5-EE Modified Final

March 26, 2018 | Author: sid18june1996 | Category: Nuclear Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mosfet, Transformer, Bipolar Junction Transistor



----------------------- Page 1----------------------DELHI TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITYSCHEME OF EXAMINATION AND COURSE CURRICULUM B.Tech. (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) CONTENT Scheme of Examination........................................................... ....................... 2-6 Course Curriculum First Year...................................................................... .................................. 7-13 Second Year..................................................................... .............................. 13-19 Third Year...................................................................... ................................ 19-24 Fourth Year..................................................................... ............................... 24-47 EE-1 ----------------------- Page 2----------------------SCHEME FOR B.TECH. FIRST SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S.No. Course No. Evaluation Total Marks IA MS Subject Credit Type L-T-P ES TH1 10 AM-101 20 70 TH2 10 HU-102 20 70 Communication Skills 100 3H 2-1-0 TH3 10 AP- 103 20 70 Applied Physics-I 100 4H 3-1-0 TH4 10 AC-104 20 70 Applied Chemistry 100 4H 3-1-0 TH5 10 EE- 105 20 70 Electrical Sciences 100 4C 3-1-0 TH6 10 IT- 106 20 70 Fundamentals of Information Technology 100 3A 2-1-0 PR1 Mathematics-I 100 3-1-0 4H AP- 107 70 Applied Physics-I Lab 100 2H 0-0-2 30 AC-108 70 Applied Chemistry Lab 100 2H 0-0-2 30 PR2 PR3 EE- 109 70 Electrical Sciences Lab 100 2C 0-0-2 30 IT- 110 70 Information Technology Lab 100 2A 0-0-2 30 PR4 1000 L: Lecture IA: Internal Assessment 30 T: Tutorial MS: Mid Semester P: Practical ES: End Semester SCHEME FOR B.TECH. SECOND SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S.No. Course No. Evaluation Total Marks IA MS Subject Credit Type L-T-P ES TH1 10 AM-111 20 70 Mathematics-II 100 4H 3-1-0 TH2 10 EN- 112 20 70 Environmental Sciences 100 2A 2-0-0 TH3 10 AP- 113 20 70 TH4 10 AP/AC -114 20 70 Engineering Materials 100 4H 3-1-0 TH5 10 ME-115 20 70 Basic Mechanical Engineering 100 4A 3-1-0 TH6 10 CO- 116 20 70 Programming Fundamentals 100 2A 2-0-0 PR1 Applied Physics-II 100 4H AP- 117 70 Applied Physics-II Lab 100 2A 0-0-2 30 CO- 118 70 Programming Lab 100 2A 0-0-2 30 ME-119 70 Engineering Graphics 100 3A 0-0-3 30 PE- 120 70 Mechanical Workshop 100 3A 0-0-3 30 PR2 PR3 PR4 TOTAL 1000 A C H M 3-1-0 30 hrs 30 Allied Engineering Core (include major project and practical training also) Humanities, Social Studies and Basic Sciences Mandatory EE-2 ----------------------- Page 3----------------------SCHEME FOR B.Tech. THIRD SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S.No. Course No. Evaluation Total Marks IA MS Subject Credit Type L-T-P ES TH1 10 *EE-201 20 70 Electronic Devices and Circuits 100 4C 3-1-0 TH2 10 *EE-202 20 70 Electrical Machines-I 100 4C 3-1-0 TH3 10 *EE-203 20 70 Network Analysis and Synthesis 100 4C 3-1-0 TH4 10 Power Plant Engineering 100 4A 3-1-0 20 TH5 10 *EE-205 20 70 Electrical and Electronic Measurements 100 4C 3-1-0 TH6 10 *EE-206 20 70 Engineering Economics 100 3H 3-0-0 PR1 *EE-207 70 Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab. 100 2C 0-0-2 *EE-208 70 Electrical and Electronic Measurement Lab 100 2C 0-0-2 *EE-209 70 Electrical Machines-I Lab. 100 2C 0-0-2 Term Paper-I 100 0-0-1 1C TOTAL 1000 30 30 PR2 30 PR3 30 PR4 EE-204 70 *EE-210 100 30 hrs Subjects marked with asterisk (*) are common with EEE # There will be no end semester examination in term paper. It will be evaluated on the basis of presentation and continuous evaluation, for which a separate slot in time-table will be allocated. SCHEME FOR B.Tech. FOURTH SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S.No. Course No. Evaluation Total Marks IA TH1 10 MS Subject Credit Type L-T-P ES *EE- 211 20 70 Linear Integrated Circuits 100 4C 3-1-0 220 100 TOTAL 1000 30 hrs 30 Subjects marked with asterisk (*) are common with EEE # There will be no end semester examination in term paper. FIFTH SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S. for which a separate slot in time-table will be allocated. A C H M Allied Engineering Core (include major project and practical training also) Humanities.303 20 70 Power Systems-II 3-1-0 10 TH2 TH3 .TH2 10 Control Systems-I 100 4C 3-1-0 20 EE.301 20 70 Power Electronics 3-1-0 10 EE.Tech. Social Studies and Basic Sciences Mandatory EE-3 ----------------------.302 20 70 Principles of Communication 3-1-0 10 EE.217 70 Linear Integrated Circuits Lab 100 2C 0-0-2 30 EE.I Lab 100 2C 0-0-2 30 *EE.215 20 70 Electrical Machines-II 100 4C 3-1-0 TH6 10 *EE-216 20 70 Electromagnetic Field Theory 100 3C 3-0-0 *EE.Page 4----------------------SCHEME FOR B.214 70 20 Power Systems –I 100 4C 3-1-0 TH5 10 *EE.213 20 70 Digital Circuits & Systems 100 4C 3-1-0 TH4 10 EE.No.219 70 Electrical Machines. It will be evaluated on the basis of presentation and continuous evaluation. Evaluation P IA TH1 MS Total Marks Subject Credit Type L-T- ES *EE.II Lab 100 2C 0-0-2 30 Term Paper-II 100 1C 0-0-1 PR1 PR2 PR3 PR4 #EE. Course No.212 70 TH3 10 *EE.218 70 Power Systems. which will be evaluated during sixth semester examinations. SIXTH SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S. Evaluation MS ES Electrical Drives 100 *EE-312 20 70 Electrical Machines-III 100 4C 3-1-0 Power System Operation and Control 100 4C 3-1-0 3-1-0 EE-313 20 70 3-1-0 4C EE-314 20 70 Instrumentation 100 EE-315 20 Power Electronic Applications to Power 100 4C Systems 3-1-0 70 Power Electronics and Electrical Drives 100 2C Lab 0-0-2 70 Electrical Machines-III / Power System 100 2C Operation and Control Lab 0-0-2 70 Minor Project-II 0-0-4 *EE-316 EE-317 30 PR3 L-T-P *EE-311 20 70 30 PR2 Subject Credit Type Total Marks EE-318 4C .309 60 140 TOTAL 1000 s 30 hr 30 Subjects mark with asterisk (*) are common with EEE Note: There shall be an Industrial Training of 4 weeks at the end of fifth semes ter.306 Control Systems Lab 0-0-2 Digital Electronics & Microprocessor Lab 0-0-2 Power Systems.TH4 EE. during winter vacation.308 30 PR4 70 EE.304 20 70 Control Systems-II 3-1-0 10 *EE-305 20 70 Microprocessor and Applications 3-1-0 10 *EE.307 30 PR3 70 EE. IA TH1 10 TH2 10 TH3 10 TH4 10 TH5 10 PR1 Course No.II Lab 0-0-2 Minor Project-I 0-0-4 TH5 PR1 30 PR2 70 *EE. SCHEME FOR B.Tech.No. 401 70 Design of Power Apparatus 100 4C 3-1-0 10 EE. Course Evaluation Total Marks No.- 0-0-4 .Tech.403 70 Elective.Page 5----------------------SCHEME FOR B.404 70 Open Elective -I 100 4C 3-1-0 10 PR1 30 EE.60 PR4 140 EE-319 30 70 200 4M Viva Voce Examination on V Semester 100 2M Industrial Training TOTAL 1000 -- 28 hrs 30 Industrial Training (Durations six weeks in Summer vacation at the end of VIth s emester) Subjects mark with asterisk (*)are common with EEE A C H M Allied Engineering Core (include major project and practical training also) Humanities.408 Major Project-I 20 TH2 20 TH3 20 TH4 20 4C . SEVENTH SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S.402 70 Switchgear and Protection 100 4C 3-1-0 10 EE. Subject Credit Type L-T-P IA MS TH1 ES EE.406 70 Switchgear and Protection Lab 100 3C 0-0-3 PR3 30 EE.407 70 Viva Voce Examination on 100 4M VI Semester Industrial Training PR4 EE.No.I 100 3-1-0 10 EE. Social Studies and Basic Sciences Mandatory Note: • Industrial training of 4 weeks during winter vacation after 5th Seme ster and 8 Weeks during summer vacation after th 6 Semester. EE-4 ----------------------.405 70 Design of Power Apparatus Lab 100 3C 0-0-3 PR2 30 EE.. EIGHTH SEMESTER (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) S.No.II Lab 70 100 3C 0-0 PR3 EE.417 -2 100 Seminar / Report 100 2C 0-0 TOTAL 30 hrs 1000 4C 3C 30 EE-5 ----------------------. IA MS ES Subject Total Credit Marks Type L- TH1 EE.411 -0 10 20 DSP and its Applications to Electromechanical Systems 70 100 4C 3-1 TH2 EE. T-P Course Evaluation No.414 -3 30 DSP Lab 70 100 0-0 PR2 EE.Page 6----------------------Elective-I ive I Open Elect EE 403-1 Flexible AC Transmission Systems Automotive Systems EE 404-1 EE 403-2 SCADA & Energy Management Systems Intelligent Instrumentation EE 404-2 EE 403-3 Microwave Engineering Advanced Analog Circuit Design EE 404-3 EE 403-4 High Voltage Engineering Restructured Power Systems EE 404-4 EE 403-5 Power Plant Instrumentation Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship EE 404-5 EE 403-6 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Biomedical Instrumentation EE 404-6 .Tech.415 -3 30 Elective .II 70 100 3-1 TH3 EE.416 -10 120 Major Project-II 280 400 10M 0-0 PR4 EE.413 -0 10 20 Open Elective .II 70 100 4C 3-1 PR1 EE.412 -0 10 20 Elective.90 210 300 4M TOTAL 1000 26 hrs 30 SCHEME FOR B. Social Studies and Basic Sciences M Mandatory Note: th Se mester and 8 Weeks during summer vacation after • Industrial training of 4 weeks during winter vacation after 7 8th Semester. EE-6 .EE 403-7 Electric Traction and High Power Drives Advanced Control Systems EE 404-7 EE 403-8 Robotics and Mechatronics Non Conventional Energy Systems EE 404-8 EE 403-9 Data Communication & Computer Networks Digital & Optical Communication Systems EE 404-9 Elective-II ive II Open Elect *EE 412-1 Distributed Generation Systems Database Management Systems *EE 413-1 *EE 412-2 Switched Mode Power Supplies Operating System Design *EE 413-2 *EE 412-3 Power Quality and Energy Conservation Optimal Control Theory EE 413-3 EE 412-4 Power System Dynamics and Stability Active & Passive Network Synthesis *EE 413-4 *EE 412-5 Smart Grid Computer Control of Processes *EE 413-5 EE 412-6 Utilization of Electrical Energy Reliability Engineering EE 413-6 EE 412-7 HVDC Transmission Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems *EE 413-7 *EE 412-8 Digital Image Processing Digital System Design *EE 413-8 *EE 412-9 Electrical Storage Systems Filter Design *EE 413-9 *EE 412-10 Microwave Integrated Circuits VLSI Design *EE-413-10 EE 412-11 Energy Auditing. Conservation and Management Antenna & Wave Propagation *EE 413-11 Subjects mark with asterisk (*)are common with EEE A Allied Engineering C Core (include major project and practical training also) H Humanities. Appreciation and Analysis: UNIT IV s of Fire by APJ Abdul Kalam arti Words Langua UNIT IV Texts for (A) Wing (B) The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid by C. arc length. Maximage Lab Practice for Oral Communication. and moment of inertia. surface area and volume (in Cartesian. applications of definite integral to area. (B) Writ ing of: Paragraph. parametric and (C) Compreh exer UNIT III and polar co-ordinates).----------------------. Text Book . Multiple Integrals: Double integral (Cartesian and polar coPrah alad. syllable. Lagrange’s method of multipliers. charts ratio. total differential. Calculus of single variable: Taylor’s & Maclaurin’s expansion. Summary and Abstract. ension of Unseen Passages based on reading Radius of curvature. Proc esses and operations. change of order of integration. Applications of multiple integration in area. appliances. and Beta functions. Oral Comm unication: Phonetics: Speech Sounds and their UNIT III culation. Gamma (D) Geet anjali by Ravindranath Tagore. Phonemes.Page 7----------------------UNIT II L T P Credits AM-101 Mathematics – I riting: Basics of W 3 1 0 4 (A) Pres entation of Technical Information: Technical desc ription UNIT I of simple objects. Alternating series. volume. triple integrals (C) The Branded (Uchalya) by Laxman Gaikwad (Cartesian. centre of mass.K. Scientific Principles. Taylor’s theorem. Minima. etc) Absolute convergence. cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates). Infinite series: Tests for convergence of series (comparison. Scanning and Inference making. Application in estimation of error and approximation. root. Conditional convergence. Interpretation of Visual Data (graph. Raabe’s. Transcription of Calculus of several variables: Partial differentiation. cises like Skimming. Taking UNIT II Making Notes. Euler’s and Simple Sentences. theorem. ordinates). Stress. Defi nitions . Presentation and Seminar. tools. logarithmic). integral. Gradient. rient Longman. Laxman. Einstein’s special theory of (B) Vocabulary and Usage: Synonyms & Antonyms.E. Applications rmediate Grammar Usage and Composition. y : Review of concepts of frames of reference and Question tags & short responses. Narosa. 3. Delhi: Sahitya Akademi.I 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Functional English: (A) Parts of speech. Subramaniam and P. Common transformation equation. Wharton 10. Line integral.K. applications. Mais Orie 3. 4. New Academic Press i. A 9. “Advanced Engineering Mathematics” by Jain/Iyenger. C. t and its implications. Scientific English: A Guide for Scientists Vector Calculus: Continuity and differentiability of vector Other Professionals. “Advanced Engineering Mathematics” by Alan Jeffery . and 2. Day. Stoke’s and Gauss divergence theorems. Words often confused. integral. Subramaniam. Mass variation with velocity. Rabi LLC. ridge University Press. Lesikar Delh 6. Conditional clauses. Delhi: University Press. Law of addition word substitutions. The Branded. The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid. Better English Pronunciation. School Publishing.R. 8. divergence. applications to work done by the force . Kalam. “Advanced Engineering Mathematics” by Kreyszig. Wiley.s/Reference Books: UNIT V Robert A. Idioms / ities. ndranath Tagore. I K PJ Abdul. “Calculus and Analytic Geometry” by Thomas/Finney. on Margaret. O’Connor. 1. Punctuation. Gaikwad. s.L. “Advanced Engineering Mathematics” by Taneja . Tense and concord. curl and their nt Longman. Edmond H. and Flatley. Filiquarian Publishing.. 2. Camb 7. Writing Remedies: Practical Exercises Text Books/Reference Books: echnical Writing. Business Communications. Cambridge: Narosa. Biztantra Press. UP. functions. Michelson – Morley errors. New Delhi: Directional derivative. L T P Credits HU-102 Communication Skills L T P Credits 2 1 0 3 AP – 103 Applied Physics . Gitanjali. Tikoo Inte Delhi: O 4. 1. Lorentz transformation equations. One y. Scalar and vector point function. 5. Weis for T 5. Concept of energy UNIT I Relativit Galilean experimen relativit of veloc . University Press. of Green’s. surface integral and volume M. A. international Prahalad. Wings of Fire. Examine Your English. Pha se Equilibrium: Definitions of Phase. Multiple beam interference and Fabry-Perot UNI (a) b) and interferometer. prism and grating. amplitude. component and Huygens and Ramsden’s eyepiece. waves : Damped and forced oscillations. Electrical and light. Bio-molecules: Classification. Optical Instruments: Cardinal points of co-axial lens systems. Brewster’s ms. cop UNI T V spherical and chromatic aberrations and their removal. Primary and Secondary battery Polarization by reflection and by transmission. Lead storage and lithium law. Peptides UNIT III Proteins. Physical optics: Interference by division of wave front and RNA. Circulation and filtration equipment. Gibb’s phase rule. and momen EE-7 ----------------------. Impedance. Nicol prism. Fuel Cells. resonance. grating. Brief working principle of lasers. racteristics of batteries. Methods of and their solutions. UNI Ele cha syste bat che Agi tation. Zone plate. Structure. Resolving power of telescope. Plating of UNIT IV per. beams. Two component systems: PbLaser optics: Coherence and coherent properties of laser and Cu-Ni system. Introduction to Bio-degradable Polymers.Idiomatic expressions. One component UNIT V tems: Water and sulphur. single slit and N-slit / ctrochemistry : Electrochemical cells. Electroplating bath and linings. tum. T IV Fraunhoffer diffraction. Carbohydrates.Page 8----------------------UNIT II T III Oscillations. Industrial applications of polymers. Double refraction. Spontaneous and stimulated emission. deg ree of freedom. mical requirements. DNA. Impedance matching between two resins. physical and chemical properties of Amino-acids. Mechanism of polymerization. Reflection and transmission polymerization. Polymers: Monomer & polymer. Sharpness of Degree of Polymerization. Zinc-Carbon cells. Electro-deposition. elliptically and circularly polarized teries. Fresnel diffraction through a straight edge. gold and rhodium. Industrial production of PE and PF of waves at a boundary. Ruby laser. Equations of longitudinal and transverse waves Molecular weights of polymers. Einstein’s co-efficient. Mass energy relation. components. He- sys Ag Univ . Q – factor. Quarter and half wave plates. medium. Cellulose and its derivatives. functionality and Resonance (amplitude and power). Types of 3 1 0 4 titrations. Vogel.A. current. V-I characteristics of ideal voltage and UNIT II ide . Theory of indicators.I. Numerical dstocks. Tex t Books/Reference Books: 1. 1. 5. 3. “Instrumental Method of Analysis” by Skoog D. Oxford Univ Press. UV-VIS. Quinn. Goals & Significance of UNIT VI en Chemistry. Gre syn fee Gre theory). Reagents. (b) Spectral Analysis: Electromagnetic radiation. HRW 2. F. cept of fields. voltage. 4 UNIT I L T P Credits EE – 105 Electrical Science (a) Conventional Analysis: Volumetric Analysis.T. “ Inorganic Quantitative Analysis” by A. Evaluation of profile. Wiley. “Perspective of Modern Physics” by Arthur Beiser. “Vibrations and Waves” by A.. Principles of Green Chemistry. “Physics of Vibrations and Waves” by H. IR. John Wiley. Berkley Physics Course Vol – 1. solvents and catalysts for green Optical Fiber: Classification of optical fibers. applications. reaction types and methods. Ghatak. “Optics” by A. charge. Future trends in aperture of optical fiber.X. French. Text Books/Reference Books: 2. “Thermal Analysis” by T.J. Gre en Chemistry: Introduction. Hatakeyama. Core cladding refractive index difference. instrumentation & duction: Role and importance of circuits in Engineering.VI Ne laser. JC Warner. Refractive index thesis. 3. “Polymer Science and Technology” by Billmeyer. “Green Chemistry: Theory & Practice” by P. L T P AC-104 Applied Chemistry “Polymer Science and Technology” by Fried. Credits 6. Anastas & 4. ternational. 5. Prentice 3 1 0 Hall. In 4.P. Pulse dispersion in optical fiber (ray en Chemistry. T I Lambert-Beer’s Law. Pain. energy and there UNI Intro con int errelationship. EE-8 ----------------------. concept of reluctance. three phase circuits: balanced supply voltage and balanced load. ology: Computer Languages. phasor diagram. complex mming Language Classification & Program representation of impedance. binary. MMF. Superposition Theorem. adder. power in ges. III average and effective values of sinusoids. Delta-star con version. floating numbers gates. Flow Charts. Generation of concept of phasor. decimal. Solution of lexes. hexa-decimal Three-Phase AC Circuits: Three phase EMF generation. flux. power factor. various types of controlled sources. V UNIT Progra Method Langua Datafl UNIT I Digita l Devices and Basic Network Concepts: Digital UNIT III entals: Various codes. cir cuits. application of Client UNIT Intern Langua . Differential thermal of different types of R. Communication & Networks: Computer Networks- Fundam conver multip UNIT V Data Introd uction of LAN. Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. different types of memory. delta sion. analogies between VI electrical and magnetic quantities solution of magnetic et and Web Technologies: Hypertext Markup circuits. power. Firmware and Memory. Computer HardwareTellgen Theorem. series and parallel circuits. Thermal Methods of Analysis: Principle. Introduction to Data Transmission. UNIT IV -server Architecture. Kirchoff’s Laws. Q-factor. Hysteresis and eddy current losses. line and phase quantities. and Y connection. bandwidth and their relationship. reactive power and apparent ow Diagram. C elements. Interpreters. Translators. half power points. measurement of power in three phase circuits. Network Topologies. UNIT II Single Phase AC Circuits: Single phase EMF generation. complex notation.Page 9----------------------Norton’s theorem. Thevenin’s Theorem. Various I/O devices. flip flops. MAN and WAN. Introduction to 4GL and 5GL. Assemblers. Peripherals. Magnetic Circuits & Transformers: Amperes circuital law.al current sources. CPU. working and Pas sive circuit components: V-I characteristics and ratings applications of Thermo-gravimetry. L. Series and parallel analysis and Differential scanning calorimetry. phasor diagram. Resonance in series and parallel circuits. power and energy. real power. Humanw are. Compilers. B-H curve. I Lab 0 0 2 UNIT I Fundamental of information. meters. Higgenbotham Hi ll. L T P Credits Information Technology 8. Search Engines. Relevant Indian Electricity Supply rules & BIS codes. “Int roduction to Computers” by Rajaraman. Addison Wesley. PMMC ammeters and voltmeters. Damping devices. ss Transaction on web. New Age International. Text. ammeters and wattmeters. “Fun damentals of Information Technology” by Leon & 4. AC watt-hour tchinson. “Int ernet. ning and E-Commerce. “Inf ormation Technology: Breaking News” by Curtin. 02 Concepts Data Vs of Information: Definition Information. mutual inductance and dot convention.L. Elementary Concepts of auto transformer and their applications. Telnet. & Grabel. HTTP. Le on. Digital voltmeters. Web magnetic force. WWW. ‘Int Mc Graw-Hill. 5. EPI. Electronic Payment Systems. Deltoro. Vikas. Firewall. Email. Introduction to L T P Credits Information representation in Digital Media. An introduction”by CIS Tems. Text Books/Reference Books: 3. McGraw Hill International. Net Surfing. “Basic Electrical Engineering” by Fitzereld. FTP. “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals” by Vincent TM H. UNIT V Measuring Instruments : Analog indicating instruments. Browse Busine E-Lear Digita l Signatures. Computers & Communications” by William Sawyer & dynamometer type wattmeters. AC-10 . 1. “Basic electrical Engineering” by C. ng Information Technology: A Practical Introduction shunt and multipliers. Prentice Hall International (EEI). Gopher. ooks/Reference Books: devices. 4th 4. rs. roduction to Computers’ by Peter Norton. Tata McGraw 2. image. multimeters. “Dat a Compression” by Nelson. IT – 106 Fundamentals of net 101” by Lehngart. DHTML. Edition. Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill. 7. Tata Text B 1. 6. Moving iron ammeter and voltmeters. 3.ge. “Usi to Hu 2. principle of working. Safety of Single phase Transformer construction. Wadhwa. BPB. “Inter 2 1 0 3 Credits L T P AP-10 7 Applied Physics . Classification of Computers. productivity. UNIT III General solution of homogenous and non. simultaneous linear equations. Euler-Cauchy biological characteristics of water & waste water. Video etc. inverse of a matrix using elementary transformations. 