3521-MBA (Master of Business Administration)



MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) PROGRAMME GUIDE INDEX • • • • • • INTRODUCTION PROGRAMME CODE PROGRAMME DURATION MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION SCHEME OF THE PROGRAMME SYLLABUS OF PROGRAMME 3 3 3 3 4-7 8-60 2 INTRODUCTION In the post globalisation period, there is a huge requirement of man power having MBA degree to cater to the needs of manufacturing and service organisations and also led to hone the management skills of the budding entrepreneurs who may not be professionally qualified. Further, the manpower which is already employed in manufacturing and service organisations, not having MBA degree are required to upgrade their qualifications. The aim of the MBA is to equip graduates with the knowledge regarding the fundamental disciplines of business; to provide graduates with the theoretical frameworks and analytical tools necessary to successfully manage a modern enterprise; to ensure that graduates are equipped to act professionally and ethically in their chosen field; to ensure that graduates are able to add significant value to their organisations. ACADEMIC OBJECTIVES MBA Program is designed for students who aspire to be business leaders and managers of the future. The program aims to impart the necessary knowledge, skills and self confidence to assist in effective and successful management, within constantly changing and highly competitive national and international business environments. PROGRAMME CODE: 3521 DURATION OF THE PROGRAMME: Minimum Duration 2 Years Maximum Duration 5 years MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION/ EXAMINATION: Medium of instruction and Examination shall be English . 3 Operations Management. Retail Management and International Business will be offered to the students taking admission from June 2012 session onwards.) Specializations*: A student may choose Core specialization or Major-Minor specializations from any of the seven areas of specialization i. 4 .) ETE(Pr. * Operations Management. Human Resource Management. CA ETE(Th. Marketing. Retail Management and International Business.MBA (Master of Business Administration) Scheme COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE TERM 1 DMGT401 DECO405 DMGT402 DENG401 DMGT403 BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS MANAGEMENT PRACTICES & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SKILLS ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS TERM 2 DMGT404 DMGT405 DMGT406 DMGT407 DMGT408 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CORPORATE AND BUSINESS LAWS MARKETING MANAGEMENT TERM 3 DMGT501 DMGT502 DMGT503 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE & ETHICS SPECIALIZATION-1/Major 1 SPECIALIZATION-2/Major 2 TERM 4 DMGT504 DMGT505 OPERATIONS RESEARCH MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM SPECIALIZATION-3/Major 3 SPECIALIZATION-4/Major 4 or Minor 1 SPECIALIZATION-5/Major 5 or Minor 2 TOTAL CREDITS 80 4 4 4 20 20 20 80 80 80 0 0 0 4 4 4 20 20 20 80 80 80 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 4 4 4 20 20 20 20 20 80 80 80 80 80 0 0 0 0 0 Cr. IT. Finance.e. MARKETING TERM 3 DMGT506 DMGT507 CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR SALES AND PROMOTIONS MANAGEMENT TERM 4 DMGT508 DMGT509 DMGT510 PRODUCT AND BRAND MANAGEMENT RURAL MARKETING SERVICES MARKETING 4 4 4 20 20 20 80 80 80 0 0 0 4 4 20 20 80 80 0 0 FINANCE TERM 3 DMGT511 DMGT512 SECURITY ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND SERVICES TERM 4 DMGT513 DMGT514 DMGT515 DERIVATIVES & RISK MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING 4 4 4 20 20 20 80 80 80 0 0 0 4 4 20 20 80 80 0 0 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TERM 3 DMGT516 DMGT517 LABOUR LEGISLATION PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TERM 4 DMGT518 DMGT519 DMGT520 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND NEGOTIATION SKILLS ORGANIZATION CHANGE & DEVELOPMENT 4 4 4 20 20 20 80 80 80 0 0 0 4 4 20 20 80 80 0 0 5 . INFORMATION TECHONOLOGY TERM 3 DCAP402 DCAP514 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING TERM 4 DCAP515 DCAP404 DCAP513 SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING INFORMATION SECURITY AND PRIVACY 4 4 4 20 20 20 80 60 80 0 20 0 4 4 20 20 60 80 20 0 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT TERM 3 DMGT521 DMGT522 DMGT523 DMGT524 DMGT525 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES MANAGEMENT TERM 4 LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 4 4 4 20 20 20 80 80 80 0 0 0 4 4 20 20 80 80 0 0 RETAIL MANAGEMENT TERM 3 DMGT550 DMGT551 RETAIL MANAGEMENT RETAIL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT TERM 4 DMGT552 DMGT553 DMGT554 VISUAL MERCHANDISING RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT RETAIL BUYING 4 4 4 20 20 20 80 80 80 0 0 0 4 4 20 20 80 80 0 0 6 . INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS TERM 3 DMGT545 DMGT546 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROCEDURE AND DOCUMENTATION TERM 4 DMGT547 DMGT548 DMGT549 INTERNATIONAL MARKETING GLOBAL HRM INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 4 4 4 20 20 20 80 80 80 0 0 0 4 4 20 20 80 80 0 0 7 . 5.N Environmental Management. Vikas Publishing. Topics Theoretical Framework of Business Environment. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. MRTP Act. New Delhi. PandeyG. International Organizations. MNCs. Privatisation and Globalisation. 7. Recent developments in political. Stock Exchanges in India. National Income Economic Development. 8 . Problems of Growth. 4. Tata McGraw-Hill. Business Ethics. 10. FERA. Liberalisation. Economic Trends. Industrial Policies. Poverty in India. 2007. 9. Inflation. World Trade Organization. New Delhi. 2. Foreign Investment. 2008. Business Environment. EXIM Policy. 2.Course Code: D M G T 4 0 1 Course Title: BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: OURSE Sr. Foreign Trade Policy and BOP. 3. 3. Pearson Education. Industrial Licensing. Human development. Rural Development. 1. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. IPR. Unemployment in India. RTI. SaleemShaikh. economical and financial environment. Techniques of environment scanning and monitoring. India’s Monetary and Fiscal Policy. 8. 2009. No. Business Environment: Text & Cases. Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. 6. Planning in India with special focus on 11th 5 year plan. FEMA. Direct and Indirect Taxes. SWOT analysis of Indian Economy. SEZ. Paul Justin. New Delhi. Managerial economics. Galgotia Publications. Short and Long run Equilibrium. Expansion Path. Thomas Christopher R. 4. Managerial Economics Concepts and Applications. Managerial Economics: Principles and Worldwide Applications. 2008. Dominick Salvatore. Short Run and Long Run Cost Curves. Law of Demand. RavikeshSrivastava. Economics of Scope and Economies of Scale. New Delhi th 9 .Chand& Co. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Equi-marginal utility. 2. Geetika. Market Demand and Supply: Determinants of Demand. 5. Price Discrimination. Cost Analysis: Types of Costs. Law of Supply. 2006. New Delhi. Relationship of Managerial Economics with Decision Sciences. Direct and Derived demand. 1. 3. Imperfect Competition: Monopoly–Features. and Maurice S. Advanced Economic analysis. Economic Principles relevant to Managerial Decisions.Course Code: D E C O 4 O 5 Course Title: MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Ltd. Problems in measuring National Income.. 2009. Topics WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Assumptions. 4. Production Theory: Production Functions with one variable and two variable inputs. Returns to Scale. Tata McGraw Hills. 3. 8 Edition. Consumer Equilibrium with Cardinal and Ordinal approach. Mark. 7. 9. Purba Roy Choudhury. Price and Output decisions. 8. 6.L.) 20 80 Introduction to Managerial Economics: Scope of Economics. Market Structure: Perfect Competition. Macro Economics. Kinked Demand curve. National income: Concepts. Basis for Demand. Oxford University Press. Charles. Methods of measuring National Income. No. S. Edward. 2006. GhoshPiyali. 10. “Economics for Managers”. 2. Tata Mcgraw Hill. Ahuja. Consumer surplus. Revenue Analysis: Types of Revenue Curves and their applications. Circular Flow of Income in 2 Sector and 4 Sector model READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Utility analysis: Cardinal and Ordinal utility. South Western Cengage Learning. Price. Cartels and Collusions (introductory). Price and Output decisions. Oligopoly: Features. Price and Output determination in Perfect Competition in Short and Long run. Law of Diminishing Returns to Factor. Total. Hirschey. Monopolistic Competition: Features. Market Equilibrium. Marginal and Average Revenue curve. Consumer Behaviour. Shapiro. 2008. Income and Cross Elasticity of Demand. Indifference curve and its properties. 6. H. Producers’ Equilibrium. 5. Timothy A.P.Management and Organisational behaviour. need for knowledge of OB. No. Conflict: levels of conflict. Essentials of Management. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Gregory’s Theory X & Y . Alderfer’s ERG Theory . power and politics: sources of power. Control Techniques. Strategic Management.Heinz. 5. Understanding Teamwork: Types of Teams. Development of Management Theories ( Classical. Group Decision Making. Learning. G. changing Organisational culture forces of change. Emotional Intelligence. Prentice Hall India. Organizational Behaviour. OB Model Individual differences. 3. barriers. 10 . Behavioural Theories & Contingency Theories) & Contemporary Issues in Leadership. Group Behaviour: Types of Groups. 8. Management: Nature.S. contributing disciplines to the field. 5. 9. Big Five Model). Application of Motivation Theories & workers participation management. 4. Levels of planning. 2.(2009 edition). attitudes. Pearson Education. barriers. Stages of Group Development. purpose and scope of management. Abraham Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory) & Contemporary Theories (Mc. planning-control relationship. Goal Setting Theory). 2.Course Code: D M G T 4 0 2 Course Title: MANAGEMENT PRACTICES & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. planning process. Authority & power – concept & distinction. Coordination. Neo-Classical and Modern) Planning: Types of plans. Skills and roles of a Manager. Types of Control. the change process READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. 2009. overcoming barriers. process of control. centralization and de-centralization. Perception. Tata McGraw Hill. Management by objectives. Clelland’s 3 Needs Theory . Values. resolving conflicts. Decision-Making process. use of power Organisation culture and Organisational Change: Effects of culture. Staffing: Human Resource Management and Selection Foundations of Organisational Behaviour: The nature and determinants of organisational behaviour. 7. McGraw Hill. Management. Delegation. Functions.) 20 80 Topics COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. types. styles of decision making Organizing: Organizational design and structure. Koontz. Organization Behaviour. Communication: significance. Himalaya Pub. Controlling: Concept. Line and staff organizations. Leadership: Basic Approaches (Trait Theories. Affective events theory. Harold and Weihrich. Adam’s Equity Theory & Vroom’s Expectancy Theory. Resistance to change. Judge &SanghiSeema. 4. 10.and Mary Coulter. Aswathapa. New Delhi. Robbins S P. Personality (MBTI. 1. Attribution theory Work Motivation: Early Theories (Mc. Robbins. Emotions. Luthans F. premising and forecasting. Creating Effective teams. 6. 3. Sudarshanreddy . cause –effect. Writing skills --to enhance formally structured effective official writing • Understanding Reports and Proposals • Types of reports • Structure and Layout of a Formal Report—writing the beginning / the body / end matter • Business Reports • Writing Short Reports • Proposal Writing and Process Description • Technical Proposals • Writing Proposals • Supplementary Parts / Appended Parts • Citing sources READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. mock interviews ] Working with Customers--. asking questions to understand their problems .poem-. No. from varied streams of subjects] Aesthetic Reading Skill.“Raisin In the Sun”– Langston Hughes--“ways to kill a Man”—Edwin Brock Writing Skills – to reinforce the grammatical structures Grammar – Subject – Verb agreement.) 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Basic sentence patterns. point of view [ the texts are articles / editorials etc. apt responses to acknowledge their efforts. coping with angry customers. Improving Informal Communication—speaking persuasively. establish rapport .a detailed briefing of do' s and don’ts followed by GD's based on topics relevant to their field. identifying topic –shift. using listener cantered language . one needs apt language and the correct pronunciation.Course Code: D E N G 4 0 1 Course Title: ADVANCED COMMUNICATION SKILLS WEIGHTAGE CA 20 ETE (Th. managing conflicts. negotiating effectively. Formal and regularly used expressions in given situations Group Discussions---. apt responses to put them at ease. employer’s expectations. Subordinating Conjunctions. A Topics B C Speaking Skills ---to enhance the basic speaking skills. Interview Skills—[ types of interviews .. Correlative Conjunctions. answering techniques. some standard questions . types of questions.Power point presentations or presentations using other visual aids followed by actual practice of it. Conditional sentences. denying requests. • Simple rules of pronunciation and intonation • Formal oral presentations--. Kinds of GD’s—to convey information or to instruct or solve problems or to take decisions Reading Skills—skills we need to read successfully Reading Strategies / Techniques / Types: equipped with separate and adequate reading passages to practice the skill Comprehension of Written Texts : selecting information. One Word Substitutes. D 11 .essential speaking elements needed to communicate with the customers—[apt questions to determine the context. Limitations. 