3. SWP instrumentation.doc

May 14, 2018 | Author: Mohammad Rizwan | Category: Electrical Wiring, Quality Assurance, Instrumentation, Optical Fiber, Safety



SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING andPETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. R. Al-Khathlan Contract No. 3000235436, Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN SPECIAL WORKS PROCEDURE FOR INSTRUMENTATION WORKS EXECUTION MRK-SWP-003/00 (Rev.00: October 2009) MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev. 00: December 20 ‘09) stanchions. testing and commissioning. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. 2 Scope This procedure serves to establish the requirements for the preparation of checklist and to maintain records for instrumentation works. cable termination and splicing. cable (above and underground) installation. Quality Control Manager PC . Quality Assurance Manager QCM . cable testing. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN DISCIPLINE: INSTRUMENTATION (Job Specific Work Procedure) Title: Instrumentation Job Specific Work Procedure (MRK- SWP-003) 1 Purpose To ensure that the conduit. MCCs. Planning Control MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev. equipments. specifications and drawings is to define the quality aspects to be considered during the installation processes. wiring. instrument support. 3 Terms.. national and international engineering standards and specifications. issued for construction (IFC) drawings. Al-Khathlan Contract No. which covers the installation. etc. 3000235436. applicable SATORP. The purpose of this specification together with the referenced standards. Definitions & References QA . Quality Control QAM . etc. Quality Assurance QC . in accordance with the scope of work. Pre-commissioning and vendor assistance for the commissioning processes of all electrical and instrumentation installation works are done in accordance with the required standards. specifications and contract scope of work and drawings. pumps. installation of field and variable instruments. 00: December 20 ‘09) . grounding. R. 5. MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev.  JERES-J-004: Instrumentation Symbols and Identification.  JERES-J-601: Emergency Shutdown and Isolation Systems.  JERES-J-100: Process Flow Metering. 5 Responsibilities 5. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M.  JERES-J_700:Control Valves. 00: December 20 ‘09) .  JERES-J-400: Temperature. R.  JERES-J-604: Protective and Condition Monitoring Equipment for Rotating Machinery. 3000235436.2 The project’s site safety officers assigned for the project shall be responsible for the development.4 The QA / QC Manager and QC Discipline Inspectors (Instrumentation) along with the QC Supervisors shall be responsible for conducting the surveillance and inspection tasks of work defined herein and fro efficient recording and reporting of the results as required.  ANSI/ISA-5.1: Instrumentation Symbols and Identification. He shall coordinate with the Project Engineer and Site Foremen and multicasts crew deployed under the project for its successful implementation. 5.  JERES-J-003: Instrumentation-Basic Design Criteria. implementation and maintenance of MRK's safety policy and plan throughout the project execution activities. Al-Khathlan Contract No.1 The overall responsibility of all project execution activities is vested on the Project Manager. QC / QA Manager. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN 4 References  JERES-J-002: Regulated Vendors List for Instruments.  JERES-J-902: Electrical Systems for Instrumentation.3 The Instrumentation QC Inspector (E & I) shall be responsible for the overall implementation of this works procedure in liaison and coordination with MRK's Planning Department through the project Planner and sub contractors to ensure efficient execution of works in accordance with the specification requirements through the QC Supervisor.  JERES-J-300: Level. 5.  JERES-J-200: Pressure. 5.8 The Instrumentation Quality Control Inspector shall report to the QC Supervisors and process the request for inspection for each and every electrical and instrumentation activity which may require any inspection.2 Safety officer shall ensure that all personnel protective equipments (PPE) are made available with all crafts as per the required standard and specifications.9 The Instrumentation QC Inspector shall carry out inspections and shall release hold points by signing various quality records as a documentary evidence of inspection conforming to specifications. test reports.7 The QA/ QC Manager and QC Supervisors shall review all Request for Inspection (RFI) forms from various QC Discipline Inspectors and make a summary report daily basis. 5.3 For higher voltage cable testing a person shall be stationed at any point where the test item is accessible to unauthorized persons. 00: December 20 ‘09) . 5. material certificates and non conformances prior to taking any action.6 The QA/QC Manager shall review all quality related documents. 6. Al-Khathlan Contract No. He shall be responsible for all documentations. material certificates and non-conformance reports. 6.1 The assigned safety officer shall ensure that the work permit is obtained prior to starting any work. if it is applicable. R. 6 Safety 6.11 The Instrumentation and Electrical QC Inspectors shall ensure that the cable splicing and termination work is carried out as per manufacturer's instructions. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN 5. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. 3000235436. Barriers shall be erected and signs must be posted to be read as: MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev.5 The QA/QC Manager shall directly coordinate with the Project Manager for the execution of all quality activities with the same level of authority. 5. 5.10 The site Foremen (Instrumentation) and safety officer shall jointly and severely be responsible for the observance of all safety precautions required by MRK's safety plan and wherever applicable to the manufacturer’s safety indications. 