


Bombardier Transportation GmbHMITRAC® - HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 MVB-PC Access Kit 12SV02 MVB Service Access Kit MITRAC® Bombardier Transportation C&C System Overview The 12SV02 is a MVB access kit for the MITRAC C&C (Control and Communication) system. It exits in several versions with different HW adapter kits for connection to service interfaces or direct connection to the MVB ESD+ or EMD. Tools: e.g. - MITRAC MAVIS - MITRAC Commissioning Tools SW: - PCMCIA Driver - TCN-SW 12XX03 R0001/R0002 12SV01R0001 12XX03 3EGM036800 PC-Node 500PCC01 (PCMCIA, type 2) PCNode B1 B2 PC with PCMCIA slot 12XX04 R0001 12XX05 R0001 3EH-104078R1 AB Fauf Nr.: CD MVBSA XV C264 A01 E F MICAS-S2 Tx Rx B3 qÉãéä~íÉJfÇKW=PbdjMOTQVQaMMPV=oÉîK=|_=gìäó=OMMN MITRAC A C Fig. 1: Usage of the 12SV02 B B4 3EGM 037270 Rev. C 15.10.2003 Page 1 of 14 HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 The main parts of the 12SV02 q TCN-PC SW q PCMCIA Cardware driver q PC-Node card (12SV01 version 1) q MVB HW Adapter Kits (not included in 12SV02 version 1) HW Adapter Kit for EMD with 12XX03 (included in 12SV02 version 10) HW Adapter Kit for ESD+ with 12XX03 (included in 12SV02 version 11) HW Adapter Kit for VCU-6U and LIM with 12XX04 (included in 12SV02 version 20) HW Adapter Kit for Multipurpose with 12XX05 (included in 12SV02 version 30) Versions of MVB-PC Access Kit - Generic MVB-PC Access Kit (12SV02 version 1) MVB-PC Access Kit for EMD with 12XX03 (12SV02 version 10) MVB-PC Access Kit for ESD+ with 12XX03 (12SV02 version 11) MVB-PC Access Kit for VCU-6U and LIM with 12XX04 (12SV02 version 20) MVB-PC Access Kit for Multipurpose with 12XX05 (12SV02 version 30) Data Sheet First issued Revised Date 06.2003 15. Date Wp GH He Sign.. PPC/EMTS PPC/EMTS PPC/EMST Abbr.05.2002 07. File Name 3egm037270_en_c _12sv02_datasheet _hw.2003 Rev.doc We reserve all rights in this document and the object described therein. Duplication.Bombardier Transportation GmbH MITRAC® .10. Dept. disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents are prohibited without express permission. Ó Bombardier Transportation GmbH 2003 MVB-PC Access Kit 15.2003 Page 2 of 14 . A B C Status Created Checked Approved Resp.02.10. .........10 Connection Elements.......................................................... 3 1 Functional Description..........................10 Maintenance ...................................................1 1.....................10 SW Installation .............................................................................................................................................................................................................4 1...........13 5 Definitions and Abbreviations ......5 4................11 4 Ordering information ....................2 3.........................................2 2.............................................................10............12 Problem Reports ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................11 Power Supply...........14 2 Device Configuration .............................................2003 Page 3 of 14 ...............................................................................4 Detailed Product Structure .......................................................................4 2............................................................3 2....................6 3............................................................................................1 3.........................10 Control Elements ..........................................................................................................................1 2.......6 Installation Instructions ...............................................................................10 Setting Facilities ............................................................................................................................................3 3..........10 HW Installation......................1...........1............................................................10 Display Elements....................................................1 2.................................................HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 Contents Page Overview ..................2 2........................11 Input and Output Signals ..................................2 2.........12 Weight of MVB-PC Access Kits.......................................1 Product Structure ...............................11 Ambient Conditions .