44553078 Step by Step Install Guide OpenQRM Data Center Management and Cloud Computing Platform

March 24, 2018 | Author: Bharat Rohera | Category: Cloud Computing, Data Center, Linux, Virtualization, Ubuntu (Operating System)



Global Open Versity, HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v.10 Global Open Versity Cloud Computing Hands-on Labs Training Manual Step-By-Step Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management and Cloud Computing Platform Kefa Rabah Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada [email protected] www.globalopenversity.org Table of Contents Page No. STEP-BY-STEP INSTALL GUIDE OPENQRM DATA CENTER MANAGEMENT AND CLOUD COMPUTING PLATFORM Introduction Hands on Lab Session Part 1: Install Prerequisites Step 1: Install DAGC Repo Step 2: Install Zabbex Step 3: Install ASH Part 2: openQRM can be installed using yum. Step 1; Install openQRM-Server Step 2: openQRM-Server Layout Step 3: openQRM Plugins Layout Step 4: Activate DHCP, TFTP, Storage Plugins Part 3: Using openQRM Server Part 4: Creating a New LVM (NF) Storage Step 1: Create the LVM (Nfs) Storage Step 2: Configure new storage from LVM Plugin Step 3: Configure a New Cloud Image Step 4: Download & Untar Ubuntu 10.10 LTS Step 5: Creating Xen VM Step 6: Configure Xen plugin Step 7: Deploy our Cloud Image Part 5: Need More Training on Linux: Eucalyptus Cloud Training: Part 6: Hands-on Labs Assignments A GOV Open Access Technical Academic Publications Enhancing education & empowering people worldwide through eLearning in the 21st Century 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 8 13 14 16 19 19 22 26 28 29 29 29 30 30 30 1 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada www.globalopenversity.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology Global Open Versity, HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v.10 Global Open Versity Virtualization Computing Hands-on Labs Training Manual Step-By-Step Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management and Cloud Computing Platform By Kefa Rabah, [email protected] Nov 28, 2010 GTS Institute Introduction OpenQRM is the next generation, open-source Data-center management platform. It’s fully pluggable architecture focuses on automatic, rapid- and appliance-based deployment, monitoring, high-availability, cloud computing and especially on supporting and conforming multiple virtualization technologies. openQRM is a single-management console for the complete IT-infrastructure and provides a well defined API which can be used to integrate third-party tools as additional plugins. OpenQRM server is a pretty neat datacenter management tool. You can use it to provision and manage servers and cloud computing solutions. For example, if you’re just starting out with Linux server provisioning and high availability OpenQRM is amazing product and can do wonders when setup properly. In this hands-on lab session you’re going to learn how to accomplish this in style. While OpenQRM is not a tool for public clouds It is geared towards people delivering private virtual clusters or cloud capabilities. openQRM is a single-management console for the complete IT infrastructure and provides a well defined API which can be used to integrate third-party tools as additional plugins. What’s really interesting about OpenQRM is that it can suck up physical installations, create an image, write that image to a SAN and then run the virtual instances on demand. I think the opportunity for OpenQRM is to be able to suck those images up and then spit them out to cloud computing resources like EC2, RightScale or Rackspace Cloud. Hands on Lab Session In this Hands-on lab session you’ll learn how to openQRM-server on Linux CentOS-5.5. It’s assumed that you know how to install, configure and upgrade CentOS-5 server and have a good knowledge working with Linux distros. You’ll learn how to install and configure openQRM. Manage Plugins. Build and deploy images using openQRM. How to upload and run cloud images. In this lab you’ll learn how to build bundle and upload Tinylinux and Ubuntu 9.04 images. Upon completion of this lab session you should have gained skills and expertise to enable you to build and deploy your private cloud with Eucalyptus 2.0 system on Linux. The entire lab session was performed using VMware to deploy the servers. Part 1: Install Prerequisites However, from the start, it seems like the installation of OpenQRM is kind of confusing, especially if you use the official guide, which does not inform you that there are many other pre-requisites that must be met before you can use their provided instruction. One needs to add few Yum repositories that are required by 2 April 2007, Kefa Rabah, Global Open Versity, Vancouver Canada www.globalopenversity.