5 Techniques Creating Java Web Services From WSDL NetBeans Zone



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In this article, I will implement a simple Document/Literal web service, from an existing WSDL file, using three different databinding frameworks and two low-level approaches. The goal is to compare the frameworks, mainly from the ease-of-use perspective. For demo purposes, I have chosen NetBeans IDE 6.1 with its standard Web Service functionality and its Axis2 plugin. The standard Web Service support in NetBeans IDE is based on the JAX-WS stack. These are the frameworks used in this article: JAX-WS 2.1 (Java artifacts generated with wsimport) JAX-WS 2.1 (Provider API implementation) Axis with ADB (Axis Databinding) AXIOM (Axis Object Model) Axis with Xmlbeans Online Visitors: 291 WSDL File Initially I wanted to use the simple AddNumbers.html file from JAX-WS2.1 examples but I encountered problems related to Java artifacts generation with both Axis ADB and Xmlbeans. After some investigation I found the reason: ADB and Xmlbeans have problems generating Java artifacts if (1) wsdl namespace and schema namespace are identical and (2) the <wsdl:message> representing <wsdl:fault> has the same name as schema element. Though the wsdl file is WS-I compliant, the 2 databinding technologies failed. I also tested JiBX databinding, without success. To go on I had to modify the wsdl file a little: AddNumbers.wsdl (the schema namespace is changed). Note: Even after this change the JiBX databinding failed to generate Java classes (I used the Axis2 wsdl4j task) so I decided not to use JiBX in this article. Spotlight Features Heterogeneous Computing Is Here, Now How Twitter Does MySQL Get Their Fork Cretaceous COBOL Can Spawn Jurassic Java BIRT 3.7 Report Design http://netbeans.dzone.com/news/5-techniques-create-web-servic[24/04/2012 4:31:03 PM] duke.transform.ws.xml.getFirstChild(). 12.RequestWrapper and @javax. trans. 02. 07. fault. I used the standard Web Service from WSDL wizard.Provider<javax. 10. 09.ws. the WS method works directly with Java primitive types.example. http://netbeans.AddNumbersPortType". The implementation was easy: 01.1 (Java artifacts generated with wsimport) For this purpose I've created new web application project and used Web Service Wrom WSDL wizard in Web Services category. 07.out.xsd.duke. endpointInterface = "org. but not difficult.AddNumbersFault fault = new org. 03. 06. 01. fault). 04.1 (Provider API implementation) To implement the low level approach supporting by JAX-WS 2. int number1 = Integer.AddNumbersFault().dzone.example.1. NetBeans Code Completion helped me greatly in this area. dom).5 Techniques for Creating Java Web Services from WSDL | NetBeans Zone JAX-WS 2.decode(first. 20.wsdl") public class AddNumbersImpl implements javax.setMessage("the result is negative"). targetNamespace = "http://duke.1 feature). 15.Source invoke(javax. wsdlLocation = "WEB-INF/wsdl/AddNumbersImpl/AddNumbers.Service.example. while the response is written directly as plain XML text. if (result < 0) { org. 18.newInstance(). 11.newTransformer().getNodeValue()).getNextSibling(). 13.Mode.ws. Node root = node. Transformer trans = TransformerFactory. portName = "AddNumbersPort".xml. 05. int arg1) throws AddNumbersFault { int result = arg0+arg1. 08.getFirstChild().wsdl") public class AddNumbersImpl implements AddNumbersPortType { public int addNumbers(int arg0. was the implementation of AddNumbersFault: the exception is thrown when the result is negative.duke. Node first = root. 12. } } public void oneWayInt(int arg0) { System.setFaultInfo("negative result: "+result). @WebService(serviceName = "AddNumbersService". 14.xml.transform. See that XML DOM API is used to process the request.PAYLOAD) @WebServiceProvider(serviceName = "AddNumbersService". } else { return result.xml.getNode().Source source) { try { DOMResult dom = new DOMResult(). Node node = dom.xml. and I checked the Use Provider checkbox (new NetBeans IDE 6.transform(source. 