3 Psycho Metric Tests

March 25, 2018 | Author: Samit Kumar Jha | Category: Self-Improvement, Motivation, Extraversion And Introversion, Competence (Human Resources), Thought



F$f080Nl18l0 1l$1l860N 0 F8l$l81ß1l08 1. Merits & Demerits of Psychometric Tests 2. MBTÌ 3. Thomas Profile 4. Career Anchor 5. Holland's Theory Nl8l1$ 8 0lNl8l1$ #%$ 1. Helps draw up a comprehensive Behavioural profile 2. Warns management of recruit's weaknesses 3. Can be successfully utilized for career development D#%$ Psychological testing can be unreliable Job requirement specs may be subjective Results are open to interpretation rather than conclusive Does not account for recruit's intellect or exposure Should never be used as a stand-alone technique 18l N81l F8¶000l0¶l08l 1¶¢0 Ìs a theory of personality developed by Swiss psychiatrist, Carl G. Jung; Asserts that differences between people result from inborn preferences; Defines a ¨Psychological Type¨ as : The natural, preferred way of using one's mind and directing energy; The behavioral habits that develop as people use their preferences. F8¶000l0¶l08l 1¶¢0 00ßl0. . . Ìs NOT about skills, intelligence, abilities, or technical expertise; Does NOT tell you what you can and can't do; Affirms that people are a lot more than their Psychological Type nvironment Culture ducation & Training Ìnterests & Motivations 100 N¶0f8·8fl¶¶8 1¶¢0 lß0l08l0f The MBTÌ Developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Ìsabel Briggs Myers. Present version has evolved after 50 years of research; Has been translated into more than 30 languages; Ìs the most widely used personality inventory in the world. 100 N81l Ìdentifies polar opposites in four areas By using · Judging or Perceiving The ways people Naturally prefer to There is no right or wrong to MBTÌ results ÷ each preference and type identifies normal and valuable human behaviours. · xtraversion or Ìntroversion · Direct and get energy · Take in information · Make decisions · Organize their external world · Sensing or Ìntuition · Thinking or feeling lKlf890f8l0ß 8 lßlf090f8l0ß = nergy directed outward in action Ì = nergy directed inward in reflection = Seeking stimulation in the outer environment Ì = Seeking stimulation in the inner environment $0ß8l߶ 8 lßl0lll0ß S = Focusing on the realities of the present N = Focusing on possibilities in the future S = Noticing factual and concrete information N = Seeing patterns and connections between facts S = Trusting experience N = Trusting insights 10lßkl߶ 8 00ll߶ Two essential ways of making rational judgements T = Using Logical analysis to make decisions F = Using person-centered values to make decisions T = Using objective and impersonal criteria F = Weighing human values and motives T = Seeking rational order by logic F = Seeking rational order through harmony 80M0M00f xtravert¨ does not mean talkative¨; Ìntrovert¨ does not mean shy¨ or inhibited¨; Feeling¨ does not mean emotional¨; Judging¨ does not mean judgmental¨. Perceiving¨ does not mean perceptive¨. ß880M¢ll0ß8 0ß00fl¶l߶ 1¶¢0 1000f¶ Preferences are inborn; nvironment enhances or impedes expression of type; People use all ``four processes (Sensing, Ìntuition, Thinking, and Feeling) in both extraverted and introverted attitudes some of the time; Type is dynamic, not static; All of the types are equally valuable 100 N81l l8 0800 lß . Self-development; Career development and exploration; Relationship counseling; Academic counseling; Organization development; Team building; Problem solving; Management and leadership training; ducation and curriculum development; Diversity and multicultural training. 