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. This is how you should install the repo: [root@cluster01 ~]# rpm -Uhv http://apt.its.ca Setting up Install Process No package openqrm-server-entire* available. key ID 6b8d79e6 Preparing.sw.sfu.com/rpm/FAQ.Global Open Versity.6-1.el5.php#B http://apt.i386.ca * updates: archaea. Nothing to do [root@cluster01 ~]# 2.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/rpmforge-release-0.sw.3.sfu. Note if you just run the yum install without installing the prerequisites.10 the dependencies before you can use the openQRM yum install instruction – so here is the instruction that I used to install it on the Linux CentOS 5 server: openQRM hosts own packages for many distributions.rpm 2.sfu.its.its. Vancouver Canada www.rpm Retrieving http://apt.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/rpmforge-release-0.sfu.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/rpmforgerelease-0.6-1.globalopenversity.its.. ####################################### [100%] 1:rpmforge-release ####################################### [100%] [root@cluster01 ~]# Note 1: you can check the latest release from: 3 April 2007..rf.rf.i386.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology .ca * base: archaea. Kefa Rabah. Step 1: Install DAGC Repo 1.fyaFXf: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY.61. including pre-built binary packages (please notice that installation from the pre-built packages require an empty mysql password.rpm warning: /var/tmp/rpm-xfer. 1.ca * extras: archaea.el5.i386.conf file). It is recommended to reconfigure this after the installation in the openqrm-server.sw.el5.wieers. According to: http://dag. DAG repo contains certain packages such as Nagios. then you’ll get the following info: [root@cluster01 ~]# yum install openqrm-server-entire* -y Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * addons: archaea. Global Open Versity.3.3. So now let’s begin to install all the prerequisites.rf. ipE6LL: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY.Global Open Versity. The only place I found that has Zabbex RPMs is here: http://fedoraproject. Global Open Versity.com/pub/epel/5/ Note 2: Depending on your architecture. You’re done with this section.noarch.globalopenversity. You'll have to grab it from CentOS-4 package repository: http://mirror.rpm 4 April 2007.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology ..sw.fedora. Step 3: Install ASH 1.el4_7.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-5-4. You’re done with this section.fedora.nexcess. OpenQRM will require Zabbex.redhat. Vancouver Canada www.8-20.. Kefa Rabah. replace i386 architecture with x86_64.net/CentOS/4/os/i386/CentOS/RPMS/ash-0.redhat.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release-54.1.be/redhat/el5/en/i386/rpmforge/RPMS/ Note 2: Depending on your architecture.redhat.rpm Retrieving http://download.noarch.i386.net/CentOS/4/os/x86_64/CentOS/RPMS/ http://mirror.rpm warning: /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.rpm 5.com/pub/epel/5/i386/epel-release5-4.noarch. Step 2: Install Zabbex 4.nexcess. ##################################### [100%] 1:epel-release ##################################### [100%] [root@cluster01 ~]# Note 1: you can check the latest release from: http://download. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. replace i386 architecture with x86_64.redhat. Unfortunately this package no longer comes with Linux CentOS-5.fedora. key ID 217521f6 Preparing. 6.3. And you can install the repo by: [root@cluster01 ~]# rpm -Uvh http://download.fedora.org/wiki/EPEL/FAQ#howtouse http://download. OpenQRM will require ASH to be installed.10 http://apt. 3. 3.1. 4. key ID 443e1821 Preparing. Install OpenQRM repo.net/centos5 enabled = 1 protect = 0 gpgcheck=0 3.820.linuxfellaz.rpm warning: /var/tmp/rpm-xfer.nexcess.10 2. Install openQRM-Server Note that you will need the openqrm-package-repository enabled for this to work e. replace i386 architecture with x86_64. Global Open Versity.rpm Retrieving http://mirror.nexcess.globalopenversity. This is where OpenQRM packages will be coming from: vi /etc/yum.d/openQRM. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v..d/openqrm.3. ###################################### [100%] 1:ash ###################################### [100%] [root@cluster01 ~]# Note 1: you can check the latest release from: http://mirror.net/CentOS/4/os/i386/CentOS/RPMS/ash-0.nexcess.i386.LRvSW2: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY.repo 2. Finally. create "/etc/yum. Save and close. and add the following: [openqrm] name = Red Hat Enterprise $releasever – openQRM baseurl = http://packages.net/CentOS/4/os/i386/CentOS/RPMS/ash0. Or simply.g.i386.3. now that everything is in place. Step 1. Kefa Rabah.Global Open Versity.repos.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology .el4_7. Vancouver Canada www. Part 2: openQRM can be installed using yum. You’re done with this section.8-20.net/CentOS/4/os/ Note 2: Depending on your architecture.el4_7.repo" as follows: 1. run: [root@cluster01 ~]# rpm -Uvh http://mirror..1. run: 5 April 2007.repos. Kefa Rabah. Fig. 6 April 2007. You should now be logged into your openQRM server. 2. as shown in Fig.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . 1.10 yum install openqrm-server Note: it will install all the required dependencies and execute the configuration script.globalopenversity. as shown in Fig. 1 5. Global Open Versity. 4. Vancouver Canada www. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. Login to the server by visiting the following: https://<ip address>/openqrm/ Note: the username you'll need to login is "openqrm" and password is also "openqrm".Global Open Versity. 10 Fig. You can stop/start/restart your open server. Ensure that MySQL server and openQRM-server start during host server bootup.Global Open Versity.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . Vancouver Canada www. 2 6. chkconfig openqrm-server on chkconfig mysqld on 7. Global Open Versity. as follows: service openqrm-server stop service openqrm-server start service openqrm-server restart 7 April 2007. Kefa Rabah. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v.globalopenversity. globalopenversity. Vancouver Canada www.Global Open Versity. 3 Note: always do ensure that MySQL server is also running: 8. as shown in Fig. as shown in Fig. If everything went well up to this point. You’re done with this section Step 2: openQRM-Server Layout 1. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. Global Open Versity. Overview. 4 2. then you now have a working openQRM setup with no resources and no virtual environments but at least one boot image 9.10 Fig. gives you an overview what’s happening or going on with your server. Kefa Rabah. click Appliance first install the server. 5. by default is empty when you Fig. 4. click Events Event list.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . 8 April 2007. From the left pane under Base heading. From the left pane under Base heading. org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . click Images installed on your server. Overview. Global Open Versity. as shown in Fig. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v.10 Fig. 6. Kefa Rabah.Global Open Versity.globalopenversity. gives you the list of images 9 April 2007. Vancouver Canada www. 5 3. From the left pane under Base heading. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. Kefa Rabah. Global Open Versity.10 Fig. in this case Linux Xen is running as default as shown in Fig. click Kernels Overview.Global Open Versity.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . Vancouver Canada www.globalopenversity. 6 4. 7 10 April 2007. 7. gives you the list of existing host kernel on your server. From the left pane under Base heading. Fig. org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . From the left pane under Base heading. click Storage first install the server. in this case openQRM is running. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. 8 6.10 5. as shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 8. click Resources Overview. by default is empty when you 11 April 2007.globalopenversity. Global Open Versity. From the left pane under Base heading. as shown in Fig. Kefa Rabah. Overview. Vancouver Canada www. gives you the list of existing resources running on your server.Global Open Versity. 10 Fig. Global Open Versity.Global Open Versity. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. 10 12 April 2007. Vancouver Canada www.globalopenversity. here you have a list of documents that you can browse/read to learn more about your openQRM-server.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . 10. as shown in Fig. click Documentation. Kefa Rabah. 9 7. From the left pane under Base heading. Fig. as shown in Fig. Global Open Versity.. 13 April 2007.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology .Global Open Versity. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. It indicates the plugin is paused. Kefa Rabah. click Plugins Plugin Manager. 11. icon to start a plugin. icon to disable a plugin. here you have a list of plugins that you can use to manager your openQRM-server. Vancouver Canada www. 11 Note: click the plus sign Note: click the cross sign Note: click the pause sign icon to enable a plugin.globalopenversity. From the left pane under Plugins heading.10 Step 3: openQRM Plugins Layout 1. It indicates the plugin is disabled. Fig. Click on the pause sign icon to start Xen. TFTP. You’re done with this section. Fig. When we enable Xen plugin. Fig. 3. 13. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. a new folder icon Virtualization is added to Plugin list. It indicates the plugin is running. Step 4: Activate DHCP. as shown in Fig.globalopenversity..10 2.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . Vancouver Canada www. Kefa Rabah. Global Open Versity. 12 Note: click the arrow sign icon to stop a plugin. its paused.and storagecomponents the initial openQRM environment now can be started by enabling and starting the following plug-ins: 14 April 2007.Global Open Versity. Storage Plugins 1.e. After setting up the openQRM Server system and pre-configuring the Hypervisor. 13 4. For example at the moment we have enabled but not started Xen plugin. as shown in Fig. i. 12. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. xen or kvm for this example setup): • • xen .globalopenversity.provides 3 different storage.and storagenetwork tftpd .g.integrates with KVM (kernel virtual machine) and provides 2 new resource types : "KVM Host" and "KVM VM" 3.Global Open Versity. lvm-iscsi and lvm-aoe) 2.integrates with Xen-Hypervisors and provides 2 new resource types : "Xen Host" and "Xen VM" kvm .and boot-management lvm-storage .org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . 14.and deployment-types (lvm-nfs. Also please do ensure that you enable the Virtualization plug-in for the selected Hypervisor Technology (e. Fig. The final picture should look like shown in Fig.automatically provides and manages the ip-addresses in the management. Vancouver Canada www. Global Open Versity.10 • • • dhcpd . Kefa Rabah.provides the network-boot-manager for a centralized kernel. 14 15 April 2007. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. from right pane under New Storage heading. for production environments it’s recommend that you use iSCSI.Global Open Versity. From Fig. You’re done with this section. Global Open Versity. under Deployment drop-down menu. as shown in Fig. Kefa Rabah. Login to you openQRM web dashboard if you haven’t done so yet. and then select the host server by clicking the respective radio button and finally click on the Select button. Next.10 4. 2. click Plugin Manager and from then enable "nfs- 3. perform the following procedure: 1. to continue 16 April 2007. select NFS Storage. From the left menu under the Plugins storage" plugin.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . To do this. from the left menu under Base heading click Storage Storage tab. but for this lab session we’ll NFS storage. Vancouver Canada www. Overview and then click on the New Fig. 15.globalopenversity. however. Part 3: Using openQRM Server The first example is how to create an NFS storage section. 16. 15 4. click Save.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . From Fig. 17 April 2007. or change as desired. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. 17. enter Storage name: Gov_nfsstore. 16 5.globalopenversity. Kefa Rabah.Global Open Versity. from the right pane under New Storage heading. Finally. Global Open Versity.10 Fig. Vancouver Canada www. Your new Storage List should now look like shown in Fig.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . Global Open Versity. 18 April 2007.Global Open Versity. 18. Vancouver Canada www.globalopenversity. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. Kefa Rabah.10 Fig. 17 6. globalopenversity. Go to Storage and click on the New Storage tab (where server template will stored later) .179) from "Resource List”. Login to your openQRM web interface 2.83. 18 7. as shown in Fig. Global Open Versity. You’re done with this section. Vancouver Canada www. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v.Now set the deployment type as "Lvm Storage Server (Nfs)" and choose your local openqrm server machine (192.168. Part 4: Creating a New LVM (NF) Storage Step 1: Create the LVM (Nfs) Storage 1. 