10.ws.org".getFirstChild(). 04.Source> { public javax. wsdlLocation = "WEBINF/wsdl/AddNumbersImpl/AddNumbers. 03.Meet the Author: Michael Williams The implementation is really easy as wsimport by default generates Web Service (SEI class) methods in Wrapping Style mode.transform. 21. JAX-WS 2.com/news/5-techniques-create-web-servic[24/04/2012 4:31:03 PM] . which means for requests.example. 11. 16. 15. The implementation requires to know the structure of XML request and XML response. 19.println("JAX-WS: oneWayInt request "+arg0). 09. For that reason JAX-WS uses the @javax.example. 05. 13. Node second = first. throw new AddNumbersFault("error".xml. 06. } } Refcard . 02. portName = "AddNumbersPort". responses represented by a sequence of xsd primitive types. 14. The most complex.ResponseWrapper annotations in generated SEI class. 08. 17. fault.xml. @ServiceMode(value = javax. The hardiest part for me was to implement the Fault correctly.xsd.org". targetNamespace = "http://duke. 22. 05. int result = number1+number2. public javax. 40. 39. } else { return getResponse(result).org/xsd\"><ns:return>" +result +"</ns:return></ns:addNumbersResponse>". 04. } } http://netbeans. 10.getValue(). 52. 14.xml.createUnmarshaller().getFirstChild(). 46. return source.transform. 18. return new JAXBSource(jc.duke. 15. Source source = new StreamSource( new ByteArrayInputStream(body. 44.getArg1(). 37.Source source) { try { JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.getBytes())). 42. 28. if (result < 0) { return getFault(result).transform. 08.createAddNumbersResponse(response). 47.5 Techniques for Creating Java Web Services from WSDL | NetBeans Zone 16. 20. } } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in provider endpoint". 09. 36. 48.xml. 17. } } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error in provider endpoint". JAXB can be used comfortably with Provider API. 27. AddNumbers addNum = requestEl.Source invoke(javax. 43.xmlsoap. 06. 38. } int number2 = Integer.org/soap/envelope/\">" +"<faultcode>nsf:Server</faultcode>" +"<faultstring>error</faultstring>" +"<detail>" +"<ns:AddNumbersFault xmlns:ns=\"http://duke. 31. return source. 29. 12.decode(second. 33. 24.setReturn(result). 13. 19.xsd package from previous example: 01.xsd" ).getBytes())). int result = addNum. Advantage of this approach is that implementation code works with JAXB classes generated from schema file rather than with low level DOM objects. } private Source getResponse(int result) { String body = "<ns:addNumbersResponse xmlns:ns=\"http://duke. 25. 53.newInstance( "org. I just copied the content of org.example. JAXBElement<AddNumbersResponse> responseEl = new ObjectFactory(). Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.getNodeValue()). response. } else { AddNumbersResponse response = new AddNumbersResponse(). 45. 51. responseEl). 17.org/xsd\">" +"<ns:faultInfo>negative result "+result+"</ns:faultInfo>" +"<ns:message>the result is negative</ns:message>" +"</ns:AddNumbersFault>" +"</detail>" +"</nsf:Fault>". 03. 30.unmarshal(source). 18. } private Source getFault(int result) { String body = "<nsf:Fault xmlns:nsf=\"http://schemas. 02. The dark side is that JAXB classes (derived from schema file) should be generated in advance. e). 54. 34.duke. 21. JAXBElement<AddNumbers> requestEl = (JAXBElement) unmarshaller. 19.dzone. 11. if (result < 0) { return getFault(result). Source source = new StreamSource( new ByteArrayInputStream(body.example. 35. e). 07. } } Another option is to use JAXB data binding to process the request and/or to generate the response. 32.getArg0()+addNum. 49. 50. 16.com/news/5-techniques-create-web-servic[24/04/2012 4:31:03 PM] . 26. 23.example.example. 41. 08. } else { AddNumbersResponse resp = new AddNumbersResponse(). 15. 