3 S Bhattacharyal

March 25, 2018 | Author: dbircs1981 | Category: Enhanced Oil Recovery, Petroleum Reservoir, Fuel Gas, Natural Gas, Fuel Production



Way forwardIn IOR/EOR Processes Shyamal Bhattacharya General Manager Sub-Surface Manager N & H Outline • Global Scenario • Setting the scene : Why IOR/EOR • EOR / IOR … Today : The Game Changer • Simple mathematics • IOR/ EOR … Way forward • Conclusions Global Oil Discovered trillion barrels • More than 40,000 oil and gas fields discovered (Onshore & Offshore) • 94% of the oil is coming from 1500 fields only. DISCOVERED Light oils (>25 API) 9.4 Medium/Heavy (11-25 API) 1.5 Xtra Hvy (<11 API) 3.0_________14 Tbo PRODUCED 1.1…………………… 10% STILL IN THE GROUND 90% !!!!! Current Avg. World Recovery Factor 22% US Recovery Factor 39% North Sea Recovery Factor 46% Tech. attainable Recovery Factor 70% 00 .000.00 70.000.00 20.00 30.000.00 Offshore Onshore 40.00 19 50 19 53 19 56 19 59 19 62 19 65 19 68 19 71 19 74 19 77 19 80 19 83 19 86 19 89 19 92 19 95 19 98 20 01 20 04 0.00 60.Offshore/Onshore Oil Production 1000 X BOPD 90.000.00 50.000. bbl/d 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 3 % of production is from EOR Worldwide EOR Production 600000 400000 200000 0 CO2 Miscible CO2 H/C Miscible Polymer Immiscible Process Steam Combustion . bbl/d CO2 Miscible 268983 CO2 Immiscible 16735 H/C Miscible 755622 Polymer 57327 Steam 1326802 Combustion 34185 Total 2459654 Oil R ate.WORLDWIDE EOR PRODUCTION Process Prodn. 2006 6 . C D Ruppel. almost all of these are more than 25 years old” Source: The G forces of Energy Insecurity.E&P Scenario…Global “Half of the world’s production which comes from the 100 biggest fields. Most of the oil and gas will not come from new fields Primary Sources of Oil and Gas • To 1960 50-60% from new fields • To 1990 20-25% from new fields • Today 12-15% from new fields • Tomorrow 7-10% from new fields . The Importance of Mature Fields To date, we have produced approximately 1 trillion barrels of oil from existing fields About 10 % has Recovered with an average worldwide recovery of 22% of oil in place. If we increase our recovery rate in these existing fields to 35 - 40 %, we will add another trillion barrels of recoverable oil reserves to the global inventory. The same is true for natural gas 8 Future challenges 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify bypass oil increased oil recovery in exsisiting fields development of smaller fields Induction of State of Art technologies 9 Enhanced Oil Recovery ( EOR ) is … • Oil recovery by injection of fluids not normally present in reservoir. • Excludes pressure maintenance or water flooding. • Changes the intrinsic properties of oil by using chemical thermal , Gas etc. Improved Oil Recovery ( IOR) is … • EOR Plus additional technologies dealing with drilling, Production, Operations and reservoir Characterization for reducing reservoir heterogeneity effect and capture bypassed oil to improve flow and recovery of liquid hydrocarbons. Redevelopment Artificial lift. Stimulation Pressure maintenance IOR Tertiary Recovery EOR Thermal Gas miscible/immiscible Chemical & other 11 .What is EOR/IOR PRIMARY Recovery Natural Flow Secondary Recovery Water flooding Infill drilling etc. The Real EOR.IOR Challenges Recovery Factor = 22 % 1 % increase in = 100 billion barrels added reserves Recovery Factor = = of traditional light oils 4 years of current production 10 years of exploration efforts for new reserves . EOR … Today . TOTAL Thermal 166 Chemical 4 Gas Injection 244 . Concepts & Methodologies… . 16 . 000 100 WOR 10 1984 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 17 . OK OIL 1.Surfactant flood - FIELD PERFORMANCE Glenn Pool Field. Indian perspective EOR .Game Changer Technology 18 . irf His_102005_water.