3 Andren IEC61499 4DIAC Lab Automation

March 24, 2018 | Author: Davidleonardo Galindo | Category: Scada, Smart Grid, Computer Network, Internet Protocol Suite, Simulation



AIT Austrian Institute of TechnologySmart Grid Lab Automation using 4DIAC and IEC 61499 Filip Andrén Electrical Energy Systems Energy Department 3rd 4DIAC User’s Workshop (4DIAC) 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2012) September 17-21, Kraków, Poland Content  Background and Motivation      Design and Validation Environment System Design Implementation Using 4DIAC Example Application (RLC Tuning) Summary and Conclusion 27.08.2012 Filip Andrén, Energy Department 2 . embedded controller. Energy Department System Components Layer Technical Process (i.2012 Filip Andrén. System Engineering Dataconcentrator SCADA Layer DMS / SCADA Network Operation (PC.e. Protocol Profiles Field Devices.Background and Motivation  Smartness requires awareness. Functional Testing Application Profiles Visualization GIS Network Simulation Planning System Engineering and Planning Layer IEC61970 IEC61968 ESB / CIM Application Interfaces Meter Data Management Interfaces. knowledge about what is currently happening in the surrounding system  Measurements  Widespread communication  Intelligent control   Collaboration between stakeholders International standards  Development Interconnection Assessment. IEC 61499/4DIAC)  Research 27.e. Power Distribution Network) 3 . i. Mango web server/client) IEC61850 Primary Substation Secondary Substation Control Engineering Control Layer External Systems Smart Meter Tapchanger IEC61850 FB Building Gateway FB IEC61499 (IPC.08. Hardware Validation Prototype .Open Loop .Background and Motivation  Design stages & validation methods for development of Smart Grid components  Concept  Offline simulations Design Stages Concept .2012 Filip Andrén.Offline .Timing .Real-Time C-HIL Process Tests .08.Algorithm Proof of Concept Validation Methods Offline Simulations  Prototype  Offline and real-time simulations  Software tests  Realization  Process and hardware tests  Challenge Realization . Energy Department 4 .Closed Loop  Environment based on international standards for development and validation of Smart Grid components 27.Interfaces Software Tests Simulations Verification process .Software . e. simulation and validation of new Smart Grid automation and control concepts needed  Concept for environment integrating possibilities for simulation as well as real hardware tests 27.Design and Validation Environment Motivation and Introduction  The integration of renewable energy resources and distributed generation into the current power grid is a major problem  A paradigm shift from a centralised to a distributed energy generation   More intelligence needed to cope with the new challenges. Energy Department 5 .2012 Filip Andrén.08. control. i. communication and automation strategies Environment for design. 08.Design and Validation Environment Main Requirements  Hardware Requirements  Flexibility  Scalability  Simulation Requirements  Offline simulation  Real-time simulation  Hardware independence  Software and Application Requirements  Configurability  Portability  Open and Standard-Compliant Implementation  Interoperability  Open communication interfaces  Application Distribution 27. Energy Department 6 .2012  Free & open source approaches Filip Andrén. Power Distribution Network) 27.Design and Validation Environment Main Idea and Concept Interconnection Assessment. Functional Testing Application Profiles Visualization GIS Network Simulation Planning System Engineering and Planning Layer IEC61970 IEC61968 ESB / CIM Application Interfaces Meter Data Management Interfaces. Protocol Profiles Field Devices.08.e. IEC 61499/4DIAC) System Components Layer Technical Process (i. System Engineering Dataconcentrator SCADA Layer DMS / SCADA Network Operation (PC.2012 Filip Andrén. Mango web server/client) IEC61850 Primary Substation Secondary Substation Engineering FB Control Layer External Systems Smart Meter Tapchanger IEC61850 FB Building Gateway FB IEC61499 (IPC. embedded controller. Energy Department 7 . 2012 Filip Andrén. 4  Communication Interface  Process Interface Process Interface Controlled Process Process Interface Resource C Communication Interface MN CN1 OUT POWERL INK_MN SUBL POWERL INK_IO POWERL INK_IO PUBL CN2 IN Resource Model  Controlled Process (Resource = Execution Environment for Function Block Networks) Process Interface Scheduling function 27.Design and Validation Environment Why IEC 61499 and 4DIAC?  Engineering Process  Devices  Resources Communication Network FB1 FB2 FB3 FB4 Application Model FB5 FB6 (i.e Function Block Network)  Applications and subapplications  Generic Interfaces Device 1 Communication Interface Resource A Resource B Resource C Device 2 Communication Interface Resource A Resource B Resource C System Model (System = Communication Network + Devices + Controlled Process) Application 1 Application 3 Application 2 App. Energy Department 8 .08. 