4A Lesson Plans

March 26, 2018 | Author: Yuvika Gupta | Category: Question, Stress (Linguistics), Homework, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary



CompletedTema 4, Capítulo 4A Day 1 Learn about a painting by Francisco de Goya Learn new vocabulary about places to go Listen to and understand descriptions about locations for activities Listen to and understand statements about identification of places National Standards 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 4.1 Vocabulary: Preview vocabulary, places to go vocabulary Technology: Overhead/LCD projector, CD player Pacing: 90 minutes 1. WARM-UP/ASSESS (10 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Return the Examen del capítulo 3B Go over any recurring errors that students may have made, reteaching as necessary. 2. PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Objectives (p. 171) Go over the chapter objectives with students to prepare them for the new material. 3. PRESENT/PRACTICE ALL STUDENTS Fondo cultural: El quitasol (p. 170) Go over the information and have students respond to the question. Core Instruction: Vocabulario y gramática en contexto (pp. 172-173) Play Tracks 1 and 2. Present the new vocabulary about places to go. Actividad 1 ¿Estás de acuerdo? (p. 173) Play Track 3. Students listen to someone talking about locations for activities and indicate comprehension. Actividad 2 ¡Muchas actividades! (p. 173) Play Track 4. Students indicate listening comprehension about identifying a place. ADVANCED LEARNERS / PRE-AP* Have students research the Parque del Retiro in Madrid. They can search in guidebooks or on the Internet to create reports on its history and what activities are available there. Have students create a calendar for the coming month on which they label where they are going and at what times. STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES To help students acquire the structure a + el = al, use the Clip Art from the Teacher Express CD-ROM or the Teacher’s Resource Book and provide each student with copies of the pictures. Have them label the pictures with the appropriate prepositions. Targeted Resources Examen del capítulo, 3B Answer Key: Examen del capítulo, 3B REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Examen del capítulo, 3B REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Examen del capítulo, 3B Targeted Resources Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparencies 12-20 Atlas, Cap. 4A Targeted Resources Vocabulary, Cap. 4A Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 81 Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 82 TRB: Cap. 4A, Audio Script TRB: Cap. 4A, Input Script TRB: Cap. 4A, Vocabulary Clip Art TPR Stories: Tema 4 Act. 1, Act. 2 Audio, Cap. 4A Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4A, Act. 1 Answers Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4A, Act. 2 Answers WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) Targeted Resources ALL STUDENTS Practice Workbook 4A-1. A primera vista Guided Practice Activities: Vocabulary Flash Cards. Vocabulary Check Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: Vocabulary Flash Cards..2. Have students fill in vocabulary flash cards as in-class work or homework. the first student confirms the answer: Sí. Go Online (p. PRESENT/PRACTICE (ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) Targeted Resources Pre-AP* Resource Book: Vocabulary Strategies 5.. 171) Have students Go Online at home or in class to view the Online Atlas..? until they guess the destination. 4A-2 Assign 4A-1 and 4A-2 for homework or in-class work. Students take turns secretly writing down one of the places shown. ¿Vas a(l). Vocabulary Check Targeted Resources Divide students into groups of five or six. The others ask. When it is guessed. 6.. BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) Practice Workbook: 4A-1 Practice Workbook: 4A-2 Practice Workbook: 4A-1 Answers Practice Workbook: 4A-2 Answers REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Cap. CD player. Allow each group to have one open book.. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made. 173) Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the new vocabulary. WARM-UP/ASSESS (5 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Homework check Review the previous day’s homework assignment. 1. Assign for homework or in-class work. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: Vocabulary Flash Cards. Completed Tema 4. Capítulo 4A Day 2 Learn additional vocabulary and grammar in visual and story context Watch and listen to the video and understand new vocabulary and grammar in authentic context Read and demonstrate comprehension of statements about the video National Standards 1.4. 4A. Targeted Resources Practice Workbook: 4A-1 Practice Workbook: 4A-2 Practice Workbook: 4A-1 Answers Practice Workbook: 4A-2 .Continue until all have had a turn. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS Realidades para hispanohablantes: A primera vista. 4A. Vocabulary Check. 