2GTS Animal Orgasms
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: © 2011, ISN Education, LLC All Rights Reserved: Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. This material is for ADULTS ONLY. This material is published for ―Entertainment Purposes Only‖ and is not to be taken as medical advice. Before participating in sexual activities please consult a licensed physician. By reading this document you state that you are at least 18 years of age and of legal age to read explicit sexual material in your state or region. If you do not agree please cease reading immediately. Table of Contents Chapter 1 .................................................................................................................................. 1 Welcome To Animal Orgasms! ................................................................................... 1 The Cheat-proof, Real-life, Sizzling Love Life ........................................................... 2 Who Am I, And Why Should You Listen To ME? ..................................................... 2 And You CAN Become a Sex God ............................................................................. 4 ...Even If You're A Virgin ........................................................................................... 5 ...Even If You Have No Clue ...................................................................................... 7 ...Even If You‘re ―Small‖, or Have A Small Bank Account. .................................... 10 Get Women Sexually Addicted to You! .................................................................... 12 Chapter 2 ................................................................................................................................ 13 The Five Types of ―Loser Lovers‖............................................................................. 13 1) The "Two-Pump Chump" ...................................................................................... 13 2) The ―NO Pump Chump‖ ....................................................................................... 14 3) The ―Robot‖ .......................................................................................................... 14 4) The ―Follower‖....................................................................................................... 15 5) The ―Guru" ............................................................................................................ 16 Chapter 3 ................................................................................................................................ 18 The 4 Sure Signs That You're On the Right Track..................................................... 18 Sign #1 - She Can't Leave You Alone ....................................................................... 19 Sign #2 - She Does Leave you Alone ........................................................................ 20 Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................................ 22 The Six Mindsets of the Sexual Alpha Man .............................................................. 22 Mindset 1: I Will Be Great in Bed! ........................................................................... 22 Mindset 2: I Will Give Women Overwhelming Orgasms. ........................................ 23 Mindset 3: Fear and Shame Will Not Stand in My Way. .......................................... 23 Mindset 4: Getting Help Doesn‘t Make Me Less of a Man ...................................... 25 Mindset 5: She Needs Sex Even More than Me......................................................... 27 Mindset 6: I Can Get This Handled - NOW .............................................................. 29 Chapter 5 ................................................................................................................................ 30 The P.A.V.E System for COMPLETE SEXUAL PLEASURE................................. 30 1. PRESENCE ........................................................................................................... 30 2. AUTHORITY ........................................................................................................ 33 -Talk Dirty.................................................................................................................. 34 -Get ROUGH ............................................................................................................ 34 -Be Possessive ........................................................................................................... 35 3. VARIETY .............................................................................................................. 36 4. EMOTION ............................................................................................................. 38 Chapter 6 ................................................................................................................................ 42 Proof Women Want It: Read Hot Fantasies - Written by Women!............................ 42 Fantasy 1: I Want You Right Now! ........................................................................... 42 Fantasy 2: You Caught Me! Not So Innocent Now... ................................................ 47 Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................................ 55 Common Problems And How To Fix Them!............................................................. 55 How To Get HARD (Without Pills) .......................................................................... 55 1. Stop TRYING so hard to get hard ......................................................................... 55 2. Practice 10 count breathing when not having sex… then use it when you are ..... 56 3. More foreplay ........................................................................................................ 57 In Addition… ............................................................................................................ 57 How To Last Longer.................................................................................................. 58 How To Give Her An Orgasm ................................................................................... 62 How To Get Her To Pursue YOU For Sex! .............................................................. 66 What To Do If You‘re Inexperienced ....................................................................... 66 A Warning About Pornography ................................................................................ 67 Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................................ 68 Does Size REALLY Matter? ..................................................................................... 68 She is More Worried About Her Body Than Yours! ................................................. 68 About Pills, Supplements and Penis Pumps .............................................................. 69 It May Just Be in Your Head ..................................................................................... 70 Relax and Enjoy - It isn't all Hard Work! .................................................................. 70 Classy, Sassy, Conservative, Shy...Works for Every Woman! ................................. 71 Chapter 9 ................................................................................................................................ 73 Getting Started is Easy............................................................................................... 73 The ―Not Fun‖ But Important Stuff: Contraceptives & STDs .................................. 73 STDs other than HIV: ................................................................................................ 77 What Kind of Condoms Are Best: ............................................................................. 77 When The Condom Breaks: ...................................................................................... 78 Don't Wait. Implement What You‘ve Learned ASAP! ............................................. 79 Let‘s take a quick peek at the alarming stats: 51 percent of all marriages.Chapter 1 Welcome To Incredible Sex Now! I‘m very excited that you have made the choice to become great in bed! Before we learn and master the material that‘s going to completely change you and your lover‘s sex life forever. but YOU can now live without that FEAR — this is the new testament to an incredible sex life. Awful! 1|Page . in which the brides are 25 years or older result in a failed marriage. let‘s talk about relationships and sex for a second. divorce. 70 percent of married women and 54 percent of married men don‘t know of their spouse‘s extramarital activity. and it‘s creating horrendous relationship problems like cheating. and it‘s all because you are having terrible sex. and that‘s from the National Center for Health Statistics. All the solutions you need are here in the coming pages. 54 percent of married men weren‘t aware that their wives were cheating. This is why you are reading this book – to change all this! The statistics are alarming. FOR ONCE. Ever felt like things would be better for you AND your relationship if you got laid more often or that maybe once you wouldn‘t have to try so hard to convince a woman to sleep with you OR maybe – just maybe – the woman. The facts don‘t lie! Millions of guys are having problems satisfying their women sexually. was begging to have sex with you??. So that means that out of the millions of people who are having affairs. Also. I stopped blaming every girl that wasn‘t satisfied and started doing something about it. once you satisfy the primal urges that women really have. and blurted out that it was because I wasn‘t man enough and 2|Page . unappreciative people? A guys doesn‘t want to come home from a long day at work and see his girlfriend or wife. I did end up being able to last a bit longer but struggled for over 10 years with not being able to give women orgasms. or if you take out the trash. She was blunt. was when I caught my then fiancée having sex with a guy she worked with! I confronted her visibly teary-eyed. no matter how much I liked her. Women won‘t tell you this. what car you drive. and I was so excited that I lasted less than a minute. would come crashing to a passionless halt. The first time I had sex I was 22.The Cheat-proof. Sizzling Love Life So why are women cheating? Don‘t they love you? Or are they just nasty. Real-life. but the number one reason that they cheat is because they are not sexually satisfied in bed. and not know where her lips have been. I‘m not even a millionaire. Luckily. My lowest point though. and yelled at her how she could do something like that to me. And Why Should You Listen To ME? Hopefully you've never heard of me. I‘m not an athlete. I selfishly thought that it was rare for a girl to have an orgasm and even got to the point that I didn‘t care! Inevitably my relationships. Who Am I. As you keep reading you‘ll learn that it has nothing to do with how much money you make. I'm not a celebrity. she will be yours for life. as I‘ve tried to keep my life private. I'm a regular guy who got pissed off at myself for not being able to satisfy women. I read hundreds of books.couldn‘t satisfy her needs! I was so devastated that I couldn't date seriously again for 3 years. In the beginning I was too timid to try some things. I dedicated myself to getting this area of my life straightened out. Now. Remember that infomercial with the guy ―Bob‖ who couldn‘t stop smiling? Who knows what the side-effects were from his long lasting hard-on! But over time. Once you "get it‖—it clicks and it changes everything! 3|Page . I could get hard and last 45 minutes. I became able to make women orgasm continuously II'm talking orgasm EVERY TIME and MULTIPLE TIMES. I still have my day job as a business consultant. When I did get back in the game. EVERY TIME. but I spend my free time teaching men how to become sex gods in bed. what happened was that through my own experimentation. watched all of the how-to videos — tried everything that I could get my hands on. and the use of expensive pills and supplements. Most of the stuff I read was so ridiculous and unrealistic though and revolved around faked interactions. but as I saw how it made women literally start shaking and moaning. I got more confidence (one women broke my bed because she was losing control while I was doing her!). If you sleep with your girl and give her the best sex ever in the morning before she goes to work. and better sexual skills than you. girlfriend. They never nag and best of all THEY NEVER CHEAT. she doesn‘t even have the temptation. Most 4|Page . what is more important than being able to satisfy a woman? After you read this book. or wife leaving you for some other guy with more money. better looks. filled with guys that are hitting on her or trying to seduce her. I want you to have a great sex life like I do now. because as a man. When you are satisfied you don‘t crave more. you will feel so confident about your skills in bed that you will not be paranoid or insecure about your lover.And You CAN Become a Sex God You are about to become so good in bed that women become sexually addicted to you. One woman told me that I didn‘t satisfy her like a ―real man‖ (that sucked). Actually. I struggled dating and always felt nervous around women and found myself trying to say and do things that would win them over and get them to like me. . so take a deep breath. He was like. You‘ll see very soon how I became GREAT in bed but I want you to understand why I‘m revealing this sex knowledge and how I got into this whole thing. I have to tell you the story of losing my virginity — it really sums up where I was at. 5|Page . ―Come to Brazil. and he knew this. Please don‘t laugh. I lost my virginity when my Brazilian college roommate invited me down to Brazil for a vacation. I‘m not proud of this.. I used to last under a minute in bed and couldn‘t maintain a relationship because woman would not return my phone calls and never wanted to have sex with me. laugh all you want. In fact.. it‘s funny. turn off your email and phone. I was a complete loser.Even If You're A Virgin My sexual development with women was later than the average guy. and let‘s get started! I‘m not a crazy magician or even a good pick up artist. had never kissed a girl.guys don‘t know what I‘m about to tell you and only a hand picked clan of a few women. I haven‘t always been good in bed or good with women.. I didn‘t kiss a girl until I was 20 and as I mentioned earlier. anyone can have sex in Brazil!