% 80 60 40 20 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 Time (Date) 1995 2000 2005 His_102005.irf 19 .Polymer Flood : Sanand Field 100 Water Flood Vs Polymer Flood Water Cut SCTR . • Possibility of enhancing recoveries with higher polymer concentration 20 .Summary……… • Oil Recovery 22.5% till date against 14.7% with water-flood • Reduced water cut as compared to water flood. Gandhar 300 1000 240 750 180 500 120 250 60 0 199192 93 94 95 96 97 98 99200001 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Date Pressure. m3/d Miscible HC Gas Injection. ksc 1250 Pressure(kg/cm2) : 36 % : 58 % : 13 (6. Gandhar Waterflood Recovery HC Miscible Gas Injection recovery Gas Injectors Avg Res Pressure Oil rate / water cut Recovery as on Jan-10 0 21 .Miscible Gas Injection : GS-12 Sand.7 Lakh m3/d) : 235ksc : 650 m3/d / 7% : 40 % Oil Rate (m3/d) Oil rate. WAG Pilot performance GS-11 sand. Ganghar Oil contribution from pilot & offset producers Oil rate .WAG Process: GS-11 sand.74248 T 150 100 50 Jan-10 Nov-09 Sep-09 Jul-09 May-09 Mar-09 Jan-09 Nov-08 Sep-08 Jul-08 May-08 Mar-08 Jan-08 Nov-07 Sep-07 Jul-07 May-07 Mar-07 Jan-07 Nov-06 Sep-06 Jul-06 May-06 Mar-06 0 Jan-06 Oil rate. m 3/d 200 Month 22 . Gandhar field 250 WAG Pilot Started Oil gain . 1997 2007 100 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 20 1999 40 1998 EOR EOR Water Cut.3 0.2 0.5 0.6 0.1 0 In je c to rs 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 3 Oil Rate.8 0.• Phase-II: 2000-01 2009 80 2008 • Phase-I : Oct. MMSm /d In-situ Combustion : Balol • Commercial application • Strategy : Updip line drive • Primary Recovery: ~ 13 % • Envisaged additional recovery :36 % 0 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 23 .4 0. % 60 1997 0. m /d   1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 3 Air Rate.7 0. Indian perspective IOR .Game Changer Technology 24 . IOR Programme ONGC. National Oil Company of India launched Improved Oil Recovery (IOR) programme in 1999 The aim to augment declining domestic production 15 major fields including 3 offshore around the country. holding 85% of total reserves identified 25 . Heera Pt-I ¾ IOR – Neelam ¾ Addl.Santhal IOR – Lakwa Lakhmani IOR – Geleki IOR – Rudrasagar IOR North Kadi Ph-II .North Kadi Ph-I IOR. Dev.Sobhasan IOR.Jotana IOR. Heera Pt-II ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ IOR – Gandhar IOR.IOR Projects Onshore Offshore ¾ MHN Redevelopment ¾ MHS Redevelopment ¾ Addl.Kalol IOR. Dev. 27 . Location of Mumbai High WO-24 . Mumbai High field SURAT NORTH TAPTI MID TAPTI IOIP. % Water Cut. MMt Cumulative Oil Prodn. MMt Recovered.% Number of platforms 1659 396 23.9 65 110 Strings on Production 721 Strings on Injection Number of Gas producers 238 35 SOUTH TAPTI LEGEND OIL FIELD C-22 SD-4 CA SD-14 CD C-24 GAS FIELD C-26A DAHANU DAMAN SD-1 MUMBAI HIGH B188 B-48 B-15 B-55 MUKTA B-46 B-163 PANNA B-45 B-192 B-147 B-192A D-12 B-121 B-119 B-80 D-1 VASAI B-51 MUMBAI NEELAM D-18 HEERA R-15A 29 . Re development’s Focus Areas •Improve oil recovery •Locate by-passed / un-drained oil pockets •Hi-tech infill wells •Surveillance on health of reservoir •Offset declining production •Modernize and re-engineer ageing surface facilities. •Assimilate Cutting Edge Technology •Reduce cost and add value •Dynamism to learn and use during the project . .Drilling & Completion : Conventional to high tech • New technology in Drilling – Horizontal sidetracks.MWD. • Drain hole to increase Reservoir contact and productivity. DFA … •Segmented Completion •Multilateral Level-3 Completion •Surface controlled Intelligent completion •Use of Swell Packers. Multilateral and Fishbone to reach by-passed oil.CHFR. MDT. • Advanced non-damaging Drilling fluid • Application of new logging systemsLWD. WI (bwpd) Performance of Mumbai High Field WC (%) 32 32 . WC% & GOR (V/V) Start of Re-dev-Ph-I 500 400 300 200 100 Oil. bwpd CumOIl (M M t) GOR.Performance of Mumbai High Field 600 CumOil (MMt). V/ V Mar-10 Mar-08 Mar-06 Mar-04 Mar-02 Mar-00 Mar-98 Mar-96 Mar-94 Mar-92 Mar-90 Mar-88 Mar-86 Mar-84 Mar-82 Mar-80 0 Mar-78 1200000 1100000 1000000 900000 800000 700000 600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 Mar-76 Oil (bopd). bopd WI. 33 . Today Majority of our producing fields have produced through their peaks 80% of total indigenous production coming from such mature fields Cost-intensive IOR/ EOR processes are required to keep them flowing 34 . 