31-16844 GE GCWP1800D1WW Mini Manual

March 29, 2018 | Author: Appliance799 | Category: Electrical Engineering, Machines, Mechanical Engineering, Manufactured Goods, Technology



L1 N175D2750G399 RB SHOWN WITH THE FOLLOWING SELECTIONS: TEMP: WARM/COLD FABRICK SOFTENER: ON WR BASKET EMPTY, FILLING ˄ˊˋˁˋˇʳ˦˘˖ˢˡ˗˦ʳˣ˘˥ʳ˜ˡ˖˥˘ˠ˘ˡ˧ LID CLOSED ˈ ˄˃ ˄ˈ ˅˃ ˅ˈ ˆ˃ ˆˈ ˇ˃ ˇˈ ˈ˃ FILL SWITCH R4 RINSE T VALVE 15 ASSEMBLY ˗˘˚˥˘˘ʳ˂ʳ˜ˡ˖˥˘ˠ˘ˡ˧ EMPTY C R5 ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˊˁˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˊ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ ˈ OB 175D2750G399 RB Cold Valve 16 R6 WASH 3 1 T ˧˘˥ˠ ˖˔ˠ ˦˪˜˧˖˛ʳ˙˨ˡ˖˧˜ˢˡ TEMP ˜˗ FULL SW ˙˦ʳˣ˥˘˦˦ˁʳ˦˪ˁʳ˕ˬˣ˔˦˦ ˥˄ ˃ V FABRIC SOFTENER SWITCH R22 WASH 4 2 V ˙˦ʳ˦ˣ˜ˡ ˥ˆ NW S Hot Vavle R23 OB 5 3 4 R24 ˅ ˥˜ˡ˦˘ʳ˙˜˟˟ ˥ˇ S ˪˔˦˛ʳ˙˜˟˟ʳ˖ˢ˟˗ ˥ˉ 1 2 R1 V CW R2 ˥ˊ ˇ ˟˜ˡ˘ʳ˦˪˜˧˖˛ ˥ˌ R3 V ˉ ˥˄˃ RB ˥˄˅ R13 R14 PUB NO. 31-16844 ˦ˣ˜ˡʳˣ˛˔˦˘ ˥˄ˆ R18 R15 ˋ ˔˚˜˧˔˧˘ʳˣ˛˔˦˘ ˥˄ˈ R21 V R20 R17 R16 R19 1 1 - MODE ˣ˥˘˦˦˨˥˘ʳ˦˪˜˧˖˛ʳ˕ˬˣ˔˦˦ ˥˄ˉ ˄˃ ˙˦ʳ˘ˢ˖ʳ˕ˬˣʳ˘ˡ˔˕˟˘ ˥˄ˋ 2 2 + SHIFTER N 3 VW 4 ˣ˨ˠˣ ˄˅ ˥˄ˌ B R 5 ˔˚˜˧˔˧˘ʳ˖ˢˡ˧˥ˢ˟ ˥˅˄ 6 5 4 3 2 1 ˪˔˦˛ʳ˙˜˟˟ʳ˛ˢ˧ ˥˅˅ ˄ˇ ˦ˣ˜ˡ ˥˅ˇ LID WR Y SW O RB ˪˔˦˛ ˪˔˦˛ ˣ˨ˠˣ ˪˔˦˛ ˪˔˦˛ ˪˔˦˛ ˥˜ˡ˦˘ ˥˜ˡ˦˘ ˥˜ˡ˦˘ ˣ˨ˠˣ ˣ˨ˠˣ ˦ˢ˔˞ ˣ˨ˠˣ ˣ˨ˠˣ ˣ˨ˠˣ ˦ˢ˔˞ ˠ˔˖˛˜ˡ˘ PUMP ˢ˙˙ ˢ˙˙ ˢ˙˙ WR ˙˨ˡ˖˧˜ˢˡ M ˪˔˦˛ ˙ˁ˦ˢ˙˧ʳ˦ˣ˜ˡ ˙ˁ˦ˢ˙˧ʳ˦ˣ˜ˡ ˙ˁ˦ˢ˙˧ʳ˦ˣ˜ˡ ˙ˁ˦ˢ˙˧ʳ˦ˣ˜ˡ ˙ˁ˦ˢ˙˧ʳ˦ˣ˜ˡ ˙ˁ˦ˢ˙˧ʳ˦ˣ˜ˡ ˦ˣ˜ˡ ˦ˣ˜ˡ TIMER BUSSING TIMER MACHINE HARNESS ˖˔˦˨˔˟˦ ˗˔˥˞ʳ˖ˢ˟ˢ˥˦ ˪˛˜˧˘˦ LINE ˖ˬ˖˟˘ R9 ˇˈʺ˃˃ʵ ˇ˅ʺ˃˃ʵ ˇ˅ʺ˃˃ʵ M SWITCH WR CLOSED CONTACT THE MOMENTARY CONTACT OPENING (WHITE TRIANGLE) AND R8 THE MOMENTARY CONTACT CLOSURE (BLACK TRIANGLE) PROVIDE FOR INTERNAL TIMER MECHANISM, CONTACT MAY BE OPEN OR RISE FILL CONTROLLED BY THE PRESSURE SWITCH WHEN FABRIC CLOSED DURING THIS TIME WITHOUT AFFECTING WASH CYCLE SOFTENER IS SELECTED AND TIMED RINSE FILL CONTROLLED BY THE TIMER WHEN WATER SAVER IS SELECTED. R3 R2 R1 ELECTRICAL SIGNAL TO MOTOR MOTOR INVERTER BOARD STATUS INDICATOR COLOR CODE CW CX SX LIGHT CODE WATER LEVEL SWITCH LETTERS COLOR LETTERS COLOR R6 OB R5 CX R4 TX SPIN WASH HI LO FLASH DESCRIPTION ACTION BEFORE DISCONNECTING HOSE FROM NOTE: CONTROL SWITCHES IN SCHEMATIC ARE SHOWN SET FOR AX LT. BLUE RX RED R9 R8 R7 WATER LEVEL SWITCH, BE SURE WATER NORMAL WASH AT START. OF AGITATION ON THE CAM CHART. WR PIN 5 4 3 2 1 SECOND ON STOP OR PAUSE NONE R12 R11 R10 1 SECOND OFF LEVEL IN MACHINE IS BELOW BOTTOM OF MANUAL SWITCHES IN SCHEMATIC ARE SHOWN SET FOR WARM/ BX BLACK SX GRAY AGITATE COLD TEMP SELECTION. NUMBERS AND LETTERS INDICATE R15 R14 R13 0 1 0 0 .5 SECOND ON RECEIVED COMMAND RUNNING BASKET. AFTER RECONNECTING HOSE, CX BROWN TX TAN PAUSE 175D2750G399 VX VW .5 SECOND OFF PUT MACHINE IN SPIN FOR AT LEAST 1 CORRESPONDING COMPONENT TERMINAL DESIGNATIONS. R18 R17 R16 GX GREEN VX PURPLE STANDBY/ 0 0 0 0 1 FLASH STOP TIME TOO LONG REPLACE MOTOR MINUTE BEFORE CHECKING OPERATION OB RB VX STOP NX DK. BLUE WX WHITE 2 FLASH PULLEY OR BELT SLIP REPLACE PULLEY NUT AND OF SWITCH. R21 R20 R19 BELT* NX VX BX OX ORANGE YX YELLOW R24 R23 R22 