3 1 0 4 segments of environmentlithosphere.Page 10----------------------L T P L T P Credits Credits 0 0 2 2 0 0 02 2 IT-110 Fundamental of IT Lab EN – 112 Environmental Science UNIT I L T P Credits AM. of ecosystem. ater pollution.8 Applied Chemistry Lab 0 0 2 02 graphics. method of variation of parameters. Need. different ecosystemsUNIT II f orest. food chains & food w ebs. Eigen-values and eigenvectors of Ecosystems: Concept of ecosystem biotic & abiotic a matrix. material cycling and energy flow. desert. oxygen. Audio. Generations.. W & w . Characteristic and Application of Computers. water borne diseases. carbon & phosphate cycles. atmosphere UNIT I & biosphere. hydrosphere. nitrogen. functional components matrix. grassland. Animation. types of ecosystems. consistency of linear UNIT II system of equations. Ordinary Differential Equations: Second & higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients.biodiversity. Matrices: Rank of a matrix. Value and Quality of information L T P Credits UNIT II 9 Electrical Science Lab EE-10 0 0 2 02 Concepts in Computer & Programming: Definition Electronic Computer. physical. of EE-9 ----------------------. chemical equations. diagonalization of components. ground equation. Biogeochemical cycles- hydrological. History.111 Mathematics-II Introduction to Environment: Origin & evolution of earth. Cayley-Hamilton theorem.homogenous ater Pollution: Water quality. aquatic. New Age International (P) Ltd.UNIT III UNIT IV Special Functions : Power series method. Even and ext Books/Reference Books: odd functions. acid rain. wood.carbon monoxide. “Environmental Studies” by De Anil Kumar & De Arnab T Kumar. Bessel sources. Laplace transform to IVP and boundary value nuclear power. 3.II Pearson Education. Frobenious ir & Noise Pollution: Primary & secondary air pollutants.V. “A Text Book of Environmental Science” by Subramanian. Mathematics” by L T P Greenberg. Transforms of derivatives and integrals. Narosa Publishing House. EPI Publications. Legendre equation. sulphur dioxide & particulates. 1. . half range series. UNIT V Fourier series: Fourier series. effects of UNIT IV noise pollution on human. Periodic resourcescoal. hydroelectricity.solar. function. Environmental laws and acts. 4 0 0 Credits AP – 4 . ozone A hole. Dirichlet conditions. “Advanced Engineering 113 Applied Physics . non conventional sources. Inverse Laplace transform. nitrogen equation. “Environmental Studies” by Basak Anindita. El Nino. Legendre polynomials.S. Energy & Solid Waste Management: Conventional energy Convolution theorem. Bessel function of fist kind. geothermal energy. differential equations. thermal. Orthogonal Property.. Text Books/Reference Books: 1. 4 S. differential equations (simple cases only). quality standards. Laplace Transforms: Basic properties. global warming. UNIT VI 2. ocean & tidal energy. control of noise pollution. Laplace transform of derivatives and integrals. UNIT of Step Function. effects & control of. hydrocarbons. wind. method. harmonic analysis. Classification and measurement of noise. petroleum. Pearson Fourier Transforms : Fourier Transforms Sine and Cosine Education South Asia. “Essentials of Ecology & Environment Science” by Rana. oxides. Hazardous and non hazardous solid waste management. Transforms. Applications to boundary value problem in ordinary V. UNIT V Differentiation and Integration of Laplace transform. problem Applications system of linear Simultaneous biogas. Air Rodrigues Formula. aluminum and Quantum statistics : Quantum Statistics : Fermi—Dirac alloys like duralumin. plain carbon and alloy steels. “Advanced Engineering Mathematics” by Jain/Iyenger. particle in a box. “Advanced Engineering Mathematics” by Taneja. operators. Poynting theorem. concept of phase space. Pair production de-broglie relation. basic IT IV postulates of statistical mechanics. simple harmonic oscillator problem. UNIT V Electrodynamics : Maxwell’s equations. Poynting vector. nuclear models-liquid drop and shell model.2. mechanical and fabricating SEC UN Intr con cha racteristics and applications of various types of cast UNIT III ons. Maxwell—Boltzmann oduction to engineering materials for mechanical distribution law. radioactive decay ventional engineering materials. classification.Compton 4. ct .Dirac probability rials. electromagnetic wave. brasses and bronzes cutting tool and Bose –Einstein Distribution. applications of composites. Schrodinger wave equation. Derivation of wave equation for plane ciality Polymers: Conducting polymers-Introduction. struction. Quantum Physics : Failure of classical physics . effe expectation values and eigen-value equation. Probability density. Q-value of nuclear reaction . polymer-matrix composites. concept VI displacement current. posite materials.Page 11----------------------UNIT II TION – B (CHEMISTRY) Classical Statistics : Statistical physics : Microscopicmacroscopic systems. Fermi energy level. posites. nuclear fission tal-matrix composites. Fermi. constituent of the posite materials: Introduction. super alloys thermoplastics. I “Advanced Engineering Mathematics” by Kreyszig. I K UNIT international. thermosets and function. EE-10 ----------------------. matrix materials. and fusion. reinforcements. elementary ideas of nuclear reactors. limitations of nucleus. wave function. Wiley. er-reinforced composites. Narosa. 3. ir their mate com UNIT IV IT V Nuclear Physics : Nuclear properties. binding energy. of UNIT Spe con . environmental effects on UN Com con com me fib com posites. stable nuclei. concept of degeneracy. Composition. copper. role of matrix in law (alpha and beta spectrum). SECTION – A (PHYSICS) olid State Physics” by Ali OmerM. Thomson. Fermi level. 3. New UNIT III “S . Budinski. Tex type of by Hall 1. and exc In manufa NOTE: Two hrs Tex t Books/Reference Books (PHYSICS): AP-AC 114 Engineering L T P “Solid State Physics”. Phule.A. drift and diffusion in PN junction .& Sons Publication. Life time “Speciality Polymers “ by R. New Age International Publication. New York. 5.C.Dyson.. Singapor (Prentice Hall). (Singapore) pvt. Pradeep P. Chapman and Hall. raw materials. simple 7th edition by Kenneth G. hange resins and their applications.Gupta. USA. “Polymer Composites “ by A. “Concept of Nuclear Physics” by Cohen. Ceramic & Refractory Text Books/Reference Books: troduction. M. Miller indices. Pearson crystal structures. W . Budinshi. 2. New delhi. polyacetylene. “Electricity & magnetism” by Rangawala & Mahajan. Statistics of holes and electrons. t Books/Reference Books (CHEMISTRY) Semi Conductors: Band theory of solids . Askeland. Crystal Structure: Bravais lattices. recombination. Two hrs per week load for Applied Physics Department. India branch. Effect of temperature on conductivity . Ltd. and 2. P and N “Essentials of Material Science and Engineering “ semiconductors . applications of conducting polymers..P. wave equation in dielectric & conducting polypyrole. “Electrodynamics” by Griffith. Metallic Conduction: Energy distribution of electrons in a metal.Gupta. UNIT I 4. 7th edition by Kittel. properties.duction mechanism.W. UNIT II “Solid State Physics” by Pillai S.O. 1. “Engineering Materials: Properties and Selection”. Conduction process. Ionmedia. Narosa Publishing House. “Solid State Physics” by Wahab M. Different kind of bonding. 4 2. polyparaphenylene Energy density. 3. “Perspective of Modern Physics” by Arthur Beiser. Pearson Education 3. 5. cturing and applications. “Nuclear Physics” by Erwin Kaplan. 4. J. effect . per week load for Applied Chemistry Department. Donald R. Materials Credits 4 0 0 1. classification. C++. Antiferro. K. Dielectric and Optical properties of Materials: Dielectric 4. reversible & irreversible process.S. L T P Credits 8. Chapman. “Engineering Chemistry” by S. Ferro-magnetism ferrites. Dual cycle and rays. Carnot Cycle. Sriparna Datta. multidimensional arrays.Page 12----------------------ME 115 Basic Mechanical hop Technology” by W. Jain. Array representation. Ideal Gas.Tc Dhanpat Rai. flow chart.Goel.Age publication.Dara. their efficiencies. optical absorption Books India. ams. A. Coding style: choice of names. Iterative programs using loops. High. Ferro-magnetism. rent Programming Languages like C. Steady Flow Energy ts. 6. assignment First Law of Thermodynamics for closed & open systems. “Engineering Chemistry” by Raghupati Mukhopadhyay. Otto. Refrigerator. New Age International. Carnot efficiency.Chand. UNIT II Arrays: using ar Structur . 7. etc. state. 10. process. superconducting materials . properties. “Engineering Chemistry “ by R. Second Law of Thermodynamics – Kelvin and Planck’s Statements. “Works 9. equilibrium. Superconducting materials. Concepts of systems. ts. Java etc. Operations on array elements. quasi-static process.Jain. application. S. superconductor. Heat and Work.N. Heat pump. Introduction Zeroth Law and Temperature. Magnetism and Superconducting Materials: Diapara.C. UNIT II ry Programming: Data types. Sharma.C. Definition of Heat Engine. Concept of Entropy and availability. J. Steady State. “Produ ction Engineering” by P. Diedel. Properties. control volume. Engineering ction Engineering” by R.Goyal. indentation. tion: Concepts of algorithm. Meissner effect. cyclic process. “Produ COE– 116 Fundame UNIT I Introduc to diffe Elementa statemen statemen subprogr document ation. Monica Jain.Concept of Equation. conditional statements and input/output Non Flow Energy Equation. 4 0 0 4 (PART A) Programming L T P Credits UNIT I ntals 2 0 0 2 Introduction to Thermodynamics. Ane polarization and dielectric constant. H. 5. Type of “Engineering Chemistry” by P. Clausius inequality. EE-11 ----------------------. Pressure at a point.Third Edition [India Edition]. 3. Text Books/Reference Books tructured Programming Approach Using C” by 1. pointer operations Newton’s law of viscosity. 2005. Introduction to Bio-fluid Mechanics General description of fluid motion. 2007. and decl arations. Information hiding. Library. Elliot B. line standards and. Fabrication of large & small components and C++ class declaration. Pascal’s law. micrometers. attributes. UNIT V Introduction to quality measurement for manufacturing treams and files. milling. Language abstract Classes methods. A. ips. error handling. “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines” by eamTech. comparators. Introduction to Class inheritance and operator shaping. Characteristics of Object-Oriented UNIT IV s: Abstraction. over view of Standard processes. drilling & boring processes. and limit gauges. Som and G. unsteady flow. t Oriented Programming using C++” E. Nag. Gilberg.example Nuts and Bolts. Van Wyle and R. stream eclaration of files. Ideal & real fluids. Thomson 2. The Complete Reference” by Schildt Herbert. Properties & Classification of Fluids. “Engineering Thermodynamics” by P. introduction to turning. cts. ing. Bernoulli’s equation. ks/Reference Books : dial indicators. Pressure variation in a static fluid. Biswas. em Solving and Program Design in C” by Jeri R. private and public assemblies. machine elements. Introduction to Manufacturing processes for various data types. and Unio Pointers : Pointer and address arithmetic. S. Encapsulation. E. “Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics” by G. instantiation Large Electric Generators. membersh of obje overload UNIT IV Files: S Template Text Boo 1.Forouzan. File: D output and UNIT III (PART-B) Oriented Object Programming: Functional and data decompos ition. processes. Pearson Addison-Wesley. Richard F. different types of files. height gauges. end standards. Steady and usage. Constructors and destructors. K. Turbines and pumps. “A S Behrouz Computer 3. “Objec . 2. Santag. Koffman. precision measuring instruments and gauges: vernier calipers. standards of measurements. “Probl Hanl y. J. “C++: Wiley Dr 4. File input/ lines. Water turbine rotors.es & Unions: Declaration and usage of structures UNIT III ns. K. 2006. Science. Introduction to Casting & Welding and Objects: Concept of Object & classes. continuity equation. using pointers as function argument. traces. “Fluid Mechanics” by V. operation in reverse L T P Credits ME– 119 Engineering Graphics region. General: Importance. rules of printing. 5. BPB Publications.S. “Manufacturing Processes” by Kalpakjian. transistor as an amplifier and small Projections of Points and Lines: Introduction of planes of signal m odel. Lafore. symbols. DC analysis breakdown and clamp UNIT II Bipolar J of operat represent of trans istor circuits. 1999. f Programming Computer Science with C++” 7.Page 13----------------------AP 117 Applied Physics . Scales. K. amplifiers. Vikas Publication. graphical Specification. EE-201 Circuit UNIT I Introduct signals. Oriented Programming with C++” by D . Significance and scope of engineering drawing Lettering. Sense of unction Transistors: Physical structure and modes Proportioning. ion. 6. transistor biasing. the trans istor. samy. “The Art o Steven C EE-12 ----------------------. large signal model of points and lines in different quadrants. Reference and auxiliary planes. Streeter and E. “Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines” by R. transistor as switch. R. shortest distance. L. . inclinations. frequency spectrum of Laboratory Practical Based on course 0 0 2 2 analog and digital signals. B. Hazara Chowdhary. operation in active mode. Bansal. small signal models. CE. and true lengths of the lines. K. projections of configura tions. BPB Publication. ation of transistor characteristics. “Object Para 6. Ideal diodes. CC and CB amplifier projection. projections on auxiliary planes. sons. “Workshop Practics” by A. circuit models work corresponding COE-116 fiers. Planes Other than the Reference Planes: Introduction nd Field Effect Transistors: Structure and physical of UNIT III MOSFETs a . 2004.4.I. line symbols. Different types of Projections. frequency response. 2002. of ampli Diodes. Wylie. digital logic inverters. intersecting and non-intersecting lines. TMH. Zener diode. Balaguru 5. B. rectifier circuits. Dimensioning. Lawlor. physical operation and terminal character istics.II Lab L T P Credits Electronic Devices & L T P Credits Laboratory Practical Based on course 0 0 2 2 s 3 1 0 4 work corresponding AP113 COE 118 Programming Lab L T P Credits ion to Electronics : Signals. limiting 0 0 3 3 ing circuits etc. reference planes and lines lying in the plane figures making different given angles (with one or both reference planes).Jacob. Narosa Elec Louis Na 3.. tronic Devices & Circuit Theory Robert L Boylestad 4. frequency stability. Anand crystal oscil N. Tata McGraw Hill. high frequency response of CS and CE amplifier. CC and cascade configurations and their frequency different positions. lators. advantages of negative feedback. and Smith K. effect Development of Surface ack on impedances. depletion type MOSFET. 3. charact eristics. A. Projection of Solids: Simple cases when solid is placed in CB. UNIT IV Obtaining true shape of the plane figure by projection. P. operation of enhancement type MOSFET. and Kannaiah. lifiers. etc. etc. resonant circuit oscillators. niversity Press. multistage amplifiers.D. small signal model and Projections of Plane Figures: Different cases of plane figure operation . Christos L T P Credits lkias.. S. MOSFET as an conversion of oblique plane into auxiliary plane and solution amplifier . V. Nyquist criterion for stability. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Limited. New Delhi 2. New Micr Ele C. “Elementary Engineering Drawing” by Bhatt ference Books : Charotar Book Stall.Ha . Jain Brothers. Frequency Response : Low frequency response of CE and CS amplifier .S.L. R. “Engineering Graphics” by Lakshminarayaan.other planes (perpendicular and oblique). MOS (of different shapes) making different angles with one or both different ial amplifiers. phase shift Text Books/Reference Books oscillato r. projections of points lines in the planes. oelectronic Circuits. the solid making given angles.. PHI Satish.M. faces and lines lying in the faces of response. Sedra A. and Chandra shelsky. basic single stage MOSFET amplifiers. C. their traces.. Millman. Wien-bridge oscillator. Text Books/Re 1. 5th Edition Vaish Wanar. frequency response of CC-CE cascade. Isometric and Orthographic: First and Third angle of system of projection sketching of Orthographic views from pictorial amplifiers and Oscillators : Principles of feed views and vice –versa principles and type of sectioning. all NMOS of related problems. “Engineering Graphics” by Chandra. “Engineering Graphics” by Narayana. Axis. UNIT V Feedback back in amp of feedb Barkhause n criterion for sinusoidal oscillators. 1. ctronic Devices and Circuits. current-voltage inclinations etc. differential amplifiers with active loads. New Delhi and Oxford u 2. K. amplifier stages. Differential and Multistage Amplifier s: BJT differential pair. JFETs. Foundry Shops. Tata EE -202 Electrical Machines. 2010. cut set and loop Poly Phase Transformers : Poly phase connections. breather. auto transformer and equivalent circuit. Welding shops. C circuits for phasor diagrams. cut sets. UNIT I Transformers : General constructional features. conservators. New Delhi. Prentice Fitting shops. Smithy Shop.Bell. J and Kothari D. Buchholz relay. time periodic and aperiodic signals. Parker Smith. 3 1 0 4 5.I raw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Pro blems in Electrical Engineering. Special constructional features – cruciform EE 203 Synthe sis 3 1 0 4 and multiple stepped cores. 0 0 3 3 Delh 4. advantages of per unit system. step. Shop. L. Sheet Metal of India Private Limited. their p roperties. loops. equal and unequal voltage ratios. Nagrath I. voltage. Ele McG 6. concepts of coupled UNIT I circuits. voltage regulation. CBS Pub lishers. their classification and types. David A. cooling methodology. sinusoidal and exponential signals. and sig nal synthesis. losses and efficiency. ramp. Fourier representation of continuous all day efficiency. type of Network Analysis And L T P Credits transformers. system modeling in terms of differential practical determination of equivalent circuit parameters and equation s and transient response of R.Page 14----------------------L T P Credits ctric Machines.PE 120 Mechanical Workshop i. periodic waveforms load conditions. Hall EE-13 ----------------------. parallel operation and load sharing with impulse. current and impedance relationships.P. Elec tronic Devices and Circuits. 2003. LTI systems and comparison of copper volume with two winding transformer. Topology UNIT II and Graph Theory UNIT II Network : Introductory concepts of network graphs. New Delhi. Introduc tion : Introduction to continuous and discrete equivalent circuits and phasor diagrams at no load and full signals. 2003. star- . definition & machines.F. Decarlo & Lin. UNIT IV nection of two 2-port networks.analysis . commutation. Phasor. M. 2000. y. DC motor starting methods and types nsform Approaches.. g. separately and self excited machines. vector groups with clock convention. Positive real functions. tertiary windings.C.L. Special Purpose transformers. delta-star and delta-delta connections. of different types of DC generators. single and multiple excited s of excitations. maximum power transfer theorem. parallel. phase conversions. interpoles. ABCD . 1. efficiency and testing. Miller’s theorem. Laplace Transform: Review of properties and applications UNIT III ace transform of complex waveform and transient Electromechanical Energy Conversion Principles: Forces and of R. twork Analysis and Synthesis. star. A. generated emf in electrical machines Two Port Networks and Elements of Realizability : z. intercon transfor properti of LC. inverse ABCD parameters. zig-zag connection. theorem. losses. DC motors. Kemmerly & Durbin. forces and torques in systems with of Lapl response all kind UNIT V permanent magnets. characteristics thesis. Fitzgerald. Synthesis winding details . their inter conversion. Charles Kingsely Jr.3-phase to 1 phase. torque ks/Reference Books : equation. Foster’s I and II. magnetic field systems. with concentrated & distributed windings.C. armature-reaction. Machines : Basic constructional features of DC m impedance. motors. s. Electric Machinery. DC generators. Eng ineering Circuit Analysis. emf C. RL Networks. armature es. speed control.E. 12 phase. and Laplace of D.lap & wave connections. Van Valkenburg. 2nd Edition. compensating windings. armature-reaction. Kuo. John Wiley and Dynamics of DC motors. 3-phase to 2-phase (Scott connection) and 3 phase to ity theorem. 2001. Oxford. image parameters and basics of twoequation. instrument UNIT III Network Norton’s reciproc UNIT IV transformers and high frequency transformers. Lin Tra 3.C series. M. series-parallel circuits for torques in magnetic field systems. concept of D. Thevenin’s theorem. h. Bas .E. 2007. R port syn Text Boo 1. Hayt. 3-phase to 6-phase. Theorems : Superposition. of starters. Text Books/Reference Books : Tat a McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. characteristics of different types ear circuit Analysis: Time Domain. commutation. 5. use of delta connection for third harmonics.. Net 2. Ne Son 4. star-delta.E. work Analysis. PHI. F. Cauer’s I and II forms. Hyderabad. 2008. McGraw Hill Stephen D. I. working principle of gas turbine. insulation resistance enthalpy. UNIT IV for measur UNIT IV Measuring D’ Arsonval CI dynamom meter. cyclic process. tic and electromagnetic interference. tion :Thermodynamic equilibrium. UNIT V . impulse and reaction and screening. 2006. multiple earth and earth loop. M. bleeding . t of Circuit Components : Measurement processes involving steam in closed and open systems. single and multistage reciprocating compressors. CBS Publishers. 2. stage and polytrophic efficiencies. Carnot cycle. Performance and Design of Alternating Machines. BPB Publications. UNIT I 4.D. measuremen Potentiome bridge. and Induction type energy engines. isothermal and volumetric efficiencies. New Delhi. properties of steam. Diesel and dual galvnometer. UNIT II bridge. measurements of dielectric loss. Devices and Systems : Theory and design of choking and stalling. measurement of earth resistance. vibration galvanometer and null detecting and governing of turbines.Page 15----------------------enthalpy. Int ernational Student Edition. S chering’s bridge. Compressors : Classification. introduction to 2-stroke and 4-stroke SI and eter type wattmeter. high resistance.Umans. reheat and regeneration. generalized theory of AC bridges. Brayton cycle. UNIT III Magnetic measuremen t of iron losses. 3. reheat t. re-heat factor.C.G. staging. analog and digital instruments UNIT III ement of frequency and phase. Begamudre. Performance and Design of DC Machines. New Age International Power Plant L T P Credits publishers. transformer ratio Steam Turbine : Classification. Gas Turbine: Classification.ic Circuit Theory. Desoer and Kuh. Vapour pressure cycles: Rankine cycle. Engines: Otto. Tata McGraw Hill. R. AC & DC cycle. Measurement : Determination of B-H curve. concept of multi range meters. gas turbine cycle with intercooling. surging. Wien’s UNIT II Measuremen of low. 1998. cycles. medium. universal bridges electrosta techniques devices. self balancing bridges. indicator diagram and power measurement. centrifugal and axial flow compressors. Say. Electromechanical Energy Conversion with Dynamics of machines. New Delhi. regenerative cycle ters. grounding work done and efficiencies. Current Introduc EE-14 ----------------------. turbines their velocity diagrams and related calculations. first and second laws of thermodynamics. zero. Clayton and ering 3 1 0 4 EE-204 Engine Hancock. concept of entropy. O.S. D. 3.Impact of Jet : Introduction to hydrodynamic thrust of Measuring Devices : CRO and its applications. Electronic active a oscillosco energy met Text Books /Reference Books : UNIT V ement Systems – Application and Design. 2003. working. R. EE -206 E ngineering Economics 3 0 0 EE-205 Electrical And Electronic Measurements 3 L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 UNIT I Applied Economics :Economics – introduction. 4. construction. policy. er & Electronic Wattmeter work done and efficiency of impulse and reaction turbines. 2003. Dhanpat Rai and Co.S. monetary policy and fiscal sensitivity. jet pump. Delhi. H.L. Bansal. Bouwens. storage of inclination of jet with the surface. ce Hall of India Pvt. Hydraulic Turbines: pe. 4. noise. New Age ucers and Instrumentation. 1. Onkar Singh. P.B. Kataria & Sons. Gautam S. resolution. E. Tata McGraw Hill. cross inc ome. Ballany.K. Khanna Publishers. S. Electr Intern 7. 