2G Huawei recommended parameters.xlsx

March 20, 2018 | Author: server_ca | Category: Computer Networking, Communication, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Radio



Introduction1.1 Purpose This document defines and describes the NSN recommended relevant Huawei 2G parameters used for service projects globally 1.2 Sheet description Sheet: Parameters 2G Huawei 1.3 Scope Ref 1 1.4 Revision history v 1.0 defines and describes the NSN recommended relevant Huawei 2G parameters used for service projects globally. Description: Sheet contains NSN recommended Huawei parameters to be evaluated, relevant, and potentially adjusted with an NSN recommended parameter setting. Huawei GBSS9.0 release (BSC6900 V900R011) First version of Huawei 2G recommended relevant parameters documentation issued. Nokia Siemens Networks GS Managed Services/Capability Management Notes: Projects: Rev. date: April 30, 2010 Author: Christos Kyriazopoulos Document owner: Ville Salomaa Relevant Huawei Parameters 2G Cell Parameters - Basic Parameter ref ID MCC MNC LAC CI NCC BCC Vendor Parameter name MCC MNC Cell LAC Cell CI NCC BCC NE BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 MML Command ADD GCNOPERATOR(Mandatory)ADD GCELL(Mandatory) ADD GCNOPERATOR(Mandatory)ADD GCELL(Mandatory) ADD GCELL(Mandatory)ADD GEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)AD ADD GCELL(Mandatory)ADD GEXT2GCELL(Mandatory)AD ADD GCELL(Optional)ADD GEXT2GCELL(Mandatory) ADD GCELL(Optional) Cell Parameters - Idle Mode Parameter ref ID ATT BSAGBLKSRES BSPAMFRAMS T3212 Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional) Attach-detach Allowed BSC6900 CCH Conf CCCH Blocks Reserved for AGCH BSC6900 Multi-Frames in a Cycle on the Paging BSC6900 CH T3212 BSC6900 Cell Parameters - Call Control Parameter ref ID MSMAXRETRAN TX RACHACCLEV PSRACHACCLEV RLT SAMULFRM NCCPERMIT COMMACC SPECACC MBR ECSC ERGCALLDIS Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLCCACCESS(Optional) SET GCELLCCACCESS(Optional) SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional) MS MAX Retrans BSC6900 TX-integer BSC6900 CS RACH Min. Access Level BSC6900 PS RACH Min. Access Level BSC6900 Radio Link Timeout BSC6900 SACCH Multi-Frames BSC6900 NCC Permitted BSC6900 Common Access Control Class BSC6900 Special Access Control Class BSC6900 Multi-band report BSC6900 ECSC BSC6900 Emergent Call Disable BSC6900 Cell Parameters - Selection/Reselection Parameter ref ID RXMIN FMSMAXOPCC CBA CBQ CRO Vendor Parameter name Minum Access RXLEV MS_TXPWR_MAX_CCH Cell Bar Access Cell Bar Qualify Cell Reselect Offset NE BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 MML Command SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET GCELLCCCH(Optional) SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional) Info. BSC6900 T3105 T3105 BSC6900 CANPC PWRC BSC6900 EXTTP Cell Extension Type BSC6900 MAXTA Max TA BSC6900 INTERFTHRES0 Interference Band Threshold 0 BSC6900 INTERFTHRES1 Interference Band Threshold 1 BSC6900 INTERFTHRES2 Interference Band Threshold 2 BSC6900 INTERFTHRES3 Interference Band Threshold 3 BSC6900 INTERFTHRES4 Interference Band Threshold 4 BSC6900 INTERFTHRES5 Interference Band Threshold 5 BSC6900 INTERPERIOD Interference Calculation Period BSC6900 FRULDTX FR Uplink DTX BSC6900 HRULDTX HR Uplink DTX BSC6900 FRDLDTX FR Use Downlink DTX BSC6900 HRDLDTX HR Use Downlink DTX BSC6900 T200 T200 BSC6900 N200 N200 BSC6900 N200PARASWITCH Use LAPDm N200 BSC6900 Handover Parameters .HO Allowed NE BSC6900 MML Command SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) . DIRECTRYEN Directed Retry BSC6900 ASSLOADJUDGEEN Assignment Cell Load Judge Enable BSC6900 CDRTTRYFBDTHRESCell Directed Retry Forbidden Threshold BSC6900 DTLOADTHRED Directed Retry Load Access Threshold BSC6900 MINPWRLEVDIRTRY Min Power Level For Directed Retry BSC6900 MAXRESEND Max Resend Times of Phy.No DL MR HO Parameter ref ID NODLMRHOEN Vendor Parameter name No Dl Mr.TO Cell Reselect Temporary Offset BSC6900 PT Cell Reselect Penalty Time BSC6900 PI Cell Reselect Parameters Indication BSC6900 CRH Cell Reselect Hysteresis Parameters BSC6900 QI Qsearch I BSC6900 QP Qsearch P BSC6900 QSEARCHC Qsearch C BSC6900 QCI Qsearch C Initial BSC6900 INTERRATCELLRESELEN Inter-RAT Cell Reselection Enable BSC6900 FDDQOFF FDD Q Offset BSC6900 FDDQMIN FDD Qmin BSC6900 Cell Parameters .Other Parameter ref ID CALLRESTABDIS IMMASSEN Vendor Parameter name NE SET GCELLIDLEAD(Optional) SET GCELLIDLEAD(Optional) SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLIDLEBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional) SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional) SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional) SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional) SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional) MML Command SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional) SET GCELLCCBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOCTRL(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) SET GCELLCCCH(Optional) ADD GCELL(Optional) SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional) SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional) SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional) SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional) SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional) SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional) SET GCELLOTHEXT(Optional) SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET BTSRINGATTR(Optional) SET BTSRINGATTR(Optional) SET GCELLCCTMR(Optional) Call Reestablishment ForbiddenBSC6900 TCH Immediate Assignment BSC6900 Immediate Assignment Opt. Thresh Offset BSC6900 for AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Handover Parameters . Thresh 6 for Non-AMR BSC6900 FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 1 for Non-AMR BSC6900 FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 5 for Non-AMR BSC6900 FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual.NODLMRHOQUALLIMIT No Dl Mr.Ul Qual HO Limit BSC6900 NODLMRHOALLOWLIMIT Cons. Thresh 12 for BSC6900 Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual.Rx Level Drop HO Parameter ref ID RXQCKFALLHOEN FLTPARAA1 FLTPARAA2 FLTPARAA3 FLTPARAA4 FLTPARAA5 FLTPARAA6 FLTPARAA7 FLTPARAA8 FLTPARAB ULEDGETHRES Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) Rx_Level_Drop HO Allowed BSC6900 Filter Parameter A1 BSC6900 Filter Parameter A2 BSC6900 Filter Parameter A3 BSC6900 Filter Parameter A4 BSC6900 Filter Parameter A5 BSC6900 Filter Parameter A6 BSC6900 Filter Parameter A7 BSC6900 Filter Parameter A8 BSC6900 Filter Parameter B BSC6900 Edge HO UL RX_LEV Threshold BSC6900 Handover Parameters .TA HO Parameter ref ID TAHOEN TALIMIT Vendor Parameter name TA HO Allowed TA Threshold NE BSC6900 BSC6900 SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) MML Command SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) Handover Parameters . Thresh 4 for Non-AMR BSC6900 FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual.HO Allowed Limit BSC6900 Handover Parameters . Thresh 2 for Non-AMR BSC6900 FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 10 for BSC6900 Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 8 for Non-AMR BSC6900 FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual.No Dl Mr.Interference HO Parameter ref ID INTERFHOEN RXQUAL1 RXQUAL2 RXQUAL3 RXQUAL4 RXQUAL5 RXQUAL6 RXQUAL7 RXQUAL8 RXQUAL9 RXQUAL10 RXQUAL11 RXQUAL12 RXLEVOFF Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command Interference HO Allowed BSC6900 SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) Interfere HO Qual. Threshold NE BSC6900 BSC6900 MML Command SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) . Thresh 7 for Non-AMR BSC6900 FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual.Bad Quality (BQ) HO Parameter ref ID BQHOEN DLQUALIMIT Vendor Parameter name BQ HO Allowed DL Qual. Thresh 9 for Non-AMR BSC6900 FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 11 for BSC6900 Non-AMR FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual. Thresh 3 for Non-AMR BSC6900 FR SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) Interfere HO Qual. Threshold DL Qual.Load HO Parameter ref ID LoadHoEn SYSFLOWLEV TRIGTHRES LoadAccThres LOADOFFSET LOADHOPERIOD LOADHOSTEP Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command Load Handover Support BSC6900 System Flux Threshold for LoadBSC6900 HO Load HO Threshold BSC6900 Load handover Load Accept Threshold BSC6900 Load HO Bandwidth BSC6900 Load HO Step Period BSC6900 Load HO Step Level BSC6900 SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)ADD GEXT3GCELL(Optional SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) Handover Parameters . Limit for AMR HR BQ HO Margin BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 SET GCELLHOEMG(Optional) SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) SET GCELLAMRQUL(Optional) ADD G2GNCELL(Optional) Handover Parameters .ULQUALIMIT DLQUALIMITAMRFR ULQUALIMITAMRFR DLQUALIMITAMRHR ULQUALIMITAMRHR BQMARGIN UL Qual. Limit for AMR HR UL Qual.Enhanced Dual Band HO Parameter ref ID Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) ATCBHOEN Concentric Circles ATCB HO Allowed BSC6900 OUTASSOPTEN UL Subcell Assignment Optimization BSC6900 OUTGENOVERLDTHRED UL Subcell General Overload Threshold BSC6900 ATCBTHRED Distance Between Boundaries of BSC6900 Subcells ATCBHYST Distance Hysteresis Between Boundaries BSC6900 INTOINNREXLEVTHRED Incoming OL Subcell HO Level TH BSC6900 INNASSOPTEN OL Subcell Assignment Optimization BSC6900 INNLOADHOEN Load HO of OL Subcell to UL Subcell BSC6900 INNLOADHOPERI OL Subcell Load Diversity HO Period BSC6900 INNLOADHOSTEP Step Length of OL Subcell LoadBSC6900 HO OUTLOWLOADTHRED UL Subcell Lower Load Threshold BSC6900 OUTSERIOVERLDTHRED UL Subcell Serious Overload Threshold BSC6900 OUTLOADHOENABLELoad HO Allowed BSC6900 OUTLOADHOPERIODUL Subcell Load Hierarchical HO BSC6900 Periods OUTLOADHOSTEP Step Length of UL Subcell Load BSC6900 HO OUTLOADHOMODPERI MOD Step LEN of UL Load HO Period BSC6900 OUTINNREXLEVTHRED Outgoing OL Subcell HO Level TH BSC6900 EDBLASTTIME Number of Satisfactory Measurements BSC6900 EDBSTATTIME Total Number of MeasurementsBSC6900 ENLOWLDTHRSH En Iuo Out Cell Low Load ThredBSC6900 Handover Parameters . Limit for AMR FR DL Qual.Edge HO Parameter ref ID FRINGEHOEN ULEDGETHRES Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) Edge HO Allowed BSC6900 Edge HO UL RX_LEV Threshold BSC6900 . Limit for AMR FR UL Qual. MS Fast-Moving HO Parameter ref ID QCKMVHOEN QCKSTATCNT QCKTRUECNT QCKTIMETH Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) MS Fast Moving HO Allowed BSC6900 MS Fast-moving Watch Cells BSC6900 MS Fast-moving Valid Cells BSC6900 MS Fast-moving Time Threshold BSC6900 Handover Parameters .DLEDGETHRES EDGESTAT EDGESTAT1 EDGELAST EDGELAST1 EDGEADJSTATTIME EDGEADJLASTTIME INTERCELLHYST Edge HO DL RX_LEV Threshold BSC6900 SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) Handover Algorithm II Edge HO BSC6900 Watch TimeSET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) Handover Algorithm I Edge HO Watch BSC6900 Time SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) Handover Algorithm II Edge HO BSC6900 Valid Time SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) Handover Algorithm I Edge HO Valid BSC6900 Time SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) Edge HO AdjCell Watch Time BSC6900 ADD G2GNCELL(Optional) Edge HO AdjCell Valid Time BSC6900 ADD G2GNCELL(Optional) Inter-cell HO Hysteresis BSC6900 ADD G2GNCELL(Optional) Handover Parameters .Layer HO Parameter ref ID LEVHOEN LEVSTAT LEVLAST HOTHRES LEVHOHYST INTELEVHOHYST Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command Level HO Allowed BSC6900 Layer HO Watch Time BSC6900 Layer HO Valid Time BSC6900 Inter-layer HO Threshold BSC6900 Inter-layer HO Hysteresis BSC6900 Adjacent Cell Inter-layer HO Hysteresis BSC6900 SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) ADD G2GNCELL(Optional) ADD G2GNCELL(Optional) ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)SET GCELLHOBASIC(Option SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) ADD G2GNCELL(Optional) Handover Parameters .Normal Concentric Cell HO Parameter ref ID Vendor Parameter name NE BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 MML Command SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) CONHOEN Concentric Circles HO Allowed ULTOOLHOALLOW UL to OL HO Allowed OLTOULHOALLOW OL to UL HO Allowed RECLEVUOHOALLOW RX_LEV for UO HO Allowed RECQUALUOHOALLOW RX_QUAL for UO HO Allowed TAFORUOHOALLOW TA for UO HO Allowed RECLEVTHRES RX_LEV Threshold RECLEVHYST RX_LEV Hysteresis RECQUALTH RX_QUAL Threshold .PBGT HO Parameter ref ID PBGTHOEN PBGTSTAT PBGTLAST PBGTMARGIN Vendor Parameter name PBGT HO Allowed PBGT Watch Time PBGT Valid Time PBGT HO Threshold NE BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 MML Command SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) ADD G2GNCELL(Optional) ADD G2GNCELL(Optional) ADD G2GNCELL(Optional) Handover Parameters . Channel Assignment Strategies of Concentric Cell Parameter ref ID IMMASSTAALLOW IMMASSTATHRES OPTILAYER OPTILEVTHRES OPTITATHRES HOALGOPERMLAY ACCESSOPTILAY Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) TA Pref.AMR HO Parameter ref ID Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command . Subcell in HO of Intra-BSCBSC6900 Incoming-to-BSC HO Optimum Layer BSC6900 Handover Parameters .Enhanced Concentric Cell HO Parameter ref ID Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command ADD GCELL(Mandatory) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOEDBPARA(Optional) ENIUO Enhanced Concentric Allowed BSC6900 ATCBHOEN Concentric Circles ATCB HO Allowed BSC6900 ULTOOLHOALLOW UL to OL HO Allowed BSC6900 OLTOULHOALLOW OL to UL HO Allowed BSC6900 RECLEVUOHOALLOW RX_LEV for UO HO Allowed BSC6900 RECQUALUOHOALLOW RX_QUAL for UO HO Allowed BSC6900 TAFORUOHOALLOW TA for UO HO Allowed BSC6900 RECQUALTH RX_QUAL Threshold BSC6900 TATHRES TA Threshold BSC6900 TAHYST TA Hysteresis BSC6900 IUOHOSTATIME UO HO Watch Time BSC6900 IUOHODURATIME UO HO Valid Time BSC6900 OTOURECEIVETH OtoU HO Received Level Threshold BSC6900 UTOORECTH UtoO HO Received Level Threshold BSC6900 UTOOTRAFHOALLOW UtoO Traffic HO Allowed BSC6900 UTRAFHOPERIOD Underlay HO Step Period BSC6900 UTRAFHOSTEP Underlay HO Step Level BSC6900 ENLOWLDTHRSH En Iuo Out Cell Low Load ThredBSC6900 ENGOVERLDTHRSH En Iuo Out Cell General OverLoad BSC6900 Thred ENSOVERLDTHRSH En Iuo Out Cell Serious OverLoad BSC6900 Thred ENLDHOPRD Load Classification HO Period BSC6900 ENLDHOSTP Load Classification HO Step BSC6900 ATCBTHRED Distance Between Boundaries of BSC6900 Subcells ATCBHYST Distance Hysteresis Between Boundaries BSC6900 Handover Parameters .TATHRES TAHYST IUOHOSTATIME IUOHODURATIME TA Threshold TA Hysteresis UO HO Watch Time UO HO Valid Time BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) SET GCELLHOIUO(Optional) Handover Parameters . of Imme-Assign Allowed BSC6900 TA Threshold of Imme-Assign Pref BSC6900 Assign Optimum Layer BSC6900 Assign-optimum-level ThresholdBSC6900 TA Threshold of Assignment Pref BSC6900 Pref. INTRACELLHOEN Intracell HO Allowed BSC6900 INTRACELLFHHOEN Intracell F-H HO