
March 16, 2018 | Author: Franco Salvador Morales Vargas | Category: Sugar Beet, Steam, Clothes Dryer, Turbine, Efficient Energy Use



Energy Efficiency in IPPC installations, 21.-22.October 2004 in Vienna Austria Trend Parkhotel Schönbrunn VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE Innovative examples of energy efficiency in the German sugar industry - dewatering and drying process for sugar beet pulp Dipl.-Ing. Christian Voß Dr.- Ing. Joachim Wieting Südzucker AG for the German Association of Sugar Industry U MWELT B UNDES A MT, Berlin Postfach 33 00 22, D-14191 Berlin Tel. 030/ 8903-2829 Werk Warburg, D-34414 Warburg Tel. 05641/ 9413 [email protected] [email protected] Structure VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE 1. Introduction (targets and development of the specific energy requirement) 2. Mechanical dewatering process for sugar beet pulps in the sugar industry as regards energy 3. Drying processes (drum drying, low temperature drying and evaporation drying) 4. Energy aspects of pulp drying 5. Comparison of energy consumption and the economics of different types of installations with examples 6. Characterisation of the technology – economic and ecological aspects Spain. the so-called „IPPC Directive“.Background and Motivation VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE With the finalisation of the Council Directive 96/61/EC concerning „Integrated pollution prevention and control“. the concept of an integrated approach to reduce environmental pollution is being pursued at European Community level for the first time. with all installations covered by the directive now requiring permits. . The EU Commission is supporting the implementation of the directive as part of its exchange of information by having leaflets compiled on the „best available techniques (BAT)“ by the European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Bureau in Sevilla. • The efficient use of energy in the industry helps avoid and/or control emissions in the air. •The formulation of the directive into a new VDI guideline in Germany will set out primary and secondary control measures and new reduced emission figures for production technology.Background and Motivation VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE • The „food. in water and in the ground as far as possible. drink and milk“ BREF gives information at community level on the best available techniques in the sugar industry to help promote the use of these techniques and to support the member countries effectively in their efforts to protect the environment. . 2000:  Reduction of the specific CO2 emissions of 41 – 45 % by 2005/06 Base year 1990: CO2 emissions/beet Target year 2005/06: achieved 2000/01: 148 kg/t 81 – 87 kg/t 84 kg/t with 288.5 kWh/ton of beet Target achievement: almost 100 % .12.Introduction precautions in the interest of the climate VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE Agreement between German sugar industry and the government board signed on 19. 6 basis 1990: 35. ges target 2005 : 29 2000 2010 ABL = old Federal states NBL = new Federal states D = Germany as a whole .Introduction Specific energy consumption in the German sugar industry VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE 125 kWh / 100 kg beets 100 75 50 25 0 1950 1960 1970 year 1980 1990 current 1996: 30.6 ABL DDR / NBL D. Introduction Specific energy consumption in the German sugar industry VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE Since 1990 > 300 Million € have been invested in projects for combined heat and power generation (CHP). Degree of efficiency of heat and power combinations > 90 % re-use of the heat several times normalf = 7 – 8 Future: physical limits increasing technical expenditure (costs) marginal energy savings ______________________________________________________ Personal remarks on sugar market regulation . Introduction Energy conversion in a beet sugar factory and VDI extra edition 2594 VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE  Main flows of energy and technical processes are more closely interlinked than in any other sector of industry. First printed August 2004 .  Amount of energy used Sugar production : Dried pulp production 2 : 1  VDI-Guideline 2594 „Emission reduction in pulp drying plants in the sugar industry“. 