26 November to 2 December

March 17, 2018 | Author: pratidin | Category: Request For Proposal, Business, Medicine, Technology (General), Science



DIRECT APPOINTMENTAddress: Surya Vihar, Near Nishamani Hall, Link Road, Cuttack, Ph-9238112837, 9090843836, 7205750369 Lÿæ¾ö ¿æÁÿß Óþß : ÓLÿæÁÿ 10sæÀÿë ’ÿç œÿ 3sæ Om Sai Career & Placement Services Lÿ¸æœÿêLÿë HÝç Éæ ¨æBô 200 ¨÷ æ$ö ê Aæ¯É¿L æ ¨÷æ$öêþæœÿZÿ ¨æBô ÀÿÜÿç ¯ÿæ, QæB¯ÿæ H {þÝç Lÿæàÿ Óë ¯ÿç ™æ Adç æ þæÓçLÿ Aæß 3000Àë 29000/- + TA/DA + ESI + EPF, {¾æS¿†ÿæ : 10th, +2, +3, MBA, MCA, ITI, Diploma, B.Tech, PGDCA, Tally, Data Entry, DTP ¯ÿç {ÉÌ Óí `ÿœÿæ OASo ¬s o †q o·u+| 'œ o¸ o u¤o' c|o +|oo c|o¤o o¸ nš o|ocn|cœ c o co o|o c¤ 1 ¨Àÿ ç `ÿ æ Áÿ Lÿ Samantaray Academy Multiple Learning Solution Provider... Join for Best Coaching.... Visit Us : www.samantaray.ac.in Surya Vihar, Link Road,Cuttack - 12, Ph. : 0671-2323545 / 9438563121 / 9439164611 / 9437103545 OAS - 2011 Exam Just Published (364 Posts) OPPORTUNITY AT CUTTACK JOIN US IMMEDIATELY BATCH STARTING ON 8th DECEMBER SEPARATE HOSTEL FOR BOYS & GIRLS SENIOR & EXPERIENCED FACULTIES DETERMINATION DETERMINATION DEDICATION DEDICATION DILIGENCE DILIGENCE MAHANADI COALFIELDS LIMITED (A Subsidiary of Coal India Limited) JAGRUTI VIHAR, BURLA-768020, DIST-SAMBALPUR, ODISHA Tel (EPABX):0663-2542461 to 469, Website:http:// www.mcl.gov.in The call letters for written test to the eligible candidates for the post of Pharmacist(Tr.), Laboratory Technician-Pathology(Tr), Physiotherapist(Tr.), X-Ray Technician / Radiographer(Tr.), Dresser(Tr), Junior Sanitary Inspector (Tr.) and Jr. ECG Technician(Tr.) have already been dispatched in their communication address through speed post by the Recruitment Cell of Mahanadi Coalfields Ltd. For further details the candidates may visit the MCL website: www.mahanadicoal.nic.in PARALA MAHARAJA ENGINEERING COLLEGE (A Constituent College of BPUT, Odisha) At: Sitalapalli, Berhampur, Pin-761003 The Walk-in-lnterview for engagement of Teachers on Contractual basis for Mechanical Engineering disciplines will be held on 28.11.2011 at 11.30 AM and the reporting time 11.00 AM to 11.30 AM at college campus to the undersigned. The details regarding qualification, remuneration and documents to be submitted during interview is available at this college website: www.pmec.ac.in. The authority reserves the right to cancel the above Walk-in- Interview without assigning any reason thereof. N.B.:- No T.A./ D.A. will be paid to the candidate for attending the interview. PRINCIPAL 26 œÿ{μÿºÀ ÿ- 2 xÿç {ÓºÀÿ 2011 VOLL.XIX ISSUE -25 BHUBANESWAR 26 November - 2 December 2011 6.00 Tel:0674- 2582532 / 533 / 534 Fax : 2582535 (Page-24) e- mai l : ni j ukt i khabar @gmail. com NIJUKTI KHABAR Employment & Education based leading weekly RNI No. 52621/93 Postal Regd.No-BN/43/09-11 www.nijuktikhabar.net 19É ¯ÿ Ìö ÓóQ¿æ -25 μÿ ë ¯ÿ {œÿ É´ Àÿ 6. 00 œÿ ç ¾ë Nÿ ç Q¯ÿ Àÿ xÿ æ Lÿ {Àÿ {œÿ {àÿ 1¯ÿÌöLÿë s 312.00 6þæÓLÿë s.156.00 3þæÓLÿë s 78.00 sZÿæ þœÿçAÝöÀÿ/¯ÿ¿æZÿ xÿ÷æüÿu AæLÿæÀÿ{Àÿ ¨vÿæB ¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ > Manager, Nijukti Khabar, TS-3/193, Mancheswar I.E., Bhubaneswar - 10 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL Science & Technology Department. Govt, of Odisha Post: Director, Institute of Mathematics &Applications, Andharua, Bhubaneswar Qualification and Experience. Qualification: Ph.D in any Subject in Mathematics. Experience: (Minimum 10 (Ten) years experience at the level of Proffesser. Other Criterial Publication of minimum 7 (seven) Research Paper in National Journals and minimum 3 (three) Research Papers in taput international Journals and evidence of continuing research work. AGE LIMIT: Candidate must be under 62 years of age and above 55 years of age on the 1st November, 2011. REMUNERATION: As per Govt, norms. Last date for submission of applications to Secretary. State Council on S&T, Science & Technology Department Government of Odisha: 20th December, 2011 For further details log on to: http://orissa.gov.in Additional Secretary to Government. Science & Technology Department , Government of Odisha For OAS preparation you need the three(3) D's Tracking your Confidence to be a Civil Servant 53 Prelim's 2011 Batches Starts from 01.12.11 GS & OPTIONAL Achievements in 2010 OAS D I S H A M-5/23, Acharya Vihar, N.H Side, Bhubaneswar Mob: 9338557171, 8763044465 Synidcate Bank Recruitment of Agricultural Assistants in Clerical Cadre One of the Leading Public Sector Bank in India Syndicate Bank has published the recruitment notifications for 1000 Agricultural Assistants in Clerical Cadre. There will be an Online Test which will be objective in nature. There are certain center which are designated for the Written Online Exam. Scale of Pay: 7200- 400/3-8400-500/3-9900-600/4-12300-700/7-17200-1300/1- 18500-800/1-19300 (20 Years) & other Allowances like DA, HRA etc., as per Bank Rules. Emoluments: The total starting emolument of a Clerical Cadre employee will be around Rs.13105/- per month for Graduates inclusive of D.A. and other allowances at the current rate. Allowances may vary depending upon the place of posting. Probation period: Minimum period of 6 months. Before the probation period comes to an end, the performance of the newly recruited employees will be evaluated and the probation period of those employees whose performance fails to meet Bank?s expectation, may be extended at the sole discretion of the Bank. If the performance of the recruited employee is not upto the mark even during the extended probationary period/s, the Bank reserves its rights to terminate the services of the said employee without assigning any reason whatsoever. Please Not That : A candidate can apply for vacancies in one State only and has to appear for the examination from a centre of that particular State only. OPENING DATE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION : 25-11-2011 LAST DATE FOR MAKING ONLINE APPLICATION : 15-12-2011 DATE OF WRITTEN TEST – ONLINE/OFFLINE : 22-01-2012 Education Qualification : Graduates from the Indian Agricultural Colleges/Universities. Age Limit : 18 Years – 21 Years as on 01- 07-2011 APPLICATION FEE: For SC/ST/PWD – Rs. 50/- and For all others (including OBC) – Rs 500/- , Requisite application fee is to be paid at any of the branches of SYNDICATE BANK only, by means of a Payment Challan as per the format given in Bank?s website.The payment towards application fee will be accepted by Syndicate Bank’s Branches between 25.11.2011 and 15.12.2011 (both inclusive). How To Apply : Online Mode visiting syndicatebank.co.in. Call Letter / Admit Card : The date of the online Examination is TENTATIVELY FIXED AS 22.01.2012. However, it will be intimated in the Call Letter along with the Centre/Venue for the Examination, well in advance of the date of the Online Examination. Candidates may download their Call Letters from our bank?s website http://www.syndicatebank.in/ by entering his / her details, after 09.01.2012. µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{µÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 2 A DISPLAY CLASSIFIED .....(All Odisha-Weekly)..... This advt. will appear between page no.-6 to 15 only Excluding 8 & 9 Carrer page 5x4 For 1 insertions 600 For 2 insertions 1000 For 4 insertions 1600 For 8 insertions 2800 For 12 insertions 3600 5x8 or 10x4 For 1 insertions 1200 For 2 insertions 1600 For 4 insertions 2800 For 8 insertions 5000 For 12 insertions 7200 ¯ÿÌö ™Àÿç Éçäæ F¯ÿó œÿç¾ëNÿç Óº¤ÿêß Q¯ÿÀÿLÿë Aæ¨~Zÿ ¨æ{Q ¨ÜÿoæDdç 19 œÿç¾ëNÿç Q¯ÿÀÿ{Àÿ Aæ¨~Zÿ Óó×æÀÿ {Lÿò~Óç œÿç¾ëNÿç Lÿçºæ œÿæþ{àÿQæ Óº¤ÿêß ¯ÿçj樜ÿ {’ÿ¯ÿæLÿë `ÿæÜÿëô$#{àÿ {¾æSæ{¾æS LÿÀÿ;ÿë 8093545300, 9439339732 ¨ævÿ Lÿ Zÿ ¨æBô Óí `ÿ œÿ æ ¬a co o c | o † cc c† c ¤ w|oœc¸ o ˆ co c e o|oc oc|nio o c|o csoa ¤| a|no ’ ¤ co|oo csoe 1 ¤ w|oœ c’ oa ¤ | o· o| n| œ c os c|o¤|o co ¤| o¸ ¤ o¸ o¤ coa † a+ o œ oo ¤ c¤ c u¤|o c|o¤|o coe¸ 1 ¬a o|o œ o¸ o u¤o cˆ oo ’|oi os c¤ œ|s 1 {¾Dô þæ{œÿ þæsç ÷ Lÿú Lÿç ºæ +2 ¨Àÿêäæ{Àÿ ¯ÿæÀÿºæÀÿ ¨Àÿêäæ {’ÿB ¨æÓ LÿÀÿç ¨æÀÿë œÿæÜÿæ;ÿç H ¨Àÿêäæ {’ÿB¨æÀÿë œÿæÜÿæ;ÿç , {Óþæ{œÿ Aæ» Aœÿë Ïæœÿ ’ÿ´ æÀÿæ ¨Àÿêäæ {’ÿB ¨æÀÿç {¯ÿ > DNÿ Óæs} üÿç {Lÿsú ÓþÖ ÓÀÿLÿæÀÿê ÖÀÿ{Àÿ S÷ Üÿ~êß > Principal, Regional Institute, Plot No- 298, (Near Side Over Bridge), Baramunda, Bhubaneswar - 751003 Ph: 9583470207, 9238804415 þæsç÷Lÿú +2 ¨æÓú ¬c REPUTED AND RELIABLE MULTINATIONAL COMPANY, c¤c o † CORPORATE OFFICE o|o o¤ œ n co|o+†| - 10th/ +2 / +3 or above o|o co a ¤| 29 oo o¸ o ¸ aJns o | o |a ic ¸ DIRECT œ o¸ o c o ¸ e 1 MONTHLY INCOME Rs. 4500/- o¸ Rs. 8500/- Age below 30 years. Contact witin 5 days To : AMAZING CREATION SANKARPUR PARIDA SAHI LANE, Near SIVANI GLASS HOUSE, PALAMANDAP, CUTTACK-12, Ph.No.-0671-6580630 WALK IN INTERVIEW dæ†ÿ÷ dæ†ÿ÷ ê Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ (Approved by the Govt. of Orissa) {Lÿ¢ÿ÷ H Àÿæf¿ ÓÀÿLÿæÀÿZÿ Îæsç Îç Lÿæàÿú ,ÿ NALCO, PWD, †ÿÜÿÓç àÿ H BÀÿç {SÓœÿ ¯ÿç µÿæSþæœÿZÿ{Àÿ ¯ÿÜÿë ÓóQ¿Lÿ Aþç œÿÿRevenue Inspector, Ó{µÿö ßÀÿ, {s÷ ÓÀÿ, xÿ÷ æüÿu Óþ¿æœÿú ,ÿ Work Sarkar Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ {ÜÿD$# ¯ÿæÀÿë 8þÀÿë ÿ B.A. {¾æS¿†ÿæ$# ¯ÿæ ¨÷ æ$ö êZÿë 45 ’ÿç œÿ þš{Àÿ {s÷ œÿç ó ’ÿç Aæ¾ç ¯ÿ æ SC/STZÿë Óë ¯ÿç ™æ ’ÿç Aæ¾ç ¯ÿ > {s÷ œÿç ó ¨{Àÿ `ÿæLÿç Àÿç LÿÀÿç {¯ÿ æ Bbÿë Lÿ dæ†ÿ÷ dæ†ÿ÷ êþæ{œÿ 20 ’ÿç œÿ þš{ÀÿÿPrincipal, Regional Institute Plot No. 298, Near Side of overbridge, Baramunda, Bhubaneswar-751003 Zÿë s 50/- Zÿæ þœÿç AÝö Àÿ LÿÀÿ;ÿë æ xÿæLÿ {¾æ{S þš {s÷ œÿç ó {œÿB¨æÀÿç {¯ÿ M&T Group HÝç ç Éæ Àÿ ¯ÿ ç µÿ ç Ÿ ×æ œÿ þæ œÿ Zÿ {Àÿ Industrial/ Official, security Guard, R e c e p t i o n i s t , D T P Operator, Data Entry, Marketing F¯ÿ ó Labour Post œÿ ç þ{;ÿ 380 ¨ë A/lç A Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ LÿÀÿëAdç > {¾æS¿†ÿæ-STH Àÿ ë +3, MBA, MCA, ITI, Diploma, B.Tech, PGDCA, Tally, DTP. ’ÿÀÿþæ(2500-26,000) sZÿæ + ÀÿÜÿç¯ÿæ F¯ÿó QæB¯ÿæÀÿ Óë¯ÿç™æ Adç > vÿç Lÿ~æ-Link Road Cuttack. Mob- 9438275025, 9937600801, 8270848350 WANTED Regional Occupational Health Centre (Eastern) (Indian Council of Medical Research) Block DP, No. 1, Sector V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700091 Date: 15.11.2011 WALK-IN-INTERVIEW The following posts are to be filled up under the time bound/very short term research project entitled "Health Assessment of the surrounding community of the proposed Tata Steel Ferro-Chrome Plant at Gopalpur in Ganiam district of Odisha, India" to be conducted by NIOH/ROHC (E), Kolkata. The posts are purely temporary and on adhoc basis. Post: Medical Officer Grade I Time of Interview at 10 AM. Remuneration: Rs. 35,000/- p.m (Consolidated). Qualification: Essential: MD (Resp/Chest/Gen/ Community Medicine etc) recognized by M.C.I. Experience: 4 years. Desirable : Knowledge in Computer operations. Age: 40 yrs. Posts: Medical Officer Grade II Time of Interview at 11.30 AM. Remuneration: Rs. 30,000/- p.m. (Consolidated). Qualification: Essential: M.B.B.S. degree recognized by M.C.I. Experience: 2 years. Desirable : M.D. (Resp/ Chest/Gen/community medicine etc) recognized by M.C.I., Knowledge in computer operation. Age: 40 yrs. Post: Staff Nurse Time of Interview at 2.30 PM. Remuneration: Rs. 15,000/- p.m (Consolidated). Qualification: H.S. with Certificate Course in Auxiliary Nursing / Midwifery with 3 years experience or Diploma in Nursing with 2 years experience. Age : 30 yrs. Post: Technician Time of Interview at 4.00 PM. Remuneration: Rs. 12,000/- p.m. (Consolidated). Qualification: Science Graduate with knowledge of computer operation. Desirable: Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology / Diploma in Radiography / Post-Graduate degree in Science (Chemistry / Physiology etc). Age: 30 yrs.. Post: Data Entry Operator Time of Interview at 10.00 AM. Remuneration: Rs. 12,000/-p.m. (Consolidated). Qualification: H.S, with certificate holder of data entry from a reputed concern. Desirable: Graduate, Experience: Data entry and computer handling and or computer programming, knowledge of data analysis will be given preference. Age: 30 yrs. Post: Laboratory Assistant Time of Interview at 12.30 PM. Remuneration: Rs, 10,000/-p.m. (Consolidated). Qualification: H.S. (Science), Desirable: Graduate. Experience in handling laboratory equipments / Chemicals / biological samples etc. Age: 30 yrs. Post: Safaiwala Time of Interview at 2.30 PM. Remunaration: Rs, 8,000/- p.m. (Consolidated). Qualification: V pass. Age: 28 yrs. Date of Interview; 2nd Dec, 2011 {si. No. 1 to 4) 3rd Dec, 2011 (si, No. 5 to 7) Venue of Interview: Hotel Moonlite, Sales Tax Square, Infront of Sales Tax Office, Engg. School Road, Berhampur, Ganjam Note: Qualification/experience/age etc. are relaxable in case of deserving candidates. All the selected candidates have to work as a team for its successful completion of the project in time and to assist each other for conducting community health survey including investigations under the guidance of ROHC Authority. For details visit our website: www.nioh.org The interested candidates meeting above mentioned conditions of eligibility may appear for the Walk-in-interview on the date, time & venue as mentioned against each post. The candidates are to submit their detailed Bio-data along with the copies of certificates and testimonials at the time of reporting for interview. The original certificates may be submitted for verification on demand. No. TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview. Officer-in-Charge ODISHA STATE EMPLOYMENT MISSION SOCIETY DIRECTORATE OF EMPLOYMENT GOVT. OF ODISHA, KHARVELNAGAR, SRIYA SQUARE, BHUBANESWAR-751001 TEL. NO.0674-2391320, FAX-0674-2391320 Email ID - [email protected] REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR PLACEMENT LINKED TRAINING PROGRAMME FROM TRAINING PROVIDERS Odisha State Employment Mission Society (OSEMS) invites RFP from reputed Organizations / Training, Education, Learning and Skill building Providers having adequate infrastructure facilities, Trainers, and expertise in the field of skill development for empanelment of Training Providers for facilitating placement linked Training Programme in the state. The main objective of the programme is to groom youth of the State to become "Market Ready" by sharpening their skills in the various demand driven sectors and ensuring a minimum of 75% of placement in the process. Since this is basically a training programme directly linked to placement, payment of training cost will require a minimum of 75% of placement which means 100% payment of training cost will require a minimum of 75% age of placement. In case of placement below 75% no payment will be made. Payment will be made only after placement and after required verification. Thus no advance payment will be made at any stage of the programme before placement. However to incentivize /reward placement above 75%, bonus payment is to be made @ 05% of the total accepted contract value per trainee for placement in the Band of 80-90% and @ 10% of the total contract value per trainee for placement in the Band of 91 -100%. All those training providers who have been earlier shortlisted and conducting Placement Linked Training Programme will also be required to participate in this bidding process as this new model is totally different from the earlier model now in operation. However, till the new model is finalized and comes in to force, they continue the training programme with the existing model which was earlier finalized through a bidding process. Last date for submission of RFP is 24th December 2011 upto 1600 hrs The detail information relating to this tender has been given in the RFP document which can be downloaded from the Govt, of Odisha portal: http://www.orissa.gov.in under advertisement section. Director of Employment-cum- Employment Mission, Odisha. WALK IN INTERVIEW A walk-in-interview for the post of Network Administrator will be held in the institute on 29.11.2011 at 9.00 am for a period of 9 months. Essential Qualification: Graduate in Computer Science (preferably) along with a Diploma in Networking and IT Infrastructure Management from a reputed Institute. Must have the ability to administer a 5+ Node Windows Server Network including Firewalls, Networked Printers and Photo copiers. Good verbal and written communication. Experience: 3+ Years including experience as a network engineer on a medium sized network of servers, desktop systems and communications devices using current technologies. Salary: As per qualification and experience. Age: Below 35 Years as on 01.07.2011. Interested eligible candidates may attend the interview with their Curriculum Vitae with attested copies of testimonials along with originals for scrutiny. No TA will be paid for attending the interview. For further details please visit our website: www.riebbs.ori.nic.in. PRINCIPAL OAS-2011 G.S, Geography, Pub. Adm., Sociology, Zoology, History, Pol. Sc., Education (Panel of Experts from JNU, DU, UU) BATCH STARTS FROM 1 st DEC, 2011 Highly Experienced Professors 6AM-10PM Library Facility 56 Successes in OAS-2010 Personal Mentoring/Guidance is Guaranteed Rich Intellectual Study Atmosphere Correspondence course available Hostel facility available Contact for FREE Demo class to KNOW THE QUALITY OF TEACHING ACADEMY FOR CIVIL SERVICES A/361, Sahid Nagar, BBSR 9237152113, 9337227588. Urgently Required Operation Executive - 1-F Marketing Executive- 20 - M/F For more details Contact : 9439487974, 9338621836 Sai Infotech C-50, Prachi Enclave, C.S. Pur, Bhubaneswar - 751016, Mail- [email protected] ANNA UNIVERSITY SARDAR PATEL ROAD, CHENNAI - 600 025 Phone: 044: 22351126, 044: 22352312, Fax: 91-44-22351956 Applications are invited in the prescribed form for appointment to the post of SOFTWARE DEVELOPER as detailed below: No.of Vacancies: 2, Pay Band+GP: PB3-RS. 15600-39100-+5400GP, Roster: GT(P),SC(A)(P) Prescribed application form together with information and instructions to the candidates containing the details of qualification, field of specialization, etc., can be dowloaded from the Website www.annauniv.edu. The candidates shall send the application duly enclosing a Demand Draft for Rs.500/- (Rs.250/ - for SC/ST of TN candidates) dated not eariler than 19.11.2011 along with the required enclosures to the Registrar, Anna University Chennai-600 025 Last date for the receipt of completed application is 30.11.2011 by 05.00 PM REGISTRAR µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{µÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 3 DISPLAY CLASSIFIED .....(All Odisha-Weekly)..... This advt. will appear between page no.-6 to 15 only 5x4 For 1 insertions 600 For 2 insertions 1000 For 4 insertions 1600 For 8 insertions 2800 For 12 insertions 3600 5x8 or 10x4 For 1 insertions 1200 For 2 insertions 1600 For 4 insertions 2800 For 8 insertions 5000 For 12 insertions 7200 ¯ÿÌö ™Àÿç Éçäæ F¯ÿó œÿç¾ëNÿç Óº¤ÿêß Q¯ÿÀÿLÿë Aæ¨~Zÿ ¨æ{Q ¨ÜÿoæDdç 19 Jagannath Institute of Fire & Safety Engineering Registerd by Govt. of Orissa, Vide No.581/2003 AN ISO-9001-2008 Certified fire training Institute Cuttack:- Plot No D-106, Bank colony, Sector-9, CDA, CTC , PhoneNo.-0671-3248474, 8018482160 Branch: Meher Building, Patnagarh, Ph-9337783279,9090259310 Job Guarantee 100% üÿæßæÀÿ F¯ÿó {Óüÿúsç BqçœÿçßÀÿçó{Àÿ {s÷œÿçó {œÿB üÿæßæÀÿþ¿æœÿ µÿæ{¯ÿ {¾æS ’ÿçA;ÿë ’ÿÀÿþæ ÜÿæÀÿ : s 8000 + Aœÿ¿æœÿ¿ Óë¯ÿç™æ Ó¯ÿöœÿçþ§ ÉçäæS†ÿ {¾æS¿†ÿæ : þæs÷çLÿ ¨æÓú, ¯ÿßÓ 18Àÿë D–ÿö Éæ Àÿ êÀÿ ç Lÿ {¾æ S¿†ÿ æ : Daÿ†ÿæ-Aœÿë ¿œÿ 5’ 5” Ó¯ÿç{ÉÌ ¯ÿç¯ÿÀÿ~ê ¨æBô œÿçþ§àÿçQ#†ÿ vÿçLÿ~æ{Àÿ {¾æSæ{¾æS LÿÀÿ;ÿë æ Worl d' s No. 1 MNC †ÿ æ Àÿ Management/ Administration Section {Àÿ 14 f~ Male H 7 f~ Female Zÿ ë œÿ ç ¾ë Nÿ ç Óë {¾æ S {’ÿ Ddë > {¾æ S¿†ÿ æ : 10th Àÿ ë Graduati on, ¯ÿ ßÓ- 30 ¯ÿ Ìö Àÿ ë Lÿ þú > Salary: Rs. 4, 000/-. Walk-in- Interview Within 7 days With Resume. IMPULSE GROUP, 137/B Ashok Nagar, Near Khadiniketan, Bhubaneswar-9, Ph. No. 0674-2536099 PERMANENT JOB FOR PERMANENT JOB A Company required fresh candidates: 2 posts for B.M., 12 office assistant, 7 supervisor & 10 other posts. Qualification: 10th, +2, +3 or above Age below - 30yrs. Monthly Salary: Rs. 4200/- Àÿë Rs. 8500/-. Contact this place with right Resume within 7 days. WELLDONE INTERNATIONAL Coartpeta, Goilundi Road, Infront of Divine Public School, Berhampur, Ph.: 0680-6451093 10th Pass Àÿë Graduation {¾æS¿†ÿæ $# ¯ÿæ Candidates þæœÿZÿë Permanent Job ’ÿ ç Aæ¾ç ¯ÿ > (No Experience/No Registration fees) þæÓç Lÿ Aæß Rs. 4200/-Rs. 6500/- and Rs. 10,000/- ÓÜÿ ÀÿÜÿç¯ÿæ Free. Age below 28yrs AæÓ;ÿæ 7 ’ÿçœÿ þš{Àÿ Bio-data ÓÜÿç†ÿ Óæäæ†ÿ LÿÀÿ;ÿë > The Manager, MICRO EXPANSION 37 f~ Lÿþö `ÿæÀÿê Aæ¯ÿÉ¿Lÿ N/6-315 1st Floor, Infront of Bank of Baroda, Jayadev Vihar, Bhubaneswar-15, Ph: 9238100178 INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BHUBANESWAR Samantapuri, Bhubaneswar-751013 APPOINTMENT OF CONSULTANT FOR FOREST LAND DIVERSION Application for selection and appointment of Consultant for preparation of Forest Land Diversion Proposal of the Permanent Campus of IIT Bhubaneswar at Jatni Tahasil of Khurda District and Delang Tahasil of Puri District in Odisha is invited from eligible agencies/firms. Details of the-rpf/ Tender is available, at the institute website at http://www.iitbbs.ac.in. The last date for receipt of application in the lnstitute is1st Dec, 2011 by 2.30PM. REGISTRAR, IIT Bhubaneswar DISTRICT PROJECT OFFICE, SSA, SUNDARGARH Application in the prescribed proforma are invited from eligible candidates for 30 nos. of contractual engagement for the post of Block Resource Teachers with the following terms and conditions. 1) The candidate has to submit an undertaking in the form of court affidavit that he/she has applied for one dist. only. 2) Place of posting : Block Head Quarter. 3) Remuneration : Rs. 6500/-(including TA of Rs: 500 per month) 4) Minimum Qualification +2 with diploma/degree in Spl Education recognised by RCI. 5) Age-18 to 42 years as on October 2011. 6) Criteria for selection: Selection should be made the basic of marks, secured in qualifying examination. 7) How to apply: The application should be send by Speed Post /Regd. Post to District Project Co-ordinator, SSA, Sundargarh with attested copies of certificate/marksheet of HSC, +2, Diploma/Degree in special Education, two passport size photograph, 2 nos of self address stamped envelop, employment exchange regd no., RCI registration certificate, Resident (Permanent) certificate etc. 8) The last date of receive of application is 10th December 11. District Project Coordinator SSA, Sundargarh Application Format 1) Name (in capital letter): 2) Father/Husband Name: 3) Address (Permanent): 4) Address (Present): 5) Category: Certified that the above information furnished by me is true to the best of my knowledge. Date: Full Signature of the candidate This can be downloaded from www. sundargarh.nic.in CENTRAL RICE RESEARCH INSTITUTE (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Cuttack - 753006 (Odisha) WALK-IN-INTERVIEW Terms & Conditions: 1. The above position is purely temporary and is co-terminus with the scheme/ project. The services of appointed candidates will stand terminated automatically after expiry of the scheme/project or completion of period indicated in the selection offer, whichever is earlier and the candidate will not have any right for absorption in CRRI/ICAR. The above age limits are relaxable for SC, ST and OBC candidates as per Govt, of India norms. 2. Eligible candidates desirous to be considered for the above-mentioned position are advised to bring one copy of their bio-data along with Xerox copy of all the certificates and mark sheets affixing recent photograph thereon together with original copies of educational certificate/ mark sheet (matriculation onwards) and appear for a walk-in-interview comprising of a written-cum-personal interview on prescribed date, time and place. 3. Director, CRRI reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of position and also to cancel the recruitment process for the position mentioned above. Director's decision will be final and binding in all aspects. 4. No TAandDAfor appearing in the interview are admissible. 5. Canvas singinany form will renderthe candidate disqualified for the position. Chief Administrative Officer GWALIOR BHUBANESWAR NEW DELHI GOA NELLORE Indian Institute of Tourism & Travel Management (An Organisation of Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India) Govindpuri, GWALIOR-474011 (MP) Tel.: 0751-2345821-22, 2437300 Fax: 0751-2344054 ADVERTISEMENT No. 16/2011 The advertisement published in newspaper on 05.10.2011 and 22.10.2011 vide No.11/2011 has been cancelled. In suppression of the said advertisement, this institute invites fresh applications for teaching/administrative positions. Interested candidates may apply in prescribed format within one month from publication the advertisement in the Employment News, For details and prescribed format please visit our website www.iittm.org. Those who have already applied for the post of Administrative Officer need not to apply again. DIRECTOR SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAN (S.S.A.) RAYAGADA-765 001 The final merit list of the candidates applied for the post of Warden, Part Time Teachers (Science & Arts) Asst. Cook & Peon-cum-Attendant in different Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas under SSA, Rayagada are hereby published in the website'www.rayagada.nic.in & www.opepa.in for information of all concerned. The final merit list of selected candidates will remain valid for one year from the date of publication. District Project Coordinator, SSA, Rayagada µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{µÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 4 THE INDIAN NAVY 10+2 CADET (B TECH) ENTRY SCHEME (PERMANENT COMMISSION) COURSE COMMENCING - JUN 2012 LIVE YOUR DREAMS - BE PART OF CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY 1. Applications are invited from UNMARRIED MALE CANDIDATES (fulfilling the conditions of nationality as laid down by the Govt of India) to join the prestigious Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerala under 10+2 Cadet (B Tech) Entry Scheme. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS 2. Age. 17 to 19½ years (i.e. born between 02 Jan 1993 & 01 Jul 1995. (both dates inclusive). 3. Educational Qualification. Senior Secondary Examination (10+2 Pattern) or its equivalent from University/Board with at least 70 % aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) and at least 50% marks in English (either in Class X or Class XII). 4. Physical Standards (a) Height and Weight. Minimum height - 157 cms with correlated weight as per age. (b) Eye Sight. The minimum acceptable vision standard for distant vision 6/6, 6/9 correctable to 6/6, 6/6 with glasses. Should not be colour/ night blind. Note: There will be no relaxation in physical standards. THE NAVY OFFERS YOU On successful completion of training you will be commissioned as Sub Lieutenant. The benefits of being an officer in the Navy are enumerated in succeeding paragraphs. 5. Pay Scale & Promotions. The promotion from Sub Lieutenant to Commander is on time scale basis and thereafter on selection basis subject to fulfillment of requisite service conditions. The Pay Scale is as follows:- 7. Cost to Company (CTC). The CTC for a Sub Lieutenant would be approximately Rs. 65,000/- per month. This includes Basic Pay, DA, Grade Pay, Military Service Pay, House Rent Allowance and Transport allowance. These rates are not statutory and are subject to change. 8. Privileges. In addition to the CTC mentioned above, Navy provides Free Medical Facilities for Self & dependents, Canteen Facilities, Entitled Rations, Mess/Club/Sports Facilities, Furnished Govt. Accommodation, Car/Housing Loan at subsidised rate. 9. Group Insurance & Gratuity. Insurance cover of Rs. 40 lakhs (on contribution) and Gratuity will be granted to the officer as per the latest rules in force. 10. Leave Entitlements. Officers are entitled to 60 days annual and 20 days casual leave every year (subject to service exigencies). They are also entitled 40% rail concession to any place and free travel (as per extant rules) for self and dependents. Leave during training period will be as per the Training Policy in force. 11. Sports & Adventure. The Navy provides facilities to pursue any sport of your liking. In addition, one can learn and participate in adventure sports, such as river rafting, mountaineering, hot air ballooning, hang gliding, wind surfing etc. 12. Physical fitness. In Naval Academy curriculum, a lot of emphasis is laid on physical fitness. You are therefore, advised to remain fit by undertaking regular physical excercises, sports, running, swimming, etc. so that you can meet the training goals successfully. HOW TO APPLY: 13. Candidates are to submit application in ‘e-application' (Online) for this entry. The candidates desirous of applying online (e-application) can do so from 02 Nov 11. The online application registration will cease on 26 Nov 11.The procedure for applying online is explained in Paras 14 & 15 below. 14. Online (e-application):- Whilst filling up the e-application, it is advisable to keep the relevant documents readily available to enable the following:- (a) Correct filling up of personal particulars.Details are to be filled up as given in the Matriculation Certificate. (b) Fields such as e-mail address, mobile number are mandatory fields and need to be filled. 15. Filling up of e-application:- For filling up application online visit our website www.nausena-bharti.nic.in and proceed as follows:- (a) Click on the "Officer Entry" button under the option 'Apply Online' on the Home Page. (b) Fill the online registration form. Tips to assist in filling up fields have been provided as you highlight each field. (c) Before clicking the submit button it should be checked whether all the details entered in the form are correct as you will not be able to make any corrections after saving the record. (d) After submitting the form, a 'Roll Number' will be generated by the system and displayed on the screen. This Roll Number will automatically appear on the print out of the form. If the system does not generate the Roll Number, it is an indication of non-acceptance of Application by the system. (e) Print two copies of the online Application Form having the system generated Roll Number. One copy of this Application Form is to be duly signed and mailed (posted) to Post Box No. 04, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110 021 along with the following documents:- Self attested photograph, Attested photo copies of 10th & 12th class certificates along with Mark Sheets, other educational certificates and mark sheets of all semester/years. Send the Application by normal post. Application received by Speed Post/Courier/Registered Post will not be accepted. (f) A superscription is to be made on envelope : ONLINE ROLL NO. __________ APPLICATION FOR 10+2 CADET (B TECH) ENTRY SCHEME - JUN 2012 COURSE Qualification PCM Percentage ___% . Application and requisite enclosures must be properly tagged/stapled,IHQ MoD(Navy) will not be responsible for loss of enclosures, if sent loose. Note:- (i) Final receipt of the printout of the online Application Form with system generated Roll Number and all documents as mentioned in sub para (e) above (if received by 06 Dec 11) will be the final CONFIRMATION of receipt of your Application at IHQ MoD (Navy). Hence, only filling the application online/ generation of Roll No. does not imply that the candidate has fulfilled all the criteria given in the advertisement. (ii) Your application is subject to subsequent scrutiny and the application can be rejected, if found INELIGIBLE at any point of time. SELECTION PROCEDURE 16. (a) Candidates will be issued call up for Service Selection Board (SSB) interviews based on their PCM marks in 10+2/equivalent Examination. Integrated Headquarters, Ministry of Defence (Navy) reserves the right to short-list applications and to fix cut off percentage. No communication will be entertained on this account. SSB interviews for short-listed candidates will be scheduled at Bangalore/ Bhopal/Coimbatore during Feb to May 2012. (b) Stage I test, consisting of Intelligence Tests, Picture Perception and Discussion Tests will be conducted on the second day of arrival at SSB. Candidate who fail to qualify in Stage I will be routed back on the same day. Stage II Tests comprising of Psychological Testing, Group Testing and Interview will last for 04 days. Successful candidates will thereafter undergo Medical examination (approx duration 03-05 days). (c) Candidates recommended by the SSBs and declared medically fit, will be appointed for training in order of All India Merit depending on the number of vacancies. (d) Change of SSB venue for interview is not permissible. (e) Any correspondence regarding change of SSB dates be addressed to the President of the concerned SSB on receipt of call up letter and Directorate of Manpower Planning & Recruitment (OI&R), Room No 204, ‘C’ Wing, Sena Bhawan, IHQ-MoD (N), New Delhi-110 011. Award of fresh dates for SSB would be given by the President SSB subject to availability. (f) No compensation will be paid in respect of any injury sustained as a result of tests. (g) Return 3rd AC rail fare is admissible for the SSB interview, if appearing for the first time for this entry. TRAINING: 17. The training is scheduled to commence in Jun 2012. 