
March 30, 2018 | Author: phuongnhsfc | Category: Valve, Heat Exchanger, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Electrical Wiring, Pressure



30HXA,HXC076-271ECOLOGIC™ Fluid-Cooled and Condenserless Chillers 50/60 Hz Installation Instructions CONTENTS Page SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-40 Step 1 — Inspect Shipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Step 2 — Rig and Place Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Step 3 — Piping Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 • COOLER FLUID, VENT, AND DRAIN • BRINE UNITS • PREPARATION FOR YEAR-ROUND OPERATION • FILL FLUID LOOP • INSULATE COOLER HEADS • 30HXA PIPING, VALVE, AND SWITCH INSTALLATION • 30HXC PIPING AND VALVE INSTALLATION • INSTALL PRESSURE RELIEF REFRIGERANT VENT PIPING Step 4 — Make Electrical Connections . . . . . . 21 • FIELD POWER CONNECTIONS • FIELD CONTROL POWER CONNECTIONS • CONDENSER FAN CONTROL FOR CONDENSER UNITS USED WITH 30HXA UNITS Step 5 — Install Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 • ELECTRICAL • 30HXA LOW-AMBIENT OPERATION • MINIMUM LOAD ACCESSORY • MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES Step 6 — Leak Test Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 • 30HXC UNITS • 30HXA UNITS Step 7 — Refrigerant Charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 • 30HXC UNITS • 30HXA UNITS SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Installing, starting up, and servicing this equipment can be hazardous due to system pressures, electrical components, and equipment location. Only trained, qualified installers and service mechanics should install, start up, and service this equipment. When working on the equipment, observe precautions in the literature, and on tags, stickers, and labels attached to the equipment. • Follow all safety codes. • Wear safety glasses and work gloves. • Use care in handling, rigging, and setting bulky equipment. IMPORTANT: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with these instructions, this equipment may cause radio interference. The equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits of a Class A computing device as defined by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission, U.S.A.) Regulations, Subpart J of Part 15, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. INTRODUCTION These instructions cover installation of 30HX liquid chillers with electronic controls and units with factory-installed options (FIOPs). INSTALLATION Step 1 — Inspect Shipment — Inspect unit for damage upon arrival. If damage is found, file a claim with the shipping company right away. Do not store units in an area exposed to weather because of sensitive control mechanisms and electronic devices. Locate unit indoors. When considering unit location, consult National Electrical Code (NEC, U.S.A.) and local code requirements. Allow sufficient space for wiring, piping, and service. Install unit in an area which will not be exposed to subfreezing weather. See Fig. 1-8 for clearance details. Allow the following clearances for service access: Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ft (914 mm) Rear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ft (914 mm) Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ft (610 mm) Ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tube removal at one (either) end; 3 ft (914 mm) at opposite end. Be sure surface beneath unit is level and is capable of supporting the operating weight of the unit. See Fig. 9 and Tables 1A and 1B for unit mounting and operating weights. If necessary, add supporting structure (steel beams or reenforced concrete slabs) to floor to transfer weight to nearest beams. Step 2 — Rig and Place Unit Rig unit from the top heat exchanger only. Rigging from the bottom heat exchanger will cause the unit to be lifted unsafely. Personal injury or damage to the unit may occur. Copy continued on page 15. Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Book 2 PC 903 Catalog No. 533-004 Printed in U.S.A. Form 30HX-7SI Pg 1 8-99 Replaces: 30HX-4SI Tab 5c 2 106 096 086 076 UNIT 30HXC OPERATING WEIGHT lb (kg) 5700 (2586) 5723 (2597) 5855 (2657) 6177 (2803) B 45.87 (1165) 45.87 (1165) 37.63 (956) 37.63 (956) A 45.87 (1165) 45.87 (1165) 54.12 (1375) 54.12 (1375) 32.50 (826) 32.50 (826) 32.50 (826) 33.50 (851) C DIMENSION — in. (mm) D 65.22 (1657) 65.22 (1657) 65.22 (1657) 67.22 (1707) LEGEND Denotes center of gravity. Fig. 1 — Dimensions, 30HXC076-106 Std Minus Plus Std Minus Plus 076,086,096 076,086,096 076,086,096 106 106 106 UNIT 30HXC 3. Denotes accessory or factory-installed option. 4. Dimensions are in inches (millimeters) and weights are in lb (kg). 5. Recommended service clearance around machine — 369 (914.4). 2. K.O. — Knockout THK — Thickness TYP — Typical NOTES: 1. Operating weight includes weight of water and refrigerant. 4.68 (119) 5.14 (131) 5.14 (131) 5.14 (131) 4.68 (119) 4.68 (119) 5.14 (131) 5.14 (131) 5.14 (131) 4.68 (119) DIMENSIONS — in. (mm) A B 4.68 (119) 4.68 (119) 4 3 2 4 2 3 NUMBER OF PASSES 49 59 59 59 49 49 CONNECTION SIZES 3 146 136 126 116 UNIT 30HXC OPERATING WEIGHT lb (kg) 6415 (2911) 6465 (2933) 6688 (3034) 6718 (3048) LEGEND Denotes center of gravity. Fig. 2 — Dimensions, 30HXC116-146 Std Minus Plus 116,126,136,146 116,126,136,146 116,126,136,146 UNIT 30HXC 3. Denotes accessory or factory-installed option. 4. Dimensions are in inches (millimeters) and weights are in lb (kg). 5. Recommended service clearance around machine — 369 (914.4). 2. K.O. — Knockout THK — Thickness TYP — Typical NOTES: 1. Operating weight includes weight of water and refrigerant. 0.00 4.68 (119) 0.00 4.68 (119) DIMENSIONS — in. (mm) A B 4.68 (119) 4.68 (119) 1 3 2 NUMBER OF PASSES 49 49 49 CONNECTION SIZES 4 186 171 161 UNIT 30HXC 7452 (3381) 7660 (3475) 7854 (3564) OPERATING WEIGHT lb (kg) DIMENSIONS in. (mm) A B 72.12 50.63 (1832) (1286) 61.37 61.37 (1559) (1559) 61.37 61.37 (1559) (1559) LEGEND Denotes center of gravity. Fig. 3 — Dimensions, 30HXC161-186 3. Denotes accessory or factory-installed option. 4. Dimensions are in inches (millimeters) and weights are in lb (kg). 5. Recommended service clearance around machine — 369 (914.4). 2. K.O. — Knockout THK — Thickness TYP — Typical NOTES: 1. Operating weight includes weight of water and refrigerant. Std Minus Plus 161,171,186 161,171,186 161,171,186 UNIT 30HXC 0.00 4.68 (119) A 4.68 (119) 0.00 4.68 (119) B 4.68 (119) DIMENSIONS — in. (mm) 1 3 2 NUMBER OF PASSES 59 59 59 CONNECTION SIZES Dimensions are in inches (millimeters) and weights are in lb (kg).261.246. 3.88 (860) 34.261.246. 30HXC206-271 Denotes accessory or factoryinstalled option.00 5. Recommended service clearance around machine — 369 (914. K.00 5. 4. (mm) A B 5.246.53 (140) 1 3 2 NUMBER OF PASSES 69 69 69 CONNECTION SIZES .4).271 0.261.38 (873) 34.O. (mm) A 33. 5.581 (4799) 10.992 (4986) 11.53 (140) 0.271 UNIT 30HXC 206. 4 — Dimensions. Std Minus Plus 206. — Knockout THK — Thickness TYP — Typical NOTES: 1. Fig.5 271 261 246 206 UNIT 30HXC 10.969 (4976) 10.029 (5003) OPERATING WEIGHT lb (kg) DIMENSIONS in. Operating weight includes weight of water and refrigerant.38 (873) LEGEND Denotes center of gravity.38 (873) 34.53 (140) DIMENSIONS — in.53 (140) 5. 2.271 206. 68 (119) 4717 (2140) 4744 (2152) 4835 (2194) 5151 (2337) OPERATING WEIGHT lb (kg) UNIT 30HXA 106 096 086 076 UNIT 30HXA 4 3 2 3 2 4 NUMBER OF PASSES K B 45.72 (145) 5.14 (131) 5. Operating weight includes weight of water and refrigerant.14 (131) B 4. 4.22 13.14 (131) 5.68 (119) DIMENSIONS in.48 (1511) 42.50 67.87 (1165) 45.096 076.63 (956) H D 32.25 (1175) 38.50 (826) 32.81 (1164) 54.68 (119) 4.4).68 (119) 4.00 (965) K. Denotes accessory or factory-installed option.50 65.15 (1105) (1657) (563) 45.72 (145) 5.086.25 (1175) 46.77 (1086) 42. Thickness Typical LEGEND E Denotes center of gravity.72 (145) 5.22 13.S.A.63 (956) 37.48 (266) 5.93 (1105) (1657) (354) 43. 3.12 (1375) 59 59 59 49 49 49 CONNECTION SIZES C 45.06 (1373) 54.6 Std Minus Plus Std Minus Plus 076. NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in inches (millimeters) and weights are in lb (kg).48 (215) 8.14 (131) 5.87 (1165) 37.77 (1086) J J 5.81 (1164) 45.87 (1165) 45. 5 — Dimensions.50 (851) H 59.096 106 106 106 G A 8.14 (131) 5. U.06 (1373) Knockout Society of Automotive Engineers.48 (215) 10. 2.22 22.50 65.87 (149) — — — — L 46.22 22.14 (131) 5.48 (1511) 59.87 (1165) 54.15 (1156) (1707) (563) .O.00 (965) 38. 30HXA076-106 DIMENSIONS — in.086. SAE THK TYP K 45.93 (1105) (1657) (354) 43.68 (119) 4.48 (215) 8.096 076.68 (119) 4. Recommended service clearance around machine — 369 (914.50 65.50 (826) 32. (mm) A 4. Fig. 5.086. (mm) E F G 43.50 (826) 33.12 (1375) 54. 68 (119) 4. 4.136. Recommended service clearance around machine — 369 (914. 2.146 UNIT 30HXA 3 1 2 NUMBER OF PASSES 49 49 49 CONNECTION SIZES 3. 30HXA116-146 Std 116.126. LEGEND K. (mm) A B 4.00 4.126.68 (119) 0.136. 5.146 116.126. Dimensions are in inches (millimeters) and weights are in lb (kg).4). Minus Plus 116. Denotes accessory or factory-installed option. 6 — Dimensions.O. Operating weight includes weight of water and refrigerant.68 (119) DIMENSIONS — in.00 4.7 146 136 126 116 UNIT 30HXA OPERATING WEIGHT lb (kg) 5163 (2342) 5205 (2362) 5309 (2408) 5333 (2420) Denotes center of gravity. NOTES: 1. — Knockout THK — Thickness TYP — Typical .136.68 (119) Fig.146 0. A B C 72. Fig.186 161.25 (1099) LEGEND Denotes center of gravity.171. 4.12 (1832) 50.31 (1572) 61.63 (1286) 48.31 (1572) 61. Recommended service clearance around machine — 369 (914.00 (1295) 61.8 161 171 186 Std Minus Plus 161. 5.37 (1559) 61.O.186 UNIT 30HXA 5752 (2610) 5777 (2621) 5946 (2698) UNIT OPERATING 30HXA WEIGHT — lb (kg) 0.171. 7 — Dimensions.14 (131) DIMENSIONS — in.37 (1559) 43. 2.00 5. Operating weight includes weight of water and refrigerant.00 5.14 (131) 0.37 (1559) 43.75 (1568) (mm) .25 (1099) 61.14 (131) B 5.4). Denotes accessory or factory-installed option.75 (1568) 61. 30HXA161-186 D E 72. (mm) 1 3 2 NUMBER OF PASSES 59 59 59 CONNECTION SIZES DIMENSIONS — in. — Knockout THK — Thickness TYP — Typical NOTES: 1.56 (1233) 61.186 161. Dimensions are in inches (millimeters) and weights are in lb (kg).14 (131) A 5.171.06 (1830) 51.37 (1559) 61. 3. K. 9 UNIT 30HXA 206 246 261 271 OPERATING WEIGHT — lb (kg) 7485 (3395) 7621 (3457) 7621 (3457) 7621 (3457) Fig. 3. 30HXA206-271 Denotes center of gravity. 5. Denotes accessory or factoryinstalled option. Operating weight includes weight of water and refrigerant. 8 — Dimensions. LEGEND K.4). 4. 2.O. NOTES: 1. Dimensions are in inches (millimeters) and weights are in lb (kg). — Knockout THK — Thickness TYP — Typical . Recommended service clearance around machine — 36″ (914. WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION AT EACH MOUNTING PLATE. 9 — Weight Distribution at Mounting Plates 10 5 1326 (601) 1340 (608) 1350 (612) 1410 (640) 1456 (660) 1468 (666) 1498 (679) 1506 (683) 1650 (748) 1658 (752) 1703 (772) 2216 (1005) 2276 (1032) 2276 (1032) 2276 (1032) 6 699 (317) 705 (320) 827 (375) 880 (399) 887 (402) 887 (402) 908 (412) 908 (412) 1025 (465) 918 (416) 939 (426) 1167 (529) 1209 (548) 1209 (548) 1209 (548) . 1-8 for center of gravity details. 