. Khanna publishers. Replacement techniques.Five Year Dual degree (B. CBS Publishers. and Kumar. 1990. Layout planning . Levin and Richard. K. Tech + M. Pragathi & prakasam publishers. MP Publishers. 1989 3.Statistical process control (SPC) . Other Intelligence Techniques. organizations. managing hardware and software assets. Understanding the business value of systems. Text Book: 1. types of software. 1985. C. Management and the Networked Enterprise Managing the Digital Firm: Necessity of Information Systems (IS) . IS in the Enterprise: Major types. Narosa Publication House. 2.Laudon and J. UNIT III Management and Organizational Support Systems for the Digital Firm Managing knowledge for the digital firm: Information and Knowledge Work Systems – Artificial Intelligence . 2004. PHI. Tech + M. New Delhi. 1985. Management Information Systems . Information Systems for modern Management by Murdic.Laudon. IS. 114 . 3. References: 1. management and strategy. UNIT II Information Technology Infrastructure Managing hardware and software assets : Categories of computer systems.Management Information Systems – Conceptual Foundations by Davis Gordon.P.C.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. UNIT V Managing Change Importance of change management in IS success and failure – Managing implementation. 8th Edition. PHI. Ross and Clagget. UNIT IV Building Information Systems in the Digital Firm Redesigning the organization with IS: Systems as planned organizational change – Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and process improvement.The New Role of IS in Organizations .Five Year Dual degree (B.. MIS and Decision Support System (DSS).Managing the Digital Firm. K. 1985.J. McGraw Hill. Managing data resources: Telecommunications and Networks.New Opportunities with Technology for IS. functional perspective and enterprise applications.An introduction to Data Base Management System by Data.Ninth Semester EIRME-MT 9042: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Organizations. One observation per treatment combination. The ANOVA table. Scheffe's test. 2. Complete 2f factorial experiments in CRD's.Ninth Semester EIRME-MT 9043: DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Introduction: The scientific method. The phases of an experiment. Mark J. Main effects and interactions. Tech + M. (Repeated-measures design and nestedfactorial experiments. Nested experiments:. Factorial experiments fitted in randomized complete block designs. Analyses of experiments. Nested-factorial experiments. Eighth edition. Experimental designs. UNIT II Completely Randomized Design: The one-factor experiments in a CRD. John Wiley and Sons Inc. Montgomery. Productivity Press. Multiple range tests.Five Year Dual degree (B. ANOVA table. the X2-test. Con. Partitioning of the total sum of squares. Reference: 1. UNIT V Fixed.Randomized Complete Block Design-The model and assumptions. Douglas C. EMS rules. The linear model and assumptions for a one-factor experiment fitted in a Latin square design. The meaning of a significant interaction. 1999. 2012. Hypothesis testing. DOE Simplified: Practical Tools for Effective Experimentation. Orthogonal contrasts and sum of squares. Fundamental Concepts in the Design of Experiments. Estimation-Properties of estimators. Text Books: 1. the T-test. Special notation. Fixed and random models. The analysis of variance table. The case of n observations per treatment combination. UNIT IV Factorial Experiments: Complete factorial experiments in CRD's. Linear model and analysis. and the F-test. Second Edition. Yates's algorithm. USA. Linear model. Orthogonal contrasts. UNIT III Latin Square And Related Designs: Latin squares and two-way restrictions on randomization.fidence intervals on means. Sample size. The role of statistics in the advancement of science. Hicks and Turner.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Confidence intervals. The error term and pooling. Specifying the problem and the hypotheses. Pseudo-F tests. The Z-test.. Estimation of variance components. Tests after ANOVA. 2007. Random And Mixed Models: One-and-two factor models. Statistical inference. 115 . Anderson and Patrick J. Oxford University Press. Design and Analysis of Experiments. Average effect of main effects and interaction. Whitcomb. Tata McGraw Hill Arora & Domkundwar “ Power Plant Engineering “. References: 1. reprocessing & Its Disposal: Introduction. Binding Energy.solvent extraction equipment Effects of Nuclear Radiation. Pergamon Press.Horlock Pergamon Press. 1984. Fertile Materials and Breeding. India‟s 3-stage Programme for Nuclear Power Development. late effect. Radioactive Waste Disposal System.. 116 . A.. CBS Published & Distributors. General Problems of Reactor Operation. General Components of Nuclear Reactor. and Sesonske.Beryllium. Why Nuclear Power for Developing Countries. Tech + M. Release of Energy by Nuclear Reaction. A. Thorium . Nuclear Power Station in India. A. 1976.J.spent fuel characteristics .Nag “ Power Plant Engineering”. Gas Disposal System. Reactor Containment Design. Comparison Nuclear Plants with Thermal Plants. Initiation of Nuclear Reaction. Boiling Water Reactors (BWR). L. UNIT V Safety Rules: Personal Monitoring.Five Year Dual degree (B. hereditary effect) Text Books: 1. Different Types of Reactors. Atomic Nuclei. Gas-cooled Reactors. Glasstone.B. Nuclear Reactor Engineering. Radioactivity and Radioactive Change Rate of Radioactive Decay.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. S.K. 2. types of Nuclear Reactions. Radiation Dose (Early effect. 3 rd Ed.other fuels like Zirconium. Von Nostrand. 3. and Reynolds. Fast Breeder Reactor. Heavy Water – cooled and Moderated CANDU (Canadian Deuterium Uranium) Type Reactors. Types of Nuclear Waste. J. Nuclear Reactor Analysis. P. Radiation Protection (Radiation Workers. Nuclear Cross – section. Non-Radiation Workers. 3. Dhanpat Rai & Co. John Wiley.role of solvent extraction in reprocessing . Fuels. Walter. 1981. Atomic Mass Unit. UNIT II Nuclear Reactors: Introduction.production and purification of Uranium conversion to UF4 and UF6 . Uranium . Nuclear fuel cycles . Cladding and Structural Materials Coolants. Location of Nuclear Power Plant. Isotopes.H. Control Rod Materials. Duderstadt. Moderating and Reflecting Materials. Unit of Nuclear Radiation. Shielding Materials UNIT IV Nuclear Waste. 2. “Power Plant Engineering”. Combined Power Plants by J. and Hamilton. Mass – Energy Equivalence.J. moderation. Nuclear Fission. Pressurised Water Reactors (PWR). Atomic Number and Mass Number. Public at large). The Fission Chain Reaction.E. UNIT III Nuclear Materials: Introduction. Black / Veatch.Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 9041: NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Introduction to Nuclear Engineering: Introduction. Breeder Reactors. “Principles of Solar Engineering”. focusing solar concentrators. Solar ponds. batteries. charge regulators. D. 2 nd Edition. Duffie J. London.Analysis of concentric tube collector . Concentrator mounting.A. power electric circuits for output of solar panels. Energy Studies.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Second Edition. G. Yogi Goswami. 2.. Solar powered absorption A/C system. inverters.solar constant. John Wiley. K. net pyradiometer. cooker. UNIT IV Photo-voltaic cell. Classification. Imperial College Press. characteristics. “Fundamentals of Renewable energy Sources”. Tiwari and M.Five Year Dual degree (B. Frank Kreith. pebble bed etc. “Solar Engineering of Thermal Process”. Text Books: 1. latent heat and thermo-chemical storage. Construction concepts. materials for phase change-Glauber‟s salt-organic compounds. Measurement of diffuse. UNIT V Energy Storage. 1983. W . Taylor & Francis. Co. Classification. still.. chimney. choppers. air. dehumidifier. F. global and direct solar radiation: pyrheliometer. cell arrays. liquid heating collectors . by W. Sensible. 2003 2. 2004. W. 2000. solar charts . Kreider. 117 . Design considerations . Anderson. 2007 3. Edward E. A and Beckman. Solar green house. Narosa Publishing House. N. UNIT III Design. Shepherd and D. sunshine recorder. Ghosal.1991. Jan.Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 9042: SOLAR ENERGY TECHNOLOGY Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Source of radiation . drier. pyregeometer. Heliostats. Tech + M. Addison Wesley Publ.Derivation of efficiency and testing of flat plate collectors . References: 1. Shepherd. New Delhi. UNIT II Solar Non-Concentrating Collectors. water pump. Indian reprint. “Fundamentals for solar energy conversion”. pyranometer. Flow Measurement by Drag Effects . Nonlinear viscoelasticity. Thermal Measurements by J. Temperature Measurement by Mechanical Effects . slit rheometer.Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 9043: THERMAL MEASUREMENTS End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Analysis of experimental data: Types of Experimental Errors . Graphical Analysis and Curve Fitting .P. The Gaussian or Normal Error Distribution . Extensional rheometry. Pressure Probes . Parallel plate rheometer. Magnetic Flow meters . Statistical Analysis of Experimental Data . Rheometry: Shear rheometers. Velocity measurement.Calorimeter. Gas Diffusion . Humidity Measurements.Goldstein Hemisphere Pub. Ionization Chambers. Comparison of Data with Normal Distribution The Chi-Square Test of Goodness of Fit. Student‟s tDistribution . Method of Least Squares . Multivariable Regression . UNIT II Flow Measurement: Introduction . Pressure measurement. Solar Radiation Measurements. UNIT V Measurements of Non-Newtonion Fluids: General viscous fluid. Probability Distributions. pH Measurement. Transient Response of Thermal Systems. capillary rheometer. Nuclear Radiation-Detection .J. Smoke Methods . UNIT III Measurement of Temperature: Introduction . Standard Deviation of the Mean . The Shadowgraph . The Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA) .The Schlieren . The Sonic Nozzle . Fluid Mechanics Measurement -Edidted by R.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. radiation measurement.Reflectivity and Transmissivity.Thermal Radiation -Emissivity . Text Books: 1.Corporation 118 . The Interferometer . power law model. Temperature Measurement by Radiation . Error Analysis on a Commonsense Basis . Convection Heat-Transfer Measurements.Temperature Scales. Ellis model. Measurement in Complex flow. Measurement of Viscosity.Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 Five Year Dual degree (B. Photographic Detection Methods. Flow birefringence. Flow-Obstruction Methods . Thermocouple Compensation Temperature Measurements in High-Speed Flow UNIT IV Thermal and Nuclear Radiation Measurements: Thermal Conductivity of Liquids and Gases. Flow-Visualization Methods .Hollman 2. The Correlation Coefficient . Concentric cylinder rheometers.Uncertainty Analysis . Impact Pressure in Supersonic Flow.Positive-Displacement Methods . Hot-Wire and Hot-Film Anemometers . Heat-Flux Meters. Effect of Heat Transfer on Temperature Measurement . Complicated Data Reduction .The Geiger-Muller Counter. The Ideal-Gas Thermometer. Cone & plate reheometer. Tech + M. Linear viscoelasticity. Temperature Measurement by Electrical Effects . Practical Considerations for obstruction Meters . Reference: 1. Cellular manufacturing. Contact inspection methods. 2010. M.. 3 rd edition. Order release. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Philip M.CAPP.Forecasting. Bedworth. Material handling systems. Tech + M.P. Methods for developing part families. Groover and Emory W. Process planning systems . CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing by Mikell P. Jr.N. Computer aided testing. UNIT IV: Computer Aided Quality Control: Terminology in quality control. Computer Integrated Design and Manufacturing by David D. Henderson. Integration of CAQC with CAD/CAM. JIT manufacturing philosophy. Rao. Economics of group technology. Part feature recognition. Criteria for selecting a CAPP system. Artificial intelligence in process planning. Machine tools and related equipment.Manual. UNIT V: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems: Types of manufacturing systems. Examples of coding systems.Ninth Semester EIRME-MT 9051: COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction: Scope of computer integrated manufacturing. Quality assurance. Pearson Education India. Generative approach. FMS. Variant.Five Year Dual degree (B. DCLASS. CMPP. 2. Master production schedule. Wolfe. Computer control systems. Over view of production control . Production automation. Shop-floor control.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. 2008. 119 . CAD/CAM Principles and Applications by P. Mark R. Facility design using group technology. Classification and coding. Planning and control systems. Zimmer. Text Books: 1. Product cycle. UNIT III: Integrative manufacturing planning and control: Role of integrative manufacturing in CAD/CAM integration. UNIT II: Computer Aided Process Planning: Approaches to process planning .. Noncontact inspection methods. Capacity planning.R. Group technology: Role of group technology in CAD/CAM integration. Steve Suh. Selection of Values of Common Ratio. Hydrodynamic and Hydrostatic Journal Bearings. UNIT V Analysis Of Spindles And Spindle Supports: Functions of Spindle Unit and Requirements. Stepless Drives. Layouts of Intermediate Spindle Speeds. New Central Book Agency. Springer. 2009. Analysis of Straining Actions on a Milling Machine Structure. Tech + M. I-IV. Design of Radial Drill Column. Feed in Reciprocating Machines. Analysis and Design of Tailstock Assembly.Five Year Dual degree (B. C. Mechanical. Vol. Luo. Stepped and Stepless Output. N Acherken. Brandon C. Cutting Screw Threads. Force Analysis of a Shaping Machine Ram. 120 .Ninth Semester EIRME-MT 9052: MACHINE TOOL DESIGN Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction: Classification of Machine Tools. Sliding Bearings. G C Sen. Feed in Milling Machines. General Requirements of Machine Tool Design. Design calculations of Spindles. 2nd edition. Working and Auxiliary Motions in Machine Tools. N K Mehta. 2000. Static and Overall Compliance of Machine Tool. UNIT II Machine Tool Drives: Selection of Electrical Motor. Guideways Operating under Liquid Friction Conditions. 2010. Design of Power Screws. Upper and Lower limits of Machine Tools. Text Books: 1. Tata McGraw-Hill. Gearboxes with Clutched Drives. Design of Slideways for Stiffness. University press of the pacific. 2. UNIT IV Analysis Of Guideways And Power Screws: Design of Slideways for Wear Resistance. Double-bound Gears. Parameters Defining Working Motions of a Machine Tool. UNIT III Strength And Rigidity Of Machine Tool Structures: Design Criteria for Machine Tool Structures. Machine Tool Vibrations and Cutting Dynamics. A Bhattacharyya. Mechanical Drives for Reciprocation.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Electrical Stepless Drives. References: 1. Speed and Feed Gear box Design. J. Gegg. Principles of Machine Tools. Hydraulic. Design of Lathe Beds. 2. Feed in Lathe. Albert C. Machine Tool Design. Machine Tool Design and Numerical Control. 2011. Feed in Drilling Machines. UNIT IV Elevating Equipments: Continuous-motion vertical conveyors – reciprocating-motion vertical conveyors – stackers – work levelers and tail gates – industrial lifts – passenger lifts – freight elevators – mast type elevators – vertical skip hoist elevators.. design of belt conveyors. pulley systems. Alexandrov.O and Dyachkov. selection and applications of material handling equipments. MIR Publishers.hand truck on rails – industrial railroad equipments: locomotives .K. MIR Publishers. screw conveyors and pneumatic conveyors. 1958.Ninth Semester EIRME-MT 9053: DESIGN OF MATERIAL HANDLING SYSTEMS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Flexible Hoisting Appliances: Type.. UNIT III Surface And Overhead Transportation Equipments: Hand operated trucks – powered trucks – tractors – electronically controlled tractors . electric lifting magnetic – grabbing attachments for loose materials. 1981 2. Rudenko. M. 121 .chain conveyors – apron conveyors – escalators – flight conveyors – roller conveyors . Conveying Machines. Materials Handling Handbook. N. Materials Handling Equipment – MIR Publishers. Spivakovsky.. cantilever and monorail cranes. monocable tramways. UNIT II Load Handling Equipments And Brakes: Forged standard hooks – forged Ramshorn hooks – solid triangular eye hooks – crane grabs.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. 1969 2.. choice of material handling equipment – hoisting equipment – components and theory of hoisting equipment – chain and ropes – selection of ropes. The Ronald Press Company. A.oscillating conveyors. Volume I and II. Boltzharol. A. V. cogwheel drive.winches – capstans – turntables – monorail conveyors –pipe rail systems – flat bar monorails. sprockets and drums. Tech + M.Five Year Dual degree (B. Rail traveling mechanism. pulleys. UNIT V Conveying Equipments: Belt conveyors . Materials Handling Equipments. loading and bucket arrangements. 1985 References: 1. arresting gear – brakes: shoe. bucket elevators: design. Text Books: 1.reversible tramways. band and cone types – elements of shoe brakes – thermal calculation in shoe brakes. Blockage in compressor annulus. Compressibility effects. Gas Turbine Theory.M. Elements of Gas turbine Propulsion.