19..Global Open Versity.10 Fig.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . Kefa Rabah. 19 April 2007. 19 3.globalopenversity.10 Fig. fill the Storage name "Cloud_storage" and click on the Save button. 20 April 2007. Feel free to enter the comment fields.Global Open Versity. Vancouver Canada www. 20. Kefa Rabah. Global Open Versity. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. From Fig.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v.135. 21 April 2007. 20 What Just Happened? You have named a Storage name as "Cloud_storage" with type as LVM NFS on machine 192. Vancouver Canada www.Global Open Versity. 21.1.globalopenversity. Global Open Versity.168.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . Kefa Rabah.10 Fig. as shown in Fig. Global Open Versity. 21 4. Kefa Rabah. and then select "Cloud_storage". HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. 22.10 Fig. as shown in 22 April 2007.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology .globalopenversity.Global Open Versity. Vancouver Canada www. Go to LVM-Storage plug-in Fig. You’re done with this section. Step 2: Configure new storage from LVM Plugin 1. Volume Groups. You’ll also notice that we have a free space volume VFree of 19.10 Fig. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. Vancouver Canada www. 23.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology .53GB.globalopenversity. See Fig. Kefa Rabah. Click on refresh.Global Open Versity. 23 April 2007. Global Open Versity. 22 Note: Now you can see the table with Storage name as "Cloud_Storage" and IP address and "Type". 23.globalopenversity.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology .10 Fig. Vancouver Canada www. 24. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. see Fig. 24 What Just Happened? 24 April 2007. Fig.Global Open Versity. Global Open Versity. 23 2. click on "VolGroup00" (highlighted with black back ground). Now provide a logical volume name ("cloud_lv") and it's size and click on the "Add" button. as shown in Fig. In order to create logical volume. Kefa Rabah. Kefa Rabah.globalopenversity. 25 3. Vancouver Canada www.Global Open Versity. 25 April 2007. as shown in Fig. 26. as shown in Fig. run: df -h You can see "cloud_lv" mounted on "VolGroup00".org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . 25.03G on the Storage server. Fig. Global Open Versity. You can verify this from the terminal. You have created a new logical volume (named "cloud_lv) of 4. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v.10 1. globalopenversity. 27 26 April 2007. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. click on the Select button. 27. You’re done with this section. Go to Base Images Overview and select "New Image" tab and chose "Cloud Storage”. 26 4.10 Fig.Global Open Versity. Fig.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . Vancouver Canada www. Step 3: Configure a New Cloud Image 1. a shown in Fig. Global Open Versity. Kefa Rabah. Global Open Versity. 28 27 April 2007. (Set this root devices same as our logical location "/dev/VolGroup00/cloud_lv") 3. enter the image name. Vancouver Canada www. Our logical volume "cloud_lv" mapped as "root fs". From Fig. Fig. Enter image name as "Cloud_image". HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . Then deployment parameter as: IMAGE_ROOT_DIR="/devl/VolGroup00/cloud_lv" What Just Happened? 2. Global Open Versity. 28.globalopenversity. Kefa Rabah.10 2. set root password and select root device from the drop down. Kefa Rabah. 29 5. 29.(virtual appliance) (we have downloaded ubuntu 10.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . 4. You’re done with this section. Move this .com) 2.stacklet. Fig. Now we have an empty logical volume that needs to be filled with server template (or Virtual Appliance).gz file to /dev/VolGroup00/cloud_lv and decompress it. Global Open Versity. You’re done with this section.globalopenversity. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. see Fig. Vancouver Canada www. Now logical volume (/dev/VolGroup00/cloud_lv) needs to be filled template. What Just Happened? 3.10 template from www.10 LTS 1.10 4. 28 April 2007.Global Open Versity. We have filled the logical volume with template. Step 4: Download & Untar Ubuntu 10. Kefa Rabah. 4. To do this. Step 7: Deploy our Cloud Image 1. Global Open Versity. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. disk. 3. What Just Happened? 5. Choose local openqrm server (192. You can verify this by connecting via VNCviewer or xm list command. 