3. mentation. rse in Electrical & Electronic Measurements & Reciprocating Pump: classification. Electrical Measurements : Standards of measurements. New Age 2003. J. work-done.V. parasitic effects factor o f production. 2003. construction. se in Electronic and Electrical Measurements.. S. jet on a fixed and moving surface (flat and curve). credit of circuit components. 2006. Digital Voltmeter. law of UNIT I demand and supply. Power Plant Engineering.K. A Cou Instru 2004. 2008. effect nd passive probes. 2001. A Text Book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines.K. A.Rajput. advertisement. Kalsi. Laxmi Publications. efficiencies. Vikas Publishing House. tax and subsidy. Measur Doebli 2. 2006. Chand onic Instrumentation. Digita l Instrumentation. Electr 1995. production function and errors and their statistical evaluation. money and bank. current probes. elasticity of demand and supply: price. slip and coefficient of discharge. Centrifugal Pump : Classification. Electronic Classification. A Text Book of Hydraulic Machines. cavitations and priming. 2012. ational (P) Ltd. Applied Thermodynamics. Ltd.J. Thermal Engineering. International.K. n. working. construction. Calibration: accuracy. R. Multimeter. heads and efficiencies.. & Co. 2. Transd Prenti 5. A Cour Gupta. precision. L T P Credits 1997. type of market. Text Books/Reference Books : 1. Tata McGraw Hill. creation b y bank. EE-15 . A. ical Measurements. Sawhney. working. work-done. Moorthy. Delhi. 6. 5. Tata McGraw Hill. Martin Reissland. Management Process and Organizational Behavior. Management : Introduction. 2007. 4. ctronically programmable functional circuit examples. current mirror. active load. 3.Page 16----------------------UNIT II IT I Modern Theory of International Trade : Forecasting and edback Amplifiers : General feedback structure. Applications of analog 5. decision analysis. Blinder. inverting/non inverting administration and organization. the journal and ledger. IT III type of capital. problems of Indian economy and how operties of negative feedback. Peak detector. Delhi. customer interaction IT II UN Fe pr det UN IC OP-AMP Applications : OP-AMP fundamentals (Brief UNIT III view of differential amplifier. Square and Triangular wave generator. engineers can help in their alleviation. Nohria. XX). HP. dules. 12th Analog multipliers: Basic circuits. vel shifter. R. financial accountancy. Sample and Hold financial ratios. Cengage Learning. Log/antilog book keeping. 1st Edition. William J. Thomas parators and Timers : OP-AMP as comparator. tage regulators: (78/79. ilding blocks using OP-AMPS. current fold back). gger.K. 2007. Gulati. Mayo and N. basic difference and relationship between management.----------------------. astable multi vibrator. SMPS. 2011. basic feedback topologies. ac and dc characteristics). I. output stage. Instrumentation management obligation and ethical considerations lifiers. balance sheet. Schmitt Sowell. Biquad filter (LP. CCVS. Baumol and Alan S. Oscillators. sources of finance. n-linearAmplifiers : Logarithmic amplifiers. BP and notch). mono stable 2. S.J. A. How introduction ermination of loop-gain. stability problem of information technology has affected different sector: production. Fundamentals of Management Concepts Functions Role UN No mo cir UN Com Tri and IC UN IC ele Vol li swi . marketing. 723 IC regulators (current Cengage Learning. IT V Karam Pal. Precision rectifier. International Publishing House. miting. Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond stage One. Management. history of management. cuits Text Books/Reference Books : IT IV 1. re le bu VCV amp A/ D & D/A convertors UNIT IV Financial Management : Concepts. Microeconomics: Principles and Policy. 2nd Edition. 2013. differentiators. applications Edition. OTA Applications : Basic building blocks using OTA. purpose of investment. Basic Books. engineering manager. IC timers and their applications. integrators. t Books/Reference Books : 6.K. Jacob. Based on course work corresponding EE-201 M. Economics for Engineering Students. International Publishing House. 0 0 1 1 UN IT II L T P ed Back Characteristics of Control Systems : Feedback EE 211 Linear Integrated Circuits 3 1 0 non-feedback systems. S. A. 2 3. Smith. Microelectronic Circuits. S. 4.2001.I Lab 0 0 2 2 time invariant system. Sedra and K. New Delhi. mathematical models of physical L T P Credits sys tems. Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis EE-207 Electronics Devices and and Design. 5th Edition. advantages and disadvantages of Credits Fe 4 and ne gative feedback. transfer EE-210 Term Paper .S. M.H. PHI/Dorlin Kindersley. 2003. Delhi. S. EE-208 Electrical and Electronic Measurement Lab 0 0 2 2 and Analog L T P Credits L T P Based on course work corresponding EE-205 E-212 Control System-I Credits E 3 1 0 4 UN IT I EE-209 Electrical L T P Credits In troduction : Linear.tches: programmable gain amplifiers and Profile. Control Systems EE-16 . Tex 1. Chand & Company Ltd. 2009.I fun ctions. Kharka. block diagram algebra and signal flow graphs. L T P Credits Rashid. Seema Singh.C. regenerative feedback. 5th Edition. 2003. non linear. Design with Operational Amplifiers Integrated Circuits. Oxford University Press. 2. differential equations of physical systems. time varying and linear Machines . TMH. servomechanism. Circuits lab 0 0 2 Applications and Design with Analog Integrated Circuits. Oxford University Press. I. histo rical Based on the course work corresponding to EE-202 dev elopment of automatic control and introduction to dig ital computer control. Sergio Franco. Floyd. their effect. UNIT VI Root locus technique: root locus concept. root contours.2013. PLA. multilevel NAND and UNIT III gic circuits. sensitivity of the roots of the characteristic equation. design diagra of stability. and all pass 3. of root loci. synchros. code converters. subtractors. ECL. mathematical preliminaries. I2L. Pr entice Hall of India. 4. Jr. steady-state error and error constants. analysis and UNIT IV of clocked sequential circuits. Yarbrough. digital system design with multiplexers. adding a zero to a system. state assignment. Roth and and minimum-phase systems. Text B ooks/Reference Books : analysis and design of control systems with MATLAB 1. . necessary and sufficient conditions for stability. NOR lo UNIT MSI a decode PROM. polar plots. ADC and DAC etc. Di gital Fundamentals. systems. UNIT V 2. Stability in frequency domain: La rry L Kinney. Cengage Learning. Charles H. Morris Mano. construction Families : DTL. counters. Prentice Hall. state reduction. state Concepts of Stability and Algebraic Criteria : The concept m. design specifications of second-order systems and performance indices. P. Bode plots. Routh’s stability criterion and relative stability analysis. Design Specifications and Performance Indices : Standard test signals.2002.Page 17----------------------and Components: DC and AC servomotors. Thomas L. time response of second-order nd LSI Combinational Logic Circuits :Decimal adder. Di gital Logic and Computer Design. John M. tacho II generator and stepper motors. systems with transportation lag. and frequency response. Nyquist stability criterion. Di gital Logic: Applications and Design. UNIT V Flip Flops and Counters : Types of flip flops. PI and PID control actions and EPROM.1996. ROM. MOS and CMOS logic Logic famili es. M. Fu ndamentals of Logic Design.----------------------. Frequency Response Analysis : Correlation between time CL Engineering. and Analysis of Combinational Logic Circuits UNIT I Design Adders . time response IV of first-order systems. TTL. Time Response Analysis. effect of rs. Systems 3 1 0 4 law. Text Books/Reference Books : 1. Fu ndamentals of Digital Circuits. Over and ca and dou perfor Ferran UNIT I Corona format . transformer. representation and and simplification using K-maps and Quine McCluskey mance of short. p UNIT I I UNITI Head Transmission Lines : Calculation of inductance Review of number system : Types and conversion. Nise. constant N-circles. . of relative stability using Nyquist and Bode Plots. J. Nagrath I. and Interference : Phenomenon of corona. K Prentice Hall of 3 1 0 4 India 3. code converters. Linear Control Systems. 2006. method. 4 Power System -I 2. Wakerly. Anand Kumar. Transmission Lines: configurations. three phase. Nicholas chart. Publishers ission voltage. pacitance of single phase. switching functions ble circuit . transmission line. C. choice of New Age International. skin effect. 4th edition. kinds transm types of conductors. surge impedance loading. resistance of line. and Gopal M. Norman S. assessment 10 th edition. frequency response. De-Morgan’s Theorem. of supply system and their comparison. medium and long transmission lines. 2005. multiplexers and de-multiplexers. Automatic Control Systems. Kelvin’s EE-213 Digital Circuits and L T P Credits roximity effect. 4. decoders.definition of gain margin and phase margin. Control Systems Engineering. single circuit Boolean algebra. M-circles. 2008. constant 5. EE-21 UNIT I Power system synchr bar. 6..transmission lines. Kuo. closed-loop Pr entice Hall. ti effect. Modern Control Engineering. John onous machine. UNIT II II Design of Logic Gates : Comparators. System Components : Single line diagram of power Mcgraw-Hill. corona encoders. Donald Schultz. 2011. brief description of power system elements.1992. Supply System: different 5. Prentice Ha ll of India. Di gital Design: Principles and Practices John F. B. Control Systems Engineering. Ogata. circuit breaker and isolator. Prentice Hall of L T P Credits India. bus Wiley and Sons. codes. James Melsa. synchronous 2. Kundur. A. corona loss. steady 3. multiplexers. 2006. l operation of synchronous generators. methods of equalizing the potential. nous Machines -I : General constructional features. UNIT IV Mechanical Design of transmission line : Catenary curve. capacitance of single phase pole machine. L. Potier’s paralle power effect Text Books/Reference Books : UNIT IV 1. s affecting corona. Dynamics of of asy effect machine of asy connect asynchr onous machines. Bergen and V. . I calculation of sag & tension. ed and self excited modes of operation. C. nchronous machine as asynchronous generator-grid string efficiency. salient-pole synchronous Pearson. equivalent circuit. voltage drop in distributors. TMH. radial and torque coefficient. sag template. TMH. J. diagram. Power System Analysis. Electrical Power Systems. time and space harmonics. Overhead line Insulators: type of of space and time harmonics on asynchronous insulators and their applications. insulation resistance. hunting and damping. Wadhwa. determination of and three phase cables. power 4. and ring main type of distribution systems. Vittal. Distribution systems :Basic idea of distribution systems. P. cogging and crawling. 2008. D. Stevenson.ion. dynamics of Synchro phasor condens machine state Xq by angle c . two-reaction theory. grading of actor. er. V-curves. practical determination of Xd and 2006. equivalent circuit. phasor diagram. methods of reducing corona and factor EE-17 ----------------------. slip test. UNIT II Synchro armatur pitch f salient equival voltage regulation using synchronous impedance method. of excitation control. Insulated cables: type of e winding. New age haracteristics of synchronous machines. flux and mmf relationship. vibration dampers. noncables. starting methods. Power System Analysis. heating of cables ent circuit parameters by open and short circuit tests. UNIT V triangle method. nous Machines -II : Operation as synchronous motor. calculation of potential gradient. electrostatic and electromagnetic interference nchronous motors. power angle characteristics. dielectric loss. dielectric stress. function realization using gates. maximum lagging current method. effect of distribution and cables and their construction. synchronizing different types of loads. phasor diagram. Grainger and W. potential distribution over performance. emf equation. with communication lines. Operation a string of insulators. operation on infinite bus. Power System Control and Stability.R. effects of wind and ice loading.Page 18----------------------interference. V. CBS Publishers and Distributors. Asfaq Hussain. . raw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. A. Electrical Power System Design M. principle of operation. New Delhi. polarization. Bhatnagar. Phi Mc 4. ‘Performance and Design of Alternating Deshpande.. 2008. Electric Power. PHI Learning. S.international Ltd. Transmission & Distribution. DOL. 9. Mathema diverge vector vectors UNIT II UNIT II Static Electric Fields : Coulomb force. Deshpande. London.P. control. torque and power equations.L. M. fields in dielectrics. ker Smith. characteristics. Fit ‘Elec 2. concept of rotating UNIT I magnetic field. braking. charge density functions. New Delhi. S. PHI Learning. Volume. Stephen D. Problems in Electrical Engineering. 2010. 2006. Charles Kingsely Jr. Par Pub lishers. A Course in Electrical Power. lip Kemp. Mc Graw Hill. J and Kothari D. torque-slip nce operations. Third Edition nous machines. rath I. role of deep bar and double cage of cha rges. speed method of evaluating fields. 7. Dirac delta representation asynchronous motors. Millan. tric Machinery’. tical Orientation : Review of gradient curl and Equivalent circuit. in various coordinate systems.Umans. Say. V/f control. phasor diagram. Dirac delta function. field due to number of Asynchronous Machines-II : Starting methods for charges . autotransformer and star delta starters. V. Power System. Khanna Publishers. Tata zgerald.G Cur 3.Singh. rotor. Tata McGraw Hill. fields due to various sources. CBS Publishers. losses and efficiency. Gupta.Uppal. 8. ‘Electric Machines’. practical determination of equivalent circuit identities. surface and line integrals.E. M. Alternating Current Electrical Engineering. Tata 10 Electric Power Generation. scalar potential. Dhanpat Rai & Sons. 2009 rent Machines’. Soni. Elements of Electrical Power Station Design. 2000.N. 5. CBS synchro Text Bo 1.1985. and power factor control . oks/Reference Books : 6. EE-215 Electrical Machines-II Electromagnetic Field L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 L T P Credits EE-216 UNIT I Theory 3 0 0 3 Asynchronous Machines -I : General constructional features of poly phase asynchronous motors. coordinate system and transformation of parameters. Nag McG 5. D and P vectors, electric dipole and dipole moment, concept EE-18 ----------------------- Page 19----------------------of simple medium, boundary conditions, capacitors, energy Electrical Machines- II L T P Credits stored in electric fields, solution of Laplace equation in EE-219 Lab 0 0 2 2 various coordinate system by separation of variables, field mapping and conformal transformation, statement and he course work corresponding to EE-215. interpretation of Maxwell’s equations. L T P Credits UNIT III erm Paper -II Steady Magnetic fields : Lorentz force equation, concept 0 0 1 1 of magnetic intensity and magnetic field, Biot – Savart’s Law, magnetic vector potential, force and torque between L T P Credits Based on t EE-220 T EE – 301 Power Electronics the current carrying conductors, loops, solenoid, magnetic 3 1 0 4 material, magnetic dipole M vector, calculation of inductance for simple geometries, energy stored in a magnetic field, solution of magnetic static problems by separation of UNIT I Introducti on : Characteristics and switching behavior of variables, field mapping and conformal transformation, Power Dio de, SCR, UJT, TRIAC, DIAC, GTO, MOSFET, IGBT, magnetic circuits, statement and interpretation of Maxwell’s MCT and po wer BJT, two-transistor analogy of SCR, equations. firing circuits of SCR and TRIAC, SCR gate characteristics, SCR ratings. P rotection of SCR against over current, over voltage, UNIT IV high dt, high dI/dt, thermal Time Dependent Fields : dV/ protection methods of Generalization of Maxwell’s commutatio n, series and parallel operation of SCR. equations in source free medium, plane waves and plane wave reflections at conductor and dielectric interfaces; wave propagation in conducting and dielectric media, concepts Converter : Classification of rectifiers, phase of surface impedance and skin effect, Poynting Vector and rectifiers, single phase half wave controlled, Poynting Theorem. ntrolled and half controlled rectifiers and their UNIT II AC to DC controlled fully co performanc e parameters, .three phase half wave, full UNIT V half controlled rectifiers and their performance Guided Waves : Waves between parallel planes, , effect of source impedance on the performance transverse electric waves (TE), transverse magnetic waves phase and three phase controlled rectifiers, single(TM), characteristics of TE and TM waves, transverse three phase dual converter. electromagnetic wave, velocity of propagation, attenuation of wave in parallel planes. wave and parameters of single phase and UNIT III D.C. to D. C. Converter : Classification of choppers, principle Text Books/Reference Books : on, steady state analysis of class- A chopper, step 1. Engineering Electromagnetics, William H. Hayt, Tata , switching mode regulators, Buck, Boost, BuckMcGraw Hill, 2011. k regulators, current commutated and voltage 2. Elements of Electromagnetics, Sadiku, 4th Edition, chopper. Oxford University Press, 2007. of operati up chopper Boost, Cu commutated UNIT IV 3. Electromagnetics, John. D. Kraus, McGraw Hill , New A.C. to A. C. Converter : Classification, principle of operation York, 4th Edition, 1991. of step u p and step down cyclo-converter, single phase to 4. Electromagnetics with Applications, Kraus and Flesish, single ph ase cyclo-converter with resistive and inductive McGraw Hill International, 5th Edition, 1999. load, thre e phase to single phase cyclo-converter, half wave 5. Introduction to Electrodynamics, David J. Griffiths, and full w ave, cosine wave crossing technique. three phase Addison-Wesley, 4th edition, 2012. to three p hase cyclo-converter. output voltage equation of 6. Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, Nannapaneni cyclo-conv erter. Narayana Rao,6th Edition, Pearson Education, Inc, 2004. EE-217 Linear integrated L T P Credits A.C. Converter : Classification, basic series and Circuits Lab 0 0 2 2 series inverter, parallel inverter, single phase UNIT V D.C. to improved voltage s ource inverter, steady state analysis, half bridge Based on the course work corresponding to EE-211 and full bridge inverter, modified McMurray and modified Mc Murray Bedford inverter, voltage control in single phase L T P Credits EE-218 Power Systems- I Lab PWM inverter, reduction of harmonics, current 0 0 2 erter, three phase bridge inverter. inverters, 2 source inv Based on the course work corresponding to EE-214. EE-19 ----------------------- Page 20----------------------Text Books/Reference Books : on: noise calculation in communication system, 1. Power Electronic, Converters, Applications and Design, amplitude modulation system, noise in angle Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and William P. Robbins, ystem, narrow band noise. John Wiley & Sons CW modulati noise in modulated s Text Books/ Reference Books : 2. Power Electronics: Circuits, devices and applications, 1. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, B. M.H. Rashid, PHI. P. Lath i, Oxford University Press, 3rd Edition. 3. Fundamental of Power Electronics, Robert W. Erickson 2. Princip les of Communication Systems, Taub and Schilling, and Dragon Maksimovic, Springer International Edition, TMH, 2n d Edition. 2nd ed. 2001. 3. Communi cation Systems, Simon Haykin, John Wiley & 4. Modern Power Electronics, Evolution, Technology and Sons In c, 4th Edition Applications, Edited by B.K. Bose, Jaico Publishers 4. Electro nic Communication Systems, W. Tomasi, Pearson 5. Power Electronics Principles and Applications, Joseph Educati on, 5th Edition Vithayathil, Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2010 6. An Introduction to Thyristors and their applications, M. L T P Credits Ramamoorthy, East-West Press. wer Systems- II EE-302 Principles of 3 1 0 4 L T P Credits Communication 3 1 0 EE – 303 Po UNIT I 4 Review Power System Components : of Synchronous machines, transformers, UNIT I transmission lines, single line diagram, im pedance and reactance diagram, per unit system. Introduction to Electronic Communication Systems : Introduction, electronic communication system, types UNIT II of communication system, frequency spectrum of EM Load Flow s : Introduction, bus classifications, nodal waves, modulation, bandwidth and information capacity, admittance matrix (YBUS ), development of load flow transmission. Noise: internal noise (thermal, shot, transit equations, load flow solution using Gauss-Siedel and time miscellaneous), external noise (atmospheric, industrial, Newton-Raph son methods, approximation to N-R method, extra terrestrial), noise calculations, noise figure, noise fast de coupled method, line flow equations. temperature. UNIT III UNIT II Economic Operation of Power Systems : Input-output Amplitude Modulation Systems : Transmission (principle, characteris tics of thermal and hydro plants, optimum spectrum, efficiency, power and current calculation), AM generator a llocations without and with transmission losses, envelop, AM modulator circuits, AM transmitters, QAM, penalty fa ctor, incremental transmission loss, transmission AM receivers, receiver parameters (selectivity, sensitivity, loss coeff icients and their calculations, hydrothermal dynamic range, fidelity), TRF receiver, super hetrodyne scheduling , unit commitment, concept of optimal power receiver, low noise amplifier, mixer/ converter, noise limiter, flow. automatic gain control circuit. UNIT IV UNIT III Symmetrical faults : Concept of Bus impedance matrix Single Sideband Communication Systems : Single sideband and ZBUS bu ilding procedure, use of ZBUS in computation system, AM SSB full carrier, AM SSB reduced carrier, AM SSB of three phase short circuit currents, selection of circuit suppressed carrier, AM independent sideband, AM vestigial breakers, u se of current limiting reactors. sideband, comparison of single sideband transmission to conventional AM, single sideband generation methods, Text Books/ Reference Books : single sideband transmitter. 1. Element s of Power System Analysis, W.D. Stevenson Jr., Mc Graw Hill,1982. UNIT IV 2. Electri c Energy Systems Theory – An Introduction, Olle. I. Angle Modulation system : Mathematical analysis, deviation Elgerd, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New sensitivity, waveforms, phase deviation and modulation Delhi, Second Edition, 2003. index, frequency analysis of angle modulated system, 3. Power System Analysis and Design, J.D. Glover, M.S. bandwidth requirement of angle modulated system, noise Sharma & T.J.Overbye, Thomson Learning,2008. and angle modulation, pre-emphasis and de-emphasis, 4. Power S ystem Analysis, A.R. Bergen and V. Vittal, Pearson generation of FM waves, demodulation of FM waves, angle India, 2010. modulation vs. amplitude modulation. 5. Power S ystem Stability and Control, P. Kundur, TMH. UNIT V ystem Analysis, Hadi Sadat, Tata McGraw Hill. Pulse Modulation : Nyquist theorem, practical sampling, ystem Analysis, P.S.R. Murthy, B.S. Publications, PAM, PWM and PPM generation and detection. Noise in 6. Power S 7. Power S 2007. EE-20 ----------------------- Page 21----------------------8. Modern Power System Engineering, Kothari & Nagrath, Linear Control System Analysis & Design, D’ Azzo & Tata Mc. Graw Hill. Houpis, CRC Press,5th edition, 2003. 