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Compressor characteristics. Blade Cooling. Church. flow through impeller inlet volute. Tata McGraw-Hill. 1st Edition. 1980 2. 1996 122 . “Fundamentals of Compressible Flow ". Dixon. John Wiley and Sons. Design process.Five Year Dual degree (B. Shaft Power & Aircraft Propulsion Cycles UNIT II Centrifugal Compressors: Work done and pressure rise. 2000.D flow. noise control. Euler's Equation for Turbo machinery.L. Cascade analysis & nomenclature. diffusers. McGraw Hill. Matching of components. off design performance. Performance characteristics. 3.Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 9051: THERMAL TURBO MACHINERY Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I General Concepts Related to Turbo Machinery: Classification. Euler‟s characteristics and Euler‟s velocity triangles. Pergamon Press. UNIT V Testing and Control of Fans: Fan testing. S. Fluid Mechanics. Axial Flow Compressors: Stage pressure rise.stage temperature and pressure Ratios – single and twin spool arrangements – performance. losses and hydraulic efficiency.degree of reaction . 1998 References: 1. 4th Edition. New Age International (P) Limited. Cohen. leakage disc friction mechanical losses multi vane impellers of impulse type.stage parametersmulti-staging – stage Loading and flow coefficients . 4th Edition. Stage performance. h-s diagram & efficiency. speed control. Thermodynamics of Turbo machinery. Degree of reaction. cross flow fans. New Delhi. 2. 1999. Combustion System. Austin H. Gas Turbines. Mattingly J D. Centrifugal pumps and blowers. Longman. materials and components blower regulation. Yahya.1997 3. Text Books: 1. Tech + M. Velocity triangle. S. UNIT III Axial and Radial Flow Turbines: Elementary theory of axial flow turbines . throttling. 4. V. Ganesan. H. Radial flow turbines. control at discharge and inlet. Slip. UNIT IV Analysis of Centrifugal Blowers and Fans: Centrifugal Blowers: Theoretical characteristic curves. Y. N. Hsu. G. nucleate boiling. two phase friction factor for laminar flow and turbulent flow. 1982 2. Nusselt theory. Multiphase Science and Technology. pressure gradient. pressure gradient components. Lokhart Martinelli correlation. I. Two Phase Flows and Heat Transfer. 3. K. Collier. bubble formation and limiting volume. M. basic definitions. Delhaye. separated flow model – pressure gradient. 1978. Wallis.. practical examples. UNIT II Basic flow models – homogeneous flow model. 1981. J. References: 1.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.. condensation of flowing vapors. 1992. One-dimensional Two Phase Flow. W. practical equations.Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 9052: MULTIPHASE FLOW Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks UNIT I Introduction. critical boiling conditions. two phase. McGraw-Hill. corrections for void fraction and velocity distribution in different flow regimes. method of analysis of multi phase and multi-component flow problems. UNIT IV Boiling– evaporation. 123 . two phase viscosity. G. deviations from Nusselt theory. J. UNIT V Condensation process – types of condensation. R. friction multiplier. Text Books: 1. 4. Convective Boiling and Condensation. convective boiling. one-dimensional waves in two component flow.multi phase and multi-component flow. J. and Zuber. McGraw-Hill. McGraw-Hill. McGraw-Hill. DNB. Y... Hewitt. Ginoux.. and Graham. McGraw-Hill. J. W. 2. 1976. Berlin Hiedelberg. Vol. flow patterns... velocity and concentration profiles in multi phase flow. 1969. Stephen. boiling map. Transport Processes in Boiling and Two phase Systems. Heat Transfer in Condensation and Boiling. one-dimensional conservation equations. pressure loss due to multi phase flow in pipe fittings. Tech + M. UNIT III Drift flux model – gravity dominated flow regime.Five Year Dual degree (B. G. Kuo. 1986. P. Orient Longman. Stephen R. Second Edition Mathur. V. L. exhaust system devices. John B. T. R. Gaseous fuels. Benzol. UNIT III Theory of combustion: Spray formation and droplet behavior.S. Fuels and Combustion.. Acetone and Diethyl Ether UNIT II Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Combustion: Properties of mixture – combustion stoichiometry – chemical energy – chemical equilibrium and criteria – properties of combustion products. First Edition. 2. 4. heat release rates calculations. Microprocessor controls in engines. Internal Combustion Engines. McGraw Hill.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Dual Fuel Operation.Hybrid vehicle . 2nd Edition.. K.Solar powered vehicles. First law combustion calculations – adiabatic flame temperature (analytical and graphical methods) – simple second law analysis. Ganesan. Emissions from engines operating on Alternative fuels UNIT V Modern Vehicle Technologies: Mean Value S.Possible Alternatives . W. Use of Combustion chart. 1990. vegetable oils.Alcohols. Stages of combustion for IC Engines. Biogas. Design Considerations for Combustion Chambers of IC engines. Principles of Combustion. Producer Gas. Natural Gas. M.I.Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 9053: ADVANCED IC ENGINES Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals:40 Marks UNIT I Alternate Fuels for IC engines: Introduction .Five Year Dual degree (B. Thermodynamic Analysis of Combustion Engines.p-θ diagram. Future Scenario for LPG Vehicles.. 6. John Willey & Sons.Advantage and limitations. Tech + M. Engine dynamics and torque analysis. and Stinson. Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals. Gaseous Fuels-Hydrogen Engines. 3. Text Books: 1. 1979. LPG.Merits and demerits.. Elementary reactions – chain reactions – pre-ignition kinetics – global reactions – kinetics – reaction at solid surface. K. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) relative merits and demerits of gaseous fuels. Macmillan India Ltd.. S.. L. Tata McGraw Hill. Coke Oven Gas. Fuels and Combustion. and Sharma. 1992. K. Variable Cam Timing Engine. C. hydrogen. Analytical method of performance estimation. engine cycle calculations. McGraw-Hill International Editions 2. Understanding Combustion. direct and indirect Injection combustion in IC engines premixed charge engine combustion.I. An Introduction to Combustion. emission norms. M. John Wiley. H. Internal Combustion Engines. 2005 References: 1. Multi fuel engines. 5. emission after treatment. Biomass. Solid Fuels. McGraw-Hill. Ashley S. Heywood. 1952. Smith. Liquid FuelsAlcohols for SI Engines reformulated Gasoline for SI Engine. Alcohol for CI Engine SurfaceIgnition Alcohol CI Engine Spark-Assisted Diesel. Blast Furnace Gas. Dhanpath Rai & Sons.rate of pressure rise. UNIT IV Engine performance and Emissions: Methods of performance improvement. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). CNG. low heat rejection engines. combustion chambers for MPFI. Other Possible Fuels. supercharging. catalytic converters.. 124 . thermal reactors. emissions control by engine modifications. Samir Sarkar. Mukunda. Engine Modeling. Layout of an electric vehicle . beams and frames Static Structural Analysis of 2D problems – plane stress. 5.Ninth Semester EIRME-MT911: FINITE ELEMENT METHODS LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 1. Continuous evaluation: 100 Marks Introduction to Finite Element Analysis software – ANSYS / NISA / Nastran Static Structural Analysis of 1D problems – bars. Tech + M. 8. trusses. 6. plane strain. axisymmetric Static Structural Analysis of 3D problems – various brackets Dynamic Structural Analysis of 1D problems – beams and frames Steady State Thermal Analysis of 1D and 2D models Transient Thermal Analysis of 1D and 2D models Couple Field (Thermal/Structural) Analysis 125 .Tech) Mechanical Engineering.Five Year Dual degree (B. 7. 3. 4. 2. STARCD. Steady and unsteady heat conduction in 2-D.Five Year Dual degree (B.Ninth Semester EIRME-TE 911: COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS LAB Hours per week: 3 Credits: 2 1. 5. Incompressible Laminar viscous flow with and without heat transfer 2-D incompressible laminar Boundary Layer without heat transfer. Continuous evaluation: 100 Marks Solving Thermal Engineering problems for Inviscid incompressible 2-D Flow. 2-D incompressible turbulent Boundary Layer with and without heat transfer. CFX. FLUENT etc… Five Year Dual degree (B. 3. 