‖ So I scrapped together some cash. flew to Brazil but my conversations with the women were going terribly. I didn‘t lose my virginity until I was 22. ARGH! . Please don‘t.. I came! I panicked and had no idea what to do so I 6|Page ..... Somehow she liked me. Meanwhile. So THIS was it! Haha. Algebra. Math. calm. I‘m thinking in my head ‗Please don‘t touch me yet. I was so nervous that my hands were sweating. ―Calm.‖ anything to distract myself. Once I was naked.Then after going out for 5 nights in a row down there. While I‘m fumbling with the loose condom she‘s lying on her back looking up at me with expectant blue eyes. In the hotel room. I was rock hard just knowing that I might finally have sex. It felt so good. I was worried that I would cum as soon as she touched me. I finally made it into the promise land.‖ I‘m thinking. her tits are great!‖ As I sat down on the bed awkwardly. I had no idea what was happening but I followed her lead and we both began getting undressed. I was so tense that after I pumped 3 times. I was really only a poor college student. we couldn‘t even communicate! After a few drinks we headed back to my hotel room. I put the much-toobig Brazilian condom (monsters down there) on and nearly came right then from the excitement. After fumbling around trying to figure out where to put myself for 3 or 4 minutes. but what did she know. I‘m convinced the only reason that she had liked me was because she thought I was a rich American. the most I‘d ever gone out. I met this girl who barely spoke English.God. but I had no idea what to do about it. They could do those moves and there was no fear of ―losing it‖. They had complete control of pleasing these women. It sucked! I was all alone in a hotel in Brazil. I just want you to know how bad I was. making the girls scream with pleasure. said something in Portuguese. and pushed me off of her. I‘d watch online porn and I‘d see guys doing crazy things like flipping girls over to get oral while they went down on them. even though it definitely played a part in my mind. but it was that they‘d last forever. and feeling like a small. pathetic little boy. they were going fast and aggressively.Even If You Have No Clue This is NOT a sob story though. And they weren‘t having sex slowly. It has a happy ending! I knew that this was an area of my life that I needed to get a handle on. I was shocked that everyone talked about how great sex was.. 7|Page . beating it frantically trying to get hard again. It wasn‘t that they were so huge. the softer and softer I got! After a few seconds of that she started laughing.. and then going to town on her while she extended one leg up to the sky like a gymnast. My last memory of her was seeing her close the hotel room door loudly a few minutes later as I sat on the edge of the bed. . And for a long time I was in denial. The more I pumped and tried to get hard again.just kept pumping away. videos. So either way. I remember that. and I was at 23. and make as many mistakes as possible and then correct them until I got it right.I didn‘t know how these guys could do it. but when you wait longer. I looked down at my penis and I was not happy. I had to learn how to do it. but I‘m guessing that you know what I‘m talking about because all my guy friends say. I was like. ―Yeah. It wasn‘t one of those things you were born with. their first time was at 16. The first times I‘d had sex I got really hard and couldn‘t last. After three years of wild experimentation. this really makes you feel depressed about being just plain bad in bed. and I figured I‘d do trial and error until something works. That‘s what happened my first time. So to try and turn my sex life around. seminars. I would kiss her for a while. I knew that I had to do whatever it took and I had to invest in skilltraining to learn this area of life. I‘m going to take all the stuff that I‘ve learned from all these books. I started reading every single book that I could about sex. And the second time I had sex. instead of just immediately putting myself inside the girl. I had absolutely no control over when I came. I got to the point where even though I couldn‘t last very long. 17 years old like a normal guy.‖ But for them. struggling with this issue! So it‘s one thing to get this part of your life handled when your 15.pal?!‖ It sounds comical. It was the same as when I was in college learning how to do computer-programming. 16. I‘d do 8|Page . I would massage her breasts and I‘d squeeze her ass. cumming immediately. ―What is wrong with you. I couldn‘t get hard at all. I‘d last so long that sometimes she‘d even moan. I quickly started getting to the point where I could consistently give her orgasms — over and over. that‘s when I actually GOT GOOD with women.all sorts of other stuff. ―oh great the one girl I was getting good with skips town!‖ But now we‘re friends because she still really wants me to have sex with her. I had finally shed some past feelings of humiliation and insecurity about my performance. but having sex with a hot girl was different for me and for the first time I 9|Page . but I didn‘t get to the point where I could actually have sex with her with any type of stamina. regardless of the girl I ended up with. through to penetration where I was able to last as long as I wanted every time — 40. From dirty-talk to just the sound of my voice. EVERY SINGLE TIME! I got really good by basically practicing on a girl I was friends with who wasn‘t that hot (I hope she isn‘t reading this!) but she seemed to want to have sex. I‘m not going to be able to walk tomorrow!‖ It was like I was in complete control of my body and how the girl felt emotionally and physically. So I moved on and started dating other girls.. when I started reading books on psychology and focusing a lot more on the emotional side of sex. I wanted to make sure that I was satisfying them completely when I was in a relationship with them. We did wild things in public but then she moved away and I thought. Finally. ―Oh goddd. No question I was the best sex that she‘s ever had! For me though. Most importantly though. I wanted to have sex with other girls and do more shall we say ―hands-on‖ field study. learning where her trigger spots were. 50 minutes — even an hour. Or they‘d be like ―Oh. They wouldn‘t be interested in dinner. phone calls from other girls when I was with each girlfriend. but they didn‘t seem satisfied. I‘d hear ―I want to take a nap. something that seemed to work with every girl.‖ I‘d try and show them how special they were. They would want to have sex with me all the time and I felt like I was a sex god. I need a hug. It was getting out of hand. they‘d take the necklace. They‘d literally say ―I LOVE having getting it on with you!‖ I almost couldn‘t believe my eyes and ears. I was beginning to find out there was a system for making women sexually addicted to me.‖ which was always a code word for hugging me and then they‘d start grabbing me and rubbing me. practically tearing my clothes off. Sure. I bought you a necklace.was ready to meet the challenge.Even If You‘re ―Small‖.. These girls started to love it.. or Have A Small Bank Account. ―Hey. let‘s go out for a fancy dinner. I had to do 10 | P a g e . every time. . So These hotter girls would want to come over and after we‘d had sex a few times I‘d be like. But I now had something that most other guys don‘t have.‖ which would be a code-word for let‘s just go into your bedroom and have sex. Here. I was having sex whenever I wanted. But something started to happen. This could not be my life! I'm far from huge and I‘m not greatlooking or rich or even funny. I started getting it on with more girls and my skills got much better. getting text messages from girls I was sleeping with. And if you can‘t give a woman good sex. It only makes sense and if you can last longer. If she only knew! More importantly. who have given up and faced rejection. you‘re going to have to last. she‘s not going to want to have children with you. she will want you more and more. I decided to take up sharing my tips as a hobby. So I figured I would put together a system for how to have great sex with women. after you mess around and get to the point you want a more serious relationship that lasts. I feel like I now have this power to give any woman an orgasm and never have to worry about getting it up or ―busting‖ too quick. I wanted to make this amazing information I had personally learned available to guys like me. You don‘t think they get hit on and asked out every day of their life? 11 | P a g e . You‘re here because of sex. No more not feeling like a man. humiliation. How to give women the best sex of their life. I don‘t want guys feeling this pain. and had either been dumped or had relationships and marriages fail because of a bad sex life. It‘s what we think about all day long. and she‘s going to be looking for other options. she‘s not going to treat you well. It changed who I am.‖ Well that‘s definitely true — but the same goes for women.something with this power I had developed. and you will get the sex you‘ve always wanted. more and more. I walk around with a new feeling of confidence I never had. Chris Rock once joked. It‘s what I‘m thinking about at this café I‘m writing in while a really hot blond girl is reading some lame fantasy novel. ―A man is only as faithful as his options. No more depression and feeling inadequate in bed. and then all of these things which seemed so out of reach are actually really. these are the problems of an inexperienced lover. None of this is out of your grasp when you know what you‘re doing. You don‘t need to have sex with 5. really easy for you. to where she‘s always begging you for sex instead of you chasing her for sex. you‘ll know the psychology in what‘s actually going on during sex. just make sure it stays between us. Have you ever tried to convince your girl to have sex with you? Is that what you want? I sure don‘t want that for you. and get hard at any time at the drop of a hat. When you‘re actually experienced and you‘ve studied my method. is that you‘re going to get the ability to give a woman as many orgasms as you want. problems I used to have. last as long as you want. These problems you‘re having.Get Women Sexually Addicted to You! What you‘re going to get out of this book and out of anything that I ever share with you. 12 | P a g e . 10 or 50 girls to be experienced. You‘re going to be able to have unlimited stamina. So to get started. The good news is that stamina is a not a difficult problem to fix. You have to warm it up…and get it ready for the faster speeds. We will address that in a moment. so don‘t feel alone! Think of the analogy that women are like cars. ―Is this ever me?‖ Be honest with yourself. I have been EVERY one of these and turned it around. Women are the same way. If you‘re not lasting AT LEAST 10 minutes she is probably not going to orgasm and may even fake it.Chapter 2 The Six Types of ―Loser Lovers‖ Learning what women DON'T want in bed is the first step towards doing what they DO want. I'd like to share with you the 6 types of ―loser lovers‖ that all women secretly HATE. This affects nearly EVERY guy I‘ve ever worked with. full-body orgasms. 13 | P a g e . so really think carefully. You can‘t turn your car on in the middle of the winter and start driving really fast immediately. So can you! 1) The "Two-Pump Chump" The most common problem men have with women is that they just don‘t last the required time to give women deep. Often guys are a combination of some of these performer-types. Many guys are like an assembly-line robot. in the bedroom and outside it. keep a straight face‖…beep beep beep! Women are constantly talking about how they feel and how a guy makes them feel.2) The ―NO Pump Chump‖ The situation many guys find themselves in is that when the time comes. 14 | P a g e . now touch that. If you are unable to make a women feel strong emotion (other than nagging you !) it is very difficult to please her. They are thinking of ―Touch this. the limper you become! But don't worry. And women can tell! Women thrive on emotion. And what REALLY sucks about this situation is that usually the harder you TRY to get hard. they can‘t get hard. 3) The ―Robot‖ The next reason why a lot of guys suck in bed is that they are emotionless. we're going to talk about how to conquer this as well. not confident and slightly feminine. They want you to be in charge. When you are passive and unsure of yourself. at some times the emotional. it radiates deep in the core of her femininity and shuts down her attraction for you. The sex will be less exciting and she won‘t think you‘re a real man. but it kills the moment! Women are looking to be led in bed. Obviously. Show her how much you want her. ―Does this feel ok?