26982275 Sap Basis Tips

March 27, 2018 | Author: Muppiri Uday Kumar | Category: Email, Password, Oracle Database, Login, Computer Network



Users Profiles and Password.........................................................................................4 Different methods to Lock or unlock SAP users ..................................................................................4 Changing the default password for sap* user .......................................................................................6 Mass Maintenance of Users Profiles ....................................................................................................7 How can I create multiple User Id at Random .....................................................................................7 How to delete expired roles? ................................................................................................................8 What are user groups and how can we use them? .............................................................................10 Hide the User Menu ...........................................................................................................................10 Function and Role of User Types and DDIC User .............................................................................11 Transports and Upgrade..........................................................................................12 Meaning behind those unconditional tp command mode ...................................................................12 Transport guide Tips for Different SAP Objects ................................................................................13 Transport Request within same Server Different Clients ...................................................................15 Upgrade SAP or Installation of SAP R/3 and ECC ............................................................................17 SAP Message : TP_CANNOT_CONNECT_SYSTEM .....................................................................19 Restrict The Transport Access In Production .....................................................................................21 Basis - Changing Parameters for the Transport Control Program ......................................................22 Find transports imported into system by search criteria .....................................................................23 Transporting a Request From OS .......................................................................................................23 Find Your SAP Transport Request Number Even If You Forgot ......................................................24 Comparing SAP Objects .....................................................................................................................24 Comparing two SAP clients ...............................................................................................................24 Information on how the OPS$ Users Work ........................................................................................25 How To Do the TMS Configuration? .................................................................................................27 Where To Find Deleted Transport Request Logs ...............................................................................28 Statistics...................................................................................................................29 Statistics of SAP Application Modules ..............................................................................................29 Statistical Logs for all the R/3 System ...............................................................................................30 Finding the SAP Statistics for transactions and programs .................................................................31 List of Inactive Users Logs .................................................................................................................31 Incorrect SAP login logs ....................................................................................................................32 How to Find How Much Allocated Memory .....................................................................................32 What is the Maximum Memory a good Program Should Request .....................................................33 Archiving.....................................................................................................................34 Archiving and Reorganization are totally different issues .................................................................34 Archiving the Material Master ...........................................................................................................35 Deletion of Vendor Consignment Records .........................................................................................36 Reasons For Archiving Financial Accounting Data ...........................................................................37 System Audit....................................................................................................................38 The Step required to Audit at the User Level......................................................................................38 Audit of SAP multiple logons ............................................................................................................39 SAP Security and Authorization Concepts .........................................................................................39 SAP Performance Tuning.........................................................................................42 SAP Load Balancing and Work Processes Troubleshoot ...................................................................42 Tuning Summary In Transaction ST02 ..............................................................................................44 Troubleshooting SAP Performance Issues .........................................................................................44 Administration..........................................................................................................45 SAP Administrator Daily Activities ...................................................................................................45 Tcodes used for Daily System Monitoring .........................................................................................46 Monitor and Administrate 4 SAP Systems .........................................................................................47 Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation .........................................................................48 Message......................................................................................................................48 Basis - Message Class - System Message ..........................................................................................48 Solution Manager......................................................................................................49 What Is The Use of Solution Manager ...............................................................................................49 Email.................................................................................................................................50 How to test the sending of documents from R/3 applications via fax, paging or Internet mail? .......50 Creating a SAP mail distribution lists ................................................................................................53 Configuring eMail in Case of Alert ....................................................................................................54 e-Mail The Back Ground Jobs ............................................................................................................55 Unicode....................................................................................................................56 Whether a System is Unicode or non-Unicode ..................................................................................56 Network..................................................................................................................57 Bandwidth requirement of ISP to connect to SAP server through VPN ............................................57 See from which network IP address and host name a user has logged on .........................................58 No System name and transaction code in SM04 ................................................................................58 Jobs............................................................................................................................59 Suspend/UnSuspend Released ABAP Jobs ........................................................................................59 What Is The Job Name EU_REORG Meant? ....................................................................................59 Tables..........................................................................................................................60 Reorganization of Single Object ........................................................................................................60 How to activate the IMG Change Log? ..............................................................................................60 Basis - Edit, create, delete or adjust your database table ....................................................................62 Finding any of the SAP tables that have been changed ......................................................................62 Transport Tables between Clients ......................................................................................................62 Copying table entries from client 000 ................................................................................................63 SAP Transaction Table .......................................................................................................................63 SAP Tablespace sizes in large databases ............................................................................................63 Authorization Objects.....................................................................................................66 Printing and Fax......................................................................................................70 Mass Lock All Printers with SPAD ....................................................................................................70 Print to an USB printer from SAP .....................................................................................................71 Parallel printing to all the SAP device printers ..................................................................................71 How can I print A3 format in SAP .....................................................................................................72 Delete multiple spool request .............................................................................................................74 Auto convert SAP spool output to PDF file .......................................................................................74 Printing ABAP Report over LAN and WAN .....................................................................................75 Sending faxes from SAP ....................................................................................................................76 OSS.............................................................................................................................76 Apply OSS Notes On My SAP R/3 System .......................................................................................76 Manually Applying OSS note on SAP Standard Program .................................................................78 SPAU and SPDD ................................................................................................................................79 SAP Transaction code to pre-compile all system program ................................................................80 Transaction Codes...................................................................................................80 Changing the Title of SAP Transaction ..............................................................................................80 Basis Frequently Asked Question...................................................................................81 Interview Questions for SAP Basis ....................................................................................................81 SAP Administration Questions Answers ............................................................................................83 Basis Administration Questions Answers ..........................................................................................85 Users Profiles and Password Different methods to Lock or unlock SAP users I want to lock all the users in SAP during MTP. I know using SU10 we can do it. Any other alternative ways to lock the users. Is there a way in SAP to unlock a locked user for a limited time, then automatically after x time set the user back to lock status? You can fill in "valid from" and "valid until", but you cannot say from Monday to Friday from 8 12:00 for part time workers. Can we schedule to lock all users? If users get locked, from SU01 you can unlock them. Use SU10 to mass lock/unlock the users. Use address data or authorisation data to get a list of users - select the ones you want and click transfer. Once this is done click on lock or unlock. You can also use transaction code EWZ5 to mass lock/unlock the users or Execute program EWULKUSR in SE38 or Set a profile parameter (login/failed_user_auto_unlock) to unlock at midnight the locked users. or Here's an ABAP code, short and simple, isn't it? REPORT zreusrlock. When you are done. the uflag is set to 64. time_limit = sy-datum .DATA: time_limit TYPE sy-datum.days. Frequent use of low level access may tempt you to use on other things. you would type: Unix/Oracle 8---> sqlplus internal @<SQLpath+SQLname> NT/Oracle 8.1---> sqlplus internal @s<SQLpath+SQLname> Unix/Oracle 9:--> sqlplus /nolog @<SQLpath+SQLname> NT/Oracle 9-----> sqlplus /nolog @<SQLpath+SQLname> In UNIX you can cron the script to schedule it. When users are locked. select bname. You can replace != with <> if you want. you can do the same again but change the UFLAG field to 0. or Probably the easiest way would be to write a sqlplus SQL script that sets all the UFLAG fields in table USR02 to 64 EXCEPT for the BNAMEs you don't want locked.usr02 set uflag='0' where mandt='399'. DATA: days TYPE i VALUE 40. just query to check.usr02 where mandt='399'. UPDATE usr02 SET uflag = 64 WHERE trdat < time_limit. To run this from an OS command line.USR02 set UFLAG = 64 where MANDT = <client number> and BNAME != <don't lock user 1> AND BNAME != <don't lock user 2>. Highly dangerous and your IS auditors will not be too happy. you can use SE38 to schedule it as a daily background job with the date and time. Please note that unlocking users from low level (like Oracle sqlplus) should be used as last resort. Finish.0---> plus80 internal @<SQLpath+SQLname> NT/Oracle 8. If you don't want to specify the time in the program. uflag from sapr3. The SQL statement would look like: update SAPR3. or This is another method to UNLOCK ALL users. . In NT you can schedule it as a task. Start Oracle Server manager (I assume you are on Oracle) connect internal update sapr3. the following message is displayed. user sap* does not exist. as I stated above.don't change anything while it's running).. the default password is 07061992 (which is. You can sign into the client you are creating while a client copy is processing using SAP* with password PASS (but you should have a good reason to do this . however when you go into su01 and enter sap* as the user name. . Then login to your client using password SAP* and password PASS However. You define its initial password at this point.). the password defined in the SAP code for SAP* is PASS. SAP*. check hostname from SM21. In these 2 clients. you can sign in to the client you want and simply define it using transaction SU01 and. If you delete the userid. then you can use the SQL statements to delete it from the database and then you can use SAP* with PASS to sign back into the client you want to define it in and recreate it. if you delete it.e. This is necessary when you are performing client copies for example. the initial date when R/3 came into being. value 99).e. disp+work). When I say it is "delivered" with SAP. then it will automatically created once again with password PASS The userid. Ask users to remember passwords!! If someone is deliberately login-in with different username/password (thereby blocking legitimate access of that user). Currently you have a value of 3.Is there a way to set a list of users that cannot be locked. If you've forgotten its password and don't have a userid with sufficient authorization to create/change/delete userid. SAP*. as the user information is copied at the end of the process. even if we try to lock them manually. It is given the SAP_ALL user profile and is assigned to the Super user group. there are actually rows in the user tables used to define userids. by the way. Changing the default password for sap* user You are trying to change the password for sap* user. I mean that the userid resides in the SAP database. and even if they fail connection ( wrong password )? Increase this parameter in SAP Instance profile: login/fails_to_user_lock = 6 (max is 99 wrong attempts.. i. is delivered with SAP and is available in clients 000 and 001 after the initial installation. You can delete the SAP* user using ABAP code :Delete from usr02 where bname = 'SAP*' and mandt = '***'. Anyway.. assign it to the SUPER user group and give it the SAP_ALL profile. if the SAP* userid is missing. When this situation exists. login/failed_user_auto_unlock (for your midnight unlocking). from the database. i. Where '***' means your client no. SAP has this userid defined in its kernel (the SAP executable code that sits at the operating system level. The default password for SAP* is 06071992.but still useful. Can I create multiple user id having same profile at once. then the automatic use of SAP* is deactivated. First. . dept field. group and so on. password.PFL profile or the instance-specific profile and is set to a value of '1'. . class (example ZDEV) if you want to transport it later. click :User -> Change -> Profiles Filled in the Profiles and click save. . you need to create a simulation (test case) of creating new user id by calling tcode SU01 later.. Once done. . key-in PFCG) and begin recording.There is also a profile parameter which can override the use of SAP* with PASS to close this security hole in SAP (login/no_automatic_user_sapstar).. and choose Record button on top. Create this case.. example ZCREATE_NEW_USER. Then key -in Object as example SU01. With the users you want to change selected. click Back button and press End button to end the recording. As usual in SU01 create 1 user id.Test case must start with Z. . When it prompts to enter Transaction code. use tcode SCAT. it only one by one. How can I create multiple User Id at Random We usually created Id though SU01.Go back and click Change button.indeed.Then. and then restart SAP.. key in SU01 (if for roles. (DDIC has 19920706) Mass Maintenance of Users Profiles Goto transaction code SU10 Select your SAP User by Address data or Authorization data. . Just in case your Production disabled this. Yes you can. put title and choose component as BC (basis components). make sure your client setting (SCC4) is enabled with ' X eCATT and CATT allowed'.You will see a clock on the bottom which means the recording process is on going.Make sure you press Enter on each field because we want to capture the value/object and SCAT is a bit stupid if you become familiar later. .Save and choose Local if you dont want to transport it or choose a dev. roles. change this parameter to a value of 0 (zero). When this parameter is defined either in your DEFAULT.. The only way to reactivate the kernel-defined SAP* userid at this point would be to stop SAP. we are going from 40B to 47 and have had a few issues with role deletion Notes: 312943 504412 & 313587 Additional info First. 