49144839 Vijeo Cicode Course v7



Cicode Programming<Instructor’s Name> Objectives  Good Understanding & Competent in Use of Cicode  Be Able to Use Cicode in Commands and Expressions  Apply Learning to Your Own Site or Project  Be Able to Write Your Own Cicode Functions  Know How to Debug Your Own Cicode Functions This Presentation is © 2005 – 2007 Citect Pty Ltd Agenda - Day 1         Welcome Introduction to Cicode Variable Operators Used in Cicode The Cicode Editor Writing Simple Functions Using Cicode Variables Conversion Functions Include Files Agenda .Day 2     Conditional Executors Cicode Return Functions Arrays Debugging Your Code . Training Facilities  Emergency Exits  Ladies’ & Gents’  Kitchen  Breaks / lunch  Mobile Phones  Compendium . Welcome  Introduce trainer  Students introduce self  Name  Employer  Current Citect or SCADA experience  Expected outcomes from training . Training Agreement  It’s OK to….      Express ideas Challenge the facilitator Offer examples Question Relax . Training Agreement  Trainer’s role  Start and end on time  Professionally facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge  Allow time for (and encourage) input  Listen non-defensively  Help you learn . Training Agreement  Your role      Be on time Participate Learn in your own way Provide honest open feedback Enjoy yourself . mouse as required  Environmental conditions  Lighting  Air conditioning  Rest and relaxation  Regular movement  Eye strain .Ergonomics  Desks and chairs  Adjust to your comfort level  Relocate screen. keyboard. Introduction to Cicode Chapter 2 . Introduction to Cicode Chapter Overview  Commands. Expressions and Functions  Use Commands to Control Processes  Display Data from Expressions . pointers.What is Cicode?  A programming language!  A means of extending the functionality of Vijeo Citect projects  Interact with variable tags  Exchange data with external sources  Create complex formulae  Why do we need it?  When we are unable to achieve the required outcome by configuring graphics pages  For the programmers in the audience:  It’s like any high-level language. but without complex structures. recursion or inheritance . Cicode Project  Pre-configured project: Cicode_Milk . Pasteurisation Page . Chapters Page . Restore Milk Project   Restore Milk project from the folder supplied by your facilitator  Run Milk project  Test Pasteurisation page Compile the project and then run the Computer Setup Wizard (express)  View Chapters page . Commands  Cicode Commands can be issued:  Manually  Operator types in commands  Clicking on a button or object on a graphics page  Automatically      Operator logs in or out of the runtime system A graphics page is opened or closed An alarm is triggered In a report When an event is triggered . Cicode Commands  Single statement or group of statements . Open Chapters Page  Create buttons to turn Silo Agitator off and on .  Create 2 buttons in the Chapters Page  Compile and Test by switching to the Chapters Page to view results . Plant1_Pump=0 . Oven_Temp=10 .Setting Variables  Execute Command  Digital Tag  Change status of Tag  Analog Tag  Set value of Tag   Variable1=value Variable1=Variable2 Plant1_Pump=1 . Oven_Temp=Kettle_Temp. . String Variables  Set variable  BATCH_NAME = “Bread”  Literal strings must be enclosed in quotation marks . Expressions  Any combination of variables, operators, and statements which evaluate to some result   8 + 4 Motor_Speed / 5   Calculations in a Cicode statement Result = Operand1 + Operand2 – Operand3 Displaying Data  Displayed Value changes as value of expression changes Value changes Expression changes Multiple Statements  Multiple statements can be separated by a semi-colon ; Kettle_Temp=10 ; Oven_Temp=Kettle_Temp ; Batch_Name=“Bread” ;   Multiple statements Add a prompt TIC_P4_PV = TIC_P1_PV + TIC_P2_PV . Prompt("Calculation is Finished") . Operator Input  Define keyboard Command as a Key sequence F2 signals start of Key Sequence Key Sequence ending in ENTER Allows up to 3 characters to be entered . Arg2) Argument #1 Argument #2 <F2> 123 . 