3 4 595 (270) 1110 (503) 597 (271) 1112 (504) 693 (314) 1027 (466) 744 (337) 1073 (487) 777 (352) 1053 (478) 780 (354) 1061 (481) 811 (368) 1083 (491) 815 (370) 1085 (492) 908 (412) 1219 (553) 840 (381) 1379 (626) 860 (390) 1410 (640) 1243 (564) 1201 (545) 1306 (592) 1154 (523) 1311 (595) 1154 (523) 1318 (598) 1154 (523) 1418 1427 1447 1510 1615 1628 1689 1697 1890 1946 1996 3133 3276 3283 3294 5 (643) (647) (656) (685) (733) (738) (766) (770) (857) (883) (905) (1421) (1486) (1489) (1494) 6 896 (406) 902 (409) 1034 (469) 1092 (495) 1127 (511) 1131 (513) 1171 (531) 1172 (532) 1346 (610) 1241 (563) 1265 (574) 1650 (748) 1733 (786) 1739 (789) 1749 (793) 30HXA UNITS — lb (kg) UNIT 30HXA 076 086 096 106 116 126 136 146 161 171 186 206 246 261 271 1 555 (252) 555 (252) 509 (231) 555 (252) 530 (240) 540 (245) 548 (249) 551 (250) 560 (254) 627 (284) 648 (294) 671 (304) 681 (309) 681 (309) 681 (309) 2 793 (360) 798 (362) 808 (367) 869 (394) 895 (406) 905 (410) 926 (420) 930 (422) 965 (438) 968 (439) 1004 (455) 1702 (772) 1748 (793) 1748 (793) 1748 (793) MOUNTING PLATE NO. Fig. 3 4 418 (190) 926 (420) 418 (190) 928 (421) 493 (224) 848 (385) 541 (245) 896 (406) 540 (245) 855 (388) 541 (245) 864 (392) 555 (252) 874 (396) 555 (252) 883 (400) 598 (271) 954 (433) 534 (242) 1072 (486) 552 (250) 1110 (504) 879 (399) 850 (385) 911 (413) 797 (362) 911 (413) 797 (362) 911 (413) 797 (362) NOTE: See pages Fig. 30HXC UNITS — lb (kg) UNIT 30HXC 076 086 096 106 116 126 136 146 161 171 186 206 246 261 271 738 738 686 730 728 738 758 763 817 936 962 948 985 985 985 1 (335) (335) (311) (331) (330) (335) (344) (346) (371) (425) (436) (430) (447) (447) (447) 943 947 968 1028 1114 1127 1176 1182 1272 1318 1361 2406 2515 2520 2529 2 (428) (430) (439) (466) (505) (511) (533) (536) (577) (598) (617) (1091) (1141) (1143) (1147) MOUNTING PLATE NO. 7 3 ⁄4 31.0 001 17.) Discharge Liquid Relief Valve Connection (in.8 220 173 16. NPTF) Flow Capacity (lb air/min) 076 086 096 5700 4717 5723 4744 5855 4835 106 116 126 136 146 6177 6415 6465 5151 5163 5205 Semi-Hermetic.0 006 24. SAE Flare) Flow Capacity (lb air/min) CONDENSER (HXC) Part No.7 3 ⁄4 31.7 3 ⁄4 31.) Drain (in.0 006 24.5 220 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 3⁄4 31. 11 4 ⁄ 5 ⁄ .6 21.7 3 ⁄4 31. Capacity Steps Standard Optional (maximum) Minimum Step Capacity (%) Standard Optional REFRIGERANT Charge* (lb) Circuit A/Circuit B COOLER Part No.Table 1A — Physical Data.0 22.7 3⁄4 31.8 220 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 21.6 21. 09RX400− Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (psig) Refrigerant Connections (in. NPT) Relief Valve Connection (in.6 173 16.3 18.7 165 320 165 320 166 320 166 320 167 320 167 320 167 320 167 320 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 5⁄8 21.6 5 ⁄8 21.) Inlet and Outlet Drain (NPT) Relief Valve Connection (in.6 5⁄8 21.4 LEGEND NPTF — National Pipe Thread Female SAE — Society of Automotive Engineers *Charges listed are for 30HXC units.7 3 ⁄4 31.6 Shell and Tube with Enhanced Copper Tubes 174 174 175 175 18.7 3⁄4 31.7 3 ⁄4 31. The 30HXA units are shipped with a holding charge only.7 3 ⁄4 31.7 3 ⁄4 31.7 3⁄4 31.4 21. 09RX400− Net Fluid Volume (gal) Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (psig) Maximum Water-Side Pressure (psig) Water Connections (in.7 20 20 10 10 R-134a 94/70 110/70 105/76 112/89 Shell and Tube with Enhanced Copper Tubes 002 010 007 007 19. Twin Screw 2 2 2 6688 5309 6718 5333 2 2 2 2 2 39/39 No 46/39 No 56/39 No 66/39 No 66/46 No 66/56 No 80/56 No 80/66 No 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 60/60 76/65 124/89 119/100 001 17.3 23.6 21.9 23. English UNIT SIZE 30HX UNIT WEIGHT (lb) Fluid Cooled (HXC) Condenserless (HXA) COMPRESSORS Quantity Nominal Capacity per Compressor (tons) Economizer No. NPTF) Flow Capacity (lb air/min) 30HXA OIL SEPARATOR Part No.7 3⁄4 31.6 21. 10HX400− Net Fluid Volume (gal) Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (psig) Maximum Fluid-Side Pressure (psig) Fluid Connections Inlet and Outlet (in.7 3 ⁄4 31.0 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 12 4 ⁄ 12 4 ⁄ 12 4 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 4 ⁄ 12 4 ⁄ 12 4 ⁄ 12 3⁄4 31.9 220 220 220 220 176 27.6 5⁄8 21.7 3 ⁄4 31.5 220 176 27. 7 3 ⁄4 31. Capacity Steps Standard Optional (maximum) Minimum Step Capacity (%) Standard Optional REFRIGERANT Charge* (lb) Circuit A/Circuit B COOLER TYPE Part No.6 5 ⁄8 21.7 3 ⁄4 31.621 11.1 220 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 3⁄4 31.7 3⁄4 31.6 5⁄8 21.7 167 320 168 320 168 320 106 320 106 320 106 320 106 320 21⁄8 13⁄8 21⁄8 13⁄8 21⁄8 13⁄8 21⁄8 (2) 15⁄8/13⁄8† 21⁄8 (2) 15⁄8/13⁄8† 21⁄8 (2) 15⁄8/13⁄8† 21⁄8 (2) 15⁄8/13⁄8† 5⁄8 21. 09RX400− Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (psig) Refrigerant Connections (in.2 47.992 7.621 2 2 3 3 80/56 Yes 66/80 Yes 80/80 Yes 66/39/80 Yes 80/56/80 Yes 80/66/80 Yes 80/80/80 Yes 6 8 6 8 6 8 8 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 20 10 20 10 20 10 150/110 119/140 104 28.7 3 ⁄4 31.969 5946 7.1 220 180 55.2 5⁄8 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 21.) Inlet and Outlet Drain (NPT) Relief Valve Connection (in.6 21.6 220 180 55.485 7.1 47. NPTF) Flow Capacity (lb air/min) 161 171 186 206 246 7452 5752 7660 5777 7854 10. 09RX400− Net Fluid Volume (gal) Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (psig) Maximum Water-Side Pressure (psig) Water Connections (in.7 3 ⁄4 31.6 47.7 3⁄4 31.6 Shell and Tube with Enhanced Copper Tubes 178 179 180 37. NPTF) Flow Capacity (lb air/min) 30HXA OIL SEPARATOR Part No.6 177 30.7 3⁄4 31. †Circuit A/Circuit B.7 3⁄4 31.) Discharge Liquid Relief Valve Connection (in.6 5⁄8 21.6 220 178 37.5 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 3⁄4 31. The 30HXA units are shipped with a holding charge only.7 3⁄4 31. 12 13 7 220/135 126 47.7 3⁄4 31.Table 1A — Physical Data.6 55.7 3 ⁄4 31.) Drain (NPT) Relief Valve Connection (in.4 43. 10HX400− Net Fluid Volume (gal) Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (psig) Maximum Fluid-Side Pressure (psig) Fluid Connections Inlet and Outlet (in.5 012 28.029 7.6 21.7 13 13 13 7 7 7 R-134a 135/135 220/135 220/135 220/135 Shell and Tube with Enhanced Copper Tubes 013 125 126 126 33.621 Semi-Hermetic.1 220 220 220 LEGEND NPTF — National Pipe Thread Female SAE — Society of Automotive Engineers *Charges listed are for 30HXC units. English (cont) UNIT SIZE 30HX UNIT WEIGHT (lb) Fluid Cooled (HXC) Condenserless (HXA) COMPRESSORS Quantity Nominal Capacity per Compressor (tons) Economizer No. Twin Screw 2 3 3 261 271 10.581 10.7 3 ⁄4 31.2 6 ⁄ 6 ⁄ . SAE Flare) Flow Capacity (lb air/min) CONDENSER (HXC) Part No. 38 3⁄4 14.) Discharge Liquid Relief Valve Connection (in.80 Tubes 175 90.38 3⁄4 14. SI UNIT SIZE 30HX UNIT WEIGHT (kg) Fluid Cooled (HXC) Condenserless (HXA) COMPRESSORS Quantity Nominal Capacity per Compressor (kW) Economizer No.4/40. Twin Screw 2 2 126 136 146 2933 2362 3034 2408 3048 2420 2 2 2 2 2 2 137/137 No 162/137 No 197/137 No 232/137 No 232/137 No 232/197 No 281/197 No 281/232 No 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 6 8 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 10 27.38 3⁄4 14.6 1517 173 63.5 Shell and Tube with Enhanced Copper Tubes 002 010 007 007 71.1 1517 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 3⁄4 14.38 3⁄4 14.38 3⁄4 14.3 69.38 3⁄4 14. NPTF) Flow Capacity (kg air/min) 076 086 096 2586 2140 2597 2152 2657 2194 106 116 2803 2911 2337 2342 Semi-Hermetic.5 001 64.38 3⁄4 14.7/31. Capacity Steps Standard Optional (maximum) Minimum Step Capacity (%) Standard Optional REFRIGERANT Charge* (kg) Circuit A/Circuit B COOLER Part No.9/40.38 R-134a 42.) Inlet and Outlet Drain (NPT) Relief Valve Connection (in.5 81.5 1517 176 104.38 3⁄4 14.80 5⁄8 9. 09RX400− Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (kPa) Refrigerant Connections (in.80 173 63.38 3⁄4 14.8 1517 1517 1517 1517 1517 1517 1517 1517 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 12 4 ⁄ 12 4 ⁄ 12 4 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 4 ⁄ 12 4 ⁄ 12 4 ⁄ 12 3⁄4 14.8 47.38 3⁄4 14.) Drain (NPT) Relief Valve Connection (in.0 5⁄8 5⁄8 5⁄8 9.80 5⁄8 9.3 34.3 90.3 001 64.5/29.38 165 2205 165 2205 166 2205 166 2205 166 2205 167 2205 167 2205 167 2205 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 21⁄8 11⁄8 5⁄8 9.38 3⁄4 14.0/31.0 81.80 5⁄8 9.38 3⁄4 14.3/27.38 3⁄4 14.5 56. NPTF) Flow Capacity (kg air/min) 30HXA OIL SEPARATOR Part No. 10HX400− Net Fluid Volume (L) Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (kPa) Maximum Fluid-Side Pressure (kPa) Fluid Connections Inlet and Outlet (in.Table 1B — Physical Data.6 1517 5⁄8 9.38 3⁄4 14.8 50.3 006 90.9 85. 09RX400− Net Fluid Volume (L) Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (kPa) Maximum Water-Side Pressure (kPa) Water Connections (in.80 9. The 30HXA units are shipped with a holding charge only. SAE Flare) Flow Capacity (kg air/min) CONDENSER (HXC) Part No.5 1517 1517 1517 LEGEND NPTF — National Pipe Thread Female SAE — Society of Automotive Engineers *Charges listed are for 30HXC units.1/45.80 9.8 006 90.7/34. 13 4 ⁄ 5 ⁄ .5 54.80 Shell and Tube with Enhanced Copper 174 174 175 69.1 1517 176 104.5 50. †Cricuit A/Circuit B.8/61. Twin Screw 3 3 4986 3457 5003 3457 2 2 2 3 3 281/197 Yes 232/281 Yes 281/281 Yes 232/137/281 Yes 281/197/281 Yes 281/232/281 Yes 281/281/281 Yes 6 8 6 8 6 8 8 11 8 11 8 11 8 11 20 10 20 10 20 10 68.2 99.2 99.80 5 ⁄8 9.80 Copper Tubes 180 180 208.38 3⁄4 14.) Drain (NPT) Relief Valve Connection (in.) Discharge Liquid Relief Valve Connection (in.80 180 208.38 3 ⁄4 14.38 3 ⁄4 14.2/50.80 9.28 3 ⁄4 14. Capacity Steps Standard Optional (maximum) Minimum Step Capacity (%) Standard Optional REFRIGERANT Charge* (kg) Circuit A/Circuit B COOLER Part No.80 177 115.38 3 ⁄4 14.Table 1B — Physical Data.2/61.3 177.38 3 ⁄4 14.9 012 107.80 Shell and Tube with Enhanced 178 179 142.8 5 ⁄8 5⁄8 9.8 1517 178 142. 09RX400− Net Fluid Volume (L) Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (kPa) Maximum Water-Side Pressure (kPa) Water Connections (in.38 3⁄4 14.) Inlet and Outlet Drain (NPT) Relief Valve Connection (in.4 163.9 1517 1517 1517 1517 1517 1517 1517 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 3⁄4 14.6 104 107.7 6 ⁄ 5 ⁄8 9.6 1517 6 ⁄ .80 9. SAE Flare) Flow Capacity (kg air/min) CONDENSER (HXC) Part No.2 126 178.2 Shell and Tube with Enhanced Copper Tubes 013 125 126 126 126.7 178.38 13 13 13 7 7 7 R-134a 61. 09RX400− Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (kPa) Refrigerant Connections (in. 10HX400− Net Fluid Volume (L) Maximum Refrigerant Pressure (kPa) Maximum Fluid-Side Pressure (kPa) Fluid Connections Inlet and Outlet (in.6 1517 1517 13 7 99.38 3 ⁄4 14. NPTF) Flow Capacity (kg air/min) 161 171 186 3381 2610 3475 2621 3564 2698 206 246 261 271 4799 4976 3395 3457 Semi-Hermetic.0 54. The 30HXA units are shipped with a holding charge only.8/61. 14 5 ⁄8 5 ⁄8 9.2 99.2 178.38 3 ⁄4 14.38 167 2205 168 2205 168 2205 106 2205 106 2205 106 2205 106 2205 21⁄8 13⁄8 21⁄8 13⁄8 21⁄8 13⁄8 21⁄8 (2) 15⁄8/13⁄8† 21⁄8 (2) 15⁄8/13⁄8† 21⁄8 (2) 15⁄8/13⁄8† 21⁄8 (2) 15⁄8/13⁄8† 5⁄8 9.9 1517 1517 LEGEND NPTF — National Pipe Thread Female SAE — Society of Automotive Engineers *Charges listed are for 30HXC units.8/61.38 3 ⁄4 14.1/63.38 3 ⁄4 14.38 3 ⁄4 14.6 208.3 1517 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 2068 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 12 5 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 6 ⁄ 34 3⁄4 14.8/61. NPTF) Flow Capacity (kg air/min) 30HXA OIL SEPARATOR Part No. SI (cont) UNIT SIZE 30HX UNIT WEIGHT (kg) Fluid Cooled (HXC) Condenserless (HXA) COMPRESSORS Quantity Nominal Capacity per Compressor (kW) Economizer No. The differential flow switches must be installed on top of the pipe in a horizontal run and should be at least 5 pipe diameters from any bend. PREPARATION FOR YEAR-ROUND OPERATION — In areas where the piping or unit is exposed to 32 F (0° C) or lower ambient temperatures. Mount the disconnect within sight from the unit per local or NEC codes. Remove bolts on weld flanges. BRINE UNITS — Special factory modifications to the units are required to allow them to operate at fluid temperatures less than 34 F (1. These openings should be 5 to 10 pipe diameters from the unit water nozzles. 