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March 18, 2018 | Author: daviddevraj86 | Category: Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, C++, Laplace Transform, Differential Equations



GANPAT UNIVERSITY B.Tech. Sem.IV – Mechanical Engineering ME – 401 FUNDAMENTALS OF MACHINE DESIGN & DRAFTING Teaching scheme (Hrs) L P Total Internal Asses. Examination scheme (Marks) Theory Sem End Practical Total Internal Asses. Sem. End Total Grand Total 3 4 7 30 Marks 70 Hrs 3 100 50 50 100 200 PART A. MACHINE DESIGN: 1. Introduction to machine design: Meaning of Design, Mechanical Engineering design, Introduction to machine design,Phases in design, Requisites of design engineer, Preferred Numbers & Standards, Codes for materials Properties & application of engineering materials and their selection. 2. Design considerations: Direct stresses (Tensile and Compressive), stress-strain diagram, Bending stresses, Bearing stresses, Torsional stresses, Eccentric loading, Principal stresses, Contact stresses, Castigliano’s theory for determining deflections. Factor of safety and factor influencing it, Theories of failures. 3. Design of cotter and Knuckle joint: Design of simple cotter joint, Sleeve and Cotter joint, Cotter foundation bolt, Gib and cotter joint, Design of knuckle joint 4. Design of Shaft, Keys & Couplings: Design of shaft & axles on basis of bending, torsion & combined loading, Shaft design on the basis of rigidity, Effect of keyways, Design of Square key, Rectangular key, Kennedy key, Splines, Design of Muff or Sleeve coupling, Clamp coupling, Flange coupling, Pin-bushed coupling. 5. Design of bolt and riveted joints: Riveted joints: Types of riveted joints, Design of double and triple riveted butt joint with equal and unequal cover plates, Design of riveted joint as per IBR, Design of lap joint, Lozenge joint Bolted joints: Definitions, Types of threads, screw fastenings, locking devices for nuts, washers, eye bolts, Efficiency of threads, Static stresses in screw fastenings Eccentric loading in riveted and bolted joints: a) Loading parallel to axis of bolts b) Loading perpendicular to axis of bolts c) Eccentric loading on circular base 6. Design of springs: Types of springs, Terminology related to springs, Types of end in helical springs, Design of helical spring, Wahl’s factor, Spring in combination: parallel and series, Concentric spring, Design of leaf spring 7. Design of levers: Types of levers, Design of hand lever, Design of foot lever, Design of cranked lever, Design of lever of a safety valve, Design of bell-crank lever, Design of rocker-arm lever. PART B and PART C are to be dealt in laboratory. DRAFTING AND MODELING PACKAGE 1. saving the work. Power Screw: Types of threads. dimension and text commands Plotting the Drawing Basics of Feature based. design of toggle jack. Manufacturing methods. 2. 2. 3. Design of push rod. data entry. design of coupler. Sheet metal drawing. screw jack. 2 & 3 dimensional modelling. erasing lines. parametric modeling package.Working with solid modeling package: Settings Limits. drawing editor. Standard drawing. Standard followed in industry. Basics of solid modeling: Introduction of Main Menu. 5. Limits.Introduction to Computer Aided Drawing : Objectives. Pattern shop. entering commands using mouse. design of nuts. drawing lines. Drawing. Revolving. drawing lines. Design of machine elements and preparation of report: a) Design of screw. 1. systems requirements. Design of piston rod 9. design of screw with different types of threads used in practice. pull down menus. drawing by drafting package. nut and other parts b) Design of leavers c) Design of couplings d) Design of spring e) Design of riveted joint f) Design of shaft g) Design of column h) design consideration . solid modeling. INDUSTRIAL DRAFTING : Assembly Drawing. Indication on drawings. Starting new drawing. development. Information on Drawing. Advantages of using CAD. Struts and columns: Design of connecting rod. application of CAD. error correcting. getting help from drafting package. Surface Roughness : Roughness and machining symbols. Sweeping using modeling package. PART C. Production Drawing : Element of production drawing. Viewing. 3. using zoom. Extruding. Editing. 4. Machine shop drawing. PRACTICAL WORK : Part A MACHINE DESIGN : 1.8. Tolerances and Fits : Indicating geometrical tolerances on the drawing. design of C clamp. introduction to drawing using CAD.Overview of solid modeling : Introduction. Tolerances. screen menu. vol-1 .by R. Gupta (7) Machine Design Vol.by Pandya & Shah (1994 Edition) (4) Machine Design .by V.B.-I .Part B INDUSTRIAL DRAFTING 2. 1997) (5) Mechanical engineering design . Design & Assembly & detailed drawing of : a) Cotter / Knuckle joint/Connecting Rod (one sheet) b) Coupling (one sheet) The design calculations be included in Part A above.by R.by Sharma & Agrawal (6th Edit≥ion. assembly using drafting package.K.) Preparation of assembly and detail drawings of Machine components (production drawing) PART C Drafting and modeling package : Preparation of assembly & detail drawings of machine components. Patil .E. REFERENCE BOOKS : (1) Machine Design.by R.Bhandr (3) Machine Design .B. NOTE : Part B/Part C be taught in laboratory & be tested only in oral examination as under.C.B. At least one drawing should be production drawing out of above.by Sharma and purohit (9) Machine Design . Jain (10) Machine Design – by R. Drawing should be on A2 size ( both details and assembly. Shigley (6) Machine Design .by J. Patel (8) Machine Design .by Haideri (2) Machine Design . lathe specification. 