2.e. remove from users. then you can reset back (Edit -> Reset Parameterization). plus some documentation that may be helpful for others. just duplicate this ID and change the name. You may see so many junk fields captured and this is because SCAT records every steps/dialogs. How to delete expired roles? Here are 3 notes you may want to review to see if there is any helpful info. . If you see reds then error was happening. You have to make sure both role and profile has the same radio button selected. Wait for the logs.. In transaction SU10. Second. Entry the users name. choose external file 'the one you created with Excel' and execute. processing mode chose Background. You need to be sure that the remove user radio button set in the role tab...first stage has finished. At this moment don't use tcode SU01 bcoz you may interrupt the simulation. 04/08/2002. 5. 3. the report PFCG_TIME_DEPENDENCY is functioning as designed. it will allow you to delete the role from user.no need to enter the roles/profiles. dept and password only. Once done. Then you need to click 'Goto -> Variant -> Export' and save it. If you happen to choose the wrong object. you need to complete the following steps: 1.I noticed you said the profiles are all the same. Save and close. 4.. Put a check in front of the users name. the add user radio button is selected by default. What you have to do is go to profile tab and select the remove user radio button.. After that use Ms Excel to open it and begin inserting all other user ids. group field etc. choose Back and save this case.Note . in transaction SU10 you must have the valid from and valid to fields filled in with the actual dates. latimerc Click on the execute button. Then double click the Object to begin inserting parameters. roles field (AGR_NAME). But in the profile tab. Choose the right field example user id (BNAME) and choose button 'Insert Import Parameter (F6)' and you may click Next Screen to 'watch' what have been recorded and proceed to choose several other objects like password field (PASSWORD1. get back to SCAT and click button execute. Then last one. Okay.. PASSWORD2). Click on the transfer button. Remember to close this file because SCAT will use it. Then this is much easier. It was not designed to remove activity groups. Only then when you click save. in order to remove the invalid activity group. Then you will see an object for each fields that you run from SU01. Click on the Authorization data button. i. <<< delete LOOP AT SINGLE_ACTGROUPS WHERE AGR_NAME+11 <> SPACE.. The report gives you a list of all these roles and deletes then the selected ones. <<< insert READ TABLE L_AGR_FLAGS WITH KEY AGR_NAME = SINGLE_ACTGROUPSAGR_NAME BINARY SEARCH. Therefore you have to change the following: SELECT * FROM AGR_FLAGS INTO TABLE L_AGR_FLAGS WHERE FLAG_TYPE = 'COLL_AGR' AND FLAG_VALUE = 'X'.'. Enter the valid from and valid to dates (04/08/2002). Now highlight the user.6. In another customer message the following was provided by developement: We don't have a regular functionality for mass deletion of roles. Change the radio buttons to remove user from both the Activity Group and Profile Tabs. 8. Text from an additional customer message as further help: .. Enter the profile name (PM_NOTIFICATION_PROCESSOR).select remove from user . Click on the trash can.select remove from user . SORT L_AGR_FLAGS BY AGR_NAME. You can modify the report to get all your roles in the selection list. 11.. Click on the Activity Groups tab. But if you want to avoid the deletion by hand or with an own created report.. Click on the pencil button. So it works as designed.. 10.do the same for ZR:HR:ESS from 01/01/2002 to 12/31/9999 and worked from date for testid was 01/01/2002 and testid2 02/01/2002 and the 2 assignement were deleted And the roles were removed from the 2 UMR. LOOP AT SINGLE_ACTGROUPS WHERE AGR_NAME+11 <> SPACE AND <<< delete ( AGR_NAME(2) = 'T_' OR AGR_NAME(2) = 'RY' ). I would suggest the following: The attached note 324962 includes the report ZDELETE_RY_T_AGRS which could delete all roles with names like 'T_.PRD.go on role tab .' or 'RY. 12.save . ..GENERIC and date : 06/04/2002 12/31/9999 .go to profile tab .enter ZR. 7. 9. Transaction SUGR . The most important factor identified is that the lack of user groups is an indication that there may be problems with the user build process. Naturally the main reason of user groups is to categorize user into a common denominator. The authorization user group is used in conjunction with S_USER_GROUP authorization object. Purpose for example is to give certain system admin rights to unlock / change password only to a given user group. Hide the User Menu Is there a way of masking or hiding the User Menus as we are using SAP Standard Menu instead of User Based Menus? . Help-Desk to reset password for all users except users in group SUPER.What are user groups and how can we use them? Your auditer asked you to implement user groups in SAP. User group can be used for different reasons and in different way. actually two types of usergroup exist. etc. This allows users to be categorised in a method that is not dependent on roles/AG's/Responsibilities/Profiles etc.an example would be giving a team leader the authority to change passwords for users in their team. The general user group can be used in conjunction with SUIM and SU10.g. In the latest versions of SAP. e. The Auditors job is to provide assurance that SAP is set up and administered in a way that minimises risks to the financial data produced. to select all the users in a specific group.. User can only be member of one authorization user group but several general user group. this is especially useful in a large organisation as you can control who your user admin team can maintain . you can have a local security administrator only able to manage users in his groups. but you have no idea what are user group. the authorization user group and the general user groups. You assign user group to an user id via SU01. One of the Primary uses of user groups is to sort users into logical groups. This is very "fuzzy" but is a bit of a warning flag.have a look. It allows to create security management authorization by user group.. If the only thing they have picked up on is the lack of usergroups then you will be fine. User Groups also allow segregation of user maintenance. Reference Kindly mention the function and role of all the above mentioned user types specifically and hows is one user type different from another. System For this kind of users: GUI login is not possible. Function and Role of User Types and DDIC User In "USER MAINTENANCE. Usage: .SU01" --> in the "logon tab" there are 5 different "user type" 1. 2. Initial password and expiration of password are not checked.These are used for internal use in system like background jobs. . Dialog 2. Usage:. These are as follows:1. Dialogue:For this kind of users:GUI login is possible. Communication For this kind of users:GUI login is not possible. Hide based on individual SAP users.These are used for GUI logins. when the user logs on to the system he should have only the SAP Standard Menu. Goto SM30 and edit the table SSM_CUST and set ALL_USER_MENUS_OFF = YES and transport the same in production server. You can also try SM30 and maintain table USERS_SSM for individual users.To put it simple. Multi GUI logins are checked. or 2. System 3. Initial password and expiration of password are checked. You have two ways to control this : 1. Communication 4. 3. Service 5. Default hide for all the SAP users. Usage: . Reference For this kind of users:GUI login is not able.Users are allowed to change password through some software in middle tier.These are used for login to system through external systems like web application 4. Initial password and expiration of password are not checked. This type of users should be given minimum authorization. 5. Users are not allowed to change the password.These are special kind of users which are used to give authorization to other users. Service For this kind of users:GUI login is possible. When you configure TMS you won't be able to configure it using sap*. For E.g. We cannot create new user for our client( Client of Company ) as creating new user gets charged. Transports and Upgrade Meaning behind those unconditional tp command mode Content Author: PrakashP Can anyone tell me what's the meaning behind all those unconditional mode U1 or U126 or U148 or anything? tp import transportrequest <sid> clientxxx U1 . Usage:.. Initial password and expiration of password are not checked.These are used for anonymous users. Tips by : Rajeev Sharma What are the functions of DDIC user in Production system? There are many functions of DDIC user. With the help of default user DDIC we can configure s_trnsprt and s_cts_admin. Multiple logins are allowed. 2) When we install R/3 in Landscape then we need to configure TMS. For this you need a user who has access to Data dictionary and ABAP repository Object like DDIC user or user with sap_all and sap_new permission. Only admin can change the password Usage:. you can transport a LSMW project in full (you can not select the objects you want). 3: When used with tp import. it overwrites the originals. With this method. change request can be imported from buffer without deleting it and then uncoditional mode 1 is used to allow another import in the correct location. 9: During import it ignores that the system is locked for this kind of transport. 8: During import phase it ignores the limitations caused by the table classification. Hence you don't transfer the object a colleague might have created and that should stay in development system. it dictates the program to not to expand the selection with TRDIR brackets. or softly try to load the objects).do you want to overwrite without warnings. 0: Called a overtaker. u128 is combination of 128 OF THE above points. If used in tp import phase. it helps to overwrite objects in unconfirmed repairs. LSMW -> Extras -> Create change request .2 Transport request With this method. Transport guide Tips for Different SAP Objects You may be wondering if you can transport certain SAP objects. 1. and if possible.1 Export/import This method gives you the opportunity to select the subprojects or objects you want to transfer.tp import transportrequest <sid> clientxxx U126 tp import transportrequest <sid> clientxxx U148 The u stands for unconditional force ( how hard you want to force the request into the system . 2: When used with tp export. 5: During the import to the consolidation system it permits the source systems other than the integration system. 1: If U1 is used with the export then it ignores the correct status of the command file. LSMW -> Extras -> Export project 1. 6: When used in import phase. and if it is used with import then it lets the user import the same change request again. how? Here are tips for different objects: 1 LSMW There are 2 ways for transporting LSMW data from a system to another. the project will be transported as any other SAP object in a transport order. it overwrites the system-dependant objects. 5 Standard texts Standard texts used in SAPScript (created with transaction SO10) can be included in transport orders.ST.. you might have to transport data of a SAP table.2 Program variants If you have several program variants in a development system that you want to transport. 3 Layout In some transactions. use the following method to transport them: Execute program RSTRANSP (via se38) and inform the program and/or variant names (you can transport variant of several programs in one shot). When created. I want to transfer *the report and the view* from dev to prd. Go to transaction SE16. You have to create a Workbench transport order with transaction SE10.YMM_MEDRUCK_MAIN_16_EC. How to transfer a executable report from dev server to prd server? And that report contains one user defined view.. datasets and user groups can be exported/imported between the systems thanks to the program RSAQR3TR. If you cannot do it that way. Example : R3TR / TEXT / TEXT. DB data In some unusual cases. It's only possible for some tables. . when your layouts have been saved. you have to create a Workbench transport order with transaction SE10. click on it. 4 Queries Queries.. These layouts can be transported: In the required transaction. go to Settings -> Layout -> Layout Management. put '*' in the key field or double-click on it and select the key you need to transport. filter. click on it. Select the desired layouts and go to Layout -> Transport… There you can add your layouts in existing TO or create a new one.ST. one can save layout of the screen (sort. Go in modification mode and add a new line with: PgmID = R3TR Obj = TEXT Object name = TEXT. go in menu Request/task -> Object list -> Display object list. . go in menu Request/task -> Object list -> Display object list. depending on your need. select your entries and go to Table entry -> Transport entries. When created. criteria)..F You can also copy a Sapscript object (like standard text) with the program RSTXCPFS.. Go in modification mode and add a new line with: PgmID = R3TR Obj = TABU Object name = Name of your table Double-click on the created line and. request at one time. that can be done only one tran.2 AIX 5. .At the time of creating the report itself it will ask you to select the PACKAGE.. there you should give the name of the object or program that you have created and save it.140. which for transporting the objects and create a new request and save it.. How can we transport these requests to other clients of 140 & 150.... Ronald Ramos But this will import all request. Do I need to write a script within unix? SAP 4..2 Mohd Zainizam Try STMS. Mohd Zainizam You can use Extended Transport Control. And we have more than 400+ transport requests in client 130. From there it has to be transported to the Production System.6C Oracle 9. If I want to use tcode SCC1. Click on the "import overview" Double click on your target system Click "refresh" Click on "import all request" or ctrl+F9 Specify the target client Execute the transport Done. Transport Request within same Server Different Clients I have 3 clients under one SID (dev 130. If no errors are there then you can press the Release Directy icon to transport the request to the Quality system. If you want to give a TCode for the program that you have created just give SE93 in the GUI Window and give the TCode name there and enter the Create button. After completing this go to SE09 TCode and select the MODIFIABLE Check box and press DISPLAY Button... Extended Transport Control is another way to set up the Transport Route so that the route is system and CLIENT specific. Here you should select the package instead of $TMP package.thousands of them. In the next screen you have to select the Request that you have created and click the check syntax icon.150). and a description Targets for Consolidation route Choose "Insert line" Enter the required target system/client combinations Use a separate line for each client. of DEV.. either Hierarchical or Graphical. To set this up requires the steps below: 1) Open the file TP_DOMAIN_DEV. Create a Target Group: Access the initial screen of the graphical or the hierarchical editor in change mode. The file will be in usrsaptrans/bin) Edit with notepad for each parameter on each system: DEV/CTC = 0 Change to =1 2) Next you need to create Target Group before creating the transport route. STMS > Overview > Transport Routes (the default editor will appear.In other words.) > Configuration > Display Change > (or change icon or F5) Edit > Transport Target Groups > Create In the dialog box.. to change the default editor : STMS > Extras > Settings > Transport Routes. Example: Target System Target Client Client Name DEV 0X1 Sandbox DEV 0X2 Testing . 0X2. You can also switch to one or the other from Goto > Graphical Editor.PFL (located on your transport domain controller such as the DEV box. when you release a change request in DEV Client 0XX it will not only automatically be added to the Import Queue for QAS but also 0X1. Create Target Group: Enter a name for the target group /GR_QA/ (The name must begin and end with a forward slash /) . You NEED SAPNet access because without a registered and licensed SolMan installation number you will not be able to generate the SolMan key for the ECC .0 with SQL as database and on windows platform with the steps including Solution Manager installation? http://service. Upgrade SAP or Installation of SAP R/3 and ECC What is ECC? Where to find the installation steps of ECC 5/6. STMS > Overview > Transport Routes > F5 (change mode) Edit > Transport Routes > Delete Now create a Transport Route with Extented Transport Control: STMS > Overview > Transport Routes > F5 (change mode) Edit > Transport Routes > Create > Extended Transport Control icon at lower left of dialog box. This is because these change requests need a client specified before they can be imported. Distribute and activate the changes as usual by choosing Configuration > Distribute and activate NOTE: After you set up Extended Transport Control there might be requests in an import queue that will show a red status in the CTL column. From Import Queue Screen Mark the change request Choose Request > Target Client > Set Enter the Target Client ID and choose Enter. These are old requests that were already in the queue. > Consolidation route.sap.QAS 0XX Quality Assurance System The idea is that we want to include the clients that will get an addition to their import queue when we release a change request from DEV. Choose Transfer Now you have to change the transport route to include the Target Group you created. The Target Group can be used for the consolidation system. enter integration system and transport layer. Each System must be specified by System and Client.com/instguides ECC means Enterprise Central Component. There are all the relevant installation guides. To change a target client before starting an import: Import Queue Screen > mark Change request > target client > change > enter target client id and choose enter. In Target system/client enter the SID of either an R/3 System and a client or an existing Target Group. but don't be surprised at how big the upgrade is when compared to upgrading from 46b to 46c. but there seems to be a problem while trying to go back into the roles again to re-generate.6 and 4. For Upgrades it is recommended to read ALL the notes mentioned in the upgrade guide and to make sure one is using . even though the authorizations tab is red.sap.7. This problem is currently with SAP and it is confirmed that nothing have been done wrongly.com/inguides --> SAP Components --> SAP R/3 Enterprise --> (choose your version) at the bottom there is an "Upgrade guide" for Windows and Unix.7 Have you gone through an upgrade to 4.installation. There is very little difference between 4.6C and are inching forward to upgrading to 4. If we have full software of 46c and 47E is it possible to upgrade 46c to 47E or there is a seperate 47E upgrade software need to be requested from SAP? Where I can get the document with upgrade steps on the service market place? It is of course possible and supported: http://service. so you cannot pick them up in mass generate in PFCG as they do not come in. SAP recognizes them as needing "adjustment". 