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LTE TDD PRACH Planning andConfiguration Guide Issue 3.0 Date 2012-03-28 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Trademarks and Permissions and other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders. Notice The purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Address: Huawei Industrial Base Bantian, Longgang Shenzhen 518129 People's Republic of China Website: http://www.huawei.com Email:
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Issue 3.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. i ii .0 Completed the draft.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1 Revised this document according to review comments. Liang Hualin Issue 3.. Liang Hualin 2012-01-29 V1.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide About This Document About This Document Author Prepared by Liang Hualin (employee ID: 00133500) Date Reviewed by Date Reviewed by Date Approved by Date 2011-12-15 Change History Date Issue Description Author 2011-12-15 V1. Ltd. ....................................................5.................2 Starting PRACH Planning......................4 Checking the PRACH Planning Result.........................6.....................................................................................8 1..................................................21 1..............................7 Configuring the eNodeB PRACH.5...................3 Setting Parameters............20 1...................................................................................................................................... 25 3 References.................24 2 Summary..........................................................5 Submitting the PRACH Planning Result................................. iii .............9 1.................7 1..........6 1..............................................................................................................................0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co...........................................................................26 Issue 3...................................................5..................6............................................................................................................1 Restrictions on Ncs Selection....................................................................7 1......................................................................................................................6.......................5 PRACH Planning Using the U-Net..................1 1...............1 1................5..................... Ltd.................................................................................3 1.............................ii 1 PRACH Parameter Planning........................and Low-Speed Cells...........................................LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide Contents Contents About This Document...7 1....................21 1..........2 Exporting the PRACH Planning Result..........................................................................................3 Checking PRACH Configurations...............................1 Creating a Project.......................................6 Manually Modifying PRACH Configurations..................19 1.....................5..........................3 Root Sequence Planning for High-Speed Cells...................................................2 ZC Sequence Planning Principles...............................23 1..........................4 Root Sequence Planning for Medium..................................1 Modifying PRACH Configurations in the PRACH Parameter Display Tab Page...........................21 1.......................... Tpreamble_s equals to 133 / 139 milliseconds. The access result is random.T preamble _ S TRTD TMD (1) Tpreamble_s indicates the sampling length of the ZC sequence. random access has the following characteristics: UEs select preambles for network access at a random occasion. To resolve this problem. For preamble formats 0 to 3. cell radius. random access is important for initial UE access. For preamble format 4. 1. Ltd. TMD indicates the maximum multi-path delay spread. Tpreamble_s equals to 800/839 milliseconds.1 Restrictions on Ncs Selection Ncs must be selected based on the following principles: Preambles can be identified correctly. different ZC sequences configured for neighboring cells help prevent preamble collisions during random access. eNodeB resources are used efficiently. and maximum delay spread is as follows: N CS . handover implementation. 