‖ Once or twice is good. It doesn‘t matter what they act like outside the bedroom. romantic sex is good because you let down your guard and she can see a sensitive side of you —and you don‘t have to be dominant while feeling emotional — but other than that. it‘s important that you be the one leading the sexual 15 | P a g e . Show her you know what you want.4) The ―Follower‖ Guys who don‘t show they are in charge look weaker. ‖ They loved it when I did them really hard and even spanked them! When you take an authoritative position with a woman. they‘re not based on feelings. and the sex guru has read all these magazines and books and they‘re all based on the physical. Then when I started experimenting and asking women what their favorite position was.interaction. crazy shit. and their girl gets really turned off because she thinks ―What is this guy doing?‖ He‘s trying so hard. 16 | P a g e . 6) The ―Guru" Last is what I call the wanna-be sex-guru. I noticed this a lot in my own life when I was starting to have more sex. almost every woman said ―doggy-style. you will often find that this is when they get the most turned on.. I thought that doggy-style might be demeaning and that maybe my lover wouldn‘t feel good about doing it. or I flip her at this angle and I touch this body part right here and I say this in this weird hypnotic way. They‘re always trying to do something weird because they think they‘re this guru that knows these crazy tricks when in reality they don‘t really know anything. he thinks he is this guru and he‘s doing all sorts of weird.. she‘ll be sexually pleased. So the sex guru thinks if I move the clitoris in this direction or I squeeze her breasts in this way. and none of it is attractive because he just looks like a dork. To Sum Up: Now you know what women DON'T want in bed.. and everyone is one of them at times — I‘ve been all of them — you‘ve really got to examine what you‘re doing wrong and then we‘ll adjust to the right way of doing things.So if you think that you‘re any of these. Of course. this is what comes out. but when no one is around and they talk with their girlfriends. so now let's talk about how to do that! 17 | P a g e . they will never tell you if you are one of these guys to your face. But fortunately. it's easy to transform yourself into the type of guy who drives women CRAZY in bed.. 18 | P a g e . or even social status. It was so painful to admit that to myself.Chapter 3 The 4 Sure Signs That You're On the Right Track When women are sexually satisfied they act completely different. If I had a penny for every time I heard that she was tired. looks. but I had to face the truth. Then. Think about when you‘re in public and you see a woman that is draped all over her man. I remember when I was a poor lover I‘d always want to see my girlfriend. charm. at the times that I did see her I would try and have sex with her but she would make up excuses. what‘s sad is that she DID WANT to have sex. had a headache. no complaining about you sitting on the couch too much. I‘d be a very rich man today! In reality. just not with me. But invariably she would have something else to do and I felt like I wasn‘t important enough or was acting needy. or was stressed and not in the mood. or kissing him. Sexually attraction far outweighs money. because I couldn‘t satisfy her. or always trying to hold his hand. She is sitting on his lap. Now let‘s get into the visible signs that you‘re going to see when you‘re sexually satisfying her. and there is a closeness and appreciation that they exhibit towards you. looking back on it. There is no nagging. It‘s because he is sexually satisfying her and this causes the highest level of female attraction. She Can't Leave You Alone When a woman initiates sex with you it means that you are fulfilling her sexually. the more she is sexually fulfilled by you. The more that she initiates sex. most women do not have sex just to ―have sex. that is the same thing. you know that she is enjoying it and wants more. Also many guys will bring up the topic of sex and basically ask their women if 19 | P a g e . if they ACCEPT when you initiate sex. that there are some women who for psychological reasons are not comfortable initiating sex.Sign #1 . Unlike many men. You need to realize that women initiate sex very differently than guys. so read her reaction when YOU initiated sex.‖ They have to be able to orgasm or at least feel very strong emotions. so in this case. so if you have a foreign lover or girlfriend that may be the case as well. Take note however. When a woman is initiating sex with you. Many guys will start groping a woman and kissing her in an attempt to turn her on! (I certainly tried this). Note also that in some cultures the women do not initiate sex for cultural reasons. and don‘t try and skip that step. Just stay calm. They will say things like. chances are that she is initiating sex. In her head she is seeing this as the PRECURSOR to sex. and if you try and skip the nap or the hug. When I ask how she is treating him outside the bedroom the answers are almost always universally not positive.‖ or ―Lets watch a movie. so she tends to subconsciously trick herself and hide what she really wants! So don‘t put the cart before the horse! Sign #2 .‖ ―I need a hug. Many guys tell me that they are rarely having sex with their wives and can‘t ―get‖ her to have sex. She doesn‘t want to seem like a slut or sex-crazed. When women initiate sex they usually do it very subtly. the sex won‘t happen.‖ If you are hearing things like this. They complain of things like: 20 | P a g e .‖ ―I need a massage. ―Let‘s take a nap.she wants to have sex right now or that night.She Does Leave you Alone Another way you will know when your girl is sexually satisfied is when her behavior changes outside the bedroom. ―I‘ m always getting nagged to do chores.‖ ―She tells me that I watch too much TV.‖ ―She says that I don‘t make enough money.‖ When you are completely satisfying a woman sexually these issues resolve themselves very quickly. They often completely disappear because the unhappiness concerning sex with you is the CAUSE of their problems. Poor sex manifests itself in all of these problems. Sign #3 - The Proof is in the Orgasm Later in the book you will learn about what an Overwhelming Orgasm™ is and how to give it to her. When a woman is having multiple orgasms, an overwhelming orgasm, or an orgasm so strong that she is very sensitive to the touch, she is REALLY into the sex. Strong orgasms and strong emotions are connected for women, so if you are giving her strong orgasms, she will be showing a very strong feeling of attraction towards you. Overwhelming Orgasm, Multiple O Feeling of Attraction towards you Strong Feeling of Attraction Towards You Improved Behavior towards you so that you will keep having sex with her 21 | P a g e Chapter 4 The Six Mindsets of the Sexual Alpha Man Now, I‘m going to lay out for you the 6 mindsets that sexual alpha males ALWAYS possess. These are 6 things you HAVE to get your mind ―set‖ on. If you‘ve been ―set‖ on being a loser in bed until you picked up this book, that‘s been your mindset. Before you get into any physical techniques, any verbal techniques, any kind of wild and crazy sex stuff, make sure you read and internalize these 6 mindsets: Mindset 1: I Will Be Great in Bed! You can be good in bed no matter where you're at today. If you‘re going to change everything around and become good in bed, it is absolutely essential that you adopt this belief! I personally hold this belief above all others. I‘ve seen incredible change in myself, and I‘ve seen it in others. Just a few short years ago I didn‘t even think change was possible. I thought that some guys just had it and other guys didn‘t. That I would always be ejaculating in under a minute and that I would have struggles with women and sexuality the rest of my life. The crazy thing is that there‘s proof everywhere that people can change, and they do change, but you just don‘t see it because you don‘t watch your next door neighbor having sex. You don‘t watch other people having sex. The only sex that you see is with your girl or in pornography, which is completely different. You have to learn the skills. You won‘t see the change unless you believe it. If you‘re thinking ―This isn‘t going to 22 | P a g e work‖ then it won‘t! But if you keep doing what you‘ve always been doing, you‘re going to get the same results! START TODAY actively believing that you can have good or great sex with women no matter where you are today. That is mindset #1. Mindset 2: I Will Give Women Overwhelming Orgasms. Many guys have this fear that they can‘t give a woman an orgasm. They think that they‘ll be good in bed, but she won‘t orgasm. Guys — if you‘re good in bed she will have orgasms, I guarantee it. She will be having orgasms over and over and be madly in love with having sex with you. You just need to see it once to see it in action to really internalize this. So Mindset 2 is both that you CAN give women orgasms and THAT your girl is capable of having mind-blowing orgasms! Your girl may have struggled to have orgasms in the past, but once you know the secrets she will surprise both of you with how sexual she can get. Trust me on that! Mindset 3: Fear and Shame Will Not Stand in My Way. I had a very successful sexual mastery summit I did — basically a superior man sexual-transformation weekend. And the guys were awesome guys. They reminded me a lot of myself, exactly where I was at and ready for change. But I noticed a few guys getting snared by the same ego-trap. This guy came in and said, ―Yeah, when I have sex with women, my problem is that they fall in love with 23 | P a g e me. They really love me, and they want to be with me all the time.‖ I was like, ―Mike, if that‘s what‘s happening I‘m going to give you your money back, and I want you to teach the course because you‘re so good with, and they really like you. I can‘t help you.‖ I felt like there must‘ve been a reason he was there though, so I said, ―Well, tell me a little bit more.‖ And he goes, ―Well, when I start kissing her, she immediately starts cumming.‖ So, ―Well, Michael, I don‘t really think that‘s the case. How many girls has that happened with?‖ He goes, ―It‘s happened with 37.‖ ―So you just paid me $5,000 to come to my inner circle mastery seminar to learn sexual skills, and you‘re telling me that 37 girls that you‘ve hooked up with started cumming right when you started kissing them?‖ I‘m like, ―That is possible — maybe some guys can do that — but they don‘t come to the seminars and pay five grand to tell other people about it.‖ To make a long story short, I took the guy aside and he finally revealed to me he‘d only had sex once and he came in under a minute. He looked like a wounded animal and his tone was very sullen. But I told him everything would be ok. After some work, we got him the skills he needed and 2 months later he emailed me to say he was lasting 25 minutes and starting to give his new girlfriend orgasms. The takeaway from Michael: You need to admit that what you‘re doing isn‘t working. If you think you‘re a fullfledged sex god porn star, this program‘s not for you. You‘ve got to realize that you 24 | P a g e Mindset 4: Getting Help Doesn‘t Make Me Less of a Man It‘s ok to get help.‖ 25 | P a g e . No matter how bad you are. programming a computer. you had to learn. you‘re not where you need to be. Guys that have a lot of sex really early in their lives and get experience with a wide variety of women might seem natural. and she‘s not addicted to having sex with you — remember.‖ That‘s not true. NO ONE IS A NATURAL. ―If I learn how to have better sex rather than just figure it out on my own then I‘m a loser. Here‘s why: 2 Generally Accepted Ways Guys think they Get Good in Bed Have sex really early in life and with multiple women often so you have tons of experiences (very few guys). women need sex — then hey. anything. learning a language.CAN improve your sexual skills. Any skill in life is learned. ―I‘m not a cool guy because I got help. but they are not.‖ I‘d think. they WILL improve. You didn‘t wake up and know how to drive a car. Any skill that‘s worth knowing. I used to think. You didn‘t wake up and know how to play guitar. That‘s basically ―experienced-based learning. If your girl isn‘t trying to have sex with you all the time. you can still get better. And no matter how good you think you are. Starting out NOT having good sexual skills means that you have the desire and the need to improve. 26 | P a g e . The guys who really ―GET‖ female ―The Worst Enemy of Being Great Is Being Good‖ sexuality are the ones that had poor sex skills to start with. These guys (like me) have the most incentive to learn and don‘t have that ego that shields them from obvious shortcomings. It is possible.Learning the material from guys who say they‘re good in bed and implementing unproven methods.‖ So it‘s okay to get help. The Worst Enemy of Being Great is Being Good. I guarantee it. There is a saying that I love. realize you‘re going to get it handled. You‘ll be GREAT and blow past even the best ―naturals‖ and ―experiencebased learners. When you‘ve got an issue in your life. Guys that aren‘t that good HAVE TO learn how to be good in bed. you will. and then boom. and that you‘ll love too. It is one of my favorites. you‘ve got to embrace it. You can be better in bed than any guy you know. Really think about that. take care of it. Because you‘re forced to fix it. Women give up if they can‘t be sexually satisfied. but she doesn‘t like sex. These are normal. like." She doesn‘t get horny. to be child-bearers. women need sex more than men. And they‘re telling you exactly how much they need sex. 27 | P a g e .‖ That‘s because you‘re not satisfying her sexually. If you think that you need sex. but think of women.‖ Or. Look at YM. Look at all these women magazines. That‘s something that‘s really got to be addressed. If they can‘t have sex and good sex at that. ―Hey.