70% have gone back to red! The maintenance done is ok.7? What are the difference or changes associated with 4. Upgrade to 4.7 then this information might be useful to you. Generally. the only "steps" you should need are steps in SU25 ( skip step 1) Then go through all your role and perform a merge old new to bring in the new authorization objects Just to forewarn you of a potential problem which have been encounter at the point of writing. the work is quite manageable in the upgrade.7. After updating/ modifying roles in step 2C. If you are currently on 4. when going back into 2C to make sure all roles are now green. 70 / Ext. Installation of SAP R/3 Currently we are going to install SAP on a new IBM server from the existing COMPAQ server. Guide . . SAP Message : TP_CANNOT_CONNECT_SYSTEM Using spam. by fibre.7 x 2.sap.00 (SR1) --> Inst. but could not resolve the issue. The support packages have been uploaded from the DEV box into the QAS queue. Configuration is : OS . 1. The DEV and QAS boxes are in the same centre on the network. Set 2. 2.R/3 Enterprise 4. configure and run system.the correct version of the "R3trans" program .Oracle 9i SAP 4.00 SR1 on Win: Oracle The above url is the SAP Service Marketplace with all the information you need to install.the correct version of the "tp" program . that has some experience on doing that for the first time.. tp works fine when I am doing transports (tp import devk90000 qas client=400 u1 or addtobuffer). Without access you won't be able to successfully run any SAP systems because it has notes. I get the above message together with TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE. trying to import SPAM UPDATE.windows 2003 server DB . niping -t SELFTEST works fine I worked through notes 44946 and 96907.7 http://service.the correct version of the "R3up" program All that is explained in the upgrade guide and in the corresponding notes. I am working on QAS. Where can I get the steps for that. You need to be a valid licensed customer with a user ID and PASSWORD to use that.com/instguides --> SAP Components --> SAP R/3 Enterprise --> SAP R/3 Enterprise Core 4. patches etc. If this is your first upgrade you should take a person. I get this message:System DEV is unknown in the Transport Management System Diagnosis An error occurred in the TMS communication layer. System: QAS. Is QAS listed? If so. If this error occurs in the function TMS_CI_CHECK_ACCESSTOKEN.DOMAIN_DEV(000). Configure the TMS in this R/3 System again.DOMAIN_DEV(000) Function: TMS_CI_CHECK_ACCESSTOKEN Error: UNKNOWN_SYSTEM (DEV) System Response The function terminates.. System overview 4. logon to the transport domain controller with admin user in client 000. If they are not successful you might want to try the following to configure the TMS on QAS from scratch. Run tcode SE06 --> Database copy or Database migration --> Perform post-installation actions. Then confirm that you want to delete all old CTS/TMS config and type in QAS as source system for the database copy. . Menu line option "SAP system" --> "Approve" 6. In your QAS system in client 000. First delete QAS from system overview on the domain server.. 2. Then do the following steps. then the TMS configuration was deleted in the R/3 System QAS. Procedure Log this system on to the Transport Management System. in transport domain" When trying to update the config from DEV client 000. You need to: 1. Distribute configuration When you are logged on the transport domain server and run STMS --> System Overview. Run STMS 3.I get this message in QAS:"SAP system is waiting for the inclus. select it and perform the checks under "SAP Systems" in menu line. select QAS 5. You could try using SCCL and select "Customising" Profile. System Landscape: Dev-->Test--> Production DB:--Oracle Machine--SUN Appln Servers: AIX SAP version: 4. Is there any other way? Example: List of transport request that have beem transported during Jan. . we need to import multiple requests at a time using SCC1 in another client. Feb 20xx to production. Logon to the transport domain controller in client 000.Then run STMS again and type in the correct data for the transport domain controller. Find Requests. Limit the authorization object that can limit your transport activity. Choose the SID of the QAS system and click on "SAP System" in the menu and choose Approve. Perform the checks from menu line "SAP Systems" again. This will add the QAS system to your TMS config again. please use authorization object S_TRANSP and remove the value 60 (import) at your production server 2. Remove the STMS from the role. How to import mass transport request using SCC1 in local client? We have 3 clients in development system . Open system overview. I tried SCC3 but I'm not able to pull up the data. Restrict The Transport Access In Production How to restrict the transport access in Production? You can control by 2 way : 1. List of transports that have been transported over a period I need to know how we can get a list of transports transported over a period of time.6C Goto STMS --> Import overview --> select the system which you want to see the log of import queue --> select goto--> import history --> there select the data coloum and set the filter as per your requirement. You can also execute SE03. Run STMS. in the production system or use SE16 to query table E070. How to do mass transport steps using SCC1 in local clients. Using SCC1 I am able to select mass request at a time but not able to see mass transport menu. Requests/Tasks. Call Transaction STMS. After testing you can import the request in PRD system Basis .In one of the screen don't select user assignment.Enter the Role to be transported in the text box. It will also ask you the change request no. In Development: Run TCD PFCG . We have installed IDES 4.Click on truck symbol left corner of options bar . .Changing Parameters for the Transport Control Program Remove the import all request (big truck) button from STMS To change the automatically generated profile parameters for the transport control program: Log onto the SAP System functioning as the transport domain controller (the QA or PROD system). NOW go to stms and select Quality system and import the request into it. The global parameters are identical for all SAP Systems in the domain. Choose Overview -> Systems. In the SAP System. I have also create New role. After that go to TCD SE10 and release the request. . The screen Change TMS Configuration: System <System name> appears. First. The system overview appears. Choose the tab Transport tool.7 Server. all the global parameters are displayed and then all the local parameters. click Configuration -> Change. but how to bring out the role to production server.What is Role Transportation from development server to Production server.then series of screens will appear. Double click on the SAP System you want to change. . The operating system is only displayed if values exist for this field. Time. 1. Find transports imported into system by search criteria Content Author: Ryan Fernandez To find transports imported in a particlar system log into it. by Name. Enter your search criteria. or a value that is not permitted. Save your entries. If you enter a parameter unknown to the transport control program.To change a global parameter to a local parameter. the transport control program ignores this entry in the transport profile. Good to use if you suspect a problem in your system and want to trace back transports that went in that possibly could have caused the fault. Transporting a Request From OS To import a transport request from OS . Finally to remove the import all request (big truck) button from STMS • • • click the Insert Line (button) Tick Global Fill in Parameter = NO_IMPORT_ALL. # cd /usr/sap/trans # tp addtobuffer <transport request> <SID> pf=<transport profile> # tp import <transport request> <SID> pf=<transport profile> . Table contents 4. you must delete the global parameter and enter the new local parameter. Date. etc. Value = 1. Use transaction se16 2. Table name is E070 3. (clients in either the same R/3 System or different ones).00. .9999 15:21:56 SAP Date Time Author Version(s) in the version database: X 00002 X 00001 S 46X X 46X ABCD123456 01.0000 00:00:00 Comparing SAP Objects You can compare the IMG setting between two systems using OY19.08. Comparison can be made for individual application components or all the application components. Then click Utilities -> Versions -> Version Management SAP system will display this sample list :Versions: Report source ZPROGRAM Version Cat Fla SAP Rel. Arch Request Version(s) in the development database: X activ X 46X 01.08. You can easily find it via the Versions Management.9999 15:52:43 SAP 00. Comparing two SAP clients Compares Customizing objects in two logical systems with transaction SCU0.Find Your SAP Transport Request Number Even If You Forgot If you happend to be one of those who forgot the transport request number of your abap program. Steps :Transaction SE38 Filled in your ABAP program name. . You must also create a Remote Function Call link in SM59. . .Transport requests This option shows the objects which would be overwritten by a transport. . Below is the document I have prepared on recreating the OPS$ machanism. I would greatly appreciate some assistance as I have problems with my Brconnect and Brbackup within DB13 due to the OPS$ users.To compare objects.Manual selection In this option.Application components This option compares Customizing objects in specified application areas. The Customizing Cross-System Viewer compares Customizing objects by the following criteria: . you specify which objects are compared. It helped me solve all my problem on DB13 and also on Schema owner connecting to database. Does anyone have information or a good understanding of how the OPS$ users work and operate under an Oracle SAP environment. Information on how the OPS$ Users Work Content Author: Sachin D. The compare client security level must be: 0 (unrestricted).Business Configuration Sets This option concentrates on Customizing settings which are of particular importance for the processes in your company.Project IMG This option shows changes in your project. I need info on how to permanently delete the OPS$ users and then recreate it. J. start the Customizing Cross-System Viewer in the logon client (client of the system in which you are logged on) and then logon in the compare client (client to be compared). due to the fact that I have incorrect OPS$ users in some of the tables affected by the OPS$ users. or 1 (no overwriting) You can set this in the client maintenance SCC4. . then drop the table SAPUSER Drop table "<owner>". Also refer to the following sapnotes: 1.SAPUSER values ('SAPR3'. 361641 : Creating OPS$ users on UNIX 4. ## If owner is not the sid you require. # Creat table SAPUSER create table "OPS$SIDADM". 134592 : Importing the SAPDBA role (sapdba_role. 400241 : Problem withe ops$ or sapr3 connect to oracle 2. # update "OPS$<SID>ADM. it does not make sense to create an additional . # Grant connect & resource roll to OPS$<SID>ADM.sql) 3. In order to avoid problems with the data consistency. #sap = <password> # Under NT it is required that user sapservice<sid> can also access the SAPUSER table. ## IF THE ANSWER IS 0 ROWS SELECTED THEN CREATE THE TABLE SAPUSER # Check whether OPS$<SID>adm user exist.SAPUSER. if no then create it create user OPS$SIDadm default tablespace psapuser1d temporary tablespace psaptemp identified externally.SAPUSER with the follwoing command insert into "OPS$SIDADM". #or# Drop table "domain\OPS$SIDadm".SAPUSER. DROP USER OPS$SIDADM. grant connect. 50088 : Creating OPS$ users on Windows NT/Oracle 5. 'sap'). resource to OPS$SIDADM.Hope this could help you.SAPUSER ( USERID VARCHAR2(256). PASSWD VARCHAR2 (256)). 437648 : DB13: External program terminated with exit code 1/2 ---------select owner from dba_tables where table_name='SAPUSER'. # if exist then drop it. TABLE_NAME FROM DBA_SYNONYMS WHERE SYNONYM_NAME = 'SAPUSER'. Check if a suitable synonym exists by using the following call: SELECT OWNER. # AND CREAT it again with above command # To allow access to the synonym (or the associated table).SAPUSER for OPS$SIDADM.SAPUSER.that is ops$<sid>adm. You should rather define a synonym. # IF NOT THEN CREAT IT create public synonym sapuser for OPS$SIDADM. The authorization for this has only the ops$ user who is the owner of the actual table . if possible): CREATE SYNONYM "OPS$SAPSERVICESID". # if synonym already exists drop the existing synonym by the following command drop public synonym sapuser.SAPUSER FOR "OPS$SIDADM". Therefore. UPDATE ON SAPUSER TO "OPS$SAPSERVICE<sid>".SAPUSER. #If another name <name> is returned as first value: DROP SYNONYM "<name>". a grant needs to be executed.SAPUSER.SAPSUER. you need to log on with the corresponding operating system user (<sid>adm) and execute the following commands: CONNECT / GRANT SELECT. CREATE SYNONYM OPS$SAPSERVICESID. TABLE_OWNER. # COMMIT AFTER COMPLETION of the activity & restart the DB How To Do the TMS Configuration? We have two systems with version ECC 5.SAPUSER table having the same contents.0 . # Now you can recreate the synonym (not PUBLIC. Enter DOMAIN_<SID> as domain controller name and enter the description. It will ask for Domain controller name. Goto SE06 3. I beleive we also need to establish an RFC Connection for this. Login to the system with sap* in client 000 2. Goto SE06. 3. Also explain how to update the local files of this systems? How can I make thro it? First decide which system you would like to define DOMIAN controller. Enter DOMAIN_<SID> as domain controller name and enter the description.Production Now we need to configure TMS between these two systems by assigning XY1 as domain controller. 7. Goto STMS 5. Where To Find Deleted Transport Request Logs Is there any way to find out deleted transport requests logs? If you have deleted from SAP level. Login to system with sap* in client 000 2. Approve the added system. Click Post installation activities 4. Click Save button 9.The SID is XY1 . 6. Goto STMS 5. Enter System ID of the Domain controller 7. If total request has been deleted then you can also do the transport manually at OS level.Development & Quality XY6 . or . 6. Configure the Domain Controller Steps to configure -----------------1. Click Save button Steps to add the other system with Domain controller ---------------------------------------------------1. It will ask for Domain controller name. Click Post installation activities 4. Login to Domain controller system 10. 8. Then you need to check at the OS level in /usr/sap/trans/log directory else you can check for the SLOG and ALOG folder also. where step ID is a single alphabet denoting a particular transport action. Check the scheduling of RSAMON40 in table TCOLL as described in note 12103. Just double click on a step. to display the log for that particular step.'Export' etc. 'Import'. the data may sometimes be deleted again by a reorganization program. which generates snapshots of the application monitor data and saves them to the database. As of Release 31I. has not started yet. it is because the program RSAMON40. this report is automatically carried out by the performance collector (RSCOLL00). Here you can click on the secong "Spectacles" icon to display the transport steps of the request in each of your SAP system. e. For releases lower than 31I. Double click on the application modules for more information breakdown.<Target SID>. If RSAMON40 runs regularly. To prevent the data from being deleted again by a reorganization program. Just double click on the request you want and you enter the "Display Object List" screen for the particular request. You can also view the logs from operating system in the directory <TRANSDIR>/log. If there are no analysis data is available for the history in ST07. schedule the program RSAMON40 periodically (hourly) as a background job. Statistics Statistics of SAP Application Modules The transaction ST07 provide information such as the numbers of users logged on into each of the SAP Application modules. The logs are named in the format: <Source SID><Step ID><Request no>.g. then you can check in "Goto-> Import History" in the same transaction to view the requests. you must still make the following entry in the SAPWLREORG table: .If you have simply deleted the the requests from import queue through "Extras-> Delete imported requests" in transaction STMS_IMPORT and have not deleted the logs at OS level. 'Check Version'. then data will start showing for some time but after 2 day same problme comes again. You must then save the settings. Details of server: O/S : Windows 2003 SAP : 4. Ensure that the job COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCEMONITOR executes the report RSCOLL00 hourly. What could be the problem in SAP. When backup was completed. Furthermore. go to transaction STAD. You achieve this by maintaining the table TCOLL with transaction SM31. The report RSSTAT80 should be executed every hour.CI ID = MONIKEY = --<DATE__>+++++++ RESIDENCY = 0 Statistical Logs for all the R/3 System To check the workload statistics for all the R/3 System. I started all the service. Enter "X" in every hour for the report RSSTAT80 (column "Time of day"). STOP SAPMMC. You achieve this by maintaining the table TCOLL with transaction SM31. number of records cumulated per call". Goto -> Parameters -> Performance database. All sap pjobs are running well. 3. You should then increase the maximum number of statistics records read in each run of RSSTAT80.000 for the value "Max.7 EE Oracle : 9i Solution: 1. number of records cumulated per call" to at least 10. increase the value of "Max. Why data was not showing in ST03? Problem: Last one month I face this problem when I am taking full system o/s backup of production server stopping all the oracle automatic serveice with SAPOSCOL & SAPPRD_00 .000 and save the change. the report RSSTAT80 should be executed every hour. You can set this value with transaction ST03. If this or a larger value is already set. However. 