5. 7 Work Procedure 7. If it couldn't be avoided. maximum simplicity and reliability and for minimum maintenance. then process of mitigating vibration shall be employed. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN 'Danger!! – High voltage cable test in progress. • Instruments and impulse lines shall be protected against mechanical damage. • Pressure gauges and thermowells shall not be mounted directly on the lines where vibration is likely to be present. MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev.1 General The quality plan for Instrumentation shall address all the prescriptions related to the construction practice. c) The panels shall be designed as per the relevant IEC standards as applicable indoor and outdoor services. R.4 All Instrumentation and electrical cables and equipments ends shall be guarded against accidental contact and shall be separated from all ends or elements not subjected to testing. b) Signal and control wiring shall meet the requirements of JERES-J- 902.2 Design of Instrumentation & Controls: a) Instrument systems shall be designed for easy operation. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. Al-Khathlan Contract No. 00: December 20 ‘09) . The instrumentation devices shall be designed according to the applicable national and international codes and standards. interconnections and system integration issues. • All electronic instruments shall be protected from dripping and shall be provided with steel type sun-shades and white paint furnished. 7. keep out'. zero and range check provisions shall also be provided. 3000235436. particularly the installation. 6. • Instruments shall be easily removable for servicing and draining. 1 last edition. Abbreviations specific to the drawings shall also be appended accordingly for clarity and easy reference. JIS Z8204 shall be used when not found in the ISA-S5. The symbols for Instrumentation shall be in accordance with the standard ISA-S5.1 Temperature Instruments Thermo-elements employed for monitoring temperature controllers or shutdown temperature switches shall be placed in thermo wells installed as close as possible to the primary elements of the monitored chain. The control panels and cabinets shall be appropriately identified by means of nameplates and/or tag numbers.1 last edition. 7. other instruments such as switches. Al-Khathlan Contract No. 00: December 20 ‘09) .3 Identification of Instruments • All instruments shall be assigned with unique tag numbers and a cancelled instrument tag number shall not be reused to maintain proper traceability. 7. 7.4 Instrumentation Equipments (Devices) 7. 3000235436.4. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN 7. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. R. 7.2.1 Design Conditions Environmental conditions and utility conditions shall be considered while selecting the instruments for suitability and operational efficiency. • Each field and control room instruments shall have a name plate showing the identification tag number.2 Symbols Standard instrumentation symbols shall be used in the in P&ID drawings and legend shall be appended wherever applicable.2. fuses. terminal strips and assorted accessories.2 Pressure Instruments MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev.4. R. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. gas and steam 7. valves etc. which tend to cause turbulence. Al-Khathlan Contract No. • The level gauge shall be installed so as to be accessible from the ground.4. level gauge glasses shall be located so that the mid-range position of the instruments comes to the normal liquid level under the design condition.5 Analyzers Excluded from those directly mounted on line. MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev. the process analyzers shall generally be installed in preassembled cabinets. however. 7. keeping in view the climatic conditions and in particular against sand storms.3 Flow Instruments The orifice type flow meters shall not be installed on vertical piping. if required proper ventilation shall be provided.4. 7. platform or ladder.4 Level Instruments • In general. where necessary.4. on non-flushing liquids. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN The pressure gauges for steam services shall be equipped with siphon tube. 7.4.. The takeoff point shall not be located near the pressure regulators. platform or ladder. 3000235436.6 Control Valves The installation of control valves shall be as per the requirements of JERES-J-700 and shall ensure proper accessibility from ground. The connections of control valves shall conform to those of piping specifications. 00: December 20 ‘09) . but vertical orifice runs may be allowed. 7. Cabinets & Control Consoles Each unit shall be firmly and rigidly mounted in position at the designated location.10 Pressure process variables MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev.9 Level process variables 1) Level signal originating from displacer type transmitters shall be simulated by filling the displacer body with lube oil or distilled water as applicable as per the requirements of JERES-J-300. Al-Khathlan Contract No.4. The power output signal from the control room shall be verified and to be present and correct at the transmitters. R. 7. 00: December 20 ‘09) .4.4. 2) Flow signals originating from direct reading flow meters such as vortex shedding meters shall be simulated by transmitter junction box and injecting a 4-20 milliamp signal in the output leads. The connections required to be made inside instrument enclosures shall be made under authorized and qualified technicians and supervision only.4. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN 7. 2) Level signal originating from different pressure transmitters shall be simulated by first disconnecting the process line connections and injecting instrument quality air into the transmitter input-line by means of a precision pneumatic check box. 3000235436.8 Process variable input –Analog signal Process variable signals coming from field transmitters shall be simulated as follows: 1) Flow Process Variables Flow signal origination from different pressure type transmitters shall be simulated by first disconnection and injecting instrument quality air into the transmitters input line a precision pneumatic check box. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. 7.7 Panels. 3) Multiplexed temperature signal RTD’s thermocouples shall be checked by first verifying the calibration of one input per multiplexer as described below: a) A point verification check will then be made disconnecting each input in turn at the sensor to verify ambient temperature indication on the control room display. 2) Temperature signals originating from RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector)sources shall be simulated by disconnecting the sensor leads at the RTD terminal head and connecting a variable resistance across output lead. Upon recognition.e. Al-Khathlan Contract No. 7.11 Temperature process variables 1) Temperature signals originating from millivolt sources shall be simulated by disconnecting the sensor leads at the thermocouple head and injecting a millivolt signal into the output leads. 3000235436. MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev. 2) Pressure signals originating from different pressure type transmitter shall be simulated by first disconnecting the process line connection and injecting instrument quality air into the transmitter input line using a precision pneumatic box. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN 1) Pressure signal shall be simulated by first disconnecting the process line connection and injecting a simulated process signal into the transmitter input line using a hydraulic or precision pneumatic check box as required by instrument range as per the requirements of JERES-J-200. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. 7.4. indication of ambient temperature shall be verified.RTD shall comply with the requirements of JERES-J-400 Para 8. b) Where the transmitter has an integral transducer (i.4.12 For the loop check a 4-20 milliamp signal shall be injected at the transmitter attached junction box to verify the signal integrity. R. 00: December 20 ‘09) . Gould transmitter) field simulation of the process signal may be impractical and as such client witnessed bench calibration may be done in lieu of field process simulation. 4.14 Alarm states for the process variables shall be verified if specified for the loop under check. 25%.4. 3000235436. R. including package system shall be checked for proper operation as and when required or applicable as per the requirements of JERES-J-601 Para 5. • Bypass systems shall be tested to include rack bypass switches and light as well as common bypass alarm indication. a) Interlocking & Shutdown Systems • All interlocking and ESD systems. 00: December 20 ‘09) . Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN 7. 75% and 100%) of the instrument range on all devices displaying the particular variable. Al-Khathlan Contract No. 1. alarm and return from alarm values. b) Miscellaneous Inputs These are loops that will be verified with the assistance of a vendor representative and include items such as analyzers and machinery protection equipment. 50%. breaker shall be set to test position if provided or electrically disconnected to prevent motor operation.2 Start/stop status display for each operating stage of the motor shall be verified. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. c) Process Output 1) Motors 1.1 Proper control action shall be verified by witnessing motor control operation.13 The correct valves corresponding to the injected signal shall be checked for five points (0. 7. d) AOV’s and ZV’s MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev. including pre-alarm. 5 Fire Alarm System This section includes the supply and installation of the fire alarm panel and devices. 3. • Electrical substations shall have a fixed projected beam-type smoke detection system. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN 1. designed and installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72. f) Local Loops Local control loops shall be checked in a manner similar to the loops described above. 2. including ESD alarms and bypass switches where applicable. • All references to manufacturer’s model numbers and other pertinent information. The location shall be in accordance with the MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev. Correct control action shall be verified for all mode of operation. R. 7. • The fire detection and alarm system shall be a complete. All local and control room alarm indication shall be verified for both operation and closed states. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. Each loop check shall be documented and compiled together with the appropriate attachments/drawings and inspection records. The instillation processes shall be in accordance with NEC. • All works performed and all material supplied under this section shall be free from defects and will remain so for a period of at least one year from the date of acceptance. 00: December 20 ‘09) . the features shall be submitted to SATORP for approval prior to place any fire alarm material purchase order. AOV’s and ZV’s shall be operated from the push buttons at control room console where applicable and the local push buttons. All indications shall be verified at the respective field device. etc. NFPA and local codes as shown in the drawings. 3000235436. such as. ESD interlocks of these valves shall be verified. supervised system. The fire alarm initiating devices are associated with the cabling and conduit installation. Al-Khathlan Contract No. • Inspection shall be conducted after final installation in accordance with the approved drawings.6. 3000235436. The intent is not to break wiring or stress insulation but to test the integrity of the termination).1 Wiring Wiring shall be carried out as per the requirements of JERES-J-902 and shall be as follows:- • Wire tagging and terminations shall be checked and "tug" tested (A tug test involves physically stressing a wire termination to determine whether it has been crimped and terminated properly. load cell and AC signals will be routed via separate. segregated cabling. When wiring must be extended. 