3rd year syllabus.pdf

April 4, 2018 | Author: Millenium Ayurveda | Category: Childbirth, Ayurveda, Cervical Cancer, Pollution, Pregnancy



CENTRAL COUNCIL OF INDIAN MEDICINENEW DELHI SYLLABUS OF AYURVEDACHARYA (BAMS) 3rd Year INDEX 3RD PROFESSIONAL 3.1. ROG-NIDAN 3.2. SWASTHAVRITTA 3.3. PRASUTI TANTRA EVUM STRI ROGA 3.4. KAUMARBHRITYA PARICHAYA 3.5. CHARAK SAMHITA (UTTARARDHA) 02-06 07-14 15-19 20-23 24 1 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year 3.1 ROGA NIDANA Theory Two Papers – 100 Marks Each Practical/Viva voce – 100 Marks PAPER -1 Part A I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 100 Marks 50 Marks Dosha Dushyadi Vigyana Definition and importance of Roganidana. Samanya Nidana and Samanya Lakshana of Dosha Vriddhi, Kshaya and Prakopa. Dosha Dhatu Ashraya Ashrayi Bhava. Dhatu Kshaya Vriddhi Lakshana. Mala Kshaya Vriddhi Lakshana. Hetu, Bheda and Lakshana of Agni Dushti. Definitions and Samanya Lakshana of Ama. Sama and nirama Dosha, Dushya Lakshana. Dosha Paka and Dhatu Paka Lakshana. Concept, classification, diagnosis and general complications of Avarana. Doshagati and Rogmarga. Detailed study of Srotomoola and Srotodushti Samanya and Vishishta Hetu Lakshana of all Srotas. Differences between Sroto Dushti and Kha Vaigunya. II. VyadhiVigyana 1. Definition, synonyms and classification of Vyadhi & Vyadhi Ghatak. 2. Criteria for nomenclature of Diseases in Ayurveda (Vyadhinamakarana). 3. Bija, Bija Bhaga and Bija Bhaga Avayava Dushti. 4. Basic knowledge of Hereditary, Congenital, Acquired, Multifactorial, Traumatic and Environmental disorders. 5. Introduction to ICD Classification of Diseases of WHO and DSM classification. 6. Samanyaja and NanatmajaVikara. NidanarthakaraVyadhi, Hetu Sankara, Lingasankara, Vyadhisankara, Vyadhi Awastha. 7. Dhatu, Updhatu, Mala and Indriya Pradoshaj Vikara. 8. Concept of AshtaMahagada . 9. Introduction to Ashta Nindita. 10.Definition and classification of Vyadhikshamatva. 11.Ojas – types of Ojo Dushti- Visrimsa- Vyapad & Kshaya & It’s Diseases. III. Basic Pathology 1. Introduction to pathology and its sub-divisions. 2. Introduction to Cell Injury and Cellular adaptations. 3. Definition and brief description of inflammation – Healing/repair. 4. Definition and brief description of edema – shock – hemorrhage, Thrombosis , embolism, Ischemia and Infarction. 5. Types of Immunity – different types of immune responses in the body – Basic knowledge of auto immune diseases, Acquired immune deficiency disease and hypersensitivity. 6. Nomenclature and classification of tumors - difference between benign and malignant tumors. 7. Introduction to Nutritional disorders – disorders of macro and micro nutrients. 8. Introduction to infections. 9. Introduction and classification of microorganisms such as virus- bacteria-fungus. 2 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year Raktapitta . Paper II 100 Marks Part A 50 Marks Systematic study of Nidana Panchaka of following diseases (Including Upadrava. 6. Importance and Knowledge of Ashtasthana Pariksha. Leukaemia. 8. Amavata. Samanya and Pratyatma Lakshana. Hypertension. 4. and Shadvidha Pariksha. 2. Dengue fever.CT Scan. 10. 2(b) Introduction to Anaemia & its Classification. 7.Vatarakta – Kroshtuksheersha . Synonyms. Rheumatoid Arthritis. Shotha. Charakokta Sannipata Jwara. Upadrava and Udarka. Synonyms. Types and its importance in diagnosis. Chaturvidha. 3. Vi. 12. 3. Shat Kriyakaala. Dhatugata Jwara. Introduction to Urticaria. Nidana Panchaka Vigyana 1. Introduction to Hepatomegaly. 4). Synonyms and Type and Samprapti Ghataka. Psoriasis.Shitapitta – Maha Kushtha – Visarpa – Shwitra and Introduction to Kshudra Kushtha. Sthoulya . Upashaya / Anupashaya– Definition. Introduction to Obesity and Diabetes Mellitus. 2(a) Pandu. ArishtaVigyan – Definition. Importance and Knowledge of Dashavidha Pariksha. Relationship between Nidana Panchaka and Shat Kriyakaala.Definition. Sadhyasadhyatwa – Types.MRI. Diseases of Rasavaha Srotas 1(a) Jwara(Jwarabheda-Ama. Eczema. Diseases of Medovaha Srotas 1. 2. Importance of Nidan Panchaka. Kamala . Ischaemic Heart Disease. 9.Part B 50 Marks IV. USG. Introduction to the Aetiopathogenesis of Malaria.Definition. Influenza and Chikungunya. Difference between Roga and Rogi Pariksha.Agantukajwara.Typhoid. V.Vishama Jwara. Rupa . Types and its importance. Pariksha Vigyana 1. their parameters and importance. Purva Rupa – Definition. II. 1(b) General mechanism of Fever.Thalessemia. Hetu . Hridroga. 3. 5. Arishta and Sadhyasadhyata). X Ray. Pemphigus. Rheumatic fever. Myocardial Infarction and CCF. Basic knowledge of ECG. Spleenomegaly. General diagnostic principles of AnuktaVyadhi (Ch. 11. Punaravartaka Jwara. Samprapti – Definition. I. Diseases of Raktavaha Srotas 1. Difference between Vyadhi and Lakshana. 4. 2. 3 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Pachyamana and Nirama Jwara.Karshya – Prameha. Diseases of Mamsavaha Srotas (a) Galganda (b) Introduction to Thyroid disorders IV. Angina. 5. III. Sickle cell Anaemia. Importance and knowledge of Aptopadeshadi & Darshanadi Trividha. Importance and Knowledge of Karanadi Dashavidha Parikshya Bhava. Samanya and Vishishta Purvarupa. 2. Synonyms and Classification. Aruchi. Palitya.Arthritis. 2. 1(b). . Stroke. Diseases of Pranavaha Srotas 1(a). Sterilization. Daha. Bronchial Asthma. Diseases of Swedavaha Srotas 1(a) Introduction to Khalitya. Lumbago. Pleural Bronchiectasis. Bell’s Palsy.Katigraha. Asthi-Majjagata vata.Manyasthambha .Chhardi . Diseases of Manovaha Srotas 1(a) Apasmara. XI.Grahani –Gulma. XIV. XIII. 3) Introduction of Filariasis and classification of common parasites. Dysentry. VIII.Sciatica syndrome.PureeshavahaSrotas 1. IX. Leprosy. 