Allowed BSC6900 INFHHOSTAT Intracell F-H HO Stat Time BSC6900 INFHHOLAST Intracell F-H HO Last Time BSC6900 INHOF2HTH F2H HO Threshold BSC6900 INHOH2FTH H2F HO Threshold BSC6900 AMRTCHHPRIORALLOW AMR TCH/H Prior Allowed BSC6900 AMRTCHHPRIORLOAD AMR TCH/H Prior Cell Load Threshold BSC6900 Handover Parameters .iRAT 2G-3G HO Parameter ref ID Vendor Parameter name NE SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional) SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional) MML Command UlLdrThrd2GCell 2G Cell UL Basic Congest Thred BSC6900 UlOlcThrd2GCell 2G Cell UL Overload Congest Thred BSC6900 DlLdrThrd2GCell 2G Cell DL Basic Congest Thred BSC6900 DlOlcThrd2GCell 2G Cell DL Overload Congest Thred BSC6900 InterRatCsServiceLoadHoThrd Inter-RAT CS Service HO Load BSC6900 Threshold LOADRESELRXTHRSH Load Reselection Receive Threshold BSC6900 InterRatServiceLoadHoSwitch Allow Inter-RAT Load HO in Access BSC6900 State G2GLoadAdjustCoeff 2G Load Adjustment CoefficientBSC6900 G2G3GLdBlcDeltaThrd CS 2G 3G Load Balance Delta Threshold BSC6900 SYSFLOWLEV System Flux Threshold for LoadBSC6900 HO TRIGTHRES Load HO Threshold BSC6900 InterRATLoadHoRSCPStart Inter-RAT Load HO RSCP at Start BSC6900 Point LOADOFFSET Load HO Bandwidth BSC6900 IntRATLoadHORSCPThr Inter-RAT Load HO RSCP Threshold BSC6900 InterRATLoadHoEcNoStart Inter-RAT Load HO EcNo at Start BSC6900 Point IntRATLoadHOEcNoThr Inter-RAT Load HO EcNo Threshold BSC6900 CELLSELECTAFTERCALLREL Select 3G Cell After Call Release BSC6900 Send2QuterFlag Support Sent 2QUATER BSC6900 INTERRATINBSCHOEN Inter-RAT In BSC Handover Enable BSC6900 INTERRATOUTBSCHOEN Inter-RAT Out BSC Handover Enable BSC6900 HOOPTSEL Inter-rat HO Preference BSC6900 HOPRETH2G HO Preference Threshold for 2G BSC6900 Cell BET3GHOEN Better 3G Cell HO Allowed BSC6900 FDDREP FDD REP QUANT BSC6900 HODURT3G FDD 3G Better Cell HO Valid Time BSC6900 HORSCPTH3G RSCP Threshold for Better 3G Cell BSC6900 HO HOSTAT3G FDD 3G Better Cell HO Watch Time BSC6900 HOECNOTH3G Ec/No Threshold for Better 3G Cell BSC6900 HO OutSysLoadHoEn Allow Inter-RAT Load HO in Connect BSC6900 State LoadAccThres Load handover Load Accept Threshold BSC6900 OUTSYSSERVICEHOEN Service Based Handover SwitchBSC6900 UTRANCELLTYPE Utran Cell Type BSC6900 Power Control Parameters SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) SET GCELLNC2PARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) SET GCELLHOAD(Optional) SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) SET GCELLCCAD(Optional) SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOUTRANFDD(Optional)SET GCELLHOUTRA SET GCELLHOUTRANFDD(Optional)SET GCELLHOUTRA SET GCELLHOUTRANFDD(Optional)SET GCELLHOUTRA SET GCELLCCUTRANSYS(Optional) ADD G3GNCELL(Optional) SET GCELLHOUTRANFDD(Optional)SET GCELLHOUTRA ADD G3GNCELL(Optional) SET GCELLHOUTRANFDD(Optional) SET GCELLHOINTERRATLDB(Optional) ADD GEXT2GCELL(Optional)ADD GEXT3GCELL(Optional SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional) ADD GEXT3GCELL(Mandatory) . Bad Trig Threshold BSC6900 UL Qual.Zone BSC6900 0 MAX Down Adj.Value Qual. Bad Trig Threshold BSC6900 DL Qual. Lower Threshold BSC6900 MAX Down Adj.Value Qual. Lower Threshold BSC6900 DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold BSC6900 DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold BSC6900 DL Qual.Value Qual. BSC6900 MAX Up Adj.Zone BSC6900 2 MAX Up Adj. Number Predicted BSC6900 DL MR.BSC6900 UL Qual. PC Value by Qual. PC Value by RX_LEV BSC6900 MAX Down Adj.HWII Power Control Parameter ref ID MRCOMPREG ULPREDLEND DLPREDLEND ULLEVFILTLEN DLLEVFILTLEN ULQUAFILTLEN DLQUAFILTLEN ULSSHIGHTHRED ULSSLOWTHRED ULQHIGHTHRED ULQLOWTHRED DLSSHIGHTHRED DLSSLOWTHRED DLQHIGHTHRED DLQLOWTHRED MAXSTEP0 MAXSTEP1 MAXSTEP2 MAXVALADJRX QUALSTEP MAXADJPCVAL ULQUALBADTRIG ULQUALBADUPLEV DLQUALBADTRIG DLQUALBADUPLEV Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) MR.Parameter ref ID PWRCTRLSW UPPCEN DNPCEN PCADJPERIOD Vendor Parameter name Power Control Switch UL PC Allowed DL PC Allowed PC Interval NE BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 MML Command SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET GCELLPWRBASIC(Optional) Power Control Parameters . BSC6900 UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold BSC6900 UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold BSC6900 UL Qual. Upper Threshold BSC6900 DL Qual. Compensation Allowed BSC6900 UL MR. Bad UpLEVDiff BSC6900 DL Qual. BSC6900 Filter Length for DL Qual. Number Predicted BSC6900 Filter Length for UL RX_LEV BSC6900 Filter Length for DL RX_LEV BSC6900 Filter Length for UL Qual. Bad UpLEVDiff BSC6900 Power Control Parameters .Zone BSC6900 1 MAX Down Adj. Upper Threshold BSC6900 UL Qual. PC Value by Qual.HWIII Power Control Parameter ref ID Vendor Parameter name NE BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 MML Command SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) MRMISSNUM MRMissNumber SDMRCUTNUM SdMrCutNum TCHMRCUTNUM TchMrCutNum DLREXLEVEXPFLTLEN DLRexLevExponentFilterLen DLREXQUALEXPFLTLEN DLRexQualExponentFilterLen DLREXLEVSLDWINDOW DLRexLevSlideWindow DLREXQUALSLDWINDOW DLRexQualSlideWindow ULREXLEVEXPFLTLEN ULRexLevExponentFilterLen . AMR) Parameter ref ID Vendor Parameter name BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 BSC6900 SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) SET GCELLPWR3(Optional) NE MML Command SET GCELLCCACCESS(Optional) ADD BTS(Optional) SET GCELLCCCH(Optional) SET GTRXCHAN(Optional) SET GTRXDEV(Optional) SET GCELLCHMGBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional) SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional) SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional) SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional) SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional) SET GCELLCHMGAD(Optional) VOICEVER Speech Version BSC6900 MPMODE Multiplexing Mode BSC6900 HRATESPT Support Half Rate BSC6900 CHTYPE Channel Type BSC6900 TCHAJFLAG TCH Rate Adjust Allow BSC6900 ENTCHADJALLOW Enhanced TCH Adjust Allowed BSC6900 TCHBUSYTHRES TCH Traffic Busy Threshold BSC6900 AMRTCHHPRIORALLOW AMR TCH/H Prior Allowed BSC6900 AMRTCHHPRIORLOAD AMR TCH/H Prior Cell Load Threshold BSC6900 HRIUOLDRATESELALLOW Load of UL-OL Cells Rate Select BSC6900 Allowed TCHTRIBUSYUNDERLAYTHR Tch Traffic Busy Underlay Threshold BSC6900 TCHTRICBUSYOVERLAYTHR Tch Traffic Busy Overlay Threshold BSC6900 .ULREXQUALEXPFLTLEN ULRexQualExponentFilterLen ULREXLEVSLDWINDOW ULRexLevSlideWindow ULREXQUALSLDWINDOW ULRexQualSlideWindow DLREXLEVHIGHTHRED DLRexLevHighThred DLREXLEVLOWTHRED DLRexLevLowthred DLFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED DLFSRexQualHighThred DLFSREXQUALLOWTHRED DLFSRexQualLowThred DLHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED DLHSRexQualHighThred DLHSREXQUALLOWTHRED DLHSRexQualLowThred DLAFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED DLAFSRexQualHighThred DLAFSREXQUALLOWTHRED DLAFSRexQualLowThred DLAHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED DLAHSRexQualHighThred DLAHSREXQUALLOWTHRED DLAHSRexQualLowThred ULREXLEVHIGHTHRED ULRexLevHighThred ULREXLEVLOWTHRED ULRexLevLowThred ULFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED ULFSRexQualHighThred ULFSREXQUALLOWTHRED ULFSRexQualLowThred ULHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED ULHSRexQualHighThred ULHSREXQUALLOWTHRED ULHSRexQualLowThred ULAFSREXQUALHIGHTHRED ULAFSRexQualHighThred ULAFSREXQUALLOWTHRED ULAFSRexQualLowThred ULAHSREXQUALHIGHTHRED ULAHSRexQualHighThred ULAHSREXQUALLOWTHRED ULAHSRexQualLowThred ULREXLEVADJFCTR ULRexLevAdjustFactor ULREXQUALADJFCTR ULRexQualAdjustFactor DLREXLEVADJFCTR DLRexLevAdjustFactor DLREXQUALADJFCTR DLRexQualAdjustFactor ULMAXDOWNSTEP ULMAXDownStep ULMAXUPSTEP ULMAXUpStep DLMAXDOWNSTEP DLMAXDownStep DLMAXUPSTEP DLMAXUpStep Speech Rate Parameters (FR. HR. Lower ThresholdBSC6900 AMRDLQHTHRED AMR DL Qual.th2[H]BSC6900 ULTHH3 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[H]BSC6900 DLTHH3 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[F] BSC6900 DLHYSTF3 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[F] BSC6900 ULTHH1 AMR UL Coding Rate adj. Upper ThresholdBSC6900 AMRDLQLTHRED AMR DL Qual. Lower ThresholdBSC6900 AVer A Interface Tag BSC6900 UmVer Um Interface Tag BSC6900 SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLCCAMR(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOBASIC(Optional) SET GCELLHOFITPEN(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET GCELLPWR2(Optional) SET BSCBASIC(Optional) SET BSCBASIC(Optional) .th3[F] BSC6900 DLHYSTF1 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[H] BSC6900 DLHYSTH2 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[H]BSC6900 ULTHH2 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th3[F] BSC6900 ULHYSTF1 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[H] BSC6900 INTRACELLFHHOEN Intracell F-H HO Allowed BSC6900 INTRACELLHOEN Intracell HO Allowed BSC6900 INFHHOSTAT Intracell F-H HO Stat Time BSC6900 INFHHOLAST Intracell F-H HO Last Time BSC6900 INHOF2HTH F2H HO Threshold BSC6900 INHOH2FTH H2F HO Threshold BSC6900 TIMEAMRFHPUNISH Penalty Time after AMR TCHF-H BSC6900 HO Fail AMRULSSHTHRED AMR UL RX_LEV Upper Threshold BSC6900 AMRULSSLTHRED AMR UL RX_LEV Lower Threshold BSC6900 AMRDLSSHTHRED AMR DL RX_LEV Upper Threshold BSC6900 AMRDLSSLTHRED AMR DL RX_LEV Lower Threshold BSC6900 AMRULQHTHRED AMR UL Qual.hyst2[H] BSC6900 DLHYSTH3 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th3[H]BSC6900 ULHYSTH1 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[F] BSC6900 ULTHF3 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[H] BSC6900 ULHYSTH3 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.ACTCDSETF AMR ACS[F] BSC6900 ACTCDSETH AMR ACS[H] BSC6900 ACTCDSETWB AMR ACS[WB] BSC6900 INITCDMDF AMR Starting Mode[F] BSC6900 INITCDMDH AMR Starting Mode[H] BSC6900 INITCDMDWB AMR Starting Mode[WB] BSC6900 ULTHF1 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th2[F] BSC6900 DLTHF3 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th1[F] BSC6900 DLTHF2 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst2[F] BSC6900 ULHYSTF3 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.th1[F] BSC6900 ULTHF2 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[F] BSC6900 ULHYSTF2 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[F] BSC6900 DLTHF1 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.th3[H]BSC6900 DLHYSTH1 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst3[H] BSC6900 DLTHH1 AMR DL Coding Rate adj. Upper ThresholdBSC6900 AMRULQLOWTHREDAMR UL Qual.th1[H]BSC6900 DLTHH2 AMR DL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[H] BSC6900 ULHYSTH2 AMR UL Coding Rate adj.hyst1[F] BSC6900 DLHYSTF2 AMR DL Coding Rate adj. AbisVer Abis Interface Tag BSC6900 SET BSCBASIC(Optional) Frequency Hopping Parameters Parameter ref ID Vendor Parameter name NE MML Command BCCHTRXHP Frequency Hopping Mode of BCCH BSC6900 TRX CANPC PWRC BSC6900 FHMODE Frequency Hopping Mode BSC6900 HOPINDEX Hop Index BSC6900 HOPMODE Hop Mode BSC6900 HopSingleFreqOptSwitch Hop Group Single Freq Optimization BSC6900 HOPTYPE Hop Type BSC6900 HSN HSN BSC6900 MACODINGMOD ARFCN Coding Scheme BSC6900 STARTCBSHORTMSGFLOWCTRL Prefer Variable Bitmap Code BSC6900 TRXHOPINDEX Channel Hop Index BSC6900 TRXIDLST TRXID LST BSC6900 TRXMAIO Channel MAIO BSC6900 TSC TSC BSC6900 GPRS/EDGE Parameters Parameter ref ID Vendor Parameter name NE SET GCELLHOPQUICKSETUP(Mandatory) SET GCELLCCCH(Optional) SET GCELLHOPTP(Optional)SET GCELLHOPQUICKSETU ADD GCELLMAGRP(Mandatory) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Mandatory) SET OTHSOFTPARA(Optional) SET GTRXHOP(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional) SET GCELLSOFT(Optional) SET BSCFCPARA(Optional) SET GTRXCHANHOP(Optional) SET GCELLHOPQUICKSETUP(Optional)SET GCELLHOPA SET GTRXCHANHOP(Optional) ADD GCELLMAGRP(Optional) MML Command PROT Frame Relay Protocol Type BSC6900 DLCI The Identifier of Data Link Connection BSC6900 PT Subnet Protocol Type BSC6900 ISNCMODE Subnetwork Configure Mode BSC6900 SVRIP Server IP BSC6900 NSEI NSE Identifier BSC6900 CELL8PSKPOWERLEVEL Cell 8PSK Power Attenuation Grade BSC6900 UPDEFAULTCS Uplink Default CS Type BSC6900 DNDEFAULTCS Downlink Default CS Type BSC6900 UPFIXCS Uplink Fixed CS Type BSC6900 DNFIXCS Downlink Fixed CS Type BSC6900 UPTHDCSUPGRADE1 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS1BSC6900 to CS2 UPTHDCSUPGRADE2 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS2BSC6900 to CS3 UPTHDCSUPGRADE3 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS3BSC6900 to CS4 UPTHDCSDEGRADE1 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS2BSC6900 to CS1 UPTHDCSDEGRADE2 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS3BSC6900 to CS2 UPTHDCSDEGRADE3 Uplink TBF Threshold from CS4BSC6900 to CS3 DNTHDCSUPGRADE1 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS1 BSC6900 to CS2 DNTHDCSUPGRADE2 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS2 BSC6900 to CS3 DNTHDCSUPGRADE3 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS3 BSC6900 to CS4 DNTHDCSDEGRADE1 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS2 BSC6900 to CS1 DNTHDCSDEGRADE2 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS3 BSC6900 to CS2 DNTHDCSDEGRADE3 Downlink TBF Threshold from CS4 BSC6900 to CS3 UPDEFAULTMCS Uplink Default MCS Type BSC6900 ADD BC(Optional) ADD NSVC(Mandatory) ADD NSE(Mandatory) ADD NSE(Optional) ADD NSE(Mandatory) ADD NSE(Mandatory)ADD NSVC(Mandatory)ADD NSVLLO SET GCELLBASICPARA(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLPSCS(Optional) SET GCELLEGPRSPARA(Optional) . GBR for POC Service BSC6900 SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional) POCDELAY Transmission Delay of POC Service BSC6900 SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional) GBRQOS Support GBR QoS BSC6900 SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional) QOSOPT Support QoS Optimize BSC6900 SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional) GAMMA GAMMA BSC6900 SET GCELLPSPWPARA(Optional) ALPHA ALPHA BSC6900 SET GCELLPSPWPARA(Optional) FMSMAXOPCC MS_TXPWR_MAX_CCH BSC6900 SET GCELLCCCH(Optional) PCMEASCHAN PC_MEAS_CHAN BSC6900 SET GCELLPSPWPARA(Optional) NCO Network Control Mode BSC6900 SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional) NACCSPT Support NACC BSC6900 SET GCELLGPRS(Optional) NC2SPT Support NC2 BSC6900 SET GCELLGPRS(Optional) CGN Cabinet Group No. BSC6900 SET BTSIDLETS(Mandatory) TSCOUNT Idle TS Count BSC6900 SET BTSIDLETS(Mandatory) EXTUTBFNODATA Not Send Dummy Message withBSC6900 Extended Uplink SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional) TBF IMMASSDLSHIFT Move Immediate Assignment Down BSC6900 to BTS SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional) PACKASSDLSHIFT Move Packet Assignment Down BSC6900 to BTS SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional) DNTBFRELDELAY Release Delay of Downlink TBFBSC6900 SET GCELLPRIVATEOPTPARA(Optional) UPTBFRELDELAY Release Delay of Non-extended BSC6900 Uplink TBF SET GCELLPRIVATEOPTPARA(Optional) N3101 Maximum Value of N3101 BSC6900 SET GCELLSTANDARDOPTPARA(Optional) N3103 Maximum Value of N3103 BSC6900 SET GCELLSTANDARDOPTPARA(Optional) N3105 Maximum Value of N3105 BSC6900 SET