345 <enter> .Arguments   Arg1 provides input to variables by Keyboard entry Conveyor_Speed=Arg1 Variable  Argument #1 Conveyor_Speed=ArgValue1 Argument #1 Checks for Numeric value  DoThisThenDoThat(Arg1.   Enter Keyboard Key Definition Change Misc1 properties . Arg2 …) Name of the Function   Arguments passed to the function Prompt(“Shutdown”) Shutdown() .Calling Functions     Definition Function A general term used for a subroutine Parentheses identifies statement as function FunctionName(Arg1.  Calling functions . Function Information  Look up in online help  Prompt  Shutdown  PageDisplay . 1 or many arguments  Prompt(“Press F1 for Help”) Arguments passed Place double to quotes around any string passed the function to a function  JunkFunction(“1st Argument”.“2nd Argument”) .Passing Data to Functions  Functions can support 0.   Add Key sequence to project RBUTTON_UP executes command anywhere on page Not RBUTTON_CMD_UP Search capability .  Invoke external programs from within Vijeo Citect ag r D & ck a i l C to nd a 2. Copy & Paste to Vijeo Citect 1. Find Excel in Windows Explorer . mm ow o C ind W 3. “ABC”) Login ID Password . .Multiple Arguments  All arguments must be listed  Separate arguments with a comma  Argument order is important  Strings are “quoted”  Login(“Manager”. Passing Numeric Arguments  Both Integers and Floating Point numbers can be passed to a function INT REAL . 580.512+8+1.“Valve_Cool_CMD") Name of Popup window Location on screen Mode of Popup window Tag .150. AssWin("!Valve". not variable string itself  DspStr .Passing Variable Arguments  When variables are used as arguments  Value of variable is passed.Displays a string at a specified AN  DspStr(25.”TextFont”. COAL_LEVEL).”TextFont”. Animation Point number  Display using this font Value of COAL_LEVEL variable will Display DspStr(25. “COAL_LEVEL”). COAL_LEVEL string will Display – as its “quoted” . Recipe) AN 326 . DspStr(326. "ControlLimits". ” + FullName() ) .Returning Data  Functions can return a value to the calling statement  Success 0  Failure error number or  Data  As in: Result of ‘FullName’ used as a parameter to ‘Prompt’ date() Prompt(“Hello. %Tag%.%Tag%=FormNumPad("Enter".0) Pass Value from num-pad into Tag variable Title given to number pad Value passed if cancelled Mode – standard in this case . Execute Function on Startup Message(“Startup”.64) Custom Mode Modify .“Hello Select World”. +32767)  Integer_Variable = 34  Integer_Variable = -1274  Integer_Variable1 = Integer_Variable2 + 3  Strings (Up to 255 characters)  String_Variable = “apple”  String_Variable = “string variable”  String_Variable1 = String_variable2 + “more text”  .k.Summary of Variables  Digital (a.a. Boolean or Logical)  Digital_Variable = 0  Digital_Variable = 1  Digital_Variable1 = Digital_Variable2  Integer (-32768 . Data Types  Fred  Variable  PLC variable  Cicode variable  “Fred”   Fred()   Function [Fred]    String Path substitution Array index {Fred}   Field definition Compile error context . Chapter 2 .Summary Questions  What are the two mechanisms to activate a command?  