4A. A primera vista REALIDADES para hispanohablantes Answer Key: Cap. voy a(l). VCR/DVD player Pacing: 90 minutes 1. reteaching as necessary. Go Online (p.3 Vocabulary: Places to go vocabulary Technology: Overhead/LCD projector. Answers 2. PRESENT/PRACTICE ALL STUDENTS Video Activities 2. which will be administered during the next class period. 4A. substituting other activities or places that they’ve learned. 3. Prueba 4A-1: Vocabulary recognition Remind students to prepare for Prueba 4A-1. Video Activity 3 Writing. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Practice Workbook 4A-3. 175) Students indicate reading comprehension by answering questions about the Videohistoria. 4A. Preview the video. Video Script Writing. 4A-4 Assign 4A-3 and 4A-4 for homework or in-class work. 3 Answers Targeted Resources Practice Workbook: 4A-3 Practice Workbook: 4A-4 Practice Workbook: 4A-3 Answers Practice Workbook: 4A-4 Answers Prueba 4A-1. 4 Assign Video Activities 2. 174-175) Present additional vocabulary and grammar by showing transparencies and having students look at pictures and read dialogue between characters in the Videohistoria. 4A. 4A. 3. PRESENT/PRACTICE (40 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Core Instruction: Videohistoria Un chico reservado (pp. 4. 4A Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 83 Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 84 TRB: Cap. 175) Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the new vocabulary. Vocabulary recognition Answer Key: Prueba 4A-1. Go Online (p. . Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. Video Activity 1 Assign Video Activity 1 for in-class work. Video Activity 4 Writing. students learn new vocabulary and grammar in context. 4A Answers on Transparencies: Cap. Video Activity 2 Writing. Actividad 3 ¿Comprendes? (p. 4A. 4A. Cap. Video Activity 1 Writing. 3. Video Activity 3 Writing. 174) Show the video for Capítulo 4A. and 4 for in-class work. They may also personalize it using names of classmates. Video Activity 1 Targeted Resources Writing. 3 Answers. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 4A. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. Cap. Audio Script TRB: Cap. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. Video Activity 4 Act. 4A. 4A. Through multiple viewings. Video Activity 2 Writing. and ask if they have any questions about the Targeted Resources Vocabulary. View: Videohistoria (p. ADVANCED LEARNERS / PRE-AP* Have students rewrite the dialogue for the various characters in the Videohistoria. Verify their spelling and have them make necessary corrections before placing the paragraphs in their portfolios. Act. 4A. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4A. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS Have students write a short paragraph telling what they usually do each day of the week. Vocabulary recognition QuickTake Quiz 4A-1 Targeted Resources Divide students into groups of five or six. The others ask. 1. the first student confirms the answer: Sí. Allow each group to have one open book. Students take turns secretly writing down one of the places shown. Vocabulary recognition Answer Key: Prueba 4A-1.3.material to be covered.? until they guess the destination. reteaching as necessary. ADVANCED LEARNERS / PRE-AP* Have students write an original sentence using each of the places mentioned in Actividad 5. 176) Students write using expressions of frequency to describe going to certain places.1. ¿Vas a(l).Continue until all have had a turn. CD player Pacing: 90 minutes 1.. ? (p. 4A.1.2 Vocabulary: Places to go vocabulary Technology: Overhead/LCD projector. 4.. 5. Prueba 4A-1: Vocabulary recognition Administer Prueba 4A-1 in class. Vocabulary recognition REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba 4A-1.. GramActiva BLMs Practice Workbook: 4A-3 Practice Workbook: 4A-4 Practice Workbook: 4A-3 Answers Practice Workbook: 4A-4 Answers Prueba 4A-1. Vocabulary recognition REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 4A-1. WARM-UP/ASSESS (20 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Actividad 5 ¿Vas mucho a. Homework check Review the previous day’s homework assignment... Completed Tema 4. voy a(l). Go over any recurring errors that students may have made.1. When it is guessed. 1... BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) Vocabulary recognition REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 4A-1. Targeted Resources TRB: Cap.2. Ask students to read their sentences to the class. Vocabulary recognition REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba 4A-1. 2. Vocabulary recognition QuickTake Quiz 4A-1 . 4. Capítulo 4A Day 3 Write about frequency of going to certain places Read and complete sentences about where certain activities take place Talk about places people go and how often in a personalized context Practice using expressions of frequency Listen and write information about a painting Learn about the main square of towns and cities in Spanish speaking countries Learn about the original of the Spanish words for days of the week National Standards 1. Actividad 6 ¡No me digas! (p. Audio Activity 6 4. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. Vocabulary production REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba 4A-2.. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Students who have difficulty writing can be given copies of the pictures in Actividades 4 and 5 from the Clip Art on the Teacher Express CD-ROM or the Teacher’s Resource Book. 4A. 4A. ADVANCED LEARNERS / PRE-AP* Have students research the origins of the Spanish names of the months. 4 Answers. 4A. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. and ask if they have any questions about the material to be covered. Targeted Resources Writing. Exploración del lenguaje Answers Act. Writing Activity 10 Prueba 4A-2. Act. 4A. 4 Answers Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4A. Cap. 177) Working with a partner. Audio Activities 5. 4A. PRESENT/PRACTICE (ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) Targeted Resources Answers on Transparencies: Cap. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Writing Activity 10 Assign Writing Activity 10 for homework or in-class work. which will be administered during the next class period. Fondo cultural: La plaza (p. 3. 4A. 4A. 4A Act. Assign for homework or in-class work. 4A. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS Realidades para hispanohablantes: Manos a la obra. 6 Play Tracks 7 and 8 and have students complete Audio Activities 5 and 6 in class.2. understand. Have them prepare a poster or handout similar to the chart shown in the Exploración del lenguaje. 4A. Cap. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. Writing Activity 10 Writing. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 178) Students learn about the Latin origin of many Spanish words. 7 Audio. Exploración del lenguaje: Origins of the Spanish days of the week (p. ? (p. 4A TRB: Cap. 177) Play Track 6. 176) Students read and complete sentences about where certain activities take place. Vocabulary production REALIDADES para . 177) Go over the information and have students respond to the question. Audio Activity 6 Writing. Vocabulary production REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 4A-2. students talk about places people go and how often in a personalized context. Audio Activity 5 Targeted Resources Writing. Vocabulary production Answer Key: Prueba 4A-2. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. PRESENT/PRACTICE (25 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Actividad 4 ¿Qué haces en. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 7 Answers Answers on Transparencies: Cap.. Act. 4A. Actividad 7 Escucha y escribe (p. Audio Script Writing. Audio Activity 5 Writing. and write information about a painting. Prueba 4A-2: Vocabulary production Remind students to prepare for Prueba 4A-2. Students listen to. 1. When it is guessed. Vocabulary production REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 4A-2. 2. VCR/DVD player Pacing: 90 minutes 1.. 3... Writing Activity 10 Prueba 4A-2. Vocabulary production Targeted Resources TRB: Cap. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. The others ask. Vocabulary production REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba 4A-2. Vocabulary production Answer Key: Prueba 4A-2. STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES If students have trouble with mathematical skills in Actividad 9. Communicative Activities . CD player. 4. ¿Vas a(l). 4A. PRESENT/PRACTICE (25 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Actividad 8 ¿Adónde vas? (p. Students take turns secretly writing down one of the places shown.3.. Homework check Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Allow each group to have one open book. the first student confirms the answer: Sí.1 Vocabulary: Places to go vocabulary Technology: Overhead/LCD projector.. 1. Allow them to use calculators as necessary.1.. 179) Students talk about activities and how often people do them. 4A.2. 4A. Manos a la obra REALIDADES para hispanohablantes Answer Key: Cap. Capítulo 4A Day 4 Talk about activities and how often people do them Practice using vocabulary for leisure activities Ask and tell about where you go on specific days Learn about the verb ir Read and write forms of the verb ir in context Read a letter and orally answer questions about it National Standards 1. 4A. Manos a la obra 5. 178) Targeted Resources Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 11 Writing. reteaching as necessary. Prueba 4A-2: Vocabulary production Administer Prueba 4A-2 in class. WARM-UP/ASSESS (20 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Actividad 9 Cuando no estamos en la escuela. (p. 4A.1. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made. Completed Tema 4. BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) Targeted Resources Divide students into groups of five or six..Continue until all have had a turn. voy a(l).hispanohablantes: Cap. Writing Activity 10 Writing.? until they guess the destination. give them the formula for converting percentages. . speak. 