10 for locations. 10 and 11 for typical piping applications. See Fig. This will result in impaired fluid flow and high pressure drop. Use isolation pads under the unit to aid in vibration isolation as required. To keep debris from entering the heat exchanger during shipping and storage. 2. 15 . it is recommended that a field-supplied air vent be installed in the system to facilitate servicing. Push or pull only on the skid. If the unit is moved on rollers. Provide drain connections at all low points to permit complete drainage of the system. 7. 1-9 for rigging and center of gravity information. 10. use a sharp knife to carefully cut along the perforations to remove the excess gasket material. attach rollers to unit tube sheets while moving unit. and remove the perforated gasket material blocking the connections manually. Be sure that the fluid has sufficient inhibited ethylene glycol or other suitable corrosionresistant antifreeze solution to prevent cooler freeze up. IMPORTANT: Loss of flow protection is required for all 30HX chillers. Outlet (supply) fluid connection is the upper connection of the 2 cooler connections. Locate valves in return and supply fluid lines as close to the chiller as possible. Use flexible connections on cooler piping to reduce vibration transmission. See Fig. weld the field-supplied piping to the flanges. For thorough mixing and temperature stabilization. A screen strainer with a minimum of 20 mesh should be installed ahead of the cooler inlet to prevent debris from damaging internal tubes of the cooler. 4. Remove bolts on weld flanges. Locate air vent at highest point of the cooler fluid system. Follow the connection directions provided with the accessory. part of the holes in the fluid head will be blocked off. and remove flanges from cooler fluid heads. Rig from the rigging holes provided in the top heat exchanger. bolt unit to the floor. Be sure that the path to the unit’s final destination is wide enough to accommodate unit shipping skid. the gaskets between the weld flanges and the fluid heads are solid sheets that block off the fluid connections. per ft (5 mm per m) along the long axis of the unit. and reattach each gasket to each fluid head. Apply a thin coat of oil to both sides of each gasket to help ensure a good seal. 3. Failure to remove the flanges may damage the temperature sensors. (50 mm) into the pipe.5. If skid is removed and rollers are used. Install field-supplied differential flow switches in the cooler piping for protection against loss of flow. Provide openings in fluid piping for pressure gages and thermometers (if used). wells in the leaving fluid pipe should extend at least 2 in. Remove the weld flanges before welding piping to the flanges. 1-8 for weld flange locations. Bolt the weld flanges back onto their respective fluid heads. Consult the local water authority for characteristics of area water and a recommended inhibitor for the cooler fluid loop. Using appropriate precautions to avoid warping or deforming the weld flanges. IMPORTANT: Some of the unit skids are larger than standard door openings. Plan the piping arrangement in accordance with good piping practices and so that the piping does not cross in front of the cooler head. Install the low-pressure differential flow switch into the outlet piping. IMPORTANT: When bolting the weld flange to the fluid heads. To install cooler piping: 1. Accessory Victaulic-type connections are available. Install pipe hangers where needed. Areas where unit mounting points will be located must be level to within 1/16 in. See Fig.1 C). or if necessary. COOLER FLUID. Heater tapes should have a rating for area ambient temperatures and be covered with a suitable thickness of closed-cell insulation. Refer to Fig. If installed incorrectly. Route power for the heater tapes from a separately fused disconnect. IMPORTANT: Be sure to remove flanges and cut holes in the gaskets between the flanges and the fluid heads as indicated. Lower the unit carefully onto the floor or roller. Make sure no weight or stress is placed on the water nozzle. 6. 12. FILL FLUID LOOP — Fill the fluid loop with water (or brine) and a corrosion-resistant inhibitor suitable for the water of the area. Identify disconnect as heater tape power source with warning that power must not be turned off except when servicing unit. VENT. Field-supplied shut-off and balancing valves should also be installed to facilitate servicing and flow balancing. use a minimum of 3 evenly-spaced rollers. freeze-up protection is recommended using inhibited ethylene glycol or other suitable corrosion-resistant antifreeze solution and electric heater tapes. Remove the skid if necessary. Do not remove unit from skid until unit is in its final location. Tighten all cooler head bolts to 250 ft-lb (339 N-m) before filling system with water (or brine). be sure to locate the flanges so that the holes in each flange are completely aligned with the holes in each fluid head. Offset the piping to permit removal of the cooler head for maintenance. The cooler has weld flanges to connect the field-supplied piping. Although cooler has an air vent. AND DRAIN — The inlet (return) fluid connection is always the lower of the 2 cooler connections. not the unit. Step 3 — Piping Connections — See Fig. and install the high-pressure differential flow switch into the inlet line piping as shown in Fig. Once unit is in place and level. HXC) and Condenser (30HXC Only) Piping and Wiring NOTES: 1. Water connections are shown on left side of control box in this figure. Wiring and piping shown are for general point-of-connection only and are not intended to show details for specific installation. gages. vent. Actual connections are on right side of control box. 5. 3. drain. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual for details regarding piping techniques. Certified field wiring and dimensional diagrams are available upon request. switches. 4. wiring. valves. 2. 10 — Typical Cooler (30HXA. The 30HXA and HXC units should be installed using certified drawings. strainers. and vibration isolation are all field supplied.16 Fig. All wiring must comply with applicable codes. LEGEND Field Wiring Field Piping . Piping. 3. Fig.NOTES: 1. Vent pipes properly per local codes. Piping and pressure relief devices are field supplied. — Normally Open Fig. 2. 4. Certified field wiring and dimensional drawings are available upon request. ACCESSORY SOUND ENCLOSURE RELIEF VALVES (IF REQUIRED BY CODE) COMPRESSOR DOUBLE RISER (IF REQUIRED) COOLER* OIL SEPARATOR DISCHARGE LINES LIQUID LINES LIQUID LINE SOLENOID VALVES LIQUID LINE (IF REQUIRED) ANGLE VALVE MECHANICAL ROOM CONDENSER *See Fig. 11 — Typical 30HXA Refrigerant Piping to Remote Condenser LEGEND COM — Common N. 12 — Differential Flow Switch 17 . Piping shown is for general point-of-connection only and is not intended to show details for a specific installation.O. Refer to Carrier System Design Manual for details regarding piping techniques. The 30HXA units should be installed using certified drawings. 10 for typical cooler piping. The switches are shipped from the factory with the 30HXA units. bolt the flanged back-pressure valve to the mating flange on top of the coil separator.2 kPa 857 828 29 R-22 Psig 195. Using the screws that were removed in Step 1.9 190.1 C) pressure drop in saturated temperature in the discharge (hot gas) line and liquid line. Table 2 — Discharge Line 2 F (1. This eliminates unnecessary brazing when installing the discharge piping. Be sure to remove nitrogen charge or properly recover refrigerant charge before removing the blank-off plate.6 274.5 182. Before opening the refrigerant system. IMPORTANT: The back-pressure valves are not mounted to the 30HXA chiller at the factory. If valves are installed in the liquid lines.3 kPA 1942 1891 51 Table 3 — Liquid Line 2 F (1. A drain connection is located at the bottom of the cooler head. Since the 30HXA is an HFC-134a unit. 1. Instead use the switches shipped with the chiller (Part No.7 kPA 1351 1311 40 Discharge lines should be looped above the compressors to prevent charge from flowing back to the oil separator and compressor during unit shutdown. R-22 kPa 1293 1255 38 Psig 281.0 5. HK02YB097). An O-ring is included in the box with the back-pressure valve for sealing the flange. be sure all of the air has been purged from the system. Install pipe hangers where needed. NOTES: The switches that are standard with the Carrier 09DK condensers are designed for R-22 operation and must not be used. 30HXA Refrigerant Piping (See Fig. install fan-cycling pressure switches in each circuit in the liquid line between the separate condenser unit and expansion device. IMPORTANT: Before starting the unit. The pressure drop using R-134a refrigerant is different than when using R-22 refrigerant. INSULATE COOLER HEADS — Once the cooler water lines and drain and vent lines have been installed and checked for leaks. See Fig. Failure to install the back-pressure valves will result in improper unit operation.1 C) Drop in Saturated Temperature Example SATURATED LIQUID TEMP F C 100 37.5 Complete the steps below to install the flanged backpressure valves on the 30HXA chiller before running discharge piping. relieve system pressure and recover system refrigerant through the charging valve on the cooler. Be sure to wrap back-pressure valve when brazing discharge line to avoid damaging the valve. 13 and 14 for line sizing information for the discharge and liquid lines for 30HXA (R-134a) units. 18 . The valve may be oriented in any desired position in to make discharge piping easier. The discharge line must be brazed to the back-pressure valve located on the top of the oil separator. See Fig.2 5. IMPORTANT: Before starting the unit. The vent must not be smaller than the relief valve outlet. it is recommended that field-supplied pressure relief valves be installed in each liquid line and the pressure setting should be 320 psig (2205 kPa). These valves must be installed at the time of chiller installation. The valves mount on the 30HXA oil separator. and close at 185 psig (± 10 psi). Refer to Fig.1 C) Drop in Saturated Temperature Example SATURATED DISCHARGE TEMP F C 126 52.1 ∆ PRESSURE PRESSURE R-134a Psig 187. See Tables 2 and 3 for an example for a 2 F (1. avoid excessive pressure drops. This will minimize the amount of condensation that forms on the cooler heads. be sure all of the air has been purged from the system. AND SWITCH INSTALLATION Relieve Pressure and Recover Refrigerant — The 30HXA units are shipped from the factory with a holding charge of R-134a. The valve cap that is brazed to the back-pressure valve at the factory must be removed prior to brazing the discharge line. 2.30HXA Low-Ambient Considerations — In installations where outdoor ambient temperatures may be below 34 F (1. 