4 -Probe Automated Setup



Measures resistivity in a low resistance range with a 4-pin probe.LORESTA-GP 〈MCP-T600〉 Low Resistivity Meter (Measurement Range 10 -3 - 107Ω) Measuring Instrument/Resistivity Meter An intelligent, multi-purpose resistivity meter equipped with software that calculates resistivity correction factors by using a 4-pin probe which measures many kinds of samples in the measurement range. (10-3-107Ω) Standard Accessories ASP Probe MCP-TP03P Probe Checker MCP-TRF1 spring pressure 210g/pin.15R. conductive ceramics. MCP-TP08P. pin points 0. Inter-pin distance 2.LORESTA-GP〈MCP-T600〉 Uses Production Engineering. etc.0% ±1.0mm. 320×240 dot AC 85V~ 264V 47~ 63Hz 92VA Approximately 3 years (uses lithium battery) Based on voltage limiter. spring pressure 50g/pin. PSP. inspect probe connection. for ASP probe) Optional Probes ESP Type PSP Type QPP Type BSP Type TFP Type For non-uniform samples. to Use the probe checker to Put the probe perpendicular start and stop measurement.0% ±20dgt ±5dgt ±3dgt 10-3 100 101 10mA 102 103 1mA 100μ A ±0. BSP.37 R) Probe checker : MCP-TRF1 (1Ω. Inter-pin distance 1. approximately 90 V when OFF MCP probe (ASP.]. inter-pin distance 5mm. conductive fiber. CHIGASAKI-SHI. 253-0084. Inter-pin distance 1. to the sample.001mm-9999mm. spring pressure 70g/pin. Features The measurement range has been expanded to 9. pin points 0.Interpin distance 5mm. KANAGAWA.26R.37R. A 5. 0. MCP-TPQPP For large samples.4kg ASP probe : MCP-TP03P (4pins. For small samples.000 pieces. direct reading of [Ω]. 370 ENZO.26R. TFP types) For rectangular and circular samples of 0. QPP.The voltage at the open terminal is approximately 10 V when ON. amorphous silicone.001Å-9999mm.7 inch LCD monitor makes for easy operation.999×10-3~107Ω. Inter-pin distance 1. 3. ESP. pin points 0. conductive paste.1μA ±1.1mm-9999mm . It has a data memory of 1. Application Conductive paint.001mm-9999mm. The actual colors of the machine may appear different from colors printed in the catalogue. EMI shield materials. thickness. MCP-TP06P For minute samples. JAPAN TEL :+81(467)86-3864 Fax:+81(467)86-3862 URL:http://www. The MCP probe enables one-touch.7 inch LCD. R&D. conductive rubber. spring pressure 240g/pin. Note : Follow the instructions in the manual to correctly install. Push footswich (option). conductive films. etc.0% ±3dgt ±5dgt 5.0% ±2. 0. Square type. spring pressure 70g/pin.5mm. therefore it is necessary to be careful about electric shocks.5% ±3dgt 104 10μA 105 1μA 106 107 0. antistatic materials. 0. pin points 0. Quality Control. Remote operation from a PC can be done through a RS232C port. MCPTP05P For thin films.0% ±1. constant-current method 10-2 10-1 100mA ±2.5mm.2mm. [Ω/sq. Circular samples : diameter. pin points 0. Specification Methd of Measurement Measurement range Supplied current Measurement trueness (±%of reading±digits) Display Power source Memory back up Sample protection function 4-pin Probe 4-pin calculating function Data output Dimensions. Contents of the catalogue are subject to change without prior notice when improvement are made in the performance. connect and operate the instruments. Weight Standard accessories 4-Pin probe. and [Ω ・ cm].dins. pin points φ2.co. The 18 measuring files can be installed and a 4-pin probe method simply and accurately measures the resistivity of materials. MCP-TFP Note : This product has a maximum voltage of 100 V .jp . conductive plastics. Rectangular samples : height and width. RS232C W330×D270×H88mm. metallic thin films.
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