What is a Cicode expression?  What character is used to combine several tasks?  What is the syntax to call a function?  What is the result of enclosing a tag in doublequotes?  How do you set a system start-up function? . Introduction to Cicode Chapter Summary      Setting variables Using expressions Operator input Passing data to functions Returning data from functions . Variable Operators Chapter 3 . Variable Operators Chapter Overview  Classes of Operators in Cicode  Order of Precedence . Classes of Operators  Mathematical Operator Description + Addition (for numeric value) + Concatenation (for string variables) - Subtraction * Multiplication / Division MOD Modulus (Remainder) . IntToStr() function  Used where function only accepts strings  Use a function like IntToStr() Prompt(“ Value ” + IntToStr(Tag_1)) .  MOD Operator  TIC_P2_PV = TIC_P4_PV MOD 10  Concatenation  Message(”P2" . 64) . ”TIC_P2_PV = " + IntToStr(TIC_P2_PV) . Logical Operators Operator Description Operator AND Logical AND Binary OR Logical OR Binary NOT Logical NOT Unary XOR Logical XOR Binary  Operator ‘True’ returns  Operator ‘False’ returns 1 0 . Truth Tables AND 0 1 OR 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 . Truth Tables XOR 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 NOT 0 1 1 0 .  Agitator_Silo_V = Agitator_Alfast_V AND Centrifuge_Clar_V  Agitator_Silo_V will be turned on ONLY when both Agitator_Alfast_V and Centrifuge_Clar_V are turned on. .  Create multi-state text object . Bit Operators  Standard bit operators 11011 AND 1101 = 01001 Operator Description BITAND Bitwise AND BITOR Bitwise OR BITXOR Bitwise XOR . Relational Operators  Tests the relationship between two values Operator Description = is equal to <> is not equal to < is less than > is greater than <= is less than or equal to >= is greater than or equal to .  Create advanced alarm . #  Display tag1 as three digits before and one digit after the decimal point Operator Description : (colon) String Format .Format Operator  Convert numeric values into formatted strings Tag1 : ###. ##EU S Exponential notation #s### +1.## +0023 +23 + 23.54 EU Engineering units #.Format Operators Specifier Description Function Use Example # The hash character The number of characters to display to the right of the AN #### + 23 +472213 0 Zero Padding #0## - Minus Justification #-### . Period Decimal notation ###.234e+01 2 . TIC_P3_PV:###. Format Operator TAG Format Message(“P3" .##.64) . BITXOR . > . <= . BITOR.Operator order of Precedence Order Operator 1 () 2 NOT 3 * . / . MOD 4 : 5 +. <> 8 AND 9 OR 10 BITAND.- 6 < . >= 7 = . OR Tag_1  (Tag_1 OR (Tag_2 AND (NOT Tag_3))) . AND Tag_2 3. NOT Tag_3 2.Precedence Examples  Tag_1 OR Tag_2 AND NOT Tag_3 1.  Test Order of Precedence Centrifuge_Clar_V = NOT Agitator_Silo_V AND Agitator_Alfast_V .  How do you test the relationship between two values?  How do you convert numeric values into formatted strings?  Why are brackets used in formulas? .Chapter 3 .Summary Questions  Name two of the classes of operators used in Cicode. Variable Operators Chapter Summary     Mathematical operators Logical operators Relational operators Order of precedence . The Cicode Editor Chapter 4 . The Cicode Editor Chapter Overview       Starting the Cicode Editor Compile. Run and Debug Your Code File Navigation Features Code Editing Tools Dockable Windows and Toolbars Changing Preferences . Starting the Cicode Editor  Click on Cicode Editor icon  Select New Cicode page . Context Sensitive Help M Cursor anywhere on ‘Logout’ term Hit <F1> Key .  