18. Selected Candidates will be inducted as Cadets for four year B Tech course in Electronics & Communication or Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala Kerala. During the course, Cadets will be allotted Executive, Engineering including Naval Architect specialisation and Electrical Branch. On completion of the course, B Tech Degree will be awarded by Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). Note:- The entire cost of training, including books and reading material, will be borne by the Indian Navy. The cadets will also be provided with free clothing and messing. The terms and conditions, given in this Advertisement, are subject to change and should, therefore, be treated as guidelines only Details are also available on website : www.nausena-bharti.nic.in INDIAN SPACE RESEARCH ORGANISATION Department of Space, Government of India CENTRALISED RECRUITMENT OF ASSISTANTS AND JUNIOR PERSONAL ASSISTANTS Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO] of the Department of Space [DOS] is looking for young, dynamic and dedicated administrative support staff in the categories of ASSISTANT [Post No.1] AND JUNIOR PERSONAL ASSISTANT [Post No.2] in the Pay Band of Rs. 5,200-20,200/- with Grade Pay Rs. 2,400/- for filling-up in various ISRO Centres/Units, across India. Number of vacancies : PostNo.1-ASSISTANT-324[UR-184;OBC-87;SC-32; ST-21] Post No.2 -JUNIOR PERSONALASSISTANT-226 [UR-139; OBC-53; SC-25; ST-9] UR - Unreserved; OBC - Other Backward Class; SC - Scheduled Caste; ST - Scheduled Tribe Vacancies are reserved for Persons with Disabilities [PWD] and Ex-Servicemen [EX] and Meritorious Sportspersons, out of the total notified vacancies. Educational Qualification ASSISTANT [Post No.1]: • Graduation in Arts/Commerce/ Management/ Science/ Computer Applications with First Class as declared by the University. WITH • Knowledge in the use of Computers. JUNIOR PERSONAL ASSISTANT [Post No.2]: • Graduation in Arts/ Commerce/ Management/ Science/ Computer Applications with First Class as declared by the University. OR • Diploma in Commercial/Secretarial practice with First Class with one year experience as Steno-typist/ Stenographer AND • A minimum speed of 80 words per minute in English Stenography WITH • Knowledge in the use of computers Age limit: 26 years as on 14.12.2011 (31 years in case of SC/ST candidates and 29 years for OBC candidates). Ex-Servicemen, Persons with Disabilities, Widows, Divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and who are not remarried are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt, of India orders. How to apply: The application for on-line registration will be hosted in the ISRO web-site @ www.isro.gov.in during the period from 22.11.2011 to 14.12.2011 and candidates may register their applications on-line during the period. Applications will be received on-line only. Payment of Application fee: There will be an Application Fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) for each application. After registration of application on-line, the candidates have to down-load and print the personalized payment challan form, in three parts, from the ISRO web-site. By using the personalized payment challan, the candidates have to remit the application fee at the nearest branch of State Bank of India to Receipt Account No.32034064593 on any day between 22.11.2011 and 14.12.2011. After remittance of the application fee, the candidate has to send one part of the challan form [ISRO copy] to Sr. Administrative Officer (ICRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore -560 231 by post within 7 days and in any case not later than 21.12.2011. The payment shall be made through cash deposit only. Payment of Application Fee in any other form like Cheque, Draft, Money Order, IPO, etc. are not allowed. Applications in respect of which copy of challan form, after remittance of prescribed application fee [ISRO copy] is not received in ISRO HQ, Bangalore on or before 21.12.2011 will not be considered for further processing under any circumstances, Women; Scheduled Castes (SC); Scheduled Tribes (ST); Ex-serviceman [EX]; and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee. However, after registration of application on-line, the candidates have to down-load and print the personalized registration confirmation form, in two parts, from the ISRO web-site. The candidates have to send one part of the registration confirmation form [ISRO copy] alongwith a certificate indicated against each category, as below, to Sr. Administrative Officer (ICRB), ISRO Headquarters, Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road, Bangalore - 560 231 by post within 7 days and in any case not laterthan 21.12.2011. Women candidate - Gender certificate issued by the Principal of the College where last studied or attested copy of PAN Card voter's ID Card/College ID Card/Passport/Driving License/Ration Card. SC/ST candidates- Attested copyof Caste Certificate Persons with disabilities (PWD)- Attested copy of Medical Certificate issued by Medical Board Ex-Servicemen- Attested copy of Discharge Certificate Applications, in respect of which the above certificates are not received alongwith a copy of the registration confirmation form [ISRO copy] on or before 21.12.2011 will not be considered for further processing under any circumstances. Selection Process : The qualification prescribed is the minimum requirement and possession of the same does not automatically make candidates eligible to take- up the written test. Based on bio-data, initial screening will be conducted to short-list candidates for taking-up written test. The written test will be conducted on 26.02.2012 [Sunday] at six venues viz.,Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Chennai and Thiruvananthapuram. Last date for applying on-line:14.12.2011 Last date for receipt of challan form/registration confirmation form alongwith) certificates:21.12.2011 For applying on-line and detailed advertisement, please visit ISRO web-site at www.isro.gov.in from 22.11.2011 to 14.12.2011 µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{µÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 5 ODISHA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ADVERTISEMENT NO. 05 OF 2011-12 ODISHA CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION, 2011. WEBSITE - (http://opsc.nic.in) THE LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS IS 31ST DECEMBER, 2011 BY 5.00 PM WARNING : Applications received incomplete in any respect are liable to be summarily rejected. No correspondence on that score will be entertained. The Short application form should be folded only at appropriate places as indicated in the form itself. 1. Applications in the prescribed Short Form are invited from candidates for admission to the Odisha Civil Services Preliminary Examination, 2011 for recruitment to the Posts and Services coming under the Odisha Civil Services (Category-I & Category-II) as mentioned below. The Examination will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Odisha Civil Services (Combined Competitive Recruitment Examination) Rules, 1991 as amended from time to time. The relevant portion of the said Rules are available on the Website of the Commission. Category-I Name of the Posts/Services Scales of Pay Post Code i). Odisha Administrative Service, -- Rs.15,600-39,100/- + G.P. Rs.5400 (PB-3) 01 Group-A(JB) ii). Odisha Police Service, Group-A(JB) -- -do- 03 Category-II iii). Odisha Co-operative Service, -- Rs.9,300-34,800/- + G.P. Rs.4600 (PB-2) 04 Group-B(ARCS/AGCS) iv) Odisha Revenue Service, Group-B -- -do- 07 v). Odisha Taxation & Accounts Service -- -do- Group-B. The Examination Code is 01 which should be mentioned by the candidates at the appropriate place of column No.03 of the Short Application Form. The candidates are not required to mention the Post Code at this stage against the appropriate place of Column No. 04. The Post Code as mentioned against the above Posts/Services are to be indicated by the candidates in the Long Application Form which to be downloaded from the Website of the Commission or to be collected from the office of the Commission with proper acknowledgement at appropriate time, who qualify for the Main Examination. 2. POSITION OF VACANCIES AND RESERVATION THEREOF : The number of vacancies to be filled in, on the basis of the final result of the recruitment, is likely to be 364 with reservation indicated below as per requisition submitted by General Administration Department, Government of Odisha: (a) Out of above vacancies, 3(three) vacancies for Ex-Serviceman & 1(one)vacancy for Sports Persons are reserved in the category of Odisha Revenue Service. Similarly 6(six) vacancies for Ex-serviceman & 2(two) vacancies for Sports Persons are reserved in the category of Odisha Taxation and Accounts Service. Candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen and Sportspersons, when selected as per reservation provided for them, shall be adjusted against the categories to which they belong, which means that the Ex-Servicemen/Sportspersons, if belonging to Scheduled Caste will claim the vacancy reserved for S.C., if belonging to Scheduled Tribe will claim the vacancy reserved for S.T. and so on. Thus the Ex-Servicemen/Sportspersons, who do not belong to either any of the reserved communities i.e. S.C./S.T./S.E.B.C., would claim the unreserved vacancies. (b) In case of non-availability of eligible/suitable women candidate(s) belonging to the respective category, the unfilled vacancies of that category shall be filled up by eligible & suitable male candidate(s) of the same category. (c) The exchange of reservation between SC & ST will not be considered. (d) The number of vacancies to be filled up on the basis of this recruitment is subject to change by the Government without notice, depending upon the exigencies of public service at the discretion of the State Government. 3. AGE LIMITS : A candidate shall be under thirty-two years and over twenty-one years of age on the 1st January, 2011 i.e. he/she must not have been born earlier than 2nd January, 1979 and not later than 1st January, 1990. The upper age-limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years for candidates belonging to the categories of Scheduled Castes(S.C.), Scheduled Tribes(S.T.), Socially & Educationally Backward Classes(S.E.B.C.), Women and eligible Ex-Servicemen. Provided that a person who comes under more than one category mentioned above, shall be eligible for only one benefit of upper age relaxation, which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her. SAVE AS PROVIDED ABOVE THE AGE LIMITS PRESCRIBED CAN IN NO CASE BE RELAXED. Date of birth entered in the High School Certificate or equivalent Certificate issued by the concerned Board/Council will be accepted by the Commission. The certificate is required to be submitted only at the time of applying form the Odisha Civil Service (Main) Examination. NOTE 1 :- Candidates should also note that once a Date of Birth has been claimed by them and entered in the records of the Commission for the purpose of admission to an examination, no change will be allowed subsequently (or at any other examination of the Commission) on any grounds whatsoever. NOTE 2 :- The candidates should exercise due care while entering their Date of Birth in Column- 15 of the Short Application Form for the Preliminary Examination. If, on verification at any subsequent stage, any variation is found in their date of birth from the one entered in their High School Certificate or equivalent certificate, disciplinary action will be taken against them by the Commission as per the Rules. 4. PLAN OF EXAMINATION : (I) The Civil Services Examination will consist of the following successive stages :- 1. Preliminary Examination, (Objective Type-Multiple Choice Questions) 2. Main Examination, 3. Personality Test or Interview. The details of Scheme, Subjects for Preliminary and Main Examinations and Syllabi for both the Examinations, set out in the Schedule-II & III annexed to the “SCHEME OF EXAMINATION FOR ODISHA CIVIL SERVICES” are published with this advertisement. They are also available on the Website of the Commission. (II) The Optional Subjects and their Code Numbers for the Preliminary Examination/Main Examination are as under :- Sl.No. Name of Subject Code No. Code No. Preliminary Examn. Main Examn. (i) Agriculture -- 01 01 (ii) Agricultural Engineering -- 02 02 (iii) Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science -- 03 03 (iv) Anthropology -- 04 04 (v) Botany -- 05 05 (vi) Chemistry -- 06 06 (vii) Civil Engineering -- 07 07 (viii) Commerce & Accountancy -- 08 08 (ix) Economics -- 09 09 (x) Electrical Engineering -- 10 10 (xi) Education -- 11 11 (xii) Fisheries Science -- 12 12 (xiii) Forestry -- 13 13 (xiv) Geography -- 14 14 (xv) Geology -- 15 15 (xvi) Home Science -- 16 16 (xvii) History -- 17 17 (xviii) Law -- 18 18 (xix) Management -- 19 19 (xx) Mathematics -- 20 20 (xxi) Mechanical Engineering -- 21 21 (xxii) Philosophy -- 22 22 (xxiii) Physics -- 23 23 (xxiv) Political Science & International Relations -- 24 24 (xxv) Psychology -- 25 25 (xxvi) Public Administration -- 26 26 (xxvii) Sociology -- 27 27 (xxviii) Statistics -- 28 28 (xxix) Zoology -- 29 29 (xxx) Indian Languages & Literature (any one)- (Only for Main Examination) a. English -- - 30 b. Hindi -- - 31 c. Odia -- - 32 d. Persian -- - 33 e. Sanskrit -- - 34 f. Urdu -- - 35 REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF OPTIONAL SUBJECT(S) WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. 5. NUMBER OF ATTEMPTS : Every candidate appearing at the Civil Services Examination, who is otherwise eligible, shall be 26 œÿ{µÿºÀ ÿ- 2 xÿç {ÓºÀÿ 2011 VOLL.XIX ISSUE -25 BHUBANESWAR 26 November - 2 December 2011 6.00 Tel:0674- 2582532 / 533 / 534 Fax : 2582535 e- mai l : ni j ukt i khabar @gmail. com NIJUKTI KHABAR Employment & Education based leading weekly RNI No. 52621/93 Postal Regd.No-BN/43/09-11 www.nijuktikhabar.net 19É ¯ÿ Ìö ÓóQ¿æ -25 µÿ ë ¯ÿ {œÿ É´ Àÿ 6. 00 œÿ ç ¾ë Nÿ ç Q¯ÿ Àÿ xÿ æ Lÿ {Àÿ {œÿ {àÿ 1¯ÿÌöLÿë s 312.00 6þæÓLÿë s.156.00 3þæÓLÿë s 78.00 sZÿæ þœÿçAÝöÀÿ/¯ÿ¿æZÿ xÿ÷æüÿu AæLÿæÀÿ{Àÿ ¨vÿæB ¨æÀÿç{¯ÿ > Manager, Nijukti Khabar, TS-3/193, Mancheswar I.E., Bhubaneswar - 10 SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL (Contd.Next Page.. ) μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 6 authority in the prescribed form. (i) Women candidates belonging to S.C./S.T./S.E.B.C. are required to submit Cast Certificates by birth showing “daughter of …………………...…..” Caste Certificates by virtue of marriage (i.e. showing “wife of ………….………”) are not acceptable. (ii) OBC CERTIFICATES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF SEBC CERTIFICATES. (ii) Community (Caste status) once mentioned by the candidates shall not be changed under any circumstances. The competent authorities are: - District Magistrate/Collector or Additional District Magistrate or Sub-divisional Magistrate/Sub-Collectors or Executive Magistrates or Revenue Officers, not below the rank of Tahasildar /Additional Tahasildar of Government of Odisha; NOTE 2 : Degree Certificate, Caste Certificate, Odia Test Pass Certificate, Discharge Certificate of Ex-servicemen and Identity Card of Sportspersons must have been issued by the competent authority within the last date fixed for receipt of applications as indicated above (iv) (a) Concessions meant for S.C./S.T./S.E.B.C. by birth, are admissible to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes/Socially & Educationally Backward Classes of Odisha only. (b) Community (caste status) once mentioned by the candidates under column-10 of the short application form, will be treated as final and the same shall not be changed subsequently under any circumstances. If a candidate changes his/her community (caste status) while submitting the long application (if qualified in the preliminary written examination) his/her application will be rejected. (v) A candidate found guilty of seeking support for her candidature by offering illegal gratification or applying pressure on any person connected with the conduct of the recruitment process or found indulging in any type of malpractice in course of the selection or otherwise, shall, in addition to rendering herself liable to criminal prosecution, be disqualified not only for the recruitment for which she is a candidate, but also may be debarred, either permanently or for a specified period, from any recruitment or selection to be conducted by the Commission. (vi) This advertisement should not be construed as binding on the Government to make appointment. (vii) Mere inclusion of the name of a candidate in the list of successful candidates confers no right to appointment unless the Government are satisfied, after such enquiry as may be deemed necessary, that the candidate having regard to her character and antecedents, is suitable in all respects for appointment to the Post/ Service. (viii) Mere empanelment in the list of successful candidates shall not confer any right for appointment. (ix) No request for withdrawal of candidature will be entertained under any circumstances. (x) Candidates must answer the Papers in their own hand-writing. In no circumstance, a candidate will be allowed the help of a scribe to write the answers for him/her. (xi) Candidates must use the Short Application Form supplied with the Brochure and they should in no case use photocopy/reproduction/ unauthorisedly printed copy of the Short Application Form. Each such form can be used only once and only for one examination. (xii) All persons appointed under the Government of Odisha on or after 1st January, 2005 shall not be eligible for pension as defined under sub-rule(1) of Rule-3 of the Odisha Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1992; but shall be covered by the defined Contributory Pension Scheme in accordance with the Odisha Civil Services (Pension) Amendment Rules, 2005. (xiii) MOBILE PHONES OR ANY OTHER COMMUNICATION DEVICES ARE BANNED IN THE PREMISES WHERE THE EXAMINATION IS CONDUCTED BY THE COMMISSION AND IN THE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSTION. 9. ZONE(S) OF EXAMINATION : Both Preliminary and Main Examination will be held at five Zonal Centre of the State, viz: Balasore, Berhampur, Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Sambalpur depending on the number of candidates from the respective zones. Candidates are required to write and darken the Code Number of the zone of their choice where they would like to appear at the Examination in the column No.5 of the Short Application Form. While every effort will be made to allot candidates to the zone of their choice, the Commission may, at their discretion, allot any other zone to the candidates when circumstances so warrant. REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF ZONE WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. 10. EXAMINATION FEE : A candidate is required to pay a non-refundable and non-adjustable fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees one hundred) only in shape of deposit of the amount in the Government Treasury under the Head “0051-PSC-105-State PSC-Examination Fee” or account payee Bank Draft/Pay Order drawn in favour of Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission payable at any scheduled Bank of Cuttack. Treasury Challan with wrong mention of Head of Account or wrong mention of designation of the Authority in the Bank Draft/Pay Order shall not be accepted. The Original Treasury Challan/Bank Draft/Pay Order as the case may be, must be sent to the Commission alongwith the short application. Candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes of Odisha only are exempted from payment of this fee. Neither claim for refund of fee will be entertained nor the fee will be held in reserve for any other recruitment/purpose. APPLICATIONS NOT ACCOMPANIED BY THE PRESCRIBED FEE SHALL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. 11. HOW TO APPLY : (i) The Commission have developed a Short Application Form common for all their examinations, which will be processed on computerized machines. The Short Application Form alongwith a Brochure containing General Instructions for filling up the Form, an Acknowledgement Card and a Special Envelope for sending the application to the Commission’s Office can be obtained from the Office of the Collectors of all the 30 Districts of the State, Office of the A.D.M., Rourkela and Sub-Collector’s Office at Berhampur/Bhubaneswar between 11.00 A.M. & 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. & 4.00 P.M. on any working day on production of Original Treasury Challan showing payment of Rs.30/-( Rupees thirty) only into Government Treasury in the Head of account – “0051-PSC-105 State PSC-Application Fee” in favour of Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission. The Form alongwith the aforesaid materials can also be obtained from the Commission’s Office on payment of cash of Rs.30/- (Rupees thirty) only at the counter between 11.00 A.M. & 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. & 4.00 P.M. on any working day. However, candidates, who are desirous of obtaining the Form through Registered Post, on remittance of Rs.70/- (Rupees seventy) only by Bank Draft/Pay Order drawn in favour of Special Secretary , Odisha Public Service Commission payable at any scheduled Bank at Cuttack with a forwarding letter addressed to the Special Secretary , Odisha Public Service Commission mentioning full name and address of the candidate, Advertisement Number and name of the post/service advertised in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. (ii) If the letter along with Bank Draft/Pay Order from any candidate, for supply of application form, is received in the office of the O.P.S.C. after the last date for receipt of applications, no application form will be supplied to such candidates. (iii) Candidates must follow instruction meticulously for filling up the Short Application Form as enumerated in Brochure enclosed. (Contd.Next Page.. ) (Contd. from prev,. Page.. ) permitted four attempts at the examination. Provided that : (i) There shall be no such limit for the S.C. and S.T. candidates. (ii) The number of attempts permissible to candidates belonging to Socially & Educationally Backward Classes, who are otherwise eligible, shall be seven. This relaxation will be available to the candidates, who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates. (iii) A candidate who has been selected for appointment to any of the posts or services (Group- B) mentioned in column (2) of Schedule-I under Rule 3 of Odisha Civil Services (Combined Competitive Recruitment Examination) Rules, 1991 amended from time to time may, subject to her eligibility, be allowed to compete again for any Group-A Service or Services mentioned in column (2) of the said Schedule. NOTE : 1. An attempt at a Preliminary Examination shall be deemed to be an attempt at the Examination. 2. If a candidate actually appears in any one paper in the Preliminary Examination, he/she shall be deemed to have made an attempt at the Examination. 3. Notwithstanding the disqualification/cancellation of candidature, the fact of appearance of the candidate at the Examination will count as an attempt. 6. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : A candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree from any University incorporated by an Act of the Central or a State Legislature in India or an Educational Institution established by an Act of Parliament or deemed to be a University under Section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or a Foreign University approved by the Central Government. 7. OTHER ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS : (i) A candidate must be a citizen of India; (ii) He/she must be able to read, write and speak Odia and have- (a) passed Middle School Examination with Odia as Language subject ; or (b) passed High School Certificate or equivalent examination with Odia as medium of examination in non- language subject; or (c) passed in Odia as a language subject in the final examination of Class- VII from a School or educational Institution recognized by the Government of Odisha or the Central Government; or (d) passed a test in Odia in Middle English School Standard conducted by the School & Mass Education Department of the Government of Odisha. (iii) A candidate, who has more than one spouse living or in case of a woman candidate, if married to a person having one spouse living, shall not be eligible for appearing at the examination: Provided that the State Government may, if satisfied that such marriage is permissible under the Personal Law applicable to such person or there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of this rule. (iv) Government Servants, whether permanent or temporary, are eligible to appear at the Examination, provided they possess the requisite qualification and are within the prescribed age limit as provided under Para-4 and 6 of the Advertisement. However, they are required to submit an undertaking to the effect that they have informed in writing to their Head of Office/Department that they have applied for the Examination. Further, they will be required to enclose an attested copy of the “No Objection Certificate” issued by the competent authority with the Long Application Form to be submitted after qualifying in the Preliminary Written Examination for appearing at the Main Written Examination. Candidates should note that in case a communication is received from their employer by the Commission withholding permission to the candidates applying for/appearing at the examination , their applications will be liable to be rejected/candidature will be liable to be cancelled. (v) If a candidate has, at any time, been debarred for a certain period/chance(s) by the Odisha Public Service Commission or other State Public Service Commission or U.P.S.C. from appearing at any Examination/Interview, he/she will not be eligible for such recruitment for that specified period/ chance(s). (vi) Only those candidate, who possess the requisite qualification and fulfil other eligibility conditions by the closing date of receipt of applications will be considered eligible (vii) The period of probation will be applicable as prescribed in the recruitment rules of different services. (viii) A candidate must be of good mental condition and bodily healthy and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the discharge of her duties as an officer of the Service/Post. A candidate, who, after such medical examination, as the Government may prescribe, is not found to satisfy these requirements, will not be appointed. (ix) The Physical Standard of a candidate(s) (caste-wise & sex-wise) for Odisha Police Service will be as per Home Department Notification No.29452/SPS, dt.4.7.2011 enclosed (Annexure-I). 8. OTHER CONDITIONS : (i) The provisions of the Odisha Conduct of Examinations Act, 1988 (Odisha Act-2 of 1988) are applicable to this Examination (Preliminary & Main) conducted by the Odisha Public Service Commission. Any violation of the above Act. and violation of instructions to candidates (as provided in the advertisement, application form, Brochure, Admission Certificate & Answer Script etc) will be seriously viewed and disciplinary action will be taken against the concerned candidates as deemed proper. (ii) At present applications in the Short Form are invited from candidates for admission to the Odisha Civil Services Preliminary Examination, 2011 only. After declaration of result of the Preliminary Written Examination, the candidates who qualify in the Preliminary Written Examination, should download the prescribed Long Application Form from the Website of the Commission or personally collect the Long Application Form from the Office of the Commission with his proper acknowledgement and submit the said Long Application form duly filled in (including Roll Number) along with the required documents, to the Commission’s Office within the stipulated date for consideration of their eligibility for admission to the Main Written Examination. (iii) The candidates are to be in readiness to submit along with the Long Application Form, true copies of the following documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer or Notary Public or self certified. The candidates are also required to mention on each document “submitted by me” and put their full signature on the same. They must not attach the original certificates to their Long Applications. Only those who are called for the Personality Test or Interview will be required to bring with them the original certificates for verification on the date of Personality Test or Interview before the Interview start, failing which he/she shall not be allowed to appear at the Personality Test or Interview. (a) H.S.C. or equivalent certificate in support of declaration of age issued by the concerned Board/Council; (b) Intermediate/+2 Examination Certificate issued by the concerned Board/Council; (c) Bachelor’s Degree Certificate issued by the concerned University; (d) Certificate of any other higher qualification(s) issued by the University/Institution; (e) Caste Certificate by birth in support of claim as S.C./S.T./S.E.B.C., wherever applicable(Please see Note-1). (f) Required Odia Test Pass Certificate from the competent authority, wherever applicable (Please see Note-2); (g) Discharge Certificate issued by the Commanding Officer of the Unit last served, wherever applicable. (h) Identity Card issued by the Director of Sports, Odisha, wherever applicable. (i) Certificate of good character from the Principal/Proctor/Dean or Professor in charge of Department of Teaching of the College or University/Institution in which last studied. (j) Two recent passport size photographs with signature on its front. All the photographs should be identical with that submitted with the short application form. NOTE 1 : Candidates claiming to be belonging to S.Cs./S.Ts./S.E.B.Cs. category by birth are required to retain with them the relevant Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed form. Candidates of SEBC category (other than Creamy Layer) must have obtained Caste Certificate issued by the competent authority within the last three years from the date of advertisement by the competent μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 7 (iv) All communications to the Commission should invariably contain the following particulars: (a) Full name of the candidate ( in Bold Capital Letters). (b) Name of the Examination. (c) Application Form Number (6 digits). (d) Roll No., if received by the candidate. NOTE : (1). No candidate will ordinarily be allowed to take the Examination unless he/she holds a certificate of admission for the Examination. On receipt of the Admission Certificate, it should be checked carefully and discrepancies/errors, if any, should be brought to the notice of the Commission immediately. (2). The candidates should note that their admission to the Examination (Preliminary/ Main/Personality Test/Interview) will be purely provisional based on the information given by them in the Application Form. This will be subject to verification of all the eligibility conditions by the Commission in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Advertisement. (3). The mere fact that a certificate of admission to the Examination has been issued to a candidate, will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the Commission or that entries made by the candidate in his/her application for the Preliminary Written Examination have been accepted by the Commission as true and correct. Candidates may note that the Commission take up the verification of eligibility conditions of a candidate, with reference to original documents, only after the candidate has qualified for Odisha Civil Services (Main) Examination. Unless candidature is formally confirmed by the Commission, it continues to be provisional. The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility or otherwise of a candidate for admission to the Examination shall be final. 15. FACILITATION COUNTER AND WEBSITE FOR GUIDANCE OF CANDIDATES :- In case of any guidance/information regarding application or candidature etc., candidates may contact the O.P.S.C. Facilitation Counter over Telephone No.0671-2304141/2305611 and Extn.- 112 & 109 on working days between 10.30 A.M. & 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. & 5.00 P.M. The candidates may also visit the Website of the Commission at http://opsc.nic.in for detailed information about the programme of the examination(s) etc. and also keep track of publication of various notices to the effect in the leading local daily newspapers for information. Cuttack DT. 17.11.2011 SPECIAL SECRETARY, CUTTACK. ODISHA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, ANNEXURE Government of Odisha Home Department Notification No.SPS/1-64/09)Pt.) 29452/SPS, Bhubaneswar, dated the 4.7.2011. In exercise of the powers conferred by Rule 20 of the Odisha Police Service, Group-A (Junior Branch) Recruitment Rule-2010, the Governor of Odisha has been pleased to prescribe regulations as in Annexure-I to regulate the Physical examination of candidates for direct recruitment to Odisha Police Service (Group-A), Junior Branch. By order of the Governor U.N. Behera Principal Secretary to Government. Memo No.29453/Bhubaneswar, dated the 4.7.2011. Copy along with copy of the Notification forwarded to the Director of Printing, Stationary and Publications, Odisha, Madhupatana, Cuttack for favour of publication in extraordinary Odisha Gazette. He is requested to supply 300 (Three Hundred) spare copies to this Department at an early date. Sd/-4.7.2011 Additional Secretary to Government. Memo No.29454/Bhubaneswar, dated the 4.7.2011. Copy along with copy of the Notification forwarded to the D.G. & I.G. of Police, Odisha, Cuttack/ the Secretary, OPSC, Cuttack for information and necessary action. Sd/-4.7.2011 Additional Secretary to Government. Memo No.29455/Bhubaneswar, dated the 4.7.2011. Copy along with copy of the Notification forwarded to all Departments of Government for information and necessary action. Sd/-4.7.2011 Additional Secretary to Government. REGULATIONS RELATING TO THE PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS OF CANDIDATES APPLYING FOR THE ODISHA POLICE SERVICE. The regulations are published for the convenience of candidates and enable them to ascertain the probability of their possessing the required physical standard. The regulations are also intended to provide guidelines to the medical examiners. The Government of Odisha reserve to themselves absolute discretion to reject or accept any candidate after considering the report of the Medical Board. PHYSICAL STANDARD: 1. To be passed as fit for appointment, a candidate must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties on this appointment. 2. (a) In the matter of co-relation of age limit, height and chest girth of candidates of India, it is left to the Medical Board to use whatever correlation figure are considered most suitable as a guide in the examination of the candidates. If there be any disproportion with regard to height, weight and chest girth, the candidates should be hospitalized for investigation and X-ray of the chest taken before the candidate is declared fit or not fit by the Board.” (b) For the Odisha Police Service minimum standard for height and chest girth without which candidates cannot be accepted, are as follows:- 3. The candidate’s height will be measured as follows: He will remove his shoes and be placed against the standard with his feet together and the weight thrown on the heels and not on the toe or other sides of the feet. He will stand erect without rigidity and with heels calves buttocks and shoulder touching the standard; the chin will be depressed to bring the vertex of the head level under the horizontal bar and the height will be recorded in centimeters and parts of a centimeter to halves. 