2010. Ledger Posting and Trial Balance. Shut down or continue. Standard Cost sheet. Pricing Decisions: Concept. Decisions involving alternative choices: Concept. Marginal costing and Profit Planning: Absorption Costing. 8. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Costing Technique. Break Even Analysis. 12 . Application. Direct Material Cost Variance. Financial Statements: Analysis and Interpretation: Meaning. Innovative Budgeting Techniques: Programme Budgeting. types.Course Code: D M G T 4 0 3 Course Title: ACCOUNTING FOR MANAGERS WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Fund Flow Statement. Determination of standard cost. Overhead Cost Variance. Budgetary Control and Standard Costing. New Delhi.K. Determination of sales mix. Ratio Analysis. Cash Flow Statement. 9. Limitations. 4. Variance Analysis: Cost variance. 1. Final Accounts. Tulsian PC. Classification of Ratios. ADDITIONAL READINGS: Maheshwari.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr.N. Make or buy decisions. Direct Labour Cost Variance. Estimated costing. No. Accounting for Management. Steps. Installation. Budgetary Control: Meaning. Factors affecting pricing of a product. 5. 7. Vikas Publishing House. 2. Basic Cost Concepts: Preparation of Cost Sheet. Classification of cost. Transfer Pricing. Belvered E Needles. Types. Objectives. S. Own or Hire. Marginal Costing and direct costing. Elements of cost.2009. 2. cost ascertainment. Product Pricing Methods. Topics Basic Accounting Review: Accounting Principles. Cost-volume profit Analysis. Differential costing. Delhi. New 1. Responsibility Accounting. Basic Accounting terms. Sub-division of Journal. Accounting for Decision Making. Standard costing as a management tool. Maheshwari. Cengage Learning. 6. Financial Accounting. Pearsons Publication. New Delhi. 3. Classification. S. 2008. Performance Budgeting. Journalizing Transactions. 3. Limitation. Zero Based Budgeting Standard Costing: Meaning. Advantages. 10. Necessity of defined problem. Dispersion. 7.. South Western Cengage Learning New Delhi. conjoint analysis. z test . 7th edition. Kothari C. and Rubin D. 2004.I. Significance of Report Writing. Layout and Types of Report. multi dimensional scaling . ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. 3. Measurement and Scaling Technique: Tools of Sound Measurement.R. need and types of Research Design. Scaling meaning and Important Scaling Techniques Data Collection: Primary ( Interview.2004.. 2. Research Methodology Methods And Techniques. Characteristics of good Sampling Design. Prentice-Hall Publishing Co. new age international Publishing co. t test .S. No. Topics An Introduction to Research: Meaning. 7th edition. Time series and index number.. Levin R. 6. factor analysis . Process. New Delhi. 8. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. ANOVA Multivariate Analysis: Classification. 2. Hypothesis Testing: Hypothesis Definition and Formulation. Zikmund W. 5. Data Analysis: Measure for Central Tendency. Correlation And Regression Analysis .G.. Research Design . Important Methods of Factor analysis. 2ND edition 2009.Business Research Methods. overview of cluster analysis. Techniques Of Developing Measurement Tools. Report Writing: Technique and Precaution of Interpretation. 3. Observation and Questionnaire and Collection of Secondary Data. Understanding. 1.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Different types of Sampling Design. discriminant analysis. Sampling Design: Steps of Sampling design. rotation in Factor Analysis. Statistics For Management.Course Code: D M G T 4 0 4 Course Title: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Research Problem: Selection. 4. 13 . Defining. Chandra Prasanna. 9. 7. debtors and cash. Financial Management. Khan . Forms of dividend and corporate dividend behaviour. 3. Management of Inventory . 2.M Y and P K Jain. Methods of analyze capital budgeting decisions.Profit Maximization vs. Vikas Publishing House. Tata McGraw Hill 3. Measurement of cost of capital of various source of funds. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Capital rationing. No. Financial goal. Cost of Capital: Concept and its significance. Capital decision under risk and uncertainty Working Capital: Concept and significance. 10. Wealth Maximization Concept of time value of money: Present & future value of annuities & Single Amount. Financing of working capital needs Management of surplus: Retained earnings and dividend policy. Financial Management: Theories and Practice. financing and dividend decisions. 8.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Theories of dividend. 4. Topics Financial Management: Meaning . 2. Pandey I M. 6. 5. Financial Management. Leasing as a Source of Finance Concept of economic value added Risk and return analysis: Risk Measurement. 14 . Finance functions – Investment. Weighted average cost of capital Capital structure decision: theories of Capital Structure. Determining working capital requirements. Optimum Capital Structure Leverage: Operating and Financial Leverage Capital budgeting: Meaning and Process. Tata McGraw Hill. perpetuity. Objective and scope. Growth rate calculations Source of Finance: Short term and long term Source of Finance. 1.Course Code: D M G T 4 0 5 Course Title: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. development and career management: Inputs in training and development. employee benefits and services. 1.M (2008) Human Resource Management.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Effective recruiting internal and external sources. 5. J. Rao P. Contemporary Issues in HRM. Topics Understanding the nature and scope of Human Resource Management: HRM functions and objectives. Industrial conflicts. Selection process. K . Workplace Safety And Health: Industrial Safety and Industrial health. Human Resource Planning: HRP Process. 2. Employee induction and Placement: Requisites & Problems Training. factors influencing employee remuneration. Selection. importance. and Merits & Demerits Of Welfare. Factors and Process. Gaps in training. methods. Recruiting HR: Nature. 2. International HRM: Domestic HRM and IHRM compared. Tata McGraw Hill. Types. Establishing strategic pay plans. No. Requisites for successful HRP.Course Code: D M G T 4 0 6 Course Title: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Aswathapa. Personnel Policies and Principles. Labour Legislation in India. HRD: Need and scope of HRD. challenges in performance appraisal. HRM effectiveness. 3. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1.S (2008) Essentials of Human Resource Management and Industrials Relations . Managing international HR activities. 8. Evolution of HRM. training process. process. Job Analysis. Cultural Diversity &The Expatriate Problem. job evaluation – process. Himalaya Publication. Text cases and Games . Human Resource Management. Compensation & Benefits: Components. Trade union. 4. 7. pay for performance. Welfare: Nature. Purpose. 9.(2008) 5th ed. and career development Performance management system: Performance appraisal. 15 . READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. 3. Tata McGraw Hill. Industrial Relations: Nature. Evaluation and Control. 6. Job design. Importance and approaches to IR. HRD practices in Indian organization. Ivancevich. Mukesh Sharma. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. N. 4. Free Consent .V. Concept of Company and its Characteristics. Memorandum and Articles of Association. Caveat Emptor.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr.Course Code: D M G T 4 0 7 Course Title: CORPORATE AND BUSINESS LAWS WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Unpaid Seller and his Rights. Performance of Contract of Sale. Management of Companies. P. Formation of a company. 10. No.R. 7. Consideration and Capacity of the Parties. K. 3. Types of Negotiable Instruments. Legal Aspects of Business. Meeting of Directors and Shareholders. Bailment and Agency. 16 . 1. Shares and Share Capital. Contract of Sale of Goods: Conditions and Warranties. Endorsement and Crossing of Cheque.Garg. Dishonour of Cheques. Parties to Negotiable Instruments. 2. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL.Chawla.. Kapoor. Prospectus. The Negotiable Instruments Act: Definition. 2.Mercantile Law.C.K. Tulsian. 3. Mercantile Law.C. Winding Up and Dissolution of a company. Indemnity and Guarantee.Sareen. Partnership Act and Limited Liability Act. Pathak Akhilesh.D. 4. Business Laws. 8. 6. 9. Negotiation.Kalyani Publishers. Tata Mcgraw Hill. 5.C. Tata Mcgraw Hill. Topics Contract Act: Offer and Acceptance . Sultan Chand and Sons. Course Code: D M G T 4 0 8 Course Title: MARKETING MANAGEMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Topics Marketing Scope and Concepts, marketing: creating and capturing customer value, partnering to build customer relationship Understanding the market place and consumers: analyzing the marketing environment, managing marketing information to gain customer insight Consumer markets and consumer buyer Behaviour, business markets and business buyer Behaviour. Designing a customer driven strategy and mix: creating value for target customer, products, services and brands: building customer value, new product development and product life cycle strategies Pricing: understanding and capturing customer value, Pricing strategies Managing Marketing Channels, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Retailing and Wholesaling Integrated Marketing Communication, Sales Promotions, Advertising and Public Relations, Sales Management, Personal Selling, Direct and online Marketing Creating competitive advantage , The global marketplace Sustainable marketing: Social Responsibility and Ethics 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Kotler Philip, Armstrong Gary, Agnihotri.Y Prafulla, Haque Ul Ehsan, Principles of marketing, 13th edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2. Ramaswamy & Namakumari, Marketing Management, 4th edition, McMillan Publication 3. Mc Daniel, Lamb, Hair, Introduction to Marketing, Indian Edition, Cengage learning 4. Kleith Blois, Textbook of Marketing, Indian Edition, Oxford University Press 5. Pride, Ferrell, Marketing Concept and Strategies, 12th Edition, Biztantra 17 Course Code: D M G T 5 0 1 Course Title: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th.) 20 80 Topics COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Operations Management: Definition, production functions, Functions & Responsibilities of Production management and its relations to other management functions, Automation . Difference between services and Manufacturing. Competitiveness Strategy and productivity. Computing productivity Product and Service Design: Objectives, legal and Environmental issues, Lifecycles, Standardization, Mass customization Delayed Differentiation. Modular design, Reliability, Improving reliability. Phases in product design and development. Design for manufacturing, concurrent Engineering, CAD, and Recycling Component Commonality. Service Design , Difference between product design and service design Capacity Planning: Defining & measuring capacity, determinants of effective capacity. Determining capacity requirements, calculating processing requirements, make or buy decisions. Developing capacity alternatives. Challenges of planning service capacity. CVP Analysis Process Selection and facility layout: Types of manufacturing Processes. Flexible manufacturing Systems, CIM. Facilities layout, repetitive product and process layouts. Fixed position layout, combination layout, Cellular layout, Group technology, other service layouts, designing product layouts. Assembly line balancing. Closeness Rating Facility location: Need for location decisions, Nature of location decisions, Factors affecting location & site decisions, selection of the site for the plant. Procedures for location decisions. Factor rating method. Centre of gravity Method. Least cost method Quality assurance and Control: Inspection, Statistical process control, Control charts, acceptance sampling concept, risks, cost of quality control; ISO Quality Systems: ISO:9000, ISO:14000, Total Quality Control - concept, KAIZEN, six sigma concept Inventory Management and Control: Nature and importance of Inventory , Functions and Objectives , Requirements for effective Inventory Management , Inventory costs, Inventory Classification System , ABC Analysis , EOQ Models , Economic Production Quantity Model Supply Chain Management: Need for Supply Chain Management, Benefits, Elements of SCM , Logistics , EDI , E Commerce . Requirements for SCM , Steps and Optimization Purchasing: Purchasing Interfaces, Purchasing cycle, Value Analysis, centralized vs Decentralized Purchasing. Ethics in Purchasing JIT:JIT and lean Operations , JIT in Services READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Operations Management , Stevenson , 8th Edition TATA McGraw Hill. 2. Chary S N, Production and Operation Management, Tata McGraw Hill. 3. N. G. Nair, Production & Operations Management. 18 Course Code: D M G T 5 0 2 Course Title: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Topics WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th.) 20 80 11. 