1-8 for connection location. Switches open at 97 psig (± 10 psi). 11) — When running the refrigerant piping from the 30HXA unit to the remote condenser(s). When insulating the cooler heads. 30HXA PIPING.1 4. Make sure no weight or stress is placed on the back-pressure valve. switch selection is based on R-134a refrigerant pressures. Back-Pressure Valve.2 124 51. 30HXA Units — The 30HXA backpressure valves are supplied with an integral mounting flange. respectively. They are packaged and supplied attached to the unit shipping skid. and allows the installer to orient the valve in any desired manner. insulate the cooler heads with a suitable thickness of closed-cell insulation. VALVE. Refer to the Carrier 09DK condenser installation literature for details on the location and installation of the switches. Follow these steps for both refrigerant circuits. Most local codes require that the relief valves be vented directly outdoors. it is recommended that inhibited ethylene glycol or other suitable corrosion-resistant antifreeze solution be used in the cooler loop to prevent cooler freeze-up.1 C).7 98 36. Minimizing line pressure drop is critical to the proper operation of the unit expansion device.3 120. Install shut-off valves to the drain line before filling the system with fluid. Fan-Cycling Pressure Switches — In order to provide proper head-pressure control in 30HXA units.7 ∆ PRESSURE PRESSURE R-134a Psig 124.3 7. 15 for location. Remove the blank-off plate from the mating flange on top of the coil separator by removing the screws from the flange. allow for service access and removal of heads. To install condenser piping: 1. To keep debris from entering the heat exchanger during shipping and storage. If flanges are installed incorrectly. 1-8 for weld flange locations. Minimizing the exposure time of the oil to the atmosphere will minimize the amount of moisture that needs to be removed during evacuation. For thorough mixing and temperature stabilization. use a sharp knife to carefully cut along the perforations to remove the excess gasket material. the gaskets between the weld flanges and the fluid heads are solid sheets that block off the fluid connections. Use flexible connections on the condenser piping to reduce vibration transmission. Remove the weld flanges before welding piping to the flanges. leak test the unit and then pull a deep dehydration vacuum. If the vacuum rises by more than 50 microns in a 30-minute time period. Follow the connection directions as provided with the accessory.5 mm Hg) be obtained. Once all of the piping connections are complete. 5. additional filter-driers may be installed in the liquid lines between the condenser(s) and expansion devices. 19 . Failure to remove the flanges may cause damage to the unit. Locate air vents at the highest point of the system loop. Observe the rateof-rise of the vacuum in the system. Maintain a vacuum on the system until the standing vacuum requirement is met. it is important to minimize the amount of time that the system interior is left exposed to the atmosphere. If additional moisture protection is desired. NOTE: Use appropriate precautions when welding to avoid warping or deforming the weld flanges. Evacuation and Dehydration — Because the 30HXA systems use polyolester oil. it is recommended that a field-supplied air vent be installed in the system to facilitate servicing. Repeat Steps 1-4 for the other refrigerant circuit. IMPORTANT: Before starting the unit. The condenser has weld couplings to connect field-supplied piping. Be sure to consider the pressure drop of the filter drier when determining piping requirements. IMPORTANT: Be sure to remove flanges and cut holes in the gaskets between the flanges and the water heads as indicated. and remove flanges from condenser water heads. proceed to the section titled Install Pressure Relief Refrigerant Vent Piping. 30HXC PIPING AND VALVE INSTALLATION 30HXC Condenser Connections — The inlet fluid connection is always the lower of the 2 condenser connections. For further 30HXA piping instructions. After mounting the back-pressure valve to the unit. Make sure no weight or stress is placed on the water nozzle. or if necessary. Once the back-pressure valve has been mounted to the mating flange. (6. Locate valves in inlet and outlet lines as close to the chiller as possible. a fieldsupplied 1⁄4-in. For best results.4 mm) copper line must be run from the 1⁄4-in. Accessory Victaulic-type connections and condenser water thermistors are available. Install pipe hangers where needed. Refer to Fig. 4. Provide drain connections at all low points in the loop to permit complete system drainage. 10. or condenser water thermistor is to be installed. Offset the piping to permit condenser head removal for maintenance purposes. It is recommended that a screen strainer with a minimum of 20 mesh be installed ahead of the condenser inlet to prevent debris from damaging the internal condenser tubes. properly supporting it. install the proper fittings into the condenser water lines before water is connected. Bolt the weld flanges back onto their respective water heads. Tighten all condenser head bolts to 250 ft-lb (339 N-m) before filling system with water (or brine). and reattach each gasket to each water head. and the factory-supplied filter driers will provide adequate moisture protection. These openings should be 5 to 10 pipe diameters from the unit water nozzles. then continue the dehydration process. Although condenser has an air vent. the amount of moisture present in the system will be minimized. 3. Connect the vacuum pump to the charging valve at the bottom of the oil separator and to the liquid line service valve.3. Weld the field-supplied piping to the weld flanges. water flow switch. and running the 1⁄4-in. See Fig. be sure to locate the flanges so that the holes in the flanges are completely aligned with the holes in the fluid heads. wells in the leaving water pipe should extend at least 2 in. IMPORTANT: When bolting the weld flanges to the fluid heads. it is recommended that a vacuum of at least 500 microns (0. Afterwards. Provide openings in water piping for pressure gages and thermometers (if used). NPT port on the back-pressure valve cap to the 1⁄4-in. be sure all of the air has been purged from the system. Plan the piping arrangement in accordance with good piping practices and so that the piping does not cross in front of the condenser head. perform a standing vacuum-rise test. NOTE: A ball valve can be installed in the equalizer line to facilitate servicing. The equalizer line must be installed in order for the unit to function properly. With the unit in deep vacuum (500 microns or less). (50 mm) into the pipe. 2. Remove bolts on weld flanges. SAE flare fitting on the motor cooling line. Apply a thin coat of oil to both sides of each gasket to help ensure a good seal. The outlet water connection is the upper connection of the 2 connections. isolate the vacuum pump from the system. parts of the holes in the fluid head can be blocked off. By following these evacuation and dehydration procedures. and the piping is properly supported. Field-supplied shut-off and balancing valves should also be installed to facilitate servicing and flow balancing. equalizer line. page 21. 4. This will ensure a dry system. If accessory differential pressure switch. This will result in impaired fluid flow in high pressure drop applications. which can absorb moisture. to ensure that no moisture is present in the system. the discharge piping may be installed. Remove the perforated gasket material blocking the connections manually. 5. 2 450 121.500 137.2 50 0 0 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 4.9 400 106. 14 — R-134a Discharge Line Sizing.4 EQUIVALENT LINE LENGTH (FT) EQUIVALENT LINE LENGTH (M) Fig.6 m 80 m) 100 90 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 457 492 527 562 598 633 668 703 TONS COOLING 105 141 176 211 246 280 387 422 kW COOLING 352 316 NOTES: 1.0 45.6 C) liquid refrigerant temperature.3 13 /8" 100 30. Values are for a 2° F pressure drop at 125 F (51.7 C) saturated discharge temperature. 30HXA Units 300 250 31 /8" 200 (79 . 30HXA Units 20 527 562 598 633 668 703 . Size each circuit separately.4) mm ) 150 2 5/8 " (66 100 2 1/ 8" (5 15.2 450 121.7 350 91. and 105 F (40. 13 — R-134a Liquid Line Sizing.6 C) liquid refrigerant temperature.7 30. and 105 F (40. 2. 2.7 EQUIVALENT LINE LENGTH (FT) EQUIVALENT LINE LENGTH (M) 152.7 m m) mm 100 ) 130 140 457 422 387 kW COOLING 492 110 120 150 160 170 180 190 200 TONS COOLING 105 141 176 211 246 281 316 352 NOTES: 1.9 400 106. 152. Fig.9 m m) 1 1/8 " (28 30 40 50 60 70 .4 300 250 200 15 /8" 150 .4 76.2 50 0 0 (41 mm ) (34 .2 61.7 C) saturated discharge temperature.0 .2 61.7 350 91. Values are for a 2° F pressure drop at 125 F (51.4 500 137. Size each circuit separately.4 76.0 45.4 15. Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration. If the unit is equipped with this option. All units require at least one field-supplied power supply. a field-supplied leaving water temperature regulating valve is required. branch circuit fused disconnect(s) of a type that can be locked off or open. IMPORTANT: A separate. Pipe these valves per local codes. 17 and 18) — All power wiring must comply with applicable local and national codes. Refer to Fig.7 C) leaving water temperature. NOTE: This valve should be a temperature-controlled valve (DO NOT USE a pressure-controlled valve) which controls to 80 F (26. Maximum wire size that the unit terminal block or non-fused disconnect will accept is 500 kcmil. all field power wiring should be made to the non-fused disconnect since no terminal blocks are supplied. and are located on the bottom of the condenser shell. NOTE: When accessory suction service valve kit is installed. This will allow enough space to make vent connections to the elbow. SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers. 21 . Braze a 90 degree shortradius elbow to the adapter. one on each circuit.S.1 C). 1-8. Operation below 70 F (21. Most local codes require that these devices be piped to the outside. Install field-supplied. If vent IMPORTANT: The 30HX units have a factory-installed option available for a non-fused disconnect for unit power supply. If vent piping is required. Refrigeration. See Tables 4A and 4B for unit electrical data. A valve that can be controlled by a 4 to 20 mA signal is also supported by the product integrated control (PIC) options module. field-supplied power supply must be used with the 4 to 20 mA valve.A. Failure to use a separate power supply may result in damage to the chiller processor module (PSIO). piping is required by local codes. one for each circuit. There are 2 relief valves for the cooler. FIELD POWER CONNECTIONS (See Fig. 17 and 18. Disconnect(s) must be located within sight and readily accessible from the unit in compliance with NEC Article 440-14. The 30HXC high side relief valves are provided with a 1⁄4-in. See Tables 5A and 5B for compressor electrical data. These are located on the discharge line between the muffler and the discharge shut-off valve.1 C). female NPT connections. do not restrict the vent flow in any way. All units have a single location for power entry to simplify the field power wiring.) flare connection. 