4. The candidate’s chest will be measured as follows:- (Contd.Next Page.. ) (Contd. from prev,. Page.. ) (iv) APPLICATIONS WITHOUT FEE, PHOTOGRAPH, DECLARATION NOT SIGNED BY THE CANDIDATE, CHOICE OF CENTRES AND/OR INCOMPLETE IN ANY RESPECT WILL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. SIMILARLY, APPLICATIONS RECEIVED LATE AND FROM OVERAGED /UNDERAGED CANDIDATES WILL ALSO BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. (v) Candidates are required to keep the Short Application Form in the envelope supplied by the office after filling in the same. The candidates must take due care in handling and folding the Short Application Form. (vi) CANDIDATE SHOULD VERIFY THE FOLLOWING BEFORE MAILING/SENDING THE SHORT APPLICATION : (a) That you have used the Application Form purchased from the designated offices only. (b) That you have filled in all the relevant columns of the Application Form by blackening the appropriate circles by H.B. Pencil and also written the corresponding Code in the boxes. It may be carefully checked that there is no variation between the entries made by you by darkening the circles and those written in the accompanying boxes. (c) That you have affixed your recent photograph in black & white (unsigned and unattested) in column-18 of the Application Form. (d) That you have put your full signatures in the appropriate boxes against column-19 and 28 of the Application Form. (e) That you have filled in the Acknowledgement Card (supplied along with the Application Form) and affixed postage stamp of Rs.6/- on the appropriate place of the Card and inserted it into the Special Envelope meant for mailing your application to the Commission. (f) That in case you are required to pay Examination Fee of Rs.100/-, the Original Treasury Challan should be sent with your Application Form and inserted into the Special Envelope before sealing the envelope by gum for despatch. (g) That you have written the name of the Examination viz: “Odisha Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2011” on the Special Envelope meant for mailing the Application Form. (h) The Special Envelope should contain only three things, viz- (i) Application Form duly filled in, signed and photograph (Black & White) affixed, (ii) Original Treasury Challan/Bank Draft/Pay Order, and (iii) Acknowledgement Card duly filled in and affixed with postage stamp of Rs.6/- only. No other enclosure/documents/certifiates should be attached thereof. The aforesaid documents are not to be tagged/pinned/stitched to the Short Application Form. NOTE : (1) While filling in the Short Application Form, the candidate should carefully decide about his/her choice for the zone of Examination and the optional subject for the Preliminary Examination and Main Examination. More than one application from a candidate, giving different zones of Examination and/or optional subjects, will not be accepted in any case. Even if a candidate sends more than one completed application, the Commission will accept only one application at their discretion and the Commission’s decision in the matter shall be final. If any candidate appears at a centre/optional subject other than the one indicated by the Commission in his/her Admission Certificate, the papers of such a candidate will not be valued and his/her candidature will be liable to cancellation. (2) Since these Application Forms are to be processed in a computerized system, due care should be taken by the candidates to fill up their Short Application Forms correctly. Necessary instructions for filling up the Short Application Form may be seen in the Brochure supplied and relevant portion of the Advertisement. No column of the Short Application Form should be left blank. INCOMPLETE OR DEFECTIVE APPLICATIONS SHALL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. No representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any circumstances. (3) Candidates are not required to submit, along with their Short Application, any copy of the certificate in support of their claims regarding Age, Educational Qualifications, Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled Tribe/S.E.B.C./Ex-Serviceman/ Sportsperson or any other certificate. The relevant documents are to be submitted along with the Long Application Form for the Main Examination, if selected in the Preliminary Written Examination. (4) The candidates while applying for the Preliminary Written Examination, should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions for admission to the Examination. Their admission at all the stages of the Examinations i.e. Preliminary Written Examination, Main Written Examination and Personality Test/ Interview will be PURELY PROVISIONAL, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. If on verification at any time before or after the Preliminary Written Examination, Main Written Examination and Personality Test/Interview, it is found that they do not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions, their candidature for the Examination will be cancelled by the Commission. If any of their claims is found to be incorrect, they may render themselves liable to imposition of penalty as may be decided by the Commission in term of Rule- 18 of the Odisha Civil Services (Combined Competitive Recruitment Examination) Rules, 1991. 12. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS: Candidates are required to send their applications in prescribed form by Registered Post/Speed Post/Courier Service to the Special Secretary , O.P.S.C., 19, Dr. P.K. Parija Road, Cuttack-753001. Applications received after the closing date shall not be entertained. The Commission will not take any responsibility if the application is not received in time. The candidates may also submit their applications in closed covers in the office of Odisha Public Service Commission directly/personally on or before the last date of receipt of applications. The closed envelope containing the application must be superscribed “Application for Odisha Civil Service Examination, 2011”. The candidates submitting their applications directly/ personally at the Counter of Odisha Public Service Commission will be given proper acknowledgement receipt. 13. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF APPLICATION : On receipt of Application Form of a candidate, the Acknowledgement Card submitted by him/her along with the Application Form, will be despatched by the Commission’s Office to him/her. The mere fact that a candidate’s application has been acknowledged by the Commission, does not mean that his/her candidature for the examination has been accepted by the Commission. 14. CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE COMMISSION : The Commission will not enter into any correspondence with the candidates about their candidature except in the following cases : (i) If a candidate does not receive the Acknowledgement Card after 30 days from the last date of receipt of application, he/she should contact the Commission’s Office quoting her full name, name of examination, Application Form No.(6 digits) and Advertisement No. (ii) Admission Certificates indicating their Roll Numbers will be issued to the candidates who are admitted to the examination. The Admission Certificate will bear photographs, Roll Number of the candidates & Name of Examination Centre. If a candidate does not receive the Admission Certificate or any other communication two weeks before the commencement of the Examination, he/she should at once contact the Office of the Commission to known his/her eligibility or otherwise. The eligible candidates may download their duplicate admission certificate from the Website of the Commission and produce the same before the Centre Supervisor for admissible to the Examination Centre. (iii) It may be noted that the Admission Certificate will be issued at the address as photocopied from the Short Application Form filled up by the candidate. The candidate should, therefore, ensure that address given by him/her in the Short Application Form is correct and complete with PIN Code. μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 8 but suspects a disease of progressive and organic nature, which is likely to cause damage to the visual function should refer the candidates to a Special Ophthalmic Board for opinion as part of the first Medical Board. (b) All cases or any type of surgery on eyes, IOL, refractive corneal surgery, doubtful cases of colour defect should be referred to special Ophthalmic Board. (c) In such cases where a candidate is found to be having high myopia or high hypermetropia, the State Medical Board should immediately refer the candidates for a special Board of three Ophthalmologists constituted by the Medical Superintendent of the hospital/A.M.O. with the head of the Department of Ophthalmology of the Hospital or the senior most ophthalmologist as the Chairman of the special Board. The Ophthalmologist/Medical Officer who has conducted the preliminary ophthalmic examination con not be a part of the Special Board. The Examination by the Special Board should preferably be done on the same day. Whenever it is not possible to convene the Special Board of three Ophthalmologists on the day of the medical examination by the State Medical Board, the Special Board may be convened at an earliest possible date. The Special Ophthalmic Board may carry out detailed investigations before arriving at their decision. The Medical Board’s report may not be deemed as complete unless it includes the report of the Special Board for all such cases which are referred to it. GUIDELINE FOR REPORTING ON BORDER LINE UNFIT CASES: In border line cases of substandard visual acuity, subnormal colour vision, the test will be repeated after 15 minutes by the Board before declaring a person unfit. 7. Blood pressure: The Board will use its discretion regarding Blood Pressure. A rough method of calculating normal maximum systolic pressure is as follows:- (i) With Young subject 15-25 years of age the average is about 100 plus the age. (ii) With subjects over 25 years of age the general rule of 110 plus half the age seems quite satisfactory. N.B.- As a general rule any systolic pressure over 140 mm and diastolic over 90 mm, should be regarded as suspicious and the candidate should be hospitalized by the Board before giving their final opinion regarding the candidate’s fitness or otherwise. The hospitalization report should indicate whether the rise in blood pressure is of a transient nature due to excitement etc. or whether it is due to any organic disease. In all such cases X-ray and electrocardiographic examination of heart and blood urea clearance test should also be done as a routine. The final decision as to fitness or otherwise of a candidate will however, rest with the medical board only. Method of taking Blood Pressure The mercury manometer type of instrument should be used as a rule. The measurement should not be taken within fifteen minutes of any exercise or excitement. Provided the patient and particularly his arm is relaxed he may be either lying or sitting. The arm is supported comfortably at the patient’s side in a more or less horizontal position. The arm should be freed from the cloth to the shoulder. The cuff completely deflated should be applied with the middle of the rubber over the inner side of the arm and its lower edge an inch or two above the bend of the elbow. The following returns of cloth bandage should spread evenly over the bag to avoid bulging during Inflation. The brachial artery is located by palpitation at the bend of the elbow and the stethoscope is then applied lightly and centrally over it below but not in contact with the cuff. The cuff is inflated to about 200 mm. Hg. and then slowly deflated. The level at which he column stands when soft successive sound are heard represents the Systolic Pressure. When more air is allowed to escape the sound will be heard to increase in intensity. The level at which the well heard clear sound change to soft muffed fading sounds represents the diastolic pressure. The measurements should be taken in a fairly brief period of time as prolonged pressure of the cuff is irritating to the patient and will vitiate the reading. Rechecking if necessary should be done only a few minutes after complete deflation of the cuff. Sometimes as the cuff is deflated sounds are heard at a certain level they may disappear as pressure falls and reappear at a still lower level. This silent Gap may cause error in readings. 8. The urine (passed in the presence of the examiner) should be examined and the results recorded. Where a Medical Board finds sugar present in candidate’s urine by the usual chemical tests the Board will proceed with the examination with all its other aspects and will also specially note any signs or symptoms suggestive of diabetes. If except for the glycosuria the Board finds the candidate conforms to the standard of medical fitness required they may pass the candidate fit, subject to the glycosuria being non-diabetic and the Board will refer the case to a specified specialist in Medicine who has hospital and laboratory facilities at his disposal. The Medical Specialist will carry out whatever examinations clinical and laboratory, he considers necessary including a standard blood sugar tolerance test, and will submit his opinion to the Medical Board upon which the Medical Board will base its final opinion “fit” or “unfit”. The candidate will not be required to appear in person before the Board on the second occasion. To exclude the effect of medication it may be necessary to retain a candidate for several days in hospital under strict supervision. 9. A woman candidate who as a result of tests is found to be pregnant of 12 weeks standing or over should be declared temporarily unfit until the confinement is over. She should be re- examined for fitness certificate six weeks after the date of confinement, subject to the production of a medical certificate of fitness from a registered medical practitioner. 10. The following additional points should be observed:- (a) that the candidate’s hearing in each ear is good and that there is no sign of disease of the ear. In case it is defective the candidate should be got examined by the ear specialist; provided that if the defect in hearing is remediable by operation or by use of a hearing aid a candidate cannot be declared unfit on that account provided he/she has no progressive disease in the ear. The following are the guidelines for the medical examining authority in this regard:- (Contd. from prev,. Page.. ) He will be made to stand erect with his feet together and to raise arms over his head. The tape will be so adjusted round the chest that its upper edge touches the inferior angles of the shoulder blades behind and lies in the same horizontal plane when the tape is taken round the chest. The arms will then be lowered to hang loosely by the side and care will be taken that the shoulders are not thrown upwards or backwards so as to displace the tape. The candidate will then be directed to take a deep inspiration several times and the maximum expansion of the chest will be carefully noted and the minimum and maximum will then be recorded in centimeters 84-89, 86-93.5 etc. In recording the measurements fractions of less than half a centimeter should not be noted. N.B.- The height and chest of the candidates should be measured twice before coming to a final decision. 5. The candidate will also be weighed and his weight recorded in kilograms; fractions of half a kilogram should not be noted. 6. (a) The candidate’s eye-sight will be tested in accordance with the following rules. The result of each test will be recorded. (i) General – The candidate’s eyes will be submitted to a general examination directed to the detection of any disease or abnormality. The candidate will be rejected if he suffered from any morbid conditions of eye, eyelids or contiguous structure of such a sort as to render or are likely at future date to render him unfit for service. (ii) Visual Acuity – The examination for determining the acuteness of visions includes two tests – one for distant the other for near vision. Each eye will be examined separately. (b) There shall be no limit for maximum naked eye vision but the naked eye vision of the candidates shall however be recorded by the Medical Board or other medical authority in every case, as it will furnish the basis information in regard to the condition of the eye. (c) The following standards are prescribed for distant and near vision with or without glasses. (d) (i) The total amount of Myopia (including the cylinder) shall not exceed minus 4,00D. Total amount of Hypermetropia (including the cylinder) shall not exceed plus 4.00D. (ii) In every case of myopia fundus examination should be carried out and the results recorded. In the event of pathological condition being present which is likely to be progressive and affect the efficiency of the candidate, he/she should be declared unfit. (e) Field of vision : The field of vision shall be tested by the confrontation method. When such test gives unsatisfactory or doubtful result the field of vision should be determined on the perimeter. (f) Night Blindness: Broadly there are two types of night blindness: (1) as a result of Vitamin- A deficiency and (2) as a result of Organic disease of Retina, common cause being Retinitis Pigmentosa. In (1) the fundus is normal, generally seen in younger age group and ill nourished persons and improves by large doses of Vitamin-A. In (2) the fundus in often involved and mere fundus examination will reveal the condition in majority of cases. The patient in this category is an adult and may not suffer from malnutrition. Persons seeking employment for higher posts in the Government will fall in this category. For both (1 and (2) dark adaptation test will reveal the condition. For (2) Specially when fundus is not involved Electro-Retinography is required to be done. Both these tests (dark adaptation and retinography) are time consuming and require as a routine test in a medical check up. Because of these specialized set up, and equipment and thus are not possible as a technical considerations. It is for the Ministry/Department to indicate if these tests for night blindness are required to be done. This will depend upon the job requirement and nature of duties to be performed by the prospective Government employees. (g) Colour Vision : The testing of colour vision shall be essential. Colour perception should be graded into higher grade depending upon the size of aperture in the lantern as described in the table below: Satisfactory colour vision constitutes, recognition with ease and without hesitation of signal red, green and yellow colour. The use of Ishihara’s plates, shown in good light and a suitable Edrige Green’s lantern shall be considered quite dependable for testing colour vision. While either of the two tests may ordinarily be considered sufficient in respect of services concerned with road, rail and air traffic, it is essential to carry out the lantern test. In doubtful cases where a candidate fails to qualify when tested by only one of the two tests, both the tests should be employed. (h) Ocular condition other than visual acuity : (i) Any organic diseased or a progressive refractive error which is likely to result in lowering visual acuity, should be considered a disqualification. (ii) Squint: The presence of binocular vision is essential. Squint, even if the vision acuity in each eye is of the prescribed standard should be considered a disqualification. (iii) If a person has one eye of if he has one eye which has normal vision and the other eye is amblyopic or has subnormal vision the usual effect is that the person is lacking stereoscopic vision for perception of depth. Such vision is not necessary. (iv) Contact Lenses: During the medical examination of candidate, the use of contact lenses is not to be allowed. It is necessary that when conducting eye test the illumination of the typed letters for distant vision should have an illumination of 15 foot-candles. GUIDELINES FOR SPECIAL OPHTHALMIC BOARD Special Ophthalmic Board for eye examination shall consist of 3 Ophthalmologists: (a) Cases where the Medical Board has recorded visual function within normal prescribed limits (Contd.Next Page.. ) μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 9 (b) That his speech is without impediment; (c) That his teeth are in good order and that he is provided with dentures where necessary for effective mastication (well filled teeth will be considered as sound); (d) That the chest is well formed and his chest expansion sufficient and that the hearts and lungs are sound; (e) That there is no evidence of any abdominal disease; (f) That he is not ruptured; (g) That he does not suffer from hydrocele, varicose veins or piles; (h) That his limbs, hands and feet are well formed and developed and that there is free and perfect motion of all joints; (i) That he does not suffer from any inveterate skin disease; (j) That there is no congenital malformation or defect; (k) That he does not bear traces or acute or chronic disease pointing to an impaired constitution; (l) That he bears marks of efficient vaccination; and (m) That he is free from communicable disease. 11. Radiographic examination of the chest of candidate for detecting any abnormality of the heart and lungs which may not be apparent by ordinary physical examination will be done at the time when he is called for the Personality Test by the Odisha Public Service Commission. The decision of the Chairman of the State Standing Medical Board (conducting the medical examination of the concerned candidate) about the fitness of the candidate shall be final. In case of doubt regarding health of a candidate the Chairman of the Medical Board may consult a suitable Hospital specialist to decide the issue of fitness or unfitness of the candidate for Government Service e.g. if a candidate is suspected to be suffering from any mental defect or aberration the Chairman of the Board may consult a Hospital Psychiatrist/Psychologist etc. When any defect is found it must be noted in the certificate and the medical examiner should state his opinion whether or not it is likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties which will be required of the candidate. 12. The candidate filling an appeal against the decision of the Medical Board have to deposit an appeal fee of Rs.100.00 in such manner as may be prescribed by the Government of India in this behalf. This fee would be refunded if the candidate is declared fit by the Appellate Medical Board. The candidates may, if they like enclose medical certificate in support of their claim of being fit. Appeals should be submitted with in 21 days of the date of the communication in which the decision of the Medical Board is communicated to the candidates otherwise request for second medical examination by an Appellate Medical Board will not be entertained. The Medical Examination by the Appellate Medical Board would be arranged at Cuttack only and no traveling allowance or daily allowance will be admissible for the journeys performed in connection with the medical examination. Necessary action to arrange medical examination by Appellate Medical Boards would be taken by the General Administration Department on receipt of appeal accompanied by the prescribed fee. MEDICAL BOARD’S REPORT The following intimation is made for the guidance of the Medical Examination:- 1. The standard of physical fitness to be adopted should make due allowance for the age and length of service, if any of the candidate concerned. No person will be deemed qualified for admission to the public service who shall not satisfy Government or appointing authority as the case may be that he has no disease constitutional affliction, or bodily infirmity, unfitting him or likely to unfit him for that Service. It should be understood that the question of fitness involves the future as well as present and that one of the main objects of medical examinations is to secure continuous effective service and in the case of candidates for permanent appointment to prevent early pension or payments in case of pre-mature death. It is at the same time to be noted that the question is one of the likelihood of continuous effective service and the rejection of a candidate need not be advised on account of the presence of a defect which is only a small proportion of cases is found to interfere with continuous effective service. A Lady Doctor will be co-opted as a member of the Medical Board whenever a women candidate is to be examined. The report of the Medical Board should be treated as confidential. In case where a candidate is declared unfit for appointment in the Government Service the ground for rejection may be communicated to the candidate in broad terms without giving minute details regarding the defects pointed out by the Medical Board. In case where a Medical Board considers that minor disability disqualifying a candidate for Government Service can be cured by treatment (medical or surgical) a statement to the effect should be recorded by the Medical Board. There is no objection to a candidate being informed of the Board’s opinion to the effect by the appointing authority and when a cure has been effected it will be open to the authority concerned to ask for another Medical Board. In the case of candidate who are to be declared “Temporarily Unfit” the period specified for re-examination should not ordinarily exceed six months at the maximum. On re-examination after the specified period these candidates should not be declared temporarily unfit for a further period but a final decision in regard to their fitness for appointment or otherwise should be given. (a) Candidate’s statement and declaration- The candidate must make the statement required below prior to his Medical Examination and must sign the Declaration appended thereto. His attention is specially directed to the warning contained in the Note below:- Candidate’s signature Signed in my presence Signature of the Chairman of the Board. PROFORMA (b) Report of the Medical Board on (name of candidate) Physical Examination. 1. General development : Good ……………………. Fair……………………… Poor…………………… Nutrition : thin ………………………Average…………………. Obese ……………………Height(without shoes)…………….Weight…………………. Best Weight……………… when………………………any recent changes in weight ………………. Temperature…………………………… Girth of chest : (1) After full inspiration – (2) After full expiration – 2. Skin : Any obvious disease. 3. Eyes :- (1) Any disease …………………………………. (2) Night blindness ……………………………. (3) Defect in colour vision ………………..…. (4) Field of vision………………………………. (5) Visual acuity……………………………….. (6) Fundus examination……………………… (Contd.Next Page.. ) (Contd. from prev,. Page.. ) μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 10 4. Ears – Inspection ………………………..Hearing : Right Ear…………………………. Left Ear ………………………….. 5. Glands …………………………Thyroid ………………………… 6. Condition of teeth ……………………………….. 7. Respiratory system : Does physical examination Reveal anything abnormal in the respiratory organs…………………… If yes, explain fully……………………………………………………………… 8. Circulatory System : (a) Heart : Any Organic Lesions …………………. Rates standing…………… After hopping 25 times……………………2 minutes after hopping………. (b) Blood Pressure : Systolic ……………………Diastolic…………………………. 9. Abdomen : Girth…………………. Tenderness…………………. Hernia………………. (a) Palpable Liver…………. Spleen………………….. Kidneys………………… Tumors………………… Hemorrhoids……….. Fistula ………………… 10. Nervous System indication of nervous or mental disabilities ……………… 11. Loco Motor System : Any abnormality …………………………………………. 12. Genito Urinary System : Any evidence of Hydrocele, Varicocele etc. Urine Analysis : (a) Physical appearance …………… (b) Sp. Gr………………………… (c) Albumen……………… (d) Sugar……………………………… (e) Casts ………………………………………….. (f) Cells …………………………………………… 13. Is there anything in the health of the candidate likely to render him unfit for the efficient discharge of his duties in the service for which he is a candidate? Note :- In the case of female candidate, if it is found that she is pregnant of 12 weeks standing or over, she would be declared temporarily unfit vide Regulation-9. 14. (i) State the service for which the candidate has been examined. (ii) Has he/she been found qualified in all respects, for the efficient and continuous discharges of his/her duties in Odisha Police Service. (iii)Is the candidate fit for FIELD SERVICE? 15. Chest X-Ray Examination. Note : The Board should record their findings under one of the following three categories:- (i) Fit………………………………… (ii) Unfit on account of …………………… (iii) Temporarily unfit on account of ……………….. Place Signature Chairman Member Member Date Seal of the Medical Board. Syllabi for the Orissa Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination (Subject-wise) SYLLABUS FOR ORISSA CIVIL SERVICES (PRELIMINARY) EXAMINATION GENERAL STUDIES The nature and standard of questions in this paper will be such that a welleducated person will be able to answer them without any specialized study. The questions will be such as to test a candidate’s general awareness of a variety of subjects, which will have relevance for a career in Civil Services. General Science Current events and developments of national and international importance. History of India and Indian National Movement. Indian and World Geography Indian Polity and Economy. General Mental Ability. General Science : 1. Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of everyday observation and experience, as may be expected of a well educated person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific discipline. 2. Questions also may be set covering facts relating to modern important scientific discoveries and prominent Indian Scientists and their contributions. Current events and Developments of national and international importance. In current events knowledge of significant state, national and international events will be tested. History of India and Indian National Movement 1. In History of India emphasis will be on; a) General understanding on social, economic and political history of India. b) General understanding of socio-cultural and political history of Orissa. 2. Indian National Movement. a) Nature and character of the 19th century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of independence. b) Freedom movement in Orissa, Oriya nationalism and Formation of Orissa Province. Indian and World Geography – Emphasis will be on Geography of India and Orissa. Questions are to be set on the following; 1. Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India. 2. Main features of Indian agriculture and natural resources. 3. Natural resources of Orissa – Water, Forest and Minerals. 4. Natural disasters in Orissa, - Flood and Cyclone. Indian Polity and Economy – Questions on Indian polity and economy will test the candidate’s knowledge on the following; 1. Indian Political system and Constitution of India. 2. Social system and economic development in India. 3. Local self Government – Urban and Rural Bodies in Orissa. 4. Orissa’s economic development during the Plan periods; Agriculture, Industry, Social Sector. General Mental Ability: The candidates will be tested on reasoning and analytical abilities. AGRICULTURE: Agriculture, its importance in national economy. Factors determining agroecological zones and geographic distribution of crop plants. Importance of crop plants, cultural practices for cereal, pulses, oilseed, fibre, sugar, tuber and fodder crops. Crop rotation, multiple and relay cropping, intercropping and mixed cropping. Dryfaming techniques. Organic farming. Soil as a medium of plant growth and its composition, mineral and organic constituents of the soil and their role in crop production; chemical, physical and biological properties of soils. Essential plant nutrients - their functions, occurrence, cycling in soils. Soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious fertilizer use. Organic manures and bio-fertilizers, inorganic fertilizers, integrated nutrient management. Principles of plant physiology - plant nutrition, absorption, translocation and metabolism of nutrients. Diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies and their amelioration, photosynthesis, respiration, growth and development. Plant growth regulators. Cell and cell organells. Cell division and reproductive cycle. Principles of genetics, geneinteraction, sex determination, linkage and recombination, mutation, extra chromosomal inheritance, polyploidy. Origin and domestication of crop plants. Biodiversity - genetic resources conservation and utilization. Genetic basis of plant breeding - pureline selection, mass selection, male sterility and incompatibility and their use in plant breeding. Pedigree and back-cross methods of selection. Heterosis and its exploitation. Genetic engineering. Development of hybrids, composites and synthetics. Important varieties, hybrids, composites and synthetics of major crops. Seeds and seed-production techniques. Important fruit and vegetable crops of India. Method of propagation– sexual and asexual. Package and practices of fruits and vegetables. Crop rotation, intercropping, companion crops, role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition. Post-harvest handling and processing of fruits and vegetables. Landscaping and ornamental horticulture, commercial floriculture. Medicinal and aromatic plants. High-tech horticulture. Pests and diseases affecting major crops. Principles of control of crop pests and diseases. Integrated pest management. Use and maintenance of plant protection equipments. Mushroom cultivation and bee keeping. Principles of economics as applied to agriculture. Farm planning and optimum resource–use efficiency and maximization of income and employment. Farm systems and their spatial distribution, their significant role in regional economic development. Intellectual property right in agriculture. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING Part – A 1. Surveying: Chain survey, compass survey, plane table survey, contour survey, estimation of area and volume of earth work. 2. Fluid mechanics: Fluid properties, types of flow and their properties, forces on plane and curved surfaces, stability of floating and submerged bodies, importance of Reynold’s number, Froude number in fluid flow phenomena, Chezy’s and Manning formula in design of flow channels. 3. Irrigation: Importance of irrigation in agriculture, soil- water-plant relationship, estimation of irrigation requirement of crops, irrigation efficiencies, types of irrigation, irrigation scheduling and on-farm-water management, types of pumps for irrigation and their criteria for selection, concept of participatory irrigation management and its advantages over traditional system. 4 Drainage: Drainage needs for crop production, types of drainage systems – surface drainage, subsurface drainage, vertical drainage and bio-drainage, laying of drainage system in cropped field, hydraulic conductivity and its measurement for drainage planning. 5. Surface hydrology : Hydrologic cycle, measurements of rainfall, evaporation and infiltration, estimation of runoff and factors affecting runoff. Basic, unit and complex hydrograph and their properties. 6. Ground water Hydrology: Occurrence of ground water and its movement, geologic formations and their properties in relation to availability of ground water, ground water investigation, ground water estimation and artificial recharge, types of wells and their hydraulics, method of construction of different types of wells including well development, augmentation of well yield, factors affecting drawdown in wells, quality of ground water for irrigation. 7. Soil erosion and biological control measures: Importance of soil conservation in crop production, problems of soil erosion in Orissa, types of soil erosion and their control – biological control like contour farming, strip cropping, buffer strip cropping, inter cropping, mulching. 8. Soil erosion by mechanical control measures: Mechanical control measures like contour bunding, graded bunding, bench terracing under different land situation. Gully control measures, vegetated water ways. 9. Watershed management: Importance of watershed management in rainfed and dry land areas, prioritization of watershed for treatment, land capability classification and crop planning in watersheds, water harvesting and recycling for crop production. 10. Farm structures : Planning of farmstead, farm house, farm road, farm fencing, farm gate, dairy farm, poultry house. Part - B 1. Different sources of Farm power:- Human and Animal power, Mechanical power, Electrical power, power from water. Different types of engines and engine parts. 2. Renewable sources of energy:- Energy from biomass, wind energy, types of wind mills & rotors, solar energy, geothermal, ocean thermal, tidal and wave energy, photovoltaic cells, Solar cookers, solar collectors and solar dryers. 3. Non renewable sources of energy :- Energy from petroleum fuels, coal, natural gas etc. 4. Land preparation equipments :- Tillage & tilth, Primary tillage and primary tillage tools, secondary, tillage and secondary tillage tools, land levellers and graders, earth moving equipment and bulldozers. 