Open the Cicode Editor  Save as Training . Compile & Run  GoTo button provided  Provides line number where error occurred Error shown GoTo error  Compile & Run  Compile only . GoTo Errors   Compiler points to error Click GoTo Button Error Condition . FUNCTION ChangeValue() TagValue1=10 END FUNCTION ChangeValue() TagValue1=10 END ERROR . New Editor Features  Colour Coding  Auto Indenting  Comment / Uncomment feature . Enhanced File Navigation  Tabs give 3 different views  View open Files . Changing Toolbars   Click and drag to reposition toolbars Right Click toolbar area background  Adds New toolbars . Indent and Comment Indent Comment Select text Click comment icon Outdent Uncomment . 0 DATE 02/12/04 01/04/05 AUTHOR DESCRIP B.Comments   Comment your code constantly Preface every Cicode file with /* DESCRIPTION: Function to do this and that More description here */ // // // // // // REV 1.Rabbitt Add BlowUpIkea() function NOTES: All functions will be written in Cicode project given in the courses FUNCTION DoThisAndThat() ! Function starts here Int iCounter // Local loop counter    C-style ‘block comments’ (dangerous! What about overlap?) C++ style comments Line comments .0 2.Bob Original I. Breakpoint Right Click .Bookmarks & Breakpoints Left Click .Bookmark Toggle Bookmark Clear Next Previous . Experiment with bookmarks comments and indents Use Comments Liberally .nAN = ANbyName(“WebBrowser”) . DspSetTip(nAN. “My Web Browser”) . List Functions  Context sensitive function list  <ctrl> <space> Right Click in text Select List Functions . Intellisense Autoprompt  Typing function and opening bracket displays Autoprompt  Function list displays Autoprompt . 2)) .REAL FUNCTION AreaOfCircle(REAL rRadius) RETURN (3. END _______________________________________ Function Test() AreaOfCircle(20) END .141 * Pow(rRadius. Preferences  Customising Cicode Editor View | Preferences To change options  Cicode Preferences Chapter 4 - Summary Questions  How can you view files easily?  Why use bookmarks and breakpoints?  How can you change the look of the code window? The Cicode Editor Chapter Summary       Starting the editor Goto errors File navigation Editing tools Function tools Preferences . Cicode Functions Chapter 5 . Cicode Functions Chapter Overview         Simple Functions Structure of a Function Public & Private Functions Declaring & Naming Functions Statements Void Functions Cicode Variables Include Files . Simple Functions PUBLIC FUNCTION IncCounter() IF Count < 100 THEN COUNT=COUNT + 1. END END Scope of Function Public or Private Start of Function Name of Function Start of Code End of IF statement End of Code . ELSE COUNTER = 0 . Finished GOODBYE . ELSE Remain Seated.Function Syntax – Pseudocode HELLO StandUp() IF told THEN Stand Up . Function Elements     Scope Declaration Name Statement . Scope  PUBLIC  Default  Shared across Project  PRIVATE  Only works within Cicode file where written . END .Declaring Functions  Indicates beginning and end of function code Scope FUNCTION FunctionName() Statement . Naming Functions  Up to 32 characters  Do not use reserved words  Case insensitive  Use CamelCase  UpperCamelCase  lowerCamelCase Scope FUNCTION FunctionName() Statement . END .  ELSE  PROMPT(“Mash Pump Off”).  END END .Statements  Perform the “work” in the function Statements PUBLIC FUNCTION StatementExample()  IF MASH_PUMP THEN  PROMPT(“Mash Pump On”).  END END .  