12. Nature of Strategic Management: dimensions, benefits and risks, the strategic management process. Establishment of Strategic Intent: business vision and mission, importance, characteristics and Components, evaluating mission statement, concept of goals and objectives. The Environment Appraisal: external assessment, concept of environment, porters five force analysis, industry and competitive analysis, environmental scanning. Organizational Appraisal: the internal assessment: SWOT analysis, strategy and culture,value chain analysis, organizational capability factors, Benchmarking. Corporate Level Strategies: concentration, integration, diversification, expansion strategies, retrenchment and combination strategies, internationalization, cooperation and restructuring. Business Level Strategies: industry structure, positioning of firm, generic strategies, business tactics, internationalization. Strategy Analysis and Choice: process for strategic choice, strategic analysis, SWOT, industry analysis, corporate portfolio analysis, contingency strategies. Strategic implementation: activating strategies, nature, barrier and model for strategy implementation, resource allocation. Structural implementation: types of organizational structures, organizational design and change, structures for strategies. Behavioural implementation: stakeholders and strategy, stakeholders management, strategic leadership, corporate culture and strategic management, personal values and ethics, social responsibility and strategic management. Functional and operational implementation: functional strategies, functional plans and policies, operational plans and policies, personnel plans and strategies. Strategic evaluation and control: nature of strategic evaluation and control, strategic control, operational control, techniques for strategic control, role of organizational systems in evaluation. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. KazmiAzhar, Strategic Management & Business Policy, TATA McGrawHill, 3rd Edition, 2008. 2. Pearce, Robinson & Mittal, Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation and Control, TATA McGraw Hill Special Indian Edition, 10th Edition. 3. Fred David, Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, Prentice Hall India, 12th Edition. 4. Hill & Jones, Strategic Management: an Integrated Approach, Publisher Biztantara or Cengage, Sixth Edition. 19 corporate governance mechanism and overview – land marks in emergence of corporate governance. The Role Of Media in Ensuring Corporate Governance. Corporate Governance: Indian scenario. No. Role and responsibilities of auditors. PHI learning Pvt Ltd. The Indian Capital Market Regulator: SEBI. Biztantra Mallin. 1. Oxford University press. Biztantra. Business ethics: Concepts & cases. 3. Bajaj and Aggarwal. Monopoly. Business ethics. Ganguly committee’s Recommendation. MRTP Act and Competition Act. A. Corporate governance: Principles.Course Code: D M G T 5 0 3 Course Title: CORPORATE GOVERNANCE & ETHICS WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th.. 6. 2. Competition and Corporate Governance. 5. Topics Understanding Corporate Governance: Corporate governance – an overview. Development of codes and guidelines and summary of codes of best conduct. Stakeholders: Rights and privileges. The Role Of Government in Developing and Transition Economics. Corporate governance. Scope and Indian Corporations. Prasad. The Role of Public Policies in Governing Business. Parthasarthy. policies and Practices. 7. The Corporation in a Global Society. 4. 4. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Fernando. 10. Oxford. and practices. velasquez. problems and protection. Corporate Governance in Developing and Transition economies. Environmental Concerns and Corporations: Indian Environmental Policy. 2. Business ethics. History of corporate governance. 20 . Concepts of Corporate Governance:Theory & practices of corporate governance. corporate governance. Board Of Directors: A Powerful Instrument in Governance. Ethics in Advertising. Crane &Matten. A. 5. 3. Banks and corporate governance. 9. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1.Pearson.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. 7. Manuel G. Corporate governance: Principles. 8. Corporate Governance and Other stakeholders. 6. Pearson. mechanism..C. Business Ethics and Corporate Governance: Corporate Social Responsibility: Justification. Christine. Dominance Method. Hira. slack. 4. Operations Research. OR Models.K. finding critical paths. 2. Prentice Hall of India 8th Ed. problem solving. 4. 2007.. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Linear Programming Problems (LPP): introduction. Duality..) 20 80 Topics COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Operations Research. significance and scope.. 8. Inventory Control: only deterministic model. two persons zero sum games. 2nd Ed. 2008.. Panneerselvam. applications of OR. LPP-simplex method. 5. 3rd Ed. north west corner method (NWCM). R. decision tree analysis. Gupta. problem formulation. Operations Research: Meaning... 3. S. Sultan Chand & Sons 7th Ed. time estimates. H. P. processing jobs through two machines. under risk and under uncertainty. J.A. Operations Research. 2007. 9. mixed strategies. 10. 2007.Course Code: D M G T 5 0 4 Course Title: OPERATIONS RESEARCH WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Operations Research. V. Assignment Problems: Introduction. 2007. three machines. 1. Big M method. Hungarian method.. Macmillan. 7. History of OR. optimality test-stepping stone.K. Transportation Problems: Introduction. 3. single server queuing model (M/M/1) only. EVPI. float.K. Chand & Company.. 2.S. Replacement theory Queuing Theory: concept. Prentice Hall. Taha. 5. Sequencing Problems: Introduction. Kapoor. sensitivity analysis. saddle point. 6. Operations Research. graphical solutions. Sharma. Game Theory:Introduction. CPM and PERT: introduction. Expected value. waiting line process. Decision making under certainty. and Modi method. No. Typical assignment problems like optimal assignment of crews and travelling salesman problem. row and column minima (LCET). D. pure strategies. unconstrained variables. New Delhi. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1.. VAM. 21 . transportation model. Information and Knowledge Economy. Leveraging Technology in the value chain. 10. Role of Intranets. Fuzzy logic systems. B2B. Strategic Information Systems SIS. Wireless Payments. Data Warehousing. Business intelligence and decision support. RFID and convergence.Systems Analysis. Economic Organisational and Behavioural Impacts. Information systems in the Enterprise: Types of Information Systems in the Organisation. Neural networks. No. Moore’s law. Kenneth C Laudon and Jane P Laudon.. Relational Operations SQL. Enhancing decision making for the Digital firm: Decision making and Decision support systems. 9th Ed. Business Value. Databases on the Web. 7. Genetic Algorithm. 8. Strategic Uses of Information systems. EDI and B2C Models. 4. IT impact on decision Making. Internet networking Services. Wi-Max and EVDO. Electronic Commerce and the Digital Organisation: Internet based Business Models. TPS. Current trends in Hardware Platforms. 2. Management Opportunities Challenges and solutions. Redesigning the Organization with Information Systems: BPR and Process Improvement. Business Networks and Telecommunications: Communication technologies in Business.Commerce. Database approach. Videoconferencing. 9. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Future of Networking Technologies. Pearson Education Asia. IT infrastructure components. Contemporary approach to IS and Management challenges. Hybrid AI Systems. Managing knowledge in the Digital Firm: knowledge Management system. Broadband telephony. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1.. MIS and ESS. DSS.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Applications in CRM .GDSS. business decision making and the decision making process. Enterprise systems. M. Alternative system Building Approaches. System Design. Groupware. Database Models. The Wireless Revolution: Introduction. Intelligent Agents. 1. Bandwidth and Media. and Object Oriented Model. Enterprise Software. VOIP. Databases and Data Warehouses: Traditional vs. relational Model. Management Information Systems – Managing the Digital Firm. Networks and their Types. The Need for Information Systems: Digital Convergence and the changing Business Environment. Enterprise-wide knowledge management systems. Supply Chain and Healthcare. 2007. Intelligent techniques: expert systems. GIS. 5. Data Modelling. 6. New Delhi. MIS and Core competencies.Course Code: D M G T 5 0 5 Course Title: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. 22 . Business Hardware Software and IT Infrastructure: Evolution of IT Infrastructure. Protocols. law of Mass Digital Storage. Topics 3. Functional Perspective of IS. Strategies of Attitude Change Reference Groups and Family Influences: Selected Consumer Related Reference Groups. Celebrity and Reference Group Appeals.9th edition. Opinion Leadership and Diffusion of Innovation READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL.L & Della Bitta. 2. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1.Consumer Research Process. Consumer Imagery. 5. New Delhi. L. Excel Books..Building Marketing Strategy. Measurement of Motives. A. 2008. Perceived Risk Consumer Learning: Elements. Kazmi&Batra. D.J. Behaviour Learning Theories. New Delhi. Consumer Perception: Elements. Limited and Extensive Problem Solving Behaviour. Types. Measures Consumer Attitude Formation and Chang: Structural Models and Theories. Dynamics. Types and System of Needs. 4. Attitude Formation. Hawkins. Topics Introduction to Consumer Behaviour: Origins and Strategic Application. Indian edition. Measurement of Culture and Cross Cultural Consumer Analysis Consumer Decision making Process: Routinised Response.. Mcgraw-Hill. 3. 4.09th Edition.2010. Ethics Consumer Motivation: Dynamics. Personality and Understanding Consumer Diversity. 9. 2. 8. L & Best Roger . D. 23 . L. 7. 10. Family Decision Making and Consumption Related Roles Culture. New Delhi. Consumer Research: Paradigm (qualitative and quantitative research).) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Schiffman.L. &Kanuk.G. 1. Consumer Behaviour. Tata Mcgraw-Hill. 3. Consumer Behaviour. Brand Personality.2009. Prentice Hall. Subcultures and Cross Cultural Consumer Behaviour: Nature. Cognitive Learning.SPECIALIZATION: MARKETING Course Code: D M G T 5 0 6 Course Title: CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Loudon. Self and Self Image. No. Consumer Behaviour. 6.2008. Ethics Consumer Personality: Theories. Consumer Behaviour :Text and Cases. NewDelhi. 4. 7. ADDITIONAL READINGS: Still. Pearson Education. and D’Souza. Assignment of sales personnel to territories and routing and scheduling of sales personnel. K. Finding the Big Idea. Cundiff and Govani. Cengage Learning. designing sales promotion program. Executing and evaluating sales training program. 1. budget allocation. Panda and Sahadev. Steps involved in media planning DAGMAR approach to setting objectives and measuring advertising effectiveness. Reasons and Procedures for setting up and revising sales territories. Advertising Strategy: Fundamentals of an advertising campaign. 24 . 4. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. No. “Creative Advertising”. 2. Sales Management. Shah. Selling process. The Broadcast Media. Buyer seller dyads. Motivating and compensating sales personnel Sales meetings and sales contests. 1. The Print Media. Publicity and Corporate Advertising. Direct marketing. Sales management and control. Creative execution in advertising Sales promotion: Types of sales promotions. 3. AIDAS theory of selling. 6. 10. Public relations. 2010.. A. 8. Diversity of personal selling situations. Sales territory concept. Out of home media. Drewniany and Jewler. Integrated Marketing Communication.) 20 80 Topics COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Sales and Distribution Management. 5. 3. The sales budget Types of sales quota and Quota setting procedure. 9. New Delhi 2009.Course Code: D M G T 5 0 7 Course Title: SALES AND PROMOTIONS MANAGEMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th.an IMC perspective”. 2. “Advertising and Promotions. Recruiting and Selecting sales personnel. 2008. Tata McGraw Hill. Oxford Publication. Product Strategies Over the Life Cycle Managing New Product Development . 20072. Environmental Analysis Competitor Analysis : Sources of Information. Strategic Brand Management: Building. 2007. Positioning Guidelines Planning & Implementing Brand Marketing programs: Criteria for Choosing Brand Elements. Line Extension & Brand Extension Brands & Brand Management. 3. Brand Management. 2007 2. Verma Harsh V.Course Code: D M G T 5 0 8 Course Title: PRODUCT AND BRAND MANAGEMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Keller. New Delhi. Segmentation Criteria Market Potential & Sales Forecasting. 8. 3. Measuring and Managing Brand Equity. New Delhi. Use of IMC for Brand Building. Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Brand building Measuring & Interpreting Brand Performance: Developing A Brand Equity Measurement & Management System. Measuring Sources of Brand Equity & Outcome of Brand Equity Growing & Sustaining Brand Equity:Designing & Implementing Branding Strategies Managing Brands Over Time 2. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Methods of Estimating Market & Sales Potential Developing Product Strategies. Category Factors. Topics Introduction to Product & Product Related Concepts: Product Management & Scope Marketing Organization & Types. 7. PHI. 10. Donald Lehmann. Differential Advantage Analysis Customer Analysis : Purpose. Marketing Planning: Components of Marketing Plan Defining the Competitive Set: Levels of Market Competition. 25 .) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Branding Challenges & opportunities. 6. Options & tactics for Brand Elements. No. Product Management. 9. 5. 1. Kevin Lane. Tata McGraw Hill. PLC. New Delhi. Excel Books. Assessing Competitors’ Current Objectives & Strategies. Methods for Determining Competitors Category Attractiveness Analysis: Aggregate Market Factors. Concept of Brand Equity Strategic Brand Management Process : Introduction & Phases Identifying & Establishing Brand Positioning: Building A Strong Brand. 