
March 20, 2018 | Author: Moustafa Bayoumi | Category: Gas Compressor, Instrumentation, Engines, Air Conditioning, Specification (Technical Standard)



Materials System Specification31-SAMSS-002 30 September 2009 Packaged Screw Plant and Instrument Air Compressors Compressors, Gears and Steam Turbines Standards Committee Members Alshaikh, Tariq Hussain, Chairman Khateeb, Eyad Mohammed, Vice Chairman Asiri, Saeed Mohammad Felemban, Mohammed Mahmoud Harbi, Murshed Ghazi Hussain, Khaleel Ma'Atug Jughaiman, Bader Khaled Kawthar Ali, Mahmoud Hashim Khogair, Hani Ahmad Khowaiter, Abdul Rahman Othman Muqahwi, Sameer Salim Naas, Adil Ali Odan, Nabeel Mohammad Qahtani, Hadi Abdullah Rabaa, Salem Abdullah Sabri, Hasan Abdulrahman Tuin, Rienk Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards Table of Contents 1 2 4 5 6 7 Scope............................................................. 2 Normative References.................................... 2 Basic Design.................................................. 4 Accessories.................................................... 5 Inspection, Testing, and Preparation for Shipment........................ 8 Vendor's Data................................................. 8 Previous Issue: 7 December 2005 Next Planned Update: 30 September 2014 Page 1 of 9 Primary contact: Al-Khateeb Eyad Mohammed on 966-3-8760116 Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2009. All rights reserved. For compressors with rated flow less than 425 Nm³/h (250 SCFM).1. which have operated satisfactorily for at least two year of continuous (loaded) operation. Paragraph numbers not appearing in ISO 10440-2 are new paragraphs to be inserted in numerical order.15 and 5.1 Experience Requirements Compressors shall be supplied by Vendors qualified in manufacturing the units proposed. Verification of this experience shall form part of the Vendor's proposal. only paragraphs 4. the Vendor must have manufactured and packaged at the proposed manufacturing location. Direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to the Company or Buyer Representative.5.0 MPa (290 psia). Compressors manufactured under a license agreement shall carry the licensor's written guarantee. Dhahran. may be used for those units). Page 2 of 9 . For services with a discharge pressure higher than 2. 2 Normative References Material or equipment supplied to this Specification shall also comply with the latest edition of the references listed below. at least two compressors. However. Gears and Steam Turbines Issue Date: 30 September 2009 Next Planned Update: 30 September 2014 31-SAMSS-002 Packaged Screw Plant and Instrument Air Compressors The following paragraph numbers refer to international standard ISO 10440-2:2001 (Part 2).5.Document Responsibility: Compressors. 1. who shall follow company waiver procedures and forward such requests to the Manager. compressors complying with ISO 10440-1 shall be used. or deletion to ISO 10440-2. innovative designs may be accepted if reviewed and approved by the Standards Committee Chairman. modification. The text in each paragraph below is an addition. 1. in general. which is a part of this specification.1 of this specification are required (manufacturer standard.2 Alternative Designs All deviations from this Specification shall be separately listed by the Vendor in his quotation and shall refer to the relevant paragraph numbers. unless otherwise noted.0 MPa (290 psia). Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco. of identical frame size. unless noted as an exception. To qualify. 1 Scope (Modification) This specification defines the requirements for packaged screw compressors in plant/instrument air and other non-hazardous gas services with a rated flow of 425 Nm³/h (250 SCFM) and higher and up to a discharge pressure of 2. 68 and 100 Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements Form 175-312200 2.1 Saudi Aramco References Saudi Aramco Materials System Specification 26-SAMSS-045 Turbine Oils 32.ISO System of Accuracy -Part 1: Definitions and Allowable Values of Deviations Relevant to Corresponding Flanks of Gear Teeth Acoustics — Noise Test Code for Compressors and Vacuum Pumps —Engineering Method (Grade 2) Inlet Air Cleaning Equipment for Internal Combustion Engines and Compressors — Performance Testing Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries — Rotary-Type Positive-Displacement Compressors —Part 2: Packaged Air Compressors (Oil-Free) ISO 2151 ISO 5011 ISO 10440-2 National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMA MG 1 Motors and Generators International Electrotechnical Commission IEC 60034-1 Process Industry Practices ELSMC20 Low Voltage AC Adjustable Speed Drive Specification Rotating Electrical Machines Part 1: Rating and Performance Page 3 of 9 . Gears and Steam Turbines Issue Date: 30 September 2009 Next Planned Update: 30 September 2014 31-SAMSS-002 Packaged Screw Plant and Instrument Air Compressors 2. 