‖ Yeah. with their picture. again.Mindset 5: She Needs Sex Even More than Me That may sound unbelievable because many guys say ―My girlfriend‘s not that sexual. the better off you‘ll be. cheating and then there‘s the divorce and the humiliation that you weren‘t man enough to satisfy her. I‘m a guy. So. the stuff that you look at. instinctual level. The sooner you realize this. This is everywhere. ―She likes to cuddle and she‘s very romantic. What do you think women read? Look at Cosmopolitan. you do. real women. I need sex. the guy that is supposed to sexually satisfy them sexually is letting them down at a primal. She is more interested in whether I do the chores and take out the trash and do things around the house more than having sex. and you‘re. I‘m inserting in some quotes from women that I talked to. and they move on and pretend it doesn‘t matter. Their main goal in life is to have children. So recognize the mindset that women need sex more than men. Then eventually they start flirting with other guys. let‘s move on to the next mindset. these pants. ―There it is.‖ What do they talk about? Its all sex tips and sex headlines on those magazines! (insert screen shot of one of them). They have all this sexual desire. You ever look at a man‘s underwear. 28 | P a g e . They want to look desirable. compared to women‘s underwear? Not to be graphic or weird. but society represses it. and the examples of this are everywhere. and hopefully you‘ve internalized this. Dudes just throw on a pair of boxers or tightywhiteys.―That‘s trash. do I look fat in this?‖ It‘s because they‘re sexual creatures. ―Is this the right underwear? Does it look good? This shirt.‖ Women spend hours. It‘s my underwear.and other products to look good. Look at all the time they spend buying shoes. buying underwear. And You Don‘t Think Women Want And Care About Sex? So now that you know women are sexual creatures. make-up. with proper education. it‘s not your fault and you are going to handle this problem once and for all. your lover will scream your name in thanks! 29 | P a g e . Congratulations on manning up and fixing this problem! Most guys don‘t have the balls to admit it to themselves let alone solve the problem! Great job. society makes it very tough for guys to know where to turn on such a sensitive and personal issue.Mindset 6: I Can Get This Handled .NOW The final mindset is that the time to act is NOW. It‘s not your fault. Whatever the reason that your bedroom skills aren‘t up to par. The reason that you‘re not good in bed NOW is by not addressing this area of our life the right way. Don't Think.V. should that painting be over there?" she's not in the present. it's HER being in the moment. but feeling. Often. PRESENCE The first component is PRESENCE. It's not just you being in the moment. and she's not thinking about anything. we'll talk about how to COMBINE them and take your skills to the next level! 1. If her eyes are open. PRESENCE means being in the moment and not worrying about anything else other than what's going on.Chapter 5 The P. then at the end of this chapter.E System for COMPLETE SEXUAL PLEASURE Now we're gonna get into the 4 characteristics that are going to make you a rock star in bed. PRESENCE means that all you're thinking about is…. and she's not in the moment at all. actually nothing! You're not thinking about anything. you'll know that she's in the present when her eyes are closed. "Oh. because you want her not thinking anything. This is a bad thing. To start. Just Do! One of the signs that you're both in the present is that you are THINKING too much. I'll run through all four. 30 | P a g e .A. Women are feelers.. and she staring at you or looking around the room like. because you'll KNOW she's enjoying it! Not Thinking About Penis or Performance We're gonna move into the next part of presence. so you got to make sure that you aren't worrying about any of these fears about your penis.And more specifically.. you've lost all aspect of being good in bed. or you get soft. Nothing about. "Am I lasting long enough?" What happens? You cum. is to keep thinking to yourself over and over. that is totally NATURAL when you are first learning this stuff. or having sex with a woman for the first time. or about different aspects of your sexuality. "Am I hard enough?" What happens? You get soft. because all of a sudden. and you're no longer good at all.. But the key that once you start doing the other things we've talked about. you won't have to worry about that any longer. 31 | P a g e .. It's game over.. "Am I big enough? Am I hard enough? Am I lasting long enough? Am I good?" As soon as you start thinking these questions. It's a big problem. "Am I good enough?" You start trying harder. and you lose your presence and your authority. You lose every feeling of being in the moment. which is not thinking about your penis and your performance. you are thinking too much about the actual sex! One of the big mistakes. Of course you want her to have a good time. ―Is she enjoying this?" Now don't get me wrong. once you get past the learning stage and pass the learning curve. anything. you no longer want to be thinking about what exactly you're doing. while you're learning this stuff. you're definitely gonna be doing a lot of thinking. You want to just be going by instinct. It does it out of a primal instinct. Maybe the salmon will move to 42 degrees. and the wind is this variable. That is PRESENCE. just getting in there and grabbing that salmon.Using Primal Instincts and Desire You don‘t want to be thinking. There'll be a learning curve." Think of just pure instinct. Like when you learned to drive a stick shift. Always instinct. you're thinking about it at the start. You're just primal. Just like anything else. So. "Maybe I'm gonna move my head in this direction. in the beginning. and what's going on. That's how you wanna be when you're in the present. He's not thinking. But. Just going right after it. and I will grab him here. The bear just jumps into the river and grabs it. when you learn a language. 32 | P a g e . "What do I say now? Which gear to I shift into?" You're learning. Think of a bear that's gonna pull a salmon out of the river. You need to show that you're in charge. more dominant. to be led by the male. That's how it's been since the caveman days. and the woman is. I'm the boss here. and you're the one leading the sexual interaction. By having that mindset of leader. they would be with one! No. a woman wants a man. you'll begin to naturally think." You wanna show that you're in charge. "I'm in charge. Here‘s how: -Take Charge Show her you're in charge by leading. whether it's during sex or during a date. I'm gonna do what I like. Just pull her into position and get going! 33 | P a g e . You should always treat women with respect. but you need to be authoritative. Being authoritative is a mindset and a way of action. So. Evolution has shown that men have to be the stronger. you've gotta show that you're in charge. So what does being a man MEAN? You need to be authoritative in bed.2. Don‘t ask to do doggy style. This doesn't mean you should be super aggressive. Why authority? Simple: because women don't want another woman! Take that one in: Women don't want another woman. It's much more attractive for women. Doggy style is a perfect way to show you‘re the boss of the interaction. AUTHORITY The 2nd trait is AUTHORITY. If they did. going to follow the lead of the man. Get it? 34 | P a g e . but as you see how well she responds to it. This shows that you're confident in your sexuality and in your manliness.. and then ramp it up from there. If you're in missionary position. what I mean is things like lightly slapping her ass as you are doing her. you'll get comfortable REAL fast! -Get ROUGH The third part of authority is getting just a little bit ROUGH with her. If she seems to REALLY get off on it. And by all means. pin her arms behind her head. I like to have guys start with something like "You like how I feel inside you?" Something like that. Try saying things like. like "You like it when I fuck you don't you?‖ Nearly all women will respond to this kind of basic dirty talk. That's authoritative. Push her down into the bed.-Talk Dirty The second trait of being authoritative is to TALK DIRTY. I know it can feel a bit awkward at first. give it to her HARD while you are doing these things! Move faster and go in deeper. Now. after you've started gently and she is warmed up. That's very authoritative.. or reaching up the back of her neck and gently but firmly pulling her hair. slowly take it to the next level. "You look so fucking hot right now‖ or "You like this? You like it hard? I'm gonna make you cum so hard‖ And just saying things that are dirty. I DON'T mean rough as in tieing her up and whipping her (though some girls DO like that!). the more enjoyment she is going to get out of the experience. If this excites her... ―These are my lips to kiss‖. 35 | P a g e . And the more things you do in the bedroom to remind her that she's YOUR woman and YOU are a strong. which is a very MASCULINE characteristic.. You want to say things that are really authoritative that make her understand that she is yours. move on to telling her that certain body parts of hers belong to you. which is something all women want to hear.. Start with things like.What you are trying to do her is to make her feel like she is being TAKEN by a strong and powerful man. ―Your ass is mine right now‖ etc. There is nothing you can do in the bedroom that will get a woman more turned on that this! -Be Possessive The next key to blowing your woman's mind in the bedroom is to let her know that she belongs to YOU... ―You are ALL MINE right now‖. The reason this gets such a strong reaction from women is because you are being TERRITORIAL. powerful man... or sneaking off somewhere. Maybe you're doing her in a place you shouldn‘t be. You're doing her doggie-style. VARIETY The 3rd part of the P. it's definitely gonna add 36 | P a g e . You're slapping her ass. saying "Baby. and you say different things.A.V. I love being inside you. system is VARIETY. because different positions give her different emotions. that Casanova. Different positions definitely help. This type of sex can be all about you being connected as one. sometimes you need to be the bad boy that's doing her really hard. what I am really talking about here is EMOTIONAL VARIETY. Then." That's one kind of a lover. It's not solely about different positions. I love you so much. like in public. Sometimes you want to be that really romantic guy. This creates a very different emotion for a woman than plain ole‘ ―bedroom sex‖… and women LOVE IT! Another idea is to narrated a very emotional fantasy.E. The point from all examples is that emotional variety by being different kinds of lovers is highly important! VARIETY is about giving her a different sensation of feelings. If you do different positions. that comes in and sweeps her off her feet. and you have different interactions in these different positions.3. And while physical variety is nice. You could be telling her how much you love her and how much you want to be with her. It's being a different type of lover who keeps things fresh and exciting. Something like out of a romance novel. just from changing their emotional status by being in the missionary position. But. You need to be able to give her different emotions and variety of sexual experiences from the same sexual positions. you wanna make sure that the sex is very spontaneous as often as possible. There's so many different things that you can do just from missionary position. And I just touched upon it. You can talk emotionally. Being Spontaneous So. 37 | P a g e . It's not gonna have emotion. You can talk dirty. In the missionary position you can make love to her. repeatedly. It's gonna seem monotonous. because it's adding emotional variety AND physical variety. Try to have various times where you have sex. positions themselves aren't really that different. that really changes how she's feeling and what kind of orgasm she has. on Friday night. Why? It‘s because you can have massive variety within one position. You want to be having sex at different times. So. another issue to variety is SPONTANEITY.variety. Try and rendezvous in the middle of the day to have sex. The second key to variety is that positions aren't that important. You can fuck her. So. Y eah. but positions aren't as important. being different type of lovers is one of the keys to variety. it's not gonna have that variety. that's not very spontaneous. Sometimes you want to have sex in the middle of the day. You only really need about four or five sexual positions. If it's planned. If you're always having sex at 9:00 at night. if you can. Many of my students have made multiple girls have orgasms. Be Spontaneous! You never wanna plan sex. the main way to have more VARIETY is to change her emotions. (In a moment. as well as have a lot of fun yourself. be spontaneous. because you can make her feel a wide range of emotions. she's not going to feel emotion. 4. EMOTION The 4th trait is EMOTION. or take a little trip together and have sex when you get there. Using Fantasies A Great way to add in variety is through USING FANTASIES. So. when you make her feel a variety of emotions. and it‘s a very enjoyable thing. Here‘s how to put it into play… You Must Be Emotional Yourself! It takes two people to have great sex. If you can't be emotional yourself. when you're 38 | P a g e . So you have to BE EMOTIONAL YOURSELF. and use fantasies as a way to make sure your sex life doesn‘t get boring. Change the feelings that she has. And again. Keep things fresh.you're gonna have a lot of sex at night after you go to bed. you‘re going to read some fantasies from real women!) Fantasies are a great way to add in variety. You want as much spontaneity as possible. but as much as possible try not stick to a schedule. Do it in the shower. There are lots of different fantasies. you're going to give her a lot of orgasms. and in the morning when you wake up. So in summary. and she's going to be madly in love with you. be a different kind of lover. or outside. you need to be. Sometimes she wants to feel really wanted in a caring and loving way. because you married her. So. If you've ever seen a bad boy with a really hot girl. Your bodies are new. So. after the initial emotions have dipped. Emotion also explains a lot of guys sexual problem. Sometimes she just wants to feel like a piece of meat. you should be pretty emotional. the stronger the orgasms are gonna be. And it's not that she loves each emotion that she feels. The Stronger the Emotions.