7 Defects in Casting and their remedies. 8 Basic Machine tool Introduction to machining processes. IV – Mechanical ME – 402 Manufacturing Technology Teaching scheme (Hrs) L P Total Internal Asses. types of patterns. pattern allowances. moulding sand. primary cutting motion and auxiliary motion in machine tool. ingredients of moulding sand. estimation of machining time. classification. operations. shell moulding.Tech. growth. investment casting. cupola furnace. and different types of solidification. advantages of casting processes over the other manufacturing processes. Co2 process. mechanism. . 4 Solidification of Casting Nucleation. turning and allied operations. pattern rational. 2 Sand Casting Patterns. machine tool classification. capstan and turret lathe. advantages and limitations. types of riser.GANPAT UNIVERSITY B. advantages and limitations of gating system. Examination scheme (Marks) Theory Sem End Practical Total Internal Asses. noback resin moulding. classification. core and coreprint. construction and arrangement of engine lathe. pattern colours. gating design. defects arises due to sand casting. induction furnace. Sem. sand making. moulding techniques. 6 Melting Practice Crucible furnace. additives of sand. work holding devices. riser design. riser. Sem. 10 Drilling machine Working principle. 3 Principle of Gating and Risering Different types of gates. accessories and attachment for extending processing capacity of engine lathe. and iron-fired furnace. construction and arrangement of radial drilling machine. End Total Grand Total 3 2 5 30 Marks 70 Hrs 3 100 50 50 100 200 1 Foundry Processes Classification of manufacturing processes. core making. locating of riser. centrifugal casting. estimation of machining time. and directional solidification. 5 Special Casting Techniques Metallic moulding. progressive solidification. die casting. 9 Lathe machine Working principle. by John P. Lindback. gear indexing. operations. (2) Manufacturing technology: metal cutting and machine . Pattern making including wood turning. work holding devices. REFERENCE BOOKS : (1) Work shop technology . attachments. Shaper and Slotter Working principle. forming and welding . tools. attachment of broaching machine.Rao. buffing and superfinishing. 15 Microfinishing Processes Introduction. (4) Manufacturing technology . classification. Simple job on milling machine. down milling. estimation of machining time. construction and arrangement of column and knee type milling machine. Thread cutting. honing.N. grit. types of broaching machines. types of milling cutters. (7) Foundry technology .Khana. step and taper turning. Lindberg.by Hajara Choudhary Vol-I and Vol-II. lapping. peripheral milling. . I.N.by P. 13 Sawing and Broaching machine Working principle. operations and applications.S.S specification of wheel. estimation of machining time. advantages and limitations of broaching machine. grade and structure of grinding wheel.Campbell. Laboratory Works: Each candidate shall submit the following work. Plain. classification. (6) Processes and material of manufacturing .by P. polishing. 12 Planer.by J. types of abrasives.11 Milling machine Working principle. Machining plane surface on a shaper. different cutter holding devices. work and tool holding devices.P. up milling. manufacturing of grinding wheel. automatic feed mechanism.Rao. Casting of the above pattern.by O. elements of plain milling cutter. 14 Grinding machine Working principle. mechanism.by Roy A. classification of sawing machine. (3) Manufacturing technology: foundry. (5) Principles of manufacturing materials and processes . Rashid(PHI) (2)Industrial Electronics and Control – by S. Diodes with LC and RLC loads. 3. three phase bridge rectifier with RL load.C.c. Basic of Converter Diode with RC and RL loads. basic circuits. thyristor turn on/off. rotor voltage control. IV – Mechanical Engineering ME – 403 Industrial Electronics Teaching scheme (Hrs) L P Total Internal Asses.GANPAT UNIVERSITY B. voltage and frequency control 7. light activated turn-off circuit using DIAC-TRIAC and LDR. PLC Architecture.Chatterjee (3) Industrial Electronics – by G. types. advantage and application. benefits. programming 8. two transistor model of thyristro. speed control of synchrony and universe motor. Total Grand Total Asses. overview of cycloconverter 5. basic circuit. End Marks Hrs 3 2 5 30 70 3 100 25 25 50 150 1. block diagram. Sem.Gonkar (5) Microcontroller 8051 – by Keneth J. Solid state controls of a. pulse transformer and power MOSFET. advantages.c and d. thyristor firing circuits.Ayla (6) Introduction to programable logic controller – by Gary Dunning .c and a.Mittal(Khanna) (4) Microprocessor architecture programming and application with 8085 by Ramesh S. single and three phase motor. 