5. Puddling :- D e finition of puddling, objectives of puddling, puddling index, methods of puddling and types of puddlers. 6. Seed drills and planters :- Difference between broad casting, seed drilling and planting types of seed drills and planters. Planting methods, calibration of seed drills and planters. Types of metering devices. 7. Manure and fertilizer application: Types and methods of application of manures and fertilizers. Types of manure and fertilizer application, metering devices. 8. Plant protection equipments : Different types of sprayers and dusters, spray patterm, MMD and VMD. Different types of dusters. 9. Harvesting : Different types of sickles, mowers, reapers and combines, different losses in combine, root crop and fruit crop harvesting equipments, threshing and winnowing methods, different types of threshers and winnowers. 10. Grading and transportation : Purpose of grading, different types of graders, grading methods, value addition, bullock cart, tractor and power tillers with trolley. Part - C 1. Psychometrics : Different terminology in psychometrics and its relevance to agricultural products and its processing. 2. Moisture Content: Importance of moisture content. Various methods of determination of moisture contents in cereals, pulses, oil seeds. 3. Drying : Drying of cereals, pulses, oil seeds, methods of drying and types of dryers and fuels used for dryers. Design of dryer. 4. Grain Processing: Unit operations, processing of cereals, oil seeds and pulses, working principles of equipments for milling, mixing, cleaning and grading. 5. Storage of Grains: Storage parameters for grains. Different types of storage structures and material used for same. 6. Processing of fruits & vegetables: Properties of fruits and vegetables, process parameters and equipments for sorting, washing, handling, pealing, slicing, blanching, mixing and handling, chilling, packaging, transportation, storage and preservation. 7. Dairy Engineering :Various dairy and food processing systems, working principle of equipments for receiving milk, pasteurization, sterilization, homogenization, bottle filling, butter manufacturing. Evaporation, drying, freezing. 8. By-product utilization : Properties of husk from rice and its utilization for fuel and manufacturing of other items. Utilization of other by-products from coconut, groundnut, (Contd. from prev,. Page.. ) (Contd.Next Page.. ) μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 11 cashew nut, sugarcane and fruits and vegetables etc. 9. Process equipment Design : Design parameters, codes and material selection. Design of handling and milling equipments, dryers, heat exchangers, pressure vessels. 10 Food science: Major nutrients serving as food for living cells, Biochemical changes during ripening and storage of fruits, grains, milk and milk products. Types of micro organisms – Algae, fungi, bacteria and viruses. Multiplication of bacteria, control of bacterial growth, pathogenic bacteria, food contaminations. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND VETERINARY SCIENCE Animal Husbandry: 1. General : Role of Livestock in Indian Economy with special reference to Orissa, and human health. Mixed farming. Climatic zones and livestock distribution. Socio- economic aspects of livestock enterprise with special reference to women. 2. Genetics and Breeding : Principles of genetics, chemical nature of DNA and RNA and their models and functions. Recombinant DNA technology, transgenic animals, multiple ovulation and embryo- transfer. Cytogenetics, immunogenetics and biochemical polymorphism and their application in animal improvement. Gene actions. Systems and strategies for improvement of livestock for egg, milk, meat and wool production. Breeding strategies for improving drought animals. Breeding of animals for disease resistance. Breeds of livestock, poultry and rabbits. Conservation of breeds. 3. Nutrition : Role of nutrition in animal health and production. Classification of feeds, Proximate composition of feeds, feeding standards, computation of rations. Ruminant and non- ruminant nutrition. Concepts of total digestible nutrients and starch equivalent systems. Significance of energy determinations. Conservation of feeds and fodder and utilization of agro by-products. Feed supplements and additives. Nutritional deficiencies and their management. 4. Management : Systems of housing and management of livestock, poultry and rabbits. Farm records. Economics of livestock, poultry and rabbit farming. Clean milk production. Veterinary hygiene with reference to water, air and habitation. Sources of water and standards of potable water. Purification of water. Air changes and thermal comfort. Drainage systems and effluent disposal. Biogas. 5. Animal Production : (a) Artificial insemination, fertility and sterility. Reproductive physiology, semen characteristics and preservation. Sterility, its causes and remedies. (b) Meat, egg and wool production. Methods of slaughter of meat animals, meat inspection, judgment, carcass characteristics, adulteration and its detection, processing and preservation.; Meat products, quality control and nutritive value. By-products. Physiology of egg production, nutritive value, grading of eggs, preservation, packaging, transportation and marketing. 6. Veterinary Science : (i) Major contagious diseases affecting cattle, buffaloes, horses, sheep and goats, pigs, poultry, rabbits and pet animals. Etiology, symptoms, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and control of major bacterial, viral, rickettsial and parasitic infections. (ii) Description, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the following : (a) Production diseases of milch animals, pig and poultry. (b) Deficiency diseases of livestock and birds. (c) Poisonings due to infected/ contaminated foods and feeds, chemicals and drugs. 7. Principles of immunization and vaccination : Different types of immunity, antigens and antibodies. Methods of immunization. Breakdown of immunity, vaccines and their use in animals. Zoonoses, Food borne infections and intoxications, occupation hazards 8. (a) Poisons used for killing animals. Euthanasia. (b) Drugs used for increasing production/performance efficiency, and their adverse effects. (c) Drugs used to tranquilize wild animals as well as animals in captivity. (d) Quarantine measures in India and abroad. Act, Rules and Regulations. 9. Dairy Science : Physicochemical and nutritional properties of milk. Quality assessment of milk and milk products, Common tests and legal standards. Cleaning and sanitation of dairy equipment. Milk collections, chilling, transportation, processing, packaging, storage and distribution. Manufacture of cream, butter, cheese, ice-cream, condensed and dried milk, by products and Indian milk products. Unit operations in dairy plant. Role of micro organisam in quality of milk and milk products. Physiology of milk secretion. ANTHROPOLOGY: I. BASIC CONCEPTS: Biological/Physical Anthropology, Social/Cultural Anthropology, Prehistoric Archaeology/Palaeo Anthropology, Economic Anthropology, Visual Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, Forensic Anthropology, Cognitive Anthropology. II. KEY TERMINIOLOGIES AND DEFINITIONS: Culture, Culture Trait, Culture Complex, Culture Pattern, Culture Area, Acculturation, Enculturation, Society, Community, Group, Institution, Association, Band, Tribe, Caste, Animism, Shamanism, III. SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Marriage, Family, Kinship, Clan, Moiety, Phratry, Lineage, Dormitory. Society, Culture and personality; Status and Role; Mechanical Solidarity and Organic Solidarity, Anthropology of Religion, Science of Mythology, Applied Anthropology, Social Stratification. IV. PLESITOCENE PERIOD AND PREHISTORIC CULTURE:Geological and Archaeological Time Scale, Ice Age (causes & effects). Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Cultures. Tool Types and Techniques. V. EVOLUTION: Organic Evolution: Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo Darwinism and Synthetic Theory. Human Evolution:Palaeontological Evidences - Australopithecinae, Homo Erectus, Neanderthal Man, Cro Magnon, Chancelade, Grimaldi. VI. MAN’S PHYLOGENETIC POSITION: Man as a Primate, Anthropoidea, Hominoidea, Hominidae and Homo sapiens. VII. HUMAN VARIATION: Concept of Race; Major Races, their characteristic features and distribution. Causes of variation. VIII. ANTHROPOLOGICAL GENETICS: Concept of Gene, Chromosome, Hereditary Trait & their transmission, Genetic Variation in population. IX. CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS AND PROTECTIVE LEGISLATION FOR STs AND SCs Definition of Tribe, Caste, their Characteristic features, constitutional safeguard. MADA, Cluster Approach, Tribal Sub Plan, ITDA, Primitive Tribe. Problems of the Tribals and Welfare Measures for them. X. ANTHROPOLOGICAL THOUGHT Natural Science Ideals in Anthropology; Humanistic Tradition in Anthropology; Anthropology, History and Natural history. XI. THEORIES IN ANTHROPOLOGY: Evolutionism, Diffusionism, Neo Evolutionism, Functionalism,; Structural – Functionalism, Structuralism. XII. METHODOLOGY IN ANTHROPOLOGY: Cultural Relativism, Methods of Comparision of Anthropology, Emic and Etic approaches, Holistic Approaches in Anthropology, Unity and Diversity in Indian Society, Social Mobility and Social Change. BOTANY: 1. Cell Biology : Structure and function of cell wall and extra-cellular matrix, Cell membrane, Cytoplasmic organelles, Nucleus, Nucleolus, Chromosomes, Cell cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis, Regulation of cell cycle. 2. Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution : Laws of inheritance, Linkage and crossing over, Genetic mapping, Structural and numerical changes in chromosomes, Gene mutation and its molecular basis, Sex-determination, Sex-linked inheritance, Structure of nucleic acids, DNA replication, Gene expression - Transcription, Translation, Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes. Origin of earth and origin of life, Theories of organic evolution, Molecular basis of evolution. 3. Biotechnology : Plant cell, tissue and organ culture, Protoplast culture and somatic hybridization, Genetic engineering - Restriction enzymes and recombinant DNA technology, Biotechnology in agri-horticulture (Role of genetic engineering in crop improvement), Medicine and industry, Biofertizer and biopesticides. 4. Plant Diversity : Classical, Five-kingdom and Three-domain, classification, General characteristic features of Viruses, Bacteria, Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms, Nomenclature and classification of flowering plants, Modern approaches in plant taxonomy. 5. Plant Physiology: Concept of water potential, Diffusion, Osmosis, Absorption of water, Ascent of sap, Transpiration; Ion uptake, Active and passive uptake of solutes; Phloem transport; Nitrogen metabolism - Biological nitrogen fixation, Assimilation of nitrate and ammonia. 6. Plant Biochemistry : Enzymes – Nature, Classification, Properties, Kinetics, Mode of action, Allosteric enzymes; Photosynthesis – Light and Dark reaction (C3, C4 and CAM cycles), Photophosphorylation; Respiration – Glycolysis, Fermentation, Oxidative phosphorylation; Photorespiration; Role of isotopes in biochemical studies. 7. Growth, Reproduction and Seed Biology : Dynamics of growth, Growth movements, Growth substances, Photomorphogenesis, Physiology of flowering - photoperiodism and vernalization. Vegetative, asexual and sexual methods of reproduction, Pollination and fertilization, Sexual incompatibility, Development, structure, dormancy and germination of seeds. 8. Plant Pathology : Diseases of rice, wheat, sugarcane, potato, mustard, groundnut and cotton crops. Factors affecting infection (host factors, pathogen factors, biotic factors like rhizosphere and phyllosphere organisms); Chemical, biological and genetic methods of disease control. 9. Plant and Environment : Biotic and abiotic components, Ecological adaptations, Types of vegetational zones and forests of India. Deforestation, afforestation, social forestry and plant introduction; Soil erosion, wasteland reclamation; Environmental pollution and its control (including phytoremediation); Bioindicators, Global warming. 10. Biodiversity, Plant Genetic Resources: Methods of conservation of plant genetic resources and its importance, Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD), Endangered, threatened and endemic taxa. Role of cell/tissue culture in propagation and enrichment of genetic diversity, Plants as sources of food, fodder, forage, fibres, oils, drugs, wood and timber, paper, rubber, beverages, spices, essential oils and resins, gums, dyes, insecticides, pesticides and ornamentation; Biomass as a source of energy. CHEMISTRY Section-A (Inorganic Chemistry) 1.1 Atomic structure : Schrodinger wave equation, significance of Ø and ز Quantum numbers and their significance, radial and angular probability, shapes of orbitals, relative energies of atomic orbitals as a function of atomic number. Electronic configurations of elements; Aufbau principle, Hund's multiplicity rule, Pauli’s exclusion principle. 1.2 Chemical periodicity : Periodic classification of elements, salient characteristics of s,p,d and f block elements. Periodic trends of atomic radii, ionic radii, ionisation potential, electron affinity and electronegativity in the periodic table. 1.3 Chemical bonding : Types of bonding, overlap of atomic orbitals, sigma and pi bonds, hydrogen and metallic bonds. Shapes of molecules, bond order, bond length, V.S.E.P.R. theory and bond angles. The concept of hybridization and shapes of molecules and ions. 1.4 Oxidation states and oxidation number : Oxidation and reduction, oxidation numbers, common redox reactions, ionic equations. Balancing of equations for oxidation and reduction reactions. 1.5 Acids and bases : Bronsted and Lewis theories of acids and bases. Hard and soft acids and bases. HSAB principle, relative strengths of acids and bases and the effect of substituents and solvents on their strength. 1.6 Chemistry of elements : (i) Hydrogen: Its unique position in the periodic table, isotopes, ortho and para hydrogen, industrial production, heavy water. (ii) Chemistry of s and p block elements : electronic configuration, general characteristics properties, inert pair effect, allotropy and catenation. Special emphasis on solutions of alkali and alkaline earth metals in liquid ammonia. Preparation, properties and structures of boric acid, borates, boron nitrides, borohydride (diborane), carboranes, oxides and oxyacids of nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur and chlorine; interhalogen compounds, polyhalide ions, pseudohalogens, fluorocarbons and basic properties of halogens. Chemical reactivity of noble gases, preparation, structure and bonding of noble gas compounds. (iii) Chemistry of d block elements: Transition metals including lanthanides, general characteristic properties, oxidation states, magnetic behaviour, colour. First row transition metals and general properties of their compounds (oxides, halides and sulfides) lanthanide contraction. 1.7 Extraction of metals : Principles of extraction of metals as illustrated by sodium, magnesium, aluminium, iron, nickel, copper, silver and gold. 1.8 Nuclear Chemistry : Nuclear reactions; mass defect and binding energy, nuclear fission and fusion. Nuclear reactors; radioisotopes and their applications. 1.9 Coordination compounds : IUPAC Nomenclature, isomerism and theories of coordination compounds and their role in nature and medicine. 1.10 Pollution and its control : Air pollution, types of air pollutants; control of air and water pollution; radioactive pollution. Section-B (Organic Chemistry): 2.1 Bonding and shapes of organic molecules : Electronegativity, electron displacements, inductive, mesomeric and hyperconjugative effects; bond polarity and bond polarizability, dipole moments of organic molecules; hydrogen bond; effects of solvent and structure on dissociation constants of acids and bases; bond formation, fission of covalent bonds : homolysis and heterolysis; reaction intermediates-carbocations, carbanions, Benzynes, Arynes, Enamines, free radicals and carbenes; generation, geometry and stability; nucleophiles and electrophiles. 2.2 Chemistry of aliphatic compounds: Nomenclature; alkenes-synthesis, reactions (free radical halogenation) -- reactivity and selectivity, sulfonation, detergents; cycloalkanes, Baeyer's strain theory; alkenes and alkynes, synthesis, electrohilic addition reactions, Markownikov's rule, peroxide effects, 1- 3 -dipolar addition; nucleophilic addition to electron-deficient alkenes; polymerisation; relative acidity; synthesis and reactions of alkyl halides, alkanols, alkanals, alkanones, alkanoic acids, esters, amides, nitriles, amines, acid anhydrides, R ßunsaturated ketones, ethers and nitro compounds. 2.3 Stereochemistry of carbon compounds : Elements of symmetry, chiral and achiral compounds. Fischer projection formulae; optical isomerism of lactic and tartaric acids, enantiomerism and diastereoisomerism; configuration (relative and absolute); conformations of alkanes upto four carbons, cyclohexane and dimethylcyclohexanes-their potential energy. D, L-and R, S-notations of compounds containing chiral centres; projection formulae-Fischer, Newman and sawhorse of compounds containing two adjacent chiral centres; meso and dl-isomers, erythro and threo isomers; racemization and resolution; examples of homotopic, enantiotopic and diasteretopic atoms and groups in organic compounds, geometrical isomers; E and Z notations. Stereochemistry of SN1, SN2, E1 and E2 reactions. 2.4 Organometallic compounds : Preparation and synthetic uses of Grignard reagents, organo lithium compounds. 2.5 Active methylene compounds : Diethyl malonate, ethylacetoacetate, ethylcyanoacetate, applications in organic synthesis; tautomerism (keto- enol). 2.6 Chemistry of aromatic compounds : Aromaticity; Huckel's rule; electrophilic aromatic substitution : nitration, sulfonation, halogenation (nuclear and side chain), Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation, substituents effect; chemistry and reactivity of aromatic halides, phenols, nitro- , diazo-, diazonium-and sulfonic acid derivatives, benzyne reactions. 2.7 Chemistry of biomolecules : (i) Carbohydrates : Classification, reactions, structure of glucose, D, L- configuration, osazone formation; fructose and sucrose; step-up and step-down of aldoses and ketoses, and their interconversions, (ii) Amino acdis : Essential amino acids; zwitterions, isoelectric point, polypeptides; proteins; methods of synthesis of amino acids. (iii) Elementary idea of oils, fats, soaps and detergents. 2.8 Basic principles and applications of UV, visible, IR and NMR spectroscopy of simple organic molecules. Section-C (Physical Chemistry): 3.1 Gaseous state : Deviation of real gases from the equation of state for an ideal gas, van der Waals and Virial equation of state, critical phenomena, principle of corresponding states, equation for reduced state. Liquefaction of gases, distribution of molecular speed, collisions between molecules in a gas; mean free path, speicific heat of gases 3.2 Thermodynamics : (i) First law and its applications: Thermodynamic systems, states and (Contd.Next Page.. ) (Contd. from prev,. Page.. ) μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 12 bacteriological analysis, water borne diseases, standards for potable water. Intake of water: Types of intake structures, pumping and gravity schemes, water treatment: principles of coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation; slow, rapid, pressure, filters; chlorination, softening, removal of taste, odour and salinity. Water storage and distribution: storage and balancing reservoir types, location and capacity. Distribution systems: layout, hydraulics of pipe lines, pipe fittings, valves including check and pressure reducing valves, meters, analysis of distribution systems, leak detection, maintenance of distribution systems, pumping stations and their operations. Sewerage systems: Domestic and industrial wastes, storm sewage-separate and combined systems, flow through sewers, design of sewers, sewer appurtenances, manholes, inlets, junctions, siphon. Plumbing in buildings. Sewage characterisation: BOD, COD, solids, dissolved oxygen, nitrogen and TOC. Standards of disposal in normal water course and on land. Sewage treatment: Working principles, units, grit chamber, sedimentation tank, trickling filters, oxidation ponds, activated sludge process, septic tank, disposal of sludge, recycling of waste water. Construction Management : Elements and principles of Activity on Arrow (AOA) and Activity on Node (AON) networks and work breakdown structure. Interfaces. Ladder networks. Activity time. Time computations and floats. ATC and PTC trade-off. Work study and sampling. Scheduling principles-material schedules. ABC and EOQ analysis of inventory. Budgeting with barcharts. Working capital, CPM and PERT, probability of completion. Elements of Engineering Economics, methods of appraisal, present worth, annual cost, benefit-cost, incremental analysis. Economy of scale and size. Choosing between alternatives including levels of investments. Project profitability. COMMERCE & ACCOUNTANCY PART – I Accounting and Auditing: Unit-I - Conceptual Analysis Nature, Scope and objective of accounting - Accounting as an information system, Users of Accounting Information. Generally Accepted Principles of Accounting – The Accounting Equation, Accrual concept – Other concepts and conventions. Unit-II - Capital and Revenue : Classification of receipts, Classification of payments, Classification of Incomes, Classification of expenditure as capital and Revenue. Unit-III - Accounting Standards : Accounting standards relating to Fixed Assets, Accounting standards relating to Depreciation, Accounting standard relating to Inventory and relating to Recognition of Revenue. Unit-IV - Accounting for Finalisation of Accounts : Final Accounts of sole proprietors, Final accounts of partnership firms, Final accounts of limited companies (statutory provisions) Unit-V - Provisions and Reserves : Nature & Types of Reserves, Provisions and Funds. Unit-VI - Accounting for Non-Profit Making Organizations : Accounting for non-profit making organizations such as Clubs, Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Charitable Institutions. Unit-VII- Accounting for Partnership Firms : Accounting problems relating to Admission and Retirement of a partner and Dissolution of firms. Unit-VIII - Accounting for Shares and Debentures : Issues and Forfeiture of Shares, Issue of Debentures, Treatment of Convertible Debentures. Redemption of Debentures. Unit-IX - Financial Statement Analysis.: Ratio Analysis relating to liquidity, solvency and profitability, Importance of Return On Investment (ROI) ratio in evaluating the performance of business entity. Unit – X - Funds Analysis : Statement of sources and application of funds and cash flow statement. Unit – XI - Auditing : Nature, objective, principles and techniques, planning an audit,(Audit programme, working papers and audit process), Evaluation of Internal Controls, Internal and management audit. Unit-XII - Cost Accounting : Cost concepts and classification, Elements of cost and Computation of total cost. PART – II Business Organization and Management Unit – I - Forms of Organisation : Distinctive features of different forms of business organizations, sole proprietorship, partnership – Characteristics, Registration, Partnership deed, Rights and Duties, Retirement, Dissolution. Unit – II - Corporate and other forms of Organisation : Joint Stock Company - Concept, Characteristics, Types Co-operative and State ownership forms of organization. Unit – III - Securities : Types of securities (Equity shares, Preference shares, Debentures/Bonds) Methods of issue of equity shares - Public Issue, Private Placement, Right Issue, Bonus Issue. Unit – IV - Capital Market : Economic functions of the capital market (Stock Exchange), Concept and functions of Mutual Funds, Control and regulation of capital market (SEBI). Unit – V - Business Combinations : Nature and Types of Combinations, Reasons of Combinations, Pools, Cartels, Trade Associations, Chambers of Commerce. Problems of modernization of Industrial Enterprises, Social responsibility of business. Unit – VI - Foreign Trade : Procedure of Import and Export, Financing of Import and Export,Incentives for export promotion. Unit – VII - Insurance : Principles and Practice of Life, Fire, Marine and General Insurance. Unit-VIII - Management Function : Planning – Strategies; Organising, levels of authority, staffing, line and staff function, Organization structure - centralization and decentralization, Delegation of Authority, Span of Control, Management by Objective (MBO), Management by Exception(MBE). Co-ordination – Concepts, Types and Methods. Leadership. Communication. Motivation. Direction – Principles and Strategies. Control – Principles, Performance standards, Corrective action. Unit – IX - Office Management and Management of Change : Office Management – Scope and principles, systems and routines Handling of records, modern aids to office management, office equipment and machines Automation and personal computers, Impact of Organization and Methods (O & M). Crisis Management. Unit – X - Company Law : Joint Stock Companies - Incorporation, documents and formalities, Doctrine of Indoor Management and Constructive Notice. Duties and powers of the Board of Directors of a Company. Unit – XI - Accounts and Audit : Law relating to Accounts and Audit of Companies. Unit – XII - Company Secretary : Role, functions, qualifications and appointment of Company Secretary. ECONOMICS Part-I General Economics: 1) Micro-economics : (a) Production Function : laws of returns and returns to scale Isoquants, Costs and Supply; (b) Consumption and Demand : Elasticity concepts (c) Market Structure and conditions of equilibrium; (d) Determination of prices under Perfect Competition, Monopoly and Monopolistic Competition ; (e) Theory of Distribution : Marginal Productivity Theory (f) Elementary concepts of Welfare Economics : Consumer’s Surplus, Private and Social Products; Pareto-optimality. 2) Macro-economics : (a) National Income Concepts; (b) Determinants of National Income and Employment (c) Determinants of Consumption, Savings and Investment (d) Rate of Interest and its determination 3) Money, Banking and Public Finance : (a) Concepts of Money and measures of money supply; (b) Banks and credit creation; Banks and portfolio management. (c) Central Bank and control over money supply (d) Inflation, its causes and remedies. (e) Public Finance: Budget, Taxes and non-tax revenues-Types of Budget deficits. 4) International Economics : (a) Theories of International Trade-comparative costs- Heckscher-Ohlin; Gains from Trade and Terms of Trade. (b) Free Trade and Protection. (c) Balance of Payments accounts. (d) Exchange rate under free exchange markets. (e) Evolution of the International Monetary System and World Trading order- The Brettonwoods system, IMF and the World Bank and their associates. Floating rates-GATT and WTO (5) Growth (Contd. from prev,. Page.. ) (Contd.Next Page.. ) processes, work, heat and internal energy, zeroth law of thermodynamics, various types of work done on a system in reversible and irreversible processes. Calorimetry and thermochemistry, enthalpy and enthalpy changes in various physical and chemical processes, Joule-Thomson effect, inversion temperautre. Heat capacities and temperature dependence of enthalpy and energy changes. (ii) Second law and its applications : Spontaneity of a process, entropy and entropy changes in various processes, free energy functions, criteria for equilibrium, relation between equilibrium constant and thermodynamic quantities. 3.3 Phase rule and its applications : Equilibrium bewteen liquid, solid and vapours of a pure substance, Clausius-Clapeyron equation and its applications. Number of components, phases and degrees of freedom; phase rule and its applications; simple systems with one (water and sulfur) and two components (lead-silver, salt hydrates). Distribution law, its modifications, limitations and applications. 3.4 Solutions : Solubility and its temperature dependence, partially miscible liquids, upper and lower critical solution temperatres, vapour pressures of liquids over their mixtures, Raoult's and Henry's laws, fractional and steam distillations. 3.5 Colligative Properties : Dilute solutions and colligative properties, determination of molecular weights using colligative properties. 3.6 Electrochemistry : Ions in solutions, ionic equilibria, dissociation constants of acids and bases, hydrolysis, pH and buffers, theory of indicators and acid-base titrations. Conductivity of ionic solutions, its variation with concentration, Ostwald's dilution law, Kohlrausch’s law and its application. Transport number and its determination. Faraday's laws of electrolysis, galvanic cells and measurements of their e.m.f., cell reactions, standard cell, standard reduction potential, Nernst equation, relation between thermodynamic quantities and cell e.m.f., fuel cells, potentiometric titrations. 3.7 Chemical kinetics : Rate of chemical reaction and its dependence on concentrations of the reactants, rate constant and order of reaction and their experimental determination; differential and integral rate equations for first and second order reaction, half-life periods; temperature dependence of rate constant and Arrhenius parameters; elementary ideas regarding collision and transition state theory. 3.8 Photochemistry : Absorption of light, laws of photochemistry, quantum yield, the excited state and its decay by radiative, nonradiative and chemical pathways; simple photochemical reactions. 3.9 Catalysis : Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis and their characteristics, mechanism of heterogeneous catalysis; enzyme-catalysed reactions (Michaelis-Menten mechanism). 3.10 Colloids : The colloidal state, preparation and purification of colloids and their characteristics properties; lyophilic and lyophobic colloids and coagulation; protection of colloids; gels, emulsions, surfactants and micelles. CIVIL ENGINEERING Part-A 1. Engineering Mechanics : Units and Dimensions, SI Units, Vectors, Concept of Force, Concept of particle and rigid body. Concurrent, nonconcurrent and parallel forces in a plane, moment of force and Varignon's theorem, free body diagram, conditions of equilibrium, Principle of virtual work, equivalent force system. First and Second Moments of area, Mass moment of Inertia. Static Friction Inclined plane and bearings. Kinematics and Kinetics : Kinematics in cartesian and polar co-ordinates, motion under uniform and nonuniform acceleration, motion under gravity. Kinetics of particle : Momentum and Energy principles, D `Alembert's Principle, Collision of elastic bodies, rotation of rigid bodies, simple harmonic motion. 2. Strength of Materials : Simple Stress and Strain, Elastic constants, axially loaded compression members, Shear force and bending moment, theory of simple bending, Shear Stress distribution across cross sections, Beams of uniform strength, Leaf spring, Strain Energy in direct stress, bending and shear. Deflection of beams : Macaulay's method, Mohr's moment area method, Conjugate beam method, unit load method. Torsion of Shafts, Transmission of power, closecoiled helical springs, Elastic stability of columns : Euler's, Rankine's and Secant formulae. Principal Stresses and Strains in two dimensions, Mohr's Circle. Theories of Elastic Failure, Thin and Thick cylinders : Stresses due to internal and external pressures-Lame's equation. 3. Structural Analysis : Analysis of pin jointed plane trusses, deflection in trusses. Three hinged and two hinged arches, rib shortening, temperature effects, influence lines in arches. Analysis of propped cantilevers, fixed beams, continuous beams and rigid frames. Slope deflection, moment distribution,, Kani's method and Matrix method : Force and Displacement methods. Rolling loads and influece lines for determinate beams and pin jointed trusses. Part-B Geotechnical Engineering: Types of soil, field identification and classification, phase relationships, consistency limits, particle size distribution, classification of soil, structure and clay mineralogy. Capillary water and structural water, effective stress and pore water pressure, Darcy's Law, factors affecting permeability, determination of permeability, permeability of stratified soil deposits. Seepage pressure, quick sand condition, compressibility and consolidation, Terzaghi's theory of one dimensional consolidation, consolidation test. Compaction of soil, optimum moisture content, Proctor Density. Subsurface exploration, methods of boring, sampling, types of sampler, field tests. Shear strength of soils, Mohr-Coulomb failure theory, shear tests Earth pressure at rest, active and passive pressures, Rankine's theory, Coulomb's wedge theory, earth pressure on retaining wall. Bearing capacity, Terzaghi and other important theories, net and gross bearing pressure, Immediate and consolidation settlement. Load carrying capacity of pile groups. Stability of slope-Conventional method of slices, stability numbers. Transporation Engineering : Highway alignment, choice of layout and capacity of highways, location survey, geometric design of highways-various elements, curves, sight distance, grade separation and segregation of traffic, intersection design, highway materials and testing, subgrade and pavement components, types of pavements, road drainage. Railway engineering-elements of permanent track-rails, sleepers, ballast and rail fastenings, tractive resistance, elements of geometric design-gradients and grade compensation on curves, cant, transition curves and vertical curves, stresses in railway tracks, points and crossings, signalling and interlocking, maintenance of railway track. Elements of Culverts and small bridges. Airport Engineering - Classification of airports, selection of site, airport planning and control, airport marking and lighting systems. Part-C Fluid Mechanics: fluid properties, fluid statics, forces on plane and curved surfaces, stability of floating and submerged bodies. Kinematics: Velocity, streamlines, continuity equation, accelerations, irrotational and rotational flow, velocity potential and stream functions, flownet, flow separation. Dynamics: Euler's equation along streamline, control volume equation, continuity, momentum, energy and moment of momentum equation from control volume equation, applications to pipe flow, moving vanes, moment of momentum, Dimensional analysis. Boundary layer on a flat plate, drag and lift on bodies. Laminar and Turbulent Flows. Laminar and turbulent flow through pipes, variation of friction factors, pipe networks, water hammer, and surge tanks. Open Channel Flow: Energy and momentum correction factors, uniform and nonuniform flows, specific energy and specific force, critical depth, Friction factors and roughness coefficients, flow in transitions, free overfall, weirs, hydraulic jump, surges, gradually varied flow equations, surface profiles, moving hydraulic jump. Part-D Environmental Engineering Water Supply: Estimation of surface and subsurface water resources, predicting demand for water, impurities of water and their significance, physical, chemical and μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 13 factor, resistance, inductance, capacitance and frequency. Electronic measuring instruments: multimeter, CRO, digital voltmeter, frequency counter, Q-meter, spectrum-analyser, distortion- meter. Transducers: thermocouple, thermistor, LVDT, strain-guages, piezoelectric crystal. Use of transducers in measurement of non-electrical quantities. Dataacquisition systems. Energy Conversion: Single-phase transformer : equivalent circuit, phasor-diagram, tests, regulation and efficiency; three-phase transformer; auto transformer. Principles of energy conversion- d.c. generators and motors: Performance characteristics, starting and speed control, armature reaction and commutation; three-phase induction motor; performance characteristics, starting and speed control. Single-phase induction motor. Synchronous generators: performance characteristics, regulation, parallel operation. Synchronous motors: starting characteristics, applications; universal motor. FHP motors, permanent magnet and stepper motors, brushless d.c. motors, single-phase motors. Power Systems: Electric power generation : thermal, hydro, nuclear. Transmission line parameters: steady-state performance of overhead transmission lines and cables. Distribution systems, Insulators, bundle conductors, corona and radio interference effects; per-unit quantities; bus admittance and impedance matrices; load flow; active and reactive power control. Economic operation. Principles of overcurrent, differential and distance protection; solid state relays, circuit breakers, Grounding Concept of system stability. HVD Ctransmission. Power Electronics and Electric Drives: Semiconductor power devices : diode, transistor, thyristor, triac, GTO, IGBT and MOSFET, static characteristics, principles of operation; triggering circuits; bridge converters-fully controlled and half controlled; principles of chopper and inverter. Basic concept of speed control of DC and AC motor drives. Elements of IC Fabrication Technology Overview of IC Technology. Unit steps used in IC fabrication : wafer cleaning, photo-lithography, wet and dry etching, oxidation, diffusion, ion-implantation, CVD and LPCVD techniques for deposition of poly-silicon, silicon, silicon-pnitride and silicon dioxide; metallisation and passivation. FISHERY SCIENCE 1. General Fisheries: Role of fisheries and aquaculture in Indian economy and human health. Fisheries resources of India. Utilization of different aquatic resources for fish production. Geographical distribution of fishes in India. Fisheries education and research in India. Organisational setups in fisheries development at national and international context. Frontier research and global scenario in fisheries and aquaculture. Growth and development of fisheries and aquaculture during different plan periods in India; Fisheries and Aquaculture Regulatory Acts. Disaster awareness related to fisheries and aqua culture. 