1(b) Introduction to water and electrolyte imbalance disorders.Udara Roga. Constipation. Introduction to Anaha.V.Pangutwa 2. X. Adhmana. Krimi Vigyana 1) Definition. Introduction to Klaibya and Vandhyatva. 3.Apatanaka . Sanyasa. Diseases of Shukravaha Srotas 1. effusion. Mada. Diseases of Udakavaha Srotas 1(a) Introduction to Trishna.Ajirna . Murchha. Vilambika. 1(b) Introduction to Urinary Tract Infection.Lumber & Ankylosing Spondylitis. 1(b) Introduction to Epilepsy. Vatavyadhi . Shleepada.Akshepaka . Sandhigatavata. Agnimandya . 4 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . 2. Atatwabhinivesha-Vishada. Chickenpox. Introduction to Peptic Ulcer.Hikka – Urahkshata – Shosha – Rajayakshma.Amlapitta. Kasa . Cervical. Introduction to the aetiopathogenesis of Pneumonia. Depression. VI. Part B 50 Marks VII. 3. 1(b) Introduction to Measels. Disposal of biomedical wastes. Upasargajanya Vyadhi (Communicable diseases) 1(a) Romantika – Masurika – Upadamsha – Phiranga. Diseases of Mutravaha Srotas 1(a) Mutrakrichha – Mutraghata. Osteoporosis. Introduction to male and female infertility. Tuberculosis and AIDS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Diarrhoea. Unmada.Shoola – Parinama Shoola – AnnadravaShoola. Diseases of Asthi – Majjavaha Srotas 1. 4. XII. glass wares. Anidra.Pakshaghata – Gridhrasi –Vishwachi. Avabahuka. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. Diseases of Annavaha. Nephropathies. Anxiety neurosis.Ardita . Introduction to Parkinson’s disease.Shwasa . classification of Krimi and features of Krimiroga 2) Snayuka. Bronchitis.Atisara – Pravahika . Introduction to Osteo. Atopa. Visuchika Alasaka. PRACTICAL (100 Marks) i) Fundamental Principles of Laboratory Tests Introduction to laboratory. solutions reagents and safety procedures. Demonstration of instruments used for clinical examination. USG and Radio imaging techniques. Demonstration of Prothrombin time (PT). Ketone. platelets.ii) Haematology 1 Haemoglobin estimation. 5 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year .D. 4 Erythrocyte indices . Practical demonstration of examination of Roga based on Pancha Nidana. MCHC. RBC. Introduction and demonstration of clinical methods (General and Systemic Examination).P. Leukemia. 3 Microscopic examination of ova & cyst (Demonstration) 4 Occult Blood Test. Reaction (Ph) & Specific Gravity. Blood Urea. 5 Peripheral blood smear. Sama-Nirama Pariksha. vi) Demonstration of Semen examination 1 Ayurveda anusara Retaspariksha.P. Serum Uric acid etc. Lipid Profile. 2 Physical examination. viii) Demonstration of different staining techniques in microbiology. 2. Clotting time (CT). Bile salts. 7 ESR. 4. 3 Sample collection and Demonstration of AFB. Serum Creatinine.Volume. 3. x) Laboratory record – maintenance of laboratory record book. Bile pigment. Phosphate.Proteins. Chemical Examination for . 2 Physical. iii) Urine Examination 1. staining technique and differential leucocyte count.ABO system. Glucose. Physical Examination . 3 Hematocrit /Packed cell volume (PCV). iv) Stool Examination 1 Ayurveda anusara purishapariksha. Demonstration of ECG. MCH. Practical records of clinical examination of at least 20 long cases in I. Malaria. 8 Screening test for bleeding disorders.bleeding time (BT). Demonstration of Microscopic Examination. vii) Biochemical Examination – (Demonstration) Blood Glucose.D including Aturbala-pramana pareeksha. ix) Demonstration of Sero-immunological Investigations: RA and Widal.WBC. Bed side Practical (Clinical Methods) 1. Serum Bilirubin. 9 Blood grouping . 2. Rh typing (Rhesus system). 6 Peripheral blood film examination in Anemia. 6. Filaria (Demonstration). 4. Dipstick examination 5. Ayurveda anusara mutrapariksha. 2 Blood cells counting . 2 Semen examination. 5. Chemical and Microscopic Examination of the sputum. v) Demonstration of Sputum Examination 1 Ayurveda anusara sthivanapariksha. 3.MCV. Practical records of clinical examination of at least 20 short Cases based on Ashta vidha pariksha in O. William Boyds. Clinical methods in Ayurveda. Clinical Laboratory medicine Edited by Kenneth D Mc.Degruchy’s. K. 19. Pathology Practical book for Undergraduates. Fausto at al. Laboratory Experiments -20 Marks 4. Medical Laboratory Technology . 24. Gralem.Dey and Dey. Wick. Nadi Darshan . 28. Indentification of Instruments -10 Marks 3. Tara Shankar Mishra 4.Clinical examination. 14. 12. Short Case -10 Marks 5. 32. Clinical Methods. 21.Acharya P. 10. Text Book of Pathology. Text Book of Pathology. P. Common Medical Symptoms.Harsh Mohan. Nadi Vigyan. Anderson. 23. 6 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year .Chris Newann.R.Voce -30 Marks Total 100 Marks Reference Books 1. Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Todd.Priyavrata Sharma 8. Zumwelt.Chamberlains. Parameswarappa’s Ayurvediya Vikriti Vigyan and Roga Vikriti Vigyan-Dr.Dr. Madhava Nidana (Madhukosha Pt. Cortan.K.Harsh Mohan.V. Clinical Hematology In Medical Practice. Sharma 3. Text Book of Pathology. 11. Murthy. 34. Bedside Clinics in Medicine Part.Mehta. Abbas. 26.Prof. 16. Ram Harsh Singh. General Pathology.I & II-Kundu. 22. Sood. Sushrut Samhita and Vagbhata. Gurdip Singh. R . Uma Chaturvedi. 13. Robbins Basic Pathology.S. Nadi Vigyana Vidyotini Hindi Tika 5. Advanced Clinical Evaluation System for Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills. 9. Practical Pathology. 17.Douglas/Macleod’s. Viva .P. Chately. Gupta. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Examination Oxford Handbooks and Practical Skills. 