March 24, 2018 | Author: Kartik Desai | Category: Inventory, Business, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognition, Leadership & Mentoring



Industrial Management3350501 GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT COURSE CURRICULUM COURSE TITLE: INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT (COURSE CODE:3350501) Diploma Programme in which this course is offered Chemical Engineering 1. Semester in which offered 5th Semester RATIONALE Diploma chemical engineer will be directly involved as a responsible chemical technician and first line supervisor in the performance of industries. It optimizes the resources and produces best output of various processes applying the managerial aspects. This program prepares him to apply principles and techniques of management to utilize the human resources and manage the processes and operations in best possible way. This helps in cost reduction. It applies these concepts to contribute in different problem solving activities. It converts disorganized resources of men, machines, money etc. into useful enterprise. These resources are coordinated, directed and controlled in such a manner that enterprise work towards attainment of goals. It enables the organization to survive in changing environment 2. COMPETENCY The course content should be taught and implemented with the aim to develop different types of managerial skills so that student is able to acquire following competency  3. Apply managerial skills towards attainment of industrial goals COURSE OUTCOMES (1) Use system and organization concepts in job (2) Apply material management to control inventory (3) Apply management techniques in planning and control of production (4) Apply management techniques in project planning and implementation (5) Use value analysis to reduce cost of product 4. TEACHING AND EXAMINATION SCHEME Teaching Scheme (In Hours) Total Credits (L+T+P) Examination Scheme Theory Marks Practical Marks L T P C ESE PA ESE PA 3 0 0 3 70 30 00 00 GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/14-15 Total Marks 100 Gujarat State 1 Describe various management processes 2d. Span of control.4 System variable 1. inventory control and derive objectives of inventory control.7 Functions of management 2. Purchase procedure and system systems.Progressive Assessment 5. ESE . Discuss moral and relate it with productivity 2h.2 Division of labor.3 Types. Codification of stores 3f. various types of storage equipment. Two bin GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State 2 .End Semester Examination. Compare methods of decentralized with their advantages.8 Job satisfaction.6 Inventory models such as Willson’s models model.1 Definitions.3 Functions of storekeeping of storekeeping classification of stores as centralized and 3d.6 Relationship between moral and productivity 2. Relationship with other departments 3b.Lecture.Credit.1 Definition. PA .4 Organizational culture and factors affecting organization culture 2. Describe management structure 2b. Distinguish inventory other modern methods of analysis analysis and inventory 3. Replenishment model. Explain purchase 3. T . C . Delegation of authority. disadvantages. Functions. Discuss importance of material management 3. Describe functions of 3. List out various functions 3.Tutorial/Teacher Guided Student Activity. Terms and various forms used in purchase department 3c. Identify factors affecting job satisfaction Unit III Material Management Topics and Sub-topics 1. Discuss Objectives of 3.5 System behavior 1. Explain concepts of system 1b. Derivation expression for EOQ of expression for EOQ. Scalar and functional processes. Factors considered in formulating structure 2. Purchase procedure. COURSE DETAILS Unit Unit I Concept of System and Management Unit II Organization Structure and Organizational Dynamics Major Learning Outcomes 1a. Centralization and Decentralization 2. advantages.6 Fundamentals of management 1. ABC analysis. Explain various factors for structure 2c.Practical. Importance of material management. Explain factors affecting Organizational culture 2g. storekeeping disadvantages and application 3e. P .2 Types of systems 1.5 Definition of inventory control.Industrial Management 3350501 Legends: L . storekeeper Types of records maintained by store.4 Functions of store keeper. 