4.Tech) Mechanical Engineering. Tech + M. using available packages such as TK Solver.Tech) Mechanical Engineering.Tenth Semester EIRME-MT 1011/EIRME – TE 1011: PROJECT-2 Hours per week: 24 Credits: 16 End Examination: 50 Marks Sessionals: 50 Marks 126 . ANSYS. Tech + M. 2. Equation of motion for forced vibration. Matrix iteration method. free vibration with viscous damping. Unit-II Harmonically Exited Vibrations: Introduction. Mechanical Vibrations by W. spring elements. classification of vibrations. Raleigh‟s energy method. Response of a damped system under rotating unbalance. forced vibration with coulomb damping. Holzers method. Torsional vibration of a bar or rod. Dunkerley‟s formula. response of an undamped system under harmonic force. Thomson. convolution integral. Unit-IV Multidegree of Freedom Systems: Introduction. free vibration with hysteretic damping. damping elements. forced vibration analysis. forced vibration of viscously damped systems. Mechanical Vibrations by G. Nem Chand Publishers 2. free vibration with coulomb damping. Mechanical Vibrations by S. Response under a periodic force of irregular form. Response of a damped system under harmonic motion of the base. Lateral vibration of beams. forced vibration with hysteresis damping. Addison Wesley Publishing (or Pearson education) References: 1.s method. Using Newton‟s second law to derive equations of motion.T. Free vibration of an undamped translational system.S.Rao. Unit-III Vibration Under General Forcing Conditions: Introduction. Grover. Modeling of Continuous systems as multi degree of freedom systems. Two Degree of Freedom Systems: Introduction. Rayleigh‟s method. vibration analysis procedure. Determination Of Natural Frequencies And Mode Shapes: Introduction.Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 Dept. Jacobi. basic concepts of vibration. Free and Forced vibration of undamped systems. Text Book: 1.K. Response of a damped system under harmonic force. Torsional system. mass or inertia elements. free vibration of an undamped torsional system. Coordinate coupling and principal coordinates. Unit-V Continuous Systems: Transverse vibration of a spring or a cable. critical speed of rotors. Response under a general periodic force. longitudinal vibration of bar or rod. Influence coefficients. Elective-I EIRME 721/EURME721: MECHANICAL VIBRATIONS End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Fundamentals of Vibration: Brief history of vibration. Response under a non periodic force. harmonic analysis. free vibration analysis of an undamped system. stability conditions. Equation of motion. Importance of the study of vibration. Addison-Wesley Publishing 127 . Free Vibration of Single Degree Of Freedom Systems: Introduction. Tannehill. Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer. Patankar. K. 4. 1995 References: 1. R. Hirsch.A. Finite difference approach Unit-IV Convection Heat Transfer: Solution of one dimensional and two dimensional steady/unsteady convection – Diffusion. C. Pletcher. Computation of Boundary layer flow. McGraw Hill.Zero-Equation. Muralidhar.Diffusion problems. Text Book: 1.. Elective-I EIRME722/EURME722: COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Finite difference methods: Taylor‟s series – FDE formulation for 1D and 2D steady state heat transfer problems – Cartesian.... Hemispher Publishing Corporation.Extension of General Nodal Equation to 2D and 3D Steady heat conduction and unsteady heat conduction UNIT-III Incompressible Fluid Flow: Governing Equations. 1989. and R. A. T. Computation Fluid Dynamics. Second Edition. T. 1979. Standard and High and Low Reynolds number models. 2. Convection-diffusion problems Unit-V Turbulence Models: Algebraic Models – Turbulence models . H.. H..K . Narosa Publishing House. Convection problems. 1992 5.ε Models. S. K.K. Addison Wesley – Longman. New Delhi. H. cylindrical and spherical co-ordinate systems – boundary conditions – Un steady state heat conduction – Errors associated with FDE . and Sundararajan. Malalasekera..Vorticity method. An Introduction to Computational Fluid 3. A. “Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer”. C.Dept. TwoEquation & Stress-Equation Turbulent Models.V. and W. Stream Function . Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method. One-Equation. Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow. Bose. Wiley Eastern Ltd. SIMPLE Procedure of Patankar and Spalding.. 1995. Determination of pressure for viscous flow. W. Taylor & Francis. Anderson. John Wiley. 1988. 128 . Chow. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics.Explicit Method – Stability criteria – Implicit Method – Crank Nickolson method – 2-D FDE formulation – ADI – ADE Unit-II Finite Volume Method: Formation of Basic rules for control volume approach using 1D steady heat conduction equation – Interface Thermal Conductivity . 2. Discretization Schemes and their assessment Treatment of Boundary Conditions.. D.Y. 1995 3. Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics. Versteeg. J. 1985. Ross and Clagget.The New Role of IS in Organizations . management and strategy. Managing data resources: Telecommunications and Networks.Laudon. PHI.. Unit-III Management and Organizational Support Systems for the Digital Firm: Managing knowledge for the digital firm: Information and Knowledge Work Systems – Artificial Intelligence . 1985. 129 . An introduction to Data Base Management System by Data. McGraw Hill.P. types of software. Text Book: 1. organizations. Management Information Systems . 2.Managing the Digital Firm. C. Information Systems for modern Management by Murdic. 8th Edition.Other Intelligence Techniques. Elective-I EIRME723/EURME723: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Organizations. Unit -V Managing Change: Importance of change management in IS success and failure – Managing implementation. K. Unit-IV Building Information Systems in the Digital Firm: Redesigning the organization with IS: Systems as planned organizational change – Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and process improvement. Management Information Systems – Conceptual Foundations by Davis Gordon. Understanding the business value of systems. IS. Unit-II Information Technology Infrastructure: Categories of computer systems.C.Laudon and J.Dept. References: 1. Management and the Networked Enterprise: Managing the Digital Firm: Necessity of Information Systems (IS) . 3. managing hardware and software assets. 2004. functional perspective and enterprise applications. Narosa Publication House.J. New Delhi.New Opportunities with Technology for IS. PHI. IS in the Enterprise: Major types. MIS and Decision Support System (DSS). Unit-V APT programming: APT language structure. M. Khanna publications 2 Manufacturing Engineering and Technology. P. 4th edition. vector. Machining centers. Rao. Elective-I EIRME724/EURME724: CNC & APT Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to Automation: Types of Automation. Text Books: 1. Canada. APT geometry: Definition of point. Automatic tool changers (ATC). Unit-III Manual Part Programming: Part program instruction formats. NC actuation systems(NCAS). Dr. Manual part programming for milling operations.. Unit-II Machine Control Unit & Tooling: Functions of MCU. interpolations. N. 2010 130 . GNC. Numerical Control. 2010 2. Mike Mattson. Tooling for NC machining centers and NC turning machines.Groover. Production systems & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. Basic Components of NC. Macro sub routines. information codes: preparatory function. Types of NC machine tools. Post-processor commands. New York. time.Dept. plane.processor. Unit-IV Computer aided part programming: NC languages: APT. Tool presetting. VNC. 2001 3 CNC Programming Hand Book: a comprehensive guide to practice CNC programming. post. 3rd Edition. NELAPT. Serope Kalpakjian. APT motion commands: set-up commands. Turning centers. Part program to command signal. CAD/CAM Principles & Applications. Introduction CNC. Transducers for NC machine tools. Computerized Numerical Control. Industrial Press Inc. parametric sub routines. Automation. 3rd Edition. DELMAR Cengage Learning. MCU Organization. EXAPT. Peter Smid. 3 rd edition. 2 nd edition. tool code and tool length offset. Part programming preparation for typical examples. point-to-point motion commands. DNC NC Machine tools: Nomenclature of NC machine axes. circle. 2003 4 CNC Programming: Priciples & Applications. 2nd Edition. Tata McGraw Hill. preprocessor.P. continuous path motion commands. turning operations.Schmid. patterns and matrices. Types of NC Systems. canned cycles. miscellaneous functions. PHI Learning References: 1 Numerical Control of Machine Tools. Pearson Education. complication and control commands. Steven R. Koren and Benuri. Shepard and J. 6. Advances in Nanocomposites . classification of nanomaterials. surface coatings – CVD.Iso-stress and Iso-strain conditions.G.Rose. Composite Materials: Classification based on matrix. McGraw-Hill. Balasubramaniam. classification of composites.4 John Willey (1966) 2. Essentials of Material Science by A. L. Hardfacing. 3. P Shankar. McGraw-Hill Professional. wear mechanisms. TEM and EPMA Text Books: 1. 