1 . Therefore. TMD Issue 3. Network access may fail. Preambles with different Zadoff-Chu (ZC) sequences are orthogonal. During PRACH parameter planning.0 (2012-03-28) = 5 milliseconds is determined based on proposals and simulation tests.. the random access control algorithm is used to improve the random access success rate. TMD equals to 5 milliseconds. For Huawei LTE products. and recovery of uplink time/frequency synchronization. The relationship between Ncs. ZC sequences must be planned to ensure that preambles with optimal detection performance are allocated to high-speed cells and that different preambles are allocated to neighboring cells. connection reestablishment. Compared with deterministic scheduling in the uplink and downlink.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 1 PRACH Parameter Planning PRACH Parameter Planning In Long Term Evolution (LTE) systems. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning TRTD is the maximum return delay (RTD). where m indicates round-up of m. 2 .0425 x (6. Ncs equals to 93. If formula 1 is divided by Tpreamble_s on both sides.67 r milliseconds where r indicates the cell radius in the unit of km. formula 3 is (3) For low-speed cells.67 r + TMD) for preamble format 0 to 3 Ncs > 1. The relationship between TRTD and the cell radius is as follows: TRTD = 6. Therefore. N CS configuration equals to 11.04875 x (6. According to Table 1.67 r TMD 2) T AdSch = 2 milliseconds).1.03 .1 Ncs for preamble formats 0 to 3 N CS N CS Configuration Value Unrestricted Set for Low-Speed Cells Restricted Set for High-Speed Cells 0 0 15 1 13 18 2 15 22 3 18 26 4 22 32 5 26 38 Issue 3.04875 (6. Ltd.67 r + TMD) for preamble format 4 Ncs can be calculated if r and TMD is known. In this case. the following formula is obtained: (2) Ncs > 1. r equals to 10 km and TMD equals to 5 milliseconds. If 64 preambles need to be generated per cell. the number of ZC sequences is calculated as follows: 64 Num .67 * 10 5 2) 77..0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The number of preambles that can be generated is calculated as follows: 839 N CS Num .04875 (6. Table 1. where indicates round-down of Num. T If AdSch is added on the right side of formula 2 ( obtained: N CS 1. N CS 1. In other scenarios. In actual applications. 60. to UEs. UEs move at a speed greater than 120 km/h. 629. 120. 3 . In most cases.1 Mapping between logical root sequence numbers and physical root sequence numbers Logical Root Sequence Number Physical Root Sequence Number u 0–23 129. medium. 1. such as NcsConfig. 168. ZC sequence indexes must be allocated for high-speed cells in priority. 699. an eNodeB delivers PRACH parameters.. 779. 837. 710.1 illustrates the mapping between logical root sequence numbers and physical root sequence numbers. 93. 210. 746. 769. 84. 838 Issue 3. 671. 755. coverage cells along expressway roads and high-speed railways are high-speed cells. 2.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide N CS N CS Configuration 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Value Unrestricted Set for Low-Speed Cells Restricted Set for High-Speed Cells 6 32 46 7 38 55 8 46 68 9 59 82 10 76 100 11 93 128 12 119 158 13 167 202 14 279 237 15 419 - In high-speed cells. 140. 1. see LTE eRAN3.2 ZC Sequence Planning Principles ZC sequences must be allocated according to the following principles: 1. 105. For details. HighSpeedFlag. Figure 2. 719. 734. 70. ZC sequence indexes can be reused when ZC sequence indexes are used up in an area to be planned.1 FDD&TDD Root Sequence Index Automatic Planning Algorithm Specification. and rootSequenceIndex. Figure 2.0 (2012-03-28) (in Increasing Order of the Corresponding Logical Sequence Number) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. both cells can use the same ZC sequence index. Ltd. 2. If the distance between two cells is greater than the associated threshold.and lowspeed cells prevail. 25. Ltd. 644. 17. 39. 46. 163. 175. 33. 147. 825 116–135 12. 721. 67. 652. 640. 83. 772. 196. 787. 145. 622. 191. 203. 136. 810 52–63 24. 68. 827. 153. 748. 736. 104. 220. 731. 74. 675. 706. 126. 836. 176. 778. 47. 623. 164. 219. 87. 212. 709. 635. 202. 717. 125. 808.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Logical Root Sequence Number Physical Root Sequence Number u 24–29 56. 625. 612. 764. 716. 156. 71. 829. 816. 78. 28. 184. 54. 134. 751. 85. 118. 756. 4 . 811. 732. 685. 66. 77. 160. 754. 182. 672. 172. 181. 707. 711. 205. 6. 19. 92. 88. 101. 740. 102. 638. 818 76–89 95. 782. 694. 200. 631. 211. 94. 637. 715. 679. 186. 192. 40. 713.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 752. 44. 611. 161. 834. 144. 51. 148. 158. 803. 677. 59. 63. 791. 771. 61. 128. 223. 115. 664. 57. 655. 723. 167. 826. 166.. 189. 132. 208. 673. 149. 616 136–167 228. 69. 