30 1 Target: : To remove as much water as possible mechanically.000 100 Amount of energy used kWh/t water approx.Energy aspects VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE of the dewatering process for beet cossettes Production of dried pulp with 90 % dry substance and 10 % water from extracted cossettes with 10 (. 3.14) % dry substance and 90 % water in 2 dewatering stages: mechanical thermal approx. . axially relocatable for pressing pressure variation press water collector pulp outlet .Energy aspects of the dewatering process for beet cossettes VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE State of the art: Spindle presses horizontal/vertical pulp inlet screen ring. 5 % dry substance in the pressed pulp Water carrying in kg Water/ kg Dry-substance content . Development by Südzucker (SZ): 34 3.Energy aspects VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE of dewatering process for beet cossettes Quantity of material pressed out depends on capacity of presses Hardening with calcium ions (gypsum).2 2 82 84 86 88 90 02 92 94 96 98 00 Dry-substance content in Press-pulps in % 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 80 Campaign Dry-substance content in % Watercarying in kg Water/kg Dry-substance content SZ-Pressing target before drying: 32.4 2.8 2.4 3.6 2.2 3 2. Germany and England 45 – 50 . 15 min. pressing time Disadvantage:  no suitable filter cloth quality no reliable control of the 300 hydraulic control loops • Extraction under alkaline conditions Pilot installations in France.Energy aspects VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE of dewatering process for beet cossettes Other mechanical dewatering processes % dry substance in the pressed pulp • Diffusive dewatering: 65 in combination with evaporation plant to concentrate the press water Disadvantage:  no suitable separation of solids/liquids • High-pressure. multi-layer pressing: 50 Filter band press: 300 bar. opening the cell membranes by high voltage impulses • high voltage impulses: a voltage of several hundred kV for the duration of approx. 10 % DS) • Opening the cells by electroporation to prepare for deposit of calcium ions . 1 µsec • low energy demand: approx.Dry substance (DS) content of extracted cossettes : 40 . 1 kWh/t beet .45 % (an increase of approx.Energy aspects VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE of dewatering process for beet cossettes Combination of electroporation and alkaline extraction • Alkaline extraction results in increased deposits of calcium ions and thus to a definite increase in the pressability of the extracted cossettes . Energy aspects of dewatering process for beet cossettes VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE Changes in the mechanical properties of beet due to electroporation • Electroporation increases the flexibility of the cossettes considerably and enables them to stand up to heavier mechanical stress. . Energy aspects VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE of dewatering process for beet cossettes be et s Possible configuration of electroporation and extraction* electroporated beets electroporation electroporated and alkalined cossettes slicing machine lime mash * patent applied for juice towards juice purification . 7 MW 25 bar 3.5 bar 85 bar DU 2 VD 2-7 Heating oil Generator Generator Steam turbine 85 25 25 3 3 bar 3 bar VD 1 4.5 MW Gas turbine Boiler 14.3 bar VT 1 VT 2 DU 1 DU 3 Steam system of a sugar factory with steam drying .Drying process VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE Start-up line 1. Drying process VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE Legend: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Cossette feed screw in cell 1 Stationary guide vanes Cylinder with cyclone effect Cyclone over cell 16 for separating entrained cossettes Steam inlet into cyclone Stationary guide vanes for steam return Superheater for secondary steam Blower fan for creating fluidised bed Generated steam exit Feed screw for cossette output from cell 16 Steam system of a sugar factory with steam drying . the general data of the factories with both direct and indirect dewatering systems have been standardised as follows: • Beet processing 10.195 kJ/kg .000 tons/day .4 t/h • Live steam pressure 85 bar • Live steam temperature 525 °C • Thermal value of the fuel 40. • • Mass flow of pressed pulp: 160 kg/t beet processed = 66.7 tons/h • Dry substance content of the pressed pulp 31 % • Dry substance content of the dried pulp 90 % • Steam