5. Metallurgy and Materials Science. Unit-III Wear resistance improvement on surfaces: Wear.Guy. Structure and properties of Materials by R. thermal spray. electroplating. 2011. Vol. Friction Stir Processing.Avner. wear testing. Adapted by R. by Bharat Bhushan. Boreddy Reddy. Das Wiley-Interscience. 1976. role of dislocations. Elective-I EIRME725/EURME 725: APPLIED MATERIALS SCIENCE Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Plastic deformation: Mechanism of plastic deformation. John Wiley and Sons. concept of Null Ductility Transition Temperature. NANO: The Essentials by T. 2012 References: 1. behaviour of metals at low temperatures. various etchants used in metallography. Mechanical Metallurgy by George E Dieter adapted by David Bacon. Unit-V Material Characterization: Metallography – procedure to study the microstructure of given metals/alloys. Principles and applications of Tribology. Plasma spray. nano fluids. 131 . Baldev Raj. SEM-EDX. Tata McGraw-Hill Second edition 1997.H. 4. Concepts of hybrid composites and nano composites. mechanisms. Unit-IV Nanomaterials: Definition.Wulff. Characterization and Industrial Applications. Callister‟s Materials Science and Engineering. magnetic sputtering. Pradeep. metals for high temperature applications. Strain hardening and re-crystallisation. Elementary treatment of fracture and fatigue of metals. Physical Metallurgy by S.A.Dept. InTech PUBLISHERS. Principle of operation of optical microscope. University Press-IIM. 3. Unit-II Creep: Creep stages. slip and twinning. nanocoatings. 2. BB Rath and James Murday.BS Murty. Text book of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. McGraw-Hill Book Company. Sarit K. 1988.1. 2008. 2007. Nanofluids: science and technology. 4. Wiley India Edition. 2007.M. 1999. synthesis of nanomaterials.Synthesis. XRD. HVOF. Basics of mechanics of composites – Rule of mixtures . Quality Circles. Simple problems. various approaches. Total Quality Management. Elective-I EIRME726/EURME 726: STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Basic concepts of Quality: The meaning of quality. Rose. Statistical Quality Control by M. 1994. Unit-III Control Charts for Attributes: Concepts of attributes. simple problems. C chart. the general theory of control chart (variability. 1991. control limits.E. variations due to assignable causes. sampling methods. chance variations). Organization. Statistical quality control (SQC). PHI. X and R Charts.. single.. Unit-IV Acceptance Sampling: Concepts of acceptance sampling. Basic statistical concepts. practical limitations of the control charts for variables. sampling plans. Top management commitment. quality control and inspection. J.Dept. control charts for defects. Customer focus. 132 . The Essence of Total Quality Management by John Bank.Dhanpat Rai& Co. 4. Introduction to ISO-9000 Text Book: 1. 1993. P chart. Unit-V Total Quality Management: Philosophy of TQM.2007 References: 1. Definition of control chart. Lyle Yorks et al. control limits. Beyond Total Quality Management by Greg Bounds. Crossby and Muller. double and multiple sampling plans. 3. McGraw Hill. Quality philosophies of Deming. the operating characteristic (OC) curve. Mahajan. attribute data. Kogan Page Ltd. The Asian Productivity Organization by Takashi Osada.. Concepts of quality assurance systems. simple problems. Unit-II Control Charts for variables: Concept of variation. Team work. 1993 2. Unit-V Introduction to air Conditioning: Psychometric Properties & Process – sensible and latent heat loads – characterization and SHF – Need for Ventilation. Willey Eastern 133 . salient features – Electrolux refrigerator. filters. grills and registers. heating humidification and dehumidification. New Age 2. Air Refrigeration: Bell Coleman cycle and Brayton Cycle. deodourants. Open and Dense air systems – Actual air refrigeration system – Refrigeration needs of Air crafts air systems – Actual air refrigeration system – Refrigeration needs of Air crafts – Application of Air Refrigeration. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by Manohar Prasad . charts – effect of sub cooling and super heating – cycle analysis – Actual cycle influence of various parameters on system performance – Use of p-h charts. Vortex tube refrigeration: construction & working. Principles of Refrigerations by Dossat. Unit-III Vapour Absorption System: Calculation of max COP – description and working of NH3 – water system – Li – Br system. ESHF and ADP. advantages. cooling . A course in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by CP Arora & Domukundwar . Air Conditioning systems . disadvantages. advantages. Tata McGraw Hill 3.Dept.O. Dhanpatrai & sons Reference: 1. P-H and H-S. Pulse tube refrigeration: construction & working. disadvantages. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning by CP Arora . Heat pump – Heat sources – different heat pump circuits – Application. ASHF. Elective-II EIRME731/EURME731: REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to Refrigeration: Necessity and applications – Unit of refrigeration and C. Refrigerants – Desirable properties – common refrigerants used – Nomenclature. Principle of operation three Fluid absorption system.P – Mechanical Refrigerations – Types of ideal cycle of refrigeration. fans and blowers. Unit-IV Non conventional refrigeration system: Thermo electric refrigeration – disadvantages. Justification – Types of systems.classification of equipment . applications. applications. Concept of human comfort and effective temperature – comfort Air conditioning industrial air conditioning and Requirements – Air conditioning load calculations. advantages. Text books: 1. applications. infiltration – concepts of RSHF. Unit-II Vapour compression refrigeration: working principle and essential components of the plant – simple vapour compression refrigeration cycle – COP – Representation of cycle on T-S. Inventory decisions. Various Cost Parameters in Inventory Control Unit-II Static Inventory Models under Risk Applications of Static Inventory Model in Business Environment Unit-III Dynamic Inventory Models.Sharma 134 . Reference: 1. Inventory Control Theory & Practice by Starr & Miller. Importance of Inventory Management Functions and Objectives of Inventory Control. –P Systems. multiple items and Models with limitation on Capital Investment. Elective-II EIRME732/EURME732: INVENTORY CONTROL Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to Inventory Control. Concept of Materials Management: Introduction to MRP and Just-In-Time Techniques Text Books: 1. VED. Classification of Inventory Models. Carrying Cost and Floor Area. S-s Policy.D.Dept. Selective Inventory control: Control of Inventory through ABC Analysis. FSN and other Control Measures Unit-V Quantity discounts. Christmas tree and News Paper Boy Problem Unit-IV Inventory Control Systems: Q. Operations Research by S. 5th Edition.C.Shan.working production systems like Automatic Conveyor systems.Pandey. CAD/CAM Principles & Applications. Khanna Publishers. Tata McGraw Hill. David D Bedworth. 4th edition. References: 1.basic steps in rapid prototyping. 2 nd Edition. P. Unit-III Rapid Prototyping: Definition. How JIT works. H. McGraw Hill International. 1st edition. Steps in implementation of JIT. Some definitions for simulation. 2006 5. N. Adaptive Control Constraint. Tata McGraw Hill.Schmid. Characteristics of Nano particles.K. Adaptive Optimization . comparison lean and Agile manufacturing. Product Design for JIT. Khanna Publishers. Unit-IV Production Support Machines and Systems: Introduction . principle of various Vehicles. Pearson Education. 3 rd edition.Dept. Rail Guided simulation. Computer Integrated design and Manufacturing. Benefits of JIT. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology. P.C. Modern Manufacturing Methods. 2010 3. Comparison of lean and agile. Elective-II EIRME733/EURME 733: MODERN MANUFACTURING METHODS Hours per week: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Credits: 3 Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Adaptive Control: Definition of Adaptive Control. Introduction. Classification of Adaptive Control. 2001 2. 2008 4. Unit-II Lean. Principles of Automation and Advanced Manufacturing Systems. JIT Approach. PHI . Definition. simulation Text books: 1. 135 .S. Sadhu Singh. Computer aided Design and Manufacturing by Dr. types of wastes in lean manufacturing. need for simulation. Production and Operation Management by R. India.various techniques in Rapid prototyping. Dr. Serope Kalpakjian. Nano Manufacturing: approaches for synthesis of nano materials. Sanjay Jain. 1st Edition. Steven R. applications of rapid prototyping.Pannerselvam. 