GCELLSTANDARDOPTPARA(Optional) UPEXTTBFINACTDELAY Inactive Period of Extended Uplink BSC6900 TBF SET GCELLPRIVATEOPTPARA(Optional) PDCHREFORMING PDCH Reforming BSC6900 SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional) . GBR for POC Service BSC6900 SET GCELLPSOTHERPARA(Optional) POCGBRMAX Max.DNDEFAULTMCS Downlink Default MCS Type BSC6900 SET GCELLEGPRSPARA(Optional) UPFIXMCS Uplink Fixed MCS Type BSC6900 SET GCELLEGPRSPARA(Optional) DNFIXMCS Downlink Fixed MCS Type BSC6900 SET GCELLEGPRSPARA(Optional) BEPPERIOD Bep Period BSC6900 SET GCELLEGPRSPARA(Optional) GPRSCHPRI PDCH Channel Priority Type BSC6900 SET GTRXCHAN(Optional) FORBIDEDGU Allow E Down G Up Switch BSC6900 SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional) MAXPDCHRATE Maximum Rate Threshold of PDCHs BSC6900 in a Cell SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional) PDCHUPLEV PDCH Uplink Multiplex Threshold BSC6900 SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional) PDCHDWNLEV PDCH Downlink Multiplex Threshold BSC6900 SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional) UPDYNCHNTRANLEVUplink Multiplex Threshold of Dynamic BSC6900 Channel SET Conversion GCELLPSCHM(Optional) DWNDYNCHNTRANLEV Downlink Multiplex Threshold of BSC6900 Dynamic Channel SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional) Conversion DYNCHNPREEMPTLEV Level of Preempting Dynamic Channel BSC6900 SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional) DYNCHTRANRESLEVReservation Threshold of Dynamic BSC6900 Channel Conversion SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional) NMO Network Operation Mode BSC6900 SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional) T3168 T3168 BSC6900 SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional) T3192 T3192 BSC6900 SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional) EGPRS11BITCHANREQ Support 11BIT EGPRS Access BSC6900 SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional) ACCBURST Access Burst Type BSC6900 SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional) PRIACCTHR Packet Access Priority BSC6900 SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional) USFGRAN4BLK Support USF Granularity 4 Switch BSC6900 SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional) LQCMODE Link Quality Control Mode BSC6900 SET GCELLEGPRSPARA(Optional) BSSPAGINGCOORDINATION BSS Paging Co-ordination BSC6900 SET GCELLPSBASE(Optional) ACOOPERATPAGINGSWITCH A Interface Paging Co-ordination BSC6900 Switch SET BSCPSSOFTPARA(Optional) POCGBRMIN Min. DYNCHFREETM Timer of Releasing Idle Dynamic BSC6900 Channel SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional) DYNCHNPREEMPTLEV Level of Preempting Dynamic Channel BSC6900 SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional) MAXPDCHNUM Maximum Number of PDCH BSC6900 SET GTRXBASE(Optional) IUOCHNTRAN Dynamic Channel Conversion Parameter BSC6900of Concentric SET GCELLPSCHM(Optional) Cell . when TX_5. The NCC Base station color code (BCC) of a cell. 0~63 (-110 dBm ~ -47 dBm) Maximum transmit power level of MSs. YES(Yes) 0408. indicating a correction of the C2.08. are allowed L12_FORBID. As one of the cell reselection Interval parameters Type 0~19in system 0~19 message 3. this parameter Type 2_M_PERIOD(2 specifies940~4230. This parameter identifies the country where String a mobile Type subscriber None is located. an MS TX_6. two TX_4(4). 0~7 After the CCCHs are configure Number of multiframes in a cycle on a paging sub-channel. Type 0~255 0~1530. 65535 Reasonable local allo Identity code of a cell. procedure. Type 1 Non-compounding the number 1 Non-compounding CCCH. This parameter Bit Field is Type an information SELECTION0_PERM. The Interval NCC Type is used 0~7 to identify networks 0~7 from area to area. 3 digitfor example. This parameter identifies the public land String mobile Type network None (PLMN) where 2~3 a digit mobile subscriber is homed. common access L3_FORBI L2_FORB leve This parameter is used for load control. this parameter is used t Used together with "Cell Bar Qualify" to decide the priority status Enumeration of a cell. A cell is a wireless coverage area identified Interval by a Type base 0~65535 station identity 0~65535 code and a global cell identification. the access of L1_FORBID. indicating the number of the CCCH message Interval blocks Type reserved 0~7 for the AGCH. (IE)SELECTION1_PERM. transmissions TX_3. is assigned step: 16_Times. used for load control. parameter YES is NO. YES This parameter does not affect Cell Reselect Offset (CRO). ifType the NO(No). Location area code (LAC). in an immediate 1_Times. InEnumeration fact. It determines whether Bit the Field users Type of special L11_FORBID. NO. TX_6(6). L0_FORBID. TX_7(7). step: 6 Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Maximum number of Channel Request messages that can be Enumeration sent by an MS Type 1_Times(1_Times). assignment 2_Times(2_Times). Enumeration In a BCCH multi-frame.1 blocks Compo CCCH m BS-AG-BLKS-RES. GSM Rec. paging 470 3_M_PERIOD sub-channels This parameter specifies the length of the timer for periodic location Interval update. the Multiframe number step: of Period). the NO.1 of CCCH Compounding message CCCH. in the system SELECTION1 information SELE ty Level of common access control.When 0~30240. MSs can freely move in the local location Intervalarea Type with 1~65533. For the MSs of access levels Enumeration 0 to 9. to 480 the MS.Cell YES Bar Qualify Cell Bar Ac Used together with "Cell Bar Access" to decide the priority status Enumeration of a cell. useYES early classmark sending. emergency calls a Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Minimum received signal level of the MS. 2_Times. This level is reported Interval in the Type system0~63 information. provided by the network Interval planning Typedepartment.65535 no need of location 1~65533. Refer Type NO(NO). a dedicated 8_Times. TX_4. allowing Bit or Field forbidding Type L0_FORBID. 4_Times. 20_Time the cou This parameter is used by the BTS to inform the BSC6900 of Interval radio link Type connection 0~63 failure. channel 1920~30720. the Chinese MCC Mobile network code. the BTS step: receives 480 the SACCH m A set of NCCs of the cells to be measured by the MS. L12_FORBID. to access the L13_FO L14_F netwo Used for requesting the MS to report the measurement information Interval ofType neighboring 0~3 cells in multiple 0~3 frequency bands. TX_5(5). value of YES(Yes) thisNO. This parameter specifies the number Enumeration of timeslots between Type TX_3(3). 12_Times. MSs in YES(Yes) a cellNO. to GSM YES(YES) Rec. of L1_FORBID. 0~7 It is used 0~7 for differentiating the neighborin Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Attach-detach Allowed (ATT). can reduce step: 2the number of handove . 4_Times(4 After 7_Tim the M Tx-integer (T for short). If this parameter is set to YES. Once Type 4_Times. access class L11_FORBID. poweredYES(Yes) off. After Whether to disable emergency calls. network YES does not process any cal This parameter specifies the CCCH configuration in a system. 04. See Type NO(No).Proper Intervalsetting Type of 0~63 this parameter 0~126.Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Mobile country code. This param The early classmark sending control (ECSC) parameter specifies Enumeration whether the Type NO(No). L13_FORBID. some users L2_FORBID. sends TX_7. multip TX_ TX Minimum access level of the random access channel (RACH)Interval in the CS Type domain -121~-104 -121~-104 Minimum access level of the random access channel (RACH)Interval in the PS Type domain -121~-104 -121~-104 Time for disconnecting a call when the MS fails to decode theEnumeration SACCH. element SELECTION0_PERM. NO. update.C Network color code that is provided by the telecom operator. Enumeration when an MS is Type NO(No). If this parameter Enumeration is set to YES. when the receive level of a neighboring cell isInterval no smaller Type than 0~63 this parameter. -74. different 6dB.If the timer 0~2550. is ENABLE(Enable) equal ENABLE to or larger than the valu Threshold of forbidding directed retry for cells. sent on the broadcast Enumeration channel.The BSS measures Interval the Type uplink48~115 quality of the radio 48~115 channels occupied by MSs. YES . 0~63 the neighboring cell can be a can Maximum times for a Physical Information message to be transmitted. calculated YES(Yes) receive NO. 05. to YES. indicates Type NO(No). Shall_NOT_U Use). cells 2dB. Enumeration see GSM Type May_Use(May Rec. 0~7 This parameter 0~7 is (the valid corresponding only within the value value is 0~60 spec Cell Reselect Penalty Time (PT) is used to ensure the safety and Interval validity Type of cell 0~31 reselection 0~31 because (theitcorresponding helps to avoid time frequent is 20~6 ce Cell Reselect Parameters Indication (PI). cell YES in the same procedure as the When this parameter is set to ENABLE. assign YES a TCH immediately when the The channel activation and immediate assignment commands are sent at the NO(No). -78. May_Use. allowed. calls. areas. -86.The BSS measures Interval the Type uplink48~115 quality of the radio 48~115 channels occupied by MSs. 10dB. and Threshold used for interference measurement. "Cell Reselec Cell reselection hysteresis.A double-timeslot extension Enumeration cell regardsType an Normal_cell(Normal additional TDMA Normal_cell. if this (alwa pa This parameter specifies the threshold of the signal level for cell Enumeration reselection Type in Use_Qsearch_I(Use connection mode Use_Qsearch_I. FDD -6. for-94. parameter ON(On) is set OFF. to a neighboring YES(Yes) NO. ThisType function NO(No). are averaged step:before 480 the BTS sen Whether the uplink DTX function is enabled for FR calls. For-82. and Period during which interference levels are averaged. to high buildings YES(Yes) NO. The value of the timer indicates the Interval time Type when the 6~240 LAPD link waits 60~2400 for the (step: response 10) or acknowledge System parameter in the LAPD protocol. location 8dB. -90. and Threshold used for interference measurement. When the value Interval of "Assignment Type 0~100 Cell Load Judge 0~100 Enable" in "SET GCELLCCBAS Threshold of the load in the target cell for the directed retry. A -20. ""Qsearch Always Always(Always) C"" is obtaine This parameter specifies whether the reselection from 2G cells Enumeration to 3G cells Type isNO(No). If a Whether to allow immediate TCH assignment. The Type NO(No). 0dB. 8dB. -14. the BSC YES(Yes) can NO. Shall_N Whether the uplink DTX function is enabled for HR calls. -82. For Enumeration details. and Threshold used for interference measurement. (alwa This parameter specifies one threshold of the signal level for cell Interval reselection Type 0~15 in packet transfer -98. For details. -94. YES(Yes) NO. accelerate YES the signaling processing Whether to enable a directed retry. Shall_Use(Shall Shall_Use. -86. if the cell supports direct Enumeration retry and Type the DISABLE(Disable). mode.The BSS measures Interval the Type uplink48~115 quality of the radio 48~115 channels occupied by MSs. and Threshold used for interference measurement. -74. If this Type OFF(Off). -86. -78. whether YES(Yes) NO. of this parameter step: 4 o This parameter specifies one of the thresholds of the signal level Interval for FDD Typecell 0~7 reselection. to reselect 4dB. 0~15 -98. current cell load DISABLE. 3G -90.08. -90. -74. as DualTS_ExtCell(Double DualTst_ExtCell access delay extensio T Maximum time advance (TA). value-28~28. YES level value is the measured rec Whether a cell is an extension cell. example. The directed retry is to hand Enumeration over an MS Type NO(No). Interval Type When 1~255 the retransmission 1~255 times exceeds this parameter a When the BTS sends physical information to the MS. Only Interval a cell Type whose 0~100 load is lower 0~100 than or equal to this threshold can b In a direct retry. 2dB. Shall_NOT_U Use). cell -18. Type NO(No).08. YES(Yes) NO. -78. as -12 a cand Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to allow call re-establishment. see GSM Type May_Use(May Rec. "CellYES Reselect Offset". -82. Shall_N Whether the downlink discontinuous transmission (DTX) function Enumeration is enabled Type NO(No). This is one of the parameters used Enumeration for decidingType whether 0dB. The interference Interval Type levels 1~31 on idle channels 480~14880. 6dB. 12dB.The BSS measures Interval the Type uplink48~115 quality of the radio 48~115 channels occupied by MSs. The value of this parameter is determined Interval Type by that 0~255 of "Cell Extension 0~255 Type" in the "ADD GCELL" c Threshold used for interference measurement. YES This function is also restricte Whether the downlink DTX function is enabled for half rate (HR) Enumeration calls. T3105 step:10 expires before the BTS Whether an MS uses the calculated value as the final receiveEnumeration level value. restricted YES by the DTX switch in the M Timer in the LAPD protocol. in 4dB. isYES(Yes) also NO. and Threshold used for interference measurement. the BTS Interval starts the Type timer 0~255 T3105. Use). frame cell). YES A 3G cell can be a candidate cell only when the average receive Interval level Type of the 3G 0~15 cell is greater Negative than the infinity. The value of this parameter Interval Type specifies 1~3 the maximum 1~3 number of times when a frame is r Whether the BSC6900 sends the LAPDm N200 parameter toEnumeration the BTS.The BSS measures Interval the Type uplink48~115 quality of the radio 48~115 channels occupied by MSs. can -8. may YES lead to a radio link failure. the Type MS 0~15 starts to search -98. before Qsearch_I). cells.be -16. (alwa In connection mode. -94. for full rate YES(Yes) (FR) NO. Use). if the signal level is below [0-7] or above Interval [8-15]. ON the BSC sends the LAPD Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to enable the no-downlink measurement report handover Enumeration algorithm Type NO(No). 12d T This parameter specifies the level threshold for cell reselection Interval in idle Type mode. 05. May_Use. Shall_Use(Shall Shall_Use. Burst interference or blind Enumeration spots due Type NO(No). same time YES(Yes) toNO. 14dB 10dB.The BSS measures Interval the Type uplink48~115 quality of the radio 48~115 channels occupied by MSs. selected -10.Cell Reselect Temporary Offset (TO) indicates the temporary Interval correction Type of C2. Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate. depends YES on the uplink and downlin Downlink quality threshold for emergency handover. a fixed amount of offset is addedInterval to the corresponding Type 0~70 grade of 0~70 the received signal quality for the in Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to use the emergency handover algorithm in case the Enumeration receive level Type NO(No). This parameter Intervalis Type represented 0~70 as the product 0~70 of 10 and a quality level that r . Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate.When a certain number of no-downlink measurement reports Interval are received Type consecutively 0~70 and 0~70 the uplink receive quality is no sma Decisions of no-downlink measurement report handovers canInterval be made Type only 0~64 when the number 0~64 of consecutive no-downlink meas Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to enable the time advance (TA) handover. Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to enable the bad quality (BQ) handover algorithm. the timing YES advance (TA) is higher th An emergency handover is triggered when TA is greater than Interval or equal Type to the 0~255 value of this parameter. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate. Whether Enumeration to trigger Type NO(No). Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. The TA handover Enumeration determines Type NO(No). BQ handover YES(Yes) NO. This Interval parameter Type 0~200 helps to configure 0~200 the filter for determining whether If the UL receive level remains lower than the "Edge HO UL RX_LEV Interval Type Threshold" 0~63for a period. are triggered YES(Yes) NO. 0~255 Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to allow the interference handover algorithm. YES thus preventing call drops One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter Interval parameter Type B) 0~20 used to configure 0~20 the filter for determining whethe One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter Interval parameter Type B) 0~20 used to configure 0~20 the filter for determining whethe One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter Interval parameter Type B) 0~20 used to configure 0~20 the filter for determining whethe One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter Interval parameter Type B) 0~20 used to configure 0~20 the filter for determining whethe One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter Interval parameter Type B) 0~20 used to configure 0~20 the filter for determining whethe One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter Interval parameter Type B) 0~20 used to configure 0~20 the filter for determining whethe One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter Interval parameter Type B) 0~20 used to configure 0~20 the filter for determining whethe One of the nine parameters (filter parameters A1 to A8 and filter Interval parameter Type B) 0~20 used to configure 0~20 the filter for determining whethe Trend of the received signal level of the cell during a period. Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. 0~63 the(-110 edge dBm handover to -47 isdBm) triggered. Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. of the MSs YES(Yes) drops NO. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate. For AMR FR voice services. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate. Interference Enumeration handovers Type NO(No). rapidly. Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate. Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate. whether YES(Yes) NO. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate. when YES the receive level is higher than Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. Type AMRFR 0~70refers to Adaptive 0~70 Multi-Rate Full Rate. Threshold for the interference handover of Non-AMR FR voice Interval services. If the load of a cell is lower than the value of this parameter. Type The value 0~70 of this parameter 0~70 corresponds to the quality le The value of this parameter corresponds to multiplying qualityInterval level 0 Type to 7 by 0~70 10. cell. or underlay YES(Yes) NO. load handovers Interval can be Type performed 0~63 only when 0~63 the receive level of the current se When the load of a cell reaches or exceeds "Load HO Threshold". If . Type The value 0~70of this parameter 0~70 corresponds to the quality lev The value of this parameter corresponds to multiplying qualityInterval level 0 Type to 7 by 0~70 10. Level step during overlay-to-underlay hierarchical load handovers Interval Type 0~63 0~63 When the load of the underlay subcell is lower than this parameter. certain Intervalcalls Type in the 0~100 overlaid subcell 0~100 are handed over to the underlai Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range This parameter specifies whether a traffic load-sharing handover Enumeration is enabled. starting from "Edge HO DL RX_LEV IntervalThreshold". to "UL YES Subcell Lower Load Thresho Whether to allow underlay-to-overlay load handovers Enumeration Type NO(No). This paramet Lower threshold of the overlay level during underlay-to-overlay Interval handovers. YES(Yes) NO. When an MS Enumeration makes a call Type NO(No). Interval A Type load handover 0. Intervalsome Type of0~100 the calls in the 0~100 underlay subcell will be switched to Distance between the boundary of the overlaid subcell and the Interval boundary Type of the 0~63 underlaid subcell. the Interval cell can Type admit 0~100 the users handed 0~100 over from other cells with high In the handover algorithm of the first generation. to theYES(Open) neighbor NO. An emergency 0~70handover can be triggered only If ("downlink level of the neighbor cell after filtering" ."downlink Interval level of Type the serving 0~127 cell (after 0~127 power control compensation)") > (" Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to enable the ATCB handover algorithm for the concentric Enumeration cell. subcells YES according to "UL Subcel When the load of the underlay subcell is higher than this parameter. underlay YES is higher than this param When the load of the underlay subcell exceeds "UL Subcell General IntervalOverload Type 1~255 Threshold". YES cell signal. Type When 0~63the receive 0~63 level of an MS is higher than this th Whether to assign channel requests in the overlay subcell to the Enumeration underlay subcell Type NO(No). Interval some Type of 0~100 the calls in the 0~100 overlay subcell will be switched to th When the load of the underlay subcell is higher than this parameter. Downlink quality limit for emergency handover in an AMR full Interval rate call. Intervalthe Type underlay-to-overlay 0~100 0~100 load handover period subtracts a pe Whether to switch some of the calls in the underlay subcell toEnumeration the overlay when Type NO(No). Type 1~255 the underlay-to-overlay 1~255 handover period subtracts a Lower threshold of the overlay level during overlay-to-underlay Interval handovers. if the conditions for the handover between Interval the Type subcells 1~255 of an enhanced 1~255 dual-frequency network are m According to the P/N rule. Interval all Type the calls 1~255 that are using 1~255 this cell as the serving cell generat In hierarchical load handovers. at the edge YES(Yes) of a NO. Threshold". The loadYES(Yes) handover NO. 0~63 the(-110 edge dBm handover to -47 isdBm) triggered. all 1~255 the calls that are using this cell as Level step during underlay-to-overlay hierarchical load handovers Interval Type 0~63 0~63 If the underlay load is higher than "UL Subcell Serious Overload Interval Threshold". according YES(Yes) NO. Type When 0~63the receive 0~63 level of an MS is higher than this th According to the P/N rule. YES the call may drop if the receive If the UL receive level remains lower than the "Edge HO UL RX_LEV Interval Type Threshold" 0~63for a period.8~11 is allowed 0. 8~11 only when the system flux is low The load handover is triggered when the traffic load in a cell is Interval greater Type than the 0~100 value of this0~100 parameter. YES Overlay-to-underlay load handovers are performed by levels. Type 1~63 a "Load HO 1~63 Step Level" is added to the upper h Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to enable the edge handover algorithm. An emergency 0~70handover can be triggered only Downlink quality limit for emergency handover in an AMR halfInterval rate call. Type NO(No). the ATCB handov Whether to assign channel requests initiated in the underlay subcell Enumeration to the overlay Type NO(No). if the conditions for the handover between Interval the Type subcells 1~255 of an enhanced 1~255 dual-frequency network are m If the load of the underlaid subcell is less than this threshold. 0~63 This parameter specifies the d Hysteresis in the distance between the boundary of the overlaid Interval subcell Type and the 0~63 boundary of 0~63 the underlaid subcell. According Type NO(Close). Interval This parameter Type 1~255 indicates the duration 1~255 of each level.An emergency handover due to bad quality is triggered when Interval the uplink Type receive 0~70 quality is not 0~70 smaller than "UL Qual. YES helps to reduce cell congestion The system flux level is the current flux control level of the system. the load YES(Yes) of the NO. 5 handovers is met for a cons PBGT handovers to a neighboring cell are allowed only when Interval the downlink Type level 0~127 difference between 0~127 (-64 thedB neighboring to +63 dB)cell and the Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to enable the concentric cell handover algorithm. YES Whether to allow overlay-to-underlay handovers Enumeration Type NO(No). when 1~32 the condition 0. PBGT step:0. W Whether the TA is used as a decisive condition for the concentric Enumeration cell handover Type NO(No).5~16.5~16.Type when the 1~32 condition for 0.5~16. handover YES(Yes) helps NO. when 1~32 the condition 0. PBGT handovers Enumeration are based Type on NO(No). Interval The Type underlay 0~63and overlay 0~63 areas (-110 aredBm determined to -47 dBm) by "RX_QUA One of the parameters that decide the underlay and overlay areas. Interval The Type underlay 0~63and overlay 0~63 areas (-110 aredBm determined to -47 dBm) by "RX_QUA One of the parameters that decide the underlay and overlay areas.5 the handover is triggered According to the P/N rule. YES One of the parameters that decide the underlay and overlay areas.5~16. step:0. if a neighbor cell meets the conditions Interval for selecting Type 1~32 the neighbor cell 0. YES value is generally set to Yes. if the conditions for edge handover Interval are metType for P seconds 1~32 within 0. the edg According to the P/N rule.5handovers is met for Handover threshold during the handovers between cells on different Intervallayers Type or 0~63 of different priorities. the underlay . step:0. Interval that is. Interval that Type is. YES(Yes) The NO.5 the handover is triggered According to the P/N rule. micro-cell YES(Yes) NO. if the conditions for edge handover Interval are metType in P of1~32 N measurement 0. for inter-layer step:0. The inter-layer Enumeration and inter-level Type NO(No). for edge step:0. for edge step:0. if the conditions for edge handover Interval are metType in P of1~32 N measurement 0. YES Whether to use the downlink receive quality as a condition in IUO Enumeration handover Type decision. 0~127 This value is used to suppress i Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to use the PBGT handover algorithm.algorithm YES is achieved through the The triggering of inter-layer handovers must meet the P/N criteria.5~16.5 the handover is triggered According to the P/N rule. N seconds. step:0.5~16. if the conditions for edge handover Interval are metType for P seconds 1~32 within 0. Interval that is.5~16. Interval This parameter Type 0~63 is invalid when 0~63 cells are on different layers. reports. 0~63This value is used to suppress i Hysteresis value during the handovers between cells on different Interval layers Type or of0~127 different priorities. YES(Yes) NO.5 handovers is met for a cons The triggering of PBGT handovers must meet the P/N criteria.5 handover in P of N mea According to the P/N rule. Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to enable the fast moving micro-cell handover algorithm. YES(Yes) NO. path loss. Enumeration The fast Type moving NO(No).5~16. The Enumeration concentric cell Type NO(No).Threshold for downlink edge handover. reports.5 the handover is triggered According to the P/N rule. the BSC enable This parameter is used in the P/N criteria decision: If an MS quickly Interval passes Type through 1~10 N out of 1~10 P micro-cells lately. 0~255 If the MS crosses the cell in a time p Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to allow inter-layer and inter-level handovers. NO(No). YES(Yes) The default NO. to YES achieve wide coverage in the u Whether a UL subcell to OL subcell handover is allowed Enumeration Type NO(No). step:0. YES(Yes) NO. for inter-layer step:0. YES Whether to use the downlink receive level as a condition in IUO Enumeration handover decision Type NO(No). handover YES algorithm enables fast m This parameter is used in the P/N criteria decision: If an MS quickly Interval passes Type through 1~10 N out of 1~10 P micro-cells lately. If the downlink receive Interval level remains Type 0~63 less than this threshold 0~63 (-110 for dBm a period to -47 ofdBm) time. the BSC enable A time threshold determined based on the radius of a cell andInterval the moving Typespeed 0~255 of an MS.handover YES(Yes) NO. YES(Yes) NO. PBGT step:0. N seconds. Interval that Type is. Interval If "Enhanced Type 0~70 Concentric 0~70 Allowed" is set to OFF.5 handover in P of N mea Reduces ping-pong handovers between cells on a same layer. 0~63 This value is used to suppres Hysteresis value during the handovers between cells on different Interval layers Type or of0~63 different priorities.Type when the 1~32 condition for 0.5handovers is met for The triggering of inter-layer handovers must meet the P/N criteria. if a neighbor cell meets the conditions Interval for selecting Type 1~32 the neighbor cell 0.5~16.5~16. PBGT YES handover algorithm search The triggering of PBGT handovers must meet the P/N criteria. incoming OSubcell. the OSubcell(Overlaid preferentially-assig USubcell. when P out0.When0~255 "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is s One of the parameters that determine the coverage of the OLInterval subcell Type and UL 0~255 subcell. of N measurement step:0. request messages YES(Yes) NO. optimization).When0~255 "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is s The triggering of concentric circle handovers must meet the P/N Interval criteria. the ON enhanced concentric cell fun Whether to enable the ATCB handover algorithm for the concentric Enumeration cell. Type that1~32 is. selects OSubcell.5~16. NO(No). According Type NO(Close). YES Whether to use the downlink receive quality as a condition in IUO Enumeration handover Type decision. NoPref su Preferentially assigns channels on the overlay when the uplink Interval receive Type level on 0~63 the SDCCH0~63 is no smaller than "Assign-optimumPreferentially assigns channels on the overlay when the uplink Interval receive Type level on 0~255 the SDCCH0~255 is no smaller than "Assign-optimumWhether to assign a channel in the overlaid or underlaid subcell Enumeration in the case Type of SysOpt(System the intra-BSC SysOpt.5~16. YES(Yes) NO. and YES(Yes) "OL NO. YES(Yes) NO.When0~255 "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is s The triggering of concentric circle handovers must meet the P/N Interval criteria. when P out0. YES Whether to use the downlink receive level as a condition in IUO Enumeration handover decision Type NO(No). 