ELSE  PROMPT(“Mash Pump Off”).Void Functions  Do not return any data to the calling function PUBLIC FUNCTION VoidExample()  IF MASH_PUMP THEN  PROMPT(“Mash Pump On”). END HTA. Message(“Alarm”.HH PUBLIC FUNCTION AudAlarm() DspPlaySound(“[RUN]:Tada.48).0).wav”.H OR HTA.PUBLIC FUNCTION MyDateTime() MISC1=Date(3). MISC2=Time(1). END .”Holding Tube too Hot”. FUNCTION AverageEx1() TIC_P2_PV = (TIC_P1_PV + TIC_P4_PV) / 2 END . REAL PLC Registers Computer Memory SILO_LEVEL value iAverage OVEN_TEMP value rArea STRING_TAG value sMyName .STRING  Integers .Cicode Variables    Located in Computer memory Temporary data storage Data Types  Strings .INT  Real Numbers . Declaring Cicode Variables  Like Variable Tags – a Data Type must be specified for Cicode Variables  Global. Module. Local . Cicode Variable Syntax  Syntax: SCOPE DATATYPE NAME = INITIALVALUE Global Module Local STRING INT REAL Variable Name Initialize Variable GLOBAL STRING sMyString = “” ! Null Value . . END RETURN iStatus . INT FUNCTION GlobalExample(String sPage) INT iStatus . iStatus = PageDisplay(sPage) .Global Cicode Variables  Valid across all Cicode files and all include projects  Maintenance more difficult  Local variables preferred GLOBAL STRING gsDefaultPage = “MIMIC” . IF iStatus <> 0 THEN PageDisplay(gsDefaultPage) . Module Cicode Variables     Specific to the file where it is declared Default for Cicode variables Declare before functions use it Multiplies maintenance issues . Local Cicode Variables  Specific to function where declared  Any variable defined within a function is local by default (no prefix required)  Only valid while function executes  Local variables take precedence if name conflict occurs . Local Cicode Variables PUBLIC INT FUNCTION LocalExample() INT iAverage . RETURN iAverage END . iAverage=(TAG1 + TAG2) /2. Variable Naming Standards Hungarian Notation Initial (lowercase) letter describes variable usage Coined by Charles Simonyi of Microsoft    Applications Hungarian vs. System Hungarian System Hungarian Notation Apps Hungarian Notation Prefix Interpretation Prefix Interpretation i. n Integer p Pump (on/off) r Real t Temperature s String x Horizontal coord o Object (activeX) y Vertical coord h Handle (int) c Control variable . “Holding Tube Too Cold") .wav". “Oven Temp".FUNCTION AudAlarm2(STRING sFile. STRING sMessage) DspPlaySound(sFile.sMessage. END Button AudAlarm2("C:\WINDOWS\Media\chimes. Message(sTitle. STRING sTitle.48).0). Converting Cicode Variables  Convert Data Types for further processing Input() StrToInt() IntToStr() RealToStr() StrToInt() StrToReal() Calculations +-*/ . Places)  Number: The floating-point number to convert  Width: The width of the entire string  Places: Number of decimal places in the string Message(“Holding Tube”.RealToStr(TIC_HOLD_PV.6. Use RealToStr function  Need to convert number to string for use by message() function  RealToStr(Number. Width.345 .64) Eg the specification 6.3 can store 12.3). operator can input a // single value (Title. // Displays dialog box. Default) LIC_Silo_PV=StrToInt(sTag)."Enter a value". Enter a value into a Tag FUNCTION OperatorInput() STRING sTag //sTag is a string sTag=Input("ENTER". Prompt. // Convert sTag value to string and place in // LIC_Silo_PV variable END .""). 5) . Format. UTC) TimeToStr(Cent_RT. Display Time  Cent_RT is the accumulator TimeToStr(Time. Include Files  Command field limited to 128 Characters  Include Files accommodate a single complex statement sequence  Any valid DOS filename  Convention: Filename.cii  Referenced by: @<filename> DO Include <> .  