1991 2. Industrial Robots. Adaptive Controlled optimization for Machining Process. Simulation structure and elements of methodology. Rao. cycle diagrams. Effects of JIT production. Automated Guided Vehicles. types of simulation.Jain. Elements of JIT. Plant layout for JIT. Agile and JIT Manufacturing: Introduction to Lean manufacturing. Unit-V Manufacturing system Simulation: Introduction. Process view of a supply chain. Tender buying. E-procurement. Organized retail in India.Simchi-Levi. D. Supply Chain Management: Strategy. Transportation rates. Supply contracts. Strategies & Case Studies. Unit-V Issues in Supply Chain Management: Introduction. Information and supply chain trade-offs. Planning & Operations.N. Managing global risk. Information sharing. Single stage inventory control. Local issues in supply chain. issues in natural disaster and other calamities. Core competency. Periodic and Quantity review policies. Designing & Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts. Push. References: 1. Outsourcing benefits. Distribution strategies. Text and Cases. Warehouse costs. application to economic production quantity. and Burt. Network design. Text Books: 1. Impact of uncertainty on network design. Simchi-Levi. Capacities and locations. Tersine. Purchasing. 1996 2. D. Value chain. Mathematical modelling under known stock out costs and service levels. Elective -II EIRME734/EURME 734: SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to Supply Chain Management (SCM): Concept of supply management and SCM. Key features of a network configuration. 2008. Working capital restrictions. Evaluating a potential supplier. issues form SMEs. Competitive Strategy and supply chain strategies. E. factors influencing network design. Selective control techniques. Uncertainties in supply chain. Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Single period models.W. Risk management. Competitive bidding and Negotiation. Value of information: Bullwhip effect. Role of E business in supply chains. Elements of supply chain efficiency. Network design in uncertain environment.. Economic lot size models. Second Edition. Initial inventory. Unit-II Inventory Management: Introduction. Sourcing and procurement. Direct shipment distribution strategies. Principles of Inventory & Materials Management. S. Chopra. Purchasing & Supply Chain Management. Importance of supply chain flows. Third Edition. Data aggregation. identifying appropriate supply chain strategy. 2004. and storage space restrictions. and Ravi Shankar. Pull and Push-pull supply chains. Supply chain integration. 2. Supply chain drivers. Relations with other departments. transshipment and selecting appropriate strategies. Objectives of purchasing . P. Quantity discounts. Unit-III Designing Supply Chain Network: Introduction. Data collection. Effect of demand uncertainty. Key issues in SCM. Multiple order opportunities. regional differences in logistics. Cost involved in inventory system. Doebler. Kaminsky. Models and data validation. Joint replenishment for multiple items. and Meindl. Centralized and Decentralized purchasing..J Prentice Hall Inc. Third Edition. Tata McGraw-Hill. Inventory system constraints. Purchasing procedure. D. Deterministic Models. New Delhi. Ltd. Reverse logistics. Types of orders.Dept. Issues in international supply chain. McGrawHill Publishing Company Ltd. Importance of suppliers. Unit-IV Supply Chain Integration: Introduction. P. R. Decision phases. New Jersey 136 . artificial intelligence in mechatronics. piezoelectric actuators. Unit-II Sensors and Transducers: Introduction and background. Tata – Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Unit-III Actuators: Introduction. AC motors. Mechatronics by Bardley D. actuator types and application areas. Fibre optic transducers. capacitive transducers. solenoids. 2. microsensors in mechatronics. Chapman and Hall 137 . Dawson D. modeling pneumatic actuator. Mechatronics system design by Devdas Shetty and Richard A.translational mechanical system with spring. thermo devices. number systems. Text book: 1. mechanical system .A. pyroelectric transducers. System modeling: Introduction. Rotational mechanical system with spring.C and Loader A. fuzzy logic applications in mechatronics. Mechatronics by Bolton. Origins. logic gates. inductive transducers. Boolean algebra. 3. sequential logic. Elective-III EIRME841/EURME 841: MECHATRONICS End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction: Multi disciplinary Scenario. transduction principle. Kolk.DC motors. Electrical actuating systems . thermistors. transducers types. mechanical actuation systems. Unit-V Advanced Applications in Mechatronics: Sensors for condition monitoring. stepped motor.Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 Dept. electrical system.J. PWS publishing company. application of logic gates. thermo couple. Design. Pearson Education. piezoelectric transducers. system modeling. Buru N. fluid system. Hall-effect transducers. Mechatronics : Principles. thermal systems. damper and mass. Evolution of Mechatronics. concepts and applications by Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik.modeling electric motor. mechatronic control in automated manufacturing. An overview of Mechatronics. Unit-IV Digital logic: Digital logic. Fluid power actuators. karnaugh maps. solid state switches. damper and mass. difference between transducer and sensor. photoelectric transducers. Introduction to Manufacturing. References: 1. economic aspects. classification of concentrating collectors. types of wells. sensible. MHD generators. Fuel cells: Principle of fuel cells.flood generation-two way generation. environmental effect.Conventional Energy by Ashok V. modes of operationebb generation.Ramesh and K.Rai. constraints for implementation. Text Books: 1.New delhi. Performance limiting factors of fuel cells-reactivity-invariance.arization. Principles of DEC. site selection. Solar power engineering by B. Wheeler. Solar energy by Sukhatme. hall effect. Classification of wind mills. types of fuel cells-hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells-biochemical cells-regenerative cells Unit-V Direct Energy Conversion: Need for DEC.Dept. classification. advanced collectors. Unit-IV Tidal and Wave Energy: Potential and conversion techniques.fixed dome-floating type.Conventional Energy sources by G. Unit-III Geothermal Energy: Resources.1990 3.D. Thermoelectric generators.Desai.-Khanna publication .2007 References: 1.yaw control systems. Unit-II Wind Energy: Sources and potentials. Bio Gas: Properties.electrode losses-chemical polarization-concentration polarization-resistance po. magnetic flux.Mittal. Narosa. comparison. Non. water removing device.-1997 4. horizontal and vertical axis wind mills. thermodynamic cycles.New Delhi. applications. solar distillation and drying. MHD engine. limitations. solar heating/ cooling techniques. dissociation and ionization. Solar Energy Storage: Different methods.Mangal. solar ponds. 138 . deenbandhu model. Tidal barrage. utilization. Solar applications. Elective-III EIRME 842/EURME 842: RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction: Role and potential of new and renewable sources Solar Energy: Flat plate and concentrating collectors. site evaluation. 1 st edition-TMH. latent heat and stratified storage. principles. pragati model. materials.Conventional Energy systems by K. Seebeck. power generation systems. Principles of Solar energy by Frank Kreith and John F. wind turbine subsystems-rotors. electrical systems. Wiley Eastern. potential in India.Uday Kumar. MHD accelerator. Plant models in India – floating gas holder-KVIC. Renewable Energy technologies by R. Faraday‟s laws. electron gas dynamic conversion. Carnot cycle.various designs of rotors.2005 2. fixed dome-janata type. Non. 2.Kreider.M. photovoltaic energy conversion. figure of merit. thermodynamic aspects. Peltier and Joule Thompson effects. Renewable Energy Sources by john Twidell and Anthony D Weir. 2 nd edition. setting of OTEC plants.drive trains.1990 6.S. orientation and thermal analysis. methods of harnessing the energy. Non. principles of production. OTEC: Principles. 5. Unit-III TQM process: QC tools.. Crossby and Muller. 1993 References: 1. Understanding variation. Elective-III EIRME 843/EURME 843: TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to TQM: Fundamentals of quality thinking and TQM. McGraw Hill. Quality auditing. Designing for quality. 1993. 3. 139 . Case studies. 1994. Lyle Yorks et al.E. Organization. Customer focus. Quality costs. Bench marking.Dept. New management tools. Top management commitment. Kogan Page Ltd. Control charts and statistical analysis. 