99. 36. 97. 656. 112. 705. 742. 165. 96. 759. 633. 689 328–383 225. 773. 653. 703 64–75 86. 11. 116. 809. 38. 139. 642. 662. 41. 174. 626. 704. 824. 700. 213. 821. 776. 739. 790. 641. 794. 110. 130. 173. 109. 797. 214. 91. 50. 146. 701. 632. 62. 179. 221. 741. 628. 832. 107. 763. 814. 789. 194. 665. 749. 669. 799 36–41 35. 45. 686. 661. 103. 108. 833 264–327 5. 111. 822. 738. 667. 215. 761. 760. 49. 636. 224. 26. 801. 193. 162. 143. 682. 159. 195. 733. 788. 817. 190. 124. 615. 218. 737. 720. 620. 82. 187. 90. 696. 691 30–35 80. 121. 670. 802. 658. 649. 775. 806. 728. 812. 795. 666. 178. 227. 185. 122. 820. 648. 32. 693 42–51 31. 201. 627. 131. 823. 138. 198. 676. 65. 819. 42. 100. 171. 43. 199. 15. 753. 98. 114. 757. 807. 155. 784. 142. 750. 79. 643. 618. 21. 53. 729. 619. 209. 678. 714. 659. 48. 117. 137. 647. 133. 75. 722. 770. 690. 815. 695. 9. 183. 718. 64. 23. 645. 52. 735. 22. 621 204–263 152. 73. 762. 758. 106. 835 384–455 3. 831. 151. 730. 674. 76. 793. 123. 798. 170. 766. 216. 654. 708. 634. 680. 34. 150. 29. 768. 55. 135. 828. 624. 30. 660. 157. 154. 804. 744. 58. 687. 197. 188. 692. 726. 805. 684. 681. 774. 206. 13. 14. 745. 651. 646. 8. 169. 27. 668. 81. 743. 113. 712. 207. 783. 613 Issue 3. 688 90–115 217. 177. 786. 777. 617. 204. 89. 657. 10. 141. 683. 765. 18. 800. 37. 663. 780. 630. 725. 727. 785. 697. 650. 813. 724. 781. 119. 830 168–203 7. 747. 72 (in Increasing Order of the Corresponding Logical Sequence Number) 767. 127. 792. 702. 639. 16. 222. 4. 698. 20. 796. 180. 226. 614. 335. 602. 331. 470. 410. 298. 519. 252. 394. 392. 449. 488. 587. 302. 249. 340. 515 514–561 323. 569. 380. 415. 297. 360. 530. 582. 564. 498. 259. 434. 240. 438. 244. 493. 595. 304. 5 . 596. 486. 393. 238. 536. 518 708–729 346. 262. 484. 349. 503. 562. 376. 347. 418. 565. 234. 607. 446. 563. 469. 229. 575. 341. 373. 514. 308. 263. 353. 287. 283. 292. 391. 491. 579. 592. 584. 557. 558. 593. 253. 328. 342.. 395. 384. 284. 324. 289. 388. 408. 520. 370. 448. 264. 319. 255. 481. 496. 443. 361. 299. 521. 567. 506. 303. 333. 305. 528. 550. 537 810–815 309. 239. 460. 273. 282. 532. 580 562–629 237. 345. 437. 351. 246. 573. 435. 412. 610 Issue 3. 456. 548. 510 778–789 317. 265. 464. 248. 356. 327. 313. 402. 600. 326. 547. 599. 386. 295. 250. 316. 288. 312. 310. 278. 405. 553. 381. 546. 597. 457. 254. 451. 266. 583. 422. 369. Ltd. 609. 321. 377. 513. 502. 559. 382. 475. 426. 442. 421. 374. 269. 590. 315. 492. 477. 294. 368. 363. 473. 337. 499. 487. 581. 476. 272. 233. 258. 247. 472. 343. 375. 359. 419. 455. 461. 318. 527. 352. 585. 339. 468. 482. 566. 429. 525. 608. 605 660–707 257. 400. 445. 458. 524. 314. 245. 371. 274. 320. 508. 531. 452. 591. 413. 505. 300. 436. 555. 285. 275. 576 766–777 242. 463. 267. 578 790–795 236. 344. 401. 397. 535. 268. 279. 256. 507. 511. 385. 606 816–819 367. 348. 277. 354. 523 752–765 293. 396. 362. 465. 296. 541. 270. 357. 598 730–751 231. 389. 471. 479. 556. 444. 577. 241. 543 820–837 336. 462. 483 796–803 355. 307. 406. 329. 568. 280. 427. 539. 417. 338. 430. 372. 494. 433 804–809 235. 459. 447. 306. 474. 538. 271. 232. 286. 588. 540. 281. 322. 260. 366. 549. 495. 571. 425. 480. 603. 572. 414. 424. 440.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Logical Root Sequence Number Physical Root Sequence Number u 456–513 230. 398. 378. 432. 441. 517 630–659 330. 542. 545. 261. 551. 358. 574. 529.0 (2012-03-28) (in Increasing Order of the Corresponding Logical Sequence Number) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 516. 466. 467. 586. 504. 403. 512. 490. 522. 497. 431. 509. 454. 390. 500. 501. 364. 420. 526. 291. 416. 489. 453. 544. 404. 290. 604. 601. 325. 411. 589. 334. 387. 439. 332. 533. 594. 560. 561. 251. 409. 365. 554. 552. 407. 450. 423. 570. 301. 485. 383. 276. 243. 478. 350. 379. 399. 534. 428. 311. Step 4 Allocate the minimum logical root sequence number and the minimum Ncs to the cell. For example.1.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Step 3 Check whether the remaining ZC sequence indexes can generate 64 preambles. nshift For all other values of d u .LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning 1. The parameters for restricted sets of cyclic shifts depend on d u . if Ncs is greater than 217. there are no cyclic shifts in the restricted set. the parameters are given by RA nshift ( N ZC 2d u ) N CS RA d start N ZC 2d u nshift N CS RA ngroup d u d start RA RA RA nshift min max (d u ngroup d start ) N CS .. Ncs equals to 237. For details. see LTE eRAN3. If the remaining ZC sequence indexes are sufficient.0 . If the indexes are insufficient. the parameters are given by RA nshift d u N CS RA d start 2d u nshift N CS RA ngroup N ZC d start RA RA nshift max ( N ZC 2d u ngroup d