4.Product Modification. 2. 3. Nature & Characteristics of Rural Market. C S G &Ramakrishnan. &Ghuman. Rural Marketing: Concepts & Practices. Data Collection Approaches in Rural Markets. Rural Consumer Behaviour. 10. K. Process of Research in Rural Markets. 5. The Rural Marketing. 1. targeting and Positioning. Marketing of agricultural produce and inputs. Promotion & Distribution Strategies for Rural Markets. Rural Marketing Text & Cases. 2009. Topics Rural Marketing : A Conceptual Framework. Sources and Methods of Data Collection. Need for Innovation in Rural Market. 3. Biztantra. Factors influencing Purchase of Products in Rural Market. S. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. An Overview of Indian Rural Market. Segmenting. Similarities and Differences in Consumer behaviour in Rural & Urban Markets. 2008. Characteristics of Rural consumer Consumer Behaviour Roles. Approaches for Segmenting the Rural Market. Rural Market Segmentation Tools. 2.. 9. Corporate Sector in Agri-Business : Cultivation. B. Challenges & Opportunities. Principles of Innovation for Rural Market. Rural Marketing Environment. 26 . Rural Marketing Research. Conditions for Effective Market Segmentation. regulated markets. P. Kashyap. Processing & Retailing. Krishanamacharalu. No. Pearson Educaion.Course Code: D M G T 5 0 9 Course Title: RURAL MARKETING WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Dogra.. Rural Marketing Model. &Raut. 2009. Durables & Financial Services READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Product & Pricing Strategies for Rural Markets. 7.Graw-Hill. Rural and Urban Markets: A Comparative Analysis. 6. 8. Rural Marketing of FMCGs. Parameters Differentiating Urban & Rural Markets. Role of Government & NGOs in Rural Marketing. L. 4.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Tata Mc. cooperative marketing & processing societies. No. 1. 7. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. 4. biztantra. Service Product & Operation. Understanding Service Characteristics. New Delhi. Product versus Services. Developing Service Blueprint. A. Tata McGraw Hill. Keneneth E. Kurtz. 3. 9. Positioning a Service in the marketplace. Clow. 7Ps of Services Marketing Mix. Purchase Process for services. 8. Services Marketing. Developing Service Recovery Strategies. CRM in services . 27 . David L. Managing Demand. Services Marketing. Zeithmal. 2. Understanding Positioning Maps. 2. Classification of Services. Designing Servicescape Competitive Marketing Strategy. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. distribution growth options.2008. New Delhi. Internationalization in distribution Developing Integrated Communication Program. Service Quality issues and Models on Service Quality. Targeting. 2e. Services Marketing. ICFAI centre for Management Research. Delivering Service through Intermediaries. The Service Segmentation. 3.Course Code: D M G T 5 1 0 Course Title: SERVICES MARKETING WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Managing waiting Lines. Valarie. 2007. Services Marketing Environment. Topics Introduction to Services Marketing.2007. 5. Understanding Employees and Customers Role in Service Delivery Pricing of Services. Customer Expectations and Perceptions of Services through Marketing Research. 6. Supply and Productivity. Company Analysis. 1. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. Equity valuation models: balance sheet valuation. VA. Singh. Himalaya Publishing House. Chandra. Two factor and multi factor models. Technical Analysis: Charting techniques & technical indicators. 5. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management. Investment Management. Arbitrage Pricing Theory. No. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. dividend discount model. free cash flow models. Capital Asset Pricing Theory (CML & SML). Models Markowitz risk-return optimization Single Index Model. Portfolio Revision. Efficient Market Theory Introduction to Portfolio Management.SPECIALIZATION: FINANCE Course Code: D M G T 5 1 1 Course Title: SECURITY ANALYSIS AND PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. 2. Avadhani. Himalaya Publishing House. 2008. Preeti: Investment Management. 3. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. 7. Portfolio Analysis. New Delhi. 4. Mumbai. earnings. Fundamental Analysis: Economic Analysis. Tata McGraw Hills.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. 6. 10. 4. 8. Prentice Hall. 3. Industry Analysis. Portfolio Performance Evaluation. 28 . Topics Introduction to Security Analysis. 9. Prasanna. New Delhi. 2. Fischer & Jordon. 2.M. Credit Rating: Introduction. 5. Tata Mc-Graw Hill. SEBI-introductions and guidelines. Management of Non Performing Assets by Banks: Introduction. Tools available to manage NPAs. types of money market instruments.meaning and mechanics. 3. Pearson Education. types of mutual funds. its role and functions.Capital market: Primary and secondary (introduction). Bills rediscounting. Financial Regulation: Reserve bank of India.) 20 80 3. New Delhi. Topics WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. R. Growth of credit rating agencies in India. Hire purchasing: Concept. Anmol Publication. Types. Sultan Chand and Sons. 2006. growth & performance of MFs in India. Types of exchanges – National. 2. SIDC . Financial System: Introduction. functions of financial system and its components.money at call. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. No. 2007. Mutual Funds: Introduction of UTI. Bhole. significance. New Delhi. IRBI. 2007. legal framework and taxation. 29 . 10. 1. SFCs. certificates of deposits. growth and prospects. Commercial banks: emergence of private sector bank after liberalization. PathakBharti V. financial. NBFCs: concept. 4. New Delhi. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Indian Financial System. types. money market: introduction. guidelines. Factoring and forfaiting. Credit Rating Agencies in India. commercial papers. Basic operation of Private and public sector insurance (life and general). IFCI. 9.. Regional & Local. legal and tax aspects. Bhalla. Srivastava.Course Code: D M G T 5 1 2 Course Title: FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND SERVICES COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. 4. 6. Indian financial System. financial innovation in commercial banks. 2007. 8. NABARD: role and functions. Financial Institution and Markets. 5. Financial Markets: Introduction. Varshney and Mittal. role in economic development. Leasing: meaning. treasury bill. Management of Financial Services. VK. Financial Institutions: definition. L M.SIDBI– Introduction and operational policies. Management of Indian Financial Institutions. types. 7. Credit Default Swaps. Exchange-traded vs. credit risk. 4. 2. 2009 30 . Beta and Optimal Hedge Ratio. Distinction between futures and forwards contracts. 2009. 8. Futures and options trading system. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Euro-Dollar Derivatives. 5. Weather and Energy Derivatives Risk Management with Derivatives: Hedging Using Greeks (Delta-Gamma Hedging). Stock Index futures. John C Hull. Hedging with Futures (Strategies of hedging. Exotic and Asian Options. Parasuraman. Basis of trading. “Options. New Delhi. Collateralized Debt Obligations. Risk management structure and policies in India Management of Derivatives Exposure: Introduction. overview. Historical Simulations. The Indian Scenario. Index derivatives. 1. Topics WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. nature of derivatives trading. Forward contracts. Option Pricing and Put-Call parity. Forward Rate Agreement (FRA). Commodity Futures and Currency Futures. reasons for managing derivatives risk and types of risk in derivative trading. Cash settlement Vs Physical settlement.) 20 80 2. Introduction to derivatives: Definition. VaR. Derivatives in India. 3. Derivatives and Risk Management. Convexity Credit Derivatives: Types of Credit Derivatives. Introduction to Forwards and Futures: Basic Hedging practices. credit risk mitigation. Don & Brooks. Regulation for derivatives trading and SEBI guidelines related to derivatives trade. interest rate swaps. pay-offs. types of derivatives. Limitations of forward markets. No. Robert “Derivatives and Risk Management Basics” SouthWestern Cengage learning: New Delhi: 2009. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Swaps: Meaning. Pearson Publications. European and American calls and puts. 7. Uses of derivatives. Wiley’s. M. 4. 6. Chance. OTC derivatives. currency swaps. Tata McGraw Hill Publications: New Delhi:2008. 3.Course Code: D M G T 5 1 3 Course Title: DERIVATIVES & RISK MANAGEMENT COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. mechanics of swaps Interest Rate Derivatives & Euro-Dollar Derivatives: T-Bill and T-bond Futures. speculation and arbitrage): Index Options and futures. Duration. Introduction to futures. setting of Riskvision. VarmaJayanth. Strategies and Pay-offs. Derivatives. Pricing Principles. Futures and Other Derivatives”. Introduction to Options: Option terminology and Types. 4. Kaura. 3. ”Management Control and Reporting System”. 3.) 20 80 Topics COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. “Management Control System”. 1. 10. 5. Kenneth A. Response Books. Expense and Profit Centres. Pearson Education Asia. Anthony. 31 . No. “Management Control System”. P. “Management Control System: Text and Cases”. Himalaya Publishing House. Measuring and Controlling Assets employed. 2. Strategic Management framework Behaviour in Organisations Responsibility Centres: Revenue. Management Control through variance analysis Performance Measurement Systems and Interactive Control Management Compensation as a tool for Management Control Management control for differentiated strategies Management control of Service organisation &MNC’s READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Robert N and Govindrajan. 6. Management Control System: Nature and Basic concepts. 4. Saravanavel. Vijay. 2. Tata McGraw Hill. Methods & Administration Strategic planning for management control Budgeting as a tool for Management Control.Course Code: D M G T 5 1 4 Course Title: MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Mohinder N. Transfer Pricing: Objectives. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. 9. Merchant. 8. 7. Strategies of putting together a Complete Financial Plan: Benefits.Course Code: D M G T 5 1 5 Course Title: PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Implementing Personal Financial Plan. McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Edition 2006. Fixed income Instruments. 6. 4. 3. 32 . READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Short term and long term capital Gains.pdf. Robert J Hughes. Nature and function of Insurance. Retirement Planning: Process. Annuities and its types. Concept of wealth Tax. Cengage Learning. measurement and management of risks and financial statements. Need analysis and Various Insurance products. Les R Dlabay.Evaluating investment in various stocks and Various Loans and their usage. Investment Vehicles: Investment concerns. Tax and Estate Planning: Various heads of incomes. 5. 2. Importance and process of financial planning.com/content/ncfm/ncfm_cpfa_workbook. Personal Finance A User’s Perspective. IRDA. 10. Essential components of comprehensive financial plan. 4. Gitman. Concept of Health Insurance. Mutual funds and other investment schemes and Asset classes. Concept of time value of money in single and series. Investment Strategies: Various Strategies and asset allocation . Workbook of CPFA of NSE in Indian version is available On the following link: http://nseindia. Personal Finance with Financial Planning Software Addison Wesley. Insurance Planning. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. 7. Exemptions in Income tax applicable to various categories. bonds and commodities and concept of Futures and options. Estate Planning need and creation of Will and various formats. Investment Strategies: investing in stocks.-Personal risk management. 8. Edition 2009. Jeff Madura. 1. personal finance . 9. Choosing the various source of credit and credit alternatives. 2. No. Measuring Investment Returns: Risk and Return trade-off. Edition 2005. and ethical issues involved in Financial Planning. Managing Investment Risk: types of risks. 3. Asset allocation & diversification and concept of mortgage and its types. Joehnk. Topics WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Jack R Kapoor. Regulatory Environment: Government regulations and various regulators like SEBI.) 20 80 Basics of Personal Financial Planning: Definition. Small saving schemes. Sinha P. strikes and lockout. 4. Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition Act. employers’ obligations. 8. Coverage. critical appraisal of the Act. scope. benefits. Pearson Education. main provisions READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. administrative machinery. penalties. 1986): Objective. Trade Unions.Venkataratnam C. 2. Collective Bargaining: Importance. The Maternity Benefit Act. The Factories Act. 33 . Coverage. The Workmen’s Compensation Act. Benefits. Levels. S. critical appraisal of the Act. Trade Union Act. Conciliation Officers. Benefits and main provisions of the act. Coverage. benefits. 1923: Objective. Benefits. 1948: objective. Benefits. recommendations of Second National Commission on Labour. 1986): Objective. Industrial Employment (standing order) Act. No. Benefits . International Labour Organisation: Preamble to the constitution. International standards of Labour and their influence on Indian Labour Legislation 3. 