29 April 2007. Vancouver Canada www.Global Open Versity. Go to Xen-plug-in. Xen VM’s are created. swap size and click create. Now Go to Resource. Now we need to deploy the image (Cloud_image) created at location "logical_lv" to this new VM (Cloud_VM).org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . What Just Happened? You have created a Xen Host appliance to create Xen VM's 5. Click refresh. 2.10 Step 5: Creating Xen VM 1. Step 6: Configure Xen plugin 1. set this as Xen VM from dropdown and click Update. You’re done with this section.83. Choose the Xen-host from the list and Now you can click on "+VM" and set VM name ("Cloud_VM"). you can see the "Cloud_VM" which can be start/reboot/stop/remove/delete. 6. 2. You’re done with this section. Provide appliance name ("cloud_appliance") and set resource type as "Xen Host" from the dropdown and save it. We now need to create Xen virtual machine 2.168. Go to Base Appliance Overview and select "New Appliance" tab 3.globalopenversity. go to Appliance New appliance and select the new "idle1" from resource list Now provide the appliance name (Ubuntu10_VM) chose kernel (mykernel) and image (Cloud_image) and set resource as "xen VM" and save it. 4.179) from the displayed Resource list. That's it. you will have "Idle1" resource. Build and Deploy Enterprise sipXecs Integration with Openfire 9. 5. You’re done with this section. PostgreSQL.04 Eucalyptus Enterprise Cloud Computing Platform 4.URL: www. Step-By-Step Build and Deploy Xen Hypervisor Virtualization on Linux OpenSUSE 11. Build Private Clouds With Ubuntu 10. Step-By-Step Install Guide Openfire Jabber Server on Linux v1.globalopenversity.xx. available terminal for new Ubuntu10_VM. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v.0 5. Create bundle and upload 5 Ubuntu 10. Build & Deploy a Private Cloud Using OpenNebula Cloud Computing v1.org .Build and Running Private Eucalyptus Cloud Systems Call us today: Email: info@gtechsi. Take a break – will continue later Part 5: Need More Training on Linux: Are you having trouble understanding or comprehending the working of Linux OS. Build your Own Private Cloud using Ubuntu 10.10 LTS Enterprise Cloud Platform 2. Kefa Rabah.xx) of Ubuntu10_VM. you can see new resource with its new IP address (xx. Other Related Articles & Hands-on Lab Manuals: 1. Global Open Versity.gtechsi. 6. MySQL. you can login via. if so. Apache Tomcat6 on it. Eucalyptus Cloud Training: You can now register and take our superb Eucalyptus Cloud computing training course: • HPC303 . go to SSH-terminal plugin.0 10. Next. Step-By-Step Install Guide eyeOS Cloud Computing Operating System 3.Global Open Versity. Using Samba 3 Client Technology and Kerberos for Win2k8 AD-based identity management 7. Vancouver Canada www. Create bundle and upload CentOS 5 images and use it as your web server 2.10 3.org Part 6: Hands-on Labs Assignments 1.xx. 4. Vancouver Canada. then check out some of our introductory courses on Linux at: Global Technology Solutions Institute. Build your own ISP Hosting using EHCP on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server 30 April 2007.3 Server 8. Using Webmin and Bind9 to Setup DNS Server on Linux 6. Now go to "Resources".org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology .04 LTS Server images and deploy LAMP. 0 13. Kefa is knowledgeable in several fields of Science & Technology. Install & Setup Astaro Security Gateway to Protect Corporate Network v1.0 12. Install Guide Secure Sendmail with Dovecot & Roundcube Webmail v1. Fellow us on Twitter: Global Open Versity and Kefa Rabah A GTSI Open Access Technical Academic Publications Delivering Cutting-edge Technology at your Fingertips in the 21st Century 31 April 2007. Information Security Compliance and Project Management. Build your Own Private Data Center Backup Solutions using Ubuntu Powered RESTORE Backup Server v1.0 14.1 ----------------------------------------------Kefa Rabah is the Founder of Global Technology Solutions Institute.globalopenversity. and Renewable Energy Systems. Install Guide IPCop Firewall for Network Security with Spam and Virus Protection 15.10 11.Global Open Versity. He is also the founder of Global Open Versity. a place to enhance your educating and career goals using the latest innovations and technologies. Global Open Versity. HPC Cloud Labs Install Guide openQRM Data Center Management on CentOS5 v. Kefa Rabah.org HPC 201 – High Performance Computing Virtualization Technology . Step-By-Step Install Guide DTC on Linux CentOS5 Server v1. Vancouver Canada www.
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