‖ you want to say it with passion. If it's your wife. It's because in the beginning. you need to be emotional. 39 | P a g e . make sure that you really mean it. and in the beginning the sex is really good. Women want to feel different emotions during sex. there's so much emotion for both of you. So now. even sexually or in any manner. if you're not with a girl that you like. You're madly in love. it's that it's this wild roller coaster of various emotions. you don't want it to end in a weak "I love you. Remember back to the emotions that you felt when you married her. or they'll get a girlfriend. They love guys that make them feel strong emotions. Make Her Feel a Range of Emotions EMOTION is all about giving her a range of emotions. either inside the bedroom. The stronger the emotions. he makes her feel a lot of strong emotions. There's a lot of emotion in the beginning. the Better Women are attracted to strong emotions. They‘ll get married. Then that emotion dips over a time. Emotion is pretty hard to fake for most guys." If you're saying ―I love you.telling her things. And then the sex peters out. anticipation. Once you learn what to say you‘ll be able to create strong emotions very easily Teasing TEASING is a great way to create emotion. and you're really slowly building up…and you're building up…and you're building up. Emotions are best shown through words. Just keep going with the foreplay. all that teasing creates anticipation. there's no way you're conveying any emotion. Feelings of just being fucked. excitement. and she really wants you inside of you. Feelings of being loved. You Must Be Verbal in Bed Third thing on emotion is that YOU MUST TALK. It is a few select words used here and there that have a purpose. keep kissing until all of the sudden she starts grabbing you. Different emotions. Play hard to get. teasing. until finally she can't take it anymore. Be Emotional But Authoritative Outside of the Bedroom Try and work in a little bit of emotion into your relationship outside the bedroom. It's not that having open dialogue or a convesation. Different and strong emotions are what YOUR girl wants. and keep gently pushing her away in a teasing manner. And the way that you can do that. Anticipation creates excitement So. Do what a woman would do when you're trying to get her. and then kind of push her away. and 40 | P a g e . I just keep kissing. What you don‘t realize is that good sex involves verbal communication during sex at times. If you're not talking in bed. If you're teasing a girl.And you want to do that in bed. here are some ways you can do that: Romantic/Emotional Talk with Her Romantic talk with her is a great way to add a lot of emotion. I miss you so much. 41 | P a g e . you need to start now.‖ ―How much do you love me?" Stuff like that is romantic talk. Romantic talk means things like. baby. "I love you so much. You need to add in a lot of romantic talk." If you're not calling your wife or girlfriend baby. Kind of ease it in there. otherwise it sounds a little weird. But romantic talk is. "Oh. So without further ado… here some real fantasies from women. anonymous. Look for all the elements of P.Chapter 6 Proof Women Want It: Read Hot Fantasies Written by Women! To show you just how powerful this stuff is.V.A. Warning: These are UNEDITED and EXPLICIT… so read at your own risk! Fantasy 1: I Want You Right Now! I come home from work and there you are lying on the sofa in your boxers. I wanted to share with you some fantasies written by REAL WOMEN… so you can get inside of their heads and see just how important using the elements of the P. offering to pay them with Pay Pal so there would be zero embarrassment… that way I knew they would hold nothing back! What you are about to read are 100% true.E system its unbelievable.A. within these fantasies and you will be able to copy these fantasies. Pay close attention when you are reading these. As usual. This stuff is so close to the P.VE.E. I catch my breath when confronted with your masculinity. unedited fantasies that prove how much women want and need sex. So I went and posted ads on Craigslist to have women write in with their fantasies.V. system really is! Of course I couldn‘t ask women I know because they wouldn‘t tell the truth… as they wouldn‘t want me to think differently of them. Even though you are not 42 | P a g e .A. I step back. and appraise your amazing body. You help me remove them. ―Here are the rules: I touch you. as I grind my hips against you. I lean into your strength and warmth. darling.‖ is all that you can utter. revealing a tight. Wrapping my arms around your neck. kissing you softly. walk over to the sofa and stand in front of you. I gasp as you nibble at its stiff peak. I set my briefcase on the counter. The pinstripe skirt I am wearing stops about mid thigh and stretches tightly across my ample bottom. sucking on your bottom lip. Got it?‖ 43 | P a g e . Your enormous brown eyes beg me to join you. I straddle your lap. you lean forward and suck on one through the thin material.‖ My hands trail down your abdomen. satin camisole. My rock hard nipples poke through the smooth fabric. coming to rest on the waistband of your boxers. Just lie back and let me pleasure you. I feel your hands slide up over my hips.physically big. You look up at me with that familiar mixture of innocence and desire that crumbles my resistance every time. pulling me against you. You feel my lips graze your neck and you shiver. You cannot touch me until I tell you its okay.‖ I whisper in your ear. you fill the room with your sexual presence. ―Not yet. ―I want to learn every part of your body tonight. and before I can stop you. still in my 4 inch heels. You pull my suit coat off. ―Do you know how badly I want to fuck you right now?‖ I murmur. ―Baby. I can feel the desire pool between my legs. The scent of your arousal teases my nose. so I continue with my lesson. I can feel your erection pressing against my thighs. I‘ve never taken control like this. ―Don‘t worry. It‘s driving you wild that you cannot see me. I resist the temptation to just climb onto your cock and ride you. where are you?‖ ―I‘m here.You swallow hard and nod your head. My touch is light and tentative. ―I‘ve got something that will help‖. I can see the skepticism on your face. ―You‘re a naughty boy. baby. If at any point it gets to be too much. You grab me around my waist. and kiss me breathless. I run my tongue between your fingers before taking one into my mouth and sucking. I‘m trying to drink you all in. I go into our bedroom and find a silk scarf. then with a bit more strength. paying special attention to the outlines of your muscles. gently at first. I want to take you in my mouth and suck you dry. it looks like it might explode. Just try to relax. nor do you know what I‘m going to do next. but tonight is about control. I grab your left hand. You hear it hit the floor. ―Baby.‖ I manage to get out between pants. I run my fingers across your shoulders and down your arms. 44 | P a g e . I straddle your lap again and nibble at your earlobes. and is driving you wild. I pull the camisole off too.‖ Your breathing has gotten shallow and your cock is so hard. and plant a kiss in your palm.‖ I tie the scarf loosely around your eyes. just say yellow. I can‘t get enough of your different textures. I trace the lines of your jaw with my thumb and kiss your neck softly. I stand up and slowly unzip my skirt. The material is cool and smooth against your skin. I flick my tongue across the tip of your cock. The sting of your broken skin excites you. I run my fingers across your lips and press them inside your mouth. I am yours now. I slide my fingers through the thin coarse hair on your chest and follow it to your smooth stomach. loudly. You suck on them a little and realize that they are soaked with my juices. I start kissing you as I grind my hips. and you moan. then the other. I continue my assault. riding you. breathing on your balls and shaft.hard. I cry out your name. I run my fingernails down your back. I inhale deeply near your navel. causing your abdomen to quiver. I pinch your nipples. You slap my ass . running my tongue along your side. nearing the verge of my climax. I can feel my orgasm rising as you possess me. You squirm a little and cry out my name. but not touching them. My legs are over your shoulders so you can get as deep as possible. I cannot take another second. You shudder when my soft lips brush across your bicep. You grab my hips and force me down onto you harder and harder. lapping up a drop of precum. they‘re so different from mine. as you fuck me. first one cheek. as our movements become frantic. I begin to nibble at your thighs. and slam into me. You grab my wrist and suck harder.I get down on the sofa again and lay a trail of kisses down the inside of your arm. I cry out. The slick walls of my pussy clench you tightly as you start to suck on my nipples again. A flush has 45 | P a g e . down to your pelvic bone. My aching pussy has to have you now. You roll me underneath you. I can feel your fingers digging into my flesh. I lower myself onto your cock and remove the blindfold. trying to catch my breath. ―Tell me that you want me. bruising my tender skin. causing me to moan. You lap at me slowly. You grab my hips and pound harder. You wrap your arms around me. and the delicious sounds you make are enough to send me over the edge. The orgasm is different this time. You pull back and look in my eyes. ―Fuck me…now. 46 | P a g e . You hold my hips down so I cannot squirm away.spread from my face down to my abdomen and I‘m whimpering now. I shudder my completion. I can feel my juices running down my legs. I whimper again. You are so strong. ―Roll over. pulling me against you. my pussy throbbing with excitement. You start to orgasm. I get on all fours for you. I feel so exposed with my ass in the air. You cuddle up next to me and pull the afghan from the back of the sofa across our naked bodies.‖ I feel so wanton. You grab my hair and jerk my head back a little. I have never felt so safe. Your tongue slides across my aching clit. It is so intense that I soak your face and the sofa. begging you to make me cum. never changing pace or pressure. but you keep that same pace. yet I‘m excited. Your five o‘clock shadow scrapes my sensitive inner thighs. but you refuse to let me go. almost scream your name. I touch my clit as you slam into me.‖ you say roughly. It builds and I beg you to finish.‖ I take a sharp breath in. causing my nipples to rub against the rough upholstery of the sofa. I collapse onto our oversized sofa. My breasts are bouncing back and forth. I soak you with my juices and you are eager to lick them before they are wasted. I feel like a goddess every time we make love. Mind numbing. ―I wanted to do for you what you do for me every day. Really badly. I have to pee. This would be a lot of fun if I didn‘t have to pee. ―I love you‖. There is no freaking way I am going to pee in the woods.‖ ―What is that?‖ ―You worship my body in your own way. Fantasy 2: You Caught Me! Not So Innocent Now. but not before hearing you say softly. I smile – that‘s the first time you‘ve said that. what the hell. probably western North Carolina. It is a winding highway someplace rural. I love the power of the car and the thrill of speed. You cater to my whims. Your breath is warm on my neck and I can tell you‘re getting sleepy. I close my eyes and drift off too. But when I saw the ad for fantasies. You can never seem to get enough. 47 | P a g e . I thought.‖ I feel your thumbs brush the underside of my breasts as you snuggle even closer. You make me feel safe and loved and protected.for real! I am flying down the highway in a little white GTO. From the anonymous female author: "Telling people about my fantasies isn‘t something I thought I could ever do...‖ This is what I fantasize about . can‘t think.―What brought that on?‖ you whisper lazily into my ear. There are tall pines on either side of the road and I am going way too fast. I manage ―I‘m in here. I must keep driving. And he is pointing a gun at me. Then I hear the door slam open and ―Police. Thank god.‖ As I look up there is a tall man standing in the door way of the bathroom and he is staring at me. He is coming after me. Oh my word. there are the lights. my panties at my ankles and he is staring at me.especially dressed in a mini-skirt and strappy sandals. I am out of the car fumbling with my keys and running to the bathroom. And oh shit. ―Oh shit!‖ I am terrified and my overbeating heart cranks it up a notch but I can‘t slow down. This is so weird. I am sitting on the toilet with my skirt hiked up. come out with your hands in the air. number 15. We go on like this for a couple miles when I see the entrance to the Summer Pines Motor Inn and crank the wheel into the gravel lot. At least I hope it is. My room. Such relief. I think I turn off the car but who really knows. 48 | P a g e .