10l߶8 l0 80M0M00f ß000l 1¶¢0 ach type and each individual has special gifts. There is no right or wrong type, no better or worse combinations of types in work or relationships. The purpose of knowing about type is to help you understand yourself and to enhance your relationships with others through appreciation of individual differences. ach person is unique. An NFP is like every other NFP, like some other NFP, and like no other NFP. 10l߶8 l0 80M0M00f ß000l 1¶¢0 00ßl0. . . veryone uses each of the preferences to some degree. Our type is made up of those we prefer. YOU are the one to decide what type you truly are. Your results on the MBTÌ suggest your probable type based on the choices you made when you answered the questions; however, only you know your true preferences. Type does not explain everything. The human personality is much too complex. 10l߶8 l0 80M0M00f ß000l 1¶¢0 00ßl0. . . Number scores on the MBTÌ indicate clarity of preference. They do not measure skills or ability or even degree of use. You may use type to understand and forgive yourself, but NOT as an excuse for doing or not doing anything. Your type should NOT keep you from considering any career, activity, or relationship. Become aware of your type biases (we all have them!) to avoid negative stereotyping. 180Nß$ F80ll86 $f$1lN 100M88 lßl0fß8ll0ß8l FFß $¶8l0M Designed by Thomas Hendrick, a disciple of Dr. William Marstron, who designed the original mode of the instrument in 1928. 100M88 lßl0fß8ll0ß8l FFß $¶8l0M DOMÌNANC · Positive behaviour in an antagonistic situation. Drive to accomplishment in the face of opposition or antagonism. ÌNDUCMNT ÌNFLUNC OVR OTHRS · Positive behaviour in favourable or friendly situations influencing others to react positively or favourably. STADÌNSS · Passive behaviour in a favourable situation. Steadiness or suitable for performing routine and repetitive work. COMPLÌANC · Passive behaviour in an antagonistic situation. Compliance with high work standards to avoid trouble or error. 100M88 lßl0fß8ll0ß8l FFß $¶8l0M Theoretical Perspective ÷ An Ìnterpersonal / Situational Theory PRCÌVD SÌTUATÌON Asserl|ve 0r|v|rg Corpel|l|ve Forcelu| 00VlNANCE lrqu|s|l|ve (÷P0wER ) 0|recl 3e|l-slarler ( ar acl|ve pos|l|ve poslure |r rosl||e or urlr|erd|y erv|rorrerl Corlrorls |r order lo overcore ard |r do|rg so avo|d la||ure ) Corp||arce Carelu| 3ysleral|c Prec|se C0VPLlANCE Accurale (÷P0LlCY) Perlecl|or|sl Log|ca| ( a caul|ous urdec|ded resporse lo ar arlagor|sl|c erv|rorrerl. 0es|gred lo regale lre degree ol arlagor|sr ard lrus avo|d lrouo|e or corl||cl ) lrl|uerl|a| Persuas|ve Fr|erd|y lNFLuENCE veroa| (÷PE0PLE) Corrur|cal|ve Pos|l|ve ( ar acl|ve, pos|l|ve poslure des|gred lo rove aWay lror ar urlr|erd|y s|lual|or loWards a rore lr|erd|y ard lavourao|e slale oy us|rg persuas|or lrus avo|d|rg rejecl|or) 0eperdao|e 0e||oerale Ar|ao|e 3TEA0lNE33 Pers|slerl (-PACE) 0ood ||slerer K|rd ( a pass|ve resporse |r a rosl||e s|lual|or. Allerpls lo ra|rla|r slalus quo url|| rosl|||ly |s over |r order lo avo|d |rsecur|ly) , . 9 ; 0 - 0 , ; 4 : 7 8 5 , 8 8 ; 0 - 0 , ; 4 : 7 8 100M88 lßl0fß8ll0ß8l FFß $¶8l0M The Personal Profile is not a clinical instrument. Ìt is intended for use only in business and not for diagnosis of abnormal behaviour. This technique for measuring behaviour, requires approximately fifteen minutes and because we use the forced-choice technique in the Personal Profile, it makes it difficult to distort 100M88 lßl0fß8ll0ß8l FFß $¶8l0M MATCHÌNG TH PRSON WÌTH TH POSÌTÌON To measure the job · we use the Human Job Analysis form To measure the individual · we use the Personal Profile Analysis. 