9. Electrical Power System, C.L. Wadhwa, New International. E-305 Microprocessor & L T P Credits 10. Power System Engineering, Chakraborty, Soni, Gupta & plications 3 1 0 4 Bhatnagar, Dhanpat Rai & Co. 6. Age E Ap UNI T I L T P EE-304 Control Systems-II roprocessor Architecture : Functional block diagram, 3 1 0 Credits Mic 4 sign als, buses, memory and its interfacing, I/O ports and map ping, timing diagram, interrupt structure, concepts of UNIT I transfer, basic idea regarding fetching and execution of Introduction to Design : The design problem, preliminary le programmes from CPU. considerations of classical design, realization of basic compensators, cascade compensation in time domain T II cascade compensation in frequency domain, tuning of PID gramming in Assembly Language : Instruction format Controllers addressing modes, assembly language format, and data simp UNI Pro and data transfer, data manipulation and control instructions, UNIT II pro gramming for-loop structure with counting and indexing State Space Techniques : Concept of state and state appl ication of look up table, subroutine, stack operation, variables, various types of state models, state transition applications in the modeling of sampled data control tran int cont conv UNI T IV system. techniques. over flow conditions. design of UNI T III control system using pole placement. Zhou. 5th Indian reprint. erter interfacing. Penguin Books Ltd. Boolean algorithm. study of architecture and programming peripheral Sampled Data Systems and Digital Control : Difference erface. phase-plane and describing function methods. Pearson 1. matrix and its evaluation. 1. 8255 PPI. Per ipheral Interfacing : Hand shaking. sampling roller. real and reactive power. floating hold circuits.S. 8251 USART. bidirectional data UNIT III sfer. A/D and D/A theorem.pol ling and interrupt based control transfer. assessment of power concept of stability and various methods for study of stability or. stability studies for sampled data systems. concept rol. stepper motor linearities and their transfer characteristics. signal reconstruction using ZOH and higher order Arit hmetic Operators and Algorithms : Fixed point. signed arithmetic. multiplication and division). New relevant to control systems theory and practice Delhi. The 8051 Micro Controller and Embedded Systems. Lyapunov’s theorem for stability UNI Appl of cont dist fact Text Books/Reference Books : UNIT V Microprocessor Architecture: Programming Recent Advances in Control Systems : Advanced topics Applications. 8253 timer/counter interface. z-transform and inverse z-transformation. Gaonkar. of non-linear systems. Microprocessor and Microcontroller Fundamentals: The 3. discrete and digital signals. R. applications to measurement and instrumentation. ZOH equivalence operations (addition. solution of state equations. and pole-zero mapping subt raction.2010. 2003. and 2. ributed data acquisition system. limit cycle. Introduction to Feedback Control. Wiley Eastern Ltd. UNIT IV T V Non-Linear Systems : Introduction to various types of nonications : Keyboard and display interface. 1995. design of digital controllers using bilinear poi nt and fractional arithmetic transforms. . observer design. 8279 keyboard and display between continuous. Li Qiu and Kemin Eduction. serial communication. concepts of controllability and observability. Text Books/Reference Books : Muhammad Ali Mazidi & Janice Gilli Mazdi. PHI. 5th 8085 and 8051 Hardware and Software . rotor position L T P Credits ection.2. PMSG and its application to wind EE-307 Digital Electronics and L T P Credits rgy. M.2010.1993. Digital Control System. high speed operation with angle of advance. B.William Kleitz. 8051. 8096.2007. Oxford University Press. sinusoidal PWM excitation. 3. 2nd Revised edition. Rafiquzzaman. K. 5. 2009. L T P IT VI EE-308 Power Systems. Ogata. thermal properties of PM. edition. Kant Krishna. Visioli. Digital Control Engineering. closed and open loop Based on course work corresponding EE-213 and EE-305 ope ration. Programming and System Design 8085. EE-21 ----------------------. concept Family UN Dr ma of BLDC motor. high speed single pulse operation. 5. modeling and analysis of SRM. Motorola. Modern Control Engineering.II Lab ction Drives : Introduction to solar and battery powered 0 0 2 Credits UN Tra 2 tra .1997.C. Ram. PHI. 2nd edition. Microprocessor Lab 0 0 2 2 ve circuits. 6. New Age Microprocessors-Theory and Applications: Intel and International.2011 gnet machines. ene dri dif ferent configurations of converters. stepper motor. Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 IT V Architecture Programming And Design. current and voltage control.Page 22----------------------7. Sami Fadali and Antonio Microprocessors and Microcontrollers: Architecture. 4. Control Systems Engineering. open loop voltage control. Advanced Microprocessor & Interfacing. Prentice Hall. closed loop current EE-306 Control Systems Lab 0 0 2 2 trol. 2012. closed and and open loop control. Prentice-Hall. 8086. 4. 2nd Edition. Academic Press Inc. Gibson Gleen A ives with Special Machines : Introduction to permanent and Liu Yu-Cheng. M. 1st edition. SRM drive. permanent det con ma gnet synchronous machines. Nagrath & Gopal. PHI. 2012 TMH. 120 and 180 operation.2001. rotor position detection Based on course work corresponding EE-304 synchronization. Kuo B. New Jersey. transient analysis. unbalanced operation as starting.Dubey.E Miller. 2002. Drives. symmetrical component equ sym . split phase including capacitor motors. UNIT I Prentice Hall . Oxford University Press. Methods of IT I armature control. Utilization of Electrical Energy( SI UNITs) L T P Credits E. starting. transient analysis. double drives. Sensorless Vector and Direct torque Control. quadrant Brushless Permanent Magnet and Reluctance Motor diagram of speed time characteristics. K. speed control from metrical two phase machines. closed loop control of drives. Power Semiconductor Controlled Drives Gopal. Dynamics of Electric Drives : Types of loads. controlled volving field theory. modes of operation. 1998. practical determination of Induction Motor Drives : Three phase induction motor ivalent circuit parameters. speed torque UN Sin re and cha racteristics. calculation of time and energy loss. UNIT. semiconductor controlled gle phase Asynchronous Motor : Construction. Universities Press. 2003.OpenshawTaylor. Basic and modified Drives. metro train of app lications and energy conservation in electrical drives.Dubey. chopper controlled dc drives. Hyderabad.K. class of duty. 2008. Oxford University Press characteristics of dc and ac motors. New Delhi. steady state stability. Venkataratnam. field weakening. L T P EE-309 Minor Project t Books/Reference Books : 0 0 4 Credits Tex 4 1. L T P Credits 4. Direct torque control.J. vector control Based on course work corresponding to EE-303 induction motor. thermal considerations. and drive classifications. Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd. EE – 311 Electrical Drives Fundamentals of Electrical 2. braking.III equivalent circuits. selection of motor power rating. 3. T. control of electric drives. Gopal. Peter Vas. 6. equalization of load.ction drives. E E-312 Electrical Machines-III 3 1 0 4 UNIT II DC Motor Drives : DC motor speed control. braking. starting methods – shaded pole rectifier fed dc drives. speed control Special Electrical Machines. 3 1 0 4 Narosa Publishing House. space vector modulation.K. 5. phasor diagram and con dition for maximum torque. 2006 d-q-0 reference frames.Page 23----------------------UNIT IV ooks/Reference Books : Modelling and Analysis of Electrical Machines : Generalized wer Generation. frequency control from voltage sources and current sources. Stevenson. 6. Op . Text B 1. N. De lhi.J.C. EE-22 ----------------------. 1. Wood theory of electrical machines. stator voltage control. synchronous motor variable speed drives. starting.E. Power Pe 3. 2. static IT II Scherbius and static Kramer drive.G.F. New and Stephen D. self controlled synchronous IT III motor drive employing load commutated thyristor inverter. 2006.. 2002. braking. Grainger and W. Po TM H. variable cept. Wollenberg. brushless dc motors.R. wer System Analysis. 2010. Po 4. permanent magnet synchronous Synchronous Motor Drives : Synchronous motor. John Wiley (Indian Edition). Text Books/Reference Books : 5. static rotor resistance control. Gy ugyi. El gerd. hysteresis motors. slip power recovery. 7. Fl exible AC Transmission Systems. transients. universal UNIT IV tor. P. synchronous reluctance motors. DC / AC mo mo mo UN Mo ser vomotors. pull-in. Sen. Second Edition. P. operation tors. 2003. modes of variable frequency control. Principles of Electrical Machines and Power Electronics. tors used in Control Systems :Stepper motors. Bergen and V. switched reluctance from fixed frequency supply. applications. Clarke’s Transformation System Analysis. A. Electric Machinery. tors. Kundur. Po an 2. El ectric Energy Systems Theory – An Introduction. A. Wiley India. three phase asynchronous and synchronous machines in wer System Stability and Control. D. Fitzgerald. Charles Kingsley Jr. Park’s Transformation. different transformation d B. Umans.stator and rotor sides. Hingorani and L. J. McGraw Hill Book Company. methods. Vittal. 2006. I. 1992. Olle. 2011. cial Electrical Machines : Principle of operation and con UN Spe pe rformance characteristics of: DC series motor. Operation and Control. Representation of arson. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. John Wiley and Sons. TMH. tacho generators. A. and corresponding equivalent circuits. thermo meter. 5. dynamic response. Wasynzcuk transd ucers. supplementary control data acquisition system. 4. modern digital data acquisition of generating units (PI control). piezoelectric. 1998. E. Mir Publishers. thermistors. freque ncy telemetering system. load frequency control of single area system. tie line control. measurement of motion. RVDT Prentice Hall. Openshaw Taylor. John Wiley (Indian Edition). resistance 7. 3 1 0 4 Universities Press. thermocouples.R. S. classification.eration and Control in Power Systems. O. steady-state and D/ A converters. analog data acquisition system.S. EE-31 E. temperature flow and liquid level. Moscow. the choice of transducers. L T P Credits K. LVDT. New Delhi. system and signal conditioning. C. Hyderabad.C. force. 1978. Krause. load frequency control of two area system. BS Publications. 3. Transd ucers-I : Definition. 2010. Dynamic Simulation of Electric Machinery. Hall effect and Operation and Control 3 1 0 4 lectronic transducers. characteristics.B. strain gauges. digital frequency error. concept of control area. Falk.M. land line & radio control. block media. Special Electrical 4: Instrumentation Machines. Sudoff. Hyderabad. 2008. 1997. Data Acquisition System: A/D diagram representation of single area system. Fractional Horsepower Electrical Machines. concept of area control error. Wheeler Publishing. Murthy. UNIT I Armensky and G. Ong. UNIT I UNIT I II Load Frequency Control: Concept of load frequency Teleme try : General telemetry system. Analysis of Electric Machinery. block diagram representation UNIT I . factors affecting and P. advantages of electrical 6. UNIT I I EE – 313 Power System L T P Credits ers-II : Capacitive. Venkataratnam.V. receiver & transmitter. transmission channels and effect of governor droop and load damping. Transduc opto e pressu re. The Performance and Design of AC Commutator Motors. P. B. DSO. Direc t Current Transmission-Vol. derivation of swing equation. spectrum analyzer. Nakra mpensation. principles of TCSC and SSSC. Measurement and Analysis. functional UNIT III blocks .Page 24----------------------3.D.Hill Higher Education. Power System State Estimation :State estimation: detection asurement Systems Application and Design Ernest and identification. static and dynamic response.K. 4. Prentice Hall UNIT IV ternational. principles of UPFC. Instrumentation.I. El Te chniques. linear and non-linear models. 03 In 2. McGraw. state stability study. process instrumentation diagrams. Advanced Measurements and Instrumentation. basic & K. Tata Mc Graw Hill. Helfrick. use of ebelin. architecture and progra mming of PLC. A. y Devices and Recorders : Display devices. m od-bus etc. digital recorders. field bus. smart sensors. storage Displa oscill oscope. diagram representation. 2nd Edition. Cooper and A. fibre optic transducers. relay logic and ladder logic. : Evolution of PLCsequen tial and programmable controllers. 5th edition. series co operating Text Books /Reference Books : Sawhney. Curtis D. Chaudhry. UNIT II Developments: Introduction to virtual and intelligent Power System Stability: Stability and stability limit. Process Control Instrumentation Technology. ectronic Instrumentation and Measurement Text B 1. stability studies by equal area criterion and step-by-step Recent instru smart UNIT V method. different types of excitation systems. reactive ooks/Reference Books : power control. regulating transformers and tap changing. factors affecting steady state and transient stability Progra mmable Logic Controllers and methods of improvement.2010 1. steady mentation. Me Do 20 EE-23 ----------------------.D. profiReactive Power Control: Schematic diagram and block bus.C. W. introduction and use of FACTS Controllers. transient transmitters. communication networks for PLC. Kimba . Phasor Measurement UNIT.V of two area system. Dhanpat Rai & Sons. Edward Wilson 5. 311 inverter characteristics. 2013 DC transmission. Penguin transmission. 4th edition. 6th edition. J. E. alternative inverter control modes. Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power planning for HVDC transmission. application of Padiyar. simplified analysis of System Quality Assessment.Chen. Gyugyi. Power McGra 6.2011 McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Tata UNIT I w-Hill Publishing Company. Electronic Control in Electrical Power Systems. 7. System Stability and Control.Padiyar. ystem Operation and 0 0 2 2 Based on c EE – 313 / Power S Control Lab UNIT III Overview Of Power Quality : Classification of power quality ourse work corresponding to EE -312 and EE-313 issues. description of DC transmission system. Power N. 2.R. Arindam Ghosh. commutation overlap. K. NewAge 6. Gerard Ledwich. Wiley India Pvt Ltd. atson.R. system control hierarchy. Frank D.Arrillaga. 2011. choice of converter configuration. combined rectifier and ourse work corresponding to EE – 301 and EE. analysis with and without ignition delay. Programmable Logic Controllers.2006. characterization of electric power quality. converter control characteristics. power L T P Credits acceptability curves.W EE – 316 Power Electronics & UNIT II L T P Credits Electric al Drives Lab 0 0 2 2 HVDC System Control : General principles of DC link control. 2010. comparison of AC and DC transmission.2008 4 Power Acha. N. modern trends in DC es. poor load Minor Project-II Based on c EE – 318 . 1971. Prabha Kundur. 3. power transmission system. Hingorani and L. Power Devic Books 8. 2000. Pearson. Under standing FACTS.G. Graetz circuit. DC Power Transmission Technology : Introduction. mode stabilization. Ltd.2009. New Age publishers. harmonics and Electrical Machines-III L T P Credits filters. Analysis of HVDC converter: pulse number.rk.R. 1999. power quality problems. 5. John Wiley. HVDC Petruzella Publi shers. Johnson. Controllers In Power Transmission and Distribution. IEEE Press . S. Applications to Power Systems 3 1 0 Penguin Books Ltd. EE -315 Power Electronic L T P Credits 4. Facts K. armature reaction. separation of converters. differences in Principles of Static Relays : Amplitude and phase design between salient and non salient pole machine. SVC and STATCOM characteristics. efficiency. load compensation using DSTATCOM. Poly phase Asynchronous Machines : Details of Voltage sourced converters: concept of voltage sourced on. various Design of Synchronous Machines : Details of construction. over . instantaneous 3 1 0 4 real and reactive powers. short UNIT IV circuit ratio. synchronous reference frame theory. magnetizing current and losses. generators. flicker. comparison n. instantaneous symmetrical components. nonlinear and unbalanced loads. rotor design. out-put restorer and unified power quality conditioner.power factor. stator design. mixing and summation transformer. prediction of between SVC and STATCOM. winding factor and their effects on UNIT V rformance. machine pe UNIT II Design of constructi D and L. outage. output equation. static series and shunt compensations. salient and non salient pole machines. voltage regulation. methods of neutral grounding. specific grounding p ractices. Under frequency. introduction to dynamic voltage n Design : Specifications for machines. limitations in design. static IDMT over curren t and differential relays. Compensation with FACTS Controllers : Reactive power control in power systems. applications.Page 25----------------------UNIT III Neutral gro unding: necessity of neutral grounding. configuration and control. comparators . distortion index. transmission system compensation. over voltages and under voltages. s slip ring combinatio characteri EE-24 ----------------------. transients. power quality indices. multi level and PWM converters. IEEE ester Industrial 0 0 0 2 guidelines and recommended practices EE – 319 on V Sem Training UNIT IV Power Quality Improvement : Instantaneous reactive power Design of Power L T P Credits theory. earthing transformer. harmonic distortion. harmonics and reduction. Objectives of stics. loadings. loadings and output equation. design of field winding. methods of controllable VAR and squirrel cage motors. harmonic effects and slot generation. electric and magnetic EE-401 Apparatus UNIT I Factors i equation. Objectives pecific loadings. voltage notching. stator design. mechanical and high speed problems. 0 04 4 voltage sags and swells. Viva Voce Examination L T P Credits electrical noise. leakage reactance. space factor. of shunt compensation. S. Rao. Thomas J. features of air blast. specific loadings. Ion Boldea.2012 Syed A. Compute James S 3. J.2nd Reprint. vacuum. R. Wiley. 2010. Anderson. microprocessor Design of Transformers : Design of single and three nce relaying. 1st edition. A. output equation. A. Tata McGraw Hill. 2nd edition. M. Design of Rotating Electrical Machines. Domin. PHI Learning. based dista UNIT V Switchgear and princip le of arc interruption.2006. 2009. 2. UNIT V types of circuit breakers and their construction. Valeria Hrabovcova. Say. 3rd edition. Ram. standard enclosures. Wiley. DH 5. nder. EE 403-2 . Phadke. 2nd Revised edition. 2009. Power Publica 6. CRC Press. no load current.K. : Classification of switchgear. Deshpande. Arun G. thermal capacity.1 4. temperature rise. Performance and Design of Alternating Current r Relaying for Power Systems. New Delhi. 1. Wiley-IEEE Tapani Jokinen. 2009. ratings of machines. testing of circuit breakers. electro mechanical stresses on windings. akers. Design and Testing of Electrical Machines. .UNIT IV df/dt relay and its applications. Design. types of cooling. B. 6. 2008. temperature rise curves. Khanna 4.Sawhney and arma. A Course in Electrical Machine. 2009. Lewis Text Books/Reference Books : rn. Chakraborty. Principles Of Electrical Machine Design.2013. CBS Publishers. L T P Credits Blackbu 2. ventilation. EE-403 E lective. ystem Protection and Switchgear Ravindranath 3. Reference Books : different rating of c circuit bre Text Books/ 1. phase transformers.G. flow and dissipation ircuit breakers. Paul M. System Protection.6th Reprint. CRC Press.I 3 1 0 EE-402 Switch Gear & Protection 4 L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 Elective-I EE 403-1 F lexible AC Transmission Systems UNIT I Unsymmetrical Faults : Symmetrical component theory. Machines.V. arcing phenomenon frequency. Nasar. Protect ive Relaying: Principles and Applications. Agarwal . M. Power S and Cha 5. cooling media. Juha Pyrhonen. The Induction Machines Design Handbook. 2nd edition. K. Dhanpat Rai & Co. AC and DC circuit breaker. Power S Press. New Age Publishers. Power Vishwak 2011. tions. ystem Protection. System Protection and Switchgear. SF6 of heat losses. 998. Thorp. Thermal aspects of Design : Generation.K. Kataria & Sons . New Delhi. pilot relaying and digital relaying. Sunil S. power line Voltage Sourced Converters : Concept of voltage sourced icrowaves. m UNIT II Supervisor status ndications. UNIT III alarm and event application processing. static series and shunt compensation EE 403-9 D EE-403-1 Transmissi UNIT I Introductio Reactive p system comp EE-25 ----------------------. closing generation. steady state and dynamic d data. Regu time tagge . transformers. multi level and PWM converters. converters. universal relays. UNIT III n : Apparatus Protection : Protection of generators. over current. igh Voltage Engineering transformers. transmission transformers. electromagnetic relays. operating principles of relays. methods of controllable VAR ations in process industry. differential and sequence relays. capacitors of shunt compensation. directional. i monitoring function: and applic etc. on Systems distance. measured values. protection schemes. icrocontroller and Embedded Systems EE403-6 M EE 403-7 E lectric Traction and High Power Drives UNIT II EE 403-8 R obotics and Mechatronics Introduction to Protective Schemes : Principles and need for protective schemes. sequence impedances and sequence icrowave Engineering networks of synchronous machines. Control Static Shunt Compensators. power from sequence variables.Page 26----------------------UNIT II ion channels. disturbance data collection and analysis. bus bars and transmission lines. ensation. SVC and STATCOM characteristics.SVC and STATCOM : Objectives ON/OFF control of lines. between SVC and STATCOM. line to line. communicat carrier.SCADA & Energy Management Systems types of faults. R-X Flexible AC L T P Credits diagram. motors. 24 and 48 pulse operations y and Control Functions : Data acquisitions.optical channels and satellites. energy values. transmission lines. double line to ground. torque equation. opening. transformer connections for 12 pulse operation. telephone lines. cables. comparison latory functions: set points and feed back loops. valve. sequence EE 403-3 M EE 403-4 H EE 403-5 Power Plant Instrumentation network connections for different types of faults – single line to ground. fiber. zones of protection and essential ata Communication & Computer Networks quantities of protection. ower control in power systems. The Instrumentation. and power oscillation damping.SCADA. multi control centers. 2013. Springer. power control capability. Instru Softwa . Understanding FACTS. IPFC system requirements.G. modularization of software and GUPFC operating characteristics and control structure. economic dispatch. Volume 3: Process 2004. ment Engineers Handbook. Varma. communication system Combined Compensators – UPFC. system con operation programmin application principles. Torsten Cegrell. Facts Controllers In Power Transmission and Distribution. Power System Stability and Control. IEEE d management center. Text Books/Reference Books : nagement Center : Functions performed at a 1. Boy Societ 3. Tata /Reference Books : McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Age publishers. EMS and network data bases : SCADA UNIT V ructure . Systems and Automation Transmission Systems. Thyristor-Based FACTS Controllers for Electrical er. control schemes for P and Q figuration. applications principles n and report preparation. steady state and dynamic models of TCSC and SSSC. Scada: A. 2002. UNIT V Energy Ma centralize load mana and power Text Books 1. Wiley-IEEE Press. Power Electronic Control in Electrical Power Systems.models of SVC and STATCOM. sub-synchronous oscillation rams. independent real and reactive redundant dual processor. Prabha Kundur. alarm and event loggers.2008 3.local system. 