‖ Oh no I forgot about the cop in my panic. I know my motel is around one of these hair-pin corners. I keep my foot nailed to the petal. As I round yet another turn I see a cop car. I make it to the bathroom just in time to hike up my little white skirt and rip down my thong and sit. is at the end the building and the car goes screaming into the space right in front. I feel a rush of heat run up my neck and face. ―How about you put that weapon away. My eyes get stuck half way down when I can see that his cock is pushing against the front of his pants as he looks at me. look at my privates. He is totally hot. Instead of pulling the thong up I step out of it and walk forward without my sandals.‖ I hold up my hands like I am surrendering and start to stand. I briefly consider my vulnerable situation but chances like this don‘t come every day. My eyes run up to his chest now and I see that he has broad shoulders. He composes himself and gently shakes his head and blinks a couple of times. Higher still. Since he has seen me. His eyes drift down and my eyes follow his. He exhales again. looking at him. It is awkward in heated kind of way. I tip my head up and give him a small wicked smile. I am wearing a tight turquoise blue tank top and I can feel my nipples respond to the blast of cold AC. I know he is looking at my neat trim and I think I might like it. 49 | P a g e . he has a dark complexion with salt and pepper hair and hard grey eyes. I have a great tan and bright pink toe nails. As I stand up my little white skirt gets hung up on my hips. Don‘t shoot me. He instinctually slides the gun into the holster on his hip. He exhales deeply and instinctively licks his lips. he hasn‘t said anything to me.‖ I purr reaching my hands towards one another clasping them in front of me with my best ―I am so innocent‖ look.―I had to pee. I try wiggling my hips ever so slightly and but my skirt gets stuck on my hips a little lower but not anywhere close to modest. The cop can‘t help but look at me. probably? I was going really fast‖ Then I add ―Am I under arrest?‖ looking up with big wide eyes. I want his mouth and grab his bottom lip with just a touch of my teeth.I try speaking. Greedily he kisses and licks my shoulders and neck feeling me rise and fall to meet him. He spreads his fingers so that his thumb was on one nipple and his pinky finger was on the other. He leans over and put his lips on my bare shoulder. He cups my whole tit in his hand and squeezes just enough for a twinge of delightful pain. My skirt is still jacked up around my hips. I love rough kissing and we explore every inch of each other‘s mouths. He is coming towards me filling the doorway to the bathroom and he grabs me under the arm pits and easily hoists me onto the sink counter. My round and firm breasts are the perfect size for his large strong hands. A slight moan escapes my lips as I reach up and grab a handful of his shirt. I lean into him as he finds nipple and rolls it between his thumb and all of his fingers one by one. Brushing his cheek against my chest. ―Too fast. I arch my back and press my chest against him. I smell like sun and coconut and sweat and he breathes me deeply and moves his lips and his teeth to the round tightness of my bicep. This next transition is a blur. grunts and moves in quickly. He spreads my legs with his knee. As I suck his full lip his hips start to press into the counter. I have to touch him. He obviously likes it and grabs the back of my neck and shoots his tongue deep into my open and willing mouth. His 50 | P a g e . I slid my hands onto his pecs and use my face to move his lips to mine. I move my hands to his front and quickly undo the buttons of his shirt. I find his other hand and lift my tight tank top to offer my flesh. He smells like musk and sweet chicory coffee. I catch him staring at my heat and he runs his 51 | P a g e . I feel so alive and hot standing naked in front of this hungry man.palm presses between my breasts and I grab his face and drive my tongue deeper into his mouth. I lean in close and I know he can feel the heat from my special place. The pain shoots into my belly and down lower. The cop doesn‘t flinch as he leans in to take my rock hard nipples into his mouth. He moves in closer and runs his hands up the fronts until his thumbs meet my little mound and he spread his fingers around my hip bones. With each thumb he spreads my lips gently and looks up. The thought of ―what the fuck am I doing‖ comes into my head but leaves just as quickly. As I slowly stand he strips my skirt to my ankles. My chest is pushed forward and as I desperately remove his shirt. I love it. He looks up with need and reverence. I have big handfuls of his hair and I can see the muscles of his neck straining. I reach my hands over my head into my hair and stretch. I am still sitting in front of the mirror on the cool marble counter with my legs dangling over the edge. He is so strong and I know he is hard. My thighs are at his eye level. I know I am beautiful. I love it when he uses his teeth and while it hurts I don‘t say stop. I arch again slipping my tank top over my head and grab his face and pushed it towards my heart. He licks around in circles teasing my sharp points. With a grunt he picks me up as I tuck my feet underneath until I am crouching on the sink. tongue over his lips. His hands are roughly he kneading my ass. I want him to take me with his mouth so I tilt my hips closer. His sex was pulsing and I know he needs to be inside of me. My knees give out as he gently lowers me to the counter. He moves around until his head shines and plunges into my center. I can feel the wetness engulf my pussy. more. He spread my legs wide and finds my opening with his tip. Don‘t stop. After a minute he reaches one hand around and slides his first two fingers up into my slit. I am so wet and hot. maybe three fingers in and out with a hard pumping rhythm. I still want to be fucked. I am tight in the right way yet so wet and willing. I gasp but eagerly meet his hand. I can see his veins and the skin stretched thinly. My orgasm comes fast and hard. I watch the cop grab his belt and pants and jump out of them freeing his enormous hard on.‖ I moan and then release. Just then he finds my spot and teases it with his tongue while moving his two. I know my juices are pouring into his mouth and down his neck. (This is usually when I have my first orgasm for real. It is so perfect. This gets me so excited for more.) But I am not done with this fantasy. He roughly grabs my ass with both hands and propels my hips towards his face. He is lapping at my lips and forcing his tongue inside closer to my G-spot. ―More. I grab the top of his head and hold on for dear life. 52 | P a g e . I am panting and gasping for air as he grabs me around the waist and plants my sweet ass onto the cold marble. I feel my knees go weak yet he holds me in place and thrusts his tongue into my spot. Each time he rams me I am shocked at how deep and far he is in me. His elbows give way and he lands gently on top of me. I am mostly being held in place by his strong arms and his big dick deep inside of me. He drives hard holding my shoulders so I have to take every inch of him. I feel like a conqueror. The cold tile is shocking to my back and I gasp but I don‘t want to stop. Pumping harder and faster I grab his cock with my inside muscles and push my hips up as far as I can to meet his onslaught.―Oh Jesus in heaven. panting and trying to catch his breathe. He lets his whole shaft come out to my soft lips and then drives it in harder and deeper. I want to bite him and chew on his neck and his shoulders while moving with his rhythm. I push up with my strong arms tilting my hips up to meet him while wrapping my legs around his back. His cock is stretched to the limit and I can tell he was getting ready. I dig my nails into his back and he flinches just for a second but it doesn‘t stop him. My ass is barely on the counter. This is when we both come together. He wraps his strong arms around my whole torso and takes me to floor. eh? It just goes to show that women are waaaay more sexual than we think! 53 | P a g e .‖ he moans. I feel triumphant. I relish him being worn out. He moves his hips back and forth pumping me. And when he lifts his head I smile and say ―Does this mean I won‘t get a ticket?‖ Wild stuff. It was coming but he wants to be in deeper still. He fills me completely. 54 | P a g e . let‘s go over some of the common problems we men have in bed.So now that we‘ve covered how to arouse a woman‘s emotions to give her intense physical pleasure. and what to do about them. which basically means the harder you try. not a physical problem.Stop TRYING so hard to get hard If you are trying to hard. How To Get HARD (Without Pills) When a guy has trouble getting hard it is almost always a psychological problem. the limper you will get. (If you can‘t get hard for masturbation or porn then you need to talk with a doctor. but not during sex. You can always go the drug route and take Viagra or another such drug but in most cases I‘ve seen that guys usually don‘t really need it! If you can get hard during masturbation or while looking at porn. Let‘s address some of the major ones quickly. the stress reaction sends a signal to your brain that you are in a flight or fight response. your problem is entirely psychological. Here is what to do instead: 55 | P a g e . here‘s how to get hard when you‘re with a woman: 1.Chapter 7 Common Problems And How To Fix Them! No matter how much sexual improvement you do there will still be occasional issues that come up.) Assuming you CAN get hard while masturbating. 2. Practice 10 count breathing when not having sex… then use it when you are I've found that one of the best ways to get control of your manhood is through breathing. (5 cycles of 2). In the beginning this make take 40-50 breathes. and now I'd like to show you a little-known breathing technique that I've found is THE SECRET to getting and keeping rock hard erections for as long as YOU want! It's called.. nothing about life or any topic. this is one of the single best things you will EVER learn to improve your sex life! So let's get right into it.. Clear your mind other than the numbers. Once you hit 10 repeat cycle until you find you are completely relaxed.. 56 | P a g e . Hold the in breath for a second once it is all the way in Breath out slowly through your mouth noticing your stomach coming back in. After you have done this a few times it will be 10-20 breathes. and trust me when I say. ―10-Count Breathing‖. Concentrate only on thinking about the number you are on. This breath is 1. 10-Count Breathing Sit in a comfortable position Breathe in slowly through your nose concentrating on making your stomach go out as you fill it with air. Repeat in and out in same manner until you reach 10. This exhale is 2.. Sounds crazy. 3. More foreplay Keep kissing your lover and having foreplay.Get to the point where you can do 10 count breathing and notice that you are relaxed. And trust me. If you are not having problems of arousal then your problems are of tension and presence. which allows you to relax more and get hard. In Addition… Another thing I highly recommend to boost your performance in bed is to start working out regularly. as physical activity signals to the body to increase testosterone production… which equals harder and bigger erections! 57 | P a g e . You‘ll be glad you did. Right when you realized you are about to have sex start breathing QUIETLY but in 10 count breathing style and you will notice that you are able to maintain your level of arousal without having tension creep in and ruin your erection. but it works! Keep practicing until you get this down. then it will help your erections. To start you can do ANY exercise… it‘s better than nothing! If you can do 20 minutes of any exercise that makes you sweat a bit and gets your heard rate up and you feeling good. More foreplay= less tension= total arousal. no woman has EVER complained about TOO MUCH forplay! It‘s usually the opposite! So relax and take your time. you learn to control your breathing as well. look at a program such as Body of Life by Bill Phillips. squat.Here are some specific types of training that are GREAT for sex: -Yoga: With yoga you not only increase your strength and get a good workout. which makes it an amazing sex life booster! If you can only do one physical activity. These include the dead lift. It makes sex no fun and a source of constant stress and anxiety because you know that you can‘t please a woman. For further details.Weight Training: This is the best ways to get your testosterone levels up and be ready and able to have more sex. and pull-ups. Focus on big multi joint movements that work more than one muscle at once. I‘ve personally done this for over 8 years now and always am relaxed and ready to have a ton of sex after training. as they will boost your testosterone the fastest. just use the activity to stay in shape and as a testosterone booster. You don‘t have to ever fight or get injured. dumbbell press. yoga is what I recommend . Check into some Brazilian jujitsu classes or any kind of self defense. How To Last Longer If you are not lasting long enough let‘s fix this problem right now! I used to be the worst premature ejaculator of all. Instead of feeling pleasure during sex all you can think about is your fear of cumming! 