0~63 "UtoO (-110 HO dBm Received to -47 Level dBm) Thresho When this parameter is set to YES. If1~255 the channel seizure ratio of the UL s Hierarchical level step of the load handover from the UL subcell Interval to the Type OL subcell 1~63 0~63 (-110 dBm to -47 dBm) If the load of the underlaid subcell is less than this threshold. OSubcell(Overlaid In the case OSubcell.5~16. Interval the period Type of 0~100 the load-based 0~100 handover from the underlaid subce If all the calls in the overlaid subcell are handed over to the underlaid Interval Type subcell1~255 when the channel 1~255 seizure ratio of the underlaid sub Signal level step for the hierarchical load-based handover from Interval the overlaid Type subcell 0~63 to the underlaid 0~63 subcell Distance between the boundary of the overlaid subcell and the Interval boundary Type of the 0~63 underlaid subcell.5 reports meet the Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to enable the enhanced concentric cell algorithm in a Enumeration concentric cell. Type that1~32 is. 0~255 the overlay channels are assigne Channel assignment policies used when TCHs are assigned in Enumeration an IUO cell: Type SysOpt: SysOpt(System The system SysOpt. of N measurement step:0. 0~63 This parameter specifies the d Hysteresis in the distance between the boundary of the overlaid Interval subcell Type and the 0~63 boundary of 0~63 the underlaid subcell. YES cell signal. an Hierarchical handover period of the load handover from the UL Interval subcell Type to the1~255 OL subcell. of incoming subcell). Type that1~32 is. YES One of the parameters that decide the underlay and overlay areas. of N measurement step:0. to UL YES HO Allowed" is set to YES. Type that1~32 is. YES during immediate channel assig When the access_delay value in the channel request message Interval is smaller Type than 0~255 this parameter. the underlay One of the parameters that determine the coverage of the OLInterval subcell Type and UL 0~255 subcell. YES value is generally set to Yes.5~16. W Whether the TA is used as a decisive condition for the concentric Enumeration cell handover Type NO(No).5 reports meet the The triggering of concentric circle handovers must meet the P/N Interval criteria. optimization). This paramet Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to assign channels according to the access_delay value Enumeration in channel Type NO(No). when P out0. the existing call is performed Enumeration in the OL Type subcell. USubcell. to theYES(Open) neighbor NO. YES(Yes) NO. handover OSubcell(Overlaid USubcell.One of the parameters that determine the coverage of the OLInterval subcell Type and UL 0~255 subcell. NO(No). USubcell(Underlaid inter-BSC NoPrefer handoversub to Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range . to the concentr NoPref su Subcell preferred during the incoming inter-BSC handover to the Enumeration concentric Type cell.If Type OFF(Off).When0~255 "Enhanced Concentric Allowed" is s One of the parameters that determine the coverage of the OLInterval subcell Type and UL 0~255 subcell.5 reports meet the One of the parameters that decide the underlay and overlay areas Interval in an Type enhanced 0~63 IUO cell. of N measurement step:0. certain Intervalcalls Type in the 0~100 overlaid subcell 0~100 are handed over to the underlai If the load of the underlaid subcell is greater than this threshold. YES(Yes) The default NO. YES(Yes) Whether to allow overlay-to-underlay handovers Enumeration Type NO(No). a cell supports ON(On) OFF. when P out0. the ATCB handov Whether a UL subcell to OL subcell handover is allowed GBFD-113201 Enumeration Type NO(No).0~63 The (-110 underlay dBm and to -47 overlay dBm) areas are One of the parameters that determine the coverage of the OLInterval subcell Type and of 0~63 the UL subcell.5 reports meet the The triggering of concentric circle handovers must meet the P/N Interval criteria. Interval certain Type calls 0~100 in the underlaid 0~100 subcell are handed over to the ove If the load of the underlaid subcell is greater than this threshold. Interval If "Enhanced Type 0~70 Concentric 0~70 Allowed" is set to OFF. for step:0. The system flux level is the current flux control level of the system. In this Coefficient used to modulate the load level of a 2G system soInterval that theType load level 0~100 of the 2G system 0~100 can be compared with that of If the load balance between a 2G cell and a 3G cell is greaterInterval than the Type threshold.5 reports. Type that is. Type that is. if the conditions for the handover to Interval a better Type 3G cell 1~32 are met in P 0. 1~32 when the condition 0. channel ON types allowed by the MSC Load threshold for assigning half rate channels preferentially. if the conditions for the handover to Interval a better Type 3G cell 1~32 are met for P 0. on a YES(Yes) 3G cell NO. YES This parameter specifies whether a 2G cell or to a 3G cell is preferentially Enumerationselected Type Pre_2G_Cell(Preference as the target Pre_2G_Cell. for step:0. NO(No). Pre_3G_Cell( Pre_2G_ If the receive level of the neighboring 2G cell that ranks the first Interval in theType candidate 0~63 cell list is equal 0~63 to or smaller than this threshol This parameter specifies whether to allow 3G better cell handover Enumeration algorithm.5~16. YES This parameter specifies whether Ec/No or RSCP is used for Enumeration the measurement Type RSCP(RSCP). YES(Yes) NO. YES The triggering of intra-cell F-H handovers must meet the P/N Interval criteria. YES(Yes) NO. YES This parameter specifies whether the handover from 2G cellsEnumeration to 3G cells isType allowed. EcN0 Ec/No stands for the sign According to the P/N rule.5 within N seconds.Whether to allow intra-cell handovers. Interval A Type load handover 0. OPEN(Open) to the OPEN 3G network according to This parameter specifies the type of a 3G cell. current service CLOSE. YES(Yes) NO. indicator. the hand The 3G better cell handover can be triggered only when the Ec/No Interval of Type a neighboring 0~49 3G cell 0~49 is greater than this threshold for a p This parameter specifies whether to allow the inter-RAT load Enumeration handover in connection Type NO(No). the Interval cell can Type admit 0~100 the users handed 0~100 over from other cells with high When this parameter is set to Open. report on a RSCP. 1~32 when the condition 0. handovers. This parameter has no impact Enumeration on dynamic Type NO(No). YES and forced handovers. cell).5 intra-cell F-H handovers is m For an AMR call. load handovers Interval can be Type performed 0~63 only when 0~63 the receive level of the current se Minimum RSCP value of a 3G cell during the load-based GSM-to-UMTS Interval Type handover 0~91 0~91 Initial EcNo value of the inter-RAT load-based handover bandInterval Type 0~49 0~49 Minimum Ec/No value of a 3G cell during the load-based GSM-to-UMTS Interval Type handover 0~49 0~49 This parameter specifies whether to allow a mobile phone to preferentially Enumeration camp Type NO(No). the hand The 3G better cell handover is triggered only when the RSCPInterval of a neighboring Type 0~63 3G cell is greater 0~63 than this threshold for a period According to the P/N rule. During a Whether to allow AMR handovers. 0~200 load balance -100~100 is triggered. the inter-RAT handover Enumeration is triggered Type Service-based(Service-based). if the currently occupied channel is a half rate Interval channel Type and 0~39 the Radio Quality 0~39 Indication (RQI) is always lower th Whether to enable the BSC to assign AMR half rate channelsEnumeration preferentiallyType according OFF(Off). 0~100 it can accept 0~100the MSs from the serving cell d When this parameter is set to Service-based. NO(No). seconds step:0. YES(Yes) NO. of N measurement step:0. cell handovers YES(Yes) NO. after YES a call is terminated in the are This parameter specifies whether the SI Type 3 message contains Enumeration the 2QUATER Type NO(No). the BSS decides whether Enumeration to hand over Type the CLOSE(Close). 2G Pre_3G_Cell.to ON(On) the OFF. YES This parameter specifies whether the handover from 3G cellsEnumeration to 2G cells isType allowed. Initial RSCP value of the inter-RAT load-based handover band Interval Type 0~91 0~91 In the handover algorithm of the first generation. This parameter does not Enumeration affect concentric Type NO(No). on the basis {0~4} of the service Load-based(Load-b distribution.5 intra-cell F-H handovers is m The triggering of intra-cell F-H handovers must meet the P/N Interval criteria. Type NO(No). mode YES(Yes) NO. Interval If the current Type TCH 0~99 seizure ratio 0~99 of the cell is greater than this thres Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Threshold of uplink Basic Congestion state in a 2G Cell Interval Type 1~100 1~100 Threshold of uplink overload congestion state in a 2G Cell Interval Type 1~100 1~100 Threshold of downlink Basic Congestion state in a 2G Cell Interval Type 1~100 1~100 Threshold of downlink overload congestion state in a 2G Cell Interval Type 1~100 1~100 Threshold for setting the flag of accepting inter-RAT CS service Interval handover Typeof 1~100 a 2G cell 1~100 When the uplink load or downlink load of the target cell is lower Interval than this Type threshold. (FDD) TDD or Time Division Duplex (TD .5~16.8~11 is allowed 0. FDD EcN0(Ec/N0) cell. (after YES the assignment is complete).5~16. A cell type canEnumeration be Frequency Type FDD(FDD). cell for forhandover.5~16. If the load of a cell is lower than the value of this parameter. non-AMR YES(Yes) F-H NO. if the currently occupied channel is a full rate Interval channel Type and the 0~39 Radio Quality 0~39 Indication (RQI) is always higher th For an AMR call. 8~11 only when the system flux is low The load handover is triggered when the traffic load in a cell is Interval greater Type than the 0~100 value of this0~100 parameter. Division Duplex TDD(TDD) FDD. actual network SDCCH:4 situa When the network receives measurement reports. YES(Yes) NO. actual SDCCH:0~8 network situ Length of the exponential filter for downlink signal quality. when the uplink receive quality is Interval not smaller Type than 0~7 "UL Qual. actual network SDCCH:0~8 situat Length of the slide window filter for downlink signal strength. in consideration Interval ofType the accuracy 1~20 of a single TCH:480~9600. YES(Yes) NO. YES Whether to allow BTS power control Enumeration Type NO(No). measurement step:480. not reflect the step:480. if the downlink receive quality Interval level is equal Type to 0~7 or greater than 0~7 "DL Qual. report step:480. may not SDCCH:4 reflect When the network receives measurement reports. bad Trig Threshold". the measurement Interval Type values 0~19 in several straight TCH:0~9120. When YES(Yes) making NO. "DL During downlink power control.Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether to enable power control algorithm II or power controlEnumeration algorithm III Type PWR2(Power control PWR2. When the power is d Huawei power control algorithm II divides three quality zones Interval according Type to the 0~30 quality of the 0~30 receive signals. 0~63 (-110 dBm to -47 dBm) When the uplink receive level is below the threshold. Huawei Interval II powerType control 0~63 is performed. the actual "UL R During downlink power control. when the uplink receive quality is Interval not smaller Type than 0~63 "UL Qual. If Interval the BTS Type transmits 0~7 signals at0~7 a quality level less than this thresho Quality level threshold for increasing downlink signal power. step:480. A Interval single measurement Type 0~19 report may TCH:0~9120.II). may not SDCCH:4 reflect th When the uplink receive level reaches the threshold. Bad 0~63 Trig Threshold". a power YES control decision. if the downlink receive quality Interval level is equal Type to 0~63 or greater than 0~63 "DL Qual. Bad 0~7Trig Threshold". A single Interval measurement Type 0~19report may TCH:0~9120. When the power is d Step of upward power adjustment according to the quality of the Interval received Type signals 0~32 0~32 Step of downward power adjustment according to the quality of Interval the received Type 0~4 signals 0~4 Step of upward power adjustment according to the quality of the Interval received Type signals 0~32 0~32 In the case of power control. a power increase is c Quality level threshold for decreasing downlink signal power. not reflect the step:480. 1~20 A single measurement TCH:480~9600. the measurement Interval Type values 1~20 in several straight TCH:480~9600. bad Trig Threshold". A single Interval measurement Type 1~20 report may TCH:480~9600. SDCCH:4 Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Whether power control algorithm II allows measurement report Enumeration compensation. not reflect the step:480. the power control stop Maximum number of discarded MRs allowed on the SDCCH in Interval a power Type control 0~5 period 0~5 Maximum number of discarded MRs allowed on the TCH in aInterval power control Type period 0~10 0~10 Length of the exponential filter for downlink signal strength. it should wait Interval for a Type certain 0~3 period before 0~3 affirm the effect of the power contro Number of downlink measurement reports that the BSC predicts. 1~20 A single measurement TCH:480~9600. measurement step:480. not reflect the step:480. IfInterval the BTS Type transmits 0~7 signals at 0~7 a quality level greater than this thres Huawei power control algorithm II divides three quality zones Interval according Type to the 0~30 quality of the 0~30 receive signals. 0~63 (-110 dBm to -47 dBm) The MS transmit power is decreased only when the quality level Interval of the Type MS transmit 0~7 signal is 0~7 smaller than the value of the param The MS transmit power is increased only when the quality level Interval of theType MS transmit 0~7 signal is 0~7 greater than the value of the parame Upper threshold for downlink signal strengthIf the downlink received Intervalsignal Type level 0~63 is greater than 0~63 this threshold. report. YES Minimum interval between two consecutive power control commands Interval Type 1~15 TCH:480~7200. PWR3 PWR3(Power controlIII) Whether to allow MS power control Enumeration Type NO(No). report step:480. When the power is d Huawei power control algorithm II divides three quality zones Interval according Type to the 0~30 quality of the 0~30 receive signals. a power decrease Lower threshold for downlink signal strengthIf the downlink received Intervalsignal Type level 0~63 is less than 0~63 this threshold. Huawei Interval II powerType control 0~63 is performed. the SDCCH:4 measur Number of measurement reports sampled for averaging downlink Interval signal Type strength. reports are SDCCH:4 filtered Number of measurement reports sampled for averaging downlink Interval signal Type quality. "DL Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range When the number of the lost measurement reports exceeds this Interval parameter Type during 1~255a power 1~255 control period. A Interval single Type measurement 1~20 report may TCH:480~9600. reports SDCCH:0~8 are filtered . measurement step:480. the actual "UL R In the case of power control. Type NO(No). actual network SDCCH:4 sit Length of the slide window filter for downlink signal quality. Interval TheType BSC takes 0~3 a while to0~3 confirm the power control effect of a When the network receives measurement reports. the BSC After the BSC delivers the power control command. the measurement Interval Type values 1~20 in several straight TCH:0~9120. Huawei III power control i Current call is an AMR half-rate call. modes: MODE3_1.When the network receives measurement reports. If the Interval downlink Type receive 0~63 level is smaller 0~63than this threshold. channel ON types allowed by the MSC Load threshold for assigning half rate channels preferentially. reports SDCCH:0~8 are filtered When the network receives measurement reports. half rate YESto full rate. and when the uplink receive quality Interval is greater Type than 1~30 the threshold. 