2013 Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. steady state and dynamic modeling of UPFC. ce Hall International. 2009. 4th edition.R.Machin VDUs. PHI 6. 1st edition.Vijay K. pool management. Stuart 5. improvement of transient stability lays. gement. disp mimic diag UNIT IV Data bases system st and central processor. Configuration. Acha. application principles . SSR mitigation with TCSC and SSSC. Converters in Power Systems. R. HVDC and FACTS Controllers: Applications of Static ng. Comput Learni 4. distributed centers 2. y. IPFC and GUPFC : Basic system. MAN. Rajiv K. calculatio UNIT III UNIT IV Static Series Compensators – TCSC and SSSC : Objectives e Communication : Operator consoles and of series compensation.2nd edition. 2000. N. Power Prenti 2. production control and Press. Performance considerations: real time control.non-redundant single operating principles of UPFC. operator dialogues. report and printing facilities. er-Based Industrial Control. damping. 1986 K. System Control Technology.2006. g languages. E. 4. Gyugyi. Hingorani and L. Penguin Books Ltd. Sood. Mohan Mathur. Padiyar. Krishna Kant. an. w EE-26 ----------------------. reflex tage using Marx’s circuits.O. attenuators. Sen. transfer electron rements. of High Voltages : Use of sphere gaps for the EE-403-4 Engineeri UNIT I Generation transformer by rectifi impulse vol and mathema UNIT II Measurement measurement of high voltages.2009. transmission and monitoring. commonly acquired Microwave hybrid circuits: waveguide tees. 2011. Mey Ling Sen. general representation of multiport networks. windows. forward wave and backward wave amplifiers. McGraw-Hill. Modeling. Schottky barrier description recurrent their measu .R.Page 27----------------------couplers. transducers. and Applications. RTUs.. Network Theory and Passive Devices : data acquisition. directional UNIT I Microwave S-matrix of S-para cavities. performance characteristics and application.O. Microwave Semiconductor Diodes : Microwave IMPATT surge oscillographs and relevant techniques for devices.re and Digital Networks. data concentrators. TRAPATT diodes BARITE diodes.R. overview of the meters and shifting reference planes. EE-403-2 SCADA and Energy Microwave Management Systems ng L T P Credits L T P Credits 4th ed 5. properties power system hierarchical structure. hybrid data. Bela G. rings. of High Voltages : Generation HVAC by cascaded UNIT I s. WileyCommunications and Networking. microwave methods of data acquisition systems. resonance transformers. coupling loops. matched load and High Voltage L T P Credits terminations. short circuit plunger. various aveguide corners bends and twists. 7.. Helix Travelling Wave Tubes (TWT). electrostatic voltmeters. 2012. co-axial line to waveguide adapters. CRC Press. isolators. tunnel diodes. construction operation Klystron amplifies. magnetron oscillators. generation of HVDC Microwave Vacuum Tube Devices : Conventional vaccum er circuits. use of high speed C. irises and tuning screws. circulators. Behrouz IEEE Press. general structure. waveguide discontinuities. 1st edition. Klystrons. Data Forouz EE-403-3 Engineeri UNIT I General Theory : Purpose and necessity.5th edition. tical analysis of simple impulse circuits coupled cavity TWT. Introduction to FACTS Controllers: Theory. devices (Gunn diodes). generation of devices. electrostatic generators. multi cavity Klystron amplifiers. Liptak. ition. coupling aperture. principles of operation. brief UNIT III of continuously evacuated and sealed off C. ng phase shifters. Kalyan K. high breakers a concept of UNIT IV electron mobility transistors.1996.diodes. Sisir Das and Annapurna Das.. Wiley. co-planar and shielded strip lines. Pozar. New Age 1. David M. brief icrowave Measurements : Tunable detector.2010. and other passive components measurements. 2000. 3rd edition. High Intern EE 403-5 Instrumen UNIT I General sco . 2. Naidu and V. power measurements. Ltd. MMIC materials. oltage Engineering.. characteristics and applications. growth.S. breakdown of air. High V Kuffel 2. Wadhwa.Y. transformer. M. principles of over volta ge (surges) on transmission systems. MODFETs. discharge in gases. impedance and oltage Engineering Fundamentals. Rizzi. Liao. icrowave Transistors : Microwave bi-polar transistors. Hetero non destructive testing.. Zaengl. VSWR measurements. 2nd edition. 2011. conditions of spark over. Microwave Engineering. characteristics applications. lattice diagram. Peter A. 2010 tation 3. mechanism. Publishing Co. Strip lines and Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits : Micro-strip lines. Power Plant L T P Credits McGraw-Hill. Microwave Engineering. junction transistors. vacuum breakdown. slotted line breakdown in solid and liquid dielectrics. Text Books/Reference Books : Voltage Engineering. parallel strip lines.4th edition.L. e Testing of Electrical Equipments : Brief details and UNIT III High Voltag of the high voltage testing of insulators. instruments for the measurement UNIT V of lightnin g discharge. Kamaraju. partial discharges. 3rd edition. High V Tata Mc Graw Hill. circuit UNIT IV nd cables. use of high voltage Schering bridge. reflection operation.2010. frequency measurements. W. MOSFET fabrication. 4. Prentice ational publishers (P) Ltd. Microwave Devices and Circuits by S. spectrum analyser. carriage. S. principles of operation. mechanism idea about Text Books/ 1. VSWR meter. dielectric constant measurements . network analyser. 4th edition. insertion loss and attenuation Reference Books : measurements. MOS transistors Over Volta ge Phenomenon : Origin and characteristic of and memory devices. JFETs Metal Semiconductor FETs. E. charge coupled devices. Newnes. Townsend’s UNIT V Electrical breakdown. and refrac tion of traveling waves. 3. Hall. modern theories ab out lightning. streamer process. 2nd edition. Microwave Engineering: Passive Circuits. Discharges : Elementary ideas of dielectric thin film formation and hybrid IC fabrication. UNIT VI of wet spark over. C. John Kuffel. Liptak.2013. smoke measurements ment. Bellows and Diaphragm gauges. Michael Slater.pe of Instrumentation : Prentice Hall. gramming and customizing the 8051 micro controller. 1989. L T P Credits Pea . co-design operating system. Santa Text Books/Reference Books : ra. efficient I/O in purities in feed water and steam. 2nd ctors. Microwaves. s on Boiler Plant. Int el manual on 16 bit embedded controllers. approximate Temperature Measurements : Steam and water on time. 1st edition. and debugging. Power-plant Control and Instrumentation: The Control 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems. 1999. Text Bo 1. Tata McGraw Hill. 1987. of Boilers and Heat-recovery Steam Generator Systems. ign with microcontrollers.Krishnaswamy and M. Janice Gillispie Mazidi. K. 2011. Cla 3. Mic to Hal 6. Power Plant Instrumentation. efficient use of memory. l. 2. l International. New Age International. challenges and issues in embedded software measurements. pre ssure transducers. ammad Ali Mazidi. effective hardware design. Measurement nuclear Rea UNIT II Fuel Measu rement : Pressure Measurement. EE-27 ----------------------. John B. McGraw data loggers and computers. Institution of Engineering and Technology. 1999 roprocessor based design: A Comprehensive guide 3. 1st edition. Elsevier. Instrument Engineers Handbook Process Control.C. 1. UNIT IV Transducers for Remote Position and Control : Calibration oks/Reference Books : and testing of instrumentation and connected equipment. cation. Gupta. Peatman. 1991. gas analysis meters. Turbo generator Plant and 5. The Muh Edu 5. Des ign with PIC microcontrollers.Page 28----------------------UNIT III essing power. 2004. Prentice Ponni Bala. Pro Myk 4. 1989. capsul3es. PHI. K. the bound on tube pressures gauge. hardware architecture for embedded of proc flow executi develop testing systems . Peatman. embedded applications. Pearson David Lindsley. Des Hil 2. edition. 2010 o Predko. 2004 John B. EE 403-6 Micro Controller and rson Education. 8097. external ROM and RAM expansion. simple program and f Electric Traction and Salient Features : System of applications. temporary speed control. polling. memory timing. of moto UNIT II Solid-S for st tractio 1-phase poly-ph electri . trends in main line railways using instruction set. power electronic control of dc and Peripherals and Interfacing of 8096 : Analog interface. timers. generation of gating signals for converters and interru ption of supply. ability inverters. commercial machines. instruction set. addressing modes. interrupt.ideal speed torque characteristics of traction High P UNIT I Types o track speed t speeds. DMA. organization of a microprocessor. introduction to Pentium arting. PWM mode cs of train movement. timing diagram. luence . watch dog timers. mechani its inf motors. simple ase asynchronous motors and their controllers. address modes. constra ints and comparison w.t. A/D interfacing. MC68HC11. serial ac trac tion drives. multitasking. CPU. basic I/O devices. synchronous and asynchronous data tate Device Controllers : DC Traction motors used transfer. register file. bus memory organization. ime curve and its simplification. program and applications. average and schedule extended model and memory interfacing. interfacing memory I and I/O devices. basic organization of n for main line and suburban services. traction mechanics-types of services. coefficient of adhesion and operation. polling. timing diagram. ports.r. timing characteristics. Peripherals and Interfacing of 8051: typical bus electrification. frequency measurement.Embedded Systems EE 403 -7 Electric Traction and L T P Credits UNIT I ower Drives 8051 Architecture : Basic organization – 8051 CPU structure. PWM control. interrupts. real time clock. PIC microcontroller ctional and Design Aspects : DC. port circuits. commutation of current rush. analog and digital interfacing. energy saving. PIC16CXX. bus control. single UNIT II Constru phase and -phase asynchronous UNIT III motors for electric 3 traction. register organization. traction motors. diesel electric traction. series-parallel control of dc traction drives (bridge UNIT II tractio n). speed control and electric braking in electric and pro-Pentium microprocessor. rs to withstand current rushes. structure. description of timing and control units. serial port application. interfacing tractive effort specific energy consumption. Case Study Using 8051 and 8096 : Real time clock. SLK-51 microcontrollers. temperature control. dc motor problem associated with voltage rises. controllers for 8051. CSI . vector : Mechatronic system. cost effectiveness. large motor ition system. speed control options. requirements of embedded systems. diesel-electric traction systems for main line mobile etc. Me chatronic Systems: Fundamentals Rolf Isermann. line commutation during starting. Asynchronous motors cascade drives: limited speed control 3. real time networked and batteri es. low power consumption. Thomas Bräunl. service and controllers. 1. Ro botics and Automation Handbook. soft starting of traction motors. 2005.Sensor less control.c braking requirements and thyristorised controllers. Thomas R.SM drives.. sub and hyper synchronous. signal conditioning. input and output signals of control in voltage source converter SM drives.CSI . reliability. microprocessor control.torque curves. EE-28 ----------------------.Page 29----------------------UNIT V UNIT V Large Power Drives : Power and speed limits: moving up. modes. scheme.Cs ratings.steady state with load System System mechat acquis and pr Text B ooks/Reference Books : commutation. rectifier .E. of rectifier. “Sub and hyper” operation Sp ringer. UNIT IV UNIT IV Embedded system and their components : Categories of Battery operated vehicles for city service Light weight embedded systems. microcontroller drives.basic ogrammable logic control system. 3rd edition. direct torque and flux control (DTFC) Ap plications with Embedded Systems.SM drive . Sub and hyper asynchronous motors cascade control. stand alone. 2004 speed . commutation and steady state equations. Em bedded Robotics: Mobile Robot Design and drive control loops. Kurfess. Ideal no load speed. Interfacing with Instrumentation and Control voltage source converter synchronous motor drives. range for lower P. filtering and data and flux control (DTFC). rectifier . efficient use conserv ation of electrical energy. 4. direct torque ronics system. 2. steady state CR C Press. 2008.current source inverter for SM drives . Sp ringer. Me . Wiley. Bishop. Me Pr 7. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. base band & broadband UNIT III ission). Modern Electric Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles: nsors and Actuators in Mechatronics: Design and Fundamentals Theory and Design. 2. CRC Wilamowski. 2010 00. UNIT II l tube. co-axial cable. 2013 5. 1st edition. local and wide distri privat area networks. classification of sensors and . 4th ed ition. J. 2011. CRC Press. Mehrdad Ehsani. Gay. review of analog & digital transmission. Basic Components of manipulators. Robert H. Network Types: public and Mechatronics e. Ali Emadi. WIT Press. bandwidth Kinematics and Manipulator Dynamics : Position. client server UNIT I ing. 2011. David Irwin CRC Press. I transformations. Southampton. AC Electric Motors Control: Advanced Design Techniques puter Networks and Applications. ess. Handbook of Automotive Power Electronics and Motor ts Drives. functions systems. W. Se Ap EE 40 & Com UNIT I Concep computer networ king. chatronics: An Introduction. 2004 3-9 Data Communication L T P Credits 4. Pawlak. Bolton. linear and m. 2nd edition. CRC Press. Andrzej M. EE 403-8 Robotics & L T P Credits buted processing. computed torque control. velocity eration. inter connecting networks. B. and Terminology : Advantages of 5. limitations. Pearson Education. transmission characteristics. Text Books/Reference Books : chatronics. Ali Emadi . transm Mechatronics of mechatronic UNIT I and its Scope : Definitions. HMT Limited Bangalore (Indian Machine 1. switched & broadcast networks. Sebastien E. ts of Computer comput of Robotic systems : Kinematics selection of coordinate frames. plications. Ning. CRC Press. data rates. microwave Seattleite). ShamnnonHartley and force control. Me To 20 6. ol Company). nonlinear controller design of robot. 2005. Power Electronics and Motor Drives. Advanced Train Control Systems. UNIT I Elemen Communication System : Commun ication channels (twisted pairs. channel capacity.1st edition. Bogdan M. 2005 3.chatronics. ission techniques (asynchronous and synchronous optica consid theore transm transm ission. Fouad Giri. serial and parallel. 2012 Yimin Gao. Prentice-Hall. general features. high level data link control. electrical actuation systems and mechanical switches. 1994 ty Control : Differential braking systems. diagnostics. cylinder dynamics. directional. steering control. EE-29 ----------------------. salient features of packet switching and process control valve. 3rd edition. Joseph Leben. driveline speed control. media access control r balancing. transparency.Page 30----------------------UNIT IV of SI engine. virtual circuits. stationary and dynamic gear ethernet. user dynamics. Local Area Networks. routing techniques.II transducers-displacement. interconnecting network e. pressure and level. internet. Interface: RS Introd types 232C. gateway. mechanical actuation systems. . channels. deceleration threshold model. vehicle calcula control based a lgorithms. ethernet. lateral vehicle motion. Prentice Hall. ATM. frame relaying. position and proximity. access. uses. fuel evaporation. error control. brouter. pressure. sadvantages. interface with UNIT IV ons of pins (10 only) etc. aerodynamic drag force. control. t message and packet switching with their advantages application of solenoid actuators. bridge. modulation techniques. flow control. torque control ler. types of stations. network architecture datagram. torque converter. transmissiontechniques. independent 2. tion of effective tire radius. 10BASESstandard ne : Driveline modelling. control framing. X 25 functi circui and di packet detail s.X fast ethernet. bicycle UNIT V: Introduction to Architecture and Protocols yaw rate and slip angle. 100 BASE. 4 stroke cycle of diesel engine. methods. 2nd edition UNIT II Stabili all wh drive . injection Local and Wide area Networks : AN topology with their alculation. Actuation Systems : Linear actuators. Text Books/Reference Books : 1. switching networks. RS 423A. of modems. router. ISDN networks. velocity. anti-lock brake systems. Data Communications and Distributed Networks. RS 449. cruise multimedia. gear shift Driveli time c exchang cylinde UNIT II shift. uction to Modems : Theory principle of operation. anti-jerking control. DTE. Black I Uyless. wheel dynamics. data compression driveline control. CSMA/CD. intermittent fuel injection. DCE. traditional four wheel Kathleen KavanaghChapman. force. rolling resistance. eel drive torque distribution. protocols. sensor locations. RS 442. fast acting actuators. longitudinal ISO reference model. charge advantages and disadvantages. air-fuel ratio.James Martin. EE 404-7 Advanced Control Systems c vehicle. regenerative braking. supercapacitors. 4th edition. negativ e impedance instability condition. 2003. negative impedance stabilizing L T P Credits Open Elective-I for PWM DC/DC converters with constant power 3 1 0 sistive loads.1998. Gupta. stability condition in a DC vehicular ar 5. negative impedance instability in the single PWM William A. Prentice Hall dynamics and control. series hybrid. Wiley-Blackwell. dynamic modeling EE 404-3 Advanced Analog Circuit Design of sup ercapacitors. Pearson nd quarter car suspension models. brake electri series cooling . power s EE 404-5 Intellectual property rights and Entrepreneurship UNIT V EE 404-6 Biomedical Instrumentation Hybrid Electric Vehicle : Hybrid definition. 2012 dent suspensions 4. torque couplers. full. EE 404-4 Restructured Power Systems plit devices. and regenerative braking and EE 404-9 Digital & Optical Communication Systems . constant power loads India. Course Technology Inc. stability of PWM DC/DC converters edition. modeling of hybrid EE 404-2 Intelligent Instrumentation s. half a indepen UNIT IV Held. electric EE 404-1 Automotive Systems rid-electric propulsion systems. 3rd revised Converters.4th edition. dynamic modeling of electric motors. effects of constant power loads in control 4 and re AC hicular systems.2004. vehicular AC distribution ve system. parallel hybrid. eir characteristics. Power Electronic Systems : Multi-converter Data Communication by Prakash C. engine downsizing. lity. torque transfer between left and right 1993 active control of torque transfer to all wheels. Utilization and Lan and Wan Internetworking Gilbert wheels. Data Communications Networking Devices: Operation. plug-in hybrid. Shay. 3. EE 404-8 Non Conventional Energy Systems and parallel hybrid.systems. Computer Networks. concept of negative impedance 6. electric power links. Understanding Data Communication and Networks. dynamic and hyb vehicle modelin g of batteries. dependent and Education. aerodynamic drag. several loads. ar Vehicul vehicul and th instabi DC/DC driving distrib ution system. Andrew S Tanenbaum. hybrid (DC and Open Elective-I AC) ve hicular systems with constant power loads. Ve hicle Dynamics and Control. Miller. UNIT II level s hifters. Springer. current mirrors Basic Differe and cu rrent repeaters. and -3 Advanced Analog L T P Credits Space Vehicles: Land. Dekker. current status. voltage references. Air. current sources. 2012 hermo dynamic Engine Cycles : Spark-ignited(SI) engine. Ve hicle.Page 31----------------------3. engine management systems. 20 EE-30 ----------------------. active loads.coastin g. emission of IC engine. MOSFETS Instrumentation 3 1 0 4 structu res.1 Automotive Systems 3 1 0 Credits stabili 4 Text Bo oks/Reference Books : 1. sterling engine. Antonio Sciarretta. Sea. PNP. 2nd edition. . UNIT I UNIT II Introduction to Intelligent Instrumentation : Historical building blocks of Bipolar and MOS analog ICS Perspective. EE-404 . knock 05. Sea. directional L T P ty. Vehicle Propulsion Systems: Introduction to Modeling UNIT I and Optimization. Rajesh Rajamani. time and stopping distance.2007 t Design 3 1 0 4 EE-404 Circui 4. characteristics models. Air and Space Vehicles. seiliger process. output stages. Vehicular Electric Power Systems: Land. regenerative braking integra ted with conventional hydraulic system. ntial amplifier. gas turbine. Driveline. lateral PNP. voltage to current converters. 2nd edition. and diesel engine. Au tomotive Control Systems: For Engine. Lino Guzzella. Lars Nielsen. Springer. passive and EE-404 -2 Intelligent L T P Credits nts available in biopolar and MOS technology compone brief r eview of integrated NPN. Springer. Uwe Kiencke. software based instruments. UNIT I 2n d edition. 2007 ction : Difference in design considerations for Introdu discret e and integrated electronic circuits. 2. John M. IC analog UNIT II IC Opits DC GBP an multipl iers: Translinear Circuit Principle. Tata McGraw-Hill in Measurement and Control. PCI. software structure.Virtual Instrumentation : Introduction to graphical differe ntial to single ended converters. formula nodes. tion. their d ifferent variants etc. 2002 Hall. RS485. oks/Reference Books : Text Bo 1. Adel UNIT V Sedra. multipl iers. nductance amplifier (OTA). use of data sockets for networked communication and Amplifier Architectures : IC operational controls. Kenneth C. ( Transconductance multiplier). 3rd edition. basic ADC designs. string and file I/O. data flow & graphical programming techniques. operating system. edi 2. RS422.Behzad 2. Gilbert multiplier UNIT III cell. 1988 ign Of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits. 2nd edition. VIs and sub-VIs I loops and charts . Des Int Pub 4. RS423. IEEE488. Integrated Norton Novel transco amplifi ers. programming. timing. ISA. use of simple and intermediate UNIT IV Vis. Measurement and Instrumentation: Theory 3. 6th Communication Link : PLCC microwave. USB. Z0 Code Interface Nodes and DLL links.RS232C. Sergio Franco. timers. 2013 satellite. Barney. case and Amp Architectures : Bipolar op-amp (IC 741) and sequence structures. telephone line. clusters and graphs. fibre optic channels. and small signal ac analysis (voltage gain Zin. Mic roelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications. Oxford University Press. George C. current conveyors and PC Hardware Review and Instrumentation Buses : Structure. Prentice-Hall. interrupts. USB. Current UNIT IV feedback amplifiers. interfacing methods of DAQ hardware. Intelligent Instrumentation: Microprocessor Applications egrated Circuits. Prentice lishing Company. advantage of VI techniques. VXI. lications and Design with Analog Integrated Circuits.1996 Text Books/Reference Books : ign with Operational Amplifiers And Analog 1. S. counters. Recent trends in Analog Circuit design. d slew rate). App Jac ob J. Michael. two and four quadrant Data Acquisition Methods : Analog and digital IO. MOS op-amp architectures. PCMCIA buses.2 serial interfacing. operational transre sistance amplifiers (OTRA). Smith.1 & 488. DMA. SCXI. PXI. 2nd edition. Des and Raz . arrays. Instrument Society Sahay. Business Text B 1. ntellectual Property Rights: A Primer. I P E xpert Press. S.2006 UNIT I Fundame ntals of restructured system. of I K 5. -4 Restructured Power L T P Credits Richard Jennings. IT applications in restructured markets. B ooks. Process Control.2008 UNIT IV ntellectual Property Rights: Basic Concepts. J. 2011 neth W Martin. ntellectual Property Rights: Text Ancillary services. risk cgraw Hill. load el asticity. Gupta.2013 assessment and hedging. developments in India. David A Johns (Author). Credits EE-4 .V Sharma. social welfare maximization. congestion management. Balasubramanian. McGraw-Hill Professional. Excel generation in restructured markets. 