Create an Include file  Use Notepad  <Alarms.cii> AudAlarm2(C:\WINDOWS\Media\chimes. “Holding Tube Too Cold”) .wav. “Holding Tube”. Chapter 5 .Summary Questions  How many built-in functions are supplied with Vijeo Citect?  What are the four basic elements of Functions?  How and why use the Private function attribute?  What is ‘declaring a function?’  How many characters can be used in a function name?  What is ‘the statement?’  What are Void functions?  What is a Cicode variable? . Cicode Functions Chapter Summary      Elements of a function Void functions Cicode variables Converting and formatting variables Include files . Conditional Executors Chapter 6 . Conditional Executors Chapter Overview      Four conditional executors IF FOR WHILE SELECT CASE IF Statement  Execute code based on result of a test IF .. THEN or IF test expression THEN True Statements ; END - Or IF test expression THEN True Statements ; ELSE False Statements ; END IF .. THEN .. ELSE  Use IF .. THEN .. ELSE statement FUNCTION IF_Example1() IF Centrifuge_Clar_V = 1 THEN Message(“Clarifier Status”, “Running”,64) ELSE Message(“Clarifier Status”,”Stopped”,64) END END sOnMessage . STRING sOffMessage) // If Tag1 is on then display ‘On’ popup IF iTag1 = 1 THEN Message(sTitle . Use IF THEN ELSE using Cicode variables FUNCTION // set data types for variables in this function IF_Example2(INT iTag1.64) // End of IF statement END // End of Function END . STRING sTitle.64) ELSE // Tag is 0 – display ‘Off’ Popup Message(sTitle . STRING sOnMessage. sOffMessage . END Exp1 + + ++ + + Exp2 Count Statements .FOR Loop  Execute statements a number of times Variable used as counter Start Count Value End Count Value FOR variable = expression1 TO expression2 DO Statements . Sleep & SleepMS // Sleep for 1 second Sleep(1) // Sleep for 500 milliseconds SleepMS(500) . Sleep(2). // Set Counter to count 10 levels FOR Counter = 0 TO 9 DO // Add 1 to counter TagX = tagX + 1. // End of FOR loop END END .FOR Loop  Execute statements a number of times FUNCTION IncrementLevel() // Counter is an Integer INT Counter . INT iPV. Use sleep(1) to delay the loop . iSP = LIC_Balance_SP.FUNCTION FOR_ExampleX() INT Counter. INT iSP. iPV = LIC_Balance_PV. INT iSP. INT iPV. iPV = LIC_Balance_PV. iSP = LIC_Balance_SP. FOR Counter = iPV TO iSP . END END . Increase LIC_Balance_PV FUNCTION FOR_Example1() INT Counter. SleepMS(300).1 DO LIC_Balance_PV = LIC_Balance_PV + 1. FOR Counter = iSP TO iPV . iPV = LIC_Balance_PV. Decrease LIC_Balance_PV FUNCTION FOR_Example2() INT Counter. SleepMS(300). INT iSP.1 DO LIC_Balance_PV = LIC_Balance_PV . END END .1. INT iPV. iSP = LIC_Balance_SP. IF LIC_Balance_PV > LIC_Balance_SP THEN FOR Counter = iSP TO iPV .1. SleepMS(300).FUNCTION FOR_Example3() INT Counter. INT iPV.1 DO LIC_Balance_PV = LIC_Balance_PV . iPV = LIC_Balance_PV. INT iSP. SleepMS(300). iSP = LIC_Balance_SP. END ELSE FOR Counter = iPV TO iSP-1 DO LIC_Balance_PV = LIC_Balance_PV + 1. END END END . WHILE Loop  Execute statements while condition is true WHILE Expression DO Statements ; END WHILE Trigger DO Count = Count + 1 ; Sleep(1) ; END   Decrement LIC_Balance_PV while Pump_Feed_CMD is true Set LIC_Balance_PV to 100 when Pump_Feed_CMD is false FUNCTION WHILE_Example1() WHILE Pump_Feed_CMD = 1 AND LIC_Balance_PV > 20 DO LIC_Balance_PV = LIC_Balance_PV -1; SleepMS(500); END LIC_Balance_PV = 100 Pump_Feed_CMD = 0 !optional END Select Case Statement  Executes one of a choice of statements SELECT CASE Expression CASE CaseExpression1,CaseExpression2 Statements ; CASE CaseExpression3 TO CaseExpression4 Statements ; CASE IS > CaseExpression5 , IS < CaseExpression6 Statements ; CASE ELSE Statements ; ! nothing satisfied END SELECT <> ‘Catcher’ for when no other Case clause matches IS <=14 IS > iTestValue IS < “cherries” . 