26.duke. 10.com/news/5-techniques-create-web-servic[24/04/2012 4:31:03 PM] .duke. fault. so the parameter of AddNumbers method. The imlementation is also quite straightforward but requires the knowledge of http://netbeans.MY_QNAME.getArg0() + addNumbers0.setMessage("the result is negative"). See Accessing Google Web Service using JAX-WS.xsd. throw fault. 11. faultMessage.println("ADB:oneWayInt request: "+request).1. AXIOM (AxisObject Model) This is a low level technique. 20. 28. } catch (ADBException ex) { ex. is AddNumbers1 object instead of 2 int parameters (I didn't find if axis2 enables to set up wrapping style). the wsdl file can be selected in Name and Location Panel and ADB databinding stack in Code Generator Options panel -> Databinding Technology combo box. The code completions helps a lot : 01. 02. } } public void oneWayInt(org.g. This is more convenient than DOM but requires to work with entire SOAP message rather than with SOAP payload. Axis with ADB (Axis Databinding) To implement web service using Axis ADB I installed the Axis2 plugin on the top of NetBeans IDE 6.fDetail. 14.transform. Another option would be to implement the invoke method with SOAPMessage parameter instead of javax. 03.duke. 22. fDetail. 18.out. 09. 13.AddNumbersFault fDetail = new org. response. The Axis2 wsdl4j utility is called from the wizard. I'd compare it to working with SAAJ API.getAddNumbers(). System. 07.dzone. 24. AddNumbersResponse2 response = new AddNumbersResponse2().set_return(result). return response.setAddNumbersFault(fDetail).getOMFactory()).getArg1(). The implementation is fairly simple. 17. public class AddNumbersImpl implements AddNumbersServiceSkeletonInterface { public AddNumbersResponse2 addNumbers(AddNumbers1 addNumbers0) throws AddNumbersFault { int result = addNumbers0.example.5 Techniques for Creating Java Web Services from WSDL | NetBeans Zone Note: The biggest advantage of JAX-WS Provider/Dispatcher API is the ability to implement/consume web services even for the cases where wsimport fails (e. To create web service from wsdl file I used the Axis Web Service from WSDL wizard from Web Services category. resp.printStackTrace().Source.xsd. Working with OM nodes and elemens is more comfortable comparing to DOM but less comparing to ADB or JAXB. intuitive and straightforward. 25. 29. } } } Note: Axis2 doesn't use the Wrapping Style.setFaultInfo("negative result "+result). org. 30. similar to JAX-WS Provider/Dispatcherer API. and the skeleton class for web service is generated to implement.getAddNumbers(). OMAbstractFactory.getOMElement(OneWayInt3. RPC/Encoded WSDL).example. In the wizard.setAddNumbersResponse(resp). 12. 19. in skeleton class. 27. 04. 21.setFaultMessage(faultMessage).AddNumbersFault().xml. 06.example. To set up NetBeans IDE with Axis2 support see the tutorial: Creating Apache Axis2 Web Services on NetBeans IDE.OneWayInt3 oneWayInt2) { try { OMElement request = oneWayInt2. if (result < 0) { AddNumbersFault fault = new AddNumbersFault(). AddNumbersFault0 faultMessage = new AddNumbersFault0(). 23. 16.xsd. 05. private OMFactory omFactory = OMAbstractFactory. int value2 = Integer. faultElement. "ns").setCode(code). I spent the most of the time by Fault implementation: 01. 38.valueOf(getRequestParam(requestElement. 45. 02. 25. 14.getSOAP11Factory(). 48. return fault.intValue(). if (result < 0) { OMNode text = omFactory. 18.createOMText(resultStr). 12. 29. omNs). detail. OMNode text1 = omFactory. return createResponse("addNumbersResponse".valueOf(getRequestParam(requestElement. SOAPFaultReason faultstring = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().dzone. 13.println("AXIOM:oneWayInt request: "+requestElement). 52.createOMElement("faultInfo".setDetail(detail). } else { String resultStr = String. "return".example. "arg1")). SOAPFault fault = OMAbstractFactory. 31. 34. OMNamespace omNs = omFactory.setText(fault.createOMText("the result is negative").createSOAPFault(). public class AddNumbersImpl { private static final String SCHEMA_NAMESPACE = "http://duke.com/news/5-techniques-create-web-servic[24/04/2012 4:31:03 PM] .valueOf(result).createSOAPFaultCode().createOMElement("AddNumbersFault". 