2.Bhattacharya. dv/dt protection. introduction of temperature control. S. over voltage protection of d.C. Overview of microprocessor and micro controller Fundamental concept. series and paralle operation of thyristor. Examination scheme (Marks) Theory Sem End Total Internal Practical Sem.K. stator voltage control. motor 4. Inverter and Choppers Principle. limits of control. & D. Thyristor and their application : Introduction. speed controller of d. three phase bridge rectifier. components characteristic. thyristor types. single phase full wave rectifier with RL load.K.Tech. A. types. application Practical work: The practical work shall be based on experimental and analytical work on the topics mentioned above and will be defended by the candidates. thyristor characteristic. Variable Frequency Drive Principle. application 6. REFERENCE BOOKS : (1) Power Electronics – by Muhammad H.c motors Introduction.c. freewheeling diodes. unijunction transistor. di/dt protection. illumination control. programming. frequency control. overload protection. single phase half wave and full wave rectifier. drive Performance characteristic. automatic water level indicator using SCR. overview of working and interfacing. flip-flop circuit using SCR. chopper. Boundary-Value problems and characteristic-value problem The Shooting method. End Total Grand Total 3 2 5 30 Marks 70 Hrs 3 100 25 25 50 150 NUMERICAL ANALISYS 1.Tech. simpson’s rules 5. application of eigenvalues 7.GANPAT UNIVERSITY B. interative methods for laplace’s equation. IV – Mechanical Engineering ME – 404 NUMERICAL METHODS & COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Teaching scheme (Hrs) L P Total Internal Asses. eigenvalues by QR method. Sem. Least-Squares approximation 4. Solving Sets of equations Matrix notation. Divided difference. Sem. derivative boundary condition. gauss & gauss-jordan methods. approximation with rational function. fourier series) . Numerical Solution of Partial Differential equations Representation’s as a difference equation. Solving nonlinear equations Interval Halving Revisited. system of nonlinear equation 3. systems of equation and higher order equation. Iterative method. Numerical differentiation and numerical integration Getting derivatives and integrals numerically. Muller’s Method. the poisson equation. Economized power series. solution through a set of equation. Derivatives from difference table. the finite-element method. Linear Interpolation Method.Approximation of functions(Chebyshev Polynomials. Interpolation and curve fitting Lagrangian polynomials.Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations The Taylor-Series method. Examination scheme (Marks) Theory Sem End Practical Total Internal Asses. Bairstow’s method for quadratic factors 2. eigenvalues by iteration. Newton-Cotes integration formulas. multistep method. comparison of method/stiff equation 6. derivative boundary conditions Parabolic Partial-Differential Equations . convergence criteria. extrapolation techniques. Newton’s Method for polynomials. milne’s method. error and error propagation. higher order derivatives. the trapezoidal rule. the elimination method.Hyperbolic Partial-Differential Equations. runge-kutta method. Laplace’s equation on a rectangular region. rayleigh-ritz. Newton’s Method. Euler and modified euler method. collocation and galerkin method. overloading unary operator. call by reference. Gerald. single inheritance. Function in C++ The main function. static data member. defining derived class. Basic Concept. Application of OOP. multiple inheritance.Constructors and Destructors Introduction. this pointer. pointer to object. multilevel inheritance. default argument. constructor in derived class 7. dynamic initialization of objects. constructor with default arguments. virtual base class. Benefits of OOP. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods . Principles of Object Oriented Programming Paradigm. and pure virtual function Practical work: The practical work shall be based on and analytical work on the topics mentioned above and will be defended by the candidates. Virtual Function and Polymorphism Introduction. return by reference. Reference Books: 1. copy constructor. function overloading 3. private member function. Teach Your Self C++ . Object Oriented Programming with C++ .C Xavier 6.Wheatley 5. Patrick O. Class and Object Introduction. pointers to derived class. returning objects 4. making an outside function inline. defining member function. Inheritance Introduction. multiple constructor in a class. Balagurusamy 7. C language and Numerical Method . parameterized constructor. const arguments. arrays within a class. hybrid inheritance. Structure of C++ program.Schmidt 3.Curtis F. constructor. scope resolution operator 2. C++ program with class. Applied Numerical Analysis . specifying a class.E. Operator Overloading and Type Conversion Introduction. Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ . friendly function. abstract class. object as function arguments.Rajaraman . destructor 5. type conversion 6. virtual function. Pointers. hierarchical inheritance. defining operator overloading.Lafore Robert 4.Balagurusamy 2. array of objects. static member function.OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING 1. Numerical Method .E.V. overloading binary operator. inline function. stability. controlling force of a governor. double Hook joint. Law of gearing. contact ratio. hunting. Static force analysis in Machine: Basic concept of equilibrium. Oldham’s coupling. Dukkipati 4. dynamic analysis of slider crank mechanisms velocity & acceleration of piston. 3. Freudenstein equation for four bar mechanism. Introduction to Synthesis of Mechanisms: Introduction of Synthesis and analysis. Sliding velocity. watt governor. Theory of machine – By Sadhu Singh . Singh 3. Theory of machine – By V. free body diagram. Types of synthesis. Types of tooth profiles. fluid coupling.A’ Lamberts principle. Theory of machine – By J.S.V.GANPAT UNIVERSITY B. Reference Book: 1. interference. equivalent offset inertia force. 4. geometry of helical. power of governor. superposition. End Total Grand Total 3 2 5 30 Marks 70 Hrs 3 100 25 25 50 150 1. 5.S. Ratan 2. gyroscopic action. 2.P. 6. length of arc of contact. Member with two forces & a torque. Dynamics of Rigid body: D. Examination scheme (Marks) Theory Sem End Practical Total Internal Asses. Sem. intermittent motion mechanism. equilibrium of two force & three force member. Bloch method. Rao & R. gyroscopic stabilization of ship and vehicle including aeroplane. Proell. Control force analysis: Type of governor.Tech. Practical work: The practical work shall be based on experimental and analytical work on the topics mentioned above and will be defended by the candidates. inertia force in reciprocating engines (Klein’s construction). IV – Mechanical Engineering ME – 405 DYNAMICS OF MACHINES Teaching scheme (Hrs) L P Total Internal Asses. insensitiveness effort of a governor. Linkages: Hook joint. Theory of Gear: Introduction. inertia governor. length of path of contact. dynamic analysis of four links mechanisms. Theory of machine – By S. porter. precision point for function generator (chebychev spacing method). spring controlled gravity governor. Hartnell governor. principle of virtual work. characteristics of governor sensitiveness. isochronisms. number of teeth required to avoid interference in gear and pinion. bevel worm gears. min. synthesis of a four bar chain. Sem. REFERENCE BOOKS : 1. ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 4. Euler’s formula. Poisson’s and normal distribution applications. GREWAL BY SHRIVASTVA 3. 3. STATISTICS : Probability. line integral. FOURIER TRANSFORMS : Definition. repeated trials. Ordinary differential equation (higher order) : Ordinary differential equation with constant coefficient. HIGH ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS BY B. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS : Formation of partial differential equations. application to wave equations. 4. Examination scheme (Marks) Theory Sem End Practical Total Internal Asses. discrete probability distribution. Total probability. Fourier integral. expectation. WARTIKAR 2. variation of parameter methods. transform of derivatives. method of separable of variables. Sem. elements of harmonic analysis. Laplace transform of elementary functions. Simple form of conform transformation with application of the solution of two dimensional problems.GANPAT UNIVERSITY B. solution of ordinary linear differential equations. LAPLACE TRANSFORMS : Definition. Fourier transforms. APPLIED MATHEMATICS VOL.S. diffusion equation and Laplace equation. Fourier transform.N. probable error. JAGGI . standard error. odd and even functions.Tech. simultaneous differential equations with constant coefficient. IV – Mechanical Engineering ME – 406 Mathematics – II Teaching scheme (Hrs) L P Total Internal Asses. complex form of Fourier integral. 5. Lagranges first order partial differential equations. WARTIKAR & J. Theory of complex variables : Analytic functions. unit step and heaviside’s unit function. periodic functions. inverse Laplace transform. expansion of odd or even periodic functions. I & II BY P. applications of ordinary differential equation. Cauchy’s theorem and Cauchy’s integral.N. calculation of error. Cauchy – Rieman equation. End Total Grand Total 4 - 4 30 Marks 70 Hrs 3 100 -- -- -- 100 1. FOURIER SERIES : Definition of periodic function. functions having points of discontinuity. direct-delta function. Bay’s theorem. change of intervals. simultaneous equation with constant co-efficient applied to electrical circuits. moment generating function. TEXT BOOK OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS BY A. continuous probability distribution. convolution theorem. harmonic functions. MATHUR & V. multiplication by tn . division by t. transform of intergration. Independent events. Cauchy – Euler differential equations. Fourier sine and cosine transform. 7. properties of Laplace transform. 6. half range sine and cosine series. directly integrable equations. theorem of compound probability. inverse Fourier transforms. Sem.P. Fourier sine and cosine intergration. Binominal. 2.B. random variable.
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