251 Subject Outline

March 19, 2018 | Author: Frank Barreto | Category: Stress (Mechanics), Test (Assessment), Educational Technology, Lecture, Engineering



Faculty of EngineeringSUBJECT OUTLINE Read carefully and retain Subject Code: ENGG 251 Subject name: Mechanics of Solids Prerequisites: ENGG 152 Credit points: 6 Offered: Autumn Session 2011, Wollongong Campus Subject Coordinator and lecturer: Professor Tim McCarthy: Room 4.G41, email: [email protected] , phone: 4221 4591 Consultation times: Mondays 1430-1630, Fridays 1430-1630 Lecturers: Dr Cheng Lu: Room 8.101, email: [email protected], phone: 4221 4639 Consultation times: Mondays 10.30-12.30 Students will be contacted throughout the Session via UoW SOLS Mail with important information relating to this subject. Lecture notes and other resources are posted to the e-learning site for this subject. Subject Outline: Stress on a section, concept of stress-strain relationship and Hooke's Law. Torsion of shafts and hollow sections. Problems in bending and stress of beams. Analysis of plane stress and plane strain, combined stresses. Elasticity and plasticity for metals, and inelastic behaviour of non metals. Failure theories. Beam deflections and simple column buckling. Thermal stresses and strain energy concept. Experimental techniques. Recommended minimum preparation is Engineering Mechanics (Statics), Engineering Mathematics and Engineering Materials. Learning objectives Given a reasonable effort, you can expect by the end of the session to: Learning Outcome (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) have a general understanding of the concepts and methods of mechanics of materials and elementary structural analysis; be able to solve problems involving elementary stress and strain, deflections, design loads and column stability develop elementary skills in experimental mechanics understand and observe basic behaviour of structural elements UoW Engineering Graduate Capabilities Covered 1 Professional knowledge, grounding & awareness 4 Problem solving skills 5 Written communication 3 Research, analysis & evaluation 1 Professional knowledge, grounding & awareness UOW general Graduate Qualities Informed Have a sound knowledge of an area of study or profession and understand its current issues, locally and internationally. Know how to apply this knowledge. Understand how an area of study has developed and how it relates to other areas. Specific Faculty Capabilities of Engineering Graduate 1 Professional knowledge, grounding & awareness Independent learners Engage with new ideas and ways of thinking and critically analyse issues. Seek to extend knowledge through ongoing research, enquiry and reflection. Find and evaluate information, using a variety of sources and technologies. Acknowledge the work and ideas of others. Problem solvers Take on challenges and opportunities. Apply creative, logical and critical thinking skills to respond effectively. Make and implement decisions. Be flexible, thorough, innovative and aim for high standards. Effective communicators 2 Information literacy, gathering & processing 3 Research, analysis & evaluation 4 Problem solving skills 5 Written communication ENGG 251 23 Feb 2011 national. (iv) Laboratories 10% objective (iii) Final Examination: 60% objectives (i). academic consideration. All the good bits have been retained – e. Lecture/tutorial times Lecture: Monday 1630-1830 in 67. Work collaboratively and engage with people in different settings. email [email protected]/74 Recommended reading: Many texts and reference materials are available in the University Library and on the world wide web. values. Tutorials & Laboratories: Tutorials begin week 1 Labs begin week 2 for all. Hibbeler Prentice-Hall International (UK). Responsible Understand how decisions can affect others and make ethically informed choices. Publisher Cengage Learning 2009 UoW Library Catalogue number: 620. and laboratories. Larger rooms are being used for the lab classes. (iv) Mid-Session test: 15% objectives (i). tutorials.au before the end of week 1. 7th SI Edition. 6 Oral communication 7 Teamwork 8 Respect for views.107 Podcasts available on e-learning. Laboratories have been revised. protractor) University and Faculty Policies Students should make themselves aware of the University and/or Faculty Policies regarding plagiarism.html ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES Your final subject mark will be calculated from the following: Tutorials: 15% objectives (i). You may be excluded from submitting the hand-in question if you do not attend for the whole tutorial. Those not submitted in your tutorial will be awarded a mark of 0.g Mechanics of materials / R. Recognise how culture can shape communication. E. To apply for this exemption. The hand-in problem is to be completed under examination conditions.C. Appreciate and respect diversity. (iv) TUTORIAL ASSESSMENT: Tutorials begin in Week 1 – Bring your text book to tutorials A set hand-in problem