58 | P a g e . -Martial Arts: Martial arts are great for getting up testosterone. no erection. masturbating or foreplay but not enough to come Highly aroused but not going to come yet About to come. your mowing the lawn Could get aroused. tension creeps into your body and causes you to ejaculate early. couldn‘t stop cumming if I wanted to. When you don‘t have presence. Here‘s how: Step 1.I remember I used to kid myself that all guys lasted a short time… but thenwomen would tell me otherwise! The bottom line is ff you can‘t last. Instead. inevitable climax 59 | P a g e . your relationship won‘t last… so listen up! The good news is that if you can last longer masturbating than having sex you can fix your premature ejaculation. Once you can put your arousal at a number it is easy to identify the point where you are about to cum and avoid it. The scale should be roughly like this: Not aroused at all. put it at a number. Once you learn how aroused you are you can control your erection and last as long as you want. It‘s just going to take a little bit of work. Start off by noticing during masturbation or sex what number you are at on a scale of 1-10. Ejaculating too quickly usually occurs because you are not present enough during sex. thinking of maybe masturbating Aroused. Don‘t fight your arousal. It‘s also described in detail in the Fundamentals DVD..5 and when it turns into number 9. or some kind of additional physical or visual stimulation (aka doggy style). The foreplay makes you comfortable and lowers your arousal level to 4 but as long as it‘s done right doesn‘t make you come.5! What I want you to do is notice the next 10 times when you masturbate when are you are about to go from number 6. Longer foreplay: The more foreplay you have the better off you will be able to last as long as you want. We‘re going to move when you have sex from a number 9 to a number 6. give us a call if you need help with this. The goal for right now is to be able to identify when you hit number 6.not as hard stroking) and take 2 or 3 10 count breathes to get your arousal level back down from a number 9 to a number 6. So for the next ten times identify during the entire number system in each stage up to your orgasm. Most guys ―go over the edge‖ and are about to come with faster thrusting. harder stroking.You want to be able to recognize where you are on that scale of 1-10 at any time whether you are masturbating or involved in any sex play. Once you have the ability to do this during masturbation you will be able to do the same thing during sex. Step 2. Again. Once you combine the arousal scale with physical positions that are less stimulating you will find that you have complete control over your how long you last and premature ejaculation is gone forever.5.5 to number 9. When you are increasing 60 | P a g e . Then for the next 9 times or however long it takes I want you to slow down the physical sensation (ie. or kiss her body. Step 3. See demonstration in the DVD. Have sex missionary with your arms under her and NOT supporting your weight. Because lack of arousal isn‘t your problem. You have conditioned yourself from your masturbating that when you slow down you will lower arousal and get back to a 4. Take a breath and slow down! Once you get this working on masturbating with some porn then you can try it during sex. In the beginning when you are learning to master your cock and increasing stamina avoid doggy style.your foreplay to get your arousal level down to a 4 concentrate on what you are doing to her rather than what she is doing to you. Missionary position or oral sex not doggy style. Doggy is the most visually and physically stimulating position for a guy and will increase your arousal level. Instead eat her out. Step 4. Move slowly and when you are about to come slow down. It may take a few times but you will find your sexual confidence goes through the roof and you will be able to last as long as you want once you master it. 61 | P a g e . or kiss her and you will get to and maintain an arousal level of 4 throughout sex until YOU DECIDE when you will come. its excess of arousal you don‘t want her making you more aroused through a hand job or a blowjob. unlike men who usually have just one type of orgasm. Physical Stimulation Orgasms. 62 | P a g e . How To Give Her An Orgasm A lot of guys think that their girl is different and she won‘t come. They have many more ―pleasure centers‖ and depending on how good a sexual experience you are giving them they can come more times and much stronger. meditation the day you are going to have sex it will speed up this learning process by at LEAST 50%.This is the ―go-to‖ orgasm when you‘re improving your sexual skills.If you combine this numerical arousal technique with weight training. women are capable of many different types.A. Let‘s go over some of the types of orgasms women can have and a sure-fire backup plan to give any women an orgasm. you just have to be doing the right things and following the P.V. Here is a way to give a clitoral orgasm: I want to make this really simple.E. She will. full body orgasms. Also. From there your lover will want to be sexually satisfied vaginally and move on to deeper. You need to realize that it may take time but she will eventually have orgasms. This orgasm is easy to have a women achieve because it is mostly a ―physical‖ orgasm as opposed to a full body orgasm or an orgasm during vaginal sex that has strong emotions. Your first goal should be to learn to give women a manual stimulation orgasm every time. exercise. model. side of back. Kiss her neck. Don‘t do anything else just leave it there. While you are kissing her put your palm over her area and apply light pressure.Kiss her until she is horny and moaning. Once she starts grinding up against your hand (she will) put your middle finger inside her with your palm up Go as far back as you can with your finger along the upper wall until you find a smooth spot Press on the smooth spot and start making a come here motion with your finger…don‘t be afraid to apply some pressure Keep making the come hither motion while you kiss her neck and breasts. inner thighs. mouth. Feel her get off! 63 | P a g e . It‘s overwhelming because it creates a primal female sexual addiction to you. authority. A woman will often say she misses you 20 minutes after you left each others company. I call these orgasms overwhelming because when women have an ―overwhelming orgasm‖ they don‘t know how many times they came. These orgasms are harder to have her achieve without her first having a physical stimulation orgasm before sex. It is currently being trademarked and patented as it is recognized that it gives women ―Overwhelming Orgasms. continuous orgasmic state. she was from Austria. repeated cumming etc. I was dating this girl Renee. I know this sounds ridiculous. Vaginal orgasms are a result of penetrating her in a rhythmic constant manner and having presence. When you start giving women ―overwhelming orgasms‖ you will be amazed how quickly they fall in love with you or you create unheard of levels of passion in your relationship. (using the PAVE system) Overwhelming Orgasms This is a term that I have coined. and emotion. However the term ―overwhelming orgasm‖ most accurately describes what is going. Remember: The more orgasms you can give her before you have sex the better the actual penetration will be.Vaginal Orgasms Vaginal orgasms are produced during intercourse. smart 64 | P a g e . She will tell all her friends about how great you are and she will talk and act like she is madly in love with you. variety.‖ I have seen others use words like ―full body orgasm‖. a really sexy. I didn‘t believe it until I saw it in my own life. This is the reality for some guys when your sexual skills are good enough. Over time with her though.e to give her an overwhelming orgasm 65 | P a g e . let her want it from you Have her masturbate while you are there watching and she makes herself co me Have her masturbate while touching you or you are inside her Physical stimulation orgasm Orgasm through sex Add in all elements of p. I started implementing real authority and she began cumming over and over with ―overwhelming orgasms‖ After the second time we had sex she told me she loved me and this is a normal girl. She told me that she had never felt so good with someone and that she would do anything to keep me having sex with her! She became so addicted to the sex that she would show up with food.v.a. and panties with my name on them.accountant. with no physiological hang-ups. When we started having sex I started slow because at this time I was a bit timid to try all of the techniques that I use now. Giving Women Orgasms Ladder Longer foreplay to get her more relaxed…don‘t‘ push the sex. gifts. you must realize is that she does WANT to have great sex. etc) Never bring up the topic of sex outside the bedroom Never try and trade anything for sex Start giving her more orgas ms (duh! But now you know how !) What To Do If You‘re Inexperienced First off. Here are some tips to follow: Start being more emotional and more authoritative OUTSIDE the bedroom Start being more flirtatious during the day (texts.How To Get Her To Pursue YOU For Sex! First of all.. she has to be reconditioned to know that you are now a better lover. since she is used to the old you! So now that you ARE good. It‘s whether you WANT to be good and the desire to get this area of your life handled that is going to make you a great lover! Have as much sex as possible doesn't matter if the girl is hot After a sexual experience look back on what was good about it and what needed improvement 66 | P a g e . she is just conditioned to think the sex isn't good with you.. kisses. realize that everyone starts off inexperienced sexually. and the sites have TONS of videos.Pick only 1 thing for next sexual experience… work on only one thing at a time Enjoy your practice. In short. Watch too much porn and you‘ll find you cum too fast or can‘t get hard when you actually have sex. Online porn these days is cheap. it‘s ok to watch a little bit of porn.. so get in as much as you can. Any practice and progress you make now will benefit you for the rest of your life with wo men! A Warning About Pornography A lot of guys get really addicted pornography when they aren‘t having enough sex. so the temptation is there! The problem real with watching porn is that it lowers your sex drive for REAL women. That will program your brain with POSITIVE associations. and don‘t put too much pressure on yourself! Practice makes perfect. plus you are training yourself with BAD HABITS by making the association in your brain between porn and having an orgasm as opposed to SEX and having an orgasm. but mix up your ―selflove‖ sessions with some where you are masturbating to your own positive mental pictures of giving it to a woman good.. the girls are beautiful. and when you are with a woman you will be ready! 67 | P a g e . Chapter 8 Does Size REALLY Matter? "My penis is too small. Women DO fantasize about elaborate sexual fantasies that you can create with your MIND. You don‘t need to try exercises to lengthen it or make it thicker. Women don‘t often fantasize about getting railed by a huge guy. Unless your penis is under 2. Even if it does work at all. Forget about your penis size and instead invest in the scientifically proven principles in this book which are proven to make you a masterful lover and make her sexually addicted to you! She is More Worried About Her Body Than Yours! Woman know what you look when you have clothes in. and maker her come. Yeah you definitely SHOULD get in better shape because she will be more attracted.5 inches hard it does not matter. and you‘ll be able to move better in bed. 68 | P a g e . If you have tried lengthening with penis pills." This is one of the biggest myths about giving women sexual pleasure. Just get naked. a bigger dick will not give you sexual mastery. stamina. or exercises don‘t waste your time. You need to realize that as self conscious as you may be about your body. pumps. Don‘t discuss what you look like and don‘t make any attempt to hide it. the woman that you are with is even more self conscious. it will raise your testosterone. It‘s not hiding as much as you think. If a woman is getting naked with you and ready for sex then you need to release the beliefs that your body is holding you back. Cialis: I‘ve also tried Cialis a handful of times and if you are going away for a long weekend or know you will be having sex multiple times over a few days this could be a good option for you. use the lowest possible dose that gives you a benefit. But if you feel that you really need it. If you really need a boost for long weekend away or repeated sessions then Cialis works better.turn off the lights to start if you are nervous and use what you learn in here. Try 25 mg first and that should do the trick for you. Viagra is best taken if you know you are going to be having sex in 45 minutes-3 hours and need an extra boost. (Often the benefit is more psychological than anything else). Viagra: I‘ve taken Viagra to see how it feels. But in order to give proper guidance I‘ve gone out there and extensively tested everything I could get my hands on. From my own experience and guys that I‘ve talked to Cialis doesn‘t 69 | P a g e . Remember. pleasing women has nothing to do with dick size. Let‘s do a quick run through. Supplements and Penis Pumps I currently do not use sexual stimulants other than my own testosterone boosting workouts. Again once you master these techniques you will have the strategies you need to give women repeated orgasms and these medications are only to get it up more. Remember though. Most guys don‘t need Viagra to get hard and stay hard it‘s a mental thing. women are turned on by the emotional not the physical! About Pills. It‘s a waste of your time and money. Once you can consistently give women AN ORGASM you need to be working on your sexual skills no more than 70 | P a g e . don‘t. What it does is it allows you to keep getting hard over and over even if you‘ve just had sex. If you have no problem getting up looking at porn then your problems in the bedroom are not physical they are mental. Or if you prefer them as a safety blanket then just try and minimize your dosage for safety reasons. Practice the breathing exercises for relaxation and you will find that you don‘t need these drugs anymore. It hurt. she‘s starting to have some orgasms and you don‘t want to ruin it. If a guy can‘t get hard to masturbate then he definitely needs some pharmaceutical help. Dick size is NOT the problem. I nearly popped some blood vessels