100M88 lßl0fß8ll0ß8l FFß $¶8l0M STUDYÌNG TH GRAPHS Once you have completed scoring the Profile you will be studying three graphs (reverse side of Profile form) Graph ( Ì ) 'HOW OTHR S YOU' · This graph indicates how the individual feels he / she is expected to behave in order to be successful. ( The mask ) Ìf the pattern is too close to the centre line, the person is uncertain as to how to behave. (This could mean that he or she is new to the job, has too much responsibility or is uncertain as to what is expected. ) · This graph should not be considered when a profile is being used for hiring a new employee. Ìt is only used for present employees or for personal counselling. 100M88 lßl0fß8ll0ß8l FFß $¶8l0M STUDYÌNG TH GRAPHS ( contd. ) GRAPH ( ÌÌ ) 'BHAVÌOUR UNDR PRSSUR' · This graph indicates how a person behaves under pressure or even in a personal environment. Ìt indicates limitations and should be recognized but underplayed in the evaluation. Used for constructive suggestions. GRAPH ( ÌÌÌ ) 'HOW YOU S YOURSLF' · This graph is the most accurate as it indicates the person's self image. Ìt will give you an idea if the person can communicate, how to make decision, and if they are self-starters. Ìf this person is close to the centre line, the person probably was finding it difficult to complete the Profile. He or she could have tried to read into it or could be going through a change of values. 100M88 lßl0fß8ll0ß8l FFß $¶8l0M WHAT YOU GT FROM TH SYSTM "uestionnaires :Ìdentifies compatibility with the role under consideration and supplies penetrating questions based on the interviewee's profile. Audits : Three types of audit are available in Thomas Key. They are Management, Sales and Administration / Technical. · The Management Audit ÷ covers Managing and Motivating, Decision making, Planning and problem solving, Communication, Administration and Developing others. 100M88 lßl0fß8ll0ß8l FFß $¶8l0M WHAT YOU GT FROM TH SYSTM [contd.] Audits [contd.] · The Sales Audit ÷ covers Opening and communication, Closing, Customer service, Presentation and Administration. · The Admin / Technical Audit ÷ reports on Organizing workflow, Time management, Meeting information / service needs, nsuring quality and accuracy and Problem solving. · Strengths & Limitations ÷ Provides a Management summary in the form of bullet points about the person who has completed the PPA. · How to Manage ÷ xplains what sort of supervision is most likely to be effective. 100M88 lßl0fß8ll0ß8l FFß $¶8l0M HOW CAN YOU BNÌFÌT? Ìn development · The system highlights potential development opportunities and so increases the probability of job satisfaction; this, in turn, tends to increase productivity. Ìn recruitment · Reports from the system describe strengths and weakness in relation to a role and therefore identify job compatibility. Ìt also provides an opportunity to discuss frustrations or pressures felt by the candidate. Ìn encouraging & motivating · Thomas PPA provides a person with the opportunity to understand both themselves and others and to identify how best to modify their own behaviour in order to strengthen relationships and improve communications. 