15. S.Walter & Israel Churchill Living stone. Sanford and Davidson Laboratory methods 33. 30. Advances in Pathology & Lab Med. 18. Byadgi.Distribution of Marks for final Practical Examination 1. Clinical Pathology and Bacteriology.Gangadhar Tika 7.S. 31. Daily Record -10 Marks 2. Text Book of Parasitology -Ramnik Sood. 27.Vd. Yadunandan Upadhyay Commentary) Part 1 – 2 2. Long Case -20 Marks 6. Nadi Vigyan. 20.Kumar.Shri Satya Dev Vashisht 6. 25. Rogi Pariksha vidhi Acharya. Symptoms & Signs in Clinical Medicine . Ayurvediya Nidan Evum Chikitsa Ke Siddhanta . 29 .Weimstean. Relevant portions of Charak Samhita. A Comprehensive Dictionary of Pathology. Ramanath Dwivedi & Vd. Doshakaranatwa Mimamsa .Vd. Ayurvediya Roga Vargikaran.Hutchison’s. Mental. Arogya lakshana.2 SWASTHAVRITTA Paper-I Theory. Jihvanirlekhanavidhi 10. subjective. Shayanavidhi according to Bhavamishra 7 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Mukha prakshalan 8. Padatra dharana 25. Utsadana 18. Dimensions of health-Physical. Anulepana 22. Brahma Muhurta evam Utthana 4. Malatyaga 7. Concept of wellbeing. Abhyanga 16. Dantadhavana and preparation of Ayurvedic tooth powder and paste 9. Danda dharana 24. Sandhya charya 2. standard of living. Ratnabharana dharana 28.VAIYAKTIKA SWASTHAVRITTA 50 marks Introduction Definition of swastha & swasthya and swasthavritta.Social. Vastra dharana 23. Cosmetic effect of Dinacharya procedures Rathricharya 1. Rathri bhojana vidhi 3. Chatra dharana 26. Anjana 11. Usha Jalapana 5. Aims and importance of dinachary 3. Pratimarsha Nasya 12.Two papers . Dhoomapana 15. Udvartana 17.objective. Madhyahna charya 29. WHO definition of health.3. Ushnisha dharana 27. quality of life.100 marks each Practical / Viva voce -100 marks Lectures –200 Hrs Practicals and demonstration – 100 Hrs PART A. Gandusha and Kavala 13. swasthavritta prayojanam. Vyayama 19. Snana 21. Dinacharya 1. Chankramana 20. Definition of Dinacharya 2. Tambulasevana 14. Sharirachinta 6. Sleep in healthy and diseased persons. Ritu presentation as per different acharyas 3. Ashtaharvidhiviseshayatanani. Nidra – Swasthya sambandha. Swarupa. Shaka and Harita varga (Leafy and Non leafy vegatables). Ahara dushparinama & tajjanya vyadhaya. Fruits and Vegetables hygiene Sanitation of eating places.Nirukti and Utpatti. Effects of Ratri Jagarana.Dhanya varga(Cereals and millets). Phala varga (Fruits). Effects of spices and condiments Consumption of Alcohol and its effects on personal and social health. Ahara dravya Vargikaranam. Diwaswapna. Ahara and Vihara causing disturbed sleep . Nitya sevaneeya dravya. Sanchaya-Prakopa-Prashamana of Dosha according to ritu 5. Atinidra. Adhyashana. Importance sambandhi niyama. Vitamins and Minerals. Dietetic standards. Nutritional requirements. Doshashodhana in Ritu Charya 6. Masala and vyanjana dravyas (Spices & Condiments). Aharavidhividhana.Ritucharya 1. Sources and deficiency diseases of Protein. Pasteurization of milk. Effects of of 8 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Concept of balanced diet in Ayurveda. Anidra. Meat hygiene-Meat inspection. and Food adulteration. Food handlers. Dwadashashana pravicharana. Effects of pathya-apathya in life style disorders-Diabetes. Relation of Agni bala and Ritu 7. Trayopastambha i)Ahara Nirukti. Food toxicants. ii) Nidra. Dugdha varga (Milk and Milk products). Social aspects of nutrition. Types . Food borne diseases. Duration of sleep according to age. Freshness of fish and egg.vegetarian diet. a) Ritusandhi b) Yamadamsthra c) Rituharitaki d) Rituviparyaya Sadvritta Description of Sadvritta and Achara Rasayana their role in Prevention and control of diseases. Food hygiene Milk hygiene-Milk composition. Kritanna varga(Prepared Food). Properties of Vegetarian and Non. Shadrasabhojanasya mahatwam. Vishamashana. Importance of ritucharya 2. Vyavaya Abrahmacharya. Carbohydrate. Taila varga(Fats and Oils). Aharavarga . Ikshu varga & Madhya varga(Alcoholic Beverages). Kanda varga (roots and tubers). iii) Brahmacharya – Brahmacharya and Bharmacharya and Abrahmacharya. Clean and Safe milk. Milk borne diseases. Proximate principles of Food. Fat. Pramukhatva. Samashana. Pathya and Apathya Ahara and Vihara in different ritus 8. Ahara and Vihara Causing sound sleep. Santarpanajanya evam Apatarpanajanya vyadhi. Mamsa varga (Meat types). Properties of Yukta Nidra. Balanced diet for different sections of people in the society. Food fortification. Hypertension. Source of infection (for Milk). Pathyahara. Obesity and Coronary heart Disease. Viruddhahara and its effects. Adana kala & visarga kala 4. Apathyahara. Preservation of food. Slaughter house. ujjayi. Supine Postures Pavanamuktasana.Adharaniya Vega and Diseases due to vegadharana and their chikitsa. Dhanurasana. Padahastasana. Bhramari Murcha. Gomukhasana. Bhaktiyoga. Methods of Virya Raksha. Bhadrasana. Shalbhasana. Ardhachakrasana. Kumbhakabheda – suryabhedana. classification and examples Ashta nindita purusha Menstrual hygiene Part B (YOGA AND NISARGOPACHARA) 50 marks YOGA Introduction Yoga shabda utpatti. Shavasana. ardhamatsyendrasana. paribhasha(definition ). Sarvangasana. Basti. avara-pravara-madhyama lakshana. Nadishudhilakshana Shatkarma Dhauti. Halasana. Plavini. Ushtrasana. swasthya rakshane yogasya mahatvam Yogabhyasa pratibhandhaka & siddhikara bhavas as per Hathayoga. Sitkari. Karmayoga. Trikonasana. Mitahara and Pathyapathyani during Yogabhyasa. Bhastrika. sharir shodhan. Sitting postures Swasthika. Rasayana for Swastha-Nirukti. Makarasana. Padmasana. Pashchimottanasana. Suptavajrasana. Layayoga. Prone