15 — Field-Supplied 1⁄4-in. female NPT flare connection. Copy continued on page 25. See Fig. a minimum water flow of 0. 30HXA Units 30HXC Condenser Temperature Regulating Valve — For installations where entering condensing water temperature could be below 70 F (21. The 30HXA high side relief valves are provided with a 5⁄8-in.1 C) without this valve may cause the unit to shut down on low oil pressure alarms. 17 and 18 for a list of units that require 2 fieldsupplied power supplies. Units that require 2 power supplies are listed under TB1B in the Standard Power and NonFused Disconnect Option sections of Fig. Step 4 — Make Electrical Connections — The IMPORTANT: On brine applications where leaving cooler water is less than 34 F (1. and are located on top of the cooler shell. INSTALL PRESSURE RELIEF REFRIGERANT VENT PIPING — The low side relief valves on all units are provided with 3⁄4-in. (6. there are 2 additional high-side pressure relief valves. electrical characteristics of the available power supply must agree with the unit nameplate rating.14 L/s per kW) should be maintained at all times. There are 2 relief valves for the oil separator (30HXA) or condenser (30HXC). Figure 16 shows the installation details for the regulating valve.75 gpm/ton (0.Fig.4 mm) Copper Tube. these connections have been provided to aid in the connection of vent piping in accordance with ASHRAE 15 (American Society of Heating. and Air Conditioning Engineers). Make the vent connection to the low side relief valve by installing a male NPT to copper OD braze adapter. U. Supply voltage must be within the limits shown. OUTLET 30HXC CONDENSER SENSOR INLET TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED VALVE (PENN VALVE) BYPASS VALVE OUTLET 30HXC CONDENSER SENSOR INLET TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED VALVE OPTIONAL BYPASS VALVE FOR NORMAL DUTY. CHILLER CONTROL PANEL OUTLET 30HXC CONDENSER INLET 4 TO 20 mA WATER REGULATING VALVE (SEPARATE FIELD-SUPPLIED POWER SUPPLY REQUIRED) Fig. 16 — Condenser Temperature Regulating Valve Installation 22 . BYPASS VALVE REQUIRED FOR BRINE APPLICATIONS TO PREVENT CONDENSER FREEZE-UP. 23 ALM CA-1M CB-1M CCN CDFC CDFS CDWP CWFS CWP CWPI LLSV NEC TB — — — — — — — — — — — — — LEGEND Alarm Compressor A1. Terminals 2 and 3 of TB2 are for alarm. 17 — Field Wiring. Control circuit conductors for all units must be copper only. The maximum load allowed for the chilled water pump relay is 125 va sealed. Install CDFC-A between TB2-1 and TB4-2 (unit control power neutral). . 8. Power for control circuit should be supplied from a separate source (except 380/415 v units) through a fieldsupplied disconnect with 15 amp maximum protection for 115 volt control circuits and 15 amp maximum protection for 230 volt control circuit. 4. 7.C076-186 NOTES: 1. 30HXA. 1250 va inrush at 115 or 230 volt. The contacts must be rated for dry circuit application capable of handling a 24 vac to 50 mA load. Use copper for all units. 1M Contactor Carrier Comfort Network Condenser Fan Contactor Condenser Flow Switch Condenser Water Pump Chilled Water Flow Switch Chilled Water Pump Chilled Water Pump Interlock Liquid Line Solenoid Valve National Electrical Code Terminal Block Field Power Wiring Field Control Wiring Factory Installed Wiring Fig. 3. 9. Terminals 11 and 12 of TB2 are for chilled water flow switch (CWFS) and chilled water pump interlock (CWPI) functions. Terminal 6 of TB2 is for condenser water pump (HXC only) or circuit B condenser fan contactor (HXA only). 1250 va inrush at 115 or 230 volt. Maximum incoming wire size for each terminal block is 500 kcmil. 1M Contactor Compressor B1. Separate field power supply is not required. Field modifications or additions must be in compliance with all applicable codes. Remove jumper between 13 and 14 of TB2 if remote ON-OFF is installed. Install CDWP or CDFC-B between TB2-6 and TB4-2 (unit control power neutral). 6. The contacts must be rated for dry circuit application capable of handling a 24 vac to 50 mA load. 5. The contacts must be rated for dry circuit application capable of handling a 24 vac to 50 mA load. Terminals 4 and 5 of TB2 are for control of chilled water pump starter. 2. Connect control circuit power to terminals 1 and 2 of TB4. Terminal 1 of TB2 is for circuit A condenser fan contactor (HXA only). Control circuit power is factory wired for 380/415 v units. Wiring for main field supply must be rated 75° C minimum. Terminals 13 and 14 of TB2 are for field external connection for remote ON-OFF. Terminals J7-25 and J7-32 of PSIO2 are for condenser flow switch (CDFS). 1250 va inrush at 115 or 230 volt. Factory wiring is in accordance with National Electrical Code (NEC). Separate field power supply is required. The maximum load allowed for the alarm is 125 va sealed. The maximum load allowed is 125 va sealed. 24 ALM CA-1M CB-1M CCN CDFC CDFS CDWP CWFS CWP CWPI LLSV NEC TB — — — — — — — — — — — — — LEGEND Alarm Compressor A1.C206-271 NOTES: 1. Terminal 6 of TB2 is for condenser water pump (HXC only) or circuit B condenser fan contactor (HXA only). 9. 18 — Field Wiring. The maximum load allowed for the alarm is 125 va sealed. 2. 1250 va inrush at 115 or 230 volt. Connect control circuit power to terminals 1 and 2 of TB4. 7. Terminal 1 of TB2 is for circuit A condenser fan contactor (HXA only). Use copper for all units. Terminals 13 and 14 of TB2 are for field external connection for remote ON-OFF. Maximum incoming wire size for each terminal block is 500 kcmil. 1M Contactor Carrier Comfort Network Condenser Fan Contactor Condenser Flow Switch Condenser Water Pump Chilled Water Flow Switch Chilled Water Pump Chilled Water Pump Interlock Liquid Line Solenoid Valve National Electrical Code Terminal Block Field Power Wiring Field Control Wiring Factory Installed Wiring Fig. Field modifications or additions must be in compliance with all applicable codes. Control circuit conductors for all units must be copper only. The contacts must be rated for dry circuit application capable of handling a 24 vac to 50 mA load. 3. The contacts must be rated for dry circuit application capable of handling a 24 vac to 50 mA load. Terminals J7-25 and J7-32 of PSIO2 are for condenser flow switch (CDFS). 8. 1M Contactor Compressor B1. . The contacts must be rated for dry circuit application capable of handling a 24 vac to 50 mA load. Terminals 4 and 5 of TB2 are for control of chilled water pump starter. 30HXA. Factory wiring is in accordance with National Electrical Code (NEC). The maximum load allowed is 125 va sealed. 1250 va inrush at 115 or 230 volt. Control circuit power is factory wired for 380/415 v units. Remove jumper between 13 and 14 of TB2 if remote ON-OFF is installed. Install CDFC-A between TB2-1 and TB4-2 (unit control power neutral). Terminals 2 and 3 of TB2 are for alarm. Separate field power supply is required. 1250 va inrush at 115 or 230 volt. Terminals 11 and 12 of TB2 are for chilled water flow switch (CWFS) and chilled water pump interlock (CWPI) functions. The maximum load allowed for the chilled water pump relay is 125 va sealed. Separate field power supply is not required. Install CDWP or CDFC-B between TB2-6 and TB4-2 (unit control power neutral). 4. 6. 5. Power for control circuit should be supplied from a separate source (except 380/415 v units) through a fieldsupplied disconnect with 15 amp maximum protection for 115 volt control circuits and 15 amp maximum protection for 230 volt control circuit. Wiring for main field supply must be rated 75° C minimum. Refer to Fig. A separate power supply is NOT required. 17 and 18 for wiring details. Terminals 2 and 3 of TB2 have been provided for a fieldsupplied remote alarm (ALM). Terminal 6 of TB2 has been provided for a field-supplied Circuit B fan control relay for the remote condenser (30HXA) or a condenser pump relay (30HXC). If remote on-off unit control is required. Failure to wire the remote on-off as recommended will result in tube freeze damage. Terminals 4 and 5 of TB2 have been provided for a fieldsupplied chilled water (fluid) pump relay (CWP). A separate power supply is NOT required for these units. Maximum Load Allowed for the fan/condenser pump relays is 125 va sealed. Leak test and dehydrate the complete system (including both field and factory installed piping). NOTE: The fan contactor relays are pre-wired to unit control power. and 575-3-60 require a separate 115-1-60 control circuit power supply. If desired. 30HXA UNITS — These units are shipped with a holding charge of R-134a. the following packages are available: control power transformer. If an audible alarm is installed. sound reduction enclosure. See Fig. Field control power connections are made at terminals 1 and 2 of TB4. 25 . Step 5 — Install Accessories ELECTRICAL — Several optional control accessories are available to provide the following features: • Control transformer • Cooler pump/flow switch interlock • Cooler pump control • Expanded display panel • Remote alarm • Remote on-off • Pulldown control • Occupancy scheduling • Demand limit control • Temperature reset (from occupied space or outdoor-air temperature) • Dual set point control • Condenser water sensors • Level II communications (CCN [Carrier Comfort Network]) Refer to Controls. Copy continued on page 40. All other units require a separate 230 v control circuit power supply. CONDENSER FAN CONTROL FOR CONDENSER UNITS USED WITH 30HXA UNITS — The PIC control options module and optional relay board provide two control outputs for energizing and deenergizing remote fan contactors. This will cause the main fans to be on when the compressors are on. See Fig. Operation. Refer to individual accessory installation instructions for installation details. 17 and 18. tighten outside nut 1⁄8 turn. Contacts are rated for 125 va at either 115 or 230 v control power. MINIMUM LOAD ACCESSORY — If minimum load accessory is required. These devices must be installed in series. See Fig. Step 6 — Leak Test Unit 30HXC UNITS — These units are shipped from the factory with a full charge of R-134a or a nitrogen holding charge (see Tables 1A and 1B). 17 and 18. Dehydration of the system is not required unless the entire refrigerant charge has been lost. Perform a leak test to ensure that leaks have not developed during unit shipment. 1250 va inrush at 115 or 230 volts. 460-. MISCELLANEOUS ACCESSORIES — For applications requiring special accessories. NOTE: Units with a 380/415 V main power supply do NOT require a separate field-supplied control power supply. Connection of safeties or other interlocks between these 2 terminals will result in an electrical bypass if the REMOTE-OFF-LOCAL switch is in the LOCAL position. Use relays with a coil rating of at least 75 va. and chilled fluid flow switch. Do not use interlocks or other safety device contacts connected between TB2 terminals 13 and 14 as remote on-off. Use relays with a coil rating of at least 75 va. 1250 va inrush at 115 or 230 volts.FIELD CONTROL POWER CONNECTIONS (See Fig. Contacts must be rated for dry circuit application capable of handling a 24-vac to 50 mA load. use the appropriate package. Use relays with a coil rating of at least 75 va. The Circuit B main fan contactor may be wired between TB2-6 and the unit control power neutral (TB4-2). Connect Circuit A fan relay between TB2-1 and TB4-2. Terminals TB2-11 and TB2-12 are provided for field installation of a chilled water (fluid) pump interlock (CWPI) and a chilled water (fluid) flow switch (CWFS). and CWFS wiring. The maximum load allowed for these relays is 125 va sealed. temperature reset sensor. 