46.2 Inspection Requirements for Packaged Screw Air Compressors Industry Codes and Standards American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME SEC VIII D1 Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels International Standards Organization ISO 1328-1 Cylindrical Gears -.Document Responsibility: Compressors. including filtration. This efficiency requirement shall be verified during performance testing per 6. Gears and Steam Turbines Issue Date: 30 September 2009 Next Planned Update: 30 September 2014 31-SAMSS-002 Packaged Screw Plant and Instrument Air Compressors 4 Basic Design 4.Document Responsibility: Compressors. Unless otherwise specified on the datasheet.5 4. shall also be designed against sandstorms. Control of the sound pressure to meet this requirement shall be the sole responsibility of the Vendor and shall be confirmed during factory testing.5. the compressor package shall operate continuously in the loaded condition for a minimum of 40.3. except instrumentation and controllers which shall be rated for 65°C (150°F).K/kW. Additionally. Fouling factors for the cooling air (ambient) side of air cooled heat exchangers shall also be 0. For compressor packages.1.35 m². or equivalent international standards. 4. 4.3 4. when used. Additionally. 4. The entire equipment package and auxiliaries.1. equipment installed offshore or near-shore (within ½ km of shoreline) shall be protected against windborne seawater spray and the accumulation of wetted salt. latest addenda. Note: Metal temperature can reach 70°C (158°F) when exposed to direct solar radiation. with relative humidity from 0 to 100% (condensing) and ambient air temperatures from 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F).1 Rotating elements Rotors Page 4 of 9 . the equipment shall be weatherproof packaged units designed for outdoor installation in a desert area. the overall efficiency shall be a minimum of 77% at rated conditions. Cooling water systems.2. shall be closed circuit tempered water systems. 4.1 All pressurized gas vessels shall be designed and fabricated in accordance with the ASME SEC VIII D1. The sound pressure level measured.000 hrs without requiring a shutdown for major maintenance. at a distance of 1 m in any direction from the compressor package shall not exceed 80 dBA.10 4.1 General The required minimum design life of the compressor and its auxiliaries is 20 years of service life.1. in free field conditions.15 All package components shall be rated for the above ambient conditions (in addition to temperature rise due to generated heat). 5.10.5. coating.3 4.2.7 4. hardening) of protecting rotors and shaft seal areas against abrasive wear and erosion due to continuous service in a desert environment. The oil reservoir shall have an external sight level indicator.4 4.1 4.g. For operation at site.3 4.7. alarm and shutdown limits shall be advised by the Vendor.1. Lube oil and seal oil systems All oil piping and valves shall be stainless steel.11 4. only SS.2 4.2 4.10. Materials General Compressors shall also be subject to tests and inspection by the Buyer's inspection representative in accordance with the requirements specified in Section 6.10 4.Document Responsibility: Compressors. Timing gears Timing gears shall also meet a minimum of Quality 6 of ISO 1328-1.5.12 in/s) RMS. Dynamics Critical speed For all rotors. 4.1.2. Vibration and balance Overall vibration levels measured during testing on the bearing housings at any direction shall not exceed 3.1 5. in his proposal.11.1 4.4 4. The compressor package shall be designed for using ISO VG 68 lube oil to the specifications of 26-SAMSS-045.1. the first lateral critical speed shall be at least 130% of the maximum allowable speed.11.1 4. For water cooled lube oil cooler materials.5. TEFC (totally enclosed fan cooled) design rated for 50°C (122°F) ambient and type B temperature rise with Page 5 of 9 .7 5 Accessories The voltage supply and fluctuation range shall be specified by the Purchaser in the datasheet..1. Gears and Steam Turbines Issue Date: 30 September 2009 Next Planned Update: 30 September 2014 31-SAMSS-002 Packaged Screw Plant and Instrument Air Compressors 4.0 mm/s (0.7.1 Drivers Electric motors shall be sever-duty. the means (e. 90-10 Cu-Ni or admiralty brass are acceptable.7.4 The Vendor shall state.7. electrical performance and characteristics shall be in accordance with NEMA MG 1 or IEC 60034-1. Alarms and shut-downs Page 6 of 9 . Vibration. 5.3 Switchgear shall not be used to control motors with a rated voltage less than 4 kV.4. including instrumentation.2 5.4.3. from each installed vibration transducer raw (or buffered) output signal. Final discharge pressure and temperature. Gears and Steam Turbines Issue Date: 30 September 2009 Next Planned Update: 30 September 2014 31-SAMSS-002 Packaged Screw Plant and Instrument Air Compressors class F insulation. Controls and instrumentation Control systems Unless otherwise specified. monitored parameters shall include: 5.2.Document Responsibility: Compressors. Running status.2 5. controllers and motor variable frequency drive shall be suitable for the environmental conditions and shall be supplied by the compressor package Vendor.3. The motor variable frequency drive shall comply with Process Industry Practices (PIP) ELSMC20 specifications. variable speed shall be the primary means of control used.1. Motor frame sizing.2 (Modification) Solenoids that are normally energized shall have Class H insulated coils.4 5.1 5. Instrumentation and control panels Unless otherwise specified. and shall allow communication with DCS through Modbus protocol.4. shall not be used without prior approval of the Electrical Substations Equipment Standards Committee Chairman. Inlet air filter differential pressure. All necessary equipment. Electric motors rated more than 10 kW (13 HP) shall also be of the highefficiency type (>93% or EFF1) and shall be provided with space heaters. other than Y-Delta.4 Bearing supply lube oil pressure & temperature.2. indicating velocity in mm/s or in/s RMS. As a minimum. 