4A Answers on Transparencies: Cap.1.. the first student confirms the answer: Sí. Tema 4. ¿Vas a(l).1.. Capítulo 4A Day 5 Write and speak in a personalized context Read. Allow each group to have one open book. 183) Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the verb ir.Students ask and tell about where they go on specific days using vocabulary for leisure activities. 4. Actividad 12 La carta (p. Writing Activity 11 Guided Practice Activities: 4A-1. Core Instruction: The verb ir (p. 4A. The verb ir Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: 4A-1. CD player Pacing: 90 minutes Completed National Standards 1. Cap. Have students complete guided practice activities for homework or in-class work to reinforce grammar concepts for extra practice.. When it is guessed. 4A Act. BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 85 TRB: Cap. They may use pictures from the Internet or magazines to make the postcard. Writing Activity 11 Writing. 4A Targeted Resources Writing. 12 Answers Act. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap..1 . 12 Answers. 3. Students take turns secretly writing down one of the places shown.2. 181) Students read a letter and orally answer questions about it.? until they guess the destination. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4A. ADVANCED LEARNERS / PRE-AP* Have students research places to go in Chile and present their information as a postcard. 4A.Continue until all have had a turn. 11 Answers.countries Learn about Spanish-speaking neighborhoods United States Learn about stress and accents in Spanish Vocabulary: Places to go vocabulary Technology: Overhead/LCD projector. 2.1. 4A. 180) Present the grammar box about the verb ir. 4. The verb ir Targeted Resources Divide students into groups of five or six. 1. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Writing Activity 11 Assign Writing Activity 11 for homework or in-class work. Cap. View: GramActiva Video (p. 5. 180) Students read and write forms of the verb ir in context. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: The verb ir. 3. Video Script Grammar. 180) Show the GramActiva video about the verb ir. voy a(l). and write about activities and Write and talk about what people like to do they do it Learn about sports clubs and gyms in Spanish. Go Online (p. Act. 1.2. Actividad 11 Un invierno en Chile (p. The verb ir Guided Practice Activities: 4A-2.3. The others ask. Communicative Activity Assign the Communicative Activity for in-class work. 4A. 4. 11 Answers Answers on Transparencies: Cap. Cap. The verb ir Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: 4A-2. Act.2. Act. students write and talk about what people do and where they do it. 13 Answers. 13 Answers Act. 4A. 183) Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with the verb ir. WARM-UP/ASSESS (10 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Actividad 10 Y tú. The verb ir Answer Key: Prueba 4A-3. 182) Working with a partner. 181) Students read. inserting necessary accent marks based on the rules they’ve learned. reteaching as necessary. 4A. The verb ir REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 4A-3. 4A. Audio Script Pre-AP* Resource Book: Listening Strategies Pre-AP* Resource Book: Speaking Strategies Targeted Resources Practice Workbook: 4A-5 Practice Workbook: 4A-5 Answers Prueba 4A-3. Cap. 183) Play Tracks 10 and 11 and go through the Pronunciación with students. which will be administered during the next class period. STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES If students confuse tus with tú or have difficulty with the compound subjects or going from tú to the first person in Actividad 13. Fondo cultural: Sports clubs and gyms (p.1. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 4A Writing. 4A. El español en la comunidad (p. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. PRESENT/PRACTICE (35 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Actividad 13 ¿Adónde van todos? (p. speak. 4A. Pronunciación: Stress and accents (p. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS Dictate a mixture of words that require accent marks and those that do not. and ask if they have any questions about the material to be covered. and write about activities and places. 181) Go over the information and have students respond to the question. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Students with hearing impairments may benefit from seeing hand signals to indicate where syllabic stress falls. provide them with a chart showing the transformations necessary for completing the sentences. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Practice Workbook 4A-5 Assign 4A-5 for homework or in-class work. 179) Students write and speak about places to go in a personalized context. Audio Activity 7 Play Track 9 and have students complete Audio Activity 7 in class. ¿qué dices? (p. Present the concept of accents and stressed syllables in Spanish. Audio Activity 7 Writing. Prueba 4A-3: The verb ir Remind students to prepare for Prueba 4A-3. 