postures Bhujangasana. Nauli. Chakrasana. Jnanayoga. Trataka. Different schools of Yoga – Rajayoga. Kapalabhati 9 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Dharaneeya Vega. sheetali. Matsyasana. Hathayoga. yuktaayukta lakshana Nadishudhi Pranayama . Panchakosha Theory Astanga yoga Yama. Suryanamaskara – procedure and benefits. Surataspriha(Libido) through Vajikarana.Setubandhasana. Yoga prayojana Ayurveda yoga sambandha. Shashankasana. Viryanasa phala. Niyama Asana and its importance Standing Postures Ardhakatichakrasana. Vajrasana.Concept of Vega. Siddhasana.Ativyavaya. Pranayama Benefits of pranayama. time of practice. definitions. Neti. Mantrayoga. Roganutpadaniya. Spinal bath. indices of thermal comfort.Positive and negative diet. Elimininative.Thermal discomfort and comfort zone. Prevention and control of air pollution .Bandhas and Mudras Shad chakras. Steam bath.Tests and analysis of water. Naishthiki chikitsa. Air of occupied room. Pratyahara. abdominal wet pack. water requirements. Satyabuddhi. Manifestations and control measures. Ida-pingala-sushumna nadis. types and sources of water. foot and arm bath. Ashta siddhis. Vayu (Air) Vayu guna according to sushruta samhita. therapeutic effects of fasting. Composition of air. aims and objectives Theories as per Western school of Naturopathy Indian school – Panchabhutopasana Relation of Ayurveda and Naturopathy Importance of Naturopathy in present era. Dhyana. Diet types – Soothing. mud bath. Samadhi Description of Yoga in Ayurveda Moksha and Muktatma lakshana and upaya. Air pollution – health and social aspects. Tatvasmriti. Mrittika chikitsa (Mud therapy) Types of soil. Visrama chikitsa upayoga PAPER II – SAMAJIKA SWASTHAVRITTA Part A 50 marks Janapadodhwamsa Causes. Ashta Aishwarya. Vayu shudhi prakara – Ayurvedic aspect. Jalachikitsa(hydrotherapy) – Hot water treatment. Mountain air & High altitude – Health problems Jala (Ayurvedic and modern aspects) Importance of water .water pollution and health hazards. types.heliotherapy) Mardana (Massage) – different methods and effects. Hardness of Water. Methods of water purification.Global warming. 10 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . history. Ventilation and its types. NISARGOPACHARA (Prakritika chikitsa) Definition. Cold water treatment. Properties of Vayu as per different directions. hip bath. Acidic and alkaline diet Upavasa chikitsa(Fasting therapy) – Importance. Examination. Constructive. safe and wholesome water. Suryakirana sevana (sun bath . Dharana. doctrine of mud selection. enema and whirl pool bath. properties. importance of Panchakarma and Rasayana. Dynamics of disease transmission. Electric cremation. Rural housing. Sources.Rain water harvesting and water recycling Bhumi and nivasa sthana(Land and housing) Types of soil.Effects on health and precautionary measures . Occupational Health Occupational Hazards. Dengue Fever. SARS. Occupational Diseases. biological effects of lighting. Malaria. Filariasis .& control Vikirana(Radiation). Overcrowding. natural and man-made disasters. Prevention of Occupational Diseases. Maintenance of healthy environment Epidemiology Concept of Epidemiology. concept of control. Epidemiological triad. Disinfection – definition. Mahanasa (Kitchen) standards. Immunizing Agents. Rabies . natural history of disease. Viral Hepatitis . Offensive Trades.natural lighting. Meteorology (Ritu evam Vatavarana jnanam) Definition of weather and climate. Leptospirosis.sources. types. Chikungunia. modes of intervention. Polio. Land pollution. incidence and prevalence. Risks factor. Gonorrhoea. School health services Health problems of school children.investigation of epidemic. Leprosy. Ayurvedic concept of Vyadhikshamatva and sankramaka rogas. host defenses. duties of school medical officers. Nivasa yogya bhoomi.factors influencing weather and climate. Prakasha(lighting) Requirement of good lighting.epidemiologic surveillance and disease control. Syphilis. Measles. Typhoid. aspects of school health service. Influenza. concept of diseases. Housing and health. Pertussis. effects and control Apadravya Nirmulana (Disposal of solid waste) Different types of solid waste Storage and collection of refuse Methods of disposal of solid waste (Rural & urban) Bio-medical waste management Malanishkasana Vyavastha (Excreta Disposal) Methods for Unsewered area and Sewered area Latrines for camps. Emerging and re-emerging diseases Kuprasangaja vyadhi (STDs) AIDS. Cholera. Mumps. Housing standards. ESI Act. Disease prevention and control. Dhwani pradooshana(Noise pollution) -Noise. Epidemiology of communicable Diseases Chicken Pox. concept of prevention. Social goals of housing. Tetanus. Indian factories Act.soil & health. Diphtheria. concept of causation. Disaster management Definition. artificial lighting. Burning. fairs and festivals Disposal of dead body – Burial. Tuberculosis. Health & precautionary measures. Bhumi shodhana. Pneumonia. Susceptible host. effects. Chanchroid 11 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Mid day meal. Obesity. Vitamin A prophylaxis. principle.Fertility rates. Coronary Heart Diseases. life expectancy. Leprosy(NLEP). Cancer (NCCP) . Family planning. National Nutritional Programmes . methods of family planning.Diabetes (NDCP). Matru sishu kalyana Yojana – MCH programme Ante natal. Polio(PPI).CHC.structure and functions. demographic cycle.Non-communicable disease epidemiology Diabetes. Cancer Chikitsalaya Bhavana (Hospital Building) Part B 50marks Prathamika swasthya samrakshana(Primary Health Care) Definition. NRHM. Role of Ayurveda in Primary Health Care. Vital statistics-Morbidity rates. International health agencies-United Nations agencies. anemia control programmes. neo natal care. state.IDD. uses Data collection. Preventive geriatrics-Problems of elderly. district. Guinea worm. Sources. World Health Organisation-Objectives. NGOs and AYUSH sector. PHC.Mortality rates . Classification. village levels. Rheumatic Heart Disease. Structure at village. Parivara kalyana Yojana (Family welfare Programmes)– Demography. National health programmes Tuberculosis(RNTCP). Blindness (NPCB). Rural hospital levels.prevention and control measures. sub centre. Health survey Swasthya prashasana(Health Administration) – Health administration at Central including AYUSH. Hypertension. post natal. 