00: December 20 ‘09) . but shall include one projected beam parallel to the ceiling and just above each row of switchgear or motor control cabinets. specifications. 7. These facilities shall have interior and exterior audible and visual alarms. • Splices shall not be permitted in wiring.6 Instrument Control Cables Modification 7. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. connections shall be made via terminal blocks in a junction box installed aboveground. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN manufacturer's documented instructions. Al-Khathlan Contract No. ESD. R. • Minimum spacing requirement between parallel runs will be maintained as per JERES-J-902 • Analog current/voltage. MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev. • Testing and commissioning shall be done in accordance with the special procedures. codes and standards as reference. vendors and/or manufactures instructions or supports and shall be documented via MRK’s testing and pre-commissioning forms and checklists as applicable. thermocouple. discrete (on/off). 7. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN 7.8 DCS / PLC Installation and connection of TDC 3000 PLC cabinets and installation connection of power cable and internal wiring for the marshalling cabinets and check all the loops related to DCS and PLCs and serial communication and check all the shutdown logics from DCS to field with reference indication of PLC. 8 FIBER OPTIC CABLES INSTALALTION PROCEDURE 8. Cable routing shall be done in accordance with the requirements of JERES-T-624.1 Cable Routing The fiber optic cables (FOC) route for all new cables shall be approved by SATORP prior to start the trenching and cabling works. The maximum attenuation of each fiber within cable when normalize to a length of 1 Km at wave length=1.7 TMR / BMS Installation and connection of TMR/BMS and connection with UCN to TMR and verification of communication shall be done by making all the field parameters healthy condition from the field and by checking each signal from the TMR/BMS and verifying the communication.5 db/KM or less at wave length = 1550NM shall be 0. 00: December 20 ‘09) .2 Cable bending radius for fiber optics: MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev. i.3db/KM or less as per table-4 of JERES-T-634. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. 3000235436. R. Al-Khathlan Contract No. 8.e. not in a conduit). All the loop diagrams and data shall be checked and verified. Following are the major cable installation method: a) Underground (in conduit) b) Buried (Direct buried.300NMshall be 0. All buried and above ground cables route shall be marked in accordance with SATORP standard drawing AA-036897. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. c) Pulling tension on fiber optic cables shall not exceed 600 pounds as per the requirement of JERES-T-624 Para 5. • Splicing shall be done as per the requirements of JERES-T-632. 8. when the cable is not under tension as per the requirements of JERES-T-624 Para 5. • Banned and ground all metallic members of the cables.10.1.1. Al-Khathlan Contract No. so that the obstacles can be identified and removed and the placing operation precautions during the installation and backfilling shall be in accordance with the requirements of JERES-T-628 and JERES-T-629. reel test report shall be submitted to SATORP PMT/PID for their review and record.3 Direct buried cables placement methods and safety requirement Before plowing in fiber optic cables. 00: December 20 ‘09) .5 Testing & Inspection a) End to end testing shall be carried out on all outside planned fiber optic cables facilities.10. • The ground resistance should be 25 ohms or less to prevent fiber optic damage handle buffer tubes. MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev. c) On reel acceptance tests by the approved testing agency.1. b) Shall be 20 times the cable diameter. 8. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN a) Shall be 10 times the cable diameter. 3000235436. when the cable is under tension as per the requirement of JERES-T-624 Para 5. d) Cable should be pulled in a straight line and never bend and wrapped. R.4 Preparation for splices and other requirements Before beginning the splicing operation: • Secured the cables in an optical fiber splice organizer.11. it is recommended that. the route to be pre ripped. b) Splice acceptance test. 8. The defective and/or damaged instruments and devices shall be replaced by calibrated and tested units.2 The client witness and/or authorized representative shall issue final acceptance of instrument loops being checked by signing-off on space provided on the instrument loop check report form/checklist. 3. One or several copies of each record or reports shall be retained in project file and should be made available upon request in the future. 00: December 20 ‘09) . 3000235436. MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN 9 Pre-commissioning & Acceptance 9. Copies of signed-off records of loop checks shall be issued to witnessing and approving parties. All test records pertaining to this procedure shall be prepared by using SATORP approved forms and sign-off for witnessing and approving party obtained. 9. 10 Records 1. 2.1 All checks will be accepted only if the verification of correct responses or resultant signal has been in existence during simulation or actuation period. Al-Khathlan Contract No. R.3 All devices not proper signal setting shall be-calibrated or adjusted accordingly to the normal settings conditions. SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. 9. 3000235436. R. 00: December 20 ‘09) . SAUDI ARAMCO TOTAL REFINING and PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY Jubail Export Refinery Project M. Al-Khathlan Contract No. Auxiliary Utilities (Package 5C) CONSTRUCTION QUALITY PLAN MRK/QAD/JER/PKG5C-CQP (Rev.
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