2. Fishery Resource Management : Inland, marine and estuarine capture fishery resources of India. Catch statistics; Major Indian river systems, reservoirs and lacustrine fisheries. Conservation and management of inland, marine and reservoir fisheries. Fishery resources of exclusive economic zone. Maximum sustainable yield; Maximum economic yield; Catch per unit effort; Mortality, Exploitation rate and ratio; Fisheries regulation; Potential fishing zone, major exploited marine fisheries of India and their present status. Survey and evaluation system of aquatic recourses. Fisheries legislation- International, National and State. 3. Fishery Biology. Systematics of commercially important finfishes and shellfishes with particular reference to east cost of India. Anatomy and physiology of cartilaginous fish (scoliodon), bony fishes (Carps, Murrels, Catfish, Seabass), and shell fishes (prawn, shrimp, crab, squids, cuttlefish, lamellidens, mussels) with particular reference to their skeletal, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, reproductive and nervous system. Osmoregulation, Migration, Energeticand Environmental effects. Food and feeding habits of cultivable fishes and shellfishes. Breeding habits, Gonochorism, secondary sexual characters and parental care. Maturity stages and, Gametogenesis. Embryology of finfishes and shellfishes. Different endocrine glands viz., pituitary, thyroid, interrenal, corpuscles of stanius, hypothalamo- hypophysial complex, ovary, testis X and Y organs. 4. Aquacultural Principles and Practices: Principles, definition and scope of aquaculture. History of aquaculture and present global scenario. Construction and design of fish farms hatcheries and aquaria. Soil and water quality management in pond ecosystem - manuring, liming, fertilisation and aeration of culture ponds. Types of aquaculture-extensive, semi intensive, intensive. Diversification in aquaculture – cage, pen, bheri & bheel and waste water culture. Mono culture and composite culturte. Integrated aquaculture, ornamental fish breeding and culture, pearl culture. Coastal aquaculture and mariculture ( finfish, edible oyster, sea weed, pearl, mussels). Nutritional requirements of cultivable finfishes and shellfishes; Probiotics, essential amino acids, antinutritional factor, feed conversion; Nutritional bioenergetics of fish; Fish feed technology, culture of fish food organisms. Common Parasitic,(protozoa, helminth and crustacean) bacterial, fungal, viral and environmental diseases in finfish and shellfish and their management. 5. Fish seed production and management: Bundh and happa breeding, hypophysation techniques, synthetic agents and their principles in induced breeding. Ttypes of hatcheries. Seed production and hatchery management of Indian major carps, exotic carps, air breathing fishes, common ornamental fishes, mahaseer, trouts, seabass, mullets, milkfish, groupers, fresh water prawns, shrimps and crabs. Brood stock management of fishes, prawn and shrimp. Nursery management for seed raising in carps, prawns and shrimps. 6. Aquatic Environment: Fresh water, marine and brackish water ecosystem – Physico – Chemical parameters; Biological communities-plankton, benthos and macrophytes; Productivity; Food chain and food web; Nutrient cycles; Waves, tides, currents, upwelling, mudflats, beach profile. Meteorological parameters and their effect on fisheries. Classification of ponds, lakes, rivers, reservoir and estuaries. Important aquatic biodiversity zones. Conservation and management of coral reefs, endangered fishes, turtles and aquatic mammals. Aquatic pollution-types of pollutants and their control, effect of pollution on fish and other aquatic organisms. Oceanography equipments. 7. Genetics, Biotechnology and Biochemistry : Karyology, Genetic characterization, genome manipulation and selective breeding. Aquaculture and marine biotechnology. Structure of protein, lipid, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, enzymes, vitamins and coenzymes. Metabolism of protein, carbohydrate and lipids. Estimation of protein, carbohydrate, lipid and their derivatives. Buffers. 8. Aquatic Microbiology : Microscopes and microscopy; Staining techniques, Wet mount and hanging drop preparation. General organization and reproduction of bacteria, fungi, virus; host-microbe interaction, Antibiotics. Immunology – definition and scope. Role of microbes in nutrient cycles. Microbiological media and culture characteristics. Biochemical, serological and molecular tests for identification of bacteria. 9. Harvest and Post Harvest Technology: Classification of fishing methods. Crafts and gear used in India. Design, construction and maintenance of fishing crafts and gear. Navigational aids used in fishing. Seamanship. Operation of fishing gears. Nutritional importance of fish as food. Post mortem changes. Handling of fresh fish. Methods of chilling-icing, refrigerated sea water and chilled sea water stowage. Transport of fresh fish. Principles of fish preservation. Methods of fish preservation-freezing, canning, curing, value added products. Fish byproducts. Micro organisms in fish and fishery products. Quality control, Quality assurance, Quality standards. Plant sanitation. Export of fishery products and byproducts. 10. Social Sciences: Sampling methods; Measures of central tendency; Probability; Distribution, Correlation and regression; Testing of hypothesis; Design of experiments. Definition, theories and laws of economics. Economic structure of capture and culture fisheries. Fish marketing in India. International trade and exchange. Employment generation in fisheries and (Contd.Next Page.. ) (Contd. from prev,. Page.. ) and Development : (a) Meaning and measurement of growth; growth, distribution and Welfare; (b) Characteristics of underdevelopment; (c) Stages of Development; (d) Sources of growth- capital, human capital, population, productivity, Trade and aid, non-economic factors; growth strategies – balanced and un-balanced. (6) Economic Statistics : Types of averages-measures of dispersion-correlation-Index numbers; types, uses and limitations. Part-II Indian Economics: 1. Main features; Geographic size-Endowment of natural resources, Population; size, composition quality and growth trend-Occupational distribution 2. Major problems, their dimensions, nature and broad causes; Mass poverty- Unemployment and its types-Economic effects of population pressure-Inequality and types thereof-Low productivity and low per capita income, Rural-urban disparities-Foreign Trade and payments imbalances. Balance of Payments and External Debt- Inflation, and parallel economy and its effects-Fiscal deficit. 3. Growth in income and employment since Independence-Rate, Pattern, Sectoral trends- Distributional Changes-Regional disparities. 4. Economic Planning in India : goals, achievements and shortfalls; planning and market. 5. Broad fiscal, monetary, industrial, trade and agricultural policies-objectives, rationale, constraints and effects. EDUCATION Unit – I: Education & its Role : Education – Meaning, Nature and scope. Education as a process Education and Schooling Education for National Development and International Understanding. Education and Society. Education and Culture. Education and Politics. Education and religion. Unit – II : Development of Education after independence: Recommendations of Secondary Education Commission, 1952-53. Indian Education Commission, 1964-66. National Education Policy 1968. National Policy on Education, 1986. Programme of Action, 1992. Unit – III : Trends in Education. Constitutional provisions for Education State, Centre relationship for development of Education Education for the socially and economically disadvantaged sections of the society- S.C., S.T. & Women. Unit – IV : Psychological Foundations of Education. Growth and Development, principles Factors affecting growth and development Dimensions of development – Physical, Mental, Social, Emotional, Moral. Intelligence : Nature, SI Model, Multiple intelligences. Personality : Approaches to personality study; Trait, Type and Psychodynamic. Creativity : Nature, Characteristics, Measurement. Unit – V : Learning Theories and Principles. Learning – Concept and principles Theories of learning – Conditioning, Trial and Error, Gagnes’s Hierarchical learning, Blooms Mastery Learning Constructivism. Motivation – Concept, Types and Techniques for motivating the learners. Transfer of learning – Theories, Role of teacher in maximum transfer. Role of Technology in learning. Unit – VI : Issues in Education. Concept, need, process of the followings :- Population Education: Adolescent Education, Family life and sex Education Health and Nutrition Education Environmental Education Value and Peace oriented Education. Adult and Non-formal Education. Unit – VII : Trends in Education. Distance Education Life long and continuing Education Vocational Education Education for All Programmes of TIC, NLM, PLC, JSN, NFE & AE, DPEP & S.S.A. Work Experience /SUPW. Information and communication Technology – Meaning, Nature & Scope. Unit – VIII : Evaluation in Education: Educational Evaluation – Meaning & Scope Types of Evaluation – Placement, Formative, Diagnostic & Summative. Continuous and comprehensive Evaluation. New Trends in Evaluation – Grading, Semester syste, Question Bank. Use of computer in Evaluation, Orissa Examination Act, 1988 Problems of Present Evaluation system. Unit – IX : Administration, Management and Supervision in Education: Concept of Administration, Management and Supervision. Structure and Functions of UGC, NAAC, NCERT, NCTE, NIEPA, CBSE, CABE, AICT, ICSSR. SCERT, SRC for A.E., SIET, BSE, CHSE of Orissa. Sources of Financing at different levels of Education. Unit – X : Educational Statistics: Need of Statistics for a Teacher Measures of Central Tendencies - Mean, Median & Mode Measures of Variability Standard scores – Properties and uses. Normal probability curve – Properties and applications. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Electrical Circuits-Theory and Applications: Circuit components, network graphs, circuit analysis methods : nodal analysis, mesh analysis; basic network theorems and applications; transient analysis : circuits with a.c. and d.c. inputs; sinusoidal steady state analysis; resonant circuits and applications; coupled circuits and applications; balanced 3-phase circuits. Two port networks, driving point and transfer functions; poles and zeros of network functions. Signals & Systems: Representation of continuous-time and discrete-time signals; LTI systems; convolution; impulse response; time-domain analysis of LTI systems based on convolution and differential/difference equations. Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform, Transfer function. Sampling and recovery of signals. Control Systems: Elements of control systems; block-diagram representations; open-loop & closedloop systems; LTI systems : time domain and frequency domain analysis. Stability : Routh Hurwitz criterion, root-loci, Nyquist's criterion. Bode-plots, Design of lead-lag compensators; Proportional, PI, PID controllers. E.M. Theory: Electro-static and magneto-static fields; Maxwell's equations; electromagnetic waves and wave equations; wave propagation and antennas; transmission lines; microwave resonators, cavities and wave guides. Electrical Engineering Materials: Electrical/electronic behaviour of materials : conductivity; free-electrons and band-theory; intrinsic and extrinsic semi-conductor, p-n junction; super-conductivity. Dielectric behaviour of materials : polarization phenomena; piezo-electric phenomena. Magnetic materials: behaviour and application. Analog Electronics: Diode circuits: rectifiers, filters, clipping and clamping, zener diode and voltage regulation. Bipolar and field effect transistors: Characteristics, biasing and small signal equivalent circuits. Basic amplifier circuits; differential amplifier circuits. Principles of feedback; OPAMP circuits; filters; oscillators. Digital Electronics: Boolean algebra; minimisation of Boolean function; logic gates, digital IC families (DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS, CMOS). Combinational circuits : arithmetic circuits, code converters, multiplexers and decoder's. Sequential circuits : latches and flip-flops, counters and shift- registers. Comparators, timers, multivibrators. Sample and hold circuits; ADCs and DACs. Semiconductor memories. Communication Systems: Fourier analysis of signals : amplitude, phase and power spectrum, autocorrelation and cross-correlation and their Fourier transforms. Analog modulation systems : amplitude and angle modulation and demodulation systems, spectral analysis; superheterodyne receivers. Pulse code modulation (PCM), differential PCM, delta modulation. Digital modulation schemes : amplitude, phase and frequency shift keying schemes (ASK, PSK, FSK). Multiplexing : time-division, frequency-division. Additive Gaussian noise : characterization using correlation, probability density function, power spectral density, Signal- to-noise ratio calculations for AM and FM. Elements of digital communication systems : source coding, channel coding; digital modulation & demodulation. Elements of Information theory, channel capacity. Elements of satellite and mobile communication; principles of television engineering; radar engineering and radio aids to navigation. Computers and Microprocessors: Computer organization : number representation and arithmetic, functional organization, machine instructions, addressing modes, ALU, hardwired and microprogrammed control, memory organization. Elements of microprocessors : 8-bit microprocessors -architecture, instruction set, assembly level programming, memory, I/O interfacing, microcontrollers and applications. Measurement and Instrumentation: Error analysis; measurement of current voltage, power, energy, power- μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 14 Part-II (a) Crystallography : Laws of crystallography. Symmetry elements and forms of normal classes of seven crystal systems. Twinning. Polarisation, Double refraction & optic axis. Petrological microscope and accessories. Construction and use of Nicol prism. Pleochroism, extinction angle, birefringence. Behaviour of light in uniaxial and biaxial minerals. (b) Mineralogy : Physical, chemical and optical properties of the following common rock forming minerals: quartz, feldspar, mica, pyroxene, amphibole, olivine, garnet, carbonates, aluminosilicates. Structure of silicates. Crystal chemistry of minerals-Polymorphism, Isomorphism. (c) Economic Geology : O re mineral and gangue. Classification of mineral deposits. Processes of formation. Occurrence, origin and distribution in India of the ores of aluminium, chromium, copper, gold, lead, zinc, iron, manganese and radioactive elements. Deposits of minerals used as abrasives, refractories and in ceramics. Deposits of coal and petroleum. Prospecting for mineral deposits. Part -III (a) Igneous Petrology : Origin of magma and formation of igneous rocks. Bowen's reaction principle. Crystallisation of binary systems. Classification of igneous rocks. Textures and structures of igneous rocks. Composition, origin and mode of occurrence of granite, syenite, diorite, mafic and ultramafic rocks, anorthosites and alkaline rocks. (b) Sedimentary Petrology : Sedimentary processes and products. Classification of sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary structures. Clastic deposits- their classification, mineral composition and texture. Elementary ideas about the origin and characteristics of quartz arenites, arkoses and graywackes. Siliceous and calcareous deposits of chemical and organic origin. (c) Metamorphic Petrology : Types and factors of metamorphism. Zones, grades and facies of metamorphism. Regional and contact metamorphism. Textures and structures of metamorphic rocks. Metamorphism of argillaceous, arenaceous, calcareous and basic rocks. Metasomatism. Part-IV (a) Paleontology : Fossils and fossilization. Modes of preservation of fossils. Uses of fossils. Study of morphology and geological history of Foraminifers, Brachipoda, Pelecypoda, Gastropoda, Cephalopoda, Trilobita, Echinoidea and Anthozoa. Mammals of Siwalik Group. A brief study of Gondwana flora. (b) Stratigraphy and Geology of India : Fundamental laws of stratigraphy. Stratigraphic correlation - lithostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and chronostratigraphic. Geological time scale. Physiographic divisions and outline of stratigraphy of India. Brief study of Dharwar, Vindhyan and Gondwana Supergroups and Siwalik Group with reference to their major subdivisions, lithology, fossils, areal distribution and economic importance. Geology of Orissa. HISTORY Section-A 1. Prehistoric cultures: Old Stone Age, New Stone Age. 2. Indus Civilization. Origins. The Mature Phase: extent, society, economy and culture. Contacts with other cultures, Decline. 3. Vedic society. The Vedic texts; change from Rig Vedic to later Vedic phases. Religion; Upanishadic thought. Political and Social organisation; evolutions of monarchy and Varna system. 4. State formation and urbanization, from the mahajanapadas to the Nandas. Jainism and Buddhism. Factors for the spread of Buddhism. 5. The Mauryan Empire: Chandragupta; Megasthenes’ Account Asoka and his inscriptions; his dhamma, administration, culture and art. The Arthasastra. 6. Post-Mauryan India, BC 200- AD 300: Society: Evolution of jatis; The Satavahanas and state formation in Peninsula. Sangam texts and society. Indo-Greeks, Sakas, Kushanas; Kanishka. Contacts with the outside world. Religion : Saivism, Bhagavatism, Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism; Swetambar & Digambar Jainism, Culture; and art. 7. The Guptas and their successors (to c. 750 AD): Changes in political organisation of empire. Economy and society. Literature, Science and Arts. 8. Orissa (C-3rd centry B.C. – 700 A.D.): Kaling War, Kharavela – achievements; Cave architecture – Khandagiri & Udayagiri, Sailod bhavas. Section-B 9. Early Medieval India. Major dynasties; the Chola Empire. Agrarian and political structures. The Rajaputs. Postition of women. Invasions of the Arabs and Ghaznavides. 10. Cultural trends, (750-1200) : Religious conditions : importance of temples and monastic institutions; Sankaracharya; Islam; Sufism. Literature and Science. Alberuni’s "India". Art and architecture. 11. Thirteenth and fourteenth Centuries: Ghorian invasions causes and consequences. Delhi Sultanate under the "Slave" Rulers. Alauddin Khalji : Conquests; administrative, agrarian and economic measures. Muhammad Tughluq's innovations. Firuz Tughluq and the decline of the Delhi Sultanate. Growth of commerce and urbanization. 12. The fifteenth and early 16th Century : Provinicial dynasties: Vijayanagara Empire. The Lodis, First phase of the Mughal Empire: Babur, Humayun. The Sur empire and administration. Bhakti movement: Kabir, Nanak, Chaitanya. 13. The Mughal Empire , 1556-1707. Akbar: conquests, administrative measures, jagir a n d mansab systems; policy of sulh-i-kul. Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb : expansion in the Deccan; religious policies. Shivaji. 14. Culture: Art & Architecture, Painting. Society & Economy: conditions of peasants and artisans, growth in trade; commerce with Europe. Social stratification and status of women. 15. Decline of Mughal Empire, (1707-1761): Causes of decline. Maratha power under the Peshwas. Sawai Jai Singh, (astronomer). 16. Medieval Orissa : The Imperial Gangas and Suryavamsi Gajapatis ;Cult of Jagannath; Sarala Das and Panchasakha in Oriya literature, Temples of Orissa : Lingaraj, Jagannath and Konarka . Section-C 17. British expansion : The Carnatic Wars, Conquest of Bengal. Mysore and its resistance to British expansion: The three Anglo-Maratha Wars. Early structure of British Raj: Regulating and Pitt's India Acts. 18. Economic Impact of the British Raj : Drain of Wealth land revenue settlements (zamindari, ryotwari, mahalwari); Deindustrialisation; Railways and commercialisation of agriculture; Growth of landless labour. 19. Cultural encounter and social changes: Introduction of western education and modern ideas. Indian Renaissance, social and religious reform movements; growth of Indian middle class; The press and its impact: Social reforms measures before 1857. Resistance to British rule : The 1857 Revolt- causes, nature, course and consequences. 20. Indian Freedom struggle-the first phase: Growth of national consciousness; Formation of Associations; Establishment of the Indian National Congress and its Moderate phase;- Economic Nationalism; Swadeshi Movement; The growth of "Extremism" and the 1907 split in Congress; The Act of 1909 - the policy of Divide and Rule; Congress- League Pact of 1916. 21. Gandhi and his thought; Gandhian techniques of mass mobilisation- Khilafat and Non Cooperation Movement, Civil Disobedience and Quit India Movement; Other strands in the National Movement- Revolutionaries, the Left, Subhas Chandra Bose and the Indian National Army. 22. Growth of Communalism: The Muslim League and the Hindu Mahasabha; The post -1945 developments; Partition and Independence. 23. India; Independence to 1964. A parliamentary, secular, democratic republic (the 1950 Constitution). Planning and state-controlled industrialization. Agrarian reforms. Policy of Non-alignment. 24. Orissa under Colonial rule and after : British conquest of Orissa- (Contd. from prev,. Page.. ) aquaculture. Nutritional security. Role of Cooperatives and financial institutions in fisheries. Concepts, principles, scope and objectives of extension. Extension teaching methods. Modes of technology transfer–training, demonstration, trials. Extension education aids. Extension functionaries (FFDA, BFDA, NATP, ATMA). FORESTRY 1. Forest : Its role in Natural Ecosystem Management, Land use and extent of Forests in India, Need for conservation of existing forests and scope of Extension Forestry in India. 2. Effect of Locality Factors on Vegetation : Climatic (light, Temperature, Precipitation and wind) Edaphic (Soil and Geology, soil conditions influencing plant growth) and Biotic factor (Man, Animal, Bird and Micro organisms). 3. Forest Classification and Distribution : Basis for classification of Indian Forest, Forest Types in India and Orissa, Phytogeographic regions of India. 4. Forest Management : Objective & principles of Management, Sustained yield : Principles, scope and limitation. Normal Forest : Factors of normality, normality in even aged and uneven aged forest. Growing stock : Determination of actual and normal growing stock in different systems, relationship between growing stock and yield. Yield and its regulation : kinds of yield, yield in even aged and uneven aged stand, Yield regulation in regular and irregular stand. 5. Silvicultural System : Basis for classification of Silvicultural System. Clear Felling System, Uniform System, Selection System, Coppice Forest System and Conversion. Role of different forest systems in Working Plan preparation. 6. Forest Regeneration : Natural Regeneration : by seeds , by vegetative parts. Stages of natural regeneration and different operations carried out for obtaining natural regeneration. Artificial Regeneration : Factors deciding success of artificial regeneration. Introduction of exotics : Scope and limitations. Tending : Different types of tending and factors affecting tending operations. 7. Extension Forestry : Agroforestry : Concept, Classification, Scope and Management. Farm Forestry, Social Forestry : Objectives, scope and benefits. Joint Forest Management. 8. Forest Policy and legisilation : Indian Forest Policy 1952, 1988, 1994. National Commission on Agriculture (1976) report on Forestry. Constitution of Waste land Development Board. Indian Forest Act. 1927, Forest Conservation Act. 1972, Orissa Timber and Other Forest Produce Transit Rules 1980, Orissa Forest Rules 1980. 9. Forest Utilization : Sustainable forest harvesting techniques. Principles and Techniques of Logging and Wood Extraction. Non-Timber Forest Produces : Gums, resins, dye tannin, fibres & flosses, oil seed, cane, bamboos, medicinal plants, lac, tasser, honey Katha , bidi leaves, paper & pulp. 10. Forest Ecology and Environment : Biotic and Abiotic component, Forest Community Concept. Ecosystem : Components, energy flow in ecosystem. Ecological succession. Watershed concept : role of wood lots in sustainable resource management. 11. Wildlife Management : Role of Wildlife in forest management, Wildlife management : Principles, Wildlife management in Zoo, Sanctuary and National Park. Biosphere : Concept and need for conservation. Scope of Eco tourism in Biosphere Reserve. 12. Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement : Nature and Scope of tree breeding, Sexual & Asexual reproduction. Pollination and Mode of pollination, sterility & Incompatibility. Variation : Phenotypes and genotypes. Methods of Breeding Trees and other forest plants : Introduction, Selection, Hybridization, Heterosis, Polyploidy and Mutation. Principles and Practices of Plant Breeding : Progeny testing, provenance trial. Breeding of trees for higher productivity, desirable quality. Tree Breeding strategies for Forest Plants Improvement. GEOGRAPHY Section-A Physical Georgraphy: i) Geomorphology : Origin of the earth; Interior of the earth; Types and characteristics of Rocks & Soils; Folding and Faulting; Volcanoes; Earthquakes; Landforms caused by fluvial, aeolian and glacial actions. ii) Climatology : Structure and composition of atmosphere; Temperature; Pressure belts and Wind systems; Clouds and rainfall types; Cyclones and anti-cyclones; Major climatic regions. iii) Oceanography : Ocean relief; Temperature; Salinity; Ocean deposits; Ocean currents, Waves and Tides. iv) Biogeography : Major biomes of the world; Ecosystem and food chain; Environmental degradation and conservation. Disaster management. Section-B Human Geography: i) Man and Environment Relationship Concepts of Determinism and Possibilism. Major cultural realms of the world. ii) Population Races of mankind and tribes; growth and distribution of world population; migration; population problems of developed and developing countries. iii) Economic Activities Food gathering and hunting; pastoral herding; fishing and forestry; Types of agricultureshifting, subsistence, commercial and plantation; Mining, Power; Manufacturing - locational factors of textile, iron and steel, sugar and fertilizer industries; Trade, transport, communication and services. iv) Settlements Origin, types and patterns of rural and urban settlements; Processes of urbanisation; Morphology and functional classification of towns; Section-C - Geography of the World: i) Major Natural Regions : Characteristics, economic base and human adaptation. ii) Regional Geography of Developed Countries : U.S.A., Japan, Australia iii) Regional Geography of Developing Countries : China, Brazil and Egypt. Section-D - Geography of India: i) Physical Setting : Landforms, drainage, climate, soils and natural vegetation. ii) Economic Base : Minerals – Iron ore, Bauxite, Limestone & Gypsum, Energy resources- Coal, Petroleum, Hydel Atomic, Aquatic resources, Forest resources; Irrigation, Agriculture and Industries; (Textile, Iron & Steel, Paper and Fertilizer), Trade and commerce. iii) Population : Growth, distribution and density; demographic characteristics. iv) Environment & Development : Environmental Problems, Issues, Regional Development and Planning. Section-E - Geographical Thought: i) Ancient Period : Contributions of Indians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs. ii) Pre-Modern Period : Contribution of Kant, Humboldt and Ritter. iii) Modern Period : Dichotomy of determinism and possibilism; contributions of Ratzel, Huntington and La Blache. iv) Recent Period : Quantitative Revolution; Radicalism, Behaviouralism and Humanism. Section-F - Techniques of Geographical Analysis: i) Maps : Scale and types, uses. ii) Diagrams : Types and uses’ iii) Projections : Types, characteristics and uses. iv) Remote sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) : Aerial photographs and imagery, GIS. GEOLOGY Part-I (a) General Geology : Solar System. The Earth : its origin, age and internal constitution. Volcanoes - cause, types, distribution, geological effects and products. Earthquakes - intensity, distribution, causes and effects. Geosynclines. Mountain building. Continental drift. Sea floor spreading. Plate tectonics. (b) Geomorphology : Basic concepts. External and internal processes. Rock weathering. Fluvial landforms and drainage patterns. Landforms of aeolian, marine, glacial and Karst landscapes. Study of aerial photographs and satellite imagery. Application of remote sensing in geology. (c) Structural and field Geology : Primary and secondary structures. Dip and strike of beds. Unconformities. Study of folds, joints, faults, foliation and lineations. Stages of rock deformation. Stress and strain ellipsoid. Stereographic projection. Topographic maps and their interpretation. Use of clinometer compass in the field. Measurements of bed, foliation, folds, joints, faults and lineations in the field. Principles of geological mapping. Effects of topography on outcrops. Drawing of sections. (Contd.Next Page.. ) μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 15 Impossibility of performance 8. Discharge of contractual obligations 9. Quasi-contracts 10. Remedies for breach of contract. MANAGEMENT 1. Managerial Function : Evolution of management thought – From classical to modern school, Formulation of organizational vision, Mission and objectives, Managerial functions – Planning, Organising, Coordination, Motivation, Staffing, Directing and Control, Formulating Strategies, Generic strategies. 2. Organizational Behaviour and Design : Theories of motivation, Hierarchy of need model, Factor theory, sources of motivation – achievement, power, money, affiliation, Communication : Barriers and gateways, Leadership - Characteristics, transformational leader and transactional leader, Leader as change agents, Understanding group behavior and dynamics - behaviour in small groups. 3. Quantitative Techniques in Decision making : Averages, dispersion, skewness, Product moment, Correlation, Rank correlation, Regression, Time Series Analysis, Forecasting techniques, qualitative techniques, Linear Programming – problem formulation, Product-mix, product composition, warehousing and transportation problems, simplex and graphic method, PERT and CPM – determination of critical path, Crashing. 4. Management Control System : Basic concepts of management control system, Responsibility centres : cost centres, profit centres and investment centres, managing discretionary costs, transfer pricing, basis for fixing transfer pricing. 5. Strategic Cost Management : Concepts and classification of costs, Cost- Volume-Profit Analysis, Activity-based costing, Standard Costing and Variance Analysis, Zero base budgeting Divisional performance vs. Managerial performance. 6. Business Environment : Rationale for international trade, Industrial policy, trade policy, WTO, Patents, Intellectual property rights. 7. Financial Management : Goals of finance function, ratio analysis, break even analysis, funds flow analysis, financial and operating leverage, management of working capital : overview and estimation, time value of money, NPV and IRR methods of capital budgeting. 8. Marketing Management : Marketing-mix - Product management, segmentation, targeting, positioning, marketing communication, pricing decisions, distribution channels and logistics, ethics in marketing – consumer protection. 9. Corporate Governance : Corporate Governance, Social responsibility of business, Code of Conduct, Social cost-benefit analysis - different approaches to SCBA, Corporate Communication. 10. Operation and Materials Management : Supply chain management – vendor evaluation and audit, make or buy decisions, inventory control – EOQ model, ABC analysis, Valuation of inventories - different methods. 11. Management Information System : Conceptual foundations of information systems, overview of systems analysis and design, system development, management of software development life cycle. 