32.getSOAP11Factory(). 06. 44.setText("negative result"). 05. 22. 30. fault. } } public void oneWayInt(OMElement requestElement) throws XMLStreamException { System. 50. fault. response). 15.out. 23. 49. omNs). 40. 09.createOMNamespace(SCHEMA_NAMESPACE. Again. 11. 04. 03. } http://netbeans. 37.addChild(faultElement). 24. faultElement.getNamespace(). 17. 43. 20. The skeleton class can be generated by Axis Service from Wsdl wizard by selecting the AXIOM Databinding Technology. 21. code. 07. OMNode response = omFactory. responseChildElement. OMElement faultElement = omFactory.createSOAPFaultReason(). SOAPFaultCode code = OMAbstractFactory. responseChildElement1. 36. "arg0")). 28. 33. faultstring. 19.createSOAPFaultDetail(). 42. 41.getPrefix()+":Server"). fault. OMElement responseChildElement1 = omFactory.createOMText("negative result").org/xsd". OMElement responseChildElement = omFactory. 47. int result = value1+value2. public OMElement addNumbers(OMElement requestElement) throws XMLStreamException { int value1 = Integer.addChild(responseChildElement1). omNs). 16.addChild(text).intValue(). 10. SOAPFaultDetail detail = OMAbstractFactory. 26. 46.createOMElement("message".addChild(text1). 39.5 Techniques for Creating Java Web Services from WSDL | NetBeans Zone AXIOM API. 08. 51. 35.addChild(responseChildElement). 27.setReason(faultstring).getSOAP11Factory().getSOAP11Factory(). dzone.example.AddNumbersDocument addNumbers0) throws AddNumbersFault { //System. 03. } AddNumbersResponseDocument response = AddNumbersResponseDocument. 28. OMNode response) { OMNamespace omNs = omFactory.xsd. 57. response.Factory. 61. responseChildElement. 08. private String getRequestParam(OMElement requestElement. The skeleton class can be generated by Axis Service from Wsdl wizard by selecting the Xmlbeans Databinding Technology.xsd.newInstance(). return response.setAddNumbersFault(fDetail).getArg1().setFaultMessage(faultDoc). "ns").getArg0() + addNumbers0.com/news/5-techniques-create-web-servic[24/04/2012 4:31:03 PM] . 22. return responseElement. 24. org. and generate the response. 11. 25. OMElement responseChildElement = omFactory.getAddNumbers().example. 54. return requestChildElement. 09. 20. Axis with ADB or Axis with http://netbeans. 19.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(SCHEMA_NAMESPACE. of the request. The awkwardness of this approach is the number of classes(225) generated by selecting this option. OMElement responseElement = omFactory. 16. The role of all these techniques is to process the XML payload. omNs). The implementation is quite straightforward similar to Axis2 ADB.setAddNumbersResponse(resp). 68. faultDoc.setMessage("the result is negative").addChild(responseChildElement). 62. 10.setFaultInfo("negative result "+result).example. String requestChildName) { OMElement requestChildElement = requestElement. fDetail. } } 04.createOMElement(responseChildName.println("Xmlbeans: addNumbers request: "+addNumbers0).duke. 56. 14.duke. This is the implementation class: 01. if (result < 0) { AddNumbersFault fault = new AddNumbersFault(). 65. 66. public class AddNumbersImpl implements AddNumbersServiceSkeletonInterface { public AddNumbersResponseDocument addNumbers(org.newInstance(). AddNumbersResponse resp = AddNumbersResponse.out. 60. 12. 23.AddNumbersFault fDetail = org. resp. 07. responseElement. omNs).out.println("Xmlbeans: oneWayInt request: "+oneWayInt2). 18. 26. 21. 58. int result = addNumbers0.Factory.duke. fault. } private OMElement createResponse(String responseElementName. throw fault.Factory. I am not an expert in Xmlbeans so this number may be reduced somehow.addChild(response).getText(). requestChildName)). 