2012 Filip Andrén.08. Energy Department .Design and Validation Environment Basic Concept Based on IEC 61499  Interconnection of multiple systems  SCADA  DMS  Simulators  Controllers  Independent applications  Control application  Communication application(s) Simulated Power Distribution Network (Offline Simulator) Simulated Power Distribution Network (Real-Time Simulator) Wire (digital/ analouge I/O) over POWERLINK Real Network Device I/O access via wire (digital/ analouge) or communication network 9 SIM_RES PUBLISH/ SUBSCRIBE (UDP/IP) Suppervisory Control and Data Aquisition (SCADA) System SERVER/CLIENT (TCP/IP) Distribution Management System (DMS) PUBL/SUBL (shared memory) Communication Network Device 2 Communication Interface CONTROL _RES IO_RES Device 1 Communication Interface CONTROL _RES SCADA_APP SIM_ APP SCADA_ RES CONTROL_APP SCADA_ RES IO_APP Process Interface Process Interface 27. Energy Department 10 .) Communication Embedded Controller/ Industrial PC(IPC) IED Control Application Execution with FORTE Ethernet (TCP/IP) Communication Real I/Os (POWERLINK ) Real-Time Simulation .08.2012 Filip Andrén. UDP/IP. etc.Design and Validation Environment Visualisation and Simulation Tools  SCADA for visualisation  ScadaBR PC-based Development Environment IED Control Application Development with4DIAC-IDE SCADA / DMS Mango M 2M  Simulation Tools  Matlab/Simulink  DIgSILENT / PowerFactory  OpalRT (real-time) PC-based Power Systems Simulator Component Simulation via SimPowerSystems Application Deployment (XML Protocol over TCP /IP) Ethernet (TCP/IP. Modbus/ TCP. 27. 2012 Filip Andrén. but not necessary  SCADA Layer Hardware Level  Superior control functions  Alterations straightforward 27.System Design Control Layers  Hardware Layer  Proprietary hardware  No access to software SCADA/DMS Level  Control Layer  Basic control functionality Control Level  Software alterations possible.08. Energy Department 11 . Modbus Hardware Level 27. DeWeSoft IEC 61499 ScadaBR IEC 61499 MAS (IEC 61499) SCADA/DMS Level (Windows/Linux) Modbus.System Design Layer Components and Communication  Fix components  Sensors. Energy Department 12 . OPC.08.. IEC 61850) IEC 61499 (4DIAC) IEC 61499 (4DIAC) IEC 61499 (4DIAC) Control Level (Linux) Ethernet POWERLINK. Sensor Dewetron Sensor Siemens I/Os etc. I/Os  Main control components  IEC 61499 applications  ScadaBR  Additional components  Multi-Agent-System  . IEC 60870) ASN.2012 Filip Andrén.. OPC (IEC 61850.1 TCP/IP (Modbus. IEC 61850) IEC 61499 (4DIAC) IEC 61499 (4DIAC) IEC 61499 (4DIAC) Control Level (Linux) Ethernet POWERLINK. Hardware Level 27. Energy Department 13 . IEC 60870) ASN. OPC (IEC 61850.08.2012 Filip Andrén.System Design Extensibility  Database  MySQL  Visualization  Web Service interface  High-level control applications Database Web/Java/ C# Labview Visualization/HMI Level SQL Web Services SCADA/DMS Level (Windows/Linux) DeWeSoft IEC 61499 ScadaBR IEC 61499 MAS (IEC 61499) Modbus.1 TCP/IP (Modbus. OPC. Modbus Sensor Dewetron Sensor Siemens I/Os etc. 08.2012 Filip Andrén.Implementation using 4DIAC System Configuration 27. Energy Department 14 . 2012 Filip Andrén.08. Energy Department 15 .Implementation using 4DIAC Control Level Implementation using 4DIAC   IEC 61499 device for laboratory control I/O and Safety Resources are locked in the device IEC 61499 Device (IPC_1) SCADA Resource RLC Control Resource MASGrid Resource Safety Functionality Safety Resource I/O Resource (B&R) 27. 2012 Filip Andrén.08. Energy Department 16 .Implementation using 4DIAC Communication Protocols   Communication protocols were added to 4DIAC Implementations as network layers  Modbus  OPC  Implementation with standalone function blocks  Ethernet POWERLINK 27. 08. Energy Department 17 .Q grid grid L R L C N ~ 27.2012 Filip Andrén.RLC Tuning for PV-Inverter Islanding Test Implemented Test Case: Inverter Test Stand  Implemented Case Study: Control of AIT PV-inverter Test Stand  RLC tuning for PV-inverter islanding test (VDE 0126) PV-inverter ̶ S2 S1 S3 P. Energy Department 18 .08.2012 Filip Andrén.Q grid grid L R L C N ~ 27.RLC Tuning for PV-Inverter Islanding Test  Suppervisory Control and Data Aquisition (SCADA) System Implemented Test Case and Simulations Inverter Test Stand  Real Hardware  Simulation model using Matlab/Simulink  SCADA/HMI Implementation  Using ScadaBR IEC 61499 Environment Communication Interface LAB_RES SIM_RES CONTROL _RES LAB_APP SIM_APP CONTROL _APP SCADA_ APP SCADA_ RES  IEC 61499 Control Implementation  Tuning of RLC load  Coarse and fine tuning Inverter Test Stand (Hardware) Process Interfaces Simulated Power Distribution Network (Simulation) PV-inverter ̶ ~ ̶ S2 S1 S3 P. 08. Energy Department 19 .2012 Filip Andrén.4 0.6 time[s] 0.RLC Tuning for PV-Inverter Islanding Test Implemented Test Case: Simulation Results  PV-Inverter Characteristics  6 kW active power output  200 VAr reactive power output P[W].Q[VAr] 6000 Pgrid Qgrid coarse tuning 5000 4000   Only tuning of R load Tuning of L and C loads similar 3000 Pgrid=0 2000 start fine tuning stop fine tuning 1000 0 -1000 0 0.2 0.8 1 27. 08.2012 Filip Andrén.Summary and Conclusions  Development of a validation and test environment using open source tools  Enabling simulation and hardware tests  Connection possibilities for multiple technologies    4DIAC and IEC 61499 is used as a core technology to enable this Proof-of-concept has currently been shown This concept will be integrated into the new research and test laboratory 27. Energy Department 20 . at | http://www.ait.ac.ac.AIT Austrian Institute of Technology your ingenious partner Filip Andrén Electrical Energy Systems Energy Department AIT Austrian Institute of Technology Giefinggasse 2 | 1210 Vienna | Austria P +43(0) 50550-6680 | M +43(0) 664 2351916 | F +43(0) 50550-6390 [email protected] .
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