1946: Objective. N. and Labour Legislation. critical appraisal of the Act. Coverage.SPECIALIZATION: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Course Code: D M G T 5 1 6 Course Title: LABOUR LEGISLATION COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. 2008. Coverage. 1952: objective. The Employee’s Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act. Himalaya Publishing House. Board. Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation Act. 1972: Objective. Labour Court. Court of enquiry. Hurdles to Collective Bargaining in India 6. coverage. Major Activities of ILO. critical appraisal of the Act 7. coverage. 4th impression. Principals of modern Labour Legislation. Coverage.) 20 80 Introduction to Labour Legislation: Social legislation and Labour Legislation . The role of ESI Corporation and ESI Hospitals. Industrial Relations. Industrial Relations. A.M. Amendments. 9. benefits. 10th impression 2009. 1948: objective. 2009. welfare measures.. Organisation structure. Topics WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Employee’s State Insurance Act. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. National tribunals. Employers’ obligations. 10. Oxford Higher Education. Aspects of Labour Welfare and Social Security. Registration Process and miscellaneous provisions Industrial Disputes Act. tribunals. Forces influencing Labour Legislation in India. 5. 1926: Objective. Sarma.Main provisions. 1947: Objective. types of Labour Legislation 2. 1961: Objective. The Payment of Gratuity Act. Collective agreements. Coverage. 1. penalties. R. coverage. its linkage and implications. Process & Barriers to Performance Planning. 34 . Performance Management System: Objectives. Performance Management. 1. 2. 7. Rao T. 2008. Performance Management Implementation: Bottlenecks. Performance Appraisal: Process. Ethical Issues & Dilemmas. Competency Mapping. Ethics in Performance Management: Principles. Operationalizing Change through Performance Management. Characteristics of effective PMS. Oxford University Press. MacMillan. 17/e. Challenges to Performance Management. 3. Performance Management. Performance Counselling: Principles of Performance Counselling.Course Code: D M G T 5 1 7 Course Title: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. 3. Electronic Performance Management. Competency based PMS. Kohli A. V. Performance Management and Appraisal Systems. 6. Objectives and Principles of Performance Management. Performance Management in MNCs Role of HR Professionals in Performance Management System: Appraising HR function. 5. Performance Counselling Skills & Performance Counselling for higher job performance. Organizational Culture and Performance Management. 8. Methods of Competency Mapping. Ongoing Mentoring and Protege Development. Objectives. ChadhaPrem. & Deb T. Objectives. Importance & Methodologies. Introduction to Performance Management: Characteristics. Approaches. Developing Code of Ethics. Building & Leading high performance team. Performance Management linked Reward System: Components. 4. Sage Publications.. Performance Planning: Characteristics. Functions. 9.) 20 80 Topics COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Performance Appraisal to Performance Management. Strategies & Factors affecting PM implementation.S. No. 2. Importance and Process of Performance Monitoring. Methods & Common Rating Errors Performance Monitoring: Characteristics. Future role of HR Professionals in Performance Management in Knowledge Millennium READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. 10. 2. Training for executive level management. training implementation (Logistical arrangements. intelligent tutoring systems. determining outcomes. 2008. simulations. Training & Development: Scope. technologies for training administration. Training design: Factors affecting training design. Thomson. beneficiaries. objectives. making feedback effective. trainer’s styles. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. 3. Noe A Raymond. dual career paths. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. 6. training methods (presentation methods. development planning process. E-Learning and use of technology in training: Technology and multimedia. 1. tips for effective implementation) Learning: learning theories. 9. budgeting for training. 2008. 4thed. balancing work and life. 3. evaluation process. trainer’s skills. 10. Training evaluation: Factors influencing transfer of learning. 35 . 7. physical arrangements. forces influencing working and learning. coping with career breaks. mobile technology and training methods. evaluation techniques. importance. Goldstein L. trainer’s roles. Training and Development. group building methods). Biztantra. snapshot of training practices. 4th ed. outsourcing training. 5. Indian Text ed. developing effective online learning. strategic training and development process. learning process. trainer grid. Irwin. No. increased use of new technology for training. training needs in different strategies. company strategies for providing development. blended learning. designing effective training programs. problems & future trends in training.) 20 80 Topics COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. scope. types of cost involved in training programs. Tata McGraw Hill. 2. Contemporary issues training and development: Training issues resulting from external environment & internal need of the company. career plateau. hands on methods. considerations in designing effective training programs. Training in Organizations. training audit. design theory. computer based training. Training and Development. feedback. 8. Training methods & trainer’s style: types of training. 2007. identification of alternative methods of instructions. organisational factors influencing training. 4. models of training evaluation. Janakiram B. instructional emphasis for learning outcomes. reasons for evaluating training. training need assessment process organizational and operational analysis. competence of trainer. outcomes of design. Kevin. models of organising training department.Course Code: D M G T 5 1 8 Course Title: TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. choosing a training method. approaches. Ford J. Needs Assessment: Importance. methods and techniques of training need assessment. learning management systems Management Development: Need. do’s and don’ts for trainers. Strategic training: Evolution of training role. Alternative styles. 2. Personality: facets of personality and its impact on negotiation approach and temperament. Role of norms. Training in Organizations. interested based bargaining. leveraging power through persuasion. Chaos and complexity theories. communication and leadership and public relations in negotiation.values and behaviours in negotiations. leverage power through pressure tactics. Trust – bases and relationship in negotiating trust. the categorization method. 9. 3. Negotiation and its components. 4th ed. Integrative Bargaining: integrative versus distributive bargaining. Opening offers. Systems approach to conflict Diagnosis. Personal nature of Negotiation. 36 . Distributive Bargaining: Classical distributive bargaining. 2007.Course Code: D M G T 5 1 9 Course Title: CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND NEGOTIATION SKILLS WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Tata McGraw Hill. 2. power. Thomson. Indian Text ed. Jungian personality preferences. Team negotiation Negotiation Style: Four major negotiation styles (avoidance. Training and Development. 1. Janakiram B. Conflict.) 20 80 Topics COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. 5. 6. moving past statement and building a relationship. Irwin. Biztantra. Ford J. four main alternative preferences and temperaments. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. strategies and techniques of negotiation Understanding the importance of perception. establishing trust. 7. 3. choosing the appropriate style. compromising and collaborative). Conflict: Different thoughts on conflict. Training and Development. competitiveness and type A and type B personality. Rules of negotiation. Negotiation process and preparation. No. leveraging the sources of power. competitive. 4thed. Counteroffers. 4. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. and trust in negotiation: Ethics . Fairness substantive and procedural fairness in negotiation. appropriate or inappropriate negotiating tactics. Goldstein L. Constructive and Destructive Conflict. using. Third party intervention. 10. Principles of persuasion. Kevin. Noe A Raymond. Conscious and Unconscious determinants of Negotiation performance. 8. 2008. 2008. resolving conflict through negotiation. Managing. Mental Mechanisms: Major and Minor mental mechanisms Negotiation: All human interaction is negotiation. fairness. Selfmonitoring. trust and distrust. closing stage. Gaining leverage through power and persuasion: leveraging power from your BATNA (Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement). Closing the Deal and Post Negotiation Evaluation: agreement template. Ethics. models of planned change. New Delhi-2010. Intergroup relation Intervention. General introduction to Organization Development: Competencies and Ethics of OD Practitioner. French & Bell. Designing Interventions. Brown & Harvey. 37 . New Delhi-2007. 6. Employee involvement. 4.Kurt lewin model. Organization transformation Organization Development in Global settings: Organization development across different countries. types of planned change. No. Cengage Learning. Feedback of Diagnostic information. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Roberts and Porras model. 2. Diagnosing groups and jobs & collecting and analyzing information. Interpersonal. “Organization Development”. Sengupta. 4. Worldwide organization development. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Role of change agent. Burke-Litwin Model. Diagnosing Organization. “ Managing change in organizations”. Group process approaches Organization Process Approaches: Organization confrontation meeting. Process of Organization Development: Entering and Contracting.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Social technical system approach Strategic change intervention: Competitive and collaborative strategies. Techno structural Interventions: Restructuring Organizations. 10. 1. Pearson Education. 3. Bhattacharya &Sengupta. Prentice Hall of India. 5. Global social change. 3. 7. 9. 8. Future Directions in Organization Development. Topics Managing and leading change: Theories. Cummings & Worley. OD Interventions: Individual. Work Design. “ An Experiential approach to Organization Development”. New Delhi-2006. Overview of Change activities: Motivating change. Prentice Hall of India. New Delhi 2009 2. and Large group intervention. managing the transition. “Organization Development & Change”.Course Code: D M G T 5 2 0 Course Title: ORGANIZATION CHANGE & DEVELOPMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Fourth Edition. PL/SQL The Programming Language of Oracle. 6. fundamental. sorting. Integrity constraints. BCNF. Title: Database System Concepts. 6. decomposition using Multivalued dependencies. Fundamentals of Database systems. concurrent execution. Relational Database Design: Features. 2. Embedded SQL. Basic structure of SQL Queries. C. Joined relations. Author: Silberschatz−Korth−Sudarshan: Database System Concepts. 2NF. CA 20 WEIGHTAGE ETE (Pr. Authorization. performance tuning READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. constraints. Views. Dynamic SQL 4. extended ER features 5. Interoperation parallelism 10. 38 . Nested subqueries. Application development and administration: web interfaces to databases. J. Recoverability. Interquery parallelism. SQL: Data Definition. Atomic Domains and first normal form. Weak levels of consistency 7.) ETE (Th. Implementation of Isolation. DDL commands for creating and altering. Intraquery parallelism. Complex queries. Transaction Management: Concept of Transaction. Implementation of atomicity and durability. additional and extended relational algebra operations 2. Query by Example Database design and ER model: Overview of Design process. 4NF. Parallel Databases: I/O parallelism. Advanced SQL:Subqueries. 5. 4. 5NF. Insert and Delete operations. selection operation. BPB Publication. Transaction State. Relational Database: Theory & Practice. Serializability. Validation based protocols. Entity relationship model. recovery and atomicity. Aggregate Functions. Intraoperation parallelism. 3. Publishers: Tata McGraw Hill. ER Design issues. estimating statistics of expression results. testing for Serializability Concurrency Control: Lock based protocols. log-based recovery.SPECIALIZATION: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Course Code: D C A P 4 0 2 Course Title: DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Deadlock handling. NULL values 3. Functional dependency theory decomposition using functional dependencies. No. 1. Database Architecture Relational Model. New Delhi. Creating tables.) 20 60 Topics Database Fundamentals: Database systems. Martin Gruber. storage structure. New Delhi. New Delhi. Timestamp based protocols. recovery with concurrent transactions. Recovery system: Failure classification. Normalization: 1NF. Domain relational calculus. evaluation of expressions Query Optimization: Transformation of relational expressions. measures of query cost. Ivan Bayross. ER Diagrams. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. buffer management. join operation. Weak entity sets. BPB Publication. SQL. Elmasri&Navathe. Database Systems. Prentice Hall of India. DML operations. DCL Commands. BPB Publication. Addison &Weisely. schema definition. datatypes. Date. Val Occardi. Set Operations. database design process. Query Processing: Overview. failure with loss of non-volatile storage 8. Structure of Relational databases. New Delhi. 3NF. Understanding SQL. Relational Languages: Tuple Relational calculus. Choice of evaluation plans 9. Phases. On-Line Analytical Processing. 