start ) N CS . Ltd. 6 .3 Root Sequence Planning for High-Speed Cells Root sequences for high-speed cells are planned as follows: Step 1 Calculate the Ncs value range based on the cell radius r and the maximum delay spread. Step 5 Reuse ZC sequence indexes and Ncs. go to Step 4. Issue 3.0 For N ZC 3 d u ( N ZC N CS ) 2 . go to Step 5. Step 2 Select Ncs that is closest to the calculated minimum Ncs value according to Figure 2. For N CS d u N ZC 3 .1 FDD&TDD Root Sequence Index Automatic Planning Algorithm Specification. Calculation of Root Sequences for High-Speed Cells The variable d u is the cyclic shift corresponding to a Doppler shift of magnitude 1 TSEQ and is given by 0 p N ZC 2 p N ZC p otherwise du where p is the smallest non-negative integer that fulfills pu mod N ZC 1 . as shown in Figure 1.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Step 1 Calculate the Ncs value range based on the cell radius r and the maximum delay spread. Step 3 Check whether the remaining ZC sequence indexes can generate 64 preambles. no ZC sequences are allocated and additional preamble sequences are obtained from the root sequences until all the 64 sequences are found. If the remaining ZC sequence indexes are sufficient..1. click at the upper left corner. 7 .1. If consecutive ZC sequences are insufficient to generate 64 preambles.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning 1. The Project Templates dialog box is displayed. Step 2 Select Ncs that is closest to the calculated minimum Ncs value according to Figure 2. 1. go to Step 5. go to Step 4.1 Creating a Project On the U-Net.and Low-Speed Cells For medium.4 Root Sequence Planning for Medium. If N CS > 419 for low-speed cells.5. see LTE eRAN3. set Ncs to 0. a project is created in the following steps: Step 1 On the U-Net.1 FDD&TDD Root Sequence Index Automatic Planning Algorithm Specification. Ncs can be 279 or 419.5 PRACH Planning Using the U-Net This section describes how to plan PRACH parameters using the U-Net. and click OK to start automatic PRACH planning. Ltd.1. each ZC sequence generates 839/Ncs preambles. For example. If the indexes are insufficient. ZC sequences allocated to a low-speed cell must be consecutive. select LTE-TDD. 1. as shown in Figure 1. For details. Step 5 Reuse ZC sequence indexes and Ncs. Step 2 In the displayed dialog box.and low-speed cells. for Ncs > 217. Issue 3. Step 4 Allocate the minimum logical root sequence number and the minimum Ncs to the cell. 1 Selecting LTE-TDD Step 3 Import project data using the engineering parameter table. 8 ..LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 1. and select Automatic Allocation from the shortcut menu to start automatic PRACH planning.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. Figure 1.5. right-click PRACH Parameter Planning under Operation. Issue 3.2 Starting PRACH Planning In the Project Explorer navigation tree.1 Importing project data 1. 5. as shown in Figure 1.1.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 1. Ltd.3 Setting Parameters In the LTE PRACH Planning dialog box. Issue 3. set PRACH parameters. 9 .0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co..1 Starting automatic PRACH planning 1. Min Signal Level(dBm): The minimum RSRP threshold at the cell edge is considered when the coverage radius is used to calculate the cell radius. Propagation Radius Factor: When the Propagation Radius option button is selected. the cell radius used to calculate the Ncs is equal to this factor multiplied by the main calculation radius.. Coverage Radius: Indicates that the coverage cell is used as the cell radius in Ncs calculation. Propagation Radius: Indicates that the propagation radius functions as the radius when the Ncs is calculated. Ltd. Issue 3. 10 .0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1 Setting PRACH parameters The parameters in the LTE PRACH Planning dialog box are described as follows: Calculate Cell Radius: Specifies how to determine the cell radius. Propagation Radius and Coverage Radius option buttons can be selected. The cell radius determines the Ncs during PRACH planning.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 1. If this check box is selected. The default value is 75%. the main calculation radius is 4000 m. It is commonly used when there are multiple polygons on the GUI of the simulation platform. Issue 3. to 40000 m or 98000 m.4. you can deselect the corresponding item of a cell that you want to filter out during PRACH planning. Ltd. as shown in Figure 1. In this dialog box. Figure 1. 