182) Students learn about and discuss neighborhoods in the United States where Spanish is spoken. Go Online (p. 3. Writing Activity 11 Targeted Resources Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 2. Ask students to write the words. Writing Activity 11 Writing. The verb ir REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba 4A-3. Homework check Review the previous day’s homework assignment. 4A. The verb ir QuickTake Quiz 4A-3 . Actividad 14 Juego (p. Audio Activity 7 TRB: Cap. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. Targeted Resources Writing. PRESENT/PRACTICE (30 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Core Instruction: Asking questions (p.1.4. Cap.Continue until all have had a turn. Actividad 18 Y tú. 4A. 184) Present the grammar box about asking questions. 184) Students identify interrogatives and word order. The verb ir REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba 4A-3. students write and speak about weekend activities. 2. The verb ir Answer Key: Prueba 4A-3. 15 Answers Act. 1. Cap... View: GramActiva Video (p. ¿Vas a(l). VCR/DVD player Pacing: 90 minutes 1. 1. Audio Activities 8. Audio Activity 8 Writing. Act. Actividad 15 Preguntas revueltas (p. 4A TRB: Cap. Prueba 4A-3: The verb ir Administer Prueba 4A-3 in class. When it is guessed. Completed Tema 4. 4A. WARM-UP/ASSESS (15 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Homework check Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Audio & Video Activity . voy a(l)..? until they guess the destination. 4A. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. the first student confirms the answer: Sí.3. The verb ir QuickTake Quiz 4A-3 Targeted Resources Grammar. 186) Working with a partner. 184) Show the GramActiva video about asking questions. Actividad 17 Los fines de semana (p.. The others ask. 9 Play Tracks 12 and 13 and have students complete Audio Activities 8 and 9 in class. BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) Targeted Resources Divide students into groups of five or six. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made. 186) Reviewing forms of ir. Video Script Answers on Transparencies: Cap. ¿qué preguntas? (p. students write and talk about a photo.1 Vocabulary: Places to go vocabulary Technology: Overhead/LCD projector. 15 Answers. GramActiva BLMs Writing. 4A Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 86 TRB: Cap. Students take turns secretly writing down one of the places shown. reteaching as necessary. Allow each group to have one open book. The verb ir REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 4A-3. 4. 4A. Capítulo 4A Day 6 Learn about interrogative words used to ask questions Identify interrogatives and word order Write and speak about weekend activities Review forms of ir Write and talk about a photo Read a theater advertisement and complete questions about it using appropriate interrogatives National Standards 1.2. CD player.. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS Targeted Resources Practice Workbook: 4A-5 Practice Workbook: 4A-5 Answers Prueba 4A-3. Audio Activity 9 Targeted Resources TRB: Cap. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4A. RESOURCES) Targeted Resources Practice Workbook: 4A-6 Practice Workbook: 4A-7 Practice Workbook: 4A-6 Answers Practice Workbook: 4A-7 Answers Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 87 Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 4A. Audio Script 4. Prueba 4A-4: Asking questions Remind students to prepare for Prueba 4A-4. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Practice Workbook 4A-6. Audio Activity 8 Writing. and ask if they have any questions about the material to be covered. STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES Assist students in coming up with questions to ask about the photo in Actividad 18 by providing them with statements from which they can derive questions. 185) Students read a theater ad and complete questions about it using appropriate interrogatives. Asking questions REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 4A-4. Have students complete guided practice activities for homework or inclass work to reinforce grammar concepts for extra practice. 4A. Asking questions Guided Practice Activities . athlete. Asking questions QuickTake Quiz 4A-4 Guided Practice Activities: 4A-3. actor. 4A-7 Assign 4A-6 and 4A-7 for homework or in-class work.Have students prepare a list of questions that they would like to ask their favorite singer. 186) Have students Go Online at home or in class for more practice with asking questions. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap. 4A. 184. 16 Answers. Asking questions Answer Key: Prueba 4A-4. Go Online (p. Act. Asking questions Targeted Resources REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 4A-4. 3. Cap. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: Asking questions. Ask them to identify appropriate interrogative words and create questions from those. or other person using the interrogative words taught on p. PRESENT/PRACTICE (ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) Workbook: Cap. 16 Answers Act. 4A. Have students exchange lists and answer each other’s questions. Actividad 16 Y ¿Cómo es el cine? (p. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Write the words in Actividad 15 on individual cards. Use a different color card for the interrogative words and emphasize the accent marks so students notice them. ADVANCED LEARNERS / PRE-AP* Invite students to bring in a few vacation photos to share. Audio Activity 9 Writing. 4A Prueba 4A-4. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (ADDITIONAL 5. which will be administered during the next class period. Pair students and have them ask and answer questions about their photos. Asking questions Guided Practice Activities: 4A-4. Capítulo 4A Day 7 Learn about the popularity of movie-going in Spanish speaking countries Read and learn about Old San Juan. Act. 16 Answers Prueba 4A-4. Completed Tema 4. Asking questions 6. 4A. Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap.Continue until all have had a turn..2. Asking questions . the first student confirms the answer: Sí.1. WARM-UP/ASSESS (25 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Writing Activities 12.. Students take turns secretly writing down one of the places shown. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made.2. Allow each group to have one open book. 2. Writing Activity 13 Writing. 4A. 1. Asking questions Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: 4A-4. Puerto Rico Read about historical Spanish influences in the United States National Standards 1. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 13 Assign Writing Activities 12 and 13 for homework or in-class work. Writing Activity 13 Targeted Resources Practice Workbook: 4A-6 Practice Workbook: 4A-7 Practice Workbook: 4A-6 Answers Practice Workbook: 4A-7 Answers Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 87 Answers on Transparencies: Cap..? until they guess the destination. Writing Activity 12 Writing. When it is guessed. ¿Vas a(l).Answer Key: 4A-3. 2.. Audio & Video Activity Workbook: Cap. 3. BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) Targeted Resources Divide students into groups of five or six.2 Vocabulary: Places to go vocabulary Technology: Overhead/LCD projector Pacing: 90 minutes 1.. Targeted Resources Writing. 4. 2. 4A.1. 4A. Prueba 4A-4: Asking questions Administer Prueba 4A-4 in class. Writing Activity 12 Writing. 4A. WARM-UP/ASSESS ALL STUDENTS Homework check Review the previous day’s homework assignment. voy a(l). Audio & Video Activity Workbook Answer Key: Cap.3. reteaching as necessary. The others ask. 3. 185) Go over the information and have students respond to the questions. or California..1.2 .2. Cap. Asking questions 3.? until they guess the destination.Continue until all have had a turn. Tema 4. Communicative Activities Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 14 Answers on Transparencies: Cap. Allow each group to have one open book. 4. Fondo cultural: Old San Juan (p. 19 Answers. voy a(l). 3. BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) Targeted Resources TRB: Cap. 187) Students look at photos and read about the history of Old San Juan. Capítulo 4A Day 8 Read and demonstrate comprehension of an article about after-school and weekend activities offered at a mall Learn about Andean music Read about and learn children’s rhymes Prepare and practice a presentation about a new student’s first day of class Vocabulary: Places to go vocabulary Technology: Overhead/LCD projector. Students take turns secretly writing down one of the places shown. 192-193) Present the material from El mundo hispano and have students complete the activities in class. Cap.Answer Key: Prueba 4A-4. 4A. 19 Answers Act. ADVANCED LEARNERS / PRE-AP* Have students research Fray Junípero Serra on the Internet and report back to the class. Go Online: El mundo hispano (pp.2. Act.1.. CD player Completed National Standards 1. Actividad 19 ¡Vamos al Viejo San Juan! (p. 1A Targeted Resources Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 20 Atlas.2. Fondo cultural: Movies (p. 5. 4A. 1. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) ALL STUDENTS El mundo hispano: Estados Unidos: Histórico (pp. 4. ¿Vas a(l). New Mexico. 2. When it is guessed.. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS Have students research the Spanish influence on architecture in one of the following states: Texas. Arizona. The others ask. 4A Targeted Resources Divide students into groups of five or six. 1. 192-193) Have students Go Online at home or in class to view the Online Atlas. 186) Go over the information and have students respond to the questions. Asking questions REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Prueba 4A-4.. PRESENT/PRACTICE (20 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Communicative Activity Assign the Communicative Activity for in-class work. 4. the first student confirms the answer: Sí. Asking questions REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Prueba 4A-4.. 188-189) Students read and understand a mall advertisement about available activities. 4A TRB: Cap. Assign for homework or in-class work. 4A. 4A. 4A REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Cap. 2. ¿Comprendes? (p. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS Realidades para hispanohablantes: ¡Adelante!. 191) Have students complete Step 2 in class. Have them identify in English the basic information on the schedules. 3. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS If students are familiar with these or other children’s songs or rhymes. 189) Go over the information and have students respond to the question. 189) Have students Go Online at home or in class to do an Internet link activity. Go Online: Lectura (p. 190) Present the material from Cultura en vivo and have students complete the activities in class. Presentación oral: Step 1 (p. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Presentación oral: Step 2 (p. 4 and 5 in class. Preparación para el examen Answers Answers. Preparación para el examen 3. Audio Script Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics Pre-AP* Resource Book: Reading Strategies Pre-AP* Resource Book: Speaking Strategies Targeted Resources Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics TRB: Cap. Have students research other songs or rhymes from Spanish-speaking countries and present it to the class. 5 (p. La cultura en vivo: Rimas infantiles (p. telling where it came from and when children use it. 4A. PRESENT/PRACTICE (40 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Lectura: Al centro commercial (pp. 189) Students demonstrate comprehension of the Lectura by writing and discussing answers to several questions. 195) Have students complete tasks 3. reteaching as necessary. help them identify that it’s a calendar by pointing out the days and dates. ADVANCED LEARNERS / PRE-AP* Have students go on the Internet to find malls or cultural centers in Spanish-speaking countries that feature activities similar to the ones in the Lectura. . Go over any recurring errors that students may have made. allow them to present them to the class with an explanation of when and how the song or rhyme is used. STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES If students have difficulty sorting out information when it is presented in an advertisement. WARM-UP/ASSESS (5 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Homework check Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Cap. Cap. Audio Script Answers on Transparencies: Cap. Have students complete guided practice activity for homework Targeted Resources Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 20 Targeted Resources Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparencies 12-20 Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: Transparency 88 Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 191) Have students begin work on Step 1 in class. ¿Comprendes? Answers Answers. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: Lectura: Al centro comercial. 4.Pacing: 90 minutes 1. 4A. Fondo cultural: Andean music (p. 4A. 4A. 4A. voy a(l). Lectura: Al centro comercial Targeted Resources Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: 4A-6. Preparación para el examen Answers Targeted Resources . PRESENT/PRACTICE (40 minutes) National Standards 1. CD player Pacing: 90 minutes 1.. ¿Vas a(l). RESOURCES) ¡Adelante! REALIDADES para hispanohablantes Answer Key: Cap. Allow each group to have one open book.? until they guess the destination. Presentación oral Guided Practice Activities Answer Key: 4A-5. Have students complete guided practice activity for homework or inclass work. 1. 4A. ¡Adelante! Guided Practice Activities: 4A-5. STANDARDIZED TEST PRACTICE Reading and Writing for Success: Assign a practice standardized test for homework or in-class work. the first student confirms the answer: Sí. Lectura: Al centro comercial Guided Practice Activities: 4A-6. Presentación oral Reading and Writing for Success: Test 7 Reading and Writing for Success Answer Key: Test 7 5. Review with students how the test will be scored. reteaching as necessary.or in-class work. Students take turns secretly writing down one of the places shown. The others ask.1.... BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) Targeted Resources Divide students into groups of five or six.3. including how the rubric is used. When it is guessed. Audio Script Answers on Transparencies: Cap.. Guided Practice Activities for Vocabulary and Grammar: Presentación oral. WARM-UP/ASSESS (5 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Homework check Review the previous day’s homework assignment. 1. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made. Completed Tema 4.2.Continue until all have had a turn. 4A. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (ADDITIONAL 4. 4. Capítulo 4A Day 9 Give a presentation to the class about a new student’s first day of class Vocabulary: Places to go vocabulary Technology: Overhead/LCD projector. 2.2 Targeted Resources Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics TRB: Cap. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS Realidades para hispanohablantes: Repaso del capítulo. 4A QuickTake Chapter Test Examen del capítulo Rubrics Listening Comprehension Scripts Speaking Proficiency Scripts REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Examen del capítulo Rubrics REALIDADES para . 