0~63 Current call is a full-rate call. Half MBCCH Rate). 1~30 Huawei III power control is Step adjustment ratio of the receive level in the uplink power control Interval Type 0~10 0~10 Step adjustment ratio of the receive quality in the uplink power Interval controlType 0~10 0~10 Percentage of signal strength in the factors by which to determine Interval theType downlink 0~10 power control 0~10 step Percentage of quality level in the factors by which to determine Interval the downlink Type 0~10 power control step 0~10 Maximum permissible adjustment step when the BSC decreases Interval the uplink Type transmit 1~30 power 1~30 Maximum permissible adjustment step when the BSC increases Interval the uplink Type transmit 1~30 power 1~30 Maximum step by which to decrease downlink power according Interval to signal Type strength 1~30 1~30 Maximum step by which to increase downlink power according Interval to signal Type strength 1~30 1~30 Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Speech version supported by a cell Bit Field Type FULL_RATE_VER1. the ful Whether to enable the BSC to assign AMR half rate channelsEnumeration preferentiallyType according OFF(Off). the measurement Interval Type values 0~19 in several straight TCH:0~9120. rate or YES(Yes) from NO. 1~30 If the downlink 1~30receive quality level of a full rate Upper quality threshold for Huawei power control generation III Interval on a half Type rate1~30 call. and when the uplink receive Interval quality Type is lower 1~30 than the threshold. measurement step:480. the power o Upper quality threshold for Huawei power control generation III Interval on a full Type rate 1~30 call. Full_rate_Ver1. Type and function of the channelCombined BCCH+7TCHMain Enumeration BCCH+SDCCH/8+6TCHMain Type TCHFR(TCH Full TCHFR. MOD M o Whether to support the half-rate service in this cell. It is one of Enumeration the cell reselection Type NO(No). inYES system message 3. and when the uplink receive quality Interval is lower Typethan 1~30 the threshold. 1~30 Huawei III power control is p Current call is an AMR half-rate call. Full_rate_Ver2. and when the uplink receive quality Interval is lower Type than 1~30 the threshold. the power o Lower receive level threshold for downlink power control. FULL_R Full_ Timeslot multiplexing mode at the Abis interface of the BTS. Huawei Interval III power Type control 0~63 is performed. TCHHR. BC S Whether to allow the cell to dynamically change a channel from Enumeration full rate to half Type NO(No). If the downlink 1~30 receive quality level of a half ra If the downlink receive quality level of an AMR full rate call is greater Interval than Type this 1~30 parameter. and when the uplink receive Interval quality Type is lower 1~30 than the threshold.to ON(On) the OFF. BCCH+2SDCCH/8+5TCHMain Rate). timeslot YES through handover and the If the current channel seizure ratio reaches or exceeds this value. the 1~30 call needs to undergo Huawei pow If the downlink receive quality level of an AMR half rate call is Interval greater Type than this 1~30 parameter. the 1~30 call needs to undergo Huawei pow If the downlink receive quality level of an AMR full rate call is smaller Interval than Typethis 1~30 parameter. If the downlink 1~30receive quality level of a full rate Lower quality threshold for Huawei power control generation III Interval on a full Type rate call. TCHHR(TCH SDCCH8. into YES(Yes) one NO. the 1~30 call needs to undergo Huawei pow If the downlink receive quality level of an AMR half rate call is Interval smaller Type than this 1~30 parameter. and when the uplink receive quality Interval is greater Type than 1~30 the threshold. and when the uplink receive Interval quality Type is greater 1~30 than the 1~30 threshold. If the downlink 1~30 receive quality level of a half ra Lower quality threshold for Huawei power control generation III Interval on a half Type rate1~30 call. The Interval BSCType assigns 0~100 channels in the 0~100 underlaid subcell to the MS in a c The BSC assigns channels in the overlaid subcell to the MS in Interval a concentric Type cell. and when the uplink receive Interval quality Type is greater 1~30 than the threshold. reports SDCCH:0~8 are filtered Upper receive level threshold for downlink power control. The Enumeration BTS supports Type MODE1_1. 1~30 Huawei III power control is perfor Current call is a full-rate call.0~63 When the uplink receive level is lower than the threshold. parameters YES(Yes) NO. 1~30 Huawei III power control is perform Current call is a half-rate call. 1~30 Huawei III power control is Current call is an AMR full-rate call. MODE2_1. MODE1_1. seizure YES ratio in the overlaid and Threshold for determining that the underlaid subcell is busy. reports SDCCH:0~8 are filtered When the network receives measurement reports. the measurement Interval Type values 1~20 in several straight TCH:0~9120. 0~100 If the channel 0~100 seizure ratio of overlaid subcell is . multiplexing MODE3_1. otherwise. Interval If the current Type TCH 0~99 seizure ratio 0~99 of the cell is greater than this thres Whether to enable the BSC to assign half or full rate channels Enumeration to MSs according Type NO(No). 1~30 Huawei III power control is perform Current call is an AMR full-rate call. to the YES(Yes) channel NO. 1~30 Huawei III power control is perfo Current call is a half-rate call. Interval the Type half-rate 0~100 TCH is assigned 0~100 preferentially. Huawei Interval III power Type control 0~63 is performed. If this parameter Whether to enable the cell to centralize two busy half rate TCHs Enumeration in differentType timeslots NO(No). FULL_RATE_VER2. statistical MODE4_1. measurement step:480. If the Interval downlink Type receive 0~63 level is greater 0~63than this threshold. two multiplexing MODE2_1. the 1~30 call needs to undergo Huawei pow When the uplink receive level reaches the threshold. measurement step:480. the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~63 adjust the0~63 current speech coding rate accordin Based on the RQI in the call measurement report. This parameter has no impact Enumeration on dynamic Type NO(No). Interval If the Type BTS 0~7 transmits AMR 0~7 signals at a quality level less than " Quality level threshold for increasing downlink AMR signal power. YES(Yes) NO. The four values Interval 0.If the downlink Interval received Type AMR 0~63 signal level0~63 is less than this threshold. the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~15 adjust the0~15 current speech coding rate accordin Adjustment threshold 1 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate). Type 1 and 0~2 2 of this parameter 0~2 respectively represent the lowe Based on the RQI in the call measurement report.Active coding set (ACS)[F]. The Enumeration value of this Type GSM_PHASE_1. Interval According Typeto 0~63 a certain algorithm 0~63and the RQI in the call measure Adjustment threshold 3 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate). Interval According Type to 0~15 a certain algorithm 0~15 and the radio quality indication Adjustment hysteresis 3 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate). for 0~7 calls. the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~15 adjust the0~15 current speech coding rate accordin Based on the RQI in the call measurement report. The four values Interval 0. 1~32 when the condition 0.5~16. 2. if the currently occupied channel is a half rate Interval channel Type and 0~39 the Radio Quality 0~39 Indication (RQI) is always lower th Within the preset time. the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~63 adjust the0~63 current speech coding rate accordin Based on the RQI in the call measurement report. Interval According Type to 0~63 a certain algorithm 0~63 and the RQI in the call measur Adjustment hysteresis 1 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). GSM_PHASE_2. YES The triggering of intra-cell F-H handovers must meet the P/N Interval criteria.5 intra-cell F-H handovers is m The triggering of intra-cell F-H handovers must meet the P/N Interval criteria. 4_75KBIT/S. Interval According Type to 0~15 a certain algorithm 0~15 and the radio quality indication Adjustment hysteresis 3 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). Interval According Type to 0~63 a certain algorithm 0~63 and the RQI in the call measur Adjustment threshold 3 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~15 adjust the0~15 current speech coding rate accordin Based on the RQI in the call measurement report. The12_65KBIT/S AMR is a set of multiple Initial coding mode used for full rate AMR calls.5~16. 1. according to GSM_PHASE_2. available8_85KBIT/S. Interval According Type to 0~15 a certain algorithm 0~15 and the radio quality indication Adjustment hysteresis 2 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate). for step:0. parameter is chosen GSM_PHASE_1. for step:0. handovers. and 0~3 3 of this parameter 0~3 respectively represent the lowe Initial coding mode used for broadband AMR calls. the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~15 adjust the0~15 current speech coding rate accordin Based on the RQI in the call measurement report. a pow Lower threshold for downlink AMR signal strength. is a 5_90KBIT/S~2 set of multiple 5_90KBIT 6_70 spee Active coding set (ACS)[H]. the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~15 adjust the0~15 current speech coding rate accordin Adjustment threshold 1 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). Interval According Typeto 0~63 a certain algorithm 0~63and the RQI in the call measure Adjustment threshold 2 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate).If the uplink received IntervalAMR Typesignal 0~63 level is less 0~63 than this threshold. the GSM_PHASE_ A interface ph G Phase tag for GSM protocols that the Um interface supports Enumeration Type GSM_PHASE_1. 5_15KBIT/S~1 The AMR is 5_15KBIT/S. The three Interval values 0. a power dec Lower threshold for uplink AMR signal strength. non-AMR YES(Yes) F-H NO. GSM_PHASE_2. GSM_PHASE_2. Type If the 0~7 MS transmits AMR 0~7 signals at a quality level less tha Quality level threshold for increasing the power of an uplink AMR Interval call. indicates a set of full-rate coding rates Bit Field currently Type available 4_75KBIT/S~0 for calls. Interval According Type to 0~15 a certain algorithm 0~15 and the radio quality indication Based on the RQI in the call measurement report. Interval The adjustment Type 0~63 thresholds and 0~63 the hysteresis of coding rate mu Adjustment hysteresis 1 of AMR downlink coding rate (full rate). a5_90KBIT/S~2 set of multiple 5_90KBIT 6_70 spee Active coding set (ACS)[WB]. Interval If the Type BTS 0~7 transmits AMR 0~7 signals at a quality level greater tha Phase tag for GSM protocols supported by the A interface. the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~63 adjust the0~63 current speech coding rate accordin Based on the RQI in the call measurement report. Interval According Type to 0~15 a certain algorithm 0~15 and the radio quality indication Whether to allow AMR handovers. GSM_PHASE_ G . if the currently occupied channel is a full rate Interval channel Type and the 0~39 Radio Quality 0~39 Indication (RQI) is always higher th For an AMR call. 1.Type If the MS 0~7transmits AMR 0~7 signals at a quality level greater Quality level threshold for decreasing downlink AMR signal power. Type and 3 0~3 of this parameter 0~3 respectively represent the lowes Initial coding mode used for half rate AMR calls. a power increa Upper threshold for downlink AMR signal strength. the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~15 adjust the0~15 current speech coding rate accordin Based on the RQI in the call measurement report.Type 2. 5_15KBIT/S~1 The AMR 5_15KBIT/S. the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~63 adjust the0~63 current speech coding rate accordin Based on the RQI in the call measurement report. Type that is. the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~63 adjust the0~63 current speech coding rate accordin Based on the RQI in the call measurement report. GSM_PHASE_1. Interval According Type to 0~15 a certain algorithm 0~15 and the radio quality indication Adjustment hysteresis 2 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). 1~32 when the condition 0. no AMR FR-to-HR handover is allowed Interval if the previous Type 0~255 FR-to-HR handover 0~255 fails due to channel unavailab Upper threshold for uplink AMR signal strengthIf the uplink received Interval AMR Type signal 0~63 level is greater 0~63 than this threshold. 4_75KBIT/S.If the downlink Interval received Type AMR 0~63 signal level0~63 is greater than this threshold. indicates a set of wide-band coding Bit Field rates Type currently 6_60KBIT/S. a power i Quality level threshold for decreasing the power of an uplink AMR Interval call. YES Whether to allow intra-cell handovers Enumeration Type NO(No). Interval According Type to 0~63 a certain algorithm 0~63 and the RQI in the call measur Adjustment threshold 2 of AMR downlink coding rate (half rate). the BTS and Interval MS automatically Type 0~63 adjust the0~63 current speech coding rate accordin Based on the RQI in the call measurement report. Type that is.5 intra-cell F-H handovers is m For an AMR call. indicates set of half-rate coding rates Bit Field currently Typeavailable 4_75KBIT/S~0 for calls. Frequency hopping assists Enumeration in interference Type NO_FH(No averaging Frequency NO_FH. When the retransmission rate Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink Interval TBF is Type changed 0~64 from CS2 to0~64 CS1.255 0~63. BaseBand_FH. this parameter MCS4. CS1. parameter CS3(CS3). the assignment YES or handover comma Frequency hopping index of the channel in the TRX Interval Type 0~63. is allocated ON(On) OFF. CA_MA(CA+MA).0~7 The delay equalization is performed Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Protocol type of the trunk frame Enumeration Type Q933(Q933). parameter Frequency_List(Frequency Frequency_List. coding MCS2. ANSI ID of the data link connection of the NSVC. this CS3(CS3). ANSI(Ansi) Q933. CS3. CS2. isUNFIXED set to a value UNF Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink Interval TBF is Type changed 0~64 from CS1 to0~64 CS2. When the retransmission rate Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the downlink Interval TBFType is changed 0~64 from CS1 0~64 to CS2. adjustment MCS1. When the retransmission rate Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink Interval TBF is Type changed 0~64 from CS2 to0~64 CS3. BaseBand_FH. CS1. is used. Enumeration When this parameter Type NO_FH(No is set frequency NO_FH. If the uplink adopts Enumeration the dynamic Type CS1(CS1). adjustment CS2(CS2). Hop(Hop) Hop Whether an MS uses the calculated value as the final receiveEnumeration level value. isCS4(CS4). When the downlink TBF Re Default coding scheme of the uplink EDGE link. during CS3. FH). Enumeration If the fixed coding Type CS1(CS1). When the retransmission rate Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink Interval TBF is Type changed 0~64 from CS4 to0~64 CS3. to "NO_FH". used for a TRX to locate Interval the frequency Type 0~63 hopping sequence 0~63 Implementation mode of frequency hopping Enumeration Type BaseBand_FH(BaseBand BaseBand_FH. indicating 64 types of frequency Interval hopping Type 0~63 sequences. scheme is CS2(CS2). frequency YES(Yes) in NO. scheme. CS1. When the retransmission rate Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink Interval TBF is Type changed 0~64 from CS3 to0~64 CS4. CS1. parameter CS3. CS4(CS4). CS3. 