2. . Using transaction ST03. Press "Modify parameters" and enter at least 10. please proceed as in point 2. Goto -> Parameters -> Performance database. after some time data was not showing in ST03. When I stop & start this sap services SAPOSCOL & SAPPRD_00. pushbutton "Modify parameters". Enter "X" in every hour for the report RSSTAT80 (column "Time of day"). there might be lots of inactive users who have left the company. Every hour there is a COLLECTOR_FOR_PERFORMANCE job RSCOLL00 aggregating this data into MONI table.6x. Out of them. So. in3. Use SA38 to run RSUSR200. you can also try the new Workload Analysis tcode 'ST03N'.Finding the SAP Statistics for transactions and programs When was a program. or ST03 to see the MONI aggregated data. transaction last used? How to know which users are using which transaction or executing which program? Which are the most frequently used programs or transaction? To know how many users are viewing and maintaining a particular transaction use transaction 'ST03'. . ST03 -> Goto -> Parameters -> Performance Database. List of Inactive Users Logs To list out all the users who are inactive for the last 6 months. This report is part of the AIS (Audit Information System) and will report users who have not logged on for a specified period of time. It is by default 100 MB. If you have lots of affiliates to your main company.0x :• • • • Performance database Select instance Select desired period Choose Transaction profile To find the Frequently Used Programs or Transactions in 4.6x :ST03 ---> Detail analysis Button --> Under Global . which means they have not logged into the SAP server. You can change the Standard Statistics via clicking :Goto -> Parameters -> Perfomance Database To analyze the Statistics by users for transactions and programs use transaction STAT STAT looks at the STAT file created by each SAP Instance. you can see details for however many days in this 100 MB using STAT. The SAP standard retention period is 3 months. It will truncate STAT file once the specified limit is reached. this will result in lots of users. You may wish to delete those inactive users.One recent period then select day or week or month ---> Transaction profile Button In 4. To change the 100 MB limit. Incorrect SAP login logs With report RSUSR006. You can also use report RSMEMORY to find out how sap alloctes memory to Dia and Non Dia work processes. The Virtual memory allocated line shows SAP's allocated memory. You can also find out memory allocated for user (mode list) and Quotas. In 32 bit processing you need to keep shared memory areas at a minimum because otherwise you limit the amount of space . you can check those users that have been locked. For those that are not locked. How to Find How Much Allocated Memory What tcode can I used to find out how much memory is allocated to R/3 in total? I know for Oracle I can get the SGA memory. I'm afraid that is incorrect. Shared memory is memory that can be addressed by different processes as opposed to private memory that can only be addressed by the process that creates it. More importantly it does not include heap (private memory) allocated by WP's. the ICM and the dispatcher but it does include most of their memory in the shared memory areas. This will let you know memory allocated for that app server. Go to ST02 --> Detailed analysis --> Sap memory. Question on Shared Memory and IMODE Can someone tell me about Shared memory (Code Definition) and IMODE? I have never heard these terms in SAP R/3. I am using SAP 4. A good examlpe would be the Program Buffer (PXA) this buffer hold the recently used programs in memory for fast access and needs to be read by all work processes. It also does not include the executable size of the GW. Go to ST02 --> Detailed analysis --> Storage is the correct path.7 / Oracle 9i on Unix AIX. Shared momey sounds like its related to Operating System. This memory does not include what the DB uses or the OS or other things running on the server. The question is also not a simple answer. A more impotrant shared memory area is extended memory. the report will list down the number of wrong login that the users have done. It also does not allow for additional memory that a Windows system may dynamically allocate to extended memory if the users use it all up. All memory is OS memory I'm afraid there is little distinction in that regard. With the other session got to SM36 then swap back to ST02. An example may be best. 190 MB is not much. What is the Maximum Memory a good Program Should Request There is no thumb rule for maximum memory a good program can consume in the system but based on your experience can you please let me know at least the range ? I came across with a situation that there is program which is fetching about 2 million records of total size around 190MB. you will see the session has an imode 0 1 and 2 active. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An IMODE is an internal mode. Imode 0 is not really an IMOde but the main mode that all your information relevant in any transaction is available. There was no much load on the system at that time. it's impossible to give a general advise here since this is VERY different on what . Our configuration: SAP 46c on Win 2K RAM: 4GB Virtual memory: 8GB. create a new session and leave one at the main menu and with the other go to ST02.in the address space that your program can use for its own data. This is why you have imodes so that when you green arrow back from the job selection screen above (I mode2) it is no longer the active mode and imode 1 is reactivated. In ST02 near the bottom of the screen double click on the extended memory line. I suggested them to process only 50. our usercontextes can become as big as 2 GB per user (which is the limit on 32bit platforms) several times a day. In the next screen click on the Mode List button. I won't get into a sad chat about all this bat thats hared memory. But I want to know if my suggestion was good enough. however. Now from the SM36 screen click on the button Job Selection and jump back to St02 and press enter. Take into consideration that there is a big difference between dialog transactions (with several steps) and mass processing or lists. But system could not allocate this much memory so the program aborted. Can't the system with below configuration allocate 190MB for a program. log onto a SAP system. The latter two consume usually a lot more memory. press enter and you will see the session has an IMODE 0 and an IMODE 1 use. You will see you have the ST02 session marked with an X for being attached and another session in IMODE 0.000 records at a time which worked fine. Do you guys know what are all the things to be done to enable ZERO MEMORY MANAGEMENT in 46C ? You can get an overall estimate by looking in SM04 and switching on the MB size beside the users so so you will see how much memory the current transactions are using. As you call transactions inside transactions you need new memory and the old stuff needs to be save for when you green arrow back. This is not uncommon on systems that have a lot of data in them. Archiving Archiving and Reorganization are totally different issues Archiving is a process when you archive old master/transactional records which are not in use any more from long time. An "infinitely" large memory resource is made available with this method. The parameter is entered during installation in accordance with the entry. Start with note 88416. These records can be displayed. By setting the standard value for em/max_size_MB to 20000 MB (100000 MB for 64 bit). Note 546361 can also be helpfull.applications you are running. CRM. The profile parameter PHYS_MEMSIZE determines how much of the entire main memory is to be used by SAP. the Windows system should be configured in such a way that it keeps the file cache to a minimum size. APO etc. The extended memory is initially set to the size of the profile parameter PHYS_MEMSIZE ([PM]). Even with zero administration management. it is the size of the Windows pagefile that finally represents the actual limit for the extension of the extended memory. The standard valuefor PHYS_MEMSIZE is the size of the main memory [HS]. Even hardware changes (for example memory enhancement) are detected and the parameters set correspondingly. What is Zero Administration Memory Management? The zero administration memory management on Windows requires no manual settings and adapts itself dynamically to the memory requirements of the users. If more memory is required by the user. how many systems are connected (BW. the extended memory extends itself in steps of "[PM] / 2" up to the set limit of the profile parameter em/max_size_MB or until the address space in the Windows pagefile is used up. can never be reloaded in tables again physically. If you have "hangs" in the system read note 530871 which will describe the problem (and finally recommend upgrading to Windows 2003).) and so on. make sure that indicator "Maximize Throughput for Network Application" is activated under 'Control Panel' -> 'Network' -> 'Services' -> 'Server' -> 'Properties'. You archive those records keep on some backup device. This is one reason why we switched to a non M$ operating system because after each IE patch (in fact after each patch) you need to check if the new DLLs will fragment your PXA/shared memory. and only Display. there is explained in depth what it is and how it works. . The basis for zero administration memory management on Windows is the dynamically self-extending extended memory. For Windows you also should look in note 129813 which will describe the rebasing process since M$ has the start addresses of their DLLs loaded into the PXA. Therefore. So you run Reorganization to free up the space consumed by deleted records. Choose the corresponding SAP archive object. This make the difference between the two clear. All the SAP archive functions are shown in SARA. You have to Flag the material master record for deletion. Now about reorganization. Some of the archive error log message :• Costing data exists . Reorganization basically removes deleted data from tables. the reason is given in the log (for example. Before a material master record can be archived and deleted. but it takes time depending upon your database. This is known as logical deletion. SAPDBA is best tool to reorganise. you can archive and delete the material master record. Archive a Material Master Record When a material is no longer required in a company or plant. During different transactions you delete some records.This will free up the space in tables from those records which are not in use any more but exist in tables physically. hit enter and the archive administration menu will be shown. You can see which objects these are and the dependencies between them in the network graphic. Provided here will be an example on how to archive the SAP Material Master. If Oracle. a purchase order exists for the material). It depends on which OS and DB you are using. Some times it can be more than a day or you can reorganise a table suggested in Early Watch system. other objects (such as purchasing documents) that refer to this material must themselves be archived. It all depends on you. If a material master record cannot be archived and deleted at a given organizational level. In addition to above. you can reorganise the whole database. which are deleted virtually but not physically. Archiving the Material Master Transaction SARA contains all the SAP archiving objects for all the SAP R/3 applications modules. Even Archive process delete those records virtually. The log also contains technical data such as the number of material master records read and the number deleted. Start date and Spool parameters.Materials Management .Materials Management .• • • • • • • Use in routing Use in sales and distribution Use in bill of material Delivery exists Costing data exists Info record exists Purchase order exists The Archiving steps :Archiving object MM_MATNR for archiving material master records.Master .Materials Management –Material . first goto transaction MM71. Material. etc. Deletion of Vendor Consignment Records Steps for Deletion of Consignment Records: To delete the Consignment Record.Material Master . Type in a variant name and click Maintain. Select 'Immediate' for instant processing and press the 'Save' button on the bottom of the 'Start Time' window. You can display the archived data. Save the variant. if you goto MM02/MM03. To do a permanent delete. Click Goto Job Overview to check the archive status. Create Archive File: Consignment Record: Data selection a) Select Action: Archive and enter a new Variant.Special Stock – Choose to select the records to delete and Logistics .Vendor Consignment . To start the archiving: Process. use transaction MSK2 or menu-path: Logistics . f) To start archiving process (batch-job). but not reload it. . Maintain the Start date and Spool parameters and click execute.Reorganization . To archive the material master.Special Stock . press 'Maintain' b) On selection screen enter the data range (Vendor.Special Stock Reorganize to create archive file. follow the menu path: Logistics . for example: Z_CONS_SELE_01.Other . (Tick the Test Mode for archive simulation). c) Select the 'Create Output File' if you want the selected records outputted d) Press the green back-arrow and enter the description of this new variantt on the screen which follows. e) Save the variantt which brings you again to the selection screen.Change and select the data of the record you want to be deleted. Click Test Session for testing or click execute to start the deletion program.Other .) you want to archive.Reorganization . Maintain the Archive Selection. Now. Click Goto Job Overview to check the delete status.Material Master . Press green the back arrow again. you will not be able to find the record in the material master. goto transaction SARA and click Delete button. press the 'Start Date' button and select the time when you want to start this process. ' Delete Archived Records: Info Record a) Follow the menu path: Tools . The SAP program MMREO020 has a bug which can be worked around with this selection. press the 'Start Date' button and select the time when you want to start this process.Administration . e) Save the variantt which brings you again to the selection screen. For large data archiving. Press green back arrow again. h) Check status by pressing the Job Overview button Reasons For Archiving Financial Accounting Data What is financial archiving? Where it is used? Why? Where is it configured in IMG? . select the 'Sequential Dataset' if you selected data as described in the Data Selection step. c) Select the fields 'Consignment' and 'Special Stock' and Test mode.g) Select the 'Spool Parameter' button and save entries. Create Archive File: Consignment Record: Archiving process: a) Select Action: Archive and enter a new Variant. otherwise enter the material number and plant for the deletion of a single record. if you want to try out first. Without selecting 'BATCHES'. f) To start archiving process (batch-job). If you run the program online. h) You are ready now to start the process. program MMREO002 for selecting the data to archive.1H: Select also the flag called 'BATCHES'. Eventually enter a valid printer to have the result outputted.. you will see a confirmation on the status bar telling 'New Archive file created:. Eventually enter a valid printer to have the result outputted. press 'Maintain' b) On selection screen. program MMREO020 for selecting the data to archive.1H this workaround is not necessary d) Press the green back-arrow and enter the description of this new variantt on the screen which follows.. Press the 'Start' button and monitor the success with the 'Job Overview' button You can also go the 'fast path' by using transaction SE38. ** This applies for SAP systems prior to release 3. Press the 'Start' button and monitor the success with the 'Job Overview' button You can also go the 'fast path' by using transaction SE38. For large data archiving. use the background jobs and run those during off-peak times. Select 'Immediate' for instant processing and press the 'Save' button on the bottom of the 'Start Time' window. use the background jobs and run those during off-peak times. h) You are ready now to start the process.. g) Select the 'Spool Parameter' button and save entries.Administration . For systems with applied Hotpackages for 3. for example: Z_CONS_ARCH_01. the archived records cannot be deleted.Archiving b) Select the Object Name MM_SPSTOCK for consignment / Special Stock c) Select the menu button 'Delete' d) Select the menu button: 'Archive Selection' e) Click the archive created in previous step f) Select Start Date for process and Spool Parameters for output g) Submit selection. Certain other controls are user-defined. Otherwise you must enter the name of the archiving object manually. On the Create new profile popup. 2) Makes master data easier to manage and to keep up to date. In the Events section. choose: Tools --> Administration --> Archiving or from the Accounting --> Financial Accounting --> General Ledger. You will receive an Audit profile saved in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. For legal and commercial reasons. 5. click the radio button to the left of the level of auditing you need. Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system. System Audit The Step required to Audit at the User Level The followings will help you to Understand how to Audit at the Users level: Creating a User Audit Profile 1. click the BOX to the left of Filter active to place a TICK in the box. 3. . 3) Enables data to be accessed at a later date. Accounts Payable or Banks menus --> Periodic processing Archiving <Archiving object> . Accounts Receivable. 2. On the Filter 1 tab of the Security Audit: Administer Audit Profile screen. To reach archive management. click "on" all the auditing functions you need for this profile. the archiving object is defaulted by the system in the field Object name. You can archive data no longer required in the online system using certain standard functions. click Profile -> Create.There are both technical and legal reasons for archiving Financial Accounting data. Go to transaction SM19. Every archiving function can be accessed from archive management (SARA). Once you have entered all your trace information. click the Save picture-icon. Some of these controls are already defined in the system. This data is then stored in archive files and deleted from the online system. Archiving: 1) Reduces storage and runtime problems caused by the constant growth of transaction data. and the reloading function allows you to do this. select the Clients and User names to be traced. 4. for instance the fact that you cannot archive documents that contain open items. Data must meet certain conditions before it can be archived. From the top-most menu bar on the Security Audit: Administer Audit Profile screen. In the Audit classes section. it is important that you are able to access archived data files online again. type in a new Profile name and click the green Enter picture-icon. When you access archive management from these menus. In the Selection criteria section. On the Security Audit: Administer Audit Profile screen. 7. be sure to include that user's ID. To activate the user trace. It is always a good idea to review this list a couple times a year and to take the appropriate steps to tighten your security. Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system. In the Selection. Go to transaction SM20.6. 5. Activating a User Audit Profile 1. select the audit profile to be activated from the Profile dropdown. check the table 'USR41_MLD' via transaction code 'SE16'. Audit of SAP multiple logons When a user logs onto SAP multiple times a selection screen pops up. Go to transaction SM19. 4. This list can be printed using the usual methods. If the user wants to continue with the multiple logon the following message is part of the option: "If you continue with this logon without ending any existing logons to system. You may now leave the SM20 transaction. You may now leave the SM19 transaction. Viewing the Audit Analysis Report 1. this will be logged in the system. Log on to any client in the appropriate SAP system. 3. and Events to select sections of the Security Audit Log: Local Analysis screen. Please note that while the user trace profile has been saved. Audit classes. The audit will not begin until after the SAP instance has been recycled. ." If you have users who are logging in with other users login and need to view where this information is stored. You may now leave the SM19 transaction. see the next section Activating a User Audit Profile. 3. 2. 2. SAP Security and Authorization Concepts R/3 audit review questions. Click the lit match picture-icon to activate it. If you need to trace the activities of a specific user. The resulting list is displayed. SAP reserves the right to view this information. provide your information to filter the audit information. 