1st edition. 2002. 2011. Understanding Electric 04-6 Bio. Johnson. standard market I and Cases. Ent A. 1st edition. M. 2010 Text Books/Reference Books : 1. Gary W. I M 2. Atlantic. 1989 4. PJM. Butterworthlog Integrated Circuit Design. LabVIEW Graphical Programming. market architecture. Rao. R. optimal bidding. Wiley. EE-404 System s 3 1 0 4 edition.avi. Reza Langari.Page 32----------------------UNIT II ooks/Reference Books : OPF: Role in vertically integrated systems and in restructured ntellectual Property Rights.2009. I V . Eastern Book Co. distributed R adhakrishnan and S. Heinemann. 3. and power. 2012 of America. 4th 5. Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company. rotection (Strategic Management). Application. Gupta. restructured power systems. O Connor.M. EE-31 ----------------------. Development. Anita Rao. Tata markets.P. transmission pricing and tracing of ntellectual Property Rights: Creation. Excel Books. 2012 UNIT III 3. Ana Ken 6.Medical Utilities and L T P Deregulation. PC Interfacing for Laboratory Data Acquisition and repreneurship and New Venture Creation. design.Prabuddha Ganguli. Bhanoji 4. working arki. S. Alan S Morris. Philipson and H. Marcel Dekker. M. calibration and reparability rights. basic principles of design monito ring. Restructured Electrical Power Systems. sound measurement. international background of intellectual property. Wiley-IEEE Press. vector cardiographs. Bioelectric potentials: resting New York Inc. Operation of restructured Power Systems. ECG amplifiers. Shahidepour : pecifications of bio-medical instrumentation and M. ECG recorders. Holter recording.A.E.A. physio logical potentials –ECG. biopotent ial electrodes. Restructured Electric Electricity Markets with I Zhang. patent application procedure. Lee Willis. diagnosis. three UNIT I l. Restructured system Power components. microe Measu electr odes and leads. The 5. Restructured Power Systems. Cardiovascular Rights and Entrepreneurship 3 1 0 4 rements: Electrocardiography. EE-404-5 Intellectual Property L T P Credits lectrodes. Alomoush. EMG. 2007 and ac tion potentials. Introd uction to Bio-Medical Instrumentation Systems 3. 2011 : Electrode of UNIT I Electr theory. 2001 . EOG and Abhyankar. S. basics of anatomy Economics.S. Inst UNIT I 2001. Kluwer. displays. propagation of action potential.L. single channel. S system. ERG. A. understanding copyright Patien t Care & Monitoring : Elements of intensive care law.. pacemakers and defibrillators. Daadler. Springer-Verlag and p hysiology of the body. surface electrodes. 1998. blood pressure measurement. basic principles of trade mark. EEG.R. Kankar Bhattacharya . Systems: problems Engineering and encoun tered in measuring a living system.2013 evoked responses 6. basic principles of patent law. Alpha Science International Ltd. 1st odes and Transducers Power Systems: Analysis Equilibrium Models. Khaparde. Marcel Dekker. man-in strumentation 4. bio-medical transducer. Kumar David. channe testin heart UNIT I II drafting of a patent specification. Math Bollen and J. needle electrodes.Xiao-Ping edition. Rights : Philosophical aspects of intellectual property laws. rumentation 3 1 0 4 2. ECG System for Stresses Basic Principles and acquisition of Intellectual Property g. F. of p . Wen. defenses in case of respir ators. Weibell Fred J. ventilators and : Patent – objectives. nonlinear UNIT V Identific least s approxima simultane Kalman f identific ation. ecoto creating the new business? (risk tolerances. two stage identification methods.atient monitoring equipment. Neuronal introduction to entrepreneurial finance and venture capital. devices and therapies: hearing aides. John G. diaous state and parameter estimation. laser applications in medicine. John Wiley & s/Reference Books : Sons. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements. measur ement of breathing mechanism. eco-cardiography. minimum variance algorithm. . Neuronal communication. X-ray and radio-isotope low data situations. business plan writing. benefit and /or negative impact ques: ultrasonic diagnosis. ophthalmic scans. comfort in alography. extended thermy.: ilter. aphy.2008.up s System Measurements : Physiology of strategies. UNIT III V Entrepreneurship : Entrepreneurial perspective. Diagnostic models and personalities. . entrepreneurial opportunities. humidifiers. MRI. ability to sell). Electrooculogram. Dover Publications Cromwell Leslie. 2011 Text Book 1. UNIT I Nervou nervou firing Elect Tonome techni enceph diagno tomogr EE-32 ----------------------. telemetry for ECG measurements during quares. kar Sastry and Marc Bodson. ation : On line identification using recursive implantable units. infringement. roretinogram. (judgment. emission computerized coordinate with many). prosthetic tion and maximum likelihood method. Adapt Shan Inc. Convergence and Robustness. rights. Prentice. myo-electric arm. ive Control: Stability. Ophthalmology Instruments: managing growth and delivering innovative products. s system. ability to sis and therapy. business ter for eye pressure measurement. CAT-Scan. return expectation). Pfeiffer Eric A. Bioinstrumentation. model reference adaptive control. nebulizers and aspirators. inhalators.Page 33----------------------UNIT V Bio-Telemetry : Components of a bio-telemetry system. spirometer. assignments. stochastic exercise. Webster. start . Ophthalmoscope. 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Press. introduction to variable structure control systems. 7. focusing of collectors and UNIT II erials. Vincent Verdult. Robert B. solar thermal Non-Linear System control : Various notions of stability.C 4. Joseph J. Lennart Ljung. Khandpur. typical ation. CRC Press. 2012 6. Filt Appro Camb 6. Michel Verhaegen. Adapt Pear 3. applications and performance. McGraw-Hill Professional. controller design using feedback linearization and back stepping method. New Age er Nelles. Northrop. l Energy their mat power pla cooling. 2nd edition. Nonl Appro Oliv EE-404- 8 Non Conventional EE-404-7 Advanced Control Systems L T P Credits L T P Credits 3 1 0 4 Systems 3 1 0 4 Energy UNIT I Introduct ion to Non Conventional Energy Systems :Various UNIT I ntional energy resources Introduction. limitations. UNIT II Geotherma : Resources of geothermal energy. Ananthi. 1987 Biomedical Instrumentation. solar cell array. phase plane analysis. thermodyn amics of geo-thermal energy conversion.V. concept of stability and ll power plant. S K Venkata inear System Identification: From Classical Ram. availability. non-conve classific theory o solar ce solar ra applicati ons and performance.2006 2. limit cycle. Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology. solar cell materials. 2004 ridge University Press. thermal energy storage for solar heating and stability techniques of Lyapunov and Popov. Adapt V. Astrom and Bjoran Wittenmark. flat plate collectors and their materials. 2000 International Pvt Ltd Publishers.1998 5. equivalent linearization describing functions. Non-Linear Systems : Types of non-linearity. 3. Syst Pren 5. Carr. R.2003. Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation. 2nd edition . 2000 aches to Neural Networks and Fuzzy Models. nonlinear limitations. plants. Optic . Biofuels. Magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD): principle of Tuning Regulators (STR). John Twidell. stochastic adaptive control. structure and characteristics UNIT V Optical populatio condition spontaneo threshold semicondu of injec tion laser. s/Reference Books : 2. wave and tidal energy conversion principles. tuning. 2013 Benefits and Risks. 2. Taylor and Francis. direct and indirect band gap semiconductors limitations. general purpose adaptive regulator. Tata McGraw 3. bio-waste recycling power current density. Digit Sons. Beckman. to process control. al Communications. ation of rotors. types of STR and MRAC. 2005. performance and limitations. applications sources. ctor injection lasers. Optic Hill 3. self-tuning regulators.5th edition. Springer. DH Text Books/Reference Books : s and characteristics. 1988 2013 al Fiber Communication. wind Thermo-el of workin performan and its classific character istics.D. EE-33 ----------------------. momentum theory. performance and limitations of wind energy conversio n systems. John Wiley & Sons. non-electrical conversion. concentrations and augments. gain ce and limitations. Model Reference Adaptive control f MHD power plant.John A. (MRAC). performance and limitations. 1. Gerd Keiser. Ocean Thermal. 4th edition.Page 34----------------------UNIT IV Energy from Bio-mass.1st edition. convergence and robustness studies. model ce and limitations. hetero junction and DH structure. Renewable Energy Resources. Pimentel. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. stability. site selection criteria. scheduling. environmental Classification of Adaptive control : Auto tuning and Self tions. drawbacks and advantages of LED. Tony Weir. Simon Haykin.n. Duffie. 2nd edition. Wind energy: wind power updating. performance and s. different approaches to s: principle of working of various types of fuel cells. John Wiley and William A. considera working o Fuel Cell performan UNIT III UNIT IV ectrical and thermionic conversions : Principle Application of Adaptive control : Recent trends in selfg of thermo-electrical and thermionic conversions. us and stimulated emission in p-n junction. Solar and Wind as Renewable Energy Systems: Education. ocean n inversion optical feedback and threshold thermal energy conversion principles.2010 structure Text Book 1. Wave and bio-waste Sources : Basic concepts Einstein relations and : Availability of bio-mass and its conversion principles. 4. L T P Credits Training digital EE – 408 Major Project. D. acceptance angle. signal to noise ratio. quantization. mathematical representation of signals. Optical fiber waveguides: structure of romechanical Systems 3 1 0 4 optical wave guide. modulation. New Age International Pvt Ltd. energy an spectral density.2013. single mode fibers. cylindrical guide. sampling theorem. advantages of optical fiber DSP and its Applications L T P Credits communication. PCM system. modes in a planar and ion : Classification of Systems: Continuous. Pearson Solanki. tion. differential PCM. time wavelength. EE-411 to Elect UNIT I Introduct discrete. quantizat . 2006 Design of Power L T P Credits EE-409 Digital and Optical s Lab 0 0 3 Communication Systems the course work corresponding to EE-401 L T P 3 0 0 3 Hall. 2009 5. d power. stable dynamic recursive. introduction to digital communication.Chetan Singh al Fiber Communications. Solar Photovoltaic Technology and Systems: A Manual 2nd edition.3rd edition. CDMA and OFDM. wave theory for optical propagation. bandwidth. Based on EE – 407 Viva Voce Examination UNIT II L T P Credits on VI Se mester Industrial 0 0 0 4 Waveform Coding Techniques : Pulse Code Modulation(PCM). numerical aperture. effective refractive index Classification of Signals: continuous and discrete and group and mode delay factor for single mode fiber. random signals and the course work corresponding to EE-402 noise. Trainers and Engineers. 1993 for Technicians. advantages over analog communication. mode volume.John Gowar. variant. Protecti on Lab 0 0 3 3 statistical decision theory. PHI Learning. digital multiplexing. light propagation in optical fiber using ray theory.I 0 0 4 4 UNIT III Optical Fibre Communications : Block diagram of optical fiber communication systems. Chauhan. skew rays. Prentice 4. TDMA.S. quantization noise. causal. Non Conventional Energy Resources. mode field diameter. UNIT IV sampling techniques.al Communication Systems. Senior. Optic Educa EE – 405 Credits 3 Apparatu Based on UNIT I EE – 406 Switchgear & L T P Credits Digital Communication Systems : Signal representation. cutoff linear. Energy Applications. battery charging. 2. Pearson. flywheel. Solar Photovoltaic 1. digital Characteristics of Optical Fiber :Attenuation in optical presentation. dynamic Text Books/Reference Books : theory and implementation. discrete Fourier series signal re UNIT II Discrete propertie solution stability transform EE-34 ----------------------.transform and its for step and graded index fibers. micro- distribut power (C hydropowe r systems. frequency response.3rd edition. intra modal and intermodal dispersion Time System Analysis : Z. Fourier polarization maintaining fibers of discrete sequence. 2007 control and Power S Storage: circuit. linear and non linear scattering losses. stepper motors. Nyquist state and aliasing effect. John G Proakis. Control o control superviso ry control overview and implementation. modal birefringence and analysis. magnitude and phase representation. all fiber dispersion for multimode and mono mode by Z-transform. compressed air and Publishing Company. concentrating solar TMS320C54 signal processing chip.ion error. computation of DFT ion Systems Generat using –DIT and DIF. application to discrete System. 4th various batteries and their equivalent electrical edition. battery supercond . Butterfly structure UNIT I Distribut UNIT IV ed Generation : Electricity generation in transition. biomass for electricity. 2007 performance characteristics. over s. BLDC motors. Sanjit Mitra. fiber bend losses. Dimitris G Manolakis. ystem: solar commercial power plants. Algorithms.Page 35----------------------UNIT III EE-4121 Distributed L T P Credits Discrete Fourier Transform & Computation : Properties. fiber. convolution. systems. PMSM. difference equation. analog to digital conversion fibers intrinsic and extrinsic absorption. Programmable DSP Chips : Architecture and features of ed generation with fossil fuels. asynchronous generators. typical grid-connected turbine operation. fuel cells and wind energy based UNIT V n. Inverse Z Transform. Digital Signal Processing. SRM and implementation of f Wind Energy Systems : Overview of wind turbine motor control system using LF2407. Digital Signal Processing: Principles. dispersion and pulse broadening. Tata McGraw-Hill management. modal noise. FFT using radix 2. Applications of DSP in Control generatio of Electrical UNIT II Machines : DSP based control of Induction motors. quantization effects SP) technologies. dispersion shifted fibers. inrush current. voltage regulatio n. power factor correction *EE 412-5 Smart Grid systems. Digital Signal Processing: System Analysis and Design. safety. Digital Signal Processing: An Introduction with MATLAB . Stand-Alo hybrid sy controlle estimates and Applications. distributed EE 412-4 Power System Dynamics & Stability centralized approach. Amin Z. Hussain. mode L. stability limit. 2005 r. Eduardo A. harmonic distortion. hybrid with fuel cell. synchronous Grid-Conn synchroni operation . electrical system model. power and energy 5. PV array sizing. Springer. applications of ups systems . 3. Paulo Sergio Ramirez Diniz. ne System : PV stand-alone. interfacing standards. voltage flickers. Hamid A. . Toliyat.ucting coil. 2003 zing with grid. Da Silva. Netto. storage & power conditioning modes. energy storage and load scheduling. Cambridge University Press. Sergio stem. Schafer UNIT III Ronald W. CRC Press. Elective-II protection. Peter UNIT IV O Shea. Electrical Performance: to Electromechanical Systems 3 1 0 4 current and power relations.1988 4. wind farm sizing. ected System : Interface requirements. load sharing. in ups grid synchroni zation. operating limit. battery energy storage systems. static bus L T P Credits and voltage regulation. Campbell. load transient. battery sizing. quality of power. wind stand-alone. renewable capacity limit. EE 411 DSP and its applications L T P Credits resource planning tool. 2011 6. Economics of Distributed Resources lightning *EE 412-1 Distributed Generation Systems UNIT V *EE 412-2 Switch Mode Power Supplies UPS & B attery Energy Storage Systems : Uninterruptible *EE 412-3 Power Quality and Energy Conversation pplies. Prentice-Hall. Oppenheim Alan V. Zahir M. DSP-Based Electromechanical Motion Control. hybrid with diesel. wind EE 412-6 Utilization of Electrical Energy and solar power systems. dynamic bus impedance EE-412 Elective-II e. harmonics. component design utility voltage for maxim um efficiency. Digital Signal Processing. Steven G. 3 1 0 4 impedance and rippl voltage transients and sags. power su approach. Sadik. B. system stiffness. system sizing. power p . Analysis. issues. C-message index. 6. Introduction : Classification of Power Supplies. Wiley-Blackwell. transient phenomenon. 2013 5. CRC Press. *EE 412-10 Microwave Integrated Circuits . Institution of Engineering and Technology. G. IT product. Nick Jenkins. 2012. Power Quality: Mitigation Technologies in a Distributed ervation Environment. Overview of P ower Quality : Classification of power quality 6. K. measurements. power acceptability curves – power quality problems: poor EE-412-2 Switched Mode . Masters. Switch M Dekker. power quality indices.Page 36----------------------3. non linear and unbalanced loads. Basic ndex. Patel. 2nd edition. Conservation and Management ributed Generation. Bollen. Wiley-Blackwell. current. Dist Ekan ayake. DC Converters. Strbac. 2011 2. Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems. 2010. gration of Distributed Generation *EE 412-9 Electrical Storage Systems in the Inte Power Syst em. Antonio Moreno-Muñoz. voltage fluctuations. flic ker. Gilbert Power Quality and L T P Credits M. Wind and Solar Power Systems: Design. 1 EE-412-3 Energy Cons Springer. CRC Press. Boldea Ion. n supply voltage.1st UNIT I edition. 2nd edition. Topologies of PWM DC–DC Converters. 2009 EE-35 ----------------------. J. dc Power Supplies otching in load voltage. sags/swells. IEEE guides Functions of Voltage Regulators. 984 2005 4. EE 412-11 Energy Auditing.EE 412-7 HVDC Transmission *EE 412-8 Digital Image Processing s/Reference Books : Text Book 1. UNIT I voltage unbalance. Kit Sum. and ode Power Conversion. Power Relationships in DC– practices. Marcel Operation. Variable Speed Generators. disturbance in load L T P Credits offset power factor in loads. Mukund R. distortion i and recommended UNIT II Measurement and Analysis UNIT II ower and energy Methods : Voltage. Math H. char acterization of electric power quality. Fainan Hassan. B. Instantaneous Reactive UNIT III . Boundary between CCM and DCM. : Introduction. unbalance. se mode noise. Voltage Fluctuations : Sources and effect of Power Theory Detection Metho Instantaneous UNIT III Harmonics & harmonics and inter harmonics. load compensation harmonic powe application flicker and i and transver voltage fluc of voltage symmetrical com UNIT IV Power Qualit harmonic filt multiplication network using COM. Switch-Mode Power Supplies Spice Simulations and Practical Designs. high frequency issues. & Buck-Boost Converters. active and hybrid filter. Christophe Basso. Power Losses and Efficiency of n method. Multiple-output Converters. John Wiley & Sons. t ime domain methods. Design of Buck. ponents. Zeroer: passive. Wavelet factor measure measurement time domai Fourier and Transform. standardization. Boost PWM DC–DC Converter : Analysis of PWM ment and definitions. Boost & Buck-Boost Converter. o rec DSTAT uninterruptib loads using DVR UNIT V Energy Audit need and type . current injection methods. 3. effect of Ripple Voltage in Converters. Multi resonant Converters. event recorders. Soft-switching DC–DC Converters : Introduction. Abraham Pressman. Full-bridge & Push-Pull PWM DC–DC Converter f power flow studies. Marian K. Ripple Voltage in Converter. flicker calculations. . Full-bridge & mpulses.Buck. occurrence and causes of Converters. Power Losses and Efficiency of Converter. Pulse-width Modulated DC–DC Power Converters. Half. 2008 and Conservation : Energy audit concepts. voltage regulation using DSTATCOM. UPQC. Transformers. Synchronous Frame Theory. 2. Boundary between CCM and DCM. Bidirectional Converter. protecting sensitive 1. Buck. Switching Power Supply Design. Buck ZVS Quasimethods and transformer connections. Kazimierczuk. Boost error. d. Mc-Graw Hill. resonant DC–DC Converter. Boost & Buck-Boost Converters. instantaneous symmetrical components. Text Books/Reference Books : le power sources. frequency domain methods. analysis in the periodic steady state. UNIT V y Improvement : Utility. 2008. phase voltage-switching DC–DC Converters. BESS. UNIT IV r flow studies using Newton-Raphson method. Synchronous Flyback and Forward PWM DC–DC Converter : Introduction. onfiguring devices. voltage fluctuations. mass and energy balances. s of energy audit. Buck. Hartley transform. Welsh Transform. common mode Push Pull Converter. decomposition into Comparison of PWM DC–DC Converters. Power Losses and Efficiency tuations and impulses. DC Analysis of PWM Flyback and Forward real and reactive powers Converter. DC Analysis of PWM Half. Phase-controlled Full-bridge Converter.Customer interface. Varma.A Moreno Munoz. Power Quality Enhancement Using Custom Power System Stability and Control. energy audit 4. Power M. 2009 agement (audit) approach. Prabha Kundur. Shashank Jain. 2002. Rajiv K.Page 37----------------------Text Books/Reference Books : /Reference Books : 1. Switch-Mode Power Converters: Design and Analysis.Y.Arrillaga.1st edition.Watson. CRC Press. Padiyar K 3. Math H. 2005 requirement. Mohan Mathur. energy conservation act. C. 2000. 2002.1997 Sastry Vedam. Understanding Power Quality Problems: Voltage Sags . Tata Devices. Springer. The Energy and Resources Institute. N. 2011 L T P Credits Text Books 1. Sandler. energy man instruments. Abbi. Power Quality: VAR Compensation in Power Systems R. Power Quality.J. Handbook on Energy Audit and Environment Management. Gerard Ledwich. ilities of energy manager and auditors. Power System Quality Assessment J. Power Quality: Mitigation Technologies in a Distributed tor-Based FACTS Controllers for Electrical Environment. w-Hill Publishing Company. Facts K. Bollen. Elsevier Science Publishing. Mulukutla S. IEEE 4. 2. r Education. Samarjit Sengupta.Chen. 1st edition. Controllers In Power Transmission and Distribution. 3. McGraw-Hill. S. Under Press 5. Switch-Mode Power Supply Simulation: Designing with bench marking. TERI.Keith Billings and Taylor Morey. . Power McGra 2. 2001 Systems Analysis. Power R. Sankaran. Springer. Arindam Ghosh. New Age publishers. 6. 6. principles of electrical power Dynamics and Stability UNIT I Introducti electrical control. Wiley India Pvt Ltd. Surajit Chattopadhyay. Peter W.2003 N. Electric Power Quality. Sarma. Gyugyi. Springer India Private ission Systems. 2005 amples. Wu. 2011 standing FACTS. McGraw-Hill 7. Power Highe EE-412-5 Smart Grid 8.A. System Dynamics And Stability. 2nd edition. Mc Graw Hill. Wiley India Pvt Ltd. Hingorani and L. 2009 on : Structure and fundamental problems of EE-412-4 Power System L T P Credits power systems. Sauer. 2008 System Dynamics Stability And Control. Hadi Saadat. matching SPICE. 