and I‘m never using it again.give you the rock hard erections that Viagra does.It isn't all Hard Work! Amen brother! This is something that I really worried about still have to remind myself about. Relax and Enjoy . Penis pumps: I tried a penis pump back in my desperation days. If you‘re thinking of getting one. Sometimes you get so focused on making the sex good for her that you neglect yourself! This usually happens as you‘re starting to get better in bed. It May Just Be in Your Head Look. if you can masturbate without any pharmaceutical help than the problem is in your head. The solution is learning how to be a fantastic lover using these techniques and emotion. These are psychological principles. and will it still work? The answer is ABSOLUTELY! Guys. not just think about theoretically. Classy. I understand that is intimidating to start using a lot of the techniques in this book. Something that you have to work on.Works for Every Woman! Sometimes guys who HAVEN‘T read this book or tried these techniques write to me and say that their girl is different. ALL women respond incredibly to these techniques. Read as much material as you can outside the bedroom but only implement it half the time.. That is why at the end I‘ve created the ―implementation‖ mini course. I want to make sure that you EXPERIENCE the power of this stuff. what position you are in. that‘s fine. If you are worried about and trying to improve your sexual skills EVERYTIME sex will feel like a chore to you. Conservative. if you want to do something to do it. Don‘t think about ANYTHING. If you want to say something say it.50% of the time. 71 | P a g e .. the evidence is overwhelming. The other half of the times don‘t worry about how long you‘re lasting. whether she is coming. Sassy. So what I want you to do is not spend more than 50% of your time having sex actually TRYING to have better sex. Be a total primal instinct driven animal. Shy. As long as the other half of the time you are focused on improving your skills and pleasuring her she will still be sexually satisfied. if you want to last 2 minutes. Just FUCK her. but remember that this stuff has been used by thousands of guys with ALL TYPES of women. 72 | P a g e .You can tone down anything in this book to adjust with any lover. Start kissing outside the bedroom more…just lean in and kiss her. Ignore at your peril! Types of birth control 73 | P a g e .Chapter 9 Getting Started is Easy I don‘t know how to initiate sex For me. because safe sex = less worry and a lot more fun! So here is a run-down on the different types of birth control and types of condoms.if you are doing more things together it won‘t see incongruent. Start kissing her more at night when you are going to bed and massaging her breasts while doing it and put her hand on your penis. when I was less than stellar in bed I didn‘t even know HOW to start sex with my girlfriend. boring stuff. Sex will occur! The ―Not Fun‖ But Important Stuff: Contraceptives & STDs I know I know. It‘s like I always wanted it and she didn‘t! Follow this sex-initiating ladder and the work will be done for you! Start doing more activities together outside bedroom (does not matter what they are as long as you are together and its not stressful). but I want to make sure you are SAFE.. ) Condoms: Condoms are great protection against STD‘s and are great birth control. If you are having sex with her while she is on her period or the day or two before it chances are you are ok but I still do not recommend using the pull out method even at that time. Let‘s run though some of them now: (Note this chapter assumes that you are in a relationship and that BOTH of you have been tested and deemed STD free. The Pill: Women take the pill on a set time and schedule.There are numerous types of birth control. (as opposed to the pill or other female solutions which require her to be in charge). I am not going to dignify this method by saying you should ever use it. As long you put the condom on the right way and it doesn‘t break then you will prevent pregnancy. It‘s also one of the only methods of birth control where you can control the outcome. Sperm lead to children. If you are using the ―Pull-Out‖ Method you are setting yourself up for an unplanned pregnancy. (The chance of a woman getting pregnant on her period is very rare but it has happened before. If she is on the pill and you completely trust her then the pill is a great solution. if you‘re hesitant that she will forget or really wants a child with you explore the other options. Pre-cum contains sperm. 74 | P a g e . It works really well — as long as she takes it. Sometime women will ―skip‖ a dose if they really want a child or in today‘s busy times often it gets lost in the shuffle.) The Pull Out Method: This is when she is not on birth control and you have sex and ―pull out‖ your penis before you ejaculate. Female condom: The female condom was launched with great fandom as it would be an opportunity for women to control their own sexual destiny. Diaphragm: The diaphragm is another thing that a woman can wear. You can experiment with it. Spermicide used on its own is a risky proposition. they‘re better for the absent-minded than the pill. 75 | P a g e . Spermicide used with a condom is very effective at preventing pregnancy. Some guys like it more than them wearing a condom while others say it‘s like having sex with a plastic tarp. Most times a woman needs a prescription from a doctor to get a diaphragm. The Ring. I would not recommend it. However it hasn‘t done as well as many thought it would. Here is what you need to know about spermicide. Spermicide: Spermicide is a gel that is applied to kill sperm. some studies have shown that spermicide condoms are no better at preventing pregnancy that just a regular ole condom. but when I need a condom I always wear one and forget the female condom. I‘d wear a condom and skip the diaphragm. However. It‘s kind of a pain as they need to get it fitted and leave it in after sex. Guys take responsibility. Since these have to be replaced infrequently. unless you have a major aversion to condoms. and the Implant: These are all hormonal solutions available with a prescription from her doctor or a family planning clinic. know this exists but wear a condom yourself. The stats vary but diaphragms have been known to be less effective than a condom or the pill. The Patch. Again. the Shot. There chance of pregnancy is too high. Let‘s make it simple: HIV: If you put a condom on and it does not break your chance of getting HIV is TINY. but I know people who have had. My friend Mike. Don‘t get it.IUD: Although the IUD has had some PR difficulties. Vasectomy: I almost considered this one night after being very concerned that I had impregnated a girlfriend at the time. I‘ve never had one. If you‘re worried she‘ll forget or it‘s a girl you just started sleeping with and hasn‘t been tested for STD‘s always be safe and strap on a condom! Avoiding STDs: I hate talking about STDs. it‘s a very effective. Although both operations (guys and girls) are reversible. Some STDs are very serious. It is much easier for a woman to get HIV than a man. He walked out of the hospital and was fine after a weekend. If a condom does break with 76 | P a g e . It has to be inserted (and removed) by a medical professional. If you‘re going to do this be sure. The stupidest thing you can ever do is have REPEATED sex with a woman who has not been tested. Even if the condom breaks your chance of getting HIV is quite low. The bottom line is this: if you really trust your girl and she is on the pill or another form of hormonal birth control your fine. comfortable solution for women who have already had a child. Let‘s dive into what‘s important to know and then move on. who was really concerned about unplanned pregnancy had the operation and said it wasn‘t too bad. AIDS is still a life threatening disease. changing your mind later on doesn‘t mean it will go well and it‘s expensive. Often guys will say something like. Despite it being a serious subject. bring it up casually but firmly. Always ask a woman about her sexual history. I‘m not going to list every STD here. you should be fine.a woman that for some reason you didn‘t ask about her sexual past.‖ If you can get hard with no condom on while watching porn or touching yourself you can get hard with a condom during sex. doesn‘t grip you too tight. and still always you to enjoy sex. This is important! It‘s your life we‘re talking about here! Condoms can prevent transmission of most STDs. What Kind of Condoms Are Best: The best condom is the one that you can put with ease. then go get tested ASAP for everything and then again for HIV in 3 months. not guess. that is completely STD free as are you yourself. ―I can‘t get hard with a condom on. It‘s all 77 | P a g e . Unless you have been having unprotected anal sex with prostitures. or condoms ruin sex. STDs other than HIV: There are all sorts of miserable sounding stuff out there. Just get tested to be sure. if you feel a burning when you take a pee or see weird spots go see your doctor. Obviously sex is much better with no condom (―raw‖) but this should only be with a woman who you are in some type of relationship and you know. It will test you by a simple urine sample for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. You can also get what‘s called an OraQuick HIV test and you get the results in 20 minutes. There is a test now called Aptima Combo 2 Assay. If you‘re breaking condoms often then definitely pay attention to this review.) When The Condom Breaks: If you are putting on a condom correctly condoms rarely break. Stay away from lambskin and other unusual material condoms.condomdepot. STDs make LIFE unenjoyable.com. (Tip: If you are concerned about losing sensation because of wearing a condom. It will replicate the wet sensation and does not affect the condom staying on. I have never found them in a store but have bought them online. you can add drop of lube INSIDE the condom. Pjur or Wet (my favorites) or any other lube that you may want to try out. Buy one of their sampler kits and try the different condoms.in your head. The best condoms that I have ever used are Durex Love. They aren‘t as durable and more likely to break. 78 | P a g e . Let‘s review how to put on a condom. While condoms definitely make sex less enjoyable. I highly do recommend that Durex Love. What I recommend you do is that you buy Durex Love as well as a bunch of other condoms at www. You can use Astroglide. For overall experience. Read about his issue under trouble shooting. If you can last 10 minutes you have the stamina to give her orgasms during penetration. you 79 | P a g e . but make sure you stay congruent with the physical aspect. "baby that feels so good. Let‘s go through and talk about where to start. Have a few‖ go-to‖ moves.Don't Wait. in the bedroom (all of which is fine for your first sexual experiences!). make sure you have a few go-to moves for different situations. If you can‘t last 10 minutes then work on this using the numbered arousal system." and "you want some more of this??‖ should cover you in most situations. and focus on your breathing. Sticking with the classics like. This is not the time to pull out the "spinning reverse cow-girl. Sometimes when you are getting started you can get overwhelmed and feel like you "don't know what to do. You‘ll be amazed at how well it works! 2. Be able to last at least 10 minutes. in 2 or 3 basic positions. Implement What You‘ve Learned ASAP! What good is this system if you never implement it? Don‘t be worried about implementing everything at once. You should have a few go-to things to say in case the sex ever starts to feel awkward and silent. remembering the 10-Count Breathing exercise. 1." To avoid this. If you are having relatively tame sex." so again stick to the basics. Try being a little more creative if you are comfortable. Be able to give her an orgasm. Focus on foreplay. 4. Focus on giving her a clitoral orgasm from foreplay. You should notice an increase in how often you are having sex! 80 | P a g e . which will help to offset any stamina issues that you might have. Focus on getting your girl to so hot during foreplay that she begs you to be inside of her. Increase the frequency of how often you have sex. As your sexual skills start rocking the bedroom you will be able to have more and better sex with your partner.don't want to be talking about more advanced and wild fantasies because it will be very incongruent 3. Then move on until you can give her an orgasm through penetration by using Emotion and Authority. 5. Focusing on foreplay is one of the fastest ways to improve your sexual skills. It will also increase her total pleasure and make the experience longer. Remember that first you will give her a clitoral orgasm through digital stimulation. Try and spend just as much time on foreplay as the actual sex… but actually unless it‘s a ―quickie‖. If you can‘t give your lover any an orgasm this should be you next goal. you should spend a whole lot more! This will help you to get comfortable with being sexually intimate with your partner. You don‘t have to go crazy. . Get ready to have some WILD times with women… and congratulate yourself on a job well done! To your success. it‘s so much more than that.com 2011. living life on your own terms. ISN Education.After-thoughts: I‘m pumped you have chosen to get this area of your life handled and become a ROCK STAR in the bedroom. Bobby Bradshaw www. and being treated with respect by all the women and men that you meet. You now have an advantage few guys have actually had the balls to go out and get. It‘s being a real man.2GirlsTeachSex. This isn‘t just about giving a woman orgasms. Sexual skills really do make the man and people can tell. LLC 82 | P a g e .
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