will be given out normally 30 minutes before the end of the tutorial. you will be allowed to refer to one single sided A4 sheet ENGG 251 23 Feb 2011 . global and professional communities.edu. Only the best 10 of these will be used to determine the tutorial mark. and homework problems. including class attendance. Attendance at laboratory work exercises is compulsory.edu. Study time: The average study time is 12 hours per week.au/eng/about/policy/UOW004034. Students who are repeating ENGG251 and have successfully completed all the laboratories can apply to have their Lab marks carried forward from 2009 or 2010. Consult on-line enrolment Changes made to this subject in 2011 as a result of student feedback and regular review by staff 1.g. tutorials. To foster a habit of undertaking preparatory work ahead of the tutorial. 2000 UoW Library catalogue number 620. supplementary examinations and other educational issues and student matters. Further information can be found in the Faculty Policy document available from the EEC or at: http://www.112/51 Additional materials: Simple drawing equipment (compass. From time to time peer assessment may be used. 2. by James Gere and Barry Goodno. 4 new experiments have been implemented and lab class sizes have been further reduced to enhance opportunities for hands-on activities. (ii). culture of others 9 Ethics and Professionalism 10 Sustainability.Articulate ideas and convey them effectively using a range of media. (ii). Text book: Mechanics of Materials. reading. Act with integrity as part of local. They must be individually completed and submitted during the tutorial in which you are enrolled. seminars and laboratory work as stipulated in the subject outline. weekly quizzes Attendance Requirements The University Code of Practice Students states that it is the responsibility of students to attend all lectures.uow. societal & environmental impact Method of delivery: Face to face lectures. (ii). you will need to generate a cover sheet on the web and attach this to your assignment. The completed lab manual must be handed in to EEC one week after your final experiment. Hand in the assignment to EEC and the staff will barcode scan your assignment cover sheet. 6/10 will be for a detailed marking of ONE experiment from your lab manual. Only the team leader will be able to collect the assignment. The team leader should select the <Group Cover> option and ensure that the other team members names are entered in the appropriate field. You will then receive a receipt by email.30) in the lecture room. MID-SESSION QUIZ: Held during Week 6 lecture (Monday 16. you will be assigned to a lab group and given a schedule for undertaking the experiments. Professor Tim McCarthy and Dr Cheng Lu February 2010 ENGG 251 23 Feb 2011 . Late Work: Apart from the final exam.of paper containing your own hand-written notes (a “cheat sheet”). assessment work will normally be conducted during lectures. A formula sheet will be provided as part of the exam paper. For assignments that are required to be handed in and collected from EEC. It will be returned to you as you commence the hand-in question.html Details of referencing system to be used in written work Please see http://www. go to: http://130.edu.edu. LABORATORIES: These are compulsory. Once enrolled.uow. Plagiarism Students are responsible for submitting original work for assessment. Cheat sheets must not contain any numerical solutions. A Lab manual is to be completed during that laboratory class. abiding by the University's policy on plagiarism as set out in the University Handbook under Universities Policy Directory and in Faculty Handbooks and subject guides.html Login: student Password: coverit If you are required to work as a group and are to submit a group assignment or report.10/fmi/iwp/res/iwp_auth.8. Late submission of the laboratory manual in week 12 will result in a deduction of 10% of the maximum mark per day. On collecting your assignment. FINAL EXAM: This will be closed book. with full details available at: http://www. without plagiarising or cheating. Marks are not normally scaled or modified in this subject. It must have your name and student number clearly written at the top of the sheet. The contents of that sheet will be disclosed at the Week 13 lecture. Lab manuals will be checked each week to verify that they are up to date. nominate a team leader to take the responsibility of generating the cover sheet. This must have been entirely prepared prior to the tutorial and handed to the tutor on arrival. You must enrol in one of the 8 available Practical Classes through SOLS on-line enrolment. Plagiarism has led to the expulsion from the University. They are to be submitted together with the hand-in question at the end of the tutorial. handing in the assignment and collecting it back from EEC. No other written material will be allowed apart from an official dictionary. To generate the cover sheet. you will also be emailed that it is ready to be picked up