255 List of IDs of carriers for frequency hopping. over FR). Dynamic adjustment Enumeration coding: Type CS1(CS1). GSM_PHASE_1.255 Identifies a unique NSE Interval Type 0~65534 0~65534 Timeslot power attenuation level of the EDGE TRX in 8PSK. The Type NO(No).0~255. and frequency Hopping). the coding scheme CS2(CS2). MCS3. CS4. When the downlink TBF ret Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the downlink Interval TBFType is changed 0~64 from CS2 0~64 to CS1. coding CS2.RF_FH RF_FH(RF FH) If this parameter is set to ON. the frequen Coding mode in which an ARFCN is sent to an MS during an Enumeration assignment or Type handover. Static configuration: Enumeration fixed local NSVL Type STATIC(Static). It is an interworking Interval parameter Type which 16~1007 must be consistent 16~1007 on the BSC and the peer. CS4 this CS4(CS4) parameter can Coding scheme of the default GPRS downlink. CS3(CS3). GSM_PHASE_2.The TSC must Interval be the Type same 0~7 as the BCC. NO_Hop. If the Enumeration fixed coding Type CS1(CS1). and remote STATIC. If this 0~63 parameter is set to 0. to an ON MS with the non-FH attribute. YES level value is the measured rec This parameter specifies the frequency hopping mode of a cell.0. CS3(CS3). is set to CA_MA. MCS5 MCS can . The Interval attenuation Type 0~50 level ranges from 0~50 0 to 50. CS4 initial CS4(CS4) access transm Adjustment mode of the uplink GPRS link coding scheme. each of which correspon Default coding scheme of the uplink GPRS link. When 0~64 the downlink TBF retransmiss Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the downlink Interval TBFType is changed 0~64 from CS3 0~64 to CS4. used. String Type None 1~120 characters Mobile allocation index offset (MAIO) of the channel in the TRX Interval Type 0~63 0~63 The TSC is short for the Training Sequence Code.Phase tag for GSM protocols that the Abis interface supports Enumeration Type GSM_PHASE_1. GB_OVER_IP(Gb GB_OVER_IP ove Configuration mode of the IP subnetwork. AR Whether to preferentially use the variable bitmap code when encoding Enumeration the FH Type NO(No). CS4. hopping). MCS2(MCS2). MCS3(MCS3). When the retransmission rate Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the uplink Interval TBF is Type changed 0~64 from CS3 to0~64 CS2. all the BaseBand_FH(Bas TRXs RF_FH. a value UNFIXED ranging UNF Adjustment mode of the downlink GPRS link coding scheme. NSVL DYNAMIC(Dynamic) parameters DYNAMIC through manual c Server IP address used on the SGSN side in the IP subnet dynamic IP Address configuration Type None procedure 0. If the uplink adopts Enumeration the dynamic Type MCS1(MCS1). Subnet protocol type Enumeration Type GB_OVER_FR(Gb GB_OVER_FR. of the cell Hyb Index of the frequency hopping data. Frequency hopping mode of the TRX. the channel on a single frequency Enumeration of an MA group Type OFF(Off).used CS2. scheme. GSM_PHASE_ G Parameter Description Value Type GUI Value Range Actual Value Range Frequency hopping mode of the TRX that carries the BCCH Enumeration Type NO_Hop(No hop).255. calculated YES(Yes) receive NO. If the CA_MA. When the downlink TBF ret Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the TBF is Interval changed Type from 0~64 CS3 to CS2. OPTIMIZE an List).If BaseBand_FH(Ba RF_FH this param Hopping sequence number (HSN).0. diversity. When the TBF retransmiss Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the TBF is Interval changed Type from 0~64 CS2 to CS3. this CS2. GSM_PHASE_2.255. schemeCS2(CS2). When 0~64 the TBF retransmission rate is Retransmission threshold when the coding mode of the downlink Interval TBFType is changed 0~64 from CS4 0~64 to CS3. uplink PTCCH and packet control Enumeration acknowledge Type 8BIT(8BIT). When Type 0ms(0ms). YES are insufficient "Level of Preem . MCS2(MCS2). used in the YES(Yes) network NO. the YES cell reselection for the MS wh Number of the cabinet group where the idle timeslot is located.2). a Delay of releasing the downlink TBF. After the last downlink RLC Interval data Type block 0~5000 is transmitted on 0~5000 the network side and all the transm Delay of releasing the non-extended uplink TBF. 4 Whether to support USF granularity 4 Enumeration Type NOTSUPPORT(Not NOTSUPPORT. Indicating the maximum TBFs Interval on Type the downlink 10~160PDCH (parameter 10~160 value/10). 3. use this EGPRSNORCH. coding MCS2. is set to MCS3.0). 3~10 the N3105 3~10is started on the network side. MCS1(MCS1).YES(Support) YES the access speed of the MS. 5. 6containing access the of 2-bit level radio 1). this parameter MCS1. when the CLOSE. NC1. 6. parameter MCS2. After receiving Interval the last Type uplink 0~300 RLC data block 0~300 (CountValue=0). context NO. Enumeration There are three Type NMOI(Network network operation NMOI. data block 160ms. QoS NO. Mode network NMOIII I). a value MCS4.YES(Support) YES mechanisms for different subsc Expected signal receiving strength on the BTS side when GPRS Interval dynamic Typepower 0~31 control is implemented 0~31 It is used to perform open loop power control. Link LA(LA) adaptation IR. th Whether to support the 11-bit EGPRS access request Enumeration Type NO(NO). This parameter Interval Type is valid 0~8 only when "Level 0~8 of Preempting Dynamic Channe This parameter is related to the paging channel of the system. 1500ms(1500m originates 2000ms.YES(Support) YES (PFC) when the MS and the ne Whether to support QoC optimization. Type NC0(NC0).output 3(0. PCH 5(0. this MCS1. Support). In the dynamic uplink allocation Interval Type mode. LA (LA) indicates adjusting the cod Whether to support the paging function of the CS domain of the Enumeration A interface. indicating the maximum TBFs Interval on the Type uplink 10~70 PDCH (parameter 10~70 value/10). of the 11BIT MS. NMOII(Network operation mo T3168 is used to set the maximum duration for the MS to wait Enumeration for the uplink Type assignment 500ms(500ms).4). If the uplink uses the Enumeration fixed coding Type scheme. Type LEVEL0(Preempt Only the channel LEVEL0. Type Yes: NO(NO).YES(Support) by YES the BTS. MCS4. SUPPORT(Support) SUPPORT It is applicable to the radio transmission environment to improve Enumeration the link quality. channel. Interval When the Type subscriber 10~80 number 10~80 on the channel reaches the value (th Mode of preempting the dynamic channel for the CS domain and Enumeration PS domain. It is used to Enumeration set the measured Type BCCH(BCCH). power 4(0. RLC 120ms(120ms). message 11BIT(11BIT) 8BIT. When the uplink transmission Interval Type ends. MCS3(MCS3). It is relative to the up Whether to support the function of moving the packet assignment Enumeration down to the Type NO(Not BTS. containing 160ms(16 200ms. receiving power BCCH. OPEN(Open) MS uses OPEN a PS service. 7. PDCH downlink multiplex threshold. MCS2(MCS2). the MS receives 80ms(80ms).8bit: 8 bit pulse access m Access priority of the MS that is allowed to access the cell. uplinkSEND. the uplin 7 Maximum transmit power level of MSs. There are Enumeration three modes. YES control modes NC0. beYES called upon paging request on This parameter specifies whether to receive the CS paging request Enumeration from A Type interface CLOSE(Close). Interval The Type transmission 6~120 delay6~120 of the POC service must be relativel Maximum bandwidth of the POC service (push to talk over cellular). Maximum value of the N3105 counter. MCS3(MCS3). CLOSE(Close) the CLOSE same channel. If the downlink Enumeration adopts the Type MCS1(MCS1). The number of available Interval TCHs Type and 0~100 PDCHs in a 0~100 cell is set to a fixed value. Enumeration The NACC is Type NO(No). PDCH(PDCH) level PDCH of the channel and control Network control mode for cell reselection of the MS.1). all configured dynamic LEVEL1. The PDC PDCH uplink multiplex threshold.5). When Interval the subscriber Type 10~70 number on10~70 the channel reaches the value (thres Downlink multiplex threshold of dynamic channel conversion. ranging MCS5 MCS from Coding scheme of the downlink EDGE link. 0ms. The Enumeration MS sends the Type 0(No packet packet channel access). A 0~512 BTS can be configured with up to 5 Whether to send the Dummy message during the deactivatedEnumeration period of theType extended SEND(SEND).6). NC0: normal NC1(NC1). A Inactive period of extended uplink TBF. To improve NO. dynamic adjustment MCS1. this parameter is used t Channel used for the measured receiving power. NOTSEND(NOTSEND) TBF NOTSEND This parameter specifies whether to support the takeover of the Enumeration packet immediate Type NO(Not assignment Support). if2~5 the network side 2~5receives the last RLC data block. the 2. NC2(NC2) The NC2MS shall perform aut Whether to support the network assisted cell change (NACC). message. the MS YES(YES) can NO. Interval Type 0~2 0~2 Number of idle timeslots. MCS2. If the downlink uses Enumeration the fixed coding Type MCS1(MCS1). You can configure up to 128 idle timeslots Intervalfor Type the BTS 0~512 at a time. 8. MCS2(MCS2). 3(Packet 5. Type IR(IR). in the LEVEL2 TCH/F LEVEL1(No mode c Number of full-rate TCHs reserved for the CS domain. set to MCS4. side to YES(Yes) control NO. 1.Default coding scheme of the downlink EDGE link. the MS 1500ms. Enumeration the EDGE Type GPRS(GPRS MSs cannotChannel). MS to1(0. TBF to share OPEN. As one of the cell reselection Interval parameters Type 0~19in system 0~19 message 3. the network side Maximum value of the N3101 counter.3). Alpha parameter Enumeration is used by the Type 0(0. 120ms. scheme. 500ms. 9. MCS3. 8~30 the network side 8~30 enables multiple MSs to share th Maximum value of the N3101 counter. The GSN equipment for Enumeration the GPRS provides Type NO(Not flexible Support). 1000ms(1000ms). Type 250~650 The transmission 250~650 delay of the POC service must be Obtains the QoS parameter from the Aggregate BSS QoS Profile Enumeration (ABQP) of Type NO(Not packet flow Support). 3. The NC2 enables Enumeration the network Type NO(No). Operation modes: NMOII. request 4. control. On: allow th Maximum value of the PDCH ratio in a cell. 10 of 6(0. After 1000ms. MS NC0. NO. YES(YES) NO. Uplink multiplex threshold of dynamic channel conversion. the 80ms. Support). MCS3(MCS3). This param Minimum bandwidth of the POC service (push to talk over cellular). NC1 or NC Whether to support the network control 2 (NC2). scheme. 4.If EGPRSNORCH(EGPRS this parameter EGPRSPRI is N Switch specifying whether to allow the downlink EGPRS TBF Enumeration and the uplink Type GPRS OPEN(Open). the u2 Duration of releasing the TBF after the MS receives the last data Enumeration block. for the PS YES(YES) service NO. YES Access pulse type of the PRACH. TCHFs). After the network side Interval receives Type the last 0~5000 uplink RLC 0~5000 data block (CountValue=0) of the MS Whether to preempt the channels carrying the CS service when Enumeration the channels Type NO(NO). IntervalThe Type transmission 6~120 delay 6~120 of the POC service must be relative Maximum transmission delay of the POC service (push to talk Interval over cellular).is MCS3. calculate 2(0. GPRS. this paramet MCS5 MCS Coding scheme of the uplink EDGE link. After the downlink TBF Interval is set up Type successfully. 0. 0. a value MCS5 rangin MCS Average period for sending the measurement report over the Interval EGPRSType channel 0~10 0~10 EGPRS priority type of the channelIf this parameter is set to GPRS. Time to wait for releasing the dynamic channel after the TBF on Interval the dynamic Type 10~3600 channel is released. UL). TCHFs). Type LEVEL0(Preempt Only the channel LEVEL0. 10~3600 When all the TBFs on the cha Mode of preempting the dynamic channel for the CS domain and Enumeration PS domain. convert atCONVERT1. in the LEVEL2 TCH/F LEVEL1(No mode c Maximum number of PDCHs that can be assigned in the TRX Interval Type 0~8 0~8 Conversion policy of the dynamic channel of the concentric cell Enumeration Type CONVERT0(Only CONVERT0. CONVERT1(Only CONVER . all configured dynamic LEVEL1. than it is BSC6900 recommended V900R011 that this parameter be set to Yes.To be updated by project Unit None None None None None None Default value None None None None None None Recommended value None None None None None None Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None None ms min Default value Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes YES YES Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 1 Compounding 1 Compounding CCCH CCCH Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 1 1 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 2_M_PERIOD 2_M_PERIOD Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 20 20 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None dBm dBm ms ms None None None None None None Default value Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes 4_Times 4_Times Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 TX_32 TX_32 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 -109 -109 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 -109 -109 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 52_Times 52_Times Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 32 32 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 SELECTION0_PERM-1&SELECTION1_PERM-1&SELECTION2_PERM-1&SELECTION3_PERM-1&SELECTION4_P SELECTION0_PERM-1&SELECTION1_PERM-1&SELECTION2_PERM-1&SELECTION3_PERM-1&SELE Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 L0_FORBID-0&L1_FORBID-0&L2_FORBID-0&L3_FORBID-0&L4_FORBID-0&L5_FORBID-0&L6_FORBID-0&L7_FO L0_FORBID-0&L1_FORBID-0&L2_FORBID-0&L3_FORBID-0&L4_FORBID-0&L5_FORBID-0&L6_FORBID Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 L11_FORBID-0&L12_FORBID-0&L13_FORBID-0&L14_FORBID-0&L15_FORBID-0 L11_FORBID-0&L12_FORBID-0&L13_FORBID-0&L14_FORBID-0&L15_FORBID-0 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 0 If the traffic volume Versions on each frequency earlier than band BSC6900 is even V900R011 and there is no special requirements for the frequency b YES 1. NO NO Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit dB None None None dB Default value 8 5 NO NO 0 Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes 8 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 5 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 The CBA function applies Versions to special earlier than scenarios. For a 900/1800 MHz Versions Co-BCCH earlier cell. BSC6900 If this V900R011 parameter is set to YES and "Cell Bar Qualify" is set to NO Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 0 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 . the recommended Versions earlier value than isBSC6900 62.the recommended value is 2 110 110 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 105 105 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 98 98 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 92 92 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 