12 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . all the upcoming national health programmes. AIDS (NACP). Presentation. Child health problems and indicators of MCH care. Health insurance.Health work of bilateral agencies. Voluntary health agencies. intra natal. Vector born disease control programme.Definition. RCH programme. Alma Ata declaration National Health Policy Health statistics. Universal Immunization Programme. elements.levels of health care. Private agencies. Sitkari. kavala.Brahmanand Tripathi 13 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Bhaskar Govind Ghanekar Dr. Viva voce 100 marks 20 20 10 10 10 30 Reference Books: Relevant portions of Charaka. Visit to Primary Health Centre for knowledge of actual implementation of National health programmes including knowledge of rural health. nasya. Ujjayi. Journal and compilation work 6. disinfectants and family planning devices Practical demonstrations of Asanas mentioned in the syllabus Pranayama (Suryabhedana. Swasthavritta Samucchaya Swasthya Vigyan Swasthya Vigyan Swasthavritta Swasthavritta Ayurveda Hitopadesh Yoga and Ayurved Swasthavritta vigyan Swasthavrittam - Pandit Rajeshwar dutt Shastri Dr. Proformas for Case sheets/practical records/survey/Dinacharya projects etc should be prepared by the respective universities. Practical and Viva Voce examination Marks distribution 1. Bhastrika. Bhavaprakasha. Firke Vaidya Ranjit Rai Desai Acharya Rajkumar Jain Dr. Ranade and Dr. Sewage treatment unit. Visit to naturopathy centre to observe naturopathic treatment modalities. Sutraneti. udvarttana. Samajik swasthavritta 3. Preparing and delivering of a health educational talk on health related issues. Ramharsha Singh Dr. Sushruta. gandoosha Parichaya of aharadravya. Mukund swarup Varma Vaidya Sakad Dr.Minimum 5 families of rural and urban areas.Leprosy hospital and industraial unit. anjana. Trataka. Educational Visits Observe the functioning of the Milk Dairy. A short compilation on any topic on environmental health. Bhramari and Nadishuddhi) and Shad karmas(Jala dhauti. Naturopathy 5. There should be 3 case sheets for Yoga Naturopathy & pathya apathya together and 3 case sheets for communicable diseases. Health survey. Visit of rural Ayurvedic dispensary. immunization agents. Jalaneti. Yogaratnakara. Demonstration of Yoga 4. Kapalabhati). Sarngadhara. Madhavanidana and Bhelasamhita.Water purification unit.PRACTICALS Demonstration of Dinacharya proceduresdhoomapana. Vaiyaktika Swasthavritta 2. Vagbhata. abhyanga.MCH/Family welfare centre. Shitali. B. Nigam Sharma . Ramharsha Singh Dr. Kedar Nath Gupta Dr.S. Reddy’s comprehensive guide to Swasthavritta Nutritive value of Indian foods Yoga and Nisargopachar Prachin Vangmay mein prakritic chikitsa Swasthavritta Food and nutrition Organology and sensology in yoga Yoga-A game for Women - Dr.K. Iyengar Shri.S. Smt. Prama Joshi .ICMR . Shivkumar Gaud Vaidya Jalukar Shastri Patanjali Maharshi Swatmaram Yogendra Gherand Muni Bharatiya Prakritik Chikitsa Parishad Shri.L.P.K. Vhawal .swami Anant Bharati. CCRYN .C. B.Devaraj L. Nirmal Sahani - S. Park Baride and kulkarni Dr.P.sudhakar Reddy . Indramohan Jha Shri.S.P. Ramharsha Singh Harikrishna Shastri datar Sharan Prasad Verma J.Swasthavrittam Ayurvediya Swasthavritta Patanjala yogasutra Hathayogapradipika Gheranda samhita Yoga Paddhati Yogik Chikitsa Sachitra Yogasan darshika Yoga deepika Light on Yoga Light on Pranayama Yoga and yoga chikitsa Foundations of Contemporary Yoga Yoga Sidhant evam Sadhana Prakritik chikitsa Vidhi Prakritik chikitsa vigyan Preventive and Social Medicine Preventive and Social Medicine Janasankhya Shiksha Sidhanta Evam upadesya Health Administration in India Health and family welfare Positive Health Biogenic Secrets of food in Ayurveda Smriti granthon mein nihit Swasthaprakara samagri Dr. B.Vd Yashwant Patil and Vd.Seel T. Iyengar Dr.Gupta Dr.K. Iyengar Shri.Dr.Swaminathan -Prashant S Iyengar -Geeta S Iyengar Yoga-A game for Women(hindi translation)-Madhu Pandey 14 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Gupta L.Vd. Artava and Prathama Rajo Darshana.