1991. Problem solving methodologies. Quality Circles. Quality function deployment. PHI. Team work. J. The Asian Productivity Organization by Takashi Osada. Strategic quality planning. Manufacturing for quality. Quality philosophies of Deming. Rose.. Implementation of ISO 9000. Standardization. Beyond Total Quality Management by Greg Bounds. 2. The Essence of Total Quality Management by John Bank. Work habits. Unit-IV TQM Systems: Quality policy deployment. Advantages. Unit-II Concepts of TQM: Philosophy of TQM. Total Quality Management. Text Book: 1. Clauses of ISO 9000. Unit-V Quality System: Need for ISO 9000 system. Inspection of welds. tools for metal forming. forming under hydro static pressure. Diffusion welding. 2nd Edition. Principles of Foundry Technology. re. Welding & welding Technology.Dept. thermo – mechanical treatment. Richard Little. Mechanisation and Automation in Foundries. Serope Kalpakjian. Goodheart-Willcox Publisher. Use of robots in foundry shop. forming with superimposed vibrations.Turnquist. Tata McGraw Hill. PHI Learning. Pearson Education. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology. 2006 5. 2009 140 . Sarma. Plasma Arc Welding. Steven R. 4th edition. Hand Book on Metal forming.P. concurrent engineering. Dr. agile manufacturing. T. welded joints and powdered components. plaster mould casting. KURT Lange. Parmar.solid ceramic moulding. 1992 3. P.L. forming by exploiting special material properties. 2004 3. Principles of Metal Casting. Unit-V Introduction to recent trends in manufacturing. Bowditch. 2004 4. Modern Welding by Althouse . 1985 2. McGraw Hill. Text books: 1. forgings. S. Tool and Manufacturing Engineers Hand Book. Heat Treatment.engineering concept. Welding Engineering Technology. 2 nd Edition.Just in time. 2004 2. Tata McGraw Hill. Mechanical Metallurgy. rapid proto typing. Destructive and non destructive testing. Tata McGraw Hill. R. Society of Manufacturing engineers. Electromagnetic forming. Unit-II Advanced Casting techniques: Foundry mechanization Ceramic mould casting. Casting design considerations. Surface coatings. Lean production. Phillip Rosenthal. Laser Beam welding.Schmid. George Dieter. 2010 6.Rajan.V.diagnosis and rectification. Explosive welding. 1st edition. C. Unit-IV Heat Treatment & Surface Treatment of castings. Tata McGraw Hill. 2001 References: 1. 5 th Edition. Unit-III Advanced Welding techniques: Electron Beam Welding. Elective-III EIRME 844/EURME 844: ADVANCES IN MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY Hours per week: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Credits: 3 Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Advanced Forming techniques: High energy rate forming. cavity less casting. vacuum moulding. analysis of defects in castings. hydro static extrusion process. Khanna publications 4.Jain. Integer Non linear Programming . Branch-and. Classical optimization techniques: Introduction. Complex method. golden section method. statement of an optimization problem-design vector. Direct methods. S. Unit-III Non linear programming II: Introduction. Unit-II Non-linear programming I: Introduction. classification of optimization problems. direct root method-Newton method.steepest descent method (Cauchy‟s method) Unit-IV Non linear programming III : Introduction. Gomory‟s cutting plane method. Text books: 1. classification of unconstrained minimization methods. Balas algorithm for zero-one programming. engineering applications of optimization.D.Sharma 141 . Graphical Representation. interval halving method. univariate method. random search methods. elimination methods. generalized penalty function method. indirect search methods.bound method. Indirect methods-Transformation techniques. Ltd. Hooke and jeeves method. Basic approach of the penalty function method. theory and practice-new age international Pvt. exhaustive search.Rao-engineering optimization. Fibonacci method. unimodal function. Optimization Design by Kalyan moy Deb 2. References: 1. Unit-V Integer Programming : Introduction. constraint surface. Elective-III EIRME 845/EURME 845: ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION Hours per week: 3 Credits: 3 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to optimization: Introduction. design constraints. pattern direction. Powell‟s method. single variable optimization. constraint qualification. optimization techniques. multi variable optimization with equality and inequality constraints-Kuhn-tucker conditions. interpolation method. Operations Research-S. secant method.Dept.unrestricted search. objective function.Random search methods.S. cubic interpolation method. dichotomous search.Integer Polynomial programming. Basic approach in the methods of feasible directions. multi variable optimization with no constraints. Characteristics of a constrained problem. Sequential linear programming. Case Study: Oracle0i (SQL. Features of ER model.Korth and A. PL/SQL & Triggers) Text Books: 1. Database Management Systems – Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke McGraw-Hill 2. interest.Relational algebra and calculus Unit-IV SQL – Basic SQL. union. Embedded SQL.Inter Dept.Navathe 142 . Elective-I EIRME 852/EURME 852: DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to DBMS – Overview. Query. ODBC and JDBC.F. Triggers and Active database. transactions and schedules. Transaction Management.El. Querying relation data. concurrency control & crash recovery – Transaction concept. cursors. Conceptual database design with ER model. Null values. Masri and S. DBMS Structure Unit-II E-R model Entities. Data System Concepts – H. Unit-III Relational model – integrity constraints over relations and enforcement. designing active databases Unit-V Transaction management.B. except. File system vs DBMS. queries. crash recovery. Fundamentals of Database System – R. concurrent execution of transactions. Relation ship and Relation ship sets.Silberschatz McGraw-Hill Reference: 1. lock – based concurrency control. Nested Queries. Aggregated Operation. Storage data. Advantages of DBMS. Attributes and Entity sets. Logical database design. destroying/altering tables and views. views. Software Engineering a practitioner‟s approach by Pressman 143 .Software problem-Software Engineering Problem-Software Engineering Approach Unit-II Software Process-Software Process-Characteristics of Software Process-Software Development Process – Project management process – Software Configuration Management Process – Process Management Process. Unit-III Software Requirements Analysis & specification – Software Requirements – Problem Analysis – Requirements Specifications – Validation – Metrics Unit-IV Planning a Software Project – Cost Estimation – Project Scheduling – Staffing & personnel Planning – Software Configuration Management plans – Quality Assurance Plans Unit-V Function Oriented Design – Design Principles – Module Level Concepts – Design Notation and Specifications – Structured Design Methodologies – Verification – Metrics Testing – Testing Fundamentals – Functional Testing – Structural Testing – Testing Procedure Text Book: 1.Inter Dept. Elective-I EIRME 853/EURME 853: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction . An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering by Pankaj Jalot – Narosa Publishers Reference: 1. Unit-IV Symbolic Reasoning under uncertainty – Introduction to Non-monotonic Reasoning. Matching. problems. Certainity factors and rule – base systems beyesian networks. logic based truth maintenance systems Statistical Reasoning Unit-V Probability and bayes theorem. Artifical Intelligence Problems. Frames. Conceptual dependencies. logics for Non-monotonic Reasoning. Heuristic Search Technologies Generate & Test Hill Climbing. dempst6er – Shaffer theory. Justification – based truth maintenance. Unit-III Representing Knowledge Using Rules: Procedural Vs Declarative knowledge. Problem Characteristics. Constraint satisfaction. Means Endo Analysis Unit-II Knowledge Representation Knowledge using predicate logic representing simple facts in logic. Implementation: depth first search – Dependency – Directed Backtracking. Artificial Intelligence Techniques.Inter Dept. 144 . Artificial Intelligence – Rich E & Knight K TMH 1991 Reference Books: 1. problem space and search-defining the problem as a state space search. Elective-I EIRME 856/EURME 856: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to Artificial Intelligence. Forward Vs backward Reasoning. Control Knowledge. Best First search. Wek & Strong Slot and Filler Structures Sematic nets. Logic programming. Scripts Text Books: 1. representing instance and is relationship. Production System. Artificial Intelligence structures and strategies complex problem solving – George F-Lugar Pearson Education. computable functions and predicates resolution. Problem reduction. Klir. Combined back propagation/Cauchy training. Text Books: 1. M. problems with back propagation. winner – take –all. Van Nostrand Rein hold. R.K. Unit-IV Applications of Neural networks: Handwritten digit and character recognition. D. Expert systems for Medical Diagnosis. Jaico Publishing.Wesserman.P. T-norm and co T-norm. Neural Computing – Theory and Practice. S. An Introduction to Fuzzy Control. Neuro controller – inverted pendulum controller.Hellen Doorn. Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems. properties of fuzzy sets. Unit-III Hopfield networks: Recurrent and Bi-directional Associative Memories.Filev. 145 . House. correlation. and Information.A. Counter Propagation Network. Philip D. cylindrical extensions Inference rules. delta. John Wiley & Sons. perceptron. Prentice Hall of India.Narosa Publishing House New Delhi 1993. T. learning and Adaptation. Cauchy training. NY 1994. Essential of Fuzzy Modeling and Control. Elective-I EIRME 8511/EURME 8511: NEURAL NETWORKS & FUZZY LOGIC Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Fundamentals of artificial Neural Networks: Biological neurons and their artificial models. Unit-V Introduction to fuzzy set theory: classical set Vs fuzzy set. widrow – hoff.(1992) References: 2. Uncertainty. Fuzzy sets.Folger. Fuzzy relations: Operations on fuzzy relations.M. Robot kinematics.J. Neural processing. Bart Kosko. Introduction to artificial Neural System. compositional rule of inference. operations on fuzzy sets – union. cerebellar model articulation controller. G. 6. Boltzmann training. Inc.Zurada. Neural Network Learning Rules – Hebbian.Inter Dept. H. New Delhi 1988 5. Traveling salesman problem. NJ. Artificial Resonance Theory (art). (1992) 4.Reinfrank. complement.Yager. D. Unit-II Single Layer Perceptions: Multi player Feed forward Networks-Error back propagation training algorithm. Prentice Hall.Driankov. intersection. outstar learning rules. New York (1989) 3. Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 Inter Dept. Elective-I EIRME8518/EURME 8518: DATA STRUCTURES End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to data types, Data structures and abstract data type (ADT), Complexity analysis of algorithms; List, Stack, Queue and Recursion. Unit-II Tree-Terminology, tree as ADT and data structure, Binary tree, BST, AVL trees, B Trees, Bit vector and link list implementation of a set, sets with MERGE and FIND operation, Implementation of dictionary, hash table, priority queue. Unit-III Graph – Definition and representation, directed graph, single source shortest path, all pair shortest path, directed acyclic graph (DAG), minimum cost spanning tree, traversal, articulation point and bi connected components. Unit-IV Sorting and searching – Bubble sort, Insertion sort, Quick sort, merge sort, heap sort, binary search. Unit-V Issues in memory management, storage allocation, garbage collection, compaction. Text Book: 3. Fundamentals of Data Structures by E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, Galgotia Publishers. References: 1. Data structures using C/C++ by Tanenbaum, A.S., Langsam, Y and Augenstein, M..J., PHI 2. Data Structures by V. Aho, J.D. Ullman, Addision Wesley. 3. The art of Computer Programming by D. E. Knuth, Narosa Publishers. (Vol.1) 5. Algorithms, Data Structures, Programs by N. Wirth, Prentice Hall India 146 Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 Inter Dept. Elective-I EIRME 862/EURME 862: OPERATING SYSTEMS End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Operating systems: Introduction, fundamentals, definition, Types of O.S, Batch Processing Systems, multiprogramming catch systems, time sharing systems, distributed systems, real time systems, services, system calls, system programs. Unit-II Process management , Process concept, Process scheduling, operations on processes, cooperating processes, threads, inter-process communications. CPU Scheduling - Scheduling algorithms, multiple processor and real time scheduling. Process synchronization –Critical lsection problems, semaphores. Unit-III Leadlocks, Characterization, handling, Prevention, Avoidance, Detection & Recovery. Unit-IV Storage management: Memory management – swapping, paging, segmentation, segmentation& paging. Virtual memory – What is virtual memory? Demand Paging, Page Relacement, frames, thrashing demand segmentation. Unit-V Case study: UNIX, Fundamental Concepts in UNIX, MS-DOS, Fundamental Concepts in MS-DOS. Text Book: 1. Applied Operating Systems Concepts – Avil Silberschatz &j Peter Galvin, Grey Gagne Reference: 1. Modern Operating Systems – Andrew S. Tanenbaum, PHI 147 Inter Dept. Elective-I EIRME 863/EURME 863: WEB TECHNOLOGY Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to Web Technology: Internet, WWW, Web Browsers, Web Servers, URL. Unit-II Introduction to HTML & DHTML: Syntax, Forms, Cascade Style Sheets. Unit-III The Basic of java Script, Perl, Primitives, Operator and Script. Expression. Dynamic Document with Java Unit-IV Introduction to Java Servelets Programming., Introduction to Applet Programming. Unit-V Structure of Web Application, Deploying Web Application. Text Books: 1. Programming the World Wide Web by Robert W Sebesta References: 1. Professional Java Servelets 2.3 by John Bell Wrox Publical 2. Beginners PHP, Apache, MY Sql, Web Development, by Michael Glass Wrox. 148 Wiley publishers. Elective-II EIRME 8620/EURME 8620: DATA MINING Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to Database systems: Advantages & disadvantages of DBMS. 149 . Advanced Data Mining by Margret H –Dunham. References: 1. categorization of clustering methods (1) Partitioning methods(2) Hierarchical method(3) Density based method (4) grid based method (5) model based cluster methods Text books: 1. constraint based association mining. Data Mining by Jiawei Han & Micheline Kamber. association mining to correlation analysis. structure of DBMS. ER-model. analytical characterization. SQL (structured query language) Unit-II Introduction to Data Mining: What is Data Mining? Data Mining on what kind of data.Inter Dept. Morgan Kaufmann publishers. Prediction: Linear and multiple regression. Mining association rules in large databases: Association rule mining. Classification by back propagation. Bayesian classification. major issues in Data Mining. relational model. Unit-III Data Warehouse and OLAP technology for Data Mining: What is Data ware house? A multi dimensional data model. mining comparision. 2001 ISBN -81-7867-023-2. Unit-IV Classification and prediction: What is classification? What is prediction? Classification by decision tree induction. Pearson edn 2. mining descriptive statistical measures in large databases. Data Mining functionalities. apriori algorithm. Data Mining functionalities: Concept description. Data Mining by Sushmita Mitra and Tinku Acharys. data ware house architecture. classifications of Data Mining systems. Unit-V Cluster analysis: What is cluster analysis? Types of data in cluster analysis. characterization and comparision. non linear regression classifier accuracy. multi level association rules. J. architecture. Boyer. programming and application. manipulation and plotting of results like temperature monitoring along with pressure output relay driving capacity etc. 3. scanning rates . ADC/DAC : Basic of ADC/DAC (Block level) Unit-III Study of PC based data acquisition cards. John Webb. B . Special stress on bit manipulation. using software for acquisition. cooling equipment as case studies . Explanation of smart features for two or three types of equipment like weighing machine . Unit-IV Study of PLC application in details : Ladder diagram development in detail . Otter. SCADA . Unit-V Study or microprocessor based smart instruments. 5.E. Instructional set. pH transmitter.Inter Dept. (Note : it is necessary to demonstrate some of the concepts mentioned above) References: 1. differential pressure transmitter etc. Unit-II 8 bit Microstructure (mCS-51 family-8051 as typical example). RS-232C serial interface. features. ISA Publications 4. Furnaces. Ayala. The 8051 Microcontroller: Architecture. Multiplexing of i/p of A/D . 150 . S. Elective-II EIRME 8621/EURME 8621: MICRO PROCESSORS APLLICATION IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Hours per week: 4 Credits: 4 End Examination: 60 Marks Sessionals: 40 Marks Unit-I Introduction to semiconductor memories Ram/ROM/PROM/EPROM/EAPROM/static and dynamic RAMs. K . smart control valves and control systems. Intel Manuals 2. Application of PLC to CNC machine .Y. India. Noltingk. Butterworth International Edotion. Instrumentation's Reference Book. Penram International Published. PLC. boiler .
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