30HXA LOW-AMBIENT OPERATION — If outdoor ambient operating temperatures below 60 F (15 C) are expected. Contacts must be rated for dry circuit applications capable of handling a 24-vac to 50 mA load. a field-supplied relay must be installed in the unit control box and wired as shown in Fig. Overtightening will result in the tube being crushed and will cause a refrigerant system leak. 17 and 18. Connect Circuit B fan relay/Condenser Pump Relay between TB2-6 and TB4-2 (control power neutral). Units with a 380/415-3-50 power supply have factory pre-wired 230-1-50 control circuit power. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN THESE FITTINGS. A separate field power supply is NOT required. Terminal 1 of TB2 has been provided for a field-supplied Circuit A fan control relay for a remote condenser (30HXA only). 17 and 18 for remote on-off. If a leak is detected at any of these fittings. expanded display. external vibration isolation. A field-supplied power supply of appropriate voltage must be provided. Start-up. NOTE: Proper dehydration of 30HXA units is important to ensure that no moisture is left in the system. These units have factory pre-wired control power. Service. refer to separate Carrier 09DK condenser unit installation instructions for low-ambient operation using accessory Motormastert III control. and Troubleshooting literature and separate accessory installation instructions for additional information. There are a number of Swage-Lok fittings used on the refrigerant piping. wire the Circuit A main fan contactor between TB2-1 and the unit control power neutral (TB4-2). 17 and 18) — Units with a power supply of 208/230-. refer to separate installation instructions supplied with the accessory package. an alarm shutoff is also recommended. An accessory remote on-off switch can be wired into TB2-13 and TB2-14. Contacts are rated for 125 va at either 115 or 230 v control power. Refer to the separate section on Evacuation and Dehydration on page 19. CWPI. Refer to unit Price Pages or contact your local Carrier representative for more details. Victaulictype connections. For installation details. Use relays with a coil rating of at least 75 va. 30HXC Units UNIT 30HXC 076 086 096 106 116 126 136 VOLTAGE Supplied Nameplate V-Hz Min Max (3 Ph) 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 POWER CIRCUIT* CONTROL CIRCUIT ICF MCA MOCP Recommended Fuse Size Voltage (Single Ph) Min Max MCA MOCP WD XL 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 123 123 100 80 121 200 200 150 110 175 175 150 125 100 150 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 307 307 148 118 169 † † 374 299 419 207 207 342 253 253 440 115 115 126 200 200 175 150 150 150 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 266 266 165 † † 400 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 148 123 111 89 135 250 200 150 125 200 200 150 125 100 175 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 307 307 148 118 169 † † 374 299 419 207 207 342 253 253 440 140 115 140 250 200 200 75 150 175 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 305 305 190 † † 479 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 181 122 126 101 153 300 200 175 150 225 225 150 150 125 175 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 354 354 172 137 195 † † 449 359 502 207 207 342 253 253 440 169 115 158 300 200 225 225 150 200 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 347 347 216 † † 562 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 219 123 143 115 174 350 200 200 175 250 300 150 175 150 200 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 405 405 197 158 223 † † 529 423 590 207 207 342 253 253 440 202 115 178 350 200 250 250 150 225 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 397 397 247 † † 661 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 219 148 153 122 185 350 250 225 175 250 300 200 175 150 225 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 426 426 207 166 234 † † 539 431 601 207 207 342 253 253 440 202 140 190 350 250 250 250 175 225 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 417 417 259 † † 673 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 219 181 165 131 199 350 300 225 175 250 300 225 200 150 225 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 452 452 219 175 248 † † 551 440 615 207 207 342 253 253 440 202 169 204 350 300 300 250 225 250 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 440 440 273 † † 687 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 263 181 184 147 222 450 300 250 200 300 350 225 225 175 300 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 512 512 249 199 282 † † 646 536 720 207 207 342 253 253 440 245 169 230 400 300 300 300 225 300 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 496 496 308 † † 797 See legend and notes on page 28. 26 .Table 4A — Unit Electrical Data. Table 4A — Unit Electrical Data. 30HXC Units (cont) UNIT 30HXC 146 161 171 186 206 VOLTAGE Supplied Nameplate V-Hz Min Max (3 Ph) 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 POWER CIRCUIT* CONTROL CIRCUIT ICF MCA MOCP Recommended Fuse Size Voltage (Single Ph) Min Max MCA MOCP WD XL 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 263 219 198 158 240 450 350 250 225 350 350 300 225 200 300 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 542 542 262 210 299 † † 659 547 737 207 207 342 253 253 440 245 202 246 400 350 350 300 250 300 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 523 523 324 † † 813 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 285 197 200 160 242 500 350 300 225 350 350 250 250 200 300 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 591 591 287 230 325 † † 756 605 843 207 207 342 253 253 440 266 182 249 450 300 350 350 225 300 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 578 578 358 † † 944 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 238 285 215 172 260 400 500 300 250 350 300 400 250 200 300 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 624 624 302 242 343 † † 771 617 861 207 207 342 253 253 440 219 266 267 350 450 350 300 350 300 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 607 607 376 † † 962 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 285 285 232 185 281 500 500 300 250 400 400 400 300 225 350 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 661 661 319 255 364 † † 788 630 882 207 207 342 253 253 440 266 266 289 450 450 400 350 350 350 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 645 645 399 † † 985 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 345 285 263 210 319 500 500 350 250 400 400 350 300 250 350 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 907 907 247 198 277 † † 716 573 795 207 207 342 253 253 440 318 266 327 450 450 450 400 350 400 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 892 892 307 † † 893 See legend and notes on page 28. 27 . 2%. 28 . Size the fuse one size down from the result.25) (largest RLA) + the sum of the other RLAs. The recommended fuse size in amps (RFA) is calculated as follows: RFA = (1. 3. 2. FLA ICF NOTES: 1. Size the fuse one size up from the result. plus the total RLA for all running compressors. Each main power source must be supplied from a field-supplied fused electrical service with a (factory. Units with one MCA. plus the total FLA for all running fan motors is at a maximum) LRA — Locked Rotor Amps MCA — Minimum Circuit Ampacity (for wire sizing) MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection RLA — Rated Load Amps WD — Wye-Delta Start XL — Across-the-Line Start *Units with one MCA. The MOCP is calculated as follows: MOCP = (2. Not available in across-the-line start. Use copper conductors only.50) (largest RLA) + the sum of the other RLAs. Maximum allowable phase imbalance is: voltage. The control circuit accessory transformer may be applied to power from the main unit power supply. 4. 5%. and fuse size value have one terminal block and require one power supply. and fuse value for Circuit A and another for Circuit B have 2 terminal blocks and require 2 power supplies. 5. 6. The RLAs are listed on the unit nameplate. MOCP. MOCP. 30HXC Units (cont) UNIT 30HXC 246 261 271 VOLTAGE Supplied Nameplate V-Hz Min Max (3 Ph) 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 POWER CIRCUIT* CONTROL CIRCUIT ICF MCA MOCP Recommended Fuse Size Voltage (Single Ph) Min Max MCA MOCP WD XL 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 443 285 303 242 367 600 500 400 300 450 600 350 350 300 400 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1024 1024 287 230 325 † † 756 605 843 207 207 342 253 253 440 411 266 378 600 450 500 500 350 450 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 1010 1010 358 † † 944 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 476 285 318 254 385 700 500 400 300 500 600 350 350 300 450 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1057 1057 302 242 343 † † 771 617 861 207 207 342 253 253 440 400 266 395 600 450 500 500 350 450 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 1039 1039 376 † † 962 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 514 285 335 268 406 700 500 400 350 500 600 350 400 300 450 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1094 1094 319 255 364 † † 788 630 882 207 207 342 253 253 440 478 266 418 600 450 500 600 350 350 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 1077 1077 399 † † 985 LEGEND — Full Load Amps — Maximum Instantaneous Current Flow during start-up (the point in the starting sequence where the sum of the LRA for the start-up compressor. The RLAs are listed on the unit nameplate. †Wye-Delta Start is standard. Control circuit power must be supplied from a separate source through a field-supplied disconnect (except for 380/415-50 units). amps.Table 4A — Unit Electrical Data. Maximum incoming wire size for each terminal block is 500 kcmil.or field-installed) disconnect located in sight from the unit. 30HXA Units UNIT 30HXA 076 086 096 106 116 126 136 VOLTAGE Supplied Nameplate V-Hz Min Max (3 Ph) 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 POWER CIRCUIT* CONTROL CIRCUIT ICF MCA MOCP Recommended Fuse Size Voltage (Single Ph) Min Max MCA MOCP WD XL 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 180 180 146 117 177 300 300 200 150 250 225 225 175 150 200 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 451 451 218 175 248 † † 550 440 615 207 207 342 253 253 440 169 169 183 300 300 250 225 225 225 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 440 440 273 † † 687 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 215 180 162 130 196 350 300 225 175 250 300 225 200 150 225 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 511 511 248 199 282 † † 645 536 720 207 207 342 253 253 440 205 169 206 350 300 300 250 225 250 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 496 496 308 † † 797 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 262 180 183 147 222 450 300 250 200 300 350 225 225 175 300 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 577 577 281 225 318 † † 750 600 836 207 207 342 253 253 440 248 169 231 400 300 350 300 225 300 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 567 567 352 † † 938 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 319 180 209 167 253 500 300 300 250 350 400 225 250 200 300 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 662 662 324 259 365 † † 885 708 985 207 207 342 253 253 440 300 169 263 500 300 400 400 225 300 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 620 620 385 † † 1042 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 319 215 222 177 269 500 350 300 250 400 400 300 300 200 350 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 690 690 337 269 380 † † 898 718 1000 207 207 342 253 253 440 300 205 281 500 350 400 400 250 350 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 649 649 402 † † 1059 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 319 262 239 191 289 500 450 350 250 400 400 350 300 225 350 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 728 728 354 283 401 † † 915 732 1021 207 207 342 253 253 440 300 248 302 500 400 400 400 300 350 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 683 683 423 † † 1080 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 389 262 271 216 328 700 450 400 300 450 500 350 350 250 400 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 791 791 386 309 436 † † 1015 812 1132 207 207 342 253 253 440 369 248 343 600 400 500 450 300 400 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 817 817 507 † † 1346 See legend and notes on page 31.Table 4B — Unit Electrical Data. 29 . 