consumption of a sugar factory for 200 kg/t processed beet = 83. Length of „campaign“ (season) 90 days p.Energy aspects of cossettes drying VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE In order to consider the energy aspects of the installations described.a. campaign These norms pre-suppose that the factories have the following technical installations: • • A steam generator with 85 bar and 525 °C.96 kWh/t beet processed • Complete crystallisation of the thick juice in the beet .4 MW = 24. . A corresponding back pressure turbine 3 bar back pressure to supply the evaporation station or 3 bar back pressure and 25 bar extraction pressure to supply the steam dryer.Energy aspects of cossettes drying VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE • Electrical energy demand of the sugar factory without drying 10. 13 11.532 3.695 3.48 11.10 104.66 VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE Low/high Factory temperature without dryer a dryer 12.83 MW 11.Summary of the examples of installations Steam High dryer temperature dryer Total electric energy demand Total fuel energy Total electric energy obtained MW 11.780 2.80 11.661 10.72 111.20 MW 73.845 .264 Total energy costs €/h Total energy costs 103 per campaign €/a 1.048 2.182 1.66 1.55 11.66 1.40 67. 581 103 € 1. 554 103 € p.Summary of the examples of installations VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE Additional energy costs in comparison to a factory without dryers for the individual variations: • High temperature dryers • Low/high temperature dryers • Steam dryers comparison to lower fuel costs in operation) 1.a. .a.a. 460 103 € p.397 103 € 268 103 € Operation related costs (higher investment costs of installations in • High temperature dryers • Low/high temperature dryers • Steam dryers 388 103 € p. € 40. However. € Characterisation of the technology: At the present time steam drying is the best available technique for new sugar factory construction or for complete reconstruction of energy production and heat control systems. € 40. it cannot be integrated easily into a normal existing factory.9 Mio.4 Mio.7 Mio. .Summary of the examples of installations VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE Investment costs plus net running costs of the dryer for the individual variations: • High temperature dryers • Low/high temperature dryers • Steam dryer 38. • No application of steam-volatile and odorous vapours. • Energy consumption 30% less than in a factory with direct drying. Inter-media effects • Transfer of the exhaust fumes into the effluent (approx.200 m3 effluent with a chemical oxygen requirement of 1.Advantages achieved by steam drying VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE Main achievement . .Improvements for the environment with regard to emissions and energy consumption: • Emissions are avoided by direct primary use of energy for drying.500 mg/l and a NH4content of 25 mg/l). 1. the participating companies in the Sugar Association and all of you for your attention. THANK YOU .VEREIN DER ZUCKERINDUSTRIE THANK YOU In conclusion we should like to thank all those who participated the members of the VDI working group 2594. 709 %47024.85488-020. .82:..0.907...5574    %.907 .9.3. 850.9073574.98 '# # &#&$%# 4190/0..088147-009.79 $53/05708808 47439. 307.904190.48809908 $9. 943 57088.7.947 5:54:909 ..9..704..7003 73 .079. 5:5309 8..907 ..-0 14757088357088:70 .40. 25.7/0339.5.907.:2438 58:2 0.3.850.0452039-$Q/:.4390393 !7088 5:583        .088147-009.9415708808 .07 $           7 8:-89..907..98 '# # &#&$%# 41/0.399412.570880/4:9/0503/843..0.733.907.4390393 .0.3 7 8:-89.. 307.3..48809908 ":.9073574. 7 8:-89.0390570880/5:5 .3..0.907.907.3.439039 $ !708839.709-01470/73 /78:-89.7733. 3. 7 8:-89.439039 .0.  307.42-3.0 348:9./.088147-009.9073  3.94390.39.3.3994.909057088./0.-0805..9073574.48809908 90720.850.907 8.7..08808/78:-89.9435.0/0.0390570880/5:5 W 11:8.98 '# # &#&$%# 41/0.9073574.3.9434184/8.0397.43.547... 39.496:.9 3470..30.3/   .3/3.:.-0.6:/8 W  57088:70 2:9 ./.07570883  907-.439744190 /7.439744458 W 97.943837.3.3/57088 -.-01907..0 348:9. ..723 570883920 8.3.43/9438 !49389.943:3/07.0 072.. :2438 4503390.49. :3/70/'14790/:7.90/..04180..:2438 ..33.9434100.07.3.5574 a80.30097..98 '# # &#&$%# 41/0. 307.5574  $ W 503390.3/.49.3/.49..70147/0548941 .308-.90/ ./013903..70.43903941097.850.70..94341.0202-7. 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