AGITATE 0 1 1 0 3 FLASH INVERTER ISSUE OR CHECK SYSTEM AND DOUBLE LINES INDICATE BUSSING INSIDE TIMER AND SELECTION SWITCH. RX CX SX SPIN 1 0 0 0 MOTOR WINDING REPLACE MOTOR* PX PINK HOT SWITCH CONTACT TEMP SEL SW THE “X” INDICATES ONE SOLID COLOR - NO TRACER. AS VIEWED FROM 1 = LINE VOLTAGE BETWEEN PIN AND 4 FLASH MODE SHIFT CIRCUIT TEST FAILED CHECK FOR OPEN COIL** INTERNAL TIMER SW TERM WIRES WITH TRACER SHOW BOTH COLORS. NEUTRAL CONTACT / TERM TERMINALS EXAMPLE - WR IS WHITE WITH RED TRACER. HARNESS SIDE 5 FLASH NOT APPLICABLE REPLACE MOTOR 6 FLASH "LOCKED" MOTOR CHECK SYSTEM AND MODE 1-3 2-4 ROTOR SHIFTER*** OPEN COLD/COLD 7 FLASH LID SWITCH TEST CHECK MAGNET AND CLOSED WARM/COLD WARNING: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK: FAILED REPLACE LID SWITCH 8 FLASH INVERTER CHECK SYSTEM FREEDOM THE POWER MUST BE DISCONNECTED BEFORE SERVICING BY UNPLUGGING THE MACHINE OR DISCONNECTING THE CIRCUIT BREAKER. TRANSISTOR TEMP AND CLOTHES LOADING HOT/COLD PROTECTION METHODS THE MACHINE MUST BE ELECTRICALLY GROUNDED THROUGH THE GROUNDING LEAD IN THE 3-PRONG POWER CORD. THE CORD MUST * 2, 3 & 6 FLASH ERRORS, IF NO SYSTEM FAILURES FOUND, REPLACE BE PLUGGED INTO A PROPERLY INSTALLED AND GROUNDED APPLIANCE OUTLET. IF LOCAL CODES REQUIRE AN ADDITIONAL GROUND MOTOR. CONNECTION, USE A 18 GAUGE OR LARGER WIRE TO CONNECT THE WASHER CABINET TO AN ESTABLISHED GROUND. IN ALL CASES, THE ** FLASH CAN BE CAUSED BY COIL PROTECTION SOFTARE WHEN MODE SHIFTER ENGAGES TOO MANY TIMES IN SERIES WHILE SERVICE TESTING. GROUNDING METHOD MUST COMPLY WITH ALL LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. WAIT 10 MINUTES IN STOP MODE. *** CHECK FOR ARMATURE STILL UP WHEN ATTEMPTING SPIN AND FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT OF ARMATURE. REQUIRES MOTOR RESET TO CLEAR ERROR WHEN SYSTEM IS FREE. Rev. 0 WARNING: TO SERVICE THIS MACHINE, POWER MUST BE DISCONNECTED. GE 02-12 WARNING TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK: 6. Remove agitator by grasping bottom and 4. The motor and sharply pulling up (if hex bolt was removed tub assembly will 1. Set motor back on platform, with motor in step 5, proceed to step 8). now lean forward pulled all the way forward so locator pin is 7. Remove 7/16" hex bolt attaching air bell after both front NOT seated in platform. coupling to spline shaft assembly. rod and spring 2. Hand start the four motor nut. assemblies are 3. Push motor back so motor alignment pin Cover unhooked at AT\^eT IMPORTANT - RECONNECT ALL Align Putty Knife ONE TOUCH Clothes Care Cycles L OAD S OIL T EMP S PEED drops into platform. 1^[c SIZE LEVEL O PTIONS platform. WASH/RINSE WASH/SPIN WHITES EASY CARE SOAK STAIN BEEPER S TART To Groove In Lid HOT PERM PRESS PRESOAK SUPER HOT NORMAL WASH COLD FAST 4. Tighten motor nuts. PAUSE LARGE WARM NORMAL 2ND COLORS HAND HEAVY WARM SLOW RINSE QUICK DRAIN WASH S TOP GROUNDED DEVICES WARM RINSE & SPIN CANCEL MEDIUM NORMAL WARM GENTLE EXTEND COLD FAST SPIN DARK SPEED COLORS WASH CUSTOM CUSTOM COLD GENTLE DELAY SMALL LIGHT 7/16" Bolt 5. Disconnect motor COLD 1 2 COLD SLOW & HOUR PRESS 3 SEC TO STORE EST. TIME REMAINING 5. Reconnect wire harness. PerfecTemp SOAK WASH RINSE 2ND RINSE AUTO BALANCE FINAL SPIN CYCLE STATUS IF GROUNDING WIRES, SCREWS, STRAPS, CLIPS, D]STabXSTEXTf^U?