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................5 2...........................................................Bombardier Transportation GmbH MITRAC® ...........................................................................................................................................................................7 3 Technical Data ........14 MVB-PC Access Kit 15.................. 1 Contents.................................................4 3............................................11 Bus Connections......................................................................................................................................................................... which is applicable for all target specific versions (B) target specific adapter solutions (C) target specific access kits (C) Target specific MVB-PC Access Kit · Documentation · (A) Generic part · (Bx) Target specific part (A) Generic part · Documentation · TCN-PC SW · PCMCIA Driver · PC-Node Card (B) Target Specific part · Documentation · All target specific cables and adapters Page 4 of 14 15. with MAVIS) or testing and commissioning support. The kit is available in several versions for interfacing the different MITRAC C&C environments. between front and back console room of a locomotive. uploading of diagnosis data (e.1 Product Structure The product has the following structure: (A) generic part. Access to MVB EMD Access to MVB ESD+ Access to VCU-6U service interface Access to VCU classic Access to VCU Lite Access to MVB FOB.g. as for commissioning. e. which are necessary for this interface. an optical cable is used to bridge larger distances. It includes all HW and SW components.10.2003 MVB-PC Access Kit .g.g. e.MITRAC® . or for measurements over several wagons in a train 1.HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 Bombardier Transportation GmbH 1 Functional Description The MVB-PC Access Kit connects a Personal Computer with the MITRAC System for several functions like downloading of application SW. HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 Fig. 2: Expositon of MVB-PC Access Kit for Multipurpose MVB-PC Access Kit 15.10.Bombardier Transportation GmbH MITRAC® .2003 Page 5 of 14 . 3 C1.1 12SV01 R0001 3EGM037200 R0001 B1 B1.10.4 3EGM037200 R0010 MVB-PC Access Kit for EMD Smd suitcase Documentation: 12SV02 data sheet A1 B1 12SV02 R0010 Shall contain everything See above See above C2 C2. etc.8 B4.1 B3.7 B4.1 A1.3 B4.1 C3.2 B1.3 C3.3 A1.9 3EGM037000 R0001 HW Adapter Kit for Multipurpose Smd suitcase Documentation: 12SV02 data sheet HW: Adapter for Multipurpose Optional fiber optical cable.HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 Bombardier Transportation GmbH 1.4 3EGM037200 R0011 MVB-PC Access Kit for ESD+ Smd suitcase Documentation: 12SV02 data sheet A1 B2 12SV02 R0011 Shall contain everything See above See above C3 C3. 2. about 2m Adapter VCU to VCU-6U service interface 12XX11 Optional accumulator pack including charger Optional charger for accumulator pack Optional accumulator pack 12XX05 R0001 3BHC380132R0372 3EGM033100R0001 3EGM037007R0001 3EGM037008R0001 3EGM037009R0001 Option has to be ordered extra Option has to be ordered extra Option has to be ordered extra Spare part Spare part C1 C1.6 B4.1 B4.2 C4. CD-ROM. A1. see ch.1 B2.4 3EGM037200 R0030 MVB-PC Access Kit for Multipurpose Smd suitcase Documentation: 12SV02 data sheet A1 B4 12SV02 R0030 Shall contain everything See above See above Table 1: Product structure Page 6 of 14 15.2 C1.2 C3. installation guide.1 C2.1 C4.4 3EGM037200 R0020 MVB-PC Access Kit for VCU-6U and LIM 12SV02 R0020 service interface Smd suitcase Documentation: 12SV02 data sheet A1 B3 Shall contain everything See above See above C4 C4.3 3EGM036800 R0002 HW Adapter Kit for ESD+ Access Smd suitcase Documentation: 12SV02 data sheet HW: Adapter for ESD+ access 12XX03 R0002 B3 B3.2003 MVB-PC Access Kit .2 Detailed Product Structure Identification A1. black cable Remark 12SV02 R0001 Option has to be ordered extra X: actual SW version. install.3 C2.2 C2.2 B4. SW: Cardware Driver from APSoft CD-ROM with PC-Node firmware and TCN-PC-SW HW: PC-Node card incl.3 3EGM036700 R0001 HW Adapter Kit for VCU-6U and LIM service interface Smd suitcase Documentation: 12SV02 data sheet HW: Adapter for VCU-6U and LIM service interface 12XX04 R0001 B4 B4.2 B2.5 B4.2 B3.1 B1.MITRAC® .2 A1.3 C4.4 3EGM037205 Rxxxx 3EGM037206 Rxxxx 3EGM037100 R0001 Description / Contents Generic MVB-PC Access Kit Documentation: data sheet.1 C1.3 3EGM036800 R0001 HW Adapter Kit for EMD Access Smd suitcase Documentation: 12SV02 data sheet HW: Adapter for EMD access 12XX03 R0001 B2 B2. 