5. “oranges” Specifies inclusive range of values.=.Case Expressions Case Keyword (none) . TO IS ELSE Description Example Expression 6 iTestValue “Monday” Multiple discrete matches 3. iTestValue1 “apples”. 3 TO iTestValue “apples” TO “oranges” “Friday” TO “friday” Use with <. Smaller value placed before TO keyword. 8 iTestValue.>.<=.>=. CASE 3 MISC2 = "WEDNESDAY". CASE 2 MISC2 = "TUESDAY". CASE 5 MISC2 = "FRIDAY". CASE ELSE Message(" Invalid ". CASE 1 MISC2 = "MONDAY". END SELECT END .FUNCTION WhatDayIsIt() SELECT CASE Delivery_Day CASE 0 MISC2 = "SUNDAY". CASE 6 MISC2 = "SATURDAY".“Not a valid number". CASE 4 MISC2 = "THURSDAY".64). Chapter 6 . depending on the result of an expression?’ .Summary Questions  What are the two formats of the IF statement?  Why is the FOR loop used?  Why is the WHILE loop used?  Which statement is used to execute one of several groups of statements. Conditional Executors Chapter Summary     IF statement FOR loop WHILE loop SELECT CASE statement . More Cicode Functions Chapter 7 . More Cicode Functions Chapter Overview  Return Functions  Cicode Arrays  Comments . Return Functions  Return functions return data to calling function HowAreYou() RETURN(“I am fine”) . Return Functions  Must declare the returning Data type Function Called Evaluate Statements & store in memory Result returned & Stored in Tag or Variable . END PUBLIC STRING FUNCTION CurrentRecipe() Blah.Functions Returning Values  Return Values  Return Values Data Type returned PUBLIC INT FUNCTION ReturnExample() Blah. Return(3). END . Return(“Full Cream Milk”). Create Function FUNCTION AverageEx1() TIC_P2_PV = (TIC_P1_PV + TIC_P4_PV) /2 END  Return Function INT ! return data type is Integer FUNCTION AverageEx2() RETURN (TIC_P1_PV + TIC_P4_PV) /2 ! return expression END  .  Create Function – AverageEx3() INT FUNCTION AverageEx3(INT iTagX. INT iTagY) RETURN (iTagX + iTagY)/2 END . END . RETURN StrToInt(sTag).""). Change OperatorInput() to a Return function INT FUNCTION EnterTagValue() STRING sTag sTag=Input("ENTER"."Enter a value". Pizza_Area = rArea. END .Bugs – Part 1 // Return the area of a circle into Pizza_Area given the // radius in Pizza_Size // Note the use of local variables and database variables FUNCTION AreaofPizza() rArea = pi()* POW(Pizza_Size.2). 2). rArea = pi()* POW(Pizza_Size. Answers // Return the area of a circle into Pizza_Area given the // radius in Pizza_Size // Note the use of local variables and database variables FUNCTION AreaofPizza() real rArea. END What about Pizza_Area & Pizza_Size? Probably a Variable tag or a global variable. judging by the usage . Pizza_Area = rArea.Bugs – Part 1. Bugs – Part 2 // This function will convert the diameter of the variable // tag from inches to centimetres // This is a RETURN function.54 END . FUNCTION InchToCent(REAL a) REAL rCent rCent=a*2. RETURN(rCENT) END . REAL FUNCTION InchToCent(REAL a) REAL rCent. Answers // This function will convert the diameter of the variable // tag from inches to centimetres // This is a RETURN function.54. rCent=a*2.Bugs – Part 2. Sleep(3). END .Bugs – Part 3 // Show the value of Pizza_Area on the prompt line. Prompt(""). FUNCTION PromptPizza(REAL rRealValue) Prompt("The area of the Pizza is " + rRealValue). Answers // Show the value of Pizza_Area on the prompt line.Pizza is " + rRealValue:##. Sleep(3).6. FUNCTION PromptPizza(REAL rRealValue) Prompt("The area of the Pizza is " + RealToStr(rRealValue. Prompt("").