[PcU^a\ NUTS OR WASHERS USED TO COMPLETE A PATH harness connec- 6. Apply belt tool (WX05X10102) to motor pulley. TO GROUND ARE REMOVED FOR SERVICE, THEY tor, grounding 7. Attach belt to large pulley using zip tie. MUST BE RETURNED TO THEIR ORIGINAL POSI- wire to frame and 8. With belt looped on drive pulley, rotate large 5. Remove AT\^eT#1^[cb TION AND PROPERLY FASTENED. pressure switch pulley until the belt slack is taken up. four 1/2" hose at take o . 9. Rotate pulley until belt is seated in motor hex bolts 3. Rotate front panel 6. Disconnect drain hose grooves. mounting IMPORTANT SAFETY NOTICE platform to THIS INFORMATION IS INTENDED FOR USE BY forward and lift inlet (black hose) at tub. 10. Remove belt tool and carefully cut o zip tie. INDIVIDUALS POSSESSING ADEQUATE BACK- o cabinet base 7. Lift and push bottom of tub/motor assembly 11. Put machine in spin for 60 seconds and tub. GROUNDS OF ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONIC AND locating tabs. towards the rear of the cabinet, and roll tub then lift the lid. Ensure machine brakes to a MECHANICAL EXPERIENCE. ANY ATTEMPT TO 4. Reverse procedure out under top lip of cabinet. complete stop under 7 seconds. If not, check REPAIR A MAJOR APPLIANCE MAY RESULT IN to reassemble. 8. Pull tub out of cabinet by lifting it over on its lid switch and repeat brake check. PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. top as shown below. THE MANUFACTURER OR SELLER CANNOT BE Bottom Tabs 9. Reverse procedure to reassemble. TIP: MUST BE SURE BELT IS FULLY SEATED IN RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INTERPRETATION OF THIS INFORMATION, NOR CAN IT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY 7/16" Bolt MOTOR PULLEY GROOVES. IN CONNECTION WITH ITS USE. Air Bell Air Bell Coupler Coupler 6. Remove wire WATER LEVEL SWITCH clip from plat- BEFORE DISCONNECTING HOSE FROM WATER form and wire LEVEL SWITCH, BE SURE WATER LEVEL IN MACHINE IS BELOW BOTTOM OF WASH BASKET. 8. Remove left-handed 1-11/16" connector 1. Repeat steps 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 . AFTER RECONNECTING HOSE, PUT MACHINE IN 1. Remove front panel using step 3 . hub nut. This nut is aluminum, from motor. 2. Remove belt by pushing up on belt near SPIN FOR AT LEAST ONE MINUTE BEFORE CHECK- 2. Remove two 1/4" hex screws on front take care not to round the Then remove motor pulley while turning. ING OPERATION OF SWITCH. of cabinet. edges when removing platform. 3. Reach under the lid assembly and locate or replacing. Bottom of lid switch. Squeeze lid switch latch in to A^cPcT TIP: The word Basket FWTT[ release while gently pushing it upward. Guide “LOOSEN” Remove 1. Remove 4 screws along top of control panel. through lid switch opening. AT\^eT with an arrow Nut AT\^eT FXaX]V 4. Remove cover/lid assembly. APPEARS ON 5. Reverse procedure to reassemble. ?d[[CPQ 7Pa]Tbb THE NUT. 1. Repeat step 3 . 