10.Bombardier Transportation GmbH MITRAC® . The 12SV02 R0001 is the generic MVB-PC Access kit without any HW adapter for target connection. one MVB connector (Sub-D) at a device has to be disconnected and the “Y-cable has to be included there in-between (see Fig.HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 2 Device Configuration For the connection of the PC-Node HW adapter kit to MITRAC system TRACS compatible connectors with shielded plastic housing are used to prevent short circuit on vehicle. For MVB EMD a passive T-adapter can be installed permanently on the vehicle. It is needed for an access of MVB segments or targets without any MVB service interface (e. 3: Device configuration for A1: 12SV02 R0001 The 12SV02 R0010/R0011 is designed for direct connection to MVB EMD (R0010) or ESD+ (R0011). The 12PU03 can be ordered with identification number 3EGM033800R0001. direct connection to MVB or 12PU03 5m cable USB type A connector PC-Node PS2 mouse adapter cable PS2 / USB adapter Repeater Box 10cm Y-cable Fig. 4: Device configuration for B1/B2: 12SV02 R0010 / R0011 MVB-PC Access Kit 15. To connect this kit to the MVB. In this case the 12SV02R0010 can be directly connected to this T-Adapter without disconnection of any other connector.2003 Page 7 of 14 . DCU).g. 20cm PC-Node Fig. 4:). 10.2003 MVB-PC Access Kit . PC-Node 6m cable VCU-6U with service interface Fig.HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 Bombardier Transportation GmbH The 12SV02 R0020 is designed for direct connection to VCU-6U service interface.MITRAC® . 5: Device configuration for B3: 12SV02 R0020 Page 8 of 14 15. 7: Optional accumulator pack with charger for 12SV02 R0030 As spare part the accumulator pack ( see Table 1 B4. In addition an optional adapter 12XX11 (order number 3EGM033100R0001) can be used for connection of VCU-6U service interface with this cable.5 meter long adapter cable for connection of VCU classic and VCU-Lite. can also be used for MICAS-S2.2003 Page 9 of 14 .9) and the charger (see Table 1 B4.10.2 V accu package with "Lemo" connector 110V-240 V / 50Hz-60Hz charger for accu package with "Lemo" connector Fig.8) can be ordered separately. MVB-PC Access Kit 15.5 m cable D-SUB 9 male MVB Bus coupler VCU classic VCU Lite service interface D-SUB 9 female 3EH-104078R1 CD Fauf Nr. In this case the adapter 12XX11 has to be plugged on VCU-6U service interface. 7: Device B4.HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 For an access to VCU-Classic and VCU-Lite the 12SV02 R0030 can be used.: MVBSA XV C264 A01 E F VCU classic Fig. 6: Device configuration for B4: 12SV02 R0030 Optional a accumulator package with charger for 12SV02R0030 can be ordered: 7. The 0.Bombardier Transportation GmbH MITRAC® . "Lemo" connector PC-Node 9 V Power supply 6m cable MICAS-S2 110-240 V / 50-60Hz Adapter or optional accumulator package optional 2 * 2m FOB cable PC-Node 9 V Power supply 0. 0. 2.0 incl. The PC-Node firmware 1.0. PC-Node Firmware PCMCIA Cardware driver for WinNT For installation of PCMCIA Cardware driver and TCN-PC SW 2.0: TCN-PC SW for WinNT 4.5 Setting Facilities All settings will be done via MITRAC PC tools see 2.0 see Document 3egm080930d9005_en_tcn_pc_WinNT4_inst_220.1.6 for Microsoft Windows 2000/XP see document 3egm080930d9013_en_tcn_pc_Win2000_inst_260.10.MITRAC® .2 Connection Elements The connectors of the Access Kit have to fit together as defined in the overview pictures of the different device configurations (see chapter 2 Device Configuration). Attention: The PC-Node firmware versions are not compatible to both Windows versions NT 4.pdf which is placed on CD in the directory of TCN-PC SW for WinNT4.1 SW Installation The MVB-PC Access Kit contains several SW components on CD ROM divided for the different PC operating system WIN NT 4.2 HW Installation Please see the figures in chapter 2 Device Configuration. 2.2.pdf which is placed on CD in the directory of TCN-PC SW for Win2000/XP. PC-Node Firmware For installation of TCN-PC SW 2.2003 MVB-PC Access Kit .0 and Win 2000/XP: Win NT 4. Win 2000: TCN-PC SW for Win2000 incl.1 Installation Instructions.4 Control Elements Not present 2.1.1 Installation Instructions 2.0 can only be used with Win2000 or XP.1.0 for Microsoft Windows NT4.3 Display Elements The MVB-PC Access Kit itself has no display elements. Further information can be found in the associated TCN-PC SW installation instructions. <-> 2000/XP all at once. 2. Page 10 of 14 15.0 can only be used with WinNT4 The PC-Node firmware 1. 