10. consultants. ERP Future Directions: New Markets. Objectives.ATO.Integrated Data Model. vendors.BOM. Benefits of ERP. Tata McGraw Hill Year:2008 2.MTO.) 20 80 Sr. ERP Transition strategies: Transition Strategies. Technological Issues. Technological. Integrated Management Information. Reasons for resistance. Data Mining. Author: Alexis Leon Title: Enterprise Resource Planning . Author: JyotindraZaveri Title: Enterprise Resource Planning Publication: Himalaya Publishing House. Functional Modules of ERP software. Web Enabling & Snapshot. ERP and e-Business: e-Business-SCM. 8. No. Parallel Implementation. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Business Reasons for ERP implementation. J D Edwards At HP 2. ERP. Cloud Computing. Advantages. ERP Implementation Life Cycle.ETO. Process Line Transition strategy. 3. Integration of ERP. The Future of ERP packages. Management Information system. ERP Project Teams: Organization of the Implementation team ERP Vendors. 1.Second Edition. Gareth Title: Contemporary Management Publication: Tata McGraw Hill 39 . SCM and CRM. Big Bang Strategy. Supply chain Management. ERP overview: Introduction. Phased. 7. 5.MRP. consultants and employees. Internet and WWW-ERP II ERP-A Manufacturing Perspective: ERP. ERP Implementation: Basics. 3. 9. 4. Databases: Data Warehousing. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. 4. Risks and Benefits Of ERP: Risks Factors of ERP implementation. Faster Implementation Methodologies.CAD/CAM. Executive Information System.Course Code: D C A P 5 1 4 Course Title: ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING COURSE CONTENTS: WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Contract with vendors. Process Model. Common ERP Myths. Consultants & Users: Pro & Cons of In-house Implementation. History. Employees and Employ Resistance. New Business Segments.CTO Case Studies: SAP at TATA Steel. Hybrid Transition strategy. ERP Marketplace and Functional Modules: The changing ERP market. Business modelling . Decision Support System. Customer Relationship Management. ERP and Related Technologies: Business Process Reengineering. Operational. New Channels. Implementation Issues.MTS. Application Platforms. Author:Jones. Author: GestionD'Entreprise Title: ERP Open Resource Publication: Wiley. Business Function and Business Processes. Topics Tools to understand the course: Awareness of ERP softwares SAP / CRM. 6. Visualising Progress. Scheduling Resources. Risk Management: Categories of Risk. Resource Allocation: Indentifying Resource Requirements. 4. Estimation Techniques. Plans.) 20 80 Topics COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. 3. Time Dimension. Problems with Estimation. Spiral. Other Types. Effort Estimation. Project Approach: Intro. Problems with Software Projects. Winning with Software . 5. Scheduling Sequence. Managing Allocation of resources. Content of project plan READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell. Data collection. Change Control.An Executive Strategy. Cost Benefit Analysis & Risk Evaluation. Introduction to Software Project Management:-What is project? Software Project Vs. 8. Infrastructure. 2. Functions Mark II. 6. Product Vs. Pearson Education Asia. Defining Software Quality. 4. ISO9126. Network Planning Model. Software Project Management. 7. Incremental Delivery. Technical Assessment. Methods and Methodologies. Schedule Risk. Problems with Student Projects. 6. Basis. New Delhi. Prototyping. Applying PERT Technique. V-Process. Choice Of Process Models: Waterfall. 5. Software Measures. No. COCOMO Model. Pearson Education. Software Quality: Introduction. Cost Monitoring. Identification.. 3. Software Project Management in Practice by PankajJalote. by Walker Royce. Creating Programme. 1. Project Schedule. Indentifying Critical Path. Characteristics. Humphrey. Technical Plan. Albrecht Function Point Analysis. Activity Planning: Objectives. Monitoring & Control: Creating Frameworks. Programme Management & Project Evaluation: Meaning.Introduction. 2. Humphrey Pearson Education. Small Projects:. Publishing the Resource Schedule & Cost Schedule. Individual Projects. 10. External Standards. Software Project Management. Step Wise Project Planning: Project Scope. Assessment. Risk Identification. Effort Estimation: Meaning. Process Quality Management. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. Objectives. A Discipline to Software Engineering by Watts S.Course Code: D C A P 5 1 5 Course Title: SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Software Project Management Readings and Cases by Chris Kemerer. Activities by Software Project Mgt. Fourth edition. 40 . published by Pearson Education. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. 9. S. the static objects. class type to basic type. Writing.and protected Classes.new and delete operators. Overloading of unary operators and various binary operators with friend functions and member functions Type conversion – basic type to class type. Managing output with manipulators. Expressions. 7. Pointer to a pointer. 2. Inline Functions. abstract classes. 10. hierarchy of console stream classes. dynamic constructors. Comparison between procedural programming paradigm and object-oriented programming paradigm. forms of inheritance. Accessing address of a variable. Review: Review of basic concepts of object-oriented programming & Introduction of OOP Languages. 6. the const keyword and classes. accessing class members. this pointer Console I/O: concept of streams. Operators& Control Structures. Unformatted I/O Operations. nested classes. Command line Arguments LABORATORY WORK: Sr. pure virtual functions. Overriding member functions. Friend Function & its usage Empty classes. rules for overloading operators. No. introduction to polymorphism Pointers & Dynamic Memory Management: understanding pointers. 1. creating class objects. 8. Reference Variables Review of Functions. pointer to a function. objects and memory allocation Static members. Function Overloading. Processing & Closing difference type of files.) ETE (Th. virtual base class. 4. 5. Beginning with OOP Language: Review of Tokens. Topics Implementation of Concepts of OOP using C++ covered in the syllabus 41 . private. Defining member functions.Course Code: D C A P 4 0 4 Course Title: OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Access specifies – public. No. copy constructor. constructors and destructors with static members Operator Overloading & Type Conversion: Defining operator overloading. Working with Files: Opening. order of execution of constructors and destructors Virtual functions & Polymorphism: virtual functions. member dereferencing operator. local classes Constructors & Destructors: Need for constructors and destructors. Default Arguments Classes & Objects: specifying a class. defining derived classes. Destructors. dynamic memory management . Scope Resolution operator . Reading. Appending. Inheritance: Introduction. its members. Ambiguity in multiple and multipath inheritance. class type to another class type. declaring & initializing pointers. Topics CA 20 WEIGHTAGE ETE (Pr. 9. 1.) 20 60 3. Waite Group LaforeR. Author: Herbert Schildt. Balagurusamy. J Marget A. Ellis and BjarneStroustrup .The Annotated C++ reference manual. Waite Group LaforeR.Title: Teach Yourself C++. Addison Wesley New York. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. 4.Object oriented programming in C++. B.READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL..Year of Publication: 2005 3. Lippman F. "Object Oriented Programming with C++".C++ Primer. Tata McGraw Hill. E. Addison Wesley 42 . 5. 2.Publishers: Tata McGrawHill. Network Security: The Complete Reference By: Bragg. Building Blocks of Information Security: Principles. Packet Filtering. Cryptography & Network Security By: Atul Kahate : TataMcgraw Hill. 1. 8. Importance. Computer Viruses. Information System Security & Threats. Threats and Attacks. Need. Privacy Technological Impacts: Implications of RFID. 10. 2. Security Models & Frameworks: Intro. Information Systems Security By: Nina Godole: Wiley Publications. Web Services and Privacy: Privacy on Internet. Screening Routers. Key Success factors. Use with Bio-Metrics. Firewalls: Meaning. Business Issue. 1/e: Principles and Practices By: Mark Merkow: Pearson Education. Controlling Visitors. Web Services. Roberta: TataMcgraw Hill. Information Classification. Network Security: Intro. Meaning. Security Matrix. Cryptography & Encryption: Meaning. Information Systems: Meaning. Approaches and Considerations. 3. Methodologies for Information System Security: IAM. Privacy Vs. Mobile Databases Security. IEM. Related Terms. 5. Trusted and UnTrusted Networks. Intrusion Detection System. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Controlling Physical Access. Natural Disasters. Basic Concepts: Computer Security. Information Security. Three Pillars of Information Security. Enterprise Database Security.. Classification. Level of Threats: Information. Demilitarized Zone. Privacy: Meaning. 7. 4. Biometrics Controls for Security: Access Control. Security Metrics: Intro. Information Privacy Principles. Privacy Aspects of SOA. Risk Analysis: Risk Management & Risk Analysis. Smart Card Applications.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Terms. SSE-CMM. Topics 4. Database Security Policy. Meaning. Biometric Techniques. Security. Network Types. Databases Security: Introduction. Cryptographic Algorithms. Basic. Physical Security: Need. 43 . Network Security. 3. Fireproof Sales. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. User Identification & Authentication. SIPES. Digital Signature. Classifications of Threats and Assessing Damages. 2.Course Code: D C A P 5 1 3 Course Title: INFORMATION SECURITY AND PRIVACY WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Security through cables and locks. Terminology. Application Level Firewalls. Intro to ISO 27001. Unknown Attacks. COBIT. 9. Network Level. 6. Threats: New Technologies Open Door Threats. Proxy Servers. No. Hardware Level Firewalls. Applications of Cryptography. Global Information Systems: Role of Internet and Web Service. Projects. Financing of a project. Jr. Little Mirrless approach Financial estimates & Projections-cost of a project. the nature and type of negotiation. Accounting rate of return. CPM. WACC. roles and responsibilities of a project manager. Pearson Education. 2. Samuel J. conduct of market survey. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. fifth edition. matrix organisation. projected balance sheet. demand and forecasting. UNIDO approach. the project life cycle WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Project Management.project selection and criteria. 5. S Chowdhury. project proposal and project portfolio process Functions. NPV. No.assessment of various methods Project cash flow. Tata McGraw Hill. Project Management. Means of finance. pure project organisation. cost of capital . elements of a cash flow stream. Time estimation Conflict and negotiation. Delegation of authority. cash flow for a replacement project. 9.. project rating Index Market and demand analysis. 2008. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Optimal capital budget Need and importance of Work Break Down Structure . 4. Abandonment analysis. the project team and human factors Generation and Screening of Project ideas-Procedure for idea generation. Estimates of sales and production. 3. Technical analysis. Prasanna Chandra. 2007 edition 4. 44 . situational analysis. saving impact and its values.Projected cash flow statement. Building Project team.PERT. Topics Definition of a project.SPECIALIZATION: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Course Code: D M G T 5 2 1 Course Title: PROJECT MANAGEMENT COURSE CONTENTS Sr.debentures. 6. New Delhi. the nature of project selection models. Harvey Maylor.2006. Wiley-India 3. Internal Rate of return & BCR method . the cost of capital. 1. Project Management.) 20 80 Strategic management and project selection . Mantel.Network techniques of project management. Rationale for SBCA. monitoring the environment. 8. Tata McGraw Hill. corporate appraisal. Project execution Plan (PEP). 10. why project management. term loans etc Measuring Project profitability – Payback Period. Project review and administrative aspects. Working capital requirement. Social cost benefit analysis. 7. Project organisation. Analysis under uncertainty. Post completion audits. Equity . First edition. New Delhi. Fifth Edition 2. Service Operations Management by Richard D. No. Service Experiences . Role of Internet in Services . 2. 2. Services Planning Delivering Services on the Web . Internet Service Design New Service Development and Process Design . 4. 10. Nature / Characteristics of Services Service Strategy and Market Positioning . Importance of Services in the Economy . Metters. Topics Service Operations Management. 8. Design and Tools The Service Encounter . ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Service Operations Management: Improving Service Delivery by Robert Johnston & Graham Clark. 6. Publisher Cengage India. Creation and Evaluation Service Quality and Customer Loyalty Creating a Service Culture Performance Measurement in Services Service process Analysis Yield management and capacity Management in Services READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Pearson Education Second Edition 45 . 7.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS Sr. 5. 1. the Service Concept . 9. 2nd Edition. Innovation. 3. Imprint: South Western. Cost Drivers.Course Code: D M G T 5 2 2 Course Title: SERVICES MANAGEMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. 