0ß8ll8 ß80808 0ß8ll8 ß80808 According to Schein ( 1978 ), a person's "Career Anchor" is his or her occupational self-concept consisting of : Self-perceived talents and abilities Self-perceived motives and needs Self-perceived attitudes and values 0ß8ll8 ß80808 Schein's further research ( 1990, 1993 ) uncovered eight Career Anchors : anageriaI People who kept clawing right up the ladder %echnicaI / FunctionaI People who settled down happily to pay attention to the details of their craft $ecurity / $tabiIity People who discovered that promotions were rewarding largely because they meant, that the company prized them and wanted to keep them Autonomy / ndependence People who found ways of carving out their own space in large organizations and are not ready to compromise on their freedom 0ß8ll8 ß80808 l00ßl0.l Schein's eight Career Anchors [contd.] ntrepreneuriaI / Creativity People who ended up starting new ventures products and services to meet their needs to be creative and to reap the benefits of their labours $ervice / Dedication People who are dedicated to a particular cause, client group or ideology !ure ChaIIenge People with primary concerns to solve unsolvable problems, to win out over tough opponents, and to surmount difficult obstacles aIance / Life-styIe ntegration People with primary concerns to integrate family concerns, career concerns and concerns for self-development 0ß8ll8 ß80808 (Derr ÷ 1986) Five diverse internal career orientations : V- Getting Ahead · These are people who are primarily interested to grow vertically and also much faster compared to their peers; W - Getting Secure · these are people who are motivated primarily by a sense of a job security and a life long organizational identity; X- Getting Free · These are people who value autonomy most, which they are not ready to give up under any circumstances; Z- Getting High · The objective here is getting challenging and exciting work, staying at the cutting edge; Y- Getting Balanced · Career, self development and relationship with others. 0ß8ll8 ß80808 08 0ß8ll8 Nß8ß6lNl81 l81l8¥l81l08$ According to Schein (1996), the metaphor of 'Anchor' signifies that stability will be achieved in one's career if he / she is in an organizational environment that provides an opportunity to realize the components of his / her career anchor. 80ß80`$ 18l08f 80ß80`$ 18l08f Holland's ( 1985 / 1992 ) theory of vocational personalities and work environments. This theory is intended to explain career choice, satisfaction, and persistence. People & Job nvironment can be classified in six types. mployee satisfaction would depend on the Congruence between the two. 80ß80`$ 18l08f Realistic Ìnvestigative Artistic Social Conventional nterprising 80ß80`$ 18l08f · 0l888lll08ll0ß 0l F0f80ß8llll08 Realistic · Manual and mechanical competencies and interaction with machines, tools and objects. Ìnvestigative · Analytical, technical, scientific, and verbal competencies. Artistic · Ìnnovation or creative ability. Social · Ìnterpersonal competencies and skill in treating, healing or teaching others. nterprising · Skills in the persuasion and manipulation of other people. Conventional · Clerical skills or skills in meeting precise standards for performance. 80ß80`$ 18l08f CONGRUNC Congruence is assessed according to the degree of match between the vocational personality of an individual and the environmental type of an occupation or position. Occupational environments that are adjacent on the hexagon theoretically make similar demands on a person, and occupational environments that are more distant make divergent demands. CONSÌSTNCY Career move will be most predictable DÌFFRNTÌATÌON All score with the same range ÷ denotes erratic career movement. 18ß8k f00   !#$%%   0798 02079841!8.42097.