###) . END Alternate: .3))...Bugs – Part 3. Individual elements are accessed by index using a consecutive range of integers A B C  INT Apartment[4]     Unit Unit Unit Unit A B C D … … … … Apartment[0] Apartment[1] Apartment[2] Apartment[3] D Index[0] Index[1] Index[2] Index[3] .Arrays  Arrays hold equally-sized data elements. of the same data type. Arrays INT MyArray[10] INT Count . For Count = 0 to 9 do MyArray[Count]=Count+1 . END . ”is”.Initialising an Array STRING Array[5]=“This”.”a”.”string”.”array”.  Array is satisfied as: Array[0]=“This” Array[1]=“is” Array[2]=“a” Array[3]=“string” Array[4]=“array” . INT IntArray[4][3][2] .Array Dimensions  Arrays can have more than one dimension INT MyArray[Dim1Size][Dim2Size][Dim3Size] = Values . REAL Result[5][2] . ! List ! 2-D Table ! 3-D Table . STRING StrArray[5] . Using Arrays  Arrays are declared as Module or Global (cannot be declared locally)  Placed at the beginning of a Cicode file  Do not exceed the bounds of the array  You cannot pass an entire array into a Cicode function . STRING FUNCTION RecipeSelection() END . “Skim". “Lite". “Sport". “High protein". Assign text description to numeric Tag STRING sRecipeArray[5] = “Full Cream". sRecipe = Input("Recipe Number". CASE ELSE Message("Error". SELECT CASE iRecipe CASE 0 TO 4 RETURN sRecipeArray[iRecipe].64).STRING sRecipeArray[5] = “Full Cream". “Skim". “High protein". “Sport". END SELECT END .""). iRecipe = StrToInt(sRecipe)."Enter a number between 0 and 4"."Not a valid number". INT iRecipe. “Lite". STRING FUNCTION RecipeSelection() STRING sRecipe. Comments  Comment .Comment and Comment again ! Single Line Comment Function() /* Multiple Line comments Can extend over several lines End comment block with a delimiter .Cannot be started on the same line as a statement */ Function2() // Another style of comment // Begin each line with forward slashes . Chapter 7 .Summary Questions  What does a return function do?  What is an Array?  Why should comments be included in all Cicode files? . More Cicode Functions Chapter Summary     Return functions Debugging code Arrays Comments . Cicode Debugger Chapter 8 . Cicode Debugger Chapter Overview  Starting the Debugger  Debug Options  Debug your Code . Citect Kernel  Covered in Intermediate Course  Core of the Vijeo Citect system  Low-level diagnostic and debugging  Use with extreme care  Secure access – over-rides all other security measures  Command Line interface . Cicode Editor in Debug Mode  Open Debug Toolbar  Right-Click on blank area of toolbar .  Open and test Pizza page Toggle Breakpoints . .”NUMBER”) .sPizzaNumber.  To DevFind(hDev.”NUM”) . Find Errors  From DevFind(hDev.sPizzaNumber.  Advanced Stepping . What are they? .Chapter 8 .Summary Questions  Explain debug mode.  There are three tools to control stepping through functions. Cicode Debugger Chapter Summary  Cicode editor environment  Advanced stepping . Did we Achieve the Objectives?  Good Understanding & Competent in Use of Cicode  Be Able to Use Cicode in Commands and Expressions  Apply Learning to Your Own Site or Project  Be Able to Write Your Own Cicode Functions  Know How to Debug Your Own Cicode Functions . SCADA Training Roadmap Technical Skill Requirement Customisation & Design Networking & Architecture Upgrade & New Features Cicode Programming Vijeo Citect Configuration . com/evaluation .citect.End of Course     Questions Certificates CCSE Certification Course evaluation  www.
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