2008 Initially In-place Ultimate Reserves Oil Gas 5895 3239 1646 ( 27.4.Indian Scenario As on 1.9 %) 1755 ( 54 %) 35 . IOR/ EOR (NOC Perspective) Total Offshore ( 2675~61 %) Total Total 4397 4397MMT MMT Onshore 1722~ 39 % 36 . Isolated / Marginal Fields ~ 20 % 37 .IOR/ EOR (NOC Perspective) Total ~ 4397 MMt Majors ( 65 %) Others 15 % Small . Isolated / Marginal Fields ~ 19 % 38 .IOR/ EOR (NOC Perspective) Offshore Majors ( 73 %) Others 8% Small . Isolated / Marginal Fields ~ 16 % 39 .IOR/ EOR (NOC Perspective) Onshore Majors ( 53 %) Others 31 % Small . Simple Mathematics ( India) Aim : 40 % Recovery factor ~ 800 MMt of oil With current production rate ~ 25 year NOC Perspective Offshore Majors …. 33% >>> 40 % >>>> 136 MMt – IOR-2nd phase Others….1st phase Marginal….16 % >>> 83 MMt – Put on production Total… >>> 236 MMt 40 .30% >>>> 35 % >>> 11 MMt – IOR. 31.27% >>>> 40 % >>> 69 MMt – IOR – 1st phase / EOR Pilot Marginal….8% >>> 40 % >>>> 75 MMt – IOR-2nd Phase/ EOR Others….16 % >>> 45 MMt – Put on production Total… >>> 189 MMt Initial target IOR / EOR by 2025 ~ 325 MMt 41 .Simple Mathematics NOC Perspective Onshore Majors …. Redevelopment / Additional Development of Fields through • integrated schemes of IOR/ EOR • Fast track development of new finds • Drilling of Hi-Tech and Side track wells • Put the marginal production and small pool on 42 . and diagnostics holds the key to a long producing life Pinpointing the residual oil reserves area is another aspect to extend the life of field 43 . surveillance.Extracting the last drop Continuous review and foresightedness has the potential to extend the life of a field Anticipating the future performance by monitoring. Equipment & Technology Induction Improved Oil Recovery In Brown Fields.Tools .A Game Changer Western Offshore India . course correction. 40 % RECOVERY • Conceptual road map based on redevelopment experience • Main strategy : 40% path by 2025 • Broad framework for long term development – Type of development – LT commitments required • Rolling plan. Specific projects have to be worked out with details for investment purpose.Conceptual exercise of disintegration into reasonable activity specific targets so that strategies can be worked out and implemented for achieving them systematically. next 10 years following the redev • Frame work 2006-09 – Planning – Monitor. review and upgrade the road map • Areas for future focus • Frame work plan 2007-12 • Continue to develop as understanding improves 45 . Rolling plan target for next 10 years 25 100 Periods of low investment 90 20 80 60 13.2 Billion bbls to be produced under approved schemes 0 7 -0 8 5 % Recovery 15 8 0 -8 1 O il M M t 70 .5-14 MMt 50 10 40 40% 30 32% 40% Rec plan Projects before MHRD Water Cut % FR MHRD % recovery 20 10 2 8 -2 9 0 2 5 -2 6 2 2 -2 3 27% 1 9 -2 0 1 6 -1 7 1 3 -1 4 1 0 -1 1 1 billion barrels additional oil 0 4 -0 5 0 1 -0 2 9 8 -9 9 9 5 -9 6 9 2 -9 3 8 9 -9 0 8 6 -8 7 0 8 3 -8 4 1. Heera Nov-06 Nov-04 Nov-02 Nov-00 Phase-2 Nov-98 Nov-96 Nov-94 Phase-1 Nov-92 Nov-90 Nov-88 90000 Nov-86 Nov-84 Phase wise production Redevelopment 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 .Nov-28 Nov-26 Nov-24 Add-2 Nov-22 Nov-20 Add-1 Nov-18 Nov-16 Nov-14 Phase-3 Nov-12 Nov-10 Nov-08 S. New Technologies Drilling : – Long Distance Sidetracks (LDST) – Medium Radius Drain Hole (MRDH) – Short Radius Drain Hole (SRDH) – Ultra Short Radius (USR) ERD wells Use of Expandable tubulars SOBM Autotrack Level-3 completions in wells where more than one pay is promising Massive Hydraulic Fracturing Profile Modification . Well Completions Improved well completions Segmentation for Layer Control with Swell packers Level-3 Completion in HZ# 7 . Kadi • • • • (Kalol sands) Use of Geocellular model Mapping of heterogeneity (phi.North Kadi :IOR N. (tpd) Cum Oil. (M M t) 2028-29 2025-26 2022-23 2019-20 2016-17 2013-14 2010-11 2007-08 2004-05 2001-02 1998-99 1995-96 1992-93 1989-90 1986-87 1983-84 1980-81 1977-78 1974-75 0 1971-72 0 1968-69 Oil Rate (tpd) 1400 Cum.3 % >>> 45 % •Peak Qo 1570 m3/d .4 MMm3 1800 20 1200 15 1000 800 10 600 400 5 200 Oil Rate . Oil (MMt) 25 1600 (by 2030) •26 wells (incl 10 horizontal) •RF 36. k) Revisit to ROS (24%) and Rel. Perm. Oil gain envisaged by high liquid withdrawal in flank wells Extending Plateau North Kadi : Pe rform ance and Pote ntial 30 2000 Cum oil 26. EOR …. Way forward 51 . EOR : CO2 Flooding Carbon dioxide flooding (continuous or alternating with water-WAG) is the dominant EOR process in US. In simple terms. if CO2 is available it will remain the most sound choice for EOR. 52 . • Plan for a pilot in Ankleswar Field • Offshore no Plan : Miscible Co2 not possible due to depleted Pressure . In India Natural source of CO2 not established . Limited Source. This is due to the high availability of low-cost CO2. 