12. Human Resource Development : Manpower planning, recruitment, selection, training, development, promotion and transfer, performance measurement, balanced score card and other methods, job evaluation and enrichment. MATHEMATICS 1. Logic : Statements, Truth values, Connectives, Tautology, Inferences, Methods of Proof. 2. Set Theory : Set operations, Algebra of sets, D’ Morgan’s laws, Sub set, Power set, Product of sets, Principles of Mutual inclusion and exclusion. 3. Relation and function : (i) Relation, Binary, Domain, Range, Properties of relation, Equivalence relation, Partial order relation, Poset, Lattice (ii) Function, One-one, Onto functions, Bijective, Inverse, Composite functions, Absolute value function, Step function, Exponential, Trigonometric, Logarithmic functions. 4. Real and complex numbers : (i) Real numbers : Natural numbers, Integers, Rational, Irrational, Real numbers, Algebra of Real numbers, Order relation in real numbers, Countability, Uncountability, Real sequences, Series, their Convergence. (ii) Complex numbers : Algebra of complex numbers, Argument, Modulus, Inverse, Demoivre’s Theorem and Applications. 5. Matrices : Algebra of Matrices, Determinant of Matrices, Inverse of Matrix, Transpose, Solution of Linear equations, Symmetric Matrices, Skew-Symmetric Matrices, Hermitian Matrices, Skew-hermitian Matrices, Rank of a matrix. 6. Combinatrics and probability : (i) Counting Principles, Permutations, Different type of Permutations, Combinations, Binomial Theorem. (ii) Definition, Axioms of probability, Independent events, Baye’s law. 7. Differential calculus : Limit, Continuity, Derivatives, Higher order derivatives, Tangent, Normal, Increasing, Decreasing functions, Maxima, Minima, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean value Theorems, Taylor’s Theorem, Partial Differentiation, Euler’s Theorem. 8. Integral calculus : Integration as reverse process of differentiation, Definite Integral, Methods of integration, Area under plane curves. 9. Differential Equation : Order, Degree of O.D.E., First order Differential equation, Their solutions, Higher order differential equation with constant coefficients, Their solutions. 10. 2-Dimensional Geometry : Preliminaries, Straight lines, Circles, Pair of lines, Parabola, Ellipse, Hyperbola. 11. 3-Dimensional Geometry and vectors: (i) Preliminaries, Direction cosines, Planes, Lines, Sphere, Tangent plane to spheres. (ii) Algebra of vectors, Linear Dependence and Independence, Scalar and vector product of vectors, Scalar and vector triple products. 12. Mechanics : (i) Statics : Force, Parallelogram law of Forces, Equilibrium of forces, Moments, Couples, Friction, Centre of Mass. (ii) Dynamics : Laws of Motion, Kinematics, D’ Alemberts principle, Motion of a particle in Plane, Projectile, Moment of Inertia of plane bodies. 13. Group : Properties of groups, Permutation group, Cyclic group, Sub-group, Lagrange’s Theorem, Counting principles, Normal sub-groups, Homomorphism and Isomorphism. 14. Rings and Fields and Vector spaces : (i) Definitions, Ring, Division Ring, Integral domain, Fields, Sub-ring, Ideals, Homomorphism and Isomorphism. (ii) Vector space, Subspace, Linear dependence, Independence, Basis, Dimension. 15. Numerical Methods : Numbers in Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal systems, Errors, Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations by Bisection, Secant, Newton- aphson method, Interpolation, Lagrange and Newton’s Methods, Quadrature, Trapezoidal and Simpson’s 1/3rd rule. Numerical solution of I.V.P., Euler’s Method, Second order Runge-Kutta Method. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 1. Statics and Dynamics: (a) Statics : Simple applications of equilibrium equations. Friction. Trusses. (b) Dynamics : Simple applications of equations of motion, work, energy and power. Conservation of momentum and impact. 2. Theory of Machines : Simple examples of kinematic chains and their inversions. Different types of gears, bearings, governors, flywheels and their functions. Static and dynamic balancing of rigid rotors. Simple vibration analysis of bars and shafts. Linear automatic control systems. 3. Mechanics of Solids : Stress, strain and Hookes Law. Shear and bending moments in beams. Simple bending and torsion of beams, springs and thin walled cylinders. Elementary concepts of elastic stability, mechanical properties and material testing. 4. Manufacturing Science : Equilibrium phase diagram, Iron carbon equilibrium diagram, Transformation curves, Heat treatment of steel, case hardening. Sand casting, gates and risers, defects in casting. Inspection. Special casting processes. Metal working process :- Rolling. Forging, Extrusion, powder metallurgy. Gas welding, Arc welding, Resistance welding, Advanced welding processes :- Geometry of cutting tool in ASA, ORS and NRS, Merchants theory, tool material, cutting fluid, Tool wear, Taylor’s tool life equation, chatter in machining, Economics of machining, CNC, DNC, Advanced Machining process :- EDM,ECM, AJM, USM, EBM, LBM. Thermoplastics, Thermosets, coating technology (PVD, CVD.) 5. Manufacturing Management : Operation Research, formulation of LP problem, solution by graphical method, (Contd.Next Page.. ) (Contd. from prev,. Page.. ) Khurda Rebellion (1817)- Kandha Rebellions under Dora Bisoyee and Chakra Bisoyee – Resistance movement under Surendra Sai- Oriya Movement- Nationalist Movement –Merger of States. HOME SCIENCE Section – A Food & Nutrition: 1. Study of foods : Composition and nutritive value of Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables and Fruits, fleshy foods (Meat, Fish, Egg, Poultry) milk & milk products, oils & Fats. 2. Nutrients : Properties, functions, requirements, sources and effect of deficiency of carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats, vitamins, minerals and water. 3. Balanced diet, Basic food groups (Basic five, basic seven) planning of balanced diet on the basis of recommended dietary allowance (ICMR) for adult man and woman on the basis of activities; (Sedentary, Moderate & Heavy). 4. Nutrition during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, child hood, adolescence and oldage. 5. Meal planning : Significance and factors considered in meal planning. Food processing : methods of food preparation changes in food during preparation, effect of preparation on nutritive value. 6. Food preservation : Causes of food spoilage, Importance and principles of food preservation, house hold and commercial methods of food preservation. Section – B Child Development & Family studies.: 1. Meaning & principles of growth and development prenatal growth and development : conception, stages of prenatal growth and development, factors affecting prenatal growth and development. 2. Developmental milestones from birth to Two years physical development – growth cycle, body size, body proportion, bones, muscles & teeth development, motor development – principles and sequence of motor development & motor skills. 3. Emotional development – pattern & characteristic of children’s emotion, common child hood emotional patterns. Social development – socialization and social expectation, importance of early social experiences. The pattern of social development. 4. Cognitive Development in children – Stages of cognitive development according to Jean Piaget. 5. Marriage; definition, function, types of marriages, (arranged and love) with their advantages and disadvantages factors to be considered in the selection of marriage partner. 6. Family : structure, characteristic and function of family, types of family (joint, nuclear and extended) - their advantages and disadvantages, changes in family system, causes, features and factors contributing to change. Section C – Family Resource Management. 1. Concept of Home Management – Importance of Home Management, family goals, values standards and decision making process. The qualities of a good home maker. 2. Types of family resources and their management : Management of time – methods & techniques of time management, money management – Types of income, planning and steps in budget preparation, Engel’s law of consumption, keeping financial records & accounts, savings and investments. 3. Management of energy : Energy requirement of different tasks, fatigue – type and how to reduce fatigue, techniques of work simplification. 4. Housing : Selection of sites, principles of house planning Different types of building components and materials. Housing problems and housing schemes. 5. Interior decoration : Basic elements (line, form, colour, texture) and principles (Balance, Rhythm, Proportion, harmony, emphasis) of design and their application in interior decoration. 6. Consumer Education : Consumer education, strategies, rights and responsibility of consumer, Consumer protection legislation and consumer aids. Section D – Textile & Clothing. 1. Textile fibers : Classification of textile fibers, according sources and chemical composition, manufacturing process, physical and chemical properties of cotton, wool, silk. 2. Construction of fabric : Yarn making process and different types of yarns, weav, description of the loom & its parts. Principles of weaving, other method of fabric construction (knitting, Felting, Braiding, Bonding and plaiting). 3. Finishing : Objectives and types of different finishes (Calendering, Mercerizing Sanforizing, Tetering, Weighting, Napping, Glazing Sizing, Bleaching, Embossing, Moiring,). 4. Dyeing & Printing : Importance of dyeing & printing, different methods of dyeing and printing used in textile. 5. Care of clothing : Methods laundering and their principles laundry reagents and their function. Care of clothing-cotton, silk and wool, storage of clothes. 6. Apparel Designing : Role of clothing in personality development. Factors influencing choice of clothing for different age group. Elements (Line, Form Texture, Colour) and principles (Balance, Proportion, Emphasis, Rhythm and proportion). Section E Home Science Extension Education. 1. Extension Education : Concept, philosophy, objectives and scope of extension education. Role and qualities of extension worker. Need for Home-Science Extension Education. 2. Communication in Extension : Principles of learning and teaching process, steps in extension teaching. Extension teaching methods (individual, group & Mass) factors involved in the selection of appropriate method. 3. Audio-visual aids : Meaning & types of audio aids, visual aids and audio-visual aids in extension teaching. Other teaching aids. Puppet show, Dramatization, Folk songs, Dances, Charts, Posters). 4. Community Development : Concept, principles and objectives of community development. Subject matter of community development, Major elements involved in India’s community development and extension process. 5. Extension programmes : Role of formal and informal institutions and agencies in Extension education and community Development. (CDP, IRDP, ICDS, DWACRA, ICAR, DRDA, NABARD, KBKs, ATMA, SHGs). 6. Community Developmental Programmes : Objectives, philosophy, principles and types of community development programmes, Impact of community development programmes in rural life in India. LAW I Jurisprudence: 1. Nature and scope of Jurisprudence. 2. Schools of Jurisprudence: i) Natural law ii) Analytical iii) Historical iv) Sociological v) Realist. 3. Theories of punishment. 4. Sources of Law: (i)Custom, (ii) Legislation and (iii) Precedent. 5. Legal concepts: (i) Rights and duties (ii) Ownership and Possession (iii)Legal personality. II Constitutional Law of India 1. Preamble and nature of Indian Constitution 2. Fundamental Rights 3. Directive Principles and Fundamental Duties 4. Constitutional position and powers of President and Governors 5. Supreme Court and High Courts: Jurisdiction, powers, appointment and transfer of Judges 6.Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service Commissions 7. Emergency Provisions 8. Amendment of the Constitution III International Law : 1. Nature and definition of International Law 2. Sources: Treaty, Custom, General Principles of Law recognised by civilised nations and subsidiary means of determination of law 3. State Recognition and State Succession 4. The United Nations, its objective, purpose and principal organs: General Assembly & Security Council 5. Protection of Human Rights: (i) Provisions in the UN Charter (ii) Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948 (iii) Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discriminate Against Women (CEDAW) IV Torts : 1. Nature and Definition of Tort 2. Liability based on fault and strict liability 3. Vicarious Liability including State Liability 4. Joint Tort feasors 5. Negligence 6. Defamation 7. Conspiracy 8. Nuisance 9. False imprisonment 10. Malicious Prosecution. V Criminal Law : 1. General Principles of criminal liability: Mens rea and actus reus 2. Stages of Crime :Preparation and criminal attempts 3. General Exceptions 4. Joint and constructive liability 5. Abetment 6. Criminal Conspiracy 7. Sedition 8. Murder and culpable homicide 9. Theft, extortion, robbery and dacoity 10. Misappropriation and Criminal Breach of Trust. VI Law of Contract : 1. Definition of contract 2. Basic elements of contract: Offer, acceptance, consideration, contractual capacity 3. Factors vitiating consent 4. Void, Voidable, illegal and unenforceable agreements 5. Wagering agreements 6. Contingent contracts 7. Performance of contracts and μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 16 p-type and n-type semiconductors, junction diode, Zener diode, transistors, binary numbers, Logic gates and truth tables, Basic parts of digital computers. POLITICAL SCIENCE & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS Section-A 1. Political Science : Nature & scope and approaches to the study of Political Science 2. Concepts : State, Sovereignty, Power, Nationalism, Civil Society 3. Political Ideas : Rights, Liberty, Equality, Justice. 4. Democracy : Meaning and Theories of Democracy. 5. Political Ideologies : Liberalism, Marxism, Socialism, Fascism, Gandhism. 6. Party System and Political Process : Therories of Party System, National and regional parties, Patterns of coalition politics, interest and pressure groups. 7. Forms of Government : Parliamentary and Presidential. Federal & unitary 8. Regionalism and Decentralization 9. Theories of Development and Underdevelopment: Role of Bureaucracy; 10. Social Movements : Peasant & workers , Tribal, Feminist Environmental Movements and Role of Non Government organisation. 11. Major theories of International relations : Idealist, Realist, Systems Decision making; . 12. State & the Global order : Nature and Impact of globalization; Regional Economic Cooperation . Section-B Government and Politics with Special reference to India: 1. Approaches to the study of Governments 2. Constitutions and Basic features: U.K., USA.and China,. 3. Constitutional Development in British India; The Constituent Assembly and salient features of the Indian Constitution. 4. Nature of Indian federalism : Centre-state relations, legislative, administrative, financial and political 5. Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Duties; 6. The Union Executive : President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers 7. Parliament : Powers and functions of the Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha; Parliamentary Committees; 8. The Judiciary : The Supreme Court , Judicial Review; Judicial Activism. 9. The State Executive : Governor, Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers; 10. Indian Party System : Evolution and Contemporay trends; coalition government at the Centre and States, pressure groups in Indian politics. 11. Local Government & Politics : Panchayti Raj and Municipal Government; Role of women in Panchayats. 12. Challenges to Indian Political System: a) Communalism Regionalism, terrorism, casteism, criminalisation and corruption. b) Regional disparities, socio economic inequality Poverty, Illiteracy, Population, growth, impact of globalization. PSYCHOLOGY 1. Introduction to psychology : Concept and definition of psychology. Branches of psychology. Application of psychology to society and social problems. 2. Methods in Psychology : Characteristics and Application of methods; Introspection, Clinical, case study, Experimental. 3. Quantitive Analysis : Measures of central tendency and dispersion. Correlation. Levels of measurement. Reliability and validity and their application in test construction. 4. Physiological Psychology : Structure of neuron, nerve impulses, synapse and neurotransmitters. Central and peripheral nervous system-structure and neural control of behaviour. Endocrine system and hormonal control of behaviour. Methods of studying brain function. 5. Development of human behaviour : Individual Differences : Heredity and environment. Developmental issues – Role of early experience, Adolescence, Problems of aging. 6. Perception : Perceptual processes; Perceptual organsiation, Perception of form, colour, depth and time; Perceptual readiness and constancy; Role of motivation, social and cultural factors in perception; Application of knowledge of perception to skill development (e.g. for certain jobs like that of driving, airline pilots etc.). 7. Learning : Classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Modeling and observational learning. Learning and motivation. Application of Learning principles in behaviour modification. 8. Memory : Physiological basis of memory, Remembering and forgetting, Measurement of Remembering (Recall, Recognition, Relearning). Short term and long term memory, Theories of forgetting (Decay and Interference theories and Repressive forgetting). Application of Mnemonic devices etc, to improving memory. 9. Cognition and Language : Concept formation, Nature and development of thinking, Language and thought, acquisition of language, Problem solving, Creative thinking and its application. 10. Intelligence and Aptitude : Definition and concepts, Theories and models of Intelligence, Measurement of intelligence and aptitude, Exceptional intelligence, multiple intelligence, emotional intelligence, artificial intelligence. 11. Motivation and Emotion : Definition and concept of imprinting, needs, drives and motives; Theories of motivation and their application (drive reduction theory, Maslow's motivational hierarchy). Social motivation: Achievement, power, affiliation motives and influence of early experiences. Physiological basis of emotion. Theories of emotion (James-Lange and Cannon- Brad theories, cognitive theories). 12. Personality : Concepts and Definition of personality. Study of personality (Trait, type and eclectic approaches) Development of personality (Freud, Erikson, Biological and socio-cultural determinants). Measurement of Personality (Self-report measures, projective tests). Application of personality profiles in fitting a person to a job. 13. Adjustment and Stress : Concept and definition. Factors affecting adjustment (frustration and conflict). Sources of stress and reactions to stress. Coping with stress. Application of stress management techniques. 14. Social Behaviour : Socio-cultural factors and behaviour. Development of attitudes, stereotypes and prejudice. Strategies for reducing prejudice and changing attitude. Person perception, implicit personality theory and integrating impressions. Application of person perception to impression management. 15. Application of Psychology : Health and mental health (yoga, meditation and relaxation therapies). Education (Programmed learning,. self instructional learning and learning styles). Community (self help through group cohesiveness and leadership). Industry (Assessment centre approach in selection, recruitment and training). Environment (man-nature interaction), pollution reduction. Information technology (Application to commercial, educational and health areas). PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1. Basic concepts : Meaning, Scope and Significance; Public and Private Administration; Evolution of the Discipline; Comparative Public Administration; Development Administration; New Public Administration; New Public Management Perspective. 2. Principles of Organisation : Hierarchy, Unity of Command, Span of Control, Authority and Responsibility, Coordination, Supervision, Centralisation and Decentralisation, Delegation. 3. Theories of Organisation : Classical Theory, Scientific Management Theory, Bureaucratic Theory, Human Relations Theory, Behavioural Approach, Systems Approach. 4. Administrative Behaviour : Leadership, Policy Formulation, Decision Making, Communication, Motivation, Morale. 5. Accountability and Control : Concepts; Legislative, Executive and Judicial Control over Administration; Citizen and Administration; Civil Society, People's Participation, Right to Information. 6. Comparative Administrative Systems : USA, UK, France: Features, Recruitment, Training, Promotion. 7. Personnel Administration in India: Recruitment to all India and Central Services, Training, Promotion; Union Public Service Commission. 8. Financial Administration: Budget – Concept, Formulation, Execution; Accounts; Audit; Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 9. Central and State Administration in India: Features of Indian Constitution; President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Central Secretariat, Cabinet Secretariat, Prime Minister’s Office, Planning Commission, Finance Commission, Election Commission; Governor, Chief Minister, State Secretariat, Directorate, District Administration. 10. Local Government: Evolution; 73rd and 74th Constitutional (Contd. from prev,. Page.. ) simplex method. Transportation problem, Assignment problem, theory of games, waiting line, statistical quality control, production control, quality engineering concepts of Taguchi, Total quality management, ISO 9000/ISO 14000. Methods and time study, motion economy and work space design, operation and flow process charts, break-even analysis. 6. Thermodynamics : Basic concepts, definitions and laws, heat, work and temperature, Zeroth law, First Law, second law and its corollaries, Temperature scales, Behaviour of pure substances, equations of state. Reciprocating air compressors : Work required for single and multistage air compressors, Effect of intercooling, optimum inter-stage pressure, Effect of clearance and volumetric efficiency. Analysis of air standard power cycles, Carnot, Otto ,Diesel, Brayton cycles, vapour power cycles, Rankine reheat and regenerative cyles, Open and closed cycles gas turbine with intercooling and reheating. 7. Energy Conversion : Flow of steam through nozzles, critical pressure ratio, shock formation and its effect. Steam Generators, mountings and accessories. Impulse and reaction turbines, elements and layout of thermal power plants. Hydraulic turbines and pumps, specific speed, layout of hydraulic power plants. Introduction to nuclear reactors and nuclear power plants, handling of nuclear waste. 8. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning : Unit of refrigeration, Maximum COP, Bell Coleman, vapour absorption and vapour compression cycles, Refrigeration equipment, operation and maintenance, refrigerants, principles of air conditioning, psychometric chart, comfort zones, humidification and dehumidification. 0zone friendly refrigerants. 9. Fluid Mechanics : Hydrostatics, continuity equation, Bernoulli's theorem, flow through pipes, discharge measurement, laminar and turbulent flow, boundary layer concept. PHILOSOPHY Section-A Problems of Philosophy: 1. Substance : Aristotle, Descartes, Locke Berkeley’s immaterialism, Hume, Nyaya Vaisesika and Jaina. 2. Universals : Realism and Nominalism (Plato, Aristotle, Berkeley’s Criticism of Abstract ideas) Nyaya – Vaisesika, Buddhism. 3. Method of knowledge : Empiricism, Rationalism, Pramana Vada - Carvaka, Nyaya – Vaisesika. 4. Theories of Truth : Correspondence theory, Coherence theory, Pragmatic theory. 5. Khyati Vada : Anyatha khyati, Akhyati, Anirvacaniya khyati, Viparita khyati. 6. Body and Mind : Descartes (Interactionism), Spinoza (Parallelism), Leibnitz (Pre-established theory), Epiphenomenalism. Section-B Logic 1. Truth and validity, Principles of Logic. 2. Problem and Procedure of Induction : Scientific induction, Unscientific induction, Analogy. 3. Syllogism : Figures and Moods, Rules of syllogism (general and special) Valid moods, Direct and indirect reduction, Venn Diagrams. 4. Grounds of Induction : Formal grounds and material grounds. 5. Propositional calculus : Truth functions (negation, conjuction, disnjuction, implication, alternation, equivalence, stroke), Truth table, Testing validity of arguments, Direct truth-table, Indirect truth-table method. 6. Algebra of classes : Null class, Class inclusion, Class-membership, Reduction to normal forms. Section-C Ethics 1. Statement of fact and statement of value, Right and Good - Teleology and de-ontology. 2. Moral standards : Psychological Hedonism, Utilitarianism (Bentham and J.S. Mill), Rigorism (Kant). 3. Problem of freedom of will. 4. Moral Judgements : Descriptivism, Prescriptivism, Emotivism. 5. Gandhian Ethics : Truth, Non-violence, Satyagraha, Ends and Means. 6. Niskama Karma, Purusartha. 7. Jaina Ethics : Triratna. 8. Buddhist Ethics : Four Noble truths, Eight fold paths. PHYSICS 1. Mechanics, Properties of matter, Special Relativity and Waves Dimensional analysis. Newton's laws of motion and applications, variable mass systems, projectiles. Rotational dynamics-kinetic energy, angular momentum, theorems of moment of intertia and calculations in simple cases. Conservative forces, frictional forces. Gravitaional potential and intensity due to spherical objects. Central forces, Kepler's problem, escape velocity, artificial and Geo-stationary satellites. Streamline motion, Viscosity, Poiseuille's equation. Applications of Bernoulli's equation and Stokes' law. Michelson Morley experiment, Postulates of Relativity, Lorentz transformation, addition of velocities, length contraction, time dilation, mass- energy relation. Simple harmonic motion, Lissajous figures. Damped oscillation, forced oscillation and resonance. Beats, Phase and group velocities. Stationary waves, vibration of strings and air columns, longitudinal waves in solids. Doppler effect. Ultrasonics and applications. 2. Geometrical and Physical Optics: Laws of reflection and refraction from Fermat's principle. Matrix method in paraxial optics- thin lens formula, nodal planes, system of two thin lenses. Chromatic and spherical aberrations. Simple optical instruments-magnifier, eyepieces, telescopes and microscopes. Huygens' principle-reflection and refraction of waves. Interference of light- Young's experiment, Newton's rings, interference by thin films, Michelson interferometer. Fraunhofer diffraction-single slit, double slit, diffraction grating, resolving power. Fresnel diffraction-half-period zones and zone plate. Production and detection of linearly, circularly and elliptically polarised light. Double refraction, quarter-wave plates and halfwave plates. Polarizing sheets. Optical activity and applications. Rayleigh scattering and applications. Lasers, characteristics of laser light-spatial and temporal coherence, Focussing of laser beams and applications. 3. Heat and Thermodynamics Thermal equilibrium and temperature: The zeroth law of thermodynamics. Heat and the first law of thermodynamics. Efficiency of Carnot engines. Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics. Kinetic theory and the equation of state of an ideal gas. Mean free path, distribution of molecular speeds and energies. Transport phenomena. Andrew's experiements-Van der Waals equation and applications. Joule-Kelvin effect and applications. Brownian motion. Thermodynamic potentials-Maxwell relations and Phase transitions. Kirchhoff's laws. Black-body radiation-Stefan-Boltzmann law, spectral radiancy, Wien displacement law, Planck radiation law. 4. Electricity and Magnetism: Electric charge, Coulomb's law, electric field, Gauss' law. Electric potential, Van de Graff accelerator. Capacitors, dielectrics and polarization. Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's first and second rules, resistors in series and parallel, applications to two-loop circuits. Magnetic field-Gauss' law for magnetism, magnetic susceptibility, classification of magnetic materials. Cirulating charges, cyclotron, synchrotron. Hall effect. Biot-Savart law, Ampere's law, Faraday's law of induction. Lenz's law. Inductance. Alternating current circuits-RC, LR, single-loop LRC circuits, impedance, resonance, power in AC circuits. Displacement current, Maxwell's equations (MKS units), electromagnetic waves, energy transport and Poynting vector. 5. Atomic and Nuclear Physics: Photoelectric effect, Einstein's photon theory. Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom. Stern- Gerlach experiment, quantisation of angular momentum, electron spin. Pauli exclusion principle and applications. Zeeman effect. X-ray spectrum, Bohr's theory of the Mosley plot. Compton effect, Compton wavelength. Wave nature of matter, de Broglie wavelength, wave-particle duality. Heisenberg's uncertainty relationships. Schroedinger's equation-eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of (i) particle in a box, (ii) simple harmonic oscillator and (iii) hydrogen atom. Potential step and barrier penetration. Natural and artificial radioactivity. Binding energy of nuclei, nuclear fission and fusion. Classification of elementary particles and their interactions. 6. Solid State Physics and Electronics: Crystal structure, Bravais Lattices, Miller indices, X-ray diffraction, Bragg’s Law. Vacuum diodes in half-wave and full-wave rectification, qualitative ideas of semiconductors, (Contd.Next Page.. ) μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 17 Government of India Department of Space Indian Space Research Organisation LIQUID PROPULSION SYSTEMS CENTRE Valiamala P.O., Thiruvananthapuram-695547 Applications are invited for the following posts for LPSC Units located at Valiamala near Thiruvananthapuram, Mahendragiri nearNagercoil and Bangalore in Karnataka: Name of Post & Grade: Technical Assistant (Rs. 9300-34800/- + Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-) Post No.: 575, Discipline: Mechanical, No.of Posts: 11* Reservation Details: UR: 2, OBC: 6, SC: 2, ST: 1, Essential qualifications: First Class Diploma in Mechanical Engineering. Post No.: 576, Discipline: Electronics, Reservation Details: No. of Posts: 5, UR: 4 SC: 1, Essencial Qualifications: First Class Diploma in Electronics Engineering. Post No: 577, Discipline: Automobile, No. of Posts: 2, Reservation Details: UR 2, Essencial Qualification: First Class Diploma in Automobile Engineering. Post No.: 578, Discipline: Civil, No of Posts: 1, Reservation Details: OBC: 1, Essencial Qualification: First Class Diploma in Civil Engineering. Post No.: 579: Air Conditioning, No of Posts: 1, Reservation Details: OBC: 1, Essencial Qualification: First Class Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Refrigeration & Air conditioning. Post No: 580, Displine: Electrical, No of Posts: 1, Reservation Details: ST : 1, Essencial Qualification: First Class Diploma in Electrical Engineering. Post No.: 581, Discipline: Computer Science, No. of Posts: 1, Reservation Details: OBC: 1, Essencial Qualification: First Class Diploma in Computer Engineering. Name of Post & Grade: Technician-B (Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs. 2000/-) Post No.: 582, Discipline: Electronic Mechanic, No of Posts: 6, Reservation Details: UR: 3, OBC: 2, SC: 1, Essencial Qualification: SSLC/SSC pass + ITI/ NTC/NAC in Electronic Mechanic Trade. Post No,: 583, Discipline: Fitter, No of Posts: 4, Reservation Details: UR: 2, OBC: 2, Essencial Qualification: SSLC/SSC pass + ITI/NTC/NAC in Fitter Trade. Post No: 584, Discipline: Welder, No of Posts: 1, Reservation Details: SC: 1, Essencial Qualification: SSLC/SSC pass + ITI/ NTC/NAC in Welder Trade. Post No.: 585, Discipline: Photographer, No. of Posts: 1, Reservation Details: UR: 1, Essencial Quallification: SSLC/SSC pass + ITI/ NTC/NAC in Photographer Trade. Post No: 586, Discipline: Carpenter, No of Posts: 1, Reservation Details: OBC: 1, Essencial Qualification: SSLC/SSC pass + ITI/NTC/NAC in Carpenter Trade. Post No: 587, Discplane: PIumber, No of Posts: 1, Reservation Details: SC: 1, Essencial Qualification: SSLC/SSC pass + ITI/NTC/NAC in Plumber Trade. Out of this one vacancy is reserved for PWD (OH) Note: The number of posts indicated above are provisional and may vary depending on the actual requirement: UR/Un-reserved, OBC/Other Backward Class, SC- Scheduled Caste, ST- Scheduled Tribe, /PWD(OH)-(Persons With Disabilities (Orthopaedically Handicapped) Age limit as on 09.12.2011 is 35 years, but relaxable by 5 years in the case of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe and 3 years in the case of OBC candidates. Ex-servicemen and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) are eligible for upper age relaxation as per Govt, of India rules. Children/family members of those who died in the riots of 1984 will be given preference in recruitment by giving necessary age relaxation as applicable. Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to apply”. Interested candidates may visit the website www.lpsc.gov.in for detailed information and guidelines. Applications will be received ON-LINE only. The online recruitment portal will be available from. 1100 hrs on 19.11.2011 to 1500 hrs on 09.12.2011. One printed copy of the Declaration generated after registering the ON-LINE application, duly affixing a passport size Photograph attested by a Gazetted Officer should be sent to Sr. Administrative Officer, Recruitment Section, .Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, Valiamala PO., Thiruvananthapuram- 695 547 so as to reach on or before 19.12.2011. INTEGRATED TRIBAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, RAYAGADA WALK IN INTERVIEW Application are invited from eligible candidates to fill up the following posts on purely temporary and contractual basis in Govt. Higher Secondary School, (SSD), Kailashpur in Rayagada District. Category of post: Junior Lecturer in Commerce. Consolidated remuneration per month: Rs.9,300/-. Minimum qualification: Minimum 55% marks in post Graduate in Commerce from any recognized University. B.Ed will be given preference. B.Sc. (Hon) in Physics from any recognized University. Category of post: Laboratory Asst. in Physics. Consolidated remuneration per moth: Rs.9,300/-. Minimum qualification: Minimum 55% marks in post Graduate in Commerce from any recognized University. B.Ed will be given preference. B.Sc. (Hon) in Physics from any recognized University. A candidate must not be less than 21 years and more than 32 years of Age as on 01-10-2011. The upper age limit is relaxable by 5 year in case of candidates belongs to be SC/STWomen/ SEBC candidates. Relaxation of age for other candidates will be as per Govt. Rules. Interested candidates having the above mentioned requisite qualification may attend the walk in interview with one resume with following documents. i. Original documents and one set of attested copies of Educational certificates, ii. Two present pass port Photographs duly attested. The walk in interview will be 8/ 12/2011 at 11.00 AM in the office of the Project Administrator, I.T.D.A., Rayagada. Collector-cum-Chairman, H.S.S., Kailashpur, Rayagada CENTRAL SALT & MARINE CHEMICALS RESEARCH INSTITUTE (CSMCRI) (A National Laboratory CSIR) G.B. Marg, Bhavnagar-364021 ADVERTISEMENT NO. 2/2011 Applications are invited from talented Indian Nationals for 10 posts of Scientists (4 in PB-4 and 6 in PB-3) in the areas of Salt and Marine Chemicals, Wasteland Research, Public Relations, Planning, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, chemical Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Science Dissemination in Hindi and Energy Research, Respectively. Last date for receipt of applications is 16.1.2012. For detailed information please log on to www.csmcri.org or see our advertisement in Employment News / Rozgar Samachar dated 19.11.2011 Amendment Acts., Rural and Urban Local Governments in Orissa – Structures, Functions, Finances, Problems and Prospects. SOCIOLOGY Unit I : Basic Concepts : Society, community, association, institution, culture, culture change, diffusion, Cultural log, ethnocentrism, acculturation. Social Groups-primary, secondary and reference groups. Little Tradition and Great tradition, Status and role, role conflict, role set, social control. Norms and values-conformity and deviance, Law and customs. Socio-cultural processes : socialization, assimilation, integration, cooperation, competition, conflict, accommodation, universalization and parochialization. Unit II : Marriage, Family and Kinship : Marriage : types and forms, marriage as contract, and as a sacrament. Family : types, functions and changes. Kinships : terms and usages. Unit III : Social Stratification : Forms and functions; Caste, Class and gender, Jajmani system, purity and pollution, dominant caste, sanskritisation. Unit IV : Types of Society : Tribal, agrarian, industrial and post-industrial, society. Unit V : Economy and Society : Economic systems of simple and complex societies, non-economic determinants of economic behaviour, market (free) economy and controlled (planned) economy. Unit VI : Industrial and Urban Society : Rural-Urban Continuum and contrast, urban growth and urbanization, town, city and metropolis; urban slums; impact of automation on society; industrialisation and environment. Unit VII : Social Demography : Population size, growth, composition, and distribution in India; components of population growth- births, deaths and migration; population policy. Unit VIII : Political Processes : Power, authority and legitimacy; political socialisation; political modernisation, pressure groups; caste and politics, Religion and politics. Unit IX : Weaker Sections-and Minorities : Protective discrimination; Constitutional safeguards. Unit X : Social Change : Theories of change; factors of change; science, technology and change. Social movements-Peasant Movement, Women's Movement, Backward Caste Movement, Dalit Movement. STATISTICS Group-A: Probability & Probability Distributions Unit-I: Random experiment, sample space, event, algebra of events, probability on a discrete sample space, basic theorems of probability and simple examples based thereon, conditional probability, independent events, Bayes’ theorem and its applications, discrete and continuous random variables and their distributions, expectation, moments, moment generating function, joint distribution of two random variables, marginal and conditional distributions, independence of random variables, covariance. Chebyshev's inequality, weak law of large numbers and central limit theorem for independently and identically distributed random variables with finite variance and their simple applications. Unit-II : Distribution function of random variables, Bernoulli, Binomial, Geometric, Negative binomial, Hypergeometric, Poisson, Uniform, Beta, Exponential, Gamma, Cauchy, Normal, Lognormal and Bivariate normal distributions, real-life situations where these distributions provide appropriate models. Derivation of mgf and characteristic function of the distributions, computation of their moments and Pearsonian co-efficients. Group-B: Statistical Methods Unit-I: Concept of a statistical population and sample, types of data, presentation and summarization of data, measures of central tendency, dispersion, moments, skewness and kurtosis, measures of association and contingency, correlation, rank correlation, intraclass correlation, correlation ratio, simple and multiple linear regression, multiple and partial correlations (involving three variables only) Unit-II: Curve-fitting and principle of least squares, concepts of parameter and statistic, Z, c2 , t and F- statistics and their distributions, properties and applications, distributions of sample range and median (for continuous distributions only). Group-C: Statistical Inference Unit-I: Properties of a good estimator : Unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency, sufficiency, completeness; minimum variance unbiased estimation, Rao-Blackwell theorem, Cramer- Rao inequality and minimum variance bound estimator, Methods of estimation : moments, maximum likelihood, least squares and minimum chi-square; properties of maximum likelihood estimator, idea of a random interval, confidence intervals for the parameters of standard distributions, shortest confidence intervals, large-sample confidence intervals. Unit-II: Simple and composite hypotheses, two kinds of errors, level of significance, size and power of a test, desirable properties of a good test, most powerful test, Neyman-Pearson lemma and its application for testing simple hypothesis, uniformly most powerful test, likelihood ratio test and its properties and applications. Chi-square test, sign test, Wald- Wolfowitz run test, run test for randomness, median test, Wilcoxon test and Wilcoxon- Mann-Whitney U-test. Wald's sequential probability ratio test, OC and ASN functions, application to binomial and normal distributions. Group-D : Sampling Theory and Design of Experiments Unit-I: Complete enumeration vs sampling, need for sampling, basic concepts of sampling and sampling design, large-scale sample surveys, sampling and non-sampling errors, simple random sampling, estimation of sample size, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, ratio, product and regression methods of estimation under simple and stratified random sampling, double sampling for ratio and regression methods of estimation, two-stage sampling with equal size first-stage units. Unit-II: Analysis of variance with equal number of observations per cell in one, two and threeway classifications, analysis of covariance in one and two-way classifications, basic principles of experimental designs, completely randomized design, randomized block design, Latin square design, missing plot technique, 2n factorial experiment, total and partial confounding, 32 factorial experiments, split-plot design and balanced incomplete block design. Each group should have equal weight ZOOLOGY I. (a) Taxonomy: Nomenclature and classification of animals up to orders; Taxonomic principles- species, ranking and phylogenetic divisions. (b). Non-chordata: Structure, reproduction and life history of the following: Amoeba, Plasmodium, Hydra, Fasciola, Taenia, Pheretima, Palaemon, Periplaneta, Pila and Asterias. II. Chordata: General features and phylogeny of protochordates; General characters and phylogeny of cyclostomes, pisces, amphibians, reptiles, aves and mammals; Type studies : Scoliodon, Rana, Calotes, Columba and Oryctolagus. III. Comparative anatomy: Comparative functional anatomy of vertebrate systems : integument, digestive, brain, kidney, circulatory and endocrine. IV. (a). Ecology and Wildlife: Concept and components of ecosystem (energy flow, food chain, food web, ecological pyramids, bio-geochemical cycles such as carbon, nitrogen and sulphur; Biotic community; Concept of population; Animal adaptations; Biodiversity- principles and types (á, â a n d ã diversity); Conservation; Wildlife of Orissa; Concept of wildlife management and endangered species. (b). Evolution and Economic Zoology: Principles, theories and evidences of evolution; Palaeozoology; Zoological eras; Zoogeographical distribution of animals; Beneficial insects and their culture; Protozoan and helminth parasites of man; Poisonous and non-poisonous snakes. V. (a) Cell Biology and Microbiology: Structure of animal cell; Cell organelles and their functions; Cell division- mitosis and meiosis; Prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Bacterial cell structure; Viruses and their types; Bacterial and viral diseases. (b). Genetics: Concept of genes and heredity; Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance; Linkage and corssing-over; Mutation and recombination; Sex determination; Sex-linked inheritance. (c). Immunology: Innate vs acquired immunity; Antigen and antibody; B and T cells; organ and tissue transplantation; Immune response and AIDS. VI. (a). Biochemistry: Structure and organization of biomolecules- carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids; Glycolysis; TCA cycle; Glycogen metabolism; Gluconeogenesis; â-oxidation of fatty acids; Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation; Hormones; Vitamins; Enzymes; Coenzymes; pH and buffers. (b). Molecular Biology: Structural organization of DNA and RNA; Types of RNA; DNA replication; Transcription and translation; Genetic code; Protein synthesis. VII. (a). Physiology and Endocrinology: Physiology of digestion, excretion and respiration; Muscles and their contraction; Neuron and nerve conduction; Hormone action; Second messenger concept; Physiology of reproduction; Hypothalamic regulation and endocrine functions. (b). Ethology: Neural and hormonal control of behaviour; Mechanism of learning and memory; Biological rhythms. (c) Embryology: Gametes and gametogenesis; Fertilization; Cleavage and gastrulation in frog and chick; Metamorphosis; Placenta and placentation in mammals. VIII. (a). Biotechnology: Recombinant DNA; Restriction enzymes; Gene cloning and vectors; c-DNA; Gene library; Animal cloning and GM animals; Application of biotechnology in health care, waste management and food production. (b). Instrumentation: Microscopy (compound, electron and phase-contrast); pH-metry; Colorimetry; Chromatography; Centrifugation; Electrophoresis; ELISA. (c). Biostatistics: Measurement of central tendency- mean, mode and median; Tests of significance (x2, t and F). Odisha Public....(Continuation page-16) µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{µÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 18 FREE ONE YEAR NATUROPATHY TREATMENT ASSISTANT TRAINING COURSE WALK-lN-INTERVIEW On 8th & 9th December 2011 at 10.00 am Qualification : 10th Pass Age Limit : 18to30Yrs Stipend : Rs. 3000/-p.m. The course is full time & also involves intensive training. Those, who are ready to work hard, only may attend interview along with the original and a Xerox copy of the certificates in support of qualifications and age. Admission will be given as per reservation rules of Govt, of India. Please visit our website: www.punenin.org for further details. DIRECTOR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF NATUROPATHY (Dept of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt of India) Bapu Bhavan, Tadiwala Road, Pune-411001. Phone:(020) 26059682, email:[email protected] fç àÿ â æ Lÿ æ¾ö ¿æÁÿ ß: Aœÿ ë {SæÁÿ (Aœÿë Óí `ÿç †ÿ fœÿfæ†ÿç H Aœÿë Óí `ÿç †ÿ fæ†ÿç DŸßœÿ D¨¯ÿ ç µÿ æ S) aœ¸co|o o|oo oo¸|co aœ¸o¸¤† oœo|† o aœ¸o¸¤† o|† oŸoœ ¤o|o ’|o| oo¤|o† oŸi† co¤|on o oŸi† a|on ¤’+|ooo¸ccco oo| os|oc{ os|oc| œo¸o œnce o† †| vr|vv|ºsvv ou ’œ a|c¤’œc|oio ona o o|o† co|o+†|, n|c o ¤ , <n¸ ocn¤ coo c¤ oœ o|¤ o cc¤ o†+|’ o n¸o (Origónal) on|oo† os ooø† os o|s co|ocœ¤| o|o o¸¤œ| ’ a|o|oa o| 1 n|† o |a i{o |a iœin|œo¸ a™ c o¸ co|o c’¤| oc|co †| vr|vv|ºsvv ou ’œ aœ¸oø† a¤| a|c¤’œc|oio¸ o¸œ¤|o oo|o ’a|o|oe co, a|o|ni †|. ºr|vv|ºsvv ou o¸¤|s o. vs.+s ¤c|o¸ aoo|s o. x.+s ¤c| ono nšco oo¸| ooo’, aœ¸co|oo onoœi coo|co ona n¸o on|oo† os ooø† os o|s co|ocœc¤ 1 oo o¸¤œ| coo co|oo| <¤· <s| oco c|s|o o|a† cc|oo oc|co ¤¤|oc¸ œa|o¤ œ|s 1 (¤.’. †| vr|vv|ºsvv ou ’œ o|s co|o cœoa¤| o|ai{o|aœi a|o¤| aœ|¤o+c ac¤ 1) É÷ ê ¯ÿ Ó;ÿ Lÿ ë þæ Àÿ ¨æ ~ç S÷ æ Üÿ ê fç àÿ â æ þèÿ Áÿ A™# Lÿ æ Àÿ ê, 19æ 11æ 2011 ASë {Sæ Áÿ fç àÿ â æ Lÿ æ ¾ö ¿æ Áÿ ß, œÿ ßæ SÝ (aœ¸o¸¤† oœo|† o aœ¸o¸¤† o|† oo¤o|o) <†”|o| o¤o|™|ooo a¤o† œnce oo|o ’a|o|oae co oo¸| ¤oœ cn¤o aœ¸cn|’œ oco <s ¤o|oco oo| os|oc œo¸o œnˆ a|c¤’œ coa¤| o|ain|œoo aø|oi ¤o| cn™| †|oc| (Provisional Draft Merit List) o œ|c¤ †|oc| oo¸| co¤o|o¤ www.nayagarh.nic.in co ooos 1 <s †|oc| oo¸| noo a™c|oi, œo|oc, co+|o ¤o|oo o¸¤cœoo o.a|o. o o .a|o.o c|o +|oo, o o¸ | œ co|oœ c|o +|oo, ona ¤¸ c c|o +|oo o oo¸|o|oo c|o+|ooo ¤w|oœ oocco nš ooos cs¤ 1 <aco o’ c|s|o a|oˆ a|<, c†c¤ o ’o œo vs ’ œ nšco o o¸ | noo a™ c|oio c|o+|ooo|co c|o+|oo ono o¸¤|s vs o¤c| o|o¸ aoo|s so¤c| nšco ooc|oi e¸¤’œ ¤+†i† on|o os ’|uo coo|oc¤ 1 fç àÿ â æ ¨æ Áÿ , œÿ ßæ SÝ ZILLA SWASTHYA SAMITI, KEONJHAR CORRIGENDUM The minimum and maximum age limit to be eligible to apply for the post of contractual MPHW (Male) both under Govt. Scheme and World Bank supported NVBDCP will be as follows instead of 18 to 35. UP. from 18 to 32 years, SEBC from 18 to 35 years, ST/ SC from 18 to 37 years. Chief District Medical Officer, Keonjhar UNION PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION NOTICE SPECIAL CLASS RAILWAY APPRENTICE'S EXAMINATION The written result of SCRA Examination, 2011 has been declared by the Commission and the same is available on the Commission's Website, http://www.upsc.gov.in. It is informed that all the written qualified candidates are required to fill up and submit the Detailed Application Form (DAF) ONLINE followed by sending of ink signed copy of the printout of DAF along with their photograph and all relevant documents to the Commission. The DAF shall be available on the Commission's Website till 30.11.2011 till 11.59 P.M. Important Instructions for filling up and submitting the ONLINE DAF are also available on the Website along with the Rules Of SCRA Examination, 2011. The last date for the receipt of printed copy of DAF (ink signed) along with relevant documents is 05.12.2011. In the event of non-receipt of ink signed copy of DAF, the candidature will be cancelled without any further notice. The candidates shall be informed for their Personality Test through email followed by speed post. The details of Personality Test shall also be available on the Commission's Website by 02.12.2011. Employees' State Insurance Corporation PANCHDEEP BHAWAN, CIG ROAD, NEW DELHI-110002 (ISO 9001: 2008 Certified), website: www.esic.nic.in HOLDING OF WRITTEN SCREENING TEST FOR THE POST OF BIO MEDICAL ENGINEER IN ESI CORPORATION The Written Screening Test for the post of Bio Medical Engineer in ESI Corporation is schedule to be held on 27th November. 2011 (SUNDAY). The Admit Cards have been dispatched to all the provisionally eligible candidates. The List of Candidates with details for issuing Duplicate Admit Cards are also uploaded on ESIC website www.esic.nic.in >Recruitment. Jt. Director (Rectt.) µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{µÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 19 CMYK CMYK µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{µÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 20 FREE œÿç¾ëNÿç OASIS cn|œic¸ ¤ |s ¤ a|o o|o ao o ¤|o ,a|o ¤|¤ n+|cœoo , n+|cœoo, ¤ |s n+|cœoo o’ o|o o¸ a, ~ a ’oc|o | co|o+†|-n|¤ co¸ o |o¸ <oœ, ¤oo-vro¸ ºr, c¤ œ o onoco n|o c a|o ssss+ os ¤|+cnc c|o +o cn|oœ oco n|o c a|o ºssss | {¾æ Sæ {¾æ S:Samantarapur Chhak PLot No. 551, Backside of Reliance Fresh, Bhubaneswar, Ph-0674-6511039, 9778359303 ¯ÿ ç jæ ¨œÿ oco| o|o+ aocou|o|o, o¸¤cœoo, †ooo¸ ¤oŸ ¤+o¤cooo o|uco a¤| o¸ o|†œ +† s|o c œa o† , oœc, coco <¤· c’oo o† s|oco a·oo so coa¤| ¤o¤ ¤+o, oo ooc|oi cn¤|oi, couc, c¤w|œc oo†o ¤+oo† ¤ o , o|ooi o œa o† o†+|’ ¤o † a|a c ¤o co c o co ¤| œ nce ø o co|o|oae 1 coon|cœ œo o|uco a¤| < o¤eio œao† ¤co co¤| o|o o¡¸c, con|cœ < ¤w|oœ oc|o o|o¤|o ’¸on|o nšco ¤+oo† o|¤co ¤| o† n|šnco œn o|ooc|oio os† co|o|co|o coe¸ 1 coo œao†o¸cc ¤co œnce o”¤ †|s|o <c ¤¤ooi os œn o|ooc|oio oco|co ’ou|a co¤|c¸ aœ¸co|™ 1 A™êäLÿ , HÝç Éæ Àÿ æ f¿ Aµÿ ç {àÿ Qæ Sæ Àÿ , {¨æ ίÿ Oÿ ú œÿ ó- 35 µÿ ë ¯ÿ {œÿ É´ Àÿ -751001 Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha Prajnpitha, C/2, Samantapur, Bhubaneswar-751013 On-line Form Fill up Annual Higher Secondary Education Examination-2012 In supercession of the Letter No.11051, Dated : 14-Oct-2011 issued by the Council and as per the Government Notification No.lll-HE- ADM-199/11 -39630, Dated: 17-Nov-2011, Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha is introducing on-line form fill up of the regular (Arts, Science & Commerce) students who will appear the Annual Higher Secondary Examination 2012. The revised dates of the on-line form fill up is given below. However, the detailed scheduled of activities with time limit & guideline will be communicated to colleges through e-Space (www.dheorissa.in) Software Training to 30 SAMS Nodal College in Central SAMS Lab in BJB (Junior) College, Bhubaneswar: 08-Dec-2011. Software training to SAMS Resource Center by Nodal College in the Nodal College premises: 10- Dec-2011to 12.Dec-2011. Software training to tagged college by SAMS Resource Center in the SRC College premises: 13-Dec-2011 to 14-Dec-2011. Students eligible for appearing Annual Higher Secondary Examination 2012 (Regular - Arts, Science & Commerce) will submit necessary fees alongwith required documents in their colleges (Without Fine): 15-Dec-2011to 18-Dec-2011. On-line form fill up in the e-Space (www.dheorissa.in) by college authority (Without Fine): 15-Dec-2011to 20-Dec-2011. Students eligible for appearing Annual Higher Secondary Examination 2012 (Regular - Arts, Science & Commerce) will submit necessary fees alongwith required documents in their colleges (With Fine): 21-Dec-2011to 24-Dec-2011. On-line form fill up in the e-Space (www.dheorissa.in) by college authority (With Fine): 22-Dec-2011to 26-Dec-2011. Examination Fees transfer to the Bank through RTGS/NEFT: 28-Dec-2011. Form Fill up data & fund transfer information are to be sent to CHSE on-line through e-Space: 30-Dec-2011. Final form fill up data duly verified by the CHSE, Odisha will be published in the e-SpaceA/website: 20-Jan-2012 The rest of the.procedures shall be followed by CHSE (O) as per usual practice. The detailed guideline & procedure alongwith date line & documents verification Schedule will be notified within a week's time. Collector of Examinations CHSE, Odisha œÿ ç ¾ë Nÿ ç ¯ÿ ç j樜ÿ o|o+ a|ooi ¤o|oco vn, ºo, +o, xa, sn <¤· »a oƒa| ooo ¤|¤|ooœn|œoco u|oa¤| xvx¤ oo-c o’¤i o¸oo œnce œ•|o† onco cc¤o o¸o¸o o|ain|œoo|o¸ ’ou|a a|s|œ co|o|oae 1 <s œo¸o ooio| oc†+c ooo ¤|¤|ooœ o|o <c onoco co|o¤ 1 ’ou|ao¸cc o·oo cn|ƒ|¤o c|o+|ooco †| vº|vº|ºsvv ou aoo|s s¤| o¸•| oss¤| a|¤o+c 1 v- (c) u|oa¤| o’¤i o·u+|. - (u) o·ooo. ¤oŸ ¤o oa|aœ¸o¸¤† o|†{aœ¸o¸¤† ooo|†{o|n|oc o oo| co†co aœooo ¤o{a¤oo o|q o|noc cn¤|oi{cic|¤† o|ain|œo œnce o¤o† ooc|oi œon o œc”oœ|n| aœ¸o|co ø|œ o·oooo o¸¤™| ose 1 º- ’on|s|o o oˆ|. (c) co|coo| o’¤i o|o . ¤. x.xxs-vx,»rs{- + coo co ¤. vxss{- o <a os† aœ+|œ+ oˆ| 1 (u) oa (Water Carrier), ¤|oc, c™|¤| o ~|c¸’|o o’¤i o|o . x,xxs-vx,»rs + coo co ¤. v+ss{- o <a os† aœ+|œ+ oˆ| 1 +- ooo¸o co|o+†|. o|aio oooou† o’¤i œnce œo¸o ooio|co a·ooso o|o œnou† co|o+†| a¤| a|¤o+c 1 (c) co oca| o|o|co nš | o|anc ¤’+|oo ¤| <n.o. ¤|ƒ|o onco ooio|co oca| <c ¤oo a|o oqn cooi oˆi‚ cs|oac¤ 1 (u) co oca| cs¤|, cou¤| o oo¤|c¸ oon ac¤ 1 (o) œ|n oeicoo. o|ai oco| o|o+o cocc|oo cnco|o|o cccco, ’ou|a on ’|uo co¤| ’œ ¤| †| o¸¤o¸ œoo œ|n oeicoo coa¤| a|¤o+c 1 x- ¤oo oin|. o|aioo ¤oo †|. sv.sv.ºsvv ou o¸•| vr ¤oo¸ cn c¤| +º ¤oo¸ a™c cs|oœa¤ 1 aœ¸o¸¤† o|†{ooo|†{o|n|oc oo| co†co aœooo ¤oo o|ain|œo o|o oc¤|o ¤oooin| s ¤o oo+e cc|so co|o¤ 1 a¤ooo|q o|noc cn¤|oin|œoo oc¤|o ¤oooin| con|œo o|o o”¤ ooc|oi œon|œ¸o|co cc|so co|o¤ 1 ° ¤¤|s† cs|oaco †|oo <c|™c oi¤† oœi œac¤ 1 s- œo¸o ooio|. (c) oc†+c o|aioo o|ø+o†, c|o+on†| o o|oioc ’o†|o ¤c¤¤œ| ooc|oi o|ooo ’|o| co|o¤ <¤· cc¤o co|o+ ¤c¤¤† o|aio¸ ¤oœ oco|co a·ooso co¤| o|o aœ¸n† ’a|o¤ 1 (u) ¤ˆo† ooio|. ocoqœ c¤|o o|ain|œoo oooou† o’¤i œnce con|œo ¤ˆo† ooio| co|oc¤ 1 o|aioo œo ¤ˆ ooco o|™|oo w|œ o aœ¸o¸† osa¤| a|¤o+c, <†’¤+†i† œo¸o ooio| onoco con|cœ œo ¤ˆo† co|o+†| <¤· ’o†| œco co c’u|o¤|c¸ oc ¤ 1 ¤ˆo† ooio| œnce a¤| œnco o’ˆ co|oo| 1 ¤ˆo† ooio| . o¤|™c œ¤o- vss, oˆi‚ œ¤o - +s (o) cn|uc ooio|. o¤|™c œ¤o - vs (o) osooin|œo o|o o¸co|o. o|ai œo¸o ¤w|oœ oc|o† cs¤| oo+e œon† + ¤o osooi o·ø|co œo¸o cs|oa¤|o oce|ooœc co¤| on|oo† ’|uo cco †|o oooco vs œ¤o ’a|o¤ o|s| ooio|co o|oa¤| cn|¤ œ¤o os no|o|o co|o+†| †|oc| oa¸† co|o¤ 1 osooin|cœ œoo a|c¤’œo† œo oo¸|o osooi cn|ƒ|¤o n|šnco oo|oc¤ 1 »- ’o† o cˆ¤+c¤|™. ¤|co co†co o’¤in|œoo oa| co|coo|, oa (Water Carrier), ¤|oc, c™|¤| o ~|c¸’|o oo· ¤+|u+|n¸oc ac¤ 1 <o¸ cos aœ¸o|co œo o’¤io ’|o† o cˆ¤+ on|’œ co¤|c¸ oc¤ 1 œo¸o oco a|¤o+c n¸†|¤c a|ooin|œo os† con|cœ œo n¸u+ c|o+|oo ¤|s|co ¤| o|o†o cocc|oo ø|œco ø|oi{aø|oi o¤on|œo¸ o|o œo c|o+ on|’œ co¤|c¸ oc¤ 1 o- (c) coo a|c¤’œ coc¤. œ•|o† co|o+†| o¸oo co¸a¤| o|ai ¤w|oœ n|šnco oc|o† œ•|o† ’ou|a on aœ¸o|oi ’ou|a on¸‚ oca|co œo sa|ooco o¸oo co aœ+|œ+ on|oo†o¸ccco œoo o|oo a|o œco os a|c¤’œ coc¤ 1 ’ou|ac|oi œoo <c¤c|o co|¤< ooœ o|oco|¤ o|oo oc¤| ’ou|a onco œ•|o† ø|œco oo|oc¤ o œo ’|o| aœ¸on|o† (Self Attested) aœ+ +¤ oc¤| ’ou|a on os o·oo coc¤ 1 on¸‚ o|¤co o¸oo co|o|oa¤| ’ou|a on œnco o’ˆ a|c¤’œ co¤|o ¤¤ooi aœ¸o|co ono cn|ƒ|¤o c|o+|ooc¸ o|c co|co oo|oc¤ c¤| ono cn|ƒ|¤o c|o+|ooco o”¤ a¤| ¤|qco †|. vº|vº|ºsvv ou aoo|s so¤c| ono o¸•| oc|o o|oc¤ 1 o|ain|cœ ’ou|a ono cu|o ooco coo o’¤i œnce a|c¤’œ co¸ee †|s| o|eo o|¤co oco¸u coc¤, o’|soo oo¸o, o’ o|ai co|coo| o|o a|c¤’œ coac¤, c†c¤ cu|o ooco co|coo| o’¤i o|eo o|¤co oco¸u coc¤ 1 (u) a|c¤’œ co¤|o ¤¤ooi 1 r- o|ain|cœ œnou† ¤ooco ¤coo š|œ c’c¤ 1 (c) ’ou|a ono oooo|oco oc¤| o|o a¤| ø|œco oc¤| oo|oc¤ o oc¤| ooco œoo o|oo coc¤ <¤· aœ+ +¤ oc¤| ooco nš o|ai on¸‚ o|oo coc¤ 1 (u) oc†+c o·oo on|oo† ooco o|ai on¸‚ o|oo os †|ou o’|œ coc¤ 1 (o) ’ou|a on on¸‚ oca|co oou† sa|ooco o¸oo coc¤ <¤· on¸‚ o|oo coc¤ 1 ’ou|a ono cc|oo ao u|o e|cc¤ œ|s 1 (o) o|ai ooio| cccco †| vv|vº|ºsvv ou oc|o o o¤c| onoco ooø† os¤| a|¤o+c 1 ooio| a™c ’œ o|oo|co 1 coao|o o|ain|cœ a™c ’œ os¤| o|o oa¸† cs|o a|oa¤| a|¤o+c 1 o|ai œoo os ¤| o u|o¤| ¤cc|¤a œ co co c¤ 1 (o) o|a in|cœ œ o œ o ¤ ˆ o ooe|n o †+o o ’o œ (Practical Demonstration) o|o œo o|oco a|oc¤ 1 (¤) ¤oœ oco| on¸‚ o¡ o œno o|c¤ co|o¤ 1 <o¸co o|ain|cœ cc|oo oc|oo acœ†c{c¤œon c|o+o a|oo cœc¤ œ|s, oco|oœ c¤| ¤|o oc|o ¤oœ oco|c¸ oo|¤† co¤| o|o a|c’| c¤¤| coc¤ œ|s, a|ooi ¤o|o c¤| ¤|s|oo cc|oo ¤+o{’o|oo os œo¸o o|o co|o|co|o coc¤ œ|s 1 ¤oœ o·o¸‚ cso| oco nš o¤o+†co o’ o|ai ooco|o cc|oo acœ†c c|o+o a|oo cœoa¤| ’¤c¸ a|o on|o† s¸<, o·oo o|aio¸ ¤œ| cœ|¤oco ¤|coo¸ ¤s¤|o co|o¤ <¤· con|œo ¤o¸•co ooo¸o a|oœo† co|o’|oi{c’o|œi n|no|o ’o c|o+|œ¸a|œ oso co|o¤ 1 (e) aon¸‚ ’ou|a <¤· œ•|o† †|ou o ono oco ossa¤| ’ou|a o¸cc¸ ¤¤|oc¸ œa|o¤ œ|s, <s| o|aio¸ cooa ’a|o¤ œ|s c¤| o|aio os† cc|oo co|o|co|o co|o¤ œ|s 1 (o) o¡¸c o|ain|œo co|¤o|ca <s| oo|o ’a|o|oae co, a|c¤’œ co¤| ø|œ <¤· ooio| ø|œ a|¤o+c aœ¸o|oi aoo| aoo| cs|oo|co o|s|c <s ¤w|oœo o œ· (u) ¤s† a|c¤’œ co¤|o ¤¤ooico ¤¤ o|c¤ oco¸u co|o|o ae 1 ¤coo ’¤¤+. (c) ooco|o c|o+ ¤o¤oi cc¤o on+c ’¤|e n|† on¸‚ œ¸cs 1 (u) ooco|o œo¸o ¤w|oœ oncco ¤ o’ ¤ ¤oo. oc o| ooc|oo Website: http://orissa.gov.in/advt.htm <¤· oc o| co|o o Website: http://orissapolice.nic.in/advertisement.htm co nš ooos 1 oo a|ooi ns|œoioc, o†q ooq a|ooi (<o.<.o.), oco| c¤c cn|ƒ|¤ ........................................ a|o.a|o ¤|¤|ooœ c|o+|ooco u|oao| oo o o’¤i œnce a|c¤’œo† 1 v. cco o’¤i œnce a|c¤’œ co¸ee ................ º. ’ou|ac|oio on¸‚ œ|n ................. +. o†|o œ|n ................................. x. ¤ˆn|œ oco| ............................... s. ø|oi oco| .............................. ». oœ †|ou (oo|o† co|o+† on|oo† aœ¸o|oi)............ o. †|. sv.sv.ºsvv ou o¸•| .................................. ¤o ...................... n|o .................... ’œ r. (c) oo|o† co|o+†| (on|oo† os†) ..................................... (<ao|o on|oo† o|aio ’|o| aœ¸on|o†(Self attested) cooq œco o·oo co|o¤) (u) o|ai oca| cs¤|, cou¤| o oo¤|c¸ oon aee c · s{œ|s (¤c ¤s ’a) v. o|ai oco cic|¤† a¤e c · o’ cic|¤† cs|oa|e (cc¤o co|¤< cic| oco¤o cuo œc”o|ooo|o¸ o|q oo¤o on|oo† os†)(c) a·ooso coa¤| cic|o œ|n, (u) cco aoio cic| (o|o+aoio{o|†ioaoio{aeo|†io) (o) o|oa¤| o’c (o‚{co|o+{c|·o+) o¸o¤|o (oan{’†io{††io) vs. ¤o (aœ¸o¸¤† o|†{aœ¸o¸¤† ooo|†{a¤ooo|q o|noc ¤|sœi, ¤+o{o|n|oc o oo| co†co aœooo ¤o{ ao·oo† ¤o) (on|oo† os†) 1 vv. ™n ............................................. vº o|†io†| ..................................... v+. (c) ¤¤|s†{a¤¤|s† ............................ (u) o’ ¤¤|s†, oi¤† qio o·u+| ................... vx. œ|n oeicoo œ¤o, †|ou .......................... o cnco|o|o ccco œ|n(on|oo† os†) ......................... vs. aow†| (on|oo† os†).................... v». o|ai cc|oo co|o’|oi cn|c”n|co ono c · ..................... o’ s, †† onco ¤o’ ¤¤ooi ...................... vo. o·oo co|o|oa¤| on|oo†o¸cco œcoo †|oc| (oc†+c on|oo† o|aio ’|o| aœ¸on|o† (self attested) cs|oa¤| a|¤o+c) .............................. co|oo|œ|n| n¸ ........................... o †| ............................ <†” |o| co|oo| co¸ ae co, ooco|o †a+o¸ c c cn|o w|†o|o aœ¸o|co o†+ ac¤ 1 <s| nšo¸ cc|oo †a+ ao†+ on|o† csco cn|o o|a† ao• ¤c¤¤† cs¤ 1 ø|œ................................ †|o u ............................ ’ou|ac|oio o|oo o|ai œo ’|o| aœ¸on|o† (Self Attested) co|¤< ooœ o|oco|¤ o|oo oc¤|o|o <o|co oo|oc¤ µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{µÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 21 EAST COAST RAILWAY Office of the Chief Personnel Officer, 2nd Floor, ECoR Sadan, Samant Vihar, PO-Mancheswar, Bhubaneswar, Orissa - 751017. Employment Notice No. ECoR/RRC/SPQ(OA)/2011-12 RECRUITMENT AGAINST SPORTS QUOTA (OPEN ADVERTISEMENT) FOR THE YEAR 2011- 12 Date of issue: 19.11.2011 Closing Date: 19.12.2011 Closing Time: 17.00 Hrs, (For residents of Andaman, Nicobar & Lakshadweep, Closing Date: 26.12.2011, Closing Time:17.00 Hrs.) 1. Applications are invited in the prescribed format from eligible Sportspersons who are Indian nationals for recruitment against Sports Quota (Open Advt.) in East Coast Railway for the vacancies indicated below: 1.1. The details of sports disciplines event, position required under each unit is given below (read with para-1 above) 2. ELIGIBILITY NORMS: 2.1. Sports Achievements: Applicant should be currently an active player and should have fulfilled the sports achievements on or after 01.04.2009. The minimum sports norms for recruitment of sportspersons in different Grade Pay & Pay Bands for both team and individual events are given below. 2.2. CATEGORIZATION OF INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS: The international Championships / events are categorized below should be read with Para-2.1 above: Category-A : Olympic Games (Senior Category). Calegory-B World Cup (Junior / Senior Category); World Championships (Junior Senior Category); Asian Games (Senior Category)Commonwealth Games (Senior Category). Category- C : Commonwealth Championships (Junior / Senior Category); Asian Championships / Asia Cup (Junior / Senior Category); South Asia-Federations (SAF) Games (Senior Category); USIC (World Railways Championships (Senior Category). 2-3. The required sports achievements of each discipline (should be read with Paras-2.1 & 2.2 above): (a) Athletics: In Athletics, medal winning performance in National Interstate Senior Athletics Championships, may also be considered for recruitment against the posts having Grade Pay Rs. 1900/- in Pay Band Rs.5200-20,200/-. (b) Chess: In Chess, following sports achievements may also be considered for recruitment in different Grade Pay and Pay Bands: (c) Cricket: In Cricket (Men and Women) at International level, representation of Main Indian Seniors Team in a Test Match or in a Limited Overs One Day International Match or in a Twenty-20 Overs Match; shall also be considered for recruitment against the posts having Grade pay Rs. 1,900 or Rs.2,000 in Pay Band Rs.5200-20,200. In Cricket at National level, following sports achievements in 4 Days / One Day Limited Overs / Twenty-20 Overs Men / Women Cricket Championships (except Vizzy Trophy); organized under the aegis of BCCI; may also be considered for recruitment against the posts having Grade Pay Rs. 1,800 or Rs.1,900 in Pay BandRs.5200-20,200:- (d) Hockey: In Hockey, for recruitment against the posts having Grade Pay Rs.1,900 or Rs.2,000 in Pay Band Rs.5200-20,200; at least 2nd position in the International Tournaments of four or more nations may also be " considered. Participation in these tournaments may be consideredfor recruitment against the posts having Grade Pay Rs. 1800 in Pay Band Rs.5200-20,200. (e) Badminton and Table Tennis : Sportspersons may also be considered for recruitment on the basis of their s. current Annual All India Rankings' in different Grade Pay and Pay Bands, as per the following criteria: Only the current Annual All India Ranking shall be considered for these purposes. Ranking in Mixed- Doubles shall not be considered. Note: (i) All the championships mentioned above should be conducted under the aegis of recognized International / National / State Sports Federations and also recognized by the Railway Sports Promotion Board, (ii) The recruitment is for the minimum of the scale of pay. 2.4. List of Junior National Championships recognized by RSPB for Recruitment of Sportspersons on Indian Railways against Sports Quota (should be read with Para-2.1 above): (a) Volleyball(Men)- Junior National Volleyball Championship' in Under-19 group; Volleyball(Women)- Junior National Volleyball Championship' in Under-19 group; (b) Football (Men)- Junior National Football Championship for B.C. Roy Trophy" in Under-19 group: (c) Table Tennis- Junior & Youth National Table Tennis Championship' in Under-17 group; (d) Athletics (Men): Junior National Athletics Championship' in Under-20 group; Athletics (Women): Junior National Athletics Championship' in Under-20 group; (e) Badminton (Women): Junior National Badminton Championship' in Undor-19 group; (f) Basketball (Men): Junior National Basketball Championship' in Under-18 group: (a) Chess (Men): Junior National Chess Championship' in Under-19 group: (h) Cricket (Men): Under-22 Col. C.K.Nayudu Trophy (Inter State Championship): Under-19 Cooach Behar Trophy (Inter State Championship); Under-19 Vinoo Mankad Trophy (One Day Limited Overs Inter State Championship); Under-19 Vijay Hazare Trophy (One Day Limited Overs All India Inter Zonal Championship). (i) Hockey (Men): Junior (Under-21) National Hockey Championship' in Under-21 group; Note: For recruitment of sports persons, on the basis of sports achievements in Junior National Championships, the age groups as mentioned against each discipline shall only be considered. 3. Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess requisite academic qualification on the date of submission of application as given below. Those who are appearing at and/or awaiting results of final examination are not eligible. 4. Age Limits: Minimum 18 years and Maximum 25 years of age as on 1.1.2012. (Note: Matriculation or its equivalent certificate from recognised board should be submitted for date of birth proof). No age relaxation is allowed even for SC/ST/OBC candidates. 5. Application Fee: UR and OBC candidates should submit with the application an Indian Postal Order /Bank Demand Draft (issued after the date of this notification) drawn in favour of FA&CAQ., East Coast Railway, payable at Bhubaneswar as detailed below: SC/ST, ex-servicemen, physically challenged, women, minority candidates (Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists & Zorastrians [Parsis]) and candidates belonging to economically backward classes (whose family income is less than Rs.50,000/- per annum) need not pay this fee. Note: Certificate in proof of the above issued by the authorities authorized to issue such certificate should be enclosed along with the application form forgetting exempted from paying this fee. 6. Selection procedure: Selection will be based upon performance in sports Trials and Interview / Certificate Verification to be conducted and finalized by a nominated selection committee. The venue & date for Trials and Interview/Certificate Verification will be intimated to the eligible candidates. 7. Address for submitting applications: Candidates should send their applications by Post to the address mentioned against each category below. Candidates intend to apply for a particular category (sports discipline), should send their application to the respective office address only. Applications received at the address for the categories other-than the categories mentioned will be summarily rejected. Alternatively, candidates can drop their applications directly in Drop Box placed at the respective office premises: 8. How to. apply: (i) Fill the application after carefulty reading the employment notice. (ii) Submit the application in the format prescribed at Annexure-I & II on good quality A-4 size white paper. (iii) Application should be filled up by the candidate in his/her own handwriting in English/Hindi using blue/black ball pointpen. Applications with typed entries will be rejected. (iv) Applicant should give his/her full signature in running hand in the box below the photograph affixed at the top of the application, and at the end of each page of the application form. Applications with Short signature and signature in capital letters and separate letters will be rejected. (v) Applicant should submit two (Contd Page.. ) µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{µÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 22 ODISHA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION ADVERTISEMENT NO. 05 OF 2011-12 ODISHA CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION, 2011. WEBSITE – (http://opsc.nic.in) THE LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS IS 31ST DECEMBER, 2011 BY 5.00 PM WARNING : Applications received incomplete in any respect are liable to be summarily rejected. No correspondence on that score will be entertained. The Short application form should be folded only at appropriate places as indicated in the form itself. 1. Applications in the prescribed Short Form are invited from candidates for admission to the Odisha Civil Services Preliminary Examination, 2011 for recruitment to the Posts and Services coming under the Odisha Civil Services (Category-I & Category-II) as mentioned below. The Examination will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Odisha Civil Services (Combined Competitive Recruitment Examination) Rules, 1991 as amended from time to time. The relevant portion of the said Rules are available on the Website of the Commission. Category-I Name of the Posts/Services Scales of Pay Post Code i). Odisha Administrative Service, -- Rs.15,600-39,100/- + G.P. Rs.5400 (PB-3) 01 Group-A(JB) ii). Odisha Police Service, Group-A(JB) -- -do- 03 Category-II iii). Odisha Co-operative Service, -- Rs.9,300-34,800/- + G.P. Rs.4600 (PB-2) 04 Group-B(ARCS/AGCS) iv) Odisha Revenue Service, Group-B -- -do- 07 v). Odisha Taxation & Accounts Service -- -do- 08 Group-B. 2. POSITION OF VACANCIES AND RESERVATION THEREOF : The number of vacancies to be filled in, on the basis of the final result of the recruitment, is likely to be 364 with reservation indicated below as per requisition submitted by General Administration Department, Government of Odisha:. Out of above vacancies, 3(three) vacancies for Ex-Serviceman & 1(one)vacancy for Sports Persons are reserved in the category of Odisha Revenue Service. Similarly 6(six) vacancies for Ex-serviceman & 2(two) vacancies for Sports Persons are reserved in the category of Odisha Taxation and Accounts Service. 