3g. Discuss management and Explain its functions 2a. Classify the organization 2e. factors influencing job satisfaction 3a. Apply SWOT analysis of organizational structure 2f.7 Effect of high and low moral 2. Goals.3 System parameters 1.5 Moral: factors affecting moral 2. flexibility and applications of organization structure 2.2 Objectives of purchase.1 Definition of system 1. Calculation of Economic Batch Quantity (EBQ). Draw network diagram and determine its critical path 4e. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATION TABLE WITH HOURS & MARKS (THEORY) Unit Unit Title Teaching Hours I II Distribution of Theory Marks R U A Total Level Level Level Marks Concept of System and Management 4 02 05 00 7 Organization Structure and Organizational Dynamics 08 05 06 03 14 13 07 07 07 21 13 06 07 08 21 04 03 02 02 7 42 23 27 20 70 III Material Management IV Management Techniques V Factory Act and Laws Total Legends: R = Remember.4 Different terms used in network diagram by CPM/PERT 4. its types and determination of floats 4. Determine floats and explain crashing of network 4f. features. Computation of LPO.2 Workman Compensation Act its important provisions 5.7 Floats. important methods used in value analysis.1 Factory act and its important provisions 5. U = Understand.8 Crashing of network and its application 4. EPO 4.2 Functions of PPC with necessary forms used in it 4.5 Draw network diagram for a real life project containing 10-15 activities.1 Meaning. objectives of (1) PPC(Production. A = Apply and above levels (Bloom’s revised taxonomy) GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State 3 .6 Determination of critical path on network 4.3 Types of productions.3 Industrial Dispute Act and its important provisions 6. Describe various provisions Unit V Factory Act and Laws Topics and Sub-topics model 4.9 Concept of value analysis. Critical ratio scheduling and Gantt charts 4.Industrial Management Unit Unit IV Management Techniques 3350501 Major Learning Outcomes 4a. planning and control) (2) CPM(Critical path method) (3) PERT(Programme Evaluation and Review Technique) 4. VA flow diagram 5. Explain objectives and applications of PPC and CPM/PERT 4b List out functions of PPC 4c Calculate critical ratio using Gantt charts 4d. Describe concept of value analysis with its importance and various method 5a. New Delhi. SUGGESTED LIST OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES Following is the list of proposed student activities. 3. 1.clib.C. 7.dauniv.unesco. www. 1970 Dhanpat Rai Publications.Industrial Management 3350501 Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. Assignments 3. 1962 S.S.in/E-Lecture/PERT-CPM. The actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.ac. 5. Khanna L. SUGGESTED LEARNING RESOURCES A.com/samplechapter/001386. New Delhi. 1980 3rd Edition Affiliated East-West Press Private Limited.pdf‎ www. Group discussion 8.. 2. P.du. Mumbai.pdf‎ SPECIAL INSTRCTIONAL STRATEGY (IF ANY) NA GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State 4 . Title of Books Factory Management & business organization 1 3 Business organization & management Industrial Engineering & Management 4 CPM & PERT principles and Applications 2 B.edu/~super7/30011-31001/30961.pdf‎ www.ac. 6.. 1971 List of Major Equipment/Materials NA C List of Software/Learning Websites 1.newagepublishers.in/fileadmin/DU/Academics/course_material/EP_08.ppt‎ www. Publishers Pvt.idc.Shukla O. 4. List of Books: Sr. Course/topic based presentation 2.iitb.pdf‎ www. 9. These could be individual and group based. No.pitt.org/education/aladin/paldin/pdf/course02/unit_14.ppt‎ www. Ltd. Author A.S Despande M. New Delhi.ac.in/~chakku/dm/06_Pert%20cpm.Srinath Publication Vora & Co. Chand & Co. N. Abhilash Thakur.Shukla.I Bhavnagar.P. Coordinator and Faculty Members from NITTTR Bhopal  Dr. Assistant Professor.T.Rajkot 11. Lecturer in Chemical Engineering.I Bhavnagar  Prof. S.P. Lecturer in Chemical Engineering. Associate Professor. Sir B. Bashirullah Shaikh. 3350501 COURSE CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Faculty Members from Polytechnics  Prof. Sir B.P.T.Charola.Hansalia. J.Vadher. P.I Bhavnagar  Prof.T. Department of Applied Sciences NITTTR Bhopal  Dr. Sir B.Industrial Management 10. Lecturer in Chemical Engineering.R.P.H. Department of Applied Sciences NITTTR Bhopal GTU/NITTTR/Bhopal/14-15 Gujarat State 5 . Lecturer in Chemical Engineering G.N.  Prof.K.
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