4A. 4A. 4A-9 Assign 4A-8 and 4A-9 for homework or in-class work. 195) Play Track 16. 4A. Have students complete tasks 1 and 2 in class.ALL STUDENTS Presentación oral: Step 3 (p. STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES Have students use the Organizer in the Practice Workbook as a basis for review. and then check the work for accuracy. 4A REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Examen del capítulo. 4A. Preparación para el examen Answers Pre-AP* Resource Book: Speaking Strategies Go Online Targeted Resources Practice Workbook: 4A-8 Practice Workbook: 4A-9 Practice Workbook: 4A-8 Answers Practice Workbook: 4A-9 Answers REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Cap. 4A. 4A. 195) Have students Go Online at home or in class to prepare for the Examen del capítulo. Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Presentación oral and escrita Rubrics TRB: Cap. Assign for homework or in-class work. 3. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS Have students create a list of all the interrogatives that were explained in the Gramática. 4A Answer Key: Examen del capítulo. Go Online: Self-test (p. Audio Script TRB: Cap. Repaso del capítulo Targeted Resources Examen del capítulo. 4A REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Examen del capítulo. 4. They can add these to their ongoing list of accented words. Vocabulario y gramática (p. Repaso del capítulo REALIDADES para hispanohablantes Answer Key: Cap. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS ALL STUDENTS Examen del capítulo. 4A Remind students to review for the Examen del capítulo. Preparación para el examen 1. 194) Review chapter vocabulary and grammar with students to prepare them for the Examen del capítulo. 191) Students will make their presentations to the class. Have them fill it in carefully. Situation Cards Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 2 (p. Vocabulary Clip Art TRB: Cap. 4A. WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Practice Workbook 4A-8. Continue until all have had a turn..2 Vocabulary: Places to go vocabulary Pacing: 90 minutes 1.1.hispanohablantes: Listening Comprehension Scripts WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (ADDITIONAL 5. The others ask. ¿Vas a(l). the first student confirms the answer: Sí. RESOURCES) Targeted Resources REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Speaking Proficiency Scripts ExamView. Cap. voy a(l).3. WARM-UP/ASSESS (50 minutes) ALL STUDENTS Homework check Review the previous day’s homework assignment. 4. 4A in class. 4A 6. Cap. All Students: Test Bank A. Pre-AP*: Cap. 4A REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Answer Key: Examen del capítulo. Capítulo 4A Day 10 National Standards 1. reteaching as necessary. 4A in class. Heritage Learners: Cap. Administer Examen del capítulo. 1. 4A Answer Key: Examen del capítulo. Students take turns secretly writing down one of the places shown. BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) Targeted Resources Divide students into groups of five or six. HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS Realidades para hispanohablantes Assessment Program: Examen del capítulo.? until they guess the destination.. 4A in class. 4A ExamView. 4A QuickTake Chapter Test . Allow each group to have one open book. 4A Administer Examen del capítulo. WARM-UP/ASSESS ALL STUDENTS Examen del capítulo. STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS Alternate Assessment Program: Examen del capítulo. Go over any recurring errors that students may have made. All Students: Test Bank B.. Administer Examen del capítulo. Targeted Resources Practice Workbook: 4A-8 Practice Workbook: 4A-9 Practice Workbook: 4A-8 Answers Practice Workbook: 4A-9 Answers Chapter Checklist Targeted Resources Examen del capítulo. 1. Completed Tema 4.2. 4A REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Examen del capítulo. 4A ExamView. 4A ExamView. 2. When it is guessed... . 4A Answer Key: Alternate Assessment: Examen del capítulo. WARM-UP/ASSESS (ADDITIONAL RESOURCES) Targeted Resources REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Speaking Proficiency Scripts Alternate Assessment: Examen del capítulo. Allow each group to have one open book. 4A ExamView. 4A ExamView. BLOCK SCHEDULE (40 minutes) Divide students into groups of five or six. Cap. Targeted Resources .Continue until all have had a turn. Students take turns secretly writing down one of the places shown. The others ask. 4A ExamView. voy a(l). Cap. All Students: Test Bank B. When it is guessed.. All Students: Test Bank A. ¿Vas a(l). the first student confirms the answer: Sí.? until they guess the destination..Examen del capítulo Rubrics Listening Comprehension Scripts Speaking Proficiency Scripts REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Examen del capítulo Rubrics REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: Listening Comprehension Scripts 3. Pre-AP*: Cap. 4A 4... Heritage Learners: Cap. 4A ExamView.
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