%0898  %  %42,8!7410  ,70073.47  4,3/ 8%047 #%$ #%$ #%$  058 /7, :5 .42570038;0 0,;4:7, 57410 , #%$ !8.44., 90893 .,3 -0 :370,-0 4- 706:702039 8:-0.9;0 850.8 2, -0  ,738 2,3,02039 41 70.7:9 8 0,308808  ,3 -0 8:..0881: :90/ 147 .,7007 /0;0452039 #08:98 ,70 4503 94 39075709,943 7,907 9,3 .43.:8;0 408 349 ,..4:39 147 70.7:9 8 3900.9 47 0548:70 $4:/ 30;07 -0 :80/ ,8 , 89,3/ ,430 90.36:0 %% 44..0450/-$8858.930307 %0-0.08 ...%50 8. 57010770/.9:7.-989.9/0.!8.41:83430 823/.44..47.%50 .9/110703.08-0900350450708:917423-47357010703.08 01308. !8..8 %03.3/ /70.9/0.904741507843.7 :3 8807989.850450:80907 57010703.9789 .045. 33 39070898 49.94:.%50 439/   8 %..!8.3/.950450.-4:988 39003...3..3907!8.44.943 %7.3 9/4 117289.0 ..9438 .3.44..0507980 408 %904:..-908 4790.%50 3.4924709.7432039 :9:70 /:.70. 4.-078078 !708039. .3 .3:.08 8902489/0:80/507843.07843.9.7304478.80.0394739047/ .8-00397.0450/-.38.3/07/..78417080.90/39424709.7.:9078.1907 0.947 %0% 0.0/.%0078 78%503/.93. 0331472. 47/ W W W W :83 %070834794774394%708:98 0.%0% /03910854....07843 $03834739:943 %33471003 :/347!07.9:7.3-0..8 %0.-0:2.9.0/0.745548908314:7..943 W .4:78 .3/090307 W %.0.850450.3/.8438 W 7.:.3090709073.57010794 W 70.57010703.3/950/039108 3472.07843473974. 90/3.7432039 .7/37010.943 307/70.7/3.9433904:90703..90/4:9.943390330703.97..943  $003892:.7432039  $003892:.07843 3974.07843   307/70. .43.9438-090031.3/.709031472.$0383 39:943 $  4.31..:83439070.943 $0035.0 %7:8933898 ..:83435488-9083901:9:70 $  49.3/.4330.98 $  %7:893050703.90841905708039 4.990738.9:. ..47/07-4.3.. 03:2.7243 .3/249.943..943.8412.47/07974:.08 %  $0037.:/020398 %  &834.943.0/0.88942. %  &834-0.0..:08942.0/0.3/2507843.:08.8438 &83507843 .%33 003 %4088039. $0037.7907.039070/.. 0.059.3 :/2039.#0202-07 97..0 .0  3974.. !07.3 8 47 3-90/  003 /40834920.3 9.  :/3 /40834920.9.3 /40834920.3 507.3 024943.079 /40834920.079 /40834920. 2..:.-0 .743203903.08808 $0383 39:943 %33 .0790/.703-473 3. 34989..999:/0884204190920 %508/3.7006:.3.. 41909508.88:259438&3/073%50%047 !7010703.3/3974.++14:7574.0790/.0847250/080570884341950 !0450:80.9.3/003 3 -49097.08. %0%8:80/3 $01 /0.02039.3/.94385.4:3803 7.0452039.3/0547.:77.3.0452039 ..943.0789./02.:9:7.943 #0.7007/0..33 /:.::2/0.33 .3 .3/0.2-:/3 !74-0284.943/0.3/2:9./078597..97.0452039 .0452039 %0.3.4:3803 . 943413/./:. /110703..3/4:7801.074907! 084204907 ! .198 %0708347947743 950 34-09907474780.3/.-4:9950894054::3/0789.950..5570.3/94 03..94384195083474770.3.8850.5078438:36:0 3!800.%3894#0202-07-4:9%50 .943858 %05:7548041343..08 ..3/0.3/0344907! ..42-3.943858949078974:.04:770./:. /0:5 4194800570107  &.-0950-.4.08948420/0700  :795082.709043094/0.99504:97:.07 434:344:797:057010703.80/4390./0034: .0793 %0:2.084:2.982:./0..30.944 .07430:8080.3507843.419057010703.4250 .%3894#0202-07-4:9%50439/    .70 4:7708:984390% 8:0894:7574-.08 %50/40834905.38070/906:08943840. 0 890704953 .3/.808 0.0 %0/4349 20..-9470.90.:80 147/4347349/43.%3894#0202-07-4:9%50439/   :2-078.:8095094:3/0789.420.9.47084390%3/.03/070041:80 4:2..8.7007 ..794157010703.4/30.70414:7950-.3/147.8:708847.30..9 47 70.3.9...0902 94.94385 0.393 4:795084:/ %0054:1742.04:7801 -:9 %.438/073... % $!#  $$% .  ./8.803/7.2.943.%42.5041 7 .24/041903897:20393 .!!$8902 0830/-%42.789743 4/0830/90 473.839073. -014750714723 74:930.4:73.-089:.3490789470.3/705099.4:7.943.3..4389.4:7.943831:03.839073.39.39..3.4:73.0-0.0-0..9 5489.!!$8902   W !489.3/.- $%$$ W !.0471.425820393901.7/8 94.88..-0471703/89:.4:73.4389.041 4554894347..943 425.3.%42..4:731...1.0-0.89:.047  ! 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