11 ..LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Shadowing taken into account: Specifies whether shadow fading is considered during PRACH planning. a Cell Select dialog box is displayed. By default. After this button is clicked. It can be changed in the NE parameter table. By default. Area: Enables you to select the areas to be planned.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. as shown in Figure 1. Cell Filter: Filters out the cells that do not need to be planned when the areas or the entire network to be planned are selected. all cells in a network are to be planned. the U-Net uses the main calculation radius as the cell radius. Indoor Coverage: Specifies whether indoor coverage is considered during PRACH planning.2. Cell Edge Coverage Probability: Specifies the expected cell edge coverage ratio when shadow fading is considered. for example.2 Cell Select dialog box There are three methods to determine the cell radius: Method 1: using the propagation model When the Propagation Radius option box is selected. 12 .LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 1..3 Selecting the Propagation Radius option box Issue 3. Ltd.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 4 Changing the main calculation radius Method 2: using the predicted coverage radius 1. as shown in Figure 2.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. The U-Net calculates the Ncs. 13 . the U-Net calculates the coverage radius of each sector based on this parameter setting. 2. The U-Net calculates the coverage radius of each sector based on the imported map and engineering parameters. Ltd. If Min Signal Level(dBm) is specified. Issue 3.1.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 1. 14 .LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 2.1 Selecting the Coverage Radius option button Issue 3. Ltd..0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The U-Net will automatically use this cell radius during automatic PRACH planning. and choose Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.0 (2012-03-28) . 15 . Manually input the radius of each sector.. click Cells > Open Table from the shortcut menu.2 Performing PRACH planning Method 3: User-defined cell radius The cell radius can be manually specified in the following methods: Obtain the cell radius from the simulation test result. Issue 3. right-click Transceiver. In the Project Explorer navigation tree.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 2. 1. Ltd. The radius in the Radius column is in the unit of meters.1 Choosing Cells > Open Table 2. change the radius of each sector in the Radius(m) column. Issue 3.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. In the displayed table.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 1. Ltd.. 16 . and the default radius is 0 m on the U-Net. as shown in Figure 4. In the Project Explorer navigation tree.1 Changing the cell radius 3. and choose Automatic Allocation from the shortcut menu.1.. as shown in Figure 3.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.1. click . Ltd. Figure 3. The LTE PRACH Planning dialog box is displayed. 17 .1 Choosing Automatic Allocation Issue 3.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 2. right-click LTE PRACH Planning. LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 4.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. Click Run. perform the following operations: In the Root Sequence Index area. − Deselect the Calculate Cell Radius check box. and low-speed cells. medium-.1 Deselecting the Calculate Cell Radius check box 5. Ltd. 1 PRACH Parameter Planning In the displayed dialog box. Figure 4. The planning result is shown in Figure 5.1. specify the range of the root sequence index for high-. Issue 3. 18 .. 5. the planning result is displayed in the PRACH Parameter Display tab page at the lower part of the U-Net.1 PRACH Parameter Display Figure 1. as shown in Figure 1. Ltd.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 5.1 PRACH planning result 1. 19 . Issue 3. Figure 1.2 describes the meanings of each column in the planning result.1.4 Checking the PRACH Planning Result If automatic PRACH planning is complete.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.. 20 .5. Ltd.5 Submitting the PRACH Planning Result In the PRACH Parameter Display tab page.2 Meanings of each column in the planning result Column Name Description Cell Name Name of a cell High Speed Identifier of a high-speed cell Ncs Parameter determining zero correlation between ZC sequences Cell Radius Radius of a cell Start Root Sequence Index Start index to a ZC sequence End Root Sequence Index End index to a ZC sequence Reuse Tier Reuse tier of the same preamble Reuse Distance Reuse distance of the same preamble 1. as shown in Figure 1..0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. right-click any area and choose Commit from the shortcut menu to submit the planning result.1.