3. AGE LIMITS : A candidate shall be under thirty-two years and over twenty-one years of age on the 1st January, 2011 i.e. he/she must not have been born earlier than 2nd January, 1979 and not later than 1st January, 1990. The upper age-limit is relaxable by 5 (five) years for candidates belonging to the categories of Scheduled Castes(S.C.), Scheduled Tribes(S.T.), Socially & Educationally Backward Classes(S.E.B.C.), Women and eligible Ex-Servicemen. Provided that a person who comes under more than one category mentioned above, shall be eligible for only one benefit of upper age relaxation, which shall be considered most beneficial to him/her. 4. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : A candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree from any University incorporated by an Act of the Central or a State Legislature in India or an Educational Institution established by an Act of Parliament or deemed to be a University under Section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or a Foreign University approved by the Central Government. 5. HOW TO APPLY : (i) The Commission have developed a Short Application Form common for all their examinations, which will be processed on computerized machines. The Short Application Form alongwith a Brochure containing General Instructions for filling up the Form, an Acknowledgement Card and a Special Envelope for sending the application to the Commission’s Office can be obtained from the Office of the Collectors of all the 30 Districts of the State, Office of the A.D.M., Rourkela and Sub- Collector’s Office at Berhampur/Bhubaneswar between 11.00 A.M. & 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. & 4.00 P.M. on any working day on production of Original Treasury Challan showing payment of Rs.30/-( Rupees thirty) only into Government Treasury in the Head of account –“0051-PSC-105 State PSC- Application Fee” in favour of Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission. The Form alongwith the aforesaid materials can also be obtained from the Commission’s Office on payment of cash of Rs.30/- (Rupees thirty) only at the counter between 11.00 A.M. & 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. & 4.00 P.M. on any working day. However, candidates, who are desirous of obtaining the Form through Registered Post, on remittance of Rs.70/- (Rupees seventy) only by Bank Draft/Pay Order drawn in favour of Special Secretary , Odisha Public Service Commission payable at any scheduled Bank at Cuttack with a forwarding letter addressed to the Special Secretary, Odisha Public Service Commission mentioning full name and address of the candidate, Advertisement Number and name of the post/service advertised in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS. (ii) If the letter along with Bank Draft/Pay Order from any candidate, for supply of application form, is received in the office of the O.P.S.C. after the last date for receipt of applications, no application form will be supplied to such candidates. 6. FACILITATION COUNTER In case of any guidance/information regarding application or candidature etc., candidates may contact the O.P.S.C. Facilitation Counter over Telephone No.0671-2304141/2305611 and Extn.- 112 & 109 on working days between 10.30 A.M. & 1.30 P.M. and 2.00 P.M. & 5.00 P.M. Cuttack DT. 17.11.2011 SPECIAL SECRETARY, I & PR 12002/11/0044/1112 clear left thumb impressions in the space provided in the application. Applications without two left thumb impressions or with smudged/partial impressions will be rejected. (vi) Applicant should Write in his/her own handwriting, the sample declaration statement in the space provided in the application form. Applications without the written declaration will be rejected. (vii) Applicant should firmly affix on the application one recent clear passport size photograph revealing the full face. Photos'should not be attested. Applications with hazy, faded, unclear photos will be rejected. (viii) Applicant should submit one additional copy of the same photograph by firmly stitching it on the top left corner of the application form. (ix) Applicant shouid enclose with the application a set of legible xerox copies of all certificates, duiy attested by a Gazetted officer, in proof of Sports achievements, educational qualification, age, SC/ST/OBC etc. (x) UR/OBC candidates should enclose application fee without fail as explained af Para-5 above. (xi) Applicant should fill all columns, includingsignatures at all prescribed columns, in the application without fail. (xii) Candidate should clearly indicate the specific sports discipline, event, and position (Attacker / Blocker etc.) applying for as given in Para-1.1 above.- (xiii) Candidate should write on tho top of the envelope containing the application as follows: 'Application against Soorts Quota(Open Advertisement) Recruitment for the year 2011-12* (xiv) Candidates should send their applications-so as to reach at the address mentioned against the category at Para-7 on or before the closing date and time. Railway administration shall not be responsible for any postal delay. Candidates intend to apply for a particular category, should send their application to the respective address mentioned at Para-7 above. Applications received at the address not pertaining to the category will be rejected. Late applications would be summarily rejected. (xv) Serving Government Employees should send their applications through proper channel only i.e. through their, office. (xvi) Candidates should submit only one application at a particular address. Applications of candidates submitting more than one application at a particular address will be rejected. 9. Other terms and conditions: (i) Applications not fulfilling any of the terms and conditions given in this notification shall be summarily rejected, (ii) Applicantshould possess requisite educational qualification and sports achievements on the date of submission of application. (iii) Discrepancies in the application submitted would render the candidate ineligible any time during the selection, (iv) Eligible applicants will be issued with call letters to their correspondence address. Individual requests for change in dates' / venue for trials etc. shall not be entertained under any circumstances. (v)SC/ST candidates will be eligible for free rail travel in second class for attending Sports Trials /interview. (vi) Selected candidates have to pass the requisite medical fitness standards prior to appointment. (vii) In the event of appointment as clerk cum typist posts in Group-C, candidates will be required to acquire typing proficiency of 30 w.p.m. in English or 25 w.p.m. in Hindi within a period of four years from tho date of appointment, and till such time appointment will be provisional. Besides, a candidate should have obtained minimum 50% marks in Matriculation or equivalent if he/she is to be considered for certain categories of posts like Clerks.ASMetc. (viii) Decision of East Coast Railway in all matters relating to this recruitment shall be final. (ix) Applicants are advised to check the list of applicants whose applications get rejected which will be published on East Coast Railway website address www.eastcoastrail. lndianrailways.gov.ln- No other intimation of rejection would be communicated to such candidates, (x) The recruitment process is based purely on the merit of the candidates. Canvassing in any form will attract disqualification. (xi) Candidates may download recruitmont notification and application form available on East Coast Railway website address www.eastcoastrail.indianrailways.gov.ln (xii) East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar reserves the right to cancel or modify recruitment process at any time without assigning reasons thereof. Caution: Recruitment is purely merit based. East Coast Railway,have not appointed any agents or coaching centres for acting on its behalf for this recruitment. Candidates are cautioned against any false claims made by any unscrupulous persons/agencies of getting them selected in this recruitment on illegal consideration. If you come across any such persons/agencies," please do inform Dy.CPO(Recruitment), Personnel Department, 2nd Floor, South Block, ECoR Sadan, Samant Vihar, PO-Mancheswar, Bhubaneswar, Orissa - 751017 or can also inform the Sr.DGM cum Chief Vigilance Officer, 1st Floor, South Block, ECoR Sadan, Samant Vihar, PO-Mancheswar, Bhubaneswar, Orissa - 751017. CHIEF PERSONNEL OFFICER East Coast....(Continuation page-17) OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL: GOVT AYURVEDIC COLLEGE: BOLANGIR. ADVERTISEMENT Applications are invited from the eligible candidates of Balangir District only in the prescribed format for engagement /appointment in the following Group-"D"posts on contractual basis with consolidated remuneration of Rs.4440/ -{Rupees four thousand four hundred fort) Only per month and regular basis in PB-1-S-RS.4440/-14680/-P.M with Grade Pay of Rs.1300/-P.M with usual D.A. and other allowances as admissible under Rules from time to time. The applications are to be submitted with supportive documents in the envelops Super scribed "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF GROUP-D POSTS" to the Principal, Govt.Ayurvedic College, Balangir by Regd. Post/ Speed Post only within 5 days from the date of Publication of the Advertisement. The undersigned is not responsible for any postal delay/missing. Age of the applicants should be within 18 to 32 years as on 01.11.2011 for General Candidates and 05 years relaxation to S.C/S.T/Women & 03 years for SEBC Candidates. The Candidates shall submit their caste certificate, Residential Certificate, Educational qualification certificate, 7th Standard Examination Mark-sheet showing date of birth, Regd,No. of Employment Exchange failing which the application will be rejected. Only short listed candidates basing on merit will be call for Walk-in-lnterview and Medical Test by the Medical Board of this Institution. Application received after due date and incomplete will be summarily rejected. Two self addressed envelops size 24x10cm stamped Rs.25.00 in each envelop should be submitted along with the application form. The Undersigned reserves every right to cancel the Advertisement/ Selection Process/ terminate the engagements without assigning any reason there of. Principal Govt. Ayurvedic College, Balangir APPLICATION FORM FOR THE POST OF GROUP- "D" POST IN GOVT. AYURVEDIC COLLEGE, BALANGIR 01. Post, applied for: (in order of Preference): Contractual/Regular 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 02. Name of the Candidate: (in Capital Letter) 03. Father's Name : ............... 04. Date of Birth : 05. Age as on 01.11.2011 : 06. Present Address : 07. Permanent Address : 08. Educational Qualification : Affix Colour Passport size Photograph duly attested by Gazetted officer 09. Wheather belong to (S.T./S.C/SEBC) : (Copy of Caste Certificate to be enclosed). 10. Name of the Employment Exchange & Registration No: 11. List of enclosures : DECLARATION All the statements made in this application form bare true and if any of the particulars furnished by me are found to be in correct or suppressed, my candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of the selection process. Even though it is found after my engagement, my service is liable to be terminated without notice. Full Signature of the Applicant With date µÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{µÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 23 BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED (A GOVT. OF INDIA UNDERTAKING) (RANIPUR, HARIDWAR) Ref No: HR/RTX/FTA/2011 Dt: 12.11.2011 CIRCULAR BHEL, Haridwar invites applications from candidates possessing the following specification to empanel them for engagement on FIXED TENURE BASIS for 24 months to meet the requirement of our Medical Department. *Number of vacancies are tentative and subject to revision on assessment ** No registration from State Medical / Paramedical Council required IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: a) All candidates applying for the above posts must possess the minimum POST QUALIFICATION experience in hospital with not less than 100 BEDS. b) All candidates applying for the posts related to ICU at Sl. No 01 & 02 must possess the minimum POST QUALIFICATION experience in the ICU / ICCU / Operation theatre as indicated against the post from hospital with not less than 100 BEDS. c) All candidates applying for above posts shall have their Degrees / Diploma / Certificate Courses from recognized institutes d) All candidates applying for posts at Sl No. 01, 03, 04, 05 & 09 must be registered with respective State Medical / Paramedical (Nursing / Technician) Council. e) Candidates called for interview shall not be paid any TA / DA. f) Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years for SC / ST, 03 years for OBC (Non - Creamy layer) and 10 Years for Physically Challenged candidates. Ex- serviceman will be given age relaxation as per extant government rules. HOW TO APPLY: * The applications for selection to the above posts will be accepted ONLY ONLINE through our recruitment website http://careers.bhelhwr.co.in (Under Online application for Recruitment of Medical Professionals) * Interested and eligible candidates should refer to the detailed circular available at website http:/ /careers.bhelhwr.co.in for all information relating to guidelines for filling and submission of application form, selection and act accordingly. * A non refundable fee of Rs.100/- is payable by the General / OBC candidates. SC, ST & Physically Challenged candidates are exempt from payment of the processing fee. * The fee can be paid in any of the branches of State Bank of India to the Power Jyoti Account No.30989466064 at SBI, SECTOR 5A (Code No.0586) in favor of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, HARIDWAR. * The triplicate Challan for payment of Examination and processing fee of Rs.100/- can be downloaded from the web site. * The Journal No. given by the bank on payment of fee needs to be entered in the online Application Form and the Challan copy wherever applicable (BHEL copy), needs to be attached with the Acknowledgement Slip and sent to BHEL along with other documents. * No other mode of payment i.e. Cash, Demand Draft, Money Order, Postal Order, Cheques etc. shall be acceptable. * Applications sent directly by post without acknowledgement slip, generated after online submission of application form, or without all the enclosures as indicated shall be rejected. Incomplete application forms will not be entertained in this regard. * Desirous candidates may send their acknowledgement slips along with the SBI CHALLAN (If applicable) and Certificates; so as to reach us at SR. MANAGER (HR), ROOM NO. 29, MAIN ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING, RECRUITMENT SECTION, HR DEPARTMENT, HEEP, BHEL, RANIPUR, HARIDWAR – 249403 ON OR BEFORE 03.12.2011. * BHEL is not responsible for any postal delays in receipt of applications. * For any queries regarding the online filling of the application form may be clarified by mailing at [email protected] The following are the photocopies of the certificates which must be sent along with the acknowledgement slips: 1. Tenth Class (High School) Certificate 2. Diploma Certificate (Nursing Diploma / Medical Lab Diploma etc...) 3. Proof of Experience [Preferably an Experience Certificate on an authentic letter head from the Organization / Hospital issued by a Competent Authority] 4. Registration Certificate (If applicable) 5. SC/ ST/ OBC Caste Certificate (If applicable) SR. MANAGER (HR) fç àÿ â æ ¨÷ Lÿ Åÿ Lÿ æ ¾ö ¿æ Áÿ ß, Ó¯ÿ ö Éç äæ Aµÿ ç ¾æ œÿ , læ Àÿ Óë Së Ýæ (Éç äæ ÓÜÿ æ ßLÿ œÿ ç {ßæ fœÿ Óº¤ÿ êß ¯ÿ ç jæ ¨œÿ ) <†”|o| oo¸| oce c|o+|oo, ~|oo¸o¸c| ¤w|oœ o† o·u+| +sºx{<o.<o{ vv, †| ºv|sr|ºsvvou aœ¸o|oi ~|oo¸o¸c| oo| oo¸|co o|oioc aon o †oooo¸o oœo|† ¤o o|o o”¤ a¤| oo| os|oc(†|ono|q o|†c ¤w|œ) o’ o|o a|c¤’œ coa¤| o|ai{o|aœin|œoo Draft Merit List <¤· Draft Reject List ~|oo¸o¸c| oo¸|o oo¸|o|oo c|o+|oo, oo¸| ooo’ c|o+|oo oo¸| oce o·co|oc, o¤oo| aoo|œo c|o+|oo oo¸| oo| œoioco c|o+|oo †a| <s o o¸ |o website:http//jharsuguda.nic.in co o c|o † cs|oae 1 oo †|oc| ooco c|s|o cc|oo aoco|o aco o|ai{o|aœin|cœ a|oe| †|. º»|vv|ºsvv o u o¸ •| (ooc|oi e¸ ¤ ’ œ ¤+†i†) o o¸ | o ce o·co|oc, o¤oo| aoo|œ, ~|oo¸o¸c|o c|o+|ooco œn o’ˆ onco aoco|o ’|uo co c¤ 1 †|. º».vv.ºsvv o u o·š| s¤| oco cc|oo ao co|o o so co|o¤ œ|s 1 ¤.’.- †| ºr|vv|ºsvv ou o·š|co Draft Selection List ~|oo¸o¸c| oo¸| co¤o|o¤ (http://jharsuguda.nic.in) co oc|o o|o¤ 1 †|oc|co (Draft Select List) o|ai{o|aœio oo|o† co|o+†| o¤eio †a| aœ+|œ+ ona o n|oo† (Original certificate, marksheet etc.) †|. sv|vº|ºsvv ou ’œ oo¸| oce o·co|oc, o¤oo| aoo|œ, ~|oo¸o¸c|o c|o+|ooco o|s co|o¤ 1 †| sv|vº|ºsvv ou ’œ aœ¸oø† a¤| o|ai o|aœin|œoo a|c¤’œc¸ ¤¤|oc¸ œa|o¤ œ|s 1 fç àÿ â æ ¨æ Áÿ †ÿ $æ þë Q¿ Lÿ æ ¾ö ¿œÿ ç ¯ÿ ö æ Àÿ Üÿ ê A™# Lÿ æ Àÿ ê, fç àÿ â æ ¨Àÿ ç Ì’ÿ , fæ Àÿ Óë Së Ýæ aoco|o a|c¤’œ on v. aoco|oc|oio œ|n o oco| ............................... º. †|oc|co oc|o o|oa¤| aoco|oc|oio Acknowledgement No (Ack No.) ....... +. aoco|oo ¤¤ooi ......................................................................................... ........................................................................................ ø|œ. †|. aoco|oc|oio o|oo OFFICE OF THE SOIL CONSERVATION OFFICER-CUM- PROJECT DIRECTOR; WATERSHEDS: KORAPUT: 764020 Advertisement No.0104/11/2011/12/WS Dated the District Watershed Mission, Koraput invites applications from eligible candidates for engagement on contractual basis as Watershed Management Team members against vacancies under IWMP In Koraput district. The existing requirement of WMT members is given below. The applications should reach to the Soil Conservation Officer-cum- Project Director, Watersheds, Koraput, At/Po/Dist-Koraput, PIN-764020 on or before 6 days of the date of publication of advertisement. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further process. Eligibility Criteria Discipline: WMT (Social), No.of post vacancy: 02. Minimum Educational Qualification & Experience: Post Graduate in Sociology Social works/ Rural Management/ Rural Development with a minimum of 3 year relevant work experience in Watersheds. Livelihoods. Rural Development, Natural Resources Management, and Micro- Enterprises etc. Monthly Remuneration: Rs. 10,000/- and TA & Other subsistence allowance fixed amount of Rs, 1000/-. Discipline: WMT (Micro Enterprise), No. of Post Vacancy: 02. Minimum Educational Qualification & Experience: Post Graduate in Economics/ Sociology/ Social works;/ Rural Management/ Rural Development/ MBA with a minimum of 3 year relevant work experience in Watersheds. Livelihoods. Rural Development, Natural Resources Management, and Micro- Enterprises etc. Post Graduate in Agriculture Economics with a minimum of one year relevant work experience in Watersheds, Livelihoods, Rural Development. Natural Resources Management, Micro- Enterprises etc. Discipline: WMT (Livelihoods), No. of post Vacency: 03. Minimum Educational Qualification & Experience: Graduate in Agriculture/ Forestry/ Horticulture/ Veterinary/Agriculture Engineering/Fisheries Science with a minimum of one year relevant work experience In watersheds, livelihoods. Rural Development. Natural Resource Management and Micro Enterprises etc. Bachelors Degree In Science (CBZ) with at least 3 year relevant work experience in watersheds, livelihoods. Rural Development, Natural Resource Management and Micro Enter prises etc. Monthly Remuneration: Rs. 10,000/-and TA & Other subsistence allowance fixed amount of Rs, 1000/-. Discipline: WMT (Engineering). No. of post vacancy: 05, Minimum Educational Qualification & Experience: Graduate Degree in Civil Engineering / Agriculture Engineering of One year equivalent relevant work experience in watersheds, livelihoods, Rural Development, Natural Resource Management and Micro Enterprises etc. Diploma in Civil Engineering with at least 3 relevant work experience In watersheds, livelihoods, Rural Development, Natural Resource Management and Micro Enterprises etc. Monthly Remuneration: Rs. 10,000/ - and TA & Other subsistence allowance fixed amount of Rs, 1000/- The candidates must be below 45 years of age. Skills and attributes: Candidates with working knowledge on computer MS Excel, MS Word and MS PowerPoint will be given advantage. Knowledge in Oriya is essential. The candidates must be willing to stay and travel extensively in remote villages in the project area of Koraput Revenue District. The engagement will be purely on contractual basis for a period of one year or till the completion of projects which ever is earlier. They shall abide by the rules and regulations stipulated by District Watershed Mission, Koraput and are required to tour extensively in rural areas. Soil Conservation Officer-cum-Project Director, Watershed,Koraput APPLICATION FORMAT Post applied for : 1. Name of Candidate 2. Father/Husband Name 3. Sex: ,Male/Female 4. Permanent Address 5. Address for Communication 6. Contact Phone/Mobile No 7. Date of Birth Attach True Copy of H.S.C Certificate/Birth Certificate in support of Date of Birth 8. Educational Qualification: Attach attested true copies of certificates/Mark Sheets 1.0. Undertaking : The above information furnished in this prescribed proforma is true to the best of my knowledge & belief Date: Place; Signature of Candidate N.B.: 1. On the top of the envelop the category of post applied for shall be written in bold capital letter. 2. incomplete applications and applications reached after 6 days of the date of publication of advertisement are liable to be rejected. Attach a recent passport size photograph μÿë¯ÿ{œÿÉ´À ÿ 26 œÿ{μÿºÀÿ-2 xÿç{ÓºÀÿ, 2011 NIJUKTI KHABAR 24 CMYK CMYK Printed, Published & Owned by SATYAJIT PANDA, Published at TS-3/193, Mancheswar Industrial Estate, Bhubaneswar-751 010, Printed at Nijukti Khabar Prakashan , TS-3/193, Mancheswar Ind.Estate, Bhubaneswar-751010, Phone No.(0674) 2582532, 2582533, 2582534 FAX: 2582535, e-mai l : ni j ukti [email protected] Editor - SUDHIR KUMAR PANDA Ó¸æ’ÿLÿ-Óë ™# Àÿ Lÿë þæÀÿ ¨ƒæ GOVERNEMENT OF ODISHA MINORITIES & BACKWARD CLASSES WELFARE DEPARTMENT SCHEME OF MERIT-CUM-MEANS BASED SCHOLARSHIP (RENEWAL), 2011 FOR STUDENTS BELONGING TO MINORITY COMMUNITIES. Poor and meritorious students belonging to any minority community (Muslim/ Christian/ Sikh/ Buddhist/ Parsee) from Odisha having annual family income'less than Rs.2.5 lakh in the.age group of 16 to 32 years and studying in recognized institutions in Odisha and in other States within the Country for technical and professional courses who have availed Merit-cum- Means based (MCM) Scholarship for 2010 and not changed their course may apply for Merit-cum-Means based scholarship up to Rs.30000/- per year towards maintenance allowance for ten months and course fee (limited to Rs.20,000 per annum). Full course fee will be reimbursed for students studying in 70 listed institutions of National level by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, GOI. Student should score 50% or above in the last examination appeared by him for applying of scholarship. Students with higher ranks in entrance examination will get preference. 30% scholarship is earmarked for girl students. Eligible students are directed to fill up their application online through Online Scholarship Management System (OSMS) introduced by Ministry of Minority Affairs and send it to the institution where studying. Further scholarship scheme details, application format for students and courses covered under Merit-cum-Means based Scholarship can be downloaded from Govt, of India website http://www. momascholarship. gov. in . The Ministry has also hosted F.A.Q for the students and institutes which can be visited form the same website. The institution after scrutinizing the online application shall send it to the respective district office online before 31.12.2011 for renewal applicants. Print out of the online application alongwith required document shall be sent to the M&BCW Deptt, Odisha Secretariat. Bhubaneswar through Head of the institution.. The applications not sent through online (OSMS) will not be considered. Incase of any problem faced by the students at the time of submission of application through online they should take the help of Helpline No.0674-2391780/or e-mail us [email protected] Director (OBC) Requirement Position (Job Code): Sales Manager (JC-1). Requirement: Graduates/MBAs between 30-40 years of age with 5+ years experience in Sales, with 2-3 years at a Supervisory, Team Leader or Department head position. Must possess good communication and people skills. Male candidates possessing four wheeler driving licenses are preferred. Responsibilities include team management, customer management and achieving sales targets. Position (Job Code): Sr. Service Advisor (JC-2). Requirement: Diploma/ITI/Graduate under 35 years of age, with more than 2 years experience in customer interaction. Must possess good communication and people skills. Male candidates possessing four wheeler driving licenses are preferred. Responsibilities include delivering an enhanced ownership experience to premium customers through personalized and knowledgeable interaction; before, during and after workshop visits. Position (Job Code): Sales Consultant (JC-3). Requirement: Graduates/Undergraduates, under 30 years of age, with more than 2 years experience in the Sales, Marketing or Service Industry. Must possess good communication and people skills. Responsibilities include creating an enhanced sales experience for premium SUVs and achieving sales targets. Position (Job Code): Junior Executive (JC-4). Requirement: Graduates/Undergraduates under 25 years of age with good communication and people skills. Females are preferred. Candidates without previous work experience are also welcome. Responsibilities include maximising sales opportunities while catering to premium customers. Qualified candidates can expect best-in-industry compensation packages The above positions are for the Mahindra & Mahindra Automotive Division and Mahindra-authorized premium dealerships in Kolkata. E-mail your resume to [email protected] mentioning the position (job code) in the subject line. Or post/ courier your resume, mentioning the position applied for on the envelope, within 5 days to: Ma Foi Management Consultants Ltd; 3 A, Shakespeare Sarani, 6th Floor, Kolkata - 700071, Tel: +91 33 40008108/40008113. INDIAN ARMY 115th TECHNICAL GRADUATE COURSE (JUL 2012) Male Indian citizens eligible for grant of commission in the INDIAN ARMY subject to fulfilment of specified conditions can apply. For eligibility conditions, terms and conditions, and other details, see Employment News/Rozgar Samachar issue of 26 Nov 2011. For Engineering Graduates (Apply online only), Last Date for applying is 21 Dec 2011 For Army Education Corps & Military Farms (Apply By Post only). Last date for receipt of applications is 22 Dec 2011. INDIAN ARMY BECOME A JUNIOR COMMISSIONED OFFICER IN THE ARMY AS RELIGIOUS TEACHER (PANDIT, MAULVI, PADRE, BODHMONK & GRANTHI) RRT: 68 - 69 Applications are invited from male Indian candidates for recruitment as Religious Teacher, (Pandit, Maulvi, i Padre, Bodhmonk & Granthi) in the Army as a junior commisioned officer for RRT - 68 and 69. For Etigiblity conditions, Vacancies, Appliation Formats etc see Employment News/Rozgar Samachar issue of 26 Nov 2011 Late Date for Receipt of Application: 24 Dec. 2011 INSTITUTE OF BANKING PERSONNEL SELECTION Email: [email protected] Website: www.ibps.in COMMON WRITTEN EXAMINATION [CWE] FOR RECRUITMENT IN CLERICAL CADRE IN 19 PUBLIC SECTOR BANKS IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ON EXAMINATION The Common Written Examination for recruitment in Clerical Cadre in 19 PSBs will be held on 27.11.2011/ 04.12.2011/ 11.12.2011. The examination will be held on all or some of the specified dates in one or two sessions on a given date in different centres. No correspondence regarding change of date/ centre of examination will be entertained. An e-mail has already been sent to your email addresss specified in your online application along with the Call Letter for the Written Examination as an attachment. Please take a printout of the call letter in case you have not already done so. Please note the date of examination and time mentioned in the call letter. Incase of any difficulty you may download the call letter from IBPS website www.ibps.in. The "Acquaint Yourself Booklet" has also been made available on the IBPS website. You may download the Booklet and study it carefully. Please note that candidates will NOT BE PERMITTED to appear for the Common Written Examination without the following documents: (1)Call Letter for the relevant date and session of examination with photograph affixed thereon (2) Original fee payment receipt (NEFT Receipt/ CBS challan/e-receipt) (3) Original photo-identity proof such as PAN card/ Passport/ Driving Licence/ Voter's card/ Bank Passbook with photograph/ Photo Identity proof issued by a Gazetted Officer or People's Representative/ College ID from a recognised university (4) Photocopy of photo-identity proof (as specified above) On the date of examination as mentioned in your call letter, please report at the venue for Written Examination at least 30 minutes prior to the time printed in the call letter (i.e. 8.30 a.m./1.00 p.m.). Candidates who report late will not be permitted to take the examination. Mumbai, 16.11.2011 IBPS ODISHA RED CROSS BLOOD BANK V.S.S. MEDICAL COLLEGE HOSPITAL, BURLA DIST: SAMBALPUR(ODISHA) PIN- 768017 Ph No. (0663) - 2431420 Notification No. 513/BB, dt. 15/11/2011 ADVERTISEMENT FOR ENGAGEMENT OF DRIVER AND ATTENDANT FOR BLOOD TRANSPORTATION VAN OF BLOOD BANK, V.S.S. MEDICAL COLLEGE HOSPITAL, BURLA (SAMBALPUR) Name of the Post: Driver. No. of Post: 01. Monthly Remuneration: Rs.5400.00. Qualification: 10th Std. Passed. Experience: Five years experience in the field of Driving of Heavy Vehicles. Preference will be given to the candidate having experience in Govt. Organizations. Key function and duties: Drive the vehicle as per the instruction of the Blood Bank Officer to attend different blood donation camps. Maintain the vehicle neat and clean. Clean the vehicle daily. Ensure timely routine check up of the vehicle in the service station during warranty period. Adhere the traffic rules while driving. Maintain the vehicle log book. Any other works as assigned by the authority from time to time. Name of the post: Attendant. No. of Post: 01. Monthly Remuration: Rs.4200.00. Qualification: 10th Std. Passed. Experience: Five year experience in the relevant field. Preference will be given to the candidate having experience in Govt. Organization. Key function and duties: Assist the Driver In the day-today work and also work in Blood Bank when the vehicle is not moved. Ensure proper neat and clean of the vehicle. Any other works as assigned by the authority from time to time. (a) Selection will be made in order of merit & Preference. (b) In all the cases the contract is for a period of one year initially & extendable basing on performance. (c) In all the cases, the maximum age limit is 45 as on 01 -12-2011. (d) The candidates have the option to apply for both the post if desired, for which they can send separate application forms. (e) The application received beyond the stipulated date and time will be rejected. (f) The application received through Reged. Post/ Speed Post only. Further, the application received after the stipulated date and time through Regd. Post/Speed Post shall not be accepted. (g) In case for the Post of Driver, the candidate will submit eye testing certificate from a registered Ophthalmologist, that no eyesight problems and can drive the vehicle, (h) Attested Photocopy of the Driving license will be enclosed in the application form in case of Driver, (i) Only the Short listed candidates shall be informed about the date and time of Interview, (j) Attested copy of qualifying examination and experience certificate along with One number of self address . envelop duly stamped with stamps worth Rs. 25/- be enclosed with the application form, (k) Local candidates will be given preference. APPLICATION FORM Post Applied for, Name, Father's Name, Age, Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/GEN,Present Address, Permanent Address, Educational Qualification (Exam. Passed/Year of passing/Board/Univ,/lnst./ Percentage of marks), Any Experience, Signature of the candidate, Place, Date. LAST DATE OF APPLICATION FORM : 26-12-2011. Vice Chairman-cum-Superintendent Odisha Red Cross Blood Bank, VSS Medical College Hospital, Burla State Bank of India Recruitment of Probationary Officers in State Bank of India Written Test Result (Examination held on 24.07.2011) Result of the written test held on 24.07.2011 for the recruitment of Probationary Officers in SBI has been declared & available on our website http:// www.statebankofi ndi a.com, http://www.sbi.co.in. Date of Group Discussion & interview will be advised to the candidates suitable for Group Discussion and interview shortly. Interview schedule will also be released in our website. Mumbai-400 021 Dated: 18.11.201 General Manager (CRPD) SARVA SHIKSHA ABIHAYN (SSA) Old revenue Colony, Behind Govt. Hospital, Rayagada - 765001 NOTIFICATION The final merit list of the candidates applied for the post of Warden , Part Time Teachers (Science & Arts), Asst Cook & Peon- cum-Attendant in different Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas under SSA, Rayagada are hereb'y published in the website www.rayagada.nic.in & www.opepa.in for information of all concerned. The final merit list of selected candidates will remain valid for one year from the date of publication. District Project Coordinator, SSA, Rayagada CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KARNATAKA (Established by an Act of the Parliament in 2009) 2nd Floor, Karya Soudha, Gulbarga University Campus, " Gulbarga 585106, Phone (08472) 260358 Telefax: 272066 EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION No.08/2011 The Central University of Karnataka invites Applications from Indian nationals for the following teaching positions:- GEOLEOGY 1. Professor 01 (Ur), 2. Associate Professor 02 (UR) 3. Assistant Professor 04 (ST-1.0BC-1.UR-2) For more details please visit our website www.cuk.ac.in. The last date for submission of application 22.12.2011. Date. 19.11.2011 REGISTRAR More From pratidinSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel next12-18 octoberStaff Selection Commission, North Western RetionNijukti Khabar 16 - 22 November 2013Nijukti Khabar 5 - 11 October 201324-30 august28 sept-4octRailway Apprentics7-13september26 oct-01 nov09-15 nov05-11oct14-20september31 aug-6sept21-27 septemberStaff Selection Commission, North Western Retion1-16 nijukti khabar 20-26july17-23 august08-14june 1-16pagenijuktikhabar 13-19 july 2013Nijukti Khabar 16 Page1-16Nijukti Khabar 16 Page17-23 augustIBPS-NEW-23-9august 20131-1610 to 16 august1-1612 - 18 January 2013nijuktikhabar-Best Books About BusinessUnshakeable: Your Financial Freedom Playbookby Tony RobbinsThe Forbes / CFA Institute Investment Course: Timeless Principles for Building Wealthby Vahan Janjigian, Stephen M. 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