2004 Madhuchhanda Mitra. Limited 2007 IEEE Press.R. some Keng C. 2011 Padiyar.R. R. Publications. Steven M.G. and Interruptions. BS 4. Pai. Prentice Hall.2006. energy performance. energy use to and responsib case study ex EE-36 ----------------------.P. 2013 5. CRC Press. Thyris Transm Wiley7. duties 5. fully integrated power system-the smart p energy sto power syst quality c grid. microgrid and active distribution network photovolta detection. role of AVR. syncrophasors. power fluctuations. Power system stabilisers. harmonics and methods of improving the transient stability. simple systems with synchronous loads-analytical and ction of microgrids. technical and economical graphical methods. power angle diagrams. power req uirements. flicker. generation storage energy st storage d management . significance of rotor mode . grid interfacing and islanding Small Signal Stability : Synchronising and damping dynamics of small-scale hydroelectric power torques. Critical clearing conversion systems (WECS). power curves of WECs. damping of the system oscillations. power definition of stability terms. application of energy role of FACTS devices evices. effect of grounding on stability. grid integration of wind energy angle and time. solutions of control in smart The Stability Problem : Origin of the stability problem. grid synchronization. UNIT II net-work reduction techniques. power quality. microgrid configuration. elementary aspects of dynamic stability. methods of improving steady state and challenges of microgrid. solution of wing equation by numerical methods speed ge neration systems (SEIG & DFIG). offshore wind energy systems. special cases-superconducting magnet damping. ride throu gh. modes of oscillations. grid coupling. supplementary control. distribution system stability limits. reactive multimachine systems. analysis of two finite machine system and systems. microgrid. distributed generation and UNIT I rage benefits to grids. flow control. Runge kutta method. & picog active interconne advantages issues of microgrid. participation factors. ontrol.classical power theory & instantaneous power theory ower. dynamics of eigenvalues. wind energy (step by step solution). orage & supercapacitors. operational issues of a UNIT III dynamic interactions of microgrid with main grid. sma rt electrical energy networks concept-microgrids UNIT II rids. Transient Stability : Review of the laws of mechanics. grid integration of UNIT IV ics and fuel cells. other renewable energy sources. equal areas criterion of Distribute d Energy Resources : Variable and adjustable stability. power oscillation systems. Distributed Generation and Microgrid: Steady State Stability : The steady state power limits of distribution network. ems. swing equation for a single machine connected to an infinite bus. and Applications. HVDC Operations.power electronic -6 Utilization of L T P Credits interfaces: overview of power converter and controls. P. grid-imposed frequency. scenarios. 4. and Enhancement of stability by application of . tage Sourced Converters in Power Systems: Modeling. earth fault Strzelecki. Reactive Power Flow. Vol Con Ira EE-412 Electr ical Energy rectifiers. Crossley. voltage and current control of a 3-phase 4 wire UNIT I Illumin curve. P-V Curves methods of control. neutral grounding requirements. Tec 3. UPFC. loss vani. luminous intensity. lux. R. wdhary. three-level and four-wire inverters with ation Essentials : Nature of light. P. PWM Text Bo 1. two level and multi-level converters. negative sequence er Electronics in Smart Electrical Energy Networksovercurrent protection. overcurrent hnology. Benesek. IET 2009 single generator and generator operating in parallel with other edded Generation. generators on an isolated network. under/overvoltage protection. directional control. microgrid distribution Kirschen. reverse power relay. space vector PWM. laws of illumination. . Mic Cho 2. g and wo . distribution transformer protection. depreciation factor. integrated communications Transmission. interconnection with a hosting ient of utilization. EE-37 ----------------------. regulation and load improving stability.system:network management needs of UNIT V microsource generation control. SSSC. Allan. Strbac. rate of change of frequency. Pow R. Emb D. dynamic energy management. process shifting.& d-q-frames. domestic Voltage Stability : Voltage Stability. microgrid. coeffic factor. illumination.control in luminous flux. integration and interconnection lare. architectu management operation. Springer overcurrent protection. demand-side devices.N. space to height ratio. under/overfrequency trol. Jenkins. energy storage. Introduction to FACTS re. HVDC conversion system. Amirnaser Yazdani. vector shift. decentralized FACTS devices. Reactive Power microsource controller. solid angle. shadow. unbalanced loading. protection co-ordination. Crossley. protection of microsources. Institution of Engineering and system protection. Reza protection. VSC system. G. neutral point clamped voltage source converter(VSC). construction concerns. major protection issues of stand-alone microgrid. energy management.Page 38----------------------UNIT III oks/Reference Books : Protection Issues for Microgrids : Different islanding rogrids and Active Distribution Network – S. G. Z-source converters. visibility spectrum z-source. 2000 protection of the generator intertie. D-STATCOM. 2010 of mains protection. operation principle of the voltage z-inverter. Back-to-Back luminous efficiency. John Wiley & Sons Inc. reflection grid – parallel operation. direct and indirect systems. existing power ed converters. smart transformers. DG with intermittent solar PV. automated meter c Welding : Spot welding. LED drivers. operational and welding equipments used. soft grid-connected DG. eletctric ovens. sub. voltage drop versus color and voltage sags and swells. SCADA I communication and control architecture. neon lamp. charact metal halide lamp. power quality sensitive loads. their temperature range. applications in various industrial SCADA in microgrids. . DC-DC power converters. broadband power line other Inducti inducti arc he furnace fields heating UNIT II Electri welding product .rking of incandescent and discharge lamps. quality improvement technologies. exterio illumin UNIT II Electri methods heating of resi stance heating elements. design and selection of components. supplies. communication devices and media. monument lighting and decorative lighting. over-voltages and under-voltages. construction. online condition monitoring. thermal considerations. mercury vapour lamp. flicker. . Dielectric heating. voltage regulation. principle of core type and coreless of existing distributed network operator (DNO) SCADA on furnace Electric arc heating. magnetic saturation. dynamic voltage restorer. requirement of communication in microgrids. smart appliances. harmonic distortion. eristics. illumination levels. c Heating : Advantages of electrical heating Heating ultra-high reliability scheme using dual link dc bus. light Power Quality and Reliability issues of Distributed eristics. microwave distributed control system (DCS).preventive(alternative cs & transformers. EMI an power supplies) technologies.voltage source/ current source . principle of arc issues of serial communication. microgrid control. curative(power-conditioning sues. SCADA communication infrastructure. control of DNO SCADA systems (centralised & ating. DG with intermittent wind generator. t circuit to an LED. heat sinks. station communication standardisation. flood UNIT IV g. working and applications of arc distributed). calculation of number of light points for interior and harmonic filtration and balancing of the voltage in threer illumination. load compensation. issues of Resistance heating – direct and indirect resistance premium power in DG integration. DG system with power quality support. street lighting. properties lightin charact equivalen current power correct magneti EMC is issues. wire systems.LED lighting & Design of Illumination Systems: Generation(DG) : Power quality disturbances – transients. fluorescent lamp. controllers with energy-storage systems. power factor electrical noise. design problems. Infra-red heating and its applications. voltage notching. safety technologies). projection seam and butt reading.linear outage. domestic water heaters and UNIT V heating appliances and thermostat control circuit SCADA and Active Distribution Networks : Overview on heating. their distributed interface converters in islanded mode. primary & secondary ation for automobile systems. water cooler. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Water Coolers : ra high Voltage AC transmission Engineering. Utilization of Electric Energy in SI UNITs. Wiley electrolytic process.J. gray 2. MIG welding. Padiyar. 1990 cycle.1981 scanner.London. ions of HVDC Systems : Introduction –system operation. manufacture of chemicals by C power transmission system.R. hydrogen arc welding method of arc. Peltier effect. 1971.O. principle of galvanizing and its applications. insta-chill. high speed compressors. coated EE-38 ----------------------. Ext Das 4. Taylor. variable speed drive for compressors. UNIT V ey Interscience.K. Rakosh Principle of air conditioning. solar concentrator heating and cooling. b) air-conditioner. New Age International. Hig Pet EE 412 Proces UNIT Introdu through level t . process of electro-deposition . arc. deposition of metals. E. metal arc.1983. electroplating oks/Reference Books : on non-conducting materials. tern Limited. welding control circuits. Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Wil 3. affecting electro-deposition . UNIT IV high frequency welding. and c) er Pregrinus. digital image Universities Press. concept of gray levels. cs-design of AC filters-DC filters-carrier frequency Harmoni harmoni and RI noise. UNIT IV Electrolytic Processes : Need of electro-deposition laws of electrolysis. digital camera. buffing ion: Philosophy and tools-HVDC system simulationequipment and accessories for electroplating factors g of HVDC systems for digital dynamic simulation. description of electrical h Voltage Direct Current Transmission. welding of cs and Filters : Introduction-generation of aluminium and copper introduction to TIG. comparison between AC and DC arc welding. refrigeration Begamudre. HVD Eas 2. ction : Digital image fundamentals.1990 UNIT V Simulat simulat modelin Text Bo 1. electrolysis for water purification.clearing. thermoelectric -8 Digital Image L T P Credits cooling. Edward Wilson Kimbark. sterling engines. power supply for welding. anodising and its applications. characteristics of communication.ion. 1st edition. circuit used in a) refrigerator. optical & wireless communication. electric arc welding. eco-friendly refrigerants. polishing.Page 39----------------------electrodes. sing Text Books/Reference Books : I 1. carbon and th eir applications. Dir ect Current Transmission. vapour pressure. Arillaga. source encoder and decoder. Wadhwa. New Age International Publishers. edge linking Image degrada inverse least segmentat and bo undary detection. Art and Science of Utilization of Electrical Energy by H I Partap. lossy c ompression. image smoothing. Energy.o binary image conversion. Hotelling transform. Haar transfo rm. transmission-description of DC transmission system planning lour image processing. sampling and quantization. EE-39 ----------------------. for HVDC transmission-modern trends in DC transmission histogr frequen Colour full co UNIT IV UNIT II Restoration and Segmentation : Image restoration Analysis of HVDC Converter : Pulse number. image sharpening. spatial filtering. fidelity criteria.Page 40----------------------- . Walsh transform. L T P Credits EE-412-7 HVDC Transmission UNIT I II Image P rocessing : Image enhancement. image compression higher level controllers-telecommunication requirements. Dhanpat Rai & Sons. UNIT I am processing. Transforms : 2-D FFT.L. C. discrete cosine transform. Slant transform. properties. point processing. ion: detection of discontinuities. imaging geometry. enhancement in DC Power Transmission Technology : Introductioncy domain. Image pulse converter –detailed analysis of converters. region oriented UNIT III ation. converter configuration-simplified analysis of Graetz circuitfiltering. HVDC Converter and System Control : General principles of DC link control-converter control characteristics-system segment UNIT V control hierarchy –firing angle control-current and extinction pression : Image compression redundancies and angle control-starting and stopping of DC link power control emoval methods. UNIT I Image Hadamar d transform. relatio 2010 3. Image Com their r models. thresholding. interactive restoration. error free compression. constrained converter bridge characterstics-characterstics of twelve squares restoration. nship between pixels. choice of tion model. comparison of AC and DC transmission application of DC image processing: Pseudo colour image processing. least mean square filters. algebraic approach to restoration. performance measurement. 2nd edition. battery Battery : Introduction. developments in SMES systems. ac-dc and dc-dc converters. R. constant-voltage charging. and Addison Wesley. P2 Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries : The valve-regulated ll. constant voltage–constant current combinations.E.. constant-current and discharging of a battery. 3. multiple batteries constructional features. John Wiley.K. nergy storage. effects. battery data acquisition. applications. ydrogen air cell.C. storage heat . flywheels. Weeks Jr. isolated UNIT II nverters. SMES system EE 412-9 Electrical Storage L T P pabilities . detailed analysis of the advantages 2. Gonzalez. 2002. s an economic resource. energy ch arging. energy storage PHI. R. p h p a e co a of su perconducting magnetic storage system. charger design co ce an . safety cycles operating limits and parameters. control of charge and discharge. ov ercharge processes. Digital Image processing. protection circuits. mpressed air energy storage. 2004. hydrocarbon air cell. density. charging b atteries. zinc ta per-current charging. hydrogen oxygen cells. multilevel converters. battery charge–discharge b attery systems. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing. Digital Image Processing. Other Storages: pumped hydroelectric 3rd edition. design strategies. charging techniques for VRLA types. resonant converters. Fundamentals of Electronic Image Processing.Text Books/Reference Books : ower outputs. of VRLA products. Woods. A. maintenance. sizing. storage capabilities of pumped systems. nd drawbacks. applications of flywheels. Credits Systems NIT V ca U P ower UNIT I Electronics for Charging Control : Battery m anagement systems. flywheels. and safety issues in lead-acid. William K. PHI. multi pulse converters. types of fuel cells. 1. m anagement of batteries. oxygen cycle and saturation nickel hydride. lithium battery. lead–acid st ate-of-charge. storage density. nickel-cadmium. energy storage parameters. advanced performance 4.Jain. pulsed-current charging. Pratt. flow batteries. modern batteries as zinc-air. thermal management of batteries. charging manganese dioxide batteries. hosphoric and fuel cell. alkaline fuel cell. Wiley-Blackwell. aspects plifier Design : Unilateral and non-unilateral design. balanced amplifiers feedback. S-parameter metal oxide. G. advantages of super capacitors. UNIT IV design e . m easurement of active devices. Andrew Applications. Industrial Applications of Batteries from Cars to the effects of additives. additives.D. m odels. heat management in lead–acid batteries. . Tetsuya Osaka. Dicks. Parker. 2003 recovery and recycling of lead–acid batteries EE 412-10 Microwave L T P UNIT III Ultra Capacitors / Super Capacitors : Introduction. Rand. P. characteristics of absorptive glass materials. aluminum addition. 2004 formation of structure of positive and negative active . transistor super capacitors. separator Lithium Batteries – Science and Technology. disadvantages. CRC Press. 2000 enhance formation and battery performance. private vehicles. of energy density. Elesevier.d calculation of losses. 2007.J. function of the separator in the VRLA battery. device ch aracterization. 5 Credits layer ultra capacitors. Kluwer Academic Publishers. U NIT I size and applications. J.A. battery. large and small signal BJT and FET models. Nazri properties and function. several types of electrodes and electrolytes. in automotive applications. remote-area power-supply systems(RAPS). power density. valve-regulated battery. James Larminie. Madhav and formation phenomena. conducting polymers. types of electrolyte. applications in public transport NIT II vehicles. applications and G. 2 3 4.A. price. M. 2nd edition. heat generation. G. 2004. and consumer electronics. Pistoia. D. electrode materials. and market. Fuel Cell Systems Explained. rating. hardening Valve-regulated Lead–Acid Batteries. modeling . high-energy ultra capacitors. Pistoia. Elsevier. comparison with battery systems. separator materials. mechanism in lead–calcium alloys. manufacture of lead–acid battery plates. negative-plate Aerospace and Energy Storage. telecommunications and UPS .T. Garche and C. positive-plate additives to Datta. e stage and multistage design low noise amplifiers high U Am on –pow er amplifiers. conductive additive. super capacitors. Energy Storage Systems in Electronics-New Trends in masses. soaking Electrochemical Technology. lead Books/Reference Books : alloys for valve-regulated lead–acid batteries. high surface area activated carbons. heat dissipation. Moseley. Broussely. doubleIntegrated Circuits Text 1. basic components of Ac tive RF Component Modeling : Diode models. ractice. lighting . time value of filters using transmission line stubs. single side band modulator performance. p.Energy efficient motorsresonators.Applications of MIC Design : Integrated microwave workstation approach.lux meters. pyrom UNIT –V : Economic Aspects and Analysis : filter scaling and transformations. two-port an electrochemical converter.f motor controllers . metho life Text 1. low pass and high-pass Econo mic Analysis-Depreciation Methods. R. E R O Callaghan. and p Instr uments. life cycle costing analysis. spectral mixer circuits.Page 41----------------------UNIT III IV: Power Factor Improvement. effect of harmonics rejection mixer. 2003 microwave tuning system. single diode mixers. net present worth UNIT V d.Energy UNITInstr Power capac on p. introduction to MMIC considering nergy Management: A Comprehensive Guide to layout effects. . dielectric resonators. calcu lation of simple payback method.watt meter. Paul W.1992 . non-linear oscillator Carnot efficiency factor. YIG resonators. present worth method . D va os m EE-40 ----------------------. Elsevier. f. E 2. FET mixer factor – methods of improvement . microwave integrated circuit components. Pf with non linear loads. nonlinear tools. band pass filters using transmission line analy sis. chemical means. odels. Oscillator Fuel Cell : Fuel cells for direct energy conversion by electro esign: Resonators. thermocouples. balanced FET mixers. low-noise design. Murphy W. small-signal distributed amplifiers. resonator measurements. physical interpretation of the cillator design.Power factor correction. return on investment .application of PLC’s Filter Design : Filter design by the insertion loss method. tongue testers . location of theory. electro chemical energy convertors. image itors . McGraw-Hill . Lighting and Energy Mixer Design : Diode mixer theory. filed drivers design.xamples. cycle costing analysis. uments : single-balanced mixers. double balanced mixers. data loggers. stepped-impedance money . designing non-linear Books/Reference Books : circuits using the harmonic balanced method. focus on the maximum intrinsic efficiency of ractor resonators. educing Costs by Efficient Energy Use.Good lighting system design simple sub harmonically pumped mixer circuit configuration. lighting control . UNIT IV eters. replacement low-pass filters.. rate of return . programmable nergy Management.lighting energy audit . CRC Press. 1993 Basic Principles of Energy Audit : Energy audit.Vandeling. rd edition. Indranil Sen.R. Qualities and functions.1992 Ulrich L. Pearson iehus.D. R S ystems. Wayne C. Education. initiating. E T 6. Anthony M. L T P Credits etters.8th edition. reporting413-4 Active & Passive Network Synthesis manger. Marcel Dekker Inc.pie L T P Credits charts. concept . Microwave circuits design using linear and nonlinear pplications. UNIT I ai. planning. Andreas. energy audit of process industry.2nd techniques.Rohde. Fairmont Press. Davis M. 2. Albert Thumann. energy index.energy saving potential. John L.9th edition. Liao. andbook of Energy Audits. nergy Management Handbook. 2012 Pozar. Sankey diagrams.P. George. types of audit. language.A. monitoring. John Wiley and Sons 1990. Microwave Circuits and analysis and amplifier design. E 3 5. nergy-Efficient Electric Motors. controlling. 3.Pavis and dition. 2004 Samuel T.John C. H N D ecember 2012 7. urner. PHI.Energy audit of industries.Sen Gupta. K. CRC Press.definitions. William J. E A e 4. Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems. load profiles. 1987. Terry 4. T he Handbook of Lighting Surveys and Audits. Questionnaire 413-5 Computer Control of Processes check list for top management Energy *EE *EE EE 413-6 Reliability Engineering UNIT III 413-7 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems *EE . promoting. Ludwig and Bretchko. thermal power station. D. Energy conservation 13 Open Elective-II 3 1 0 4 schemes. EE 413-3 Optimal Control Theory organizing energy management program.Text Books/Reference Books : nergy-efficient Electric Motors: Selection and 1. Fairmont Press. Ali Emadi. John Wiley and Sons. 3. Steve Doty. EE 412-11 Energy Auditing. building energy audit Elective-II P EE-4 Open *EE 413-1 Database Management Systems UNIT II *EE 413-2 Operating System Design Energy management : Principles of energy management. M. cost index .Padiyar. RF Circuit Design. Bangalore. Interline Publishers. Younger.1997 Conservation and Management ecent Advances in Control and Management of Energy F 8. relational calculus. System programs – System structure – Virtual UNIT I Operating Mainframe systems – time s operation hierarchy System co calls – machines – System design and implementation – System UNIT III generatio n. . mapping constraints. overall database structure. System.2008 Management Systems base Management 5. extended ER model. variable duty systems. Prit imoy Bhattacharyya. reduction of ER diagrams to Distributed systems – Clustered systems – Real tables. Introduction : An overview of database management system. entity integrity. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. aggregation. 2001 UNIT I 6. notation for ER diagram. Arun Data Majumdar. and architecture. referential – Hardware protection – Network structure. domain constraints.voltage variation-voltage unbalance. Computer system Relational data Model and Language:Relational data model – I/O structure – Storage structure –storage concepts. base Management Systems. *EE 413-9 Filter Design . nes Gehrke. Data Hill Education. relationship of higher degree.variable speed . System – An Overview : Introduction to OS – keys. tuple and domain calculus. constructional details *EE. data 2 Operating System L T P Credits definitions language. factors 413-8 Digital System Design affecting efficiency. database system concept ion. keys constraints. data model schema and instances. Data Johan edit EE-413Design UNIT II Data Modeling using the Entity Relationship Model ER model concepts. loss distribution . RMS hp. candidate key. data independence and database language and interfaces.Energy Efficient Motors :Energy efficient motors . primary key. Raghu Ramakrishnan. 2002.over 413-10 VLSI Design cycle *EE- motoring.Page 42----------------------EE-413-1 Data Base L T P Credits base Management Systems. integrity constraints. concepts of super key. relational mponents – Operating system services – System algebra. Mc Graw-Hill Education. characteristics . ystems – Handheld systems. Tata McGraw 4. systems – Desktop systems – Multiprocessor generalization.motor energy audit 413-11 Antenna & Wave Propagation *EE EE-41 ----------------------. 