30HXA Units (cont) UNIT 30HXA 146 161 171 186 206 VOLTAGE Supplied Nameplate V-Hz Min Max (3 Ph) 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 575-60 380-60 Ckt A Ckt B 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 Ckt A Ckt B 575-60 Ckt A Ckt B 380-60 Ckt A Ckt B 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 Ckt A Ckt B POWER CIRCUIT* CONTROL CIRCUIT ICF MCA MOCP Recommended Fuse Size Voltage (Single Ph) Min Max MCA MOCP WD XL 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 389 319 291 233 353 700 500 400 300 500 500 400 350 300 400 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 837 837 406 325 461 † † 1035 828 1157 207 207 342 253 253 440 369 300 369 600 500 500 450 400 450 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 859 859 532 † † 1371 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 437 295 304 243 368 700 500 450 350 500 600 400 350 300 450 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 979 979 478 382 539 † † 1282 1025 1428 207 207 342 253 253 440 415 275 385 700 450 500 500 350 450 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 858 858 533 † † 1398 187 187 414 518 342 253 253 506 633 418 359 437 327 261 396 600 700 450 350 500 450 600 400 300 450 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 230-60 104 104 104 104 207 127 127 127 127 254 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1030 1030 501 401 567 † † 1305 1044 1456 207 207 342 253 253 440 334 415 413 600 700 600 450 500 500 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 905 905 562 † † 1427 187 187 414 518 253 253 506 633 437 437 355 284 700 700 500 400 600 600 400 350 115-60 115-60 115-60 115-60 104 104 104 104 127 127 127 127 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1093 1093 529 539 † † 1333 1066 342 342 418 418 239 239 400 400 300 300 230-60 230-60 207 207 254 254 15 15 15 15 601 601 1490 1490 207 207 342 253 253 440 415 415 453 700 700 600 500 500 600 230-50 230-50 230-50 198 198 198 254 254 254 15 15 — 15 15 — 970 970 601 † † 1466 187 187 253 253 521 437 800 700 600 600 115-60 115-60 104 104 127 127 15 15 15 15 743 743 † † 414 414 506 506 235 197 350 350 300 250 115-60 115-60 104 104 127 127 15 15 15 15 364 371 993 1175 518 518 633 633 188 158 250 250 225 200 115-60 115-60 104 104 127 127 15 15 15 15 292 297 796 940 342 342 418 418 285 239 400 400 350 300 230-60 230-60 207 207 254 254 15 15 15 15 410 410 1106 1299 207 207 253 253 486 415 700 700 600 500 230-50 230-50 207 207 254 254 15 15 15 15 771 638 † † 342 342 440 440 294 252 450 450 350 250 230-50 230-50 207 207 254 254 15 15 15 15 479 400 1318 1265 30 .Table 4B — Unit Electrical Data. Size the fuse one size up from the result. 2%.Table 4B — Unit Electrical Data. 30HXA Units (cont) UNIT 30HXA 246 261 271 VOLTAGE Supplied Nameplate V-Hz (3 Ph) Min Max 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 Ckt A Ckt B 575-60 Ckt A Ckt B 380-60 Ckt A Ckt B 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 Ckt A Ckt B 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 Ckt A Ckt B 575-60 Ckt A Ckt B 380-60 Ckt A Ckt B 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 Ckt A Ckt B 208/230-60 Ckt A Ckt B 460-60 Ckt A Ckt B 575-60 Ckt A Ckt B 380-60 Ckt A Ckt B 230-50 Ckt A Ckt B 380/415-50 Ckt A Ckt B POWER CIRCUIT* CONTROL CIRCUIT MCA MOCP Recommended Fuse Size 187 187 253 253 673 437 1000 700 800 600 414 414 506 506 304 197 450 350 350 250 518 518 633 633 243 158 350 250 300 200 Voltage (Single Ph) 115-60 115-60 342 342 418 418 368 239 500 400 450 300 207 207 253 253 636 415 800 700 800 500 342 342 440 440 385 252 500 450 450 350 187 187 253 253 724 437 1000 700 1000 600 414 414 506 506 327 197 450 350 400 250 518 518 633 633 261 158 350 250 300 200 342 342 418 418 396 239 500 400 450 300 342 342 440 440 413 252 600 450 500 350 187 187 253 253 787 437 1000 700 1000 600 414 414 506 506 355 197 500 350 400 250 518 518 633 633 284 158 400 250 350 200 600 400 500 300 207 207 253 253 748 415 1000 700 1000 500 342 342 440 440 453 252 600 450 15 104 127 15 15 15 207 207 104 104 104 254 254 127 127 127 15 15 15 15 15 230-50 207 254 15 15 104 127 15 15 382 297 1025 940 539 410 1428 1299 748 638 † † 533 400 1398 1265 1030 743 † † 501 371 1305 1175 401 297 1044 940 567 410 1456 1299 905 538 † † 562 400 1427 1265 1093 743 † † 529 371 1333 1175 423 297 1066 940 601 410 1490 1299 970 638 † † 601 400 1466 1265 15 15 15 115-60 104 127 15 15 230-60 207 254 15 15 230-50 207 254 15 15 230-50 207 254 15 15 600 350 1282 1175 15 15 127 478 371 15 15 104 † † 15 254 15 979 743 15 207 254 XL 15 230-60 207 WD 15 254 115-60 430 239 15 207 115-60 418 418 127 230-60 230-50 342 342 104 15 115-60 800 500 MOCP 15 115-60 1000 700 MCA 127 115-60 683 415 Max 104 230-50 253 253 Min 115-60 230-50 207 207 ICF 6. 4. The RLAs are listed on the unit nameplate. Use copper conductors only. The MOCP is calculated as follows: MOCP = (2. 3. 5%. 5. FLA ICF VOLTAGE 208/230 460 575 380 230 380/415 31 TERMINAL BLOCKS OR NON-FUSED DISCONNECTS** 2 1 1 1 2 1 CONDUCTORS 6 3 3 3 6 3 . and fuse value for Circuit A and another for Circuit B have 2 terminal blocks and require 2 power supplies. The recommended fuse size in amps (RFA) is calculated as follows: RFA = (1. amps. MOCP. Size the fuse one size down from the result. Not available in across-the-line start. Control circuit power must be supplied from a separate source through a field-supplied disconnect (except for 380/415-50 units). †Wye-Delta Start is standard. Units with one MCA. and fuse size value have one terminal block and require one power supply. 7.25) (largest RLA) + the sum of the other RLAs. An accessory control transformer may be used to provide control circuit power from the main unit power supply. Maximum allowable phase imbalance is: voltage.50) (largest RLA) + the sum of the other RLAs. NOTES: 1. Maximum incoming wire size for each terminal block is 500 kcmil. Units have the following power wiring terminal blocks and parallel conductors: LEGEND — Full Load Amps — Maximum Instantaneous Current Flow during start-up (the point in the starting sequence where the sum of the LRA for the start-up compressor. plus the total RLA for all running compressors. plus the total FLA for all running fan motors is at a maximum) LRA — Locked Rotor Amps MCA — Minimum Circuit Ampacity (for wire sizing) MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection RLA — Rated Load Amps WD — Wye-Delta Start XL — Across-the-Line Start *Units with one MCA. The RLAs are listed on the unit nameplate. **The 30HXA186. MOCP. Main power must be supplied from a field-supplied fused electrical service with a (factory. 380-3-60 and 30HXA206-271 units have 2 terminal blocks/ non-fused disconnects and 6 parallel conductors.or field-installed) disconnect located in sight from the unit. 2. 3 35.4 53. 30HXC Units UNIT SIZE 30HXC 076-XL 076-WD 086-XL 086-WD 096-XL 096-WD 106-XL 106-WD LRA RLA WD XL — — — — LEGEND Locked Rotor Amps Rated Load Amps Wye-Delta Start Across-the-Line Start NAMEPLATE V-Hz (3 Phase) 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 COMPRESSOR NUMBERS A1 RLA * 44.1 44.3 79.3 35.8 98.8 98.3 95.8 * 44.4 53.5 52.7 92.8 98.8 * 53.8 B1 LRA * 330 264 365 * 344 209 104 83 115 174 109 * 330 264 365 * 423 209 104 83 115 213 134 * 405 324 448 * 506 256 128 102 141 255 160 * 485 388 536 * 605 307 153 123 169 305 191 RLA * 44.1 44.2 63. Across-the-line start is not available.7 * 55.4 53.1 44.Table 5A — Compressor Electrical Data.6 42.4 53.3 79.8 98.7 118.7 * 55.5 52.2 134.1 44.7 144.3 35.7 92.7 * 79.1 55.2 63.1 44.2 * 81.4 53.4 53.3 35.1 55.6 53.4 53.9 * 97.7 92.3 35.7 97.1 55.9 111.8 64.3 35.9 81.1 55.9 * 67.4 53.7 * 55.4 53.8 LRA * 330 264 365 * 344 209 104 83 115 174 109 * 330 264 365 * 344 209 104 83 115 174 109 * 330 264 365 * 344 209 104 83 115 174 109 * 330 264 365 * 344 209 104 83 115 174 109 *Units are shipped with wye-delta start as standard.6 42.3 35.8 64. 32 .7 92.1 55.7 92.7 * 55.4 53.4 79.8 * 44.3 35.8 175.3 95.8 98.8 67.7 * 55.9 161.9 65.8 * 44.7 * 65.3 35.3 35. 8 114.4 79.3 79.9 196.9 65.9 196. 33 . Across-the-line start is not available.8 64.5 161.3 79.2 63.7 144.3 118.9 * 67.4 79.8 210.9 75.2 134.7 97.9 161.8 * 94.9 75.8 64.6 53.Table 5A — Compressor Electrical Data.8 210.9 161.8 * 79.3 95.8 114.8 114.6 42.2 63.7 * 79.8 175.3 79.2 63.6 42. 30HXC Units (cont) UNIT SIZE 30HXC 116-XL 116-WD 126-XL 126-WD 136-XL 136-WD 146-XL 146-WD LRA RLA WD XL — — — — LEGEND Locked Rotor Amps Rated Load Amps Wye-Delta Start Across-the-Line Start NAMEPLATE V-Hz (3 Phase) 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 COMPRESSOR NUMBERS A1 RLA * 79.8 114.3 95.3 95.3 118.2 * 81.3 95.9 111.7 97.8 LRA * 330 264 365 * 423 209 104 83 115 213 134 * 405 324 448 * 506 256 128 102 141 255 160 * 405 324 448 * 506 256 128 102 141 255 160 * 485 388 536 * 605 307 153 123 169 305 191 *Units are shipped with wye-delta start as standard.8 67.8 B1 LRA * 485 388 536 * 605 307 153 123 169 305 191 * 485 388 536 * 605 307 153 123 169 305 191 * 580 484 641 * 715 367 183 147 203 361 226 * 580 484 641 * 715 367 183 147 203 361 226 RLA * 53.7 * 65.9 65.9 81.8 175.7 97.3 79.2 63.2 63.8 175.9 * 118.2 134.7 118.5 52.9 * 97.5 52.4 79.0 94.9 * 97.9 81.2 * 81.8 * 94.2 63.5 52.9 * 87.7 144.3 95.6 75.7 * 65.3 95.0 94.5 52.9 75.9 * 118. 8 105.4 124.2 56.8 190.9 86.9 86.2 56.6 71. 30HXC Units (cont) UNIT SIZE 30HXC 161-XL 161-WD 171-XL 171-WD 186-XL 186-WD LRA RLA WD XL — — — — LEGEND Locked Rotor Amps Rated Load Amps Wye-Delta Start Across-the-Line Start NAMEPLATE V-Hz (3 Phase) 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 COMPRESSOR NUMBERS A1 RLA * 103.5 128.1 82.6 B1 LRA * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 * 580 484 641 * 715 367 183 147 203 361 233 * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 RLA * 71.2 * 88.1 82.6 228.8 * 103.1 82.8 * 128.8 * 128.8 212.8 212.4 124.2 * 103.6 * 86.5 128.6 228.8 103.6 LRA * 525 420 580 * 600 350 175 140 193 348 200 * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 *Units are shipped with wye-delta start as standard.8 * 128.8 103.6 * 103.6 86.8 103.1 82.6 228.1 82.8 103.5 128.4 124.4 124.7 88.2 157.4 124.8 * 128.4 124.8 104.1 82.2 145.1 82.5 128. Across-the-line start is not available.4 124.8 212.8 212.1 82.4 124.1 68.1 68.8 104.6 228.2 * 105.Table 5A — Compressor Electrical Data.2 174. 