4. it is not yet active. Click the Re-read audit log button. You will receive an Audit profile activated for next system start in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. Here is a list of items most commonly reviewed by internal/external auditors when reviewing your R/3 system. The field 'Counter' tells you how many times the user have done a multiple logon. (This process can be further segregated by user group. user failures to end session etc. * Authorization objects and authorizations have been assigned to users ensuring segregation of duties. Each user is assigned to a user group. * A user master record is created for each user defining a user ID and password. password length/format.) have been set to ensure confidentiality and integrity of password. (The changes can be viewed with transaction (SECR). * Check objects (SU24) have been assigned to key transactions) to restrict access to those transaction. commensurate with their job responsibilities. Select a sample of :* Changes to user master records. * Authorization objects and authorizations have been assigned to users based on their job responsibilities. in the user master record. * An appropriate naming convention for profiles.g. Security-Parameter-Settings-Documentation * Setup and modification of user master records follows a specific procedure and is properly approved by management. * Validity periods are set for user master records assigned to temporary staff.) . authorizations and authorization objects has been developed to help security maintenance and to comply with required SAP R/3 naming conventions. profiles and authorizations and ensure the changes were properly approved. * Setup and modification of authorizations and profiles follows a specific procedure and is performed by someone independent of the person responsible for user master record maintenance. * Ensure that security administration is properly segregated. At a minimum there should be separate administrators responsible for: . forced password sessions. * All in-house developed programs contain authority check statements to ensure that access to the programs are properly secure. * Users can maintain only system tables commensurate with their job responsibilities.User master maintenance.Review the following :* System security file parameters (TU02) (e. They will not be overwritten by a subsequent release upgrade (for Release 2.The SAP_ALL profile is not assigned to any user master records. . authorizations and in-house developed authorization objects to ensure: . * Assess and review of the use of the authorization objects S_Program and S_Editor and the review of program classes (TRDIR) whether: . * Assess and review of the use of the authorization object S_TABU_DIS and review of table authorization classes (TDDAT) whether :..) * Verify that a naming convention has been developed for profiles. or .The SAP_NEW profile is not signed to any user master records. whether user master records have been properly established and in particular: .Users are assigned program classes commensurate with their job responsibilities. * Ensure through a review of a sample of :. .User profile development and profile activation.0 by Z_ only. .They can be easily managed.In-house developed programs that the program.Users are assigned system table maintenance access (Through S_TABU_DIS) based on authorization classes commensurate with their job responsibilities. code either: .All system tables are assigned an appropriate authorization class.Contains an Authority-Check statement referring to an appropriate authorization object and valid set of values. (These processes can be further segregated.2 should begin with Y_ or Z_ and for Release 3.) * Assess through audit information system (SECR) or through a review of table USR02. .All programs are assigned the appropriate program class. Verify that procedures exist for assigning new authorization objects from this profile to users following installation of new SAP releases. because you don't have to worry (as much) about screwing the HR users (as an example). If the FI users (generally) never hit against the HR tables then the App servers in the FI group don't (generally) have to buffer any HR data. only) will have to change to accomodate any new groups you create in SMLG. They (generally) work with the same groups of tables and hit the same indexes using the same programs (transactions). That leaves you free to make memory and buffer adjustments to a more drastic extent. SAP Performance Tuning SAP Load Balancing and Work Processes Troubleshoot The benefit of segregating user groups by line-of-business (using logon groups) is related to the point that groups of users (like SD users or HR users. You may find that 50% of the load is from the SD users and so you may need one group for them (with 3 App servers in it) and one other group for everyone else (with the other 3). So. for example) tend to use the same sets of data.Contains a program Include statement. (in opinion only) you should start with a buffer hit ratio analysis / DB table & index access analysis (by user group) to see where you would get the best benefit from this kind of setup. then creating logon groups by line-of-business may have no benefit (or worst case. may make performance degrade for the group with the highest load %).. onto (or one set of) App server(s). so SAP GUI (or saplogon.ini + maybe the services file. If you don't have this kind of info. The logon group(s) will have to be referenced by SAP GUI. So. Also consider that there's variables for time-of-day (load varies by time-of-day) and op-mode switches (resources vary by op-mode). I think an auditor would want to know what methods you are using to approve who gets what profile and what method you are using to document it so that if you review your documentation you could compare it with what authorization the user currently has and determine if the user has more authorizations (roles) than he has been approved for by the approval system in place. You need some historical information to base your decision on. if you can group all of the users hitting the same tables. then you can tune the App server buffers to a much greater extent. where the referred program contains an Authority-Check statement referring to an appropriate authorization object and valid set of values. when you're adjusting the FI server group. All Work process are running? What will be our action? . for how to best split the users up. If it's 10MB or 15MB (I think).up2.g. If only all the dialog work processes are running.g. PRD_zeus_DVEGMS00) select option "m" and then. click once on one of the numbers in the Semaphore column to select it and then.zero value.btc. look at free memory in the physical memory section under the performance tab. If you do. use vmstat on UNIX or task manager on Windows to see if the operating system is running short on memory which would cause it to swap. look to see if there's a number in the Semaphore column in SM50 or dpmon. you'll find a note that will tell you how to fix the problem. In vmstat. Usually. re-enable updates in SM12. then the operating system will be swapping. Depending on what you see here. If there is. . First. option "l" On Windows: Click on START. when all the dialog work processes are running. Then. /usr/sap/SID/DVEGMS00/work) is never a bad idea. In task manager.g. the free column (which is in 4k pages on most UNIX derivatives) will be consistently 5MB or so and the pi and/or po columns will have a non. The %idle column in the cpu or proc section will be 0 or a very low single digit while the sys column will be a very high double-digit number because the operating system is having to swap programs out to disk and in from disk before it can execute them. PRD_hercules_DVEGMS00) select option "m" and then. option "l" On both operating systems. ORA-01653 or ORA-01654). If it's not a semaphore (or sometimes if it is). will depend on what you do next. If they are. On UNIX: telnet to server and login as sidadm user. hopefully. then RUN Type "cmd" and press enter change to drive where profile directory resides (e. look at the alert log (if it's an Oracle database) and see if you have any space related errors (e.g.spo) running or just all the dialog work processes? If all the work processes are running. search OSS notes and. The procedure is basically the same on UNIX and Windows.g. you won't be able to log in via SAPgui and will need to execute the dpmon utility at the commandline level. you'll see a screen that looks like what you see in SM50. but checking the developer trace files (e.g. then you may want to look at SM12 (or is SM13?) and see if updates are disabled.enq.Are all the work processes (dia. add a datafile or raw device file to the applicable tablespace and then. f:) cd to \sapmnt\SID\profile execute "dpmon pf=SID_hostname_SYSNR" (e.upd. dev_disp) in the work directory (e. cd to /sapmnt/SID/profile directory execute "dpmon pf=SID_hostname_SYSNR" (e. there are several possible causes. press F1 (help) to get a list of Semaphores. It depends on requirement. Ok 1. 3. For example. even more.. etc. Why do the swapped objects always increase after a few days of tuning (in RZ10) & system restart? Ans: Since more data had been fed into the server. used filesystems. since each buffer holds different values. 4. there is no single reference document because there are too many reasons why a system can appear "slow" to the user: . creation of index. availability of statistics. Since buffer is shot in space. After analysing ST02. how can we calculate the value of the parameter profile to be increased (in RZ10) ? Ans: yes. wherever the red alert is there change the parameter value. It is not enough to increase the buffer and that does not mean tuning. swap memory will be used. This can start from parameters to database layout to operating system configuration. use the command: sappfpar check pf=\\usr\sap\trans\tpparam (or) sappfpar check pf=\\usr\sap\trans\tp_domain_<sid> Troubleshooting SAP Performance Issues Is there a document that will help me troubleshoot system performance? What are the steps on how to troubleshoot? Troubleshooting is a BIG task of itself.. each database has BOOKS on performance optimization. Is there any standard in tuning ST02 to hold up the increasing value of swapped objects? Ans: No. Do we have to increase every profile parameter value which is displayed in red alert in transaction ST02 ? Ans: Ofcourse it shoud be. 2.Tuning Summary In Transaction ST02 My current system is SAP R/3 Enterprise 4. I have some questions about tuning summary in transaction ST02 : To the best of my knowledge I am answering your questions. alotting of no. of work process.Different Databases Every database has its own mechanism for optimizing access. . mount parameters. tuning in the sense full analysis of the problem and working in that particular area to resolve the issue.70. data archival. it needs more space to hold in buffer while retrieving the data. Also the connection between application and database servers can be an issue .then one can start digging deeper.SAP Itself Almost for each and every long running program there are optimizations. To add info regarding this issue. Review for cancelled and critical jobs.: If CPU is 100% Busy. there is a LOT to tune. enable "background process priorities". For e. Out of my experience. a standard Windows 2000 (or 2003) isn´t configured for optimal throughput.g. A good start can be the book "SAP Performance Optimization Guide". Administration SAP Administrator Daily Activities SAP DAILY ACTIVITIES 1] Check that all the application servers are up: sm51 SAP Servers sm04/al08 Logon Users 2] Check that daily backup are executed without errors db12 Backup logs: overview 3] SAP standard background jobs are running successfully.Different Operating System The same goes for operating systems. what action should be taken to keep CPU idle? This can't be answered generally. be it on ABAP layer or on selection layer. sm37 Background jobs--. One need to check what process is using so much CPU . network configurations (TCP window sizes) etc. As you see there is not a quick button to press on and everything will be well. e. because developers program "quick-and-dirty" doing "select *" and other things.. start to narrow down. you may use: st06->details analysis menu->snapshot analysis->top CPU from there. most self developed programs (Z*-programs) are the main issue. Enter * in user-id field and verify that all critical successful jobs and review any cancelled jobs. . stop non-needed services.Check for successful completion of jobs. g. All work processes with a running or waiting status.failed logon 2 sap servers -> NT Application log -look 4 errors or failures Tcodes used for Daily System Monitoring After running daily system monitoring transaction. C:\ORacle\sid\saptrace 14] Archive backup brarchive -f force -cds -c Insert the archive backup tape 15] Review NT system logs for problem -> NT system log. what should we check for: In st22 look for the core dumps if any and report to the respective consultants and try to know why it happened. 7] Check system log sm21 System log-. message-bends. 12] Review and resolve dumps st22 ABAP Dump analysis 13] Checking . . Check for errors . 8] Review workload statistics st03 Workload analysis of <sid> sto2 tune summary instance 9] Look for any failed updates sm13 update records 10] check for old locks sm12 lock entry list 11] Check for spool problems sp01 spool request screen-. database events.warning.trc file in SAP trace directory for block corruption on daily basis.check for spool that are in request for over an hour.4] Operating system Monitoring st06 5] Extents monitoring db02 Database monitoring--Check for max-extents reached 6] Check work-processes(started from sm51) sm50 Process overview-.look 4 errors or failures -> NT security log. security.Set date and time to before the last log review. In st03 look for ratio hits. first customize the alert monitor by choosing Tools > CCMS > Configuration > Alert monitor or calling transaction RZ21. Parameter R3system defines which systems can be monitored by an alert monitor. To monitor all systems of your system landscape centrally from one system. swaps are not good for performance. In sm12 look for any pending locks from the previous days.In sm21 try to check for errors. or updates pending for long or updates in PRIV mode. Change parameter R3system from <CURRENT> (only the current R/3 System can be monitored) to <ALL> (all R/3 Systems defined in RZ21 can be monitored). choose Technical infrastructure > Create remote monitoring entry. Then. you can use transaction RZ20 to monitor the system. In sp01 try to see if any spool jobs have failed. Activate the maintenance function by choosing Extras > Activate maintenance function. It will help you monitor & use spome other activities centrally. . to change your monitor definitions (you can only change your own monitors). double click on the monitor and choose Monitoring change. Save the changes. Next. how should I connect all of them in one network so that I can administrate the 4 systems with one among them as main server. In st02 look if any swaps are happening. In sm59 look for connectivety tesing if there are other systems also connected to your SAP R/3 system In db13 look if the jobs have run successfully. In st04 look for Database alert logs and Performance. This should help you: After installing an R/3 System. Then. In sm37 look for any cancelled scheduled job and take action appropriately. Monitor and Administrate 4 SAP Systems If there are 4 systems installed SAP. to specify the remote systems by System ID and RFC destination (which must have been created beforehand). choose Tools > CCMS > Control/Monitoring > Alert monitor or call transaction RZ20. In sm13 look for any hanged updates. transport strategy. 8. There is no standard Implementation process. Tune the system for performence 10.Brief Description About SAP Basis Implementation Please give a brief description about implementation process carried out. Apply for Pre Golive report 14. Convert your sizing requirement in to Hardware requiremnet 5. it purely depends on which methodology person have adopted for implementation. Design the technical system landscape of servers 3.. Then start with the setup of development landscape 7. Identify the no of users and type of users 2. User management.. 1. I will give you broad view of implementation project. documents created. set up the QA systems 11. Apply post golive report Message Basis . Fix the support package levels. Define client copy strategy 12. Do the sizing based on users. Consider the backup procedure also 6. I am just starting from sizing of the servers .. 9. Define client strategy. Monitor system of db load 15..Message Class . Setup the PROD systems 13. 4.System Message Configure System Messages . Each message class has an ID. and usually contains a whole set of message.Assign processor .Display customer data.Create a worklist with selection conditions *-. you can use it in the MESSAGE statement in a program. when a user blocks himself out and receives a message : "User blocked.Message Maintenance.three variables). & & & . solution desk.Send messages to the creator and other processors .g.to manage the change requests and use to monitor entire landcape Central message processing in the SAP Solution Manager: . Service Level Agreements (SLA) . Solution Manager What Is The Use of Solution Manager What is the use of solution manager. This can be done in transaction SE91 . Once you have created a message.Status assignment and monitoring . 1. Messages allow you to communicate with the users from your programs.Forward message to other processors or support units .Shankar . All messages are stored in table T100. attached documents. you must link it to a message class. priority. it is used to document user requirments and preparing senarios what needs to to be adopted using solution manager.For example. Each message has a single line of text. it is used for reporting.Attach documents . where the blue print is the part of solution manager 3. it is used for generating keys and downloading support packages 2. problem description. To send messages from a program.Create documents and URLs . They are mainly used when the user has made an invalid entry on a screen. and may contain placeholders for variables (e. and what we can do with solution manager? Now a days solution manager is mandatory. Contact system administrator" You can open a repair and change the message in Message class 00. Email How to test the sending of documents from R/3 applications via fax.400. paging or Internet mail? What are the system requirements? What do you have to configure? The sending of documents via external communications services like fax.0. must you install SAP solution manager for each one of these systems and manage them independently -or. then another one linked to the 3 individual solution managers. SMS).. Can you install One Solution manager. TDMS. Do you install 3 Solution managers for each of the systems.. and so on is carried out with the components SAPoffice and SAPconnect. Internet mail. Markus *-- If you have 3 or 4 client systems.0.sap.com/swdc -> Download -> Installations and Upgrades -> Entry by Application Group -> Installations and Upgrades -> SAP Technology Components -> SAP Support Enablement Package >SAP Support Enabl. Check: http://service. . This SEP contains.etc. I want to cofigure Solution Manger only for service desk I have install Solution Manger 4. that will manage all 3 these systems in one solution manager -or. I checked for the software download at market place but couldn't find the software package. X. What is the Step please explain.0 How to configure the service desk on Solution Manger 4. PDFs and powerpoints to guide you through the configuration process.I have a requirement to install SAP Solution Manager Solution Support Enablement Package (SEP) in our solution manager 4. In any System landscape only one solution manager is installated in one system and it will communicate with the other system using the RFC and collect the report from each and every system through (SDCCN).com/rkt-solman There are tutors. Look at following: http://service. paging (radio call services. which then in turn manages the 3 systems in one.3.2.0.. RBE.sap. can anyone help me to download this SEP for windows/oracle. Package 1. For an 'actual' sending via the corresponding communications services you still need R/3-external additional components ("SAPconnect node") which are delivered either by SAP (for example SAP . . . . In general. . .|. . . R/3 .. .. . ! SAPoffice ! . entry of sender and receiver addresses.. . .Internet Mail Gateway or SAP Exchange Connector) or by external manufacturers (for example.Business Communication Interface v . fax servers). . .. .... ! SAPconnect ! . . +----------------------+ . | . .. mailboxes. . +----------------------+ . ! Application ! .).. ..SAPoffice/SAPconnect send queue v .. all points relevant for application can be checked during this test: Contents and structure of the documents... .. The operation of an external communications system is nonrequired in this case. 