3aX_BWXT[S 2. Count number TIP: To align agitator of times the light 1. Follow step 1 . 17 502 34 8G under the motor's to replace, match O 2. Using screwdriver, gently depress tab and 1. Follow steps 3 & 4 . Spin metal drip shield grooves in air 7. Lift shaft turn load size switch counter clockwise to 2. Remove ve hex screws from control panel bell to grooves Basket ashes. 0__[hD_fPaS Lift remove from keyhole. bracket. Tilt bracket up and out of the way assembly Shaft Assembly inside agitator. 3. Refer to Flash ?aTbbdaT^]1T[c straight up 3. Reverse procedure to reinstall. (Water valve is mounted to bracket). Fin is aligned with Codes on reverse Out of Tub and out. groove. side of this 3. Remove AT\^eT1^[c Load Size Switch 2 4 manual. large pulley 3 by holding 5 pulley with 1 one hand Tab and remov- 3. Disconnect four dampening straps from tub 1. Repeat steps 3 , 4 , 5 . ing 3/4" nut. attached by 5/16" hex screws. 2. Remove split ring and Left 4. Remove tub cover by lifting out eight molded washer from shaft Handed assembly. Nut tabs on tub cover, and pull cover o . Thread 1. Repeat step 3 . 5. Remove agitator cap to determine attach- 3. Remove front rod and 2. Remove belt by ment method. If 7/16" hex bolt is visible spring assembly pushing down on in bottom of barrel of agitator it must be (one at a time) belt near motor removed in order to remove the agitator. by lifting motor pulley while turn- tub assembly up ing large pulley. 4. After pulley is 1^cc^\ AT\^eT" 8. Reverse steps 7-3 to re-install shaft New Design Old Design to take weight 3. Loosen four 3/8" removed four 1^[c C^_1^[cb assembly and platform. Follow step 6 under Hex Screw o suspension hex nuts enough 3/8" hex bolts To Service Motor to install belt. spring at lower to be able to pull (3 on top and portion of rod. Pull TIP: Take care to align the two locating the motor up and 1 on bottom) holes from shaft assembly to platform before 1. Locate two spring clips between cover and the spring assem- forward so the rear mounting Split Ring reinstalling shaft assembly. front panel, by aligning putty knife with bly out of the leg and motor nuts clear AT\^eT the shaft groove on either side of lid and cover. (See platform assembly, and Washer the large pulley. assembly to TIP: Take care not to get dirt/oil on pulley and illustration). repeat for rear rod and 1T[c AT\^eT#Q^[cb shaft interface. If some present, wipe off with 4. Remove the four the platform. 2. Insert putty knife and push forward to release spring assemblies. Allow them to hang freely. motor bolts. clean cloth. clips. The front and rear rod and spring assemblies 5. Disconnect wire harness. have di erent color spring housings and 6. Tilt top of motor away from you and pull out. should not be switched. 31-16844 02-12 GE
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