3rd database system vs file system. DML. A Leon. integrity. System model – alternative approaches to database design. third normal critical section problem – Synchronization hardware forms. normal forms. directory system. second. deadlock handling. normalization using FD. and JDs. minus. Basics concepts – Scheduling criteria – UNIT IV Schedulin g algorithms – Multiple – processor scheduling Data Base Design & Normalization : Functional – real ti me scheduling – process scheduling models. recoverability. Swamynathan. types of SQL commands.Introduction to SQL : Characteristics of SQL. – File system mounting – File sharing – Protection. Background – Demand paging – Concurrency Control Techniques :Concurrency control. location – Paging – Segmentation – Segmentation UNIT V ng. views and indexes. Kannan. J. concurrency control. Distributed Database: distributed data anagement : Background – swipping – contiguous storage. checkpoints. advantage of SQL. The dependencies. Date. testing of – Deadlock prevention – Deadlock avoidance – Deadlock serializability. aggregate functions. joins. regions – M onitors . BCNF. case study of Oracle.Atomic transactions. validation based protocol. reation – Page replacement – allocation of frames locking techniques for concurrency control. MVD. recovery from transaction failures. time stamping g. Text Books/Reference Books : 1. multi version schemes.8th ems : I/O hardware .Application I/O interface – UNIT IV I/O Syst . triggers. anagement : Process concept – Process scheduling queries and sub queries. intersection.. SQL data type and literals. File concept: Access methods – Directory protocols for concurrency control. view serializable schedule. serializability of schedules. An Introduction to Database Systems. S. C. tables.Transaction Deadlock characterization – Methods for handling deadlocks Processing Concept: Transaction system. conflict & detection – Recovery from dead lock. Pearson Education.file system implementation – concurrent transaction. implementation – Allocation methods – free – UNIT III Storage M memory al with pagi Process c – Thrashin structure File sy Directory space man agement – Efficiency and performance – Recovery. loss less join Semaphore s – Classic problems of synchronization – critical decompositions. SQL operators and their procedure. unions. update g on processes – cooperating processes – inter and delete operations. log based recovery. Threading issues. multiple granularity. recovery with stem structure . ommunication – communication in client – server cursors. inclusion dependence. first. insert. procedures in SQL/PL SQL Threads – Overview – Multithreading models – UNIT II Process M – Operatin process c systems. A. Database System Concepts. 2012 /O subsystem – Transforming I/O to hardware 2. Addison Wesley. 2nd revised edition. extended Kalman Filter. 2012 – Concurrency control – Deadlock handling – Election Systems Control. Dov 4. Andrew P. Sister John. Pearson Education. types – Communication – communication protocols – Robustness – Design issues. Choffnes. O. Korth. David R.Storage 3. Prentice Hall. Disk structure – Disk F. Fundamentals of Database Systems. 2009 4. Donald E. S. ation – Tertiary storage structure. replication. g – Disk management – Swap-space management 6th edition. Event ordering – Mutual exclusion – Atomicity ublications.8th edition. Theory restric tions on pole and zeros locations for driving point functio . Sage. 2010 Kernel I operation schedulin – RAID st implement EE-42 ----------------------. k Synthesis Prentice-Hall. Chelsea C. Brian D. Anderson. 3rd edition. Naming and transparency – Reference Books : Remote file access – Stateful versus stateless service – File Control Theory: An Introduction. poles and zero of network functions. S. Abraham Silberschatz. Prentice Hall. Kirk. Opt imal Filtering. Operating System Concepts. Optimal Dover P 2. Operating Systems. 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons. nemann Ltd. 1977 and asy signal to n Text Books/ 1. 6th edition. Greg Gagne.Page 43----------------------UNIT V mptotic stability of filters.2009 Network Functions : Network function for one port and two EE-413-3 Optimal Control L T P Credits alculation of network functions for Ladder networks port . ButterworthBaer Galvin. 2nd revised edition. Text Books/Reference Books : er Publications Inc. Dig Hei EE-413 Networ UNIT I William Stallings. Sudarshan. Tanenbaum Andrew S.Abraham Silberschatz.2005 1. M. 2010 ructure – Disk attachment – Stable . Optimum White 3. Modern Operating Systems. Ramez Elmasri. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles. Paul J. Henry s – Streams – Performance.edition. Shamkant Navathe. Deitel. Peter ital and Kalman Filtering.Harvey M. . Deitel.c and gen eral networks. algorithms –Reaching agreement. Bozic. 2003 -4 Active and Passive L T P Credits 3. time filtered estimates and Distributed Systems : Background – Topology – Network oise ratio improvement.1994 2009 2. Mc Graw-Hill Higher Education. 6th edition. ns and for transfer functions. necessary conditions for optimal s : Elements of reliability theory. Net Ind ia Pvt Ltd. Introduction : Statement of optimal control problem. control problems. synthesis Numerical Techniques for Optimal Control : Numerical ipative network. Wiley network Text Bo 1.2nd edition. time domain behavior UNIT I les and zero plot. admittances properties of R-L impedances and R-C LQG problem. properties of R-C impedances properties of optimal regulator. active RC synthesis. steady state point impedances. res. least square estimation. linear system and estimation. stability of achieve. state inequality . stability of active UNIT IV . Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation. two terminal R-L and R-C networks.C immittance functions. 1969 estimation. filter design. solution of 2-point boundary value problem by steepest descent and Fletcher Powell method. synthesis of certain R-L-C functions. Act Pre 2. Filtering and Estimation : Filtering. dynamic programming application to discrete and continuous systems. Pontryagin’s minimum principle. choice of weighting matrices. recursive ntice Hall. Matrix Riccatti equation and erties of L. variance estimation. from po UNIT II Network stability procedu UNIT II UNIT II I LQ Control Problems and Dynamic Programming : Linear is of One Port Networks with Two Kinds of Elements optimal regulator problem. positive real function elementary synthesis constraints. Network Synthesis : Positive real function. solution of Ricatti equation by negative exponential and interactive methods. Kuo. . Fun . problem formulation and forms of optimal control. estimation criteria. driving Synthes : Prop Driving and R-L admitta UNIT IV Passive point a nd transfer impedance function. operation of for dri of diss UNIT V Active amplifi er circuits. linear tracking problem. work Analysis and Synthesis. Gauss oks/Reference Books : Markov discrete time model. computational procedure for solving optimal nces. Robert W. Franklin F. minimum time problem. necessary conditions UNIT III ving point and transfer function L-C network. selection of performance measures. synthesis of L-C solution method. Newcomb. 2006 UNIT V 3. system noise smoothing and prediction. characteristics of dynamic programming solution. sensitivity and control. Networks : State variable theory. minimum ive Integrated Circuit Synthesis. Network Modelling and Reliability Analysis: UNIT I Introduction to Process Control : analysis o f series. OSI exponentia l distribution. time division multiplexing. parallel. R(t). model. Processes expected value and standard deviation of binomial distributi on. numerical filtering. local network MTTR. Jaico Publishing House. probabilities density L T P Credits distribution and Bernoulli’s functions. P. floating control and electronic controller. concept technology. Protocols. binomial distribution. two component repairable models for the control of computer. DoD model. signal transmission.MTBF. series-parallel networks. line diagram from process plant to computer system. UNIT II expected value and standard deviation of exponential distribution.25. evaluation of limiting state access protocols. HDLC probabilit ies. datagram. time dependent probability evaluation using UNIT III Laplace t ransform approach. bath tub curve. Behrouz Kalman Filter and Properties : Filter problem and properties. Frequency & Duration Techniques : Frequency and duration . Markov processes. communication y Functions and Markov Modelling : Reliability media and bus. UNIT II Reliabilit functions exponentia l distribution. 1st edition. complex Introduction to process control. F(t). details of IEEE 802. f(t). one component repairable standards.damentals of Network Analysis & Synthesis. reliability measures MTTF. impedance matching UNIT III filtering. kari. hierarchical approach. reliabilit y analysis of series parallel network architecture. bus/tree topology. of stochastic ring topology. h(t) and their relationships. evaluation of limiting state Signals from Process Instrumentation : Signal conditioning probabilit ies using STPM. Markov chains. correction for non-linearities. basic control action ON /OFF. PID. loose coupled system and tight coupled system. 2006 linear estimator property of Kalman Filter. networks. decomposition method. medium transition al probability Matrix.Page 44----------------------EE-413-5 Computer Control of trials. signal termination. networks using layered approach. PI. Protocol and Architectures : Evolution of data networks. tuning. X. time invariance Pei EE-43 ----------------------. system. communication networks for PLC. tes. mean cycl models. R. 2008 6. An Engin 2000 . engineering interface. LOLP. 2nd edition 2010 /Reference Books : 4. Liptak. recursive relation for unit addition and UNIT-V: Distributed Control Systems: Evolution of DCS. 2010 Systems Reliability Analysis : Decompositions 2. of transition rates for merged state model. Norman A. 1997 ee. 2010 Elmakias. Behrouz bility Evaluation of Engineering Systems: Concepts Forouzan. LOLE. System Reliability Calculation. UNIT V Composite method. architecture. cumulative frequency of failure probabilit merged sta UNIT IV Generation a generati removal. New C David 3. merging of generation load model. 4. Allan. PHI. Roy Billinton. omputational Methods in Power System Reliability. field bus such as System Reliability Analysis : Reliability model of profi-bus. Power Ringl 2. Data Communications and Networking. programming of PLC. Kant Krishna. Petruzella. 2012. Instrument Engineers Handbook Process Control. Ebeling. 1999 radial networks. sequential and programmable controllers. probability.2013 EE-413-6 Reliability L T P Credits Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engineering eering. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Programmable Logic Controllers. Frank D. 3.J. peripheral devices. Charles E. Mc Graw-Hill Education. Anderson. Elsevier.computer control system. local control unit. Industrial Electronics: Applications for Programmable liability indices. operator interface.Based Industrial Control. relay logic and ladder logic. ev aluation of cumulative UNIT IV y and cumulative frequency of encountering of Programmable Logic Controllers : Evolution of PLC. 1973 5. Springer.J. Wood. Ronald N. 3rd edition. A. Thomas E. re lines. Computer . 2nd edition. Di concepts. relationship of word length evaluation of frequency of encountering state. Techniques. and stribution System and Reliability Analysis: basic Electrical Machines & Motor. l evaluation cumulative evaluation . Text Books/Reference Books : 1. CPU. CRC Press. Instrumentation & Process Control. Kissell. on system. MIT Press.4th edition. weather effects on transmission Controllers. e time for one and two component repairable concept. Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control. Prentice evaluation of basic and performance reliability Hall. mod-bus etc. Roy Billinton. to performance. architecture. indices of Text Books 1. oad modeling. functional blocks.5th edition. Relia and Spring er. McGraw-Hill. David E. T II concept on some other search techniques like tabu search UNI Gate -Level Modeling : Modeling using basic Verilog gate and ant-colony search techniques for solving optimization mitives. data processing: scaling. PHI.Timothy J. emergence of HDLs. neuron model. of ANN and its basic mathematical model. 1st edition. artificial neural networks (ANN): concept Expert Systems: Principles and Programming. knowledge representation. UNIT I Ross.E. self-organizing network T I and recurrent network. 8. architecture Genetic Algorithms in search. rule Learning. hierarchical modeling Genetic Algorithm : Basic concept of Genetic algorithm conc epts. rules for combining probabilities of events. principal-component analysis and wavelet transformations. 6. Yegnanarayana B.the AI approach. solution of typical control problems using genetic algorithm. Goldberg. Riley. Wiley-Blackwell .2nd edition. simple perception. Hopfield network. based systems . Fuzzy Logic: With Engineering Applications. neural network based controller. and detail algorithm steps. adjustment of free parameters. problems pri ris . Wiley India Pvt Ltd. McCulloch-Pitts Vikas-Thomson Learning. typical HDL-based design flow.UNIT I Basics of Probability theory & Distribution : Basic probability theory. Optimization and Machine for intelligent control. M. EE-44 ----------------------. Hawary. 2002. 5.Page 45----------------------EE 413-7 Artificial Intelligence L T P Artificial Intelligence application in Power System. Credits E1. symbolic reasoning system. view of Digital System Design with Verilog HDL 7. learning and training L T P Credits the neural network. importance of HDL s. Fourier 413-8 Digital System Design transformation. 1998 4. EE UNI Over Evo lution of UNIT II CAD. 2007 Introduction : Approaches to intelligent control. 2008 expert systems. description of and/or and buf/not type gates. Adaline and Madaline feed forward multilayer perceptron. 1998 and Expert Systems Artificial Neural Networks. Pearson Education India. switch-level modeling. T III Dat spec type and cont stat par UNI Task s and Functions : Differences between tasks and UNIT IV Applications : GA application to power system optimization tions. EPR OM. Log synt and veri building expert systems. fuzzy logic allel blocks. overriding parameters. PROM. integrating expert systems and DSSs. Jacek M. conditional network toolbox. fuzzification. test vectors/test benches. operators. engineering. basic fuzzy set operation and approximate reasoning. Introduction to Artificial Books/Reference Books : Neural Systems. synthesis design flow.fuzzy logic toolbox. implementation of fuzzy logic delays. Useful Modeling Techniques: procedural and nonlinear dynamic systems using Matlab -neural inuous assignments. FPGAs: Design. operator sets. T V strategies for implementing and maintaining management UNI Type s of memory : SRAM. blocking and non blocking statements. fall and turn-off delays. fuzzy modeling and control schemes for nonlinear ements.e. support systems. operands. and typical delays. Verilog HDL constructs expert systems. multi way branching. s. sequential and systems. CPLDs. PAL. timing interconnection system. func func cont compil and pri of fuzzy control systems. flash memory. case studies: identification and control of linear tions. expressions. EEPROM. min. fuzzy knowledge and rule rol. declaration. always. Text Books/Reference Books : 1. stability Analysis of neural –network ation and execution. laboratory and filed projects. T IV UNI UNIT V ic Synthesis with Verilog HDL : Introduction to logic Expert System: Need for expertise in decision models and hesis. Architecture and appl ications. invocation. loops. design partitioning. initial introduction to fuzzy logic modeling and control. fication of synthesized circuits. impact of logic synthesis. automatic tasks and problem. max. useful system tasks. generate statement. PLA. knowledge representation and inferencing. conditional bases. case studies. basics of user-defined controller using Matlab . UNIT III aflow Modeling: continuous assignments. stability analysis mitives and PLI. delay Fuzzy Logic System : Introduction to crisp sets and fuzzy ification. self-organizing fuzzy logic control. expert systems fundamentals. control for nonlinear time-delay systems. delay inferencing and defuzzification. Behavioral Modeling: Structured procedures. event control. knowledge operators for logic synthesis. Text . iring capacitances. adders. parity generators. Jaico Publishing House. 1997 Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis. EE-45 ----------------------. Semicon ductor Integrated Circuit Design : UNIT III PLAs. zero/ reactance netork. s . Bi-CMOS inverters. 2009 Verilog Digital System Design: Register Transfer Level 3. Zainalabedin Hayagriva V. comparators. 2nd edition. rcuit Design Processes : VLSI design flo. NMOS inverter. transis 2006. Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL. ALUs. Valluru B.Rao BPB Publications. fan-in process. Morris Mano. John F. various pull ups. scaling of MOS circuits. shifters. a driving and fa UNIT II I UNIT II Subsyst em Design : Subsystem design.Rao. calculations. design rules and layout. Navabi. 2002.Valluru. or ires. design of ladder netorks. gm. 2. M. . 1996. Synthesis. counters. PHI. C++ Neural Networks. frequency n-out. Digital Logic and Computer Design. 5. CMOS 4. McGraw Hill Professional. circuit concepts.delays. Gate Level Design : logic Gates and EE 413-9 Filter Design complex gates. L T P Credits ions of scaling. Basic Concepts : Nature of filter specification. tor threshold voltage. choice of layers transformation. one det ectors.N. 2nd edition. Anand Kumar. high density memory elements. sitch logic. Wakerly. Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms – amir Palnitkar. alternate gate circuits.T. 1. filter design large capacitive loads. Neural Networks. 2 µ m CMOS design 3rd edition. contacts and transistors layout diagrams for VLSI Ci nd CMOS inverters and gates. MOS layers. pass t inverte UNIT II stick d rules f NMOS a limitat other basic MOS. Testbench. S 2. figure of merit ωo. Prentice-Hall. & FuzzyLogic. Pearson Education. gds. Sudarshan K. Passive Filter ith Lumped Elements : General to port multipliers. 2010 ransistor. Digital Design Principles and Practice. Ciletti. sheet resistance and its concept to UNIT I rea capacitance units. Prentice Hall. Rao. CPLDs. and Verification. FPGAs. iagrams.Page 46----------------------3. 6. r analysis and design. PHI. Jaico. Michael D. Fundamentals of Digital Circuits. ideal lo magnitude approximation. filter circuits.t . A.Zurada. filters. gyrators and immittance VHDL Sy synthes is. layout. 2. verific ation tools. Ne il H. 2nd Text Books/Reference Books : ed ition.P. systembiquads. 1993 1. Design of Analog Filter Passive Active RC and sitched ip 3. G/C based design strategies for test. PHI. Addison Wesley. current feedback amplifiers. 1st element substitution.Schaumann In John . circuit realization of summers. Ch Design for Submicron VLSI: CMOS Layout & capacitor. E. troduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems. Eshraghian Kamran. test principles.Schaumann. circuit design flo. Kamran Eshraghian. to-integrator loop topologies.S. design capture tools.E. UNIT V Text Bo oks/Reference Books : Higher Order Filters : Cascade and multiple loop feedback 1. Pr inciples of CMOS VLSI Design: A Systems Perspective. 1990. transconductance amplifiers. chip-level test techniques. biquads using composite amplifiers. test principles. Ghausi and Keneth Si mulation. need for testing. design Active Building Blocks For Analog Filter Design : Ideal and approac h. level t est techniques. Es sentials of VLSI Circuits and Systems. integrators.standard cells. M. 2005. programmable array logic. LC ladder simulation by single flo graph and A. West.2006 Laker. real operational amplifiers. design converters. Design of Analog Filters R. R. biquad.Cengage Learning. Pucknell Douglas realization. PHI. 4. Mac. characteristic and their usages UNIT IV in nthesis : VHDL synthesis. 2. sitched capacitor filters. UNIT IV UNIT V Biquad Filters Using Active Building Blocks : Single amplifier CMOS Te sting : CMOS testing.Van Uy . Eshraghian Sholeh. simulation. Transconductance – C (Gm-C) based ed ition. transresistance and other amplifier topologies. layout design for improved testability. oxidation. 2nd broadcast arrays. Rabaey. Credits 3r EE 41 3-11 UNIT I L T P Credits Anten na and Wave Propagation Introduction and Basic Electrical Properties : Introduction to IC Technology – MOS. F. 2001. 1955. metallisation.John M. McGra-Hill. probe testing. Valkenberg. Di 6. linear arrays. tropospheric 0 0 3 3 ave. antenna temperature and signal to noise ratio. MOS EE-46 ----------------------. poer radiated by current element. ronic and Radio Engineering. E. Pearson Education. binomial array. Kraus. plane earth reflection. Mo gital Integrated Circuits .C. Balanis. Text Books 1.emura. Wayne Wolf. basic electrical properties ave di pole. 2nd edition. netork theorems directional properties of dipole antenna. horizontal patterns in a Theory. encapsulation. John Wiley & Sons. Elect Hill. TMH. Antenn editio 4. PMOS. UNIT II and K. antenna gain.A. Antenna Arrays To element array. NMOS. effective area. Terman. 2003. Balmain. excitation. lithography. as. .E. Kraus. 5. n. reflection and L T P Credits Elect Jordan 3. Oxford University Press. 2nd edition. antenna /Reference Books : terminal impedance.G.Page 47----------------------resistance. multiplication of patterns. effect of the earth on vertical patterns. Antenn 5. McGraUNIT III 4th edition. 3rd edition. radiation of MOS and BiCMOS Circuits:Ids-Vds relationships. Wave Propagation : Modes of propagation. romagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems . 1988. John D. current elements. dern VLSI Design. 2001. PHI.2000. John D. L T P EE 413-10 VLSI Design d edition.C. radiation from monopole & half integrated resistors and capacitors. 1997. EE-414 DSP Lab refraction aves by the ionosphere. space ave and surface ave. field. JohnWiley. practical antennas and methods of as for All Applications. CMOS and Bi CMOS technologies. PHI. Antenn Marhe 2. Ronald J. fka. diffusion. 2003. 1997. ion UNIT I Antenna Principles : Potential functions & electromagnetic implantation. skip distance. comparison he course ork corresponding to EE – 412 ith corner reflectors. Yagi-Uda array: square corner YagiMajor Project-II 0 0 10 10 Uda hybrid. 0 0 3 3 EE-415 effect of antenna height. virtual height . Seminar/Report 0 0 2 Based on c EE-416 Based on t EE – 417 2 UNIT V Broadband Antenna : Frequency independent concept. space ave. Rumsey’s principle. frequency independent planar log spiral antenna. frequency independent conical spiral antenna. duct propagation. rhombic antenna eight and leg length. horn antenna: length and aperture. electric field ourse ork corresponding EE – 415 of small loop antenna. introduction to turstile antenna. L T P Credits UNIT IV Elective-II Lab Practical Antennas : VLF and LF transmitting antennas. EE-47 . MUF critical Based on t he course ork corresponding to EE – 411 frequency. parabolic reflectors properties. directivity of circular loop antenna ith uniform current. field of short dipole. circular polarization. directivity of circular loop antenna L T P Credits ith uniform current. effect of ground on antenna L T P Credits performance.ionosphere ave propagation.
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