'Loop-back' test The documents are returned here to the own R/3 System which functions like a SAPconnect node and are stored in the SAPoffice inbox of an R/3 user. .. +----------------------+ . .). . .RFC Interface BC-CON v +----------------------+ ! Communication system ! ! ="SAPconnect node" ! +----------------------+ | v Data transfer network You can check the correct sending of documents from applications with two different tests: 1. . | <------. the documents can be transferred to any participant of the corresponding communications service (fax machines.... . ... This way.. | | <------. . . . . +----------------------+ . ... .. +-------------+ ! Application ! +-------------+ . .... +----------------------+ . format of the documents for transmission... | .. Intra/Internet... . .. . . . . . . Precondition is the installation of an external communication system and its connection to the data transfer networks (telephone line. | <------. . . . handling of status confirmations and so on . 'Actual' test Documents are actually transferred via the communications services.. . +----------------------+ . | . . 2. . . . +----------------------+ .... . b) Configuration of SAPconnect (Transaction SCOT) Set communication method 4. 'Actual' test Contact the R/3 System administration to set up the R/3-external infrastructure necessary for the required communication service and to carry out the R/3 internal configuration.5: Goto --> Customizing --> Communication methods as of 4. | ^ . proceed as follows: 1. Enter address. ... Selection of the required communication service. | ^ . Address area = for example '*' Format = 'PDF' for fax.. 'RAW' for paging and Internet mail Device type = 'POST2' for fax.. ! SAPoffice ! Inbox ! . v . Description = "ALR client R/3 System 003" RFC destination = 'NONE' Address type = Selection of the required communication service. . | | \___________/ For both tests. Create node View --> Nodes.. v | . .. . All users also need an address of this type to receive documents in the R/3 System via a communications service and under which they are attainable as receivers. ... 'Loop-back' test a) Address management All R/3 users who want to send documents via a communication service need an address of the respective communication service type which is used as a sender specification. node --> Create Nodes = for example system name/client "ALR003" For example. Copy or save.. ! SAPconnect ! . . +-------------+--------+ . This is then used both as sender and as receiver specification. a single address of the corresponding communication service suffices for this user. +----------------------+ . ..0 + 4. .6: Settings --> Communication methods Set the method of the required communication service to the value 'SAPCONNECT' and save the setting..|. +-------------+--------+ . Create addresses The address maintenance of R/3 users is carried out either via the R/3 User Maintenance (Transaction SU01) or the Private office settings (Transaction SO12): Address --> Other communication. . | .|. 'ASCIPRI' for paging and Internet mail Restrict send time = do not flag . If documents are to be sent to the own R/3 user during the loop-back test. 2. . After the next SAPconnect transmission process (according to the period chosen when scheduling the job) the document is displayed in the inbox of the receiver Creating a SAP mail distribution lists Transaction code SO23 X Shared distribution lists Name : ZXXXX Title : XXXXX Mail Distribution Don't enter anything in the Folder field. job --> Dispatch Job name = for example 'SAPconnect' --> place cursor on variant SAP&CONNECTALL Schedule job (F6) Schedule periodically. = enter nothing Node can resolve path references = do not flag Node is to be monitored by the alert monitor = do not flag Node in use = mark Schedule send process View --> Jobs..Country = 'DE' (only for fax) Flag Node-specific fax number changes. = (only for fax) Enter two entries in the table: (only for fax) Begin.. After sending a document from an R/3 application this is displayed in the outbox of the sender (if requested SAPoffice interface). no Substitute Comment ----------------------------------00 + foreign country 0 +49 home country Set further address type = 'no' Maximum waiting time.. Folder : Click the down arrow Next screen : Folder Name : ZXXXX Folder Title : Mailing address Folder Area : Shared Click Create Folder Next screen : .. for example 5 minutes. it sends out an e-mail notification to the distribution group . (click on the properties of the method. Configuring eMail in Case of Alert Here is what we did in PRD for sending alerts to e-mail distrubution group and it works great Assumption: SCOT is configured in client 000. Then switch to the display/change mode) 6) If the alerts get captured for the monitored nodes. 2) Created a user "SUPER" 3) In RZ21. copied the std CCMS_On_Alert to a ZCCMS_xxxxx method. You are able to send simple SO02 message out to a email. choose method tab and method assigment pushbutton.Indexing : Tick Specify the 'Retention period of a document in this folder (days)'. click the Enter button. Choose the 'Folder access authorization'. clicked on the option execute method as "Auto reaction method" 5) Using RZ20 assigned this method to the required nodes you want to monitor. list content' to type in your mailing list. Finally. Entered the e-mail ids of required persons. In client 000 1) Created a distrubution list (Zxxx) and a new folder (Zyyy) using SO23. Finish. For this method entered the parameters as SENDER DEV:000:SUPER RECIPIENT Zxxx (distribution list/group) RECIPIENT-TYPEID C TIME_ZONE PST 4) In the release tab. test it by sending a mail via the distribution list ZXXXX. Click the tabstrips 'Distri. Save your entries. There will be some mail side setup required depending on your environment and what is possible. How to trigger it to the external mail? What is the general procedure what you do if the task has been given to you after the background job is run it should send an e-mail to the external e-mail. Click on that spool list button. Choose the recepient type into "Internet Address". It should look something like the below. you will see there a "Spool List" button. In SM37. First you need to create a distribution list via tcode SBWP. if you double click on the job. and a background job is running for every 5 minutes . write the external email address. When you set the job up you can specify an external email in the spool list recipient section. In the distribution list. . then key in the newly created distribution list in the recipient field.e-Mail The Back Ground Jobs How to setup a background job after its completes and sends an e-mail to the external outlook? In the client already using SAP SBWP and we are sending the e-mails to the external id. One the job process is completed. click on System/Status. . Logon to SAP. log in to server and then command prompt type disp+work -V | more you can find your system use Unicode or non. Unicode Whether a System is Unicode or non-Unicode How to Verifying whether a system is Unicode or non-Unicode? disp+work should show you the whether the system is Unicode or Non-Unicode. or else login SAP and goto System--> status. See the Unicode system column. the email will be send out to the recipient. email etc. the more hops the poorer the performance. the Server will be situated at our country. We want our overseas sales office to connect to our SAP Server through VPN. No of hops between your ISP and that of the remote site. and has limited bandwidth connecting to the international network. ISP's bandwidth to the public internet . Is the Internet connectivity solely used for your VPN or other purposes such as web surfing. as several factors will affect the connectivity 1.If the ISP is heavily over subscribed. you will find that you will not be able to get the . What should be the optimum internet bandwidth that they should use at their place to connect to our SAP server? Does SAP recommend any standard bandwidth for this process? From our experience.Network Bandwidth requirement of ISP to connect to SAP server through VPN We are in the process of implementing SAP for our overseas sales offices. However. even having large bandwidth may not improve the performance by much if there are numerous hops in between. there is no general rule that one can follow. 2. other traffic can consume large amount of traffic thus causing your SAP performance to be poorer 3. If you are using Citrix. If they do. we are also using ADSL lines with 512kbps connectivity and they enjoy close to local Lan performance for SAP. The transaction column shows the Last executed transaction code. select the desired presentation server and click "10 X Ping" button. Sometimes your users will have multiple sessions open. use AL08 instead of SM04. . "Change View" button. perform the following steps: Call transaction OS01. click "Presentation Server" button. you will not be able to view the user individual IP address as it will be the same Citrix IP address. to the system. No System name and transaction code in SM04 If you have more than one application server. No of users at your remote office using the VPN . performance may be poor even you have paid for a line with a large bandwidth 4. You will notice that the transaction code shown when there is no user name is SESSION_MANAGER. This shows you which workstations out there have the login screen up but have not yet entered a user name and password.In general the lines we use are 64kbps for sites with approx 3-5 users.international throughput you subscribed for as such. or It is because they are at the logon screen which has established a connection. it is the same as multiple logins as it relates to the resources used etc. To check the speed and quality of the user's network connection. See from which network IP address and host name a user has logged on To see the network IP address from which a user has logged on. etc.those three EU jobs can also be scheduled by manually executing program SAPRSEUJ. For instance if you run AL08. One will show AL08 and the other will not have a transaction next to it. Jobs Suspend/UnSuspend Released ABAP Jobs BTCTRNS1 . Shortdescription of the individual jobs: EU_INIT: EU_INIT serves for completely rebuilding the indices and therefore has a correspondingly long runtime. When starting Transaction SE80 for the first time. Under the application server they are logged into. This is because you are using AL08. in transaction SM37. and EU_PUT (periodically each night).Suspend all Released Jobs Released Jobs will have the status Released/Susp.Reverse Suspend for all Released Jobs What Is The Job Name EU_REORG Meant? OSS is your friend . reports. Then you will notice your user name showing up on all other application servers with no transaction. BTCTRNS2 . It starts program SAPRSEUI. .So the user name will show up more than once in AL08. you will have your name show up at least twice on the application server you are logged into. All customer-defined programs (selection according to the name ranges) are analyzed. EU_REORG (periodically each night). Alternatively. error messages.see note 18023: 1. the three EU jobs are scheduled automatically: EU_INIT (single start). and an index is created that is used in the DW for the where-used lists for function modules. each instance of that user name on that application server represents a session open. a single object: 1. Start Oracle Database with Rollback Segment PSAPROLLBIG (all other smaller segments not started). it then starts at the point oftermination. (EU_INIT can therefore be terminated deliberately.) EU_REORG: As mentioned above. Shutdown SAP 3. brtools 3. Give BSIS as table name. . To avoid having this reorganization interfere with online work. 9.1. 7. brarchive 4. To keep the effort for updating these indices as low as possible. Go into SAPDBA "reorganisation" menu. brrestore 6. the size of PSAPROLLBIG should be equal or larger than your BSIS table. These include: 1. Take a backup of your Oracle database. the job is automatically scheduled for the next day. Tables Reorganization of Single Object You have ARCHIVED the BSIS table (because of old data etc) and now this BSIS table has "holes" in physical structure and it's quite a large table. How to activate the IMG Change Log? SCU3 transaction is used to see the IMG change logs for modified objects. sapdba 2. brbackup 5. Ensure sapreorg directory has enough space for taking BSIS Oracle Export dump. if it disturbsother activities in the system. only the changes are logged. this index is automatically updated online. Select "Reorganize Single Table / Index" 8. Fire your SAPDBA from Unix level. Start. 2. this simply means that thereorganization takes place more often online. 5. the indices are automatically updated online by the tools.Starting in Release 2. The job can be repeated at any time. first upgrade your SAPDBA tools first from OSS/SAPNet. which means a reorganization of the complete index for each program is required from time to time. Don't Forget. After a termination. 10. 4. If job EU_REORG did not run one night. Here are the steps to reorg. job EU_REORG runs every night and performs this task. The Oracle Export utility compresses the file to some extent. brconnect. Remember. 6. Activating logging impacts on performance as it entails twice as many database updates as would otherwise be the case. RSVTPROT allows you to analyze change logs both at table level and with reference to Customizing objects.Control tables (system logic control) . all entries as they appear before the changes. Two conditions have to be met for a table to be logged: 1..: logs client-specific tables in the named clients .nnn: logs client-specific tables in client nnn only . select an executable Customizing activity in IMG and choose Goto -> Change log. If logging is set in the ABAP Dictionary.ppp. for example. The default setting is OFF (no changes are logged). changes to client-indepedent tables are always logged unless rec/client is set to 'OFF' Use the ABAP programs RSTBHIST or RSVTPROT to analyze table changes. Logging also has to be set in the system profile Set the rec/client (note the use of lowercase characters) profile parameter to one of the following values :. it is not recommended that you use this tool for application tables.Customizing tables What is recorded is always in the form of complete "before" images.ALL: logs all client-specific tables in all clients.. To access the program.nnn. If. Caution: Only in exceptional circumstances is it appropriate to use the 'ALL' setting.. and the database storage load is also increased substantially. and this is not an appropriate method for recording and managing large amounts of data.mmm. It is recommend that you use logging for your production clients and Customizing clients so that you can see exactly where Customizing tables have been changed.. the SAP client). . that is. the profile parameter is set to 'ALL' when you upgrade all test clients (including 000. 2.. Other than the reasons above.OFF: no logging at all (effectively a central system switch) . it will gives you a message that :. This reduces performance and requires a lot of database space. The table has to be selected for logging in the Dictionary (see Dictionary -> Table maintenance -> Technical configuration). This particular setting can be changed in the following path :IMG--> Basis Components --> System Administration --> Tables changes recording You can log changes made to the following tables: ...If your table change log is not active.table logging is switched off. The recorded data is compressed without buffering. these changes are recorded in the system log file. g. profiles and authorizatons between clients in an R/3 system. Other ABAP Dictionary objects such as lock objects. delete or adjust your database table Edit. create. You can call the database utility from the initial screen of the ABAP Dictionary with Utilities -> Database utility (Transaction SE14). These are database tables that are generated from transparent tables or physical table pools or table clusters. You can use the database utility to edit all the database objects that are generated from objects of the ABAP Dictionary. are not processed during the upgrade with transaction SPDD. . indexes. S_DDIC_ALL. for which modification would not result in data loss.Edit. This tools allows you to delete all the data in the tables. Do not use this report if the target client contains some users and authorizations you want to preserve. database views and matchcode pooled tables or matchcode views. matchcodes. but only after the upgrade is complete with transaction SPAU Transport Tables between Clients Use report RSCLCCOP to transport user master records. delete or adjust your database table The database utility is the interface between the ABAP Dictionary and the relational database underlying the R/3 System. Start RSCLCCOP from the target client which the users and authorizations should be copied. create. e. you need authorization for authorization object S_DDIC_OBJ. If you want to use the database utility. Finding any of the SAP tables that have been changed During the production run of the SAP system. and views.Basis . additional fields might have been added and you might have lost tracks of the SAP tables changes. Transaction code SPDD have been created to help you to find all the SAP tables that have been modified. This will then show you the contents of the table in both clients and identify the status of each record. We created the instance about 4 months prior to going live. and save your table. That should do the job. First a little background on extents in our production system. As man of you know. SAP Transaction Table TSTC . then back out with the green arrow.Copying table entries from client 000 I need to copy table entries from client 000. select the entries that you want to import. then hit the 'copy all' button. The simplest way is to go into the table through SM31 Then in your top row of buttons there should be one called 'utilities' from here select 'adjust'. they will fall into the following categories: ML Differences. SAP Tablespace sizes in large databases -----Original Message----Subject: BASIS: Tablespace sizes in large databases -Reply [5] From: mark kochanski Robert and others following the thread. getting down time during the last few months is nearly . then hit the 'adjust' button. comparison client entry L Entry only exists in logon client R Entry only exists in comparison client Identical entries (M) Differences only in hidden fields You should be able to scroll down the table. logon client entry MR Differences.SAP Transaction Codes Used SE12 to display the tables. Then select the client that you want to compare/copy from (you need to have an RFC destination set up). I have identified which entries I need to copy through running RPULCP00 but I don't know how to move the entries. how many extents are to many? I have heard from consultants that SAP says that. Also. 5 objects over 300. whatch the extents. We were very concerned about this situation and spoke to 3 or 4 different SAP consultants. Our goal is to have all objects below 20 extents . so we saw and let extents grow.which is a corporate standard. Mark A. Like Sanjay mentioned. Is this to many? and should I lose the uptime for a reorg for 17 versus 10 extents? I guess what I am asking is. We have not seen a significant change in database response time. Over the months we have all our objects below 100 extents.which is something we did not do until after we created our productive instance. is there a hardand fast number when in comes to an acceptable amount of extents? SAP seems to be overly conservative most of the time . My question to you both is. While data is "pumped" into the system during the weeks before going live. they will take off. In fact. This also occurs after performing a SAP version upgrade.impossible. and we had hundreds of objects over 10 extents. since both of you seem to have put some thought into this. Kochanski -----Reply Message----Subject: Re: BASIS: Tablespace sizes in large databases -Reply [3] From: "Robert A. I do not understand the logic in this. I do not believe you will find an SAP employed person who will say you should keep extents below a specific value. Why not do both? Planning for growth is critical. Unless There is alot of fragmentation throughout the tables.was wondering if anyone has good numbers? Thanks and have a great day. a system freeze can be thwarted long before extents reach 300 (max extents in my version of Oracle). why not 50 or 100? I just completed a Client Copy and have 4 tables in the BTABD tablespace that are over 17 extents. ~Bob . I agree to doing both planning for growth and monitoring growth. And the earlier in your SAP implementation you do this the better . by the time we went live. Simard" Gentleman. for performance reasons 10 is the limit. I cannot definitively give that advice either. But we will not ask for extra down time to reach this goal. the consultants had no specific reason for this.objects in high extents will have little or no performance impact. about 50 objects (tables and indices) that were over 100 extents. Monitoring daily can be automated via CCMS can it not? With proper alert thresholds. we had 2 objects over 450. We got the same answer from each . Good luck trying to keep objects below 10 extents. you would think that too many extents would cause problems with your performance ( and that is quite true in most cases ). whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted.tough luck! . Any comments / insights? . will be fresh for the fight.. I believe I read on this list that SAP ignores the extent growth ( no explanation provided ) and that it 'really does not matter how large the number gets'. NT Sys. Tablespaces will grow and you can add space as needed but if you run out of extents on tables." Sun Tzu .The Art of War --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reply Message----Subject: Re: BASIS: Tablespace sizes in large databases -Reply [3] -Reply From: Sanjay Shastri Good suggestion and well received .