5.3 5. a Microprocessor control and monitoring system shall be supplied.5 5.4.4. Speed. Reduced voltage starters. for variable speed units. Inter-stage (for multi-stage units) air pressure and temperature.4.4. installed and fully wired by the Vendor. The air filter intake shall be raised 3 m (10 ft) above ground by using ducting arrangement.6.4. Solenoids. The cooling air exhaust opening shall have auto open/close louvers. 5.. Silencers The peak-to-peak pulsation level of the compressor in the piping shall not exceed 2 % of the mean line absolute pressure.4.4. a shutdown shall be initiated on: Low lube oil pressure High bearing or oil supply temperature High final discharge pressure. unprocessed/unfiltered) of each vibration instrument shall also be wired to connectors to allow reading of vibration signals from the exterior of the package. shall have test button to allow exercising/checking functionality.5.5. at least.6 Vibration and position detectors For enclosed.5.4. Intake filters A self-cleaning filter shall be provided and shall be common for both cooling air and compressed air intakes (in addition to the vendor standard compressed air filter).. One transducer shall be installed in the radial direction on each of the compressor and motor bearings and gear casing. calibrated.2 5.g.5. Filters performance shall be verified in accordance with ISO 5011. As a minimum.5.5. 5. when used.2 Switches shall not be used for alarm or shutdown. SPM) shall be supplied.5.4.3. The exhaust air shall be diverted away from enclosure (e.3 Page 7 of 9 .5 5. 5. and provided with bypass. the raw output (buffered.Document Responsibility: Compressors.5.6 5.3 Vibration transducers (e. Gears and Steam Turbines Issue Date: 30 September 2009 Next Planned Update: 30 September 2014 31-SAMSS-002 Packaged Screw Plant and Instrument Air Compressors 5. Alarm and shutdown logic shall be failsafe.4.1 5.5.2. the parameters specified in 5. Intercoolers and aftercoolers Each Intercooler and aftercooler shall be equipped with an automatic condensate removal trap with stainless steel internals.11 5.g. Alarms shall be provided for. using ducting). packaged compressor units.6.4 5. 3. the Purchaser shall be notified of the exact date at least 14 working days prior to testing. Page 8 of 9 .3 Auxiliary equipment tests The self-cleaning filter system may be tested at the filter system supplier shop then shipped directly to site. with or without the job filter. 6. The complete unit test for only one package of each model of the purchased units shall be witnessed by Buyer representative. as specified in 4. 6. Performance test A shop performance test shall be carried on only one unit of each model of the purchased units and shall be witnessed by Buyer representative. 6.3 Complete unit test For single-lift packaged compressors. 6.4.4.Document Responsibility: Compressors.1.4.2 6. the mechanical running test and performance test (as applicable per 6. shall be confirmed during factory testing based on ISO 2151. Testing of non-witnessed units shall be certified. and Preparation for Shipment 6. Testing. Moreover.6 Sound level test The sound level.1 Proposals The Vendor's proposal shall also include a list of similar machines installed and operating under similar site conditions. Testing General (Modification) The Vendor shall inform the Purchaser of the month of testing a minimum of 12 weeks in advance.1 6. Gears and Steam Turbines Issue Date: 30 September 2009 Next Planned Update: 30 September 2014 31-SAMSS-002 Packaged Screw Plant and Instrument Air Compressors 6 Inspection.1.1.2) shall be performed as complete unit tests.4.1 General Compressors shall be subject to inspection by the Buyer's inspection representative in accordance with the requirements specified in the referenced form 175-312200.2 7 Vendor's Data 7. 4 Contract Data Drawings The schematic diagrams shall include all instruments and wiring provided in the package with clear indication of alarm and trip instruments. CD).2. Page 9 of 9 .2 7. Instruction manual The manuals shall be provided in searchable and printable electronic format (e.2. 7.2 7.2. Gears and Steam Turbines Issue Date: 30 September 2009 Next Planned Update: 30 September 2014 31-SAMSS-002 Packaged Screw Plant and Instrument Air Compressors 7.Document Responsibility: Compressors.g. set points and logic.5 30 September 2009 Revision Summary Major revision..2.
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