3. Inventory Management Policies and Practices Transportation: Transportation Infrastructure. customer success. customer service. Planning Inventory. Transportation Administration. Generalised Supply chain model. Transport Functionality. SC analysis methods and techniques Supply Chain Logistics Administration: Relationship Development and management. ERP System Design. Transport Operations. warehouse decisions.II and III. warehouse requirements. Transport Service. Supply chain Logistics design: Global strategic Positioning. 1. CPFR. No. regulations. 10. Packaging for material handling efficiency . 9. International sourcing Network Integration: Enterprise facility network. Warehouse management systems Packaging and Material Handling: Packaging perspectives.Materials Handling. Transport Structure. customer satisfaction. the work of logistics. Topics 21st century supply chains: Introduction and Concepts. 5. 4. 8. Supply Chain Synchronization Customer Accommodation: Customer-focused marketing. Formulating Logistical strategy Logistics design and operational Planning: Planning Methodology Phase –I. Inventory Carrying Cost. Logistical Operations. forecasting. rationale for ERP implementation. SC Security. Principles & Participants. Ownership arrangements. Logistics value proposition.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS Sr. Documentation Warehousing: Strategic warehousing. 6. warehouse Operations. financial and social Performance 2. communication technology. 7. SC Information System Design Inventory: Functionality and Definitions. Total cost integration. Transport Economics and Pricing. Procurement and manufacturing Information technology framework: comprehensive information system integration. Logistical Operating Arrangements. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Flexible Structure. 46 . Global SC Integration. Managing Uncertainly.Course Code: D M G T 5 2 3 Course Title: LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. Operational. financial sophistication. Logistical management-The integrated Supply Chain Process. 47 . Supply Chain Logistics Management: . 2007 3. 2003. Simchi-Levi. 2nd edition.Textbook of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Macmillan India ltd. Donald J.5th Editon (2007) 4. Strategies and Case Studies. 2nd Edition. Agrawal D K. Irwin. McGraw-Hill. Ballou H Ronald & Srivastava K Samir. D. 2008.Eighteenth reprint. Bowersox and David J. Simchi-Levi.ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Donald J Bowersox. David J Closs and M Bixby Cooper. Business Logistics/ Supply chain Management. Closs. McGraw-Hill. P. McGraw Hill. 5. Kaminski and E. Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts.. 5th edition. 2. 2000. 4. Empowerment . Gurus Of TQM .ISO9001 Requirements. Total Quality Management. Current Performance And Studying Other Issues) Quality Management Systems.Total Productive Maintenance Statistical Process Control . QFD Team. 2. 1. Six Sigma Benchmarking (Bench Marking Reason. Customer Satisfaction . The Deming Philosophy. Bedi Kanishka.Total Quality Management. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Quality Council. ISO 14000 Series Standards Quality Function Deployment. Besterfield . No. Customer Retention Employee Involvement. Oxford University Press 3. Documentation. Principles . Description TQM Framework . 6. Improvement Strategies. Management Systems. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. PDSA Cycle .India 48 .Kaizen. Quality Management.Experimental Design 8. Perception Of Quality . The QFD Framework. 10. Core Values. 7 Habits. Process. Suggestion System . Service Quality . 7. Obstacles And Benefits Of TQM Leadership For TQM. Sharma DD. Registration.Course Code: D M G T 5 2 4 Course Title: TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th.) 20 80 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. 3rd Edition. . New Delhi. Surveys. 9. Performance Appraisal Continuous Process Improvement. Re-Engineering. House Of Quality Failure Mode And Effect Analysis . Historical Review . Pearson India 2. Sultan Chand and Sons . Practice and Cases . Benefits Of ISO Registration. 5.ISO9000 Series Of Registration. 3. Computers in Material Management :Electronic Computer .N. Purchasing Research. Introduction to Materials Management. 8. Vendors Development and Vendors’ Relationship.RV Ramakrishnan.N. Safety Stocks. Simple Numerical of ABC Analysis . Negotiations. Purpose and Limitations.New Developments in Storing. Difficulties. Inventory Management .Different Costs of Inventory. Tata McGraw Hill 49 . Chary S.Z. 3. 5th Edition. Inventory Control. Optimum level of Safety Stock. Vendor Rating and Vendor Rating Techniques. 10. Types of Coding. F. Purchasing Management—Objectives and Functions of Purchasing Department.) 20 80 5.D. S. Inventory Models with Purchase Discounts. Material Management other Areas of Management Functions ABC Analysis: Meaning. Forward Buying. Characteristics of Good Coding System. P. Purchase of high Capital Equipment and there Feasibilities. Analysis. Optimal Order Quantity. Implementation of Supply Chain Principles within a Company Suppliers Selection.Y.Integrated Computer System for Materials Management .Sundaresan 2. Buffer Stocks. Analysis. Fixed Order Period Model.S. Problems and Developments . 6.Gopalakrishanan . Himalaya Publishing House 4. X. Elements of Effective Inventory Control. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1.E. Codification and Standardization: Basis of Codification. Analysis. Introduction: Meaning and Scope. 2. Location and Layout . Standardization and its Benefits.D. Price Forecasting. Production and Materials Management. Supply Chain Management. Procedure for setting up an Efficient Inventory Control System. EOQ. Objectives and Significance of Materials Management. Logistics Management and its link with Inventory Control and other Areas Value Analysis. Material Planning. K. Pearson 3. 4. Evaluation of Materials Management: Organization. Process and Criteria . Purchase Policy and Procedure. Make or Buy Decision Stores Management: Purpose of Store Management.M. Shridhar Bhat. Cost Aspects and Productivity .E..Stephen. Advantages. Production and Operations Management. Advantages. 9. 1. J R Tony Arnold.Course Code: D M G T 5 2 5 Course Title: MATERIALS MANAGEMENT COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. No. 7. Classification. 2007. Reporting and Purchasing . V. Objective. Topics WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. The flow of information and products in supply chain 3. Opportunities in retailing Types of retailer : Retailer characteristics. Location and retail strategy. Service recovery Information system in retailing : Creating strategic advantage through supply chain and information system. Negotiating lease Human Resource Management : Objectives of Human Resource Management. General merchandise retailers. Store design elements. Social factors influencing the buying process Retailing strategy : Retail market strategy. The strategic retail planning process Financial strategy and retail locations : Financial objectives and goals. Strategic profit model. Motivating and managing store employees. Creating an appealing store atmosphere. 7. Legal issues in Human Resource Merchandise management : Merchandise management overview. Store design objectives. 1. Designing the organization structure for a retail firm. Allocating merchandise to stores.SPECIALIZATION: RETAIL MANAGEMENT Course Code: D M G T 5 5 0 Course Title: RETAIL MANAGEMENT COURSE CONTENTS Sr. Other locations opportunities. Service retailing. Setting inventory and product availability levels. Developing an assortment plan. Challenges of effective multichannel retailing Retail buying behaviour : The buying process. Growth strategies. Legal considerations. 4. Analysis of financial strength. 2. Evaluating specific areas for locations. Visual merchandising. Forecasting sales. Target market and retail formats. Food retailers. Evaluating store employees and providing feedback. Benefits offered by retail channels. No. Types of ownership. Global growth opportunities. Customer service quality. Establishing a control system for managing inventory. Estimating potential sales for a store site. Negotiating with vendors Retail pricing and communication mix : Pricing strategies. Recruiting and selecting employees. Issues in retail human resource. Communication programs to develop brand images and build customer loyalty.) 80 Topics Introduction to retailing : What is retailing. Legal and ethical pricing issues. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Setting and measuring performance. 8. Consideration in setting retail prices. 50 . 10. Social and economic significance of retailing. Methods of communicating with customers. CA 20 WEIGHTAGE ETE (Th. Developing and sourcing private label merchandise. Types of locations. 6. 5. Types of buying decisions. Trade area characteristics. Pricing techniques for increasing sales and profits. Strategic advantage through customer service. Analyzing merchandise management performance. Structure of retailing and distribution. Managing diversity. Evaluating a site for locating a retail store. Retail channels. 9. Compensating and rewarding store employees. Planning the retail communication program Store Management : Store management responsibilities. M.Hills. Bizantra. 2nd Editio 4. India. Retailing management by Michael Levy Barton Weitz Ajay Pandit. 2nd Edition (2012) 51 . Managing retailing by Piyush Kumar Sinha and Dwarika Prasad Uniyal. G.Hills. 8th Edition (2012) 2. Ogden. Integrated retail management by James R. Retailing managament by Swapana Pradhan. M.ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Oxford University Press. Odgen Denise T. 4th Edition (2012) 3. G. Physical Distribution and Inventory Management. No. Policies in Retail Sectors. D. A. Govt. Business and International Management. Personnel Management and Administration. Cultural Transformation and Retailing. Integrated Retail Management. New Approaches in Retailing. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Learning Attitudes. Govt. SWOT analyses of retail sector. Mapping out society: Psychographics. 9th Indian Reprint 2011. Retailing Management. Retailing: Environment and Operations. The Internationalization Process. socio-economic changes. 3. J. Technology and economic change. Health and Safety. P. 7. Trends in supply chain management. Management and Organizational Culture. Tata McGraw Hill.T. 3. Managing retailing in good times and bad: Changes in consumer spending. Logistics and Distribution: Shipping the Goods to Market: The Distribution Process. Successful Retailing. 52 . Maintaining the balance in the economy. 9. Topics Introduction to Retail Environment: The functions of retailing. Integrated marketing system forging Relationship for success in retail. Competitive Environment in different Retail Sectors. A Review of Retailing: Environment and Operations: Retail Change: A Review. Internationalization and Globalization. Impact of changes on retail industry. Structural change in retail environment: Various types of changes. Building for the future: Learning from the past. S. 2.R. Pradhan. Modelling Consumer Behaviour. Bizantra. Going International. 1st Edition 2008. The stages of distribution. Managing Fluctuations in Retail Industry. 8. Ogden. 2nd Edition 2007. Planning the Workforce. Retail formats. 1. Cengage Learning. 5. International Retailing Internationalization and Globalization: Shopping at World Stores. Warehouse Management. 10. Dealing with recession in retail industry Retail planning and environment: Strategic planning process. & Cullen. and Ogden. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Sociodemographic change. 2. Motivation and Perception. Postmodern Consumers. WEIGHTAGE ETE (Th. Retailing Structure: Environment & competition. Newman.Course Code: D M G T 5 5 1 Course Title: RETAIL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT CA 20 COURSE CONTENTS Sr. macroeconomics policy in retail industry. People in Retailing: Making People Matter: Retail Employment. Emerging Themes and Niches. Retail Development and Competition. 6. Role of retail formats and merchandise The Customer and The Retail Business: Knowing Your Customers: Focusing on the consumer. Culture.) 80 4. Impact of economic fluctuation on Retailing industry. Retailing Management. Cross Merchandising Window Displays Window Display—Meaning and Scope. Retailing Management. Michale & Barton. Props. Pearson. 7. All I Do Can Sell (AIDCS) Retail Store—Site and Design. Organising an In-store Event. Implementation and Maintenance of a Planogram Merchandise Presentation Meaning of Merchandise Presentation. 5. 53 . A strategic Approach. Store Interiors The Basics of Visual Merchandising Display Basics. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Quality and Process in Visual Merchandising. Promotional Display Vs. Window Display—Construction Visual Merchandising—Hands On Styling. Relating Retail with Customer Profile. No. Retail Management. Design Basics. Lighting. 3. 8.Course Code: D M G T 5 5 2 Course Title: VISUAL MERCHANDISING CA 20 COURSE CONTENTS Sr. Topics Introduction to retail Retailing: Definition. 1. History. A. Colour Blocking—People Buy Colours. Pradhan Swapana. Tata Macgraw Hill. Institutional Display. Tata Mc Graw Hill. Image Mix: The Top Six Elements. Principles of Merchandise Presentation. Visual merchandising. Signage. 4. Dominance Factor in Merchandise Presentation. 10. Principles of Design. Swati Bhalla and Anurag S. Experiential Retail—The New Retail Scenario READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Experiential Retail Brand Experience—Brand-centric to Customer-centric. Understanding Materials Store Planning and Fixtures The Purpose of Planning Fixtures. Benefits of a Planogram. 3. Experience Design—Beyond Visual Merchandising. Vis-à-vis Merchandise.) 