2.HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 Bombardier Transportation GmbH 2.0 or 1. But some old PC-tools will not work with the new PC-Node firmware because some additional settings have to be done by the PC-tool for correct operation.0.0.2 Input and Output Signals Not present 3. if using Win NT 4. This is only needed if two PC-Nodes are operating on one MVB at the same time.3 Bus Connections 12SV02R0001: Generic Access Kit only.2. The MVB-PC Access Kit 12SV02R0030 with the HW adapters 12XX05 requires an external 9V power supply.10. Power consumption: max.2003 Page 11 of 14 . The PC-Node firmware versions for standard use cases are available on the CD-ROM.1.0 to 1. Therefore a 9V power supply adapter for 110V-240V / 50Hz60Hz is added to this package. 1W 3. without any MVB connection 12SV02R0010: Access Kit with EMD bus connection 12SV02R0011: Access Kit with ESD+ bus connection For interconnection of this access kit the MVB line has to be disconnected at one MVB device and the MVB Y-Adapter has to be integrated directly in the MVB line.Bombardier Transportation GmbH MITRAC® .1. 2. For MVB EMD also the 12PU03 T-branch can be used thus a disconnection of MVB is not necessary.6 Maintenance Not present 3 Technical Data 3.1 Power Supply The MVB-PC Access Kits with the HW adapters 12XX03 and 12XX04 are supplied by the PC via PS2-mouse connector card.0. 12SV02R0020: Access Kit with connection to MVB service port at VCU-6U. The cable has to be connected directly on the service connector X22 on VCU-6U or on LIM connector XA22 12SV02R0030: Access Kit with bus connections for VCU-Classic and VCU-Lite (included adapter cable) and optional for MVB FOB (2*FOB cables have to ordered extra) MVB-PC Access Kit 15.HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 Please do not update PC-Node firmware version 1. 3. + 50°C Therefore the Access Kit may not be exposed extreme ambient conditions like temperature humidity etc.HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 Bombardier Transportation GmbH 3.4 Ambient Conditions The Access Kits are applicable for service purpose only. potential separation box and 9 SUD-D TRACS compatible Y-adapter (10cm) PCMCIA card with 5m cable... Operating temperature: 0°C .5 Weight of MVB-PC Access Kits Version 12SV02 R0001 12SV02 R0010 12SV02 R0011 12SV02 R0020 12SV02 R0030 Dimension PCMCIA card with short 15 SUD-D adapter PCMCIA card with 5m cable.2003 MVB-PC Access Kit . 5m cable. multipurpose adapter box and 9 SUD-D TRACS compatible adapter (0.5m) Weight [g] 90g 800g 800g 350g 1300g Page 12 of 14 15.10. 5m cable 9 SUD-D TRACS compatible connector for VCU-6U PCMCIA card with termination box. not for permanent operation on vehicles. potential separation box and 9 SUD-D TRACS compatible Y-adapter (10cm) PCMCIA card with termination box.MITRAC® . Bombardier Transportation GmbH MITRAC® . Identity Number Product Group Product Type Short Description Identity Number Product Group Product Type Short Description Identity Number Product Group Product Type Short Description Identity Number Product Group Product Type Short Description Identity Number Product Group Product Type Short Description 3EGM037200R0001 MVB-PC Access Kit 12SV02 R0001 Generic MVB-PC Access Kit 3EGM037200R0010 MVB-PC Access Kit 12SV02 R0010 MVB-PC Access Kit for EMD 3EGM037200R0011 MVB-PC Access Kit 12SV02 R0011 MVB-PC Access Kit for ESD+ 3EGM037200R0020 MVB-PC Access Kit 12SV02 R0020 MVB-PC Access Kit for VCU-6U and LIM service interface 3EGM037200R0030 MVB-PC Access Kit 12SV02 R0030 MVB-PC Access Kit for Multipurpose All 12SV02 versions will be delivered in a suitcase.x are typically used for spare part handling.HW-Data Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 4 Ordering information All types of MVB-PC Access Kits can be ordered at: Bombardier Transportation GmbH Propulsion and Controls Department PPC Sales Neustadter Str.x. 62 68305 Mannheim Germany Fax: +49 62 13 81 52 11 First offer/order will be done typically on level C.10.2003 Page 13 of 14 . A1 and B. MVB-PC Access Kit 15. 2003 MVB-PC Access Kit .com 5 Definitions and Abbreviations EMD ESD+ LIM MVB TCN VCU Electrical Medium Distance Bus Electrical Short Distance Bus with potential separation Line Interference Monitor Multipurpose Vehicle Bus Train Communication Network Vehicle Control Unit Page 14 of 14 15. please contact: BTPC Hotline Neustadter Straße 62 D-68309 Mannheim Germany Phone: Email: +49-621-381-4310.1 Problem Reports If problems occur concerning this document or the product described by this document.MITRAC® .transport.bombardier. -2099 [email protected] Sheets HW Data Sheet 12SV02 Bombardier Transportation GmbH 4.
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