53 . Offshore : Laboratory studies in progress Bottle neck: Old Surface infrastructure and well completions. – For heavy oil NOC Has good experience – For light Oil Onshore : Pilot under commissioning.In-Situ Combustion (Air Injection) Air injection into heavy and light crude oil reservoirs is known as ISC Air injection may be one of the viable EOR process for offshore and onshore mature fields . S. Currently all the produced gas are committed. this recovery process has been applied mainly in sandstone reservoirs. If there is no other way to monetize natural gas.Hydrocarbon Gas Injection Miscible and immiscible hydrocarbon gas injection is still a viable recovery process used widely in the U. However. 54 . then a more practical use of natural gas would be to use it in pressure maintenance projects or in WAG processes. Both Miscible and WAG Implemented Successfully in Gandhar. EOR : Chemical Methods CLASSIFICATION CHEMICAL METHODS Alkali Surfactant Polymer Micellar ASP 55 . MP and ASP flooding hold the greatest potential for commercial success may play a key role in both mature and water flooded sandstone reservoirs in the near future. In the case of carbonate reservoirs. High Temperature & High Salinity are the constraint . most of the reported polymer floods used as part of a mobility control strategy to improve sweep efficiency and enhance the final oil recovery of water flood projects. 56 .EOR : Chemical Methods Success of polymer flood projects are limited. • Research Shows EOR Chemical methods in Offshore carbonate reservoirs have made a relatively marginal contribution. 57 . is a success : Since then no reservoir identified for Polymer : • Encouraging Laboratory Results of ASP / AS/ SP flooding However Field test Failed.EOR : Chemical Methods • Sanand polymer commersialised in 1995 . No commersial success reported for offshore carbonate reservoirs with temperature more than 100 deg C and having formation water of high MG++ & Ca ++ . EOR Observations… • But still it moves • EOR is a drag • Don’t bank on it • Size is important • Gravity is our friend • The more you inject. the more you get 58 . technical preparation.Conclusions • Multi-time development through infill drilling — major method to improve oil recovery by Exploiting un-swept areas of the reservoir. 90000 Phase-1 Phase-2 S. and fit-for-purpose technique innovation are essential for maximizing oil recovery 59 . Heera Phase-3 Add-1 Add-2 Redevelopment 80000 70000 60000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10000 0 Nov-84 Nov-86 Nov-88 Nov-90 Nov-92 Nov-94 Nov-96 Nov-98 Nov-00 Nov-02 Nov-04 Nov-06 Nov-08 Nov-10 Nov-12 Nov-14 Nov-16 Nov-18 Nov-20 Nov-22 Nov-24 Nov-26 Nov-28 • Foresighted pilot tests. Widening the domain of air injection to encompass matured water flooded and light oil reservoirs Chemical floods offer the only chance of commercial success in many depleted and water flooded reservoirs Chemical flooding is here to stay because it holds the key to maximizing the reserves. The processes must be re-evaluated under the current technical and economic conditions 60 . Enhanced Oil Recovery via gas injection has been the dominant recovery method for crude oil reservoirs. especially in carbonate reservoirs.Conclusions Over the last decade. Conclusions ƒ Integrated approach enhances Asset value ƒ Innovations and technology – key for Rejuvenation ƒ Identify bypass oil – “ Fit for Purpose technology “ ƒ Better Reservoir characterization ƒ State of art Drilling & Completion ƒ 24 * 7 Gas lift / ESP optimization thru Smart technology 61 . The Bottom Line … IOR / EOR in combination with… More Wells Improved Reservoir Characterization Intelligent Wells Real time monitoring Decision analysis Procedures Other Simulation technologies And ( Of course) a high oil Price Will make Ultimate recoveries of 65 % Possible and even routine 62 . We Must Bridge the Gap 63 .
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