59.createOMNamespace(SCHEMA_NAMESPACE.xsd.AddNumbersFault. } public void oneWayInt(org.duke. } } Axis with Xmlbeans This is the WS Stack supporting also by Axis2 technology. The high level techniques like JAX_WS. 13.example. AddNumbersFaultDocument faultDoc = AddNumbersFaultDocument. fDetail.OneWayIntDocument oneWayInt2) { //TODO implement this method System. 67.getAddNumbers(). 27.newInstance(). 64. 05. 17. 02. 63.newInstance().xsd. 55. 15. 06.Factory. Summary I tried to compare 5 different techniques of 2 popular WS Stacks(JAX-WS and Axis2) to implement a simple SOAP web service.setReturn(result).createOMElement(responseElementName. String responseChildName.5 Techniques for Creating Java Web Services from WSDL | NetBeans Zone 53. 08. 07. 13.) http://netbeans.out.57 ms 1. 09. 19. System. 11. On other side these techniques can be used even in cases when high level techiques fail.out.36 ms 0. Response Time and the Number of Generated Classes: Technique JAX-WS (with wsimport) JAX-WS (Provider API without JAXB) JAX-WS (Provider API with JAXB) Axis2 with ADB Axis2 with Xmlbeans AXIOM Ease of Implementation ***** * *** **** **** ** Response Time 0. 25. 14. 22. 29. arg1). 12. 10.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY. 17.65 ms Generated Classes 9 0 6 14 225 0 Note: the response times are relative depending on hardware configuration. long time = (endTime .62 ms 0.getAddNumbersService3SOAP11PortHttp().0 web server. Both low level implementation techniques documented here are difficult to use and cumbersome in some extent.i<10000.put( BindingProvider.i++) { try { // Call Web Service Operation int arg0 = random.getMessage } } } double avrg = sum/10000.0. I used JDK1. long sum = 0L. 16. author. 05. int arg1 = random. addnumbers3.69 ms 0. 24. The Ease of Use aspect may be considered subjective depending on how much experience you have with particular WS Stack. int result = port.println("Avarage response time = "+avrg).15 ms 2. 02.currentTimeMillis()).currentTimeMillis().nextInt(100). (Note: Opinions expressed in this article and its replies are the opinions of their respective authors and not those of DZone.currentTimeMillis(). 21.getFaultInfo(). 23. for (int i=0.addNumbers(arg0. 20.dzone. Random random = new Random(System.com/news/5-techniques-create-web-servic[24/04/2012 4:31:03 PM] . 06. } catch (AddNumbersFault_Exception ex) { System. 28.5 with Tomcat 6. 18. 03.AddNumbersService3().startTime).nextInt(100).AddNumbersService3 service = new addnumbers3. ((BindingProvider) port). 15. sum+=time. Tags: axis databinding JavaEE jax-ws netbeans web services Published at DZone with permission of Milan Kuchtiak. 04.AddNumbersService3PortType port = service. Inc. public static void main(String[] args) { addnumbers3.println("fault = "+ex. This is the client code: 01.getRequestContext(). Finally this is the result table considering 3 aspects: Ease of Implementation. long endTime = System. // this value depends on real location of the service wsdl "http://localhost:8084/axis2/services/AddNumbersService3?wsdl"). Finally I've created a simple JAX-WS client on my local machine for measuring the avarage response time. 27. 26.getFaultInfo()+":"+ex. // TODO process result here long startTime = System.getFaultInfo().5 Techniques for Creating Java Web Services from WSDL | NetBeans Zone Xmlbeans look very similar in their essence and protect users from working with low level XML APIs and from knowing the structure of SOAP messages. Changing param names in method shouldn't be a problem. Without the @WebParam annotations you will get errors like WSException: arg0 is not a valid property on class when deploying webservices to JBoss. 2010/07/18 . ActiveMQ.5 Techniques for Creating Java Web Services from WSDL | NetBeans Zone Enterprise Integration is a huge problem space for developers.. where xyz corresponds to the XSD element name used in the WSDL. (I do this when I use document/literal encoding with wrappers enabled). the most broad overview of SOAP service creation options in NB that I've seen. 2008/06/19 . arg1 etc.dzone. services. silvano Login or register to post comments Milan Kuchtiak replied on Thu.4:34am Share the Netbeans project please... Login or register to post comments Silvano Maffeis replied on Wed. CXF. Login or register to post comments Silvano Maffeis replied on Thu.com/news/5-techniques-create-web-servic[24/04/2012 4:31:03 PM] .9:31am Good stuff. 