(External and internal genital organs) Soft & Bony Pelvis and its obstetrical importance. Masanumasika Vridhi of Garbha. Rajasvala Charya. Garbhasayasthe Garbhasthiti Foetal attitude. Garbhadhanavidhi. Ritumaticharya. Panchabhautikatwa of Garbha. Tryavarta yoni Stri Vishishta.3. Ulba Formation. Garbha Sambhava samagri. lie. position. Jarayu. Ovulation –Importance in conception DESIRABLE (non detail) Concept of Stri Sukra GARBHA VIGYANA a) Garbhasya paribhasha. Garbhavakranti. Development. Amniotic fluid Foetal membranes -Abnormalities of Placenta DESIRABLE (non detail) 15 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year .3 PRASUTI TANTRA & STRIROGA Marks 200 (100marks each paper) Practical-100 marks HOURS Theory-200 Hrs Practical-100 Hrs PAPER-1 PRASUTI TANTRA PART-A INTRODUCTION TO SUBJECT STRI SHARIRAVIJNAN Etymological origin of the word Stri. DESIRABLE (non detail) Vayobhedena Stri sangnya RAJO VIGYANA Description of Raja. Ritukala Menarche. Umbilical cord. Garbha Poshana . Function of Placenta. Menstrual cycle and their regulation by endocrine glands. Ritumati Lakshana.Peshi Marmani. Anatomy of female reproductive system. GarbhaNabhinadi. presentation b) Apara. Artava vaha and Stanyavaha strotamsi. Garbhakara bhava. Pumsavana vidhi Diagnosis of Pregnancy b) Garbhini vyavastha: Garbhini Paricharya. Bahugarbhatha d) Abortions. Gestational Hypertension. Lakshana of Vyakta Garbha. Kandu. Intrauterine foetal death. Multiple pregnancy GARBHINI VYAPAD a) Hrillasa. Physiology & Mechanism of Labour. Jaundice. AIDS. Prajayani/ Upasthita Prasava/ Asannaprasava lakshana.Garbhalingotpatti. Pictogram. and Kamala. Sutikagara praveshavidhi. clinical features. Vibandha. b) Prasavavastha. Sutikagaranirmana. Arsa. Gestational Anemia. Nagodara. Rh-incompatabilityCauses. complications and management. Garbha Vikriti GARBHINI VIGYANA a) Lakshana of Sadhyograhita Garbha. Episiotomy.Prasavkaala. Samprapthy and Chikitsa Garbhasrava and GarbhapataGarbha shosha-Upavishtaka. Prasavaparicharya. Udavarta. Chardi. Garbha Upaghatakara Bhava. Gestational trophablastic neoplasias.Prasavahetu. Sotha. Ectopic pregnancy. Kikkisa. Gestational Diabetes. care and resuscitation of newborn. Sangrahaniya Dravyani. Monitoring of Labour and management. Garbha Varnotpatti. 16 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Vaivarnya. Jatamatraparicharya c) Normal Labour:-Definition of Labour.Atisara. Pandu. makkala b) Common ailments of Pregnancy-High Risk Pregnancy. Dauhrida Ante Natal care-Examination. Aruchi. Parikarthika. Leena garbha. Investigation and Management c) Garbha Vyapada: Nidana. IUGR. Upashushka. Raktagulma. Antarmrita garbha. Emesis gravid arum. Toxemias of Pregnancy. Aavi. clinical features complications and Management PART B PRASAVA VIGYANA a) Prasava Paribhasha. Garbhasya Avayavotpatti. Ante Partum Hemorrhage causes. Amniotic Fluid Embolism. Mudagarbha-defenition. Prolonged labour. Oligomenorrhoea. Upadrava evam Chikitsa Endometriosis.causes. Sutika paricharya. Post term labour. Pelvic Infections including Sexually Transmitted Infections.PRASAVA VYAPAD a) Garbhasanga. Nidana. Forceps Delivery. Changes during sootika avastha(Sareerika&Manasika) Normal and abnormal Puerperium and its Management b) Sutika Roga – Number of Sutika Roga. Caesarian c) Retention of Placenta. foetal distress. Types & Management b) Induction and augmentation of labour. Retroverted Uterus. Ashtartavadushti lakshana chikitsa Asrigdara lakshana samprapti Chikitsa b) Menstrual disorders-Amenorrhoea. Sutika Kaal.Stanya sampat. Granthi. c) Stanyavijnan. Fibroid uterus. Pelvic infections. Genital tract Injuries during labour DESIRABLE (non detail) Uterine Inversion.AIDS. 17 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Preterm labour. Sthanyakshaya. clinical features and management. Dysmenorrhoea. Yoni Arsa. Lakshana. Ventouse Delivery. Shotha and Makkala. PART-2 STRI ROGA PART-A ARTAVA VYAPAD a) Artava-kshaya vridhi. SUTIKA VIGYANA a) Sutika Paribhasha. Investigations and Management. Genital Prolapses. Garbhasthithi parivarthan(Version). Arbud. Assisted Labour.Sthanyavridhi -their causes. clinical features and treatment d) Emergency care in obstetrics DESIRABLE(non detail)Stana stanya –Pareeksha. Abnormal uterine Bleeding YONI VYAPAD Sankhya.Nidana . Nidana. Yoni Kanda.Cervical dystocia. PPH . Aparasanga. hypomenorrhoea. Yonisamvarana. HIV. Sutika Jwara.Chikitsa Infertility – Causes. Preventive measures.Sthanyadushti.Cephalopelvic disproportion. Cervical erosion. Types. Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases VANDHYATWA – Prakar. DESIRABLE (non detail) Congenital malformations of female genital tract. Cervical Biopsy. Stanagranthi. diagnosis. Contraindications of cauterization of cervix. Stanavidradhi.ethical and medicolegal issues in Streeroga and prasutitantra DESIRABLE (non detail) Laproscopy. Breast abscess.Colposcopy. management.nidana lakshana chikitsa. Shastra Karma Surgical procedures their Indications. hysterectomy) 18 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Granthi evum Granthi nirharan samanyajnan(Myomectomy. PNDT Act. Pichu. Reproductive and Child Health Care. Prasuti & Stri Roga Chikitsa Upayogi Yantra Shastra Parichaya and Vyadhivinischaya Upaya (Investigative and Diagnostic Aids) Garbhanirodhaka Upaya. Swedana. cervical dilatation and curettage. Sukra vijnan –kshaya . Practical knowledge of all these procedures along with indications.X-RAY. Pharmacotherapuetics of allopathic drugs in obstetrics and Gynaecology Record keeping. Dhavana. Galactocele -Etiopathology. clinicalfeatures.USG.MENOPAUSE-changes during menopause . Dhupana. AIDS/HIV control Programme. and importance of current National Programme Knowledge of important Commonly used Ayurvedic and Allopathic drugs used in Prasutitantra and Streeroga. prognosis and complications b) Sthanik Chikitsa Snehana. Dahana. Parivar Niyojana.hysteroscopy. MTP Act. complications and management. Varti.menopause syndrome. Uttarabasti.vridhi. MCH. Stanashoph Mastitis.dushti hetu lakshana and chikitsa Benign and Malignant tumours of Genital Tract PART-B STANA ROGA a) Stanakeela. Endometrial biopsy and interpretation of the reports Stri roga Sambandhita Pramukha Aushadhyai.hysterosalphingography. Ksharakarma -. Lepana. female surgical sterilization Knowledge of indication and procedure of PAP smear. 