-) ...---------------------------------------------------------------------------Robert A Simard SAP-Basis Support.. looking at just Oracle ( or any DB ).com> Mark.-) Now to try and answer your question. We have several tables that are over 150 extents and don't see too much of a performance glitch ( on an overall level ) but in practice. However. even if it happens once? I happen to believe in the saying 'prevention is better than cure' ! You are correct that keeping up with extent growth and increasing the size of the next extent via SAPDBA controls the extent problem but.. ..Sanjay -----Reply Message----Subject: BASIS: Tablespace sizes in large databases -Reply -Reply From: Sanjay Shastri <SShastri@bdm. System availability IS critical and minimizing downtime doesn't hurt.. would you be willing to risk a system freeze. resizing the tables offers one advantage in that you plan better for growth and you are not bogged down by too much of an maintenance effort.. Admin.. "Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy.Sanjay -----Reply Message----Subject: BASIS: Tablespace sizes in large databases -Reply -Reply From: Mark Kochanski Sanjay. Letting indices grow too much seems to have a much greater impact. I do not let any table go beyond 100 extents in an SAP environment. Data Data Import for Client Copy CPIC Calls from ABAP Programs Administration Functions in Change and Transport System Language Transport Administration Functions C calls in ABAP programs Authorization for file access DB2/390: Database Administration DB2 OS/390 commands: in Database Performance Monitor (ST04) Database Multiconnect Structure Changes in Support Package Systems Enqueue: Display and Delete Lock Entries Administration Enterprise Search Appliance . .Why Tough luck? Sure. Authorization Objects Object /SDF/E2E /SDF/TRACE BV_SR_TCOD C_DML E_WDPLJRNL F_GMGT_RLT I_VV_IC K_PRPS_SET MAN_PM_KPI PPF_ADMIN P_EFI SASAP_ADIM S_ADMI_FCD S_ARCHIVE S_ASAPIAAT S_ASAP_RF S_ASAP_TF S_BDC_MONI S_BPE_CONF S_BRAN_ADM S_BTCH_ADM S_BTCH_EXT S_BTCH_JOB S_BTCH_NAM S_CCMS_CMC S_CCM_RECV S_CLNT_IMP S_CPIC S_CTS_ADMI S_CTS_LANG S_C_FUNCT S_DATASET S_DB2_ADM S_DB2_COMM S_DBCON S_DDSTCAUT S_ENQUE S_ESH_ADM Class BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A Description Authorization for end-to-end diagnostic Authorization for end-to-end trace Sales Returns .. or certain transactions will have errors...Authorization Check at Transaction Level MDF Object Type Authorization Object for Operations Log Grants Management: BP Roles Authorization Info Container CO-CCA: PSP Element Groups Manufacturing: Add Plant Manager KPI Authorization for Parallel Processing Authorisation object efiling Administrator: Implementation Assistant System Authorizations Archiving Maintain Topic Attributes Implementation Assistant: Roadmap (Type and Flavor) Separate Roadmap Type and Flavor Batch Input Authorizations Configuration Inbound Processing for Integration Processes Industry management Background Processing: Background Administrator External Scheduler Background Processing: Operations on Background Jobs Background Processing: Background User Name CCMS Monitoring Console Authorizations for Transferring Central System Repos.. if a table or index reaches max extents your system will freeze or go down. S_EWA_ADM S_FIELDSEL S_FP_CHK S_FRA_AREA S_FRA_CLRO S_FRA_CORO S_FRA_SP S_FRA_SPS S_FRA_SPTY S_GUI S_IWB_ADM S_J2EEROLE S_LANG_ADM S_LAS_ADM S_LCRDB S_LDAP S_LDAPMAP S_LOG_COM S_OLE_CALL S_OSS1_CTL S_OTR_ACTV S_OTR_LANG S_PACKSTRU S_PATH S_PTCH_ADM S_QIO_MONI S_RZL_ADM S_SAA_ADMI S_SAA_ROLE S_SCR S_SCRP_ACT S_SCRP_FRM S_SCRP_GRA S_SCRP_GRB S_SCRP_STY S_SCRP_TXT S_SDCC S_SDCC_ADD S_SHM_MON S_SKOM_SRV S_SPO_ACT S_SPO_DEV S_SPO_PAGE S_SRT_ADM S_SRT_CA S_SRT_LPR S_SWC S_SWF_GMP S_SWITCH S_TABU_CLI S_TABU_DIS S_TABU_LIN S_TMS_ACT BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A Administration EarlyWatch Alert Central Field Selection Form Processing: Authorization for Form Update Framework Registry: Area Framework Registry: Class Role Framework Registry: Component Role Framework Registry: Service Provider Framework Registry: Element Type Framework Registry: SP Type Authorization for GUI activities Knowledge Warehouse: Administration J2EE Security Roles from VMC Servlets Language Administration System Measurement Authorization Maintenance Authorization for LCR Database Authorization to Access LDAP Directory Authorization to Maintain Directory Mapping Authorization to Execute Logical Operating System Commands OLE calls from ABAP programs Authorization for OSS logon OTR Activities Authorization to Change Objects: Language-Dependent Internal SAP Use: Package Structure File system access via ABAP/4 Administrating Component-Specific Patches (Configuration) Queue Management Authorizations CCMS: System Administration System Administration Assistant: Execution System Administration Assistant: Application View Authorization for SAP GUI Scripting SAPscript: Activities SAPscript: Layout set SAPscript: Graphic SAPscript: Graphics (BDS buffer) SAPscript: Style SAPscript: Standard text Data Interface for the Service Assistant Berechtigung für /bdl/sdcc im AddOn-Namensraum Shared Objects: Monitor SAPcomm: Server Authorization Spool: Actions Spool: Device authorizations Spool: Restriction on Maximum Number of Pages Administration/Configuration of SOAP Runtime Central Administration of SOAP Runtime Authorization Object for Logical Port Maintenance Authorization for Changing Software Components Workflow Administrator Good Morning Page Switch Settings in Switch Framework Cross-Client Table Maintenance Table Maintenance (via standard tools such as SM30) Authorization for Organizational Unit TemSe: Actions on TemSe objects . Authorization object to print Certificates Authorization Object for Airlines Central Authorization for Enterprise Services Coverage Analyzer: Administration ABAP Workbench SE61 Documentation Maintenance Authorization Authorization Check for Code-Based Enhancement Options Authorization Object for Flight Bookings (Demo) Formula Builder Methods Knowledge Warehouse Authorizations for Attribute Values Authorizations for Attribute Values Administration of KW Document Models ABAP: Program Flow Checks SAP Query Authorization ABAP Shared Objects: Management Authorization for SAPterm for Individual Languages Maintenance of Glossary and Terminology Objects .S_TOOLS_EX S_TREX_ADM S_UDDI_REG S_USERCERT S_USER_ADM S_USER_AGR S_USER_AUT S_USER_GRP S_USER_OBJ S_USER_PRO S_USER_SAS S_USER_SYS S_USER_TCD S_USER_VAL S_VMCADMIN S_VMC_TRAN S_WF_PRCTP S_WORKFLOW S_WSSP_ADM S_X500_CON S_XMB_ACT S_XMB_ADM S_XMB_AUTH S_XMB_DSP S_XMB_MONI S_XMI_LOG S_XMI_PROD W_CM_CDT1 W_CM_CDT2 BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A BC_A Tools Performance Monitor Administration of TREX Register in UDDI Registries Certificate Logon: Certificate Request and Assignment Administration Functions for User/Authorization Administratn Authorizations: Role Check User Master Maintenance: Authorizations User Master Maintenance: User Groups Globally Deactivate Authorization Objects in a Client User Master Maintenance: Authorization Profile User Master Maintenance: System-Specific Assignments User Master Maintenance: System for Central User Maintenance Authorizations: Transactions in Roles Authorizations: Field Values in Roles Authorizations for VMC Administrators Transport of Java Development Objects Workflow: Authorizations for Process Types Workflow: Authorizations for Processes Administer Web Services Security Profile Authorization for X500 directory access Obsolete as of XI 2. Use S_XMB_AUTH Integration Engine: Administrator Integration Engine: Activities for Individual Areas Obsolete: Do not use.Location PAW . Use S_XMB_MONI instead Authorization Object for XI Message Monitoring Internal Access Authorization for XMI Log Authorization for External Management Interfaces (XMI) CDT Maintenance ISR Authorization for Article Hiearchy Maintenance Object PAW_LOCID PAW_PRINT S_CARRID S_COOL S_COV_ADM S_DEVELOP S_DOKU_AUT S_ENH_CRE S_FLBOOK S_FOBU_MTH S_IWB S_IWB_ATT S_IWB_ATTR S_KW_MODEL S_PROGRAM S_QUERY S_SHM_ADM S_TERM_AUL S_TERM_AUT Class BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C BC_C Description PAW .0. S_TPMO BC_C S_TRANSLAT BC_C S_TRANSPRT BC_C Translation Performance Monitor authorization object Translation environment authorization object Transport Organizer Object Class Description Authorizations in Audit Processing FOX Explosion Framework ALE Distribution Packet ALE Distribution Unit: Customizing Business Address Services: Communication Addresses Business Address Services: Address Type 1 (Org.Type 3(Work Center Addresses) ALV Standard Layout Applications log Implementation Assistant Implementation Assistant: Attribute Maintenance Accelerators Implementation Assistant .Access to IDoc Development IDoc Metadata: Load and Display IDoc Metadata in XI WFEDI: S_IDOCMONI .Access to IDoc Monitoring WFEDI: S_IDOCPART .Access to Port Description (IDoc) WFEDI: S_IDOCREPA . Addresses) Business Address Services: Address Type 2 (Private Addrs.Debugging Functions WFEDI: S_IDOCCTRL .Access to Partner Profile (IDoc) WFEDI: S_IDOCPORT .Documentation Implementation Assistant BC Set Authorization Object BC-SRV-KPR-BDS: Authorizations for Accessing Documents BC-SRV-KPR-BDS: Authorizations for Document Set Public holiday and factory calendar maintenance CheckMan_f Authorization Object Authorization to Maintain Exchange Rates Form Processing: Authorization for ICF Service Hierarchy maintenance authorization check WFEDI: S_IDOCADM .) Business Address Services:Addr.General Access to IDoc Functions WFEDI: S_IDOCDEFT .Access Repair Programs KW Framework: Authorization Check Number Range Maintenance SAPoffice: Authorization for an Activity with Documents SAPoffice: Authorization to Create Shared Folders SAPoffice: Office User Attribute Authorization Object for Sending Authorization Object for Send Request Overview SAPoffice: Transaction Code Authorizations Change documents Deadline Service: Authorizations for Deadlines Client Comparison and Copy: Data Export with RFC Time Streams Test Workbench structure maintenance Time zones UWL: power user for uwl service AUDIT_AUTH BC_Z B_FOX BC_Z B_UPS BC_Z B_UPS_CUS BC_Z S_ADDRCOMM BC_Z S_ADDRESS1 BC_Z S_ADDRESS2 BC_Z S_ADDRESS3 BC_Z S_ALV_LAYO BC_Z S_APPL_LOG BC_Z S_ASAPIA BC_Z S_ASAPIAA BC_Z S_ASAPIAD BC_Z S_ASAP_IA BC_Z S_BCSETS BC_Z S_BDS_D BC_Z S_BDS_DS BC_Z S_CALENDAR BC_Z S_CHKM__FA BC_Z S_EXCHRATE BC_Z S_FP_ICF BC_Z S_HIERARCH BC_Z S_IDOCADM BC_Z S_IDOCCTRL BC_Z S_IDOCDEFT BC_Z S_IDOCMETA BC_Z S_IDOCMONI BC_Z S_IDOCPART BC_Z S_IDOCPORT BC_Z S_IDOCREPA BC_Z S_KWF BC_Z S_NUMBER BC_Z S_OC_DOC BC_Z S_OC_FOLCR BC_Z S_OC_ROLE BC_Z S_OC_SEND BC_Z S_OC_SOSG BC_Z S_OC_TCD BC_Z S_SCD0 BC_Z S_SWF_SLS BC_Z S_TABU_RFC BC_Z S_TSTRID BC_Z S_TWB BC_Z S_TZONE BC_Z S_UWL_SERV BC_Z . S_WDR_P13N BC_Z S_WFAR_KPR BC_Z S_WFAR_LOG BC_Z S_WFAR_LOP BC_Z S_WFAR_OBJ BC_Z S_WFAR_PRI BC_Z S_WFAR_RED BC_Z S_WFMODCMPBC_Z S_WFMODOBJ BC_Z S_WFMODTMP BC_Z S_WFMODWKFBC_Z S_WF_GPENG BC_Z S_WF_LVIEW BC_Z S_WF_SUBST BC_Z S_WF_WI BC_Z Administration Personalization in WD4A Components SAP ArchiveLink: Authorization Object for Document Search Authorizations for ArchiveLink Logging Authorization in Logging Print Lists in ArchiveLink ArchiveLink: Authorizations for access to documents SAP ArchiveLink: Authorization to Access Print Lists ArchiveLink: Authorization for Redlining Workflow Modeler component: activity/content access right Workflow Modeler : Access right to UI areas (tab..) Workflow Modeler template: activity/content access right Workflow Modeler: activities for user workflow Workflow Guided Procedure Engine Access Workflow: Handling of Integrated Inbox View Workflow: Substitute Rule Workflow: Work Item Handling Printing and Fax Mass Lock All Printers with SPAD If you have lots of printers (50 or more) and need to lock them for maintenance. you can used this mass locked printers tips to locked or unlocked all the SAP printers at one go.txt Frontend computer: Tick Export: Tick Export Export: Tick Output device: Choose the Selection options Pattern and type a * (* for all or a* for all printers starting with a) Click the Execute button .. To mass Lock all the printer in SAP: Go to transaction code SPAD On top of the screen menu click Utilities -> For output devices -> Export devices On the screen Import and Export of Device Descriptions: Export/Import file name: c:\temp\printer. in SPAD. type ZXXX next to the field 'Output devices'. you can configure a pool device type. A pool device type contain a list of SAP printers which the reports will be directed to. it will work. or Another way is to go through each output device in SPAD and click on 'Lock Printer in SAP System' which is in the DeviceAttributes tab Print to an USB printer from SAP Is printing to a USB-printer using LOCL from SAP possible? Yes. In change mode. two underscores default) Access Method : F Make sure your desktop/PC Windows default printer is set to this USB printer. Parallel printing to all the SAP device printers If you have a situation where reports need to be send to multiple printers. Do this in transaction code SPAD for spool administration. also consider giving : Device type as SAPWIN Host Printer __default (yes. click the Create button. Click the button Output devices. For example. Define one new device. Specify the Device type of your printer. as long as this printer is defined on local workstation. Click the tabstrips 'HostSpoolAccMethod'. as long as Windows can print to it. SAPLPD doesn't care on how the printer is connected.Open the text file do a replace all of PADISABLED = "" to PADISABLED = "X" Then import the same file. . SAPLPD will do its work. What may I do wrong? Please help me how to set up for A3 printing in SAP. Liju Go to START --> SETTINGS ---> Printers . The above step is done using SAP 4.you can give the Page format for that tray .g.tray info . Type in the list of the SAP printers device you want the report to go to in this pool under the section 'Pool Device List'.SPAD . when the users send a print to the new device for e. Now. Ps.6c How can I print A3 format in SAP My printer is HP LaserJet 5100 Note I can print ms word document in A3 format but I can't print A3 format in SAP My output device setting are: DeviceAttributes: Device Type = THSAPWIN: MS-Windows-Printer via SAPLPD Device Class = Standard printer Access Method: Host Spool Access Method = S: Print Using SAP Protocol When I print SM50 output and select format X_65_255. Click the tabstrips 'DevicePool' Click the options "Send to all devices in pool". it will print to all the spool device you have specify. it can print successfully but its format is A4. ZXXX. Do I need to assign A3 format to be default format in that printer? Is this task for BASIS or ABAP? Bankly In printer settings . did you try setting that ? Try setting DINA3.In the field "Host spool access method" set to "P: Device Pool". Thank you for your recommend.0. PrakashP Our ABAPer already changed some attributes(ex. #\eML567. Like this -> # THSAPWIN Z_65_255 # SAPWIN indicatior makes it possible to send via berkeley protocol \e%SAPWIN% # change WinCharSet to 222 (Thai) \eW222.5 \eS220 # set vertical spacing(8. However. # set orientation(LANDSCAPE) #\ePL # set font name \eFAngsana New. Properties.0. It's work well.. Bankly I follow by your instruction.Right click on HP LaserJet 5100 . it take moderately time to change font size and test report printing for A3 format.0cm=568... General Tab --> Printing Preferences --> Advanced --> Paper Size --> Change it to 14x11 or A3 and hplaserjet 5100 --> Properties --> Advanced Tab Printing Defaults --> Advanced --> Paper Size -> change it to 14x11 or A3 hplaserjet 5100 --> Properties --> Device Settings tab -> Autoselect -> A3 or 14x11..5) #\eMT567.5ponits)->8p->5. # set font size(5.0CPI)->20->18 (255/11) ->23 #\ec5. # set top/left margin(1.. . # set horizontal spacing(24. font name & size) in print control of SPAD followed by SAP Notes 21738. Note It doesn't need to setup these config at all.7LPI) #\el3. Auto convert SAP spool output to PDF file As of Release 4. . When you print to this PDF output type. I also adjust HP Laserjet 5100 from "EXEC" to "A3" in Tray 3 physically too.6D. Deleting them with SP01 will be too slow and you will get time out if it exceed the online time limit specify by your basis people. Read OSS Note 317851 . Version < 4.5B Note the restrictions specified in Note 323736 with the print output with PDF. If the SAP spool server and the Microsoft Windows spool system are not on the same host.6C/4. you must create a remote PC connection to the printer and force paper size to be A3 (Prakash's instruction) By the way. a report (RSTXPDFT4) is made available for the missing "direct PDF printing".6D.Tab "Output Attributes" Paper tray = "Paper tray 3" Tab "Tray Info" Tray 3 = "DINA3" Key points of this solution. This is handy whenever you encounter a user who managed to create a lot of spool requests which are choking your system.Printing PDF files in 4. convert to PDF and perform a frontend download.6B/4. PDF format (Adobe Acrobat data format) can be created via the SAP spooler by using the device type "PDF1". it will prompt you to enter the file name of your PDF file to be stored into your local harddisk. Caution when modifying device type ZPDF1. which can read spool requests. you can configure an output type to convert the spool automatically into a PDF format into your local harddisk but not do a "direct PDF printing". see Note 437696. After that I can print ABAP List in A3 Format successfully. As a workaround.6D If you are in version less than 4. Delete multiple spool request The program are RSPO0041 or RSPO1041. choose Generic / Text Only for the Frontend Computer if it is not the default type. ZPDF -> Select device type ZPDF1 Options for HostSpoolAccMethod -> Host spool access method : F : Printing on Frontend Computer Host Printer : __DEFAULT or Generic / Text Only Save your entries. Output device: LPFP Device type: SAPWIN Destination host: sapdev Host printer: HP_HP1 (printer name on the Printer Server) Host spool access method: S (Print on LPDHOST via SAP protocol) . For the WAN. some of them over WAN and they will work fine if you do this :The server must have SAPLPD installed. Now. assuming that you have 2 office connected over the internet and they work fine with the printer LOCL. you need to have a Print Server where you have installed many of the printer.g. When you print to the device type ZPDF. A user prompt Print to File will appear to let you specify the Output File Name. Printing ABAP Report over LAN and WAN For the LAN setup for local printer you can defined it as device LOCL Device type: SAPWIN Host printer: __DEFAULT Host spool access method: F (Printing on front end computer) This printer will works fine on your LAN.First you have to add a printer using Windows -> Start -> Settings -> Printers -> Generic / Text Only -> Port : Print to File Next create a new device type e. they are self explainitory from there.) When you have Winfax setup and working locally. Uncompress the file with SAPCAR . host = PC IP address Host printer = Shared fax name on PC(i. To work with a CAR File do the following at OS Level: Get into OS as <sapsid>adm Copy the . The best way to do this is to get a standard desktop PC with a modem attached.CAR file to a Temporary Directory.4. Device type = SAPWIN Rel.Sending faxes from SAP Some guidelines how to you can setup faxing from SAP :You will need an additional software to be installed. IFAX).print using SAP protocol Dest.e IFAX) Make sure you have all the lasted SAPLPD + dll's After that is done create the locations in transaction SCOM.car" file. OSS Apply OSS Notes On My SAP R/3 System How to apply OSS notes to my R/3 system? In order to fix one of the problem in R/3 system.g. Buy a copy of Winfax 10 (its only about $100 to buy. install SAPLPD (put it in the startup group so its loads on startup). SAP will asked you to download an OSS notes which is a ". WinFax will create a shared fax on the PC (For e.x/SAPlpd Device class = Fax Host Spool access method = S. When this is done create a printer/Fax in transaction SPAD. ********** Examples of CAR command :1) UNIX only: Log on as user <sapsid>adm.CAR -V 2) Windows NT only: Log on as user <SAPSID>ADM. ex: CAR -xvf abc. cd \USR\SAP\TRANS CAR -xvf TMP\<ARCHIVE_NAME>. and then you need extract the same using CAR utility. and this is in CAR file. Also check what is your current basis patch level? .car or you can directly apply the patch from SAPGUI. Run transaction STMS Upload the support package with SPAM transaction and the support package will show "New support packages". login to 000 client and then you can load the patch from Presentation server. b) If you want to import the support pack then you need to down load from SAP market-place.Copy the the data file generated in the data transport directory ( ej: = /usr/Sap/trans/data). cd /usr/sap/trans CAR -xvf tmp/<ARCHIVE_NAME>. a) If you want to apply correction then first you need to register the object in SAP. Copy the the cofile file generated in the cofiles transport directory ( = ej: /usr/Sap/trans/cofiles).CAR This Will create two(2) FILES After you run SPAM you MUST run STMS and check the transport queues ********** As per 315963 note you can direct made the changes in the program or you can apply the support pack. so that you will get the Access key and then you can make the changes. ********** Things to take note of:It would definitely be better to apply the latest spam/saint spam manager. This is not a simple task to complete on the fly.For example if you want to apply patch 07 and you are having 05 then you need to apply 06 and then apply 07.com/ .sap. You may want to test this in your sandbox environment.We may use the already existing notes or may add our own quaries. In order to apply any OSS note. R3trans and possibly a new kernel patch. tp. Manually Applying OSS note on SAP Standard Program What is mean by OSS how to work on that? OSS are online sap support notes.Follow the Steps 1 to 5 of the License keys for SAP Business Suite -------------- . Also include the fact that the support packages may break one of your transactions. If you are not familiar with SPDD and/or SPAU adjustments than do not attempt to load support packages. you are required to login to OSS and request for a repair program Access key. For any SAP standard program modification. By applying SAP support packs. it can takes about 3 weeks to fully test the support packages before you can apply them to the production system. In most situation when you apply support packages. you may run into problems with SPDD and SPAU adjustments. Access the SAP Support Portal: http://service. These notes are available online for solving critical problems in sap system. Do test your "golden" transactions to make sure that they are not broken. if you have one. you have to be authorized by your company and be assigned an OSS ID and password.Request license key --.Keys and Requests -. You may be better off just to modify the SAP object in question via OSS note. before tackling it. SPAU and SPDD When you apply a package. . click the Register button Select the Key number and use the Copy and Paste short key to copy the Access key You are now able to modify the SAP standard program. will identify any objects where the hot package is overwriting changes you have made through OSS notes. If. You must check the OSSs note and see if SAP have fixed that note in a hot package. a large number of objects are changed. SPAU identifies an object where you have applied an OSS note. Finished the modification. for instance. SPDD is used to identify dictionary objects and SPAU (repository objects). PGMID/Object/Name: R3TR FUGR MIGO SAP release: 46C Finished. If you have applied any OSS notes to objects in your system. You must check all objects identified in SPAU and decide whether you need to reapply the OSS note or reset the code to the original SAP Code. the hot package may overwrite these objects.g. do remember to transport it to the production system after all the necessary testing.Follow this step to obtain the Program Access key: Menu Path: System -> Services -> SAP Service (Transaction code OSS1) Login in with your OSS ID and Password Click the Registration button Click Register Object Double click R/3 Value Contract Fill in the Object Registration for Installation: For e. you are applying hot package 34. The steps to change the Title of any SAP transaction code are as follows: First. It will takes about 5 to 8 hours depending on the type of hardware configuration you are using. SAP Transaction code to pre-compile all system program If I have to run SGEN and have to recycle the server as well for clearing out memory. SGEN is ued to "compile" ABAP programs. internal user or customer might request you to change the Title of the SAP Transaction code to a more meaningful one and SAP allows this to be done painlessly. If. So. Do it during a weekend which is the best or a period of time with very very low users activity. then you should reset the object to its original source code. goto tcode SE63 . Results are put in database.If the OSS note has been fixed in hot package 34. if you restart SAP. upgrade SAP system or apply support packages. does it make sense to run SGEN first and recycle afterwards. the object is not fixed until hot package 38. compiled results will still be in the database. otherwise users will encounter the problems they had before the note was applied. however. This means that there is no repair flag set against this object again and it is now SAP standard code. so. Do take care of the table spaces and use SAPDBA to observe them. or there is no fix available you have to reapply the OSS note. no need to run SGEN again. You must transport all reapplied notes and Reset to SAP Standard objects after you apply your hot package to your QAS and PRD systems. Make use of the transaction 'SGEN' to re-generate all the SAP programs after you change version of your SAP kernel. Transaction Codes Changing the Title of SAP Transaction Sometimes. because SGEN will sort of litter the memory or is it inconsequential what runs first. FB01 Source Language . click the Edit button On the second line. This happens when your extended memory is exhausted. Can you kill a Job? .Short texts .On the top left Menu of the screen . What is osp$ mean? What if user is given with this authorisation? OPS$ is the mechanism the <SID>adm users uses to connect to the database . Basis Frequently Asked Question Interview Questions for SAP Basis What is private mode? When does user switch to user mode? Private mode is a mode where the heap data is getting exclusively allocated by the user and is no more shared across the system.English To change the Title. assuming you want to change the title of the tcode FB01 from Post Document to Post Document for G/L. On the first screen.Transactions For example.g. Please note that it works for most of the Transaction code except for those new Enjoy transaction code in 4. fill in the following information: Transaction code .6x. type in the Title (For e.English Target Languate . Post Document for G/L) you want for the transaction code Click the Save button Now.Click Translation . called up the transaction code /nFB01 again and you should be able to view the new Title. Copy DDIC to a separate user and use that user to apply them. Why do you use DDIC user not SAP* for Support Packs and SPam? Do _NOT_ use neither DDIC nor SAP* for applying support packages. Yes - SM37 - select - kill If you have a long running Job, how do you analyse? Use transaction SE30. How to uncar car/sar files in a single shot? on Unix: $ for i in *.SAR; do SAPCAR -xvf $i; done When we should use Transactional RFC ? A "transactional RFC" means, that either both parties agree that the data was correctly transfered - or not. There is no "half data transfer". What is the use of Trusted system. I know that there is no need of UID and PWD to communicate with partner system. In what situation it is good to go for Trusted system ? E. g. if you have an R/3 system and a BW system and don't want to maintain passwords. Same goes for CRM and a lot of other systems/applications. Let me know if my understanding below is correct: 1) By default the RFC destination is synchronous 2) Asynchronous RFC is used incase if the system initiated the RFC call no need to wait for the response before it proceeds to something else. Yes - that's right. But keep in mind, that it's not only a technical issue whether to switch to asynchronous. The application must also be able to handle that correctly. Which table contains the details related to Q defined in SPAM? Is there a way to revert back the Q defined? If yes, How? There is a "delete" button when you define the queue. If you already started the import it's no more possible since the system will become inconsistent. What is a developer key? and how to generate a developer key? The developer key is a combination of you installation number, your license key (that you get from http://service.sap.com/licensekey) and the user name. You need this for each person that will make changes (Dictionary or programs) in the system. What is XI3.0 ? EXPLAIN XI = Exchange Infrastructure - Part of Netweaver 2004. SAP Exchange Infrastructure (SAP XI) is SAP's enterprise application integration (EAI) software, a component of the NetWeaver product group used to facilitate the exchange of information among a company's internal software and systems and those of external parties. Like other NetWeaver components, SAP XI is compatible with software products of other companies. SAP calls XI an integration broker because it mediates between entities with varying requirements in terms of connectivity, format, and protocols. According to SAP, XI reduces integration costs by providing a common repository for interfaces. The central component of SAP XI is the SAP Integration Server, which facilitates interaction between diverse operating systems and applications across internal and external networked computer systems. How to see when were the optimizer stats last time run? We are using win2k, oracle 9, sapr346c. Assumed DB=Oracle Select any table lets take MARA here but you should do the same for MSEG and few others to see whether the dates match or not.Run the following command on the command prompt:select last_analyzed from dba_tables where table_name like '%MARA%'; This gives you a straight answer .Else you can always fish around in DB14 for seeing when the optimzer stats were updated. SAP Administration Questions Answers What is the use of profile paramater ztta/roll_area? The value specifies the size of the roll area in bytes. The roll area is one of several memory areas, which satisfies the user requests of user programs. For technical reasons, however, the first 250 KB or so of a user context are always stored in the roll area, further data - up to the roll area limit ztta/roll_first, - in the extended memory, up to the limit ztta/roll_extension or if extended memory is exhausted, then - again in the roll area, until the roll area is full, then - in the local process area, up to the limit abap/heap_area_dia or abap/heap_area_total or until the address space or the swap space is exhausted. Followed by termination with errors like STORAGE_PARAMETERS_WRONG_SET an error code, that points to memory bottleneck Minimum data transfer with context change; however, the increase helps to avoid problems (address space, swap space, operating system paging). *-- Anupam Sharma What is R/3? and what is basis version? SAP Basis: - Provides the runtime environment for all SAP applications - Optimally embeds the application in the system environment - Defines a stable architecture framework for system enhancements - Contains the tools for administering the entire system - Allows the distribution of resources and system components - Provides interfaces for decentralized system parts and external products. An R/3 instance is a group of R/3 services that are started and stopped as a unit (by an R/3 dispatcher) and have a common instance profile. The name of an R/3 instance is composed of letters standing for the relevant services, and an instance number which is unique for each computer. The services may be D, V, E, B, M, G, or S, which respectively stand for dialogue, update, enqueue, background, message, gateway, and spool services. Tips by : Suresh Babu I would like to know the version or name of SAP that is implemented in real time? This is a very generic question and really depends on what you are implementing (modules). The history of the "R/3" is 3.0D Basis 300 3.0E Basis 300 3.0F Basis 300 3.1H Basis 310 3.1I Basis 310 4.0B Basis 400 4.5B Basis 450 4.6C Basis 460 4.71 Basis 6.20 4.72 Basis 6.20 5.00 Basis 6.40 (ECC 5.0 - Enterprise Core components) 6.00 Basis 7.00 (ECC 6.0) - actually in RampUp All of those have increased business functionality and interfaces to other systems (CRM, BW etc.) What is mysap? It's a term for all the systems that in a contract (e. g. a MySAP business suite consist of ERP2005, CRM2005, SRM2005). What is the systems configuration required to implement SAP.. i.e for production,development and QAS servers the hard disk space, RAM, Processor This also depends on what your are implementing, how many users will work on the system, how many records in what area are created etc. We need a BIG database system and an even bigger application server for ~ 900 users and 12 languages. What is ASAP? It's an old term for an implementation strategy. Blueprint -> prototype -> goLive (if you want to say it in one sentence). How should I set priority for Printing say like user, teamlead, project manager? There's nothing like "priority" settings for spool processes. Just define more (profile parameter rdisp/wp_no_spool) processes so people don't need to wait. Using Tc SGEN I have generated 74% job and later I have terminated the job. I wish to start generating from where it stopped I have refreshed but to no chance nothing was done. How should I further proceed so as to complete the remaining job.. Start SGEN again and select the same you have selected before. It will popup and ask if you want to start from scratch or generate the just the remaining. Basis Administration Questions Answers What is th difference between Sap lock and database lock? A "SAP lock" is named "enqueue lock", the enqueue is on a much higher level, e. g. a complete sales document is locked there whereas in the datbase usually only row locks exist. Since SAP runs on more database than Oracle (thanx god) one needed to have a mechanism, that is database independent and on a higher level. What is the diff between clients 000 and 001? Client 000 is the SAP source client, client 001 exists only on certain installations (e. g. solution Manager). *-- Markus I would like to know is there anyway to transport roles from Production to Development or Sandbox. Goto PFCG and enter the role which you want to transfer to other system. goto utilities->Mass download it will ask the path where to download/save that role on local desktop give the location and save it. Next logon to the system where you want that particular role. PFCG-> Role -> upload. Give the path where the role is saved. it accepts and generates successfully. *-- Mahesh What is the need of having Development system? To develop and custamize SAP to companies requirement. say if you dont have DEV, after golive(started using SAP (PRD}) if you want to do some changes to application, you cannot do changes directly to PRD server, which may cause problem the PRD server live data. so you do the required changes on DEV first and test them on QAS, if it works fine them transport the same to PRD. Difference between Application server and Central Instance? A "note" in general is a hint. *-. What is OSS ? OSS is the old name of the nowadays "sapnet" which contains everything you need to run SAP a program. in stms you can see all these. it's now call BI (Business Intelligence) What is the correct use of SPAM. documentation. SPAD and SPDD transactions. After doing any Support Package update in SPAM. that are applied with the transaction SNOTE. etc? Those are not different modules but different products. Is it possible to update Support Release packages from OS level? No .you can import them but the full process will require additional steps the tools "tp" and "R3trans" are not aware of. installation/upgrade documentation etc. TC: A system which will have trans directory. are there any further steps to carry out for this update to take effect? . SAINT. patches. trans directory and all other systems in the group. error/bug description and may contain code corrections. The way is to use SPAM . CI: Is Dialog instance + Database Instance. SPAD is for creating printers (I assume you meant SPAU) and SPDD is for adjusting modification to dictionary objects.Suneel What are SNOTES ? How to apply them in SAP ? The name of the transaction is SNOTE. CRM . XI. SAINT is used to install new addons.but SPAM has the possibility to schedule those imports in the background. What is Transport domain and Domain controller? TD: is the collection of transport controller. When should we use each? SPAM is for installing support packages.BW. What are different modules used like EP. EP = Enterprise Portal XI = Exchange Infrastructure CRM = Customer Relationship Management BW = Business Warehouse (that is the old term). and in which the total landscape is designed and maintained.AS: Is just a dialog instance. (“Business Application Systems Integrated Solutions”) ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming Language) .Referenced Links: http://sap-img.A.S.S.com SAP (Systems Applications Products in Data Processing) B.I.
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