from EEC. You will be allowed 1 A4 sheet of paper only with your own hand-written notes on one side only to refer to. EEC will barcode scan your student ID card. laboratories or tutorials. Further information on plagiarism can be found in the Faculty Policy document.html Assignment Submission at EEC Weekly tests are submitted in class.uow. Worked solutions to all of the tutorial questions for each week will be available in the week following that tutorial.library. It is suggested that you bring a copy of the cheat sheet with you to refer to during the tutorial.au/about/policy/UOW058648. NOTE: A mark of less than 40% in the final exam or failure to complete the practical work will result in a Technical Fail (TF) being recorded as your grade. Marks for labs will be allocated as follows: 4/10 will be for keeping the manual up to date and attending all labs. The experiment chosen for marking will be decided by the coordinators in week 10.au/resourcesbytopic/UOW026621.130. When your assignment has been marked.30-18. You must follow the timetable for that group as indicated on the Weekly Timetable which will be posted on e-learning. No cheat sheets will be accepted after the first 15 minutes of the tutorial. 8 Text 2. 1. 9.7 .4-7.8-7.3-9.1 . 7. 5.1 – 11. 1. 1 – 5) IN LECTURE Break Engineering Beam Theory Bending Stresses Text 5. 8. 4. 5. 7.5-25 Stress/Strain Analysis.4*.8-2a.5-10. Mohr’s circle of strain: 7.2-1.5-3. 7.3-1.7-22 Multiple choice practice Hand-in based on Shear Force and Bending Moment diagrams Exp 3-7 see roster Exp 3-7 see roster Exp 3-7 see roster Text 7. Stress and strain Gere & Goodno 1.2-7.10.3-12.7-7.5-9 Deflection: 9.1.7-8. 1.11 Flow in Beams Torsion Power Transmission Combined Loading Pressure Vessels Max. 4.1.2-13.5-10. 9. 3.3.5-2.7. 8.3-7. 1. 2.5 Text 7.6 Text 9. 9.4-10. 11.5.6 TOPIC Overview Stress and Strain Allowable Stress Axial Loads Theories of failure (concepts) Shear Force and Bending Moment.5-4a. 5.2 Cantilever Beam and Mohr’s circle Exp 1.4-5.1 .1 – 9.3.66).2 Cantilever Beam and Mohr’s circle * Extension questions for homework only ENGG 251 23 Feb 2011 .5.1 . B Text 1. theories of failure.11-3 Torsion: 3.1 – 9. 1.8-11 . 3.5.5 Beam Theory: 5.3-17 Deflection: 9.2.7 Text 8.1 .3-6 Shear Force and Bending Moment 4.5-4a.WEEKLY TIMETABLE (Any changes will be announced in lectures or on SOLS) LECTURES Week Wk 1 TMcC 28/02 Wk 2 TMcC 7/03 Wk 3 TMcC 14/03 Wk 4 TMcC 21/03 Wk 5 TMcC 28/03 Wk 6 TMcC 4/4 Wk 7 CL 18/4 Wk 8 25/4 Wk 9 CL 3/5 Wk 10 CL 10/5 Wk 11 CL 17/5 Wk 12 CL 24/5 Wk 13 CL 31/5 Monday 25/4 is Anzac Day Public holiday Shear Stresses and Shear Text 5.-4.3-14* .3. 5. Tuts Friday only Shear Stress and Shear Flow 5.2.4-7 Combined Load: 8.7-10. Beam Stresses Beam Deflection Beam Deflection Columns & Buckling Text 3.5 Text 9.7-12.5-1.10-11.6 Text 11.8 .3-11 Stress/strain.4-5.5 – 7. 3.5.3-5. 8.5-21 Tuts Tues and Thurs only Beam Theory: 5.3-2. 7.4-1. 1. Axial loads. 5.2-5.13.4 TUTORIALS LABORATORIES Set Questions from Gere & Goodno 7th Ed (relate to previous lecture) Revision 152 Statics (Hibbeler 2.3 Text 3.7-15.3.3 Allowable stress.1 – 8. 11.07. 9. 1.38*.1. 5. Stress/Strain Analysis Mohr’s Circle of Stress Stress/Strain Analysis Mohr’s Circle for Strain Failure theories (Tresca and von Mises: not in Gere&Goodno) Mid Session QUIZ (on lect. 5.5-10. 5.5-15* Buckling: 11.1. 7. 9.1 – 7. 7.6 Text 4. 5.8-4. Mohr’s Circle 7.4-6 Exp 3-7 see roster No class Friday Exp 3-7 see roster Friday only Exp 3-7 see roster Assigned Text Reading Appendix A. 3.3-13.7 Exp 1.6 Text 1.4-1. 4. 5. 13:30-15:30.G25 1. Weeks 2-7.G31 15. 1. Weeks 2-7. Prac. . Weeks 2-7.G05 8.G04 8.G31 1. 7.G25 4. 9 6-315 P6 Tuesday 16:30-18:30. Weeks 2-7.TUTORIAL ARRANGEMENTS Tutorial Tutor Dr Scott Ding Mohammad Ramezanianpour Prof Zhengyi Jiang Zhuo Wang Pejman Sharafi Ali Ranjbartoreh Dr Cheng Lu Prof T McCarthy Dr Devi Saini Dr Hungtao Zhu Dr Martin Liu Mrs Hua Zhao Time Room T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 Tuesday 16301830 Tuesday 16301830 Tuesday 16301830 Tuesday 16301830 Thursday 13:301530 Thursday 13:301530 Thursday 13:301530 Thursday 13:301530 Friday 10:30 – 12:30 Friday 10:30 – 12:30 Friday 10:30 – 12:30 Friday 10:30 – 12:30 8. 16:30-18:30.G31 1. Collect a separate Lab Manual from EEC in week 3. Weeks 2-6. 5. 9 6-317 P5 Tuesday 12:30-14:30. class Attendance requirement Room 6-315& P1 Monday.206 1.8 6-317 ENGG 251 23 Feb 2011 . Weeks 2-7. Mohr’s Circle Pressure vessel Bending stresses in beams 3. Bending moment in a beam Column Buckling 4. 9 6-315 P7 Wednesday. 9 6-317 6-315& P3 Monday.103 4. BMD & SFD of Cantilevers Deflection of beams 2. Weeks 2-7. 9 6-317 P4 Tuesday. 9 6-315 6-315& P8 Friday 1330-1530. 8. Weeks 2-7. 9 6-317 6-315& P2 Monday.G25 24. 09:30-11:30.G04 LABORATORY ARRANGEMENTS There are a total of 7 laboratory activities. 6.G05 4. Shear Force in a beam Students need to enrol themselves in one of the 8 available Practical classes. 11:30-13:30. 10:30-12:30.
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