34 . 4 548 124.2 525 56.6 LRA * 580 484 641 * 715 367 183 147 203 361 233 * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 COMPRESSOR NUMBERS A2 RLA LRA * * 44.Table 5A — Compressor Electrical Data.4 124.4 83 53.4 124.5 128.8 103.1 174 55.4 124.1 68.6 * 103.1 82.2 200 * * 86.8 212.2 175 56.5 128.4 124.2 193 145.8 212.3 330 35. Locked Rotor Amps Rated Load Amps Wye-Delta Start Across-the-Line Start 35 .7 348 88.8 212.8 * 128.8 104.8 * 128.3 104 35.6 228.8 715 190.1 82.4 124.8 103.1 82.1 82. Across-the-line start is not available.5 128.6 228.4 124.5 128.8 233 * * 103.1 82.4 124.8 212.4 173 124.4 124.5 432 128.8 361 105.8 190.8 344 98.1 82.6 LRA * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 *Units are shipped with wye-delta start as standard.8 * 128.4 124.2 * 105.1 82.8 103.1 209 44.8 103.8 104.8 147 104.1 82.4 124.8 433 103.2 580 * * 88.8 212.2 641 * * 105.6 86.5 128.6 856 228.8 105.2 600 157.4 124.8 212.1 685 82.4 124.2 203 174.1 82.7 365 * * 55.6 228.6 228.5 128.6 * 103.8 * 128.1 82.1 82. 30HXC Units (cont) UNIT SIZE 30HXC 206-XL 206-WD 246-XL 246-WD 261-XL 261-WD 271-XL 271-WD NAMEPLATE V-Hz (3 Phase) 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 LEGEND LRA RLA WD XL — — — — A1 RLA * 86.6 228.9 420 86.4 264 53.8 103.8 212.6 228.8 109 * * 71.8 103.4 124.8 * 128.1 82.6 350 71.8 484 104.6 228.6 * 103.8 * 128.2 174.8 757 * * 128.1 82.1 82.8 103.7 115 92.1 216 82.8 * 103.6 * 103.8 * 128.5 128.1 580 68.6 * 103.6 367 86.4 124.9 140 86.1 68.1 183 68.8 239 212.6 270 B1 RLA * 103. 9 51.6 62.8 64. 30HXA Units UNIT SIZE 30HXA 076-XL 076-WD 086-XL 086-WD 096-XL 096-WD 106-XL 106-WD LRA RLA WD XL — — — — LEGEND Locked Rotor Amps Rated Load Amps Wye-Delta Start Across-the-Line Start NAMEPLATE V-Hz (3 Phase) 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 COMPRESSOR NUMBERS A1 RLA * 64.7 134.8 64.9 51.9 51.8 94.9 78.4 92. 36 .5 114.9 209.7 * 145.9 51.7 * 81.9 51.8 64.9 51.7 134.9 78.9 78.9 51.5 143.4 255.9 77.7 240.9 78.4 92.9 51.7 134.2 139.2 145.5 * 64.5 LRA * 485 388 536 * 605 307 153 123 169 305 191 * 485 388 536 * 605 307 153 123 169 305 191 * 485 388 536 * 685 307 153 123 169 305 191 * 485 388 536 * 605 307 153 123 169 305 191 *Units are shipped with wye-delta start as standard.7 * 81.7 * 81.9 78.8 75.6 62.7 * 119.8 64.7 114.7 134. Across-the-line start is not available.5 143.8 81.8 81.9 78.2 119.1 94.4 B1 LRA * 485 388 536 * 605 307 153 123 169 305 191 * 580 484 641 * 715 367 183 147 203 361 226 * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 270 * 820 656 906 * 960 518 259 207 286 485 303 RLA * 64.8 81.2 139.5 143.2 171.9 78.8 75.9 51.Table 5B — Compressor Electrical Data.8 64.7 * 81.0 163.7 * 81.7 198.5 * 64.2 * 94.9 51.9 78.1 94.8 81.9 78.5 115.5 * 64.5 143.5 143.8 81.7 134.0 * 99.9 78.5 * 77.9 99.9 * 115. 3 178.0 * 99. 37 .4 255.4 140.4 92.2 119.2 139.7 240.9 209.2 295.4 92.7 112.2 145.9 * 115.9 77.7 * 145.8 * 140.2 * 178. Across-the-line start is not available.4 170.7 112.2 145.9 209.1 94.Table 5B — Compressor Electrical Data.4 LRA * 580 484 641 * 715 367 183 147 203 361 226 * 685 548 757 * 856 447 216 173 239 432 270 * 685 548 757 * 856 433 216 173 239 432 276 * 820 656 906 * 960 518 259 207 286 485 303 *Units are shipped with wye-delta start as standard.4 170.4 170.7 112.8 311.5 115.2 139.2 139.2 * 178.2 295. 30HXA Units (cont) UNIT SIZE 30HXA 116-XL 116-WD 126-XL 126-WD 136-XL 136-WD 146-XL 146-WD LRA RLA WD XL — — — — LEGEND Locked Rotor Amps Rated Load Amps Wye-Delta Start Across-the-Line Start NAMEPLATE V-Hz (3 Phase) 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 COMPRESSOR NUMBERS A1 RLA * 115.7 * 145.8 75.2 145.4 140.6 62.2 171.8 75.8 311.4 170.6 62.7 114.4 92.1 94.2 * 94.7 112.4 * 140.5 115.8 B1 LRA * 820 656 906 * 960 578 259 207 286 485 303 * 820 656 906 * 960 518 259 207 286 485 303 * 920 736 1017 * 1226 581 291 233 321 619 387 * 920 736 1017 * 1226 581 291 233 321 619 387 RLA * 77.5 115.7 114.2 139.7 240.8 94.0 163.7 114.8 94.4 * 115.8 75.8 75.3 178.4 92.7 * 119.7 * 145.7 198.2 139.7 114.7 240.9 * 94.7 198.2 139.7 * 119.2 119.4 92.4 255.9 99.4 92.4 255. 6 156.6 103. 30HXA Units (cont) UNIT SIZE 30HXA 161-XL 161-WD 171-XL 171-WD 186-XL 186-WD LRA RLA WD XL — — — — LEGEND Locked Rotor Amps Rated Load Amps Wye-Delta Start Across-the-Line Start NAMEPLATE V-Hz (3 Phase) 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 COMPRESSOR NUMBERS A1 RLA * 157.6 103.2 191.7 * 157.1 129.2 349.2 349.2 * 201.2 191.4 235.9 126.7 286.9 126.2 161.3 133.2 332.6 156.2 * 129.0 * 133.2 191.2 * 201.2 191.6 157.1 129.3 201.9 106.9 126.2 * 201.2 B1 LRA * 1175 940 1299 * 1265 743 371 297 410 638 400 * 920 736 1017 * 1226 581 291 233 321 619 387 * 1175 940 1299 * 1265 743 371 297 410 638 400 RLA * 106.2 349. Across-the-line start is not available.4 * 157.9 126.2 332.2 LRA * 790 630 870 * 1045 527 263 211 290 607 348 * 1175 940 1299 * 1265 743 371 297 410 638 400 * 1175 940 1299 * 1265 743 371 297 410 638 400 *Units are shipped with wye-delta start as standard.9 126. 38 .0 220.9 * 161.6 157.2 349.3 201.2 191.3 201.2 * 201.6 85.6 157.2 191.9 126.6 85.9 129.2 * 157.2 191.2 332.Table 5B — Compressor Electrical Data.9 126.9 126.3 201.2 191.6 157.9 267.2 332. 2 1265 349.9 126.2 332.2 332.2 191.2 LRA * 920 736 1017 * 1226 581 291 233 321 619 387 * 1175 940 1299 * 1265 743 371 297 410 638 400 * 1175 940 1299 * 1265 743 371 297 410 638 400 * 1175 940 1299 * 1265 743 371 297 410 638 400 COMPRESSOR NUMBERS A2 RLA LRA * * 73.3 201.2 400 LEGEND Locked Rotor Amps Rated Load Amps Wye-Delta Start Across-the-Line Start *Units are shipped with wye-delta as standard.9 126.2 * 201.2 332.9 126.6 103.2 191.3 201.2 * 157.9 * 161.2 * 157.7 1226 286.2 332.0 906 * * 133.2 * 201.2 * 201.5 641 * * 92.9 267.9 126.9 126.0 715 162.6 820 85.0 226 * * 106.6 156.0 286 220.3 201.2 LRA * 1175 940 1299 * 1265 743 371 297 410 638 400 * 1175 940 1299 * 1265 743 371 297 410 638 400 * 1175 940 1299 * 1265 743 371 297 410 638 400 * 1175 940 1299 * 1265 743 371 297 410 638 400 .9 126.2 191.2 * 201.6 920 103.7 286.0 367 73.6 157.2 349.2 191.3 201.9 126.9 126.9 129.9 518 106. 39 B1 RLA * 157.3 485 133.9 126.1 183 58.2 349.2 * 157.6 157.9 581 129.3 201.2 332.2 191.6 233 156.5 484 88.2 191.1 656 129.2 191.2 * 201.6 291 103.2 349.9 1175 126.2 349.2 191.9 1017 * * 161.2 * 157.6 259 85.2 191.6 157.1 580 58.5 147 88.5 203 152. 30HXA Units (cont) UNIT SIZE 30HXA 206-XL 206-WD 246-XL 246-WD 261-XL 261-WD 271-XL 271-WD LRA RLA WD XL — — — — NAMEPLATE V-Ph (3 Phase) 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 208/230-60 460-60 575-60 380-60 230-50 380/415-50 A1 RLA * 129.3 201.2 191.6 736 156.3 638 201.7 * 157.6 156.2 332.2 940 191.2 349.6 157.7 387 * * 157.2 297 191.3 201.9 321 267.2 191.4 960 235. Across-the-line start is not available.6 157.2 349.2 191.6 157.2 * 157.1 207 129.6 157.4 303 * * 129.2 191.9 371 126.2 349.2 410 332.2 332.Table 5B — Compressor Electrical Data.2 * 201.2 1299 * * 201.9 126.6 743 157.9 126.9 126.2 619 161.9 126.2 161.6 103.0 361 92.2 191.2 * 201.9 126. 9 132 59.538 0.7 122 55.7 169 76. or change at any time.126 136.Step 7 — Refrigerant Charge IMPORTANT: These units are designed for use with R-134a only.055 3.7 168 76.3 80 36. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER REFRIGERANT in these units without first consulting your Carrier representative.140 7.0 258 117. 2.068 0. specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations. Start-Up. This fitting is located between the EXD and the cooler.074 5.115 4.945 0. 4.090 0. Raise the compressor discharge to approximately 125 F (51.7 161 73.7 134 60. The approximate system charges are shown in Table 6 and cooler refrigerant capacity is shown in Table 7.213 4.115 7.104 4. 3. and higher power consumption. the sight glass may be flashing. An initial refrigerant charge must be added after evacuation to allow the unit to start.0 256 116. Service.112 2.0 CIRCUIT B CHARGE lb kg 75 34.1 285 129.6 288 130.4 172 78. When charging.2 154 69. Unit should not need to be charged at installation unless a leak was detected in Step 6 — Leak Test Unit section. If the unit is fully loaded and the sight glass is flashing. 30HXA UNITS — The 30HXA units are shipped with a holding charge of R-134a.929 0.9 86 84.523 0.810 0.6 125 56.6 311 141.4 224 101. possible compressor damage. Add approximately 2 lb/nominal ton (0.1 C) of system subcooling (saturated discharge temperature — actual temperature entering the electronic expansion device [EXD]).538 0.4 86 84.1 178 80. Form 30HX-7SI Pg 40 8-99 Replaces: 30HX-4SI Tab 5c . Check for a clear sight glass. This amount of charge should be sufficient to allow the unit to start. The complete charge for the 30HXA.490 0.3 95 43.107 2.297 0. Freezing damage is considered abuse and may void the Carrier warranty.0 80 36.3 477 216.068 0.625 0.6 114 51.7 C) saturated discharge temperature (185 psig [1276 kPa]) by throttling the condenser air (or water) intake. DO NOT OVERCHARGE system.1 116 52.777 0.7 240 108. always use this port so that the cooler liquid level sensor can detect the additional charge and adjust the EXD valve position.3 250 113.9 186 84.682 0. If the unit is not fully loaded.0 190 86.8 336 152. If it is greater than 60% add additional charge.3 258 117.705 0.9 kg/nominal kW) liquid refrigerant charge to the condenser. Operation.9 167 75.072 2.077 4.661 0.3 80 36. NOTE: The liquid charging method is recommended for complete charging or when additional charge is required.4 234 106. check EXV valve position. When adding charge during unit operation. the remote condenser(s). NOTE: Electronic Expansion Device (EXD) refers to EXV (Electronic Expansion Valve) (076-146 units) or Economizer (161-271 units).490 0. Schrader-type fitting located on the tube going into the bottom of the cooler.0 178 80.0 to 11. This condition is normal for a partially loaded unit.1 147 66.8 137 62. Overcharging results in higher discharge pressure with higher cooling fluid consumption. 30HXC UNITS — The 30HXC units are shipped from the factory with a full charge of R-134a. Book 2 PC 903 Catalog No.A.115 2. 533-004 Printed in U.201 4.0 161 73.2 165 74.1 335 152.0 94 42. Add liquid charge into the cooler until there is approximately 18 to 20 F (10.132 REFRIGERANT CAPACITY lb kg 161 73.4 314 142. Table 6 — 30HXA System Charge for Start-Up UNIT 30HXA 076 086 096 106 116 126 136 146 161 171 186 206 246 261 271 CIRCUIT A CHARGE lb kg 75 34.7 132 59.044 0. use industry standard practices or refer to Carrier Standard Services Techniques Manual or the Controls.080 1. use the 1⁄4-in.946 0.4 169 76. and Troubleshooting Guide as required.086 096 106 116.150 3. and interconnecting piping must be field supplied.1 296 134.127 4.4 450 204.072 2.127 4.813 0.146 161 171 186 206 246-271 CKT A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B TOTAL VOLUME 3 Ft m3 2.3 285 129.080 3.S.1 137 62.8 Table 7 — Cooler Refrigerant Capacity UNIT SIZE 30HXA 076. When adding charge.3 Copyright 1999 Carrier Corporation Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue. circulate water through the condenser and cooler at all times to prevent freezing. To charge the 30HXA systems: 1. If dehydration and recharging is necessary.
Copyright © 2025 DOKUMEN.SITE Inc.