2008/06/19 .parameter names in addNumbers method correspond to SEI class signature that was generated by wsimport utility from wsdl file. arg1 . The Enterprise Integration Zone is a place for enterprise developers of all backgrounds to share design patterns and technology solutions that make integration easier for various scenarios.10:38am Any reason why you are not using more meaningful parameter names than arg0.2:18am in response to: mkuchtiak Not a problem. 2008/06/18 . Comments Jeff Rubinoff replied on Tue. arg1 etc. Gives a WSException during deployment if the parameters are meaningful. and tools based on Apache Camel.? I'm having problems deploying a webservice on JBoss. finding the most elegant solution can be tricky. Login or register to post comments Sendal Jepit replied on Sun. and ServiceMix. Works fine if parameter names are arg0. as long as you annotate each parameter in your web service implementation class with @WebParam(name="xyz"). 2008/04/29 . Login or register to post comments http://netbeans. FuseSource proudly supports the EI Zone and provides its own gamut of training. and with so many different technologies to choose from.1:20am arg0. . Thanks Login or register to post comments Setsuna Seiei replied on Wed. Implementing Your Own "SOA" Registry: the Maven Wa. AROUND THE DZONE NETWORK WEB BUILDER ..com/news/5-techniques-create-web-servic[24/04/2012 4:31:03 PM] . I'm trying Jax for thed first time.expanded Date ... The Developer’s Guide to HTML5 Canvas YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE What Happened When We Loaded Every Music CD in Existence into RavenDB Algorithm of the Week: Boyer-Moore String Searching Why Developers Keep Making Bad Technology Choices Beer and Pizza with Facebook: Learning Their Secrets.oldest first 30 comments per page per 30 comments page Save settings Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes..js..2:20am This is really helpful Milan.NET Web A. I'm trying to write a client to talk to an existing system. thanks for this tutorial. I may have to resort to posting it with URL.. 2010/09/02 . envelope etc.8 · Taking the New Swing Tree Table for a Spin · NetBeans & JPA with Multiple Persistence. and VirtualBox SPOTLIGHT RESOURCES BIRT 3. Get an in depth comparison on three different Cloud.. with Neo4j Ansible: CM. Integrate Your Enterprise Apps 'Like a Boss' Oracle v Google Trial Day 2: Ellison Testifies Developer Productivity is Important . Login or register to post comments Comment viewing options Flat listlist .oldest first Date . but its over SSL through a proxy..Reality or Myth? The Visitor Pattern Re-visited TDD: Do We Really Have To Do It? Cretaceous COBOL Can Spawn Jurassic Java POPULAR ON NETBEANS ZONE · 5 Techniques for Creating Java Web Services from WSDL · Getting Started with Spring RCP · Binding a JTable to Swing Controls in NetBeans IDE · Getting Further with Spring RCP · How to Create a Swing CRUD Application on NetBeans Platform 6. Deployment. Maven. and Ad-hoc Task Execution All in One 6 Command Line Tools for Linux Performance Monitoring · SoapUI Tests with Ant+Ivy · JavaFX 2 Game Tutorial Part 2 · Overview of Zen Coding for Visual Studio 2010 · Getting Documents from Disk Using http://netbeans. but what ever I do it always adds SOAP to the message..11:01am Is there a simple way to create a server and client which is purely XML over HTTP using jax/jax-ws. Beer and Pizza with Facebook: Learning Their Secre..5 Techniques for Creating Java Web Services from WSDL | NetBeans Zone David Memem replied on Thu. 2011/05/25 . 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