80 2. Barry Berman & Joel R Evans. WEIGHTAGE ETE (Th. 2. Types of Setting. Categories in Merchandise Presentation. Tata Mc Graw Hill. 2010 Levy. Meaning and Purpose of a Planogram. The Indian Retail Industry World of visual merchandising Visual merchandising: Definition and functions. Understanding retail in India Image Mix and Store Exteriors and Interiors: Elements of Display. 6. VM Tool Kit. 9. Handling the Mannequin. Store Exteriors. 4. Display Calendar. Evolution and Formats. Sales Tracking. Generation C—The Changing Consumer. Weitz. Types of Fixtures Circulation Plan and Planograms Circulation Plan and Types of Circulation Plans. The Magic of Augmented and Mixed Realities . Iyer. 5. 7. stock. Accounts receivable. Various types of stock checks. 2011 2. cleanliness.. 6. 3. stock verification. various activities at the distribution centres Store opening and closing: Store opening and closing process. 9. cash management. Concept of Distribution centre. Retailing Management. Menon. Taking care of quality inside a store The store audit: Store appearance. 2. Levy. B. Loyalty Programs for a store. Preservation of materials in the storage Retail Arithmetic: Quantitative terms related with a retail store and its calculation. Day to Day cash management Loss prevention and shrinkage control: Importance of security measures. 8.. Stores organisation. 2006 54 . Retail Store Operations. Topics WEIGHTAGE ETE (Th. Material identification system.Course Code: D M G T 5 5 3 Course Title: RETAIL STORE MANAGEMENT CA 20 COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. K. presentation. 10. Macmillan India. Weitz. Exchange of defective products. Michale & Barton. 2 Ed.3rd ed 3. Stores Management. Stock management: Relevance of stock management to retail operations. No. reasons for shrinkage. Filling the store with merchandise. Methods & ways to reduce shrinkage. storage system. Tata Mc Graw Hill. A. S.. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. budgeting. Tata Mc Graw Hill. 4.) 80 Introduction: An Overview of retail operations. Scrap and surplus management The customer service desk. Selection of right Location. Different fixtures available for a retail store Contemporary issues in store management READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. HR in operations Store finance and controls: stock valuating.Sriram. Receiving and inspection. 1. Different layout & designs Pre-Store opening: Role of operations in opening a store. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. K. 8. Himalaya Publishing House. 4. Sheikh. A. 10.Course Code: D M G T 5 5 4 Course Title: RETAIL BUYING COURSE CONTENTS: Sr. Buying for traditional retail organizations. 3. and Evans. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. G. Retail Management.. Retail Management. 6. Merchandise sourcing and timing for purchase Deciding what and how much to buy Purchasing in the domestic and foreign marketplace Wholesale purchasing on the internet.) CA 20 80 Topics The buyer’s role. 9. 3. Pearson Education. 7. and Fatima. B. No. J. Diamond.. 11th edition. J. Negotiating the purchasing and writing Merchandise pricing The development of private label brands and labels Disseminating product information to retail personnel 2. Retail Buying. Berman. 1. 2. Pearson education. Pintel. WEIGHTAGE ETE (Th. Buying for off-site retail operations The market specialists and how they service retailers Consumer analysis. First edition. Buying for discount operations Buying for off-price retail operations. 5. 55 . Eight edition. International Business. 7. Stages of Internationalization. Oxford University Press. International Financial Institutions and Liquidity-IMF.. Himalaya Publishing House. 2008 56 . Location Decisions. Global Strategic Management Process. WTO – The Third Pillar in the Global Business. contract manufacturing. Oxford University Press. 10. Joshi. franchising. World Trade Organization. 5. Modes of Entering International Business. Subba Rao. Foreign Direct Investment in India. Influences of International Business.) 20 80 2. 8. Relative factor endowment theory. Exporting. Political Environment. World Bank. International Marketing. Foreign Direct Investment.Generic Strategies of the International Business. 2008 3.Peculiarities of Global Strategic Management.. Economic Environment. Differences between Domestic and International Business. International Business Approaches. Establishment of World Trade Organization. Ethics and Global Business.SPECIALIZATION: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Course Code: D M G T 5 4 5 Course Title: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COURSE CONTENTS Sr.P. Product life cycle theory. Basics of International Accounting. Rakesh Mohan. Value Creation.General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). foreign direct investment. joint ventures. Advantages of International Business. Drivers of Globalization. International Liquidity and SDR International Finance Cooperation. Costs and Benefits of FDI. alliances like mergers and acquisitions. Basics of International Marketing. 9 Ed. Collaborative Strategies.2012 2. Basics of International Financial Management. management contracts. No. Theory of absolute cost advantage. turnkey projects. Basics of Global HRM.Modes of Entry. Rakesh Mohan. 3. Technological Environment. International Development Association. International Business Environment-Social and Cultural Environment. Acquisition of Resources. Theories of International Trade-Mercantilism. International Production and Logistics Management. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Country similarity theory. International Logistics Management. Global Strategic Management and Business Ethics. 9 Ed.12 Ed. Topics International Business: An Over View-Evolution of International Business. 6. Comparison of Different Modes of Entry. WEIGHTAGE CA ETE (Th. International Business. 1. Comparative cost advantage theory. 4. 9. Reasons for FDI. licensing. The Uruguay Round Package: Organization Structure of the WTO.Factors Influencing FDI. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Trends in FDI. Joshi. 2. Manual For Trade Procedures and Documentation by Nabhi Kumar Jain. Instruments of Payment. Processing an Export Order. Methods of Financing Exporters and Business Risk Management: Pre-Shipment Finance. 6. 4. 10.Course Code: D M G T 5 4 6 Course Title: INTERNATIONAL TRADE PROCEDURE AND DOCUMENTATION WEIGHTAGE ETE (Th. Container Leasing Practices and Inland Container Depots. Duty Remission Scheme. 1. 5. Characteristics of Shipping Industries: History of Shipping Industry. Role of Banks in Export-Import Transactions. Negotiation of Documents. Concept of Marketing Logistics System. Electronic Marketing. Methods of Payments and INCO Terms: Methods of Payment. EXIM Strategies and Export Marketing: EXIM Business Plan and Strategy. 3. Characteristics of Shipping Industry. Custom Clearance of Import and Export Cargo: Clearance of Import Cargo. Export Promotion Capital Goods Scheme. Quality and Pre Shipment Inspection. Export Import Management by Paul Justin.) 80 COURSE CONTENTS Sr. Import Strategy (Souring Strategy). New Developments in Custom Clearance Procedure. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Role of Intermediaries in Shipping Industry. Latest Trends in Logistics Operations. Custom Valuation. 1st Edition (2008) 57 . Export Financing. Critical Elements of a Logistics System. Different Forms of International Trade. The Harmonized System. Export Strategy Formulation. Post Shipment Export Advance. International Transport System. Aserkar Rajiv. Types of Risks. Carnets. 8. Factoring and Insurance. Types of Containers. Benefits of Efficient Logistics System. Export Incentive Schemes: Duty Exemption Scheme. Containerization and Leasing Practices: Containerization – Concept and Operation. International Marketing by Joshi Rakesh Mohan. Oxford University Press. Benefits of Containerization. No. International Marketing. 9. Nabhi Publication. Clearance of Export cargo. Global Trade and containerization. Ocean Freight Structure. 9th Edition (2008). READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Logistics and Characteristics of Modes of Transportation: Planning Physical Distribution. Topics CA 20 Export Procedures and Documents: The Search for an overseas buyer. Financing Exporters and Importers. Information Technology in International Business: Electronic Procurement. Oxford University Press. Electronic Logistics. Special Economic Zones. 3. History of Containerization. 1st Edition (2009) 2. 7. Export Marketing – Going Global. 8. Cateora. terms of delivery: dumping. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. TMH. 9. John L. transfer pricing . selection and tools for international market analysis. 2010 2. Partners. 6. Oxford University Press. factors influencing product adaptation in international markets. WTO Decision making process for international markets: identification of international markets. International Marketing.Course Code: D M G T 5 4 7 Course Title: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING CA 20 COURSE CONTENTS: S. IPLC. PHI 58 . adaptation. Rakesh M. New Delhi.) 80 2. 4. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Description The concept of international marketing. Global E-marketing 3. 1. International Marketing: Analysis and Strategy. 12ed. pricing approaches. segmentation of international markets. International market research Product strategy for international markets: standardization vs. Warren J Keegan. No. 7. New Delhi. counter trade. Onkvisit. type of payment . emerging opportunities in WEIGHTAGE ETE (Th. Prentice Hall of India. factors influencing pricing decisions . and Regulators. terms of payment . Joshi. The political environment of international market. the international legal environment. grey marketing International Logistics and distribution: types of international distribution channels. value chain concept Communication decisions for international markets Export procedure and documentation Negotiating with Intentional Customers. international logistics. Graham. product strategy Pricing decisions for international markets: pricing decisions. J. 2008 3. 5. International Marketing. Philip R. Trade off strategy. Global Marketing. Sak and Shaw. 10. New Delhi. International markets. 2007 4. developing staff through international assignment. and Welch. Globalization emerging global economy. cultural diversity at work . ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. (1999) 2. P. executive compensation. International Human Resources Management. responses of trade unions to multinational . Tata Mc. USA. motivation and communication across culture . 8. E.Graw – Hill. monitoring HR practices International industrial relations : issues. 9. globalisation of market . key components of an International compensation programme. multinational responses. Ashwathappa. 5. 3. 6. cross cultural leadership . production investment and technology. Introduction to global HRM. strategies IHRM The organisation context: The path of global status and control mechanism . re-entry and career issues: the repatriation process . Topics CA 20 WEIGHTAGE ETE (Th. appraisal of HCN employees . pre-departure training. factors Moderating performance.) 80 2.variables that moderate differences between HRM and GHRM. D. and Dash. International HRM. READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Training and development: role of expatriate training. Publishing Company Limited (2008) 59 . Dowling. regional Integration. language standardization. 7. retaining . International compensation: approaches of international compensation.4th ed. HR interventions Understanding human behaviour in global perspective – issues in organization culture . 4. CENGAGE Learning. 10. drivers of globalization .J. comparison of Indian HRM with those of UK. designing a repatriation programme .developing and retrenching staff. sustaining international business operations. Recruiting and selecting staff for international assignment: issues in staff selection. Japan and China. dual – career couples .global HRM trends and future challenges: ethics in international business . selection criteria . S. K. performance management and performance appraisal of international employees . HRM in cross border merges and acquisitions: motives behind mergers and acquisitions . No. Multinational performance management: challenge .Course code: D M G T 5 4 8 Course title: GLOBAL HRM COURSE CONTENTS Sr. 1. Global HR issues in the host context : standardization and adaption of work practices . multi cultural teams . 5. P. Corporate exposure management : Introduction. New Delhi 3. 2. EMU WEIGHTAGE ETE (Th. Management of Operating Exposure and Management of Translation Exposure Foreign Market Entry and Country Risk Management Cross-Border Capital Budgeting Real Options and Cross-Border Investment READINGS: SELF LEARNING MATERIAL. Anmol Publishers 60 . Exchange Rates : Determination of Exchange Rates.) 80 Currency Forecasting: Interest Rate Parity Theory. 4. 6. 7. International Interest Rate Parity Theory. New Delhi 4. 2. Shapiro Allan C. 10. Interest Rate Swaps. New Delhi. International Financial Management. Currency Swaps. financial and socio political factors. 3. Purchasing power parity: Fishers Effect & International Fishers Effect.K. 1. V. Topics Financial Management in Global Context International Monetary System: IMF. International Financial Management. Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited. Multinational Financial Management. 9. Apte. Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited. Prentice Hall. 8. Bhalla. Eun/Resnick. International Financial Management. foreign exchange risk exposure Management of Transaction Exposure: Through Currency Futures.Course Code: D M G T 5 4 9 Course Title: INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CA 20 COURSE CONTENTS Sr.G. ADDITIONAL READINGS: 1. Currency Options. Foreign Exchange and Eurocurrency Markets Role of Economic fundamentals. No.
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