5 intrapatum. assessing of gestational period. Able to provide first aid for obstetric emergencies 7. &Models3.Taking vaginal smear. MTP. 5 post partum cases To observe/assist-D&C.Drugs. high vaginal swab 4.Case taking-2cases –one Gynec.Observation of Surgical procedures 7. Oopherctomy DISTRIBUTION OF PRACTICAL MARKS 1. Recognition of post partum complications 8.Record -2-(one Prasuti. one streerog)Total 30marks 20 marks 40 marks 10 marks 100 marks 19 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Observation of 10 labour 5. Resuscitation of new born.one obstetric2. History taking and examination of antenatal and gynaecological cases 2. Record 5 antenatal cases..Practical knowledge of sthanika chikitsa 5. Diagnosis of Pregnancy. able to plot Partogram 4. Demonstration of surgical instruments 8. 5 gynaecological procedures 3. To monitor labour progress.Identification.Observation and practical knowledge of minor gynaecological procedures 6. Surgical procedures Hystrectomy.Instruments . GYNAECOLOGICAL SKILLS -To perform independently 1. To diagnose abnormalities of labour and decide about the referral of the patient 6.Recording 10 gynaecological cases. uses.CLINICAL TRAINING-OBSTETRIC SKILLS To perform independently 1. Caesarean section.General Viva4. Observation of Method of sterilization.History taking and examination of gynaecological cases 2. Councelling and promoting of breast feeding 9. to diagnose onset of labour 3. D&E. Repair operations. Stanyadosha (Vitiation of Breast milk). Purnakalika Shishu (Full term). Definitions and terminologies used in Kaumarbhritya. Assessment of gestational age.4. 5. Nabhinala Chhedana (Cutting of umbilical cord). 9. Kshirannada & Annada etc. Stanya Janana and Vardhanopakrama (Methods to enhance breast milk formation). Scientific contribution of Kashyapa Samhita in Kaumarbhritya. 20 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Prana Pratyagamanam (Neonatal Resuscitation): Methodology.50 Marks Paper I 100 Marks Kaumarbhritya Parichaya Evum Balaka Paricharya (Introduction to Ayurvedic Pediatrics and Child Care) Part A 50 Marks 1. Kshirada. Stanya Parikshana (Examination of breast milk). General introduction and scope of Kaumarbhritya (Ayurvedic Pediatrics). Garbha Vridhi Vikasa Krama: Samanya Parichaya (brief monthwise development of fetus). Dantotpatti evum Danta Raksha Vidhi (Dentition and dental care): Danta-sampat (Characteristics of healthy teeth). Danta Nisheka evum Dantodbheda (Eruption of teeth). Dantodbhedjanya Vikara (Dentition disorders). 3. Dhatri (wet nurse).3. 10. 4. Poshana (Nutrition): Normal requirements of nutrients and common food sources. and modern classification of childhood period. Navajata Shishu Parikshana (Examination of newborn): Ayu-Parikshana. Stanya-Piyusha (Colostrum). Navajata Shishu Paricharya (Neonatal Care): Care of the Jatmatra (Newly born child) and the Sadyojata. Bala. StanyakshayaStanyanasha (Inadequate production and absence of breast milk). 11. Kaumarbhritya (Ayurvedic Pediatrics) Theory One Paper – 100 Marks Practical Viva Voce . Vayobheda (Classification of age): Garbha. 2. Various other milk feeding methods. Care of the Samaya-purvajata Shishu (Preterm). Modern approach to Neonatal Examination 7. Stanya Sangathana (Composition of breast milk). Complications of improper cutting of umbilical cord and its treatment. Navajat Shishu Poshana (infant feeding): Specific feeding schedule as per Ayurvedic texts and modern concept.Ayurvedic and modern view). Kumara. 6.Stanyabhave dugdh Vyavastha (alternative feeding in the absence of breast milk). Milestones of development during infancy and childhood including concepts of various Samskaras. Stanya-Pana-Vidhi (Techniques of breast feeding). 8. Stanya Shodhana (Purification of breast milk). complications and their management (Ayurvedic and modern view). and Samaya-Paschatjata Shishu (Post term neonate). Stanya-Sampat (Properties of normal breast milk) Stanyotpatti (Physiology of lactation). Rakshoghna Karma (Protective measures. Kuposhanajanya Vyadhi (Nutritional disorders): Karshya. Nabhiroga disorders). 2. different drugs used in lehana 14. Hyper-vitaminosis. Upashirshaka (Caput Succidanum Paralysis. Dengue. Kshiralasaka. Bala Pariksha-vidhi Evam Shishu Vedana Parigyan (Examination of sick child and Diagnostic methods-Ayurvedic and modern). Bhagna (fractures). Kukkura -Kasa (Whooping Cough). General Aushadhl Matra Nirdharana . Malaria. Prasava Kaleena Abhighata (Birth injuries): Shwasavrodha (Asphyxia neonatorum). Brief description of Sahajavyadhi (Congenital disorders): Sahaja Hridaya Vikara (Congenital Cardiac Disorders) Jalashirshaka (Hydrocephalus). Pada Vikriti (Talipes equanovarus and valgus). 13. 4. 10. Kukunaka. Erb's Paralysis. weight and drug contents) 3. failure to thrive. Romantika (Measles). Knowledge of National Programs related to Child Health Care: Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Program. National Immunization Program and other programs incorporated by Govt. and Cephalohaematoma). Thalassaemia. Prasavottara Vyadhi (Neonatal disorders): Navajata Kamala (Neonatal Jaundice). Jivanujanya Yakrit Shotha (Hepatitis) 21 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Prashan & Lehana: Indications. Masurika (Chicken Pox). Dhanurvata (Tetanus). diabetes). Meningomyelocele. Balashosha and Parigarbhika (Protein Energy Malnutrition). Ulvaka. Dushta Stanyapanajanya Vyadhi (Disorders due to Vitiated Milk): Lactose intolerance. Nutritional Programs. Antrika Jwara (Typhoid). AIDS.12. Sahaja Madhumeha (Juvenile 7. Mastisakavarnashotha (Meningitis). Ahiputana (Napkin Rashes) 9. swedan and basti. Krimiroga (Worm Infestations). Vitamin and Micro-nutrient deficiency disorders. Khandaoushtha (cleft lip). Meningocele. Samanya Chikitsa Siddhanta (General principles of treatment in children). Aupasargika Vyadhi (Infectious Diseases): Karnamula Shotha (Mumps). Facial 5. contra-indications. Sickle-Cell Anemia. Specific therapeutic panchakarma procedures in children with special emphases on snehan. Phakka. Muscular dystrophy. Brief knowledge of genetic disorders): Down syndrome. Khanda-Talu (cleft palate) Sanniruddha Guda (Anal stricture / imperforated anus). Navajata Netrabhishyanda (Neonatal conjunctivitis). Spina bifida. Navajatshishu-raktavishmayata (Neonatal Septicemia) (Umbilical 8. Turner Syndrome. Community Child Health Programs. of India from time to time Part B 50 Marks Samanya Chikitsa Siddhanta and Balaroga (General Principles of Treatment and Management of Pediatric Disorders) 1.for Ayurvedic and modern drugs preparations (drug doses according to age. Rajayakshma (Tuberculosis). 6. Vyadhikshamatva: General concepts of Bala (Immunity) and methods of Bala Vriddhi. Rohini (Diphtheria). Rubella. Anya Bala Vikara (Miscellaneous Pediatric Disorders). Status epilepticus. Gudapaka (Proctitis). their management and counseling: Breath holding spell. 5. Cerebral palsy. Utphuliika. Akshepa (Convulsions). Behavioral Disorders of Children. Fluid and Electrolyte Management. Clinical training of above mentioned disorders of children. Kasa (Cough). Srotas Vikara: a) b) c) d) e) f) Pranavaha Srotas: Pratishyaya (common cold). Raktavaha Srotas: Kamala (Jaundice). Status Asthmaticus. Vibandha (Constipation). Galaganda (Goitre). Gandamala (Cervical Lymphadenopathy).and Pieehodara (Spleenomegaly) Mamsa-Medovaha Srotas: Apachi (Lymphadenitis). Foreign body in respiratory tract. Chhardi (Vomiting). 3. Gudabhransa (Rectal Prolapse). Pica. Udarshula (Infantile Colic). Knowledge of various equipments such as phototherapy unit. Panchakarma equipments and their application 4. Various Ayurvedic & modern Procedures and investigations in pediatric practice 22 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Mukhapaka (Stomatitis). Shayyamutra (Bed wetting). Laryngitis). Talukantaka(Tonsillitis) Annavaha_ Srotas: Ajirna (Indigestion).Bronchiolitis). 4. Acute Renal Failure. Raktapitta (Haemorrhagic disorders). Rasavaha Srotas: Jwara (Fever). Jadatwa (Mental retardation). 2. Unmada.1. Swedana. overhead radiant warmer. classification. Ama and its disorders like Ama vata jwara (Rheumatic fever). Nirudhaprakasha (Phimosis). Atisara (Diarrhoea). Hemorrhage. Shwasa (Respiratory distress syndrome). PRACTICAL Content of Practical / demonstration 1. Tamaka Shwasa (Bronchial Asthma). Mridbhakshanajanya Pandu (Anemia associated with clay eating/Pica). Pran raksha vidhi (Life saving measures in children): Principles of management of Shock and Anaphylaxis. Anthropometry measurements and their interpretation 6. resuscitation equipments. Poisoning. blood sampling 5. ADHD (Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorders). Apasmara (Epilepsy). Autism. Swasanaka Jwara (Pneumonia/Pneumonitis. Pravahika (Dysentry). Mutravaha Srotas: Shopha in Vrikka (Glomerulonephritis and Nephrotic syndrome) 2. Exposure to a) b) c) d) Navajata Shishu Paricharya (Care of the newborn) Pranapratyagamana Vidhi (Resuscitation procedure of new born) Vaccination Panchakarma Vidhi (Panchakarma procedures) especially Snehan. Yakritodara (Hepatomegaly). Balagraha: General description. clinical features and management. Pandu (Anemia). Parikartika (Anal fissure). Gala shotha (Pharyngitis. Knowledge of IV fluid administration. Febrile Convulsion. Basti. 3. 6. Premvati Tiwari 2. Abhimanyu Kumar Ayurvedic Concepts of human Embryology: Prof. Pediatrics Emergencies by Meharban Singh 13. Text Book of Pediatrics Nelson 15. Notes on Kaumarbhritya-by Dr. B. Satyapal Principles & practice of Pediatrics in Ayurveda: Dr. 11.0 case sheets of each] Patient Examination Spotting Viva – voce Total 10 Marks 20 Marks 05 Marks 15 Marks 50 Marks Reference Books 1.V. Clinical Methods in Paediatrics by Meharban Singh 12.M.K. 3.Kori & Raigopal 10. Care of New Born by Meharban Singh 16. Yogita Srivas 23 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Essential Pediatrics 0. Dinesh K S 8. D. Pran .P.Pratyagannanann-by Dr. Kaumarbhritya related references from Charaka Samhita.Distribution of Marks Clinical work: Pediatric and neonatal case records [1. CHS Shastry Child Health Care in Ayurveda: Prof. 5. Ayurveda Dwara Matra Evam Shishu Paricharya by Dr. Ghai 14. 4. Singh 9. Chanchal Sharma 7. Sushruta Samhita Vagbhata etc. KS Patel. Abhimanyu Kumar Kaumarbhritya by Prof. Kashyapa Samhita Complete Hindi translation by Vidhyalankara English translation by Prof.N. Mishra Kaumarbhritya Ke Antargata Balgraho Ka Kramika Evam Vaigyanika Adhyana by Prof. Panchakarma in Pediatrics Dr. Siddhi sthana 25 Marks Reference Books 1. Ram Karan Sharma & Vd.UTTARARDHA (Uttarardha: Chikitsa – Kalpa . Charak Samhita -Chakrapani Tika (Sanskrit Commentary) 2. Charak Samhita (Hindi Commentary) Vd. Kalpa sthana 15 Marks 3. Chikitsa sthana 60 Marks 2. Charak Samhita (English Commentary): Dr. Ravidutta Tripathy 3. Brahmanand Tripathy or Dr. Bhagwan Dash or Acharya Priyavrata Sharma.Siddhi Sthana) Theory. Jayadev Vidyalankar or Vd.One Paper – 100 Marks The marks of theory examination are distributed as follows: 1. Gorakh Nath Chaturvedi & Kashinath Shastri or Dr.5. 24 | UG-Syllabus 3rd year . Atridev Vidyalankar or Prof.3. CHARAK SAMHITA.
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