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 1.1 Submitting the PRACH planning result Issue 3. Figure 1. 21 .1. In the PRACH Parameter Display tab page.1 Modifying PRACH Configurations in the PRACH Parameter Display Tab Page 1.. In the displayed tab page. as shown in Figure 1.1 Opening the PRACH Parameter Display tab page 2.6 Manually Modifying PRACH Configurations 1. Figure 1. as shown in Figure 1.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning 1. and choose Open PRACH Parameter from the shortcut menu to open the PRACH Parameter Display tab page. right-click any area and choose Export from the shortcut menu.6.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. The Data Export dialog box is displayed. 1.2 Exporting the PRACH Planning Result 1.1. In the Project Explorer navigation tree. Ltd.6.1. Issue 3. adjust the PRACH planning result as required. right-click PRACH Parameter Planning. click . as shown in Figure 1. − Load: Used to load a user-defined export template.1 Exporting the planning result The elements in the Data Export dialog box are described as follows: Issue 3. select the fields to be exported and click Export. and then you can load the saved template in the subsequent operations. Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. 22 . Ltd. − Save: Used to save the current export configurations as an export template.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 1.1 Choosing Export from the shortcut menu 2..0 (2012-03-28) − Configuration File: Used to load and save an export template. Figure 2. In the displayed dialog box. You can save the current export configurations as an export template. 1 Checking PRACH configurations In the PRACH Parameter Display dialog box. right-click PRACH Parameter Planning. − Cancel: Used to cancel the export of the planning result.3 Checking PRACH Configurations In the Project Explorer navigation tree.. − Preview: Used to preview the exported fields and export format. : Used to remove a field from the Exported Fields area. 1. − − and : Used to adjust the sequence of fields in the Exported Fields area. 23 . − Export: Used to export the planning result by clicking this button. Figure 1. − Available Fields and Exported Fields: Specify the valid fields to be exported and the exported fields − : Used to add a valid field to the Exported Fields area.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning − Header: Specifies whether the exported planning result contains the name of each field. and choose Open PRACH Parameter from the shortcut menu.1 and Figure 1. − Field Separator: Specifies the separator between fields. Ltd. click .6.2.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. as shown in Figure 1. view the reuse distance and reuse tiers of the same preamble. Issue 3. DlBandWidth=CELL_BW_N100. CellName="eNB2-cell0".LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning Figure 1. UlEarfcn=56800. SpecialSubframePatterns=SSP7. PhyCellId=46. HighSpeedFlag=LOW_SPEED.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. CellRadius=10000.. PreambleFmt=0. SubframeAssignment=SA2. Example: MOD CELL: LocalCellId=0. CellSpecificOffset=dB0. You can check whether the PRACH planning result is correct based on the reuse distance and reuse tier. UlEarfcnCfgInd=NOT_CFG.7 Configuring the eNodeB PRACH You can run the MOD CELL command to configure the PRACH. RootSequenceIdx=46. CellId=0. If the number of reuse tiers is small. CustomizedDLBandWidth=98. QoffsetFreq=dB0. UlBandWidth=CELL_BW_N100. DlEarfcn=38800. Issue 3. CsgInd=BOOLEAN_FALSE.2 Checking the PRACH planning result 1. SectorId=0. Ltd. 24 . DlCyclicPrefix=NORMAL_CP. the reuse tier is marked in red in the planning result. AdditionalSpectrumEmission=1. CustomizedBandWidthCfgInd=NOT_CFG. UlCyclicPrefix=NORMAL_CP. CustomizedULBandWidth=98. FreqBand=40. FddTddInd=CELL_TDD. 25 . This document provides the following contents: Ncs restrictions ZC sequence planning principles Root sequence planning for high. Ltd.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning 2 Summary This document provides PRACH planning principles.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co. RACH parameter planning for frontline engineers.. notes.and low-speed cells PRACH planning using the U-Net Issue 3. Ltd.1 FDD&TDD Root Sequence Index Automatic Planning Algorithm Specification Issue 3.211 V9.1.LTE TDD PRACH Planning and Configuration Guide 1 PRACH Parameter Planning 3 References 3GPP TS 36. 26 ..3.0 (2010-03) 3GPP TS 36.0 (2012-03-28) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co.331 V9.0 (2010-06) LTE eRAN3.
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