87 87 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 85 85 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 20 20 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Shall_Use Shall_Use Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Shall_Use Shall_Use Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 YES YES Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 YES YES Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 12 When the transmission Versions quality earlier is good. This setting is applicable in suburbs or u NO Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Yes: when the Transmission Versions Mode earlierof than the BSC6900 BTS is Satellite V900R011 transmissionNo: when the Transmission Mode of t YES YES Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 DISABLE DISABLE Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 90 90 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 85 85 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 16 16 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 30 30 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 7 7 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 YES YES Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Normal_cell Normal_cell Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 62 In Normal cell.in Double V900R011 Timeslot Extension Cell. than the BSC6900 recommended V900R011 settings are as follows: "Ring II Wait Time Before 3 When the transmission Versions quality earlier is good. than the BSC6900 recommended V900R011 settings are as follows: "Ring II Wait Time Before OFF OFF Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None Default value NO Recommended value NO Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 . earlier the average than BSC6900 call dropV900R011 rate decreases.None s None dB None None None None None dB dB 0 0 0 0 YES YES 6dB 6dB 15 15 15 15 15 15 Use_Qsearch_I Use_Qsearch_I NO NO 8 8 0 0 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None None None None per cent per cent dB None ms None None None None None None None None None ms None None None None ms None None Default value YES NO NO Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes If this parameter is set Versions to NO. None None 50 8 50 8 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None bit Default value YES 255 Recommended value YES 255 Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Default value YES 60 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 5 Recommended value YES 60 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 5 Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None None None None None None None None None dB Default value NO 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 10 Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes In dual-band networking Versions mode earlier for densely than BSC6900 populated V900R011 urban areas. the level drops rapidly due to multiple bar 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 0 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None Default value YES 55 Recommended value YES 55 Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 . None None None None None dB 55 60 60 55 55 69 55 60 60 55 55 69 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None per cent dB dB dB None None s dB per cent per cent None s dB s dB s s per cent Default value NO YES 80 10 2 30 NO NO 10 5 50 90 YES 5 5 1 25 4 5 20 Recommended value NO YES 80 10 2 30 NO NO 10 5 50 90 YES 5 5 1 25 4 5 20 Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None None per cent dB s dB Default value NO 10 90 80 25 10 5 Recommended value NO 10 90 80 25 10 5 Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None dB Default value YES 10 Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes YES Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 The typical configurations Versions of this earlier parameter than BSC6900 are as follows:25: V900R011 urban areas with PBGT handover disabled20: . in the suburbs. earlier the than recommended BSC6900 V900R011 value is 68. the recommended value is To be updated by project Unit None None None None None None dB dB None Default value NO YES YES YES NO NO 30 5 60 Recommended value NO YES YES YES NO NO 30 5 60 Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 . the recommended value is 8 To be updated by project Unit None None None s Default value NO 3 2 15 Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Set this parameter to Versions YES only earlier in special than BSC6900 scenariosV900R011 such as highways.dB s s s s s s dB 20 1 6 1 4 6 4 4 The recommended Versions value is 20 earlier when than HUAWEI BSC6900 I Handover V900R011 is used. earlier the than recommended BSC6900 V900R011 value is 4. in the suburbs.The recommended value is 15 when HUA 1 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 6 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 1 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 4 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 6 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 4 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 In densely populated Versions urban areas. 3 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 2 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 15 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None s s dB dB dB Default value YES 6 4 25 2 67 Recommended value YES 6 4 25 2 67 Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None s s dB Default value YES 6 4 68 Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes YES Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 6 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 4 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 In densely populated Versions urban areas. 63: Versions Dual-timeslot earlier extended than BSC6900 cells V900R011 SysOpt Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 35 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 63 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 SysOpt Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Usubcell Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit Default value Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes . YESNone None YES None YES None NO None NO None 60 bit 63 bit 0 s 10 s 8 dB 20 dB 35 None NO s 5 dB 5 per cent 20 per cent 70 per cent 80 s 5 dB 5 dB 10 dB 2 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None bit None dB bit None None Default value NO 0 SysOpt 35 63 SysOpt Usubcell Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes NO Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 0: normal cells.bit bit s s 63 0 10 8 63 0 10 8 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit Default value Recommended value ON NO YES YES YES NO NO 60 63 0 10 8 20 35 NO 5 5 20 70 80 5 5 10 2 Supported in Release from Project value Project notes None ON None NO NO. Versions densely earlier populated than urban BSC6900 areas. and rural areas. the recommen YES Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 8 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 25 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 12 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 ON Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 55 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None None None None per cent None None per cent None None dB dB dB dB dB None None None None None dB None None s dB s dB None per cent None None Default value Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes 90 90 100 100 90 90 100 100 80 80 60 60 OFF OFF 10 10 110 110 10 10 90 90 91 91 25 25 30 30 49 49 25 25 NO NO YES YES NO NO NO NO Pre_2G_CellThres Pre_2G_CellThres 25 25 NO NO RSCP RSCP 8 8 50 50 10 10 35 35 NO NO 80 80 CLOSE CLOSE None None BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project . suburbs.None None s s None None None per cent NO YES 10 8 25 12 ON 55 In the hot-spot areas. V900R011 urban areas. Unit None None None ms Default value PWR3 YES YES 3 Recommended value PWR3 YES YES 3 Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None None ms ms ms ms dB dB None None dB dB None None dB dB dB dB dB dB None dB None dB Default value YES 0 0 5 5 5 5 30 18 0 3 45 28 0 2 2 0 0 8 2 8 3 5 2 10 Recommended value YES 0 0 5 5 5 5 30 18 0 3 45 28 0 2 2 0 0 8 2 8 3 5 2 10 Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None None ms ms ms ms ms Default value 5 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 Recommended value 5 1 3 3 3 1 1 3 Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 . ms ms ms dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB None None None None dB dB dB dB 3 1 1 20 20 16 16 18 18 14 14 16 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 14 14 16 16 3 6 3 6 6 8 4 8 3 1 1 20 20 16 16 18 18 14 14 16 16 18 18 16 16 18 18 14 14 16 16 3 6 3 6 6 8 4 8 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None None None None None per cent None per cent None per cent per cent Default value Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes FULL_RATE_VER1-1&FULL_RATE_VER2-1&FULL_RATE_VER3-0&HALF_RATE_VER1-1&HALF_RATE_VER2-0& FULL_RATE_VER1-1&FULL_RATE_VER2-1&FULL_RATE_VER3-0&HALF_RATE_VER1-1&HALF_RATE Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 MODE4_1MODE4_1 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 NO NO Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 TCHFR TCHFR Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 NO NO Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 YES None Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 60 60 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 ON ON Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 55 55 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 YES YES Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 60 60 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 70 70 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 . and rural areas. Versions densely earlier populated than urban BSC6900 areas. V900R011 If AMR services. suburbs.None None None None None None dB dB dB None None None dB dB dB None None None dB dB dB None None None dB dB dB None None None None None s s None None s dB dB dB dB None None None None None None 4_75KBIT/S-1&5_15KBIT/S-0&5_90KBIT/S-1&6_70KBIT/S-0&7_40KBIT/S-1&7_95KBIT/S-0&10_2KBIT/S-0&12_2KB 4_75KBIT/S-1&5_15KBIT/S-0&5_90KBIT/S-1&6_70KBIT/S-0&7_40KBIT/S-1&7_95KBIT/S-0&10_2KBIT/SVersions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 4_75KBIT/S-1&5_15KBIT/S-0&5_90KBIT/S-1&6_70KBIT/S-0&7_40KBIT/S-1&7_95KBIT/S-0 4_75KBIT/S-1&5_15KBIT/S-0&5_90KBIT/S-1&6_70KBIT/S-0&7_40KBIT/S-1&7_95KBIT/S-0 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 6_60KBIT/S-1&8_85KBIT/S-1&12_65KBIT/S-1 6_60KBIT/S-1&8_85KBIT/S-1&12_65KBIT/S-1 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 1 1 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 0 0 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 2 2 BSC6900 V900R011 15 15 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 19 19 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 28 28 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 2 2 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 3 3 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 3 3 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 12 12 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 17 17 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 25 25 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 2 2 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 3 3 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 3 3 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 23 23 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 31 31 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 63 63 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 3 3 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 4 4 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 15 15 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 23 23 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 31 31 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 63 63 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 3 3 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 4 4 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 15 15 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 YES YES Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 NO In the hot-spot areas. inter-RAT handover. eMLPP. V900R011 urban areas. or A GSM_PHASE_2 It is recommended that Versions the value earlier of than this parameter BSC6900 is V900R011 the same as that for "A Interface Tag". the recommen 10 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 8 8 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 25 25 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 12 12 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 10 10 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 30 30 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 18 18 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 33 33 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 25 25 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 0 0 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 3 3 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 0 0 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 3 3 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 GSM_PHASE_2 GSM_PHASE_2 is recommended Versions earlier in than common BSC6900 scenarios. . None GSM_PHASE_2 It is recommended that Versions the value earlier of than this parameter BSC6900 is V900R011 the same as that for "A Interface Tag". To be updated by project Unit None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Default value None YES NO_FH None None OFF NO_FH 0 CA_MA YES 255 None None None Recommended value None YES NO_FH None None OFF NO_FH 0 CA_MA YES 255 None None None Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 To be updated by project Unit None None None None None None None None None None None per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent per cent None Default value Recommended value Supported in Release from Project value Project notes Q933 Q933 None None None None None None None None None None 0 0 CS1 CS1 CS2 CS2 UNFIXED UNFIXED UNFIXED UNFIXED 5 5 2 2 2 2 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 10 10 5 5 5 5 MCS2 MCS2 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 . None None None None None None per cent None None None None None None None ms ms None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None ms ms None None None ms None MCS6 MCS6 UNFIXED UNFIXED UNFIXED UNFIXED 5 5 NONGPRS NONGPRS OPEN OPEN 30 30 70 70 80 80 20 20 20 20 LEVEL0 LEVEL0 2 2 NMOII NMOII 500ms 500ms 500ms 500ms YES YES 8BIT 8BIT 6 6 NOTSUPPORT NOTSUPPORT IR IR YES YES CLOSE CLOSE 6 6 16 16 650 650 NO NO NO NO 12 12 6 6 5 5 PDCH PDCH NC0 NC0 NO None NO None None None None None SEND SEND NO NO NO NO 2400 2400 120 120 20 20 3 3 10 10 2000 2000 NO NO Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 . s None None None 20 20 LEVEL0 LEVEL0 8 8 CONVERT0 CONVERT0 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 Versions earlier than BSC6900 V900R011 .
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